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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1600909029683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27504095 No.27504095 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27504098
File: 221 KB, 1280x740, Ej0FRbJUYAcob4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504142

Follow the Reaper

>> No.27504106
File: 277 KB, 505x705, 1595445981283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Gawr Gura.
Does she clean her cunny?

>> No.27504107
File: 104 KB, 766x974, Sick Outta Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504110
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1571676385413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I have an important announcement: I just woke up_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

>> No.27504112

>3.5hr stream
>1.5 hours of gameplay
>2 hours of SC milking

>> No.27504114

dude, she said she has 100s of hours in stardew valley so this is right up her alley

>> No.27504115

No, she has me for that

>> No.27504121
Quoted by: >>27504185

Original is privated.

Here's another clip of her singing the same song https://youtu.be/Hx1vCw-ekB4?t=88

>> No.27504123
File: 211 KB, 382x428, 1600924505045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sunshine
can we spoon?

>> No.27504126

MO to the E!

>> No.27504128 [SPOILER] 
File: 433 KB, 730x900, 1602352097108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh-What's this

>> No.27504129
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504130

Reaper gonna be dead for this collab if it's on Gura time.

>> No.27504131

take your time and have a caffeine water, but don't forget to reserve the collab stream

>> No.27504132

Mori seems like the one out of all of them to spend ours messing around with redstone setups.

>> No.27504135
File: 185 KB, 640x480, 1602173370821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collab when

>> No.27504137
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1602344748287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505571


>> No.27504136

Ei there you are sunshine

>> No.27504138

Minecraft collab tomorrow?

>> No.27504139
Quoted by: >>27504398

What did you miss? I'll catch you up to speed.

>> No.27504140
File: 161 KB, 413x382, amelia hide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504188

>> No.27504142
File: 1.13 MB, 1864x2048, 84604463_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504211


>> No.27504145
File: 78 KB, 1024x778, Ej510CFVoAANWqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you are sunshine, good morning!

>> No.27504144
File: 176 KB, 939x487, 1579454353889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504147
File: 763 KB, 2806x1984, EjalGFdUcAAmxIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this majestic phoenix!

>> No.27504148

Amelia here.
Stop concernposting, I'm having fun and trying out stuff. I don't mind if people fap to me, you guys fap to anything

>> No.27504149
File: 204 KB, 1024x1024, 1581837048797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27504151
File: 3.29 MB, 2480x3508, 1586988097651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boys slut wife is pretty fun

>> No.27504152
Quoted by: >>27505249

If /hlgg/ was a person would you date them?

>> No.27504154
File: 12 KB, 600x88, sand lady becomes dirt lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft is shaping up to be an interesting game for them all to play

>> No.27504155
File: 380 KB, 900x900, AtlanteanWarrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Have a wonderful day

>> No.27504156

Good morning sunshine

>> No.27504157


>> No.27504159

Cleaning cunny is bad for you, you’re supposed to let the natural juices gestate as they create bacteria to keep it healthy. If you wash your cunny too often you will end up with a yeast infection.
In short no, at least not directly with soap very often.

>> No.27504162


>> No.27504163

Pretty fucking rad is what.


>> No.27504165
File: 607 KB, 3624x2591, EiX5CYAU4AAMSAx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story of the other anon made me remember that last night I dreamed Gura, she was in a school recital and she was saying a on repeat. I forgot the rest of the dream.

>> No.27504168
File: 677 KB, 900x900, 1595244810352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill make sure itll be the last

>> No.27504170
File: 917 KB, 990x1400, illust_84933413_20201010_192639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504171

Imagine if this is actually Gura.

>> No.27504172


>> No.27504173

I set the gura good morning sunshine sound to my alarm and it made me my day x10 better right from the start

>> No.27504176
File: 292 KB, 404x423, 1600202368620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw P3 never

>> No.27504178

Amelia is all I have, man.

>> No.27504179
Quoted by: >>27504226

Holy "Based" paint-kun

>> No.27504181

God bless Ame for going first with the ASMR stream, breaking the ground for other HoloEN girls to try out ASMR too. Gura will now actually do her teased ASMR stream when before she would've been too awkward to commit.

>> No.27504182

So... what are the streams for today?

>> No.27504185

Luna has big "princess gets kidnapped by a dragon but busts his balls about how lazy he is and how he never goes and steals treasure any more and how his lair is a mess" energy.

>> No.27504187
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1599937002478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a wacom tablet after using only pen and paper for the last 7 months. It arrives in 4 days. I'm so excited

>> No.27504188
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, EizIh3pWsAQZEgO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you there, Watson.

>> No.27504190
File: 155 KB, 868x1228, 1594645966801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27504189

that german guy doesn't look safe for my broadcast.

>> No.27504193

She said if it wasn't for the fact that her will to play was crushed by the one star, she would've played more.

>> No.27504194

Good morning sunshine, did you do your minecraft reps?

>> No.27504196


>> No.27504198
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600569012646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504199
Quoted by: >>27504226


>> No.27504202


>> No.27504206

When is Gura going to start doing longer streams like she promised

>> No.27504211
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, c144db026c3992df5c32eb6b5df5ab38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere. Everywhere. To a priest who's willing to hold a ceremony between an incarnation of death and a human being.

>> No.27504210

>open rushia's stream
>"please rest"
>"please go to sleep"
are these faggots literally everywhere?

>> No.27504212


>> No.27504213
Quoted by: >>27504621

Mario is lucky Huke didn't want a second austrian war criminal

>> No.27504214

Could someone link the clip of Kiara saying "Is this bait?" I might need it later.

>> No.27504215
Quoted by: >>27504260

Absolutely fucking nothing until Doom Eternal from Mori and then the collab. Then we play the waiting game for schedules again. In before another dead Monday... at least this time chicken might actually be able to do her 6 hour stream

>> No.27504219
File: 244 KB, 500x501, 1590022635510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504262

For me, it's Gura.

>> No.27504221

You don't have the guts to pull that trigger.

>> No.27504222


>> No.27504226
Quoted by: >>27504646

Thanks senpai
Since she has confirmed she literally owns the daki, I gotta wonder how much of the rest of the song is real too. I thought it was mostly a fun song ripping into weeb stuff at first

>> No.27504225

What did I miss?

>> No.27504227

Um... BASED?

>> No.27504229

Thanks, Ame

>> No.27504231
File: 1.37 MB, 1275x1410, 1602227957227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia members ASMR snack stream

>> No.27504233
File: 119 KB, 799x1200, 1602323692718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does asmr
>imediately regrets it

>> No.27504234
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 1602186442641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506370

don't forget to do your japanese reps even if you are sleepy

>> No.27504235

Yes, its the simplest most pathetic way of attentionwhoring the chuuba

>> No.27504238
File: 400 KB, 469x492, 1602339394665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months into minecraft
>Kiara will probably go full german with redstone autism
>Mori Pixelart
>Ina drawing blueprints
>Ame would actually enjoy spelunking
>Gura at the edge of the map

>> No.27504241
File: 387 KB, 1706x1938, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ddari__0fe86af189bd5e9c7e6a4b1f9ac83ac4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you've missed the secret unlisted karaoke stream

>> No.27504240


>> No.27504244

I unironically paid for this content you stupid bitch.

>> No.27504246
Quoted by: >>27504260

Mori playing PS4 Doom in 8 hours, then Minecraft collab on Gura's stream a couple hours later.

>> No.27504247

>shows off her body for any superchats
>casually talks about anal
Why is chicken so lewd?

>> No.27504253

Nice bait, have a (you)

>> No.27504255


>> No.27504257

Nice, self-made or picked up somewhere?
Thats some fast work.

>> No.27504260


>> No.27504261
File: 202 KB, 1600x1200, 1602085307104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kusotori vs kusotori was a lot of fun.

>> No.27504262
File: 295 KB, 1080x607, 1601522723306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504263

These Kiara streams are so damn entertaining.

>> No.27504264

I'm not sure if I would call Moruru baby voice but I still got filtered hard back in the day. Just talk normally woman, jeez.

>> No.27504265

Heh, got me

>> No.27504266

Minecraft stream was three hours.

>> No.27504267

these are the longer streams she promised.

>> No.27504268
Quoted by: >>27504390

I'm glad that Kiara streams on dead days it's nice to have some content

>> No.27504269
File: 212 KB, 975x1500, ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like Ina.

>> No.27504270

The minecraft streams have been the best holoEN gaming content so far, I hope they don't ditch it.

>> No.27504273
File: 2.69 MB, 2308x3088, EjtLGN8VcAAXxlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504949

>> No.27504272

Still her best cover

>> No.27504280

Just remember within 1% of a given population, there's schizophrenics. Now multiply that by 10 given the kind of content we're watching.

>> No.27504282
File: 186 KB, 497x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki doki

>> No.27504283

>that face
is this HER?

>> No.27504289

this shit site broke the download (which was really slow) twice

>> No.27504291
File: 161 KB, 500x340, 1601556336827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504292

Ame is 100% not gonna do Minecraft after this collab. She seemed super uninterested in it in the first place during Apex.

>> No.27504293

I wish I could understand what Watame is saying

>> No.27504296

They won't, its a huge draw

>> No.27504298

It's genuinely hilarious to see /jp/ watermark its shitposts with racial slurs so reddit won't reuse them.

>> No.27504299


>> No.27504301
Quoted by: >>27504364

why not
>mori noteblock songs

>> No.27504302

you now remember kiara is a whore

>> No.27504303

Can we spoon?

>> No.27504305
Quoted by: >>27504621

Mario would be dead if Huke didn't say no

>> No.27504306
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1583896328126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went to sleep
>Kiara streamed 3 hours of Mario 64

>> No.27504308
File: 265 KB, 1191x1684, 1601559667353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504311

Anon here.
I'm not concernposting. I just think the girlfriend shit is trash content.

>> No.27504315
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1602342127743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504333

This is a picture of O.OGEY. It will NOT replenish your stamina upon viewing, not right now at least.

Enjoy the streams, everyone.

>> No.27504316
Quoted by: >>27504568

So when will she sing it

>> No.27504318

Woah cool

>> No.27504322
File: 7 KB, 173x162, 1597080759641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504325

yeah in retrospect i should have watermarked the filename/url too

>> No.27504326

Of course they won't. Mori already made it a regular collab stream with Kusotori.

>> No.27504328
Quoted by: >>27504767

I hope they steal one and the faggot lies about making it himself and then others notice it, it would be hilarious

>> No.27504329

Ame is a low attention span zoomer please understand, Gura always has Ina to pair with and Ina loves MC because of Hololive probably.

>> No.27504331
Quoted by: >>27505707

Wait for the caves update. The exploration would satisfy her ADHD. She's probably join in on MC collabs whenever the content of the stream involves killing something.

>> No.27504332

half mario half sc zatsu

>> No.27504333
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504336
File: 7 KB, 230x230, 1590934365313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27504340
File: 1.58 MB, 1575x975, 84635720_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ame to experiment on various kinds of streaming until she found the right one. Membership streaming can be a sandbox for that since almost everyone there will support her unconditionally. I would be boring if she only plays games and FPS.
lullaby acapella has some potential since she already treats her chat like babies.

>> No.27504343

okay that was great and all but where's the next stream?

>> No.27504345
Quoted by: >>27504558

I wonder if kiara and mori will only stream this together from now on.

>> No.27504350
Quoted by: >>27504374

Two of them are completely incompetent and the other has a short fuse. Gura is best to flee to her underwater bunker now.

>> No.27504352

That's Gura you retard. We established this in her last stream that she's a bonafide lurker.

>> No.27504355

Too bad, faggot

>> No.27504358
Quoted by: >>27504401

Sadly, as much as I love Amelia and can't keep myself from being so attracted to her, her taste in games is fucking shit.

>> No.27504357

Every fucking time

>> No.27504359 [SPOILER] 
File: 161 KB, 301x299, 1602352570462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504487


>> No.27504361

when and what's the collab?

>> No.27504363


>> No.27504364

Probably ask Kiara for help for that.

>> No.27504368

Yeah I suspect this too, but hopefully playing with the group pulls her in. She'd probably do much better with Terraria.

>> No.27504370

Thank you Ame for delivering us from the normalfag menace

>> No.27504372

Did server anon ever appear and fix the minecraft server? Was considering playing on it.

>> No.27504374
Quoted by: >>27505316

What about Ina

>> No.27504376

Magicians Red (female)

>> No.27504378

hey goslingposters, i need help, send me that Ina/bladerunner bridge scene edit, PLEASE I BEG YOU

>> No.27504379


>> No.27504383
Quoted by: >>27504595

I'm a member and think it's the best content, what now?

>> No.27504384
Quoted by: >>27504804

Woah, 2romantic4me

>> No.27504385

That's not Pekora, that's HER.

>> No.27504386


>> No.27504390

Yeah, she decided to do the Mareo stream just because she saw that no one else was streaming. I guess this is one benefit of not having a schedule.

>> No.27504391
Quoted by: >>27504413

not til after mori's doom stream; minecraft

>> No.27504392
File: 22 KB, 229x287, s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504450

>> No.27504398


>> No.27504401

>her taste in games is shit
Post your top 5

>> No.27504402
File: 363 KB, 1920x1821, 1602293456361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504710

This one?

>> No.27504403

It would be cool to get more wacky framing devices for the games. Doesn’t necessarily have to be girlfriend stuff

>> No.27504406
Quoted by: >>27504434

What time is the collab supposed to be?

>> No.27504410
Quoted by: >>27504431

If they keep up the minecraft I hope we get noteblock raps from Mori

>> No.27504413

When is the Kiara/Subaru one, and is it on both channels?

>> No.27504414
File: 711 KB, 1920x1821, 1601157662632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504710


>> No.27504416
File: 524 KB, 2048x2048, 1600145235535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who're they facing?

>> No.27504417
Quoted by: >>27505571

Has anyone got a timestamp of Kiara calling Mario arschgesicht?

>> No.27504419
Quoted by: >>27504471

So, the collab isn't for another 10 hours? Maybe this means I should actually go outside today.

>> No.27504422
File: 287 KB, 800x800, download (85).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27504426

Does minecraft have any kind of teleportation system or fast travel? Seems kind of tedious to run around the wilderness so much

>> No.27504428

gonna be minecraft, prolly around 1-2pm JST, no schedule time yet.

>> No.27504430
File: 3.27 MB, 2600x3676, 03a5a4e8f2c7cd800cb5f2a338724f61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27504431

No, it's going to be doors, levers and pistons rap.

>> No.27504433 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 1000x547, holostars_leak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars EN leak.

>We've covered the memes base
>We've covered the Minecraft base
>We've covered the side character base
>We've covered the roid rage moba base
>We've covered the vfx cringekino base

>> No.27504434

in9 hours

>> No.27504440
File: 154 KB, 1871x886, Light speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hololive at its peak and grasped the vtuber market globally? Or is it going to accelerate even further into lightspeed?

>> No.27504439

dunno; no idea. it hasn't been announced, only teased

>> No.27504446


>> No.27504449
Quoted by: >>27506887

Explain this meme please.

>> No.27504450
File: 130 KB, 310x302, 1585290787973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504452

imagine minecraft

>> No.27504453

I want one of them to play a visual novel.

Who would be the most likely to do so? Ina?

>> No.27504454


>> No.27504455
Quoted by: >>27504532

So is Gura the type to play NSR?

>> No.27504457
Quoted by: >>27504517

Did anyone mix Matrix with the Ina stream in a single video yet? I liked watching Color out of space like that.

>> No.27504461

>god fun stream

>> No.27504466
Quoted by: >>27504528

We just don't know.

>> No.27504467

pekora and SMOK

>> No.27504468

>karaoke killed amelia

>> No.27504471
Quoted by: >>27504684

There were streams all day yesterday, so it's fine. I'm starting to realize that this gonna actually start affecting my other shut in activities.

>> No.27504473


>> No.27504472

The closest you can get is using a network of nether portals to get around places faster since 1 step in the nether is translated to like 4 in the overworld. Other than using tricks like that, no, you gotta walk or use a horse or something

>> No.27504475
File: 8 KB, 118x96, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did it mean by this?

>> No.27504478

Gura with her hat looks like she puts crayons up her nose.

>> No.27504479
File: 28 KB, 563x539, 1600833264477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504745

>make a no-shit-Watson-tier statement (people talk to chat in the streams where they're supposed to talk to chat)
>pretend like you've made a point about something
>deflect when people point out the emptiness of your words
Saying "she interacts the best during freechat" is like saying "she whispers the best during ASMR". No shit you can talk to your viewers when that's the only thing you're doing. The actually impressive deal would be talking to them while being able to do something else.

>> No.27504481

>shark stuff reps
Is that what Gura does when not streaming?

>> No.27504484

>huke without girl

>> No.27504486

I dont really understand the hate concernfags get. I mean, yes they can be annoying by being many of them and also being so vocal about it, but besides that I dont see anything wrong with worrying about your oshi's health

>> No.27504487
Quoted by: >>27504999

Are ya winning, son?

>> No.27504495 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1602352874956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoilerMaka Maka
Doom 64
Atlantis no Nazo

>> No.27504496

el negrohombre...

>> No.27504497

Due to how coordinates between the normal world and Nether correlate at an 18:1 ratio (or something like that), you can build quicktravel paths through the warp a-la WH40K

>> No.27504500

Here's the problem with Holostars En

1. They can't already be famous like the people in your pic because no guy is gonna be a vtuber for the same growth and money

2.No one watches guy vtubers besides fujoshis and there are far less fujoshis than in japan

3. There wont be any good candidates

>> No.27504501
File: 2 KB, 87x125, ame swagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the take
Personally I want to see her put her video editing skills to use to create both planned impromptu skits. She could end up being a more tame and clever haachama.

>> No.27504502
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, __gawr_gura_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_mori_calliope_sherlock_holmes_and_1_more_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ninomae_ina_nis_artist__aa1385cecc54c43060f0b9f0b4038337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504545


>> No.27504503
File: 680 KB, 1198x574, InaGosling3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few

>> No.27504506
File: 130 KB, 640x479, universal-monsters[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you feel if HoloStars EN continues the myth motif and all the guys are based on Universal Movie Monsters?

>> No.27504508
File: 751 KB, 842x1028, 1601785009987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only the beggining, anon.

>> No.27504510

>Fucked streamers zatsudan
Theres a few good ones in this one, holy shit

>> No.27504513

Kiara has talked about playing that meme VN about KFC or playing untranslated VNs and translating them to the audience.

>> No.27504514


>> No.27504515
Quoted by: >>27504937

Hope mori gets fromsoftware permissions so she can play 3d Dot Game Heroes

>> No.27504517

That's members content friend

>> No.27504518

>They can't already be famous
Anon did you forget about Mori and Gura

>> No.27504521

>entertaining menhera
>weird anonchama
>love stream
>feel atlus mori
>sex manager
>autistic posting
>anon bad yes

>> No.27504523
Quoted by: >>27504566

>boomer dog can't spoiler

>> No.27504525

Imagine your oshi telling you to stop telling her what to do and you keep concernfagging anyway

>> No.27504527

I want admiral bulldog, vinny, civvie11, plague and Hana Macchia's dad

>> No.27504528

Turducken eventually

>> No.27504529

Just realize that complaining about concernfags is a new layer of concernfagging and it becomes comedic

>> No.27504532

Gura will play just about anything desu

>> No.27504536

>playing untranslated VNs and translating them to the audience.
God, that would be the holy mother of inclines.

>> No.27504538 [DELETED] 

Haha hey guys DAE HATE AME??
I mean GOSLINGFAGS hahaha teacucks
She played a whole 1 stream of Apex this whole week!! She should quit playing FPS games only..
Oh and lole
Whoops almost forgot she does GF experience but wait I am not a member so I'm not sure if she actually did.
Lol shes just twitch dude, she hates her current fanbase thats why she deleted all her old life.
Oh and shes such a whore!! My god a whore if she was one.
Oh most of you teacondomcucks were just havinf fun shitposting? Haha sure cucks
Amelia is like the worst HoloEN she streams too much, interacts with chat too much, goes along with all the other girls too much.. Man she's the worst. She hasn't done anything for HoloEN. She has no talent, you need to either be able to sing or draw to have talent otherwise wtf are you doing in an IDOL group LMAOOO
All of you are pathetic for supporting an average girl who just enjoys playing games like wtf are you gay??
Anyways I gtg put on my cage and watch Jamal fuck my wife. Cya based antis

>> No.27504540
Quoted by: >>27505352

Its peaked in japan, world wide no. Until we see vtubers collabing with irl brands like they do in japan then it hasnt peaked

>> No.27504542
Quoted by: >>27504587

CD holo would be pretty based ngl

>> No.27504543

Kiara is already going to play the meme kfc one if she has the chance and might do huke papa's game

>> No.27504544


>> No.27504545

Gura's teeth in this picture will never not trigger me

>> No.27504547

still 2k short

>> No.27504549
File: 133 KB, 451x310, svrtoogkisq51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505196

Collab karaoke stream one day

>> No.27504550

Watch the VOD, it's better than the solo minecraft, mariokart or the calli collab stream. In my humble opinion of almost having an aneurysm from laughing too hard.

>> No.27504553

reverb check

>> No.27504556

Good morning, have a nice day.

>> No.27504558


I wonder if Kiara and Mori will live in the same house.

>> No.27504561
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1600384649734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like that
>people still say she's not 12
She's such a good little girl, do we deserve her? she keeps on giving but what have we given to her?

>> No.27504563


>> No.27504562
Quoted by: >>27504704

because they're adults and shows lack of awareness of that fact

>> No.27504564
Quoted by: >>27504610

Star Wars Galaxies
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Secret of Evermore
GTA Vice City

>> No.27504566
File: 12 KB, 294x166, korosan hiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504568

Campfire karaoke

>> No.27504574
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601100875048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504631


>> No.27504575

>playing untranslated VNs and translating them to the audience

>> No.27504577

Calm your victim complex teammate, all the girls get some bants sent their way except Ina because tentacultists are trannies.

>> No.27504581
Quoted by: >>27504617

How much per hour?

>> No.27504582

I fucking need source on that Ina and reverse search only yields BR images.

>> No.27504584

Not reddit, SEAmonkeys on facebook.

>> No.27504587

He's kinda old though, even has a family and kid already. No one will want to supachat a married person...

>> No.27504588

>posting membership content

When they start only doing it once a month because it keeps getting spread around I hope you fucking feel bad you stupid niggers.

>> No.27504592

>he didnt invest in tentacoins yet
whats your excuse?

>> No.27504595

I'm a member too and I disagree, what now?

>> No.27504596

They are both women with channels that werent careers. You can't find men with large channels and no career. People will support a girl for no reason but a guy already needs to have content

>> No.27504601
Quoted by: >>27504638

I'm not even Yuribaiting but it seems that's like a novel way to solve all their problems.

>> No.27504602

sadly probably bot for another year

>> No.27504603
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1600593539892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504605


Your meds anon, take the whole bottle today.

>> No.27504608
File: 6 KB, 181x215, 1580321576324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squidbros, how was the karaoke last night?

>> No.27504609

I'd pay her to fuck my mom

>> No.27504611

show timestamp in next stream or fuck off

>> No.27504610
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, life's good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504613

fellow teamate, please take your meds

>> No.27504614
Quoted by: >>27504656

>playing untranslated VNs and translating them to the audience
I seriously doubt she could do this well but it would be extremely impressive if she actually did.

>> No.27504616
File: 21 KB, 183x170, 15644FD1-140D-4959-84BE-4D71A099A04D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504617

A whole schools tuition

>> No.27504615
Quoted by: >>27504895

what makes you think cover is gonna feel comfortable making holo stars en when not even the original holostars is doing as they expected?

>> No.27504618

great shitpost anon

>> No.27504620

People watch content for reasons other than masturbation. Do you think that for example all Tyler1 fans or Moonmoon fans or Vinesauce fans are women?

>> No.27504619
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1598057284144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He let this place get to him

>> No.27504621

What was she asking Huke for again? Does she have like an alternate costume or something?

>> No.27504622
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504628

who are you quoting?

>> No.27504629

the falseflags are getting deeper and deeper, fucking hell Teamates how can we ignore them if they reply to themselves at this point

>> No.27504631


>> No.27504633
Quoted by: >>27504691

why do i feel like this was made with a clip studio 3d model

>> No.27504635

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

>> No.27504636

If you wanna be a successful streamer, 2d or not, you gotta be able to deal with newfags who don't know how to deal with shit. Includes repeating yourself every once in awhile seemlessly in order to not break the flow. When new/normalfags get dumped into your channel from the youtube algorithm, you best be prepared.

>> No.27504638

Really, sharing a place is the best idea with how expensive is in Japan. I have a friend that lives in a rented house with 4 guys there because of this.

>> No.27504642
Quoted by: >>27504654

they don't give a shit

>> No.27504643

I'm not sure if she has a proper other costume but she was just asking Huke if she could activate her belt (henshin) and kill Mareo.

>> No.27504645

What's the closest next stream? I want to know if I can sleep or not
>y-your sleep reps
I'll put them in your ass

>> No.27504646

our boy has no filters in her raps, they can probably be taken at face value 100% of the time

>> No.27504647


>> No.27504648

No but that in itself is my point. If they aren't all fujoshi's already than its obvious the guy is already making good enough content for his career. Why become a vtuber then?

>> No.27504651

Amelia: Gosling Queen
Ina: Gosling Princess
Gura: Gosling Duchess
Mori: Minimal Goslings
Kiara: No Goslings

>> No.27504654
Quoted by: >>27505585

>literally ask not to spread it
>they don't care

ok retard

>> No.27504656
Quoted by: >>27505058

She was pointing out differences beween the Jap voice lines and the English subtitles in the FE stream, it was kino because the English was like "Maybe you'll see more of me later" and the Jap was "I'll take off all my clothes"

>> No.27504661

so you paid for every doujin, anime, movie and game you ever experienced right?

>> No.27504660

now this right here is proof Ame antis are schizoids

>> No.27504664


>> No.27504663

she has a transformation thing on her belt but with tape around it saying no so she had to ask huke papa to let her use it. Now obviously she cant actually use it because she only has 1 costume but the joke was still good

>> No.27504667
File: 18 KB, 297x284, 1598157933244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about making Gura as happy as possible. If you don't agree with that, you're more than welcome to convince me with your fists.

>> No.27504669

No idea, Kiara's not made schedules at all so far so I wouldn't expect to know too far in advance

>> No.27504671

in like 8 hours or so

>> No.27504673
File: 25 KB, 443x455, xqazxrfou4g51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504718

>God bless Ame for going first with the ASMR stream
If we ignore how she regrets doing it , sure

>> No.27504674

Mori's I think in 7 hours or so

>> No.27504677

DOOT in 7-ish hrs @10:30JST

>> No.27504682
File: 117 KB, 480x281, zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504683
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 1594443376003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504684

I haven’t watched anime since summer because I can multitask vtuber streams and studying but subtitles take up my entire attention.

>> No.27504688

I would kneel so fucking hard

>> No.27504689
File: 37 KB, 1019x483, 1600826642289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting really popular guys as homos
Only HER was popular and no one knows her, if homoEN ever happens give me a new guy that can do a 24 hours zatsudan, not a twitch celebrity

>> No.27504690

not the same you fucking retard and I don't read doujins

>> No.27504691
Quoted by: >>27504761

is that one of the default poses?

>> No.27504694

She's definitely an actual loli. No one can always sound like this.

>> No.27504695 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1234x389, sseth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504724

Sseth will never EVER happen as a Holostar, simply because he would get grinded into the ground by his past and current racist, xenophobic and homophobic remarks. He encourages all those things. Cover would never allow someone like him to join.

>> No.27504701

All we know is that it's going to be next week

>> No.27504702


>> No.27504704

I think it's more 'this person is forcing themselves to stay up so we don't get mad,' and wanting to make it clear they don't expect the streamer to be unreasonable to themselves to please them.

>> No.27504708 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 390x378, Pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GUYS , LOOK AT THIS DOXXFAGGOT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKIRCD5WAcc

>> No.27504709
File: 83 KB, 1214x800, Headpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates is there even anything we can do about falseflaggers at this point

>> No.27504710
File: 55 KB, 564x873, 20200910_115432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx anons you saved my day
didn't saw that one before but also thanks bro

>> No.27504711
File: 49 KB, 700x136, 1601998298650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone packs streams into one two-hour period yesterday
>nothing today

>> No.27504712
Quoted by: >>27504755

only did it this time to shut up the narrativeposters+her hinting that it wont be public, otherwise it wouldnt have been worth the trouble

>> No.27504713

I'll convince you with my dick

>> No.27504717

Rrrrratto shimulator

>> No.27504718
Quoted by: >>27504770

she said she likes going out of her comfort zone, i dunno how people forget this. she enjoys the "oh god im embarrassed about this" state of being

>> No.27504721

>sounds like that
>people still say she's not 12
Many Asian girls have naturally high voices, like Lilypichu. No one believed her when she said that her cutesy voice is her natural voice. Gura is probably the same.

>> No.27504722
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1601131257459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting a poorfag general to not leak member content

>> No.27504724

hey gey people

>> No.27504725

Salmon was already a favoritefish anyway.
Well, I got it as a side, an extra add on. I got the gyudon bento for lunch and an order of takoyaki.
Huh. Guess I was kinda thinking of Ina too?

>> No.27504726
File: 632 KB, 849x1200, 1601119454070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504777


>> No.27504729
Quoted by: >>27504741

growing a thick skin.

>> No.27504730

Cover *will* sue his ass

>> No.27504731
Quoted by: >>27504779

Any link for InaXMatrix?

>> No.27504732
File: 71 KB, 925x1009, EjqMNI4WkAInnBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just gotta keep loving Amelia and supporting her. The antis try new angles every few days, just identify and ignore them.

>> No.27504738

im looking at you being a retard and spreading it

>> No.27504740

Report him to Cover

>> No.27504742
File: 606 KB, 900x900, 1577180606053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504741
Quoted by: >>27504772

yeah that's that but I just don't want Teafriends to get even more bad rep because of fags

>> No.27504743
File: 382 KB, 2048x1152, 1600988077408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504745

At no point have I said she should or could do this type of interaction mid-game. I responded to someone saying her numbers were too big for it in the first place, which is false.

>> No.27504746
File: 637 KB, 2480x3508, 19aa5c48f64c2089c013ecc3b8a6ee55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504751

You have no one to blame but yourself then.

>> No.27504752

Since this is a Most to Least GFE ranking, I would swap Gura and Ina.

>> No.27504754

Just use cover's report form and they'll handle it

>> No.27504755

>only did it this time to shut up the narrativeposters+her hinting that it wont be public,
what do you mean, are you saying that it actually will be public?

>> No.27504758

Stop shilling your shitty videos

>> No.27504759

what the fuck?? cute?????????

>> No.27504761
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1601846019682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure just a general vibe

>> No.27504762
File: 16 KB, 269x321, 1601850639503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shark has a degree

>> No.27504763
File: 655 KB, 1720x972, mori_strips_for_akasupa_while_blowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504785

From now until she comes for my soul and after that too.

>> No.27504767
File: 185 KB, 480x360, 1596527494015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna start watermarking all my OC with it from now on, but it's gotta be subtle
This is too blatant, the reddit/twitter fag will notice it the moment they open the image. It needs to be faint enough that it will take a moment, or be applied only to certain areas instead of the whole image but in a way they can't erase or replace it

>> No.27504766

now cut it all off

>> No.27504768

oh fuck he did it

>> No.27504769
Quoted by: >>27504805

Who were the other two, anyway?

>> No.27504770
File: 81 KB, 853x248, Screenshot_20201010_103422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504818

Enjoys it so much she decides to not archive it lol

>> No.27504771

Mori's roommate was not in any way famous. she has a few viral hits but she was by all means a starving artist. you don't work three shitty jobs and live in a literal japanese ghetto if she was actually making money of music/animation.
as for HER that channel was dead for all intents and purposes and she never knew how to really monetize it. again if she was actually making money of it she wouldn't have become part of hololive.

>> No.27504772
Quoted by: >>27504825

do something more productive and bring positivity to our group, like producing good OCs.

>> No.27504777

Also the actual source https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84621882

>> No.27504779
File: 433 KB, 654x801, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting me to have all EN memberships just because i shared one thing
come on now anon

in the stream she said it will be public on sunday, but her post-stream tweet suggests that she's having second thoughts about it

>> No.27504781


>> No.27504783
File: 510 KB, 860x777, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I actually fixed my sleep schedule but the big minecraft collab takes place when I should be asleep
Thanks hololive!

>> No.27504785
File: 660 KB, 1720x972, beat it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beat it.
Uhh deadbeats? What do we do now..? I can't get it up under this pressure

>> No.27504787
File: 11 KB, 320x306, 1602348983442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Stacy

>> No.27504790

>the artist for Overlord drew Ina

>> No.27504794

A degree at which my penis will be entering her anus, yes.

>> No.27504796

Just laugh at them while we get to enjoy the most pandering in the entire holoEN roster

>> No.27504799

pdf in cunnyseur

>> No.27504800
File: 143 KB, 257x286, 1602343666565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506401

>Kiara plays Unteralterbach

>> No.27504802
File: 34 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori: Minimal Goslings
I think every deadbeat goslings hard deep down but doesn't want to look like they want to fuck a bro

>> No.27504803

Those poor bugs are gonna get squashed!

>> No.27504804
File: 716 KB, 800x1120, 21650978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes your boy needs some romance, you feel me? Picking up what I'm putting down?

>> No.27504805
Quoted by: >>27504831

HoloCN, do your reps

>> No.27504808

Man, the ENs are the stacys of hololive

>> No.27504811

They go hand in hand Kiara.

>> No.27504812

give me your best shark picture

>> No.27504814
Quoted by: >>27504928

I think he did a gura recently too

>> No.27504815

I love it when Kiara forgets her filter

>> No.27504816
File: 1.45 MB, 600x480, 1602333563643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically cute.
I wish I was better at drawing, so I could draw all the HoloEN members with like 5-6 different hairstyles and in casual clothing. I wonder which hairstyle and which clothing would look best for each of the members.
Time to do my daily art reps.

>> No.27504818

it's a ploy to get poorfags to loosen their clutch on their final few dollars and sub to her.

>> No.27504820
Quoted by: >>27505414

I don't even understand how Gura has any goslings at all. I love her streams, but she's just a cute mascot character, I don't get the romantic/sexual appeal at all.

>> No.27504823

Pikamee has AMD sponsorship when fuck Clover getting ENs an Nvidia sponsorship

>> No.27504824
Quoted by: >>27504865

>spoiler fucker
How many times do we have to teach you, old man?

>> No.27504825

ogey I will, easier said than done tho

>> No.27504829
File: 80 KB, 960x958, 1577001113821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao goddamnit Kiara

>> No.27504831

No, I mean the other two who aren't HoloCN.

>> No.27504835
Quoted by: >>27505681


>> No.27504837

Is that what they call vibration in japan?

>> No.27504839

I enjoy her most when she's able to just talk so I sort of wish she just did pure zatsudan more often (gamer rage can be entertaining too), but it would be cool if she played around with prerecorded skits more as well.

>> No.27504840

ah, I thought you were talking about this >>27504149

>> No.27504841
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, pb_iSwkbnBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY favorite is WATSON

>> No.27504846
Quoted by: >>27504866

Does she even have a filter?

>> No.27504845
Quoted by: >>27505092

Does 'til death do us part' have any real binding in this instance?

>> No.27504850
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1602262925174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504936

O-o-ofcourse not, deadbeat. We'll never fall inlove with our boy. What are you, gay?

>> No.27504852

which en is the worst cook

>> No.27504855

does she play with the controller in her lap?

>> No.27504856
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, hitsujisq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina's hair in a ponytail

Jesus Christ. I need more.

>> No.27504857

That's... Actually not bad. What.

>> No.27504858

Nice 5head no, really

>> No.27504859
Quoted by: >>27504891

False. You're just projecting. Deadbeats are hard workers who desire a successful career more than any kind of human relationship.

>> No.27504864
Quoted by: >>27508476

So after several menhera attacks shes finally dropped her attempt to be an idol, huh

>> No.27504865


>> No.27504866

she's not even vtubing anymore, she's just being herself

>> No.27504867
File: 1.31 MB, 1447x2039, 1602243419836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Chicken collab with Duck is soon!

>> No.27504872
Quoted by: >>27505159

Anyone got her talking about genociding the mushroom kingdom?

>> No.27504874


>> No.27504875

>tfw Ina's design is an inverse Albedo

>> No.27504877

The fucking head flaps looks son bad on Ina. She's not a fucking bug.

>> No.27504879

She really doesn't give a shit what she says does she? Fucking incredible

>> No.27504878
File: 43 KB, 153x210, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see all the zoomers watching the collab in few hours and wondering who the hell are those girls Gura is playing with

>> No.27504880

Hey, sure I can't resist those tits but I don't need to be a faggot about it.

>> No.27504881
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1600588425017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think she's.... you know.... using it for.... you know...

>> No.27504883
File: 2.16 MB, 1445x1118, morikaren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got the job at KFP and these two walk in. The pink one keeps ranting about cucumbers but they haven't ordered anything yet. Someone please help me.

>> No.27504885

This is too cute

>> No.27504886
File: 144 KB, 1079x908, Screenshot_20201010-131518_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The YouTube audience doesn't understand the powerlevel of each EN.

>> No.27504887

wtf this chicken is actually too good, if she keeps up her gigastacy unintentional horniness she will rival marine

>> No.27504889

What will these threads be like in 2 months?
Will maids merge us back into /hlg/ once collabs with JP become regular?
Will antis fuck off and die?

>> No.27504891
File: 73 KB, 901x832, 1601636965790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27504947

>you're just self projecting
>here's my self projection

>> No.27504894

>2.No one watches guy vtubers besides fujoshis and there are far less fujoshis than in japan
I mean, sure, Roberu is the exception to the rule rather than the rule itself, but still.

>> No.27504895

Holostars already has 3 JP gens despite that

>> No.27504898


>> No.27504903
Quoted by: >>27504986

Press CTRL+S in the reply window.

>> No.27504904
Quoted by: >>27505078

Anonchama... She's probably older than you...

>> No.27504906
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1583895678337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara: No Goslings

>> No.27504907

I seriously doubt Hololive would hire a child dude

>> No.27504908

Y-you don't fall in love with one of your own, man. Boys don't go for their boys, it's the gang code

>> No.27504910

>Ponytail Mori

>> No.27504914
Quoted by: >>27504964

Ina said she can't make anything but instant noodles

>> No.27504915


>> No.27504916
Quoted by: >>27504958

Maybe she will post a schedule?

>> No.27504918
Quoted by: >>27505571

someone post the ARSCHGESICHT moment

>> No.27504919

She sounds so bad it's not even funny.

>> No.27504926

The curvature of this chicken.

>> No.27504928
File: 915 KB, 1300x2200, EjrpiCNU0AAL5Cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504930

I mean ignoring the falseflagging, almost everything is spot on regarding the antis.

>> No.27504934

Whenever you feel embarrassed or frustrated with your oshis fanbase, remember that teamates are literally people like this: >>27504538

>> No.27504936 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 1080x1342, 1602353880108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, right on man..

>> No.27504937

>Wasting FROMSOFUTO permissions on anything other than Mother Fucker Armored Core.
It's like you guys don't even want anything good in your lives.

>> No.27504938

if I buy membership and cancel right after that do I keep it for month? how does it work in general, I've only done one-time payments online

>> No.27504944
Quoted by: >>27504980

Do you think they're going to move their characters back to spawn? or are we just gonna watch gura ride her horse there for 10-15 minutes before the collab really gets going?

>> No.27504947

NOOOOOO! How will I ever recover?! My 4chan career is OVER!

>> No.27504948

Gura will have to take time at the start and middle of the stream to introduce them to her viewers.

>> No.27504949
File: 180 KB, 700x1800, 273181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504952

Can't wait for that.

>> No.27504955
Quoted by: >>27504995

I've been looking forward to it every day. Is this going to be the first time Subaru is the one scared by the extrovert energy?

>> No.27504956

>if I buy membership and cancel right after that do I keep it for month?

>> No.27504957
Quoted by: >>27504998

All of us are YouTube audience

>> No.27504958

She says she will only announce it a couple days prior

>> No.27504961

Not an anti but why is Ame's forehead so large?

>> No.27504962
Quoted by: >>27505033


>> No.27504964

Considering she has a thing for learning, I would be more than happy to do evening cooking sessions with her together, to teach her how to cook. It's a very fun hobby to have once you get down the basics.

>> No.27504967

I gosling for her very very hard but I ain't gonna fool myself into thinking she'll ever be my gf

>> No.27504968
Quoted by: >>27505080

good or bad, it's still her natural voice

>> No.27504970
Quoted by: >>27505055

You keep it until the end of the month.

>> No.27504971

I love mah boi, but no homo

>> No.27504969

Too bad you can't nigger-watermark pastas in their written format.

>> No.27504974
Quoted by: >>27505410

does kfp do toys? I bet the pink one would like those.

>> No.27504976
Quoted by: >>27505080

For her sake I hope that's her real voice because it must be getting painful to force that shit as she gets older

>> No.27504978

can you please delete this later on? I think antis will get bored and move on to another target anyway. No need to keep them forever.

>> No.27504979

so you can park your car on it

>> No.27504980
Quoted by: >>27505017

Gura said she lost her stuff, maybe she got sent back to spawn. Or again just killed the horse off stream to be done with that meme.

>> No.27504983

I don't really want Mori or any other EN girl doing ASMR unless they really want to. The whole idea of pushing them to do something they're gonna regret later is cringy.

>> No.27504984

We will only "merge" in the sense that even more seething /hlg/ antis will start shitting up this thread.

>> No.27504986

What the fuck? Since when this is a feature? I've been on this site for almost ten years and didn't know that.

>> No.27504990

Before? No.
After? Probably first thing she did after stream ended.

>> No.27504989

Don't know about you but I think he encaptured Ame antis pretty well

>> No.27504992
File: 15 KB, 267x265, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why my gamecube controller smelled weird that one time

>> No.27504993

What if she actually gets aroused because she has so many eyes on her? That would also explain her hornyness question

>> No.27504994

For games? Of course, that's how she moves Mario around

>> No.27504995

I think she'll tone down her act for a predominantly japanese audience. Especially if she believes they actually think she's seiso[/spiler]

>> No.27504997

woah who woulda guessed zoomer clipfags like the ones with the most clips

>> No.27504998
Quoted by: >>27505085

Wrong I watch clips on bilibili exclusively

>> No.27504999


>> No.27505004
Quoted by: >>27505018

isn't risu underage or was she just pretending for the squirrel character?

>> No.27505005


>> No.27505009

To hold in her massive brain

>> No.27505013

It's the air leaking out from her skull

>> No.27505017

She should've "accidentally" obviously intentionally murdered the horse on stream once she realized. Would've been humorous.

>> No.27505018


>> No.27505022

>Watch your kneecaps
Holy fuck, Gura is vicious.

>> No.27505025

I feel like tonight's collab is gonna be a mess (not the good kind) but we'll see. Gura for the love of god don't leave the bgm on.

>> No.27505029
File: 412 KB, 1300x1838, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505108

Played with these to get the color I like best. Who's the artist?

>> No.27505030

>Favorite thing about Amelia
>Least favorite thing about Amelia
very important

>> No.27505033
File: 154 KB, 512x512, 1602345458951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505034

Jesus christ those fingers.

>> No.27505039
Quoted by: >>27505369

There no niche for male EN tubers. There tons of entertaining male streamers. No one wants to watch a mediocre one pretend to be an anime fuccboi and sing karaoke. On flip side female streamers are mostly fucking cancer and anime girls are cute.

>> No.27505037

>Ame - Uh, why does this controller keep vibrating all the time, it's annoying!

>> No.27505042

Do you think Kiara could manage to get a drunk Mori to agree to sex?

>> No.27505045
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATTENTION: I enjoy Ame's GFE content and I'm glad to be a member. That is all.

>> No.27505046
File: 19 KB, 409x523, 1589997747805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505047
File: 52 KB, 343x444, 1602016536849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505203

>don't want to fall in love with Mori because it's an impossible dream
>love Mori because she didn't give up on her impossible dream

>> No.27505049

God I hope she doesn't.
To hold all the eyes on the inside.

>> No.27505055

It's not until the end of the month.
The day of your first payment is your charge date, and you'll be charged on the same day of the month afterwards. If that date doesn’t occur in a given month (for example, the 31st), you'll be charged on the last date of that month.

>> No.27505056


>> No.27505057

Her personality
The games she plays

>> No.27505058

Even I can do that, it's nothing impressive nor too hard to do unless you're a literal retard

>> No.27505062

Considering Kiara is in second place and she's the least popular EN, I don't think your narrative holds up. When I think about it again maybe Kiara would be the fastest one.

>> No.27505065

How can you mess a spoiler tag so bad and still get it right at the same time?

>> No.27505066
File: 60 KB, 576x720, perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a gosling right now, but i can feel it, on the depths of my soul, it's calling me bros, i don't know how much i can fight it
unironically i fucking hate myself and my life and because of that i'm slowly becoming too overly-attached to a virtual anime reaper just to escape reality kek
also sorry for the blogposting

>> No.27505072

Its relative, they're all pretty terrible cooks from what I remember, although I'm drawing up a blank for Kiara currently. Amelia and Gura get bonus points for experimenting.

>> No.27505076

She sang Unravel.

>> No.27505078

despite searching extensively, i have found no artifacts or anomalies in gura's voice audio that would suggest her voice is being altered artificially. but i don't think she is 12, i think that's just how she sounds.

>> No.27505080
Quoted by: >>27505161

I still have doubts, it always felt fake to me, like a bad loli dub.

Britney Spears did it, even though she's almost mute now.

>> No.27505081
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1601073563691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505083

Her dopey smile
She's aimless right now

>> No.27505085

Ogey chinks

>> No.27505088

Cute and funny
Doesn't understand her powerlevel

>> No.27505092

Depends on how dedicated you are. You wouldn't leave your boy just because you died, would you?

>> No.27505093

Goblins screeches and hiccups
Valorant streams

>> No.27505094

Morifags are Goslings in denial.

>> No.27505096

I think it's okay to push someone else's dream if you have no dreams yourself

>> No.27505097

why draw that ear so realistic?

>> No.27505099

Ive been following Pekora for year.but Gura is much popular than Pekora?

I don't want to live this worlid anymore
Gura is just a meme. Temporary meme

>> No.27505098

Her personality and voice and laugh, just how she is
Her taste in video games

>> No.27505103
Quoted by: >>27505273

Understandable, try using her succes as inspiration to work on your life anon, we're all gonna make it

>> No.27505107

Cursed as fuck image, delete right now.

>> No.27505109

Her fucked up childhood stories
Her fucked up childhood

>> No.27505108
Quoted by: >>27505328

That looks neat. I don't remember the source, I found it while I was browsing Gura's mama retweets.

>> No.27505110

My boy chillin' in the back.

>> No.27505111

I'm trying to fight it

>> No.27505112

Out of curiousity, those of you who speak moon, is Kiara as... crass in japanese as she is in english?

>> No.27505114
Quoted by: >>27505273

Channel, that deadbeat. She will be your inspiration. Chase Mori Calliope, our Midnight Sun.

>> No.27505115

So who the fuck do we watch now?

>> No.27505117

Ignore the other anon who replied to you. He is an imbecile and a hypocrite.

>> No.27505119
File: 151 KB, 726x711, 1598837534872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is miles better than Pekora.

>> No.27505121

I just ignore and report shitposting, you should too.

>> No.27505122

Her voice

>> No.27505125

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.27505126
File: 457 KB, 680x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hazy skyscraper did something to my soul bro. I gotta stop before I get burnt.

>> No.27505131

idk im just gonna go fap to some RJ or smthing until collab

>> No.27505132

Hello japanese bro, just accept that the black ships are too powerful.

>> No.27505134

Pretending to be a 5ch tourist?

>> No.27505137


>> No.27505139

Personality and humor
The way she encourages her chat to be retarded

>> No.27505142

Her character design.
Her personality.

>> No.27505143

Nope, not at all.

In Japanese she's super polite and sweet.
In English she's an orc sailor.

>> No.27505144
File: 277 KB, 1200x1920, Bugs_Bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've said it before, I'll say it again - insert comedic characters instead of fujioshi bait and they'd be successful.

Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are more entertaining to watch for a general audience, than a pretty boy.

>> No.27505145

If anything Gura will fall into Festival Trap or Fubuki Trap. She will act as a gateway drug and fall deeper into Hololive once they settled in for 3-5 weeks. It happened with band aids, it happened with GTAV, it happened with Scatman. Give them time.

>> No.27505149

Great. Her singing voice is pleasant to hear.

>> No.27505152

There are a lot more people that speak English than Japanese.

Also it's HER.

>> No.27505153

Pekora's audience is a small island and some weebs. Gura's potential audience is much larger.

>> No.27505156
Quoted by: >>27505340

Same. So long as she enjoys doing it I really enjoy a bit of a flirty atmosphere with her, it's great.

>> No.27505159
File: 72 KB, 960x638, 1602213058122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the clip where Kiara gets possessed by the ghost of Hitler and goes on a genocidal rampage against Italians

>> No.27505160

Imma take a powernap then down two coffees.

>> No.27505161
Quoted by: >>27505426

>I still have doubts, it always felt fake to me, like a bad loli dub.
You can just check her channel. She's been streaming full time for like a decade, and she always sounds the same, even when she's serious. It's definitely not a fake voice. Maybe Gura is also Asian-American, who knows.

>> No.27505167

Gremlin mode!
Her shitty taste for games

>> No.27505170

Why are you doing this to me anon

>> No.27505173

This is my fear for HoloEN honestly. Just like how big young stars will die early, they too will die early.

>> No.27505174

Her personality.
Her antis.

>> No.27505175

I've heard that's a thing with ESLs, that you kinda develop a different personality for every language you learn.

>> No.27505180

her voice
her game choice

>> No.27505183
File: 3.09 MB, 1715x1715, 1602252488450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505549

>The Count of Dunois, one of her commanders: "... when myself and the others were in the Maiden's company none of us had any wish or desire to have intercourse with women; and it seemed that this was almost miraculous

>Bertrand de Poulengy, who escorted her to Chinon: "Each night, Joan lay down to sleep beside Jean de Metz and myself, wearing her surcoat and her hosen [i.e., pants], laced and secured [this refers to the fact that such clothing was designed so that the tunic and pants could be fastened together]. At that time I was young, nevertheless I never had any desire or carnal impulse to know her as a woman; I wouldn't have dared to make such a request of Joan, as a result of the goodness that I saw in her

>Jean de Metz: "[In the fields along the way to Chinon] She, myself and Bertrand took our rest together each night, but the Maiden slept near me, wearing her tunic and hosen, and I felt such dread of her that I would not have dared to ask [her to have sex]; and upon my oath I never had any desire towards her nor carnal feeling

>Gobert Thibault, King's squire: "In the army she was always with the soldiers; and I have heard it said by many of Joan's companions that they never had desire for her, or rather sometimes desire was present but they never would have been so presumptuous [i.e., to actually act on it]; and they believed that such was not possible; and many times, when they were speaking about sins of the flesh and words which could incite carnal desires, when they saw and came near to her, they could not speak of such things, as they suddenly lost all carnal desire. And I questioned several who sometimes slept at night in Joan's company, who answered me as I have just testified..."

>Jean d'Aulon, her squire and bodyguard: "Even though she was a young girl, beautiful and shapely, and there were many times, when helping her to put on her armor or otherwise, I have seen her breasts [i.e., the shape of the breasts underneath her tunic: clothing was always worn with armor, needless to say]; and sometimes her legs completely bare when dressing her wounds, [i.e., at the siege of Paris where she was shot in the thigh] and I went near to her many times, and I was [at that time] strong, young and in my prime, never did I feel carnal desire towards her from any sight or contact I had with the Maiden; neither did any of her soldiers or squires, based on what I heard them say many times."

>Duke Jean II d'Alençon, one of her commanders: "Sometimes in the army I slept in the field beside Joan and the soldiers, and I sometimes saw Joan prepare for sleep, and sometimes saw her breasts [again, only the shape: she always slept fully clothed, according to the other eyewitnesses], which were beautiful; however, at no time did I ever have any carnal desire for her."

>"Chronique de la Pucelle": "if it so happened that she had to take her lodging in the fields with the soldiers, she never removed her armor. There were many, even among the great lords, who determined to find out whether they could spend the night with her; and for this purpose they went to her nobly dressed; but as soon as they saw her, all feelings of desire ceased"

>> No.27505189

No, but thats also because she only started becoming this crass after she stopped talking so much in japanese.
I think she won't be as vulgar in japanese though, because the language doesn't lend itself to that as much as english does.

>> No.27505191


>> No.27505193
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1574733380506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular than your favorite Holo
Tell me your thoughts.

>> No.27505194
File: 157 KB, 1876x1198, 1602291841731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505195

I don't think she ever had one

>> No.27505196
File: 539 KB, 1400x1400, D_kXu2kU0AAPQku.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505258

I want them to do a 5-member karaoke stream and sing some Houkago Climax Girls songs together. I think their voices would match up well with the five from this. Gura as Kaho, Ina as Rinze, Kiara as Choco, Mori as Natsuha, and Ame as Juri.

>> No.27505198

Thanks, clipperman

>> No.27505200

Watame, or watch Risu's 6month anniversary stream if you missed it previously. PLASTIC LOVE

>> No.27505203
File: 85 KB, 800x600, 17-UBW16-06-042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hell you're walking into

>> No.27505206

reps time or archives

>> No.27505213

she's my favorite holo though

>> No.27505214

Mrs. Toadstool GET DOWN

>> No.27505216

For the Japanese holos because of tatemae it's a veiled insult which basically means, "I'm bored of you but have to tell you in a nice inoffensive way to fuck off".

>> No.27505219
Quoted by: >>27505331


>> No.27505222

Gremlin noises and teasing
She's still unsure of her limits

>> No.27505224

b-but she's my favorite, anonchaama...

>> No.27505225

Everything can be public if your dick is big enough.

>> No.27505226
File: 178 KB, 640x429, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was your favorite performance?

>> No.27505227

Listening to her talk and tell stories
Less than optimal games to stream

>> No.27505232

Kiara even said her jop viewers don't understand how bottom left she is

>> No.27505233

Watch K-On! again.

>> No.27505234

Holo kek

>> No.27505237

My favorite Holo won't have to appear on PewDiePie's channel just to get that sweet 9-year-old demographic, and I'm totally fine with that.

>> No.27505238
Quoted by: >>27505362

Your predictions for the collab?

>> No.27505241

Fucking kek

>> No.27505243

I mean, if you're in the camp that loli isn't determined by age, then if she's as physically developmentally stunted as some of the stuff she's said and done suggests, you may be right.

>> No.27505247

first song was her best

>> No.27505248

>she makes me feel comfy
>I wish she'd play better games

>> No.27505249

If they ever become obsessed with me, I would rather kill myself because I don't have enough money to change my identity and scrub my online records

>> No.27505252

But she is my favorite holo.

>> No.27505254

Toss-up between City of Stars and Good-bye Days.

>> No.27505255

her creativity
>least favorite
she's white

>> No.27505258

Okay but who NAMBA ONE!'s?

>> No.27505257

Opinion of an ESL that never swears in his native language: English is a language in which swearing comes pretty natural for whatever reason.

>> No.27505259

I like her a lot and I actually think she's very good at playing her character, but shes not as kino as my oshi.

>> No.27505263


>> No.27505264

Unravel-Fuwa Fuwa Time were pretty good

>> No.27505266

>Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy AND TOAD?
Dammit Kiara you cant join team Bowser

>> No.27505267


>> No.27505269

I mean, guilty as charged.

>> No.27505270
File: 35 KB, 640x499, 1602295842421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505272

I'm Yours and City of Stars were the best, I think. Also Connect and Fuwa Fuwa Time, but that may just be my /a/ oldfaggotry speaking.

>> No.27505273
File: 895 KB, 947x777, 1602007004653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding these anons' sentiments.I've been able to make some serious steps forward in my creative endeavours because of this and I'm sure you can too.

>> No.27505274

1, 7 and 10
the way she ended the last song, and went straight for the outro... uncharted kino levels

>> No.27505276

Great, didn't know she could go that high

>> No.27505278

Popularity isn't a good thing 100%, still happy for Gura hopefully she keeps growing and establishes a really dedicated fanbase.

>> No.27505280

City of Stars and Fuwa Fuwa Time

>> No.27505283

Good-bye days or City of Stars

>> No.27505287
Quoted by: >>27505359

What did he mean by this?

>> No.27505291
File: 910 KB, 826x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I look into your eyes I realize that you just exist within my mind

>> No.27505295

Sokkou Akki: Muramasa translation never

>> No.27505296

HIstory just repeats itself, huh?

>> No.27505302
File: 378 KB, 793x800, Yuzuki_Choco_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505978

They all are...

>> No.27505305
File: 9 KB, 379x281, Native languages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is just native speakers. English should be much higher

>> No.27505306

Jesus that was a rant and a half.

>> No.27505307
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1601871728025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505404

I like her a lot but I have not gotten the same amount of entertainment from her as I have from this rrat

>> No.27505310

Ey, we've all been there

>> No.27505312

There are special soaps that don't kill the beneficial bacteria and don't irritate it as much as regular soap

>> No.27505311

Seems like the most common complain for Amelia in this thread is the games that she plays. Which game do you wish she played instead?

>> No.27505315


>> No.27505316

Rare spawn, can't be planned around.

>> No.27505320

Unravel. I wasn't expecting her to hit the high notes as well as she did and the raw SOUL she put into it blew me away.

>> No.27505321

My favourite Holo might as well be HololiveEN by looking at her chat and superchats, but at least the Family stick with her like glue despite the Shark popularity. No hard feelings, more singing to enjoy.

>> No.27505325

...do you think she'd sing it during her live concert?

>> No.27505326
File: 51 KB, 507x604, 2020_10_10 839 1431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Gura just took my virginity. I feel so dirty.

>> No.27505327

Why is she so based

>> No.27505328
Quoted by: >>27505514

Found it. I'd reply with my edit if I had a twitter account, but oh well.

>> No.27505329

I don't think swear words are the reason why those won't be reposted.

>> No.27505330

Nancy Drew for just one stream just to see how mad she gets

>> No.27505331

Nah, it's kinda true.

>> No.27505337
Quoted by: >>27505415

Are talking about Hachama?

>> No.27505339

True insofar that in some languages you can't talk the same way. Not quite different personalities, but different way of expressing yourself.

>> No.27505340


>> No.27505345

Unravel was great but I think I liked Fuwa Fuwa Time the most

>> No.27505347

She was my first as well

>> No.27505348


>> No.27505350
Quoted by: >>27505427

She's embarrassed to talk shit in german and japanese, but doesn't care about doing that in english.

My guess is that she spent so much time shitposting on 4chan and english boards that it became a second nature, but she actually lives using German and Japanese, so she's used to controlling what she says in those languages.

it's like me, you think I would call you all fags in my native language? I would need to think twice.

>> No.27505351

Fuck you anon, I just listened to it and now I'm fucking sad I'll never be with her. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.27505354
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1592981406473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please hit Tripwire on tweeter and tell to shill Killing Floor 2 to Yagoo. It goes to up 6 players coop on standard maps.

>> No.27505352

>Ame will host EA Play event
I hate it.

>> No.27505359
File: 124 KB, 635x641, 1586861080100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a matter of time, chumbuddy. Enjoy your new community.

>> No.27505360

anon is a lolicon!

>> No.27505362

Kiara hits 300k during it and tries to pass it off to the group as no big deal only to immediately make a big deal about it on twitter.

>> No.27505364
File: 595 KB, 600x479, 1602018167452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505369

i mean some of the bigest N**i streamers are dudes and have numbers comparable or even better than most of hololive.
It helps that unlike holostar they debuted alongside the girls and weren't treated as second class streamers like cover did with the homos.
If cover actually markets HoloEN they can succeed. if they try to pull the same shit they did with holostar they shouldn't bother

>> No.27505375

Nope but she got Perms for FAKE TYPE her favorite music ever

>> No.27505376

She already did. Outlast and Minecraft were both over 3 hours.

>> No.27505378
File: 15 KB, 350x305, 1602300439499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505407

she is good but not enough to take Pekora place

>> No.27505380
Quoted by: >>27505396

Anything that isn't some shitty twitch shooter
I mean even among shooters there are better ones. She could play Metro or something.

I'm just so tired of Apex/Overwatch/Valorant/PUBG etc.

>> No.27505381


>> No.27505384
File: 178 KB, 454x474, Nyanson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505391
File: 862 KB, 1002x1028, GoslingHeadphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City of stars, still listening to it

>> No.27505392
Quoted by: >>27505470

What is with you and Stalker?

>> No.27505393

>Two favourite EN
>What do you want them to do in a collab

>> No.27505395
Quoted by: >>27505411

You think this is the first time a Holo got featured there?

>> No.27505396
Quoted by: >>27505431

mate she had one FPS stream the entire week

>> No.27505399
Quoted by: >>27506407

Someone please draw her phoenix form glassing the Mushroom Kingdom. Would be hilarious.

>> No.27505401

Holy shit.

>> No.27505402

4 to 7, and 10.

>> No.27505404


>> No.27505407
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1602203555021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505408

Ame and Gura
Fuck with an ASMR mic by their crotches.

>> No.27505409

I have strong doubts, she will, that would be way too blatant if anyone went to the original and realised its exactly the same, she's not even mentioned one of her favourite groups by name because she did a video for them.

>> No.27505410
File: 124 KB, 512x453, l_mcdonald's-thomas-_-friends-happy-meal-toys-_-collectibles_20170731183613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this in the storage room. Think it's good enough?

>> No.27505411
Quoted by: >>27505575

It's the first time an English-speaking one was featured.

>> No.27505412

Gura took my first last night. Her membership stream was worth it.

>> No.27505413
File: 711 KB, 790x767, 1602338720745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505414
Quoted by: >>27505492

What's the word for goslings for daughterfu? Like, "gosling" is to "waifu" as _______ is to "daughterfu"

>> No.27505415
Quoted by: >>27505466


>> No.27505416
File: 136 KB, 1709x650, Of5SS56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget homumind

>> No.27505420

There will be many others more popular than my oishi and thats fine.
I pity the real chumchads for having to put up with the human trash flooding into their chat and fandom.

>> No.27505421

>Be seiso

>> No.27505422

I'm Yours. She didn't sing it particularly well but that's part of the charm and only made it better. It invoked pleasant memories of my high school days.

>> No.27505423

Yes, be wary of soap.

>> No.27505426

I saw her vlogs once, I know she keeps using the same voice but Gura sounds much more natural to me, like the word "fillers" she uses, they have a pitch/depth that sounds like that unique little girl tone. She may not be 12 but I cannot believe she's older than 18.

>> No.27505427

>Kiara was the pekoposter all along

>> No.27505428

Amelia Watsnyan

>> No.27505430
File: 296 KB, 992x1403, Eh2p36_VgAY09_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically improved the design. But I still won't pay for her condoms.

>> No.27505431

Yes and I enjoy those streams a lot more. She had a good week overall.

>> No.27505433

Mori and Ame
Portal 2 collab or duo zatsudan about their lives and shit

>> No.27505434

What's with failed Austrian artists wanting to end entire bloodlines? I don't get it.

>> No.27505436


>> No.27505441

holy cope

>> No.27505447

She's absolutely older than 18. I'd say she's around 24.

>> No.27505448


>> No.27505449

Vchuubas have gone through 3 different threads that went from "comfy", to "filling up with newfags", to "absolute shitstorm". We're currently at level 2, whereas the other two vchuubas threads on this board are on level 3 (one of them in recent months, the other one a few months after "the christmas miracle" of Sora).
When we hit level 3 it's very likely that a new vchuuba general will appear, starting from level 1, and then going through the same cycle as the previous threads. It's the nature of shitposting or, if you will, the Shitposting of Nature.

>> No.27505450

>Mori and Ina

>> No.27505452
Quoted by: >>27505536

Isn't Stalker a bad streaming game tho?

>> No.27505453

Amelia and Gura
Well their biped collab was amazing.
Now let's see them compete in Ring Fit Adventure.

>> No.27505454

She's creative and her gremlin mode is always fun to see.

I wish she would play more than twitchy zoomie shooties.

>> No.27505455

Listen to me /hlgg/ I think gura is boring and nobody should be enjoying her, watch me oshi instead she deserves it more

>> No.27505456
Quoted by: >>27505501

what the fuck

>> No.27505458

Mori and Ame
genuinely don't know how it would go

>> No.27505459

mafia film watchalong together

>> No.27505464

Why are Inafags like this?

>> No.27505466


>> No.27505468

>Mori & Amelia
>Halo MCC co-op

>> No.27505470

I think she would enjoy it

>> No.27505472

Feels like we cycle through each phase weekly

>> No.27505473
Quoted by: >>27505664

>most common complain
Nobody gives a shit about that, it's all about lole but unironically.

>> No.27505475


>> No.27505474

As much as I love the girls attempts at british accents (even Kiara's....whatever the heck that was), KF2, while technically superior, just lacks that spark that made the original so memorable and memeworthy.

>> No.27505478
File: 48 KB, 384x512, 1600495869638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone akasupa'd asking if he can get a pekora tattoo

>> No.27505479

Gura & Kiara
Duet Karaoke

>> No.27505480

That goes for every part of your body, just use water.

>> No.27505482
Quoted by: >>27505605

If it's really HER she must be older than 18.

>> No.27505484

Hope EN girls mention about Taiwan/China problem or LGBT.
White always do.

>> No.27505487

>We're currently at level 2, whereas the other two vchuubas threads on this board are on level 3
You're absolutely delusional

>> No.27505492


>> No.27505493

I seem to be alone in it but I'm partial to Sweet Magic, it was a bop

>> No.27505495

I imagine Ame going full GFE during the stream and Mori witnesses it in horror and joins in as a joke

>> No.27505497
File: 288 KB, 834x1200, EjtU5e6U4AATr4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505526

I belong to no camp, I just like this artist.

>> No.27505499
Quoted by: >>27505611

Honestly, a game she can fucking enjoy on stream like Superliminal. I know when a streamer isn't having fun anymore and it turns me off. She maybe a FPS gremlin but ain't really having fun being frustrated and angry all the time. Amelia go play games that you think are fun, thats why you're getting stressed every week you're not enjoying yourself.

>> No.27505500
File: 96 KB, 463x453, 1601267344416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505501

deleted it cuz it's funnier

>> No.27505502

Stalkerbro it's time to give up, I love the game but it's hard for a newcomer to stream the game.

>> No.27505504

Gura and Kiara

>> No.27505510
File: 271 KB, 704x1068, korone crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong, x-potato.

>> No.27505514
Quoted by: >>27505598

Do you have any booru accounts? you cal still publish it as third-party edit on the boorus.

>> No.27505516

Kiara and Ina
Mario Kart 8 batsuge challenge.

>> No.27505517

Her voice
The absolute state of her chat

>> No.27505520

>gura is boring
> nobody should be enjoying her

>> No.27505522

Fuwa Fuwa Time took me to a good place. I'll member if she does U&I on the next karaoke stream

>> No.27505525

Makeo out

>> No.27505526

I don't think he was referencing the art.. Maybe you shouldn't repeat the same shit as doxxfags

>> No.27505527
Quoted by: >>27505732

Nancy Drew, Phoenix Wright, Ghost Trick, Danganronpa, Carmen Sandiego, Touch Detective

>> No.27505530

congratulations, anon.

>> No.27505531
Quoted by: >>27505551

Time traveler here.
You guys will have your minds blown by Gura's ASMR next week. It'll be a LOT more mature and loveydovey than you expect it to be.

>> No.27505534

>It's the nature of shitposting or, if you will, the Shitposting of Nature.

>> No.27505536

I've only watched tomato play anomaly, and I think he did a decent job at it. It definitely requires someone who's already played the games though.

>> No.27505537

Listen to me /hlgg/ I think ina is boring and nobody should be enjoying her, watch me oshi instead she deserves it more

>> No.27505545
File: 368 KB, 674x674, 1602148886976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play DnD
>Friend plays a girl for the fuck of it
>Neither of us really think about it much
>Only realize we've been roleplaying a romance the entire time when we're deciding where our characters would go in the epilogue
Bros, I'm gonna be honest, I think I'd fuck a bro if that bro was a girl.

>> No.27505549

Topical, thank you

>> No.27505550

MW multiplayer instead of warzone
maybe she can stream the new black ops beta next week

as for non-multiplayer fps stuff, maybe a mass effect or deus ex game since chat can get involved with the decisions

>> No.27505551

put me in the screenshot

>> No.27505552

How much she helps the others
Uh...She just really isn't for me, I guess

>> No.27505553
File: 357 KB, 479x542, 1558567361120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-haha yeah, just as a joke.

>> No.27505554

bros... will drawabox improve my drawing reps?

>> No.27505555

See this is why I want Mori and Ame to have a duo collab so badly. I think they could play off each other pretty well.

>> No.27505564

Nice art

>> No.27505565

ina and gura
sing? i dont really mind ina solostreaming forever, its clearly her environment

>> No.27505567

Did it for 3 months, not really. Only helped with drawing lines

>> No.27505569
File: 804 KB, 1001x1055, 1602310120511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505570

Kiara x Gura Karaoke

>> No.27505571
Quoted by: >>27505620

Ich kann dieses ARSCHGESICHT von Mario nicht mehr sehen

>> No.27505572

's cool, more Mori for us

>> No.27505575

>Non English speaking

>> No.27505577
File: 10 KB, 534x248, 1602255355793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because Amelia has never done anything to deserve the shit people throw at her, right. Maybe if you lurked more instead of being a dumb casual you'd understand what's actually going on.

>> No.27505579
Quoted by: >>27505633

>He hasn't made it the second he picked up a pencil

>> No.27505580
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1601916554747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505638


>> No.27505581
Quoted by: >>27505769


>> No.27505583
File: 6 KB, 225x225, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505678


>> No.27505585
Quoted by: >>27505689

you think they expect thousands of members not to share it? Amelia, Gura, and Ina even all expect archives of their streams to be distributed "somehow." They're saying that as lip service retard it doesn't actually mean anything

>> No.27505587

Fuwa Fuwa Time made me headbang hard. Unravel was up there. It was almost perfect, except she went ahead of the beat at times.

>> No.27505589

I pulled the trigger last night as well, member stream was worth it. I will be back for more

>> No.27505591

You're not the only one, anon. Just embrace the D.A.R.K.N.E.S.S, it won't make the pain go away but at least it'll be fun.

>> No.27505592
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1578767072159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara wont hit 300k before the collab tonight.

>> No.27505598

Nope. But I was more interested in replying to the original artist since the tweet asked which color is preferred.

>> No.27505600
Quoted by: >>27505678


>> No.27505603

Ina and Amelia
Snipperclips for the teetee

>> No.27505604
File: 846 KB, 2479x3507, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505678

seek help idolfag

>> No.27505605
Quoted by: >>27505714

Because she drank alcohol? I never took her seriously, she could've been just acting, it's not that hard of an act to pull.

>> No.27505607

Whoever your oshi is you are paying for her condoms, if you think otherwise you are just retarded.

>> No.27505611

Is Superliminal a puzzle game? There are quite a few options for puzzle games: The Talos Principle, the newer Sherlock Holmes game, Helltaker (if they never played it before)

>> No.27505612

/hlg/ is two blocks away, dog fucker.

>> No.27505614

Ame and Gura
Any co-op game, doesn't matter to me which

This also sounds really fun potentially

>> No.27505616
File: 3.09 MB, 3200x2500, Ej4srapU8AICeAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27505619

collab time: TBD

>> No.27505620
Quoted by: >>27505718

Shithead? That's...disappointing. I thought she said something like "ARS-Donator" in German. Oh well.

>> No.27505622

does anyone have a mori version of this image?

>> No.27505625

Just play a game of pretend

>> No.27505628

Hey, at least it means she'll be able to hit it when she's streaming, right?

>> No.27505629

>Gura is just a meme. Temporary meme
keep telling yourself that
at the same time of the next year she will be the most subscribed vtuber of all time

>> No.27505631
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1601977097662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506369

>Kiara will never hit 400k

>> No.27505633
Quoted by: >>27505786

I have a serious problem with digital painting. Feel restricted and very uncomfortable. Just need more reps and get over it?

>> No.27505636

I'm Yours or City of Stars

>> No.27505638

Yo I start to flinch as I try not to say it
But my lips is like an oowop as I start to spray it

>> No.27505639


You get to see Ina biting her tongue from saying "congratulations to everyone for making it to 300 000 subs".

>> No.27505640
Quoted by: >>27505872

She was going to hit it tomorrow regardless, but seeing as it's a Gura collab, everyone is going to get a big boost from this.

>> No.27505641

I don't envy having to share my oshi with 400k middle schoolers.

>> No.27505642

Which stream was this clip from?

>> No.27505646

>pekora tattoo
oh no no no

>> No.27505647

She'll do it during it.

>> No.27505653

Why is it always before a collab?

>> No.27505654
Quoted by: >>27505715

Good, it'll give her time to prepare a nice 300k commemoration stream

>> No.27505656
File: 987 KB, 4000x3000, 1600559738639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The birds been doing fine in spite of being behind on numbers. Every collab is always a new chance for a surge of subs.
Also who's hosting the collab today? because if it's Gura she'd probably cause an trickle down effect of subs considering there's people who still legit dont know about the rest of the girls

>> No.27505657
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1600011738793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505671

dont worry anon, when she hits the 900k mark, it'll activate a kill switch to terminate all bot accounts that subscribed to her. she'll be put in her place!

>> No.27505660

Are they doing another collab or some shit today?

>> No.27505664

Fuck off

>> No.27505666
Quoted by: >>27505736

The membershrimp only one. There was a lot of great stuff in it.

>> No.27505669
Quoted by: >>27505736

The richfag stream from 14 hours ago

>> No.27505670

Does anyone know what time the collab starts? I can't seem to find info on it.

>> No.27505671
File: 43 KB, 640x895, 1581172180586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Gura to me

>> No.27505674

Kiara is the only one who hasn't found her own "streaming style".

Seriously, how would you describe her to someone who doesn't know her? "She's unlucky and bad at everything"?

>> No.27505676

It's Gura's turn.

>> No.27505678
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 1601852019812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505679

Yes, and Mori's playing DOOM again in addition to it

>> No.27505680

Ame Ina
just a drawing collab

>> No.27505681


>> No.27505682
File: 78 KB, 637x900, 1594900795397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention Amelia fags!

>> No.27505686

Oh shit, all the others are going to be flooded with Gura's audience

>> No.27505687

Good. Fuck that faggot Italian midget and whoever designed him, I hate his face so fucking much and I hate that Nintendo choose this little midget piece of shit as the face of their company.

>> No.27505689
Quoted by: >>27505722

I would appeal to your sense of decency to not actively undermine the girls you support, but I know what site I'm on

>> No.27505693

MoriAmechad here
seconding >>27505433 them just chatting and exchaging war stories could make a great stream

>> No.27505694

It's Gura, yeah.

Yes, minecraft.

>> No.27505695

Suffering and confidence

>> No.27505696
File: 146 KB, 1500x800, Ei7LbM6VkAEVnwT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27505700
Quoted by: >>27505713

She's coming back....right?

>> No.27505707
Quoted by: >>27505742

Isn't it coming out in like, Summer 2021?
Might as well wait for Hytale.

>> No.27505708

Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

>> No.27505713
Quoted by: >>27505829

what happened?

>> No.27505714

Anonchama, even IF she drank alcohol, that shouldn't mean anything. No one in the states actually gives heed to the drinking age in the US.

>> No.27505715
Quoted by: >>27505772

God I hope it's a karaoke celebration stream and she sings song German songs like Rammstein's

>> No.27505716


>> No.27505718

she actually says assface

>> No.27505722

Imagine moralfagging on 4channel

>> No.27505723
File: 89 KB, 1600x900, firstPageFromGoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the girls should offer special rewards to higher member tiers? What should those rewards be?

>> No.27505725

Have confidence!
No confidence!

>> No.27505731
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1600435368357.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's unlucky and bad at everything

This makes her the most relatable to me.

>> No.27505732

People keep saying this, and while I love the series, it’s excruciatingly slow especially at the start. Can’t see her not being bored to tears before the first murder.

>> No.27505733

>she'd probably cause an trickle down effect of subs considering there's people who still legit dont know about the rest of the girls
Considering her audience, I'd prefer it stays that way.

>> No.27505736
Quoted by: >>27505782

Any Marine-like link?

>> No.27505737

lewd stuff

>> No.27505739
Quoted by: >>27505773

It's gura, but gura's audience of redditors won't like horny remarks every 5 minutes and constant F bombs.

If the chicken has fun with the teasing and swearing then sure, but her niche becomes more and more narrow over time.

>> No.27505740

>just use water
A little non-harsh (ie technically not soap) cleaner is good. Plus washing with something moisturizing like doing a co-wash for hair is good.

>> No.27505742

Oh shit really? Well that sucks.

>> No.27505743

Omelette made from Kiara's eggs.

>> No.27505745
Quoted by: >>27505979

Trilingual here. It's not exactly a "you develop a personality per language" kind of thing, but you do tend to think and even see or understand things in a different way depending on what language you have "activated" at the time.

>> No.27505747

Holy fucking shit. How did I skip out on this stream.

>> No.27505749

>Gura almost fucking crying sharing her feelings about Fubki

What is this sensation I'm feeling

>> No.27505751
Quoted by: >>27505787

No one has "streaming style" yet, they're all trying new things.

Not to mention, Kiara's streams have been very unique since her Mario Kart stream, she's completely unfiltered talking shit, raging and going full "bottom left" without a care.

>> No.27505752
Quoted by: >>27505791

Go to hell, seamonkey

>> No.27505755

Hope they watch their language while on Gura's channel. Gura plus minecraft is 20k children at least.

>> No.27505758

Members only chat pls

>> No.27505763

Why are Gurafags like this?

>> No.27505765

All I want is tastefully drawn lewds from Ina

>> No.27505768
File: 2.45 MB, 2362x3937, EiDAHJ4U0AIvEe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27505811

This is the price of begging for numbers. You'll get your numbers but it's all from people who more than likely dont care about you but rather your "meme factor"
Gura streams are fine but her chat is insufferable. Kiara may be the lowest on subs, but the chats always nice with the bully interaction with Kiara.

>> No.27505766

a yes the infamous back of the knee yeast infection

>> No.27505769
Quoted by: >>27505879

>First step: Draw the whole fucking owl

>> No.27505771

anon there are holoJPs whose entire schtick is being unlucky and bad at things

>> No.27505772
File: 29 KB, 806x298, free_rammstein_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as corny as this would be I'm with you man

>> No.27505773
Quoted by: >>27505952

>If the chicken has fun with the teasing and swearing then sure, but her niche becomes more and more narrow over time.
Its not that narrow of a nieche. You can't convince me there are less people in EN who don't mind lewdness and swearing than there are in fucking JP.

>> No.27505775
File: 1.79 MB, 1720x972, 1602265688034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T3 membership goes a long way for us Deadbeats.

>> No.27505778

Weeks ago: Persistent and charming
Now: Persistent and no filters.

>> No.27505780
Quoted by: >>27505877

They better not. No media should pander to shitkids and puritan anti-swearing bullshit. Let them be filtered.

>> No.27505781
File: 171 KB, 220x165, kiara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505782

Never. Pay up, poorfag.

>> No.27505783


>> No.27505784

u fooking muppet

>> No.27505785

>hahahahahahahaha so funny
Fucking losers. Rope yourselves.

>> No.27505786

Yeah it's a lot harder than actual painting for me.
I have no idea how to even follow along with bob ross digitally.

Translating reallife art techniques to a digital equivalent is very hard for me.

>> No.27505787

What is this 'bottom left' thing, anyway?

>> No.27505788
File: 129 KB, 441x758, 1592207227022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eroge stream

>> No.27505789

Kiara has only gotten better. She's really solid now. I like her unhinged bottom left style, no filter.

>> No.27505791
File: 234 KB, 443x785, 1602160056188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505792
Quoted by: >>27505831

Members only JOI

>> No.27505798
Quoted by: >>27505910

I fell asleep. What time is the collab?!?

>> No.27505799
Quoted by: >>27505832


>> No.27505803
Quoted by: >>27505825

You underestimate what it means to be able to draw good lines and boxes.

>> No.27505805


>> No.27505806

Nintendo wont like this

>> No.27505809
File: 60 KB, 923x923, 20201008_222056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505810

"Pekora you can understand"

>> No.27505811
Quoted by: >>27506125

I like Kiara's stuff, plenty of interaction. Earlier Mori chats too, but now she just gets swamped in akasupas.

God I'm getting t2 membership soon.

>> No.27505817

>ameliafags still trying to cope
LMAO today I will remind them https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm

>> No.27505818
Quoted by: >>27506052

I like it too. She's easily the funniest when she swears because it always feels like it comes out of nowhere.

>> No.27505820

Which holoen would have the best watchalong stream for Primer? Amelia has the time travel thing for thematic relevance, but I'm kinda thinking Kiara would have the best "what the fuck is going on" reactions

>> No.27505821

Lurk reps

>> No.27505823

has the time for the collab be anounced yet? or are we back to first week when gura posts timeslot 1 hour prior?

>> No.27505824
File: 71 KB, 939x487, AVame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot lesbian sex asmr

>> No.27505825

Minecraft developers HATE HIM

>> No.27505827

The girls did a purity vs intelligence chart in an old collab, when it came to Kiara's place, her papa went BOTTOM LEFT in the chat, that was the lowest place.

It became a meme on her channel whenever she loses her filters, reason she even has an emoticon for it.

>> No.27505829

It's been two weeks since she's posted anything to her youtube channel and I miss her a little.

>> No.27505831

We've been given plenty of JOI clips already it's up to us now.

>> No.27505832
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1602275952743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505833


>> No.27505834
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1601996976596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on furries
>shits on jannies
>shits on EOPs
>shits on goslings
>shits on unicorns
>shits on ads
>shits on windows
>calls her coworkers flat and sluts live
>makes a successful yuri ship by force of will alone
>will make sexual comments without any kind of shame
>zooms in on her own feet, pits, gap and more when asked
"Relentlessly based."

>> No.27505836
File: 49 KB, 971x374, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloJP subs on BiliBili are down across the board
>HoloEN hasn't stopped growing

Really makes you think.

>> No.27505837


>> No.27505838

Speaking of which, is Gura's character a reference to Evenicle?

>> No.27505839
File: 325 KB, 1538x2048, EibW5n3U4AEUwbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gap between her attempts at being seiso in her head and her complete lack of fucks when swearing is the best shit. The one time were being ESL just adds to the comedy

>> No.27505840

you can't fool me you fag

>> No.27505842
File: 528 KB, 837x1000, EjZT2GvUwAAIvy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505845

Mori was gonna do that and people here shat on her so hard she changed it, ironically enough those higher tier streams are some of her best ones

>> No.27505847

City of stars, made me want to watch the movie

>> No.27505851

Gura isn't her, you're schizo to believe it

>> No.27505853

This 'Gura channel is full of kids' narrative shit needs to be put the the sword. I can't wait for her to unleash full zawa.

>> No.27505854

>gura and Ina
>inea teach Gura how to draw fro real on a drawalong we can all follow

>> No.27505861


>> No.27505863
File: 229 KB, 1000x998, 1588285912799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate each of the girls on their logical, interpersonal, linguistic, intra-personal, and spatial intelligence
Mori > Ina > Gura > Ame > Kiara
Ame > Gura > Ina = Kiara > Mori
Mori (lyrics) > Ame = Kiara > Gura > Ina > Mori (speech)
Ina > Gura > Ame > Mori > Kiara
Ame > Mori > Ina > Kiara > Gura

>> No.27505864

But did you just wake up?
That's what we wanna know.

>> No.27505868

This. Just a bunch of faggots with reddit humor. They're likely the ones who spam "LMAO" in their chats over the shittiest joke they make.

>> No.27505869

>has shit taste in videogames

>> No.27505870

Campfire sing-a-long next week?

>> No.27505871

I can't stop thinking about how kino the end of Ina's karaoke stream was
>Good-bye Days into "bye bye" into endcard

>> No.27505872
Quoted by: >>27505913

Who is the blonde girl?

>> No.27505873

anon just upload the thing again under a new URL, no one's gonna get baited by this again

>> No.27505874

It isn't a narrative, look at her fucking chat

>> No.27505875

WTF I haven't seen this one yet, where did you even find it?

>> No.27505877

Think of the money though

>> No.27505879

You have to draw the owl to realize how badly you suck.
The important part is then focusing on one aspect you couldn't do and improving that.

Then draw the whole fucking owl again and repeat. It's hell on earth.

>> No.27505881

man if anybody who watches this and still has doubts that its HER is mentally challenged


>> No.27505882

>it's real
How the fuck does she plan on smoothing this over? Jesus Christ, Ame...

>> No.27505885

Ame's ASMR... it's so beautiful... I'm weeping as I type this post...

>> No.27505886


>> No.27505887
File: 2.57 MB, 1500x2318, 1601955611670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't expect that given the image you posted, but based
I love her too! And I want her to force me to lick her toes!

>> No.27505888
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, ame_gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you piece of shit

>> No.27505890

Minecraft dungeon exploration.

>> No.27505892
Quoted by: >>27505929

When is Ina's collab stream happening today?

>> No.27505893

> a new guy that can do a 24 hours zatsudan
So, a NEET?

>> No.27505896

EN is this retarded birds harem, and I love it. I'm not even a Kiarafag, she's just a chad.

>> No.27505897
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1600773286567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27505906

She a seiso idol who abandons the seiso act at the first instance of adversity or setback.

>> No.27505907

Doesn't stop me clicking it every time.

>> No.27505908


>> No.27505910

No idea it's Gura hosting so we won't know til last minute

>> No.27505912
Quoted by: >>27505958

Kids, mentally kids, there's no difference

>> No.27505913

that was a falseflag who post here

>> No.27505916
Quoted by: >>27505957

Bugmen know better than to go against HoloEN.

>> No.27505917

I put it on loop for a few minutes every time

>> No.27505919

Wtf, why is it still here, mods?

>> No.27505927
Quoted by: >>27506018

>Kiara pointing out translation errors in FE

>> No.27505929
Quoted by: >>27505967

If you mean the full group one, it'll be on guras channel and it's in... 9 hours?

>> No.27505933

I expected Unravel to be an utter disaster but it was surprisingly pleasant.

>> No.27505932
Quoted by: >>27505945

honestly, just give me tiered chat and let members of all levels watch the same
I just want my comfy Mori

>> No.27505936

It's exactly the same as all of the other chats I've seen.

>> No.27505939

Were they made available for lower tiers, or were they grandfathered in?

>> No.27505942

what is it? i'm not clicking this shit.

>> No.27505943

stop spoonfeeding these fags, they need to watch this shit for themselves

>> No.27505945
Quoted by: >>27506088

Thats a fair compromise to be honest, is there even a way of doing that?

>> No.27505948

Why would she go full zawa if she isn't zawa

>> No.27505950

God I wish I was a cute girl so I could be a cute vchuuba girl and collab with other cute vchuuba girls.

>> No.27505952

Time will tell, but to me it's definitely less people than Gura's or Calli's all-around appeal. I mean she's even struggling to reach Ina's level, and Ina never uploads and has a much softer style.

Again, if the chicken feel better in this style than what she was trying previously, she should keep it. She has rich people behind her back anyways, but to expand you need to make compromise

>> No.27505953
Quoted by: >>27506020

LMAO you're so mad

>> No.27505955
Quoted by: >>27505986

Kiara's lack of a filter is her greatest strength. Every stream she utters heinous words and phrases the other girls wouldn't dare to say.

>> No.27505957

Weaponized autism is the ultimate defense.

>> No.27505958
File: 421 KB, 826x518, 1600477893313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

>> No.27505961

look at the chat of ANY holo who streams mincraft

>> No.27505964

see, this is the content i can get behind oif, for cute I have Gura and Ina, for cool and funny I have MOri, for interesting I have Ame, this batshit crazy is what I got her for, and I love it

>> No.27505965

When will HoloEN stream with the rest of the girls?

>> No.27505966

Oh come on, everyone's done this at least once anon. Still watching her

>> No.27505967
Quoted by: >>27506013

Feels bad to be european

>> No.27505977

>filtered by Gura's fake stupidity
It's hilarious to me how many people still haven't realized she's an autistic genius savant

>> No.27505978

Isn't Choco-sensei's name a play on "choco" as in how "chokotte" can mean to beat your meat? As in, to fap? I mean, she is the ero ASMR holo so it makes sense or am I reading too much into it/lack critical information about her?

>> No.27505979

I honestly think it depends on the features, or even what you know of the languages.

English is extremely flexible and I tend to swear or be a lot more frank in it than my native language.

Because I know very little japanese, I'm forced to construct my sentences around the grammar I DO know, so there's no room to inject my own personality. And because it's so minimalist, I also see it as a language used to convey a minimal amount of information (compared to the extreme efficiency of english).

>> No.27505980

I downloaded the ina karaoke stream but I just cant bring myself to watch it again. it will never be the same as experiencing it live, even though I wanna listen to some of the songs again.

>> No.27505984
Quoted by: >>27506129


>> No.27505985

are we really gonna spoonfeed newfags things that even reddit knows?

>> No.27505986

This. Her lack of a filter and her willingness to just do stuff people ask of her without even second guessing it makes her incredibly entertaining.

>huh, you want to see my [x]? Sure!

>> No.27505988

Calm down, Gura

>> No.27505989

Basically after this first month she'll make her members only content free to view for everyone after a certain amount of time and probably make the t2/3 available to t1s too

>> No.27505994
Quoted by: >>27506022

>tfw I'll never be able to unhear this

>> No.27505997
Quoted by: >>27506019


>> No.27505998

She hasn't changed it, she's said she's thought about it. the members streams are intended to released to non-members 2-3 weeks after broadcast, the first aired 2 weeks ago today, so expect it in the not too distant future.

>> No.27505999

nothing minimalist about japanese, you just know little about it.

>> No.27506001
Quoted by: >>27506020

LMAO, ogey.

>> No.27506006

Me too man

>> No.27506008

isnt miko supposed to be the first big holo girl? how come she has only 500k subs? constant breaks and/or not caring enough?

>> No.27506012
Quoted by: >>27506043


>> No.27506013

I know the feeling, but I'd be staying up for Doom anyway so I just said fuck it.

>> No.27506017

Yea I'm surprised so many people are getting fooled by it. Maybe they're just being polite about the Kayfabe which is correct anyway.

>> No.27506018
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on what?

>> No.27506019

>I'm not paying you but you gotta do your job

>> No.27506020

Cringe. This is why /hlg/ laughs at you retards.

>> No.27506022


>> No.27506024

9 hours.

>> No.27506026

gura... your scheduling reps onegai

>> No.27506027
Quoted by: >>27506062

wrong only amelia has no style

>> No.27506028
Quoted by: >>27506488

She's basically dead

>> No.27506029 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 688x911, 1602259247913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506081

>having ame as your oshi

>> No.27506031

English isn't flexible though, like, at all.

>> No.27506033

Pika replies look so threatening now

>> No.27506032

poggers dude

>> No.27506037 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1540x1078, 1561287096398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506069


>> No.27506038

Based on that dumb fucking cat being cute, retard.

>> No.27506041

Can anyone share the mega.nz for Amelia's ASMR stream?

>> No.27506043

Expecting Gura to be good with scheduled look at this dude

>> No.27506044
Quoted by: >>27506113

I also swear a lot more in english than in my native language. In fact I often end up swearing in english on reflex for very mild annoyances.
While in spanish (my third language) I don't tend to swear that much, unless its for very strong emphasis.

>> No.27506045
File: 185 KB, 1260x718, 1602254583002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken Raunchy boing boing Pekora
Future so bright I don't need eyes

>> No.27506046


>> No.27506048

So he reveals himself to be a dogfucker. Go back.

>> No.27506052

Yeah, although there's still the 'mental deterioration over time' sometimes she'll say something or do something that makes you think 'well, what fueled that reaction?'

>> No.27506053

poGGers, dood

>> No.27506054
File: 63 KB, 691x556, 1602280229632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506079


>> No.27506056
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1600572802945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cringe. This is why /hlg/ laughs at you retards.
We don't anon.

>> No.27506059
File: 144 KB, 1200x1300, 1601600440508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that silverware clattering
>Gura eats at her streaming desk
How much you wanna bet her desk is a mess with crumbs and shit and empty liquor bottles

>> No.27506063
File: 28 KB, 543x480, 1600894277697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506062

She has no grace?

>> No.27506064

>my wasted 5$
what are you some kind of poorfag?

>> No.27506068

Cat? Anon....

>> No.27506069

I'm new, it isnt bait, just genuinely curious because her channel still has recent videos

>> No.27506073
Quoted by: >>27506261

>laughing at US

>> No.27506074


You'd just end up being a fujioshi.

>> No.27506077
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1601267912942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506078
File: 232 KB, 848x1200, The Chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love English

>> No.27506079
File: 181 KB, 370x370, 1601919336398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506081
Quoted by: >>27506115

I know this (like everyone here) and still love her. What's my diagnosis doc?

>> No.27506082
File: 92 KB, 567x680, 1577623508797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506110

Bouncy chicken was so cute

>> No.27506083

I'm interested in this now

not a tribalist, I just wanna know and get some data. Consider this customer research

>> No.27506084

Literally me

>> No.27506087
File: 2.23 MB, 2500x3000, 1602308907257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506110


>> No.27506088

not on Shittube, apparently

>> No.27506092
File: 502 KB, 512x1080, 1591067535868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506094

Get out before I call SPCA on you.

>> No.27506095

A hole is a hole, anon. And someone gotta stick it up in there.

>> No.27506097

>he didnt pay for the comfy matrix watchalong
the other stuff is just a bonus, albeit a very high quality one

>> No.27506099
File: 190 KB, 905x1400, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are too easy.

>> No.27506102

Lurk more. Or maybe just check her twitter idk

>> No.27506103
Quoted by: >>27506135

I'll give you minor spoonfeeding. But lurk more, faggot.
Miko got big around her GTA escapes. Shes been out for health related stuff for the last month or so. Any vids uploaded to her channel are prerecorded stuff, she isn't back yet.

>> No.27506105
File: 36 KB, 640x611, 116085120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506106
File: 347 KB, 400x476, 1601919558005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506110
File: 357 KB, 2000x1592, 1573322567675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506136

what the fuck

>> No.27506111
File: 478 KB, 2448x3264, d09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any good holoEN jokes?

>> No.27506112

English and every other European language are extremely rigid with their grammar rules. Japanese is very freeform in comparison, since you can emphasize / de-emphasize subjects, etc. by their placement in the sentence than stressing the word itself.

>> No.27506113

Same, my native language has a decent amount of swears and I live in the region where they swear the most, yet I don't swear myself.
In English I have no issue swearing at all and I do that pretty frequently.

>> No.27506115

>like everyone here
Yeah and a couple threads ago people thought it was just a random /s4s/ meme. What do you actually know? you don't know shit.

>> No.27506119
File: 155 KB, 286x286, 1601078191752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506120
File: 55 KB, 441x560, 1602216772130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand over the lolis dayo

>> No.27506121

Ever watched Black Mirror?

>> No.27506125
Quoted by: >>27506155

she still bounces off non-akas too, anon, the Jew memes got to you

>> No.27506127

I agree she's smarter than she acts but /hlgg/ overblows it. Her spatial awareness is most definitely the worst

>> No.27506128


>> No.27506129

>Not clipping the bit right afterwards

>I will stick this in YOUR ass.

>> No.27506130

Dude she has roaches scurrying about and rats stealing entire loaves of bread. If anything, the desk is the cleanest part of her house.

>> No.27506131


>> No.27506133
File: 774 KB, 868x1228, enqaca39has51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27507700

Kiara had some words

>> No.27506134
File: 257 KB, 1650x1200, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Kiara as a solid "secondary character", enjoyed the MoriXKiara Minecraft stream way more than I expected, she is a good wild card to add some spice, not sure if I enjoy her the same way during her solo streams though, when she's completely alone the vibe is not quite of my liking, she needs someone to act as a foil.

>> No.27506135

oh, thats fucked up. thanks, i guess

>> No.27506136

Different image sizes

>> No.27506139


>> No.27506143

Gura's sexy voice...

>> No.27506145

All of this but unironically

>> No.27506146
File: 248 KB, 800x800, 1577551210720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me but with Gura.

>> No.27506150

That can't be real

>> No.27506152
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1600384200480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has bween

>> No.27506154
Quoted by: >>27506336

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ina who?
Are you... Ina bind?

God Ina's the worst.

>> No.27506155
Quoted by: >>27506203

Kiara, Mori or both? I always close chat.

>> No.27506156
Quoted by: >>27506535

Did you hear about the chicken who tried to play a game?
She was destroyed!

>> No.27506158

When is the collab so I could schedule my meetings for today?

>> No.27506159


>> No.27506163

not true at all. Pretty much every language in the world is equally expressive and flexible as any other, they just get things done differently. Also, German and every other cased European language can do what you describe.

>> No.27506165


>> No.27506169

KFC mascot gone wrong, but in weeb.

>> No.27506172
File: 103 KB, 1000x700, 1601568257290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I've not really enjoyed Kiara since her debut but the TakaMori minecraft stream was a blast.

>> No.27506174

She's gonna be the collab queen. It's gonna work out fine.

>> No.27506179

It was really cute and fun. Shows that Minecraft really should be played with more than just one girl, it's much more enjoyable.

>> No.27506181
Quoted by: >>27506293

>she keeps on giving but what have we given to her?
tens of thousands of dollars?

>> No.27506183

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get closer to Calli!

>> No.27506184


>> No.27506185

>Pretty much every language in the world is equally expressive and flexible as any other
This is absolutely not true.

>> No.27506192

Ask Gura she's hosting it, but her schedule reps are lacking

>> No.27506193
Quoted by: >>27506209

This made me realize I still can't speak English

>> No.27506194

To each their own but I like both equally, I think she's good with chat

>> No.27506195

Had to go back and rewatch that, teetee as fuck

>> No.27506196

She kind of reminds me of Mio. Like Mio's solo content isn't that great but she's really fun in collabs. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just some type of niche that someone has to fill.

>> No.27506200

Empirically incorrect.

>> No.27506203
Quoted by: >>27506230

she responded to couple of my blues

>> No.27506206
File: 72 KB, 567x595, Ej7lnroXcAI1Usz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506209

Do your speaking reps then.

>> No.27506210

Me with Amelia and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Please manipulate me more.

>> No.27506211

So minecraft collab stream after Mori's doom stream, is that right?

>> No.27506213

My heart.

>> No.27506216
File: 1.08 MB, 600x544, sing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506219

in about 9 hours

>> No.27506224
File: 79 KB, 480x473, 1602208156668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK that's hot and cute and everything else at the same time

>> No.27506226

damn I wanted to watch her karaoke but I'm too poor can someone please share a link thanks

>> No.27506229

So who is the protagonst of HoloEN?
It's Mori because she has a character arc unlike the other four and Kiara is thebest friend character.

>> No.27506230

Thanks. Big ups to you too, man.

>> No.27506232
Quoted by: >>27506263

Why did the chicken crossed the road?
Because she's the least popular and have the slowest growth among the EN girls and mentally ill!

>> No.27506241

I hope he draws more of them in various situations for example domination over Hololive or something to that effect. I'm surprised he hasn't drawn Mori yet.

>> No.27506243

Literal JOI ASMRs. I mean, EvE's channel did it for free and her videos have been up for years.Sure, they had to be R-18 restricted, but at this point is the only line left for them to cross and fully embrace the virtual geisha persona.

>> No.27506245


>> No.27506246

*clap clap*

>> No.27506247

It wasn't members only you dip. Just look it up.

>> No.27506252

The karaoke wasn't member's only you fucking retarded faggot. Lurk the fuck more.

>> No.27506254


>> No.27506257

Mori and Kiara

>> No.27506258
File: 171 KB, 1005x1553, IMG_20200929_184152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd throw away the life I have right now and give it to Ame in a heartbeat. God I love Amelia so much. I love her I love her I love her fuck fuck FUCK

>> No.27506261

This thread is a laughing stock of /jp/, yes.

>> No.27506263

How did Anon out himself as a SEANig?
Because his response sure reads like one.

>> No.27506267

Are they going to collab today?

>> No.27506269

Gura already said she'd be Hololives antagonist instead of protagonist, so she's out.
Probably Amelia, given how supportive she is of everyone else. Then again, that can lend itself to strong supporting ally character instead.

>> No.27506271


>> No.27506273
File: 477 KB, 590x591, amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506277

Sex with me

>> No.27506278

>watching your favorite anime with Ame
>after five minutes she starts fiddling with her phone
>wonders when the pace will pick up
>asks questions that would be answered if she paid attention

>> No.27506283

Don't you have some dogs to fuck, anon?

>> No.27506285
File: 33 KB, 498x498, Eaz5KFRWkAA6Elu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bwakes the hachaama

>> No.27506287


>> No.27506286

>Kiara at 299K subs now
It's happening! Soon, Chickenbros, soon.

>> No.27506293
File: 135 KB, 960x1320, 1602318616968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean something other than sc and membershrimp, most of the people here don't even have membership probably anyway. Is the song idea still up? I haven't seen anyone talking about it since yesterday.

>> No.27506292
Quoted by: >>27506354

Yea all 5 people not in /hlg/ or /hlgg/ laugh at this thread all the time.

>> No.27506294
File: 797 KB, 1000x1413, 0d3cbfc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Si señor

>> No.27506298

Speedwatching with Ame!

>> No.27506299

The authentic girlfriend experience!

>> No.27506301

Agree,but unprobably this will increase more enough in the future. Kaira appears to push very difficult for even this and Callipe doesnt care.

>> No.27506307

Nah, it's pretty much just English that sucks, most of the romance languages are not rigid at all; heck Latin was way more free than Japanese.

>> No.27506309

>Kiara power is fire
>Germans/Austrians known for burning people

Didn't know how I didn't put two and two tonight.

>> No.27506311

Damn, this pisses me off.

>> No.27506314

I'm supposed to hate this. So why am I longing for it?

>> No.27506316
Quoted by: >>27506331

what's this I hear about Kiara getting promoted to holoJP

>> No.27506318
Quoted by: >>27506378

Why do people even try to dox Amelia? It doesn't make any sense because even before she debuted everybody knows basically everything about her including her IRL name. Some of you teamates are really fucking weird.

>> No.27506323
File: 699 KB, 747x614, 64345764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506322
Quoted by: >>27506426

TIE Fighter
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Doom 1

>> No.27506325


>> No.27506327
File: 26 KB, 224x320, 1601138991411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506326

>She isn't back yet
She is dead and Cover is covering it up, aren't them.

>> No.27506328

>So who is the protagonst of HoloEN?
Well, its 'supposed' to be Amelia.

>> No.27506331

You mean demoted?

>> No.27506333
Quoted by: >>27506387

>she's texting with Gura

>> No.27506336
Quoted by: >>27506593

If someone compiled the best/worst Ina jokes, do you think she'd draw the cover of an Ina joke book?

>> No.27506341
Quoted by: >>27506379

I hate bitches that do this shit, and not just women, but trying to watch ANYTHING with the bros is a fucking annoyance. Especially when you're actually trying to expose them to quality anime but they're just normalfaggots who care about fights.

>> No.27506342
File: 548 KB, 1227x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Gura mean by this? Is she tired of her popularity? Concernchads WW@?

>> No.27506345

I feel the same way but for Mori. I usually only like her songs, her streams are a bit too cringey for me but she really tones it down in collabs and is much better in them for it.

>> No.27506347

Subaru has everyone except Kiara beat in Stacyness

>> No.27506351

AAAHHHhhh... hey, it's actually cute.

>> No.27506352

One month in and Amelia devolved as a character

>> No.27506354

Ask nijis, ask /vyt/, ask 2hus, everyone considers this thread to be a garbage dump filled with nothing but crossboarders, constant shitflinging, doxxing and whatever else gets thrown into the mix.

>> No.27506356

She'd pay attention to Toradora, since she likes romance she'd love the greatest love story ever told

>> No.27506359
File: 173 KB, 467x515, 1601870520001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506385

I think she's a good secondary "sweet mom" character for Gura and "stalker" character for calli. She will be entertained to watch but not to subscribe because Calli and Gura audiences are different to what Kiara offers now in her solo shitposting streams.

I think the chicken has found a solid footing for an audience, but that new audience is getting filled with creepy superchats and the expectation of being more sexually daring each time. I've bankrolled the chicken hard until now and will keep simping until she gets to 300K, then I think it's time to part ways.

Coco is reddit, chicken is 4chan, and I'm just a lurker with some money to spare.

>> No.27506363
File: 95 KB, 1920x1252, 1920px-Reichsadler_Deutsches_Reich_(1935–1945).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody needs to draw the Nazi Reichsadler with a phoenix kek.

>> No.27506364

kek don't let the dogfuckers see this

>> No.27506365

"Lore" wise it's obviously Amelia, she the human investigating all the mythical creatures.

>> No.27506366

Remember that the Bugmen and Elevens were literally enemies during WWII.

>> No.27506367

Even two buttons are difficult for a shork brain, anon. It's a lot of hard big brain work for her.

>> No.27506369

>yfw in the next couple weeks she jumps to 600k+ in a blitzkrieg style master plan.

>> No.27506370

I hear a hair drier.

>> No.27506371
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1573860932642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have a stroke writing this?

>> No.27506375
File: 2 KB, 151x30, winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506378
Quoted by: >>27506451

>implying the doxfags are teamates
Are you fucking trollling or actually retarded?

>> No.27506379
Quoted by: >>27506411

>not watching things by youself


>> No.27506381
Quoted by: >>27506799

>streaming a VN

>> No.27506384

Kiara, she's the tank, you can't do anything without a tank.

>> No.27506385
File: 14 KB, 298x74, 1575521144656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27507711

>chicken is 4chan

>> No.27506387
File: 166 KB, 940x500, watson bad end2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506390

The foil tends to be either the game, hukepapa or her chat. Her improv skills are improving so she's getting better at recognising moments she can riff off of or opportunities to set things up.

>> No.27506391

I don't see how that contradicts what I said.
Yes, all 5 people who post in those threads bitch about this one.

>> No.27506392

has it ocurred to you that we know exactly what we're getting ourself into, are doing it willingly?

>> No.27506393

4 of them are different kind of autists

>> No.27506395

>thinking we care about /jp/s desperate cope
Bro /jp/ is the laughingstock of this entire fucking website, the only reason we even put up with being in this pit of autism with the same subhumans that shit out all the awful 2hu threads is because we don't have our own board yet.

>> No.27506397

Mari as MC
Kiara as MC's childhood best friend and future romance.
Ina as the third party member filler.
Amelia as the one who leads everyone else on adventures and dies in the middle then it's revealed she's the final boss
Gura as the antagonist.

It's a cute Saturday Morning magic girl series.

>> No.27506400

>with Ame
Yeah I would be texting with Calli, too. Wut would I be watching anything with Ame in the first place.

>> No.27506401


>> No.27506403
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1486289761845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506407


>> No.27506408
File: 1.19 MB, 2000x2198, Amelia Gura Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright nerds, do any of you think Amelia is slowly going to get sucked into playing minecraft solo as a result of others pulling her into it for collabs or do you think she'll stay true to not really liking it?

It's easy content but the she really doesn't have any enthusiasm for it probably as a result of family who were into it.

>> No.27506410
Quoted by: >>27506712

did you not hear what she talked about regarding her popularity?

>> No.27506411
Quoted by: >>27506429

>not watching it by yourself first and then rewatching it will your bros

>> No.27506417

>Amelia of today is closer to debut Amelia than Superliminal stream Amelia
>I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.27506425
Quoted by: >>27506450

If anything I'd say Kiara had the arc and the past few streams since Mario Kart have been a real 'growing the beard' moment.

>> No.27506426
File: 83 KB, 1000x562, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, I don't think any of them are that old.

>> No.27506427

>Ask nijis, ask /vyt/

>ask 2hus
>caring about the opinions of the lowest class of filth on 4chan outside of /trash/ or /r9k/

>> No.27506428

Amelia, she's going through most hardships
Mori is an antagonist that ends up incredibly sympathetic once you get to know their background and they end up joining as secondary protagonist

>> No.27506429

>having bros

>> No.27506430


>> No.27506433

Mori's journey in Hololive perfectly follows a hero's journey.

>> No.27506434
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 1601203140469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506439
File: 38 KB, 128x127, 1600131705237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think Mori will ever be able to animate one of her own music videos? I really like her old stuff but it's basically an instant doxx, not like that matter much anyway, but still.

>> No.27506442
File: 39 KB, 441x510, 160003471196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it weird that idol fans demand their seisos be pure, when every idol has to please ojisan producers to even get a chance to get on stage?

It's a weird duality, isn't it?

>> No.27506444
Quoted by: >>27506487

Whatcha on about?

>> No.27506445

Kiara Furia Venganza del Calamidad (forma fénix renacido)

>> No.27506447
File: 196 KB, 512x512, 1602277601905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506448


>> No.27506450


Yeah, but her's is the villainous ark. I don't think a speech genociding the Italians makes one a hero.

>> No.27506451

Do you even read these threads? Teamates are some of the weirdest fans in Hololive. The absolute meltdown they were having when it was revealed that Amelia had a past boyfriend was really fucking creepy. Also that entire Amelia dox was started here.

>> No.27506454
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, 1601820849359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506555

Did anyone clip Gura gushing about FBK yesterday?

>> No.27506457

This poem requires you to read it in a British accent, so even Americans wouldn't be able to pull it off.

>> No.27506459

It does to other europeans.

>> No.27506461
File: 265 KB, 495x565, d1df731c28b4404f1bd2abe50a07cd6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Ame, I know exactly what I'm falling for and I'm not complaining.

>> No.27506460

>Dog fuckers
>Laughing at anyone
Yeah, no.

>> No.27506464
File: 18 KB, 1286x136, spics.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you fuckers posted this on Live Again

>> No.27506465

Your 4chan history reps...

>> No.27506469


>> No.27506473
File: 20 KB, 236x272, 1595381609257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm re-watching all of Gura's streams.

>> No.27506475
File: 546 KB, 1549x875, #1FrombehindCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506477


>> No.27506478


Out of curiosity, what's with Niji's autistic hatred of Hololive?

>> No.27506482
Quoted by: >>27506567

>probably as a result of family who were into it
Sorry, where did she say this?

>> No.27506483

There is no such thing as an easy language but I sure am glad English is my first.

>> No.27506484 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27506604

Beside Moruio

>> No.27506487
File: 62 KB, 1024x1029, 1024px-Heroesjourney.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506571

Now that you think of it, yes. Yes it does.
Do your roommate reps.

>> No.27506488

Literally dead*

>> No.27506489
File: 79 KB, 480x473, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spicy coup

>> No.27506490

>I don't think a speech genociding the Italians makes one a hero.
And thats where you are wrong

>> No.27506491

She's the token evil teammate

>> No.27506493
File: 12 KB, 232x227, 1601475920137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506494

Some seething brown person, apparently.

>> No.27506497

Hololive is literal bottom of the barrel tier for normie faggots who are just getting into Vtubers.

>> No.27506498


>> No.27506499

She really is number one from behind.

>> No.27506500

Needs something to trigger her completion autism. If she doesn't start some kind of big project during this collab then I don't think she's coming back.

>> No.27506505
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1600761730821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again implying all the schizos and doxfags are teamates.
You fags really need to take the meds, it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.27506506

This is the funniest shit I've read all day

>> No.27506508


>> No.27506513
File: 62 KB, 182x150, moresun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506519

The feathers are teal not green reeeeee

>> No.27506522
File: 158 KB, 387x500, 1600183857466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compels someone to do this?

>> No.27506523

Minecraft dates with ame!

>> No.27506524

They used to be the undisputed top dogs of vtubers before hololive got big, so they looked down on holofans for a long time. Now they just seethe because they're utterly irrelevant

>> No.27506525

the main protagonist I'm not sure, but all of them are in their own way protagonists. I might exclude Ina and have her as a support character; she's chill, makes assets for others and is mainly there for the friends and experience. The others are in one way or another going through their own arcs and growth.

Who knows, maybe Ina is the true protagonist of her own harem and the other girls are just routes for her to take.

>> No.27506527


>> No.27506528

>can't even troll us with the dogfucker thread anymore

>> No.27506529

At least she's good at something.

>> No.27506530

Gotta simp for your favorite corporate overlord anon.
Doesn't help that a few Holo talents have insane schizo NND antis from their previous lives.

>> No.27506531

Beside Mori you know

>> No.27506533

Who would do this?

>> No.27506535

I can't believe this retarded ass shit joke made me laugh.

>> No.27506536
File: 80 KB, 304x304, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506538
Quoted by: >>27506588

>English is extremely flexible
>extreme efficiency of english
I've been trying to reply to this as an ESL for the past 25 minutes and I just can't.

>> No.27506540
File: 59 KB, 400x571, 1466741469640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506543

Elitism and envy, just because Holo is getting more popular in the west, while Njiji fucked that up.

>> No.27506544
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1602271314201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pills!

>> No.27506547

It's literally console wars all over again

>> No.27506553
File: 508 KB, 1549x875, fixed coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506684

>> No.27506555

Go for it

>> No.27506556
Quoted by: >>27506717

The same kind of autistic hatred that /hlg/ schizos have for Gura annihilating their sub counts in a month.

It's called jealousy.

>> No.27506558

I hope she does because I'm sure she realizes that anyone that's actually interested in her music knows about her past life at this point. I also kind of like her art style. Her roommate still active doing animations.

>> No.27506562
Quoted by: >>27506668

Stay mad, Pajeet.

>> No.27506563

Stop responding to obvious bait, it's obvious he just wants to bring up the topic

>> No.27506564
Quoted by: >>27506591

You think she likes bareback only?

>> No.27506566
Quoted by: >>27506631

Gura could do incredible lewd asmr

>> No.27506567

pretty sure she's mentioned a couple times her little brother played minecraft so she's aware of it. She might see it as childish but obviously can't say as much.

>> No.27506569
Quoted by: >>27506622

Mori has weird hands

>> No.27506571
Quoted by: >>27506619

Ah, thought you were talking about the current reincarnation exclusively

>> No.27506572

>not SIMP FOR ME (x 24)
That's the real disrespect right there.

>> No.27506573

Don't lump us together with SEAnigs.

>> No.27506576
Quoted by: >>27506889

That's not a spic name though. It's Arabic.

>> No.27506585
File: 572 KB, 668x707, 1601266577159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started here
>taking shitposters and goslingfags seriously
So you mean all the fags here are teamates? Oh so Ame is /ourgirl/ after all.

>> No.27506586

Whats with Company X's fanboys autistic hatred of Company Y

>> No.27506588
Quoted by: >>27506659

I mean it is flexible it's just not flexible in the most applicable way for the rest of the world.

>> No.27506589

The chinks or jews did this

>> No.27506590

shiny forehead gots ta gleam

>> No.27506591

No, but she doesn't need a condom with Kiara.

>> No.27506592
Quoted by: >>27506755

I cuddle with my Ikea shark every night and pretend it's Gura.

>> No.27506593


>> No.27506595

She mentioned she'd be down to help Gura do her project. Amelia doesn't have any project in mind for herself but she's cool with helping the others.

>> No.27506601
File: 139 KB, 440x467, huke, come on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will she fix it?

>> No.27506603

Nijinigger SEETHING

>> No.27506604
File: 96 KB, 1080x881, 1602343266811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506636

>Implying Mori doesn't have 5 year old condoms she never had any opportunity to use.

>> No.27506606
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1592621204298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame single-handedly destroys every building on the JP server shouting REVENGE FOR NANKING

>> No.27506607
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1602283999068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon, what are you trying to say?

>> No.27506608

She'd be happier on some minigame server where she can rage at children in pvp matches.

>> No.27506611
File: 48 KB, 800x504, Panzer_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It actually went for a lot longer than that minute.


>> No.27506612
File: 46 KB, 600x603, he does it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to sucking bitch

>> No.27506615
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, [Sajamba] Koyomimonogatari - 08 (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC)v2.mkv_snapshot_09.42_[2016.07.31_19.54.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506678

Wait a second, those bangs...

>> No.27506617


>> No.27506619

It's actually not roommate, she talked about building her little brother a PC that looked like a Minecraft block. I think it was in one of the Q&As or possibly during one of the breaks in Mosaic.

>> No.27506621


>> No.27506622

Mori's not gonna have sex with you, chicken.

>> No.27506626

Just keep this mindset up. Eventually one day some of you crazy fucks are going to discover her address and then watch how many teamates are going to run out there with condoms.

>> No.27506631

Got your membershrimp ready?

>> No.27506635

I read that as "Halozy Skyscraper" and got really excited about hearing Mori cover a 2hu song

>> No.27506636

I'm looking forward to the expired condom balloon animal ASMR.

>> No.27506639
Quoted by: >>27506698

People whose only exposure to vtubers are hololive subbed clips (90% of this thread) will say jealousy, but the only thing nijisanji really has to be jealous of is holoEN. But the hate boner has been there way before. It's something else.

>> No.27506642
Quoted by: >>27506674

So how big is Calli's strapon?

>> No.27506643


>> No.27506644

>Ame single-handedly destroys every building on the JP
It's American tradition

>> No.27506647

Hololive has better designs than Niji.

>> No.27506650
Quoted by: >>27506766

When did people started to use "Roommate" on here and why?

>> No.27506651
File: 1.11 MB, 4096x2588, 1579719050175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm paying for both my futa wives condoms.

>> No.27506653

Fucking subhuman

>> No.27506654

She's talked in streams about doing freelance animation so I wouldn't say it's impossible. I imagine she'd rather work with smaller creators and give them some exposure though.

>> No.27506656

why did huke feel compelled to draw her a worse mic?

>> No.27506659
Quoted by: >>27506689

In short: it sucks and we have the misfortune of it being the "Global Language".

>> No.27506663

>with condoms
At least they are nice guys who know responsibility.

>> No.27506662
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1601957441847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506665

I think it was alluded to in one of her members streams, but she's still doing freelance animation stuff and seemed doubtful she'd have the time, if she clears up all those projects and then stops completely or at least massively lowers the number she takes then she might have time, but it would be tricky if she intends to write record an animate a song in a single month with her current schedule

>> No.27506668 [DELETED] 

Talk to me when Hololive gets as kino as this. Until then, enjoy your SOULLESS streams that have women who attract a fanbase who got fucking ballistic if they even so much as LOOK a man's way.


>> No.27506669
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1601828406376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506671

The tentacle mic was pretty soulful, she didn't need a new one t-b-h

>> No.27506674

5 feet

>> No.27506676
Quoted by: >>27506726

I hope Gura collabs with Matsuri soon that would be a very fun stream

>> No.27506678
Quoted by: >>27506937

>the snakefag becomes a menhera chicken

>> No.27506684

Did she really say this

>> No.27506689

It's what you get for being "discovered"

>> No.27506690

>I want one of them to play a visual novel.
>Who would be the most likely to do so? Ina?
They are very long. Playing chapter-by-chapter could be an option. I wonder if streaming the uncensored version would be possible.

>> No.27506696

Yeah, during her Mario Kart stream. She was last place hence 1st from behind.

>> No.27506698

Whether Nijisanji as a company is lacking compared to Hololive is completely irrelevant, if dipshit corporate slaves feel that there's some kind of threat in their damaged brains then that's all they need.

>> No.27506700
Quoted by: >>27506751

yeah when she came in last during mario kart

>> No.27506705

>it's unironically a nijinigger coming in here to seethe with envy
My god

>> No.27506708

The fuck? that's like the least appropriate one of her songs for this comment too. also does youtube seriously not have a way to filter words in comments? how did this get published?

>> No.27506709

post this on her twitter

>> No.27506710

Ina after waking up in the morning, and before putting on makeup?

>> No.27506712

what did she say

>> No.27506717
Quoted by: >>27506748

No one hates her, she just ends up as collateral damage when faggots spam the same shitty numbers over and over just for the sake of farming (You)s.

>> No.27506718
Quoted by: >>27506798

Considering that Huke is her dai-senpai, turning down his work would've been impolite. Besides, he drew matching mics for everyone in HoloEN, and Ina wouldn't want to stand out.

>> No.27506719
File: 216 KB, 425x352, 1601929131811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just keep this mindset up. Eventually one day some of you crazy fucks are going to discover her address and then watch how many teamates are going to run out there with condoms.

>> No.27506720

A lot VNs aren't porn, anonchama.

>> No.27506726

How much English can Matsuri even speak? Gura sure as fuck isn't going to be following any Japanese.

>> No.27506738
Quoted by: >>27506809

>Eng sub
still... nijisanji really has a lot of SOUL because of their shitty beginnings... I never saw that same SOUL in holoJP (they may as well be .LIVE 2 to me) but I somehow see SOUL in holoEN... it's fucking weird man.

>> No.27506743

Hm, if only there existed a short, streamer-friendly, nudity-free babby's first VN out there.

>> No.27506744
File: 374 KB, 500x500, 1601600477051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to thank the mods for having to deal with all this sea monkey bullshit

>> No.27506747
File: 92 KB, 292x299, 1601256130884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your containment thread, Pajeet. Before I'm forced to strike you down.

>> No.27506748

Anon there's a schizo in that shithole thread who literally has had several meltdowns and spammed the place with gore and bestiality porn and screamed DIE SHARK DIE SHARK because he couldn't handle it.

>> No.27506750
Quoted by: >>27506831

Will the CN girls be allowed to collab with the EN ones?

>> No.27506751

I came first though

>> No.27506753

I mean, he isn't wrong.

>> No.27506754

>playing untranslated VNs and translating them to the audience

Doesn't this have the potential to get Hololive in copyright trouble?

>> No.27506755
File: 108 KB, 417x320, 1580144691493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked my local Ikea but they didn't have it... at least I couldn't find it, I was too embarrassed to ask the wageslaves.

>> No.27506757
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1601090335791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do yu rely, anon?

>> No.27506765
Quoted by: >>27506857

I want Ina to play AI: The Somnium Files

>> No.27506766


>> No.27506771
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1601950865688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need filters to avoid roomate/doxx/dramafags. Anybody?

>> No.27506772
Quoted by: >>27506832

>wow wow wow wow

>> No.27506774

An unironic nijigger wouldn't post translated clips. It's either a /vyt/ tourist or a local schizo having his autistic kind of fun.

>> No.27506777

She's probably the worst out of all jp branch.

>> No.27506780

Yes you are, Pan Limak.

>> No.27506781 [DELETED] 

Here, have some more. You should be thanking me, Holonigger, for broadening your tastes.

>> No.27506782

Watching the replay of Gura's membershrimp stream. Can't tell if her chat is any better or the same as normal streams.

>> No.27506785
File: 762 KB, 1057x1280, 84610936_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506833


>> No.27506786

Probably unlikely.
Ina doing a members only Song of Saya playthrough over a couple of streams might be comfy.

>> No.27506788
Quoted by: >>27506845

Try ordering online, it's fucking great

>> No.27506791
Quoted by: >>27506849

Why can't I just like both for their own merits?

>> No.27506795

why are there so many pekoposters here

>> No.27506798

I don't see a reason why she can't alternate between them.

>> No.27506799


>> No.27506801

clearly they can speak with their bodies

>> No.27506804
File: 147 KB, 1077x1319, 1602358568320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully Calli!

>> No.27506806

Thank you, now go back to shitting up your own thread. Fuck off

>> No.27506807

That would be kino but no way it would fly.

>> No.27506808

I guess it'd seem rude if he only made 4.

>> No.27506809

Jesus christ, you people are braindead. Are you ESL or have you just completely given up on the English language?

>> No.27506811

>Talking about SOUL
>Posting the most SOULLESS Nijis
You really are brain damaged

>> No.27506810

go fuck yourself Limak

>> No.27506812

>n*jifag seething

>> No.27506817

I'd offer you mine but then the schizos in here would go out of their way to avoid using the words I filter.

>> No.27506819

Anon there's a schizo in every shithole. By your logic they should hate Pekora as well just because troglodytes decided to falseflag with her for months.

>> No.27506821

>streaming Saya on Youtube

>> No.27506825

Did someone clip Gura's Say Fanfare fc yet

>> No.27506830

It's not the first time he had that kind of meltdown, you know.

>> No.27506831
Quoted by: >>27506872

I would've figured Civia starting a youtube channel was for pretty much that purpose or at least capitalise on the attention EN was getting by adding another fluent english speaking hololiver.

>> No.27506832

sounds about right. Yeah any collab is just going to be google translate English and talking to their chats about how cute and friendly the other one is. Might be funny for a little bit.

>> No.27506833
Quoted by: >>27506858

When does this remix contest thing end by the way?

>> No.27506836
File: 124 KB, 1292x830, 154486216548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go bacc

>> No.27506837

>le sad cat
pot calling the kettle black

>> No.27506842

Order it online it's only like $15

>> No.27506845

Well, I do have amazon and ebay though I was on my was back from the hospital and ikea wasn't far so I checked anyway.

>> No.27506846


>> No.27506849

This. Although, I feel that nijisanji is the original soul, hololive soulless, then hololive en is soul again.

>> No.27506852

learn japanese... you are embarrassing us... stop posting in this thread or on the nijisanji one too for that matter...

>> No.27506853

that game has been rereleased so many times without porn that most people dont know it had any
tons of people have playthroughs of it up on youtube

>> No.27506857
Quoted by: >>27506902

I want Ina to play Saya no Uta

>> No.27506858
Quoted by: >>27506884

I think the winners will be announced at the live show? Can't remember now desu

>> No.27506860

I'd figure the steam version cuts out a lot of the yabai parts.

>> No.27506862

Ah yes the same person who has had two breakdowns on stream because people keep giving her money and she doesn't know what to do.

>> No.27506864

Who will be the first HoloEN to collab with the nijisanji girl that lost count of the number of people they slept with

>> No.27506865

nips won't put in effort for k*reans

>> No.27506867

Nousagis are based

>> No.27506869
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1577709643079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually have ikea sharks

>> No.27506870

Pekora is based.

>> No.27506873

I'm going to purchase a membership and post member-only content on here for the sole purpose of pissing you off, thanks, anonchama.

>> No.27506872
Quoted by: >>27506965

I don't mean legally or company rules I mean if the chinese fans would allow it

>> No.27506881
Quoted by: >>27507062

They're soft and comfy
Why don't you have one?

>> No.27506883

Need a clip on Mori talking about how boring the world would be if we all liked the same thing

>> No.27506884

isn't the concert before the official deadline though? or am I getting confused on timezones?

>> No.27506885
File: 525 KB, 2500x1779, Holotaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in. Here's my drawing rep for the day

>> No.27506887

watch her plug and play stream

>> No.27506889 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 616x700, 1602358784333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27506945

>a Muslim
I knew there is something about his name, I don't usually report shit but for one of them I'll make an exception

>> No.27506894
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1602264226650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27506896

Kiara is Dennis
Ina is Dee
Mori is Mac
Gura is Charlie
Amelia is Frank

does that answer your question?

>> No.27506901

It's a body pillow except easier to explain.

>> No.27506902

I want Ina. ___________________

>> No.27506906
File: 35 KB, 1554x295, 1581090033096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're cute

>> No.27506909

Unironically started sleeping better after I got it.

>> No.27506912

I love me some niji as well but take your meds
globalchads will never take your bait

>> No.27506915


Kiara finished streaming, so she's spamming the thread.

>> No.27506916
Quoted by: >>27507197


>> No.27506917

Dennis as in the Menace?

>> No.27506918
Quoted by: >>27507197

Based. Keep it up!

>> No.27506919

Better than having a stuffed carrot

>> No.27506920
Quoted by: >>27507197

Holy shit man

My boy looking hella tired

>> No.27506924

The class rep is certifiably insane. Literally. Other than the whole "lulsorandum" antics of her legit insanity she is boring as fuck. The best I can give you is that she is decent story teller.

>> No.27506926
Quoted by: >>27507197


>> No.27506931
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 164855846992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they are comfy af...

>> No.27506934

I love Mori

>> No.27506935
File: 167 KB, 856x751, IMG_20201010_114926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27506936
File: 629 KB, 570x539, smugpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does it for free

>> No.27506937
File: 977 KB, 1279x719, 1416792155264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Platinum pottery.

>> No.27506940

Don't you have a mess to be cleaning up about now?
Back to work.

>> No.27506943

That just makes it better.

>> No.27506944


>> No.27506945

>spoilering a frogpost
Imagine being a newfag and afraid of meidos.

>> No.27506948
File: 15 KB, 272x272, 1452439107678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27507197


>> No.27506950
Quoted by: >>27507197

How do you trace and still fuck up.

>> No.27506957
Quoted by: >>27507197

That's really good, thanks anon

>> No.27506965

The fans don't seem to have an issue with EN or at the very least are wary enough to kick up a stink that could get them flak from Gura's fans.

>> No.27506966

I kinda disagree, look at the Onion for exaple: she's clearly loves her Vtuber carreer.
Imho it's just the idol gimmick that ruins the experience a bit.

>> No.27506968

>Song of Saya
It's literally baby's first VN, it would only anger Ina's cultured fanbase, myself included.

>> No.27506969


>> No.27506973
File: 323 KB, 1341x1885, 1601578584646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me more karaoke streams NOW

>> No.27506974

Here you are, Pajeet!

>> No.27506985

You just watched baby's first meme movie with her.
Besides, YMK is still baby's first VN.

>> No.27506986
Quoted by: >>27507263

>inb4 ESL
yeah, but no, that was just me not proofreading.

>> No.27506996

was that recent cover tweet looking for musicians for making songs like those https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Hololive_Songs with ENs?

>> No.27507002

POV: You are a Bullet Bill

>> No.27507003

Guys I want Mori to be my Uber driver so we both get stuck in the car forever.

>> No.27507007
Quoted by: >>27507052

>nijifags enjoy watching tranny vtubers
checks out

>> No.27507009
Quoted by: >>27507056

I just hate the dykery in holoJP, it's extremely annoying so I kind of fell into the same viewing pattern as this anon. When holoEN gets more members and the lilies start blooming I think I'll get annoyed at them too.

>> No.27507010

Fuck you, Matrix isn't just a meme movie.

>> No.27507017
Quoted by: >>27507055

She can just make mama Matsuri show up on screen and everything would be fine.

>> No.27507019
Quoted by: >>27507051

>YMK is still baby's first VN.
Based oldfag. Buy baby's first VN has changed twice since then. It became Katawa Shoujo in 2012 and currently it's Doki Doki Literature Club.

>> No.27507023

this was a good doujin

>> No.27507025

I just want to smell her crotch after a long gaming session.

>> No.27507028

gura is awake and is retweeting fan art

>> No.27507029
File: 198 KB, 534x663, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27507117


>> No.27507034


>> No.27507037
File: 35 KB, 1920x1080, Ej_VCPMXkAAAT9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27507043

I don't see how posting the one Niji who literally bullied a fellow Niji into graduation helps your case in any way.

>> No.27507051

What happened to Rance VII?

>> No.27507052

They are all bisexual. It's only expected.

>> No.27507055
Quoted by: >>27507226

Is her mother good at English?

>> No.27507056
Quoted by: >>27507097

There are two literal dykes in Niji and the streams are so fucking gay they border on voyeurism.

>> No.27507058

Hey guys do you still remember her https://mobile.twitter.com/mashiro3yuki/status/1314940285298728960

>> No.27507062

I want to get the small one, but the small one and the big one have the same model number, so I'm not sure how to be certain I'm ordering the one I want

>> No.27507065

>matrix is a meme movie
You need to go back

>> No.27507070
File: 679 KB, 1292x531, 1829129012891859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused, yet I also understand.

>> No.27507071

They're still mad the shark ate their shitty hare.

>> No.27507072
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1602293153039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27507117


>> No.27507079
Quoted by: >>27507226


>> No.27507086

How would you rank the girls in terms of how smug they are?

>> No.27507085

Is that background supposed to make me think of that one setpiece in BR2049

>> No.27507090

>Matrix meme movie
Actual fucking retarded zoomer.

>> No.27507091

she followed me back, I now feel obligated to
don't have enough disposable income to fanbox right now though, might change depending on Mori's membership changes

>> No.27507095

Why does this look like graphics to some indie meme-datinghorror title where the scene will start gradually getting more fucked up

>> No.27507097

Which ones are they? I might check those ones out.

>> No.27507100
File: 1005 KB, 1920x2097, 08d483_7462180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i just finished ame and ina's karaoke and i can't help but be reminded of this image

>> No.27507101

It looks comfy as fuck. As someone who can't sleep without hugging a pillow, I might look into getting one.

>> No.27507103
Quoted by: >>27507226

Spoonfeed pls.
I never liked Sasaki, but I'd like to have proof before letting my opinion of her get worse.

>> No.27507105 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27507136

Amelia's definitely the smugest but eventually when the schizos find out where she lives, they'll wipe the smug right off her face.

>> No.27507107

I have this autistic/completionist itch for watching all of holoen's streams, but I know that's infeasible. What can I skip?

>> No.27507108

There's a little post in your projecting anon...

>> No.27507114

>shilling JP indies
EOPs don’t stick around, stop giving them false hope. At least have the decency to shill EN indies.

>> No.27507117
Quoted by: >>27507138

You don't watch her videos? She has no sense of direction to the point I'm surprised she even found her own bathroom.

>> No.27507119

Actually wanna know what you think

>> No.27507120
Quoted by: >>27507261

Gura's awake, pray for schedule.

>> No.27507121
Quoted by: >>27507242


>> No.27507130
File: 621 KB, 882x496, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't believe she streamed her suicide bros...

>> No.27507131
Quoted by: >>27507203

anything with Mori in it

>> No.27507133

Ah fuck, another reason to do my reps sooner than later

>> No.27507136

Why do you keep making creepy posts like this? Are you autistic?

>> No.27507139
Quoted by: >>27507437

Skip anything that forces you to lose sleep.

>> No.27507138

Anon, eventually you'd both have to get out of the car or you'd die.

>> No.27507140
File: 70 KB, 900x598, 1600211078323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27507144

I do and I will tune in if I am still awate at 3:00 AM.

>> No.27507150

This drawfag here
taking one coupon request, gotta do that last rep today

>> No.27507154
Quoted by: >>27507840

wonder if any of these anons saw that senko ntr animation.

>> No.27507156

I want to stick my face into every square inch of Mori's body

>> No.27507159

It feels good to know that you're so fucking stupid I didn't even need to correct you myself.

>> No.27507160
Quoted by: >>27507212

People here make fun of clip watchers but it's honestly what you have to do after a while. After a while, you can only catch streams of your favorites and everyone else will have to be relegated to watching clips of their best moments.

>> No.27507161
Quoted by: >>27507181

Everyone is smug in their own way. Except Mori.

>> No.27507162
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27507165

It's a false flag. Just ignore it.

>> No.27507166

I'll be there

>> No.27507167

Pekora is the hero of all kids, ourselves included

>> No.27507168

>I gently open the stream

>> No.27507171

It's OK she just wanted to see Mori.

>> No.27507173

Don't feed him

>> No.27507174

>can drive
wew lad

>> No.27507181
Quoted by: >>27507217

Mori can never be smug as long as Canadians exist.

>> No.27507194
Quoted by: >>27507448

Mori playing with a happy meal toy.

>> No.27507197

ty lads
i guess this means i got the style close enough? there wasn't any tracing here, just had the lucifer sprite on hand for referencing.

>> No.27507199

I couldn't make it to her last one but I was real happy to see her latest stream got almost 1k views

>> No.27507203

imagine being enough of a faggot to try and rob someone of best content

>> No.27507206
File: 41 KB, 650x500, S7xHwHp[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The darkest magic

>> No.27507207

>Gura stopped liking and retweeting cunny
What's the narrative?

>> No.27507209

Autistic Calli

>> No.27507212

Very true. If you try to watch them all it will take over your entire day. Happened to me yesterday

>> No.27507215

Kiara literally doesn't even want to drive

>> No.27507217

She was a bit smug when she called Kiara out in during the full collab (the one with the clap game).

>> No.27507221
Quoted by: >>27507258


>> No.27507223

i am going to get one but i sleep with a dakimakura

>> No.27507226

No but she apparently makes for a better vchuuba than her daughter, judging from her brief appearances

I don't have source at hand but if you check out the niji threads archives you'll find it. It might take a while though.

>> No.27507231

man, we really have to take responsibility for this don't we? guess it gives me some motivation to do my reps

>> No.27507235
File: 12 KB, 550x113, mfer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reminding you who is responsible for pdp bullshit

>> No.27507236

management told her to be family friendly

>> No.27507237

Some concernfag probably told her about it like with Ame.

>> No.27507241

>watching Civia for the first time because nothing else happening

holy shit bros....this is some good shit

>> No.27507242
File: 122 KB, 2552x1393, 20201010_125405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less smug than Mori

>> No.27507246

She doesn't want to be horny anymore, she just wants to be happy...

>> No.27507247
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what sexy grandma helped chicken out over an hour in discord with in case you were wondering

>> No.27507252
Quoted by: >>27507276

She should play Eurotruck Simulator. It would be legit entertaining.

>> No.27507254


>> No.27507256
Quoted by: >>27507938

They are mocked and labeled as foul beasts in the real thread, so they're forced to post their pekofaces here. I don't mind these lads to be honest as they enrich the thread.

>> No.27507258

Based Alex

>> No.27507260

Civia stream

>> No.27507261

no, today is "pray for collab stream reservation". monday is "pray for schedule".

>> No.27507263
Quoted by: >>27507661

No need to be so insecure, I don't proofread either and sometimes leave janny autocorrected as nanny. Fair point, I do like holos like korone and roboco, but what I didn't like was their business tactics, like funneling views and only sticking with content that guarantees success. Nijisanji is a lot more experimental and varied with their content.

>> No.27507266

Our wife Civia is cute

>> No.27507267

meme review: vtubers!

>> No.27507268
Quoted by: >>27507324

>YMK is still baby's first VN
What about Wanko to Kurasou then

>> No.27507273
Quoted by: >>27507319

She's not streaming though?

>> No.27507275

Ok, I'll dive in the archives as soon as Warosu stops being down for me.

>> No.27507276
Quoted by: >>27507297

>playing a truck driving simulator
Checks out

>> No.27507283

Probably only the three North Americans.
There's almost no need to learn how to drive if you're in urban Japan.

>> No.27507285
Quoted by: >>27507304

am I a newfaggot for not knowing what the fuck this kid is talking about?

>> No.27507287

No, I think it's classist and elitist.

>> No.27507288
Quoted by: >>27507330

Mori needs to get on it with the merchandise. I would buy daki of her in a flash.

>> No.27507289
Quoted by: >>27507353

Where's the Calli Swimsuit, Ina? Where is it?

>> No.27507291

As expected

>> No.27507292

Artia has terrible taste in games but good taste in women.

>> No.27507297
Quoted by: >>27507390

How about Train sim?

>> No.27507299

HoloEN Racing Tourney to settle it.
Mario Kart, Burnout, DIRT, and Euro Truck Driving Simulator
The EN with the best overall performance will be deemed the only Holo who can drive.

>> No.27507304

Nah, it's pewdiepie shit

>> No.27507305

>le pewdz
>le reddit jojo meme
This fucker could die tomorrow and I wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.27507307
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x703, deser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final full team collab gonna happen today

Bros, I don't want all of us to go our separate ways...

>> No.27507310

I want Ina or Kiara to play Saya no Uta

>> No.27507313

I thought Fate was baby's first VN

>> No.27507318
File: 393 KB, 2000x1250, Ej9QgOCU8AUtmo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I like this one

>> No.27507319

yeah my bad should have clarified. watching her Mario stream and some of her twitter videos

>> No.27507322

Not any more, ever since Grand Order it's now uncool to read FSN

>> No.27507324

baby's first FURISUBI simulator.

>> No.27507327
File: 678 KB, 992x1398, illust_84926134_20201010_215750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bird is so horny man

>> No.27507329

>senpai how do you control your horny
>you don't

>> No.27507330
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>> No.27507331

If you legitimately can't post a source outside of some bullshit on this board how do you expect me to believe you?

>> No.27507333
Quoted by: >>27507352

keeping to ourselves will actually lower anti count, cus everybody will just keep to their oshi

>> No.27507337

I can't believe Marine saved Mori's life days before Mori started actually falling for Kiara

>> No.27507343
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>> No.27507347

Doesn't even post about the legit yuri couple.

>> No.27507348


Weren't they allowed to make their own merch?

>> No.27507349
Quoted by: >>27507369

Is Ina going to watch and stream Higurashi? She teased it a few days ago, but I don't know if she has talked about it again since then

>> No.27507352

D Y R B I?

>> No.27507353

Calli swimsuit that makes her look flustered yet sexy onegai Ina

>> No.27507355

Arguable, but the length kind of filters some people.

>> No.27507356

>Those clothing folds
>That lighting on her knuckles
Fuck me as a /beg/ I'm kneeling

>> No.27507358

I can commission my lewd Mori daki anytime.

>> No.27507359

Of course she doesn't, she wants to be taken places instead.

>> No.27507360

>this is your average chumbud
explains a lot

>> No.27507363
Quoted by: >>27507405

Is there a lore reason why most people are saying Ame or is it just because they immediately think of the Gosling movie?

>> No.27507365

YAGOO... Gura hoodie... onegai...

>> No.27507369

The new Higurashi anime is actually a sequel rather than a re-adaptation so I'm not sure if it would be a good stream choice

>> No.27507373

Look at more art

>> No.27507374

fuck it, I'll just make a custom print t shirt with bloop on it

>> No.27507376

Senpai. Turn off my horny inhibitors.

>> No.27507377

It looks so soft

>> No.27507386

>Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you

This is hitting me right in the feels and I didn't even play this game. I thought this was normies first VN. Is it worth playing for Ame?

>> No.27507388

Nah Cripple Simulator is still baby's first VN.

>> No.27507390

It could work

>> No.27507393

It would be nice if they still did group collabs once a month or so. They'll obviously do a celebration stream around Christmas/New Years too.

>> No.27507395

>The new Higurashi anime is actually a sequel rather than a re-adaptation

>> No.27507396

Why contain it? Let it spill over into the streams and collabs. In the end, they'll beg us for members only ASMR.

>> No.27507397

>senpai how do you control your horny
>you don't, you use it to control others

>> No.27507398

You can do it, anon. Channel your inner POWER and brute force through it. Buy meme energy drinks if you have to.

>> No.27507401

Gura is in this thread right now. Please say something encouraging to her.

>> No.27507403

Calli's character design has a lot of smug potential, but I don't think she can pull it off very well, though she does have some moments, like that baka clip.

>> No.27507405

She kinda seems like she has it together the most of any of the EN's, like how she's apparently the best with computers of any of them

>> No.27507406

>armpits are becoming mainstream
please stop

>> No.27507407

That's so fucking adorable, I really want to see these two in a karaoke collab.

>> No.27507411

Yeah, they pulled a SIKE on us after the first episode
Everything from here on out is 100% new content, straight from R07

>> No.27507416


>> No.27507417


>> No.27507418
Quoted by: >>27507486

Time shenanigans

>> No.27507420
Quoted by: >>27507442

Korone just got a daki though

>> No.27507421

You don't want more art of it?

>> No.27507422


>> No.27507424
Quoted by: >>27507485

Theres a possibly one of the three NAs lives in a sufficiently large city where public transport is viable or parts of the city were obviously developed before cars but otherwise knowing how to drive would be basically mandatory

>> No.27507427
Quoted by: >>27507996

I masturbate thinking about your tight cunny milking my cock everyday.

>> No.27507428


I genuinely KEKd when I saw Ame at the top.

>> No.27507432

Is she any familiar with the previous series? It'd be really fun to watch the new series along side her and talk about her theories

>> No.27507433

Play the Ecco games dumb shrimp.

>> No.27507435

>Favorite Holoen
>Your homeboard and what threads you post in there

>> No.27507437

Considering second-order effects, any time spent watching streams or posting here is time taken from my sleep

>> No.27507438

What a weird thing to doompost

>> No.27507439

Gura screams like a piccolo flute. How is that even possible.

>> No.27507442
Quoted by: >>27507564

and how long has Korone been a member of hololive anon?

>> No.27507445

You have a very strong liver!

>> No.27507448

Which stream was this?

>> No.27507449

This looks familiar, what isekai is this?

>> No.27507450

This book offends me on a personal level. Those aren't even jokes.

>> No.27507453

The closest Callie comes to being smug is spitting hot fire in her raps. But yeah being smug normally goes against her appeal so I don't think she can pull it off.

>> No.27507454

You're a lazy fucking shark and I hope you never find your moldy bread.

>> No.27507459
Quoted by: >>27507574

she's not human

>> No.27507460

Track making, and a bit of the 400k SC reading

>> No.27507462


I got a boner when I saw her feet like that.

>> No.27507464

Watch the OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soQjR5_GHXI
This is going to be great

>> No.27507467

Look at the letters between T and O on your keyboard.

>> No.27507471


>> No.27507473

>Do you have a source on that?


>A source. I need a source.

>Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

>No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

>You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

>Do you have a degree in that field?

>A college degree? In that field?

>Then your arguments are invalid.

>No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

>Correlation does not equal causation.


>You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

>Nope, still haven't.

>I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.27507475

In 2008 it was, the bar is way lower now though

>> No.27507478

The music making one, she used the propeller from a thomas the tank engine toy to make a sample.

>> No.27507479

Schedule onegai

>> No.27507482
Quoted by: >>27507526

How did 5ch react to the recent takamori minecraft collab? Do they even get translated clips?

>> No.27507483

huke knew what he was doing

>> No.27507485

Ina is a hiki living in Newfoundland, it's pretty 50/50 for her.

>> No.27507486

Time jannys?

>> No.27507488

Why wouldn't they continue doing group collabs?

>> No.27507490
Quoted by: >>27507530

Wish one of the girls could play a Minecraft Modpack/Mod. It might be too niche/filter for them though. Permissionwise it could also be a nightmare i guess.

>> No.27507494
Quoted by: >>27507522

The legendary day 07th Expansion oldfags dabbed on /a/ newfags. Never forget it.

>> No.27507497


>> No.27507499

It's short and free, at worst you'll lose a few hours, so I'd say just go for it.

>> No.27507504

But can you say that in red?

>> No.27507505

i like her attitude

>> No.27507506

>Thirsty as hell, but ok
I love this slut

>> No.27507507

Are you ok Anon?

>> No.27507510
Quoted by: >>27507614

>not appreciating ame's character devlopment

>> No.27507514

>No hesitation
This horny chicken

>> No.27507516

I go to many different threads on /fit/ desu / /neog/

>> No.27507517

Sure sums up my life right now.
Ever day I imagine a timeline where it could be me who gets to be with Amelia.

>> No.27507520

Play One Shot instead.

>> No.27507521

It's okay if you don't believe me, anon, but not all of us autistically archive sources for every single fact or thing that happens in every thread in every board. I even stopped hoarding reaction pictures years ago.

>> No.27507522

Holy shit, I might actually watch it then

>> No.27507526
Quoted by: >>27507602

>Do they even get translated clips?
Uh TakaMori is very popular with jp fans because of clips. They create most of the TakaMori fanart.

>> No.27507527
Quoted by: >>27507552

When is the next EN stream?

>> No.27507530

They need permissions for modpacks too? why is copyright so cancerous... it's not like they're selling the mod files for fuck's sake.

>> No.27507540

>/a/, the light novel threads and that's it, everything else has gone to shit

>> No.27507542

So do we know for sure when the collab's gonna happen?
I don't wanna miss it.

>> No.27507543


>> No.27507549

And I thought Watson was going to be the horny one at the start.

>> No.27507551

Humanity was a mistake

>> No.27507552

There isn't one, they all scheduled breaks over the weekend. Enjoy your dead hours.

>> No.27507556


>> No.27507557
Quoted by: >>27507598

hi what's the last narrative?

>> No.27507558

Time to pyw in the /beg/ thread and get shit on, anonbabby.

>> No.27507560

Gura's awake now. She might announce anytime soon.

>> No.27507562

Nijisanji got into trouble when they played Among Us with a Japanese patch mod without permission.

>> No.27507564

One would hope that Cover isn't completly inept and is capitalising on the rising success of HoloLive by producing more merchandise now.
One would hope....

>> No.27507566
Quoted by: >>27507639

Kiara's roommate wants to fuck Kiara as much as I do

>> No.27507565

Maybe not for all modpacks, but rather mod packs that might use material that infringes on some other company's copyright

>> No.27507568
Quoted by: >>27507590

There was some drama with some vtuber girl who used a mod and modder got buthurt and had like meltdown and she had to apologize

>> No.27507569
Quoted by: >>27507613

>finish the VN two days before the premiere
>see the twist on Thursday
>"Oh thank god I dodged a bullet"
>Then I realized I'll have to finish Umineko before watching any further

>> No.27507571

Thank you. The 300 images are up.

>> No.27507574


>> No.27507576

8 hours

>> No.27507577

Not really sure, I tend to come and go depending what my current hyperfixation is, first board I frequented was /a/ though.

>> No.27507580

How did Amelia obtain her doctorate?
She printed out a PDF file

>> No.27507581
Quoted by: >>27507619

>Japan got a free version of FATE that includes all 3 routes on android
It might still hold the title in Nipland.

>> No.27507585

almost every thread but mostly gunpla

>> No.27507586

How come we get the least streams during the weekend
Like you would think this would be primetime for people to have some time to watch stuff

As opposed to midnight on a Wednesday, you know?

>> No.27507590

i hate modders

>> No.27507592

Too big for that

>> No.27507598

All the HoloEN girls are great, their content is enjoyable, and they have nowhere to go but up from here.

>> No.27507601

>/tg/ /vg/ /his/ /pol/ /int/. Mostly shitposting and checking for news.

>> No.27507602

I take it they don't watch Taka's solo stuff as much....otherwise the fanart would take a slightly different direction.

>> No.27507603
Quoted by: >>27507627

Weekends are when they get their 'personal clients'

>> No.27507606

like around midnight est or 1 am something around then

>> No.27507608

She followed me back on twitter and now nows im a disgusting person, but i'll be there for her live and I did my jp reps as well for her

>> No.27507611
Quoted by: >>27507635

Only because the patch creator is the biggest cunt. He didn't even specify that permission was needed and flipped his shit over it anyway because he wasn't getting attention.

>> No.27507613

Thankfully Umineko isn't all that long

>> No.27507614

pitchads always win in the end

>> No.27507619
Quoted by: >>27507681

I thought it was the first route free and then microtransactions for the rest or something? or was there an update since I last heard about it?

>> No.27507620

No it's not that they didn't get permission. They didn't credit the guy who created the mod so he went all schizo and threatened to take the mod down. The dumb thing is that they likely just got the mod from the wiki, who are the ones who forgot to credit the creator in the first place.He didn't even put any README with the mod so there was no way they could've known.

>> No.27507621
Quoted by: >>27507647

hmm, i take the weekend off work too, conspiracy?

>> No.27507625

That's sick dude

>> No.27507627

God I wish I was rich enough to buy Amelia for a night

>> No.27507633

Management needs its perks, please understand

>> No.27507635
Quoted by: >>27507675

Why are nips so much more autistic about this sort of thing

>> No.27507639

A great boy once said it best 'If I had a dick, I would stick it in something moe'

I believe that Kiara understands this most deeply of all. Even deeper than the boy who originally said it.

>> No.27507640

/onageneral/, /g/, /egg/, /sgg/

>> No.27507646
Quoted by: >>27507741

Some of them still have jobs and want to rest, or have friends/family with monday to friday jobs they want to see

>> No.27507647
Quoted by: >>27507695

Yes but their job is entertainer.
Musicians don't take the weekends off, nor do other kind of performers. It's when they get the biggest audiences.

I´m not against them having days off but why always on the weekend.

>> No.27507649
Quoted by: >>27508129

how many times have you fapped to her so far?

>> No.27507654

So there is nothing before the collab today?

>> No.27507656

I love my sharkwife!

>> No.27507658

/v/, /vg/, /vrpg/
/mggg/, /hgg2d/, /ss13g/, final fantasy, black souls, most (j)rpg threads or new releases

>> No.27507661

Someone would have pointed that out most likely, I just did it myself.

>but what I didn't like was their business tactics, like funneling views and only sticking with content that guarantees success

To that I can agree, maybe the viewer funneling happens so much because they are a really compact group overall (and obviously because more viewers are a good thing for the talents themselves) and it is more noticeable. I honestly don't know enough about Niji to say something in this regard.
As for the content, once again I agree, some of the girls seem fine with trying things out (like Towa playing Indidisi, Individisiburu Indivisible), while others do not, maybe it is also a matter of management.

>> No.27507664


>> No.27507666

>homeboard? what's that? I guess I like r/animemes and the Jojo posts, they're so funny! ZA WARUDOOOOO LOLLLLL!

>> No.27507675

Because they've been taught to respect THE LAW

>> No.27507678

You are talking as if finding her address was hard.

>> No.27507681

No fucking idea, D E S U.

>> No.27507683

catching up with the archives for the overlapping member streams.

>> No.27507682
Quoted by: >>27507712

How come live chat replay isn't available for Kiara's SM64?
Anything bad in it?

>> No.27507686

chicken fags trying so hard lmao

>> No.27507695
Quoted by: >>27507743

Mori works 3 jobs and has to force herself to take breaks or she'll wear herself out. She even mentioned that she has freelance work that she might end up doing today instead of resting.

>> No.27507700

>Don't think I've forgetten about South Tyrol you pasta eating, moor blooded, wop fucking shit.
Jesus Christ, Kiara.

>> No.27507699
Quoted by: >>27507710

I'm losing my sanity... I need Ina

>> No.27507702

who had the UI yab last night?

>> No.27507704

Dangerously based

>> No.27507710

Anon, what if Ina is the reason you're losing your sanity?

>> No.27507711

Forgot the part where /r/hololive talks about anal sex and genocide. Epic

>> No.27507712

Youtube a shit and it takes forever for it to be available on archives

>> No.27507714

It's getting pretty pathetic Tbh

>> No.27507723
Quoted by: >>27508109

Chicken bros aren't rude, don't false flag!

>> No.27507724
Quoted by: >>27507736

Ame, but it wasn't as bad as the gang beasts collab, it was up for less than a second.

>> No.27507727

It used to be /a/ but I haven't been there in years and last time I checked in was when HS died. Also /jp/ to check on the VN threads. Other than that, everything else just fucking sucks so I stick to holo threads and /h/ for the audio threads

>> No.27507736
Quoted by: >>27507845

>UI yab
>last night
Wait, another one?

>> No.27507737
Quoted by: >>27507773


I haven't had one for years. I only came back to 4chan to check /jp/'s reaction to holoEN, and I guess I stayed.

>> No.27507738

unlike shark lol

>> No.27507739

Hololive is like vanossgaming which is a lot more entertaining

>> No.27507741
Quoted by: >>27507839

>have friends/family with monday to friday jobs they want to see

Fuck... hold me bros.

>> No.27507743

How the fuck does she manage to stay so upbeat on stream all the time?

>> No.27507745

/vr/, /vrpg/, /jp/ 2hu, /tmg/ and /a/ when there is a show I like, the rest is just shitposting on generic boards

>> No.27507749

/d/, new stuff

>> No.27507750

It's cute that some of the ENs have got dedicated fan artists. Like the TakaMori artist for Kiara and Mori and Klaius for Gura. Are there any others for Ina and Ame?

>> No.27507753

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.27507763
Quoted by: >>27507792

>doesn't even try
>still breaks all the records
how is she so based?

>> No.27507771

Shes almost passed out on stream at least once already

>> No.27507773

bro you made it and you relapsed
scary stuff
if I ever make it out, I'm never coming back

>> No.27507776
Quoted by: >>27507799

/a/, /jp/ (2hu and VN threads), sometimes /vg/ for MMO and mobage gens, /cm/

>> No.27507777
Quoted by: >>27507831

>Second highest earner of HoloEN

She'll be fine

>> No.27507778

*unlike kiara
she has no taste in videogames and is shit in everything lmao
sad chickenfags

>> No.27507780

It seems atleast bird is aware of this. Im sure it will be something thats changed over time. Especially if they switch to be more full time like Mori said she planned to

>> No.27507782

Maybe there were just no good cunny today.

>> No.27507784

kana ueda is over

>> No.27507787
Quoted by: >>27507851

I guess it's /v/, but I've frequented /x/ and /a/ too. However for the ~15 years I've been here only these specific holoEN threads made me want to actually start posting and to start creating OC shit for loughs. Since their debut I only really come here.

>> No.27507792
Quoted by: >>27507869

Not him but appealing to normalfaggots isn't necessarily that hard of a thing to do, anon.

>> No.27507795

>8 hours to collab
>1k per 6 hours
She's gonna make it.

>> No.27507799


>> No.27507805

The positive reinforcement from chat and talking to the other EN girls keeps her upbeat. She even said that her face is sore since she's not used to smiling so much.

>> No.27507804
Quoted by: >>27507834

If the Gura Collab is Minecraft. She'll get a boost

>> No.27507819

>Still no Bibi plushie
>No Mio hoodie

>> No.27507822

Oh yeah? well how about this

>> No.27507829

shark cunny asmr when

>> No.27507830

So, is Mori's Doom the only stream we have planned?

>> No.27507831
Quoted by: >>27507927

She's basically the Flare of EN which is a pretty damn good position to be in.

>> No.27507834

she said during her solo minecraft that this one would be. but you never know until it starts, of course.

>> No.27507836
Quoted by: >>27507963

She's done at least two streams where she was clearly on the verge of falling asleep by the end, and then somehow tweeted two hours later.

>> No.27507837
Quoted by: >>27507895

I want to slap her bald head

>> No.27507839

She has to take care of Auntie Ame remember bro.

>> No.27507840


>> No.27507843


>> No.27507845

She just showed the live2d controls for a bit, nothing major.

>> No.27507846


>> No.27507850
Quoted by: >>27507936

>her face is sore since she's not used to smiling so much.
my heart

>> No.27507851
Quoted by: >>27507888

>but I've frequented /x
No, anon, don't create a tulpa, it's not to late to save your so

>> No.27507852

There's the minecraft collab, but no one knows what time it is yet lol

>> No.27507853

some time in the future when she sets up RFA

>> No.27507858

> /vst/ /lit/ /a/ and any board I have a particular interest in at the moment

>> No.27507860

I'm not sure yet, Ina, Kiara or Amelia maybe, but I'll just stay Unity without an oshi for now.

/m/, /tg/ and /vr/ for all sorts of content there.
/vrpg/ for /mon/ threads
/u/ for LNs/Games/Recent Releases/Vtuber threads
/a/ rarely, only for manga/LN threads.

>> No.27507863

What artists are you commissioning on skeb? What are you gonna ask them to draw?

>> No.27507869
Quoted by: >>27508013

Vtubing is a business, can you say with confidence that most vtubers don't try to appeal to the masses? If no, then they still failed to do what you considered easy.

>> No.27507872
Quoted by: >>27508255

There is also supposed to be a Minecraft collab with all the girls later

>> No.27507873

According to Kiara 7h30m

>> No.27507876


>> No.27507878

is this her plan to seduce gura

>> No.27507880

>The positive reinforcement from Canadians

>> No.27507879
Quoted by: >>27507952

This stuff can actually be useful for /beg/s to see what proportions the artist used for construction without hair being in the way.

>> No.27507888

I have Ina now, probably much better than anything my mind could come up with on its own.

>> No.27507889

I appreciate you efforts Anon, still a lot to improve though.

>> No.27507890

/mu/, mostly bleep

>> No.27507892

Aah, so Mori's doom will be first then the collab?

>> No.27507895

Calm down, Gura. Control yourself.

>> No.27507902
Quoted by: >>27507997

I signed up for Skeb aves ago but I have 0 clue on how to actually communicate on it lol

>> No.27507903

Who watches this shit?


>> No.27507905

fine austrian timekeeping...

>> No.27507908

Favorite EN
What are you doing during the dead hours?

>Auto-ing Azur Lane and watching a vtuber play Pummel Party with other tubers.

>> No.27507907

>/m/ for a bunch of threads but mostly gunpla

>> No.27507909


Fuck that. Way better to see that go MS than footfags.

>> No.27507914

In the past year I was a nomad, I've been on /h/ and /a/ and /v/ and the new /v/ scission boards and anywhere my erection pointed to. I don't make threads because my range is almost always banned when I try.

>> No.27507919

Think they'll be able to link up Minecraft EN and JP like that resource world thing?

>> No.27507918

the only board that ever dominated my time here was /k/, but that was like a decade ago

>> No.27507920

Is she going to stream Binding of Isaac for 10 consecutive years now?

>> No.27507927

If Flare is on top of Noel then that's a position I'd like to be in too.

>> No.27507935

yes, her squeaks are literally right in the middle of piccolo playing range.

>> No.27507936

Our boi is adorable

>> No.27507937

But how will I find approved pictures then?

>> No.27507939

12am EDT / 9pm PDT / 5 am BST

>> No.27507938

Getting kicked out of the dogfucker thread should be considered an honor.

>> No.27507943

>telling chincucks to fuck off
Fuck off chinkcuck

>> No.27507945


Not my reps / Catching up on Gura, pikamee and roberu

>> No.27507947

All of them.
No, but seriously. It would be nice if we had like a list or a guide of who artist would be good to commission for a Live2D model or something like that instead of having to take the gamble of trying with a modeler the vchuubas we know have used.

>> No.27507951

You just did

>> No.27507952
Quoted by: >>27508270

Were there always d/ic/ks here? Is the board still as cringe as it was years ago?

>> No.27507957

Tied between Kiara and Ame.
/a/, /g/, /vg/, /d/. I barely have time for games these days so I check up on a couple of mobage threads.

>> No.27507958

gonna mow my lawn one last time

>> No.27507961
Quoted by: >>27507988

>global thread
>can't post globals

>> No.27507963

she probably remembered she has to work something out and it kept her awake
I know that feeling too well

>> No.27507964

>Watching Shirayuri Lily's karaoke and grinding in GBF

>> No.27507965

finally catching up with kiara's mario kart

>> No.27507967

eating lunch and then visiting family for BBQ / cornhole / bantz

>> No.27507971
Quoted by: >>27508415

tags: birthing

>> No.27507977

Drawing dickgirls

>> No.27507979

Whatever is airing that I’m watching

>> No.27507980

Keeping up with the chuubas I've missed lately. In this particular case, Lamy the janitor hating half elf.

>> No.27507981

Don't forget, you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave

>> No.27507988
Quoted by: >>27508028

Global this cock bro

>> No.27507994
Quoted by: >>27508020

I don't get it

>> No.27507995

Aaaayyy everybody

>> No.27507996


>> No.27507997

you make a request and toss money at them then hope they listen to you
make sure your requests are either as detailed as possible or that it's general enough you'll be happy with whatever they come up with

>> No.27508001

cum for Gura

>> No.27508003

How much more wholesome yuri will we get during the group Minecraft collab? Mori and Kiara are already building a home together

>> No.27508004

Watching a sheep sort chests for 5 hours now

>> No.27508009

I can't commission anyone cause I have no desires personally

>> No.27508013
Quoted by: >>27508578

>can you say with confidence that most vtubers don't try to appeal to the masses?
Yes, because for most of them it would make them unable to do things that appeal to the audience that will actually pay them.

>> No.27508014

Vtubing seems to be a positive thing for her. Im sure she didnt expect to be this sucessfull at least not right away. My reasoning is she seems eager to switch full time, and was also the first to get membership set up despite being the most busy. She seems to be putting her all into it. Its like shes being rewarded for all her years of work.
Tldr vtuber sucess and this amount of support is keeping your boy going.

>> No.27508020
Quoted by: >>27508045

Seems like you missed a tinted rock

>> No.27508021

how did kiara go from asking the chat about how to tow mario kart items to rambling about anal insertion in 10 seconds?

>> No.27508025



Got pulled back in after 5 years out

>> No.27508028

lmao gottem

>> No.27508030

Kiara maybe, not sure, I really like all the girls.

Wasting time here, looking for a cute game to play on steam so I stop wasting time here.

>> No.27508031

Ame will follow Gura around and be her boydguard since she'd rather kill things than build

>> No.27508033

According to /vyt/ she passed the initial audition but failed to pass the interview for HoloEN:

>> No.27508035

Cant control EN if they have nothing to lose...

>> No.27508037

Remember, you're here forever. See you in 10 years.

>> No.27508045
Quoted by: >>27508069

based and AVVERVYBODY-pilled

>> No.27508053


Gura, but Kiaras growing fast as fuck on me.
Farming in Ascension WoW and rewatching k-on in my other monitor

>> No.27508054

I'd like to see Mori sample this for one of her tracks.

>> No.27508055

/vg/ on /mbg/ (mount and blade) threads

>> No.27508057

she's austrian...
europeans in general love to store things in their rear pouches

>> No.27508058

Kiara but i like everyone
pirating OSTs

>> No.27508060

>faovrite holoCN
>favourtie Naruto AMV


>> No.27508061

>playing Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight while catching up on past streams of the other ENs

>> No.27508059
Quoted by: >>27508243

>that shitty voice

>> No.27508065

I'm really curious about what kind of stuff they're going to build. I wonder if they already have something planned.

>> No.27508069

stan Luna

>> No.27508072

>according to /vyt/
According to /vyt/, they don't suck dicks, but I don't believe that either.

>> No.27508076

Pogging out my gourd

>> No.27508079
Quoted by: >>27508133

I wonder what the interview questions were like

>> No.27508081
Quoted by: >>27508144

Uni work while listening to GYARI

>> No.27508082

I like all of them pretty much the same.
I just got back from some piano reps. Goal is to be able to play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WfaotSK3mI by next weeks end.

>> No.27508083
Quoted by: >>27508230

>/a/, usually in K-On, Yuru Yuri, and Nagatoro threads as of late

>> No.27508086

>another German girl
Are Germans the best Holo candidates in EU?

>> No.27508087

Writing reps

>> No.27508089

>Great GuraAme Biped Collab
>Comfy Majhong stream with Ina
>Sailor Mouth Gigastack Mario Kart stream with Kiara
>Entertaining cringekino as always from Mori's two streams
>Comfy Minecraft stream with Gura
>funny TakaMori MC stream with kino ending segment
>pekora minecraft kino and playing earthbound in jp
Bros...this week has been so fucking great, but I fear that something is about to happen soon, something bad that will derail these thread in the coming days
>haachama and coco are going to either be released back into hololive or yagoo keeps them under lockdown even considering graduating them
oh no

>> No.27508090
Quoted by: >>27508243

what an awful voice holy shit

>> No.27508093
Quoted by: >>27508243

Thank god. Her voice sucks.

>> No.27508094 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27508243

>mumbling ESL
I wonder why she didn't pass..

>> No.27508095

JADF? Magister?

>> No.27508097
Quoted by: >>27508130

>that syncing at 1:45
What the FUCK??

>> No.27508098
Quoted by: >>27508243

Her accent is too heavy...

>> No.27508103

>Favorite EN
>do you masturbate with your left hand or right hand

>> No.27508109

Original chickenbros are chill and a family. But chicken streams are getting filled with more and more creeps after she turned the innuendos up to 11.

>> No.27508110

>english german and japanese
slot's taken skank

>> No.27508112

She's cute.

>> No.27508115

Tekken reps

>> No.27508116

I already shilled her on /vyt/ earlier today

>> No.27508117

Working as a tiktok moderator and catching up to shark.

>> No.27508119

Please let it be uno makoto

>> No.27508121


>> No.27508124
Quoted by: >>27508209

>even considering graduating them
No way. Both of them are way too popular, both in the JP fanbase and among the holos. The fallout of forcing them to graduate would literally destroy Hololive.

>> No.27508125

I've ascended past hands and use exclusively onaholes

>> No.27508126

there is only one good AMV that I have ever seen in my LIFE:

>> No.27508127
Quoted by: >>27508218

Playing Unreal Tournament 2004, while listening to PnP reviews.

>> No.27508129

My last roll...

>> No.27508130
Quoted by: >>27508239

Both at the same time >>27508097

>> No.27508132

She has 2 jobs + hololive, not 3 + hololive

>> No.27508133

>"Tell me about your prior employment experience"
>"Give an example of a time when you had to solve a challenging problem through teamwork."
>"What can you bring to our company that is uniquely (you)?"

>> No.27508136

listening to suisei utawaku vods while doing my gacha dailies

>> No.27508137

Pretty cute

>> No.27508144
Quoted by: >>27508262

It better be that one gattan gotton song that uses onomatopoeia for 80% of its lyrics.
So yes.

>> No.27508146

Left, 0,0001% of the times right.

>> No.27508145
Quoted by: >>27508180

right or onahole (in right hand)

>> No.27508149

Minecraft reps

>> No.27508153

Been trying to make myself ambidestroux

>> No.27508156

I'm honestly relieved that there's been no MoriTori art featuring Item Block shaped anal beads.

>> No.27508158


>> No.27508161 [DELETED] 

this is a nobrainer, obviously finishing dailies on all of the 100 gachas she plays.

>> No.27508165

They don't realize that they are giving people a way to escape the rabbit hole.

>> No.27508171
Quoted by: >>27508243

heavy accent

>> No.27508172

Left chad reporting in.

>> No.27508173

No hands, I just use ur mum now

>> No.27508174

>cunnychads are tiktok mods
not even surprised
you found your niche

>> No.27508175

She's cute. I might not follow her but I wish her the best.

>> No.27508176

>Either can do

>> No.27508180
Quoted by: >>27508206

were you the guy that posted a video of himself on twitter fucking an onahole to Gura cunny

>> No.27508184

The only euros bigger into weeb culture are the french, but they can't speak english.

>> No.27508188

Going through Umineko Questions arc

>> No.27508190

Catching up to her streams in the last few days.

>> No.27508191

Speaking of /vyt/, I got followed on twitter by that cute indie that got posted last night. She tweeted (in English) that she's playing guitar again tonight. So if you subbed to her too, you better show up!

>> No.27508196

>Graduating Haato or Coco

The EN fanbase got too big and too rich to risk losing them over the Chinks. If put in the position to choose, Yagoo's going to lose half of Fubuki's income and the CN, before risking a fallout with the English speaking world.

>> No.27508199

that english is a little too rough, voice isn't too bad but gotta be fluent for a branch based wholly around speaking english

>> No.27508202

nah that'd be career suicide.

>> No.27508206

no, i would never post something like that.

>> No.27508209
Quoted by: >>27508266

>Not bending over and choking on a thousand bugmen cocks.
Asians care too much about saving face to actually give a fuck about the girls, and they know that the other girls can make good amounts of money too, specially EN will keep their wallets full.

>> No.27508213

Ina but also Mori
drawing assignments

>> No.27508214
Quoted by: >>27508281

Doin' it for free?

>> No.27508215

About to play some Satisfactory

>> No.27508218
Quoted by: >>27508315

My nigga

>> No.27508219

Turns out VTubers get pulled into the rabbit hole too. Just differently.

>> No.27508227

>but I fear that something is about to happen soon, something bad that will derail these thread in the coming days
The possibilities are endless: Gura DOXX, Ame lets slip that she has a bf currently, disastrous non-EN collab, Festival kills herself, one of the EN girls gets cancelled, etc.

>> No.27508229

Left while I use right to click and save.

>> No.27508230

based as fuck

>> No.27508232

>>haachama and coco
when they get out?

>> No.27508236
Quoted by: >>27508277


>> No.27508239

Zweihander bro

>> No.27508243

I'm sorry...

>> No.27508245

>TJ """""""""Henry"""""""""" Yoshi in the comments

>> No.27508247

She gets positive reinforcement from comments like that. What else?

>> No.27508250

>I understand people would rather watch Holo or watch Pikamee. I would rather watch them too....

>> No.27508253

Why would /hlgg/ be derailed by it? If anything, it will be a constant shitshow in the other thread since they will have to deal with autistic screeching about EN collabs this coming week and then with blowout of Coco return stream the week after that.

>> No.27508255
Quoted by: >>27508400

Assuming the collab is 3 hours after Mori's DOOM.

What comes after? An additional empty day of schedule-writing.

>> No.27508257


>> No.27508262
Quoted by: >>27508338


>> No.27508261

post feet with timestamp

>> No.27508265

She laughs like micky mouse

>> No.27508266

>and they know that the other girls can make good amounts of money too
There is a big chance if Coco and Haato are made to walk, some will follow them.

>> No.27508270

>Were there always d/ic/ks here?
Of course, Ina is the queen of /ic/. A self-taught artist who achieved peak anime aesthetics and gets paid for drawing cute girls. We're doing gesture drawing soon, Vilppu-approved.
>Is the board still as cringe as it was years ago?

>> No.27508274


>> No.27508276

>but I fear that something is about to happen soon, something bad that will derail these thread in the coming days
We live in a time loop expect disasters every month, specially when the full moon arrives
Also I need to finish the goddanm Higurashi VN

>> No.27508277

DMC Permissions w h e n

>> No.27508280

none of these things are even remotely likely

>> No.27508281

$16/day is basically free

>> No.27508284

How fitting on a M64 clip

>> No.27508298
Quoted by: >>27508379

Anon, I...

>> No.27508302

Maybe she can get into HoloEU. Reminder: Suisei was denied at first too.

>> No.27508306

For a second there I felt genuinely guilty. Damn anon you got me.

>> No.27508308

What the fuck.

>> No.27508313

It's okay, she cute. I'll keep watching, at least for a while.

>> No.27508315


I was recently thinking about how cool it'd be if one of the Holo's does a 32 player Deathmatch in a private room.

Got hit by nostalgia, so here I am.

>> No.27508324

>What are you doing during the dead hours?
Spinning narratives in the thread because I'm bored during long stretches of Holo-EN-less days.

>> No.27508326

I download the streams I missed from the vtubers I follow and practice drawing at the same time or fap.

>> No.27508329

an a press is an a press, you can't say it's only a half

>> No.27508336


>> No.27508338

Also pretty good.

>> No.27508346
Quoted by: >>27508391

>$320/mo if you do it five days a week
Wow, sounds pretty good, especially if it can be done as a side job
t. shitholedweller

>> No.27508347


>> No.27508348

Watching Watame

>> No.27508353

all of them
doing my japanese reps

>> No.27508365

ok it's 100% now

she's in this thread


>> No.27508371
Quoted by: >>27508437

Trying to draw even though it caused my mental breakdown to the point that I can't even imagine
No this isn't a falseflag I guess she attracts crazies

>> No.27508374


>> No.27508378
Quoted by: >>27508457

Cleaning guns and drinking with the the Kiara/Mori MC collab on in the background

>> No.27508379
Quoted by: >>27508423

Substitute with not-DMCs.
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae when

>> No.27508383
Quoted by: >>27508469

>finally watching the Mori/Kiara MC collab
Wow Kiara is waaaaaaay more into MC than I would've thought, it's actually pretty cute.

>> No.27508391

It's a full time job but I can basically spend the entire shift reading books or lately, watching Hololive. I'm actually looking for a second job to pay for Mori's membership.

>> No.27508393

why? she said the same thing on stream or am i missing something

>> No.27508400
Quoted by: >>27508472

Most likely, that's been the pattern as of late.

>> No.27508403


>> No.27508402

You keep saying that every time a holo EN opens her mouth.
You know who else is 100% guaranteed to be in these threads? you

>> No.27508405

Why don't you try watching the streams for once?

>> No.27508407

Where else did you think she learned how to hire jannies for free?

>> No.27508410

Hi Kiara, love your Minecraft streams

>> No.27508413

>self-depreciating wreck
>a kenzoku
Eeeeee kusa

>> No.27508415

Kiara apparently
>Phoenix giving birth

>> No.27508416

She often retweets things posted from that account.

Doesn't mean she's not lurking though

>> No.27508421

She said that on stream retard

>> No.27508423
Quoted by: >>27508547

Is it good? It looked like kusoge with cute girls

>> No.27508428

lol take your meds, anon.

>> No.27508430
Quoted by: >>27508474

>Local phoenix is taking shitposting lessons from esoteric Mongolian throat singing board to farm leddit karma
Do you really.

>> No.27508435
Quoted by: >>27508612

They literally have a criteria where people who apply for HoloEN have to be 18+, you fucking clowns.

>No one can always sound like this.
Womanlet's naturally have super high pitch voices. For an English example, Sugar's always had super high pitch voice like that:
And Sugar's, like, 143cm tall or something. She's fucking miniscule.
Meanwhile, a Japanese example is Yatsuhashi Kinako who is also tiny as fuck and has natural high pitch voice. Here is her range: http://www.hormone.co.jp/peach/voice/yatsuhashi.html

>> No.27508437

>Trying to draw even though it caused my mental breakdown to the point that I can't even imagine

>> No.27508445


>> No.27508450
Quoted by: >>27508523

>/a/ in isekai threads

>> No.27508455

>Cute model
>Has a German Only archive of Getting over it
Time to restart my German reps, mein freunds.

>> No.27508457
Quoted by: >>27508625

Watching the Collab too, it hits the ground running. They're meshing very well. Too bad it was a very shitty timeslot.

>> No.27508464
Quoted by: >>27508499

sure does seem like Kiara only got like 5 hours of sleep. Just how fuck is her schedule

>> No.27508469

>Mori Calliope = MC
Fuck I'm slow. This explains everything.

>> No.27508470

Wow, that pacify stream was more garbage than I thought

>> No.27508472

I wonder if they realize that Monday in Japan starts 16 hours earlier than PDT-time?

>> No.27508473
Quoted by: >>27508501

is the muse dash going public later or do I buy my membership earlier

>> No.27508474

Yes, I belieeb it.

>> No.27508476
Quoted by: >>27508509

She embraced the Festival strat, it seems. She's probably on that level of total fucking psychopath as her, too.

>> No.27508479

I hope she gets some success, doing this type of thing seems hard and it's not as if she's got a big company behind her.

>> No.27508486

Maybe she can collab with Kiara they could do german collab

>> No.27508492

>Kiara feet reveal
>Now whoever this is feet reveal

It's a good day today.

>> No.27508496

I like HololiveEN because all the girls look like they could be pushed over really easily. I don't know why, but I like the idea of pushing over girls these days. There isn't even the thought of sexual or further physical violence after the fact. Just the pushing is enough. Mori looks like the most pushable, so I guess I'd choose her. I'd love to feel her delicate figure give only the slightest resistance against the force of my arms before disconnecting from me entirely and crashing to the ground with a light thud.

>> No.27508497

Any updates on what time the collab will be?

>> No.27508499

She overworks herself a lot and today is a special day because last EN collab before the collab ban is lifted, and she may get to 300K

Check her photos and you will see dem eye bags

>> No.27508500

Can someone post the current schedule?

>> No.27508501

she hasn't said anything clear either way.

>> No.27508508
Quoted by: >>27508572

For who?

>> No.27508509
Quoted by: >>27508564

Biggest difference is that Festival is literally insane

>> No.27508513

I mostly lurk, but I tend to post when they mention real aircraft and weapons.

>> No.27508517


>> No.27508519

>unironically using word “chud”

>> No.27508520

i love all holoEN girls
not equally, but i love them regardless

>> No.27508522
Quoted by: >>27508580

>Trying to get STALKER Anomaly to work while also being playable

>> No.27508523

Glad to see another isek/a/i citizen in here.

>> No.27508524

7 hours roughly. They have yet to provide a proper time because lol Cover.

>> No.27508527

My Slavic sister married a Korean today, how should I feel?

>> No.27508530

based pusher

>> No.27508532

um... based.

>> No.27508535

Right fucking ima sugu, bro. Get into the youtubes for some densetsuna collabs like you've never mitta koto before.
I'm very sorry for writing this shit up

>> No.27508545


>> No.27508547

The feel of the combat system/mechanics is very good.
The rest of the game is a few short cutscenes and fighting waves of enemies in a Bloody Palace arena. Most of the enemies are fodder but the bosses are a good challenge.

>> No.27508552

>Left hand because i use the right to move the mouse

>> No.27508553

Even Ina could probably beat you up manlet.

>> No.27508559

Enjoy your family getting RICED.

>> No.27508560

That actually almost made me want to visit Mori.

>> No.27508564

It runs in the Maturi family. >>27508527

>> No.27508571
File: 75 KB, 680x383, gursched_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27508573

Dangerously based

>> No.27508572

That one teamup.com link.

>> No.27508576

As if there would nothing happen afterwards.

>> No.27508578
Quoted by: >>27508629

you can not be that delusional

>> No.27508579

You shuold kill both

>> No.27508580

wait for 1.5 bruv and muh immersion pack it's what i've been doing for the last 5 months

>> No.27508581

>People keep underestimating me and my POWER.
Like... Obi-Wan Kenobi?

>> No.27508582
Quoted by: >>27508710

>1. Don't be a chud
I want to like this girl, but...

>> No.27508585


>> No.27508586


>> No.27508587

The 23 year old poosher

>> No.27508588
Quoted by: >>27508609

It could be worse, anon, it could be your half jewish cousin marrying a black itealian
So feel fucking relieved.

>> No.27508590

I feel bad for a dream I had about Gura
I swore to protect her and keep her safe, not do those kind of things to her..

>> No.27508595

based arcana heart chad

>> No.27508597

it seems like ina would be impossible to tip because she could use the tentacles to stabilize

>> No.27508598
Quoted by: >>27508649


>> No.27508599

Reading this post left me unable to figure out who had a stroke, you or me.

>> No.27508600
Quoted by: >>27508649

https://teamup.com/ksgvawzp4akez27rf1 It's here, but there's only one thing left on it.

>> No.27508601


>> No.27508604
Quoted by: >>27508682


>> No.27508608
Quoted by: >>27508672

Is this a copypasta I don't know about or did we really just get some fresh autistic OC

>> No.27508609

You know the Moors...

>> No.27508612

She sounds nothing like Gura, it's completely different, she sounds more like Kiara. Actually, if you checked Kiara's vlogs from 9 years ago you'd notice what I'm talking about, both Gura and her have a certain type of voice "tone" typical of teenagers and I don't mean just the pitch, everything from the way she pronounces certain articles to the way she sighs.

>> No.27508617

My sister is in a serious relationship with a Filipino who managed to fuck up every opportunity that was handed to him on a silver platter.
He's a blizzdrone who has an addiction to consuming media, takeout, and reddit

>> No.27508618

>10/10 EN collab
It better be

>> No.27508623

Thank you for the laugh, even if it isn't original I love this sorta shit

>> No.27508625

They're my two least viewed but the collab is nice. Mori's vocal inflection still throws me off but it seems like she's leaning into it less than her debut

>> No.27508627

I thought I'd like her, but then I saw her streamrules.
I'll show myself out then.
That'd be her wish, after all.

>> No.27508629

No one wants to have to deal with the resulting drama of some normalfag hearing festival talk about her favorite loli rape doujinshi.

>> No.27508632
Quoted by: >>27508668

Damn, gura's 6'5?

>> No.27508633

based based based based

>> No.27508640

>As if there would nothing happen afterwards.
You ok?

>> No.27508641

You better treat your hapa niece and nephews right

>> No.27508644

so a typical american millenial/zoomer ?

>> No.27508646

The only thing that's actually distinct (that I remember at least) is Mori doom in about 4 1/2 hours. There's also the collab but because it's tough to get everyone on at once so maybe tha'ts about 8-9PM PST?

>> No.27508648

Happy for her

>> No.27508649

Thanks, I guess it's still unknown when the collab starts?

>> No.27508654

I questioning his pushing-ethics.

>> No.27508668

but it's all legs and neck, thats why her voice is so high

>> No.27508669
Quoted by: >>27508709

Based on what Kiara said, it sounds like it'll be 7-8 hours from now.

>> No.27508672

its an old arcana hearts 3 copypasta

>> No.27508674

Filipino-Americans aren't Filipino. They're just brown niggers.

>> No.27508680
Quoted by: >>27508709

kiara mentioned in her stream earlier it's in about 8 hours (from now) but it wasn't exactly a precise schedule announcement with a time, just an offhand comment to a question from the chat.

>> No.27508682
File: 873 KB, 4093x2791, 1602104570089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27508713


>> No.27508685

What's a chud? i'm assuming it is just "dont' be a dick?" but without using foul language?

>> No.27508695
Quoted by: >>27508741

Anon I'm drunk as fuck but I'm sure that even if I was sober I couldn't understand what the fuck you're saying.

>> No.27508698

bros im rewatching ya bois track making stream
what does it mean?

>> No.27508702

Worldbuilding and drawthreads

>> No.27508704
File: 1.75 MB, 358x202, 1302276885261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27508709

So around 6AM for europeons, fuck.

>> No.27508710

What does "chud" even mean
I can't keep up with zoomer slang

>> No.27508711

>Kiara is the only one who hasn't found her own "streaming style".
Given the narrative here, I'd figure her streaming style is "Austrian flavoured". Aka, full on psychopath all the time.

>> No.27508713


>> No.27508719

They still eat rice, sing karaoke, and play video games.

>> No.27508729

Its a cringy nu-political term, don't heed any attention to it. Just means anyone right-leaning.

>> No.27508741
Quoted by: >>27508765

I am laughing so fucking hard

>> No.27508748
Quoted by: >>27508784

Chud basically outs you as far-leftist

>> No.27508750

It's sunday all holos and their roomates should be free so why so much nothing? or is VTubing actually like work and their mon-fri girls/boys?

>> No.27508752
Quoted by: >>27508780

Guys... I've listened to Ina's karaoke four times today.

>> No.27508756

yes, anon, vtubing is a job and they are allowed to take time off.

>> No.27508762

It doesn't mean anything, that's the point.
It's used by those types of people who can't use normal insults because they're scared shitless of losing woke points so they have to make up a bland term that means nothing to "attack" people with.

>> No.27508765

Push her down gently

>> No.27508769

What do you mean? They act like any other Asian-Americans.

>> No.27508770


>> No.27508772

jesus christ, on like 37 seconds in does she say "iku". I'm getting hard imagining Kiara getting molested in the middle of a stream.

>> No.27508773

check 'em

>> No.27508774

They're on a salary

>> No.27508776

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. It's from a crappy horror movie

>> No.27508780
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601681801531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, you should.

>> No.27508781

fingering gura's warm, wet cunny

>> No.27508784

Aww, man. Into the crash it fucking goes. Such a fucking waste, man, her design is so fucking cute.

>> No.27508798

/a/ opt threads

>> No.27508801

Wonder if we get upcoming collab anouncements in the mindcraft collab

>> No.27508803

