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File: 447 KB, 720x900, En4C68rVEAASMXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29853307 No.29853307 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29853315 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 360x450, 1606546065916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he won’t use guns
>puts guns on all of his vehicles and has no problem pulling the trigger so long as it doesn't DIRECTLY kill someone, but indirect deaths are apparently a-ok
>says he’s fighting criminals for the sake of Gotham
>causes millions of dollars worth of property damage every other night, probably bankrupted more than his fair share of innocent people
>pretends that nobody should be above the law
>flies to Hong Kong, illegally infiltrates a foreign nation, and kidnaps a man in the dead of night, completely ignoring his rights and the laws of TWO countries, could’ve sparked an international incident with his actions
>claims he won’t kill anyone
>has no problem brutally crippling people for life, totally fair punishment just for being a henchman to some shithead who's a REAL criminal
>assaulted an entire SWAT team and could've gotten five of them killed after kicking one out of a building
>killed Harvey Dent, Gotham’s White Knight, by pushing him to his death
>but his refusal to kill Joker every time the opportunity presented itself led to the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people
Can Batman please graduate already? What a piece of shit. He's literally killing Gotham and only Batfags will defend this.

>> No.29853319

I wrote up a big comment for Amelia about learning Japanese and she even pinned it, pls actually make use of it or get Mori and Kiaras advice...
At least she isn't using Duolingo

>> No.29853324

It's so cute how excited she is to watch Gura and Ina.

>> No.29853325
Quoted by: >>29853379


>> No.29853327
File: 162 KB, 1098x1324, 1590690514312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally sleep
It's 9 in the morning

>> No.29853328
File: 205 KB, 1240x1778, 1576529768325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this cunny in the last thread
Today, I will remind them.

>> No.29853329
Quoted by: >>29853365

6.89 amescore, add it to the chart!

>> No.29853331
Quoted by: >>29853365


>> No.29853332
Quoted by: >>29853365


>> No.29853333


>> No.29853334

That's way too low Ame...

>> No.29853338
File: 196 KB, 1024x725, bomb defusal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853339
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, Pekora bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853567

As if you dumb Jousagis didn't know who Bane was

>> No.29853340 [SPOILER] 
File: 563 KB, 2000x3000, 1606546107305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853341


>> No.29853342
File: 677 KB, 1068x561, pepeloni [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853343

>I give The Dark Knight a 6.89/10

>> No.29853346
Quoted by: >>29853418

Why is she so fucking autistic about numerical ratings? Why bother with it?

>> No.29853347

Is 6.89/10 fair?

>> No.29853348

>i'll stop early
>we'll play for 3 hours

>> No.29853349

Ame should watch The Big Lebowski. That's probably one of the few movies I'd ever watch along with her

>> No.29853350

Really Ame?

>> No.29853352
File: 842 KB, 1920x1080, amereps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame reps

>> No.29853351

Uhh Pekora , Kiara, and Moona are playing games together right now. Is there a single narrative left? This is pathetic, rats....

>> No.29853354
File: 119 KB, 214x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853534


>> No.29853356

nolanbros, I don't feel so good...

>> No.29853358
File: 25 KB, 392x393, Enf3ysEUcAEZfXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty fun,

>> No.29853359

she does this on purpose just to rile chat up lmao

>> No.29853360
Quoted by: >>29853443

based ame shitting on dark knight fags.
its not that good.

>> No.29853361
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1606019266168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please god all I want is an Amelia Blade Runner 2049 watchalong...

>> No.29853365

Movie women will never understand

>> No.29853366
File: 122 KB, 186x256, 1585584310092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no chicken streams potentially until monday right?

>> No.29853371
File: 459 KB, 2800x2800, EgdWR7_XcAA9Z8R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 10 days since Artia "graduated"
She's been frozen in stasis ever since and is definitely not doing very well, but a certain unicorn is helping her thaw little by little. I hope things turn out well for her.


>> No.29853373
File: 30 KB, 264x372, 1583819982773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853374

Based. I fucking love that movie.

>> No.29853378

Nolan kneels to Ame

>> No.29853379

7.03 damn bro

>> No.29853380
Quoted by: >>29853495

Kill yourself

>> No.29853381
File: 109 KB, 220x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853526

>repeating numbers

>> No.29853382
Quoted by: >>29853405

What scores has she given other watchalong movies?

>> No.29853384


>> No.29853386

>my favorite movie is a 8.9

>> No.29853387


>> No.29853388

That chart tries so hard to make the kana look difficult

>> No.29853389

>ame is a 10/10 doesn't exist fag
those people have the worst ratings

>> No.29853390

That was just one example, her inattentiveness lead to her making pretty dumb commentary.
Read >>29852756

>> No.29853392


>This angers and confuses hlg

>> No.29853393

anyone has all Ame movie rankings?

>> No.29853394
File: 258 KB, 1530x2115, 1605990636684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can appreciate cunny and booba

>> No.29853395

>this is the girlfriend experience

god I'm happy that being a virgin for once was a good thing

>> No.29853397
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1576004018716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bad bros. During the whole stream stream I couldn't help but think what it would be like if I was watching the movie with Ame on the couch. I was thinking about how I would answer all her dumb questions and poke fun at her throughout the movie. Then I was thinking about how as she got more tired she would cuddle up against me and yawn while resting her head on my chest...

>> No.29853396

Konosuba watchalong with gura when?

>> No.29853400


>> No.29853402

She's had a ridiculously packed week, I'd say she honestly deserves the break.

>> No.29853401
Quoted by: >>29853436

>Ame literally rates EVERY MOVIE 6.5-7

>> No.29853403

I watched that recently, it's hilarious.
Although after all the negative things ame has said against the Jews I don't think she will.

>> No.29853406

can i get context on who this unicorn is

>> No.29853405

Equally autistic and specific ones

>> No.29853407
File: 22 KB, 242x288, 1605584303064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853455


>> No.29853408

As a movie snob I'd say that it's in the right ballpark

>> No.29853410
Quoted by: >>29853488

thread will be an uninhabitable wasteland and i will love every second of it. i look forward to the
>1500 results

>> No.29853413

Well Amelia was asking obvious questions so it's obvious she couldn't understand it

>> No.29853414
Quoted by: >>29854097

Are mesugaki naturally drawn to one another

>> No.29853416

Heath is great and there are some good lines here and there but overall the movie is just alright. 6-7 is fair.

>> No.29853418

the people ask for it so ask chat

>> No.29853419
File: 57 KB, 112x112, Petia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853421
Quoted by: >>29853480

Do american women really ?

>> No.29853422


>> No.29853423
File: 343 KB, 1000x1123, 1606316367637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853424


>> No.29853426

I'm curious now, what's (you)r 10/10?
mine is Inception

>> No.29853427

Artia is currently eating Garlic.

>> No.29853428


>> No.29853430

>Ame numberfagging
What do you say now teamates?

>> No.29853432
File: 982 KB, 1000x1415, Same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it make you feel that Shion is gonna steal Gura away from Ame?

>> No.29853433


>> No.29853434

What's the jp tag for Ame? I want to post lewd that's a bit too risque for #ameliart.

>> No.29853435
File: 64 KB, 1000x563, 1604362397042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do already know your hiragana and katakana at the very least, right /hlgg/? You're not going to get embarrassed by Watson, are you?

>> No.29853436

Trying to pull the
>There's no 10/10 movie!!!!
is the dumbest shit ever to do with your personal rating scale.

>> No.29853437
File: 164 KB, 1506x786, 1606493832572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853542

I will remind them.

>> No.29853439
File: 262 KB, 1200x1600, 1606356200700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does this what of it?

>> No.29853440
Quoted by: >>29853479

You know it really triggers me that someone like Ger Loke (that Gura creep) shows up in top chat constantly but I only do like 10% of the time despite never sending garbage like he does

Fuck you Youtube, why are you like this?

>> No.29853441
Quoted by: >>29853710

Her favorite movie is a 9.1 on her scale, you should feel honored.

>> No.29853444

amelia's praising my Big Brained Chicken!

>> No.29853443

Yup, everything but the Joker is pretty mediocre and the batman voice is fucking retarded.

>> No.29853446

some people don't believe 10/10 exists so they won't ever rate anything high

>> No.29853445
File: 323 KB, 600x337, shionlove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854590


>> No.29853447
Quoted by: >>29853474

Whats up with Artia? Is she coming back some time soon as an indie? Is civia actually trying to help her

>> No.29853448


>> No.29853449

she's like a /v/tard

>> No.29853450
File: 545 KB, 1313x555, Aaron Eckhart The Dark Knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854677

Serious post for a second; Aaron Eckhart does not get enough credit for his performance as Harvey Dent. His acting is superb and it's never brought up because all anyone ever wants to talk about is Heath Ledger's Joker.

>> No.29853452
File: 274 KB, 605x728, 1606449873500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb motherfucker, do you want to push Goslings over the edge into becoming full on Perfect Blues?

>> No.29853453

6.89 is pretty fair imo considering with all the plot holes of that movie

>> No.29853455
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftzzt72.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed Pika poster

>> No.29853456


>> No.29853457

>jap artists
>tagging their work

>> No.29853458
File: 56 KB, 385x546, 1587222978032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EOPs will flock Shion now
As long as my kusogaki is happy. They'll last a week tops anyway

>> No.29853461
Quoted by: >>29853516

ame's batman impression incoming

>> No.29853464
Quoted by: >>29853535

I can read, but if you tell me to write it I will suddenly lose the ability to kana.

>> No.29853469


>Ame misses important things unless a character looks at the camera and starts a story dump

So she's Japanese at heart.

>> No.29853471
File: 119 KB, 1076x1151, 1606528443409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Kiara until monday sounds like a WEAKend

>> No.29853475
File: 683 KB, 555x651, 1606512120157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853777

Ame's breaths were pretty cute. Not gonna lie.

>> No.29853473

Have you given a 10/10 to a movie before

>> No.29853474

Yes and probably.

>> No.29853477


>> No.29853478

The Godfather one and two
Not the anon you asked btw

>> No.29853479

he probably sends 10 times the amount of chats that shows up

>> No.29853480
Quoted by: >>29853545

Women don't understand kino, like Kung Pow or Gunga Din

>> No.29853482

> while resting her head on my chest
Sorry fatty, she said she prefers small tits.

>> No.29853484

Can't wait for the next collab

>> No.29853487
File: 87 KB, 601x788, 1606266743226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your self-improvement reps.

>> No.29853488

God I fucking NEED this

>> No.29853490


>> No.29853492
Quoted by: >>29853654

I guess we could watch the movie, I've never seen it before

>> No.29853494


>> No.29853495


>> No.29853497
Quoted by: >>29853533

I'd rather watch a good anime

>> No.29853498


>> No.29853499

She said the thing!

>> No.29853501


>> No.29853502
File: 554 KB, 452x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853503

Joker Ame is cuter than usual

Watch more films holy shit

>> No.29853504

HOLY SHIT I was hoping she would say it.

>> No.29853507
File: 366 KB, 614x521, 1591962909005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853510
Quoted by: >>29853718

I haven't been on there in so long since we're pretty much the same thread but with less genuine anger. How did they react to the collab?

>> No.29853511

I want to know how she got those scars!

>> No.29853512

The Dark Knight Rises

>> No.29853514

damn she retweeted a lot of fanart about that collab, she must have really enjoyed it

>> No.29853516

oops nvm that was way better

>> No.29853517


>> No.29853519


I kinda like this movie. it enjoys being ridiculous and the "Look we get along in the US you can let this shit go" message does get pushed too hard. It also came out around the time DKR did which is funny enough

>> No.29853521
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1604358844799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853523

What did Amelia say??

>> No.29853524
Quoted by: >>29853700

If you can't give something a 10 then whatever your highest score becomes your new 10

>> No.29853525
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1606528685331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853526
File: 431 KB, 691x691, gun_gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853527
File: 1.12 MB, 1413x2000, 1590654352734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853631

I'm a cowtit-fag but cunnychads are cool in my book since they filter other websites so hard.

Also UUUOOOOHHHHH will always be funny to me.

>> No.29853528
File: 1.26 MB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's laugh is really reminding me of dunkey more and more

>> No.29853529

This is the worst chart ever. How am I supposed to learn when I keep staring at Ames pantsu?

>> No.29853530
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1604110725903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she make it through okay. She seemed really fucking broken the past several weeks.

>> No.29853531


>> No.29853534

She's just a Bubba chasing pidgeons.

>> No.29853533

When did this site start hating konosuba? IT WAS FUNNY

>> No.29853535
Quoted by: >>29853551

Writting is for losers

>> No.29853536
File: 3 KB, 332x50, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853537

Fuck Artia and fuck artiafags

>> No.29853539

Whose lore is more believable? Joker's or Ame's?

>> No.29853542
Quoted by: >>29853688

Where's the source you bitch

>> No.29853544

>have 10 numbers
>don't use one of them because you're autistic

>> No.29853545
Quoted by: >>29853616

>Kung Pow
You know the rule

>> No.29853546
File: 1.94 MB, 960x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853635

My favorite movie.
Another 10/10 is Forrest Gump

>> No.29853547
Quoted by: >>29853628

off topic

>> No.29853548


>> No.29853551

Damn right.

>> No.29853552

Batman vs Superman

>> No.29853553

Do people unironically love Adam Sandler movies past like the first few ones? It was terribly average.

>> No.29853555

I want to feel Ame's scars

>> No.29853556
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Shark Dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fty0mhs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is CUTE!

>> No.29853557

rot in hell chink

>> No.29853561
File: 832 KB, 300x201, Enhance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853644

The Prestige
Kung Pow
Spy Kids 2

>> No.29853563
Quoted by: >>29853658

Citizen Kane

>> No.29853566

What the fuck do I need to know these for?

>> No.29853567
Quoted by: >>29853723

Why is Pekora Bane?

>> No.29853570
Quoted by: >>29853716

Maybe Amelia just hates numerical ratings and lowballs to make chat mad

>> No.29853572
File: 29 KB, 579x504, EmrGvhCXMAABMmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect ending, Amelia was cuter than usual today.

>> No.29853576
File: 188 KB, 1246x1410, 1577685464405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853574
Quoted by: >>29853687

Man I hope Zatanna joins DCLive soon, her design is pure sex and I'll drop a fat akasupa on her

>> No.29853577

Joker, he at least shows off his scars. I haven't seen any of Ame's supposed scars yet.

>> No.29853578

When it got popular.
Like literally any piece of media.

>> No.29853579


>> No.29853580

You see uncut gem?

>> No.29853581

Relax, dude. It's only a girl behind a mask.

>> No.29853582


>> No.29853586
File: 88 KB, 392x663, 1606535644222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's, at least her stories don't contradict each other.

>> No.29853588
Quoted by: >>29853691

Based. Fuck the Nolan trilogy. As a Batfag, they don't rate high on my list of Batman movies. Worst Joker, the only reason people suck Ledger's dick is because he died shortly after. At least Bane made the third movie somewhat watchable.

>> No.29853589

Master and commander.

>> No.29853594
Quoted by: >>29853803

Shion is a hard filter for EOPs anyway, she'll be fine.

>> No.29853595
Quoted by: >>29853803

/hlgg/ still loves Polka and Nene though.

>> No.29853599

event horizon

>> No.29853602

For me it's Coraline

>> No.29853603

The anon you did rely to, Forrest Gump is my 10/10

>> No.29853607

I prefer Borat

>> No.29853610

why do people feel like they need to rate how a person watches a movie, it seems a little weird for me
kind of like rating how they play a game

>> No.29853611

Popular bad, didn't you know?

>> No.29853612

Just use #amelewd
God knows it could use something that isn't faggot reddit memes

>> No.29853614

I haven't watched it since I was a teenager but I loved it then when I liked the stupidest of jokes.

>> No.29853616

And so do I

>> No.29853615


>> No.29853618
File: 152 KB, 1047x943, 1606010685943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will, belibe in her.

>> No.29853619

>you wanna know how I got these scars? ok so there was this one time...

>> No.29853620
Quoted by: >>29853676

Careful, there's this anon who got triggered earlier by me merely mentioning it.

>> No.29853621

There would have to be a separate fucking thread from all of the gosling posts

>> No.29853622

Das Boot

>> No.29853623


>> No.29853626

Would hlgg survive kusogaki + mesugaki collab?

>> No.29853628

heres your (you)

>> No.29853630
File: 37 KB, 520x757, primer-movie-poster-2004-1020241222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on the best time travel movie of all time.
the mass confusion would be glorious; nobody would know what's going on, not Ame or chat.

>> No.29853631
Quoted by: >>29853701

Don't you worry about the mob mentality though?

>> No.29853632

The Visitor (1979)

>> No.29853633

Ame is still learning kana after like 2 months. If anyone should be embarrassed it's her.

>> No.29853635

I love this movie

>> No.29853636

When every braindead faggot started claiming that it, along with Overlord, are the only good isekai franchises in the entire world. Love KonoSuba, hate every single person who puts it on a pedestal.

>> No.29853639
File: 987 KB, 824x857, 1606511257073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Amelia I know how you got those scars
>Ate sand as a kid and liked the texture
>Slipped on a wet floor while eating ice cream, nearly bit off her tongue, which has hanging by just a few thin shreds. Guy was afraid of getting sued, wouldn't let her mom call 911. She still has a thick scar in the middle of her tongue to this day.
>Cracked open her skull after being pushed off the bed and hitting an open drawer. The injury sometimes makes her feel like her brain is exposed to air. Also swears she had no lasting brain damage.
>Cut off the tip of her thumb while trying to peel an orange with a knife
>Was left in the car in the summer heat that was hot enough to melt crayons, which she then smeared all over the upholstry
>Tried to clean keyboard with WD-40
>Tried to pat a cactus like a dog, thought it would be fluffy
>Lied to strangers about her age on runescape and neopets, got in trouble for it
>Skipped school to watch anime and play vidya
>Can't cook - microwaved a whole egg, which exploded
>Bought her monitor through a shady parking lot deal on craigslist
>Used to shower only once a week
>While at E3, was asked about what the latest console was, and replied that it was the "Gega Senesis"
>Eats lettuce straight from a bag like potato chips
>Intentionally drinks flat pepsi thats been sitting in the open for days because she likes the flavor
>Loves the smell of paint, gasoline, and permanent markers
>After helping the other Holo En's with their technical issues, forgot the day of her debut so was forced to stream while high on caffeine and sleep deprivation
>Was homeless
>Bit by multiple dogs, almost had throat ripped out by one
>Got bit by family dog while on a road trip and bleed all over herself and the floor
>Doctors thought she had rabbies, refused to get rabbies shot, bit the nurse trying to give it to her.
>Cut a kid's finger off with a shopping cart
>Afraid to drink because she will call people niggers
>Read gay tf2 fanfiction
>Played the sims with porn mods at the age of 12
>Almost kidnapped because of mistaken identity
>Orders supreme pizza and she takes off the onions and peppers
>Can't do division
>Streamed on gura's channel by accident
>Her mother was kidnapped by Moroccans before she was born
>A car ran over her ankle, tore off skin
>Brother kicked a ball into her face, causing her to lose 3 baby teeth
>Licked her friends tears
>Grandma Watson was a real homewrecker and one of those women was a witch who placed a hex on her entire family
>Grandma Watson got her earring caught in a vaccum, nearly tearing her entire earlob off
>Ate baby sitter's anniversary present, blamed it on another girl
>Auntie Watson doesnt believe the moon landing was real
>Auntie Watson let Amelia skip school to go watch Spy Kids in Theaters
>Would always scream when going into tunnel as a joke, even to the point of almost passing out.
>When she was younger she liked to eat ketchup parmesan tortilla microwave pizzas.
>Amelia's brother beat the shit out of a bully with the school bus seatbelt to protect Amelia
>Amelia's brother and his friends beat the shit out of a bully that was rollerskating and teasing Amelia to protect her.
>Amelia's brother stole money from the neighbor to buy her a Nintendo DS and NintenDogs.
>In the line for Splash Mountain, Amelia was messing around on the handrails and ended up face planting onto the concreate and cut her face open. She was taken to a children hospital in a Disney Limo.
>Aunty Watson nearly had her face ripped off by a german shepherd.
>Amelia's brother and his friend got super drunk at 13 and threw up in the back of Auntie Watson's car when Ame and her went to pick them up
>Afraid to collab on-stream with Auntie Watson on stream because shes more yab and weird than she is
>Was so poor at some point, Amelia made a christmas tree out of disposable doggie poop bags and cardboard.
>Creeper on subway tried to take an upskirt picture of her but she was wearing shorts. She yelled at the guy and he got scared and ran out of the subway.
>Amelia's brother set their house on fire trying to melt an action figure's leg with a lighter
>While the house was on fire, Amelia hid in a closet and was barely saved by a fire fighter.

>> No.29853641
Quoted by: >>29854038

It was clear Joker was simply spinning narratives when he said Maggie Gyllenhaal was beautiful

>> No.29853642
File: 4 KB, 552x53, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well bros it was fun while it lasted
Looks like these fags have invaded.

>> No.29853644
File: 2.87 MB, 294x125, streamthatfilm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kung Pow

>> No.29853649
Quoted by: >>29853671

Why the fuck do we suddenly care about /hlg/ lately? Go there if you're interested, otherwise stop giving the anti-board attention.

>> No.29853650

JWU, did Ame mention watching TDKR?

>> No.29853651

>10 numbers
it's 11 actually

>> No.29853652
File: 86 KB, 680x525, Eh8zHAvVkAIwHY4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you love her Ame. I do too.

>> No.29853653

Adam Sandler is a hit or miss, but Zohan it is not a miss

>> No.29853654

She said she's already seen it

>> No.29853656

I don't know a single moon character yet.

>> No.29853658
File: 608 KB, 770x892, 1606121475688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under The Silver Lake, and Female Trouble
Based film student with no writing sense of fun

>> No.29853659

Zohan was okay but you are almost 100% correct about all except his first few being really bad

>> No.29853663

Why is Ame's outro theme so sad compared to the other girls'?

>> No.29853664

Hot Fuzz

>> No.29853666
File: 249 KB, 542x508, 1606444309011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute but I... really don't know how these two could possibly collab

Even Robocco did a tiny bit of reps to get the basics, Gura and Shion literally cannot communicate, neither do ANY reps

>> No.29853669

literally who?

>> No.29853668

>When did this site start hating konosuba?
When it became popular with normalfags

>> No.29853670

Diabetes inducing.

>> No.29853671

We've had a ton of refugees lately due to how shit it's getting over there

>> No.29853673
Quoted by: >>29853758

Have you considered not doing that?

>> No.29853676

I'm still here. I think it's reddit tier taste to be your favorite but it is essential watching at least.

>> No.29853677

It was shit, but I watched it with my bf with a few drinks and it was hilarious in part because of how bad it was. So it'd be a perfect watchalong movie

>> No.29853680
Quoted by: >>29853774

Unironically Napoleon Dynamite

>> No.29853682
File: 24 KB, 656x564, judas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853684

How was the smash collab? How bad was the falseflagging and numberfagging?

>> No.29853685
File: 581 KB, 556x807, 5bb62a65f5b996fd675cb869701baeaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I spend more time watching someone with a packed schedule like Ame than I used to spend with my ex. Parasocial relationships are scary.

>> No.29853686

cute noises and loli sex is how they will communicate

>> No.29853687

She's too busy hanging the the Vertigo-Tubers

>> No.29853688
File: 345 KB, 851x1200, Im_Gura_Eat_You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one asshole. Have a nice day.

>> No.29853691
Quoted by: >>29853787

Michael Keaton was a shitty Batman.

>> No.29853693

It's just going to be an entire stream of them looking smug and making cute/lewd sounds.

>> No.29853692
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1602099442438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Ups to Ina for pulling off that outfit!

>> No.29853696

I know both and about 1200 kanji

>> No.29853697
File: 578 KB, 508x1024, 1589298749534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853699

Ghost in the shell
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Initial D first stage

>> No.29853700

All ratings are given a 1.5 plus or minus subjectivity window, therefore a 10 can only exist within the raters own opinion.

>> No.29853701
Quoted by: >>29853764

What mob? The mob of unironic lolicons? They're already infesting chumbuds.

>> No.29853704
Quoted by: >>29853795

What the fuck is the point of a 10 if you don't think anything is a 10?

>> No.29853706

i'm sorry, i have to let this off my chest.

ame was cuter yesterday

she really seems to enjoy thanksgiving

>> No.29853708

do yer fucking job, Enma

>> No.29853709

none at all
these last 10 hours had great threads

>> No.29853710

I was quoting her, not greentexting. Her own favorite only an 8.9

>> No.29853711

missed the link click >>29853630

>> No.29853712

Iofi as dedicated translator.

>> No.29853714

kino ending asmr from Ame, I was really hoping she would do that, tho desu her best moment from today was from the smash collab for sure, I kinda wish that she installed it before because the kino in that collab truly happened when she joined in. desu i find it sound how apparent it is Gura has a better relationship with Ame cause when it was just Ame and Ina the banter and energy wasn't there, oh well good day today

>> No.29853716
File: 240 KB, 630x665, 8768768647867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853958

Scores don't matter. Your own experience is all that matters.

>> No.29853715

Watch more anime

>> No.29853717

I can't wait till the girls get proper openings and endings, even if the ones they currently have are so soulful

>> No.29853718
Quoted by: >>29853759

Lots of "I'm not watching that collab". They pretty much foam at the mouth when there's anything EN related.

>> No.29853719
File: 260 KB, 590x791, 1111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been almost 1 hour since Rachel died
I'm glad that she loved Harvey over Bruce in the end, but she's definitely not doing ok.
I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.29853720

>someone actually knows about this movie
best time travel movie

>> No.29853721

Minecraft collabs without discord should be the best solution for JP/EN collabs so that they can google translate during a stream

>> No.29853723

Bane's entire plan was spinning naRRATives about Batman, society, the underclasses, etc, all while using those rrats as a disctraction for his big brain construction scheme with mega-TNT weapons. Sounds like something Pekora would pull off that the other girls, outside of maybe Miko, wouldn't. Besides, imagine the shitposts.
>Do you know him?

>> No.29853724
File: 153 KB, 960x945, pablo_teamate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, time to wait for Ame's next stream again.

>> No.29853725

they can grunt and nod at each other and people will still watch

>> No.29853726

this is true

>> No.29853728

Anon... twitchfags have known about hololive for like a year now

>> No.29853729

just make loli noises while smugly frustrating viewers with their feet

>> No.29853731

What if Amelia gives a higher score to Dark Knight rises

>> No.29853732


City Lights. Its such a fucking pretentious answer but I loved it when I watched in my old college film class

>> No.29853733

Andrei Rublev is probably my 10/10

>> No.29853734

based weeb

>> No.29853735

the game was so shitty i've gone to sleep. they should've played something better like MK or SC/Tekken

>> No.29853738

At least be a little more subtle when crawling for feedback, EnMa.

>> No.29853736

so that means a 9/10 movie is really 10.5/10

>> No.29853740
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1604909066257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whore got what she deserved

>> No.29853741

Disappearance of Haruhi

>> No.29853742
Quoted by: >>29854950

Considering she's rating out of 9, it's actually a good score.

>> No.29853744

Existenz or Matrix

>> No.29853745
File: 257 KB, 266x418, 1606353012980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853867

I see what you're saying but I think it's just ADHD brain so I end up not minding much. She does manage to pick on some things that surprise me from time to time so I don't think she's as dumb as people make her out to be, see >>29853042
That being said I do agree that this was one of her weaker watchalongs (but her reactions to things like anything Rachel did were still pretty funny). Her best watchalongs are probably Wick, Hereditary, Wilderpeople off the top of my head. Maybe Shrek too.

>> No.29853746

gura is hiding her power level

>> No.29853747

It'll just be the two of them taking it in turns to spank their own asses next to the mic while taunting oji-sans

>> No.29853748

Smash looks like a fun game. Girls had fun with it.

>> No.29853749
File: 1.05 MB, 500x302, equality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I enjoyed the movie it's a 10/10, end of story. I watch movies to be entertained, not to impress other people.

>> No.29853750
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1597447793797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rachel is a whore

>> No.29853751


>> No.29853752


>> No.29853753

then bane becomes honorary EN

>> No.29853756
File: 331 KB, 1103x1342, 20201128_195803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853757

I've watched more than I should have but just because something's more obscure doesn't mean its a 10/10 to me.

>> No.29853758
Quoted by: >>29853882

Yes, and I try my best not to. I know that it'll never happen, but I can't help but imagine how happy I would be if it did...

>> No.29853759

Considering we got split off because they were annoyed about all the EN posting taking up the thread. They sure do spend a lot of time seething about EN.

>> No.29853762
File: 285 KB, 1115x565, Screenshot_2020-11-27 戌神ころね🥐🌿💛 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Korone mean by this?

>> No.29853763
File: 446 KB, 609x540, 1605996186453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty frustrating to me

>> No.29853764
Quoted by: >>29853859

And how to we fight against this? I don't want the entire thread to turn to shit

>> No.29853766


then she'll get a thousand CIA edits

>> No.29853767

I cant believe she sang Smash Mouth before dying

>> No.29853769

That's amazing.

>> No.29853774
Quoted by: >>29853878

fuckin same, I grew up in a rural area so that movie just reminds me of childhood

>> No.29853775

That's all the have on VHS at the Suncoast in the mall though...

>> No.29853777

It was getting pretty arousing.

>> No.29853778

2hu love!

>> No.29853779
File: 229 KB, 415x415, 1605945790279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not doing ok

>> No.29853780

Awwww Korone has a soft spot for the reaper.

>> No.29853784

Critically aclaimed director, screenwriter and producer, Amelia Watson.

>> No.29853787

Batman movies are carried by his villains anyways.

>> No.29853789
File: 633 KB, 1500x1500, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_sasakura_momiji__5b66f0511c6ef2b0080fc820c2245b96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... is it dead hours now? Is Kiara or Mori gonna save us?

>> No.29853790

It has a lot of dumb retards posting memes, but some jp artists post there too.

>> No.29853791
File: 296 KB, 600x473, bd28614020b8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that calli is the embodiment of western stereotype

>> No.29853793
Quoted by: >>29853872

sauce on pic?

>> No.29853796
File: 469 KB, 551x752, 1599538258608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslingposting is reserved for karaokes, man up at other times

>> No.29853795
Quoted by: >>29853871

A 10 can be used but with the understanding that it's only a 10 subjectively.

>> No.29853801

I won't worry about it, not until Gooruh's AME AME AME becomes SHION SHION SHION

>> No.29853803
File: 409 KB, 366x479, 1590548182991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm not worrying much since it's not the first time they tried to go to Shion yo
Polka and Nene acknowledges their overseas fans but Shion yo just does it during superchat names

>> No.29853805

I just can't do it. I can't think of a single movie I would give a 10/10. There's plenty I've enjoyed quite a bit, but none I would give a 10/10.

>> No.29853806

idk but I hope they collab again soon enough
Little longer next time

>> No.29853810

Kiara is taking a break

>> No.29853812

please understand she needs to take some time off to go Liam Neeson on a certain fat muslim

>> No.29853815

Mori posts on /hlg/

>> No.29853818
Quoted by: >>29853864


>> No.29853820

*clap clap*


>> No.29853822

You guys still doing your dumpster diving reps?

>> No.29853823

*clap clap*
Next meem

>> No.29853824
Quoted by: >>29853889

By the end of the training arc, what do you think each of the girls main? My guess:

>> No.29853825
File: 20 KB, 323x372, 1606112826617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was the thanksgiving stream the supposed theoretical max Ame cuteness? It's over teammates...

>> No.29853826

>to be your favorite
Never said that when I mentioned it before yet you still flipped off.

>> No.29853827
File: 599 KB, 700x873, 1601862418101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what would you call a 10/10 then faggot?

>> No.29853828

>save us

>> No.29853829
File: 54 KB, 996x559, En1s3S8UUAAnC-i.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken getting NTR'd

>> No.29853832
File: 249 KB, 368x391, watson_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853893

You have to keep in mind that is probably the best Thanksgiving she has had in a very very very long time. She's finally got a stable job that pays well. She can finally not just be thankful for what and who she has, but also give back to them. Her "I love you" yesterday came straight from her heart. She really loves that she gets to do what she's doing right now. And that is a narrative that I truely do believe in.

>> No.29853833
Quoted by: >>29853876

I'm actually putting all the movies you guys are saying into my watchlist, I hope you guys don't have shit taste

>> No.29853835
File: 552 KB, 2480x3508, EknaAdcVcAAfkoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the movie's over I'm free to say Moririn has perfectly-sized breasts and I enjoy watching them bounce around in her streams.

>> No.29853837

Crazy Stupid Love, Bladerunner, Rocky

>> No.29853840


>> No.29853846

Based Ametologist.

>> No.29853850

I feel like people pretend this movie is way more complicated than it is. They basically explain everything in the last 15 minutes if you're paying attention.

>> No.29853851

They totally fucked.

>> No.29853853
Quoted by: >>29853905

Is kinda off from the current topic, but I'm watching clips from the Korone and Mori collab and is just me or Mori's mic settings suck? I feel she peaks a lot.

>> No.29853855

I need someone to make do an image of that one "guy slowing dressing up as a clown" image, but it's Ame turning into Polka while gradually saying how cool the Joker is throughout the stream.

>> No.29853856

I missed a large part of the Dark Knight watch along in the beginning so I was planning on watching it afterwards, but my retarded self just realized that the Dark Knight is part 2 of a trilogy. Do I need to watch Batman Begins before Dark Knight? I was hoping to end the night with a nice movie with Ame...

>> No.29853859
Quoted by: >>29853939

Retards trying to fight for or against loli are 50x worse than any actual loliposting, ironic or otherwise

>> No.29853861

Wow, I almost forgot what this meme looked like when it wasnt shit

>> No.29853864


>> No.29853863

She got fat after the first movie, I was glad she died.

>> No.29853865
File: 366 KB, 854x480, 1606486913390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29853866

Mori is having an onsen day today.

>> No.29853867

I'd definitely say Shrek was pretty great. This watchalong I was going to say she seemed pretty invested so the commentary was lacking. But other than the Joker parts, looks like she didn't gravitate to the movie especially.

>> No.29853869

The scythe stays on during sex

>> No.29853870
File: 7 KB, 251x201, Westaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29853967

Korone is a westaboo who finally got to enjoy western culture

>> No.29853871

It's your rating, of course its subjective.

>> No.29853872

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.

>> No.29853873
File: 426 KB, 1280x1810, 85846709_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kaichou announced she's taking break
D-did the bugs win?

>> No.29853876

Please don't subject yourself to such torture

>> No.29853878

It didn't really hit me until I moved that I realized I know dumb people like in the movie from my hometown

>> No.29853880
File: 209 KB, 444x440, 5725713437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if shion and gura do collab, what will they even do. I was under the impression neither does eachothers language reps at all, would they just be banking on cunny combo

>> No.29853882

Are you against being friends with women? Because that's something you could realistically become if you did your art reps or simped hard enough.

>> No.29853883
Quoted by: >>29854057

I never watched the first one and still enjoyed this, you don't really need to see the first part

>> No.29853885
Quoted by: >>29853909

You know teamates, I get the feeling that her Japanese practice stream is gonna be weak since it looks like she didn't get to study as much. Oh well, at least there'll be a portal 2 collab.

>> No.29853887
File: 1.11 MB, 3000x3000, 1596258643767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your HoloJP reps, like 8 of them are live right now.

>> No.29853888
Quoted by: >>29854057

You're not missing that much, The Dark Knight works well on its own

>> No.29853889

ame will main duck hunt for all the projectiles and her tag will be bubba

>> No.29853891
File: 549 KB, 2477x2825, 1606425737086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash collab Ame was still super cute though.
Mario Kart zatsudan Ame legitimately melted my heart though, that was something special and we won't see it again for a while. And that was probably one of the best Thanksgivings she'd ever had, her gratitude was palpable.
I love Amelia.

>> No.29853893
File: 264 KB, 1200x1600, 1601660960487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm thankful for the roof over my head

i love her

>> No.29853892

The rush of Thanksgiving streams yesterday has left me feeling a bit tired today actually. Like coming back home after a trip and nothing is as exciting.
Also not every stream day can be a Thanksgiving stream day. That would just wear everyone out.

>> No.29853894
Quoted by: >>29854464


>> No.29853895

Gura, go back to sleep.

>> No.29853899

That just means tomorrow we can restart the cuteness counter and then after Christmas it'll restart again!

>> No.29853901

So how the fuck did Dent survive the car flip after he shot Maroni's driver in the head? Did he jump out of the car and we just don't see it happen because of the camera cut?

>> No.29853902
Quoted by: >>29853940

>staring at your bro's breasts
Gay, her eyes are up there

>> No.29853904
File: 140 KB, 838x88, holotools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty to watch but can't decide

>> No.29853905

It was fucked up at the start, but Mori fixed her levels after the beginning

>> No.29853908
Quoted by: >>29854090

Big Trouble In Little China.

>> No.29853909
Quoted by: >>29854009

Who cares about the Japanese stream, we're getting Titanfall 2 kino, a game pretty much made for Ame

>> No.29853919

Is there anything else going on tonight?

>> No.29853921
Quoted by: >>29854057

I have never watched the first one, and I've watched Dark Knight and TDKR at least 5 times already.

>> No.29853922

Welcome to the NHK. Saved me from almost dropping out of college to become a neet.

>> No.29853925

he got lucky

>> No.29853926
Quoted by: >>29853940

What are you, a callifag? Stop looking at your boys tits

>> No.29853927
File: 595 KB, 512x512, 1595931848757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara and coco taking a break at the same time
uuuuh, bros...?

>> No.29853929

I can see Gura collabing with Kana Hanazawa.

>> No.29853931


>> No.29853933

I don't think Amelia's watchalongs are the best. Other ENs do it better

>> No.29853935

Kiara cancelled for the day, and Mori's stream is karaoke at prime time tonight. Probably safe to do those sleep reps unless Mori's membership streams are with almost zero warning which is unlikely.

>> No.29853938

Calli teaches Korone's son and is trying to kiss up to her so she gives him good grades

>> No.29853936

Gura stop lusting after your friends you already have Ame

>> No.29853939

On the one hand not calling it out is passively saying it's okay, on the other hand you're completely right.

What do.

>> No.29853942

Unironically she's focusing on doing her singing reps with a teacher so she doesn't turn the concert into the mickey mouse club house

>> No.29853940
File: 116 KB, 1074x1200, En2v1kcUUAArRtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bro
She's my WOMAN, fag.

>> No.29853941
Quoted by: >>29853975

Seatbelt ;^)

>> No.29853944

One of Kiara's clipfag went and edited out every tangent from her last SCR stream, turns out a 4 hour video contains 1 hour of superchats and 3 hours of zatsudan. So damn that's pretty good ratio

>> No.29853946

>loses Mori for the dog
>loses Pekora for the moon

>> No.29853952

Just shove Kiara or Iofi in there as a translator and they're good to go.

>> No.29853953

Shion's english is terrible, just like Gura's japanese. At least in Roboco + Ame collab they could communicate a bit and game knowledge contributed a lot to make it work but I don't know how a collab with Shion would work.

>> No.29853957
File: 264 KB, 538x478, 2face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854031

Aah, the Racheloni, Racheloni. You know the no one? I always- I always order the blown up, the blown up Racheloni

>> No.29853958

What's the context of this gif?

>> No.29853960

No, Taiwanese nousagi are going to murder all their traps.

>> No.29853959

I've only watched Ame's and Ina's and I think Ina does it better.

>> No.29853962

We are one day closer to Polka hanging herself

>> No.29853964
File: 284 KB, 600x480, 1606297245847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854071


>> No.29853965

Forrest Gump here too

>> No.29853966

Batman= Bruce Wayne
Rachel = ex love interest of Bruce Wayne who knows about Batman
Chief Gordon = Works with Batman
Lucius Fox = Makes tech for Bruce Wayne (knows about Batman)

You're good to go now, Teamate.

>> No.29853967

Based Kenichi Smith

>> No.29853969
File: 7 KB, 230x230, 1603844240702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29853971


>> No.29853974

14 dead hours hype

>> No.29853975
Quoted by: >>29854032


>> No.29853977

Twin Peaks

>> No.29853983


>> No.29853985

Last stream.

>> No.29853986
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1581681054251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to believe the narrative that she's embarrassed by them which is why she does the zoom-in so often.

>> No.29853987

Wasn't Kiara supposed to stream? What happened?

>> No.29853989

The Good The Bad and The Ugly

>> No.29853991
Quoted by: >>29854022

stop being a faggot or get filtered, i'm glad it seems to work on redditors like you

>> No.29853994
File: 934 KB, 1500x2076, 1605526804868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854176

I wouldn't know haven't watched any other watchalongs, my oshi takes priority

>> No.29853993

needs to recharge

>> No.29853997
File: 28 KB, 1152x648, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graph of how entertainment should be rated.

>> No.29853999
File: 128 KB, 772x436, 1606513633131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speed reading smut

>> No.29854000


>> No.29854001

But then he'll miss the two hour training montage.

>> No.29854002
File: 259 KB, 1132x1558, EnDtLL0XcAIypu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based of you. I, too, enjoy the sight of her exquisite mammaries.

>> No.29854004


>> No.29854010

Starship Troopers

>> No.29854009

Yeah you're right... can't really expect every stream to go well.

>> No.29854012
Quoted by: >>29854043

Link? I get so filtered by hearing "X, danke schon" or "X, thank you" repetitively that I was thinking about doing that for myself with some kind of script based on the youtube transcript and timestamps

>> No.29854013

It's a them problem now. I will still watch regardless.

>> No.29854016

Ame started the stream doing a synopsis of the first movie

>> No.29854018

A bunch of them are playing together, right? I can't read moon so I dunno what's going on but Luna and Pekora at least are playing the same game

>> No.29854020

We wore her out this morning.

>> No.29854021

beautifully marbled zatsudan, delicious

>> No.29854022

you're not the anon I replied to, fuck off

>> No.29854023

Oh shit Duck Hunt is a great choice for Ame

>> No.29854024
File: 196 KB, 462x768, 1577347589588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854028
File: 3.24 MB, 3508x2455, 1603930648315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki tweeted at her saying she'll be there for her when she gets back.
As always, fucking Fubuki is proving herself the strongest Holo when it comes to the chips down moments. She came out to settle the matter and say it in a way that makes it clear; She'll be there WHEN Kaichou comes back.

>> No.29854029

Kemono Friends

>> No.29854031

Watching this again his motivation was pretty shit

>> No.29854032
Quoted by: >>29854100


>> No.29854033
Quoted by: >>29854223

What kind of phrase is Big Ups anyways

>> No.29854035

In 7 hours Lo-fi will play Phantasy Star Online 2
It might be good

>> No.29854037
File: 2.46 MB, 3500x3500, Ekb-ZozVoAEmO3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854220

Mori just needs to have more confidence in her killer body.

>> No.29854038


>> No.29854039

Reminder Noel was called the Running Tit Cow in Primary School because her tits were already so big.

>> No.29854043

sadly it's him removing the tangents not him removing the superchats

>> No.29854044

I prefer the glop or pepeloni ones

>> No.29854045

Based friend.

>> No.29854051

Anonchama... let it go... you'll be happier.

>> No.29854057
File: 183 KB, 1298x1240, 1603600563343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854352

Thanks anons. I'll watch the Dark Knight with my wife right now then

>> No.29854058

Which is funny because people here make it seem like you need to know Japanese to join holo. Unless Gura was a special case due to her former popularly.

>> No.29854059
Quoted by: >>29854118

I literally can not read this

>> No.29854061
File: 1.17 MB, 3596x1780, EnYG9oyXMAMF0ep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854292

This but for /u/ schizophrenia. I want Watson and Gura to have an offcollab and come back a lot "friendlier" than usual and for them to move it together.

>> No.29854060
File: 322 KB, 1771x1080, 1597674335335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854123

14 hours of dead hours
You're free to do whatever reps you want. I would recommend doing your 日本語レップス

Or you could watch the other JP Holos and immerse yourself and try to understand.
Personally I would recommend Subaru currently

>> No.29854068

Thread is comfy. Post more Unity

>> No.29854070

Your thread's life ends in 5 hours from now

>> No.29854071
File: 2.37 MB, 1425x812, CringeReformation_GirlyMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will accept my beliefs

>> No.29854072
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x936, 1600578567871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can we stop her?

>> No.29854075

I have to assume she requested them. True to life. But she still gets embarrassed by them regardless.

>> No.29854076
File: 2.35 MB, 1800x2400, 4672614354367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are watching pekora right now since no holoEN is streaming, right hlgg?

>> No.29854077

The quality of entertainment is not evenly distributed, though. There is a lot more 1/10 garbage than there is 10/10 masterpieces.

>> No.29854079

Honestly, I'm getting the feeling that shes going to end up dropping them with no warning at some god awful hour. I'd rather her just wait to the begging of next month.

>> No.29854083
File: 755 KB, 2400x2600, 1602211118920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone end up archiving the thanksgiving stream? I wan to listen to the karaoke with the talk in between, not just the songs from clipfags.

>> No.29854081

no shit, you want a private conversation? go back to your server.

>> No.29854084
Quoted by: >>29854099

Watch this instead

>> No.29854085
Quoted by: >>29854177

>someone went through a 4 hour video to do this
That probably means at least 5 hours of work, FOR FREE, KFP really is dedicated, I'm honestly jealous.

>> No.29854086
File: 584 KB, 1580x1724, 1593142859060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all our HoloEN girls, but Noel... Noel does something to me. It's not just boners and a desire to breed, Mori does that too. It's something more.

>> No.29854087

I believe it. Tits as big as those starts to grow early.

>> No.29854089

Based that fanfic was 10/10

>> No.29854090


Amazing movie holy shit and most of the Holos probably havent seen it

>> No.29854091
File: 177 KB, 866x1200, 1601180679456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that you all had time to think about it, how did you like Ame's read-along?

I was honestly surprised how much she improved from the first time she did it. If she picked a better story to read I think I would enjoy it a lot.

>> No.29854092

Please make Haachama an official EN member.

>> No.29854093
Quoted by: >>29854198

You're right but I was going to say basically the same thing. You have to go back

>> No.29854094

C-coco love??

>> No.29854096

Speaking of movie watch along LOTR next weekend guys so looks like next week already will have kino

>> No.29854097
File: 54 KB, 568x680, 1599664184305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Gura is one of us

>> No.29854099

Number fags. Do your magic.

>> No.29854100

>he was putting on his seatbelt and not taking it off like I always thought
Holy shit. Still doesn't make any fucking sense considering it's a car flipping over.

>> No.29854101

I was ignoring the narratives but if this was just a simple break, FBK wouldn't have bothered to tweet this right? Goddamn CCP antis what have you fucks done?

>> No.29854102

I don't know why people praise this movie so much, the directing and script are not that good. Two-faces motivation and the boat scene in particular leave a bad taste.

>> No.29854104
Quoted by: >>29854135

All that work and for what point
thanks anyway for letting me know

>> No.29854106

Nah, Pekora's boring.

>> No.29854109
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1606450283536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854111

They do but it's still pretty confusing to try and figure out who is who in each timeline.

>> No.29854113

No, I'm watching Subaru.

>> No.29854115

I bet after the movie Ame went straight to the bathroom for a piss.

>> No.29854118

More of your ratings should trend towards the middle, 1s and 10s should be rare.
That being said I think that would only work in an ideal world, and this is not an ideal world. There are more bad things than good, and there are especially more 1/10 trashfires than 10/10 immaculate masterpieces.

>> No.29854119
Quoted by: >>29854197

T-there is still Monday.

>> No.29854122

I would if I weren't so tired so I have to sleep

>> No.29854123

You know, it's been a while since I've done my JP reps. It's time to grind down the 800+ cards in review...

>> No.29854124

Knives Out comes to mind, but I don't know

>> No.29854125

Mori is busty, Noel is genuinely a cow

>> No.29854126

Just woke up
What happened to Ame ukelele?

>> No.29854128

I liked it, people that expected more than comfy reading were going to get disappointed either way.
I was in bed listening and focusing on her calming voice

>> No.29854131
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, 8644868464848648646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, all of Ame's female artists are based.

>> No.29854134

there was a mega somewhere in the archives thats where I got mine at least

>> No.29854135

>for what point
for people that want to her her say their name?

>> No.29854136

LOTR, saving private ryan, black hawk dawn, korean gangster movies

>> No.29854138
Quoted by: >>29854492

It's funny how Fubuki went from the 'no wife, just friends' meme to being the hololive avatar of friendship when the china problem reared up.

>> No.29854139
Quoted by: >>29854314

>What do.
Go back to wherever you came from or kill yourself

>> No.29854140
File: 696 KB, 800x500, 1596715850950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, heretic

>> No.29854141
File: 219 KB, 626x582, gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, since when does Gura have Klaius in her banner?

>> No.29854145

Iam watching the smash vod now.

>> No.29854147

I enjoy isekai trash so it was fun, I was listening to it on the bed and ended up taking a nap, super comfy.

>> No.29854148
File: 336 KB, 429x582, file_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854187

And what's more passionate vanilla than pregnancy?

>> No.29854150

Based cunnychad Gura

>> No.29854152

Today or yesterday.

>> No.29854153

Here https://ufile.io/fpv4kkau
Not mine, someone posted it yesterday.

>> No.29854154

Noel's karaoke stream was great

>> No.29854156
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x2000, 1606109193090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854229

GurAme fanfic readalong collab when

>> No.29854163
File: 463 KB, 600x604, 83a7a1efd587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854199

Large breasts are perfect for paizuri. When you're fucking a girl's tits, your dick is that much closer to her heart. Therefore, paizuri is one of the most intimate sexual acts possible. Don't try to argue this, you literally can't.

>> No.29854166

oh no no no

>> No.29854165
Quoted by: >>29854212

It's plausible enough for you to suspend your disbelief unless you're a nitpicking asshole.

>> No.29854169
Quoted by: >>29854257


>> No.29854171
File: 44 KB, 589x485, 20201128_201042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854211

Fellow deadbeats, I'm sorry, but after last night I'm with the dog now...

>> No.29854172

Gura really enjoys flaunting her cuteness

>> No.29854173
File: 606 KB, 250x250, 1604899144866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's dead hours, any JP shillfags here that can recommend me who should I watch right now?

>> No.29854175
File: 423 KB, 673x875, 1596359479498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching the cute killer robot.

>> No.29854176

Based and same.
And what makes one watchalong "better" than another is subjective imo.
I'm sure the other girls provide fun commentary in their own ways, but as a whole I'm more invested in Ame and what details she picks out or what sticks with her. I have fun with Ame's watchalongs because it's just more time with her.

>> No.29854177

>I'm honestly jealous.
Why be jealous every girl has their dedicated fans

>> No.29854180
File: 21 KB, 220x233, 1587865898053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854318

Pekora is cool, but the best girl is streaming

>> No.29854184
File: 3.21 MB, 1348x1800, 1606255490322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm happy I've started a proxy war on the Deadbeats so I have more OC to create
t. Chumbud warlord

>> No.29854187

Absolutely nothing, post more

>> No.29854189
Quoted by: >>29854222

Since he begged for it

>> No.29854191
File: 439 KB, 1188x1062, hhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29854193

it could be nothing but them saying 'shion cute!' and 'gura cute!' at each other and i'd still watch it.

>> No.29854194

The usual suspects

>> No.29854199
File: 3.90 MB, 2381x3458, 1593429230281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is some wisdom right there anon.

>> No.29854197
Quoted by: >>29854271

There's still hope. She can pull off one members stream and SC reading on Sunday and the last 2 members streams on Monday.

>> No.29854198

I can tough it out fine, the fun I get most of the time here is worth the mild anger seeing this shit gives me. I'd rather stay, sorry.

>> No.29854200

It was good, she's actually decent at reading and doing the voices and stuff. I also read a lot of trash LN, so that didn't ruin my enjoyment as much as it did for some other anons.

>> No.29854201

Anon, your schedule reps...

>> No.29854202 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 625x565, 1605764892032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854349

>mfw fell down into one layer of the rabbit hole and learned their past lives

It feels like a different experience and perspective, but goddamn it's all worth it. I want more.

>> No.29854203

Deadhours definitely

>> No.29854204

Probably a combination of both not wanting to deal with the CCP and getting to focus on HoloFES.

>> No.29854209

Road Warrior and Fury Road

>> No.29854210
File: 150 KB, 262x269, pain dayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854505

The Struggler

>> No.29854211

You'll be back. Mori will come for you in the end.

>> No.29854212

Well yeah, it's a cool scene, it just always bothered me a little.

>> No.29854214
File: 356 KB, 695x628, 1585701408197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854216
File: 13 KB, 600x142, 564546453435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is so cute.

>> No.29854219
File: 67 KB, 432x247, ceiling tako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854248

Enjoy this edit. Finally got time off work to make it. Inspired by her mahjong stream of course.

>> No.29854220
Quoted by: >>29854419

But they do have a say in their design
>knew what she was doing

>> No.29854222
File: 1.25 MB, 1564x1248, klaius cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into it

>> No.29854223

Its like a weird corporate phrase for thumbs up that broke free of whatever shitty circle it was spawned in

>> No.29854226
File: 21 KB, 1280x720, shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854300

You know those random silly group collabs that Subaru+Mio does occasionally?

You think they'd ever invite Kiara to them?

>> No.29854227
File: 2.23 MB, 600x360, 1606279867756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854228

I think hololive will cause a revolution in China

>> No.29854229

I wonder if that guy will ever write something as based as "Travel" again

>> No.29854232
File: 142 KB, 242x288, 1605815399785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854505

Watch our friend pikamee, she could use it.

>> No.29854235
Quoted by: >>29854290

what did i miss that klaius is now represented by michael myers with a rice paddy hat

>> No.29854239
Quoted by: >>29854394

People usually watch only what they think they'll like though.

>> No.29854240

Boring and Ame was not able to save it at all

>> No.29854242

It's obviously not just a simple break, if you're referring to the break being a normal, "I'm gonna rest up and recover" relaxation thing. Kaichou is leaving for a reason, and Fubuki felt the need to comment. This is true.
But people were split between two ideas on why. On one hand, they were worried the bugs had gotten to Cover, and graduation was coming. On the other, there was the idea that she's stopping to devote herself to preparations for HoloFes. Fubuki tweeting this out closes the book on it being Cover kneeling to the bugs, and because Kanata and Suisei haven't been disrupted, it isn't Holohouse related.
That leaves the most likely narrative, the HoloFes preparations, as the way to assume.

>> No.29854243

Does Ame have the most female fans out of all the ENs?

>> No.29854244

A majority of fatalities in rollover accidents are caused by ejection.

>> No.29854247

I knew Gura was a fellow cunny/UOOH poster. Never doubted it!

>> No.29854248


>> No.29854249
Quoted by: >>29854307

Her fans are getting crazier and crazier. Or maybe I just hadn't noticed until just now...?

>> No.29854252
File: 495 KB, 1487x2048, 79878486446868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the scents.

>> No.29854254
Quoted by: >>29854505

The English speaker dayo

>> No.29854255

Go watch Gura's stalker torture herself

>> No.29854257
Quoted by: >>29854329

Isn't this the one missing the intro?
just use this >>29854153

>> No.29854261
File: 44 KB, 522x296, 1591110395059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give the rrats some crumbs
>Ina has Ame at first place
>Gura has Ina at first place
>Ame has Gura at first place
Definitely not a coincidence

>> No.29854266

I hope she does some more, but It's one of those types of streams that need my undivided attention. Not that that's a bad thing.

>> No.29854269

I'm watching Roboco, but if you don't like Apex Legends you could watch Aki doom all of humanity to extinction in her latest stream.
she jokes about it afterwards, referencing Mori

>> No.29854270

It already seemed to cause the CCP to tighten up on vtubers so possibly

>> No.29854271

Would she do a drunk utawaku? Is it time to upgrade?

>> No.29854274
Quoted by: >>29854365

You're either with us or against us, deadbeat. Fence sitters get no mercy.

>> No.29854276

If you were able to pause time and watch everything that could be reasonably considered a movie that has been made up to this point, I would bet over half of them would be completely unwatchable 1/10s while true 10/10s would be less than 1%.

>> No.29854279
File: 346 KB, 1000x822, 1605345462329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but only because Luna's on

>> No.29854281


>> No.29854284

The LN was trash, but Ame is right. I would listen to her read gibberish and enjoy it.

>> No.29854285

Werent there a fight between nga and rest of chinks(bilibili, baidu, qq)?

>> No.29854290
Quoted by: >>29854553

a lot of good oc, i highly recommend checking out the archive for prime klaiusposting

>> No.29854292

Regardless if they have sex irl or not, they're going to be happier and "friendly" when they offcollab. Meeting internet friends for the first time is always exciting.

>> No.29854293

Please understand, ya boy is bad at everything, including time management.

>> No.29854294
File: 242 KB, 1000x1026, 1606489235987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854365

Peace wasnever an option
There can only be one kind of Reaper

>> No.29854295
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, cocoliberty_prime[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854367

The chinks' shortcomings are not genetic, but cultural. Join us and you too can be on the right side of history when the time comes.

>> No.29854300

I'd love to see it

>> No.29854302

I bet Klaius is here
and you're posting all the preggoshit too, you faggot

>> No.29854303
Quoted by: >>29854451

Source for pic?

>> No.29854307

what's crazy about it? Kiara asked for it to be made and thus it was

>> No.29854311
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, so its ok to hate it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ccp is not a race

>> No.29854313

Why the fuck did they make Ame the biggest one there?

>> No.29854314
Quoted by: >>29854368

I've been here for a while though. I just decided to stay rational.

>> No.29854316

As a SEAnigger, anything to get them out of here. We'll bring our shithole down ourselves no need for foreign intervention.

>> No.29854317


>> No.29854318

Everytime I see her face, I must think of Kiara's trash compactor.

>> No.29854321

As someone said earlier, every scene that doesn't have the Joker in it is okay to bad, but Ledger really did a stellar job.

>> No.29854324


>> No.29854327

ate the mushroom

>> No.29854328
Quoted by: >>29854384

Ina did it one way, Gura reversed it and then Ame did the first different arrangement she could think of.

>> No.29854329
Quoted by: >>29854382

I don't know what you're talking about, its complete.

>> No.29854331
File: 220 KB, 550x532, 1606530217153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no you have to keep fighting to fuel my OC creation. Come on Deadbeats which way? Cringe wigger or the girl of your dreams. hahahahaha.

>> No.29854332
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1606129900163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was comfy, her reading was good as she didn't stumble as much as I'd have expected, and she interjected enough with her own humor to make it more fun without taking too much away from the reading itself (like the canned audience applause or when she read out the crying/screaming in a funny way).
I do think she could put more emotion into some parts but she did well for what was technically her first time. I think it bodes well for when she reads something that's actually decent.

>> No.29854334

Artists have a really skewed perception of how tall Amelia is.

>> No.29854338

They're fucking with us.

>> No.29854343
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1605189528326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori was when she was a virgin chuuni, now that death sensei took her virginity she is Calli, the seiso.

>> No.29854345

Fucked up the perspective

>> No.29854346

pregnant fetish guy is a completely different artist and a big contributor of oc in /hlgg/, he's definitely not klaius

>> No.29854347
File: 215 KB, 1647x1647, 1603786564753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually keep a notebook on my desk to write timestamps while watching most Ame streams because I always miss something while posting here that I see you fags reacting to. I then go back and watch those few seconds. Am I in too deep?

>> No.29854349

You know, I wonder if they ask in the interview if you somehow know about holos past lives and with what's been posted here, I don't know how I'd answer that.

>> No.29854352

not really, you only get lore info about the relevant character
but the 3rd one is more related to the 1st one, you should watch it if Ame wants to do a TDKR watchalong

>> No.29854356
Quoted by: >>29854457

We need more weapons to fight, chumbud. Give us more ammo!

>> No.29854357

It's on Sunday

>> No.29854358
File: 1.14 MB, 1081x739, 1596258362931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours
Time for sleep reps. Good night.

>> No.29854360

How to knock self out until titanfall 2?

>> No.29854363

she was a tad monotone

>> No.29854365

you're both retarded
her having both sides is the thing that attracts people
there is many girls that make lewd noises, but only one Boy that goes "Guh~"

>> No.29854367
File: 858 KB, 858x894, coco039s_last_stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854390

Go back to /hlg/. Coco is dead.

>> No.29854368
File: 46 KB, 507x263, 1605984786490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854400

Go back

>> No.29854371

tfw everyone draws Ame tall, SHE'S ONLY A BIT TALLER THAN GURA REEEEEEEE (tfw Gura mentioned this too hopefully someone posts the cap of the one time all of them showed their full models)

>> No.29854373

Gura's are top tier. The Thing and Halloween with Gura was A+

>> No.29854374
File: 209 KB, 1026x1063, 1604475572986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854558

It's annoying since the appeal of Amelia is shortstack. It's like retards who draw Haachama flat just because she acts dumb

if you want tall&busty you have Mori.

>> No.29854375


>> No.29854377

I am but I understand maybe 10% of it, so I'm just gonna listen to her while doing work

>> No.29854382

Yeah, got confused, there were two different anons last night that had problems recording so there were two megas missing the intro, though it was one of those.

>> No.29854384
File: 6 KB, 198x203, 1582293115803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854440

all stacked on top of each other.. holy shit I get it

>> No.29854388

Based on twitter artists and anons, I would say yes.

>> No.29854390
File: 514 KB, 2000x2743, 1591076510875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever dying

>> No.29854393
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 443545334543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was relaxing and comfy. Something she can schedule between more intense games or if she wants to do a stream at an unconvential time since you can just listen along to it. She shouldn't do it every week though.

>> No.29854395

Ninomaefags can't trinityforce

>> No.29854394

Yeah that's true. When I had more time as a student I watched lots of shit just because I could and I felt like I had to finish everything I started. These days I'll be more selective, but it's fun to watch something trashy from time to time still.

>> No.29854396
Quoted by: >>29854545

She said that the T3 stream is likely to be karaoke since she's not going to make the deadline for the song, so it's entirely possible. The big question if she does that if it's going to be archived or not. If it's just T3 deadbeats and unarchived, there is a low but non-zero chance that she might do a 666d6 cover.

>> No.29854398
File: 496 KB, 549x494, 1606406353271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is I can have both with Calliope Mori.

>> No.29854399
File: 547 KB, 828x1224, 1601832647449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always a dominant side

>> No.29854400

did even read before replying

>> No.29854402

For me it's a box of banrock station, a couple of cones and some xanny.

>> No.29854404
File: 901 KB, 3000x1770, 85920510_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the f*mc*l narrative is fun and all but you're setting yourself up for a heartbreak bro

>> No.29854408
Quoted by: >>29854566

Practice going fast so you can dunk on Ame in MP

>> No.29854411
Quoted by: >>29854432

Noel's husband is a chumbud?

>> No.29854413
File: 215 KB, 750x920, 1606243620545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854417
Quoted by: >>29854447

personality-wise, her character definitely gives the impression of being taller than the other two

>> No.29854419
Quoted by: >>29854518

I mean, she's drawn PG lewds of her past persona, so I understand that she doesn't hate it, but I think at some moments she gets flustered and wants to cover them up.

>> No.29854422

Considering the week she's had, I'd say the possibility is higher than normal now. Drunk Mori utawaku and and Mori x Noel heartbeat ASMR are my two pipe dreams for streams.

>> No.29854423
Quoted by: >>29854649

Pregnant fetish guy has been a 4channel.org enigma for a couple years, he is definitely not klaius

>> No.29854424

Source on this one? The only Ame femgoslings I know are Walfie and Hitsu

>> No.29854426

I already found it after an anon mentioned the archive, but thanks anyway!

>> No.29854427
File: 338 KB, 2048x1983, 1569790208429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Friend!

>> No.29854429
File: 169 KB, 772x436, pepeloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854432


>> No.29854436
Quoted by: >>29854475

How is Two-Face's motivation bad?
>tries to reform the system
>gets completely fucked over by scumfucks inside it, people he literally warned Gordon about at the start of the movie
>had to listen as the love of his life died in a fiery explosion
>extreme survivor's guilt because not only was he saved but he believed Batman chose to save him and abandon Rachel
>Joker does what he does best and fucks with his head, basically tells him that there's an easier way to "fix" things and it's to just take matters into his own hands
>decides to hold everyone involved with Rachel's death accountable for their failure to act, including himself
What he did isn't "rational" but you're talking about a guy that was fucked in the head and under excruciating pain considering he refused to take his meds.

>> No.29854440
File: 35 KB, 760x403, 1581658908266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854466

holy shit if lattice it

>> No.29854441

The main girl is cute and I might read the manga cause of that. I'm not expecting anything great though. The stream itself was okay, something to listen to and sometimes fun to listen to the small amount of banter. Unfortunately, reading something like a light novel doesn't give you much room to speak so she couldn't take full advantage of it. Maybe if she read a manga on stream it would be okay? Would have to see it done to tell.

>> No.29854444
File: 135 KB, 900x1350, 1580953692486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854649

Why do you think Klaius get so much hate? It's because he can watch Gura growing belly. Pregnancy is UNITY.

>> No.29854445
File: 285 KB, 2048x1534, En10oZFUYAQUC4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when she did that unintentionally.

>> No.29854447
File: 552 KB, 1000x1100, Umaru's_anime_design_(chibi).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854564

Really? The whole smug gremlin think makes me think of her as short.

>> No.29854448

the mechanics are simple but what actually happens is too convoluted to figure out in one sitting or without a diagram. everything is definitely not explained in the last 15 minutes, a ton is left unsaid.

>> No.29854449

It's pretty insane how popular Mori is among JP holos. She probably doesn't even realize it since she dislikes herself so much.

>> No.29854451
Quoted by: >>29855095

had to dig a bit for this since I forgot the artist, but here
they've drawn her in multiple other holo outfits too

>> No.29854453 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 289x312, 1606548076962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854478

>loli catgirl Shion makes my heart go KAWAII CUTE CUTE
same desu

>> No.29854455
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, Vao4ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854674

I'll hurt myself any way I want and nobody has the right to stop me.

>> No.29854456

I dunno. Doesn't Mori and Kiara have a decent amount as well? Ame's main artist oshis are all female though.

>> No.29854457
File: 1.02 MB, 822x573, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854499

Fun fact: I started the whole "It's gay to kiss our boy" thing because I thought it was funny as she always called herself "Your boy". I never thought it would get picked up by people.

>> No.29854458

Not until you comment on all her streams with those timestamps including notes like the holojp fans do.

>> No.29854460

She read a comment about reading slower, but I think it's more about her finding the right pace that she's comfortable reading clearly at. And I didn't listen to the story at all, I was just there for her voice, which I do adore.
If she ever does another readalong, I hope she picks a better story. I don't think she should do readalongs too often, though.

>> No.29854464


>> No.29854465

Just woke up. Was the smash stream worth watching the VOD for?

>> No.29854466


>> No.29854468

Frendo! Frendo!!

>> No.29854472
Quoted by: >>29854604

And twap makes fun of us https://streamable.com/vt1927

>> No.29854475

>he refused to take his meds.
The true lesson of this movie

>> No.29854478
Quoted by: >>29854802

What if Gura is the one to rape Matsuri before she even gets a chance?

>> No.29854479

Study the image closer.

>> No.29854480

Actual kino

>> No.29854490
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, f9e0e62d-0045-4fe4-b264-76f68ed91b6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's starting to learn to love herself with chat's guidance and unconditional affection. Just needs a few more dates.

>> No.29854492
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1606277912306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only topic I allow myself to fully buy into in terms of narratives. Normally I try and stay as rational and business-like as possible, but for Fubuki, I fully buy into a narrative.
I am 100% positive that Fubuki has been doing this the entire time. Before the bugs, it was a much more passive thing, but I'm sure that she was doing this support work from the very beginning, or at least since she's been the #1. She's too good at this. She knows how to make small, subtle plays that can start multiple dominoes falling in line where she wants them to go. Whenever something happens that she can control, she moves in such a way that she does dominate the direction.
It's almost poetic, but she's smart like a fox.

>> No.29854494
Quoted by: >>29854674

It's not a narrative, though.

t. trust me

>> No.29854495

If you are a dedicated Smash Bros player, you will be mad. Otherwise, plenty of LOL moments.

>> No.29854497

good times were had by all

>> No.29854498
Quoted by: >>29854546

>t. preggoanon

>> No.29854499

I thought I invented it
Gues big minds think the same

>> No.29854503

Idk all I see is Gura and Ame next to each other in every configuration, so.

>> No.29854504
Quoted by: >>29854557

>boat scene
did the black guy throwing the remote away anger you

>> No.29854505
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, 85811085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

いいtaste だよ

>> No.29854506
File: 127 KB, 381x677, 1603829355257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already back.

BTW can anyone translate this? Google makes some sense.

>> No.29854507
File: 427 KB, 629x614, 1605427507200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura won

>> No.29854512
File: 1021 KB, 1318x1368, 1606373855020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I will NOT take my meds and I WILL keep writing about how cute Gurame is and NO I will NOT insult Takamori as it is also cute in a different way

>> No.29854513

>pay $25 for god awful membership tiers
>still don't get a stream
lmao.. dead beats will literally defend this.

>> No.29854517
File: 159 KB, 958x1080, rrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854529


>> No.29854518
Quoted by: >>29854694

>PG lewds of her past persona
You mean something other than the video thumbnails?

>> No.29854522
Quoted by: >>29854540

I don't think a lot of people understand gap moe.

>> No.29854526

>ching chong i eat dogs chinks no penis no ball
wtf artia, based

>> No.29854529
Quoted by: >>29854544

Were the rrat ogey?

>> No.29854531

Never gets tired of saying it feels good to be a teamate

>> No.29854539

That was then, but things changed when the Calli nation attacked...

>> No.29854540

I think a lot of people take dead hours shitposting too seriously.

>> No.29854543

No I do the same to make it easier to find when I go back. Also useful for making clips.

>> No.29854544
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>> No.29854545
File: 221 KB, 274x330, 1598987178713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854742

That's a bit too yab, I don't think that one would be able to fly even if it was just to a couple of us hundred or so dedicated loving deadbeats
She could do a Fake type or Topham song though, she straight up mentioned "Mr. Rapbit and Mr. Ao" during her last music stream, so she is certainly capable of talking about more of her close personal musician friends and not just Mr. Ks

>> No.29854546

I wish I had some talent in drawing like he does, cause I like ugly bastards and would draw one with his arms wrapped around Gura who is also pregnant

>> No.29854548

Gura's starting to figure out how to pull on people's heartstrings on purpose, yabai

>> No.29854549
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1605868789096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you guys do for your self-improvement reps today teamates?

if you haven't done any yet, when?

>> No.29854550

Boat scene feels forced because literally none of the criminals gangs up on the police on their boat to take the controller.

>> No.29854552

I can make my chinese roommate read it, but im scared he might realize Im a hololive fan

>> No.29854553
Quoted by: >>29854693

last I heard of him he was just a good chumbuddy who did his art reps and got noticed by his oshi
(not the same anon)

>> No.29854555

I miss when people would talk about the gap with such affection. Now it's just two sides of retards flinging shit at each while pretending it's all "ironic." It's not any less stupid just because you bathe your posts in "irony" and you aren't funny.

>> No.29854557
Quoted by: >>29854642

Not at all. The thing is, in that scene multiple people would take action right away. Suspension of disbelief needs to be pretty high there, or you're just dumb to think otherwise. People don't give a fuck about strangers as long as they can make sure they and their family are safe.

>> No.29854558
Quoted by: >>29854580

>retards who draw Haachama flat just because she acts dumb
Her current outfit kind of hides her big bust.

>> No.29854559
Quoted by: >>29854668

notArtia debut, when?

>> No.29854560

hey lets say if Watson tried to make her watchalongs more fun, what would you recommend? wouldn't talking too much over a movie she's seen for the first time ruin it for her and the viewers

>> No.29854561

It's cute that we're starting to make her feel a way she never has before. The bfe is real. We've taken her emotional virginity and now she's girly-ing it up for us.

>> No.29854564

It depends, you've got smug gremlin Ame and you've also got tard wrangler and/or mother hen Ame. A lot of the other collabs tend to bring out the latter of the two.

>> No.29854566

Sounds like a plan. I'll be ready for her

>> No.29854580
File: 222 KB, 946x2048, En4Bem6UUAAi77n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of

>> No.29854579

It's funny to me nigger

>> No.29854581

It's crazy how much we've softened her. She's definitely enjoying what little time she has streaming.

>> No.29854582
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, 1603669311637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been

>> No.29854584

I'd like to see her watch a movie that she really likes, just to see if she's any different when providing commentary for a film where she knows everything.

>> No.29854585

That art really looks like from a female artist. Not just the bl reference but the artstyle

>> No.29854586

Its a post from ywwuyi on NGA. NotArtia's discord is talking about it.

>> No.29854589

Start doing your speed reps so you can shove the detective into the ground

>> No.29854590

>harry potter girl and the shark from atlantis
how would it work as a book?

>> No.29854592

>but im scared he might realize Im a hololive fan
what's he gonna do, cough on you?

>> No.29854594
Quoted by: >>29854955

About as deep as me. Although I keep thinking that the true "redpill" is leaving here and giving the streams your undivided attention.

>> No.29854595
Quoted by: >>29854611

If other people fucking around bothers you, that just makes it more fun

>> No.29854599

I don't know if she has the most, but she does attract a good amount. A lot of gay girls on twitter talking about Amelia too.

>> No.29854601
File: 20 KB, 1019x480, 1604192671073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854604


>> No.29854606
Quoted by: >>29854624

Shawshank Redemption

>> No.29854607
File: 68 KB, 434x377, black_front_5thgen_202011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>72 burger certificates for this

...should I do it? We got a lot of gen 5 fans here....

>> No.29854611
Quoted by: >>29854630

This is the same logic antis use.

>> No.29854613
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1604423464248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854666

Knowing that Mori depends on her deadbeats so much and genuinely appreciates us makes me feel...satisfied I think? It makes me want to support her even more. This is a nice feeling bros.

>> No.29854614

No if anything she can talk more. I sent her a SC a couple of weeks ago that we watch watchalongs for HER and that she shouldn't worry about talking over the movie or that doing movie collabs would be too chaotic.

>> No.29854620

Spoonfeed link and will offer translation. My skills have degenerated a bit so I need to be able to copy paste shit easily and get the pinyin to read it.

>> No.29854623

Fubuki really is insidious, pretending to be a friend but all she does is setting up a image after loosing a good amout of income. She's holding Cover hostage and kinda doing whatever she wants or else "Cober bad".

>> No.29854624

Excellent taste anonchama

>> No.29854630

Your gunna compare shitposting to anti's? Really?

>> No.29854635
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 6ba08827-c600-43ec-b582-5e3ba71b2766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, but such is life. I've started doing the same for Mori, then archiving the stream myself and making clips of those moments.

>> No.29854636
File: 539 KB, 2400x2400, 1603770032365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't schedule her membership streams so no one can prepare
>Does them at the last day
>Most people miss the stream, so now they have to resub to watch archive
Devilish. Sasuga Money Mori

>> No.29854637
Quoted by: >>29854822

That was Wilderpeople. Which honestly I didn't care much for but I'm in the minority on that one.

>> No.29854638

If Mori likes mafia movies, she should play the Mafia games. The new remaster is pretty decent and lacks the jank of the original that could filter her. I've been enjoying it so far. Plus, the story mode and open world freeroam gameplay are more separated in it, so there will be less filler for the stream.

>> No.29854640
File: 333 KB, 1896x1970, 1606457587627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my this-is-my-day-off-so-I'll-relax reps.
I'll exercise tomorrow.

>> No.29854642

I'm sure that would have been the immediate reaction, but on both ship there was authority there to make sure they didn't just jump on the button and thought things through. That moment of thought is what made it difficult to actually do it.

>> No.29854646
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1603928021780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my eyes are bleeding what the fuck is that shit design

>> No.29854648


>> No.29854649 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 1188x1062, 1606548685686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854712

what if?

>> No.29854660

I watched 3 lectures. I've been so behind but finals is approaching

>> No.29854661

Cover IS bad, faggot. Nobody likes Cover, just the girls working under the Hololive brand.

>> No.29854662
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1605551040309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use skeb so you can fap to your oshi according to your tastes.

>> No.29854663
File: 23 KB, 512x499, 1602820723911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855149

Pain dayo
Pikamee please I want to sleep just pass this stage

>> No.29854664
Quoted by: >>29854741

If I want to watch the movie without her talking too much, I'd just watch it by myself. The more she talks the better. It could also be fun to watch crappy movies and make fun of them.
Honestly, I liked the ones where she hasn't seen it better.

>> No.29854665
Quoted by: >>29854695

No Aloe, no buy

>> No.29854666
Quoted by: >>29854714

Holy shit you guys are deluded. What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.29854668


>> No.29854669
File: 44 KB, 488x346, 1606004550214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but you're a third rate ESL with a fourth rate rrat. Come back when you're a bit more fluent, maybe you'll pull off something better.

>> No.29854672
File: 1.49 MB, 839x1863, Amelia Baneson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854927

>Super chatter:What. The hell. Is going on?
>Ame : Our Schedule is proceeding as expected.
>SC: Oh really? Do *I* look like I'm watching Super Sunday right now? Your hit, on the goslings, it didn't work, my friend! And now you have my chat going around youtube at 24 hours a day! How exactly is that supposed to help my name get read on stream?
>Ame: [to Bubba] Leave us!
>SC: No! You stay here, I'm in charge!
>Ame : [puts her hand on SC's shoulder] Do you *feel* in charge?
>[Bubba leaves]
>SC: I paid you a small fortune.
>Ame: And this gives you *power* over me?
>SC: What is this?
>Ame: Your superchats and memberships have been important... 'til now!
>SC: What are you?
>Ame: I'm Hololive's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on!
> SC: You're pure evil!
>Ame: I'm *necessary* evil!

>> No.29854674

Understandable. RIP, as they say.
Unless you're her personal gynecologist, feel free to piss off doxxbro.

>> No.29854673

Nothing. I enjoy playing video games and watching Holos too much to do anything else.

>> No.29854676

fun lesser known foreign classics
Kung Fu Hustle
Baahubali 2

>> No.29854677

I'd say he's pretty stellar until he becomes Two-Face, but I guess I could blame the silly CG burned face to that.

>> No.29854679
Quoted by: >>29854713

Gura spends her day watching these kind of videos when she's not streaming.

>> No.29854683

zilch but because i'm on vacation this week because i'm overcapped on pto

>> No.29854684

I already think they're super fun honestly. If she wants to show more movies she really really likes though that could work too, if she's having fun that usually spreads through the viewers. I'm watching them for Ame anyways, the movie is just a little bonus. The movie is only a piece of the enjoyment so, you know? Basically - happier Ame=more fun movie watchalong, throw in an already good movie and it's even more fun. It's the same reason people use the cytube chat, all of us messing around together adds a bit to it.

>> No.29854685

Why is everything about Gura so cute?

>> No.29854690

When is Gura ASMR?

>> No.29854692
File: 477 KB, 937x900, 1599686307541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious about how tall Ina was without her shoes, so I did some really rough math with estimates taken from her live2D model and it looked like her shoes were adding about 10 cm to her total height. That'd put her at 147 cm, which is right between Gura and Ame's heights.
If someone wants to double check that figure I'd appreciate it, but I'm pretty confident that Ina has to be shorter than Ame and taller than Gura without her shoes on.

>> No.29854693
Quoted by: >>29855204

there was one clip of him saying that he wished gura would interact with him more and it got spun into edits and even musical performances

>> No.29854694 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 1350x1350, 1585295822654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854695

You should get it since gen 5 is doomed to deal with posters


like this forever, so you have to offset it

>> No.29854699
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x1221, liberty prime [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854818

Im going to make the Rape of Nanjin look like a fucking joke

>> No.29854698
File: 27 KB, 230x277, 1606547936978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mori streams

>> No.29854704
Quoted by: >>29854808

Pause and discuss? Although it'd be hard for us all to follow.

or she can do it the way vinny does it

>> No.29854705

She really likes cat mouth :3

>> No.29854709
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1605749723797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros is crying supposed to hurt this much? Feels like I got acid in my eye or something it actually feels so bad like I'm crying acid or some shit.

>> No.29854710

Hello anons, did Kiara cancel her Super Mario stream or i am confused with the schedule? thanks

>> No.29854712
File: 1.40 MB, 1460x1723, avocado5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then who is abortion? Shion?

>> No.29854713
File: 179 KB, 1464x1181, 1605423396823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based she needs it to refill her cuteness gauges

>> No.29854714

Demonic trips speaks the truth. Ghostlings are out of their mind.

>> No.29854717

>chuuba with loli avatar is a fan of loli
I don't know why this is surprising to anyone

>> No.29854718

Her roommate really does have a knack for character design. Everything about this checks my boxes.

>> No.29854720
File: 2.27 MB, 600x600, 1605234038431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay to be fair that -is- pretty dang cute

>> No.29854721

You don't have to go to hlg to find people with taste

I'm here, and I always literally hate Calli.

>> No.29854723
Quoted by: >>29854759

we all know you're a permavirgin Mori, you can't fool us

>> No.29854725

That happens sometimes, just need something good to wipe your eyes with.

>> No.29854727
Quoted by: >>29854784

How long have you been up? My eyes sometimes do that when I've been staring at screens for too long and I'm sleep deprived

>> No.29854728

Oh, right. Sorry about my memory holes again.

>> No.29854730
File: 81 KB, 1016x948, 1601942542261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854790


>> No.29854731

>that Schizo feather

>> No.29854732

Kiara is taking some time off because she's still mad at that bitch Moona

>> No.29854733
File: 314 KB, 621x1200, klaius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854736

I don't remember crying feeling like that bro

>> No.29854739

If it turns out it's not true I'll be mad because the thought that she's a permavirgin is hilarious to me

>> No.29854741
Quoted by: >>29854877

I second this. BAD movies can be just as great as good ones if you watch them with that mindset. They're especially good for watchalong collabs. Imagine some shitty schlocky horror movie with Ame and Gura.

>> No.29854742

Oh, I agree that it's a bad idea, but she continues to fly close the sun, and I did say very low. Her pretending not to know TOPHAT during her Mad Rats stream was hilarious.

>> No.29854745


>> No.29854747

Did my JP reps, also I haven't exercise in literal years and I'm afraid it'll straight-up kill me if I do.

>> No.29854748

i dont think so, only time it happened with me i had a face paralisys that caused and infection

>> No.29854749
File: 303 KB, 1075x1075, 1606548836237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29854753
Quoted by: >>29854791

Which holo was killed for this one?

>> No.29854754
File: 133 KB, 303x340, 1606371664771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, he roommate looks like a freak.

>> No.29854755
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1603458463168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think you'll ever get bored of your oshi?
It's been 3 months since I've done anything for fun that wasn't Hololive related. I don't even know why I bought videogames on the steam sale when I literally haven't even opened one since debut.

>> No.29854757

Who would be a good fit for this song?

>> No.29854760

Meido pls ban preggofags and abortioniggers.

>> No.29854759

Even retarded women have sex, anon. Sorry to say, but your boy has a body count.

>> No.29854762
File: 459 KB, 2598x4036, En5MzCiUUAEwfZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit it's cute

>> No.29854763 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 540x306, 1606548978421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854769

Its so cute!

>> No.29854772

at the end of her 17 hour superchat marathon stream, she said she wouldn't know if she'd be up for streaming after going to sleep.
seems that she wasn't up for it after all.

>> No.29854775

Sharkmeido onegai

>> No.29854776

I bought one.

>> No.29854779

Your eyes must be dry, buy some eye drops that deal with that.

>> No.29854782

I bet Gura regrets messing with Iofi now. Iofi will be streaming PSO2 and that will pull in a massive influx of subscribers and views and will eclipse whatever Gura and her upcoming Project Diva stream tries to do. Gura should've known that you can't win against ID.

>> No.29854783

Again, nice try Mori
Your narratives have no power here

>> No.29854785
Quoted by: >>29854842

She used to talk a little more about things in the movie that interested her like the sound design and also cinematography to a lesser extent, from what I can recall at least.
I don't think she's done it as much in recent watchalongs but it's always nice to hear the girls gush about the things they appreciate like that. Recently she seems to have gotten the idea that people don't want her to talk over the movie too much which is bizarre, if that's what I wanted then I'd just watch the movie on my own.
That being said her watchalongs are still very fun for me. Ame laughing at people getting hurt then going "oh sorry, that's sad" or calling Rachel out on her bullshit was pretty hilarious.

>> No.29854784
File: 195 KB, 427x381, 1606363780055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk 10 hours maybe?

>> No.29854786

I see where this is going, fuck off with the roommate shit

>> No.29854790
Quoted by: >>29854939

People always say Gura's just coasting by on her design and voice, but this cannot be easy. She knows what she's doing. She's just very skilled at being cute. She can effectively trigger the same feelings you get when you see a cute animal or baby. She must have worked at it and mastered it.

>> No.29854791
Quoted by: >>29854828

none. it was a request from gura herself that she likes seifuku and cat ears

>> No.29854793

I'm still counting this as today despite it being 2:30am thanks anon

>> No.29854794
File: 24 KB, 387x387, 1584523585917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854864


>> No.29854795
File: 180 KB, 1318x2048, En5Mya7VoAU0kej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854816

Still waiting for the "pajamas", but cat is always welcome.

>> No.29854797

Part of me always assumed this wasn't supposed to be her. But I'm probably wrong.

>> No.29854799

thanks anon, i still need to watch that vod

>> No.29854800
File: 115 KB, 425x400, 1601070726086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854802
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1575194006796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854831

likely a possibility

>> No.29854803

Ame, you're going to have too figure this one out yourself. There isn't a good, clear answer like your debut stream. I think a good start would be trying to figure out which questions are good to ask vs which ones aren't, since I don't think anyone really enjoys you asking 'Why' every 3 minutes when the explanation is forthcoming or has already happened. I know it's hard to follow movies while watching chat, though.

>> No.29854805
File: 127 KB, 1024x1023, En41qnZUcAUqFHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't imagine I will unless my oshi drastically changes for the worse, but so far she's been getting better every stream. Love her to bits.

>> No.29854808
Quoted by: >>29854869

I haven't seen much of Vinny but I doubt his chat is as huge and unruly as Ame's. Maybe for a members stream but that still ends up with a lot of syncing issues.

>> No.29854809

He noted that she liked sailor outfits. Not surprised

>> No.29854810

it's weird how literally everyone in HoloEN is a talented artist

>> No.29854811
File: 166 KB, 389x496, 1606047264125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854904

me having a good day is a narrative alright...

>> No.29854814
Quoted by: >>29854855

Assuming by the pic that you're gills anon I think that may be god finally punishing you for the multiple egregious things you've done to his creations like toasting milk

>> No.29854815

I tend to like things in waves, so I would guess so. On the other hand, I've been obssessed with this shit since it started with no lapse to the point of affecting school so this is new.

>> No.29854816
File: 1.53 MB, 498x331, gosling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855000


>> No.29854818

going to be honest anon this ritualpost kinda sucks

>> No.29854819

I like them as they are.

>> No.29854822

The movie wasn't as good, but the watch-along stream that went with it was better.

>> No.29854828

oh right, forgot about that.
will he draw catgirl Yagoo next as was requested?

>> No.29854831

Knowing how big of a coomer Gura is I think she'd probably scare off the menhera

>> No.29854832

Should just ignore chat most of the time desu, I peeked a few times and they're literally just spoiling shit. There's not much of a need for chat interaction unless there's some obvious downtime in the movie.

>> No.29854836
File: 32 KB, 250x240, 1605941238135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854889


>> No.29854839

I'll be honest, I don't think watchalongs work very well with vtubers.

>> No.29854842
Quoted by: >>29854997

Maybe public watchalongs discourage her from talking too much? Especially when she knows there's a lot of new people in the chat.

>> No.29854847

Wash your eyes man

>> No.29854845

The madman did it.

>> No.29854850
File: 111 KB, 192x233, 1606544432130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should talk more and be yourself Ame. If I wanted quiet I'd watch it by myself.

>> No.29854853

>walf, hitsu, stalkeralker, renpc
>all her most frequent artists are female
>all of hololive loves her
Ame is turning the whole world into her harem.

>> No.29854855
File: 288 KB, 463x453, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I acknowledge no god beyond the nameless entropy that permeates our lives. I shall chop this pain up to a random occurrence and will deal with it by waiting for the numbers to shift.

>> No.29854856
Quoted by: >>29854905

She used to draw herself red, and then switched to black after moving to Japan it seems. Don't ask me for the narrative on that though.

>> No.29854857
Quoted by: >>29855110

Honestly there are more people critical of Ame's watchalongs because she has a lot of public ones, while most other ones are behind memberships and members already love whatever their oshi is doing.
But for example last threads, there was a pretty diverse distribution of fanbases so less people cared about Ame and watched along for the threads.

>> No.29854860

If there's one criticism I have then it's that Ame asks questions that only leads to chat thinking they're free to start spoiling and giving her the answer.

>> No.29854861

I think watchalongs are awful content for public streams.
It should be strictly members only.

>> No.29854864

You know, I feel like we don't talk about Gura's design that much except for when someone's shitting on her for coasting on it. But its honestly an incredible design and Amashiro deserves constant praise for creating it.

>> No.29854866

ask kiara
her LOTR watchalongs have been excellent

>> No.29854868

I think it would work better if they have permission to stream the actual movie.

>> No.29854869

vinny used to do highly secretive movie nights on some private site you had to request a password to access, it'd show the movie he was watching and pull chat from his offline twitch page. I think that's how that worked but I never got to attend one live so I'm not sure

>> No.29854876
File: 132 KB, 1033x1019, 1601090748259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your boy has a body count
In the original sense.

>> No.29854877

>Imagine some shitty schlocky horror movie with Ame and Gura.
I've been imagining it for weeks ever since Gura pitched the collab idea to Ame...either that or a dumb fun Christmas movie. Or both.
I really hope they get to it before the end of the year.

>> No.29854883 [DELETED] 

If we're going to get technical, it's not. Her roommate has a design for herself and it's pretty attractive too imo, https://files.catbox.moe/p5i9wf.jpg

>> No.29854884
File: 3.09 MB, 1913x1071, Kiara vs Moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29854943

I was too lazy to install a video editor.

>> No.29854889

Now for the Haachama Cooking reps

>> No.29854890

they are always a little awkward

>> No.29854891

Nice, day has barely started here, thanks Ame

>> No.29854897

that's cause she has passion for those movies and due to her watching them originally in german she has an interesting topic she can always bring up, not sure asking Kiara would work

>> No.29854899
Quoted by: >>29854985

Fuck I'll take watching some shit like Elf with Gura and Ame over literally any Christmas activity.

>> No.29854901

Why are you fags like this?

>> No.29854903

I actually wouldn't care if she did. But knowing what we know, it's just too much of possibility that she doesn't.

>> No.29854904
File: 605 KB, 1920x2500, 1603735004200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow your eigo reps sure have paid off Polka

>> No.29854905

She's always been a chuuni, I doubt there's a narrative apart from "muh aesthetic"

>> No.29854906

Yeah she has way too big breasts. Some dude would have made it its life mission to get into her pants.

>> No.29854908
File: 170 KB, 312x290, 1603596867328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina losing it here, Gura barely knowing what's going on, it's so fucking funny

>> No.29854910

Use MPV, bro, so you can just rewind.

>> No.29854924

It is very cute.

>> No.29854927
File: 431 KB, 594x608, 1606102111608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good anon.

>> No.29854928

Yeah, it's weird that the honeymoon period has lasted this long, I didn't expect that.
Re: the games, I'd be in exactly the same boat as you if it wasn't for my one friend who also got inspired by HoloEN to play some minecraft. Guess I got lucky.

>> No.29854929

cant wait for ROTK next week

>> No.29854932
Quoted by: >>29855160

I've got it. Ame and Gura are gonna give us a christmas present, and its gonna be a double watchalong to some christmas movie.

>> No.29854933

That muffled "I'm crying" from Ina is perfect

>> No.29854936
Quoted by: >>29854945

Deadhours........ Things will change a lot if we ever get a Gen2.

>> No.29854938
File: 85 KB, 198x198, 1606409358967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854939
Quoted by: >>29854990

>She can effectively trigger the same feelings you get when you see a cute animal or baby
Unironically this is probably the reason I can't fap to the cunny, Gura does nothing to my dick.

>> No.29854940

I mean obviously the design is one of the key factors. Hers is clear and easy to understand while Kiara initially suffered due to hers having too much going on at once.

>> No.29854942


Can forgive you for not following her on Twitter or having her muted given her abuse of the platform, though.

>> No.29854943

Fuck I think I copied and pasted the wrong one for the first
Here's one that's more in sync.

>> No.29854944
Quoted by: >>29854989

Then don't watch. Obviously plenty of people disagree with you.

>> No.29854945

No excuse for roommate posting

>> No.29854946

The best moment in a watchalong I've seen a EN have was when Mori was fucking larping alongside the movie during the "THERE WAS A FIRE FIGHT" scene. Do stuff like that or just capitalize on memes I guess.

>> No.29854947
Quoted by: >>29854969

Calli fucking sucks
I want Mori back
Whats her excuse for not streaming as much next week?

>> No.29854948

I'm not a deadbeat though, my oshi is Amelia. This is just publicly available information, not shit that got pulled down and was never meant to be seen again.

>> No.29854950

Wait she really rated Dark Knight that low? I wouldn't call it the best Super Hero movie ever or anything that's Unbreakable, but that's still kind of low for what is easily the best Batman movie.

>> No.29854955

Sometimes I try to, but being here with you guys is just too much fun...

>> No.29854956

Klaius will kill himself if she doesn't pay attention to him.

>> No.29854957 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 767x724, 1606549552758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29854958

God my wife Ina is so cute when she laughs

>> No.29854959

Not bored per se, but i noticed i started to skip a few streams and watch others mostly as background noise. I am also watching less and less of the other girls

>> No.29854960

Doesn't matter. Its off topic, so fuck off.

>> No.29854961
Quoted by: >>29855042

>the best Batman movie.
I don't know you but you're making me angry.

>> No.29854962

No, but once Gen2 debuts, it'll probably be so much to keep up with that I'll only watch my oshi instead of trying to keep up with her friends as well.

>> No.29854964
Quoted by: >>29855090

>her abuse of the platform

>> No.29854965
File: 1.07 MB, 1439x810, 1605697905957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made an MP4 of that scene, does anyone still have it?

>> No.29854967

Same. Haven't been obsessed like this with anything in over a decade. It's a fun feeling.

>> No.29854969
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, 1603303081512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late anonymous. You can't undo the Chicken's work.

>> No.29854970


>> No.29854971

Gura is so dumb, I love her even more.

>> No.29854974

The whole point of a movie watchalong is to hear the holo talk. I personally put the movie to 70% and the holo to max, even if it's someone I don't fully understand like Korone.
I have a personal preference that not so many plot-related questions should be directed to the audience, because you can see people taking to the chat to type answers that spoil stuff or distract themselves from the movie. Questions about tangentially related stuff like "does gasoline ignite from indirect heat" are better.

>> No.29854977

i dont use twitter, too toxic lol

>> No.29854979

just imagine

>> No.29854981
Quoted by: >>29855007

She changes her banner every few days.

>> No.29854985

I would love to do shitty Hallmark Christmas movies if there is some way to watch them online.

>> No.29854986
File: 81 KB, 841x776, EnKflwCW4AEceaZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Sometimes though it doesn't help that Ame though is so entertaining. If I somehow one day stopped liking Gura I'd go from a Chummate to a full on Teamate.

>> No.29854987
File: 167 KB, 405x307, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never false flag with my oshi again and neck yourself

>> No.29854988
Quoted by: >>29855022

Wrong amount of exclamation marks. Defenestrate yourself.

>> No.29854989
Quoted by: >>29855164

I mean I'm going to watch when my oshi does it, obviously, I enjoy watching for her, but I'd still rather watch her doing something else.

>> No.29854990

loli is unironically an aquired taste. Its probably better not to get it though. If I ever have a kid I don't know if I can just accept that 2d is different. I need to start quitting.

>> No.29854991
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, wOPytoZlHGpNgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29854994

My opinion. I don't think Ame should do so many public watchalongs. Tons of randos showing up and asking how to get the movie or being tasteless and rude. Let them be something more intimate like Ina's watchalongs.

>> No.29854995
File: 39 KB, 367x376, en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN strong

>> No.29854996

I think talking over it is fine, I always enable subs just for that reason. If I wanted to watch the movie in silence I would watch it by myself. I like when she does commentary on foley stuff because I have no idea about those things.

>> No.29854997

Maybe. I've always been of the opinion that watchalongs should primarily be members content anyway so that possibility just fuels my stance further, I understand that she doesn't want to paywall everything though.

>> No.29855000
File: 116 KB, 900x1000, 1602033262477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here Gosling

>> No.29855001
File: 332 KB, 641x704, 1605343584518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure that people would like it better if Ame talks more about the movies she's watching with her chat. Her genuine reactions like laughing during a supposedly srs fight scene and when people get hurt are utterly hilarious.

>> No.29855002
Quoted by: >>29855050

>doxxbeats falseflagging as teamates
Pretty crinch

>> No.29855004

I miss HER...

>> No.29855006
File: 1.08 MB, 2127x718, 1601811914970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole argument about Gura's design carrying her doesn't even make sense. She's the one who has the most to say about her design and what direction it goes

IF Kiara's design was awful, she could have requested some things to improve it. The truth is she LIKED her idol outfit design with all that shit attached to it. Gura is literally a master at knowing what sticks in people's heads. Don't make me post that roommate picture, but I'm putting money down she helped Ame with her input or at least discussed it with her.
Everyone highly rates Ame's design too.

>> No.29855007

what a silly girl

>> No.29855008

>easily the best Batman movie.
only if you count live action only

>> No.29855009

I don't understand why JP gets quality girls, but EN has all these awful people

>> No.29855017

MST3K watchalongs might be fun, the movies arent serious so its an opportunity to crack jokes and talk

>> No.29855021
Quoted by: >>29855078

Eh, even then.

>> No.29855022

Not that anon but don't they just mash the key until their finger gives out?

>> No.29855028

You ALMOST made me check.

>> No.29855029

I kind of agree with this until hlgg watchalongs happened. Since most of my watchalong before was with HoloJP

>> No.29855032
File: 2.33 MB, 600x480, 1601144590878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855065

>This is just publicly available information
Yeah, just like the inquisitive feline thing, amirite?
"Based" doxxmate.

>> No.29855034

Fuck off.

>> No.29855033

So Gura buff is real huh?

>> No.29855035

I get that you're bored but can you go back to your thread?

>> No.29855042
Quoted by: >>29855075

What is the best Batman movie then, anon?
I'm not saying Dark Knight is the perfect Batman film, of course, but of all the big screen adaptations I'd say it's still the best.

ok but nothing will ever compare to DCAU Batman content, obviously, aside from the original comics when they were still good.

>> No.29855044

Such fucking kino

>> No.29855045
File: 380 KB, 494x600, 1575504369843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 3 months in
>/hlg/ rrat still seething

>> No.29855050
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601331142953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855228

>deflecting blame to deadbeats as usual
Well it's about that time again isn't it?

>> No.29855051

Aki killed us all: https://streamable.com/5pfsgj

>> No.29855053

Is that Mori boost from the Korone collab? I guess people really liked that one, Kiara is inclining too.

>> No.29855055

I think all the designs are good, Kiara included.

>> No.29855058
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, En3spTcVQAE33nR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleeping with my wife Gura

>> No.29855059
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x2000, 1606537272438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855082

I can say that Gura has got me more into loli stuff but I hate kids irl so I have nothing to ever worry about

>> No.29855062

100%. Her last design was fucking amazing too. She knows she's a smug cunny and she wants her design to reflect that.

>> No.29855065
Quoted by: >>29855085

I still need a source for these animation gifs

>> No.29855074

It's funny how Korone actually ended up getting more of a boost from it than Mori did, unless those numbers are coming from somewhere else. It was a great collab either way.

>> No.29855075
Quoted by: >>29855155

I'd have probably said '89 but if we're going by best adaptation (which is important to me) I'd say BvS.

>> No.29855078
Quoted by: >>29855127

Mask of the Phantasm bro

>> No.29855080
File: 732 KB, 900x900, 1586840147991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you fags like this
>didn't mention which fanbase
>I'm not a doxxbeat though, I'm a teamate!

>> No.29855082

Why isn't she pregnant

>> No.29855084
File: 170 KB, 850x1046, 1606060914314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855114

Sorry bud but the anti thread is 2 blocks down. In /hlgg/ we appreciate ALL Holos across the globe.

>> No.29855085

First result on image search man

>> No.29855089

Yes I am

>> No.29855090
Quoted by: >>29855124

I was making a joke about how often she tweets, anon.

>> No.29855091
File: 183 KB, 1066x1000, En5Lnf5VQAIbRTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29855092

You have to consider that Ame is autistic about the 10-point scale and will not give her favorite movie higher than like 9.1.
Her rating TDK is effectively an ~8.

>> No.29855093

shameful falseflag

>> No.29855096
Quoted by: >>29855223

At the end of the day, it's still capeshit. And she's kind of weird about ratings anyway (nothing above 9, rating to two decimal places, all of her scores clustered around 6.8)

>> No.29855095

thanks anon! yeah I saw a similar art of gura in an elite outfit weeks ago so it got me curious if they were the same artist

>> No.29855097

I don't think I will.
I used to watch dedicated twitch streamers and realized that I watched some of those people daily for 2+ years, while watching JP vtubers was always a passing interest for me. holoEN is hitting two birds with one stone. I barely go on twitch nowadays.

>> No.29855098

Mori's giant swinging Moris are great.

>> No.29855099

Do you Nolanfags really?

>> No.29855101
File: 135 KB, 1180x820, 1605776301949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catbox version:

>> No.29855104

Kiara had a huge boost this week, between the song and the collab with Pekora, she will probably get back to her usual 4k/day next week

>> No.29855106
File: 1.02 MB, 1133x1600, 1606068149637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855146

>be anon
>you're sprawled out on the couch, watching some anime
>work was tough today, don't want to do anything
>from the kitchen, the bells and dings of pots and plates come out as they're washed
>a small piece, straight from the hands of Gura as she does the dishes
>the sounds of dishwashing and anime blur together as you slowly doze off, and your couch seems to envelop you
>something's touching your nose
>it's fine, really fine, the kind of fine that teases your senses about whether or not it's really there
>you open your eyes to a messy mass of grey
>wearing a long t-shirt, Gura's pressed up next to you on the couch
>you wrap your arm around her and bring her closer
>as you pull, you can feel every inch of her back press against you
>with a little effort, you intertwine your legs with hers
>Gura moans a little in protest at being moved, but she doesn't wake up
>as you awake to a reality full of Gura, her warmth makes it harder and harder to fall asleep again
>while you lay and think, you become aware that in the distance, another heartbeat has joined the server
>you relax to the soft beat of that sweet metronome, and hold her just a little tighter
Please someone write more escapism

>> No.29855107
Quoted by: >>29855123

Not gonna lie, the smash collab is hilarious.

>> No.29855108
File: 27 KB, 226x209, Tako1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Priestess is so cute!

>> No.29855110

This for sure, members watchalongs have been way better, but I get why she does it, she probably doesn't want to have multiple members streams in the same week, so that the rest don't feel too left out, but only a watchalong might feel like lazy content for the people that are paying for it.

>> No.29855113
Quoted by: >>29855134

Back off Ame, Haachama is mine.

>> No.29855114

these people are super trashy, except Gura and Ina of course. I don't understand why Cover gets quality japanese girls, but then goes dumpster diving for the EN girls

>> No.29855117

So Gura at 1.5 million by late Sunday or into Monday.

>> No.29855119

Whats going to happen when one of the girls inevitably gets a boyfriend. We'll find out because there are way too many obsessed stalkers, but what happens then?

>> No.29855123

Not even my oshi's, but can't deny that GurAme make some of the best content.

>> No.29855124

does she tweet that much? Isn't it about the same as Mori?

>> No.29855126

Also adding that Gura's Live2D model is probably the worst out of all them. She has the least amount of effort put into her model compared to the other 4, I mean her eyes animation is still a mess. She has OBJECTIVELY has the least amount of bells and whistles. Despite that she fucking ran with it.

>> No.29855127

No, I meant that saying TDK is "easily" the best among the live action movies is debatable too, the Burton stuff is pretty damn good as well.

>> No.29855129
File: 881 KB, 1000x1385, 1605373695805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want me to post more FBK just ask dog fucker

>> No.29855130

This is YAGOO's home for broken girls, of course he went dumpster diving. He saw the idol within them.

>> No.29855134

But Haachama has already claimed Ame...

>> No.29855135
Quoted by: >>29855211


>> No.29855136

Korone grows faster by virtue of being bigger, they might've gotten the same boost proportionally to their channels.

>> No.29855138

How about a movie that she has not seen before?

>> No.29855144

Sorry anon, I'm already dating all of them.

>> No.29855145

Why is Amelia such a racist

>> No.29855146
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, Genuine Pain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855161

I need....more.....

>> No.29855149


She got it just had to have a little faith Im gonna get my sleep reps in now too

>> No.29855151
Quoted by: >>29855211

yeah, about that

>> No.29855153
Quoted by: >>29855278

>Let them be something more intimate like Ina's watchalongs.
On that note, it'd be nice if she set aside more time after the movie for zatsudan to discuss it and transition into other slightly related tangents.
This is obviously not a requirement for a watchalong but Ame usually finishes off the stream fairly quickly after the movie, it'd be nice to spend more time with her.

>> No.29855155
Quoted by: >>29855344

Come on anon, I'll give Affleck's Batman credit where due, but one good scene does not make up for the rest of the film being a complete train wreck. And starting off with the Dark Knight Returns incarnation of the character is kind of a bazaar starting place all things considered.

>> No.29855158

I don't like watching movies normally, though I usually don't regret it after they're over
I just enjoy the watchalongs as as a way to spend some extra time with Ame/Gura

>> No.29855159

Kiara? Fuck no, she tweets more then the rest of the English crew combined if you count her replies to literally fucking everyone who comments on her tweets, not to mention that countdown clock to her song release she did.

>> No.29855160

That would be a fun gift. I just want Gura to actually put it into motion instead of letting it come to nothing. I don't want Gura to fuck up like I did.

>> No.29855161
Quoted by: >>29855215

That's why I've been posting it in hopes more anons write comfy escapism greentexts

>> No.29855164
Quoted by: >>29855223

It's obnoxious when people whine about streams they don't like and try to ruin it for the people who do enjoy them.

>> No.29855165
Quoted by: >>29855516

Well, if your baiting here helps you avoid the /pol/ discussions on the other thread. Happy for you I guess

>> No.29855167
Quoted by: >>29855222

I can kinda relate to Ame being autistic about not rating any shit to 10. She probably tries to find any kind of holes that this movie have and if there is any automatically not equal to 10 or maybe that is just me

>> No.29855169
File: 280 KB, 626x1000, 85916314_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855193

>Gura kicking her legs around to feel the smooth fresh sheets with her feet.
>As she does so she gets closer and closer to your side of the bed until she intertwines her legs with yours.

>> No.29855173

Im assuming that Mori's fanbase had a significant number of people who only got into hololive from EN, while most of Korones already knew about Mori.

>> No.29855177

Spending too much time with Ina.

>> No.29855178
Quoted by: >>29855229

It's over takobros. We won't hear the end of it when Chicken goes past Ina.

>> No.29855183
File: 93 KB, 1080x1079, 1601670392914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855311

>This whole argument about Gura's design carrying her doesn't even make sense
This. Tbh I like Gura more than just her design
She can definitely be improved in so many different ways

>> No.29855184
Quoted by: >>29855300

this but unironically. bats is so fucking overrated.

>> No.29855189
File: 185 KB, 1271x2048, En2ZkzaXEAQ70zK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't it about the same as Mori?
I have alerts turned on for Mori tweeting or retweeting anything and I'm surprised if I see more than 5 notifications in a day.

>> No.29855190

Depends on the person. I mostly get moe from the girls and them dating someone wouldn't affect that. For the people who post about wanting to fuck her... well that'll probably go away.

>> No.29855191

oh boy, here we go again

>> No.29855193

God I wish to feel her anemic body and warm it

>> No.29855195

It'll be an Armageddon

>> No.29855204
Quoted by: >>29855272

He was being a fag about the turkey too

>> No.29855205

I wonder if anyone from the inevitable second EN generation can compete with Gura.

>> No.29855209

I don't think I can finish watching the smash collab if it's just Gura being completely incompetent. It's actually pissing me off. Imagine your job is to just play video games while people watch, and you don't even bother learning the game you're playing and just embarrass yourself publicly when you try to play it. It shows not only a contempt for her genmates who were playing with her but also her audience. Honestly fuck Gura

>> No.29855210

as long as they don't stream when their boyfriends are over and accidentally talk in the background then no one will know if they're single or not.

>> No.29855211
Quoted by: >>29855285

I know who you're talking about but we know they broke up

>> No.29855212

If this is Calli, I hope this pulls through and she leaves hololive.

>> No.29855214


>> No.29855215

I've written a few but keep them to myself, partly because it's embarrassing and partly because I have no confidence in the quality of my writing. Even if it's just a throwaway greentext post, I'm an insane perfectionist.

>> No.29855218

She wins a couple games you autist

>> No.29855219

>kiara 2838
>watson 1410
>mori 1071
>gura 803
>ina 733

>> No.29855220
Quoted by: >>29855249

Yeah and the fact one of them had an "ex" literally made these threads a shitstorm for one day, I can't imagine how much more terrible it would be if it was something else, I can only see Mori or Ame getting the worst reactions given their Goslings/Ghoslings

>> No.29855222

I can understand her and have met people like her before, I just disagree with it. It should be understood that a 10 is not LITERALLY perfect, just that it's perfect for all practical purposes.
To put it another way, flaws in a 10/10 movie do not detract from the experience whatsoever, whereas in a 9/10 they detract slightly.

>> No.29855223
Quoted by: >>29855532

I mean I guess that's fair, and ultimately it's a very subjective thing.

What's her favorite film?
And how did she rate the Shrek films?

I never even said I hated the streams, just that I don't think it works very well given the inherent restrictions. No need to be a baby over people having opinions.

>> No.29855224

>baby's first batman criticism

>> No.29855228
File: 55 KB, 1077x395, 1601596133532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if people learned not give (You) and newfriends lurked more.
That's the joke, you're here forever.

>> No.29855229

not from the KFPbros, we support full unity
Kiara will probably make some birdbrain comment, bless her ESL brain
I dont think she will pass Ina soon anyway

>> No.29855231
Quoted by: >>29855360

Please post it I need something to read before bed

>> No.29855232

They might get doxxed and shamed, just like how it always happens in idolculturefaggotry. Maintaining the illusion of "being available" and putting fans in a "carrot on stick" situation is an important part of being an idol. Without that, the charm and appeal is gone

>> No.29855233

They were all shit and clearly barely touched the game as they had pretty much nothing unlocked

>> No.29855234

It's not her fault, she was playing against her stream delay

>> No.29855244

is this a copypasta or have i just read this bait so many times it seems like one?

>> No.29855245

She's British

>> No.29855247
File: 1.14 MB, 1326x1000, 1584789596269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be a bomb dropped on /hlgg/. For a few threads, this place will become armageddon.

>> No.29855249

Yeah I hope she doesn't do more GFE. People are gonna fall for her and the eventual fallout is gonna be fucked.

>> No.29855250
Quoted by: >>29855310

I already assume they all have boyfriends. I'm mentally untouchable

>> No.29855251
File: 405 KB, 600x600, 1578901207590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the rrats scurry out again. Schizos will sperg out. Some people get heartbroken and cope in various ways. Thread goes to /trash/. Life goes on.

>> No.29855254


>> No.29855256
Quoted by: >>29855277

okay /v/, then don't watch them play games ever again, cause you're missing the entire point completely. Nobody watches them for good gameplay.

>> No.29855258

Memes aside, what would you do if you're outside and suddenly you hear a familiar voice yell out for a dog baned "Bubba"?
Would you take your chances and go talk to her? Or would you simply leave her be?

>> No.29855262
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1603152107726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what happens then?
Another Oct 1. Those threads were fucking legendary.

>> No.29855268
File: 439 KB, 595x842, 85947575_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29855272

really? I wasn't watching that part of the stream but I saw his name on there
I like his art but he's kinda pathetic

>> No.29855273

Yeah but hololive isn't like typical idol groups and EN isn't jp. This is a new concept so anything could happen.

>> No.29855276
Quoted by: >>29855319

I bet if Ina streamed more often then she would be up there with Watson in terms of subs

>> No.29855277

I'm missing the point? You're watching a video game streamer. Why are you watching? Just so you can watch anime avatar making girl noises?

>> No.29855278
Quoted by: >>29855444

Ina's post Aliens late ass night zatsudan really elevated it. It was like staying up and chatting with a girl I was getting to know in my teens.

>> No.29855285

anon, if you think that young attractive girls who make a substantial amount of money dont have boyfriends or husbands...

>> No.29855286
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1605764763855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever consider that you are an aweful person?

>> No.29855287
Quoted by: >>29855360

Dog, my terrible shoops make rounds in this place despite them being stuff that I wouldn't show anywhere, and I still get a sense of pride from it. Just let it out there and see if it gets traction.

>> No.29855289

There's a lot of people who only follow Hololive EN for obvious reasons and got their first experience with the DOOG. They probably didn't realize how cute her Engrish is.

>> No.29855291

>You're watching a video game streamer
No you're watching a virtual youtuber who also happens to play video games

>> No.29855293
Quoted by: >>29855396

Fuck off. Why is there always some sect of fags trying to take away what makes me happy? I don't shit in your house so stop trying to shit in mine.

>> No.29855294

Do we still hate Gura for stabbing Haachama in the back or did we disprove that narrative already?

>> No.29855295
Quoted by: >>29855343

How long until someone does a Zack Snyder watchalong?

>> No.29855296

What if one of the Hololives got a boyfriend but when they get doxxed you find out they're just an objectively near perfect human being and they're better than you in every way and they're more of an idol than the holo?

>> No.29855297

Its the double edge sword with making the SC money imo
Its "easy" money but you must stick to the act. Imo its fair game if people want to sperg out if they have a bf. What percent of Moris big SC donnors are losers who want to be with her. Id bet a good chunk

>> No.29855299

How many girls have brothers? I'll give you a hint: one of them has even talked about buying gifts for hers.

>> No.29855300

The biggest weakness of the Super Hero story is the inherent limitations brought on by the nature of being an indefinitely long serial. You can't kill off popular character like Joker because Joker sells and you want to sell comics for as long as possible.
There are a dozen other issues with comics as a medium, both intrinsically and within the trends haunting the medium, but the industry's refusal to retire old characters is certainly one of them.

>> No.29855302

I don't think Ill ever acquire it. Abuse of innocence, real or fictional, just disgusts me to my core

>> No.29855305
Quoted by: >>29855631

Just walk pass her and say "Sup, Watson." No need to be a faggot.

>> No.29855311
File: 1.30 MB, 1904x2621, 1604893173514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855414

Everyone who has been watching her from the beginning has pretty good reasons to like her more than that.

I feel like most of the criticism aimed against her were first impressions that stuck, criticisms leveled against her in the beginning, associating her fanbase with her, and very disingenuous narratives. Ina my oshi, but I feel like she's been coasting lately, so take it from me when I say Gura is probably the most improved EN girl by far, with maybe a solid argument for Amelia.

>> No.29855310

Based. Anyone not doing this is gonna wanna kill themselves

>> No.29855319

And ff my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle. Who the hell cares about numbers?

>> No.29855321

I'd hope my dog doesn't cause her too much an issue, my little guy gets excited and likes to meet new dogs

>> No.29855322
File: 1.71 MB, 1350x1909, __tokoyami_towa_and_bibi_hololive_drawn_by_mr_lime__4d59202a1ed9c73977e08b6a7fafcf71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best midriff in hololive

>> No.29855325

Nice low bait faggot, now go back to /v/.

>> No.29855326
Quoted by: >>29855435

Nothing because I'm not a creep and that would 100% ruin her day. Also it'd be obvious seeing an anorexic short woman outside even without hearing the voice.

>> No.29855328
Quoted by: >>29855345


>> No.29855329

jesus fucking christ ame

>> No.29855330

Mori i'm worried about cause her Ghoslings even in her members have been falling for her hard on levels that Goslings did for Ame before october 1st, I can see the blow being less to Teammates since they already went through one shit storm but the fact Ame is going back to GFE even more idk, I really hope the goslings this time can understand that Ame deserves to be happy and if she happens to find someone who does and makes her feel happiness whenever she's not streaming I don't mind. I just don't want them to show up on stream or being mentioned at all, if it's behind the scene things I can care less but it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if any one of them happens to talk about their lover on stream and shit

>> No.29855331

>video game streamer

>> No.29855340

Would be weird seeing as I live in Sweden.

>> No.29855341
Quoted by: >>29856137

Kiara tweets like how JP pixiv artists tweet
fucking all the time, about everything

>> No.29855343

I don't think any holo will ever open that can of worms, Snyder fans are legitimately mental and I'm pretty sure none of the girls want to get dox'd by his crazed fanbase. It'd be like pissing off the Chinese, but worse because they aren't insect people from a third world country that can't speak English.

>> No.29855344

>And starting off with the Dark Knight Returns incarnation of the character is kind of a bazaar starting place all things considered.
True, I wasn't a fan of that at all but it was still more faithful than any of the previous movies. That said, not holding out hope for the new Batman movie.

>> No.29855345

please anon im about to pass out

>> No.29855346
File: 3.80 MB, 2031x2952, 1605400298961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855395


>> No.29855347
Quoted by: >>29855366

two of them actually

>> No.29855349
File: 71 KB, 615x343, 1604839150716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just came back from a party
How was the light novel reading?
How was the smash collab? did smash faggots invade the thread?

>> No.29855354
Quoted by: >>29855438

So, she's carried by the design that is carried by her? Alright, I'll accept this narrative.

>> No.29855355

Will Ame's ASMR be members only or public? I don't remember her saying it'll be a members thing.

>> No.29855356
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 1600103126477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855395


>> No.29855360

Maybe when I gain more confidence, or after another round of revisions. I'm seriously anal about characters being portrayed correctly and in-character.

>> No.29855363

I imagine the name Bubba is a placeholder name whenever she streams.

>> No.29855365

>did smash faggots invade the thread?
Nope, all posters were bitching about imaginary smash posters

>> No.29855366

Kiara and who else? Ame?

>> No.29855369

Just be nice and say goodmorning while not mentioning her screen name out on public. Dont spill your spaghetti

>> No.29855372

Book was shit but thread was funny, collab was kino, smash fags invaded but left soon enough

>> No.29855374
Quoted by: >>29855665

I would leave her alone. That would be a vtuber's worst nightmare. At the most I'd post about it in this thread and get some (You)'s for bullshitting, but at least I'd get it off my chest.

>> No.29855380

I doubt Stormtag would since he throws money at Ks and other anons have claimed he does it for other musicians. I have no clue about succubus bait, but given how they were talking down the actual creepy fucker of Headtaker, they're probably fine. So 2/3 of the names that I remember would probably be chill, but I also don't really pay attention to who throws money at her beyond names sticking in my head during SC reads. Only other one I remember is and he is either from here or an attention seeking faggot, but he also only sends a bunch of small ones so not as big a deal.

>> No.29855382

I want to have a threesome with Kiara and Pekora. Moonas and Callis need not apply.

>> No.29855383

>How was the light novel reading?
trash, the story was horrible and Ame couldn't save it
>How was the smash collab? did smash faggots invade the thread?
nope it was fun seeing how shit they all were

>> No.29855388
Quoted by: >>29855581

>no, no, stop doing X because it might turn out bad one day
Why don't you just stop watching instead? Stop living while you're at it, since you might just spontaneously combust and is that a risk you can accord to take?

>> No.29855390

Her tweeting is on par with HoloJP.

>> No.29855392
Quoted by: >>29855442

Was going to clip the Ina abayo from the smash collab, but seemed like the live2d models get super pixely at that exact moment. Not on my end right, and likely a bitrate thing?

timestamp for reference: https://youtu.be/DIk0fHX_4Cs?t=5643

>> No.29855393
Quoted by: >>29855665

No, she would probably think she is being stalked and that would ruin her day

>> No.29855394
Quoted by: >>29855417


>> No.29855395
Quoted by: >>29856163

close second
light piercing is fine chimkin

>> No.29855396
Quoted by: >>29855449

>always some sect of fags trying to take away what makes me happy
Got some stories to share with the class?
Just tryna protect you m8

>> No.29855399

Well I await your fan fiction

>> No.29855400
Quoted by: >>29855820

Worst talking voice. Does she hold her nose?
She can sing when she tries to not sound like ass.

>> No.29855402

As long as it is not in our faces, in any case the illusion is what sells the whole act so I would guess that if there was undeniable proof of them having boyfriends this place would become a living hell and I would be depressed for a few days if that was my oshi.

>> No.29855403
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, Sharkawa 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29855405

She's not my Oshi but if she's not busy I might try to start a conversation. If she's not interested I'll move on, if she is I might be able to make a friend within Cover, which would be neat.
Everyone is worried about coming across as a creep, but if you just talk to her like you'd talk to any other person you come across, I don't think there will be an issue.

>> No.29855408

Light novel reading was comfy and sometimes funny, could've been better but she has room to improve she did well, LN itself was shit.
Smash collab was kino, threads were mostly very fun, few smash fags but they didn't have much of a presence.

>> No.29855410

You know, the Smash collab and the movie watchalong were so much fun I completely forgot the LN reading ever existed.

>> No.29855411
File: 69 KB, 253x287, NGosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll just be another timeloop if that happens. Good way to look at it as a test for the goslings

>> No.29855414

Gotta confess I kinda wrote off Gura as a memer for kids at the start and felt she was too guarded and disingenuous. Glad I realised how wrong I was though she could still be a bit more candid.

>> No.29855415
Quoted by: >>29855440

I doubt it. It would be way too easy to screw up when yelling at your dog for barking.

>> No.29855412

Accuse her of being toxic.

>> No.29855417

Ina is shy

>> No.29855419
Quoted by: >>29855497

Yeah, she talked about buying her brother a computer, and about how she sends part of the money she makes from hololive to her family.

>> No.29855420
Quoted by: >>29855468

Kiara actually has a brother? Huh, I suppose he isn't a struggling ex-military painter trying to get to Vienna, is he?

>> No.29855421

I would start sweating profusely, take off my sweat soaked shit, run at her and scream AMELIA I NEED TO SMELL YOUR CUNT

>> No.29855425

LN reading is pretty comfy or boring
Smash Collab was pretty fun, Smash fags seethes and most Takodachi, Teamates, and Chumbuds are bantering whenever their oshi scores

>> No.29855428

Less than you'd think. Remember that most of her paypigs are from before she did anything near GFE. Theres one or two like headtaker that might be a worry, but the rest seem to have a handle on him.

>> No.29855432

>How was the light novel reading?
Book was shit but thread some anons had very good taste >>29830850
How was the smash collab?
Very fun

>> No.29855435

Whoops can't read and thought you meant your oshi in general. Answer is still no but I would be confused what a Californian is doing in New England.

>> No.29855437

If you're working on it, that's fair, though you can always post it and ask for feedback. We've had plenty of things go through revisions here.

>> No.29855438

It's kinda like saying a musician was carried by the music he plays. She's had 3 channels now that were all successful. She has some innate sense to know what produces clicks and what will go viral.
I mean just look at "a". That's a work of a genius right there.

>> No.29855439
Quoted by: >>29855462

>don't see my comment there
>download entire stream chat to confirm I wasn't banned
this is what I hate about heavy moderation, the not knowing if I'm talking to the void or not.
... chat logs have me at the beginning of the stream, and at the end of the stream, and several times within, but they don't have everything I said. Does Ao do micro-bans that expire during the stream or what?

>> No.29855440

>doxxes her dog on stream
Why is Twatson like this?

>> No.29855442

Youtube's garbage bandwidth limits strike again

>> No.29855443
Quoted by: >>29855507

Kiara needs to lay off twitter. It's not good for her mental well-being.

>> No.29855444

That watchalong was amazing.

>> No.29855449

>concernfagging for random /hlgg/ anons
I don't want your protection, I want my escapism to cope with the tedium of my everyday life. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.29855452
File: 282 KB, 1124x2048, 1606349296119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this sounds crazy but I love Takanashi Kiara. Is this normal?

>> No.29855461

>did smash faggots invade the thread?
Turns out the ones /hlgg/ had were the good ones or oldfags that enjoys friendly game stream more than tournament streams

>> No.29855462

Top chat is arbitrary as fuck. Its not even a moderation thing, its youtube.

>> No.29855463

What's it like to hold hands with our Tenchou?

>> No.29855464

It's enlightenment.

>> No.29855467

Call 911 and report her for animal abuse. I'm tired of her getting away with hurting Bubba. One day she's going to go too far.

>> No.29855468

I dont think so, at least not a painter, pretty sure he tried that didnt really work out

>> No.29855469

Actually had a dream about recognizing Kiara in the train because of her laugh. Asked to take my phone so I didn't take pictures. We talked about Fire Emblem, superchat readings and then she left.
I woke up feeling weird.

>> No.29855474
Quoted by: >>29855491

I find this image unsettling, I feel like she's going to attack me.

>> No.29855475

Okay, I'll back the fuck off. Godspeed, Gosling-kun.

>> No.29855477
File: 527 KB, 1101x1200, 1605355185281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora? What are you doing here so late? S-Sora...?

>> No.29855479

Well you'll never meet her. How do you feel about that?

Don't hurt to dream, I suppose]/spoiler]

>> No.29855480
Quoted by: >>29855521

it's live chat, not top chat that I'm looking at.

>> No.29855484

>Gura's the one pushing the pregnancy narrative to prep us for her baby break

Gura, I kneel

>> No.29855489

As a smashfag I can confirm this. Half the reason I left /v/ before it became the pile of shit it is today was due to how annoying smashfags are and I don't want to bring that with me. Also the only Holo I expect to be good at games is Botan.

>> No.29855491

She won't attack you as long as you avoid eye contact and don't approach her while she's with Pekora

>> No.29855494

Imagine all the upskirts a 3D Kiara would give.

>> No.29855497

thanks anon, i dont watch to much of Ame but was pretty sure it was her

>> No.29855501
Quoted by: >>29855522

>Turns out the ones /hlgg/ had were the good ones or oldfags that enjoys friendly game stream more than tournament streams
Very few Smashfags actually give a shit about people playing the game casually, and in fact I've played casual matches at a few tourneys I've gone to.
Ironically you see more elitism about playstyles from people that insist on making the game as RNG heavy as possible, in my experience.

>> No.29855507

Social media isn't good for anyone's mental health. Twitter has done more damage to people than any war could've ever hoped to achieve without outright wiping out all life.

>> No.29855510
Quoted by: >>29855521

No clue then. i was under the impression that any active moderation leaves "Message deleted" or something, so I'd still bet its youtube being a cunt.

>> No.29855513
File: 612 KB, 2100x2450, 1606434665418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very okay with it. I don't want a relationship, I am enlightened by the true love that is distant admiration.

>> No.29855514
Quoted by: >>29855530

I'd be wondering what Amelia is doing in Germany

>> No.29855516 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 488x492, 1605506924217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855578

>Wake up
>Bait /hlg/ and /pol/ with China
>Eat lunch
>Falseflag /hlgg/ with numbers
>Hate kiara
>Go to sleep
This is the life of the anti UNITY

>> No.29855518

This is the right answer.
Now, would any of the girls ever tell a new friend about their online identity? A lover, maybe?

>> No.29855521

meant for >>29855480

>> No.29855522

>Ironically you see more elitism about playstyles from people that insist on making the game as RNG heavy as possible
Itemfags I swear to god...

>> No.29855526

Dreams are the only thing keeping people alive. If every human being was rational to a fault and grounded in reality there'd be a wave of mass suicides.

>> No.29855528
Quoted by: >>29855565

Its fine while it lasts. But the more you use the escapism the worse its gonna be when you find out. That one dude cut himself across his entire thigh when he found about ame and that was so early he could have barely known her.

>> No.29855530

clearly she took kiara up on that offer to ski on the alps

>> No.29855531
Quoted by: >>29855611

>I mean just look at "a". That's a work of a genius right there.
Kek'd, thanks.

>> No.29855532

I don't mind opinions, but some people try to get the girls to stop doing any type of stream that they don't like.

>> No.29855535

I dunno, I've been coming around after listening to her song. She's got a pretty cute voice. Or maybe that just comes with being a Deadbeat.

>> No.29855536

Pretty sure they just tell senpai, lovers yeah, given the fact a certain past one already knew who one was. New friends I doubt unless they recognize it's them.

>> No.29855540 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 346x300, 1606551206572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this?

>> No.29855542

For sure she could do way better, but I remember one of things she brought up herself was a lot of the criticism leveled against her and how she could do better. A lot of anons said this was evidence that she browses here, but I take it more that she knows it herself where she could improve on and that she's not completely coasting.

All the girls are growing and will continue to do so, but I just feel like Gura has been noticeably improving.

>> No.29855547


>> No.29855548

which girl would want to watch my favorite christmas movie DIE HARD

>> No.29855552

Why do people pretend to like Towa?

>> No.29855560

Greatest karaoke to date so far

>> No.29855566

This actually happened with a pretty big female twitch streamer, were she hid she had a boyfriend, and people tried to start shit, but everyone on the internet laughed at them. I don't think this would be a big problem for EN.

>> No.29855565
Quoted by: >>29855899

Problems for tomorrow are problems for TOMORROW. I'd rather be happy right now.

>> No.29855567


>> No.29855568

Ame, she likes guns.

>> No.29855569

>Glad I realised how wrong I was though she could still be a bit more candid.
She can? Asking as someone who fell off due to the same first impression and inconvenient streaming times.

>> No.29855570
File: 753 KB, 2048x2048, 20201128_031428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29855573

Are you ready to stand tall for turtlefall tomorrow?

>> No.29855576

Thread was also good too.

>> No.29855577

Man I can't wait for Kiara's schedule to see how EN is doing with Sega permissions, and then I guess the day after she posts hers to see how the other girls are doing

>> No.29855578 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 1473x948, 1606551312166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855787

I just can't hate sheep posters.

>> No.29855581

>might turn out bad one day
There is a 99.9% chance they get a boyfriend at some point and you know it.

>> No.29855582
Quoted by: >>29855605

Either Ame or Mori

>> No.29855584

Did a schizo draw this?

>> No.29855586


>> No.29855590
Quoted by: >>29855666

>A lover, maybe?
Sounds like a one way ticket to being doxxed if the relationship goes south. Telling a spouse sounds more reasonable though.

>> No.29855591
File: 235 KB, 1034x1844, En5QOagVoAABDZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbuds what did we do to deserve someone like her? https://youtu.be/33LbWHIGz50

>> No.29855592

Chicken. Also that one is my favorite as well.

>> No.29855594

I like her song covers, they're all really nice

>> No.29855598

Nah, that's just from Mori condensing the key points from
>your oshi
>one thing she needs to work on
survey fagging that she does at the end of a thread when she's lurking.

>> No.29855599

I wanna watch it with Haachama

>> No.29855605

Watchalong collab

>> No.29855606
File: 340 KB, 728x1141, 20201126_095711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855635

Im happy that my chinkim is resting, but i understimated my need of my daily dose. Fuck

>> No.29855607
Quoted by: >>29855692

maybe in larger communities, but i feel if it happens than these threads will be unusable for quite awhile afterwards. I basically stopped coming here for like a week after that ame one a couple months ago.

>> No.29855611
File: 147 KB, 504x280, 1604725012280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't underestimate the machinations of HER. I meant it in a joking way, but really if look at how effective that whole twitter engagement and buildup to her stream debut for that. It is pretty amazing, it was a deliberate move.

>> No.29855616

I think it's mostly cause the fact the ones that did Amegeddon were schizos and SEAniggers, majority of the goslings that show up when Ame is doing something cute or GFE were probs around during that time and some of them have used Ame as motivation for self-reps, the whole doing /fit/ reps off of things she usually does really does give me faith that these goslings are decent

>> No.29855617

I'm still not entirely sold on Gura myself, she just seems too detached from what she's streaming most of the time and has this cynicism about her that I find grating. I love her voice though and her musical streams are great. She's a very talented vocalist and I'm excited for her original song.

>> No.29855624

You must be a newfag if you think kenzoku are people pretending

>> No.29855630

Calart schizoart

>> No.29855631
Quoted by: >>29855669

This is bowl of eggs level shit. She would probably have to move after that just in case. Just don't ackknowledge it at all.

>> No.29855636
File: 600 KB, 769x769, 1605164040729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having an oshi that isn't a lesbian and an idolofag
You guys are in for a world of hurt eventually

>> No.29855635
Quoted by: >>29855741

have you watched her whole superchat stream? if not, that's plenty of content, it's like 1 hour of danke schon and 3 hours of random zatsudan

>> No.29855637

Very very enjoyable karaoke.

>> No.29855646

She is truly a treasure.

>> No.29855647

I bet next week every girl will have their schedules posted by Tuesday due to them being excited about sega perms

>> No.29855648

Have you ever seen the movie "I Lost My Body"? Something like that.

>> No.29855649

Gura is an angel

>> No.29855652
File: 82 KB, 404x472, 1605988367525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855664

i liked the hotdog glowsticks for the Elvis song

>> No.29855653

God she’s so fucking cute

>> No.29855654

>I mean just look at "a". That's a work of a genius right there
Unironically is. I mean its literally one fucking letter, but it got a ridiculous number of people excited for her. No one even knew her yet and there was so much hype. Anyone can do it, but no one did.

>> No.29855658
File: 492 KB, 1750x2048, 1582275290654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Watson is such a cute little detective! I want to play games with her, hug her, and fuck her violently until her legs give out!

>> No.29855661
File: 249 KB, 590x550, 1606484810854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29855664
File: 173 KB, 356x350, 1603289082135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29855665
Quoted by: >>29855700

This are the only right choices, making any kind of reference to it at all would make her fucking paranoid that people know where she lives.

>> No.29855666

>Keeping secrets while developing a romantic relatonship
You can't have your cake and eat it. The loverr would find out eventually.

>> No.29855668

I'm pretty sure I ran into Gura in a store a while back. I didn't say anything to her since that'd be weird and obviously unwelcome but I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

>> No.29855669

Yeah you are right. I wouldn't say anything.

>> No.29855671

Sorry anon I’m already married to Gura

>> No.29855672

Ame is basically not streaming next week till Wednesday right? given how she said break day + setting up her new beef pc

>> No.29855673
Quoted by: >>29855697

Have you seen her newest streams? Her turkey making zatsudan, she was very open and the whole superchat reading stream. Feels like she's finally accepted us and her position.

>> No.29855675

Witch games do tou want then to play?
For me-
Kiara - Valkyria Chronicles 1 or 4
Mori - Bayonetta or Persona (Atlus onegai)
Gura - Alien Isolation
I dont know about the others, maybe Yakuza or a TW Warhammer?

>> No.29855680

I'd probably ask if she lived in the area and if she was Watson, try to become friends with her. then I'd use my friendship with her to get closer to Gura

>> No.29855682

Sure you did bud. Remember to take those meds before you go to bed tonight.

>> No.29855690
Quoted by: >>29855715

I mean, she's been doxxed. You should know for sure.

>> No.29855692

Obviously the threads would go to shit anyway because there would be tons of falseflaggers and shitposters, but I don't think it would actually result in anything happening to the girl.

>> No.29855694
Quoted by: >>29855702

Yeah and I’m Bubba

>> No.29855697
Quoted by: >>29855731

>Have you seen her newest streams?
The last stream of hers I watched was Soma.

>> No.29855698
File: 202 KB, 620x660, 445334534545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I missed this in the debut.

>> No.29855700

I mean, assuming you're not a total creep, you could try to strike up a conversation without ever bringing up her career. Ask if you can pet the dog and go from there.

>> No.29855702
Quoted by: >>29855762

THE Bubba?

>> No.29855706
Quoted by: >>29855868

Who knows, the last time she said she was taking a break it was only one day anyway.

>> No.29855707
File: 2.19 MB, 1400x600, 1602388941976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sense of aloofness you get from her is from my opinion her brain being fried. She's an introvert through and through and you can see it from how tongue tied she gets and how she herself acknowledges that she's not quick to her feet.

It's just my opinion that I feel that she's a sincere person and I can give her the benefit of the doubt, there just hasn't been solid enough stuff for the things she saying. As opposed to Mori who I feel says a lot of shit, but doesn't really back up her words with her actions. Still though, I accept that there's different strokes for different folks.

>> No.29855708

You could try the q&a or latest minecraft stream for a lot less of that jokey nature she has and more sweetness if you haven't seen them.

>> No.29855709

Where are you from?

>> No.29855710

What if Holostars EN isn't fujobait, but instead brobait? What kind of colorful buddies would you want to hang out with?

I'm hoping for a tacticool operator guy.

>> No.29855715

Assuming you're thinking of the same picture I am... yeah she didn't look anything like that

>> No.29855717

and given her dancing perhaps IRL as well

>> No.29855718
File: 158 KB, 225x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope gura leans more into the loli milf aesthetic.

>> No.29855716

I still like hers the most and don’t get why people hated it

>> No.29855719

There is no "friend within Cover" to make if you happen to come across her on a one-off chance. I've struck up conversations with strangers on public transit or when waiting in line is taking awhile, and those one-time conversations would never reach that point.
Especially with Ame and what she's had to deal with because of doxxfags taking things too far.

>> No.29855725

I want to hear Gura sing live again . . . .

>> No.29855731

Then watch her recent marshmellow answering+ superchat stream. She opens up and sounds way more happy.

>> No.29855733

I might just say she sounds familiar in passing but keep minding my own business, otherwise stay silent cause I'm probably walking somewhere myself at that point anyways.

>> No.29855737
Quoted by: >>29855764

Ok /hlgg/ do I let the fat cat serenade me to sleep or listen to more Polka member asmr?

>> No.29855741

Yup, watched it live, im up to date with the archive too.
I guess it will be only Hinotori and my reps this weekend..

>> No.29855743

Imagine being so fucking pathetic that you don't even buy gifts for your siblings.

>> No.29855745

I have learned today that my sister is a gura anti. Not sure what to do with this information.

>> No.29855751
Quoted by: >>29855784


>> No.29855752
File: 293 KB, 480x890, 1603760090243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29855778

>Don't make me post that roommate picture, but I'm putting money down she helped Ame with her input or at least discussed it with her.
I don't think it's that yab, I don't think a lot of people saw it, it really does turn some gears in your head though.

>> No.29855753

You should have told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but didn't want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything

>> No.29855758
Quoted by: >>29855769

Was it at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday? Did she happen to try and walk out the front door with like 15 Milky Ways?

>> No.29855759

Who here is excited to hear Mori sing a song about being a cuck tomorrow?

>> No.29855760

Spill spaghetti, mumble out a "Hi," and never see her again. Then replay the scenario a million times in my head and imagine how I would have gotten to know her.

>> No.29855761
Quoted by: >>29855856

sure. except it isn't her natural voice.

>> No.29855762
Quoted by: >>29855777


>> No.29855764

a comes before l

>> No.29855769


>> No.29855774

If you did pls just keep it in yourself, She’s a sweetheart girl need to protect.

>> No.29855777

Shut the FUCK up Bubba

>> No.29855778

Its too much to be a coincidence. I mean... come on, the fucking mustache.

>> No.29855781

Slap her and tell her there is more important things in life than hating anime girls on the internet.

>> No.29855783
Quoted by: >>29855833

I got banned from Kiara's chat just because I said her song was generic idol shit :(

>> No.29855784

>she already have a wife? I mean, another wife won't hurt
do muslims really?

>> No.29855785

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.29855786
File: 361 KB, 1503x989, 1605256393119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing Polka will only be a lesbian until I go to Japan and save her

>> No.29855787 [SPOILER] 
File: 337 KB, 573x500, 1606551932818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still belive that all funposters are just one bored sheep posting with one hand while fapping to armpit

>> No.29855788

MoonaMori Kazoo collab, with a lot of teetee moment make Mori like Moona more than Kiara
Imagine the seethe

>> No.29855790

I wouldn't say anything at all, if the dog is cute i'll just ask to pet it and tell her have a nice day with a smile, I rather someone like Ame not have to panic about someone finding her, she may have money now but i rather her not stress about moving. This is the case however with all Hologirls, just be casual and move on with your day, and post that experience here just to get (you)s

>> No.29855793
Quoted by: >>29855931

how did that even come up in conversation

>> No.29855794
File: 9 KB, 197x197, 1606438286568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking of getting Ame's membership
>Read thread
>Its another episode of Ame not "getting it"
It's certainly an authentic girlfriend experience, but I don't want to spend money just to get upset.

>> No.29855799
Quoted by: >>29855856

Then it probably wasn't her. The doxx was pretty well proven.

>> No.29855801
Quoted by: >>29855852

Lesbians are not as bad a gay males, in practical terms.

>> No.29855805

Homostars collabs are unironically this, and their EOP bait streams are always low on the fujo levels

>> No.29855812
Quoted by: >>29855861

the movie was free retard

>> No.29855816

Yes, you can have more than 2 or 3 wife

>> No.29855820

Tries to pitch up to appeal to Japanese fans who insist that every girl has a cutesy voice, which is ironic considering how much they love deep voiced foreigner Mori.

>> No.29855821

She doesn't just do watchalongs, she has plenty of membership streams to justify it in my honest opinion.

>> No.29855823

Even with Sega permissions, I don't expect Kiara to add any new games. She still has to finish Sakuna and Fire Emblem, and she's not exactly close to being done with either.

>> No.29855825

Make one of them a chef so he can teach the girls how to fucking cook

>> No.29855826

>didn’t buy both her and Gura’s day 1

>> No.29855831
Quoted by: >>29855884

Hana's dad is unironically based. Great taste in games, actually funny, and seems nice.

>> No.29855833

at least you didnt call her a nazi chicken

>> No.29855835

>/k/ chad that plays War Thunder and Shooters. Toxic as fuck
>Some meme warlord that play literal kusoges but somehow he makes them watchable. Memelord tier
>RTS nerd, the comfy guy who gives you life advice and feels like a Big Brother

>> No.29855838

Mori had a funny reaction when Ame showed off her "boing boing" iirc.
was kinda crinch desu, but I loved that she sang Pururin and the Watson Concoction was alright. The coupon thing at the start was cool too.
I think it'd help to imagine if debut Ame's demeanor was what we got every stream, these days I don't hate on her debut much knowing how she is now.

>> No.29855842
Quoted by: >>29855889

I'm really digging Pikamee's BGM

>> No.29855849

Hey guys! Ina exists

>> No.29855852
File: 22 KB, 440x332, 1576652511892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29855853
Quoted by: >>29855922

Did you watch after you already liked her or was that your first impression of her? Completely changes it. I love it too btw

>> No.29855856
Quoted by: >>29855951

Yeah might not have been her, it sounded a lot like her though. Still not gonna say where just in case though.

>> No.29855859

Basically any skinny food reviewer

>> No.29855861
Quoted by: >>29856105

Not that anon, but does anyone have a list of watchalongs that aren't public yet? Thinking of doing a marathon day soon.

>> No.29855865

I actually recognized Ame's voice at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask him for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle like a gremlin as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Kitkats in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Maam, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When the clerk took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Ame stopped her and told the cashier to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical interference,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by screeching really loudly while banging the counter.

>> No.29855868

>literally can't stop herself from streaming
This is why I'm teamate

>> No.29855873


>> No.29855875

sure Ame releases the stuff later but she has a different mood to her when it comes to members stream, the mario kart stream at the end reminded me that whenever Ame is with a smaller audience she opens a lot more and shows the sweetheart side that the girls know her for, it's worth it imo

>> No.29855879
Quoted by: >>29855912

>I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
>speaking oustide
she already told you she puts headphones in and doesn't talk to anyone when she leaves the house anon.

>> No.29855880

Moona just keeps yabbing, graduation incoming

>> No.29855884
Quoted by: >>29855939

If it weren't for company rivalries, I think it would be a hilarious step up if this CHAD of a father signed up for Holostars EN.

Imagine the cross-company collabs where he styles all over his daughter.

>> No.29855886

>Moona flies over for offcollab
>They play each others' kazoos
That's my fetish.

>> No.29855887
Quoted by: >>29855959

So now we have muh plotfags in addition to muh gameplayfags?

>> No.29855888
Quoted by: >>29856027

That sounds kind of weird though, unless you are really fucking smooth I don't see how you could not drop spaghetti and make it really obvious why you're talking to her.

>> No.29855889
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, 1602711912908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy as fuck but somehow i like the goofy one more, the one that plays on her Talk streams

>> No.29855899

oh my god i hope she sucks thirty-two dicks and tells you all about it. i really want to see faggots like you seethe

>> No.29855902

I don't know her

>> No.29855903

I want a cute bishie kinda like A-kun

>> No.29855905


>> No.29855909

Calm and silent type who plays very retro games like GameCenter CX style.

>> No.29855910
File: 1.72 MB, 1833x2700, 1600042834948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takodachi, what game do you want to see our priestess play?
I'm still hoping that she one day gives Touhou stuff a try, but that seems unlikely so I'd settle for her playing the Mother trilogy. Super Metroid would also be cool but I don't know if she'd enjoy the more subtle approach to story.

>> No.29855912

Well it was a short black girl shopping with her mom (I assume), she also looked pretty young compared to how old Gura supposedly is but idk maybe she looks younger than she is

>> No.29855914

We don't know yet, kind of hope so, I have to study for an exam and I don't want to miss streams

>> No.29855916
Quoted by: >>29855945

>12 hours of dead hours ahead of us
Might as well do some fast reps in titanfall 2 in the meantime.

>> No.29855921
File: 418 KB, 629x839, 1604714742044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad.

>> No.29855922

I watched all of the debuts live and hers was my favorite besides Gura’s

>> No.29855927
Quoted by: >>29856049

Her membership content is pretty varied and definitely the best bang for your buck in EN. If you like her then I recommend getting it, if you don't then don't. I'd get it even if she did no watchalongs.
TDK watchalong was public btw.

>> No.29855928

I was just thinking she had the weakest of the debuts but I was still into her design, so I watched her more and found out how she was on only a thread of caffine when making that and missing a lot of planned stuff she had for it so I appreciate her as my oshi now for sure. Waiting for the rewatch she does of it in a year so we can get some more lore about it

>> No.29855931

was watching some of the streams earlier, she noticed and we started chatting. She's aware of the trend.

>> No.29855934

And I love her.

>> No.29855935


>> No.29855936

I want to see her play Slay the Spire. I think she'd like that game.

>> No.29855939

Him helping her through ace combat 7 was amazing. Actually sounded like a good teacher

>> No.29855940
Quoted by: >>29856197

The bro-streamer market in the west is completely saturated, though, so if I want that, why would I watch someone who's hiding behind a Live2D instead of a facecam? Hololive is unique in that there aren't any idol-esque streaming operations in the West, which is why they took off and Niji won't.

>> No.29855943

people like you are actually worse than people like that guy 100%

>> No.29855945
File: 49 KB, 308x254, 1606552278901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 hours

>> No.29855946

anon, all three of those are me. are you telling me to become a homostar?

>> No.29855951 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, 1606552319314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was her, shit's actually cute

>> No.29855953
Quoted by: >>29856108

It sucks her favorite games aren't very stream friendly. Maybe a gatcha + zatsudan kind of stream

>> No.29855955


>> No.29855957
Quoted by: >>29855995

I think Moona legitimately has autism

>> No.29855959
Quoted by: >>29856125

Honestly, if you're asking "why?" every other scene of TDK or are legitimately confused by what's taking place you might just be retarded. Not even about muh plot, just the ability to follow basic storytelling.

>> No.29855961

Apex is literally a shit game and I hate that cover has permissions for it

>> No.29855963
Quoted by: >>29855997

Darkest dungeon

I pray she won't lose her temper.

>> No.29855964

>12 hours of dead hours ahead of us

>> No.29855966

>Ina is playing an RPG!
>Just kidding it's a nu-Paper Mario game

>> No.29855972

and I am thankful that she does!

>> No.29855973

You heard him

>> No.29855975

Literally just watch Dr Disrespect, he's already a character, but with a costume instead of a live2d

>> No.29855976
File: 761 KB, 849x1200, 1606523958964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife!

>> No.29855977

Fuck apex

>> No.29855978

You're assuming that her talking to a random stranger at a park will go beyond a single conversation. It won't.

>> No.29855979

Telling a Titanfall 2 player to go play Apex is pretty low anon

>> No.29855980
File: 3.89 MB, 3113x3509, 84404146_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this "unity" meme is so forced. you can't expect everyone to like mori's godawful rapping or kiara outside of her jp collabs. trinity feels so much more natural, and while i do still like mori outside of her singing, kiara's only real purpose is to serve as a bridge between hololive en and hololive jp. you can take your filthy unity and stuff it.

>> No.29855989
File: 346 KB, 475x343, (mesugaki).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29855995

Kiara, you have to accept that Pekora will never like you as much as she does Moona.

>> No.29855996

What animal is that even? wolf/dog/squirrel hybrid

>> No.29855997

Nobody plays Darkest Dungeon and doesn't lose their temper at least once.

>> No.29855998

How did people manage to forget Ina's existence in the span of a week?

>> No.29855999
File: 58 KB, 571x571, 1606453747726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29856154

Mario Maker 2 troll level instead of that garbage level

>> No.29856000

You don't actually watch Kiara and Mori. This is fine, of course, you don't have to. But stop pretending you have an opinion on them.

>> No.29856004

Okami or Dragon's Dogma so when she finishes the later she can say the game has no story so I can get mad for a couple minutes.

>> No.29856010
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1595211837108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up heretic

>> No.29856011
File: 126 KB, 723x891, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29856012

I like Mori for her GFE and cringe though

>> No.29856013

4/10 apply yourself

>> No.29856015
File: 96 KB, 900x900, Moona 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will probably watch Moona Apex since i don't remember the last time i watched it... all i see now is "WELCOME TO THE RISE FIELDS MOTHERFUCKER" game

>> No.29856017

Sounds like the average furry character

>> No.29856018
File: 2.48 MB, 1433x2023, 34672578436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29856019

Lack of interest

Even Roboco and Ayame are more remembered

>> No.29856022

Whatever it is, it's Furbulous

>> No.29856027

You have a reason. You wanted to pet the dog. I realize this is a strange concept in any thread on /jp/, but you're allowed to talk to strangers when you go out. If she says no, you accept it and move on, but most people who have a dog are flattered them getting attention from a stranger, and that gives you a minute or two to make small talk. If you hit it off, ask if she's normally walks him around this time so you can see Bubba again.

>> No.29856030

I'm boycotting Moona after that stunt she pulled on Kiara

>> No.29856033

You are creepy man..

>> No.29856037
Quoted by: >>29856051

I forgot that I membered her

>> No.29856039
File: 201 KB, 276x370, 1606448651757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29856066


>> No.29856043
File: 54 KB, 720x588, 1603600461224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29856093

if i was with my own dog i would try maybe since i could do the whole my dog wants to say to other dogs trick and strike a conversation I guess. if i mention that i knew her from streams it would go down hill so its better not to bring it up till way way later if it goes well. outside of that think its better to leave her be, i dont want to get beat up by her brother or
possible boyfriend or something.

>> No.29856045
Quoted by: >>29856078

Agreed, probably because I literally hate Calli and I don't see the point of forcing someone to like someone you hate.

>> No.29856048
Quoted by: >>29856178

More accurately, how did Ina manage to get antis for no reason in the span of a week? Is it HL2 autists?

>> No.29856049
Quoted by: >>29856091

I like Ame. But I don't play videogames and uuuh TDK, Witch and Shrek are the only movies I like. Sure her content is varied, but her hours don't work for me. Maybe if she plans on watching Fightclub.

>> No.29856051
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>> No.29856055
File: 126 KB, 1024x1024, En2TqCaVoAEDl7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29856102

>he didn't like the wrestling match they put on

>> No.29856057 [DELETED] 

Has bringing boyfriends ever not led to a direct decrease in thread quality?

>> No.29856059


>> No.29856060
File: 740 KB, 1946x1772, moonapfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29856063

what do you know that we don't anon?

>> No.29856066
File: 2.88 MB, 900x506, pekomorikiararip[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7g8wz6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29856077


>> No.29856068

Kiara said she wished HoloEN was just 4 people and now she's getting her wish. Ina's going to become the Lofi of HoloEN.

>> No.29856077

hah, I didn't even notice Peko made a Mori reference

>> No.29856078
Quoted by: >>29856159

Genuine question, assuming you're not shitposting, why do you "hate" Calli? What compels you to "hate" an anime streamer on the internet?

>> No.29856081
Quoted by: >>29856099

Guys, Amelia is literally my neighbor and she told me that she will only date Apex Predators.

>> No.29856084

this image has strong bob the tomato energy

>> No.29856088

are you actually fucking with us?

>> No.29856091

Fair enough.
Was probably her worst watchalong so far tbf so not missing much. Hereditary was pretty fun though.

>> No.29856092
File: 130 KB, 351x318, 1570029836447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura x Shion FFM H doujin when???

>> No.29856093
Quoted by: >>29856210

Don't forget you might inherit the Watson family curse.

>> No.29856099

Humans are apex predators...

>> No.29856102
File: 1.15 MB, 230x326, 1603044855930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether it was scripted or not, Kiara will forever have to live with the fact that Moona's friendship with Pekora was completely natural while hers was doomed from the moment she debuted.

>> No.29856104

She didn't say that, she said if holoEN was a 4 member group it would be easier to plan collabs since most games are for 4 people not 5.

Narrative harder.

>> No.29856105
Quoted by: >>29856126

Alien and Aliens with Ina aren't public I think and Kiara's LOTR watchalongs aren't either.
Mori's was public, and Ame has released all of hers except part 2 of Space Dandy.
I think that's all of them

>> No.29856108

I would kill for a MMO grinding session stream from her.

>> No.29856109 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 235x230, 1606552779134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29856120
Quoted by: >>29856175

Ina, like literally everyone, has noticed Kiara is hard on herself for being dead last in subs. Ina had been thinking shes could use a little downtime anyways, so she decided to pump the brakes on her channel to let Kiara surpass her. It's an intentional thing she's doing to be a good friend.

>> No.29856122


>> No.29856125

I feel like most of her questions are "is [this] what's happening?" with an obvious "yes" answer, which means she is actually following what's happening and is just chattering.

>> No.29856126

Thanks anon.

>> No.29856127


>> No.29856129

FUCK Unity, Post Trinity

>> No.29856131
Quoted by: >>29856180

She changed her appearance quite a bit in the 1-2 years between the two photos just with some hair dye and stuff so so it's not a stretch to imagine her current appearance looks nothing like those pics.

This is bullshit though.

>> No.29856135

Oh I know her, she works at Hotdog On A Stick near Santa Monica Pier, her voice is literally that of a cartoon character. She's a nice girl, don't talk to her.

>> No.29856137

Ted come back my oshi don't sleep because of that and netflix.

>> No.29856142
Quoted by: >>29856201

What? Ame asking dumb questions are the best part of watchalongs

>> No.29856146

I don't get it

>> No.29856147

Take your meds

>> No.29856148


>> No.29856149
Quoted by: >>29856229

Realisticly, I watch only three girls:
Mori, Ame and Kiara. But it doesn't mean I need to shit on the other girls. I enjoy reading the thread talking about Gura opening up over time and conquering her shadow, and Ina Ina Ina..... I've been meaning to watch her gesture streams but I always fall asleep halfway

>> No.29856152

she specifically said she wished it were only 4 people, but it's not clear she was singling out any one person. she was maybe referring to herself?

>> No.29856154

I wish we could get chuubas to play Carl's abhorrent levels

>> No.29856156

I don't find bishonen characters interesting as a man, and the general idea behind male vtubers is to cater to women/fujoshis in general so I doubt they would deviate too much from a pretty anime boy. I don't even remember the last time I watched a male streamer so I have a natural disdain for listening to another man stream games and talk, and slapping on some fujobait avatar would make me dislike him even more. I tuned out from livestream shit for a long time until I discovered vtubers around kizuna ai's peak popularity, maybe I've lost touch, I don't think it would be appealing but maybe I'm wrong. There's no knowing if the guy behind the character will have an interesting personality or not until it actually happens, and even if he's some sort of gigachad sounding comedian drawing in tens of thousands of viewers, I wouldn't like him as much cause his character is some brightly colored anime pretty boy with a wonky live2D

>> No.29856159

She killed my dog and livestreamed it for superchats.

>> No.29856160
File: 811 KB, 1130x1125, 1606533157311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29856163

Not him but he is right.

>> No.29856167

I honestly don't know how people have the time to watch all 5 girls. I only watch Kiara and Amelia.

>> No.29856168

Ina no longer exists.

>> No.29856172

>Check playboard
>Kanata is #2
>Check holotools
>Kanata is not streaming


>> No.29856173

She likes comedies?

>> No.29856175

she's just too kind, yet withheld. i hope we get more teetee with her.

>> No.29856176

Do you think Haachama's post about having terminal cancer was another one of her usual jokes or was it legitimate? She deleted it pretty quick after too

>> No.29856177
Quoted by: >>29856220

I-is the falling asleep during Ina's stream still only a meme? I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.29856178

No, it's one schizo forcing this meme. I've seen him and his typing pattern a lot, but I'm more interested in how the /hlgg/ meta will change if he successfully forces it. Without poster IDs, that's just how things goes.

>> No.29856180

Nigga stop discussing my daughter's twin's roommate's appearance. She's obviously latinx.

>> No.29856184
Quoted by: >>29856260

That's not the part I think it's weird, I have a dog and people approach me often to ask about the breed and shit. I think it's weird because you have ulterior motives, which makes it creepy.

>> No.29856185

she didn't mean it in a malicious way dumbass, she's just an ESL. She was talking about how collabs would be easier, not that she wants any members to be gone

>> No.29856187

Jokes on you, I like that song.

>> No.29856190

i'd listen to anybody into hobbies and crafts. recently discovering pizzapapa has made me much happier

>> No.29856192

Why fantasize about getting to meet and befriend your oishi (or ANY hololive member) when you know there's no chance of it happening?

>> No.29856195
Quoted by: >>29856320

No, she's obviously a flip!

>> No.29856196

>Wished holoEN was just 4 people
HoloEN suppose to be 4 people, but cover, out of pity, add Kiara to holoEN, she's the last member they add

>> No.29856197

>The bro-streamer market in the west is completely saturated, though, so if I want that, why would I watch someone who's hiding behind a Live2D instead of a facecam?
VTubers still have a place in that though. Imagine if your bro is a fucking badass metallic robot with a synth voice instead of just another 3D dude.

>> No.29856198

Kiara wishes she was holojp. That would. Make the rest of en have an easier time with collab's while she got to live her dream. She's selfishly selfless. Except for those narratives I read. Those poor, foolish nihonjin. At least she taught them a valuable lesson about never simping or trusting women.

>> No.29856200


>> No.29856201

>the best part
I mean I like it too, but I'd say the best part is her unintentional comedy, like when she laughed at Maroni breaking his legs and then tried to dial it back or whenever she shat on Rachel.

>> No.29856205

It's as much of a fantasy as me making any friends period, so might as well.

>> No.29856208

Unitychads have been having an amazing week.

>> No.29856210

to be fair the family curse doesn't sound terrible if you know what your up against. my only fear at that rate is divorce...

>> No.29856213

Pikmin would be a perfect fit for her I think, seeing how much she enjoyed the HL2 Antlion section.

>> No.29856214

If there were only 4 people in HoloEN, who do you think wouldn't have make the cut?

>> No.29856216

No, she’s a LEAF.

>> No.29856215
Quoted by: >>29856284

>Why fantasize about things you know aren't going to happen
Isn't that the whole point

>> No.29856218
Quoted by: >>29856423

Can I ask if you've made an actual friend by doing this? A female friend?

>> No.29856219

Anon, she LITERALLY said she wished Ina was fucking dead just because it'd make coordinating collabs easier. How can you defend that?

>> No.29856220

Lmao I'm a member and I still do. I love it.

>> No.29856225

Do you think a big reason why Ame antis still exist in these threads is because of how positive people are about her when she streams?

>> No.29856226

fuck you hahaha

>> No.29856228

There's nothing wrong with having daydreams and stuff, as long as you're not schizo enough to start to believe them.

>> No.29856229

This is how I feel except that I mostly watch Gura and Mori. The discussion and harmless shitposting about the other girls is a nice read and a decent way to keep up to date.

>> No.29856233

Is any one gonna record and upload Haachama sleeping with her members ASMR?

>> No.29856237

Honestly? As much as people may hate to hear this probably Amelia, considering she's the only one of the bunch that doesn't have an obvious talent.

>> No.29856238

Anon... your parasocial relationship reps...

>> No.29856240
Quoted by: >>29856306

>Some meme warlord that play literal kusoges but somehow he makes them watchable. Memelord tier


>> No.29856241

Have we managed to piece together the most likely setlist for Mori tomorrow based on what she's said/suggestions she's reacted to?

>> No.29856242

Here yes outside of here no.
>Goering intensify.

>> No.29856243

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.29856252

The biggest anti faction is probably tourists of any fanbase. Although I would wager to guess the next biggest are seething deadbeats

>> No.29856257

I unironically feel like Ina's lack of controversy dulls all conversation around her since there's nothing particular to talk about
Her streams are consistently "acceptable" and rarely have big moments that leaving talking about what happened for hours, conversations about her streams usually go "Hey Ina's stream today was pretty nice I guess" and that's basically it
Ironically the biggest controversy around her doesn't directly involve her, but some who literally who HL2 youtuber

>> No.29856258

Probably Ame

>> No.29856260

Which is why you have to not drop your spaghetti and call her Watson, anon. It is a little creepy, but assuming you don't have ill intentions, just talking to her for a little bit without letting anything slip isn't harmful if you just happened to run into her. It's no stranger then people who'll use this same way to try to make friends with a girl they find cute. Note this does not excuse or justify actually stalking her and then pretending to run into her, we're in magical coincidence land.

>> No.29856261

Why fantasize about being successful when you know you're never leaving this place?

>> No.29856263
Quoted by: >>29856282

I was thinking the same thing. She's my 2nd favourite though.

>> No.29856266
Quoted by: >>29856306

>play literal kusoges but somehow he makes them watchable
So Korone but male?

>> No.29856267

why wouldn't I want to be friends with them anon? they seem like nice people.

>> No.29856268

Kiara, Mori said when she debuted Kiara is the last member cover add to holoEN

>> No.29856274

i feel like ame just barely made it. on one hand, i like her old stuff better, cuter design, it had a lot of soul... but someone had to be the detective to tie it all together. and also, i hate to think of a timeline where amesame never happened.

>> No.29856275

Either the aftermath of the Amegeddon or the family curse manifesting itself

>> No.29856281

This is damn nice.

>> No.29856282

She wouldn't be my personal choice to get the boot if I were forced to choose, but she was clearly the biggest risk of the 5.

>> No.29856284

No, you're supposed to go to work, go home, go back to work, and repeat that process until you fucking die. Consume with no unnecessary thoughts. Now go apply for a job at an Amazon warehouse.

>> No.29856287

When did Mori say this

>> No.29856290

>>RTS nerd, the comfy guy who gives you life advice and feels like a Big Brother
I didn't know I needed this.

>> No.29856301

As much as I love Ame, I can't see it being anyone other than her. Thankfully we don't live in that timeline.

>> No.29856303

Slap that bitch

>> No.29856306

Yeah something like that... HEY HEY PEOPLE

>> No.29856308

>your oshi
>a kind of stream you want them to do more of

>> No.29856310

Thread is tribal. Pls post Unity

>> No.29856311

My bad, it's not when she debuted, it's a few stream after Mori debuted

>> No.29856313

Good thing Miko isn't a lesbian.

>> No.29856314

>Wake up and open a imageboard
>No Kiara stream and can't post Kiara

>> No.29856318

So I did some math.

Gura only has 70K subs in the past 7 days but Mori has 43K in the past 7 days.

This means that Mori will hit 750K first before Gura gets 1.5M. If you start from where Gura got 1M and Mori got 500K at the same time, you can see that Mori is inclining while Gura is freefalling.

I'm not a numberfag or deadbeat though, just stating facts.

>> No.29856320

Stop spoonfeeding newfags, retard

>> No.29856321

Why do you assume vtubers have a place in that market? Literally every successful bro-streamer shows his face, even ones that tried to make it with just an avatar like DisguisedToast or whoever the fuck that was. A live2D isn't as expressive as an actual facecam, and gimmick streamer like you're suggesting would be incredibly niche. Notice how everyone likes the Holos when they drop kayfabe to a minimum level.

>> No.29856323

No, they just didn't get the memo that the news cycle ended. Now it's gura's turn to get shit on for being overrated and carried by her design. Ame antis either like gura or are too slow to keep up with the fast paced rat race of criticizing people online.

>> No.29856326
Quoted by: >>29856383

God holoEN would be so disorganized without Ame around. She brings so much unity to the generation with her leadership skills. Without her it'd just be Mori and Kiara sticking together while Gura and Ina go solo and occasionally collab but not that much.

>> No.29856327

>Still pinning it in deadbeats
But.... a good number of deadbeats have Ame as their second?

>> No.29856333

No, the biggest anti faction is people blaming deadbeats for everything.

>> No.29856337

remember that if you could actually break the illusion, the industry would fall apart. vtubers are built on top of the mentally broken

>> No.29856339

>So I did some math
Stopped reading there.

>> No.29856342

This might be the dumbest post I ever read.

>> No.29856343

>any game she actually enjoys

She does seem to really like Sakuna though. I just wish she abandoned the idea of clearing her Steam backlog and play stuff that interests her.

>> No.29856350

I'm surprised that someone actually thinks that HolostarsEN will have any market at all..

>> No.29856351

This is some Kurt Angle math.
t. deadbeat

>> No.29856352

>250K gain vs 500K gain

>> No.29856353

freefalling makes it sound like Gura's subs are going to crash through the floor and hit the negatives.

>> No.29856355

Probably Ame, I don't mean to shit on her but her lack of outstanding talent makes her less marketable
She made up for this lack of talent by being fairly charismatic and putting a shit load of streaming hours in

>> No.29856362

Member Masturbation streams. Last one was fucking hot, especially when she started moaning out member's names. It was a really nice touch. I hope she brings a guest on next time.

>> No.29856369
Quoted by: >>29856405

>your oshi
>last time you kissed your homie

>> No.29856372

>I'm not a numberfag, but I numberfag on the numberfag central of /jp/

>> No.29856373

>So I did some math
Yeah, but you didn't do a good job.

>> No.29856376

>you will never smell Ina's hairbrush handle
why live

>> No.29856378

Does anybody have everything preggo guy has posted, I need it to finish my investigation into who he is.

>> No.29856383

We really lucked out with them, cant imagine things being different after all this. They all bring their own special thing to the group

>> No.29856382

Because you can do cool things in a 2D virtual environment that you can't in 3D. Even something more down-to-earth like roleplaying a cowboy would require dressing up for every stream for a regular streamer, while vtubers circumvent that tedium.

>> No.29856384

Was this related to the dox or just a joke?

>> No.29856385
Quoted by: >>29856417

>Your oshi
>You don't know Pekora

>> No.29856387


Hazard Hornet better not disappoint!

>> No.29856388

AO-chan's moanings are not healthy for the human mind so don't expect her on

>> No.29856389

This is a dumbest thing I ever read

>> No.29856391
Quoted by: >>29856424

If someone had to be cut, HoloEN wouldn't be as successful because each of the 5 girls has a special kind of audience/trope that is not filled by any of the other 4 other girls

>> No.29856393

You mean Scott Steiner math.

>> No.29856396

Numberfag here. Don't numberfag again.

>> No.29856397

>Kurt Angle math
When did Kurt Angle do a math bit?

>> No.29856399
Quoted by: >>29856410

Gura is fucking finished!

>> No.29856401

t. deadbeat

>> No.29856400

He has already revealed who he is though

>> No.29856405

I only kiss my dad

>> No.29856406

Ame or Mori. Ame probably had the better audition video, and is the more entertaining streamer, but doesn't really bring much to the table aside from that. Mori really only had her music career to lean on and I doubt Cover was enthusiastic about bringing in someone that was almost entirely alien to vtuber and idol culture.

>> No.29856410

Gura training arc soon.
Remember the fake Minecraft schedule from Ame?
That but it's only Smash and it's not fake and it's from Gura. Be ready.

>> No.29856413

he's posted his twitter and everything, get digging

>> No.29856417


>> No.29856422

i love gooruh

>> No.29856423

I mean, I've made female friends over making small talk after watching them get flogged in a public BDSM scene, and that's much more awkward.

>> No.29856424

what about koopa surely if she wasn't in EN all the girls would have 2 million sub s by now

>> No.29856428
Quoted by: >>29856444

Ina, she only know how to draw, that's it, holo don't need a lot of artist

>> No.29856435

i love gura's toasted mcdonalds buns

>> No.29856440

I love Kiara!

>> No.29856443

I love you, Gura!

>> No.29856444

Isn't the whole point of holo to inspire other talented artists to draw for you?

>> No.29856445

I love Ina's Inas!

>> No.29856448


>> No.29856449

I Love Gura!

>> No.29856450

>so I did the math
No you didn’t

>> No.29856451


>> No.29856453

I love you Gura!

>> No.29856455

Ame, so it's really good that we got 5.
