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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 181 KB, 1037x1800, EmuJ4HJXEAQhn2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29471216 No.29471216 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread archived: >>28810462

Useful links:
- https://kigurumimask.web.fc2.com/
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo

- Images: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

>> No.29471258

That's ABS actually, not PLA.

>> No.29471494
File: 98 KB, 764x763, 920234c79f3df8dc92f1c2d3da11728b451028f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29475639
File: 67 KB, 673x1200, C-LFGyrUwAAjR_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29476426
File: 764 KB, 2732x4096, IMG_20201119_095339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros how do I stop wanting to breed kigus?

>> No.29477104

Become a kigu yourself and get bred

>> No.29479094

By finding out it's a girl inside

>> No.29480047
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x2731, IMG_20201120_100310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29870373

>Become a kigu
>get bred
No, I am the one breeding!

>> No.29480428
File: 691 KB, 723x903, chrome_2020-11-20_22-20-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been thinking of becoming a kigu as of late.

Been wondering if these DAME generics are a good starter option.

>> No.29483037

What is with this trend I've seen from a few Western kigs of pretending to be a different person inside the kig when it's blatantly obvious it's not?

>> No.29485058
File: 48 KB, 680x473, D8DFc-DUcAE6Gwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

268 days.

>> No.29485423

You sound new.

>> No.29486588
File: 239 KB, 1280x1920, 1577313294711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29507859

What is with this trend I've seen of posting in the kigurumi thread and not posting pictures of the subject material?

>> No.29489009
Quoted by: >>29552987

I've heard good things and they're pretty qt imo

>> No.29498525

Wonder where she is now, rotting away in a storage, stuck under a pile of trash, or became a play toy for some fetish fuck.

>> No.29500961 [DELETED] 

The company that was behind her went bankrupt this month, so it's doubtful we will see her again.

>> No.29502677
File: 1.21 MB, 960x1706, EcQCTquU8AAQEUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29505369

Her maker has her atm.

>> No.29505369
File: 135 KB, 2048x1366, D8MommCUEAATAyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526266

Wow, thank you for sharing. This slipped past me somehow.

>> No.29507859 [DELETED] 

What is with this trend with everyone in here being a piece of shit

>> No.29509152
File: 146 KB, 1464x2048, 1397567_330587243749965_428890657_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine all the abandoned kigus collecting dust in a storage room somewhere

>> No.29510524

>that face
god I wish that were me

>> No.29511851

Source for that picture? Videos and images of that kigu are so fucking rare.

>> No.29512099

>A janitor have better chance at cumming on cute kigu face than you.

>> No.29517319
File: 908 KB, 1756x1854, 658a6d63dc64442572b2e742af397d061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

facebook com/OktoberfestJapan/photos/330587243749965/

>> No.29520655
File: 807 KB, 1152x2048, EnVGgy2XMAAshzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29533066

Now this is the most precious thing ever...


>> No.29526266
Quoted by: >>29526397

Only issue is that the company (Tenjin Pocket) that commissioned her went bankrupt this month.

>> No.29526397
Quoted by: >>29527099

If they went bankrupt, do they still have the right to her character?

>> No.29526523

When you wanna get hyped for a new kig, but you realized it's the guy with the worst padding on earth.

>> No.29527099

Depends whether they got a copyright on trademark on her, because they run for a certain amount of years before the first renewal.

>> No.29527766

Guy would look much better going with minimal pads or nude.

>> No.29533066

This is too wholesome
It hurts

>> No.29537585

not the first anon but thank you for the source!

Is there more than 1 video of her?
I could never find more than a blurry zoomed in shot.

>> No.29538669
File: 154 KB, 667x1000, IMG_20121201_021a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29538700
File: 135 KB, 960x1280, src_31551849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29552157


>> No.29539255

looks like it's made by sigma


>> No.29539527

>Imagine all the abandoned kigus collecting dust in a storage room somewhere
Isn't that just Loopy/Jenny/Morrigan/Azami/Storage-chan though?

>> No.29539918
File: 930 KB, 2525x4096, EnWnLXbXIA0EemB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chin tho

>> No.29539943
Quoted by: >>29565359

Kiguphone has distinct tastes.
That's the nicest way I think I could put it.

>> No.29543625

I used to worry about the health of those Chinese skeletons, but this seems more troublesome, somehow. How much does that all weigh? Is the poor fellow's back going to be ok?

>> No.29551841
File: 64 KB, 576x1024, EnRMCofVoAAP7h6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29555430

>> No.29552157
File: 106 KB, 852x1136, Bafe6AiCIAAzqwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29552663

It's annoying how I can't find a single video of her wearing her blue dirndl. Not only that, all the videos she's in are blurry, she's mostly out of frame, she rarely faces the camera and someone is always in the way. Disappointing.

>> No.29552663
Quoted by: >>29557278

She never appeared again after that fes either, what a waste of a good kigu.

>> No.29552987
Quoted by: >>29556848

Any more opinions on these?

>> No.29555430

I kinda want to be peed on now.

>> No.29556848
Quoted by: >>29556910

It's the best you can't get if you don't want to deal with agents.

>> No.29556910


>> No.29557278
File: 506 KB, 2893x4092, com___okt_chan_kigs__color__by_klaudsan_dcs4inf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29561550

The person wearing her did a good job and acted cute. I'd pay good money for the mask and costume.

>> No.29558443
File: 44 KB, 510x680, EnWgOFYXUAItBp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29558831

>> No.29558831
Quoted by: >>29583134

Who is this?

>> No.29561550
Quoted by: >>29562236

Normally I’d assume it was a girl since she’s an official kig. But from what I saw she’s really tall so I’m not sure.

>> No.29562236
File: 182 KB, 800x600, o0800060012318718838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain that official female mascots are all played by women. Not only that, her posture, movement and the fact that her hadatai is loose around the arms heavily implies she's a woman.

>> No.29565359

when you tastes are so weird than even other anime head enthusiasts find it strange, you are doing something really good or really bad

>> No.29566105
Quoted by: >>29568149

In that case I guess the actress is a foreigner, I doubt japanese woman could be that tall.

>> No.29568149
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, 8241697848_69d8026a5e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be possible that she's a member of the German band that performs at these events, or the organizer happened to find a taller than average Japanese woman to fit the image of a Bavarian women. Besides, it's not like whoever can afford to rent the Tokyo dome twice has to settle for a male performer.
How does one write her name in English anyways? Okt/Okto/Octo-chan? Any Germanons here?

>> No.29571597
File: 127 KB, 960x720, 541829_509230802517640_299109358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that about her being a potential foreigner. She's not that much taller than an average Japanese woman, she's wearing heels and the mask adds extra height.

>> No.29571701
File: 261 KB, 1200x1600, 665253_131472593674319_1144452170_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really not that tall.

>> No.29572923
Quoted by: >>29573491

I guess it’s these guys that are really short.

>> No.29573203
Quoted by: >>29573491

>How does one write her name in English anyways? Okt/Okto/Octo-chan? Any Germanons here?
>> english
>> germanons

It's Oktoberfest as in October and -fest for festival or fair. Okto-chan, I guess?

>> No.29573491
File: 480 KB, 768x1024, 536fd859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29574294

I wouldn't mind a towering Okto-chan looming over me.

We are speaking in English, are we not? Okto-chan it is then.

>> No.29574294
Quoted by: >>29574813

It’s pretty rare to see an official kig with decent looking cleavage.

>> No.29574813
File: 215 KB, 1024x1536, 609C8899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you wonder where the event organizers got the hadatai made.

>> No.29575275
File: 97 KB, 478x1024, BDMtH3iCMAAaHs9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29575695

Sigma made several official kigs for different projects. They also made the official mascot for Nitengo TV, who also disappeared after it got shut down.

>> No.29575695
File: 532 KB, 1823x2048, ElAhidrUYAAIi3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Twin Angel is still alive.

>> No.29575948
Quoted by: >>29576201

I really dislike this twitter fleet thing. It disappeared after a day, the only way to see it is following their account or going to their profile, and it lags like hell.

>> No.29576201

I really wish the kigurumi community would stop using twitter, I don't want to sift through a sea of shit all the time just to see cute kigus.

>> No.29577172
Quoted by: >>29577472

Sadly, as bad as twitter is, it's still better than the alternatives. Pretty much all other sites are strict toward suggestive contents, all western sites are filled with cancer, while the japanese ones are extremely dead.
I just wish we could go back to the fc2 days, it was better in every ways.

>> No.29577472
File: 453 KB, 680x1024, koishi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. Going through blogs was much easier than using twitter's shit UI. I'll gladly go to a geocities site over twitter every time.

>> No.29578006
Quoted by: >>29578318

>I really wish the kigurumi community would stop using twitter
But kigu political rants are especially ~brave and inspirational~

>> No.29578318
File: 101 KB, 533x800, IMG_8029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I really into what politics the kigus are into, pointless food pictures, gatchashit and unfunny memes. Fortunately, most eastern kigus don't talk about politics on social media or I don't understand enough of their language to see their opinions on political shit.

>> No.29578363
Quoted by: >>29578725

Sources? I need more of that Bridget.

>> No.29578713
Quoted by: >>29578929

That's just what happens when people are too lazy to make multiple accounts, the same issue also existed in the blog days, just that people would post less in general.

>> No.29578725
File: 100 KB, 600x800, P5045193_20090512230250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29580125

This used to be the link, but the site is dead: http://boylikeagirl.blog100.fc2.com/

>> No.29578929
File: 244 KB, 640x427, IMG_7759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a successful kigu and had a large following, I wouldn't clog up my follower's feeds with stuff they aren't interested in. Is anybody interested in what a kigu had for dinner?

>> No.29579540
File: 550 KB, 728x720, 1597111501237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these are dudes?

>> No.29579695
File: 352 KB, 900x600, 125348946014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a tired old meme. The truth is that all kigus are degenerate fujoshi who want to spread the idea that stinky ojisan are behind the cute anime mask.

>> No.29580125

Damn... I should have archived those blogs when they were still around. Most of them are gone now.

>> No.29580307
File: 590 KB, 680x1024, suv23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29603376

Some of the old blogs are miraculously still up, but some of the giants like dollhouse and kigurumi kingdom have been dead for a while.

>> No.29580676


>> No.29581066
Quoted by: >>29581256

Found these old videos on YouTube. It's from a Japanese tv show in the mid-2000s *I remember reading a comment saying it was a prank show but I'm not sure. I don't understand Japanese*. Anyway, these guys encounter kigus at a theme park and play with them before interviewing the actors behind the masks. I pretty sure three of them are guys. I want someone to translate what they are saying during the interview part.

This is some classic shit. The good old days...
(Part 1)

(Part 2)

>> No.29581256
File: 137 KB, 600x902, 1166359105190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many kigu lost with the passage of time.

>> No.29581281
File: 1.05 MB, 4016x6016, 07a7a5f554a3be8a5a17891526ba49cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care who's inside, I want a kigu girlfriend...

>> No.29581639

Face it anon, you're never going to make friends with another kig who you can have intimate times with, and you'll always be alone.

>> No.29581810
File: 372 KB, 2048x1536, 1227643765432582144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get to experience this

>> No.29583134


>> No.29583726

Kigu is also a social hobby for others. Myself included. Sometimes I may be interested in what my kigu friends are eating.

Though there are plenty of eastern and western kigus I follow back to be nice but have them muted cause as a person they’re uninteresting.

>> No.29583763
File: 305 KB, 1292x2048, IMG_20201119_095252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29584268

Thanks, I wasn't feeling suicidal today

>> No.29583830
Quoted by: >>29585564

I did experience this. Except we were both in kig.
It was nice.

>> No.29584268


>> No.29585220
Quoted by: >>29694322

You can still access some old blogs via the wayback machine. My method is going to animegao.com then copying the links and punching them into the wayback machine. Some times it works and other times I just get broken jpeg icons.

>> No.29585564

It ain't gay if there's a kig involved.

>> No.29586571

It's why I stopped following Storage-chan. I didn't really care about their ""rl" escapades when they barely post any kigu.

Like, warframe screenshots, food pics and posting their hunt for a new car is just very yawn.

Not that they're very good or friendly anyway if you're not showering him in complements or flirting.

>> No.29587757
File: 281 KB, 832x1248, 1B5FED13-7D60-45BB-BFB5-A828286B38FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s hard to find a convincing loli kigu these days.

>> No.29603376

it would be fun to rob a bank in these suits

>> No.29612636

tfw baidaoshan disappeared for a half year and came back as transwoman

>> No.29613633

Nyalice on twitter passed.

>> No.29614144


>> No.29615532

>Athena made a Fantia
Pretty much all taiwan kigs have fantia at this point. What’s about them that makes them such attention whore.

>> No.29615548

Which kigu was it that made that comic where a kigu went on an overnight road trip with a locked mask?

>> No.29615931
Quoted by: >>29756059

Have you guys seen that lockable Kigurumi? Some guy affixed a lock to the back of the head so he'd be forced to wear one.

>> No.29615991
Quoted by: >>29617021

Money for more kig stuff.

>> No.29616596
Quoted by: >>29617242

>Japan is known for huge number of suicides
Oof, RIP.

>> No.29616901
Quoted by: >>29617021

Gear is expensive.

>> No.29617021

Stuff they were going to buy regardless since it's a fetish to them. Simps gonna simp.

>> No.29617242

> Currently fighting illness and undergoing medical treatment
from twitter bio

>> No.29617294

Sad, they had and made very cute suits.

>> No.29617399
Quoted by: >>29618524

>Didn't get the joke

>> No.29618524
Quoted by: >>29618687

It's not okay to joke about.

>> No.29618687 [DELETED] 

In case you didn't fully get it, here's a hint: Aside from Japan, what other group is known for their massive number of suicides?

>> No.29619745
File: 966 KB, 2731x4096, EmEMxELVkAISJgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's been dead for the past few weeks. Did everybody die from the coof or something?

>> No.29621869
Quoted by: >>29621948

Coruposting has been kept at minimum

>> No.29621910
Quoted by: >>29622585


Saying for myself, nothing has peaked my interest in the past couple months.

>> No.29621948
Quoted by: >>29622585


This desu.

>> No.29622585
Quoted by: >>29622772

Post more cute kigu pictures of yourself then, you drongo bellend.

>> No.29622772


Almost fit, waiting on some things.

>> No.29625119

I hope you know that depression is an illness that you also get medical treatment for, and the poster who announced his dead said he died because of depression anyways.

>> No.29625934
File: 663 KB, 2048x1365, 126339038_3486915244709233_6148236774261362803_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catching the die sounds good sometimes

>> No.29626318
File: 650 KB, 2731x4096, IMG_20201123_104315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29626824
File: 47 KB, 864x574, ap-za2011-1-1-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels man.

>> No.29638294

Remember good kigu

>> No.29645698

Sneaky kigu art.

>> No.29648499
File: 447 KB, 1440x1920, O1CN01pfaknu1MHp54HOz1T_!!0-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29648538
File: 298 KB, 1232x1640, O1CN01XdGRe11OSvudUwZOH_!!0-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29648599
File: 124 KB, 853x1280, O1CN01nVlVFH1qV2zORkqrF_!!0-rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29671692

>> No.29656763
File: 893 KB, 1482x2048, AkVlPjRCQAAG89L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the rest of you /kcs/ anons dealing with the fact that international air travel and kigurumi events have been cancelled forever?

>> No.29659819
Quoted by: >>29661833

It's the worst.
Trying to meet with people for a while and every second week fucking dumbass countries decide to change the rules to "no you can't"

>> No.29661833
File: 138 KB, 1280x853, C1KqCS_UoAEH7Ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's that, you never got to attend an event or offline meeting? Too bad, all gatherings are now illegal and you aren't allowed to travel overseas anymore!
Fuck this gay world.

>> No.29671353

Poorly. I wanted to try to travel for cons this year and actually meet other kigs.

>> No.29671462

Does wearing a kig count as a valid facemask in places where they are mandatory?

>> No.29671692
Quoted by: >>29671824

Is that latex? Are these designed in a way that you can vacuum out the air for the ultimate feeling of encasement? Like a true second skin experience?

>> No.29671824
Quoted by: >>29672040

>Is that latex?
Sure looks like it
> Are these designed in a way that you can vacuum out the air for the ultimate feeling of encasement?
No. It's just made to measure to get pretty close to your body. You want something like a vacbed for that

>> No.29672040
File: 3.05 MB, 3264x2172, 006H0yTkgy1ghxnaa0lcvj32io1oc1kz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708265

Despite tight fit latex being nothing new. Somehow chinese kigs are the only one to ever get it right. Pretty much everyone else have this loose and baggy look.

>> No.29677045

I just bought some plane tickets and hope that shit isn't forbidden when I fly
At least airline offers free cancellation

>> No.29687580
Quoted by: >>29687617

I want to just die in there

>> No.29687617

>tfw no busty kigu gf

>> No.29688969

Any good loli kigus?

>> No.29690618

Sometimes I wonder how many kigs that get pissed about their videos being stolen and shared on pornhub pirate anime or other porn. Or perhaps the experience turned them into anti-pirates.

>> No.29693136

The worst part about stealing videos is that every porn site is filled with shirty quality re-uploads you have to sift through.

>people have videos in their profiles so they get their friend requests accepted
Who even accepts friend requests from collector accounts when he's uploading OC?

>> No.29693214

I wish I produced porn worth stealing to be honest.

>> No.29693717
Quoted by: >>29702844

Not defending piracy or stealing videos, but people should realize once you upload something onto the internet it's very difficult to take it down. This is why you should only share your smut with your close circle of IRL friends. If you start sharing it to gain clout on social media you have nobody to blame but yourself when some opportunist grabs it and uploads it somewhere else.

>> No.29694322

I tried that and it worked like 10% of the time. Honestly it makes me even more depressing looking at all the little thumbnail.
I just hope some anon could post their archive of the old blogs.

>> No.29702844


This very much.
It baffles me when I see people overreact to their content being stolen. Like "oh no more videos on Twitter" or "They have to be censored now."
So the result is one pirate ruins it for everyone else.

I don't think most have truly thought out the implications of posting themselves in such a lewd manner too.

>> No.29708265
File: 246 KB, 1152x2048, EXKcAWUUEAA1lL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precision Japanese makers ain't got shit on chink resourcefulness to be perfectly honest.

>> No.29708444
File: 624 KB, 2448x3264, EfElHGcUwAQw7XF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29708650
Quoted by: >>29709009

TokalCMS could use some work modelling the faces of their masks. They still look kinda derpy.

>> No.29709009

Agreed, the eyes don't match the lips.

>> No.29709112
File: 324 KB, 1440x1920, 74442438_838339010004005_2942402384191553536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29709406
File: 984 KB, 4096x2045, Czto7DcUsAAahO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the discord looking like these days? Can't remember the last time I've been there.

>> No.29712927
File: 280 KB, 1130x2010, 126987844_190819472640186_106754662778635452_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29714601

>> No.29714049
File: 832 KB, 2592x3872, EfElDq4UEAE8C9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29714474

>> No.29714474
Quoted by: >>29714553

This angle and focal length is much more flattering than >>29708444. Maybe TokalCMS masks aren't as bad as I first thought.

>> No.29714553


Makes sense.
Every mask/shell will have bad and good angles really.
Good makers/shells should minimize the no. of bad angles and good performers should capitalize on the good angles their kig has.

>> No.29714601


I've never really liked Gurgle or those MSM shells personally. That :| expression just gives me the "I'm bored" vibe.

>> No.29714953

yeah same, they're mediocre at best even if they are very affordable

>> No.29715130
File: 297 KB, 1130x2010, 127124942_190819469306853_1349142632291239573_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, shape's kinda screwed too and looks like you need a ton of work to make it mildly presentable.

>> No.29720115
File: 524 KB, 281x887, PWDz5C-U_pbx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29720796
Quoted by: >>29730115

You may not like it, but this is what peak kigu looks like.

>> No.29722356

Really depends how much a person invests in the mask honestly, they also do customs but people just cheapen out on it and go for the default instead.

>> No.29722916


>> No.29730115

You're right, I do not like it one bit.

>> No.29730427
Quoted by: >>29736369

Hello anons
I come to you all to reveal just how desperate I am
For some reason today I felt like looking for any Nintendo related kigs since I consider them to be rare and I stumbled upon this picture with a gardevoir kig from 2015
if anyone could tell me who the performer was and if they still have any form of social media precense today I'd greatly appreciate it


>> No.29736369
File: 278 KB, 854x1280, 119749448_178613963783811_4079888283187040960_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still active but exclusively on FB @ Natasha Kigs.

>> No.29747507
File: 235 KB, 1323x2048, EnuKviFUUAEspwV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shape's kinda screwed too
That's really just the angle, most masks look like that from a low viewpoint.

>> No.29747652
File: 283 KB, 1200x912, EdnvN58VoAAt3zZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29748267


>> No.29756059
Quoted by: >>29757290

Do you mean that korean guy on twitter?

>> No.29757290


It was about some guy getting locked into kig and then they both went on a trip to a pretty far location by car, then staying in a hotel room still in kig because the photographer intentionally left the key back home, and only allowed back out once they're both back home the next day.

Got a link if you recognise which comic this is?

>> No.29759325
Quoted by: >>29760083

>It was about some guy getting locked into kig and then they both went on a trip to a pretty far location by car, then staying in a hotel room still in kig because the photographer intentionally left the key back home, and only allowed back out once they're both back home the next day.
Sounds hot, but please don't do this in real life. Always have a backup key since anything can happen.

>> No.29760083

It was this

>> No.29760886
File: 922 KB, 3456x2296, kig serval welcome to japari park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29762081
File: 3.81 MB, 4000x6000, 006yEEpsgy1gkx69dcawmj33344moe83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29762318
File: 417 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20201126_101531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the expression of someone that won at life

>> No.29763520

I'd say that the one chubby Taiwanese photographer who got to hang out with a room-full of kigus is the true winner of life.

>> No.29766545
Quoted by: >>29779799


>> No.29767536
Quoted by: >>29769703

Source? Is there any pics of it being worn?

>> No.29769703
File: 1.73 MB, 2464x3280, EdSuDU4VcAA8jLm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ko_omoide @ Twitter.

>> No.29779799


>> No.29807676

Anyone getting new outfits today as part of the black friday sales?

>> No.29812837
File: 269 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20201127_075107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29816635

I want to bride carry Mana chan

>> No.29816635
File: 124 KB, 596x1000, CFig_S3UsAAFWub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29818127

I want a kig that's significantly taller than me to manhandle my body, then hold me reassuringly with their strong arms.

>> No.29818127
Quoted by: >>29820286

Mommy bisko might be right on your alley

>> No.29820286
File: 331 KB, 2048x1536, CzSxU88UkAAD9gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no chance we'll ever meet in person but just in case, do they like to play rough, like pinning people down against their will? Can they lift a 130lb man with one arm?

>> No.29829626

As someone that is 183cm, its nice not only seeing small kigs. Now i just need to lose some weight before I can go into kigu

>> No.29842996
File: 131 KB, 682x1024, IMG_20201127_201238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29863998

>> No.29847021
Quoted by: >>29848151

This one is definitely a dude.

>> No.29848151
File: 489 KB, 1536x2048, EnbJ2lvXMAI0zRU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe it

>> No.29863998
Quoted by: >>29864099

What's up with the undersuit?
Keeping sweat away from the hada?
isn't it just warmer so more sweat?

>> No.29864099
Quoted by: >>29865762

Part of the padding I guess, could help making their arms look more feminine.

>> No.29864609
File: 290 KB, 1080x1849, 008bhudIly1gl53tpzixmj30u01fdn7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29865762

I've seen guys wearing things that look like gymnastic leotards with sleeves under their hadatai. Think it might cover up veins on their arms.

>> No.29866553
Quoted by: >>29868124

please post more cow tidy kigu

>> No.29868124
File: 131 KB, 778x1024, EhZtOVOU8AEIEbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29868997

yes and yes i can and i will manhandle tiny boys

>> No.29869611
File: 551 KB, 1972x1916, 88032444-3F37-4AC4-B871-B80732AADB82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna marry kigu!

>> No.29869770

I want to get manhandled by mommy bisko!

>> No.29870024
Quoted by: >>29871509

I'm 5ft4 ><

>> No.29870373
Quoted by: >>29870506


>> No.29870506

Where you think you are

>> No.29871509

i will tower over you

>> No.29877317
Quoted by: >>29881031

Are there any good places to sell a used mask? I have 1 that doesn’t fit anymore and need it off me.

>> No.29879422

Oh my

>> No.29880064 [DELETED] 

*erection intensifies*

>> No.29881031


Post on the discord or in the FB market group

>> No.29888978
File: 93 KB, 768x1024, Ei-YZ8BVoAA2Anb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29900687
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, 127770552_999438230566272_7855090418102028333_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29902395

>> No.29902395
Quoted by: >>29921922

is this who i think it is

>> No.29905353
File: 105 KB, 600x800, IMG_1680_20090804030137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29908244

I'm terrified, but curious.

>> No.29908244

tfw no manlets at my every beck and call

>> No.29908640
File: 122 KB, 532x800, DC7_2003_20090613234439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't get everything we want, now can we?

>> No.29911517

"Whats wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?"

>> No.29912007

Did they really get married? If so, they better have done it in kig.

>> No.29914093

man, I wish I was short now

>> No.29915205
Quoted by: >>29918418

I am 166cm tall can I be part of mommy bisko manlet harem?

>> No.29918418
Quoted by: >>29918727

sure anon

>> No.29918614

I want to get cuddled by a wedding dress kigu.

>> No.29918727
Quoted by: >>29919548

I'm 190cm. I feel like that's a little above what's considered a manlet right?

>> No.29919548
Quoted by: >>29920242

it is but i see no reason to exclude you

>> No.29920242


>> No.29921403
File: 315 KB, 1365x2048, 1E2A9A70-6BF2-4295-8043-0EACE9BFB09F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect kig

>> No.29921922
Quoted by: >>29962764

who do you think it is?

>> No.29929303
Quoted by: >>29937819

Weird news, but on a new callmecarson video he an old kig video. And [correctly if I may add] said they were men. So I think we’re gonna get some incoming newbies

>> No.29937819
Quoted by: >>29941730

Literally who

>> No.29941730

Normalfag garbage. You can ignore it.

>> No.29944539
Quoted by: >>29949017

How the fuck do people get their hadatai so smooth and wrinkle-free? Photoshop magic?

>> No.29949017

It's like that when it's tailored a little too small.

>> No.29960401


>> No.29961269

Twink needs a little more padding.

>> No.29961916

>Plush doll kigurumi
Well that's a first. Think it would look better with resin eyes rather than fabric ones. Anybody agree?

>> No.29962764

mercy from overwatch, duh

>> No.29965140
File: 247 KB, 1442x1920, EoFOIAQUYAAlKyi-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this really is something

>> No.29971089
File: 365 KB, 2048x1538, 1596996744795.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29974908

Now there's two of them!

>> No.29974060


One Chinese kig decided to make a tweet commenting on the increasingly pornographic nature of kig.

Replies are pretty heated as well.
Storm clouds are brewing over the kig landscape.

>> No.29974115

I've said for years that overseas kigs also have people who want/don't want lewd and it isn't just a western thing.

>> No.29974858

>kig that makes porn complains about other kigs making porn
sounds like someone's just salty of competition

>> No.29974908

More than two, the og one puts some up for sale on an almost weekly basis.

>> No.29975905
Quoted by: >>29980636

I like the part where they blame Natsuki for kig turning into a sausage fest, like if it was a new thing.

>> No.29976763
Quoted by: >>29980636

Pornographic as in all the new payed content or lewd stuff in general?

>> No.29980636
Quoted by: >>30007938

They never made porn though? Unless I'm missing something here.
Either way their TL isn't filled with lewds like many kigs nowadays.

Both really. I hope I'm not the only one noticing that many kigs' main twitter accts are getting more and more lewd nowadays.
The ura or lewd account has no purpose in 2020. Funny how lewds used to be more 'secretive' or for sharing with other kigs, now its just something to be shared to the masses.

>> No.29980871 [DELETED] 

Not necessarily. Trouble is it is hard to be in kig and not have lewd content bleed into your feeds. It can be really frustrating when cosplay friends are interested in kig, but are quickly turned off by the flood of lewd content and demanding fans.

It's not always about the popularity, and it is hard to cater ones feed in this hobby. Twitter will share what other's have liked, not just reshares.

Kind of the shame that kig has standardized to Twitter, as the platform wasn't really meant to be a photo sharing site. Don't follow the Chinese Kig scene, not sure if they are largely on Twitter as well.

>> No.29980891

Isn’t this kinda like how fursuiting used to be stigmatized as an exclusively fetish thing?

>> No.29981176 [DELETED] 


Yep, and I'm fearing it'll happen to kig as well.

>> No.29981178

Not necessarily. Trouble is it is hard to be in kig and not have lewd content bleed into your feeds. It can be really frustrating when cosplay friends are interested in kig, but are quickly turned off by the flood of lewd content and demanding fans.

It's not always about the popularity, and it is hard to cater ones feed in this hobby. Twitter will share what other's have liked, not just reshares.

Kind of the shame that kig has standardized to Twitter, as the platform wasn't really meant to be a photo sharing site. Don't follow the Chinese Kig scene, not sure if they are largely on Twitter as well.

>> No.29981629
Quoted by: >>30009168

Yep, I'm fearing it'll happen to kig as well.

This so much. It might be a real issue soon about getting normal cosplay friends or people interested in kig, since the first thing one can see on kig twitter is just lewds.

>> No.29981944

This wouldn't be a problem if we stuck to blogs. Using blogs or a similar close-knit platform means you put in the bare minimum amount of effort necessary to keep your lewd content separate just by operating it.

Using social media, you can inflict annoying pictures of food on people without consequence to yourself or others because you care more about upvotes than you do about the quality of your content. You're not shaping the kig community, Jack and Zuck does.

Social media should be exploited for better content, not the other way around.

>> No.29984439
Quoted by: >>29985316

Can we have more Mommy Bisko porn please?

>> No.29985316
Quoted by: >>29988145

Way to invalidate the last chunk of this thread

>> No.29987702


It’s kinda funny when I called out this months ago people thought I was being moralist or some shit.

I honestly can’t give a rats ass about what people say kig is, what concerns me is the catfighting that this competition for attention creates.

>> No.29988145

He validated it though, that lots of kig fan only care about porn. Which affects how other people see it and the kigs as well.

>> No.29996737
File: 467 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20201130_230505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30017483

Sex is overrated
I just want to see kigus being cute

>> No.29998023
File: 714 KB, 2592x3888, DjF14GSU8AAQz1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29999333

Kig is inherently lewd. Fursuits are different because most people don't think anthropomorphic animals are sexy, but everyone knows anime girls are sexy.

>> No.29998209
File: 148 KB, 801x1200, DJ65EwSVoAAu3ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tired: kigu lewds put people off and inhibit growing the hobby

wired: kigu lewds keep the normies out and that's a good thing

>> No.29999333
File: 111 KB, 801x1200, DGx5j6kUIAAtNUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about how sexy they are, it's about how the lewd contents have become more and more prevalent recently. It's not like people complain about it are puritans hating any sight of lewdness.
For example, obviously there's tons of people who got turned on by anime girls. But if an entire season has nothing but ecchi anime, many of them would get really upset.

>> No.29999363
File: 807 KB, 2731x4096, IMG_20200131_180254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wired: kigu lewds keep the normies out and that's a good thing

Never thought about like that. That's good. I've always seen kig as a fetish but have always appreciated the public cosplay element of it. Guess it sucks for people that only want the cosplay element.

>> No.30002292
File: 266 KB, 1364x2048, EoACdluUcAYXtKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizu's new kig is pretty cute.

>> No.30006737
Quoted by: >>30021266

Why would someone be turned off of doing kigurumi because some people do lewds, but not be turned off of cosplay in general by the millions of instagram thots doing slutty cosplay versions of everything?

>> No.30007938

>They never made porn though?
You sound new.

>> No.30008023

>It can be really frustrating when cosplay friends are interested in kig, but are quickly turned off by the flood of lewd content and demanding fans.
>are quickly turned off by the flood of lewd content and demanding fans.
is exactly how cosplay sites are nowadays too and that in an even worse way than kig as the later rarely is actual porn compared to nowadays cosplay.

>> No.30009168

>Yep, I'm fearing it'll happen to kig as well.
Kig is already seen as a fetish thing to most normalslime regardless. It is literally (usually always) crossdressing to begin with before you even consider the mask.

>> No.30010197
File: 332 KB, 1080x2400, 007xIiSJgy1gl73chp0qxj30u01uo47c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't follow the Chinese Kig scene, not sure if they are largely on Twitter as well.
Western social media is banned in China and most people don't bother with a VPN, everyone is on Weibo.

>> No.30017483
Quoted by: >>30029005

I’d be lying if I said that kigurumi wasn’t a fetish of mine but honestly at this point all I want is a hug from a kig

>> No.30021266

Gatekeeping much?

But on Instagram, you choose who you follow and Zuck judges you when you flip over to discover. You still determine your own experience. Kig is mainly discord and Twitter in the west and if you downt want lewd you either don’t exist online, or you deal with the smut wave.

Back to the general cosplayers being turned off by lewd, kig seems to have a large fetish faction (that’s fine really), but it’s hard to keep it out of your feed if you only care about cute waifus and husbandos doing cute things.

Personally, I just scroll by the content I don’t like. What really turns casually interested cosplayers dabbling in kig off, is the random creepy dms. This last point is why most kigs ignore non kig dms, ands it’s a real shame, but most of us don’t want to play creep Russian roulette in our dm box.

>> No.30023748
File: 348 KB, 1207x2047, IMG_20201201_085312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30029005

I just want to marry a cute kig bros

>> No.30025138

Gatekeeping is a necessary evil to prevent a hobby/community from turning to shit.

>> No.30025918

This sounds like a half baked worry. Going to shit from what position? And moreover more people in kig means more talent and potentially more makers. Also many complain about no kigs living nearby. Lastly, one is under no obligation to associate its every kig, and having more around will allow people to find others who are into this for similar reasons or goals.

>> No.30029005

Get me a cute kig to marry

>> No.30029877

>people not knowing they can just turn Twitter's lewd filter on

>> No.30030483

Seems to rely on tweeters marking things as sensitive. And if they are using machine learning, seems to only flag pornagraphic content. Lewd isn’t necessarily pornagraphic, just not everyone wants to see it.

>> No.30030936

People are mostly garbage and I'd rather a community be small and filled with enthusiastic people, rather than large with people who mostly don't give a shit about the hobby but do it cause it's cool or something.

>> No.30031273
Quoted by: >>30031758

This just look what happen to videogames and comics
I prefer a hobby filled with coru tier autists than one full of thots

>> No.30031758
File: 305 KB, 1366x2048, Cu3SkfgUAAAfpZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30032253

Fuck normalfags. They turn anything niche into a pile of steaming horseshit every time.

>> No.30032253
Quoted by: >>30033989

My experience is that people are mostly fine, it's the steaming buckets of bitterness and douchebaggary on the extremes that makes it a shitfest for everyone.

And if they're are doing the hobby, by definition they do give a shit, just maybe not about the things you care about (see: lewd). Which is fine to be in this for whatever reason. Having more people around means being able to find those who jam the way you do, and remember, no one is forcing you to like kigs whose masks, outfits, etc... you don't care for.

>> No.30032538
Quoted by: >>30033018

Kigu will never be cool to normies, and it's just not as accessible. Masks cost more than a $10 AliExpress cosplay.

Half of the autists here don't even own a mask, so I'm not sure why there's even a discussion about gatekeeping.

>> No.30032779

This is the same dumb fallacy almost every industry falls to. People thinking that "bigger is better".
"More talent and more makers"... yeah we got more ""talent"" - unimaginative thots that flood Twitter with ass pics because they don't have anything else to offer. And in the meantime we barely got any new makers, instead GKO's quality has gone to shit since he's selling cheap PU for FRP prices now, and the already established good makers like RINS keep increasing their prices. The only really notable new maker is KHS, they're PU masks too but with better shell shapes than GKO for a third of the price.
Also whoever says "kig is inherently lewd" needs a fucking history lesson. This shit started out with Precure-like stage shows, and what is inherent is the art of acting and performing, not getting your dick hard from looking at a piece of plastic.

>> No.30032970
Quoted by: >>30033779

Here’s what I see. More hobbiets, more creatives, more people making masks and Shari production techniques. Not everyone who paints becomes a Picasso, but having more people allows more chances to have a Picasso. And what part of not having to oblige content you don’t care for is not resonating? Thots on Twitter and Instagram. We don’t have to hit like or reshare. And if they are on Twitter they’ll only show up in discover or any hashtags I follow. Twitter shares on main feed based on what your follows are liking and sharing. One future vision has choice, the other keeps status quo (which currently has its own version of thot culture anyway)

>> No.30033018
Quoted by: >>30034500

Because gatekeeping is happening overtly and subvertly. To claim otherwise is willful ignorance or head in the sand syndrome.

>> No.30033660
Quoted by: >>30034353

*munches popcorn as I watch the drama unfold*

>> No.30033779


>More hobbiets, more creatives, more people making masks
The problem here is that the overall quality of mask makers (and even hadatai manufacturers) is getting worse and worse over time. As the overall number of hobbyists increases, the lesser the percentage of people that even begin to understand why their mask looks good or bad based on the shell shape. Trends that get supported by the "mainstream" like cheaper masks that break after a few years make it harder for the highly involved and caring enthusiasts to buy high quality products. At the end of the day it's still those highly active enthusiasts which make up the cornerstone of any hobby and community by inspiring others. Right now they're being pushed out by the more mainstream coming in at an alarming rate.

>And what part of not having to oblige content you don’t care for is not resonating?
The fact that Twitter has become the norm for Japanese and Western kigs and that it will put what is basically softcore porn into the recommendations under almost every single kig tweet, even if it's a wholesome one. It's become basically impossible to avoid the fetish side of kig on the platform that has become the standard. If you follow *any* kig on Twitter at all there's a big chance they're going to like or retweet a kig fetish post at some point, which Twitter is more likely to push into your feed because it generates more likes off of horny idiots. Now personally this doesn't bother me, but the effect it has on public perception of the hobby and the people interested in it does. I don't want kig to turn into anime fursuits where the entire reputation circles around it being a fetish and people fucking in suits.

>> No.30033843
File: 215 KB, 1080x1619, be2160e3gy1gi454xk8hxj20u018zq8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30033890

>and that [Twitter] will put what is basically softcore porn into the recommendations under almost every single kig tweet, even if it's a wholesome one.
I should mention this happens even if you're not logged into your Twitter account. Try it out if you don't believe me. So people new to the hobby are extremely likely to immediately find fetish content and be turned off or form a stigma.

>> No.30033938

Kig masks already have been sold as fetish item ever since Muni became a thing, not like the public perception will ever change, just considering normies even judge alt. fashion as fetish thing.

>> No.30033960

Who is being pushed out and how? And unfortunately the current in demand makers are being pushed to streamline their processes to meet demand. In mainstream there is still niche and independent makers. They don’t disappear. Woodworking has fine furniture makers, while most people are fine with IKEA. Is the complaint that specialty stuff is expensive when indies make it, because I got news for you, indies can’t pay bills or rent, they can’t make you kig. And if they are good, they have to raise their prices or not be able to meet demand or buy better equipment or workspace to meet demand. If they need to hire staff, that’s another new cost.

>> No.30033989

this. most people are fine. it's the vocal minority that's the problem.

and it's less about maker but about those who beg for content without providing any

>> No.30034353

This kind of shit right here is the subvert sabotage. Anything that is hard conversation that teases out opinions and tests the validity of concerns is labeled drama. Anything that reinforces status quo, even when it is toxic, is ok.

>> No.30034386

Honestly those are ones of many reason why I believe the problem isn't the kig, but the audience. While it's true that the amount of lewd contents are rising, they're still massively outnumbered by normal cosplay.
There are hundreds of new kig pic everyday, but probably less than 10% of them could be considered suggestive. Yet they're still more likely to make it into other people feeds, because porn is just more popular.

>> No.30034388

lmao have you spent any time interacting with the kig community? there's people quitting or semi-quitting the hobby everywhere. even Azi looks like he's done for now and he used to be admin for the biggest western kig discord

>> No.30034500

You're gatekeeping about a hobby you only passively participate in by fapping to kigs on Twitter.

>> No.30034562

Unless this is Azi themself I won’t speak for their behalf. And I’ve been in kig a long time, I’ve seen several phases of the western hobby wax and wane. However this is 4chan where ideas should stand on their own merit not on who is saying them. I’ve been in the cosplay scene and kig scene, people only leave because they are tired of the shit or don’t have a place to go that suits them.

>> No.30034670

>there's people quitting or semi-quitting the hobby everywhere
This happens in all hobbies, you only notice it more because kig is smaller. I can't speak for all kig, but I feeling less passion when there's no meetups. Doesn't mean people have dropped the hobby completely.

>> No.30034801
Quoted by: >>30035120

In the end I do kigurumi for my own enjoyment and the other kigus/community are simply supplemental.

Accept everything as it comes, I feel like people who constantly argue and discuss about the hobby as a whole aren't enjoying it from their own personal experiences.
Nothing wrong with that, it's just how things are and no one can change how you feel

Even if everything goes to shit, who cares. I can still enjoy kigu. You don't need to be friends with every single kigu or kigu fan. It's nice having attention but think about what you really enjoy from the hobby.

>> No.30035120
Quoted by: >>30035692

Here’s why discussing is important; ideas are powerful. And these sites are the public record and help shape opinions and views. Some of us do love this hobby, but struggle to make local inroads because irl friends struggle with some the toxic elements of this community. As it stands right now, there are few niche places where they can be free of this crap without disconnecting from the online aspect. Which pretty much renders them without the healthy feedback loop that keeps them excited. Like another anon posted, not having meetups is draining for many right now. For some kigs that was not something that was exclusive to covid time.

>> No.30035144


OP of this entire fire here.
So I want to put my 2cents on this whole matter.

I never have an issue with kigs being lewd. Especially with those that pursue higher quality content/lewds.
However, some of the emerging issues of 2020 is the increasing prevalence of lewds, and pandering to 'mainstream' horny crowd.

Like some of the major trends that have happened is
1. Some kigs are pushed to just churn out lewds, latex stuff, etc. just because it is popular.
2. Increasing monetization of kig. It's too early to see the repercussions of it yet, but I fear it won't turn out well.

Overall, what I fear for the most is the public perception of kig. Same things that happened before to regular cosplay, fursuits, or probably a few other hobbies too.
Like I go on my account and see a female friend who went full thot.
Just churning out "uwu here's my ass" every few days in 'cosplay'.

I don't want kig to be that. The hobby deserves better.

>> No.30035360

>Increasing monetization of kig
There has been a lot of complaints about this. People saying so and so sold out by making a patreon/fantia/whatever
But do any kigs actually make more than pocket change off of these services?

Personally I get self conscious because I feel like my own content is shit. But it's something that makes me feel a bit better about myself in the moment and hopefully my shitty pictures will lead to eventually making less shitty pictures.

>> No.30035460

I feel you anon. I think tho it is fair to say that preventing that outcome is reasonable. I think for ones own emotional well-being focusing on eking out a niche audience and not worrying about “the public perception” of kig. If kig became more accessible perception changes, but it’s organic and long haul (think decades). By crafting a space for everyone we can push kig to that more accessible future and get more people who we can synergistically enjoy this hobby with. But we do have to keep doing the hard work and having these hard conversations. And I’m afraid we even have to fight for the thots because we’d be hypocritical if we had an everybody but them attitude. That canon can be turned on us and rightfully so if we were ok with doing it to others.

>> No.30035482
Quoted by: >>30044989


Why the fuck do you sound like you want this all to go more mainstream? It's a niche of a niche hobby, what good can pushing it more to be like other mainstream hobbies do? You're already aware of the consequences that things will seperate into mainstream and "indie" makers, but why should we want that?
It's not the "indie" makers that are adjusting for demand, it's the already big makers that know they can charge more for the same damn thing because the masses will buy into it like a brand regardless of wether it's a good product or not. We haven't seen a single maker offer more for charging more in the last couple of years.
What you're saying also doesn't line up with the fact that Sigma can keep their prices perfectly consistent while other makers' prices keep climbing beyond theirs. There's no "buy better equipment" or "hire new staff" here, it's clearly just higher profit margins because they figured out the increasing number of hobbyists brings in demand regardless of price.

>> No.30035492
Quoted by: >>30035888

>Increasing monetization of kig.
Natsuki and other jp kigs have been doing that in the form of lewd pic roms since the early 00s, it's nothing new.

>> No.30035531

>Overall, what I fear for the most is the public perception of kig
Implying that the average person doesn't think this isn't dudes getting off to dressing as animu girl.

>> No.30035692

Nothing wrong with discussing like I said.
I do my own thing but for those who are always in discussion, imo bring your discussion to a higher plane.

Not specifically you, but many anons/kigus just complain all day and don't do anything about it.
I'm honest with many kigus that talk with me and they usually don't expect someone to talk to them that way and I end up becoming friends with them.

That's because I'd like to be interacted with in the same way and because of this I am not on bad terms with any kigu regardless if I am their friend or not.

I could care less but I still took action towards a direction that I felt is good rather than just bringing up issues that I don't care about and doing nothing.

>> No.30035888


Natsuki and other JP kigs never aggressively monetized their content or push "Hey! Here's my Fantia!" or "See more in Fantia!" on every post.

>> No.30035943
File: 328 KB, 2000x1335, heppoko_maid-1138037466722492416-20190610_195730-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sum up my thought pretty well. I would be a hypocrite for saying I hate lewd stuffs, because I love them, but I adore kigu's beauty even more.

>> No.30035959
File: 75 KB, 480x640, CwZQ8zUW8AApOR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30036374

We are living in times where "kig" masks are sold at sex shops alongside onaholes, it's too late to make normies think it's not a fetish.

>> No.30036374

Non lewd kig here. Here’s a hot take: who cares if normies think this is a fetish? Cosplay is a fetish for some, every normie has a kink (or many). Fetish isn’t naughty, dumping it onto people who don’t care to endings with you is what is not well adjusted. I for one don’t do kig as a fetish, but don’t want to set out to make human sexual exploration “a bad thing”. We just need to find a space where consenting parties can see it if they wish and the rest of us to only see it if we’re looking for it.

>> No.30036645
File: 456 KB, 1260x1620, bc5aa3cb256b905316ac32c1782a9a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30036922
File: 939 KB, 1500x2000, kig You melted your waifu, holy shit anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all of them

>> No.30036930
File: 460 KB, 600x900, mikotosogebu_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30037530


This is the best opinion I've seen in this entire thread. Thank you.

>> No.30036994
File: 427 KB, 2524x4096, IMG_20201201_142457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck on this

>> No.30037530
File: 261 KB, 1364x2048, Mizu_Lucia-1333068204520865799-20201130_002001-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely normal to be sexually attract to something so pretty, no? It's only start to go wrong when it's the only thing you care about them, even more wrong you start to bother them about it.
I remember Mizu ranted about something like that a while ago, don't know if it's still there.

>> No.30037808

You say that like it isn't already in the west

>> No.30037827
Quoted by: >>30043844

Dudes, just do whatever the fuck you want.
Screw the normies or kigus who don't like it.
As long as you aren't a shithead, you can easily make friends and be involved

>> No.30043844
File: 1.31 MB, 3447x3800, IMG_8995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30045225

can confirm, normies will think whatever they think. be a cool.

>> No.30044989

Perhaps I’m not following what you’re driving at. Like on one hand it seems you’re arguing that current makers are not offering anything compelling and charging what you view, unfair prices. Yet it seems you don’t want there to be more people due to “race to the bottom” that commoditized kig would bring. I mean the closest we have to commodity maker is Muni, and most unaltered masks haven’t been show stoppers, but they have been an intro to kig for many, and other creative types have used them as a base for customizing. If there were more of these makers, odds are in our favour that more people would dabble with customizing them.

As for “profit margins” anyone who argues from this point I have yet to see them have experience with what running a business actually costs. Equipment breaks, if you lease industrial space, landlords demand lease commitments, op costs, and if hvac breaks, in commercial you are often responsible. Profit is not purely cost of matarial minus labour. Kig is a hobby that having an industrial space helps as doing it in a residential space isn’t really conducive to fabricating on any scale.

>> No.30045225

Go to bed Con

>> No.30047340

>1. Some kigs are pushed to just churn out lewds, latex stuff, etc. just because it is popular.
This. It's a hobby and kigus should do what they want, not what others want them to do. If a kigu happens to make lewds you like, lucky you, if not, they shouldn't be pressured into it. I'm a latexfag myself but seeing some kigus ditching their old cosplay outfits and making fetish content only is sad.
>2. Increasing monetization of kig. It's too early to see the repercussions of it yet, but I fear it won't turn out well.
Increasing monetization of everything is more like it. Fuck microtransactions, they ruin everything they touch.
>I would be a hypocrite for saying I hate lewd stuffs, because I love them,
Same. I got into kigu for fetish reasons, ngl
>but I adore kigu's beauty even more.
Also this. Right now I'm more interested in cute kigus and outfits rather than the fetish aspect.

>> No.30056014
Quoted by: >>30056304

The only people who complain about gatekeeping are those the gates were built to keep out.

>> No.30056304
Quoted by: >>30057131

Who exactly built these gates, and who is being kept out. I imagine this was either written to be contrarian edgy, witty, or shitposty, or a mix of the three. If you truly believe people need to be kept out of kig, it leads me to wonder if you’re a kig yourself or a fan who envisions this hobby going to shit, viewed from afar through rose coloured glasses.

>> No.30056867

>If you follow *any* kig on Twitter at all there's a big chance they're going to like or retweet a kig fetish post at some point
So if *every* kig on twitter is liking and retweeting fetish posts, who is the problem here? The entire kig community that doesn't seem to care, or you?
>Personally this doesn't bother me, but
and then you proceed to explain how it personally bothers you by substuting yourself with 'the public perception', which is already both incredibly low and kig is viewed as a fetish by default in the west, while the east already knows it isn't because kigu is used in stage shows/events etc.

>> No.30057131
Quoted by: >>30057288

>If you truly believe people need to be kept out of kig,
How can you post on /jp/ and not know why gatekeeping is beneficial? Seriously, and be honestly with me, how new are you? Where did you come from before /jp/?

>> No.30057288
Quoted by: >>30058285

Sweet, speaking in vague “you’d understand if you were experienced” without specifics. I’ve been around long enough to know that gatekeeping seems to be the stock and trade of the fan-side of kig. Most kigs throw the “makers doc” at whomever asks, because we want the info to be out there and accessible. I agree, gatekeeping is a 4chan thing. But so is not being a hug box. We are all capable of shit ideas, and if there are no concrete reasons other than vague generalized platitudes and crystal ball future telling (future only has this one perceived awful outcome), I really think it is fair to ask for more specifics and thinking exercises. Dogma is formed here, and bleeds outside of this site. I know 4chan’s stock and trade is shitposting, memeposting, and culture subversion.

>> No.30058285

>We are all capable of shit ideas
Yes, and your idea is shit.
>Most kigs throw the “makers doc” at whomever asks
Throwing the doc at someone is different to trying to create sanitized spaces for the 'public image' of kigs because you're worried you can't bring in more casual cosplayers to the community.
>I know 4chan’s stock and trade is shitposting, memeposting, and culture subversion.
Thank you for clarifying that you're a massive newfag that came from tumblr or twitter or some shit.
Go the fuck back and take your /cgl/ attitude with you.

>> No.30059510
File: 453 KB, 2128x1416, DSC_3593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30059997

Fuck the faggots that think that all hobbies should be "accessible" and "sanitized". You're the same retards who ruin culture with that absurd mentality.

>> No.30059997
Quoted by: >>30061058


I don’t think things need to be sanitized, however, if a hobby is not accessible, it ends up becoming an exclusive circlejerk club, and we all know what kinds of shit happens from it.

>> No.30061058
Quoted by: >>30061453

The kind of accessibility talked about by those who want to 'sanitize' a hobby is not like "the information is easy to find" but more like "please respect everyone's pronouns and support trans rights, kigu is a trans hobby!" kind of 'accessible', as in 'access' means 'don't keep out these groups you justifiably do not want, EVERYONE must be let in'.
It sounds hyperbolic but I have already seen some western groups begin to lean this way.

>> No.30061181

Itt: board of community directors, discussing further directions of the hobby.

That aside: gimme some outfit ideas for OC characters aside from memes like para2 and leohex swimsuits..

>> No.30061392
Quoted by: >>30073319

Magical girl in heavy, reasonably bulky combat armour

>> No.30061453
Quoted by: >>30061820


Can you be more specific? Not sure if I follow.

>> No.30061464

This controlling behavior, sometimes done by group admins/mods, is the reason some of us avoid these groups in the first place.
Personally I don't care if my mask is of maker X or my clothes/hadatai/... are of brand Y. I just try to have a good time and create pictures, both wholesome ones and fetishy ones.

>> No.30061734

Depend on your OC character.

>> No.30061820
Quoted by: >>30062183

The "respect my pronouns" crowd is already encroaching the Western kigurumi community. Does the West ever export culture that isn't pozzed?

>> No.30061851

Let's get things straight first, who's on who's side here? It looks like nolewd anons support gate keeping, but wasn't gate keep brought up by lewd anon? Or did I get something wrong.

>> No.30062183
Quoted by: >>30064179


not everyone is a bigot like you

>> No.30063449
File: 732 KB, 1000x1000, artveo_GFBphotobooth2019-0584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30073690

Obviously depends on the kig, but trust me, some of them talk a lot of politics. You just don't understand it. ;)

>> No.30063934

Problem there is that you can't mark individual tweets. Only your whole account.
Get your act together, Twitter!

>> No.30064179


>> No.30065138
File: 734 KB, 2000x2667, 9bfc0555b319ebc45a2a4bc29526cffc1f17166c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30066625
Quoted by: >>30066980

Can’t help but feel people are missing a bigger barrier of entry for potentially interested people than lewd stuff. The bigger problem being the kigs themselves.

Honestly is there a single kig out there that doesn’t have a shitty rep and/or actually cares about contact with people outside their own little bubble?

Like, if a new person wanted to jump in and get to know some kigs, who would you actually direct them towards?
I’d unfortunately assume such a person’s best bet would be the KSZ discord and that’s a pretty fucking shitty place for newcomers.

>> No.30066980
Quoted by: >>30067353

That's not really a barrier tho, I've never seen a single case where someone introduced themself as new kig and didn't get a huge wave of welcomes from others, no matter the platform.

>> No.30067031
File: 2.76 MB, 3000x2002, c8bc8698gy1gb7crfryqkj22bc1jme82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30067353

Sure they’ll give empty platitudes but if you actually want a conversation prepare to be ignored.

>> No.30067393
Quoted by: >>30067552

You sound like someone who isn't even part of the community.

>> No.30067412
Quoted by: >>30067552

Are you one of those creeps that gets annoyed when kigs that don't instantly respond to them? Because you seem like it.

>> No.30067552

Hah, immediate deflections.
But I’ve been a lurker for a number of years now and being a non kig I’ve never been naive enough to think I’d so much get the time of day. But I’ve seen plenty of people who do genuinely try to interact and get shunned for it.

When people are being ignored for just saying “hi, how is everyone” or even just asking a genuine question about kig how can anyone pretend that’s not a barrier to entry?

>> No.30067817
Quoted by: >>30067932

>acting like he knew shit

>> No.30067872
Quoted by: >>30069519

>“hi, how is everyone”
That will even get you ignored at normie communities, that's not how to start conversations.

>> No.30067932
Quoted by: >>30067988

Ah yes because lurking suddenly means I don’t have eyes. But keep defending shitty people and wondering why the hobby seems to be getting progressively worse I guess.

Either way I’m washing my hands of this shit. It’s amazing how easily people can suck the passion out of you.

>> No.30067988
Quoted by: >>30068249

Can't have been much passion to begin, else you would have long been a kig and not a lurker.

>> No.30068249

Sure, let’s just become a kig with all that money I don’t have and have fun with that community that doesn’t combust into drama every five minutes and where every in-group doesn’t despise every other in-group.

Ask any Kig, most of the fun is in group activities, and that’s the one thing the community makes the hardest to enjoy.

>> No.30068452

The most fun in kig is getting photos taken at cons, ain't need a comm for that. Also, what you describe is like a normie wanting to start chitchat in a cosplay group, most people aren't in those for things beyond the hobby-related content.

>> No.30068673

Well anon like most things in life people don't give a shit about you unless you have something to offer them. People won't be your friend because you're "nice". You have to become a good kig, go to conventions and meet people there. Or you can post your pictures on social media and if people like what they see they may even contact you. If that doesn't work, you have to initialize a conversation with another kig you like. If they see that you're also a kig who puts enough effort into it, they won't immediately ignore you.

>> No.30068936
Quoted by: >>30069244

Pretty sure you don't even need to be a kig, photographer or fan artist are more than enough. But asking people to be your friend when you're just a random guy is pretty ridiculous, being nice doesn't mean shit.

>> No.30069117

If someone is that egotistical in their relations with others then that person is a waste of space not worth knowing, they’re not someone you’re ever going to enjoy the company of at the very least.

I’m not saying people need to fall over themselves to answer to newcomers’ every beck and call, but the current trend complete and total apathy at the best of times, outright scorn more often.

>> No.30069244
Quoted by: >>30069578

You're missing the point. As >>30068936 points out, kigs get enough messages from randos all the time. Why the fuck should they care about some autist who says "hi, how is everyone"? You need to prove you're worth their time by being a (good) kig, photographer, artist, etc.

>> No.30069519

dude, time is limited. people aren't here for your pleasure. smalltalk won't get you anywhere. if you try that with a gamer you're getting ignored because ingame. cosplayers? crafting or taking photos of half naked asses - aparently.

if there's a conversation going, join and see if you can contribute. asking specific questions usually gets you answers because people like to talk about their hobby.

ain't nobody got time for chitchat.

>> No.30069578

Not missing the point at all, I’ll say it again, if you rank how worthy someone is to communicate with you based on how you’ll benefit from said communication then you’re a cunt, plain and simple.

I’m not even talking about PMs or creepy shit like “can I be Onee-san’s friend”, but something as simple as a person asking a basic fucking question in a public space, whether it be here or the server or in a Twitter thread or anywhere else, and that person getting completely blanked by everyone else or mocked for having the audacity to have asked.

This is the level our “community” is at. You’re only allowed to ask questions, discuss things or simply chat in public spaces if you’re in the in-group.

>> No.30069802
Quoted by: >>30069880

I'm beginning to suspect you've never had a normal relationship with another person before.

>> No.30069812

I think this is going back to "the point" that got missed when talking about accessible, not "respect my pronouns" shit, but as you say, not getting shit on for being new and not living up to some imaginary standard (whether knowledge, mask, attitude, etc).

>> No.30069880
Quoted by: >>30069963

IDK anon, I didn't get that. This seems like don't be that "oh my gawd did you read the logs, reee!" this was answered in thread blah blah, 4 years ago by blah blah.

Ad hominem attacking this person I think shows their point.

>> No.30069963


I second this. This has been a common thread since forever.

>> No.30070083
File: 110 KB, 1080x689, KWAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let anime mask drama distract you from the fact that Kevin Nash was raped in the sweltering hot summer of 1992.

>> No.30070094
File: 222 KB, 2048x1119, D04f0PWUYAAxcGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want pictures of kigs!

>> No.30070155
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>> No.30070192
File: 303 KB, 1366x2048, D0z9dQUV4AEgCMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30070229

Feels bad that I was never able to attend one of her live events.

>> No.30070232
File: 892 KB, 2000x3000, D1ScV1KU4AAh-ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30070346
Quoted by: >>30070712

This is all I want bros

>> No.30070470

Why is a simple picture of hand holding making me think about suicide

>> No.30070526
Quoted by: >>30071290

>if you rank how worthy someone is to communicate with you based on how you’ll benefit from said communication then you’re a cunt, plain and simple
that opposes the point of communities tho, people don't join them for people to talk about "everything" because that can be done without the need for own communities for specific subjects to begin with

>> No.30070587
Quoted by: >>30070712

Yearning for the unobtainable is a great way to become suicidal.

>> No.30070655
File: 267 KB, 2048x1152, EoOYTmkVkAAvxWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce: https://twitter.com/amaama626/status/1334077385063337990?s=09

>> No.30070712
Quoted by: >>30073387


Become a kig and hold a guy's hand instead.

>> No.30071290

The point of a community in this context is to facilitate communication on a particular subject. It’s not inherently elitist, it lets everyone know what the main topic is and let’s people decide if that’s something they’re interested in before they join.

This is a far cry from someone who is interested joining a community only to find they’re not welcome there because they don’t live up to other member’s standards or haven't actively participated before. This completely goes against the purpose of a community because communication is no longer possible.

>> No.30072050
Quoted by: >>30073319


Raincoat with umbrella, specifically the kid playing in the rain puddles look.

>> No.30072065
Quoted by: >>30072222

>if you rank how worthy someone is to communicate with you based on how you’ll benefit from said communication then you’re a cunt, plain and simple.
I can already tell you're some low value random orbiter that fails to lurk moar.

>> No.30072222

Thanks for proving my point cunt.

>> No.30072476


If you ask in general chat for any MMO game, there's a good chance that you will be ignored, but if you lurk enough that you can figure out which skill tree you want to work towards and find a group that might need your skills, you can hence start talking with random guild members and have a better eventual chance of socializing with a much smaller guild.

Similar to that, if you go to the discord and dump a kig noob starter pack question, it might as well be white noise to everyone since the chat either moves too fast or your question already gets asked enough times that there's a doc already available for it, but if instead you do some research and contact, say, a prominent kig group from your own country, state or region, you might have a better chance of slipping into their group and be at home with a much smaller sub-community.

>> No.30072483
Quoted by: >>30073319

Cowboy (girl) kig

>> No.30072914

Except small localised kig groups are incredibly insular. They’re usually a couple of people who have known each other for years and have no interest in expanding their little friendship circle.

If the big, open to the public, communities aren’t willing to give a rat’s arse why would the small group who actively distance themselves be any better?

>> No.30073291
Quoted by: >>30073600

Why would you want to join a sub-community that has more drama and infighting?

>> No.30073319
Quoted by: >>30089886

platemail-chan. got it.
kid.. puddle... ugh. gonna need a really large puddle.
i think that's livestock-chans territory. Can I open a cow-kigurumi ranch and make money off their fantia simps?

thanks for the input.

>> No.30073387
File: 1.64 MB, 4096x2731, En4_4jfVoAMYzZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no relationship with another kig where we take turns being the guy

>> No.30073447
Quoted by: >>30074617

why would you want to take turns?

>> No.30073456


>> No.30073600


Depending on your location, there might be little to no infighting?

>> No.30073690

didnt think that image would show up anywhere

>> No.30073734

You sound really out of touch regarding the kig comm desu.

>> No.30073856
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>> No.30073911
File: 29 KB, 554x554, images (66).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching ojisans fighting like women because of their anime head hobby

>> No.30073924
Quoted by: >>30075117

The UK kigs are easy to talk to in my experience. They still won't respond if you keep asking stupid questions but they don't have egos.

>> No.30074033
Quoted by: >>30076040

I wish that was the case, I really do. If I could just blame it all on pessimism and cynicism I might of still had hopes of getting my own mask one day.

>> No.30074617
Quoted by: >>30074801

Sometimes I wanna be the waifu and sometimes I just wanna hold her hand and protect her from lampposts.

>> No.30074801

only around seafront areas

>> No.30075117

Lol what, Brits in general are arseholes, surely they'd be the worst of the bunch.

>> No.30075163
Quoted by: >>30075247


Thats kinda expected given their complaints of gatekeeping. Isn’t that the point?

>> No.30075178

you sound salty

>> No.30075247

But there is no-one protecting any gatesin a way someone would be out of touch unless they never joined to begin with, pretty much all kig groups are open to the public.

>> No.30075272

Unless you got banned for being a shithead, of course.

>> No.30075632

Doesn’t matter if they let you in if all you can do is watch other people’s meaningless, usually off-topic, conversations. That’s really what people want of course when they’re looking to join a community, to be a bystander.

>> No.30075666
Quoted by: >>30075820


I think the complaint is more like in a cultural sense rather than a practical sense, as in, they don’t get the information they are looking for even if they join a certain server or ask questions.

Certain information only becomes available by the free exchange of ideas, not necessarily by the simple act of answering questions or pointing to a document.

>> No.30075820
Quoted by: >>30075984


e.g. Certain information can only be produced by people stating what they like/dislike, as in it creates a consensus, almost in a non verbal way, of what a good kigurumi is. When people are “forced” to “accept” everyones opinions, then you lose that information as people don’t share what they really think in fear of upsetting someone else.

I think the balance lies in doing so respectfully, and being able to acknowledge your shortcomings when it happens. E.g. apologize for creating distress, but never for what you thought,

>> No.30075984
Quoted by: >>30076202

But all of what you said is basicly just personal preference, and not useful for a newcomer. In the end it results in everyone looking the same because most people will recommend the same few popular makers, you rather want a newbie to figure out what they want from kig and how they want it to look like on their own.

>> No.30076040
Quoted by: >>30076302

>might of

Die in a fire

>> No.30076202


How does a diverse group of people, with different tastes end up with always suggesting the same makers for a newbie if not by the act of self censorship and not feeling comfortable to step out from what the herd thinks?

>> No.30076278
Quoted by: >>30076450

There's like, three makers that make masks.

>> No.30076302

If your being picky with grammar at least remember the fullstop m8

>> No.30076450

Lol. No anon. Tons of makers, just few that have refined their craft over time to the point that there is demand. Beyond that there are some who scan and reprint large, it that’s it’s own can of worms that some have varying degrees of comfort with.

>> No.30076453
Quoted by: >>30076616

Has nothing to do with censorship but because basicly everyone and their mom owns a GKO because it's the easiest to get.

>> No.30076616
Quoted by: >>30077202


Thats verifiably untrue. Teitoku is as easy to get, if mot easier, just to name an example.

>> No.30076728

Teitoku is not hard to get you just have to have luck and be picked from the lottery from all other entries. They even speak english perfectly fine.
(tfw applied one time only and won a spot :D)

>> No.30077069

Is it as difficult as getting a RINS?

>> No.30077151

And also not have a character he dislikes or already did before, that also gets your entry nuked.

>> No.30077202

Teitoku is hit or miss, all the masks on his new website look pretty derp in a way I wouldn't want to waste 800+ on it.

>> No.30077907

Does suck how every maker seems to have some kind of downside, whether that be structural quality, design quality, ridiculously high price, really long waiting times, lottery for commissions, etc.

You either have to win a lottery, wait multiple years and start a mortgage to get an accurate portrayal of your chosen character or settle for paying a still substantial amount of money for something that, if you’re lucky, the occasional person might recognise and will probably break within a year.

>> No.30078072
File: 44 KB, 425x640, 1028093_1205586880_199large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is suffering anon.

>> No.30078611


Holy shit what a breath of fresh air you are, thank you. It feels good knowing there's some people out there that get it.
This is the one comment that would get you lynched on every major kig Discord so I never see it discussed properly

>> No.30078641

How do you feel about people who constantly complain about how they'll never get a kigu due to money/weight issues. Key word is constantly.

Even kigus in 3rd world countries making cents to the dollar have saved up enough to buy a mask.

Nothing wrong with not having money/weight at the moment, but the people who nag all the time and expect a reaction from others really bore me.

>> No.30078871
Quoted by: >>30079074

This is true.

From my neck of the 3rd country woods, the average wage here would require you saving for at least 4-6 months to afford one normal GKO mask. There's at least one local kig owning 3+ masks, but definitely working their ass off for it behind the scenes.

No excuse not being afford to afford a mask, and it's fine to just say you have something else to focus on. Life > overpriced anime masks

>> No.30079023

considering the amount of people who live paycheck to paycheck and the complex issues surrounding obesity and weight gain I'd argue they're somewhat justified.

It god damn obnoxious when their entire online personality revolves around moaning but at the same time I can't thelp but symapthise since they're both very difficult problems to have that you can spend a life time trying to solve and still fail.

Perhaps that's just because I'm a poor fag myself though.

>> No.30079074

Going to play devil's advocate here and say there are a lot of hidden costs to kigurumi. Not only do you need a mask, you need a hadatai, costume, shapewear, a decent camera, lighting, transportation, etc.

>> No.30079242

I personally find it the worst when someone keeps getting new masks over and over again because of fucking them out due to not investing in the proper maintenance tools.

>> No.30079323

Everything before camera in that list is part of the cost already if you're just starting out, so that's part of the estimated cost.

As for camera, lighting and transport there are always a friend or two with their own good camera, which is where the socially-deficient anon from earlier can be introduced as photographer.

Speaking of proper maintenance tools, aside from wig maintenance what else would you consider as user-serviceable parts in and on a mask?

>> No.30079408

>what else would you consider as user-serviceable parts in and on a mask?

Replacing foam every so often. Some of you smelly kigs will wear your head day in and day out for years and not once think to replace the foam.

>> No.30079439
File: 106 KB, 774x518, DSC_9698_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are always a friend or two

>> No.30079511

I would argue that the camera and everything after wouldn’t be strictly necessary when starting up, and at least in regards to the camera a phone could do the job in the meantime (not the best job but a job nevertheless)

But yeah, even leaving those things out the cost is still high

>> No.30079526


You don't need any maintenance tools besides for a quality brush and maybe something to restyle the hair every once in a while.

If you have a mask from any decent enough maker, just take care of your mask by keeping it clean after every use and lightly brushing it before letting it become a huge tangle fest.

I'm going on 7 years of being a kigu with 4 masks and I've never had any of the issues commonly discussed.

I thought this would be more common sense but more makers need to include a basic cleaning and brushing guide with their masks because it is obviously needed.

>> No.30079685

or you just bought solidly built masks instead of the low end 3d printed shit people tend to start with these days?

Having the knowledge and tools for repairing cracked shells seems to be becoming a requirement these days for new kigs.

>> No.30079861
Quoted by: >>30079938

Now that people are talking a but more about masks I want to ask what kinds of masks would you recommend in a tight budget (something that while certainly not the best option it does the job for what you paid for)?

>> No.30079878
Quoted by: >>30080082

You would be surprised how many people that start kig not coming from cosplay think wigs don't need any care at all.

>> No.30079938
Quoted by: >>30081979

You should be fine with most masks as long as you don't get a Muni.

>> No.30080082
Quoted by: >>30080506

I can't believe people are still buying 3D printed masks.
The possibility of a shell cracking from normal use didn't even come to mind.
I expect my masks to last my entire life.

I was definitely surprised.
Pro-tip, for first time kigu people, pick a character with short hair and learn from there.

>> No.30080461

Even frp masks have issues with cracking but there it's the paint, usually around the nose and border. Then there is also the issue from mold-growing open mouths (sigma in particular seems to have issues with that judging by secondhand sales).

>> No.30080506

>The possibility of a shell cracking from normal use didn't even come to mind.
Because that doesn't happen, even with 3D prints. They warp on a scale that's not visible to the eye, which can cause issues with locking masks, but that's all there is to it.

>> No.30081064
File: 138 KB, 1023x1540, B7TT8AdCcAAJJKI.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081300

>> No.30081300
Quoted by: >>30081647


>> No.30081647
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 070317_001216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082018

no idea sorry. diving through my old backups. image was dated with ~2015. no further infos tho as it was in a picdump folder.

this one here should be natsuki from 2007

>> No.30081979
Quoted by: >>30088238

What's wrong with Muni? I like their blank shells for the price point

>> No.30082018
File: 45 KB, 600x903, BJwLpcBCIAA73Qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was looking for this. guess you should let some memories rest. doesn't look as good as I remembered...

>> No.30086151

But what if they're a shit kig who's also immensely popular and loves talking about themself?

>> No.30086258

compared to a chunk of the american comunity and fans, they're angels

>> No.30086431

How long has it been now, Anon

>> No.30088238

They are the same type of vinyl baby doll heads are made from, that's nothing you want to wear on your head considering them being made in a chinese sweatshop (china has a long history of using toxic softeners for vinyl toys).

>> No.30089287



>> No.30089886
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x943, HibikiSheet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>platemail-chan. got it.
I was thinking more like 'stylised futuristic armour' but if you can make platemail cute that would be interesting too. Pic related is an example for what I sort of mean by 'futuristic', but with more armour pieces/less skin. I had better examples but my harddrive died.
I will admit I'm just a fan of big gauntlets/boots in general and that's what matters most in my opinion for am 'armoured magical girl' look.
