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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.03 MB, 1445x1920, 1603519720378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28152054 No.28152054 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28152061
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>> No.28152066

One collab later:

>> No.28152071
File: 171 KB, 1444x818, Friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28152072

Reminder to report all blatant bait posts

>> No.28152078
File: 305 KB, 592x588, 1600974443878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152079

Pekora posting ruined this fucking board, This whole WEBSITE would be better if she was banned from images...

>> No.28152080

>hamburg Moona
This is good.

>> No.28152085
File: 273 KB, 1242x601, 6A8048ED-FA35-4CD1-BB84-6772A2FE3580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same polka.

>> No.28152087

I missed the moona collab. What happened?

>> No.28152088

Who the fuck are you quoting

>> No.28152086

The reason you here is becasue you have no friends and gave up trying.

>> No.28152095
File: 140 KB, 1425x1240, 7867866786486868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sit on Ame's giant bean bag.

>> No.28152093


>> No.28152097
File: 36 KB, 327x255, 1603479059497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell that bird is enjoying it.

>> No.28152099


>> No.28152100
File: 79 KB, 698x1200, 1603511474297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your meds. Take them.

>> No.28152101


I don't want to be a shipper but....

>> No.28152102
File: 204 KB, 1245x1152, 1594761489945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Sora gotten the Hololive Keyblade yet?

>> No.28152105


>> No.28152113

I want to be Ame's bean bag.

>> No.28152115
File: 579 KB, 589x358, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ your sleep reps....

>> No.28152117

Kek. How can this fucking gigastacy be stopped?

Real talk. I'm so glad for how much this place has collectively changed opinion on Kiara since the early days of debut. It's been a wild fucking ride.

>> No.28152118


>> No.28152121

Polka doxxing herself is really funny.

>> No.28152122

We all do, especially after Marine and Noel's ASMR.

>> No.28152124
File: 2.74 MB, 1502x2379, 1231231123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's SEANigger scitzo hours

>> No.28152123
File: 13 KB, 563x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152129

Peko is having fun

>> No.28152130

Just noticed Sora

>> No.28152131
File: 489 KB, 579x723, Ekz8j8lUUAEOp5q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my daughter is extremely sexually attractive, don't you agree?

>> No.28152137
File: 1.72 MB, 3960x3080, 1603492254577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154347


>> No.28152138


>> No.28152139
Quoted by: >>28152243

I blame Australia tbqh.

>> No.28152140
Quoted by: >>28152171

I've been warned, had my report taken from me and been banned for falsely reporting a dox (I guess some roommate posting isn't doxxing) so I'm not going to bother anymore. Let Sharkmeido deal with it. He does it for free anyway.

>> No.28152141

2 hours or so until peak SEAnigger hours, enjoy while it lasts
you can even see some of them here and there

>> No.28152142

fuck off, I'm trying to enjoy my only free day until I have to work all day TOMORROW

>> No.28152144

Are you the same guy who said you have a visceral hate reaction to the warped peko face images?

>> No.28152148


>> No.28152150
File: 114 KB, 281x328, 1600728570244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152231


>> No.28152151

>I beg to differ

>> No.28152154
File: 2.96 MB, 850x434, 1603520222400.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Mori is indisputably from /a/, I wonder how many anons from that board became vtubers

>> No.28152156

>meds: not taken
>narratives: posted
>ogey: rrat
>yep, it's /hlgg/ time

>> No.28152158

But it's 9.45 AM... I just woke up...

>> No.28152159
Quoted by: >>28152434


>> No.28152163


>> No.28152165
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1599120112832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura agrees

>> No.28152166
File: 146 KB, 1145x1227, 1600718756165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152178

Yes, I wanna mate with my cute daughterwife

>> No.28152167
File: 1 KB, 147x27, Shitposting SEANigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152271

>> No.28152168

Yes. I want to fuck the daylights out of her, and I know exactly how she would like it too.

>> No.28152169

Imagine if /jp/ has flags.

>> No.28152171
Quoted by: >>28152241

Unless it's actual personal information like real names and adresses you have to report it as off-topic, anonchama

>> No.28152176
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watson Detective Agency/"

>"Hey Watson, it's Octobew 24th! You know what means!"

"Halloween is a week away?"

>"Decembewweeen is 62 days away!"

>> No.28152177
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1602993802571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152218

>this autistic chicken is fucking your oshi and basically your fucking retarded
>click here to find out how

>> No.28152178
File: 345 KB, 882x720, ElEdeb6XUAILpLI-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152179

This sounds like it's going to be a trainwreck. I wish I could be awake to watch it live.

>> No.28152180

Polka needs to do more [s]cocksucking[s]food chewing ASMR.

>> No.28152181
File: 3.96 MB, 600x600, muse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153055

I hope Gura does another Muse Dash stream soon, I really enjoy those, especially with how happy she gets when she does a Full Combo.

>> No.28152182
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1603463883341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to take your pills /hlgg/

There is no such thing as "Superchait Baiting.

>> No.28152187
File: 555 KB, 860x720, sleeping chumguts 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're right, Vergil. Time for some shut-eye.

>> No.28152188

I don't like like her but she is cool and considerate of her gen-mates. She is part of the unity as much as all the other members are.

>> No.28152189
File: 847 KB, 884x1200, 1603429120268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to go to sleep or waiting for collab chumbuddies?

>> No.28152194

>Moona showing Ame automatic farming, hidden doors, EXP farm, IRON farm, VILLAGER FARM
JP server is on another level.

>> No.28152196
Quoted by: >>28152263

why is it okay for dog to stream over ENgods? if you watch her over the collab then your a fucking traitor

>> No.28152195

i want ame to sit on my bean bag

>> No.28152199
Quoted by: >>28152526

We would swiftly find out that the vast majority of terrible posts are Americans and that they blame it on other populations to deflect.

>> No.28152201
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2900, ElEZnquVcAE4tyQ-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28152202

They tease so hard because they know

>> No.28152203
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, Ek3PpmSUUAI-osA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152204
File: 605 KB, 3097x3917, 1588436727093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura lights up whenever Shion is mentioned
>gets excited when she got to go in her castle that she watched her build on stream
Damn I knew Gura liked her but I didn't think she was this big of a fan of her.

>> No.28152206
File: 173 KB, 382x473, 1603516412592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152212

>I recorded my self masturbating to test the facial capture
I remember this!

>> No.28152213

There is, although Mori doesn't do it intentionally as much as people claim she does. But she still does, and it's annoying.

>> No.28152216

Because the other girls just don't make similar mistakes. Only Kiara, who actually has heavily improved to the point that most of her past criticisms hardly apply anymore. Mori is still really awkward, still has poor self-awareness in collabs, still has way too strong reactions to superchats, and still has really blatantly forced reactions to the games she plays.
And I say this as a deadbeat, I can't much think of anything the other girls do that makes me want to call them out for it.

>> No.28152218

>This horny bird went from BOTTOM LEFT to TOP RIGHT with one easy trick professionals don't want you to know.

>> No.28152219

lots of SEAniggers will be looking into VPNs hahahaha

>> No.28152222
Quoted by: >>28152341

So when did Mori antis even become more of a thing, after the whole ironic weeb podcast meltdown?

>> No.28152224
File: 1.02 MB, 3270x4096, 20201024_043530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how do they find new talents? Is the basic requirement just singing?
Could explain how a useless piece of shit like mori could get a job that easily. Couldnt even fucking decide on a personality for her first debut stream. Shes like a totally different person now and somehow got more annoying. WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE KEEP CALLING HERSELF "YOUR BOI"?

>> No.28152228
File: 61 KB, 768x1024, 1592317998895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just go to sleep, set an alarm and go back to sleep when the collab ends

>> No.28152229

I'm doing my best really, but I can't understand what this guy is even trying to say.

>> No.28152231

tired cat, plz

>> No.28152233
Quoted by: >>28155658

>bird is imposter and does false translations to fuck with them

Don't like chicken but this has potential.

>> No.28152237
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1593214550739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty counterproductive coming from a shinigami jew

>> No.28152235
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1603440057360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152239

I don't want to take my schizophrenia medications! What if my girls end up not being real?

>> No.28152241

Yeah that's cool. Now I'm just not going to bother at all instead.

>> No.28152242

I fucking love this place.

>> No.28152243
Quoted by: >>28152267

What did they do?

>> No.28152245
Quoted by: >>28152281

Because she has a cock dumbass

>> No.28152246
Quoted by: >>28152260

Shion is one of the first JPs to reach out to her and start talking to her on discord, before she started blowing up in subs so it was obviously because she actually liked her and not for any ulterior motive.

And also Gura is a cunnychad.

>> No.28152252
Quoted by: >>28152269

It's kile opening a Pandora's box. Ame is going to be autistically build all of these farms now, you just know it.
Say goodbye to any stream that isn't minecraft.

>> No.28152255

Oh god, I remember this. Was it in /a/?

>> No.28152256


>> No.28152260

shion and gura will be together. screencap this.

>> No.28152263
Quoted by: >>28152289

Because it's a Gen 5 and EN collab? What are the other gens supposed to do? Just sit and wait?

>> No.28152265
Quoted by: >>28152304

>Post this last thread and it gets ignored
>Repost it


>> No.28152266
Quoted by: >>28154085

>Mori is different therefore she needs to improve

>> No.28152267
Quoted by: >>28152547

For existing.

>> No.28152269

I welcome it with open arms.

>> No.28152271
File: 351 KB, 2048x1550, Fuck SEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God dammit

>> No.28152272
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593966362736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152273

What a smug stacy

>> No.28152274
File: 2.89 MB, 853x480, anonFacerig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread.

>> No.28152276
File: 48 KB, 314x188, Screenshot_20201024-094852900 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152360

>> No.28152277

I mean they have a collective 1000000 hours on that server so you would expect some auto farms. Yet peko did pretty much all of it because the other girls are lazy niggers.

>> No.28152279
File: 380 KB, 494x600, 1601182631259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Ame has any high up cabinets in her kitchen? I bet she needs to bring a step stool in there so she can reach things.

>> No.28152280


>> No.28152281

The character or the person?

>> No.28152282
File: 158 KB, 1199x675, 1600289745757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to also stay hydrated chumguts, without being properly hydrated one loses power.

>> No.28152288


>> No.28152289
Quoted by: >>28152339

Yes, it's disrespectful.

>> No.28152294

She's gotten much better at balancing herself in collabs, and not letting bad shit ruin her streams. I knew Ame was going to be great when she streamed after the adoxalypse and still managed to put on a smile even if she was more easily tilted then normal. Compare that with Kiara breaking down on stream in her early days at mere tech problems. I'm happy for the chicken, and she's been very entertaining in the out-collabs so far. I'm looking forward to more.

>> No.28152295


>> No.28152301

wrong, she just sits on my shoulders

>> No.28152304
Quoted by: >>28152492

Thread got archived almost immediately, retard

>> No.28152308

God look at the gigantic boner bean bag is having, I wish I was bean bag

>> No.28152311

cool headcanon, now do the same with her actual model

>> No.28152310
Quoted by: >>28152344

This is from /v/ iirc

>> No.28152313

Sleep and set your alarm then eat some good meal and it would be better if you take morning shower before. We need to be fit as possible before watching Gura.

>> No.28152314
File: 488 KB, 700x842, sleeping chumguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152336

Thanks, Vergil. I'll do that.

>> No.28152318
Quoted by: >>28152771

Suisei-bros.. how will we ever recover

>> No.28152319

Isn't that just being a woman? I bet she struggles immensely with opening some types of cans too.

>> No.28152324
File: 397 KB, 220x177, Pekora 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152333


>> No.28152335
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1600576923375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold blooded assassin eats an onion
>a murder with many layers
The biggest headline to come out of the EN girls going to the JP server.

>> No.28152336
File: 196 KB, 940x500, 1602032081839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152438

Here use this so you dont oversleep. Cant miss that collab!

>> No.28152339

If Ame and Gura can't even avoid clipping each other between schlicking it on Discord then why should anyone else?

>> No.28152341
Quoted by: >>28152361

podcast + 1# itunes made her FOTM anti bait

>> No.28152344
Quoted by: >>28152369

no it's from /a/.

>> No.28152345


>> No.28152355

neumann binaural mic.

>> No.28152360
File: 30 KB, 720x392, x50p3xuwazu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152361
Quoted by: >>28152370

People still use iTunes?

>> No.28152364
Quoted by: >>28152395

Opinion changed because she improved, she was garbage at first but she addressed most issues and especially after that Marine call it finally feels she belongs in Hololive

>> No.28152366

>must be sub 90 iq
>must have autism
>good voice and streaming or similar experience

>> No.28152369

I swear I was in this thread and it was on /v/.

>> No.28152370

there's nowhere else you can buy a copy of it to keep.

>> No.28152371
Quoted by: >>28152397

a $10,000 microphone

>> No.28152372
File: 2.51 MB, 460x337, 1603380608625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152373

Luna really isn't over 25 right..

>> No.28152374

Biaural microphones. It's a big rubber head with ears a lot of ASMR streamers use. Ever listen to some chick eat a fake ear for an hour?

>> No.28152377

Wow. What a bitch. Seriously, who even likes her? I DO!!!

>> No.28152379
Quoted by: >>28152416

Is doxxing, like, normal against vtubers? I swear i heard similar stories with japanese vtubers

>> No.28152381

>stop fucking around you retarded gremlins I'm trying to show you the server so I can get back to my burger mukbang asmr

>> No.28152385
Quoted by: >>28152392

She's like 35, dude.

>> No.28152388
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1603138893596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Calliope is a good hard working girls who deserves success

>> No.28152389

If the requirement was singing, Ame would never have gotten chosen.

>> No.28152391
File: 155 KB, 390x301, 453453453354453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152392

there's no way..

>> No.28152395

Since when do EOP clip watchers decide who belongs and who doesn't belong in Hololive?

>> No.28152397

it's only $8,400 at B&H, and to be fair you're getting two neumann mics for the price of one. the dummy head is basically included free.

>> No.28152398
File: 304 KB, 1024x716, 1603515516225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152401
Quoted by: >>28152567

I was in the thread

>> No.28152405

Sorry anon, that goes against the narrative. The new Narrative is Mori has a huge futa cock.

>> No.28152407
File: 338 KB, 1369x1183, 13b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're baiting me to post the archived link, it's not working

>> No.28152409

>Why you eat pussy? Eat burgers is tastier.

>> No.28152411

>Reminder that the first thing she said when they went live was that she was eating

>> No.28152414

She fucking stole bars from drake dude

>> No.28152416

There is a reason that Gen 5 only has 4 members these days, instead of the 5 they debuted with.

>> No.28152418

is Kiara going the Korone way of starting out as the most hated one and then rising to the top?

>> No.28152421
Quoted by: >>28152471

I love my clown..

>> No.28152425
File: 38 KB, 720x806, 1603381034623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really break your immersion isnt it?

>> No.28152424
Quoted by: >>28152454

He meant she finally felt she was worthy, retard. Kiara has some imposter syndrome issues.

>> No.28152426 [DELETED] 

So from threads back how bad did it get for ame when she was doxxed?

>> No.28152430

At least she didn't kill Tupac.

>> No.28152434

Someone should make an "Are you frustrated?" compilation of Gura.

>> No.28152436

I thought the narrative was that she's a feedie who loves being force fed KFP all night.

>> No.28152435
Quoted by: >>28152463

fuck off

>> No.28152438
File: 456 KB, 796x787, protochumguts lap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take that. Like hell I'm missing the collab.

>> No.28152441
File: 1.12 MB, 1750x1242, 1603508538115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152949

>> No.28152442

>stole bars from drake
what's the problem? he probably didn't write them himself anyway

>> No.28152444

Can sure tell you're not an EOP since you can't even understand a basic sentence

>> No.28152446

There's a photo of her as a kid with a 1990 date imprinted on it.

>> No.28152450
Quoted by: >>28152495


>> No.28152454

>it finally feels she belongs in Hololive
I don't think I'm the retard here.

>> No.28152460
Quoted by: >>28152499

Mostly not bad, but she had/maybe still has a bf so that exploded.

>> No.28152461

she's the oldest holo

>> No.28152464
File: 421 KB, 2166x2067, KiaraPeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or like her oshi

>> No.28152463

What? I'm asking how bad not post a fucking pic... Have some chill anon

>> No.28152466

Attention, everyone

>> No.28152467

how can someone miss the point so fucking bad, my sides

>> No.28152471

Something is legit wrong with clown. Ever seen her member posts? Jesus Christ. Like seriously.

I love her too.

>> No.28152472

Just started watching the minecraft server tour, does this get good at any point?

>> No.28152473


>> No.28152474
File: 1.25 MB, 200x163, 1569989285364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152551

My inner rapfag is screaming at right now because drake is notorious for stealing his peers flows and styles and watering them down for mass appeal

>> No.28152477
Quoted by: >>28152641

Had to confirm it for myself cause i remember it being on /a/

>> No.28152478
File: 298 KB, 880x880, 1603302371420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152589


>> No.28152479


>> No.28152482
File: 555 KB, 860x1200, 1603301729586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152485
Quoted by: >>28152561

I still want a Polka and Calli music making collab

Polka had a 5 hour long stream of unboxing random instruments/stuff people sent

>> No.28152489
Quoted by: >>28152713

>doug yourelli
>ben buspir
>b m leff
Okey, that's a first but these ones confuse me.
I missed the stream, are these related to something that happened to it?

>> No.28152490
File: 461 KB, 639x617, 1602903376646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you realize /hlgg/ accounts for 5% of an Oshi's fans and all the Mori asshurt wont change a thing

>> No.28152492

just proves he's even more retarded for posting his bait at the end of a thread.

>> No.28152494
File: 1.76 MB, 10000x10000, 1602310917304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im at attention all right

>> No.28152495
File: 481 KB, 1048x1634, 1597026540456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152496

not Botan?

>> No.28152498
File: 29 KB, 157x224, 1601625538486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152522

She had to nuke all her past life content, the community posts she had at the time, and the cry at the end of the stream when the Humanity poster started that mess could have not been the spicy noodles she had but from all the stress of what was happening. Even during the collab after all of that she said her week was stressful so ye, it got bad but she made it out fine and teabros got out stronger

>> No.28152499

Damn wouldn't of thought that for her of all people showering once a week lol. But good for her for over coming it

>> No.28152500
File: 134 KB, 402x486, 1603125924973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but laugh every time someone posts about gurame having discord sex. It's my favorite narrative.

>> No.28152503


>> No.28152504

Not even close

>> No.28152506

define good...

>> No.28152509

Just woke up, how was the HoloEN + Moona stream?

>> No.28152510
Quoted by: >>28152566

We already know most of the asshurt is coming from the podcast more than anything. Reminds me of the meme review bullshit on /hgl/

>> No.28152511

i need to build a new NAS. this is fine for now but the rate of growth is untenable.

% du -sh gura
147G gura

>> No.28152514
File: 31 KB, 812x457, Towautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152518

It's less than 5%

>> No.28152519

Holy fuck I love luna now

>> No.28152522

Who is this humanity poster I keep hearing about?

>> No.28152523

OK I'm a Mori fan now.

>> No.28152524
Quoted by: >>28152550

No, she's still terminally lagging behind everyone. If she surpasses Ina and Mori maybe we can get a narrative out of it, but for now she's the bottom of the barrel and will probably stay that way.

>> No.28152526

t. SEAnigger

>> No.28152527

Oh damn, i have no clue about this, whats the story?

>> No.28152529

My wife

>> No.28152531


>> No.28152534

Aqua kneeled

>> No.28152535


>> No.28152536
Quoted by: >>28152548

Anonchama.... Your crippling data hoarding addiction....

>> No.28152537


>> No.28152541
Quoted by: >>28152603

will you celebrate when you reach 1 terabyte of gura

>> No.28152547


>> No.28152548

you have this because of me

never complain again

>> No.28152549

They killed Aqua and made Sora run and hide.

>> No.28152550

yeah whatever, anti

>> No.28152551
Quoted by: >>28152619

t-that's the joke shaar haar haark

>> No.28152554

Not bad reminded me of tourist in another country. Aqua got killed by shark. Sora was there for a sec.

>> No.28152556
File: 163 KB, 887x1109, 1590401653370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153310

Why the fuck are you retards spoonfeeding the newfags?

>> No.28152560
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice young man.

>> No.28152561
Quoted by: >>28152639

Is Polka a musician? I genuinely did not know this.

>> No.28152563
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x1667, EkmND7VU0AAgWVB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we not learn that lesson during the amedoxx where the most negative influence schizos here were able to muster was like 20 dislikes?

>> No.28152566

What podcast is this people keep talking about?

>> No.28152567
File: 135 KB, 1343x485, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152830

keep telling that to yourself

>> No.28152570

Right after her devbut, Aloe got doxxed, suspended, harassed irl, and chose to graduate

>> No.28152572 [DELETED] 

Mostly fine, she told her bf to deny if asked and it worked on the most obsessed schizos, sadly she had to delete her previous stuff, but that was to be expected.

>> No.28152574


>> No.28152577

SEAniggers can't into context lel

>> No.28152584
File: 385 KB, 590x791, 1598864787677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the day Nijis stole sex from Hololive and from all the fans...

>> No.28152589
Quoted by: >>28152647


How the shit do I say that

>> No.28152591
Quoted by: >>28152674

yeah let's ignore how the schizos forced her to delete all of her old stuff

>> No.28152592


>> No.28152597

The story is a choose your own adventure. You check the archives, or you stay befuddled.

>> No.28152598

If you don't like it from the start, I'd probably bail.

>> No.28152599

Delete this shit right now dude

>> No.28152600

Don't give them ideas to falseflag with a VPN

>> No.28152601

holofive 4ever

>> No.28152603
Quoted by: >>28152651

no, i'll celebrate when my capacity planning projections show enough space for five years assuming the six-week moving average.

>> No.28152607
Quoted by: >>28152625

>Mori asshurt
Is this still about the sponsor stream, or is there a new thing that riled schizo SEAnigs up?

>> No.28152608

It works so fucking well with her being a clown.

>> No.28152610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28152627

Schizos spoonfeeding schizonarratives to new schizos, the circle of schizolife

>> No.28152611

That shit was hilarious. I'm glad teamates ended up better after the purge of those faggots. Said my boy had to end up with those same type of people.

>> No.28152612
Quoted by: >>28152723

God bless artists

>> No.28152613

Did all the girls get hit this bad or just ame?

>> No.28152615
File: 493 KB, 1282x940, Chinese_cuisine-Shark_fin_soup-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152616

Mori, Ina and Gura are already successful and don't need hololive, they will quit any moment.

>> No.28152619

O-oh sorry to spaz out

>> No.28152620
Quoted by: >>28152636

This is the only thing we've "lost" of Gura right? Not counting the unarchived karaoke of course.

>> No.28152621

Having had a bf a year ago was enough for the SEAnigs to go full monkey.

>> No.28152622

You already used this script last week...

>> No.28152624

She hasn't even revealed her true power level yet

>> No.28152625

Yes, that mixed with Mori being some superchat baiting mastermind.

>> No.28152627 [DELETED] 

Anon I'm asking what happened not the fucking dox itself

>> No.28152629
Quoted by: >>28152668

So why is server tour privated on the Moon's channel? What happened?

>> No.28152636

yes, as far as i know that's the only archive edit she's made.

>> No.28152639

Polka has a gimmick of using tambourines, slide whistles, etc. and shit. Her birthday was this week, and she got a FUCK TON of toys to play with. It was a great stream.

She's a pretty good singer, but she can also decide to go "fuck it" and be bizarre and over the top while singing for fun. She's really good when she takes things seriously though.

>> No.28152641

Heh, found my post.

>> No.28152642

surely you'd be smart enough to put a non-compete timer in their contract, right? and you're not even as smart as cover's rent-a-lawyer.

>> No.28152644
File: 298 KB, 482x347, Because I've lost control of my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Mori does at 4:00 in the morning.

>> No.28152645
Quoted by: >>28152714

With the number of IPs we get, this place couldn't even account for 0.05% of Gura's fans alone.

>> No.28152646

Kek. That's rich, rap is all about recycling.

>> No.28152647

It's like ア but when you're trimming your pubes.

>> No.28152648

We both know this is not true.

>> No.28152651
Quoted by: >>28152696

i am glad this anon is on our side, he sounds fearsome

>> No.28152661
Quoted by: >>28152705

Ame had the most hardcore goslings/people going after the GFE, by a large margin, so it's to be expected it was serious for her.

>> No.28152663
Quoted by: >>28152705

Mostly Ame cause the schizo that started it said that "she left all this info out in the open and people had the right to know" I mean only other roomate I know that has a lot of stuff talking about themselves is Kiara but she never got hit as bad

>> No.28152668

haha, that's weird. it sure is.

>> No.28152669

Is it just me or is it kinda weird how political Mori got on Live Again out of nowhere?

>> No.28152672
File: 186 KB, 1020x1530, gettyimages-1173266683_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152712



>> No.28152674

That part was unfortunate but there were a bunch of fags here who swearing to unsub, cancel membership, and dislike her streams but they were so pathetic they couldn't even cause a noticeable dent in her metrics

>> No.28152676
Quoted by: >>28152871

I think Kiara's a big time dark horse. Her collab with Nene was absolutely fantastic. People don't realize right now how incredible it is to be able to make a natural bilingual show that natural with two extremely distant languages, but as more collabs come out and people see just how punishing the EOP language barrier is Kiara's value will shine more and more both to fans and to the Senpais.

>> No.28152680
Quoted by: >>28152696

Non-competition clauses are the most outrageously Jewish thing in existence, I cannot believe they are even fucking legal.

>> No.28152684

>You will never irrumate with Watson

>> No.28152686

>still thinks they're together

>> No.28152691

Fuck off you doxbaiting faggot.

>> No.28152696

my normal consulting rate is 350 USD/hour.

in some states they aren't.

>> No.28152697

It's just you.

>> No.28152702

and you're being fed a schizo narrative by a schizo, nobody else is giving you any information because we don't spoonfeed niggers

>> No.28152703


>> No.28152704

Definitely just you

>> No.28152705

Sounds like Kiara and ame had it the worst and gura and ina the easiest from the stuff I've seen. Reaper idk

>> No.28152706

NTR sama no!

>> No.28152711
Quoted by: >>28152822

Based, thank you for your work archivist

>> No.28152713
Quoted by: >>28152970

du yu rly
bamboo spear
bottom left

>> No.28152712

At least use a spoiler. Think of the racists

>> No.28152714
Quoted by: >>28152728

Vast majority are lurkers. They just read what we write. Our real numbers are much bigger.

>> No.28152716


>> No.28152718


>> No.28152723
Quoted by: >>28152745

I love how Gura does all these subtle things with her avatar like the blushing and staring at Mori's tits and I hope they don't go unnoticed.

>> No.28152728

Ah that's fair.

>> No.28152730

It's like the guy drew her face and then gave up. What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.28152731

Moris stuff is pretty chill, she is basically a 00s skater girl turned autistic music weeb.

>> No.28152732
Quoted by: >>28152801

5% is WAY too much, you realize its 5 000 on 100 000 people, and 25 000 on 500 000. The whole /jp/ is like 1000 incels at best.

It was very funny when Ame got doxxed, everyone was raging like hulks here, but in a few hours on her stream there were like 20 additional dislikes at best.

>> No.28152736

Is there a reason calli calls herself "your boy"? Is that just part of her character?

>> No.28152737

>another walt commission
Holy fuck this guy is based.

>> No.28152740

I'm starting to worry for you anon.

>> No.28152741

Wow, Moona was NOT comfortable with Ame and Gura. Are any future collabs doomed?

>> No.28152742

Sora in the background really makes this

>> No.28152744

Goddamn it, why am I getting nostalgic over an anon jerking it and using facerig to record it

>> No.28152745
Quoted by: >>28152765

How does the blushing work? She do it in real life or what

>> No.28152747

How is this ntr?

>> No.28152749

she's trans

>> No.28152755

Hi Mori.

>> No.28152759

It was kind of awkward but it wasn't terrible, and they started to warm up more towards the end.

>> No.28152762

Anon, if NTR is the first thing you think of, then I have something to tell you...

>> No.28152764
Quoted by: >>28153088

Same reason Polka called Yagoo best girl.

>> No.28152765

They need to press a button on their interface to change expressions

It's also why Ina's face doesn't move as much since she barely does stuff with it

>> No.28152767


>> No.28152768
File: 208 KB, 1510x1240, ElFCjItXYAEju8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your back, Ame...

>> No.28152770
Quoted by: >>28152833

He'd be fucking gone by now if he was. Fuck eating on plastic plates and only having like 2 glasses and not even a couch to sit on until she bought a giant fucking beanbag she can slide around in.

>> No.28152771

Wait a few years for PPT's "kikoenai" to go into full effect.

>> No.28152773

She is? Her voice sounded different but I didn't know that different

>> No.28152774

Me behind her

>> No.28152775

Here's the latest narrative fellow SEA-Bros.

I'm Mori.

>> No.28152777

Why is she such a brat?

>> No.28152779


>> No.28152782

Male to female? Sounds like she forces her "deep" voice a bit, her higher pitch sounds normal when she sings and talks

>> No.28152783
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check this out, it's for more stamina

>> No.28152784
Quoted by: >>28152793

Mori, are you by any chance Mori?

>> No.28152789
Quoted by: >>28152847

Anything great fanart I missed?
I went to bed after discovering that HoloEN dropped a third bomb on the HoloJP server

>> No.28152788

Says a lot about you to think you're being ntr'd by the faceless doujin man you're supposed to self-insert as.

>> No.28152791

Ohhh I thought it was just an iphone following their movements from what Ive been told

>> No.28152793

This is a black thing isn't it.

>> No.28152795

She seemed fine, maybe if they do more they'll get acclimated. Hell Mori and Guras first collab together was awkward, but their next one on one was pretty good.

>> No.28152796

I've got a few brigdes to sell you

>> No.28152801

not even /hlgg/ is retarded enough to think dislike bombing means anything

>> No.28152802

>Mori being some superchat baiting mastermind.
Is there any possibility that it’s just natural? She had to explain that she worked three jobs to explain her not streaming as much, in which whales heard as “I’m poor” so they decided to bully her with money. Remember that she couldn’t even shill herself on /mu/, and she comes across as the transparent kind of autist that doesn’t see a need in lying (admitted to lighting her hair on fire using a bong despite the fact she’s living in a anti-drug country).

>> No.28152803


>> No.28152806

That's impossible because I'M Calli

>> No.28152807
Quoted by: >>28153186

that was nothing compared to the 66 Minutes

>> No.28152808


Female to male**

>> No.28152814
File: 50 KB, 720x862, 4864884648468864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what happens Gura. No Discord sex for half a week. Remember your 5h Minecraft stream where you were constantly horny and talking about me? It will be a repeat of that but way worse.

>> No.28152815
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1600579986375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahaha you're cool Mori
>don't come to the collab tomorrow

>> No.28152819

Because she knows it makes me hard

>> No.28152822
Quoted by: >>28152882

in case there is any confusion at all, i didn't preserve this to humiliate her for being deceived by the tracefag, which i think is completely excusable and not her fault at all. i preserved it because i believe that every frame of gura's delivery is worth the effort at this point in history. i circulated it in part because the excised passage includes a discussion of konosuba, which is her favorite anime according to gura's claims during her debut.

>> No.28152824

I share a board with these retards

>> No.28152825
Quoted by: >>28152887

>implying Ame herself can resist this
Or is she getting friendly with Moona to prevent that?

>> No.28152826
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, EibKatSVkAAhNd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152829

We must protect Gura from the witch the broke Marine's heart

>> No.28152830
File: 359 KB, 1690x1134, 85128886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remembered wrong

>> No.28152833


Ame drops a hint nearly every stream about living alone, usually "voice warmup since I haven't spoken since the last stream". She's a sweetheart for doing so. Schizos don't watch her streams so they can't understand why teamates aren't bothered by "lole with ur waifu" anymore.

>> No.28152834
File: 62 KB, 585x543, 1578839820324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think they were gonna take me seriously

>> No.28152836
File: 653 KB, 4096x2350, 1603116796981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the appeal.

>> No.28152839

Not everyone can pick out a tranny

>> No.28152845
File: 98 KB, 759x589, 1601649507501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The membership thing? This one's kinda tricky:
A lot of people want her to change them, they really do.
But those who actually went and paid up, don't.
I prefer to think of it (as she explained it herself) as showing gratitude to those who decided to provide extra support (and those streams are not that different from her usual content so you're not missing out on much despite what FOMO might tell you).
Same for her doing a quick thanks to akas, still no idea why people seethe about that.

>> No.28152847

There was a third bomb?

>> No.28152848
Quoted by: >>28152866

Anon, I know of at least one girl that compete with herself while keeping the job. There is no such clause.

>> No.28152851

cool rrat! what does it do?

>> No.28152852
File: 304 KB, 1200x1600, 45335435354453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152988

I'm pretty sure Ame doesn't own an electric kettle and boils all her tea water in a pot or a pan.

>> No.28152853

Gets funnier when you read in her voice

>> No.28152859
File: 283 KB, 495x495, 8aecqtczht251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see Festival try to molest Mori or Kiara like she did with Marine or Shion.

I feel like Mori would punch her.

>> No.28152865

Is her family alive? She said in a stream her aunt did a lot for her. But she had a brother and parents?

>> No.28152866

so at least my second sentence was right.

>> No.28152867
File: 258 KB, 450x449, 1603278812008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura singing SSS while scared was super cute.
Do you think Gura would quietly and nervously sing SSS to herself while crying when you rape her?

>> No.28152869
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1602029258276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's defiantly true that Kiara prefers McDonald's Nuggets over KFP

>> No.28152870
Quoted by: >>28152901

Why are the two R's in rrat?

>> No.28152871

I think she's just gotten balancing in general. You can tell early on she had an idea of the character she wanted to do but it didn't mesh well with others who were more or less being themselves and I think a lot of people resented her early on for that. Hearing her talk about wanting to speak german because 'it's not cute' also frustrated people because it felt like fans were trying to get close to someone who was holding back in some way. Now she's relaxed about it, saying danke schon in superchats, auf wiedersehen at the end of streams and doing things like the occasional german only mario kart lap.
She embraced it as part of the character and something that made her different from everyone else. Then there was the Marine call and everything else started to fall into place. She seems more relaxed and less phased by technical difficulties, less worried about her weaknesses and quick to identify opportunties to capitalise on her strengths.

It's not just the language though, it's being able to adjust yourself to the other person. There's a reason Peko/Moona worked better than Coco/Moona despite the latter having more in common language wise. That's why I worry about Ina a little. Despite having the japanese language knowledge I'm not sure how well she'll connect to her foreign senpai as opposed to Mori or Kiara who are actually in japan and used to all the nuances of the culture there.

>> No.28152877
Quoted by: >>28152936

Not one playing a fucking character i cant

>> No.28152878

She bothers doing that exactly because people like you are so fucking naive. I watch her but the people going after the GFE are so fucking delusional and really to believe anything it's sickening.

>> No.28152881

Amelia watson secretly has seething hatred for the rest of the group for being more talented then she is. Sorry anon, i've analyzed over a hundred voice clip, isolated nearly a thousand samples and reverse engineered her live2d rig on numerous occasions and every time the seething rage has come through

>> No.28152882
Quoted by: >>28152926

we trust you, mr archivist. you care more about the girls than any of us here

>> No.28152884

Festival would get dominated by the Gigastacy

>> No.28152885

If mods put a 1 minute cooldown on posting those threads will be 20x times slower.

>> No.28152887
Quoted by: >>28152914

Ame isn't as dependent on Gura as Gura is of Ame so she can endure some teasing longer than Gura can.

>> No.28152893


>> No.28152894
File: 68 KB, 512x512, 1598760108655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28152897
Quoted by: >>28152969

I missed the Ina movie watchalong. How was it? Was Alien fun?

>> No.28152898
File: 527 KB, 1920x1080, 1601899837170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridiculously underrated and based unity post right here.

>> No.28152900
Quoted by: >>28152977

I hope this will be Gura and Ame's last JP collab in a while. While Kiara shines in JP interactions Gura and Ame are just not comfortable with this. Maybe it was Kiara's plan all along.

>> No.28152901
Quoted by: >>28152934

It's R.Rat originally. R stands for Retarded question.

>> No.28152904

>implying that kiara wouldn't counter-molest her

>> No.28152905

Gura version of this when?

>> No.28152906
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1585040581591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little brat would probably sing it to make me rape her harder

>> No.28152913


>> No.28152914
File: 276 KB, 497x467, 1592313087892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom! Ame! Mom! Ame!

>> No.28152916
File: 269 KB, 1920x1061, 53435434543543535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of you are cool.
>Don't come to the JP server tomorrow.

>> No.28152919

>s-s-she's just pretending to be lonely to trick a tiny fraction of her audience for no fucking reason
You are really devoted to this cuck fantasy,

>> No.28152924

She won't be laughing when everyone kills her off first

>> No.28152926
Quoted by: >>28153001

please remember to install youtube-dl once the present crisis has subsided (or streamlink, which i swear i will learn soon) and do your part. eventually i will make a mistake or have an outage and it will be up to someone else to guarantee the preservation of every frame of gura's delivery.

>> No.28152930

How can one guy be so fucking dumb

>> No.28152932
Quoted by: >>28152950

How long ago did that happen with Marine or Shion? I have no memory of that

>> No.28152934
Quoted by: >>28152974

Why would someone call it the "retarded question rat"? Is it one of those Kojima kino moments?

>> No.28152936

She's not a tranny you gullible retard, "ya boy" is just slang for referencing yourself, how the fuck are you people so socially inept?

>> No.28152937

Man you flat earthers are getting boring.

>> No.28152939
File: 104 KB, 766x974, callivodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just saw Calli's real moris

Yeah, I'm donating to this bitch so she maintains this body.

>> No.28152942
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153040

im gonna go to sleep but first i need to post this image or ill die in my sleep

>> No.28152944
Quoted by: >>28153042

even though gura's anxiety floods my brain with massive amounts of oxytocin, your post disgusts and disappoints me.

>> No.28152945

>Molester not so tough after being counter-molested

>> No.28152948
File: 380 KB, 1380x1170, ElFJM_JUYAAHFPA-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28152984

>> No.28152949

Very good

>> No.28152950

Marine threatened to callt he police on festival if she did it again. or so the story goes.

She also pulled a knife on her mom.

>> No.28152955

where was the first fast zombie, I need more spooked Ina sounds

>> No.28152956
Quoted by: >>28153000

I've seen like 5 people call her one so honestly I have no clue

>> No.28152957

>tiny fraction

>> No.28152959
Quoted by: >>28152976

We watch 2D anime girls because our lives are so miserable that we can't even begin to interact with real girls. Anything the 2D girls do to make it easier for me to be happy is a welcome effort that I am thankful for.

>> No.28152962
File: 640 KB, 768x768, 1602819497930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28152966

>Groping the girl with aspergers
It’ll go one of a few ways
>Mori kicks her shit in
>Kiara (or whoever else is there) verbally kicks her shit in
>Mori betas out due to autism and gets depressed
Regardless of outcomes, Festival must not touch Mori

>> No.28152969

It was really comfy, Ina had some cute worrying for the characters moments

>> No.28152970

Oh fuck
I'm not retarded I swear, these are just too subtle

>> No.28152974

Any Kojima moment is a kino moment.

>> No.28152976

Well I watch vtubers because I lost all my friends and don't care for the GFE, to each their own despair I guess

>> No.28152977

They haven't even had a JP collab yet. You have nothing to base this on.

>> No.28152982


>> No.28152984

Same dess!

>> No.28152986
Quoted by: >>28153018

Ravenholm, Probably in episode 2 of her streams if she goes at a reasonable pace.

>> No.28152988
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, 1603527949831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She boils it in a styrofoam bowl in the microwave, hence why her brain is the way it is

>> No.28152991
Quoted by: >>28153018

Shortly after entering Ravenholm, so it probably won't happen during this stream.

>> No.28152993
Quoted by: >>28153003

So this is the power of dead hours...

>> No.28152996
Quoted by: >>28153039

She's below average for a model, dude. She's normie-tier at most- nondeserving of the simp

>> No.28152997

Another Ghostling for the count...

>> No.28152998

>Marine threatened to call the police on festival if she did it again
Is this a narrative? Never heard about this before.

>> No.28152999

For Kiara everything was out at the start, so it was only up from there. People knew what they were going into. For Amelia it directly clashed with the audience here so a lot of people couldn't handle it.

>> No.28153000
Quoted by: >>28153017

You've seen 5 retards baiting you for not even bothering to do a quick google search

>> No.28153001
File: 132 KB, 1330x580, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 19.26.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153409

just for you mr archivist

>> No.28153003
File: 145 KB, 463x453, 1576978981223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153024

>dead hours
Pekora is streaming the most ogey rrat game to have ever existed

>> No.28153007

is ina playing the episodes as well?

>> No.28153012 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 630x453, 1603528058340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153018
Quoted by: >>28153041

Huh? She played hl2?

>> No.28153016
File: 53 KB, 616x576, 0E7F5CA7-2780-4662-97AD-9FA8C03210DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153017

I could see it from the chin

>> No.28153019
Quoted by: >>28153106

Not sure how I feel about those new fans, but I guess if they donate and don't start being creepy it's fine.

>> No.28153020

You gotta be fuckin' kidding.

>> No.28153022
Quoted by: >>28153483

Just look how flat she is.

>> No.28153023

Nigga, i only got "suspicious" or her being a tranny is when Kiara called Mori her Wife and she- without skipping a beat and using a more annoyed tone of voice- said "AcTuAlLy Im A gUy"

That wouldve explained the overly-agressive personality, excessive use of curse words and typically male interests like fucking RAPPING.

>> No.28153024

>There are people in this thread not watching Pekora right now

>> No.28153029
Quoted by: >>28153037

Its a pretty old schizo narrative over on /hlg/.

>> No.28153032

It's more like chinese whispers than a narrative, Marine just had words with Matsuri because she doesn't really get personal space issues, she's the opposite of Pekora.

>> No.28153033

>Youtube-dl DMCA'ed

what about streamlink?

>> No.28153035

>Festival goes for the casual teetee grope
>Skater girl backhand applied to menhera

Oh god please let it happen

>> No.28153037

Okay Festival whatever you say.

>> No.28153038

dead hour poal very important vote this christmas

>> No.28153039

>for a model
So that's the standard now, alright

>> No.28153040

Gn anon, sweet dreams

>> No.28153041

She will play it 18 hours or so from now

>> No.28153042
Quoted by: >>28153054

Was sen like this shit too or just a gura thing

>> No.28153043

So wheres youtube dler moving?

>> No.28153046
Quoted by: >>28153087

I don't recall this.

>> No.28153053

the full power of an american backhand might just knock some sanity back to the menhera

>> No.28153054
Quoted by: >>28153082

it manifested differently.

>> No.28153055

Here's to hoping that the passing of Halloween will relieve some scheduling pressure to allow for more Muse Dash. The members-only Muse Dash stream was the primary reason I shrimped--worth it, but now I'm hooked and honestly no other Holo plays the game at the same level.
It would be really great if Muse Dash became a collab game for Gura. Maybe a "truth or dare" format, where players pick songs for each other? Simple as an off-collab, but moderately more difficult remotely; they probably need a third party hosting the stream and swapping between player's video feeds. Many of the JP girls have played it, and the jukebox-driven gameplay is basically just social karaoke with a lower barrier to entry. Akirose, Luna and the robutt have a Muse Dash collab on the schedule that I am very much looking forward to.

>> No.28153062
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, EibKatSVoAA3jfG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153344


>> No.28153063

>it's real

>> No.28153064
Quoted by: >>28153100

How new? Fucking lurk more.

>> No.28153066
File: 196 KB, 462x768, MoriWins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some spicy new narratives.

Mori is actually Coco's sister
Gura is dating A-Chan
Kiara is straight as they come and trying to hook up with Roberu
Ina owns a sushi resturant
Watson killed her family to collect life insurance payout

>> No.28153074

youtube-dl got DMCA'd? Holy kek that's going to piss off so many open source people you have no idea.

>> No.28153077

Only one person is even slightly close to Gura when it comes to muse dash. The rest are dogshit

>> No.28153078

there's no news yet. assuming the maintainer was focused on his day job today, he'll probably start looking into it in the morning. there might be some sign of progress by the end of the weekend.

regardless, there's no reason to believe that the youtube-dl project will die. i don't know if you were around for decss, but this is nothing. really.

>> No.28153081

All of these are real. Trust me.

>> No.28153082

Well sen was a drunk

>> No.28153085

I don't think it was that she didn't belong in Hololive, it's that she was trying to be a HololiveJP idol in HololiveEN. She went for all the usual JP collab tricks and attempts for banter in the early collabs and it just wasn't clicking with the rest of the group which was where the 'she's ruining the collab' idea came from.

>> No.28153087

When they were building their house on minecraft, i think it was on their first stream together, i watched it like a few days ago so im not 100% sure

>> No.28153088
Quoted by: >>28153113

Because she cut off Yagoo's penis?

>> No.28153089

I'm damn happy Mori hit her milestone and her EP is streaming well but god DAMN do I wish it didn't so my social media didn't get flooded with clowns thinking they're funny tearing the intro track and the rest of the EP. Literally all day with the unfunny shitposts has me exhausted.

>> No.28153091

oki doki

>> No.28153092

>lists traits of a tomboy implying they’re a tranny
Here’s your (you). Go back to your grooming discord and stay there

>> No.28153093

github is being a pussy but devs aren't

>> No.28153096
Quoted by: >>28153195

I can attest that the Gura one is true.

>> No.28153098
Quoted by: >>28154027

Don’t expect good gameplay from this collab.

>> No.28153100
Quoted by: >>28153127

Nigga is actually proud of being a regular on these threads, fuck off

>> No.28153106
File: 221 KB, 274x330, 1599999016582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I'm just glad I'm going to donate money to someone who takes good care of themselves, barring the alcoholism and the terrible sleep schedule.

>> No.28153108
File: 536 KB, 1282x722, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, a little help. What's that site that lets you watch like 15 holos on one screen? Because I never needed it, but with among us collab coming, it's essential.

>> No.28153111
Quoted by: >>28153226


Kiara's got the best of those expressions, imo.


>> No.28153112
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1593734613021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, sometimes I think to myself that my life can be shit. Everything that happened at college, the pandemic and my car messing up making finding a job harder, being back stabbed and abused by people I considered to be my best friends...... But then I see narrative fags that care this much about the personal lives of V-tubers, and then I laugh and realize my life isn't so bad, and thing's will get better.

>> No.28153113

I wish.

>> No.28153114

C'mon Ina, you don't wanna hurt nobody!

>> No.28153118

.. she's really not taking good care of herself at the moment, but let's hope it get better

>> No.28153120

>Watson killed her family to collect life insurance payout

Why can't all narratives be this good?

>> No.28153122
File: 98 KB, 700x1007, aZyv0L3_700b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153151

>Mori is actually Coco's sister
We've already met Coco's sister though.

>> No.28153127
File: 199 KB, 2048x2048, 1602852884543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153134


>> No.28153133
Quoted by: >>28153240

>when Kiara called Mori her Wife and she- without skipping a beat and using a more annoyed tone of voice- said "AcTuAlLy Im A gUy"
How new?
Their entire running gag together is that they she's the tsundere in their relationship
> typically male interests like fucking RAPPING.
There are have been a multitude of high profile female rappers anon

>> No.28153134

I want to FUCK A-Chan

>> No.28153137

I know right, pretty insane how far narrative fags can go to delude themselves into thinking the actress of their oshi is single

>> No.28153139
File: 185 KB, 800x439, 1603219052138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Life can get better, but there is no cure for schizo.

>> No.28153140
File: 152 KB, 768x768, 1603334405288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl+F Calli
>6 results, only 1 uses full name
>2 unironic trannyposting
Newfags get the FUCK out

Kill yourself

>> No.28153144

If Ame got cut from the finals, and we got Mint or Artemis or Haruka for EN, would things be better today?

>> No.28153146
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I haven't done my roommates reps, but isn't Matsuri's roommate a 2/10?

>> No.28153147


>> No.28153148
File: 3.81 MB, 2893x4092, 1602846000187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153249

My based brethren.

>> No.28153149
Quoted by: >>28153159

Is the secret behind Hololive scouting department? They just pick all the menheras at every audition?

>> No.28153151
Quoted by: >>28153177

Hot damn, Coco's sister looks like THAT?

>> No.28153153
Quoted by: >>28153201


>> No.28153154


>> No.28153156
Quoted by: >>28153201

localStorage.setItem('ruleOnePlayer', 0);
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);

F12 > Console > Copy/Paste the above > Enter & Refresh

>> No.28153159


>> No.28153163
Quoted by: >>28153218

>Gura is dating A-Chan
I heartily approve of this relationship, I'm proud of my daughter for finding a hard-working girl with a stable job.

>> No.28153164
Quoted by: >>28153201

>not just watching watson and judging her detective skills during the whole stream

>> No.28153165
Quoted by: >>28153306

That's a bit weird reasoning. Wouldn't someone who doesn't need it more?

>> No.28153167

>>Watson killed her family to collect life insurance payout
then why is she still using four plastic forks

>> No.28153169
File: 6 KB, 351x77, libghnlu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153192

haha it's budget gura!

>> No.28153171
Quoted by: >>28153201


localStorage.setItem('ruleOnePlayer', 0);
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);

F12 > Console > Copy/Paste the above > Enter & Refresh

>> No.28153172

Wow so she actually groped her or something? I'd somehow never heard that before that's fucked

>> No.28153177

Give it a few years for the drugs to set in.

>> No.28153179

She spent it all on snacks

>> No.28153178

No? Ame is the best.

>> No.28153181

Used to be a fatty, now she's 8 at least

>> No.28153186

>the 66 Minutes
OK, I'll bite. What were the 66 minutes?

>> No.28153188

Utterly perfect kayfabe is worthy of support.

>> No.28153191

Artemis is nothing but hype, we have literally no idea how she is as a content creator.

>> No.28153192
Quoted by: >>28153260

this is offensive. there actually is a budget gura, complete with a high-effort loli voice and an avatar drawn by amashiro-sensei. and it's not her.

>> No.28153194

Because she is budget conscious and needs to extend that payout as far as she can.

>> No.28153195


>> No.28153198

>Kiara is straight as they come and trying to hook up with Roberu
someone post NTRoberu for me

>> No.28153199
Quoted by: >>28153285


>> No.28153200
Quoted by: >>28154027


>> No.28153201

Bless you, anons.
I'll leave only one stream with sound

>> No.28153206
File: 530 KB, 1920x1352, eilene_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a possibility that Cover corp forced microsoft to DMCA youtube-dl? It isn't deniable that someone from Cover is lurking in these threads and considering that they're in cahoots with microsoft, is it possible that they actually asked microsoft to remove them from github? People are leaking membership stuff here afterall and you fags keep mentioning/showing youtube-dl

>> No.28153207

No, she's a 2/10 that grew into an 8/10, which is part of the reason she's so messed up, there's still that awkward fat girl mindset there.

>> No.28153209

Wouldn't say a 2/10 but she really looks the way an insane stalker would look like

>> No.28153210

coco and moona did a collab that was awkward, coco tried to end it and moona didn't pick up up on the hint, coco said "well it's been 66 minutes..."

>> No.28153212
Quoted by: >>28153329

>Kiara shatters the glass cannon in only one night
>Matsuri restarts her menhera journey but this time with Kiara instead of whatsherface Niji blondie
>Boat date round 2 goes great
>Mori is dumped to the side for being too wishy washy
Please let this timeline exist, Kiara is the only one who could wrangle that girl

>> No.28153214
File: 129 KB, 770x714, 1600675675462.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see how Kiara handles interpreting for a whole group session. She's truly been shining these days, I'm sorry for ever doubting my chickencoin investment.

>> No.28153217

Damn, now i really wish i spoke japanese, their energy together is amazing, im sure the whole stream was super fun to listen

>> No.28153218

Who's Achan? Thought crazy dating munibug

>> No.28153219

Roberu turns anything straight, expect males

>> No.28153220

Wait that happened?

>> No.28153223

She looks fine, but she wears a kilo of makeup whenever she shows her face, so who knows how she really looks. She was fat with a bad haircut in vids from when she was still in high school, so she looked pretty ugly, but that's irrelevant to how she looks now.

>> No.28153224

she won't; only when it suits her. It's gonna be pure chaos

>> No.28153226

Interesting juxtaposition to see how expressive Kiara's model is in comparison with Subaru's which is basically just stuck doing :D or :O

>> No.28153230
File: 244 KB, 531x719, Screenshot 2020-10-15 184309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ - Spoonfeeding General

>> No.28153236

she said she won't translate
she also said she'd translate something wrong if it fits her

>> No.28153238
Quoted by: >>28153290

youtube-dll's source code on github got DMCAd

>> No.28153239
File: 392 KB, 1920x1080, 1603287776865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153365

The lack of glasses wearing girls in hololive is a goddamn travesty.

>> No.28153240
Quoted by: >>28153273

>There are have been a multitude of high profile female rappers anon

>> No.28153242

And the RIAA is going to learn about the Streisand effect

>> No.28153244

Sora's wife

>> No.28153246
File: 39 KB, 671x457, images.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153263

Look and behold, the globohomo. I don't want /pol/ to be right, but /pol/ is always right. They're trying to take away our boy and turning her into one of these mutants.

>> No.28153249

A-chan only looks sexy in plain clothes. This misses the point completely.

>> No.28153255
Quoted by: >>28153274

She would probably eat with plastic forks even if she became a millionaire. She was bona fide going to filter tea through her clothing instead of buying coffee filters or something like a normal person.

>> No.28153257

Imagine if we didnt have the GuraAme duo. The world would have a lot less smilling.

>> No.28153260
File: 877 KB, 1172x748, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 19.41.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153286

>literally the only way artemis is similar to gura is being a shark
>kamiko kana is similar in every way except being a shark
ain't advertising but if you like gura's design, she has literally the same art mother

>> No.28153263

you really like that image Anon

>> No.28153268

>Who's Achan
Actually lurk more.

>> No.28153270

Mori will just beta up and take it.

>> No.28153273
File: 500 KB, 800x748, 1599621809580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is free nigga

>> No.28153274

Amelia's stocking filtered coffee....

>> No.28153275

Did Pekor make all the important material farms on the JP server?

>> No.28153276

If any EN girls are smart they'll take advantage of her smugness and get her to translate lies without Kiara even realizing

>> No.28153278


>> No.28153285

begone, fr*nchie

>> No.28153286

the high point of gura's debut for me was when she revealed that her avatar was drawn by one of my favorite artists.

>> No.28153287

No. Ame's walking that fine line between GFE and Gremlin that's working well for her and I'm not really sure any of those can pull that off as well as she can.

>> No.28153289

fake translations will actually be an interesting dynamic to include and will hopefully save this disaster of a collab.

>> No.28153290


by the RIAA, has nothing to do with cover or microsoft. microsoft doesn't even have anything to do with cover except the zoomer running the xbox live brand account tweeted at korone once. the world doesn't revolve around hololive

>> No.28153292

I remember one narrative i made about how the ENs went through struggles in their lives for the same reason we like them
>Gura got bullied in school for her size, but now /hlgg/ wants her cute and funny
>Kiara got shat on for being a loud and clingy, but /hlgg/ loves her gigastacy energy
>Mori was always alone for autistically spilling too much spaghetti and low self esteem, but /hlgg/ loves her cute dorkiness
>Ame’s parents left her because of her autism, but /hlgg/ loves the gremlin
>idk about Ina, but i shouldn’t be too hard to think of something

>> No.28153293

Oh Ioafy was meant to be part of the tour, but shes not feeling well, so moona had to solo it?
She did a good job

>> No.28153295

Pretty much, she does all the actually useful stuff and the other girls just leech off it.

>> No.28153299

It's short for Anonymous, we collectively act as managers for all of HoloJP sice Sora's debut, and were nicknamed A-chan. If you know Japanese you can also join.

>> No.28153300


>> No.28153303

And i'm very thankful for that :) would've taken me weeks to catch up with everything. Now I'm even understanding holoJP memes/drama

>> No.28153305

>in the end, the toxic schizos on 4chan of all places is, for all it's doxxing and shitflinging, the most accepting of the girls for who they are

>> No.28153306
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the others. Only Calli is relatable to me.

>> No.28153309


>> No.28153310
Quoted by: >>28153321

you may have gotten no replies but know that i noticed you seething anon

>> No.28153311

Where's the hurr durr lurk more pasta when you need it?

>> No.28153313

Gay fuck endoscopy

>> No.28153314

Ina struggles from succeeding too hard

>> No.28153316

>Kiara is straight as they come and trying to hook up with Roberu
Her act is so fucking good, that if a leak comes she has a boyfriend, no one would fucking believe it.

>> No.28153318


>> No.28153320
Quoted by: >>28153408

To sum up all these narratives in one line:
>They need us as much as we need them

>> No.28153321
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1573716211323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of those is me, but I appreciate it. I hate you niggers sometimes.

>> No.28153323

Psycho Mantis?

>> No.28153324
File: 473 KB, 688x674, 1585340738122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153493

The truth is, I want a MorixCocoxNoel collab to happen, not because I'm interested in how their personalities would mesh, but because amount of tri-paizuri art it would spawn

>> No.28153326

Gamer Fail Extravaganza

>> No.28153327

God Fixes Everything anon, have a blessed day.

>> No.28153329

If anything the JP girls really seem to be buying into the Takamori gimmick so I even think Festival would be wary about approaching her that way.

>> No.28153330 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 881x873, Ej2imYsUYAAIgj-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chumbuds seethe everytime they see Artemis

Kek, scared when Artemis dethrone Gura chumbuds?

>> No.28153331

Like gura

>> No.28153336
Quoted by: >>28153842

what the fuck are those SFX hahahaha

>> No.28153338
Quoted by: >>28153450

I like how Ame's rocky start and swapping between GFE and gremlin harmoniously fused into Cheeky Girlfriend. 10/10 best character development.

>> No.28153339

so fags from hollywood? Kay then carry on

>> No.28153342
Quoted by: >>28153375

lil richie feat. calli when?

>> No.28153343
Quoted by: >>28153420

got a warning from the meidos when i posted it last due to it getting longer and longer, so unfortunately we can't just use it every thread with newfags (which is every thread) anymore

>> No.28153344

doesn't look like it.
youtubedl retardedly used copyright music links in their files.

>> No.28153345

>That janky animation

>> No.28153347
File: 289 KB, 557x557, 1599930960342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura paywalled karaokes. Not only is it her biggest asset, it's the type of move Ina is EXPRESSELY against. No, it doesn't matter that it costs $5 dollars. Yet where was the backlash? There was none. To this day people still hold it against Mori that she has tiered streams of zatsudans, which she releases later publicly anyway; and yet despite the reasoning that Mori wanted to do something to reward the more dedicated fans being immediately shat on, when it was presented for Gura, it was welcomed. Let's not even go into Ayameposter's complaint about how "the streams being comfier" is somehow bad, when her purported shyness is Gura's main problem, and she ends up shit talking a game on a member stream.

None of them have done anything remotely comparable to Mori releasing an entire EP for her debut. The only one getting off her ass is Kiara, since she's capitalizing on the talents she has by making collabs with her senpais. I mean for fuck's sake, it took a lot of serendipity to have a collab with Moona today; there are FOUR PEOPLE in hololive that can speak conversational English. It shouldn't have taken this long to do something with them. Reaching out to them should have been a priority. Meanwhile Mori is out there judging a contest with 800 entries and working with indies. Mori's the one that's an "outsider" by the way. And yet she's the one that collabed with the rest of them first; she's the one that wants to host tabletop games with all of them; she's the one that's had a collab planned with Ina since day one; she's the one that has an ongoing keyfabe ship with Kiara; she's the one holding multiple Japanese streams.

Oh but you know, it's okay that Ina doesn't stream. She has a job. It's okay for her to prioritize her career over hololive, right? RIGHT? Because it's a good thing that she doesn't take it SERIOUSLY. But of course when it comes to Mori, hololive must be of utmost importance, or she's treating it as a stepping stone. It doesn't matter that she had to basically axe her previous career for good because of it, hell, her timeslots are pretty bad too, so why doesn't she axe all of her relationships while she's at it so we can watch even more MineCraft at a comfortable time? Once everything is MineCraft we will have all the big numbers and out of context clips we could have ever wished for! Did you catch that cute shark saying something about seeds? That is DEFINITELY sexual and they are TOTALLY fucking. WE ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN CHAT.

Mori is indisputably the most proactive member of holoEN. This is despite also being the most overworked one. Despite constantly fucking up to various degrees, you don't see her reeling back at all. Despite being completely new to streaming, you don't see her giving up on games when they're hard or unpopular.

And yet you motherfuckers will latch on to fucking anything, no matter how tiny, to complain about her. A sponsorship for an 8 year old pixel game no one's heard about? Are you fucking kidding me? Admitting that someone's dropping half a grand on you? Next to the third most subbed vtuber of all time, who can't even admit her own position? My God, the horror!

You know what Mori's real mistake is? It's thinking there's a problem doing whatever she likes when there's half a million people that support her as she is and know she has interesting projects, all because there's a handful of precocious, grudging FUCKS that will be angered at her for doing anything out of line.

>> No.28153350
File: 278 KB, 798x736, 1583815154460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153393


>> No.28153351
Quoted by: >>28153420

I got warned for posting that, I'm not gonna risk a ban with a huge collab incoming

>> No.28153354
Quoted by: >>28153422

microsoft owns github.

>> No.28153360

I wonder i any of the girls stumbled upon these lewds, or had someone actually DM them. Kiara seems the type of person to actively look for them lol

>> No.28153361

Thanks anon

>> No.28153363

How do i watch 9 POV?

>> No.28153365 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 474x480, 1603529353264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153367

Nigga wtf.

>> No.28153366

>Gura paywalled karaokes.

>> No.28153370


>> No.28153371
File: 262 KB, 1032x1305, 1601202708939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153402

Hey guys! I have a really fun collab idea!

This might sound weird but imagine ||Gura x Coco||.

It would be **totally poggers!**

*"a"* shark and the **based american dragon.**

LMAO I can't wait!

Fuck! /s

>> No.28153372
Quoted by: >>28153456

She's gonna have a shit voice, she's hidden it up until now, and all the anons shilling for her will drop her like a rock minutes after she debuts

>> No.28153373
File: 2.13 MB, 1098x1400, 1582739170212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the alien watch along?

>> No.28153374

So how many people in Gura's chat were asking why were they on another server or who was Moona?

>> No.28153375
File: 88 KB, 211x209, morineedhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153432

Hopefully soon. Some of her roommate's tracks are on the same level, which is to say, shitposting tier.

>> No.28153376

Autistic, but also based and right.
just like Mori

>> No.28153378

welcome aboard.

>> No.28153379
File: 218 KB, 575x492, firefox_2020-10-24_01-49-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155623


>> No.28153382

this is why deadbraps are made fun of lamo

>> No.28153383
Quoted by: >>28153428

Man I’m not reading this shit bro
What’s the tldr

>> No.28153385


>> No.28153389
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 71MQeIS7FAL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153463


>> No.28153390

I miss her...

>> No.28153391

Literally every single one of these posts is some retarded chumbud trying to set up some retarded "OMG BTFO" posting when the indie obviously cannot remotly compete in the end. Its pathetically transparent.

>> No.28153393

>not all of them get deleted
someone's not doing their fucking job

>> No.28153394
Quoted by: >>28153527

Lurk moar or get out

>> No.28153398

Chama made the wool farm

>> No.28153400


>> No.28153401
Quoted by: >>28153476

Why don't you look at the VOD you stupid fuck?

>> No.28153402

>she keeps pushing tail sex joke
>gura just goes hahaha funny

>> No.28153403

ogey mori you don't have to defend yourself that hard

>> No.28153404

I'll be real with you, bro. The biggest detriment to her is that she's associated with the domoarigathanks faggot. He's some kind of sexual harassment case just waiting to happen.

>> No.28153405


>> No.28153406

SEX (alpha ver.)...

>> No.28153408

To be honest, they're actually making my life worse. I'm spending way too much time on this goddamn thread, and I've ditched social events to watch the streams.

>> No.28153409
Quoted by: >>28153477

I thought the repo got nuked?

>> No.28153419
Quoted by: >>28153578

How the fuck do you relate to being a big tittied white girl with yellow fever pursuing a rap career in Japan?

>> No.28153420


Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>gguuuuuhhh *makes new thread early*
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>just woke up what happen????????
>hurr when is stream?
>duuuur what gosling means???
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>huh how play 2 streams???
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>what gremlin is???
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>why all girls gay??????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??
>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!
>huhhhh how archive?
>guhhhh why membership have tiers???
>duhhhh pikamee? pedomee??
>uuuuh who are 4 heavenly kings?????????
>eeeeehhh minecraft buff what??

>> No.28153422

And they acted because of a DMCA claim sent by the RIAA.

>> No.28153423

She's gonna lose her traction if she doesn't debut soon. It's already extremely lucky she has so many followers expecting her considering how many other indies I've seen come and disappear into irrelevance, and she's wasting it.

>> No.28153427

Is HLGG MC kill? I'm getting a case of the tisms.

>> No.28153428

>TLDR i’m a SEAnigger and i want you guys to hate Mori as much as me
There you go

>> No.28153432

Mori feat. Lonely Island when

>> No.28153433

Am I missing something or is there a reason why chumbuds always edit berserk images?

>> No.28153436

It was fun, movie still holds up and Ina was in love with a lot of the set design along with making cute noises when she got scared.

I had to tab out of the film sometimes though 'cause I can't deal with horror.

>> No.28153438
File: 938 KB, 350x200, 2f0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based sacrifice

>> No.28153439

They've completely destroyed their sleep schedules and social lives for (you), anon
It's an even trade

>> No.28153441

Based hollow life poster

>> No.28153444

Based, correct and autistic rage pilled. Also hi Mori.

>> No.28153445

Gura sang 2 songs before the movie it was in no way a karaoke stream. Take your meds.

>> No.28153446
Quoted by: >>28153485

extremely kino, ina peeked at sigourney weaver in panties

>> No.28153450

It did seem she was trying to keep them seperate with the more cerebral / action FPS dichotomy at the start that just ended up coalescing when she played something that didn't fit that mould, like Mario Odyssey or Minecraft.

>> No.28153453

she's not from texas.

>> No.28153454

They were dumb enough to put specific instructions on how to download certain songs in, I assume once they clean it up a bit it should be okay.

>> No.28153456

>and all the anons shilling for her will drop her like a rock minutes after she debuts
Why would she drop herself?

>> No.28153458 [DELETED] 

How many roommates you found?

Me 5 + 4.

>> No.28153459

Not at all, they pointing out places they could visit that moona forgot

>> No.28153462

I love this pic, it captures perfectly how much of a dork is Ina

>> No.28153463

Her delivery fucking killed me when she said this live

>> No.28153464
Quoted by: >>28153478

deadbeats everyone

>> No.28153466


>> No.28153470
File: 378 KB, 2048x2048, 1603438219846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori you're right and I love you, but please stop posting.

>> No.28153475


>> No.28153476

Nah, I rather ask here for a tl;dw than waste my next hours looking at a chat filled with underages and manchildren.

>> No.28153477

i downloaded it before that happened

>> No.28153478

Yeah, they seem based.

>> No.28153483


>> No.28153484

Go Fuck yoursElf.

>> No.28153485

>ina peeked at sigourney weaver in panties
She is a squid of good taste.

>> No.28153490
File: 471 KB, 526x603, 1601281097443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your biggest mistake was to think I'm going to read any of that.

>> No.28153491

>HoloEN visits HoloJP server
>Tour guide did not let them ride the railway to lava where they can see a lot of the buildings

What a waste

>> No.28153493
Quoted by: >>28153543

Throw Lamy in there for further smothering shenanigans. I hope to hell Mori embraces the weird fun of ASMR.

>> No.28153494

all but 6 now keep your mouth shut about them

>> No.28153495

No one cares, fuck off.

>> No.28153497
File: 1.41 MB, 450x500, 1581637358240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153555

>It's long as fuck copypasta hours

>> No.28153504

Roommates are not hard to find.

>> No.28153505
File: 98 KB, 769x761, EFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153537

REMINDER: HoloJP is already leeching!

>> No.28153509

Take the MEDs. Now!

>> No.28153511
File: 729 KB, 1074x1468, 1602455671101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR: Mori is objectivaly a shitty person who does shitty things but it's acceptable because I have no backbone and I think she can't do anything wrong. Also shark bad.

>> No.28153513
File: 50 KB, 183x108, 1602961533783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Calliope is a whore.

>> No.28153518

You went through a lot of effort for me to only give you an ogey, so I'll throw in a rrat as well.

>> No.28153521

>gushing over voices
>gushing over humor
fuck, she had the same excitement for playing that game as she did for Amnesia Rebirth before it turned to shit

>> No.28153527


>> No.28153531

>opsec queen says she's not from a place

texas was just a guess because she has a southern twang sometimes

>> No.28153534
Quoted by: >>28153564

how long till EN JP among us?

>> No.28153537

Imagine the seeting of JOPs about the pandering of HoloJP.

>> No.28153539

>Gura paywalled karaokes.
sucks to be you lol

>> No.28153542
File: 3.23 MB, 600x588, 1603510750737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, why do so many deadbeats write paragraphs to defend Mori against shitposting.

>> No.28153541

based dead streamer

she's from the UK

>> No.28153543
Quoted by: >>28153622

>weird fun
Polka and Mori play with various instruments for an hour ASMR.

>> No.28153545
File: 130 KB, 525x394, 1603412609245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo dead oni

>> No.28153546
File: 1.34 MB, 630x781, open.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuhhh why supacha called?
Super chat pronounced in japanese.
>gguuuuuhhh *makes new thread early*
>uhhh why anti called?
Because they are against something.
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
Search for dox/ roommate
Cuz she suxs.
>what kino means????
Good quality.
>what reps means????
>just woke up what happen????????
Read the thread or previous thread at
>hurr when is stream?
>duuuur what gosling means???
Referring to actor Ryan Gosling's movies
>what naizuri?????????
Flat chested paizuri.
>what roommate means????
Voice actor.
>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????
Don't mention 4chan outside of 4chan.
>SIMP heh gotem
Sure did.
>uhhh just anime girl???
There are boys too.
>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??
Probably no.
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>huh how play 2 streams???
Open multiple windows or use holotools
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
That's what it was set to.
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
Click on "join" on their yt page to see for yourself.
>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
Whoever you please.
>what freechat????
A premiere set in the distant future to pose as a chatroom.
>what oishi gachokoi??
>what gremlin is???
>just twitch????????
There's also bilibili.
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>why all girls gay??????
Sex sells.
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
Towa lied about who she talked to during a stream while she wasn't supposed to be heard.
Aloe acted innapropriately on twitter.
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??
30% to youtube, the rest to cover, youtuber and the government
>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!

>> No.28153547
File: 264 KB, 471x629, 1475961095011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit calm down m9. Don't take shitposting retards this seriously. Mind you, you're posting with asiatic subhumans and beaners from facebook and reddit. Although I understand your sentiment, this blogpost will just fall onto deaf ears.

>> No.28153548

Don't post indie vtubers here. Thanks.

>> No.28153553

So, did anyone actually fell for gura's Tower of Friendship prank? Couldnt watch the other minecraft stream after that one

>> No.28153555
File: 121 KB, 800x1149, 1600333995756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with that 2hu

>> No.28153556
File: 64 KB, 750x350, 1601512864929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153575

I miss the Homestar Poster, I hope he's okay

>> No.28153558

Honestly you have a lot of good points anon and are spot on about the hypocrisy towards Mori. However I genuinely think you need to take a break from this place. I don't think staying here is doing any good for you.
Our boy is doing great. Topping Itunes charts, 500k subscribers, being showered in love and supachas by deadbeats, etc. A bunch of schizos and antis in a shithole like this don't matter.

>> No.28153564

4 hours

>> No.28153565

This is why people make fun of deadbraps.

>> No.28153572
File: 647 KB, 2991x4096, 1593405999597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153574
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 1585511650817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153597

She eats

>> No.28153575
Quoted by: >>28153611

Anon, he posted in this thread earlier.

>> No.28153577

this is false I had a threesome with coco & mori and the way they made out with my cum dripping down their face says they aren't related.

>> No.28153578
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, moriyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buff guy white guy
>yellow fever
>aspirations to be in the entertainment industry

That's how, bro.

>> No.28153580
Quoted by: >>28153638

Who are the bigger niggers. ARSfaggots or people who complain about member streams.

>> No.28153581

Reminder that gura is a flip, amerifats that think her accent is texan are so fucking funny.

>> No.28153582
Quoted by: >>28153592

So I've been watching Aqua for 3 hours now. Never watched her before since I got introduced to Hololive this January.

She is the real deal autist, isn't she?

>> No.28153591

dangerously based

>> No.28153592

Oh yes. Very much so.

>> No.28153593
Quoted by: >>28153645

she's just a west coast small girl
t. from west coast

>> No.28153596
Quoted by: >>28153654

Kagura mea???

>> No.28153597
File: 469 KB, 1261x1230, bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153598
Quoted by: >>28153699

This wall of text is too sincere to be a shitpost.
I genuinely feel bad for you.

>> No.28153603
File: 209 KB, 369x309, More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based spoonfeder... I kneel

>> No.28153605
File: 254 KB, 490x490, Ej3QJGwUcAAKJOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28153606

>didn’t draw Roboco’s weird half pants
What’s even the point?

>> No.28153610

This image would be perfect but Moris head looks janky as fuck.

>> No.28153611
Quoted by: >>28154092

oh i see
serves me right for skimming

>> No.28153613
Quoted by: >>28153691

she's french

>> No.28153614
Quoted by: >>28153698


>> No.28153616

Fucking based

>> No.28153618 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 93x125, 1603530014486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real talk anons
gura has 1mil subscribers and everyone knows a last half of them are newfags who have no idea what hololive is. it's already started a little with her minecraft collabs with the other ENs establishing it's not just Gura out there, and now with the moona-ame mincraft collab establishing that hololive has a huge existance beyond EN. once the big collab hits, and all future JP collabs go out, hundreds of thousands of her fans will fall into the "rabbithole", find the other girls, sub to them, and continue the cycle of growth.

i'm excited to watch ALL the girls grow and i can't wait for them to all have double the subs they have now. god bless hololive

>> No.28153622

I'd be down for it. Coco's done some silly shit in her members ASMRs.

>> No.28153623
Quoted by: >>28153746

Can confirm the hate i feel from her is the same hate i feel towards other flips.
>t. Pinoy ako

>> No.28153625

This is the sexiest one yet for me

>> No.28153638

People who complain about membership streams
Not only are they poor but they also too dumb to even take advantage of the easily exploitable system

>> No.28153641

I was introduced to v-tubers with HoloEN and I couldn't give less of a shit about this roommate shit. Why in the fuck do you care about the man behind the curtain, it's retarded.

>> No.28153645

Oh look another American who has never interacted with a Filipino.

>> No.28153647


>> No.28153650
File: 26 KB, 128x128, ameliawhatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this is one mad anon
go take a fucking break or something, there's no way being here is healthy for you if you're this emotional over some shitposting on a mongolian basket-weaving forum

>> No.28153652

Mori really is EN Suisei. Even has the same fanbase.

>> No.28153654

The only true girlfriend experience.

>> No.28153655
File: 956 KB, 1754x1240, 08391909c48bd4788b3a4fc2fcfae1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori creates one of the very few jew tiered memberships
>It's okay! The slow chat is great!
Mori constantly baits superchats in her streams
>it's okay! She's not doing it on purpose
Mori baits superchats in a collab that includes ENs lowest earner
>It's okay! She just isn't self aware enough to realize it was rude!
Mori makes Kiara uncomfortable and outright sad during the minecraft collab, leaving Amelia to be the only one to confort her
>It's okay! It's a joke and in character!
Mori goes on anituber podcast as first major outside collab
>It's okay! It's just a podcast!
Mori does huge community wide remix contest that can show that some grassroots artists that were in her shoes just a few months ago can get some real exposure
>It's okay! A seasoned professional with an established career gets first place is a good thing!

Doxxbeats? Gonna excuse everything she does or what? My precious wigger can't do anything wrong!

>> No.28153665
Quoted by: >>28154491

I am sure the nips can't wait to have even more english trash in their chat as well

>> No.28153666

i knew what this image was going to be before i clicked it

begone, curseposter

>> No.28153669

Based for being cool

>> No.28153673
File: 5 KB, 233x58, 1602617269624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he let one dead oni and a handful anons who chimed in get to him this much
>also throwing shade on the shark
The second hand embarrassment is strong with this one. Still a little bit kino though, not unlike mori

>> No.28153675
Quoted by: >>28153712

You only have to look at the first few minutes of the video to answer your question. The truth is, you're a stupid fucking SEAmonkey who's here to get a bunch of other dumbass SEAmonkeys who also haven't seen the video to respond to your question with narrativefag bullshit answers so you can all share your schizo circle jerk back on SEAnigger facebook. Eat a fucking bullet.

>> No.28153679


Matsuri is molesting Pekora as we speak.

>> No.28153681
File: 262 KB, 490x490, 1587644453397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that gura is a flip

>> No.28153682


>> No.28153686

funnily enough Wizard of Oz teaches you to wonder whats behind the curtain

>> No.28153688


>> No.28153690

tfw Nux Taku has now joined us in the rabbit hole.

>> No.28153691

She's a Tongan.
t. Tongan

>> No.28153696

i think the clip speaks for itself. you do too.

>> No.28153698

Best moment of the stream

>> No.28153699
File: 149 KB, 828x1193, Ejnc_P5VoAAkF6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28153811

Well thank you. At least you feel something about me, unlike the hundreds of others wasting their lives away here without getting so much as.

>> No.28153701

it's retarded not to

>> No.28153702
File: 45 KB, 640x610, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a gathering place for broken people
There's a reason pretty much all the girls have been here at one point or another

I'm happy for them that they're making it, at least financially and such, and hope that their personal lives improve as well

I hope all of us can make it some day, anons, I just want to be happy

>> No.28153705

>Ayame poster vs Autism incarnated
Uh oh... This won't end good

>> No.28153706

Based anon.

>> No.28153710
Quoted by: >>28153774

Don't forget the winner created their youtube channel just for the contest and doesn't give a shit while all these people are trying to build theirs up

>> No.28153711
Quoted by: >>28153761

You mistakenly believe the west coast isn't littered with flips, that's ok you're probably a seanigger who's never left their home country before

>> No.28153712

day of the rangeban can't come soon enough

>> No.28153717

I don't even know anymore, it seems like the person defending mori and the ayame avatar faggot are the same person now

>> No.28153718

Covers really should give her new model because holy shit.

>> No.28153720

unfathomably based

>> No.28153723

That's such a generic outfit. Which holo is that supposed to be?

>> No.28153724
Quoted by: >>28153796

>1.7k viewers
The person who did Azki's design should end his/her life.

>> No.28153725

Interesting theory, except most of them don't speak Japanese and won't bother to watch other channels.


>> No.28153731

quit stealing oxygen

>> No.28153733
File: 392 KB, 541x696, 1589100745719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tired as fuck right now
>Really want to sleep
>Collab stream in four hours
What do I do, bros

>> No.28153734

yeah its ok

>> No.28153735

I have no friends so I self insert myself into their lives. Same for others.

>> No.28153736

join your oshi in hell

>> No.28153737
File: 630 KB, 960x540, 1596575979488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope all of us can make it some day, anons
Your hope is unfounded, because life isn't an anime and people do and will suffer forever.

>> No.28153739

Some people find out about the roommates and feel closer to them
Some people find out about the roommates and feel further away

>> No.28153743
File: 986 KB, 769x880, 1599642235572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Gura at a grocery store in Manila yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “A? A? A?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Goyas in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.28153746

Fucking daga-ilog scum I will behead you.

t. Bisaya
How on earth she even filipino? She neither have the heavy accent(think Moona) nor the bleached too clean english of the upper class. I don't know US accents but she's definitely not pinoy.

>> No.28153749

i hope she does that 4th one more often so we can get rid of this forced garbage pairing

>> No.28153753
Quoted by: >>28153831

Some people will. Doesn't mean all of us here.

>> No.28153761
Quoted by: >>28153800

>hurrr she is American bcuz some flips live in america

Nice try amerishart

>> No.28153762


>> No.28153766

Set an alarm?

>> No.28153772
File: 148 KB, 1280x1280, 1603343928246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to push your limits anon

>> No.28153774

no serious musician gives half a shit about youtube. they use it because they have to. he finally had a reason to have to use it.

>> No.28153775

It's obvious Gura is an American whose father is flip and mother is swedish. She grew up in spain from 3 to 10 yo and then moved back to America with her family.

>> No.28153781

Stuff like this makes me literally hate Mori.

>> No.28153783

Stay up and sleep after. Aint any streams happening for a while after the collab anyway.

>> No.28153785

>I hope all of us can make it some day, anons, I just want to be happy
Statistically speaking some of us will never be happy. I'm more likely to kill myself than find true happiness in life.

However I appreciate the wholesomeness of this post.

>> No.28153788
File: 95 KB, 850x611, avaFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the avatarfag made me look and Oni has been MIA for 3 weeks with nothing on her twitter? Anyone know what happened to based Oni.
>inb4 dead

>> No.28153790

fk amerifats
shizo nation
Sorry i had to let it out

>> No.28153789

Power through it anon! Make this a test of your will and your love for these girls!

>> No.28153791
File: 56 KB, 680x383, Ek4AANOU8AArJKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the whole purpose of Hololive is people making it by becoming anime and having others watch them suffer forever.

>> No.28153792
Quoted by: >>28153858

Moona is indodog you retarded seanigger

>> No.28153796
Quoted by: >>28154219

Please understand, there was no money at the time

>> No.28153797

nice voice, gonna keep watching

>> No.28153800

I'll be honest, I have no idea what you two are trying to argue because your English is fucking terrible.

>> No.28153806

It's obvious Gura is an Atlantean whose father is Hyperborean and mother is Thulean. She grew up in Atlantis from 3 to 10 yo and then moved back to California with her family.

>> No.28153807

Can't believe some of these are outdated already.

>> No.28153811

You need to relax and ignore antis.
Also realize that getting this much of a rise out of (You) only makes the antis attack harder. So unless this is an elaborate false flag to make deadbeats look like thin-skinned bitches, don't do it again.

>> No.28153812
Quoted by: >>28153857

>Becoming an anti because of some anons

>> No.28153814

she is either dead or became a literal whore

>> No.28153815

sick with gastroenteritis

>> No.28153819

I care, that's why I like Matsuri

>> No.28153820

she's been posting here

>> No.28153821

Why is Kiara here? Just to suffer?

>> No.28153824

She saw what kind of posts her fans were making and decided maybe it was better if she wasn't in this whole entertainer business.

>> No.28153825

Ok i unironically lost my shit reading this LMAO

>> No.28153826
File: 394 KB, 1066x800, 1569564730944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's karma for you whoreposters constantly sharting out schizo narratives

>> No.28153829

imbibe the coffee bean
the tightness in your chest is just the love of your oshi

>> No.28153830

>see people arguing sincerely about gura's potential nationality
>claim gura is flip with maximum confidence, zero evidence
>people start jokingly pointing out coincidences that support gura being a flip
>people begin arguing sincerely about gura potentially being of flip nationality

>> No.28153831

There is virtue in the attempt. Do your reps.

>> No.28153832
Quoted by: >>28153860

I still don't know what is ogey.

>> No.28153836

She works other jobs, he mama commented on Twitter saying she's fine when people worried when she didn't appear during Mikos return stream.

>> No.28153838

As the days pass as I lurk these threads, the Mori antis have really made me agree with them seeing how far these Deadbeats are willing to go for their oshi that clearly has many issues that needs to be improved

>> No.28153843

why don't EN girls have this level of a rapport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3213YMcpHVw

>> No.28153842

>He's never played an eroge
Mikochi would be ashamed..

>> No.28153845
Quoted by: >>28153972

I think you meant to reply to the long post and not the anon LARPing as Mori

>> No.28153846

Fun edit, for some reason this pasta never gets old for me. That said the narrative runs that she's ethnically Flip but she'd still have to be on the West Coast regardless so it doesn't really work.

>> No.28153851


>> No.28153854

Just watch it later, you nerd

>> No.28153856

the lack of arguments against this are making me think that this is dangerously based

>> No.28153857
Quoted by: >>28153932

Mori is worth hating

>> No.28153858

I know. But pinoys and indogs have similar accents when they try to speak in english.

>> No.28153860


>> No.28153862
File: 656 KB, 1280x720, Raper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all antis of any kind, unitychads run this general

>> No.28153861

She makes references to 90's culture which will make her age in the 30's if she's from NA. Since people can't accept Gura as a 30-something female neckbeard, they're pushing that she's from a 3rd world where everything is 10 years behind. That's how I understand it.

>> No.28153864
File: 163 KB, 1668x919, 1599796550709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Hololive is to make you forget that life is shit and unfair by making you watch cute anime girls doing cute things. A distraction like another.
If you're unlucky or one of those who will never make it, to win in the game of life you have to completely detach yourself from reality as much as possible and try to live in a daydream-like state.

>> No.28153865

EN should do Japanese only streams.

>> No.28153869


>> No.28153872

Gura's father is Conan?

>> No.28153875
File: 146 KB, 300x300, 1598182022680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154051


>> No.28153878

At this point it's probably chinks LARPing as arguing flips to sow discontent because they've seen angry flip arguments on here before.

>> No.28153879

Just started watching the Minecraft collab, fucking kek, the TNT launcher.

>> No.28153880

>claim gura is flip with maximum confidence, zero evidence
Want some evidence? Here you fucking go:
I'm saying that she's a flip so that's automatically true.

>> No.28153882
File: 764 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20201024-051119_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talented Lamy...

>> No.28153890
File: 65 KB, 1000x728, ogey pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the recent collabs:
ChickenSquid Mario Kart > Chicken/Nene karaoke > Shark/Detective/Moon Minecraft > Reaper/Shark Minecraft

>> No.28153889

Not if you migrated to the US.

>> No.28153892

Based and .......blue pilled?

>> No.28153893

Antis just latch on whatever and spout it without thinking. There is no thought, they are creatures of base instinct. They are no match against the power of love, autism and cringe.

>> No.28153895
Quoted by: >>28154069

Only if you are ESL, any white anglo >>28153858
man can pick up the differences quickly.

>> No.28153896

Did you expect anything less from a place where literal schizos thrive?

>> No.28153902
File: 232 KB, 824x1593, 1601694438343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This post
>All these replies
It's that time of the day again, huh... Sasuga.

>> No.28153904

Very nice animation

>> No.28153906

Wtf I'm a Gura anti now. Fuck that place

>> No.28153907
File: 16 KB, 534x248, 1603411247142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based lifestyle post

>> No.28153908

Most of what he said is actually true and he raises a lot of good points. However being this passionate about a topic around here only invites people to shitpost.

>> No.28153909

i'm glad gura paywalled her best streams and i'm even more glad she doesn't make them public. she's so much more comfortable and relaxed when she has a smaller audience. she wouldn't be if she knew she were making the streams public. you can literally just pirate them from recordings posted here in this thread. if you don't feel like giving five fucking dollars a month to her, you simply don't deserve to enjoy her streams live rather than with a two-hour delay — and it literally is just a two-hour delay before you have a copy for free. gura deserves to make a living off her work, and you have no legitimate reason to complain about it.

>> No.28153913

kek this is very good.

>> No.28153915

Everyone told me that the chicken and squid collab was shit wtf

>> No.28153916

For nine people that's a lot of work.
I am looking forward to EN and 5th Gen bonding.

>> No.28153919
Quoted by: >>28153976

If you genuinely hate Gura or Mori beacue of this place you are genuinely a weak-minded idiot

>> No.28153922


>> No.28153925

Nice webm.

>> No.28153927
Quoted by: >>28154144

maybe fix your english first before posting, you ESL subhuman

>> No.28153926

Would've been interesting to see Nene's attempt.

>> No.28153928
File: 18 KB, 285x285, 1582927311052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154108

I want to fuck Lamy's tits holy shit

>> No.28153931

Most entertaining stream in weeks

>> No.28153933 [DELETED] 

Knowing some stuff about roommates make them all the more endearing in their current position and how far they've gotten
Mori who moved to Japan on her own and had been working hard while being an independ artist putting out multiple EPs and albums who now has a massive audience and tons of exposure to show for the hard work she put in
Gura who was probably sick and tired of just being le funny drunk singing girl meme and wanted to have an actual audience being able to start again somewhat clean, though her personality and exposure has probably worked against that unfortunately
Ame who has been a dedicated twitch streamer for 7 years and only having something like 2k viewers afaik after all that time finally finding a large audience and being able to do more than just scrape by on pennies
Kiara who has been trying to get into the idol game for a long time and finally landing in a pretty much a dream position that's all she could hope for and more is really heart warming

Ina is probably the only one who doesn't apply so much here since she was already a pretty well known artist with a lot of well known artist friends, but having more exposure is still very nice

>> No.28153932


>> No.28153934
Quoted by: >>28154036

Reaper/Shark Minecraft > Chicken/Nene karaoke > Shark/Detective/Moon Minecraft > ChickenSquid Mario Kart

>> No.28153944
File: 211 KB, 1499x1092, 1600615171520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154126

>But being brave doesn't mean that you ain't scared
>It means you stuck around and fought 'cause you genuinely cared
That said, I think you earned a break anon, let's take it before we get too angry

>> No.28153945

Based AZKi poster.

>> No.28153946

Chicken squid Mario Kart was shit

>> No.28153951
Quoted by: >>28153967

Bro there was no California 9000 years ago.
The narrative is that Gura got exiled from Atlantis because she supported Sparta even though most Atlanteans, inclulding her family, supported Athens.

>> No.28153953
File: 1.14 MB, 4093x2894, 1584434038409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChickenxNene>ReaperShark>Moona Minecraft Tour>ChickenSquid MK>GurAme Minecraft Tour

>> No.28153955
Quoted by: >>28153999

as a real deadbeat this is a gay and fake false flag.

>> No.28153962

Karaoke = Minecraft > Mooncraft
I skip most Mario Kart streams.

>> No.28153967

california was fictional long before it was ever real, anon.

>> No.28153971
Quoted by: >>28154097

Ah, memories.

>> No.28153972
Quoted by: >>28154113

No I'm continuing the conversation.
Thanks for looking out though considerate anon here's a (You) for you too.

>> No.28153976

If you were born after after October 12th 1994 then means you're easily brainwashable and this place most likely affected your ideas, tastes, interests. You lost.

>> No.28153975

Sleep for 3.5 hours, 's better than nothing

>> No.28153978
File: 8 KB, 304x304, begora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 3 day vacation for explaining gosling posting once, draw the ire of entire thread
>guy "spoonfeeds" an entire copypasta complaining about ""spoonfeeding"" and gets called based
ogey i give up. im becoming a kfp janitor.

>> No.28153983
Quoted by: >>28154021

was /jp/ watching the 13 viewer Sora stream or was that earlier?

>> No.28153987 [DELETED] 

Ame peaked at like 300 viewers. Kiara got in as an idol (though not a major one). Then a very well known idol troll ended her career by feeding bullshit to her employer while she was already having trouble with visa bs.

>> No.28153996

You forgot the Pikamee one

>> No.28153999
Quoted by: >>28154431

I don't think this is an false flag. It's too passionate and actually raises solid points.

>> No.28154000
File: 288 KB, 600x337, DFD33A61-591F-4DE1-91A8-1C00868D7473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154035


Polka made the logo apparently.

>> No.28154001

>Chicken going full GEDDAN in this bitch

>> No.28154007

Got fired from my 70k job because I did not done shit in 2 months, guess why I was not worknig.

>> No.28154011
File: 203 KB, 390x292, 1600193236907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, why aren't you more ABOVE IT, don't you know all the cool kids in the /hlgg/ are ABOVE IT and nothing that happens here affects them?
Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather believe what I do matters.

>> No.28154016

>Open Mio-Miko clip
>Get Randy Savage
>Watch whole thing

>> No.28154021
Quoted by: >>28154052

>13 viewer Sora stream
What medications are you on?

>> No.28154023

>grocery store in Manila
Nice fanfic, philippines is still on lockdown. This can literally never happen on 2020.

>> No.28154024

It's VERY subjective.

>> No.28154025

She's actually Chinese-American second or third generation.

>> No.28154027

Suisei spent over an hour and a half to full combo Say Fanfare on stream. Gura did it in two runs, with an awkward motivational spaghetti spilling in-between.
Comparing FBK and Gura as they tackled the new tpazolite track was... instructive. Otherwise, I would put FBK above the other girls in terms of gameplay quality.
Watame streams it the most, but I don't know that I've seen her attempt anything over an 8 more than a handful of times.
Polka is the most fun of the unskilled, I think. Genki vocals can carry even a beginner. Since she seems to be streaming it frequently, I look forward to her eventually improving.
The rest of the Holos who play it have streamed no more than three sessions, some only one. Towa gets some points for song selection, but I am struggling to distinguish between the remainder.
Mostly I am interested in the format as a collab.

>> No.28154030
File: 2.34 MB, 600x600, 1602707528549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28154029

Ina was more competitive than we've seen her and took pleasure in bullying the chicken. It makes me interested in seeing future collabs between them.

>> No.28154035


>> No.28154036

What was so bad about Mario Kart? Was it just a narrative that argued Ina & Kiara had chemistry.

>> No.28154037

link source

>> No.28154039

ESLchama... Don't worry, this too shall pass.

>> No.28154043

Fucking dumbass lol

>> No.28154044

I didn't watch the JP Tour and I don't plan on watching it either - was it a disaster or boring?

>> No.28154051

Where's her nose?

>> No.28154052

>not knowing about the knights
how new?

>> No.28154054

It was fine, not outstanding.

>> No.28154057
Quoted by: >>28154194

>posting paragraphs on 4chan
>I'd rather believe what i do matters
are you really this delusional?

>> No.28154059

>If you were born after after October 12th 1994
You give millennials too much credit.

>> No.28154063


>> No.28154065


Gura's ADHD: is it a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.28154064
Quoted by: >>28154121

So this is the number 2 most superchatted youtuber in the world...

>> No.28154066
Quoted by: >>28154333


Some nice animation work

>> No.28154067


>> No.28154068
Quoted by: >>28154090

I went grocery shopping with my mom yesterday, anon

>> No.28154069

There are obviously differences, and it's easy to pick up if you're literally speaking their language. I may be outing myself as a pinoy here, but there's literally zero indication she is one. Zero. Her accent may be an amorphous mess, but within that mess has no filipino in it. At all. And I literally know filipino languages outside tagalog too.

This narrative seriously needs to stop.

>> No.28154071
File: 33 KB, 598x448, 1603087450814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... Maybe its the time you take a fresh air. You let this place consumed your mind too much

>> No.28154072


>> No.28154075

Because they've barely been together for a month?
It is cute how engrish brings the JP girls together though.

>> No.28154079
File: 358 KB, 2048x1536, 20201022_082946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized Ame probably didn't watch a lot if any of the JP minecraft streams because she thought she hated minecraft for the longest time. That's why she knew almost nothing that was there.

>> No.28154083

you stupid retard congratulations, you're a full-time NEET now

>> No.28154085
Quoted by: >>28154816

Jesus fucking Christ just get out. I hate that I have to be associated with you as a fan

>> No.28154084

Good thing for us because she's cute
Not really good thing for her if she stops being a streamer or something

>> No.28154086

I missed the Miko clips...

>> No.28154091

There were some really good parts, spaced out with long sections of boring ADHD. Maybe 15 minutes worth watching out of the whole thing? Check out the clips if anything.

>> No.28154090
Quoted by: >>28154116

have fun being a statistic

>> No.28154092

yeah, I disappeared because one of my ritual posts failed to mention Hololive, so I got a 3 day vacation from /jp/ at one of the worse times.

>> No.28154093

She's part of the JSDF's Special Forces Group and is currently deployed somewhere rural

>> No.28154097
Quoted by: >>28154171

Wait 8 months ago? So holoJP started less than a year ago? I was sure this has beem going for like 2 years

>> No.28154099

Chicken/Nene karaoke >>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything

>> No.28154101
Quoted by: >>28154194

Good to know that I will be able to make you mad by shitposting

>> No.28154103
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1601406919593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UnityChads will forever be the "based" ones.

>> No.28154106
Quoted by: >>28154161

God damn she's a good singer.

>> No.28154107

Anon none of this matters, you're just watching autistic women livestream to a weeb audience that already loves them. Let the schizophrenic fags on 4chan continue being retarded and the entire experience will become so much more bearable.

>> No.28154108

>You'll never try to molest drunken Lamy, only to quickly be overtaken by comfiness and lay your head down on her soft pillows.

>> No.28154110


>> No.28154111

The fuck you on? I went to SnR literally yesterday

>> No.28154113

In that case I agree with what you said. If this isn't an elaborate false flag, he's given Mori antis exactly what they wanted. Oh the irony...

>> No.28154116

We wore our masks and face shields anon

>> No.28154119

Pretty fun

>> No.28154121
File: 78 KB, 478x697, 1575264779934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the fucking appeal of Rushia?

I can get Coco, Pekora, and Aqua, but what makes Rushia special that she's number 2?

>> No.28154125
Quoted by: >>28154217

>you're just watching autistic women livestream to a weeb audience that already loves them
you say this like it's not the best thing that's ever happened to me.

>> No.28154126
Quoted by: >>28154224

I read that in 666d6's voice. God bless her and I'm glad Mori is in a better place now.

>> No.28154130

Bit boring but those deaths at the start of the stream where god tier content

>> No.28154132

sync the tako bouncing animation to your BGM onegai...

>> No.28154131

Pure, unadulterated GFE.

>> No.28154136

>a literal deadbeat

>> No.28154139
File: 506 KB, 718x320, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154187

Thank you for making Moona happy, ENfriends

>> No.28154140

I don't really think that Gura did anything wrong there but Mori antis are mentally ill and obsessed

>> No.28154142
File: 11 KB, 100x100, 1525224767277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having bothered to read it. it's actually filled with a lot of true and valid points the exposes the hypocrisy and "it's ok when my favorite does it" this place has
Of course nobody's going to bother to refute because it filled with solid points and this place is filled with mentally ill manchildren who can't read a post a that's longer than a paragraph
/hlgg/ unironically got btfo'd here

>> No.28154144

someone got filtered by subordinate clauses

>> No.28154147
File: 292 KB, 404x423, 1599934266412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people honestly think your subjective opinions are somehow global facts on which girl is better than the other? Tell me at least one single quantifiable metric on how any of them are "the best".

>> No.28154149

Literally virtual girlfriend and a yandere

>> No.28154152
File: 2.19 MB, 1400x600, 1603134227368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28154153

Good because its cute as shit

>> No.28154158
Quoted by: >>28154222

Superchats earning

>> No.28154160

gura has never done anything wrong. she's so humble and sweet and respectful that it hurts to think about it.

>> No.28154161

Go listen to Inochi. Shit is pure kino

>> No.28154165 [DELETED] 

Ina was all about exposing more people to art and it was cute seeing her tear up about it.
If anything that's probably why her streams are so relaxing, there's no tension there and the worse thing that can happen is cucumbers.

>> No.28154167

Imagine Mori superchat baiting but without any of the distracting talent.

>> No.28154169

>antis getting btfo'd
Wow, tell me something new

>> No.28154171
Quoted by: >>28154273

This is something you can easily google.

>> No.28154172

Link to that website?

>> No.28154173

Just not a good game for collabs.

>> No.28154178

hottest roommate

>> No.28154181

it cant btfo me if i dont read it

>> No.28154182

>Says she loves pixel art
>Bunch of new pixel Mori art comes out

>> No.28154184
File: 2.21 MB, 2048x1536, 1603395894838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNITY is a state of mind.

>> No.28154185
Quoted by: >>28154221

The Minecraft stream was underwhelming compared to 5th Gens. That one was filled with Kino moments but here EN were literally gajin tourists guided by their indonesian tour guide. I love Moona but she is not the typ to carry a stream.

>> No.28154187

I am glad that Gura met another hijab wearer

>> No.28154192

The best in subscriber count + sub loyalty
The best in views + superchats
The best at art
The best at Minecraft autism
The best at Japanese

>> No.28154194

Am I? Have you never believed the same?

You really aren't winning anything by giving me a reason to do what I enjoy.

This retarded mentality is precisely what gave birth to people like Gigguk. Have some pride.

>> No.28154195


>> No.28154199

GFE with yandere. A lot of people eat that shit up.

>> No.28154204

Don't go to 5ch.

>> No.28154209


>> No.28154210

Asians are fucking idiots and suckers when it comes to women. All the NTR porn makes sense now.

>> No.28154215

i know which girls is my favorite and i'm sure you do too.

>> No.28154216

>/hlgg/ unironically got btfo'd
None of the retards that it btfo's are going to read it and it just encourages them to shitpost harder because they know that they can make retards like him mad

>> No.28154217


>> No.28154219

Did she come right after Sora?

>> No.28154220

People expected a big rivalry between KFP and Tentacultists which never really materialised. I'd argue this was probably the most outgoing that Ina's ever been in a collab though.

>> No.28154221
Quoted by: >>28154249

There's a few things why there isn't any hype
>didn't stream on JP hours
>only Ame and Gura, not the whole gang

>> No.28154222

If it's a numbers game then I hope despacito is your favorite song ever because it's OBJECTIVELY the best song right now.

>> No.28154224

It reads like a line off of Ace, Kid.

>> No.28154227

I've always loved nayuta from early NND, so I was surprised to find her here.

>> No.28154235
Quoted by: >>28154290

So the answer is.... all of them?

At last I truly see.

>> No.28154236

Weren't KFP sabotaging Ina constantly?

>> No.28154241
Quoted by: >>28154410

>Have some pride
For what? Watching women play games? Get some taste anon. What the fucm is wrong with you.

>> No.28154242

Yeah. By default anons here will shit on it without actually reading the post but it's mostly correct. This place is extremely hypocritical when it comes to favorites.
However being this passionate will only encourage Mori antis even more so it was a dumb thing to do.

>> No.28154244

Ayame-mama has the hottest roommate.

>> No.28154249
Quoted by: >>28154288

I mean, do they really need anyone else? They're the best 2 of the gang

>> No.28154252

>The best at Minecraft autism

>> No.28154253

Why do people defend Gura being a jew and paywalling karaoke when no one else does that?

>> No.28154255

Just watched Ame's holoJP tour. Literally 2 minutes in
Ame: So what did you do today Moona?
Moona: I was eating--

I can't believe the architect memes are true.

>> No.28154254 [DELETED] 

Yes, yes. We know it all quit talkin' about it.

>> No.28154259

Thanks for writing it out anon. You'll get dragged on but you are 100% right.

>> No.28154261

She has the most yabee roommate but it didn't stop me from watching her because her voice is really great, it's addicting.

>> No.28154262

I was just answering your question.

>> No.28154263
Quoted by: >>28154296


The song that earned the most money is Happy Birthday, with around 60m$, until it finally fell into public domain.

>> No.28154267

Don't care what you say still voting Mori

>> No.28154271
Quoted by: >>28154292

Mori defenders samefagging hard today or is this a falseflag?

>> No.28154273

It wasn't a question

>> No.28154279

Congrats, welcome to the family.

>> No.28154282

What if mods have their own imageboard where they discuss anons and since they have access to ip they know every poster and some anons are already doxxed.

>> No.28154285

because she didn't paywall karaoke ?

>> No.28154288

Yeah because it'll be awkward to throw up an EN celebration while they are incomplete.

>> No.28154289

How do you sabotage someone in MK? I doubt they singled her out, just played normally.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it's not the impression I got.

>> No.28154290

UNITY is the way, brother.

>> No.28154292

Look at what time it is in the Philippines.

>> No.28154296
Quoted by: >>28154354

My mistake. I guess you hum happy birthday everyday, because it's the best song ever made. Objectively not a single song that Holos sing can ever be better than it, and that's a fact.

>> No.28154298
Quoted by: >>28154368


>> No.28154299

best POV for the ID + EN minecraft collab?

>> No.28154300
Quoted by: >>28154326

Falseflaggers and antis are samefaging, chumbuds and dead beats are good

>> No.28154302

Her stream delay kept Tentacultists from securing seats in the lobby; it was never close to an even match.

>> No.28154304
File: 10 KB, 232x293, 1594933043396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I...... I kneel.....

>> No.28154309 [DELETED] 

Yes, I fucking love this song

>> No.28154313

I liked that she didn't take the Chickenshit when she doubled down after losing. For me it felt like two friends (of whom one is louder, the other more quiet) just playing.

>> No.28154318
Quoted by: >>28154528

You could stay behind a specific person and keep throwing red shells at them.

>> No.28154322

pretty sure everyone here is born after 2003

>> No.28154326
Quoted by: >>28154343

All antis and falseflaggers are SEAmonkeys, fucking rangeban them.

>> No.28154334
File: 3.68 MB, 2300x3000, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why aren't you more ABOVE IT
Woah there great mr. tired deadbeat, I'm not. But we have to pretend to be, because even though you may have "won" the argument, this post will lead to more shitposts about mori than ever.
It's like that.

>> No.28154330
File: 356 KB, 1700x1632, 1575570469580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah it's a drop in the bucket, I think shitposters will shitpost anyway, until they move on to the next thing. In the meantime, it's nice to get a reminder that not everyone here is retarded. Some are nice autists.

>> No.28154331
Quoted by: >>28154687

I went thru her entire community tab as a member and didn't find a single member only karaoke

>> No.28154333
File: 28 KB, 200x269, PFWOLfq[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Kiara.

>> No.28154340
File: 148 KB, 1977x1336, 1593524769323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere GF simulator

>> No.28154342

It's EN + Gen 5, not ID
But to answer your question
Your favorite EN + the two imposters.

>> No.28154343

We should genuinely start mass reporting obvious anti bait

>> No.28154346

you dumbass
dont forget your real life, dont let vtubers consume you, even they tell you do focus on yourself first

>> No.28154347
File: 3.76 MB, 1800x1450, 1603309830146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28154348

>Gura being a jew
Anon she is Atlantean

>> No.28154350

Not really. Some of them were fags that wouldn't leave after a race was done, but nothing struck me as "sabotage". Unless you count using items against people sabotage.

>> No.28154354

Yes, I fucking love this song

>> No.28154357

Meant for >>28154242

>> No.28154363

do you seriously consider 2 songs she's practicing before a watchalong to be a karaoke stream?

>> No.28154364


>> No.28154365

Gura hasn't done a member's only karaoke, unless that deadbrap is counting the two songs she did before a movie watch-a-long. Also, Ina streams regularly every week, so I'm not sure where that narrative is coming from either.

>> No.28154366
Quoted by: >>28154523

I'd say just use all 3, but that'll be really hard to sync because Moona had huge problems. So just do Gura + Watson.

He's talking about the Minecraft from earlier doofus.

>> No.28154368

>Dark Souls in the background
Miyazakichama, please...

>> No.28154375

I still don't get this edit

>> No.28154377
Quoted by: >>28154400

Who's your oshi?

>> No.28154378
File: 165 KB, 420x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone gotta achieve this, can't watch chuuba at Sunday 2am.

>> No.28154380

reading reps

>> No.28154381


>> No.28154388

Yeah, at the point where you're writing mini-essays just call them retarded niggers and be done with it, it's much easier that way

>> No.28154389

She's 1st gen so yes. Sora barely passed 100K subs at the time and iirc superchats weren't enabled

>> No.28154393

>it's all muh seaniggers

NZfag here, amerifats hours are just as bad when there are no streams, you just get a lot of streams in your hours so you have stuff to talk about.

>> No.28154396

Most Chaos
Most rails
Least lost

Choose your fighter.

>> No.28154399
Quoted by: >>28154411

Chicken snapped and killed everyone, undertale reference if I had to guess

>> No.28154400

My oshi is /jp/

>> No.28154403

I hope she sings September again.
Last time was.....an experience.

>> No.28154405
Quoted by: >>28154432

i'll just watch polka and mute gura.

>> No.28154410
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1600183524835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For what?
You don't have pride for things you do. You do things because you have pride in yourself.

>Get some taste anon.
Trust me, you don't have the authority to tell me this.

>> No.28154411

You can't kill a reaper..

>> No.28154412

Menhera episode, I'm guessing.

>> No.28154415
Quoted by: >>28154458

I liked They Bleed Pixels but I'm biased because I played the game years ago and enjoy Holos failing at games too difficult (like Kiara's M64 stream).

>> No.28154416

I didn't use these threads until EN.
Did the short "yab" exist before Towa said it?

>> No.28154422

>Have you got clearance to call me a faggot

>> No.28154424


>> No.28154425
Quoted by: >>28154511

You might be better off taking a like a week break from this place, especially with a collab coming up when narrative are most active, your is oshi is fine and happy and nothing schizos here think can take that from her

>> No.28154428


>> No.28154431

a real deadbeat wouldn't use the love of mori to attack other holoens.

>> No.28154432
Quoted by: >>28154457

polka wasn't in the minecraft tour collab...

>> No.28154437

You can if you send it enough canadian superchats.

>> No.28154439
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, Ek7lZOnUYAAHqpB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154604

Do your English reps.

>> No.28154446

gura's so fucking cynical and greedy, it's unbelievable, isn't it? she's already put 15% of her karaoke songs on the member-only streams that she relies on to make a living! and on top of that, here's what she had to say about superchats:
wow, the fucking gall of it!

>> No.28154450
File: 203 KB, 1308x814, what happened to this anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to this one, anyway? I mean it's your format, isn't it?

>> No.28154453

For the low low price of $500 you can momentarily stun her

>> No.28154457

fuck, my reading reps. I just woke up, was talking about the gen 5 + EN among us.

>> No.28154458
Quoted by: >>28154503

>too difficult
It's not even a difficult game, she was just that bad at it.

>> No.28154460

I don't understand what's the problem with Gura or Mori monetising their content, this is capitalism, communist bullshit has no place here, vtubers wouldn't even exist without capitalism, I'm genuinely surprised that so many people here expect shit for free, get job or start trading maybe

>> No.28154461

500 dollar akasupas are the answer my friend. Use that as ammo, it works well against the reaper.

>> No.28154467

Nah, that's Reines poster. Different avatarfag. He's actually come around on Kiara if you can actually believe that.

>> No.28154468
Quoted by: >>28154528

Stopping before the finishing line to ensure your Oshi wins, staying at a lower position and not overtaking in order to grief the player behind, same but griefing the not-oshi in front of you.
There are ways...and Ina saw it first hand. I just hope this doesn't affect her relationship with Kiara.

>> No.28154472

Wrong guy. Reines poster said he doesn't watch enough Mori to make a pasta.

>> No.28154474

Like I ask. Pride in what? Watching anime girls play games? Masturbating? Watching porn? Holy shit anon. You're not supposed to take pride in the guilty pleasure you do. Don't go around your office proclaiming that you watch anime girls do cute stuff on the internet. That's pathetic.

>> No.28154483

I hate capitalism but I accept everyone gotta do what they can to live and play by the rules the world is set under

>> No.28154485

1. Gura was attacked for paywalling some future karaoke in the very thread where her membership was revealed.
2. Criticism for Mori's memberships was entirely on the basis of her not conforming to the JP established norm with everything being on t1. Content wasn't a criticism. Heck, ASMR is the best content of some of the JPs and they paywall that.

>> No.28154491

As long as the english trash sign up for memberships and superchats that's fine
Unlike the chinks who don't donate and are passive watchers at best and yet have the nerve to riot when a certain island gets mentioned

>> No.28154494
Quoted by: >>28154614

I think most people stopped reading when they noticed that the first sentence was factually incorrect.

>> No.28154496
Quoted by: >>28154524

Reines poster admitted yesterday that he likes chicken now.

>> No.28154502
Quoted by: >>28154583

You sound like the kind of faggot who goes on an autistic rant IRL on how great youtubers are. If that's true I kinda wish I had someone like that around because I'm the opposite kind of faggot who's extremely autistic about hiding my power level

>> No.28154503
Quoted by: >>28154522

It is a bit difficult starting.
The later parts get insane.

>> No.28154511

I'm not the anon who made the post. But anyway, if there's a place to be autistic it's here. I say let him go wild. Personally I don't care about the schizing, I'm enjoying the shitposts and my chuubas.

>> No.28154513
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1590979743996.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28154516

Then monetise everything. Don't do a half ass job. The only free thing they should give out is an announcement of what they gonna do.

>> No.28154517
File: 139 KB, 376x400, 1599385456956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who can't afford $5 deserves to be paywalled.

>> No.28154520

watch live azki, she's a pretty good bgm.

>> No.28154522

Pikamee, I'm pretty sure that's just you...

>> No.28154523

It's not that hard, just sync to "Moona joined the game" or any of the other chat messages.

>> No.28154524

Well, she's not her least favorite anymore, since it's Mori. Let's not exaggerate.

>> No.28154527

>It's impossible to btfo antis without replying to every single one of their gish galloped talking points, but if you do your post becomes so long that nobody reads it and instead make fun of you for bothering

>> No.28154528

Thanks for the explanation guys. That's fucked. Kiara Enslavment Syndrome is real.

>> No.28154529
Quoted by: >>28154543

Enter stage right: ARSfag

>> No.28154533

I mean that gets thrown away when she just gives them out later. Even 5ch said her membership was worthless because of it. So it seems petty if even 5ch thinks it's nothing to keep harping about it.

>> No.28154536

>being free
Spoken like a true hippie commie

>> No.28154537

squirrel just wants some nut

>> No.28154543

Further proves my point.

>> No.28154545

Do you have enough ARS, king of Dollars?

>> No.28154544

It's on them if they want to monetize their content or how

>> No.28154546

He could've formatted it as a 5-6 line greentext

>> No.28154548

So you wouldn't mind if they replaced the person behind your favorite tomorrow?

>> No.28154551
Quoted by: >>28154565

Well, Ina is vastly better at the game than Kiara, so this made it fair if anything.

>> No.28154553

That AZKi live is pure soul.

>> No.28154556

Futurama reference, if I had to guess

>> No.28154562

>he cares about what others may think of him IRL
its over for u bro

>> No.28154565
Quoted by: >>28154589

>almost lost a 1v1

>> No.28154571
Quoted by: >>28154598

It made the game fair I guess, 1h of Ina constantly destorying Kiara wouldn't have been the most fun

>> No.28154573
Quoted by: >>28154588

Yeah, they always are.

>> No.28154575
Quoted by: >>28154596

I actually didn't watch the collab so I have no idea if that kind of stuff happened. Was just giving an example.

>> No.28154580
Quoted by: >>28154613

>already getting $100000+ with superchat for every stream
>that is on top of whatever base salary they get
>still want to paywall content on top of all of that
Disgusting behavior.

>> No.28154583

We all hide our powerlevel, anon. This is the only place in the internet that allows us to reach this kind of autistic faggotry. At the end of the day, even with the shitposting and the shizoposting and god knows what else, I still love you guys. I'm sure the girls feel the same, especially Mori, Ina and Gura

>> No.28154588

Shit's great, and the guitar adds a lot to it.

>> No.28154589

I think Kiara knew that map better than the other ones, she played it a bunch on other streams. She was doing much better than in every other race.

>> No.28154590
Quoted by: >>28154623

gurafags confirmed for literal ESL toddlers that can't read anything longer than 140 characters without reaching for their ritalin

>> No.28154594

Kiara's reich is not a joke.

>> No.28154596

You're on the nose, anon. All of that happened to Ina

>> No.28154597
Quoted by: >>28154649

>joined Polka membership
>listen to her ASMR
I want to have consensual sexual intercourse with this clown...

>> No.28154598

I don't think it was a good collab regardless. I just don't think Kiara works well with Ina.
t.Chickenfag and Tentacultist.

>> No.28154599

Wait, do you actually desperately hide your hobbies and interests from people? How fucking insecure can you be. Not saying you should carry your oshi'ss bodypillow around, but you make it sound as if you'd start to stutter and spill your spaghetti if someone asked you about your hobbies.

>> No.28154604
File: 388 KB, 1224x2181, kiara gal ver3 lined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*skips class so she can get a one-on-one private tutoring session later*

>> No.28154606

I mean, I agree

>> No.28154609
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 1593328496326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what is Mori's tolerance for spooky shit is.

>> No.28154613

Poorfag here. This is legitimate if the paywall literally gates people out and thus creates a chat you can actually engage with.

>> No.28154614

In what way? It's pretty spot on or it's ok because it's your favorite?

>> No.28154621

what can be spookier than having thousands of people hear you take a shit

>> No.28154623

The first sentence of the Mori rant is factually incorrect so why even bother continuing with the rest of the essay?

>> No.28154624
Quoted by: >>28154751

>implying this is a hobby
Do you also masturbate as a hobby? Maybe alcoholism is also a hobby. Stop being pathetic anon.

>> No.28154625

I expect it's very high? Though who knows, I think I would die from adding even more gap moe if she was weak to it.

>> No.28154626

It was better than the tier list collab. Progress.

>> No.28154629
File: 90 KB, 1000x577, 1603469002619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has she ever mentioned it?

>> No.28154632

Saw this in my YB recommendations. They took this from us...

>> No.28154633

mori is my least favorite EN and i still have absolutely no problem with the way she's doing her member streams. even if she left them members-only forever i'd still have no problem with it.

the lengths people here go to to bitch about paying these girls for their work is disgusting.

>> No.28154634
File: 414 KB, 704x617, 1595269885862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155062

>Don't go around your office proclaiming that you watch anime girls do cute stuff on the internet. That's pathetic.
That just because it actually hurts you IRL so it's fucking stupid to do, but being guilty for having fun watching girls playing videogames, when there's people who wastes much more time watching football or soccer or some shitty TV channels? Cmon man.
Unless you stand in front of mr. ImproveMyself Mc Chad who does nothing but working, study, working out in a gym all his life then no one can fucking tell you anything at all about your hobbies. And even if he does, he's a fucking psychopath who can't have some fucking fun for once and a retard for questioning other people's hobbies instead of just thinking about his life.
You're just a fucking faggot and that's it. l will keep playing videogames, watch cute anime girls play videogames, watch movies, anime and TV series and do the most unproductive shit on the planet and I will never get a shit because I love doing that shit so goddamn much.

>> No.28154637

Does youtube not have a member only chat? You don't have to paywall content.

>> No.28154642

I fell asleep right after Aqua gifted the TNT to the girls last night.
What did I miss?

>> No.28154644

Her giggles while trying to do Marine's 'I'm Horny' line were precious.

>> No.28154645
Quoted by: >>28154675

Isn't this Kiara's discord tranny anti?

>> No.28154646
Quoted by: >>28154814

Not him, but Gura didn't paywall any karaokes. Unless you count 2 fucking songs before The Thing watchalong. On a similar note, there was some angry anons when her first members-only was a MuseDash stream, so no it's not "zero" hate or whatever that deadbeat's thesis said

>> No.28154648
Quoted by: >>28154681

I see you haven't got membership for any of the girls?

>> No.28154649

>polka gets pregnant
>her due date comes around
>so many kids pop out it makes polka look like a clown car

>> No.28154651
Quoted by: >>28154709

Can't get very immersed in spooky games when you stop to acknowledge your akaspas every 5 minutes

>> No.28154652
File: 31 KB, 360x400, 1602675977001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging with her viewers
Ah yes, I love watching the autistic SEAmonkey say "a" and "shaaaak" over and over again while occasionally humming her BGM to fill the dead air. 5 dollars well spent.

>> No.28154655

They ran around and said Hi to Sora.

>> No.28154658
File: 109 KB, 472x444, 1601346060274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154710

The KFP goosestep to the chicken's pecking order.

>> No.28154659

>Does youtube not have a member only chat?
no, it doesn't.

>> No.28154664
Quoted by: >>28154684

go back

>> No.28154662
Quoted by: >>28154694

Wanna know how I know I know you don't watch her streams?

>> No.28154667

Imagine not even watching the streams

>> No.28154668
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, Wings-of-Honneamise-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not supposed to take pride in the guilty pleasure you do.
Why should they be guilty pleasures? I watch what I like. I set the standard for what is valuable and what is worth my time. No one compelled me. It's one thing to not show it because you know others don't like it, but if you yourself feel bad about it and dislike yourself for it you're pretty lost, man. You should stop coming here and stop watching vtubers or whatever else.

>> No.28154669


>> No.28154672
Quoted by: >>28154713

>have 99% of content available for free
>still complain about the paywalled 1%
Why are poorfags so entitled?

>> No.28154675

No I assume

>> No.28154680
Quoted by: >>28154889

She hasn't paywalled karaokes, which is the first sentence. LIke 8 different people have pointed this out, but doxxbeats just block out reality like always.

>> No.28154681
Quoted by: >>28154697

>implying I pay money for my entertainment
Heh. The only thing I'm paying for is the fucking internet.

>> No.28154684
Quoted by: >>28154703

Where do you think sharks come from?

>> No.28154685
Quoted by: >>28154984

I just wake up and I'm catching up with the Moona collab but, did something YAB happened in the las few hours outside the usual schizo posting? I don't want to read trough 8 threads

>> No.28154686

Bloodbornebros, how would you rate Upper Cathedral Ward and Hypogean Gaol (first visit) on the spook-o-meter?

>> No.28154687

She sung 2 songs before watching The Thing. One of which was extremely good.

But guess what: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq1r03QA6gA

>> No.28154690
Quoted by: >>28154757

It was

Mostly because they wanted Ina to draw a lewd picture of Kiara than actually for her, it's the moment targeted Ina. Usually in Kiara's MK streams people don't let her win no matter how much she fires people for it, and just bullies her the whole stream, but the coom spoke louder there.

>> No.28154694

Haha you got me i am a faggot

>> No.28154697

>not using your neighbor's WiFi

>> No.28154698

They hated him because he told them the truth.
By the way, Gura only responds personally to like two people in chat during her members only streams.

>> No.28154703

the ocean i assume

>> No.28154708

i'm not going to post the clip of her almost losing her composure telling us how happy she is to be able to sing for us because you don't deserve it, you absolute piece of shit.

>> No.28154709
Quoted by: >>28154761

She sure was reading those akasupas while playing bleeding pixels. Wait, that didn't happen.

>> No.28154710

A little segue, why does her head look so rounded in this? It's like a polished egg.

>> No.28154712

You ARE supposed to hide your powerlevel on public. What are you, a redditor?

>> No.28154713
Quoted by: >>28154768

That's Mori antis for you

>> No.28154725

>oh it's a PING-GOO-EEN!! Eh, I mean penguin...

People will STILL believe Gura is NA after this.

>> No.28154727
Quoted by: >>28154764

>read comments
Hahahahahaha. Are you memberfags really like this?

>> No.28154728

Two songs doesn't count as a paywalled karaoke, goddamn. That dude was grasping at straws if he was referring to that

>> No.28154734
File: 423 KB, 800x800, EWdD7e7UcAI4GOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying we wouldn't be watching vodka-chugging Russian vtubers if the USSR had won

>> No.28154736

They dropped two A bombs on the server

>> No.28154738

Not only that, if these antis actually watched her streams, they'd know she will sing them in the next karaoke which is available for everyone to see.

>> No.28154740
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1588688635967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154758

>deadbraps have to make shit up to defend their oshi's disgusting behavior
Fucking pathetic if you ask me

>> No.28154743

Is it legal to post clips from membership streams on youtube? Is it morally acceptable in community?

>> No.28154747
File: 64 KB, 1000x563, 1583648268524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154904

>Masturbating? Watching porn? Holy shit anon. You're not supposed to take pride in the guilty pleasure you do
you are if your taste is exquisite.

>> No.28154751

Holy false equivalence, retard. What's next, book reading is equal to self harm or some other retarded shit you'll pull out of your ass?

>> No.28154754
Quoted by: >>28154800

Why are all Gura antis stuck in the 1st week of HoloEN?

>> No.28154757
Quoted by: >>28154914

Ina was probably happy to be bullied considering how her fans sandbagged her the last time when she set up her cucumber eating punishment.

>> No.28154758
Quoted by: >>28154823

You're no chumbud, fuck off.

>> No.28154761
Quoted by: >>28154813

She already got paid for that one in advance, so no reason to milk that stream

>> No.28154764

If the girl wants it to be members only shouldn't we respect that? Now if it was like when Ame (I think it was Ame) said she's sure someone will archive her karaoke for her, then that's fine.

>> No.28154767

Pretty low. I thought all that crazy shit was cool more than anything.

>> No.28154768
Quoted by: >>28154888

Playing devils advocate here, Mori has little to none content.

>> No.28154771
File: 75 KB, 228x221, 1594601532465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I go to bed, I just want to ask what's everyone's opinion on Pekora.

>> No.28154772

This is incredibly based but SEAnigs will be walled by the dreaded english paragraph just like they're walled by 5 whole USD.

>> No.28154777
Quoted by: >>28154948

>"it's ok when my favorite does it"
>This place is extremely hypocritical when it comes to favorites
I blame the meido for encouraging favoritism. Like "father" like "children".

>> No.28154778
Quoted by: >>28154840

>karaoke doesn't count as karaoke
The absolute state of sharkfags

>> No.28154780

every single thing she sings will always be on my karaoke audio archive, and i'll post it as fast as i can do it. all you have to do is search the archive site for "karaoke archive".

>> No.28154786

No, that's why I post it here.

>> No.28154792


>> No.28154794
File: 604 KB, 4096x3226, 1588370008624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change

>> No.28154795
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1602004418214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish an her, exact clone would teleport in my life so I could marry her.
She's the best.

>> No.28154799

Can I marry her already?

>> No.28154800
Quoted by: >>28154895

Yes, no.
Half of them simply don't watch the streams. The other half are actively baiting.

>> No.28154802
Quoted by: >>28154895

no. just put it on catbox and post it here.

>> No.28154803

I love her

>> No.28154808

I have all fetishes possible, 30k favs on pixiv with R-18g, +24 base rating on exh, but I will never fap on vtubers.

>> No.28154809

>Hello work colleague Stacey, my hobbies are jacking off with my Japanese rubber pussy, watching Japanese cartoon pornography and watching Japanese cartoon girls play video games on YouTube.

>> No.28154810

She's ogey

>> No.28154812

As a teamate I have noticed that Gura is fucking great at engaging her chat.
Gura's chat is fucking fast and full of spergs, and she still often catches chats that she can give a natural response to. She does it so iut of the blue, which shows that she is often monitoring the chat for something usable.
I prefixed with saying I'm a teamate, because the contrast is stark for Ame, who often ignores the chat on purpose, and mainly looks at it when she asks them something. It's a different way to do things, and I still like Ame's abusive relationship with the chat.

>> No.28154813


>> No.28154814
Quoted by: >>28154945

He's correct in the manner that they both "lock" content behind a paywall, Mori was basically crucified for it and was the topic of discussion for multiple threads (despite the fact she'll release said content for free later on) and still gets shit on till this day, Gura did it and the thread basically shrugged like it was no big deal and the handful of anons do did complain basically got told to fuck off , it's not "zero" hate but it was met with significantly less prejudice

>> No.28154816

Sorry but this may not ever change. The only thing she might be able to do is improve it somewhat. Aqua I think is what Mori could become. Still kind of awkward but can function semi normally.

>self awareness
This one confuses me. Mori seems very self aware. Can you explain this one?

>strong reaction to SCs
This is my biggest issue with her. She really needs to stop responding so strongly to akasupa's, even if it is genuine. I get where she is coming from but its getting annoying now.

>blatantly forced reactions
I can see a few times she has done it but I don't think she does it excessively. Mind showing me a few examples?

>> No.28154823
File: 843 B, 48x48, 1586084903266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also not wrong

>> No.28154827

I do not know Pekora-san.

>> No.28154828
File: 110 KB, 654x532, tumblr_pgi172TuLl1uqfe9l_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the type of guy that only gets scared by psychological horror and build-up, so to me creepy stuff is just neat. Definitely the strongest areas in the game outside the Fishing Hamlet though.

>> No.28154829

>If the girl wants it to be members only shouldn't we respect that?
Why should I?

>> No.28154830

I used to shitpost with her images all the time, but it made me fall in love with her and now I watch all of her streams.

>> No.28154835
Quoted by: >>28154895

Yes and no. You can post them there if you want, just put some NIGGER watermark so normalfags and Facebook retards get fucked

>> No.28154838

She only does membership stuff because she has to. People told her in the stream about others uploading it to youtube and she did nothing.

>> No.28154840
Quoted by: >>28154885

Do you count her debut and her 1st stream as karaoke streams?

>> No.28154842

I love her without any lewd thoughts

>> No.28154847

Clearly you never spent the entirety of your underage life getting btfo by parents, relatives, teachers, and other kids just because you liked video games.

>> No.28154856
Quoted by: >>28155182

along with korone and fubuki, she's one of the reasons i'm a chumbud today. no one who loves hololive can seriously deny pekora's important contributions.

>> No.28154857

The balls on that chad

>> No.28154858


>> No.28154860

Based and noted

>> No.28154861
File: 271 KB, 2048x1846, 1603041330667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?

>> No.28154869
Quoted by: >>28154895

Yes. No. The thing here is that you shouldn't care. Just do it.

>> No.28154871
Quoted by: >>28155025

Her roommate is genuinely hot.

>> No.28154872

Pro tier, I can't even imagine how she can seriously fuck up in her career.

>> No.28154874

Oh my god, the EMOTIONS.

>> No.28154880
Quoted by: >>28154950

Think of them as an anime character. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.28154884
File: 244 KB, 1500x1212, 1595500462715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, who is the better singer between Noel and Azki? I'm not sure who to watch.

>> No.28154885

They probably do, because otherwise deadbraps would have to admit that Mori's superchat reading streams don't really count as gaming streams.

>> No.28154888

She actually has plenty of videos although she can't stream too much, it's really not that bad

>> No.28154889
File: 3 KB, 309x25, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't done it YET but if that's your counter-argument it's weak as fuck considering her perks page outright states she's going to

>> No.28154895

But clips increases exposure and popularity, why it's bad?

>> No.28154904
File: 499 KB, 944x720, TeacupSmug-rokudenashi-majutsu-koushi-to-akashic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28154935

I see this image perodied and the original used so much but nobody ever wtched the show where it's from.
It's not worth it, it's a pretty meh show

>> No.28154907

AZKi's stream is ending though. Please watch Noel. She is trying her best!

>> No.28154908

Ahh, the most oppressed minority of all: gamers

>> No.28154913

Did Pekora make that maze trap for the EN girls?

>> No.28154914
Quoted by: >>28155003

Well, she provoked them even more after it started, saying that Kiara didn't need to win the stream, that as long Kiara won a single race she would draw the picture, but not even the whole KFP would beat her.

So the narrative of she being mad at Kiara about what was happening is kind of bullshit. Kiara was the one confused about the situation since she expected KFP to bully her as usual, but it was really a KFP vs Ina match at that point

>> No.28154915

Azki. Noel has other virtues.

>> No.28154916

Well AZKi is ending so you don’t have to choose.

>> No.28154917

AZKi is already done, so you have my permission to be blessed with Noel's singing.

>> No.28154925

I did, but I also realized that regardless of your hobby, people will always find a way to shit on you. It's a herd mentality and the same things people shit on one day, will be their favorite the next day. You end up finding like minded people and stop trying to please everyone. It really can't get any simpler than that.

>> No.28154927

>I will never fap on vtubers.
Isn't it more disrespectful NOT to fap to them?

>> No.28154928

Azki obviously

>> No.28154935
Quoted by: >>28155059

Worth it just for their uniforms
Sensei a best

>> No.28154939
File: 381 KB, 1658x2460, 1595213717571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's Noel, why do you even ask?

>> No.28154945
Quoted by: >>28155008

Except gura's 2 measly songs that got "locked" behind $5 will be in her next karaoke stream which is free for everyone, albeit unarchived. Mori's $5, $15, and $25 streams will be made free later too, even if it's way later. Antis are fucking stupid since both are nothingburgers.

My point is the deadbeat was talking out his ass about gura in an attempt to explain the absolute state of Mori antis. Even he is right about those schizos, he shouldn't make shit up.

>> No.28154947

Because it's content you have to pay for to see, so it translates into "less money" for the chuuba.
Too bad people will still membership (like me) because I value too much watching the stream live instead of watching the archive.

>> No.28154948

100% right. The point of moderation is to be felt, not heard. This literal avatarfagging meido did nothing but embolden some of the worst shitposters here.
And don't give me that crap about how these threads wouldn't be here without him, because there would have been vtuber/hololive discussion on 4chan eventually, just like how there is still kpop discussion.

>> No.28154949

If you don't user watermarks to filter out normies and redditors, they're going to mass report it.

>> No.28154950
Quoted by: >>28154978

What do you think he's thinking of them as?

>> No.28154956

Older generations had drugs, we've got cute anime girls, which are kinda the same if you think about it...

>> No.28154957

i said sharing clips wasn't legal. i didn't say it was bad.

("not legal" is not synonymous with "criminal". do your absolute basic remedial middle school civics reps. retards.)

>> No.28154978

As a vtuber

>> No.28154980
Quoted by: >>28155224

That doesn't mean she can't do both

>> No.28154983

there's no drug that produces oxytocin like moë does, and i would know.

>> No.28154984

nothing happen just spergs.
also its the tour is painful to watch just skip til 66 minutes.

>> No.28154991
Quoted by: >>28155038

Do you honestly believe only social rejects and people who failed at life watch Hololive?

>> No.28154994
Quoted by: >>28155057

You guys can still do drugs and watch cute anime girls. They really aren't the same.
But don't do drugs. Stay in school.

>> No.28154996

Anyone have that graphic image which show majority of Gura fans came from actual rich country like Norway, Finland, US, and Canada?

>> No.28154997

Mori said she was going to change her membership tiers and do weekly Minecraft with Kiara. We can't really judge people on what they SAY they're going to do, can we deadshart?

>> No.28154999

i hope she does, also fuck you.

>> No.28155000

You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.
It's still destructive but under some other aspects, but not the most important one which is literally impairing you for life or literally killing you.

>> No.28155003

Ina comes across as wanting someone to challenge her in these kind of situations, be it another person or her chat, but they keep treating her as seiso.

I honestly would like to see Kiara and Ina do Clubhouse games, just to see how Ina would handle the Chess match with the bird.

>> No.28155008

This, he isn't exactly right about Gura but he is on point with Calli antis

>> No.28155024
Quoted by: >>28155112

stop sperging. Literally none of the girls care if someone archives them.

>> No.28155025
File: 11 KB, 637x145, rabbit.peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our body temperature range is slightly higher than average human so of course she is hot.

>> No.28155027

Man, Noel's breathing animation looks real exaggerated compared to others.

>> No.28155026

>You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.
haha...yeah... That would never happen and didn't almost happen multiple times in thhese threads alone

>> No.28155028

It's not bad. It's just that the hololive fanbase is as bad as the videogame fanbase. They hate it when people get things for free.

>> No.28155029

Azki's songs have heart while Noel's songs have.....chest.

>> No.28155038

Nah I made that post because I'm fucking coping and I don't know what to do, so I'd rather have anons telling me I'm a faggot

>> No.28155040

Stuff like this makes me wish Hiro would finally nuke this site.

>> No.28155042

> You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.

>> No.28155054

>You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.
If you wouldn't, she's not really your oshi.

>> No.28155057

>But don't do drugs.
>All those Coco Kaine links.

>> No.28155059

Sensei is great.
I actually feel sad that there's no S2 because events in the show don't even touch the records mentioned in the title at all. It just covered some introduction arcs.

>> No.28155062

Based and shamelesspiled.

>> No.28155063

I phrased that wrong, but cmon, you don't die from fucking overdose by watching vtubers.
Drugs at worst fucking kill you, girls at worst make you cry and go full schizo for 1 month

>> No.28155066
Quoted by: >>28155261

>>You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.

>> No.28155067
Quoted by: >>28155133

Anons... I would do horrible, horrible things to have a girl like Noel in my life... Her new L2D is so mind-numbingly good... Please post fanart of her in that outfit.

>> No.28155069

Important video


>> No.28155071
Quoted by: >>28155261

>You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.
should I tell him?

>> No.28155077

>Mori said she was going to change her membership tiers
She asked her members about changing the tiers and they told her she should keep them the same. Listening to the people who are actually paying her makes more sense than catering to poorfags like you.

>> No.28155087
Quoted by: >>28155141

>get proven wrong
>b-but that's not what it means

>> No.28155090

Whoever linked this in one of the last threads: Thank you. It's pretty great.

>> No.28155089
File: 31 KB, 394x394, 1375055905087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155261

>You don't kill yourself over girls, tho.

>> No.28155094

If my oshi graduate I will kill myself and bomb /jp/ servers.

>> No.28155095

Prepare for laka laka la.

>> No.28155096

>If the girl wants it to be members only shouldn't we respect that?
there's no reliable source of information for what the girls care about because the shit they edit out of streams is an inseparable combination of "what they care about" along with "what cover demands they edit out".

our responsibility as hololive fans is to preserve every frame and every sample of every stream they deliver.

>> No.28155100
Quoted by: >>28155261

>you don't die from fucking overdose by watching vtubers.
Yeah haha. There's no way a sleep deprived DD could ever end up harming himself so much by consuming so much vtuber content that his mental and physical health deteriorate to a point where he dies. That's not possible...

>> No.28155112

Okay agreed.

>> No.28155122

>6.Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues
>people use chat nonstop since its up

>> No.28155123

you mean when

>> No.28155127

This, we fucking asked her to keep those tiers

>> No.28155133

Noel's new model tickets all my boxes so hard that I'm honestly frightened my privacy has been compromised.

>> No.28155136

BB's got really good atmosphere. Even if it's not scary, it's definitely got the horror aesthetic going. She'd probably enjoy the slow burn games but I'd like to see how she handles jump scares.

>> No.28155141

i literally don't care at all. just pirate it if you're so poor or cheap you can't pay her for her work that she does at her job.

>> No.28155142

God these threads suck during SEAmonkey hours. I'm going back to sleep

>> No.28155143 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 300x250, 2icz6jy13qaVuZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder /hlgg/

>> No.28155145
Quoted by: >>28155365

Neither of those criticisms of Gura and Ina are valid. I appreciate some of the legitimately good points you've made but you're so blinded by garbage schizo talking points that you choose not to distinguish it from actual criticism on Mori's behalf.

>> No.28155157

Jesus, deadfags really have poor comprehension. You're missing the point of what I wrote so you could lash out at people again.

>> No.28155159

I have been reminded that someone spent $800 for that, thanks

>> No.28155161
Quoted by: >>28155243

There's no need to be so pissy, I have zero issues with these girls wanting to be payed for their work, it's just the blatant hypocrisy this place had for these two similar events is really fucking annoying and tiresome

>> No.28155164
Quoted by: >>28155261

>you don't die from fucking overdose by watching vtubers
i have no greater goal in life than to achieve an overdose from watching vtubers. if i can do it, i will.

>> No.28155166 [DELETED] 

As the guy who wrote the giant post -- this is unironically how I managed to get laid. I approached the resident manga-reading emo kid at my new school and ended up fucking another friend's sister (who looked just like Hanekawa Tsubasa).

>> No.28155170

I'm sure theres a couple of whales for whom a cocaine fix would be better then vtubers

>> No.28155176

>Communism = free vtuber streams

hoo boy, did you just discover /pol/ yesterday?

>> No.28155177

is it still up? I'm not a mobile poster, and even if I was I have adblock on at all times.

>> No.28155178
Quoted by: >>28155261

>you don't die from fucking overdose by watching vtubers.
Look at this full night's rest motherfucker right here

>> No.28155182

I can because I only like EN

>> No.28155185
File: 514 KB, 1280x720, nirvana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait... Ignored.
Schizo... Disregarded.
Narrative... Rejected.
Let go of your worries and come to this side, anon.
z e n

>> No.28155189
Quoted by: >>28155234

Yes, we know how toxic Calli fans are. We already have plenty of reminders in this thread.

>> No.28155192
Quoted by: >>28155261

The machinery of addiction is identical. Financial ruin leads to suicide as final as any lethal overdose. Maybe you need drigs to cope with the consequences of your parasociality.

>> No.28155194

It's got about the same stigma as uploading patreon-locked art to a booru.

>> No.28155202

cocaine is a much cheaper and more reliable source of dopamine than sending superchats. watching vtubers is the cheapest and most powerful source of oxytocin i have ever found.

>> No.28155208

double nigger

>> No.28155210

Don't worry, I get what you meant, anon.

>> No.28155215


>> No.28155219

UCW would be up there but the sfx of the brainsucker's goofy clown feet flopping around as they patrol ruins the ambience.
Gaol isn't particularly spooky, just atmospheric. I'd rate it S A N G U I N E/10

>> No.28155220
Quoted by: >>28155253

Gura antis don't exist because they just get banned lmao

>> No.28155221
Quoted by: >>28155258

What happened to Kiara's "art session"? Cancelled like the watchalong?

>> No.28155224

She can do both but Mori also does both too, so I ask why is she get labeled as "jew" if they both basically do the same shit?

>> No.28155225


>> No.28155227
File: 1.26 MB, 500x313, cd6a2f521867b9f959d63bdc1858aae3[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155303

Ah, the mammaries

>> No.28155231

Meanwhile, reddit dragon’s songs have... trolling chinks.

>> No.28155232

>I just want to be happy
You make your own happiness.

I suggest paper cranes.

>> No.28155234

I mean they were voted as the worst fanbase multiple times for a reason :^)

>> No.28155236

ENbros not like this....

>> No.28155237


>> No.28155241

My first exposure to Hololive, i watched her clips for a whole day before realizing there were more girls. She is still my favorite and just hearing her voice makes me feel with joy, i wish her the best.

>> No.28155243

Except gura didn't paywall a single karaoke and all of guras actual membership locked content are only $5.

>> No.28155253
Quoted by: >>28155272

you can thank the 300lb pinoy janny for that

>> No.28155254
File: 512 KB, 900x767, 1601103213963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm following your lead. Let's head toward nirvana my friend.

>> No.28155257

Just shitpostig, nothing wrong with her monetisation

>> No.28155258

Yes, she said she'd only be able to do the collab today because of her 'studies'.

>> No.28155261

Alright alright, I kneel.
But you must admit that it's easier to recover from watching vtubers than doing drugs. 1 year on watching vtubers is not the same as doing drugs 1 year. That's what I meant, it's not THAT bad but it's sure another pointless useless hobby and activity you added in your life.
>y-you can take drugs without X Y and Z
Holy cope.

>> No.28155272

Yes and it is incredibly based of him, I just wish he'd treat all antis the same way

>> No.28155276
Quoted by: >>28155444

>do the same shit
Gura doesn't bait for supas
Gura didn't lock karaoke streams behind the highest membership tier

>> No.28155277

Oshi... Graduated.
Life... Pointless.

>> No.28155281

Most of Ina, Ame and Gura's members only content are available here. Why are people still complaining? Check the fucking archives.

Although I only saw one of Mori's and none of Kiara yet though.

>> No.28155283
Quoted by: >>28155383

real niggas do drugs AND watch vtubers

>> No.28155284

Mori is labeled as a jew because she's the only person in Hololive that charges $25 for zatsudans. It's never really been more complicated than that.

>> No.28155288

well, hololive is definitely easier to quit than cigarettes. i'll give you that.

>> No.28155297

that's why we need Slimeguy for Holostars ENH

>> No.28155299

Keep that shit in the containment thread where it belongs.

>> No.28155300

You are mixing things up a bit while omitting others.

>> No.28155303
File: 3.94 MB, 1080x1920, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155339

Can't say I don't miss it.

>> No.28155308

I bought the ikea shark

>> No.28155311
Quoted by: >>28155323

>1 year on watching vtubers is not the same as doing drugs 1 year.
I don't know, I've had some pretty bad trips watching vtubers this past years. ASMR Poggers

>> No.28155313
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1600048554598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155322

I just woke up.
I'm now going to watch the vod for Ina's Alien watchalong. Thank you for reading.

>> No.28155314

well they're right

>> No.28155316

I haven't watched a single stream, I'm just here for these threads

>> No.28155318

I don't like to take sides but you fags have antagonised dead beats, there is some criticism but most shit posted about Mori is just blatant antiposting or shitposting

>> No.28155319

Why would you say something so autistic yet so based

>> No.28155322

Have a good time anon

>> No.28155323
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1581786569683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155476

That was my first ASMR stream I watched ever

>> No.28155326

Why the fuck would I want to check archives? Post in a pastebin like normal people.

>> No.28155327


>> No.28155330

Her members literally told her to keep the tiered streams when she was considering getting rid of them. I can't really blame her for listening to her actual fanbase.

>> No.28155332
Quoted by: >>28155366

the website absolutely and utterly refuses to let me proceed past adding a blåhaj to my cart. i tried every single browser available.

>> No.28155333

I had one before Gura's debut. It's pretty comfy to sleep with.

>> No.28155334
File: 632 KB, 2052x3005, dddad782be070043fd2b7b60860a1095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which holos pick which girl?

>> No.28155339

The first shimaidon that I fapped to.

>> No.28155342

yes, it sure is.

>> No.28155343

That's not really a big deal, I don't see why people have problem with it, she'll upload it later anyway

>> No.28155347
Quoted by: >>28155515

>and none of Kiara yet though.
It doesn't get reposted/asked a lot but there was an anon linking the LOTR watchalong time ago. Not sure about Mori.

>> No.28155349


>> No.28155352

>Post in a pastebin like normal people.
Children are so spoiled these days.

>> No.28155357

there's actually a whole thread for it on a board dedicated to torrents... on this very website, if you can believe it.

>> No.28155360

Ina is on the record abstaining.

>> No.28155364

ina has probably posted on this site about which girl she prefers

>> No.28155365
Quoted by: >>28155523

I wasn't criticizing either of them. The point was that the elements for all of Mori's "mistake" narratives were present at one point in the others.

Ina doesn't need to prioritize hololive over her career and I don't mind if she does, but her treating her as a hobby is spinned around as a positive while Mori treating it as a job is spinned around as a negative. Neither of those things are inherently good or bad, the reason they are treated as such is the particular narrative around each of them.

>> No.28155366
Quoted by: >>28155394

My roommate wanted to go yesterday to get a shelf and there was 1 left. I couldn't not get it.

>> No.28155367
File: 363 KB, 506x637, 1602817560405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone pointed it out. But Live Again got to 2 million views.

Well deserved.

>> No.28155368

Shut the fuck up Mori.

>> No.28155370
Quoted by: >>28155441

For me, it's all about mentality and how retarded one is. I won't kill myself over a fucking girl, and i know when to stop with drugs because i don't want to die in a stupid way.
Whenever i see or heard about someone killing themselves over a gf or doing rehab because of drugs i can't feel bad about them, it's their fault for being that fucking weak.

>> No.28155372

are they scared of posting that in this thread or something?

>> No.28155375

Asuka: Gura, Ame
Rei: Ina, Mori
Misato: Kiara

>> No.28155380

I bet Ikea's wondering what's with the uptick of shark plishie sales

>> No.28155382
Quoted by: >>28155782

Kiara: Asuka
Amelia: Asuka
Ina: *dodges the meme question*
Gura: Rei
Mori: Rei

>> No.28155383

No. No oshi will be proud of their members doing drugs.

>> No.28155385
Quoted by: >>28155419

>Detectives don't taste very good
>I beg to differ
What did Gura mean by this?

>> No.28155393
Quoted by: >>28155488

Her success in genral is well deserved

>> No.28155394

i've completely given up on getting a detolf, a billy, and a blåhaj in the same trip. it's just not possible. they're all too popular.

>> No.28155404

I see you are a master of zen as well.

>> No.28155405
Quoted by: >>28155435

Noel singing has SOUL.

>> No.28155411
File: 256 KB, 1586x2048, 1602176243045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155435

Noel singing is pretty SOULful I'll be honest.

>> No.28155417

They did this to themselves

>> No.28155418

her Live2D looks kinda weird.

>> No.28155419

Ame's pussy tastes like ambrosia.

>> No.28155425

So that Ame will punish her harder in the post-stream discord cyber sex session

>> No.28155426

I was in that thread during the collab and a lot of them seemed to love it.

>> No.28155429
Quoted by: >>28155806


>> No.28155430

Having a bunch of Canadian fans with Stockholm Syndrome doesn't make the practice seem any less Jewish. Nobody's trying to force Mori to change her tiers at this point, or trying to stop people from paying for T3. But we will continue to call her a Jew, and thin-skinned deadbraps will continue to throw tantrums about it.

>> No.28155435
Quoted by: >>28155457


>> No.28155440

>>Misato: Kiara

>> No.28155441

Not everyone can handle the effects of drugs or be mentally capable of handling a terrible break up or delusion in love.
I don't think I can handle either, of course I won't kill myself over vtubers, but if I were to stay together with some girl for 15+ years to then having her breakup up on me I'm sure the first thing I'd do is transform into an honorary schizo SEAnigger.
People here want a gf so badly, but they don't understand all the risks, patience and pain having a relationship also brings.

>> No.28155444

>Gura doesn't bait for supas
Neither does Mori
>Gura didn't lock karaoke streams
Her peaks explicitly otherwise >>28154889
Can you just admit you don't give a fuck if your favorite does it so we can be done with this dumb argument?

>> No.28155447
Quoted by: >>28155700

He lacks critical information.

>> No.28155450
Quoted by: >>28155577

I mean you'll still end up being retarded for it since she releases her shit for free anyway.

>> No.28155451
Quoted by: >>28155590

>behind the highest membership tier
Why are you ignoring this part?

>> No.28155452

will Ina and Mori finally have collab with non-EN holo next week

>> No.28155454

I can't argue this, but then I think part of that is their appeal: you get the feeling that you're not watching professional entertainers and just a couple of girls messing around who happen to be entertaining while doing it. I think that's also why Kiara misread the mood right at the start as she came into things with the 'professional entertainer' attitude and stood out like a sore thumb.

There are people who like both approaches and both are popular in their own ways. What I do worry about is future collabs between JP and EN when these kind of styles clash more often.

>> No.28155457
Quoted by: >>28155483

This mush be the most soulful Sugar Sing to Bitter Step.

>> No.28155461

And yet Kiara is the least popular. Westerners don't care for the JP comedy routine.

>> No.28155465

You meant Maya, not Misato, right?

>> No.28155474

>Can you just admit you don't give a fuck if your favorite does it
i certainly can. i bet you don't even tip your waitress at waffle house. gura and mori sing you these beautiful songs and you want them to do it for free? you can get fucked.

>> No.28155476

I am sorry Hachaama took your aural virginity.

>> No.28155477
File: 679 KB, 4092x2302, 1574446893554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155583

Much like Ame, Noel always reminds us that a beautiful voice doesn't guarantee beautiful singing. Still, she's having fun and that's what matters.

>> No.28155482

i am enjoying watch you people sperg out at membership tiers while i refuse to spend a single cent on these girls

>> No.28155483

Noel just always maxes out the SOUL chart, there's no two ways about it.

>> No.28155486
File: 218 KB, 484x744, 1577496154946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's had such a success with SC I think a lot of ppl thought she would drop her old job and the memberships didn't help.
Then again if it wasn't the jew thing shitposters would have pick something so don't take this shit too seriously. Us chumbuddies are reguraly slander as pedos so...

>> No.28155488

yeah, just unfortunate that she comes off as such a whore on stream

>> No.28155498

I have a few memberships but its still funny to watch people argue over a $5 membership fee lol

>> No.28155502

She just convinced them.

Like "What do you like more?":
* Option A
* Option B (This is my favorite.)

>> No.28155503

no bro i cant recover

>> No.28155511

Goddam the deadbeats fandom are full of schizos

>> No.28155515

>but there was an anon linking the LOTR watchalong time ago.
Wait really? I've been digging through the archives for a while and I can't find anything

>> No.28155521
Quoted by: >>28155593

Yeah but that argument is dumb to me considering all her shit will just be made free anyways , you aren't actually paying for additional content you're just paying for the opportunity to interact with her with more intimacy, which is effectively worthless if you don't really care about her

>> No.28155523
Quoted by: >>28155685

It's about how it's framed by the VTuber directly and indirectly.

>> No.28155526

I'm sure Ina wants to taste the königsberger klopse, if you know what I mean

>> No.28155527

How'd the minecraft collab go?

>> No.28155530

She's giving away all the streams for free a month later but seethe over nothing I guess.

>> No.28155537
Quoted by: >>28155564

I only got a membership for Gura because she's too good and chumcunts are selfish. Paid in ARS though

>> No.28155538

Why are americans always like this?

>> No.28155544

I wonder if JP fans argue over stupid pointless shit like we do.

>> No.28155550

put me to sleep faster than a bottle of xanax

>> No.28155552

Gura drew first blood and killed Aqua on their first meeting.

>> No.28155564
Quoted by: >>28155643

>chumcunts are selfish
all her membership streams were uploaded to anonfiles bro wtf are you talking about

>> No.28155566

It was very cute and funny

>> No.28155572

During the collab when aqua tweeted about meeting gura and ame unexpectedly, they called her a liar.

>> No.28155574
File: 853 KB, 2894x4093, 1585774415334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Haachama's lowest tier doesn't give you anything other than emojis, even member streams are locked behind tier 2. And it's fine, who cares. No one should give a fuck what memberships do, you use them to support holos, and literally everything on top of that is just a nice bonus. You're not some customer paying them for services and minmaxing profits from your investments. Now seize your faggotry, and enjoy Noel singing.

>> No.28155575
File: 64 KB, 189x226, 1505765711125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tips

>> No.28155577
Quoted by: >>28155649

The higher tiers aren't about the content, it's about the interaction. That's what people are paying for, and it looks Jewish. Can you imagine if she turned on member's only chat for all her streams? She has the right to do it, but it would look bad and she would get backlash. It's why the tiers look bad. All the holos allow exclusive interaction with their oshi for 5 dollars only, except Mori.

>> No.28155579 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 193x193, 1573057398677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight from where does this actually come from

>> No.28155583

Some people want the concert experience and some people want the 'good friends drunken karaoke' experience. There's no harm in liking both.

>> No.28155584

We are the same.

>> No.28155587
Quoted by: >>28155652


>> No.28155590

I'm not ignoring that part, the tiers are effectively worthless because it will available for free anyways, buy paying for higher tiers you're just paying for the chance to talk her in a smaller audience, you're not losing any content

>> No.28155591

Moona needs to do her streamreps, some fun shenanigans from the tourists, but in general a bit dull. They met the Goddess though.

>> No.28155593

Yeah having comfy streams with people who actually give a shit is better than appealing to people who call her a Jew.

>> No.28155595
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1580552249678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28155596

that's a lot of replies on the Mori post but brap enhancement is still the king

>> No.28155597

It was fun, Ame was really interested in all the Redstone shit. It made /hlg/ get very mad.

>> No.28155601

אוי וויי

>> No.28155618

REMINDER: Cover gives the girls a salary which is why Ame doesn't care about superchats and releases all her member vods. Also, they only get 30% of the revenue from supers and memberships. Anyone bitching about people "pirating" the member streams is a huge faggot.

>> No.28155619
Quoted by: >>28155725

??? this guy is bullshit, the girls he quotes like Pekora or Aqua were not even close to that for a while at their debuts, just awkwards girls figuring things out.

>> No.28155623

Imagine seriously voting for Kiara. You people are deranged.

>> No.28155629

You guys were telling me /hlg/ gets better than /hlgg/ around this time but both threads are complete shit. What's the deal?

>> No.28155630

are SEAnigger hours usually this awful

>> No.28155634

Reminder that Ame drew Miko a welcome back drawing and got ignored.
Ame drew a ticket for Gura to congratulate her 1 million and got ignored.
But Ame got a reply from Baqua immediately.

>> No.28155636
File: 454 KB, 523x692, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28155637
Quoted by: >>28155719

The word is "cease", ESL-chama.

>> No.28155639

>Us chumbuddies are reguraly slander as pedos so...
The truth isn't slander.

>> No.28155640

ya gotta go back

>> No.28155643
Quoted by: >>28155665


>> No.28155646


Outside a few good moments quite boring overall

>> No.28155647

we just don't know.

>> No.28155649
Quoted by: >>28155679

Exclusive interaction? From what I heard it's terrible because 5$ isn't much of a gate. People were mainly their for the content not the interaction. I've only heard people talk about liking the interaction when it came to mori tier 2 streams.

>> No.28155652

did any stream actually got mostly negative rating in this kind of rate the stream post? they seem pretty much interchangable

>> No.28155654

I found it awkward and unpleasant. Moona didn't know enough buildings to be a good tour guide.

>> No.28155656
Quoted by: >>28155804

People just need to ignore bait, it kinda saddens me how easily some of my deadbeatbros get fired up, props to you guys for dealing with the antis

>> No.28155658

The one thing my fingers are crossed for

>> No.28155659

your poorfaggotry is showing. People who dont tip are subhuman

>> No.28155661

Everyone called Haachama a retard who was seemingly creating tiers at random when she revealed her membership.

>> No.28155663

I wish we could have insider info on how much they get paid.

>> No.28155665
File: 151 KB, 726x711, 1590428322767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155702

beggars can't be choosers

>> No.28155666

I was actually wondering why hachaama seemed to have less members than others despite her popularity. That could be a factor if not the sole reason.

>> No.28155671

The fuck are you even on about you pussy this isn't even bad.

>> No.28155674

Why did Moona not trap them in the basement. Literally everyone was looking forward to that.

>> No.28155678
Quoted by: >>28155704

>Open stream
>Off-key singing
>Close stream

>> No.28155680

I've never heard Noel sing before. Is she the... Amelia of her gen wrt to muzak?

>> No.28155679
Quoted by: >>28155748

i'm not mori's member, but gura's member streams are much better than her public streams regardless of the state of the chat, which i never even open except to SC.

>> No.28155681

Why is Moona going on hiatus?

>> No.28155682

I don't see any difference in quality.

>> No.28155685
Quoted by: >>28155846

No, it's not. It's about not assuming the worst about a person as a rule. The people that actually cared about Mori knew why she'd done things the way she did and what she meant by it. The people that bitched didn't care for anything but their first impression, and to this day hold a month old impression while parading themselves as the smarter ones.

>> No.28155695

REMINDER: Pizza drivers get a salary, therefore they don't care about tips.

>> No.28155696

Food convention.

>> No.28155700

No, I think he has the right stuff.

>> No.28155702
Quoted by: >>28155737


>> No.28155704

>filtered by SOUL

>> No.28155706

>That model
>That voice
Is this the gap moe we've been searching for all this time?

>> No.28155713

I liked it. Gura killing the first senpai she met was fucking hilarious. Seeing Sora hide behind a tree out of shyness was adorable. Fun times overall.

>> No.28155716

Finally some good FUCKING SOUL.

>> No.28155719
File: 175 KB, 1150x2020, 1602937400211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean size?

>> No.28155722

moona's minecraf POV is no longer privated, btw:

>> No.28155725

The people who post on /hlg/ at this time of day are brown Asians with an inferiority complex who wish they were Japanese, and have had a hard time accepting that Western culture rules on a Western video streaming site.

>> No.28155729
Quoted by: >>28155762

REMINDER: Waiters get paid already, so they don't really want a tip.

>> No.28155731
Quoted by: >>28155770

I am member for three of them, i don't care about the content being public later on, after all what's best about them is the live experience.

>> No.28155735

Moving out of the dorms, so no more Risu stealing piggy banks.

>> No.28155737


>> No.28155740
Quoted by: >>28155801

While I agree with the principal, the salary is just barely above Japan's minimum wage so supahs and memberships help a lot

>> No.28155742

That only works on stream once. Gura and Ame have done their reps, they've seen the traps.

>> No.28155741

>That Live2D
The only thing she needs to do is move.

>> No.28155743

>tipping a pizza driver

>> No.28155746


>> No.28155748
Quoted by: >>28155780

I've seen members only chat being used on coco, and it still seemed to fast. Point being Tier 2 was vastly better for chat interaction.

>> No.28155750

Too big

>> No.28155753
File: 167 KB, 370x385, 1603265082464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rewatch ChickenxSquid Collab
>They're both having fun
>It's just bants and no bad blood

Sometimes I love watching things live because I get to engage with /hlgg/, and sometimes the place is just filled with insane antis and it's just better to watch the replay.

>> No.28155759

Noel/Ame collab would have chat crying for unironic reasons

>> No.28155761

Ive been thinkin real hard and I just don't get Fiora Chen, someone please help

>> No.28155762
Quoted by: >>28155814

want =/= need

>> No.28155766
Quoted by: >>28155864

Where are you?

>> No.28155769


>> No.28155770

This is a good mindset. The fuckers that want to keep it gated to feel special have mental issues.

>> No.28155775
File: 803 KB, 112x112, 1591899995923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open stream
>Off-key singing
>Fall in love

>> No.28155777

Oh fuck, I never thought of it that way.

>> No.28155780

the chat is shit no matter what. in gura's case, the difference seems to be that she sees under 10k viewers instead of 50k+ or whatever terrifying number she usually gets.

>> No.28155781

Moona did trap them, she let them out pretty quickly though since they've got places to go

>> No.28155782

>Mori x Rei

>> No.28155784

You know, all those HoloEN are nice and all... But Noel is my oshi, and I don't think that will ever change.

>> No.28155785

All antiposting can be easily disregarded. Surprised there's people that still haven't learned this yet.

>> No.28155787


>> No.28155789
File: 584 KB, 1580x1724, 1603290358999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are alike in many ways....but Noel's ara ara game is superior.

>> No.28155795
Quoted by: >>28155837

Well against the four that actually does care or know hololive compared to Mori who didn't even know most of the members of hololive are, she really appears that she's just using hololive as a stable job opportunity and opportunity to let people know her works.

>> No.28155798


>> No.28155799

>taking/hlgg/ seriously
Do deadbeats really?

>> No.28155802
File: 74 KB, 989x392, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fly me to the moon~

>> No.28155801

70% of your donation/membership goes to Jewtube and Cover, both of which are shit companies.

>> No.28155803

>getting influenced by them

>> No.28155804

They aren't the many us of honestly, I'm kinda envious of chumbuds because they just drown out shitposting by mass ogey-ing someone

>> No.28155806

anon don't even give them that benefit, it's been a quarter of a century now

>> No.28155810

Pretty sure i’ve seen that posted before to falseflag. The wording in the first paragraph dissing Gura is giving me dejavu.

>> No.28155809
Quoted by: >>28155864


>> No.28155811
File: 3 KB, 400x398, grass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Kiara fucking with Polka has raised my expectations for the collaboration.


>> No.28155814

How do you not get it? Cover pays them the bare minimum they have to to have them considered contracted employees. They'd pay them nothing if they could. Just like how (in the US) waiters and pizza drivers make like 3 bucks an hour.

>> No.28155815

Noel is a caring older sister, Ame is a bratty little sister.

>> No.28155816
Quoted by: >>28155841

>ara aramogged
Gambare Ame... Your competition is rough...

>> No.28155820


>> No.28155821

Actually yeah, but Watson hasn't learned to give the cranky babies in chat their milk yet

>> No.28155822

Streams with a lot of dead time like the Tour collab I like watching live here. But I prefer watching solo streams with my oshi by myself so I don't have to deal with schizos.

>> No.28155824

You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.

>> No.28155827
Quoted by: >>28155838

Moona is going to overtake Kiara eventually...

>> No.28155831

America everyone!

Can't even afford to pay their workers a living wage.

>> No.28155837


>> No.28155838
File: 107 KB, 1322x545, 1585340163917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28155879

Moona already overtook Gura.

>> No.28155839

Good for you, I'm a bit amazed at how all the girls are different from one another. Kudos to Cover on this part

>> No.28155841

If they did a Getting Over It collab, who would tilt first?

>> No.28155846
Quoted by: >>28155874

You are picking and choosing things to fit your wishes.

>> No.28155849

take off armor for screenshots you idiots

>> No.28155852
File: 402 KB, 553x501, 1584218188746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to every single one of their gish galloped talking points
Antis are only worth an ogey, maybe a rrat if they try hard enough.

>> No.28155855

watersports with gura!

>> No.28155863

water polo with gura!

>> No.28155864

im retarded
ty, based, SUPERLIT

>> No.28155870


>> No.28155874

I'm choosing to believe whatever the vtubers say over faceless mooks on 4chan.

>> No.28155879

As expected, the moon is above all.
It's just natural

>> No.28155880

waterboard gura!
