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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 430 KB, 757x1171, EkSIkCjVkAYP4N5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27721845 No.27721845 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27721848

Ina Ina Inaaaaaaaa

>> No.27721851
File: 1.76 MB, 756x1075, 1602020114759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Amelia is total sweetheart and I am in love with her.
I know she is a genuinely good person

>> No.27721852
File: 123 KB, 425x400, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura tries to make you a peanut butter burger
>she messes up, burning the meat and the peanut butter
>she shows you the burnt peanut butter burger
>"I-it's okay if you don't want to eat it, anon"
>Gura about to cry as she says this
Would you eat it?

>> No.27721856

Keep sayin it

>> No.27721857
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, 1574843943626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27721858
File: 13 KB, 189x189, 1602446791382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27721971

These fucking girls are making me want to get into Minecraft for the first time in my life, as a 30 year old man

>> No.27721860
File: 87 KB, 680x383, 1601519361853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721861
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ina's JLPT stream is probably lost forever because no one recorded it live. people seem to get the importance of live recording for pre-announced unarchived streams, but that doesn't help for streams that are retroactively made unarchived. i was just barely able to grab two of mori's japanese study archives before she took those down, just minutes after my downloads finished:


i do record all of gura's streams live, but i'm only one guy and she's only one out of the five holoENs. i'll eventually have an outage, or make a mistake, or she'll reschedule something and break my recording setup. we clearly don't have enough live recording coverage of holoEN and we will continue to lose things forever until more people make a point of routinely recording every stream while it is live. even if all you can do is 480p, that's a whole lot better than losing it forever. even if you can only retain the past month, or the past week's worth of recordings, that still gives us more time to circulate more copies to more people.

youtube-dl is free and it's not hard to use. a lot of people like streamlink, but i haven't used it so i can't help with the details of that. there are automatic recording tools out there but i haven't tried them because i am working on my own implementation. once i have something fit for release i'll be sure to post it. for now, if you have the chance to record something live, even if it's something you're 99% sure will be archived indefinitely, consider taking the time to record it anyway. you never know when or why one of these will get taken down, and when it does, the only hope for preserving it is if fans have local copies of it.

>> No.27721863
File: 121 KB, 1086x1122, EkUauMHU8AATBrM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721864
File: 28 KB, 543x480, Ehc_2rNVgAAqCIr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27721888


>> No.27721867
File: 104 KB, 766x974, Sick Outta Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27721869

>Abby's bad girl jacket


>> No.27721870

So, Watson is now hopelessly addicted to minecraft, huh.

>> No.27721871

Yeah all memes aside Ame seems like a very kind person.

>> No.27721873


>> No.27721875

No, I would throw it out and throw her on the bed. Only one way to cheer up a sad brat

>> No.27721878
File: 522 KB, 2012x1538, 45345335135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all are. Schizo's can fuck off.

>> No.27721879
File: 350 KB, 2048x2032, 78667466648687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722022

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to episode one of Amecraft, the series where I play Minecraft.
This is gonna be a singleplayer let's play and when I say let's play I use that term... pretty loosely because I'm an idiot in this game - you're gonna see lots of fails, you're gonna see lots of triumphs, at least I'm hoping.

So go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, hot cup of cocoa. I've got Chai tea right here freshly brewed, let me take a sip.

>> No.27721881

Are we seriously comparing which EN had suffered more than the other? Jesus christ.

>> No.27721884

All I ever heard from Witcherfriends was YOU GOTTTTA read the books! They're SO good! These games are SO GREAT!

Holy shit man, it's clear gamers do not read a lot of books to have an idea of what a good or bad book is. I bet they think the eternally never-finished Game of Thrones is great too.

>> No.27721885

Anon, think about the silver lining. You managed to get some sleep. I'm sure Ina would be happy to have helped you this way.

Also the stream wasn't anything special

>> No.27721888
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1602441034313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27721946

Dont use my friend to shitpost faggot.

>> No.27721889

I tried using youtube-dl but I'm legitimately too much of a brainlet for it.

>> No.27721892
File: 429 KB, 512x875, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722177

Does anyone still have the kuroneko pancake video?

>> No.27721893

>goes on and on about her tragic past to a bunch of whiteknights
she's just like the rest of them. only difference is her fans are just as poor as her

>> No.27721894

How long before Amelia builds a calculator in Minecraft?

>> No.27721897
File: 775 KB, 694x724, Depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck. I was too sleepy to concentrate on any of the Japanese study

>> No.27721900
Quoted by: >>27721920


Ame antis seething. Just get laid you virgins.

>> No.27721901
Quoted by: >>27721919

Aren't the JP streams privated, not deleted?

>> No.27721904
File: 277 KB, 482x671, 1602039282327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. I really need more Ina streams.

She got me completely addicted to her...

>> No.27721905
File: 97 KB, 680x481, rusha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721908

what did you try and what went wrong?

>> No.27721909
File: 12 KB, 501x69, TakaMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721910
File: 507 KB, 667x654, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722014

>ame in manga form

>> No.27721912
File: 47 KB, 805x391, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27721916
File: 141 KB, 1142x529, 8767686786486784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a ritual post I can get behind :^)

>> No.27721917
Quoted by: >>27722023

How do I get a Rushia gf

>> No.27721918

listen to this man and do as he says, and be grateful that you learned this lesson from losing one mediocre stream from ina, and not the entire catalog of every amazing moment every hololive streamer had experienced.

>> No.27721919

there's no difference between privated and deleted if they're never made public again.

>> No.27721920
Quoted by: >>27721940

What if I'm damned picky over who I'd fuck?

>> No.27721925
File: 155 KB, 1150x1080, EkXmA2mUcAEBCPe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame has a big heart. I feel like she just genuinely cares about providing entertainment and having a good time. Her streams reflect it, all of her content is fun to watch in my opinion.

>> No.27721924

>paypig farmer
>shows underwear to strangers

>> No.27721926

Tbf I read a lot and really liked The Witcher books. The games (more specifically 3 since it's the one I played) was ok, but nothing that great.

>> No.27721927

nah, it was a pretty chill exchange of opinions, some slight jabs on pitybaiting notwithstanding

t. deadbeat

>> No.27721929

Are we making our own Bingo card for Ya Boy since she was kinda enough to provide a template?

>> No.27721930
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, pb_iSwkbnBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27721931

Eurobros winning for once

>> No.27721932

>tfw Google recommended me some jap numberfagging
Basically, Gura btfo'd Nijicucks with her suffering kino.

>> No.27721933
File: 458 KB, 702x732, movie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721935
File: 271 KB, 2048x1846, Ejf_YQmUcAYWLuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722389

>Members only LOTR stream
>During the dead of morning
Euro bros enjoy your morning movie

>> No.27721937
Quoted by: >>27722037

Ah look. Another guy who dislikes the popular things! We are all marveling at your one-of-a-kind taste! There's a group of similar folks in the "we hate 5e DnD!" corner. I'm sure you'll get along well!

>> No.27721938
File: 187 KB, 1809x1079, 1574498739384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722004

>Honestly, non-paying viewers have to just fuck off. They're dead weight
Can't believe she said that

>> No.27721940

Then you Gosling for Mori

>> No.27721943
File: 170 KB, 992x806, good ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawfags, please deliver.

>> No.27721945

I fucking HATE this chicken.

>> No.27721946

>that post>>>>>>>power gap>>>>piss>>>shit>>>le sad cat posts

>> No.27721949

fffffffuck i don't have money to join grrrrrrrr

>> No.27721951

I'll try and get either it to work and be the Ina archive.

>> No.27721952
Quoted by: >>27722036

My internet's too shit to download at the same time as I'm watching.

>> No.27721960
File: 81 KB, 487x503, 1575138818710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 more FUCKING dead days for no reason

>> No.27721962


>> No.27721967

Doesn't help she's going to be playing the Switch port which is a sub 30fps mess in most areas. All because Cover won't email CDPR and get a reply in 5 minutes that only contains a link to their video policy page that says "just don't fucking member only it"

>> No.27721968

Jesus fuck, lord of the rings? Man. I'm tempted to swap Mori for chicken membership.

>> No.27721972

I thought up to Blood of Elves was okay. The little story vignettes are better. But the ending was terrible and Sopko clearly likes taking 50 page detours to nowhere in particular.

>> No.27721971

aren't you a little old to be watching chuubas?

>> No.27721973

fuck those times but oh well better get used to it

>> No.27721974

>Cue the haters typing "sell"
I bought

>I don't have a bottle opener
I held

>this is the arrow "THEY" use
I sold

>> No.27721976

sseth here

>> No.27721977

I fucking LOVE this chicken!

>> No.27721979
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, e9f8d9c7a90467d6c59a95de1bbf505a.1000x1000x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dead beats, jerk it now!

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27721981

Has there ever been a stream where the holo breaking kayfabe made you enjoy the stream less?

>> No.27721980

When it comes to who suffered the most, the answer is obvious.
Whoever watched the chess stream. https://streamable.com/ox3b1e

>> No.27721982
File: 584 KB, 2000x2500, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're practicing your voice and building your streaming portfolio to become a trap gen 2 or homostarsEN gen 1 so you can befriend your favorite chuuba, right /hlg/?

>> No.27721983
File: 206 KB, 1000x814, true ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for antis

>> No.27721988
File: 202 KB, 850x1202, 1602769976988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722177


>> No.27721989
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1602410075696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27721990
Quoted by: >>27722444

This comment is fine but the comments you're replying to are schizo garbage. Why did they feel the need to put down Mori in order to prop up Ame?

>> No.27721993
Quoted by: >>27722030

I kind of wanna try rapping

>> No.27721994
File: 308 KB, 1209x1085, 1574317227899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This art would be amazing if Kiara's lower half didn't look like shit.

>> No.27721995

Get the fuck out liznigs you cursed Aloe

>> No.27721998
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1600811768121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I might have to think about this one

>> No.27722000
File: 177 KB, 640x480, 1602553368478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It beats Valorant, and her friendship with Gura is adorable to watch. It makes for relaxing background streams compared to waiting for her to freak out during Mario Odyssey or Limbo.

>> No.27722001

Mori is English Rushia but less whoreish and paypig will give their money no matter what

>> No.27722002

Lewd Gura fanart is my favourite part of holoEN. at this point

>> No.27722004
Quoted by: >>27722137


>> No.27722006

What did Ame mean by this?

>> No.27722009

kinda glad I'm not a chicken member because that time is awful for me

>> No.27722010

Ame seems pretty cool, I respect her as well
That's really cool, damn
We could

>> No.27722012

I'm a time traveler. Anon I know what your thinking about doing, but please don't. I know your lurking here, I know what your planning, I've seen how it ends. Please reconsider, there is more at stake than you could ever know.

>> No.27722014
File: 1.33 MB, 500x281, E837BB99-A268-4BC1-A5F4-1A458484B8E1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722016

Okay this was seriously starting to confuse me. I went to Wayback-kun.

An archive from Feb says S/T isn't available for public download. Today, that line's gone. And, wouldn't you know it, S/T and Lemonade have both been mysteriously reuploaded by an anonymous benefactor. Did I get it right?

>> No.27722018

they're good
but mostly in their native language

>> No.27722022

Watson's Ice Tea Factory Tekkit series never.

>> No.27722023
Quoted by: >>27722245

Become red-haired pirate.

>> No.27722024

So friday evening I'll watch Ghostbusters with Shark, then a few hours later John Wick with Amelia, then sleep, then watch Lord of the Rings with Kiara?

Jesus, I don't know man.

>> No.27722025
File: 106 KB, 1080x1189, EkV8WjRXgAIaHX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina, Ina, IIIIIIIInaaaa

>> No.27722027
Quoted by: >>27722064

Why would they delete the JP streams

>> No.27722029
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722157


>> No.27722030

I wanna try brapping

>> No.27722031
File: 400 KB, 2003x2150, stw90mm17o751[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, will the collabs with the EN girls actually help them in terms of views?
I'm actually surprised they aren't bigger.

>> No.27722035
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1602624664679s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722121

>> No.27722036

that's understandable. my lecture is addressed to those with enough bandwidth for it, and there certainly are more people who could record but who aren't doing so.

>> No.27722037

At least they're broken clocks about the GoT books

>> No.27722041
Quoted by: >>27722151

I assume it won't be the extended edition
Will she watch it in Japanese?

>> No.27722045
Quoted by: >>27722073

I am personally not a fan of Ninomae Ina'nis

>> No.27722044

>Movie weekend marathon

>> No.27722048

That creeper jumping into their island house was comedy gold, even if you predicted it happening 5 minutes beforehand.

>> No.27722050

>Membership isn't allowed in Ukraine
Fuck Youtube and fuck Russia.

>> No.27722051

That she's lewd intentionally.

>> No.27722053

I think it's the removal of the "no longer available" line.
Because it technically is available now

>> No.27722059

Thank fuck that EDT time is actually manageable for me. Excited to watch LotR with her. Hopefully its the theatrical version

>> No.27722061

i think it's going to be member only archived after anyway, so you can watch whenever really

>> No.27722062
Quoted by: >>27722090

Imagine if it was extended, holy shit.

>> No.27722064

apparently it's a permissions issue with JLPT content.

>> No.27722065

>2am my time
Well fuck me if I'm gonna wake up to watch it. Sorry Kiara.

>> No.27722066
File: 191 KB, 1623x1239, 1602781694833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best timeline actually. She escaped both Girlfriend and Gremlin and became Gura's friend.

>> No.27722067
File: 2.54 MB, 2016x1427, 48864354353548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this a Necromancer for ants?

>> No.27722073

As in you dislike her or just don't care?

>> No.27722074

Fuck, I want to re-watch LOTR.

>> No.27722077
Quoted by: >>27722129

What if I know how it ends and I want it to happen?

>> No.27722080

Do a jerky dance.

>> No.27722081

i am of the opinion that SHE'S HERE

>> No.27722084


>> No.27722086
File: 605 KB, 688x500, 1598905094446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722088
Quoted by: >>27722157

I bought
I bought
I bought again

>> No.27722090
Quoted by: >>27723490

That's what I was thinking. Is this the theatrical ver or the extended cut
because god damn, the extended cut is great but not for that timeslot

>> No.27722092

i only record watson and streams we know will be unarchived, soz

>> No.27722093
Quoted by: >>27722161

But... we would be perfect together

>> No.27722096

jerk it to the left
jerk it to the right
do a little jerky dance

>> No.27722098
File: 3.83 MB, 1548x2064, lorecunts3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722218

Wasn't really sure what the fuck the guy was going for, and it's a sketch after all, but now she maybe looks a bit more nopan.
Please meido, this is still not over the limit right?

>> No.27722100
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1602060371414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722155

>less whoreish

>> No.27722104

Did you guys forgot about Haachama

>> No.27722105

Hope her bladder bursts in the middle of it

>> No.27722107

chad amegura:

>> No.27722110

/hlg/ is acting like Subaru is going to die tomorrow.

>> No.27722112

It's not the unpredictability, but inevitability that makes true Kino.

>> No.27722114

Try a VPN/proxy browser extension?
Ey, I had nothing to do with this

>> No.27722115

why not get a VPN

>> No.27722117

Where's the original version of this image?

>> No.27722118

i may not be a fan of chicken (i dont hate her though) but i want to hear her sing Wo alle Straßen enden

>> No.27722120

Will never forget HAACHAMA

>> No.27722121

>It's pretty much confirmed Mori goes here
>Some of these "This Poster" images probably actually hit Mori for real


>> No.27722122
Quoted by: >>27722186


>> No.27722123


>> No.27722125

dumb lizard poster

>> No.27722127

Time to draw Kiara in place of Frodo.

>> No.27722128

yeah i don't like it
they really don't trust our chicken mental stability

>> No.27722129

Then you leave me no choice. See you 10 minutes ago anon.

>> No.27722132

Haachama has a bad BGM
There, I said it

>> No.27722136
Quoted by: >>27722189

>petting her
Wait, this is the armless girl from Katawa Shoujo, right?

>> No.27722137
File: 1.96 MB, 1869x999, deadweight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's dead weight now, kusoshinigami?

>> No.27722141

As a person who grew up in SoCal, I may feel some sympathy for entertainers but very little. The arts, both in educations and the industries, have always been flooded with people trying to become stars, especially in their little niche. I've visited places where 15 musicians lived in one small-shitty house, Artists galore living on the streets (somehow not drugged up), and tons of actors and actresses doing tons of shit for free hoping for a break.

Does this mean they must be shit? Hell no. Nice hearing good music and seeing good visuals wherever you go, and people going the extra mile to serve you food, BUT THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE TRYING TO BE ENTERTAINERS. Y'all anons need to do various reps but realize the reps required to be on a stage (Paid artist, singer, musician, etc.) is already flooded with people. If they make you smile and you think they deserve your money, that's reasonable. If you somehow think they're more special then others, that's shitting on everyone else who is trying to make it.

>> No.27722144
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, rPrkm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722203

You don't have to say anything, but you have to date all the girls.

>> No.27722146

Predict what their alternate avatar outfits would be
Obviously the Henshin Phoenix form
Skull mask and long black cloak with her regular clothes
Some horrific Lovecraft based monster form
swimsuit version of her jacket
I actually dont know

>> No.27722147

Because of the offline collab with Kiara?

>> No.27722149


>> No.27722151

>this movie came out in 2001

>> No.27722152
Quoted by: >>27722183

fuck i can only imagine how much discord sex ame and gura have had in the last few days

>> No.27722155
Quoted by: >>27722208

You don't see her fucking old men for money now do you

>> No.27722156

Mo to the ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.27722157
Quoted by: >>27722210

It doesn't get better than this anon! SELL SELL SELL!

>> No.27722159

Exactly. It's back in the wild, so to speak. And how would she know this? By being the uploader of the mega files.

>> No.27722161

But at what cost? It can only ever be parasocial.

>> No.27722163

Just want to say you're my favorite autist minded person in this thread.
Anyways. I got youtube dl and am on linux.
Just gimme the command template to record streams. I used it to occasionally download videos before, but not streams.
I'd do Kiara streams that coincide well with my schedule.

>> No.27722165

If Mori's roommate is a teacher and she doesn't teach Japanese then wtf are her "scythe swinging lessons"?

>> No.27722166
File: 112 KB, 1187x1580, 1602781362207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can definitely try, I'll post the template

>> No.27722167

Ina-sensei, how do I get good at drawing anime girl anatomy and tiddies?

>> No.27722169

>3 hour movie starting at 3AM
Fuck, there's no way I won't fall asleep...

>> No.27722172
Quoted by: >>27722186




>> No.27722171

There is no training that would remake me into an interesting and kind person.

>> No.27722177

So, a FGO crossover seems inevitable, right?
Considering how much of a fan Ina is, I'm willing to bet she would also do her lines as well.

>> No.27722178

Stop supporting a coup plot by nazi just to piss off Moscow.

>> No.27722179

welp, time to bust out the vpn

>> No.27722182

Gura's absorbs LUCK from nearby individuals and reverses it.

>> No.27722183

they've probably started doing it during offstream minecraft sessions too.

>> No.27722185

>just got to the part in the minecraft collab where Gura gives back Ame's golden sword without saying anything and just winks to the audience

HololiveEN is the greatest fucking thing to happen in this shitty year.

>> No.27722186

Patrician music taste

Fellow big brains

>> No.27722187
File: 501 KB, 960x720, 1602741864415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722332

>Lord of the Rings with Kiara

>> No.27722189


>> No.27722190

Yeah, they think Chicken is going to ruin this collab/go menhera.

>> No.27722193

she teaches Kendo obviously

>> No.27722194

That little small talk between Ame and Gura after they unloaded the goods from the first treasure was really good. I think simple conversation like that will improve their bonds.

>> No.27722199

Teaching English

>> No.27722200

That's a really cute thumbnail

>> No.27722203

You are a Genius anon!

>> No.27722202
Quoted by: >>27722228

Given how much harsher the PC culture is in the West, how long do you think it will take for a HoloEN to get in trouble for saying something politically incorrect?

>> No.27722204

Yeah. They thing Chicking is crazy
She's not that crazy

>> No.27722205

It's a different situation really, when I hear about Ame, I feel sad that things happened to her, and I'm glad she's found something to hold onto, but I can't really relate to it as much. when I hear Mori's story, I feel simultaneously inspired and depressed about my own life, there's something to be said for choosing the hard path in reckless pursuit of an absurd dream and sticking it out long enough to get that chance. That kind of passion is hard to find and I can only really imagine how it might feel, because my interests change so often I never accomplish anything.

>> No.27722208
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1595015751373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you realize how the real music industry works.

>> No.27722209

gurame collabs are mega basado

>> No.27722210
Quoted by: >>27722226

I'm buying your entire stock, I don't care about the value, I just wish to own every single Reapercoin as a collectible reminder of my Mori

>> No.27722216 [DELETED] 

What do chumbuds think about Artemis?


>> No.27722218

Thanks edit-anon. I love the original but the tongue focus with no scar and her crotch being some kind of Jotaro's hat situation where she's both pantieless and wearing panties at the same time was weirding me out.

>> No.27722219

Ame hugging and trying to cheer crying Gura up after losing all her stuff in Minecraft! Then taking advantage of her and sliding her hand down to Gura's cunny.

>> No.27722221
Quoted by: >>27722265

So I'm assuming that the TakaMori MC stream for this week isn't gonna happen? What a shame...

>> No.27722223
Quoted by: >>27722893

You're overthinking it at this point

>> No.27722226
Quoted by: >>27722290

>Not a memento


>> No.27722227
Quoted by: >>27722312

Voice changers are a thing, anon. A few artists I follow on twitter already have female avatars and use a changer to sound girly, it's frightening

>> No.27722228
Quoted by: >>27722264

Seeing how Gura already called thr enderman a "Dumb stinky, long ass nigger" and nothing happened, I'm sure they'll be fine.

>> No.27722229
Quoted by: >>27722304

desu. I didn't think that in relation to the archive, more so to Mori dropping the timeloop line

>> No.27722233
File: 578 KB, 826x772, 1601523638977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722290

Mori is Suisei on the outside, Rushia on the inside

Ame is Rushia on the outside, Haachama on the inside

Gura is Luna on the outside, Coco on the inside

Kiara is Pekora on the outside, Towa on the inside

Ina is Ina, inside and out

>> No.27722232

Considering FGOJP is 2 years ahead of the EN server, I don't see it happening.
Arknights could be viable considering both global and japan servers are trying to catch up to CN in terms of content.

>> No.27722234
Quoted by: >>27722414

I was interested at first but I've got a bad feeling after seeing how she acts on twitter

>> No.27722236
Quoted by: >>27722660

I'm the last guy to be into yuri ships but Amelia and Gura are incredibly cute together.
The way Gura secretly made a gold sword for Ame, tossed it into her inventory and didn't even say "I made it" when Ame wondered where it came from later says everything.

I wish they were my wife and daughter.

>> No.27722237

to record a single stream, i use:

youtube-dl --cookies [absolute or relative path to cookies.txt] [stream URL]

you don't need --cookies if it's a public stream, only for member streams. you can use a browser extension to export the cookies from your browser to generate that file.

you can add -q to make it log less, but i haven't figured out whether it logs errors in that state. the log output is really verbose for live streams, printing out a super long URL every few seconds.

just wait for it to exit on its own, like 30-40 minutes after the stream ends. you can press ctrl+c ONCE (ONCE ONLY!) and it might exit a little faster. if you press ctrl+c twice the file will be trashed. i have never successfully repaired a file that i trashed by pressing ctrl+c twice, but allegedly some people have.

>> No.27722241

ive heard those pops before...
I can't remember where

>> No.27722242
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, Eh9yd3lU8AcWcSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722243
Quoted by: >>27722299

Real-life meido

>> No.27722244
Quoted by: >>27722281

I find it funny how since they are a bunch of EOPS, the HoloEN member that can legit help them finally understand their chuubas for once is also the one they have such huge hateboner for.

It's hilarious.

>> No.27722245
File: 9 KB, 375x385, Shank's Ship and Shape ~ Formerly Roger's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722284

OK. Now what?

>> No.27722246
Quoted by: >>27722375

>/hlg/ schizo posting about Kiara meeting Subaru

>> No.27722248
Quoted by: >>27722346

I sounds like a stretch but there is no other explanation. I buy it.

>> No.27722247

I think chikin has grown quite a bit, they shouldn't be so worried. However, I'll admit, the fact that their very first (and the very first EN-JP collab) is offline is worrisome.

>> No.27722251
File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, 【DEBUT STREAM】Hi!🐙 #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth-ujCxiHpVYmg.mkv_snapshot_00.01_[2020.10.15_15.02.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this. I've gotten off my ass and I'll start downloading all of Ina's streams and recording it when they're live so this doesn't happen again.

>> No.27722254

I think that you're going to get a warning or ban for off topic posting. So abayo.

>> No.27722256

Didn't Gura just have a moment on stream where she did this sound? I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but it's getting shameless.

>> No.27722261
Quoted by: >>27722714

not a chumbud but her design is so ridiculously superior I'd probably be one if she had it instead

>> No.27722263

She hasn't done anything. I don't think it's possible to have an informed opinion one way or the other until she starts actually making content.

>> No.27722264

I know you're kidding but I still think it's hilarious that she said "spear chuckers."

>> No.27722265

still got the remix stream

>> No.27722267


>> No.27722268

I could never forget about the honorary holoEN

>> No.27722270

There are people in this thread who didn't even exist when it came out.

>> No.27722271

I'm a webretard.
Where do I find cookies.txt?
Just open pagesources and look for it?

>> No.27722273

watson's alt outfit will be a nurse/doctor outfit

>> No.27722277
File: 15 KB, 240x383, Amelia wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722300

just don't let it turn into a obsession anon. It's hard for me to describe fully why I like Amelia the most out of the group. At first it was because she had the best energy and humor, but now it's more then that from the hints of her hard work and strength. I wish the best for all Holo's but I want to see Amelia succeed and enjoy herself the most.

>> No.27722279

You just reminded me I missed those streams, time to watch it now.

>> No.27722280

Why does she need anger for teaching english tho? Probably kids, right?

>/ss/ isn't a lie

>> No.27722281

I think it's because Kiara is doing what every HoloJP fan always dreamed of, so when Kiara collabs with a HoloJP they act like if their idol is collabing with a boy.

>> No.27722283

They're two hyper as hell girls. It'll be fine.

>> No.27722284

Become a yonkou.

>> No.27722285
Quoted by: >>27722395

You're an inspiration archive anon, the issue I've found is youtube-dl requires that you start it once the stream begins and can't be set it to wait for it to start(even if it knows exactly how long to wait for), The functionality could be hacked in to youtube-dl(which wont help if you can't even be around when the stream reservation is made).
I've thought up the following:
Anons keep the teamup up to date
Grab the times and urls through the teamup API
Have something set a bunch of timers and start the download through exec'ing youtube-dl.

Due to differences in time zones and schedules I think a system like this is the only viable way to get distributed archival.

>> No.27722288
Quoted by: >>27722838

Normal or extended?

>> No.27722290

that what I was referencing, fool
she's Suisei on the outside, Subaru on the inside

>> No.27722291
Quoted by: >>27722638

Wasn't Subaru the one who invited Kiara to do this offline? Or is Kiara lying?

>> No.27722295

Yes have you try dealing with kids

>> No.27722299
Quoted by: >>27722386

>She's like the teacher from persona 5
[Chair clattering noises]

>> No.27722300
File: 593 KB, 1974x1250, 20201010_175838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed Teamates. Keep being based.

>> No.27722301
Quoted by: >>27722363

What are some good zatsudan games? Like games that are very laid back, east to filter out and focus on talking but still provide some kind of thing to interact with?

>> No.27722304
Quoted by: >>27722353

Did she cash in a coupon for one free timeloop? Link to stream?

>> No.27722307
File: 118 KB, 630x1200, 786786468468786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggle coming up with alternate outfits for Ame as well.
A live2d version of Ina's Ame swimsuit design would never be allowed no matter how much I want it. A summer dress would be cute but it's not really related to Watson as a character.
Maybe a MiB suit with sunglasses and a memory eraser?

>> No.27722310

What makes the offlien-collab more worrisome than an online one? Wouldn't it just reduce potential for technical difficulties Kiara is quite prone to?

I mean she lived in Japan for quite a while now, are they worried she never learned any social cues there and coasted off her gaijin-status?

>> No.27722312

Voice changers only work if you already talk like a cute girl. It's more than just pitch, it's resonance. The only thing stopping me is that I have no idea who to commission for a top tier avatar/rig. I have money.

And my NEET depression, but besides that.

>> No.27722313

>My niece had just turned 2 when the second movie was still in theatres, and I babysat her while her parents went to watch it,
Feels weird, what with her having a little one of her own, now.

>> No.27722318

Ugly, annoying, and undeserving of the attention she's gotten so far.

>> No.27722325


>> No.27722326 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 1018x896, 1602788855692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN Gen2 confirmed
...even if her singing is pretty mediocre for this.

>> No.27722329

I instinctively read that as golden shower.

>> No.27722330
Quoted by: >>27722437

If you listen to Ina's matrix watch along without matrix playing, it's like some kind of ASMR

>> No.27722332

>That gif
Shiiiet. That real cool.

>> No.27722334

Nothing, they're usually super comfy and cute.

But schizos are not good in the head, and /hlg/ is jealous of Kiara, news at 11

>> No.27722338

bich ate too much fun dip

>> No.27722342

older browsers used to store it natively in that format, but these days they use other formats. you can use a browser extension (search for "cookies.txt") to export it in that format. the format is "netscape cookie file" but most people just call it "cookies.txt". there are also some other ways to export them but i am not familiar with the details.

>> No.27722346
Quoted by: >>27722832

Another day in the life of Deadbeats Detective Agency

>> No.27722350
Quoted by: >>27722638

Its a great way to break the ice beforehand

>> No.27722353

it was her last music making stream where she went 'I don't know what timezone I am, I'm stuck in an infinite timeloop', then shortly after she started to talk about the bingo

>> No.27722355

>mori locked out of apartment

>> No.27722356

I can't believe kiara impregnated subaru live on stream

>> No.27722357
File: 222 KB, 1419x610, goblinates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Lord of the Rings collectable glowing goblet is appropriate to drink tepid milk from while watching Kiara?

>> No.27722361

Not a chumbud but I like how her design uniquely tries to look like a shark and not just a loli in a shark hoodie

>> No.27722362
Quoted by: >>27722446

Don't know about you but it reminded me of Ange when she thought her stream died, made popping noises with her mouth and also had a hamburger

>> No.27722363
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1602561926967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722453

Eurotruck Simulator for Kiara. And Microsoft Flight Simulator too. No lie these will work.

>> No.27722364
File: 2.05 MB, 1445x1884, Ej4_5rXUcAAwBBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722884

She only talked about her personal life with a much, much smaller and closer group of viewers. We only know as much about her as we do because someone from here tried to ruin her.

>> No.27722365
File: 326 KB, 1050x1575, 1601926400114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda agree with this. Part of the reason I like Mori so much is because she's so ambitious. I myself am painfully average and spent a lot of time just kinda existing without any major goals so seeing some shine so brightly while chasing their dream is inspiring.

>> No.27722373

Please newfag-chama, she almost confirmed it and we already were sufficiently certain of that.

>> No.27722375
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1600399451974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen them go this hard on any EN girl, its honestly worse than them getting easily baited from a numberfag posting Gura for the hundredth time
like they resorted to shitting on her roommate as if she is a convicted murderer

>> No.27722376
File: 60 KB, 468x422, 76868768745354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ame and Gura to get this in emote form.

>> No.27722380

desu the reasons I think she has zoomer culture is largely down to a couple points I'm realizing are kinda dumb posting here
>Her language is very zoomer, half of the things she says is stuff I heard kids at school drop all the time but never once heard anyone older speak
Also zoomers are kind of split between three main groups, the ones you see playing minecraft, flossing at everything(The youngest). The ones who seem like a bridge between those zoomers and millennials, being those younger zoomers grown up who cringe at the younger ones.
The third group are pretty much just 4chan shitposters, being okay with Otaku shit but not too deep, acting a bit odd (A lot of them would have been fans of filthy frank etc.) and being ironically edgy with /pol/ tier memes. I'd say only a fraction of this group actually browse 4chan and the rest just follow along with their friends mannerisms, you might have seen these people online already. They are the minority but make up a very sizable amount. They sometimes straight talk about 4chan but often don't, I've sometimes made vague references or straight dropped the name among this type and they all get it. And thats the next point
>She seems to fit in with that last group perfectly
I can't exactly tell you why, it's just her overall personality. She seems like a girl I would have went to school with who fit into that crowd.
You old cunts are all here too tho, so 4chan culture isn't exactly special to zoomers but this group seems quite different. Being raised from a very young age with its influence, using it alongside friends irl likely has a different effect, compared to older people who only ever talked to anons via 4chan itself and were at the end of their teens or already passed them when first coming here.

>> No.27722381

tfw no gf to teamate with

>> No.27722382
Quoted by: >>27723207

>Kiara's bad luck aura causes Subaru's rig to freak out

>> No.27722383
Quoted by: >>27722502

I really love her design but her voice isn't that great. I saw her earlier this week on Nyanners twitter

>> No.27722386
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1602788922082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student discovers her part time job
>blackmailed to do increasingly more sexual favors
The doujins are writing themselves.

>> No.27722387

I'll take goslingspam over all these deadbeat blog posts.

>> No.27722389
Quoted by: >>27722413


4:00 am for me, fuck me.

>> No.27722390

I think she's fucking off topic and you should fuck off with her already.

>> No.27722391
Quoted by: >>27722419

How kino will it be if Gura and HER channel reach 1m at the same time?

>> No.27722395
Quoted by: >>27722495

recently i've been doing startup like this:

until youtube-dl --cookies /path/to/cookies.txt "$URL" 2>&1 >> $LOGFILE ; do
sleep 5

this works, but it's a shitty way to do it, and i will report back when i have something better. if you are on windows you'd probably want to reimplement that in powershell, too.

>> No.27722399

I wrote a really nice poem for Amelia and superchatted it at her and she didn't even read it in stream.

>> No.27722408

Moona inclining very well right now in part due to Pekora minecraft where they both were ESL at each other and formed a unique bond.

You don't even need to speak Japanese to really get what's going on, the whole stream was golden.


>> No.27722409

she better inform us about what cut it is so I can pirate properly

>> No.27722411
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 755047845681430598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I need to read and watch everything witcher like ame before she streams witcher 3 or can i just skip all that shit? I don't want to be left out when she starts but damn thats a lot of content for my small brain

>> No.27722412
Quoted by: >>27722483

Calli if you are here, just know I am a six foot one tall Asian man and I wear glasses. Also I am rich.

>> No.27722413

tako your sleeping pills early mr pierce

>> No.27722414

How does she act? Like a 14 year old twitch/reddit brat? Thats honestly 99% of them. Recently twitter suggested me some vtubers and they are all terrible. Theyre the bad kind of gremlin, not the good, loveable kind like Amelia.

>> No.27722415

She didn't read SCs at the end of the MC collab, she'll read em tonight

>> No.27722416
File: 421 KB, 650x333, d30268-305-236863-6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing how most of the comments in the chat of her recent videos were Japs, I don't see why she wouldn't be a guess character in the JP server and do her lines in Japanese since she is proficient enough, assuming she continues to grow and have a fanbase there.

It will be interesting though, if Gura continues to explode in terms of growth, and yet the main branch can't really do anything with what would be their biggest idol in terms of advertisement and other similar crossovers like they do with the JP girls, because her fans are English speakers and the west refuses to use anime for any sort of sponsorships.

>> No.27722419

it will be high-grade quinoa

>> No.27722433
File: 2.21 MB, 400x250, money.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only difference is her fans are just as poor as her
That hurt. Also, fuck you I'm trying.

>> No.27722434

What weapon would each girl main in monster hunter?

>> No.27722437
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x1800, 1602716390740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722464

>If you listen to Ina.......it's like some kind of ASMR

>> No.27722438

She teaches english for one of her jobs, but the other job is still unconfirmed, anything said is speculation

>> No.27722441

Why is it that /hlg/ are in a constant state of seething at 5 girls when they have like 40?

>> No.27722443

So long as chicken has enough sense not to accidently dox her when talking about their meet up tomorrow it should be fine.

>> No.27722444

Other people's suffering and difficulties in life are a competition for thread schizos who will never amount to anything or fix their lives.

>> No.27722445
File: 29 KB, 496x506, atoast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast to Kiara! In my Gandalf goblet!

>> No.27722446

diff anon but ye, that was a cute moment

>> No.27722447
File: 52 KB, 1087x382, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722453

Either of the Truck simulators, I just think ATS has bigger open areas and you don't have to swap to the other side of the road or ride fucking ferries.

>> No.27722454

Thanks for spoonfeeding.
I respect your hard work to improve the hlgg-experience and hope you continue to do so in the future, even if the low feedback might be a bit discouraging.

>> No.27722455


>> No.27722460
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 20201013_222847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Fantasy heads, here you go.

>> No.27722463

Why do they get deleted tho?

>> No.27722464

The point being made is that it's her voice without background audio.

>> No.27722465 [DELETED] 


>> No.27722466

/hlg/ also thought Matsuri was dead because she was late.
Those people are fucking crazy.

>> No.27722475

>I actually dont know
Noire detective outfit, of course

>> No.27722477

Should @ nordvpn for that sponsorship

>> No.27722478

cheer up anon, while world may move through outliers, it exists by averages - being yourself and just enjoying your bit of time earnestly is okay

>> No.27722480
Quoted by: >>27722657

Mori if you read this I'm tired of your superchat baiting.
Your bottle opening antics in the Overcooked collab were also kinda obnoxious and it was pretty uncool to flaunt your higher quantity of akasupas in front of the other three girls. Kinda tactless.

>> No.27722483

Ina if you are here, just know that I am a NEET who is trying to learn how to draw. I just want to let you know that you inspired me to pick it up again. Sasuga

>> No.27722485

They are dog fuckers...

>> No.27722486
File: 27 KB, 363x387, 1602737256610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching this on my phone in my car and it even freaked me out.


>> No.27722487

I wonder if I'd get banned from PTP for sending an invite to her

>> No.27722489

tl;dr. They don't actually know Japanese and can't really watch streams.

>> No.27722490
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1602296039923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What's the word when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"

>> No.27722494

kek there is no contest.

>> No.27722495
Quoted by: >>27722554

nice shell script. Honestly with jq you could probably parse the teamup api without too much of an issue from a shell script but for simplicity for our windows anon, perhaps something in go might be a bit easier. The real way we would win is by making things as retard proof as possible.

>> No.27722502
Quoted by: >>27722849

They're pretty buddy-buddy, but she also says she "loves" all of the girls in HoloEN, and I believe also hinted at her wanting to join it in a 100 questions vid she put out recently.
The narrative I have is this was the friend that she beat out in the audition for the spot in Hololive

>> No.27722505

Its not about number, its about their existence. Their existence and their HoloJP level of dominate hurt /hlg/'s fragile egos.

>> No.27722507
Quoted by: >>27722678

Well at least she's trying to figure it out now instead of an hour before the stream starts. That's an improvement by her standards.

>> No.27722508

Honestly, hers s good enough. She even added a couple maymay arrows for us.

>> No.27722509
File: 127 KB, 1135x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holoEN will fail
>Gura will never be the most popular EN girl
>Gura will never get above 300k
>Gura will never beat the 5th gen
>Gura will never beat Roboco
>Gura will never get above 400k
>Gura will never beat Sora
>Gura will never beat Watame
>Gura will never beat Suisei
>Gura will never beat Miko
>Gura will never get above 500k
>Gura will never beat Noel
>Gura will never beat Rushia
>Gura will never beat Matsuri
>Gura will never get above 600k
>Gura will never beat HAACHAMA
>Gura will never beat Senchou
>Gura will never be able to defeat the Elite Four
>Gura will never beat Reddit Dragon
>Gura will never get above 700k
>Gura will never beat Aqua
>Gura will never beat Pekora
>Gura will never get above 800k
>Gura will never get above 900k
>Gura will never beat Korone
>Gura will never beat Fubuki
>Gura will never beat HERself
>Gura will never get to 1M and claim the title as the TRUE HOLOLIVE CHAMPION
>Gura will never beat Kizuna Ai

ME, the true NUMBERFAGCHAD, will never ever stop ritual posting this until SHE and HER become the strongestest vtuber IN DA WORLD
The real antis are those who REFUSE to acknowledge the power of SHAAAARK

>> No.27722510

Calli if you are here know I would eat you out for hours on end until you can't walk anymore and collapse in a pile of your own juices.

>> No.27722513

I want Mori with a far more chillax look. Hair tied back, wearing a hat, and a hoodie.

>> No.27722514
File: 639 KB, 850x865, tako9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 Remember to hydrate like the High Priestess! We can't be takodachi if you're dead! :3 :3

the day of the Great Hydration

>> No.27722515

Apparently you didn't care enough to watch her stream until the end. Faggot.

>> No.27722518


>> No.27722519

Mori if you're here, I just wanted to say ____________you're cool ____________and ___________I jerk it now all the time

>> No.27722520
File: 180 KB, 867x576, 1602772085274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722561

Wait a minute, those goblets were a promotion from...oh no...

>> No.27722521
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722589


>> No.27722524

I'm too stupid to understand how to use youtube-dl
especially when it's member streams with cookies

>> No.27722537

all kinds of reasons. gura's Q&A was down briefly because of the traced emotes, and now it's back up with that section cut out (https://files.catbox.moe/20hybl.mp4).). ina's and mori's JLPT archives are gone because of alleged permissions issues. there will be other different reasons in the future, too.

>> No.27722541
File: 30 KB, 680x375, 20201014_124111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars fags actually getting BTFO is amazing.

>> No.27722549

>implying this isn't astroturfing
I'll bite though. Cute design, all depends on how entertaining she is and her personality. I wish her luck on her debut, it isn't easy to make it as a indie but she's definitely getting around.

>> No.27722553

You can skip it. I haven't read the books when I played it myself and it didn't feel like I was missing out, but in some parts it builds off of previous games a little (for example some side characters)

>> No.27722554

yes, i'm planning all of that, but i'm also trying to make sure i can do as much unattended recording as possible while i am working on something more bulletproof. so right now it's a lot of shitty bash and at jobs.

>> No.27722561

back to the dead with you king of burgers, my boy slayed you with her kushiyaki

>> No.27722563
File: 732 KB, 900x900, 1601690164355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722615

Which Holos do you think torrent their stuff? Ame seems the most tech-savvy, and makes the least money in the group, so I'd assume her.

>> No.27722565

still waiting, brah, I beleive in the English ASMR

>> No.27722568
Quoted by: >>27722777


>> No.27722570
Quoted by: >>27722596

i just realize why that island gura and Amelia was so cursed, it was a curse placed onto it by pirates to protect the treasure.

>> No.27722576

I love the OT, but fuck if the sheer magnitude of LOTR doesn't make it better as a trilogy.

>> No.27722577
Quoted by: >>27722671

There are effectively three Witcher canons: the book canon, the game canon which continues from where the books ended, and the show canon which seems to be a loose adaptation of the books so far while changing a decent amount of stuff. 3 is good enough at providing enough context for newcomers so if you just want to watch her play you should be fine, but if you want to actually get into the series and understand every little reference or the context of every event, I'd say read the books and then play the games.

>> No.27722578

Just watch some recaps on youtube.

>> No.27722580


>> No.27722584

it's because amefags are poor like their oshi so they think she deserves better but can't actually give her what they want her to have so they think it's unfair
morifags are middle class people who are too content with their lives to be passionate about anything so they gladly give away their wealth to someone who they think is making a sacrifice for their dreams

>> No.27722585

What a weird choice. No contest.

>> No.27722589


>> No.27722592
File: 331 KB, 612x608, 1602695836731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722725

>because her fans are English speakers and the west refuses to use anime for any sort of sponsorships.
For now...

>> No.27722596
Quoted by: >>27722646

It was funny how such a small island had a ridiculous amount of mobs on and around it

>> No.27722598


>> No.27722600

Can't wait for her Youtube to get a copyright strike for screensharing Netflix.

>> No.27722609

I really hope she ditches witcher 3 for something else that's more fun to watch

>> No.27722613


>> No.27722615
Quoted by: >>27722630

Gura because of course SHE torrents stuff, and Mori because poverty, unless it's fellow artists.

>> No.27722619
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 1602566530832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you boys bringing for snacks during the Ame watch along?
For me its licorice and barbecue chips.

>> No.27722621
File: 2.99 MB, 1252x720, happy_chicken1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extended instead of Theatrical
Four hours of this stinky smelly loveable bird

>> No.27722627

Retards that hate Japan and Japanese culture have always been around to shit up English versions of Japanese content. You're seeing the subtitle vs english dub argument in vtuber form

>> No.27722628

Nobody actually though they would fail, right?
The English market is so much bigger than Japan's and its not like they are foreign to concepts like anime or Virtual idols.

>> No.27722629

i'm chooming

>> No.27722630


>> No.27722632
File: 515 KB, 519x499, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlg/ SEETHING about the Kiara/Subaru collab tomorrow

>> No.27722637
File: 199 KB, 850x601, aloha king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722681

Reminder that these two are property of the Burger King.

>> No.27722638

I don't think it gives either party who most likely have barely interacted with each other a shot at a decent collab. Offline interaction, i.e, face-to-face is so much different compared to online. You can think about your answers, no need to think about body language, your manager(s) have your back and you can look at chat if something yabai or yabe happens and get instant, positive feedback without much of the awkwardness from offline interaction versus online. Hope it goes well, despite that.

I think it was Subaru who directly invited Kiara, but I've only heard it from Kiara's mouth.

>> No.27722639
File: 116 KB, 1148x1119, Good shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722682

>> No.27722640
Quoted by: >>27723350

nijishit antis started a fuss over muh permissions

>> No.27722643
File: 45 KB, 500x480, gurasad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722744


Why do people do this

>> No.27722646

yeah, also is it me or do creepers just really hate gura.

>> No.27722650

God i wish that was me

>> No.27722649

Wait is it today?

>> No.27722652

You do realize they don't actually show the movie on stream, right?

>> No.27722654

I doubt it was any good

>> No.27722657

Mori here, seethe poorfag, don't forget to spacha your tears in ARS on your way out

>> No.27722659
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 1556354627957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he talks to himself while playing games like he's really a hololive member
I see through your ruse, anon.

>> No.27722660

they just come across as genuine friends. I don't even care about the yuri ships people make of it (they can be cute though) I just love their interactions.

Feels like Ame is the shoulder for Gura to lean on to calm down and reinforces the idea that Amelia is the central pillar supporting HoloEN. They all help each other though.

>> No.27722662
Quoted by: >>27722893

Can relate to that. I have my specific interests but no actual dream I'm working towards. I commend the people who do have those and who give their all to make it happen. Maybe one day I will find something I am that passionate about.
Until then I will enjoy the results of the work others put in to creating their art.

>> No.27722667
File: 1.24 MB, 1263x711, 1576442433410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722670
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722671
File: 20 KB, 749x312, firefox_2020-10-15_14-18-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722757

Christ that's a lot of reading, I'm not a bookfag either I guess I will just skip. Thanks for the info anon

>> No.27722672

Bookfags are going to fuck up the poal

>> No.27722675

Gura made them in one of her recent videos. I think it was the Q&A

>> No.27722678

That's a little mean considering that both Ame and Gura only figured out they completed Biped about an hour before the 2nd part of that collab was about to take place, leading to an improptu Minecraft collab afterwards.

>> No.27722679
File: 53 KB, 900x900, AmiYamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724190

>check /hlg/
>they literally aren't
Why did you lie to me?

>> No.27722680

That creeper was fucking them over as soon as Gura did her "what are you going to do about it" taunt.

>> No.27722681

I want to read this manga

>> No.27722682

>small handed clap-clap

>> No.27722683
Quoted by: >>27722728

Idol Costume
Beanie + Tight Sweater + Scarf + Mittens
Ninomae Ina'nis Alter
One piece swimsuit with oval cutouts on the sides to show off the gills
Something silly with lots of additional props

>> No.27722685

They are also discussing that recent Among Us collab with what 8 other Holo's. They think that because FBK wasn't the star of the show, that there's some narrative there. I know we have our narratives but that just seems weird since FBK has from what I've seen be described is someone not wanting to be the centre of attention. Unless I'm missing something.

>> No.27722687
File: 391 KB, 1024x1024, 1581827294404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gura's tail really attached like that?

>> No.27722688
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1602751049000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love you, bitch. Don't ever change.

>> No.27722690

Guys what version of LOTR does japanese netflix have?

>> No.27722691

>Kiara has a new poll up asking her viewers to choose between two times to watch LOTR
Thanks Kiara.

>> No.27722692

Just caught up on the whole DD Album thing.
She really is /ourboy/ huh?

>> No.27722694

Jokes on you I’ve done it my entire life

>> No.27722697

So we are all in agreement that Amelia is the main character of HoloEN gen 1?

>> No.27722698

water and crackers

>> No.27722702

yes, it's just like that.

>> No.27722704
Quoted by: >>27722803

Someone will upload this or at least a highlight reel somewhere right? I can't watch a 3 hour movie at 3 am

>> No.27722706

If Kiara is doing a collab with Subaru then who are the others going with? or is it still a secret

>> No.27722707

We won't know until 3D.

>> No.27722709

I used to do this as a kid, I feel like maybe if I was born 10 years later I would have been one of those kids who desperately wanted to be a LPer/streamer when he grew up.

>> No.27722710

>playing games
>when there are all these streams to catch and reps to do

>> No.27722714
Quoted by: >>27722812

>he likes the blue mouth
get out of here and never come back

>> No.27722719
Quoted by: >>27722744

What do you like about licorice, that shit is terrible

>> No.27722720
File: 216 KB, 1212x700, 3543543547864345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722998

>*fapping noises*


>> No.27722725
Quoted by: >>27722772

Well fuck, expect a Long John Silver animated ad popping all over the place featuring Gura.

>> No.27722727

Witcher games take place after book ending and are basically their own continuity

>> No.27722728

>Idol Costume
I think she grew out of that.

>> No.27722729
Quoted by: >>27722886

>23:00 Jst
thank fuck, Kiara. Movie back on the menu.

>> No.27722731
Quoted by: >>27722792

Just think how many GUH noises Calli makes when she has sex.

>> No.27722732
File: 271 KB, 1422x1200, 1602438262678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad she's willing to listen to how hard it is for most of her audience to put up with a early movie stream, but I hope she's fine streaming though midnight. God forbid she sleeps though the movie

>> No.27722733

As a chumbud I can agree on this

>> No.27722734

It could've gone a lot worse.

>> No.27722735

I talk to myself whenever i'm doing something brain intensive, i'm just thinking out loud anon

>> No.27722737

>/hlg/ literally afraid for subaru's safety collabing with an unstable chicken

>> No.27722746
Quoted by: >>27722819

I want to see Mori's mom

>> No.27722744

Haven't decided. I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow.

Based Scandis and people with taste.

The awesome taste and saltiness.

>> No.27722747
Quoted by: >>27723343

i wish mori would wear something cute to contrast her normal look and also it would match her hair color...

>> No.27722748

Someone in the last thread said EN and JP were plannig a big collab, there is any words of that? or just narratives

>> No.27722749

>Still only 4 hours into 6 hour Gurame MC kino
>Another 4 hours last night
>Not to mention the solo streams I missed

>> No.27722750
File: 153 KB, 360x360, 1602650316798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They assumed the opinions of Twitter trannies actually mattered. Ironically, Venti seems to be the only person in the world who openly dislikes Gura; even the typical anti-anime SJWs can't be mad at someone so wholesome.

>> No.27722754

It was cute seeing Mori call chicken Kiara-chan.

>> No.27722756

Her sleep schedule is so fucked up she sleeps at 5AM (it's actually almost 5 there right now). It's probably fine.

>> No.27722757

To be honest the only good stuff is in the short stories, once it turned into a full series the hackery began

>> No.27722759
File: 81 KB, 398x414, 1601533467353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was definitely a runner-up for the auditions, you can see her first YT videos were uploaded right around July, which is when they locked in their choices for HoloEN Gen 1, plus her continued mentions of Hololive in the time since means that she's definitely gunning for Gen 2. I'm guessing she didn't make the cut because she didn't have enough "content creation" under her belt since she primarily resided on Twitch and really only shows up in collabs and minor clips, and in the time since, she's been a lot more active.

>> No.27722758

Gura & Matsuri are doing a read-along of Monobeno

>> No.27722760
File: 3 KB, 699x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I assume this works exactly the same when it's to be recorded live?

>> No.27722762

>8 years between eng releases of Last Wish and Sword of Destiny
>6 between Blood of Elves and Time of Contempt
>then the year by year schedule
the game boost was immense

>> No.27722763

Go back dogfucker

>> No.27722769

>cute Kiara snore while watching LOTR
Every scenario is win-win.

>> No.27722770
Quoted by: >>27722830

Most people figured they'd be HoloIN at best. Hell, even the girls were talking about how they would have been excited at 10k subscribers for the first month.
Meanwhile, they rocketed past that almost immediately, and have completely shut down the "Westerners don't Superchat" or "won't actually stick around to watch streams" elitism that was circulating around the Holo community.

>> No.27722772

more like whataburger

>> No.27722777
Quoted by: >>27722861

I'm a giga brainlet, but want to help in saving some streams. Let's assume I want to save Kiara's collab with Subaru.

So I download the windows.exe, run CMD as admin, make sure I navigate to the folder the .exe is in and then type
youtube-dl -q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlxyHzgjHFI and that's it, or what?

>> No.27722779
Quoted by: >>27722820


>> No.27722780

I talk to myself all the time, sometimes even in public if I don't think anyone is around.

>> No.27722785
File: 53 KB, 422x442, IMG_0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara uses Burger King corporate to make Calli take her on a date

>> No.27722787

you're just salty since Ciri turned to be /u/ bait

>> No.27722788
File: 15 KB, 120x61, 1602758492619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722852

CEO energy was just too strong.
Truth of the matter was FBK didn't really get a opportunity to shine. It may have been different if she'd been imposter but events seemed to revolve around Nene instead.

>> No.27722792

All of them, mostly during blowjobs.

>> No.27722795

I kind of agree but Regis is really cool so I wouldn't say the books are worthless.

>> No.27722796

She's the real deal.

>> No.27722800
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, 1600562661934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Overcooked collab
>Mori: oisho! 3 pointer!
>Gura: What's that?
>Mori: ... It's basketball.
>Gura: Oh... Basketball. I'm not really into sports.
No one's this oblivious right?

>> No.27722802
File: 26 KB, 589x185, rip the king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722874

The King got BTFO'd.

>> No.27722803
Quoted by: >>27722836

it will be archived

>> No.27722804
Quoted by: >>27722814

just try it out on some currently live stream

>> No.27722805

I actually enjoy Haruka and kind of hope she doesn't drop her current persona and fanbase to try to get into Holo but it would be understandable if she did.

>> No.27722807

they already had a date today...

>> No.27722809
File: 15 KB, 350x305, 1602732734343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722873

I know who stole Mori's keys

>> No.27722810
File: 216 KB, 1800x1501, 1596574667970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess so. Maybe not for other fans, but for /hlgg/ sure is, she was the protagonist of most schizopostings/happenings in these threads. Also it feels like she tends to partecipate in the best collabs, which basically means she's the one who's able to bond faster with the other girls.

>> No.27722813
File: 631 KB, 2396x2812, 1602293286309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722909

where do you guys see the stats like this for all the vtubers?

>> No.27722812

>he doesn't like the blue mouth
doesn't it hurt to be this much of a fucking normie around here? Next you'll tell me you like your catgirls without a cat nose and fur

>> No.27722814
Quoted by: >>27722915

I meant for the members only.

>> No.27722816

What can we do to increase Amelia's SC revenue?

>> No.27722819

>Mori's mother is even more boing boing than her daughter
Conceptualize the thought.

>> No.27722820

lupa myönnetty

>> No.27722824

Who even had "NTR Burger King" on the bingo card

Who could have

>> No.27722826

Yes, if this was an anime she'd be the party leader

>> No.27722827

youtube-dl can only start recording a live stream once the stream is already live. if you want to start manually, just wait for the notification or for the browser playback to start, and then press enter to start youtube-dl. if the stream isn't live yet, it'll just print an error and exit. i have a bad shell script loop earlier in the thread that will just run the command every 5 seconds until the stream starts, but that sucks and i am working on something better.

>> No.27722828
Quoted by: >>27722983

You don't interact with people much, do you, friend?

>> No.27722829
File: 2.05 MB, 1912x1080, 1595755629383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying you wouldn't?

>> No.27722830

Anyone got the timestamp for the moment Kiara talked about this?
I forget if it was FE or MC stream.

>> No.27722832
File: 17 KB, 461x79, maybe i'm reading too much into this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone check the archives on when the two albums were linked?

>> No.27722833
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 1601501463188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722835


>> No.27722836

but i'm a poorfag

>> No.27722837
Quoted by: >>27722983


>> No.27722838

“Whatever is on Netflix” so theatrical (normal).
She edited it and made a poll between 16:00 and 23:00 JST. 23:00 is at 71%.

>> No.27722839

Speaking of 3D Gura, I don't see how they could reasonably make the design 3D without giving her shorts under the robe.

>> No.27722840

Kiara is a good girl

>> No.27722842

How can she be unstable if she has a hat on each side of her head?

>> No.27722843
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722876

I still can't believe they actually used Aqua as reference to her looking like an onion in that ad and the later stream with Fubuki, when that was a nickname her western fans gave her.
I didn't think that type of shit the Japanese would be aware of.

>> No.27722845
Quoted by: >>27722872


>> No.27722848 [DELETED] 
File: 581 KB, 1536x2048, 1477795941394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking chuuni is this girl? /gsg/, I think I've found the holo you should pester about playing map painting simulators.

>> No.27722849

If you listen to her and Mori, they sound VERY similar to each other, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she was the one who suggested Mori try out.

>> No.27722852
Quoted by: >>27723127

That collab was fun as fuck and they all probably wanted to keep playing, BUT, someone had to leave.

FBK was definitely on the quiet side but only because she kept getting murdered.

>> No.27722853
File: 321 KB, 1615x917, 1602785101053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it Ame play the game.
Let the tism take full control.

>> No.27722854
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, SUCCESS_BREEDS_JEALOUSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27722855
File: 17 KB, 314x388, 1601078378217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722860

Theres none unironic good "how to draw anime" books but they are mostly on jap. Also plenty of artists tend to release small "how to" tutorials

>> No.27722862

She never got to be impostor and died almost immediately in every match if I remember right, what the fuck was there even for her to do?
Does suck for her though that she barely got to play, I wouldn't be surprised if she was frustrated.

>> No.27722861
Quoted by: >>27722894

i am afraid i don't know enough about windows to help much with the paths and such. as long as you can run 'youtube-dl' without getting an error that the command can't be found, then you can be in any directory.

>> No.27722864
File: 741 KB, 3264x913, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty fun

>> No.27722865


>> No.27722867

I'm here to talk about holoEN because unlike some of you autists, I love all of the girls. If anything those of you who prefer EN to the originals need to stay in this containment thread

>> No.27722868
File: 362 KB, 631x446, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_edamame1555__df2e6ce301094b4b282f99240e76ed97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27722872

No you fucking retard that's not how it works. No one here is actually worshiping them as if they were God.

>> No.27722873

Everyone knows at this point.

>> No.27722874

So who is getting NTR'd here?

>> No.27722876

It's a very very hard joke

>> No.27722879
File: 3.68 MB, 232x227, 1602477483371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722938

Gura's debut stream is almost 2 million

>> No.27722880

eh, most of the pity stuff you see from Amelia just comes across as a silly anecdote unless you've heard some things about her roommate. She'll even dodge or play into her character to get around awkward questions that hit her sore-spots.

Most of Amelia's reveals are weird details she things chat would find funny or interesting. Stuff like oh yeah, I ate sand one time and there was a time I barely showered haha.

If her intent is to get pity paypigs she's playing some serious 5D chess while coming across she barely cares about superchats.

>> No.27722882

>griffon/SF chubbas when

>> No.27722884

Now I want to know

>> No.27722886

Same. Shouldn't be too bad for EU watchers either, right? Like an 8 pm stream at worst?

>> No.27722890

>Anyone watching niggerball
She has taste.
Sports are shit unless you're looking at the ones that are still for rich people, you know the ones that involve animals or swimming.

>> No.27722892

>Gura reading Moon
Not happening.

>> No.27722893
File: 608 KB, 800x1227, 1602120276028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe. I don't expect to get a lot of meaningful discussion out of bringing this up on here of all places, but thinking about and sharing why I feel the way I do on such things is kinda therapeutic for me, and I'm too paranoid to do it anywhere more public.
I'm glad some of you understand, it's a weird feeling to reconcile but at least I know I'm not alone.

>> No.27722894
Quoted by: >>27722975

Generally speaking, do you start this youtube-dl process a few minutes before it goes live, then let it sit there for however long after the stream is over to ensure it got everything correctly?

>> No.27722895


15 October, 21 hours ago

>> No.27722897

Where else would the tail bone be Anon

>> No.27722900
File: 199 KB, 491x444, 1602021670781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722930

What are the criteria for chosen words into that bingo?

>> No.27722903

>Two of them sitting at a table eating their food as kids run around and yell
>Kiara gushing about how much fun she is having
>Calli's only input is "These chicken fries are, as they say, fire."
>They had a good time

>> No.27722904

it's their first true loli and also going to be first to 1m, there's no way they don't make her nopan

>> No.27722905
Quoted by: >>27722949

She wears a tshirt under so it's okay.

>> No.27722906

>he doubted

>> No.27722907

I don't know why everyone talks about people joining as Gen2. Karibu seems to have done very well as an Indie so far.

>> No.27722909

Its a bit outdated though...for some reason, I guess it takes a few hours to refresh and update

>> No.27722911
Quoted by: >>27722989

Definitely spats. I'm more wondering how they'll get her the gear. Will Gura have to fly to Japan to use their office? Knowing Cover, I doubt they'll fund at-home 3D gear for her, let alone an overseas office.

>> No.27722912

Nothing has been announced and no one other than Kiara has really talked about it.

>> No.27722913

Numberfags, who is the current favorite for hitting 1m first?

>> No.27722914

This is my least favorite ritualpost

>> No.27722915

well if it works for members-only archives and for live streams that are live right now, then it will probably work for members-only live stream (no guranties)

>> No.27722918

They don't have any planned

>> No.27722919

That's kind of an issue. Can we help in some other way, like, advertise her on twitter/facebook/reddit?

>> No.27722924

Not everyone knows about sports anon

>> No.27722928

Gura and Matsuri watching Shoujo Ramune together

>> No.27722930

Mori chose them

>> No.27722933

jesus fuck that's horrifying, what the fuck are you doing nigger

>> No.27722935

If you understood even the most basic elementary grade tier math then you would see that it's 100% Gura

>> No.27722937


>> No.27722938

Oh fuck

>> No.27722940


>> No.27722949

The Tshirt doesn't change anything. What I mean is that the tail will lift up the robe or shirt in the back so there's nothing obstructing the view of her ass.

>> No.27722950
Quoted by: >>27722977

I like Kiara but will she really be able to appreciate the lotr kino?

>> No.27722953


>> No.27722956
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27722986

Korone with teeth just looks wrong to me. Her model always looks like she's showing her gums

>> No.27722966
Quoted by: >>27723020

Anyone with even a modicum of social skill knows basic sportball jargon like "three-pointer"

>> No.27722968
Quoted by: >>27723040

You can like and retweet her, you can also like her videos on youtube, you can be a member (not everyone can superchat, but I think everyone can do 5 bucks a month)

I'm sure that's all she would want

>> No.27722970

I'd cover myself in peanut butter just for her.

>> No.27722971

Alright i think my eyes are bad. What makes her /gsg/ again? And stop doxxing. We already get it. Mori's our boy for real. She'll reveal those herself in due time.

>> No.27722975

up until a few days ago i'd been just starting it manually as soon as the stream is live.

these days i am using 'at' (the old unix one-time job scheduling system) to run a wrapper script 1 minute before scheduled start time that waits 45 seconds and then starts running youtube-dl until it succeeds. it's not a great approach. like i said i'll have something better to share eventually but it's not ready.

remember not to press ctrl+c more than once! never, ever press it twice!

>> No.27722977

She has mentioned being fantasy nerd

>> No.27722983

It's not even about watching sports. Some sports terms are so ubiquitous that you'd have to be living under a rock to not know what they are:
>home run
>3 pointer
>hat trick
>off sides
>3 strikes, you're out

>> No.27722984
File: 64 KB, 227x171, 1602738032281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723043


>> No.27722986

She is a boomer dog

>> No.27722988
Quoted by: >>27723157


>> No.27722989
Quoted by: >>27723047

What gear does she even need for 3d? can't she use vr sensors? they work well in vrchat.

>> No.27722992
File: 1014 KB, 850x601, NTRking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27722995

do it the hard way, the deadbeat way
paint her fucking world red

>> No.27722998
Quoted by: >>27723044

I refuse to believe this lady went through college and never learned at least one poverty trick to open a beer bottle. You can use a bloody belt buckle, for fucks sake.

>> No.27723001
File: 555 KB, 1079x1581, Screenshot_20201015-153204_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27723003

There's a 3d gura model out there, but it's not downloadable. Japs hate sharing.

>> No.27723011
File: 112 KB, 755x522, EkZMJKHVcAEOrKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn ame nice load

>> No.27723017


>> No.27723018
Quoted by: >>27723066

Hm, looks like the page was updated a full day before, then. Might just be a coincidence, unless the anon that was asking around for those two albums specifically posted about them on the 14th.

>> No.27723020
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1601764190221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social skill

>> No.27723022
Quoted by: >>27723108

They need to stop doing this shit off stream.

>> No.27723029
Quoted by: >>27723117

FGO explicitly doesn't do cross-franchise collabs outside of other Type-Moon properties since they're technically all part of the same multiverse.

>> No.27723030

90 percent of those items are useless.

>> No.27723032

the tail will lift up the robe, and push down the panties. we'll see the top third of her asscheeks, but nothing more. you can screenshot this

>> No.27723037

/hlg/ here.
There's too many newfags nowadays. We should create a hololive general and hololive global wiki to educate them. You can put all your memes and narratives there.

>> No.27723038


>> No.27723039
Quoted by: >>27724082

God I fucking need to find my login info for this game. Watching them play has reactivated my Minecraft autism.

>> No.27723040

Thanks anon

>> No.27723041

The reason Amelia likes Minecraft so much is because she used to be homeless and in Minecraft you can literally make a shelter anywhere, anytime, out of anything. It gives her a feeling of security.

>> No.27723043

Biggest laugh I've gotten from a Pikamee post for some reason

>> No.27723044
Quoted by: >>27723259

From what she's told us so far, when she went to college she went to actually learn instead of just party for four years. Couple that with being a self-admitted introvert and it makes sense.

>> No.27723047

Truthfully, I don't know. It'd be nice if she could set things up, but I'm keeping my hopes high and expectations low for Gura 3D ever arriving.

>> No.27723048

I am sure that'll last a long time

>> No.27723049

>they could have just streamed this and given us another 5 hours of kino


>> No.27723052

>throwing out free content for streaming just to hang out with her friend
She's really having fun, huh? Good for her.

>> No.27723056
File: 524 KB, 2048x2048, __gawr_gura_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_mori_calliope_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_neneneaoao__1cf869099a438435b5e0aec9eac517bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all sports suck
just watch sports anime

>> No.27723058

Unless you are black, you are not watching Basketball.
Just like how only Canadians give a fuck about Hockey, and Indians and Pakis care about Cricket.

>> No.27723062


Yeah, agreed. Only the guys who knew the lore can connect the dots. Like why she didnt shower and why she has experience dumpster diving.

>> No.27723065
File: 4 KB, 500x500, Turtle_Shell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like enchant leather helms? I bet you're not part of the Turtle Helmet Army, either

>> No.27723066
Quoted by: >>27723147

Oh no...maybe it wasn't posted by our boi after all?

I'm still deadass sure that she lurks here though

>> No.27723067

She knows, chat spammed her to death about gold being shit, she just likes BLING.

>> No.27723068

This is like when Pat did 'some leveling up' in Bloodborne DLC

>> No.27723069
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1602185433631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /hlg/ constantly have a meltdown over our girl Kiara?

>> No.27723070
File: 151 KB, 1356x1190, 1602775504873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't even let her regular viewership know because there's no way to really talk about it without bringing up her roommate, and if someone did do it it would probably only make her upset.

>> No.27723071
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1583399776136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the majority of your members are in a different timezone and you're going to have to fuck your sleep reps up for them.

>> No.27723072
Quoted by: >>27723288

I'm actually feeling a bit mad about this.

>> No.27723073

If you use these command line arguments, youtube-dl will stream to a MPEG-TS format which can be interrupted after the stream ends to no ill effect

youtube-dl.exe --hls-use-mpegts --no-part

And then you can repack it into a proper mp4 using ffmpeg arguments

ffmpeg.exe -i input.ts -map 0 -c copy output.mp4

If you don't want to install a 3rd party extension that can read your cookies, you can use a simple python script to convert the F12 copy paste from Chrome to cookies.txt format. Go to YouTube.com, press F12 -> application tab -> cookies -> youtube.com cookies and select all of the cookies in the table and paste it into a file. And then run this function in python on that file

from datetime import datetime
def convert_cookies(cookie_file):
buffer = ['# Netscape HTTP Cookie File', '']
with open(cookie_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
name, value, domain, path, expires, _, _, secure, _, _ = line.strip().split("\t")
expires_dt = int(datetime.fromisoformat(expires.rstrip('Z')).timestamp()) if expires != 'Session' else ''
if secure:
secure = 'TRUE'

buffer.append('\t'.join([domain, 'TRUE', path, secure, str(expires_dt), name, value]))

with open(cookie_file, 'w') as f:

>> No.27723074

Stream dammit

>> No.27723076
File: 2.23 MB, 2500x3000, 1602295233508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723437

She only lost at chess do to it not being 5D chess .

>> No.27723077

I only learned about 3 pointer until I actually had to play basketball.

>> No.27723080

Any new info on our minecraft server? Couldn't find anything in the archives.

>> No.27723083
File: 72 KB, 226x227, 1602121284743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all that extra experience, maybe Gura will only burn up with all her gear five times in the Nether!

>> No.27723084
Quoted by: >>27723341

So...she is addicted, right?

>> No.27723093
Quoted by: >>27723151

I guess you didn't look very hard.

>> No.27723094

>No one's this oblivious right?
This is the same stream where she asked if beer was a vegetable.

>> No.27723096

I only just realized we will eventually have HoloEN voice packs, and they will be cringy as fuck.

>> No.27723097
Quoted by: >>27723927

God dammit why can't they be like choco and stream every minute of their addiction.

>> No.27723104
Quoted by: >>27723300

ah fuck, anonchama fucked up the spacing.
Here it is on pastebin


>> No.27723105

Ame does not have a minecraft addiction

>> No.27723107

She’s a JP and EN at the same time AND gets to talk to their oshis.

>> No.27723108

They will in time. Right now they've streamed Minecraft like four times and they're still super fucking nervous about putting on a good show for tens of thousands of viewers. When they get more comfortable they'll realise that we genuinely would enjoy watching them mumble every few minutes while grinding minecraft.

>> No.27723112
Quoted by: >>27723225

What will be in those?

>> No.27723114


>> No.27723115

Didn't think it would be relevant again this quickly

>> No.27723116

Some of these are a bit underpowered, but very cool nonetheless.

Kinda interesting you made Amelia a Boros planeswalker, she always gave me the vibe of being Azorius.

>> No.27723117

All these fucking gatcha shit "games" eventually do weird shitty promotional crossovers, its just a matter of when since its easy money,

>> No.27723118
File: 1.08 MB, 1366x768, 1602426935531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to stream or join Hololive as a talent. I want to be a papa for a chuuba or multiple chuubas. That's why i'm doing by drawing and l2d setup reps. It's a long term goal I have.

>> No.27723119
File: 120 KB, 252x319, klfn62s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to collab with THIS ONI

>> No.27723123
File: 585 KB, 3000x3000, 1602718056129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723137


>> No.27723126
File: 131 KB, 872x1109, 20201015_194005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723257

>> No.27723127

FBK was just playing the game and letting the others take the spotlight for the most part. She was disappointed not to get imposter but she's happy so long as everyone had fun. I watched her for most of it before switching to Botan as she made the 300k subs joke.

>> No.27723128

Golden boots/helmets can have some nice shit in them (Trivializing working underwater), golden apples -god apples- are one of the most broken items in the game.

>> No.27723130

Does amelia fuck her dog?

>> No.27723132
File: 587 KB, 1443x523, 1602738172019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For every gold block we'll have a quick VC session, ok?
>O-ok Watson...

>> No.27723133

Mori's GUHs give me life. I would watch a whole ASMR of her doing them.

>> No.27723134

>She teaches english for one of her jobs, but the other job is still unconfirmed, anything said is speculation
How in the name of fuck does she manages to have 2 jobs and be a vtuber at the same time? Also, given how much money she's making from simps, why don't she just quit her jobs and focus on being a vtuber?

>> No.27723135
File: 745 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ merchant again, they're here, just google the trip >:3

>> No.27723137

It's ok if it's Ame, she's the harem protagonist

>> No.27723140
Quoted by: >>27723291

Mori most definitely will

>> No.27723142
File: 32 KB, 1039x196, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723210


>> No.27723144

I'm glad Gura and Amelia are good friends
They must have played for at least 3 hours to get this stuff

>> No.27723147
Quoted by: >>27723407


>> No.27723148
File: 1.08 MB, 827x1138, 1585801192633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I call and the worms answer"

>> No.27723149


>> No.27723150
Quoted by: >>27723291

Mori collab is inevitable

>> No.27723151

Of course. Well if it's enough of a verification, I was the hermit that stayed far from spawn. Is that enough to get help?

>> No.27723156

>that one HoloEN that you like as a person but don't enjoy their content
What's her name, /hlgg/?

>> No.27723157

Uh basado

I'm still looking for more guides on fundies though, like basics of basics. I'm really shitty at shape/form and light/shadow.

>> No.27723159

now I want EN gen 2 just for double the opportunity to see GurAme minecraft chat

>> No.27723160

>huge announcement for all of holo live
>they are making their own gacha game in which you can roll for all the holo girls from around the world
>gameplay is something like azur lane or whatever

>> No.27723163

Just put a hole in it

>> No.27723164

Amelia said something about Iofi next week.

>> No.27723166
Quoted by: >>27723243

Transport Stream should always be used in the output too.

>> No.27723168
Quoted by: >>27723188

God DAMN that's nice!

>> No.27723172

Kiara's roomate posted something weird on her twitter.

>> No.27723173

I'm buying all of them.

>> No.27723176
File: 664 KB, 965x1140, 1601233728718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723178
File: 58 KB, 350x405, 1602713196541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora confirmed earlier that she got a discord friend request from Kiara

>> No.27723179

GurAme is such a sweet combo and they dont even have to sell the yuri.

>> No.27723181
File: 200 KB, 795x598, 2d7cc5fec4d885d95fadc4636c25838b9f46bb34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723182

I can’t watch Kiara play most games

>> No.27723186

cause of the dox, people avoided her cause of a possible Yabai moment on top of her botched start

>> No.27723188

oh yeah, they glow in the dark too

>> No.27723191


>> No.27723192
File: 177 KB, 1119x190, future milestones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura, and it's not even close

>> No.27723195


>> No.27723196
Quoted by: >>27723239

Gameplay is Dark Souls

>> No.27723197
Quoted by: >>27723263

image the fucking backseating.

Honestly I don't think Factorio is a good stream game though. Great game otherwise but not easy to watch someone else play as they work out how they want to design their factory.

>> No.27723200
Quoted by: >>27723243


How much space does a single youtube video take per each hour on a rough average? At 720p and 1080p respectively. I have a really beefy internet, but depending on how much space i'd need, might need to get a few external hard drives or setup some private cloud storage. Just in case.

>> No.27723202

Gameplay should be a management sim where you have to help your chuubas succeed and solve their problems

>> No.27723203


>> No.27723206

Don’t care

>> No.27723207

True sufferingkino.

>> No.27723209
Quoted by: >>27723230

Second best LB

>> No.27723211

please do not use best girl for worthless posts, thanks

>> No.27723212

Mori for me.
I still watch her, but more as background noise.

>> No.27723210

How hard will /hlg/ seethe when it happens?

>> No.27723213
File: 21 KB, 307x406, mori skills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other job is freelance work. She mentioned before she's finishing up other projects. Our boy is crazy skilled too, look at this.

>> No.27723214
File: 526 KB, 846x920, 1587786517881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbuds help
what did gura mean with "Ghostbusters (1989)"?
isnt that ghostbusters 2 release?

>> No.27723215
File: 75 KB, 772x772, 1602627623284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some detours.
>Hours of content that will never be seen.
>More diamonds than they got from 4 hours of streaming.
Something needs to be done about this. I'm actually mad.
This is like playing with friends, someone leaves to go eat dinner so you leave as well. Then you come back later and everyone has been playing together without you.

>> No.27723217

Don't care, still buying Ame's, Ina's, and Mori's.

>> No.27723218

Hololives are already guest chars in a few gatcha games, but I won't be too hopeful for ENs

>> No.27723219

The message thing? She said before it's because she spend a long time doing it and ends up not sleeping

>> No.27723220

None I guess.
I like Amelia, Gura, Ina and Kiara and I like their content as well.

>> No.27723225
Quoted by: >>27723370

I would expect something like
>date with Amelia
>tutoring with Ina-sensei
>drinking on a park bench with Mori
Can't really think of anything for the shark and no idea about Kiara, haven't watched her much

>> No.27723227
Quoted by: >>27723302

Mori said she has 10 collabs planned but I'm not sure any of those are within Hololive, with the way she talked about Suisei a few hours ago.

>> No.27723230
Quoted by: >>27723301


>> No.27723232

K now do Ame, Calli, Gura, and Kiara so I can be a unitychad.

>> No.27723236

She's hinted she will be able to stream more and be in a more sane mood within a week or two so that makes me think she's going fulltime or at least be able to do one job. She's a workaholic so I don't know if she would want to be left with streaming and then nothing else.

>> No.27723237

GUYS imagine all the powered rails Ame can make now

>> No.27723239

That would be the first gacha I actually play.

>> No.27723241

Ina is total girlfriend material but her streams are awful.

>> No.27723242

They’ll be sent to /trash/ until they calm down

>> No.27723243
Quoted by: >>27723369

this is good advice, but i hope that if people are new to recording then they won't feel like it's absolutely necessary to do.

depending on the content, i'd say it's roughly 1 to 2 GB per hour for 1080p.

>> No.27723246
File: 196 KB, 1069x1500, 1601385140678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumming in 3 days

>> No.27723248

hit herself with the trident

>> No.27723249
Quoted by: >>27723286

So how long until Gen 2, if we take JP's rate of gens into account?

>> No.27723252


>> No.27723254

now we are all cucks...

>> No.27723257
File: 103 KB, 389x370, chumguts wake up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy it, Gura...

>> No.27723258
File: 216 KB, 914x982, 3465A6F6-D8FC-4740-8D11-A751A0D29B60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are interviewing for a role at Kiara's KFP restaraunt. What role are you interviewing for and why?

>> No.27723260 [SPOILER] 
File: 577 KB, 850x1355, 1602790895271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would make sense is spats or shorts that have some sort of strap or string or belt in the back that goes on top of her tail.

>> No.27723259

The harder you work in college, the more you drink. Only asians tryhard without boozing and it only works because we secretly expect much less from them in most subjects and grade accordingly.

>> No.27723261
Quoted by: >>27723351

Goddamn, they did an adventure offline and didn't let us in on it.

>> No.27723262
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 1600999276322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happenign

>> No.27723263

It works well as a speedrunning game, but I agree not otherwise

>> No.27723264
Quoted by: >>27723377

Kiara but only about her FE streams, I like everything else she does, but that game is kinda boring.

>> No.27723269

What are the chances of the Chicken and Duck fucking within the next 24 hours?

>> No.27723271

Is anyone else starting to like TakaMori almost as much as OkaKoro? These past couple of weeks have really changed my mind.

>> No.27723273


I thought it was gonna cringe as fuck like anything the west has done that copies Japan.

Boy was I wrong.

>> No.27723275

has nobody told her that nether travel is way more efficient or does she just not care

>> No.27723277

>Gura getting 19k in a day
The power or memeable clips cannot be undersold here.

>> No.27723283

nobody knows. shark brain.

>> No.27723284
File: 5 KB, 233x58, 1602617269624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another coupon
>roll the die

>> No.27723286

Wouldn’t be surprised if they came out by summer

>> No.27723287
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1600393116888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723288
Quoted by: >>27723338

why tho? we already saw their process, this probably took like 5 hours with tons of fuckups and re do en the middle

>> No.27723290


>> No.27723291
Quoted by: >>27723442

Why Mori?

>> No.27723292

Mori and Ina

>> No.27723294

It could be 0 and you'd still bring it up every thread because you refuse to take your meds so what does it matter?

>> No.27723295

>offstream MC collab
Just let us watch, please

>> No.27723296
Quoted by: >>27723542

Oh boy, time to critique custom cards

>Kiara is a fun design but she needs to be red-green, mono-red can't make food tokens
>Ina is crazy powerful just from the +1, -5 can just say spells instead of "face up non-lands" and probably shouldn't be copies because you don't cast copies of creatures, you create them in play. Just let them cast the actual exiled cards or make it non-creatures
>Amelia is a fun aggro card, could be 3 mana 3 loyalty. Last ability exiling herself isn't necessary considering its already a -7
>Gura and Mori are both fine but overcosted for their effects

>> No.27723297

Yeah I'm imagining it because she'll have put them all down by the time she streams Minecraft again.

>> No.27723299

Calli, I can't fucking watch more of a few minutes of her vids, she seems like a nice fun chick, but something about voice and content just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.27723300

Anon-chama... I'm still on linux, not gonna virtual windows for that.
I'll use the other command template you provided. Will hopefully do the job.
I'm guessing you mean ungoogled-chromium. Still is my favorite browser, but the frequent recompile is too harsh for my CPU. So I gave in and use firefox now. Extension is already set. I'm going to archive the open-for-all streams and share them, as well as the unarchived member-streams.
Only as long as they fit in my schedule though. Hope other Kiarafags aren't as computer-illiterate as our oshi and archive as well.
Huh, I'm quite chatty today. Will scale it back now. Props for using mpv though.

>> No.27723301

I'm afraid Yuiko exists. They and Komari are all REALLY close though.

>> No.27723302

>I'm not sure any of those are within Hololive
RIP Mori x Ame stream. One of the last few duo collabs we never got...

>> No.27723303

out of what you listed i only know knickout and checkmate. i know that home run is some baseball term and hat trick often heard from football fans, have no clue what they mean though. the only really "sports" terms im familiar with are from esports games. makes sense now that i think about it because chess is a more nerdy thing also.

>> No.27723304

They're going to get dinner together so very likely
Their dynamic has been improving with time

>> No.27723305

>the biggest gossips in Holo JP and Holo EN fucking
If it happens we'll find out immediately

>> No.27723307

Their Minecraft collab was really cute, they should just keep doing more stuff together and their chemistry will keep improving.

>> No.27723308

i wanna fuck this clown

>> No.27723309

Rhythm game pls

>> No.27723314


Thanks for reminding me to pick up food.

>> No.27723315

I am interviewing to be Kiara's seat, to maximize her performance.

>> No.27723319

She just mixed up the years like the sharkbrain she is.

>> No.27723318

I like it but it is forced at times, which I expected when it was learned they planned the idea out beforehand so they had to find a way to get the ball rolling. The moments where they both begin to settle on the same level are cute.

>> No.27723321

I thought it was gonna be 4Kids dub tier. Still not sure how we got here.

>> No.27723323

So she really was the fifth discord senpai.

>> No.27723324
Quoted by: >>27723374

They can't just gorilla stream all the time.
And they needed to get things ready for the collab.

>> No.27723325

I Mori does so they can both make cute noises together.

>> No.27723327
Quoted by: >>27723466

I'm pretty sure Mori said she was going to quit teaching soon in her talk stream today

>> No.27723329

If they were as good in all their interactions as they were in the MC duo collab then I'd say they were getting there, but as of right now nah.

>> No.27723331
Quoted by: >>27723481

Holy shit, I had no idea she was killing them this badly.

>> No.27723336

Gura. Her content just isn't for me. Her content feels too childish I guess?

>> No.27723338
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, 1602732897776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723802

Yeah.. haha. Who wants to see Ame and Gura collab more.
Who wants to see them mess up and have adventures together. Not me!

>> No.27723339

You may not have noticed but she doesn't give a flying fuck about efficiency and is going out of her way to piss off people who tell her what to do.

>> No.27723341

It was obvious she was the moment she started making a fucking railway for the void shaft Gura made. I just hope she can space out her new addiction with other games so she doesn't burn out on it (or burn out her audience).

>> No.27723343

Mori in a black yukata with a pink sakura pattern with a white skull mask accessory

>> No.27723349
Quoted by: >>27723462


>> No.27723350

Can we start shit over their talents doing the same goddamn tests? Mori lost her most viewed stream like this, it's fucking retarded. Fuck nijiniggers.

>> No.27723352
File: 125 KB, 940x500, 1602734709280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723351

Too much making out on discord, you see.

>> No.27723353
Quoted by: >>27723542

why would you make them planeswalkers?
I can see Amelia since she's a timetraveler. It makes sense for her to travel between worlds and timelines.
Legendary creatures for the rest of them is just fine.

>> No.27723354
File: 28 KB, 610x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723355

nether is banned until collab

>> No.27723357

Nice nice nice

>> No.27723358

is the ghostbusters movie gura's watching tomorrow available on netflix or something or do I gotta call up senchou and the boys

>> No.27723359
File: 375 KB, 1451x2048, 441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a question - does Aki deserves to surpass Towa or is it pity subs?

>> No.27723360

Mori. I dunno why. Partially probably because the times she streams, but then Kiara is my favorite.

>> No.27723361

Eddie rath remix when

>> No.27723368

yeah, that's how those work. It's another way to support them and they are probably easy as fuck to make. Cover is shit at making actual merchandise.

>> No.27723369
Quoted by: >>27723405

>roughly 1 to 2 GB per hour for 1080p
Ah okay, expected about 1.5GB, so sounds good. I'll need to start archiving all of Ina's streams at the very least, but will most likely get extra storage for the others too, depending how the downloads go. After what happened to Hololive a few months ago with the videos there and now this JLPT, might as well get into archiving.

>> No.27723370

>Can't really think of anything for the shark
Beach stuff?

>> No.27723374
Quoted by: >>27723482

>They can't just gorilla stream all the time.
Why not?
If Korona can do 20 hour streams as much as she wants, surely there's no limit to streaming

>> No.27723375

So when Gura says she's "tired" at the end of her streams, she just means of streaming right?

>> No.27723377

The FE streams are background Kiara cuteness I couldn't care less about the plot or the battles but Kiara's lovely Kiaraness is still fun to listen whatever the subject.

>> No.27723378
Quoted by: >>27723466

She said that the biggest freelance job she's ever had is approaching it's deadline. Probably another MV for Fake Type, which would be perfect for them to cash in on the hype from her covering their songs at the concert.

>> No.27723381

5% but only because Kiara already has Mori

>> No.27723382


>> No.27723389

>Dude wtf why don't these newbies just speedrun and beat Morrowind in minutes.
That's you.

>> No.27723392

Can Live2D models go crosseyed, or are the positions of the left and right eyes in the model not independent?

>> No.27723396

/b/ tried that a long time ago and it didn't work at all newfag-chama

>> No.27723398


>> No.27723399

Teaching is giving her the work visa to stay in Japan, and she isn't quitting her free lance work so unless she can get a visa from Cover she's going to be working a lot. Her current free lance project is almost over according to her though

>> No.27723400

I only know about hattrick from virtual divegrass

>> No.27723403

lmao a br simp

I took pics with her too

>> No.27723405

yes, that incident is exactly why i think it's important to get a head start on archiving now.

>> No.27723406
File: 452 KB, 1920x1080, 1602689591192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724104

I can't wait.

>> No.27723407

moririn, your sleep reps...

>> No.27723413

Most likely

>> No.27723414

It's not like the current distances are more efficient with nether. If the rail autism is this high already they will have a nether junction soon enough.

>> No.27723417

After the collab, AME Heavy Industries is expanding to nether.

>> No.27723422

Tired of holding herself back from having discord sex with Ame

>> No.27723421

They're already seething and making up schizo narratives to help them cope.

>> No.27723425
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1601605575555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were probably a bunch of absolutely amazing sufferkino moments on that adventure
>we will never know

>> No.27723431

Wish my oshi was still active on her old media. Chickenshits are truly blessed.

>> No.27723433

Cant believe I havent see this, thanks anon!

>> No.27723435
Quoted by: >>27723472

Next they'll reach the end and kill the ender dragon off stream as well

>> No.27723437

>Kiara had the match locked in less than 10 turns
>instead of ending it then and there the match turned into a full hour and a half of sufferingkino that went viral
>also gets to keep the Bottom Left meme for her chat
This chicken is stupid like a fox, I swear.

>> No.27723442

music stuff probably
Mori is the only EN girl that follows her

>> No.27723447

Blue ice boat nether tunnel system when?

>> No.27723448

>not owning the ghostbusters 1&2 deluxe set on DVD

>> No.27723454

>next stream is two hours of hypnotic counting, again

>> No.27723455
Quoted by: >>27723509

as long as God doesn't break the computer, this collab is gonna be fucking great

>> No.27723461
Quoted by: >>27723560

My narrative is that whereas Amelia just speaks normally, Gura actually forces herself to sound a bit different from her real voice, so streaming gets exhausting for her after so many hours

>> No.27723462

Kiara's face reminds me of danganronpa and I'm not a big fan of that series but somehow I cannot dislike her eyes.

>> No.27723466

I'm sure that one is taxing. Though if she's teaching kids, that would actually be pretty adorable.

I remember her mentioning a big project wrapping up soon. That's a good guess for what it is since it boosts everyone involved.

>> No.27723471

It's good to know that my tweets to her get read

>> No.27723472

they're not THAT stupid

>> No.27723478
Quoted by: >>27723763

You don't get it, do you?

She calls.

The worms answer.

>> No.27723479

I'm actually glad they didn't stream it. My autism would have acted out with their technique and how they aren't thorough enough. Just thinking about how much they may have missed is enough to hurt me.

>> No.27723480
File: 149 KB, 313x279, 1602740434115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't stream it live because it was originally just an erp session then they decided to go look for more treasure.

>> No.27723481
File: 37 KB, 800x307, sharp shark incline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like in the movies where the underdog takes 1st place in the final moments of the race out of nowhere

>> No.27723482

Does Korone have anything else going on in her life aside from vtubing? At least 3 of EN have outside jobs and obligations they need to take care of. Taking a day off from sleeping and ruining their sleep cycle doesn't seem feasible.

>> No.27723485


>Make six figures working as an engineer, own a house, a sportscar, expensive musical instruments
>Don't simp, but just member Ame.

Am I a bad man?

>> No.27723489
Quoted by: >>27723544

I'm doing my part in archiving but doing so with live streams is not reliable with how shitty my connection has been the past year. Only one cable provider in my area the past couple decades with no interest in improving they're infrastructure. Thanks to all of you who do record live and share here

>> No.27723490

The extended cut of the first movie is shit. It doesn't add anything of value and goes for four fucking hours. It's a rare case of the theatrical version being superior to the extended cut.

>> No.27723493

The real reason why they won't stream this is because it's more fun for them when they can ERP and Gura can let HER free.

>> No.27723494

You may want to remove that image, anon

>> No.27723496

HoloEN server is a roleplay server and Ame is playing as a dwarf please understand

>> No.27723504

Why does Kiara keep her roommate's twitter up and active? Doesn't she know that's dangerous?

I mean look what happened with Ame.

>> No.27723506
Quoted by: >>27723536

I already knew it but getting it thrown in your face that Ame and Gura went straight back to playing together for hours as soon as the stream ended makes me sad.
Chat sucks ass so of course they would rather just play by themselves and not have to deal with donations or people watching them so they can't completely be themselves. But still. Fuck.

>> No.27723509
File: 659 KB, 636x803, 1582491521740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he does, I will kill God.

>> No.27723518

Just her usual "Oh fuck I stayed up too late" message

>> No.27723525
Quoted by: >>27723556


>> No.27723526

Literally nothing. She does endurance streams when she doesn't have custody of the kid(s)

>> No.27723527

Korone won't get 1M first though

>> No.27723531

>Korone almost caught up with fbk
Damn, nice

>> No.27723533

There's not much dirt you can extract from her roommate.

>> No.27723535

>Gura streaming alone pings between 20 different objectives, forgets what she's doing, dies and completes none of them
>Gura steaming with Amelia stays on track, dies but recovers and actually makes progress

>> No.27723536

Do you think they call eachother different names in private? I'd think they all know each other's real names by now

>> No.27723540
Quoted by: >>27723760

Gura and Ame aren't ruining anything though. They just don't want people to see them play together.

>> No.27723542
Quoted by: >>27723649

She has other sides that are blue, but this is gremlin.
I'm aware of that but I decided to break the color pie a little bit. I'll reconsider.
For Ina, I thought the +1 was a bit strong but I felt it was comparable to Liliana of the veil with 2 colors, less starting loyalty, and weaker other abilities.
It's my preference to err on the weaker side of design.
I have plenty of other designs that aren't planeswalkers, I just wanted to make a cycle

>> No.27723543

B-But Amelia doesn't enjoy playing with Gura

>> No.27723544

if you can't record live because of connection issues, then it's still worth considering an archive download as soon as the stream is over. and i know even that won't be possible for some people. my point is just that up to this point it's clear we haven't had enough coverage to avoid losing stuff, and i'm sure that there are more people who can pitch in than have been doing so.

>> No.27723545

gura mcfags, I keep getting "disconnected" when trying to join the server. need help from meido maybe

- ____123

>> No.27723550

Imagine if you could sit on their discord. Not even say anything or talk to anyone, just be one of the people on there and read all those chats betwen the holoENs and managers etc.

It would be so fucking interesting.

>> No.27723552

Mori. I like all of them as people and want them to succeed. Mori I like some of her songs and oddly her Japanese only stuff sometimes because she has a nice voice and they make good background. Her other content I'm not so keen on.

Kiara's content is pretty fun besides her FE play-through. I can't fault her for playing what she loves but I'm not watching that game.

Ina's art is very comfy and most of her gameplay carries that through as well. Not the most entertaining but she is made of pure healing energy.

Gura's horror games are okay, but I dip out of the game doesn't interest me. The more she streams the more relaxed she's getting with the crowd and the more fun she seems to be having.

Amelia is great and the only streams I duck out of at the ones I can't make or when she's clearly frustrated as fuck and it goes beyond mere gremlin mode. I like her when she's having fun.

>> No.27723553

Still no paycheck from Cover so gotta keep the options open. I wish I were kidding but this is probably the case.

>> No.27723554
File: 205 KB, 1280x1380, EhuBCFTUcAAe5RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit worried about Mori in the upcoming Saturday collab, deadbeats. I don't think she's been doing her Minecraft reps while Ame's been training Gura the entire time. Will Mori sandbag the entire group when they go into the nether? They're playing very 1.16.3; those Piglins and Hoglins are going to make a rape nukige out of them if they enter unprepared.

>> No.27723555
Quoted by: >>27723593

Thanks lad, any plans for the other 4 having patches?

>> No.27723556
File: 594 KB, 2000x1400, 1573798534854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723557

No but you should donate at least an akasupa a week, new AC systems are quite pricey around here and the electricity bill is always insufferable, I could really use some help.

>> No.27723558

>Am I a bad man?
You're not obligated to give her anything so no, but if I were in your shoes I would giver her at least 10 dollars every other stream or so.

>> No.27723559
File: 822 KB, 1630x1680, EkRKU6lVcAEYP86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723595


>> No.27723560

Streaming gets tiring regardless because talking constantly is draining. That said Gura sounded more normal towards the end of the minecraft stream once she used her regular relaxed indoors voice.

>> No.27723565

Imagine the narratives

>> No.27723570


>> No.27723571
File: 61 KB, 716x246, 1694477615419957261946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the japs mean by this?

>> No.27723580

Watson is her pillar of support. She said so herself that she feels much better when Watson is arond

>> No.27723585
Quoted by: >>27723623

she'll probably just sit back and let the others take the lead

>> No.27723586

Stress Relief VP, of course.

>> No.27723588

Why do people still have DVDs?

>> No.27723592


>> No.27723593
Quoted by: >>27723634

yep, a magnet version of the next patch coming is already up.

>> No.27723595


>> No.27723598
Quoted by: >>27723760

This post doesn't make any sense considering they just played hours of Minecraft off stream. I don't care though.

>> No.27723600

i was about to say that gura is not an underdog but then i remembered what were initial expectations for holoen. never been so happy to be so wrong before.

>> No.27723602
File: 12 KB, 293x240, 1579408067818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been training her killer instincts in a much harder game, she'll be fine.

>> No.27723603

>why don't they just look at a guide and do everything with autistic efficiency instead of having fun playing the game and building what they want?
Do you have aspergers?

>> No.27723604

Nope, you're sane. The girls are doing fine, and supas are about making you happy instead of supporting the girls.

>> No.27723611

japanese numberfag cooming

>> No.27723612
Quoted by: >>27723958

All they have to do is wear gold, they'll be fine. Some of them have clearly been reading the wiki to some level so they'll know

>> No.27723614

I had the same online friends for 10+ years and we still call each other with our online nicknames even when we met irl etc. etc., maybe if they knew each other since THAT time then they'll call each other with THOSE names.

>> No.27723615

When amelia streamed that shitty switch puzzle game I closed it twice desu

>> No.27723617
Quoted by: >>27724085

Is it on teamup? I'm not seeing anything but the live show/remix party in there. And didn't she say there's gonna be no other streams this weekend due to her moving?

>> No.27723619

Based, but I'm also jealous. Esse pau no cu do caralho não só teve a sorte de tirar foto com minha oishi mas também tá atrás da atenção dela. Depois um safado desses toma um .38 na cara e não sabe pq.

>> No.27723621

So Mori's bodily problem is her diabetes or blood pressure or something right? She's probably stressing herself up and spiking her sugar.

>> No.27723623

Hopefully Gura won't be leading the expedition.

>> No.27723634

Neat, will order soon

>> No.27723641
File: 1.11 MB, 1429x1080, 1602735167554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723694

It's called strugglekino

>> No.27723647

If they need supas to survive they should quit while ahead. So no.

>> No.27723649

I push her as a UWR character. Never all three, but each color has a slice of Amelia.
Amelia, the Detective -> White
Amelia, the Time Traveler -> Blue
Amelia, the Twitch Gremlin -> Red

It's just which sides of her are you trying to capture in a card.

After all, the card is a snapshot of the character at some point in time.

>> No.27723652
Quoted by: >>27723742

>not VHS tapes

>> No.27723655
Quoted by: >>27723679

Moona has diabetes, Mori is just super stressed.

>> No.27723656

Its like watching a idol anime

>> No.27723659

Are you a bad man for ignoring a beggar by the road side? I'd say 99% of people ignore them. You don't owe them anything but you can toss them a coin if you pity them.

>> No.27723658

God, I just hope Kiara talked to her about it.

>> No.27723661

How do you think GURAME acts offstream on there minecraft?

>> No.27723663

I just think they're neat.

>> No.27723666

Whatever she does, it can't go worse than yesterday.

>> No.27723667

I have a small group of friends that I've played with online for a few years. We still call each other by our original nicknames even though we know everyone's name.

>> No.27723668

There is sex. It's not rocket science.

>> No.27723672

I'm pretty happy with what we got. I'm not watching them to see them play minecraft expertly. I'm watching them for their adventures win or lose.

>> No.27723673


>> No.27723676

They probably do, but don't use them. In part because they don't want to yab during stream, and in part because you call gaming friends by their handle.

>> No.27723678
Quoted by: >>27723978

There is sex

>> No.27723679

She can't drink sugary drinks and she is/used to be fat, so it wouldn't surprise me if she had diabetes.

>> No.27723681

god i want to breed amelia

>> No.27723683
File: 66 KB, 960x540, 1602606167277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician taste.

>> No.27723685

Probably, either that or stress cause she's a fucking workaholic

>> No.27723686

Supa if you have something worthwhile to say that you're sure she'll read. Else, just get the membership.

>> No.27723687

No holding back, swearing and memes.

>> No.27723690

How long does it take to learn a useable amount of JP? When can we expect an Gura+Fubuki/Festival or Ame+Erito collab?

>> No.27723689
Quoted by: >>27723758

"Fuck, sex, dick" every 10 words

>> No.27723694
File: 422 KB, 1135x470, chumguts fist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn mobs...

>> No.27723699

I agree with you anon, only sports I do are martial arts, and I know all of these just from them being mentioned in movies and stuff all the time. Literally everybody saying that they don't know them has to either be ESL or underage.

>> No.27723702

Watching the Minecraft collab earlier, that moment they went over the water temple and got cursed and shit it.

>> No.27723704

Please don't forget about Ina... let her join in the fun too Gurame..

>> No.27723703

Those condoms dont pay for themselves dude

>> No.27723706

It's just an upset stomach. Stress and sleep deprivation turn your bowels to water.

>> No.27723710

It's a very strange apples and oranges comparison. As far books go, the Rings trilogy is completely unrivaled, it basically created fantasy as a genre. But as far movies go, Star Wars films are equally unmatched because they changed the entire film industry forever, and created a universe of unmatched scale and imagination.

>> No.27723714

Will Gura stop holding back when she hits 1 mill?

>> No.27723716

Loli sells.

>> No.27723717
File: 664 KB, 3200x3200, 1601103961966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723739

So it's basically confirmed that Gura was faking her retardation, right? No way they would've gotten this much done off-stream at the rate of progress they were making on-stream.

>> No.27723719


>> No.27723721
Quoted by: >>27723774

Enough to hold casual conversations on stream? Maybe in ten years.

>> No.27723723
Quoted by: >>27723799

Ceo of sex...

>> No.27723724
File: 1.25 MB, 1713x897, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723754

Mori's is probably stress, which wreaks havoc on the body and can really fuck it up. Three jobs will do that to you, but I'm sure she'll pull through and (hopefully) eventually reach a point where she can just stand back and take a breath.

>> No.27723725

>Subaru collab is still at 1.2k waiting after all these hours
Is this going to be the bird's breakthrough?

>> No.27723734

There is sex.

>> No.27723739
Quoted by: >>27724093

Nah, after that first treacherous treasure map they actually started zooming around pretty fast

>> No.27723742
Quoted by: >>27723988

Can't watch my old VHS tapes on my PC.

>> No.27723743
Quoted by: >>27723785

Imagine the smell of Amelia's room and herself right now after days of Minecraft and no shower

>> No.27723744

I think it's less a matter of staying on track and more that Ame actually had some stockpiled resources she could fall back on when she lost everything. Gura's no good very bad day mostly happened because she lost everything and didn't want to spend time getting essentials together resulting in a negative feedback loop.

>> No.27723746


>> No.27723747

considering what happened to Ina in the past I can see why she had to private her latest video
something about her being targeted by antis because of her FGO art

>> No.27723751


>> No.27723752

Do you guys think Gura and Ame act the same way offstream?

>> No.27723753

no but you should shitsupapost like our boy carl in minecraft stream

>> No.27723754
Quoted by: >>27723843

She's said multiple times that she wants to make this her full-time thing at the end of the year, so she's probably wrapping up her loose ends.

>> No.27723758
File: 34 KB, 512x384, Dk5yMLnXgAAmSZf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723760
Quoted by: >>27723880

Dafuq? Did you guys reply to my comment without seeing the other comment for context about streaming for 20 hours straight? There's a huge difference between doing that and what they're currently doing offstream...

>> No.27723763


>> No.27723764
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think minecraft sucks

>> No.27723765



>> No.27723767
Quoted by: >>27723882

Kiara was tired of being in the last place and decided to say fuck it, get over herself and DM Pekora asking for a collab

>> No.27723774
Quoted by: >>27723872

maybe just enough to get the information across. Korone's english only streams are pretty cute

>> No.27723777

This is exactly what they've done to us

>> No.27723778

Stop being a crybaby

>> No.27723783

stream onegai...

>> No.27723785
Quoted by: >>27723842

imagine the cum dripping from her hole from the dog fucking

>> No.27723786


>> No.27723791
Quoted by: >>27723881

>Gura members only karaoke, basically Gura's best content and there's probably more to come
>Kiara is watching one of my all time favorite movies this saturday, and I'm also a chickenfag
/hlgg/ this is fucked, I'm not buying two memberships. I'm leaning on Kiara, but I'm sure sharkmeido will fucking delete any archives of Gura's karaoke as soon as they're posted (warosu might go down again)

>> No.27723792

>"get that fucking skeleton"
>"where the fuck we are going anyways"
>"I have no fucking idea let me check the wiki"
>"you think we should stream this?"
>"the fucking goslings in the chat would just spam what we should do like retards"
>"*rips bong* haha yeppp"

>> No.27723793
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, 1602791892242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to leave Kiara's stream muted in the background for the collab so she doesn't become sad. Chickens die when they are sad.

>> No.27723797

The booze is calling the shots off stream

>> No.27723798

Gura is dumb(shark brain) and lazy. She'll never learn enough japanese to hold a conversation.

>> No.27723799
File: 120 KB, 1080x1711, fr4fs7o9kdk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723802
Quoted by: >>27723930

I mean, I liked the stream but one thing is struggle because the game throws them a curved ball and another nother is struggle to their own fault and god damit if gura didn't make me actually rage a couple of times during that stream, and not as in "I hate this b", I loveher and wanted her to be good, or decent, but she wan't.

>> No.27723806

Pretty much the same but more erotic

>> No.27723808

kiara stops by in chat some times

>> No.27723812

>Bust your ass for an eternity doing shit and see if it sticks on the wall
>Get emotional over finally being in something successful
God shut up you stupid faggot

>> No.27723814
Quoted by: >>27723862


Anyone mad about this is actually a fucking retard. The girls dont owe you shit, let them play whenever they want.

>> No.27723816

Probably almost the same except Gura doesn't give a fuck about swearing or spewing memes.

>> No.27723818
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, fag portal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the chances of this happening to them?

>> No.27723822
Quoted by: >>27723911

>Ina is total girlfriend material but her streams are awful.
Mind explaining this? Usually the people who find her gf material love her streams.

>> No.27723826

I think She's gotta look in a different gen for someone she can vibe with

>> No.27723827

I'm genuinely curious if those N**t and condomposters think they are funny for anyone? It's sad at this point, they are not even getting (You)'s

>> No.27723825

Bird would do just fine without the JP crowd pandering but I feel she wants to have success as idol in Japan more than overseas. Whatever she does I hope the chicken is happy and follows her dream.

>> No.27723829
File: 595 KB, 600x479, 1602018167452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think youtube counts you as watching a live if its muted, but thats only something i heard from here

>> No.27723828

Is Amelia skaven, dwarf, or goblin?

>> No.27723835
File: 1.26 MB, 3968x2480, 1601990143382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27723929

Why is so low in terms of subs and views anyway? Isn't she from the first generation?
Is she really that boring or what?

>> No.27723836
Quoted by: >>27723844

What is it?

>> No.27723837
File: 103 KB, 355x369, 1585885238838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people really this fucking autistically retarded? Could you have the same fun playing with a friend when over 20k people are watching you? Especially Gura that tries really hard to censor herself.

>> No.27723839
File: 60 KB, 1019x485, 1601955207501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has to be doing this just to fuck with us at this point.

>> No.27723842
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, 1602632920206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with you and the dogs, /hlg/?

>> No.27723843
File: 463 KB, 600x604, 83a7a1efd587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my hope as well. The only thing holding her back from greater success at the moment is her schedule.

>> No.27723844

portal spawns over a lava lake in the middle of nowhere

>> No.27723846
File: 153 KB, 800x1139, guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the fox have a chance against either?

>> No.27723847
Quoted by: >>27723873

Now that you made this post instead of simply ignoring them you just increased their morale by 200%

>> No.27723852
Quoted by: >>27723897

She doesn't disable prestream chat like other ENs so her fanbase developed a culture for it. They LARP as KFP employees there or something.

>> No.27723854

She wasn't as broke as you believe she was, before her holo job. There were times she got 900 bucks superchats. Projecting is fine and understandable but keep it in moderation.

>> No.27723857

ah shit, didn't manage to get the discount, i guess "until" doesn't mean it ends until it hits the 16th

>> No.27723858

> t. condomate

>> No.27723860

Ina isn't just gf material, she's wife material.

>> No.27723862

It's fine. Just not gonna donate anymore.

>> No.27723863
Quoted by: >>27724183

if true, mute tab instead

>> No.27723865

>Could you have the same fun playing with a friend when over 20k people are watching you?

>> No.27723869
Quoted by: >>27723899

That can really happen?

>> No.27723872

In that case, a handful of years of study. Developing the vocabulary to actually have words to say is the main thing, so I'd say 2-4 years depending on how much they commit.

>> No.27723873

good, gotta keep em obsessed with Amelia

>> No.27723874

Naw man, fuck that. JP already has all the Holos. Hololive English is for AMERICA.

>> No.27723877

It's more fun if you are able to see all of the progress on the server instead of 80% of it being off stream

>> No.27723880

I mean you're talking about them doing other things. Amelia is doing Hololive full time and we can assume Gura is too based on some of what she says. That doesn't really mean they need to stream all day like Korone does but they have more "free time" than the other three if you could call it that.

>> No.27723881

she will do more karaoke for everyone bro
she said it also this members only karaoke is short

>> No.27723882

She actually understands her idol and did not want to come off as too greedy to collab with her. We can expect couple of collab streams with other holos before we see Kiara x Peko stream. If you check the Kiara debut stream she completely shuts down when she realizes Peko was in the chat watching.

>> No.27723883

>he thinks white women fucking dogs is an /hlg/ thing
unironically lurk more

>> No.27723885
File: 51 KB, 459x206, Child abduction watermarked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27723889

I don't think that can happen anymore. Or am I thinking of the End? Some portal generation was supposed to work such that this doesn't happen anymore.

>> No.27723890

Which stream of theirs even overlap?

>> No.27723893

Yeah for you, not necessarily for them you selfish prick. They don't have to dance for you 24/7.

>> No.27723898

Seeing as she mentioned watching the routine with Reaper Dad, Deadbeats! Would you be down for a watchalong of George Carlin's It's Bad For Ya with your boy?

>> No.27723897
Quoted by: >>27723924

Why is everything Kiara does so based?
What's she holding back?

>> No.27723899

it could happen. not a huge problem but one of them is gonna walk off and die

>> No.27723900

Funny? sure as fuck not for you condomcucks.

>> No.27723903

Ina's little family of dogs is so cute.

>> No.27723909
Quoted by: >>27723935

the big group collab will be them all streaming their own perspectives

>> No.27723911

Not sure what else to say. I guess the whole "parasocial relationship" side of things isn't the draw of chuubas for me. I like being entertained by them, not fantasizing about dating them.

>> No.27723914
Quoted by: >>27724057

>Look at all this stuff we got together on our adventures!
>Ok now time to go solo build a tunnel on stream for 4 hours.

>> No.27723917

Its pretty obvious that she's betting on a JP leaning success but if she's just using EN and the fanbase as her means then fuck her. She forgets that she's HoloEN.

>> No.27723918
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>> No.27723921

DVDs are peak soul when it comes to media.

>> No.27723924
Quoted by: >>27723986

>What's she holding back?
Her inner gremlin

>> No.27723927

Choco is a special autismo

>> No.27723929
Quoted by: >>27723969

Aki is a good singer and dancer, does chat streams while drinking, and collabs (also while drinking), she's fun and has a comfortable amount of subs for her content. Only the girls who appeal to foreigners and make memes get really high subs.

>> No.27723930

It's gonna be all the more sweet when she gets good, imagine the day she stops running, turns arround faces the trident drowned, kills it and gets her trident, the catharsis boner will break my desk.

>> No.27723933

They'll all be broadcasting their pov for the collab.

>> No.27723935

Oh, huh. I'll probably just watch it from her POV anyways.

>> No.27723936
Quoted by: >>27724183

Can't I just manually mute the tab and not the yt video?

>> No.27723940

Gura will probably average at least 18k/day going forward.
Fox needs 8.2k/day and dog needs 9.5k/day to tie shark to 1m
It ain't happening

>> No.27723943
Quoted by: >>27724057

If I get paid literally thousands of dollars for playing minecraft, fucking yes. They should have gone the no-filter Kiara route so it wouldn't matter if they "break character" or whatever the fuck.

>> No.27723942

>gura doesn't curse so she won't get demonitized
>everyone else (besides ina) just curses on her channel anyway

>> No.27723944
Quoted by: >>27724500

So does anyone know the new Minecraft ip or are we still waiting for it to come back up?

>> No.27723945

If Gura ever does daughterwife ASMR she will gain about 100k subs in one night

>> No.27723946

>do interesting shit off-stream
>spend 4 hours digging a fucking hole in the ground
Fascinating content, glad they decided to show us the good stuff.

>> No.27723948
File: 331 KB, 409x690, 1573155637885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People bullied chicken on Twitter for finding a fucking village off-stream and she had to apologize, but they'll let this shit slide because it's the reddit shark and the meme detective. Fucking hate this hypocrisy.

>> No.27723949
File: 751 KB, 1920x5400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look. LOOK.

>> No.27723950
Quoted by: >>27724055

Depends on who builds it. Ina's portal will lead into a Warped Forest, Ame will get the Wastes, Mori the Crimson Forest, Kiara in a Nether Fortress, and Gura will have a Basalt Delta with the portal suspended over an ocean of lava.

>> No.27723952
Quoted by: >>27724003

vtubers are allowed to take time off work. the time they spend on stream is not the only work they do. please try to be kind and understanding rather than entitled and demanding.

>> No.27723957
Quoted by: >>27724500

So is the minecraft server not a thing anymore?

>> No.27723958
File: 200 KB, 962x1082, 1602792423270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of them have clearly been reading the wiki to some level so they'll know
That's the gist I got when Gura suggested treasure hunting to Ame but I can't exactly fault Gura. I mean there are so many mechanics in Minecraft. The game certainly doesn't throw you a bone either. How can you even play blind?
>taming wolves and horses
>drinking milk for raids
>red stone engineering
>beacons and conduits

>> No.27723965


>> No.27723969
Quoted by: >>27724066

Aki directly panders to them now. And she's in a better place for it.

>> No.27723972

>Hey guys.
>Me and Amelia HwuatSON played together offstream and I got THIS.
>*Puts enchanted trident on hotbar*

>> No.27723975

now you know who the shitposters are

>> No.27723976

To be honest, we all have done and know how boring strip mining is. Do we REALLY want to see them do that?

>> No.27723978


>> No.27723982

Pika, you are being cringe rn

>> No.27723984

Amelia doesn't really seem to care about baiting supa's, so she's probably fine. Simp if you want to, or don't if you don't

>> No.27723985
Quoted by: >>27724164

lads i'm lowkey starting to fall for calli desu

>> No.27723986

Oh I thought she was holding back tears from all of her success. Honestly she's already been slipping lately. She was making a lot of sexual innuendo towards Watson yesterday.

>> No.27723988
Quoted by: >>27724087

Can't you just get a cheap RCA-to-USB adapter and connect the VHS player to your PC? I actually have a working VHS player and some tapes but not the adapter so I never tried doing this.

>> No.27723989

Oh, any more details? I know she was a carer for a family member and lost them at some point, but not having the time to watch all her streams i've only seen bits and bobs.

>> No.27723990

Because people who spend 24 hours a day in /hlg/ are broken mutants.

>> No.27723992

Oh no! Ina, Kiara, Gura and Amelia played off stream, stop using whataboutism shitposter

>> No.27723994

"Deserve" has got nothing to do with it. It happens if it happens, and that's how it is. If everyone got what they deserved we'd be living in a different world.

>> No.27724000

I'm not letting that slide. I actually let Kiara slide at 1st because I can't watch her streams live anyway.

>> No.27724002
Quoted by: >>27724033

You need to get that mouse out of the last image.

>> No.27724003
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>> No.27724005
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>> No.27724006

Read the thread, everyone wanted to see this live too

>> No.27724007

We've done it before

>> No.27724008
Quoted by: >>27724062

not him but ame was doing the same shit and doesn't get emotional

>> No.27724009
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1597481579122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame hitting 500k
Based sheep.

>> No.27724011

Literally the only one who hasn't played offstream is Mori and that's because she literally has no time.

>> No.27724012

Man, I should really become an Engi

>> No.27724013

"We thought you guys didn't want to see another boring trip so we did it all off stream."

>> No.27724016
File: 73 KB, 573x500, 1602102854980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724017

she pooped on stream. No thanks

>> No.27724018

Why is it so hard to understand that a large part of the fun of seeing these girls on a fresh server is being there to witness all the new things they get and build

>> No.27724020

This is how much Amelia and Gura respect you, anons. Never forget this. Never forget the feeling of exclusion that you are feeling right now. Consider it part of the girlfriend experience, maybe.

>> No.27724023

so this is what they mean that you can fall in love just from looking into someones eyes

>> No.27724022
File: 470 KB, 1004x272, HoloEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Have you guys bought an onahole for your oshi?

>> No.27724024
File: 221 KB, 828x1280, 1558949473746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moonarchitect about to dethrone the tree rat for HoloID sub queen

Is this the power of peko

>> No.27724026

Probably both playing drunk, especially Gura who loves beer (Pabst Blue).

>> No.27724028

that's ridiculous. she should have told them to go fuck themselves.

>> No.27724030

if she doubles her daily subs she could stay ahead of korone and get second place

>> No.27724033

She's too fucking cute. Gonna have to go back and make some screencaps of that stream.
That's not his cursor, it's Mori's.

>> No.27724039

FGO is old as shit anon, there's no reason for a crossover when you're as rich as Type-Moon.

>> No.27724040

i literally don't feel anything about it.

>> No.27724041

That's actually a pretty good explanation given what we know.

>> No.27724049
File: 71 KB, 1429x336, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bullied chicken on twitter
Ame is getting a bit memed on in twitter, don't care to dumpster dive into any mean comments, but you forget Kiara is twitter trannies' main target

>> No.27724053

At least you can see the stream where she dies and loses it haha...

>> No.27724055

>Mori the Crimson Forest

>> No.27724056

no I have not

>> No.27724057

Do you actually think that if it was as easy as just starting the stream and do what they were already doing they wouldn't? It would literally be free money. I don't even know how I could ever explain this to you if you don't already get it.

>> No.27724058

>Do we REALLY want to see them do that?

>> No.27724061

ogey rrat

>> No.27724062
Quoted by: >>27724152

>People are different
news at 6

>> No.27724063

What interesting things have been done off stream?

>> No.27724066

Yeah, and I can feel superior to them because I loved her all along

>> No.27724069

Is it kinda bad... but i think Ame and Melody would probably get on really well. Though i doubt they'll ever be allowed off the holofarm.

>> No.27724071
File: 1.09 MB, 950x843, 1601678627937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys aren't actually this mad that Gura and Ame are playing off-stream, are you? What if they didn't find anything, would you still be mad they didn't stream it?

>> No.27724072

Tell me, how many of you jumped ship from /hlg/? I used to be there before the split happened and that place has become much more hostile since then. I love both ENs and JPs but they always seem to shit on the ENs.

>> No.27724073

HoloEN have been doing some serious blue balling these last 2 days....

>> No.27724076
Quoted by: >>27724109

Minecraft is just one of those games that you permanently have to have the wiki open to understand anything.

>> No.27724080
Quoted by: >>27724125

Kiara shouldn't have apologized anyway, but that's the way she is.

>> No.27724082

Same, I have tried for the past three days to find it but unsuccessfully.
Also can't find my transaction info. Fucking sucks.

>> No.27724083

Damn straight we do.

>> No.27724084
Quoted by: >>27724201

I'm a big brainlet, how do you attach these to things?

>> No.27724085
Quoted by: >>27724274

We don't have a definite timeslot yet, I believe, but it's likely 24 hours after the remix party begins given that lines up with previous collabs. also no, mori moves the weekend after (24-25th) she already has a japanese stream lined up for sunday.

>> No.27724086

Her high pitched screams of genuine fear while she calls for Ame, followed by two deskslams, are way more entertaining than skilled minecraft gameplay.
If I wanted people being bullshit good at the game I'd go watch any of the 5million sub channels.
Im here to see Gura eat 6 creepers per stream.

>> No.27724087

No idea. I'm sure there must be a way to do it but all I've got is this ancient optical drive from decades ago hooked up so DVD it is.

>> No.27724091
Quoted by: >>27724224

For Minecraft? I mean, kinda.
What exactly is there they have to do in terms of preparation?

They can guerilla stream it on short notice, they can re-use old thumbnails, they don't have to put on any makeup or dress up or shower or anything cause they are vchubas.

>> No.27724092
File: 373 KB, 580x587, 1602468727310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the boost Kiara will get when she gets a collab with her.

>> No.27724093

Amelia learned her lesson and started building a bunker on the next dig.

>> No.27724094

Yes yes this is nice an all but I can't wait to see what else Ame's added to her house. Every Minecraft stream her and Gura's places look different

>> No.27724095

it's not even about the game. it's about the bantz

>> No.27724097
File: 45 KB, 375x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just hanging around there to see if chicken turns up again. Though I doubt she will now, she's almost certainly gone to bed.

>> No.27724098

>jumping ship
uh I don't stay in one place and 99% of you don't either, you just post in whatever place you're interested at the time

>> No.27724100

I thought Watson said she didn't drink but then during the Overcooked collab when Mori kept slamming her bottle into our eardrums, Watson seemed to know multiple bottle opening methods.

>> No.27724101

I would.

>> No.27724102
Quoted by: >>27724118

This. This is like if I was watching a movie and then there was a huge timeskip that cut through a bunch of interesting stuff instead of showing it happening. Obviously they are entitled to do whatever they want in their free time, but if they literally get paid to let people watch them play video games, they should at least respect their audience enough not to pull some bullshit like this.

>> No.27724104

>Ina gets wind of this

>> No.27724106
Quoted by: >>27724224

Please do give it a try.
>Could you have the same fun playing with a friend when over 20k people are watching you?
Yes? Just hide the chat and forget about them, it's worthless anyway.
I could understand if you said they're just tired of talking, but not this.

>> No.27724109

>Not dedicating a good chunk of your long term memory to minecraft and larger mods like Botania and Thaumcraft


>> No.27724112

I never expected ame to respect anyone, it was probably her idea anyway.

>> No.27724114
File: 969 KB, 1440x1426, I don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three of them are going to get a huge boost when they collab with the EN girls anyway, I think one of the reasons they aren't bigger is that a lot of people don't even know they all speak English.

>> No.27724115

How do you use youtube-dl to record streams live? I know streamlink

>> No.27724116

minecraft really is a game of having a friend who already knows how to play showing you the ropes.

>> No.27724117

>Good night for real
So what about the three other times you said that, Kiara?

>> No.27724118

How is this disrespectful to their audience in any way? Holy shit you people are mentally ill. Are they not allowed to play video games in their off time at all now?

>> No.27724120

>spoiled fags itt

>> No.27724124

Fuck me, I love lotr. I hope someone can share.

>> No.27724125
Quoted by: >>27724237

The less Kiara has interaction with the social media and chat side of things would be honestly better. She is too self-conscious and hurts herself by replying. Everyone should take pointers from shark, just retweeting art (and commenting on the traced emotes)

>> No.27724126
Quoted by: >>27724143

They're self-loathing niggers who desperately want to be japanese, yet despite all the talk about 'muh reps', most of them can't speak, write or even understand even a lick of Japanese.

That and their self-indulgent delusions of EN tainting or poisoning Hololive.

>> No.27724128

Gura/Ironmouse would be a lot of fun, but certainly not family friendly.

>> No.27724131

I don't really mind things like home improvement or tunnel optimization off-stream, but searching for chests and adventuring is a huge draw. Even the fact that Ame found her first diamonds off stream was kind of annoying, but now this?

>> No.27724130
Quoted by: >>27724225

To be fair /hlg/ are the typical /jp purity obsessed nutter who also hate the other lewd holos

>> No.27724133
Quoted by: >>27724145


>> No.27724134

>funny for anyone
You don't have to be funny to anyone but yourself when posting.

>> No.27724140
Quoted by: >>27724204

Let me guess. From left to right. Mori, Gura, Ina, Ame, and Chicken.

>> No.27724142

I guess you're correct but I don't check that place that often anymore and only occasionaly check when an interesting JP stream is happening.

>> No.27724143

kek this

>> No.27724144

Damn, I also have a Gen2 leak here

>> No.27724145

not that kind of honk, the asshole goose kind of honk

>> No.27724146

Mori I guess outside of her songs

>> No.27724147

Just one more night of sleeping and then Chicken/Bird collab!

>> No.27724151
Quoted by: >>27724222

Remove 2 episodes from the middle of a series you like.

>> No.27724152

so then you should understand that people are different and have just as different reactions to these different people. stop being a little bitch, that person wasn't even saying anything about mori in his post you stupid faggot.

>> No.27724155

>Hey it's me Gura, when the last stream ended I was back to zero after losing everything as you all remember
>Well between then and now I played a bunch off stream, now I have fully enchanted armor, I got these diamond tools, oh yeah I went to the nether for the first time, we also found this super cool biome and these other things, some really insane moments like you wouldn't believe, well I guess you'll never see them
>So anyway, this here is an automatic gold farm we built during that time as well, pretty cool huh?

>> No.27724161

HONK in Germany is quite the insult making fun of underachieving children. Well but she is Austrian.

>> No.27724162

If you feel any bad feeling from this you're under the parasocial relationship delusion shit.
It's not a surprise that they don't give a shit about you at all, you should've known from the beginning.

>> No.27724164

Better keep it that way, and welcome to the club.

>> No.27724166

Yes that's why she's leaving Japan behind.

>> No.27724167

>Are they not allowed to play video games in their off time at all now?
That's not at all what I said. They are live-streaming a Minecraft playthrough. They have an audience of people watching. Why would they specifically jump ahead through a bunch of great milestones we were all excited to watch and just do it in their downtime? And why is everyone just OK with it? Maybe you don't actually care about Minecraft but I look at that picture and see a bunch of moments I was eager to share with Gurame that I have now had taken from me forever. It's just depressing dude. Go ahead and call me a schizo all you want, I'm not gonna apologize for how much I love these dorks and how much I look forward to their streams.

>> No.27724171


>> No.27724177
Quoted by: >>27724223

This is like Pat "grinding-off screen" but he actually went and cleared all of the Forbidden Woods in Bloodborne with Woolie.

>> No.27724179

Holy shit, then don't watch, cancel all your memberships and neck yourself

>> No.27724181

I actually wouldn't mind that at all, seeng as everything takes them 3 more hours than it should it's nice to see some progress has been done, even if offstream

>> No.27724183

I can't say for sure, but that definitely works for twitch, so it's worth a shot source:I tried to get a valorant beta key once

>> No.27724185

We all know they didn't stream because they were playing while having sex on discord

>> No.27724186
Quoted by: >>27724194

>*dies and loses half of the stuff in first 15 minutes of stream*

>> No.27724189
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1601045566002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>official tag

>> No.27724190


>> No.27724193


>> No.27724194

Oh please that would be hilarious

>> No.27724195


The difference is Ame doesnt give a fuck what these retards think. In fact she probably doing this to piss them off.

>> No.27724199
File: 3.20 MB, 3820x2684, hlgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27724197

Your post will go ignored but you are 100% correct and summed up my thoughts exactly.

>> No.27724202

Cute, CUTE reaper!

>> No.27724200

>2 cocks
what the fuck

>> No.27724201

velcro lol

>> No.27724203

This art is shit

>> No.27724205
File: 782 KB, 1152x977, chumguts water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724204
Quoted by: >>27724304

When making this I figured Mori had larger breasts so she would have the breasts on the ona as well. Gura was blue because well, you know. The ina shape is quite flat so that just makes sense and well chicken is chicken.

>> No.27724207

For everyone who watched the collab, what criticism would you give Gura and Amelia for their minecraft gameplay?

>> No.27724213

Also I built Atlantis.

>> No.27724215

>99% of you don't either
Faggot, are you talking about this place and /hlg/?
Because I can guarantee that a lot of people here have never had more than a passing glance at /hlg/.
Me included.

>> No.27724218
File: 2.17 MB, 3840x2160, 1594425967907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey it's me Gura, when the last stream ended I was back to zero after losing everything as you all remember
>Well between then and now I played a bunch off stream, and now we have Atlantis
>Pretty cool huh?

>> No.27724221

Still surprises me that there are people who have been doing stuff like this for years with less then 5k subs

>> No.27724222

You're contradicting yourselves. You're telling me you want to watch them even if they don't make progress because they're lovable dorks and yet you're mad they didn't stream every second of their playtime. If you really enjoyed watching them, then why does it matter? Any Minecraft stream will be enjoyable if you're watching it for them. I think you're just more gameplay tourists from /v/ at this point. WATCH FOR THE CHUUBA

>> No.27724223
Quoted by: >>27724469

And Vtubers are Lets Players with Anime skin.

>> No.27724224
Quoted by: >>27724311

>Yeah dude, just pretend that the audience doesn't exist, it's as easy as that.
At this point I don't even believe you guys are serious anymore. Literally go get checked for autism or take and IQ test, it's not even a meme.

>> No.27724225

And that's a good thing.

>> No.27724227

if it's any consolation they are only doing things off-stream that they have alreadu done some of on-stream, no new experiences will be had off-stream

>> No.27724228

>What if they didn't find anything

People watched Gura play 4 hours and accomplish literally nothing but make a door.

>> No.27724230

ctrl +f the word server for the past threads

>> No.27724231

I refuse to believe Calli is a virgin, it is a crime that a body like that goes unbred.

>> No.27724232
Quoted by: >>27724285

I understand your feel, bro. The HoloEnpire felt personal because we almost saw the whole progress from scratch. It's like an episode is missing now.

>> No.27724234
Quoted by: >>27724340

Gura, actually come prepared with tools and armor.
Ame, turn up your fucking brightness already. Stop being a bitch about it.

>> No.27724236
Quoted by: >>27724280

Maybe you should actually supa Ame if you want her to stream everything for you.

>> No.27724237

Wouldnt shark teeth be pretty painful near a dick? What if she chomps down?

>> No.27724238

I can't tell if people are genuinely upset that Ame and Gura are playing MC offstream or if schizos are just freaking out.

>> No.27724241

Did you know shizo meds are made by combining bleach with vinegar?

>> No.27724247

>creeper walks up behind blowing up hours of progress

>> No.27724250

She is not. Her roommate talked about getting fucked.

>> No.27724253

if you know streamlink then that's great. i hear it works fine, i just don't know it so i don't have anything to add. i saw someone a few days ago mentioned a way to use HTTP headers with cookie info for member streams, but i don't recall the details.

with youtube-dl, you just need to run it right after the stream is live and it'll record from wherever you started. usually that means missing a couple of seconds of the loading screen but they always have that up for long enough that you normally just lose a couple of loops of the loading animation and that's it.

>> No.27724256
Quoted by: >>27724286

You're the one being retarded. I watch them for both and I not only lost out on hours of them exploring and finding stuff, but also Ame and Gura interacting with each other.

>> No.27724261
Quoted by: >>27724345

ame needs to turn up her FOV, you'd think she'd know this as a fps shitter

>> No.27724260

then you lose yout dick. live dangerously

>> No.27724262

>you should have seen the.. wuhaha... yeah we fought the ender dragon... yeeeees... it was so crazy! But Ame and me did a bunch of HOOCHA AND HOOCHA and eventually we got him!

>> No.27724264

>I refuse to believe an attractive woman in her 20s is a virgin
Wow dude, bold stance

>> No.27724266

Because they are living people who want to just have fun on their own without giant audience of judgemental faggots like you.
Jesus Christ, what an entitled piece of shit you are.

>> No.27724267

The retarded attack cooldown mechanic exists. Shields do too.

>> No.27724268


>> No.27724270

I fucking swear it was Amelia's idea. You retards didn't listen and now you get what you deserve.

>> No.27724271

All these mad as fuck assblasted backseating retards in the thread. RUMAO

I wish they did this more often to shit on you kiddos.

>> No.27724273


>> No.27724274

Ah, my bad, got it.

>> No.27724278

Gameplay is fun.
Just, turn the brightness up Ame, please.

>> No.27724277

Just make sure to feed her beforehand

>> No.27724279

She's not a virgin but she's never had a boyfriend since 4th grade.

>> No.27724280

I have been. Not gonna waste my time after this. My membership will have to do.

>> No.27724281

If they aren't going to spend the whole time together, they should handle MC collabs like JP does. Half the time treat it as a zatsudan with the chat and then occasionally do fun shit when you come across the other person.

>> No.27724285

Yeah, that's a better way of putting it.

>> No.27724286

You're a selfish schizo, you should be happy they're having fun together not whining like a baby because you didn't get to see it.

>> No.27724289

You all need to stop thinking about Hololive all the time and think about yourself. You can also go "off stream" and live your life outside of Hololive too.

>> No.27724291

But I love my retarded wife and daughterwife the way they are!

>> No.27724293
Quoted by: >>27724358

Bb-b-but they should do that on their own private server and not HoloEN server!11111

>> No.27724296
Quoted by: >>27724318

said anon who has no friends

>> No.27724300
File: 69 KB, 551x670, 1597734940077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724302

I'm not mad that they played offline but I would've like to see the gameplay. Is that so bad?

>> No.27724303

>bro let's just have a wiki that is full of doxes and spoonfeeding for everyone to see
go back

>> No.27724304

I thought the left one was an anal hole so it would be for the brap queen.

>> No.27724305
Quoted by: >>27724358

so why not just have a different server they play without streaming?

>> No.27724306
Quoted by: >>27724339

Can't wait for the "Btw guys we went offstream to the nether and found a fortress, we had ton of fun exploring one for the 1st time ever! Next stream we'll brew potions for 4h with the materials we got"

>> No.27724308

If I think about myself I'll just hurt so I dedicate my life to fake anime girls

>> No.27724310

What was the point? at least make a new world if you want to practice with other holos.

>> No.27724311

Yes I am stupid. That is why I asked you to explain.

>> No.27724312

someone will refuse to believe this guy, he'll post proof, and we'll have doxpocalypse 2.0 happen. saw it coming from the moment people insisted on posting the cantaloupes picture over and over again

>> No.27724314

Seriously? Why are you people throwing a fit now compared to the last time when they played offstream during and probably after Kiara's stream. They arguably did more in that timeframe compared to this.

>> No.27724315
Quoted by: >>27724377

This, but they have no ability talk and play at the same time so it's hopeless

>> No.27724317
Quoted by: >>27724351

So did her autistic ass buy a male escort or something?

>> No.27724318
Quoted by: >>27724386

Give me 20k viewers and one friend and I will show you

>> No.27724321

Not him but I don't think you get it. The point is that there (might) have been some one-off moments that you will now never see.

Like imagine if they went into the nether for the first time but didn't stream it. Obviously their reactions to everything would be pretty wild.
But were they to only stream the second time they go in there, then you will miss out on that because they've already seen it.

>> No.27724323
File: 51 KB, 680x521, 1602755135857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724355

Kiara and Mori should do an irl cooking stream like Haachama chamaaaa did with Luna.
I think it would be really cool.

>> No.27724324

No, you're not allowed to find anything wrong ever with what ame or gura does, they always make the perfect choice and you're entilted for even thinking they could have done something better.

>> No.27724325
File: 431 KB, 1200x1450, 1602270576320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can also go "off stream" and live your life outside of Hololive too.
I have bad news for you about what kind of people post here.

>> No.27724328
Quoted by: >>27724419

I'm starting to remember when Aqua played ARK offstream and JP fans got really mad at her so she got rid of the base she made and undid her progress. EOPs were shitting on JP fans for overreacting and yet here we are.

>> No.27724329

Gura can't zatsu period and Ame's autism makes her keep zatsu and games completely separate.

>> No.27724334


>> No.27724336

You can stop talking to yourself now.

>> No.27724338


>> No.27724339

that would be great because they might actually have some idle chitchat instead of just talking about the goddamned gameplay.

>> No.27724340

I hate that type of person who moan whenever someone give them help before moaning for help later

>> No.27724343
Quoted by: >>27724483

she took nigger dick at some point

>> No.27724344

after HoloEN debut I have started shitposting on 4chan for the first time in god knows how many years and have delusions about virtual GF's again.
so NO fuck you!

>> No.27724345

People asked her to and she told them to fuck off. There's no point in telling her to do anything, she'll refuse out of principle. This is her world now and she makes the rules.

>> No.27724349

I get it, I'm just calling you a selfish faggot for thinking that way.

>> No.27724350

but they didnt do anything "new" like the nether, they went around the ocean collecting shit like they did on the last stream

>> No.27724351
Quoted by: >>27724455

She's a female in the jrap scene. If she wants to fuck she fucks, and she wants to fuck.
Relationships are a different beast but attractive people can fuck just by asking someone to fuck.

>> No.27724353


Anyone who is genuinely upset is a schizo so yeah I guess its both.

>> No.27724355

We'll get these vids from Gura instead

>> No.27724356

I don't have anyone to talk to or play with.

>> No.27724357
File: 389 KB, 2000x2000, 1602683895446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724516

The time zone given is -7 UTC, so UTC time would be Oct 15th at 00:19, 20 hours ago. That's a little over an hour between that post and the website updating.

>> No.27724358

Because they don't fucking want to. Schizos will have deal with this.

>> No.27724359

Why the fuck didn't Mori and Kiara film their dinner together? That's missed content I'll never see and I won't know what happened now.

>> No.27724360
Quoted by: >>27724500


If anyone still can't find the new server IP

>> No.27724365
File: 349 KB, 1507x2156, 1600468290198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna do my reps and watch anime girls nothing outdoors

>> No.27724367

cant wait to see amelias progress when witcher gets canceled tonight

>> No.27724370

>Oh no, gura and Amelia went and had adventures off stream. They've used up all their adventure quota and don't have any adventures left to do on stream.

This is what you retards sound like.

>> No.27724372
File: 29 KB, 308x298, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doxxposters are the ones voting no and shitposting
who could've seen this coming???

>> No.27724377

To be fair to the girls their chat is dogshit, innit

>> No.27724378
Quoted by: >>27724438

Everyone here have developmental disorders characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior

>> No.27724381

An highlights video would be enough for me but of course it's them we're talking about, never gonna happen.

>> No.27724382

>No, you're not allowed to find anything wrong ever with what ame or gura does
Ah so this is why I get called a barracuda every time I criticize Gura, even if I put praise in my criticism.

>> No.27724386

you have neither, so what's the point of this conversation

>> No.27724389

1. Turn off auto-jump
2. Increase the resolution
3. Reduce the live2d model size a little bit (Amelia's stream)
4. Increase the FOV a little bit (Amelia)

>> No.27724395

TETE TIME oh she's back

>> No.27724401
File: 29 KB, 915x455, snack_1[gura].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would gura eat haachama's home cooking ?

>> No.27724402

You know where you are, correct? Sound advice will hold no weight here.

>> No.27724404


>> No.27724408
File: 289 KB, 403x495, 1602556040596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She may not be a virgin but she's still a beta female.

>> No.27724410
Quoted by: >>27724479

I actually wouldn't mind if it was like
>I went and got all the sand that I'll need to smelt for the glass in Atlantis/ I already smelt all the glass
or shit like that

>> No.27724412

It's not, but people arguing the opposite side are overreacting a little because a few people said that Ame/Gura were disrespecting their audience because of this and such.

I'm disappointed that they didn't stream it as well but it is what it is. I'll still watch when they do stream it.

>> No.27724417

Did she actually eat that? Someone should tell her about the cancer risk.

>> No.27724418

At least she moved her model but it partly took her reading a donation to change her stance..

>> No.27724419

Thankfully MC has plenty of enemies which can help with that progress removing

>> No.27724420

I've been working from home for months and finally get to go back to my job monday, I'm going to shitpost while I write my busywork scripts whether you like it or not

>> No.27724421
Quoted by: >>27724452

Your fundamentals streams... onegai...

>> No.27724423

There will always be off screen moments you will never see. You better either deal with it, or off yourself in advance, schizo.

>> No.27724424

Ame spent a fuckton of time establishing the tunnel, exploring and naming the caves. Offstream.
Ina spent time in the tunnels, built her pretty house. Offstream.
Gura's been doing whatever the fuck even before today. Offstream.

I'm just saying this to the couple unironically upset people. Chill, minecraft is a game that has a lot of possibilities for adventure, and one treasure hunt session missed isn't the end of the world. They'll do it again.

>> No.27724428
Quoted by: >>27724661

lmao based poal shitposter.

>> No.27724438

I'd say most. But not everyone.

>> No.27724442
File: 2.82 MB, 640x360, This is not the greatest fight in the world, no; this is just a preview.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724916

>Also we cut Calli's hair while she was asleep!

>> No.27724443
File: 305 KB, 715x351, Ghostling 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724448

Assuming this isn't a shitpost, offline collabs only get posted as streams if they're done at someone's home so everyone can use their avatars.

>> No.27724451

In Gura's case it would benefit everyone if she did some mining off stream.

>> No.27724452
Quoted by: >>27724486


>> No.27724453

What, you really want them to stream their MC adventures during which they constantly sexually teased each other and had discord sex every 10 minutes?

>> No.27724455
Quoted by: >>27724494

I am skeptical of this information

>> No.27724461
File: 2.25 MB, 2892x4096, 20201006_183143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug maximum power BURNING Kiara.

>> No.27724463
File: 344 KB, 2440x2440, EkZVw_KVcAAmbJU-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27724465
Quoted by: >>27724492

Fix the fucking brightness, there were points where Ame's POV was almost pitch black. Girl must be burning her retinas out with her monitor brightness.

>> No.27724469

I think theres a personality difference in the type of people who vtube compared to normal streamers tho. Most are awkward weirdo nerds rather than the typical narccisist e-celeb wannabe with RGB trash all over the place. Goes for both male and females.

>> No.27724470
Quoted by: >>27725087

Neat. Bought one.

>> No.27724471
File: 103 KB, 1200x1200, amelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724551

>> No.27724472

Doxxposters don't give a shit about livesteams.
Hardly a surprise.

>> No.27724474

>being reasonable
But Anon, don't you know where we are?

>> No.27724475

>all these fags that got bullied and excluded in high school getting PTSD flashbacks
My fuckign sides

>> No.27724477
Quoted by: >>27724549

>earns more than high paying lawyers by playing kazoo

choose one

>> No.27724479
Quoted by: >>27724543

The off-stream stuff before this was stuff like that or Ame decorating her house.

>> No.27724480
Quoted by: >>27724513

Just watched Moris last tstream. So it's confirmed she hates Kiara now? Wow, everyone thought they were friends...

>> No.27724483

mutts law

>> No.27724486
Quoted by: >>27724508

Ina...the art fundamentals streams...we artlets need them....onegai I'm going fucking insane...aaaa...

>> No.27724492


>> No.27724494

Considering her japanese ability is dubious at best and is probably in north america i'd say it's pretty much 100% headcanon.

>> No.27724496

So...are we just going to ignore that Ina literally hopped on minecraft around the time Ame and Gura were ending their stream but she herself wasn't streaming?

>> No.27724497

How the hell do you guys keep up with their streams? I don't get how people have the time to keep up with Hololive or twitch streams or any stream in general.
I can hardly keep up with just Gura's streams (w/ collabs), it's like 2 hours a day on average. I can't even begin to watch anyone else.

>> No.27724500



>> No.27724502

I've wanted to go out and find friends, maybe even someone I want to be more with, but I can't because I'm entering month fucking seven of a two week lockdown. I can go to work, not even know what half my coworkers actually look like, talk to customers between a sheet of plexiglass, and then go home.
All the motivation I felt going into the year was sapped and I'm slowly rebuilding it. Hololive is one of the few things to consistently bring me joy since I've found it.

>> No.27724504

Also, they already GAVE us their first treasure hunting experience. It was the last stream.

>> No.27724505
Quoted by: >>27724557

One day, she's gonna close up and say "chuu". The day after I will fly to Japan.

>> No.27724507
Quoted by: >>27724578

Ok important question. There's literally nothing wrong with cold pizza, right? It's even better than hot pizza.

>> No.27724508

She refuses to teach properly because she's self taught. She said this already.

>> No.27724510

Type-Moon doesn't mind lending their properties out to other games, but they don't do the reverse.

>> No.27724513

She hates Kiara so much, she bottomed for her and put her legs behind her head to prove how much she fucking hates her.

>> No.27724515
File: 112 KB, 496x700, 1601483039174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724568

What the fuck is going on?
You niggers really gotta cut back with the shitposting

>> No.27724516


>> No.27724518

off yourself

>> No.27724519
File: 163 KB, 887x1109, 1602147982032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people who think this way delude themselves into thinking they actually love them?

>> No.27724520

Ina can do no wrong

>> No.27724521

>food analogy
every time

>> No.27724522
Quoted by: >>27724615

Funny thing is Ame wont give a fuck what the viewers think about this. Unfortunately they will bully Gura and make her no longer play offstream.

>> No.27724524

That's fine, it's the schizos who throw a fit over it that need to fuck off.

>> No.27724525
Quoted by: >>27724620

>Apex Predator
>Apex Sexual Predator
Seems like a nice family.

>> No.27724528

i sleep 2 or 3 hours

>> No.27724529
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, 1602793708420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely hikkiNEET here (2 years and counting). I'm vicariously living all my social interactions through holoEN.
>Mori: best friend simulator
>Ame: GFE
>Gura: daughter simulator
I don't watch Kiara or Ina unless they're part of somebody else's collab. Also haven't physically talked to another human in 5 months.

>> No.27724530

Yeah but she didn't brag about her findings.

>> No.27724531

Inafags are the antis anon, that's why nobody talks shit about Ina

>> No.27724534

It's hard to do with 40k+ people. She seemed to fair a little better during the member stream.

>> No.27724535

very cute. i hope matuli and fubuki get ot have a collab with her one day (when she learns a little more moon language)

>> No.27724538

Funny you should say that, I've just come home after getting my meds prescription.

>> No.27724540


>> No.27724541
Quoted by: >>27724561

Gura has a bf too. Me.

>> No.27724543
Quoted by: >>27724570

This is exactly the same, nothing in that image is stuff they havent found some of before other than shitty golden armour

>> No.27724544

Because I missed that part.

>> No.27724547
File: 116 KB, 512x512, 1601723756307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This collab needs to happen...

>> No.27724549

>being a lawfag
Sounds like some beta ass shit to me kouhai

>> No.27724550

I end up mostly watching clips, or i keep it on my second monitor so i have some background while i draw or play something like a 4x

>> No.27724551

HoloJP were expecting the blackships. Their eyes were glued to the horizon. They did not expect the attack of the molemen

>> No.27724553

so has Ina said anything about the next movie watch along?

>> No.27724554

Man, chumbuds & condomates really are the most sensitive fanbases by a large margin

>> No.27724557

T3-only. And I will be there to see it live.

>> No.27724558

if you want to be a completist, i think you really have to pick just one girl and not worry about watching everything by the others. there simply isn't enough time in the week even if you catch up with VODs.

>> No.27724561

No, me!

>> No.27724567
Quoted by: >>27724599

Now that makes me question. What is the opposite of concernfagging?


>> No.27724568
Quoted by: >>27724640

> cunnyposting
must be american hours

>> No.27724570
Quoted by: >>27724651

They found 2 more fucking heart of the seas, that means TWO FUCKING MORE TREASURE MAPS/FINDING THE TREASURE

You retard. That's a lot more than just "decorating".

>> No.27724571

Has Gura broke character much so far? I feel like she's always trying to restrict herself.

>> No.27724572
Quoted by: >>27724866


I unironically believe this. Ina has so much less content that there really is nothing to discuss about her so they go anti the other girls instead.

>> No.27724574

Any other deadbeats been finder Mori even cuter/hotter in her solo streams lately? Those zoom-ins in particular are really getting to me.

>> No.27724577


>> No.27724578
Quoted by: >>27724639

Depends on how old it is. Yesterday's pizza is pretty good, but after that it gets exponentially worse.

>> No.27724579

Didn't expect people would be this mad about girls just playing some Minecraft in their free time, you do realise that they will show us whatever they've made, right

>> No.27724581

Nijifags better back off of HoloEN. HoloJP might be okay with harassment and doxxing but not EN.

>> No.27724582

Eh, i think it's kinda nice they are enjoying minecraft enough to hop on to play a bit of it in their non-streaming time.

>> No.27724584

Pretty fun but definitely not F.I.R.E.

>> No.27724586

at least talk to yourself to keep those vocal cords in check. after not talking for so long it gets harder and harder to talk in general without straining yourself after like 2 minutes

>> No.27724589

Not exactly but she was a lot more calm last night than in any of her other streams so far.

>> No.27724592
File: 84 KB, 288x248, 1600062965247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think once Ame/Gura get a feel for the game people will be less sensitive to playing offline. Anons are probably just annoyed that they're missing out on the holo learning things and growing while they're still new to the game. Also showing all the cool stuff you did while you weren't streaming on twitter is pretty inflammatory regardless.

>> No.27724596

While I dont care if they play offline, it doesnt take alot of effort to just stream the multiple hours of game you were going to play regardless. Its not like they are being forced to stream a game they dont like at endurance stream levels.

>> No.27724598
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1597902570901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah there, edgelord

>> No.27724599

<insert holo here>cuck probably

>> No.27724600

There is literally nothing wrong with house decorating offstream.
At this point, the railroad building probably doesn't matter all that much, either.
Missing exploration content really sucks, though.

>> No.27724603

Join some discords and start making internet frens with people who have similar interests anon, its not true and real friendship but its better than (potentially unhealthy) parasocial relationships

>> No.27724605
Quoted by: >>27724649

Nobody's ok with harassment and doxing.

>> No.27724607
Quoted by: >>27724664

Me, definitely cuter, she's the best when she's in her own element

>> No.27724608

Ame, Gura and Ina have all spent large amount of time offstream. >>27724424

>> No.27724612

Yeah a few times like when she told Watson she wanted to give her her seed and when she screamed fuck.

>> No.27724613
Quoted by: >>27725016

Amelia had the worst dox of any holo, dude......

>> No.27724615

>Unfortunately they will bully Gura and make her no longer play offstream.
Gura is a pushover to her audience. She couldn't even sternly tell them to follow other chuubas chat rules.
>If you feel like it, please read their rules.
>Chat immediately doesn't take it seriously and ignores her.

>> No.27724616
Quoted by: >>27724637

Well they like seeing their oshis actually play video games instead of crying for donations.

>> No.27724619
Quoted by: >>27724677

What if they don't want to deal with the thousands of retards backseating?

>> No.27724620

>Apex Predator
>hunts others but is hunted by no-one
>Apex Sexual Predator
>lusts for others but is desired by no-one
That's true, but it's still way too savage, anon.

>> No.27724622

web admin huh? I wonder how much experience she has with that.

>> No.27724624

Follow your path till the very end

>> No.27724625
Quoted by: >>27724701

The second half of her recent track-making stream broke me.

>> No.27724630
Quoted by: >>27724698

>make world duplicate
>use duplicate to play off-stream and prepare for next stream
Saying this as a chumbud, I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to keep their fans in the dark about their progress, it's not like I'm going to cancel my membershrimp over this but I'm disappoint son.

>> No.27724632

>2 years

Going on over 12 years here. Get your shit sorted out now or you will have nothing but regrets.

>> No.27724633
Quoted by: >>27724730

Go watch HER streams. They aren't actually that much different aside "I'M SHARK!!!" and a little more relaxed with the language.

>> No.27724637
Quoted by: >>27724669

Sorry, my favourite is Ina and she can't cry for donations since she doesn't stream

>> No.27724639

I don't know how anyone could possibly leave a good pizza uneaten for longer than the morning after.

>> No.27724640

>space after the meme arrow

>> No.27724645

>didn't expect the retards here to throw a fit for next to no reason
How new?

>> No.27724646

I only follow my oshi religiously (waking up in the middle of the night and shit) and catch others when I can.

>> No.27724647

broke character in what way? She's been casually swearing a bit more and being more frank with dirty jokes. She's basically like her old persona but a bit more nicer.

>> No.27724649

JP fans are cowards. If they started to harass Mori and Gura, their days would be numbered.

>> No.27724651


And? Stay assblasted retard. I can't wait for the girls to stream and laugh at you getting mad.

>> No.27724654
Quoted by: >>27724851

If needy faggots make it into a scandal every time they don't stream, you might actually call it being forced to stream.

>> No.27724655
Quoted by: >>27724668

They finished streaming 14 hours ago and ame posted their loot 1 hour ago. that means they played for 13 hours?

>> No.27724656

To play devil's advocate for a minute; seeing what they accomplished isn't the issue, the people want to see it accomplished live.

>> No.27724659

False equivalence. Building is not exploring.

>> No.27724660

>so much shit she can design
I'd buy her merch in a heartbeat

>> No.27724661

that's me, I'm addicted to it

>> No.27724664

She's so adorable yet simultaneously hot that I can't take it. Somehow she's really perfected her dorky reaper act for her solo streams.

>> No.27724665

This is why I don't watch Ame anymore.
I'm flip-flopping on Gura as she still let herself get seduced into doing off stream minecraft.

>> No.27724668

After 10 hours of Discord sex

>> No.27724669

I feel you.

>> No.27724670
Quoted by: >>27724939

Apart from the (not necessary intentional) akasupabaiting she is cute and hot because she wants to open up about her experience so far as a hololive idol. I'm happy for Kiara because she probably heard all about it on their IRL date how this spergy shinigami was giddy about everything.

>> No.27724672

reading these posts complaining that they are playing minecraft off-stream is making me insane. i literally have absolutely no idea what the fuck you people are mad about.

>> No.27724673

I guess it's a controlling kind of "love", not yandere-ish, more like that chick from Misery.

>> No.27724674

She let a little slip in the collab Overcooked stream with Ina. She commented on how bad the carpet will smell after a few days when Mori spilled some.

>> No.27724676

So since the Minecraft server is apparently no longer a thing, how many players do you guys think we could reasonably expect to have at peak times if I were to set up a new server?

>> No.27724677

Then ignore chat? They already dont listen/doubt backseating 75% of the time. Im sure alot of people crying about not being able to watch would be ok with chat disabled even.

>> No.27724683

Total opposite of this guy

>> No.27724686

You just know their other hands are on her butt cheeks.

>> No.27724688
File: 3.86 MB, 3600x1466, 1602566537089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724767

All those GurAme moments lost in time, like tears in rain

>> No.27724689

Unironically join the Minecraft server and make some friends.

>> No.27724691

I want Mori Merch now

>> No.27724693

i can't believe we're missing out on all their minecraft ERP sessions

>> No.27724694
Quoted by: >>27724720

If you're too sick to stream you're too sick for video games!

>> No.27724695
Quoted by: >>27724742

"Schizo" gets thrown around so much here that it's easy to forget just how many actual schizos are in these threads until something like this reminds you.

>> No.27724697

That is one of the best ways to approach this, if you get to that point and you get a nice son or daughter then depending on who they become you can just jump in to collab with them if you ever do feel like it. Keep going anon.

>> No.27724698
Quoted by: >>27724804

>make world duplicate
>use duplicate to play off-stream and prepare for next stream
Are you retarded? They need to prepare for the ender collab, they have to do shit on their server. Also, Gura has played offstream multiple times before already.

>> No.27724701

Saaaame. Feels like I'm becoming a gosling without the unrealistic expectations. Mori's so perfect man.

>> No.27724704

These people spend every moment trying to find things to distract them from procrastination about their lives. If they can't have a 24-hour drip of hololive to watch so they don't have to think about their (by their own hand) sad lives, they get furious!

>> No.27724708

>tfw parasocial friends went on an adventure without me this time, made progress and flaunted it

>> No.27724711
Quoted by: >>27724741

I'm not logging much anymore because everyone suddendly went to another hlgg server for some reason recently, so it's not as fun

>> No.27724713
Quoted by: >>27724744

Imagine laying rpg and for no reason skipping levels/missons

>> No.27724717
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1601994308473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The threads is just tiding itself over with crazy bullshit while they wait for the next stream.

>> No.27724718
Quoted by: >>27724793

It seems very genuine and it's justified.

>> No.27724719

Compared to her debut stream she's quite a bit different now but whether it's in a negative or positive way I can't really tell, not yet at least. I feel that last week's collab with ame changed her.

>> No.27724720

fuck off, mom

>> No.27724722
Quoted by: >>27724777

Holding out for the Deadbeat branded recorder

>> No.27724723

Schizos have a physical need to be mad about something, anything.

>> No.27724725

We have no streams rn and people here need something to be mad about

>> No.27724726


>> No.27724728

I mean, I don't really care, but when commit to streaming a game, you're obligated to not do any progression on it offline. The problem with openworld games like MC is that progression isn't straight forward. No one would complain if they'd just been building up supplies for the next adventure, but given that treasure hunting clearly wasn't a trivial matter for them at this point, I can understand why people would want to watch.

>> No.27724729

Depends, do you plan on playing on it while you're not also posting in hlgg?

>> No.27724730

This. People seem to think she used to be some kind of edgelord but she was more or less the same person.

>> No.27724732

Totally genuine and actually right

>> No.27724734

you can be sick enough to not talk for an hour but well enough to play minecraft

>> No.27724741
Quoted by: >>27724797

How many servers do we allegedly have? I only know of the one that someone built a giant cobblestone dick and a cunny tower on.

>> No.27724742

Schizophrenics would be more wholly unfunctioning, jabbering ghouls here who think Ame is sending them signals through streams that SHE is telling THEM to not eat orange food because it's CIA Glowman poison.

It feels - to me anyway - that they're just selfish NEETs who have no grasp of social mores.

>> No.27724743
File: 343 KB, 1816x1916, 1601367069779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-dont look...

>> No.27724744
Quoted by: >>27724755

i still don't get it. the game is just a backdrop for the girls while they are talking.

>> No.27724745

Wasn't there two servers? I'm not logging much since I'm busy but the one I was on was pretty lively.

>> No.27724755
File: 858 KB, 2000x2000, 1600576343136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724757

>Ame spent a fuckton of time establishing the tunnel, exploring and naming the caves. Offstream.
And I'm STILL seething over this.

>> No.27724761
Quoted by: >>27724791

Just woke up. Do I get angry already?

>> No.27724767
File: 126 KB, 940x500, dick_measurement[ame].pngThe .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724817

The absolute state of goslings.

>> No.27724768

>feels inadequate to teach due to being self-taught despite her skill level
>not confident enough to ask for collabs and would rather willingly wait someone to reach her instead
Ina...your self-esteem reps...

>> No.27724771

Because dead hours suck. Imagine having AmeSame minecraft endurance streams running while shitposting to the void.

>> No.27724772
Quoted by: >>27724859

Read more posts then. People are sad that they might have missed out on some awesome moments that document the journey of these girls from zero to hero in a fresh MC world

It's the same way people who watch a let's play series would feel weird if one part had a timeskip before it.

>> No.27724774
File: 423 KB, 921x461, 1602201416576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh stack of these coupons for you fuckheads

>> No.27724776

I actually want more mincraft streams bro

>> No.27724777
Quoted by: >>27725037


>> No.27724779
Quoted by: >>27724982

>Those zoom-ins in particular are really getting to me.
That, and it blew me the fuck away when I saw she actually has teeth.

>> No.27724783

I enjoy watching them play, and I like seeing the progress made in the server as it happens.

>> No.27724784
Quoted by: >>27724812

If they were streaming they couldn't talk to each about how awful their chats and fanbases in general are.

>> No.27724786
Quoted by: >>27724813

>Mori Merch
Should be shortened to just Morch.

>> No.27724791
File: 270 KB, 512x513, 1602382869077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your mad face on

>> No.27724792

We gotta get these nijis off our streams.

>> No.27724793

Yeah after reading more comments it seems people are actually upset. I was about to call them schizos but I think I understand where they're coming from. They got excited to see their oshi hitting milestones on stream so knowing you're missing out on so much must suck.

>> No.27724795

Nice, looks pretty good bro

>> No.27724797

There is the first one at this adress
And a most recent one that for some reason more people went to, and it just changed ip to

>> No.27724803

Get with the program anon, the new buzzword is schizo or as SEAniggers spell it, 'shizo'.

>> No.27724802

wagie wagie go back to your cagie

>> No.27724804

>less content is better
More content is always appreciated, I don't care if they need to postpone the schedule, fans will always want to see more from their beloved holos.

>> No.27724806

It's called jealousy anon. Can you honestly say you love someone if you don't feel a little bit jealous when you hear about how much fun they had without you?

>> No.27724813
Quoted by: >>27724919

That's actually the worst name for anything that I've heard in recent memory. Never go into advertising.

>> No.27724812

This, they probably want to destress and be themselves and not have to be "on" all the time.

>> No.27724816
Quoted by: >>27724839

stay poor

>> No.27724817
File: 60 KB, 771x785, 1865f96b41dff058fe4b41593353f1fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724900

No, please!


>> No.27724818
Quoted by: >>27724929


>> No.27724820
Quoted by: >>27724875

They probably did intend to just beeline back to base, but their lack of braincells led to distractions.

>> No.27724821

So how long will they play Minecraft before they burn out of that game? Surely with how long Ame's been playing off cam, she's bound to get tired of that game soon, right?

>> No.27724834
Quoted by: >>27724998

>you're obligated
Anon,if you actually think like this, you might be mentally ill.

>> No.27724837

They will play it forever like the jps

>> No.27724838

Can't wait for them to go to the Nether off-stream and then obviously fake it on-stream, pretending it's the first time.

>> No.27724839

That's the plan

>> No.27724840

how the fuck else am I supposed to afford red supachas?

>> No.27724844
File: 82 KB, 500x300, Meatball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724898


I'll list my way to do this on Windows just in case.

Use Windows Powershell
Search the folder where youtube-dl is
(Example: c: cd Downloads/youtube-dl)
and put on the same folder:


The line on Windows PowerShell to record streams is:

.\ffmpeg -i $(.\youtube-dl -f 300 --get-url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u7jp3QHIjc)) -c copy tako.ts

To stop recording press Ctrl+C after the stream ends.
You can also kill the process on the TaskManager if you are using a toaster.
The download folder is the same where the .exe's are.

Keep in mind that spreading this information can make this process invalid as soon the devs find out.

>> No.27724845


they're still playing lmfaoo

>> No.27724848

>Chud hours have arrived

Ugh, I'll be back when Ame streams later.

>> No.27724850
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1597650027774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You parasocial relationship niggers are fucking pathetic

>> No.27724851

Yea I understand that it cant be 100% stream uptime when you play but the longer they play off stream the more people are going to want to have seen the gameplay. 3 hours or so off stream and no one cares, 6 hours then people will care, something stupid like 20 hours will cause riots.

>> No.27724852

But this isn't even new?

>> No.27724853

for her it most likely depends on how long the others play. just having them there gives her objectives automatically.

>> No.27724855
File: 83 KB, 750x1334, watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These babies got a real case of FOMO.

Grow up, go outside and stop living 24/7 on hololive. This event shows you not even the girls live do that.

>> No.27724859

You shouldn't expect that.
The amount of hours that MC drains is huge. The girls are not going to want to spend every hour of playing the game in streamer mode.
It takes fucking energy keep the persona up.
And you already got to see their FIRST exploration.

>> No.27724858

>that smooth ass brush
Ew. But nice. Why is there a barcode?

>> No.27724862
Quoted by: >>27725087

very nice, ordered some right away
good job

>> No.27724861

Well the twitter replies seem to be positive, pretty sure it's just people here that are mad about it and they won't even know about it anyway.

>> No.27724866

you need meds, it's been proven several times that the cultists mostly don't mind or even like other holoENs, they just don't appear unless Ina streams or when asked

>> No.27724867
File: 18 KB, 657x203, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724868

>getting bored of minecraft

>> No.27724873


>> No.27724874
Quoted by: >>27724985

I don't think it's a big deal, but I hope it doesn't become a common thing for them to get a lot of shit done offline.

Obviously that's selfish, but that's just how it is. I really enjoyed seeing the progress on the server and "having been there" to see the milestones or crazy new shit they find.
When it turns into more of a "so, since the last time we have done this...." then it's not quite as fun anymore, because it feels more like someone showing me around their finished house than me having been there to see it be built step by step.

>> No.27724875

They should have just terraformed the island, I think the collab would have been kinda neat if the first part was them going back to base.

>> No.27724879
Quoted by: >>27724936

Let's be honest, when she's offstream Ame is probably the type to autistically focus on the task in front of her, hunched over slack jawed in front of her screen. All you'd hear is mouthbreathing for hours and hours. I know some people would enjoy that kind of content but I'd rather have shorter streams with good commentary and let her relax offstream.

>> No.27724882

considering Pekora got gold generators running this week (after previous weeks iron generator) years.

>> No.27724885

"Sorry guys, I had ton of much fun playing minecraft (off stream) and discovering all those new things (while not streaming) but now I just wanna do something different you know, so no more minecraft stream, I hope you understand.
I'll tell you on twitter however if ever hop back to the server and build something nice"

>> No.27724886

>Stream 3 hours of digging a tunnel
>Do all the fun exploring the world and experiencing new things offstream
Why though? Shouldn't they be doing the boring shit off stream and the good stuff on stream?

>> No.27724887

Literally nothing wrong with wanting to meet your oshi IRL

>> No.27724894

Is there a Gurame coupon yet?

>> No.27724897

stream... onegai

>> No.27724898
Quoted by: >>27724921


>> No.27724900
File: 18 KB, 915x455, 1602616000188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27724989

Do you want Gura to do it instead?

>> No.27724899

they're flirting, she DMed her a picture of her body with a red dotted trail leading down her body

>> No.27724904
Quoted by: >>27724938

How is JP ok with harassment anon?

>> No.27724905
File: 80 KB, 366x309, chumguts you scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724906

I actually find this situation hilarious, at this point I don't even need streams I can just come here, fucking kek

>> No.27724907


>Great milestones

They built some better gear and got more shit, how is that a momentous undertaking?

>> No.27724909

Only if she dresses up in a shark costume

>> No.27724910

If my fanbase threw a hissy fit every time I play a game without them breathing on my neck and clipping every word I say to my personal friends, i wouldnt want to stream either.

>> No.27724911
Quoted by: >>27724931

Personally I love just seeing the finished product and skipping the inbetween so this is great for me.

>> No.27724912

for fucks sake don't become a fucking streamer if you don't stream RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.27724916

Man, fuck if i had good video editor i would keyframe it to be Amelia vs Trident Zombie
They are on the boat, It even has the shark dying...

>> No.27724919
Quoted by: >>27725080

>implying it wouldn't be perfect for Mori

>> No.27724921

its the output name, you can chance of course

>> No.27724922
File: 316 KB, 474x729, 1602176956681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724923

Sorry guys I know it’s another Minecraft stream but we just beat the end dragon and got the glider wings

>> No.27724924
Quoted by: >>27724958

>wanting to meet celebrities because you expect their real selves to entertain you like you're an audience
There's only disappointment lying in that direction

>> No.27724928

I need a trinity stream

>> No.27724929


>> No.27724931

You must be in the minority for sure

>> No.27724932
Quoted by: >>27724993

Sounds like you'd be in the wrong industry then.

>> No.27724938

They never acted to help the girls. Imagine it nijiniggera started to harass Kiara, people would fly over to Japan and start fucking people up.

>> No.27724936

Kek, I feel like this is the case.

>> No.27724939

>I'm happy for Kiara because she probably heard all about it on their IRL date how this spergy shinigami was giddy about everything.
Knowing that they're genuine friends makes me so happy. Man I'm loving EN a lot so far.

>> No.27724942

>Watamenoff, zey're complaneen zat they aren't streeming ze teetee.
>Zhey're mad?
>Disclose ze treasure chest tweets.

>> No.27724951

It's just MineCraft, guys.

>> No.27724958

this is why idols have gotten killed. it's better people don't meet them.

>> No.27724959

This, holy shit you people are awful selfish faggots.

>> No.27724964
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1573768986789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27724973

>that memory allocation
sasuga java

>> No.27724976

thanks. gura's reaction was pretty funny here.

>> No.27724980

Boy I'm looking forward to an hour of SC reading and mspaint pictures so Ame can go back to finishing all her projects off-stream.

>> No.27724982

I'm getting the feeling that Kiara's been given her some tips since she did something similar.

>> No.27724984

>ze teetee

>> No.27724985

They're not going to purposefully do stream content offline. All they did was fuck around exploring and got lucky. People saying shit like Gura building Atlantis off stream are retarded.

>> No.27724987

The winning move was for them to make a second, private server on which they just play to fuck around in private

>> No.27724989
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1601471062600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flashback from the dick measurement poal
Nevermind, that's even worse...

>> No.27724993
Quoted by: >>27725015

>streamers have to stream every second of their playtime and cant play with friends
This is a (You).

>> No.27724998

No, I just understand how streaming as an entertainer works. You make a commitment to your audience that they'll be able to watch you struggle, learn. and experience new things. Like I said, I don't really care because I'm not a chumbud, but that's part of the social contract of streaming as a job.

>> No.27724999

Kinda feel bad for Ina, she's becoming kind of a 3rd wheel... Ame and Gura seem to be becoming good friends and... Cali and Kiara have whatever they have going on. But nobody for Ina. Maybe she'll find a good friend in 2nd gen.

>> No.27725004

Problem with that is if they make too much progress on a private server, they risk getting burned out or put off by having to basically play catch up on the stream server.

>> No.27725006
Quoted by: >>27725044

I'm sure glad we'll get all the schizo out of our systems in this thread and the next thread will be great.

>> No.27725008

Hey Gura cancel dark deception and play Minecraft instead

>> No.27725009
File: 62 KB, 433x466, IMG_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27725078

Wanna know what's a real joke? People who demand streamers stream 24 hours a day!


>> No.27725011
Quoted by: >>27725054

This was the best solution but you just know ame doesn't give a fuck as always, gremlin once gremlin forever.

>> No.27725013

wtf.... the kino content. I didn't think this would hit me as hard as missing out on some lost media.

>> No.27725015

When you make tens of thousands of dollars playing a game because people watch you playing it, you're kind of obligated to provide them with the best experience

>> No.27725016

maybe Aloe had it just as bad. but with Ame's real name revealed she can easily be tracked down to where he lives

>> No.27725022

Melody is a really wholesome person despite being a massive perv.

>> No.27725023

you need to work on this narrative, it's been rehashed too many times.

>> No.27725027

the problem in that is that you would hate when the other progresses while the other doesn't. I hate how they are offstreaming so much but maybe we can hope that they will have better interactions during streams because of the offstreaming.

>> No.27725031

The correct solution is to continue on as they are, because nothing is wrong and handful of addicted schizos won't change their minds.

>> No.27725032

I would be fine with it if they didn't flaunt it like that youtube video.
It's literally going "look at how much fun we had that you will never see".

>> No.27725036


>> No.27725037

Maybe the success of Same-chan will mean that they'll actually make a decent amount of merch?

>> No.27725038
Quoted by: >>27725065

So the Ina JLPT stream is well and truly lost?

>> No.27725044

>I'm sure glad we'll get all the schizo out of our systems in this thread and the next thread will be great.
The only time this thread wasn't full schizo was between when it split off and the debut.

>> No.27725046

imagine if one of her artist friends ends up being a holoEN Gen 2

>> No.27725049

Ame's certainly not making tens of thousands from Minecraft. Send her an akasupa if this is so important to you.

>> No.27725051

Nooooo vchubas are perfect and they can never make a wrong decision!

>> No.27725054

and then /hlgg/ will complain that she doesn't get any superchats lol

>> No.27725055

Check these dubs

>> No.27725056
Quoted by: >>27725098

there's enough content to play at least until early-mid next year, and then cave update will drop and it'll restart all over again

>> No.27725057
File: 40 KB, 361x387, 1602571842847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27725077

>tfw the guy i was commissioning to make plushes of Ina and Gura pulled out and refunded me
Time to look for another guy...

>> No.27725061

Fuck you

>> No.27725062
File: 190 KB, 750x607, 6A3DFA71-E542-42AF-9DA1-4D1EDDBEE548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27725081

So beeeg tunnnle when

>> No.27725065

It's privated, it might come back later.

>> No.27725069


>> No.27725071


>> No.27725077
Quoted by: >>27725092

Please tell me they weren't fuckable...

>> No.27725078
File: 14 KB, 915x455, pet_abuse[ame].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more ame streams, the less food bubba gets

>> No.27725079

Those a pretty fucking nice ngl.

>> No.27725080
File: 226 KB, 1840x999, d73d2e930acbd9aa57ac305826396b5d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morchendising, get your morchendising here!

>> No.27725081

Would it be that much longer than the tunnel from HQ to not-atlantis?

>> No.27725082
Quoted by: >>27725095

Im really not, though. You'd have a point if it was a linear game like an rpg where you want to see the streamer's reaction to a particular boss or event.
If a streamer likes a sandbox game so much they want to play it with friends, alone, for their own entertainment, because they're their friends on their free time, they absolutely can.
Streamers dont owe you jack shit, much less their free, personal time with their personal friends.

>> No.27725088


>> No.27725087

thamks fren

>> No.27725089

Nah they can do whatever they want, and people are gonna watch or not. If their content suffers and people leave, they'll change, otherwise they're gonna do whatever is most enjoyable for them

>> No.27725090

putting towels on gura's gills for the purpose of erotic asphyxiation

>> No.27725092

Of course not, softs are for hugging, not fugging.

>> No.27725093

Treasure hunting adventures are probably one of the more interesting parts of minecraft to stream and it actually does suck that they're doing them off-stream. It wouldn't feel so bad if they were just strip mining or something.

>> No.27725095

>Im really not, though
Ame? Is that you?

>> No.27725097

Right before Kiara does her next Minecraft stream.

>> No.27725098

My god. With the cave update Ame will never return to the surface.

>> No.27725100

Cantaloupe Forest...
