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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 653 KB, 600x587, ina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27911609 No.27911609 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27911615

if you doxpost in this thread your oishi will get a boyfriend

>> No.27911617
File: 631 KB, 800x800, Eksh91GU0AE1FS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911622

/hlgg/ Ark server when

>> No.27911627
File: 35 KB, 346x432, 1602620855859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911678

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.27911629
File: 243 KB, 450x691, 2020-10-19_17-35-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will Kiara be a chuuba for?

>> No.27911630

Who's next to stream?

>> No.27911631
Quoted by: >>27911678

don't fucking tempt me
and my JP oshi is married already

>> No.27911632
Quoted by: >>27911678

We're just gonna forget about what happened in the last thread. Nobody mention it. Nobody talk about it. Nobody repost it.

>> No.27911633

If your bored do your minecraft reps on the hlgg server

>> No.27911634
File: 52 KB, 176x301, 1603075696669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911678

Watson's Minecraft skin has a bald spot on the top of her head.

>> No.27911637

Gura's playing minecraft solo
We all know what that means

>> No.27911641


>Sharks do not have bones. ...
>Most sharks have good eyesight. ...
>Sharks have special electroreceptor organs. ...
>Shark skin feels similar to sandpaper. ...
>Sharks can go into a trance. ...
>Sharks have been around a very long time. ...
>Scientists age sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae. ...
>Blue sharks are really blue.

>> No.27911642
File: 112 KB, 496x700, 1601483039174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911645
File: 104 KB, 766x974, Sick Outta Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911646


>> No.27911648

I wonder what gura smells like haha

just kidding dayo

>> No.27911653
File: 1.08 MB, 1415x1235, gura rescued.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911678


>> No.27911651
Quoted by: >>27911678

maybe if you increase the gather speed by 50x

>> No.27911656
Quoted by: >>27911678

So what you are saying is we need a someone who likes Matsuri to post?
For as long as Pekora

>> No.27911657
Quoted by: >>27911678

hopefully never

>> No.27911659
File: 195 KB, 900x1600, 1602914851097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911660

till the company goes bankrupt

>> No.27911661


I don't listen to many Miku songs but I liked Sakura no Zenya

>> No.27911663
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, Eh9yd3lU8AcWcSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911664

Like my sperm

>> No.27911665
File: 71 KB, 195x366, 1602984450131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911666 [DELETED] 

Sage when you post, you fucking retards.

>> No.27911670
File: 160 KB, 1516x1418, 1603070584821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911671
File: 895 KB, 1884x2267, 85124431_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911901

>> No.27911675
File: 721 KB, 4092x2100, 1577632810604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, I'm actually excited about this

>> No.27911674

Someone who likes Matsuri needs to dox post to fix her

>> No.27911676


>> No.27911678 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 850x1189, 1603143569427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Gura's?

>> No.27911680


>> No.27911683

Ame Apex I think

>> No.27911685
File: 29 KB, 1000x600, 1602871848002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite coupon artist?

>> No.27911693


>> No.27911696

Did something happen that there's been a big gap in streaming for En?

>> No.27911700

so how has dead hours been today? I ducked out and watched all the karaoke streams others had today.

>> No.27911702
File: 143 KB, 720x404, smallGoals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. A creeper crater
2. A small farm of several chickens
3. A large farm of many chickens
4. An autistically large farm of too many chickens.
5. Redstone Chicken Farm

>> No.27911703

2huniggers should learn their fucking place.

>> No.27911705

Seethe harder 2hufag

>> No.27911706
Quoted by: >>27911765

This fucking guy

>> No.27911707

is this a collab announcement?

>> No.27911708
Quoted by: >>27911869

When our girls do some cute things I have urge to hit something nearby. I am weird ?

>> No.27911712
File: 75 KB, 1019x485, 1576610476726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is sage?

>> No.27911714


>> No.27911715


>> No.27911720

>Baby sharks eat each other until one is left

>> No.27911721

I refuse

>> No.27911723

However long it'll take her to skin and wear Pekora.

>> No.27911724


>> No.27911725
File: 297 KB, 640x672, 1600650157839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will mating press the menhera.

>> No.27911728

neck yourself

>> No.27911727
Quoted by: >>27912628

No, she wants Flare right now.

>> No.27911730
Quoted by: >>27911895

The guy who made the 'she knows exactly what she's doing' coupon, I like that one the most. All of them are good though, an injection of desperately-needed OC.

>> No.27911732
File: 461 KB, 674x899, 1573800260566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911733

Preparing for their 3D debuts

>> No.27911736 [DELETED] 

Is the anon who said they had Gura's info around? I'm curious how accurate this stuff is

>> No.27911738

This is a vtuber board, Touhous get out

>> No.27911740

Ina is lowkey the best holoEN girl. she is a huge blessing

>> No.27911742
File: 113 KB, 658x742, 1602907984861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage these nuts mudafacka

>> No.27911743
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, 1602903865378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911746
File: 1.15 MB, 3240x4050, 1602912316929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911830

>> No.27911747 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1200x675, 85125257_p0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911748
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, ca9d87e5566a76460740249c2cabef66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911750

Coco and Haato returned.

>> No.27911752
Quoted by: >>27911900


>> No.27911753
File: 741 KB, 900x577, Crystal Sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911756

"Piano Lesson" asp-mix

>> No.27911758

mori . . .

>> No.27911760
File: 57 KB, 627x205, 1602770178403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911761

No really, what is this sage thing?

>> No.27911762
Quoted by: >>27911814

nah, the big gap is down to both Kiara and Mori crashing out from their weekend stuff and taking a couple days break. The others sort of chill on Sunday

>> No.27911764
Quoted by: >>27911900

and don't come back

>> No.27911765
File: 27 KB, 400x400, d8Ov__LN_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911766
File: 2.25 MB, 2633x2251, 1d48f120c05b831f0c25f365c1f67d09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911805

>> No.27911769


>> No.27911772

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)
>Hire competent staff with background in talent management for managers, translators, mods, etc.
>Filter questions for harassment, self-help, and not interesting questions
>Use their prestige and connections to hook their talent up with songwriters, movie makers, artists, who want to make things for them
>Screen all fanmade content that the Holos want to feature
>Help foreign ones with visa so they can stay in Japan

>Why the fuck would a manager help with scheduling?
>Some managers barely even talk to their Holos let alone other managers
>Just play Overcooked, Dark Deception, and that one fucking "game" with the plug people
>Harass and stalk them
>Source your own equipment, not like it's critical to your job or anything
>Fix your own streaming issues, we're not a tech company or anything
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Oh hey one of our talents reported that her manager is harassing and stalking her? Better not do anything about it
>Figure it out yourself lol. Maybe we'll make a keychain for you after two years
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)
>Hire incompetent people with no background in talent management as staff, rather they are just SEAnigger fans (*oserbait) and end up being at best fucking "SAY THE THING" creeps, (like the HoloEN manager Marine met) and at worst people who will one day rape and kill the Holo (*yger, Mel's manger)
>Pick the worst and most Gosling questions
>Suisei has literally released one original song since she joined Hololive. She released two while she was indie
>Let tracers through and make your Holo look like a fool for having to hastily retract emotes after announcing them
>Hang them out to dry, not my problem lmao
>They killed Asacoco 1.0

>> No.27911776
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, 1603131394826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911982

I want mori to cover this


>> No.27911779
File: 69 KB, 614x575, 1492640076343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911782
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 2 cunnies 1 dayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911784

Did they converge already?

>> No.27911786

The menhera will mating press YOU

>> No.27911790

still impostor

>> No.27911792
File: 16 KB, 152x309, yaranaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911796

I'm ok with this

>> No.27911800

A few years at least.

>> No.27911801
Quoted by: >>27912139

She's probably seen how impressed Pekora was with Moona's farms. My guess is she'll go full redstone autism to impress her senpai but will fail spectacularly.

>> No.27911802
File: 43 KB, 289x289, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the anons that didn't know the reference last thread

>> No.27911804
File: 192 KB, 606x720, EkkcgkxW0AEbP2z@paralllelll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911805
Quoted by: >>27911836

I want wing hugs from Kiara

>> No.27911812

This place is newfag central so I'm not surprised

>> No.27911813

i expect her to be chasing runaway chickens for hlf the stream

>> No.27911814


>> No.27911816
File: 296 KB, 1869x1942, EkSSzMRUcAASJPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911817
Quoted by: >>27912744


Gura watched this

>> No.27911819

Not knowing /v/ memes isn't exactly a bad thing

>> No.27911820 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 584x124, 1603141439580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Ina be the first to have a heated gamer moment on stream?

>> No.27911821
File: 77 KB, 735x850, 5784fc2952e232683a7bc89d5d421475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoted everyone
I'm about to fuck your world up bro

>> No.27911824

abayo and stop falling for baits

>> No.27911825

>If there was actually good art of Gura being fucked, I could jerk off to her. As it is currently, jerking off to the other four girls is way easier, especially Ina and Mori.
Same here anon. I'm a lolicon but Gura does nothing for me.

>> No.27911826
File: 11 KB, 534x248, ticket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911829

Maybe it’s for the better

>> No.27911830
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1602948188245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine you just met someone like a month ago, and now there are hundreds if not thousands of people fantasizing about the two of you being romantically involved and drawing artwork of it

>> No.27911833

>Gura is within 10k of Korone and Fubuki

Tonight she will ascend and the numberfags will feast.

>> No.27911835
File: 1.29 MB, 2894x4093, Ekn7vtzU0AA9S7T@7iruca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911906

There are people in this thread who have not seen 2girls1cup.

>> No.27911836

I want her to wrap her arms and legs around me

>> No.27911837

I've been here since 08 and I didn't know that shit, but I also don't go looking for Sonic porn.

>> No.27911838

oh boo hoo your boring thread about some 2hu's hat got bumped off the catalog by the hololiveCHADs.

>> No.27911839
File: 141 KB, 1008x1200, 1600307502512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The menhera will suffer domination loss.

>> No.27911841

Post score


>> No.27911840

Realistically? For as long as Cover's in business, and even if Cover goes tits up she'll move onto whoever takes over.
This is basically a dream job. You don't quit a dream job.

>> No.27911843
Quoted by: >>27912078

Why is she so erotic?

>> No.27911852
Quoted by: >>27912139

Probably just a big farm with some attempt at nice architecture I'll be impressed if she tries to make some kind of automated chicken frying machine like Moona did though.

>> No.27911853

To be fair I hate that I know

>> No.27911855

Why do none of the girls have playlists? Annoying having to scroll through shit

>> No.27911856

When can we expect an EN concert? Or will they not do one.

>> No.27911861
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1601831466422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911862
File: 2.61 MB, 1290x1821, 1601012533728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally it's going to happen

>> No.27911865
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1738, Ekmq7PRVMAAB6Wx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911866

Imagine the akward cringekino of a Moona/Ina collab

>> No.27911869
Quoted by: >>27912085

Cuteness aggression is a thing, look it up

>> No.27911871
Quoted by: >>27911949

Here's your (you)

>> No.27911873

I'd say having anon's unaware of the inspiration for it is a net positive

>> No.27911876
Quoted by: >>27913789

He's not slav, though

>> No.27911877
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1600489589087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913372

Why is Mori so soft.

>> No.27911878
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1210, 85111027_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911880

Being honest with you, knowing the reference makes it worse. I didn't know what to know about it back then, I didn't want to be reminded of it today, and if I could back and stop myself from seeing it at all I would.

>> No.27911883
Quoted by: >>27912355

How much is Kiara seething that a fat indo stole her waifu

>> No.27911884
File: 68 KB, 435x966, 1572301091214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911891

At least Risu's Japanese is decent.

>> No.27911893

Welcome to Canada. No one likes the natives.

>> No.27911894

>/v/ memes
ogey newfag

>> No.27911895
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, 1602078562359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911896


>> No.27911897

Is there a BOOBA coupon?

>> No.27911900 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27911934

I'm going to post a schizo collage at some point but I would like to know if the anon knows something I don't, that's all.

>> No.27911901
Quoted by: >>27912629

I hate that any sci-fi has basically become "lol Apple".

>> No.27911903

its when they all die. numberfags will have nothing to numberfag for a while in these threads. unless they cling on to viewcount or someshit like superchat amount

>> No.27911906

>there are people in this thread who weren't eating chocolate while watching 2girls1cup

>> No.27911908
Quoted by: >>27911933

You post this dipshit more than I see him on twitter

>> No.27911909
File: 44 KB, 1028x767, 5235232626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm shit at this game

>> No.27911912

I blame Kiara.

>> No.27911914
Quoted by: >>27912020

Depends on what you mean by this. I imagine the first proper live will be Gura/Mori/Kiara 3D debut whoever gets it first.

>> No.27911916
Quoted by: >>27911983

Oh no... her Minecraft stream better not get that many viewers or Korone might not get first place. 7k between Gura and Doggo, another 2k for Fox... and Gura's gotten 7k subs off one stream several times

>> No.27911926
File: 14 KB, 654x289, 1601650355065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I really wonder which of the 4 holoENs (Ina, Gura, Ame, Mori) will be the first one to say the N word on stream.

>> No.27911927
File: 63 KB, 214x172, cuckficcent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27911966

im going to bed now.
WHen i wake up Gura will have surpassed korone and possibly Fubuki.
She will not do a great event stream when other holos have done so for half the numbers she has
Chumbuds will get angry and start to harass HER
She will graduate at HER peak because the pessure was too much

>> No.27911928
File: 209 KB, 800x800, EkSICjTWsAA8A-P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be great

>> No.27911929

Not happening

>> No.27911931
File: 23 KB, 969x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kusoge controls

>> No.27911933
Quoted by: >>27912012

maybe it's actually him here

>> No.27911934

Why are doxxniggers like this?

>> No.27911942

Gura already lost

>> No.27911945
File: 604 KB, 4096x3226, 1602313925452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912044

I want all 2huniggers to fucking die. How do we get rid of them? Seriously I can't be the only one who can tell that a significant portion of our schizo/anti posting comes from them raiding us because their 2hu diaper sniffing thread that belongs on /d/ got bumped off the catalog, right?

>> No.27911949

How often do you actually see 2babies1fox posted on /jp/ retard? You could be here for a decade and not know because it's mostly posted on /v/. That's the only place I've ever seen it aside from one random post on /tv/. Now fuck off and stop thinking /v/ is the center of 4chan.

>> No.27911950
File: 255 KB, 515x474, IMG_6309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912072

Wheres the fucking schedule Ina?

>> No.27911952

They'll just switch over to Mori or Amelia.

>> No.27911954
File: 121 KB, 828x996, Sad Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27911964
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x900, 85106474_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27911966
Quoted by: >>27912060

Except she will do something

>> No.27911968

Oh, it's back.

>> No.27911976

nice virus

>> No.27911978
File: 27 KB, 690x375, chickingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes happy

>> No.27911979

Latency issues since they dont live in the same country. Maybe if Cover would be willing to pay traveling expenses and set something up for them in one locale which is highly unlikely until they all have 100k each. Mori seems to have done most of the legwork for her own liveshow.

>> No.27911982

I want Mori to do an entire enka utawaku.

>> No.27911983

Amnesia will probably cause Gura to incline at 90 degrees. No way dog gets first anymore.

>> No.27911991
File: 148 KB, 379x379, 1599344294003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing reps are fucking difficult. You never actually see if you're making any progress.

>> No.27911993
Quoted by: >>27912038

Ina's design is seriously amazing.

>> No.27912002

>saw cleaver

>> No.27912005

>No Calli stream until the 21st

>> No.27912007
File: 114 KB, 640x327, 1603144250106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912087

>> No.27912008

They'll numberfag over mori akasupa
Mori vs Amelia subs
Reddit dragon akasupas

>> No.27912009

Show me all the coupon artist to choose between.

>> No.27912012

Then I guess I could say I've now seen a anon suck his own dick

>> No.27912013
Quoted by: >>27912156


>> No.27912015

Oh right

Though it's not with the hard R, and you can barely hear anything.

>> No.27912021

Did SHE say it?

>> No.27912020

Reason suggests first one will be Kiara since she can collab with JP 3ds
Heart suggests it'll be Mori since she was first EN to debut and has good stage chops when something fucks up (Kiara is more likely to break down)
Numbers would suggest Gura, but numbers don't really rule Cover when it comes to shit like that

>> No.27912022

Anon her last solo minecraft stream netted her 35k new subs, she'll eat dog and FBK before she even streams amnesia.

>> No.27912025
File: 256 KB, 1600x1559, 1601650431132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912282


>> No.27912028
File: 562 KB, 1986x1192, 20201011_072936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Amelia's dorky smile and I will continue to support her.
Fuck antis and fuck doom posters.

>> No.27912029
File: 115 KB, 734x1409, Eknb3IiU0AEy6ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liked by Amelia on twitter

>> No.27912033
Quoted by: >>27912096

Fucking how?

>> No.27912037

Won't load/10

>> No.27912038
Quoted by: >>27912107

I still don't like the gucci-esque branding on her tentacles.

>> No.27912041


>> No.27912044

I love how every post containing the word "schizo" is some paranoid boogeyman delusion.

>> No.27912043

Like a lot of things, you are making progress but in such small increments that you won't notice until a year later.

>> No.27912048

>you can barely hear anything.
I mean, I can pretty clearly hear it.

>> No.27912049
Quoted by: >>27912089

When are they getting alts

>> No.27912050

She's saying "oh canada" you fucking earlet.

>> No.27912055
File: 1.25 MB, 1378x2039, illust_85020343_20201014_215321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here but going to sleep, good night bros
Oh god
Now this is how to deal with a menhera, based

>> No.27912060
File: 96 KB, 527x455, sleepyreaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you chumbud, its impossible for her to do so. She already skipped through major milestones. There can be no speech big enough to give respect to the other holos who put out the groiundwork, she will offend someone, or rather someones fans because of the sheer amount of normies she amassed, she will be harassed by them. And its all your fault for number faggind instead of watching

>> No.27912063

Artist is a hobby of passion and perseverance. All you can do is have fun along the way.

>> No.27912067
Quoted by: >>27912656

"Oh, Canada"

>> No.27912072
File: 98 KB, 1274x529, 1602624784570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pin pon pan pon~
Ask again later, faggot

>> No.27912074

what did she mean by this?

>> No.27912078
File: 79 KB, 480x473, 1602208156668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unapologetically perverted but isn't actually able to back that up when you push back. She's basically faking a lot of her confidence and is a pretty weak girl behind it all.
It makes me go fucking crazy, she's cute but also pure sex.

>> No.27912083

she has good taste

>> No.27912084

that would be cool

>> No.27912085
Quoted by: >>27912166

wow its actually true. But its still fucking weird that its happening

>> No.27912086

I liked it too

>> No.27912087

Next meme!

>> No.27912088
File: 25 KB, 700x303, 1601950948605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912089

Not anytime soon its too early

>> No.27912090
File: 34 KB, 773x530, realdesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912091
File: 666 KB, 2896x4096, 1602460436535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, based Teachad

>> No.27912093


>> No.27912096
File: 26 KB, 666x361, overjoyedchicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that hard anon

>> No.27912098

Fucking 0 like 10 times kek

>> No.27912100
File: 12 KB, 964x715, 1586816299566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912101

Doggo could've gotten first place for some time is what I meant, then be taken over in a few hours, but with the Minecraft stream today that's looking very unlikely. Doggo will never be first.

>> No.27912104

Is Ame flexible? I forgot which HoloEN said they were flexible.

>> No.27912107
File: 234 KB, 850x1150, 1587027165879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louis Vuitton, not Gucci.

>> No.27912115
File: 1.29 MB, 2480x3140, 998948498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to the universe where Ame and Gura leaves to do small scale erotic vtubing together.

>> No.27912114

I might be retarded. I didn't realize I actually needed to jump to catch the chicken

>> No.27912118

have you ever noticed that her right eye is huge, bigger than her left eye even

>> No.27912121
Quoted by: >>27912547

>Coco and Haato returned.
Don't remind me....

>> No.27912124
File: 81 KB, 326x257, 1599939609783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard "okay nigga" until reading this post, now I hear "oh Canada". Interesting how the brain works.

>> No.27912131

I want that.

>> No.27912133

probably kiara since she has actual idol training

>> No.27912137
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1602387255017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27912138

Damn, I was bitching at how almost all chuubas are kinda shit at vidya but I'm just as bad if not worse.

>> No.27912139
Quoted by: >>27912191

Aren't there youtube guides for this? If Chicken decides to be serious, it wouldn't take much to make them.

>> No.27912144
File: 3.43 MB, 4961x7016, 85110461_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27912142

The chicken falls so fast by the time I react it's already too late to catch it

>> No.27912145
File: 69 KB, 900x765, 1603053064904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina regularly does her stretching reps.

>> No.27912156

Why would this get taken down for ToS though? Lyrics aren't that offensive/vulgar/whatever, and content ID would've just taken ad money. Seems weird

>> No.27912158

That's objectively the best position

>> No.27912165
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1602474772958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912210

What the fuck, now I can't hear okay nigga anymore either.

>> No.27912166

human bodies are a mess, it just happens to work out on average

>> No.27912168

what is calli and gura going to do with them?

>> No.27912170
File: 25 KB, 1006x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912174

I'm sure you'll get better Gura.

>> No.27912175

Let's groove tonight

>> No.27912177
File: 1.47 MB, 868x1228, 1602139853885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so short?

>> No.27912183

Does Kiara know about this? If not, someone should tweet it at her

>> No.27912184

At least you're aware.

>> No.27912187

God I need more art showing how small Ame is

>> No.27912188
File: 8 KB, 716x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont they know AmeXGura have the biggest fan overlap? Literally cannibalizing each other.

>> No.27912190
File: 29 KB, 616x283, uselesscoupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate that someone made this but this game plays like ass.

>> No.27912191

yeah, that's basically how Moona and Ina got into redstone. Moona didn't know jack shit about Minecraft a month ago but got the addiction pretty bad after starting.

>> No.27912193

Easier prey for La Lion to conquer

>> No.27912195

Any update about JP-EN secret collabs?

>> No.27912207
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1579513928511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, owned by meido

>> No.27912209
File: 74 KB, 772x488, 1602806584503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know

>> No.27912210

auditory cortex, how does it work!?

>> No.27912211

It's happening. That's all.

>> No.27912212

I know right? I've caught it a couple times but it falls way too fast

>> No.27912213

I'm glad several of us are as retarded as Kiara and get zero multiple times in a row.

>> No.27912215

Standing paizuri.

>> No.27912217 [DELETED] 

When I watched the stream I thought she said "oh canada"
But after rewatching this clip...
Fuck, now I can't unhear that as "ok nigga"

>> No.27912221

I liked Haachama's asmr stream, but why did the chat meme her into saying this?

>> No.27912222

They talked about this meme during the biped collab

>> No.27912226

Yes she tweeted it initially.

>> No.27912230

Besides Nene, nope. Might get some Gura*Senchou action once her reddit contest is over.

>> No.27912232

i love the sound of gura's voice so much. it melts my heart just listening to her.

>> No.27912237
File: 354 KB, 1185x1185, 1602389799123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for standing paizuri

>> No.27912238

Enjoy the ARK arc.

>> No.27912241

They're doing among us with Holofive(four)
Don't tell any one about this info

>> No.27912244

Yeah, she got zeros.

>> No.27912246
Quoted by: >>27912588

Are you ready for the ARK arc?

>> No.27912247

the okakoro karaoke from last night is so blessed

which HoloENs would have the most fun karaoke collab?

>> No.27912257

they don't give a shit and both do okay despite being overlapping. It's kind of refreshing how little Amelia minds.

>> No.27912261

You know the answer to that question

>> No.27912263

its kind of sad because she was scared to say it at first too because she didnt know what it was and feared that she would be banned again.

>> No.27912264
Quoted by: >>27912307

Are you positioning yourself in the middle after each?

>> No.27912267

this is my fetish

>> No.27912270


>> No.27912271

they r not

>> No.27912277

I'd like to see Gura and Mori do a karaoke collab

>> No.27912278

who kidnapped them

>> No.27912279
Quoted by: >>27912588

ARK w/ Coco

>> No.27912282

I have no idea what this is or why you posted it but this is fire.

>> No.27912283

I want to hear KiaraxNene again.

>> No.27912285

Is this the worst twitter meme yet?

>> No.27912287

Acknowledgement is the first step to improvement, go get em sharky

>> No.27912290

Hopefully it's a ploy by gura to absorb some of the cancer elements from ame's chat
At ame's request of course

>> No.27912295

She's not that short

>> No.27912297
File: 85 KB, 334x387, Pika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912298

I want to see a Mori/Gura be the rapper/singer duo like Pearl and Marina from Splat2

>> No.27912304
File: 847 KB, 3000x3701, 8567867575467546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude completed the Ame picture but it still lacks the tongue scar and the crotch area still looks like a Jotaro's hat situation.


>> No.27912305
Quoted by: >>27912377

Guess you weren't around for the baby pacifiers phase.

>> No.27912307
Quoted by: >>27912395

I try to keep myself positioned in the middle of the screen, but it feels like her run speed is too slow to reach the chicken in time

>> No.27912308
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, Hades_clear_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Ina, this is a very cool game I would otherwise not have played as I'm not really a fan of the genre. Took me 18 attempts to get here, probably would have been a few more if not for the info from the stream and the thread during it. Now to see what this heat stuff is about.

>> No.27912313

It's a great meme for artists to show off their anatomy reps, but unfortunately tons of decidedly shit artists try to get in on it too

>> No.27912314

Maybe not for you, dwarf.

>> No.27912320
File: 263 KB, 1068x1359, 1602925191938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need a collab EP

>> No.27912323
File: 1.77 MB, 389x450, 1603117622317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912476

fuck numbers
and fuck gura
dog and fox did more for holo than EN ever will do.
Gura attracted normies to shit up and ruin it
JK there is no hate, i love you guys

>> No.27912324

people were SEETHING about this, it was pretty funny.

>> No.27912328

whatever it is I will have tears in my eyes from too much laughing

>> No.27912329
Quoted by: >>27912588

Coco attempting to revive ARK by dragging as many people along as usual. Hopefully the English crowd is still tired as hell from it so they might move on from it

>> No.27912330

Mori is definitely going to let one slip. Ame is too gamer not too, but she's come far from her "blackface" days

>> No.27912333

meido of the minecraft server, are you here? When I try to enter the server, everything is blank and then I get kicked with an error.
>Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I tried using my two other alts and still the same issue.

>> No.27912343

genshin impact with HoloCN

>> No.27912349

So who's gonna be in the holo rap crew?
Korone, Gura, Mori, Watame, Okayu?

>> No.27912350

I couldn't stop laughing for a solid 5 minutes after hearing that

>> No.27912351

If the fps poll was anything to go by it seems that Amelia has around 4,000 members, is that a lot for a holo?

>> No.27912352

with the ping difference it wouldn't really work outside of prerecorded cover

>> No.27912353
File: 48 KB, 955x718, HappyKiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912781

I'm finally getting the hang of it.

>> No.27912355
Quoted by: >>27912385

I'm sure she's drying her tears on Subaru's hairy pussy right now to get over it.

>> No.27912358


>> No.27912363
Quoted by: >>27912382

Mori already got Knee grow'd by a superchat. its why she has to have someone go over all of hers first.

>> No.27912364


>> No.27912365

She's normal height for SEA.

>> No.27912370

everything about every holoEN is a lot for a holo

>> No.27912376

Mori actually gets quieter in tilt mode so I find it unlikely

>> No.27912377

Don't think I remember that one yeah

>> No.27912382

It's not natural like when Pewds said it

>> No.27912384

arent there 2 minecraft servers?

>> No.27912385

That... should not have aroused me as much as it did. What the fuck.

>> No.27912387

Just remember there are people who blew their load to Artias favorite phrase

>> No.27912395
File: 29 KB, 705x396, overjoyedchicken2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can really say is work on your reaction reps and don't jump too early then

>> No.27912396

Nah she goes quiet when she's tilted.

>> No.27912400

Their live2d tries to match their irl body for the most part that's why Mori's boobs are so big

>> No.27912401

Keep in mind that a good number of members don't interact so it could be a few thousand more.

>> No.27912402

Damn she's making at least 20k a month off of members then

>> No.27912407

>Mori is definitely going to let one slip.
Initially I thought so but not anymore. Mori's main passion is japanese rap and she around japanese people all the time. It's likely not in her regular vocabulary so I doubt she'll ever slip up and say it by mistake.

>> No.27912411
Quoted by: >>27913021

it's "okay I guess" but trailing off

>> No.27912414
Quoted by: >>27912437

She’s fucking 4’11

>> No.27912415

It sounds like she's saying boogers.

>> No.27912418


>> No.27912420

Don't forget the cover and youtube cut

>> No.27912421
File: 3.92 MB, 1548x2064, unknown-102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912423

It was posted at a retarded time so you need to add more people.

>> No.27912426
File: 67 KB, 800x450, Screen_Shot_2018-01-31_at_3.16.26_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reference for the anons that dont know...

>> No.27912428

holy shit

>> No.27912430
Quoted by: >>27912459


>> No.27912437

Wait really?

I might need to become a teamate. Short girls are the best.

>> No.27912439

you're promoted

>> No.27912440
Quoted by: >>27912475

When they get 3D, it needs to be close to the same height as their roommate's or it'll look weird when they motion capture it.

>> No.27912445

Nice work

>> No.27912447
Quoted by: >>27912474

Well, don't forget. A share of that goes to Hololive and YouTube.

>> No.27912453

where do people actually see these polls? do they just check the community tab every day? because that's the only way I've ever seen members posts, never mind these 40k vote polls that get reposted here.

>> No.27912454

>the subtle shading of the areola against the shirt
Crotch or no, I can live with this

>> No.27912456

Mori is gonna get asked to rap one of her favorite rapper verses and accidently get too caught up in the moment and say nigga

>> No.27912459
File: 1.63 MB, 1414x1000, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912462
Quoted by: >>27912478

ok well her EBITDA is 20k then

>> No.27912467

Thanks. The roof leak really must have poured down on her.

>> No.27912473



>> No.27912474

Does Cover take membership cuts too? I thought was only superchats

>> No.27912475

>or it'll look weird
So like most of their models. Cover's standard doesn't seem to be that high.

>> No.27912476


>> No.27912478

Kek, no. Stop using buzzwords if you've no clue what they mean

>> No.27912480
File: 27 KB, 538x530, 1595535277382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912584

will it be 66 minutes or kino?

>> No.27912493
Quoted by: >>27912536

I don't think there's any real info out, but no reason to think it's different.

>> No.27912495

nice work anon!

>> No.27912498

Holy shit it's been a while since I've seen this one

>> No.27912499

It's assumed, as is everything about their rev share

>> No.27912501

Check your bells and shit

>> No.27912502

Youtube has a feed now where it'll show recent community posts from your subscribed channels that you actively watch.

>> No.27912510

No wonder she was graduated for 3 months by Cover

>> No.27912511

what the fuck gura

>> No.27912513
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1415, 85119079_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kissing Ame!

>> No.27912514
Quoted by: >>27912540

a lot of her fav rappers don't use it or use it rarely tho

>> No.27912515

Wasn't Amelia supposed to start her Apex stream around about now?

>> No.27912520

but Risu know japanese?

>> No.27912526
Quoted by: >>27912591


>> No.27912528
Quoted by: >>27912591

In a little under an hour from now

>> No.27912529

nvm, it got fixed for some reason

>> No.27912532
Quoted by: >>27912591

an hour, bro

>> No.27912534
Quoted by: >>27912652

The payment goes to Cover after YT takes their 30%. The remainder is split up by Cover, the chuuba, and taxes. I think the chuuba only gets something like 15 to 30% of the money. Cover adjusts for struggling chuubas like Mel and Roboco though.

>> No.27912536

No real info, most go by whatever Coco said in the past but in reality we don't actually know the exact terms. It's also within the realm of possibilities that the EN girls might have different contract terms altogether.

>> No.27912538

she only likes shitty japanese 5ch rap about pachinko machines and touhou armpits

>> No.27912540
File: 150 KB, 338x338, 1568671748515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912570

>Tyler the creator
>Kendrick Lamar
>use it rarely

>> No.27912543

The one western rapper she likes as a musician and not as a vehicle for funny black weed man memes is Eminem and I'm not sure if he himself has the pass.

>> No.27912544 [DELETED] 

Only 30 hours left boys!

>> No.27912547
File: 262 KB, 373x442, 1596258633004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912575

did anyone record the whole thing?

>> No.27912550
File: 59 KB, 1600x800, 145r56134t968134g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When will she do another one bros.... I need more

>> No.27912556

idk, she sure likes to say it or at least her roommate used to

>> No.27912560


>> No.27912562

Does Japan even have a word for nigger?

>> No.27912565
Quoted by: >>27913317

Gratz dude. I got to 40% on Hades with a weapon I hadn't planned on getting that far with today so I'm still working towards a successful clear.

>> No.27912570

She obviously put that in there for EOPs who don't know about japanese internet rappers

>> No.27912573

Only 37 hours left!

>> No.27912574

Are you the gayest anon yet?

>> No.27912576

Which HoloEN has the densest pubes?

>> No.27912575
File: 83 KB, 216x209, 1595859329235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912677

yes, me

>> No.27912583
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600693811519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tree rrat + r*ddit dog
Will it be cringekino or just cringe??

>> No.27912584
File: 115 KB, 844x844, EgvqUNuUYAAcRgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be an epic 8 hours marathon and Risu will barely survive it.

>> No.27912585
File: 17 KB, 320x375, congrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912702

congratulations on your promotion

>> No.27912588

If the fire up ARK I'm closing the stream.

>> No.27912589
Quoted by: >>27912606

what kind of stupid question is that retard

>> No.27912590

It's not as if the regular Holos are averse to dropping N bombs.


>> No.27912591

Ah alright. Weird, the teamup schedule said it was now.

>> No.27912592


>> No.27912593
File: 175 KB, 237x364, 1600040887660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912900

By far my favorite karaoke. I dont understand why this girl makes me feel these things.

>> No.27912595

What does Ame mean by listen along?

>> No.27912601

黒んぼ or you can just use ニガー

>> No.27912605
File: 751 KB, 1118x300, 1601830417889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They watched the gen 5 debuts together in discord according to a kiara stream

>> No.27912606

It's for my imaginary fap material Anon

>> No.27912607

Ina for sure. Korean girls don't shave unless they are sluts.

>> No.27912608

They have a word for black people but they have no racial history with them so aside from general gaijin stuff there's nothing specific

>> No.27912615

Kiara and Nene, hopefully one day in full 3D.

>> No.27912617
Quoted by: >>27912650

Gura will never dance to hardbass...

>> No.27912618


>> No.27912621
Quoted by: >>27912659

members only FNV stream

>> No.27912622

Did she really do this? Surely it's some fake

>> No.27912623

Fallout Radio.

>> No.27912628

Isn't flare noel's gf?
newfriend here

>> No.27912629

despite how much i love that design, you're actually right. the clean, sterile, light mode tron-inspired aesthetic is getting old fast

>> No.27912631
File: 49 KB, 954x711, RedScora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912671

>Getting to 1000+ gives you a red scora
>Kiara's image doesn't get happier than the 400+ yellow scora
2/10 kusoge, wouldn't not play again.

>> No.27912633

I just use their twitter schedules.

>> No.27912634

based furry taco

>> No.27912636
File: 816 KB, 1024x1448, pikasing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27912637
File: 629 KB, 570x539, smugpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's an Among Us collab with holoJP

>> No.27912639

Maybe Mori since in Japan only prostitutes are known to shave. Oh and for the record I would go diving in her muff.

>> No.27912641

Check the timezone in the bottom right. The teamup is right for me.

>> No.27912644

Ina, runner up goes to Mori

>> No.27912648
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27912650


>> No.27912651
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1596058411194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that means they watched the aloe disaster unfold together as well

>> No.27912652

>does nothing
>gets a big cut of the money made
shit sucks man, I cant imagine dropping 100 bucks or more on a donation just to have the holo get 20% or so of it

>> No.27912654
Quoted by: >>27912685

do you have full stream saved somewhere?

>> No.27912656

holy shit this is like that test where you hear two different things

>> No.27912659

This better lead to an actual FNV playthrough. Especially since anons checked and saw that turning off the radio music in the game also turns off in-world radios.

>> No.27912661

What do you keep asking this shit? This does not happen accidentally unless you are actually really fucking racist and hiding your powerlevel, which is unlike for any of the girls.

>> No.27912662
Quoted by: >>27912713

Damn, is she still going to be making all her member streams public eventually?

>> No.27912665
Quoted by: >>27912728

I hope the JPs learn to go to 10 people soon, 8 people with 2 impostors is too quick

>> No.27912666
File: 89 KB, 1200x675, fatigue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breaking actual laws
And don't come back.

>> No.27912671
File: 11 KB, 905x612, 1589467112505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912781

it's not even 1000+, it's likely 500+

>> No.27912674

How do you know shes korean?

>> No.27912677
File: 866 KB, 1265x1034, 1595197234808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me

>> No.27912678
Quoted by: >>27912721

>he doesn't know

>> No.27912682


in that order.

>> No.27912683

idk why but i think its part of charm that she's not very good at singing, like it ends up being endearing and feeling like its done with soul, how does she do it bros

>> No.27912685

There was a mega link in hlg last thread I believe, go dumpsterdiving

>> No.27912689
File: 427 KB, 543x495, 1602394541318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912719

They literally planned this together tho

>> No.27912694
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1602900738873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912721

>he doesn't know

>> No.27912695

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.27912696

That puts certain yabai incidents in a new light

>> No.27912702
File: 25 KB, 424x358, 134127220999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, this is /jp/ after all

>> No.27912704
Quoted by: >>27912840

I'm not racist above national average but I had it slip a couple times due to my black ex-gf referring to her brother like this all the time

>> No.27912706 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27912729

roommate reps

>> No.27912713

There will be copyrighted songs so no, it won't be archived.

>> No.27912714
File: 12 KB, 167x51, 1542858111949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We figured, but do you have something to back that up?

>> No.27912715
Quoted by: >>27912747

If they actually did you'd think they'd handle opsec better than what they did

>> No.27912719
Quoted by: >>27912743

Are we sure they planned it though? Cause pretty much every Holo gen has had one yuri ship that was shilled on debuts

>> No.27912721

Nice meme, I've been here since the debut and seen all the doxxshit. There's literally nothing to indicates this, or is some really weak shit from years ago.

>> No.27912722

Mori, it's in her name

>> No.27912723
Quoted by: >>27913064

People like Coco and Gura could probably with some work successfully detach themselves from Cover if they wanted to once they become big enough.

>> No.27912724

My money's on ID

>> No.27912727
File: 459 KB, 960x960, ss13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll love to see your faces when it turns out its Space Station 13

>> No.27912728

yeah its too retarded with 8 people and 2 impostors. If you can manage kill 2 people in first round, you basically won the game as impostor. There is no counterplay for crewmates

>> No.27912729

you don't need the roommate just watch her debut

>> No.27912732

this one time I posted about how the female Korean or Chinese R&D manager at my company does the same ``mm mm mm'' thing Ina does and then some guy replied to me saying that confirms she's Korean

>> No.27912734

She knows Korean and lives in Canada. Shouldn't be hard to figure out even without roomates

>> No.27912738

Literally free content

>> No.27912743

Yeah they did, iirc Kiara talked about meeting Mori irl before debut and they came up the ship together

>> No.27912744

Everyone did

>> No.27912745


>> No.27912746

The mere fact that she's immune to those fucking Korean super spicy noodles should tell you enough.

>> No.27912747

Either they don't care that much or they didn't expect people to dig that deep into their pasts.

>> No.27912748

I need polka clown shenanigans

>> No.27912750
Quoted by: >>27912774

She speaks korean, literally nobody else speaks korean except koreans because nobody cares about them.

>> No.27912751



>> No.27912754
Quoted by: >>27912857

ss13 is garbage without at least 15-20 people
and if they play on a public server they're gonna get banned for metacomm

>> No.27912759
File: 5 KB, 64x51, Ina Says The N Word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggy niggy nigg niggy niggy niggy niggy niggy niggy nig. REDSTONE!


>> No.27912761
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, EknlahAVcAAdOO1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24/10 22:00 "Large Collab"
>Botan has the same time cleared, as does Kiara and Mori
I honestly don't think it's Among Us, it would make little sense given the language barrier. HoloEN visiting the JP server seems far more likely to me.

>> No.27912766

She literally revealed this directly to the viewers in her debut. It's not even dox shit, she self-identified.

>> No.27912772
File: 990 KB, 929x700, 1231231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912774


>> No.27912779

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson anon.

>> No.27912780

Some people are obsessed with thinking that Gura and Ame are "based" and share their schizo /pol/ ideologies. It's sad.

>> No.27912781

Most likely 600+ according to >>27912353 's image. Basically it's 200, 400, 600 points threshold.

>> No.27912785
Quoted by: >>27912911

l4d2 versus

>> No.27912786

Yes sir!

>> No.27912787

It would take hours for them to learn how to play which I'm not sure is great steaming material but you never know

>> No.27912791

was her debut stream not a dead giveaway?
>can speak english but noticeably an ESL
>can speak some Japanese, is definitely not Japanese
>can speak Korean and did not expand more on it
Also says she enjoys spicy food and Korean cuisine has a lot of spicy dishes.

>> No.27912793

I don't recall Miko's model looking so fluid before

>> No.27912794


>> No.27912797

literally no Holo, EN or JP, would go past the interface
fuck, most wouldn't get past getting BYOND to work

>> No.27912802

Can someone send me the download link to Mori's latest Zatsudan?

>> No.27912803
File: 235 KB, 501x711, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda feel bad for Pikamee when she got memed into being a huge pedo. I hope it doesn't spread outside of this shithole...

>> No.27912808
File: 2.91 MB, 1754x1240, EkslCDDX0AEERri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Licking Ina's perfectly flat tummy!

>> No.27912810
File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, EktmWhoXYAAuuZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one posted gura schedule yet?

>> No.27912812

It's gonna be ARK

>> No.27912815
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, 1593894082064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913779

Less than 2 hours for Gura's stream come and do your worst on a new canvas

>> No.27912820
File: 153 KB, 670x247, 1602962356053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912821

Plus the whole korean mother thing
>tells daughter not to eat too spicy
>puts chilis in all her cooking

>> No.27912822
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1600185598653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912863

>start thinking about ss13
>suddenly people on an unrelated board, in a thread that couldn't be further from it people start talking about it

>> No.27912823

I've got you bro, you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkOCp6e6HJg

>> No.27912827

It's either a massive Among Us collab or them getting invited to the JP Minecraft server. Whatever it is seems to be big as A-Chan seems to be hyping it up as well.

>> No.27912832

nigga just wait till she releases it in a few weeks

>> No.27912834
Quoted by: >>27912860

Why would only gen 5 members welcome them to the JP server though?

>> No.27912839

Has anyone ported it to a non-shit engine yet? I feel like I've seen tons of attempts that just kinda stopped.

>> No.27912840
Quoted by: >>27912886

But as an insult? That's the whole point, getting so tilted you call someone an n-word. Not using it as an endearment term. I don't think people would actually care that much is Mori called someone "my nigga" or something liike that. I mean OBVIOUSLY some people will throw a fit, but it wouldn't be that much of a deal.

>> No.27912842

you are about 2 threads late

>> No.27912845

posted 2 threads ago

>> No.27912854
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1601358196276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she sings along to some of the songs in the FNV listen-along. I need to hear that voice again

>> No.27912857

they're not going to play ss13 until it gets a version that isn't on an engine made of 2 sticks and a rock.

>> No.27912859
Quoted by: >>27912921

if there's more than a week gap for VOD release, I'll prolly start uploading them since the waiting is kinda pointless anyway

>> No.27912860
Quoted by: >>27913000

There'll be more, we just don't have schedules yet. Kanata has something planned for that day, and Sora has a secret stream scheduled a couple of hours before hand.

>> No.27912862
File: 381 KB, 2480x3508, 1602176890893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27912889

Of course I just meme about it, but being a female cunnysseur is based

>> No.27912863

Among Us is ss13 lite, that's why he said it. It's not completely unrealted.

>> No.27912864

I miss niggermanposting

>> No.27912865

>2 days of only collabs, followed by her usual break on Sunday


>> No.27912866

Which movie?

>> No.27912868
File: 251 KB, 482x674, 1602308254121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913097

>can speak english but noticeably an ESL
She's not even ESL, she just grew up speaking Korean at home so she has a distinct ethno-accent like a lot of 1st gen immigrant families.

>> No.27912873

the tide for the regulars would be unbearable if they tried. Not that any of them are even aware of ss13 and the learning curve is basically "spend a load of time in the wiki until you're used to the basic controls". It's not intuitive in the slightest.

>> No.27912876 [DELETED] 

watson being shit at singing adds a lot to her charm, imo

>> No.27912883
Quoted by: >>27913002

>Maybe if Cover would be willing to pay traveling expenses
Some higher-ups at cover must be going crazy they are probably scheduling 5th gen 3d model or any other big event, already thinking that gura will be the head of the company while being unable to attend any, unless they invest an amount enough to afford at least one full 3d model.

>> No.27912885
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1600312636641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really puts her heart into singing despite not having any training. She warms my cold heart.

>> No.27912886

'lazy nigga' probably can be considered such, though at the time only really the 'lazy' part was what I actually thought about, the nigga was just a vocal filler

>> No.27912887
Quoted by: >>27912978

The Thing

>> No.27912888

4v4 Slayer Halo Reach against ENs

>> No.27912889
File: 363 KB, 494x712, 1550621442201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912891
Quoted by: >>27912955

fuck he already took it down

>> No.27912894
File: 13 KB, 447x231, 1578618722466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27912899

Whatever they will do I'm curious how much they will enforce the whole senpai/kouhai talk with 5th gen as they are barely separate in debut time. Botan straight up said she does not want them to do it, hopefully they'll form a closer bond more quickly with that. I want to see that Ame vs Botan fight so bad.

>> No.27912900
File: 133 KB, 1600x900, 144984613168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hear her again

>> No.27912905
File: 125 KB, 360x474, 1503254010554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, this awakened a sense of nostalgia and longing for something I've never experienced but want to return to. I cannot deny it any longer. I am 3000% gosling.

>> No.27912911

That would hilariously tilted considering Botan could probably solo the entire rest of Hololive herself.

>> No.27912915
File: 13 KB, 377x196, 2020-10-19_18-28-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next time

>> No.27912921
Quoted by: >>27912975

She released a few member streams the other day and they happened 2-3 weeks before that i'd say it will be the same for the recent zatsudan stream

>> No.27912920

Oh hey it's the person that did commissions for HER.

>> No.27912926

I'm not a chumbud or a numberfag but seeing Gura about to hit 1million first is funny and exciting

>> No.27912930
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, EjiwCtmU0AATQOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right she could.

>> No.27912933
File: 245 KB, 2201x1308, EkuX8oZUcAEFnOI.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over all the high quality fan art holos are getting. SO many artists are into vtubers, it seems.

>> No.27912942
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1587782231140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913031

>nu IT beating Halloween

>> No.27912945


>> No.27912951

I'm gonna upgrade my membership to T2 Shark Side when she crosses the finish line

>> No.27912952

Could be as early as Wednesday if the Amnesia incline is steep enough

>> No.27912953

Seeing numbers go up has a wide appeal. Entire genres of games dedicated to it.

>> No.27912955
Quoted by: >>27913061

Welp. This might tide you over.

>> No.27912966

So you guys think it's just Haato and Coco getting in on this from the JPs? I'm starting to think this might involve a lot more JPs than initially thought

>> No.27912967
Quoted by: >>27913097

She's doesn't have an ESL accent, she was probably taught Korean and English while growing up.

>> No.27912969

Botan is adorable, makes be regret not doing more reps to understand her more. Best design in Gen 5

>> No.27912972

Halloween is shit though.

>> No.27912975
Quoted by: >>27913015

ye, but I assumed the big part of the delay was just her being hella busy (especially since she kept falling asleep and forgetting about them), so I wonder if the timing will be adjusted

If not, insert 'I'll do it myself' meme because it doesn't really make much of a difference if our shithole gets them a week or two early

>> No.27912978


>> No.27912985

I don't even see it mentioned outside of here anymore, so it's probably fine.

>> No.27912990
Quoted by: >>27913058

Playing Battlefield with her and getting absolutely bodied was fun.

>> No.27912991

HoloEN's character models are great honestly. Coupled with the hype it's no wonder people are making a lot of art for them.

>> No.27912994


>> No.27912997

>does nothing
Look at all of their roommates' channels. Look at how little they were earning from yt/twitch before joining hololive. What they earn after the Cover Tax is several magnitudes greater than what they earned on their own.

>> No.27912998

Agreed. Freddy and Jason are better.

>> No.27913000

Amanekanatach and Sora have something special on Friday. EN x gokisei collab is on Saturday.

>> No.27913002

Even for all the things Cover doesn't but should do, I don't recall issues with contracting model work/live2d to be one of them, they pretty regularly provide that kind of support it seems, I am sure they are working on trying to get something ready for Gura at least as soon as possible. The problem is we are currently living in plague times, so free travel is difficult even if they wanted to foot the bill for all of EN to go where ever.

>> No.27913010

It was good for its time and Gura wants to watch it.

>> No.27913011

Botan is fantastic. Great at games, great chemistry with pretty much everyone, great design and voice.

>> No.27913014

Her husband won't like this!

>> No.27913015

Has she ever said anything about the scheduling of when she releases member streams?

>> No.27913018

still being voted on, but 99% chance it'll be the thing

>> No.27913021

Memes aside, it was about Canada

>> No.27913025

>tfw you will never kill yourself as watson gently sings you to sleep

why die?

>> No.27913027

some of these guys might even end up being the next papa or mama for the next gen

>> No.27913028

Among Us is fine ,"red sus" "body in cafeteria" "there is no cafeteria on this map" "i am 300k vtuber" etc.

>> No.27913029

tonite gura eats pizza with salman on top

>> No.27913031


>> No.27913035
Quoted by: >>27913221

I find it a little disappointing since if JP did more eigo reps they'd probably be there by now

>> No.27913043
File: 313 KB, 617x512, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she gonna start playing Arknights?

>> No.27913044
Quoted by: >>27913116

great giggle too

>> No.27913045
Quoted by: >>27913279

What would you buy for your favorite EN?

>> No.27913049

>new Amnesia came out
Huh. I guess I'll be playing it along with Gura.

>> No.27913050

I wonder why Amelia doesn't play Battlefield or CoD

>> No.27913051

I would bet normalfag fans either chose to forget about it or just wrote it off as "lol japan so quirky and weird"
Pika will be fine

>> No.27913056

Botan is /g/ as fuck too, really knows her stuff.

>> No.27913057


>> No.27913058

dont underestimate older women

>> No.27913059

>Ame making random noises
I love this autist

>> No.27913061

holy fuck you are a GOD you know that

>> No.27913064
Quoted by: >>27913479

Cover probably has the rights of the design and the name

>> No.27913065
File: 1.35 MB, 1321x2000, 1602235690557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913128

La Lion is a lot different from what I expected from her design, yet I still like her a lot.

>> No.27913069

ina already went full gamer

>> No.27913082

ogey knee grow

>> No.27913085
File: 117 KB, 1800x1551, e9bfc285332ecbca86e067548dc408fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make Gura play Ring Fit Adventure until she's hot and sweaty and can barely stand, throw a bucket of wine on her and lick her clean! Getting drunk on Gura's cunny sweat!!!!

>> No.27913086

not really
she should speak up in the thread if she doesn't want me to do it

>> No.27913094

not another fucking apex stream when will she learn

>> No.27913096
Quoted by: >>27913136

>does nothing
You see all those assets the girls use? 2D Models, props, "rooms", background music, etc.
If the girls weren't with cover they'd have to pay that out of pocket.
Also the advertisement, don't forget - with Cover they essentially skip 2-4 years of painful growth - look at the indie vtubers and how big their audience is.
That's simply something money by itself can't buy. Not even ads.
Lastly don\t forget about "permissions". Everyone bitches about them, but how many youtubers have been permamently demonetized and live off of Patreon or Subscribestar? Yeah, Cover handles that too.

People like to bitch at Cover, but the company does a lot to help the girls and there's a reason why many people would knife you to get into Hololive.

>> No.27913097
Quoted by: >>27913573

Not sure what age counts as ESL, but she says she started learning English around age 10.

>> No.27913104

she's a lot more annoying if you know japanese, she repeats herself so much. literally says everything three times over

>> No.27913107

It's just one, anon.

>> No.27913109
Quoted by: >>27913145

Do you think she’ll play Titanfall 3 when it comes out? If respawn ever fucking makes it

>> No.27913111
Quoted by: >>27913725

Her face when she sees the pekodam shows what a fucking great job they did

>> No.27913113
Quoted by: >>27913204

She said she wants to release them 3 weeks later, and just forgot for the first ones.

>> No.27913114

Already on the to-do list

>> No.27913115
File: 2.88 MB, 2201x1308, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913116

Botan's giggles is up there together with Ayame's and Ame's imo

>> No.27913117
Quoted by: >>27913456

I want to see her smile.

>> No.27913120

She's tanking the debuff duty for EN

>> No.27913121

fuck you

>> No.27913126
File: 443 KB, 1924x2048, EkuT9OlVgAA1qlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913138

>Mori (alt style)
People can create some really cool stuff. Wish I could do the same.

>> No.27913127

So arknights x holo collab when?

>> No.27913128

Shishiron/Lamy is some of the most adorable shit ever.

>> No.27913131

There is speculation that Sora may be involved due to having her having a streams scheduled near that time as well, if that's accurate then it is almost certainly a JP server minecraft welcoming tour, I don't think they let Sora play fun games.

>> No.27913132

Eh it's just one

>> No.27913135
File: 16 KB, 333x333, 04294791391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime the shark gets close, the god ascends higher. The gap never disappears.

>> No.27913136

Okay Cover shill, taking a break from harassing your talents? Your "talent agency" still doesn't provide a fifth of the servers D List Soap Stars get from their agents and managers.

>> No.27913138

Your reps anon

>> No.27913141
Quoted by: >>27913259

Gura does that and I love her

>> No.27913145

Never gunna happen.

It's what her members voted for.

>> No.27913148

Apex makes her happy. Don't you want Ame to be happy?

>> No.27913158

Soon the choices are ARK or Apex. I hope you had your answer.

>> No.27913171


>> No.27913173
File: 2.47 MB, 1440x860, 1588755499700.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN EDF when?

>> No.27913172

It was either this or Valorant and I’d rather a shitty br than a shitty csgo rip off

>> No.27913176

Why isn't this appearing on her channel for me

>> No.27913188

Yeah only Amelia has given a time when she releases member streams(tho she still hasn't released the john wick watchalong even though its been more than 24 hours since it happened)

>> No.27913193

I don't mind an Apex stream now and then but a choice between Valorant and Apex is like choosing between death by drowning or death by hanging. Neither are good outcomes.

>> No.27913196
Quoted by: >>27913210

Can’t she find a good game to make her happy?

>> No.27913197

it's one (scheduled) stream, and it's what she wants to play. chill

>> No.27913204


>> No.27913210

ok well she said she likes FPS games. What FPS game do you want to see her play?

>> No.27913212

Apex does not make her happy. She spends most the time dying and getting frustrated. She's so concentrated on not dying, she never has time to actually talk or engage with chat, she just ends up humming the entire fucking stream.

>> No.27913213

>Korone is going to be top holo for a little while
Good for her

>> No.27913214
File: 57 KB, 418x158, 1577642214984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AmexBotan fps collab when
just imagine them trying to communicate through a language barrier

>> No.27913216

I'd fucking love to see that, I wonder who'd play it.

>> No.27913218

Ame has to play Apex on stream, she needs to rank up and she doesn't have time to play it off-stream anymore since she's addicted to minecraft

>> No.27913219

a good game of apex is much more enjoyable than a good game of valorant.

>> No.27913221

They just need to play western games desu. Imagine if Pekora played any of the Max Payne games

>> No.27913230

I tried to stop drinking caffeine cold turkey and now I feel like I going to die

>> No.27913231
Quoted by: >>27913309

Only 7k difference, and Gura is streaming Minecraft today.
It's over.

>> No.27913233

you can have good games of valorant??

>> No.27913250

Metroid Prime

>> No.27913254


>> No.27913259
Quoted by: >>27913785

first ya tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em, then ya tell 'em, then ya tell 'em what ya told 'em ₕᵤhaʰᵃ

>> No.27913261

You corner camped the 5 smoke spheres really well and landed the flick

>> No.27913262


>> No.27913271

Sorry, I've only been on 4chan for 8 years so I hand't seen it.

>> No.27913272

Call of Juarez Gunslinger

>> No.27913277

If she could carry, maybe, but I hate seeing streams of Valorant even when the streamer is doing well. Too many vision obscuring effects.

>> No.27913275

Her members need to stop being zoomer twitchfags and tell her to play some singleplayer fps games.

>> No.27913278

Litteraly anything besides battle royales, valorant, or csgo.

>> No.27913279

>Real Steel on Bluray
the fuck Lamy

>> No.27913285


>> No.27913287
Quoted by: >>27913314

Gura+Ame+Ina BL2 collab. Since Ina enjoys Destiny2 she would def be into BL2.

>> No.27913288

I don't care what she likes I care for what makes good content and apex is not good content.

>> No.27913290

Better than watching her walk around in Minecraft while tard wrangling her backseating chat.

>> No.27913294
Quoted by: >>27913320

A game where we don't have to wait for the next round when she dies.

>> No.27913296

Where is the stream Ame? I want to hear your potty mouth.

>> No.27913297

Dusk or any of the other New Blood games

>> No.27913303
File: 283 KB, 484x484, 1601341447901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913978

>Amelia as British safari hunter
>Botan as the great white lion she's hunting
>Amelia constantly frustrated at not being about to score a win against Botan, starts employing increasingly convoluted strategies
>Botan just having a good time
>No conversation due to language barrier

It would be just like a Road Runner cartoon

>> No.27913309

It's been a forgone conclusion for a while now to be honest. It would have been nice if Gura's growth slowed down naturally so they could all reach a million together but it's just not realistic. Only way to stop the momentum now is delete her channel.

>> No.27913313
Quoted by: >>27913483

Titanfall 2.

>> No.27913314

I think I would literally die if I ever heard any of bl2s dialogue again.

>> No.27913315

desu both Valorant and Apex suck dick and are terrible stream games but I enjoy listening to Amelia enough to put up with it

>> No.27913317
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, 6354543453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it bro!

>> No.27913318
File: 115 KB, 960x540, 1318121934366765056@Ofwulves.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27913320

This, it's boring to play and even more boring to watch.

>> No.27913322
Quoted by: >>27913483

I'd be excited for Titanfall 2 (campaign or multiplayer), Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, BPM, Ultrakill, Dusk, Amid Evil, any Half-Life (Including Black Mesa), MvM with Mori sounded like a fun idea. Just anything outside of Valorant, Apex or CS:GO would be welcome.

Agreed. I don't think either of them are any good, but Valorant is truly awful to watch.

>> No.27913323
File: 1.51 MB, 1150x1995, shark_kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote some go code for scheduling youtube-dl instances for archiving. Code expects a schedule file that has one stream per line. See the comments at the top of the file for how to format the lines. Code should run on windows,mac,linux etc.


>> No.27913324
Quoted by: >>27913373

Well someone said she set it for three weeks for public release. So do you wanna release the member stream?

>> No.27913326
File: 70 KB, 632x616, 1601515769795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913328
File: 547 KB, 1000x577, 1601842397080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god if they play Ark...

>> No.27913329
Quoted by: >>27913499

Cover probably didn't have enough english-speaking staff to ask for permissions properly

>> No.27913332
Quoted by: >>27913387

It was apex or valorant. No one wins

>> No.27913335

Good job, anon.

>> No.27913349
Quoted by: >>27913510

Nice work. Is that Exit Wounds you got a pretty good boons for your weapon

>> No.27913351
Quoted by: >>27913387

>suggesting on a poll with only 2 options given

>> No.27913355

It'll happen eventually, no one escapes the Ark arc, not /hlg/ or /hlgg/. Coco will bring it to all in time.

>> No.27913356

Rainbow Six.

>> No.27913362
File: 117 KB, 800x500, 1 free thing or something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913412

>> No.27913364

Titanfall 2 single player

>> No.27913372

It was really nice when she showed up during that indies live stream today.

>> No.27913373

Ye, kinda, waiting 3 weeks doesn't really feel necessary if they gonna be out there anyway

>> No.27913381
File: 524 KB, 1254x1781, 1600982754328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame's already the mother hen of EN, she'll be the daimotherhEN.

>> No.27913383

Months of having to watch it with the JPs just to have to watch it with the ENs again, fuck that kusoge

>> No.27913387
Quoted by: >>27913444

>Ame was the zoomer twitchfag the whole time

>> No.27913388
File: 64 KB, 483x529, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sort by last week

when did the world develop such a perfect taste?
literally my top10 favorites

>> No.27913395

I don't really watch Watson but does she normally nerf her shouting voice like that? I wonder if she's trying to not disturb her neighbours or something. You could tell she wanted to shout but was holding back

>> No.27913407
Quoted by: >>27913592

aight toss me a download link for the stream

>> No.27913408

oh, you mean the artist. ignore me please.

>> No.27913409


>> No.27913410
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 【APEX】I MISSED SHOOTIN' ( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── -(˚☐˚”)-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913443

>> No.27913412
File: 654 KB, 1000x720, 1601178560167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is uhhh...a good...uhhh...what's the word...COUPON! YA YA! This a good coupon. You know what I mean? Yea.

>> No.27913414
File: 54 KB, 555x547, 1475034048720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be an indie vtuber hosting a small stream only for Calliope Mori to show up and call you cute
Life is rough.

>> No.27913415
File: 325 KB, 415x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913505


>> No.27913416

Titanfall 2, Half-Life 2, Halo MCC, Bioshock 1/2 and maybe Infinite if she can make it entertaining, Destiny 2, DOOM, FarCry 3/4, any modern Fallout. There's tons of options here and I'd like them all

>> No.27913419

Might also be if she shouts, it'll cause the dogs to bark. Mine do that.

>> No.27913421

uh moona

>> No.27913420
Quoted by: >>27913517

nice. i have been looking at some way lighter than having youtube-dl suck down the entire page every time just to check whether the stream is live yet, but i have not made progress.

>> No.27913430

Moona off-center really triggers my autism.

>> No.27913431
Quoted by: >>27913706

>Ame Apex
>Polka scheduled guerilla karaoke

>> No.27913432
Quoted by: >>27913468

>tfw every game in Max Payne franchise has full japanese translation and even dubbed.
Literally no excuse. It'd be MGS stream tier.

>> No.27913433

I don't like her

>> No.27913439

I hate R6 but if there’s one thing I’ll give it, it’s that it’s fun as hell to watch someone play.

>> No.27913443

it's HER

>> No.27913444
Quoted by: >>27913501

your new is showing
go back

>> No.27913447

Because she's a psychopath

>> No.27913450

To be fair ARK took off because JOPs liked it for some reason. The EOP crowd is already sick and tired of it so they might not stick with it

>> No.27913452

Mori should open up a PO box after she's moved, won't have to pay for furnishing


>> No.27913453

FPS drops, windows battery error over her face, followed by another depressing akasupa reading.

>> No.27913456

I want that but also getting drunk on Gura's cunny sweat.

>> No.27913458
File: 866 KB, 1000x1351, 1480538404692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913483

Titanfall 2.

>> No.27913462

She's fine with shrieking full volume, she's obviously just doing a bit here.

>> No.27913467
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, EkoRJchU0AA6I0P@ggbbggbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27913468
Quoted by: >>27913531

Max Payne is owned by Jewstar and I don't think they've given permissions yet.

>> No.27913477

It's much more fun to play apex than to watch it that's for sure

>> No.27913478

Apex has really fun gameplay, actually. So much so that I'm able to enjoy it in moderation despite the fact that it's a BR. Hopefully its success will allow Respawn to make a Titanfall 3 that people actually play, because Apex essentially plays like a watered down Titanfall.

>> No.27913479

Obviously but we know how well kept secrets are.

>> No.27913480

>supporting unstable menhera
No 10Q

>> No.27913483
File: 510 KB, 1500x827, 1583009542533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All insanely based.
Would be amazing.

>> No.27913486

In case anyone else's youtube notifications are buggy and shit like mine, Ame scheduled her members only zatsudan for later as well.


>> No.27913488
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1602953832678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your oshi
>What will be written on her tombstone?

>> No.27913490

good morning niggers
she kissed ME btw

>> No.27913491
File: 373 KB, 495x495, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913624

>I don't care what she likes

>> No.27913494

You just gotta do your music reps and make the cut in her next contest, anon. You can go toe to toe with 2hu doujin music creators and professional remixers, right?

>> No.27913496

Matsuri has made a bunch of mistakes, including but not limited to:
>Making *yger a mod
>Playing debuff games like Apex
>Associating with Luna who is annoying and boring
>Being a menhera and not in a cute way

>> No.27913497
File: 46 KB, 900x900, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many important materials that can be obtained from the nether, but the most important is Netherite. These are the "diamonds" of the nether. It is located at the 11 block level, just like diamonds, and is extremely rare.

Netherite is primarily used to "upgrade" diamond gear. Netherite armor provides the same defense as diamond, but it's more durable. Netherite weapons do more damage than diamond weapons, and Netherite tools work faster than diamond tools, and of course are more durable. The most important feature is that Netherite armor and gear does not burn in lava, and floats to the top. So you can travel into the nether without fear that you will lose your important gear. Of course Netherite armor is not as pretty, but form follows function.

One important device that can be built with netherite is a Lodestone. When a compass is clicked on it, it becomes the focal point of that compass. Using loadstones you can navigate the minecraft world much easier.

>> No.27913498

what in the world. did they actually post their amazon wishlist or something?

>> No.27913499

I think they already have Rockstar's Permission so they can at least play max payne 3

>> No.27913501

It's a joke, anon

>> No.27913505


>> No.27913504

Some dumb rap lyrics

>> No.27913509
File: 41 KB, 1280x474, EknjM_WVMAAfv2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913510

Dunno about that but it was good enough to beat Hades with at least.

>> No.27913517
Quoted by: >>27913642

this should need to only a single time or so, it uses the error string from youtube-dl to reschedule itself.

>> No.27913518


>> No.27913523


>> No.27913524

I wonder if the EN girls are allowed to do this. Getting a bunch of free shit must be nice.

>> No.27913529

cute girlfriends

>> No.27913533
Quoted by: >>27913622


>> No.27913530

Thanks, Steve. I'm sure the girls will make excellent use of your helpful tips.

>> No.27913531
Quoted by: >>27913602

What about Miko's GTA V streams? Or are they still privated?

>> No.27913537

I wish more fan art was like this. Not just generic coomer shit

>> No.27913538

I would agree but I think Valorant has more opportunity for zatsu during downtime (if memory serves me at least). Kinda balances out.

>> No.27913540
Quoted by: >>27913580

>Thank you for the superchats!

>> No.27913548

I'd prefer a Mega link but i'll take whatever download link you've got

>> No.27913549

honestly, from what she's shown on stream, people seriously overestimate how good Botan actually is.

>> No.27913554
Quoted by: >>27913624

Maybe you should find somebody else to watch if you don't care about her

>> No.27913558

Is there anything you can recommend that would get me to like Matsuri? I really only know about her through these threads.

>> No.27913562
Quoted by: >>27913604

>Here lies Calliope. She never scored.

>> No.27913570

IIRC, Cover has it all go through their building first, maybe they could manage something for Mori or Kiara but the NA girls would be trickier

>> No.27913573

>but she says she started learning English around age 10.
No she didn't?

>> No.27913574

She might get a boost from her appearance in Suisei's concert earlier today. She reminded everyone she's actually pretty talented when she's not freaking out about girls on twitter.

>> No.27913576


>> No.27913578
Quoted by: >>27913628

Honestly, it's cooler then just donating them money. Sharing something you think they'd like, whether it's just snacks or furniture that they'll see everyday, is an interesting way to connect with your oshi.

>> No.27913580
Quoted by: >>27913623

That's what everyone says, shouldn't be "danke schon" if that's your point?

>> No.27913583

gomen lyg*r

>> No.27913584
Quoted by: >>27913723

It's a lot of extra work for Cover staff cause they have to screen shit to make sure there aren't explosives/hidden cameras/razor blades in them. And we all know how much staff loves to help their talents.

>> No.27913586


>> No.27913587

Thanks Steve.

>> No.27913588
Quoted by: >>27913650

So is anyone downloading it

>> No.27913592
Quoted by: >>27913666

gotta learn how to do that shit first when I get a free moment

>> No.27913596

Clearly she needs to play Arma 3 and discover her inner Operator.

Imagine if they tried to do an Arma collab.

>> No.27913599

I'd be more forgiving of Valorant streams if she used it as a zatsu device instead of doing that fast-talking commentary thing over the sleep-inducing gameplay. I'd still rather anything else though.

>> No.27913602
Quoted by: >>27913651

Still privated

>> No.27913604
Quoted by: >>27913641

do u rly belib that

>> No.27913607


>> No.27913613

Out of curiosity did anyone catch how many views mori's member only streams had when they were realeased?

>> No.27913617

She's competitive tier and the next best Holo could be beaten by your average /v/ermin. Most of them are just dead weight and would suicide/bumble around.

>> No.27913618
Quoted by: >>27913645

>A loving wife, mother and grandmother

>> No.27913622
Quoted by: >>27913691

Ririsya. Mori swung by one of her streams earlier today and hung out in the chat for a little while.

>> No.27913623

You're expecting an anti to watch streams?

>> No.27913624

If she wants to play games where she rarely actually says anything or engages with chat she should do it off stream

>> No.27913627
Quoted by: >>27913963

She doesn't zatsu during Valorant downtime though except for when she's banned from queueing for ragequitting

>> No.27913628

The dude that gave Pekora the bunny purse is probably still masturbating at the thought of her using it

>> No.27913636
Quoted by: >>27913803

In case you're still around, I'm like you so I wrote a script to paste in the browser console that sort all post by numbers of replies. It's obviously not optimal and all, just wrote it for myself. Once you enter it once you just have to up arrow + enter next time. I know this is not the way 4chan is meant to be used but eh, w/e.

The script is below if you use the "normal" 4chan (no add-on/extension). If you use 4chan-x, replace 'quotelink' with 'backlink'. If you use the "tree" interface setting of 4chan-x it will not work as it.

function toArray(obj) {
var array = [];
// iterate backwards ensuring that length is an UInt32
for (var i = obj.length >>> 0; i--;) {
array = obj;
return array;

function compareChildrenCount (a,b) {
var aLength = a.querySelectorAll("span > a.quotelink").length
var bLength = b.querySelectorAll("span > a.quotelink").length
if (aLength < bLength) { return -1; }
if (aLength > bLength) { return 1; }
return 0;

var coms;
function PS_sort()
coms = document.getElementsByClassName("postContainer");
coms = toArray(coms);
coms = Object.values(coms)
t.style.display = "flex"
t.style["flex-direction"] = "column-reverse"
for(i=0,x=coms.length;i<x;i++) {
coms[i].style.order = i;


>> No.27913641
Quoted by: >>27913780

Its funnier that way, so yes.

>> No.27913644

None of the fps games she’s played so far have seemed to bring any enjoyment to her

>> No.27913642
Quoted by: >>27913737

how does it handle the situation when the stream is scheduled to be live already, but it isn't live? i don't quite follow the backoff calculation, but that scenario is basically 100% of EN streams.

>> No.27913645

I like you

>> No.27913647

It's based on what we've seen pre-Hololive. Seems like she's taking the Hololive job opportunity to just relax and support her gen-mates nowadays.

>> No.27913650

I hope so, otherwise I'm gonna have to learn to do all of it myself.

>> No.27913651

Fucking rockshit.

>> No.27913660

>Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back.

>> No.27913666

aight i'll be awaiting a link when you're ready

>> No.27913678

>Half-Life 2
Watching Hana play Half Life was so much fun. I dunno if Ame has the patience for the physics puzzles though.

>> No.27913679

I like debuff games every once in a while because the chat is a little less shit and it seems like she can interact more since it's not so fast. Minecraft chat is painful.

>> No.27913689

What's with Ame's autism?

>> No.27913691

She is very cute

>> No.27913695

Same, all anime girl pinups are basically the same, gets really boring. Stuff like this is super cool

>> No.27913699

>I can't believe he actually scored her

>> No.27913700

thanks, steve

>> No.27913703
Quoted by: >>27913748

Even if you take out Ame's FPS streams she still streams the most out of everyone, so she's entitled to throw some kusoge in sometimes.

>> No.27913705
Quoted by: >>27913731

Dying and getting frustrated is part of the fun of competitive shooters. It's a great stress relief to get angry over something that both doesn't matter and comes to a definitive end. She enjoys playing it, especially when she's not actively being stream sniped.

>> No.27913706

just watch both I guess. Have Amelia quiet and turn her up when she goes off on one I guess.

>> No.27913710

She is eternal and does not die silly.

>> No.27913722
File: 293 KB, 1415x1235, 1603143225616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori has more subs than Amelia
What the actual fuck

>> No.27913723
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601331142953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913887

>to make sure there aren't explosives/hidden cameras/razor blades in them.
Oh right I forgot people are batshit insane.

>> No.27913725
File: 535 KB, 688x384, autotranslate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YouTube auto-translate still has quite a ways to go it seems

>> No.27913731
Quoted by: >>27913812

I get that as I mostly play fps games but most of the time it’s just her either getting mad or going silent to focus

>> No.27913737
Quoted by: >>27913767

When in doubt it will back off 5 minutes. you could change this by changing the error conditions in ytdlerror2duration if that seems too long to you.

>> No.27913739

Music (original songs especially) are THE biggest buffs.

>> No.27913746
Quoted by: >>27913765

kiara died here

>> No.27913748

But she only plays kusoge

>> No.27913749
File: 139 KB, 976x1378, 1603043637968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't falseflag with my cute menhera wife

>> No.27913751
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1603044708418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913752

Ok Lyger

>> No.27913753


>> No.27913757

Musician buff, I'm sure a lot of them aren't overly interest in her streams even if I am.

>> No.27913758

That's been the case from the start, debuting along with a four song EP really helps.

>> No.27913763

Why is this surprising to you? She has multiple songs with over 1 million views.

>> No.27913764

Something cringe, for sure

>> No.27913765

its funny because its true

>> No.27913767
Quoted by: >>27913885

yeah, 5 minutes is basically guaranteed lost content after the loading screen. i've never seen an EN stream start on time.

>> No.27913770

How new? It's been like that for almost a month. The gap has more or less stayed the same.

>> No.27913773 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 92x125, 1603148542205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona is inclining
Holy shit, finally she's getting the attention she deserves. Moona is a damn goldmine and I can finally have the excuse to bring back architectposting

>> No.27913775
File: 33 KB, 279x223, 1602027137357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913776
Quoted by: >>27913849

>menhera's fans are psychos

>> No.27913779
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, 1578373928774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still plenty of pace!

>> No.27913778

Matsuri has all the makings of a superstar. Charisma out the ass, but somehow she's not even top 10. I am fucking baffled.

>> No.27913780
File: 79 KB, 398x414, 1600083766871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913975

Same here. I'm not some purityfag and don't care if she's a virgin or not but it's pretty funny to think that she's too autismo to get laid.

>> No.27913783
File: 229 KB, 646x679, dK3nApi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913816

Based Kakage

>> No.27913785

text you can hear

>> No.27913787

I liked coco's ARK ARC

>> No.27913789

He's burger.

>> No.27913796

>it automatically starts playing in my head

>> No.27913803


>> No.27913812

She's talked quite a lot during Apex and Valorant, though? Apex in particular, whenever she's just looting or moving to an area she's doing a mini-zastudan. Valorant was also okay with how much she would interact with chat when she died.

>> No.27913815
Quoted by: >>27914290


>> No.27913816

A shame we'll never get to see his daughter

>> No.27913819

I want to send Matsuri lewd superchats like "I masturbated thinking about you again"

>> No.27913821


>> No.27913824
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600671937687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchama's fat, sweaty tits after an intense team-wipe!

>> No.27913825
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x2000, JUST_WAIT_AND_SEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913857

Did you do your reps today anon?
Don't forget!

>> No.27913833
File: 1.08 MB, 1132x1177, BDOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913834

>NA girls would be trickier
Quite euphemistic, I don't see without requiring a friend of them (which ofc shouldn't be public friend of their roommate) to gather the item from a mail drop and them discarding everything that doesn't respect the policy.
This is clearly convoluted and still require to expose one person to doxxing.

>> No.27913835

One of the best designs in hololive.

>> No.27913837

>4v4 Slayer Halo

>> No.27913845
File: 1.29 MB, 2893x4092, Ekn4vp2VcAAHiXz@bachunawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27913884


>> No.27913849

I think playing nothing but Apex for the longest time and being menhara about her relationship with girls like Moona doesnt help

>> No.27913850

Reminder that Matsuri said she doesn't mind if you get off to her

>> No.27913853

based beyond belief

>> No.27913855
File: 862 KB, 1002x1028, GoslingHeadphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913857

My english reps? But i'm already fluent..

>> No.27913858
Quoted by: >>27913907

Now that Ame has picked up some minecrafting, she'll get addicted to Fortnite.

>> No.27913864

I have seen things.

>> No.27913870

>Gura wondering if she's hallucinating the pink-haired shrine maiden and her accompanying upbeat island tune

>> No.27913873

Ame is starting to catch up now that she plays minecraft. Plus she streams in better times and streams more so there's that. Unless the future songs give her some big boosts mori will most likely be overtaken in the future.

>> No.27913875
File: 117 KB, 620x827, EkCogJwU4AIA7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914077

>Somebody roll for the new SSR on my account, please.

>> No.27913883
Quoted by: >>27914290

...so if they're flat but not a loli do I still UUUUUOOOOOHHHHHHHpost or should I just "based"

>> No.27913884


>> No.27913885

after tonights streams I should know what the ytdl error string equivalent to "waiting for X" on the page is and can reduce the wait time. I cant be fucked to dive through that python clusterfuck to figure it out from the code.

>> No.27913887

It doesn't even have to be harmful stuff, people will send in shit that they licked, came, or urinated on. Or send in dolls made with hair or something. Crazies are why we can't have nice things.

>> No.27913893

Well she also fantasies about knifing a random 23-25 year old man

>> No.27913896

Only if you stop molesting my chuubas first

>> No.27913897
Quoted by: >>27913947

I don't think she appeals to the japs a whole lot but her english translated clips were really popular.
Language is a big hurdle I think. There's also the fact she literally can't stop playing apex shit

>> No.27913907

uhhh bros?

>> No.27913909
File: 711 KB, 580x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913919


>> No.27913920
Quoted by: >>27913944


>> No.27913922


>> No.27913921
Quoted by: >>27913960

What exactly is a listen along zatsudan anyways? Is she just gonna talk about the tracks or are they just gonna play while it's a mostly regular one otherwise?

>> No.27913926

No, you'd just have a single corporate drone who'd check through things and then package them up to the respective girl, not a PO box near their real location.

>> No.27913928

Nicely done, mate.

>> No.27913932


>> No.27913933
File: 65 KB, 579x536, 1601500091287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914068


>> No.27913934
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914005

I like it when Gura's voice becomes really high pitched. It makes me feel that warm fuzzy feeling in my chest.

>> No.27913940

>Later losers

>> No.27913943
Quoted by: >>27914031

All idol agencies require gifts to only come from pre-approved sources and need to be screened first. Idolfags have a history of being fucking insane.

>> No.27913944

Isn't that game pretty much dead these days?

>> No.27913945

Shhhhh... the only relevant stream just started

>> No.27913946
File: 371 KB, 479x529, 1589913551123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex... Home...

>> No.27913947

I used to be a fan but hiring *yger and the whole Luna arc really put me off. No point getting attached to someone who will eventually be killed and skinned by a deranged SEAnigger.

>> No.27913949

She needs a "podcast" or something. Talking and banter is her forte, her game choices suck

>> No.27913951
File: 576 KB, 1024x769, 1602549297155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913952
File: 183 KB, 562x760, 1550416871218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... not again... every time I listen to it, I fall in love with her all over again.
Amelia please... we can't go on like this. You are tearing me apart

>> No.27913953
File: 144 KB, 1200x674, gurame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has Ame. Mori has Kiara. Who does chicken have?

>> No.27913954

has amelia ever won apex?

>> No.27913958
Quoted by: >>27913997

fuck i have just 2 hours to sleep

>> No.27913960


I dont know but I respect Watson for trying new stuff. The rest of EN will stagnate if they just keep doing the same things.

>> No.27913963

I honestly may have just been thinking of that desu, it's been a while.

Hopefully she learns to zatsu more mid-game in general.

>> No.27913965
File: 147 KB, 386x450, 1575055664385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914028

Why, the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, of course

>> No.27913966
File: 96 KB, 463x453, 1601341260807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914033

Ok fuck off with that narrative. You're ju-
>it's real

>> No.27913970

Bit off her tongue and died from drowning in her own blood

>> No.27913971

are you ready for another humming stream?

>> No.27913972
File: 199 KB, 1146x1698, EkjqKMfXYAAIxMJ@CAPTAINCUBES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913973
File: 1.10 MB, 849x1200, 1603036433592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27913975
File: 241 KB, 1024x826, dyL0sWIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasn't so shit at it I would've made a Kiara/Mori edit of this.

>> No.27913974

a few times yeah

>> No.27913976

Man I hope she graduates the sooner the better

>> No.27913978


>> No.27913979


>> No.27913981

Several times on stream, if I'm remembering right.

>> No.27913985

Yeah 3-4 times.

>> No.27913987
Quoted by: >>27914093

Risk of Rain 2

>> No.27913990
Quoted by: >>27914033

I know it's wrong but her insanity only makes me harder

>> No.27913994
File: 13 KB, 798x121, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this Ina on her other account?

>> No.27913997

goddamn, apex is live. guess no sleep for me

>> No.27913999

Why can they stream copyrighted stuff when it's member only? Is it in YT guidelines or just gimmick that if it's not seen by the corp, it can't be copyright striked?

>> No.27914000
File: 99 KB, 196x257, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you expect? she has been stacking pekobuffs recently

>> No.27914001
File: 2.04 MB, 1065x1421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914106

Is the bottom supposed to be snail mail letters? Why does the stack on the right look so standardized?

>> No.27914005

god Yagoo is so fucking ugly

>> No.27914008
File: 743 KB, 2000x2000, Ame Kiss Me clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you forget the picture anon?

>> No.27914010
Quoted by: >>27914087

bitch sounds like a helium baloon that's leaking

>> No.27914012
Quoted by: >>27914087

O-oh no.. It's retarded

>> No.27914017
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1598226052855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of Minecraft? How about some Apex?
>Tired of Apex? How about some Minecraft?
Tired of Minecraft? How about some Apex?
>Tired of Apex? How about some Minecraft?
Tired of Minecraft? How about some Apex?
>Tired of Apex? How about some Minecraft?

>> No.27914018
File: 65 KB, 700x527, Best girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna ask the hardest question.

Matsuri or Pikamee?

>> No.27914022
File: 63 KB, 1400x700, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking laugh, every time

>> No.27914024
Quoted by: >>27914139

By the time Waitson starts Polka will have finished her second and maybe third song, she's just belting them out right after finishing the intro one after another.

>> No.27914026

Indeed, I love Polka too, but this is the wrong thread

>> No.27914028

Hey, I recognize this one

>> No.27914031

Nothing forbid you to sent something that doesn't respect the policy. They will just either refuse the parcel or get a rid of the thing.

>> No.27914032

Sorry we just finished having SEX...

>> No.27914033

That guy actually somehow makes it sound better than it actually is. She specifically says she wants to find someone successful and stab them to death completely out of nowhere, just so they can see the illusion of safety they've built up around themselves crumble in an instant as they die, or something along those sociopathic lines.

>> No.27914036

My Amelia seems to be broken, can I get a new one?

>> No.27914037

tfw too old for menhera holo to fantasise about stabbing you

>> No.27914038

I suddenly don't want to be anywhere near this woman for fear of her stabbing me for her amusement. However, I have a boner for matsuri and have very poor judgement.

>> No.27914042

members only zatsudan lets fuckin go

>> No.27914043

Minecraft with Ina...super Kino.

>> No.27914047


>> No.27914050
File: 285 KB, 795x318, 7A04DD6B-E8B2-407B-B51C-7EB117934C14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914390

“Watson Detective Agency.”

>”Hey Watson, did you know you can go from dwab to fab with nothing but mustawd?”

>> No.27914051
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1602571996517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914114

British Amelia is coming back.....kind of didn't miss it bros...

>> No.27914053

I don't have exceptions for reddit memes, but that's even below that standard

>> No.27914054
Quoted by: >>27914223

Is this the new ogey rrat?
>"okay nigga"

>> No.27914055

She's also drawn a knife on her own mother before. Though to be fair, her mother drew a knife on her grandmother at some point. I think it runs in the family.

>> No.27914056

>wearing bandaids on the nipples
do women actually do this?

>> No.27914057

Girls last tour noice

>> No.27914058

>out for lunch, brb

>> No.27914060

unfortunately they're all all like that, no refunds

>> No.27914068

Been too long since I've seen one of these.

>> No.27914069

New video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9YOZhEyeG0&t

>> No.27914070

Hot, would love to be her girlfriend and help her find new prey to satisfy her inner desires

>> No.27914075

>maybe sing along
Let's fucking go!

>> No.27914076
Quoted by: >>27914166

pikamee is more stable and seems like she'd be pretty fun to hang out with, Matsuri is more talented when she's not playing Apex all the time or going off on one.

I'd probably go with Pikamee though, she's a chubby woman with culture.

>> No.27914077


>> No.27914078

Please tell me one of you guys will record the zatsudan.

>> No.27914079

not that bad actually. it's just that feeling of hating a successful person. Just cranked up to make it comically outrageous.

>> No.27914083

What's Amelia's listen along? I tuned it like 3 seconds too late.

>> No.27914084

>building nukos in minecraft
my little gremlin can't be this based

>> No.27914087

what the HELL was that? was she trying to be cute?

>> No.27914089

In coomer art they do

>> No.27914090

Yes to avoid chafing.

>> No.27914091
File: 479 KB, 1280x720, yuuri lets get along with the feeling of hopelessness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuko towers from SSR

>> No.27914093

anonchama... your perspective reps...

>> No.27914096

Well matsuri did

>> No.27914098

>"sachi is this you" in the chat
why are people like this

>> No.27914097

>he doesn't know

>> No.27914102

>Its ya boy Cal Eye

>> No.27914103
Quoted by: >>27914187

How long can Ame's voice survive the noises she makes?

>> No.27914106

printed e-mails probably

>> No.27914109
File: 26 KB, 353x224, 59394593495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914110


>> No.27914114
Quoted by: >>27914195

I still wish Watson was a britbong, but it's fine.

>> No.27914113


>> No.27914116
Quoted by: >>27914170

Probably nervousness

>> No.27914118

Mori's roommate looks like THAT?

>> No.27914121
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1603004429512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914200

Ok I'm legitimately afraid of this bitch now. Lyger what the flying fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.27914119

Jesus christ.

>> No.27914123

She said to fallout songs and she'll probably sing some too.

>> No.27914125
File: 26 KB, 448x346, 1602599417863423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914319

Not gonna lie, that's kinda hot.

>> No.27914126

Someone finally told her she started with the wrong book, wow

>> No.27914129

you earned this

>> No.27914127
Quoted by: >>27914445


I had negative sleep timer and then I realize the stream has started.

>> No.27914130

Zatsudan with Fallout music listening.

>> No.27914132

If those were actually her former fans, you'd think they'd pick up on it without having to ask in chat.

>> No.27914134
Quoted by: >>27914546

>Stopped Blood of Elves to read the short stories.
Baste Ame.

>> No.27914137

Thank you for keeping big man tyrone relevant

>> No.27914138
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1577286734584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914139
File: 668 KB, 2055x2162, 1598287306308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they didnt have to stream at the same time, I love them both and its hard to concentrate on each one.

>> No.27914146
File: 1.81 MB, 1986x1170, 1231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia has done a fuck ton of non-monetized streams. That's admirable as fuck, shes more dedicated to providing content than milking money out of people. She's a fucking legend.

>> No.27914145

Well, we'll be seeing competency

>> No.27914153
File: 461 KB, 688x655, 1583883237878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's yo boy ka-lie
>cringe raps
>putting on the shades
>big kusa
My sides.

>> No.27914154

It's not funny after the first time, redditors.

>> No.27914155

>Leaked Haato MC collab is real

>> No.27914156

moona collab incoming

>> No.27914159
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914192

The only regret I have is that Amelia is going to discover blue ice offstream.

>> No.27914160

I don't think that's actually us this time

>> No.27914167
File: 619 KB, 1000x1167, 44a9e8009b221c4290c6c7405640b32e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame and Ina only MC collab
Fucking based
The only two girls that can get anything done
They got rid of the trash that holds them back

>> No.27914166

>she's a chubby woman
What is the source for this information?

>> No.27914170

do you think she's still sitting in a puddle?

>> No.27914172

Thanks Steve

>> No.27914174


>> No.27914179

Doxxing isn't allowed here. You can't just post her roommate like that.

>> No.27914180

>Big Kusa
>not Big Ups

>> No.27914182
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1418458908388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching her play video games and giving her tips when she's stuck
>watching movies with her
>going to karaoke with her
it's really all GFE isn't it?

>> No.27914185

I mean
I know that feel, just in a less violent way.

>> No.27914186
Quoted by: >>27914535

Is there actually a clip for this or is it just narrativeposting?

>> No.27914187

She coats her vocal cords with semen.

>> No.27914190


>> No.27914191

>KFP was just Minecraft

>> No.27914192

Her and Gura found it anon....

>> No.27914195

britbong here, I don't

>> No.27914197

Did Ame just said that the secret stream is a MC collab?

>> No.27914198

clean it up, clown!

>> No.27914199

>Kiara's slave
God I wish that were me

>> No.27914200
Quoted by: >>27914273

You never wanted to stick your dick crazy?

>> No.27914205
Quoted by: >>27914247

Voice warmup. She lives alone and probably hasn't said anything out loud at all since her last stream.

>> No.27914206

>MC with Kiara

>> No.27914208

So it actually WAS Minecraft everyday

>> No.27914210

>Amelia dedicating a stream to helping Kiara catch up and build things
How nice

>> No.27914212
File: 169 KB, 1500x1321, Eh0se0XUMAEPnRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me being Kiara's slave

>> No.27914213

4 days minecraft , nice guerilla streams too pls

>> No.27914214
File: 43 KB, 450x450, 384934934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame will be Kiara's slave
Nobody can stop Kiara's GIGASTACEY energy

>> No.27914218

>Kiara's slave for a day
Oh my

>> No.27914219
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1602906253856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFP Employee Training is just more Minecraft
Kino, Pure Kino

>> No.27914223

Okay nigga

>> No.27914224

>i will be kiara nigger
wtf ame?

>> No.27914226

>KFP training is more minecraft
That's FOUR mc streams this week.

>> No.27914227

No shes talking about the KFP bit

>> No.27914228

shouldn't you be focused on watching kiara, jannie

>> No.27914230

They'll be done in an hour.

>> No.27914235
File: 72 KB, 633x1024, 1579621786788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914277


>> No.27914243

She didn't really describe anything at all, just that it will be announced this week

>> No.27914247

>he actually believes it

>> No.27914249

She just likes making autistic noises

>> No.27914251
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1600975680597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't be stopped

>> No.27914261
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601357763991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amelia will be kiara's slave for a day

>> No.27914265

Not watching the bee movie, fuck.

>> No.27914266

>I was gonna do a stream but I couldn't fit in on the schedule template so I decided not to do that stream


>> No.27914269

Will Minecraft become EN's ARK?

>> No.27914273

Well yanderes are my fetish but not irl yanderes who might actually murder me.

>> No.27914274
File: 184 KB, 800x1133, 876867648686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914322

>Sorry girls we completed Minecraft in one game so we'll be graduating to the JP server. So long.

>> No.27914275

>Minecraft with Ina
>Minecraft Collab

>> No.27914277
Quoted by: >>27914300

Is she going to finish her boat drawing?

>> No.27914280

ame ngmi mindset

>> No.27914279

Crazy girls are the best.

>> No.27914281

Kiara Ame MC stream will be gold.

>> No.27914283

>Secret collab I can't talk about
>Talks about it

>> No.27914284
Quoted by: >>27914366

Can't wait for her to reference it.

>> No.27914286
File: 4 KB, 307x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.27914287

fucking send it to her

>> No.27914289

>Gura NTR'd

>> No.27914290


>> No.27914294

>Will Minecraft become EN's ARK?
How new?

>> No.27914295

By elimination, Mori is the secret collab

>> No.27914297

I just hope Ark never happens for EN at all

>> No.27914299
File: 56 KB, 188x234, EkTbkGiU4AIqCtl-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914424

I hope Amelia rage quits in APEX and just plays Minecraft instead

>> No.27914300

>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa somebody already finished it for me soooooooooooooooooo"

>> No.27914301

why is her mic so scratchy?

>> No.27914302
File: 126 KB, 271x346, 1602737032940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914382

>gura said "wanna go treasure hunting...?"

>> No.27914303

Ame asks if anyone wants to colalb and everyone responds, sasuga protaganist.

>> No.27914305
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1602570072529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats pretty based tbhnglfag

>> No.27914304
Quoted by: >>27914389

someone ask her about why she liked the lewd pictures on twitter

>> No.27914306
File: 426 KB, 571x448, Screenshot_2020-09-29 【OVERCOOKED2】We Are Master Chefs, it&#039;s fine, it&#039;s fine, it&#039;s fine #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no gurame ;_;

>> No.27914307

>too many collabs so blew off gura instead

>> No.27914310
File: 6 KB, 230x230, 1572732043141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914312
File: 325 KB, 1407x2048, EjZJ5oOUYAAsWii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura clinging onto Amelia and wanted to play more with her

Oh God

>> No.27914313

Why are chumbuds like this

>> No.27914314
Quoted by: >>27914347

>might be playing with her CUNNY this week though
What did Ame mean by this?

>> No.27914315

I like this better than 5 months of shitty bowsette

>> No.27914318

I laughed more than I should have.

>> No.27914319

Same. I love doujins where it's about powerful, whether physically or socially, people get shown up.

>> No.27914320

dammit im not successful
i'd loved to be stabbed to death by an adorable 2d pedohile

>> No.27914322

Meant stream.

>> No.27914323

>Amelia picked Kiara over Gura to collab with

>> No.27914325
Quoted by: >>27914356

>punished Gura
>a shark denied her Ame collab

>> No.27914326


>> No.27914327

>one lonely schizo cuckposter giving out free (You)'s
Please get a better hobby

>> No.27914328


>> No.27914333
File: 212 KB, 659x633, 1602601861872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914426

Thats a pretty normal thought we all have some level of envy towards sucessful people, now for her to actually come out and say it that's a little too much

>> No.27914334

unironically based

>> No.27914335

Shut up, Kiara.

>> No.27914336

The downside of Gura's mainstream appeal...

>> No.27914337

>be right back I have to remove some fuzz
what did she mean by this

>> No.27914338

Gura just got pumped and dumped.

>> No.27914340

Yes, I know you're a lolicon, chicken.

>> No.27914341

>brb I gotta hit Bubba real quick

>> No.27914345

Shit game

>> No.27914347
Quoted by: >>27914431

The ???????? is a lot of people and the 10/23 mincraft collab is JP server

>> No.27914348

don't post it on Reddit, fag

>> No.27914351
Quoted by: >>27914398

FFXIV is that mystery slot i bet, she winked when she said she'll be playing something with gura too

>> No.27914356
File: 63 KB, 492x545, 1602666824626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27914358
File: 171 KB, 1200x1200, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, Polka Karaoke stream.

>> No.27914364

why didn't she turn off the air conditioning before starting the stream? She keeps having to leave to turn it off

and why is she even using air conditioning it's almost November

>> No.27914366
Quoted by: >>27914527


>> No.27914367
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 15091648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the "Secret" Collab is 100% JP and ENG playing something right?

>> No.27914368

typical Ki/u/ra forcing ships

>> No.27914370

Gura is getting too clingy. Ame needs a stacey like Kiara to take charge.

>> No.27914372
File: 3 KB, 228x32, 443a6b09d1c38555accb68c56c26939e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fuckers

>> No.27914374

>We'll play some Valorant next week

>> No.27914376

Sounds like XIV might be this week.

>> No.27914379

no, Coco's Ark arc will be HoloEN's Ark.

It's coming.

>> No.27914381

Why are Chumbuds like this?

>> No.27914382

>Ame shot her down
Can't believe she did our girl dirty like that.

>> No.27914383

>impromptu Bon Jovi

>> No.27914384

she must have turned off some setting to remove the noise in her audio

>> No.27914387
Quoted by: >>27914571


>> No.27914389

Why not? Not the first time she likes lewd art of herself or others.
She's a sexual woman, anon. She masturbates to ero art.

>> No.27914388

>Do some valorant next week.
Just drop the fucking fps games and play New Vegas or Doom or fucking anything else, please.

>> No.27914390


>> No.27914391

it's still hot in california

>> No.27914395

She can't collab with gura too much or else she'll run out of panties

>> No.27914396

>take my hand we'll make it i swear

>> No.27914397


>> No.27914398
Quoted by: >>27914566

I kinda hope so. Would be fun.

>> No.27914399

Probably lives in a warm state

>> No.27914402
File: 163 KB, 866x690, mori5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night sleapy reapy

>> No.27914401

Among us probably.

>> No.27914403

>Karaoke at 500k
COM ON /jp/

>> No.27914406

how long until mori comments?

>> No.27914408
Quoted by: >>27914449

Takamori and Gurame is dead. Kiarame and Guramori are the new ships.

>> No.27914409

>Heroes of the Storm
that shit is deader then dead

>> No.27914414

I will now leave this planet.

>> No.27914417

do people still play Heroes of the Storm? apparently Ame does

>> No.27914418
Quoted by: >>27914440

>Just drop the fucking FPS games and play FPS games

>> No.27914420

>Amelia HATES all assfaggots

>> No.27914421

among us, yes

>> No.27914422

Judging by the fact that Mori said she "Super can't talk about it" when asked about among us, it's probably that. I got my money on ID + the en speakers from jp tho.

>> No.27914424


>> No.27914425

>Heroes of the Storm
Please no, Ame, I can't stand ASSFAGGOTS

>> No.27914426

The problem with Matsuri is that she doesn't know how to hide her power level. Your girl telling you in secret her dark fantasies is hot. Her telling thousands of people willingly is something to worry about.

>> No.27914427
File: 242 KB, 744x1052, 84684501_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like league
>likes hots

How is she so based?

>> No.27914429

>Ame playing a MOBA
oh no, i can feel the tilt

>> No.27914430


>> No.27914431

Nah 23rd is Moona

>> No.27914432

God that's hot

>> No.27914433


>> No.27914434
File: 152 KB, 358x353, 1602194399637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27914438

I still need it on some days here in Georgia.

>> No.27914439


>> No.27914440

Meant multiplayer fpses.

>> No.27914444

I hate Bon Jovi and I like 80s arena rock.

>> No.27914443


>> No.27914445

If you have a negative duration it should just start automatically. That's how I tested it honestly.

>> No.27914446

>heroes of the storm
didn't blizzard shut that game down?

>> No.27914448

>Amelia what's your foot size

>> No.27914449

Should have went Ina/Kiara for the actual worst pairing

>> No.27914456

it's like 90fahrenheit/32celcius here in California
maybe hotter in some parts

>> No.27914455


>> No.27914459

Sleep tight, Sleepy Reapy!

>> No.27914460
Quoted by: >>27914472

Foot size? Ame what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.27914461

>amelia whats your foot size

>> No.27914463

>shes getting 16k during pre-game
Uhh?? She's grown boys

>> No.27914464

What is amelias foot size?

>> No.27914465

>implying that some of Gura's YT chat aren't already lolicons

>> No.27914466

if I want to watch MC autism I'll just rewatch PekoMoona, at least they're both cute

>> No.27914467
File: 25 KB, 465x396, 2020-10-17_2419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia's feet size

>> No.27914468
File: 6 KB, 230x230, 1586764798118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914470

Yeah, about that. it's just doing nothing.

>> No.27914472

People keep asking that shit

>> No.27914473

They only shut down the esports branch.

>> No.27914474

>her chat wants her to play ASSFAGGOTS
How do we kill these subhumans?

>> No.27914475

This is the 2nd time Amelia has brought up feet sizes on-stream.

>> No.27914476

Game is alive with slow updates, but its pro scene is dead

>> No.27914477

Somewhere in the southwest where hitting 70F is considered cold.

>> No.27914479

>amelia, what's your shoe size?

>> No.27914480

>Heroes of the Storm
HOLY FUCK, the game is so dead I might have played with Ame once or twice already.
Not even a teamate but Ame can't get any more based.

>> No.27914481
File: 132 KB, 231x226, guramecalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura status this week: NOT CALM

>> No.27914484

yes minecraft

>> No.27914485

>Ame gives lowkey permission to pirate

>> No.27914487
File: 40 KB, 197x184, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914498

it can't be helped

>> No.27914489


>> No.27914492

>people still asking her about Limbo
Why? Why do you want to watch boring games?

>> No.27914493

She prefers multiplayer FPS over singleplayer FPS. She's mentioned it before. She tried CS:GO and the latest Modern Warfare but had a rough time in each for different reasons.

>> No.27914495

I dont think they shut it down, but they basically announced that they'd stop updating it I think.

>> No.27914497

>Finally stops playing Apex and Valorant
>Picks up Overwatch
Mark my words this will happen

>> No.27914496
File: 166 KB, 940x500, watson bad end2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring Gura to hangout with us
We've progressed the route boys!

>> No.27914498

delet this

>> No.27914499

Insanely based.

>> No.27914500

Incredibly fucking based. Very controversial though.

>> No.27914502
Quoted by: >>27914711

she said rehgar

>> No.27914503

why do so many in chat ask for genshin impact

>> No.27914506

so what's the narrative behind her not being able to leave her job until november ? why didn't she give her 2-weeks notice the moment she started getting superchats ?

>> No.27914507

footfags go home. stop drooling

>> No.27914508
File: 589 KB, 1984x2019, 1603007861077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914616

you motherfuckers better archive that zatsudan

>> No.27914509

Good Night Sleepy Reapy

>> No.27914511

ASSFAGGOTS just keep winning

>> No.27914512
Quoted by: >>27914711

She said Rehgar, not Raynor

>> No.27914513

its the hot shit right now

>> No.27914517
Quoted by: >>27914539

Is there any chance HoloENs are gonna do cute idol dancing and singing like Holo JP has been doing?

>> No.27914521

Amemama taking all her kids out trick-or-treating

>> No.27914522

lol that visible, NOPE when the spider jumped toward him

>> No.27914523

It exists still, just with significantly less resources I believe

>> No.27914525

a lot of assfaggots in this thread

>> No.27914527

damn it was meant to >>27914069

>> No.27914528

Ame is totally going trick or treating around the holo discord server

>> No.27914529

>eating ravioli ravioli before the stream

>> No.27914530

She really is an accomplished tard wrangler, isn't she?

>> No.27914531
Quoted by: >>27914767


>> No.27914532

Trick or Treat on JP Minecraft server confirmed. Explains why they've been going so ham on decorating this year.

>> No.27914533

>I never disliked you guys

>> No.27914534

FOTM content farm

>> No.27914535
File: 141 KB, 421x450, 1603060799109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know where I messed up the quoting but

>> No.27914538

FOTM. Wait for them to get filtered and you'll stop hearing about it.

>> No.27914539

They're all going to do it eventually

>> No.27914540

Yep Coco wants to play Ark with the EN girls

>> No.27914541


>> No.27914542

it's always on but powers up higher probably after her computer starts heating up from the stream

>> No.27914545
Quoted by: >>27914573

I want to make Chef Boyardee ravioli for Amelia!

>> No.27914548

>it can't be archived but I'm sure someone will
No more sperging about the members content leaking okay retards.

>> No.27914549

God I want that nutjob to smother my face with her crotch

>> No.27914546

...you're supposed to start with the shorts, dumb bitch

>> No.27914547
File: 526 KB, 850x850, Grawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914612

She is a kid's show character.

>> No.27914552

Flavour of the month, especially in weeb circles

>> No.27914553
Quoted by: >>27914604

>When you get into a fight with friends or something

Gosling 22.jpg

>> No.27914554
File: 19 KB, 590x350, DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27914555


>> No.27914556

How many dicks can Amelia take per hour?

>> No.27914557

Fuck you

>> No.27914558
Quoted by: >>27914708

>I dont dislike you guys
I love you Ame

>> No.27914563

My friend Ame..

>> No.27914562

Genshit Chinkpact is the current FotM and shills are out in full force.

>> No.27914564

It's an absolute trash game for streaming. Twitch abandoned it after less than 3 days.

>> No.27914566

XIV is bad for streaming, especially starting out. Too many cutscene and single player instances. Unless they do stuff like Palace of the Dead, it'll be painful for them and the audience. Early-game XIV is a snorefest.

>> No.27914568
Quoted by: >>27914708

>Do you actually hate us?
Why is Ame's chat so fucking needy? Holy fuck this is pathetic.

>> No.27914567

>stabs you
We're just havin' fun!

>> No.27914570

>Artia/Ame OW collab

>> No.27914571

that's cheating

>> No.27914572

Need amelia feet pictures for measurement purposes only.
Barefoot only, very important.

>> No.27914573

I want to eat ravioli off of Amelias tummy!

>> No.27914574
Quoted by: >>27914623

Gura starting off the stream sniffling because she's still upset by Ame's rejection...

>> No.27914576

>No stupid questions like Amelia what's your foot size

>> No.27914578

normal HoloEN numbers for this time of night. Her audience is growing with everyone else so what used to be 12-15k for Apex/Valorant is going to be bigger and she's the only HoloEN streaming right now. Would probably be 12k again if Gura overlapped.

I'm glad HoloEN has mostly settled down with their audience though.

>> No.27914582

>Already saw Boku no Pico

>> No.27914584
Quoted by: >>27914637


>> No.27914586

>boku no pico

>> No.27914587


>> No.27914588

>already seen Boku no Pico
Based as always

>> No.27914589

>already watched Boku No Pico
So cultured

>> No.27914590

>already seen boku no pico

>> No.27914591

>"Watch boku no pico? Already seen it."


>> No.27914593
Quoted by: >>27914826

There's a difference between unarchived and archived content, retard. No one had an issue with spreading the Osu membership stream, for instance.

>> No.27914594

YESSSS yeeeessss steal Halloween from Gura! Do it!

>> No.27914595
File: 467 KB, 585x583, 1603081880145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914664

>boku no pico already seen it

>> No.27914597

>already seen Boku no Pico

>> No.27914600
Quoted by: >>27914664

>boku no pico
>I've already seen it

>> No.27914601

"Booba" was too loud in the collab, it was his last chance

>> No.27914604
File: 9 KB, 296x105, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we all yelling at her now?

>> No.27914606


>> No.27914608
Quoted by: >>27914664

>Ame has seen boku no pico

>> No.27914609
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1602936362328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914664

>watched boku no pico

>> No.27914607

it should be downloading it in the current directory. Just tested it with a negative duration and ames current stream and it started downloading.

>> No.27914610

Nvm, it's downloading. It's in part file.

>> No.27914612

What is she eating and why is it censored

>> No.27914613


>> No.27914614
Quoted by: >>27914664

"Watch boku no pico"
"Already seen it"

>> No.27914615
File: 106 KB, 219x218, 1601954836987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914664

>"Boku no Pico? Already seen it"


>> No.27914616

I’d record the feed with OBS but my stream would just stall 20 minutes in while I sleep

>> No.27914618

>I dont want a scary Halloween movie
I'm selling all my watsoncoins

>> No.27914619

Someone wanna ask whether she caught Haachama’s asmr stream ?

>> No.27914620

Ina wanted to play with Ame last time Ame was gorilla streaming

>> No.27914621

That would be, as the kids say, "based".

>> No.27914623

yes please

>> No.27914624
Quoted by: >>27914672

has anyone not seen boku no pico yet?

>> No.27914627

She legit played OW for over a thousand hours.

>> No.27914632


>> No.27914633
Quoted by: >>27914766

>it's called just friends

>> No.27914636
Quoted by: >>27914766

>just friends

>> No.27914638
Quoted by: >>27914766

>Just friends
It's over goslings.

>> No.27914637

>I've already seen it
Too late skinnies she's one of us

>> No.27914639

What did she mean by that bros

>> No.27914640
File: 60 KB, 1501x573, 1603041637496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27914641
Quoted by: >>27914766

>Just Friends

>> No.27914644

oh nonononono

>> No.27914646
Quoted by: >>27914766

>just friends

>> No.27914648

boku no pico is literal reddit tier meme

>> No.27914650
File: 47 KB, 385x550, 1601648584832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Blart Mall Cop

>> No.27914653

>my favorite Christmas movie is "Just Friends"

>> No.27914652
File: 416 KB, 537x557, 1601689742735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914766

>Just Friends

>> No.27914655
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like Minecraft

>> No.27914654
Quoted by: >>27914766


>> No.27914656
Quoted by: >>27914696

didn't she already say this about boku no piko in a stream a few weeks ago?

>> No.27914657

>Just Friends

>> No.27914658
Quoted by: >>27914766


>> No.27914659

>some poor innocent kid is going to watch boku no piko because of amelia

>> No.27914660

any weeb knows what song they sing at 50:00 in?


>> No.27914661

Ouch. Sorry goslingbros.

>> No.27914662
Quoted by: >>27914766

>just friends

>> No.27914664



>> No.27914663

>not watching shrek
ame you whore

>> No.27914665

How long has Amelia been posting in 4chan?

>> No.27914666
Quoted by: >>27914766

>just friends

>> No.27914667
Quoted by: >>27914766

>just friends

>> No.27914668

die already goslings

>> No.27914669

>Just Friends, it's my favorite

>> No.27914670

>"We're not watching Shrek."


>> No.27914672
Quoted by: >>27914725

I've steered clear of it.

>> No.27914676
File: 1.85 MB, 10000x8357, 1468281828599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've got the best christmas movie for us its called "Just Friends"

>> No.27914679


>> No.27914680

Go play Ark alone bitch

>> No.27914682
File: 2.28 MB, 960x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914683

I think the GFE arc is over, the friendzone arc is gonna be around for awhile

>> No.27914684
Quoted by: >>27914839


>> No.27914685

>Just friends
oh no goslings are dead

>> No.27914686

I just have a bunch of barefoot gura and ina sorry

>> No.27914689
File: 320 KB, 1277x718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, Apex looks like that?

>> No.27914692

but Ame....I already have a Friend

>> No.27914693

It's over... what do we do now?

>> No.27914694

It's gonna be a Minecraft stream now, isn't it?

>> No.27914696

Yes like two weeks ago. Newfags gonna out their lack of Ame lore.

>> No.27914699

>Halloween soon
>Then it'll be Christmas
>Then the year will be over

>> No.27914700


>> No.27914701
Quoted by: >>27914736


>> No.27914702

Ame-FBK collab when

>> No.27914703

>such shit taste in movies
big oof

>> No.27914705

>Botan is the better FPS player
>Gets 5-8k viewers
Its not fair

>> No.27914708

now fucking kiss, you two

>> No.27914709
File: 2.13 MB, 236x226, 1602899039560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just Friends

>> No.27914710


>> No.27914711
File: 336 KB, 647x600, 1522465343795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914928

Really? just woke up, guess my ears aint online yet. Still, she might not be Givin'em some pepper but Rehgar's pretty good as well. I can already see her playing overly aggresive and getting salty.

>> No.27914712
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1585927072276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just Friends
Hella based

>> No.27914714
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1571726918418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stream, Ame, see you tomorrow!

>> No.27914715

Lion from Macross Frontier

>> No.27914718

>just friends
>turns off stream
I just got dumped

>> No.27914720

>whoops game isnt capturing guess we have to play minecraft guys :((

>> No.27914725

It's honestly not that bad

>> No.27914726 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 1405x1514, 1578551594498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf were you guys expecting? doxxposters tried to tell you that ame has a bf

>> No.27914728

minecraft incoming

>> No.27914731

She knows exactly what she's doing
And that's why I can't stop watching her

>> No.27914732

>I keep right-clicking on dorrs like its minecraft

>> No.27914733

She's dumb

>> No.27914734

it's literally about to be minecraft time boys

>> No.27914736


>> No.27914737
File: 193 KB, 447x424, NyansonGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just friends
>They get together in the end of the movie
You guys havent seen it before, right?

>> No.27914739

>fakes Apex not working so she can just play minecraft as an excuse instead

>> No.27914738

based speededit

>> No.27914747


>> No.27914750

Bro CN's getting phased out.

>> No.27914751

>oops the game is broken
>time for minecraft

>> No.27914752
File: 565 KB, 367x265, Hard on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914788

>Amelia whining

>> No.27914755
File: 132 KB, 250x307, amemad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already having Minecraft withdrawals

>> No.27914756

Ame is trolling the everloving shit out of her audience, I love it.

>> No.27914757
Quoted by: >>27914910

Wait, what the fuck is going on

>> No.27914758

I'm praying that she isn't actually here after that "just friends" thing because if she saw my reply to the EN confessions post I'll do forty flips off of my roof

>> No.27914761

>minecraft bgm starts

>> No.27914764

sounds awful idolshit in english will not work

>> No.27914765

Perfect, my sides

>> No.27914766
File: 411 KB, 1420x1242, 1563399369018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we are friends

>> No.27914767
File: 1.03 MB, 1164x846, Ravioli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914844


>> No.27914768

We getting guerilla GuraxAme diamond hunt

>> No.27914769

It's literally babby's first shock hentai you fucking redditors, why are you spazzing out over this?

>> No.27914773
Quoted by: >>27914881

Where did you crawl from faggot, go back there

>> No.27914774

stay mad, grandma fucker

>> No.27914775

is she playing Apex offscreen while describing it to us?

>> No.27914777

They fucking better, it's probably the number one reason I jumped on board.

At the very least Kiara is going to do something, and maybe Calli will be doing some kind of weird MC hype shuffle in the background.

The real prize though would be seeing Gura, Ame, and Ina try to dance and sing.

>> No.27914778
Quoted by: >>27914881

meidossss, the schizofags are at it againnnnn

>> No.27914779
Quoted by: >>27914881

no not again

for the love of god go back

>> No.27914784
File: 62 KB, 360x450, 1601597431862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really are stuck in a timeloop huh.

>> No.27914787
File: 609 KB, 825x1200, EjoCSdxVgAEzg1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27914836


>> No.27914786
Quoted by: >>27914881

its time to let go, anon.

>> No.27914788

you guys are weird

>> No.27914789
Quoted by: >>27914833

The whole year has been a blur thanks to Hololive.

>> No.27914790

whats gonna be minecraft collab on friday? Gura has also mysterious collab on Friday, but not Mori not sure about chicken

>> No.27914791
File: 165 KB, 505x511, 16788887455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow teamates, can we please all vote for her to watch Halloween with us?
She hasn't seen it yet. It's a classic, she should.

>> No.27914792
Quoted by: >>27914883


>> No.27914794

Then they'll just sing Japanese songs like all of them have done so far?

>> No.27914796
Quoted by: >>27914881

and a nigger at that

>> No.27914799

I can already anticipate the Gosling posting

>> No.27914801

I was afraid she'd pivot to Valorant there, got fucking terrified.

>> No.27914802

>that one (1) ameanti schizo is hard at work again

>> No.27914806

She just needs to speak englando

>> No.27914808

She does okay all things considered, Gen5 just got spiked pretty hard by the whole Aloe thing followed by a rushed release of HoloEN. She's the most popular Gen5.

>> No.27914809

How much Minecraft has she been playing to forget normal FPS controls?

>> No.27914810
File: 55 KB, 1077x395, 1602534034423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27914812

Here, have some attention and a (You)

>> No.27914814

>Just Friends ends with the nerdy guy escaping the friendzone and getting the girl

what did she mean by this?

>> No.27914817

It will, it's just dancing in pretty dresses, singing some anime songs and then some original song.

>> No.27914819
Quoted by: >>27914854

Eat my FUCKING balls, anon. It has to work. It needs to.

>> No.27914824

Why are towafags like this?

>> No.27914825

Ban finally wore off huh? And he's right back at it.

>> No.27914826

Yes, they did. Nice outing yourself though.

>> No.27914828
File: 32 KB, 344x373, 1598654966060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My war criminal friend!

>> No.27914829

>tfw perfect age for Matsuri knifing
if I ever get into homostars en, pray for me

>> No.27914830


>> No.27914831
Quoted by: >>27914892

>Watson streams always fuck up, whether it's from computer/Switch overheating/bugging out or because she doesn't set the settings right

Is she the most cursed vtuber of all time?

>> No.27914832
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do realize at the end of Just Friends, they kiss and become a couple. Right /hlgg/?

>> No.27914833

Really, personally I'd credit that to Covid-19

>> No.27914834
File: 380 KB, 494x600, 1583127080537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any other holo have such a 'special' relationship with her audience?

>> No.27914835

This thread is 70% reddit.

>> No.27914836

Finally some barefoot content!


Fucking god damn it. At least I can easily shop the guy out.

>> No.27914838
File: 23 KB, 501x443, 1601395133686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is just funny.
Like, there's probably some truth to what she's saying as that's a thought a lot of people could be wondering about, but it comes off to me as just a deadpan joke she's making, not that she's literally gonna go out and stab a dude for no reason.
Am I just not crazy enough for narratives

>> No.27914839
Quoted by: >>27914868

how the fuck could you read the post, check the video, recognize the song and answer in 30 fucking seconds?
thanks btw

>> No.27914840

I'll vote it just for you, Anon.

>> No.27914841

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.27914842
File: 53 KB, 355x482, Ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally wired for Minecraft

>> No.27914844
Quoted by: >>27914904

considering her culinary skills it probably was Chef Boyardee

>> No.27914847

We need an NTRsteve now

>> No.27914848


>> No.27914850


>> No.27914851

This fucking minecraft addict

>> No.27914853
Quoted by: >>27914881


>> No.27914854
Quoted by: >>27915049

anon I..

>> No.27914856


>> No.27914858

archive reps

>> No.27914859

Tweet a version of this @ her maybe she'll retweet it

>> No.27914860


>> No.27914866

Uuuh, Amelia doesnt turn her BGM off during gameplay?

>> No.27914867
File: 591 KB, 1920x1080, 【APEX】I MISSED SHOOTIN&#039; ( う-´)づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── _(˚☐˚”)__00.23.16.611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27914868
Quoted by: >>27914915

I just really, really like Macross.

>> No.27914875

Ame wants us to make it but not with her

>> No.27914876
Quoted by: >>27914976

cant watch the stream after reading that

>> No.27914878

It clearly means that you and the other 16880 guys watching have a chance with her

>> No.27914879
File: 306 KB, 1465x1410, 1601307083504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27915097


>> No.27914880

what is booba always woofing about? my dog barks randomly but not that much

>> No.27914881
Quoted by: >>27914942

You do realize he keeps posting it because you give him this many (You)s every time right?

>> No.27914882
Quoted by: >>27914940

>implying these virgins have ever watched a romcom

>> No.27914883

No they won't. They had their chance and she proved they have no power in this relationship. If they ever get disillusioned she'll just sing them another song.

They can't escape her clutches.

>> No.27914887

How about fuck Just Friends someone suggest the Haruhi movie instead

>> No.27914888

>chatting over
>apex starting
later nerds

>> No.27914891

Is that discount Gosling?

>> No.27914892

She's not even the most cursed vtuber in her gen

>> No.27914895

You will kill the Goslings again

>> No.27914896

You just know

>> No.27914897
Quoted by: >>27914960

Rushia, which is why she's already reached out so they can combine forces.

>> No.27914898

>You can't spell innocent without Inacent
Are you sure about that Ame?

>> No.27914899


>> No.27914902
Quoted by: >>27914927


>> No.27914904

The patrician choice

>> No.27914910

High level mindgames.

>> No.27914911

It would be fun to for us but pure suffering for Gura who wants to watch it, badly.

>> No.27914913

>ruined me

>> No.27914915
Quoted by: >>27915021

Based. Where does Macross Plus land on the spectrum cause I really like the music in that one.

>> No.27914918

I ignore her fps streams,how long has she had that swimsuit pic as the map hider?

>> No.27914922

>Played Minecraft so much she forgot how to play APEX

>> No.27914923
File: 21 KB, 260x384, Just_friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros....hes JUST like me

>> No.27914924 [DELETED] 

This is not her right?

>> No.27914925

her gremlin mode is more cute than usual today

>> No.27914928

At least she doesn't main a boring support like Lili, Tyrande or Alex.

Rehgar is a pretty based support. Like Brightwing, Stukov and Malf.

>> No.27914927

Oh god, why

>> No.27914931

Minecraft NTR...she can never go back to other games...they're just not as good...

>> No.27914932

>Minecraft has ruined me
At least she's aware

>> No.27914933

That she didn't watch the movie and used the title as a joke.

>> No.27914934


>> No.27914938

she doesn't hide the map
she puts it next to the map so that snipers are distracted

>> No.27914940

The only people who watch romcoms are women and men trying to have sex with the woman dragging them to see a romcom. Which one are you?

>> No.27914942

But if newfags stop responding to low quality bait how will we even know they're newfags?

>> No.27914944

she would fall asleep halfway through it

>> No.27914946

What do narrative fags think of Just Friends as a movie pick. She has it planned 2 months out so there should be a reason. MC seems to be friends with her but then wins her over in the end. She saying go for it?

>> No.27914947
Quoted by: >>27914996

She is a filthy gaijin and it is already hard to find a place to live as it is. Quiting her job out of nowhere would just giver her a bad reputation and make things even more dificult.

>> No.27914948

>watching Just Friends
>they get together at the end
>she not thinking about you while watching the movie
i shouldn't be getting hard but i am

>> No.27914949

Not fur multiplayer games.

>> No.27914950

started using it with the previous apex stream iirc

>> No.27914951
Quoted by: >>27915022

why is it even there? is it to avoid stream sniping?

>> No.27914953


>> No.27914954

It is.

>> No.27914956
File: 68 KB, 1080x360, EieETBWUwAA2o33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27915062

I wish she'd fucking do it anyway instead of putting it up to people. I get she wants member involvement and for them to have a choice because they're giving her money but it's frustrating that she's not doing what she wants.

>> No.27914957

Pekora and nousagis.

>> No.27914958

I know right, at least mention Papa to kiss in the Dark

>> No.27914959

>the heroine is blonde

>> No.27914960
File: 2.09 MB, 1648x2186, 85119250_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame will become too powerful.

>> No.27914962

Fuck off and do archive reps if you care so much about off-topic shit.

>> No.27914964


>> No.27914966

oh boy you're lucky to have missed the amegeddon

>> No.27914967

How is fubuki feeling right now? At the end of the day Korone will still be number 2 but she's dropping all the way down to three.

>> No.27914968

Okay, you gotta have IQ of below room temp if you still don't believe that Ame lurks here

>> No.27914971
File: 510 KB, 860x777, 1602353539154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess its relative to how many hololive threads you consume

>> No.27914970

Apex is a garbage game. If you support Amelia, you should drop her and focus on Polka. One less viewer means one less incentive for her to keep playing that thing.

>> No.27914974
Quoted by: >>27915088

Why does she hic so much

>> No.27914975

Who only has 4 forks?

>> No.27914976
File: 84 KB, 602x674, 1602893880762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27915058

The goslingfag suffering makes me proud of being an inafriend

>> No.27914978

4 Forks....

>> No.27914981
File: 372 KB, 853x355, reynolds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27915122

If we watch Just Friends are we gonna start reynoldsposting?

>> No.27914980

>she only has 4 forks in her home


>> No.27914983

>It is
holy shit anon

>> No.27914986
Quoted by: >>27915034

Amelia "Four Fork" Watson. How does one only have 4 forks.

>> No.27914988

This woman is a living trainwreck, it's amazing

>> No.27914987

amelia is a slob

>> No.27914991

Reminder that Ame is confirmed single and do ignore all schizo niggers with outdated information.

>> No.27914992

We're watching the thing with Gura though

>> No.27914996

that's what the 2 weeks notice is for. she has been getting superchats for a month and only gave her notice a few days ago.

>> No.27914997

>Four forks
>None clean
>Leaky roof
>Considered straining tea through pantyhose
Jesus christ, Watson.

>> No.27914999
File: 37 KB, 112x112, 1601690506366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this absolute dummy

>> No.27915000

It's literally in the name, FOURk.

>> No.27915002

> 4 forks
> all dirty

>> No.27915003

Jesus what a disgusting gremlin. She still lives like she's homeless.

>> No.27915004

No, most audiences actually have a very good relationship

>> No.27915008

Need a fork coupon

>> No.27915009

Here and handsome.

>> No.27915010

For fucks sake can you niggers just check the archive and realize how much of a nothingburger it was

>> No.27915014
Quoted by: >>27915044

Am I missing something? Why didn't she just wash a fork?

>> No.27915015
Quoted by: >>27915106

>only four forks
>somehow swallows excessive air when eating with a spoon
What a retard.

>> No.27915017

Only one mug?

>> No.27915018

nice narrative

>> No.27915019

God this movie sucks

>> No.27915020

So she doesn't get deported

>> No.27915021

It's "fine". That being said if you enjoy the music of any given Macross series/movie you're going to be halfway to liking the work overall. If you want entry level Macross, though, just watch Frontier.

>> No.27915022

That's usually why people put it there. Ame doesn't think it actually helps since everyone who plays the game can tell where you are without the map, but I think she got tired to explaining that 5 times every time she played apex.

>> No.27915024
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1584329131343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27915065

How the fuck do you swallow air with a spoon?

>> No.27915023


>> No.27915025

People don't get how shitty Japanese players are compared to the rest of the world at fps. Even pros.

>> No.27915026


>> No.27915027

Archive reps. We've already wasted two days worth of threads of this before.

>> No.27915028

>such a poor fag she cant afford fucking silverware

>> No.27915030
Quoted by: >>27915081

>Why do I need 4 forks
>I just ate ravioli with a spoon because I didn't have clean forks

>> No.27915033
File: 481 KB, 413x611, ame3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah give me the good stuff

>> No.27915034

By not having friends.

>> No.27915035
File: 57 KB, 481x442, Aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia's utensils

>> No.27915036

>four knives, four forks, four plates, three cups

this bitch actually lives like the accountant

>> No.27915038

The fuck, why do you all own so many forks?

>> No.27915039


>> No.27915044

She's lazy like us.

>> No.27915046

Let the retards believe in old narratives anon, don't help them

>> No.27915047

>reusing plastic plates
what the fuck

>> No.27915048

I will save Ame

>> No.27915049


>> No.27915050
File: 88 KB, 211x209, 1598343032860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plastic plates

>> No.27915051

Please superchat Amelia so she can afford a cutting board...

>> No.27915053
Quoted by: >>27915115

>Ame confirmed single by her kitchenware.
My chance.

>> No.27915055

>Doesn't wash her body
>doesn't wash the dishes
I bet she leaves Bubba's piss sitting around for a while.
Teamates wtf

>> No.27915056

Cover please pay this woman already.

>> No.27915057

zhejdi okay

>> No.27915058

lets not pretend people don't want a cute Ina gf to cuddle and listen to.

>> No.27915060
File: 334 KB, 512x512, 1601876586514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she cutting oranges...

>> No.27915061

Cover, pay these pathetic girls already, jesus they're all living in squalor.

>> No.27915062

Well Ame put it up to a choice between watching TWO movies in one date or to watch her favorite 1h 30min movie and guess which one won...
So all Gura has to do is add (my favorite movie uwu) to Halloween to make it win.

>> No.27915064
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1589717448297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is a fucking mess

>> No.27915065

She actually has some kind of medical condition.

>> No.27915066

Holy based.

>> No.27915069

I honestly can't tell whether Ame is lazy or poor

>> No.27915070

she's a single white woman so probably he wants to get his dick sucked

>> No.27915073

I like watson but I've got negative interest in fps

>> No.27915075

When her first paycheck hits her account her standard of living is gonna increase immensely

>> No.27915077

It's even funnier if it's not a joke

>> No.27915079

Who the fuck uses plastic plates at home, is that an american thing?

>> No.27915080

>Ame eating off of dirty dishes
Wew lass...
No wonder her bf left her

>> No.27915081

She's just like me...

>> No.27915082

Watson doxed herself.

>> No.27915083

>can't even clean her fucking forks properly
how dumb is she?

>> No.27915084

Amelia is even cuter today...

>> No.27915087


>> No.27915088

maybe she had hiccups during her audition then Cover told her to keep doing it as her meme sound

>> No.27915089


>> No.27915092
File: 178 KB, 454x474, 1602443211040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, just watching an Ame stream cleanses my soul. I feel like I'm gonna make it, even though the reality is far from it.

>> No.27915093

Ame exposing how poor she is.

>> No.27915096

>cutting things on plastic plates

>> No.27915097

Not footfucks she said she'll never give you her foot size

>> No.27915100

>4 forks
>plastic plates
>no cutting board

Yeah, she’s poor and living on her own.

>> No.27915102

She's such a fucking slob bros...

>> No.27915105

It feels like she's back to form.
I guess she finally got some sleep on her day off.

>> No.27915106
File: 177 KB, 519x500, 1602809184144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute retard!

>> No.27915109

I have more but solely because I've been gifted them. You really don't need more than two of everything if you live alone.

>> No.27915110

I just woke up. Jesus, really?

>> No.27915111

>open ame stream
>close stream

>open polka stream
>somebody is skinning a cat
>close stream

>open hlgg
>doxxposting, goslings
>close hlgg

>> No.27915115

4 forks = 2 forks for lunch and 2 for dinner
you use spoons for breakfast

>> No.27915121

Minecraft can't ruin things you don't have...

>> No.27915122

Hopefully not, Reynolds is normalfagcore but with the amount of tourists you never know
