Why are homofags like this?
>>28987799How is he even ERPing the worst she's done is give a kiss.
Submit to Mel !
Stream onegai...
If you don't know japanese or don't watch fully translated streams you need to get the fuck out of here.
Fuck that early thread
I love Marine!
Hi Friends!!
please think of the 2hu threads
>>28987862https://youtu.be/gBRrvEPFjykMore nanolish Among us soon
REMEMBER TO LISTEN TO RISU'S NEW COVERhttps://youtu.be/PYzTq7YEPBIhttps://youtu.be/PYzTq7YEPBIhttps://youtu.be/PYzTq7YEPBIhttps://youtu.be/PYzTq7YEPBI
>>28987864Must be a filthy homobeggar
I'm going to impregnate this clown!
When will Haato do this again? I want to know if there are any other diamonds in the rough out there and also laugh at some of the funnier avatars like ANCHOR ARMS
I love Towa.
wew that other thread
It's been 45 days since Jordan donated 500 dollars instead of 5.I'm glad that he's alive but he's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for him.JORDAN LOVE
>>28987901Why does everybody cover this song?
>>28987880I'm an EOP that only watches translated clips and I'm staying right here.
Just got recommended thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXBcq17ZsGg
>>28987924Your little brother is leaking again.
>>OPWho the fuck is making these lovelive traces of holos?
>>28987880Kanji captcha would wipe out 95% of the posters here. It is the sad reality of things.
>>28987889I love my friend!
>>28987880I only watch the IDs and ENs.
>>28987878She's busy sleeping with Kanata, give her time
Aloe returns in a few days as an indie pretty soon there will be no need for ALOE LOVE...
I'm just glad we haven't become /hlgg/ quality tier yet. Keep up the good work everyone.
>>28987928JORDAN LOVE
>>28987901MY KING!
>>28987920Imagine EN vtubers on the same show.
>>28987864anyway they violated the chat rule of "・Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them." and should have been banned
>>28987889Hi friendhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jy-I_z7DoE
>>28987952Give me key examples of what differentiates us from the EN thread.
I love Aqua!
>>28987880niji will have their shit simulcasted by crunchyroll next year bros...
>>28987880>fully translated streamswhat?
>>28987920Never again considering it got privated, every week is now a English week from now on.
>>28987901I'm listening and I just keep nutting
>>OP>Gen 4 gets all the OPsGet fucked Pekocucks, remember who runs these threads.
>>28987942Depends on how big the scope is. Up to N3 kanji it'd be fine.
>>28987889Hi Ojou-sama
What's this cat's name?
>risu shilling has started back up againOh I hate this.
did you guys enjoy the Among Us collab?
>>28987880>If you don't know japanese or don't watch fully translated streamsDid you have a stroke while you were typing this? How do these two correlate? If you know Japanese there isn't any reason to watch anything translated ever.
>>28987968God I want Kurokami to crush my balls
>>28987864when is the sports festival?
>>28987999Nyada Nekora
>>28987927Why does she make that retarded voice when she has this?
Is there a 100% certainty that Risu browses /hlg/?
Posting the Cinderella Switch vol.1/2 performances from the last threadKanatahttps://streamable.com/67fld1https://streamable.com/95vkrlhttps://streamable.com/yg5ddkhttps://streamable.com/qfx75bhttps://streamable.com/zm1zzhMarinehttps://streamable.com/3nyatuhttps://streamable.com/4h46g8https://streamable.com/3xo82bhttps://streamable.com/o9foz1https://streamable.com/bq8lleTowahttps://streamable.com/job9aehttps://streamable.com/xo2yv2https://streamable.com/v6gjpyhttps://streamable.com/kturauhttps://streamable.com/t41j1vRobocohttps://streamable.com/dque17https://streamable.com/82a06ehttps://streamable.com/me6rz8https://streamable.com/lfwi54https://streamable.com/o2kfku
>>28988008back to global sharkfag
>>28988008Let them have a day. They've either been shat on or completely forgotten for months now.
Are you happy anon?
>>28988023Yes, I also thought Ame/RBC was cute.
I love Hololive
Does Towa actually smoke or is that just a joke?
>>28987999nekoda penya
>>28988036Constant browsing? No. That she's come here? Yes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkKJkDm1C80>200k viewsOh no
>>28988036There is a 100% certainty that cover staff/holos have posted in the threads.But you'll never figure out who.
>>28987941The tools are at your disposal anon, why ask us?
>your oshi>are you an idolfag or do you laugh at purity incels
>>28988008Cumbud please, one post and three replies isn't shilling.
>>28987982>only one English stream this weekWow, very English.
>>28988054Why else would she have that kind of voice?
>>28988023Yes, I had fun and my oshi won a game, also I had a good dose of shitposting
>>28987847>>28987850>>28987862>>28987877>>28987889>>28987901>>28987950>>28987968>>28987974>>28987998>>28988037Not a general btw.
>>28988068Nobody from hololive posts here.
>your oshi>do you watch vtubers outside Hololive
>>28987978How would that even work? Precorded streams? Pretty sure this already exists.
>>28988085What IF I am from hololive?
>>28987950ALOE LOVE
>>28988082I'm glad you understand it is not
>>28988095You are not any hololive.
Introverts of /hlg/, do you think Pekora is actually an introvert? What about Aqua? I think Aqua is an introvert judging from the translated clips I've watched.
>>28988082Go make another retarded thread my friend.
>>28988066That's not my boypussy narukami
>>28987864chocci chat is always clean... so this is the people that minecraft attracts
>>28988082Your opinion doesn't matterback to global
>>28988082you're supposed to ignore the retarded ritualshitters newfagchama
>>28988074Just wait until it gets as bad as it was in June/July
>>28988073>>28988090>surveyposting this early in a thread. Try again in a thousand posts or so.
>>28988085You weren't around for the "HoloEN is a myth" posts.
>>28987950ΔLOE LOVE
>>28987942i know tons of kanji but hardly any actual japanese words
>>28988108what if he's all of them
>>28988106apologize to iofi, womanchild
>>28988141I said hololive not Cover.
>>28988106POV You're Amelia trying to fix what you did because you made her cry
>>28988141can't forget dropping hashes
>>28988112introverts don't go clubbing with subaru
One fox, two fox, three fox, Fubuki~
YAGOO just gave you the authority to select one HoloJP to do a Q&A on /hlg/. You are also tasked with asking the first question that the selected Holo should answer in red.Who do you choose? What would be your first question?
>>28988106is there like one of those design sheets for gura?I wanna see what her undies look like
>>28987935I liked it
>>28988106This is perfect for a ryona edit
>>28987889>gets to the front page of Reddit
>>28988041nice coping
>>28987987>remember who runs these threads.autists?
>>28988105>>28988114>>28988121>>28988122>>28988162>>28988180>>28988112>/hlg/>>28988182>/hlg/>>28988209Still not a general btw.
>>28988182KanataAre you gay?
>>28988182TowaDo you smoku?
>>28988182NoelLet me eat your ass?
>>28988131It won't, just go to global if you hate that faggot tree rat that much, they hate her.
>>28988192erection guarateed
>>28988082>>28988224are you frustrated?
>>28988112Aqua might actually suffer from some kind of mental disorder.
>>28987950But it wont be Aloe and then you can finally go post her in /vyt/ instead.
So this is the level of /qa/ retards. Can't wait until he starts just copying: anonymous, date and time.
>>28988224yes we established this I don't think you have to reiterate it anymore we're all on the same page
Among Us isn't a very good video game.
Would you tech Festival?
>surveyposting this early in the thread>a thread during dead hours to begin with>>28988249>>28988256Yup; still not a general.
>>28988182watameyou still with mukkun...?
>>28988218I don't think you know how that word works. This is pity, my friend.
>>28988182fubukiwill you be my wife?
>>28988224I'm calling the sheep police
>>28988224It has always been a general.Saying that /jp/ generals are not a general is just a /jp/ meme.
>>28988272are you frustrated?
>>28987920Be honest with me mate, you're only doing this to stealth shill the maid right?, it's fine she cute
>>28988037I uploaded the first live but was too lazy to clip their songs. Thanks!
>>28988182>Holo should answer in redDoes magic exist?
>>28988289Thank you for being honest with yourself.
>>28987942Is there even a good argument for hiroyuki to implement this? Less posters mean less money, and it's not like moderation is expensive.
>>28987889Hey friend!
>>28987987Imagine supporting a gen that doesn't even have something as simple as costumes wwwww
Why is Lamy playing black man simulator in an hour and a half? what kind of kusoge is this...
predict numbers for the new outfits
>>28988225Yes she is
>>28988312Are you frustrated its not a general?
>>28988298You got a archive of that stream anywhere?The only person I kept track of after was desuwa
>>28988338"/hlg/" is not a general. Not at all.
>>28988332gothic flaremaid sui
>>28988321kanji is obviously retarded but kana captcha is a good idea.
>>2898833280K for Flare, 70K for Suisie the sankisei shilling for Flare's stream is going to be something else, wouldn't be surprised if they do something like the smash tournament again just to transfer viewers to them
>>28988066This is just like the faggots of the VA union crying about outsiders "stealing" their work.
>>28988275pretty sure you're just coping sharkfag, so please do that on the global
>>28988332I predict there will be two of them. Call it a hunch.
speaking of gurahttps://youtu.be/oU2V7KHBj5I
What would bring the most shitposting>Flare gets a color swap and now she's white>Suisei is literally just Anemachi
>>28988302Gachikoi speak in red, toiletmemers in blue, who uses gold truth which is sometimes INFERIOR but sometimes SUPERIOR?
>>28988321there is none, it's just /jp/ autists jerking off on fantasies where their N5 kanji knowledge might pay off to become a part of a sicrit club
>>2898833290-100K for Flare, about 70-80 for Suisei
>>28988367Easy kanji would be an excuse for me to learn them
>>28988375Except it's the fanbase crying about it instead of the VAs themselves
>>28988358I'm just asking if you're frustrated man, Seems like it. Maybe you need a break, here I'll get your sippy cup
>>28987889Hi Friend~
all you're oshi are great and so are you
>>28988298as much as I want Inuki to incline, I don't really want her audience to be like some of the autists here. I just really liked the mixer
>>28988430Cute pits
>FBK gets Arknight costume>Can't stream Arknight anymoreHilarious
>>28988367>>28988408It's a retarded idea that, if implemented, would easily be breached by EOPs in a matter of seconds. Stop bringing it up.
>>28988444Kino weedman
>>28988112Pekora is not an introvert in personality analysis terms. An introvert is someone who finds motivation from within while an extrovert feeds off the energy of others. Pekora is hopelessly reliant on her chat for guidance and validation; she needs other people to function at her best. Pekora is an extrovert with social anxiety, streaming is perfect for her. Ideally Pekora makes progress to function better irl but she’s still young and makes enough money where she doesn’t have to.
>>28988430Why do artists always make her look so sexual
>>28988470it would still filter some people
>criticize Coco, and people will call you Zhang>criticize Gura, and people will call you SEANIG
>>28988395Obviously the second one.
>>28988192>you weren't born in an universe in which you and pekora met since childhood and have been together ever since
Here is a tip for beginners to HololiveChoco is cute!
>>28988497You fags keep saying that every time hiro makes a shitty board.
>>28988477>makes enough money where she doesn’t have touh oh
>>28988371If Sankisei interferes I can see Flare beating 100K.
>>28988408It would definitely help with posting quality as knowing Japanese is relevant to understanding streams and people that can't do that won't post as often, but that isn't really an incentive for the site to implement it. Makes sense we'll never have that.
>>28988066>200kwait is it coming
>>28988332>FlareAbout 50K with no shilling, if Sankisei get's to together to promoted it an transfer viewers 100K, Gothic lolita to match with Marine, one last fuck you to NoeFlare as a dead ship>Suisei60~70K, Winter casual clothes, Holohouse + Anemachi stream previous to it to transfer viewers
>>28988505They're the bugmen of Gura's fandom
>>28987927How Risu and Moona have those Onee-san voices? Holy shit
Why are you here?
>>28988488Beause her design is incredibly sexual, it's just her personality that creates the gap moe
>>28988488Friend is always sexual
>>28988505t. Chink invader currently residing SEA displacing poor monkeys
>>28988488because she is???
>>28988477I dont know if moona is even a friend to her or just another character in the reality show that is pekora.
>>28988440Based, cheers to you and your oshi as well.
Short hair Friends!!!
>>28988505>criticize Gura, and people will call you SEANIGWhere?More like based
>>28988440I don't have an oshi but thanks, I am great.
>>28988542And Flare's will even fit in with Friend for their collabs.
>>28988545SEAnig are retarded.
>>28988192 Is hot but I think like the current Pekora better
Give me your best gangimari holo images
>>28988627You fuckin loser.
>>28988627>I don't have an oshiI don't believe you.
>>28988548I'm addicted to the dopamine rush of constantly updated content and being spoken to
>>28988505Fuck off risufag, YAGOO will fire your tree rat after what she did to Gura.
>>28988614I'm basically bald
>>28988663Not really, I have multiple favorites. I can't stand by 1.
>>28988173Eating ramen is not clubbing anon
>>28988440You and your oshi are also great.
>>28988192lol I can't understand any of this.
>>28988505What will this mysterious masked fighter do to Hololive?
You could have prevented this.
Waking up without a Polka stream is sad
Stop posting the tree rat.
>>28988733Retard thinks she's gonna get away with all the backstabbing. Bitch deserve everything that she's getting.
I want to go a date with my friends.
>>28988733>Judas 2.0
>>28988726Say racists jokes and ban Armenian from her streamings
Keep posting the tree rrat.
>>28988733Doesn't she need to TAKE OVER a new account somewhere?
post suice
where did all the ayamecucks go
>>28988733No, can someone kill these girls already, I want the chinks to leave.
Can you guys post holo gosling images.
>>28988440Based. You're all my Friends.
>>28988743get your head out of the oven
>>28988769no she makes me angry
>>28988789watching her and her bf grind ranks in league
>>28988066doesn't seem to be a big deal
>>28988754That's a nice shirt, wish we got more "normal looking" clothing for sale.
>>28988793bakatare is friends
>>28988685Which are your favorites then?
I finished catching up on the archives. Is there any basis for the Haachama buttplug narrative earlier?
Holy shit, just got word they are having a meeting, Amelia was supposed to stream but they had tweet an "excuse"
Sit on my face Miko
>>28988424>the fanbaseSure.
>>28988754Love my Friend in her casual outfits!
>>28988112Neither Pekora or Aqua are introverts, streamers can't be introverts. However it looks like both suffer from social anxiety
when will Hololive jump on the bath stream trend?
God has left us
>>28988531>help with posting qualityyou're free to participate in the niji thread and look at their posting quality
>>28988803Look at all that clickbait
Fell asleep during smrtdog stream, so happy for the dog to get another dev drop in and sharing the bird voice file.
>>28988733Talk shit get hit
I want to go back...
So when are we getting this kino again?
>>28988250Aqua is fine, she's just a little slow
https://youtu.be/8pn_s9xgz84?t=3561Shirayuki Mishiro from NoriPro will be collabing with Suisei on the 12thWe're finally getting a stream cometbros..............................
>>28988831Mikoti, Sora, Friend, Haachamama, Onion, Shionよ, Duck, Okayu, Koro, Pecor, Senchou, Princess, and Botan.
>>28988477In that case it is a very warped extroversion since your average extrovert isn't going to be content with only engaging with people via text, that really isn't enough for them. Her social anxiety has long since overtaken whatever need for socializing she has and she has adapted to the limited interaction that is streaming while close friend like gen 3 and Miko take care of any need for contact, although she also doesn't leave the house unless she actually has to which just further shows that she can barely be classified as an extrovert.An extrovert is not someone who would make do with streaming only, that is simply unthinkable.
Thread so slow, so allow me confess my sin. I actually spend more time in this general than watching holostream
when they do sponsored streams, why don't they do that thing where if you buy the game from a link in the description, your idol gets a small cut? they would sell a lot more games that way.
>>28987987Anon, you are the only ones tryng to prove anything. Pekofags are everywhere simply because they love to talk about their oshi. But you obviously care more about your ego and not so much about your oshi
>>28988855>streamers can't be introverts*women
>>28988849Casual clothing is always nice.
>>28988914>NoriProLiterally just Tamaki and his (her) cumpets, why would you ever collab with them?
>>28987999Necko Selfora
>>28988895Move on with your life
>>289889403k soon Ankimobros!!!!
>>28988769Gimme more tree rrats
What did towa do past week?Couldnt watch streams
>>28988943can't be possible if you put 6 streams on, that means you're watching 6 seconds of holostream EVERY second.
>>28988946Please think about the poor "devs"!
I bet Pekora has brown nipples. But it's ok, I don't mind
>>28988875They got hit but not because they talked shit.
>>28988979Slept with Choco
>>28988548Just to suffer
>>28988590>>28988992*sends dick pic on skype*
Where the fuck is Pekoras new outfit got damn it!
Game's pretty fun so far. Loli Haachama a cute. She's actually a tsundere ojousama.
>>28988997The girls can't be perfect.
Which holo has the brownest nipples?
Mel and Choco are the homostars of Hololive
>>28988999They could have kept the models
interesting how some people are confident that Flare will get that high while Suisei is relatively low, considering Flare got an updated NY outfit and home 3D alreadywhile Gen 3 boost can be considered as a factor I don't think it'd be that much, and the latter has always had more fans than the former as shown on her tweet likes. Only time will tell I guess
>>28988979Feels mostly like singing and collabs.
>>28989017Co-released with Miko at the end of their war series this month.
Fuck the other question. Which holo has the LARGEST AREOLAS instead? We're talking Pepperoni-tier here.
>>28988914Nice, more streams even if they're colabs are great!
>>28988953Especially on our Friend!
Cover... mio jacket onegai...
would you kiss your oshi's nipples? would she let you?would you bite it off haha rawr!!
>>28989025the Indonesians.
Thoughts on Hololive?
>>28988300Thank you for the upload!
>>28989021When did Haato and Matsuri even voice this I'm so lost
does your oshi have cute nipples
It hurts.
>>28989065Got stale after season 1. I wish a better animation studio could pick it up.
>>28988182OkayuWhat are your tips for gaining weight?
Anyone else noticed your libido went down when you started watching vchuubas? I went from jacking off every day a month ago to twice a week now. At first I thought it was because my sleep schedule got fucked but as time passed it became sort of normal.
>>28989037I see a Tobibi there
>>28989065it's ok
What holo has the intelligence to play strategy games?
>>28988914I fell dirty because I dropped Mashiro for Comet in her early days
Say something nice about Flare.
>>28988979Apex tournament watch a long and uhhhh apex
>>28989038>>28989039>1 post apart>>28989060>>28989061>1 post apart
>>28987901I listened to it like 25 times. Goddamn Risu, it's really good.
would you let your oshi suck on your nipples while jerking you off?would you tell her to look you in the eyes while doing so?
>>28989075Haato talked about it during her birthday stream back in August. It's been in the works for a few months.
>>28989021>Loli Haachama a cute.She's pretty used to voicing lolis.
>>28989065I hate it.
>>28989058I would lick my oshi from head to toe, especially if she has just finished watching a horror movie.
>>28989049you'd think but she has pink nipples!
>>28989086Why? Is it reddit or gen 4 not liking each other?
>>28989087The manga was better Sport festival arc soon
I'm glad we're all ready to move on from her soon. Until something goes wrong for her and drama starts over again.
>>28989097>intelligenceAqua has the autism to play those.
>>28989091Yes, but I don't know why
>>28988580I think she does cares about Moona, not in the romantic wat that shipper dream about. But since you can tell how her tone of voice changes when talking to her or how she tries to make her feel welcome
Prove to me that Marine isn't a pure-heart seiso maiden!
So Coco and Kanata are basically confirmed to be a married couple now right?
>>28989058Licking Luna's body after RFA
Tell me how this makes you feel.
>>28989086Do you go to Reddit just to find people who don't know basic shit so you can get mad at them?
What computer chair would you suggest to your oshi so they can stream for hours in comfort? Preferably something where the back rest can tilt down a ton.
Sakuna is finally out, I hope Cover has permissions for it.
>>28989100I really like her, wish she would tone down the yuribait tho
>>28989091Same here.
>>28989174My dick
>your oshi>would you still kiss her after she just finished rimming you, tongue inside and all
>>28989086>redditGet out of that hole anon, you deserve more
>>28988979Killed Sio and got her mangekyou sharingan
>>28989170Like committing war crimes on chicken
>>28989164No, they only sleep together a few times per week and go out to eat together all the time.
>>28989111If she really wants to, why not?
>>28989111how would she look me in the eye with her face pressed against my chest?
Purest and most loyal holo? NTRfags need not apply.
>>28988300Where did you upload them anon?Nyaa gave me nothing..
>>28989097>IntelligenceYou only need autism.Fubuki, Flare, Noel, Korone, Cocho, Aqua, Moona.
>>28989189pleaseplease shut the fuck up
When will these Bitch ass holo girls play some mother fucking stalker misery
>>28989189I'd be a faggot if i didn't
>>28989189Deep french kiss
>>28989100I love her dark skin
>>28989112>>28989075With how far ahead some of this stuff is recorded, I wonder what other projects they aren't allowed to talk about.
>>28989220Rushia kissed me and then said she loves me!
>>28989227I wish they got Paradox permission i bet they would get really easily
Which holo is the biggest >Stacy>otaku>whore>nerd>normie
Guys noel gave me a kiss!
>>28989170Relaxed, I feel like my stress goes away after watching her streams, I didn't see her in a romantic way, but she makes me happy
>>28988914I heard 13th instead, but collab right after new outfit reveal is pretty neat
>>28989170why her tit sag like wizard sleeve
>>28987935Translation please.
>>28988769I actually really don't like when you call Risu tree rat. It's rude.
Just finished Koro-san's stream, I love this stupid dog so much. She actually ran out of breath from laughter after the dev sent her the bird sound mp3.
>>28989160The purest
>>28989249I'm sorry anon, she kissed me and said she loved me too...
>>28989097Botan plays Civ but says it would be too much for the other holos (at least her gen mates, it was a bit unclear who she meant) to handle.
>>28989267>Ayame>Marine>your oshi>Korone>Lamy
which holo gives the sweetest, sloppiest kiss? the one that melts your mouth and makes you feel like that sort of kiss should only be given by a wife to her husbandi think Ayame would be near the top
>>28989227Imagine Noel freaking out over a villager rush in AoE2
>>28989267> [hoshikawa] >Luna>Rushia>Okayu>RBC
>>28989267>StacyAyame>otakuFlare>whoreNoel>nerdKorone/Noel/Botan >normieSubaru
>>28988937I think of her as a failed Stacey
If you could assist to a "handshaking" event, what would you say to your favorite holo?You've been doing your reps, right?
Guys I think I need to quit holos. Feelings for my oshi have developed and have then turned into despair. Why am I so autistic bros..
>>28989309Maybe a learning civ stream mp. Could be fun
>>28988751>>28988756>>28988875Take your meds onegai.
Home casual outfit when?
>>28989164If they reach their 40's and are still living together and extremely emotionally dependent on each other might as well turn gay
>>28989337I'd do the handcum trick and die a happy piece of shit
Now you know that unknown.png is three months old today.
>>28989344Go back to your discord, retard.
What do you think gen4 new outfits are gonna be. Im betting mafia boss coco
>>28989263They couldn't before because Parado is banned in China for having Yunnan and the other warlord states separate from nationalist China. I guess they don't have to worry about that but I don't think they'd make for interesting streams.
>>28989309They should play CIV6.
>>28989368>not delinquent coco
>>28989160>posts nudes of her loli original character on Pixiv
>>28989338You’ll get used to it. I am constantly developing narratives in my head so much I regularly turn to anons here to debunk it
There are people in this thread right fucking nowwho haven't watched a single episode of ultraman seven and they call themselves hololive fansImagine that
>>28989368knight luna could be a fun idea
>>28988854Aki already did ages ago
>>28989368Complete garbage like all the new outifts (except Noel's) have been
>>28989111yes I enjoy it and have had gfs in the past do so
>>28989368Standard issue NY yukatas.
>>28989301Sorry anon, I already had sex with her
>>28989225https://mega.nz/folder/ps1VUaBC#7_XutcBsjPAl5y2O4v9mwgI forgot to post it over here and only posted it on /t/ after the tickets were no longer available for sale.Disregard the txt, a discordnigger was getting uppity on these threads claiming that it was one of his buttbuddies who had uploaded it.
>>28989358>Even the 5th gen debut will be great with no problems.He truly was ahead of his time.
>>28989309Fubuki and Okayu would probably have the IQ to play it
>>28989337No idea to be honest. At least in real handshaking events you can shake their hand, but holo's it's just you, the screen, and a mic so you do have to talk. I think I'd tell her I love her singing and this and that collab, and will keep to myself how much I hate her game choices.
>>28989375Oh yeah but china is gone from the picture for now they could get as just an option im sure a swede company like that would give it to them
>>28989384I watched that Okkusenman video a lot. Does that count?
Nene Matsuri Minecraft was very cute, but the way Matsuri is talking about how much she loves Nene is just giving me Festivaluna flashbacks and making me sad.Worried that this will turn out the same way.
>>28989368>adidas coco>kusodasa fashion tenshi>chef watame>goth rock towa>pajama luna
>>28989384Rumao, how much of a zoomer do you have to be to have not watched a single episode of ultraman seven
>>OPHere's my concept: HOLOLIVE FESTIVAL>Leprechaun girl>Mrs. Clause>Bunny girl (Easter bunny, not slutty playboy bunny like peko)>Ghost girl/ yokai>Cupid girlThoughts?
>>28987935That's a cute animation of that game.
>>28989337I'd scream LOVE YOU ONION at the top of my lungs and walk away.
>>28989287Okay risu
get fucked amefags. gura wants nothing to do with you or your whore hololive gremlin after betraying her trust in among us to get some cheap browny points with the jp and indo holosluts.get used to her playing alone rather than with that stupid cunt, she doesn't need that leech and will easily reach 2 million subs alone in the next few months.
>>28989427It's okay Nene has friends so she won't get caught in Matsuri's emotional games like Luna who was isolated did
>>28989384I have never watched a single episode of ultraman seven.
>>28989427Believe in Nenechi
>>28989065Will never be as good as before the Holocaust and permissions bullshit again.
>>28989407Thanks! Will you be doing future Cinderella Switches as well?
>>28989461Wrong thread
>>28987950How much does she actually make?
>>28989427Nene is going to punch the menhera out of Matsuri.
>>28989337Thank you for everything you've done for Hololive and for being my friend!
>>28989384Literally impossibleonly /v/tards are young enough to have not watched seven
>>28989471wtf it says touhouI'm good at japanese
>>28989461Why the fuck are holoENfags so defensive as soon as you start insulting chicken or they come out of the woodwork like fucking rats
>>28989450You're fired.
>>28989446I'm 27 and my uncle is the only person that has watched ultraman.
>>28989461>>>/jp/globalyou could've at least shitposted about her retweeting the taiwanese artist
>>28989450It's shit
>>28989450steaming pile of garbage never apply to anything hololive
>>28989497Thata because ppaying a good vidya is more worthwhile than watching anime or anything else
>>28989384what's the significance of ultraman, are all the girl's raised on it?
>>28989337"I masturbate to you everyday"
>Dead hours
I'm watching Pecker's stream from earlier today, she makes unit 731 look like the teletubbies.What the fuck is wrong with her? I love her so much
>>28989384I used to watch Mach GoGoGo is that an acceptable replacement?
>>28989540I dont want to do my reps Mr. Koro.
>>28989384I can't stand tokusatsu, sorry anon.
>>28988979fellated about a hundred men and took dozens of nakadashis his in her blackened diseased holes
>>28989384>Ultraman SevenIt's Ultra Seven you absolute poser.
When the roommate leaves to do something, it looks funny that the avatars are powering down like robots
If i were to stick my penis inside choco would i be able to pull iut if i wanted too or would she do some festival tier shit and leglock me?
>>28989529Hell yeah anon
shirakamiyo... haishin...
>>28989384Only watched Tiga. Is that good enough?
>>28989357Don't they have security making sure you're sanitizing your hand at those events now?
>>28989576Gura is cute
>>28989384>>28989446does it have to be the Seven one or do other Ultraman series work
>>28989384>>28989410>>28989446>>28989463>>28989497>>28989529Samefags. You're way too fucking obvious.
>>28989337I would tell her that I hope she sues Cover to the ground for what they did to herWho is my oshi?
>>28989484Sorry, I only bought both tickets to support Marine, and I'm glad that I did it because not even the chinks had uploaded it by the time that the NND archive was taken down.Several Anons did the second one. And I expect the same with the third with how dedicated both Flarefags and sheepfags are.
>>28989626nice try
>>28989606She would ask you to pay for gas
>>28989626ah man, you got me
am i in the wrong thread this is the deadest ive ever seen it and i’ve been here since the coco suspension
>>28989582It's the soul leaving
There are people in this thread who never watched Hunter x Hunter
Down to Business
>>28989674damn, they sound like cool guys
Is there any Holo you're interested in watching but don't have time for it?
>>28989544don't worry about it. her endgame is world peace.
Narrativebros, some time ago I bumped into that vod where botan and polka discuss all kinds of things and they mention that polka is actually older than her. How does that work with botan being boomer extraordinaire? Is polka even more of a fossil?Pretty sure it's that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFVBDH3gkaw
>>28989427I liked it a lot, too, very comfy. It did remind me of these late night Luna Matsuri Minecraft streams a bit, but Nene is a very different person, she handled Matsuri's advances pretty well and she even does the same thing for fun with her 俺のラミ/イナ thing. I thought this pairing was very fun, hope to see more of it. RIP 鸚鵡..
>>28989626Nice try.
>>28989215Only a wife would say things like this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCg0UNz4D30
>>28989644W-why? Also wasnt the one who did that a guy anyways, also she can pay for her own car's gas
will it be better or worse than Flare's pizza?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXNBGZ4DMVQ
>>28989674I saw a few episodes on TV as a kid but they always aired after I got home from school, also too many episodes to get into it.
Am i the only that has a bad feeling
>>28989337>hey, pekora!
>>28989709better, it'll be literally perfect since stars are pineapple chads
>>28989540Finished them hours ago!
>>28989723your a bad feeling
>>28989723more than a feeling
>>28989723i always have a bad feeling about everything
I like flare but we gotta discuss that pizza
>>28989723i havent taken my retardation suppression pills today:)
You BETTER be there...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKajmavgnEs
>>28989723about what
>>28989706eslchhama your en reps. She talked about it in a stream where a guy asked her to pay for gas after taking her to pachinko i think
>>28989286>Translation please.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDIGhr4uTdo?t=610
>>28989461Jesus, saltier than the Brazilians during the 7-1
>>28989709Flares pizza was probably delicious, it just looked bad.
>>28989533Kids show Like Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. It's very popular among kids and some adults. There's even a Vtuber with a Ultraman based avatar
I feel like a lot of old schizos are returning. I thought they had left for global.
>>28989721Great show but the some of the chimera ant arc episode btw on of the best anime arcs had a horrible episodes in the palace so if indent do watch it just barrel trought it
>>28989723You hear voices too?
>>28989784No they are new ones.
>>28989691Polka is legit kusobaba.
>>28989097Marine plays Rim World and Factorio off-stream.She plans to eventually stream Rim World but at the rate that she is creating the holos' skins it will take her until next summer to do it.
>>28988733is she coming back or not? i enjoyed her streams and know nothing about the drama (don't care). she posts on twitter but isn't saying anything
>>28989762Damn, thats actually kind of shitty>taking her to a pachinko parlorFuck that guy
I feel empty...
>>28989337トワ様、私も吸っているので大丈夫です。 娼婦であることも許します。
>>28989515She retweeted a Taiwanese artist?
>>28989805Yep it was also on the only good homo holo collab
>>28989822more likely than you thinka lot of artists are stealth taiwanese since they speak perfect japanese and only the only clue will be their pixiv location or bio
>>28989804Whole chink branch is gone they are just waiting out the contracts at this point, artia and civia are specially out for trying to incite shit against Coco
>>28989821Wtf is wrong with Flare?
>>28989701I'd be annoyed as fuck if a girl kept telling to shave my legs, clip my nails, shave my body, and bitched about me wearing tshirts
If you guys are feeling down, just follow Sora’s advice
>>28989821Are those noodles and meatballs? Wtf lmao.
Listen to this threads favorite songhttps://youtu.be/opotX4cymvE
>>28989821Yakisoba Bulgogi...bananna?
The holos will never play warcraft
>>28989871I need to work.
Watch Ultraman
>>28989821As I said it looks terrible but was probably tasty.
>>28989688I wonder if any of the other holos are disturbed by what Peko is doing? Rushia was a little astonished at Miko's bizarre breeding facility but Peko's is on another level
>>28989097You don't really need much intelligence for strategy games. You just need to be autistic enough. Games from Parakikes, Dwarf Fort and Mount and Blade just requires you to be invested a lot in the game.
>>28989888your oshi probably watches it, she'd be disappointed in you if she knew you never watched ultraman
>>28989878FUCK YOU
>>28988321Same reason phoneposting will never be banned.If anything, desktop posting would be gone long before phones.
>>28989871>Sora is a concernfag
>>28989879It looks like those finger biscuits/cookies
>>28989821Noel actually ate this shit by the way
>>28989895I have spent thousands of hours in hoi4 and total war. What is my autism level?
>>28989904No fuck you leatherman
>>28989852>gay>nerd>eat trash>architect>pedophile>menhera lover>etc.What isn't wrong with Flare anon.
>>28987942as a chink I'll tell you thisKanji shit is easy
>tfw I haven't read manga, watched anime, played games or done my reps in weeksanyone else feel like hololive is negatively impacting their life in a way?
https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/1326301560897376256Up early today. I wonder if she’ll be busy again
>>28989892i saw someone mention that subaru came across pekora's concentration camp today but I haven't had time to watch the vods myself.
>>28989144>>28989895>>28989252Fighting games and strategy games are the only genres that require intelligence the most than any other genre
>>28989916Noel would eat Haachama's cooking
>>28989923>total warcasual
>>28989821that thing probably cost the equivalent of $60 american dollars too
>>289897667-1 caused an economic collapse in Brazil because their country's spirit broke. I don't think cumchuds are roping over yesterday. Tho that would be funny as hell
>>28987920Moshimoshi, hearing aidhttps://files.catbox.moe/eubl84.webm
>>28989938I do my manga reps everyday, go read bokkou.
>>28989723The feeling of presence...
>>28989337Towa-sama... debiru dehsoo ka?
>>28989892Its fucking minecraft. We're not gonna entertain the videogames cause X fallacy here.
so what happens if flare and noel get back and start fuckin
Miko is tall wtf
>>28989959I also play some stellaris but i find that game boring when you arent killing your friends in it
>>28989923What countries you've always playing in HOI4?
Lamy you fucking cock tease release the membershipu song and onegai muscle cover to your community page RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!
>>28989846fucking hell, i really liked civia..
Kakage drawing towa while watching weird feethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7c4EzUfoHM
>>28989267>StacyAyame>otakuMarine or full power Flare>whoreNoel>nerdBotan>normieSubaru
>>28989878That's not Balalaika
>>28990002Pekora's roommate is oppai loli sized
>>28989031You mean bilibili would have the models, they got too greedy and wanted the whole software for it too. From the looks of things the girls were hardly involved in the negotiation.
>>28989938>>tfw I haven't read manga, watched anime, played games or done my reps in weeksNot really. I mean, you just replaced many unhealthy routines with another unhealthy routine.
>>28990021Why does he like Towa so much
>>28990015Behave yourself
>>28989991pocky day is today lol.
>>28990005she'll forget all about nene after the hskw off collab
>>28989384I'm a zoomer I've only watched tiga, dyna, and gaia
Friend... Ace Combat Zero onegai...
Sup my fellow anonsGuide me to the right way, teach me some forbidden knowledge
asians dont know how to pizza
>>28989338One of us!
>>28990045You should always like your daughter.
>>28990006Mostly underdogs like Yugoslavia and sometimes i like to do world conquest speedrun with germany
>>28989097Very probably Botan.I don't know if strategy games are a great idea to stream though.
>>28990072nah, those are some tasty 'zaitalians can take it up the ass
>>28990039imagine tier?
>>28989691Timestamp nigga. She apparently started her NND account when she was 14. Which would make her 28 now.
>>28990087Shut up, /tv/
and the
>Thief SimulatorWhat did Lamy steal?
>>28990072i thought the same thing until i ate pizza 10 meters from the fricking Vatican and it sucked
>>28990072bulgogi pizza sounds pretty dank anon
>>28990043what's unhealthy about reading literature or learning a new language?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syhwcrJJD1AHoly shit, this is probably the best edit I've watched besides some translation issues. I laughed my ass off most of the time
>>28990072Crab Francais and Thai Tare look delicious.
>body clock's fucked and I instantly feel sleepy whenever the last holo has finished streaming for the day only to wake up a few minutes til the next one
>>28989384Sorry to disappoint you, have never watched any Ultraman. Only Kamen Riders Black, Kabuto and Den-O, and Garo.
>>28989338Just focus on other chuuba, you'll realize your oshi isn't THAT special and that they all are great entertainers, and from there your feelings for her will become more normal.
>Comment in live chat: "Isn't your voice cuter than usual today?">Okayu: "You know, I think that's probably just because you love me even more today than you did yesterday, right?"Why's she so good at this?
>>28990072i'd eat that bulogi pizza ngl
>>28990103My heart.
>>28990072You have summoned Brazilian pizza.
>>28990095I'm listening to it in the background now. There is also a guy in the comments also talking about it, so it is somewhere there.
>>28988008I wanna see her surpass moona in subs again and then a few weeks moona overtakes again due to minecraft shenanigansImagine the funky graph
>>28990152But who can replace my Luna? No one she is perfect.
>>28990072They are definitely more experimental with the form, which leads to some good things and some bad things
>>28990084What game is that?
>>28990153Getting pumped and dumped by cat!
>>28989691yes anonpolka is fossil supreme
>>28988008get fucked shark
>>28990002she's a big girlhttps://files.catbox.moe/ieqqvf.webm
>>28989424>but holo's it's just you, the screen, and a micSounds super dissapointing to me, more like a half-assed skype call than a handshaking event.
>>28989797>Polka is legit kusobaba.You say it like it's a bad thing.
>>28990185Looks like Stellaris
>>28989097Strategy games are boring to watch. Imagine watching someone play SC2 for hours if RTS, and for turn based one even more so. Watching people playing Civ is a turn off. Not even Peko can make Civ interesting to watch.
>https://www.geekjack.net/cover_character>Chowa is the only HoloCN remainingWhat did they mean by this?
>>28990169The bottom third legitimately looks like vomit.
I want to fuck Okayu through that tailhole, imagine lowering her pants just enough to line up her tailhole with her pussy and just go to town with it.
>>28990197Are we sure Miko isn't a boy
>>28990072Some of the best Neapolitan pizza in the world is in Tokyo. A few years ago it got trendy and as usual they went full autist on it.
>>28990214I watch legend of total war for hours anon
>>28990197for you
>>28990228I'm not a boy
>>28990177Well, we will see If Risu is swapping it up when she plays Hades this week.
Ive formed a parasocial relationship with my oshi and i dont regret it
>>28990216Did the others even have any merch in the first place?
>>28990216What the fuck
>>28990231Might be better to just spent those hours playing yourself.
>>28990169That looks like something filthy frank would whip up
>>28990223What if we just got rid of a third of the pizza
>>28990216They probably forgot to take her out
>>28989267Miko is the definitely the biggest otaku.
>>28988488friends have sex
>>28990223COME TO BRASIL
>>28990072Only Americans and Argies can into Pizza.
>>28990214Anon... A lot of us used to watch people play SC, SC2, and WC3 for hours.Aka the first esports era, you have to literally be mechanically impressive to make that work out though.
>>28990251Im learning the cheese methods tho i became a much better player investing in his stream
>>28990214>Imagine watching someone play SC2 for hours if RTSIf it was tryharding at ladder I would watch ANY holo do it, even my least favorite. But that's just because I liked SC, I can't imagine how boring it must be to a normal person.
>>28990216I'm pretty sure Yogiri was the only holoCN ever listed there in the first place.
>>28990097T-the what?
>>28990279Watching koreans dominate starcraft mlg back in the day
>>28989097Why people are still asking for this? Despite the same replies every time.Check a niji or maybe some indie.
it's a
>>28990214I would love an SC2 holo.
Fighting games are better than rts/mobas to watch. The latter is fucking boring
>>28990153She knows exactly the kind of losers that fall for vtubers like her so she has no troubles manipulating them.
>>28990216>>28990249It's not that they took the others out, Yogiri was the only on in the page to being with, they were selling her anniversary merch and she was the first CN to debut, the others didn't get to make to their anniversaries before CN got canned
>>28987987That's because I wasn't around to start the thread. Next time I'll be right there to claim /hlg/ in the name of Pekoland, you filthy kenzocuck
>>28990127>come to brazil akayou made that video, didnt you?
>>28990287>I can't imagine how boring it must be to a normal person.Exactly. And judging by their gaming skills, it is impossible for them to play SC2 well.
>>28990320this, but micro management can be fun as well
>>28990214Anything is fun to watch if the streamer is good at talking
They get a miracle collab together, what do they play?
>>28990216>HoloTaiwanImagine the chink tears.
>lamy thief simulatorThis is going to be either really boring or really good
>>28990309Because this thread is mostly dominated by /v/ in dead hours
>>28987999Ogey rrat
>>28990320>mobasyou're setting the bar pretty low.
>>28990214>Strategy games are boring to watchSo is ARK the key is right setup, Peko playing civ with all factions being holo girls mods would be hilarious.
wtf the squirrel can actually sing?
20more minutes until dead hours officially end
>>28989938>be depressed >discover hololive>be happy>discover hololive thread>got really fucking depressed>leave thread and stop watching streams for a while>get somewhat happy againAnyone else feel like this?
>>28990306You need to appreciate skill lunaito
>>28989323I don't care if Matsuri and Haachama like her i hate Hoshikawa so fucking much
>>28990318HolostarsEN is your only hope.
>>289903453d vr phasmophobia
Usada Pekora
>>28989938I stopped watching seasonal anime after I started hololiveIs that good?
>>28990370>So is ARKYeah which is why I never watch it. At least Terraria looks fun.>>28990365Dota is fun, but same as SC2 in that if you know nothing about it, it will be super boring.
>>28990127I kinda dislike that she's doing all the actual gameplay perfectly, yet the storylines are this big surprise to her like she hasn't seen it a million times.
>>28990214anon i was there for all 30 hours of byun’s pre military departure stream
>>28989797>kusobaba>lesbianWhat else is she?!
>>28990389That tweet where she leaked her matuli dms made me really angry even tho im a lunaito
>>28990383The thread only enriched my love for hololive despite all the negative stuff. I love talking about things happening in real time and aside from sports there's not much else like that.
>>28990392Fingers crossed.
>>28988008I didn't think it was possible, but I hate the treerrat even more than those obnoxious chumfucks
>>28990345risk of rain 2
Those who are saying that SC2 is fun to watch, you are too old to waste your time here.
>>28990321Eh, it's not like doesn't have trouble to admit what kind of content she's providing so it's pretty two-sided.
>>28990370If the girls do play Civ the narratives after one of them betrays another and nukes her cities after being an ally for many hours would unending.
>>28990386Gookclicker games doesnt count as "skill".
>>28989938It was like that for my first weeks into hololive, but now I'm fine
>>28990345As much as I love shitposting Gen 4 against each other, I'd actually want them to get together in coco's house like for a week.
>>28990084Pekora playing stellaris or ck2 would be hilarious
>>28990439Im 20
>>28990383This thread, for better or worse is the only place i can go to talk about holos when i feel like it. Every other board on the site including /trash/ hates vtubing with a passion and this is before people started using them as shitposting fodder.
>>28990439You have it reversed, we've already failed at life you are too young to waste your time here go do something with you life before you are me.
>>28990439Don't be mean to your elders, imagine telling Botan she's too old for FPS.
flare's park looks nice too wtf
>>28990383When I'm away from the thread or just can't post for a few days it doesn't feel good, I love talking about my favorites. The only thing it actually impacts negatively is my sleep schedule.
>>28990072Why are italians so autistic about how their impoverished made constantly eating bread plus cheese plus tomato tolerable? It's like if you say mexicans sperging out over what people put in a tortilla.
>>28990455>WAAAAH RTS games are for gooksCope
>>28990439I'm 30. I'm still young.
Wouldn't it be funny Towa went back to finishing Hollow Knight instead of playing Overwatch and apex again haha
>>28990465>the long awaited gen 4 collab is an offline one >for a week>force feeding us gen 4 collabs until we puke>daily ARK streams
>>28990214high level sc2/brood war is great though.
>>28990455Gookclicker games have a high mechanical threshold, and after you hit that you could finally use strategy/mindgames.Boxer literally btfo people for years because he was a cheeky cunt.
I feel like Watame has the most natural and genuine voice, anyone else?
I wanna watch the nu mecha godzilla movie with the girls
>>28990538I like you, slayer of janitorial work
>>28990538does Lamy play SC2?
This menhera
>>28990538tight elf pussy!
>>28990547Mukkun here, can confirm.
im sorry luna, but i might miss scary kino for my reps
>>28990557I wish luna was my friend
>>28990547How about Okayu's? I've only heard her roommate once, but I don't think she fakes the voice.
>>28988192This Peko ASMR made me fall in love with the baka usagi. I love her voice, I'd do anything to feel her voice and the warmth of her breath near my ears, I could happily die after that
>>28990383yeah these threads used to just eat too much of my time and leave me feeling depressed. trying now to only come in here when something happened that i want to talk about
>>28990573i missed her ASMR because I was dying of covid related complicationsbut then youtube comments told me it was a hoax and I went home from the hospital after boosting my oxygen levels through sheer will
>>28990573Any idea on why she is streaming at these times before she streamed prime time for me? Is it dance practice?
Was Okayu's first voice set ever uploaded publicly? I want to buy it along with her new 600k celebration set, but I'm kind of trying to spend less money on things I can barely afford right now, so I would rather only have to buy one set...
>>28987892>soon>14 hoursniggerchama
>>28990584Roommate and past identity sound almost exactly the same, she's just gotten a bit more pronounced and active in her speaking.
which roommate had actual character improvement since joining hololive?which one had theirs worsen?
>>28990596>coughs every 5 seconds to reset her voice tune>natural
If only Chowa remains with Cover and gets moved to the main branch as a 0th Gen on Youtube, would /hlg/ support her? Keep in mind that her chat would be unusable for months.
>>28990602You're gay and you just don't know it yet
>>28990469Imagine the warcrimes.
>>28990608It isnt worth watching its just spacha arigachu
>>28990610probably and lots of foreigners watch at those earlier times
>>28990568I'd love Mikoti even if she had a penis this whole time
Fix your sleep schedules /hlg/Go to rest now.
Towa???? yabhttps://files.catbox.moe/p1s0kp.mp4
Quick question, offtopic, but it wouldn't make sense asking in other threads:does anybody not like Lulu? I always wondered why she is so beloved.Not that I disagree, I like her as well, but I'm curious since it seems she doesn't have that many antis, if any.
>>28990547I membered Luna roommate youtube>exact same nanora>same voice>same charachter
>>28990654luna is lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaananoraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>28990619The menhera health service has helped all the girls!
>>28990620You've never had to clear your throat? Her "natural" voice has never slipped out, so I doubt it.
>>28990638can you guys leave mel alonei wish people like you would become small little females living alone, and get serious stalkers I know you think it's just nice attention
>>28990654She doesn't really do anything that makes people seethe.
>>28990654She's boring
>>28990619Unironically Pekora'sI don't actually know
>>28990538I want Lamy to cuck me!
>>28990662>got to meet Touhou inventor Zun>worsen
https://twitter.com/natsuiromatsuri/status/1325394809331220480/video/1How can you not love her. She is the only crazy that I would stick my dick into.
>>28990627Now I really want to watch that. Is it possible for any of them playing Stellaris, or there are some permissions in the middle?
>>28990650It's only 4pm right now but I kinda want to sleep. Fuck being sick this sucks.
>>28990538I want her to smooth talk Polka while drunk again
>>28990065honeyworks x hololive collab when?
>haha guys flare is normal and handsome and not weird at all>flarehttps://files.catbox.moe/a3plgw.mp4
don't mind me, just posting kanata's roommate https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS9uQI-jC3DE0L4IpXyvr6w/
seeing that lammy is going to stream thief simulator makes me want to see a gen5 payday collab
>>28990694Festival turned me into a roommatefag. I can never forgive her.
>>28988192>https://files.catbox.moe/qargjj.mp3FUCK I can't PEKO PEKO this!
>>28990693she's working way too hard and Cover are being complete idiots about it, they just want to milk her popularity while her voice becomes worse and worse from overwork
>>28990682>Be Bampire>Spread v through panties in other job and never stop>Anon is surprised when early cover craigslist tier manager for a tech company wants to fuck.
>>28990714Holy shit Kanada look like that?!
>>28990650>staying up till 3AM watching minekura streamsaaaaa
>>28990693That was the high point things have gone downhill since then
>>28988192I can't take this seriously, hearing so many Pekos in stereo makes me think of Pac-Man.
>>28990710yeah touhou was a cultural force in Japanand that song was super popular since 2006
>>28990110Italian pizza is an absolute meme. They use tasteless ingredients and just cook it well.American Pizza is much better than Italian pizza.
>>28990724Its her fault for not growing a spine and saying no
>>28990650It's okay, it's just 3am and I'm still doing the work I couldn't during the day because of the streams, 4 hours of sleep is plenty for me.
Luna you are ruining my sleep reps with these streams
>>28990654She's cute, fun, and doesn't get involved in big dramas.
>>28990693>>28990724>>28990741does Marine know about TohouCraft Gensokyo map anyways?seems like it would be fun for her to stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui-jotZYJJA&t=4206s&app=desktop
>>28990622She'd be a great testing ground for refining nightbot, so yes.
>>28990706I bet she's at the peak of her fertility.
Hotdogging Astel!
>>28988192I wanted her laughing then going from left to right to left to right
>>28990501Because Italian pizza is not really that traditional, it was a late 1800s reinvention adding a lot of things that are completely foreign to Italy, especially the Tomato.
>>28990768So just like Luna?
>>28988192My Pekometer is going to burstI'm Going to PEKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>28990729surprised? it's more like stalkers are trash and you don't really understand the horror of having a stalker.t. I had an older girl stalk me when I was 11 and she was 15, she would kick me in the balls and spit on me whenever she got me alone
>>28989384Man, I miss Ginga. Best Ultra opening of all time.
>>28990697Paradox is usually pretty lax about granting perms for their games,what with them being basically an indie publisher. The problem is that I don't know if they would actually bother to respond to any emails from cover.
>>28989878not enough holos
Holding hands with Astel in disneyland!
Lamy is going to be playing Thief Simulator today! Stream will be starting momentarily!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1a1VLFVzuA
>>28990465>They make Towa get all the food again
>>28990619Both two of the most popular girls: Korone and Pekora. They tried to show a seiso picture of themselves that didn't fit with their true personality. We all know they don't let all their personality traits out as entretainers, but we can see a big part of what they are in real life everyday on their streams. That's whate make thse two so interesting and the reason they will incline as nobody else in the JP branch. For this time next year, Pekora and Korone will double or triple in subs every other Hologirl from the group, maybe with Coco or Haachama following them from far behind
>>28990755This is Japan, if you have a spine as a woman you are completely disowned by society. If you try to stand up to your bosses you are completely disowned by society. She'll just keep going until she actually faints.
>>28990720Can't blame you, she has that kind of pull.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYgBJd_Ft9w
>>28990650dude i took a nap at 3:30pm: shit isnt natural
>>28990823In the next life you will be stalked but no one will come to help you.
>>28990834Explain FBK then? She managed to tell cover no when she didnt feel doing shit. What makes marine any different
>>28990837Days before she called us virgins on roommate stream. What did she mean by this?
>>28990619a lot have gotten better, but i think that the one whos gotten worse is none of them because they all have a job
Marine should learn from ayame
I wish I could drink Watame's pee.
>>28990822>mentioned at one point that a Donald remembered himHow many fucking times does this dude go to Disneyland?
Is Lamy playing thief simulator to better understand the plight of the jannies who are paid so poorly they have to steal to feed their children?
>>28990824haven't seen that one in a whileI remember Suisei playing it when she was in her popularity arc
>>28990864Fubuki had chink money leverage and wasn't indoctrinated in Japanese business practice.
>>28990015Birthday soon. If the Dakimakura sketch by Rin is to be trusted, shit's gonna be good and packed with merch and stuff.
>>28990801I literally had trannies/sjws stalk and contact my family/job during gamergate telling them I was a pedophile using screencaps of me commenting on a certain shitty vn thanks to our irc. lmao
>>28990873its watermelon flavored
>>28988209FBK reddit posts are the cutest
>>28990710She loves denpa, nothing new
>>28990824Damn that game is ancient isnt it?
>>28990859And? Sounds like a dream come true desu
>>28990710EWWW I HATE FLARE NOW!!!!
>>28990710baka baka is a good song
>>28990891Which is why she told the chinks to fuck off last month.
>rich girl plays thief simulatorCareful, Lamy. Don't become Black Cat.
>>28990777I want my own Miomama.Feels bad man.
>>28990895not the same as having a stalker it's actually less worrying when groups of people are upset at you and acting like thatI'm sure mel would swap places with Coco for example
>>28990827>"Hey Towa, go get some more snacks in the conbini. And no, you aren't allowed to fuck strangers on the way"
>>28987864what's the context?
So is Korone gonna play the Asscreed game? Looks like a real kusoge
So why exactly are Lamy's tits so animated?
>>28990922except it's not like the doujin and it's just scary, hurts then you die
>>28990169Brazilian here, I legit have never seen this in my whole life.What the fuck IS this?
>>28987864Wtf Choco collabed with homos before
https://streamable.com/l968xzIt always mystifies me that more people don't use troll names when donating. They literally read any name...
>>28990859Thats fine, id deserve it anyways
>>28990864Marine is the worse case scenario, she showed that they're wronging her and just how vile they can be to women at times, just she just puts up with it because she doesn't have in her to say no
>>28990944Anon, has Mel's roommate even stopped doing the equivalent of softcore on video.
>>28990964Cover's live2D software picks them up.
she said i smell terrific
>>28990973Damn that stream was like a day before i discovered Luna
>>28990967You must travel deeper into the favelas
>>28990966I wouldnt mind that either i'd most likely deserve at some point anyways
>>28990941I love how she doesn't even bother to give us a GFE, yet we still fall for her.
>>28990874>donaldo reconized and hugged himGod I wish I were donald
>>28990982They're really working Ayame to the bone too.
Who's lamy
>>28990717i want to see payday take over a month as a fotm collab game. all the suit art for thumbnails would be heavenly.
>>28990994Noel's tits don't move like that and she has some real slammers
>>28990710Her roommate was even weirder since she sang more denpa, now a days even with Patra she holds back a little
>>28990959Homobeggar shitting everything up as usual. But the "invitation" he was talking about is the sports festival.
>>28991026Take your dosehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1a1VLFVzuA
>>28987864Sounds like an underage esl clipwatcher t bh
lamy sneezes...
>>28991029Noel's got outdated software.
>>28990169Monkey here, the only strange thing there is the sweet pizza on the mid, carry on.
>>28988857Isn't it fucking dead?
>>28991042I know who she is, I'm just trying to be mean. Sorry.
>pekora literally reenacting the holocaust in minecraftWhat did hololive mean by this?
>>28991016I know
>finally got a vtuber that does morning streams regularly>but its lamybeggars cant be choosers I guess
>>28991044Holo... Fallout new vegas...onegai
>>28991044>Coco Terraria stream>are you planing to play with others?>"Yeah I want to play with them too but.......">silenceCoco........
>Onii-chan, kanatan got her lunch money taken away by the bullies again.
>>28991083Anon she's been doing this for months
around elves...
>>28990710You're a fucking baka baka
>>28991083been doing morning streams regularly since her debut.
>>28990929Hey. Stay alive.
>>28991087bullying builds characterone kid I bullied in school works for apple now
>>28989375They could just play crusader Kings instead.
Lamy you don't need to play this game, you've already stolen my heart <3
>>28991086Yeah that was a little sad. I had to pause my game to replay that part to make sure I heard it right.
Coco's cocoCoco's cocockCoco's cocumPick one
>>28991118sounds like you fucked his life up
>>28991087Shoulda added a bunch of bills peeking out of her front pocket for added humor.
Would you feed a leech?
I did itby me
>>28991027it'd be great but i don't see it happening until payday 3 which is "still in design phase"
>>28991118Didn't work on me.
>pol plays cooking sim>is absolute shitIm gonna laugh if lamy winds up being remotely decent at being a thief in thief sim
>Gen 4 collab plays Civ6 multiplayer
not as bad as choco at driving at least
>>28991083Roberu's morning show is fantastic
>>28991099Feel free to relax!
>>28990973I miss Gen 4 being close.
>>28987987Can we have her in the OP image next?
Fuck when will we finally get the Lamy Miko collab, I would actually love to watch Lamy play GTA:O
>nice job manLamy said that pretty nicely
while im catching up on her stream from last night, i want to tell you all once more that i LOVE botan!
>>28991156It's the right side in Japan.
>>28991182Her English pronunciation is pretty good.
>>28991155Why would they play kiddy civ?
>>28991156Nips are different
>>28991148all it takes is someone convincing aqua or fubuki
>>28991044Her play through has been pretty comfy for me so far. I’m pretty surprised at all the rare drops she’s been getting too, especially the enchanted sword.
>>28991187Good, keep that up
>>28990973>those sub numbers>no quarantine yet>no yabee yet>ARK is still kino with no drama>Coco and Watame not burnt out yet and just reaching their creative peak>Kanata still hasn't revealed her condition>just happy and united Gen4 assured they'll find their footing in Hololive together real soonWhy can't we go back...
>>28991187form her intro and clothes, she's still a racoon to me dammit
>>28991182lami eigo jouzu
>>28991191shame that's mostly just a result of rote, and she doesn't comprehend or put sentences together very well.
>>28991191I don't watch her much as yet so it was a pleasant surprise
>>28990095https://youtu.be/lFVBDH3gkaw?t=3358They talk how botan's age would make her polka's younger sister, generally about siblings and whatnot.Botan is the youngest sibling in her family, and when polka asks her how she has her shit together the way she does botan says she saw enough failure of her older siblings.The entire thing is meta as fuck and kinda depressing, polka saying she wants do die young with botan replying that she wants to live to old age to have more time to hang out with gen5.
>>28991156It's the same with Miko. Because Japan drives on the same side of road as UK
Wasn't there supposed to be Asacoco today? What happened?
>>28991216Its for the better anon
these threads go down the shitter during dead hours jesas
>>28991189>>28991196the worst part about japan is how they drive on the wrong side of the road
>>28987864that's just you isn't it?
>>28991220A raccoon-themed Holo is obligated to play Sly Cooper kidding, not such a good stream game
"Thug Life." -Lamy it means thief but close enough
lamy stealing and forcing janitors to clean up after her!
>>28991086Everyone is preparing for the sports festival in Minecraft, they'll join Coco if she asks later. If she's allowed to ask at all
What i miss
>>28991156bruv what do you mean the wrong side
>>28991281The other thread, obviously.
>>28991221She mention why she took an interest in this game? I'm actually surprised more folks didn't play it.
>>28991220tanuki holo with fat fucking balls when?
gen 0...
so lamy and polka are super richanyone else? which ones should I beg for money
>lamy made so little money because of cover she had to turn to crime to pay the bills
which hol would u fug
>>28991307>polka >super richpardun?
https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1326317892275589120There it is.
I spent a few hours making clips and when I started rendering them I noticed that they have much smaller resolution and now I have to remake them again...
>>28991216Kanata was talking about big plans for gen 4 around the anniversary so maybe there's a chance they won't remain fractured forever (on the youtube side anyways, allegedly KCT are very close and Watame still talks to them a lot... but Luna is rarely mentioned).
>>28990975Maybe most people just shitpost in threads like this and let streamers alone doing their jobs without being cringelords. What do you think, Zhou?
>>28991274lay some pipe
>>28991290She got caught stealing at a convenience store and was forced to ???. She doesn't want a repeat of that so shes acting out her klepto fantasy in the virtual world instead.
>>28990975based shion
>>28990973I want them to hang out again.
>>28990214this to be honest. It would be boring to watch.A lot of normals will get filtered. There are normals in JOPs too.>>28989309She'd just steamroll them.Hell i havent even beaten a civ 5 deity yet.
>>28991321Guess I'm not doing anything again for 16+ hours
>>28991313casual sex with BOTAN!
>>28987880Then where do I post about about my oshii you dumb shit?
>>28991321the one dude I heard played this had multiple huge crashes and a gamebreaking bug that ended his playthrough, hopefully she avoids that but it sounds like its coming in hot
>>28991321what's dirt day againI haven't done my date reps yet
>>28991323dumb mel poster
>>28991321Was Valhalla any good? How is it compared to Black Flag?
>>28991348>She got caught stealing at a convenience store and was forced to ???I read an hentai doujinshi like that, it was pretty good.
>>28991321Assasins creed sucks Koro has bad taste in videogames
>>28990973>Towa's original voice
>>28991192which one is non-kiddy civciv 4 right?
Probably got forced to work at the store for a bit or something. I remember my old buddy being forced to do that after getting caught stealing yugioh cards
>dad died while I was watching lamy damnit now lamy is ruined for me
Minato Aqua is monkey
>>28991323Thank you for your efforts
>>28991390it's nu creedsame as origin and odyssey
>>28991321>google ヴァルハラ>ass creedI guess I have some extra time since I won't be watching that shit
>>28991397lamy is your dad now
>>28991323Mel wants you to persevere. Hang in there.
>>28988641>Is hotIn what universe is it hot? Hilarious is what it s. I can't listen to it without cracking up.
>>28991348Interesting. I'll have to hunt down more about that story.
>>28991397>dad diedBased
>>28991321absolutely based doggo
>>28991386It is not my fault !! Facking PC 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
>>28991399Shion yo...
>>28991323Everybody makes mistakes the first time. Don't mind it, Mel.
>>28991374Poor Korone doesn't realize what it means to go into an Ubisoft game near launch.
>>28991396Whoops, meant for >>28991348
>>28991433Have fun with that.
>>28991323Appreciate it Melposter, ganbare.
>>28991189No it's the left.
>>28991397Shouldn't have shot him when he came to tell you to get off your neet ass and stop watching those anime whores
>>28991327Maybe their dance lessons together could push them closer together again. But it might be a bit too late, they all have their cliques now. Even PPTrio can't really be together now, even Towa is closer to KanaCoco at the moment.
>>28990973I mean, it's perfectly natural that they'd be close at first, before they each found their own niche, but it's still a little sad. Seems like 3rd gen will always be the exception when it comes to gens.
>>28991393kusoge is really her thing
>cult leader>yandere>stalker>cum milker>janny killer>master thiefMama i kneeled
>>28991397>dad would rather kill himself than listen to LameyWhat a chad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1a1VLFVzuA&ab_channel=LamyCh.%E9%9B%AA%E8%8A%B1%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A3 watch lamy play!>>28991321im still hoping for the ezio trilogy..
>>28991431Agree with you, no clue how some people find that hot.
>>28991434Was there a reason there was so much mario stuff in LA? I only poayed it once when i was younger but cant remember much
>>28987880Nice try but I'm not a retarded EOP, also>fully translated streamrumao rumao
>>28988837Miko ruined Hololive. Even Comet dropping fuck you now.
>>28991397Just remember he wouldn't want to ruin your happiness. Enjoy when it's time to enjoy and mourn when it's time to mourn. Stay structured.
>>28991397>dad died>instantly go and fish for (You)s on 4chanAt least talk to your mother or your family or probably your friend. RIP though.
>>28991397condolences anon. you dont actually post something like this like right now and instead go to your fucking dad.
>>28991463Oh, yeah, you're right.
>>28991397Send her a SC and inform her of this.
>>28991479Mama is not a stalker or cult leader!
>>28991490Not really. Just cameos thrown in for fun. Even Kirby is an enemy.
>>28991493>probably barely N5>haha I know Japanese!
>>28989375the absolute state of china
>>28989674I've only watched the original anime until the end of the Greed Island arc.
>>28990973>8 months ago>It's really entertaining to watch how close the 4th Gens are to each other I hope they make more online and offline collab streams like these
>>28988914I better not miss this like how I abandoned her singing stream for retarded Among Us collab.
>>28989674Don't watch shonenshit sorry.
>>28991511>he wouldn't want to ruin your happiness>dies during stream>now hogging all the attention
>>28991397Don't superchat Lamy with this news. If you do, do it in ARS though. Keep chugging on, be the pillar the rest of the family can rely on until your situation stabilizes. If you need a breather start watching your oshi or watch Lamy if you don't have one.
>>28991486Based chamaposter I thought you were dead.
>>28991353DI stream when
>>28991321well fuck...guess I have 3 days to finish the game or get spoiled
>>28991544stop projecting
>>28989916Noel would eat Flare's shit.
>>28991586>playing ubishit
>>28991397>uses death in the family to farm (you)shere's another one you walking disappointment
>>28991610go back
>>28991588>I-I swear, I'm a Japanese PRO!
>>28991570dont superchat your family problems retard. Lamy isnt a psychologist and she breaks like a glass. Stop giving her more stress.Its like saying hey my dad died while i was watching you. Like does she have a responsibility for that because of anons lazy neet ass?
>>28991586>spoiledYou actually play for the story?
>>28991624Where? Are you sure you shouldn't go back?
remember when asacoco had a cooking segment?
So, how long until gen 5 start being distant to each other like gen 4?
>>28991610asscreed games get shit after ezio triology.
>>28991628You certainly as fuck don't play for the gameplay in Ass creed.
>>28991639nah, you definitely should go back, playing dumb only makes the fact more obvious
>>28991650Literally never, thank god.
Just finished reading Midori no Rupe Garden. I felt so fucked up. I can't get it out of my mind.Seems like I still have a sliver common sense left in me.
>>28991650Most of gen 4 aren't distant.
>>28990654suzuhara lulu? she made me believe women could get assburgers
>>28991650Luna's the only distant 4th gen.
>>28991678What does this have to do with Hololive?
>>28991653They have been shit since the beginning
>>28991650Never, they're different people in different circumstances.
>>28991627Read my first sentence faggot. The 2nd sentence is for us to laugh about if the retard attention whores for Lamy.
Bros I just got back from the desert what spicy new narratives have i missed.
I can't wait to watch my internet dog girlfriend spend the money I sent her on in app cosmetic purchases for a single player game.
>>28991696Having such a hollow life I felt like there is no fucked up stuff that would shake me to the core anymore.
>>28990383These threads take too much of my time but you faggots are the only ones with whom I can freely talk about holos.
Every single day when I look at holostats, I see that Pekora's daily subscriber gain is higher than Coco's.It's because Pekora doesn't get involved in politics.
>>28991696subscribe to /a/fag's blog NOW
Why does a thief have wallhacks?
>>28991716i missed it. sorry anon.
https://litter.catbox.moe/4l8wso.jpgALOE LOVE KAORU LOVE
>>28991758It's an elf racial
>>28991731Chinks already found holohouse and planning to stab coco when she go out
>>28991479Ah, just like my chinese proberbs say:"Around elves..."
>>28991566That's why you put it aside for the time being
>>289916501/5 in Gen 4 is "distant". Gen 5 should be safe because we've already the 1/5, Sex.
>>28991657>he got his feelings hurt on /v/ because he has shit taste
>>28991731your mom fucks cambodian beggars
>>28991731Noel is dead. Yagoo is pretending to be her and her roommate.
i have a confession to makei'm starting to like nijisanji more than hololive. i think my oshi is Ars now. Their collabs are a lot more fun to watch and even their homos are better
>>28991753Go to work Zhang.
>>28991588Post your certificate.
>>28991696Hololive? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while
>>28990654>he doesn't remember the Lulu hater
>>28991817Do this at the start of a thread, not this far down.
>>28991817Time to go to their thread then!
>>28991817me too! Do you know pekora?
Moon rabbit is ancient Chinese legend. Pekora number one!
>>28991817No anon please please be loyal to one corporation instead of the other!
>>28991086the chinks are going to get bored eventually... right?
>>28991731Doris graduated.
>>28991751There is suppose to be an image attached to this post.THAT IMAGE
>>28991731Nene is now secretly working for the CCP and is putting her master plan in motion to take down hololive and start a China/Japan war as revenge for the Aloe incident
>>28988857What? You think nijifags know Japanese? They're just discordfags
>>28991877>imageboard>posting images
>>28991817> i think my oshi is Ars now. You can have two oshis so long as they are from separate group.s. Oshis arent waifus.
>>28991817I love chigusa and i hate why she went to nijinigger instead
>>28991850>>28991753https://litter.catbox.moe/y5fydi.jpgYou could have saved her
>Your oshi>What are you listening to?
>where is the fucking janitor to park my car?lamy, no!
>ywn taser Lamy and watch her flail on the ground on a puddle of piss like a fish.Why even live?
>>28991898>You can have two oshis
>>28991817Me too, anon...I wish the Niji thread is as active as this one. I probably wouldn't even lurk here if it was
>>28990153Okayu is really smooth. Then we have this cute dork:https://streamable.com/8bjpli
>>28991898Leave this fucking thread immediately
>>28991898Point at this anon and laugh.
>>28991896I missed this ritual posting because it actually reminds me when the image limit is reached.
The art and the comms chatter makes me want to see Lamy play some of the better or more stealthy CoD campaigns. Are any of them even designed for co-op so that Botan could join in? Probably not a good stream idea since Lamy doesn't have an FPS reputation like Botan or Aqua.
lamy..... don't double park, you're going to get your car keyed.
>>28991937Oshi comes from oshimen right? Favorite member in an idol group.
>>28991944you should joing their discord since that's the real nijinigger "thread"
>>28990939She has the breasts to pull it off. But who would be her Spiderman?
>>28991086expect another big wave when holochinkers get axed
Who has a photo of Watson's dog, I want it
>>28991979>discordI rather kill myself
>>28991906TowaLamy and Watson
>>28991978It means waifu. Doesn't matter what it originated as.
>>28991957Towawa isn't distant at all.
Lamy doesn't even understand the concept of crowbar
>>28991898Why do people say this? You can have any number of oshis even from the same group
Lamy playing Splinter Cell when
>>28991947Senchou's a cute lady. I wish she wasn't so busy so she could have a kimoota collab with Okayu sometime.
>>28991817Out of curiosity has any of the nijis started to EOP pander? I haven't really heard about any and I know even indies have started to pander after the success of HoloEN.
>>28991898>>28992002Waifu lost its meaning long ago anyway. Not many follow the 1 waifu for laifu rule anymore. Just like everything normalfags ruined it
>>28992002Only if you're retarded.
>>28991731Sora might miss the Minecraft sports fest...
>"I can't believe janitors sleep in cars like this!"
>>28992034I wish she wasn't so busy so she could reproduce
Do you ever worry that Hololive will become more generic as it gets popular and lose what made it good in the first place?
i love astel..even though i missed his stream...
>>28991397Anon, I'm sorry for your loss. My uncle died 20 years ago when I was watching a Pokemon episode and I neglected the game and the series for years. After that Y got oer it and I started to enjoy it again. Don't let a painful experience destroy whatever you love. You will accept it eventually. Just mourn your dad as it meant to be, support your family and continue with your life
>>28991978Yes and he is a retard. You can have many oshi as long as you "o" them. The only time you can have only 1 oshi is when you say you "tan-oshi" an individual.
>>28992070?It's already happened.
>>28992035Nijis have an EN branch. Not that it matters since the en branch somehow managed to have less subs than Aloe.
>>28991474Gen 5 so far seem like they'll stay close and Gen 2 are still pretty close since Aqua, Shion, and Subaru still have their little clique. It seems like Gen 1 and Gen 4 are the only ones that aren't really that close anymore. Heck, even Kanata makes it clear in multiple post-hospital departure streams that she's starting to get sick of living with Coco.
Don't make fun of janitors, Lamy. Janitors are the protagonist of NTR plots
>>28991321Korosan... DOOM Eternal...
>>28991772Fuck you, why did that make me laugh?
>>28992070As long as my oshi is still in hololive it will always be good
>>28992043Yuuka's been mine for over 10 years, not going to change anytime soon.
>>28992070What made it good in the first place?
>>28992072>He doesn't have notifications on at all timehe doesn't make sure to wake up every hour to make sure there is not surprise utawaku streamdisgusting. you're not a fan
>>28992070Unlikely, they have been quite good for covering a lot of bases with the characters. The issue long term is likely having too many people or characters becoming samey because there's only so many tropes you can run with. So few of them graduate that it looks like the number will just keep increasing.
ore no shishiro botan
Mama your blain...
I lost a lot of respect for Pekora. What she did to Sabura was totally uncalled for, and very cruel.
>>28992118We are the minority now. Seasonal waifu are taking over
Lamy does her reps
>>28991906LamyLamy learning how to lockpick and making stereotypes about elves a reality.
>>28992013Now there's an idea.
>>28992118Based Yuukabro. Alice has been mine since 2005.
>>28992106Korosan... Banjo & Kazooie and its sequel...
>>28991647What happened to today's asacoco? I don't see it on her channel.
>>28991817I would never watch their streams, but Kanae and Kuzuha are surprisingly funny
>>28992146Now I want to hear her say "I'll be back"
>lamy closing the door on her way outcute
>>28988339Not the archive stream but they all got together again for a collab last month. You can keep track of them from there.https://youtu.be/_v9dAyaPRcY
>>28991508That's Coco's influence.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitch-theater-mode-for-y/emkgicniaaleakbicedgkimdegnjgbkd?hl=enwhy doesn't youtube do something like this by default, there is so much wasted space if you have the chat open>using the chatI know, but what about member chats
>>28992010When was the last time she did anything with Gen 4? Not including Cover mandated dance practice that even Luna is having do atm?
>your oshi>your biggest traumaPekorabeing raped by my babysitter when I was a kid. Now I can't have a normal relationship with girls because I'm scared of them. I always do the first move but I can't proceed because it fucks my stupid mind
>>28991307>Polka>super richYou need to up your narrative game.
Is Lamy playing this game right? Nothing has happened at all since I started watching.
>>28992070Miko is still Miko, Pekora is still Pekora. Pekora and Miko won't change even at 2 million subs.
>Big TATS elf's just doing some lockpickingJust what I fucking needed
>>28992253Pekoraalmost dying to CO poisoning
She actually ran out of lockpicks. Sasuga yakuza oujou, she doesn't has it in her to be a thief.
>>28992253KanataI saw a pretty big bug once
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kiryu Coco. Her humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Japanese most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Coco's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Freudian literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Kiryu Coco truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Coco's existential catchphrase "Good Morning Mother Fuckers!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Tarantino's American epic Pulp Fiction. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Coco's roommate's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.And yes, by the way, I DO have a Kiryukai tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the holo's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>>28991307Polka is poor as fuck and lives in an attic and saving to rent a place for herselfLamy's dad is rich
>>28992266She's doing her best
>>28992253hahaha what a fucking loser
>>28992253PekoraMe being born in this world is a mistake.
>>28992253Fubukiate a maggot infested strawberry
>>28992304Why can't the bots spam this shit so it's at least funny instead of the alcoholism shit
>>28992299Damn, how big was it?
>>28992266>Is Lamy playing this game right?Anon, c'mon. I love Lamy, but she fucking sucks at games. At least watching her fail at them is cute and endearing on it's own way.
Hairpin costs $20.Her character is white.This game is so unrealistic.
>>28992305She'd be able to rent a nice place if she stopped blowing her money on gacha.Please spend my money more responsibly, Polka.
>>28991508>nowclip viewer
>>28992253KanataMy dad died of cancer, and my mom died while giving birth to me. My dad blamed me for it and liked to prove it by hitting me and telling me that only mother killers cry. I was placed in special education classes because without a tounge I was unable to speak. I was held back three times because the teacher lied about my grades, she did this so she could have rape me. She weighed over 500 pounds and sounded like a horse trying to eat a dead clown. The only reason I passed special-ed high school because the school would no longer keep me.My weight rivals that of five average neckbeards, and my neckbeard looks like a bird nest mixed with shit and cheetos. My dad died and gave all of the money to the local church and the priest ran off with everything. I had to take a job at McDonald's as the "special" guy that works at those places, not because I'm retarded, but because the manager was the woman from my old school that raped me.one day I walked into the living room of my 200 square foot apartment and saw a black cat get run over by a guy in a truck. I waddled outside in time to see him back up and crush another cat, I was walking the shoulder of the road and the guy hit me as he tried to drive away. Somebody called the police and the police gave me a citation for not keeping my cats on a leash, even though they were not my cats, and the guy in the truck successfully sued me for the damage to his truck.My face is covered in deep rooted acne that can only be cured with surgery, or a very thick needle. Working as the special worker at McDonald's does not pay very well so I tried to needle the zits out, now I have zits and scars on my face. The rest of my body is hair and acne, I have to cover my bed in talcum powder so I can keep away the pain long enough to pass out from exhaustion.I am fully deaf in one ear and I can only hear a high pitched whine in the other ear. I can only see the colors red, orange, and yellow. Having no tounge I have never tasted food. My nose is so full of snot and other assorted crap that I am also unable to smell.The only time I ever interact with people outside of work and the forums is going down to the local game store where I buy used copies of 5 year old games because I only make minimum wage.This laptop was given to me out of pity, and I am only able to access it at the library. I'm fairly sure nobody goes near me at the library because I have not been able to shower for the last three years of my life.The only joy I have in life is pretending to be other people.
>>28992231>pop out chat>pop out video>resize to your likingWOW SO HARD
>>28992305gokisei house when
>>28992354Did 5th Gen even get their Supachas yet?
I thought Lamy would be better at lock-picking
>>28992365Kill yourself ! Did you really expect anyone to read your blog ?
Please collab with Coco...
>>28992370this resizes both perfectly without the need to do that, idk why this isn't the default behavior with a chat on/off toggle.
>losing to a fucking skyrim lockpicking minigamegood lord
>>28992379Lamy paid back her father's loan in full like two months ago
>>28992370or you can download the extensionyou retard, are you going to tell me that you wash your clothes by the river too you mongrol
>>28991969Designed for idk, but I'm pretty sure I played part of a CoD campaign co-op with a friend once.
>>28992365Gross, I don't like Kanata anymore
>>28992407As expected of the full girlfriend experience elf
Roberu morning streamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33qIseYO2s
>>28992406It looks identical to Bethshit lockpicking. Are the mechanics the same?
>>28992381She'll evolve through this trial. I can hear it in those sharp gasps.
>>28991906>Mikochi>Ame's stream
This is the run
>>28992409Yeah, let's download a botnet extension for a botnet browser, retard
How did Aqua vs Pekora ever became a thing here?https://files.catbox.moe/4m14pn.png
>>28992397Or just buy a second monitor you poorfag>>28992409I have a vertical monitor with fullscreen chat
>>28992186>I would never watch their streamswhy? is it because they're niji or because they're men?
>>28992337About my finger's size, don't remember what kind of bug it was but it wasn't very pretty.I also once punched a plastic bag full of wasps and they all stung me. That was pretty bad too. Now my every other dream is about bugs, worms and wasps.
>>28992441YesI'm pretty sure Lamy never played video games before Hololive though
>>28992253>>28992365Chrisskimming through loser /r9k/ crossboarders who use this thread to blogpost. Jesus Chris how horrifying
>>28992411I see. Should be easy for me to research. Maybe I can suggest it to Botan sometime.
>>28992450It's just like that old elven proverb says: "ganbaramy until you make it".
>>28992462ah, so you're a cunt, bye
>>28992379Do you have brain damage Lamy is the 3rd highest SC earner in hololive
>>28992365>The only joy I have in life is pretending to be other people.You should become a male v-tuber anon, we're ushering a new era where people can be reborn within online personas so your first life won't matter that much.
>>28992469I have one but why would I use chat on the other screen? I usually have a second stream going if that's on or jetri.
>>28992065With me.
>>28992335That would require Zhang to have a sense of humour and we all know they are as dumb as bricks.
She's robbing from people living in mobile homes. It's so sad.
>>28992252She's the one who sees Coco and Kanata the most.
>>28992493You do know that they don't get paid their superchat earnings instantly right?
>>28992381Lamy is good at things like tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, and calligraphy.
>>28992365Can't believe some people thought this wasn't a joke
Do people actually listen to streams instead of watch them?Maybe I should try that while playing fighting games
>>28992494Might be hard if the guy has no tongue, can't hear from one ear and only hears a high pitched whine in the other ear.
>>28992511Buy a third screen then
>>28992533They also don't get paid them 3 months later, what's your point here sperg?
>>28992526She has to actually pick the lock to rob them.
Does she not understand how this works?
>>28992365That's some prime Hololive material you know. Apply to HoloEN immediately.
Tokyo Ghoul guy would curb stomp any holostar, but especially Temma
>>28992538It's fucking ancient /jp/ copypasta too, crossies make me sick.
>>28992538What did you expect of a thread filled with people who can't recognize the Kevin-sama nor the Konata crossplayer pastas?
>>28992480She played DbD and Mario Kart in her past life. But yeah she's never been a big "gamer".
>>28992535Anon she is an elf
>>28992540What's your game, fightan anon?
>>28992564It's almost been an hour you tell me.
>>28992541Kanata manages somehow, though she still presumably has a tongue.
why does this kitchen have a giant propane cylinder?
Lamy is in. It only took 4 days. Steal everything that isn't nailed down to pay for the gas home.
>>28992464niconico pasts.
>>28992551That I was asking if they've gotten paid their superchats yet, the fuck is your problem?
>Moona shamelessly leeches from other vtubers to stay relevant and get money>Risu tries to make it on her own but can't really reach the same heights as the other holos>Iofi gets bullied on a daily basis because nobody knows her or that she's part of hololiveHololive ID is just depressing, why was this branch even made?
>>28992540It's what I've been doing while I play fighting games.
>>28992586Hey she said it no me, she is an elf with some super japanese hobbies
There's not even a bed in this house. It's just some crack shack.
>>28992541There was a twitch v-tuber that was mute and she talked with a TTS, it's possible
>>28992622You gotta case the joint properly, man.
>>28992540i do that with Roberu's morning streams since he doesn't fuck around with his avatar that much
>>28992253LunaVagina boogers
>>28992630The fact that I sadly still have to inhabit the planet with retards like you.
>>28992486I've seen so many other things with pointy ears that I don't even register her as an elf sometimes
>>28992635>Trusting what elves say
>>28992631For bullying. But it is getting old and I think everyone except moona should graduate !
>lamy robbing janitors, literallyis Japan gonna lose their shit again?
>>28992540It's not like I can understand it anyway. Might as well do something productive with my time.
>>28992540I watch vods while playing games that don't require that much concentration.
>>28992618maybe they're just enthusiastic about propane and propane accessories.
>>28992540I have a voice fetish. I usually have one going in the background.
Can't wait for a morning stream of everyone praising Roberu and how upbeat and noisy he is, his ARE YOU WINNING SON speech, and some topic that he talks about for 10 min.
>>28992670Kino AF
>a JOP in Robel's stream saying hello to kaigainikicute
>>28992666>Everyone except moonaCould just get the other two to swallow their pride and become worthless leeches too because why try hard when you can just live off others?
>>28992605GBVS, honestly I put more hours labbing in this game than any other game i've played over the past 20ish years and I still suck
>>28992631this post is hand written by a Lofifags.
>>28992464From NND. I heard this from here but there's these meetings called "offpako" in Japan where many streamers and personalities online meet up irl. Pekora wanted to hang with this guy but he was more interested in Aqua so Pekora started bullying her because of it.
>>28992662I thought she was supposed to be a whale at first.
>>28992540I always have singing streams and SC readings in the background.
>>28992696I hate the gay but have you taken medication ?
>>28992379YouTube pays out 45 days after the end of the month so they should.
>>28992707I don't even watch lofi but shit like this is depressinghttps://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/jre8i9/even_though_you_have_a_favorite_member_please/
>Roberu plays ApexWhy doen't he ever stream it? is he that bad?
>>28992631holoID would be a total garbage without moona, this autist is the saving grace for holoID.
>>28992718How many times have you listened to gurenge ?
>>28992747Never stops ponkotsu robot
>>28989384good because Holos are Riderchads
>>28992730I don't take medication.
>>28992696Good news schizoposter, if there are holos you don't like, you don't have to watch or talk about them and can instead focus on the ones you find entertaining.
>>28992631The sad thing is that iofi has a ton of collaborations with big JP girls, and yet nobody wants to watch her.It's probably for the same reason that people hate Kiara, they're boring and they speak too much Japanese
>>28992708>these meetings called "offpako"
>>28992747>got 2 champs in a row last time.maybe not. also he said he might do a "noisy" Apex stream
What was this titty elf's fucking game plan?
How can other holos even compete?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8hQtQPxYJo&ab_channel=HorribleClips
>>28992710Now that is an interesting interpretation
>>28992773Never thought of that.
>>28992631I'm surprised Indonesia in general gets so many v-tuber investments from japanese companies. Nijisanji has 2 ID branches for example. It makes you wonder if some rich nobel in the caste has some v-tuber obsession.
>>28992631>most popular ID is the one that rides on the coattails of the JP girlsThis branch is living proof that hard work doesn't pay off
>>28992815When's Haachama moving to Finland?
How does one even start as indie vtuber?Sounds like a lot of work upfront to then end up hoping people find your stream
Aside from Iofi and AZKi, when was the last time Sora collabed with a Holo?
>>28992839After she comes to Brazil.
>>28992631>Moona shamelessly leeches from other vtubers to stay relevant and get moneyshe literally tells her audience to stop spamming about her in Pekora's chat and to stop spamming the HEY MOONA stuff unless the two are actually interacting with each other in game.
>>28992770You should, crazy animal.
>>28992812She's trying her best Gan-Lamy-masu!
>>28992756ID objectively has more talent than EN, only saving grace of EN is Ina as an artist.
>>28992747Roberu is a chad, he's bad at videogames
>>28992840It's the same shit really as trying to be a big twitch streamer or similar, you have to be entertaining which 90% of them aren't, and then you basically need to get very lucky to retain a fanbase even then.
>>28992815What a dumb
>>28992128I DID. I slept with notifications on and phone next to me
>>28992631>>28992781To be fair Iofi deserves it after she flipped out on that kiarafag for breaking some unspoken rule with her conversation with Ina.
>>28992743>promised she will try her best to be a translator for the among us collab>the collab happen, didnt translate shits, it become chaos>get called out by literal who on the internet>start selling sob story on twitter, play victim>gained traction, but not what she expected>start backpedaling and deleted the tweettldr: she did it to herself, and she's a massive attention whore.
>>28992840Ask vyt
>>28992840They cut non-essential meals out of their budget for a long time to come, I guess.
Based Ramirez. Looks at the garbage bag and instantly says its Impossible.
>>28992840Save up a few thousand bucks to commission a Live2D from a famous artist. It'll self promote itself.
>>28992840that's why a lot of indie vtubers are actually their own artist or they use shit like vkatsu and make really ugly 3D models. Or they talk to a super unpopular artist since they'll do it for really cheap.
>>28992857Brazil is for Nene
Why is there a different thread for HoloEn but not for homosharts
I want to fuck Roberu
>lamy just smashing windows cause they are a janitor
>>28992840Commission an avatar and a Live2D rigger. Then wallow in double digit viewer counts for years if you're lucky. If you aren't, quite and no one notices.
>Images limit reachedYou can't stop me. https://twitter.com/keru720/status/1222722713011122176
>>28992840Forget being entertaining, having a good personality or being fun, all you need is connections. If you're a functioning human being and know people that could launch you out there or signal boost you then that's all you need.You could have charisma MAX and be the smoothest talker out there but none of that shit matters if no one finds you.
>>28992933Calm down Polka !
God I wish my name was Vinny
Botan is you!https://youtu.be/4G-K8agwHK4
>>28992864All of HoloEN(except Gura) are good at drawing. The only talented one is Risu since she speaks almost every language and Moona is the current meme girl right now. Meanwhile, what's Iofi's talent that HoloEN doesn't have?
>>28992840>How does one even start as indie vtuber?Get a model
>>28992913No way the SOPs would ever hand her over to the POPs
>>28992704Ah, I've been there. Best of luck playing it, desu I thought it was dead player-wise. What's your main?
>>28992958>The only talented one is RisuRisu, at least TRY to pretend you didn't make this post
https://youtu.be/Of1g_7bLcxk>1mil viewsDamn Moona
Damn, a little over an hour. I hope she comes back stronger next time and has more fun.
>>28992761How many pieces of bread have you eaten in your life?
>>28992958lofi really should just swallow her pride and become a collab slut like moonaget friendly with gura, pekora and other popular people then suddenly she's the new meme girl too
>>28992943>Okayu played Sunshine with a neck towel of her oshi from Prince of Tennis on yesterday, and her own character blanket on her lapIs that more nerd or otaku? I honestly can't decide.
>>28992954dead hours are fucking saved.
>>28992743Why did she even type this?There was hardly some catastrophic backlash against her. I guess IDs are just not used to the minor amount of hate all holos get by default.
>>28992991I LOVE HER
>>28989267>StacyAqua>OtakuMarine>Whore...I don't want to put her out there>NerdWatame>NormieSubaru
>>28992986>>28993016To be fair it's a literal western kusoge
>>28992939That's pretty nice
>>28993000holy shit what? also>stream ends>immediately opens up a container of foodMoona....
>>28992958>The only talented one is Risurrat herself paw written this post
when are we having accurate auto-translation machines? doing reps is hard...
>>28993000Polkahime still has the best "forgot to turn off mic after streaming" moments. Specially the one after her graduation stream.
>>28993059BIG LAMIES
>>28992954Wow. Botan is extremely brave to play this game on stream. Unless she's going to cheat and read chat or something.
>>28992828Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world by population and has a thriving weeb community. Even if their currency is shit they still have the capacity to make bank just by quantity alone. Its the same reason why they decided to break into China.
>>28993042Well, streams are always more fun when the player's enjoying them.
>>28992965Thanks Anon, the whole "dead"-thing is half-meme and half-true. It's not UNIST levels of dead, but there is some dead hours. Also I main Zooey.
>>28993021But Lofi was THE collab slut anon. But for some reason she and Kiara just can't do anything with all the collabs they nab and their Japanese advantage. It's all about good design, first impressions, good voice and entertaining personality in the end after overcoming the hurdle of being discovered.
What are the chances Ubi notices Korone?
>>28993058Give it like 10~15 more years. Translation as a job will actually cease to exists within your lifetime, so yorokobe, EOP shounen.
>>28993077I am not Mel.
Will Lamy eat a new unique sausage today??
>>28993058a few indie vtubers use that stuff and the results are still pretty funny even if they're inaccurate.
>>28993000fat fuck
Robel membership tomorrow
>>28993058stop learning a dead language anon...
>>28992954holo plays obra dinn when
>>28992958>The only talented one is Risu since she speaks almost every languagewhat the fuck didnt know that. I only know she recite some random word that got thrown at her.>Moona is the current meme girl right nowbut Risu also make NNN meme vids, attracting only coomers...
>>28993000>starts eatingmoona...
>when she blinks and her ears twitch and melt my heartgosling.jpg
>>28993094Huh? Is it a super horror game or something?
>>28993133At fucking last.
Vtubers aren't going anywhere, you're stuck here for the next 2 decades or until something else revolutionizes the market.
>>28993053Pretty sure a lot of them end up eating right after streaming
Do you rememberhttps://youtu.be/IixAr5W3TIc
>>28993000she really has nothing but food in her mindif you want to have sex with her, better wrap your dick with some buns, although you might lose it later
>>28993021>become a collab slutbut she already did since the day her collab ban lifted. go check out the list of holos she collabed with up until now.>like moonaas far as i know moona only collab with literal who so far except that tour guide collab.
Lamy's nauseous from the first person perspective already...
>>28993110she got a shitload of viewers for syndicate, they'd be dumb not to take advantage of her popularity.
>Google ringo juice>all these Suisei imagesI- is Lamy going to play Hitman?
Shie, where the fuck is YOUR membership?
>>28993151It's a puzzle game where she could very possibly just be stuck and staring at the screen for 30+minutes
Roberu's Membership name: Bar Robel Members
>>28993133Wasn't he putting it off because he didn't know what to do for member content? Is it just going to be more zatsudans, but super secrets ones now?
>>28993151Chats are fucking insufferable when playing puzzle games, especially this one.
>>28993101>Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world by population...Seriously? I honestly never looked at their population and no one in America really talks about their country.
>>28993105Unist is fucking dead? I thought it had an update/new character released not too long ago.
>>28993000this fatty... i love her so much.
>>28992853that MC stream with Flare athough it wasn't planned
>>28993133yes yes yes!
>>28993174I'm slow to check out new things so I have yet to see anything with Aloe in it. I should keep it that way.
>>28992631HoloID does not need the same level of success as JP or Eng holos because their country is dirt poor. The average wage of indonesians is about 3k a year. So they could probably get about 2k a year and be satisfied and I'm sure they're at least getting around 10k.
>>28993173>>28993155This.Also that game literally shits on encoders.
>>28993199yesturday he said it would be weird streams and utawaku's and stuff like that
>>28993174The 21st night of September
>>28993191no, it's "Child Support"
>>28993133Please let there be member only ASMRs. In a no homo way, of course.
>>28993174I even remember how it leaked and confirmed Polkahime
Fuck theres nothing on
>>28993183Exactly but this is Ubi we are talking about.
What Holos would really benefit from a new outfit? I think there are a lot that are less popular largely due to a weak design
>>28993151Horrifying for if you're playing it public. It's an excellent puzzle game that gets very challenging very fast. It's the ultimate in exposing brainlets.
>>28993254Lamy is still streaming.
>>28993142>>28993232And of course I forgot the main (you).
>>28992853that MC stream with Flare although it wasn't planned
i hate suisei
Your oshi STINKS and is a giant NERD.
>>28992840Succeeding in streaming whether 3d or 2d is all about connections. You have to know the right people so you can get promoted to their audience. If you don't have connections you probably wont succeed.
>>28993260Mature Toi...
>>28993180Moona had also collabed with Watame, Miko and RBC before.
>>28993180>as far as i know moona only collab with literal whoIs there literally anyone in hololive moona hasn't collabed with? She already had a collab with all the EN girls already
>>28993246that's the name for EOPs like you
>>28993063That was a joke referencing to the time when she did it intentionally that was a reference to the time she actually did it unintentionally
>>28993164Juts in 2015 that one anon said "the technology is nowhere near the point at which it could do what you want it for" when he masturbated using Facerig Live2D module, and see where we are now. In just a few years they'll be replaced by AI vtuubers, just like animations on youtube where replaced by gameplays.
>>28993260Polka needs one that's less busy
>>28993207I thought the same at first, but it was still more-or-less old players playing UNIST.Heck even when they got the huge E3 push, less than 30 people were in the lobbies.
>>28992174It's on a break because she's busy with dancing lessons, singing lessons, and furiously scissoring with Kanata.
>>28993180Remember the moona and coco collab?
>>28993260Design can only carry a holo that much. I never liked Pekora's design. Bunny girl's design is a turn off for me but she's still my favourite.All those girls with low numbers are just uninteresting.
>>28993260Kanata, Polka, and Nene would benefit the most.
>>28992954can't wait for botan to improve her english skills with this game
>>28993303it was a joke anon
>>28993174It's the first thing I see whenever I open Lamy's channel so it's kind of hard not to remember it.
>>28993207Unist has always been a game that lots say they like but no one plays.
>6 hours of aqua call of dutyThank god some relaxing war crimes to fall asleep to.
>>28993282>haachama's feetYES
>>28993282Onion ...
>>28993133at fucking lastdemo... 3D doko?
Aaahh ahhhhh ahhhhhh!!!!! Ilove love love miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko mikoti miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi mikoti miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikoti mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko mikoti mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko miko mikoti mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko miko miko mikoti mikochi miko miko miko miko mikochi miko so much! aaaah....!!!! I love you mikooooo!!!! aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
>>28993106What are you talking about? Kiara has more subs than anyone in gen 5 and half of gen 4.
Does Lamy not sing?
>>28993339It's a big deal at the start though. It's most obvious in HoloEN where popularity is pretty much directly related to how popular their design is.
>>28993309No!Make it MORE busy.
>>28993260Flare. Give her outfit the Noel treatment.
>>28993282Just when i thought i couldn't like her more
Youtube is bullying Lamy...
>>28993228Risu's taken in over 18k usd according to playboard for the year and this month alone made over 1k used on Streamlabs
>>28993029moona>went full sassy. pulling the "you can unsub me if you dont like it".risu>start preaching for minutesIofi>went full attention whore on twitteryeah, they have different mechanism to deal with these kinda stuffs.
>>28993339I actually think Pekora has a really effective design. It's not too noisy, it suits her fine, and it's cute. Similar to Aqua I guess
>>28993254Lamy is on and Botan streams in 2 hours
>>28993174Sad thing is Aloe didn't want to bear it through and continue to be a holo. I will always miss the autotune.
>>28993339tell that to all the spergs that strongly believe gura was carried to 1.5m by her design
>>28993151its a logic puzzle game that filters the fuck out of streamers, and she's playing with a language barrier
>>28993399>implying Flare wouldn't immediately ditch the new outfit
Who's the "Mari-san" he's talking about her? Marine?