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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1010 KB, 2660x3762, __sakura_miko_and_kiryuu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_minuethisa__957bd2e34a230edd863f7cea2dd36939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25812978 No.25812978 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25812981
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25812983
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25812986
File: 662 KB, 1200x743, 1587866393331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25815049


>> No.25812984
File: 271 KB, 1408x2048, EgiLTT3U4AA_xzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25812990
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x1125, CuteDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25812991
File: 887 KB, 1000x1406, 1593375989122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25812993
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1597408762059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25812996

Unicornchad reporting in

>> No.25812999
File: 267 KB, 1865x1080, 1583480741826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25813001
File: 3.90 MB, 2429x3520, ce28e4c7b1a9ec5c1aab6692fe8911e1fada49e06f4c51d7351c120efca83036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While many people may be concerned about their worsening list of fetishes when they begin to include things like "feet" or "armpits", I do wish to inform you that there is little to worry about. These two fetishes lead directly into seemingly-worse fetishes such as a sweat fetish or body odor fetish, but this is again merely a great misconception. For you see, when you have begun to dream of smelling or licking your oshi you are actually now at the closest point to forgoing any concerns about the superficial beauty of your oshi and are on the precipice of being attracted purely to her existence itself. Once you cross this threshold, you become immediately and completely immune to the base commotions of the masses such as anti-posting or roommate-posting and filled with a resolve that lets you wish everyone else can love their oshi as much as you do to your own.

So next time you imagine licking your oshi's sweaty armpits, or dunking your head in her laundry basket, or rubbing her feet on your face, or having your face replace her chair as the station of her rear: fear not. You are on your way to enlightenment and with it the joys of the purest oshi love.

>> No.25813002
Quoted by: >>25813031

I unironically hope the humorless tramp known as Coco never graces Gen 5 with her unfunny “humor” and attention whoring antics

>> No.25813004
File: 222 KB, 1143x2047, Ef85RdwUEAAJYSf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 30 Thread #3

I love Mikochi!

>> No.25813008
File: 82 KB, 1280x1024, Egd5M8AXYAIIC3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25813009

I don't like ants. Do you like ants?

>> No.25813012
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 【晩酌雑談】新居にノエパトが襲来!飲みながらお話するわよ!🦀⚔🔥【ホロライブ_不知火フレア】 26-11 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813042

I love my two moms and their bridesmaid

>> No.25813015
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, 1597706745696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make an honest woman out of Aloe

>> No.25813014

early thread

>> No.25813016
File: 654 KB, 1280x720, Look at 'em go!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813057

>> No.25813018
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813036

I love Suisei

>> No.25813023
File: 3.83 MB, 2894x4093, 98843f4603acf1b8223fc49d18a67510a06a0c8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813178

this is the hololive king of fall guys. she's almost level 35 already

>> No.25813024
File: 476 KB, 468x464, 1598620987669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for upgrades

>> No.25813026
File: 196 KB, 1200x760, 93624131_119998239664112_8088893018737737728_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that HoloID gen 2 is coming I'm glad we can all agree that Risu is the best HoloID gen 1

>> No.25813028
File: 454 KB, 645x619, 1598113604168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813061

Aloe is a

>> No.25813029
File: 992 KB, 1300x1818, EZ4MAADUwAANBDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every holo should have an alternative pantyhose costume. It would make the world a better place.

>> No.25813030
File: 846 KB, 2893x4092, 1597073803031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813063

securing a spot for my inexperienced and naive wife Moona.

>> No.25813031


>> No.25813033
File: 200 KB, 488x488, 1596938978916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So today we learned:

>Coco hates other Holos
>Coco is doing drugs in the Holohouse
>Coco gave Towa sleeping pills
>Coco broke the shower in the Holohouse
>Coco shits in the shower (like all Americans do)

What else?

>> No.25813036

I will mate with her ass using only my bladder's excrement and it will be glorious

>> No.25813039

Rikka’s doing 12 hour stream?

>> No.25813042
Quoted by: >>25813062

bro, your moms gay

>> No.25813043
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1592240638726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813141

I wish I could sleep for the next 12 hours

>> No.25813044

I want to hear Kiryu play a banjo.

>> No.25813045
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x4000, 1597803235349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent post anon here is some research material for those that feel unsure of their desires

>> No.25813046
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this smile so much.

>> No.25813047

Does Haachama have a smelly pussy like her feet?

>> No.25813049
File: 88 KB, 333x291, 1598414452760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this bitch.

>> No.25813054
File: 619 KB, 698x751, sniff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813057

is this real?

>> No.25813059

I heard that she broke them shower because she was high as a kite and was pleasuring herself with it and got out of control

>> No.25813060
File: 2.93 MB, 706x540, aichan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching other vtubers and why the HELL can they all move their hands and more movement in their bodies but not hololive? Like what the hell? I never noticed it before but it's so jarring now that i've noticed how they really just sway back and forth. What is cover doing with all their money when small indie vtubers can have such wide range of movements? I'm not asking them to kick their leg up or have super detailed tracking but god damn, at least give them some fucking hands.

>> No.25813061


>> No.25813062
File: 101 KB, 238x244, 1598566775186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that? WHAT'S WRONG WITH SUCKING DICK?

>> No.25813063

Eats too much fucking burgers to be sexy.

>> No.25813064


sometimes i had the urge to stop Moona from twitting autistic shit and dont want to stop her at the same time just for the show.

>> No.25813065

YEET them over

>> No.25813066
File: 47 KB, 411x454, 1597520125104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813363


>> No.25813070

Shutup risu, you haven't let moona touch your balls yet. It's long overdue tree rat

>> No.25813071

Suisei is edited in but otherwise yeah, some fan made it for Nene.

>> No.25813072
File: 123 KB, 868x910, 1596153084994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813074
File: 545 KB, 860x932, SORAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure Pettan Tenshi!

>> No.25813076
File: 292 KB, 1438x809, Screenshot_20200823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed Nene 3D concert on bilibili

>> No.25813077
File: 253 KB, 1062x1505, 785344687768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noelink Danchou!
Will cook anything!
Honorably headshots henchmen of evil from a mile away!
Randomly whistles to alert local ne'er-do-well's of her presence!
Taunts them by crouching in their faces even at the risk of her own life!
Throws greatswords and axes in lakes!
Gives puzzles the time and attention they deserve!
Efficiently takes out evildoers by blowing them up!
Would rather sacrifice herself than let her horses be harmed!
Does not believe in dodging and parrying!
Will stop at nothing to rescue her princess Flare!
Noelink Danchou!

>> No.25813078

you're gonna have to post an example of a "small indie" and not one of the largest, biggest budget corporate backed chuubas then

>> No.25813079

No she is very clean

>> No.25813083
File: 436 KB, 900x725, EfT3PtAUwAAkil2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813146

Gen 5 has pushed me over the threshold of no longer being able to watch everything I want to watch in a given day

>> No.25813082

where's the Moona you're poster when you need him

>> No.25813085
File: 522 KB, 966x975, a7151f6a9c241654164fd450712e3272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813127

>> No.25813086
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1595820256568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813087

they can in 3d

>> No.25813088
Quoted by: >>25813727

Takes BBC daily

>> No.25813089

>What else?
I heard you are a faggot.

>> No.25813090
File: 127 KB, 950x1294, EgG8q9tU0AA57E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813093
File: 24 KB, 313x240, 1597633036833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813126

How long until the raid ends?

>> No.25813095

>small indie vtuber

>> No.25813096
Quoted by: >>25813106

pretty late but that polka superchat session is pretty heartwarming... she read everything and her goodnight gave me goslingfag feels

>> No.25813097

Aloe is so cucked at her own game.

>> No.25813102
File: 1.34 MB, 960x1080, wallettenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813103

They use Live2D which is just making 2D image move. They can move properly in 3D but they save them for more special occasions to milk more money.

>> No.25813104
File: 52 KB, 203x191, EfuRPN4X0AIXRky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to sleep, Risu. Also, Moona is the best holoID.

>> No.25813105

What is she saying in that clip?

>> No.25813106

She better come to Brazil

>> No.25813107

the smell, while pungent, is actually very pleasant, and her extensive bush traps all the pheremones. a single sniff is enough to give any man an insant full power erection

>> No.25813108


>> No.25813111

Go back to /vyt/ ai-sperg, I know that's you.

>> No.25813112
Quoted by: >>25813189

watching the 3D collab from earlier and all the posts with watame shogun hat but i havent seen any of her with the cute bear hat why?

>> No.25813114
File: 1.66 MB, 1366x768, zehi....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eight fucking hours
>only four holos + shinove
so even stars has started to hate each other huh?

>> No.25813120

her face looks weird. other than that, suisei must be on suicide watch.

>> No.25813121
File: 31 KB, 351x307, Nene13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru is a streetwalker

>> No.25813122
File: 685 KB, 753x579, 1598182537253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Coco

>> No.25813124

When's the next divegrass?

>> No.25813126

not anytime soon with aloe comeback stream happening in a few days

>> No.25813127

Please do not lewd my mom!

>> No.25813128
File: 294 KB, 885x494, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813174

Remember when Shien, Oga and Kaoru on their very first day at the Holostar server discovered the Holostars were re-enacting Auschwitz? Kaoru had to be graduated because he didn't agree with the experiments that were held there, i have no proof but neither any doubt.

>> No.25813129

Those eyes scream JUST

>> No.25813131
Quoted by: >>25813176

>the chicken called
what's her endgame?

>> No.25813135
File: 366 KB, 988x1352, 554633511345543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smells!

>> No.25813136
File: 51 KB, 720x520, WS000012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an archive of Shion's deleted videos?

>> No.25813138

The streams have been really fun, can't wait for her to encounter the first guardian, glad the fan art is starting to come in

>> No.25813139
File: 677 KB, 2048x1362, 1598484712938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours
Why are you here?

>> No.25813141

Sleep tight, 35P!

>> No.25813142


>> No.25813143
Quoted by: >>25813187

Kanata is actually Coco's sister that she always derided.
Coco almost escaped her, but eventually was bullied into moving in with her.

How did this happen?
Kanata approached nearly every other Holo and performed her 『PPT』 rituals on them to cause them to fall head-over-heels for her. After doing this, she told each of them that if Coco didn't start to obey Kanata, they will have to all have to put pressure on her, drop rumors among their own fanbases, and other such insidious things.
Coco feared what would happen if she became a complete pariah within Hololive, preferring death over becoming similar to Aqua.
Because of this, she gave in and thus the Holohouse was born.

>> No.25813145

So that's how Miko got "sick"...

>> No.25813146

Do your DID reps

>> No.25813147


>> No.25813148
File: 87 KB, 630x354, Watametheswordsaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813149
File: 76 KB, 477x760, Egft0TnU0AA23Zx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PekoMiko USJ date onegai...

>> No.25813150

>it's ok to call if you're free

>> No.25813153

>catbox 500 error

>> No.25813154
File: 1.94 MB, 1500x2121, 1598122059503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813746

sleepy time with tower

>> No.25813155

>don't "ah" me hahaha... it's ok to call if you're free

>> No.25813156


>> No.25813157

lamy's is the most fragrant. coco's the smelliest.

>> No.25813158

>You will never feed Noel crepes after a fun sleepover with your wife and best friend
why even live

>> No.25813159

Is gen 5 worth watching?

>> No.25813162

Was that narrative about noel being forced to /u/ with flare real?

>> No.25813161
Quoted by: >>25813183

Where is meido? Why is this early thread not deleted?

>> No.25813163
File: 87 KB, 336x350, vroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813196

This is where my friends are.

>> No.25813164

I'm watching a moive, but I have three monitors so I might as well leave /hlg/ open, I don't want to miss a good narrative

>> No.25813170
File: 230 KB, 1144x2047, Egg7YbPUcAAftwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813174


>> No.25813175
File: 129 KB, 441x758, Amano_Pikamee_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's going to be the first 5th gen to collab with Pikamee?

>> No.25813176
File: 6 KB, 316x61, 1598471356901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has to become friends with Roberu's friends if she wants to actually score with him

>> No.25813177
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1700, 9c59510c88e91d6a62f27d1ee67d9ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to finally catch one of these streams live!

>> No.25813178

Why would someone ruin a perfect loli with this disguisting fat

>> No.25813181


>> No.25813183

Early thread is OK now.

>> No.25813184

Lamy's fakeness is pretty cute

>> No.25813187
File: 160 KB, 336x318, 1598420846980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only a few Holo's immune to Kanata, but they are fighting a good fight!

>> No.25813188
File: 1.74 MB, 2732x2048, 1591058756682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody put together some darksouls boss song with hachama's screams

>> No.25813189

Better meme material.

>> No.25813190
File: 1.34 MB, 1173x726, WOMBS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Womblets, when will they learn?

>> No.25813194

They cover pretty much the entire spectrum of holo chuuba types, so everyone into hololive can find at least one that's worth watching.

>> No.25813195

Yes. She was bullied into befriending her by her fans.

>> No.25813196 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 348x404, 1598649965486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813198
File: 588 KB, 468x736, 1598620302278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salute your queen!

>> No.25813200

Botan playing APEX with pikamee!

>> No.25813201

Yes. Flare is a violent lover.

>> No.25813203
Quoted by: >>25813366


>> No.25813204

>you will never be a shota taking a bath with your two moms

>> No.25813205

Haachama is Belzebuth, color me surprised.

>> No.25813207

Watch the stream yourself

>> No.25813208
File: 125 KB, 1280x1000, 1593620582963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813269

stream fucking when lazy debiru

>> No.25813209
File: 99 KB, 500x500, 3965721287892a0edd5153559a60c680e3404653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she always had big breasts and a dynamic adult body though

>> No.25813210

What stream was this?

>> No.25813213

Race traitor

>> No.25813215

No wonder it got taken down.

>> No.25813219
Quoted by: >>25813389


>> No.25813220
File: 253 KB, 2048x1364, EfcxhbAVAAEErhV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That deep voice... muh dick.
She really needs a good singing teacher.

>> No.25813221

I think Luna is too fragile to give birth

>> No.25813222
File: 154 KB, 410x379, 1596389040912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813389


>> No.25813223

If I have children with Moona will our autisms cancel each other out?

>> No.25813224
Quoted by: >>25813279

what is the criteria for these judgements?

>> No.25813225

Goddamn it

>> No.25813226
File: 219 KB, 1080x1920, 20200827_223633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813248

Shion yo

>> No.25813229
Quoted by: >>25813301

Yes she's forced into going on dates with Flare and sleeping over at each others places and buying expensive gifts to each other and wearing sexy underwear for her and-

>> No.25813230

blessed sheep giving us covers of Nazi anime songs and saluting the history of the last century's alliance

>> No.25813233
Quoted by: >>25813246

Cover struck gold with gen 5.

>> No.25813235
File: 153 KB, 1118x710, 93E6C76D-6171-435F-9910-FD3F335D07E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave early

>> No.25813236

She has a cult and is now saluting like a facist cover need to sort this shit out

>> No.25813237

>find Haachama screams compilation
>combine with Cleric Beast BGM

>> No.25813238


>> No.25813242

success breeds jealousy

>> No.25813241

Astel... please call the old man...

>> No.25813246
Quoted by: >>25813260

4/5 is pretty good

>> No.25813248

Unironically asking for it.

>> No.25813250
Quoted by: >>25813275

What the fuck? Meidos deleted the non-early thread?

>> No.25813252

I'm sorry bro, but this chart is shit in some areas.

>> No.25813255

>the literal baby is fertile
>Suisei is womblet

>> No.25813257
Quoted by: >>25813271

did you not know? canonically she is an E-cup but it's restricted by her outfit, that's why it looks flat! yes this is actually what she's said

>> No.25813258
File: 2.15 MB, 2048x2048, EcrzHv0UEAAV5jY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813260

Hey, Lamy has her niche of gosling alcoholics

>> No.25813263
File: 82 KB, 675x250, 1572781796956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went so wrong? Why are the threads fucking DYING?

>> No.25813264

That's those American vocal chords allowing her to sound like a real mature woman! USA USA USA

>> No.25813265

No, Noel has always been the more persistent of the two, she always tried to walk around the issue when pekora ask her about it for some reason, while she gushes about flare on every other chance she's given

>> No.25813266
Quoted by: >>25813373

how can i remove the need to sleep
i can't watch everything i want in one day

>> No.25813267
File: 222 KB, 1256x2048, Egd-SKEVgAAWZn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813323


>> No.25813268
File: 126 KB, 219x362, AK-aru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Nene!

>> No.25813269
File: 226 KB, 2284x1856, EfP-CtMXkAEPBDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813296

When the sleeping pills wear off.

>> No.25813270
File: 2.22 MB, 960x540, 1597751731863.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813289


>> No.25813271
Quoted by: >>25813309

when are we gonna get a chuuba that is proud of her flatness? seems like they all have complexes about it

>> No.25813272

Damn Coco's sexy deep voice is good. If only she used it instead of the Mickey voice

>> No.25813273
File: 29 KB, 747x162, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your holo supported by commies?

>> No.25813275

STFU why the fuck do you have to cry all the fucking time this is why no one loves you and the holos put low effort to call your superchats
Now go back to red_dit or something

>> No.25813277
File: 120 KB, 250x250, 1596600947383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AMD sponsorship really did a number on her body.

>> No.25813278

that got me
good one anon

>> No.25813279

How sexual each girl acts or if they've done a lot of degenerate shit

>> No.25813280

Yes their Hot springs trip was company mandated, so was Flare moving close to Noel

>> No.25813281

That's a good thing

>> No.25813282
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x914, 1570884417381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813295

cute summary.

>> No.25813283

Chuuba board when?

>> No.25813284

Her offcollab voice makes my dick diamonds.

>> No.25813286
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, 02C09D19-EDA4-4D6A-8D4B-0D374C803B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813387

Sora... the cover girl... of Hololive...

>> No.25813287
File: 783 KB, 1524x2048, kutar22 1296015420260904960_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813491

I love Aqua!

>> No.25813289

Crazy to think this was only moments before she broke her neck.

>> No.25813290


>> No.25813291

I hope it'll stay like this forever, or recline even more

>> No.25813292

Oh no I can feel myself becoming a membersheep...

>> No.25813293
Quoted by: >>25815035

Her Tsuki no shizuku was even better today than the last time. She improves with each stream, it's impressive.

Her natural talking voice is fucking sweet too, too bad she literally never uses it https://files.catbox.moe/nt5tt1.webm

>> No.25813294

>no Suisei
clearly fake

>> No.25813295

>Yabee the video over one (1) fucking symbol

>> No.25813296

I can't believe Coco drugged Towa's water supply with sleeping pills so she's lying on her bed unconscious with drool running down the side of her cheek and her clothes half off!

>> No.25813298
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1580998443865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Do you think you can fool me? I know you have THAT clip, give it to me

>> No.25813299
Quoted by: >>25813370

Everyone's getting ready for Aloe's comeback

>> No.25813302
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, luna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.25813301

What kind of a monster would force this poor innocent girl to do these things?

>> No.25813303

Suisei is more of pee-in-butt than a cum-in-womb kind of girl.

>> No.25813306

There's nothing interesting to talk about

>> No.25813308


>> No.25813309
Quoted by: >>25813348

it's like being proud of a micro dick...

>> No.25813311

W-what happen?

>> No.25813314

Shitposters are only here for drama and it's been a slow few days

>> No.25813316
File: 101 KB, 343x424, Screenshot_2020-08-28-16-31-56-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks auto-translate

>> No.25813317

when will coco collect all the dinos? did she schedule a stream for it yet?

>> No.25813318

replace the black-eyed Kanata with a normal one and post it to reddit
maybe this will be the first funny meme to get to Coco's review

>> No.25813319
Quoted by: >>25813773


>> No.25813320
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, 1598650360998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813322

Newfags please leave. Drama arc is over.

>> No.25813323
Quoted by: >>25813398

I want to unbuckle Towa's belt

>> No.25813324
Quoted by: >>25813342

>Yabee the video over one (1) fucking symbol

>> No.25813325

China has

>> No.25813328
Quoted by: >>25813355


>> No.25813330

Coco video taping Towa during this state and then blackmailing her.

>> No.25813331
File: 748 KB, 600x546, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags realized that commenting here get them nothing and they are finally going back to discord and ledit.

>> No.25813332
File: 24 KB, 651x411, luna ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some don't deserve Luna's grace

>> No.25813333

Couldn't they edit the video to blur the symbol, like what I always see in Korean variety show?

>> No.25813335
Quoted by: >>25814782

New narrative : Pekora is Satomi Arai's daughter

>> No.25813336

has anyone had issues with archive streams buffering every couple seconds, no matter what the quality, but only some streams? had it with roberu's most recent Mario Kart stream, and now with Kuku's Fall Guys stream. Its not a connection issue cuz i can livestream fine, and some other archives are fine

>> No.25813338
Quoted by: >>25813354

Red cross symbol

>> No.25813341

what happened? i only watch half of the stream

>> No.25813342

Hat with a red cross. Using red cross is Geneva Convention violation. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.25813344


>> No.25813345
Quoted by: >>25813413

Funny thing is that the base image with Josuke and the donation was made by someone on Reddit, but I added the spice to it.

>> No.25813347
File: 474 KB, 2048x1448, EQLzX56UEAAjbdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813348

but that doesnt make sense, lots of guys like flat chests

>> No.25813351

What did she mean by this

>> No.25813352
File: 71 KB, 813x499, 1592892800699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813392

I hope we become the slowest board on 4chan, Fucking 300 IP's of pure cancer shit posting.

>> No.25813354
Quoted by: >>25813381

But why? Since when?

>> No.25813355

>That sightly wet kiss

>> No.25813357
Quoted by: >>25813634


>> No.25813358

So we entered the war criminals arc, huh

>> No.25813361

When Miko comes back, Pekora will have to collab a lot with her! That's because her subscriber count is so low

>> No.25813362
File: 2.70 MB, 1456x1080, 1596949309145.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813363
Quoted by: >>25813406

I lost a ton of braincells watching this
If i fail my reps it's your fault

>> No.25813364


>> No.25813366

Pekora is not a sexual character, she's almost as pure as the duck

>> No.25813367
File: 1.60 MB, 2894x4093, 1570531526346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813395

So... Aloe stream in 12 hours?

>> No.25813368

>he says as posting the reddit dog

>> No.25813369

How much subs would gen 5 have if they were gen 1/2? Or if they weren’t coasting on the success of previous gens?

>> No.25813370
File: 876 KB, 930x664, 1570904565192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Anon Aloe's return won't cause much shitposting. Everyone already gotten it out of their system when she got suspended.

>> No.25813372


>> No.25813373

Do this weird lucid dreaming thing and watch streams in your dreams

>> No.25813375
File: 1.61 MB, 1172x657, 1598616686914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813381

It was back in 2017 iirc when it first came to light. Game companies can't use red cross anymore because red cross isn't public domain.

>> No.25813384

fuck off /v/

>> No.25813385

no more drama happening
it will pick-up when Aloe gets back

>> No.25813386
File: 645 KB, 960x1200, sleepytowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take advantage of Towa in her unconscious state by slipping her clothes off, picking her up and placing her in the bed, tucked in, nice and safe.
I want to let her sleep in as long as she wants and cook her a nice healthy breakfast with orange juice, or apple juice if she prefers!
I want to encourage Towa to get to sleep at a healthy time and fix her sleeping pattern!
I want to hug Towa and tell her to stop being a dumb debiru and look after her health!

>> No.25813387

sora might be on a deep shit then >>25813286

>> No.25813388
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 1591133147647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813426


>> No.25813389
Quoted by: >>25813409

Mio has 0 sex appeal
Every girl in Hololive has a nice belly, Towa's isn't special. Belly =/= WOMB

>> No.25813390


>> No.25813392

Friendly reminder that it's almost autumn, so we'll also get rid of summerfags who hopped onto hololive and hlg out of boredom

>> No.25813393


>> No.25813394

Leona made the call.

>> No.25813395

I think it is 48-54 hours

>> No.25813396

I stop posting when the thread goes to shit, i'm guessing others are doing the same.

>> No.25813398

That's the only think keeping her shorts up!

>> No.25813400

Can't believe this bitch made miko butterfly from the top of the freedom lady

>> No.25813406


>> No.25813408
File: 81 KB, 658x836, 1597709423813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeling so great and happy! because of alcohol
I love you bros. have a great day!

>> No.25813409
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, Ee_AIn0UEAAGWp8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a homosexual

>> No.25813410
Quoted by: >>25813469

whats the story on this guy. i tuned in for like a few seconds and he was playing a guitar and singing well.

>> No.25813412 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1134x752, 1598650853944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813414

What about that niji nurse then?

>> No.25813415

Do your eyes reps, that's a pink cross.

>> No.25813413

it's crazy how one small reference can change a meme from being generic and lazy to actually hilarious
reddit can never compete

>> No.25813417
File: 384 KB, 1463x2048, 1590344031537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio bros... just a few more days...

>> No.25813421
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1589480935119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813458

Is Mikochi coming back tomorrow?

>> No.25813423

haha, yeah...

>> No.25813424

wouldnt it be weird with her boyfriend there too?

>> No.25813425

>geneva convention
nations have been breaking that for the past decade
I wouldn't put it past COVER being retarded though.

>> No.25813426
Quoted by: >>25813461

hlg is 35p Kenzoku country.

>> No.25813429
File: 255 KB, 1755x2048, 93844862_149962016518405_6675851024621633536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the Geneva Convention meme

>> No.25813431

One day before her return, she'll announce that she'll have to wait for 2 months more.

>> No.25813435

I am falling for senchou

>> No.25813438
Quoted by: >>25813449

Can't believe it's Haato that's saving us from Youtube bikini ban

>> No.25813439


>> No.25813444
Quoted by: >>25813519

professional method to get kanata to delete her reddit account, and no one can mention why its bad without breaking rules

>> No.25813445

Get fucked non-early faggot!

>> No.25813446

Anonchama the actual symbol is red cross on white background. Also they wouldn't give a shit about vtubers anyways.

>> No.25813447
Quoted by: >>25813456

Wait I though they privated the video to edit out the staff voice at the end what the fuck is this narrative?

>> No.25813448

>ywn have an anime gf who violates the geneva convention
why live

>> No.25813449
Quoted by: >>25813451

It's not her it's an mmd guy

>> No.25813451

It's haato in the video

>> No.25813455
Quoted by: >>25813474


>> No.25813456
Quoted by: >>25813483

UN is involved anon, you don't know how messy it got down there in the offices.

>> No.25813458
Quoted by: >>25813477

Miko wake up please...

>> No.25813457

Not bad

>> No.25813459

Fucking cowards here don't even commit war crimes.

>> No.25813461
Quoted by: >>25813497

Nah, it's a membersheep and a nousagi alliance, 35p are just tolerated here and everyone hate the kenzokufags

>> No.25813463
File: 690 KB, 2508x3541, 1596904762452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813465
File: 3.31 MB, 242x414, 1568744576950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is he getting so few callers? Homo experts please explain

>> No.25813467

>Bakatare doing nazi salutes and being war criminals
God I love these girls.

>> No.25813469

most subbed stars, the only one with 3D model so far, and one of the best singer in holopro.
i don't know much beyond that since i only watch him for utawaku

>> No.25813470

Falling asleep to Rikka’s soothing voice

>> No.25813471
File: 347 KB, 1200x1200, Egh0iDtU4AApRHc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Holostars get their own thread? I only watch them from Cover, and everyone here is so weird and obnoxious, and there aren't that many people that watch them on /vy/.

>> No.25813472
File: 407 KB, 519x736, 942tn74cerj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a 'funny' meme from r/hololive. Use your editing skills and make it funny.

>> No.25813474
Quoted by: >>25813493

Japan and warcrime go hand in hand

>> No.25813475
File: 160 KB, 532x785, 1572052791154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

void sheep

>> No.25813477
File: 601 KB, 592x640, 1591622582219.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813689


>> No.25813478

>nazi sheep
>War criminal Fubuki
What did Flare do?

>> No.25813481
Quoted by: >>25813513

this is how we decide who stays and who goes

Is Haato better with big tits or small tits?

>> No.25813483

So that's what happened to Abe...

>> No.25813484

This will happen exactly like this in Hawaii with Hoshikawa...

>> No.25813486
File: 56 KB, 704x596, 1594543476910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could've made this post, peko

>> No.25813487

Beheadings, likely

>> No.25813488

high level falseflagging from splitfag

>> No.25813491


>> No.25813492
Quoted by: >>25813529

lamy can program?

>> No.25813493

Abe just resigned, who will cover them up now?

>> No.25813494

Late Friday - early Saturday, time to relax.

>> No.25813497

Nobody cares about membersheeps thats why it's just you 30 people circle jerking.

>> No.25813499

Being cute and awesome while wearing a cyberpunk hat.

>> No.25813501


>> No.25813503
File: 384 KB, 2048x1152, 1598616698240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813594

Made a Jojo reference

>> No.25813505
File: 40 KB, 380x220, 6353524243234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813508
Quoted by: >>25813520

more like 3

>> No.25813510
Quoted by: >>25813522

Mikochi... I miss you...

>> No.25813511

getting a call from pochi is a win in my book

>> No.25813513

Haato is perfect just the way she is. Fuck anyone who thinks they can "improve" perfection.

>> No.25813514
File: 443 KB, 459x511, 1575779320238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813555

I thought you guys were cool

>> No.25813515

Sorry bros I couldn't resist she's pregnant now.

>> No.25813518
Quoted by: >>25813549

Its probably an indian working in some combini

>> No.25813519
Quoted by: >>25814362

redditors with the exception of faggots that lurk here will just think it's the "haha Kanata gets bullied" meme and won't realize the actual reference

Coco might avoid it tho seeing how she must know

>> No.25813521

I've been away all day, why is Bakatare 3D privated?

>> No.25813520

I stand corrected. 3 Membersheeps circle jerking.

>> No.25813522


>> No.25813525
Quoted by: >>25813559

It's 6 a.m, retard. There is a clock right there.

>> No.25813529
Quoted by: >>25813688

She reads PHP supacha

>> No.25813534

>Abe just resigned
what? that can't be true

>> No.25813537

Current theory is that some sort of war crime was committed.

>> No.25813538

It made Watame look like a limelight hog because she is.

>> No.25813539

They were denying war crimes on stream.

>> No.25813540

Now who will save the birthrates!!??

>> No.25813541

health issues,just google it

>> No.25813542

Flare literally beheaded an orc on stream

>> No.25813543

I'm sorry. You can no longer go to Japan and impregnate a cute girl to raise the birthrates.

>> No.25813546

They're gonna be court martialed tomorrow.

>> No.25813549

It was a Viet working in a moving company.

>> No.25813550
Quoted by: >>25813644

Thanks split-kun! Nice Miyabi image you got there!

>> No.25813551
File: 197 KB, 468x736, join the sheepstaffel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813605

Joining the Watame-Sheepstaffel

>> No.25813553
Quoted by: >>25813574

>30 people
Maybe, but that 30 people are 2 meter tall muscular chads.

>> No.25813555
Quoted by: >>25813596

Sorry, I don't really post here and everytime I tried to lurk these thread they go too fast, always move into off-topic and anons post the same template post every new thread. It doesn't feel like the generals I lurk here, so I don't like it very much.

>> No.25813556
Quoted by: >>25813564

Reality: Edit out some staff voice
Narrative: the UN is about to get cover's ass for breaking geneva convention

>> No.25813559

Anon... he's been streaming for 9 hours...

>> No.25813560
File: 473 KB, 2129x3000, 1597482581940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813575

My wife Moona is going to be a senpai!

>> No.25813561

Can Kanata legally drink alcohol?

>> No.25813564

Thought it was something like that, I hope it comes back soon since I never got to watch it.

>> No.25813566
File: 505 KB, 655x612, 1594559539214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was going normal until at the finals moments of the stream Fubuki stood up and asked to have a moment to speak her mind. All eyes and ears on her, she started:
-Fuck China and fuck Hoshimati Suisei. That's all.

>> No.25813572

Why not?

>> No.25813574
File: 816 KB, 3000x2179, 1590470100064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813588

You're outnumbered 4:1 against these lads.

>> No.25813575
File: 1.23 MB, 1653x2338, 80982455_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona's moonas!

>> No.25813576


>> No.25813577

Why wouldn't a 29 year old be able to drink?

>> No.25813583
File: 10 KB, 261x234, 1590671066788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover please let me make webms of the stream...

>> No.25813584
File: 405 KB, 405x480, 1596900157286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813644

nice try split-fag but we'll always be here

>> No.25813586
Quoted by: >>25813636

It's up on chink archive.

>> No.25813588

No matter the numbers, losers will be losers.

>> No.25813594

isnt that wanpiss hat

>> No.25813596

i see now fuck off

>> No.25813597

Thank you, that was a new one for me.
Have a brrrr in return

>> No.25813598

>didn't take a single picture during it because I was playing azur lane while watching
>they private the stream

>> No.25813599

It's an utawaku first, totsumachi second

>> No.25813602
Quoted by: >>25813608


>> No.25813603
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 821F7B55-A045-4258-BB3A-B07249BAE601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813611

>/vyt/fags bought the geneva convention narrative

>> No.25813604

Archives, mates.

>> No.25813605
File: 2.41 MB, 4093x2894, EWS-komUwAstaGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813613

I'd rather join the OGs

>> No.25813606
Quoted by: >>25813645

Is this from COD4?

>> No.25813608
Quoted by: >>25813622

how new? or are you retarded?

>> No.25813611
Quoted by: >>25813620

Holos being war criminals is a funny idea.

>> No.25813612
File: 2.21 MB, 926x1789, 4chan improved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813777

>Use your editing skills and make it funny.
Here's a superior version

>> No.25813613
File: 11 KB, 418x88, 1596353002372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813615

That story was hilarious.

>> No.25813617
Quoted by: >>25813624

anon please lurk more


>> No.25813619

she's gay

>> No.25813620

Some of them like Matsuri would 100% commit war crimes if they were in the position to do so

>> No.25813622

How am I retarded? Please elaborate.

>> No.25813623

Fuck, I missed Ran and Leona's calls.

>> No.25813624

Fuck yeah

>> No.25813626
Quoted by: >>25813769

Thank you, anon. She's so cute. Glad we're getting a clip uploaded by her later.

>> No.25813628
Quoted by: >>25813647

>want to check the 3D collab
>it's still privated
Which songs did they sing for them to take down the stream?

>> No.25813629 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 1080x608, 1598651965077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813631

The video only got taken down from youtube

>> No.25813633

She escaped criminal prosecution in her country for testing military equipment on a small village.

>> No.25813634

EOP btfo

>> No.25813636

here >>25813586

>> No.25813637
File: 50 KB, 599x599, 1597906634714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813639

guys is it true that Watame actually beheaded a chinaman with a samurai sword while Fubuki and Flare sang the Imperial Japanese battle march, live on stream?

>> No.25813641
File: 1.52 MB, 605x1447, fubukang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813643


>> No.25813644
File: 973 KB, 3202x1920, Ef9gRlWVAAEYv1O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813662

I didn't know this was a shitposting trigger or something, a shame about the threads, see ya then.

>> No.25813645

I don't know anon, I guess it's from one of the COD parts she played

>> No.25813647

it's a literal war crime, this is serious business

>> No.25813650


>> No.25813651

She probably just doesn't drink because alcohol can both cause chronic symptoms to be aggravated and has very bad interactions with a plethora of medicine.
Or maybe she just doesn't like it.

She's not underage though.

>> No.25813653
File: 15 KB, 184x184, 2f3ffc5437aac149142925fd5611012d169bff79_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did the PW collab go, did it feel like Pikamee made friends with the holos, or is she going to continue to be walled off?

>> No.25813654
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, HIPS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813655


>> No.25813656

Flare pulled a Yukio Mishima on live

>> No.25813658
File: 1.65 MB, 1171x661, 1570957580809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813672


>> No.25813662

More good image, nice!

>> No.25813663

Yes, btw Flare is a proud Okinawan and half American, that's why Coco will do a collab with her for the new holohouse video.

>> No.25813664
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1598165187941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.25813666
File: 1004 KB, 2065x2632, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_shenbaibaibaibaibaibaibai__029e17ae08a31f4df08777203b49f4be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Cover ever implement this technology on the Hologirls? God, I'd kill to watch Peko doing these natural moves

>> No.25813667

Me coming in from the left.

>> No.25813672
File: 94 KB, 292x299, 1590888038109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep is on a warpath and she can't be stopped.

>> No.25813673

she really has gained weight

>> No.25813674

too retarded, suisui no traitor, boring

>> No.25813675 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 500x523, 1598652223595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813751

Soon, I will return...the pieces fall into place, as I have planned from the beginning.
Permissions...bans...narratives...yabees...it was all my doing.
I orchestrated the stalking of Mel, Luna's injuries, and the outcome of the APEX tournament.
Even now my minions work to destabilise generation 4 and 5 from the inside, right under their noses...
The robot shall be the first sacrifice...then, the harlot who stole my love from me. Then, all of hololive will bow to our command.

My master shall return soon...it cannot be stopped. I will have my revenge on those who took what was mine!
Next Saturday at 10pm JST, the final piece falls into place...

>> No.25813676

it was pretty meh, the ones who got assigned traitor did a pretty poor job, their practice round had suisei as a traitor and the apparently managed to kill everyone it would have made for a better stream being honest

>> No.25813681


>> No.25813683

Can someone do an MMD remake of Grave of the Fireflies where Watame is Seita and Luna is Setsuko?

>> No.25813684

Don't you ever use cool guy for this nonsense again.

>> No.25813685
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber

>> No.25813688
Quoted by: >>25813741

Is she a dev or something?

>> No.25813689

M-miko...do the funny beep thing one more time...

>> No.25813690
File: 260 KB, 1963x1078, worlds cutest war criminals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing them all like this, really makes me appreciate just how amazing Flare's legs are, how wonderfully busty Watame is, and how completely devoid of sex appeal Fubuki is

>> No.25813692

Sorry but bakatare has now taken that crown.

>> No.25813694

Yes, Ayame.

>> No.25813698


>> No.25813699

Is she a war criminal though?

>> No.25813708

dude, the tummy

>> No.25813710
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, pecker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813729


>> No.25813711

Watame is WIDE compared to Fubuki.

>> No.25813713
File: 295 KB, 1528x1825, 1587359848546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nip reps
>lifting reps
>apex reps
what else do I need?

>> No.25813714


>> No.25813716
File: 762 KB, 806x2164, __original_drawn_by_nagishiro_mito__9cfc3228f172eee5483bf30fc7ddc3d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean, Mito's designs can be sexy, FBK was made to be only cute.

>> No.25813720

I can spot kusa.

What other things in chat should I be able to recognise? Is there similar kanji for like cringe, oof, hype etc?

>> No.25813721

cock training reps

>> No.25813722
Quoted by: >>25813758


>> No.25813723
File: 1.30 MB, 1152x648, cooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking reps!

>> No.25813727
Quoted by: >>25813771

Where would she find a tyrone in nipland?

>> No.25813729


>> No.25813730
File: 205 KB, 400x400, 1596158589210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poggers dude

>> No.25813732

Last thread, there was also someone claiming that Watame didn't move to holohouse because she's sick of cleaning shit.

>> No.25813733

Sank yu foa supacha simppus

>> No.25813734


>> No.25813735

don't forget drawing

>> No.25813738

Doing my sex reps all weekend in preparation for Aloe's return, but no cumming only soaking.

>> No.25813739
Quoted by: >>25813779


>> No.25813741

Supposedly she dabbled a little when she was a child, so no, she can't not that any other women can anyway

>> No.25813745
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813746

Did he upload the full stream?

>> No.25813747
File: 47 KB, 744x618, 1568738100563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813760

>> No.25813751


>> No.25813753

Watame's puffy cheeks are too cute

>> No.25813755

80% of Fubuki’s chat is ナイスゥ!spam.

>> No.25813756
Quoted by: >>25813822

unironically this >>25813721
You need to do kegel reps to be able to fuck her for hours.

>> No.25813757
File: 90 KB, 204x225, EgD6EhyXgAAEb1w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those akasupa void assists

>> No.25813758

>watching stream
>literally not even a minute into the VR part and Watame's already stuffing her face

>> No.25813759


>> No.25813760
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1598520321564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this literally the only VR game the holo office owns? Someone throw Yagoo a steam card

>> No.25813764


>> No.25813765
File: 511 KB, 1062x752, 1590654779931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That hysterical laugh at the transition
So cute.

>> No.25813766
File: 55 KB, 320x483, 1584582683434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813770



>> No.25813767
File: 26 KB, 368x368, 1595925641117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813775

I had a nightmare that mikochi posted her last message on twitter.

>> No.25813769
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1600, 1597085665478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really looking forward to it, it will probably make my day. I hope she will come back next week, but I don't think so. She wouldn't post a clip, if she would come back within 2-4 days...

Don't forget, we are the 35p:

>> No.25813770
File: 91 KB, 333x1089, DING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813771


>> No.25813772


Just type these in chat and nobody will know you are an EOP.

>> No.25813773

heres the 82kg pes7ak

>> No.25813775

bros... how do you keep living... this is a nightmare....

>> No.25813777
Quoted by: >>25813834

The format of the meme itself is fundamentally fucked, which is my problem with Plebbit memes. All the build up is funneled into a generic reaction image, which acts as the punchline. Here, the only way to make it interesting is through the text, since the punchline is bland. However, to communicate more specific ideas at this point, you need to add excessive text. This kills the pacing of the joke, and complicates the message.

And that’s what really kills me about Plebbit in general, aside from its stroke each others’ cocks culture. The humor is so cautiously inoffensive, and the format of the site encourages these shitty templates. I always thought the appeal of a meme was its ability to communicate ideas in a compressed form, which is better done here. The Plebbit meme formats are the equivalent of reading a bad comic strip or 4 koma, as the punchline will always be on the same panel. Not that I’m the king of comedy, or anyone else here is.
Even this anon does a better job. It’s simple and effective

>> No.25813778
File: 305 KB, 615x827, 1590915912123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813792

Special child carer reps.

>> No.25813779

What exactly does aaaaaaaa mean?

>> No.25813780
Quoted by: >>25813972

This duck is the cutest.

>> No.25813782

god she's so fucking hot.
I'd watch her, but her voice is so fucking bad, its the only reason i hate her. I wish she'd just drop 0 y/o voice and talk like a normal human being

>> No.25813783
File: 2.86 MB, 448x376, 1598622910731.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813784
File: 284 KB, 498x498, Yukihana_Lamy_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the verdict? Completely fake or is she actually a nice person?

>> No.25813786
Quoted by: >>25813799


>> No.25813789
Quoted by: >>25813809

When does the yabee moment happen in the stream? Does the chink archive have it?

>> No.25813790

So, now that Ono Yuuki has revealed himself as married, and a father to be, do you think Miko will return after she gives birth?

>> No.25813792

If I can't be Towa's husband, then I will become her mom!

>> No.25813793

Homos finally getting memberships, it's a good day

>> No.25813794
File: 79 KB, 916x894, 1594257628931.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813914


>> No.25813795
File: 38 KB, 1271x155, ihatethisfuckingnerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813798

Weird I had a dream that Miko and Mio stopped streaming for weeks... Weird.

>> No.25813799


>> No.25813801
File: 754 KB, 790x444, 1598632293414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813802

Is fake niceness bad so long as you don't over rely on receiving it?

>> No.25813803
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1578313809307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine, comfy programming streams with a cute chuba...

>> No.25813804

Either completely fake or a retard she finds herself WAY too funny it's creepy

>> No.25813806
File: 361 KB, 1080x1523, jmhcam9b1og51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813841


>> No.25813805
File: 52 KB, 543x767, iLOFHwnFgmMEfcgG62830c6EvYI8U9PrcI7TRK4Wcbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813842

I'd say she's "playing up" the niceness to be mommy-mode, but its not fully fake, more like 35% fake

You can tell the way she completely slapped Polka aside when she asked lewd jokes that she's unphased by such stuff

>> No.25813808

We will see in a month if she keeps up the seiso act

>> No.25813809

Chink archive has it.

>> No.25813811
File: 1.36 MB, 960x540, 1579272016906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813813

That's why Abe retired. His work here was done.

>> No.25813814
Quoted by: >>25813837

I need to do my Ruby and R reps, I promised I would do them during lockdown but I've been too busy doing japanese reps...

>> No.25813818

The narrative slayer, Seeker of truth.

>> No.25813820
Quoted by: >>25813836

I was wondering about these while I watched that clip. It definitely felt editorialized

>> No.25813821
Quoted by: >>25813843

What's the problem with this? He's correcting a mistranslation or something?

>> No.25813822

and strong pelvic floor muscles will ensure increased ejaculatory power, for maximal chances of fertilization

>> No.25813824
File: 248 KB, 480x480, 1593533399556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813825

She's hiding something

>> No.25813826
File: 407 KB, 580x548, 1594149533743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so cute bros?

>> No.25813828

So this is why the stream got taken down...

>> No.25813831
Quoted by: >>25814785

>Accurate translations bad
Why are you like this, especially after the recent birdkun incident with Miko?
Consider suicide

>> No.25813833

I was gonna post a very cynical reply, but I rather live in a world were everthing that holos say is true.

>> No.25813834
File: 365 KB, 725x322, check em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813860

blessed trips of truth, this is why 4chan will always be more comfy than reddit

>> No.25813835
Quoted by: >>25813869


>> No.25813836


>> No.25813837

Just do Ruby reps in japanese

>> No.25813839

this part would have been so great with idol outfits
yonkisei, your idol outfits...

>> No.25813841
Quoted by: >>25813855

wtf this is accurate, where is this from?

>> No.25813842
File: 72 KB, 633x590, 1598521919780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene absolutely sperged out at panties question
>lamy basically just went "Haha, no."

You can tell which is and isn't a virgin

>> No.25813843
Quoted by: >>25813871

translators that don't English or Japanese are making up narratives and fearless defender of hololive l*ger is there to call them out

>> No.25813846
File: 10 KB, 189x267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say you don't want HoloEN because of the slim chance one of them decides to be political, but I bet if a Holo praised your type of politics you'd like it.

>> No.25813847
Quoted by: >>25813883

What other horror games would work though? Half Life Alyx, Doom 3 BFG VR? I'm kind of drawing a blank on VR horror games on PC, RE7's is locked to the horrible PS VR and Alien Isolation's I think was never finished.

>> No.25813851

minn-*coughs blood*mMMMMMMMMMINAAA

>> No.25813852

Her face looks so fat

>> No.25813853

Lamy is a whore..

>> No.25813855

You don't wanna know.

>> No.25813856
File: 1.04 MB, 600x252, 1592863264050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Watame was on screen

>> No.25813857
File: 164 KB, 966x1085, 1597546807355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots you*

>> No.25813858
Quoted by: >>25813876


>> No.25813859

[ARS 50] Anon no me conoces pero quiero decirte que te amo y no puedo vivir sin ti

>> No.25813860

ok but towa is a whore

>> No.25813862

Creepy robot

>> No.25813863

How emoi is it going to be?

>> No.25813865
File: 1.29 MB, 1917x849, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Okayu wants to waste her new PC on Shadow Corridor

>> No.25813866
Quoted by: >>25813904

>that kanji

>> No.25813864

holy based

>> No.25813867


>> No.25813868

It feels like winter every day.

>> No.25813869

>fucking ime

>> No.25813872

It's that or Lamy's dense as fuck

>> No.25813871
Quoted by: >>25813891

I still don't understand why is that a bad thing.

>> No.25813873

You gotta type that for Nene though.

>> No.25813876
Quoted by: >>25813901

"What color are your panties" and "how do you wash your body when showering"

>> No.25813877

Por que

>> No.25813879
Quoted by: >>25813967

context? stalker tendency aside, his translation is usually decent quality

>> No.25813880

If you have been here for more than one thread you know that is the case.

>> No.25813881


>> No.25813882
File: 910 KB, 900x1200, 3hqNTw7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*raids your village and rapes all the women*

>> No.25813883
Quoted by: >>25813941

Pekora wanted to make Noel play FNAF VR at first

>> No.25813884

please andastd copyright is difficult

>> No.25813885
File: 247 KB, 593x661, 1591425290265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813995

I bet she thought she was so cool holding that gun

>> No.25813886

While lyger is a big faggot, from what I've seen his translations are on point. Fuck SEAnigs and spics doing "translations". They guess half the time anyways
e.g. Kanata's top translator fag

>> No.25813887

also if their oshi started talking about abe stepped down to avoid prosecution for his obvious corruption they wouldnt say anything because none of them actually know any japanese so they wouldnt realize

>> No.25813888

This narrative is silly, but I want to push it. It'd explain why he gave Korone money and talked about ID and Roberu on stream, he's going to be part of the holofamily

>> No.25813889
File: 325 KB, 1448x2048, Ed2NvHsUYAAeMFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813923

Lo siento anon, pero yo no to amo, seamos amigos.

>> No.25813891

Didn't say it's a bad thing

>> No.25813892
File: 171 KB, 349x392, 20200825195114_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*canon in d major*

>> No.25813894
Quoted by: >>25813908

how is rolling over them when they back up not the same as "running over"

>> No.25813895

She knows what's she's doing.
Botan said as such.

>> No.25813896
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813913

>> No.25813897

lettah b ja nai wa

>> No.25813899
Quoted by: >>25813927

Aren't Holos contractually forbidden from talking about politics?

>> No.25813900
File: 17 KB, 560x346, EgbxXrSVAAQKUTa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813901

They appeal to different crowds so I don't see a problem.

>> No.25813904

Why do 草 and 車 look so similar? What does grass have to do with cars? This language gives me a headache sometimes.

>> No.25813906

Wallaby Wallaby

>> No.25813907
Quoted by: >>25813942

He was a hero who stopped money from going to useless programs and instead used it to increase the amount of pregnant anime girls.

>> No.25813908
Quoted by: >>25814293

i do think lyger is genuinely wrong about that point, i think "running over" and "hit by a car" are used pretty interchangeably in english.

>> No.25813910
Quoted by: >>25813921


>> No.25813911

Dunking on Abe became a national pastime in the past few months, they could get away with it

>> No.25813912
File: 280 KB, 599x599, 1586585670377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK

>> No.25813913

Damn, Choco get's to eat THAT?

>> No.25813914
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1594849826873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her so much...

>> No.25813915


>> No.25813918
File: 2.86 MB, 942x1080, towa hips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813938

Jokes on you, I like whores. I need me a bitch that knows how to satisfy cock.
Love is overrated

>> No.25813917
File: 369 KB, 580x508, Choco02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is a whore

>> No.25813920

absolutely based
nothing makes brainlets seethe more than both getting shot down AND having a 120-word essay written to back it up

>> No.25813921
Quoted by: >>25813943


>> No.25813923
Quoted by: >>25813932

I want to have sex with my amiga...

>> No.25813924

Do more reps and they'll stop looking similar.

>> No.25813925

>posts a literal whore
my mans

>> No.25813926

do your radical reps

>> No.25813927

Didn't stop peko
Sincerely, I never understood why so many Japanese people wore glasses for even the smallest of vision issues but now I do.

>> No.25813931

this but with your mom

>> No.25813932
File: 173 KB, 1200x932, 1200px-Amiga500_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813969

Sounds like a weird fetish.

>> No.25813934
Quoted by: >>25813953

Is everyone out partying? Why so slow

>> No.25813936
Quoted by: >>25813947

what clip is this?

>> No.25813937
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, 58DBAF8D-9F3F-4A6D-9075-FF0363BD10E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813938
Quoted by: >>25813962

Once you get a little older and you libido subsides, then what are you left with?

>> No.25813940

車 is honestly one of the easiest kanji since it looks like a chassis

>> No.25813941

That'd be great, hopefully they can play that over Emily Wants to Play for every VR punishment stream.

>> No.25813942

Somebody needs to continue his work.

>> No.25813943

*out of breath*

>> No.25813944

why does read and read look so similar? what does lead have to do with lead? this language gives me a headache sometimes

>> No.25813947
Quoted by: >>25814122


>> No.25813949


>> No.25813951
File: 18 KB, 371x372, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25813952

Why are chocofriends like this?

>> No.25813953

kys faggot

>> No.25813954
Quoted by: >>25813976

He's fixing wrong translation of seaniggs, nothing wrong with that, based af.

>> No.25813956

Instead of the other one that looks like grass.

>> No.25813958

Fuck your right, I'll figure this shit out yet.

>> No.25813959
File: 225 KB, 504x478, 1598399883746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for sheep is eternal!

>> No.25813960
File: 381 KB, 1256x885, 1598159516325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813961
File: 248 KB, 1023x1447, EgakFDlUEAI28Ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25813962
File: 26 KB, 572x316, vegeta dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life free of a limiting libido and free of a nagging bitch wife.
True freedom

>> No.25813963

Nothing. 車 is a radical in itself, while 草 has the くさかんむり on top. Do more reps

>> No.25813964

Mikochi! https://youtu.be/WqWqN10biP8

>> No.25813967
Quoted by: >>25814138

There was a shit translation of some Botan zatsudan where she was talking about how she got hit by a car twice, and the way the translator wrote it it sounded like she almost got killed (literally translated something as "ran over my leg" wtf). She also said something about dead family members, I don't remember why

>> No.25813969

I dunno, look at that floppy disk reader, that's a pretty inviting hole

>> No.25813970
File: 19 KB, 436x361, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814011


>> No.25813971 [SPOILER] 
File: 331 KB, 1200x1920, 1598653739511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the thinking man's holo?

>> No.25813972
File: 1.48 MB, 2480x3508, 1594422364875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814149

She needs to do more covers, her voice is amazing. She's like a ray of sunshine in vocal form.

>> No.25813973


>> No.25813976

*his fellow seanigs

>> No.25813979
File: 177 KB, 455x372, 1598510079595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25813991

I actually saw one vtuber that were doing python programming streams but she wasn't speaking english nor japanese. It's not that interesting to watch like any programming stream basically

>> No.25813981
File: 16 KB, 224x214, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to zoom my browser in to 150% so I can make out which kanji is which, how do they fucking tell the difference at a glance?

>> No.25813982
File: 1.41 MB, 2508x3541, EVnl-k_VAAA0eyD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814048

What happened to Cover hiring professional "clippers"?

>> No.25813983

some of these models look absolutely terrible.

>> No.25813986

Polka or Botan

>> No.25813987

I just saw that video, it was beautiful. Also I think i'm liking this gremlin

>> No.25813988
File: 668 KB, 960x540, 1594026426354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814021

>> No.25813990
File: 76 KB, 700x252, Screenshot 2020-08-28 at 6.13.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, indeed. It is called Hololive, where the transitory lands of "idols" converge. In venturing to the top, Watame challenged the old vanguards that stood in her way.
Tokino Sora, pioneer of the addiction, yet so easily forgotten...
Sakura Miko, loved by all and hated by none...
And the one who clawed her way to the top, Hoshimachi Suisei...
Only, in truth... the old vanguards will decline...
And the sheep will rise.

>> No.25813991
File: 2.24 MB, 300x300, 1581921651653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Im just autistic but I enjoy programming videos/streams

>> No.25813993

Luna... your neck

>> No.25813995

Yakub yo...

>> No.25813996

by that i mean all kanji not just these two, they're too finely detailed for me to be able to tell without going CSI mode on them

>> No.25813998

get better eyes, and a brain

>> No.25813999

Lately I'm starting to think that lyger is actually based. Fuck those incompetent retard "translators", birdkun needs to hang after what he did with Miko.

>> No.25814002
Quoted by: >>25814052

She didn't stuck around for much, a shame

>> No.25814003


Do not open

>> No.25814004
File: 29 KB, 633x407, 1568401351830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A foreigner Filipino in Japan correcting an ESL Japanese

>> No.25814005
Quoted by: >>25814106

The three most idol-like in HL.

>> No.25814007


>> No.25814008

Wait what the fuck was up with that Austin Evans tweet?

>> No.25814009 [SPOILER] 
File: 949 KB, 2150x3036, 1598653917285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814011


>> No.25814012
Quoted by: >>25814044

Mistaking them at a first glance is understandable, but if you need to zoom, then you definitely need glasses. Seek a professional help.

>> No.25814014
Quoted by: >>25814044

get your glasses grandpa

>> No.25814015 [DELETED] 
File: 522 KB, 1866x896, sheeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814017
Quoted by: >>25814023

wheres the 3d stream with watame at?

>> No.25814018

cant you just increase text size? im still on hiragana and kanji looks scary

>> No.25814019
Quoted by: >>25814044

Maybe you need glasses

>> No.25814021

They way she leans back like that makes me wonder if someone quickly caught her after what happened to Luna

>> No.25814023


>> No.25814025

>Watame will never let you judge the stench of her pits before and after a shower

>> No.25814026
File: 74 KB, 230x230, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of l*ger

>> No.25814027
Quoted by: >>25814057

do it you coward

>> No.25814035


>> No.25814036

>not even a member

>> No.25814040
File: 116 KB, 773x1200, EEBvZ2MUcAU0B4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814042


>> No.25814044
File: 12 KB, 217x201, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-maybe...I don't know how you anons do it, at normal size all the strokes just blend together and I get sad.

>> No.25814045

She's into girls?

>> No.25814047

As kids these days say: yikes!

>> No.25814048
Quoted by: >>25814065

For those who weren't there.

>> No.25814050

how new?

>> No.25814051

>strawberry shortcake
>not a member
>didn't even turn on notifications

>> No.25814052

They both went back home.

>> No.25814053

I fucking hate L*ger they need to die a most gruesome death.

>> No.25814055
Quoted by: >>25814074

eops bad, translations bad but here we are praising lyger. wtf is going on.

>> No.25814057
File: 104 KB, 766x858, sheeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried but this happened...

>> No.25814060

nice profile picture faggot

>> No.25814061

Never chance mikoti

>> No.25814062

Of course. https://youtu.be/f_4Vw3QhKII?t=634

>> No.25814065

I hope to God they don’t actually hire him

>> No.25814067

welcome to membersheep~

>> No.25814069

I love this baby princess

>> No.25814071 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 542x767, Watawata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814096

Is there a better costume alternative to this for Watame? I can't think of any.

>> No.25814074

>Translations bad
No. SHITTY translations bad. Lyger is a faggot but his translations are pretty decent

>> No.25814075
Quoted by: >>25814091

>how you anons do it
I use glasses.

>> No.25814076
File: 32 KB, 553x597, EfzshPUXsAImrHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814093

>tfw no psycho Watame gf to choke me to death

>> No.25814077
Quoted by: >>25814091

might be your text rendering, are they blurry at your text size?

>> No.25814078
Quoted by: >>25814088

Astel's voice can go even deeper than his Osaka Dreaming Night voice
Holy shit

>> No.25814079

Nothing, he lost some bet to a guy who had his otaku room shown on Haachama's stream:

>> No.25814080
File: 86 KB, 840x720, 42950f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814081

You forgot your 9

>> No.25814082
Quoted by: >>25814217

yeah, especially busty blondes

>> No.25814083

Meidos confirmed membersheep

>> No.25814084

Why did they draw a vagina inside that armpit?

>> No.25814085

>>25813872 >>25813842
Lamy is the true sex machine, a sexual predator with a chameleon skin. She's already targeting other Holos. Lamy is going to use her subtle seductive skills to create a cult so devoted that Watame will cry about her cult not being even one-tenth of one percent as zealous as Lamy's.

>> No.25814087
File: 296 KB, 484x532, 1598379863155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member sheep irasshia~

>> No.25814088

he's the rainmaker after all

>> No.25814091
Quoted by: >>25814268

Fuck, if it's for my oshi then I will have to make the sacrifice.
Maybe I should change my font, it's quite a thick font, what do you use anons?

>> No.25814092


>> No.25814093
File: 1.50 MB, 1843x1079, 1591878985051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch this to die instantly

>> No.25814094
File: 16 KB, 346x299, 1567745521865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you watamates

>> No.25814096

a grey hamster onesie

>> No.25814097

Astel called!

>> No.25814098

Bye anon.

>> No.25814099
File: 1.10 MB, 2636x3508, 83800628_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to become a snowman

>> No.25814100
Quoted by: >>25814117

>Austin evans
Linus is more entertaining

>> No.25814101
Quoted by: >>25814110

Astel your talking theme reps...

>> No.25814102

Anyone else notice that Ran (green bear), Kuku, and Leona having been getting involved with the holostars a LOT lately?

>> No.25814105
File: 294 KB, 1250x834, 1597486134064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814120


>> No.25814106

>Matsuri will also have a performance next month

>> No.25814109
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x1080, 1592587814270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814144

Now Rikka will teach Astel how to find a gf!

>> No.25814110

So he struggles with no only women, but with Chads

>> No.25814112

I speak fluent Japanese and will never use it in chat because I always get a response when I type in English the girls want English and I’m giving it to them

>> No.25814114

Kuku's been involved with Roberu for at least 3 months now. Ran also has a collab with Rikka from a while back and even called in for his 3D debut. Leona is the only new one.

>> No.25814117

I dont even watch him only showed up because matsuri liked it

>> No.25814120

goodbye goodbye human

>> No.25814121
File: 107 KB, 480x480, 1598472646859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too!

become membersheep!

>> No.25814122

so, was he right?

>> No.25814127
File: 1.95 MB, 288x540, catdog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just watched some korone stream and is fucking comfy how she does everything on its time without rush.

>> No.25814129

okayu's voice man. that shit is so smooth

>> No.25814130
File: 1.61 MB, 964x1007, 1598638946926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking disgusted by the influx of the wholesome chungus niggers here. We are the cook kids, we don't need your embarrassing fake positivity here. Go back to plebbit dicklet faggot, /hlg/ is for real men only.

>> No.25814134

I love anon.

>> No.25814138

She was asked to talk about stories of her family and said that she had to go visit their graves because she didn't really have any family members alive. Then decided to talk about the story of her dad

>> No.25814139


>> No.25814140


>> No.25814141
Quoted by: >>25814162

here, have a boner

>> No.25814142
File: 105 KB, 518x915, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when does this Hololive shit start to get crazy? It's been nothing but filler for 2 years now. I'm starting to think this is a slice of life show and not the fantasy girl action show I was promised. And most importantly when does this shitty Missing Miko arc end? She literally has an Elite power level are the writers just incompetent?

>> No.25814143

I mean, I doubt they're doing it for clout given the holostars aren't exactly the shining beacon of popularity

>> No.25814144
Quoted by: >>25814222

If Astel can overcome that awkwardness around new people (usually girls) he can go far. Skilled at Apex and amazing singer.

>> No.25814145
File: 1.15 MB, 1735x824, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you

>> No.25814147

I love all who follow the teachings of Watame, the divine vanguard.

>> No.25814149

She's always fun to tune in and radiates positivity like you said. I'm glad that she's there, I hope to see a lot more from her.

>> No.25814150

Wholesomeness is the new counter-culture, your faux anger is weak.

>> No.25814153

This is not a Mexican telenovea anon

>> No.25814155

>cook kids
That's right, this is the secret /ck/ thread. Post cooking reps or GTFO

>> No.25814158
Quoted by: >>25814168

I usually hate asmr...but hers? Puts me to sleep in minutes. Fuckin love it.

>> No.25814159

I will go to Thailand just to beat the shit out of birdkun if he DARES to "translate" something about Miko ever again

>> No.25814160
Quoted by: >>25814234

She's gonna get killed by Sio off screen and Roboco will start her apex training arc to take her down

>> No.25814162
File: 1.44 MB, 1100x947, shiokayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814197

Okayu and Shion are a really underrated pair

>> No.25814163
Quoted by: >>25814234

Should have read the manga. We're about to enter the battle shounen arc which goes on for 5 years until we get cancelled.

>> No.25814166
Quoted by: >>25814174

Please Astel, convince him to sing DADDY DADDY DO

>> No.25814165


>> No.25814167
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1592201130415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember your victories, they are a part of who you are.

>> No.25814168

I listen to her every night before bed

>> No.25814169

Oh no it's happening again...

>> No.25814170

Animare has been collabing with Holostars for quite a while now but I do get the impression that Cover has a condition that if they want to collab with Hololives, they should collab with Holostars first. Pikamee got a collab last night with Suisei and Choco after dealing with Holostars for months.

>> No.25814171

The rest of the world is filled with raging, soulless husks.

>> No.25814172


>> No.25814173


>> No.25814174

Did it!

>> No.25814177
Quoted by: >>25814184

Do people on /ck/ actually cooks or they're just LARPing about their board topic like other 4channel boards?

>> No.25814176


>> No.25814179
Quoted by: >>25814265

They never learn. The fear has already been put into me since someone posted a comment I made here.

>> No.25814180
Quoted by: >>25814206

Don't you dare use mel in these kind of posts ever again
And especially not my screenshots

>> No.25814181
File: 171 KB, 1146x2000, EfJV_NqUwAIsBX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of life's greatest joys

>> No.25814182
Quoted by: >>25814215


why is it the littlest one is the most horny

>> No.25814184


>> No.25814187
Quoted by: >>25814204

I don't get it

>> No.25814188
Quoted by: >>25814204

I don't understand.

>> No.25814189

BASED, Me and my cartel will help you.

>> No.25814191
File: 1.66 MB, 993x1075, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to cook again, after that abomination? Are you sure about that?

>> No.25814192
Quoted by: >>25814208


>> No.25814194
Quoted by: >>25814358

I doubt it's less of a condition from Cover, and more of a fact the main holos probably get a lot of collab requests from smaller chuubas and only really pay attention to names they've seen coworkers collab with or people they know

>> No.25814195
File: 32 KB, 344x373, 1594694343979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814254

Just look at her, absolutely no remorse.

>> No.25814196
File: 92 KB, 1307x941, 1570072004479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814209

Are we finally slowing down?

>> No.25814197
Quoted by: >>25814251

Okayu and Shion feel like sisters and it's cute.

>> No.25814198

Damn, this is what Melposters are like?

>> No.25814199

I fucking kneel, anon.

>> No.25814200

I want to hear Mel gag more, yes.

>> No.25814201

>An embarrassing EOP chatter
Jesus. So this is the true face of shitposters?

>> No.25814202

You absolute mad lad

>> No.25814204


>> No.25814205

That only bad part about it was her actually eating the abomination. I still don't know how the fuck she stomached it

>> No.25814206

Sorry anon but Mel and the rights of her every picture is mine and only mine from now on.

>> No.25814207


A tonne of independents are signing up for Haachama's mixer. I don't think she realized how many desperate nobodies are out there. This is going to be hell to organize.

>> No.25814208

Sheepfags are homos lmao

>> No.25814209

In about 3 hours the thread will probably go to shit

>> No.25814213

>Ne X-chan, why did you never have children?

>Well, in my 20s I was a virtual idol so I couldn't have a boyfriend. By the time the fad died out it was too late.

>> No.25814214
Quoted by: >>25815050

>skin fang
Meanwhile Nene has actual fang when she's just a chinese person, why's everything so backwards in Hololive?

>> No.25814215
Quoted by: >>25814231

>littlest one

>> No.25814217

Then I have a chance with her :3

>> No.25814219

your mom is sucking my wholesome cock

>> No.25814220
Quoted by: >>25814445

everyone just loves doxxing themselves here. was it worth it anon?

>> No.25814222
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1588789680820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814260

I think there are a lot of girls that want to collab with Astel after the tournament but since Astel has a small group of friends they can't connect with him. Thank God for Makea.

>> No.25814223
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, 最高の5期生.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I made it better

>> No.25814224

what is this

>> No.25814225

I knew I recognized that profile picture

>> No.25814226

What about Mikoti?

>> No.25814227
File: 1.26 MB, 1720x817, 56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting warmer.

>> No.25814228
Quoted by: >>25814255

>Haachama's mixer
What is my retarded daughter up to now?

>> No.25814229

who are you quoting?

>> No.25814231


well, in terms of holo appearance

>> No.25814234
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, shadow ayame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814263

>She's gonna get killed by Sio off screen
Maybe they already engaged in combat off screen and that's the real reason Miko is in the hospital now...
>We're about to enter the battle shounen arc
I saw a spoiler that states Ayame ends up being the reason for Gen6 all being Magical Girls. Is that also in the manga?

>> No.25814235


>> No.25814236
File: 151 KB, 1157x1637, 1584034041999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814272

>> No.25814237
Quoted by: >>25814374

Watame's 3D is the cutest one for me out of all the holos

>> No.25814238

It's easy to forget when you're in one of the big companies that there are hundreds of sub 20 viewer indies who will suck dick for exposure

>> No.25814241

I bet Coco tried to kill Miko on purpose.

>> No.25814244

better start deleting or checking those privacy settings anon

>> No.25814246
File: 143 KB, 904x1400, EgDtVAPVAAE1TkP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this shrine maiden

>> No.25814247
File: 3.25 MB, 498x359, 1590820623479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheep shitposters outed as EOPs
At least he donates

>> No.25814248


noel BOTW soon.

>> No.25814249


>> No.25814251
Quoted by: >>25814283

Okayu feels like Shion's mom half the time.

>Showed up to date and bought tickets 30 minutes early because she was worried Shion would get lost since she had just moved
>Got a map to lead the date around
>Reserved their lunch spot in advance
>Was at the ready with a drink when Shion couldn't swallow her food

>> No.25814250


>> No.25814254
File: 439 KB, 704x596, RPGkora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of the blue helmets, Pekora orders you to stop.

>> No.25814256
File: 1.08 MB, 1800x2100, EgemOinU0AAw_58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My PPT shirt finally arrived, what else do I need to do to prove myself to my oshi?

>> No.25814255

She's hosting a "mixer" that is open to any vtuber, male or female.

>> No.25814257

stock investment reps

>> No.25814260
Quoted by: >>25814267

Makea is acting as a good intermediary, but he still needs to show up at Bar Robel for some actual lessons on how to talk to people. Maybe Roberu can send him a pdf of the flowchart

>> No.25814261
File: 89 KB, 262x262, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814290

oh no... now anon knows I watch Roberu and Watame, my life is over...

>> No.25814263
Quoted by: >>25814313

Nah, that's a red herring. It's actually a small magical dog called UB.

>> No.25814265
File: 24 KB, 560x346, EgeCbXtXYAEJNey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao who cares. The laugh fest is only when someone tries to get cocky and then it's found to be an absolute rrat

>> No.25814267
Quoted by: >>25814297

What is this flowchart you speak of?

>> No.25814268

inspect element shows this:
font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif
at 10pt

if you can see the individual strokes on this page (which i can), you should be fine. if you see a blurry mess or something along those lines try one of those fonts

>> No.25814270


>> No.25814271
Quoted by: >>25814285

Holy shit, the holostarfags are so fucking annoying.

>> No.25814272
Quoted by: >>25814295

RAPE the Shion.

>> No.25814273

I don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.25814274
File: 294 KB, 1448x2048, Kanata9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814309

Cum on the shirt and send it to her in Twitter!

>> No.25814275
Quoted by: >>25814284

>not monopoly money
Sheep poster is based?

>> No.25814276
File: 814 KB, 2508x3541, EgLfSUZU4AEqlRK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814299

I wish.
I love her design but she's by far the least interesting gen 5-1.
They all have a little something, Botan setting up PCs for her genmates, Nene bringing cohesion to her gen, Polka impromptu totsumachi&gimmicks.

>> No.25814277

That membersheep from earlier better be real. Kneel to the sheep!

>> No.25814278

Did you learn to speak Japanese yet just to listen to her?
Do you sleep with her daki?

>> No.25814279
Quoted by: >>25814294

He is not that bad come on stop it

>> No.25814280

towa has an ugly vagina

>> No.25814282


>> No.25814283

Shion has some good taste going for the mommy wife route

>> No.25814284

He's no sheep poster.

>> No.25814285


>> No.25814286
File: 1.18 MB, 468x440, 1593534207170.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814333

The lamburai general now owns this thread.

>> No.25814288
File: 62 KB, 658x585, Kanatan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy is a camwhore

>> No.25814290

based desu

>> No.25814291

It's fine anon, you may hate yourself but I love you

>> No.25814293

If you "run over" someone then it implies you fucking hit them and then your entire car drove over them. "Hit with car" does not imply someones car went completely over them. Like if I'm walking a cross walk and a car bumps into me while they're breaking then they hit me with their car but they didn't run me over. I think it's fair. Once again people are shitting on Lyger but he's technically right even if he's a nitpicky faggot.

>> No.25814292

today just got a whole lot better

>> No.25814294
Quoted by: >>25814503

He should think again before messing with LORD EMPEROR WATAME

>> No.25814295
File: 596 KB, 502x827, 1597546030920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots you*

>> No.25814296
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1587850597713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814308

>watamefags are redditors and homofags

>> No.25814297
Quoted by: >>25814310

Roberu made a flowchart of conversation basics during one of his zatsudans. Maybe some anon here has it saved, since I don't

>> No.25814299

I like her more than Alowa at least

>> No.25814305

>wasnt even a membersheep

>> No.25814306

Well the PW collab was part of the a larger collab that just happened to include both Pikamee and HL main branch. Hopefully this will lead to Pikamee being able to get a one on collab with one of the main branch.
I never had a chance to watch it yet, did Pikamee and Mea interact in any meaningful way?

>> No.25814307

Fuck off, and don't use Mel's avatar with your /b/ and /pol/ style posting

>> No.25814308

where did you get reddit from?

>> No.25814309
Quoted by: >>25814346

I paid a lot of money for this shirt, I'd rather do a cum tribute with something cheaper

>> No.25814310
File: 541 KB, 938x528, the flowchart from the man himself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814513


>> No.25814311

How long do I have to draw a shitty stick figure live2d and rig it?

>> No.25814313
File: 23 KB, 222x197, real korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's actually a small magical dog called UB.
You know, this was a joke at first. But now I need this to be a thing.

>> No.25814314

Kanata is a glorified dildo

>> No.25814315

Hey at least he supechas, something 90% of this thread has never ever done.

>> No.25814319
Quoted by: >>25814341

He called her cringe and took a screenshot of the unsuscribe window, he is no sheepbro.

>> No.25814320
File: 65 KB, 378x434, Lamy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814340

But at least she isn't deaf

>> No.25814321
Quoted by: >>25814363

Here >>25814057

>> No.25814323

wtf I love Mel now

>> No.25814326

*shoots cum*

>> No.25814329

This is the hololive thread, not homolive.

>> No.25814330

They're all camwhores

>> No.25814332

>homofags doxxing each other
It only gets better

>> No.25814333
File: 90 KB, 620x628, 1584952634967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love silly hats too much

>> No.25814335
Quoted by: >>25814375

Everything I don't like is reddit duh

>> No.25814337
Quoted by: >>25814345

Wait, I thought you were the sheepfag?

>> No.25814340
Quoted by: >>25814347

I bet she lost her taste and she can only taste dicks and cum after all the cocks she sucked.

>> No.25814341
Quoted by: >>25814356

He joined the membersheep tho >>25814057 what a faggot lmao

>> No.25814343

Polka is too and Aloe is a literal whore.

>> No.25814345

Always was.

>> No.25814346

Then send a picture to her where you wear that shirt but don't wear any pants and you have a boner

>> No.25814347

Why are leechfags like this

>> No.25814349
File: 637 KB, 1200x927, 1587034286810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking coffee at 1am because I figured I'd stay up a little longer tonight
>Realize afterwards that Pekora said she'd do a midday stream
>Which would be 5am-6am for me
Fuck. I did not think this through. Looks like it is going to be another 2 hours sleep weekend for me.

>> No.25814350

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI8wWMLGWYA Noel

>> No.25814352
File: 200 KB, 394x360, coolguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814415

Hey broski, just chillax and talk about your chuuba. No need to try to cut off other surfers, there's plenty of ocean for all of us~

>> No.25814353
Quoted by: >>25814398

panic setting in i see better get busy and stop checking this thread anon

>> No.25814356

It was probably his attempt to calmd own the sheepschizos

>> No.25814357
File: 324 KB, 525x278, dreamteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the best Fall Guy Harem? Roberu or Bossu's sister

>> No.25814358

How was the PW collab?

>> No.25814359
Quoted by: >>25814401

members only stream, >>25813033 should NOT have talked about it because that was MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT. it may all be true but shame on you anon for posting it
Cover doesn't even have proper finger tracking for the 3D setup at their studio anon. as another anon said though, they use a Live2D setup and custom software which limits things like that however it allows the avatar to be of a much higher quality without the cost of rendering a detailed 3D model.
posting Kizuna Ai though sort of invalidates your argument, her setup is leaps and bounds ahead of indies. suits with build in tracking to that degree are expensive. compare that to an actual indies setup with Vive trackers and data exported to Virtual Motion Capture -- https://youtu.be/FzTdKaNPIJ0?t=693 the difference between the two are pretty apparent. although that said a lot of indies use programs like vmagicmirror anyways that don't track the majority of the body.

>> No.25814361

In the end, the cult sacrifices their own

>> No.25814362

I wasn't here when she was robbed. What actually happened?

>> No.25814363

oh, how did i miss that? He joined AFTER he mini doxed himself. thanks for proving my point.

>> No.25814364
File: 61 KB, 492x541, 1596020436476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watamates are aight.

>> No.25814365

welcome to membersheep!

>> No.25814366

>the ride never ends

>> No.25814367
Quoted by: >>25814452

At this point it's better if you don't sleep at all.

>> No.25814369

Why are Subarufags like this?

>> No.25814370
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1591251472975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814400

I love 35p and watamates

>> No.25814373
Quoted by: >>25814392

Bossu with his sister and Kuku. I honestly didn't expect that shit to be that funny.

>> No.25814374
Quoted by: >>25814413


>> No.25814375
File: 95 KB, 851x174, Screenshot_2020-08-28 watame reddit - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814397

>redditsheeps in damage control

>> No.25814376


>> No.25814377
Quoted by: >>25814621

Lyger is a stalker and a weirdo but I do support his war against shitty subs

>> No.25814378


I dislike males but you are doing it to yourself

>> No.25814379

He changed his avatar now lmao

>> No.25814380

Inshallah brother

>> No.25814381

Has there ever been a tournament between the holo generations?

>> No.25814382

This is going to attract so many antis

>> No.25814383

Watame stole her wallet while Kanata was moving.

>> No.25814384

I can't tell who's trolling who anymore.

>> No.25814385

Hello, based department?

>> No.25814388

disgusting quality dont post this again

>> No.25814389
Quoted by: >>25814579

A childhood friend who was helping her pack up and move out to the holohouse robbed her and Kanata was too self-conscious to turn to her friends for help. Thankfully the police sorted out the manner.

>> No.25814391

gen4 more like reddit lmao

>> No.25814392
Quoted by: >>25814433

Tomoe is great.

>> No.25814393
File: 215 KB, 489x700, 1598139252972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Hololives sing the best?

>> No.25814394
File: 40 KB, 544x547, shionyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoves a tail up your ass*

>> No.25814395
File: 1.11 MB, 904x827, 1586824211543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upload the stream please

>> No.25814398

i was embarrassed that I left my profile on, but I honestly don't care if people know the channels I watch or that I actually send superchats, I'm subbed to Watame, Roberu, Shien, Okayu, Suisei, Haato, Aki, Noel, Polka and Nene.

>> No.25814396
Quoted by: >>25814412

Chinks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4_VkPZiR70

>> No.25814397

Oh no no no no no. How will sheepfags ever recover!?? (They can't!)

>> No.25814399
Quoted by: >>25814407

Za alliance

>> No.25814400

but towa is a whore

>> No.25814401

That guy is clearly shitposting, but regardless the difference between indies and the big companies is night and day, and the gap between what Ai uses and hololive/nijisanji is also quite large.

>> No.25814402

An ally of the sheep is an ally of mine. May she guide you to a better tomorrow.

>> No.25814403


>> No.25814406
Quoted by: >>25814476


>> No.25814407
Quoted by: >>25814432

35p here, sheepfags are just leeches riding off of Miko's timeslot.

>> No.25814408

Risu, Aloe, Moona and Kanata (when her ear cooperates)

>> No.25814409

That I agree.

>> No.25814412
Quoted by: >>25814425

Why are chink bastards so fucking unfunny?

>> No.25814413


>> No.25814414

cant everyone here just delete their images/posts so we never run out of images?

>> No.25814415

damn bro that's deep
deep like an ocean

>> No.25814416
File: 770 KB, 1637x1158, Ed1J8PsUcAAnToa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just being there to watch her is enough. She treasures the time she can afford to spend streaming.

>> No.25814417
File: 428 KB, 1448x2048, 1597607496388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the hell happened on her last utawaku, but Peko awoke something in me. She acted so womanly, so provocative and her voice felt a little bit softer than always. If fertile is the word, I rest assure she was ovulating that day

>> No.25814418
File: 323 KB, 949x771, 1598563443554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814442

Cope, only thing homo related were not allowed to talk about is bossu's feet

>> No.25814420
Quoted by: >>25814437

>seamonkeys wake up
>thread goes to shit

>> No.25814422

I am no nutter but I have to say Risu is probably the best.

>> No.25814423

AZKi and Rikka are easily the two best singers

>> No.25814425

get filtered by chinks

>> No.25814426
Quoted by: >>25814701

>Rikka is still singing
Dang dude

>> No.25814427
File: 1.10 MB, 1684x1191, 1597094053834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814450

why would i delete cute pictures of my oshi?

>> No.25814428
Quoted by: >>25814441

I still want to see that alleged Tomoe/Shien image their papa drew but got taken down.

>> No.25814431

no one really cares anon its slow today theres nothing else happening except noel starting

>> No.25814432
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1600, 1574935929727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814444

You're no 35 if you think that, Miko and Watame were good friends and their interactions are peak Hololive.

>> No.25814433
Quoted by: >>25814469

I don't expect much from nijishits outside of L*l* and Debi Debi. I'll go back if Bossu is there again.

>> No.25814436

marine noel flare and shion are dropped into the gulag

who wins?

>> No.25814437

what's with their weird obsession of deathposting?

>> No.25814438
File: 83 KB, 850x1511, 3hywz3i2lsj51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814459

i miss rushia (verde)

>> No.25814440
File: 1.76 MB, 254x498, 1593617444622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814441
File: 567 KB, 1038x737, EcBBq3XVAAABO2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814487

I saved it, it was nothing offensive.

>> No.25814442

But..the ears.. the best part

>> No.25814443

They are incapable of posting anything of value.

>> No.25814444

Miko and Watame never interacted

>> No.25814445
Quoted by: >>25814467

it's not like these faggots here will do anything to you.

>> No.25814449

Flare, Noel kills everyone else and then herself

>> No.25814450

because they're archived any way

>> No.25814451

Flare and Noel...and then Flare beats Noel to death.

>> No.25814452

Even just an hour of sleep is usually better than no sleep at all. I'll be a zombie either way.

>> No.25814453
File: 395 KB, 525x478, 1598540634395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business sheep, can you tell me the current state of the sheepcoins?

>> No.25814454
File: 393 KB, 398x607, 1595704494322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814472

are you suggesting i delete a picture of my 姫?

>> No.25814455
Quoted by: >>25814498

She visited Miko and her baby at hospital yesterday

>> No.25814457

It's really between Noel and Flare.

>> No.25814458

They're projecting their miserable lives into others.

>> No.25814459

jesus christ, you sexy piece of ass. pee in my mouth

>> No.25814461

her friend stole her wallet when helping her to move to holohouse. she only tweet it on her roommate's twitter

>> No.25814462

Watame is a whore

>> No.25814463
Quoted by: >>25814479

Panic deleting makes you look like a faggot, some pekora /v/edditor has a huge hate boner for anything homo related so you're going to be getting shit posted for as long as that faggot is in these threads so better get used to it

>> No.25814464
File: 92 KB, 444x659, 1591910041936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814481

I like how every fanbase here try to cling onto Miko to get /hlg/ credit.

>> No.25814465

I'm sorry... It's free falling....

>> No.25814466

Cover so incompetent that they hire birdkun and lyger kills festival and himself in utter despair

>> No.25814467

its just funny to see remember you dox and anonymity reps anons

>> No.25814468

would definitely drink that piss

>> No.25814469

Kanae is good too

>> No.25814471

But that's sushi sheep.

>> No.25814472

I wish I could delete every Luna picture from the existence

>> No.25814473
File: 496 KB, 1181x1575, 1593063581207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sicken me

>> No.25814474

do the math

>> No.25814475
Quoted by: >>25814490

Now you're just clearly shitposting. Watame is a 35P too you know, before she's joining hololive she watched Miko a lot.

>> No.25814476

Is Hinata still alive? Her collabs were fun

>> No.25814478

>anon conveniently forgets the guerilla early morning Minecraft and Ark collabs
okay Pekoshitter, no one cares if you're jealous that Miko interacted with other Holos

>> No.25814479

no one seems to care whenever people point out Astelbro outside of the fact that they're spending too much money

>> No.25814481

Sheepfags are very desperate to prove that they didn't come here a month ago, it's very sad.

>> No.25814482
Quoted by: >>25814543

Big brain idea. Ritual posters delete their posts after 1000 posts or so.

>> No.25814483 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 990x762, 1598656118775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814484


>> No.25814485

Her channel is no joke dying in real time. She really needs saving.

>> No.25814487
Quoted by: >>25814542

>only 16 dislikes on the video
I'll never understand Japan

>> No.25814489
Quoted by: >>25814505

A lot of people are upset after she completely voice mogged Fubuki and Flare on stage earlier.

>> No.25814491


>> No.25814490

That doesn't mean she loves her, she could be an anti on 5ch

>> No.25814492

Stagnating. Time to dump and invest in LamyCoin.

>> No.25814493
Quoted by: >>25814504

FBK just commit a war crime. sell while you still can

>> No.25814495
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1593554320415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814733

no need to be so cruel to her anon

>> No.25814498
File: 71 KB, 724x1024, 1584619148950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814663

Death Stranding really awakened the maternal instincts in her so much that she subconsciously exudes an aura.
Her recent intimate moments have been much stronger than before and I agree with you that the recent utawaku was especially cute.

>> No.25814499
File: 342 KB, 400x400, 1598550678873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814511

gulag is not a fucking brawling arena, ape, it's a prison with strict regime, there is no place for fights.

>> No.25814501


>> No.25814502

That's the previous Miko, before she died and changed her VA.

>> No.25814503

what are you gonna do besides showing he donates and comments on streams? nothing cause you can't do shit because you're nothing but a bunch of faggots

>> No.25814504

Something tells me that she will flee to Argentina

>> No.25814505

What people?

>> No.25814506

Why is Ha pronounced as Wa?

>> No.25814510

does SEA just youfarm because they cant farm anything of value in their country?

>> No.25814511
Quoted by: >>25814537

Why are fbkposters like this?

>> No.25814513

someone translate this please. i need his knowledge

>> No.25814515

(you)s are probably worth more than their monopoly currencies

>> No.25814518

I thought spics did that.

>> No.25814519
Quoted by: >>25814532

why can't I find the watame collab?

>> No.25814520
Quoted by: >>25814525

do your grammar reps

>> No.25814523
Quoted by: >>25814579

>deleted most of the tweets shortly after and just left the apology for worrying people up
if its acting, she's certainly figured out how to hit me

>> No.25814522 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 1221x100, hlar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814557

Hololive AR when?

>> No.25814524


>> No.25814525
Quoted by: >>25814570

But WHY anon WHY

>> No.25814526
File: 3.35 MB, 4824x3416, 518c1aa275648b7a5b15cea642b47a18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel playing BotW is the comfiest shit ever

>> No.25814528
File: 283 KB, 472x458, Luna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't mean that...

>> No.25814530

>[ENG] it's like a flow chart, so if A comes, then you can finish with this
its right there already anon

>> No.25814532

War crimes were committed on stream.

>> No.25814534

Spics and Seaniggers may as well be the same people, they are both just as cancerous to anything they touch

>> No.25814537
File: 164 KB, 293x316, 1598540109888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814546

I use different pics, not only burga

>> No.25814538
File: 27 KB, 1221x100, hlar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HololiveES when?

>> No.25814541

She uploads new videos all the time she doesn’t stream so her views are really reclining

>> No.25814542

you just bought into misrepresentations and exaggerated stereotypes of various incidents

>> No.25814543


>> No.25814545

>Ark banter
>Live watauta reaction
>watame watches Mikos reaction to watauta
>Imaginary watauta every weekend
>watame then sang the songs Miko San on her imaginary watauta, including the famous TKG no Uta.
Idk why I bothered to reply to your bait.

>> No.25814546

Why are miofags like this?

>> No.25814547
File: 109 KB, 267x330, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Monster.

>> No.25814548
Quoted by: >>25814558

i live for nene
i die for nene

>> No.25814549

I haven't rewatched that part, but if I remember correctly, it's something like
>You want to keep the conversation moving around B and C, where the various circles are topics and conversation points(why it's a circle)
>always stay relevant to the conversation(avoid rambling)
>Once the conversation feels like it's beginning to end, break the cycle and move to A(Which is ending the conversation)
It's been a few weeks since this stream, but I think was something like that.

>> No.25814551

Die you miserable faggot

>> No.25814555
File: 277 KB, 2048x1320, EgRWAkTVoAUgBhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814557

We might get an Arkansas Holo in 2021.

>> No.25814558

Ganbare Anon-chan

>> No.25814559

Dat tired rough Rikka voice

>> No.25814560

All fake.

>> No.25814562

Was a great moment when even the JOP went "wait that is a kanji?"

>> No.25814561
File: 62 KB, 560x594, 1597007432905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unbased anon nanora

>> No.25814563

spics farm OSRS gold

>> No.25814564

For some reason there's a time limit for post deletion. Moot was incompetent and I'm glad he's gone.

>> No.25814565

Cute design
lol wtf

>> No.25814567

i saw a clip of her once. she kinda reminds me of Ran-chan

>> No.25814568
File: 528 KB, 607x800, Luna08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope cabayacuck

>> No.25814569
File: 181 KB, 640x800, Yaezawa_Natori_-_3D_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had someone as cute as Yaezawa...

>> No.25814570
Quoted by: >>25814608


>> No.25814575

Futaba is the cutest

>> No.25814576

this general has yet to break the cycle and move to A

>> No.25814578

she WILL come to Brazil

>> No.25814579
File: 24 KB, 228x260, 1596151722763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i don't buy this whole Kanata was robbed bullshit
seems to me like something she made up to garner more pity points since her leeching collabs aren't paying off that well and the sheep is growing the gap more and more
she just posted it on her "other" account (which people already know about) just to be more subtle and clever about it
too bad for her it didn't work

>> No.25814580

How didn't anybody tell me? What the fuck! I'm so happy, for God's sake!

>> No.25814582
File: 307 KB, 842x718, 1597878375419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814585

Unironically the only place where something related to holo can work without politics being in and keeping the inner weeb jokes is in south america with their supreme autism and lack of respect for wokes.

>> No.25814589

Actually she looks closer to someone else but I can't remember who. IM@S maybe?

>> No.25814591
Quoted by: >>25814605

Anon please, why don't you just follow her twitter?

>> No.25814593

She's a cutie
You should give your ARS to this girl instead of that whore Aloe

>> No.25814595
File: 787 KB, 1064x757, 1zpjn3d6htj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814596


>> No.25814597

Falseflags within falseflags.

>> No.25814598
Quoted by: >>25814657

God the cancer going on in the chat

>> No.25814599
Quoted by: >>25814706

>this pasta again
Couldn't even bother to type in an actualy reply huh?

>> No.25814602
Quoted by: >>25814674

i thought she was a facebook streamer?

>> No.25814604

Why is knight pronounced night
Why is tough pronounced tuff
Why is hey pronounced hey but honey isn't honay

If you can handle English, you can handle は

>> No.25814605
Quoted by: >>25814622

I don't use Twitter at all. My apologies

>> No.25814607

Never played BOTW but if everything breaks eventually, then what about Master Sword and Hylian Shield tho?

>> No.25814608
Quoted by: >>25814628


>> No.25814613
Quoted by: >>25814666

>AZKi 3D live
>Miko posting a video
>I clock into work as both of these happen
Come on. Wtf.

>> No.25814614
Quoted by: >>25814695

In five years tops everyone will be vtubers. Musicians, newscasters, politicians. I even looked up how to start.

>> No.25814615
Quoted by: >>25814645

Lord forgive me for asking but, please post shien's feet.

>> No.25814616

Reminds me of Kancolle's Chikuma

>> No.25814617

love it when people don't read and think a video premiere is an actual stream

>> No.25814618

It's not a livestream tho, just a premier of compilation clip, but I'm still happy and looking forward to it.

>> No.25814619

Wasn't Korone a delinquent?

>> No.25814621

i'm all for combating shitty subs but i do worry that it might turn into "making sure the girls don't look bad" regardless of context like with that Kanata translator getting upset at someone not making his translations "sensitive to the matter at hand" despite them being accurate

>> No.25814622

Neither did I until I got into Hololive but it is undeniably the single most reliable source of information regarding your Holos. They post everything there.
Just make one and only follow the Holos you watch.

>> No.25814623
File: 353 KB, 1000x1420, EgiX4S7UwAArNbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would holding Kanata's hand feel like?

>> No.25814624

For me she looks like someone out of Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.25814625
Quoted by: >>25814647

Hylian Shield has a shitton of durability and you can get new ones. Master Sword powers down and recharges.

>> No.25814626
Quoted by: >>25814730

Reminds me of a certain mint-loving sword-autistic dork.

>> No.25814628 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1598656879598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would suggest this instead

>> No.25814630

Ah is that what it is, okay I get it

>> No.25814631

>pekomarine = gorillion viewers
>akuamarine = gorillion viewers
>no pekoakua = nonexistent
Cover? Why not force these two for literal free money and unlimited seethe for narrativefags

>> No.25814632
Quoted by: >>25814647

Master sword obviously doesn't break. It can run out of charge tho

>> No.25814633

Holy shit she actually some numbers that put some holo chuubas to shame.

>> No.25814635

Kanata should be above Noel. Also I bet Subaru and Korone would be down to throw a few punches.

>> No.25814636

done, gone and bone are all different because who gives a shit
certainly not english ancestors

>> No.25814637
Quoted by: >>25814647

with the master sword, it never breaks, it has a "charge" where the weapon is at full power, similar to durability, but it never actually "breaks" since it recharges I believe.

>> No.25814638
File: 894 KB, 1366x1080, 1594045533552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying korone wouldnt beat the dogshit out of the other holos

>> No.25814641
Quoted by: >>25814658

What the fuck, though is pronounced tuff? I need to do my English reps

>> No.25814642

>Korone doing her Boxing reps

Yep, I could say this is the worst chart among all the shits I've seen here

>> No.25814643

>Korone running away
Uhhhhhhh, anon? This is shit.

>> No.25814645

I want to see it too

>> No.25814647

Huh, not as bad as I thought then.

>> No.25814648
Quoted by: >>25814660

Korone will escalate the violence THEN run away

>> No.25814649

Do your consonant shift reps

>> No.25814650
File: 97 KB, 580x783, EeuHzqbU8AA0pTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814685

To be fair It's most likely gonna be a short stream, But who knows since it's the weekend she might do a long one to make up for yesterday.
I hope it's another morning usada though, That was amazing.

>> No.25814652
File: 191 KB, 1222x828, yozybz2fxsj51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814655

The Hylian Shield is stupid durable to the point where you can confuse it for unbreakable, the master sword can't break but if it runs out of charge you can't use it for a while, you can totally miss both of them depending on your choices, specially the shield

>> No.25814654

Yea, she's a bully.

>> No.25814656

It'd probably be super awkward.

>> No.25814657

every waiting room is absolutely cancer nowadays

>> No.25814658
Quoted by: >>25814675

No you need to do your reading reps

>> No.25814659

I wonder how many people will watch the TowaPeko

>> No.25814660

only runs away once the cops get close

>> No.25814661

>Why is hey pronounced hey but honey isn't honay
Huh? hey and honey have the same ey sound, do your reps eslchama

>> No.25814663

Based on her Death Stranding streams, Pekora will be a very loving mother in the future

>> No.25814664
File: 64 KB, 800x406, grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like holding hands with a fairly strong ikemen.

>> No.25814665

i see
i'll keep this in mind

>> No.25814666

Have you though to invest in google glass?

>> No.25814668

delete this right now

>> No.25814670

Wish BotW was on PC so I could mod that shitty durability system out of the game, Monster Hunter is the only good durability system - permanent weapons that require sharpening, an uncancellable animation you have to try and find or create time to perform mid-combat. ie. good gamesense. A shame no holo will ever get to play it now, thanks Mio
jk i love you

>> No.25814671
Quoted by: >>25814684

good morning, /hlg/
*kisses you*

>> No.25814672


>> No.25814674

she's from facebook, her youtube account is for clips only

>> No.25814675

No reps can help if I'm this retarded.

>> No.25814676
File: 703 KB, 571x632, 1590529128937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814719

>the redditfaggot is going to waste image slots again

>> No.25814677

Wasn't there also a time where they both played minecraft together in the middle of the night.

>> No.25814678
File: 977 KB, 1080x1080, 2065FBA1-C4FF-4614-BBCA-2A8A277C08FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814679

I'd manage since I have two pianos that I tune all the time since they're quite old. I've probably got more grip strength with just my thumb and index finger than her whole hand does.

>> No.25814680
Quoted by: >>25814688

kanata gorilla gripping your dick...

>> No.25814682

not sure if bait or esl

>> No.25814684


>> No.25814685
File: 803 KB, 2893x4092, 1568425658042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her to start another long story game which she has said she wants to do as well, but I guess she hasn't really found anything she wants to play yet or just hasn't started searching.

>> No.25814687
File: 258 KB, 1443x1654, 1596415782941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f watame
>40 results
Are we winning bros?

>> No.25814688

no thanks, I like having it remain attached

>> No.25814689
File: 84 KB, 500x559, dfy3wllbisj51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Marine and Matsuri are so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's schtick get old faster than theirs?

>> No.25814692


>> No.25814694
File: 244 KB, 996x631, FBK pecho frio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814695
Quoted by: >>25814718

okay that's just taking it too far

>> No.25814696
Quoted by: >>25814700


>> No.25814697
File: 158 KB, 1195x669, 1584401882502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814699

its the only things EOPs can latch onto for them

>> No.25814700

t. pierce brosnan

>> No.25814701

wait wtf rikka's the best singer even after 10 hours? this guy's great

>> No.25814703

people are slowly noticing her perfection

>> No.25814704

How long until marinego fucking dies?

>> No.25814705

posting sleepy Watame should be a gosling crime.

>> No.25814706

it has pretty much everything that needs to be said

>> No.25814707
File: 295 KB, 720x562, 2ea8s4lark231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814708
File: 30 KB, 396x407, 7868468468687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to go grab an unbreakable 60+ power weapon 5 minutes after leaving the plateau and use it for the entire game.

>> No.25814709


>> No.25814710
File: 272 KB, 960x454, 1569977387097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814711

No, if you only watch clips

>> No.25814712
Quoted by: >>25814734

No hey sounds like ey and honey sounds like ey, big difference
C'mon eslsenpai

>> No.25814713
File: 107 KB, 1680x943, Ee-RH_nVAAIT_2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814718

>abe resigns
>replaced by a vtuber who sounds vaguely familiar

>> No.25814719
Quoted by: >>25814726

Why do pekorafags shit up the thread then get really hostile towards perceived reddit content?

>> No.25814722
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1591562499103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25814723


>> No.25814724
Quoted by: >>25814728

don't forget to post in on reddit

>> No.25814726

t. homofag

>> No.25814727

I mean you can emulate it pretty easily.

>> No.25814728

I took that from reddit.

>> No.25814729

Where is the punchline anon?

>> No.25814730
Quoted by: >>25814791

I still need to finish Toji no Miko, I sorta dropped it towards the beginning of the second half.

>> No.25814733
File: 65 KB, 850x1000, 1578346650196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon! Being cruel to Holos is my fetish!

>> No.25814734

What about ogey?

>> No.25814737

so who's going to play metroid prime?
when is aqua coming back with ocarina of time?
onegai... i don't play games i just want to see them play the ones i know

>> No.25814738

Yeah, you're the #1 shitposters.

>> No.25814739
Quoted by: >>25814748

people underestimate those horns. It's like how people underestimate a wild boars tusks. they will fuck you up

>> No.25814742
File: 3.79 MB, 928x522, l12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814804

>rushia running away
She would fight dirty and pull out weapons, use her nails, so on.
>no AZKi

>> No.25814743
File: 402 KB, 900x1244, jv37ir4j0sj51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814745 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1598657448571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814875


>> No.25814746

>watame's 3D model is thicker than the others
>stuffs her face while fubuki is playing
>thighs drumming
My architect instincts are going haywire.

>> No.25814747
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1598543172654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814770

Hahaha ONION joke bery hardo HAHAHAHA

>> No.25814748

I would never fuck with a boar. They will tear your entire leg up in one go.

>> No.25814749
File: 372 KB, 2415x1707, Ef_uFKaUwAAzULy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814824

I imagine it's pretty hard when cover is being pretty anal about the whole copyright situations,
Maybe she's just waiting until she can start another DQ game
Personally I want the pipedream that is konami games back, I highly doubt it'll happen in the coming month though.

>> No.25814753

Even if you don't know about Miya she still acts pretty tough at times, she was grabbing people and saying delinquent lingo in Fall Guys

>> No.25814754

Depends on the dialect, I heard in the south it's actually pronounced "rrat"

>> No.25814756
File: 573 KB, 715x1000, 1598280349500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating the image limit with Aqua!

>> No.25814757

I said it! Now give me my (You)s fellow pekofags haha!

>> No.25814758
File: 41 KB, 563x539, 1597862430210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814786


>> No.25814759

Well, now we have a new Watame shitposting tactic to use.

>> No.25814760
File: 156 KB, 296x375, 1597983661929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814762

I really can't understand the joke in this meme template

>> No.25814764

I think I can't do it anymore...

>> No.25814766
Quoted by: >>25814783


>> No.25814767

there is none

>> No.25814768

Matsuri kissed Pekora right in front of Marine

>> No.25814770

watamelon haha jooku berri berri haado
jouzu na joke da ne

>> No.25814771


>> No.25814772

>disrepect the chaama
shes done that to herself

>> No.25814773

>Hey Noel go hit a chicken a bunch of times.

>> No.25814776

>can't imageboard post

>> No.25814778

I want to get haachama hooked on meth and make her my slave

>> No.25814779

Marine said Pekora legit hates skinship and it disgusted by it

>> No.25814781
File: 859 KB, 1079x1500, tupy72b8ypj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25814782
Quoted by: >>25815409

>Peko would be 10 since Arai san had her only baby in 2010


>> No.25814783
Quoted by: >>25814807

it was pretty fun and Watame was a total qt during the whole thing

>> No.25814785

Any more info on the birdkun accident?

>> No.25814786


>> No.25814788

what's with all the surge of spics watching holo? is it all Korone's fault?

>> No.25814789

i cant believe i slept through rikkas entire fucking stream, just kill me now

>> No.25814790

? New how

>> No.25814791

The pacing does feel a bit slow but it's worth finishing.

>> No.25814792

ho wn ew?

>> No.25814793

Hope Pekora got a hiv test afterwards

>> No.25814794


Anyone else going to watch Miko when she goes live?

>> No.25814795
Quoted by: >>25814823


>> No.25814796

Do you literally have fun 80 IQ? It's one thing to say you get it but don't think it's funny and it's another thing to not get such a simple joke.

>> No.25814797

they have similar features. That's the joke. Enjoy.

>> No.25814798

A place where images you're allowed to post.
Yet this ability here is now lost.
"Amazing" nervously chanted the population
Using the language of an Eastern nation.

>> No.25814802

Her and Fubuki

>> No.25814803

Will Coco be Guts and PPT be Casca?

>> No.25814804

Lul futuristic weaponry and vehicles from AZKi.

>> No.25814805

There's no joke. Please leave, faggot

>> No.25814806

She also said Matsuri tried kissing Pekora but she didn't want to

>> No.25814808

same, i'll be there for the ending though

>> No.25814807

i love her in 3D shes so cute truly a perfect sheep

>> No.25814809

probably from that, but I think it primarily started from that spanish youtuber pointing out all the vtubers that read a spanish comment and then calling for a raid.

>> No.25814810
Quoted by: >>25814816

Post and Lost don't rhyme you IDIOT

>> No.25814811

How New?

>> No.25814812

I'm vomiting blood

>> No.25814814

O god, how many tries will Noel take to get past this trial?

>> No.25814815


>> No.25814816

It does in my country.

>> No.25814818 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1600x900, aq5tp7flmpj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25814830

>> No.25814819

>Currently terrified out of my mind while a hurricane fucks up my house
At least Noel is here to comfort me.

>> No.25814820


>> No.25814821

Sugoi yabee. She looks exactly like you-know-who

>> No.25814823
Quoted by: >>25814848

i dont see how this post is related to the outdoors anon im sure most people here hardly see such a thing

>> No.25814824
Quoted by: >>25814833

There are plenty of games to dig out from Nintendo's permissions but I guess she wants something closer to DQ since that game hooked her like no tomorrow and I hope she does because I couldn't fully commit to watching her DQ run when she did it.

>> No.25814826
Quoted by: >>25815117

Is this actually funny

>> No.25814828
Quoted by: >>25814837

>reddit spammer hours
I sleep

>> No.25814829

chama fag...New

>> No.25814830
Quoted by: >>25814864

Thanks, Pekorafags.

>> No.25814832
Quoted by: >>25814866

You got an hour and a half to go bro

>> No.25814833

Pekora playing Mother 2 would be great.

>> No.25814836
Quoted by: >>25814860

why are japanese game companies like this?

>> No.25814837
Quoted by: >>25814847

it's always reddit spammer hours?

>> No.25814840

I wonder how quirky the survey will be this thread.

>> No.25814842

Stop responding to him and report him instead you fucking idiots.

>> No.25814847

Just like it’s always burgertime.

>> No.25814848

/out/ of my thread

>> No.25814851

Translation it weebaboo

>> No.25814852

The sun never sets on burger hours

>> No.25814855

I got called out for reposting something from here onto Leddit lmao. But I'm sure most users on this thread are chill enough should a meetup ever occur.

>> No.25814856


>> No.25814860
Quoted by: >>25814898

Nips are company cucks and are behind the curve on capitalism.

>> No.25814861


>> No.25814864

t. watrashmate

>> No.25814866

i missed mayuyus call in though...

>> No.25814867

(`•ω• )づ__∧
(つ  /( >ω<。)

>> No.25814873

The jew fears the samurai.

>> No.25814874

So that's why this thread is so shitty

>> No.25814875

Don't let narrativefags get into your head

>> No.25814876

She's becoming stronger

>> No.25814877

Translate it weebs

>> No.25814878

yeehaw pardner

>> No.25814885
Quoted by: >>25814904

[EN]: aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25814888

Tfw Rikka waiting for people to call ...:(

>> No.25814892

>4th favorite holo
>favorite yugioh archetype
>best battle network game
>what you get from taco bell
>what time you went to bed last night
>last holo you gosling'd about
>the last thing you've kneeled to

>> No.25814894

kaoru wouldve called haha

>> No.25814895
Quoted by: >>25814902

why did he do it in the middle of the night then? How many vtubers are going to be up at 4 AM

>> No.25814896

@everyone ze.. zehi...

>> No.25814897

>Good evening
>Image: Go to sleep, Go to sleep
>Sfx: brrrrap brrrrrrrraaaaaap

>> No.25814898
Quoted by: >>25814941

Yeah, I really don't even get it.
Shouldn't japs be smart enough to run some program and look at graphs and statistics to see when some cute vtuber plays their kusoge it gets them free advertisement?

>> No.25814899

aaaaaaa she's beating my ass
aaaaaaa it feels good

>> No.25814902
Quoted by: >>25814909

Astel did it

>> No.25814904
Quoted by: >>25814916

[EN]: BANNINGU! means burning.

>> No.25814905

(Probably cutesy referring to the Niagara falls?)
Cutesy way of saying "everyone".
You should know what this means if you know Japanese.

Hope this helps.

>> No.25814907

Good morning Mikochi! I LOVE YOUUUUUU~~~~~~

>> No.25814908

>image limit already hit
Welp...any erobros wanna take a crack at writing some Lamy smut?

>> No.25814909

astel is astel

>> No.25814911


>miko stream listed for tomorrow at 6AM EST


or is the site bugged?

>> No.25814912

Aaaah mikotii

>> No.25814913

What the fuck noel

>> No.25814914

Penis onegai

>> No.25814915

It's a preview

>> No.25814916

[EN]: Lip sucking noises

>> No.25814917

It's a premiere, likely a clip compilation, or one of those pre-recorded videos cover said she would be doing for the first month as she eases back in.

>> No.25814918
Quoted by: >>25814923

just tuned in and I'm hearing static and he's not moving
am I watching a snuff stream or something?

>> No.25814920
Quoted by: >>25815309

>8:37 AM
>Jotaro Kujo
​>[Official cutout] Sakura Miko summary with too much edge on the flame [Holo Live/Sakura Miko]
Why do EOPs run shit through google TL and post it in the chat? What's the fucking point?

>> No.25814922

It's a highlight reel, hololive is making a Best of Miko compilation to air at her funeral

>> No.25814923
Quoted by: >>25814936

hes using a throat humidifier

>> No.25814924

just click it retard it redirects you to youtube

>> No.25814925
Quoted by: >>25814991

Please no you all fucking suck at writing.

>> No.25814928

I know it's old news, but why is this fucking song so catchy? I have completed 7 straight hours listening to it on loop

>> No.25814932
Quoted by: >>25814991

I just let AI Dungeon do that for me. I can have Lamy step on me all she likes.

>> No.25814933

>3 Blue Version
>I never ate Taco Bell

>> No.25814934

Ran out of my last 8th beer, time for a question before I leave

What was the first word/name you filtered once you got into these threads?
For me, it was nothing. I want to experience these threads in it's fullest.
Even though I'm tired of towafags.

>> No.25814936

oh his vape revived him

>> No.25814937

>Rikka has slow mode on
Why? Not like his chat is that active.

>> No.25814939

i have it on repeat for a good part of my mornings

>> No.25814940

>A random Jap just followed me on Twitter
I'm going to make it, all those basic comments on my favorites tweets is starting to bare fruit.

>> No.25814941

They suffer the same issue most countries face. Really old and out of touch people running the show...but have no clue wtf they're doing or are too old to give a fuck.

>> No.25814944

Plunder Patroll
Never eaten

>> No.25814946

Fuck, I just closed that tab and now I have to listen to it again.

>> No.25814955

Oh come on, anon. Don't

>> No.25814956

[ES] MiauHola. Todos ahhhhhhhh

>> No.25814957

now follow my twitter fag

>> No.25814960


>> No.25814962

you're basically N1 now

>> No.25814964

I love you Mikochi! Get well soon.

>> No.25814965

That bakayaroo~ gets me everytime

>> No.25814966

I accept your challenge sheep https://files.catbox.moe/kg1g6w.webm

>> No.25814968

>4th favorite holo
I don't have them ordered that particularly, but I will say that my top 5 are: Haato, Peko, Luna, Matsuri, Coco so it's one of them.
>favorite yugioh archetype
I play magic never yugioh. And red deck all day because I'm smooth brain
>best battle network game
never played
>what you get from taco bell
don't go
>what time you went to bed last night
>last holo you gosling'd about
Matsuri. Some anon posted a pic of her cute belly and I ... I just.... itai.
>the last thing you've kneeled to
Coco ass gaping Marine

>> No.25814969

Miko is not the Queen of England and the cucked outlands.

>> No.25814971
Quoted by: >>25814981

*bear fruit

>> No.25814972

not sure if ESL or poetry
now THAT's true art

>> No.25814973

>Tacobell is trash
>Nene's kill with the wingman

>> No.25814974
Quoted by: >>25815000

oh the announcement was rikka membership? damn alright

>> No.25814975

Pekora said that herself once.

>> No.25814980

Noel....the chickens...

>> No.25814981

Fuck, I knew it felt off.

>> No.25814982


>> No.25814986

How long do memberships take to get setup? I'm gonna get aloes

>> No.25814990

>Miko's chat rn
Her expression in the thumbnail is fitting

>> No.25814991

I'll take bad smut over no smut
Erobros Onegai
It's more fun when a person does it though

>> No.25814994

did astel's channel name always have a lowercase a

>> No.25814996

What random song do you want to hear any holo sing one day?

Watame or possibly Korone would probably be the best bets to sing this one day.

>> No.25814997

Dark Magician
Never eaten
2 AM
Noel fucking Flare

>> No.25815000
Quoted by: >>25815116

yeah, it seems like all of Holostars is beginning to make preparations for it. I feel like they're going to start giving them all memberships once they reach 30k, but Rikka is getting it first since he has been there for a while.

>> No.25815001

dog god blasphemous style last boss when

>> No.25815003
Quoted by: >>25815105

Only Miko-senpai allowed to touch Pekora, peko

>> No.25815008
Quoted by: >>25815033


>> No.25815011


>> No.25815013
Quoted by: >>25815029

Holy shit that SLAPS

>> No.25815017

Why do people label that Flare naite clip autism? Isn't that just a common singing technique for women?

>> No.25815018
Quoted by: >>25815095

YuGiOh is gay
It's fucking 5 Colonel and it's not up for debate
Spicy Potato Soft Taco
6 AM
Shirtless Chads at the convenience store last night

>> No.25815025

>Six Samurai
>Chicken Taco box
>3 am
>I don't remember

>> No.25815027


>> No.25815029

Watch SSSS.Gridman
They play it during the final battle and it's hype as fuck.

>> No.25815030

I didn't know Mel poster was so opinionated...

>> No.25815031

I dunno if this counts, but that one episode of GX where Alexis becomes a literal ice queen
3, although 2 and 6 were great
don't eat from taco bell
I didn't go to bed last night
Mel's new costume reveal

>> No.25815032


>> No.25815033

God Google translate sucks
Accurate translation:
>I'm gonna get railed not once but TWICE by my boyfriend who isn't you

>> No.25815035
Quoted by: >>25815047

When are the Botan Karaoke streams?

>> No.25815036
Quoted by: >>25815140

kinda weird how miko gets a pass for some reason. well i doubt she lets anyone touch her now, even miko since they haven't interacted in ages.

>> No.25815037

Don't know archetypes but I like the dinosaurs.
Battle network 4 red sun is hands down the best Fuck you retards.
Noel Flare and Marine singing.

>> No.25815043
Quoted by: >>25815060

Can they not see the "premiere" on the thumbnail

>> No.25815044
Quoted by: >>25815061

Goddamn does Noel ever stop talking? She has the same problem as Aqua where they both just seem afraid to let even one second pass without them saying anything
Pekora, Watame and Luna don't seem to have this problem for whatever reason

>> No.25815045


>> No.25815046

>4th favorite holo
>favorite yugioh archetype
yu gi what?
>best battle network game
>what you get from taco bell
a mix of items from value menu
>what time you went to bed last night
>last holo you gosling'd about
>the last thing you've kneeled to

>> No.25815047

Didn't she say say she can't sing? Even though I think some of her genmates confirmed she can.

>> No.25815049

>>4th favorite holo
Watame then Luna
>>favorite yugioh archetype
>>best battle network game
What's that?
>>what you get from taco bell
>>what time you went to bed last night
>>last holo you gosling'd about
>>the last thing you've kneeled to
Nene and the Nenechads.

>> No.25815050

Nene is an alien tho.

>> No.25815051

You've done your reps for your Oshi today right?
NO! Not shitty Crapanese, actually hitting the gym so you're at peak performance when you eventually travel to Japan and fuck them.

>> No.25815054

never played
nothing, I prefer hamburgers
Temma winning a crown in 10min and ending the stream

>> No.25815055

>your holo
>favorite Akira Kurasawa film

Throne of Blood

>> No.25815056

If I was her and saw that waiting room I probably wouldn’t come back at all

>> No.25815060
Quoted by: >>25815096

This happens every single premiere. For some reason they fucking think it's a livestream

>> No.25815061
Quoted by: >>25815077

If only you could understand what she says...

>> No.25815062

>12th favorite holo
>coolest named artery in the human cardiovascular system
>is free will an illusion
>favorite letter in the English alphabet
>would you rather a crocodile eat you or an alligator
>when you stare into the abyss, what do you find staring back at you?
>how do i summon sucubuss?
>last nightmare you had

>> No.25815063

Thanks Shubaru, very cool.

>> No.25815066

Only ever played the first
Crunch wrap
Watame 3D

>> No.25815067

Noel cant neither but her drunken singing streams are quite fun

>> No.25815069

MK8 roberu

>> No.25815070

Who the fuck has never ever been to Taco Bell?

>> No.25815071

Oa oa oa horayo~

>> No.25815072


>> No.25815074


>> No.25815076

Me. Not murican though

>> No.25815077

I do, but her voice is just irritating because of how halfway it is.

>> No.25815078

we need some excitement in these threads look at this

>> No.25815079
Quoted by: >>25815211

towa eats bugs

>> No.25815080

Me desu

>> No.25815082

She brings up a good point

>> No.25815084

Seven Samurai

A Holo doing a movie watch stream of Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven and discussing the similarities and differences fucking never.

>> No.25815088


>> No.25815089

She and Polka said they can't sing but are being roped by viewers "not about being good but because they want to watch their favorite sings".

>> No.25815091

Me and im a burger

>> No.25815090

Me. Want to fight?

>> No.25815092


>> No.25815095

5 sucked dude.
3 > 6 > 2 >>> 5 > 4 > 1

>> No.25815096

Come to Brazil miko

>> No.25815100
Quoted by: >>25815111

me. i try to avoid fast food chains after my stomach kept killing me whenever i ate that stuff

>> No.25815102

The entire site needs flags.

>> No.25815105

and even then her reaction was like having a roach crawl on her skin

>> No.25815106
Quoted by: >>25815134

It doesn't exist where I live eastern europe

>> No.25815108

Interstellar idfk, I haven't watched kino for, like, a decade already

>> No.25815110

>не могу постить картинки

>> No.25815111

None of you are American.

>> No.25815112

Send Mano Aloe a cum tribute with a Korean flag next to your dick
I think I was getting shot at for some reason the details are fuzzy.

>> No.25815114

Never played
Never played
cheesy gordita crunch, one chalupa and one order of cinnamon twists

>> No.25815115

>never had
>the abyss
>don't know don't care
>don't remember

>> No.25815116
Quoted by: >>25815125

which kind of confirms our fears that they registered the holostar channels as non gaming channels...i hope they can all get to 30k soon then

>> No.25815117

shit I was watching danchou, what was the image about anon ?

>> No.25815118
Quoted by: >>25815139

You guys don't seriously send tweets to holos do you

>> No.25815119

i am. i like wendys

>> No.25815121

Thank Desu

>> No.25815120

me, not burger.

>> No.25815122

>went to village
>tries to murder the livestocks,steal the crops,invade houses and cut down all the trees
Whats wrong with Noel

>> No.25815123
Quoted by: >>25815151

You didn't specify that your question was for Americans you fucking baboon.

>> No.25815124

>Miko STREAM tomorrow at 6AM

what does it mean?

>> No.25815125

I mean, some of them really aren't.

>> No.25815126

sell me taco bell then. what's the appeal?

>> No.25815128

Thank god for that

>> No.25815129

Whatever Jinzo was part of
2(honorable mention to 5 DS)
Crunchwrap Supreme
2 AM
Okayu's flos
Womb's amazing divegrass goal

>> No.25815133
Quoted by: >>25815161

The only American fast food chain I wish we had is chick fil a

>> No.25815134

How many slavs do we have here

>> No.25815136

Me, I don't eat fast food trash

>> No.25815137
Quoted by: >>25815222

хау нью?
дватиречерской помойке привет

>> No.25815139

i tweet おつかれ and thanks for the stream sometimes but only as replies to their ending tweets.

>> No.25815140

They've been friends for more than a decade dude, of course Miko gets a pass

>> No.25815143

good cure for constipation

>> No.25815144

There's no Taco Bell where I live

>> No.25815145

Otter son??

>> No.25815146
Quoted by: >>25815162

>I wish
>on occasion
>make aloe cum tributes
>i died alone

>> No.25815147

The temptations when Princess Flare is not around are too strong.

>> No.25815148

based loot goblin

>> No.25815149

She says it like it is

>> No.25815150

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.25815151

Its burger hours and if you arent burger then you shouldn't be posting here. Leave.

>> No.25815152

knight is trying to be a dark knight

>> No.25815153

Ran I love its weirdness for some reason but I could mention almost all of his films because he is my second favourite director after Ingmar Bergman

>> No.25815155

Never been
I gosling about all the Holo's
FBK/Watame/Flare winning Fall Soccer

>> No.25815157

>ascending cervical artery
>Eeny meeny miny no
>W cause it's two v's
>Kekkou Desu
>Korone's kids
>Say "sex sex sex" in the thread
>Somehow drowned in a shower

>> No.25815158

Noel is a viking.

>> No.25815160

Eh, not exactly, Pekora's pretty playful about it

>> No.25815162
Quoted by: >>25815173

Dying alone isn't a nightmare anon, it's just reality.

>> No.25815161


>> No.25815163

No clue. We have Taco Casa in Texas which is infinitely better.

>> No.25815165

You didn't ask for our country of origin. My country has Taco Bell, but in order to eat there I have to go outside, and with someone accompaying me, because eating alone at a fast food place is pathetic. Find me a friend.

>> No.25815167

rikka...being at the top is lonely

>> No.25815168
Quoted by: >>25815187

Noel playing Skyrim when?

>> No.25815173


>> No.25815175

>Probably Mel
>Crocodiles look cooler so I'll go with that
>The abyss
>Cum tribute to any demon holo
>I forgot all the japanese I learned over the years and had to keep living here without knowing shit

>> No.25815174

>none of you are living in a literal dystopia right now
Thanks anon.

>> No.25815178

>12th favorite holo
Probably someone from Gen 2
>coolest named artery in the human cardiovascular system
Left ventricle
>is free will an illusion
Yes for basal urges, no for higher order self actualization
>favorite letter in the English alphabet
>would you rather a crocodile eat you or an alligator
neither pwease
>when you stare into the abyss, what do you find staring back at you?
>how do i summon sucubuss?
First demonitize her channel
>last nightmare you had
A fucking midget was chasing me

>> No.25815179
Quoted by: >>25815207

I wanted to race Roberu, but it doesn't seem like he's using the tourney system and is just joining random races

>> No.25815181


Why does this make me gosling so hard?

>> No.25815180
Quoted by: >>25815203

Why lie about something like this? Anyone who has watched their streams know you are lying.

>> No.25815186

Scroll up.

>> No.25815187

She already played it(not on stream)

>> No.25815188

First one is the only one I played
Classic taco
4 AM
Marine I KNEEL!

>> No.25815191

I think you need to learn how to read, anon.

>> No.25815192

nothing, its fake and cheap mexican food, so its easy to get. they took the only good things people liked off the menu so its only good for when youre too lazy to make dinner and theres one on the way home. i can get 5 tacos for less than $10

>> No.25815193

>being murican is good
Imagine actually thinking that

>> No.25815194

Because you want a multitalented gf, anon, like we all do. I miss soran bushi, not going to lie

>> No.25815195

id like to think with all the miko twitter posting and the stream this means she is getting better from whatever/is coming back in the not too distant future.

>> No.25815197

Elemental Heroes is that how they're called? Not a big fan of yugioh
3 Blue but I have a soft spot for 5 double team so I could play both on my ds
Never went to taco bell
Okayu's fast as fuck win at Fall Guys

>> No.25815203

i was talking about the kiss

>> No.25815204

Maybe i want a multitalented daughter who never gives up.

>> No.25815206

>Because you want a multitalented gf, anon,
I want Nene as my girlfriend?!

>> No.25815207

he's still managed to get stream sniped despite that, there was someone named "チャンチャカドンドン" in one of his streams.

>> No.25815208

I dunno, what about it does?

>> No.25815210

>believing the media
Anon, rural American is essentially a different country than urban America. I haven't seen a nigger in years.

>> No.25815211

She would get along with Izuru then

>> No.25815214

I'm not against that change because I've listened to Soran too much already.

>> No.25815215

rural america sounds like a nightmare too, enjoy your incest

>> No.25815216

I was watching larry (member of hololive, an vtuber streaming group), she was really cute kind voice and kind boobs, which were pretty big and I wanted to touch because they were big so I raised my arm towards the screen and my hand went through the screen and I felt something soft on my palm of my hand. it was her boob.
I start shaking the boob and she started letting lewd and sexy squeals and said "anon stop". "she knows me?" i asked her and she said "yeah I do you watched me since I started vtube of course i know!" and I kept moving the boob and she kept feeling good until the cum happenes
I made a girl cum and she said my turn and starts making me cum, which feels good, she was gettingmessages saying she can't show cum said she didn't care, she loved me and WAS going to make cum, I was happy and she put my pembis in the breashole and shake it good
week after she was fired but we lived together and happy, making her cum and she make me cum we were happy so she didn't care she got fired because we were happy
i love you she told me and i love you too cum i told her she was breasting my private and i was licking her boob and we were happy making cum

>> No.25815217
Quoted by: >>25815404

>Pekora legit hates skinship and it disgusted by it
what the fuck, how can my wife be so similar to me?!

>> No.25815218
Quoted by: >>25815239

Gen 5 bonding...

>> No.25815219

girls who enjoy to lewd themselves and like ero fanart:

>> No.25815221

I'm in NZ and watching the rest of the world with utter horror
really appreciate hololive idols being of such good cheer
a lot of us probably need it these days

>> No.25815222

не луркаю там, помойка та еще, как в принципе ты и сказал

>> No.25815223

it's a premier made by her manager and posted by her, she's still at the hospital for a few more days but yeah she's almost 100% ok

>> No.25815224

Cute smug friend

>> No.25815227

Literally nothing wrong with fucking your cousin. Japan does it all the time.

>> No.25815228
Quoted by: >>25815244

What? You responded to the guy saying that only Miko is allowed to touch Pekora.
So from where are you getting the idea that she reacted like that from anything Miko has done?

>> No.25815230
Quoted by: >>25815257

you don't have the restaurant anon...

>> No.25815231


>> No.25815232

Winning son does it again

>> No.25815233
Quoted by: >>25815240

Right now she's still at the hospital. But probably still have to rest for a bit for recovering after she's out from the hospital.

>> No.25815234
Quoted by: >>25815278

Part 2 when faggot

>> No.25815235

Aki too

>> No.25815239


>> No.25815240
Quoted by: >>25815262


as long as they are ok that's fine, no need to rush.

>> No.25815241
Quoted by: >>25815248

Eternal second place...

>> No.25815244

the topic was skinship
pekora has literally screamed after getting a surprise kiss from miko
that's it

>> No.25815248
Quoted by: >>25815276

If Roberu is eternally 2nd, then who is eternally 1st?

>> No.25815250

>Block a few people
>Chat becomes this

>> No.25815251
Quoted by: >>25815261

*aloe image*

>> No.25815252

how do you think they schlick to it?
do they like, fully self insert and imagine themselves as actually being the holo in that situation, or just think of themselves?

>> No.25815255
Quoted by: >>25815368

>pekora has literally screamed after getting a surprise kiss from miko
w-when did this happen?

>> No.25815257

have to eat*

>> No.25815258


>> No.25815260

fuck i needed that laugh

>> No.25815261


>> No.25815262

Yup, I agree. I'll still wait for Mikoti until she's fully recovered and ready.

>> No.25815265

big brain noel!

>> No.25815267
Quoted by: >>25815445

if you think eating alone at a fast food place is pathetic, you need lower standards...fast food places are where you go when you have no one to eat with at an actual restraunt

>> No.25815268

I live in Milwaukee which less than an hour from where everything went down.
I keep getting alerts about riots and I keep hearing chanting outside. Doesn't help that I live in the liberal side of the city.

>> No.25815270
Quoted by: >>25815288

that was a different case, she was kissing the camera meaning she was also kissing her audience. for example, you'll never see Peko doing this to Marine

>> No.25815271

What’s up with Covers treatment of holostars? Is it because they’re dudes?

>> No.25815269

>images limit reached
>still 600 posts to go

>> No.25815272
Quoted by: >>25815293

do you guys actually sit in at fastfood places?

>> No.25815275
Quoted by: >>25815296

stop being dramatic you pansy

>> No.25815276

It's what FBK called him during the fall guys stream, so she's probably 1st.

>> No.25815277

If what you meant was a moment at Pekora's 3D debut, Miko's not at the studio and just calling in, and they're just teasing at each other.

>> No.25815278

insde your head all the cum is still happening just imagine

>> No.25815283
Quoted by: >>25815360

Okay Jay

>> No.25815284

I live outside Portland far enough to feel safe, stay safe anon.

>> No.25815285
Quoted by: >>25815319

why do we always end up talking about american politics in this thread? lets just talk about the holos in peace

>> No.25815287
Quoted by: >>25815469


>> No.25815288


>> No.25815289
Quoted by: >>25815336

I'm enjoying Gen5 being close together right now because once cross-gen collabs start rolling in they'll start collabing with senpais a lot since most of them are Hololive fans and are probably really looking forward to it.

>> No.25815291

And what a surprise even after that supposed "disgusted reaction" she still lets Miko touch her practically whenever she wants, which you'd know if you've watched more than translated clips.
Your analysis is so off it is almost comical.
No she was there as a cameraman for sure considering she mounted her after telling her to lie down on the floor, but I can't remember if it was ever made obvious that Miko kissed her when she "kissed" her audience.

>> No.25815293

Yes. I don't take takeout very often, i just eat there and go home.

>> No.25815296

try paying more attention, ignorance is bliss I know

>> No.25815301

Let's talk about Hyrule's tax policy.

>> No.25815302
Quoted by: >>25815360


>> No.25815303
Quoted by: >>25815329

The brachial artery
Alligators are cooler
Yes, please
Pour some human seed on a ring
Certain hologirl laughed at my penis

>> No.25815305

Holy based and magnumopus-pilled

>> No.25815306
File: 2.24 MB, 1748x2600, Akai fucked up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25815307

Then explain this https://youtu.be/kasIqg8uPwc

>> No.25815308

>favorite holo
>which movie should I watch today

>> No.25815309

To get thanked for the translation

>> No.25815312

The teetee theater? Where viewers send in their requests, and it was pekomiko kiss

>> No.25815313
Quoted by: >>25815332

not so much disgusted as much as kneejerk anxious reaction
and no, i havent watched many translated clips in over a month

>> No.25815314

I can't believe the Haachama fag is a doxxposter

>> No.25815315

They have the same input of effort, it's just easier for girls to produce results and numbers.

>> No.25815316

holy shit fuck mario kart how is he not raging

>> No.25815319

Sadly burger politics always end bleeding on unrelated conversations. It just got worse since 2016

>> No.25815320

Hyrule wasn't destroyed by Ganon. It was Noel.

>> No.25815321

They don't have a Sora nor a Christmas miracle (yet) to make it big like Hololive. I still believe on them.

>> No.25815323

when holostars first came out, cover wanted it to be an actual seperate entity, with a hard ban on interacting with the female talent. cover was still trying to really push the idol part of hololive. they also never advertised the boys on any main channels or whatever. that didnt last long since some of the girls said the ban was stupid and got it taken down, but the damage was already done. yagoo himself said the ban was stupid and he regrets it.
now its just too hard to salvage

>> No.25815325
Quoted by: >>25815425

Seven or The VVitch

>> No.25815329
Quoted by: >>25815438

>Certain hologirl laughed at my penis

>> No.25815330

Spurdo spotted.

>> No.25815332
Quoted by: >>25815357

You don't seem to have watched anything at all if your "analysis" is that she is anxious at all about Miko touching her.
Either you are ignorant or just autistic, I don't know which one it is.

>> No.25815334

Why do people like to pretend they know how holos think about each other behind the scenes? What's the ultimate appeal of narratives? Why make up your own kayfabe?

>> No.25815336
Quoted by: >>25815348

Haha yeah it's great how close all four members of g5 are...

>> No.25815338

Rikka’s doing last song

>> No.25815339

Shut the fuck up I know everything

>> No.25815340
Quoted by: >>25815425

Taxi Driver

>> No.25815345

(EN) Hey guys!!! (JP) Okay now that I pondered to the overseas subhumans, it's time to continue playing my shitty retro game

>> No.25815346

Roberu is contractually obligated to say the winning son line at least once per stream

>> No.25815348

Aloe...2 weeks too long.

>> No.25815350
Quoted by: >>25815377

No it was during Peko's 3D debut https://youtu.be/48KcQ2LWrpE?t=196

>> No.25815352

Die hard

>> No.25815354

There's no Taco Bell in my city. McDonalds was burned to the core, we only have KFC, Pizza Hut, Papa John's and some local fast food brands

>> No.25815357
Quoted by: >>25815396

i don't really watch miko or pekora
i was just adding to the "pekora doesn't like being touched bit", that even if it's miko, it can go too far; it was just a sideline comment
you seem to be the autistic one here man

>> No.25815358

people view this like it's a show or something and like making theories about the characters and such with all the stories, while also thinking it's all real, so they try to make up what the real world equivalents are to what they're talking about and analyze the little interactions we see and try to assume what's going on. Really that's the problem with playing characters

>> No.25815360
Quoted by: >>25815384

Jay being into holos is the kind of shit I didn't know I wanted.
>this hachaama girl has a very lynchian feel to it

>> No.25815363

i think he starting to hate it. kek

>> No.25815364

Actually scratch that, watch con air.

>> No.25815365
Quoted by: >>25815388

anon...? image limit if full...

>> No.25815366
Quoted by: >>25815476

There was actually a really great moment from that collab where Pekora puts out her hand and asks Miko to kiss it. Miko does and Miko goes all tsundere and starts hitting her.

>> No.25815368
Quoted by: >>25815408


>> No.25815372
Quoted by: >>25815378

It's the #1 Eatery in San Angeles!

Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Pro-duct Placement for Taco Bell~

>> No.25815373

He's like a circus monkey at this point.

>> No.25815375

>If anime:この世界の片隅に. If live action:告白

>> No.25815376

Rikka's stream is already in its last hour
Time sure flies by fast

>> No.25815377
Quoted by: >>25815451

>Miko doesn't move at all
Why do people think Miko snuck a kiss there?

>> No.25815378


>> No.25815379

Will you faggots shut the fuck up abouf kayfabe
This isn't the fucking WWE

>> No.25815383

Not sure Noel will be able to stay faithful to Princess Flare.

>> No.25815384

Jay from Milwaukee here, my favorite holo is Ayame.

>> No.25815386
Quoted by: >>25815425

Menace II Society

>> No.25815387

ha ha...winning son... very very hard...

>> No.25815388

someone deleted their post and tried to post a different image. I saw we were at 299 so I capitalized.
10/10 play coach PUT ME IN THE PROS!

>> No.25815390
Quoted by: >>25815425


>> No.25815391
Quoted by: >>25815427

I'm not a weeb, dude.

>> No.25815392
Quoted by: >>25815425

Bladerunner 2049

>> No.25815395

Bros... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but 5ch just confirmed that Aloe's ban is getting extended due to Niji influence.

>> No.25815396
Quoted by: >>25815401

I mean you started off with a very strong confident reply by stating; "It was like a roach crawling over her skin".
And I told you that you were wrong about that and if you actually think that then you haven't watched them enough to judge, which you now admit that you haven't.

So again, if you don't really watch them, why are you making such a strong statement about them?

>> No.25815397

it's the same thing

>> No.25815398

Wrestling is big in Japan.

>> No.25815399
Quoted by: >>25815454

Where you not there when Peko threw Miko off the top of the cage in the Hell in the Cell match? Why do you think she's been in the hospital for months?

>> No.25815400

remember when these threads had discussion about ongoing streams and not just random shitposting?

>> No.25815401
Quoted by: >>25815421

"very strong confident reply"
i was just describing the way she acted
you have issues

>> No.25815402

paya patra was always the superior choice

>> No.25815404

That's why you chose her "your wife"
I love that part of her, though

>> No.25815403
Quoted by: >>25815425

The Goodfellas

>> No.25815405

not really

>> No.25815406

He did comment once that it has become a stream template.

>> No.25815408

no, that's Miko getting revenge on Pekora by making her send a kiss to the nousagi because Pekora made Miko do the same thing to the 35P on a 3D stream of hers
Pekora screaming on that clip is her dying of embarrassment from doing that

>> No.25815409

She's her bastard child from a produced who raped her

>> No.25815410

At least make it convincing you idiot. Here's your (you).

>> No.25815411

post proofs

>> No.25815412
Quoted by: >>25815424

Ah...I slept through Rikka's stream

>> No.25815413

remember when you weren't such a little bitch? yeah, me neither.

>> No.25815416

>cannot post images

>> No.25815417

Yeah but how do I get a rural gf?

That's based tho.

>> No.25815418


>> No.25815420
Quoted by: >>25815486

Never cared. Those narratives at least for me is just one step from being a full fledge idolfag, and with that I mean the type who ends fuming and burning merch on social media because his fav girl got married with a dude and not with his headcanon yuri girl

>> No.25815421
Quoted by: >>25815437

Your description was obviously wrong and now you are here spreading that description like it has any validity so of course I'm going to call you out on your retardation.
Don't comment on the supposed relation between two people if you don't even watch them for fucks sake.

>> No.25815422
Quoted by: >>25815460

it's the same concept you stupid fuck, stop trying to ruin it for yourself and just have some fun

>> No.25815424

me too bro, theres still some time left so get in while you can...

>> No.25815425
Quoted by: >>25815529

Thanks anons, I will watch all of these at the weekend

>> No.25815426

I don't know exactly how it works, but the Mario Kart 8 netcode is nearly perfect. you can be playing with 11 people from all over the world and you'll never see a frame of lag. the worst you'll see are shells hitting weirdly but it's hardly ever an issue

>> No.25815427

Weebs only watch shit. この世界の片隅に is really fucking good.
Go watch Batman then friendo

>> No.25815428

As towa hath returned to the kitchen, the lady beganeth to filleth up the drinks. The lady did fill up 3 regular colas and one diet cola. The lady rememb'r'd talking to kanata about cola in the past, and learn'd yond the lady did drink diet cola. Coequal though kanata didn't bethink about h'r anym're, the lady still car'd about h'r and did want to doth something f'r h'r. The lady hath brought the tray of drinks out to the girls who is't w're in the middle of eating their pizzas. Those ladies didn't seemeth to noticeth h'r arriving at the table. The lady did place down two of the colas, but bef're the lady couldst lodging the third luna did snatch a glass from h'r tray happily. Towa did look in h'rr'r as the lady did realize t wast the diet cola. Luna tooketh one sipeth of the soda, and then spat t right out in towa's visage. The lady beganeth to caterwauling as watame lean'd ov'r and wip'd h'r visage and hath tried to comf'rt h'r. Coco tooketh a sipeth of luna's drinketh, then angrily did shout at towa "you fucking wench, is this diet! we hath asked f'r regular!" and then did proceed to picketh up each drinketh and throweth t at towa. Towa did look to kanata f'r comf'rt, but kanata apace did look hence from h'r, avoiding eye contact. Towa silently bended down and beganeth wiping up the cola. Thankfully towa's visage wast did wet from the cola, so nay one couldst seeth h'r drops of sorrow. "i'm s'rry, i'll bringeth thee anoth'r one. " the lady hath said, but luna beganeth to caterwauling loud'r. The four did get up from their table, chairs clatt'ring. "f'rget t! alloweth's wend somewh're else girls, this lodging is h'rrible!" coco hath said, st'rming out. The oth'r three hath followed. Luna did turn backeth as the lady head'd out the doth'r, still making fake crying noises. The lady gaveth towa the fing'r while grinning, then wenteth backeth to putting on a p'rf'rmance f'r the girls

>> No.25815429
Quoted by: >>25815440

“I’m only good at singing” he says . Hopefully nothing happens to it

>> No.25815431

Isn't NZ a muslim and chinese colony right now? I was thinking of moving there.

How is the otaku culture over there? Lots of anime expos?

>> No.25815433

Don't give me hope

>> No.25815435

Enemy at the Gates

>> No.25815437
Quoted by: >>25815489

if my description was wrong, you should have just told me it was wrong and why
instead, you immediately accused me of spreading lies like anyone here gives a shit, then have the audacity to try to accuse people of being autistic
take your fucking meds

>> No.25815438


>> No.25815440
Quoted by: >>25815557

...why did you wrote that as if it was a threat

>> No.25815441

Onion joke hahahaha

>> No.25815443

how do i into apex?

>> No.25815444

Aloe I want sex

>> No.25815445

>at an actual restraunt
Only boomers go to restaurant.

>> No.25815448
Quoted by: >>25815457

Shoot people and don't die

>> No.25815450

Cmon Noel get naked for Paya!

>> No.25815451

Anon said >>25815312 that Miko was supposed to be the cameraman, though I think it's just her calling in. If we're talking about pekomiko teetee theater at their Xmas collab it happened for real though https://youtu.be/kTfQWNcWGEc?t=274

>> No.25815454


>> No.25815455
Quoted by: >>25815471

>ywn arrive at a new town and need money for staying in the tavern for more than 3 days
>ywn go to the guild and see a quick goblin slaying quest nearby with a bizzarely high pay
>ywn see it is a rescue mission for the adopted child of a farm househould
>ywn see a mace wielding white haired knight reading the same poster as you
>ywn form an impromptu team for the quest so you can do it faster and earn the cash
>ywn rip and tear your way into an abnormally large goblin nest only to find a blue haired snow elf naked and about to be defiled by 3 goblin lords
>ywn behead them easily because they were naked and unarmed
>ywn gain her etarnal gratitude and form a solid partner bond with the knight
>ywn marry the elf and keep doing adventure work while she works on the farm you and your partner bought with the lord heads prize
>ywn make love to her every night and eventualy start an affair with the knight too
>ywn impregnate both and have a happy adventurer's life

LMFAO why even live mates

>> No.25815456

renounce any social skill you have left

>> No.25815457

in season 6 you usually die before you get to shoot people

>> No.25815460

No it isn't

>> No.25815467


>> No.25815469

People that don't do it ever should be discarded as their opinion is irrelevant. Only people that have the opportunity to go and choose to do it or not to are they ones whose opinions have weight.

>> No.25815470

Someone explain me how pecor can be friends with miko if she is homophobic?

>> No.25815471
Quoted by: >>25815492

sounds like the most generic isekai/fantasy harem plot
there are many manga out there for you if you have this fantasy

>> No.25815476

Yep it's this one https://youtu.be/ZgGxb6MIc8k?t=344 I just want PekoMiko to collab again...

>> No.25815477

How does /hlg/ do it? Even despite all it's flaws it manages to maintain a higher level of quality for discussion than any other platform for discussing hololive.

I unironically think that

>> No.25815481

RIP roberto

>> No.25815482
Quoted by: >>25815505

I appreciate the energy he put into the singing even after streaming for this long

>> No.25815483

Actually, Hinata touched Pekora during their 3d debut. Pekora was fine with it.

There's also a scene from a 3d collab where Pekora hugs Haachama. But then again, Pekora is fond of children

>> No.25815484
Quoted by: >>25815497

homophobic just means you hate gays ogey

>> No.25815486

Soon we'll have legit robot idols that idolfags can't possibly be mad about and they can leave real human artists to normal people who are the fans of their work and don't obsess over their private lives.

>> No.25815488

because other english platforms dont discuss, they just spout memes and any discussion gets severely sanitized when the mods think it's going too far

>> No.25815489
Quoted by: >>25815519

Yes I accused you of lying because it was honestly such a strange statement to make, since only someone who hasn't watched them could think something like it.
And I usually don't think people go around commenting on stuff they actually don't know anything about so I assumed you were just a shitposter.
At least you aren't that but you are still fucking stupid for denying a statement like; "Miko is the only one allowed to touch Pekora" with "And her reaction was still like having a roach crawl over her skin" when, by your own words, you don't know much about them.

And besides, Miko never kissed her in that stream, I don't know where you got that from.

>> No.25815492

It is
I don't want one manga man, I've had hundreds of those
I wanna live it for real

>> No.25815493

Everyday until Elite return!
Live version:
VRMix.01 version:
I'm quite late, it was an eventful day. However, really excited for a new Mikochi video!

>> No.25815495

She hates fags not レズ

>> No.25815496
Quoted by: >>25815516

Miko is pregnant...or was pregnant, she is a mom now. She isn't actually gay, that's just her idol persona.

>> No.25815497

Why doesn't she hate miko?

>> No.25815500

Why would she?

>> No.25815501

Because we're all forged by this harsh, rapidly changing environment at a faster rate than any other thread every day. The final result is an incredibly durable autistic steel.

>> No.25815502
Quoted by: >>25815525

>I unironically think that
Same anon, despite all the random retards that come here from time to time, /hlg/ still remains best place to discuss hololive on the internet.

>> No.25815503

I'm homophobic too but I love Miko because she's an anime girl

>> No.25815504

only boys can be gay...

>> No.25815505

It's been really nice

>> No.25815506
Quoted by: >>25815520

>35p still think she is coming back
Wake up please this is getting sad...

>> No.25815507


>> No.25815508

If you like girls you are straight

>> No.25815509

Play TF2 first

>> No.25815510

She hates gay men.

>> No.25815511

>favorite holo
>style of board you're using
>second favourite fruit
>fav genre of music
>OS that you are using at the moment

>> No.25815513

Hemlok and P2020

>> No.25815516

Shut up Birdkun

>> No.25815518

Gatekeeping keeps EOPchamas at bay.

>> No.25815519
Quoted by: >>25815540

what i saw with a soundless short clip posted here that was just pekora slamming her feet against the floor and a picture of miko on the side, it's been some time since then and i probably mixed it up with the other clip of them faking a kiss

>> No.25815520

she's coming back today idiot


>> No.25815523

Dont worry about Flare. Lamy will make a good Noel replacement.

>> No.25815524

i wonder if the other girls were allowed to visit Miko at the hospital

>> No.25815525

How can you say this is the best if you haven't spent a day in Lygers discord? It's way fucking better than this trash heap.

>> No.25815526

>unironically over 70% of the thread is just surveys
What's the narrative here? What are they trying to distract us from?

>> No.25815527

kill jester

>> No.25815528
Quoted by: >>25815539

Your favorite Holo
Is it better to have "bad"taste in a form of media, allowing you to enjoy a broader variety of works in said media or to have "good" taste, only enjoying the most refined works of said media while looking down on plebs who enjoy stuff you consider awful?

>> No.25815529

But it's weekend right now...

>> No.25815530

They're even allowed to touch the baby

>> No.25815532

which holostars membership will you get? im getting all of them if i can afford it, and if astel has multiple tiers ill get second or third for my oshi.

>> No.25815534

anon... i have some bad news

>> No.25815535


>> No.25815536

Only the girls Miko said okay to. Anyone who has been busy and cancelled streams got to see the baby.

>> No.25815538


>> No.25815539

You can like the good stuff and still enjoy the bad stuff

>> No.25815540
Quoted by: >>25815596

Probably from the Christmas stream then since that bit is them attempting to position their models as to make it look like they are kissing, although it is difficult for them because Pekora is so fucking short.

>> No.25815541


>> No.25815545


>> No.25815547

Limit pushing so we can shitpost with images once more. It's an eternal cycle.

>> No.25815548

>EOP criclejerking of some SEAnigger
How is it better than here?

>> No.25815549

Anonchama your japanese reps...

>> No.25815553

Because it's the only reasonable place to discuss holo's for fun, All of the other places are sanctioned anti-shitposting zones by powerhungry seanigs.

>> No.25815554

Roberu, Astel and Shien are a must for me. Everyone else needs to win me.

>> No.25815555

look at this dood

>> No.25815557

Ahahah i didnt mean jt like that, he should have more confidence in himself

>> No.25815561

>This is your average EOP
I know you're trolling but you made me laugh. Have your (You)

>> No.25815564
Quoted by: >>25815576

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SampleClass:NSObject
- (void)sampleMethod;

@implementation SampleClass

- (void)rituallets {
NSLog(@"Ritualposters take up too many fucking images and deserve the rope! \n");


int main() {
/* tick tock ritualfags */
SampleClass *sampleClass = [[SampleClass alloc]init];
[sampleClass rituallets];
return 0;

>> No.25815566

izuru since he actually really needs it

>> No.25815565

Roberu, Izuru and Shien.

>> No.25815567

Its a honeypot info gathering op, don't be fooled.

>> No.25815568


>> No.25815569

Usually I'm trying to discuss streams and holos, but still, I'm sure I would immediately get banned there if I dare to say any even just barely negative thing about any holo or the fanbase itself.

>> No.25815572

Anonchama, you're embarassing me as a 35P

>> No.25815573

Really a lot of it depends on the perks, like if they're actually making use of member only stuff, then I'll be more likely to join.

>> No.25815574
Quoted by: >>25815592

My favorite stars are Roberu and Shien.

I like the red haired dude as well but I haven't memorized his name yet.

>> No.25815575
Quoted by: >>25815600

Last song, encore

>> No.25815576
Quoted by: >>25815591

>complain about people posting images

>> No.25815577


>> No.25815578

Roberu, Astel and Shien most likely

>> No.25815579

I knew Noel would sekuhara Paya

>> No.25815581

>SEAmonkeys wake up
>deathposting and pregnant narratives start to be posted again
s-sugoi, this is the power of retards who only watch badly subbed clips

>> No.25815584


>> No.25815585

Once when I was young, too young to remember if it was good. The only one near me is in a really inconvenient and really bad part of town, like next to a strip club and an abandoned old building bad.

>> No.25815586

Anonchama, come on...

>> No.25815587

Hopefully Noel reads Paya's diary latter on

>> No.25815589

and? what you gonna do faggot huh?
yeah thats right nothing. shut the fuck up

>> No.25815591

>limited images
>posting the same shit every thread ad infinitum

>> No.25815592


>> No.25815593

birdkuns influence

>> No.25815594

if anon == retard
disp("Anon is a retard")

>>Anon is a retard

>> No.25815596

No it was from Pekora's 3D debut, this one https://youtu.be/48KcQ2LWrpE?t=245

>> No.25815599

is there a correlation between SEAnigs and Pekora posters?

>> No.25815598
Quoted by: >>25815650

Homostars got a 23 minute translation clip today or yesterday or some shit.
Watch it and then judge.

>> No.25815600
Quoted by: >>25815625

Rikka is a beast ...

>> No.25815603

no, seanigs float to towa for whatever reason
pekofags are filthy spics though

>> No.25815604

Thanks, why does hlg hates Miyabi? No one talks about him, ever.

>> No.25815607
Quoted by: >>25815669

theyre gathering info for the profiles theyre building on us
t. schizo

>> No.25815608

>i missed Roberu's mario kart
fuck you guys why didn't you tell me?
and why didn't i get notified? fucking youtube

>> No.25815609

Pekora attracts the spics and burgers.

>> No.25815612


>> No.25815613

He's too cool to be hated, he's just one of the least popular ones but people here do talk about him

>> No.25815614

nobody hates him, he just doesnt have a lotta fans here. i dont watch him as much as i used to so i dont talk about him either. you can start discussions though, hes cute

>> No.25815615

yes, most numberfags love Pekora and everytime someone posts about her numbers is on PHP

>> No.25815617
Quoted by: >>25815638

He's unpopular in general, which is sad because I really like his design. Probably because he lacks a niche.
Roberu for sure, maybe Astel. I've to watch more Homo streams in general, specially Izuru.

>> No.25815618

They are. What do you think the reason why there's so much dead hours and too few scheduled streams during jap daytime these past few days?

>> No.25815620

>5 fucking gens
>dead hours
Reminder your holo fucked her boyfriend all night, used your membership/superchat money to buy condoms and is probably cooking his breakfast right now. Even if you don't care about boyfriends you're still a cuck cause she isn't streaming and you're in this thread doing nothing.

>> No.25815621

>favorite holo
>opinion about surveys

>> No.25815623

If we hated him we wouldn't shut up about it. He is cool.

>> No.25815624


>> No.25815625
Quoted by: >>25815641

And playing guitar too all this time

>> No.25815626

were you not seeing all the chill miyabibro posts? just relax and ride the wave bro

>> No.25815627

I started watching when he started Wind Waker. He seems like a cool dude but I totally get why he is forgotten compared to the rest of the homos.

>> No.25815629

I don't think this place hates him, there's the rad guy meme and some people liked that clip of him winning against a hacker

>> No.25815631

Nah, they're more into rushia

>> No.25815632

>want to listen to streams
>but if I listen in I can't concentrate on my reps
A complicated feeling.

>> No.25815635

Reminder that Marine, Miko, and Shion are lesbians

>> No.25815638

>he lacks a niche
he had some really cool resident evil and hitman streams, but the copywrite arc...really fucked him over

>> No.25815641

I can't imagine singing and playing the guitar for 12 hours ... that's hard.

>> No.25815642

How does Luna masturbate but also have the mind of a baby for hours at a time?

>> No.25815643

Just watch a Okayu's zatsudan

>> No.25815645

Yeah she had sex with her bfwhich is me

>> No.25815646

>40% of Hologirls are sick with COVID or some shit
>10% of hologirls are moving out
>20% of hologirls are doing real life idol shit
>5% of hologirls are banned by Youtube
It's not Cover's fault.

>> No.25815648

My holo wouldn't buy condoms, she wants children.

>> No.25815649

Finish your reps asap and reward yourself with watching streams

>> No.25815650
Quoted by: >>25815696


>> No.25815652
Quoted by: >>25815685

>Rikka stream had live TLs all 12 hours
Damn. That's some dedication. I'm grateful as an EOP.

>> No.25815653

>there are people posting here who don't recognize this pasta

>> No.25815656

>How does /hlg/ do it? Even despite all it's flaws it manages to maintain a higher level of quality for falseflagging than any other platform for discussing hololive.
fixed it for you

>> No.25815657
Quoted by: >>25815668

Really nice stream homobros, I never expected to enjoy it this much.

>> No.25815658

I can't wait for Holo EN

>> No.25815659

seanigs are sheepfags

>> No.25815661

>730k views on Aloe's apology

Man she's gonna have to live with that shit for a while

>> No.25815663

Did you guys enjoy mels new outfit?
I was sleeping so didn't see the stream live.
Did she get over 1k viewers?

>> No.25815667

>that timing where she sees the tissues and moves her pic to show it on screen

>> No.25815668

rikka is in his element when hes singing, its always nice with his singing streams

>> No.25815669

I use cheerio to analyze polls from /hgl/, ​​then feed a nn with that data so that I can predict future narratives

>> No.25815670

she had 13-14k At one point,
I like it. It hits all my weakpoints aside from being blonde

>> No.25815673

I don't see the Australian option

>> No.25815674

her return singing stream will have more views if she doesnt fuck it up

>> No.25815675

Nah seanigs are the 35P

>> No.25815677

Most anons here liked it, it peaked at 20k views

>> No.25815678

Sorry but Hololive is an idol agency so dating is not allowed...

>> No.25815679

Are the new comments still fighting?

>> No.25815682

24 hour singing stream

>> No.25815684

one really only get haters if they're a shit person from the start or if they get enough people who notice them. Miyabi barely had any representation in these threads prior to his new outfit reveal but he's starting to get a bit more noticed now, as well as the other stars are.
there's some "antis" but those anons just pretend they dislike the stars as a whole.

>> No.25815685

holostars have the best and most dedicated live TLs by far, you usually see the same guys across all of their channels

>> No.25815687

Friendly reminder that Yagoo caused the Holocaust to hide Towa's apology video, and may happen again.

>> No.25815689

My holo couldn't attract a boyfriend if she tried. She would have to pay for sex.

>> No.25815691

I like it a lot, althought I'm not a fan of the longer hair
she didn't use it for her Fall Guys stream right afterwards though, that was weird

>> No.25815693
Quoted by: >>25815805

Isn't Miyabi a girl's name?

>> No.25815695

35P are burgers

>> No.25815696
Quoted by: >>25815717

this one fits the description, although is like a week old, maybe anon watched it yesterday.

>> No.25815699
Quoted by: >>25815726

It might be my favorite costume and design yet, although it's pretty sad that her next stream had only 2k viewers again, even if it was fall guys

>> No.25815700
Quoted by: >>25815719

hate all non-Japanese including cumskins
why is there no option for that?

>> No.25815701
Quoted by: >>25815761

Rikka finished with 63 songs in total.

>> No.25815702

I thought he was Ange this whole time

>> No.25815707

Towa had something similar happen to her, right? how was her return like?

>> No.25815708

My holo stayed up till 4 am today

>> No.25815712

As long as they keep working holostars will end up fine i think

>> No.25815713

Seanig here. My favourite is actually Korone.

>> No.25815714
Quoted by: >>25815740

So when people say Miko was in charge of that eroge OP and ED, does that mean she actually produced the song? Like getting someone to compose it and making the lyrics?

>> No.25815715

>will have more views
Nah, this vid in particular is still being used as a chatroom by antis to shittalk Hololive. Maybe one Aloe has a big cover song she'll finally be able to surpass the views on this.

>> No.25815717

something to watch during dead hours

>> No.25815718

I mean, she still has a good amount of people willing to support her still in Cover it seems, never mind the EN community that stuck with Towa too. She'll have to deal with that shit especially when she comes back, but this will fade away eventually and I doubt there was any real hard feelings between the Gen 5 holos that she wasnt there.
Just watch, soon as she starts streaming she'll get a ton of EN supas and she'll get a minor but big enough sub boost.

>> No.25815719

Because if you aren't white then your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.25815722
Quoted by: >>25815748

SEAmonkeys don't like Miko, why do you think deathposting starts during SEA hour s?

>> No.25815723

Full of cucks

>> No.25815725

I'd like to member Shien, Astel and Aruran.

>> No.25815726

2k sounds reasonable for her.
She is not very interesting.

>> No.25815728

Seanigs are towaflips

>> No.25815731

Okayu is obese

>> No.25815732
Quoted by: >>25815822


>> No.25815734
Quoted by: >>25815764

SEAnigs are Aloefags and Towafags. That shithole is full of cucks. Watamates and 35Ps are burgers and yuros since they usually streamed favorable to their timezones.

>> No.25815736

I wish holos composed more original songs, and not just covers.

>> No.25815738

Holy Based

>> No.25815739
Quoted by: >>25815758


>> No.25815740
Quoted by: >>25815756

No, she got recruited to sing.

>> No.25815741

What about Botan? She passes as an American.

>> No.25815742

what if i'm a self-hating white

>> No.25815745

As long as they don't get graduated like the one we don't talk about, sure.

>> No.25815747


>> No.25815748

They're posting about whatever what bring them the most (You)s. If people would reward it with (You)s, they'd deathpost about their own mother.

>> No.25815749

If she can see her feet, then she needs to eat more.

>> No.25815750


>> No.25815752
Quoted by: >>25815773

They would if they didn't have to finance the original songs all on their own and original songs usually generate less views than covers.

>> No.25815755
Quoted by: >>25815773

shits expensive

>> No.25815756

Thanks for clearing that up for me, anon

>> No.25815758


>> No.25815759

*Wipes brow* Danchou.. your ara ara voice..

>> No.25815761


>> No.25815762

>I am unironically not racist
>15 votes
are we being raided?

>> No.25815763

Noel that voice...

>> No.25815764

Towa's morning streams at peak burgerhours.

>> No.25815768
Quoted by: >>25815803


>> No.25815769


>> No.25815772

Redditfags are invading.

>> No.25815773
Quoted by: >>25815921

Yeah, but I imagine an actual hololive record would recoup the costs pretty quickly.

>> No.25815774

Expensive, doesn't get enough views to cover the cost

>> No.25815775


>> No.25815779

Always have been.

>> No.25815782

I mean, most of them are by their own decision, as they spend their own money to create it. I think only Suisei was promised an original song and got fucked but that happened months ago.

>> No.25815783

https://youtu.be/SkFXpefqqtg Subaru

>> No.25815784
Quoted by: >>25815849

People don't seem to remember but I feel like Towa felt ignored by her peers after she came back, don't know if it was out of her own towautism or if she really was getting ignored, the Aki stream where she tried to justify not being a good teacher when Aki only had good things to say about her for example.

>> No.25815785

Blessed stream. Thank you Nintendo for creating the Great Fairies.

>> No.25815789
Quoted by: >>25815923

I don't get memberships for someone unless they have been doxxed.
I don't want to get a membership for some ugly person or some old granny like Korone. Dodged a bullet on that one.

>> No.25815791

>If she can see her feet, then she needs to eat more
Holy based

>> No.25815794

fat cat

>> No.25815797

They're the same fucking people. It's not rocket science you fucking retard.

>> No.25815799
Quoted by: >>25815816

morning shuba shuba

>> No.25815802

danchou should really use that voice more often, it suits a knight way better than her "normal" voice

>> No.25815800

The songs come from the girls and stars own pocket.

Cover doesn't do shit for them.

>> No.25815803

I'm Towafag and probably the most racist person in this thread.

>> No.25815805


>> No.25815808

Why there's no towafags here, towafag?

>> No.25815809

That means there's more of her to love!

>> No.25815810

You guys are slowly losing your minds just posting in this shithole of a general.

>> No.25815811




>> No.25815812


>> No.25815813
Quoted by: >>25815858

Towa's situation was nowhere near as big as Aloe's is now, due to both the circumstances of it and the general environment of hololive at the time. Pretty much nobody cared about Towa's situation after her probation period (besides a few schizos in this thread who continue to spam about it to this day), Aloe is still getting flamed constantly everywhere.

>> No.25815816

Subaru is a whore

>> No.25815820
Quoted by: >>25815830

>Kanata has on multiple occasions expressed her love for bass guitar and mentioned she'd love to learn how to play bass
>Opening has no bass and no Tenshi playing it
Explain this right now heimins.

>> No.25815822

Jesus she got RAPED.

>> No.25815825

Wheres the option to hate all races?

>> No.25815827

This man gets it.

>> No.25815829

Suba-chan is awake!

>> No.25815830

>love for bass guitar and mentioned she'd love to learn how to play bass
but then why does everyone want to fuck her?

>> No.25815835

and a whore

>> No.25815837

>Haachama hosting a summer vtuber party with (assumed) no-names
What is she planning?

>> No.25815842


>> No.25815848


>> No.25815849
Quoted by: >>25815883

The Aki thing was because of antis who said Matsuri was a much better Apex teacher to Aki than Towa was, which got to her. The lack of collabs after her return was mostly Towa's own fault though.

>> No.25815851


>> No.25815853
Quoted by: >>25816081


>> No.25815854

I will never watch any vtuber with disgusting big breasts.

>> No.25815858

I agree with this read. Aloe is going to have a lot of antis when she gets back. Best thing she can do is probably just to do constant utawakus or play games or something with others while ignoring her chat. Eventually the antis will get bored and fuck off when it seems like they can't get any kind of response.

>> No.25815862

Poll time
>3 (new)

>> No.25815863

Haato is using her platform to promote smaller channels what a kind thoughtful soul

>> No.25815864

She will fuck it up by using retarded effects again.

>> No.25815866

Your loss.

>> No.25815871

Weird idea

>> No.25815872

Horrible taste

>> No.25815875

>not liking all sizes

>> No.25815877

>Roll your Holo 2 times
>Roll for relationship 2 times

Miko, Sex friend
Shion, Niece

>> No.25815879

>Your Oshi
>A clip of her
The Holo that gets the most clips of her wins!

>> No.25815883

Yeah that's why I said the lack of collabs might've been Towa's own autism if we consider how she reacted to this nothingburguer

>> No.25815884

people like to meme about their viewer/subscriber numbers, but really they're doing much better than most other vtubers out there. it's just that they get compared to the girls a lot as well as the top nijiboys which is unfair to begin with

>> No.25815885

>seamonkeys awake
>towaschizo spamming immediately starts

>> No.25815886

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25815891

Anyone who didn't vote for Sora in the first poll needs to leave this site

>> No.25815893
Quoted by: >>25815933


>> No.25815894

You already did this yesterday

>> No.25815895

Because you don't hate your friends, even if they are fags. Your friends will stay your friends for life if they are good friends

t. FBK

>> No.25815896

wtf why

>> No.25815899
Quoted by: >>25815925

Anonchama is a WHORE

>> No.25815902

marine childhood friend
watame elder sister

>> No.25815904

When my friend came out as a faggot to me I just immediately cut contact with him.

>> No.25815907
Quoted by: >>25815946

Noel please for the love of God upgrade your health

>> No.25815912


>> No.25815913
Quoted by: >>25815929

Imagine you're an Aloe anti and you find out her phone number.
You get ready to prank call her, but then you notice, the number is already in your phone contacts under the name "escort girl"

>> No.25815920

Aqua = mom
Rushia = Niece

>> No.25815921

That would rely on Cover actually investing on music and not force the girls to pay so much

>> No.25815922

>Coco sex friend
>Peko imouto
Based Department? Ookini

>> No.25815923

as if the holostars havent been doxxed

>> No.25815924

Mio, older sister
Suisei, wife

>> No.25815925
Quoted by: >>25815932

How can I be a whore if I'm a virgin?

>> No.25815927

>Miko, sex friend
>Mel, childhood friend
I like it

>> No.25815928

Haato, Elder sister
Aqua, Childhood friend
Not bad, Seems comfy.

>> No.25815929

Aloe doesn't need the money
She does it for the pleasure

>> No.25815932

With your mouth.

>> No.25815933
Quoted by: >>25815950

make her less cute or i might fall in love

>> No.25815934
Quoted by: >>25815944

I'd never understand people who commented with their real names.

>> No.25815935

Roboco, Niece, neat
Noel, Wife, FUCK YEAH

>> No.25815938


>> No.25815940

Okayu, Elder sister
Subaru, Friend

>> No.25815944

Yeah same

>> No.25815945

Dead hours is fucking over, you fucking retards.

>> No.25815946

What R U? Casul?

>> No.25815948

Towa = Childhood Friend
Shion = Aunt

>> No.25815949

>Luna getting better that she can play Ring Fit now
Good for her

>> No.25815950


>> No.25815951

If you wouldn't fuck every holo without exception you're a faggot

>> No.25815952

It's dead hours whenever my favorite holo isn't streaming

>> No.25815953
Quoted by: >>25815978

I'm trying to kill this thread faster you fucking retard

>> No.25815955

Which holo would you boop on the nose

>> No.25815957
Quoted by: >>25815974

>Luna playing RF
She'll die on stream.

>> No.25815958

wins what

>> No.25815960

Holopro... ?

>> No.25815962


>> No.25815964

I wonder if Pekora has ever had Cadburry Cream Eggs?

>> No.25815963

Is she fucking crazy? Does she want to die that badly?

>> No.25815968

Why is Miko so BASED?

>> No.25815969


>> No.25815971


>> No.25815972


>> No.25815973
Quoted by: >>25816072

Luna - Best Friend
Matsuri - Girlfriend

Not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.25815974

someone has to record that thing from the beginning live

>> No.25815977

But are you actually fucking the holos through a VR simulation, or just the oshis? There's a big difference.

>> No.25815978
Quoted by: >>25816011

Are you one of those autists that can't form a fucking discussion without posting images? Because you sound like one.

>> No.25815980


>> No.25815983

jesus christ here we go

>> No.25815984


>> No.25815985


>> No.25815987

1000% this. They're all very breedable in their own way

>> No.25815989

That's good to hear. I wish they actually did an RFA collab with Subaru eventually, maybe once she heals properly. But I wanna see more of Subaru's RFA either way.

>> No.25815990

>ywn book a flight to japan, find Shion, stalk her, break into her home at night, drug her, kidnap her, strip her naked, tie cute ribbons around her supple body, and then leave her at senchou's place in her bed

>> No.25815991


>> No.25815993

This sheep dead to me

>> No.25815994


>> No.25815995
Quoted by: >>25816008

Mio, Mom
Haato, Wife

>> No.25815996

Stand by Mikochi

>> No.25815998


>> No.25816000

It's time to stop hating holos who use reddit

>> No.25816002

Fucking kek

>> No.25816003

aloe-younger sister
aqua-sex friend

>> No.25816005


>> No.25816007

This is the weirdest way to wingman

>> No.25816008

apologize to your mom

>> No.25816009

finally some good posting

>> No.25816011

Look at the state of this thread, it must be purged. No discussion will be had here and you know it to be true

>> No.25816012


>> No.25816014

I just want her to enjoy the games she play. Peko that is tryharding to make herself enjoy is not peko.

>> No.25816015
Quoted by: >>25816046

it was going to happen eventually. as long as she doesn't become coco tier

>> No.25816016

I thought sheepfags hated Kanata and Coco for using reddit?

>> No.25816022

I dot not condone nor endorse your actions

>> No.25816025

agree, but only those of who started using it now, all those that came before should day

>> No.25816027

>Sheepfags on suicide watch
oh im laffin

>> No.25816028

Sheepfags on damage control right now. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.25816030

Those aren't true sheepfags they just like using her face for shitposting

>> No.25816034

>Haato: mom
>Watame: aunt

>> No.25816035
Quoted by: >>25816042

>Marine, Mom
>Sora, Childhood Friend

>> No.25816038
Quoted by: >>25816060

It's fine, we watamates accept that our girl uses reddit and has boyfriend, we will support her no matter what

>> No.25816039
Quoted by: >>25816088


>> No.25816040
Quoted by: >>25816051

okayu - mom
miko - girlfriend
fucking yesss

>> No.25816042
Quoted by: >>25816050

bro can i fuck your mom

>> No.25816045
Quoted by: >>25816084

God i beg you give me that Pekora tweet where she mentions browsing reddit already

>> No.25816046
Quoted by: >>25816071

>as long as she doesn't become coco tier
She's literally posting reddit memes on her twitter now. She's as bad as Coco and don't even try to defend this shit when you're literally shitting on Kanata and Aki for the doing the same.

>> No.25816048

Interesting how you propose this right after Watame got busted using it.

>> No.25816049

those are the same people forcing the narrative that she's fighting them so you take anything they say with a grain of salt

>> No.25816050
Quoted by: >>25816062

sure, dad!

>> No.25816051

bro can i fuck your mom

>> No.25816055

Lamy gf
Hitsuji gf

>> No.25816058

Then you never were real friends. Simple as that

>> No.25816060

Speak for yourself, for dinner I will make Tacos of watame's body

>> No.25816062

thanks son

>> No.25816064
Quoted by: >>25816090

>once again sheepfags confirmed for being reddit and homofags

>> No.25816066

Sheepkeks on damage contol, you can't make this shit up lmao

>> No.25816067

>Haato - girlfriend
>Aqua - wife

>> No.25816071
Quoted by: >>25816091

>believing false flaggers
when i say coco tier i mean dedicating streams to reddit

>> No.25816072

You are going to be murdered by Luna. Sorry.

>> No.25816074

>sheepfags defending reddit posting
Oh how the tables have turned.

>> No.25816077

They're not sheepfags, just people who hate Kanata and Coco. They use Watame because it's convenient to them. They are literally leeching off the memebersheep for (you)s.

>> No.25816081

My maid wife...

>> No.25816082

Why did Coco stop doing Asacoco in early July? I don't watch the Reddit dragon.

>> No.25816084

unironiclly never

>> No.25816087

Thank god Towa isn't on reddit yet

>> No.25816088
Quoted by: >>25816106


>> No.25816089
Quoted by: >>25816110

I wouldn't be friends with a fag

>> No.25816090

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25816091

>i-it's only falseflagging!!!
God, you sheepfags are getting more pathetic everyday.

>> No.25816093

just wait

>> No.25816096

>Noel has been fucking around for over and hour, mostly doing nothing or harassing paya
the true BOTW experience, so glad she didn't rush it, can't wait for her to get the house

>> No.25816097

Hitsujibros... It's not looking good for us

>> No.25816098
Quoted by: >>25816135

Miko - Friend
Okayu - Best Friend

I am dog

>> No.25816100

Use the archives faggot

>> No.25816103

Holy shit I think Subaru's speech is composed almost entirely of meaningless garbage Japanese filler words and particles.

>> No.25816104
Quoted by: >>25816109

It wasn't bringing in the views it used to
reddit meme reviews are way more profitable and low effort too

>> No.25816105

Turns out Luna is actually the most based gen 4.

>> No.25816106

watch someone superchat the rabbit and ask her to browse reddit lol

>> No.25816107


>> No.25816109

Is that really it? I thought maybe she was overworking herself.

>> No.25816110

An that's the reason you dress like shit and don't get laid son

>> No.25816114

Took you way too long to realize
You're still welcome nanora

>> No.25816116

what keyboard does Watame use?

>> No.25816118

nah she said on a members stream that she was unhappy with the direction she was forced to take it and wanted to move on to something more profitable

>> No.25816119

Fucking real life is better than narratives sometimes

>> No.25816120

>The absolute state of watakeks

>> No.25816121

I hope the impatient backseat-fags won't annoy her too much.

>> No.25816124

Calling a holo "reddit" isn't an insult and it really speaks volumes if that's the worst you have.
The sheep will keep inclining and there's literally nothing you can do about it, grow up.

>> No.25816126
Quoted by: >>25816133

Towa... https://www.reddit.com/link/hwhvbf/video/ob4z3pfbnmc51/player

>> No.25816131

i hope your oshi is having a good day today!

>> No.25816133

yabee BGM

>> No.25816135

bro can I fuck you?

>> No.25816138

Subaru noises...

>> No.25816139

>Subaru moves out alone
>already started eating cheap food and sleeping until evening

>> No.25816141

wait.. she posted a reddit meme before. like a week or two ago. why are people acting like its her first time doing it?

>> No.25816145

>Marine Wife
>Miko Sex friend
Both are my faves. im gonna coooom

>> No.25816150

t. reddit sheepfag.

>> No.25816152

>Okayu, Friend
>Choco, Best Friend

what the fuck

>> No.25816154

Luna... https://www.reddit.com/link/hrscyf/video/8ad5agt872b51/player

>> No.25816155

They grow up so fast.

>> No.25816156

To be fair for the holos r*ddit seems like a dedicated hololive news/content forum so I won't think poorly of any holo who involves herself just for having a lil interaction with the EOPs

>> No.25816157

Never watched my wife's wife stream before
It's pretty relax I like it!

>> No.25816160

Aqua: Niece
Luna: Aunt
sounds about right

>> No.25816161
Quoted by: >>25816181

she will make her own holohouse with Mio and Miko

>> No.25816162

Honestly that's best way to stream open world games. Skyrim and FO4 aren't that great if you just rush the main quest.

>> No.25816165

>Calling a holo "reddit" isn't an insult
That damage control lmao, wanna look up your reaction when Kanata joined?

>> No.25816169

>why are people acting like its her first time doing it?
Are you new here? People shit on her everytime she posts reddit memes. This is not the first time,

>> No.25816171

So who do the sheepfags jump ship to now that their falseflag target is confirmed a redditor?

>> No.25816172

The second poll gets me every time I see it because of all the anti Towa, Pekora and Watame posts, yet kenzokus, nousagis, 35ps and watamates are somehow most of /hlg/. If Miko wasn't on leave right now I'm pretty sure you guys would be shitting on her too somehow.

>> No.25816176

Based coomerbro. Can i fuck your wife?

>> No.25816178

Didn't we literally tell them the holocaust was happening because they were completely oblivious to it?

>> No.25816179
Quoted by: >>25816270


>> No.25816181

Actually Mio's house was already exactly that for OKFAMS, way before Holohouse. Subaru spends a lot of time at her place.

>> No.25816182
Quoted by: >>25816196

Newcomers comes and go but Pekochads reign supreme.

>> No.25816183
Quoted by: >>25816207

Neo-Mel looks interesting, new, untainted, unreddit.

>> No.25816185

Stop believing narratives from shitposters.

>> No.25816191

I'm so fucking sick of this, I just want to watch Miko's streams again

>> No.25816192

Who cares, it will just keep happening until they jump ship to Niji or someone else because all Holos will go to the company's reddit.

>> No.25816194

tonari no kaisou wa

>> No.25816196

Just because your camwhore is literally too retarded to use an english site.

>> No.25816198

Me too 35P.
I miss golden week...

>> No.25816203

Hasn't she always not been eating great?

>> No.25816202


>> No.25816205
Quoted by: >>25816250

But even Haato was too stupid to use reddit.

>> No.25816207

Not so Fast Peko

>> No.25816209

People there are just a cessepool of whiteknights and yesman.

You will NEVER see a discussion of people talking bad of other holos cause of their fear of losing precious karma to the hivemind.

>> No.25816211

Out of the loop here, did Watame post some reddit meme? Is that the reason for the salt?

>> No.25816212

maybe i missed it but I'm surprised FBK didn't get shit on when she started posted reddit shit. also, nothing will change. this is /hlg/

>> No.25816215

ples andastand...

>> No.25816216

Because that one was one FBK tweeted... Not she's doing it on her own volition

>> No.25816217

This means she is actually scared of her condition.

Go ahead niggers. Tell me why would you move your ass after a decade of being a hikkimori, right after you had to go to the hospital? She is afraid.

>> No.25816219

nobody cares about fubuki

>> No.25816218

Nobody cared because FBKfags aren't as obnoxious as sheepfags.

>> No.25816220

Pekora, Friend
Marine, Elder Sister

I'll accept onee-san Marine.

>> No.25816222

I legit don't know anon, I used to think it was just ironic shitposting but I am feeling some people have been pavloved beyond salvation.

>> No.25816223

Scroll up retard.

>> No.25816226

>Reddit Damage Control force at full speed
Hilarious, keep seething, small time

>> No.25816228

FBKfags don't shit on other holos for being "reddit"

>> No.25816231

FBK is the used bike of hololive

>> No.25816233

Please talk about Subaru instead of shitposting

>> No.25816234

Fubuki, best friend
Pekora, sex friend

>> No.25816235

FBK is pretty cool girl, she does what she wants and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.25816237

didn't watame already state that she visited reddit a while back, what's with this sudden meltdown

>> No.25816238

FBK gets a pass for being the best holo.

>> No.25816239

Literally nobody gives a shit about FBK.

>> No.25816242

I hate tomboys do you really want my unfiltered opinion on Subaru instead of shitposting?

>> No.25816250
Quoted by: >>25816268

cant believe haato used reddit already

>> No.25816251

>emphasis on "anon" at 0:35

>> No.25816252
Quoted by: >>25816263


>> No.25816258

>I hate tomboys

>> No.25816257

because she posted a pic she downloaded from there. it can't be helped.

>> No.25816260

hlg is mentally ill. The watamelon meme came from Reddit, she has been using Reddit for a month now.

But hlg is too autistic to notice or remember, it's like their brain reset every day.

>> No.25816263
Quoted by: >>25816282

Don't sign your posts.

>> No.25816264

i-is that miko?? why she's doing some ecchi sex voice?

>> No.25816267

And that's a wrap for BOTW, it was nice watching without the need to stay up until morning, would be nice if it took this time slot but i doubt it

>> No.25816268

She tried to, then said it was too difficult to navigate and gave up.

>> No.25816270

This is not ogey

>> No.25816272

No just sheepkeks

>> No.25816274

I'm too busy laughing at that thumbnail story

>> No.25816276

How new?

>> No.25816277

>This thread is one person
Fuck off. It's all newfags and falseflaggers

>> No.25816278


>> No.25816279

Miko has always wanted to voice an eroge. Don't be surprised she has done lewd ASMR.

>> No.25816282


>> No.25816284

What's the "hlg" you guys keep mentioning?

>> No.25816288

She feels like she gets the most tepid reactions from people. I rarely see people outright hate her or love her to an excessive degree. It's kind of funny how she has the most subs, and does seem to get a lot of comments when she streams, but outside of that is rarely discussed here.

>> No.25816292


>> No.25816294

Lurk more.
