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File: 84 KB, 680x383, EmtFz4gUwAEh4xR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29110651 No.29110651 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29110659
File: 1.82 MB, 1685x2527, Elz7KmyU8AAdN8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110660
File: 170 KB, 2048x1275, EmUNMhKW4AINB6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110662


>> No.29110664
Quoted by: >>29110689

I just hope this horseshit scheduling isn't giving her any unneeded stress.

>> No.29110666

>cocotard thread

>> No.29110672


>> No.29110674
Quoted by: >>29110703


>> No.29110675
Quoted by: >>29110733

Pekora x Warframe !

>> No.29110677

What is wrong with Rushia? Is it cerebrovascular disease?

Also, go easy on making new threads. Think of the 2hus!

>> No.29110681
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110715

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.29110682
File: 384 KB, 474x499, 1603681795681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29110683

ogey Zhang

>> No.29110685

Is that a fucking eye of chutulu statue?
Wtf Coco how much did you play off-stream.

>> No.29110686
File: 177 KB, 579x252, Jordan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 48 days since Jordan donated 500 dollars instead of 5.
I'm glad that he's alive but he's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for him.


>> No.29110687
File: 298 KB, 1448x2048, EmsM0v9VQAA_VYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110718

I love Towa.

>> No.29110688

ogey rrat

>> No.29110689
Quoted by: >>29110732

Maybe they could rescheduled it

>> No.29110691

>On the plus side she is still in contact with the gen 5 girls
She said that?

>> No.29110692 [DELETED] 


>> No.29110694
File: 1.05 MB, 1446x2046, 84990743_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!
Members-only utawaku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AbCujMw5uY

>> No.29110695

Terraria holo server when?

>> No.29110697
Quoted by: >>29110754

it is u

>> No.29110699

please watch my cute penguin daughter!!

>> No.29110703

Full hearts too, can't blame her with how addicting Terraria is. I'm pretty sure I played 30 hours straight after 1.4 dropped.

>> No.29110705
File: 229 KB, 371x357, 1599115350417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110757

I am actually kinda mad that Okayu has the shittiest oppai mousepad out of all the holos now.

>> No.29110706

shion yo... collab with kaichou again onegai...

>> No.29110707

>killing the smart crewmates
smartest move

>> No.29110708

Pretty much guaranteed that's what happened, Fubuki and Suisei threw behind Coco and it was already over at that point since the suits are helpless if those two do. Hololive would be ripped apart to its core if those two rebelled, the chain reaction would reach nearly every member.

>> No.29110711
Quoted by: >>29110754


>> No.29110712

>pekora boob mousepad
WHAT THE FUCK?! you guys told me she said she'd not do it...

>> No.29110713
Quoted by: >>29110754

Eat Okayu's Porridge.

>> No.29110714

Is the FBK collab an offcollab?

>> No.29110715

Isn't it sad that cover wasted such a great design on this lazy bitch.

>> No.29110718

no you don't

>> No.29110719
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 1582036799233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110801

what did she mean by this?

>> No.29110722
File: 36 KB, 720x374, 1603788795105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110723
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1589404517117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do holos keep getting those terrible diseases

>> No.29110725

Full hearts but no mana.

>> No.29110727
File: 1.41 MB, 450x500, 1599782680536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is really happy about yesterday's collab with Korone.

>> No.29110726

In the name of Pekora the most Mericful the Beneficent.
Oh Nourisher and Provider of all things.
We offer our thanks and gratitude for this food, and for those who prepared it.
In a world where so many are hungry, may we eat this food with humble hearts.

>> No.29110729

>Think of the 2hus!
I would happily murder every 2hu to lick one drop of sweat from Rushia's navel.

>> No.29110730
File: 343 KB, 380x436, NENE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110882


>> No.29110731
Quoted by: >>29110754


>> No.29110732

Shion's outfit reveal won't be rescheduled. The Among Us collab could be but I doubt it will. No idea what she's gonna do.

>> No.29110733

Fuck, I wish. I got my hopes up after Botan brought it up in her debut

>> No.29110739
File: 823 KB, 2894x4093, Emnx56HVcAAX2vO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110766

I love Marine!

>> No.29110741
File: 375 KB, 399x542, -v-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110783


>> No.29110740
File: 67 KB, 600x400, toshishitanoane-1327228307075604481-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's reading marshmallows with one of Tamaki's clone goons!

>> No.29110746

Oh no my friend is getting blacked live on stream

>> No.29110750
File: 212 KB, 521x180, 1593629068580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110752
Quoted by: >>29111223

wanna pill me on why whore is actual whore and apparently a lazy bitch?

>> No.29110754

FUQ YOU!!!!!

>> No.29110755

Edible oshis, please

>> No.29110756

>already 42k even she hasn't started anything.

Pekor you're the best of hololive.

>> No.29110757
Quoted by: >>29112378

How is it shit?

>> No.29110758

>Derutaya going to Hokkaido for a holiday
>gen 5 talked about going to Hokkaido for a trip too

>> No.29110759

i don't think even FBK would admit it if it was

>> No.29110760
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 1605167174915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Peko merch only available to nips?

>> No.29110761

why are you retards incapable of maintaining a thread chain
you link to the new near the end of the thread, everyone goes there, repeat
instead you tards end up making multiples every time

>> No.29110762
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, 1605029983235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat Okayu's Porridge.

>> No.29110764

She said she never know about it.

>> No.29110765
File: 66 KB, 1000x1103, EmOiRK6U4AAsdGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora shilling her gravure book

>> No.29110766

didn't love her enough to womb post last thread...

>> No.29110768

>That underground desert music
I think I missed out a lot by sleeping on Terraria.

>> No.29110769
Quoted by: >>29110827

Well the only ones that needed to vote were them and aqua the others really can't complain about their revenue loss in comparison

>> No.29110774
Quoted by: >>29110860

The diseases are just made up so that they can do stuff with their boyfriends

>> No.29110777

hi newfag

>> No.29110782


>> No.29110783

She likes it because it's similar to those older CODs right?

>> No.29110785
File: 455 KB, 2154x1798, 1596238269153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110804

who isn't. every collab Pekora does it results in a success.

>> No.29110784

Is that a boss music playing?

>> No.29110788

Wait, Pekora doesn't know Gurrenlagann?

>> No.29110791

Nope, the echo effect at the start for example gave it away.

>> No.29110792
Quoted by: >>29110853

do you know pekora?

>> No.29110795


>> No.29110794

but this is the real meaning anon

>> No.29110797


>> No.29110798
File: 30 KB, 331x395, 1604403718723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gurren lagann

>> No.29110799
File: 608 KB, 824x790, kuromachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110801 [DELETED] 
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1491276521764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111248

>Bug net


>> No.29110802
Quoted by: >>29110877

That's not allowed on /jp/ newfagchama

>> No.29110804

I think you mean every collab Korone does ends in success

>> No.29110805

Gura is super EOP and Shion is super JOP so I doubt it would work out unless they found a good game to bridge the language barrier.

>> No.29110806
File: 923 KB, 740x872, 53D481B5-95FE-4F9A-8773-8927D439804C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least log on to the server Sora...

>> No.29110807
File: 32 KB, 466x659, 2BCEE203-5ADA-4CB1-8A62-BE68924AABA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110808
File: 108 KB, 376x347, cactus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot she was playing Normal, I'm too used playing on Expert and Master where they usually instantly kill you
Still annoying as fuck I guess

>> No.29110812

Instead of streaming she plays league with her boyfriend.

>> No.29110814

pls say me what meaning EOP?

>> No.29110815
Quoted by: >>29111502

That would make these threads are a general. These threads are clearly not generals

>> No.29110816


>> No.29110817
Quoted by: >>29110879

Gives me hope for Nene collabbing with her when she's more comfortable streaming as an indie.

>> No.29110819
File: 366 KB, 2180x1216, IMG_20201113_185711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112113

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Sleepover off-collab with Flare and Patra in a couple of hours!

>> No.29110822

w-what is friend and oga doing...

>> No.29110827
Quoted by: >>29110945

Aqua wasn't even paying attention to the meeting, whatever it was. She doesn't care.

>> No.29110828

World c8p

>> No.29110830
File: 392 KB, 579x819, 84120953_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 74 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive and happy to hear her voice again.
Little by little things are getting better for her


>> No.29110829

She had a heart attack when Korone ask her since when she calls Korone with 'Koro-san'.

>> No.29110831

I hope she knows that it's all downhill from here.

>> No.29110832

>Watame got fired up looking at Mikozaku to buil Watame Shogun
>but the two of them there are too TEETEE together, I can't build next to them
>looks at Shubangelion and is speechless
>now Haachama is going to build the King of Hearts
Gen 5 house...

>> No.29110833

extra onions please

>> No.29110834
Quoted by: >>29110895

She's winning though.

>> No.29110836
File: 909 KB, 2340x1080, 1601679541072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112439

Are they gonna meet offline and hug?

>> No.29110837

>Watched Luna's Batman Begins watchalong archive
>Some nips don't know Batman trained in ninjutsu

>> No.29110838

>Got the conch

God that's a useful item.

>> No.29110839

comfy and happy out of 10

>> No.29110842

>Magic Conch.
wtf Coco

>> No.29110844

Everytime I hear Pekora's bgm, I just think about the little zipperheads dancing..

>> No.29110847
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1593306536088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't use /hlg to push your anti 35pi narrative

>> No.29110848
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1603838093602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all kinda fucked
Marine: had/is having thyroid removed, has (?) esophagitis
Pecker: has esophagitis
Rushia: some fucked up hereditary (?) blood vessel thing where she's missing blood vessels going to her brain
Shion: flu, ear problems
Miko: hospitalized for an unknown reason and gone for months
Ayame: afflicted by League of Legenditis

Am I missing anyone?

>> No.29110850
Quoted by: >>29110948

i get that, i started playing again because of her but i wanted to see her reaction to some of the items. i hope she hasnt seen any of the bosses yet

>> No.29110852


>> No.29110853
Quoted by: >>29110979


>> No.29110854

Oh shit, I knew about gen 5 plan but her too?

>> No.29110855

>Pekodam will get new weapon attachment

>> No.29110856

Nah, not watching that shit.

>> No.29110860

Nah, most of them are real.

>> No.29110861


>> No.29110864

every oshi poops

>> No.29110866

shes not lazy anon she works very hard like playing lel for 10+ hours everyday offstream

>> No.29110867


>> No.29110870
File: 1.28 MB, 1772x1772, EjQ3RNCU8AA8rsP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucking loves it

>> No.29110872
File: 429 KB, 2046x2048, 1603283349868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A weapon duo to surpass metal gear.

>> No.29110873

>went on her own
Bocchi Tenshi...

>> No.29110874

pretty nice honestly. i just hope she gets run away from her parents.

>> No.29110876
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1603033603152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29110912

What are Pekora's poems usually about?

>> No.29110879

That's just gonna draw anti attention. Those fucks have long memories.

>> No.29110877

Not him but post where that's written. Nowhere. If we just kept doing it then what? It's stupid that we don't.

>> No.29110880

Friend is too loud

>> No.29110882


>> No.29110883


>> No.29110884

This is great I hope it happens man.

>> No.29110889

This AU collab shows how much of a joke the Holo ones are set up (Discord rooms, game settings), not to mention the average level

>> No.29110888

Examine Oga'a Penis

>> No.29110891

Noel and Kanata might be going deaf in one ear

>> No.29110892
File: 112 KB, 732x1155, Korone HOWAWAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29110893

I bought aloe's fanbox
pretty intelligent move of her to write things in english

>> No.29110894

English only peasant

>> No.29110895

Oh shes winning alright...

>> No.29110896


>> No.29110897

4/10. Glad she is ok, but nothing interesting.

>> No.29110900
File: 1.84 MB, 1998x3547, 1592038001543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suichan's flat chest is cute!

>> No.29110902

Did Coco fight any bosses yet ?

>> No.29110903
Quoted by: >>29110960

You mean gen 5 talked about that recently?

>> No.29110904

>FBK collabing with a male has more viewers than Coco playing Terraria.
What the fuck

>> No.29110906
File: 229 KB, 2440x1653, EjKq_4qUMAEsMQc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29110907

subaru get out of watame's butt...

>> No.29110910

Eat Oshi Pussy

>> No.29110909

There's no way Pekora didn't already know.

>> No.29110912

Do your reps and you'll find out easily.

>> No.29110914

Bros Coco is actually pretty cute when she's not doing reddit review...

>> No.29110919

I'm happy she's alive, but we need to get her back in her true form....

>> No.29110920

God I wish that was me.

>> No.29110923
Quoted by: >>29111112

Reminder that Gen 5 in its entirety is taking days off to do something together IRL on the 16th and the 30th.
It's entirely possible they're meeting up with her.

>> No.29110924


>> No.29110925

That'd be nice

>> No.29110926
Quoted by: >>29110970

What is with Aqua saying "ara" all the time?

>> No.29110927

Aqua: Autism

>> No.29110929

ok thanx anon-sama~

>> No.29110931
Quoted by: >>29110990

She's professional at faking reactions at this point.

>> No.29110933

>China arc is over

Not until the Zhangraids stop.

>> No.29110935

better dead than red

>> No.29110938


>> No.29110939

Coco was abusing chinese viewbots, they're dead now

>> No.29110940

that's why we protected her from the chinks

>> No.29110941


>> No.29110943

go back to /vg/

>> No.29110944
Quoted by: >>29111171

Doesnt Miko have something about the tongue, which is my she speaks wierd?

>> No.29110945
Quoted by: >>29111123

That would actually be hilarious.

>> No.29110946

Nobody likes terraria

>> No.29110947
File: 57 KB, 579x773, 1603405990015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning delivery huh?
Guess I'll have to wake up early

>> No.29110948
Quoted by: >>29111033

There's very little chance she hasn't seen a blood moon but she's only got two npcs, won't have seen a boss yet.

>> No.29110950

It's vertebral artery hypoplasia.

>> No.29110949
File: 12 KB, 235x188, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't agree more anon

>> No.29110951
Quoted by: >>29110990

Pekor's laugh is a bit different than usual...Dog really got to her huh?

>> No.29110952


>> No.29110955


>> No.29110957


>> No.29110960
Quoted by: >>29111013

Gen 5 is getting days off on 18th and 30th. But I didn't catch the hokkaido part when Nene talked about it.

>> No.29110962

these indonesian okays though


>> No.29110961

>Pecor going to further vandalize Shubangelion
Duck never catches a break.

>> No.29110964


>> No.29110965

Then it won't until they're all squashed.

>> No.29110966

Not watching the screen while they make those AHHH sounds makes me hard

>> No.29110967

Coco's wasting all those explosives...

>> No.29110968

Tell that to the mods then

>> No.29110969
File: 127 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo shion

>> No.29110970

She copying Korone. Collab soon.

>> No.29110971

Seeing it for yourself live would be funnier though.

>> No.29110972 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20201113-194729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup bros

>> No.29110975
Quoted by: >>29111022

E Onum Pluribus. It’s a Latin phrases meaning out of one, many. Basically, it’s when you get a lot of (You) from your post.

>> No.29110976
Quoted by: >>29111046

and they convince her
maaan that would be the best timeline

>> No.29110977

Botan is going to have to step up and make a giant Gokiseic GaoGaiGar on top of the gen 5 building.

>> No.29110978

Wait, chinks are still going even after announcement of cn disbanding? Kinda pity these guys

>> No.29110979


>> No.29110980
Quoted by: >>29111050

>8.5k for foxdemon
I thought you guys said everyone hated it???

>> No.29110982
Quoted by: >>29111031

I had a dream of Makea, Roberu and yelling Kanae playing apex and mahjong, I never realized how much I wanted to go deaf from such a thing.
Thank you for glancing over my blogpost.

>> No.29110985
File: 166 KB, 400x595, tumblr_0ea9b244b33b4db4dec75c9f4a892e53_81157d2d_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel zhang? Here let me get you another one.

>> No.29110986

The arc seems over, now it's just fighting off the remaining splinter factions

>> No.29110987


>> No.29110990

see: >>29110931

>> No.29110995

hololive pekora cute

>> No.29110994

Your shitty thumbnails give it away nigger

>> No.29110997
Quoted by: >>29111073

Pekora mogs your oshi

>> No.29110998


>> No.29110999


>> No.29111000
Quoted by: >>29111028

Terraria is trash to watch
Coco's only gonna ever get high numbers for asacoco and reddit meme reviews from now on. no one wants to collab with her

>> No.29111001

aloe love

>> No.29111003

3 straightest Holos: Towa, Watame, Botan
3 gayest Holos: Migodi, Kanata, Polka

>> No.29111005

The koala is loosing it

>> No.29111006
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604243059453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want that Okayu mousepad but keep holding off cause I'm a burger and who fucking knows how long it'll take to get here cause covid is all up in our asses and they apparently won't ship here for now.

>> No.29111007
File: 77 KB, 500x571, 1603474145665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111008
File: 86 KB, 433x469, 1602942301623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 0 seconds since Coco streamed Terraria. I'm glad that she's streaming it and i'm definitely enjoying it too.
I hope she fights a boss soon.


>> No.29111010


>> No.29111013

It was Lamy that mentioned Hokkaido I think.

>> No.29111019

what are these word bubbles are why are anons posting them?

>> No.29111020

ruined my day/10
I hate the fact this pretty much guarantees she'll never be back to her place in holofive.

>> No.29111022

Perhaps the best answer

>> No.29111023

hello Zhang

>> No.29111024
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 1591771076759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111027

later dick

>> No.29111030

>reverse bunnysuit
the best trend

>> No.29111028
Quoted by: >>29111090

ok zhang

>> No.29111029


>> No.29111031
Quoted by: >>29111181

>makea and roberto
Just watch that collab again.

>> No.29111033
Quoted by: >>29111052

i am a bit rusty on my terraria knowledge but isnt having 200 health already enough for eye to maybe spawn? the only reason she has only 2 npcs is cause she only has 2 rooms

>> No.29111037

>giant Gokiseic GaoGaiGar
That'd be sick I'm down for the /m/ arc in mc

>> No.29111041

stop bullying Subaru...

>> No.29111042

Rabbit, your elytra reps...

>> No.29111044

you know this is from 2016-2017 right?

>> No.29111046

This is my last hope. I understand if she hates Cover management and doesn't want to come back because of them, but the other girls talking her into it and her coming back for her gen mates would be truly kino.

>> No.29111048
Quoted by: >>29111076

will gen5 survive the mech battle?

>> No.29111049

Can't wait for her to complete a Normal playthrough and hopefully dive straight to Expert or Master mode

>> No.29111050

anyone still offended by it are disliking the video, the rest moved on. only people that don't care are watching.
also this guy fucking sucks at this kid's game

>> No.29111051

>Marine Suisei please

>> No.29111052


>> No.29111055



fuck off ping pong

>> No.29111057


>> No.29111056

They will probably never stop, some will remain most will leave and return. It depends, but they are definitely losing steam and will be barely noticeable after some time.

>> No.29111059

Extraterrestrial Orbital Planet

>> No.29111060

Mio is cute and is a huge EOP filter, even with 20k viewers pretty much no english comments

>> No.29111061

Fuck off general-tard.

>> No.29111063


>> No.29111065

>The whole episode is Coco fighting bugs in the desert

>> No.29111067
File: 3.84 MB, 2992x3732, EmeMWE6VkAMWFjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111115


>> No.29111068
File: 375 KB, 1218x1404, aloe love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe.. Love...

>> No.29111071

nousagi naizuri...

>> No.29111072

Aloe love miko

>> No.29111073

Anyone that watches Pekora over the age of 12 is a lolicon deviant

>> No.29111074

Peacor you're Elytra reps...

>> No.29111075

Can fireworks burn wool?

>> No.29111076
Quoted by: >>29111327

Gen 5 building itself is also a mech anon

>> No.29111077

I hear your angry chink noises all across the continent

>> No.29111079

For Nenechi's sake, I hope it's true

>> No.29111084 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29111214


>> No.29111085


>> No.29111087

>sex friend coco

Hell yes.

>> No.29111089

>Ew, bugs everywhere

>> No.29111090

You know it's true, maybe she'll get some decent numbers in Minecraft.

>> No.29111093

Pekora you suck

>> No.29111094


>> No.29111096

If I don't watch the screen while they are making all those noises it makes it sound like they are having sex.

>> No.29111097
Quoted by: >>29111298

Hagure mama is lewd

>> No.29111098
File: 210 KB, 1021x576, -_YouTube_-_Google_Chrome_2020-10-30_22-42-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on top of the gen 5 building.
Anon, in case you're unaware, NePoLaBo-kun is already humanoid.

>> No.29111099


>> No.29111100
Quoted by: >>29111140

He actually donated $505 instead of $5

>> No.29111103
File: 177 KB, 278x365, 1598763305229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko is using fucking fireworks instead of those rockets holy shit.

>> No.29111104
File: 141 KB, 397x462, 20201113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29111106
File: 1.03 MB, 986x794, 1573933141963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Mukirosen thread

>> No.29111107

How the fuck is oga so bad at this

>> No.29111108
File: 274 KB, 570x371, 1600052964790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111203

which holo has the best lordosis?

>> No.29111109

Oga yo...

>> No.29111110


>> No.29111111

Apparently she doesn't, it's kinda the opposite in that she doesn't want to cause problems.

>> No.29111112

orgy is coming

>> No.29111113
Quoted by: >>29111351

I mean she can use the "succubus" excuse to explain the doxxed sex things and everything will be ok

>> No.29111115
Quoted by: >>29111156

She's MY wife and I'm going to marry her.

>> No.29111116

>Suisei in normal tension mode since the start of the stream
>suddenly explodes in tension when the topic becomes about idols

>> No.29111117

fuck off /vg/ faggot, not a general.
I hate all o you al*efags

>> No.29111118

how long till coco figures out the wonders of the ook movement?

>> No.29111119

>35p's faggots
Holy based

>> No.29111121
File: 81 KB, 1227x221, E3047D81-8F8E-464F-8D7F-FB6BCA5FEA43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that’s a bad thing because? Sora does it all the time

>> No.29111120

holy sht

>> No.29111123

If you caught her stream which happened right after the meeting she clearly didn't give a fuck and was more interested in imagining she was on a school trip during the meeting with Fubuki and Sora as the class reps. Classic Baqua.

>> No.29111124
Quoted by: >>29112475_1

Anyone archived the Aloe stream?

>> No.29111125

>Eww bugs everywhere

Same, Kaichou, same.

>> No.29111126

Always Towa!

>> No.29111127

>"Ewwww! Bugs everywhere!"


>> No.29111128
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1604689084999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT'S a narrative!

>> No.29111129


>> No.29111132
Quoted by: >>29111154

Shion is gonna get a cute new costume

>> No.29111137 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 114x253, 1605273755751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111151

hm? oh, that thing in her arms?
yea, thats me haha!

>> No.29111138

Marine had her thyroid removed.
As for the esophagitis, I've also suffered from it and it was caused by medication that I was taking for the arrhytmia which was a side effect of Grave's disease. I could only control it by avoiding acidic food and drinks, like certain oils and coffee.

>> No.29111139
File: 314 KB, 534x408, winning never started.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111235

hirai can't catch a break

>> No.29111140

507$, he sent a 2$ one after everyone started donating 500$ as a joke saying something like "so i can't get it back?"

>> No.29111141
Quoted by: >>29111195

Foxdemon has the same energy as a Nijisanji collab stream

and that's a good thing. it feels like Friend isn't forcing herself to be an idol

>> No.29111142


>> No.29111146
File: 67 KB, 316x331, 1595263973598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111147
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1603449570690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haachama... you should be studying for finals... not off-stream playing minecraft....

>> No.29111148

Aruran Touhou Luna Nights

>> No.29111149


>> No.29111151
Quoted by: >>29111299

Why are you sad, anon?

>> No.29111152


>> No.29111154


>> No.29111156
File: 235 KB, 915x2048, EmNcQSvVkAAJ_RN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111309


>> No.29111161
Quoted by: >>29111204

Gen 5 should tear down their house and turn it into a giant mech they can live inside of.

>> No.29111164

What the fuck Hirai

>> No.29111166

>starts stream by singing happy synthesizer
>talks about the color are her panties today
>she doesn't have many friends to play games
>she's interested in playing Amoung Us with the viewers
>likes lolis
>has plans to go to Hokkaido on her vacations
Pretty comfy and good

>> No.29111168
File: 667 KB, 2000x1483, 1576879516889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say Polka was about to give you a handjob. Would you prefer she do it with her right hand or left hand?

>> No.29111169

sasuga ninja

>> No.29111170
Quoted by: >>29111205

>Sex immediately retweets
Based roricon

>> No.29111171

Miko has ankyloglossia yes.

>> No.29111177

Imagine working with people with legit health issues and still using sick leave as an excuse to play some chink mobashit with your bf.

>> No.29111181

That collab was so fun, I guess I could rewatch it, again. kankana neverever

>> No.29111182

Well, if Botan can somehow turn that into a transforming mecha building I'll eat my hat

>> No.29111183
File: 285 KB, 1300x1250, EB96320B-72CD-41BF-A692-89FD21F8E988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9hours! Cute seaweed uuooohh

>> No.29111184
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 1601724624599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Botan is allowed to collab with multiple males?

>> No.29111185
File: 81 KB, 768x798, 1585953941459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you realize that now?

>> No.29111186

>when oga is so flustered he doesn't have a hint of bass in his voice

>> No.29111187

Shouldn't Haachama be studying?

>> No.29111188


>> No.29111190
File: 113 KB, 947x948, 1576237713811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could we solve the second aloe discordcuck menace?

>> No.29111193

I didn't see that so thanks for this.

>> No.29111195

i hate they had to stream it during the Among Us collab
i'll definitely watch it later

>> No.29111196 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 15686563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111248


>> No.29111197


>> No.29111198


>> No.29111199

Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.29111200

China vs HololiveJP, colorized 2020

>> No.29111201

3 years ago she looked like peak fatsuri, imagine what she looks like now if she already went on a diet.

>> No.29111202

>the rocket she's using has an explosive charge
fucking kusapeko

>> No.29111203
File: 164 KB, 717x1000, EkCgaZCVgAEAH6N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111204

Or they could start attaching legs and arms to it

>> No.29111205

Whoops, forgot linku

>> No.29111208


>> No.29111209

Truly an autistic onion, how can people not love her?

>> No.29111212


>> No.29111214

meh she's missing many notes

>> No.29111219
Quoted by: >>29111251

Is the archive members only or what

>> No.29111220

I hope Shuba leaves the duck as it is.

>> No.29111221


>> No.29111223

Literally read the las 2 threads or look up the archive.

>> No.29111224
File: 188 KB, 513x615, 1605192609254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111225

Sudden boss!
Bets on the winner?

>> No.29111226
File: 686 KB, 527x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day! Is your oshi streaming today?

>> No.29111230

>Eye of Cthulhu has awoken

>> No.29111231
File: 935 KB, 3200x3907, EODiT-aWsAAfQCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised on how well it went, they're both pretty asocial and/or shy

>> No.29111232

Whichever one has a glove on it.

>> No.29111233

asians fear the fps player

>> No.29111234

Coco you madlad

>> No.29111235

He has 0 defense lmao.

>> No.29111236
File: 158 KB, 1050x591, 🔴🌳Terraria_テラリア🌳 新しいバイオームを探検だ! - YouTube - 23 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111255

>> No.29111238

coco fighting the eye of winnie the pooh as we speak

>> No.29111239

Suisei: hypotension

>> No.29111242

Not Coco...

>> No.29111245
File: 105 KB, 200x254, 756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got this

>> No.29111247

seeing this sort of thing is kinda cringe

>> No.29111248


>> No.29111249


>> No.29111251

She plans to subtitle it for EN and CN, then upload it to YouTube

>> No.29111252

there is now way she is losing this
wait she isn't on expert right ?

>> No.29111253
Quoted by: >>29111316

Eating Omaru Polka

>> No.29111254
File: 590 KB, 1024x1217, 1600339908681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can break the game open by abusing the mechanics
>Doesn't understand the basic fluid dynamics of the game

retard rabbit

>> No.29111255

Terraria moment

>> No.29111257
Quoted by: >>29111323

Wait, how did Coco summon it?

>> No.29111259
File: 95 KB, 982x1135, 17C17E41-73C7-4EA0-B3EC-AFCEC834CFD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just got home

Sora... just what kind of work do you do to be so busy?

>> No.29111260

Every single stream she does lately there always seems to be something that can be super easily connected to bugmen and it's unironically one of the funniest things that has come out of this whole ordeal

>> No.29111261

Haven't heard her say anything that implied they threw her under the bus, yeah. Though it's possible she's too damaged to realize that she was, I honestly think both sides did try their best but it just couldn't work out.

>> No.29111263

64k viewers

>> No.29111264

not the best place to have a boss spawn but that enchantet sword is doing work

>> No.29111266

She's fucked

>> No.29111268

because she doesn't care

>> No.29111270
Quoted by: >>29111294

when did pekora get an eltyra?

>> No.29111271
Quoted by: >>29111340

>eye of cthulhu without a proper platform stage
imagine the horror

>> No.29111272

betting on despawning due to time

>> No.29111273
Quoted by: >>29111358

Did Coco get lucky with her items? This sword looks really strong.

>> No.29111275

After all that's happened, including her saying she got disillusioned about working with big companies, that would be too good to become true.
But I will still wish it for christmas.

>> No.29111276
File: 2.48 MB, 2444x4093, 84990325_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111431

Sadly not
So I'm watching her roommate now instead

>> No.29111278
File: 24 KB, 450x230, 1605273847418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does no else notice there's an anime character here? am I having a schizo episode?

>> No.29111280

Holy shit, The King of Braves is really fitting for Botan.

>> No.29111283

Servicing the producers

>> No.29111284
Quoted by: >>29111326

don't bother and it will go away with time

>> No.29111287

>put vomit

>> No.29111288

>he despawned
fucking of course

>> No.29111289
File: 27 KB, 347x183, HA↑.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111341


>> No.29111291

Coco.... your wiki reps

>> No.29111293


>> No.29111294

how new?

>> No.29111297 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 606x719, 1597460433173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I should go to 5ch and stir the shit up, I want the nijifags to destroy the whore again.

>> No.29111296

>They want to play off stream after
nooo don't deny us

>> No.29111298

>Hagure mama is lewd
i wish she'd fucking make new outfit for my oshi instead

>> No.29111299

sad? those are tears of joy.

>> No.29111300
Quoted by: >>29111739

Well if that's the case that gives me even more hope the other girls could talk her into it. I guess we'll see though. I'm probably getting my hopes up for nothing.

Nice digits.

>> No.29111301

She pays me to have intense breeding sessions with her

>> No.29111302

Well that was anticlimactic

>> No.29111305
Quoted by: >>29111324

Aloe's roommate stream
Shion's revival stream
Today is a nice Friday 13th.

>> No.29111308

Cool I'll give it a watch when it's up then

>> No.29111309

I can't believe fandeads are cucking each other...

>> No.29111310

>likes lolis
What a fucking surprise

>> No.29111312

Demon meido is getting pegged

>> No.29111313
Quoted by: >>29111374

Stop bullying Shuba's kaiju..............

>> No.29111315


>> No.29111316


>> No.29111317
Quoted by: >>29111333

english only peasant
meaning a person who can only speak english and nothing else

>> No.29111322
File: 887 KB, 817x857, 1604687918263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her new 3D model is cute

>> No.29111323

it was night and she found a suspicious looking eye and thought it was a pet

>> No.29111324
Quoted by: >>29111373

>Aloe's roommate stream
link sex

>> No.29111326
Quoted by: >>29111367

Anon they're here since almost two months, and now their discord raiding again. They will never go anywhere, they will spam their offtopic shit unless it'll be straight up banned but our meidos are completely worthless faggots.

>> No.29111327

It's fucking Megazord

>> No.29111328

she's like 20 years older than all of them

>> No.29111329
File: 327 KB, 469x469, 1604669725896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Botan is always so smug? What does she know? Is it my peepee size?

>> No.29111330
Quoted by: >>29111370

SEA hands typed this post

>> No.29111332
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, NEXT COLOR PLANET _ 星街すいせい-vQHVGXdcqEQ.mp4_snapshot_00.19_[2020.06.29_12.53.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, twice and she's in good spirits. It's a great day.

>> No.29111333

ooooo thx thx !!

>> No.29111334

>just hearing cat meowing makes her feel good
bit weird

>> No.29111335
Quoted by: >>29111511

Sora is watching Kotone and Matsuri

>> No.29111336

What the fuck is it about japanese comedians that makes their occupation immediately identifiable by their tone of voice?

>> No.29111338

Post zoomed in Holos with speed lines.

>> No.29111339

Poor Subaru...

>> No.29111341

is this miko?

what whore

>> No.29111340
Quoted by: >>29111403

Do you even need a platform on Normal? I reckon a flat terrain would be just fine
They're almost mandatory for Expert and Master but bosses are just pushovers on Normal

>> No.29111343

>those oga noises
What the fuck is happening

>> No.29111344

kek they really hated Shubangelion

>> No.29111350

This is bullying...

>> No.29111351

That's what people said when it all first came out and then came the apology stream.

>> No.29111353

2 nukes and a nuclear powerplant that leaked radiation into their food and water supply.

>> No.29111355

Is that a boss?
Is it rare?

>> No.29111357

He is being killed by massage electrical

>> No.29111358

She found the metal detector, sword and magic mirror within 10 minutes of each other.

>> No.29111360
File: 478 KB, 1440x2128, EZr9nxRVcAAOPxD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she does a report on it, Subaru's was hilarious.

>> No.29111362
File: 520 KB, 1080x1504, IMG_20201107_212900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mano "If her age is on the clock, I'm teaching her how to get the cock" Aloe
Mano "holdher tighter, she's a fighter" Aloe
Mano "13? nah she''s tooold" Aloe
Mano "kindergarten kidnapper" Aloe
Mano "if she's nine, that cunny is mine" Aloe
Mano "fire your lewd juices into nee-san's naughty mouth" Aloe

>> No.29111363


>> No.29111361

no it's the first boss

>> No.29111365
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1582568345276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just heard Peko's real laugh

>> No.29111366

They look very intimidated by the lion.

>> No.29111367

ok but why do you care? learn to ignore, you'll be happier

>> No.29111368
Quoted by: >>29111411

You're gonna look like a real retard when she returns.

>> No.29111370
File: 1.61 MB, 964x1007, 1603379353110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling others SEA

>> No.29111372

She also said she's going to stream on YouTube from around December when she gets a better PC.

>> No.29111373


>> No.29111374

tell her to stop being lazy and fucking finish it then

>> No.29111375

Too bad Haato stopped from pranking the Duck as well.

>> No.29111380

hello aloe we love you!

>> No.29111381
Quoted by: >>29111417

So no one is going to talk about how Miko can do a perfect Botan impression even mimicking her speech mannerisms?

>> No.29111382

If Subaru doesn't finish soon they'll end up destroying it

>> No.29111383

>ensta mentioned
>suisei gets ten times louder
Haha... that's our comet...

>> No.29111388 [SPOILER] 
File: 204 KB, 724x1023, 1605274225617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a great collab say hello to nanashi's future CEO

>> No.29111391

He is the "first" boss of the game, usually who you will come across first
There's king slime who's easier but his spawns aren't as consistent

>> No.29111393

>Mikobangelion is drooling now

>> No.29111394

here comes the enstars shill...

>> No.29111396

>Pekora has nearly double her usual views
The fuck is going on, has she just crossed a threshold where the algorithm aggressively favours her?

>> No.29111397
File: 939 KB, 804x719, 1603290755068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend sex noises incoming!

>> No.29111398

Stimulating his prostate with an electric massager, by the orders of his master.

>> No.29111399


>> No.29111403
Quoted by: >>29111499

I know i do

>> No.29111407

damn fbk gets pretty intense around homos

>> No.29111408
Quoted by: >>29111452

I wish for Pekora to make a giant shit behind Shuba as revenge. It'd be too good.

>> No.29111409
File: 542 KB, 1674x730, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name their band...

>> No.29111411
Quoted by: >>29111553

I will just harass her out again.

>> No.29111417
Quoted by: >>29111483

Wait what? When?

>> No.29111418
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten fox, Kawaiiiyooo~

>> No.29111420

Think of what Aloe could have been!
Such a great loss...

>> No.29111421

wouldn't you be? what if you lose to the anime girl?

>> No.29111423
File: 1.03 MB, 820x547, philippines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-sugoi nee wooow

>> No.29111424

God I wish that was me.

>> No.29111425
Quoted by: >>29111560

He gained 200 subs from that collab already, I'm thinking 100k is happening this year boys

>> No.29111428

Pekodam poop...

>> No.29111431
File: 496 KB, 2048x2048, EkmrS7lVkAAP_UT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, her sister's stream was pretty nice too.

>> No.29111432

>you link to the new near the end of the thread, everyone goes there, repeat
back to /vg/ newshit

>> No.29111433

The hell? If this is true she's doing better than Cover

>> No.29111437

Now is the turn of FBK

>> No.29111435

Poor Sabura.
She has logged in and it doesn't even look well anymore

>> No.29111439


>> No.29111442

Pekodam still looks the best

>> No.29111443

I thought they were called FOXDEMON?

>> No.29111445

Because she could be their grandma.

>> No.29111448
File: 292 KB, 1500x1500, EmoPQTiU0AAb-zR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Miko takes over Subangelion
-Pekora makes Miko drool
-Hachama also wants to prank Subaru

What next?

>> No.29111449

the pixels

>> No.29111452

she likes to push them

verdict on roberu's performance?
obviously not in terms of winning the game itself

>> No.29111453

Suisei is lusting over her husband again...

>> No.29111454

>no one else streaming

>> No.29111456
File: 848 KB, 2480x3496, EE7624D8-7EEB-4BBC-B99D-3ED213B02A50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both panting

>> No.29111457

She did on someone elses channel. Don't know if She'll stream later but who knows. At least her collab mate chose the same thing that I recommended and kinda made my day.

>> No.29111458

It has a chance to spawn every night you haven't beat it while having more 200 HP and some amount of defense. You can alternatively summon it using a suspicious eye

>> No.29111459

And people say hololive doesn't have bullies.

Poor Subaru...

>> No.29111465

Pekodam took a shit.

>> No.29111466

God I wish that was me.

>> No.29111468

>ywn be 3D

>> No.29111469
Quoted by: >>29111554

hello /v/ i'm seanigger from thailand and my favourite holo is migoti

>> No.29111470

there is a easy way to craft a item to sumon him so you don't have to wait for a RNG spawn

>> No.29111472


>> No.29111475
File: 254 KB, 1366x768, Gero-Mikongelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Subaru, at least Pekora realized her unchi prank on Pekodam.

>> No.29111474

This isn't /vg/ you dense nigger. Go back

>> No.29111477

>Who's your oshi in Ensemble Stars?
>Sakuma Ritsu from Knights!
>What's your favorite thing about him
>The way he's so cold towards me!!

>> No.29111478
File: 213 KB, 1050x591, 🔴🌳Terraria_テラリア🌳 新しいバイオームを探検だ! - YouTube - 30 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111523

>Bugs invading Coco's chat circa 2020

>> No.29111483

During plug and play

>> No.29111484


>> No.29111487

She tweeted she's doing something special

>> No.29111488

Fubuki control yourself its just a vibrator

>> No.29111490


>> No.29111492


>> No.29111494

Friend moaning...

>> No.29111495

Oh wow Pekora is being a cunt

>> No.29111497

they have to be extra intense to avoid any awkward silences

>> No.29111498
Quoted by: >>29111581


>> No.29111499

Well, nothing wrong with that
Preparation is the key to success in Terraria anyways
You can hardly accomplish anything without some preparations

>> No.29111500


>> No.29111502

>hololive general
anon, I...

>> No.29111506


>> No.29111512
File: 480 KB, 1447x2046, mel!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craft the ultimate Holo!

Hair: Subaru
Face: Akua
Breasts: Choco
Torso: Marine
Nails: Botan
Hips: Mel
Butt: Marine
Thighs: Kaichou
Voice: Choco
Laugh: Pekora
Personality: Korone
Talent: Marine

>> No.29111511
Quoted by: >>29111617

It’s silly how Kotone has two separate friendships with two Hololive members, who are mostly on a friendly coworker basis

>> No.29111513

I think they're all console players so you know how that is.

>> No.29111514

Kill yourself ricenigger.

>> No.29111515

nico nico quality

>> No.29111516

She's just begging for those piss enemas

>> No.29111517

Terraria is debuff

>> No.29111518 [DELETED] 

last thread reeks a SEAniggers.

>> No.29111519

My friend's boyfriend.

>> No.29111521
Quoted by: >>29111581

Gimme that clip and/or timestamp my nigger.

>> No.29111522
Quoted by: >>29111576

say what you like but ouga's voice is sexy as fuck, holy shit

>> No.29111523

actual narrative

>> No.29111525

God friend is so cute when she's tryharding.

>> No.29111526

Hello newfagchama

>> No.29111528

no the g stands for gay

>> No.29111531

g stands for gossip newfagchama

>> No.29111533

Pekora wants to put the turd under the duck

>> No.29111534
File: 241 KB, 324x354, 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111606


>> No.29111535


>> No.29111536

It's there.

>> No.29111538

生放送/livestream  https://twitcasting.tv/delutaya_fanbox
合言葉/password  92651

>> No.29111539
Quoted by: >>29111669

oh boy

>> No.29111540
File: 645 KB, 1440x709, Screenshot_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she's having more fun than with the normal lesbian shenanigans! Sasuga best cat!

>> No.29111543

I have question
when you talk about "roommate" you talk about voice actor of hololive idolu yes?

>> No.29111544

Can't wait for Subaru to see it and decide how to deal with it.

>> No.29111547
Quoted by: >>29111588

that stream was pure gold
too bad holocaust took it

>> No.29111550


>> No.29111551

I want to be Oga so badly right now.

>> No.29111552

>yo shion
>son roberu
>aloe love
you can't make this shit up

>> No.29111553

And then I'll find you.

>> No.29111554

Ogey birdkun

>> No.29111557

i feel so awkward watching friends now

>> No.29111560

If he continues earning between 300 subs per day, he could be in the 100k by December 30th but he does better than most holostars so he can get there before his debut anniversary.

>> No.29111562

No speak to the flatmate

>> No.29111563
Quoted by: >>29111583

Enough duck bullying

>> No.29111564

Tyrone and Shirakami

>> No.29111566
Quoted by: >>29111594

I can't believe my son is gonna grow up to become a rapist...

>> No.29111567

that's good I hope they have fun

>> No.29111570
File: 328 KB, 1450x2048, Ei7Pg3OU0AAssFh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritsu is just that cool

>> No.29111568
Quoted by: >>29111700

I missed you Mel falseflagger.

>> No.29111569


>> No.29111571
Quoted by: >>29111584

someone explain coco what quickstack is

>> No.29111572

No, roommate is like Coco and Kanata

>> No.29111575
Quoted by: >>29111626


>> No.29111576


>> No.29111578

Aqua might stream tomorrow at noon, don't miss it!

>> No.29111579

Is Pekora going to make the Pekodam's bunny ears bigger each time Miko extends to the Mikochar's ahoge?

>> No.29111580
Quoted by: >>29111697

She's a cute dork https://files.catbox.moe/drcbrk.webm

>> No.29111582

>fubuki voice is trembling
Cute as fuck

>> No.29111581

27:16 she starts doing a character voice that is extremely similar to Botan

>> No.29111583
File: 278 KB, 1414x2048, 1577736801541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111601

But the duck is made for bullying.

>> No.29111584

Too shy to use the chat, sorry

>> No.29111585


>> No.29111588

Should be clips up still

>> No.29111589
Quoted by: >>29111635

These threads are unironically generals and anyone who disagrees is a schizo, besides the singular factor of not having an infodumping op it has every characteristic of a general

>> No.29111594
File: 71 KB, 154x172, 1603418719735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not when it's voluntarily

>> No.29111595
Quoted by: >>29111628

Spot the /hlg/ anywhere in any thread ever made. I'll wait.
A bunch of /vg/tards giving it an unofficial name doesn't mean shit.

>> No.29111601
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1602906259897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111689

post full

>> No.29111602

it's really nice to hear her voice again

>> No.29111603

Read nigga

>> No.29111604
File: 58 KB, 463x453, 1603698681103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now Miko is literally throwing up on shubagelion
I know this is shit and giggles, but isn't it too far?...

>> No.29111606
File: 328 KB, 348x441, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111614
File: 1.65 MB, 1360x768, 0l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29111618

>they should have known Pekora

>> No.29111617

Imagine how great it'd be if the 3 of them just played together. Imagine the bullying.

>> No.29111625
Quoted by: >>29112382

Honestly, I think the minecraft holos have already asked Duck not to stream minecraft yet so they could have a turn vandalizing the shubazilla. Lord knows I'll tune into duck just for her reaction after all that.

>> No.29111626

Suisei, what are you doing here?

>> No.29111628
Quoted by: >>29111671

>a label changes what something fundamentally is
Okay tranny

>> No.29111630

So the new arc is about screwing with Subaru? The more modifications they add to her shubangelion, the harder it will be for her to say no, remove the blocks and build what she planned to build

>> No.29111632
Quoted by: >>29111948

no one expects purity out of a 40 year old

>> No.29111634
File: 240 KB, 674x489, 1595686154887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111736


>> No.29111635
Quoted by: >>29111654

>These threads are a general except they don't link to each other or have a copy pasted OP
That's literally the only difference between a reccuring thread and a general.

>> No.29111639

>Covid robbed us from Maimoto
I'll never forgive the chinese.

>> No.29111640

>room full of chigyus and a smug lion

>> No.29111644

Aren't barfing faces a staple of Holoserver by now? Not like they're destroying anything.

>> No.29111647 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 600x800, 9d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How flexible are foxes... cats to big African dicks?

>> No.29111648

It's her fault for taking too long to finish it..

>> No.29111650

You know what? I'm glad PekoMiko did this to the duck, that thing is ugly as sin.

>> No.29111651

How many viewer this Tamaki (female) usually get?

>> No.29111654
Quoted by: >>29111670

so it's the same as a general, yeah

>> No.29111659

Rage Against 5ch.

>> No.29111660

Hope her grandma is fine.

>> No.29111662
Quoted by: >>29111694

>The way he's so cold towards me!!

they always say that about men they like. I remember okayu and korone having a conversation like that once

>> No.29111663
Quoted by: >>29111677

Not hololive, go back >>>/103.50/

>> No.29111665
File: 504 KB, 800x748, 1603199849502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAQ u meeeeen

>> No.29111669
Quoted by: >>29111721

Where is Sora?

>> No.29111670
Quoted by: >>29111730

No, it's a normally recurring thread.

>> No.29111671
Quoted by: >>29111692

I'm waiting.

>> No.29111677

what's this number? looks like some radio station frequency?

>> No.29111678

damn flare's house is huge

>> No.29111682
File: 111 KB, 232x249, 1604225904476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry shien, but your sister will need to find a new lover

>> No.29111683

Can't wait for Flare to decide to build on the forest area.

>> No.29111687


>> No.29111688
Quoted by: >>29111703

First boss let's fucking go

>> No.29111690
File: 2.22 MB, 418x568, 1598600376273.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29111689
Quoted by: >>29111741

just search the artist you lazy faggot

>> No.29111692
Quoted by: >>29111748

For your sex operation, I know. You'll never be a woman.

>> No.29111693

>couldn't get out of bed or use the internet
I feel for that

>> No.29111694
File: 875 KB, 256x256, 1595449008963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just the way women are mang

>> No.29111696
Quoted by: >>29111746

Screwing with Subaru is a Minecraft tradition. Also there's a chance she'll even decide to incorporate that into her design.

>> No.29111697

fucking kek

>> No.29111699

>map ends at Pekodam and Mikozaku
>doesn't include Shubangelion
Duck gets bullied indirectly again...

>> No.29111700 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 486x710, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111757

Thanks anon. This thread needs me, I will destroy Aloecucks and if they won't go to their place, /vyt/, I will make her fall into despair more than ever.

>> No.29111701

Pekogam could whoop the Miko Zaku

>> No.29111703
Quoted by: >>29111727

ok but where do we go?

>> No.29111705

Coco's gonna fight the boss again

>> No.29111706
Quoted by: >>29111771

Yes, maybe your friends at global can teach you about this radio station

>> No.29111711


>> No.29111712


>> No.29111718
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1590667551314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you friend.

>> No.29111720

I can't believe Friend is getting fucked on stream.

>> No.29111721

Somewhere on the Minecraft server, potentially stalking Pekora.

>> No.29111722


>> No.29111724

Fubuki is cumming live on stream.

>> No.29111723

How do people seriously watch Pekora this is some boring ass shit

>> No.29111725

Emergency narrartive broadcast station.

>> No.29111726

Friend moaning again

>> No.29111727
File: 245 KB, 496x404, 02-053451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111763


>> No.29111729

nobody else streaming + minecraft bonus

>> No.29111730
Quoted by: >>29111766

so the same thing as a general

>> No.29111732
File: 433 KB, 2560x1440, 1592725868510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111789


>> No.29111733

cover really is a black company ;_;

>> No.29111736

why does mio throw up so much

>> No.29111739

Not in the near future. She for real thinks she would be a liability for an idol group and afraid that hate will spill onto her genmates, so she doesn't want to cause her friends trouble.
Plus right now she's a bit high on all the support she gets through fanbox and thinks she can have a shot at becoming new REOL just from that. I guess until she hits a snag and realizes she can use some help from Cover, she will stick to her green haired character.

>> No.29111741

what's the artist's name then?

>> No.29111743

Fubuki orgasm on stream

this is the power of FOXDEMON

>> No.29111746

>Also there's a chance she'll even decide to incorporate that into her design.
It's not like she has a choice. If she removed the Miko head, the 35p would burn her alive

>> No.29111748
Quoted by: >>29111829

Ah so you have no argument. Good to know, /vg/kiddy.

>> No.29111750
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, 1603472257884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this is really fucking saddening and then really heartwarming when she gets to the good parts. Damn. This girl...

Hang all nijiniggers.

>> No.29111754

This doesn't sound like Mario Kart

>> No.29111755

Chill and enjoy the silly pranks, aside from the penguin accident, nothing is being destroyed

>> No.29111757
File: 70 KB, 640x905, 915DDCA4-3414-4BCB-B96A-653F74290B57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not after this stream, especially not after she goes to Hokkaido and meets with the rest of Gen 5 - the happy times are here to stay

>> No.29111759
Quoted by: >>29111826

>melee against EOC

>> No.29111761


>> No.29111763
File: 92 KB, 475x604, 1602994739886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111823


>> No.29111764
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1586171444229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112104

Thank you Oga for this meal

>> No.29111765

Why does everyone want to bully shubashuba now?

>> No.29111766

No, it's a normally recurring thread.

>> No.29111767
File: 630 KB, 548x900, 1601587797533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be oga
curse you lord

>> No.29111769

just tuned into Coco
when the fuck did she get that much max life

>> No.29111770

why is everyone perverting the Shubagelion whilst shes gone?

>> No.29111771

>ask something I don't know
>hurr durr go back to global
this is why you're the worse general

>> No.29111776

This eye has no chance against the power of Yakuza

>> No.29111778

Cartoon rabbit, only children watches her.

>> No.29111779
File: 378 KB, 800x800, kurwaaaaa — kopia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111781
File: 3 KB, 328x367, bitratechama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei's answers questions regarding her oshi seriously more than interviews for shows and news articles

>> No.29111782

I guess my prediction was off by one, close enough I guess

>> No.29111784


>> No.29111785

Basically a large tournament was supposed to turn of superchat but one of the streams forgot, leading to $103.5 to slip through. Now used to for trolling over numbers etc.

>> No.29111786


>> No.29111787

that's it, she orgasmed

mario kart is just a front

they're fucking

>> No.29111788
File: 2.76 MB, 2508x3542, EmszHfSVgAAx1iR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very much enjoying all the new Shionyo art
I also miss this costume

>> No.29111789

>akua gets animal ears
>similar braided two-tone hairstyles
>dumb accessories
There can be only one

>> No.29111790

My friend is making weird sounds and asking for help... Someone help her...

>> No.29111792
Quoted by: >>29111909

Pekora isn't for everybody and you clearly don't get why her content is amazing. Would you rather see her review reddit memes?

>> No.29111793

Is Friend having a stroke?

>> No.29111795

They are afraid.

>> No.29111798
Quoted by: >>29112290

Because it's an eyesore.

>> No.29111803

thanks anon

>> No.29111804

She's been playing it offstream like crazy

>> No.29111805

Fubuki is the true ntr experience

>> No.29111806

is Coco jusst planning to facetank the boss?

>> No.29111808

I'm supposed to be watching a Mario Kart stream, not a mating press ASMR...

>> No.29111809
File: 52 KB, 429x469, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't be so happy when she'll cry again after an attempted suicide.

>> No.29111810

Is this what NTR feels like..

>> No.29111811

wrong board

>> No.29111813

because literally shes literally no ones oshi so no one gives a fuck and/or watches her

>> No.29111814


>> No.29111818


>> No.29111820

>Oga's voice
Fuck me, that's good shit. It's a real shame that his design is a huge filter because that getup is gay as fuck.

>> No.29111822

I wish I were Oga.

>> No.29111823
File: 459 KB, 486x483, 07-211022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111854


>> No.29111824
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 🔴_🌳_Terraria_テラリア_🌳_ 新しいバイオームを探検だ! 42-22 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did it!

>> No.29111826

works just fine with enchanted sword and star sword cause of the extra magic shot

>> No.29111827

Now that you mention it...

>> No.29111828

you can tell fubuki actually just wants to fuck him

>> No.29111829
Quoted by: >>29111884

Arguing with a tranny who thinks a name changes the fundamental nature of something is fruitless. You unironically think how you refer to something changes what something is. 41% yourself.

>> No.29111831
File: 63 KB, 640x799, 111029409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, that was hot

>> No.29111837
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, 1604611476785.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it!

>> No.29111835

Have you heard that catchy BGM

>> No.29111838

she does have max pre-hardmode health

>> No.29111841

Did she put it on her fanbox that she just pulled the ticket for that. I know she pulled a ticket for it but then got hospitalized

>> No.29111842 [DELETED] 

This is happening to friend right now. NSFW.

>> No.29111844

>>ask something I don't know
>this is why you're the worse general
Holy shit, go back

>> No.29111845


>> No.29111847


>> No.29111850

Bro just watch her roommates shower room video

>> No.29111853

True, Ayame is so much better

>> No.29111854
File: 428 KB, 490x385, 1575097900279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111918


>> No.29111856

his design is legit trash, anything, even a generic bishounen would be better

>> No.29111858

I wish this costume was used more. It is stupidly cute.

>> No.29111859


>> No.29111860
File: 1.18 MB, 3075x2420, 1596283061293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru being the center of attention of the server is nice to see. She'll do Minecraft tomorrow at 14 so we'll see how she's gonna deal with it.

>> No.29111861

Yes, she's just that addicted now

>> No.29111867
Quoted by: >>29111919

>voting for coco
I only saw posts that suddenly said this
is it like just speculation or was there any hint for this?

>> No.29111872
Quoted by: >>29112010

It's weird because you'd think fujos would flock to the homos but other than what's his name from niji males have a pretty low viewer turn out across the board

>> No.29111875

>fighting bugs
>singing Going Under

>> No.29111876
File: 1.64 MB, 848x1200, EmsaniaVcAA9ABK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111936


>> No.29111878

So which soul will Shuba use to power the Shubangelion? I'm betting she will use Mio's since they're very close.

>> No.29111881

I don't understand why Pekora gets so many viewers for Minecraft

>> No.29111882

I just realized Peko has 60k viewers again jesus

>> No.29111883

that one makes me diamonds every time
god damnit

>> No.29111884
Quoted by: >>29111907

Okay /vg/kiddy.

>> No.29111886
File: 2.20 MB, 2048x1978, 1602817151559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to killing bugs

>> No.29111887

Then mods ban you
Good luck reporting the mods

>> No.29111888


zhang you can stop and go back to bilibili.

>> No.29111890
File: 1.40 MB, 2636x1438, Screenshot_202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, poor fox is terrible at this game but at least she's having fun ;)

>> No.29111891

oh my fucking god peko sucks at handling the elytra kek

>> No.29111893


>> No.29111896

This isn't a general though???

>> No.29111901

Damn, that's really saddening.

>> No.29111904
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1575982633359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111905
File: 178 KB, 687x1237, 1600856778929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111974

Her 3D is so expressive. Every time she looks directly at me I feel the urge to spend money. Her smile is so bright.

>> No.29111906

This is taking it too far. You won't laugh once Subaru decides to quit for good.

>> No.29111907
Quoted by: >>29111931


>> No.29111909

I switched to the FBK/Oga collab because it's actually entertaining

>> No.29111910

she didnt even notice the crimson ore...

>> No.29111912

when did they add this banger music? what the fuck

>> No.29111916

Even with 400hp, if her gear isn't up to scratch, she'll still struggle with the likes of the Queen Bee and Wall of Flesh.

>> No.29111917

She's entertaining, I'm sure this is a difficult concept to understand for you towaniggers

>> No.29111918
File: 256 KB, 605x546, 12-234257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won

>> No.29111919
Quoted by: >>29112262

The notion that they would even be allowed to vote on something like this was pretty ridiculous. They probably just asked for everyone's opinions but either yagoon or the board made the final decision.

>> No.29111920
Quoted by: >>29111940

>be so new that you don't know what 103.50 means
>be proud of being new
Stop spoonfeeding retards

>> No.29111923

What I wouldn't do to have Ogas sloppy seconds

>> No.29111929
File: 186 KB, 500x528, EIkDUTgUYAIfxdK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29111931


>> No.29111932
Quoted by: >>29112022

This doesn't include the recent post where she talks about turning down corporate offers.

>> No.29111933
Quoted by: >>29111984

>Coco killing bugs in game and in the chat

>> No.29111936

that's some crazy bush

>> No.29111938
File: 2.20 MB, 3529x1954, fubumari_TCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111979

Should get Fubuki to redesign him

>> No.29111937

Friend is really bad at Mario kart

>> No.29111940

>new = retard
stop gatekeeping your weebshit

>> No.29111941
Quoted by: >>29111991

Suisei please stop infecting others with your ensta addiction...

>> No.29111946

I can't believe Friend has finally found someone...

>> No.29111947
File: 3.91 MB, 640x570, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112177

Are cat/fox-demon hybrids even possible?

>> No.29111948

40 year olds are pure !

>> No.29111949

There's a longer trial 3 minutes version of that

>> No.29111952


>> No.29111954

take your meds ADHD-kun

>> No.29111955

>FOXDEMON 10k viewers
i thought you guys said the homos were view killers

>> No.29111956

Incoming moans

>> No.29111957

peko... you can activate your elytra again while falling........

>> No.29111959

For real tho, is friend just having a MK meltdown over getting bodied or is something else happening

>> No.29111962

frriend is getting totured by big demon man

>> No.29111963

Oga'a eigo is powerful

>> No.29111964
File: 497 KB, 800x999, 1596051234965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help me friends...

>> No.29111967
Quoted by: >>29112005

The problem is we need more gatekeeping

>> No.29111966

>Basically a large tournament was supposed to turn of superchat but one of the streams forgot, leading to $103.5 to slip through.
>nijitard trying to rewrite history
It was AFTER the macro collab getting 103.50 that they decided to turn it off for the following macro collabs

>> No.29111969

I blame nijiniggers
with the roa incident everything what aloe said was proven

>> No.29111970

they hoped that so their idols could remain "pure"

>> No.29111971

She deserved everything because she's a lying whore. Actually I bet her father isn't bad at all, she just realized that she can scam cucks like the redditors in this thread while sucking on her boyfriend's dick every day.

>> No.29111972

How much have they added to Terraria?Haven't played it since 2013.

>> No.29111973

Friend is too strong now.

>> No.29111974
Quoted by: >>29112082


>> No.29111976

Aloe Love

>> No.29111977

>moaning "friends"

>> No.29111979
Quoted by: >>29112044

give him third one from top left and he's good

>> No.29111980

Here we go again friend... Yoisho...

>> No.29111982

>coco getting hooked on better crafting games
Is this the end of Ark?

>> No.29111984
File: 273 KB, 1195x666, 1599263265599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29111998

I wish she played EDF

>> No.29111987
File: 11 KB, 353x149, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on? i dont see anything special on the stream

>> No.29111989

>stop gatekeeping
Don't you have some other hobby to go ruin?

>> No.29111991

but Mishiro is also another fan

>> No.29111993

Mario Kart brings out some of the strangest interactions

>> No.29111994

>>new = retard
Yes? You can click this magical thing called the archive and look for that number you know?

>> No.29111996

>Suisei used to work on an izakaya
>There was an Ansuta event on one of her working days so she "went to the toilet for 30 minutes" just so she can grind for an event

>> No.29111997


>> No.29111998

god I wish

>> No.29111999

Pekodam, Joseph, Lamy's death, all kind of contraptions, Moona. Nips loved all those things, made clips about, share it and now we are here

>> No.29112000
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1603727526599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112015

Friend sounds possessed what is going on.

>> No.29112001

Feather Falling is kinda required to use elytra right?

>> No.29112004

Who is this kami and why does Pekora keep mentioning him?

>> No.29112005
File: 218 KB, 750x558, FUBUKI TRIES TO HELP SCHIZOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is in your head

>> No.29112007
File: 510 KB, 828x828, 1594774575370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those people in FBKs chat that don't understand whats happening

>> No.29112008

Oga's voice becomes more deeper and sexier as the streams go on...

>> No.29112009

Kanatan time

>> No.29112010

>the way he calls Friend "Ojou"
A butler outfit would make the fujos and otomes wet themselves. I like how his voice sounds like Sugita doing his cool guy voice sometimes.

>> No.29112012

she's gushing like a girl with a crush

>> No.29112014
File: 130 KB, 499x503, 06-204530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, if they ever want to change servers and start anew, will they share the current map for everyone to go through and enjoy?

>> No.29112015

Getting massaged

>> No.29112016
File: 756 KB, 1701x1618, EZvt9G0UwAEdomQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, friend's eyes are twitching. Sorry friend, I got hard.

>> No.29112017

>don't know how to use the archive
>not retard
Go back to global, they will respect people with special needs like you more than in this place

>> No.29112020

she's literally calling the name of her chat while being slowly mindbroken and corrupted

>> No.29112019
File: 498 KB, 588x593, 1604177454621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you rike it

>> No.29112021

I unsubbed from Fubuki. I swear if she makes other holos collab with the sharts I will become actual anti and spam her Twitter with gore.

>> No.29112022
Quoted by: >>29112455

What is the title of the paste, anon

>> No.29112023

I mean, I think it's cool that FBK collabs with homos but I wouldn't want my oshi to do it

>> No.29112024

Just realized normal difficulty doesn't actually give you boss loot. Expert is so much better as the definitive first playthrough experience.

>> No.29112027

She wants to prank Subaru

And it’s Friday night

>> No.29112029

They both have vibrators inside of their butts and they've been slowly raising the intensity as the stream goes on

>> No.29112031

FBK isn't being pure so everyone is watching pekora

>> No.29112032
Quoted by: >>29112050

Pekora is entertaining, unlike your oshi
People watch her because every one of her streams is kino, she doesn't need collabs or special events to draw eyes

I bet you're subbed to aki

>> No.29112033
File: 20 KB, 369x368, T-thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend is sure making a lot of strange noises today.

>> No.29112034


>> No.29112038

She's using an electric pulse massager.

>> No.29112040
Quoted by: >>29112182

The last big patch was so big that it needed a table of contents bigger than the full patch notes of other indie games. And it got so much traffic that the forums died for a good few days.

Take from that what you will

>> No.29112041
File: 245 KB, 1500x1500, Emcs0yEU4AANK4-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112044

>third one from top left
I don't think you needed to specify which row, anon

>> No.29112045


>> No.29112047

No, holos are just retarded

>> No.29112048

They're both using electric massagers and the loser has to turn theirs on to the setting that corresponds to their place.

>> No.29112050


>> No.29112049
File: 13 KB, 336x300, 1603498348127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112081

>fubuki's stream right now

>> No.29112052

>I unsubbed from Fubuki. I swear if she makes other holos collab with the sharts I will become actual anti and spam her Twitter with gore.
You're late to the party then, better start now

>> No.29112053

Which girls listen to たかやん?
I'm thinking Towa and Matsuri for sure.

>> No.29112055
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1600860015309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you see this rabbit?

>> No.29112057
Quoted by: >>29112101

it would be fun to see a fresh server
are there any good VODs from when the holoJP server was new?

>> No.29112058

started watching the stream for friend moans

turned gay for oga's voice no homo

>> No.29112061
File: 251 KB, 442x374, 1592286891588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112063
File: 17 KB, 245x255, fbk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112064
Quoted by: >>29112468

>Suisei's first oshi is Edward Elric

>> No.29112065

Minecraft poggers

>> No.29112066
File: 666 KB, 583x602, 1597270972094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stream will end at 60 minute mark and they will continue with pic related in the bedroom

screenshot this

>> No.29112067

FBK is breaking

>> No.29112068

You just want to shitpost anyway, if you know friend for the longest time, she never pressure others to do that.

>> No.29112072

it's not. just takes some time to get used to all the controls and you need to learn to control the velocity to land softly and shit, clearly women can't do it

>> No.29112075
Quoted by: >>29112182

like a whole two games' worth on top

>> No.29112081

friend is dying

>> No.29112082

Daily reminder that because of youtube we will never get a Coco swimsuit 3D, which Coco would be using the fuck out of right now to get more views and subs

>> No.29112084
Quoted by: >>29112111

>stop gatekeeping
never, gatekeeping=quality control

>> No.29112085
Quoted by: >>29112443

They can update the spigot server without having to wipe I'm not sure where the notion of world wiping is coming from, the only problem is accessing the new shit would require going very far out to generate it

>> No.29112091
File: 372 KB, 485x559, 1593432417538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora waiting for Moona streaming something then stream Minecraft

>> No.29112095

Offpako with Oga

>> No.29112098
File: 17 KB, 350x278, 1604015902679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friends ......

>> No.29112100
File: 926 KB, 1600x1481, EfJTRbUUEAAvYvf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend later tonight

>> No.29112099
Quoted by: >>29112109

You have to go back.

>> No.29112101
Quoted by: >>29112185

I think everything from this time was lost in holocaust

>> No.29112102

There is still hope bros

>> No.29112103

Rushiafag here. You get used to it.

>> No.29112104

**** da...!?

>> No.29112105

Thanks friends, I couldn't decipher whatever the hell google translate spat out

>> No.29112106

Seeing your friend getting fucked doesn't qualify as NTR does it?

>> No.29112107

Welcome to team Korone/Gura
FBK streams are boring anyway

>> No.29112108
File: 167 KB, 1317x1755, Eh_n-kXXsAABY5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be Oga

>> No.29112109
Quoted by: >>29112161

ok nigga where?

>> No.29112110
Quoted by: >>29112337

Towa, Matsuri, Shion, Ayame and maybe Aqua
I want to hear a cover of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4WsQsRgbls

>> No.29112111

>never, gatekeeping=quality control
It's not when people like you try to do it

>> No.29112112

She got 50k streaming papers please and you are surprised by this?

>> No.29112113
Quoted by: >>29112209

where?what channel?flare?

>> No.29112115

Did she really say that?

>> No.29112114

My friend only plays 1 game of MariKa with me... Meanwhile she is making strange noises while playing with her maid...

>> No.29112118
File: 118 KB, 827x1101, 1600048254168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what month is this?
I have to warn Coco

>> No.29112125
File: 186 KB, 220x246, tenor-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you winning, friend?

>> No.29112126

Maybe being a slave to a hag fox ain't so bad.

>> No.29112129

It doesn't

>> No.29112127
File: 157 KB, 1772x1181, EkmAGfeUYAEdAD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112210

Imagine shitposting FBK.
Go back to June faggot

>> No.29112132

Time for Oga to get pegged.

>> No.29112134

more likely that meeting was to warn them to hide the chats and not commenting on that situation, also add disclaimer in the descriptions,
Cover would never fire Coco (more probable was that she leave in her ovn volition), that situation where only escaleted becouse translator teams on bilibili rebelled and spread misinformation, bilibili also was at fault.
How would community in JP and basicly rest of the world react if they just graduate a person that read analitycs on youtube and said a Taiwan.

>> No.29112137
File: 593 KB, 703x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112139
Quoted by: >>29112254

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryqw3jnWBMQ Okayu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-UFP_h6OaQ Botan

>> No.29112141

That's what you get for being so new.

>> No.29112143

she replaced the idolfag audience with the NTR audience

>> No.29112144
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, 1598274180234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112220


>> No.29112145

Fox friends were the real cucks all along

>> No.29112147


>> No.29112148

she has literally turned the tables now and is draining him, straight femdom

>> No.29112149
Quoted by: >>29112169

>FBK stream tags: mind break

>> No.29112150

is it safe to say the last 4 weeks are the pekker incline arc

>> No.29112151

Bros...Oga is kind of cool were himosharts right all this time?

>> No.29112154

No he mistranslated it, what she really said was worse: ogeyyyyyyyyyy RRRAT

>> No.29112158
File: 318 KB, 550x565, 1604632718132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you oga for being a good friend/maid

>> No.29112160

with 0 knowledge about the game expert would definitely be frustrating

>> No.29112161

your discord server, subreddit or whatever facebook group you retards come from

>> No.29112162
File: 3.55 MB, 2401x3424, 1593712426632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you never had any romantic interest in her

>> No.29112163
Quoted by: >>29112213

You are incredibly obnoxious so yeah, gatekeeping idiots like you = quality control

>> No.29112164
Quoted by: >>29112334

Meido, this one

>> No.29112165

It's good that she started Normal I think, now she can start an Expert world if she ever manages to convince someone to play with her.
There's no real issue with her bringing her character directly over either if she doesn't progress past Wall.

>> No.29112169

male: mind break & female: mind break
Which is better

>> No.29112171

Suisei you don't have to explain this again..

>> No.29112173
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1596140514530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need some Oga x Fubuki doujins...

>> No.29112176

FBK-chan?! I didn't sign up for this...

>> No.29112177

They're going to try and find out!

>> No.29112175

>all these faggots think friend is the receiving end
>it's the opposite
Ogacucks btfo!

>> No.29112178
Quoted by: >>29112192

need artist

>> No.29112179

I come from youtube

>> No.29112180
Quoted by: >>29112284

takayan for homostar when

>> No.29112182

Alright thanks going to start playing again watching coco play reminded me of the fun i had.

>> No.29112185
Quoted by: >>29112273

did you see any of it back then?
was it fun?
I don't even know the exact age of the JP server, is it about one year old?

>> No.29112186
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1601085556549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112188
Quoted by: >>29112200

OGA noises makes me moist
friend's too

>> No.29112189

She deserve it. Burn that down ugly duck peko

>> No.29112192
Quoted by: >>29112247


>> No.29112197

a lot of bosses and items + new events like martian invasion and christmass eve lots of new npcs and since 2013 i think even some new biomes. then there is golfind , the dungeon defenders collab npc + event , fishing and some other stuff i am forgetting

>> No.29112199

Go post comments there. You'll find plenty of discussion with your kind

>> No.29112200

pls be in london

>> No.29112201
File: 227 KB, 345x332, 1592644022614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the protagonist?

>> No.29112203
Quoted by: >>29112231

Youtube keep recommending me Polka's streams. Not that one, the other one.

>> No.29112205

>losing again

>> No.29112206

Oga? More like Ogay

>> No.29112210
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1573964979387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transition from depressed fbkposter going "supacha onegai" to happy FRIEND was one of the best thing to have happened honestly

>> No.29112209

Yeah, later tonight.

>> No.29112211

you wouldn't know what success looks like

>> No.29112212


>> No.29112213
File: 5 KB, 358x228, 1597250680221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex incel

>> No.29112214
File: 20 KB, 96x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112217
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1602595352964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112218

do Japanese girls really like brown guys now?

>> No.29112219


>> No.29112220

the entire stream is one fucking narrative, kek

>> No.29112221 [DELETED] 

Reply to this post or your oshi and your mom dies in their sleep tonight.

>> No.29112225

I rike it

>> No.29112227
File: 8 KB, 480x195, 1597836377069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pathetic way to die kaichou

>> No.29112231

I wanted to watch her but today was jampacked with higher priority streams.

>> No.29112232

Rolling cactus-kun...

>> No.29112233
File: 900 KB, 1200x1800, fbk24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-why is friend making so much noise?

>> No.29112234


>> No.29112236
File: 131 KB, 700x736, EMaELoPU0AUbxVb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112240

It's time for the final blow that means heart-shaped pupils and permanent cocklust

>> No.29112241
File: 235 KB, 948x1644, 1600111290035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112242

>died to a rolling cactus
>dropped 50 gold

>> No.29112244
File: 447 KB, 779x690, Oganiichan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe that Oga still hasnt roped in Temma and Miyabi for one of these massager challenges, I want it so much. These are always so good for sounds.

>> No.29112245

being sexually harassed by Patra while Flare is filming

>> No.29112247
File: 190 KB, 1315x2100, Ef-meb7UMAAEuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless

>> No.29112248
File: 846 KB, 1575x2100, EmtWNYHVEAAlTs5-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112249


>> No.29112251 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 898x580, vtubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on hololive

>> No.29112250 [DELETED] 

my mom died of cancer years ago

antis killed my oshi

you do not scare me

>> No.29112254

it's poi time

>> No.29112253

You really think that's an insult here?

>> No.29112255
File: 20 KB, 489x275, 1603448007545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112259


>> No.29112260
File: 220 KB, 315x319, 1605030561056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cute little alien and I'm tired of pretending I dont

>> No.29112262

Cover doesn't even let their own members collab with eachother without manager approval the idea they let them vote for anything is so laughable it's insane people are even floating it as a narrative.

>> No.29112263

Yoisho my little friend...

>> No.29112264


>> No.29112265 [DELETED] 


>> No.29112270

girls tend to be hyperactive and overenergized around guys they like to get their attention

>> No.29112272

She's taking big fat Oga cock behind the screen.

>> No.29112273

No, only some clips of their first server.
Noone thought that 80% of videos will be archived in a day, so noone bothered saving it

>> No.29112275


>> No.29112276

Fujos would go crazy

>> No.29112277
Quoted by: >>29112406

RFA and MK8 seem to bring the worst out in the girls

>> No.29112280

Please stop this my friend is pure and will never do that

>> No.29112281

capcom permissions ???
we want to see holos playing DMC5SE
do I have to send mass emails to capcom or something?

>> No.29112283

Kill yourself. I just subbed to Oga.

>> No.29112284

That might actually be dangerously based.

>> No.29112285

The issue with streaming with males is that the girl is always worse so it only helps to prop up the dude while making the girl look like a cocksleeve who's just there to be an acessory

>> No.29112286

do you need some skill to play MK or FBK is super bad?

>> No.29112287

penis in vagina

>> No.29112290

It can't be more eyesore than Haachama coasters and Aqua berries.

>> No.29112291

Geez, how come your mom lets you have TWO FBKINGs?

>> No.29112292

fbk is having a lot of fun now, I imagine hitting the milestone means she can relax (not that she cares a lot but it does matter to her)

>> No.29112295

Guys, don't check 5ch...

>> No.29112298
Quoted by: >>29112358

Miko is at Flare's house, they're going to collab in an hour, with Patra tok. https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1327249429309448197

>> No.29112301

Wait a minute, this isn't Mario Kart.
This is anal sex!

>> No.29112306

no, stay the fuck away from it

>> No.29112307

Why would you ever pretend, she's nice.

>> No.29112308
File: 61 KB, 448x522, smuglion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112403


>> No.29112313
Quoted by: >>29112338

both moaning at the same time...

friend... please... stop...

>> No.29112314
File: 927 KB, 498x498, 1604582970739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to ask why the thread went to shit so fast but I saw my clock. American hours and SEAnig weekends are a mess

>> No.29112315


>> No.29112318

Lion is playing CoD Black Ops Cold War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-UFP_h6OaQ come watch

>> No.29112320

but even then it won't help
fuck capcom

>> No.29112321


>> No.29112322
File: 64 KB, 254x349, 01202841110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More moaning

>> No.29112325
Quoted by: >>29112447


>> No.29112326
Quoted by: >>29112405

she's doing it right now with bbc in one hole and magic wand on maximum setting in the other

>> No.29112327
File: 138 KB, 772x276, 1575399039685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supacha killers

>> No.29112329

Oga's moans > Friend's moans

>> No.29112330

I just tuned in, is Fubuki having sex with Oga live on stream? That's kinda hot.

>> No.29112333

Fubuki is already a bottom earner so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.29112334

Can't censor him for having an opinion. This is an American website

>> No.29112337

>First recommendations all d*mond*ce
I don’t even listen to her music, is it just me?

>> No.29112338

HAH weakling

>> No.29112339
Quoted by: >>29112396

Guys holostar collabs are good

>> No.29112341

How new

>> No.29112342


>> No.29112346

this stream is WAY TOO LEWD. friend needs to calm down

>> No.29112347
Quoted by: >>29112380

I saw this image in your reaction image folder you posted earlier, don't pretend that you're new.

>> No.29112349

Fuck Cupcum

>> No.29112351
Quoted by: >>29112413

maybe they should get more botans to smack the boys around
they are mostly hiring these girls for having good singing voices and mental issues, they need some more gamer gremlins

>> No.29112356

You would need to replace the entirety of upper management with people who are not old retards.

>> No.29112357
Quoted by: >>29112522

fbk's stream is actually funny asf, my sides

>> No.29112358


>> No.29112361 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 456x839, 1605276095870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112362
Quoted by: >>29112466

Pure girls need sexual satisfaction too.

>> No.29112365

wow did you just assume my species

>> No.29112369

kek those fucks crying again ?

>> No.29112371
File: 883 KB, 4096x2417, 1324242623679270912_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112888

i prefer the semen demon she's streaming with

>> No.29112372

yes and now shut the fuck up and stop the roommate posting

>> No.29112373

well, her music is trash unless you're into ironic weeb shit

>> No.29112374

Friend trying so hard not to... lose...

>> No.29112376
File: 228 KB, 443x455, 1590588297171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless this unnecessary but hot as fuck collab.

>> No.29112378
File: 154 KB, 353x434, mouse_pad_okayu_202011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boob doesn't match up

>> No.29112380


>> No.29112382

You realize them vandalizing Shubangelion was all scripted? Their managers ordered them to do it.

>> No.29112384

Source goddammit

>> No.29112385

Man this is even less than nijisanji

>> No.29112387
Quoted by: >>29112454

Has Coco used the conch yet?

>> No.29112389

nice fanfiction

>> No.29112388
File: 48 KB, 753x849, 1602602540696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112391
Quoted by: >>29112450

What's happening now?

>> No.29112393
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1596874019997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112441

Pekora is my oshi yet im here watching FBK play a punishment game with Oga

>> No.29112394


>> No.29112395

>12th again
How is this possible

>> No.29112396

Always have been. It's just a few raving homophobes that don't like em.

>> No.29112398
File: 135 KB, 1185x1065, 1600111326086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112399
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 1460589508930.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CAPCOM permissions
>suddenly monhan licences for everyone
>MH rise streams for days on end

>> No.29112400

they're just related

fubuki is done, stream is ending at the 69 minute mark for the final blow offscreen

>> No.29112401
Quoted by: >>29113035

pekora's just retarded when using it. aqua, flare, and miko already got a grasp of it

>> No.29112403


>> No.29112405
Quoted by: >>29112459

ok but which hole is which?
this is important

>> No.29112406
Quoted by: >>29112531

Holy shit who played Mortal Kombat 8?

>> No.29112407 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1080x1920, amp.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29112408


>> No.29112411

T-Thanks Oga

>> No.29112412
File: 1.03 MB, 943x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112413
Quoted by: >>29112461

>gamer gremlins
gee if only there was a generation litteraly called gamers...

>> No.29112414
File: 132 KB, 579x587, 06-045755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak comedy

>> No.29112417

Narrative time
fubuki is having fun, with no sexual undertone

>> No.29112416

my HDD
no idea I saved it from this general

>> No.29112418
Quoted by: >>29112460

but where's the massager located?

>> No.29112421

>12th again
>it's last race

>> No.29112423

That voice is amazing, I think I'll sub to Oga. No homo.

>> No.29112424
File: 519 KB, 3000x2480, 1603896537707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro do you really think Friend with Benefits is just a meme?

>> No.29112426

I don't get it, Fubuki rarely gets to 10k and when she does is with Oga?
Did her fanbase develop a cuck fetish?

>> No.29112427

She's the current hot topic in Hololive what with being the next-up to 1 million, Moona arc, Miko return arc, corporate warfare arc, pekodam, etc. That got a lot of people checking her out and she's good at keeping people entertained when they do check her out.

>> No.29112429

Sixty fucking dollars.

>> No.29112432
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 【視聴者参加型】お嬢とメイドの低周波マリカ【#FOXDEMON】 1-2-37 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112494


>> No.29112431

I kind of want to see the seething over this

>> No.29112433

60k peko viewers? wtf

>> No.29112436


>> No.29112435

nah with me, haha, ogas on the camera

>> No.29112437

way ahead of ya

>> No.29112438

Dear G-d, not again...

>> No.29112439

sounds dangerous if she still has shizos on her trail.

>> No.29112441

>not having both on separate monitors at once


>> No.29112442

what is the punishment? orgasm denial? anal?

>> No.29112443

they can just access new shit via resource server

>> No.29112444

Yeah compared to the Pekora mousepad, it's like night and day. The white space ruins it.

>> No.29112445

>everyone hates Coco
>everyone loves Coco
What happened? Did /pol/ invade?

>> No.29112446

Hololive is in a parabolic incline and the viewers are being concentrated on Pekora (JP) and Gura (EN)

>> No.29112447
Quoted by: >>29112501


>> No.29112450

Same with every FOXDEMON collab, seething over seeing Fubuki have fun with a m*le.

>> No.29112454

O-on stream?!

>> No.29112455

I don't rely on the pastebins, sorry. You can check the fanbox directly for that post, should be sometime around Halloween IIRC.

>> No.29112457

so you wouldn't care if she fucked guys offstream, but you are seething when she interacts with a man on stream?

>> No.29112458


>> No.29112459

I left this mystery to your imagination

>> No.29112460

one in each armpit

>> No.29112461

and none of them are any good at gaming, your point?

>> No.29112462

We should transfer Fubuki and the homos to nijisanji

>> No.29112463
Quoted by: >>29112502

I just came to that.

>> No.29112465

fubuki never gets superchats

>> No.29112466
File: 254 KB, 456x488, 1596082527147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.29112468
Quoted by: >>29112506

>a fucking manlet

>> No.29112469
Quoted by: >>29112528

That would be glorious anon
I want a full chart of hololive main weapons so that I may judge their taste

>> No.29112471

Imagine Friend limping to the bathroom after turning of the stream...

>> No.29112472
Quoted by: >>29112558

>how to kill hololive in less than a month
monhun is good but its also the most boring fucking thing to watch ever, terrible stream game

>> No.29112473 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 308x308, 1605276288934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where... are your yubis?
>[music plays]

>> No.29112474
Quoted by: >>29112496

Those two drops are all you can muster? Pathetic

>> No.29112475

Because if you don't publicly love her you're gonna get called a chink.

>> No.29112476

she showed us her adorable side

>> No.29112479

timeloop time

>> No.29112480

Clearly not if they aren't giving her money.

>> No.29112481

Being a chink seems to be a lot worse.

>> No.29112484
File: 273 KB, 827x827, EmEU7GBVgAAioWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine will be doing double the work live on stream

>> No.29112487

Cover without FBK is the worst version of itself.

>> No.29112490


>> No.29112491

Why is fbk doing an anhegao in her ending animation?

>> No.29112492


>> No.29112494
Quoted by: >>29112530

what does yamero mean? is it same as yabai?

>> No.29112496
Quoted by: >>29112564

I'd like to see you do better.

>> No.29112497

Partly hatred of chinks, partly Coco's 3d model being cute as fuck to the point where I can't hate her.

>> No.29112498

she showed us the power of friendshio

>> No.29112499
File: 98 KB, 660x789, friend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been

>> No.29112501


>> No.29112502

hating on China is pretty mainstream regardless now
the fuck

>> No.29112503
Quoted by: >>29112576

You mean RE5 co-op.

>> No.29112506

He almost looks like a little boy so it makes sense

>> No.29112508

Bibi, you whore!

>> No.29112509
File: 14 KB, 765x260, 1604452920524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112545

>What happened? Did /pol/ invade?
Yes, and mods did nothing, so these threads are /v/ now.

>> No.29112475,1 [INTERNAL] 

Probably not because everyone is acting like it's a secret club for teh cool guys only

>> No.29112513

hmm luna knights. I never got round to playing that

>> No.29112515

try not being an EOP

>> No.29112516
File: 387 KB, 707x501, 1604999305592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112520

I fucking hate to love this bitch!

>> No.29112519
Quoted by: >>29112793

Postcard signing?

>> No.29112522
Quoted by: >>29112698

Oga's always pretty funny. He's really underrated but I guess that's just the fate you're trapped with if you're a homo.

>> No.29112523

we always hated (loved) coco
now we hate (love) her even more

>> No.29112524

The way they spell メン限 is maji yabe.

>> No.29112526
File: 188 KB, 800x800, 1598983409449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nutters zatsudan

>> No.29112530

the strongest Japanese word for "stop"

>> No.29112528

>I want a full chart of hololive main weapons so that I may judge their taste
Many of their roommates have played it anon, check there.

>> No.29112529
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 118979911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to clip those orgasms

>> No.29112531

Unironically Subaru but the archives.....

>> No.29112532
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 1591589247683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you believe me now? :^)

>> No.29112534

She had 20k durring minecraft stream

>> No.29112537

botan your frames...

>> No.29112540
File: 272 KB, 710x884, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Botan a S, M or switch?

>> No.29112541
File: 448 KB, 2047x1447, EmsnVowUcAA7jjI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112544
Quoted by: >>29112615

F-friends?! was >>29112066 right?!

>> No.29112545
Quoted by: >>29112801

They been /v/ since march at least.

>> No.29112546

Well, it's been 64 minutes allready...

>> No.29112548
File: 1.39 MB, 1165x655, fbkOutfit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112636

>Oga it's been 60 minutes...let's pretend we have to end early so we can continue.

>> No.29112554


>> No.29112555

Sluts fear him.

>> No.29112557

I still hate her. I just hate her less and post less about it now.

>> No.29112558

nah actually it's good
it's a great zatsudan game, if you're trashing something for being a banter game you might as well yeet half of all games

>> No.29112560

She plays PC.

>> No.29112563

Couldn't even tell what this was supposed to be. Do your cum reps.

>> No.29112564

Yeah I know you'd like to see my cum you absolute faggot

>> No.29112566
File: 232 KB, 2742x1147, 1603056145025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like her personality
Like Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza
Hate Reddit streams
Got sad when she was gone.

>> No.29112570
File: 504 KB, 2048x1448, Emsr0JsVQAADJvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29112572
Quoted by: >>29112764

she deployed the 3d with 200% increased cuteness
anons started fapping, and when you orgasm to someone your brain releases chemicals that increase your bond and attraction to that person

>> No.29112573

and FBK is doing her reps now

>> No.29112574

>66 minutes

>> No.29112575

The doujins write themselves

>> No.29112576

that already happened

>> No.29112579
File: 151 KB, 448x252, Suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawstreamed this,pls don't do things to me youtube.

>> No.29112581

Speak for yourself, there never was anything to hate.

>> No.29112582
File: 505 KB, 655x612, fbk..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oga's getting pegged now.

>> No.29112583


Hero of children, also #1 streamer in all of Japan.

>> No.29112584
File: 66 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112616

what are they gonna do now?

>> No.29112585

>Capcom permissions
>SEGA permissions
>Konami permissions
>Full SNK permissions
>Namco and/or From permissions
>All on top of the recent Marvelous permissions
One could only dream of such a renaissance for Hololive

>> No.29112589
Quoted by: >>29112638


>> No.29112591
Quoted by: >>29112626

>Nips have to censor even their own merch
What a cucked country.

>> No.29112597

Fubuki is supposed to be the face of Hololive yet she keeps disrespecting the core idol fanbase

>> No.29112600

Botan is an M. So are Polka and Nene.
Lamy is an S.

>> No.29112601
Quoted by: >>29112757

>even Polka still messes up on Aloe


>> No.29112603

Sticking up for your friends/colleagues is very admirable. I still hate her for pandering to reddit, find her voice somewhat grating, but I admire her for defending best girl from the bug menace.

>> No.29112606
File: 234 KB, 1100x1700, agetatekorori-1308362836205137921-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a nice marshmallow zatsudan collab, though it was 50% enstars talk, sasuga enstarsmachi suisei.

>> No.29112604

You mean Coco.

>> No.29112605
Quoted by: >>29112615

Good guess anon, you were right!

>> No.29112607

You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

>> No.29112608

Drink more water anon. You'll cum more that way

>> No.29112612

I fucking hate this bitch but she's our bitch. Antis who unironically wish her death can go fuck themselves

>> No.29112613

idolism is dead
we just want to watch oga and fubuki fuck now

>> No.29112615
Quoted by: >>29112672

I was right because I was streaming with her :)

>> No.29112616

play games without the permissions

>> No.29112619
File: 24 KB, 228x260, 1595368333938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112625

>60k people watching Pekora

Quick rundown?

>> No.29112627
Quoted by: >>29112693

All of the Coco haters from the September and prior era were exposed as chitinous imposters. They truly are an insidious group that infiltrates all.

>> No.29112626

I follow a guy who gives out his projects and you can open them and just remove the censorship layer. Pretty based.

>> No.29112628

>Sticking up for your friends/colleagues is very admirable
But she didn't do anything unless you believe the "she intentionally said Taiwan because of Haachama" narrative.

>> No.29112630
File: 286 KB, 2003x2048, 1591441024550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize to Ayame now.

>> No.29112634
File: 606 KB, 703x917, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay that was hot, I need some time to relieve myself

>> No.29112636
Quoted by: >>29112652

the minihat stays on

>> No.29112637
File: 581 KB, 600x249, gosling1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112638
File: 1.03 MB, 1240x1754, EcrIQX6VcAET-BI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112639
Quoted by: >>29112688

It's like the artist drew the top half then gave up on the rest.

>> No.29112643

Is Artia okay?
Is she hated by both sides now?

>> No.29112645
Quoted by: >>29112706

Miko beby

>> No.29112647

Huuuh Minecraft

>> No.29112649
File: 2.82 MB, 1438x2000, kokobeach3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112691

Because this bitch is fucking cute
I still fucking hate this bitch for reddit though

>> No.29112650

Can you guys rec me some patrician vtubers? I'm tired of seeing all these girls playing minecraft and doing shit that feels like they're entertaining kids

>> No.29112651
File: 179 KB, 720x413, 1604841902515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend is not making any more noises than usual, you're just being overly conscious because of a homo's presence and feeding off of eachother's paranoia. There's a reason why you still like her even after she gave up all her gachis in homo collabs, right? Have more faith in Friend.

>> No.29112652


>> No.29112653
Quoted by: >>29112741


>> No.29112656

she's done lots of stuff for holo's outside of the chink menace

>> No.29112657

Yes. Weren't you here when it happened? Threads turned into /pol/ since some indog kept making generals on /pol/ and linking here. Anyone who didn't like Coco got dozens of (You)s getting called Chang or Zhang

>> No.29112662

Friendly reminder that Fubuki isn't dating anyone, they weren't in the same room, and friend genuinely loves her fans.

>> No.29112661
Quoted by: >>29112692

La-Lion you're not giving me much of a reason to buy cold war

>> No.29112663

Artia is dead

>> No.29112671
Quoted by: >>29112920

Oga did say after watching Craft boss oshi presentation that he wanted to do something with ten-san again which is some game he's waiting for it to come out.
Now the challenging part is to convince the knight to do it. He can't even drag his ass to any off-collab.

>> No.29112672

I kneel demon meido

>> No.29112673

wtf Friend, i love NTR now

>> No.29112674

>core idol fanbase
You mean giving her viewer entertainment and hopes?

>> No.29112675

How new?

>> No.29112676
File: 107 KB, 625x694, 1603076383735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you proud of this kind of numberfaggotry Anon?

>> No.29112677

Haachama your spine...

>> No.29112678

I watched it happen, retard.

>> No.29112679
File: 348 KB, 500x500, 1584871694317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBKfags were the real cucks all along

>> No.29112682


>> No.29112684

I thought coco hated japanglish

>> No.29112685

>no bamco
>no ace combat
pain peko...

>> No.29112687
File: 1.84 MB, 1703x1820, 1603417761204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a nice stream, Oga
Here's your prize

>> No.29112686

They play Pekora at Burmese kindergarten

>> No.29112688

hey now, those Haatons in the back are very well rendered

>> No.29112690

I still wont watch her and her reddit reviews are a plague to Hololive.

>> No.29112691

anon why are you like this ?

>> No.29112692

Youtube problems apparently

>> No.29112693

Not all though, just most of them, some were true haters.

>> No.29112694

pekora things, she's the golden child of hololive

>> No.29112695
File: 189 KB, 850x1204, sample-95f98110301f3df9ece432c3cba149bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112748

Imagine having people people pay you to insult and spit on them... Sasuga Lamy Mama Dominatrix-sama!!

>> No.29112696

Can Pecolla break 70k with weekend Minecraft Moona boost?

>> No.29112697

pekora minecraft is kino

>> No.29112698

From what I've seen if Oga, which is admittadly not much, he seems to do better with a collab partner. Not that he's awkward by himself or anything but his deep slow voice and design really make him a great straight man especially if he's getting bullied.

>> No.29112699

ogey rrat

>> No.29112700

Artia died, she's Ellion now. She should be fine, her fanbase is huge.

>> No.29112701
Quoted by: >>29112728

why is this hot?

>> No.29112705


>> No.29112706

No beby faq men

>> No.29112714

Why are menhera so sexual?

>> No.29112715
File: 147 KB, 700x1000, 1602855427006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usada Kensetsu grows it's own viewers in a lab, and infects them with viruses as children to instill loyalty.

>> No.29112716
Quoted by: >>29112920

>prim&proper knight on massagers

>> No.29112717


25:00? Has Fubuki been able to alter time itself?

>> No.29112720
File: 3.33 MB, 641x540, Haacham in one gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oga and FBK stream was fun. Do people still sperg out about Homo collabs or did that come to pass now?

>> No.29112722

I'm so sorry Ayame compared to Fubuki you are a saint

>> No.29112723
Quoted by: >>29112779

It's useless to reason with cocofags
Now they claim Aqua is avoiding Coco because Coco is some 4D chess saint that told her privately to not interact with her to avoid problems with chinks

>> No.29112725
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x1400, 2936c777bee324f9089d02c2f8cb980c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved this dorky bitch

>> No.29112726

She's a good entertainer

>> No.29112728

because you imagine this is your POV

>> No.29112729

Go ask /vyt/ newfagchama

>> No.29112730

Botan, Lamy, Luna

>> No.29112731
File: 96 KB, 1000x965, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that if I buy a controlling stake in the Meat Corporation of Namibia I can force Namco Permissions
that one is easier than Capcom or Sega

>> No.29112733

Fubuki can do whatever she wants tho.

>> No.29112734

I always hated her content for being absolute garbage, but it's nothing compared to how much I hate the damn chinks.

>> No.29112735

So that's where all the ringo juice went

>> No.29112737

Keep posting sexy foxes

>> No.29112739

gomennasorry please wakariunderstand

>> No.29112741
Quoted by: >>29112761

prove it

>> No.29112742

it's pekora

>> No.29112743

if only

>> No.29112744
File: 97 KB, 223x216, 1593007484392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch her before she fades away to the mist

>> No.29112745
Quoted by: >>29112760

That's 1am

>> No.29112749
File: 260 KB, 578x323, 4205bf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay or nay?

>> No.29112748

I still dont' know the context. But a lot of people ask her to say things to stop them from doing something dumb like spending money on gacha.

>> No.29112752

bugs love her as the nationalist she is

>> No.29112754
File: 620 KB, 1280x720, 1597440030725.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny is popular.

>> No.29112753

any time they see their favorite girl next to a guy, laughing and having fun, they will fucking seethe
you know it

>> No.29112757

This guy's subs are so lazily done.

>> No.29112758

this fucking dork....
my god what the fuck is she doing ?

>> No.29112759

Don't mind him he's just being tsundere

>> No.29112760
Quoted by: >>29112942


so 1:00? there is no 25th hour


>> No.29112762

japan use 30-hours clock

>> No.29112761

She's my loving, MONOGAMOUS, wife.

>> No.29112764
Quoted by: >>29112798

>when you orgasm to someone your brain releases chemicals that increase your bond and attraction to that person

if that's true I'm pretty much married to haato already

>> No.29112766

Addicted friend...

>> No.29112767

>gets in a quickie and then phasmas with him
Gonna watch anyway cuz Luna's fucking my sleep up already

>> No.29112769

She's dead but she's got a potential hook up with some big names on Twitch

>> No.29112772

desu i think fbk chat being cucks is actually a thing after that

even if it didn't happen the very act of watching and enjoying that was proof of being a cuckold

>> No.29112774
File: 60 KB, 594x547, firefox_20.11.13_15-13-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112796

>Ougaman collab
Eh, probably won't watch it then.

>> No.29112776

They just don't superchat

>> No.29112777

W-was foxdemon just now an offcollab..?

>> No.29112779
Quoted by: >>29112906

Are you braindead? he literally said he was a Haaton.

>> No.29112780

Reminder that there is an almost 40cm height difference between Fubuki and Oga. IMAGINE

>> No.29112781

>Do people still sperg out about Homo collabs or did that come to pass now?
new people, anon

>> No.29112782


>> No.29112784

where is she anyways?

>> No.29112785
File: 31 KB, 403x207, chkmseeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112786

no... she's never going away...

>> No.29112790

There's a 10% chance this isn't going to be a cringefest. I'll wait for everyone's opinions before deciding to watch it.

>> No.29112793
Quoted by: >>29112858

Yeah. I wonder how many she has to sign in total.
Truly suffering from success.

>> No.29112792

At least FBK is open about it.

>> No.29112795

fags seething nothing new

>> No.29112796


How does he do it? One Mariokart stream and she is addicted to the demon...

>> No.29112797

Kizuna Ai

>> No.29112798

I was just memeing, it doesn't really work with fapping, you need actual skin to skin contact

>> No.29112799

is Japan the only country that does this?

>> No.29112801

/v/ since March, /hlvpol/ since September

>> No.29112804
Quoted by: >>29113024

Fubuki cares about her fans, unlike Ayame the whore.

>> No.29112805

They're shit, but that does seem to be what they're saying, at least for the keychain part numbers

>> No.29112806


>> No.29112808
Quoted by: >>29112948

I like Mori but this will shape up to be 66 minutes part 2.

>> No.29112810

More moaning!?

>> No.29112811

well, she always stream minecraft on friday, am i wrong?

>> No.29112812


>> No.29112813

Please Lulu come back and play Demon's Soul.

>> No.29112815
Quoted by: >>29112846

>Fat chinks

>> No.29112819

Hololive is an idol company

>> No.29112822
File: 562 KB, 627x667, 1605013500994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112857

yeah just like how hlg hates coco

>> No.29112823

>one mario kart stream

>> No.29112825
Quoted by: >>29112842

prove it.

>> No.29112826
File: 118 KB, 800x880, ElG5U6vUwAA2iIk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112887

Like what?
Just because I membered her, post her, and watch her streams doesn't mean that me criticizing her for bringing reddit back when it happened not valid

>> No.29112828

I don't understand giving them sponsors, but not full permissions to stream their games. Sega and SNK onegai.

>> No.29112829

Because you're feeling the onigiri she hides under her clothes

>> No.29112831

how new?

>> No.29112833

>oh jesus

>> No.29112834

Hololive is an escort agency

>> No.29112836
Quoted by: >>29112872

jesus who made this ?
its fucking amazing

>> No.29112839

Just woke up what is pekora making fireworks for?

>> No.29112840

She's returning in 2 weeks

>> No.29112841

pekora hates moona confirmed
source: my ass

>> No.29112842

Neck yourself faggots.

>> No.29112844

No one hates Artia anon. It's all just a narrative

>> No.29112846

>what is artistic exaggeration in order to express emotion?

>> No.29112852

Look what time is it right now. Not even FBK would risk doing something that stupid.

>> No.29112853
Quoted by: >>29112932

>fbk calling out to Friends while getting Ogre’d
That’s the good stuff

>> No.29112855
Quoted by: >>29112875

Pekodam weapons.

>> No.29112856
File: 1.38 MB, 1175x1322, fbk12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so jealous of Oga right now

>> No.29112857

What does the g in hlg stand for?

>> No.29112858
File: 15 KB, 615x173, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda late to start signing them now if you compare to the expected shipping date

>> No.29112859


>> No.29112861


>> No.29112863

This new COD sounds shit, MW sounds better.

>> No.29112864

do these threads always get 1000x replies in an hour? is this twitch chat 2.0?
i don't understand any of this

>> No.29112865

She can't even time correctly after what just happened

god damn

>> No.29112866

If you read the thread you'd know anonchama

>> No.29112869
File: 175 KB, 1200x675, EcYEUO3U4AARptK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly reminder that Oga made FBK use a Hitachi wand on her XXXX as batsu game.

>> No.29112870

I still haven't seen Lamy act like a genuine S. Whenever chat asks her to try she just crumples and then gets bullied

>> No.29112872


>> No.29112873

You need some history lessons.

>> No.29112874

Revenge, as usual

>> No.29112875


>> No.29112878

Your dream is dead Yagoo

>> No.29112879

How would you rank the members of the 2nd Gen?

>> No.29112880

Why would i hate someone who works as hard as her? Seems pointless.
Also the peak of Asacoco was truly something else and i’m glad it’s not translated, EOPs don’t deserve it.

>> No.29112884
Quoted by: >>29112914

Joe Rikiichi

>> No.29112885


>> No.29112886


>> No.29112887
File: 432 KB, 628x350, 1603976339321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting pedo shit anon
trying to eat here

>> No.29112888

>Sports bra and spats inside some baggie sweater
Jesus Christ.

>> No.29112889

>korone getting to show off her reps
>relatable forest cringekino
I see no downsides

>> No.29112891


>> No.29112894
File: 3.97 MB, 2316x3275, 1604588806225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be lolicoco's nii-nii

>> No.29112896

Friends got 9k, almost 10k viewers at times. That seems to be more or less close to the average amount she gets on a normal stream (non MC / FoTM games / singing / special celebration streams), so I guess people got used to it.
But seriously, it was fun. Definitely more fun for me than most MC streams nowadays with a few exceptions.

>> No.29112898

their characters are so contrast to eachother, its gonna be awkward

>> No.29112901
Quoted by: >>29112921


>> No.29112902


>> No.29112904
File: 352 KB, 700x736, 1584284054747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29112957

>not borgar

>> No.29112906

She didn't defend anybody, only delusional cocofags think she showed Taiwan on screen in solidarity to Haachama and not because Haachama got banned at night, nobody knew and asacoco was prerecorded

>> No.29112909

omg omg omg

>> No.29112908

sio and her endurance mahjong stream

>> No.29112914

Real answer

>> No.29112916

Welcome, its always been like this.

>> No.29112917

No more stream today for Watame. Just be ready for an early stream tomorrow Watamates. Fuck I'm not looking forward to waking up early tomorrow.

>> No.29112919
Quoted by: >>29112947

Damn im so jealous, wish I was fbk.....

>> No.29112920

Temma also seems to regret not collabing much outside of his usuals, one of his tweets saying that he wants to show up to a stars end of year party if it does happen. He is trying lately! I want the knight to get more comfortable.
Imagine, Temma already makes so many good sounds without the massager, just imagine with and if it is a competitive game challenge..

>> No.29112921

is there a slower-moving thread for boomers like me? my hip aches

>> No.29112922


>> No.29112923
Quoted by: >>29112960

As much as water is wet.

>> No.29112926
Quoted by: >>29113060

Why would the time matter?

>> No.29112924

>/vpol/ newfags
>Notjust here for the drama
Anon I don't know why you spoonfeed him so much

>> No.29112927
Quoted by: >>29112954

How does almond gets so much good items specially diamond stuff when she doesn't mine at all?

>> No.29112928
Quoted by: >>29112956

Anon, she has been writing those messages for months now.

>> No.29112929


>> No.29112931

Fubuki is the King and we are her bitches

>> No.29112932

I hope someone clipped that I don't want to do it myself

>> No.29112934

Who's watching the cat? She is talking about Subaru

>> No.29112938

>292 IPs
Guys.. I thought the burgers are asleep

>> No.29112941

>bugs after bugs after bugs after bugs!
>go away!
coco you can't say that on a live stream...

>> No.29112942

which one...

the norton/lee movie called 25th hour is great, i would recommend watching it if youve never seen it

>> No.29112947
Quoted by: >>29112966

gays out

>> No.29112948

it's only really 66 minutes if one of them awkwardly reminds the other it's time to stop. This is the kind of collab you arrange to last a hour, Korone seems to want a lore more collabs from now on and Mori is usually busy.

>> No.29112951
Quoted by: >>29113096

Was it a hitachi? way they acted it sounded like some electronic massage pad thing

>> No.29112953
File: 101 KB, 800x922, 1604438723742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I've been posting are cute and funny images of Coco, Anon. There's nothing wrong with them

>> No.29112954

Black market.

>> No.29112956
File: 58 KB, 881x496, 1596172814759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.29112957


Mind broken so bad she forgot her favorite food.

>> No.29112958
Quoted by: >>29112990


>> No.29112959
File: 1.53 MB, 850x1206, 1605070134144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113029

lick lick

>> No.29112960
Quoted by: >>29113041

water is not wet.

>> No.29112961

Cool but what does this have to do with the post
>defending best girl from the bug menace.

>> No.29112963
File: 77 KB, 598x972, 1597602051802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with Shien and Pizzadad

>> No.29112964

Isn't Watame stagnating lately? Other holos are inclining hard, while she is regressing in numbers

>> No.29112965

Go try global, I'm sure you'll fit right in :)

>> No.29112966
Quoted by: >>29112996

homos rule this thread buckaroo

>> No.29112969
File: 126 KB, 850x618, 3537357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29112971
File: 191 KB, 2000x2000, 1602744668491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113120


>> No.29112974

She was at one third during The Shining watch along. Since then she pulled one all nighter to try to finish the rest and fucked up her health for the whole weekend and the remaining week but I don't remember her saying how many are left since then, only that she was sorry for missing the deadline.

>> No.29112975

I love it. The fucking noises she made, man...

>> No.29112976

new normal

>> No.29112978
File: 34 KB, 258x262, 1593293291090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna late stream
>Watame and kanata early stream
I don't want to watch the archives

>> No.29112980


>you will never get a card signed by Marine after doing symmetrical docking with Noel

why live?

>> No.29112982
File: 426 KB, 640x626, 1600307874165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biggest holo in Japan
>Nobody ITT even talking about her despite pulling 60k
>Only mentions are "why peko 60k?"

Is basedrabbit the TRUE eop killer?

>> No.29112984

Why do retards always post shit like this a majority of Americans have been awake for the past 3 hours

>> No.29112987

Well, I hope her next stream is Among Us. I don't want a repeat of Kanata's.

>> No.29112988

>hey ojisan, want some rock CDs?

>> No.29112989
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel's birthday gifts review stream in 2 hours!

>> No.29112990
Quoted by: >>29113160


>> No.29112991

which holos do you think listen to RATM

>> No.29112992
File: 601 KB, 1280x720, Suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113100

Wrong file

>> No.29112993

you can eat with one hand just fine

>> No.29112996
Quoted by: >>29113121

nousagis > watamates > kenzokus > homosharts

>> No.29112999
Quoted by: >>29113090


>> No.29113004

virtual youtuber thread

>> No.29113007

Pekora is a hero for the children

>> No.29113009
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x4000, 1602724515876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113105

literally kids she only gets 30k at singing

>> No.29113008


>> No.29113010

More than half of those numbers are EOPs lol

>> No.29113012

The current situation is that she's disliked by both sides. But she has big conections by sucking the dick of twitch streamers.
As long as those streamers deny her retardation and judas nature, she'll be fine

>> No.29113013
File: 31 KB, 399x399, akua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29113014
File: 220 KB, 461x461, 1600758377457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113045

stop talking about my basket weaving forum, in the Membership stream you fucks!

>> No.29113018
File: 311 KB, 439x686, 413431414314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck my sleep schedule up Watame...

>> No.29113024
Quoted by: >>29113088

>cares about her fans
>when she publicly ridicules them

>> No.29113028
File: 265 KB, 1268x1920, __aragami_ouga_holostars_drawn_by_hoe_l__76949a0c3b16caf80fc19330dee067d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be Oga

>> No.29113029
File: 558 KB, 2480x3507, 1599490909747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pero pero

>> No.29113030
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1600105151444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is towa a pack a day smoker?

>> No.29113031

She's building another prank, not much to talk about.

>> No.29113032

I have no idea what is Pekora even trying to do

>> No.29113033

Most of them are underaged.

>> No.29113034

Stop trying so hard to fit in

>> No.29113035

you say that, but aqua just lost her eltyra and total loss of all her equipments because she flew like a dumbass.

>> No.29113037

Shhhhh! I'm watching the rabbit, can't post

>> No.29113041

That's what I said.

>> No.29113042

i fucking hate this place anons.....
but i cant fucking leave

>> No.29113044

She's in the "I have to be in perfect condition for the Cinderella Switch concert" mode. At least she streams more than when Kanata and Towa did theirs.

>> No.29113045
Quoted by: >>29113101

What did she say?

>> No.29113047

at least half of this thread is from newfag country

>> No.29113049

a gurenge a day keeps good songs away

>> No.29113051

More Foxdemon

>> No.29113053

>>Nobody ITT even talking about her despite pulling 60k
What is there even to talk about? We know what she's doing and she's just preparing it.

>> No.29113054

Are we allowed to talk about Aloe here or do I have to go to vyt?

>> No.29113056

Just curious, what are some collabs that lasted more than one and a half hour?

>> No.29113057
File: 369 KB, 809x1118, Screenshot_20201113-092000_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah Kiara's and Rushia's collab is tommorrow. Rushia also tweeted about it

>> No.29113059

Kagami Hayato

>> No.29113060
Quoted by: >>29113276

Because nobody does off collabs late at night unless:
> they're staying over
>live close
>have a car.
Good luck convincing people it's not the first option

>> No.29113061
File: 1.41 MB, 1185x631, switch it on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oga is based

>> No.29113062


>> No.29113064

try hlgg, its not far and we wont miss you

>> No.29113065
File: 683 KB, 1135x990, korone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to clear your schedule for tomorrow, as Korone is doing the new AC game.

>> No.29113067
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1601298830266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29113069

Double effect probably.
Watame is overloaded with practice for both her VR Live and for Holo Fes.
Prior to that, she had absorbed refugees from Miko and Kanata and Coco who are all streaming again now, even if the refugees love Watame, most people don't have enough time in one day to watch so many streams.

>> No.29113072

I need.

>> No.29113073

She's an indie now. Not hololive
Take a guess

>> No.29113074


>> No.29113075

Watching her Minecraft is like watching a saturday morning cartoon. She's literally Bugs Bunny.

>> No.29113076

What we actually need is someone making using of the hundreds of game the Holos do have permissions for.
Image a world where there are FIVE (5) streams of an absolute garbage tier kusoge just because they got a mail back from some random polish company within 48 hours. They have ALL big western publishers available to them, but pick that shit. Why? Because some idiot manager was so fucking proud of themselves he got a reply to his mail that he spammed every holo in his email address book to please please check out what incredible new games are available to them: Drug Dealer Simulator! Ultimate Fishing Simulator! Farm Manager 2018! Also, Thief Simulator.

The girls need someone to show them what's actually on the table for them, but since they generally don't have a clue about western games, they either need someone from management to poke them (which isn't gonna happen, they're most likely more clueless than the talent), or EN needs to diversify already and play more variety. We've already seen Friend pick up games EN played before.

Please, someone do their jobs.

>> No.29113078
File: 948 KB, 1655x1264, 1591238368354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113131

She's building another trap for subaru
Wow so much to discuss. Now back to the cat

>> No.29113079

shes hololive so you are welcomed friend

>> No.29113081


>> No.29113082
Quoted by: >>29113114

None of gen 4 are operating on full power lately since they've got so many lessons going on.

>> No.29113083

Subaru's thumbnail is very eroi

>> No.29113084

Oga is a 18 yo girl IRL RP'ing a buff black guy on screen. There is nothing for FBK to worry about.

>> No.29113085

Go to vyt for Deltaya.

>> No.29113088

Mentally ill idolcucks aren't people

>> No.29113090

Joke! Joke!!
Joke berry berry hardo...

>> No.29113093
File: 1.87 MB, 1267x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113188

What is this presence of yabai?...

>> No.29113095
Quoted by: >>29113126

I’ve seen schizos go from “Coco said Taiwan on purpose to protect Haachama but fucked it up and caused her more problems” to “delusional cocofags think she did it on purpose”, this place is incredible, it never fails to amaze me.

>> No.29113096

Yep, it was an electric massage pad. They weren't in the same room either, but people will over exaggerate it anyways.

>> No.29113099
Quoted by: >>29113141

which holos do you think listen to foo fighters?

>> No.29113100


>> No.29113101
Quoted by: >>29113130

She haven't visited this place recently, so she probably haven't seen the shark shitposts.

she once also browses /fit/

>> No.29113102

just close the tab bro

>> No.29113104

(cum) guzzlers

>> No.29113105

Tired of anti-Miko shitposting already?

>> No.29113109
File: 589 KB, 1800x2003, 1604240156105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The KanaSui all day collab

>> No.29113111
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, Ems3MGjUcAE0hxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29113112
Quoted by: >>29113224

Korone and Kanata off top of my head

>> No.29113114
Quoted by: >>29113157

At least Towa did some nice practice streams, making the most of the moment.

>> No.29113118

Where can I find it?

>> No.29113120

Monoe is nanishiteru?

>> No.29113121

All of those have one thing in common

>> No.29113123

You can talk about Aloe here. The pink-haired succubus a part of Hololive's Holofive.

However, if you want to talk about a certain green triangle and her whereabouts, please go to vyt

>> No.29113124
File: 2.06 MB, 2800x3236, Emrs0GSXcAAKg8M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tags for fubuki's mario kart collab:
mind break, inverted nipples, fox girl, sex toys, ahegao, urination, orgasm denial, big clit, unusual pupils

anything else?

>> No.29113126

>hlg is 1 person
Maybe you should take your meds

>> No.29113130
Quoted by: >>29113154

Tell her we like her again after she dunked the shark.

>> No.29113131

>tune in to Okayu
>she's just talking

Wow what a riveting stream.

>> No.29113132
File: 547 KB, 643x891, EKp66CoU0AAorh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A majority of Flare's collabs go past 2 hours

>> No.29113136
File: 415 KB, 1000x1407, El0usrlVMAEe3n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more of them

>> No.29113135

I thought about that one as soon as I clicked submit. Fun as hell.

>> No.29113137
File: 58 KB, 415x539, 1604124518325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gen5 will always have 5 members

>> No.29113139

for a country that hates drugs, they sure love their imaginary sex drugs

>> No.29113141
Quoted by: >>29113175

None because there are no white boomer holos but I would welcome a hag with open arms in EN Gen 2

>> No.29113142

The last Among Us collab lasted 2hrs

>> No.29113145

do your reps

>> No.29113147
File: 924 KB, 4096x2304, EmpYqcMUYAAqIZo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko/Miko aren't going to be so smug when Shubagelion rips their shit in half

>> No.29113146

I hate this bitch but I hate ching chong zhangs more.

>> No.29113148
File: 331 KB, 764x805, 1590799555521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder

>> No.29113149
Quoted by: >>29113270

Is this like a physical card I can buy or is it a mobile game shit

>> No.29113151

Does it matter when mods aren't doing their fucking jobs

>> No.29113154
File: 28 KB, 258x893, longris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to expose my username

>> No.29113157
Quoted by: >>29113218

I wonder if they've got twice the burden of other Holos since they'll be on stage both days. I can't imagine they'll do the same thing twice.

>> No.29113158
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1603393260440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, what? she's back? where?

>> No.29113160

That's my line, you fucking newfag.

>> No.29113163

>let’s out real moan and tries to cover it up by making another fake one

>> No.29113168

Giant penis. It's a requirement to post here.

>> No.29113169

It is, I'm glad that you're also enjoying it.

>> No.29113173

She's and independent now so she belongs in /vyt/
Don't listen to the Aloe spammers, they are off topic and will be banned.

>> No.29113175

You mean Japan got disney channel shit but not foo fighers or RATM or any good 90's rock?
Man I just hate chinks more every day.

>> No.29113180

Is she even enjoying the game? Her collab with Suisei is just her being a punching bag.

>> No.29113181

Fair enough, enjoy the stream nutter.

>> No.29113184
File: 370 KB, 1500x1912, 1604585987541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29113185

Yogi liked Rushia too...

>> No.29113187

At a glance I thought that said F Zero

>> No.29113188
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x1694, haachama30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113259


Haachama has a habit of cropping lewd art for thumbnails, like this. Except the pantsu are cropped out.

>> No.29113189

Just let HoloEN to promote western game to HoloJP

>> No.29113190

At least Thief Simulator is a decent platform for live-streaming antics, unless you get filtered by Skyrim lockpicking like Lamy did. It's better to view some games as a simple frame for the acting of the chuba.

>> No.29113193
Quoted by: >>29113281

tree rat doing anything lately ?
other then shitposting the nnn bullcrap ?

>> No.29113196

>Temma-san, don't you want to incline?

>> No.29113197

>Coco still doesn't understand the very basics of the game
>doesn't even know how to use the fucking guide
So this is the power of females playing video games huh?

>> No.29113199
Quoted by: >>29113227

>inverted nipples
the only holo with inverted nipples is Lamy

>> No.29113202
Quoted by: >>29113232

hlg is two schizos arguing with competing narratives

>> No.29113209
Quoted by: >>29113258

real men don't use guides

>> No.29113212
File: 315 KB, 300x881, hTGOdG5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29113254


>> No.29113214
File: 274 KB, 284x405, 1601545514310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was good
>get so into singing you just give up on playing minecraft at the end and leave the frame up
That's probably why her frames are getting limited actually now that I think about it

>> No.29113215

the haato coco portal collab

>> No.29113218

Practice makes perfect, I'm sure they will be amazing no matter what.

>> No.29113220

I'm certain Pekora and Marine have had some lengthy collabs.

>> No.29113221

i can't stand her

>> No.29113222

*Probable* Men only singing stream

>> No.29113224

God I want DKC2 offcollab. The first was just so good.

>> No.29113225

Woke up to find out Choco's cat is sick again.. can't catch a break.

>> No.29113226


If it isn't hard to get i'll actually install the game to get a Miko

>> No.29113227


>> No.29113230

thank towa for her awesome skills in cheering kanata up that suisei had to step in to save the day.

wait... what's that? KANATA? SPEAK UP! Nobody can hear you kanata, are you alright?

>> No.29113232

you cant counter a narrative with another narrative anon

>> No.29113229

>foo fighers or RATM

>> No.29113237
File: 175 KB, 1920x1040, [OZC]Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack [2011 Release].mkv_snapshot_00.51.24_[2015.12.08_21.21.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see

>> No.29113238

Choco is _______ !

>> No.29113242

GuraMiko collab next week. You heard it here first.

>> No.29113243
File: 193 KB, 1280x1000, 1595234027301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is American, and Americans know that reading is for faggots

>> No.29113244

>Delusional cocofags
You’re the one putting words into other people’s mouths, maybe you should take yours first.

>> No.29113248

their hate for ch*nks are stronger than their hate for coco

>> No.29113251

I'm sure they did as there are Japanese versions of albums from both bands but I am sure it was much more niche than it was in America. Music like that was extremely popular late 90s early 00s

>> No.29113253

did you get upset that the enemy they were talking about wasn't the leftists?

>> No.29113254

M-my narrative...

>> No.29113255

EN is already playing different kinds of games and inspiring JP to pick them up. EN is the savior for holo game variety.

>> No.29113256

impregnation, large insertions, scat, triple penetration, nipple fuck

>> No.29113258

please, every single person uses the guide to see what a mat can craft in terraria. Especially if you are new. contrarian faggot bitch

>> No.29113259
File: 793 KB, 800x1466, 80774415_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one isn't lewd though.

>> No.29113262

Feeling very impotent

>> No.29113261

They are, don't be pretentious

>> No.29113263

Yeah, that also has male idols.

>> No.29113264

There's discussion in /vyt/ so it's fine there. Just ignore the holo hating nijifag.

>> No.29113266

She's only entertaining when Moona's playing with her.

>> No.29113267

a whore

>> No.29113270
Quoted by: >>29113287

mobile shit

>> No.29113271

Watching the sunset with pekora..........

>> No.29113276

oh I see

>> No.29113278
File: 167 KB, 288x355, 1605017558493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29113281

Release cover song?

>> No.29113285


>> No.29113286
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 1596777200017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch Pekora make some ridiculous cannon setup for Pekodam like Strike Freedom that destroys the entire holoserver with one button press.

>> No.29113287

i sleep

>> No.29113289


>> No.29113290

