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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 182 KB, 1000x1480, pekoraArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26764426 No.26764426 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26764430
File: 89 KB, 800x800, EibYO-rU8AUit4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764742

I love Haachama!

>> No.26764431
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26764432
File: 116 KB, 640x480, Egw0nmjU8AAiNZD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764436

What did Nene do this time

>> No.26764437

my ears haachama

>> No.26764439
File: 547 KB, 645x749, 1599528787368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764441
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1599790634441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor PPT.

>> No.26764442
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, F83340B4-033F-467A-8297-B1DFAE083F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.26764445
Quoted by: >>26764471


>> No.26764446
File: 385 KB, 1438x1049, 1591888417615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.26764447

Choco shilling her favourite franchise to autistically collect

>> No.26764448
File: 729 KB, 3000x4000, EilgXyUVgAEpQ6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764625

I love Towa.

>> No.26764453
Quoted by: >>26764486

russia, peko and haachama at the same time is a stress test for my eardrums

>> No.26764450
File: 1012 KB, 636x900, 1595482022530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko still only has two wins on fall gays, right? One on stream and one off stream?

>> No.26764454
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, Cheese with wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764455
File: 292 KB, 1413x1500, C27FFCCA-7889-4608-BC23-CD886E79739E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764470


>> No.26764456
File: 2.85 MB, 1429x2000, dozo5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds

>> No.26764457
Quoted by: >>26764481

Why is Pekora talking about Kizuna Ai?

>> No.26764458
Quoted by: >>26764632

Stay strong 35p! Every thread is a thread closer to her elite comeback!

>> No.26764459
File: 591 KB, 1972x1972, IMG_20200911_175240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764460
File: 112 KB, 807x1581, EikRQw7VoAQ-2Ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26764462
Quoted by: >>26764500

Why can't she stream bald?

>> No.26764464

>no torpedo... post as the last thread died
what's the point

>> No.26764465
File: 165 KB, 1812x1305, かなたそ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Kanatan!
Waiting for Kanatan!

>> No.26764466
File: 201 KB, 1378x1654, EhkGLwLVgAA6sob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764516

Shion yo!

>> No.26764470


>> No.26764471


>> No.26764472
File: 418 KB, 478x513, 1596968578929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764495

I fucking LOVE this rabbit.

>> No.26764477

god the EOPs in haato's caht

>> No.26764479
File: 728 KB, 2284x1856, sleepytowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764625

I love Towa!

>> No.26764481

Shes going to be in the fall guys event

>> No.26764482
File: 135 KB, 493x194, 1574255258271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do i watch?

>> No.26764484
File: 212 KB, 848x1200, Eil1oCjVgAEA3nN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764486

of course i meant rushia, russia is a stress test to my sanity

>> No.26764487
File: 277 KB, 463x724, big kusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764489
File: 86 KB, 433x469, EhIoppjVgAArs2w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764586

Asacoco now has subs

>> No.26764490

I hope you are having a good day hlg
always keep your heads up
Someone i know send me a final goodbye message. Dont be like that guy Anons

>> No.26764493
File: 3.89 MB, 2558x3618, 84560533_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine, my waifu, I love you

>> No.26764492

What did haachama do with watame and Luna she saying their names and yabai

>> No.26764494
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, Eik8sF0U8AAz4mL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764495

I LOVE fucking this rabbit!

>> No.26764497
File: 826 KB, 498x498, nice joke very very hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice joke anon must've been very very hard

>> No.26764499
File: 65 KB, 494x568, 1598999775692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764506

Kanatan, it's cold, cover up.

>> No.26764500

She's deaf and can't get the pitch of her voice correct.

>> No.26764501


>> No.26764502

I can't hear that dude in Choco's stream at all

>> No.26764506


>> No.26764507
File: 140 KB, 504x350, 1597802864046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 75, Pekor has still stolen Cheesu

>> No.26764508
File: 185 KB, 680x1131, IMG_20200923_170830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 55 Thread #6

Still waiting for Mikochi to come back!

>> No.26764509
Quoted by: >>26764576

She hit them up on discord because she was bored in a dumb cutesy way she posted it on twitter

>> No.26764510

Stay strong holobro

>> No.26764511


>> No.26764514
Quoted by: >>26764552

Will she stream today?

>> No.26764515

Rushia is so goddamn cute

>> No.26764516
File: 121 KB, 1285x1097, シオンよ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764728


>> No.26764518

Nopan tenshi...

>> No.26764517
Quoted by: >>26764538

brand new account for Pekora?

>> No.26764519

Thanks, almost forgot.

>> No.26764521

will peko posters still love pekora when they're old and grey?

>> No.26764523

Of course Sora decides to take three days off to practice during a week long holiday instead of streaming

>> No.26764524

Watame was testing her mic with Haachama not sure about Luna.

>> No.26764526
File: 325 KB, 1450x2048, EijNxxLU8AAQ4TW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764547


>> No.26764528

>Fall Guys

It's a game of 90% luck, how is there a tournament. Also can't you only join public games four at a time?

>> No.26764530

I haven't been able to keep up with those shilling events, did all of them go well or did any holo fuck up? I hope not....
I know that Oga got called onii-chan.

>> No.26764531

Sensei! Take him home!

>> No.26764532
File: 127 KB, 850x1133, でぶ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764537
File: 302 KB, 1353x2048, EeL572wUwAAgIql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764730

I'm gonna take this time to upload the rest of CT and finish archiving her channel.

>> No.26764538

I don't think she used to play on ps4.

>> No.26764540

I'll show my grandchildren Pekora VODs to teach them Japanese.

>> No.26764541

well its thematic at least

>> No.26764544
File: 256 KB, 1273x720, rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you do in this situation?

>> No.26764547

Damn, that's hot

>> No.26764548
File: 214 KB, 1244x2048, IMG_20200923_123022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26764549

I'm watching all three at once get on my level fags

>> No.26764551


>> No.26764552

I hope so!

>> No.26764556


>> No.26764557

Run, there's too much chaotic energy in that picture.

>> No.26764558
Quoted by: >>26764618

Kanata's been way too eroi lately. I don't want to feel this way towards her.

>> No.26764559

When i said i wantet someone else than Rushia to be live i didnt want a worse alternative...
Why peko

>> No.26764561
File: 30 KB, 548x405, 1599362267268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck that's how you get a Japanese cold

>> No.26764564
Quoted by: >>26764708

y-you too
somehow even when that person is an acquaintance it's always hard to deal with

>> No.26764566

God why Haachama sounds so sexy and alluring

>> No.26764567


>> No.26764569

Oh Choco is talking about the pillow and doll she got

>> No.26764571

Will we ever get a fighting game arc

>> No.26764572
File: 154 KB, 1296x966, 1592334655789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuso tori

>> No.26764573
File: 143 KB, 512x512, 1600757368212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764574
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.26764576
Quoted by: >>26764597

She sent dumb messages to Watame, Luna, Flare and Polka on discord hoping someone would talk to her.

>> No.26764586

thanks coco

>> No.26764587
File: 621 KB, 3000x3000, 84216788_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 23 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive and that she's doing ok


>> No.26764588
File: 297 KB, 2560x1440, bigpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26764590
File: 70 KB, 661x733, 1592098092334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764625

I LOVE Towa!

>> No.26764592


>> No.26764596

Choco-sensei, I'm rooting for you!!!

>> No.26764597


>> No.26764598 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 321x579, jOaXlx4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764599

>she's using her actual name while playing with snipers

well good luck winning

>> No.26764600
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764658


>> No.26764603


>> No.26764605


>> No.26764607

General Grievous my way out of there with 4 diamond swords

>> No.26764609

What the fuck is happening with Kanata

>> No.26764610

Accept my death

>> No.26764612


>> No.26764613 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26764629

I will gut you like the whore you are if you post him here

>> No.26764614

Haat is being a public menace

>> No.26764615 [DELETED] 

there"s no way that's Aruran
looks way too young

>> No.26764618
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1595500948876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764696


>> No.26764619


>> No.26764621

>Peko moans
Please my dick

>> No.26764625
Quoted by: >>26764656

>still no I hate towa
what's the point

>> No.26764626


>> No.26764627

Watching hololive is actually helping me to remember the kanji and vocab

>> No.26764628

Nobody knows. Pick any narrative you like and go with that.

>> No.26764629 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26764636


>> No.26764630 [DELETED] 


>> No.26764632
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, EevsHBcUcAI3J-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764633
File: 179 KB, 287x285, 1593436204462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Haachama be better or worse than the chicken?

>> No.26764635 [DELETED] 

Time to neck yourself!

>> No.26764637 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26764678


>> No.26764636 [DELETED] 

I will defend my father's honour with my life

>> No.26764638


>> No.26764639

Deafness, need multiple meetings because she can't her.

>> No.26764640


She just did a show promoting a game. Would Cover let her do that if she was in shit? No.

>> No.26764642

nooo shes playing galaxy

>> No.26764644

I wanted to see Haato suffer with 64

>> No.26764645
Quoted by: >>26764652

Fall off you stupid rabbit.

>> No.26764646

better than the chicken, but worse than Pikamee

>> No.26764647 [DELETED] 

Nice tits.

>> No.26764648 [DELETED] 

Pizza dad is a cool guy, why are you yabeeing him

>> No.26764651


>> No.26764652

nice call.

>> No.26764653

Haachama is too zoomer for these games.

>> No.26764654

pecor you retard

>> No.26764656

I miss him. We had a cute relationship.

>> No.26764657


>> No.26764658

I want sheep to mold my breakfast onigiri with those

>> No.26764660


>> No.26764661

>Haato's first mario game was Galaxy

>> No.26764666

How can Pekora still fucking sucks at that stage

>> No.26764668
Quoted by: >>26764856

She's an actual zoomer so it's the game she has the nostalgia for.

>> No.26764670

seduce them both

>> No.26764672

Why does Spade Echo have so much lewd fan art on pixiv?

>> No.26764674
File: 208 KB, 1033x900, 1600832585064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765141

It felt so good to have her say my name and wink, what the fuck

How good must it feel to donate a red superchat? I'll never know...

>> No.26764675
File: 1.24 MB, 500x600, ogey rrat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a 3rd person
>enjoy the show
as Rushia
>accept defeat and let them sexually violate me
as Miko
>show Rushia no mercy in many different ways
as Pekora
>ogey rrat

>> No.26764678
Quoted by: >>26764698

meant for>>26764490

>> No.26764679
Quoted by: >>26764704

You know shes like 18 right?

>> No.26764681 [DELETED] 


>> No.26764682
Quoted by: >>26764692

Haachama losing to the menu

>> No.26764683

She playing galaxy cause it was her first mario game

>> No.26764684

why won't anyone play sunshine its my favorite... guess I'll rewatch FBK

>> No.26764686

Pull out my large futa cock

>> No.26764687
Quoted by: >>26764706

Will holo is most into crushing balls

>> No.26764688


>> No.26764690
Quoted by: >>26764705

Yo, I need Towa eating chips with a open mic stat.

>> No.26764692

pro gamer move

>> No.26764695

Inform the inquisitors because there are some chaos worshippers there.

>> No.26764696
File: 911 KB, 4096x2916, EO0LP_9UEAAL6M9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, as in last few months. Or maybe it's just becoming a more prominent part of her character little by little because she's opening up more.

>> No.26764698
Quoted by: >>26764767

I didn't actually mean to link that one

>> No.26764700

t. shitter

>> No.26764702

So she figured out that they can play in JP with Pureisuteichon Foru, huh.

>> No.26764705
Quoted by: >>26764889

It's always on hand

>> No.26764704

I know

>> No.26764706


>> No.26764707


>> No.26764708

Yea the worst part is i can only talk to him over the internet since hes like 8 hours away from me and i dont have money currently
wish hes aware that people care

>> No.26764709
File: 281 KB, 2047x1118, EiQ0x9WU4AAVT5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did we think of this collab?

>> No.26764710

She's young.

>> No.26764711

just be happy for her existence and how close she is at achieving her dreams. Kanachan...

>> No.26764712

Subaru played it

>> No.26764716
File: 137 KB, 1316x1500, this is what a spinosaurus looks like if you forgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Choco remembered to feed her six hundred Spinosauruses.

>> No.26764717


>> No.26764719
Quoted by: >>26764727

big chungus

>> No.26764720 [DELETED] 
File: 726 KB, 685x960, 1592568797264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos Onegai...

>> No.26764724 [DELETED] 

Why does he look as much like a girl as her?

>> No.26764725

FOX BURGER KING has her work cut out for her huh

>> No.26764726 [DELETED] 

WTF, pizza dad isn't Italian?!

>> No.26764728
File: 440 KB, 731x807, Shionno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764727

ookinachungusu wa nani???

>> No.26764729

Rikka played it just now.

>> No.26764730
File: 105 KB, 333x331, EdJpVEhUwAAiqAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765279

Thanks Tenshibro anon. I'm gonna take this time to watch her archives for nostalgic moments.

>> No.26764731

Leporine retard can't jump.
So 2 hours today in this practice?

>> No.26764732
Quoted by: >>26764741

What is this youtube gaming week about?

>> No.26764735 [DELETED] 

that's pretty cool, i didn't know they knew each other in the past

>> No.26764737
File: 508 KB, 702x604, 1597047038066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you edit that pic? I remember seeing pekora with her face ripped off and it being on chicken's face while she "talked" to the body for 60 minutes.

>> No.26764739
Quoted by: >>26764751

Just did a 120 star run in Galaxy. Now haachamas playing which is nice.

>> No.26764740

Subaru was playing Sunshine but Idk if she finished the game
I hope she finish Wind waker on stream tho

>> No.26764741
Quoted by: >>26764764

youtube gaming

>> No.26764742
Quoted by: >>26765730

I love Haachama's feet

>> No.26764744
File: 95 KB, 598x720, 1583377906949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she need glasses if she's a robot?

>> No.26764745 [DELETED] 
File: 522 KB, 1200x645, 1600854698293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobros, not like this...

>> No.26764747
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x718, 1595264090495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink Luna's sweet sweat!

>> No.26764749

Haachama spilled soba sauce on her treadmill after tripping near it.

>> No.26764750



>> No.26764751
Quoted by: >>26764781

now play the entire game again as luigi

>> No.26764752
Quoted by: >>26764769

This is how she reacted to nearly losing one, imagine if she lost them all.

>> No.26764753

Timetable until Rushia falls into depression? I give her 20 more minutes.

>> No.26764755


>> No.26764757

Haachama bought a treadmill?

>> No.26764760

gotta remind people that hololive is irrelevant in japan mainstream

>> No.26764762

>well Kiara its been 59 minutes

>> No.26764764


>> No.26764766

She's basic bitch who wears only the frames to appear as quirky gamer girl.

>> No.26764767


>> No.26764769

>imagine if she lost them all.
She will just breed more
She lost plenty in the raid RTA with Aki a while ago and didn't give one

>> No.26764771


>> No.26764772
Quoted by: >>26764798

why is Shien having this collab the same time Roberu has his with Pikamee? is he jealous?

>> No.26764776

What is YouTube gaming week? Google search results say that some content creators get to try the PS5.
Is pekora playing on PS5 right now?

>> No.26764781

Can’t be arsed to do that. Galaxy has too many gimmick stars and beating them once was annoying enough

>> No.26764786

that was a good SNIFF

>> No.26764787


>> No.26764789

4 of the 6 pieces of the Miko pattern have repeated.
There's no replies from Holo members on the 4th piece that first directly addresses the matter, again.

Someone get me some meds, thanks.

>> No.26764790

Pizzadad yabbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.26764791
Quoted by: >>26764809

Designed to lose eyesight over time as part of planned obsolescence.

>> No.26764794

That is Sony only event, i think?

>> No.26764796

What, the dragon wants the sheep too? why everybody wants a piece of the sheep?

>> No.26764798

better question is, why does Shien love this stupid disney otome game so much to a point that he's collabing with some random faggot that also loves the game just to talk about it?

>> No.26764799
File: 191 KB, 1280x687, y_5f6ad432cca3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764844

No holos get to try the PS5

>> No.26764802

Are her ATMs empty?

>> No.26764806


When you first married Yuzuki Choco, it was like a dream come true. You princess carried your beautiful succubus wife into your home, ready to enjoy a life time of wonderful cooking, intimate cuddling and passionate love making. And for a time it was good. Then one day, over breakfast Choco told you about a new game she was installing on her computer called ARK. You didn't think much of it, some game with dinosaurs she'd get bored of in a week. A week passed and she was still playing. Then a month. Then a year. Slowly, Choco began to spend longer and longer with the game and less and less time with you. She began to skip out on cooking, forcing you to cook for her, and she began to sleep infront of the computer rather than with you. Still, you continued to support her because you loved her. But then things began to take a downward turn. She began to refuse to eat anything you cooked for her unless they were dinosaur nuggets. She would no longer watch anything on TV except Jurassic Park and dinosaur documentaries. She began to wear nothing but a pair of full body dinosaur pajamas and would stomp around the house roaring and knocking things over whenever she wasn't playing her game. She even ignored you whenever you spoke to her unless you called her Chocosaurus. You could only wonder where things went so horribly wrong.

>> No.26764808

Guys do you know some methods to watch Haachama without wanting to shove power drills into my ears? Thanks in advance.

>> No.26764809

Roboco is manufactured by Apple?

>> No.26764813

Nousagi aniki... >>26764745

>> No.26764816
Quoted by: >>26764912

Go back to /vyt/

>> No.26764820
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, psychward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764819
File: 114 KB, 205x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26764849


>> No.26764822

low volume helps, I'm watching her while playing Grim Dawn and its not too bad

>> No.26764823
File: 178 KB, 687x1237, 1597118859127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why won't Coco just turn Asacoco into a pseudo-news broadcast discussing actual Hololive news? Just as an example
>1st segment is about a group of criminals sneaking into a hospital and performing multiple illegal surgeries. Coco the anchor does a segue into the story and Coco the correspondent tells us everything as the footage from the recent collab plays in the background. The whole thing is basically a parody, of course.
>2nd segment is about haunted microphones. Same structure as above.
>Maybe also a 3rd segment about whatever interesting happened in Minecraft this week, or any other fun clip-worthy moments. Same structure as above.
>Ask other holos about their opinions on each story, no need for appearances in person, quotes are enough.
>If you're doing a "meme of the day" thing, make sure it's a single meme. Use something actually funny and relevant to the discussion.
>Finish with a quick rundown of any planned Hololive streams in the next few days, and segue into WataUta
It's not too much work, it would entertain a lot more people, and it would do a good job promoting other idols.

>> No.26764825

He wants to be a Disney prince

>> No.26764833

I'm sorry that Kanata has gotten pregnant anon.

>> No.26764836
File: 682 KB, 715x762, 85014582521025108549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Sora so smug?

>> No.26764842

He's an enigma

>> No.26764843

we got too cocky bros

>> No.26764844


>> No.26764845

>You princess carried your beautiful succubus wife into your home

>> No.26764847

Is that a...

>> No.26764849
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's completely lost it.

>> No.26764855

The same way you watch Pekora: low volume.

>> No.26764854

she knows that we'll wait for her no matter what

>> No.26764856

I don't blame her, growing up playing DS and Wii games was the best
Galaxy is better than 64 and Sunshine anyways

>> No.26764858

>Pekora got the "Troublemaker" trophy

>> No.26764860
Quoted by: >>26764906

Too much work for a daily show. Works better weekly.

>> No.26764861
File: 149 KB, 1600x1200, 1571112742160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26764862


>> No.26764863


>> No.26764864

there's no point in trying to make sense of why bossu does the things he does

>> No.26764866


>> No.26764868


>> No.26764869

>Graduating soon (5ch narrative)
>Busy due to her upcoming VR live and many other projects/collabs (Based on recent events and Coco herself said this)
>Her hospital visit at the start of the month probably didn't go as well as she said it did and now she's probably discussing things with management (My narrative)
But Kanata herself hasn't said much about it other than she's talking with management and will make a detailed announcement about it soon.

>> No.26764871
File: 275 KB, 336x478, smug sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's her permanent state

>> No.26764875
File: 264 KB, 1691x1536, chaEhXCZrdVgAAf4xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!

>> No.26764876
File: 47 KB, 882x277, naaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tony-san will ensure that Luna gets a PS5 before release, don't worry

>> No.26764879

There's nothing wrong with her now though? She hams up the retardation and screaming in english.

>> No.26764880
Quoted by: >>26764969


>> No.26764882

You work into it.
Start at a 10% volume for 3 minutes, 50% for 2, 100% for 1 then repeat. As you get used to it increase the time.

>> No.26764884

I forgot this guy's name but he keeps mispeaking

>> No.26764885

Pssh, wake me up when they announce the Xbox tuber crew.

>> No.26764889
File: 79 KB, 1000x678, 1599580757598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764890


It's this event. Fubuki, Ayame and Mio are also participating.

>> No.26764892

oh hey, they changed some of the levels.

>> No.26764894


>> No.26764895

I think that'll burn her out even faster than doing it 5 days a week

>> No.26764897

Your meds anon...

>> No.26764900
File: 247 KB, 674x1194, 1600839887340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764901


>> No.26764905

Pekora you can't say that

>> No.26764906
Quoted by: >>26764979

Quality > Quantity.

>> No.26764907
Quoted by: >>26764933

>She began to wear nothing but a pair of full body dinosaur pajamas and would stomp around the house roaring and knocking things over whenever she wasn't playing her game. She even ignored you whenever you spoke to her unless you called her Chocosaurus. You could only wonder where things went so horribly wrong.
But anon, that where everything started going right.

>> No.26764908


>> No.26764910


>> No.26764911
File: 127 KB, 200x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody put some bunny ears on this man

>> No.26764912

did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.26764919

Pekora's Dream Team

>> No.26764918
File: 508 KB, 800x800, んなあああ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764921

Oh yeah, the game got an update.

Go, you shitty rrrrrabbit.

>> No.26764922

Pekora can't win.... please

>> No.26764925

Sasuga Pessi

>> No.26764929
Quoted by: >>26764944


>> No.26764928

The reason the nanora doesn't kill us all is because Tony-san is among us.

>> No.26764933

a lewd succubus turning out to be a complete dork that is obsessed with dinosaurs and a dinosaur game
how could you possibly not like that gap, choco truly is the queen of gap moe

>> No.26764934


>> No.26764935
Quoted by: >>26765137

big tits look shit on haachama

>> No.26764936


>> No.26764937

fall mountain is shit

>> No.26764938
Quoted by: >>26764962

Tokyo Ghoul needs to punch another holo this time

>> No.26764939
Quoted by: >>26765024

I hope haachama will be okay if she reads rosalinas storybook. The whole part where Rosalina says she wants to go home is similar to her current situation

>> No.26764940

Peko, so close... Maybe she would have done it if that guy didn't fucking grab her

>> No.26764941

if not for that initial grab...

>> No.26764942
Quoted by: >>26764971

Go back to /103.50/

>> No.26764944
Quoted by: >>26765002

Kill yourself.

>> No.26764947

I hope Pekora never wins

>> No.26764946


>> No.26764954


>> No.26764955

>Peko in
Supreme Leader Usada "Happiness rhymes with Genocide" Pekora.

>> No.26764960

fuck RNG mountain in particular

>> No.26764961

reminder, nijifaggots.

in a stream with 100k people you had $100 in supachas.

that's a bot stream. no one watches nijis. even pikamee gets more viewers than nijis (deservedly).

eat shit. no one will ever like your company.

>> No.26764962
File: 176 KB, 661x622, 1600733298910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26764964

No, it's off-topic.

>> No.26764966

>planning another stream on 21.00

>> No.26764967
File: 356 KB, 1617x829, Eil5VvxUcAAnvEt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This robot is hanging out with Princess Luna in Minecraft and basically you're just fucking stupid.

>> No.26764969
Quoted by: >>26765010

anon please i'm trying to watch while ignoring it

>> No.26764971


>> No.26764975

PS5 has no games

>> No.26764977

I wished Pekora didn't get her first win. I wanted her to be in the Choking Hazard forever

>> No.26764979

I agree with you there, she'd get more mileage out of making it a weekly show that's at least an hour long. She can just take the official clips and comment over them, even. Tack on meme review wholesale as another segment if she wants to. Hololive has no problem retaining viewers for hours at a time so she should be capitalizing on that instead of short clips.

>> No.26764988


>> No.26764990
File: 3.78 MB, 2070x3013, 1599557806128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sheeps aren't supposed to be sexy... !

>> No.26764994
Quoted by: >>26765025

Is Peko lagging like balls for anyone else?

>> No.26764997


>> No.26764999

unless you're Welsh

>> No.26765002

Fuck desktop fags

>> No.26765006

Then why do so many farmers fuck them?

>> No.26765008

and niji is irrelevant worldwide?

>> No.26765007

Dirty deeds, DONE WITH SHEEP!

>> No.26765009

you didn't have to rub it in...

>> No.26765010
Quoted by: >>26765040

please watch
her views are so low...

>> No.26765014


>> No.26765016

she really has been grinding Ensta...

>> No.26765018

Korone got me to play Mother 1. It was fun.

>> No.26765019
Quoted by: >>26765063

oh neat, aki is on that show too.

>> No.26765020


>> No.26765022


>> No.26765024
File: 539 KB, 1000x1000, 1600436472409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to feel anymore.

>> No.26765025

I think it's just you

>> No.26765031

I thought were on fall guys season 2 already

>> No.26765037
Quoted by: >>26765054

Islam ,Wales and Newseeland would like to disagree...

>> No.26765038

So much pink between those 2. I love it

>> No.26765040

i was watching
>her views are so low
that's what i was trying to ignore...

>> No.26765046

Next month iirc.

>> No.26765049

Isn't that next month

>> No.26765050
File: 2.95 MB, 310x338, 6A51D962-1D98-4D9D-93D9-50C2E93A9748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765083

>> No.26765052

Among Us killed all the hype for Fall guys

>> No.26765053
File: 341 KB, 1113x1324, EcwnPQrUcAM45Nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765136

>western shit
No, they aren't

>> No.26765054
Quoted by: >>26765128

Never heard of these countries
Where are they?

>> No.26765055

probably the movie watch

>> No.26765056
File: 556 KB, 670x565, 1600741118145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765133


>> No.26765061

Pekora and Hinata collab when?
Also, have Fubuki and Pekora ever talked to each other?

>> No.26765063
Quoted by: >>26765209

what show?

>> No.26765066


>> No.26765069


>> No.26765070

>fags complaining about murrilards stream sniping in Amelia's CSGO game
>Pekora has it 3 times as bad
oh no no no

>> No.26765071

so whos your favourite combo? for me it has always been pekomiko but after that Watame botan stream i have a change of mind

>> No.26765075


>> No.26765078
File: 275 KB, 850x1171, 1599847471387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765103

I need an OkaKoro manga

>> No.26765081
File: 57 KB, 347x87, 1599607613399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ear blessing hours.

>> No.26765082
Quoted by: >>26765100

Is she on PS4? I see no hackers

>> No.26765083


>> No.26765086

She has been saying that a bunch of times already why would the Comet lie anon?

>> No.26765087
Quoted by: >>26765111

go back

>> No.26765096

Fall guys sniping is fucking awful for the jp streamers

>> No.26765100

She is, you can hear the trophies notification sound pop out from time to time.

>> No.26765102

Reminder that you're a cuck if you spend money on:
keep buying them comdoms

>> No.26765103
Quoted by: >>26765116

But dogs can't love cats! That's forbidden love!

>> No.26765110
File: 116 KB, 318x280, 1599898765470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko's diary translation

>September 21st, Mon.
>Well, today...
>I saw some ants~
>It's not like I spend all day doing nothing or anything...

>10 full ants
>10Q very much~
>Because I'm almost at 500k! Thank you!!!


>September 22nd, Tue.
>Lately, I've been playing Deresute way too much~
>My faves are Anzu-tan and Risa-tan, and with them, I feel like a father looking over their children~~~

>I thought this would be the lolicon
fantasy, and indeed it was~!!!

>> No.26765111
Quoted by: >>26765122

But I read the first part here anon

>> No.26765115

Okay, so, definitely worse than the chicken.

>> No.26765116
File: 135 KB, 1258x1061, 1584033809035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be a gourmet manga

>> No.26765119


>> No.26765122

then take everyone you brought here back too

>> No.26765123
Quoted by: >>26765138

Jokes on you anon, I only use stolen credit cards for those girls. Technically I'm the cucker.

>> No.26765125

you forgot haachama

>> No.26765128

Islam is that place under spain(the one in europe not in South america) and up to the left of India
Newseeland is that thing next to where hachama sucks gaijin dick

>> No.26765131
Quoted by: >>26765156

I thought everyone in Fall Guys was Fall Guy ####, names... seem like a bad idea if you're a streamer who gets sniped a lot

>> No.26765132

>spending money on anyone

>> No.26765133

What's the origin of this meme, did peko type that?

>> No.26765136
File: 235 KB, 850x1265, Sheep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they aren't supposed to be sexy, only cute at best!

>> No.26765137

Literally faggot.

>> No.26765138

fuck you so that's why i keep seeing rushia supachats in my emails

>> No.26765139

i spent money on doritos yesterday. does that count?

>> No.26765140

Thanks, TL-Anon.

>> No.26765141

And now you'll enjoy hearing her say your name faster and more naturally because she's read it many times before.
It is an endless loop of dumb happiness.

>> No.26765143
File: 111 KB, 1423x2000, 1600233747314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765206

Stream onegai?
The event is over Suisei...

>> No.26765148

When is she NOT grinding Ensta?

>> No.26765149

I love both lamy and rushia!

>> No.26765150
File: 11 KB, 654x260, EhW7O8OXcAEWN5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765298

>>I saw some ants~
>>It's not like I spend all day doing nothing or anything...

>> No.26765154

>I feel like a father looking over their children~

>> No.26765156

It's only like that because it was a bug when people would insert HTML tags and they would apply to the names. So you could have fuckhuge names.

>> No.26765159
File: 332 KB, 1870x1322, 1597856981525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My virgin brides.

>> No.26765160

I watch Hololive for free

>> No.26765161
Quoted by: >>26765247

>paying money for free entertainment
i always pity these emotionally crippled fools

>> No.26765164
File: 6 KB, 371x55, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they like this

>> No.26765165

Holy shit this lucky fucking bunny

>> No.26765166
File: 442 KB, 2756x2067, 1596130617616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765235

Only delicious!

>> No.26765167

holy shit this lucky rabbit

>> No.26765168


>> No.26765169


>> No.26765172


>> No.26765176
File: 199 KB, 1767x943, Screenshot_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was close!

>> No.26765177
Quoted by: >>26765195

>the pink guy grab and drop Peko
>Pekora survived by sheer luck and the pink guy fell

>> No.26765178


>> No.26765179

Do you actually see holos as your girlfriend?

>> No.26765183

Is this the power of Pekora... s-sugoi...

>> No.26765185


>> No.26765195


>> No.26765197

dude more than a girlfriend haha am i right my fellow 35pbros

>> No.26765199

Imagine adding a useless letter to your name that you could do without
What a faggot

>> No.26765200


>> No.26765203

Literally maxed LCK and CHA.

>> No.26765205

From that list, the towafags and akifags in here definitely do.

>> No.26765206
File: 102 KB, 1240x1240, ENOBmNtVUAEKcgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765625

Suisui did something with Karte?

>> No.26765207


>> No.26765209


the one choco was on, aki will be on it

>> No.26765210

I love this dumb face, I want her to make fun of my tiny dick while looking like that.

>> No.26765211
Quoted by: >>26769281

But I spend money on noel's roommate.

>> No.26765217

I view haachama as my findomme

>> No.26765219
File: 419 KB, 839x753, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just farted on you nanora
How does that make you feel?

>> No.26765224

haa chammer wa

>> No.26765226
Quoted by: >>26765276


>> No.26765228

holy shit the timing on that goal

>> No.26765229
Quoted by: >>26765327

Anons please spend money on Amelia so I don't have to spend money on our condoms, thanks.

>> No.26765230

nice fucking goalkeeping """"pessi"""

>> No.26765231
File: 41 KB, 390x355, 1599916554500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was quite warm and pungent

>> No.26765232


>> No.26765233


>> No.26765234

usada pekora goalkeeper, fails her only job

>> No.26765235
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x1576, 84092209_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and delicious!

>> No.26765239

Pecola, your goalkeeper reps...

>> No.26765240

as a sukonbu, yes i view fubuki as a girlfriend

>> No.26765247
Quoted by: >>26765356

They are paying for your entertainment. Can't you at least be grateful?

>> No.26765248

Simple as.

>> No.26765249

>negative contribution to the team
>win anyway
she can't keep getting away with this

>> No.26765250
File: 5 KB, 277x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765251
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1573166922727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to change payment methods for memberships? I don't see the settings

>> No.26765252
File: 318 KB, 373x442, Nuttar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765254
Quoted by: >>26767918


>> No.26765257

What the fuck was that lucky/weird start

>> No.26765258

Oh this stage can have 2 bars now

>> No.26765260


>> No.26765274
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.26765276
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1587146611967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765279
File: 4 KB, 185x37, better days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a giant backlog of streams I need to catch up on but I only want to watch Kanata now. It's gonna be a long long week.

>> No.26765282


>> No.26765283


>> No.26765284


>> No.26765285


>> No.26765286

Please help haachama. I dont like these numbers

>> No.26765287


>> No.26765288


>> No.26765290


>> No.26765292

pecor... your champon...

>> No.26765291


>> No.26765293

Pekora Champion

>> No.26765294

>getting smug
why would you ever

>> No.26765295
File: 185 KB, 1778x945, Screenshot_241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765296

stupid rabbit

>> No.26765297


>> No.26765298
File: 224 KB, 1024x730, CmtAR7Hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ants are significant

>> No.26765299

Right as she started laughing

>> No.26765300

>the absolute state of Pekora

>> No.26765301

Old and GrEY

>> No.26765302


>> No.26765303

The moment Pekora mentions 'champion', immediately chokes.

Like clockwork ...

>> No.26765310


>> No.26765314


>> No.26765316


>> No.26765318

uhh was that lag or was that guy cheating

>> No.26765320
Quoted by: >>26765393

god moning

>> No.26765324

Spectating always shows lag in fall guys the netcode is absolute dog shit

>> No.26765327

>Using condoms with your girl
Who's the real cuck here?

>> No.26765335

why's Pekora so popular with the kids

>> No.26765340
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, 1576321938761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765342

Check out haachama spectated from watame's PoV, it was even worse

>> No.26765343


>> No.26765344

Jesus christ that luck.

>> No.26765345

pekora speedrun strats

>> No.26765347
File: 314 KB, 1668x1926, 1600392135154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko is like England Football all right...

>> No.26765349

>that fucking luck If only she reserved it until Finale

>> No.26765356

doesn't change the fact that they're easily manipulated idiots. it's hard for me to look at people like that in any positive way
and there's nothing to be grateful for. i would gladly pay for any entertainment that i want if it was pay-walled

>> No.26765358

She's a hero for children.

>> No.26765361
File: 3.31 MB, 2000x4093, po21poyluto51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fight and die for the Princess?

>> No.26765364
Quoted by: >>26765391

It's been 23 days since Mano Aloe graduated.
I'm still furious that she gave up and made her mother and 5th gen cry and feel ashamed. Think of all the time and effort that others went through so that she could have her debut, and she took their combined efforts and spat it back in their face.
Just think of all the millions of girls in Japan who could have done her job so much better, but no, we ended up getting some spoiled brat that bailed at the first sign of trouble.
Aloe should not be remembered, she should be forgotten like the bitch that she is.

>> No.26765366

Pekora's slime club....

>> No.26765369

>tfw you'll never climb Pekora's slime

>> No.26765370

My daughter's middle name will be pecora, i'll tell my wife it means something in spanish

>> No.26765377


>> No.26765382

Watame be like Walter from Hellsing

>> No.26765383

I'd fight the princess.

>> No.26765389

Paddyfield Rabbit...

>> No.26765391

please keep seething
gives me my daily chuckle

>> No.26765392

why yes i do happen to be a LUNAITO

>> No.26765393


>> No.26765397
File: 206 KB, 1037x1286, IMG_20200628_044921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767220

Always PekoMiko!

>> No.26765398
File: 569 KB, 640x720, xh4yl74t7nj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765404

Cutie and
Sexy and
Beauty and
Wonderful and
Bunny and

>> No.26765405

that Mel design is top tier

>> No.26765416
Quoted by: >>26765438

Rushia failed to find binta again, big sad.

>> No.26765419

Watame is the most overpower one there

>> No.26765420
Quoted by: >>26765447

Does Botan know what happened to the mountain they wanted to build on? Or she's in for a surprise once she logs in?

>> No.26765428
File: 141 KB, 301x330, amenouncement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26765435


>> No.26765437
File: 813 KB, 825x1100, 84435980_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 Hours till Jojo with Lamy, she even used this Giorno pose picture. I love Lamy.

>> No.26765438


>> No.26765439

Making kids with peco

>> No.26765440
File: 752 KB, 1505x1062, 1576788284215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck does shark get more viewers than pessi? shark plays kusoge and doesn't even put any effort in the streams

>> No.26765441
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1590871369615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765461

Silly chuuni on the battlefield.

>> No.26765447


Nenepro renovations are in progress

>> No.26765448

My little bunny can't possibly be this retarded?

>> No.26765449

I wint be able to wake up in time for yukimin bro...

>> No.26765450

Shark speaks English, Rabbit speaks Japanese. Simple as that.

>> No.26765455
Quoted by: >>26765530

Rushia is my little sister

>> No.26765456
Quoted by: >>26765636

peckers doesn't stream english. i would bet you she'd get 55k+ on a english only stream

>> No.26765457

>gen 5 minecraft adventures
finally something worth watching

>> No.26765459

Because even JP kneels to the shark

>> No.26765461

She can be motivation for the troops too if you know what im sayin

>> No.26765465


>> No.26765466

Just woke up
Who are

>> No.26765468
File: 99 KB, 1361x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765534

I wonder why

>> No.26765472
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, 1600469387556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did pekor just say she's a perfect slut

>> No.26765473


>> No.26765477
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1598028747749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765494

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26765481

the perfect labbit

>> No.26765482

idz mi pecola

>> No.26765483
Quoted by: >>26765501


>> No.26765487

yes yes we know you want attention
heres your dopamine hit now back to your containment general

>> No.26765488


If anything Pekora's numbers are more impressive, not to mention the fact that they are polar opposites in terms of being entertaining.

>> No.26765494


>> No.26765495


>> No.26765496


Time for Botan to gaze upon Nene's works and despair.

>> No.26765500
Quoted by: >>26765514

>4 people already in holoserver

>> No.26765501
Quoted by: >>26765524


>> No.26765502

Shark ended up with wide appeal for her singing/cunny with the world, and in memes everywhere for a while.
Miko is going to blow everyones ass out though considering how widespread she was unless she comes back changed.
I think you'll see the shark's full power in a karaoke stream/3d debut though, so she hasn't even hit the peak of what her numbers could be.

>> No.26765503
Quoted by: >>26765525

kid-friendly character design, makes kid-friendly noises
I am already old and grey. pekora purges toxins from my brain.

>> No.26765504
Quoted by: >>26765523

>Haato casually makes a suicide joke

>> No.26765505


>> No.26765508
Quoted by: >>26765527

who is online?

>> No.26765510
Quoted by: >>26765603

Anon please... tell me you’re out of kit kat

>> No.26765511

GCCX and Pekora

>> No.26765514

betting on moona and risu, maybe flare and iofi for 3 and 4

>> No.26765515
File: 857 KB, 1071x615, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765523

What did she say...

>> No.26765524

NenePro's engineer.

>> No.26765525
Quoted by: >>26765570

That cleavage isnt kid friendly.

>> No.26765527

Luna and roboco took a screenshot earlier

>> No.26765530

Do you give your imouto a good allowance?

>> No.26765532
Quoted by: >>26765610

She's a decent singer but hardly anything worth raving about, why would it boost her numbers that much?

>> No.26765534

Explain HoloID and HoloCN then.

>> No.26765537


>> No.26765546
Quoted by: >>26765603

watson, your megaphone is off

>> No.26765545

>Miko is going to blow everyones ass out though considering how widespread she was
She wasn't though? You don't remember her sub-3k streams at the start of the year? And ARK is dead now.

>> No.26765549

Botan watched Nene's MC stream...

>> No.26765548

>Botan saw Nene's stream

>> No.26765552


>> No.26765551

Indogs are selfhating weebs

>> No.26765556

my wife chachacha...

>> No.26765558

Nenechi is online!

>> No.26765559

someone please marry Choco-sensei already..................

>> No.26765560

Botan saw Nene's Minecraft session. She knows.

>> No.26765561

nenechi already causing issues

>> No.26765562

So what exactly is the reason for Miko hiatus?

>> No.26765563


>> No.26765564


>> No.26765568

Nenechi online...

>> No.26765570

kids love oppai. stick in the mud parents don't but they can go to hell!

>> No.26765573

Nenechi, Moona, stream your gameplay please.

>> No.26765575

Come watch one of the cutest hags

>> No.26765574

Miko is as well but people keeps saying its coming back.

>> No.26765577

has botan been to ground zero yet?

>> No.26765580

>the start of the year

>> No.26765581
Quoted by: >>26765628

Pekora is literally a children's cartoon character I. Both design and personality come to life and you ask that?

>> No.26765584
Quoted by: >>26765769

>roboco: harooboo
>moona: ohamoon

>> No.26765588

Why do they all play minecraft offline?
It's free supacha.

>> No.26765593


>> No.26765594

CEO is working hard off stream, I'm so proud of her

>> No.26765596

Towa vods

>> No.26765598

Moona don't flee...

>> No.26765600

I'm too lazy to find the clip without shitty subs

>> No.26765603
File: 141 KB, 301x330, amenouncement2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765762


>> No.26765602

babu babu timeu

>> No.26765606
Quoted by: >>26765641


>> No.26765605

They don't want to take views from other Hololives

>> No.26765609

The best anyone can guess is that her health dipped and she had to take a break for recuperation and some kind of medical inpatient work.

And that's all anyone really knows, familio

>> No.26765610

Along with singing, you need to note that JOP (And you(SHOULD)) get excited about song selection quality. She came out with something unusual out the gate.

I saw her literally posted literally everywhere during her break, she still is posted everywhere. Her return is more than likely going to be astronomical in that regards.

>> No.26765612

>Vtubers struggling at SMG of all things

>> No.26765614

CEO...let us do the coal mining for you...

>> No.26765617

>Miko is going to blow everyones ass out though considering how widespread she was unless she comes back changed.
What? She had a fraction of Korone's views when she hopped on the DOOM bandwagon.

>> No.26765620

This stream is the perfect example of what happens if you start slacking on your reps

>> No.26765621

English speaking market is bigger and she spread like wildfire almost 100% off design alone because of "haha cute shark meme". So all she really has to do is retain the fanbase she got for free. She's also the first vtuber experience for a lot of these fans so there's nothing to compare her to for them. And even if they could she isn't outright *bad* by any means she's just nothing special.

>> No.26765623

Most indogs speak English, and so aren't really a separate audience from EN. A lot of chink weebs speak at least a little Japanese and so are more interested in the "real" nip chuubas. Hololive JP has millions of subs on bilibli.

>> No.26765624

No need to talk

>> No.26765625

Nope, she just like Karte and the dress because she's a chuuni.

>> No.26765628

There's nuance here but I don't think an explicitly children's character would dress as Pekora does.

>> No.26765629

Damn I wanted to see Pekora get destroyed by new Slime Climb

>> No.26765631
Quoted by: >>26765649


>> No.26765632

they gave you beds botan...

>> No.26765635
Quoted by: >>26765665

Shark is getting more comfortable with streaming. Her POV dicking around in the surgeon collab was nice and she is starting to joke around a bit, although you can still notice that she is incredibly wary of what she says.
On a sidenote, chicken is also getting better.

>> No.26765636

Damn if Pekor hopped in on the english only trend..

>> No.26765638

Your item is mine too, sasuga Russian lion.

>> No.26765641

Take my akasupas

>> No.26765642
Quoted by: >>26765691

Miko had 2 viral videos as well anon.

>> No.26765646

how does ayame get in when she doesn't care about her job at all?

>> No.26765647

My cute daughter is terrible at this game! Listen to her squeal!

>> No.26765649
File: 90 KB, 483x387, 1600475694692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765655

They were in that one Arknights collab.

>> No.26765656

Why is that fuck Nene playing Minecraft and not streaming it?

>> No.26765659

the mountain... yab

>> No.26765661

Haachama is terrible at everything

>> No.26765662

just nene things

>> No.26765664

how many meltdowns has she had so far?

>> No.26765665


>> No.26765668
Quoted by: >>26765753

RBC, Luna and Moona too.

>> No.26765669

How can she be this bad at Mario galaxy...

>> No.26765670

fun on her own

>> No.26765672

trying to hide her mess from botan

>> No.26765674


>> No.26765676

>a fucking Goomba turning made her scream

>> No.26765677

Sasuga Mio the nopan expert

>> No.26765678

It's harder to enjoy playing games while thousands of people are watching you.

>> No.26765680

No need to talk for hours

>> No.26765683
File: 732 KB, 1048x484, 1600587050158.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765685

Fucking hell.
I'd like to watch her but I don't think I can miss CEO's Rhythm Heaven.
Having two favourites is a terrible fate.

>> No.26765688

Don't mind him, he's just shitposting. But we know that Miko's return will be getting high viewers and lot of superchats at least.

>> No.26765687
Quoted by: >>26766894

>I saw her literally posted literally everywhere during her break
Everywhere where? Here? Well no shit, 4chin is the core of her original EOP audience. On reddit? Well, sure, she might get 50k on her return stream, but we all know from the queen of reddit herself that this doesn't translate into the numbers for your normal streams. Miko isn't gonna suddenly become as big as Korone or Pekora.

>> No.26765691

Fubuki has several, doesn't mean anything.

>> No.26765694

She's going live in 55 minutes, anon

>> No.26765695
Quoted by: >>26765736



>> No.26765696

kek 5 minutes into botan's stream and she's already done more than nene has done in an hour

>> No.26765697

I can't believe an actual fucking cat gets to try the ps5 before the holos...

>> No.26765699

How serious is Miko's illness does anyone even know? Apparently it's something she had since birth? I miss the PekoMiko collabs.

>> No.26765703


>> No.26765705


The CEO has private meetings

>> No.26765706

Why does absolutely everyone bully her?

>> No.26765708

and nene is in the call

>> No.26765709
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 1599831213492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765711


>> No.26765712


>> No.26765715

japanese cold, 100% fatal

>> No.26765716

>Also, have Fubuki and Pekora ever talked to each other

>> No.26765718

CEO kneels

>> No.26765721

The CEO apologizes to the lion

>> No.26765722

I'm not Japanese so I don't care about 80s Japanese pop. Guess the JPs like it, but let's see how many "good" songs fall under the permitted list. Or for that matter, how many English covers she's going to be able to get, because she won't be sustaining her growth on pandering to 80s Japanese pop fans alone.

>> No.26765723

CEO in botan's minecraft!

>> No.26765725

>Oh shit Botan is gonna be sreaming soon, I've gotta pretend this is mined out and not blown up

>> No.26765726


>> No.26765727


>> No.26765728
Quoted by: >>26765756


>> No.26765730

Actually based

>> No.26765735

Sora, please tweet...

>> No.26765736

She just woke up didn't she

>> No.26765738
Quoted by: >>26765777

>at the start of the year
no shit retard, holo wasn't a big deal until april
the only thing with a high amount of views was asacoco, even watame no uta had like 6k watching (less than Miko playing ARK at the same time btw)

>> No.26765742

God Botan shaders gave me headache

>> No.26765743

is botan the only one that plays minecraft with rtx on?

>> No.26765744

Why is Nene so violent?

>> No.26765748

Samurai Blue...

>> No.26765749



>> No.26765750
File: 271 KB, 2000x1200, EhN0H87VkAA9y80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa was made to be lovingly bullied.

>> No.26765753
Quoted by: >>26766408

Nobody cares about them.

>> No.26765755

Warlike nature

>> No.26765756


>> No.26765759

She bought it, so she's free to flex

>> No.26765762

she can’t keep away it...

>> No.26765763

super nenechi can and will punch god in the face.

>> No.26765765
Quoted by: >>26765946

80s Japanese pop is youtube-recommendation-core, zoomers love it

>> No.26765766
File: 42 KB, 297x646, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ramy.... alright....? Doesn't this sound a bit too obsessed coming from a fan...?

>> No.26765767
Quoted by: >>26765856

Haachama too

>> No.26765769

that connects pretty good actually

>> No.26765771


>> No.26765773

Ankyloglossia (short tongue) is a chronic illness, seriously.

>> No.26765772

She brings balance with her fists

>> No.26765774

Apex predators gotta assert dominance.

>> No.26765775

It's not rtx but shaders

>> No.26765777

>no shit retard, holo wasn't a big deal until april
Kek, this is what newfags actually believe.

>> No.26765778

At this rate Lamy's going to study architecture off-stream just to be able to design a proper house.

>> No.26765779

Looks like average /hlg/poster to me

>> No.26765780
Quoted by: >>26765946

>80s Japanese pop
Zoomers love it because of Plastic Love

>> No.26765781

Yes she had it since birth, it is called being a woman.
Her illness is not serious, she was just pregnant

>> No.26765783

She is the fucking Drill Sargeant of 5th gen.

>> No.26765784

Why don't all the Hololives use the textures for Minecraft? Seeing Haachama and Botan's stream then having to watch the others is quite disgusting

>> No.26765786


>> No.26765787

Larry...I hope that is just a shitpost from that fan

>> No.26765788

Have you seen l*ger

>> No.26765789

Irs a disease where something grows inside your body and after around a year it comes out, and then you're busy for a while

>> No.26765792
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, 1596454642638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766120


>> No.26765793

As expected of ramy babus

>> No.26765794

Botan's looks awful

>> No.26765795

why can't they respect the router?

>> No.26765796
File: 166 KB, 500x476, uruha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall gays

>> No.26765797

Hah it's!

>> No.26765798

Low energy Nenechi is pretty cute

>> No.26765799

Has Botan found what's left of the mountain yet?

>> No.26765804

You mean you don't agree with him? What a fag

>> No.26765807

You meant shaders? Shaders can be awful when caving or exploring in the dark

>> No.26765808

The sun shadows and water make it 10x's better than default MC what are you on about?

>> No.26765809


>> No.26765810

It's not really that different from the weird stuff that gets typed in here, isn't it? I guess it can be concerning because it's being shown very publicly...

>> No.26765817


>> No.26765818
File: 565 KB, 1234x1859, EgPhgYYU4AEkXuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765855

I love Nene so much

>> No.26765819

gotta copy this and edit rushia's name in.

>> No.26765820


>> No.26765822
Quoted by: >>26765860

Who's she talking about...?

>> No.26765823

you and your mom look awful bitch

>> No.26765824


>> No.26765825

She has the kind of personality that naturally attracts people like this

>> No.26765828


>> No.26765829

I like vanilla more

>> No.26765830
File: 3.44 MB, 1313x2048, 1597239956670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she loves this kind of shit. She wants you to only have eyes on her and noone else, in spite of what she says and how she acts. She wants to keep you in her grasp forever.

>> No.26765831

Wait i thought Botan doesnt enjoy Minecraft?
What the fuck

>> No.26765833

Are Botan's textures different than usual?

>> No.26765835

not a fan of the shaders some holos use at all, the shadows are way too dark

>> No.26765836 [DELETED] 

some of these girls on the minecraft server need to watch some Bdub100 and learn how to build good

>> No.26765838
File: 211 KB, 620x900, 1595168696565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765841

I keep forgetting haachama is a literal kid

>> No.26765842

haachama reclining...

>> No.26765843

maybe it's a child

>> No.26765846

That doesn't sound too bad at all. Properly built structures have a pleasing aesthetic to them. She wouldn't be the first one to do it anyway.

>> No.26765847


>> No.26765848
File: 95 KB, 442x390, lamynurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766740

He forgot his meds

>> No.26765851
Quoted by: >>26765920

I don't like Minecraft much either, but I think I'd change my tune pretty fucking quickly playing on the holoserver with holos.

>> No.26765854
Quoted by: >>26765920

probably played and burned out years ago

>> No.26765855
Quoted by: >>26765969

No relationships with coworkers or supervisors Anon or i will have to report you to management or even the CEO

>> No.26765856

At least Haachama doesn't use shaders

>> No.26765860


>> No.26765862
Quoted by: >>26765876

literally who

>> No.26765864
Quoted by: >>26765880

she liked it? what the fuck...

>> No.26765865
Quoted by: >>26765897

where is polka and lamy?

>> No.26765868
Quoted by: >>26765937

>tfw was going member to rushia but thought about how disappointed she would be if i actually did it
Mommy's influence is no joke

>> No.26765869


>> No.26765870
Quoted by: >>26765894

I'm a Yukimin now. That sounds just like my mom.

>> No.26765872


>> No.26765874

The difference between playing alone and playing because it's the perfect platform for random social interaction with your coworkers

>> No.26765876 [DELETED] 

one of the best builders in minecraft ever

>> No.26765877

i have no interest in playing minecraft myself if it isnt on a server with at least 10 other people

>> No.26765878 [SPOILER] 
File: 774 KB, 694x1500, 1600860053743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765916

Dark Nene...
forgive us...

>> No.26765879
File: 32 KB, 541x394, 501580148510851058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765880

There's a reason why her members icon is a baby's bottle anon she wants these types.

>> No.26765882
Quoted by: >>26765904

>minecraft is an easy 20k viewers for gen 5
fucking haato saved gen 5 all by herself

>> No.26765883

I'm just looking at you, _____.
Thanks again, _____.
_____'s shabby clothes
_____, please
Even little _____ is alive.
_____ is cute
_____ is so cute!
_____ is beautiful.

>> No.26765884
Quoted by: >>26765934

The shaders are filtering me. I prefer default minecraft...

>> No.26765886
Quoted by: >>26765909

post cute watames

>> No.26765888

>i love when games look like shit cause i pretend i'm so oldschool minecraft
kys retard

>> No.26765890

I don't think there's anything more satisfying than waking up and seeing Pekora get BTFO

>> No.26765891

so some off topic faggot

>> No.26765894
File: 338 KB, 501x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have something to share with the class anon?

>> No.26765897
Quoted by: >>26765930

polka is always oversleeping
lamy is training in the hyperbolic minecraft chamber

>> No.26765899

>Caring about how fucking minecraft of all games looks like
Go back to /v/

>> No.26765900

are you 12 or something

>> No.26765901
Quoted by: >>26765942

where's this from?

>> No.26765902

Our son welcoming another member to his harem in 40 minutes

>> No.26765904

no that would be watame

>> No.26765908

But if the textures are still vanilla then it looks terrible. She should use realistic textures or rtx textures

>> No.26765909
File: 48 KB, 410x366, 1598617259849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26765912

Mori jp only stream

>> No.26765913

moris fart asmr starting soon

>> No.26765914
Quoted by: >>26765929

Are you aware this an 18+ website

>> No.26765916

what a fucking design. never forget the CEO of SEX

>> No.26765920

well you arrent a holo...
would make sense for gamergrandma

>> No.26765921
File: 89 KB, 556x688, CF719CD3-D96F-4C08-84AC-1A506EAF6D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People why so rude ??? Have a cute image.

>> No.26765929

little biatch kys

>> No.26765930

polka was just streaming 2 hours ago. Where's the damn clown stream?

>> No.26765931
File: 125 KB, 654x788, 1599901084296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know enough japanese this sounds so fucking sad. Are Lamy fans really like this?

>> No.26765932

It'd be pretty based of her, besides I could see her being a dedicated builder who just wants to make something pleasant to sight.

>> No.26765934

I only turn on shaders for screenshots

>> No.26765937
Quoted by: >>26766034

You only ever need one girlfriend, anon
Why would you member rushia if you already have eyes on Lamy?

>> No.26765939

community servers are perfect for autists with no social skills whatsoever, but that still yearn that interaction
we are fundamentally social creatures after all...

>> No.26765941

you better have autism

>> No.26765942
File: 95 KB, 982x1135, DuJiSHKW4AYZrsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765999

Read my manga!

>> No.26765943
Quoted by: >>26765981

so what happens when nene builds a house out of TNT in the middle of the holoserver?

>> No.26765945
Quoted by: >>26766000


>> No.26765946

So it's zoomer hipsters? I guess it's the /m/ equivalent of liking Zeta Gundam so I can't say I don't exactly understand the feeling, but I don't think it's something that'll drive her hype that much either. Maybe if she didn't sing it during her debut, sure, but at this point everyone's expecting her to throw out more 80s pop. The surprise gap factor's already gone.

>> No.26765951
Quoted by: >>26766000

thanks neruposter!

>> No.26765954
Quoted by: >>26765979

How old are you?

>> No.26765958
Quoted by: >>26765977

mommyfags? explain yourselves

>> No.26765960

cocochin chin please be a entertaining streamer

>> No.26765962

that's how I made my first friend

>> No.26765963

Botan isnt autistic just old...

>> No.26765964

have you supported your canon daughterwife Rushia today?

>> No.26765965
Quoted by: >>26765979

Does your mommy know you're using the computer?

>> No.26765966
Quoted by: >>26766005

Has it been about 9 months since she's gone? God that is hot to think about.

>> No.26765969
Quoted by: >>26766085

You can't stop me.

>> No.26765970

she asked for it having such a slutty pair of boobs and voice.

>> No.26765974
Quoted by: >>26766103

mori is almost live, have you done your brap reps anon

>> No.26765976

Ogey ikude

>> No.26765977

What's there to explain? He's pretty reasonable

>> No.26765979
Quoted by: >>26766287

>H-h-h-h-how old r u :(((
cyka biatch die

>> No.26765980
File: 159 KB, 265x241, 1597260752569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26765991

>Liking zeta
>Hipster thing
why would you bait with this shit here nig

>> No.26765981

pekora puts a pressure plate in it

>> No.26765988

>I wonder if she loves this kind of shit.
Of course she does, imagine how much your ego gets boosted with that

>> No.26765990

I wonder if any holo would let their kid become a vtuber when they get older

>> No.26765991

Angry Lamy makes me horny...

>> No.26765993



>> No.26765995


>> No.26765996


>> No.26765999

Thanks anon

>> No.26766000
File: 126 KB, 613x720, DDCC17B6-E41E-47BF-8B84-4E11EC88FAFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766045

Mel !!!
No problem ! I am always happy to help !!

>> No.26766002

There's nothing hipster about liking Zeta, that's like saying liking OT is hipster

>> No.26766004

She's gonna jump!

>> No.26766005
Quoted by: >>26766064

>there are people who weren't here before Miko's break
I'm getting old

>> No.26766006

That drop torch planting, wtf

>> No.26766011

why the fuck is botan making a huge 1 block tower kek

these shit are banned on the servers I used to lurk on

>> No.26766014
File: 110 KB, 640x800, vdldmk6wxi651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Coco will retire from her vtuber career and just be a staff on hololive since she is one of the worst singers and she is also a workaholic?

>> No.26766015


>> No.26766016
File: 1.21 MB, 1032x1457, __shirakami_fubuki_and_oruyanke_hololive_drawn_by_koomoi__7b71a08003148b360366419c95a4ba8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766038

I am looking forward to my friend's DKC2 endurance stream later today!

>> No.26766021

Shishiron still remembers a few tricks, nice.

>> No.26766024
File: 145 KB, 236x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet shitting
help peko

>> No.26766025
File: 1.08 MB, 2046x2046, EikxaxKXYAUwbzq-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26766028
File: 317 KB, 1080x1080, 20200727_155529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Achan... you have big breasts in my heart.

>> No.26766029

akizuki ritsuks*n...

>> No.26766031

pekora what the fuck was that

>> No.26766032

thats lewd

>> No.26766033

Why wont she join the Minecraft revival, how prideful can you really be

>> No.26766034
File: 867 KB, 700x1245, 1600686839594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766088

Rushia's yandereness appealed to me but lamy mama's claws managed to comoletely sink into me and i completely became a prisoner to her. i love lamy!

>> No.26766035


>> No.26766037


>> No.26766038

>same time as okayu
FUCK she better end up playing some kusoge

>> No.26766039

God there is nothing funnier than watching Pekora fail.

>> No.26766040
File: 472 KB, 2048x2048, Eilikr_VgAASXyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766097

because of various factors like never knowing a loved one, not having a motherly/fatherly figure, living in a shithole like SEA, etc
there's always a lot of frustrated monkeys around these hours

>> No.26766041

coco on a downward spiral after being replaced by actual english speaking holo-ers

>> No.26766043

Same here.

>> No.26766045
Quoted by: >>26766104

Mating press with Melposter!

>> No.26766047


>> No.26766048

"I don't care for it so it's hipster"

>> No.26766050
File: 91 KB, 693x759, Screenshot_242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766081

>dying 1 second in

>> No.26766051


>> No.26766053

are you 12

>> No.26766056

vtubers haven't penetrate indogs normies internet users yet. Give it 5 years and this vtuber thing will blow up in indog land

>> No.26766059

Landmark so she can make her way back to the portal.

>> No.26766060
Quoted by: >>26766091

City pop (or 80s Japanese pop, like you said) is currently on the rise in Japanese music scene because Plastic Love became popular again after many many years.

>> No.26766061
File: 6 KB, 288x46, 300k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You DID sub to Mori... right, /hlg/?

>> No.26766063
Quoted by: >>26766123

repeating the same joke on every tailed character will never be funny

>> No.26766064

There are people who weren't here for Aloe's graduation anon, the timeline is getting compressed.

>> No.26766068
File: 150 KB, 532x352, 1598008035762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766094

It's like she's back on NND!

>> No.26766070

Because it's a decent game, is super popular, and he likes mobages. That's like asking someone why they play FGO.

>> No.26766071


>> No.26766075

>Miko liked this
Gay is an understatement...

>> No.26766076


>> No.26766081

she so good at gameu

>> No.26766082

i brap to mori

>> No.26766085

The CEO is gonna ravage your ass for breaking the rules Anon

>> No.26766086


>> No.26766088
File: 1.78 MB, 456x536, tvnB8tsEGj.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are eagerly awaiting the day Lamy shows her dark side. She already has a bit of stalker tendencies.

>> No.26766091
Quoted by: >>26766135

>Japanese music scene
you mean the youtube mashup scene

>> No.26766093
Quoted by: >>26766109

I dont like nigger noise sorry.

>> No.26766094
File: 133 KB, 850x661, 1592430596340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was so annoying and hilarious at the same time

>> No.26766096

of course not

>> No.26766097
File: 206 KB, 2560x1440, E2B7E7B2-DA20-4C22-BA3A-C8ACF837A207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766336

Well so what ? You have to try to always be positive despite all the challenges life presents you !!

>> No.26766098

Uhh what? Vtubers is actually big in Indogs market. Yeah it's not normie tier yet but it still has a huge market.

>> No.26766099

vtubers are popular as fuck here in the philippines even during kizuna ai days and I'm surprised cover hasn't created a PH branch, not that I wanted to. we speak better english than indogs at least

>> No.26766102
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1590989046639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766140

>I only pay attention to Lamy
>Lamy thanks for always being there for me
>I'm only still alive because of Lamy
And I thought Towa's cult was bad

>> No.26766103
File: 516 KB, 778x900, Eh-RmG1UwAAR1pr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'll watch the very fun very fun very very very fun stream instead

>> No.26766104
File: 217 KB, 568x923, Screenshot_20200913-232955_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766131

Are melfags really like this?

>> No.26766106

It was because she was downloading Uncharted, my fucking sides.

>> No.26766107

I cant wait.....

>> No.26766109

go back to your shit containment board faggot

>> No.26766110

You're talking about a woman who refused to accept a Switch item as a joke present in fucking ARK, she is as stubborn as it gets.

>> No.26766112

well shes not playing on a faggy server...

>> No.26766114
File: 651 KB, 849x1200, 1591732356903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766142

>Literal minecraft kids in the thread

>> No.26766116
Quoted by: >>26766165

Isn't botan's bgm a bit too hype? I keep getting distracted by it.

>> No.26766118

then why do the holodogs only have 100k subscribers

>> No.26766119
File: 306 KB, 1518x2150, EihL1GUU0AAU6LJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my leader

>> No.26766120
File: 328 KB, 2048x1448, EiNUR4cUMAAHBjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26766122

This but unironically

>> No.26766123

at least the ina one has a "times eight!?" angle to make it slightly novel, there was no call for making the joke about gura except coco's weird desire to shove buttplugs into holoers she sees as competition

>> No.26766124
File: 141 KB, 707x1000, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_nufucha__c7dea4023f6f260bcf62644b727dd29b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres Korone guys?
I need her to cure my depression.

>> No.26766125
Quoted by: >>26766232

Yes, even if it's not allowed to talk about her in the thread.

>> No.26766128

For someone who claimed not to like Minecraft all that muchBotan seems to be very good at it.

>> No.26766127

Nah fuck off I'm fucking glad they didn't bother setting up a branch here

>> No.26766130
File: 39 KB, 432x423, 1595160231954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual underage minecraft autists from /v/ ITT
imagine being elitist about fucking minecraft of all games

>> No.26766131
Quoted by: >>26766261

Like what ??

>> No.26766133

pfft yeah sure
ive seen that video
flips speak "english"

>> No.26766135

No? Do you even know Friday Night Plans?

>> No.26766137

Don't worry Inukai Purin has your back

>> No.26766139

That's hot

>> No.26766140

Glasshouses membersheep, glasshouses

>> No.26766142

>calls people in thread minecraft kids
>meanwhile basically everyone in hololive play minecraft all the time
are you incapable of thought at all? retarded fagget

>> No.26766144

I'm not, I'm fine with her as is.

>> No.26766146

What's wrong with it...?

>> No.26766147

Im not a brap connoisseur, sorry.

>> No.26766150

Coco remind me of a 4chan poster, she gets super butthurt and stubborn about things, like EOPs using bad Japanese, she won't get a Switch, she won't play Minecraft

>> No.26766151

based flipchad. HoloPH would beat HoloEN effortlessly.

>> No.26766152

I still don't understand why the fuck they have to look at the archives too. What the fuck are the managers doing?

>> No.26766159
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1307478077144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to enforce good grammar and punctuation in these threads.

>> No.26766161

hot new narrative coming right in its fun

>> No.26766160


>> No.26766163
Quoted by: >>26766280

what video? were generally better than everyone here in SEA.

>> No.26766164
File: 110 KB, 360x450, 1598126837045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

حان وقت عمر بولكا

>> No.26766166

Not a fan of toilet humor.

>> No.26766165

theres a bgm running?
your shitposting or im deaf
but i cant be deaf since i can hear botan
so you are shitposting

>> No.26766173

>I'm surprised cover hasn't created a PH branch
Good, hope they never do that.

>> No.26766174

Who is being elitist about it? Saying it looks better with or without texture/mods isn't elitist you crybaby faggot

>> No.26766176

I can see her opening her own agency.

>> No.26766179

do a flip next time sensei

>> No.26766181

Back to global

>> No.26766184

youre joking right?

>> No.26766188

unsubbed, thanks for reminding me

>> No.26766198

you can play minecraft without being a kid
you on the other hand are a minecraft kid

>> No.26766201
Quoted by: >>26766257

Why do you take them serious?
imagine caring what literal kids think about your preferences

>> No.26766205
File: 34 KB, 179x176, 1597738606509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766275

friend I think you've got brain problems

>> No.26766208
Quoted by: >>26766275

bro you might actually be deaf

>> No.26766210

Is Polka planning to bomb an embassy?

>> No.26766216

Does coco get less eop simps now

>> No.26766217

Dark Souls.......

>> No.26766219

Yeah that's the way you end up without friends.

>> No.26766218

>Botan picking flowers for Lamy before returning
Lion please

>> No.26766224
Quoted by: >>26766328

I wonder if coco ever used to be a regular on /v/...

>> No.26766225

Back you go to /v/!

>> No.26766228

>those shadows on botan's shader
gamer lion..........

>> No.26766229

>JP only stream
>already doing 10x better than Korone's english only
we got too cocky JP bros

>> No.26766230

Beacon of Gondor is lit!

>> No.26766232

but it is allowed?

>> No.26766233


>> No.26766234

>your favourite minecraft texturepack
>your age
>your least favourite holo

>> No.26766235
File: 111 KB, 1920x1200, 1592341149221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it better if everyone speaks from their hearts.

>> No.26766239
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, 1594609444290.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World's worst climber has to be a little better than Towa at that kusoge.

>> No.26766242

Because there's no money on your shithole, Luna and Niji already prove that

>> No.26766246
Quoted by: >>26766281

>Moona cave.

>> No.26766247

what will they type instead of "please come to Philippines" once their chuubas are on their own home turf? please come to [neighborhood]?

>> No.26766250

>Superchat rules
lmao EN is a fucking joke getting cucked already. I knew it, the west is cancer.

>> No.26766255

A true Yakuza woman.

>> No.26766256

never used one

>> No.26766257
Quoted by: >>26766304

shouldnt daddy be tucking you boys to sleep? oh wait he fucked off because of how pathetic you are

>> No.26766261

Wanting to fuck other men because they are also a melfag.

>> No.26766263

Thinking about it, miko has a lot of time to herself and is an eroge maniac. How many times do you think a day do you think she masturbates right now?

>> No.26766264
File: 2 KB, 205x70, 1589047470003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than your usual ESL because english is actually taught at every level of education here.

>> No.26766269

wtf suddenly pekora's stream is fine

>> No.26766271

Nope, she's in a good spot right now. Maybe getting a bit complacent and mellow because of living the high life but she has it better than most holos.

>> No.26766272
Quoted by: >>26766302

are these indog tunnels she found?

>> No.26766275
Quoted by: >>26766367

stop posing as two diffrent people i have her stream on full volume and theres no fucking bgm
fuck you

>> No.26766277
Quoted by: >>26766482

I don't really commit any holos I dislike to memory so idk,

>> No.26766280
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1600445425147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766343

>what video? were generally better than everyone here in SEA.

>> No.26766281

Huh? They have their own cave?

>> No.26766287

Why are (You) here?

>> No.26766284


>> No.26766292

What if I am not a man ? And I think it is just some troll he has been writing that for quite some time !

>> No.26766299
Quoted by: >>26766344

It's because someone donated to Mori with the name "nigger"

>> No.26766301

Stop typing like a retard. You're an adult.

>> No.26766302

What tunnels?

>> No.26766304

Sorry I don't live at home still like you, faggot!

>> No.26766307
Quoted by: >>26766437

How do you know Melposter is male?

>> No.26766310
Quoted by: >>26766369


anonchama... have you not seen the overseas supacha charts?

>> No.26766311

she has vodka this time she's really stepping it up

>> No.26766313
Quoted by: >>26766482

natural pack from the old ps4 version

>> No.26766328
Quoted by: >>26766370

Coco is unironically too old to be a 4chin user. She left US during the "the hacker known as 4chan" era and has been very detached from American/English-language internet culture ever since.

>> No.26766326

bless your grandpa

>> No.26766329

>literally just saying what they already do
stop being a fag falseflagger

>> No.26766333

Korone needs some superchat rule enforcement too honestly. She's had some awful ones recently.

>> No.26766336
File: 407 KB, 2048x1219, Egq11BrU4AA_z5W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was that easy Melposterchama, but this is the internet and people just insult and scream at each other to vent their frustration, just look at the retard fighting about Minecraft for no reason

>> No.26766343

Indogs and malays can barely speak english. There's a reason why you see a fuckton of flip posters in /a/, /int/, /sp/, and /pol/

>> No.26766344

and she fell for it twice

>> No.26766345

You have the ID branch already

>> No.26766346

>sugoi post cant

>> No.26766347
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1594309805014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop donating in fake currencies

>> No.26766349

>Hahaha say kneegrow mori it's so fucking funny HAHAHAHAHA
Go back

>> No.26766358

please keep your tranny ERP out of this thread

>> No.26766362

She's a true SEGAchad. Go back to playing your awful 3D "remasters" if you nintenbabies can't handle her chad energy.

>> No.26766367
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1599362951118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26766369


>> No.26766370

Do you know how prominent /cgl/ is in the cosplay community?

>> No.26766375
Quoted by: >>26766466

Then we should just ignore them and replace their useless bickering with actual discussion !!

>> No.26766377

Roses are Red
FBK's superchat are not

>> No.26766379


>> No.26766383

but then i actually have to capitalize my spelling and use apostrophes, dont make me do that please

>> No.26766385

pecor is so shit at fall guys now

>> No.26766396
Quoted by: >>26766423

Is it prominent in Japan? Didn't think so

>> No.26766397

Who is worse at Fallguys, the Rabbit or Dog?

>> No.26766400

You say it like she's ever been anywhere near decent.

>> No.26766403
Quoted by: >>26766482

Sildur's, Extreme-Volumetric lighting

>> No.26766408


>> No.26766419
Quoted by: >>26766491

any argentinians here? I'll beat you up if you donate to fbk

>> No.26766423

You'd be surprised.

>> No.26766426

Based flipCHADS

>> No.26766428
Quoted by: >>26766526


>> No.26766433

The Angel.

>> No.26766435
Quoted by: >>26766526


>> No.26766436

nigger too early for survey fuck off

>> No.26766437

Every poster on 4chan is a man, even the women on /soc/ are males, womanon.

>> No.26766439


>> No.26766440
File: 478 KB, 727x720, 1587016335071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766589

Because your people need to mention your origin country or what?
>/int/, /sp/, and /pol/

>> No.26766443
File: 779 KB, 2508x3541, 1591801815566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't mean you have to engage in that, move on and ignore it, you're above that shit, right?

>> No.26766445

Do your fucking reps

>> No.26766460
Quoted by: >>26766535

She just ordered couple of eroges last week. what do you think

>> No.26766463

Watching vtubers IS my reps.

>> No.26766466

it's almost impossible to discuss something during SEA hours

>> No.26766467

She were 1-2 seconds off from getting the crown earlier though

>> No.26766469

i don't own a google account

>> No.26766470


>> No.26766476

pecor used to be really good until it came to choking at hex-a-gone, she can't even get to finals now
this is what happens when you stop doing your reps

>> No.26766482
Quoted by: >>26766549

guys i just wantet to filter underage fags...

>> No.26766486
Quoted by: >>26766541

Mori has better nip than Coco

>> No.26766491
Quoted by: >>26766546

I sometimes do ARS akasupas because that are really funny, but I use a VPN for that.

>> No.26766493

>this fucking panel order
just go vertical

>> No.26766497

I thought that was just a bpd containment board

>> No.26766498

Pecora is good usually, she just chokes massively. Korone is horrible, endurance doesn't do shit in mutiplayer games.

>> No.26766504

EN newfriends reminded that they still need to do their reps.

>> No.26766506

she got to the finals in the second round

>> No.26766509

almost done for the day! gonna cram some forgotten cards this evening

>> No.26766511

Like Korone, Pecor's game skills reset all the time.

>> No.26766512


>> No.26766520

Lazy knee grows is kino

>> No.26766521

How many weeks left until holohouse is doxed?

>> No.26766526
File: 774 KB, 847x647, 1598803590353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766772


>> No.26766534
File: 11 KB, 220x246, 1599902651641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766648

At least sheep has no people like this..
>has a bit of stalker tendencies
what, where did you get that? if is a link, please share!

>> No.26766535

Probably dying of dehydration

>> No.26766536

The clown.

>> No.26766541
Quoted by: >>26766574

Please dont say that, Coco is on a downward spiral already with Gen 5 and EN she's snap at any moment now.

>> No.26766544


>> No.26766546

i'd donate in ARS too if i had money to beginn with
bless you anon ARS is truely the most honourable of memecurrencies

>> No.26766549
Quoted by: >>26766606

Minecraft is like 11 years old man, of course most people that plays it are old.

>> No.26766550

Botan's starting to have fun with Minecraft. Guess it's different from playing alone with no real purpose.

>> No.26766556
File: 39 KB, 179x161, 793479893846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766616


>> No.26766560

>Mori is N4
N2CHADS where we at

>> No.26766563

is this really all the JLPT is?

>> No.26766564

Didn't she say it's some small congenital disease that she finally decided to treat?

>> No.26766566

has the September's supa number been released? i must've miss that

>> No.26766569

kanata is going to go train otaku before she graduates

>> No.26766572

Fuck that guy saying Botans BGM is too hype
its so fucking quite i had to turn all my volumeslider to max to even remotely hear it
fuck you

>> No.26766574

it's a joke, I really don't understand why coco keeps using her mickey mouse voice though

>> No.26766586

I dunno who's the worst, but I know our CEO is the best!

>> No.26766589
Quoted by: >>26767564

>>/int/, /sp/, and /pol/
I mentioned that to prove it since you have flags enabled on those.

When people say seanigger shitposters, it's 90% flips. We do english better than the rest of the people in SEA.

>> No.26766592
Quoted by: >>26766646

Shouldn't you be streaming Kanata?

>> No.26766600
Quoted by: >>26766694

Wow the JOPs love it as much as we love the english streams, she should really have been playing a game instead though

>> No.26766601
Quoted by: >>26766646


>> No.26766604

nude mod

>> No.26766605

JLPT is not a good measure of actual Japanese proficiency at all

>> No.26766606

dude what no way its 11 years old

>> No.26766609

inb4 the Holohouse is actually a train in a dilapidated station

>> No.26766613

how the heck is this a Japanese studying stream if she's not explaining anything to her viewers? this is just her taking a test

>> No.26766615

probably a bit skewed since it's pretty clear most of her learning was in the speaking and hearing departments

>> No.26766616


>> No.26766622
Quoted by: >>26766664

she's still living with her parents so she can't really do that often, she even said she had to hide to play an eroge without them noticing

>> No.26766621
Quoted by: >>26766646


>> No.26766626
Quoted by: >>26766662

6 years and 133 days, anon

>> No.26766627


>> No.26766635

anyine have a clip about the lazy kneegrows thing for mori

>> No.26766636

Jlpt is easy you're just doing written Japanese essentially. I know some n1 dudes who can't speak Japanese for shit

>> No.26766641

*clap clap*

>> No.26766646
Quoted by: >>26766707

fuck you guys
not everyone has their streams always at max volume

>> No.26766648

she mentioned that she likes observing people a lot, their actions and behaviors. People liken it to her having stalker tendencies because she's always watching her fans.

>> No.26766653
Quoted by: >>26766682

She's studying, not her audience. It's basically the same as Haachama's English tests.

>> No.26766657

I do and they actually help, watching Botan now I'm surprised I'm getting so much out of it, maybe she's just well spoken.

>> No.26766661

she's studying japanese not teaching you

>> No.26766662

Or more accurately, 332 weeks.

>> No.26766664

I mean, I live at home and still manage to crank one out 3 times a day

>> No.26766680
File: 730 KB, 1391x780, drinkingproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is how you do a "Language only stream". Take notes.

>> No.26766681

>Guess the JPs like it
According to this highly scientific and accurate street survey, they don't really care.

>> No.26766682

> It's basically the same as Haachama's English tests.
except they are fun

>> No.26766689
Quoted by: >>26766794

Mori's voice filters me so hard

>> No.26766691

Holohouse isn't even in Japan

>> No.26766693

So how does Botan ear movements work?
Is it like based mouthmovement or just a timer that ticks down or what?

>> No.26766694

Of course they do, there's a reason why Coco became popular.

>> No.26766695
Quoted by: >>26766819

Does pekor plan another stream later?

>> No.26766697

Ask global, ESL.

>> No.26766700
Quoted by: >>26766735

haachama's english test is comical though

>> No.26766701
File: 1.85 MB, 1900x2600, Ehj6o59XsAEp4fM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how you maintain a healthy marriage

>> No.26766707

go see a doctor, seriously

>> No.26766714
Quoted by: >>26766735

Maybe this is fun to japanese speakers because of the stupid errors

>> No.26766720
Quoted by: >>26766771

Watame at 23:00.

>> No.26766722
Quoted by: >>26766898

Lived2d tracks your irl movements dude. She's moving her real ears like that.

>> No.26766723

Mori is much cuter when she's speaking japanese. Why the fuck is that...
English really is shit language wtf

>> No.26766726

Such a Chad

>> No.26766728

>is fluent
>does N4 tests
she's just pretending right?

>> No.26766732

Just search the archive, newfag

>> No.26766735

thats what i was saying

>> No.26766736

Doesn't Mori have a stream in 3 hours? She's going to be absolutely smashed at this rate.

>> No.26766739

does pecor hate agua?

>> No.26766740

Whew good thing you censored that cross, otherwise I would've been forced to drag you to Gulag.

>> No.26766747


>> No.26766748

It's a submarine that's always on the move.

>> No.26766751

But when she's speaking english you get to enjoy her autistic way of speaking more.

>> No.26766759

stop being a weeb

>> No.26766761
Quoted by: >>26766830

Her live 2D has a lot of physics going on.

>> No.26766762


out of curiosity, is there a way to learn conversational JP without being good at writing kanji? Like, learning the vocabulary primarily

>> No.26766764
File: 23 KB, 443x455, 1600802827477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26766765

holohouse is located in australia

>> No.26766768

find it yourself you lazy kneegrow

>> No.26766769

Everyone here is N2 at the very least, right?

>> No.26766771


>> No.26766772
Quoted by: >>26766928

cool, now you just need 2 more to equal the cat

>> No.26766773

Not seeing very many superchats for Mori. Looks like the honeymoon period is over.

>> No.26766777
Quoted by: >>26766807

Why is Mori drinking alcohol on every stream

>> No.26766780
File: 75 KB, 1200x630, JFktpWZezovsWEPMCUVlW5Mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26766802


>> No.26766781

yamada san...

>> No.26766783

>Rick Astley again

>> No.26766785
Quoted by: >>26766938

They twitch when she blinks. I've not payed attention to what else movement they do, but Korone most notably has her ear movement synced to her eyebrows.

>> No.26766790

I don't think she's ever claimed to be fluent, anon.

>> No.26766794

t. deep face towafag

>> No.26766795

even if she is fluent in speaking in doesn't translate to reading skill.

>> No.26766797

>literally got $14k in one stream
of course you're not gonna beat that so easily again

>> No.26766801

Talk to a japanese person.

>> No.26766802


>> No.26766807
Quoted by: >>26766859

Tastes good?

>> No.26766806
Quoted by: >>26766879

She sounds just as terrible. Fucking awful annunciation.

>> No.26766809

Damn the fucking JOPs in mori's chat hahaha

>> No.26766811

then my point is valid. Big in your weeb circle of friends maybe, but not in general inet users yet

>> No.26766813


>> No.26766815

Yah, in English.

>> No.26766818


>> No.26766819

At roughly 11pm jst.

>> No.26766821

nigga I'm native
Mori knows kanji better than me though

>> No.26766825

Botan's getting into it.

>> No.26766827
Quoted by: >>26766885

You could try the core2k and talk to japanese people. You'd be illiterate but you'd be able to ask for directions

>> No.26766830

I can't stop staring.

>> No.26766833

nips don't donate

>> No.26766838

Self-appointed N7 here, seeing this I'm starting to doubt I'm actually that low... My whole world is crumbling.

>> No.26766836
Quoted by: >>26766872

>Getting over it snoozefest

>Japanese only stream with 90% vodka every time she speaks English or gets a question wrong

And people wonder why HoloEN is inclining while Coco is reclining

>> No.26766840
File: 290 KB, 2048x1394, 1590964493506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime hours incoming!
Brace for impact!

>> No.26766844

Pretty sure aki's weird head thing are mapped to her eyebrows, it might be the same for those with animal ears

>> No.26766859

it doesn't

>> No.26766860

What's the level where I know some anime words and that's it?

>> No.26766863


>> No.26766866
File: 441 KB, 2048x2048, 1598232368466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767029

35P bros.....

>> No.26766872

I wonder why Coco hates Minecraft so much, if she wants views + subs it's a guaranteed boost. Shouldn't she be doing anything she can if she actually, seriously wants to hit 1 million subs by the end of the year?

>> No.26766874

is Mori's Japanese at N4?
i thought she'd already passed N1

>> No.26766875


>> No.26766878
Quoted by: >>26766970

What does this means?

>> No.26766879
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1600512116304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26766885
Quoted by: >>26766921


how rapidly do people pick up the vocab? I mean, you do have to learn an entire new vocabulary and it's not like how say...Italian has similarities to Spanish, it's very different than English.

>> No.26766886
Quoted by: >>26766944

native level

>> No.26766887
File: 38 KB, 351x505, pikamee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767025

6 minutes, are you leady

>> No.26766892

>nip pandering
>most of her paypigs are american and canadians

>> No.26766894

He probably means that her return stream buff numbers is going to stay for a while. Mio all had her streams 20k+ veiwers after her return.

>> No.26766895


>> No.26766898
Quoted by: >>26766956

so she actually has hears ontop of her head?

>> No.26766901


>> No.26766902

>Rhythm Tengoku Nenechi
Fuck yeah

>> No.26766905

she's autistically prideful about her taste in games if her whole anti switch thing is any indication

>> No.26766909

N7 reporting

>> No.26766910

Nips don't donate to non-nips and eops don't donate to nips

>> No.26766911

She seems to be doing the complete opposite of wanting to gain subs even though she set her goal to 1 million this year

>> No.26766922 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 900x1000, 1600862072512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26766921

As long as you review constantly then it shouldn't take you that long

>> No.26766924
Quoted by: >>26766944

100% native

>> No.26766926
Quoted by: >>26766969

Some people just don't like certain games

>> No.26766928
Quoted by: >>26767034

Why does Okayu bully Pekora so much?

>> No.26766931
Quoted by: >>26767067

Coco streamed Minecraft not long ago

>> No.26766935

I'm dont believe in meme examinations

>> No.26766936

John Smith Legacy

>> No.26766937

Imagine being coco right
its like haato's situation when coco debuted

>> No.26766938

that would make sense

>> No.26766944


>> No.26766950

wtf this shack Botan threw up in 10 minutes still looks pretty stylish

>> No.26766952

She really should have a jp overlay for these

>> No.26766953

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n731qqx3Cgw Subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAfqcY4JfHQ Roboco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWBiPn7JOHM Nene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK9nDs9RKfI Roberu/Pikamee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGlc4XMNmBs Shien/Kanon

>> No.26766956
Quoted by: >>26767200

Yeah they always hire actual animal girls for the animal girl live2ds.

>> No.26766966

I have no fucking idea, I'm balls deep in N0 kanji but I'm still shit at reading

>> No.26766969
Quoted by: >>26767008

I'm pretty sure it's not even that she doesn't like MC, but rather some retarded pride thing she has come up in her head.

>> No.26766970

Half-Life logo

>> No.26766974

>Pretty sure aki's weird head thing are mapped to her eyebrows
People keep saying that but her eyebrows have gotta be having a constant spasm if that's that case.

>> No.26766984
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593394916874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone talking about how scared she is to die alone and without friends
>Pekora opening up and talking about how hard it is for her to socialize and talk with others
>Coco apologizing on every stream for her voice and her shitposting persona being dead, sounds dead inside.
>2 months and Miko still hasn't returned.
>Watame will probably go back to crying herself to sleep at 10 am very day after bakatare takes a break.
>Kanata on endless meetings with management and basically no streaming schedule
What the fuck is happening, is there even a holo who is happy?
I blame the jinx poster.

>> No.26766988

this has to be a mono language brainlet like your typical amerifat or maybe even a bongistani

>> No.26766995

Sorry Mori. Your pronunciation is so shit that I need to close the stream

>> No.26766997
Quoted by: >>26767096

Why is Mori's L2D about seven hundred times higher quality than anyone else's besides Kiara's

>> No.26767000
File: 162 KB, 335x468, abayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767039

>minecraft season 2 attracted unironic underage /v/ermin
its not like the thread quality can go any lower as it is unless meidos remerge the threads

>> No.26767003

I like holos with big tits

>> No.26767004


>> No.26767008

I think she's too proud to play a game she doesn't like

>> No.26767010


>> No.26767011
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1597496877033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shionyo got is a fight with her cat and lost...

>> No.26767016
Quoted by: >>26767040

what the fuck? even I have to see overproud pinoy here? just rename HoloID to HoloSEA, add Lyrica or someone from your country and be done with it. No need to shove your dick here

>> No.26767018

Anon please andstd scheduling for cover

>> No.26767021

I'm sorry Nenechi, I can't miss Subaru

>> No.26767022
Quoted by: >>26767033


>> No.26767023

I blame Cover for pumping out talents every 6 months will not supporting their current ones

>> No.26767025


finally, a good shark vtuber

>> No.26767027

At least Shionyo got a cat

>> No.26767029


>> No.26767032

Massive influx of EOPs and the debut of so many talented people made Cover put too much pressure on them

>> No.26767033
File: 90 KB, 179x298, 1598972708502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall guys

>> No.26767034

Its fun

>> No.26767039
Quoted by: >>26767085

Meidos don't care as long as you're not badmouthing holoEN.

>> No.26767040
Quoted by: >>26768133

did you even read the motherfuck's post

>> No.26767043


>> No.26767045


>> No.26767044

>is there even a holo who is happy?

>> No.26767050

oh.. now there's an excuse to watch Subaru
all the moans

>> No.26767054

Lamy mommy!

>> No.26767059

She got clawed isn't it

>> No.26767063
File: 33 KB, 220x220, 1597250865321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing how depressed haachama is

>> No.26767065


>> No.26767067
Quoted by: >>26767149

She streamed it like 1-2 hours and she didn't appear in that big minecraft surprise collab. She cleary doesn't like the game.

>> No.26767069
File: 195 KB, 850x1171, 1597886931331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When mori stream ends, we start speaking in Japanese only, it doesn't matter if its with Google translate or not, it's just for fun.

>> No.26767073

>Coco apologizing on every stream for her voice and her shitposting persona being dead, sounds dead inside.
I honestly hope this bitch gets crushed under that weight. I hope the guilt only gets worse and worse for her. I fucking hate her so much.

>> No.26767074
Quoted by: >>26767131

>Buys a cute sweet cat
>Within a few days it's shitting on her bed and is attacking her
Is Shion a bad mother or was the cat a bad apple?

>> No.26767081
File: 155 KB, 631x1199, EiPOMa5XYAAVJEi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan's wife joined!

>> No.26767083
Quoted by: >>26767108

keep seething flipdog rumao. what? you need ambulance? gotchu

>> No.26767084

It's time for the CEO of rhythm!

>> No.26767085

Told you guys to apply for meido position, none of you did it. You made the bed, now lie on it

>> No.26767087


>> No.26767090

aaah too many good streams

>> No.26767094


>> No.26767095
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1599813021939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767207


>> No.26767096

It actually doesn't look as good as it could as well, since it's being hamstrung by her shit internet/PC.

>> No.26767097

dont worry man haachama will stop being depressed once shes back in japan right?

>> No.26767098
File: 45 KB, 343x383, 1600477495074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cult leader is here.

>> No.26767099


>> No.26767101

She's salty that they left her favorite game, ARK and went back to Minecraft.

>> No.26767106

社長 please can I have some time off from NenePro

>> No.26767108
Quoted by: >>26767228

seething terrorist

>> No.26767111

>subaru's clearing throat
>roberto and pika
Blessed night.

>> No.26767112
Quoted by: >>26767165

I'm not doing it for free are you crazy

>> No.26767118

People don't want to acknowledge that Haato went through the same shit when Coco debuted. Cover please.

>> No.26767119

I love how Gokisei just drop in during each other's streams, sasuga unified generation.

>> No.26767120

Ricardo did but he didn't last long

>> No.26767128

dad and mom deciding what kind of house they want!

>> No.26767129

Kiara seems pretty happy.

>> No.26767131

She probably hasn't train her cat yet

>> No.26767142

>tfw been learning jp for a month and can read all of this
How long has she been in japan?

>> No.26767143
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, Ef3sGUnUwAMgQ6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767179

It's time

>> No.26767147
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1590434351797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26767149

>she didn't appear in that big minecraft surprise colla
well yeah it's because she had a fucking sponsored stream

>> No.26767151

>Everyday With You-san

>> No.26767156

This is normal though, not like that nenechi creep someone post him

>> No.26767158
File: 85 KB, 198x198, 1600427375092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this Mori's stream reminds me of Coco when she still had some fight left in her.

>> No.26767159

Not like this is hard

>> No.26767165
Quoted by: >>26767250

You shitpost here for free

>> No.26767166

you don't train cats

>> No.26767173
Quoted by: >>26767197

>Pikamee and Roberu

Son can't stop winning

>> No.26767175


>> No.26767179
Quoted by: >>26767240

>fanart already
The fuck, nip artist!?

>> No.26767181

Can you start avatarfagging so i can filter your blogposts? thanks

>> No.26767186


>> No.26767192

Please attend this very important business meeting

>> No.26767197

Roberu with the VOMS hat trick.

>> No.26767200

so im watching real animegirls instead of hags larping as such
wtf i hate yagoo now

>> No.26767209

Minecraft resurgence means nobody is boring everyone in ARK.

>> No.26767207
Quoted by: >>26767247

Nenechi playing the DS while her parents are on a minecraft date!

>> No.26767214
Quoted by: >>26768074

pagpag slurping peenoise

>> No.26767217
Quoted by: >>26767257

Korone didn't get feature in Youtube's Gaming Week? She should be the second to be there, just below Pekora.

>> No.26767219

about 4 years or so but got in as an english teacher which she said herself requires no english, then moved to a rural area that she claimed had 0 english about 2 years ago; id say all of her learning was from speaking and listening

>> No.26767220

Elite Trigger Finger

>> No.26767223

rent free

>> No.26767228

wee woo wee woo wee woo
the stronges race ladies and gentlemen
nice. keep seething retard, you wont get your own holo branch in your shithole

>> No.26767230

I love gokisei so much, guys.

>> No.26767235

CEO my fucking ears

>> No.26767237


>> No.26767239


>> No.26767240

this was made because of the project winter collab, there was a point where the two of them were alone for 10 minutes and everyone loved it.

>> No.26767242
File: 180 KB, 1358x758, 1596115163985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Haachama stuck in the other country when they have enough money to take her back in a particular airplane.
I told you they would just get jewtendo license and then never get anything new again.
They are also becoming ni*i in terms of talents, pulling off so many talents makes it boring as fuck to follow.

>> No.26767243


>> No.26767247

It's the Wii, after Mio's suspension no Holo will ever play a DS or 3DS game ever again.

>> No.26767248

>want to watch 4 of them
sometimes choice is a bad thing...

>> No.26767250


>> No.26767257

She doesn't need it.

>> No.26767259


>> No.26767261

Sponsored stream end before that big collab did and Kanata who also in WOWs stream can go and congratulated 5th gen when WOWs stream ended.

>> No.26767262
Quoted by: >>26767381

It's sad, but she had 8 months to carve something for herself. None of gen 4 stand out to me after al lthese months except for Watame and Luna.

>> No.26767263
Quoted by: >>26767311

requires no japanese*

>> No.26767265


>> No.26767267
File: 54 KB, 1172x614, 1600216728958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange woman bad

>> No.26767271

Holy shit that flustered Lamy was so cute

>> No.26767272

You do so it doesn't shit wherever

>> No.26767281

I can't believe Roberu is bending Pikamee over the counter and is fucking her to death

>> No.26767284

FINALLY a good stream is starting!

>> No.26767285

yukimin should imtry getting some sleep or just fuck it and stay up for mommy's jojo stream.. 5 in the morning jow..

>> No.26767286
File: 670 KB, 720x742, 1597239891780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767341

Roberufags, I don't care if you post about your son or something, just ignore the thread police if he's baiting for (You)s.

>> No.26767290

holy shit shishiron and lamy are so gay

>> No.26767291
File: 926 KB, 2508x3541, 1598778273670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mommy is NOT a cult leader!

>> No.26767292

i didn't even ask for a branch you filthy muzzie

if any, we'd quality for an EN branch immediately : ^)

>> No.26767294
Quoted by: >>26767311

>got in as an english teacher which she said herself requires no english

>> No.26767303

>Pikamee was muted
Off to a great start already.

>> No.26767307
Quoted by: >>26767478

How does that even work? Almost every cat I've ever owned was with my family since birth so they all behaved. But then again I don't live in an apartment so they have way more room and are only occasionally inside the house

>> No.26767311


>> No.26767314


>> No.26767318
Quoted by: >>26767449

>1 million subs
That's a running joke since January. If she doesn’t reach 1 million subs by the end of the year, all the Tatsunoko will die.

>> No.26767320

>Who is Kanata

>> No.26767321
File: 44 KB, 828x445, 1599688746872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pikaposts are allowed for 1h
Get to posting Pikafags

>> No.26767324
File: 35 KB, 484x404, roberu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he might hit 50k today with Pikamee.

>> No.26767333

Based anti bro. I also fucking hate that bitch.

>> No.26767337


>> No.26767338

watame halloween?

>> No.26767340

>Shinove watching over Roberu
Nice manager.

>> No.26767341
File: 216 KB, 900x900, EhjQ49OU0AAGuwH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has he ever accomplished anything?

>> No.26767347

Demo nihonjin wa muzukashī!

>> No.26767353
Quoted by: >>26767377


>> No.26767360
File: 66 KB, 428x605, Screenshot_234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767434

>finally became an idoru but has to stream once a week for disgusting nerds on the internet

>> No.26767363
Quoted by: >>26767444

Ever since coco joined she has done nothing but be an abhorrent waste of space. She corrupts the minds of these innocent vtubers by bringing in the absolute worst parts of western internet culture go so far as making streams celebrating these fucking god awful "memes" they drudge up on reddit. It's so fucking embarrassing to watch a vtuber asking their chat what the fuck a simp is.

>> No.26767364
Quoted by: >>26767520

>I wonder why Coco hates Minecraft so much
But she doesn't. She streamed it like 3 or 4 fucking times last month. I'm more surprised at where you're getting these dumb narratives.

>> No.26767366
File: 867 KB, 1167x655, roberuPikamee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking LOVE this shark!

>> No.26767367


>> No.26767368
File: 512 KB, 900x767, EiT29-AVoAA3DaZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting against the traditional idol image has gone from saying 'Fuck' and 'Motherfucker' into just chugging vodka on stream.

>> No.26767374

based flipCHAD triggering indogs

>> No.26767376

I hope it's a proper fucking VR game not called Emily.

>> No.26767377
Quoted by: >>26767438

but its a superchat reading?

>> No.26767381

Really? Watame is probably THE most boring holo especially compared to the rest of her gen.

>> No.26767393
Quoted by: >>26767422


>> No.26767395
File: 198 KB, 1216x1188, 1590331915136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767543

Happy, well adjusted, normal people don't decide to make a living by acting like characters and talking to strangers on the internet for hours

>> No.26767397

At least she stopped drinking after every OK.

>> No.26767400


>> No.26767408

kanata's graduation party is going to be lit

>> No.26767412

What happened the that big holoNiji collab narrative

>> No.26767416


>> No.26767422


>> No.26767423

That's a funny thing to say when Watame shares a gen with Kanata

>> No.26767426

Mega Nenechi's Rhythm Tengoku is veryふん

>> No.26767427


>> No.26767429


>> No.26767428

Fuck off J_god.

>> No.26767431

yeah no, you wont
stay in your slum, dumb monkey

>> No.26767435

nene is so cute bros

>> No.26767434
File: 52 KB, 354x519, 1569536703607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't have been able to become an idoru if it wasn't for them "disgusting nerds"

>> No.26767436
File: 798 KB, 1103x1080, watame_monocle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shit opinion if I've ever seen one

>> No.26767438

Even during Galaxy she was dropping

>> No.26767439

If korone would come to brazil, I'd be the lifelong friend she needs...

>> No.26767444

yeah I'm also enjoying her downfall too with Gen 5 and EN

>> No.26767449

Well, she did kill Festival when she failed to reach 100k subs by the end of December. Been nice knowing ya.

>> No.26767451
Quoted by: >>26767504

>"I will read ALL names of super-chats from the current stream in the last 30 minutes of the video, and red super-chats will have their messages read if I deem them appropriate. A 5-minute break will ensue beforehand, where myself and my demon team will check the names and messages."
lame as shit
edgy retard kids (and cover) ruin everything

>> No.26767455
Quoted by: >>26767539

>>Watame will probably go back to crying herself to sleep at 10 am very day after bakatare takes a break.
So never happening, because from how Flare talked about it, FBK wants to make bakatare even more prevalent that it currently is

>> No.26767460
File: 88 KB, 360x450, 1584042783424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on topic

>> No.26767461

button teaching her sheltered wife how to use a shovel!

>> No.26767462
Quoted by: >>26767500


>> No.26767464

Cats shit where they like until you teach them not to.

>> No.26767470
File: 437 KB, 775x775, 1600579075382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene, you're too cute.

>> No.26767471

I'm still waiting for the new outfit announcements...

>> No.26767476


>> No.26767477
Quoted by: >>26767876

>Seems pretty happy
>Literally breaks up when talking about her not having any talent

>> No.26767478

Everytime the cat is gonna poop itself, you take the cat to its toilet so they remember their designated place. Usually you do this when the cat is still not familiar with your place

>> No.26767480

Not Hololive.

>> No.26767484

Botans wife is really cute

>> No.26767485

Is it normal for bossu to hit 1k?

>> No.26767491

>RBC's using the shader pack
this is a welcome surprise

>> No.26767492
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, laughing whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767626

>indogs vs flips
Fucking thirdworlders. You just know hololive needs to come to Brazil first

>> No.26767494


>> No.26767493

Nenechi, your rhythm reps...

>> No.26767496

yeah 4k something right?,makes sense pekora was streaming

>> No.26767500

is cute

>> No.26767504

>And cover
They had to do something like this starting in May

>> No.26767506

>Aqua went to Tokyo AGAIN.
Alright they are planning something, Something is HAPPENING.

>> No.26767505


>> No.26767513

we already have a flip holo

>> No.26767515

Watame actively chases something and pumps out original songs. Luna has become a top class entertainer on her own. It's the other three Gen 4 that I can't seem any change for months.

>> No.26767517


>> No.26767519

>Gura 450k
>Mori 300k
Akibros... Melbros...

>> No.26767520
Quoted by: >>26767773

What the fuck are you talking about? She only did two minecraft in last 2 months.

>> No.26767525


>> No.26767527


>> No.26767530


>> No.26767531

Debunked because it was supposed to be announced weeks ago. Maybe in a new year event that could happen tho.

>> No.26767534
File: 727 KB, 900x900, enu6no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767992

anon youre embarassing yourself ...

>> No.26767538

Why would you fight against what made your success?
Also JP drink all the time

>> No.26767539
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x900, 83920855_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakatare is a good example of how an awkward group that initially was just boring has become a really comfy collab trio that's always fun to watch.

>> No.26767542

they get toilet trained as kittens, you just need to show them where the litter box is

>> No.26767543

YAGOO was the real hero all along for giving these social rejects a chance to live in the society...

>> No.26767544

She's moving in with Shion to help her raise her cat.

>> No.26767547

This feels like early Gen 3 minecraft, it feels like home i love it

>> No.26767548

>a fucking supacha made her instantly get upset

>> No.26767554

CEO's working hard on the field.

>> No.26767557
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 37135117b0a6cd194435aa82cfeabfd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26767559
Quoted by: >>26767627

their laughter is contagious

>> No.26767560

roberu collab

>> No.26767561

no, he's inclining

>> No.26767562
File: 213 KB, 1224x687, nene....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767765

>> No.26767564


>> No.26767572

not at all, pretty surprising for me as well since it doesnt seem like the person he's collabing with is a big channel

>> No.26767573

Can we rangeban SEA?

>> No.26767577


>> No.26767582
File: 305 KB, 951x540, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Translation in a japanese only stream of a english chuuba of a japanese company is ascended.

>> No.26767589

currently on topic, not even that anon, but it's on topic at the moment

>> No.26767588
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596400419777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa, the original song...

>> No.26767590

Roberu at 2000! Inclining!

>> No.26767594

Good bait, almost thought you're serious for a moment.

>> No.26767598
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 0A1A0CDE-82AE-4954-90F1-6A6704C86B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26767599

The aunties of Hololive have very good chemistry

>> No.26767600

she's the biggest EN menhera

>> No.26767605

Nenechi, your animal reps...

>> No.26767608

Just rangeban flip, singapore did nothing wrong.

>> No.26767609

I thought they lost their diamonds

>> No.26767611

who wouldn't get depressed playing shit video games daily trying to be entertaining to thousands of people. It slowly drains you of your life.

>> No.26767612
Quoted by: >>26767655


>> No.26767613

I thought she implied that she's home now and tired going too often to Tokyo, no?

>> No.26767614

When cat's shit or piss outside the litter box, it's usually cause the litter box is dirty or there's something wrong with the cat.

>> No.26767616
Quoted by: >>26767656

Live "translators" should be banned. They only clutter the chat with their shitty narratives

>> No.26767617

>Roberu 2K

>> No.26767623

>THE most boring holo
who is Roboco, Suisei, Sora, Mel, Aki, Shion, Aqua, Ayame, Choco, Mio

>> No.26767625

She had 10k yesterday, Mario is just boring overrated shit.

>> No.26767626

brazil will only accept slutty designs though

>> No.26767627

If they threw Meika in I don't think I'd be able to stop laughing for the entire collab.

>> No.26767633
Quoted by: >>26767696

Yeah I noticed that too, maybe the design itself brought in some interest.

>> No.26767634

Moona is a fuckin' treasure

>> No.26767638


But she's literally a guest at Roberu's bar.

>> No.26767640
File: 149 KB, 600x1067, CA9B7BDF-A2C5-4BE8-BB43-76D1E79CBFAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up Mel !!! Go Go Go

>> No.26767641
Quoted by: >>26767772

>they get toilet trained as kittens
That's an assumption on your part, it isn't necessarily the case.

>> No.26767645

CEO your golfreps...

>> No.26767646

>Watame actively chases something and pumps out original songs
Anon even Watame knows that her singing stopped being her main appeal a while ago

>> No.26767648

Probably has to do with the barrage of anouncements she made yesterday

>> No.26767650

no because Hiroshima loves them

>> No.26767651

Nene makes me Gosling

>> No.26767652
Quoted by: >>26767705

Aqua and A-chan are planning a coup d'etat against the current YAGOO regime. Their motto is "venerate Sora, expel the barbarians"

>> No.26767655


>> No.26767656

I think the best part is its like two layers in of incorrect and poor language translations.

>> No.26767658

based seachink

>> No.26767663
File: 98 KB, 720x1104, Eh4u9sHVoAAIF2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is already drunk and it's just getting worse from there on...

>> No.26767664

Or the cat still doesn't know that it is their toilet

>> No.26767666

>Roberu nearly at 50k
>still no 3D debut.

>> No.26767673
File: 6 KB, 313x33, 1600236795090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26767677

Have a pity (you)

>> No.26767681

>Doesn't speak english

>> No.26767690

Flare has good chemistry with everyone

>> No.26767689

>t. chinese

>> No.26767691


>> No.26767693
Quoted by: >>26767891

Reach 50k, then we'll talk.

>> No.26767696

He was really good on the bushiroad stream, there weren't many people watching but it probably gave him at least a little boost

>> No.26767698
Quoted by: >>26767731

Better holos.

>> No.26767700
Quoted by: >>26769105


numbers don't mean a lot if you are boring

>> No.26767705

holy shit are they trying to revive bossuchama?

>> No.26767708

nene... they're filling your hole...

>> No.26767709
File: 30 KB, 479x406, 1592462070503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767794

Pika I'm sorry...
Genki girls never win the bowl...

>> No.26767712


>> No.26767713


>> No.26767717

>can't handle the bantz

>> No.26767719

Better holos

>> No.26767721

Talents that appeal to a different demographic? Not everything has to be screams

>> No.26767728
Quoted by: >>26767884

Holos should get a "Translation chat" kinda like a freechat

>> No.26767731
Quoted by: >>26767790

better at putting me to sleep

>> No.26767733
Quoted by: >>26767778

50k is now the requirement because COVER hates the stars

>> No.26767734

Nenechi...that poor golfer

>> No.26767736

Is Nene playing the same game that drove Marine mad?

>> No.26767737
Quoted by: >>26767828

are flips always this delusional?

>> No.26767741
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, 1599916584433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbeats drinking now, deadbeats slurring now...

>> No.26767742


>> No.26767744
Quoted by: >>26768031

Get him to 50k then.
Also his birthday in 3 days, if he gets 50k, then he'll probably announce his 3D.

>> No.26767745


>> No.26767746

>duck skin streamsniping subaru
rumao rumao

>> No.26767747
File: 436 KB, 900x725, 1597421079436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26767749

go back

>> No.26767756

Shouldn't idols have a sense of rhythm?

>> No.26767758
Quoted by: >>26767791


>> No.26767760
Quoted by: >>26767797

Tomoshika and Pikamee both sound so much more womanly when with Roberu...

>> No.26767765

What does it mean?

>> No.26767768
Quoted by: >>26767840

Why are you acting like JP never does drunk streams?

>> No.26767770

>Several 3D events
>Gen 3 costumes
>Gen 4 costumes
>Gen 5 3D
>EN 3D
i mean, no shit he's being put at the bottom of the list, there's waaay more important things to deal with

>> No.26767772
Quoted by: >>26767889

it's something their mother teaches them, if it's shitting on the bed it's in distress or it can't find the litter box
Shion probably locked it in her room or something

>> No.26767773

Okay, I lost count then, but those two streams were pretty much a total of almost 6 hours. How can you say she hates it? Where are you getting this narrative from?

>> No.26767776


>> No.26767777

i swear to god this my favorite moona clip

>> No.26767778
Quoted by: >>26767903

you're that faggot huh

>> No.26767780
Quoted by: >>26767865

>both Roberu and Bossu having great collabs at the same time and inclining in views
>Holostar big Terraria collab in an hour
today is a good day to be a homoCHAD

>> No.26767786
File: 110 KB, 1134x752, EbhsW2zVAAEVCQp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26767868


>> No.26767788



>> No.26767790

That's already one appeal point more than Watame has

>> No.26767794
File: 216 KB, 521x508, angrychi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26767791

Medschama ????

>> No.26767792

CEO you are doing it

>> No.26767795

>ID playing craftopia soon
no you idiots play minecraft!

>> No.26767797

Pikamee literally sounds the same.

>> No.26767798

lamy and botan sleeping together live on stream

>> No.26767806

You forgot Pekora. Her content has gotten really stale as of late.

>> No.26767811

Can we trade the meme shark for Pikamee? Holy shit the gap in personality

>> No.26767817

Here we go, thanks Subaru, my dick got hard.

>> No.26767821

Just make this site paytopost

>> No.26767820

Nene can't defeat a greater ape either...

>> No.26767826

The cat took a shit on her bed a few days ago, that sounds like it's upset about something to me. Cats usually try to find corners or places distant from sleeping or eating places. Or textures that remind them of dirt they can dig up.

>> No.26767828
Quoted by: >>26767925

they post their bootleg korone and pretend she has a better design, yes they are quiet delusional

>> No.26767829
Quoted by: >>26767849

>Senchou's rhythm heaven is still privated
What a shame.

>> No.26767833
Quoted by: >>26768019

Nenepro wageslavechama!?

>> No.26767835


>> No.26767836
Quoted by: >>26767880

She's pandering to nips and they don't donate. 90% of her superchats are from EOPs.

>> No.26767840

Because JP drinking streams are drinkin 3 Strong Zeros and this is drinking 90% vodka and getting absolutely wasted in <1 hour

>> No.26767842

>gen 3 costumes
? ? ?

>> No.26767843
File: 547 KB, 594x597, 1594934137990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gen 3 costumes
>>Gen 4 costumes
I wish.

>> No.26767845
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1593909568918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of Towa
>mentions Mio
Towa won't fuck you if you keep shittalking her friends, Sio...

>> No.26767849

damn that was a legendary stream too

>> No.26767860


>> No.26767864

you're no Fubuki, Festival

>> No.26767865
Quoted by: >>26767916

Don't forget bro.
>Tomorrow Among Us with the entirety of Holostars

>> No.26767866
Quoted by: >>26767895


>> No.26767867

How is there no Rhythm Heaven on the Switch yet

>> No.26767868
Quoted by: >>26767960

I always thought she was from nijisanji....her character looks like that to me. I never knew she was part of the hololive crew till recently.

>> No.26767869

I want to fuck festival. That is all.

>> No.26767870

moona's minecraft video is unprivated

>> No.26767871

Press ctrl+s next time Nenechama

>> No.26767876
Quoted by: >>26768319

>breaks up when talking about her not having any talent
c-can i get a timestamp

>> No.26767875

We were promised alt outfits for gen 3 back in June, Rushia is still the only one with them.

>> No.26767878
File: 4 KB, 440x74, insider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26767879

Hypernenechi being so smug but failing is nice

>> No.26767880

Bizzaro world

>> No.26767884

Izuru already did that. maybe some will follow suit cause it's a good idea

>> No.26767887
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, ボコボコ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square up.

>> No.26767888

>we'd quality for an EN branch immediately
but did you? yeah, time to wake up and take your meds.

>> No.26767886
Quoted by: >>26768019


>> No.26767889
Quoted by: >>26767928

>locked it in her room or something
that would be really stupid, I'd have to listen to her stream again, but I don't think she'd be that careless

>> No.26767891

Great now he can stay ignored by Cover and never get his 3D because they're fucking hacks who give preferential treatment to the girls

oberu hit 30K ages go yet there's no announcement for his 3D, meanwhile Marine had her fucking fifth 3D stream, next week it's the escape room show so it's definitely no happening in September
Then fucking Subaru still needs to have her 3D live, and the Miko who straight up just hasn't worked for months get's to comeback to a new 3D model and a live in early october
this means the fucking roberu will be left on hold for his 3D until mid October, and then the other stars have it even worse, you fucking know Gen 5 is getting their 3D in November and the whore in EN are already talking about theirs

I find it very unfair that the stars have been treated horrible regarding their 3D models, Rikka's only 3d even outside of his debut was a live he had to share with Matsuri, No apreance in hologra, and despite several holostars meeting the sub requirement there's still no word on theirs

>> No.26767895
Quoted by: >>26768016


>> No.26767899

CEO... Your employee...

>> No.26767903

What do you mean anon?

>> No.26767909
Quoted by: >>26768007

more like can't hande your smelly shitskin poopy hands all over our boards, seamonkey faggot

>> No.26767913
File: 111 KB, 232x249, 1580507951501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Monoe will 100% win Roberubowl right? She's a quiet girl after all.
Genki girls (Pikamee) always lose
Nice girls (Tomoshika) always lose
Tomboys (Kuku) always lose

>> No.26767914

Miyabi and Astel have said that the requirement is 50k subs
Rikka got special treatment because he's an old man

>> No.26767916

>tfw I would still be stuck at work during that

>> No.26767917

>Subaru watching Mori's stream while playing Fall Guys
JP stop kneeling so HARD

>> No.26767918
Quoted by: >>26767953

anon comeon read the thread first ...

>> No.26767921

Gen 3 should have gotten their second alternate costume ages ago, but only rushia got hers

>> No.26767923

Is this one of those fart timestamps

>> No.26767925

fucking kek.

>> No.26767928

Japanese are wierd about pets, they treat them like ornaments
Ayame puts her cat in a cage

>> No.26767934

Aki and Sora are COMFY, not boring
the rest are usually boring though

>> No.26767940

I wish this was true. Gen 4 really needs those new costumes. So far only Rushia has gotten something new out of all of Gen 3 and she barely uses it nowadays too.

>> No.26767944

Can't even copy and paste right. Shit bait.

>> No.26767947
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back...

>> No.26767946
File: 267 KB, 408x647, vodkareaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not drunk, just a bit tipsy

>> No.26767952
File: 15 KB, 270x251, 1597767599474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Headbobing Super Nenechi

>> No.26767953

clearly no one else read it

>> No.26767954
Quoted by: >>26768176

Wait just a second anon. We already know Roberu has better taste than the average protagonist character. Kuku will win for sure

>> No.26767955


>> No.26767956

poor poor homos and homofag
maybe if they were interesting enough to build their own audience

>> No.26767958

Fuck you, Super Nenechi. I was supposed to be boycotting the 5th Gen. How dare you be so cute and entertaining that I have no option but subscribe to you? I'm going to enjoy your so called "stream", but still be extremely salty about it.

>> No.26767959


>> No.26767960
File: 38 KB, 679x274, 1596324576786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's got the hololive flair.

>> No.26767962

Sasuga super nenechi

>> No.26767966
Quoted by: >>26768077

Bros... I wasn't part of NenePro yet, but... I'm thinking about it now...

>> No.26767969

Ahhhh why is Super Nenechi so cute...

>> No.26767971


>> No.26767981
File: 313 KB, 481x471, 1574670550393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with this pasta.

>> No.26767983


>> No.26767990

Nene is being very fucking cute right now.

>> No.26767991

Actual first try

>> No.26767992

not as embarassing as you to your parents at least

>> No.26767993

she's good at screwing these robots

>> No.26767996

remember to keep supporting botan and lamy's cute daughter!

>> No.26767997
File: 879 KB, 1748x942, 1599913222871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768114

Fuck off, Kuku never lose.

>> No.26767998

nene is too powerful...

>> No.26767999


>> No.26768000
File: 528 KB, 244x452, nene headbob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768102


>> No.26768002

there's way too much energy in one stream. i- i can't take it...

>> No.26768003


>> No.26768007


>> No.26768010
Quoted by: >>26768060

>Ayame puts her cat in a cage
It's a safety thing for kittens I believe

>> No.26768011


>> No.26768013


>> No.26768012


>> No.26768014

rurudo wants to do something...

>> No.26768016
Quoted by: >>26768071

new RBC

>> No.26768018

I am genuinely worried for Subaru. That time where she was crying really bad on stream and how she seems to only see the negative comments about her really make me worried for her well being. She is so genki and just happy go lucky. I don't want to see the harshness of reality come to her.

>> No.26768019
File: 205 KB, 655x800, EhG6xpzUwAAqcdK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry boys it's the lack of sleep. I've been put on double shift cause i was not meeting quotas

Will do, thanks friend.

>> No.26768021

Maybe I just need to accept the fact that they treat EN as another gen huh.

>> No.26768022

"Boring" is quite possibly the worst criticism you can have for a holo.

>> No.26768024


>> No.26768025


>> No.26768028

sasuga super Nenechi saving the world yet again

>> No.26768027
Quoted by: >>26768176

>First girl always wins
Kuku will win anon. She's the only one that can satisfy his oneshota fetish.

>> No.26768029

tus dedos

>> No.26768031
Quoted by: >>26768071

Why did Roboco already end?

>> No.26768032

Your pasta is not al dente mate.

>> No.26768036

>Ayame puts her cat in a cage
Wtf I hate Ayame now

>> No.26768037
File: 274 KB, 284x405, 1598065458910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768119

>boycotting the 5th Gen

>> No.26768042

Is the same as F Zero, Kid Ikarus, and others IP N-intendo haven't made a game in decades.
They don't want to.

>> No.26768048

Kuku WILL cartwheel her way to Roberu's heart

>> No.26768050

>Super Nenechi
*Hyper Nenechi

>> No.26768055
File: 79 KB, 678x563, HYPER NENECHI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26768060
Quoted by: >>26768266

That sounds fucking retarded

>> No.26768059

Nene posters are the new Towa posters

>> No.26768061
File: 905 KB, 804x1200, bakatare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i love bakatare, they really seem to have become much closer lately. it also helps that everyone in the group benefits from it, blizzard has been lacking recurring collab partners, cotton seemed lonely and depressed while torch could always use some more exposure outside her niche audience. everyone benefits and they seem to enjoy themselves a lot. i'm very happy with the current state of bakatare.

>> No.26768066
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, 1593524061126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuku will only lose because she denied him a mommy gf.

>> No.26768067

>Mori thinks she's too good to read lesser superchats
disgusting akasupa size queen whore

>> No.26768071
Quoted by: >>26768241

a-anon? who are you replying to.
also >>26768016

>> No.26768073

Are they fixing nene hole?

>> No.26768074

>literally eating trash
my sides...

>> No.26768076

I like Mori's Japanese accent, its like the correct way to a gaijjin speak nips.

>> No.26768077
Quoted by: >>26768156

Anon nenepro is a black company

>> No.26768081


>> No.26768087


>> No.26768088

Tsunku really wants to make it happen.

>> No.26768096

My holo=comfy
Your holo=boring

>> No.26768101
File: 82 KB, 1371x236, raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768117

Stale pasta faggot-kun.

>> No.26768102
Quoted by: >>26768119

Is it me or does her model make it look like she would be like 5'10 or 6ft tall in real life? Kind of hot to imagine.

>> No.26768106

yeah same

>> No.26768108
File: 2 KB, 192x256, Lockstep[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Nene playing the one with Lockstep in it?

>> No.26768114

>they both have the same hair color with even the same black highlights
it is meant to be

>> No.26768116
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1315, 1597035542506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768154

Subaru just wants to be a good senpai.

>> No.26768117

Rent free

>> No.26768119

you know, the sort of mindset that says "fuck popular things, I won't look at the stuff that others do"


she's probably average nip woman height

>> No.26768120
Quoted by: >>26768150

I'd understand if it was good, but Pink Rushia is shit. SHIT.

>> No.26768123

>Hm hm hm PIN
>Dooooo PUN
>Giko BAKO

>> No.26768124
Quoted by: >>26768175

>Ayame puts her cat in a cage
That's totally normal if it's a kitten.

>> No.26768133

then what's your point? I'm sure YAGOO created ID branch not as an experiment for EN, the main market is Indonesian themselves, which are huge. If not, why did they hire Moona who can't speaks English fluently?
So, PH is better at English doesn't mean it's qualified for a new branch, unless YAGOO targeting pinoy as a market.

>> No.26768137

You don't need to try and be cool by disliking the girls we all like. It's ok to like things.

>> No.26768148
Quoted by: >>26768212

Why are you not watching the rhythm god right now? What's your excuse?

>> No.26768150

Just give me long hair green Rushia..... onegai.........

>> No.26768156
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1598100071469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like slander to me!

>> No.26768154
Quoted by: >>26768229

That's a fat fucking Bibi

>> No.26768157

Alright I guess I'll catch Mori streams when she do JP only, those seem pretty good

>> No.26768160

No, Lockstep is in the DS and 3DS games, she's playing the one on the Wii

>> No.26768162

Nene sings so clearly yet her speaking voice is a wavering mess

>> No.26768165

She sounds like any American who hasn't actually tried to correct their pronunciation

>> No.26768168
File: 50 KB, 319x200, 1597417684919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768309

Those days seemed so fun.

>> No.26768172

>more cat fall guys
better than horage

>> No.26768175

Why? What are you protecting it from? I've never done it

>> No.26768176

That's exactly why he will avoid First girl >>26768027

>> No.26768177

Be patient with ESL shitposters the have small vocabulary

>> No.26768191
File: 1.10 MB, 1681x2425, Eihgt7-WkAEsRue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768335


>> No.26768192

Nenechi forma rítmica...

>> No.26768195
Quoted by: >>26768250

Nice try Towafag, you kenzocucks are worse than the wageslaves

>> No.26768196


>> No.26768197
File: 1.47 MB, 1366x768, whatsthatinthebg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see some strange stone artifact.

>> No.26768198

just rangeban flipdogs, leave the other SEA alone

>> No.26768202

><robocosan> naaaaaa

>> No.26768205

your numbers ain't say the same pignoy-kun

>> No.26768206
Quoted by: >>26768231

Wasn't that in response to her 3D streams being indefinitely cancelled

>> No.26768211
File: 88 KB, 1152x648, Ringside.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's playing Fever, not Megamix or DS. On the plus side..

>> No.26768212

After the purge I vowed to never miss a Subaru stream.

>> No.26768215

pika hasn't stopped giggling with her kettle laugh...

>> No.26768214

>Casual Filter stage
RIP Shuba

>> No.26768221

Is it like something that Subaru said even Miko took part to record something behind the scene?

>> No.26768224


>> No.26768227

Shut up, Roberu's talking about kaigainikis

>> No.26768229
File: 470 KB, 1280x1280, 1597941751993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Bibis are fat fuckers.

>> No.26768231

No, the one who got screwed the worse on her 3D was Flare

>> No.26768236
Quoted by: >>26768302

But pekorafags too?

>> No.26768238
Quoted by: >>26768313

Pronunciation means shit as long as the listener understands what you're saying.

>> No.26768240

It seems like my post triggered a lot of indogs

>> No.26768241

sorry im trying to watch 5 streams while also doing 3 diffrent things
im retarded

>> No.26768245
File: 153 KB, 283x423, 1588830527310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768342


>> No.26768250
Quoted by: >>26768310

Please stop sucking dicks

>> No.26768251
File: 10 KB, 215x215, kMEwSmlO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me the appeal of super nenechi

>> No.26768259


>> No.26768262

Lunaitos, your princess is in the holoMACKEREL

>> No.26768263
Quoted by: >>26768283

i've never seen Roberu's chat go this fast before...

>> No.26768266
Quoted by: >>26768334

You'd be surprised how easy it's for a kitten or any other small animal to die in a retarded accident if left unsupervised

>> No.26768268


>> No.26768269

Not him but I had a kitten last year and she was fucking hyperactive, constantly running around and knocking shit over and chasing it around, it was pretty annoying when she'd do it in the middle of the night. We never put her in a cage and probably should have.

>> No.26768273

guys, how the FUCK do I do my katakana reps? I swear to god, I have no issue whatsoever reading hiragana and kanji, but the fucking katakana melts my brain

>> No.26768278

Subaru is absolutely godawful at this game lmao.

>> No.26768279

Based most powerful race

>> No.26768283

the power of pikarmy..

>> No.26768291
File: 660 KB, 599x471, mori-sc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26768294


>> No.26768297

Roboco's laugh is a miracle of the universe

>> No.26768300
File: 502 KB, 499x573, 1600379814401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768349

I like you, Risu. You're pretty cool.

>> No.26768303

More like the new Luna posters. Nene will soon incline and you'll just kneel again.

>> No.26768302

Pekora is a popular streamer
Nene streaming, has half the viewers of Botan, and everyone in this thread is like
Super Nennechi...
Hyper Nennechi...
CEO Nennechi...

>> No.26768309

They can still happen if Sio actually streamed.

>> No.26768310

But I am a woman anon, I love complaining and sucking dicks

>> No.26768313

It means you're at least making the effort.

>> No.26768316



>> No.26768318
File: 76 KB, 846x652, 1586262329040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with SEA? Why are you people butthurt with each other?

>> No.26768320

uh write it down maybe?
just do it like hiragana

>> No.26768319


>> No.26768322
Quoted by: >>26768390

cant believe subaru decided to stream fall guys over wind waker

>> No.26768323

Write them down over and over again until it sticks

>> No.26768327

Nenechi is rapidly climbing the ranks for me, if she keeps up she might end up being one of my favourites

>> No.26768332


>> No.26768334

Yeah, I would be surprised considering I've had cats my entire life and not one of them has managed to kill themselves when left unsupervised no matter how young they were.

>> No.26768335

I miss her so much.....

>> No.26768336

She is retarded and bad at things

>> No.26768340
File: 1.11 MB, 1722x1488, Fall Guys S1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26768341

Japanese teens have the weirdest dates

>> No.26768342
File: 610 KB, 2208x3312, EhOVM8gUMAExDH9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768437

Oh course, keeps her voice higher

>> No.26768345

Why are chocofish hours always the worst?

>> No.26768348

They hate each other just like JP, KR and CN hate each other.

>> No.26768349

Nice try Risu, you can't trick me

>> No.26768351

Monoe and Pikamee's collabs were just them laughing at dumb shit and having fun conversations while Tomoshika's felt like a girl trying to drop """subtle""" hints that she wanted to bone... what's the deal there?

>> No.26768358
File: 25 KB, 592x180, oshigoto daisuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26768359

Fuck Noel
Get cucked

>> No.26768360

She's really fucking cute and funny (no not in that kind of way).

>> No.26768368
File: 496 KB, 1240x1754, 1598207800882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking gooo two alcoholic aunties drink old ass anime songs

>> No.26768373

umm poi um um poi!

>> No.26768377

Find the katakana names of the techniques of your favorite chuuni games/novel/manga and memorize them.

>> No.26768382
Quoted by: >>26768918

dumbass towafag

>> No.26768384

what if you left your woodchipper running while you went to sleep and it just jumped in?

>> No.26768386

Nene stop being so cute wtf

>> No.26768390

She's a Nousagi after all.

>> No.26768392
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1600428424668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768767

>Mori's cute voice starts leaking

>> No.26768393


>> No.26768397
File: 3.37 MB, 3500x2000, EihWlcsVgAAVg2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768497

Kanata.. your Fall Guys reps...

>> No.26768396

Even her あれ is in rhythm
Sasuga super nenechi

>> No.26768398


>> No.26768400

Yes, I like it. Different from my language, Japanese pronunciation means nothing, so it's interesting to hear Korone's "MinnnaaaAAaAa" and this autistic shinigami's "desscar".

>> No.26768402

i love this so much. probably my favorite Roberu collab. sorry Kuku but you're still best girl

>> No.26768410

nene making even a simple rhythm game entertaining

>> No.26768413


>> No.26768414

jesus they keep throwing money at mori

>> No.26768415

>half the viewers of Botan
Check again anon, plus nenechi's being super cute right now, please remember

>> No.26768416


>> No.26768418
Quoted by: >>26768918

>now neneposters
anon just because you don't like a holo doesn't mean others shouldn't talk about them

>> No.26768419

CEO your ball-handling reps...

>> No.26768425

Robert has varying effects on woman

>> No.26768430

Well, TMSK is literally in heat after all.

>> No.26768433

It's a mix of giving them a place that's their own that they feel comfortable in and stopping them from wandering around at night and knocking stuff over, falling down stairs, getting stuck in the blinds, etc. Pets can hurt themselves in a lot of ways. Crate training is more common for dogs but it's good for cats too.

>> No.26768435

Tomoshika is a big Roberu fan.

>> No.26768437

My dick can't handle it, sorry shuba...

>> No.26768439

They're having a lot of fun together, it's great

>> No.26768447

Hey thread police, guess what, Nene has more viewers right now than anyone but Mori. Should we all start talking about Mori then, since she has the most viewers?

>> No.26768448

Tomoshika wants to be our daughter, after all. Monoe too but she's too idiot to make a hint.

>> No.26768450

>ogeyposters are pekofags

>> No.26768452

Learning it is half the problem, reading "engrish" in it is fucking CANCER of the highest degree.

>> No.26768456
File: 1.07 MB, 2303x4096, 1600698567681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't imagine just how fucking boomer centric will their set list be

>> No.26768461
Quoted by: >>26768918

Opinion disregarded

>> No.26768464 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 605x681, 1600864271488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if any, we'd quality for an EN branch immediately : ^)

>> No.26768465

I want Nene to kick my balls too...

>> No.26768469

Block your path*

>> No.26768479
Quoted by: >>26768579

>Check again anon
she's reading superchats dumbass

>> No.26768482
Quoted by: >>26768657

Even over the Makea collab? That one was legendary.

>> No.26768484

No she didn't. She says she's tired from all her trips to Tokyo and is therefore taking the day off today. Yesterday she said she will be recording again next week.

>> No.26768492
Quoted by: >>26768538

How many more keyboards will get destroyed...

>> No.26768497
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, EhvoBVVU4AEmxwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even once she returns she probably won't do another endurance right away. She'll never get that crown...

>> No.26768503
Quoted by: >>26768536

wait.. wait.. what if the duck is doing it on purpose!?!?!?

>> No.26768504

Katakana is the easiest to be honest. I memorized katakana fully by just playing games.

>> No.26768506


>> No.26768509

>umm POI
>umm POI
>umm POI
>umm um POI

>> No.26768508
Quoted by: >>26768698

Can you stop? You're pretty embarrassing.

>> No.26768512

SEAnigs hate everything, especially themselves.

>> No.26768515 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 259x217, 1600864351768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu posting jeez

>> No.26768516

Even the Japanese have problems reading katakana
Choco was talking about movies once and someone in chat said "Violet Evergarden" (written in katakana) and she spent like 5 seconds trying to sound it out

>> No.26768522

>simple rhythm game
Wash your mouth, faggotron

>> No.26768524
Quoted by: >>26768661

Imagine having the poisonous nationalism of Japan, Korea and China, but with people from countries that are dirt poor.

>> No.26768526

the artstyle difference and stupid static pikamee face next to roberu's live2d is making me lose it

>> No.26768531

No, because she's HoloEN
You can talk about Subaru, who is streaming
You can talk about upcoming streams
You can talk about Nene IN MODERATION
But you're talking about her too much

>> No.26768534
File: 1.14 MB, 1341x630, incline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is inclining!

>> No.26768533


um um poi!

>> No.26768536
Quoted by: >>26768592

Doing what? Being sexy?

>> No.26768538


>> No.26768544
File: 46 KB, 285x322, 1586785542783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just ban SEA, yurop vs burgers is mostly just banter and seething burgers but these autistic genuinely are retarded.

>> No.26768542


>> No.26768548

Miko did it better.

>> No.26768551
Quoted by: >>26768661

Think of brazil and argentina
They both fucking hate each other to death

>> No.26768553



>> No.26768557

Is Nene pure? does she know what a penis is?

>> No.26768563

Did Haachama not know what a light bulb was?

>> No.26768564

Not sure what age of kittens we are talking about at this point, but when they are in adoption age, you usually just give them a room to get comfortable in for the first few days if they are timid and then just let them wander freely. My newest kitten was social and brave enough to let roam freely the moment he arrived at my place.

>> No.26768572

Good for you, I've had several
I had to pull one out of a drain a month ago because her dumb mother dropped her in the gutter while carrying it, she lived for a day or two

>> No.26768574

read more

>> No.26768576
File: 52 KB, 288x280, 1600761021319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26768577

What are you doing you dumb duck

>> No.26768578
Quoted by: >>26768918

Well done, you've noticed that hlg does not have the same tastes as the the greater hololive viewerbase

>> No.26768579

And now Nene has more viewers retardkun, why do you think anons are talking about her now? Get fucked
>Half the viewers of Botan
Not anymore was point

>> No.26768581


>> No.26768586
File: 1.11 MB, 893x503, 1600864266249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a Fall Guys tournament
What were they THINKING

>> No.26768585

Who's Roboco? Did Homos get a new generation or something?

>> No.26768592

the thing!

>> No.26768597

Of course, she takes one every morning and another one at nights.

>> No.26768598

>falling down stairs, getting stuck in the blinds
that doesn't actually hurt them lol

>> No.26768603


>> No.26768604


>> No.26768608

how the fuck did nene pass that

>> No.26768610


>> No.26768613

That it'd pull in her "boyfriends"?

>> No.26768615

I thoroughly taught her last night.

>> No.26768622
Quoted by: >>26768656

Should Wins offstream count?

>> No.26768624

>All these JOPs in my EN chat

>> No.26768625

Haha it's L0L0

>> No.26768631


Mio coming back for revenge

>> No.26768636
File: 951 KB, 949x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate it weebs

>> No.26768639


>> No.26768640

Nene knows but keeps away from them

>> No.26768641

Roboco's design isn't feminine enough to be a new homolive recruit

>> No.26768643

Isn't 3k the normal RBC numbers?

>> No.26768644
File: 178 KB, 349x362, thread_watcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768918

>Okay buddy, that's far enough. Impersonating an officer of imageboards is a criminal offence and can get you in real trouble
>Better just hang your head low and start discussing your favorite Holo before I arrest you!

>> No.26768645

Unironically read Jojo, that's how I learned, they use English words up the ass

>> No.26768647

*shark wheezes*

>> No.26768650
Quoted by: >>26768840

I love Neneti but you can't compare her to Miko, she's still a beginner

>> No.26768649

Towa stream you dumb debiru.

>> No.26768651

The point is Nene is unpopular yet this thread won't shut up about her

>> No.26768653

So will fubuki be the only carry?

>> No.26768656


>> No.26768657

it's just something about how high energy this is. they are having so much fun it's contagious

>> No.26768660


>> No.26768661

But I heard flips hate other flips the most?

>> No.26768663
File: 41 KB, 381x436, 1597918383395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they needed comic relief, FOXBURGERKING is there no need to worry

>> No.26768666

is our son winning pickamee's heart

>> No.26768670

h-haha.. y-yeah sure..

>> No.26768676
Quoted by: >>26768834

Damn Subaru really desperate for that EOP donations

>> No.26768679

>Roberu pulling girl numbers
What a machine

>> No.26768680

>holo is F team
How fitting

>> No.26768682

It's slightly above avergae.

>> No.26768685
File: 549 KB, 1322x865, 55e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are peas orange in the Japanese version

>> No.26768686

her numbers usually went down a bit if she streams in the prime time.

>> No.26768689


>> No.26768690

>Roberu being confused about why the viewers thought that his papa isn't Japanese
>laughed his ass off when he figured out it's because of the WINNING SON meme

>> No.26768691

Mio hasn't even played Fall Guys on stream. I can understand not being able to get Aqua but were Okayu and Watame too busy?

>> No.26768693

Mori's akasupa are too terrifying, I'm gonna watch Fall Duck.

>> No.26768698


>> No.26768699

Original papa, are you here!

>> No.26768701

>A team: the vets
>B team: the males
>C team: Niji A
>D team: Niji B
>E team: inclining
>F team: holos

>> No.26768705
Quoted by: >>26768739

peas arent orange in your country?

>> No.26768707

What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.26768709

Roberu loves being our son

>> No.26768710

That's not new, a holos popularity doesn't reflect their popularity in these threads, if that were to be the case there should be at most 1 homo post per thread, people in these threads just like underdogs

>> No.26768711
Quoted by: >>26768918

Not in this thread.

>> No.26768715

"I love Anon"

>> No.26768716

yes but only mine

>> No.26768719

what the fuck are you talking about, retard?

>> No.26768723
File: 143 KB, 582x706, 1597846015020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popularity here is never the same as viewership. Literally no one here posts Rushia and she's very popular
>You can talk about Nene IN MODERATION
You can choke on my dick faggot

>> No.26768726
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1586, 1599382063765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this not gonna be turn like hps again cuz that kaneki from niji fight them again aaaaaa

>> No.26768727
Quoted by: >>26768800

Roberu and Pika are wondering if the original guy that said "ARE YOU WINNING SON?" to him is still watching. I wonder if the anon that made the original webm of that moment ever expected that he'd have this much impact on Roberu.

>> No.26768728


>> No.26768731

Oh dog

>> No.26768734

FBK is the only good player in that team
Ayame wouldn't make much of a difference

>> No.26768735


>> No.26768739

Only the dried kind they use in soup.

>> No.26768750
Quoted by: >>26768918

>The point is Nene is unpopular
>currently has 15k+ viewers

>> No.26768752

>a holos popularity doesn't reflect their popularity in these threads
It should

>> No.26768754

wait why didnt anyone teach our son english?

>> No.26768756
Quoted by: >>26768918

>The point is [headcanon]
Fucking retard

>> No.26768767

she always had cute voice while speaking japanese but with english it sounds harsh most of the time for some reason

>> No.26768768
Quoted by: >>26768856


>> No.26768769
Quoted by: >>26768918


you doubt super nenechii?

>> No.26768771

ID doesn't even have their currency supported by youtube meanwhile PHP is

>> No.26768772
Quoted by: >>26768918

This must be a fucking joke, right? I can't accept the fact that I share thread with someone as autistic as you

>> No.26768773

>don't even have Sora who's actually good at the game unlike some of those on the team

>> No.26768775

Ayame is super shit at non FPS game, how was she picked for this ?

>> No.26768777

What did the schizo mean by this?

>> No.26768778
File: 31 KB, 351x307, 1596933908387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768918

look at this guy

>> No.26768780
Quoted by: >>26768918

Towa is less popular and she get spammed alot more.

>> No.26768786

I'm happy for Roberu and Pikamee
Also Nene is being super cute

>> No.26768787
File: 29 KB, 360x450, Mirai_Akari_new_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768847

>that A team
There's something... wrong there.

>> No.26768789
Quoted by: >>26768918

But she has the most viewers right now not counting Mori. Are you actually retarded? Anons have been loving Nenechi these past few days, actual retard here

>> No.26768792
Quoted by: >>26768918

Faggot, I don't even watch Nene, but go die in a ditch.

>> No.26768795
File: 638 KB, 2480x3541, 1600430805572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768822

>Stream in 2~hours
>Still has superchat reading for this stream after 2 oopsies yesterday
>Is absolutely wasted already
Didn't think this through, did you Morichama?

>> No.26768794
Quoted by: >>26768918

>literally has the most viewers in holojp

>> No.26768799
File: 2.40 MB, 1400x950, 1600202143177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori actually helps with my reps
I'm several levels behind but i'm glad there's someone like her on hololive, also i can work some things out with her slow reading.

>> No.26768797

Cute factor obviously.

>> No.26768798
Quoted by: >>26768839

at least none of teammates are sore losers

>> No.26768800
File: 46 KB, 281x340, 1588003317952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when that webm was originally posted here... Back when things were great...

>> No.26768802

>You can choke on my dick faggot
Don't make me arrest you

>> No.26768804
File: 521 KB, 1216x684, nenechi cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768918

Fuck off retard, I don't watch her often, but this Rhythm Heaven is great.

>> No.26768805
Quoted by: >>26768851


>> No.26768806

Group chemistry > autistic tryharding. You're all retarded.

>> No.26768810

Does nobody have Miko's Mgsv playthrough? Even on /t/ and on the Chinese website they don't have it.

>> No.26768811

Sorry I meant I love dicks

>> No.26768812

Duck has an absurd amount of snipers.

>> No.26768814
File: 10 KB, 212x239, kusaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread police is targeting nene now

>> No.26768815
Quoted by: >>26768918

Cry about it

>> No.26768817

I remember Marine struggling with this monkey, funny as shit.

>> No.26768818

Reminder that if you care about numbers, view counts, subscribers, anything of the sort, you are a subhuman monkey with a single digit IQ who cannot enjoy anything without being told by somewhat else what to enjoy. I recommend you stop watching Holos and just go pick whatever the top stream on Twitch is so you can pretend like you belong somewhere.

>> No.26768822
Quoted by: >>26768874

The stream in 2 hours is membership, not superchat.

>> No.26768825

Nene, you don’t have to speak monkey

>> No.26768826

is Our Son winning?

>> No.26768827

A-Team, the OGs...
I'm rooting for A, E, and F. But mostly F of course.

>> No.26768831
Quoted by: >>26768918

Meds now

>> No.26768834

I really fucking wish the JP branch would just ignore EN they're different fucking branches. They should just continue what they were doing and appeal to their native audience and loyal EOP fans. I haven't been enjoying english week at all because of all this crap.

>> No.26768838
File: 428 KB, 1254x706, pills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768918


>> No.26768836
Quoted by: >>26768918

I'm gonna post homos if you don't shut up

>> No.26768839

>no sore losers

>> No.26768840
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2438, IMG_20200922_013538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768932

I'd love to see a Mikochi and Nenechi collab. Or better yet, a PekoMiko and PolkaNene collab! since Polka and Nene said they wanted to collab with Miko when she returns.

>> No.26768842
File: 162 KB, 463x453, 1600322931884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768918

Because we definitely need more posts whining about Coco and Shark when they aren't even streaming

>> No.26768843

Stop replying to J_god's posts, you dumbasses.

>> No.26768847

mirai... luna...

>> No.26768846
File: 210 KB, 364x238, 1600465647322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Nene!

>> No.26768851


>> No.26768855

>these replies
did you retards learn nothing from HPS?

>> No.26768854
Quoted by: >>26768895

>no mention of Mori
Totally no bias here at all.

>> No.26768856

Is the vod still available or she deleted it?

>> No.26768857
Quoted by: >>26768918

>Being this autistic

>> No.26768860
Quoted by: >>26768932

Miko did? I thought it was Matsuri.

>> No.26768865

Cover is a black company that gives no support to its talent. Even if you’re on top one day, you could be at the bottom the next (Choco). Every stream you have to go and grind it out, after being in pointless meetings all day. You don’t even get a private life thanks to being doxxed and having to live up to the expectations of an idol despite being a mere internet streamer.

So that’s why the holos are always burning out and going on breaks and having emotional breakdowns live on stream or talking about having breakdowns off stream.

>> No.26768868
File: 918 KB, 2892x4096, 1600439394673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26768951

Someone is getting payed by ((them)) to slander our company's good name boys.
Here, take this Nene and calm down. Or if you want you can always kill yourself.

>> No.26768869


>> No.26768874
Quoted by: >>26768900

Yes, she does this stream's superchats at the end of THIS stream.

>> No.26768876

Calm down Towa...

>> No.26768877
File: 51 KB, 528x538, 1600522250855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unpopular? on what planet?

>> No.26768880

Global is just a short walk from here

>> No.26768888

>Almost 3k viewers
Yes, he's winning like always.

>> No.26768891

If there is one way to guarantee more Nene posting it's to post some autistic thread police shit like this >>26768531

>> No.26768892

Don't know about Okayu, but Watame has been really busy these days with recordings, 3D events and sleepovers

>> No.26768894

Best of luck to the E team

>> No.26768895
Quoted by: >>26768990

Careful, badmouthing ENs is bannable offense now.

>> No.26768900

Sorry, I'm a retarded speed reader.

>> No.26768902

RBC.. your scaffold reps..

>> No.26768903

FUCK contrarians shilling their garbage holos

>> No.26768914

Splendidly. Sasuga Winning Son.

>> No.26768915

Just usual shitposters trying their hardest to stop people talking about streams

>> No.26768916


>> No.26768917

The thing is, I don;t think they or Cover expected EN to make a big ass impact at all especially in their home turf in Japan. I pity the girls that egosa hard and are being compared to EN all the time.

>> No.26768918


Easiests (You)s of my life

>> No.26768923

Damn how was that a perfect, the monkey was cringing half the time.

>> No.26768928
Quoted by: >>26768978

all me

>> No.26768932

that would be too much chaotic power in one stream
she did a long time ago, she also recommended it to Pecor

>> No.26768935

Towa please stop samefagging to defend Nenene

>> No.26768936


>> No.26768941
Quoted by: >>26768978

All me btw

>> No.26768944

How many fucking below 10 viewers indie vtubers do we have to show you to prove that any of the holos aren't unpopular?

>> No.26768945
Quoted by: >>26768978

Me and my 60 fridges!

>> No.26768946


>> No.26768947
File: 378 KB, 1624x2048, EbgBRk6VAAAVIb-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769006

Shion has no blood...
She's been tweeting a lot more about her daily life since she moved out, she needs a roommate, I think she's lonely

>> No.26768951

I love this dude's fanart, why isn't there doujins made by this guy?

>> No.26768952


>> No.26768953

Have another for the road

>> No.26768954
Quoted by: >>26768999

Towa put down your fist...

>> No.26768955

Did you know Roberu is having fun with Pikamee right now? Roberu also are nearing 50k subscribers and will have his birthday in 26th of September 2020. Let's wish him happiness and long may he reign. Down with Rikka.

Meanwhile, Shien, also known as Bossu, is having a collab with some Marluxia wannabe faggot. But he's having fun, and his viewership is inclining after that Bushiroad shill stream he did. Good for him, as he also got 30k subscribers after that stream.

>> No.26768961
File: 318 KB, 710x704, 1600151587294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not stand for nene bashing!

>> No.26768966

I want to marry suba

>> No.26768967
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1598973154166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaay you did it. You're so talented at farming (You)s anon, I'm really proud of you!

>> No.26768969
Quoted by: >>26769031

my son and kuku should form a team, they'll easily take down everyone in this list

>> No.26768970
File: 479 KB, 1240x1754, 268154A2-ADFA-4666-8C59-DCFD64EEF036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s never a bad time to post Anemachi.

>> No.26768972
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769046


>> No.26768973

>I-I'm just baiting!

>> No.26768974
File: 374 KB, 1460x2048, EhjG2ewVgAA2Fvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769061

I want miko to do me better

>> No.26768977

I'd like to join your server Throwaway#5466

>> No.26768978

actually, all me

>> No.26768979

You do know that /jp/ is home to posters in their 30s and 40s right? This isn't their first rodeo sport. Any (You)s you think you are getting is very intentional and post ironic.

>> No.26768981
Quoted by: >>26769325

She's just your generic loud girl screams a lot and does dumb things idol, like miko
If you like miko, you'll probably like nene

>> No.26768984

Keep up the good work!

>> No.26768985

I hope FBK has big enough lats to carry the other 3 on her back

>> No.26768991

>whenever subaru cleans her throat
why boner

>> No.26768990


>> No.26768996

All me, have another! how fun is it being btfo though?

>> No.26768999
File: 172 KB, 460x396, 1599599521836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26768998

here's another (You), hope you are proud of your achievement of the day!

>> No.26769004

Nobody cares about the homos, stop posting

>> No.26769005

Yametekudastop gomenasorry

>> No.26769006

My mom always told me to avoid women who lives alone with a cat...

>> No.26769010

But I am you

>> No.26769012
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769044


>> No.26769013
File: 632 KB, 1536x2048, EOSbjj2UcAAMysz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769132

I have a vault full of them. I can give retards like (You) as many as I want

>> No.26769015

korone is going to play kaiji on ps1!

>> No.26769017
File: 118 KB, 665x1050, Oozora_Subaru_-_Concept_Illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she rarely use this costume (the complete one) on her stream

>> No.26769018

only i replied to you
sorry anon

>> No.26769028

Nenechi said Plan B... yabee...

>> No.26769030

where is okayu~n

>> No.26769032

I do

>> No.26769031

Make it so Temma and Kira are in the team and you have a winning team.

>> No.26769033

tourists like you should just commit sudoku

>> No.26769034


>> No.26769043

Roberu spreading his UCANDOIT.

>> No.26769045
File: 21 KB, 216x510, 1582564500706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769142

yeah thanks

>> No.26769044


>> No.26769046
Quoted by: >>26769109

All of you fucking retards are the ones being retarded for feeding this cunt.
Fucking lurk more and stop responding to sperg.
In fact, fuck off back to /v/ with your dumb (you)-culture.

>> No.26769047
Quoted by: >>26769094

>Roberu's channel's URL has UCANDOlYT in it
What the fuck, I never noticed that. What are the fucking odds?

>> No.26769049

I almost clicked that join button on rushia's stream ha-ha...

>> No.26769051

All Towawa.

>> No.26769053

I’m 18. Am I really surrounded by old people? Isn’t it time you guys got lives?

>> No.26769054
File: 30 KB, 354x358, 1593410055506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769090

>No Okayu
>easily the best Hololive FallGuys player.

>> No.26769055

Oyy mate, you're disrespecting that 52 years old shionfag.

>> No.26769057

uhm based??

>> No.26769061

God I want to see more pekomiko. I want to see these two shut-ins live together and do lewd things together and eventually marry each other.

>> No.26769068
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26769085

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.26769071

You and I a both homos

>> No.26769073

No everyone got geninuely triggered by me pretending to be the thread police

>> No.26769075
File: 115 KB, 779x437, 1574628592722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.26769078

Post your favorite omarami clip

>> No.26769079

Because it looks bad

>> No.26769080
Quoted by: >>26769108

Jokes on you, i'm only in my 20s!

>> No.26769082

Because suspenders hanging off her breasts are really hot.

>> No.26769085

Ojou... your fall guys reps...

>> No.26769090

Okayu probably didn't volunteer.

>> No.26769092

You can see her pantsu

>> No.26769093

In 15 minutes, the Holostars will start their new adventure in Terraria. It might be the start of an interesting new fad, but I doubt it. Nevertheless, True Neutral, Radical dude, EOP killer, 13cm faggot, Pizzadad, jewbot and Astel will be in the collab.

>> No.26769095

zawa zawa

>> No.26769094
Quoted by: >>26769145

Old news dad...

>> No.26769096

>ignore obvious opportunities to promote themselves because of EN's popularity
Sound logic anon

>> No.26769101

holo EN sux

>> No.26769102


>> No.26769103

google translate works fine

>> No.26769104

>Pikamee, HYPER PLEASE, and Ui-Mama on the same team

Shit’s going to get interesting, that’s for sure

>> No.26769105


>> No.26769106

It benefits both parties.
Zoomer gets dopamine from a notification and the Boomer gets to post like a child without feeling like an idiot for once.

>> No.26769107
Quoted by: >>26769148


>> No.26769108

so is marine, but not for long

>> No.26769109
Quoted by: >>26769163

What else are were going to do? Discuss streams? Lol

>> No.26769110

im watching homos tjho

>> No.26769111

My dick is really fat

>> No.26769115

I like Kiara

>> No.26769116

Here some more (You)s

>> No.26769124

There's a couple of translated clips of Miko playing MGSV on YT, but it's so short.

>> No.26769131
Quoted by: >>26769283

Monkey Watch is vicious Nene will die here

>> No.26769132

Nice shoes CEO.

>> No.26769134
Quoted by: >>26769193

In 14 minutes they will do a Terraria collab and I will make 1000 posts about it

>> No.26769136


>> No.26769138
Quoted by: >>26769328

i'm happy today

>> No.26769141

It's still a bit hot to be wearing a jacket, she'll return to it when it gets colder.

>> No.26769143
Quoted by: >>26769178

Wait, is this what NenePro does?
Spin on chairs all day?

>> No.26769142

Actually based

>> No.26769145
Quoted by: >>26769175

Sorry, I'm a wageslave so I can't 't tune into his morning stream.

>> No.26769146
Quoted by: >>26769190

Sora who can barely operate a livestream on her own has a win in fall guys?

All those in the tiers below should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.26769147

>and Astel

>> No.26769148


>> No.26769152
Quoted by: >>26769205

most people here are 30 or over. you should be on instagram or tiktok

>> No.26769153
Quoted by: >>26769224

>3.1k roberu

>> No.26769159

I think its lost for now, Just like the unlisted red dead 2

>> No.26769163

No, post nothing. Don't even post. Literally do nothing.

>> No.26769170

(user was banned for this post)

>> No.26769175

Don't worry, your son still loves you!

>> No.26769178

She supervises the haatons.

>> No.26769181

no most people here are underage

>> No.26769180

leave dude
take it from a 22y/o

>> No.26769182


>> No.26769183

space seaweed

>> No.26769185

Someone give me the lore on why these holos have the cuck fan base.

>> No.26769190

I'm more impressed by the choke artists.

>> No.26769193

post link for Terraria collab, it sounds more interesting than another shitty minecraft stream

>> No.26769205

most people here are underage and from the phillipines or brazil

>> No.26769210
Quoted by: >>26769268

For nips, what Mori is doing is the same as what Haachama did in her English tests for us, right?

>> No.26769212

wow wow wow
yay yay yay

>> No.26769213


>> No.26769218

Hyper Nenechi... I kneel... I KNEEL...

>> No.26769222

anon, they all have boyfriends

>> No.26769224

Holy shit, it's true

>> No.26769226

please stop replying to bait

>> No.26769228

uh hai uh hai uh hai hai

>> No.26769229

Mori is so fucking wasted right now

>> No.26769231


>> No.26769233

Let Mio have some fun too...

>> No.26769232


>> No.26769234

hololive is for the ojisans

>> No.26769236
Quoted by: >>26769275

Roberu is now in 49k.
He really could have 50k before his birthday.

>> No.26769243

Still missing Ina, don't tell me you really buy that "The ancient ones" are her mom when it's clearly her bf

>> No.26769244
Quoted by: >>26769276


>> No.26769247

yes, me

>> No.26769251

I have sex with all of them on the daily

>> No.26769254

The same lore for why your dad bought condoms for your mom

>> No.26769259

>Uh hai Uh hai Uh hai hai
So this is the power of supernenechi..

>> No.26769260
Quoted by: >>26769321

Pikamee, I know you visit here so hurry up and provide Roberu his son

>> No.26769267


>> No.26769268

Yes, but they're using this as an opportunity to shit on the JP holos again as always.

>> No.26769272

Super Nenechi's Super Rythm

>> No.26769275

he can do iyt

>> No.26769276
Quoted by: >>26769308

>hasn't tweeted for over a day

>> No.26769279

is there a graph of roberu sub growth for the last 3 months?

>> No.26769281

That money still goes to Flare so she can buy expensive alcohol

>> No.26769283


>> No.26769287

Monkey Watch 1st try holy shit I kneel

>> No.26769291

all me

>> No.26769292

Roberu and Pika private English lesson!

>> No.26769297
Quoted by: >>26769317

Pick your POV.

>> No.26769299

They all have 1 boyfriend, me

>> No.26769301

I never knew Nene is this fun

>> No.26769305

Korone is a sugarmama for young changs

>> No.26769308

>no stream yet

>> No.26769317


>> No.26769321

that slut better back off. he already has Kuku

>> No.26769325

I tried to watch Nene once, but Miko is clearly better since she's not all loud screams.

>> No.26769327

holoCanada is pretty good

>> No.26769328

It's amazing, isn't it? I'm happy that they had the chance to be at the Bushiroad event, too.

>> No.26769329


>> No.26769331

>She beat one of the game's greatest filters on her first try

>> No.26769332

Only mine, she is engaged to me.

>> No.26769335

I already do, work from home and watch youtube.

>> No.26769338

