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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 245 KB, 1000x1475, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27385654 No.27385654 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27385656
File: 100 KB, 600x451, 1600964830341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386595


>> No.27385658
File: 189 KB, 296x496, D83SnUeUcAAyZz0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385704

I love Haachama!

>> No.27385663
File: 334 KB, 1422x1600, CuteDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386595

Early Kaichou
I miss you

>> No.27385666
File: 527 KB, 2048x1585, EjIAHgXUMAAA75A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386640


>> No.27385667
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599240714691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385668
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385669
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.27385672
File: 36 KB, 613x350, firefox_aCixCQ1j43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389626


>> No.27385674
File: 926 KB, 1600x1481, 1601264450069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that even the Nips say Hololive JP is dead. By this time next year EN will be the main branch and JP will be mostly disbanded.

>> No.27385679


>> No.27385681
File: 369 KB, 2000x2000, 1593142690005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE Towa!

>> No.27385685

I've been drunk every day since Lamy left

>> No.27385686

Moonas bgm is driving me insane but I can't stop watching.

>> No.27385687
File: 719 KB, 2646x3679, eK3iK67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386581


>> No.27385688
File: 138 KB, 1107x1657, 1589707011010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389307

I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27385690


>> No.27385691
File: 3.96 MB, 1920x1080, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love Flare!


>> No.27385693

giving CPR to kanata's pussy!

>> No.27385696
Quoted by: >>27385981

Much better than what Nene did, fucking piece of shit jew
Posted a stream on her channel but announced that it'll be members-only to goad people into subscribing
Hope she enjoyed my ARS(e) lmao

>> No.27385699
File: 798 KB, 1072x1500, hanamori59ya 1310519125404385280_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.27385704
Quoted by: >>27388617

I miss you anon

>> No.27385706
File: 212 KB, 2048x1465, 1599010079215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that ANY of the girls could change somebody like Roberu, Astel, or Shien's lives forever with just one minimum effort collab, yet most of them refuse to even acknowledge the existence of HoloStars, and that makes them objectively shit people.

>Aqua - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay, shared autism, better ship than the forced AquaMarine
>Okayu - Oga, top comfy retro stream
>Mio - Tenmma true neutral alliance
>Korone - Oga top comfy retro stream very good ship
>Shion - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Ayame - Astel top tier APEX gameplay, good chance at actually getting shit done at tournaments
>Pekora - Shien, the two best comedians at hololive
>Marine - Roberu straight up the best posible paring in holopro, actual chemistry instead of forced yuribait
>Rushia - boring as fuck, not worth it
>Noel - I don't want that camwhore anywhere near them, not worth the yabees
>Flare - the dyke can go fuck herself, but a sibling collab would make Lack happy
>Coco - Oga, Roberu, Kira, straight up the best conversionatlist in holopro would make amazing marshmallow streams
>Watame - Rikka very compatible singing voices, could help Watame with the male vocals instead of having to resort to Kanata or Flare
>Kanata - Astel can actually reach high notes, could make her make cover worth something
>Luna - Auran, top shitposting duo
>Towa - Already friends beforehand top chemistry, better than tokinose
>Polka - Roberu, past life friends top tier collab
>Nene - Shien maximum autism
>Lamy - I don't want her creepy gachis near the bros
>Botan - Astel, top tier APEX gameplay
Here you have, most of these collabs are objectively better than anything hololive can currently deliver at the moment, and guess what it's because good shit can come from collabs when they're planned not taking into account the genitals the talent is born with but rather the compatibility of them, but apparently that's a concept to hard tog grasp for the idolfags and the retarded incels in these threads

>> No.27385715
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601042324246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I would like to redeem this coupon.

>> No.27385717
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_13o__80bcbf1026404d0fd195eb7678e6f323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you, yes you, have woken up as okayu!

>> No.27385722
File: 522 KB, 2500x2500, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_nejime__b9f59cba3679f42e67a5bd577ac1b69e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu is CUTE!


>> No.27385723
File: 707 KB, 1920x1080, lamy chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healthy Lamy

>> No.27385727
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x2200, EjvU8uRU8AAGF1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385842

Me too!

>> No.27385732

I'm going to cum on my Friend's face!

>> No.27385733
File: 968 KB, 3541x2507, Astel marshmellow @riereen_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cute marshmellow.

>> No.27385737
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20201003_190948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385769

Day 70 Thread #2

Forever waiting for Mikochi! I hope Mikochi will be back soon!

>> No.27385740
File: 201 KB, 850x1195, __yuzuki_choco_hololive_drawn_by_gore_white_gore__sample-942dd28d2666780227bea46e061bfd0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Choco!

>> No.27385741
Quoted by: >>27385790

Depends on Meido's mood.
Completely unrelated, but Mononobe Alice has cute pics of her cat as a membership perk.

>> No.27385742
File: 137 KB, 850x601, 90425914d81573d368cd38ec00645b59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385781

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.27385746
File: 882 KB, 850x1200, 83610683_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel is very cute!!!

>> No.27385751
File: 416 KB, 1336x2048, 1601870574723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385842


>> No.27385752

Why are homosharts like this?

>> No.27385755

Imagine being the nurse walking in on that. How do you even resist?

>> No.27385760

>my cock is feeling cold
>can i have it wear your pussy
which holo would fall for this

>> No.27385761


>> No.27385763
File: 150 KB, 306x399, 1595539235751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than half of hololive is sick, suspended, menhera, or ayame
>no streams

>> No.27385765
File: 5 KB, 389x187, 3214242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385768
File: 228 KB, 443x455, 1575044330587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a rest

>> No.27385769

She is still in her breast feeding phase!

>> No.27385771
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1592747186846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.27385774
File: 124 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friend fubuki...
always friends...

>> No.27385776
Quoted by: >>27385922

If you want me to care about the homos maybe you shouldn't talk shit about other people's oshi?

>> No.27385779
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, pekorrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385782
File: 11 KB, 368x138, 93874923579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done sempai, we will know if they used my strat when they make their return.

>> No.27385781

She wears sandals.

>> No.27385783
File: 335 KB, 800x800, MikoLonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.27385788
File: 287 KB, 500x500, ezgif.com-webp-to-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend Polka is very cute and funny!

>> No.27385787

still no Towa collab...

>> No.27385790
Quoted by: >>27385900

>Depends on Meido's mood
I've never seen membership content banned
The only paywalled content I've seen get banned was the voiceset

>> No.27385795
File: 986 KB, 769x880, 1599919924462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385822

Will you then become a depressed shark poster?

>> No.27385797
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1600723981185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely racist
>Blatantly homophobic
>Denies Japanese war crimes
>Makes fun of effimate men
>Has a catholic mother
Is there a more based chuuba than Usada Pekora? She really ticks all the boxes.

>> No.27385805
File: 836 KB, 560x560, Ejoz-XlUcAAhWY5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use the Nekomata Flash?

>> No.27385811 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 597x375, please understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't you understand this?

>> No.27385814
File: 982 KB, 1000x1415, 1601479214183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385847

Gura yo...

>> No.27385815

>friend fubuki APEX DICK okayu

>> No.27385818

Finally I'll be free

>> No.27385822
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1594227117239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather die than be a sharkposter desu

>> No.27385824

Watame has pink panties and a bow

>> No.27385841

Birdkun stop

>> No.27385842
File: 2.12 MB, 2000x2200, EjvVApIVkAE1vdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Towa gets a pretty black dress.

>> No.27385843
File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 1597398765175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385961

The Judas of Hololive

>> No.27385844
File: 20 KB, 269x269, ZgcZkiU8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386587

Based, the whores are nothing but a stepping stone for real talent.

>> No.27385847

Huh, somehow this shark exudes sex appeal.

>> No.27385845

>hololive moona

>> No.27385852
File: 133 KB, 850x661, 1592430596340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used niji girl

>> No.27385853
File: 98 KB, 660x789, HEY FRIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27385856
Quoted by: >>27385893


>> No.27385855

she has really grown on me a lot.

>> No.27385860
Quoted by: >>27385957

fell asleep after roboco and watame watched moona on the toilet, did I miss any good autism afterwards?

>> No.27385862

Someone want to tell her that she only made it halfway through the game?

>> No.27385867
Quoted by: >>27385924

it's like talking to a wall

>> No.27385871
File: 532 KB, 858x1200, 1598249902903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385879

why do you think what they say matters? just a group of nerds who believe all sorts of dumb shit and have been wrong over and over just like this thread, just happen to be speaking in a different language

>> No.27385880
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 117817369_608726140038597_4762999893205700706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK posters are by far the worst posters here

>> No.27385887
File: 318 KB, 1366x768, 1602072374977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385941

Towa better collab.

>> No.27385892

>you will never be the alpha male that Pekora wants in a man
>to be able to pick her up and toss her around in bed effortlessly, craving your cock
>to be her rock, the only thing she submits to
>to see a side of her that she does not show anyone else, not even her closet friends

>> No.27385893
Quoted by: >>27386028

Say that again and I'll beat you up.

>> No.27385894

w-what would you do if you woke up as okayu on a streaming day?

>> No.27385895
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, akipeekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my oshi!! I hope she gets better!!

>> No.27385900

You won't get banned for that unless Cover personally contacts him and asks him to do that, they have no power here. Of which he'll, probably say fuck off, unless they get Gura to some ask him personally in which case we're all fucked.

>> No.27385908

What's Taiwan posture anyways? they just don't care?

>> No.27385912

>Moona calling out people telling her to sleep

>> No.27385918

Stop wastig images, go back to /v/.

>> No.27385919

>bad week

>> No.27385922
File: 612 KB, 397x665, Fuckcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you go fuck yourself
>Auran is a better shitposter than Polka, Roberu is funnier then Nobuhime ever was
>Astel is a better gamer than Botan
>Shien and Miyabi more entraining autist Nene
>Literally everyone is better at APEX than Towa, Rikka, Astel, Shien and Izuru are all better singers
>Roberu, Oga and Kira are all better conversionatlist than Coco, and not fucking bitches who drag Hololive down
>Astel, Rika and Izuru are all better singers Watame, Oga has a more soothing voice
>Luna is fucking garbage
>Astel, Rika and Izuru are all better singers Kanata, Shien is a better Voice actor
>Roberu is a better entertainer than Marine, Kira is better at improv and Shien does better voices
>Flare is fucking garbage that's mediocre at everything she does be it singing or drawing
>Roberu is funnier than Pekora ever will be, and he doesn't even need anything to bounce off while Pekora heavily relies on the game she's playing and on her chat
>Astel and Kira are better gamers than Ayame
>Astel is a better gamer than Aqua and Miyabi a better autist
>Lamy, Rushia, Noel, Shion, Mel, all boring as fuck beyond belief, and 4/5 actual whores
and let me remind your
>Loyand fanbase
>No yuribaiting
>Great interactions with chat
>Collabs with people regardless of gender
>Roberu already has more viewers than Choco, Roboco and Mel
If Covers cared about talent rather than milking incels they would have made the main branch promote the shit out stars because they're objectively better

>> No.27385924

a great wall?

>> No.27385928
File: 2.69 MB, 2308x3088, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, there are more newags headcanoning now.

>> No.27385929

Korone used to get unwarranted hate on NND but Pekora got hate because she used to torment streamers and talk behind their back on streams.
She would call for her fans to raid other channels and start rumors about other streamers.
There are videos out there about game tournaments and when Pekora's voice would be heard, chat would all spam 4444444444 (Die die die die) because they knew she was a bad person.

She used to have a really foul mouth as well (she still has one, but it was far worse). If you've ever heard Mea before, that's what Pekora was kind of like, not as brutish with the burping and stuff but she would swear constantly. Just non-stop swearing and vicious words. She was not a friendly person, you can still feel that in her streams. She's a violent girl, when she would play games and a male would talk to her, she would react violently and try to team kill that person.

Of course, Pekora has changed for the better, I think everyone has accepted that. She's one of the most beloved holos now. But don't get it twisted, Pekora was basically an internet delinquent.

>> No.27385939
File: 1.41 MB, 988x1500, EjP_5QXWkAEM3iG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385986

you, yes you, are a korone body pillow!

>> No.27385941
Quoted by: >>27386128

I like them all, but I really want just a TowaKayu or MioTowaKayu collab one day.

>> No.27385944

Healthfags shitting up Moona's chat

>> No.27385945

>omg go to sleep!!!
Why are people like this? It's not like they're gonna die from exhaustion, if they're tired theyäll go to sleep. Fucking morons

>> No.27385955

Too bad cover wants to make money instead of running a charity for "good boys"

>> No.27385956
File: 133 KB, 1023x723, 1602058852185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27385957
File: 400 KB, 1091x616, sort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism for sure.

>> No.27385958

Why do you try so hard to falseflag?

>> No.27385959

Can confirm, she's in the middle of breastfeeding me.

>> No.27385961
Quoted by: >>27386178

Bible should've starred cute anime girls instead of a bunch of random ossan.

>> No.27385970
Quoted by: >>27386083

I am thinking of membering. Is it true she did lewd asmr in a past members stream?

>> No.27385979
File: 33 KB, 637x455, 1602103899213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27385978
File: 191 KB, 478x312, 1593461701844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27385981
Quoted by: >>27386046

>Posted a stream on her channel but announced that it'll be members-only to goad people into subscribing
Most holos does that, apparently it's workaround for broken yt notifications, which explain why I never get notifications for Flare or Subaru member streams but always get one for Luna.

>> No.27385980
Quoted by: >>27386295

You're making me like the homos less every time you post, and I watch them normally. Maybe I won't anymore though.

>> No.27385982
File: 259 KB, 1240x1754, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_sasha_chii__01bd9f55dac8082ebcc69938f1c986bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco found Kanata's near death body on the Holohouse floor yesterday and in order to save her life you need to give her an orgasm, do you accept this important mission?

>> No.27385985

please cover streaming literally

fans need holos

try rrat

feel ogey

Some good ones in there.

>> No.27385986
File: 154 KB, 270x535, korone holding a yubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386147

>a little bit sweaty

>> No.27385994
File: 29 KB, 705x406, EjwPC73U8AA6_3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27386002
File: 305 KB, 613x773, c8a6d24ee65806d63bf9b35f85c56440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386244


>> No.27386004 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1601343184969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you, yes you, are coco-chan being interviewed by tucker carlson!

>> No.27386007

internet delinquent reformed into internet kids hero is cute

>> No.27386008

that was pretty racist of her

>> No.27386009


>> No.27386013

>If Covers cared about talent


>> No.27386017

i thought these pol fags were gone

>> No.27386019

>used niji girl better stream already
>try rrat watching, needs feel ogey
>please cover, streaming literally life
>fans need holos

>> No.27386024

Off yourself B-kun.

>> No.27386028
Quoted by: >>27386064


>> No.27386031
File: 955 KB, 1200x1006, 1601187754569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386033

Both Moona and Aqua are autist cute, i.e they're both mentally deficient but its endearing. However, they're two distinctly different strands of retardwaii. Do you fellows agree?

>> No.27386035

Why do you have such a hard time coming to terms with the fact that most holos are just bad people who don't feel like helping someone in need
Actual hypocrite who doesn't have problems having men on her radio show, legitimate cunt who could elevate someone like Roberu to stardom but rather bend the knee to 3 fucking autist on her chat, she already admitted to faking all the yuri shit, i don't get why can't she stop being a cunt and help the stars out
Piece of shit who doesn't have anything to lose, just a bad person
This one i excuse, her existence is so pathetic that she only get's by essentially being a rental girlfriend, doesn't matter much when she's so devoid of personality that not even Oga could make that collab work
>Muh-h afraid of men
i pitty you i you actually buy that bullshit that she just uses to hide her boyfriend, i doubt the actual WHORE who makes means end by pleasing men would have any trouble collabing with men, just a selfish cunt
Another genuine piece of shit who has nothing to lose from collabing with men, but much rather ditch her brother juts because
Actual obnoxious idolfag, hopefully she goes deaf soon, not that big of a loss when everyone else is a bigger singer, and doesn't need a pity story to get by
Spineless coward who bends the knee to Antis
Bitch who won't help out her past life's friends just because she's mildly famous, lot's of ego for a cunt who is a bottom of the barrel holo in subscribers
She sucking her papa's dick and avoid collabing with men to rise suspicions
Hypocrite who plays with men in voice chat, just a cunt who doesn't feel like trying at all and just get's by because she's a woman
Rushia 2
Bitch who won't help out her past life's friends just because she's mildly famous, same shit as Towa, cunt can't even return a follow
Selfish bitch
Actual whore, not that she streams at all to begin with
A fucking hypocrite who would suck all the dick in the world to get big, but now that someone else needs help she ignored them

Just a reminder that EN showed that none of these CUNTS need to ignore men to be successful, is a conscious choice they make everyday when the stars are struggling to get more than 700 viewers and some have to take part time jobs to afford to eat, all while cover neglects them a can't even give them 3Ds in proper time, if your oshi in the list above, a very genuine FUCK YOU

>> No.27386041

go to sleep, anon

>> No.27386042

Can she even orgasm if it's not a woman who's touching her?

>> No.27386043
File: 314 KB, 494x568, 1602091303361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386202

She's not at the hospital, that's just a cover, Kanata is planning Nanking 2 actually 1 and 5ch bombing, please understand.

>> No.27386045

>Coco is it true you said, and I'm quoting here, Fuck Chinks? What led you to that kind of inflammatory statement?

>> No.27386046

Aren't members-onnly streams usually announced way earlier on normal streams?

>> No.27386055

Oh nonono, Moona don't mention Coco!

>> No.27386056
File: 50 KB, 900x506, Ehb8JRPU4AAmF1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last game?

>> No.27386057

>Moona mocking the dragon
too soon...

>> No.27386059

People are still talking about Moona here despite there being a global thread. And these are the same people who whine about ENs in the thread. It's even funnier when you realise that the only reason people like the IDs is because they can speak English.

>> No.27386063
File: 149 KB, 850x1202, 1601933630212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy fubuki stream

>> No.27386062
File: 218 KB, 1364x2048, 84693213_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, yes you, wake up as Noel and are now extremely self consciousness about your chest

>> No.27386064
File: 19 KB, 400x352, EjBUQROXsAA5hmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386065

j_god, your meds

>> No.27386066

Hey, guys! Here's the latest filter list to improve these threads by a over 100% by filtering out crossboarders who never posted in /jp/ in their lives before /hlg/!

>> No.27386067

Moona doing Coco impression!

>> No.27386069

wtf?? i thought Aki was seiso

>> No.27386077
Quoted by: >>27386126

who is the fattest chuuba

>> No.27386079

You forgot to put "5ch says"

>> No.27386083

Yes, she uploaded an ASMR sample today from that stream. I became a member the moment I heard it

>> No.27386084


>> No.27386089
File: 413 KB, 1800x2456, Efnrf2yVAAA-B3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386575

So it took Kanata a hospitalization to start tweeting at a relatively normal pace and only purely out of boredom. Sugoi.

>> No.27386090
Quoted by: >>27386196

Many of them have known sleeping problems and require pills, as well as fucked up sleep cycles. It’s a valid concern

>> No.27386092

Would you prefer to suck on Lamy's nipples while she jacks you off, or would you rather impregnate Noel's breasts while Flare holds your hand

>> No.27386099

i cant believe we now have official rrat image

>> No.27386101 [DELETED] 
File: 696 KB, 936x725, my-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on USD earned in a period of 30 days.
I will do this again next month.

>> No.27386105

What does it mean?

>> No.27386107

Coco is more equipped to give her an orgasm than I ever will though.

>> No.27386112

I wish we got back the Rikka and Miyabi posters rather than this.

>> No.27386114

This has to be the most annoying ritual posting of the history of /hlg/

>> No.27386117
Quoted by: >>27386258

wouldn't your post be filtered if they were already filtering even one of the terms you listed?

>> No.27386118
Quoted by: >>27386317

best apex holo until botan asserts her dominance, chibistars leader hololive's best apex squad, drops his spaghetti in front of women, REALLY loves disney, great singer with a crazy range, enjoys foreign attention
amazingly talkative, great collab host and really charismatic, understands the industry and is making connections while being aware of how fans feel about him, works well with pretty much everyone, embraces memes and foreign audiences, he did a 24 hour zatsudan once
master shitposter who only shows his skill in moderation, really chill and talkative good singer, plays touhou on stream, did death stranding
autism of the class clown variety, always tries to make people around him upbeat, a walking meme machine, does impressions, also has an amazing voice, could have easily been a seiyuu, great singer, sadly he doesn't sing that much, he's also really charismatic and smooth when he needs to be
a bit lacking in personality, likes retro games simlair to korone, permissions made him depend on collabs for a long time
great singer with a raspy voice, plays the guitar, part of chibistars, not a fan of eops due to his low understanding of english, a bit of a weirdo
great singer, plays the guitar, safest bet for signing, fujobait but also really chill, only one who had his 3d event so far, matsuri keeps singing with him
trap, if you're into that, alongside Astel probably the best at games, one third of chibistars, fastest time on jump king
radical dude, a more calm and vanilla version of some other holos, alognside tenma suffers the most from being a bit too chill at times, works good to ballance out some more out there personalities, got fucked by a bug at the very end of his 3 hearts wind waker run
true neutral, goes from being robotic to cocky edgy anime character depending on how he's doing in games, really awkward in social situations, really good at certain games like fall guys and dead by deadlight

>> No.27386126

Your mom

>> No.27386128
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1598184747344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386485

These recent Towa collabs with Mio have been such a tease, they're all quite fun together.

>> No.27386139
Quoted by: >>27386168


>> No.27386145

Thanks for the list of non-slutty holos, you can go back to fapping to FBK being vibed now.

>> No.27386147

I don't think that's a yubi.

>> No.27386149
File: 164 KB, 333x546, 1598387280791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386599

I like Artia.

>> No.27386150

Are we back to schizo hours?

>> No.27386160

best friend...

>> No.27386167
Quoted by: >>27386324

keep fighting the good fight moona anti, maybe one day someone will care

>> No.27386168

Twapper earns about the same as Okayu.

>> No.27386170
Quoted by: >>27386203

Meidos need to ban homoschizo

>> No.27386171
Quoted by: >>27386285

Why is she like this

>> No.27386174
File: 131 KB, 828x1721, 1600840723141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo spamming copypastas now

>> No.27386175
File: 472 KB, 410x652, 1595778807364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386366

I Love Anemachi!

>> No.27386177
File: 190 KB, 400x560, 1601846641091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are no longer coco, korones body pillow, or okayu. you are welcome anons!

>> No.27386178

bible scenes reenactment starring vtubers fukken when

>> No.27386180

Oh, Watame's Minecraft is already over. Did she and Moona interact?

>> No.27386195
File: 214 KB, 666x666, NOT FRIEND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> kiara makes more then fubuki
god has abandoned us

>> No.27386196
Quoted by: >>27386241

It's ridiculous socer mom bullshit. They're adults. I fucking hate chat being spammed by betas acting like the streamers mothers

>> No.27386199


>> No.27386202

Leave no bug standing

>> No.27386203
Quoted by: >>27386252

Sorry but homos and all content related to homos are welcomed here, no different from your 500 retarded ritual post

>> No.27386208

I agree that it's annoying.
On the other hand I also agree that it isn't really healthy to go to bed at 5-7am every day, I did the same basically the last 6 months and it didn't have a benefic effect on me...

>> No.27386210

newfag matsurisu here, last thread someone said she broke off her friendships? But I see her collabing with Fubuki almost every week recently? I understand the Hoshikawa deal though. But I don't know who is just being a narrativefag or who's telling the truth anymore.

Also I still think she's honest in her streams even if she's hurting or being weird, maybe she comes off as menhera in the twitcasts since I haven't seen those, but being mentally wouldn't be her fault, it's an illness after all, you can't control that shit. I'll probably become a member whenever she streams again.

>> No.27386211
Quoted by: >>27386243

how much are mel and choco ahead of rob? His birthday thing massively skews it but still kind of wild he can compete with the girls, even low tier ones.

>> No.27386216
Quoted by: >>27386289

What the fuck is j_shart doing?

>> No.27386224
Quoted by: >>27386295

I swear to god I saw the homos among us clips and though I'd give them a chance because that was fun but fuck you faggot I'm not gonna check them I'll make sure to falsely report them so they get their channel down like ange katrina

>> No.27386225
Quoted by: >>27386374

Yes, they played like 2 hours together (along with Roboco)

>> No.27386226
File: 615 KB, 2810x1290, 1602090412621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386374


>> No.27386227
Quoted by: >>27386374

many times

>> No.27386229
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1593849462311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki is full of lust!

>> No.27386241
Quoted by: >>27386571

>They're adults

that's exactly why people care about each other. you'll understand when you grow up, kid

>> No.27386243

No idea, i don't track the earnings of the homos

>> No.27386244
File: 3.86 MB, 2073x4096, EjCCZ-JVgAAGNhY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386455


>> No.27386246
Quoted by: >>27386374


>> No.27386252

Ill take ritualposting any day over your spamming

>> No.27386253

protip: If you read it here and nowhere else, it's pure narrativefaggotry until proven otherwise.

>> No.27386258
Quoted by: >>27386315

That means it's successful :) The less (you)s, the better!

>> No.27386259

>Start to watch Moona 5 minutes ago
>Still hasn't said a single word

>> No.27386260

can someone remind me why we like towa again

>> No.27386262
Quoted by: >>27386529

I don't mind the homos but I'm probably not going to watch them anymore just to spite this spammer

>> No.27386263


>> No.27386272
Quoted by: >>27386326

>Just a reminder that EN showed that none of these CUNTS need to ignore men to be successful
Actually wrong. If someone like Mori or Watson was a part of HoloJP they would be doxxed and bullied to eternity by nip idolfags.
Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi. Now you can fuck off back to /hlgg/.

>> No.27386275

wheres roboco...

>> No.27386278
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1601937179096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386283

Am I blind? Where's RBC?

>> No.27386285
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, akiwinkclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386327

Do not question my oshi!! She's amazing just the way she is!!

>> No.27386289

>failed to get attention as a towa and gen 5 anti
>failed to get attention as a stars anti
>failed to get attention by pushing the artia narrative
>now is falseflagging as a homofag and shitting up the thread

it's really funny to see him try, but it's painfully obvious he's the one who's behind these posts

>> No.27386291
Quoted by: >>27386696

I'm going to rape _

>> No.27386290


>> No.27386294
Quoted by: >>27386312

Haha isn't she great? Moona's so autistic and quirky! We all love the moon!

>> No.27386295

come on, it's an obvious falseflagger trying to make people hate the homos

>> No.27386299

FBK collabs with literally everyone. She sees it as her duty, she isn't a good enough tardwrangler to fix festival though.

>> No.27386303

because you are from southeast asia and have an iq below 80

>> No.27386311
Quoted by: >>27386413

How do I stop being in love with Rushia and thinking about her?

>> No.27386312

99% of the people who say they like her don't actually watch her, they just find her tweets funny.

>> No.27386313

Let me make some things clear
>We are never having a split
>Stars discussion is not only welcomed but also encouraged
>The stars are equally as worthy of fame as the girs
>The stars are equally or more talented than the girls
>The stars are inclining drastically
>In due time most girls will collab with the girls
All of these things are facts, and you better stop being bitter bitches and accept it

>> No.27386315
Quoted by: >>27386548

but they wouldn't get the updated list. your suggestions would be falling on deaf ears. the only way to reach them would be to list each new suggested filter word in a different post.

>> No.27386317

also, Oga is an /m/chad. he's into plamo

>> No.27386318
File: 97 KB, 1845x1038, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're laughing? the feelings of the chinese people are hurt and you're laughing?

>> No.27386319

Pretty sure those are falseflags too

>> No.27386324

it's an EN newfag. Probably a condommate or sharkfag. The fact that he mentioned people whining about ENs here when they try to force it, gives it away.

>> No.27386326
Quoted by: >>27386541

The difference is that they aren't nips so they wouldn't bow to everything.

>> No.27386327

I don't like her teleport hair.

>> No.27386336
File: 199 KB, 360x450, Tokoyami_Towa_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Towa is objectively the best holo

>> No.27386337
Quoted by: >>27386395

Polka's an asmr slut. This stuff is too lewd.

>> No.27386342
File: 780 KB, 774x1000, akipunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean!!

>> No.27386345
Quoted by: >>27386400

He was doing it in the last thread too and started his usual anti-homo shit before people stopped responding, then he started spamming copypastas. There's no point in replying to him or posters who are giving him the response he wants.

>> No.27386347

and the ones you're replying to are obvious falseflaggers too. everyone in this is a falseflagger, even me

>> No.27386348

This, unicorns need to fuck off with their creepy girlfriend shit.

>> No.27386350
Quoted by: >>27386394

Based Judas, I hate most english personalities

>> No.27386351

Moona has streamed for 9 hours.....sleep onegai...

>> No.27386352

I see no lies

>> No.27386355
File: 175 KB, 1150x2020, 543345351212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noeru gives me life but she needs to work on her BotW reps.

>> No.27386358

>In due time most girls will collab with the girls
what did he mean by this

>> No.27386359

even Festival is afraid of her


>> No.27386357

>In due time most girls will collab with the girls

>> No.27386363

If my oshi ever talks to a man I'm done

>> No.27386365
File: 4 KB, 281x31, 1602046423819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386428

It's over.

>> No.27386367
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1595763088994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386366
File: 374 KB, 595x842, 1572736098445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no big tiddied OL Anemachi gf
why even live?

>> No.27386369

Maybe you faggots shouldn't haved doxed him. Y'all deserve it to be honest.

>> No.27386368

the three top earners are also the most controversial. ironic huh

>> No.27386374

Neat. Moona has made a huge recovery, but it seems like Artia just gave up on interacting with Hololive outside of CN anymore.

>> No.27386379
File: 115 KB, 990x743, 29094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: The sun is objectively very bright

>> No.27386380

Guys, Matsuri loves me!

>> No.27386385
Quoted by: >>27386414

We don't, only SEAniggers and discordtrannies likes her.

>> No.27386389
Quoted by: >>27386537

So it's confirmed that Vinci was a filthy chink right? He didn't appear in today's stream either.

>> No.27386390
File: 268 KB, 1418x2048, 1598207128399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noeru also needs to do her actual reps, unles Flare likes it that way

>> No.27386391


>> No.27386394
Quoted by: >>27386699

read the rest of the twitter she wasn't based she replied to him with holostar after that

>> No.27386395
Quoted by: >>27389314

This is the clown that did a "blow job" asmr vid in a previous life.

>> No.27386393

This is sad bros, pretty much all the good holos are on break

>> No.27386396

The retard doxxed himself

>> No.27386400
Quoted by: >>27386759

Imagine being this retarded, and thinking all the posts you don't like in a group of 300+ anonymous people are all coming from the same person.
Do you realise how insane this makes you seem?

>> No.27386401
File: 27 KB, 603x205, 1593456811955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's confidant!

>> No.27386403

I miss the anti homoshart split schizo. Everything he said was proven right.

>> No.27386410

He (You) doxxed himself in the first place.

>> No.27386411
File: 732 KB, 1500x1500, Ed1lyncU8AAwT2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Towa.
I love her.

>> No.27386413

You don't.

>> No.27386414
Quoted by: >>27386505

Also, fuck off.

>> No.27386415

he was literally doing the same shit before he doxxed himself
he doxxed himself by trying to point out he wasn't samefagging after being accused of posting multiple sperg posts about towa and astel, with an image that had bookmarks to all of his social media and website accounts

>> No.27386423

She only needs one? Too easy. Boring. Give this mission to a rookie.

>> No.27386427
Quoted by: >>27390727

Nice headcanon

>> No.27386428

Expecto patronum

>> No.27386437
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, pekora-browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is mojimo live?

>> No.27386440
Quoted by: >>27386487

Guys I have learned of a deep secret. The secret is that these Hololive girls are nothing like how you see them in their channels. They are all shitty people. I work for Hololive under Chinese sector, all of them are soon to be shut down. There is however just one person who will survive.. it's Coco. She planned all of this to take down everyone else. She is currently in a sexual relationship with Yagoo. See you guys soon over at Nijisanji.

>> No.27386445
File: 46 KB, 509x384, 1599724633596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386605


>> No.27386454 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.26 MB, 2000x3507, 1602105273777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386504

>> No.27386455

I was going to look for this BGM recently since I forgot the name and accidentally deleted the link. Now I will download it. Thank you friend.
I both love and hate it.
If the weird pads were smaller, and maybe less flat on the top sides they'd look less retarded.

>> No.27386467

Most people still remember Coco falling asleep on stream and bonking her head on the desk.

>> No.27386482

I love her the most, but it's subjective!

>> No.27386485

Is there a single holo who has a triple digit IQ, not menhera, and not constantly on the brink of death? FBK?

>> No.27386487

You forget to include how smart and cunning the Chinese are in your post

>> No.27386495

>the feelings of the chinese people are hurt
Good. But not enough.

>> No.27386497

does rushia have member locked asmr?

>> No.27386499

I think it's a fonts and animated text thing. I remember googling it ages ago.

>> No.27386504
File: 87 KB, 248x238, 1599236131412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrat, my friend!

>> No.27386505

No, YOU fuck off back to discord with your fellow tranny and SEAnigger friends. Today I will remind them: https://youtu.be/_jrxhaLSCg0

>> No.27386506


>> No.27386507

Why Shion want shark?

>> No.27386509

dunno. but did she play Monhan before?

>> No.27386511

She blew her chances

>> No.27386512
File: 188 KB, 1016x2048, EjuTGMvU0AAKqYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your boats
hand them over

>> No.27386513

the moon is about 238,900 miles away

>> No.27386526


>> No.27386529

but that's what the spammer wants?

>> No.27386530

Well, that's cute ngl

>> No.27386537

latest narrative I saw was that Vinci owned Hololive moments

>> No.27386538
File: 360 KB, 800x1119, EggLN_MVkAYkM14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like her since the debut, her voice filters me hard.
It might be a great voice because I'm the king of shittaste.

>> No.27386541

>so they wouldn't bow to everything
They actually would. If you stab someone, he will bow.

>> No.27386542

Maybe friend'd want to stream more often and stream longer if she want to get my akasupa. Most of her streams recently lasted only around 1-1.5 hours. Look at sheep, she has been going at it for 6 hours and counting by the time I post this.

>> No.27386548
File: 27 KB, 474x386, 4e6d71c45783291df8f5b2d0c6cd1442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386555

Watame said she loves me lads.

>> No.27386558

t-thanks watame

>> No.27386562
File: 3.61 MB, 2894x4093, 84428219_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame just said she loves me and wished me good luck! Later suckers!

>> No.27386564

Reminder - report shitposters as trolls and move on with your life.
It takes less effort than your own shitty replies to him.

>> No.27386567

are we entering schizo hours?


>> No.27386570
File: 144 KB, 596x456, 1596300276482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386571

you're not their mom, they find you annoying when you tell them what to do, you're not friends she doesn't want your advice

>> No.27386573


>> No.27386574
File: 179 KB, 1200x938, EbifZf0U4AAGE37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- knock knock
- who's there?
- it's the united nations, pooh. your sovereign territory has been recognized as an independent state of republic of china

>> No.27386575
Quoted by: >>27386665

She probably thinks she's bothering people if she does it too much despite that making literally no sense since if it bothered someone they wouldn't have notifications on.

>> No.27386577

Uhm towacucks explain this?

>> No.27386581
File: 115 KB, 1042x997, 579BF9C3-E36C-4E3C-8E19-CB13225D9F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken or beef
yes, she is the reason I try to learn Japanese

>> No.27386579


>> No.27386585

>you are not wiser enough than me
thank you for your wisdom, moona.

>> No.27386587
File: 313 KB, 481x471, 1574670550393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, all the pastas are here. Now get the fuck out, cunt.

>> No.27386588
Quoted by: >>27386770

Seeing Ina's thumbnail for her Mahjong stream made me realize that I've never seen the english logo for Mahjong Soul, it's a little offputting.

>> No.27386593
Quoted by: >>27386711

Talking about homos, what happened to that one post that wanted to get Roberu into meme review, last time i checkt it was getting pretty popular on reddit and people where throwing another fit about idolculture in the coments

>> No.27386595
File: 961 KB, 1502x1500, 1596827089198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always support you, pekoposters <3

>> No.27386596
File: 58 KB, 575x468, husband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's busy looking for a husband.

>> No.27386599
File: 235 KB, 506x567, 1600756383591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386600

I will probably be refered as narrativefag, but I'm gonna try to be honest with you, matsuri has been having trouble with her relationships for a long time, it has happened 4 times already and thats onlu what I'm aware of.
She makes a really close friend and somehow fucks up the relationship, that way she has managed to break some strong gates like fubuki and haato, and recently Luna, which hurt Luna herself because they were really close.
If you know the context and look into it (roomate and matsuri's own twitcasting) and follow the timeline of her collabs you will see the pattern, spam of collabs with X person and suddenly they dont know each other, after a while they collab like normal holos do as if they never were that close to beging with.
It doesn't help that Luna slipped a bit on her membership and Matsuri doesn't keep her mouth shut about it in several twitcasting and other accounts.
tl;dr she may be honest but that won't change she's doing big fuck ups with her friends to the point of them reseting their relationship and she's the problem, not them.

>> No.27386601
Quoted by: >>27386716


>> No.27386605
Quoted by: >>27386658

big dick move

>> No.27386604
File: 127 KB, 730x730, 1600736903174.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386717

I cannot wait for hime's tanjobi desu

>> No.27386608

Nah they think it’s cute :p

>> No.27386610


>> No.27386622

I thought Fubuki was supposed to be smart? Why did she pour oil on a fire that was about to go out?

>> No.27386626

There are people so new that they don't recognize pastas that get posted here all the time

>> No.27386640

Shoot, meant to quote >>27385666 I'm sorry </3

>> No.27386646
Quoted by: >>27386684

It's always schizo hours now, we are only sometimes blessed by sane hours

>> No.27386647
Quoted by: >>27386708

you're not a telepathist either, you can't know what they think or want

>> No.27386653

I honestly hope Matsuri graduates and just becomes a normal IRL streamer.

>> No.27386659
File: 720 KB, 1080x1538, IMG_20201007_134805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 37 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.27386658
File: 303 KB, 1200x1600, 1599157363136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386661
File: 397 KB, 536x1125, towap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386663
Quoted by: >>27386725

he stated in a thread a couple days ago he wasn't a falsefagger, he was "tired" of people judging holos for their genitals and was doing that unironically and didnt care because now stars were inclining. So sadly he isn't.

>> No.27386665

I want to be bothered by Kanata. She's the only one I want to be bothered by. Why can't she just post like any other chuuba...

>> No.27386668

>silence as bagpipes and generic fantasy music blast in the background
do people even watch moona?
she's only talked 2-3 times in the last half hour

>> No.27386669

Because that fire will never be put out and this was a good way to show it.

>> No.27386683
File: 600 KB, 1200x1200, 83917463_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27386684
File: 218 KB, 666x666, FRIEND.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend is so cute!

>> No.27386687
File: 436 KB, 646x900, 1598740110811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all her recent streams Flare has added a bit of English to the title (usually just a direct translation of the title), i wonder if it's because of the whole mass unsubbing thing, although even before that she talked a bit about how much she valued her EOPs, it's curious seeing some of the more JOP only holos reaching out to their foreign audiences, even it they're just little gestures

>> No.27386692


>> No.27386695
Quoted by: >>27386943

>No chibi
what's her problem?

>> No.27386696


>> No.27386699

as expected of Judas

>> No.27386700
File: 300 KB, 1483x2048, 35354354345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386880

She already has one.

>> No.27386705

She's pulling better numbers than Choco or RBC

>> No.27386708
Quoted by: >>27386797

when they keep telling people to shut up when being told to go to bed I think I know what they want

>> No.27386713
File: 166 KB, 1748x1240, a61464ccf4b47f8969c8fc4832bebf64b6228596e7bd9f3f8a72da90a3652cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hit fast-forward on every day that Kanata isn't here!

>> No.27386711

They have shorter attention span than a fucking goldfish.

>> No.27386716

yeah okay yeah im sorry. its just that things have been a bit rough ever since i.... put kanata in the hospital....

>> No.27386718

Moona is the DSP of hololive

>> No.27386720
File: 3.90 MB, 2381x3458, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27386717

I wish Luna would sing the Eromanga-Sensei ED...

>> No.27386725
Quoted by: >>27386819

If you're being serious, that guy isn't the same guy who likes spamming the same pastas one after the other every thread

>> No.27386727


>> No.27386728

Fascinating how I'm not sure if Moona's accidentally muted herself or not, she goes so long without speaking.

>> No.27386738


>> No.27386741
File: 1.59 MB, 2400x1557, 1601935617927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get to spend an entire month living with your favorite holo, hanging out, talking about whatever comes to mind, playing games together, even romance if she ends up liking you that way
>the moment it's over she does one final stream announcing her graduation before disappearing forever the moment the stream ends and leaving you with only past broadcasts and the memories the two of you made together
would you?

>> No.27386742
File: 32 KB, 161x204, 1598641697203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuu-tan is trying her best!

>> No.27386746

Roberu cucked by Pizzadad and Oga

>> No.27386747
File: 953 KB, 1000x1412, 1600251896895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating Aqua's pussy and licking her pits after an 11 hour long Jump king stream!

>> No.27386751

I'm watching big face instead.

>> No.27386755

It's posturing to demonstrate she is unwavering in her hatred of chinks and is prepared for World War 3.

>> No.27386759

>the ack defense

>> No.27386762


i hope she's alright

>> No.27386770

This game is being streamed and monetized after receiving prior consent from © 2017-2019 Yostar, Inc.

Game URL:

Somebody tell this dumb squid to fix it.

>> No.27386796

damn my top two korone and haachama are gone. Who do I watch?

>> No.27386797
Quoted by: >>27386889

who is 'they'?

>> No.27386801
Quoted by: >>27386853

Or you could just look at the post times and realise it's not one person.
Now take your meds.

>> No.27386803
File: 111 KB, 800x780, 1601468074249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386926

d-do you know pekora?

>> No.27386807

Artia and Moona should have another stream together again, I miss the times when Artia used to fatshame Moona...

>> No.27386814
Quoted by: >>27386837

shark, stop watching losers

>> No.27386819
Quoted by: >>27386841

well it won't change the fact that homofags are scum, not the homos themselves fault tho, fans in general are scum, theirs are just extra scummy.

>> No.27386822

good vtubers

>> No.27386829
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, A725C174-9E73-4B82-8021-D72922D4A819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she coming back? Mahjong isn’t fun to watch without her, and her twitter hasn’t said anything since August.....

>> No.27386831

Oh god, don't curse these threads with that presence. This is the last thing we need. That would unironically kill /jp/ once and for all.

>> No.27386837

fuck off not watching boring shark

>> No.27386841
Quoted by: >>27386879

Nice try

>> No.27386843

god you can hear the bra creaking

>> No.27386844
File: 499 KB, 1945x1200, 1598805660342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare's pretty much always translated her English superchats into jp and then translates her response back to english and reads it. She's even done it with russian too

>> No.27386848
File: 2.15 MB, 152x188, 74896885-182C-45B4-B08D-05BF923F1802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386891

Holos who are dead inside:

Holos who are actually happy

>> No.27386850

Holy shit just look at that size

>> No.27386851

She is indeed smart, and she was proving that she has already picked the Holo members over the Chinese. She isn't the face of the Hololive for nothing.

>> No.27386853

meant for >>27386759

>> No.27386873

Towa thought she was coming back.
Maybe that's just what she wanted.

>> No.27386879
Quoted by: >>27386905

just facts anonchama, we are no better.

>> No.27386880
File: 256 KB, 1586x2048, EjkIEncU0AAwZDH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my two moms!

>> No.27386889
Quoted by: >>27386922


>> No.27386891

What about the rest?

>> No.27386900

Moona's building this thing outside of Holoserver? What even is it?

>> No.27386902

She lost her opportunity to quietly come back when the China arc was at its peak.

>> No.27386905
Quoted by: >>27386963


>> No.27386909

UN is owned by China

>> No.27386913

Never got why she didn't just type out a post beforehand

>> No.27386915
Quoted by: >>27386959

Can Artia even interact with the jp holos? She can't speak their language, can barely speak english herself and she's on twitch.

>> No.27386918
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, lionel-messi-the-fashion-icon-of-millions-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is Pekora's ideal man. If you don't look like this you don't have a chance.

>> No.27386922
Quoted by: >>27386979

i need names

>> No.27386926


>> No.27386930

I have a very big problem anons
I'm starting to like flare, how do I stop this?

>> No.27386933
Quoted by: >>27387003

I have been following Artia from a while ago but she is getting very active. Doing damage control isn't she?

>> No.27386936

>5ft tall
I can't compete with that manlet, I am a fully grown man.

>> No.27386939

I think she is trying to build an automatic bamboo farm in creative mode.

>> No.27386943

I'm pretty sure google just mistranslated chikubi (nipple) there.

>> No.27386944
File: 605 KB, 1126x1466, 1599072628266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give in, she's wonderful and loves her fans very much

>> No.27386946


>> No.27386950
File: 111 KB, 238x311, 1596034005721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Aruran winning?

>> No.27386953

Bamboo farm
Single player creative mode helps to work out what exactly you need to build without actually using resources

>> No.27386954

People like Kanata?

>> No.27386957
File: 132 KB, 726x703, 1589405471619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27386990


>> No.27386958

doesn't moona know that she can fly in creative mode??
it annoys me

>> No.27386959

There is nothing stopping Artia from collabing with whoever she wants other than herself anon.

>> No.27386963


>> No.27386969

Friends don't simp for friends.

>> No.27386979
Quoted by: >>27387026

Korone, Moona for example

>> No.27386980


>> No.27386982
File: 117 KB, 800x800, Ei6FH6IUcAACdxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387045

Why stop?

>> No.27386984
File: 91 KB, 848x1199, Eij7d4sUcAAfIHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.27386990


>> No.27386995

If it was aqua yes, because she would become attached and never leave me alone

>> No.27386998

I LOVE LAMY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3xF5VLOhPk&t=5s

>> No.27387003

Well she has to gambarimasu more often because of the incident, I'm ok with that kind of response

>> No.27387015

nani the fuck

>> No.27387016
File: 202 KB, 2000x1162, 1601875903505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a quick rundown on the Kanata situation

>> No.27387021

4th gen is a mystery. I'm not sure how they are popular

>> No.27387023

>she was sad when she heard the news of messi leaving farsa
dont worry pekora, she will stay 1 more season

>> No.27387026

korone only jokingly says to shut up, you obviously can't read the mood

>> No.27387039
Quoted by: >>27387155


>> No.27387041
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1596783574830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE MAD LAD DID IT, SHE SAID THE THING. I fucking love this rabbit.


>> No.27387043
File: 1.71 MB, 3508x2480, 1601938178722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post sad holo images

>> No.27387042

I'm as confused as you are.

>> No.27387045

Post the one of her doing a standing split

>> No.27387048

Is his twitter still active? Id assume he stopped after getting called out

>> No.27387053

Suicide attempt, she's with cute nurses now so she's happier

>> No.27387057

She got injured and now is flirting with nurses in the hospital for a week

>> No.27387060
File: 744 KB, 2800x3000, EUPGLonUUAEWmDr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387080

Please don't bully my gals.

>> No.27387061

All of them

>> No.27387066
Quoted by: >>27387133

how can I become as based as pizza dad?

>> No.27387075

swollen pussy lips from coco sexually harassing ppt while on hiatus

>> No.27387080
Quoted by: >>27387135

If only they didn't all hate each other

>> No.27387082
File: 1.42 MB, 4092x2893, 1597277234183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love every yonkisei member

>> No.27387086
File: 473 KB, 1500x2125, d859217549144398d9edd8d4bde54f5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387100

if holostars fags didn't try so hard to shill collabs with the girls and constantly put down the girls at every turn I would actually watch one. Which one is the least gay and most bro like?

>> No.27387103


>> No.27387107

aqua would fall for it and she's the only one you'd ever need

>> No.27387109
File: 87 KB, 769x308, FLARE_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387151

Sorry anonnui I'm phoneposting at work and don't have all of my images on me

>> No.27387115

Coco ravaged her hard to vent some of her bugmen frustration and she is now in the hospital because of that

>> No.27387124

Ina Mahjong! Too bad it's at 3 am...

>> No.27387125
File: 10 KB, 194x259, images-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha very funny anon, give my ears back now.

>> No.27387126

Her ear disease caused her to "accidentally" fall and wind up in the hospital. Probably with a broken nose and a black eye.

>> No.27387131
Quoted by: >>27387217

How weird does Towa's nasally voice sound to native Japanese? Is it a filter for them?

>> No.27387133
File: 652 KB, 868x1038, 1540146672721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your fit and shitposting reps

>> No.27387135
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1593528678548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387168

>Towa/Coco old friends
>Towa/Coco/Kanata/Watame close real life friends

>> No.27387137

>I'm not going to watch something because of some unrelated people
If you're asking seriously, Roberu is the biggest bro

>> No.27387139

>if holostars fags didn't try so hard to shill collabs with the girls and constantly put down the girls at every turn
This is the fake homofag trying to kill the girls for no reason.

>> No.27387140

almost 10 days into october and theres still no specific date for miko's return

>> No.27387146
File: 135 KB, 850x804, 1597683783959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that what's gonna happen in the end?

>> No.27387147
File: 237 KB, 599x599, 1599802043958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously cute

>> No.27387151
File: 34 KB, 423x900, EjfEM_IVgAAUhci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387188

Don't worry elfriend, i got you

>> No.27387156
File: 1.09 MB, 926x1200, EjSAHShVgAAZyFK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387155

You can stop trying to make it seem relevant now. This shit just looks forced as fuck.

>> No.27387159

I swear some anons will purposely shitpost about their favorites just to generate discussion about them. Is there a name for that kind of illness?

>> No.27387168
File: 1.40 MB, 1150x1600, 435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is slowly collabing with them again, everything was coming together.

>> No.27387174


>> No.27387176
File: 195 KB, 1000x1270, EjW4MkWU4AAeq3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She captured my heart months ago, I love her!

>> No.27387179

I'm kinda conflicted, I genuinelly like all holos to different degrees, but following matsuri's career for so long I'm starting to get really uninterested on her, not a fan of what happens around her.

>> No.27387181

she would have been with us right now but you know what happened

>> No.27387183

I like how the western branch stream at even worse hours for EU than the Japanese.

>> No.27387188
File: 197 KB, 1080x1631, 1600642148467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anonnui!
Have a cute cat Flare!

>> No.27387189

Why would I want to watch my oshi laugh at the jokes of some flirty holostar

>> No.27387190
Quoted by: >>27387263

Wait what did Luna say and when in memebership?

>> No.27387191

Bros... I can't get enough of the POL...

>> No.27387194
File: 385 KB, 590x791, 8416513684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387488


>> No.27387195


is pekora shitposting in these threads?

>> No.27387200
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, YO friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387207
File: 1.25 MB, 1277x721, kaoru sex....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387208

Coco broke her pelvis.

>> No.27387217
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1346, 1595883076163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people loved Towa's deep voice and she learned to accept it.

>> No.27387218

>Your most despised English vtuber

>A Holo that could make a collab work with them

>> No.27387222
File: 48 KB, 500x127, 1601902954435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387255


>> No.27387221

I would never let Aqua leave me! Imagine being that faggot who used to be her online boyfriend, how could he not marry her...

>> No.27387223

She's literally just digging dirt.

>> No.27387225

you've given her far more attention than she deserves, don't feel bad about ditching

>> No.27387227
Quoted by: >>27387288

No one cares, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.27387229
Quoted by: >>27387251

Moona is honorary jp you dum dum

>> No.27387236


>> No.27387240
Quoted by: >>27390300

It’s important to spend lots of time with your newborn. Let’s all be grownups about the situation.

>> No.27387245


>> No.27387249

Would you stop supporting your oshi if they collaborated with someone from a different company?

>> No.27387250
File: 150 KB, 861x1218, 1601933274614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387279


>> No.27387251
Quoted by: >>27387282

Fuck off

>> No.27387254
File: 170 KB, 423x335, 1601244910763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387292

Pictured: Zvezda Hoshimachi entering the holohouse after hearing that her sololive won't be broadcast on bilibili

>> No.27387256


>> No.27387255

Bros... Who the fuck is Thak...

>> No.27387258

Pekora is made for spanish cock

>> No.27387260


>> No.27387263
Quoted by: >>27387429

I (and the rest of Lunaitos I was talking with at the same time) had never seen her acting so weird and making shitty excuses when a faggot sent her a SC asking for matsuri, we were very weirded out, not to mention the absolute sudden stop of matsuri talks in her talking streams.

>> No.27387265

But I already love Towa.

>> No.27387272


>> No.27387273
File: 770 KB, 2000x1927, 1600053528943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko peko peko peko peko PEKO peko peko peko Peko peko. Peko peko peko Pekooo, peko. Peko peko pkeo.

>> No.27387275

and I wouldn't

>> No.27387276
Quoted by: >>27387340

No, who the fuck would do that, i really want my oshi to collab with a very specific niji

>> No.27387279

Erokami Fubuki!

>> No.27387282


>> No.27387286
Quoted by: >>27387325

>your favorite holo
>do you think its just an act?

>> No.27387288

ogey *iger

>> No.27387292

I wonder if Suisei is nagging Coco considering she can be kinda bitchy

>> No.27387294
File: 100 KB, 660x789, DNEIRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387299
File: 74 KB, 304x338, 1598826639632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387514


>> No.27387301

No. Plus Suisei does it all the time

>> No.27387302
File: 440 KB, 960x1602, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco loves streaming
>she can't stream in none of her channels now
>she also can't even fuck her gf
what a shit show

>> No.27387309

Meme answer is no I want them to stay away from nijis
Real answer is it doesn't matter as long as they have fun

>> No.27387317
File: 1.14 MB, 1166x1631, 1584034711520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and she already has.

>> No.27387318
File: 160 KB, 891x1299, 25ed5d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real weird that the narrative that Fubuki is going to hate Coco because she gets a ton of billibilli income just suddenly disappeared. Glass hearts nowhere left to run

>> No.27387323
Quoted by: >>27387338

why do you think she hasn't moved to the holohouse yet

>> No.27387325

yes and no at the same time, only Lunaitos understand.

>> No.27387329
File: 182 KB, 513x331, 1601876592988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387330
File: 536 KB, 900x1000, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_yuuki_hagure__e4726899fd573cbe140cc60e8f0c7f65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you possibly not love the usagi, bros?

>> No.27387338

Anon, she moved a while ago

>> No.27387340
Quoted by: >>27387358

koronlulu when

>> No.27387343
File: 102 KB, 421x442, comfyluna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387344


>> No.27387350
Quoted by: >>27387384

The fuck is this story Korone

>> No.27387352

I like all the girls but how do I know who my oshi is?

>> No.27387355
File: 1.99 MB, 2015x1050, 1c53a10e90b73545dbeffb729e851b982333897a90c7e2c52d8c2130cd668da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387404

I love every single gen 4.

Kanata is my oshi. I miss her greatly.
I'm membered on sheep and んなああああああ.
I always watch Coco's ARK streams in the background, and I enjoy her singing and talking streams.

>> No.27387358
File: 677 KB, 220x233, 1601519838372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would watch

>> No.27387360
Quoted by: >>27387420

i love bittersweet endings


>> No.27387364

only if it's a male

>> No.27387372

most holos already have

>> No.27387378
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1595735734846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei tried to beat Coco up out of anger and PPT tried to stop her and that's how she ended up in the hospital...

>> No.27387382
Quoted by: >>27387450

Do you kneel to moona's autism?

>> No.27387383
File: 307 KB, 636x349, 185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387384
Quoted by: >>27387454


>> No.27387385
File: 821 KB, 1200x1500, 1600747574360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will always oblige my 姫様

>> No.27387392

Best face of hololive

>> No.27387395
Quoted by: >>27387450

Moona, your autism...

>> No.27387396
Quoted by: >>27387416

A vtuber board can't come soon enough, I'm tired of sharing a thread with faggots who do nothing but insult my oshi.

>> No.27387401
Quoted by: >>27387463

I have nothing against male collabs but I would stop supporting my oshi

>> No.27387404
File: 614 KB, 1080x1325, 1597392802772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387407
File: 324 KB, 1125x1500, 1600617070582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does pekora like Spanish and latinx men?

>> No.27387411

the day lulu collabs with a holo and becomes on topic for a brief period of time will be a scary day.

>> No.27387414

i really like Flare.

>> No.27387416


>> No.27387421

>from a different company?

what am i? a fucking corporate bootlicking jop?

>> No.27387420
Quoted by: >>27387464

what he said is just reality plus you can meet your holo

>> No.27387422

what happened to that site that gave your rankings on holomembers

>> No.27387424


>> No.27387429

What shitty excuses? Luna confirmed up front that they weren't fighting before going on to say that they're both busy. Luna then went on into particulars about her plans and scheduling.

Not sure how hearing it straight from the horse's mouth is somehow less credible than the apparent headcanon people form based on just broadcasts and Twitter.

>> No.27387430
Quoted by: >>27387484

Are there any Holos that haven't collab'd with someone outside the company that isn't from gen4 or newer yet?

>> No.27387431

they can roll their R's better than her

>> No.27387434

Because I am

>> No.27387438

the end of the world

>> No.27387441
File: 544 KB, 1000x1000, 1599108081327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387496

>Barges into Coco's room
>Sees all the empty bottles, mc donalds paper bags and dirty clothes all over the floor
>Combined with Kanata's rabbits, the room literally smells like shit
>Closes door and leaves

>> No.27387442
Quoted by: >>27387589

i thought she and korone already did collab, it was a retro game i think? or am i thinking of someone else

>> No.27387450

>place block
>shoot block isn't centered
>remove block, place again
>This goes on for hours
I play exactly the same way

>> No.27387453
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387546


>> No.27387454

Man Korone has some really cool ideas

>> No.27387455
File: 174 KB, 880x1200, EjsrVZWXkAU47JZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387456
File: 122 KB, 645x749, 1587453053184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.27387463


>> No.27387464

i am more interested in meeting your holo, wonder what she thinks about anal sex

>> No.27387469
File: 942 KB, 1090x610, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to support your favourites in any way you can so they can become one of the few shining stars.

>> No.27387472
Quoted by: >>27387532


>> No.27387478

So what can you even use Bamboo for? Do you really need a farm for it, sounds like it would grow really fast.

>> No.27387484

If we count the homos then Kira never collabed outside of the stars.

>> No.27387488
Quoted by: >>27387508

The one without her is sadder.

>> No.27387496


>> No.27387507

Do we hate coco here?

>> No.27387508
File: 337 KB, 505x677, 1571476434364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387536

this one?

>> No.27387512

the best thing you can do is post a picture of your pet in reply to her tweet about suspending activities and try to keep comms with her open.

"I thought you might like to see my cute dog / cat / hamster etc. Looking forward to your return" something like that.

>> No.27387514

Anon... Aqua has a few nijifriends

>> No.27387515

Shove it up your ugly ass.

>> No.27387516 [DELETED] 


help with study english during dead hours

>> No.27387517
File: 657 KB, 863x1314, 1602094730740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387564

As long as Fubuki is in hololive, i'll trust them.
She probably tried to stop Aloe from graduating but couldn't do anything about it considering it was Aloe's decision.

>> No.27387518
Quoted by: >>27387643

We hate everyone from the main branch

>> No.27387521


>> No.27387523
File: 3.91 MB, 3305x2976, 24d7c67db156f6a239ea3acc8fce2a6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387586

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ckj2nXGyQZo Noel

>> No.27387529
File: 88 KB, 1608x228, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few hours until another Heavenly King comes down.

>> No.27387532

Pretty much all of them have done that though.

>> No.27387534
File: 431 KB, 900x684, 1587453208755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furea is cute! CUTE!!!

>> No.27387536
Quoted by: >>27387688

It's ok Haato and Coco are now sitting on that stool

>> No.27387541

This pic is the saddest thing ever

>> No.27387544
Quoted by: >>27387930

Everyone here loves that fuckin bitch, including me

>> No.27387546

Bros I wanna fuck Debi-sama

>> No.27387553


>> No.27387564
File: 87 KB, 549x629, molyneux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet known narrative: Fubuki is just Yagoo. He uses that avatar to trick people into still trusting Cover.

>> No.27387567

If only I had autism like missi

>> No.27387574
File: 927 KB, 2659x3508, 1602095713684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387930

I love her

>> No.27387577
Quoted by: >>27387626

Also, we hate everyone at different times of the day. Wait about three more hours and the marine schitzo will be on.

>> No.27387578

Scaffolds, and sticks. That's it.
Unless she intends making a house out of scaffolds, it's only to satiate her autism for automation and symmetry.

>> No.27387582

>they were both busy
Yeah I'm sure NatsuApex matsuri doesn't have time anymore and Luna does a fuck ton of collabs
Are you even a Lunaito anon? She was obviously unconfortable with the question and not because of the question itself, and this has happened 3 times already with the menhera and other holos, I'm a drawfag and drew a couple fanarts for festiLuna I wish it didn't sink but at this point if you think nothing happened you are either desilusional or a newfag.

>> No.27387586
Quoted by: >>27387757

No one cares, we're watching Moona instead.

>> No.27387588
Quoted by: >>27389088

What will meidos do if I'll leak the inevitable shark voicepack?

>> No.27387589

that was debi

>> No.27387590

it's just me, or nenelulu would work much better?

>> No.27387591

We hate that fuicking bitch

>> No.27387603

You came right when she has mute her mic

>> No.27387611
File: 944 KB, 2150x3036, 32b101069c9199d5f0ce9fdd52f0bb16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel's stream recommending me Takamiya Rion
Stop reminding me of Haato with these blondies youtube

>> No.27387619
Quoted by: >>27387930

I miss her and the others like you wouldn’t believe.
At least Watame is still streaming.

>> No.27387623
File: 98 KB, 765x1000, 1600986050144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387930

No, we love her.

>> No.27387626
File: 105 KB, 200x254, 756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you summoning him

>> No.27387635


Flare's friend brought Noefre mugs

>> No.27387638

how am I supposed to hate what isn't here?

>> No.27387640
File: 195 KB, 463x453, 1602042419673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filter Lists
Actual newfag coward over here

>> No.27387641
File: 316 KB, 1920x1017, 79694459_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387643

schizos haver shit taste who would have thought

>> No.27387646


>> No.27387650
File: 64 KB, 708x491, 1585822046164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Cocochi left! Thanks for the new pic!

>> No.27387656
Quoted by: >>27387705

even the discordfags have assumed something happened at this point

>> No.27387661
Quoted by: >>27387739


>> No.27387664

Who would there even be left to support? Fairly sure almost everyone has.

>> No.27387668
File: 286 KB, 1365x1040, EjEj2GPU4AAz0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387706

How cute!

>> No.27387677
File: 2.80 MB, 2496x3308, 20201008_000136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with Coco as a person but I can't fathom how can people tolerate that voice more than a minute.

>> No.27387680

Patra is great, i hope they collab again, she and Noel still owe us an ASMR collab

>> No.27387688
Quoted by: >>27387704

I hope you are doing your youtube-dl reps

>> No.27387690
File: 237 KB, 1487x1102, Ejrpo9wVkAAgOiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387692

Flare kind of looks like a goblin

>> No.27387693

Why do you act as if Matsuri is a bad person, she's just ill.

Are you sure you aren't just some Lunaito that's also a Matsuri anti

>> No.27387699

Noel AsaKatsu

>> No.27387701
File: 151 KB, 800x1500, rBAAdl9Nok6AGJTxAAJIi9xJu8I382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I supposed to watch botan play MC with no lamy

>> No.27387704

Ffffffff yeah you're right I probably should grab all their stuff just in case. I'll go grab another 14TB drive as I'm about out again.

>> No.27387705
Quoted by: >>27387767

I guess we'll know when Luna's birthday stream happens and whether matsuri does/doesn't show up

>> No.27387706

Wish I was a fatbellied orc oji for Flare...

>> No.27387710

Matsuri might as well be Niji so no, I wouldn't stop.

>> No.27387712

he didnt even show the live2d of his alternate form

>> No.27387714

Bemused would be more appropriate. You're reading into something that isn't there anonchama. Again based purely on your own speculation.

Here's a reality check for you: interactions on broadcast shouldn't be the barometer for friendships. Simplifying holos in that way is frankly disingenuous at best and malicious at worst.

>> No.27387725
File: 165 KB, 853x871, Ei5BIEEUwAA1Mcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387729
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna watch Tower play that shit game again

>> No.27387739


>> No.27387742

I fucking love that bitch, Hololive feels so hollow without her

>> No.27387744
File: 27 KB, 498x452, 1602059493189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you meant Overwatch for a second and got worried

>> No.27387746
File: 167 KB, 1630x1014, Astel smile @kvtMzJu79fyHMBi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387751

i dont stand a chance

>> No.27387753
Quoted by: >>27391276

Oh shit he pulled out the $5 words

>> No.27387754
File: 336 KB, 1242x706, 1594953303485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387757
Quoted by: >>27387887

Nice try, retard. This one is too obvious.

>> No.27387760
File: 130 KB, 528x531, 1592337976054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been through this on a previous timeloop and concluded that old Flare looks like bulbasaur

>> No.27387767

if something happened it will be very hard to watch, because matsuri was getting "something" very very expensive done for Luna's birthday and I can only imagine how unconfortable will it be if they are forced to interact because of that.

>> No.27387770

Reminder that to date Noel still hasn't told us what do Watame, Aqua and Marine smell like

>> No.27387776

Yeah, aren't Korone and MIko close friends? And they didn't collab that much after they actually said they wanted to do it more often. Well before Miko died anyway.

>> No.27387777

Once she's gone, I'll just make a soundboard from her voice clips and stare in the void while pressing it, alone in my room

>> No.27387778
File: 26 KB, 224x256, 1602046614904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387806

Says the fan-making narrative stalker himself

>> No.27387780
File: 402 KB, 512x875, 1601396285988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.27387781


>> No.27387782

So tired of this creepy fuck

>> No.27387785

>just woke up
>Noel starts streaming
>instantly get sleepy

Why is Noel so powerful?

>> No.27387787
File: 351 KB, 867x673, [virgin scream].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa...can sing like THIS? Why is she not using this goddess voice when streaming? WHY JAPANESE PEOPLE?

>> No.27387788
Quoted by: >>27387847

I want danchou to vice grip my neck

>> No.27387790
Quoted by: >>27387864

Anon, there is no worse blind than the one who doesn't want to see

>> No.27387791
Quoted by: >>27387930

Every time I click on her streams she is being absolute cute, how the hell could I hate that?

>> No.27387792
File: 2.01 MB, 2512x3252, 20201008_000707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my drawing

>> No.27387797

deep sexy voice

>> No.27387801
File: 39 KB, 159x163, 1553452547584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387998

>old Flare looks like bulbasaur

>> No.27387806

Broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.27387805
Quoted by: >>27387879


>> No.27387809
Quoted by: >>27387838

>interactions on broadcast
I don't know why people think this is a good way to tell anything about who is actually friends with who. You could just as easily make the argument that if a friendship was truly meaningful to you then you wouldn't be demeaning it by using it as material for the entertainment, amusement and fantasies of some audience.

>> No.27387810
Quoted by: >>27387967

Anonchama, you are the one thinking this is only because of broadcast interactions, I'm sorry to disclose this to you but do your rommate reps if you really want face that matsuri is a menhera fucking up her friendships.

>> No.27387822
File: 34 KB, 982x77, 002131110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387971

What kind of falseflagger is this?

>> No.27387823
File: 259 KB, 1548x2048, 1598458991542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27387850

another festiluna argument thread how fun

>> No.27387830

Fuck Marry Kill generation 3 let's go!!!!

>> No.27387831
Quoted by: >>27387930

I dont speak for everyone but I do

>> No.27387834
File: 81 KB, 540x720, 1601778118709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my coco, fagtron, you dont speak for me or any other anon in these threads

>> No.27387836
File: 537 KB, 677x531, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing has been okay ever since Miko's hospitalization.

>> No.27387838

>>>27387776 >>27387809
that's why we do our roomate reps

>> No.27387845

I mean you can look at Hero as a primary example. She _actually_ fell off the face of the earth and even after reincarnating it ended up being months before she and Matsuri collabed again. But it's easier for people, even apparent Lunaito chads, to get lost in their own heads and assume the worst in spite of what she said.

>> No.27387847

With her thighs?

>> No.27387849

better than mine / 10

>> No.27387850

Matsuri confessed to Watame right in front of Luna

>> No.27387853
Quoted by: >>27387882

How new?
They collab with others all the time

>> No.27387856
File: 136 KB, 1000x790, 20201008_001023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck they don't collab

>> No.27387864
Quoted by: >>27388176

But even if she's menhera that's not her fault. She just needs professional help instead.

>> No.27387865
Quoted by: >>27387918

thank you

>> No.27387866

New narrative: Miko is still dying and Korone is going to visit her while she's bedridden under the guise of "grandma"

>> No.27387875

>Fuck Marine - she deserves a good fuck
>Marry Noel - is this even a contest?
>Kill Pekora - just for the rabbit meat

>> No.27387877

Pretty much what we think

>> No.27387879
File: 272 KB, 1270x712, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it...

>> No.27387880

Because one is in the hospital and one is in the studio all day.

>> No.27387882

Not my Pekora. She hasn't done that in uh months. And last time she did, it was obviously a setup by Cover

>> No.27387884
File: 67 KB, 615x696, 1601174783612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387887

It's funny how you people double-back when your usual M.O. gets put on charge

>> No.27387895

Tryhard queen Suisei will never collab with Towa after Towa was the only one with the stuff to compete with her in karaoke.

>> No.27387900

You forgot

Holostar, roberu and astel

>> No.27387905
Quoted by: >>27387976

and Cover is preparing a new person to be Miko

>> No.27387907
Quoted by: >>27387953

That's the problem sadly - we know it is both on and off-stream due to her being unable to shut up about ruining her friendships.
There's a LOT of shit that goes on off-stream we don't know about, but the little we do know is sadly quite damning of their friendship.
I wish it weren't the case and hope it can get mended, but Matsuri pushes people away that she upsets. It has happened every single time.

>> No.27387913
Quoted by: >>27390002

Aki Rosen(((thal)))

>> No.27387914


>> No.27387917
Quoted by: >>27388025

Miko died long ago and Cover is trying to find a new VA that sounds exactly like her so that's why she haven't come back

>> No.27387918

Ill help her with an hourly dicking.

>> No.27387919
File: 1.47 MB, 1143x1200, 1593979360649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all very busy people, but I wish we got to hear their karaoke.

>> No.27387923

Why Matsuri keep giving SC to Nijis but don't buy their merchs? Is she joking them?

>> No.27387925

kill marine
the rest is irrelevant

>> No.27387927

Twicks sexy smokey whiskey voice...

>> No.27387930

this is how you can tell reddit has infested this thread

>> No.27387932
File: 142 KB, 1366x768, pleasethankhim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>> No.27387935


>> No.27387941

Fuck: Noel
Marry: Pekora
Kill: Flare so I can fuck Noel more on the side

>> No.27387942

moon getting jumpscared by her own building

>> No.27387943
File: 309 KB, 1200x1600, EjlQEhMWkAIQXR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27387944
File: 275 KB, 336x478, D5080ABF-2B93-4341-8C7B-1D91FBDFE354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is gonna stream again today.

>> No.27387952

all me

>> No.27387953

Everyone was saying the same shit about Matsuri and Hoshikawa after the dude didn't interact for months and then Hoshikawa talked on stream about how much she loves Matsuri. There's no way to know what's going on with any, this speculation is gossip rag trash for old women.

>> No.27387954
File: 218 KB, 500x500, 20201008_001244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27387959

SC brings attention, she's buying advertisement

>> No.27387960
Quoted by: >>27388388

i'm literally dying here 35p but i'm sending what little i have left to miko
maybe she can create a spirit bomb with it and destroy the antis and create the hololive utopia

>> No.27387967

What does that have to do with Luna exactly? Oh right you're just being presumptuous again. Really makes you think.

>> No.27387971
File: 179 KB, 1286x1200, 1444657460787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's pretty good.

>> No.27387972

I want to watch miko lose to watame at janken like old days...

Here, a clip for you 35P!

>> No.27387974


>> No.27387975
Quoted by: >>27391276

someone's been using a thesaurus during their potty breaks

>> No.27387976

>I sound different because I had tongue surgery

>> No.27387981

>saying that one person doesnt speak or represent the anonymous persons on a thread with different opinions and likes is reddit

>> No.27387985

Place your bets anons for the 10th October
Will Luna and matsuri have their comeback together?
Will ShubaLuna take the place?
Will Luna just celebrate her birthday alone?
I wonder what will happen

>> No.27387987
File: 131 KB, 1080x1106, 1601392176639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388161

Needs more loomis/10

>> No.27387988


>> No.27387990

I'd sleep with Towa just to hear her in the morning.

>> No.27387993


>> No.27387997

Fuck: Marine
Marry: Pekora
Kill: Rushia, only way to keep Noel/flare together

>> No.27387998

at last I truly see

>> No.27388001


>> No.27388004

Despite Kanata death the girl has yet to be producer like her. I will wish for it become like the produce in the song.

>> No.27388005

I assume the point is advertisement. If she just wanted to give superchat to something she enjoyed then she could just as easily do it privately.

>> No.27388009
Quoted by: >>27388018

Who will have the first collab (after Peko) when Miko returns?

>> No.27388010

Wow it's Sanae!

>> No.27388017
File: 860 KB, 850x1293, a081d9e1a401b8cac17004ae3005156e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If, Read: when, Aqua becomes my gf I will prevent her from wearing deodorant so that she has the smelliest pits possible when she streams. As a gift for all the viewers.

>> No.27388018


>> No.27388021

oh hey, it's the band aids guy
emphasis on AIDS

>> No.27388024
Quoted by: >>27388261

you really must be a newfag anon, this has happened already 3 times with the same pattern yet here you are being a faggot, I hope Luna doesnt get close again to such unstable person, even more knowing how many problems she had in the past with isolation and depression.

>> No.27388025
Quoted by: >>27390939

Get your narratives right, Kanata joined as a backup in case a holo died, "Kanata" will soon die while in the hospital

>> No.27388027
Quoted by: >>27388075

>I'd sleep with Towa

get in the line, nerd

>> No.27388035

I regret to inform you that I just finished having sex with your oshi.

>> No.27388036

Luna celebrating her birthday together with Miko in 3D!

>> No.27388038
File: 22 KB, 309x338, 1600303535386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same 5 holos streaming minecraft over and over again
getting kinda bored desu

>> No.27388041
Quoted by: >>27388123

Cancelled because of 3D htc issue is my bet

>> No.27388045

Just spectating but your way of talking is kinda annoying anonchama, *eddit perhaps?

>> No.27388049


Is it just a coincidence that the best collabs also have the best combined names?

>> No.27388051
Quoted by: >>27388120

Why would you regret that, were you THAT bad?

>> No.27388052

>I fucking hate that bitch, why did she choose reddit with its 100k audience and stream friendly memes instead of our glorious /hlg/ with 500 doxxposters and schizos

>> No.27388054
Quoted by: >>27388150

you can hear her sleep here!

>> No.27388057
File: 876 KB, 1754x1240, 1588267284270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35p coming through

>> No.27388059
File: 197 KB, 500x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what we're doing now?

>> No.27388058
Quoted by: >>27388089

But she's streaming right now anon.

>> No.27388061

Hence the "mended". She certainly tries to mend things. But what she needs to mend most is herself before she ends up permanently damaging a good friendship.
It'd literally be the end of her, she would outright quit if that happened. The money wouldn't matter for her as much as the awkwardness.
She's self-admitted to being way too clingy and clingy people eventually fuck things up permanently with people despite their best efforts without getting guidance and support to form a proper framework of what is acceptable and what isn't.
She's a smart girl, it wouldn't take her long to learn. She just doesn't because "lol Japan".

>> No.27388066

So it was you who booked Ayame for 4 fucking hours!?

>> No.27388069
Quoted by: >>27388113

I will fucking kill every depressed fbk poster

>> No.27388071

If Anemachi is red, and Suisei is blue, Could this be Suiseimouto?

>> No.27388075
File: 1.63 MB, 2894x3865, Eer6ohOX0AAPSPk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388162


>> No.27388078
Quoted by: >>27388097

So, was Roberu in form today?

>> No.27388080
Quoted by: >>27390163


>> No.27388085

are shion fans actually oji-sans?

>> No.27388087

Half of Hololive is currently dead/dying/suspended. Next week things will hopefully be better.

>> No.27388089

>having sex while streaming
How daring!

>> No.27388090

How is Pekora smooth brained and high IQ simultaneously?

>> No.27388097

This is why I hate homos, you just made me imagine me getting ass-fucked by a man.

>> No.27388100

Autistic savant.

>> No.27388107
File: 171 KB, 495x695, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, why can't they take it easy? There's a reason ARK got so big, many people were kinda burned out on Minecraft.
Now everyone is playing it again nonstop, i'll give it a month before the boost dies again.

>> No.27388111

I would watch Holos playing minecraft until the end of time. Minecraft can even make me watch the most boring holos like Mel or Noel

>> No.27388112
File: 54 KB, 613x655, 10102030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388113
File: 120 KB, 362x437, 1598850380426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you. We long for death.

>> No.27388115

Maybe. How old do I need to be to qualify?

>> No.27388120
Quoted by: >>27388187

English isn't your first language is it

>> No.27388123

They don't use HTC for their studio though, its Vicon.

>> No.27388128


>> No.27388133
Quoted by: >>27388169

>Implication of gay sex
>Immediately thinks of himself as the bottom
That's on you faggot

>> No.27388138

Korone/Lulu would have to involve Debi somehow.

>> No.27388141
Quoted by: >>27388221

Just to advance the lore a bit here Matsuri interrupted her own zatsudan to go to HSKW's totsu and tell her she's one of the reasons she hasn't quit yet. She's probably thought about it often.

>> No.27388148
File: 88 KB, 533x454, B47D46BE-E1C9-414A-A202-7F7E0EDB9324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be your choice?

>> No.27388149

yukoku roberu

>> No.27388150

comfiest stream of my life

>> No.27388153

t. ugly bastard

>> No.27388161

the vtuber world needs more cunny

>> No.27388162

Nice some 2hu in my holos.

>> No.27388169

at least make me imagine bottoming for kira and his horse cock

>> No.27388173
File: 482 KB, 606x900, E4DE4C91-059F-430A-94D1-D0A6D6F07C0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Astels cute little giggles!

>> No.27388174
File: 312 KB, 1378x2039, 20201008_002342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is aqua fat?

>> No.27388176
Quoted by: >>27388468

I'll never refer to Festival as menhera she's clingy and insecure at most

>> No.27388181
File: 92 KB, 1000x855, EPX6EkgVUAEj-6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has bursts of intelligence

>> No.27388184
File: 1.29 MB, 1444x1440, 1601876564203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep working on it anon!

>> No.27388186

She looks like straight from a mantis-x animation yes.

>> No.27388188

What the fuck are those proportions?

>> No.27388187

Don't try to shift the topic anon. Did she made fun of your small pp or did you need a map?

>> No.27388190
Quoted by: >>27388238

She has very fat titties.

>> No.27388192

swimming at the beach with pecor

>> No.27388195
Quoted by: >>27388259

Why are Shionyo's eyes so far apart.

>> No.27388199

1. I would choose 4 but I can't swim so I just stay home

>> No.27388200

>shorter than Aqua
Something's wrong...

>> No.27388201

she's the Aquahole, pocket sized

>> No.27388203

Please don't call my wife fat! She trys very hard to keep her girlish figure.

>> No.27388204
File: 45 KB, 343x383, 1600477495074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread
Is this the power of dead hours?

>> No.27388206

Beach date!

>> No.27388208

important poll

>> No.27388210
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1597408800262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389064

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.27388212

I am afraid of watching anything by Noel. That video still haunts me....

>> No.27388221
Quoted by: >>27388305

>that time she talked groping choco and she was actually bashful embarrassed about which is weird for her and didn't want matsuri to really bring it up
>she starts talking about how choco is the only pair of boobs she likes and lightly pledged herself to choco but then ssid said she'd do the same to other girls

>> No.27388222

EN is in the other thread bro, my oshis bf cant english

>> No.27388224
Quoted by: >>27388322

how did a rabbit with social anxiety become one of the most popular and beloved vtubers in the world?

>> No.27388229
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.27388228

better than me! im still starting tho and i have the gripping to hard problem so it hurts after a while

>> No.27388233


>> No.27388238
File: 1.89 MB, 1214x1720, __minato_aqua_and_neko_hololive_drawn_by_mizunashi_second_run__483174e4dbbe10997fe30e63bfede720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388281

and ass

>> No.27388240
File: 558 KB, 1064x598, 1597197685260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388327

I wish i could wrap my fingers around the pencil neck and crash the windpipe of every single faggot who uses the term "dead hours" when it's not actually dead hours.

>> No.27388242
File: 884 KB, 1447x1592, 1601956063978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking through the park with this bundle of joy

>> No.27388244

So many things wrong with this drawing

>> No.27388245

Which one anon? There's a lot of that video involving Noel.

>> No.27388246

In the right places, yes

>> No.27388251
File: 235 KB, 447x503, civia!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388308

Civia... please stream....

>> No.27388248

The important thing is that you have fun drawing.

>> No.27388253

same i want noel DELUXE to stream

>> No.27388257
Quoted by: >>27388295

No, I want the Oshio family collab to happen some day.

>> No.27388259
File: 2.14 MB, 1656x2000, 1601156712035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She maxed out her FOV slider

>> No.27388261
Quoted by: >>27388624

You're engaging in speculation and letting narratives come to you based on public Twitter feeds from roommates. Way to go Lunaito.

>> No.27388263


>> No.27388266
Quoted by: >>27388324

The dark souls one...you know the one

>> No.27388267

Imagine how sad Suisei will be when her 3D is cancelled. I wonder if she'll cry on stream

>> No.27388272

>Please vote
>For my

>> No.27388281

made for rimming

>> No.27388284

>all those tweets in response to her saying they were afraid of getting fired or getting hired if they couldnt hear her voice

>> No.27388285
File: 12 KB, 360x344, 1601592931243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me Lord, for I am about to commit a sin...

>> No.27388295

Kanata has a sibling?

>> No.27388298
Quoted by: >>27388345

Never watched a beginner playing mahjong before. If you are just watching without being able to teach/help, it gotta be the most boring shit ever unless you are a beginner yourself too.

>> No.27388302
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1597272581376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388305

You realize a lot of these interactions are played up for comedy right? I can believe Matsuri is insecure, lonely and depressed, but taking her sexual harassment jokes seriously is dumb anon, confessing to every girl is just part of the act. It's obviously different with someone like Hoshikawa than it is with Choco

>> No.27388308
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1591827764426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive needs more perfect waifus and less kusa eaters like Coco and Kanata.

>> No.27388313

towa forgives you, my son

>> No.27388316


>> No.27388322


>> No.27388324


>> No.27388326

Would you love your oshii even if she had breast cancer and they had to remove one of them because this is the only way she could survive?

>> No.27388327

All of those are shit, gosling is tainted by globohomos
I can't believe Moona is still streaming

>> No.27388332

this isn't how you use gosling newfag kun

>> No.27388333

How do I get Noel to suplex me?

>> No.27388335

Yes, she has a sister at niji, she's great

>> No.27388340
File: 376 KB, 2030x1005, dorks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noel impersonating aqua's slurp

>> No.27388343
File: 31 KB, 511x303, 34985273975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388345

sometimes it's fun watching them eat avoidable big dick hands

>> No.27388346
File: 327 KB, 1000x822, 1601865706239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan, let's take a bath together

>> No.27388351

Be youtube

>> No.27388352

What happened here? Did youtube break or something for her?

>> No.27388354


>> No.27388362


>> No.27388363

Lets go! RIGHT NOW

>> No.27388366

>tfw dreamt i ran into noel but for soem reason she was blonde and could cast magic

>> No.27388369

If you manage to spend one day with her it will probably happen 2 or 3 times during the day.

>> No.27388371

Whats your unpopular Hololive opinion?
Heres mine: zatsudan streams ARE FUCKING BORING

>> No.27388372

Why not just remove both of them and be flat

>> No.27388375
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 1596396761762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388379


>> No.27388382

you're old enough to wash yourself, you dumb fucking idiot

>> No.27388383

More like a mirror image of herself but with much less experience, Oshio has good taste in daughterus.

>> No.27388384

but Miko's no longer sick, she's just getting her comeback stream delayed all the time

>> No.27388388

Take care of yourself dear 35p

>t. nousagi

>> No.27388392
File: 405 KB, 712x900, ED125607-A6E9-444B-849B-5F0BE7BC8D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Festival left defenseless.

>> No.27388395
Quoted by: >>27388423

Wouldn't that just be white Flare

>> No.27388400


>> No.27388401

all bark no bite....my favorite

>> No.27388406
File: 167 KB, 630x621, 707666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old Flare looks like bulbasaur
Fuck you, now I will never unsee it...

>> No.27388409
File: 182 KB, 569x823, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388447

Don't wanna

>> No.27388410

Noel's 3d reminds me of Ayamina, I think it's the redness around the eyes

>> No.27388411

But I like them and wish Towa did more...

>> No.27388413
Quoted by: >>27388483

Is Moona bringing the Industrial Revolution to the Holo Minecraft server?

>> No.27388415

>POV: You are Lyger

>> No.27388417



>> No.27388423

Yeah. Also i remember trying real hard to get noel's attention real hard for some reason and she tried blitzing me down too

>> No.27388425

Masturbation is not sex, you mong

>> No.27388427

I think she got shadowbanned? I don't remember, honestly

>> No.27388429
Quoted by: >>27388449

Pekora is my favorite holo.
t. nigger

>> No.27388434
Quoted by: >>27388443


>> No.27388437
File: 338 KB, 463x453, 1600991497520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She operates on a different level than most pathetic mortals can perceive.

>> No.27388438

can a rabbit go through a bath without dropping turds

>> No.27388439

The original mass ogey rrat outbreak in the middle of narrativeposting destroyed my sides like nothing else had in this thread

>> No.27388443

Lets gooooo!

>> No.27388444

Sure, just make sure to watch that you don't accidentally sit on my erection!

>> No.27388447

I wish this was me

>> No.27388449


>> No.27388451

>unpopular opinion
Back to where you came from.

>> No.27388455

Their heads are gigantic

>> No.27388458

I never played Minecraft bros should I feel ashamed? I thought it was gay.

>> No.27388459

>that moment when she renembers where she is

>> No.27388463

I miss "hello? based department? ookini!"

>> No.27388468

yeah you can see she's pretty normal when her roommate streams.

>> No.27388469
Quoted by: >>27388613

Prime EOP opinion

>> No.27388470
File: 443 KB, 3270x1878, 1577478219218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona Tits!

>> No.27388471
Quoted by: >>27388613

Do your reps.

>> No.27388473
File: 263 KB, 996x1500, 1595745651685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd help Peko learn how to swim. Pretty sure she doesn't even know how to float

>> No.27388474

Why is Marine like this?

>> No.27388475


>> No.27388478

but that's haram

>> No.27388479

Why would you feel ashamed?

>> No.27388483

Pekora is going to up her game.
Aquamarine are growing in the shipbuilding industry however, so she won't need to fear them.

>> No.27388484

Wait are chinks angry because Fubuki just said "hi" to Coco?

>> No.27388486
Quoted by: >>27388613

peak EOP

>> No.27388488


>> No.27388491


>> No.27388492

Yeah I'd let her in my haram.

>> No.27388495

haram is not getting your face squished between them RIGHT NOW

>> No.27388497

lmao faggot

>> No.27388499

You can't just leave out the OOKINI like that.

>> No.27388504

That's only the second worst one too

>> No.27388505

Not really, it's not very fun alone unless you're really into building stuff with blocks. But it's worth a try, first time playing and discovering all the stuff can be pretty fun. And if you have someone to play with it's as fun as you make it.

>> No.27388507
File: 145 KB, 360x344, ゴズリング122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does this fat retard become the beloved of Holo JP while iofi gets ignored...

>> No.27388509
Quoted by: >>27388662

They’ve been angry over far less. Chinks aren’t human.

>> No.27388511
File: 354 KB, 2041x1141, 1587898049386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is literally the kindest person of all time!!

>> No.27388515
File: 110 KB, 323x244, 1597578921530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388521
Quoted by: >>27388871

She is a good girl.

>> No.27388528
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1597237073910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the "jannies" hurt my mama again i will make the big bang look like a goddamn joke

>> No.27388533
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, 1597194283375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388621

Marine is the official hololive goblin

>> No.27388536
Quoted by: >>27388612

This just seems like she was doing a bit here

>> No.27388535

She has cute interactions.

>> No.27388539
Quoted by: >>27388806

Play the fucking game holy shit this is like never having played tetris or mario.

>> No.27388543

imagine if aqua mentioned coco by name, every chink fan would probably sudoku on the spot

>> No.27388545

stop corrupting my daughters you damn hag

>> No.27388546

but mel canonically has one

>> No.27388547

The autism is cute.

>> No.27388548

Depends on the girl, I can't watch some of their zatsudans but sometimes I enjoy it very much. Although actually I think it's really not that big of a content for "watching". Basically you don't watch, just listen. That's why I usually just download them and listen them like a podcast while I driving or working, it's much more enjoyable like this for me for some reason.

>> No.27388551

Please undastadn, they have chitin instead of even a thin skin.

>> No.27388552
Quoted by: >>27388831

Never thought we'd have a Moona falseflagger of all people. Neck yourself.

>> No.27388554

Holy fuck Shion's laugh at 0:47

>> No.27388556
File: 148 KB, 1222x684, 2E1BAE2C-D312-4EE6-8992-F2C362C8EBE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Artia

>> No.27388561
Quoted by: >>27388871

Someone please post getting hugged by marine again. I want to feel loved

>> No.27388566


>> No.27388568
File: 35 KB, 457x429, chink chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388662


>> No.27388569
File: 46 KB, 1023x682, 1601053256676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388571
File: 492 KB, 1225x1700, 1601178321280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I tried it recently just because of Hololive.
Its garbage for turbo autists like I always thought.

>> No.27388573
Quoted by: >>27388595

She's an opportunist, will kindly leech from her friends.

>> No.27388577

>yfw crossplay as your oshi

>> No.27388580

The fact that she literally tweets about her eating copious amounts of food and not giving a fuck is based

>> No.27388581


>> No.27388595
File: 175 KB, 1008x1200, 1575754058425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol there he is >>27388573

>> No.27388597

I don't know, my schizo sense tells me to not trust her, i feel something about her is off but i don't know what, hence why i say my schizo sense

>> No.27388598

why is Aqua acting like she's never read Kirito doujins

>> No.27388599

I don't know how to feel about this...

>> No.27388601

>"I-I just wanted you to translate the chat for me p-please stop stalking m-me"

>> No.27388605
Quoted by: >>27388715

>Enter thread
>Use an image for every post
>Reach image limit

>> No.27388607

I had a dream where there was a tv and they were showing all of the holo's roomates faces (no the real faces tho), for some reason Kagura Mea was also there, and at some point Marine was there, her 3DPD version, but she had western factions, she had between brown and blonde hair and had amber eyes, she was slim and had an outfit like Towa's but with Marine's colors, I got really hard that day

>> No.27388612

I mean she's clearly not supposed to mention her work name on that channel but yeah she didn't actually seem as upset as the first one somehow...

>> No.27388613
Quoted by: >>27388652

I understand them very clearly, still doesnt make woman talking any fun to listen to.

>> No.27388615
Quoted by: >>27388635

But Indivisible is on...

>> No.27388617

why? did you know he posted haachama dox several times?

>> No.27388619

>if you don't have the courage to suck dick, can you call yourself a real man?
sorry Artia but I'm not a fag. You'll have to look elsewhere.

>> No.27388621

Marine coming in like a horny gremlin gets me every time


>> No.27388624

>Matsuri and haato used to collab a lot and interact a lot too, showing how they were really close friends everywhere! even if they suddenly stopped and went back to just acquaintances we have no way to tell if something happened, don't just assume things!

>Matsuri and Fubuki used to collab a lot and interact a lot too, showing how they were really close friends everywhere! even if they suddenly stopped and went back to acquaintances we have no way to tell if something happened, don't just assume things!

>Matsuri and Luna used to collab a lot and interact a lot too, showing how they were really close friends everywhere! even if they suddenly stopped and went back to just acquaintances we have no way to tell if something happened, don't just assume things!

Add Matsuri's roommate posts, hoshikawa obssesion.

I really can't understand why would you go to this extent to defend shitty behaviour, she needs help, profesional help probably that no holo can provide her with, and I don't want her near my holo besides business relationship.

>> No.27388635

Not for another 15 minutes...

>> No.27388642

NEED more peko asmr

>> No.27388644
File: 261 KB, 1271x2048, 1590392455464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388908

I know, right
Iofi is the best of the three.
I just wish she did more ASMR like that first one she did...

>> No.27388645

Holy shit, what is up with that anyway? Why does every insane chink-anti have an Aqua profile picture?

>> No.27388648
File: 359 KB, 800x450, 1580852487371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388703


>> No.27388650

her tweets are really funny and her minecraft interactions are really cute

>> No.27388652
Quoted by: >>27388767

The best part about hololive is hearing them tell stories about themselves and each other.
Gameplay streams are at the absolute bottom unless it's used as background for a zatsudan or a big collab that turns into a zatsudan.

>> No.27388657

because Gura said "I'm hungry" it really was a good moment to say the thing

>> No.27388659
File: 1.08 MB, 1144x635, 1580661519740.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388660

Kanata is in a situation where she needs to call for a nurse in the middle of the night.

She is definitely incapacitated to some degree.

>> No.27388662
Quoted by: >>27388702

I'm so proud of her. She knew what would happen and she didn't care. She really does care about Coco.

>> No.27388663

why are senchou fangs so long, is she a vampire?

>> No.27388664

They literally stopped all subbing of FBK clips on billi because of it too. So much for the "money from there matters to certain holos than coco" narrative

>> No.27388666

The question is why are the west like this?

>> No.27388669

Fubuki said "hi" to a vegetarian supporter of Chinese Taipei, keep downplaying it redditor.

>> No.27388670

Important poll

>> No.27388672
Quoted by: >>27388703

Well if you think that sucking dick suddenly invalidates your existence as a man, then yes, you're not a real man.

>> No.27388675
Quoted by: >>27388760

t. chang

>> No.27388682
Quoted by: >>27388726

I think you forgot to include an argument in your post

>> No.27388685
File: 208 KB, 828x1659, 1600563843219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this is a nutter thread

>> No.27388691
File: 450 KB, 1439x1357, Screenshot_20201007-154639_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388852


>> No.27388701

im scared
sounds like a monster

>> No.27388702
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 123212891497a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the dumb attempt to make it seem like coco "knew what she was doing" FBK clearly did here and took a good stance despite making money from those "fans"
She really is the pillar of the company

>> No.27388703

you're women, aren't you?

>> No.27388709

Fubuki one is Fubuki fault, she doesn't like to collab everytime also they did a collab last month.

>> No.27388712

I forgot about this.
The bit with Shion running out is so cute.

>> No.27388713
File: 66 KB, 1356x697, 1601483590553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Iofi a cute

>> No.27388715
File: 362 KB, 531x486, 093E1633-57A0-4C5B-9BED-477A4074F3DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the image

>> No.27388721

A sexy monster.
Almost like a devil.

>> No.27388726
Quoted by: >>27388826

Not my fault if you can't do 2+2 yourself faggot

>> No.27388731

You're not alone, schizo bro. Never trust horny females, even if they're just faking it

>> No.27388732

I liked her VA-11 HALL-A stream today

>> No.27388736

what will hapen if Aqua mentions she went shopping wwith C*co?

how many casualties, 2 nanjings?

>> No.27388737
File: 141 KB, 853x1162, 0E0E4F16-E844-40E2-B5AF-0A1D0581AECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388938

Enjoying a nice day at the beach with Rushia.

>> No.27388743
File: 25 KB, 363x331, 1586401779253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388765

Kanata is a tranny according to the leaks

>> No.27388744


>> No.27388753

>idols dating boys: career ending
>idols dating each other: encouraged
what about holos dating each other's onii-chans and ototos? given how much they talk about them and are a part of their narratives.

>> No.27388754

I like Iofi more, when has to finish her collab bingo

>> No.27388758

>Coco comeback
>First stream after the comeback is Amoung Us with others Holos
I will sub her if she does it.

>> No.27388760

why do you faggots bring chinks to everything even unrelated

>> No.27388761

Shions laugh is cute as fuck

>> No.27388763

Noel wants to be more seisou...

>> No.27388764
File: 153 KB, 1196x2048, EL_msWoU4AA_Nug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27388765

Pulsating penis tenshi...

>> No.27388767

>scripted stories that totally happened
>best anything

>> No.27388770
File: 91 KB, 488x405, 1601490628285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only fun if you have friends. Needless to say, I tried it and it was not very fun.

>> No.27388772

the less fucks you give the more they like it

>> No.27388775

Does anyone have that vocaroo Risu posted in a thread a few weeks ago?

>> No.27388779
File: 399 KB, 498x272, 1601519446648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388780
File: 507 KB, 938x1463, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27388790

Marine is dignified and chaste!


>> No.27388792
Quoted by: >>27388897

A monster that will steal your cum
One could say a cum devil
a semen demon
a fluid druid

>> No.27388797

Is this what I think it is?

>> No.27388799

>Kanata is fucking nurses while we speak

>> No.27388800
File: 444 KB, 618x666, 1593807337831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388821

the what?

>> No.27388806

never played minecraft, tetris or mario

>> No.27388807

>I thought it was gay.
>being fooled by /v/ into not doing something because its popular

>> No.27388810
Quoted by: >>27388859

It was an Aqua doujin?

>> No.27388818

stfu simp

>> No.27388821
File: 32 KB, 273x332, 1600916850476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27388826
Quoted by: >>27388927

You still didn't address the initial point

>> No.27388831

Jesus christ you ESL fucks get stupider by the day. He's literally insulting Moona in his post, how the fuck is he a falseflagger? Are you just using terms you don't understand? Please kill yourself you braindead roach.

>> No.27388832


>> No.27388834

Well, that was unexpected.

>> No.27388835
File: 447 KB, 431x545, 1586291421819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How does ONE old hag MOG all the holomembers so effortlessly?

>> No.27388836
Quoted by: >>27388910

>Why do you act as if Matsuri is a bad person, she's just ill.
thats not how it works
you can't excuse someone for being an asshole by saying they're mentally ill

>> No.27388843
File: 3.35 MB, 2500x2070, 1600544875304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more entry to add to the list of reasons why my fox friend is the most based chuber by a long shot

>> No.27388846
Quoted by: >>27388969

Not true. It's very fun if you have any autism.
No fuck off from here, normalfag.

>> No.27388852
File: 32 KB, 839x472, 1599708026091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388996

Is this the appropriate time to bring up Night Shift Nurses?

>> No.27388853
File: 1.08 MB, 2413x4096, ENZOlFgVUAAZ_hQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27388919


>> No.27388857

exactly because she's a fat retard

>> No.27388858
Quoted by: >>27388879

Can the IDfags fuck off back to global already?

>> No.27388859

A BL Promare doujin.


>> No.27388864

I see people say "falseflagger" all the time and I have no idea what it means, sounds like some stupid /pol/ term people like to pull out when they're pretending to have a debate on the internet

>> No.27388871 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1602111237890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27388873

this sounds like the tranny dude from the /hlg/ sings SSS

>> No.27388875

What is Towa's niche? Singing and smokers voice?

>> No.27388876

Doesn't really sound like her, does it?

>> No.27388879

Let's talk about Towa in 5 minutes!

>> No.27388887


>> No.27388891

i cant stand coco bros

>> No.27388892

how do you sleep less than 8 hours? my body just cant, it just shuts down when it's time to sleep, even when I'm watching multiple streams

>> No.27388897

>You'll never run your tongue across towa's mustache during her morning cigarette

>> No.27388901

She's cute!

>> No.27388903
File: 145 KB, 1980x1512, ENwbc-vVUAA8DSf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27388908
Quoted by: >>27389000

>best out of 3 IDs
i've never seen such a wrong opinion like this

>> No.27388910
Quoted by: >>27388961

But you can excuse someone going to jail by saying they're mentally ill.

>> No.27388917
File: 637 KB, 700x746, 1601731142498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, how about some stories from VA​-​11 HALL​-​A voiced by Risu?

>> No.27388919

this has to be the most retarded shit i've ever seen related to hololive

>> No.27388920

I just feel like shit all day and my limbs hurt

>> No.27388923
Quoted by: >>27388975

who is the stinkiest chuuba

>> No.27388926

twitch dot tv/ironmouse/clip/WiseHandsomeKleeCurseLit

>> No.27388927
Quoted by: >>27388981

You are completely missing the point of this all then, which is matsuri and Luna having something happen to distance themselves. if at this point you still see nothing you are either *iger or a tourist

>> No.27388928
Quoted by: >>27389335

Are we watching the same Hololive?
>Moona plays Minecraft so much Subaru just assumes she's on the server, the only interactions with her are sporadic and in broken English from both sides; actual collabs between her and JP are one of the worst ever like with Roboco and Miko, the one with Coco on her own channel got privated out of shame
>"beloved by JP"
>Iofi is ID representative on WWH collab, one of Subaru's best friends, gets collabs with holos she wants, is the only kouhai to actually play games with Sora, gets collabs outside of Hololive like drawing with Pocchi and freely plays with Holostars, gets to visit both their and Holos Minecraft server

>> No.27388934

Yagoo's dreams are always getting trampled.



>> No.27388938

I want Rushia to lull me to sleep every night

>> No.27388939

Aqua no don't look....

>> No.27388941
File: 23 KB, 316x331, 1593324471937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body doesn't let me sleep more than 5 hours, i just can't.
I also have a crippling coffee addiction, that doesn't help.

>> No.27388942

do your history reps

>> No.27388954

Risu I love you

>> No.27388956
Quoted by: >>27388994

I love you all.

>> No.27388959

God I wish I could fuck the nurses when I was in hospital. Especially the student nurses.
Kanata is SO lucky.

>> No.27388961

yeah but those are real mental illnesses like schizophrenia
not personality disorders

>> No.27388962

Isn't that a taboo to admit between youtubers?

>> No.27388969
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1600760369140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389001

If I were a normalfag I'd had friends.

>> No.27388975

Kanata and Coco are confirmed to spend long periods of time without taking a bath.
Noel is a smellfag.
Nobody beats Mea tho.

>> No.27388981
Quoted by: >>27389050

>You're engaging in speculation and letting narratives come to you based on public Twitter feeds from roommates.
Address this without ad hominem

>> No.27388982

Pizza dad getting the thots

>> No.27388983
File: 809 KB, 3266x4096, ENbGQutU4AELAvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389121

>> No.27388984
Quoted by: >>27389114

Coco is now a banned word at China like pooh.
Sasuga chinks.

>> No.27388985
Quoted by: >>27389474


>> No.27388986

>Roboco about to start another apex stream
Just in time to watch mindlessly while doing /fit/ reps
Doubt she will top that solo win from the other day any time soon though

>> No.27388987

Who waked up the lofi and risu fags?
Stop being jealous of Moona success.

>> No.27388989

Just curious, what happens if a Holo passes away?

Not saying it will happen, just a possibility.

Funerals? Empty casket graduation? Memorializtion?

You know Cover has a contingency plan for this somewhere.

>> No.27388991

Someone should tell her to use ublock instead.

>> No.27388992

You guys will donate something other than ARS to Fubuki now that she burned half her paycheck for Coco, right?

>> No.27388993
Quoted by: >>27389019

It's a safety net used to sidestep any criticism by just brushing it off as the workings of a controlled opposition. Basically, if someone in group A says something stupid and group B calls them out, group A can just pretend like that person who said something stupid was actually a member of group B. It's even more pointless than samefag accusations.

>> No.27388994
File: 881 KB, 1513x2048, AB3923D0-E18B-40B7-8E3A-4FDABFFA1D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too

>> No.27388996

>abesama.exe has quit working
What a truly shitty year.

>> No.27388997

It is gay, why do you think a bunch of girls are playing it?

>> No.27389000

Sorry that I prefer my girls talented and skilled instead of idiots who make a fool of themselves like Moona.

>> No.27389001
Quoted by: >>27389169

Every time I see doggo, she looks absolutely stoned.

>> No.27389010

Ironically, I can see why Marine got it.
When I first watched Promare I thought Lio was a girl for a moment, and slowly as I continued watching It I noticed extremely homosexual undertones between Lio and Galo.

>> No.27389012

You've got it wrong. We love the moon. The holos might have other favorites

>> No.27389014
Quoted by: >>27389131

why is there a bucket of shit on the left side of moona's stream

>> No.27389015
Quoted by: >>27389046

"falseflagger" was used on /jp/ before /vyt/ was a thing newfriend

>> No.27389016
File: 331 KB, 1510x2048, Ed288TKVAAEVRUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27389019

sounds really autistic

>> No.27389021
File: 728 KB, 1645x1785, EP_n6dRUYAANwTN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27389032

RBC's intro song is so good

>> No.27389034
File: 267 KB, 1605x908, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Noel think she deserves a good husband if this is the best she can do?

>> No.27389035
File: 489 KB, 1800x2160, 33B207F6-1818-4D9D-A26D-A7465DE3F608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel cute!

>> No.27389036


>> No.27389041
Quoted by: >>27389262

If only he knew


>> No.27389042

What the hell is that, Danchou? Would not eat

>> No.27389043
File: 2.16 MB, 828x1792, 1598028008349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the proletarian uprising in 5ch?

>> No.27389046

I only visit this shitty board to post in the hololive thread

>> No.27389049
File: 181 KB, 699x605, 1577500956790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post THAT video

>> No.27389050

so you are telling me that the literal person speaking of it in their private accounts is ad hominen? Listen a bit of Matsui's twitcasts and read a few of her twitter posts adressing how she fucks ups her friendships and the timing of each one.
If you think that's an ad hominen then you are saying Matsuri is playing a 8D chess where she's pretending to be retarded?

>> No.27389054

>tag male:tomgirl
muh dick

>> No.27389063
Quoted by: >>27389085

Wake up you dumb debiru.

>> No.27389064

I love my best friend/mommy fox! Let's continue to support Fubuki friends!

>> No.27389065
Quoted by: >>27389342

I will stop using my meme ARS card, and start using my CLP card.

>> No.27389066

It tastes better than it looks!

>> No.27389067

Earlier today, Spade Echo streamed a game, Persona I believe, with the Japanese audio track. Of course Spade Echo spoke in Chinese.

It was definitely a weird experience, having to rely on the Japanese audio to understand what's going on, even though I'm only level N5.

>> No.27389068

Danchou's food looks disgusting

>> No.27389071


>> No.27389072
Quoted by: >>27389087

Towa is starting!

>> No.27389073
Quoted by: >>27389137

raw egg on diarrhea

>> No.27389080

she can make an omuraisu

>> No.27389085

Praying for morning voice

>> No.27389087

Wake up...

>> No.27389088

You will get rangebanned

>> No.27389089

she's not a tryhard, thats already a plus for me.

>> No.27389090

She's calling them just to talk or fuck

>> No.27389092
File: 276 KB, 1000x1503, pierce-brosnan-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389166

>moona ending stream with eating

>> No.27389094


>> No.27389095

I don't think playing it alone isn't fun. That was literally how I lived during the summer of 2012, in my single player world.

>> No.27389098
Quoted by: >>27389137

you're not going to marry your brother with this dish, noel

>> No.27389099

God holostarfags are so fucking annoying.

>> No.27389101
File: 94 KB, 292x299, 1590890423020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that disgusting titty cow really think that shit looked even remotely ok

>> No.27389103
File: 347 KB, 400x476, 1601137622170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know Cover has a contingency plan for this somewhere.
Like they had in every single fuck up in this year?

>> No.27389104

I think you're overestimating cover's competence

>> No.27389105 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1260x1260, mikopeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sad when i see 35P, haatons and others sad because they miss their oshi.
it is lucki that my oshi has not had a big yab or illness and is still here.
i miss miko very much.
i hope that you will see your oshi soon and be happy again.
i like seeing happy anon when he can watch his oshi doing fun things.
it will be okay anon.

>> No.27389108
File: 244 KB, 2048x1536, EQpQPdOUEAASNFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27389110

Reminder that Matsuri doesn't care about her fans

>> No.27389113

I would eat it.

>> No.27389114

Are you being for real?

>> No.27389115

how it's called the kusoge that towa is playing again?

>> No.27389116


>> No.27389120

Punished Yagoo
A visionary robbed of his dream

>> No.27389121

Reminder that Don-chan is the actual holo, "Pekora" is merely the host body.

>> No.27389123


>> No.27389125
Quoted by: >>27389541

Check that holo called Miko, you'll have your answer.

>> No.27389127
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1585190026638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389144

That's ok

>> No.27389131

it was her snack, 9 fucking fried chiken

>> No.27389133
Quoted by: >>27389514

They make money off superchats, not ads.

>> No.27389134


>> No.27389135
Quoted by: >>27389183

You'd lick her old skin flakes out of the carpet.

>> No.27389136

I wish there were VEF for supachas

>> No.27389137

ok retards it's just rice with some meat souse fucking chill

>> No.27389138

Fuck off, your 'kindness' is so fake it's disgusting.

>> No.27389139
File: 309 KB, 1863x1048, astelbsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27389420


>> No.27389143
File: 358 KB, 595x847, EQvn2OHUUAErWTN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27389144
Quoted by: >>27389173

No it's not

>> No.27389147

Can the sheep even cook?

>> No.27389150

Moona is cute af in the Minecraft arc but Iofi still is the queen
Fuck, Iofi managed to do something none of the Holos did and that's get her own playlist in Sora's channel after literally one collab and being able to call Sora "nee-san"

>> No.27389153
Quoted by: >>27389233

Me too but only if it was regurgitated and she added some of her own milk.

>> No.27389155

What has given you confidence that Cover has any ability to look ahead and anticipate adverse situations?

>> No.27389156
Quoted by: >>27389340

how can you not love this tree rat?

>> No.27389158
Quoted by: >>27389215

To be fair, I can see how indivisible would appeal to foreign audiences over the US one thanks to them caring less about all of the bad stuff surrounding the game. But, I don't think its a kusoge more than its just a very average game.

>> No.27389157

Looks ok to me.

>> No.27389160

Towa is awake!

>> No.27389166

how many times did she eat during this stream?
holy fuck this bitch must be fat

>> No.27389169

even more on her early streams

>> No.27389170

fucking kek. my sides.

>> No.27389173

It is!!

>> No.27389176

her first stream will be guaranteed an apology or a explanation on what happened

>> No.27389183


>> No.27389184

Roboco is very cute today!

>> No.27389186


>> No.27389188

Friends deserve all the arse.

>> No.27389189

Indivisible is such a kusoge, if it was any other vtuber I wouldn't watch.

>> No.27389190


>> No.27389191


>> No.27389194


>> No.27389197


>> No.27389198
Quoted by: >>27389246

Iofi is the worst indog, her personality sucks, all she does is laugh and repeat things like a monkey

>> No.27389200
Quoted by: >>27389214

Matsuri has fans?

>> No.27389203
Quoted by: >>27389277

Someone post Astel making Matsuli laugh..

>> No.27389204

s-son! your wife!

>> No.27389205


>> No.27389207

Her husband would happily chow it down to make her happy, though.

>> No.27389210

dorky charm
amazingly cute design
incredible singing voice
good chat interaction
decent gamer
does her best to show gratitude to her overseas fans which triggers the savior complex EXTRA hard

>> No.27389211

wtf this real?

>> No.27389212

L2D soul transfer

>> No.27389215

I'm sorry man I was just baiting someone to send my towa failing at spelling the games name

>> No.27389214

Please kill yourselves.

>> No.27389218

Apex Legends

>> No.27389221


>> No.27389224


>> No.27389227

Because Iofi's boring
All I remember about her is she whipped a titty out to roll in a gacha with her nipple once, and that her art is shit

>> No.27389229
Quoted by: >>27389359

Do you think browsing SEAland on google maps is what killed Miko?

>> No.27389233

Noel works out and eats healthily so her breast milk is probably 美味しい

>> No.27389234

sleepy morning voice towa.....

>> No.27389236

Most of them are stalkers anyway, the kind of fans she wants already ignore her.

>> No.27389239

I love Matsuri and her schizo shenanigans!!

>> No.27389238

>Kuku got mad at Roberu's VOMS harem so she went to fucked by 2 of his friends
top NTR plot

>> No.27389240

She doesn't care about you Lyger

>> No.27389241

It's a dead ship, just let it go

>> No.27389243


>> No.27389245


>> No.27389246

>all she does is laugh and repeat things like a monkey
so just like the average japanese girl

>> No.27389248

>sleepy Towa
>heard Sexy for a single word
This might just be a blessed stream.

>> No.27389251

Chances are you're gonna do it first if you're really a fan of Matsuri.

>> No.27389252

I love sleepy Towa.

>> No.27389254

holy kek

>> No.27389257

Twap is up!

>> No.27389259

>not deep voice

>> No.27389260

Your right she doesn't deserve a good husband. She deserves me

>> No.27389262

Probably knows the big difference between the Japanese and Chinese fans now

>> No.27389264

Sleepy Towa stream

>> No.27389266


>> No.27389269

>what happens if a Holo passes away?
The fanbase must follow suit. Its one of the rules in the pact.

>> No.27389271

it's not Moona's fault that she's more entertaining than your so called "talented" and "skilled" girl. anyway, what talent if i may ask?

>> No.27389272


>> No.27389273


>> No.27389277
Quoted by: >>27389406


>> No.27389280


>> No.27389282

We'll know when Kanata actually succeeds this time

>> No.27389283

>After that I say: "Well, at the very least I want a dildo, a big pink one. Or a very bumpy cucumber!"


>> No.27389287
Quoted by: >>27389315

Towa sounds like she sucks a mean blowjob !!!

>> No.27389290
Quoted by: >>27389414

nobody would would willingly subject themselves to watching her

>> No.27389292

Find out soon with all your favourite holos that are currently not streaming!

>> No.27389293


>> No.27389296

haha egg

>> No.27389306

I don't like Moona.

>> No.27389307

Is she one of those penis matsuris they have in Japan?

>> No.27389311

it's probably pretty fatty too
considering her roommate admits gaining weight

>> No.27389314

she was clearly eating a dango

>> No.27389315

Towa sounds like she needs to be to be tucked back into bed.

>> No.27389327
Quoted by: >>27389345

I wish Towa would use morning streams as an excuse to "forget" her regular voice and do deep sexy.

>> No.27389334

For fuck sake Towa go back to the deep voice...

>> No.27389335 [DELETED] 

she's bland and boring. cant really blame the fandom.

>> No.27389337


>> No.27389339
Quoted by: >>27389352

It sounded more like she was just troubled by not being able to sleep though than having any sort of emergency really. It's a good idea to call if you've been put on meds and don't know if they're having an unexpected effect.

She really just can't win at life, although, getting into Hololive already let her fulfil some genuine dreams so I suppose its all worth it. All she has to do is keep moving forward and even unbelievable dreams like getting to voice a character on Conan or meeting some of her idols might actually come true.

>> No.27389340

I know, right? She's great.

>> No.27389342

isn't CLP a strong currency compared to ARS?
that's kinda missing the point of the $14 akasupa joke

>> No.27389344


>> No.27389346

towa....indiebuvubububu looks so boring....

>> No.27389345

Me too.
But it's cute when she actually forgets first thing in the morning too.

>> No.27389348
Quoted by: >>27389361

color me surprised /hlg/ likes a fatass who plays autism simulators all day

>> No.27389352
Quoted by: >>27389387

>getting into Hololive already let her fulfil some genuine dreams so I suppose its all worth it. All she has to do is keep moving forward and even unbelievable dreams like getting to voice a character on Conan or meeting some of her idols might actually come true.
kanata fans are so pathetic

>> No.27389353
Quoted by: >>27389382

I fucking love Towa's death throes

>> No.27389354
Quoted by: >>27389389

There's just something about the Indonesian accent, I can't listen to it.
Also heavily breaks my immersion that her beautifully haired avatar has a hijab behind the screen.

>> No.27389355

Don't let anyone catch you saying that anon

>> No.27389359

I wonder if newfags even know where does "s-sugoi..." come from.

>> No.27389361

Anon seething because he'll never go on a mcdonalds date and then play minecraft with Moona...

>> No.27389362

Gotta play the kusoge before she gets back to the kamige.
Hollow Knight soon.

>> No.27389363
Quoted by: >>27389423


>> No.27389364

it's not very good stream game
but atleast she's having fun

>> No.27389365

that's the point donating in ARS is getting a free super chat, I want to actually give money to FBK now

>> No.27389366
Quoted by: >>27389411

I love Moona

>> No.27389374

Should've played Skullgirls

>> No.27389377


>> No.27389382

Towa's screams will be stuck in my head forever.

>> No.27389387

All me.

>> No.27389389
Quoted by: >>27390374

they wear hijabs at home?

>> No.27389391

I like indibisibireru

>> No.27389398

I really don't like the at home 3D models, hits the uncanny valley for me

>> No.27389400
Quoted by: >>27389459

>called an imageboard
>doesn't let you post images

>> No.27389405

Risu is definitely the type of girl that has a dildo.

>> No.27389406

They should group together next tournament

>> No.27389408
Quoted by: >>27389431

Roboco is uselsss pfffhahaha

>> No.27389410

It feels just a worse Valkyrie Profile

>> No.27389411
Quoted by: >>27389448

you have your own thread for that opinion

>> No.27389413

I like Towa and I like brown girls.

>> No.27389414

I watch her, she is fun.
She is fun in Apex too but only when she collab with others girls, her apex solo are sad to watch.

>> No.27389421
Quoted by: >>27389486

I am like you I need 10 hours of sleep to function. And yet these past couple of years I average around 4-8 hours and I struggle to have the energy to do what I need to do. I wish I was like the other anons here that can do just fine with 6 hours cause holy fuck I hate feeling lethargic and exhausted all the time

>> No.27389420

Oh no I am falling for him.

>> No.27389423

great now i've got a hard case of the gay

>> No.27389425

I think we can all agree with Risu is THE worst ID by far.

>> No.27389430
Quoted by: >>27389492

why is twapi shadowbanned

>> No.27389431

Come back already, SIo...

>> No.27389434
Quoted by: >>27389465


>> No.27389437
Quoted by: >>27389496

That's what it's based on.

>> No.27389439

Have the chinese coco antis calmed down?

>> No.27389446

>your oshi
>the first video game character you ever fapped to

>> No.27389447

cause they're shit fucking models
If cover wasn't incompetent as fuck they'd properly prepare them for home 3D at least
but they can't do shit properly

>> No.27389448

I love Moona

>> No.27389449


>> No.27389453

Praise Danchou's tits!

>> No.27389455

a bit
a lot of them are still butthurt

>> No.27389459

How new?

>> No.27389460
Quoted by: >>27389509

Why spoiler? Not like it's an unpopular opinion. They're ugly and the face tracking is awful.

>> No.27389461


>> No.27389463
File: 632 KB, 1000x1400, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27390058

I miss MIko so much lads.

>> No.27389465

She'll be back on the weekend fellow yukimin

>> No.27389466

Not even a soundproofed room can save her neighbors from this!

>> No.27389474

thank you

>> No.27389475

I mean, we've seen THAT pizza, you guys know the one, so....

>> No.27389478


>> No.27389479

It was last year right?
Do you think anyone has taken her anal virginity since then?
that is not you

>> No.27389482
Quoted by: >>27389497

>bibi hat
>no horns

>> No.27389483

>Hey honey. Have you ever seen a Mega Santa 'party'?

>> No.27389486

Caffeine helps alot

>> No.27389491

every single onion and FBK image user here is a chink do NOT reply to them

>> No.27389492
Quoted by: >>27389499

Her numbers are low because it's morning, the game isn't fun to watch, and she's bad at it.
But I'm watching her anyway.

>> No.27389494

Ever since Towa started streaming again I have been thinking about her nonstop. Like the past 90 hours have been nothing but Towa. I spend every waking moment either watching her streams, checking her twitter or thinking about her. Then I go to sleep and dream about her before waking up to watch her next stream. I am utterly consumed by Towa.

>> No.27389495


>> No.27389496

I know, I'm saying that it isn't as good and doesn't offer anything original to make it worth playing.

>> No.27389497


>> No.27389499

no i mean shes literally shadowbanned. shes not showing up in my sub box.

>> No.27389506


>> No.27389507

Funny how the people here are fine with talking shit about Matsuri, saying she should graduate, and even wishing death and misfortune on her. They're fine with doxxposts, attacking her, and spreading misinformation for the sake of their own entertainment and in the hopes of damaging her image, all the typical activities of an anti. Then, in another breath they'll pretend as though they're hololive fans. It's even more ridiculous when taking into account how much Matsuri has poured her heart out over how she feels about hololive and the other holos as a whole, but I guess that doesn't matter since most of the people here are filthy clipwatchers who've never actually watched Matsuri streams and the idea of a kind-hearted Matsuri doesn't fit their narratives.

>> No.27389509

Marine's is the only good one

>> No.27389514
Quoted by: >>27390450

Hololive as a group generates tens of millions of views. You can't tell me that they don't make a decent amount of money from ads.

>> No.27389515

Indibidible is fucking shit.

>> No.27389517

Towasama getting bullied...

>> No.27389519

>towa is live
What the fuck youtube

>> No.27389525

Robos model is just so fucking shit.

>> No.27389527

I'm not subbed to her and she's my first video recommendation.

>> No.27389528
Quoted by: >>27389552

yeah it is

>> No.27389530

She is for me. Did you remember to ring the bell?

>> No.27389534

You might want to seek help if it doesn't get better

>> No.27389535
Quoted by: >>27389563

I missed a week of Towa. She changed her voice again?

>> No.27389536

I agree with you.

>> No.27389537

>Coco barely half a year in Hololive
>already made the most impact not just in the company but in the vtuber culture, maybe even in the world if chinks keep blow shit out of proportion

No woman should have all this power.

>> No.27389538

It feels extra nice when she is streaming and extra bad when she isn't.

>> No.27389541

Nah Miko isn't dead. Pekora wouldn't stoop so low as to let us think she's still alive..right?

>> No.27389543

>still no capcom permission up to this day

is capcom being an ass right now or cover being incompetent as always?

>> No.27389548


>> No.27389552

Towa is not an "it" anon, even if she is retarded...

>> No.27389553

Fuck I did not even remember Marine had an outfit like that. She need to wear it more. Then again her regular one is so fucking good too I never tire of look at it

>> No.27389554

Yeah looks way worse to play and writingwise than The Tenth Line.

>> No.27389555
Quoted by: >>27389588

Niji has exclusive rights.

>> No.27389558

It's ok flarebro, thanks

>> No.27389560

It's 4chan, everyone here is edgy as fuck, what do you expect?

>> No.27389562

The best thing

>> No.27389564
Quoted by: >>27389577

Matsuri doesn't love her fans she loves their money

>> No.27389563

Natural Towawa!

Her voice kind of shifts a lot, she only woke up twenty minutes ago though.

>> No.27389565

Fuck cuckcom

>> No.27389567

Still not at the level of the 4 heavenly kings or the ogre of japan.

>> No.27389569

>is capcom being an ass right now or cover being incompetent as always?

>> No.27389571

the only thing anyone has said about matsuri is she's fucked in the head, which is true
no doxxing, no narratives, no misinformation

>> No.27389572

I have never once said anything bad about Matsuli though

>> No.27389575
Quoted by: >>27389585

default female Fortnite skin

>> No.27389577

what the FUCK she's making money!?

>> No.27389579

>barely half a year
it's almost been a year anon...

>> No.27389584

>argies need to pay $14 for akasupa
>weones need to pay $90 for akasupa

I just realized how fucked is Argentina

>> No.27389585


>> No.27389586

okay chang

>> No.27389588

are you fucking with us?

>> No.27389589

How did she do it?
Lazy reddit humor. Wow!

>> No.27389594

The three worst holos are streaming at the same time, sugoi!

>> No.27389600

>people here
>collective whole
go back

>> No.27389604
Quoted by: >>27389620

And yet I keep coming back here
Why do I do it?

>> No.27389610

very weak bait

>> No.27389617
Quoted by: >>27389640

Twap improved a lot

>> No.27389619

The Apex general is on /vg/

>> No.27389620

torre posting

>> No.27389622

Risu's laugh sounds so fake. It reminds me of Jimmy Fallon

>> No.27389625

Sio don't say that about your ex-wife and her girlfriend...

>> No.27389626

>she said something in spanish
prepare for your oshi's chat to be spicified.

>> No.27389627

Capcom only makes trash so who cares.
They will push them to play monhun switch games when they launch Im sure.

>> No.27389628

Reminder that Lyger is a stalker and will end up raping and killing Matsuri

>> No.27389633

I really really want to have sex with Noel

>> No.27389636
Quoted by: >>27389643

but coco's still banned

>> No.27389640

Slow and steady, I still remember when she spent an hour on the spider bursting my ear drums.

>> No.27389642
Quoted by: >>27389711

>Capcom only makes trash so who cares
Why is /v/ like this?

>> No.27389643
Quoted by: >>27389685


>> No.27389644
Quoted by: >>27389667

Unironically probably, that and the narratives.
Also it feels like a family but that's gay so I'm not saying that out loud

>> No.27389650

Offcollab monhun...

>> No.27389651
Quoted by: >>27389726

RIP that nigga MikeZ. Just wanted to shill his waifu fighter

>> No.27389654

>talking shit about Matsuri, saying she should graduate, and even wishing death and misfortune on her
Huh? Where?
>damaging her image
Oh the horror! And that certainly doesn't happen to ANY other holo here to a much worse degree. Fuck right off you snowflake. You sound mentally ill and you don't read these threads. I know holos and their fans are alike but you don't have to play the part this seriously.

>> No.27389661

Posts like this is specifically why I hate creep fans like lyger.

>> No.27389662

Wowy what a a coincidence that so many girls got sick at the exact time and are all taking a week long break in the same week. Just a coincidence obviously.

>> No.27389667


>> No.27389671

Bets on possible Matsuri suicide? High or low?

>> No.27389672

This battle system is so awful.
Either have full and long tactical turnbased with soem qte mashing or have a reala ction game. Not this inbreed halfarsed shit that does both badly.
And don't have a billion playable characters. You just force everyone to have zero writing and be a boardcutout at best.

>> No.27389673


>> No.27389675
Quoted by: >>27389731

I saw some faggots getting triggered by seeing the word "chink".
How many of you faggots are chinks? You know this is a NO CHINKS area, right?

>> No.27389678


What does that mean

>> No.27389681

pls andastd, they have synced periods

>> No.27389684

Coco's graduating. All the people taking breaks are upset by it.

>> No.27389685

No, my name is Tom!!!

>> No.27389686
Quoted by: >>27389706

Towa is sick too, but she is still streaming, it's just that time of year.

>> No.27389687

I heard from 5ch that Maturi attacked Kanata because she was trans

>> No.27389688

Post surveys or something and kill this thread I need to post my spicy narrative images

>> No.27389689

It's very common for Japanese people to take ill in autumn. Japanese cold bery serious, please andastd

>> No.27389690
Quoted by: >>27389720

>can pos image

>> No.27389691

everyone taking a break to party with kaichou, they are not even being silent about it

>> No.27389696

it means friend is cute

>> No.27389698

She'd quit Hololive first so she won't die as Matsuri.

>> No.27389699

Well it is getting cold in japan

>> No.27389700

I'm going big chief!
You see that red mercedes out there? i'm betting that on in the next year

>> No.27389702

i just want to see my holos beat up some monsters. PIEN...

>> No.27389703

>the year is 2060

>you look at the calendar and realize today is the 30th anniversary of your favorite Vtuber actress passing away

>> No.27389704
Quoted by: >>27389800

It means it's her last day off, EOP-kun.

>> No.27389705

I think Flare should kiss Noel

>> No.27389706

> it's just that time of year.
mating season?

>> No.27389708


>> No.27389710
Quoted by: >>27389760

If you care about Coco, you should download and archive her videos right now.
I'm not going to do that of course because I hate her

>> No.27389711

/v/ermins are the normalfags that worship that shit company for releasing a cod audience mh, another fucking RErerelease, cringe mashy pizzatime 6 and another fucking RErelease.
Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.27389712

Someone's getting graduated for sure

>> No.27389713

I love his soft husky voice the most

>> No.27389714

What is torre posting?

>inb4 newfag
Yeah, just answer

>> No.27389717
Quoted by: >>27389775

im late, did towawa finally managing to spell indibisibibiru right this time?

>> No.27389719


>> No.27389720

ho ne

>> No.27389722

Menhera is being menhera on her menhera account again.

>> No.27389723

Yup, might as well drop all pretense of civility.
Everyone here's only interested in drama anyway.

>> No.27389725

I also think my two moms should kiss.

>> No.27389726

>mikez put sonicfox in the game for the training mode shit

>> No.27389728


>> No.27389730

Like Marine did?

>> No.27389731

This, don't make me get the bug spray

>> No.27389735
Quoted by: >>27389786

I hate that I understand this without even having to check anything

>> No.27389736


>> No.27389737


>> No.27389740



>> No.27389742


>> No.27389748
Quoted by: >>27389853

Why are insects harassing my friend on Twitter?

>> No.27389753
Quoted by: >>27389769

>REmake 2 and Monhun world are bad
I wonder if you even like games.

>> No.27389760
Quoted by: >>27389808

Coco is unprivating her archives retard, she's not going anywhere.

>> No.27389764

Why is Mel even in hololive still? She's a worthless waste of space. She doesn't add anything.

>> No.27389768
Quoted by: >>27389804

Thats not a unique identifier

>> No.27389769

>replying to bait

>> No.27389770

I think they're pretty sad that they can't invite Haachama to cheer her up as well.

>> No.27389773

Ok /v/

>> No.27389776

Have you heard about the Japanese aids flu?

>> No.27389775


>> No.27389777
Quoted by: >>27389874

>roboco's cat cam
I guess she gives no fucks about people knowing her roommate account

>> No.27389778

I also think my husband and her wife should kiss

>> No.27389781


>> No.27389784

Motherfucking hamster again
What's the deal with noel and hamsters...

>> No.27389786


>> No.27389787
Quoted by: >>27389865

>Sad things happen in quick succession.
>I thought it would be better for my friends to play when they could.

>Sad things can happen in a row, can't they? I thought that friends should play when they can.


>> No.27389788

Don't let melposter see this anon!

>> No.27389789

She quit hololive, start to stream in her roommate channel, get in some sex scandal, end up retiring from the internet, l*ger kill her and then commit suicide.

>> No.27389792

Tokyo tower...
Za towa...
Tannu tuva...
Twilight sparkly...
Tinky Winky...
Tokugawa Ieyasu...
Tokoyammer Taiwan...

>> No.27389798
Quoted by: >>27389850

When Fubuki mentioned Coco? That was an experiment by Yagoo to see how upset the Chinese still are.

The experiment concluded that the Chinese are still pissed. So Coco is getting fired. Sorry guys

>> No.27389800

Day off of what? She's been streaming every day for a while.

>> No.27389804

lurk more

>> No.27389807


>> No.27389808

She is going to WcDonalds

>> No.27389811


>> No.27389812

Flare should graduate, she's the failure of Gen3

>> No.27389814

She adds cuteness.

>> No.27389816


>> No.27389817


>> No.27389818


>> No.27389821

RE remakes are objectively good boomer. They made Resident evil playable.

>> No.27389822

add 54 6f 77 61 2e 2e 2e

>> No.27389829
Quoted by: >>27389856

Flare should commit suicide in minecraft

>> No.27389830

She's been doing very short streams though.

>> No.27389832

Please give Towa a tan next time rurudo!

>> No.27389837


>> No.27389838


>> No.27389839
Quoted by: >>27389884

How much fucking time do you need in apex to be about roboco's level?

>> No.27389841

YAGOO should graduate, he has failed Hololive and can't handle it anymore.

>> No.27389844

Still not watching homofags. Nice try.

>> No.27389846


>> No.27389850

When Fubuki mentioned Coco? That was an experiment by Yagoo to see how upset the Chinese still are.

The experiment concluded that the Chinese are still pissed. So Hololive is pulling out of China forever.

>> No.27389851
Quoted by: >>27390951


>> No.27389853

Because she mentioned Coco.
Do your part and report them for targeted harassment.

>> No.27389855

Torre didn't click for me, it doesn't sound even close in English

>> No.27389856

I'm telling my moms what you said.

>> No.27389857

What the fuck happened? That second sentence sounds really bad. Is Cocock really graduating?

>> No.27389860

Which holo do you think is the most likely to die first? Coco has had a few scary moments with her sleeping pills, but Subaru has her heart condition.

>> No.27389861


>> No.27389863
Quoted by: >>27389907


>> No.27389865

No "アペやらん?" for festival...

>> No.27389874

I havent seen any doxx from Roboco yet.
Just tell me if she is cute or not.

>> No.27389876
Quoted by: >>27389934

It means Tower in spic

>> No.27389882
Quoted by: >>27389934

Torre means Tower, Towamigo...

>> No.27389884

From zero experience to her level? 30 hours.
Unfortunately she has much more than that...

>> No.27389887


>> No.27389890
Quoted by: >>27389939

So Cover really lost HTC sponsorship? That's the only explanation for no 3D

>> No.27389891

why are kenzoku like this

>> No.27389894

I dont wanna be evil and wish graduation upon her, but I would like her to leave.
She is really the only bad apple of that gen, and I dont like how Noel pretends to care about her just out of pity.

>> No.27389903

theres no Trowa...
are you even trying?

>> No.27389905

towander wall....

>> No.27389907

Unlimited dork works!

>> No.27389909
Quoted by: >>27390089

Lucky for you "he" is asleep.

>> No.27389911

So Hololive is basically Katawa Shoujo...

>> No.27389915

Roboco has the worst design in Hololive

>> No.27389916

This sounds fucking gay

>> No.27389923

Most holos are pretty secretive about their real identity. It's not known what pekora's face looks like, for example. You could walk past her on the street and you wouldn't know.
Coco, Matsuri, and more recently Artia have their faces doxxed or public. So they might be stalked and killed

>> No.27389930


>> No.27389931

I was playing as good as Roboco in 10 hours, but then I only played good heroes like Wraith and Pathfinder.

>> No.27389932

Tow truck...

>> No.27389934

Yeah, it does in Italian as well, I'm just dumb and didn't think to make a connection

>> No.27389936

Why do you think PPT hurt herself? Why do you think so many girls are taking time off to visit her?

>> No.27389938

More Towa voice acting onegai.

>> No.27389939

are you fucking dumb
you think they're going to buy equipment from some company and then they say "no we don't like you any more you can't use it"
You think if I post Tawian is a free country on Twitter China is going to tell me I can't use my refridgerator anymore because it's made in China

>> No.27389942
Quoted by: >>27390014

kanata doesn't deserve the misfortune she's been facing

>> No.27389943


>> No.27389944
Quoted by: >>27390103

I meant the account level
I know she ain't the best shot

>> No.27389946

Remember when Mio had trouble breathing and had to go to the hospital?

>> No.27389950

Sorry, but I enjoy more her roommate trying to impress us with how big her tits are just to get attention.

>> No.27389967
Quoted by: >>27390097

Miko, Kanata and Subaru, are the most likely to die. I would count ayame but her being sick is pure bullshit.

Also Festival, but she it would be suicide.

>> No.27389970

Towa laugh is the dorkiest

>> No.27389972

I want to hear Towa's dorky laugh every day.

>> No.27389980
Quoted by: >>27390005

No one knows because we don't know what the contract looks like sweetie :)

>> No.27389981
Quoted by: >>27390081

Get fucked Zhang's, FBKing doesn't care, keep crying.

>> No.27389987

look at this dude and his complete lack of awareness

>> No.27389993

Please...anyone but towa...stream

>> No.27389996

Kanata got every single Holo girl pregnant, then finally transitioned.

She just happened to get Miko earlier than the others, since she met Pekora to discuss her debut but Miko happened to come along wanting to meet her as well. Things kind of escalated, and Miko ended up being the first Holo to succumb to Kanata. Pekora took the opportunity to escape, abandoning her friend to her fate. She wasn't able to maintain her distance for more than a couple months though.

Many of the other girls succumbed in rapid succession after this, and now Cover is perpetuating a massive Coverup for the endless sequence of births that will continue for the next couple months. The reason why all the 3D events are delayed is because of so many near-term pregnancies, furthermore, they are using their operations center as a nursery while trying to keep a reasonable number of the girls active to avoid suspicion.

Haato and Coco's suspensions were all scripted events. Who were among the girls closest to Kanata 9 months ago? None other than those two. Haato even made such an impressive journey just to receive her prize. They were able to negotiate their 3 week breaks with their seniority and income in turn.

>> No.27389997

>your oshi
>which dish would you make if you had a date with her
>how long can you hold your breath

>> No.27390002

Aki Rosenyoom!

>> No.27390005

No you just don't have any common sense
It's not like the Taiwanese get officially mad at anyone for bowing to China anyway, otherwise they'd be mad at the entire world

>> No.27390006

Fuu-tan is an acquired taste. I'm glad she filters so much EOPs

>> No.27390007

Honestly though, would anyone even care if someone like Matsuri or Artia killed the bucket?

>> No.27390009


>> No.27390011
Quoted by: >>27390098

Has Towa ever actually explained why she's playing this dog shit game?

>> No.27390013

>You think if I post Tawian is a free country on Twitter China is going to tell me I can't use my refridgerator anymore because it's made in China
only when 5g be a thing on everything in your house

>> No.27390014

kanatan is an angel
just hope she doesn't turn into one, literally

>> No.27390028
Quoted by: >>27390051

okay zheng

>> No.27390030
Quoted by: >>27390222

>Fuu-tan is an acquired taste
So is scat, difference is, scatfags are fully aware that they have shit tastes.

>> No.27390034

Little does Towa know these NPCs are just backer rewards.

>> No.27390037
Quoted by: >>27390063

Nope, you're going to watch Towa and enjoy

>> No.27390039

theyre coming for your fridge better enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.27390044

Just noticed Coco's English-only bomb defusal was unprivated. Something good finally happened

>> No.27390048

Yes, Festival is a mess but it's still my Festival

>> No.27390051

okay wang

>> No.27390052

12 boiled eggs
4 seconds

>> No.27390055


>> No.27390056

Why are these filthy non-members saying "Welcome the family"
You aren't even Kenzoku.

>> No.27390058

Stay strong 35p! Miko will return to us yet. Just keep you faith and she'll return!

>> No.27390059

Don't kill the bucket!
I like the bucket.

>> No.27390061

- --- .-- .-

>> No.27390063


>> No.27390065


>> No.27390072

Pasta and egg tart
1.5 mins

>> No.27390073

what actually is wrong with festival

>> No.27390076

twampa old woman voice....

>> No.27390077

Flare is great, she's not an "aquired taste"

>> No.27390080
Quoted by: >>27390131

If Choco were to graduate today, nothing would really change.

>> No.27390081

>kissing emoji
Why are the CCPdrones so passive aggressive on all of their posts? They come off the same way Twitter dramawhores do when they write shit like "Umm no sweetie bless your heart".

>> No.27390083

>I dont like how Noel pretends to care about her just out of pity.
Anon Noel has been relying since before they debuted

>> No.27390086

Old news

>> No.27390088

Pekora metal gear onegai...

>> No.27390089
Quoted by: >>27390312

What ? No.

>> No.27390090
Quoted by: >>27390222

>"you dont like vtuber I like so you must be EOPs"

Sure retard.

>> No.27390093
Quoted by: >>27390167

Festival is one of the best holos to represent the company. Of course they would care

>> No.27390097

Now I'm confused why Matsuri would kill herself, I'm I missing something? I haven't seen anything depressing or some shit like that.

>> No.27390098
Quoted by: >>27390223

Towa likes western games.

>> No.27390099

not having my dick inside her

>> No.27390100

they all think people somehow care about their opinion

>> No.27390103


Going off this old article, it should take Roboco at least 596.7 hours to be at level 459. But it probably took Roboco longer if she didn't take advantage of xp bonuses and her less aggressive playstyle.

>> No.27390110

drama queen

>> No.27390126
Quoted by: >>27390158

HTC literally sell their own goods in China and even do chinese exclusives on the release of some products even. I don't know why people think they would care.

Besides that the Cover studio for 3D doesn't use HTC stuff it uses vicon, most vtuber companies that have decent 3D use it, its a high end market leading system used in film production and video game production.

>> No.27390128

Why are you even in hololive thread even? You're a worthless waste of space. You doesn't add anything.

>> No.27390130

so why's FBK being targeted and not Shark on her karaoke stream

>> No.27390131

Is it true that she has cancer? I didn't believe it at first, but with how much weight she's been losing it seems unnatural. Not to mention how she slept for over 24 fucking hours.

>> No.27390142

Calm down boomer it's just an emote it can't hurt you.

>> No.27390143

the less you know the better

>> No.27390144

The menhera is menhera posting on her roomate account. It's nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.27390147

>image board
>can't post text

>> No.27390150

>collab ban lifted
>still no Matsuri/Roboco/Choco Apex collab with Botan

Could it be...they are hating on Botan for actually being good at FPS games?

>> No.27390154

Cover isn't doing 3d streams because the 3d machines are Taiwan technology.

China will get mad if hololive uses Taiwan technology during the current crisis - it could be misconstrued as support for Taiwan.
So it wasn't Taiwan, it was cover that decided not to use it.

>> No.27390156

She took a short two day break, no stream yesterday and no stream upcoming today. Not related to the chinks, this was announced beforehand.

>> No.27390157


>> No.27390158

Kids who have never had a job before who don't understand how the world works trying to make up narratives

>> No.27390161

Chinks are afraid of ENfags. They want to target holoJP first

>> No.27390162

I can only make curry
2 minutes

>> No.27390163


>> No.27390167

>Festival is one of the best holos to represent the company

>> No.27390170

chinks are too pussy to target actual westerners

>> No.27390171

anon, your cardio reps...

>> No.27390179

you post like a fucking ugly faggot

>> No.27390185

Only HoloJP

>> No.27390187

I would take her to a local pizza restaurant, because I can't cook
Before Corona, I was able to hold my breath for 3 minutes because I actively practiced it. But during Corona I stopped doing it

>> No.27390189

Who has the best butt?

>> No.27390193

lamb souvlaki
1e+20 attoseconds

>> No.27390194

Insider-Chan here.

Be prepared for bad news within the next 6 hours.

>> No.27390196
Quoted by: >>27390215

>Kids who have never had a job before who don't understand how the world works trying to make up narratives
chances of you being a neet are 100%

>> No.27390200

they fear the power of orange man

>> No.27390201

conbini lunch
around a minute

>> No.27390202

>You doesn't add anything

>> No.27390204

Vicon is a UK company.

>> No.27390207





>> No.27390208

look at mister neet over here

>> No.27390209

You're like Luna

>> No.27390213

Artia's boyfriend cares. He gave her a heart necklace that she likes to wear

>> No.27390214

steak dinner
around a minute

>> No.27390215

I'm a neet but that's because I have enough money not to work

>> No.27390222

Please listen to her zatsudans before saying that. She's one of the most secretive holo but her member content is top tier

>> No.27390223

It's a wrpg trying to ape a jrpg. She could just... play an actually good jrpg.

>> No.27390224
Quoted by: >>27390301

is chicken finally getting fired over bribing her manager with etsy ass pics

>> No.27390225


>> No.27390227


>> No.27390231

Calamari or Popcorn Shrimp
2 minutes

>> No.27390237
Quoted by: >>27390307

Is this real? Holy moly...

>> No.27390239

oh what the fuck

>> No.27390244


>> No.27390253

Not him, but matsuri is pretty professional, when it come to advertisement or other idol stuff. The other that are good at that are Marine and Fubuki.

>> No.27390256

Take your meds

>> No.27390259

Tanigo here.
You'll be fired in 6 hours.

>> No.27390261

Real insider here, they're going to announce that Coco is being executed because she dared to challenge the intelligent Chinese

>> No.27390263

Why do you think they always choose her to do those stage performances instead girls like aqua or pekora

>> No.27390265

My father has worked for 40 years and still doesn't understand how the world works.
He's a janitor by the way, not sure if that matters

>> No.27390269

Tequila Town...

>> No.27390271

Gen 4 manager is getting iced...

>> No.27390275
Quoted by: >>27390383

Noel is thicc as fuck
Marine is rumored to have a giant ass

>> No.27390278

are you the guy who couldn't cook boiled eggs

>> No.27390282

If she's having fun it's fine, but yeah could have found a better game

>> No.27390283

Meanwhile I am preparing for good news from my boss Nenechi!
I hope it is a raise!

>> No.27390287

please be proud of him

>> No.27390289

o-oh okay...

>> No.27390291

Proxy war?

>> No.27390293


>> No.27390296

Now that hololive has gotten too big, which holos should graduate? Each gen has a weak link.

>> No.27390297

Spaghetti aglio e olio
2 minutes

>> No.27390300


>> No.27390301

i got hacked tho, can i get a refund?

>> No.27390303

Happy Towa day.

>> No.27390304

Pekora has a more difficult time doing situps because of her BOING BOING and gravity working in tandem against her

>> No.27390307

go back

>> No.27390309

Hamburger with bacon, cheese, tomato, lettuce, ham, onion, fried egg, barbecue sauce and mayo.
Or a natto maki.
Around 1 minute

>> No.27390312
Quoted by: >>27390362


>> No.27390313

twig twongus....

>> No.27390314

I heard from 5ch that Mel's old manager got Kanata pregnant recently.

>> No.27390319

Beef stew
around 2 minutes

>> No.27390335

But her boing can reach her knees easily

>> No.27390337
Quoted by: >>27390782


>> No.27390342


>> No.27390353
Quoted by: >>27390516

So, what does he thinks about gen 5 (minus Nene) comments about his work.

>> No.27390356

Cute English debiru.

>> No.27390362

What ? I am me. Person you are showing is not me.

>> No.27390374

They don't wear anything at home, actually. Look it up.

>> No.27390377

She must be quite fit to be so confident doing 39 situps


Oh, nevermind.

>> No.27390383
Quoted by: >>27390539

Noel's ass is flat as fuck and she's insecure about it.

>> No.27390388
Quoted by: >>27390480

Is Trump dead?

>> No.27390389

Fucking /v/ kill yourself just take a screenshot of the thread instead of this retarded adhc plastering all over the place for redditgold upvotes.

>> No.27390395

Gen 0 Roboco
Gen 1 Mel
Gen 2 Shion
Gen 3 Noel
Gen 4 Kanata
You could take all of them away and nothing will be lost, no one cares for them, they don't add anything unique to hololive, they don't earn that much to be worth keeping, even within their own gen there wouldn't be that much of commotion if they graduated with the exception of Kanata. Honestly they really should graduate they only drag down the others

>> No.27390401

why is towa extra cute today

>> No.27390406


>> No.27390407

not a lot of people watching holos right now eh

>> No.27390408

Towa day...

>> No.27390415

Generation 0: nobody out of respect
Generation 1: Aki
Generation 2: Choco
Generation 3: nobody because they're too powerful
Generation 4: Towa
Generation 5: Aloe
ID: iofi
CN: Yogiri
Holostars: I don't even know all their names. Just pick one at random.
Hololive EN: Kiara

>> No.27390419
Quoted by: >>27390470

Moona is the biggest leech in all of Hololive. She's insufferable.

>> No.27390423

some of the schizos here without a doubt

>> No.27390426

Towa is extra cute in the mornings.

>> No.27390429

As always

>> No.27390434

(you)r favourite
jackie chan

>> No.27390437


>> No.27390438

who's your favorite holo to watch play ring fit adventure

>> No.27390443


>> No.27390450

>Hololive as a group generates tens of millions of views. You can't tell me that they don't make a decent amount of money from ads.
Ad revenue these days is absolute trash, I would be genuinely surprised if they made up more than 0.1% of their youtube revenue.

>> No.27390458

i wonder if the holos talk about their regular viewers and big donators outside of their streams? like if they mention any viewers they remember by name to the other holos...
i kind of just want to believe my oshi sometimes thinks of me outside of when i donate or talk in chat...

>> No.27390457

You could graduate any of them any nothing would change.

>> No.27390459

Fried chips and cake
3 minutes

>> No.27390460

who doesn't love the moon!?

>> No.27390463

Towa can only graduate if she marries me.

>> No.27390470


>> No.27390473

EOPs why do you watch untranslated streams
Are you mentally ill

>> No.27390475

my 姫様

>> No.27390477

m a r i n e

>> No.27390478

Today I will remind them that towacucks here are a bunch of SEAniggers and discordtrannies. https://youtu.be/_jrxhaLSCg0

>> No.27390479

No offense but Kanata should just get a last few great gigs then graduate
There's no need for her to push herself so hard, it's just worse for both herself and her fans

>> No.27390480

That would be a good news.

>> No.27390481

so people can dig around and learn about her godly roommate ASMR

>> No.27390493

Hyper Nenechi

>> No.27390498

Agree with all of this except Shion, she's great in collabs and has nice kusogaki energy.

>> No.27390497

Haachama sends ToastedWookie her used socks as thanks

>> No.27390503
Quoted by: >>27390727

my oshi can't be this based.

>> No.27390501


>> No.27390505
Quoted by: >>27390518

Gen 0: Nobody
Gen 1: Nobody
Gen 2: Nobody
Gen 3: Nobody
Gen 4: Nobody
Gen 5: Nobody
HoloEN: Nobody
HoloCN: Nobody
HoloID: Nobody
Holostars: Nobody
This thread: >>27390296

>> No.27390511

I want to watch Towa play it...

>> No.27390512

>your oshi
>your weight

>> No.27390516
Quoted by: >>27390597

He doesn't watch vtubers but I'm sure he would be upset.

>> No.27390517


>> No.27390518


>> No.27390520

Imagine being one of these bottom tier holos that can't break 5k while all their peers are doing 10k+ lmao. Don't say "but, but it's morning!!" cause Lamy or sheep could draw over 10K at the same time.

>> No.27390522

I gave her a pity sub the other day.

>> No.27390531

Gen 2 should be Ayame. She never streams.

>> No.27390534

Don't mess with my oshii aunty, I'll fuck you up

>> No.27390538

What's up with this holo hater posting lately?

>> No.27390539

literally nothing on noel is flat lmao

>> No.27390542
Quoted by: >>27390606

Towa talks about the worldwide kenzoku around the office.

>> No.27390547

Gura fans are all underaged retarded faggots.

>> No.27390549

I ask this now and again too but I'd love to know how it doesn't even motivate them to learn nip at least a little bit.
Although anons here are pretty good about it to be fair, it's the ones on streams who demand live translators that are the problem.
And the ones that say "haha i don't know what she's saying but she's cute" when the holo is talking about something sensitive.

>> No.27390551


>> No.27390552


>> No.27390556
Quoted by: >>27390583

Towa can barely keep her eyes open

>> No.27390558

No offense but you should just suck my dick. There's no need to share your stupid thoughts with the internet, it's just worse for everyone else and my dick that's going unsucked.

>> No.27390560

anti shit... yikes

>> No.27390561

There was a Rushia ringfit stream that was so hot they had to delete it

>> No.27390565


>> No.27390568

No man, he's in the right, her ass is pretty flat, great thighs tho

>> No.27390573

number guys...

>> No.27390574

No idea

>> No.27390582

Coco and Marine

>> No.27390583

Spending time with a sleepy debiru!
Her head resting on your shoulder!

>> No.27390584
Quoted by: >>27390685

Even for the nicest possible Holos, with how busy most of them are I'd doubt any specific people would come up in their mind.
Maybe a hyper gachi who pumps hundreds every stream; they might think of them when they're buying things.

If you get an itsumo arigatou, you've basically won though. She at least remembers your name or icon, which is a lot when you're one of so many thousands.

>> No.27390585


>> No.27390586


>> No.27390588


>> No.27390592
Quoted by: >>27390658

Because I'm learning Nip and every stream I'm able to pick up on more than before.

>> No.27390597


>> No.27390600
Quoted by: >>27390627

I love my friend Fubuki! She's the best friend in the world!

>> No.27390603

okay rofl

>> No.27390606


>> No.27390609

Rushia, but her first time was better cuz she was moaning so hard.

>> No.27390613


>> No.27390617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27390662

This 3 confirms Coco is graduating

>> No.27390618

Botan said she wants to do BF4 with FBK on her server. Didn't talk about apex at all. Maybe she doesn't like the game.

>> No.27390619

Just woke up. Why chinks hate FBK over some tweet?

>> No.27390625
Quoted by: >>27390658

to help with my listening comprehension

>> No.27390626

wise words

>> No.27390627
Quoted by: >>27390652


>> No.27390632

Imagine being Mel, and having less viewers and making less supas than Roberu lol.

>> No.27390634
Quoted by: >>27391785

Fuck of nijinigger.

>> No.27390638
Quoted by: >>27390727

>source: Anon trust me

>> No.27390640

Where is the gameplay, Mike?

>> No.27390645

unrelated but every time people bring Menhera account, I just can't stop thinking how she would look like without all that make up. It's a scary thought for me

>> No.27390651

lets be serious for a moment, the fun part in listening to women isn't actually knowing what they're talking about

>> No.27390652


>> No.27390653


>> No.27390657

80 kg

>> No.27390658

If you're learning the language, then you're not an EOP

>> No.27390660


>> No.27390663

She didn't call Coco the devil and announce that from now on her body belongs to the CCP.

>> No.27390662

>Numbers get
This isn't /v/

>> No.27390667


>> No.27390669

you mean good news theyre replacing all managers with haachamas manager

>> No.27390672

I could lift more than every Towafaggot in this thread

>> No.27390674
Quoted by: >>27390730

How far is Towa in this game?

>> No.27390676

It is for me and im a dude

>> No.27390680

Please cease use of my wife as a front for your falseflagging.

>> No.27390685

One time I made a suggestion through super chat, and a few streams later they did the thing

>> No.27390696

Insects don't have the capacity for thought. One look at Coco's tags should tell you that.

>> No.27390698

Noel just kissed me, see ya virgins

>> No.27390710

What is this cringe lack of chemistry between detective and shark

>> No.27390720

naw I want to watch her even if she can't sing and can only do talking streams or games, so I'll take over 100% of her income if need be and bankroll it for all the other viewers that remain
the real holo that should graduate is no one .

>> No.27390724

I want her to do it too. Please play Bf4

>> No.27390726

Genuinely the most room temperature IQ post I've read all day

>> No.27390727 [DELETED] 

Here we go again

>> No.27390730
Quoted by: >>27391203

That would impress Towa.

The game is pretty short, so depending on how long she streams just a couple or so more streams.

>> No.27390733

No, she's just talking about how so many holos are sick/on break/suspended at the moment

>> No.27390742

>not learning languages but listening to people talk and translating everything
Its like you dont use your brain.

>> No.27390746

>Just woke up.

>> No.27390748

Pizzadad get out

>> No.27390753
Quoted by: >>27390886

There is 0 chemistry between all EN members. They were thrown together hastily and never got to know each other.

>> No.27390755


>> No.27390762

Honestly to date i genuinely don't understand how can people like Noel even less have her as their oshi, cranking it to her roommate i get, but consuming her content and not being disgusted by all the fakeness is beyond me, and even then the content that comes out of all that fakeness isn't even good

>> No.27390771
Quoted by: >>27390826

>10/8 is Towa in Japanese
What the FUCK I can't believe she named herself after a day.

>> No.27390776

Shinzo Abe's final act was a secret order to put all vtubers into breeding camps to save the Japanese race.

>> No.27390777

It helps me understand Japanese better, retard

>> No.27390778
Quoted by: >>27390955

Gura is a charisma vacuum.

>> No.27390782

It's just not the same without Senchou.

>> No.27390786


>> No.27390792

Reminds me of the forced teamwork projects in college.

>> No.27390793

Please do not feed the animals.

>> No.27390798

Well, at least RBC is having fun!

>> No.27390803
Quoted by: >>27390955

Shark has negative personality. Her drones will tell you everything she does is the best ever and so entertaining and needs 10 clips. Never seen someone carried so hard by design and first impression meme.

>> No.27390804


>> No.27390808

I think Botan mentioned she played Apex way too much and dont want anymore, but thats all the others play so a collab could make Apex fun to watch for once.

>> No.27390824

I like Pekora now

>> No.27390826
Quoted by: >>27390889

Towa's mama named her...

>> No.27390828

>Your oshi
>Your favorite Towa's name variation

>> No.27390830

I can't believe they want my oshi to die...

>> No.27390804,1 [INTERNAL] 


More info about her new fan base.......
Really I don’t found anything and I’m not interested I in knowing her Twitter.

There is ppl from ManoTomo (?)

>> No.27390838

You get to bring Aloe back, buy someone in hololive will die. Do you still accept?

>> No.27390841

I think I liked this thread better when it wasn't this thread and we were laughing at pecor playing rrat simulator

>> No.27390848

ohnononono bros....

>> No.27390851


>> No.27390865


>> No.27390867


>> No.27390869


>> No.27390871


>> No.27390880

Someone post the clip

>> No.27390883


>> No.27390886
Quoted by: >>27390924

They only had a month before debut to know each other and are doing extremely well despite that, fuck off with your weird narrative that EN has no chemistry

>> No.27390889

There's no way Rurudo would name her "Tokoyami Towa"
What do the Kanji even mean.

>> No.27390892

Is it bad that I thought this was Nene at first?

>> No.27390893

reminder that korosan killed (You) live on stream and then laughed about it

>> No.27390901

Don't let the chinks find this.

>> No.27390904


>> No.27390914
Quoted by: >>27390979

I fucking hate it so much that because of the fucking war i can't watch my oshi live and have to watch archives instead...

>> No.27390924
Quoted by: >>27390995

>whatever your eyes are seeing and your ears are hearing is just a narrative

>> No.27390939

That... would explain a lot, actually. The stupid impersonation streams, the shitty smoker voice... Wow...

>> No.27390940


>> No.27390945

Shut it down.

>> No.27390947

Civia is the best singer in Hololive.
Sorry guys.
Check bilibili, she did a lot of karaoke

>> No.27390951

oh no

>> No.27390955

How the fuck does she have so many goddamn subs
You put it into words pretty accurately but jesus she has literally got the personality of a dead fish

>> No.27390956


>> No.27390957

>Everlasting Twilight
There's no fucking way she's this Chuuni.

>> No.27390965


>> No.27390973

are you the same nigger who complained that people only watch translated matsuri clips

>> No.27390975

someone give her a superchat asking her to say RRRRRRRRRRONALDO

>> No.27390979


>> No.27390980

seems like you're the problem rather than her

>> No.27390983

Oh wow, two people spammed 4444 in the chat, my headcanon checks out. Probably the same two no-life virgin narativefags in this thread that are lost in the fucking sauce.

>> No.27390988

Everlasting Darkness...

>> No.27390991


>> No.27390992


>> No.27390995

So when do you guys get bored of doing this?

>> No.27390998
Quoted by: >>27391063

she played with Nene before

>> No.27391003
Quoted by: >>27391028

lead me into everlasting darkness...

>> No.27391007


>> No.27391012


>> No.27391013

That stupid bitch Luna

>> No.27391024

Towa is a big chuuni.

>> No.27391028


>> No.27391040

The best ways to get more subs is already having subs.
Same with viewers.
The algorithm detected her big spike from first EN gen, good designa nd big meme from first stream and just kept feeding itself since then.
2nd biggest is Mori who just broke 400k.

>> No.27391044

Wish I knew how to Hydrus, saving all this art takes away from the thread experience

>> No.27391046

>he doesn't know about the whole drama about pekora bullying and raiding aqua back in the NND days

>> No.27391053
Quoted by: >>27391378

I know what Pekora's face looks like. Black hair, small nose, dark brown eyes, glasses.

>> No.27391055

she knows what we like

>> No.27391056

where did the Towa name variation come from

>> No.27391060
Quoted by: >>27391121

thank god I wasn't here during this stream

>> No.27391063


>> No.27391064
Quoted by: >>27391108

Towa choking in a single player game...

>> No.27391065
Quoted by: >>27391171

Nice headcanon

>> No.27391072

better to be a internet delinquent than an actual delinquent like korone

>> No.27391081
Quoted by: >>27391141

Wtf Gura already passed Coco?? And by tomorrow she will probably pass Aqua. Yabee.

>> No.27391087

Everything I don't like is headcanon

>> No.27391091
Quoted by: >>27391799

I think basically she used NND for stress release from her day job. She was so stressed everyday going to work her hair start falling.
But now she seems to quite like her work at hololive and maybe got a bit mature, she's more stable.

>> No.27391093


>> No.27391094

She is devil of course she's chuuni.

>> No.27391102
Quoted by: >>27391354

A couple of people spamming is still not enough proof. Though on her being foul mouthed I cannot disagree.

>> No.27391108

Post yourself beating the Ninja Gaiden NES games in under 20 minutes.

>> No.27391117

Aki and Roboco.

>> No.27391121

nousagis were unironically increasing the quality of the thread, that's how bad it was
be glad you weren't here

>> No.27391123

>your oshi
>would you let her use your face as a chair while she streams

>> No.27391130

Aqua's chest...

>> No.27391141
Quoted by: >>27391154

I just don't get it

>> No.27391144


>> No.27391148
Quoted by: >>27391209

>Can't cook for shit but I would try my best to make her favorite (probably a burger)
>A minute or so

>> No.27391153
Quoted by: >>27391198

I would rather be a desk

>> No.27391154

>Past life had 900k
There you go

>> No.27391158

There you go. That's your survey

>> No.27391159

I'm prepared to make the sacrifice

>> No.27391169
Quoted by: >>27391210


>> No.27391171

it's true tho, just check what Pekora did to Aqua's roommate years ago...


>> No.27391182

>If you've ever heard Mea before, that's what Pekora

...I want that Pekora now.

>> No.27391186


>> No.27391192
Quoted by: >>27391218

Their first meeting is really sweet though, I heard that what happened was just an accidental doxing .

>> No.27391196

What the fuck....................

>> No.27391198

God I wish I was Towa's desk

>> No.27391203

I see, I feel like its been forever. I'm curious if shes actually enjoying the game.

>> No.27391204

Yes, also want her to pee on my face.

>> No.27391206

Pekora will be dethroned from her top 3 position in a day or two. RIP Pekora, you enjoyed it while it lasted (like a whole week or something)

>> No.27391207

Gura is navigating herself perfectly, dumbass. Even bad moments she turns into gold. And a little "angery" shark in fall guys was humanizing too. You think 700k people would sub for no reason?

>> No.27391208

Sleepy Twap.

>> No.27391209

>(probably a burger)
hell, I'd date YOU

>> No.27391210

Is the game that physically demanding on the highest difficulty or are they just that out of shape

>> No.27391212


>> No.27391213

Finally... songs that fit her range...


>> No.27391218

Aqua totally spilled her spaghetti too

>> No.27391226
Quoted by: >>27391283


>> No.27391231
Quoted by: >>27391274

Since we're in this timeloop already, someome post the screenshot of anon talking about Pekora's debut and how she was a bad fit for Hololive.

>> No.27391232
Quoted by: >>27391315

>wake up
>your oishi has been eaten
what do

>> No.27391239


>> No.27391244

Wow what a sadistic bitch

>> No.27391245
Quoted by: >>27391407

I'd rather Towa sat on my lap.

>> No.27391248
Quoted by: >>27391306

Oh sorry my guy, you also wanted a translation like in your funny meymey clips?

>> No.27391253
Quoted by: >>27391339

that's because you haven't seen what Marine has done

>> No.27391259

>holoEN collabs

>> No.27391270

I like her musedash streams, but shes only 25% better than fubuki ironically. (That being said FBK is also a somewhat competent rhythm game player If you didn't know)

>> No.27391274
Quoted by: >>27391321

Hololive pre-generation 3 was boring as fuck, excuse my French. No wonder they were irrelevant compared to Nijisanji

>> No.27391276
Quoted by: >>27391356

Is this what counts for "big words" for you guys? Read a goddamn book once in a while jesus fuck.

>> No.27391280

Dogs eat dog dogfood.

>> No.27391282


>> No.27391283


>> No.27391285

Towa eating Sushi to celebrate Towa-day... cute...

>> No.27391291

Marine has the best karaoke streams!!!!!

>> No.27391292

I can't believe Pekora slapped Aqua's tits like that

>> No.27391294

Name a better hololive cover than this


>> No.27391295

the only ones that have a bit of chemistry are callie and kiara

>> No.27391301

Why do westcucks hate them so much? Makes no sense to me.

>> No.27391306
Quoted by: >>27391400

>thinks he's some insider because he takes 5ch posts at face value
Nice headcanon

>> No.27391315

Vorefags are snuff fags who don't like the label.

>> No.27391314

How does Suisei compare to others at Musedash? I know she full combo'd Say!Fanfare, but is that actually really impressive?

>> No.27391320

Literally nothing compared to PoLuna

>> No.27391321

But Haato is Gen 1?

>> No.27391325


>> No.27391329

The chemistry is like oil and water

>> No.27391339

The anti-marine schizo would have a field day with this

>> No.27391345

Is it the burger hours or the SEAlets waking up that makes the threads at this time bad, or is it just because it's pretty much dead hours?

>> No.27391354
Quoted by: >>27391454

>Though on her being foul mouthed I cannot disagree.

yeah, even Flare implied that Pekora still is like that in a recent Minecraft stream

>> No.27391356
Quoted by: >>27391442

Go play with your dictionary faggot

>> No.27391359

I turned on this fucking stream and literally they're not doing anything but joking with each other and laughing at their fuckups, what's the problem? You fucks made it sound like I was gonna see some cringe kino, instead its just two girls playing a puzzle game

>> No.27391361
Quoted by: >>27391427

Also draws double the views of gen 5 collabs LMAO

>> No.27391365

Is it bad? I hope so cuz I want Watson away from my Gura.

>> No.27391368
Quoted by: >>27391390

the pizza song with fbk and aru

>> No.27391372
Quoted by: >>27391394

Are you new? Everyone hates something on 4chan

>> No.27391378

she resembles a chubby squirrel

>> No.27391380

Guys I need help. My autistic daughter is missing and I don't know where she is. Here is a video of her singing her ABCs. Let me know if you find her!

>> No.27391388


>> No.27391390

It's a pretty good song, criminally under watched.

>> No.27391391

Gura's been doing a fantastic job, besides maybe being a bit too quiet during group collabs. She's a fantastic streamer, talented, quick witted, can easily multi-task with reading chat and playing, and has had consistently entertaining streams. She deserves her numbers.

>> No.27391394

No you dense fucking globalretard, I am asking why western fans don't like EN collabs.

>> No.27391400

When did I say that you fucktard?

>> No.27391405
Quoted by: >>27391431

Gura will hit a million in two weeks.
Korone in 3-4 weeks.
Fubuki in >5 weeks.
Pekora 2-3 months.

>> No.27391406

Nothing good comes from the west invading my mongolian hobbies anon.

>> No.27391407
Quoted by: >>27391495

This, but with Astel.

>> No.27391410

lub u onion

>> No.27391411


>> No.27391413

Last I saw your daughter, she was super focused playing this rhythm game. If I see her again, I'll let you know.

>> No.27391414


>> No.27391416
Quoted by: >>27391439

It's just EOPs pretending JP girls they can't understand are more interesting, they're retarded.

>> No.27391419


>> No.27391427
Quoted by: >>27391492

>Can't find a valid argument so you resorted to numberfagging
Typical of ENiggers alright.

>> No.27391431

based John Titor

>> No.27391435

How do I get myself a FBKdaughter?

>> No.27391439

speak for yourself, EOP.

>> No.27391442

Read a book.

>> No.27391443
Quoted by: >>27391558

I actually like the EN's but
>Literally nothing compared to PoLuna
That's a really high bar to set. They're the best holos from their respective gens and some of the best entertainers in all of Holopro, don't be so harsh to the newbies.

>> No.27391445

>Literally says her full name for no reason at all
Well at least her name is cute.

>> No.27391446

Because they're weeby nip-worshippers that are feeling threatened by EN's success now that hololive is no longer an exclusive club for them. Emasculated cucks lmao.

>> No.27391448

Why didn't hololive CN and hololive ID have the same level of success as hololive EN?
Why is shark so popular

>> No.27391454
Quoted by: >>27391628

And imho that would have been already enough for her to have some antis, so untill I have further proof I cannot believe what the anon says.

>> No.27391460
Quoted by: >>27391561

Post a clip having them a nice moment, maybe they will believe you

>> No.27391463


>> No.27391472

What are you talking about? Everyone likes them.

>> No.27391487
Quoted by: >>27391687

I dunno, maybe by the 4th time you copied the same post, you keep in a little notepad, it became clearly obvious you seek attention for enlightening us with some roommate shit you lifted straight from 5ch because you have nothing better to do all day.

>> No.27391492
Quoted by: >>27391558

>being against numbers
Best way to show what is popular. EN is popular. Gen 5 is not. Cope.

>> No.27391494

My dream is to send a superchat that is so hilarious the girl who reads it breaks down in laughter and it interrupts the stream for a solid minute or more as she attempts to regain her composure.

>> No.27391495
Quoted by: >>27391538

Hey...me first

>> No.27391496

I miss aqua apex

>> No.27391497

Shitty bait, Noel is a darling

>> No.27391502

Tempted to edit the porn version into this.

>> No.27391517
Quoted by: >>27391735

>holoJP would rather collab with people they can't understand than japanese "men"

>> No.27391518

>tfw chicken is the only en girl i like because shes menhera as shit

>> No.27391520

en collabs are even worse than their solo streams when jps tend to flourish in collabs

>> No.27391524

>lack of chemistry
Pretty much describes all of Holo EN
Even when they're by themselves, they have no chemsitry with the audience
Except Kiara for some fucked up reason

>> No.27391530
Quoted by: >>27391727

Shark Loli and kids

>> No.27391537


>> No.27391538
Quoted by: >>27391705

God, just imagine feeling him squirm against you while he's playing Apex.

>> No.27391546

Kiara has chemistry with her audience because they're both mentally ill

>> No.27391549

So is there any further proof?

>> No.27391553

Echo is doing fine in bugmen land

>> No.27391556
Quoted by: >>27391611

I don't like HoloEN because they try too hard to emulate HoloJP's characteristics. They should just be themselves.

>> No.27391558

Yeah, but they're a pile of shit.
Nice argument. Maybe you should kill yourself instead, ENigger.

>> No.27391561
Quoted by: >>27391703

I asked for clips this morning in global when someone claimed that gura is "a clippable machine" but did not receive a single link. The ones I watched are just normal streamer shit I see on twitch clip section.

>> No.27391565

Shark is the new finger family/virtual nanny

>> No.27391572

>astels so tiny he has to roll up his underwear so they don’t fall off his hips

>> No.27391576

I got a scoff level laughter once from someone who read out my non-superchat chat joke.

>> No.27391605

If they had no chemistry they would have no viewers, fuck off with this disingenuous argument

>> No.27391608

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.27391609

I hope he is in London someday.

>> No.27391611
Quoted by: >>27391637

The only one who does that is Kiara, which she won't ever stop trying to do

>> No.27391612
Quoted by: >>27392006

too bad you can't superchat your face

>> No.27391616

Angelfish onegai...

>> No.27391625
Quoted by: >>27391794

Stop being gay

>> No.27391628
Quoted by: >>27391729

>Why didn't hololive CN and hololive ID have the same level of success as hololive EN?
One is a group of race traitors bugmen and the other group is irrelevant garbage
>Why is shark so popular
Loli design

>> No.27391637
Quoted by: >>27391679

Gura does it way more and way worse

>> No.27391645

>If they had no chemistry they would have no viewers
how do you figure?

>> No.27391657

your HGH reps...

>> No.27391668

gura is more than 25% better

>> No.27391679

She really doesn't

>> No.27391687
Quoted by: >>27391778

You got me, sorry. Now let's go to reddit.

>> No.27391691

>Remember when Matsuri lost her shit for 5 minutes during Meme Review?
Not a single cent spent

>> No.27391696
Quoted by: >>27391751

The EN white knights always start popping up around this time, surely just a coincidence

>> No.27391700

>+700k subs
>gets less viewers than peko playing meme rrat game or random minecraft streams by jp holos
Literally dead subs or how we like to call them: chinese bots

>> No.27391703

When they get clips like the dog, I will see

>> No.27391705
Quoted by: >>27391761

Anon no pls it’s too late to fap
>Tfw his feet wouldn’t even touch the floor sitting on your lap

>> No.27391707 [DELETED] 

Actually important poal for once.

>> No.27391708
Quoted by: >>27391754

I wonder if Towa has nipple piercings.

>> No.27391722

people that watch vtubers are mentally challenged

>> No.27391727

To be fair, I think shes mostly just appealing to JOPs via songs targeted towards our demographic. Her last karaoke stream has shitloads of views on all of the vods other people uploaded.

>> No.27391729

Dude, wrong comment

>> No.27391735

Kiara's like the only one that can hold a convo in nippon

>> No.27391740

If you actually know japanese and saw the stream you’d have realized she was acting different than usual, it’s obvious Matsuri fucked up their friendship and all Luna can say is: “I’m already collabing with other people, see? I can’t be doing collabs with her all the time.” She also mentioned that she doesn’t usually ask for collabs, she waits for people to invite her because she’s a bit shy, that pretty much means that if she’s not collabing with Matsuri anymore it’s because Matsuri isn’t asking her too.

>> No.27391749

FBK is definitely competent but I think shark is more than 25% better than her.

>> No.27391751

They are the easier (you) ever

>> No.27391754

rurudo would make sure she does.

>> No.27391761

>his feet wouldn’t even touch the floor sitting on your lap

>> No.27391777
Quoted by: >>27391804

1) Branding.
2) Shark became a meme day 1, meme goes viral and attracts the lowest common denominator equivalent in terms of viewers.

Same reason why channels focused on the most mundane and garbage tier content on youtube have literal millions of subs

>> No.27391778

>he isn't spreading antis narrative, he must be from reddit
It's all so tiring...

>> No.27391783
Quoted by: >>27391879

Impressive how the thread goes to shit the same time every day

>> No.27391785

I don't think a nijifag can talk considering they have talents at <1000 views.

>> No.27391791


>> No.27391792

Hang in there, foxbro.

>> No.27391794

I literally can’t when I see Astel

>> No.27391799
Quoted by: >>27392082

What was her job?

>> No.27391803

Fuck, Artia is pretty much perfect. She's got looks, personality, and incredible Overwatch skill.

>> No.27391804
Quoted by: >>27391860

imagine when HoloES become a thing

>> No.27391811

I wish I was as good at learning Japanese as Towa is at learning English.

>> No.27391824

Eigo Mario Kart with Towa!

>> No.27391826
Quoted by: >>27391926

It's all so tiresome... these newfags really love to throw the reddit term around uh.

>> No.27391827

Posts always slow down now because nobody wants to post something they think is really good or funny only for the thread to be archived.

>> No.27391830


>> No.27391833

Shark is more savvy. Kinda hilarious how every other EN was trying so hard to get memes going, and Shark won with an "a" that even the nips emulate.

>> No.27391839

English only kenzoku!

>> No.27391844

How can an introvert possibly roll her r's like that? Pretty sure she's faking it.

>> No.27391852

no smart posting allowed

>> No.27391857

>Your oshi
>Your favorite oishii
>Holo that you would marry that isn't your oshi
>Holo that you would best friend that isn't your oshi
>Would you pick both of the prior, or pick your oshi knowing you on a first-name basis and allowing you to call her personal number whenever you want to, she'll stay in long-distance contact with you for the rest of your lives

>> No.27391858

>Shark won with an "a" that even the nips emulate.

>> No.27391860

If it somehow became more popular than EN, people here would be more butthurt at ES nonstop

>> No.27391864

>way more savvy
>I'm a shark

>> No.27391868

>You think 700k people would sub for no reason?

Have you seen Youtube's top channels?

>> No.27391872

>Anti narrative
Anti this anti that anti anti anti anti, holy fuck use another word

>> No.27391875

which holostar would you fug?

>> No.27391879

Yeah we got EN anti posts during this time and JP anti during SEA hours. Pretty easy to get used to.

>> No.27391891
Quoted by: >>27391919

Towa stop promoting RBC...she sucks...
I could do a better job...

>> No.27391895

>>Your oshi
>>Your favorite oishii

>> No.27391914

Yes anon. Less is more. Do you think its a coincidence Kiara, who tried the hardest and just wouldn't stop is dead last?
Work on your marketing reps

>> No.27391919
Quoted by: >>27391939


>> No.27391926
Quoted by: >>27391936

>Answering yourself

>> No.27391928

it ain't fake if she's mentally ill and actually believes it

>> No.27391932
Quoted by: >>27391973


>> No.27391935

Spaghetti lasagna

>> No.27391936

Take your meds

>> No.27391939
Quoted by: >>27391954

Is Sio still on hiatus?

>> No.27391950

Yes, old man. The world has changed much since you fell into deep slumber. People like random shit these days, even this thread is filled with it.

>> No.27391954

Sio's fat ass is still on Towa's sofa.

>> No.27391963
Quoted by: >>27391987

Is Artia attractive?

>> No.27391973
Quoted by: >>27392022

She might have holostar-tier numbers, but Aki is not a holostar anon.

>> No.27391974

>your oshi
>Which currently inactive holo are you most looking forward to seeing return other than your oshi

>> No.27391975


>> No.27391981

pretty much this and same goes for lamy
I guess titty asmr whores are broken inside

>> No.27391982

Here, I'll post something.

>> No.27391984

This is called bias dude. Anyone else doing 'a' would have get no or negative reaction. The dumfucks literally sat with their dicks in their hands waiting for ANYTHING and that anything was 'a'.
so meme queen
such smart

>> No.27391987


>> No.27391990


>> No.27391992

When shark debuted this thread immediately liked her more because she wasn't going around with Japanglish and edgy memes. Only when the previous life stuff was mentioned did the threads start to turn against her. You can check the archives and see she had the best reception by far.

>> No.27391995

towa is being a dork

>> No.27391996

Lamb Shoulder

>> No.27392000


>> No.27392004


>> No.27392006

They wouldn't laugh, it would just be disgust.

>> No.27392008

miko, i don't watch her but she makes a lot of people here happy

>> No.27392009
Quoted by: >>27392077

It must be amazing having this lack of self awareness, it's as if you mentally block out all the dumb memes on that same exact level.

>> No.27392014

Kaour, followed by Suzaku

>> No.27392021

>these threads
i think you're lost friend go to the other thread

>> No.27392022

But she is the brightest star in my sky

>> No.27392024


>> No.27392026

>surprised 'a' and 'im a shark' got around in a post-E era

>> No.27392030
Quoted by: >>27392051

Whoever except Miko, she is a fucking whore

>> No.27392032

Fuck Gen 3
Marry Gen 2
Kill Gen 4

>> No.27392038

Anon I am trying to teach you some marketing basics (a topic I have a degree on) and yet you are acting quite rude. I see no point in continuing this if you are going to be like that.

>> No.27392039


>> No.27392047


>> No.27392050
Quoted by: >>27392095

>Finally went to the trouble of looking up the Menhera account to see what she looks like
Shit boys, I regret my decision 100%. I won't be able to think of Festival the same way.

>> No.27392051
Quoted by: >>27392081

Why are Pekora posters like this

>> No.27392053


>> No.27392054
Quoted by: >>27392087

Astel Shien Oga Temma

>> No.27392057


>> No.27392068

No one cared about her past life, it's only when the shitposters started numberfagging with her that the antis started popping up

>> No.27392070

I want Miko back

>> No.27392074


>> No.27392077
Quoted by: >>27392117

>block out
No I have an IQ over 65 so I don't find them funny

>> No.27392081

they're terrified miko will take away their oshi for herself

>> No.27392082

I don't think she ever said it, I just remember she said she wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.

>> No.27392087

I can understand the others, but Oga?

>> No.27392095

she's pretty cute what are you talking about

>> No.27392097


>> No.27392102


>> No.27392104

>He doesn't want the ogre dick.

>> No.27392111

What the fuck?

>> No.27392118


>> No.27392117

Just because you don't find it funny doesn't mean others don't, how many times do you gotta see people spam ogey and rrat to understand that? Memes aren't about some high literature jokes for fucksake

>> No.27392119

熱い and 暑い???? WHY!?

>> No.27392122


>> No.27392124

Towa...i love you.
