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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 448 KB, 1055x1500, 1599487570726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27230501 No.27230501 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27230504
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Quoted by: >>27230922


>> No.27230507
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Quoted by: >>27231060

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.27230509
File: 80 KB, 797x451, dozo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds

>> No.27230511
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.27230514

>wanting to stare at a white dudes ass the whole game

>> No.27230516
File: 562 KB, 960x1280, LifeWithCoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou
I will wait for you

>> No.27230520
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 07CC3308-F38F-49EA-B648-475CAB9D2BDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230543

Submit to Mel !

>> No.27230522
File: 190 KB, 1107x1657, 1589707011010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27230524
File: 856 KB, 3000x4000, ENlNf5eWkAUgJaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230525
File: 1.28 MB, 4093x2894, Dw9GcHgVYAAMHLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27230526
File: 1.27 MB, 4096x2330, 1601262800993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's design, model and voice are all below average imo.
She got popular just because of her personality.

>> No.27230528
File: 184 KB, 828x1729, EjYiOfdUcAAhY-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234038

I love Towa.

>> No.27230536
File: 135 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230537

What JLPT level would be required to fully follow Pekora's drinking streams?

>> No.27230539
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20201003_190948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230837

Day 66 Thread #1

Forever waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.27230542
Quoted by: >>27230593

They actually privated the mc stream?

>> No.27230543
Quoted by: >>27231060

tell your oshi to turn down the ending BGM please, i cant hear a word she saying

>> No.27230544
File: 250 KB, 1380x1950, EikqqsGVoAI6KS9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230599


>> No.27230545


>> No.27230546
File: 23 KB, 864x418, freereps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230618

Reminder that reps are FREE and there is absolutely no reason to not do them!

>> No.27230550


>> No.27230552
File: 498 KB, 1612x1744, EjZnIWwVkAIeyof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230553


>> No.27230554
File: 136 KB, 850x945, EjZ_c3KVoAAcWxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.27230555

This is a good one

>> No.27230561
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230562
Quoted by: >>27230850

I wonder what you will ritual post once she gets back next week!

>> No.27230565
File: 332 KB, 1453x1791, fifth3640 1298591020930617344_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233932

I love Aqua!!!

>> No.27230572

alright that settles it I'm going to marry Pekora
no one can stop me

>> No.27230583
File: 642 KB, 893x537, 1601152888675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive thread is faster than the trump corona happening thread
how did vtubers take over 4chan? honestly we really ARE the new bronies

>> No.27230584

>angry hours post always numbers

>> No.27230585

>retarded janitors

>> No.27230586

Has Korone ever played Prince of Persia? You know, the original 2D platformer one.

>> No.27230587
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1598008249154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She got popular just because of her personality.
I'm not even a nousagi but isn't that what is important?

>> No.27230593

Yeah, not that it matters when the clips already spread everywhere.

>> No.27230596
Quoted by: >>27230620

>seething faggots
>only sub 1k dislikes
kek impotent fucker should kill themselves

>> No.27230597

Almost vomited a little
Stop posting these disgusting pigs

>> No.27230598
File: 126 KB, 831x1192, EjFwFV4WAAATzss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Choco!

>> No.27230599

I want to live between Pekora's toes.

>> No.27230601
File: 721 KB, 1194x674, 1601185416481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mu-chan is chaotic

>> No.27230602

>No Senchou stream today
Already feeling lonely bros, so far It's a shitty week-end

>> No.27230603

>nijis chinks

>> No.27230604
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, 1600507487363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230696

Aki butt

>> No.27230606
File: 8 KB, 93x108, 22CDB607-B3E4-4EEB-A74C-BB230C24A406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-astelchama not so rough

>> No.27230607

>Chicken is even DMing Pekora
Fuck this stalker bitch! Unironically hope she gradutes for Pekora's future safety.

>> No.27230608

>english better

>> No.27230615
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601042324246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I would like to redeem this coupon.

>> No.27230618
File: 40 KB, 853x447, Screenshot_2020-10-03 0f5 png (obraz PNG, 853×543 pikseli).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reps ain't free

>> No.27230620

They can probably get it up to 3k eventually, they did that for the original MC stream on Lamy's channel.

>> No.27230621
Quoted by: >>27230717

We're going to have our own board sooner or later too. Idiots spam vtubers threads all over the site.

>> No.27230622
File: 39 KB, 788x826, Korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, Korone looks like THAT now?

>> No.27230624

>anon janitor
why you describe my future :(

>> No.27230625
File: 425 KB, 543x613, aqunya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.27230627


>> No.27230634
Quoted by: >>27231060

korosan your dog reps...

>> No.27230636

>bad shark
glad to see wordcloud agrees

>> No.27230635
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1594493033916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230682

>comes back just in time to see herself die

>> No.27230638

>shitty weekend
>snack Usada is on
Well you're missing out

>> No.27230639

I still don't know how and when this happen because holy fuck burger is doomed

>> No.27230644
Quoted by: >>27230700

only because they roped in normies

>> No.27230649

Is there a meeting limbo going on as almost no one is streaming?

>> No.27230651 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 900x478, getWhatYouDeserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230652

Aqua is playing with her pussy on stream! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xB4vcsvOoY

>> No.27230655
File: 918 KB, 2640x3240, EapJKxNVAAElymG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata already made back the subs she lost in the chink meltdown just by streaming once
Based Tenshi. Next stream when?

>> No.27230656
Quoted by: >>27230727

/hlgg/ is laughing at us again...

>> No.27230659

If anything happens to Watame, there will be hell to pay. If someone makes Watame cry, I will destroy them.
I fuckin mean it.
I'm gonna fucking fight for my precious sheep.

Mark my words.

>> No.27230662
File: 3.90 MB, 2429x3520, ce28e4c7b1a9ec5c1aab6692fe8911e1fada49e06f4c51d7351c120efca83036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While many people may be concerned about their worsening list of fetishes when they begin to include things like "feet" or "armpits", I do wish to inform you that there is little to worry about. These two fetishes lead directly into seemingly-worse fetishes such as a sweat fetish or body odor fetish, but this is again merely a great misconception. For you see, when you have begun to dream of smelling or licking your oshi you are actually now at the closest point to forgoing any concerns about the superficial beauty of your oshi and are on the precipice of being attracted purely to her existence itself. Once you cross this threshold, you become immediately and completely immune to the base commotions of the masses such as anti-posting or roommate-posting and filled with a resolve that lets you wish everyone else can love their oshi as much as you do to your own.

So next time you imagine licking your oshi's sweaty armpits, or dunking your head in her laundry basket, or rubbing her feet on your face, or having your face replace her chair as the station of her rear: fear not. You are on your way to enlightenment and with it the joys of the purest oshi love.

>> No.27230668


>> No.27230669
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230849


>> No.27230677

Her design, model and voice are all adorable though

>> No.27230678

I wish I loved anything as much as Akutan loves that fucking cat

>> No.27230681
File: 13 KB, 652x329, 1597524910399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If someone makes Watame cry, I will destroy them.
but watame makes watame cry...

>> No.27230682
File: 23 KB, 640x414, failed successfully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230683
File: 547 KB, 698x751, sniff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230684
Quoted by: >>27230749

Are you a girl? Because Choco is 100% lesbo

>> No.27230686
File: 263 KB, 700x997, peekpeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you need a hug anon?

>> No.27230692

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.27230695
File: 253 KB, 1920x1440, Asuka eva marine desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27230696
File: 200 KB, 302x620, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco butt

>> No.27230697
Quoted by: >>27230886

went over 4k 2h ago, I don't know if taking their containment was good

>> No.27230700

There's always the bots option. Still a lot of them are probably seething now because they arrived to watch Polka apologize in real time and she didn't.

>> No.27230703
Quoted by: >>27230757


>> No.27230706
Quoted by: >>27230840

People make Watame cry every stream.

>> No.27230710
Quoted by: >>27230742

Are Japanese youtubers/streamers required to disclose if they are sponsored to play a game like American and European ones?

>> No.27230714
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, Ef8ljSzUYAAvrK-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ceo god aqua

>> No.27230716
File: 27 KB, 534x248, free rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230717

>still believing this after seeing Hiroshimoot "trying" to cancel Lamy

>> No.27230719

Watame will cry for any reason at any time

>> No.27230722
File: 591 KB, 1080x1552, 20201004_014724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230725

It's a stealth game you dumb doggo...

>> No.27230727

w-what's going on, anon

>> No.27230735
Quoted by: >>27231060

If even your oshi can't motivate you to learn it then dekinai anon.

>> No.27230741

been banned for the past 3 days, give me the run down

>> No.27230742


>> No.27230748
Quoted by: >>27230773

How is Korone dying? You just need to spam one button to win

>> No.27230749
Quoted by: >>27230762

Citation needed

>> No.27230754
Quoted by: >>27230814

About what?

>> No.27230757


>> No.27230762

Do not engage shitposters

>> No.27230765
File: 64 KB, 338x653, 1576999478640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching mel

>> No.27230763
Quoted by: >>27230783

Blame Yubisoft for not punishing casuals.

>> No.27230766
Quoted by: >>27230909

She wants to stream tomorrow but she's not sure what time since she has Holouruwashu and she's doesn't know what time she'll get back so it's best to expect the next stream on Monday.

>> No.27230767

Am actually a fan of Yuuki Hagure.

>> No.27230769

4chan is an otaku site.

>> No.27230768
Quoted by: >>27230808

>he doesnt lurk while banned
do you even have a mental disorder bro?

>> No.27230771

korone went to the same stealth school as pekora

>> No.27230772 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 698x953, 1601740153256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230796


>> No.27230773
Quoted by: >>27230871

i dont know how syndicate is but the newer ass creed games have an actual combat system. it might be more complex than the older ones.

>> No.27230778
Quoted by: >>27230840

>Watamates make her cry just by being supportive
This is like going after Haatons.

>> No.27230781

Yagoo pulled Cover out of China, CN are independents now, Coco and Haato returning tomorrow.

>> No.27230783


>> No.27230784

its not a happening until hes dead or has to resign

>> No.27230785

That trump thing is just another publicity stunt

>> No.27230793
File: 38 KB, 498x498, 1601474164006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27230906

Artia is a traitor~~~~~~~

>> No.27230796


>> No.27230806

Has Pekora ever apologized to Aqua?

>> No.27230808

i was still supporting my oshi, does that count?

>> No.27230809

The support she received from her watamates during the GOI stream made her cry so kill yourself

>> No.27230810
Quoted by: >>27230847

Just use お前 like a normal person

>> No.27230812

This is a girl whose weapon of choice in western games is a chainsaw. She even brought it up in this stream I think.

>> No.27230813

That segment had couple mentions of English and Kiara but couldn't understand much, she's too fast. Would you care to elaborate more? Onegai Anon

>> No.27230814
Quoted by: >>27230867

most likely for being part of that /hlgg/ shitstorm. just report him again for being a faggot

>> No.27230816
File: 168 KB, 745x716, 5FD12E14-4727-45D3-94CA-26476492EE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231080

Thanks for watching the stream ! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did !!

>> No.27230820


>> No.27230833

>Stealth game
>Keeps making as much noise as possible
>Keeps picking melee fights where she's up against multiple enemies in a circle
Why didn't she play LOTR Shadow of Mordor? That's the perfect game to do what she wants to do, which is fuck everyone up in a variety of ways. Hitman also.

>> No.27230837
File: 1.26 MB, 1850x2414, neko2lims_1311948426326622209_EjT6Gi9UcAIGU-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230838

Chinks are mad over Gura dedicating a song to Coco but too afraid to do anything.

Chinese ripoffs failing as usual.

Nutjobs enraged Amelia is not actually their girlfriend.

>> No.27230840

I mean, if there's any malicious intent behind making Watame cry, I will disintegrate anyone who dares to upset her.

>> No.27230845
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, EdQmcbvUEAcXYlQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be hard in the beginning but once you start recognizing the words you neve would've before you're bound to get motivated. The most important thing to realize is that it's NOT a race to the finish. It's gonna take years, there is no way around it. It's hard to accept it sometimes but it is the truth, but the truth is that every day of studying brings you closer to understanding your holos. Even just finishing 2K and learning some grammar in a couple of months already makes so much difference it feels like magic. All you have to do is do your reps every single day. Just an hour for your chuuba. You can do it.

>> No.27230846

She maybe said tomorrow (maybe) and monday (the usual singing), but my comprehension is too shit overall so maybe someone else can confirm. There's the pre-scheduled stream tomorrow though so its unsure https://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv328223965

>> No.27230847
Quoted by: >>27231060

>not using 貴様 to show your utmost respect

>> No.27230849
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホイホイアホーイ
ホイホイアホイ ホホイのホイ

>> No.27230850

I have been happy ever since mikochi back!

>> No.27230851
Quoted by: >>27230976

remember the chama!!

>> No.27230854

>hololive thread on /v/
>Nothing but ogey, rrat and pardun
I mean it’s not like anyone had any doubt nousagi are /v/ermin scum but at least try to hide it jesus fucking christ, you’re even using the same filenames

>> No.27230856

No, i type

>> No.27230862

Polka and Lamy are at war with the Japanese Union of National Janitors

>> No.27230863

No, only time will tell when their next MC will be like and if Pekora will even acknowledge Aqua's invitation or not.

>> No.27230865

Pekora (!) DM'd Kiara on twitter to help her with a technical problem, she's also the only HoloEN Pekora has interacted with.
She said that there currently aren't any plans to collab with HoloEN but she wants to collab eventually.

>> No.27230867

I got banned during the chink invasion retard

>> No.27230871

Combat is piss easy in nu-AC since enemies are just damage sponges for you to button mash on. The QTE combat in the older games actually required more skill.

>> No.27230873
Quoted by: >>27231060

If understanding and talking to your oshi is not enough to motivate you then nothing will sadly

>> No.27230879


>> No.27230884


>> No.27230886

I think it was needed, the comments were going out of control with fans and antis warring it out.

>> No.27230890

Sorry.... for being better than you, pekopekopekopeko!!!1

>> No.27230892

anyone who replies with ogey, rrat, or pardun will have their holo die

>> No.27230893

i can't believe pekora is talking about her relationship with aqua on stream

>> No.27230895
File: 55 KB, 1090x872, EW35MbOU4AEI0nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suppose vtubers united a lot of people from various imageboards. i legit NEVER posted on 4chan before discovering hololive

>> No.27230904

I want to impregnate this duck

>> No.27230906

I feel bad for Artia, she might has no other choice

>> No.27230909
File: 212 KB, 900x600, EcLOA1gU8AAodp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it's gonna be Monday it's still good news. Seeing her in a good mood and confirming she's in good health really improved my mood already.

>> No.27230914

>ate my instant noodles
>why are they so bland?
>oh well
>forgot to add the package

>> No.27230915 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 366x281, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove cancel culture

>> No.27230919
Quoted by: >>27231088

It is motivating to be able to pick out the individual words and get an understanding of what's being said, but the problem is once I can fully understand everything the girls will probably have graduated

>> No.27230921

>People keep asking Pekora questions about socializing

>> No.27230922
File: 1.22 MB, 1575x2000, 84773240_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the part when Pepsicola's chat stopped in her fall guys stream. She sounded really genuine when she was saying feeling lonely without her audience and have no reason to live anymore. Can streaming really substitute human interaction and offset the feeling of loneliness?

>> No.27230925

akutan cute

>> No.27230926
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1601718422603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27230931

There are some people who don't even know about the brony apocalypse

>> No.27230932

>She got popular just because of her personality.
I don't see how that's a negative, personality is what ultimately decides a vtuber once the smoke and mirrors of the design wear out.

>> No.27230933
File: 12 KB, 270x261, yubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda weird how some of the NPCs are still in English.

>> No.27230934


>> No.27230939

Go back

>> No.27230947

Korone is a hero for children!

>> No.27230949

thats why I can get your personal info through this image
lurk before posting

>> No.27230955

The orange retard stopped being my oshi years ago, he cannot compete with Aqua

>> No.27230956

I don't expect any of the CNs to not support China. I just expect them to have the gall to try to pander to both sides at once which most of them avoided.

>> No.27230959

What next, someone asking Astel tips about dealing with girls?

>> No.27230960

not true, there are like 100 active Coof threads per hour

>> No.27230966

The question was if she has any plans currently for collabing with anyone from HoloEN and she responded with that there are none.
Then chat brought up Kiara and she responded something along the lines of that she would be a good pick, but she is still not confident in her English ability therefore she has no plans.
She reiterates that she has no current plans, then makes an addendum that Kiara has DM'd her, I think she specifically mentioned the time her chat broke during the Fall guys endurance but I might have heard that wrong.
Was it the other way around that Pekora DM'd Kiara? Makes sense sinec she is the only one with proper Japanese ability.

>> No.27230967

Go and stay go.

>> No.27230969

polka stuttered...

>> No.27230976

translate it weebs

>> No.27230977
File: 464 KB, 530x561, 1600269098272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 7 days since Akai Haato was "suspended"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.27230985

>Can streaming really substitute human interaction and offset the feeling of loneliness?
ask astel

>> No.27230995

Your oshi would look even better with bigger tits!

>> No.27231000

I dunno, sometimes she gives some pretty profound advice.

>> No.27231005

Thanks Anon. Pekora reaching out to Chicken is certainly unexpected.

>> No.27231006

Future nip news: crazy german arrested after home invasion attempt. Seriously at least she should respect peko introvertness.

>> No.27231017


>> No.27231022

Or Miko, or Choco or any other of the holos that stream stupid hours

>> No.27231024


>> No.27231025
Quoted by: >>27231060

I may not be god, and I definitely can't grant you discipline, but I can make a little motivation post. You can do it anon, things may be hard and daunting and you may feel like you're not improving at all at first, but you can learn Japanese and understand what your beloved chuubas are talking if you're determined. Go for it, anon, I believe in you!

>> No.27231026


>> No.27231029

go and stay go

>> No.27231031

I'd rather them have bigger feet thank you

>> No.27231039
File: 292 KB, 848x487, D9f0Dr5VUAA2BsF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231058

Why is Sora so smug?

>> No.27231041

Do you think she's the type whose feet sweat profusely when stressed?

>> No.27231047
Quoted by: >>27231227

Dont feel bad for her, she literally could've stayed quiet like Civia but she didn't, now the west and chinks both hate her

>> No.27231048
Quoted by: >>27231259

You are mostly right but she didn't say singing, she just says starting Monday she wants to continue as usual but since Monday is utawaku night I guess it's not wrong to expect it.

>> No.27231055

polka's stream is gaijin ntr right now...

>> No.27231056

Sunshine amigos ww@

>> No.27231058
Quoted by: >>27231246

How many times have I warned you? I swear, I swear to fucking God

>> No.27231060
File: 486 KB, 2048x2048, 798123749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231068

Post you’re oshi clips

>> No.27231073

She'll probably tell you if you ask her.

>> No.27231075

Girls don't sweat

>> No.27231076

t. the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.27231077

My Oshi already has back issues and can barely fit into clothes... Please no more.

>> No.27231080

I didn't watch it today too...

>> No.27231088

That's true, but it's gonna be infinitely more painful to realize that they've already graduated and you still can't understand anything they said. Besides it's a 80-20 ratio again, you may not be able to understand every single word in every single stream but after some time you'll be able to not fully rely on translations. Not a lot of holos use obscure words and build clever sentences. It's not gonna be that hard to understand their gaming streams after a year or so for example.

>> No.27231092

I swear, some of these have got to be you niggers baiting.

>> No.27231119

Thanks Moona

>> No.27231138

No I'm not a flaming homo

>> No.27231139
Quoted by: >>27231221


>> No.27231141

Thanks Moona

>> No.27231149
Quoted by: >>27231286

This place easily has nearly 1000 people lurking.

>> No.27231150
Quoted by: >>27231255

i only post COME TO BRAZIL even though not being from brazil

>> No.27231155
File: 109 KB, 566x900, EcfG5SEVAAYy0Ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231350

Her breasts need to stop growing actually

>> No.27231162

>running away from a cripple
Why is Korone so heartless?

>> No.27231165

I just heard about the Lamy thing.

Will anything really come from it? Seems like it's just some angry JOP-antis (and Hiroyuki) trying to stary shit. At most maybe she'll apologize.

>> No.27231166
Quoted by: >>27231272

She definitely has a choice on her roommate account. Then again what do you expect from someone who only cares about nijis and Civia (and the latter probably only because Civia is both her senpai and is vastly more popular with chinks so she wants to leech), and shits on Choco, Spade Echo and Hololive in general. Artia is like Mea except the whole "they're all lying to you, I'm the only one that's being real" gimmick is done without a shred of irony. I bet the bitch would jump to VirtuaReal given the chance if only to get a little bit closer to sucking Kanae's dick.

>> No.27231171
File: 352 KB, 700x641, 1594125778783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231199

sometimes korosan can be a little scary

>> No.27231182

are you sure?

>> No.27231190

I’d like to encourage you but if you’re a complete beginner you need to realise that it will take a few years of constant practice.
I still think it’s worth it, japanese is a beautiful language and learning it is a very rewarding experience

>> No.27231191

if that were true, you wouldn't be so insecure about talking to a man.

>> No.27231194

naked dogeza on monday

>> No.27231197

And get shadowbanned even more? No thanks

>> No.27231199


>> No.27231202

she already apologized
nothing will happen

>> No.27231210


>> No.27231211
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1298, Ee5bZYfUcAEgeP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231221

Why is Roboco 3d so good

>> No.27231226

They already apologized and Lamy privated the video
some people are still angry

>> No.27231227
Quoted by: >>27231272

Yes, there is that, but I feel like she was forced by her chinese followers to make an statement, should she remain silent? that could be seen as not supporting the cpp, Idk, I really feel like she had no choice

>> No.27231243

Full Chibistars on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AewEPzPImDE&feature=emb_title
expect easy games to plat

>> No.27231246
File: 435 KB, 848x720, D9wP6hAU4AnS0J-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sound like you need to release some frustrations

>> No.27231250

Parkour simulator

>> No.27231255

I wonder if that one guy who drew the "<anime girl> gets pregnant in mexico" images now does the same with brazil

>> No.27231256 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 643x900, 1601741016245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231365

I'll make a breathing compilation when I have the time and feel like it

>> No.27231259

Oh, yeah I'm retarded, I just realized I probably unconsciously swapped getsuyoru into "that means the singing stream".

>> No.27231270

>and Hiroyuki
About that, what happened after a gosling poster called him out that jannies get jackshit in this site?

>> No.27231273
File: 171 KB, 848x1199, IMG_20201002_231850_596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she play anything good on her osu! mania stream? Like Freedom Dive, or Altale, or anything by Sakuzyo or Ice

>> No.27231272
Quoted by: >>27231492


>> No.27231278

all of them will die eventually anon

>> No.27231279
Quoted by: >>27231395


>> No.27231285

this is actually 2 updates ago too. kuropapa truly is the best

>> No.27231286
Quoted by: >>27231468

Sometimes I wonder what percentage of people in a thread only lurk and never post.

>> No.27231290

gaou-papa, please no more...

>> No.27231293
File: 28 KB, 258x893, 1598726489865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't you guys glad Risu is back?

>> No.27231295

Well yes, I mean that's the reason most of the big streamers give when they are asked why they started streaming in the first place. Also It can be pretty stressful not having feedback especially for vtubers, It probably remind them of an era where nobody was watching them

>> No.27231301

thanks moona, i forgot i even made a post with that word

>> No.27231303 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 2048x1536, 1601741093431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi already perfect.

>> No.27231304

The next instant noodles will be twice as flavorful.

>> No.27231306

>mfw one day Pekora will stream to an audience of 0

>> No.27231314
Quoted by: >>27231379

Hiroshimoot got chased away from 2ch (now 5ch) because he was a scammer and a sellout. What he thinks should be of little import to anyone.

>> No.27231323
File: 217 KB, 476x531, yagoo kill self.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is fall guys one of these games you play 4 times and then get tired of cuz it's shit

>> No.27231327

how has listening to multiple streams at the same time for over a year changed your brain?

>> No.27231330
Quoted by: >>27231588

I dont think I am a complete beginner. I have been listening to japanese for essentially 13 years now through anime and other things. Not constant mind you but at this point I am able to glean words and phrases and can sometimes get the general idea given what is going on the stream but most is still lost on me. I think actually starting on getting serious will give me the boost I need to understand it better probably.

>> No.27231336

>doxxfag hours already

>> No.27231338

Yes fellow nutter.

>> No.27231340

5ch said we’re all gay retards

>> No.27231346
Quoted by: >>27231922


>> No.27231347

>picked the highest IQ holo who uses the most difficult to understand Japanese
Life is hard.

>> No.27231348


>> No.27231350

why is she so fat?

>> No.27231352

This retard lost all good jap rep when he tried to sell 2ch user data. Don't believe anything this fuckwit says.

>> No.27231354

it's true

>> No.27231363

Yeah. I had some friends play it nonstop for a week and then they all simultaneously dropped it because it loses its appeal real fast once you get your first crown.

>> No.27231364
File: 1.12 MB, 1107x1263, 1601093339182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231367
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, 1586415223196.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, caves update in minecraft!!

>> No.27231365

thank you for this

>> No.27231369

>Can streaming really substitute human interaction and offset the feeling of loneliness?
yea i truly believe that. i cant imagine her streaming the amount of hours that she does without feeling some sort of connection to the chat. the fact that she had to end the stream because chat broke further proves that

>> No.27231379

Hiroshimoot ban Hololive discussion in 4chan when?

>> No.27231382
Quoted by: >>27231574

>Horse teeth
>Big nosed
>A whore

>> No.27231384
Quoted by: >>27231422

>japanese is a beautiful language


>> No.27231385
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, kuromaru9-992041810271780866-20180503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231465

Made with love.

>> No.27231395

I really worry for her roommate.
She's going to need a supportive corset by her mid thirties and will probably slip discs on the regular by her forties.

>> No.27231396


>> No.27231399

What are their thoughts on the janny joke?

>> No.27231401
File: 197 KB, 2062x2059, EiXdtHhUYAAYerS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231440

How my stupid anime line gets picked for tomorrow

>> No.27231409

Gracias Moona

>> No.27231410

Filipinno dog NO!
That hoe is the bitch who had sex livestream with Moona! You gonna get raped too

>> No.27231412


>> No.27231414

>tomorrow lamy is in the hololive talk show thingy
>it's a nnd exclusive
Amazing timing

>> No.27231417

Aqua is about to sing her original song!!!

>> No.27231418

wait holy fuck
that's huge

>> No.27231420

She was gone?

>> No.27231422
Quoted by: >>27232265

>all borrowed words


>> No.27231429

Oh damn thanks

>> No.27231428
File: 26 KB, 427x421, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231487


>> No.27231433
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1597408800262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231477

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.27231440
File: 220 KB, 461x461, 1600758377457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope* my brain reps...

>> No.27231444
Quoted by: >>27231461

nice, what does that mean for my existing world though?

>> No.27231451

Ahh although I’d rather watch Astel pov

>> No.27231462

That goblin Senchou always gets me.

>> No.27231461
Quoted by: >>27231505

just travel a bit further to spawn new biomes
new cave biomes too

>> No.27231465

Do you think Kuropapa gets to have sex with that? DAMN

>> No.27231468

I'd say 25% or less. No idea how many ban evading phoneposters these threads get.

>> No.27231470
File: 3.23 MB, 1447x2047, 1597038771670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thinks so too.

>> No.27231474

>Sorry but i passed Iofi my plague and now she can't stream! eheheheeh iiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhh ehehehee

>> No.27231477


>> No.27231479

What the hell is Marine doing

>> No.27231482
Quoted by: >>27231529

If there's no interaction it's bad for business because the viewers can't develop a connection and donate money.
Holos can talk with each other all the time even excluding real life interaction, it's not like chat is their only outlet.
It's just business

>> No.27231487


>> No.27231492
Quoted by: >>27231580

Read my lips: r o o m m a t e. Also none of the other CN holos have done the same (beyond liking/retweeting the official statement). Artia has never been exactly candid about how she thinks she's better than the rest of Hololive, this seems like quite a natural thing for her to say.

>> No.27231503

Please forgive me, I used DeepL.

>> No.27231504

Why the fuck Korone is playing AC?

>> No.27231505

i mean i havent even filled out my first map, if i dont load anything from what would be the next map would the caves be updated?

>> No.27231511
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 1596369514639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231742

Rurudo said they are whatever size you want them to be.

>> No.27231512

>Funny stream Pekora
that's how it's been nonstop for a while

>> No.27231513

>Still no cover video

>> No.27231515

Keep hobbling womb goblin!

>> No.27231516

>Aqua iro palette

>> No.27231518

YUBI-soft, thats it. Only reason.

>> No.27231519


>> No.27231520
File: 1.14 MB, 1276x715, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231548

Hero of Children!

>> No.27231526


>> No.27231529

fuck off, cynical narrativefag

>> No.27231534

Cute deep sexy wife!

>> No.27231535
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, AHEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231537

You have literally no source for this and google turns up nothing

>> No.27231544

Is Luna's japanese actually really native or is she just joking cause she is a baby. I am curious what dialect she has as well as the other girls. I know korone has a fairly strong kansai accent I think but that is about it.

>> No.27231546
File: 99 KB, 800x786, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231548

That kid is fucked if they're calling a 2D image mama haha, good thing there arent any adults who do the sama haha

>> No.27231556
Quoted by: >>27231586

Yubisoft was probably pleased with how Tony Hawk Pro Skater sold gangbusters thanks to Luna and gave explicit permissions if not outright money to play their games.

>> No.27231562

Korone gets off looking at european men.

>> No.27231565

Roberu is full kansai.

>> No.27231566

What in the actual fuck is polka playing

>> No.27231567
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, Ef8fi1SUYAEqCOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231697


>> No.27231568
File: 352 KB, 878x475, 1575210909346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger watch minecraft live
water caves

>> No.27231574

You're gonna have to be more specific anon because you just described 99% of Japanese women

>> No.27231580
Quoted by: >>27231642

And the chinks also knew their roomate, what's your point?

>> No.27231581

Are you dumb?

>> No.27231583

i love you, aqua

>> No.27231586
Quoted by: >>27231633

>Tony Hawk Pro Skater

>> No.27231588

I think anime is the worst way to learn japanese, vocabulary is very limited and the way they speak is often unnatural.
The best way is finding a japanese teacher, but if you can’t find/afford one I suggest studying JLPT textbooks

>> No.27231593

I want to hug Aqua more than I want to fuck her desu.

>> No.27231594

te amo, cebolla

>> No.27231595

Don’t spoonfeed the retards

>> No.27231597

Astel got disconnected....

>> No.27231598
File: 3.56 MB, 2282x1126, THENIJISANJIKILLER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so retarded her original song is just saying love you love you over and over again
the TRUE idol of hololive

>> No.27231614

i could beat the hell out of aqua irl

>> No.27231615

Baqua, your original song...

>> No.27231617

The best way is to play eroge

>> No.27231620
Quoted by: >>27232968

is that nakamura in korones stream? I mean the seiyuu for the character in the game shes playing. it sounds so weird to hear voices im used to from anime in games

>> No.27231621

I want them to stop adding new shit so that I don't have to delete my world every few months

>> No.27231630

eh? what did you just say polka?

>> No.27231632


>> No.27231633

Subaru said that she has a hidden Kansai accent and that even her JOP viewers might not understand her if she went full Kansai.
Fug, all the Western publishers are blurring together in my mind.

>> No.27231634

Mama Peko... won't be long before she gets someone she is craving for a child

>> No.27231637

Literally can't even sing her own song lmao BAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.27231638

Oh fuck that Rohan Kishibe impression by Shien was really good

>> No.27231640
Quoted by: >>27231684

That's specific to towa.

>> No.27231642
Quoted by: >>27231765

My point, twitchkiddie, is the following: where are the other HoloCNs denouncing Coco on their roommate accounts?

>> No.27231643
Quoted by: >>27231677

Meh, the Hololive server won't have Cave biomes so who cares?

>> No.27231644
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.27231645


>> No.27231646


>> No.27231650

Aqua... Your own lyrics reps....

>> No.27231659

Polka just say Janitors need to be replaced with robots

>> No.27231671

>korone starts playing other ubisoft games because it sounds like yubisoft
>she plays for honor
>huge increase in the player base
Please korone, save my dead game, please.

>> No.27231676

Minato... Baqua......

>> No.27231677

They can't update the server?

>> No.27231684
Quoted by: >>27231732

Towa is cute!
"Towa" is cute too!

>> No.27231692
Quoted by: >>27231752

dumbest post in this thread and probably a redditfag

>jlpt textbooks

>> No.27231697

Love You Onion

>> No.27231698


>> No.27231700
Quoted by: >>27231730


>> No.27231701

I would play it if it wasn't glorified RPS.

>> No.27231712

they’re already soulless

>> No.27231715
Quoted by: >>27231841

>428 Shibuya Scramble
>Assassin Creed
Back to some actual variety for once, hope more of them can follow suit now

>> No.27231718
Quoted by: >>27231787

she is ugly and have horse teeth

>> No.27231720
Quoted by: >>27231727

are aqua's ears ultra wriggly or something

>> No.27231721
Quoted by: >>27231771

Does Pekora ever do members only streams?

>> No.27231722

>For Honor
Oh yeah, that's a thing.

>> No.27231723

It would destroy the entire server. It'd be like the End of Evangelion.

>> No.27231727


>> No.27231728

If she catches Yubisoft's eyes, they might get her to shill Valhalla instead. I hope it doesn't come to that, the game looks like absolute shit and the AC franchise got outdone by Ghost of Sushi already.

>> No.27231730

what? google says you can update your server

>> No.27231732
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, 1595764307809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231740

>new cave biomes in minecraft
too bad the hololive server is versions behind

>> No.27231742
File: 2.02 MB, 720x1280, 1601263209330.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he's still an idiot for not giving her an ass

>> No.27231752

Nobody has ever learned how to speak Japanese by just watching anime. How old are you?

>> No.27231755


>> No.27231756

you can find so many cute pics about Towa by reverse image searching this image <3

>> No.27231758

based, hiromoot should start investing on those AI

>> No.27231760

assashin mode...

>> No.27231761
Quoted by: >>27233143

now this is absolute undiluted newfaggotry

>> No.27231762
File: 55 KB, 720x784, puffectsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231763

Why is Aqua showing her chat on stream? She didn't get the memeo?

>> No.27231765

M-maybe their roomates accounts aren't that known?

>> No.27231771
File: 38 KB, 453x463, 1591381790580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231776

why isn't reddit talking about 5th gen drama?

>> No.27231781
Quoted by: >>27231880

Anon... do your holo mamas reps...

>> No.27231786
File: 319 KB, 600x426, 1599484110505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231787

Post link where she laughed at someone's dick. She looked fucking ugly there.

>> No.27231793
File: 60 KB, 720x332, 1601255856491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232325

I did not know how much korone's English is improving, my dog can't be this cute

>> No.27231794

AkukinTV commenting Marine and Shion during their battle in the sunflower field was pure kino, need more of those moments

>> No.27231798

what's up with this game having people randomly talk in english and japanese

>> No.27231800
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1593458723243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must now tell me right at this moment which Hololive girl you find the most entertaining when they wear these goofy ass sunglasses.

>> No.27231801

because they don't even know it happened

>> No.27231802
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 1596373039359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231834

Her ass is magic too, you know.

>> No.27231804

go back

>> No.27231814

Here's the aggie canvas for this week!

>> No.27231817

feel free to go there and make a thread. Just don't forget to never come back

>> No.27231818

Did Pekora say that when she reach 1 mil she would tell her mom about hololive?

>> No.27231819
Quoted by: >>27231863

towas roommate has terminal dykeface

>> No.27231824


>> No.27231826

she said she's going to graduate at 999k subs

>> No.27231827


>> No.27231829

>Aqua still showing chat AND doing superchat readings
Based protagonist of Hololive

>> No.27231834
File: 343 KB, 497x470, 1596980257587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231836
Quoted by: >>27234476

They did

>> No.27231838


>> No.27231841

>428 Scramble
Who's playing that right now? I love that game.

>> No.27231853


>> No.27231860

Unfortunately an actual blood-and-flesh jannie is worth even less than a Roomba, that's why they aren't gettting replaced anytime soon.

>> No.27231863

Terminal cute face.

>> No.27231865
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1598499385761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27231892

Kek, have a taste of this faggot. Absolute shit taste right there. Point at him, point at him and laugh

>> No.27231868

The best way is listening to your oshi while doing reps on what she is saying

>> No.27231871


>> No.27231880

sorry, I've been drinkin

>> No.27231890
Quoted by: >>27231964


>> No.27231892

Do I do my fake Pekora laugh?
Actually, that sounds redundant

>> No.27231895 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27231943


>> No.27231898
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 1601349573868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231900

The only good thing to come out from that shitty map.
35ps, soon, she'll be back.

>> No.27231901
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1589084073359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo, I can't wait to see hologirls fight this faggot

>> No.27231903

Jingle bells jingle bells...

>> No.27231908 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 305x359, 1601742300202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27231915


>> No.27231918
Quoted by: >>27231958

I've been working on something all week that I still desperately need to finish, but I'm gonna come here and doodle in a bit anyway!

>> No.27231920

at least the 3d model has a fat muff, but that pancake ass is still a breaker

>> No.27231922

despite having streamed only 7 times in the last month, Kira somehow continues to grow at the same rate as the majority of the Homos and hit 30k subs a day or so ago

>> No.27231928

thankfully mods only delete doxx posts if they are of or relate to the shark

>> No.27231935

The 60 people wipe out format is a really nice game idea, but why would you give everyone shit controls...
It would be actually fun if the game had a skillcap and you could interact with other people beyond griefing specific people with memegrabs. Imagine everyone having 3D Mario movesets and stages built around that

>> No.27231939

>Gura 1.0

>> No.27231943

Whose roommate is this and why does she look like she's 12?

>> No.27231947

>Pekora wanted to do stream on space

>> No.27231953

Fucking never.
They are version behind and for once the cave biome is fucking welcome

>> No.27231954

I'm not watching the stream, but she did say that a couple months ago.

>> No.27231958

Same here anon! Thank you for taking your time to doodle. Even just something quick would be nice.

>> No.27231962

>2 shot with full netherite
yea im glad they dont know how to update the server

>> No.27231964

do i need a time machine for this?

>> No.27231968
File: 81 KB, 559x618, 003E6D02-4197-437B-BE2F-C148B40CC202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232629

It was a very very good week !!! Let's hope the next one will be even better !! *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*

>> No.27231970


>> No.27231971

Would she play Gladiator so she can stab toes?

>> No.27231994

Anon did you forget that map also gave us THE chart?

>> No.27231997

I’ve been drinking whiskey all day every day ever since Haachama and Coco got suspended, they are my 2 favorites and i’ve lost control of my life.
I need Miko to return soon or i’ll probably get hospitalized in a few days

>> No.27231998 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 768x1024, C4I90qOXUAAlx9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she already has a pretty fine ass so it's fine

>> No.27232012

There is nothing wrong with masturbating to pictures of roommates

>> No.27232013


>> No.27232031

I wish I was akuas cat...

>> No.27232038


>> No.27232044

cute feet

>> No.27232055

It would mess up their server and builds. Pretty sure their server isn't even up to date to the current version. There's a Good chance they might create and transfer to a 3rd/new server by the time update rolls in.

>> No.27232059

Holy shit this AC game looks like shit, why are people buying these every year?

>> No.27232063

the last thread is very good, so bad this thread is kind of boring

>> No.27232066
Quoted by: >>27232112

Wait, was it? I forgot.

>> No.27232075

If they are pre aquatic update (they are) they can't upgrade without fuck and shit and stuff

>> No.27232076

Because they come out every year

>> No.27232077
Quoted by: >>27232199


>> No.27232080

I'm killing myself if Shark beats FBK to 1 million subs

>> No.27232083

It's not fair bros...

>> No.27232095
Quoted by: >>27232256

last alright game was AC3.

>> No.27232096
Quoted by: >>27232152

anon its the PS4 version

>> No.27232102
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, 1601677631347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because AC is a AAA ubisoft game franchise so it must be good!

>> No.27232105

Korone just suddenly decided to play Ass is red Syndicate, but people say that she won't play Doom Eternal because her schedule is full. I guess she really hated Doom...

>> No.27232110

polka is playing it.

>> No.27232111

shark is about to overtake marine within 3 weeks of debut lol

>> No.27232112

They made the chart after a boss raid collab or some shit, I can't remember exactly. Might've been one of the pregnancy collabs too.
It also gave us Miko spelling Choco's name as ここ in the first version of that stream's title, making a mistake that I've seen multiple people here make mixing up Coco and Choco

>> No.27232120
File: 113 KB, 529x453, hgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, we are losing again

>> No.27232122

The gameplay has actually changed starting with Origins to be more of an action RPG. More arkham-style.

>> No.27232126

Good, get ready for it

>> No.27232140

AC is like cod and madden, there is a new one every other year and it just appeals to the widest and lowest common denominator of people

>> No.27232151


>> No.27232152

I don't mean it looks bad graphically, I mean the gameplay looks like shit

>> No.27232153

Who are the "people" who "say" that?

>> No.27232154

Why is there a fat lady in this ASSassin's Creed game? Fat "people" didn't exist back then.

>> No.27232156

See ya anon

>> No.27232163 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.76 MB, 10000x10000, 1601742809793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doo eet

>> No.27232162

antis are now spamming lamys old videos

>> No.27232161

how was the homo gang beast collab

>> No.27232167

of all games how did she end up playing ac syndicate

>> No.27232171
File: 1.10 MB, 2993x3396, 1594356684125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cute man

>> No.27232173

Yes they did
It was a sign of wealth and quite attractive

>> No.27232179


>> No.27232180

They had some in freak shows

>> No.27232183

i found a video of Towa's roommate dancing
do you guys want to see it?

>> No.27232185
Quoted by: >>27232244

Harry Potter...

>> No.27232199

dont give me that shit anon, you made me think sakurai was 35p and snuck in subtle reference to her

>> No.27232202

They do it to make you talk about it
Don't give them any attention

>> No.27232204

is it american hour already?
why is thread quality declining so rapidly

>> No.27232208
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1601599644461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thank you

>> No.27232217
Quoted by: >>27232442

She said she wanted a timegap between 2016 and Eternal large as the gap between 64 and 2016.
I think we've got another month to wait.

>> No.27232218
Quoted by: >>27232229

Whose aunt is this?

>> No.27232219


>> No.27232225

Which girls have all done anime watchalongs? I know Aqua and Lamy.

>> No.27232229

Hopefully mine

>> No.27232234

You must not have been here earlier then.

>> No.27232235
Quoted by: >>27232258

Yeah sure

>> No.27232241
Quoted by: >>27232314

Meidos already confirmed that it's SEAnigs and flips that decrease thread quality

>> No.27232244

Korone associates bongland (and especially London) with Harry Potter.

>> No.27232247
File: 2.08 MB, 1721x2513, 1600770174903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232290

God I wanna fuck her

>> No.27232246

More like EN crossposter hour

>> No.27232250

did no one watch it?

>> No.27232252

But alas, it was not meant to be...

>> No.27232256

3 was shit, BF is the last good one

>> No.27232259

Par for the course for internet drama, it's not a big deal worth any attention.

>> No.27232258 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27232337


>> No.27232262

Choco was planning to do a Conan watchalong but cancelled it when she realised that the youtube stream she was using wasn't gaijin friendly. That sucked.

>> No.27232265
Quoted by: >>27232292

that's the point

>> No.27232269
Quoted by: >>27232298

These are the newfags that were brought in from holoEN
"do your doxxfag reps"
Jesus christ, Imagine a polack running an entire thread full of dedicated schizophrenics.

>> No.27232273
Quoted by: >>27232424

Nenefriends, how was Nene's ASMR?

>> No.27232274

Miko, Pekora.

>> No.27232277
Quoted by: >>27232296

Miko is soul

>> No.27232284

korone hogwarts legacy playthrough soon

>> No.27232286

Reminder to never forgive and forget Artia, the traitor of Hololive

>> No.27232288

No go back to lurking you fucking idiot. You complete imbecile

>> No.27232289

it's pretty much any gang beast collab pretty chaotic.

>> No.27232290

>abused nympho with daddy issues

imagine the sex

>> No.27232292

No it's not, those aren't japanese words in origin.

>> No.27232293


>> No.27232296
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1601567761556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232297
Quoted by: >>27232575

Fuck i'm still 400 episodes behind, please wait for me Choco-sensei

>> No.27232298

blame meidos for not banning doxxfags on sight, we already know most of them came from those "superior" /v/ threads

>> No.27232301

>pekora talking capeshit
shuba shuba shuba shuba

>> No.27232302

fuck I miss her so much
Miko is the heart of Hololive, obviously there would be shitstorms after shitstorms without her
She will be back soon and everything will be okay

>> No.27232303

Sayonara anon. She's on track to hitting 1m this month

>> No.27232314
File: 71 KB, 1175x214, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that we SEAchads love the girls and the ones who were sperging during Amelia's boyfriend act are in fact EUfags

>> No.27232322
File: 186 KB, 630x566, 1589628434402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232338

I woke up late and missed Festival's stream

>> No.27232325

Korone ven a Perú por favor. ¡Mi familia, Korone!

>> No.27232337

debirus shouldn't be this cute...

>> No.27232338

That's OK anon. You can watch the archive!

>> No.27232341

I'm glad Sensei cares about overseas viewers

>> No.27232347

>Astel disconnects
>Astel recconects next game
>Kira then disconnects

>> No.27232349

Got strafe Artia

>> No.27232351
Quoted by: >>27232586

I haven't had any issues just replacing the server jar I don't know how they run their server though

>> No.27232360
Quoted by: >>27232408


>> No.27232367
File: 34 KB, 587x274, oldersister..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unrealeased what?

>> No.27232370


>> No.27232371

The only way for Artia to be forgiven is for her to be my sex slave.

>> No.27232372

can any nousagi tell me what pecora usually do for membership content?

>> No.27232376

Seachads are confirmed NTRchads, theh are unfazed by pleasures of flesh

>> No.27232380

She is referring to her, Noel and Flare as a group

>> No.27232381
Quoted by: >>27232450

Remind me why, please. Is she a /v/tuber?

>> No.27232388

>older sister

>> No.27232389

Bye anon, she'll hit 1 million in about 10 days

>> No.27232390

it says it right there

>> No.27232392
File: 615 KB, 597x588, 1600168569168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232397
File: 38 KB, 403x348, 1584497060373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232483

I'm so glad Hololive has Pekora, She's one of the best.
She's so charismatic.

>> No.27232399

>can nearly read the tweet without the translation
this is a rewarding feel

>> No.27232405

Onee-san gumi you fucking mong.

>> No.27232408


>> No.27232409

EOPs... why do you even try...

>> No.27232410

If you locked each of the holos in a room with a little boy and they knew there was no way anyone would find out what happened in there which ones would become sex offenders?

>> No.27232411


>> No.27232414
File: 783 KB, 718x666, 1571276901664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE Towa!

>> No.27232419
File: 661 KB, 792x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232493

>> No.27232420

What the fuck is this spiderman tier bullshit in AC?

>> No.27232423

Korone's having so much fun bros...

>> No.27232424

it was fun

>> No.27232427
Quoted by: >>27232488

which one was the akira narrative then?

>> No.27232430
Quoted by: >>27232770

I wonder what she means...

>> No.27232431

>Korone gushing this hard over the landmarks

>> No.27232434
Quoted by: >>27233143

you are the fucking cancer

>> No.27232435
Quoted by: >>27232770


>> No.27232436
Quoted by: >>27232463

Watching this marshmallow stream by Pekora makes me wish Holos do these kinda stream more often.

>> No.27232438
File: 800 KB, 3259x3825, sWqzgAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the desire to understand your oshi without a middle man. Practice every day even if it's a bit. And yes, learning languages suck because you feel like a retard having to re-learn communicating with other human beings at a baby's level again.

I believe in you, anonchama.

>> No.27232442

When did she said that?doom 2016 playthrough was already 3 months ago now.

>> No.27232443

Me too anon

>> No.27232450
Quoted by: >>27232484

Short version: she expressed direct support to the suspension of coco and haato
Long version: read the archives faggot

>> No.27232454

They have those transition skits for their 3D streams so viewers have something to watch when they prepare things. This one wasn't used but the turtle one was.

>> No.27232456
Quoted by: >>27232770

She's already said she has a older/younger sister and from the stories Marine has told us, She's fucking crazy.

>> No.27232463
Quoted by: >>27232481

I miss when Haato did marshmallow streams all the fucking time

>> No.27232466

awsome anon thats a level of stupid i've never reached
try again tomorrow

>> No.27232472
Quoted by: >>27232485


>> No.27232473
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, EjaKwtHVcAENYIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone gonna buy this?

>> No.27232475


>> No.27232481

There was one scheduled before her vacation happened.

>> No.27232483

Yeah? Maybe so but it wasn't always like that. Pekora would get hate because she used to torment streamers and talk behind their back on streams.
She would call for her fans to raid other channels and start rumors about other streamers.
There are videos out there about game tournaments and when Pekora's voice would be heard, chat would all spam 4444444444 (Die die die die) because they knew she was a bad person.

She used to have a really foul mouth as well (she still has one, but it was far worse). If you've ever heard Mea before, that's what Pekora was kind of like, not as brutish with the burping and stuff but she would swear constantly. Just non-stop swearing and vicious words. She was not a friendly person, you can still feel that in her streams. She's a violent girl, when she would play games and a male would talk to her, she would react violently and try to team kill that person.

Of course, Pekora has changed for the better, I think everyone has accepted that. She's one of the most beloved holos now. But don't get it twisted, Pekora was basically an internet delinquent.

>> No.27232484
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.27232485
Quoted by: >>27232511


>> No.27232486

Guitar Peko!!!!

>> No.27232488

It's not a narrative

>> No.27232489

fuck off Towas tits are perfect

>> No.27232491
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1595805352447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the performance in a few weeks.

>> No.27232493

e621: Shibuya Scramble

>> No.27232495


>> No.27232497

Put her mouth higher.

>> No.27232498

428 is a pretty cool game. It can be a little wacky but has some good moments. There's also an anime spinoff called Canaan

>> No.27232500

deja vu

>> No.27232502

More like they're spamming the newest video now that the minecraft vod is gone

>> No.27232505

0/10 stale fake news pasta.

>> No.27232508

just do it man, you want to watch Ironman with her, right?

>> No.27232509
File: 112 KB, 236x265, 1596092124405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugoi ne
>yaaa kore sugoi naa
>ii ne
I can understand Korone perfectly without studying. Checkmate, your move repfags.

>> No.27232511


>> No.27232512

Japanese people use it too in certain cases anon, it just stick out when it's from a machine translated mess

>> No.27232515

Your oshi
Your favorite song of hers

>> No.27232516
File: 849 KB, 2894x4093, Ei0_h_XUcAAWlAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27232521

Honestly I think it'd be hilarious if Cover accidentally nuked the entire holoserver and everyone had to rebuild from scratch on 1.17, ideally all at the same time. A TRUE Minecraft arc, if you will.

>> No.27232524

I'm a poorfag so I'm saving for her Nendo.

>> No.27232525

Is this a plush? I would

>> No.27232527

God she's so fucking cute

>> No.27232530


>> No.27232535

Whoa, everyone's favorite shark is playing Among Us with viewers later, sure wish holo girls would

>> No.27232542


>> No.27232546

>45 cm
If only they shrunk is by .5

>> No.27232547

So I can drill too holes from front and back.....

>> No.27232556


>> No.27232557

Any know which stream Marine sang the theme to School Rumble? It's the song in this vid

>> No.27232559

Nice, now you enough to knowledge to be a live translator

>> No.27232560

what if Cover had an inside man who opened up the server when everyone was playing and they had to fight back against an invasion of fans

>> No.27232562

Sadly they picked the wrong talent for her. I feel bad for Guchico-mama

>> No.27232564
Quoted by: >>27232600

How can you ask this when most of them don't even have their own songs?

>> No.27232566
Quoted by: >>27232622

>Marine's sister and Anemachi getting it on
I'm not prepared for this

>> No.27232567
File: 432 KB, 2048x1337, EV6nCP0UwAI17ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232631

I love song posting hours.

>> No.27232570


>> No.27232574

they could just world edit everything over to an updated version if they wanted to
the most annoying thing would be figuring out where people have built stuff

>> No.27232575

It's okay anon. This month at least, anyway. She said this month she'd be watching Jurassic Park 3. It's finally time for the spinos to make their debut

>> No.27232580

don't do it insider-kun

>> No.27232583
Quoted by: >>27232750

Enjoy Towabro. And try it in VR as much as possible, if not there's always Niconico. Don't waste your money on the smartphone one, it's not worth it.

>> No.27232586

They can update their server and preserve their builds in spawn, they just have to travel far away or delete region files without anything in it so that the chunks can generate with the new stuff. The problem is the server plugin mod that they're using to travel to the resource server, which is still on 1.15.2 iirc.

>> No.27232588

lol i hope this keeps getting posted
not only because it's funny, but because it's actually true.

>> No.27232589

Korosan your fashion reps...

>> No.27232591

you go back there

>> No.27232594

I'm pretty sure she was designed specifically for the talent.

>> No.27232596

Lamy didn't tweet goodnight. Am I allowed to go to sleep?

>> No.27232600
Quoted by: >>27232631

Sucks to have bad taste I guess

>> No.27232605
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1600794171120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232606



you don't belong here, get the fuck out.

>> No.27232611

I found this. It's probably lost in the holocaust

>> No.27232613
Quoted by: >>27232659

Is this an official onahole?

>> No.27232618

have to admit thread been shit all day

>> No.27232622

Is it going to be bundled autism?

>> No.27232624

People like Towa?

>> No.27232626


>> No.27232629

shes begging to be raped again

>> No.27232630
File: 1.08 MB, 3597x2200, EicDBm6VgAEAxe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232922

But Kanata's redemption arc was from that map

>> No.27232631
Quoted by: >>27232716

Every time

My oshi has multiple songs. I'm just tired of cover posters.

>> No.27232633
Quoted by: >>27232691


>> No.27232636
Quoted by: >>27232655

Old London looks kinda comfy desu

>> No.27232638
Quoted by: >>27232673


>> No.27232639

As a former Londoner, it's surreal watching my oshi parkour around the Houses of Parliament and ride across Westminster Bridge since I used to walk/commute around there for work.

>> No.27232641

Her roommate is insanely cute as well

>> No.27232642

I wonder which girls have the most competent Minecraft players. I assume Nousagis would go around trying to murder everything they see (including eachother) but Shion would be invulnerable behind an army of stupidly skilled metagaming ojisans. Meanwhile Haatons would just flood the server with lava buckets.

>> No.27232651
Quoted by: >>27232680

There's no moves after a checkmate, anonchama.

>> No.27232653

cute dude

>> No.27232655

ah yes the comfy smell of sewage

>> No.27232656

You are google engish lol

>> No.27232659


no that would be your mother's mouth.

>> No.27232669
Quoted by: >>27232783

Watamates would protect Watame with their lives.

>> No.27232670
Quoted by: >>27232744

>As a former Londoner
Former? Because where ever it is you are now we don't want you scum, go the fuck back

>> No.27232671

quick post autistic holo noises

>> No.27232673
Quoted by: >>27232751

oh shit I forgot jetri had that feature

>> No.27232675

it also looks like 100% better in game since the places isn't filled with undesirables roaming around

>> No.27232680


>> No.27232684
File: 575 KB, 1000x1000, 1599855808566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232790


>> No.27232685


>> No.27232686

before I discovered hololive I just loitered around in /b/

>> No.27232691
File: 2.45 MB, 936x912, 1595770669184.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232692

just pick anything from this

>> No.27232701
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1601419054052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232759

j-just as a friend

>> No.27232704
Quoted by: >>27232770

You fucking idiot.

>> No.27232707

>former Londoner
please go back

>> No.27232708
File: 1.83 MB, 948x1062, 1600448818920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232823

how do i get assassin dog gf

>> No.27232709

35p if you ever played a full pvp mmo you know this is true

>> No.27232710


>> No.27232716

I love Towa.

Towa is working for an original song, I hope she can release one soon.

>> No.27232719
File: 64 KB, 718x897, 1600239350474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big nosed
>99% of Japanese women

>> No.27232720


>> No.27232723
File: 22 KB, 747x491, 1599054496113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAI ! HaI ! HAi ! hAI ! HAaaii-

>> No.27232728

>Bad End
Just like real life, Polka.

>> No.27232738

is 七色ちんぽ a good username?

>> No.27232744
File: 38 KB, 350x442, 1581012115692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232869

>wanting to go back to that shithole

>> No.27232750

I'd really really recommend getting VR for it, simply based on the clips of the prior Kanata/Marine one. If you can't though, the NND (non-VR) isn't actually that bad, it's a lot more professional than Cover's 3D Lives.

>> No.27232751
Quoted by: >>27232816

https://www.bilibili.com/video/av667756292/ 33:30
https://www.bilibili.com/video/av95330941 12:50

>> No.27232753 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 750x1334, 1601744145381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27232756

>Yasashin Creed

Is Korone a quote making machine?

>> No.27232758

you need to go back

>> No.27232759
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1595774867330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl friend!

>> No.27232760
Quoted by: >>27232813

So what happened to Aloe's wish? Did you give energy to her?

>> No.27232761
Quoted by: >>27232800

She is a good girl

>> No.27232764

double assassin!

>> No.27232769

no its actually all me
simular to her chat im actually like at least 60% of her chat

>> No.27232770
Quoted by: >>27232820

>Newfags exposing themselves

>> No.27232772
File: 163 KB, 1200x1020, 1580501774424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK what did i miss today?

>> No.27232780

why are you posting my gf?

>> No.27232781


>> No.27232783

>Secure the resources at all costs!

>> No.27232790
Quoted by: >>27233090


What eroge song would you like her to sing migop?

>> No.27232791

now that we have the yubisoft permissions, what else can we expect the girls to play?

>> No.27232793
File: 63 KB, 660x530, 1587387367007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you love Festival?

>> No.27232800

For あなた

>> No.27232803


>> No.27232805

Korone is really using the Batman's bye-bye to it's fullest I see.

>> No.27232810
File: 352 KB, 900x731, 1597178276225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better go fellow yukimin! Sadly I have a night shift at my cleaning work but afterwards I'm free to watch the latest stream I missed :/

>> No.27232811

Of course I fucking don't

>> No.27232813
Quoted by: >>27232944

i gave her my cum and now she and her daddy will have to deal with my baby

>> No.27232815

Lamy privated her video? Boo! Was hoping to see how many dislikes it got when i woke up.

>> No.27232816

damn great work, thanks so much

>> No.27232820

Yes, that's what was pointed out.

>> No.27232822

Minecraft and APEX!

>> No.27232821
File: 86 KB, 965x1081, 1600749154490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232823
Quoted by: >>27232850

>i'm new to this
>decided to learn where the yubi yubi thing started
I had this impression that she is weird like that and that's cute, but that's seriously scary (like how the other girls thoughts literally froze for a second there) yet interesting

>> No.27232825

not entirely convince anyone does

>> No.27232827

Botan's Siege.

>> No.27232833

She's actually really beautiful.

>> No.27232835

I don't dislike her
there is clearly something wrong with her, I hope she finds the help she needs

>> No.27232841

God I wish one of those window frames Korone is climbing on would just break

>> No.27232850

you are obviously you i've not seen a greentext this fucking shitty
lurk 140 more streams and additional 6 years

>> No.27232852
Quoted by: >>27232939

the South Park games

>> No.27232853

other asscreed, watch dogs, farcry, anno, beyond good and evil, oh yeah, the homos that know guitar could probably play rocksmith

>> No.27232854

What the fuck is Big God Mion doing back there?

>> No.27232858

Nousagi are rabbits of peace.

>> No.27232860

Go back /v/tourist

>> No.27232865
File: 265 KB, 1165x811, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit this is bad, the japanese are getting the human rights group and janitor labour unions to cancel gen 5

>> No.27232866

I love her.

>> No.27232868

If that's actually twap, by god she's a looker

>> No.27232869
Quoted by: >>27233874

You were born there, were raised there and as such belong there. We don't want you poisoning anywhere else, now go the fuck back

>> No.27232873
File: 136 KB, 1000x790, IMG_20201003_175948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232887
File: 65 KB, 662x548, 1601567852688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27232969

Was abberation really that bad to make half of them quit ARK? I stopped watching Hololive streams for a month after they moved out of Ragnarok and watched backlog of old archive streams from last year instead.

>> No.27232888

I want Shuba to play AC Unity

>> No.27232890

I am a slave to her tanlines

>> No.27232893

As always kneeling to antis didn't solve shit

>> No.27232894
File: 80 KB, 712x476, 1597717187494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27232895


>> No.27232897
Quoted by: >>27232973

Coco's actually Torre?

>> No.27232900
Quoted by: >>27232928

>look at profile
>sister claire

>> No.27232901

more meh games, so rabbids

>> No.27232906

They already made public apologies over it where they acknowledged their error. The antis no longer have anything to go on

>> No.27232910

Any girl played Splinter cell before?

>> No.27232915

>it's just some Nijifag
Wow, shocking.

>> No.27232916

Fucking... I saw a fag today in COD's stream whining about janitors. Can they actually do that?
Can I live a week without any fucking drama?

>> No.27232920

Coco is getting erased from pictures like the people Stalin purged.

>> No.27232921

>tfw no trio singing

>> No.27232922
File: 146 KB, 1169x654, Eao5QFLWoAMX_se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233010

It was beautiful to see. Shame ARK is dead for now, she wanted to participate in raids more.

>> No.27232925
Quoted by: >>27232974

Cool, You can go celebrate in global with your other numberfag friends.

>> No.27232927

yeah but they're not giving up, this time they're getting human rights groups and labour unions and politicians to weigh in, this might be bad

>> No.27232928

he has good taste

>> No.27232931

I want to hear their singing...

>> No.27232939

No Japanese language unfortunately, would've been kino

>> No.27232940

get the gaylord and chinese spy away from my Towar

>> No.27232944

No, I was talking about Aloe's roommate Amazon wishlist which had energy drinks and gummy bears, etc. I was wondering if people did follow through with the purchases or if the wishlist was really hers. I haven't checked on the streams lately so I was asking.

>> No.27232945

We had those for ages. Nobody cares about their games enough to play them.

>> No.27232947

Which girl is the best at fingering other girls?

>> No.27232948


Oh no, Marine isn't worth watching any more now cause of an arbitrary number.

Go back.

>> No.27232954

literally nothing is going to happen retard

>> No.27232956
File: 659 KB, 2894x2896, 1601659339694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233111

welp, its time to slay the dragon

>> No.27232957

The one that masturbates the most

>> No.27232958

Nah, it's nothing. This is entirely the kind of case that's forgiven with an apology. Won't stop the antis from trying, of course

>> No.27232961

Apologizing is confirming that someone did something wrong, it only emboldens the nijinigger.

>> No.27232964

Rikka’s also doing a home 3d celebration

>> No.27232962

probably botan with those fps pro fingers

>> No.27232966

nothinburger, the girls already apologized
they have nothing to follow up with it

>> No.27232965

The larger breasts you prefer the less IQ you have.

>> No.27232967

Gura will slow down once she reaches 700k

>> No.27232968

I can't believe NJPW International Championship legend Shinsuke Nakamura watches Korone, /asp/ bros

>> No.27232969
Quoted by: >>27233011

AFAIK Aberration was just much harder and more unforgiving than Ragnarok, it also didn't offer the current freedom that they had in Ragnarok (and Crystal Isles).

>> No.27232970
File: 1.58 MB, 1500x2121, a77ea845e40c7080c026e4cc6c07d2f81990c04d06b274eb433b1cf7349c8b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twappy sandwiched between a little angel and a shiny comet! 3d pleasee

>> No.27232972

I hope she gets the help she needs and be happy.

>> No.27232973
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1595820256568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Towa fucking loves Susei.

>> No.27232974
Quoted by: >>27233007

How is it possible to be this mad from just numbers?

>> No.27232976

nothing is gonna happen, include me in the screenshot

>> No.27232979

Now we just need a Gen 5 to reach the top and it will look nice.

>> No.27232984

They're getting or they tried to get? Because I have my doubts any of those groups would just drop everything to take up the cause just from a reeeeing tweets of those antis.

>> No.27232986
Quoted by: >>27233004

said nobody

>> No.27232991
File: 363 KB, 400x600, Salt....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233053

Roboco model updates

>> No.27232993

Rushia, it's 2AM.

>> No.27232996
File: 177 KB, 1280x959, 1601650749867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The days when you know the return could happen at any moment but they still haven't announced anything are the worst of them all, I can't stop hoping at least once every hour "is it coming out now?"

>> No.27232997

>no big collab tomorrow
Well talk about a shitty sunday...

>> No.27232998

Gura will slowdown when she reaches 1m

>> No.27232999

You passed the not a numbersfag test. Good job, you're a better human being than them already. Enjoy watching your vtubers without some random need to beat on your chest like an ape.

>> No.27233003
Quoted by: >>27233060

Miko said her fingers move like they have their own mind

>> No.27233004


Marine could have 50 subscribers and she would still be better than the vast majority of holos. It doesn't matter.

>> No.27233006
Quoted by: >>27233092

they're still getting dislikes and comments on their youtube video, the antis aren't giving up and this is bad because Cover is in trouble with the japanese govt already over china, they might bring it to the government

>> No.27233007
File: 25 KB, 220x297, 1591559889212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233075

Who's mad, you do this everyday? No one else in Hololive had a previous life account with nearly 1 million subs you dimwit, You're acting like this is impressive.

>> No.27233010

get them to set up ender dragon raid collab now

>> No.27233011
Quoted by: >>27233208

It's really strange that it was the map that got Choco addicted considering she said she didn't play Ragnarok that much because she didn't understand it, saw people saying she shouldn't play it because of that, and no one wanted to help her learn the game but she dives right into the harder one and autistically grinds and breeds for weeks

>> No.27233013
File: 939 KB, 2894x4093, 1592219870752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, get them closer together.

>> No.27233012

They better fucking come at Suisei's 3rd LIVE, if KanaTowa is forever cancelled at least appear there...

>> No.27233016


>> No.27233021

i fucking know i gave her my cum just like the anons that are tying to scam people posing as her

>> No.27233023

Why is fucking drama popping up every week? Is hololive that fucking unstable or some shit?

Ever since the Mel situation, shit just kept happening non-stop

>> No.27233026

The fact that antis use the same language for this as they do for some petty idol bullsit is so lame. They should get some real poorfag jannies to post some heartfelt sob stories instead. Why does anyone pay attention to these small brain faggots

>> No.27233030
File: 198 KB, 1326x742, vv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233078


>> No.27233031

Envy is a hell of a drug, I despise niggersanjins even more

>> No.27233032

Why are you focusing on Lamy nijinigger? She's not even the one that made the joke.

>> No.27233036

have some more meetings instead :)

>> No.27233039
File: 141 KB, 359x359, 1597758647422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "God Finger"

>> No.27233040

anon.... what if.....

>> No.27233043

those groups won't do shit

>> No.27233044
File: 1.03 MB, 1240x1754, 70b1c6c41945c68a07b6ede8349b42ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing with stacked, sultry Korosan!

>> No.27233045

this is what happens when you get popular

>> No.27233046

A storm is coming

>> No.27233049
File: 298 KB, 1160x2048, Eg5lgvKUYAUkvzz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233086


>> No.27233050
File: 72 KB, 247x248, 1601565048953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233108

>no likes
>no retweets
why did you post this? It's a just literal nijinigger futilely screaming into the void.

>> No.27233051

>thinking those dropout autists and losers can rope those people
This shit is just scare tactics and basically nothing compared to the chink t-word that we still have right now.

>> No.27233052

...Isn’t that the point? Or am I missing something here?

>> No.27233053
File: 780 KB, 844x1500, 1599945362044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering the only thing about roboco that filters me is her terrible sega dreamcast model if she gets a good one like sora mama im all for it.

>> No.27233057

what the hell?

>> No.27233058

>canceling ASMR slut

>> No.27233060

Just some short tongue lesbian cope. She knows she's handicapped.

>> No.27233062


>> No.27233066

What kind of hoodrats did they get to mocap this AssGreed? Why is everyone swaggering around so much

>> No.27233067

But there will be a 2nd gen collab...

>> No.27233073

Marine was never worth watching and im surprised she had this many subs in the first place
Must be all the shilling from upper management

>> No.27233074
Quoted by: >>27233101

If I'm part of a union and they fucking waste their time going after Vtuber I'm quitting my membership.

>> No.27233075

I'm not even the the one you originally replied to retarded Suisei poster

>> No.27233077

Nijiniggers need something to cope with their irrelevance, pay it no mind.

>> No.27233078

aqua... your sisters....

>> No.27233081

>no hashtag
>no likes
>no retweets
This is your own tweet, faggot

>> No.27233086
File: 142 KB, 891x1184, EjUCyKwUcAAUUji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233087

easiest target to try to cancel

>> No.27233088

>trustme.bro citet as source

>> No.27233090

not that anon but https://youtu.be/WuovRnuLvO8
No music, no future would be nice too.

>> No.27233092

That's what antis do. They'll get bored soon enough, since they can't sustain the outrage in a minor issue that was defused immediately like this

>> No.27233101

"Boss, my union went after a vtuber and I'm really salty about it, you can arbitrarily fire me or lower my pay now."

>> No.27233102

Oh shit never mind, let's fucking go ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJSICFkVzsg

>> No.27233103

because she's the richest one, which by extension means she should've known better, 教養 and all that

>> No.27233104
Quoted by: >>27233770

Cover always kneel instead of just telling dramafags to fuck off

>> No.27233105

Some anon said that Korone is a massive slut IRL and it just bothers me to no end, there was no indication of it whatsoever. Why would he assume that?

>> No.27233108

he also mentioned 特定班, from what i read those are the special hackers that 2ch has that are very good at doxing, this is pretty dangerous

>> No.27233111

The dragon just started the fucking WW3, she is now battling the chinks at the front line.

>> No.27233117

Because they're easy to attack

>> No.27233119
File: 973 KB, 1210x1720, myY8nY3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233122

She had 5 husbands...

>> No.27233127
Quoted by: >>27233172

Because you're a gullible prick, Shut the fuck up and fuck off.

>> No.27233130

Has that ever stopped them from acting like retards? If anything even giving an apology makes them act even more retarded since they know they have power over them.

>> No.27233131
File: 196 KB, 1500x792, Eida0FYVoAAOvIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no no no

>> No.27233136
File: 674 KB, 1222x883, 1587792074520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from taiwan.

>> No.27233137

Anonchama... union is not your boss...

>> No.27233139
File: 359 KB, 800x450, 1580852487371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrative fags just want (yous), here's yours for falling for their shit.

>> No.27233140

marine is now 17(x8)!

>> No.27233143

>4chan is the only imageboard in existence

sure thing newfriends

>> No.27233146

She kills her previous husbands for insurance money.

>> No.27233147
Quoted by: >>27233191


>> No.27233149
File: 1.40 MB, 2786x4096, 1601156777006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I must be retarded

>> No.27233152

wouldn't put past cover to suspend them as punishment to be honest

>> No.27233154

>Straight from taiwan.

>> No.27233162

It won't happen until the suspensions are over, so at least late October.

>> No.27233171


>> No.27233172

That's no way to talk to your father!

>> No.27233176
Quoted by: >>27233197

n-no aqua isn't like this

>> No.27233177
File: 24 KB, 488x148, Hplh2WV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you've already been eaten.

>> No.27233178

yeah, but what else can they even do now? nothing, acting like retards is the only thing they can do

>> No.27233181

how to spot a fucking neet

>> No.27233183

Shien's mamu popping in so late. Very cute

>> No.27233184
File: 294 KB, 1024x1024, 1601590261215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polka probably works a shitty job at a konbini or something in a similar vein
>has the gall to make fun of janitors
>lamy is probably some pampered girl with a trust fund and laughs at others misfortunes
at least Botan seems like a good girl, and Nene would be too stupid to even comprehend the joke.
I already didn't like Lamy because she's a fake bitch but Polka should have known better.

>> No.27233182

It's literally a ton of nothing exaggerated and pushed by autists. So basically /jp/'s fucking retarded narratives except it's other people so suddenly it's bad and we're the good guys.

>> No.27233186
Quoted by: >>27233272

What does "real" and "fake" mean in this context? They're all playing up their characters.

>> No.27233188
Quoted by: >>27233209

Okayu wasn't her first project. There are dozens of early 20s girls that have been used by the dog.

>> No.27233189

towa has a huge following around here or at least a few people that post about her a ton

>> No.27233190
Quoted by: >>27233726

what does fake and real mean here, how can you be fake and care about your fans?

>> No.27233191


>> No.27233192

The chinese arc isn't even over yet and we've already got a new one. We're being spoiled

>> No.27233193
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1596134565461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone that's fake care about their fans?

>> No.27233194

made by a single 35p

>> No.27233195

>random twitter screenshot from a literally who
>no likes, no retweets
>retards still reply to it
its like I'm on /v/

>> No.27233196
File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 1596474600067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Judas of Hololive

>> No.27233197

>fake retarded
Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.27233198
Quoted by: >>27234324

West or East?

>> No.27233200
Quoted by: >>27233289

this isn't too bad. Rushia cares about her fans more than that though.

>> No.27233202

She's had 7 husbands and 6 kids. Her vag can pass a bowlingball and not touch the sides.

>> No.27233203

People like Mio?

>> No.27233204


>> No.27233205
File: 34 KB, 479x269, koronehide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about a person that lives with their grandma and is too shy to message even other holos

>> No.27233206
Quoted by: >>27233229

Garbage chart. Coco's real personality is the exact opposite of her chara, and Fubuki doesn't play any character at all.

>> No.27233207

Don't you have merch to sell nijifag?

>> No.27233208

Yeah, now her and Aki are probably the strongest ARK players

>> No.27233209

>There are dozens of early 20s girls that have been used by the dog.

>> No.27233210
Quoted by: >>27233267

love u onion

>> No.27233211

>no likes, no retweets

just like aloe's horny posting...

>> No.27233214
Quoted by: >>27233227

What streams are you talking about? She posted about getting a lot of packages and some gift cards so whatever list those were on was hers. Just follow her fanbox if you want to know about her and stop posting here, she is off-topic.

>> No.27233216
File: 352 KB, 652x743, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed a spot.

>> No.27233222

I don't understand real and fake axis

>> No.27233223

You posted this a few months ago, fuck off

>> No.27233224

i rabu you aqua

>> No.27233227
Quoted by: >>27233341


>> No.27233229

>Fubuki doesn't play any character at all
You mean that Fubuki constantly moans "yoisho" during sex for real?

>> No.27233230
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the retarded people giving lamy and polka shit on here probably post shit like nigger and faggot regularly
imagine one slightly distasteful joke causing this much ass hurt.

>> No.27233235

This is so wrong on so many levels

>> No.27233241
Quoted by: >>27233277

Growing old with Marine doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.27233248
Quoted by: >>27233279

I love you onion so much!

>> No.27233254

Another chart by someone who doesn't watch Hololive, how surprising.

>> No.27233255

this is so accurate on so many levels

>> No.27233259

At least they aren't bellying my wife I guess.

>> No.27233261

Looks like it came out straight from reddit

>> No.27233267
File: 505 KB, 1000x690, 1596348636076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233450

>love u onion
i think you meant to say lob u onyon

>> No.27233272

At first I assumed it was "real = close to her real personality" and "fake = far from her real personality", but that still didn't make sense since that would make at least mio and choco swap places.
So I have no idea.

>> No.27233273
Quoted by: >>27233373

Stop asking to be spoonfed you flaming fucking newfag
go back to your "general"

>> No.27233274

rule 1 of comedy
dont punch down

>> No.27233276

Can we replace Lamy with Aloe please?

>> No.27233277
File: 154 KB, 1143x880, 1596112920886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233357

she will graduate one day.. and it hurts

>> No.27233279
File: 168 KB, 1280x1280, 1592604184901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha...an onion....funny joke...

>> No.27233280
Quoted by: >>27233298


>> No.27233281

They honestly should've just said that the clip was taken out of context and there is nothing to apologize for. Would've shut everyone down except the most insane people.

>> No.27233288
File: 17 KB, 156x207, 3641D444-C5F9-46CD-A48D-DBB8C4FD55E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233329

Weed where I miss

>> No.27233289

you mean wallets

>> No.27233290

That's the shittest chart I've seen.

>> No.27233294

I can confirm the Shion one. Shion yo...

>> No.27233297

Rushia-sama should be above Aqua.

>> No.27233298


>> No.27233302

Read the thread faggot, nobody is giving them shit, theyre complaining about retard japs giving them shit

>> No.27233307

>its like I'm on /v/
wonder why there is such a overlap

>> No.27233308
Quoted by: >>27233354

works just fine for literally everybody but vtubers because of autistic retards

>> No.27233309

Nobody is hurt by this. Nobody. It is just grounds to stir drama because Hololive is known for kneeling to even slightest of pushes.

>> No.27233311

Don't worry they will soon go back to mopping up pee in the mall bathroom

>> No.27233317

Yes, yes I do.

>> No.27233318
Quoted by: >>27233352

I wonder no one is talking about the streams.

>> No.27233319

That's fucking hot

>> No.27233327
File: 3.81 MB, 498x280, flareyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233328
File: 339 KB, 526x488, 1580719578918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233517

Is the only thing keeping you from feeling lonely seriously holo streams? What the fuck man?

>> No.27233329
Quoted by: >>27233362

He's on Izuru's channel

>> No.27233333
File: 23 KB, 316x331, grass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233360

the tourists giving this attention
>straight from taiwan

>> No.27233334

But I'm not in either of those groups, so I'm not affected. :^)

>> No.27233335
File: 177 KB, 579x252, 1601134125863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... did he get his money back?

>> No.27233337

Polka has been a vtubers for a few years now
Lamy is a cow ASMR just like Noel, but less popular
Nobody that worked a real job before would say the type of shit that the two of them said. And the anons on this thread saying "But they are right tho !" are just useless NEET and probably the same people that are posting "Oh if only I had the money to buys this..." all the time. Saying that It's a shitty job is ok, saying that the children should be ashamed of their parents isn't especially when the said parents are already self aware that they are doing a degrading job

>> No.27233338

>Haato not caring
>Coco not playing a character
>FBK not completely fake
Just sweeping my eyes across to the reply window immediately reveals such nonsense.
Awful chart.

>> No.27233340

bullshit, Rushia cares about me..

>> No.27233341


>> No.27233343
File: 2.62 MB, 1200x1744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My inoffensive, calm and comfortable artist wife!

>> No.27233349
File: 93 KB, 762x1080, D60BzsQX4AEbXyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233393

uhhh Sora, where are you moving your hand????

>> No.27233352
Quoted by: >>27233447

polkas stream is ending and i am a sad clown now

>> No.27233354

it doesn't though
punching down never works, no matter the context
hillary clinton lost an entire election because she repeatedly punched down.

>> No.27233357

True bro... But we're enjoying the moments together with her now. I suppose that's what matters.

>> No.27233360

very nice

>> No.27233362
File: 331 KB, 383x399, 6248A6E7-51D9-423C-8B4A-13C9F17B80AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough..I need more..

>> No.27233363

>caring about fans

>> No.27233366
File: 550 KB, 2590x3624, 1593376143390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i'll always support her, i know i can't help her but i'm hopeful she'll find happiness

>> No.27233368

And niggers and faggots are at the top of society, huh

>> No.27233371

Nope. He has to live in a car now.

>> No.27233373
Quoted by: >>27233411

> newfag
You don't want to go there, son, I've been on that board longer than you've been alive.

>> No.27233378

>Lamy is a cow ASMR just like Noel, but less popular
Lamy wasn't actually Lamp anon you are aware of this right?

>> No.27233380


>> No.27233382

1 Jordan = 500 dollars

>> No.27233384

>this fucking galaxy BGM
hold me bros...

>> No.27233385

No. You think it was a coincidence Coco was suspended shortly after this? Jordan has serious pull in China.

>> No.27233386
File: 660 KB, 2477x3500, 1601175988581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, straight to Google and cover's pockets. Atleast he started a movement

>> No.27233393

in your wet pants bitch

>> No.27233391

I hope you like Fall Guys, because next week every stream will be Fall Guys.


>> No.27233396

is low supachatto the price fubuki has to pay for being against idolfags?

>> No.27233397 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 539x574, 1578977993106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233400

fucking 35p

>> No.27233401
File: 1.95 MB, 1001x1071, 1599356557807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yakuza doesnt give refunds

>> No.27233402
File: 249 KB, 705x531, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose we change nijiniggers to nijijanitors

>> No.27233403
File: 119 KB, 750x721, 1579971609620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was okayu's stream?

>> No.27233406

>straight from taiwan
Pretty sure ive seen this 2 months ago

>> No.27233408
Quoted by: >>27233834

but was that really what they said? I thought it was a joke or something. Sorry for being a dirty EOP.
Someone translate it already

>> No.27233410

SDB cares more about her fans than that

>> No.27233411

That's nice, you don't clearly don't belong on this thread if you're asking to be spoonfed.

>> No.27233412

top-tier (you) bait

>> No.27233417
File: 180 KB, 817x1080, 1601579062481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vyt/ great
I agree

>> No.27233422

Me on the right

>> No.27233423

Suisei still hasn't won a single crown...

>> No.27233424
File: 677 KB, 1488x2105, EZVFLVlUwAQ_TxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many days are left, 14-15? I've lost count...

>> No.27233428

damn those are long fingers

>> No.27233430
File: 243 KB, 343x352, 1601367431068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw handlet

>> No.27233431
Quoted by: >>27233489

>not carimg about the kenzoku
Shes constantly grateful to her family, you would know if you watched her at all faggot

>> No.27233434

Nice job cropping out the 7 years ago date faggot, go back

>> No.27233435
File: 191 KB, 829x738, hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for you to wake the fuck up.

>> No.27233437
File: 283 KB, 562x634, 1599308898505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233438

>Cover management confirmed to browse /hlgg/
Can /jp/ ever recover?

>> No.27233441

Just in time for Mikochi's Full Gays!

>> No.27233444
Quoted by: >>27233514

fuck this i'm tired of all this drama bros
i'm heading to the cafeteria in my soul...

>> No.27233447
Quoted by: >>27233468


>> No.27233449
Quoted by: >>27233486

Her hands are a slightly different size from each other? You guys will come up with narratives from anything.

>> No.27233450


>> No.27233455

I don't really believe this

>> No.27233456

I am awake. Do you mean I'm like in a coma or something? That's scary

>> No.27233460

I was going to buy Polka membership but recent events made me change my mind.
I'm going to join Nene's instead.

>> No.27233463

pleasing to the ears, typical catsudan

>> No.27233468
Quoted by: >>27233512

anon you don't actually stick around for those, do you?

>> No.27233467

There's too much wrong with her mentally for me to do that. There are good moments that make her good but she just can't stop acting bipolar.

>> No.27233470


>> No.27233471

>Pecola PTSD kicks in

>> No.27233469

this cope

>> No.27233473

twap said i love you to a random kenzoku who had a bad day on twitter

>> No.27233478
Quoted by: >>27233502

7 years ago date, husband today

>> No.27233483
Quoted by: >>27233620

Are you a janitor?

>> No.27233485
Quoted by: >>27233609


>> No.27233486


>> No.27233489

Towa cares so much the kenzoku that she lets you all watch when she gets fucked by her boyfriends.

>> No.27233492
Quoted by: >>27233623

it will be the final breath before the game dies forever, at least new content will be fun to watch for a week

>> No.27233502
Quoted by: >>27233551

How is that a bad thing

>> No.27233501
Quoted by: >>27233620

Shouldn't you be cleaning up puke or something?

>> No.27233507
Quoted by: >>27233524

>gets /hlgg/'d
>the worst thing anyone could find is just information that reinforces she has a cute personality
blessed cephalopod

>> No.27233508

Why is AC so fucking jank

>> No.27233512
Quoted by: >>27233523

You don't?

>> No.27233514

You need some piano to accompany you in the cafeteria in your soul

>> No.27233517
File: 102 KB, 437x437, 1598053047917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but vtubers make a good background noise whenever I don't feel like joining voice chats.

>> No.27233516
File: 45 KB, 977x543, rknuk271kuq51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233523

well no

>> No.27233524
Quoted by: >>27233632

>squid and amefags are literal cucks

>> No.27233526
File: 333 KB, 600x917, 1593531821451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't let anyone watch.

>> No.27233527
Quoted by: >>27233603

>lets you all watch

just listen

>> No.27233528
Quoted by: >>27233583

You do remember that Towa plays apex for like 14 hours on a Saturday every single month with her fans who are shit at apex. Also spent an hour in the towa tranny discord server listening to them sperg at her and then she says how much she loves them. Oh yeah , she really hates her fans.

>> No.27233529

Towa is honestly the most caring online personality I've seen, I can't think of anyone else who cares about her fans more.

>> No.27233537

does anyone have that twitter screenshot of a dude saying he's going to give 10 akasupas to coco once she comes back?

>> No.27233551

her husband is not me

>> No.27233553

Hiro (the owner of this site) even thinks Polka's and Lamy's jokes were stupid and misinformed.

>> No.27233554
Quoted by: >>27233579

What about Aloe? She even made a fanbox for her fans!

>> No.27233561

ironically the people that are trying to dismiss this little incident are the ones doing more damage
if they just admit to their mistake and everyone moved on with them things would be fine, but even under their statements are rabid fans who think their virtual gf could do no wrong, smearing and shifting the blame to any boogeyman they can think of

>> No.27233565

Shes around the too but the most caring is probably Miko

>> No.27233572
File: 150 KB, 848x1007, 1595897261627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry for being late!
Cherry blossom
Cat face

>I'm doing my best so far until the return LIVE!
Cherry blossom

>I'm busy preparing for a while, but I'll do my best because I want you to enjoy the LIVE soon (.` ・ ω ・ ´.)!

miko WILL return!

>> No.27233573

Why do the girls say bye and see you next time when they stream for 3 more hours thanking supachats?

>> No.27233577

hiro should do something about this garbage site instead of fucking around on twitter and youtube

>> No.27233578

why does she have two left hands?

>> No.27233579

and that's good, I will still support her!

>> No.27233581

Why is she such a cunt?

>> No.27233583

if only she cared so much about sio too

>> No.27233584

I'd say it's a nothingburger but Cover is retarded and it's hard to trust them

>> No.27233587
File: 41 KB, 350x490, aqua-minato-193310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua's sisters seem like fun people, she should collab with them.

>> No.27233590
Quoted by: >>27233738

Miko's dairy for today
soon, very soon

>> No.27233593

I don't think Torre is playing anymore Fall Guys.

>> No.27233594

>Korone loading skit
dumb dog

>> No.27233595

South park will have a vtuber episode of Coco's incident in may 2021

>> No.27233599

Funny how only Towa gets defended when a post like this shows up

>> No.27233602
Quoted by: >>27233652

Will the baby get a 3d model?

>> No.27233603

Sounds like you haven't joined her membership. Come on , join the family!

>> No.27233605
Quoted by: >>27233660

>bullying janitors
>bullying the chinese
>now bullying virgins
What the heck is hololive's proble

>> No.27233608
Quoted by: >>27233659

still very cute, thankfully she wouldn't try to do sexy poses like that, so everything is alright

>> No.27233609

Apparently there was a second twitch dox on someone last night and the account was deleted an hour or two after it got posted there.

>> No.27233615

Thousands of people are going to leave because they don't want to watch 3 more hours of thanking supachats.

>> No.27233619
Quoted by: >>27233634

How come Aquas ears move but not Peko? This is fucking discrimination...

>> No.27233620

i am the vice president of my dad's chemical company that sells cleaning supplies to janitors

>> No.27233622
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1598208933796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys mean?

>> No.27233623

>the game will die for real this time!

>> No.27233627


>> No.27233629

Sio's situation is rough, anyone who comes close to her might get backlash

>> No.27233631

I'd say Matuli and Towa definitely care a ton.

>> No.27233632

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.27233633
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1601229662699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu advocating purity for girls

>> No.27233634

do rabbit ears move?

>> No.27233636
File: 911 KB, 1013x973, 1590615401136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233639
File: 131 KB, 977x662, Eja6k0HU4AAiB1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mental illness

>> No.27233641

Supacha reading isn't really considered proper content so they consider the stream to be over at that point. Some of them really just read out the names and that's it, which is really worthless content, but then there's Watame with 2 hour stream and 4 hour supacha and general discussion.

>> No.27233644

no shit, the apologies need to feel like they're genuine for it to work, and the braindead fuckers around here don't realize that by dismissing the incident as nothing, they, by extension are dismissing their apologies as nothing as well

>> No.27233652


>> No.27233654
Quoted by: >>27233801

she's not actually a lesbian, she likes dick

>> No.27233658

If my favorite Vtuber had a boyfriend I would just be happy for her, she's a human being and deserves happiness too. Not sure why this is such an alien concept to people.

>> No.27233659

I like to think she'd still do her poses.

>> No.27233660

found the virgin chink janitor

>> No.27233661
File: 131 KB, 828x1721, 1600840723141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233664

> no sora
what are you doing anon?
> no AZKi
at least you got that right

>> No.27233667

It's amazing how she managed to completely fuck up such a simple "joke".
Her fans must have thought the same because they keep posting it.

>> No.27233669

Shit, I can't even understand about which incident you're talking about.

>> No.27233670
Quoted by: >>27233695

It's amazing that they think Coco would suicide over a tiny bunch of angry chinks shouting at her from across the sea and the wall.

>> No.27233682
File: 25 KB, 750x500, 1597307336569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27233684

How much of Kanata's chat was people asking about Coco?

>> No.27233686
File: 105 KB, 717x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do antis mean by this

>> No.27233689
File: 34 KB, 128x128, 1600154144598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramafags go back, streams is happening

>> No.27233693
Quoted by: >>27233714

t. I own a pet rabbit

>> No.27233694

That's pretty old...

>> No.27233695
File: 485 KB, 768x432, vegecoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27233781

Considering they tried to ruin Coco's image by claiming she was a vegetarian, I'm not sure if any activity is happening in their synapses

>> No.27233702

That chart is a (You)s farm, don't worry about it bro.

>> No.27233710

Marine and Matsuri seem to care well enough about their fans. Marine wants to be raped by her fans, lots of love there, and well Matsuri, she doesn't seem to hate hers either.

>> No.27233714
Quoted by: >>27233750

sugoi anon, are you also a nousagi?

>> No.27233716

they want those people to collab with Risu

>> No.27233721

big kusa

>> No.27233722
File: 118 KB, 1200x918, EZdQ8M-VcAEI4cZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233723
Quoted by: >>27233822

About 2. There were more people asking about the 5ch post.

>> No.27233724

>coco actually got fired
>/hlg/ continues to act like reddit
nani the fugg?

>> No.27233726

i think just how much they are playing a character vs just being themselves

>> No.27233730

Marine is fake as fuck and selfish too. Do you really think she's genuine when she claims to like a bunch of old otaku shit even though she is one of the most normal holos?

>> No.27233731
File: 124 KB, 998x518, 5227042c9df34da7e6411a6fa5037124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please contain hololive to this thread...don't contaminate the rest of 4chan.

>> No.27233738
Quoted by: >>27233763

God I really can't wait for Miko's comeback, but she has to get back to Tokyo first, hopefully there's still time for next week return.

>> No.27233745

I mean Towa didn't distance herself, it sounded like she hoped Sio would only be having a short break, she talked about it on stream.

>> No.27233746
Quoted by: >>27233788

Oh no, it's Marine anti again...

>> No.27233749


>> No.27233750
Quoted by: >>27233766

Kenzoku and Moonafic.

>> No.27233751


>> No.27233754

If Matsuri doesn't hate her fans then why doesn't she try to get better?

>> No.27233759

Tell it to them, not to us you mong

>> No.27233760


>> No.27233762

I just woke up, what was the Towa doxxfaggotry earlier? Bored /hlgg/fags?

>> No.27233763
File: 245 KB, 919x1300, 1586301444317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikos return will be our equivalent of lemuiex returning to play after recovering from cancer. hopefully elite is the same person after the stuff at the hospital

>> No.27233764
Quoted by: >>27233917

Do you even watch her?

>> No.27233766
File: 524 KB, 700x806, 1599375408521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am disappointed

>> No.27233771


>> No.27233770

this is it, this the only fucking reason. Every time some drama comes along its not that I worry about what will happen between antis and chuubas. I worry in what way cover will react to placate the antis and kneel.

>> No.27233773


>> No.27233774

Matsuri is self-destructive

>> No.27233777
Quoted by: >>27234092

I think the 1 year theory might be true...
the stars probably won't get 3D regardless of their sub numbers and that it'll only happen at their 1 year anniversary

>> No.27233781

I still don't understand this. Why would anybody care about somebody else being a vegetarian?

>> No.27233782
File: 35 KB, 1407x199, marin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233786
Quoted by: >>27233797


is that biz, aka retarded people investing and losing money with meme coins?

>> No.27233788

Marine has anti?

>> No.27233795
Quoted by: >>27233917

other way around
she pretends to be lesbian and horny and shit to look normal, but she's a gigantic creepy otaku

>> No.27233797

yeah thats /biz/

>> No.27233800
Quoted by: >>27233851

So you got no real examples of Marine giving a shit about her fans then
I guess Matsuri at the very least understands what it's like to be fat and ugly

>> No.27233801

There isn't a girl who doesn't like dick.

>> No.27233803

She has a dedicated anti here since months.

>> No.27233805
Quoted by: >>27233835

lurk more newfag

>> No.27233808

I guess being a vegetarian is a bad thing in China or something. But the easy answer to the broader question is that chinks are just mongoloids

>> No.27233811
Quoted by: >>27233887

>the speed at which Noel moves her hips changed every time flare touches her
Flare must be an pro with the strap

>> No.27233815

how much sex did towa and coco have

>> No.27233818

Matsuri is genuinely mentally ill.

>> No.27233819

if this is biz, then fuck you during the gen 5 debut

>> No.27233822
Quoted by: >>27233863

what 5ch post?

>> No.27233824

chinks are just discovering how to troll people online, it's kinda cute

>> No.27233825

Hardly anything at all inappropriate in the chat really. I would have been kind of happy if she completely denied and shot down the 5ch spammer though since that would reaffirm something else: that even in a worst-case health situation, she'll still try to maintain her role.

>> No.27233828
File: 255 KB, 595x847, chairpeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you, crying marine poster?
i missed you.

>> No.27233833

Because if you can live with veggies only, you're obviously a bad people. Normal humans require meet.

>> No.27233834


>> No.27233835

It's faster to ask

>> No.27233836

Elon Musk, I know you are lurking.
Please turn Kanata into a neuralink cyborg to fix her ear problems. Arigathanks.

>> No.27233841

I can’t belive I missed this, my fucking sides

>> No.27233844

all of it

>> No.27233847

I will sit on her and make gravity insert her up my asshole

>> No.27233849
File: 464 KB, 858x1200, 47268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233851
Quoted by: >>27234049

Why are Marine antis like this?

>> No.27233853

>a dedicated anti

>> No.27233863

The one where someone LARPed as her and said she would graduate

>> No.27233865
Quoted by: >>27233883

I'm already working on it.

>> No.27233866

They eat dogs, bats and grind rhinocerous horns to make medicine. Their brains are probably being eaten by some disease or other.

>> No.27233867
File: 337 KB, 571x591, 1601137452189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the very moment you slam a chuuba for being fake there is no difference between you and your celeb magazine reading mom

>> No.27233870


>> No.27233873

Many people (myself included) missed that it was Aqua who started the children/parent thing with her comment, that's why they said that
>Lamy asks "what kind of job Senchou has in Akukin construcion?" in chat
>Aqua says in chat "a position where she can proudly say "yes, papa helped build that railroad too"
>Aqua than adds "a cleaner" for comedic effect
>they all laugh
>they joke about a being janitor for 20 year and the child asking his father what he does for a living
>Botan even says "but being a janitor is fine" after that
>the clip cuts this all out and makes them seem like they're actually dunking on janitors
The clipper who uploaded that on nico douga is really a malicious asshole

>> No.27233874
Quoted by: >>27233927

Not me. I think 'Londoners' should go back where they belong.

>> No.27233879
File: 658 KB, 4000x4000, 1593908623607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Kanata's finally out of meeting hell we'll finally get the KanaTowa 3D, right?

>> No.27233883

Based, arigatou EM-san

>> No.27233885


>> No.27233887
File: 489 KB, 892x870, 1601235812693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.27233889

what gave you the slightest hint that we were better than that?

>> No.27233895

Nenecchi bros did anyone record the ASMR stream?

>> No.27233896

But my mom doesn't read celeb magazines.

>> No.27233897

can Kanata's deafness be fixed or is she fucked?
please I don't want my angel to be sad

>> No.27233898

Why haven't any big companies put stakes in Hololive yet?
Don't they that it's becoming a worldwide sensation?
It's literally a goldmine

>> No.27233899

zero, coco is loyal to kanata

>> No.27233903
File: 165 KB, 869x141, Cocogoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cocogoat...

>> No.27233904
File: 182 KB, 513x331, coco cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233907
Quoted by: >>27233954

Given all this constant drama around Hololive, they probably don't dare. Taiwangate and Janitorgate back to back is definitely scaring off investors.

>> No.27233908

...and Other Famous Last Words

>> No.27233911

We will get an announcement, and Towa will postpone it again in the last day.

>> No.27233916

4chan psychology student wowowowow

>> No.27233917

Yeah I watched a few streams and that's what I took away from them

In your dreams. There's nothing that points to you being correct

>> No.27233919
Quoted by: >>27233961

Cheeky, sitting Flare!

>> No.27233923

>No cure exists for Meniere's disease. A number of treatments can help reduce the severity and frequency of vertigo episodes. But, unfortunately, there aren't any treatments for the hearing loss.

>> No.27233927


>> No.27233929
Quoted by: >>27233949

>clippers are faggots and/or retards
you're gonna be explaining this for the next year anon

>> No.27233932
File: 826 KB, 498x498, nice joke very very hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice joke anon must've been very very hard

>> No.27233933
Quoted by: >>27233977

It's degenerative so she's fucked anon.It's only a matter of time...

>> No.27233934

Have you seen the shit that hololive gets into, plus covers usual incompetence?

unless they actually fix their shit, I won’t bother investing

>> No.27233941

haven't you heard? everyone here makes 100k a year considering how much they shit on janitors

>> No.27233944
File: 280 KB, 1547x573, 1580655927063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27233949


>> No.27233951
Quoted by: >>27233996

>every sophomore psychology "major" ever

>> No.27233952

The real reason why Coco got suspended.

>> No.27233954

Considering that these have no impacts on views or superchats it's a proof that the Hololive brand is fucking solid which is a good thing for an investor

>> No.27233955

Why does Lamy hate poor people?

>> No.27233956

Did Polka stream just crash?

>> No.27233957
Quoted by: >>27233992

Holy shit
Roberu is like 600 subs away from 60K, that's what Rikka's 3D is celebrating for

>> No.27233961
Quoted by: >>27234016

i made a big collection of Flare images to use when I come to hug /hlg/.
i hope you will like them anon.

>> No.27233965
File: 116 KB, 318x280, 1600469432893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cringe is like a bolt of lightning going through my body

>> No.27233966

It's all antis and retarded patsy offendatrons.

>> No.27233968

it doesnt matter the narratives already spread and people arent gonna listen or look at other opinions

>> No.27233971
File: 326 KB, 1447x1776, 1598207396392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata wouldn't allow that.

>> No.27233976

They do not donate to her as much. The poors need to step up their supachat game.

>> No.27233977
File: 29 KB, 750x751, dvq1eud4ikl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see...

>> No.27233979

How would you react if Hololive gets bought by Disney

>> No.27233984

Anything interesting happened the last 10 hours? I saw Lammy and co. apologized for the janitor joke thing.

>> No.27233985

Love Marine so much

>> No.27233989

I wish I had done my biology reps...

>> No.27233990

why don't you?

>> No.27233992
Quoted by: >>27234239

Please andastd, they've only prepared the 3D for the first gen, they didn't expect this level of incline from roberu...

>> No.27233996

You are the type of people that would look at a tiger, but insist it's a lion, even though a zookeeper is telling you it's a tiger.

>> No.27233998


>> No.27234000

Chinese are extremely isolated from the entire world, they cannon conceptualize how other people think. That's why they had this amazingly retarded attempts at sabotaging Coco in English by claiming that she was a vegan Trump-voting SJW.

>> No.27234002
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1591510816058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never give up hope.

>> No.27234006
File: 1.02 MB, 4093x4093, b5d6e7327e977e6ba2e0bec7681dc05d7ab78a4e677460fd9432da477614b622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha... any day now...

The terminal point of Meniere's, if it is that, is complete loss of hearing in the affected ear.
It doesn't always progress that far.
It can affect both ears.
It can be treated with a cochlear implant, which act as a replacement of hearing rather than reinforcement of it (like a hearing aid), and it is not normal hearing.

>> No.27234011

t. niji anti

>> No.27234013

Sticking Flare in your urethra!

>> No.27234015

Maybe they have, but they're chinks company

>> No.27234016
File: 328 KB, 800x800, nuinui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely will, floorbro! Can't wait to see the new ones!

>> No.27234017
File: 656 KB, 1275x942, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that korosan cheated on (You) and kicked you out of the bed on to the cold hard floor while she slept with someone else

>> No.27234021

With quick googling it says that Menieres disease rarely leads to deafness, but will ultimately result in a weakened hearing. People usually say she is going deaf, but that seems pretty unlikely according to the info I found.

>> No.27234022

They are dirty and wear ugly clothes

>> No.27234032

What the fuck did Korone do with the piano

>> No.27234034
File: 154 KB, 410x379, 1586038542663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234073

archeology in minecraft!!!!!

>> No.27234037
Quoted by: >>27234059

It's a Lyger

>> No.27234038
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, toiper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Towa!

>> No.27234048
Quoted by: >>27234057

do you speak japanese or do you rely on ESL clips?

>> No.27234049

You didn't give any proof of her caring about fans

>> No.27234054
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x1980, Ei5gCb5VgAA7dcW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234055

Asians are so sensitive, you say taiwan one country cries, you say janitor another country cries.

>> No.27234057
Quoted by: >>27234091

do you?

>> No.27234058

Yes? I'm a random retard, you think niggers will give a shit? It's not like some pampered ojou thinking a kid's dad being a loser is the funniest thing. I'm filtered

>> No.27234059


>> No.27234062

Nah, I'm the type of person to look at a webmd "doctor" telling me that my joints popping is bone cancer before trying to sell me essential oils. I just laugh at how retarded you are.

>> No.27234063

and that's why we divorced

>> No.27234066
File: 190 KB, 1064x1473, EjJt-BAUcAEC3Rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were these dislike bombers all clipwatcheronlyfags? wtf?

>> No.27234072

Any loss in hearing could be remedied by a cochlear implant, though I'm sure this would impact her singing ability

>> No.27234073
File: 1.41 MB, 1270x724, 1601655082982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmental terrorism with Towa!

>> No.27234077

I can't believe astel left to sleep before izuru got to plat... is this even the same space seaweed I knew?

>> No.27234080
File: 526 KB, 1035x878, image4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korone and me in her bed
nice joke, you made the thread.

>> No.27234079
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1570769262040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234081

probably and people who just bought into the narrative/wanting to start shit for w/e reason

>> No.27234082

Increasingly nervous man says for nth time.

>> No.27234085

I couldn't care less what they said (actually as a Polka member I find that joke in-character), but if I were a janitor it would've been a bad feeling listening that conversation. Fortunately I'm not a poorfag.

>> No.27234086

Obviously, Lamy got all the dislikes despite saying next to nothing compared to Botan and Polka only because her video was linked in that niconico kirinuke

>> No.27234091
Quoted by: >>27234109

so you don't speak Japanese and are a psychology student talking out his ass?

>> No.27234092

Then why didn't Aruran, Kira, Miyabi, or Izuru get them yet? All of them have already passed their one year anniversary by a long amount, Rikka actually was the last of Gen 1 and I'm pretty sure hasn't even hit has anniversary yet.

>> No.27234093
File: 809 KB, 3840x2160, 1595613794153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna see more war in the minecraft streams. that peko/shion/subaru interaction was fucking amazing

>> No.27234094


>> No.27234095
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1601136144044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP antis disappear immediately with the push of this button

... but instead you get more western-style long-form content cop dunks

>> No.27234096
File: 1.11 MB, 2730x3990, c2ea8638d6ae7a07a8f580e6d5c6a7c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you watch your oishi's vods when there's nothing else interesting on or are you a live only watcher?

>> No.27234100


>> No.27234101
File: 162 KB, 816x812, 1597540046718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that koronesuki make do

>> No.27234103

If you're a janitor for 20 years you should feel bad about it.

>> No.27234106

They were nijiniggers, they weren't interested in what actually happened in the first place.

>> No.27234107

Like the shark roastie?

>> No.27234108

The evidence has been deleted, only the clips remain.

>> No.27234109

do you?

>> No.27234111

Yes they even admitted so in the comment/tweets
"I just saw the clip but...(criticism)"

>> No.27234112
Quoted by: >>27234238

I wasn't kidding with >>27233836 . Proper neuralink development can probably easily fix it in ~10 years. Transmitting audiosignals seems like way less of a hassle than images.

>> No.27234113

I watch VODs if they're short, but if it's too long and not very notable, I just watch the highlights.

>> No.27234114

screw that, when are we getting Hololive diss tracks? When NijisanjiEN drops?

>> No.27234116
File: 602 KB, 1164x1317, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_kase_kurimuzone_oruta__bc6248d3ad5fb4b22d6ebe4db0076288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234208

Funny and relaxing. She was a bit tired still after all the moving, and hasn't quite finished setting everything up yet even though Kayoizuma-san essentially took over and put her on dish duty. She got a sofa because she remembered liking streaming side-by-side with Korosan, broke out the new PC which took 5 hours to set up, and has yet to set up her gaming station. Also she's ordering a new gamer chair and an extra litter box for Temari. By the end of the stream though she was going on about Yowamushi Pedal and Prince of Tennis, so it seems like she's totally fine.

She apologized for making us wait, but says this new location means she's powered up, and will be able to do better/different streams than before. Game stream tomorrow, but she didn't say what.

>> No.27234122

But I have already watched all VODs...

>> No.27234123

Botan's POV is still up.

>> No.27234124

It was in somewhat poor taste but that's why they made that apology. Apology was meant for their fans, not the antis.

>> No.27234125
File: 64 KB, 708x491, 1585822046164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Cocochi left!

>> No.27234126

I don't like Lamy.

>> No.27234128

Botans' video is still up, you can check yourself

>> No.27234132

Korone always playing kusoge...

>> No.27234133

marinefags are so sensitvity ww
every other girl gets plenty of shit but talk bad about marine and they cry

>> No.27234134

Pekola is comedic genius

>> No.27234135
File: 311 KB, 267x272, akutan waffles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed that (You), Mr. Anonymous, have made a decently constructed wisecrack of a sort. I must say that that must've been exceedingly difficult

>> No.27234136

Right now it seems the confounding issues of the disease are probably the bigger problem for her rather than the actual hearing loss: tinnitus that ranges from annoying to deafening when it acts up, and vertigo episodes (which she's been getting acupuncture for, since there's a rather odd and well-documented connection between them as a treatment, it can be examined on pubmed).

>> No.27234140

Honestly I've met a few weird otaku jap girls almost exactly like the holos just within a few months of changing my location on talking/dating apps. People claiming there's no way a girl could act like this are retarded especially in japan. Now they may be hiding relationships and stuff but who cares, as long as they don't bring it up on stream it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.27234141

this might be the most retarded post i have ever seen

>> No.27234143


>> No.27234148 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1601747440716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her.

>> No.27234150

One week has almost passed. We'll make it bro. You can always go report bots on twitter if you need to kill time.

>> No.27234155

I watched most of them already, but also I archive all of them and I will rewatch everything when my Japanese will be at N1 level.

>> No.27234156
Quoted by: >>27234294

What are the odds Roberu passes 60k before Rikka's 60k at home 3D celebration?

>> No.27234159
Quoted by: >>27234174

just another case of younglings being insensitive
botan actually realized halfway through how bad that sounds and held back

>> No.27234161

Being like "but really, being a janitor is okay" after dunking on janitors and saying their children would be ashamed of them is like making nigger jokes for ten minutes and then going "but really, I have black friends."

>> No.27234162

She was raised as a proper lady

>> No.27234164
File: 84 KB, 573x573, firefox_nbIsdX9SNa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really wish i could play asscreed for the 1st time again
as rehashed as they are, these game were special the first few times

>> No.27234166
File: 228 KB, 480x480, 1598669623864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that your oshi is a reflection of what you are are a person?

>> No.27234169

No matter how good your grades are as a psychology student, you will won't be an actual doctor.

>> No.27234172
Quoted by: >>27234186

Yes, and?

>> No.27234174
Quoted by: >>27234545

yeah, botan did.
polka and lamy however did not.

>> No.27234179

Rather than a reflection of what you are, it could be that your oshi is what you wish you could be or wish you could have.

>> No.27234181
Quoted by: >>27234223

Why are you white knighting for jannies?

>> No.27234185

I try to. Might do that a lot more often now that the offseason is upon me

>> No.27234187
File: 304 KB, 424x438, 1601291706577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is Korone and Suisei, What does that say for me.

>> No.27234186
Quoted by: >>27234216

Even if you mean it (which you probably don't), it comes across as incredibly insincere.

>> No.27234190

Guys I heard coco is a vegitarian
I don't think I can support her anymor, I canled my membership today

>> No.27234192

I watch everything live, and most a 2nd time when I want to translate or make sure of something.

>> No.27234197
File: 549 KB, 1024x966, save_erererer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get me out of this janitor timeloop!

>> No.27234198

Yeah we're both autistic retards.

>> No.27234201
File: 44 KB, 653x691, chubau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do my best and fulfill my dreams for her!! I hope you anons too as well

>> No.27234204
Quoted by: >>27234228

Haachama's huge feet

>> No.27234208
Quoted by: >>27234281

What about her grandma?

>> No.27234216
Quoted by: >>27234264

No neccessarily. Have you ever watched stand up in your life?

>> No.27234217
File: 24 KB, 301x247, 1593336618861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong.

>> No.27234219
File: 110 KB, 618x827, OwVYn55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not how this whole oshi business works

>> No.27234220

Yes. At least in /hlg/ fans somewhat mirror their chuubas.

>> No.27234222

>Botan scheduled a new stream
>barely any dislikes
NND fags already running out of steam, huh?

>> No.27234223

You would know if you had a real job that you couldn't do it without the people who keep the place clean and orderly for you. If you showed up one day and your boss said "the custodians all quit, on top of your other duties you're now cleaning the toilets too" you'd immediately start updating your resume.

>> No.27234226

Unironically understandable, being vegetarian is the worst thing what I heard about any holo.

>> No.27234228

what do they smell like?

>> No.27234230

Yes. We both have dead dads.

>> No.27234229
File: 155 KB, 393x336, cocomelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234261

I'm lukewarm to her being a vegetarian, but will still support her even if she is. Now if I found out that she supported the independence of Northern Ireland...

>> No.27234232
File: 116 KB, 1080x1528, fa65d9f6f5961da0ac06d66498b5fa2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234278

Who am I

>> No.27234234

I wish

>> No.27234235
File: 147 KB, 1033x1200, Okayu Dodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234262

Who are /we/ watching?
I amw atching Roa.

>> No.27234238

Luckily for Kanata, she's only 18 according to her Ring Fit stream, so she'll only be 28 by the time her hearing can be fixed! (草).

>> No.27234239

Cover really should start pushing Roberu more if they actually want for homos to gain relevancy.

>> No.27234249 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 600x812, 1601747715085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was cute too, I guess.

>> No.27234251

>aquafags are autistic
>pekorafags are smoothbrains
>marinefags are narcissistic
>towafags are losers
>kanatafags are whiners
>polkafags are sad clowns
>shionfags are ojisans
>matsurifags are kekked
>nenefags are CCP supporters
>ayamefags exist
>rushiafags are salarymen
>watamefags are lonely
>mikofags are unicorns

>> No.27234252
File: 707 KB, 2508x3541, EjPqjRwVgAAz8Hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember we used to have japanese penpal threads on /jp/, I wonder if there are some nihonniki who became interested in overseas people due to hololive

>> No.27234256

To an extent, but I'm nowhere near as talented as and as loveable as my oshi

>> No.27234258

never burned her since she's an experience old lady and held back after realizing how bad it might sound to people with no context

>> No.27234260
Quoted by: >>27234323

They aren't targetting Botan.

>> No.27234261

based loyalist

>> No.27234262


>> No.27234264

Dave Chapelle quit his incredibly lucrative tv deal in part because he found most people he encountered did not take his jokes the way he intended.

>> No.27234267

Please make this person an Mama/Papa next his art is fucking kino.

>> No.27234270
File: 41 KB, 533x610, 1592591066232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine....what are you doing???

>> No.27234273

Kenzoku smoka...

>> No.27234278

Old enough to be half of this thread's dad!

>> No.27234281
File: 85 KB, 640x1027, 1601656800998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu mentioned her in the dishwashing example. How she'd do the same thing when she tried to help cooking as a kid. Don't think she mentioned her in moving assistance, but I was severely lacking sleep. I'll listen to it again during my art reps later.

>> No.27234285

is that.. from father's blog?

>> No.27234286
Quoted by: >>27234694

Marine is a straight up faker and a piece of shit unlike most other holos too so she deserves all the shit talking
Towa gets insulted daily for no good reason and no one defends her

>> No.27234288

He's 箱推し and not 単推し anon

>> No.27234289

>40k viewers per streem at 300k
>40k viewers per streem at 400k
>40k viewers per streem at 500k
>40k viewers per streem at 600k
those arey subs

>> No.27234291


>> No.27234294

He will reach 60k easily, he got 1.7k new subs today.

>> No.27234295

shit take, fag. read archives.

>> No.27234299

But I love them both dearly, I couldn't choose between them.

>> No.27234300
Quoted by: >>27234314

If they all quit the company would just hire a few more Mexicans to replace them. Are you a jannie?

>> No.27234301

I idolize Sora, Suisei, Kanata for their purity I will never regain, so its the exact opposite

>> No.27234304

In most cases it really feels uncanny how accurate is, but taking in account that the relations for some may not be quite 1:1 replications but rather pairs of complimentary behavior.

>> No.27234314
Quoted by: >>27234337

I knew it, of course the people trying to dismiss this as nothing are americans

>> No.27234315
Quoted by: >>27234569

>watamefags are lonely
You're wrong, insecure would be a correct word.

>> No.27234320
File: 1.03 MB, 926x1200, EjSAFsxVoAE5jQr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Nene's nenes always look like this? Or was her mama being generous today?

>> No.27234323

Her Minecraft VOD is up to 900+ dislikes already, they're sperging out at her too. They've probably gone to sleep that's all.

>> No.27234324

East Taiwan or Hong Kong. It uses traditional Chinese. Definitely not shitter mainland CCP land.

>> No.27234331


Remember when people discussed streams instead of analytics? I miss those times. Come back, Miko.

>> No.27234333
Quoted by: >>27234504

pewdiepie only gets like 100k for his 100m subs. She has a good ratio.

>> No.27234334

Yeah they was always stupid fat

>> No.27234336

Im not gaijin hunter though.

>> No.27234337

t. SEAnig jannie

>> No.27234340 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 374x640, 1601747922876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big tits
>Big ass
>Horny AF

>> No.27234343

I don't see anything wrong with this evaluation. Marine thinks she is the fucking greatest at everything.

>> No.27234344

Do your ドルオタ reps anon

>> No.27234346

>I wonder if there are some nihonniki who became interested in overseas people due to hololive
Very likely. Especially after EN.

>> No.27234351

Kind of, but i have friends who can endure my menhera

>> No.27234364
Quoted by: >>27234389

Roberu has better english than the Holos, maybe with the exception of Coco and Haato, and possibly Subaru. https://youtu.be/saiFSu0W_0I

>> No.27234367
File: 508 KB, 562x571, 1599589336624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aloof yet smart
yeah i guess. luna is a good reflection of me being a dumbass but still can be competent on my own...

>> No.27234369
File: 448 KB, 527x465, 1597767481453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234376

I like okayu because she's nothing like me actually

>> No.27234379

Her default outfit hides them. Can't wait for her costume change.

>> No.27234382
File: 523 KB, 800x533, watateacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember to study hard or else you'll end up as the school janitor!

>> No.27234388
Quoted by: >>27234425

it's aqua's fault for making the joke
polka and lamy only laughed to avoid offending their senpai

>> No.27234389

he pulled out some words I didn't expect thats for sure

>> No.27234392

This sounds like fun. Why did those threads cease to exist?

>> No.27234394

She was always packing some heat.

>> No.27234396

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng teacher watame....

>> No.27234397
Quoted by: >>27234446

Anyone who got offended by Lamy and Polka's jokes is a bitch nigga of the highest degree.

>> No.27234401

All the blondes in Holo are blessed on the chest department

>> No.27234410

Thanks love, gonna dig

>> No.27234412

what subjects would watame teach?

>> No.27234413

the year is 2020 a clown got in trouble for laughing at a joke

>> No.27234425

The hazing is real

>> No.27234431

time for you to go, american

>> No.27234432


>> No.27234436


>> No.27234438


>> No.27234441

is korone planning on finishing AC today? I hope she realizes how big these games fucking are

>> No.27234446

To be fair the clip really makes them sound like bitches, unlike the full video
The uploader was unironically a malicious asshole of the highest degree, I hope Cover sues him

>> No.27234449
File: 265 KB, 428x515, 1597204638159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234500


>> No.27234450
Quoted by: >>27234490

>towafags are losers
take that back
fuck you

>> No.27234452
Quoted by: >>27235264


>> No.27234456

I want Lamy to teach nenechi proper paizuri technique!

>> No.27234461
File: 900 KB, 753x1208, 1591911897080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27234462

She'd be the homeroom teacher everyone called mom by accident (on purpose)

>> No.27234463
File: 664 KB, 659x473, 1590692219142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this

>> No.27234466
File: 20 KB, 390x148, 1599245792599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234469
File: 580 KB, 850x480, 1598845771408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wouldn't understand it

>> No.27234472
File: 140 KB, 362x326, Jolka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jokes write themselves

>> No.27234476


>> No.27234477

So why hasn't Roberu opened his membership?

>> No.27234479
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, VaLkZOfar7o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234558

When are we getting another OkaTowa collab?

>> No.27234484
File: 2.26 MB, 1835x2661, FaceApp_1601670172543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234581

Please help me find realistic holo art so I can do this to them because it makes me shit out laughing.
I've tried pixiv and gelbooru but I don't know the exact tags to use.

>> No.27234485

She saw the progress percentage so she should have an idea of how long it is

>> No.27234487

No she's going to stop in 4 hours to get something to eat

>> No.27234490
File: 156 KB, 1175x661, 1595763795623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's a winner in my eyes.

>> No.27234494

5th gen was the oppai gen.

>> No.27234495

How does she still have fans?

>> No.27234496
File: 457 KB, 997x1337, EjXO0a9VcAEL6Tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234644


>> No.27234500
File: 212 KB, 437x391, Wouldn&#039;t-get-polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234503
File: 2.48 MB, 1483x1672, -2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234504
File: 348 KB, 500x500, smugsmugsmugsmugsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using pewdiepie as a reference

>> No.27234507
File: 48 KB, 286x337, 1587247718507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo will go to brazil?

>> No.27234509

what's this subtle doxhour...

>> No.27234511

I think it's funny how we've had numberfagging since March and people are only complaining now because EN is a thing. This is all tame compared to having your oshi in the cuckbox.

>> No.27234512

sora is fucking DUMB

>> No.27234513

He probably doesn't know what to do with it, but I prefer supporting someone through memberships than superchat.

>> No.27234517

>tfw from upper class family that has a disdain for the working class
Damn I guess I like Lamy now.

>> No.27234519


>> No.27234525

probably doesn't know what he wants to do with membership since he already streams a million times a day and locking even one of those behind a paywall might upset some people.

>> No.27234527

Why are americans trying to start shit?
they made an insensitive joke, they admit they made a joke in poor taste and apologized for it, they moved on, you should too

>> No.27234535

tower is always winning and wont stop

>> No.27234539
File: 198 KB, 1569x883, 1601474414052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234564


>> No.27234541
Quoted by: >>27234589

Why would my friend be smiling like this?

>> No.27234543
File: 645 KB, 640x1136, 1599474179983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234545

well lamy has half of botan's iq, polka has 1/4 of it

>> No.27234546
File: 621 KB, 866x871, rise up gamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gamers....RISE UP

>> No.27234550
File: 295 KB, 501x443, korosmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is safe

>> No.27234551
Quoted by: >>27234592

It's chinks and nijis, not Americans.

>> No.27234553

that movie is so bad its good

>> No.27234554

Kiara already went.

>> No.27234555
Quoted by: >>27234588


imagine being autistic enough to think sub count = quality of streamer

>> No.27234558
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1598184747344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully soon.

>> No.27234560

Thank Korone for killing the cuckbox once and for all.

>> No.27234563
File: 808 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-09-21 18_43_52-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame already said she would.

>> No.27234564


>> No.27234565

thats normal though
look how many viewers korone or pekora get despite their high subcounts

>> No.27234566
File: 6 KB, 377x26, 1590688510630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234690


>> No.27234568

That's the way of the amerilard.

>> No.27234569
Quoted by: >>27235060

Isn't it that they're lonely because they're insecure? I know I am.

>> No.27234571

hate to defend burgers but this shit was alright going during SEA hours

>> No.27234573

I like how Korone bumps into every single wall on her way.

>> No.27234575
File: 438 KB, 667x515, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234656


>> No.27234581
Quoted by: >>27234590

Are you 15 years old?

>> No.27234586

Burgers have no culture.

>> No.27234588
Quoted by: >>27234634

I never made that association though?

>> No.27234589

she's seeing the company that she's employed with and loves grow and expand like never before
though that's not the only thing she's seeing that's growing and expanding

>> No.27234590

no he's just the regular hlg poster

>> No.27234591

No matter what, I hope she never wavers.

>> No.27234592

nah, it's definitely americans, the ignorant comments with japan's culture, and the people trying to treat this as if it'd happened in the US is evidence enough to suggest that it's the burgers

>> No.27234594
File: 83 KB, 850x709, korosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234612

Why is doggo playing syndicate when she could be playing Ezio Trilogy?

>> No.27234598
File: 39 KB, 439x44, brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234718


>> No.27234600


>> No.27234605

tonight, a comedian died in Hololive.
somebody knows why... somebody knows.

>> No.27234609
File: 407 KB, 422x477, 1596270873912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one was the absolute best stream in the history of Hololive?

>> No.27234610


>> No.27234611
File: 647 KB, 445x727, 1593375300648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most of the time I'd rather watch Noel VODs than watch streams
I-I'm too far gone aren't I?

>> No.27234612

syndicate and unity are unironically good games after the patches

>> No.27234613

god damn assassins creed is a funny game

>> No.27234614
Quoted by: >>27234629

Watched TIF yesterday, still reeling on how AZKi sang the same thing 4 times in a row. Why though, she has so much to choose from. Is it some kind of stunt to get to talk about her?

>> No.27234615

this BGM sounds like danse macabre and it's making me uncomfortable

>> No.27234618 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 874x591, 1601748613865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going too far, anonchama.

>> No.27234619

so hiroyuki literally knows about hololive and presumably its popualrity but doesn't give us a vtuber board, does he even interact with 4chan at all anymore or does he just take the money and let his janny slaves do the rest?

>> No.27234629

Did she really? I thought that setlist was trolling wtf

>> No.27234630


>> No.27234631
File: 778 KB, 744x817, 1599620508632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27235805

why does she look cuter with her twintails tied up like that?

>> No.27234632
File: 527 KB, 1101x1200, 1600083768278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234664

Choose your next words carefully.

>> No.27234633

>they made an insensitive joke
Insensitive to who, NEETS and faggots whose toughest job in their life was bringing coffee to their senpaitachi when they were interns? Newsflash retard, lower classes are extremely judgemental of each other. When you are poor pride in your work and your profession is all you have to keep you going, go tell a factory worker, a miner, a trucker or a plumber that they are on the same level as a fucking JANITOR and see how they react.

>> No.27234634
File: 259 KB, 395x407, 1596739479779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You people are fucking mongoloids. FBK has more subs than Pekora but Pekora is miles better than she is as a streamer. You are probably underage so you are too stupid to do some objective thinking, and think BIG NUMBER = GOOD. You would do everyone here a favor by jumping off a bridge, so I don't have to reply to someone as fucking stupid as you ever again.

>> No.27234637
File: 128 KB, 920x853, 1598829171718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Miko, why does she wear the mask?

>> No.27234638
Quoted by: >>27234676

Thanks for reminding me to check out her utawaku from earlier Noelbro

>> No.27234640

If you do your lore reps you would know Hiro personally knows Korone, he's just lazy.

>> No.27234642
Quoted by: >>27234708

it's the burgers

>> No.27234644
File: 151 KB, 993x1500, EjYojJtVkAI9dns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234648
File: 2.58 MB, 457x480, 1597949573966.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Korone goes from
In like 4 seconds

>> No.27234650
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, ojou~.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234654

We are entering the punished Subaru redemption arc

>> No.27234655

Fbk hole digging stream

>> No.27234656 [DELETED] 

Rare Christmas Sora (๑ᆺ)

>> No.27234659

You just found your oshi

>> No.27234661

No he knows, but he's butthurt that he didn't go through with the 4chan vtuber thing and grab all this money because he was to cheap to invest anything in it.

>> No.27234664
Quoted by: >>27234712


>> No.27234667

Which holos are anti-proof

>> No.27234669

to curb her realblood addiction

>> No.27234674 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 606x719, 1601748761691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234675
Quoted by: >>27234700

He really is representative of these people concern trolling.

"They shouldn't say these things about Janitors"

Then shoots his own staff.

>> No.27234676

It was really damn cute. I'm actually listening to it right now.

>> No.27234677
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, ojou dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever is your favorite anon!!

>> No.27234680

All good girls do that

>> No.27234681
File: 147 KB, 900x478, Pagliacci polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polkafags are sad clowns

>> No.27234684

i never figured out what the conditions of the cuckbox were

>> No.27234686
Quoted by: >>27234749

She is a big Holo

>> No.27234687
Quoted by: >>27234766

I went to bed when Nene started her ASMR. Was it worth the membership?

>> No.27234689
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, pardun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234690

hes not wrong...

>> No.27234691

Luna Super Metroid Finale (Nanolish)

>> No.27234693

Ojou is too powerful
t. purity-idolfag

>> No.27234694
Quoted by: >>27234762

>no one defends Towa
Do your thread reading reps

>> No.27234695

it's called a face pack!

>> No.27234696
File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, hlg1003 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27234697

Towa 3D...

>> No.27234699

Ojou... Your stream...

>> No.27234700

Apparently he didn't pay anybody at all on 2ch, I assume at least the mods are paid here
>During 2008, 2ch generated an annual revenue upwards of ¥100 million for Nishimura.[18] The site was also run by 300 "volunteer administrators" who received no pay. Nishimura justified this with the comment, "I don't think that's all that different from some dude who opens a convenience store in front of a train station. They can make a million yen a day."[18]

>> No.27234702
Quoted by: >>27234738

the holostars because nobody watches them

>> No.27234703

I guess so? My oshi is more like someone who I aspire to be as a person, although we do share a lot of things

>> No.27234705


>> No.27234706

wow she can dance even if her butt is full of pee! what a talented girl!

>> No.27234708

Дебил? Дебил. Пол помой иди лучше.

>> No.27234709

My headcanon is that HoloEN is a combined effort from Cover and Clover...

>> No.27234712
File: 634 KB, 3840x2160, 1599168151097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately for you she brought a friend who is strong like a gorilla.

>> No.27234713

Thanks you draw Eugene sir

>> No.27234714


>> No.27234718

"There's subliminal, liminal, and superliminal..."
That's all I heard when I saw this comment.

>> No.27234717

Hey, you have an oshi congratulations it only gets worse form here

>> No.27234720


>> No.27234721

Is /hlg/ actually talented? I can't draw for shit.

>> No.27234725

fbk baba watching stream

our friend turns a minor yabee into a fun event that pulls 50k viewers and gets trending worldwide. she does it off the cuff without realizing it's going to last 4 hours

>> No.27234726
File: 244 KB, 1748x1181, 1601732470646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OkaKoro Clubhouse Games collab

>> No.27234728


>> No.27234729

will akiroze sit on my face if I make a video that doubles her subs overnight?

>> No.27234733

Very cute Mel !!!

>> No.27234737
Quoted by: >>27234764

Can I draw some little shit in a corner if I can't do shit just make some random sketches with my mouse? I did it in the previous aggie too but I don't want to shit this up without permission.

>> No.27234738

Nah take a trip to 5ch, they hate them and to be fair some of the hate is warranted

>> No.27234739

More like what I lack as a person.

>> No.27234743
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1595763826153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234851


>> No.27234744 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1200x717, EhfGX9nU0AEhIWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I don't realize how much I missed bar usada until it happened again.
Member Ironman tomorrow

>> No.27234748
File: 662 KB, 2372x1772, 1586237368460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine shion with FBK entertaining the delay all for fucking mario tennis

>> No.27234749


>> No.27234751


>> No.27234754
File: 404 KB, 577x485, tired sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234838

are you sure you're replying to the correct anon? I'm confused with what you're saying. Also stop projecting

>> No.27234758
File: 147 KB, 221x292, 58F0D360-183F-45CC-8E0C-741642109AE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234771

>Shien is still streaming
Holo’s sure do love their endurance streams

>> No.27234759
File: 107 KB, 1280x1280, 1584579624794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone Dragon Lair probably or first time Aqua solo to diamond.

>> No.27234760

Way too many to list

>> No.27234762
Quoted by: >>27234818

People correct false info but that's it really
Marinefags start crying when faced with real criticism

>> No.27234763

I know winning son can't do wrong or some shit, but he's just being lazy

>> No.27234764

Draw anything as long as it's hololive related!

>> No.27234766

It was very Nene. If you're looking for something like Noel's ASMR you won't find it here. What you have is Nene being Nene trying to ASMR. She didn't have a binaural mic so she jury-rigged a stereo setup, failed adorably at being seductive, and sang a song or two right by your ear.

>> No.27234771
Quoted by: >>27234806

His mother popped by for a bit
I really want to see Shien do more collabs like the last one with Kuku, Idzumi and his sister

>> No.27234773
File: 848 KB, 1400x1060, EjXT7tgUcAEykrP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every single dog stream so entertaining?

>> No.27234772
File: 128 KB, 1200x717, EhfGX9nU0AEhIWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234908

Wow I don't realize how much I missed bar usada until it happened again.
Member Ironman tomorrow

>> No.27234780

Whoever didn't kneel yet

>> No.27234782
Quoted by: >>27234812

>Someone joins Roberu's among us game as "FBK'sPantsu"
>Roberu chuckles at the name and says "I can't read romaji!!!"

>> No.27234783

Too many

>> No.27234786
File: 152 KB, 301x301, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy with fuck jannies

>> No.27234789
File: 2 KB, 318x318, pk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27234794


>> No.27234791

enlighten me anon

>> No.27234792

>punch a guy for 10 seconds before just shooting him in the chest
I love this dog.

>> No.27234793

Some of their roommates are not exactly what you would call good people

>> No.27234794

mnl ogy

>> No.27234796

>Jannie reference
Should've been Polka sitting on a Roomba.

>> No.27234800

Rikka beats women. Astel is a fag

>> No.27234801

for example...

>> No.27234806
Quoted by: >>27234846


>> No.27234809

/v/ likes her a lot

>> No.27234811

Because doog is entertaining

>> No.27234812

Roberu is a smart guy.

>> No.27234813

Are antis still fucking with gen 5 or did anything else happen?

>> No.27234818
Quoted by: >>27234876

Not denying that Marinefags cry easily but you are delude if you think there isn't a Towa defense force in this thread.

>> No.27234821

These are both good things

>> No.27234823

For me it’s miko sugoroku collab

>> No.27234826

I did it, She didn't seem to be upset when she read it. I tried my best taking into account my poor japanese

>> No.27234829

Bro everyone on this thead hate posts randomly , there are not real antis here.

>> No.27234830

antis are the ones defending them now, trying to escalate the situation instead of moving on after their statement

>> No.27234831

And? Theres nothing wrong putting a woman in her place

>> No.27234835

They're still disliking videos and apparently threatening to lodge a complaint with the janitor's union or something.

>> No.27234838


People who dwell on numbers think Justin Bieber is the best musician on Earth. Only a retard would think this way. It's also insulting to other holos to judge them for a number, rather than their content.

>> No.27234840

But 5ch's favorite holo girls are shitty people too, like Marine and Suisei.

>> No.27234841

Not worth the vacation, just go to the holostars thread and ask someone to spoonfeed you there are some very eager to help antis

>> No.27234844
Quoted by: >>27234881

So will we get an official response from Cover and some suspensions for aqua, polka and lamy for the janitor incident?

>> No.27234846
Quoted by: >>27234879


>> No.27234848
Quoted by: >>27234897

so guilt by association? that seems extremely petty

>> No.27234851
Quoted by: >>27234896

Absolutely nailed the second chorus. She was really feeling it near the end there. Well, it is a beautiful song, can't blame her.

>> No.27234852
Quoted by: >>27234889

>don't even remember when I saw the ogeyrrat video last time
Or Mikoboat for that matter

>> No.27234853
Quoted by: >>27234960

Just got back from waging, spoonfeed me the polka narrative pls

>> No.27234857

We Hololive in a society...

>> No.27234858

It makes me sad when the holos play kuso western games like Ass Creed. Like I hope the holos and the JOPs watching don't come away thinking this is what all western games are like.

>> No.27234862
Quoted by: >>27234880

japan really gives a fuck about shit cleaners huh?

>> No.27234865

Pretend I drew Kanata playing Ring Fit and breaking the ring in half or something. I wish I had time for art reps.

>> No.27234866
Quoted by: >>27234925

Marine is their girl because she's a nerd, and Suisei gets plenty of hate just take a look at the Hoshi no Kanata threads

>> No.27234867

where is the doujin where 5th gen gets kidnapped by the janitor's union

>> No.27234870

Ayame has family there.

>> No.27234871


>> No.27234876

There is no Towa defense force but there are a bunch of lies getting spread about her all the time

>> No.27234877

Towacucks delusional

>> No.27234879
Quoted by: >>27234903

her channel name still says "Izumi ch" Izuru is the same his name is written "イヅル" but it's "Izuru" not "Idzuru"

>> No.27234880
Quoted by: >>27234901

why are you posting on /jp/ if you don't get it

>> No.27234881


>> No.27234883

Kanata, Marine, FBK, Matsuri pretending to be marine.

>> No.27234886

>Watame is STILL pissed about Lamy talking trash about janitors
Give it a break already

>> No.27234888

But this IS what modern western games are like. I would like them to play older western games too, but Japanese translations are sparse for those.

>> No.27234889


>> No.27234892

Why do you guys like to misspell Towa's name?

>> No.27234893
Quoted by: >>27234977

>Like I hope the holos and the JOPs watching don't come away thinking this is what all western games are like.
but all big modern western games are ubisoft clones or movie games

>> No.27234896

I was really surprised with the live performance and cover, since she sang it before too.
She probably practiced every day for months.

>> No.27234897

I wouldn't call it guilt by association, it's shit they said it really doesn't matter if they go by a different name, the girls are treated the same, see pekora

>> No.27234902

so are the new ac games good or are they ass

>> No.27234901

just because i like 2hu doesnt mean i gvie a shit about japanese work culture

>> No.27234903

Yes and those romanisation schemes are fucking gay so I don't use them

>> No.27234904

I work for cover, we are currently setting up everything so every holo can make the jump from Apex to RS Siege

>> No.27234908
Quoted by: >>27234989

Holy fuck she can talk fast when she wants too, this is one of those streams where I felt filtered most of the time and it sucks, but it was still fun.

Her reaction to getting a marshmallow about their child watching her and calling her mama was adorable as fuck, then while doing her "mother act" she eventually realized how stupid it was because a four-year old would already have gone to bed by this point. Her love for children is really cute.
Then that part where she gets asked about if she has any plans to collab with anyone from EN and she says she currently has no plans for it, but from what she said Kiara seems the most likely, tentatively at least.
She seems far too worried about her English ability to consider any collab currently.

Other than that, the whiskey I bought was far too easy to drink so I got drunk half-way in and couldn't properly follow any conversation.
A marshmallow about how to manage your time and being able to do the things you want to do, whereas she replied with that she also wants to know how because she is the same.
Every time I get filtered like this it fucking hurts because I really want to just be able to understand everything, but time cannot be sped up so no point in whining about it.

And again for those who aren't aware, tomorrow is the completion(Probably) of the Minecraft Golem trap and then at evening/night we are going to watch Ironman.

>> No.27234911
Quoted by: >>27234973


>> No.27234913

>dog kept 24k for fucking ubisoft
is this the power of dog?

>> No.27234915
Quoted by: >>27234966

Secret of Evermore...

>> No.27234916
Quoted by: >>27234995

I fucking wish. If that was the case I wouldn't be stuck here with you retards

>> No.27234923

what makes suisei a bad person outside of her psychopathic tendencies and questionable taste in men

>> No.27234925

Marine is really not much of a nerd and she is still a bad person

>> No.27234932

don't forget to take your meds, burger

>> No.27234933


>> No.27234939

again, that anon's topic was the cuckbox. anon merely mentioned numberfagging as a pretext and you went full schizo, virtue signaling no one

>> No.27234948

Yes. Korone can make even Ubisoft shovelware interesting for a time.

>> No.27234949

R-runaitos... this can’t be...

>> No.27234954

Remember this? Pretty nostalgic right?

>> No.27234957


>> No.27234958


>> No.27234960

she fucking hates you

>> No.27234961

it's been a pretty funny stream

i feel like keeping 30k+ for that atlantis kusoge is the most ridiculous dog thing i've seen so far. i was so mad at the game when it ended

>> No.27234962

Hiro is just the admin, moot still owns the site.

>> No.27234964
Quoted by: >>27235376

>its the burgers no its the seamonkey no its the nijis no its the homos no its melposter

fuck off holy shit

>> No.27234966

That game was my jam as a kid on SNES. All those secret rooms, god tier OST, and fucking Dark Forest

>> No.27234967
Quoted by: >>27234998

do we have a list?

>> No.27234969

Because of Aki and Roboco.

>> No.27234973
Quoted by: >>27235005

translate it zhang

>> No.27234975

>It's also insulting to other holos to judge them for a number, rather than their content
Who do you think made the cuckbox?

>> No.27234974
Quoted by: >>27235128

but luna's placement is accurate. she never seemed to particulary care THAT much about her fans and she is 100% in-character all the time and that's why we love her.

>> No.27234977
Quoted by: >>27235185

If you're only looking at kusa "AAA" games sure. Imagine if they played like Spelunky or some other indie stuff. To be fair it's probably easier to get verifiable permissions from the AAA companies with legal departments than it is from random indies.

>> No.27234985

>see-through armpit

>> No.27234989

>She seems far too worried about her English ability to consider any collab currently.
I'm looking forward to her english lessons, it'll be a weird look since I've never seen one on that side before, I personally loved the first one about being able to manage her time, I'm in the same boat because i'm constantly watching her 24/7 Kusa
There was that moment when she went into it I think it was the one where other holos and how she sees herself sometimes, and there's also that one She reassures that she loves her kaigainiki just as much as her nipponiki, the other one about she knows the troubles of being a shut-in and getting fatter to be a chubby bunny hit home. I couldn't really pick up on the rest since I was getting a bit tipsy too. The minecraft is most likely gonna be really early she said, maybe in 10 hours-ish I'd say
The child marshmellow one was absolutely hilarious, She has really good comedic timing

>> No.27234990
Quoted by: >>27235128

anon, she's the like one of the most experienced vtuber out there considering how many fucking past lives she had

>> No.27234991


>> No.27234995
Quoted by: >>27235052

What do you mean?

>> No.27234997


>> No.27234998
Quoted by: >>27235073


>> No.27235001

If I was Towa or her manager I'd be begging for Towa to live in the studio. Her 3Ds are amazing

>> No.27235005

why are you here if you can't read jap?
go back

>> No.27235006

That is actually incredibly impressive. I don't think even the biggest twitch streamers would've kept an audience of that size with that old (and shit) of a game.

>> No.27235007

please Mikoti don't play with my heart like this

>> No.27235008

there was nothing wrong with the cuckbox, the whole point was showcasing who hit 10k milestones each week, understandably, not everyone is gaining 10k subs a week. The HoloStats numberfagging is treating the whole thing like a competition in real time, which is completely different and way worse.

>> No.27235011


>> No.27235012


>> No.27235013

>She got popular just because of her personality.

>> No.27235014

>how new

>> No.27235020

I would be working hard to get her a live3D like the girls are getting now.

>> No.27235022

>astel is a fag
S-source? Stories? PROOF??

>> No.27235027


>> No.27235034

>she got popular just because of the most important part of being a streamer.
also her model is great, fuck you.

>> No.27235038

No u

>> No.27235039

most people here are eops who pretend they aren't

>> No.27235041

Why do you think we call them homostars?

>> No.27235044

miko is the heart of hololive only her return can save this mess

>> No.27235047
Quoted by: >>27235076

This game is confusin, Japanese and dub combined...

>> No.27235048


>> No.27235052

I couldn't find anything bad enough to filter me about any holo pre gen 5 so I'm fucking stuck here in this hobby

>> No.27235054
Quoted by: >>27235108

Koro-san... why are you laughing at throwing bodies around...

>> No.27235059

>It seems the date of my return will be announced just before it happens, so it might take you by surprise. I'll be working hard to be able to let you know as soon as possible~!!!
is this a good thing? shouldn't they be hyping it up more like coco 3d?

>> No.27235060
Quoted by: >>27235118

Not really, I feel like only people who would say that Watame is lonely are the ones who don't watch her or understand her. She has deeper problems than that.

>> No.27235066

He's bisexual but he's admitted to liking Oniishota if you want proof of his gayism

>> No.27235065

Rikka is so old beating women was legal and encouraged in his youth, can't blame grandpa for the society that produced him.

>> No.27235069

I want to see Towa's dancing again and again.

>> No.27235071

I am going to start watching Rikka now, he sounds cool.

>> No.27235073

wtf did he even try to project his voice?

>> No.27235076

Just like Korone streams

>> No.27235077


>> No.27235078

is brazil worth going to for vacatoin?

>> No.27235081

I love Peko's breasts just like they are. She'd look too distracting in her dress with bigger pekos

>> No.27235083

Trashing on shit games can be fun. I had a great time watching a streamer trash RE6 for the entire duration of the game.

>> No.27235085
Quoted by: >>27235132

>your favorite holo
>first time you hailed britannia

>> No.27235092

if you want it to be your last

>> No.27235093

They'll make her comeback same date as Coco and Haato and she'll be the sacrifice to reduce the heat on the return

>> No.27235095

> horse slightly touches her
> steals it and runs over the rider
god damn

>> No.27235097

Eh, sometimes it's good to drop a bombshell out of nowhere like that.

>> No.27235098

It's a narrative so of course it's true

>> No.27235099

No you'll get kidnapped and forced to buy a bootleg Mega Drive.

>> No.27235100

Come to Brazil.

>> No.27235101
Quoted by: >>27235139

Never forget: "Hotdog is the enemy of the enemy" - Himemori Luna

>> No.27235102

She lost around 5000 at the beginning and then kept 24k for 4 hours.

>> No.27235105

Rikka is a 40 year old man with a shady history, that's why the Chinese were mad he was talking to Matsuri.

>> No.27235107

>I'm looking forward to her english lessons
Wait, is she actually planning to follow through with that? It felt like an offhand comment when she brought it up the first time.

>> No.27235108

Have you never seen how Korosan treats her listeners?

>> No.27235112

civia...stream onegai.....

>> No.27235114

I thought japanese society didn't believe in unions, why are people saying that Gen 5 will have problems with the janitor union?

>> No.27235118

She literally said if she's feeling lonely she'll just stream

>> No.27235122

Oh I knew he was bi, expected something juicier desu

>> No.27235128

Her voice is fake, obviously, but she never seemed like that much of a numberfag, considering her channel’s growth rate is pretty below-average.

>> No.27235129

yes the holo girls go there all the time

>> No.27235130
Quoted by: >>27235289

W-What did Marine do???

>> No.27235132

Every day
Come to London please

>> No.27235135

It might be, I think she was kind of spitballing as an idea if to her chat wanted to see if we wanted it at the moment, but like you said it might've just been an offhand comment

>> No.27235136

Imagine the ecstacy of Korone cutting you, maiming you. Taking fingers, limbs even, as she laughs in glee. Man I fucking wish

>> No.27235139


>> No.27235146

Well I know what part he can play

>> No.27235147

It's not surprising for someone who used to be a bully in school

>> No.27235149

It's Gen 3's sleepover without Rushia and it isn't even close.

>> No.27235153

can these fucking girls go one day without something bad happening?

>> No.27235155

Because they are all concern trolls.

>> No.27235157


Go back to bilibili, China has done enough harm

>> No.27235158
Quoted by: >>27235201

Redpill me on Pekora and Aqua

>> No.27235161

>your oshi
>height diff between you two

>> No.27235162

All janitors in japan are part of the Zainichi Korean underclass.

>> No.27235164

No wonder Astelfag was a flaming fayboy...

>> No.27235168

The first ARK lava cave collab. Aqua unveiling CAMP was the most kino moment in any media.

>> No.27235169
Quoted by: >>27235316

If you car doesn't look like a run-down trash vehicle you'll get it stolen by the various cartel members

>> No.27235178

I am much bigger than her, I imagine everyday.

>> No.27235179

it's literally one guy posting this own tweets

>> No.27235182

We should kill all chinks so they can't hurt our chuubas, a pre-emptive strike if you will.

>> No.27235185

>dumb chicken playing chicken invaders
>big LieroX collab
>Slay the Spire race
>Hotline Miami
>PekoMiko Serious Sam 3 coop
or lets stay in Japan and just play fucking cave story and recettear

>> No.27235188
Quoted by: >>27235235

Almost 40 cm

>> No.27235192

Generation 5 is dead to me.
I'm not a janitor but I come from a working class family. Generation 5 can get fucked

>> No.27235194


>> No.27235196
Quoted by: >>27235225

Tbh Coco (or now Kiara) should make a 'show' where they play games with whichever holo is interested in a non-localized game. Of course this wouldn't be story heavy games (or at least not text heavy), but there are tons of rogue likes or 'triple-A'-indie titles that only take a bit of explanation to get the gist of it and make good streaming content.
Basically introduce the game, it's mechanics and translate parts of the story to keep things interesting, and then basically have a normal collab going. Chat could suggest games, or holos could ask for games of a specific genre, and see if they like it enough to continue playing on their own.

>> No.27235197

why is playing dog an assasins creed? and why is playing dog this ac?

>> No.27235199

we need more 2hu streams from people NOT name marine

>> No.27235201

aqua slapped pekoras knees in front of yagoo

>> No.27235202

I don't know if she truly understands what a challenge learning a language actually is. Most ESL's will tell you that "English is easy bro" but that is purely because they, just like me, grew up where most of their interests only existed in English so they had to learn English if they wanted to pursue their interests.
The Japanese has a massive dubbing scene and their Internet is practically isolated, they pretty much never use English outside of school which is why they are so terrible at it.

If English was the only thing she was pursuing during her off-time then I'd be able to believe it, but considering she has her work, the guitar, and her already messy routines I have a very hard time believing she is going to manage to learn the language.
If I had to make a very rough guess then I assume she will be content with being able to interact with her English fan-base on a shallow level, I'm sure she realizes she will never get the same deep level of interaction as she does with her Japanese fan-base.

>> No.27235203


>> No.27235205

She's a bit taller than me

>> No.27235208

If corona did it’s job right

>> No.27235210

Jokes aside it says something about labour conditions in Japan that literal fucking commies have seats in both houses of the parliament. As in, revolutionary ideas from 1860s like "you can't just work people to death" are still relevant.

>> No.27235211
Quoted by: >>27235235

she can suck my tits standing up

>> No.27235212
Quoted by: >>27235235

36 cm

>> No.27235214

its called funposting, because you post shit for fun

>> No.27235216


>> No.27235219

Then you don't have an oshi. Simple as that

>> No.27235223
Quoted by: >>27235382

I'm only 4 inches taller

>> No.27235226
Quoted by: >>27235235

21 cm

>> No.27235225

it could be a good idea and i wish that they start that idea going for other holos. more games would be nice to see, especially obscure ones

>> No.27235231

how fucking small are you?

>> No.27235233

korone is ruthless

>> No.27235235


>> No.27235245

21 cms

>> No.27235246

>your oshi
>height diff between you two

>> No.27235248
Quoted by: >>27235275

Ever since Coco got suspended I haven't watched a single holo stream...

>> No.27235250

I'm 186cm and her legs don't reach the floor when she is sitting in her gaming chair

>> No.27235251

about 20cm

>> No.27235257

Moona is making members use her lap as pillow.

>> No.27235261

another afternoon killed by the dog

>> No.27235264

based mukkun

>> No.27235265
Quoted by: >>27235382


>> No.27235268
Quoted by: >>27235338

LOL at this shitty Ass Creed game doing away with parkour and just giving you a bat hook to propel around everywhere.

>> No.27235269
Quoted by: >>27235291

I get you man I really get you

>> No.27235271
Quoted by: >>27235321


Nene did nothing wrong...

>> No.27235274

Korone has had 20k+ for 4+ hours playing AC Syndicate. What are the chances Ubisoft already contacted Cover for sponsorships?

>> No.27235275


>> No.27235285
Quoted by: >>27235311

39 cm

>> No.27235288

Pleasing a woman

>> No.27235289
Quoted by: >>27235350

Besides taking up all the sponsorships and promotions, nothing scandalous. Marine is just shitty and selfish and always lies to her fans.

>> No.27235291
Quoted by: >>27235297

she did, her asmr was only half hour

>> No.27235294


>> No.27235295

The biggest job requirement for an idol is to have incredible self control.
At every waking moment, you need to resist the urge to say something offensive on stream or on Twitter.

Lamy slipped up after barely one month, she's not fit to be an idol.

>> No.27235297
Quoted by: >>27235318


>> No.27235300


>> No.27235305


>> No.27235306

Onegai... I'm waiting for more wet kissess...

>> No.27235310
Quoted by: >>27235406

pekora can ignore most grammar rules outside of SVO and just focus on vocab and within 2 months she can make herself understood. it will be super broken but absolutely nobody will care. teach her that past tense is just adding -ed and future tense is with will. begin every sentence with either I, you or a name, then a verb and then whatever you want.

>> No.27235311

wtf l*yger is 189 cm?

>> No.27235316

brazilian here, depends a lot on the place, so it's better if you just don't
and I can confirm this >>27235169

>> No.27235318

Oh fuck this thread is still too fast to my brain.

>> No.27235319

Japan is stuck 150 years in the past

>> No.27235321

Birds of a feather. She's also rich, she probably thinks the same things.

>> No.27235322

at least like a foot?

>> No.27235327

>Lamy slipped up
At least watch the clip, nijinigger. Also I love how nijitards larp as unicorns and idolfags at every opportunity.

>> No.27235333

38 cm

>> No.27235334

Did miko stream where she was killing sheep with bazooka got privated?

>> No.27235335

they're inexperienced, the comfort of home gave them the illusion that their conversation was a being broadcasted, botan almost slipped up

>> No.27235336
Quoted by: >>27235371

Why do people keep bringing up the holostars out of nowhere?

>> No.27235338

That's why everyone hates Syndicate, they just needed to copy paste Unity's parkour and everyone would be happy

>> No.27235341

If Cover isn't offering to pay for english lessons for every holo they're retarded.

>> No.27235342


>> No.27235343


>> No.27235344

Anonchama... it's Polka... at least get your narrative straight...

>> No.27235350
Quoted by: >>27235426

Huh? Why is she shitty and selfish? Seems pretty normal female behavior to me.

>> No.27235354

take your meds

>> No.27235361 [DELETED] 

Dang must feel good to hate chinks. I hate nips but no one supports me.

>> No.27235363
Quoted by: >>27235392

Lamy literally said nothing but got blamed because it was her face on the clip

>> No.27235371

I don't know maybe because they're a part of hololive?

>> No.27235374

give her some benefits of the doubt at least

>> No.27235376
Quoted by: >>27235387

What did "I" do this time ??

>> No.27235377

Did Rushia ever get pissed at Pekora from those deaths in MC? Did she ever see the stuff Pekora made for her?

>> No.27235378
Quoted by: >>27235399

i see the lamy thing is still being pushed anything else happen since? archive reps worth it today?

>> No.27235382


>> No.27235383
Quoted by: >>27235397

cover won't even pay for basic streaming equipment

>> No.27235387
Quoted by: >>27235458

You don't want to have sex with me.

>> No.27235392
Quoted by: >>27235430

She laughed. Don't try to minimize her involvement, she was literally laughing at the working class. That's fucked up

>> No.27235397

They give them the phone though

>> No.27235399
Quoted by: >>27235416

nothing happened
they apologized, released a statement, so now antis are shifting strategy and defending them instead trying to stir shit up as usual

>> No.27235402

I Tower over Towa.

>> No.27235405
Quoted by: >>27235416

Fuck off niggersanjis and chinks did this.

>> No.27235406
Quoted by: >>27235531

That'd be possible yeah, but then you run into the issue of motivation. If that is all you want to reach then your motivation to learn the language is pretty sub-par and not having motivation to learn a language is the death knell of progress.
I'm mostly speaking from experience because there are countless things I've wanted to learn, including Japanese, but it wasn't until I found the proper motivation to spur me on that I was able to actually, seriously, start to study it.
Taking lessons is completely meaningless if you don't spend every day outside of class immersing yourself in the language which is something the Japanese generally doesn't do.
Learning a language because you are taking a course is the biggest meme there is.

>> No.27235410

That's for the avatar though. That's the only thing they provide.

>> No.27235415
Quoted by: >>27235491

I can't believe how much of a pansy people could be around here

>> No.27235416

I see...

>> No.27235417


>> No.27235426

Lying to the fans on membership streams is normal and acceptable to you? Stopping less popular coworkers from using studio equipment is fine?

>> No.27235430

Fuck the working class, if the fucking poor go after my chuubas then kill the fucking poor.

>> No.27235435

Alri la

>> No.27235436

>I thought japanese society didn't believe in unions
maybe stop browsing /pol/ and read some actual books instead

>> No.27235440
Quoted by: >>27235720

What did she lie about? How did she stop someone from using the studio?

>> No.27235443
Quoted by: >>27235473

A genetic line of short people, unfortunately. I would have liked to be at least 3 inches taller. I wear boots to compensate.

>> No.27235446


>> No.27235447
Quoted by: >>27235511

Damn. Korone with the actual big plays.

>> No.27235448

isn't that the absolute bare minumum because, I mean, the avatars are literally their faces?

>> No.27235453

32 cm

>> No.27235454
Quoted by: >>27235493

Would they have slipped up like this if Nene was there?

>> No.27235456
Quoted by: >>27235501

Za towaing over tower...

>> No.27235457

Yes, what did you expect from women in the workplace. This is why we fucked up giving them rights

>> No.27235458
Quoted by: >>27235488

I do not want sexual in general.

>> No.27235465

Literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.27235473
Quoted by: >>27235498

You ARE at least Asian and female, right anon?

>> No.27235474
Quoted by: >>27235563

>nijijanitors still thinking anyone gives a shit about the minecraft joke

>> No.27235477

8 hours until meme review!

>> No.27235481
Quoted by: >>27235564

gomenasorry for being a seanig

>> No.27235482


>> No.27235483

First they killed China, and I did nothing because I wasn't China
Then they killed the working class, but I did nothing because I'm not the working class
Then they came after me, and there was no one left to care....

>> No.27235488
Quoted by: >>27235567

Why? Not even with Mel?

>> No.27235491
Quoted by: >>27235528

Exactly, everyone is rolling over and simping just because those bitches said sorry. No pride at all or enough decency to stand up for the poor.

>> No.27235493

Polka would be distracted by whatever retardation Nene would be doing, so probably not.

>> No.27235494

I've only been watching Hololive for one year and a half, but for me the best stream is always gonna be this one : https://v.ikx.me/video/k1MmQL19
I really didn't like Ark, but watching Miko play it for hours upon hours every days made me feel sad when she said goodbye to Ragnarok. You have flashbacks of the raids, the funny moments, It's really something that I hope the new viewers are gonna be able to enjoy in the future. Ark was a mistake, but a really nice one

>> No.27235495

It's her fault for being clinically retarded

>> No.27235496


>> No.27235498
Quoted by: >>27235515

Will you ask me if i'm from London if I said yes?

>> No.27235501


>> No.27235505

43 cm (not including the ears)

>> No.27235510

>30 cm

>> No.27235511

I underestimated how much AssCreed could play off Koro's S.

>> No.27235514
Quoted by: >>27235543

the problem with start up companies like cover is that they begin with extremely awful conditions like not providing any service to their employees, then they get successful and see that they can get away with the shitty service and never improve on it while they keep all the newfound money for themselves. cover's income increased drastically over the past year yet their services have basically not improved...

>> No.27235515


>> No.27235519

You, Anon. Just changed me. I absolutely agree.

>> No.27235524

She's yet to have a Minecraft stream after that incident I think. Also I don't blame her not wanting to return, the salt is real.

>> No.27235528
Quoted by: >>27235708

Go back, you chinkshit

>> No.27235531
Quoted by: >>27235727

Eh, you need some foundation to learn a language. Getting some lessons to know the logic on how to build and understand sentences is needed before you can actually immerse yourself effectively.

>> No.27235535

I'm sorry anon that analogy doesn't work. I'm the one who knocks.

>> No.27235540
Quoted by: >>27235638

I fucking hate Yubisoft

>> No.27235543

This but unironically

>> No.27235552

I don't think that works.

>> No.27235555


>> No.27235556

I only read this thread, books are boring and they lack the newest narratives.

>> No.27235558

Yeah, I hope Aki brings in the bantz!

>> No.27235563

of all the yabs, seething jannies is by far the funniest one

>> No.27235564
Quoted by: >>27235600

what time is it there? Don't you people need sleep or something

>> No.27235567

I only want love and consensual. And why would Mel love me ?

>> No.27235568

I get what you are saying but it doesnt work like that anon stop being dumb

>> No.27235569

I mean her being a rabbit girl already sets her above every human girl so her design can only be mid-tier at worst.

>> No.27235571


>> No.27235583
Quoted by: >>27235623

Is he that wrong though? The only unions as strong as the western ones are the public servant ones, like the teacher's association. Those motherfuckers get away with anything, from disrespecting the Emperor, the flag and the national anthem to shielding rapists. In a private company you aren't gonna get any of that.

>> No.27235589

Leave it to burgers to have zero compassion for the working class.

>> No.27235591

Speaking of which, whatever happened with Hiroshimoot that tried to score some good boy points using the NDD clip anyway?

>> No.27235592

that fucking catdog VR chat model of okayu and korone is still fucking horrifying to see in action

>> No.27235594
Quoted by: >>27235619

My favorite holo doesn't make fun of janitors

>> No.27235596
Quoted by: >>27235625

you're too harsh on yourself Mel poster

>> No.27235599

Imagine this survey post in nipland and getting 5cm differences at most.

>> No.27235600
Quoted by: >>27235624

It's almost 3am but it's weekend so eh

>> No.27235603

eagleu diveeeeee!

>> No.27235609

Thread's going slow as fuck. You guys are the worst crew of the day

>> No.27235614

Irresponsibly based.

>> No.27235616

>your favorite holo
>your top three fetishes

>> No.27235618

I-Is that a Jew?!!!

>> No.27235619

She does off stream

>> No.27235620

Tfw you’ll never be a chad and sweep gay boy disney princess Astel of his feet

>> No.27235623
Quoted by: >>27235694

Yeah you aren't going to get shielded form harassing women in a private company. Anyway it's time for another 20 hour meeting with Mel.

>> No.27235624
Quoted by: >>27235666


>> No.27235625

He's realistic
He could end up like Matsuri's no.1 fan otherwise

>> No.27235631
Quoted by: >>27235643

He backpedalled after realizing he got baited by 5ch

>> No.27235638
Quoted by: >>27235692


>> No.27235641

is the janitor joke real? I haven't seen Holo for 3 days

>> No.27235642
Quoted by: >>27235835

i want to hold hands with mel poster!

>> No.27235643

kek what a retard.

>> No.27235647
Quoted by: >>27235835


>> No.27235653

Kanata's shortest stream time RTA stream.

>> No.27235655

Heavily taken out of context

>> No.27235657

He backpedaled and people called him out for being piece of shit

>> No.27235661
Quoted by: >>27235773

The reason the janny conroversy triggered the normies so much is that it was vtubers, who sit on their asses playing games while simps give them money, who made fun of janitors. Normies are all about worshipping "real" productive work, in the eyes of a normie a single janitor is more respectable than all vtubers put together. People seem to be missing this.

>> No.27235660
Quoted by: >>27235693

> okayu
> loli, handholding, leglocking

>> No.27235662

just asked my dad whose a janitor if he gives a shit if some japanese anime girls mock his occupation choice
he said what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.27235666

yeah the self-hating seanigs who spam rushia's comment section rumao

>> No.27235671

I think Nijisanji might be more your speed, their fans are poorfags like you and your family.

>> No.27235673


>> No.27235676


>> No.27235677

pit smell feet

>> No.27235690

I don't think you should've mentioned the anime girls part

>> No.27235692
Quoted by: >>27235755

their games are boring

>> No.27235693

my nigga

>> No.27235694

Anon, managers don't join unions, they don't need them in the first place.

>> No.27235696

>genderbender, sweat, growth

>> No.27235699

feet hairy femdom

>> No.27235706
Quoted by: >>27235737

>height difference

>> No.27235708

develop some sympathy next time
maybe then you wont have 200k+ dead

>> No.27235709

I'm glad koro-san is having fun.

>> No.27235711

Yandere, Femdom, gender bender

>> No.27235715

Tomboy, tanned, impregnation

>> No.27235718

My dad was a janitor and he said that anyone who's a janitor for 20 years is clearly a masochist and probably gets off on being disrespected.

>> No.27235720

>What did she lie about?
Always saying she feels insecure about something when she really doesn't and claims to apprecite fans for encouragement and support that she didn't need.
Cutting streams short or not streaming at all because of "feeling sick"
>How did she stop someone from using the studio?
Other members had multiple cancelled 3D streams past months while she had 4 with no problems

>> No.27235727

I don't disagree with that but said foundation is meaningless if you don't build on it yourself. Getting the foundation from a proper teacher is great but you will still need to work countless hours yourself to reach any kind of proficiency.
And considering vocabulary this is an everyday process. And most people in the world can't handle a routine to save their life.

>> No.27235725

Breasts, breastfeeding, armpits

>> No.27235728

You have no idea how much I want to inseminate Polka. I want to inseminate her so bad that she gets triple pregnant. I will mating press her endlessly. I will creampie her relentlessly. Don't you get it yet? Polka's clown pussy is so magically tight I'm pretty sure I'd cum once I put my cock in her circus honeyhole. Don't you faggots try to convince me otherwise.

>> No.27235729

What would your greeting be if you were a holo member?
Mine would be konanon because my name is Anon

>> No.27235734

Feet Pantyhose Lactation

>> No.27235737
Quoted by: >>27235847


>> No.27235741
Quoted by: >>27235754

>anal, loli, maledom

>> No.27235745

just woke up. what happened with gen 5

>> No.27235747
Quoted by: >>27235815

do you have a clip of the joke anon?

>> No.27235754
Quoted by: >>27235784

You mean normal sex?

>> No.27235755
Quoted by: >>27235837

korone is making them pretty entertaining though

>> No.27235756

Vanilla, leg locking, older woman

>> No.27235762
Quoted by: >>27235775


>> No.27235763
Quoted by: >>27235887

Clip cut just enough to create a narrative

>> No.27235765
Quoted by: >>27235825

So nothing and, like everything on this board, it's just another narrative.

>> No.27235767
Quoted by: >>27235794

Impregnation, Mating Press, leglocking

>> No.27235768

loli, prone bone (i don't know it's a fetish or not but I can't cum if I think about any other position), uninterested handjob

>> No.27235773

So entertainers/comedians/showmen are looked down upon? Come on.

>> No.27235775

For you? Clearly not.

>> No.27235781
Quoted by: >>27235798


>> No.27235782

>polka and Botan's newest waiting rooms have a normal amount of dislikes
Is it already over or did the antis just go to sleep

>> No.27235784

Sort-of, but I like stories about strong-willed women submitting to cock.

>> No.27235787

She has no control over other girls not getting studio time. That's on their managers. Also the first one is just reaching.

>> No.27235792

Polka said the J word

>> No.27235794


>> No.27235798

I want a headcannon
Imagine just blowing someone's head off with it

>> No.27235801

it's 4 am in japan anon

>> No.27235805

it's mostly an effect of it being different, plus it's much less of a mess for your ocd brain functions, just wait until they give her a hair down costume like in her end card, damn

>> No.27235806

>creampie, mating press, insemination

>> No.27235807
Quoted by: >>27235832

Hair, DFC, Femdom

>> No.27235810

its 4am

>> No.27235811

What's it called?

>> No.27235815

i think this is the one with the context included

>> No.27235817

It's all so tiresome

>> No.27235820

Lamy piledrived a janitor through a table in front of the boss janitor of Janitorial Services Union of Japan

>> No.27235822

Glistening skin, femdom, the feeling of disbelief that people are actually having sex

>> No.27235824

Lingerie, impregnation, leglocking

>> No.27235825
Quoted by: >>27235869

Oh so it's fine when she does it but not when it's someone else?

>> No.27235832

the famous loli femdom....

>> No.27235834

It's never about them anon. It's always about trying to bring down the newest top earner, that's why all of them are dogpiling on Lamy from the start.

>> No.27235835

Why ?
What ?

>> No.27235837
Quoted by: >>27235949

Koro-san can make even kusoges entertaining

>> No.27235839

Just woke up
I heard Nijiniggers are janitors
What does it mean

>> No.27235847

I want to fuck him on a desk and watch as he struggles to put his feet down!

>> No.27235850
Quoted by: >>27235881

How is it reaching?

>> No.27235851

Why don't they realize that trying to dogpile a holo only gets that holo even more SC?

>> No.27235856

it's okay Mel poster, even if you don't think Mel likes you, we like your positivity around here

>> No.27235868

man this is the funniest narrative of all time

>> No.27235869


>> No.27235871

Gender bender, soft femdom, diapers

>> No.27235881
Quoted by: >>27235966

>Always saying she feels insecure about something when she really doesn't and claims to apprecite fans for encouragement and support that she didn't need.

Proof, besides your headcanon?

>> No.27235885

If their brains worked properly, they wouldn't waste their times being antis.

>> No.27235886

>try to start shit with someone and make them lose money because they nake too much money
>people will give them more money as a result of symoathy due to this harassment
Antis really arent the bright

>> No.27235887

so what was the context of the joke?

I mean, I don't have problems with telling or hearing offensive jokes from random people (even related to my own problems) but, how they didn't realize that many holos comes from poor/broken family too?
Watame was raised by a single mother, Subaru's entire life and Kanata literally ate grass.

>> No.27235890

Hairy, Leglocking, Stockings

>> No.27235891

Because they're wanting on another suspension.

>> No.27235898

If antis were intelligent they wouldn't be using their time to harass virtual anime girls online.

>> No.27235901

I like you at least, melposter ( *`꒳´* )

>> No.27235902
Quoted by: >>27235991

the joke was that marine was a janitor for 20 years

>> No.27235904

Cleaning shit during the day
Watching shit during the night

>> No.27235907

What makes you think these antis understand normal social interactions? There's a reason why they sit on their fatasses jacking and hating on anything they don't like.

>> No.27235913
Quoted by: >>27235947

I guess nijifags all being janitors explains why they only had enough money to donate 103.50 to a stream with over 100k viewers.

>> No.27235917
Quoted by: >>27236077

>The "Marine is a terrible person hogging the 3D studio" guy is posting again

>> No.27235919

because i think youre neat!

>> No.27235922


>> No.27235923
Quoted by: >>27235991

>we are making a construction company where 20 years later you can be proud of what you did!
>haha what if you've been a janitor for those 20 years and actually had no part in any of these creations haha

>> No.27235927
Quoted by: >>27235964

>so what was the context of the joke?
Aqua made a joke about Marine has been the janitor of Akukin Construction for 20 years, Polka went with it a bit too far, Lamy laughed. That's it.

>> No.27235929
Quoted by: >>27235998

because they have never done something serious a day in their life
botan aside I dont think lamy was ever troubled by money

>> No.27235933

Dasashin's creed...

>> No.27235940

If joking about janitors is this bad what would happen if someone said something racist or even worse?

>> No.27235947

holy shit it does

>> No.27235949

Her entire schtick is making kusoge entertaining.

>> No.27235950

Pegging, gentle femdom, business suits

>> No.27235951

There's literally nothing wrong with mocking the lower class. If Polka shot a janitor and made a joke about it, it still would not be wrong.

>> No.27235956


>> No.27235960
Quoted by: >>27235983

Regardless of drama and frustration you feeling can you stop shit stirring in niji thread, you know who you are.

Don't reply to this please

>> No.27235964

What really fucked Lamy is that they were all laughing after Aqua made the initial joke but when Polka pushed it too far Botan instantly backtracked and Lamy didn't.

>> No.27235965

exhibitionism, gangbang. netorare

>> No.27235966

There was that one member stream where she gave permission to talk about it in public and even post clips because she wanted "support".

>> No.27235969


>> No.27235975

Every time I see Astel or hear his voice I get angry.
But I finally realised it might just be because I am attracted to him.

>> No.27235977
Quoted by: >>27236017

just like nothing wrong with making fun of your small dick

>> No.27235978

Polka is literally the Joker
If it was her dead on those streets would anyone care?

>> No.27235981

man i love how she went at it without a real plan an d that the lava also was flowing under another layer of blocks to make it worse

>> No.27235983


>> No.27235985
Quoted by: >>27236032

>your holo
>do you like spicy food

>> No.27235986
Quoted by: >>27236011


>> No.27235987

nnd have already tried to get fubuki cancelled over "racist" comments and "she is a pedo", i don't think it got much attention though

>> No.27235989

Been to brazil as a tourist, it isn't really that bad. I had it worse in indonesia

Though the only thing I'm concerned about when I stayed in brazil is the suicide showers

>> No.27235990


>> No.27235991

so this was the joke?
holy shit, are people retarded? how is that even offensive?

I thought it was something more offensive but you most likely gonna stay as a janitor/low position for the rest of your life anyway, just accept your fate and enjoy your fucking life

>> No.27235998

There's that story with lamy where she said that she casually asked her dad for a million yen and he gave it to her no questions asked

>> No.27236002

>google translates this as oyasumi
what does google mean by this? i know it is probably supposed to be oyashumi...

>> No.27236004

This is what happens when you give into antis, the shit they get mad about gets more and more ridiculous and you can never stop apologizing

>> No.27236006

it isn't people offended by the joke, it's the typical mentally ill ninjiniggers

>> No.27236008
Quoted by: >>27236070

I don't even wanna figure out... I'm just 162cm....

I hate it so much....

>> No.27236011

I wish they tagged all the old butt doujins...

>> No.27236017
Quoted by: >>27236066

t. filthy plebian

>> No.27236019

FBK Chocoball """"comment""""" went nowhere and IIRC she's already about 500k when the antis run with it.

>> No.27236020

I want to grab Luna's head and kiss her right on the mouth.

>> No.27236025

Found the sociopath.

>> No.27236029

Anal, Corruption, Loli.

>> No.27236031
Quoted by: >>27236064

So many it's impossible to choose, but the first one that came to my mind is Elite English School by Miko and Coco. I was crying from laugther.

>> No.27236032
Quoted by: >>27236127

i live for spicy food so although I would like to work in Japan, they literally have 0 spicy food except wasabi if you consider that spicy

>> No.27236039
Quoted by: >>27236165

>Coco and Haachama kickstart race war
>Lamy and Polka kickstart class war
Hololive confirmed NazBol

>> No.27236042

The context was that Aqua introduced the job position explaining it as "A job a person can proudly brag about to their child"
That's why they were talking about the child being disappointed when asking the father just cleaned for 20 years
The joke was the father (Marine) bragged about it before like he was a more important figure

>> No.27236043

my mom and dad worked the coalmines for decades they deserve respect from youtubers!!!

>> No.27236046

>Tfw you finally realize all these antis getting triggered by the janitors thing is because they had PTSD flashbacks to high school of girls laughing at them for being virgins

>> No.27236047

What you're thinking of is the 100k yen loan to buy a soundproof booth and other equipment to start her Hololive career. Not sure where the "no questions asked" part is construed from.

>> No.27236051

incest (older brother x little sister), impregnation, loli

>> No.27236052

Drugs, asphyxiation, impregnation

>> No.27236053

Anon let the girl have some sleep. Watame already passed out and slept on the floor after eating her dinner earlier. She's probably too tired after all the work she did after that.

>> No.27236063

Why are /v/tards still trying to force this hololive vs niji mentality?

>> No.27236064
Quoted by: >>27236136

"freedom lady" is fucking amazing

>> No.27236066
Quoted by: >>27236083

t. dicklet

>> No.27236070

>12 cm

>> No.27236072

so any more kneeling past the apologies? has cover decided to cut yagoos salary again yet? fuck checking archives.

>> No.27236075
Quoted by: >>27236112

Dunno about best but one of my personal favorites is the Super Metroid finale with Luna. Also the long middle of the night SM stream before that one.

>> No.27236077
Quoted by: >>27236218

How is she NOT doing that?

>> No.27236078

>are people retarded? how is that even offensive?
Someone clipped that part of the video without context making it look like it was actually offensive

>> No.27236083

t. homosexual

>> No.27236090

It's just a loan of $10,000 from her father anonchama, Lamy herself said she'll pay it back.

>> No.27236097

Don't post that Pecor gorilla clip...

>> No.27236106

This is only true if Cover doesn't overreact again and suspend them. Antis are dumb but Cover is dumber.

>> No.27236107
Quoted by: >>27236137

All the comments on Lamy's MC video attacking her were literally only subbed to ninjishit.

>> No.27236111

Imouto, Petite/Loli, NTR

>> No.27236112

super metroid was amazing because the game is amazing. you could really see how well-made the game was in the stream in how it taught luna the mechanics so well through the game design, with her remembering past places and going back once she gut upgrades and all, you could see how she got sucked in. she was also having a blast and enjoying herself.

>> No.27236119

Loli, rape, tomboy

>> No.27236123

Fellatio, blowjob, dicksucking

>> No.27236126
Quoted by: >>27236195

There's absolutely no way cover does this when they've already got everyone angry about the Haato and Coco suspensions. But then again Cover has a fetish for kneeling, so I shouldn't be surprised if it happens.

>> No.27236127
Quoted by: >>27236206

>they literally have 0 spicy food
they have korean restaurants, thai restaurants and spicy ramen

>> No.27236129

Ryona, JK, Anal

>> No.27236133

So do stars doujins exist? Pixiv has nothin

>> No.27236136

Freeman? Morgan Freeman!?

>> No.27236137
Quoted by: >>27236193

Literally none of what you said is true. Why are you lying?

>> No.27236139

Korone loves AC lads.

>> No.27236142

Rape, impregnation, lactation

>> No.27236149
Quoted by: >>27236167

Armpits, clavicle, and the back of the nape

>> No.27236152

The kusoge queen!

>> No.27236157

5ch shitposters are doing it as well, posting screens of people saying they love niji.

>> No.27236165

But Lamy is an enemy to NazBol, you retard.

>> No.27236167

A man of high culture

>> No.27236173
Quoted by: >>27236188

Tamaki/Polka collab when?

>> No.27236177

It's like saying "wazzup" instead of "what's up".

>> No.27236188

Polka hates him

>> No.27236193


>> No.27236194

Futa, tomboy, megane

>> No.27236195

I'm 99% sure they won't but Cover surprises me again and again with their incompetency so we'll see.

>> No.27236196


>> No.27236197

Not surprising, Korone is a westaboo and even with all the downgrades, the movements and environments are still top tier if you're not one of the people who bought the newest AssCreed every year.

>> No.27236198

korone...the pedestrians...

>> No.27236203

>i know it is probably supposed to be oyashumi
It's supposed to be "Oh yeah sue me"

>> No.27236206

i meant that as japanese cuisine doesn't really include spicy stuff in their food. I have no knowledge of any japanese cuisine with any type of chili in it.
Went there for vacation last summer and only international restos have spicy food. Japan was starving my spice addiction.

>> No.27236211

Sleeping Mind control Rape

>> No.27236214

>literally all

>> No.27236218

Doing an hour stream once per week is not hogging the equipment

>> No.27236222

>no indication
>he doesnt know about the nnd rumors

>> No.27236224

that poor horse

>> No.27236228

gets me everytime. ou can't make this shit up

>> No.27236230

that poor horse

>> No.27236231

It was the top comment with almost 1k likes. Not to mention the stream is privated now anyway so you can't even see them anymore

>> No.27236232
Quoted by: >>27236251

Anon is saying "all him"

>> No.27236233

Coco and Watame hijacking AsaMiko live on stream in ARK then Coco holding Miko over a cliff before she drops Miko's dangling body hundreds of feet to her death

>> No.27236235

Armpits, smell, cunnilingus.

>> No.27236240


>> No.27236242

There is absolutely 0% chance of this happening. Antis aren't even attacking the girls on Twitter it's all contained in fucking Youtube comment section. Second of all Coco and Haato are still suspended for no (intelligent) reason and if they suspend half of a gen over antis shitposting an out of context clip then it will only make the fanbase lose even more faith in this company and they know it.

>> No.27236245

Korone's driving is impeccable.

>> No.27236251
Quoted by: >>27236278

Your right, it seems I'm retarded

>> No.27236253

Mind Break, Corruption, Futanari

>> No.27236254

that horse probably hit everything possible

>> No.27236271
Quoted by: >>27236292

focus anal, enema, piss drinking

>> No.27236272

oh god stop adding to the yarn ball of "sad but kinda cute thing little things i've just learned about Korone"

>> No.27236278
Quoted by: >>27236297

what's on my right?

>> No.27236290
Quoted by: >>27236307

i miss the chama...

>> No.27236292

the hell is focus anal

>> No.27236294


>> No.27236295

Death to numberfags.

>> No.27236296


>> No.27236297

Anon, why are you doing this to me...

>> No.27236303


>> No.27236304

my favorite moment was a collab stream once and Korone's delivery takeout had arrived, she started screaming for her granny to come get her sushi

>> No.27236307

Me too anon... I get that she can't post on YouTube, but she can't even shitpost on twitter...

>> No.27236308

