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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 660x789, HEY FRIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27405596 No.27405596 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27405608
File: 100 KB, 600x451, 1600964830341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405610
File: 407 KB, 1824x2048, EQfp4GYVUAA3dXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406281

I love Haachama!
Red Heart full version onegai

>> No.27405625
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405803

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.27405661
Quoted by: >>27405765

I've been drunk every day since Lamy left

>> No.27405664

Seeing Matsuri talk about how taking more than 15cm of dick would be painful for her made me realize how I couldn't be rough with most of the holos without hurting them.

>> No.27405669
Quoted by: >>27405706

>War of Five Threads

>> No.27405676
File: 968 KB, 3541x2507, Astel marshmellow @riereen_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405690

Look at this cute marshmellow.

>> No.27405681

>Threads functions and act exactly as a general would, referred to commonly as /hlg/
>Massive sperging occurs when the threads are actually referred to as a general
Explain this. I'm quoting (you) by the way so give me one in return

>> No.27405684
File: 2.93 MB, 2894x4093, Ayamewife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406156

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.27405688
Quoted by: >>27405756

Can't believe Activision sponsored Pekora

>> No.27405690

you spelled it wrong

>> No.27405696

>Landing indicator.

>> No.27405694

>4 threads

>> No.27405697

Crash 4 looks fun

>> No.27405700

Remember anons, dogs are ya mates, not for mating.

>> No.27405702
Quoted by: >>27405760

she showed her ID on a roommate stream to prove her age dipstick she was born in 1994 next time they post the updated real birthdays list on 5ch take note of the new date

>> No.27405704
Quoted by: >>27405723

More Aqua Marine!

>> No.27405705
File: 52 KB, 828x366, EjxJ760VkAAVlEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.27405706
File: 152 KB, 661x238, succlaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405751

Succession law: Open

>> No.27405708
File: 69 KB, 228x221, 1597044426919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rrrrrrrrrrrat simulator


>> No.27405709

>Massive sperging occurs when [Fill this part]

>> No.27405712

because you forgot to check archives

>> No.27405713
File: 145 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute towa

>> No.27405714
File: 319 KB, 1454x2047, Ei5grMwWAAA0XVk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405716
Quoted by: >>27405812

The fact general faggots aren't banned doesn't make this a general.

>> No.27405717

pekora you're shit at this game
I love it

>> No.27405718

this new crash looks pretty bad

>> No.27405720
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1600723981185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely racist
>Blatantly homophobic
>Denies Japanese war crimes
>Makes fun of effimate men
>Has a catholic mother
Is there a more based chuuba than Usada Pekora? She really ticks all the boxes.

>> No.27405722
File: 176 KB, 664x214, 00082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27405723
Quoted by: >>27405737

Did Aqua finally takes Marine's virgintiy?

>> No.27405724

>ywn make Subaru your bitch

>> No.27405727

>Pekora doing a Crash Bandicoot sponsored video

Wait...doesnt it mean all Sony permissions?!

>> No.27405728
Quoted by: >>27405765

>5 mins early
yo this is too much

>> No.27405731
File: 864 KB, 1600x900, 1593758456007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405733


>> No.27405734

real cute towa

>> No.27405735
File: 230 KB, 1018x2048, EjnBTBoVcAABEfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend thread!

>> No.27405736
File: 726 KB, 1139x712, Tokino_Sora01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokino Sora

>> No.27405737

From the thumbnail, it looks like she was pretty rough with her. If it lead to sex we still don't know.

>> No.27405741

Bandicoots are Australian rats.

>> No.27405742

Anon's oshi is kinda cute...

>> No.27405745
File: 326 KB, 800x770, D_rYb2JU0AMpoDa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405744
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 124123423546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405769

so koronefags are actually dog fuckers? lol

>> No.27405746

Activision owns crash bro, its multiplat

>> No.27405748


>> No.27405751

Vtuber play CK3 when

>> No.27405750
Quoted by: >>27405764

I thought Matsuri was taking a break??

>> No.27405753
Quoted by: >>27405779

is cute
please get a better mic Sora-sama...

>> No.27405756

Not as wild as them sponsoring Luna to play HPS

>> No.27405759

needs a better mic. Cover needs to show her some more respect

>> No.27405760 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 512x384, 1586381679937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. I did the research before. I wanted to know if Luna was actually 30+ years old, so I did some research on the origin of this screenshot.
It seems like it's a screenshot taken from a birthday stream she did in December 2014.
The earliest source of the image that I can find is from this 5ch thread in April 2017:
The original link in that is dead now, but somebody mirrored it to imgur in this thread from June 2017:
In that thread, somebody asked for proof that she was 30+ years old, so at that point the rumour that she was 30+ had already been established. Somebody replied and said that in a previous thread, there was an screenshot posted from a Christmas stream in 2014 where she accidently left the date visible in a childhood photograph she showed on stream. A few posts later somebody reuploaded the image to imgur, and a few people questioned the legitimacy of it, but a poster said that anyone who was around during that time could vouch for it, so I started searching for posts about her stream from that time period.

In this thread from 2015, there are various posts talking about the picture(s).
Post #399 (2015/08/19) says the photographs were shown during a stream on August 8th 2015, she looked 4~5 years old in the pictures and they were timestamped 1990.
Someone replied that it was hard to believe, and the original poster replied that the images had been posted awhile ago and he had seen them before, but he thought they were faked, until they were shown on stream again that day.
In post #794 (2015/11/06) later in that thread, a poster said she would probably be turning 30 that year based on the photograph she leaked during her birthday stream last year, the poster said the photograph was taken when she was 5 years old for Shichi-Go-San (Japanese festival celebration for 3/5/7 year olds). This story doesn't actually match up with the photograph in the screenshot, Shichi-Go-San is held around November 15, not in December, but it does establish that she was showing childhood photographs during her 2014 birthday stream.

Finally, let's go back to December 2014.
If you scroll down to posts starting on 12/16 (the date on the photograph, likely her real birthday), you see
>やばいね、今日の放送は Today's stream was risky/crazy
>何があったん? What happened?
>TS消さないからおkなんだろう She didn't deleted the archive, so I guess it was fine.
and a few posts later
and the post after that mentions a 放送事故 "broadcast incident"

So I think the photo is likely real, and is one of a few photographs she showed during a stream on her birthday in 2014, and she potentially showed the same and other photos during later streams.
The post in late 2015 specifically mentioned a photograph taken at a Shichi-Go-San celebration, Shichi-Go-San is celebrated at age 3 and 7 for girls, but is based on kazoedoshi age, not western age, so it would be celebrated during the year the girl turns 2 or 6.
If she was 5 years old during Shichi-Go-San in November 1990, she would have turned 6 on December 16 1990, the date the photograph was taken.
The would make her 35 years old currently.

Fuck you. んなあああああああああああああ

>> No.27405761

Crash doesn't belong to Sony.

>> No.27405764

taking a break from my cock xDDD

>> No.27405765
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1600572802945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405973

>>5 mins early
>yo this is too much

>> No.27405766

so i guess this means luna wont be doing a sponsored crash stream?
shame considering she actually likes crash

>> No.27405768
File: 784 KB, 1200x1697, moetamaki 1259155974268481537_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!!

>> No.27405769
Quoted by: >>27405834

am dog fucker, can confirm

>> No.27405770

It’s lol because she said she was doing a song for Luna’s birthday I guess narrativefags don’t do Japanese

>> No.27405771


>> No.27405772
File: 97 KB, 206x295, 2nl0l2k6wci51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo BASED! Echo better than Civia and Artia! Echo BASED!!!!

>> No.27405773

Pekora runs this shit.

>> No.27405774
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1578389365568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405856

>ayame real cute

>> No.27405777
File: 837 KB, 597x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27405778

uh lunaitos...

>> No.27405779
Quoted by: >>27405815

She intentionally went for the echo option

>> No.27405780


>> No.27405783

What's up with all the Activision-Holo sponsorships? Is this actually working for them?

>> No.27405784

Pegor is so bad at video games..

>> No.27405785
File: 311 KB, 650x629, Egmt0saU8AUbbKn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405789


>> No.27405790

holy autism

>> No.27405791

Now THIS is what roommateposting should look like

>> No.27405792


>> No.27405794

wtf lunaitos......we lost.........

>> No.27405795
File: 100 KB, 715x1000, cha1600398711585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406347

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!

>> No.27405796

bun girl narrative

>> No.27405797

Please take your meds.

>> No.27405798
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1573257199583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some newfags won't have seen this before.

>> No.27405799

CK2 please

>> No.27405800

Don't repost your old pastas like this anon, much less one that shows face of Luna

>> No.27405801 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 989x613, 1602152459269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is secretly Ankimo

>> No.27405802

Matsuri trying to get Luna back in the most dramatic way, instead of just fixing herself

>> No.27405803
Quoted by: >>27405985

Stay strong 35p, every thread is one thread closer to her return, in the mean time enjoy Sora's stream!

>> No.27405804

Meidos taskutte!

>> No.27405806

Uhh... I don't even want your abayo...

>> No.27405808
File: 62 KB, 536x550, miko mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405809

Holy based

>> No.27405812
Quoted by: >>27405843

Everyone here is a general faggot because this is a general, the name does not change this

>> No.27405813
File: 11 KB, 139x159, 1601987301153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs a new laptop

>> No.27405815

I know she enabled reverb but her mic is still kind of bad compared to other girls' because she doesn't care about streaming that much

>> No.27405816
File: 327 KB, 569x844, 1601808543108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're watching Sora right?

>> No.27405819

why would i buy their games when i can watch holos play it?

>> No.27405820

That impossible how it can fit that small teddy

>> No.27405821


>> No.27405823
Quoted by: >>27405849

lol all that speculation and she showed her ID six months back with her actual date of birth sorry man that research is off

>> No.27405824
File: 97 KB, 947x2048, 1601596937864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405838

Please watch peko, ogey?

>> No.27405826


>> No.27405827


>> No.27405832 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 298x298, 1592479458759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My taiwanese friend told me this is Coco, is it truth?

>> No.27405834
Quoted by: >>27405903

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, is dog pussy just that good?

>> No.27405835

is that a-?

>> No.27405836

This guy's art is disgusting tbdesu

>> No.27405838


>> No.27405839

Enjoy her while you can, because she's about to be eaten by a shark.

>> No.27405840

>luna fucked shuba

>> No.27405841

Too long didn't read naaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.27405843
Quoted by: >>27405882

No, only you and your epic /v/ buddies with your epic chatroom posting shitposts and (you)-giving and (you)-farming.
We wish you'd go back, but sadly the mods won't bother.

>> No.27405845

Dont' post that

>> No.27405846
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601572950629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I would like to redeem this coupon.

>> No.27405849
Quoted by: >>27405871

IDs are extremely easy to fake in Japan.

>> No.27405850
File: 1.13 MB, 3300x2800, 1597738357964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be sandwich'd by these flat chests!

>> No.27405851

I don't see her eating her vegetables, so no, this is just some random asian woman.

>> No.27405855

Come on anon, at least don't hand it to them so willy-nilly like western countries hand aid to african countries. At least let them search it themselves.

>> No.27405856
File: 942 KB, 1200x1200, 83370028_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405857

Songs take a while to make, so this was probably started back when they were friends

>> No.27405859


>> No.27405860
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1602104064379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey chu

>> No.27405861
File: 2.61 MB, 2968x2076, angry-kizuna-ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pissed

>> No.27405863
Quoted by: >>27405881

please don't lewd Sora, she's the cornerstone holding everything in place

>> No.27405865

Literally the easiest one to find. Fuck off newfag

>> No.27405866
Quoted by: >>27405896

>Nene Polka collab same time as Aqua/Marine
every time..

>> No.27405867


>> No.27405869
File: 133 KB, 291x297, 1600890671605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dox hours
welp I'm going to go take a shower(with aqua).

>> No.27405870

Keep your shitty coupon memes in the other thread please.

>> No.27405871
Quoted by: >>27405894

Nah 5ch got their info wrong and it’s been repeated to the point it got back to her

>> No.27405873
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, ChocoApexThumbnail7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clips from Choco's guerilla Apex stream on 8th October 13JST https://youtu.be/EhYKXMOg-to 【APEX】冬眠寝起きの悪魔のコソ連APEX【ホロライブ/癒月ちょこ】
https://files.catbox.moe/2r572o.mp4 Morning
https://files.catbox.moe/xssdbi.mp4 Apex addiction
https://files.catbox.moe/4nzr25.mp4 Talking about Subaru inviting her to her Aqua collab
https://files.catbox.moe/q7tkn8.mp4 Talking about who arrived, and when
https://files.catbox.moe/bbzgnf.mp4 Friendly Fire
https://files.catbox.moe/12i3ea.mp4 Wow
https://files.catbox.moe/r6qeum.mp4 Toilet RTA
https://files.catbox.moe/2q8r7l.mp4 Oh my god sorry
https://files.catbox.moe/np6f8i.mp4 Windows...
https://files.catbox.moe/4gq7ww.mp4 Rude wraith
https://files.catbox.moe/6n2ggh.mp4 Rude wraith 2
https://files.catbox.moe/hme7ud.mp4 Warp bug
https://files.catbox.moe/acwfcj.mp4 Champion attained
https://files.catbox.moe/7p0tt0.mp4 Farewell kisses

>> No.27405875
File: 137 KB, 338x322, 12585910572731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407138

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.27405874

Literally who

>> No.27405879
File: 185 KB, 296x496, 1587002497031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama didn't make it into the word cloud
Please tell me I'm blind

>> No.27405881
Quoted by: >>27405908

You mean she's the keystone. A cornerstone isn't structural.

>> No.27405882
Quoted by: >>27405907

>projecting this hard
It doesn't matter if you call yourself straight, you're still a faggot if you suck dick, same applies to these threads

>> No.27405884

I can't believe my retarded baby is far older than me

>> No.27405885

Rushia is killing this guy

>> No.27405887
File: 465 KB, 760x683, 1601809219918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405889
File: 430 KB, 837x1181, 84071954_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406032

No, that's not Coco, that's just some random asian woman.
This is Coco.

>> No.27405893
File: 1.16 MB, 300x169, 1594705752681.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why "he" can dance so well them?

>> No.27405894
Quoted by: >>27405901

Yeah I remember her making excuses on her Twitter.

>> No.27405896

Polka and Marine hate each other after the janitor incident.

>> No.27405898

I hear that Coco is a vegetarian, can you believe it?

>> No.27405897
Quoted by: >>27405919

Hard trainer

>> No.27405899
File: 682 KB, 715x762, 85014582521025108549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406499

Why is Sora so smug?

>> No.27405900

Now that it’s out of the bag I can say it then
Matsuri had already announced this cover, down to the name of the song back in August (when they were still “best friends”) during a member’s only stream
It’s not like she’s trying to win Luna back with it, it was something she had already planned a long time ago (I think she commissioned the whole thing during July or something)

>> No.27405901

She discussed it in a twitcast around the time

>> No.27405903

to make all mad

>> No.27405907

If you want the general experience, you can hop over to this thread where you belong.
We don't do this here. We will never do this here.

>> No.27405908

sorry, I get them confused sometimes

>> No.27405909

crash rrat

>> No.27405910
File: 3.27 MB, 2500x3382, 5576288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405974

reminder rushia is made for rough pounding while she lays on the bed, clutching her pillow and whimpering

>> No.27405911


>> No.27405912
File: 437 KB, 2560x1440, Desktop 2020.09.07 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405913

How many Holos has it been so far?

>> No.27405915


>> No.27405916

thank you Choco bro

>> No.27405917

That's just afterimage and fade effect cause transition on camera it's not mommy inside it

>> No.27405918

Crash 4 is an absolute treasure of a game. I can't believe we're in a year where Activision releases a wonderful game and Naughty Dog fucks up.

>> No.27405919

Why doesn't "he" speak then?

>> No.27405920
Quoted by: >>27405945

Don't want it, just calling it what it is
If you really think a label changes what something fundamentally is you are actually braindead

>> No.27405921

Thank Botan for that

>> No.27405923
Quoted by: >>27405956

how many years since holos last played an actual good game?

>> No.27405927

I thought Luna being old is well known

>> No.27405929


>> No.27405931

kill yourself newfag

>> No.27405932
Quoted by: >>27405966

I remember this, anon who did that research also claimed there is inconsistency in this and she can't be older than 30 so that photo was most likely her sister, so unless you have schizophrenia you haven't done shit faggot.

>> No.27405933

Sheep ASMR test for members at 23:00

>> No.27405934
Quoted by: >>27405951

wow crash 4 looks so goddamn good

>> No.27405935
Quoted by: >>27406007

You're asking too many questions anon.
Take him away boys.

>> No.27405937
Quoted by: >>27405979

He does newfag

>> No.27405939
Quoted by: >>27405954

Older than 30? Get that ass banned.

>> No.27405941
File: 121 KB, 260x665, 1595785468965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405950


>> No.27405943

Some big wig in Activision Japan is probably a Hololive fan. I can't imagine sponsoring Luna to shill your game makes good business sense.

>> No.27405945

Most of us actively hate the cancerous general culture, though.
We also hate chatroom spammy fuckwit children that are "too proud" to use the Youtube chat or discord.
If all of that shit was banned from these threads, they literally struggle to hit 2000 posts.

>> No.27405946
File: 264 KB, 1228x2048, IMG_20201008_092601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 70 Thread #5

Forever waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.27405949

Cover should get some better planners for their 3D content though. It always seems like it's the same things vr horror or singing. Meanwhile elsewhere they're having 3d sword fights, playing twister, doing actual ping pong. There's so much you can do with it other than just the big standard stuff.

>> No.27405950

>there are people that weren't even here during yonkisei 3d debut

>> No.27405951

just wait until world 3 and it instantly goes to shit

>> No.27405953
Quoted by: >>27406317

Aren't they still best friends? Just because they don't interact on stream doesn't mean they don't interact off it?

>> No.27405954

Have you still not gotten the taste of viscant's cock out your mouth after all these years, ltg?

>> No.27405956

we can't go back to the times of Pekora MGS and Subaru FF6 anymore anon you gotta let it go.

>> No.27405961
File: 1.89 MB, 2508x3541, Ejr5jCtVgAIrk6V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406046


>> No.27405959

Newfags doesn't know

>> No.27405960

Cover would need to hire a separate person for that. Cover hiring people to do jobs?! You must be kidding.

>> No.27405962

If Peko plays as [Redacted] will the chinks riot?

>> No.27405963

Sora is cute, but her 3d looks pretty bad tonight. Her mouth barely moves at all when she's singing

>> No.27405964
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1600349654175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405965
File: 261 KB, 622x842, etetyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip whoever get target block by chinese anti

>> No.27405966
Quoted by: >>27406020

Luna said her sister isn't even 30 either so its tricky because it also doesn't add up.

>> No.27405967
Quoted by: >>27406080

I only joined the exact thread for Towa's 3D

>> No.27405969

It’s basically something 5ch came up with based on some old photo to the point she actually got harassed by them being called an old hag etc. she ended up showing her ID in a twitcast to show her actual age and even discussed her family it was strange but it shouldn’t matter anyway theyre vtubers and she plays a character

>> No.27405970
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27405972

i have the feeling pekora wants to plays sponsorship or not

>> No.27405973

Okay its 02m17s early

>> No.27405974
File: 264 KB, 1700x2100, 1601127433804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never make her mad on purpose just to see her cute reactions and screams
>you will never make up for it by overpowering her, throwing her on the bed and fucking her little body all night
>you will never wake up to find her on the kitchen wearing only your shirt and cooking breakfast for you with a smile on her face

>> No.27405976
Quoted by: >>27407657

i wish Marine would do more ASMR
hearing her heartbeats made me rock hard...

>> No.27405975


>> No.27405978
Quoted by: >>27406002

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the threads aren't mostly comprised of that shit and that it doesn't represent the threads, you are in fact the anomaly, and drop that "we" hivemind talk it's embarrassing

>> No.27405979

Those were cute sfx. Not actual speech. You can't hide the truth from me.

>> No.27405985
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, EevsHBcUcAI3J-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406143

2nd Online Live!

>> No.27405986

Still can't believe Manager-san actually nuked Shubas' channel.

>> No.27405987

Why can't you mongrels learn English before posting?

>> No.27405988


Subaru asking for your sweet!

>> No.27405990
File: 490 KB, 1929x1109, sora 2nd live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27405992
File: 2.46 MB, 1417x2149, 84707072_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well end it all

>> No.27405993

So Sora gets an online concert on November 29

Hopefully nothing too bad happens after two 25ths

>> No.27405994

sorry i was trying to say that this crash bandicoot game is the first game i feel is actually good (and good to watch) since those times

>> No.27405997

Is Hololive 3D up to the task of all that extra stuff? The rigging seems pretty poor compared to their rivals at Niji

>> No.27406002
Quoted by: >>27406036

Spam defining the thread is exactly the problem, though. It should be discouraged.
This isn't some faggy discord, this isn't some shit sticky. This is definitely not /v/ nor is it /vg/.

>> No.27406005


>> No.27406007

You'll never take me alive.

>> No.27406008

hopefully Mikochi will be back then

>> No.27406009
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, EaeS_BDVcAEnrij-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406011
File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 1587658096213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Judas of Hololive

>> No.27406012

Naizuri with rushia!

>> No.27406013

let me guess
NND paywalled garbage

>> No.27406015

>Pekora is playing as Coco

>> No.27406014
File: 39 KB, 640x229, 1599455033434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can rushia do it?

>> No.27406019

Don't jinx her anon.

>> No.27406020

I really hate roommate posting but I hate the Luna’s an “old hag” (Fuck me guys 30s isn’t old) narrative because it was something she was harassed with and there are fags here who continue to post that old ass copy/paste to show them newfags what for

>> No.27406024

she should do more healing ASMRs and then maybe

>> No.27406025
File: 3.05 MB, 828x1792, 6839fb2a9fe47fc632c8897b8d7d5accfe4d5cb0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cute-us of Hololive

>> No.27406027

Man, it was a blast
They were all very good but Watame blew my mind

>> No.27406029

Don't tell me it's on NND like Aqua's

>> No.27406030
File: 184 KB, 828x1729, EjYiOfdUcAAhY-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406031

That was a dangerous viewpoint sora

>> No.27406032
Quoted by: >>27406056

Hololive official onaholes when?

>> No.27406034

i joined before that and left for most of the debuts because migo was gone...

>> No.27406036
Quoted by: >>27406135

You're missing the point entirely, the idea is your feelings don't matter, just because you don't like the spam doesn't mean it doesn't exist and just because this isn't called a general by name doesn't mean it doesn't function as one, you are actually dumb
and now I know you're a newfag trying to fit in because these threads have been stickied plenty of times, stop trying to project the /v/tard shit onto me

>> No.27406038


>> No.27406039

Coco might consider suicide if her only outstanding title is also taken away from her. Have mercy Rushia its the only thing Coco has left.

>> No.27406040
Quoted by: >>27406051

Wait, is this new Crash game already fully released?

>> No.27406041

I still don't understand why Japs are so fucking retarded when it comes to age. Especially since Japanese women age really slowly.

>> No.27406042

Do you think they'd give Sora a vacation if the chinks complained about her?

>> No.27406044
Quoted by: >>27407648

The sound of Artia's peeing....

>> No.27406045

ASMR Mengen soon! Also no other stream. Watame needs to work on Watame no UTA.

>> No.27406046


>> No.27406048
File: 322 KB, 1276x1390, 1593263475608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's ending was kino

>> No.27406047


>> No.27406049
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406068

is Aqua the dominant one in their relationship?

>> No.27406051


>> No.27406053

you can just visit hololive website for coco's and other's images, anon, you'll find the truth there

>> No.27406054


Coco is going to break all existing superchat records in under 2 weeks. No joke, she is making 100k+ on her return.

>> No.27406056


>> No.27406057
Quoted by: >>27406090

General question, what ideas for 3d would you want Hololive members to do if you were the planner? Interested to see what people come up with.

>> No.27406058
Quoted by: >>27406081

If peko does a good job... would activision give her more work? Starcraft? Diablo?

>> No.27406060
File: 315 KB, 1451x2048, ERn_nugUcAAAgNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406073

>Haachama went from 399 videos to 397

>> No.27406061
Quoted by: >>27406088

Japs are all pedophiles

>> No.27406062

>pekonewfags saying crash 4 looks good now when korone played it almost two weeks ago

>> No.27406065

I liked them all but for me Towa's was magical.

>> No.27406067
Quoted by: >>27406373

Dude not just japs are like that, everyone is like that because its true. Women who hit 30 means they hit the wall HARD and are undesirable this is a biological FACT

>> No.27406068

Marine's a powerbottom

>> No.27406069

blessed, thank you chocobro

>> No.27406072
Quoted by: >>27406089

>everyone watches korone

>> No.27406073
Quoted by: >>27406252

probably members only stuff accidentally unprivated or some nonsense like that.

>> No.27406077
File: 261 KB, 1046x1500, IMG_20201008_183825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rurudo mama you can't just keep doing different shades of Towa...

>> No.27406078

She looks and sounds so happy that her English reps are paying off

>> No.27406080

I remember when Towaposters were bottom of the barrel tier posters, they've improved quite a bit but I think it's because most shitposters already left her.
I think they're all really great, I enjoyed all of them. I still dislike that they made Coco's a sticky, even though the thread was going at light speed.

>> No.27406081

>"s-sugoi im having sooooo much fun guys hahaha "

>> No.27406084

>Sora's crying

>> No.27406085

oh yes she can

>> No.27406087

This is my biggest problem with the 3D streams, they strap on all this expensive 3D tracking equipment, rev up all their computers to process every movement they make... and then they just fucking stand around doing nothing much in particular.

>> No.27406086

She played the demo which was 3 random levels.

>> No.27406088
Quoted by: >>27406144

You dont have to be a pedophile to know a hag is undesirable

>> No.27406089
Quoted by: >>27406109

more like
>pekoshitters don't watch anyone else

>> No.27406090
Quoted by: >>27406116

Go watch that Niji perform a 3d concert with a live band.

>> No.27406091
File: 494 KB, 446x415, 1572878604010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peko overlapping with daisenpai Sora BigNEWS

>> No.27406093


Thank god it's there. Miles better to buy stuff

>> No.27406094
Quoted by: >>27406131

Towa doesn't have wings, she's a really shitty demon

>> No.27406095
File: 13 KB, 253x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27406098

Miko in Sora's chat!

>> No.27406109
Quoted by: >>27406127

>W-why aren't you watching muh memedog?

>> No.27406110


>> No.27406112

Pekora don't look...

>> No.27406114

hololive 3d boxing contest when?

>> No.27406116

that guy paid for the 3D event himself though, that was all that dude's work, not Ichikara. Cover arranges holo 3d streams.

>> No.27406117


>> No.27406119


>> No.27406120
File: 71 KB, 953x737, smug sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is permanently smug, is having her second live on 11/29/2020, is so happy that it's finally happening and is getting teary eyed because of it. Also Mikoti came to congratulate her!!

>> No.27406121

>Miko in Sora's chat


>> No.27406122

You should be asking about Shien streaming the same time as Sora again lol

>> No.27406124

>programming language currency

>> No.27406125
Quoted by: >>27406167

Pekora is egoistic
she used her "friends" as a step stool to get big
have you noticed that during collabs she lowers everybodies voice so you can mostly hear her?

>> No.27406126
Quoted by: >>27406180

I loved it too, and I’ve never even watched Towa before that
She was so cute

>> No.27406127
Quoted by: >>27406140

>w-why don't you like my memerabbit?

>> No.27406129

Mikochi is a good sister and also a great supporter of her oshi!

>> No.27406131
File: 2.75 MB, 762x1080, 1597140581667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish rurudo would do some art like that for Towa.

She's just a chuuni.

>> No.27406135

I'm missing no points. Shitspams come from a regular group in small, regular clusters whereas if it was EVERYONE in the thread doing it at once there'd be streams of spam constantly, which simply does NOT happen, not even during large streams / collabs / events.
The majority of these threads are silent people watching the thread turn to shit every time these clusters of chatroom spam posts come up.
These threads would actually be sticky-tier all the time if that were the case. Unreadable garbage spam constantly. They aren't. What gives? This cannot be, surely that is wrong?
Wanna know why I know this? You pointed it out yourself, when the threads got stickied the very few fucking times it happened they were absolutely god-awful and hands-down the worst these threads have ever been, even worse than the rampant doxxposting, gore spam and such.
These threads slowed significantly when the global threads were made because they all fucked off over there for the most part.
AND WHODDA THUNK IT, they literally copy general-style posting with info dumps.
Go. Back.

>> No.27406136
File: 326 KB, 2048x2048, EgpYKw_UcAYrx8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406181

elite in chat

>> No.27406140

>N-no u
Koronefags everyone.

>> No.27406142


>> No.27406143

Look at how happy she is, this is Hololive!

>> No.27406144

30 isn't 'hag'

>> No.27406145
Quoted by: >>27406211

>Miko Ch. さくらみこ 楽しみ2nd LIVEおめでとおそらちゃん!
>Miko Ch. さくらみこ やるよ!復帰LIVEもがんばるにぇそらちゃん LIVEもがんばてにぇ!

>> No.27406146

pretty sure holos pay for their 3d events aswell

>> No.27406148

Rushia was cute today as well!

>> No.27406152

Paid for it, it's still their staff doing the planning, engineering and logistics of it all though. He wouldn't be able to do it if they couldn't facilitate it.

>> No.27406153
File: 3.11 MB, 1536x2048, kus6d8q4dqr51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are truly slothful.

>> No.27406156
File: 133 KB, 1023x723, ewwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406158

Most of the world is youth obsessed I don’t see it as a Japanese thing you only have to read all the posts about Korone to see it’s not unique to Japan.

>> No.27406161
Quoted by: >>27406196

Towa's power is increased tenfold when she is 3D

>> No.27406163
File: 209 KB, 500x600, Roberu Cafeteria in my soul @Hana_H4ruki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son with some horror kusoge in 15.

>> No.27406164

what the fuck are you trying to kill my heart?

>> No.27406167


>> No.27406170


>> No.27406171

But it is, especislly if she never got bred snd married within her 20s then she is undesirable. 30 and 40 yo women are undesirable

>> No.27406172


>> No.27406173

hololive making it big

>> No.27406174

There's people in this thread that haven't seen Miko live.

>> No.27406175

No they don't.

>> No.27406176

dumb bun

>> No.27406177


>> No.27406178


>> No.27406179
Quoted by: >>27406218

I mean, him pocketing the costs is irrelevant since you were asking what sort of shit they should be doing with 3d. It can't be that expensive if that dude could pay for it.

>> No.27406180
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1595777646622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Operating on 110%, didn't sleep all week, she must have collapsed into bed afterwards.

>> No.27406181
Quoted by: >>27406200

I can't wait for her to come back.

>> No.27406183
File: 279 KB, 1132x1164, 1601430879448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 38 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.27406184
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Nene q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406306

pardun? https://files.catbox.moe/y8ju1p.webm

>> No.27406185

Membersheep ASMR? my heart started beating fast

>> No.27406186
Quoted by: >>27406304

They dont.

>> No.27406187
Quoted by: >>27406216

Gura will overtake them both.

>> No.27406188

I want to lie around all day and do nothing with okayu.

>> No.27406189
Quoted by: >>27406209

switch marine with matsuri

>> No.27406190
Quoted by: >>27406209

>Marine is Lust
>not Matsuri

>> No.27406191

>not Moona
>not Suisei

>> No.27406192
File: 520 KB, 560x420, I AM TMD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Towa!

>> No.27406193

Cover grew too quick they haven’t got the talent to organise this stuff they should actually hire some people from the idol world when it comes to even organising

>> No.27406194

finally something accurate

>> No.27406196

She's unleashed and can finally show off her energy.

>> No.27406197
Quoted by: >>27406236

what's the point of this? I doubt most of the holos would want to work with some rando when they have people like Junky and IOSYS willing to work with them

>> No.27406198

Mikoti and Sora...

>> No.27406200

soon, just gotta have faith

>> No.27406199

stop making this garbage and end your life

>> No.27406202
Quoted by: >>27406223

envy of what?

>> No.27406204

ughhhh.....towa....sadomaso mommy....

>> No.27406205


>> No.27406206

sora singing

>> No.27406207
Quoted by: >>27406219

How about 35?

>> No.27406208


>> No.27406209

Matsuri is just Shinji. depressed

>> No.27406210
File: 189 KB, 798x878, 1595506392251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406211
Quoted by: >>27406286

I really think it's Miko's constitution getting in the way of her 3D live return and not tech issues.

>> No.27406212
Quoted by: >>27406398

I'll take a 30 year old virgin any day

>> No.27406213


>> No.27406215

>Doing it for free
Would you?

>> No.27406216

Superchats? Not a chance, Gura can't even beat Mori

>> No.27406217
File: 334 KB, 1422x1600, CuteDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou
I miss you

>> No.27406218

I think he said it was above 10k costs but then the stream made 100k+ so he made out good on it.

>> No.27406219

Mikofags are now banned.

>> No.27406220

>The majority of these threads are silent people
we get 300 ips posting regularly you dumb nigger. lurk more or keep embarrassing yourself. if the only thing that defines a general to you is /hlgg/ style infodumping there is no reasoning with you. these threads smell like generals and shit like generals, they're generals. cry about it

>> No.27406223

penis envy

>> No.27406227


>> No.27406231


>> No.27406232
Quoted by: >>27406255

Feels like this was made so long ago now

>> No.27406233

Aloe Love

Fuck Idolcels

>> No.27406235
Quoted by: >>27406259

only if i get to talk to my oshi

>> No.27406236

it's to build connections with international producers idiot

>> No.27406238
File: 54 KB, 600x426, 1594419533203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 is indeed old. That's why you should breed them ASAP.

>> No.27406239
File: 414 KB, 1984x818, A382E9CD-5EE1-4425-8B10-7507B00A6B56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me this (quite old) fanart

>> No.27406240


>> No.27406242

inb4 somehow Mick Gordon is participating

>> No.27406243
File: 204 KB, 448x428, 1574606690995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered this after seeing Pekora's sponsored stream
Judging from the video, if it's another 50/50 split between Cover and the talent, Pekora gets $10k per hour of streaming this game given her number of viewers
Pretty nice. I wonder how much Korone earned with her endurance stream, or maybe there's a cap to how much these corporations give you. I guess solely from corporate bux, she earned $100k from her marathon? Maybe? Who knows
Maybe Cover got fucked over by the contract too, like they didn't know the prevailing market rate (aka what the average Twitch streamer gets) but I doubt they are THAT incompetent
Supacha money seems pitiful in turn, but sponsorships are pretty rare I guess (though not for long I'm sure, given their popularity)

>> No.27406244

Aloe love!

>> No.27406245

I fucking love this bitch

>> No.27406246


>> No.27406249
File: 39 KB, 934x588, 1596979776054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everlasting Darkness...

>> No.27406250

How can it return to this period? It is missed dearly

>> No.27406252

It wasn't members only stuff or the youtube-dl script i use would have downloaded it. It's activating my autism though because I can't check what was removed

>> No.27406254


>> No.27406255

Just had to bring it back for old times sake.

>> No.27406256

>not of a offer of employment

really gotta explain better there, Cover.

>> No.27406257

How can fubuki be greed when all the arse she gets just amount to 3.50€ every stream?

>> No.27406258

not being employed doesn't mean they wont be payed

>> No.27406259
Quoted by: >>27406266

Doubt that would happen

>> No.27406260

Im not sure why hes bitching about muh generals when theres a: rhythm game general, gacha general, touhou gameplay general, idol generals, vn generals, hgame generals, etc. Hell even the 2hu fag image dump threads are damn near generals

>> No.27406262
Quoted by: >>27406282

She is old as fuck dude and I think its sad she even tried to cover it up. You can see her age in her fucking tastes. She obviously copped someone else's ID to show which is easy as fuck when you aren't showing the name and photo.

>> No.27406263

>3D platformer
>camera on rails
I've never played a Crash game before but this shit looks like a nightmare to control.

>> No.27406266

then no

>> No.27406267

The fuck is wrong with her mouth there?

>> No.27406271


>> No.27406273

I'm gonna have sex with mikoti!

>> No.27406274
Quoted by: >>27406393

Korone's AC stream wasn't sponsored.

>> No.27406275
Quoted by: >>27406309

Dude it’s not worth going into this you’ll be getting childless virgins telling you how a woman who hasn’t had a kid by 30 is a hag

>> No.27406279

freelance song produce/writer maybe

>> No.27406280


>> No.27406281
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1598732344034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3D platformer

>> No.27406282

her favorite anime is dragonball. iirc in japan it's not nearly as popular with younger generations as it is here among spics and europeans.

>> No.27406285
Quoted by: >>27406356

This is less painful than 1, this at least has a clear indicator of where you're going to land.
That one bridge stage was pure suffering to watch.

>> No.27406286
Quoted by: >>27406472

Her return might be closer than we think, that's why she feels really anxious about it

>> No.27406287

is this a job offer or...?

>> No.27406288
Quoted by: >>27406310

A case of bad artist

>> No.27406289

imagine if towa never had that incident

>> No.27406292

>Please note: This is not an offer of employment under COVER Corporation
I'm retarded, is this volunteer work?

>> No.27406294
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1602008075299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch this end up being a disaster because one of the musicians they keep in their log ends up complaining that he didn't get paid enough(when he intentionally names a low price to get the job in the first place) and this creates some narrative that Cover tries to exploit musicians.

>> No.27406297
File: 22 KB, 568x196, dud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*likes reply tweet to ratio you*
I know you lowlife are in here.

>> No.27406299
Quoted by: >>27406393

how much money they get sponsored to do something varies so you can't really make any predictions about it

>> No.27406300
Quoted by: >>27406393

When you're sponsored you have to play specific hours like 1 or 2 and you get paid only for that, anything over that you don't get paid, that's why sponsored streams usually end after 1 hour.

>> No.27406301

they're looking for other big names who are willing to suck each others' dick for circus show

>> No.27406302
Quoted by: >>27406343

Just like jannies, you must make music for free

>> No.27406304

Did anyone actually say that or is it just assumed from them not saying they do?

>> No.27406306

Angry Nene makes me so hard.

>> No.27406307

errrr what

>> No.27406308
Quoted by: >>27406402

Why do newfags think they fit in by sperging about the name /hlg/ when we’ve been using it for like 9 months?
Can’t you at least use warosu? You look retarded.

>> No.27406309

Truth hurts huh, roastie? Younger women have always been valued throuhout historu

>> No.27406311
Quoted by: >>27406378

he's clearly just an underaged /v/tard since he felt the need to bring the board up a million times, if he loves it so much he should go back

>> No.27406310
Quoted by: >>27406330

never mind im dumb

>> No.27406313
File: 153 KB, 1118x710, BB3CB2ED-2D50-4B9E-B0F7-EC256BF37D79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave early

>> No.27406316

I dont get envy or greed.
Envy should be Matsuri and Greed should be Coco

>> No.27406317

Have you seen their last mi scraggly stream + the Yathzee tournament? If you can’t see how the way they interacted completely changed compared to how they were before then idk what to tell you anon

>> No.27406319

this is a containment thread, not a general
the differences may be subtle but take a look at the other generals and note what they do differently

>> No.27406320


>> No.27406322

Yeah, we do get upwards of 300 IPs in these threads.
Where are they all? Surely they are talking about things constantly, right? Oh, wait, no, that doesn't happen because the threads would be unreadable, just like the times they were stickies and blew out of control as more people heard "ha ha sticky on the jay!".
We get a handful of chat-room spammers in small clusters that rarely ever go over 20 posts in a row of shit from "ha ha she died!" to "oh boy she is crying again". It bounces between the slow average to full-blown shitspams in a matter of seconds to minutes depending on the stream in quetion.
Sorry, you are wrong. The math simply does not add up.
In fact, it also varies with time. Burger waking hours are vastly worse for chatroom spam because it is cultural to shout and cheer about your "favorite". BR hours too, who also do this.

>> No.27406321

its contract work

>> No.27406323

not we don't pay you
we pay you but you're not part of cover

>> No.27406324
Quoted by: >>27406351

Yozoppai Mellu...

>> No.27406325
Quoted by: >>27406348

Did you faggots even bother opening the document? It asks for rates at the bottom so its obviously a way for Hololive to commission music and songwriting from artists.

>> No.27406327
File: 338 KB, 768x719, 1601697454226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406418

>doing it for free
>inb4 its for the clout
Thanks but i already worked for free slaving away for Nene CEO

>> No.27406329
File: 10 KB, 770x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406330

wrong reply...

>> No.27406333

you send them work and they'll keep your name within their database on the off chance they ever want to work with you to make the arrangement for one of the covers or an original song(but the chances of that happening are pretty low)

>> No.27406334
Quoted by: >>27406418

Paid with exposure huh? Cover are such jews

>> No.27406335

>death counter instead of lives
I know that lives are pointless but that feels so weird.

>> No.27406338
File: 637 KB, 2675x2685, towa....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406386

You are go to hell!
I am debiru!
You are GO TO HELL!

>> No.27406337

Who are the most mentally unstable, unhinged holos? Gonna avoid watching those, I just want some comfy streams.

>> No.27406340
Quoted by: >>27406384

Thought the same when I saw Crash gameplay before. It kinda mystifies me that it got so popular. But I also realised I'm not that into 3D platformers/collectathlons.

>> No.27406341
File: 418 KB, 1938x1109, merch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sora merch

>> No.27406342

If you open the link it asks for rates. So contract work, not full-time.

>> No.27406343

Lamy you bitch

>> No.27406344

The fact you cannot tell the difference between this and those is honestly rather amazing.

>> No.27406346

Roman Holo when?

>> No.27406345

I kinda want that shirt

>> No.27406347

Fuck, now I feel like sleeping with her...

>> No.27406349
File: 123 KB, 662x837, 1601919121943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406366


do you really other men to help you decide if you like a woman or not? you only like woman that are desirable by other man?

netorase much?

>> No.27406348

Who would even do that

>> No.27406350
Quoted by: >>27406418

>they do it for free

>> No.27406351
File: 62 KB, 394x535, D124FA1A-B0E5-4247-947A-5AD0B73F55C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ! Her name is Yozora Mel !!!

>> No.27406355

You can choose to have lives if you start in Retro mode. But ultimately they are pointless, especially since you're wanting to complete a level in less than 3 deaths anyhow. Or not dying at all for the N-sanely Perfect Relic.

>> No.27406356

road to nowhere is all rhythm, once you make one jump you can make them all. crash 4 is way harder than the trilogy

>> No.27406357

Opera singing, anon...

>> No.27406359

That artist sucks at drawing facea

>> No.27406360
File: 326 KB, 1899x867, merchh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh more merch

>> No.27406362

Of course it's a T-shirt, posters, cap, pouch and penlight. Oh Sora

>> No.27406364

Dori me

>> No.27406365

>ITT zoomers

>> No.27406366
Quoted by: >>27406442

Coping roastie

>> No.27406372
Quoted by: >>27406397

Please return to this form Mel. Your current form is shite.

>> No.27406373

What's funny, that women reaches the peak of their libido in 32-34. Just Imagine Marine in 3-4 years.

>> No.27406374

that poster looks amazing

>> No.27406375

Holo Gregorian Chant cover when?

>> No.27406376
File: 57 KB, 1080x587, 20201008_035517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you guys don't know how to read or what

>> No.27406378

Ah, yes, clearly a /v/tard because I love love LOVE the shitspam of /v/ that has ruined the entire board versus the nice calm, collected culture that /jp/ has, hence the complaint of this thread devolving in to /v/shit posting.
Do you even brain?

>> No.27406380

These things always seem so unprofessional

>> No.27406381

She isn't playing retro mode right?

>> No.27406382

whoa that hat is awesome

>> No.27406384
Quoted by: >>27406420

>It kinda mystifies me that it got so popular.
It's from an age when no one knew what they were doing.

>> No.27406385

that's actually decent looking merch

>> No.27406386
File: 690 KB, 1451x2048, Ed2kevgVAAAWlOt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute chuuni.

>> No.27406387

a face towel?
I want to wipe my face with Sora's ass.

>> No.27406389
Quoted by: >>27406433

>Where are they all
this thread was made 43 minutes ago and we already have 129 posters, they're still migrating you absolute mongoloid
if a thread is mostly comprised of general tier shittery it functions as a general. to use language your /v/irgin newfaggot self can understand: everything you just wrote is a cope

>> No.27406392

best merch so far

>> No.27406393
Quoted by: >>27406438

My bad, I don't really pay attention to her

I agree, I just thought that it's a decent assumption given the fact that she gets way more viewers. Still, it's a lot I'm sure. It's also more of me trying to compare what they can earn from sponsorships vs supacha + memberships, given what we know (Youtube cut (30% + VAT) and Cover cut vs just Cover cut)

I did not know this, thanks

>> No.27406394
File: 180 KB, 1300x1100, 1593930243259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406411

Believe it or not Shion is asleep

>> No.27406397
Quoted by: >>27406749

I am not Mel !!

>> No.27406398

>I'll take things that doesn't exist

>> No.27406399
Quoted by: >>27406455

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn2hOjDOZ0g AZKi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SymTRAN_5c4 Risu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwFutNfHbnI Roberu

>> No.27406400

Google docs lol

>> No.27406401

I'll buy the cap if the image is on the underside. I'm taller than most people so it's pointless for me to have the design on the top.

>> No.27406402
Quoted by: >>27406423

No, you.
There has not been a SINGLE thread with it in the title and most people have shit on it until around summer where most of us gave up because you fuckwits poured in from all the /v/ threads.

>> No.27406403

Trash candipoop is so fucking bad. Glad this one bombs so activisionblizzard willd rop the shovelware series again.

>> No.27406404

Mongolian Throat singing Holo

>> No.27406407

jops are really into latin


>> No.27406408

>google form
Cover is stupid, nothing new

>> No.27406411
Quoted by: >>27406468

Can I sleep with her?

>> No.27406412
Quoted by: >>27406529

Every fucking day someone reposts some narrative from 5ch. It's like you people didn't learn your lesson with those alleged roommate face leaks that turned out to be 80% wrong.

>> No.27406413

>Rushia play guys

>> No.27406414
Quoted by: >>27406440

Anonchama... the image is not visible on the top. Look again

>> No.27406415


>> No.27406416

That cap looks great.

>> No.27406417

Do people really doesn't know how freelance even work?

>> No.27406418

t.retards who didn't even open the link

>> No.27406420

Yeah, I know many games were clunky or slow at that time. Spyro, Banjoo Kazooie, etc. The first steps of 3D console gaming weren't amazing to watch.

>> No.27406422


someone edit it to "let Coco and Haato come back, faggots"

>> No.27406423
Quoted by: >>27406459

The label does not change the contents you dumb faggot.

>> No.27406424

>Okayu sloth instead of Shion
>Noel gluttony instead of Okayu

>> No.27406426
Quoted by: >>27406651

t. Zoomer

>> No.27406427

Gonna buy the cap and penlight

>> No.27406429

how do i get to pee on suiseis butt?

>> No.27406428
File: 43 KB, 898x321, why-are-you-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406476

>> No.27406430
Quoted by: >>27406466

I feel like a bunch of retards are gonna lowball and regret it

>> No.27406432
Quoted by: >>27406462

Give Fubuki a judge attire clothes.

>> No.27406433
Quoted by: >>27406452

Yes, 129 posters, where are they all? Shouldn't they be spamming about Pekora right now?
Hint - the chatspam kiddies aren't up yet.
This thread isn't even close to general-tier shittery, not yet.

>> No.27406435
Quoted by: >>27406458


>> No.27406436

HoloLatin confirmed?

>> No.27406437
File: 43 KB, 812x411, danchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406464

>> No.27406438
Quoted by: >>27406580

>I just thought that it's a decent assumption
people can sponsor to to play or do anything for any amount of money so you can't really assume

>> No.27406440

congrats anon! you can buy it!

>> No.27406441

I mean thats how they hired EN in the first place

>> No.27406442
Quoted by: >>27406493



>> No.27406443

>he never played that game I played
>he must be a kid
Why is this logical fallacy so rife when it comes to videogames? I skipped out on the 32-bit generation.

>> No.27406448

Go back to your bing bing wahoo

>> No.27406447

FBK is doing season 2 of fall guys

prepare for chaos

>> No.27406449

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn2hOjDOZ0g&feature=emb_title azki premiere

>> No.27406450

just american things

>> No.27406451
Quoted by: >>27406502

Watch AZKI?

>> No.27406452
Quoted by: >>27406482

>This thread isn't even close to general-tier shittery
we had literal bestiality being posted last thread

>> No.27406453
Quoted by: >>27406515

I’m a dude but let’s be honest here you’re probably an ugly virgin who doesn’t get any worry more about your own sex life

>> No.27406455

That new song came out of nowhere

>> No.27406457
Quoted by: >>27406638

man who the hell can make actual good lyrics in latin in 2020

>> No.27406460
File: 587 KB, 1286x2000, kanatastainedglas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually want to hear Kanata sing Kyrie and perhaps music for the Requiem Mass

>> No.27406458


>> No.27406459
Quoted by: >>27406478

Read on, retard. It being accepted is a recent thing.

>> No.27406461


>> No.27406462
Quoted by: >>27406534

Vid deleted nigger

>> No.27406464

tee tee

>> No.27406466

either that, or the non-japanese artists won't read "in JPY" and name their price at $100 or something, and they're going to think he meant "100 yen" or something like that

>> No.27406467
File: 170 KB, 318x249, EbRJMANX0AjwvWG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the face a woman make when they experience high pleasure, you should ask your mama for more details

>> No.27406468
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, 1592406185177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406565

If you take a nap at any point of the day, chances are you're sleeping with Shion

>> No.27406469
File: 1 KB, 68x105, leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Towa's leg?

>> No.27406470

Choose one:
>Cover is a ruthless idol black company that oppresses their talents
>Cover is an incompetent start-up run by a bunch of sweaty nerds with the power of luck and nepotism

>> No.27406472

She wanted it to be a quick surprise from what I recall so yeah, I guess she's also feeling antsy that she can't announce the date too far in advance. I hope she's not pushing her body too far though...

>> No.27406473
Quoted by: >>27406491

>3d plaftormer
>onrails KAUWABUNGA rail skating section
The mark of a kusoge. There never was a good 3d platformer with a section like this.

>> No.27406474

>t. zoomer

>> No.27406476

>All that grass
>Sora's smug smile

That picture is perfect

>> No.27406477
File: 826 KB, 498x498, nice joke very very hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice joke anon must've been very very hard

>> No.27406478

Okay then, it's recently a general.

>> No.27406480
File: 323 KB, 800x867, 1590940781013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu's Transistor stream IKZ!

>> No.27406482
Quoted by: >>27406507

Gee, I wonder where they came from.

>> No.27406483


>> No.27406487
File: 714 KB, 1414x2000, Ejy773UVgAAEdcG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406490
File: 2.21 MB, 4096x2891, __sakura_miko_hoshimachi_suisei_tokino_sora_roboco_san_and_azki_hololive_drawn_by_tonari_no_kai_keruberosu__07eb1e726a5846d81dd6328e8a101150 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406509

Sora: 3DLive in November and just appeared on TIF
Suisei: 3DLive this month and appeared on TIF
Miko: her big return this month with her 3DLive
Roboco: just had her 3DLive last month
AZKi: 3DLive last month too

It feels good to be a Gen0 CHAD, The Idol Gen! YAGOO's Dream Gen!

>> No.27406489


>> No.27406492

wtf this real?

>> No.27406491

>There never was a good 3d platformer

>> No.27406493

Id rather not fuck a 30 yo whose eggs are in the process of drying up because she failed for whatever reason at getting impregnated during her 20s.

30+ is old and undesirable and japs arent the only only who think this

>> No.27406494
Quoted by: >>27406703

It's been generally well received from I can tell. The lack of a PC version on release is a bit disappointing though.

>> No.27406495
File: 20 KB, 380x544, This is what graduation was for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking gooooo

>> No.27406496
File: 90 KB, 680x566, Eg-UqcBUwAAjPbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Coco doing mongolian throat singing

>> No.27406498
Quoted by: >>27406533

SA hours start just before NA hours, and americans get blamed for everyone when you faggots know that canadians and spics are notorious shitposters
honestly i'd take conventional shitposters over yurodicklets constantly whining about countries more relevant than theirs

>> No.27406499
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, permanently smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's her permanent state

>> No.27406500

Underside. You don't want to trash your picture by sun UV.

>> No.27406502


>> No.27406503

Can't see shit, cap'n

>> No.27406504

Cover is an incompetent start-up run by a bunch of sweaty nerds with the power of luck and nepotism that oppresses their talents

>> No.27406506
Quoted by: >>27406519

Oh shit its out?

>> No.27406507

they were korone posters so probably these threads

>> No.27406509

But isn't Roboco more a streamer that can't get out much because of her cats?

>> No.27406508


>> No.27406510
File: 492 KB, 2176x2115, sora-ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27406511

probably just canvassing for talent for now. added not to keep people's hopes up and burn the HQ. still sounds like freelance or employment contracts might come after

>> No.27406515
Quoted by: >>27406720

Sure you are lmfaooo

>> No.27406513
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1602017474646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hlg general argument timeloop

>> No.27406516

Roberu live with dark deception.

>> No.27406517

that shirt is pretty fucking kawaii.

>> No.27406518
Quoted by: >>27406561

Kyrie Eleison cover soon bros

>> No.27406519


yep, today's the day.

>> No.27406522

absolutely I would a towa anything

>> No.27406523

I love this picture

>> No.27406525

See on one hand, I'm just an amateur so I'm not confident about my consistency.
On the other hand, after I saw how badly Cover mixes their shit, I feel confident I can do a better job than at least some of them.

>> No.27406526

someone fix lunas nose

>> No.27406529

But Japanese people said it so it must be accurate and real! My favourite part of the roommate collage is how the images changed over time with the girl changing completely one actually changed from the right person to some random

>> No.27406532
Quoted by: >>27406744

Nobody cares about Risu

>> No.27406533

AmericaS then. Happy? Same shit culture of shouting over everyone until nobody has ear-drums left.
Yeah, Korone posters, the most popular following from /v/.

>> No.27406534
Quoted by: >>27406603

No. I'm a retard who fucked up the link.

>> No.27406535

could she POSSIBLY look any more like Kizuna Ai in Mirai Akari's costume?

>> No.27406536
Quoted by: >>27406559

coping incel

>> No.27406537
Quoted by: >>27406544


>> No.27406538
File: 612 KB, 663x503, 9656AFDA-694E-4C09-ACE4-C807021004DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406581

People please do not get angry. Have a cute image.

>> No.27406539
Quoted by: >>27406559

It's okay anon, you ain't fucking no one
which is good because your genes are undesirable

>> No.27406540


top tier art, good for sora

>> No.27406541

Can't believe they're finally serious about being a music idol company

>> No.27406543

>Kizuna Ai in Mirai Akari
Only if you're blind

>> No.27406544

I'll listen to it later

>> No.27406545

Where's the ass though

>> No.27406547

Is Rushia doing better? Last time I checked on her I felt she was mentally exhausted from all the "boing boing" spamming cretins in the chat.

>> No.27406549

They are only adding 4 new levels, the game is gonna get stale again fast.

>> No.27406552

That art is so good.

>> No.27406553

they were obviously tourists that are used to posting on /b/

>> No.27406554


>> No.27406555

>5 holos and 2 stars active now
Why do they stack on top of each other like this? Is it on purpose?

>> No.27406557

I'd sub and supacha. They need to be male of course.

>> No.27406559

Seething roasties

>> No.27406560
File: 1.01 MB, 846x919, 1598691056257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406561
File: 755 KB, 823x561, 1594170063397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Kanatan singing all the music for your Requiem Mass

>> No.27406563

>Missing children

>> No.27406565
File: 2.38 MB, 1489x1860, 81749523_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion, please! I love you but I haven't seen the sun in days!

>> No.27406568

I won't watch Risu if she keep withholding the karaoke stream.

>> No.27406567
Quoted by: >>27406580

I am sure youtubes system is much worse and convulated than twitchs.

>> No.27406569
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1597652358673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anonchama... lurkmoar

>> No.27406571
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596400419777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around my neck.

>> No.27406570
Quoted by: >>27406614

>Yeah, Korone posters, the most popular following from /v/
Legitimately if you are so obsessed with /v/ you can go back anytime, I hear they separated the generals into a different board so it'd be paradise for you. /jp/ has a multitude of generals, it's a staple of the board including these threads and your whinging about who's to blame doesn't change that. If you do not like it simply leave.

>> No.27406573

to piss /v/ermin like you off.

>> No.27406576

She is closer to YUA right now.

>> No.27406577

That dude in the background looks like hiroshima

>> No.27406578
Quoted by: >>27406826

they should stop using php and use c++

>> No.27406579

They're looking for Shion yo.

>> No.27406580
Quoted by: >>27406597

Yeah which is why I mentioned this
>Maybe Cover got fucked over by the contract too, like they didn't know the prevailing market rate (aka what the average [sponsored] Twitch streamer gets) but I doubt they are THAT incompetent
I can't predict that sort of shit so it's whatever

There's a part in the video talking solely about sponsorships, which is where I based my assumption on

>> No.27406581
Quoted by: >>27406595

Oppai inspection day

>> No.27406582
Quoted by: >>27406623

why do you care about how many children someone has had

>> No.27406583

I am sorry ,I kneel before you Kingcel!
Please accept my aging 29 year old womb

>> No.27406584
Quoted by: >>27406767


so which is it, bro? you can't pick both

>> No.27406585
Quoted by: >>27406640

Maybe he was a Nintendo kid

>> No.27406586
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving (you)'s to a /v/ermin who uses terms like "roastie".
Pathetic, this place is reaching new lows everyday.

>> No.27406587
Quoted by: >>27406678

It's cute how Sora keeps trying to speak in English for her viewers.

>> No.27406588
File: 307 KB, 600x600, Egre7QgUMAY4DiJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're trying to find Shion

>> No.27406589
Quoted by: >>27406626

>I've never personally known a woman who got pregnant during my lifetime
Late 30s is when things dry up, things get harder during the 30s but it's not like they become completely inert on their 30th birthday.

>> No.27406592
Quoted by: >>27406635

risu sounds insecure... /hlg/...

>> No.27406593

Yes, if its wrapped around my back.

>> No.27406594


>> No.27406595

Whaat ???

>> No.27406596

every day we inch closer to a vtuber or /ajp/ board and i cant wait

>> No.27406597

There's not a market rate, you can sponsor someone to pay a stream for a hundred dollars or tens of thousands of dollars
holos probably get over ten thousand because they have lots of viewers

>> No.27406602
File: 4 KB, 400x400, unknown_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durr would hololive really have lyrics in an unused language

>> No.27406603

I cant remember the last time someone mentioned that song

>> No.27406605

Truly the Heart and Soul of Hololive

>> No.27406608

Nobody cares about homos and indogs and Rushia is reading superchats.

>> No.27406609
File: 24 KB, 67x291, filter_list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guys! Here's the latest filter list to improve these threads by over 100% by filtering out crossboarders who never posted in /jp/ in their lives before /hlg/! Now improved so filter list users won't get filtered!

>> No.27406610


>> No.27406612
Quoted by: >>27406626

It's a natural thing for men to be attract to young women, as women being attracted to older men. You can find studies telling you as much. Yet besides women, no one really cares.

>> No.27406613
File: 553 KB, 1354x1053, 7458745745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406646


>> No.27406614

Why would I go to a board who has a culture I despise?
The fact you think generals here and generals there are even REMOTELY close to the same thing is hilariously naive.
AS you said, "a title doesn't define things".
The culture of shitting up a thread just for the sake of it being fast is a purely /v/ thing. (and previously /b/ thing post 2005, which is where most of /v/ came from up until 2010)

>> No.27406615
File: 733 KB, 759x689, fubuking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so exciting!

>> No.27406618

Reddit usually gets hit with the spam filter anyway, you're gonna need to add some variations

>> No.27406619
File: 531 KB, 546x690, 1593057636946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting anything from 3 weeks old posters

>> No.27406620
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga FBK being the first to jump on the Fall Gays season 2 bandwagon

>> No.27406622
Quoted by: >>27406666

>peko already done
dont make me watch the tree rat...

>> No.27406623
Quoted by: >>27406661

Replacement rates are important. The best thing about Japan is that it's Japanese.

>> No.27406624

Why is everyone so angry tonight

>> No.27406625

that's not how human teeth look like

>> No.27406626

True but still not worth the trouble. Men however take a long time to hit the wall and even then they can still fuck


>> No.27406627

that's underage soiboi talk

>> No.27406628
Quoted by: >>27406714

I might be a bit misinformed, but isn't this song literally in a completely made up language that Aki made up herself or something?

>> No.27406629

Damn,I was hoping she'd play until the boss at least

>> No.27406630
File: 285 KB, 451x424, 1601633961115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peko otupekos her stream after one hour
What's up with her lately, hasn't she gotten really lazy?

>> No.27406631

Dead hours already

>> No.27406632
Quoted by: >>27406648

>The fact you think generals here and generals there are even REMOTELY close to the same thing is hilariously naive.
they are
this is exactly like a general thread

>> No.27406633

Well Activision, it has been 68 minutes.

>> No.27406635
Quoted by: >>27406816

Of course, number 1 holoID can't even reach 1k viewers. Her coworker getting all those collab, and the other retarded coworker keep getting impromptu collabs.

>> No.27406637
Quoted by: >>27406659

I'd rip off her shoe and rub my dick all over her sweaty foot

>> No.27406638
Quoted by: >>27406660

anyone who knows latin really, everything sounds cool in latin anyway

>> No.27406639

this always amazes me every time it gets posted

>> No.27406640

Even worse.

>> No.27406641

I would like to impregnate Watame

>> No.27406642
File: 28 KB, 310x65, Arulives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no forget

>> No.27406643

needs aloe and all of CN

>> No.27406646

Rome Total War stream when?

>> No.27406647

She was paid to shill for one hour.

>> No.27406648

From /v/ / /vg/, sure. It's totally foreign to /jp/, hence the complaint.

>> No.27406650

It was a sponsored stream. Don't you clock out when your shift is over?

>> No.27406651
Quoted by: >>27406705

Fuck off to /v/. I had a fucking SMS2 as kid. Crash will always be trash. Insulting that it is even mentioned as 3d platformer because it has more incommon with a racing game it is this tunnel straight.

>> No.27406652

Pekchoke Season 2 fucking when?

>> No.27406653
Quoted by: >>27406696

Fuck off filter cuck, go back to your safespace

>> No.27406654
File: 1.60 MB, 1722x1285, Fall Gays S2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets, where will FBK end up in this new season

>> No.27406656
Quoted by: >>27406697

>Missing Children
Just fucking shoot me

>> No.27406655


>> No.27406657

imagine making passive aggressive remarks without directly addressing anyone, but still not ignoring the issue all together


>> No.27406658

Was a sponsored stream for a game she didn't want to play.

>> No.27406659
Quoted by: >>27406967

Towa has stinky feet though!

>> No.27406660

>everything sounds cool in latin anyway
only retards thinks that's the case tho

>> No.27406661

so you're a /pol/tard

>> No.27406662
Quoted by: >>27406693

reminder holoID gen 2 will be revealed soon

>> No.27406663

I love this picture.

>> No.27406664
Quoted by: >>27406730

Not the same anon you think you're replying to, retard. Thou doth protest too much. You're not fooling anyone. Shut the fuck up about /v/, accept how things are here or go back.

>> No.27406665

That looks pretty cool, nice.

>> No.27406666

She is likely to do another stream today, she said do yesterday.

>> No.27406667

actually Holostar Ayame is starting before her

>> No.27406668

wait i got it, it's her tongue sticking out, from afar it looks like her mouth is malformed into some eldricht maw of death

>> No.27406669
Quoted by: >>27406700

I think they just got too popular too quick and don’t have a real understanding of how a talent agency should operate and protect their talent. They really should hold off on expanding their talent pool any further but unfortunately they seem to being going for the same throw everything at the wall style Niji do.

>> No.27406670

This is a competition anon, all for prime time viewers. This ain't the buddy buddy nakama you think it is, they're all still individual streamers.

>> No.27406673

>speaking disparagingly of women

>> No.27406676
File: 13 KB, 256x488, roberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search Roberu on youtube
>4 variants for winning son

>> No.27406677

My friend will achieve no more and no less than two wins this season. Pekora will win once on a fluke.

>> No.27406678

She wants to put that dictionary she bought to good use

>> No.27406680

Its a promo stream

>> No.27406682

She's got good taste, now that she's finally playing some games.

>> No.27406683

I hope they won't be playing it at all.

>> No.27406684

No. 1 Fox Burger is a cool nickname.

>> No.27406685
Quoted by: >>27406730

what are you complaining about
mods won't make a vtuber board so the thread is stuck here

>> No.27406687

Its not if its backed by science and history

>> No.27406688

3+ wins.

>> No.27406689
Quoted by: >>27406730

Why do you know so much about what threads are supposedly like on /v/ and /vg/
Go back

>> No.27406691
Quoted by: >>27406743

You’re probably not going to have sex with anyone or have kids but keep shrinking your pool of people champ

>> No.27406693
Quoted by: >>27406868

Gen 1 barely alive anon

>> No.27406694

i believe she will be back

>> No.27406696

Cuck's a good suggestion for the list, thanks!

>> No.27406697

Watch PolNene instead

>> No.27406698

be quiet or else more spics will hear us

>> No.27406700

Soooo another 3 gens you say?

>> No.27406701

Some guys was saying yesterday that so many girls taking off was due to seasonal allergies and colder weather getting them sick or something. Does anyone know if there was just as many absences in the previous years as well? Another guy speculated that they were partying with coco and stimulating kanatas redhot pussy or some shit.

>> No.27406702

so theres no pickles and ksn collab?

>> No.27406703
Quoted by: >>27406819

It's bombed in sales everywhere but uk and uk only gives relative numbers. Going from reduced price for 3 games with big nostalgia to full price for 1 new game made it take a hit.

>> No.27406704
Quoted by: >>27406730

>It's totally foreign to /jp/
this board is full of general threads on other topics which are exactly like /vg/ generals

>> No.27406705

Zoom zoom

>> No.27406706

Pecolla hated Crash...

>> No.27406712

>roberu matsuri

>> No.27406713
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 1598828067241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /r9k/, /pol/, /v/, /cgl/, reddit and everyoone else to leave

>> No.27406714

If she made it up, that's pretty cool

>> No.27406719

Anon, Kanata doesn't have a pussy, she has a small penis.

>> No.27406720
Quoted by: >>27406743

Only on 4chan with incels will someone assume you’re not a man

>> No.27406721
Quoted by: >>27406750

>It's totally foreign to /jp/
god you are a fucking newfag

>> No.27406726
Quoted by: >>27406892


>> No.27406727


>> No.27406730

Ah yes, the "go back" when your shitty arguments have been utterly destroyed.
"Go back" to a board I despise who has a culture I despise. Good job, idiot(s).
Thanks for playing and showing you are the reason these threads are now shit. Ever since HL blew up with /v/ these threads took a nosedive in quality as mods began funnelling them all here.
See above.
One thing I wish would happen. And a hard ban on generals and general cancer.
A title does not make a culture. They are TOTALLY different to the shit that /v/ turned in to, so much so I left both boards outright to get away from them. Now these threads are the same shit after only a few months.

>> No.27406732
Quoted by: >>27406750

go search for general in the catalogue and report your findings

>> No.27406734
File: 37 KB, 596x892, 1586786895790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27406736

Roberu at 65k already.

>> No.27406737


>> No.27406739

I honestly think most of the are mildly de-moralized to make content while all the drama is piling up. They are waiting for things to blow over so they can get back into the groove.

>> No.27406740
Quoted by: >>27406774

I need more Aki belly dancing. This is woefully insufficient for my hunger for it

>> No.27406743
Quoted by: >>27407034

>seething hag going infertile

Oh so you're a tranny? Thst explains it

>> No.27406744

I like risu she gets way too much hate but maybe it’s just you SEAnigs that hate her

>> No.27406745

Please stop arguing

>> No.27406748

Its always either Nintendo games or western/japanese indie games with them.

>> No.27406749
Quoted by: >>27406771

Cant prove that, otherwise you're Mel.

>> No.27406750

Look beyond the title, you dumb stinking newfags.

>> No.27406754
Quoted by: >>27406780

>They are TOTALLY different to the shit that /v/ turned in to
No they aren't
general threads on this board are the same autistic shitpiles that they are on every other board

>> No.27406755
Quoted by: >>27406780

>Ah yes, the "go back" when your shitty arguments have been utterly destroyed
Isn't this you?

>> No.27406756

fucking american hours
why is it always so fucking bad

>> No.27406759

I thought Kanata's was best, I enjoyed her dumb skits. Coco's was kind of mindblowing, it was like she was larger than life. Towa had fantastic song selection and a kino ending in her Error cover. Watame was really cute. The only one I didn't like was Luna's.

>> No.27406760

>streaming Fall Guys Season 2 immediately after Dark Deception
old man...

>> No.27406764
Quoted by: >>27406791

but her penis is bigger than the cocock?

>> No.27406765

I pray that your daughter will be married at her most prime age, anon! ;)

>> No.27406766

Sleepy Towa.

>> No.27406767

Don’t expect consistency from retards lol

>> No.27406771

Neither can you prove that I am Mel.

>> No.27406772
Quoted by: >>27406790

Burgers arent even awake yet

>> No.27406774

I want another Shallys-styled song

>> No.27406775
Quoted by: >>27406807


>> No.27406776

Haha, time for NicoNico Douga


>> No.27406778

Friend, Pekora and a holo en for 3+ wins

>> No.27406779
File: 178 KB, 349x362, thread_watcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406850

Okay buddy, that's enough for today. I don't tell how you should stop speeding tractors or rogue cows and you don't tell me how to police these threads. Now if you would be so kind and take your autism scooter or whatever they call those things at your precinct and drive it slowly back to the bumfuck county you came from. We wouldn't want this to get messy, now would we?

>> No.27406780

Yet they aren't spammy. What now, retard?
Nice argument.

>> No.27406781

>Roberus playing some pacman horror dungeon crawler
>crashes and shows crash report with dox info

>> No.27406785
File: 480 KB, 640x480, uhd4ym.mp4_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tunak Tunak

>> No.27406786

Yeah because the literal dog porn earlier was so much better.

>> No.27406787

>Dark Deception crashed
Nice game.

>> No.27406788
File: 171 KB, 495x695, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406969

>They keep giving him (you)'s

>> No.27406790

don't need to wake up if you never went to bed

>> No.27406791
File: 955 KB, 1200x1006, hugepp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407080


>> No.27406792

I do anon, I imagine it frequently.

>> No.27406794

>They are TOTALLY different to the shit that /v/ turned in to, so much so I left both boards outright to get away from them
so you admit you're /v/ermin? leave already and never come back

>> No.27406797

>oh shit wait, I can't call this fictional language "dead", how do I go about making this point

>> No.27406798
File: 55 KB, 180x155, 1595520777237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406834

Inclining Son
Oga and Aruran are jealous and trying to ntr him as a result

>> No.27406799
File: 73 KB, 300x174, 1464122103580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406841

Please take it easy on /jp/.

>> No.27406800

>Yet they aren't spammy.
what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.27406803
Quoted by: >>27406895


>> No.27406805

i cant fucking fap to coco at all,help

>> No.27406806

Glad that Aki still uses her Elven language.

>> No.27406807

looped so hard it crashed the game truly he is too powerful...

>> No.27406808


>> No.27406814
Quoted by: >>27407014

Good, Coco is for headpats and hugs, not fapping.

>> No.27406816

She should be less reserved and just go with it like moona does it always cracks me up when she turns up in some random JPs minecraft stream

>> No.27406817
Quoted by: >>27406870

Wasn't arguing. I just think it's funny that you admitted you said that because you you were "utterly destroyed" in your own words. If these threads offend you to such a degree you can leave anytime.

>> No.27406818
File: 545 KB, 2480x3508, Aopmby7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406847


>> No.27406819

It's because it wasn't on Switch, it's like the devs didn't even want to make money, why release a game on the censorstation 4 or the Whobox

>> No.27406820
Quoted by: >>27406895

my sides jesus christ

>> No.27406821
Quoted by: >>27406831

Need a hand?

>> No.27406823

If you can't understand that, you are already too stupid for this discussion. Cease immediately.

>> No.27406826


>> No.27406827

Wish Sony wouldn't own this glorious song and video.

>> No.27406829
File: 87 KB, 1024x773, 1601563622274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got all the shitposting out of my system and can go back to watching the streams
Feels good

>> No.27406831

Thats gay dude

>> No.27406832
Quoted by: >>27406880

>Risu just decided to play transistor without looking anything about it first
Squirrel...I thought you were smarter than this...

>> No.27406834

>trying to ntr him
Not even a problem. Roberu is trying to fuck her mom instead

>> No.27406838

This video will always be amazing. Hands-down the best video on all of Hololive.

>> No.27406839

ccp propaganda

>> No.27406840

Dude it was just a joke I would never do that I swear

>> No.27406841

see >>27406799

>> No.27406842

hard to fap without a hand

>> No.27406845

Thanks for the great cover to start my morning AZKi. Great to hear she's got her 2nd album in the works too.

>> No.27406847

i still cant...

>> No.27406849
File: 450 KB, 1424x2140, Ehy6UyLUcAAYyCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406888

I love miComet bros

>> No.27406850
File: 558 KB, 532x800, 1599943101312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406939

You're gonna get sheared sheep, I'm gonna make you the only sheep in holosaba

>> No.27406852

"spammy" is a term which has meaning in your own head, nobody elses
If it's a statement about the quality of the thread or discussion, /jp/s generals are just as worse as /vg/, probably even worse honestly looking at all the garbage idol threads

>> No.27406853
File: 251 KB, 1500x1057, EZCpJnaU0AAE3mw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406922


>> No.27406854
Quoted by: >>27406911

Can holostars hurry up and get their own thread already? This is getting annoying.

>> No.27406855

>you are already too stupid for this discussion
/v/irgins really think they're intelligent huh?

>> No.27406858 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 814x611, Roommate7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this Holo is a liar whore. She said she loves her fans and told them she's their girlfriend and yet she got herself pregenant and left her fans in pain for 3 months.

>> No.27406861

Why do you post my photos, anon?

>> No.27406865
File: 271 KB, 480x480, 1599735022290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgers wake up
>thread quality decreases

>> No.27406867


>> No.27406868

gen 1 dominates their market and got new outfits without a new years event before holoJP gen 3

>> No.27406870

Oh yeah, point out what I said that utterly destroyed my own argument? I'm waiting.
These threads went to shit when /v/ were forced here by the mods.
Before they were shit, but they weren't THIS shit, not even fucking close. It only got worse as more of them came in and started feeding the spergs shitposts which were mostly a non-issue when the threads initially split off in 3.

>> No.27406871
Quoted by: >>27406895

ngl thats a banger

>> No.27406874
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, 93630379-B95E-4640-AF06-7476231EA138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop posting off-topic and being angry. Have a cute image.

>> No.27406877
Quoted by: >>27406895

my fucking sides im dead

>> No.27406879

No one is up at 5-7 am the fuck are you talking about? American NEETs don't wake up till like 4 pm

>> No.27406880

Why would you spoil yourself a game you are about to play?

>> No.27406886
Quoted by: >>27406942

Is the game Roberu playing just Pacman but 3D?

>> No.27406887
Quoted by: >>27406905

Will you be posting one soon?

>> No.27406888
Quoted by: >>27406916

Oh shit, shiny Pogs.

>> No.27406889


>> No.27406890


>> No.27406892

How could she do this?
Duck is not fox's friend

>> No.27406895

So many newfags.

>> No.27406897

One of the best OC from this thread.

>> No.27406898


>> No.27406900
Quoted by: >>27406940

Everything started falling apart once Miko left...

>> No.27406902

Fuck off birdkun

>> No.27406903
File: 212 KB, 975x847, 1601227763183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406923

Prime time looks dead as fuck, what happened?

>> No.27406904
Quoted by: >>27406931

not as bad as the Hololive Judas

>> No.27406905

I think you might have problems with Internet connection again !! Please fix your Internet !

>> No.27406906

Somebody needs to send him a kirpan as a birthday gift.

>> No.27406908
Quoted by: >>27406947

Doing the first mission off stream is usually a good idea so you can make sure everything's running right, good fps etc.

>> No.27406911
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1577047540626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fucking shameless leeches

>> No.27406914
File: 55 KB, 720x784, 1596916827786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406915
File: 708 KB, 900x600, voldemort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you honestly expect to happen after the suspection is over?

>> No.27406916
Quoted by: >>27406925

shiny what

>> No.27406917

This is true, /v/ermin mods killed this place by purging hololive threads on /v/.
They allow wojak threads but anime was too much for their board “culture”

>> No.27406919

That's a huge glass. How well can Mel hold her liquor?

>> No.27406920

This game looks kinda bad. Hope he didn't pay money for it.

>> No.27406922

>that attempt at full-armor Noel
the absolute state of drawfags

>> No.27406923
File: 90 KB, 483x387, 1600475694692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27406925

pogs underage

>> No.27406928

I really like Subaru now. Did I get past the filter?

>> No.27406929

holy shit coco is fucking shot down haachamas airplane?

>> No.27406930

You can wait forever. The point is you said
>Ah yes, the "go back" when your shitty arguments have been utterly destroyed
Which clearly implies that saying "go back" is a last resort that only people with "utterly destroyed arguments resort to
and this was after you said
>Go. Back.
So you are implicitly saying you were utterly destroyed to resort to such a tactic. I can't believe you're making me spoonfeed you the meaning of the words that you spew onto your own keyboard are you truly this dense?

>> No.27406931

post it

>> No.27406933

It's tomato juice.

>> No.27406934
Quoted by: >>27406975

Her tits are her identity

>> No.27406935

Haachama will pretend nothing happened
Coco will make a joke out of it in asacoco and chinese will get twice as angry

>> No.27406936
Quoted by: >>27406982


>> No.27406937

Who's the worst translator and why is it birdkun?

>> No.27406939
File: 184 KB, 349x362, 1596965236914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong move, pal!

>> No.27406940
Quoted by: >>27406992

The show can't go on without the main character

>> No.27406941

what an adorable retard

>> No.27406942

with monkeys

>> No.27406945
Quoted by: >>27406960

Yes, how about Luna? My last filter is Kanata.

>> No.27406946

Hey it's Cover the one who keeps postponing her return. Don't blame her B-kun.

>> No.27406947

Fuck you are retarded.

>> No.27406949

it's prime time soon anon, do your stuff during the dead hours only please, or even better, fuck off

>> No.27406950


>> No.27406951
Quoted by: >>27406972

is bf4 premium edition worth a buy bros?

>> No.27406952

Very well obviously !!!

>> No.27406953

no, it's seamonkeys like you

>> No.27406954

I've become convinced coco will get graduated. Feel free to call me retarded if she doesn't, but until she's back I won't believe it.

>> No.27406956

>this fantasy armour isn't realistic!
okay anon we get it, you're a big boy

>> No.27406957

Youtube AI bans Coco after she breaks all time superchat records 5 times over

>> No.27406958
Quoted by: >>27406966

Should I make a short story for you to imagine?

>> No.27406960
Quoted by: >>27407210

I've enjoyed Luna from the start actually.

>> No.27406966
Quoted by: >>27407292


>> No.27406967


>> No.27406969
File: 281 KB, 459x599, 1596076163137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board will never again take it easy friend.

>> No.27406972

try >>>/v/

>> No.27406971

Cute Mikoti.

>> No.27406973
Quoted by: >>27406982


>> No.27406975

So it would make sense to fucking put extra armor on top then, huh!?

>> No.27406977

No point arguing with /v/ermin, let it go man.

>> No.27406980

I suspect Luna won’t play again she got bored of it pretty quick

>> No.27406982
Quoted by: >>27407013

what the fuck bros...

>> No.27406984
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.27406989

No, if you cover it up, no one will realize it's Noel.

>> No.27406991

How will her comrades know it's her then?

>> No.27406992
File: 795 KB, 1103x1080, watamina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406999

It's season 2 with a new main character

>> No.27406993
Quoted by: >>27407022

I've been thinking, did Fubuki/Matsuri's efforts have any real effect in boosting the Holostars?
Or was it the proper management once they got Shinove, Kaoru's (peace be unto him)networking and Roberu's hard work carving out their own niche?

>> No.27406994
Quoted by: >>27407256

>she got bored of it pretty quick
she did an 8 hour stream

>> No.27406995
File: 73 KB, 1000x728, Café Korone - - できたてころね ArtsOfAshes ごまキング 絵ニックス holomyth hololiveEnglish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407025

Lets hope yagoo hires more EN gens soon and covers the dead hours. That way the globalists won't get so fucking bored all day and shitpost here.

>> No.27406996

But I had an argument - if you like to post shitty chat-spam you'd be better off on the board that encourages shouting and shitting over people.
Or, you know, use the chatrooms for a stream, or join a discord. They all happily love that shit.

>> No.27406997


>> No.27406999
File: 75 KB, 1351x1080, cbh6vgma1kl51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407000


>> No.27407001

Thank god one of these girls as some sense to not get sucked into fotm games

>> No.27407003
Quoted by: >>27407038

>tfw after all these years of shitposting i unironically feel nothing and cant get off to porn or women
>tfw shitposting and playing vidya give more olea3sure than porn or women
Well shit

>> No.27407004
File: 787 KB, 2485x4096, 1597590018038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27407008

I want to hug roberu a lot
he makes me happy

>> No.27407009

I want to have a french kiss with Mikoti... Imagine kissing her short tongue...

>> No.27407010
Quoted by: >>27407032

why are you even here
just leave

>> No.27407011

Pretty much all the Japanese people I follow and interact with online have a cold at the moment the meme about Japanese cold is true

>> No.27407013

Subaru is a normalfag who showers everyday and has never attempted suicide. You aren't supposed to like her.

>> No.27407014

But she said we could jerk off to her.

>> No.27407015

>Fubuki is a racist to Chinese people too
Its okay about coco because everyone knew she is a racist from the beginning

>> No.27407017

N5 kanji captcha. Onegai.

>> No.27407019

so why is the thread getting raided again? did the xd funny meme shurk do another karaoke?

>> No.27407021

It is surreal seeing Miko and Peko sing the numa numa song.

>> No.27407022

FBK/Matsuri started the incline, Kaoru's networking give them more boosts and Roberu is the last stretch.

>> No.27407025
File: 50 KB, 1024x585, beyond_artificial_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never rub Korone's tummy

>> No.27407027
Quoted by: >>27407051

God man enough with the fucking "but"s, I don't care if you had an actual argument, you said implicitly that you were "utterly destroyed" in your own words, that is my singular point. Live with it.

>> No.27407030
File: 30 KB, 406x406, 1600761687435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407059

>not instantly fired and made an example of

Yeah I know Cover is stupid, but I dont think they would let that fly.

>> No.27407032

I've always been here. Not wanting the threads to go in to further ruin by shitposting spamming fuckwits is a bad thing now?
Sounds like a certain board.

>> No.27407034

Two replies to me one calling me an infertile woman the other calling me a tranny you really need to just quit lol

>> No.27407035

HoloSPQR soon

>> No.27407037

Birdkun kill yourself

>> No.27407038

okay anon, but this is the Hololive thread

>> No.27407040

Chinks aren't race.
Fubuki is mongoloid too.

>> No.27407041

I just realized that there isn't flat girl in gen 5

>> No.27407045

She streams like 2 hours in 3 days, anon. These kids are bored out of their mind.

>> No.27407046
File: 150 KB, 1431x2048, EYxVvlxVcAEppcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407048

Watching the trailer on the very steam page you buy the game isnt "spoiling" yourself.

>> No.27407049
File: 1.20 MB, 1079x1866, 1602144288788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa liked an image on twitter and the guy had a Taiwan flag in his name and such. The bugs are now mad at Towa.

>> No.27407051
Quoted by: >>27407088

I see you can't read basic English. That's okay, we have many ESLs in here. Even from Japan.

>> No.27407053

>Roberu gets better viewership than Choco now
please watch Choco...

>> No.27407057
File: 81 KB, 451x699, 5F4E0684-9E38-45BA-A1DB-389D7F623673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27407058

she didn't do anything of note again

>> No.27407059
Quoted by: >>27407090

>>not instantly fired and made an example of
Abe would have closed Cover down if they did that. Japan is in need of pregnancy.

>> No.27407060

It’s honestly bad here 24/7 now I hope that one day the Vtuber trend dies off a bit and the tourists go back to their homes

>> No.27407061

Its just the hours to not watch any streams becauaw they play the same fucking games and its the same fucking shitters that no one cares about like rushia

>> No.27407063


>> No.27407062

HoloEN has two of them. Just to make Bongs and Aussies seethe.

>> No.27407064

When will this end

>> No.27407065
Quoted by: >>27407108

I do wonder if chinks expected for every holo to start hating Coco or something.

>> No.27407066


>> No.27407067


>> No.27407068

not him but thanks for this picture

>> No.27407070

Please watch the tree rat, you said you'd be watching her once she started playing real games back then, before gen 5, before EN...

>> No.27407071
File: 16 KB, 985x103, coco bilibili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99 days views in past week
How is this even possible, do you really believe chinks don't manipulate these stats?

>> No.27407072


>> No.27407074
File: 920 KB, 788x771, 1601431299607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ends.

>> No.27407073

Who? If I wanted to see tits then I open up exhentai.

>> No.27407075

I'll nuke China if they touch Towa.

>> No.27407079
Quoted by: >>27407140

>2k+ for our son
Nobody is really on so that might be why but im still happy for him.

>> No.27407080
File: 73 KB, 315x402, 34561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407082


>> No.27407086
File: 924 KB, 2480x2680, 1593429261816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407123


>> No.27407087
Quoted by: >>27407093

there's another choco stream now?

>> No.27407088
Quoted by: >>27407180

>Y-you just have a lack of reading comprehension, it's not me who's wrong
God, you really are /v/ermin. Call me whatever retarded names you like, just go back.

>> No.27407090
Quoted by: >>27407226

autistic question: are hentai artist obliged by law to include impregnation fetish in their work?
because it worked on me

>> No.27407091

honestly all these yabs just made me realize how invested the taiwan fans apparently are
why aren't cover pandering to them?

>> No.27407092

Her account was banned, smarty.

>> No.27407093
Quoted by: >>27407118

just... when she's actually live...

>> No.27407094

Why do you get so worked up over this stuff? You don’t have sex and will never have kids either you should show more love to those childless roasties you hate so much

>> No.27407097
Quoted by: >>27407222

Nevermind, there are no videos on her bilibili channel.

>> No.27407098
Quoted by: >>27407113

robel is actually worse at this game than gura

>> No.27407100


>> No.27407102


>> No.27407104

you aren't going to make the threads "better" by complaining, if you don't like it just leave

>> No.27407106
File: 69 KB, 667x900, Ei7cl1uWAAExeju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, what a shitshow.

>> No.27407107

I do.

>> No.27407108

That was a genuine narrative Chinkshills and Coco antis tried to use when the suspension happened, so probably.

>> No.27407109

All is right with the world

>> No.27407110

The sooner they leave, the better. Unlikely, but still, the sooner the better.

>> No.27407113
Quoted by: >>27407518

no he's not

>> No.27407114

Haachama will go back to business as usual, probably apologize to fans as well thinking its her fault for fucking up.
Coco will come back, also apologize and say she should have handled the situation better, all the while getting flooded by superchat and thanking fans for still supporting her. As much as I wish she bbullied chinks even more, I dont think she would take that risk.

>> No.27407117

I already played that game and it has no worth beyond the narrative you experience once. It's also their 2nd game which is just worse in every aspec than Bastion.
Just play fucking minecraft or amungus.

>> No.27407118


>> No.27407120


>> No.27407123
File: 257 KB, 1079x2048, 505F4D21-0900-4336-BD9C-75370C4515FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407126
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1601216308213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't they see she liked it because of the pictures? Do they really have no soul?

>> No.27407128

No ones gonna watch because even if they do play "real" games they're going to bitch about the streamer, say its not a real game because its one they hate, and/or go back to shitposting

>> No.27407129

I mean that artist that Towa replied I love you to was Taiwanese also wasn't he

>> No.27407130

At this point, every interaction with T-word will be deemed as an act of treason against The Great Mainland. Looking forward to see falseflaggers spamming shits just to get like or reply, and then changing their names to include T-flag

>> No.27407131

I don't know Anon why don't you check Cover's shareholders?
They don't give a shit about the market just the investors

>> No.27407132

I'm going to lose my shit. YOU CHINKS ARE MAKING ME RACIST

>> No.27407133

Towa... How dumb do you have to be to like something with the word "Taiwan" featured so prominently

>> No.27407134

towa mungus when

>> No.27407136

Twap is based?

>> No.27407138

What isn't?

>> No.27407141
File: 422 KB, 827x1300, 1601100368655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those rushia boing boing SCs every single day
>she always makes sure to give them a reaction whether good or bad
When do they figure out that she's just baiting them? Will they ever?

>> No.27407140
File: 154 KB, 1280x1000, Pekora pardun @Kukie_nyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pekora is no one

>> No.27407142
Quoted by: >>27407180

>Sounds like a certain board
You fucking admitted you're from /v/ already, nobody cares if you talk shit about it, you're just as much a threadshitter /v/tard as anybody else.

>> No.27407143
File: 1.62 MB, 2550x1875, 1598825118750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407183

More like different shades of Ruka.

>> No.27407144
File: 312 KB, 1914x912, Ejv0UywVkAA766N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If gen2 revival continues she'll get boosted and then she can boost Mel. There's nothing to worry about, you should be glad about homos finally inclining

>> No.27407147


>> No.27407149
File: 982 KB, 2485x3274, 1602156590277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407216


>> No.27407150
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, 【TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL オンライン 2020】Day2【バーチャルTIF】 (01_08_29.305) 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azki is such a rockstar isn't she

>> No.27407151

Sorry lad but I'm currently listening to jpop and idolshit and pretending I made that music in the studio with my oshi and then afterwards we went for ice cream and we kissed outside her apartment

>> No.27407152
Quoted by: >>27407174

Neruposter give more image so we getting closer to end this !

>> No.27407153

Cover and Japan needs to stop kneeling to the chinks already. This is getting tiresome

>> No.27407157

it keeps happening

>> No.27407162
File: 914 KB, 1614x1979, EdmDoRxUYAAzc__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you rodent, cute sneezes.

>> No.27407164
Quoted by: >>27407188

24 million vs 1.5 billion.

>> No.27407166


>> No.27407168


>> No.27407169

it's a dude with a single reply, and that reply is laughing at him, not a yab
this is the chink equivalent of a random twitter screenshot of a nobody

>> No.27407170

nice try, Towa hasn't seen a spike in sub losses on bilibili. You're just picking out random shit in Chinese forums.

>> No.27407172


>> No.27407174
File: 168 KB, 1204x1079, FAF3C56D-7FD6-4D1D-B6FE-A78A854F2E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407180

And yet, you cannot point out what was wrong, nor can you see what is wrong with your own post and why you have been told to go back to your kind.
/v/ then and /v/ now are totally different cultures, just like this board is slowly becoming.
That is my point. That is literally the whole point of this shit.

>> No.27407181

>all these yabs
>why aren't cover pandering to them?
How do you follow what's happening yet ask something so stupiid?

>> No.27407183


>> No.27407187

I'm pretty sure that aside from USA, TW and HK are the more bigger foreign fanbases out there at least based on SC

>> No.27407188

More like
24 million weebs vs 1.5 billion bugs

>> No.27407191
Quoted by: >>27407215

don't ruin the narrative bro...

>> No.27407192

Are you gaining viewers, son?

>> No.27407193
File: 1.80 MB, 1024x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407221

The phone case is really cute.

>> No.27407196


>> No.27407200
Quoted by: >>27407215

You weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.27407202

I really hope they're just joking about their autism

>> No.27407204

Congratulations on your successful bait!

>> No.27407208
File: 27 KB, 500x357, yubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the moment you personally found to be most yabai no matter whether it is *officially supposed to be so?
For me, it's when A-chan called Korone fat, and said that she was of badly-brought-up.
>and there was a minute pause before Korone replied to her.
>I was worried if Korone would shatter A's jaw after the stream.

>> No.27407210

I’ve never seen Luna as a filter either I’ve never really understood why people are filtered by her other than she plays an actual baby character instead of a loli. Suba took me time to get into but I like her now probably because she is good to Luna.

>> No.27407213
File: 233 KB, 1200x1200, EjzO1hxUwAEozVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way, these are some pretty fucking nice cases though

>> No.27407214

well now I feel dumb. thanks for putting sense in me

>> No.27407216


Any sauce for the wet lamy?

>> No.27407215

It caused enough of an issue for him to delete it and change his name.

>> No.27407217

in this case, it is >>27407169

>> No.27407221


>> No.27407222

Then, what did those 12 or 99 people watch?

>> No.27407223
Quoted by: >>27407247

>and why you have been told to go back to your kind
You are self admitted /v/ermin. You are the one who should go back. The fact that I have to explain this is mindboggling. I have never used that board regardless of how much you'd love to believe it and will probably continue to believe it after this post. If you can't understand how the language you use implies certain things that aren't directly related to whatever you feel like arguing about that is your problem.

>> No.27407225

Cute pits

>> No.27407226
Quoted by: >>27407244

autistic answer: yes, Abe mandated everything that is linked with sexual act should also include or strongly hint on procreation to alleviate Japan's population issue. Abe is the biggest numberfag when it comes to birth rate.

>> No.27407227
File: 935 KB, 1752x3285, Egvn6hzVkAA-zY5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.27407228

I mean she probably thought Taiwan is read as Towa just like how this thread mistook her name everytime...

>> No.27407229
File: 538 KB, 827x1576, 1602157296257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of Taiwan.

>> No.27407230
File: 348 KB, 2048x1175, 1599290831590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate and marry Mikochi!

>> No.27407233
Quoted by: >>27407264

fuck off already retard.

>> No.27407234

>Risu doing worse than Holostars
I really do pity HoloID...

>> No.27407235

I want a Towa phone case!

>> No.27407236
Quoted by: >>27407253

>play games that they play all the time
>bitch and complain that they should play new games, real games and not garbage
>play new games that are real video game
>bitch about said real games saying they dont count, are garbage, call them soulless, kusoge, etc
Why even bother watching or talking about the streams if the game choices dont please anyone at all then? May as well go full zatsudan at this point or something

>> No.27407237

the holy land of light that is sora's underskirt...

>> No.27407239
File: 857 KB, 676x1000, Cocopits4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407240

>Subaru playing Fall Guys Season 2

>> No.27407241
Quoted by: >>27407263

well he was fast at least, this will probably go under the radar

>> No.27407242
Quoted by: >>27407258

Kanata unintentionally revealing Coco's roommate

>> No.27407244

If everyone had a towa the japan would be saved...

>> No.27407245
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, 1593306982972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I think it's ironically because of how blatantly overblown her design is. And despite her being raunchy and indecent as a character she's such a sweetheart inside I can't bring myself to fap to her.

>> No.27407247

Ah, let me guess, you're a stinking /a/ss. Makes sense now that I think about it.
Probably weren't even around for the times /a/ and /v/ shared most of its userbase up until 2010.

>> No.27407249
File: 198 KB, 806x660, son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2200 watching son

>> No.27407251
Quoted by: >>27407356

I thought she would have to do Bilibili-exclusive streams no matter how unwilling she was when the suspension was over, but it seems she doesn't need to anymore. Good for you, Coco.

>> No.27407253

Nobody care risunigger
Risu is a shit streamer

>> No.27407254

For me it was drunk Matsuri teasing Luna about being lonely and reliant on her, to which Luna replied seriously on "how she works hard everyday to not be lonely", she also seemed to whisper "I will kill you" under her breath (as in stfu about this on stream). I am sure festival apologized super hard afterwards.

>> No.27407256

And then never touched it again she really won’t play something she is bored with

>> No.27407257
Quoted by: >>27407299

What if Towa is actually black

>> No.27407258
Quoted by: >>27407289

Don't you mean Towa?
>and daily reminder that Towa is the only chad in Holo

>> No.27407259

Marrying Towa!
Making her a Towamama!

>> No.27407261

Literally who cares, Towa has like 10 Chinese fans.

>> No.27407260

>impregnating before marrying

>> No.27407262

They're called bugs for a reason.

>> No.27407263

Knowing the bugs, they've probably already screenshotted the conversation and skittered back to their nest to plan out some anti shit

>> No.27407264
Quoted by: >>27407316

Nice argument /v/-kun.

>> No.27407266

I don't think she is ready for a second kid yet!

>> No.27407270


>> No.27407271

Someone please update her model... giver her a high-quality live2D too...

>> No.27407273

You take this website far too seriously dude, get some real friends and stop complaining about imaginary trends in the userbase

>> No.27407274
File: 218 KB, 666x666, FRIEND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27407276
File: 824 KB, 674x962, 1596384007739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407278
File: 829 KB, 407x810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On vacation with my friend!

>> No.27407279

Always has been. She's great.

>> No.27407280
Quoted by: >>27407308

>love anon

>> No.27407281
Quoted by: >>27407352

Nigger you can call me an ESL, an /a/sshole, whatever you fucking like, you're still /v/ermin. If you're spending half the thread complaining about other people from your home board invading this board the least you can do is have some fucking self awareness.

>> No.27407282
Quoted by: >>27407352

Drop it /v/irgin.

>> No.27407284
File: 190 KB, 1573x640, Screenshot_20201008-144456_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27407286

Good on him for putting the well-being of his oshi before politics.

>> No.27407287
Quoted by: >>27407301

Its not even america hours and the thread is shit, HOW

>> No.27407289

No, Kanata also had that yab but not many people know it cause it happened during a superchat reading

>> No.27407291

this doesnt look like argentina!

>> No.27407292
Quoted by: >>27407304

Hm, I was about to make an erotic story but it turned out into a loving wife giving her tired husband a loving massage. Maybe I can't help you fap to Coco after all...

>> No.27407293
File: 927 KB, 498x498, 1601479400548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407313


>> No.27407294
Quoted by: >>27407322

Subaru...don't choke this time...

>> No.27407295


>> No.27407296
Quoted by: >>27407362

Who the fuck is subbing to this shark

>> No.27407297

can the americans take their board bullshit elsewhere?

>> No.27407299
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1601700549100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407300

Him making this post only confirms any screenshots that get spread around.
Good job, idiot.
This is as retarded as that time Sio got fucked over by Note messaging her ON TWITTER about her query on the IP issue.

>> No.27407301
Quoted by: >>27407431


>> No.27407303
Quoted by: >>27407326

Moona had 3k yesterday.

>> No.27407304
Quoted by: >>27407818

give it

>> No.27407305
File: 1.09 MB, 707x1000, 1580346005840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407308
File: 138 KB, 378x557, valentinepeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407313
File: 519 KB, 3000x2480, 81951699_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407314

Yes this sort of moments are desu my another great joy of watching Holo.
>and talking about Luna, for me it's when she saw Haato's takoyaki and whispered "I don't understand it.. what is she talking about..?" in kind of her serious voice.

>> No.27407316

youre from /v/ though.

>> No.27407317

I wanna fuck black tower

>> No.27407319

Stop giving him (You)s

>> No.27407320

Why do Aqua's aquas keep getting bigger?

>> No.27407321
File: 8 KB, 338x110, hid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you wouldn't need these type of people to grow.

>> No.27407322
File: 277 KB, 1736x2122, EgC-NP1UYAMcQwX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407349

I'm ready for another hour of cute noises and throat clearing.

>> No.27407323

When Haato did her first cooking streams and the videos where she walked around Melbourne. It always felt like she was one tiny mistake away from doxing herself

>> No.27407324

> Sing same song 4 times in a row
Ssg azki

>> No.27407326

>kuso horage 1k
>maikura 3k
really makes you think

>> No.27407327

Don't bully the Chinese kenzoku.

>> No.27407329

>stream shit itself
>lost half her viewers before it came back up
Being tree rat is suffering.

>> No.27407332

Gaou-papa really keeps drawing them bigger and bigger...

>> No.27407335

? ? Can you say that in English.

>> No.27407336

I hate saviourfags

>> No.27407337

Gaou papa is being horny again!

>> No.27407340


>> No.27407342

again in english?

>> No.27407343
File: 795 KB, 1242x1176, D343A5A8-F759-4C18-8637-69B370172215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407345
Quoted by: >>27407395

I heard another rumor about Towa. I hear shes _______________Cute___________________

Is it true?

>> No.27407346

>But probably there are only like 20 people among the whole Holo viewers who don't know who her roommate is ..

>> No.27407348
Quoted by: >>27407380

Haachamas papachama stream

>> No.27407349


>> No.27407350
Quoted by: >>27407385

you try growing an audience without retards starting to follow you

>> No.27407351

She said it herself that she asked for extra thicc design from yaman. However because she is so fucking hilarious and high IQ, you can't help but look up to her with respect, which kinda blocks out the lust. Same for her roomate.

>> No.27407352
Quoted by: >>27407382

A board that has long since died is my homeboard. That's hilarious.
I'm even being labelled with the "homeboard" thing now, despite literally calling out people too stupid to use more than one thing at a time.
We've had people IN these threads complaining about having to use multiple tabs before (when global was made, probably dumb phonefags at that)
I despise homeboarditis. That shit is what ruined this site in the first place.
Again, nice argument, retards.

>> No.27407354
Quoted by: >>27407423

I prefer my Towa lightly toasted.

>> No.27407355

I was constantly expecting her roomate's reflection to get caught in some silverware or something

>> No.27407353
Quoted by: >>27407371

just stop, the people you're replying to are either just shitposters or retards from /a/ that go red at the mention of /v/, you can't reason with people that think they're better when their board is basically the same

>> No.27407356

I doubt any holo will want to touch that place after this ends.

>> No.27407361

>Be from /v/ and move to this thread
>Complain about other people from /v/ moving to this thread to the point you accuse other people of having done so
What is this mental illness?

>> No.27407362
Quoted by: >>27407408

Chinese botfarms. Certainly not actual viewers and superchatters.

>> No.27407365
Quoted by: >>27407379

Watching my mama play minecraft!

>> No.27407371

Oh no, you can't say that, you didn't just call their epic /a/ the same as /v/. They'll be foaming at the mouth now. You dun did it now son.

>> No.27407372

terminal autism

>> No.27407373

Was it when she said that Coco was streaming even though Coco was streaming on different account?

>> No.27407376

To be honest, I was disappointed her new Live2D model's breasts weren't as big as this.

>> No.27407377

What did she say?

>> No.27407379

When she finally gets the stream going! Mio..

>> No.27407380

I admit it.

>> No.27407382
Quoted by: >>27407401

The board still exists, you're from it, it's your homeboard. You're /v/ermin. This isn't even arguing, this is stating basic facts. If it hurts your feelings you can leave.

>> No.27407385

Yeah I know. Just hope he finds a way to keep the retardation in check.

>> No.27407386

Towa is also a chinese.

>> No.27407388

This post is exactly the reason why Mikochi became a man-hater that she is now. Back in NND every time she's online she got verbally-harassed, bullied, got sent screamer and gore links, rumored anything bad about her from her antis, just your usual NND treatments especially to young girls who just wanted to make friends, who treated them like zoo animals. Sadly she's not mentally prepared then so she had to retire early from NND, but fortunately she's stronger now mentally, and I'm happy that she found her life and success in hololive.

>> No.27407391
Quoted by: >>27407448

cute dummies

>> No.27407392
Quoted by: >>27407932

cant wait for his membership to open up to see all those nongreens talking about my son this my son that

>> No.27407395
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, Ed2c7FFVoAAulgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true.

>> No.27407396
Quoted by: >>27407406

>missing children again

>> No.27407397

More viewers can get the algorithm on his side. Its a necessary evil.

>> No.27407400

Pot calling the kettle towa...

>> No.27407401

No wonder you cannot understand this discussion about why this thread is not a general, you literally cannot see beyond a word.

>> No.27407405

did she do that thing again where she forgot to set the start time?

>> No.27407406
File: 292 KB, 542x516, 1601558521937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing children huh?

>> No.27407408
Quoted by: >>27407477

why would chinamen bot someone who acknowledged taiwan-dragon?

>> No.27407412

>Chinese bully towa
>The stress mind breaks her
>She comes back mean and bitter
>She stops changing her voice
Would it be worth it?

>> No.27407418


>> No.27407420

this thread is a general you autist

>> No.27407421

At least the donation is in real money and not whatever third world currency you use lol

>> No.27407422
Quoted by: >>27407523

Insult me all you want man, it's still your homeboard and no amount of denial will change this.

>> No.27407423
File: 3.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1595418940915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407425
File: 25 KB, 220x297, 1583513237448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407492

>It's another Holo goes to Disneyland again.
How do they not get bored of it.

>> No.27407428
File: 20 KB, 210x240, 1600007393288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407483

is twapi strong enough to weather the storm

>> No.27407430

Punished Towa onegai. Maybe we'll finally see the real devil within.

>> No.27407431
Quoted by: >>27407450

fuck off cunt i havent even posted in the past hour

>> No.27407432


>> No.27407434

Tanned childhood friend Towa...

>> No.27407437

you might not know this, being new and all, but various boards on this website werent like they are now a few years ago
this website went down the absolute shitter after a few choice events and few boards were able to avoid it due to niche interests, /jp/ is one of those boards
also holy SHIT roberu has no reaction time to avoid these monkeys

>> No.27407438

If Coco say I love China, all problem are solved

>> No.27407442

Are all antis and shitposters here just SEAniggers?

>> No.27407444

What an absolute coomer papa

>> No.27407446
Quoted by: >>27407465

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoKEvUhVca0 Subaru
https://youtu.be/yb_KBlwPIn4 Mio
https://youtu.be/OV8LjUv46QM Miyabi

>> No.27407448
File: 586 KB, 2039x1378, EjXq3mQU4AEGdN6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them.

>> No.27407450

Shut your decker, cunt.

>> No.27407451

C-can I get some Flare level tanning on Towa?

>> No.27407453

you’re one of the good ones Anon

>> No.27407456

polish złoty

>> No.27407458
Quoted by: >>27407485


>> No.27407460

Punished Towa...

>> No.27407462

Point proven

>> No.27407463


>> No.27407465
File: 482 KB, 660x858, 1601654647644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall guys again
just let this fad die already...

>> No.27407469

>Shien complaining about EOPs talking amongst themselves
At least he didn't go full retard like Izuru and sperged out. He still wants translations and is pretty chill about the issue.

>> No.27407468

Season 2!

>> No.27407471
File: 77 KB, 500x571, 1601306093103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loathe China, there you go happy?

>> No.27407472

Bro new season bro

>> No.27407475
Quoted by: >>27407513

What games do the people always complaining want them to play? I don’t really care about the game choice I’m mostly there to listen

>> No.27407477

To steal the 1 million subs milestone from HoloJP and humiliate them.

>> No.27407480

Same, when she cries my heart melts.

>> No.27407481
File: 106 KB, 1278x716, 7ya5hc8i6mc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nips also are in love with mayonnaise that doesnt make it good

>> No.27407482
Quoted by: >>27407709

The more I see of Subaru the more I like her. Its weird.

>> No.27407484
Quoted by: >>27407538

What's he saying? It makes sense that he's gotten fed up what with his outburst the other day.

>> No.27407483
File: 1006 KB, 1300x1058, 1600983070013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never waver.

>> No.27407486
Quoted by: >>27407508

I want handsome towa immediately

>> No.27407487

does kanata have a phimosis cock or does she have a large cock?

>> No.27407485


>> No.27407488
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, img-1170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407564

I always liked seeing reflection schizo posting

>> No.27407489


>> No.27407492

It's more of a hangout and take pictures together place instead of for the fun rides and souvenirs that tourists do

>> No.27407493

mayonnaise is pretty good man

>> No.27407495
File: 507 KB, 638x776, 1600567822392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Duck is on.

>> No.27407497
Quoted by: >>27407579

I thought it was shien who yelled SHUT UP.

>> No.27407499
Quoted by: >>27407537


>> No.27407500

Japs don't really seem to have gotten the memo that it's a dying game

>> No.27407501

PekoMiko! https://streamable.com/xjm04p

>> No.27407503
Quoted by: >>27408374

People who are fresh to vtuber culture. I watched her stream 12 hours ago, they don't even know Amelia and Hololive.

>> No.27407507

dont you lie to me

>> No.27407508
File: 136 KB, 1000x790, Ejai5oXVkAE8VUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407509

my dick bery bery hard...

>> No.27407510

>If Coco say I love China, all problem are solved
Are you happy now?

>> No.27407513
Quoted by: >>27407531

Eurojank trash or nostalgia bait, usually. >Wooooah korone why won't you play this untranslated half life 2 mod!!?!

>> No.27407516
File: 777 KB, 220x293, 1600785888901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407518

still think that?

>> No.27407520

EOPs just need to be told directly to stop personal conversations by someone with mod powers and then banned if they don’t listen. People always go on at them about the rules but they never read the full description to ever see them

>> No.27407521
File: 129 KB, 603x715, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407583

best papa

>> No.27407523

I don't have a homeboard, my child.
Homeboarditis is a cancer that killed this entire websites community and led to board-wars that still continue to this day. If you have a homeboard, you are the reason this site is dead inside. But I at least adapted. I at least keep a boards culture inside of its own borders and not spread it across the site like you diseases do.
The last time I was actually on /v/ was before it was invaded by Reddit and killed it outright and became the mess that it is now. The only reason I know what it is like now is people crosslinking threads on here over the months just to see how shitty it is. That's these threads now. That is my thesis. Thank you for reading.

>> No.27407525

Mayonnaise is good though. I don't see the issue.

>> No.27407527

Towa just told me that she wants to be my girlfriend
What should I tell her?

>> No.27407530
File: 352 KB, 1280x853, nationalizur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EOPs is a cancer and it must be cleansed. Kill them off Shien before the cancer grows, you don't have the power to control them

>> No.27407531

People really want them playing mods for games they’ve never played? lol maybe the game matters more for people with zero Japanese ability

>> No.27407535


>> No.27407537
Quoted by: >>27407558

there used to be 3 to 5 MIMIMIMI posters... where are you when the thread need you the most?
I was one of them

>> No.27407538

He just said "Talk to me. Try not to talk amongst yourselves." and just waited for translators to translate what he said. He said he doesn't mind translations since they are translating what he's saying, so it is still on topic. He wasn't really angry, just laying some rules down.

>> No.27407541
File: 545 KB, 639x1083, Supreme champion subaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407545

I feel so bad for Subaru the Chicken only collabs with her because they have the same character setting. Also using Marine to get closer to Pekora but atleast she doesn't mind it.

>> No.27407547

STFU already you candyass.

>> No.27407550

More people need to do this. There was actually people in these threads whining about Risu enforcing her rules the other week because they couldn't talk about Moona and Pekora in her chat.

>> No.27407553

wait she told me the same today

>> No.27407554

Do chinese know about this?
Well I doubt she loves china after they sperged out about google analytics lol

>> No.27407555
File: 1.08 MB, 878x1116, 1595427094330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407611

your starting on time reps...

>> No.27407558
Quoted by: >>27407610

I'll be honest with you I rarely catch Mio streams live ;_;

>> No.27407559

>changed to MC

>> No.27407564

I liked the recent one of Shion in her cat's eye

>> No.27407566

good fuck fotmguys

>> No.27407568
Quoted by: >>27407700

She doesn't love China anymore

>> No.27407569
Quoted by: >>27407609

>Shien complaining about EOPs talking amongst themselves

since when homos know english enough to understand what they are talking about?

>> No.27407571
Quoted by: >>27407585

>Fall Gays stream turns to Minecraft stream at the last minute
Thank you Shuba

>> No.27407572
Quoted by: >>27407615

do you have any friends
you sound like you don't

>> No.27407574
File: 425 KB, 707x1000, EjzeaNkVoAE-BOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407577

Fall Guys seems to be down. One I am watching is getting hit by issues.

>> No.27407578
File: 729 KB, 905x1519, 1594355883516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407730

>subaru reads the threads

>> No.27407579

It was, but that was more of a playful "Shut up" from being called baby by EOPs rather than the aggressive one that hlg made it out to be.

>> No.27407582

MioSuba onegai!

>> No.27407583

who wants to fuck their daughter more, hiro or gaou

>> No.27407584

>Your oshi
>Your favorite song
>Your favorite movie
>Your favorite food
>Your favorite drink

>> No.27407585

aand back to FG

>> No.27407588
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, 1590796919474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's teasing you.

>> No.27407591
Quoted by: >>27407615

Dude I'm not reading any more cringeworthy pseudo-intellectual "my child" shit after this at this point, just give me a final (you) because you're obsessed with getting the final word in and you can leave smugly satisfied in your assurance in your own autism
If you are from a board it is your home board, you are from /v/, you are /v/ermin complaining about other /v/ermin. That's all I care to say. Grow some self awareness and shut the fuck up about the board you supposedly hate so much. It lives in your head rent free.

>> No.27407593

All the time.

>> No.27407594

Shuba wants to play with Miosha.

>> No.27407595

stop surveyposting before were out of images faggot

>> No.27407599

based papa

>> No.27407600

don't think so.

>> No.27407601

it was so good to see her ban that retard that said "you should stop trying to tell the internet what to do" in her chat

>> No.27407602

If Luna fucks her voice up streaming today I'm going to commit a war crime

>> No.27407603

Almost yab

>> No.27407606

Fall Guys should be updating right about now.

>> No.27407608
Quoted by: >>27407700

Not anymore, grass.
She was getting paid to stream on mildom so this really sucks for her, even got an activision sponsorship stream there a few weeks ago.

>> No.27407609
Quoted by: >>27407707

Even Izuru with his garbage English is able to tell when his chat is not talking about the stream, so they're comprehension must be decent.

>> No.27407610
Quoted by: >>27407664

It's.. okay anon, I understand she might not be the number one in your heart, but she can be your miso
In other news, Subaru changed to Minecraft stream as well, hopefully they'll play together

>> No.27407611

Tomboys shouldn't be this busty...

>> No.27407615

Plenty, actually. We're all as anal as I am.
That's not what homeboard means, newfag-kun. But thanks for playing. Come back when you actually know anything you are talking about.
Your post says all I need to know about where you come from and why you are an invalid.

>> No.27407616

>14k watching Mio
What went right?

>> No.27407618

she'll be doing piano so hopefully she's already made the decision to not talk much

>> No.27407620

>Mios FoV
what the fuck how low is this?

>> No.27407621

>Avatar the Last Airbender

>> No.27407623

Minecraft buff.

>> No.27407627

Marine was probably the one that said to the chicken that she should back off and stop pressuring Pekora into a collab. Subaru was the one that expressed interest in a collab with her first, back when she debuted.

>> No.27407628
File: 112 KB, 680x510, mommy is mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy: Who's your mama, anon?
>Lamy: it's me right? RIGHT?

>> No.27407629
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1590280577529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch minecraft stream right now, you know which one.

>> No.27407632

Risu actually knows how to deal with idiots I respect her for that

>> No.27407631

fall gays season 2 ikuzooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.27407635

collab with people long enough, it accumulates in time. then they fuck off

>> No.27407637


>> No.27407640


>> No.27407641


>> No.27407642
Quoted by: >>27407778

Stop forcing yandere Lamy it isn't going to happen

>> No.27407644
Quoted by: >>27407684

maybe you should go have gay sex with your friends then instead of complaining about the quality of the board, because you aren't changing anything and you sound super autistic

>> No.27407646
Quoted by: >>27407684

great he stopped engaging you can you shut up now /v/irgin

>> No.27407647

Shuba wtf...

>> No.27407648

fuck i need this

>> No.27407650

nope lol

>> No.27407651

That's her numbers pre copystrike

>> No.27407652
File: 314 KB, 520x660, NO SENKYU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio just said the H word

>> No.27407655

No other hololive members streaming except for Rushia reading superchats

>> No.27407656

FBKing loves her new outfit!
Outfit 4... RIP

>> No.27407657

And the way that she gets embarrassed while doing ASMR is too cute.

>> No.27407658
File: 581 KB, 913x1200, 1602094704783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please understand i want dog milk over elf milk

>> No.27407659

Subaru, Pekora, Miko, Marine, Luna, Aqua, Haachama, Okayu
Anything from the Please Mr. Lostman album
Blade Runner 2049
Baked Goods
Dr Pepper

>> No.27407661

>ban that retard that said "you should stop trying to tell the internet what to do"
kek, based rodent.

>> No.27407662

They realized that Minecraft is miles better than *** shit that C*c* forced them to.

>> No.27407663
File: 44 KB, 653x691, 1588633005239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407678

Duck is on!

>> No.27407664

She'll always be my number 1 mama

>> No.27407665

>Rikka: 65.2k
>Roberu: 65.1k
it's happening...

>> No.27407666
Quoted by: >>27407713

Why is your Towa low quality and grainy?

>> No.27407668
Quoted by: >>27407964

>A-chan called Korone fat, and said that she was of badly-brought-up.
So that's why Korone took up boxing, she can lose weight AND destroy A-chan.
A-chan wasn't wrong though, raising fat children is child abuse
>the videos where she walked around Melbourne
Didn't she accidentally show her face in the reflection in the window of the empty tram or something?

>> No.27407673

She’s implying it’s mostly playing so I hope she sticks to that I miss watching her but don’t want her still sick for her birthday or her promo stream that stuffs more important but we know our babu and how she can do what suits her

>> No.27407674
File: 1.39 MB, 990x1400, 80933331_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, shut the fuck up.

>> No.27407675

She keeps saying it....

>> No.27407676
Quoted by: >>27407695

Towa's been really active this week. Did her uni close because of Covid or something?

>> No.27407677
Quoted by: >>27407766





>> No.27407678

call Mio please

>> No.27407679
Quoted by: >>27407710

>numberfagging the homos
Really mate?

>> No.27407680

Too bad she doesn't get a lot of viewers. Just dropped under 1k now when the JPs started streaming.

>> No.27407684

Quality post.
Will do. But know you are wrong and always will be. I will always be here to shit on your autistic shitflinging. And if you fags don't shut up, I WILL become your next janitor.

>> No.27407686

>that tummy
I will personally suck off any artist that draws them like that

>> No.27407689

Subaru only remembers Usada Construction but not Akukin...

>> No.27407691

>Fall Gays S2 next
I, for one, welcome our new Son overlord.

>> No.27407694

tick tock old man

>> No.27407695

She graduated

>> No.27407699

so is subaru playing minecraft or fall guys

>> No.27407700

I hope she surprises them when she returns.

>> No.27407701

I love Lamy
I love Lamy streams
I will buy Lamy merch

>> No.27407703

I can't believe Fubuki is traveling

>> No.27407704
File: 827 KB, 2250x3000, EOER8NdUwAANqcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pekora is my ママ

>> No.27407706

It seems like Matsuri is just a walking yabai factory these days. Everything she does is just getting worse and worse the more I hear about her. Like she is unraveling more and more at the seams

>> No.27407707

Yeah also their chats can be a bit slower so they notice it more than the girls do

>> No.27407708
File: 108 KB, 700x900, Confused Okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407729

>just had a collab
>currently playing some kusoge horror pacman
>reserved spot for fall guys in 3 hours
When does Roberu sleep?

>> No.27407709

She's an acquired taste, happened to me too.

>> No.27407710
File: 16 KB, 288x285, Rikka-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407746

it's important to keep track of since Rikka killed Kaoru so he wouldn't pass him...

>> No.27407713
File: 318 KB, 1366x768, 1602072374977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407722

Why is it COLD?

>> No.27407721
Quoted by: >>27407754

autistic janitors who delete posts they don't like to maintain some delusion of quality get removed pretty quick

>> No.27407723

Subaru that's an accident waiting to happem

>> No.27407724

guess kira will be the first to stream fall guys s2 then...

>> No.27407725
File: 177 KB, 800x693, 1596102803307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tnt house

>> No.27407727


>> No.27407729

every time you blink

>> No.27407730

She tweeted about this right away, if Fall Guys are down it's MC. Looks like we won something today.

>> No.27407734

>it's minecraft after all
>TNT house

>> No.27407740

> Mio going tsukkomi mode on everything
> Subaru preparing another absurd house
this is going to be good

>> No.27407741

After watching Rikka a few times I've come to the conclusion that homos are actually based

>> No.27407745


>> No.27407746

Ahhh....he is dangerous but looks so good...

>> No.27407747
File: 118 KB, 682x1024, EjzBWk2VcAI7NZb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407774


>> No.27407750
Quoted by: >>27407772

I thought she'll collab with Mio...

>> No.27407754
Quoted by: >>27407777

I'm sure the meidos will remove someone for deleting shitspammers, narrivefaggotry and such. Totally. Absolutely bro.

>> No.27407755
File: 239 KB, 2048x1663, 1600162393495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikochi please come back...

>> No.27407756

Minecraft, she can't get into Fall Guys right now.

>> No.27407760

Subaru will kill Mio on accident...

>> No.27407763

coco's toilets...

>> No.27407765
File: 1.39 MB, 1242x2001, 1597607204031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's my motherly daughter.

>> No.27407766


>> No.27407771
File: 21 KB, 542x115, 1596831293199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few minutes too late fall guys...

>> No.27407770

>Coco's toilet
uh oh

>> No.27407772

I hope they jump in a discord call together later

>> No.27407774

Ojou... your stream... onegai...

>> No.27407776
Quoted by: >>27407799

That's funny, Fall Guys is working again. Poor Subaru.

>> No.27407777
Quoted by: >>27407804

they already have, yes
you're supposed to uphold the rules, not delete things you personally don't like

>> No.27407778

ok /v/ermin

>> No.27407779
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1500, 1599591046053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the duck just wanted to start her stream with a bang

>> No.27407787

ogey subaru

>> No.27407788

>that delay on subaru's stream

>> No.27407789

I’ve never played minecraft or even really understand how it works but I can’t get enough of watching autistic Japanese girls with anime avatars play it

>> No.27407795

Subaru's stream is delayed?

>> No.27407796

Godammit,at least FBK get to play it later

>> No.27407797

God I hate whoever runs this twitter.

>> No.27407798
Quoted by: >>27407843

You spent the entire thread engaging in autistic shitflinging and derailing the thread entirely when you could have just ignored people and you're deluded enough to think you're not the one who needs to shut up?

>> No.27407799
File: 109 KB, 228x251, 1599773841993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully there are no problems when the #1 Fox Burger tries it later.

>> No.27407800

shuba your spawnpoint...

>> No.27407803

what the hell?
last time Roberu was at 50k just before his birthday 2 weeks ago

>> No.27407804
Quoted by: >>27407829

Spam is a rule. Shitposting and low quality posting is a rule.
Meidos delete narrivefaggots on the global thread all the time when they are active.

>> No.27407807

Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

>> No.27407809

I completely forgot Aqua fucking made a field of berries around the "suspicious horse", holy kek

>> No.27407810
Quoted by: >>27407823

>thinking it was aqua who planted the berries
>im right

>> No.27407811
File: 204 KB, 724x1023, 017CDEFD-367D-4708-9A71-6AB00F6B2B04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening..they’re inclining..

>> No.27407812


>> No.27407815

good. I hate Descending Gentlemen

>> No.27407818
File: 105 KB, 850x661, __kiryuu_coco_and_amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_ohkuro_marimo__sample-79b3c3710297f0cffaa52ee71cd11a65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407868

It's not done yet, this is what it is so far:
Please don't laugh at it

>> No.27407819


>> No.27407823
File: 2.56 MB, 498x498, 1596301068884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407846

its almost like berry spam is aquas thing retard

>> No.27407825
File: 224 KB, 1100x1500, Eb6O5ynU4AI6pTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407827
File: 59 KB, 592x299, yab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikka, don't look...

>> No.27407826


>> No.27407829
Quoted by: >>27407859

your idea of spam and shitposting isn't consistent with reality though

>> No.27407828
Quoted by: >>27407845

>Roberu ending stream as Subaru goes live

>> No.27407835

>4 stacks of berries
goddammit aqua

>> No.27407837
Quoted by: >>27407892

Guys, which narrative have you recently knelt to?

>> No.27407840
Quoted by: >>27407861

supporting the stars really feels like supporting the girls in the early days
they even have the dedicated antis

>> No.27407842
File: 106 KB, 1200x1086, AC4BF8F8-A9FD-47BC-96CB-A6AFD0789496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get it

>> No.27407843
Quoted by: >>27407889

Which is a mere drop in an ocean compared to the shitposting and spam that is going to happen over the rest of today from probably the next hour onwards, which is usually when it starts.
Telling people to stop being retarded is not a bad thing.

>> No.27407844

Electric Eye
Hot Fuzz

>> No.27407845

they're fucking obviously

>> No.27407846

berry berry haado joku

>> No.27407854

Did anyone else buy his birthday pack or was that just me?

>> No.27407855
Quoted by: >>27407866

Watching the Duck play Black Flag makes me feel like playing it too. Kenjiro Tsuda as Kenway has a drawl that kinda makes him sound like Oberstein.

>> No.27407857

Mio on Moona's property

>> No.27407858


>> No.27407859
Quoted by: >>27407885

Meidos disagree when they delete it whenever they are annoyed enough by it.
They've nuked entire threads for shitposting run awry. (not just doxxposting like recently)

>> No.27407861
File: 402 KB, 2637x2079, Astel comfy Switch @Macchimin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407919

Supporting Astel on the road to 30k!

>> No.27407863

She's gonna fall into that trap...

>> No.27407866

black flag becomes an infinitely better game once you get the mod that hides the stupid blowpipe on your back

>> No.27407868
File: 528 KB, 1280x529, 1596821153399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27407879

Not that anon but I appreciate it. It's good to read something nice here for a change.

>> No.27407869
File: 110 KB, 533x681, 1599943197979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your son will never get the 3D

>> No.27407872
File: 264 KB, 350x490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she hate this outfit now

>> No.27407879

I'm trying my best.

>> No.27407885
Quoted by: >>27407929

anyone with delusions about making the thread 'like it used to be' and going on mass deletion sprees is going to be removed

>> No.27407889
Quoted by: >>27407955

>Which is a mere drop in an ocean compared to the shitposting and spam that is going to happen over the rest of today
"Other people do it too" is not an excuse.
>Telling people to stop being retarded is not a bad thing
It is when it derails a thread from it's original intent. Shitposters feed on attention, it encourages them to continue and you seem to be unable to not give it to them. If you want to prove me wrong, just simply ignore this post. I already know you're preparing to type up a response.

>> No.27407890

Duck stop digging with a bread.

>> No.27407892

儀式を行うAI The ritualposting AI 分割は内部の仕事だった Split was an inside job 2740915の投稿 The >>2740915 (Dead) (Dead) post ハッシュはホロハウスの場所のヒントになる Hashes are hints to the location of the Holohouse ホロリーヴ・インサイダー The Hololive Insider ヴィンチのピラミッド計画 Vinci's Pyramid Scheme スレッドで才能をアピールする経営者 Managers promoting their talents in the thread unknown.jpgのHEXでのタイムトラベルマシンの命令 Instruction for time travel machine in HEX of the unknown.jpg 統合失調症はYAGOO The schizo is YAGOO ナラティブは、代替タイムラインからのメッセージです Narratives are messages from the alternate timelines メルポスターアダルトビデオ Melposter AV ココはワタミの偽フラッガーだった Coco was the Watame falseflagger 正月デマ New Year's Hoax 300以上のIPのうち147個だけが本物です Out of 300+ IPs only 147 are real 4chanねるでは、はあちゃまが初めてホロライブに言及 First mention of Hololive on 4chan made by Haachama アロエの彼氏が貢物を作る Aloe's bf makes the tributes わための泣き声はマネージャーからの虐待への対応 Watame's crying is a response to abuse by her manager おばけの糸 The ghost threads 臨時の祭祀ポストの全一覧 List of all temporary ritualposts om3tcwでエンコードされた秘密のメッセージ The secret message encoded in om3tcw 第3回アサココプロジェクト Third Asacoco Project スゴイ投稿は心理作戦 Sugoi posting is a psyop 莉栖はダイブグラスを見ていた Risu watched divegrass ホロリーヴタイムラインの乖離とそれを変えた投稿 The Hololive Timeline Divergence and the post that changed it YAGOOは実は25日生まれ YAGOO was actually born on 25th ひとみクリスの自殺 Hitomi Chris' Suicide ゆびの儀式ポストのrarjpegでホロライブ漏れ Hololive leaks in rarjpeg of the Yubi ritualpost

>> No.27407896

Man Haachama's sense is nice. The ferris wheel blueprintl is from somewhere else but I think she made this herlself.

>> No.27407901
File: 146 KB, 300x300, AZKi_Sunglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZKi now owns this thread.

>> No.27407902

she's streaming minecraft later?

>> No.27407903


>> No.27407905

Truth is she never was a tomboy. Yagoo just told her to play that role when he dragged her off the street. She likes it for the duckform though.

>> No.27407908


>> No.27407910


>> No.27407909

I honestly can't justify buying anything with a shipping cost that high

>> No.27407912

The future is now old man.

>> No.27407914

No, she just likes the other ones more because she moved past being just a tomboy.

>> No.27407918
Quoted by: >>27407941

>Sticky keys

>> No.27407919
File: 397 KB, 1800x1012, 2B3D71AF-CA36-44C2-A866-ED1A46C3A4F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost at 25! Suntempo haven’t collabed in a while maybe that would help too

>> No.27407920

>sticky keys

>> No.27407923

A duck and a wolf go into a bar...

>> No.27407925


>> No.27407927

Which members in Holopro do you think are fucking each other behind the scenes?
Aqua x Shion
Kanata x Coco
Noel x Flare
Matsuri x no one lmao

>> No.27407929
Quoted by: >>27407958

There's no mass deletion though, only a handful of shitspammers too proud to use a chatroom.
They are a minority of this thread but still somehow ruin it whenever they are awake.
This is not a chatroom. It's not hard. It isn't rocket surgery. Use the Youtube chat if you want to post "SHE DID IT LOL!"

>> No.27407931
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, COOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

womb minecra...

>> No.27407932
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1597351080113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every week that passes without membership and 3D announcement hurts my soul.

>> No.27407933

Subaru stream is delayed as fuck
Dumb duck

>> No.27407938

Do you think Ayame is kinky enough to eat your pubes

>> No.27407939

why is subaru's stream so behind mio's

>> No.27407940

>Subaru just compulsively surrounds Mio with berries
Aqua corruption has gone too far.

>> No.27407941

I don't get how people have this issue. Literally click on the popup to disable the option. This is a one time issue when you have a completely new PC and then never again.

>> No.27407947

No one, it's just wrestling

>> No.27407950 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 1372x477, 1602160076978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally slowing down

>> No.27407953

gona buy it once i get my pay.

>> No.27407955
Quoted by: >>27408008

>Shitposters feed on attention,
Hence why I would remove them. Unquestionably.
Surely you aren't a little rebellious rulebreaker, right? Are you the one complaining about Risu banning people for posting off-topic crap in her chatroom?

>> No.27407956
Quoted by: >>27407976

Mio at 24 k

>> No.27407957
File: 921 KB, 1418x1003, EdQqsMnVAAAvGfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new outfit on the tenth

>> No.27407958
Quoted by: >>27407992

yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about
if you go and delete everyone reacting to streams (which is not a minority despite what you think) you will be removed as a janitor
you're delusional

>> No.27407960
Quoted by: >>27407993

Probably had a delay on to avoid Fall Guys stream snipers

>> No.27407961

Did most JSL leave here?
I moved to 5ch after EN happened.

>> No.27407964

If she did it would have been a way bigger deal retard.

>> No.27407965

Probably her OBS settings.

>> No.27407966

made for anal tbqh

>> No.27407969

how is she so sexy?

>> No.27407973

Cocos return will be bigger than the last peak. I hate it.

>> No.27407976
Quoted by: >>27408024

How come so many are watching her now? Isn't she usually around 5-10k

>> No.27407979

>no talent
>only has muh ASMR to keep her fans happy
>can't sing
>can't be entertaining in streams
>bad at videogames
>boring in collabs
>so lewd and shameless that she used her roommate's face and body (which was already exposed by the way) in casting couch to get her roommate a idol role

Tell me why /hlg/ like noel again?

>> No.27407984
Quoted by: >>27408031

sagiri clone

>> No.27407982

fall guys season 2 ikuzoooooooooo (for real this time)

>> No.27407985

the ship really looks beautiful outside.

they just need to furnish the insides

>> No.27407986


>> No.27407989

But will it be sexy?

>> No.27407988
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, Ebfit5HUMAExJPj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27407991
File: 106 KB, 267x267, 1595955841775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.27407992
Quoted by: >>27408029

But it is a minority. Literally read any thread whenever they do their little chains of reactions. They all come in sudden but small bursts of rarely more than 20 people.
Pretty sure 20/150+ people is a minority. I dunno, I'm not mathematical wizard, but something tells me that is much smaller.

>> No.27407993

I forgot she was supposed to stream fall guys

>> No.27407997

you sound rather like an esl seanig

>> No.27407998

>trusting a pirate

>> No.27408002

>Subaru would go to jail with Mio

>> No.27408001
Quoted by: >>27408087

Just in time for the next drama
There's something about to happen tomorrow, 7PM JST

>> No.27408008

Thank you for proving me right about you being unable to not feed the trolls. You can continue to accuse me nonsensical things to feel a sense of superiority if you'd like, I can exercise self restraint and not reply to every (you) I get. Please refrain from decreasing the quality of these threads further and leave.

>> No.27408009

fucking kek

>> No.27408010

I'm quite confident Aqua is inciting Marine to do this, because if Aqua does it herself, it would be to obvious

>> No.27408012

Godly illustrator

>> No.27408013

Are you that guy that fucked his dog in the last thread?

>> No.27408017


>> No.27408018

That lagtime between Mio and Subaru is amazing.

>> No.27408019

Mio is so fucking boring.

>> No.27408020

t. SEAnigger

>> No.27408022
File: 150 KB, 1211x714, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commence scissoring with shuba

>> No.27408023

big badonkers

>> No.27408024

Minecraft. But even before the break she fluctuated between 10-20k.

>> No.27408025

i cant believe senchou has imprisoned subaru and mio

>> No.27408026

/pol/ is busy with the elections. Give them another "happening" with chinks and they will come out of the woodwork to spam these threads

>> No.27408027

Marine lmao

>> No.27408028

>Gura only needs 15 days to reach 1m first.
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.27408029

you're a moron

>> No.27408030


>> No.27408031

i dont see it at all

>> No.27408033

Fuck pirates

>> No.27408035

Senchou isn't streaming is she?

>> No.27408036

>rape dungeon
oh fuck

>> No.27408041

Marine's sex dungeon...

>> No.27408042

your life is so fucking boring

>> No.27408043

But you weren't trolling, were you? Right? You aren't admitting to being a shitposter are you?
That's illegal you know.

>> No.27408044

STFU antitard, the duck is love playing minecraft.

>> No.27408045

good. now go away to your 5ch buddies

>> No.27408048

>can't sing
>he doesn't know

>> No.27408049

I love Minecraft streams, they're so fun and the girls seem to like them a lot

>> No.27408056

>subaru saw the signs that started it all
kek, rip lamy

>> No.27408059
Quoted by: >>27408069

>Marine left
so she literally got on the server just to do that prank, lmao

>> No.27408061

Ara Ara

>> No.27408062

Yeah, I'm so happy they went back to meinkraft

>> No.27408065

>I moved to 5ch after EN happened.
good, stay there

>> No.27408067

There's a mile difference between tonedeaf and heartless singing.

Her voice and mannerism are feminine. You must be gay.

>> No.27408068
File: 637 KB, 700x746, 1602111375816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Risu

>> No.27408069

It was all worth it.

>> No.27408070
File: 98 KB, 962x557, Eaq1XknU4AEYjNe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408107

Kira time

>> No.27408072
Quoted by: >>27408135

>marine just logged in to show their build

>> No.27408079

I wat to lick her tree rat butthole.

>> No.27408080
File: 729 KB, 3508x2480, 1599229378711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408109

>Mio 25k
>Subaru 18k

>> No.27408084

>Rikka and Temma Fall Gays S2 collab
I hope Temma gains subs from this. I do wonder if their viewers is going to be higher than Roberu's solo stream later.

>> No.27408085

They are just way more relaxing and fun with how creative people can be. Even ARK was fun, but it had limited creativity compared.
Everything was so dull and boring looking. Plus half of them could actually run the damn game without lag whereas others...
The sudden collabs in both were fun, but usually more fun in MC.

>> No.27408087
File: 9 KB, 495x83, 855654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was 10am

>> No.27408088
Quoted by: >>27408138

God Mio is so fucking CUTE AAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.27408089

polka's road looks like a fucking runway

>> No.27408090

She just needs to do JAV already. Winter is coming and she needs a lot of nuts to survive.

>> No.27408093

Close your mouth and open your wrists, ESL.

>> No.27408095

wonder why she doesnt try to connect with her senpai

>> No.27408097

What is JSL?

>> No.27408102

>Coco comeback stream
>superchat number posting
>live viewer number posting
>Twitter screencaps from literally who chinks being mad
>/pol/ spamming changs, tiananmen pastas and gore webms to fight the chink larpers
>a sticky to make things worse
God no

>> No.27408101

Roberu is playing the game at midnight so I don't know.

>> No.27408104
File: 838 KB, 2039x2894, 1601646791777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408433

Danchou can eat a whole Gigamax ramen and that makes my prostate leak.

Think about it anon.

>> No.27408105

just stop living

>> No.27408106

get better bait material

>> No.27408107

I love Kira but he seems to hate streaming and his chat is filled with EOPs who always talk amongst themselves about him being a trap the entire stream so watching him is kind of painful

>> No.27408108

What is ESL?

>> No.27408109

>mio half subs of shark
>same viewers
>likely higher superchat

>> No.27408111

I want to nut in her butthole

>> No.27408112

Back home with a couple of drinks.
What are you planning to drink during coco's meme review tomorrow?

>> No.27408115

Yah, her video game streams arent the most entertaining. Her other stuff is much better.

>> No.27408116 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 705x397, 1583398038893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this must be intentional at this point. Bugmen must be in suicide watch right now.

>> No.27408119
Quoted by: >>27408165

Why do you guys just love to pretend to be new? It's getting annoying.

>> No.27408123

Jesas Save Lamy

>> No.27408130
Quoted by: >>27408155

Kira-chan kawaii

>> No.27408132

it stands for kill yourself you absolute retard

>> No.27408134
Quoted by: >>27408214


>> No.27408135

People in chat were saying it's actually Aqua controlling Marine's avatar.

>> No.27408137


>> No.27408138
Quoted by: >>27408175

Please enjoy.

>> No.27408139

Thoughts on big god?

>> No.27408140
Quoted by: >>27408153

you know mio is a minecraft boomer when she doesn't even use the crafting guide on the left

>> No.27408146
Quoted by: >>27408191

I like her...

>> No.27408151

wait a minute is that...?

>> No.27408152

>no mention of shark
>brings it up anyway
you're equally as worse as them, anon

>> No.27408153

some people think it's cheating

>> No.27408155

when it was not just a fart

>> No.27408159
Quoted by: >>27408217


>> No.27408161
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x718, tree rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Risu.

>> No.27408160

minecraft is like a virtual world

>> No.27408162

So you’re saying numberfags and chink LARPers, aka /hlg/ regulars, are the ones to blame?

>> No.27408165
File: 34 KB, 357x303, 1283190307242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408168
File: 502 KB, 499x573, 1599059323003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Risu

>> No.27408172
Quoted by: >>27408295

Anon? It's Thursday...

>> No.27408174
Quoted by: >>27408193

>in suicide watch

it's always esl seaniggers, always

>> No.27408175

when her real voice is slipping out

>> No.27408176


>> No.27408177
File: 61 KB, 960x720, satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>140cm tall
>those tits

>> No.27408179
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1590979743996.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Risu and I'm a Nutter.

>> No.27408186

I love Cocock but the threads will be hell when both her and Haachama come back.

>> No.27408191

yep that's tokyo tower

>> No.27408192
File: 188 KB, 850x1202, 1598007780406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viewers and superchat matter

>> No.27408193
Quoted by: >>27408205

isn't it burger hours?

>> No.27408197

ARK was fun early on when they were all learning the game and having misadventures. It's much more fun watching them get bullied by low level mobs and have run ins with other holos than to watch them do mundane item farming in an empty server.
Here's a video of the early days of ARK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk4Lq1Ig6iQ

>> No.27408205
Quoted by: >>27408274

it's seanig hours, seanig

>> No.27408206

>Wake up
>Check who's streaming
>Nintendo shit
>Check thread
>Chink doing their things again
>Close thread
>Watch Holo playing MC

>> No.27408208
Quoted by: >>27408218

go back to global
you know who you are

>> No.27408210 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 337x492, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27408213

Oh no mio dont enter!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27408214


>> No.27408215
File: 194 KB, 773x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408278


>> No.27408216
File: 664 KB, 1985x1999, 1600208888583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine rejecting a potential new talent 4 separate times, and after you finally accept them they doxx all their coworkers

>> No.27408217
File: 1.49 MB, 2400x2300, 1596611864321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408246

important announcement from towa shama

>> No.27408218
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1602142723937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408219
Quoted by: >>27408254

does anyone have that image of angry luna

>> No.27408223
Quoted by: >>27408315

>that guerrilla APEX collab
>now this
Is Rikka taking a pity on Temma or something? Not complaining tho Temma needs to break out of his usual circle. and I like how Rikka calls Temma 'Ten-chan'

>> No.27408225

Because you dont need to be good at video games to enjoy Minecraft.

>> No.27408227
File: 539 KB, 877x1000, 806c54f8f414cf73a41b54d0dc7cbd7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to enter sion yo's house
not allowed shuba

>> No.27408229

From the way that Pekora said that she will still depend on Marine if she is around people that she doesn't know, I can see her asking Marine how to handle the chicken.

>> No.27408230


>> No.27408231

my whore is streaming

>> No.27408232


>> No.27408233

here comes the globalbaiting
abandon thread

>> No.27408238
File: 144 KB, 1200x1300, 1601268128207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same as shark

>> No.27408242

dont enter that house mio

>> No.27408245

smart mio

>> No.27408246


>> No.27408247



>> No.27408250

why do you have to ruin the fun?

>> No.27408251

Early ARK was fun. Ever since that server change it just died hardcore.
I feel the same shit would happen if they reset the Minecraft server. So much work gone in an instant really rips the momentum away from people to continue.
Although in the case of MC, an easy route they can take if that want to kind of start fresh is simply make a new world and set it as the main world, and have on of those teleports to the old world similar to the resource world. It's not that hard to do, we did it with our friends server to host all our old worlds in one server.

>> No.27408252

>tfw Mio is married irl

>> No.27408254
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1601305425051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this webm

>> No.27408255

No homo can beat Roberu's view count anon that's why his stream is scheduled a hour later.

>> No.27408256
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1596041321732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's global hours...

>> No.27408258

goddammit mio

>> No.27408261

Subaru's laugh is as cute as Ayame's.

>> No.27408267

To me.

>> No.27408268

I can't imagine

>> No.27408269

do your english reps instead of shitting up imageboards, seanig

>> No.27408270

>I feel so bad for Subaru the Chicken only collabs with her because they have the same character setting.
Hey you stupid SEAnigger piece of shit! It was Subaru that brought up getting closer with Kiara in the first place https://youtu.be/fXYt18SVGFk?t=177

>> No.27408273

fucking kiddies vaginal canals.

>> No.27408274
Quoted by: >>27408313

bong actually. guess I'll come back in a few hours

>> No.27408276

Good. I can finally carry out my Netori fantasy.

>> No.27408278
Quoted by: >>27408326

/pol/ is busy talking about some fly

>> No.27408285
Quoted by: >>27408565

I'm both her son and her husband

>> No.27408286

Honestly, NND sounds like it should just be wiped off the internet permanently.

>> No.27408284
Quoted by: >>27408349

I think Subaru is CUTE

>> No.27408290
Quoted by: >>27408327

why is bibi such a fucking whore?

>> No.27408294

the memes write themselves, also holy fuck she's autistic

>> No.27408295

What? Coco is going to host a meme review with Fubuki tomorrow, on the 20th.

>> No.27408297
Quoted by: >>27408318

Why is Subaru always on the verge of dying

>> No.27408299

Don't talk if you have nothing to say.

>> No.27408301
Quoted by: >>27408328

Just because she turned eleven doesn't mean the little girl should have her first sexual encounter with various middle aged men.

>> No.27408303
Quoted by: >>27408349

God, I love Subaru so bad.

>> No.27408304
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, RisuEverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You there, be careful.

>> No.27408305
Quoted by: >>27408319

>villager concentration camp

>> No.27408311


>> No.27408313

What did you have for lunch mate?

>> No.27408315

Temma is now the lowest subscribed channel in Holostar with Astel ahead with more than 1k subs and if you follow Temma, he cares about it.
But at least the bros are helping him by doing collabs and such but until he does something outside of Holostars, he's not going to grow as much.

>> No.27408318

Sever is full of berries.

>> No.27408319


>> No.27408320
File: 919 KB, 840x980, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408337

>nearly finished RRTK deck
>understand lots of stream titles now even if I can't say any of the kanji yet
oh yes

>> No.27408323

>1:25 - Coco senpai

>> No.27408326

The pet of satan?

>> No.27408327
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Egw8E5JUwAA0EtT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408328

she should've had it at 9

>> No.27408330
Quoted by: >>27408380

>Do you have experience in School Ghost

the fuck is she talking about

>> No.27408329

peak irony

>> No.27408331

I love my hardworking wife.

>> No.27408334
Quoted by: >>27408450


>> No.27408335

no thanks, got no plan watching en girls, i prefer doing my japanese reps

>> No.27408336

She has no remorse, fucking fatty.

>> No.27408337

Has Hololive motivated you to do your reps more frequently? I find that's been the case with me

>> No.27408338

Enter autismoona

>> No.27408341

I remember reading her tweets. I think she's doing photography but is always more interested in her friend's architecture homework or something like that. So seeing her make shit in minecraft is cute

>> No.27408343


>> No.27408345

which part of the holoserver is where the black community is?

>> No.27408346
Quoted by: >>27408376

Wow NND sounds fucking awful. I remember when I was N100 I just looked up some meme shits on there. wtf happens??

>> No.27408347

Shut up bitch.

>> No.27408349
File: 579 KB, 2583x4096, EdnBJH8UMAILTCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest!
She's so lively today, I'm glad we got Minecraft today.

>> No.27408350

only 5k to go for Mio's 400k! subscribe to my mom!

>> No.27408352
Quoted by: >>27408401

>Moona joined the server

>> No.27408355

>replies actually giving their opinion
It's like I stumbled to a strange world.

>> No.27408356
Quoted by: >>27408401

>Enter moona

>> No.27408357

More effort should be placed into fields of research where by we can genetically alter young preteenaged girls so that they can start to naturally produce lubricant in their cunnys earlier than when they are in puberty.

>> No.27408358

>moona joins to snipe and leech from the JP's once again

>> No.27408360

holoIDs area.

>> No.27408365

This is the truth but it's still painful to hear

>> No.27408369

iofi joined too

>> No.27408370

h-how new?
but seriously she have been doing that since ARK

>> No.27408372

Subaru please stop clearing your throat, my pp is starting to hurt

>> No.27408373
File: 382 KB, 1785x1323, 1599315173199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden collabs are always great. People can shit on Minecraft and ARK being repetitive but honestly those type of games are the one who suits Holos the most. The Gen 5 welcome collab and the CAMP quetzal collab are still my favorite impromptu collabs ever.

>> No.27408374
Quoted by: >>27408495

I already knew that there was going to be a lot of people just following Gura due to her old channel but I wasn't expecting it to be that bad.

>> No.27408375

Did Moona really just delay her stream just to leech off Mio?

>> No.27408376

You just touched the surface, it's ugly once you dive in

>> No.27408380

TL: Do you have school ghost stories? Post it with #MoonaBoona and I'll read it right away.

>> No.27408382
File: 187 KB, 600x800, Phil Spencer San.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless Minecraft. Vtubers would be way more boring without it.

>> No.27408387

True, if it was an EN or JP girl it'd probably just be all memes. What is it about Moona that makes people want to be honest I wonder

>> No.27408389
File: 523 KB, 1131x700, 1592304893655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide who to watch, I wish they would just get into a call with each other.

>> No.27408391

No, it's on 11PM JST.

>> No.27408393

Mio's BGM is fucking LOUD

>> No.27408395
Quoted by: >>27408413

During her offcollab with Marine, Suisei and Kanata they talked about her breasts having recently gone through a growth spurt.

>> No.27408397


>> No.27408401

Stop spamming about your fat indoshit.

>> No.27408404


>> No.27408406
Quoted by: >>27408512

Man, she used to be a pillar of hololive and now is a walking yabai and not in the good sense.

>> No.27408407

Fuck off, I don't want Mio's comfy stream to be ruined

>> No.27408408
Quoted by: >>27408425

I want to have Shark eat natto...
I want to put it into the tiny house...

>> No.27408411

They don't even interact outside of greetings

>> No.27408413

Do breasts really grow after puberty?

>> No.27408414

>two posts
Hope you give all surveyposters (You)s later.

>> No.27408418


>> No.27408422
File: 28 KB, 455x372, bigbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos are what made me finally start learning honestly, I'm really happy with my progress even if I can't say many of the kanji yet.
I can read tweets and get the general idea of what's happening and that makes me more motivated and so on.

>> No.27408425

i also want to put it into shark's tiny house

>> No.27408427

Marine has fucked shion and aqua at the same time just to let you know anon.

>> No.27408431

yeah, when you get pregnant or go on birth control

>> No.27408433

You're just horny.

>> No.27408434

How can they be on the same team?! They're supposed to hate eachother! MY NARRATIVES!

>> No.27408437

5th Gen House/area
-4 people living in the same house
-everything made from cheap wood
-built right next to a mountain/ unwanted piece of land/ outer part of the town
-they started with handouts

>> No.27408444

anon you and I would be great friends, you are one of my people

>> No.27408446
Quoted by: >>27408590

even Astel can break the ice with many vtubers outside of holostars, is Temma that shy?

>> No.27408447 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 360x360, 1585402250960.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any holos for this feel

>> No.27408450


>> No.27408453
File: 261 KB, 640x420, 1601235930384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melcraft scheduled
Had me worried with that Apex tweet.

>> No.27408454

The thing is with Matsuri is that she'll always have an audience because most EOPs only know her for being a le epic lolicon xd. They don't know about her menhera side because r*ddit doesn't meme about it. I wonder if she'll have a mostly English audience she'll have to pander to soon.

>> No.27408456
Quoted by: >>27408510

>Subaru stream delayed by 30 second

>> No.27408457

>its true
how does she do it?

>> No.27408460


>> No.27408462

Even on Crystal Isles we had some good stuff like Titano taming, sudden Flare collabs and constant KanaCoco, planned or not. But I'm really glad that we have the Minecraft revival arc right now instead, ARK isn't the same without Miko and Coco.

>> No.27408463

wtf thats a library not an office dumbass game

>> No.27408466

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey1ag5L4Sik Marine and Aqua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7DdNzQkyl8 Polka and Nene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNCCv-sJq88 Oga, Aruran and Kuku

>> No.27408474
File: 39 KB, 628x897, Moonmoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408503

Faggot let em post about Moon Moon. It only ever happens around this time.

And every fucker loves it.

>> No.27408480


>> No.27408482


>> No.27408483 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 1595750652699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any holos like this?

>> No.27408484

Do your English reps instead of shitposting you filthy seamonkeys

>> No.27408486

Festival and her stupid hedgehog's dilemma...

>> No.27408491

I forget ARK also brought probably one of my favorite Asamikos to life, the one they did in ARK and the newscaster got abducted, flown in to the air and dropped to their death.

>> No.27408492

Hitomi's tits still grow. It's some condition.

>> No.27408494

Good work fellow Lunaito, keep it up and soon you'll be able to understand more and more of what the baby princess says

>> No.27408495
Quoted by: >>27408591

>fresh blood is bad
I don't think so.

>> No.27408496

Had some body parts, like my feet, grow in size until I turned 23 but I suffer from hyperthyroidism. With how all holos are falling apart, I wouldn't be surprised if Aqua also had some hormonal imbalance.

>> No.27408501

>cucked by maintenance

>> No.27408503

No. Only 3 or so retards actually like the talentless hack.

>> No.27408504


>> No.27408505

Like what...?

>> No.27408506
Quoted by: >>27408550

>not even 1 hour

>> No.27408508
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1597236232858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408634


>> No.27408509

>temma&astel have lowest count
>they are also the most anxious about collabing outside holostars(temme even more than astel)
They need a crash course in socializing and collabing

>> No.27408510
Quoted by: >>27408558

she was supposed to stream fall guys. forgive subau

>> No.27408511

What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.27408512

All she had to do was not superchat that person

Or be destructively needy

>> No.27408513

Cold pussy?

>> No.27408518

who will each EN collab with first? I know kiara and subaru have set one up and I thought I heard something about shark doing a singing stream collab to avoid the language barrier. Ina and Mori can speak japanese, right? and the detective is going to be banished to the INdog dimension or chink judas.

>> No.27408519

Fuck off

>> No.27408523
Quoted by: >>27408554

if you keep giving them (you)s that'll only encourage them y'know, they're not gonna stop talking about a streaming hololive girl in a hololive thread just because it annoys you

>> No.27408524


>> No.27408525


>> No.27408526


>> No.27408527 [DELETED] 

Why don't holos use voice to google translate?

>> No.27408530

>Subaru want to pit Usada construction,Akukin construction and Oozora construction in a 3-way competition

>> No.27408531

Without ARK there won't be Mikoboat...

>> No.27408533
Quoted by: >>27408598


>> No.27408534
Quoted by: >>27408546

>singing stream collab
>with that delay

>> No.27408540

Yeah I also have started using anki for the first time. I take like 30-40 minutes every morning to go through them. It's a nice little routine. And I think I am actually noticing I am picking out some words more when I watch streams now.

>> No.27408541
Quoted by: >>27408552

I like her

>> No.27408542

>indogs logged in
>mio ends her stream

>> No.27408544


>> No.27408546

Delay is like 100ms at most.

>> No.27408549

kek keep dreaming

>> No.27408550

Her throat needs rest

>> No.27408552
Quoted by: >>27408563

Cool just stop spamming about her

>> No.27408554

Guess nobody is allowed to ever post a Twitter link any more. You heard it here folks. Only stream chat allowed from now on.
(fuck off)

>> No.27408557

Minato, quick... get out of the water...

>> No.27408558
Quoted by: >>27408597


>> No.27408559

Fuck off to /vyt/, Kira did.

>> No.27408561
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1599813021939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408562

Stop doing this you /vyt/ trash

>> No.27408563
Quoted by: >>27408593

2 posts isn't spam.

>> No.27408564

Imagine being a homoposter AND a numberfag

>> No.27408565


>> No.27408567
File: 87 KB, 591x591, ringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.27408569

5ch the best Vtuber community.

>> No.27408571
Quoted by: >>27408608


>> No.27408572

>check oozora construction's portfolio
>it's all unko

>> No.27408573

Yeah mori has decent level jp and ina can speak some I think.

>> No.27408579


>> No.27408580

Did they have sex?

>> No.27408581

Sure, anything for CEO.

>> No.27408582

astel has been inclining pretty good thanks to being the only one streaming in dead hours and bringing in EOP's

>> No.27408583

All these holos are so depressed, they're just like me! I'm gonna give them lots of money!

>> No.27408584
File: 650 KB, 1820x1024, 1602161801630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27408588

never said that schizo, i'm not gonna fuck off so keep giving me (you)s and keep dreaming

>> No.27408590
Quoted by: >>27408799

Yes. He's worse than Astel in that regard. He's working on it but it's a long road ahead.
Shinove needs to give them more of a talk and Roberu should help to as a member of SunTempo but well, we will see.

>> No.27408591

Not the fresh blood itself, as I'm also a newfag, but the fact that they aren't even aware of Hololive or the rest of her generation's holos.

>> No.27408592
Quoted by: >>27408609

Blond girls are boring.

>> No.27408593

It's two posts now because she isn't streaming. But even then all she has to do is fucking breathe in the direction of Mio and you have 5+ posts going hurr durr Moona...
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.27408594
File: 107 KB, 768x768, EjzvG4vUwAAk027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408595

sleep, indogs!

>> No.27408596

*unzip dick*

>> No.27408597
Quoted by: >>27408654

she put a delay for snipers

>> No.27408598

Say that to me NOT online and see what happens

>> No.27408601

I was shocked to hear Coco disliked natto.
Natto is good for you

>> No.27408602

Mori's Japanese is kind of shit and Ina's is pretty shit. Both can convey basics, but wouldn't get any difficult conversation. Kiara is the only one that's fluent.

>> No.27408605

Imagine if JP holos will love collabing with EN holos and are gonna do it a lot haha
Imagine Mori or Kiara on Coco's meme review

>> No.27408608

B-kun... they're talking about Aqua.

>> No.27408609

Explain Haachama

>> No.27408611

>25k viewers
shuba shuba shuba

>> No.27408612
Quoted by: >>27408667

5+ posts in a thread with a bump limit of 2000 is nothing. It's on topic. Use your filters if it bothers you.

>> No.27408614

Kek, you just know what happens next

>> No.27408615
Quoted by: >>27408667

Everyone did the same for other girls, fuck off.

>> No.27408619

wow keep crying faggot

>> No.27408620

Yeah, how dare you talk about HOLOLIVE in the HOLOLIVE thread.
This is outrageous I tell you, outrageous!

>> No.27408628

>unzips GOI

>> No.27408631

I found Miko even if she was really small.

>> No.27408633
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, aquamarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408634

Clean my dick!!!

>> No.27408635

Does anyone else think Moona is cute?

>> No.27408636

According to Marine the EN girls have been teaching her English, so probably Kiara and Mori, but with her schedule packed with other collabs it may take some time to get there.

>> No.27408638

Marine... your mic...

>> No.27408639

Now we know where nousagis go when peko is offline

>> No.27408641
Quoted by: >>27408703

the only appeal of meme review is having coco translate the non-jokes to her friends, EN being there would completely defeat the point.

>> No.27408640
Quoted by: >>27408658

I was shocked to hear Coco is a vegetarian, I unsubbed as soon as I became of awarence of it, she is shame on all Hololive.

>> No.27408643

The cutest!

>> No.27408644

>I wish they would just get into a call with each other.
Minecraft is at its best when they don't do that, though.

>> No.27408645
File: 36 KB, 138x110, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408686


>> No.27408646

Yes, I like her dolphin laugh.

>> No.27408647
Quoted by: >>27408663

are /we/ the best VTuber community in the west?

>> No.27408650

God I love Gaoupapa

>> No.27408652

>Missing Children
Fuck off.

>> No.27408654

I mean why she change her plan to play MC?

>> No.27408655


>> No.27408656

>marine trying to eat aqua's tail

>> No.27408657

I don't want to imagine Mori at all I fucking hate that bitch

>> No.27408658

she fucking eats only vegetables?

>> No.27408659

So Mio is back in Minecraft with a huge number of viewers but doesn't bother to stream for even an hour and does mostly nothing in the stream. Does she even care about this whole vtuber thing or is she just filling her quota at this point? She's failing to even live up to being miso soup at this point.

>> No.27408660
Quoted by: >>27408690

use filters faggot

>> No.27408661

>that Aussie doing daily art of Coco/Haato.

>> No.27408663

read this thread and ask that again

>> No.27408665

I miss this era of vtubers.

>> No.27408667

Cool and I will keep telling you to fuck off with your indoshit. Filter it if it bothers you.
Except theres actual discussion when it comes to other girls. When it's about moona literally all thats posted is about how much she eats over and over again or just her fucking name with ellipses.

>> No.27408669
Quoted by: >>27408717


>> No.27408671
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, hyperplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408705

>> No.27408673
Quoted by: >>27408712


>> No.27408676


>> No.27408679

Voice calls are now banned when streaming Minecraft apparently.

>> No.27408681

I like chama2 singing

>> No.27408685

just how many renditions of Ahoy! does Marine have?

>> No.27408686
File: 1.36 MB, 2894x4093, eZaAnXpDU5akVSeARz9GJ7JQACJ4gdInSl5oWB5nZgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belmond dono?!

>> No.27408688

Now I know which 2 videos that Haachama private them, they are claw crane streams (Rem). and I didn't watch it yet. please share them to me onegai!

>> No.27408689

3D Cabanya? https://twitter.com/amanekanatach/status/1314189603079741440?s=19

>> No.27408690
Quoted by: >>27408730

Nope. Use filters if you dont like me telling you the objective truth that moona is shit and so are your posts.

>> No.27408692
Quoted by: >>27408776

Did I appear bothered? Is giving (you)s an indication of botheredness now? I wasn't aware. You must be very bothered in that case.

>> No.27408693

any oldfags still here?

>> No.27408695
File: 87 KB, 320x494, ringone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408698

Yeah, I'm sure "Peko peko peko" and "ogey" and "Watame is crying again" is super enlightening discussion.
Fuck off.

>> No.27408699
File: 1.16 MB, 350x650, 1573196179996.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reset PC
>Mio stream is over

>> No.27408703

for you maybe. Meanwhile meme reviews are a big hit for literally every youtube channel.

>> No.27408705

wrong thread but kek

>> No.27408708

Enjoy your (You)s

>> No.27408710


>> No.27408712
Quoted by: >>27408741

is she kill?

>> No.27408713

>Actually gatekeeping the Hololive board from people talking about a Hololive girl.
Have you taken you meds today Anon?

>> No.27408715
Quoted by: >>27408743

W-what's inside?

>> No.27408717

Polka having some technical issues according to Nene.

>> No.27408716

It's hard to stream a lot when you are pregnant with Yagoos twins.

>> No.27408719
Quoted by: >>27408776

I'll give you an example, everyone did the same thing when Flare joined the server yesterday. You just nitpicked something that bothers you.

>> No.27408718
Quoted by: >>27408776

You are aware you're posting more about Moona than the alleged spammers, correct?

>> No.27408720

Aqua is rubbing marine's boobs with her tail.

>> No.27408722

I knew it. Aqua was the one controlling Marine's character in Minecraft just now.

>> No.27408723


>> No.27408724
File: 71 KB, 695x546, 1589083354713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408726

>Aqua used Senchou's account in Minecraft

>> No.27408729
Quoted by: >>27408872

This Baba trying to fuck aqua now after she failed to fuck shion, right?
I bet shion knew this and trying to let those two togetherr as much posible so marine don't target her again.

>> No.27408730


>> No.27408732
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, EgAGKNsUcAAIPWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408819

What's up with this dying voice Kyanata...

>> No.27408733

Is 6 months old enough?

>> No.27408736


>> No.27408737

Polka, new BGM!?

>> No.27408738
Quoted by: >>27408761

Did all Holo got viewer boost or something?
Yesterday was watame and now Subaru and Mio get 15-25k viewers.

>> No.27408740

Can't believe Shark, Korone and Fubuki will get 1 million before Luna recovers that number despite Luna being at 996k

>> No.27408741

Some doujinshi tell me yes.

>> No.27408742
File: 72 KB, 1011x701, EZlF-cXUYAgiO0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408743

shota cum

>> No.27408744

I wish I was Marines boobs.

>> No.27408745

>account sharing
Let's get on this, antibros

>> No.27408748

definitely not (You)

>> No.27408750

just so you all know the anti moona schizo guy, the anti holoshart schizo guy and the /v/tard in denial schizo are all the same person
you didn't hear it from me but he might as well be a legitimate schizo with how much he attempts to orchestrate here

>> No.27408751
Quoted by: >>27408819

>she can't even speak one whole word in one breath

>> No.27408757

Tenshi... don't go back to heaven...

>> No.27408759

Really, Aqua's new avatar ears are terrible. Someone please remove it.

>> No.27408758

>giving the faggot (You)s
Give it 5 minutes, and he'll talk about how we need another split.

>> No.27408761

Minecraft always boosts viewers

>> No.27408762

Yeah, it happens to some girls.

>> No.27408772

So this pretty much confirms home 3d for gen 4 huh.

>> No.27408774
File: 166 KB, 1748x1240, a61464ccf4b47f8969c8fc4832bebf64b6228596e7bd9f3f8a72da90a3652cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408818

>first "at home" 3D Kanata is actually "at hospital" 3D Kanata

>> No.27408776

Yes you clearly are very bothered and now you're just projecting.
Never said that was enlightening though?
Yes, people should be aware of the problem.
Same as the first reply.

>> No.27408775

homsh@rts are

>> No.27408779
Quoted by: >>27408981


>> No.27408781
Quoted by: >>27408803

Just you wait, Nene is here, he'll attack any holos with low numbers.

>> No.27408782

Is this the effect of titinus?

>> No.27408785

Aqua's slept at Subaru Shion and Noel's in one week.

>> No.27408792
Quoted by: >>27408803

Too bad for Polka that her pilot episode for her talk show is her least popular genmate. Guess she couldn't get anyone else lmao

>> No.27408793
Quoted by: >>27408835


>> No.27408794

Nene trolling in the comments lol

>> No.27408796


>> No.27408799

>worse than Astel
As a temmafag this is painful. and the knight doesn't want to bring it up often as well. I started to see why he got forced to collab with his fellow stars for a long period of time.

>> No.27408800
Quoted by: >>27408849

>Same as the first reply.
kek, yeah, I'll say the same, filter it faggot.

>> No.27408803


>> No.27408804
Quoted by: >>27408830

That bitch Rushia spends more time reading SC than playing the game. So unfair to other holo.

>> No.27408806

Polka waki onegai

>> No.27408807

What a slut

>> No.27408812

>I'm introverted I swear

>> No.27408815

Is Aqua homeless? What's stopping her to avail a permanent place?

>> No.27408818

>she'd be streaming Fall Guys S2 in 3D all night tonight if she wasn't stuck there

>> No.27408819

are you people new or have never watched anime before?

>> No.27408820

Blame her for everything happening to her. Not only fucked with her youtube channel by not making anything for months but also sold out to Sony and even when she tried in this summer, it was for nothing.

>> No.27408822
Quoted by: >>27408887

Is this gonna be a regular show for Polka?

>> No.27408824
Quoted by: >>27409124

yeah, it's this guy
he wants to be a janitor and do this even more for free (big kusa)

>> No.27408829

>leech from the JP
you've mistaken Moona as Iofi anon-kun

>> No.27408830

Not her fault people superchat her so much

>> No.27408831

Stop giving metaposters (you)

>> No.27408835
Quoted by: >>27408860

Kaguya Luna anon, not NAAAAAA

>> No.27408837

I'm really really liking this NenePol arc

>> No.27408840
File: 32 KB, 456x402, 764fc0o98ur51[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408842

If you buy a membership, can you watch past members only streams?

>> No.27408843

Aloe's sacrifice made Gen 5 a more solid group than Gen 3.

>> No.27408845

Why would she buy a house in Tokyo? She lives somewhere else with her family.

>> No.27408847

Nice try Remilia.

>> No.27408849
Quoted by: >>27408880

Nope. You're free to filter me telling you to fuck off anytime though.

>> No.27408852


>> No.27408854

>Nene forgot how she became the CEO
As expected from our CEO!

>> No.27408855
Quoted by: >>27408908

why is luna so sexy

>> No.27408856

I thought normalfags get filtered by subaru's voice? looks like it isn't the case anymore recently

>> No.27408857


>> No.27408858

No u. Tell me "nice argument" or something similarly sarcastic now, or better yet make a wild guess on what board I'm from or who's identity I share in these threads schizo-kun.

>> No.27408859
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, nenepolka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27409144

I hope Nene and Polka slept naked in a bed together and kissed lots the other day.

>> No.27408860

Oh ok, sorry I only consume hololive content

>> No.27408862

>Spam of a small Holo is better than a spam of a popular Holo
Yea fuck off. Moonafags are no better than homosharts. Spammable holos like Towa, Peko and watame are a pass since their fanbase contribute to almost half of this thread's IP, when moonafags are only like 10 people.

>> No.27408863

She lives in the boonies and needed to be in Tokyo.

>> No.27408869

Yes unless they are deleted/privated.

>> No.27408870

let's hope she doesn't get sad ones

>> No.27408871

She doesn't live in the city.

>> No.27408872

Senchou has good taste.

>> No.27408873
File: 262 KB, 680x371, 1596799965292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27408924

imagine being this delusional

>> No.27408875


>> No.27408876

Not for long

>> No.27408879
Quoted by: >>27408981


>> No.27408880

Nah, I'll feed you (You)s, don't worry, it's free anyway.

>> No.27408881

She had to brainwash herself to forget about it, some MGS shit right here.

>> No.27408882

Nene and Polka the new power couple.

>> No.27408887

She hopes to make it a regular segment where she hosts other the other girls.

>> No.27408889

>Moonafags are no better than homosharts
and BOOOM it's confirmed j_god, the biggest schizo in these threads, the crowd goes wild

>> No.27408890

>lion and elf go on dates regularly
>polka feels jealous and snatches nene for herself
rate my narrative

>> No.27408891

First time buying a ticket for a live, how does it go down? Like a YouTube stream but on Niconico?

>> No.27408893

I love this debiru

>> No.27408895

Is Towa the biggest disaster in hololive?

>> No.27408897


>> No.27408898

>Hey Mio chan, don't you wanna learn english too and be able to speak with everyone in the world?
>Yes makoto-chan, we'll do better than those hags from hololive who can't speak a word even after 5 years of schooling and we'll make it

>> No.27408903


>> No.27408905

but that's every day!

>> No.27408906

As both a gen 3 and gen 5 fan, I agree.

>> No.27408907
Quoted by: >>27408932

DESU I forgot as well, just one day she showed up as CEO and I just accepted it

>> No.27408908
Quoted by: >>27408930

luna is probably the least sexy holo

>> No.27408911
Quoted by: >>27408925

Can you fucking IMAGINE just PEKORA and AQUA in the SAME room BY THEMSELVES and there was a STREAM of it?

>> No.27408913

happy toiwan day

>> No.27408915

7/10. needs more yuribaiting

>> No.27408916
Quoted by: >>27408958

there's an alternate timeline where any cute gen 5 family-like moments don't exist because Aloe interrupts to make them guess how many loads of dog semen she has in her anus at the moment.

>> No.27408917
Quoted by: >>27408947

Nene's eyes keep twitching, why?

>> No.27408924
Quoted by: >>27408971

it's true though
gen 5 has a stronger group dynamic than gen 3 since the latter gets weighed down by Rushia

>> No.27408925

I hope they will kiss

>> No.27408926

a little hamfisted but possible

>> No.27408927

It started with her joking that her membership was Nene Productions, then the joke that the members were her employees evolved naturally.

>> No.27408929

There are no lesbians in holo. I see.
They pretend to be.

>> No.27408930

that's mio

>> No.27408932

I can't remember if Good Job was where the CEO title appeared or if that's where it solidified, but what does that matter?

>> No.27408935

Holy fuck I finally just got my holo shit in the mail

>> No.27408936

I wish I was Aqua's tail.

>> No.27408939
Quoted by: >>27408968

This Nene pro/CEO thing she's doing is pretty funny.

>> No.27408941

You are gay.

>> No.27408944


>> No.27408945

Oyy mate! Want me to punch your face or what?

>> No.27408947

She was sick and was using eyedrops so I think the sickness made her eyes irritated.

>> No.27408948

If you pull gacha under A/C and in a high place, you'll get top rarity!

>> No.27408950
Quoted by: >>27409009

>gen 5 fags think the can compete with the strongest gen sankisei

>> No.27408952

if elf is 20, she's young enough to be her daughter

>> No.27408953
Quoted by: >>27408990


>> No.27408958

What the fuck I want Aloe back now

>> No.27408959

always ready

>> No.27408960

mouth breathers

>> No.27408961

Towa confirmed to have a STD

>> No.27408962


>> No.27408965

new stepping stone

>> No.27408968

It's not a joke. It's real. Get to work

>> No.27408969

Man Korone's roommate has some pretty nice tits that rival Noels.

>> No.27408970

It's not a narrative if it's true, they're doing more stuff together after Botan Lamy horror dates started being a thing

>> No.27408971

Cant help that Rushia lives in the boonies so less off collab stuff.

>> No.27408973


>> No.27408974

your architecture reps...

>> No.27408975


>> No.27408976
Quoted by: >>27409008

Is this a joke

>> No.27408979
Quoted by: >>27409003

NenePro is part off Akukin right?

>> No.27408981
Quoted by: >>27409134

Yup. If you see anyone sperging about "indoshits", Holos with low view counts like Nene, /v/ermin (like himself) and most notably "holosharts", it's him. We joke about schizos but it really is mostly just 1 guy.

>> No.27408983

5/10, not dramatic enough

>> No.27408984

They talked to each other before Kiara even debuted you imbecile.

>> No.27408985


>> No.27408987


>> No.27408990

>Falling for the bait
They are at least Bi

>> No.27408991

It's Towa month!

>> No.27408994

10 people? wdym? it's all me peko

>> No.27408996

I am impressed anons thought the dox would make me dislike her
>Delinquent girl who is into retro games and has become fit over the last few years
Literally dream gf material

>> No.27408998
Quoted by: >>27409132

That's right. If it's the regular stream and not the VR one, you will also have an archive available for one week.

>> No.27409000


>> No.27409002

nenene nene nene

>> No.27409003
Quoted by: >>27409188

Yes, NenePro is a subsidiary of Akukin Construction and Haachama Inc, and in turn Omaru Circus is a subsidiary of NenePro.

>> No.27409004

Is Akua forcing herself to collab with everyone? Pekor offcollab spree when?

>> No.27409005
Quoted by: >>27409023

the fuck is subaru building

>> No.27409007

>are you worried about what will we do, Nene?
>but I read the script
>stop mentioning the script

>> No.27409008

No I mean it. That one pic of her on the beach? She is a pretty full figured woman.

>> No.27409009

>strongest generation
>only one big draw

>> No.27409011
Quoted by: >>27409066

>no okayu guerilla
you know what this means right? fall fags tomorrow

>> No.27409014
Quoted by: >>27409132

Like youtube stream, but worse because it's on NND

>> No.27409016

How about Aqua and Pekora collab to kill the narrative once and for all?

>> No.27409017
Quoted by: >>27409032

She forced other girls to collab with her with her fat dwarf cock

>> No.27409023

TNT house

>> No.27409028

I think they've spoken before but something about Kiara really bothers me, she creeps me out.
I think cause she reminds me of the irritating weeb girl you had in your high school that wanted to be japanese and wear kimonos and eat sushi all day.

>> No.27409032

Big if true

>> No.27409034

And she is going to sleep at Marine's tonight. I found it strange how Marine was cleaning up her house earlier today.

>> No.27409038
Quoted by: >>27409101

>It's almost been 2 months since our debut!

>> No.27409040

It was never a narrative. We've known since day one.

>> No.27409041

You and I both know anon that it's not that far off.

>> No.27409042

gen 5 has zero draws and the hololive member with the lowest subs in the company

>> No.27409043

It's not just a narrative bro

>> No.27409045

No they're not as big and they are attached to a frog face kero kero

>> No.27409049

I want to eat sushi all day...

>> No.27409052
Quoted by: >>27409185

I've never seen Polka Botan so it might be true.

>> No.27409053
Quoted by: >>27409191

>your second favorite holo
>can she beat your favorite holo in a fistfight

>> No.27409055

If you were in her place as the only fluent japanese speaker, wouldn't you do the same?
If she didn't people would be calling her stupid for wasting her skill.

>> No.27409062

>gen 5 fags getting uppity

>> No.27409065
Quoted by: >>27409098

Spam is never acceptable. Fuck off.

>> No.27409064

Nene's laugh is too cute for me bro. Can I apply as janitor in Nenepro?

>> No.27409066

I love this fat cat!

>> No.27409071

During Lamy's membership celebration stream, Polka said she's been lonely after Aloe gone and Lamy spending so much time with Botan.

>> No.27409074
Quoted by: >>27409140

Is kabaya dying

>> No.27409075
Quoted by: >>27409091


>> No.27409077

what the fuck is subaru building

>> No.27409080

Why is everyone here so angry all the time now?

>> No.27409087


>> No.27409089

2 ton CEO!

>> No.27409091

Sasuga Taotaostar's Star

>> No.27409093

Are you ready for the first Sheep ASMR?

>> No.27409094


>> No.27409096

>anti Moona posting stops
>anti gen 5 posting begins

>> No.27409098

battle of the schizos
place your bets now

>> No.27409100
Quoted by: >>27409131

Nenepro only employs janitors.

>> No.27409101

S-she will be back for her birthday.... right?

>> No.27409103

It's been like this for several months.

>> No.27409105
Quoted by: >>27409131

Yes. And she won't make fun of you

>> No.27409107

Actually no, you are wrong on both counts. I despise /v/ and I would also ban this fucking splitzo cunt on sight.

>> No.27409109

Not enough cute images!

>> No.27409112
Quoted by: >>27409136

Because they don't watch the stream.

>> No.27409116

Too many schizos.

>> No.27409115

Lots of fucked up shit happened in the past 2 months

>> No.27409122

Also /v/ is the answer. For some reason they think the rest of 4chan is full of angry dipshits like themselves.

>> No.27409123
Quoted by: >>27409145

Will you watch foxburgerking on melcraft?

>> No.27409124
Quoted by: >>27409216

>for free
And you are calling me /v/. How poetic.

>> No.27409125

>A gen that only keeps using Botan as a anchor.

Where do Gen 5 fags get their confidence from?

>> No.27409128

No one is actually angry. Its a shitposter paradise with how easy newfags are to bait though.

>> No.27409131

Good, can't wait to tell my family about this!

>> No.27409132
Quoted by: >>27409211

Yeah, it's the Sora's one. Thanks.

>> No.27409133
Quoted by: >>27409177

You could probably make a mexican powerlevel chart entirely out of Nene's forms.

>> No.27409134
Quoted by: >>27409212

Could it be the same guy with the narrative that Marine is a numbersfag just for her to announce a collab with Nene?

>> No.27409135

No Towife.

>> No.27409136
Quoted by: >>27409162

>su- oozora kensetsu
Suba, stop forgetting the name of your own company.

>> No.27409137

I thought lamy was late 20s

>> No.27409140

Yep, just the same but with far worse video quality than youtube. The only good thing is that paid performances get bandwidth priority so it should actually stream without stalling or dropping to 240p every 10 seconds.

Inside, at the very least, judging by how frustrated she sounded.

>> No.27409141

>Rushia is still going
what the fuck

>> No.27409144

Nene fell asleep and Polka stayed up all night until 5am to catch the first train out because she doesn't feel comfortable at sleepovers.

>> No.27409145

I will always watch my friend

>> No.27409148


>> No.27409147
Quoted by: >>27409192

>Marine being a shortstack

I was never into that type but I can make an accept ion with her and have her use me like a chair and a toilet.

>> No.27409150

Lonely as fuck EOPs who are riding this trend and will never watch streams. They need the company of this thread through (You)s and shitposting.

>> No.27409151

Would you date your oshi if her dick is bigger than yours?

>> No.27409153

Botan as well. Her mouth closes usually as well so definitely a mouth breather.

>> No.27409154

Nene and Polka have been collabing a lot, starting to think they're fucking.

>> No.27409155

Nene is love
Nene is life

>> No.27409161

>No one is actually angry

I seriously doubt it, there is always some retard who takes it seriously

>> No.27409160

Why is she building it in the front of pekor slime traps?

>> No.27409162

Oops, didn't mean to quote but whatever

>> No.27409163


>> No.27409166

This is post-apocalyptic /jp/.

>> No.27409168


>> No.27409171

Did she talk about it in her drawing stream?

>> No.27409175

I want Polka to fart on me.

>> No.27409176

>Gen 5
I am very angry.

>> No.27409174


>> No.27409177


>> No.27409183

amuro... cabaya... ch-chn...

>> No.27409185

They had a comfy zatsudan together once and Botan does drop by Polka's streams in chat very often, but yeah, they only had that one collab stream as far as I can remember.

>> No.27409186


>> No.27409188

Sounds like a money laundering scheme.

>> No.27409190

Polka you useless lesbian...

>> No.27409191

>without exception yes

>> No.27409189

I've been using this site for a decade (I'll probably get called a newfag for this regardless though) and the schizos in here are the worst I've seen. If you talk about tv shows or anime or cartoons you can at least argue about dissenting opinions, like the shit people argue about makes sense, but people here get irritated solely by the mention of on topic things in a thread dedicated to it. Imagine talking about seeing a fucking Batman movie or some shit and somebody gets triggered that you so much as mentioned Robin and calls it spam. It's ridiculous and you can't have real discussion.

>> No.27409192

She is too good.

>> No.27409198


>> No.27409204

Oh yeah for sure. I want to suck Za Towah.

>> No.27409206

Like a YouTube stream but quality is much worse, also you can only view the archive within a week or so, depends on how they set it but it's always under a month

>> No.27409211

I was thinking about Cinderella Switch's archive, but it looks like it works the same way.

>> No.27409212
Quoted by: >>27409241

You mean the collab where Nene has to bring along her mama who's a successful professional mangaka just to get Marine to agree?

>> No.27409216


>> No.27409218

>I've been using this site for a decade (I'll probably get called a newfag for this regardless though)
That's beyond newfag though

>> No.27409220


>> No.27409226
Quoted by: >>27409247

I love oshio mama so much. I want to mate with her. I want to fuck her while she do discord call with kana-chan. I want to cum inside her while she play with void-chan. I love her so much.

>> No.27409231

Miko is the only lesbian in hololive, no holo ever straight up said they have zero interest in men and comes out as a lesbian like Miko did. Not even Noel, Matsuri or Marine. And all the stuff she did on stream clearly not just a pandering, she even fell in love with her straight best friend, Pekora.

>> No.27409233


>> No.27409241

You made me laugh.

>> No.27409242

Welcome to jaypee veechama

>> No.27409243

I want to rape Mikochi!

>> No.27409247


>> No.27409249

I love Luna very much.
