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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 800x1369, EUeUrs-U0AYhKxb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25768472 No.25768472 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25768475
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>> No.25768476
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>> No.25768478
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x1697, 83829992_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25768480
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1593485055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768481
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x1125, CuteDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25768484
File: 2.42 MB, 850x1700, thicccoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768485
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25768486
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25768487
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>> No.25768488
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25768489
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, 1597706745696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make an honest woman out of Aloe

>> No.25768490
File: 171 KB, 349x392, 20200825195114_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*canon in d major*

>> No.25768491

Must not sleep...must stay awake to hear Towa wake up...

>> No.25768493
File: 307 KB, 500x500, 1592976948989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25768495

>Fumihiko last 4 works have all been Matsuri.

>> No.25768496

is polka already more alpha than coco?

>> No.25768498

when did you realize nene was the best of Gen5?
i knew when she took a sip of water every 10 minutes

>> No.25768499
File: 1.13 MB, 4016x2256, 1573278973282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768500

Just go to already sleep you dumb dragon

>> No.25768503
File: 1.13 MB, 1447x2046, IMG_20200827_040107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 28 Thread #3

Get well soon Mikochi!

>> No.25768504

So do new Holos basically pick from a selection of gimmicks or do they have ideas and have their mamas draw the sketches?

>> No.25768505
File: 151 KB, 253x281, 1596002993053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko will beat the illness and come back more elite.
FAQ haters!

>> No.25768506


>> No.25768507
File: 1.63 MB, 2894x3865, Eer6ohOX0AAPSPk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25768510

since her debut

>> No.25768511
File: 961 KB, 656x646, crying onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770903

I want to make this onion cry.

>> No.25768512

As early as her debut.

>> No.25768513
File: 110 KB, 1134x752, 1597514363266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sounds of gate opening*

>> No.25768514

You're a brand new manager at COVER Corporation put in charge of the latest and greatest acquisition, Nekomiya Hinata.

What gimmick do you give her?

>> No.25768515

holo designed by Oyari Ashito when?

>> No.25768517

>Noel talking about today's collab with Luna
My narrative is gone... reduced to ashes

>> No.25768520
File: 1.94 MB, 1500x2121, 1598136222140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone, keep it down, Towa is sleeping...

>> No.25768521

Reminder there’s a /u/ board for all yuri related discussion that might take up too much space here

>> No.25768524

I literally do nothing. This is the easiest job in the world.

>> No.25768528

Did that anon sign up for HoloEn

>> No.25768529

Towa please wake up and play Minecraft again!

>> No.25768530
Quoted by: >>25768633

>no content pagliacci
>more alpha than anyone

>> No.25768532
File: 106 KB, 251x547, 1580960676841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blonde team

>> No.25768533

It's amusing to that only Hololive he won't draw is Towa.

>> No.25768536


>> No.25768537


>> No.25768538
Quoted by: >>25768561

>2000 post thread.
>Too much space.
Seek help.

>> No.25768540
File: 924 KB, 2892x4096, EgVxv89UcAA4okt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder Suisei set her eyes on the the pride of gen 5.

>> No.25768542
File: 179 KB, 720x413, 1592113215868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25771240


>> No.25768543
Quoted by: >>25770558

They get to pick.

Polka was probably like
>yeah I want to entertain the viewers and have fun, just give me something that fits
>get a fucking clown

>> No.25768544
Quoted by: >>25768595

It's kind of the opposite to Hololive when you think about that example. Hololive has idols that sometimes do degenerate things. They have degenerates that sometimes do idol things.

>> No.25768545

Clearly Towa is his daughter.

>> No.25768546
Quoted by: >>25768566

O! That's gey.

>> No.25768548

Noel just talked a bit about Luna and the collab. Didn't quite catch it all before she moved on. Anyone know what she said? Noel was the one who proposed the collab?

>> No.25768551
File: 377 KB, 693x490, FALLGUYSTIERLIST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reviewing the archives and careful deliberation, here are the current Fall Guys power rankings.

>> No.25768552
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1598469336983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768572

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25768553
File: 494 KB, 840x886, 59534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25768554

I'm at Clover? I do nothing and collect a paycheck as usual.

>> No.25768555

Sora collab with hololive when?

>> No.25768556

Roommates with Marine at the Holohaus!

>> No.25768557

And EOPs shitting up the chat of course.

>> No.25768560

I was under the impression that the company picked the character gimmicks, though maybe the holos themselves have some input

>> No.25768561
Quoted by: >>25768581

Have you even seen the last 3 threads? It was just everyone fighting in who’s a lesbian and who isn’t, if we’re going to talk about that better take it to the lesbian board instead of /hlg/

>> No.25768562
Quoted by: >>25768790

Well, I certainly can't allow her play FPS games or she'll be exposed as a fraud.

>> No.25768564
File: 71 KB, 800x500, zzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768601

ignore aloe posts
do not reply to aloe posters

>> No.25768566

H-Holy shit a r-rat!!

>> No.25768569
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1598393652157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768570

Let her be and check the permissions.

>> No.25768571

where's pikamee?

>> No.25768572
Quoted by: >>25768701

Miko is a faggot.

>> No.25768574 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 401x129, qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you faggots is this?

>> No.25768576
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x600, humancocowatame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hornless coco

>> No.25768578

Haha it's Lulu!

>> No.25768579

It's A.

I love Tokyo Tower! Cute!

>> No.25768581

I saw a lot of shitposters stirring up shit. Feel free to go to the appropriate board if all you want to do is shitpost and backseat mod.

>> No.25768582

Fix your fucking L2D coco so I can watch you finally without feeling cringe

>> No.25768583

doesnt she have her own manager though?

>> No.25768584

aimbot found on a russian forum

>> No.25768585

Rape victim

>> No.25768586
Quoted by: >>25768616

it seems like they audition for a certain character and get a prescribed backstory, but have fairly free reign to change it as they want (see pekora, or even more recently risu basically completely changing their character)

>> No.25768587


I honestly wonder if Hinata made the switch to HoloLive, would she out-draw Pekora, Fubuki, and Coco in terms of viewership?

>> No.25768589
File: 844 KB, 984x851, The Final List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768870

After some hard deliberation I reached a more accurate conclusion so we all can agree with this.

>> No.25768592
File: 4 KB, 296x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this retard spamming about

>> No.25768593
File: 46 KB, 600x424, 1597664064829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, personally? It's Botan!

>> No.25768594
File: 332 KB, 998x998, 1594186217364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not go all the way?

>> No.25768595
Quoted by: >>25768626

You are under that impression since you only watch translated clips. Most of Hololive members are not degenerates like Coco and Marine.

>> No.25768596

Reminder that Botan is scientifically calculated to have a small penis based on physiological traits and scaling.

>> No.25768597

I love Echidna.

>> No.25768600

have you never heard the term "Hate Fuck"?

>> No.25768601

There's a place for that it's called reddit you faggot

>> No.25768603

how many hours?

>> No.25768606
File: 117 KB, 586x811, 83949932_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768607
Quoted by: >>25768612

How bad are Korone and Lulu?

>> No.25768609


>> No.25768610

unironically better

>> No.25768611

Lemme know when Polka has official merch depicting drugs and sex toys, in Japan.

>> No.25768612

D tier

>> No.25768616

Clearly they can stray from the character quite a bit as time goes on, but as far as I know, like you said, most of the stuff you see in the debut stream is the company's creation.

>> No.25768619

I thought Lulu is good at vidya.

>> No.25768623

i will now fucking love this bitch

>> No.25768624

Still would do it imho

>> No.25768626

>thinking Coco is degenerate
Ok eop clip watcher

>> No.25768629
File: 659 KB, 848x1200, 80392830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768729

I love Aqua!

>> No.25768630

What if Towa is actually just Aqua in disguise?

>> No.25768631

I always have a boner you dumb dragon

>> No.25768633

reddit reviews isn't content Coco

>> No.25768635

Blessed photo. Way better.

>> No.25768636

i feel bad for towa
Imagine waking up to that chat
EOPs followed you to NND

>> No.25768637

She is more like a tryhard.

>> No.25768641
File: 712 KB, 2284x1856, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is dreaming about getting wins on APEX with her friend Nose! Sleep well Towa!

>> No.25768642


>> No.25768643
File: 15 KB, 589x340, peko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768674


>> No.25768646

If coco ever graduates she should just buy the design from cover

or just get a new vtuber avatar, ks*n's kinda sucks

>> No.25768650

I still don't like the banana peel on her head

>> No.25768653

>That one Holo that other people like but you just don't "get"

What's her name, /hlg/?

For me it's Luna, I find her baby voice and crying absolutely repulsive

>> No.25768654

>three COME TO BRAZILs within 50 messages
what the literal fuck is wrong with these cross-bred chocoballs

>> No.25768656
File: 275 KB, 1392x2048, 1598221946740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768715

Coco is so lucky bros, life is unfair

>> No.25768658
Quoted by: >>25768758

i thought hololive was actually interesting

>> No.25768659
Quoted by: >>25768690

although pekora may be a special case of fitting the character to the actor, as i find it hard to believe that the whole rabbit thing + age is purely a coincidence

>> No.25768660
Quoted by: >>25768734

>does anyone have something interesting to say fellas?
I could kill that faggot who wrote this because wanted to chat

>> No.25768662

Has anyone in A tier even beaten it? Also holy fuck, was Sora actually good?

>> No.25768664
File: 126 KB, 219x362, AK-aru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25771092

I fucking love Nene!

>> No.25768666
File: 609 KB, 1411x1080, 1598050342299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has she already forgotten?

>> No.25768669
Quoted by: >>25768682

Watame, i tune in for Night fever since her singing is good, but her more talk heavy streams don't do it for me

>> No.25768670
Quoted by: >>25768741

she's like Korone
god tier Endurance, not a single point in Skill

>> No.25768671
Quoted by: >>25768697

Didn't they already move, where's asacoco? I guess these challenges will keep her occupied for a while and will work as excuse.

>> No.25768674


>> No.25768675

Coco, because of her voice. I don't have any problem with her but I avoid her every time.

>> No.25768680
File: 30 KB, 595x335, EebvpXPUcAI-vZJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she did. Luna's neck is fine, although getting it checked made her extremely anxious. She described having an MRI for the first time (too loud, too long) and thought about all of the bad outcomes that could happen to her while waiting for the results. Among other things she thought she was going to have to stop streaming. She became sniffly telling her listeners that she didn't want to have to say goodbye yet. She felt like she was going to die until result came back negative, which brought her real relief.

Her right wrist is another story. She's pretty much out of commission for at least three weeks lest her condition worsens. Someone noted exactly what it is but it was some form of severe inflammation; the name isn't coming to me right now. Holding a controller / pressing buttons is fine, but playing the piano is obviously very difficult now. Her wrist is currently heavily braced -- if you watched her fail at bowling against PPT the other day, now you know why.

She apparently has to take extremely bad tasting medicine to manage the pain, and the reason she isn't being more public about her condition is to not appear weak and worry others. Otherwise, she's doing fine.

>> No.25768681
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, D3AE4538-B8ED-4043-83DF-46FC4C41FEBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually I have no idea


>> No.25768682 [DELETED] 

I'll never forget her fat ass

>> No.25768683
Quoted by: >>25768741

nope, just like korone she's all effort and dedication

>> No.25768685

pray for luna

>> No.25768687
Quoted by: >>25768723

She got a crown on her second session and would have gotten it sooner but through most of it she was waiting at the finish line for her friend.

>> No.25768688
Quoted by: >>25768721

Me too anon, I wish I could do something other than sit here and seethe about it to you guys.

>> No.25768690
Quoted by: >>25768717

That would have fit the elf better though
110 rabbit years is absolutely ancient

>> No.25768692

it was posted last thread

>> No.25768694

Coco, her voice is grating to my ears (sorry), and most of her 'jokes' are unfunny.

>> No.25768695
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, god loves yuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides noel and flare who are the gayest holos?

>> No.25768697
Quoted by: >>25768718

asacoco produces 0 money mate, reddit meme review is better

>> No.25768701

She may be a dyke, but she ain't a faggot.

>> No.25768704

Aqukinn god gamer!

>> No.25768706

>coco getting fed breakfast again by Kanata
this is probably the first time in my life I'm actually jealous of something

>> No.25768707
Quoted by: >>25768723

I think beating it is what separates A from S.
I mean, Flare is dogshit, but she managed to win one and so gets in S tier.

>> No.25768708



>> No.25768709
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25768710

your mom

>> No.25768712

Matsuri, Marine

>> No.25768713


>> No.25768714
Quoted by: >>25768740


>> No.25768715
File: 929 KB, 4093x2894, 1591817565581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just brought her breakfast to the table. I'm so jealous.

>> No.25768718

A shame, even if asacoco makes return it will surely feature reddit.

>> No.25768717
Quoted by: >>25768730

it's a reference to her former life

>> No.25768719

how to have a gf?

>> No.25768720

Your mom

>> No.25768721
Quoted by: >>25768734

Wouldn't it be as easy as sending something in Japanese?

>> No.25768723
Quoted by: >>25768742

Fucking cute, I'll have to check it out, also I'm assuming Flare won too which I must've missed, it's always fun seeing their reactions when they win.

Ahh, that makes sense, and FBK and Baqua are the only ones with multiple wins.

>> No.25768725

When her kouhais stop being afraid of asking for one.

>> No.25768726

Be girl in Japan.

>> No.25768727

Oh yeah, completely agree.
I was just asking if it was going to be another collab with noel or with matsuri since it wasnt clear

>> No.25768729
File: 135 KB, 1280x899, 005_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768766

Same to be honest. I'm not sure how she manages to check so many boxes simultaneously, but I want her as a daughter, wife, and personal cocksleeve all at the same time. This must be how her papa feels.

>> No.25768730

Yes we all know

>> No.25768731
Quoted by: >>25768835

List so far

>> No.25768732

Reminder that you're doing it for less than free.

>> No.25768733
File: 79 KB, 215x245, cute hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768763

Wow Coco, I love the new hairstyle!

>> No.25768734

I suppose yeah, maybe if I post a couple comments she won't notice then by the time she wakes up.

>> No.25768736

I'm a manager at COVER, so I won't do shit. Let them make up their own stuff.

>> No.25768737
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1595159806839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wrist thing worries me. I hope she doesn't force herself, she can make plenty of content even with games without playing them. Handle commentary and chat interaction while someone else plays for example

>> No.25768740
File: 510 KB, 800x450, 1570570339350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768741
File: 969 KB, 480x480, 1598295269421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually pretty based.

>> No.25768742
Quoted by: >>25768759

Flare got one but a disconnect on the victory page didn’t make it register right away

>> No.25768744
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25768745

Korone, I don't see anything unique about her other than that she plays boomercore.
Also Coco because her humor is terribly unfunny and she tries too hard with her voice.

>> No.25768747

Aloe said in her debut stream that her design had a few elements that were amalgamations of a few drafts by her mama. thats honestly the better way to do it so they don't end up with another Flare situation where a Holo hates their costume

>> No.25768749
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1588862633368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 top tier PCs
>ARK still crashes

>> No.25768752

I think most places give you noise-cancelling headphones to wear while you lay there in the MRI machine...like to listen to music or something...but either way it shouldn't be 'too' loud

>> No.25768755

I destroyed the Ark server in response to Kanata getting married to Coco.

>> No.25768756
Quoted by: >>25768787

>spam chat with shitty offtopic memes
>wonder why they are getting banned from stream chats
I hate having to share the same continent as those monkeys

>> No.25768758
File: 293 KB, 413x449, 1598198864731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why i brought up Lulu to liven it up.

>> No.25768759

Damn, that's a shame.

>> No.25768760

Mexinese-American, brown multilingual holo when? What if she's extra thicc?

>> No.25768761


>> No.25768762

Towa, I hate her voice. Her singing is fine though.

>> No.25768763 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 215x245, 1598481502814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768799


>> No.25768765

I used to feel like that toward Miko until I suddenly started tuning out more and more to her streams and began to really like her.

>> No.25768766
Quoted by: >>25768788

the last one, maybe, but imagine wishing to have an idiot daughter

>> No.25768770
File: 185 KB, 393x527, 41961846981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25768771

I love all holos.

>> No.25768773
Quoted by: >>25768850

That's a very specific request

>> No.25768775

I believe Luna actually mentioned that, but she still pointed out that it was loud.

>> No.25768776


>> No.25768777
File: 16 KB, 225x225, mikoti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon! What month were YOU conceived? Take your birth month and subtract nine!

Lots of people are conceived around birthdays or holidays - especially Christmas!

>> No.25768780

They can't go to didney wurl due to plague

>> No.25768781

No amount of money from her end can fix the game.

>> No.25768783

Ever since I started watching Towa I've been getting ulcers every week. Is this the price you pay to join the family?

>> No.25768785

moona already fits all the criteria except being a spic

>> No.25768786
Quoted by: >>25769917

MRIs aren't bad, they just rattle a lot. You don't need noise-cancelling stuff for them. I have to get one every 2 years to check on a chronic condition.

>> No.25768787

how's spics any better than macacos?

>> No.25768788
Quoted by: >>25768971

>imagine wishing to have an idiot daughter
God do I ever.


>> No.25768790

It actually surprises me there are still people that think it was her playing

>> No.25768791

literally me

>> No.25768792
File: 35 KB, 640x612, 1576455462925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even bothering to recolor to match aloe
low effort post

>> No.25768793

Fuck off.

>> No.25768795

First of all - stop visiting 4chan

>> No.25768796

They aren't. It's all the same caca

>> No.25768799
File: 1.83 MB, 718x500, 1598040204793.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768801
File: 129 KB, 480x360, 1597736537422.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on ark, why is this godforsaken game popular with chuubas?

>> No.25768802
File: 145 KB, 300x439, 1595524551694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*car noises*

>> No.25768803

>kanata will never deliver you breakfast in the morning

>> No.25768804
File: 108 KB, 221x256, 1586327157394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holos are a better money sink than GFs

>> No.25768805

why are we still here?

>> No.25768806
Quoted by: >>25768863

Maybe it's fun anon

>> No.25768807

I've known a bunch of Chilean's growing up and they're generally cool.

>> No.25768811
File: 239 KB, 768x576, A1DC2950-61C5-4ACB-9152-BC880AB05A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768831

What’s the next music thing that’s going to happen?

>> No.25768814
Quoted by: >>25768863

It can be fun if you have friends. I don't so it's shit.

>> No.25768815
Quoted by: >>25768863

It's like Pokemon and Minecraft rolled into one.

>> No.25768816

To fight off "Ogey" shitposters.

>> No.25768818

have sex

>> No.25768819
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1595193121543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768828

gachas are better moneysinks than girlfriends

>> No.25768820


>> No.25768822

>will never argue
>cheaper (unless you're insane)

>> No.25768823

ogeyposters are our saviors, you rrat

>> No.25768824

There’s a outline and they build on it over time

>> No.25768826
Quoted by: >>25768846

Why bother, it's something you need to put effort into. Now vtubers all you have to do is click a link for that girlfriend experience, you can even leave them for weeks then come back like nothing changed. Far superior

>> No.25768828

That's not saying much anonchama

>> No.25768829

give up

>> No.25768830

I don't like her singing voice. Her normal voice is fine though

>> No.25768831
Quoted by: >>25769172

Like all of them live? Gen 4 don't even have their idol outfits yet.

>> No.25768833
Quoted by: >>25769492

Just make a tulpa

>> No.25768834
Quoted by: >>25768859

They should play more single player games and less endless multiplayer shit.

>> No.25768835
Quoted by: >>25768848

It's interesting how many Holos clap when they win.

>> No.25768836

plenty of downtime to chat with others and the audience, base building and animal collecting

>> No.25768840

towa is ugly lol

>> No.25768841
Quoted by: >>25768868

thats the greatest question in life, isnt it? why are we still here?

>> No.25768842


>> No.25768845

horse teeth

>> No.25768846

I don't know my guy, you leave the holos alone for A DAY, and a lot happenes

>> No.25768848

Yet another example of Coco's burgerisms tainting the company.

>> No.25768849
Quoted by: >>25769349

>achan OP
Finally a thread of high quality.

>> No.25768850

I saw a hispanic girl with Orange-red hair once in Los Angeles at a college. Found out from an acquaintance that was was 1/8 Irish and somehow the red manage to beat out the black hair genes.

>> No.25768852
Quoted by: >>25770917

Botan and Polka are uglier lol

>> No.25768853

Has she even ever CHAPION with Nose?
Friendship with Nose ended now Ran/Leona are my best friends

>> No.25768856


>> No.25768857

just like your mom LMAO

>> No.25768859

maybe start watching korone?

>> No.25768860

Pekora. I just find her annoying.

>> No.25768861

my ugly dorky girlfriend.

>> No.25768863
Quoted by: >>25768887

No, /v/ said it is not, so it is not fun.
But everything is fun with friends, is it just easy to idle in?
This doesn't explain why it is not popular with zoomers and regular content creators then.

>> No.25768864

Equip them in the Junction menu.

>> No.25768867


>> No.25768868

The answer is actually really obvious, but not satisfactory to a lot of people.

>> No.25768870

I couldn’t have someone in sss with Luna but I really like Suba so I would create a ss+ tier for her

>> No.25768869

Build one

>> No.25768871

I already do. Hence the, you know, THEY.

>> No.25768873

First step: stop asking for advice from 4chan

>> No.25768874

Game's a piece of shit.

>> No.25768875
Quoted by: >>25768900

All the people that live in holohouse, coincidentally.

>> No.25768877

She's not fun.

>> No.25768879
File: 32 KB, 703x415, mooner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25768885

>> No.25768880
File: 85 KB, 287x287, 1596172116222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RUB 1,000.00

>> No.25768881

You. I like you.

>> No.25768882

Botan. Her whole demeanor just pisses me off for some reason.

>> No.25768883

My computer didn't have one in the storage in high school or college. I got fucked

>> No.25768885


>> No.25768886

towaposters keep me sane at work because everytime she's posted, she immediately kills my boner

>> No.25768887
Quoted by: >>25768915

>/v/ said
go away
>haha it's bait
go away
>I was merely pretending
go away

>> No.25768889

Towa is cute!

>> No.25768890
Quoted by: >>25768901

Do you know that they also clap in japan?, why do you think 888888 is a meme.

>> No.25768891


>> No.25768892

Just walk up and say hello. That's what I do.

>> No.25768894
Quoted by: >>25768934

Everyone except my oshi. I don't watch anyone else's streams anymore

>> No.25768895

one thousand rubies!?

>> No.25768896

Polka. Forced jokes are unfunny to me. She can't live without her script.

>> No.25768897

having gf is overrated. there's literally nothing special about it. i never understood it, like, what's the appeal of having girlfriend?

>> No.25768898

What's the biggest supa ever given? MrBeast donates 100000 bucks to random holos when?

>> No.25768900

that's unlucky, since Kanata wants to pull so many girls over for sleepovers or parties (Choco and Aki tonight)

>> No.25768901

no, anon, you see, something I dislike can't possibly be a part of pure Japanese culture

>> No.25768902
Quoted by: >>25768951

Girls are kinda cute sometimes

>> No.25768903

I superchat come to Brazil with Argie pesos all the because I find it funny

>> No.25768904
File: 128 KB, 1273x900, EYcgkAxUMAAbDYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Okayu's latest habit is messaging friends she knew around high school on LINE about how she's watching Prince of Tennis
>If they respond and have seen it, she asks their favorite character
>After they answer, responds with "Hmm, thanks. Bye bye."

She's an odd one.

>> No.25768906
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, EgWPsVHU4AAfLDa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768908

1. find where rushia lives
2. tell her you want to fuck

>> No.25768909

Must be an oligarch. We usually donate 100 RUB.

>> No.25768910
File: 345 KB, 531x486, 1597068909348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ is a forced joke

>> No.25768911

Marine. Too fake.

>> No.25768913

take a good, hard look at yourself and decide if you're the kind of person who would be attractive to the kind of person you want as a gf
if not, then first work on making yourself into that kind of person first
then build your social life so that you get regular contact with the type of girl you would want to date, meet them, establish rapport, and ask them out

>> No.25768912

if only

>> No.25768914
Quoted by: >>25768951

gf has an ass you can eat sometime

>> No.25768915
Quoted by: >>25769066

No, but really, i just dislike this game so i am interested in what others might find fun in it, since i can't find anything fun at all. Especially since it is so widespread in one community.

>> No.25768919

Nothing, they're ugly and smelly and hairy. 2D are better in every way. If I want sex I just go to an escort once a month.

>> No.25768920


>> No.25768921
Quoted by: >>25768951

Getting a blowjob and eating pussy every day.

>> No.25768922

Lamy and coco.

The former feels souless and fake as fuck. The latter talks funny.

>> No.25768923
Quoted by: >>25768979

She has Tenosynovitis

>> No.25768924

I don't even like her but Towa is one of the best looking roommates

>> No.25768925

Noel is really growing on me, I just dismissed her as fapbait but I've been watching some old videos and stuff and she's really fun
also I feel the desire to whiteknight when she assumes everyone only cares about her boobs

>> No.25768928
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, 11356ED1-F02D-404D-9177-DFA15906BFFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768929
Quoted by: >>25768947

$500 is the limit newfag. Pretty sure there is also a daily limit of $2k as well.

>> No.25768930
File: 65 KB, 627x565, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the noises she makes plink plonk jingle chime hehe

>> No.25768932 [SPOILER] 
File: 658 KB, 900x820, 1598482234016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768933

She's flat af but really pretty. She has some older short hair pictures where she tried to dress like a guy and she would drown in bitches if she had a dick.

>> No.25768935

She's baby

>> No.25768934

This is the only correct answer. Always make time for her and rest of the day is rep time.

>> No.25768936

>misuta biisuto san, arigato

>> No.25768937
Quoted by: >>25768973

Surely Rushia's not THAT easy

>> No.25768940

That's almost 1000 ARS!

>> No.25768941

>"moooom that stupid fucking neighbor's kid is in the house again!!!"

>> No.25768943
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1590904920067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768944

oxytocin has a lot of health benefits

>> No.25768945

Which one of you 4channers is haxxings the Cocos?!?!?!?!?

>> No.25768946
Quoted by: >>25768970

hey cutie

>> No.25768947
Quoted by: >>25768966

>daily limit of $2k
That's a new one to me, are you sure about that?

>> No.25768948
Quoted by: >>25768970


>> No.25768949

Yeah, she's the easiest gossling trigger. https://files.catbox.moe/iyxop1.mp4

>> No.25768950
Quoted by: >>25768970

Need good Aloe porn badly.

>> No.25768951
Quoted by: >>25768967

not worth all the effort, money, and my mental health that i have to sacrifice, only to have my personal vagina.

>> No.25768952

The squirrel

>> No.25768953

wow i cant believe ebaumsworld would do that

>> No.25768954

It's about the companionship and having someone who you can be emotionally vulnerable around, in the end it's just an extension of wanting to spend more time with someone, not much different from having platonic friends, just added intimacy

>> No.25768955

I really love clowns so much ever since I was a kid.

>> No.25768956

You see Coco, this is why ARK is fucking gay. Wake up already.

>> No.25768957
Quoted by: >>25768970

hello yes, i would like sex please

>> No.25768958 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.04 MB, 1200x1700, 1598482345017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel like Aloe's punishment was deserved?
What about pic related?

>> No.25768959

Korone. Her content is so god damn boring.

>> No.25768962
File: 184 KB, 848x1199, EgWaPlqVAAIG6dh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna's legs

>> No.25768963

Lust is not love. She'll abandon you at the drop of a hat for the next quick fuck that rolls along. He want a girlfriend, not a handjob.

>> No.25768964

both need to graduate

>> No.25768965

go buy some baby toys

>> No.25768966

Not 100%. I'm not rich enough to test it but I swear there was one. Might be higher

>> No.25768967
Quoted by: >>25769022

your loss

>> No.25768969

Punish her with the dick for being so unruly!

>> No.25768970
File: 611 KB, 900x820, 1590751157529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25768971

What the fuck is Aqua's malfunction?

>> No.25768972

Sio has not been properly punished until her fat ass has been thoroughly spanked, by me

>> No.25768973

Yeah, you probably don't need to say anything. Just stand in front of her and she'll initiate.

>> No.25768976


>> No.25768977

I'd RUB Watame if you catch what I am pitching

>> No.25768978

Anon, she's dead, Her shitposting wasn't your fault.

>> No.25768979

Also I want to add that she has complained about her wrist on two of her other accounts and was told to get it checked out and to treat her hands more. The girl pushes herself way too hard.

>> No.25768980

> Lucky sevens, I'll bite


>> No.25768983
Quoted by: >>25769004

is she STILL asleep?

>> No.25768982

I really like her fat ass, a lot

>> No.25768984

I need to transcribe SSS into a xylophone and give her the sheet

>> No.25768986
Quoted by: >>25769014


>> No.25768989

How will she react when she wakes up and realises she's still streaming?

>> No.25768990

Sio/Roboco collab when? How awkward would it be?

>> No.25768991

Luna's fragrant rabbit pebble poop.

>> No.25768992
File: 504 KB, 1280x1000, 1593292250698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769008


>> No.25768993
Quoted by: >>25769029

the leader of 4chins, artia

>> No.25768994

Sio did nothing wrong, It's not like I was the only one to say Roboco sucked at APEX

>> No.25768996

Bad female vtubers are hot as fuck.
I wanna fuck them all.

>> No.25768997

So what did lamy's roommate do before graduating? Been living under a rock.

>> No.25768998
File: 136 KB, 911x1024, 1565888556767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to watch women impersonating anime character and om3tcw.webm, not to feel.

>> No.25769003

so like 3 dollars

>> No.25769004
Quoted by: >>25769012

She woke up at like 1 or 2 and couldn't go back to sleep until this stream. And she has no morning stream so its her day to sleep in

>> No.25769005
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, 1597446538487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my 2 moms and their weird goblin friend!

>> No.25769008
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1592201049054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me sorry, i'll stop if you shill bakatare 3D.

>> No.25769011

ASMR slut

>> No.25769012
Quoted by: >>25769082

I hope for her sake her phone battery dies and the stream ends like Choco.

>> No.25769013
File: 130 KB, 736x552, 1585647379787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000.00 RUB?

>> No.25769014


>> No.25769016

Sio's a bit different in that there's actually bad blood between her and her coworkers and she's trying to harm them.
Aloe just looks like an idiot who can't keep her mouth shut. Dumb slut.

>> No.25769017
Quoted by: >>25769047

My childhood friend Towa!

>> No.25769022

>your loss
it's not like i wanted all that in the first place but ok
I never felt anything like that towards any woman. I'm in good relationship with them, i have female friends, but i never had an interest in having a girlfriend. And seeing people i know go crazy about not having gf, or people going crazy because they have girlfriend, seeing posts about what kind of shit whores do everyday just makes me want to stay the fuck out of it as far as possible. It's not worth it.

>> No.25769023

She was a vtuber

>> No.25769024


Listen to Achan and Roboco's duet.

>> No.25769025
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1591112521091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it an act? do you think she walks around and moves like a goblin IRL too?

>> No.25769026

Aloe's doujins are definitely going to be the best.

>> No.25769027


>> No.25769029


>> No.25769030

Hololive's been boring this week, it needs some drama

>> No.25769031
Quoted by: >>25769048

Post the webum where Noel went from standing to baby tantrum.

>> No.25769032
Quoted by: >>25769055

If Sio where to graduate i hope that she at least releases her model

>> No.25769034

Clapping is Japanese as fuck. They all clap all the time, not just the live audience but the hosts as well.
They clap when praying to the samurai gods and saying rub a dub dub thanks for the grub.
They dump a bucket of water on their heads and clap their faces to get psyched.
They clap to congratulate someone after it all returns to nothing.
They clap their desks in frustration, and clap each others' knees as a challenge to duel.

>> No.25769035

Just don't give the goblin any socks or she'll be free from servitude.

>> No.25769038

shut the fuck up dont jinx it faggot delete that post

>> No.25769040

Her model and rigging have some serious faults and she is playing them up to the max

>> No.25769041
Quoted by: >>25769060

Aloe did nothing wrong.
Sio did nothing wrong.

>> No.25769042

im about to clap some cheeks in a few seconds

>> No.25769043

Drama arc is over fags. Feel free to go back to /v/.

>> No.25769044

LAmy my wife.

>> No.25769045

It doesn't look like she really walks around much

>> No.25769047

My childhood friend Towa will be the bridesmaid in my wedding with Ayame

>> No.25769048
Quoted by: >>25769067

I like when Flare lies down during her 3d debut and Noel goes on a sperg rage because the grass in Flare's 3d environment is clipping through her and covering her up.

>> No.25769049
Quoted by: >>25769086

Her model has rigging issues. She seriously needs a new one

>> No.25769050

>I never felt anything like that towards any woman. I'm in good relationship with them, i have female friends, but i never had an interest in having a girlfriend. And seeing people i know go crazy about not having gf, or people going crazy because they have girlfriend, seeing posts about what kind of shit whores do everyday just makes me want to stay the fuck out of it as far as possible. It's not worth it.
i guess that just means you don't need that kind of companionship in your life, and that's totally fine

>> No.25769052


>> No.25769054

In the end did Sio actually doxx people or was she just a shitposter?

>> No.25769055

She should marry me.

>> No.25769056

I want Aloe to sing russian country songs

>> No.25769057

It remind of that british pub video with some fucking weirdos when Senchou comes in.

>> No.25769058
File: 108 KB, 199x284, 1572603392160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to send a supacha
>remember people will make fun of me because of my meme currency

>> No.25769059
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25769060

white knight post
probably a towacuck

>> No.25769063

She was an unpopular vtuber on Iriam supported by a few rich sugar daddies. 5ch hates Lamy because they think she possibly had sex with those sugar daddies.

>> No.25769065
File: 159 KB, 374x367, 1573425824476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was feeling up to it so I decided to give dominos brand new Chicken Taco Pizza a try! It's certainly an interesting pizza but am I a fan of it?

>> No.25769066

It's fun.
But I also like Korone and Coco, different from that one guy who dislike them. Therefore, go away.

>> No.25769067
Quoted by: >>25769108


>> No.25769068
File: 269 KB, 423x388, 1597073838164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriends are overrated, sex is overrated, intimacy is severly underrated. Having someone say they love you after getting to know each other, spending time together and falling for one another is the best thing in the world. Getting to a point where you can throw away all doubt and cynicism and genuenly believe those words. To believe there is a person who is glad to have met you and who values you more than anyone else in the world is the greatest drug. Even years down the line after things go sour, you're still glad you got to experience it

>> No.25769070
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1598232837172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry she hates you and your "people" anyway

>> No.25769071

People literally only care about having theirs read.

>> No.25769072

I won't make fun of you anon, go ahead.

>> No.25769073

>new captain tsubasa game is out

>> No.25769074

as long as you dont take advantage of the shitty exchange rate to send a pathetic amount, youre fine

>> No.25769075
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1597132971143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25769076

Can't be any worse than CAD

>> No.25769078

people send meme currencies to supacha because it's cheaper anyways and you don't want your country of origin getting tracked

t. sends ARS 100% of the time even though I'm not argentinian

>> No.25769079

She doxxed people that has been a fact since day one of the drama

>> No.25769080
File: 6 KB, 503x62, 1597525596145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Sio bad, we're bad too

>> No.25769081
Quoted by: >>25769088

*aloe image*

>> No.25769082

I don't think she'll somehow slip into the wrong character. Maybe rip ass in her sleep but I don't think there's anything she can slip up on here. Also iirc her archives are locked from timeshifting

>> No.25769084

I hope you're just trying to narrativepost, anon. Don't drink that sperg's kool-aid

>> No.25769086

what kind of rigging issues tho? Even if some people were right and her model uses legacy hardware and/or software, all the holos before her don't have the same issues.

>> No.25769087

Я на севере была,
Золото копала.
Если б не моя пизда,
С голоду б пропала.

>> No.25769088


>> No.25769090

she doxxed her coworkers, weve known this

>> No.25769092

So has Miko posted anything today? I missed her update yesterday.

>> No.25769093

Just a proxy works for that?

>> No.25769095

Disregard bitches acquire currency.
And then send red supachats to coco

>> No.25769097

I wish the threads would always be this slow

>> No.25769099

Я, бывало, всем давала
По четыре разика.
А теперь моя пизда
Стала шире тазика.

>> No.25769101
File: 293 KB, 1694x2048, minatoaqua 1041812336074313728_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769414

Aqua singing Haruhi OP

>> No.25769102

That eroge cover was today.

>> No.25769104
Quoted by: >>25769239

Well they may be locked from timeshifting but I've been recording the whole time.

Also she's been talking in her sleep a bit but it was just in her normal voice because she just goes up a bit in pitch but her real voice is her Towa voice. The only thing she could do that would be terrible is say something specific that she shouldn't.

When Aki was passed out drunk and sleeping she was babbling all kinds of cute things.

>> No.25769105

I doubt anyone's debating that

>> No.25769107
Quoted by: >>25769141

Why would anyone broadcast his/her sleep? What if you fart or say something you really shouldn't? Streamers get addicted to this shit, don't they?

>> No.25769108

Thanks. I love it.

>> No.25769109
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1594346509635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually true, sex doesn't hold a candle to that feeling of finding a true partner in life, but talking about this stuff here seems overly cruel.

>> No.25769111


>> No.25769112

dunno about proxy but i use VPN

>> No.25769114

Just wait until Aloe comes back.
Or Miko finally dies.

>> No.25769115
Quoted by: >>25769168

They don't think she had sex with them, just that Iriam has a system where the vtuber can have a private chat with their viewer, one on one.
Rolo was also from Iriam
There was actually no bad rumor about Lamy as far as I can tell though, compared to some other who worked in Iriam

>> No.25769117
File: 305 KB, 377x845, 1597512053578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769118

an actual weeb

>> No.25769124

Sio literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.25769123

eroge stuff

>> No.25769125
File: 279 KB, 416x412, 1596853435419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame is still awake

>> No.25769126

miko dies from corona

>> No.25769127
Quoted by: >>25769145

This... fuck I didn't need to get into tfw no gf mood tonight... curses on you anon...

>> No.25769128

even the nips are waiting because they're curious how will this ends, I want to sleep too but I won't until she wakes up

>> No.25769131
Quoted by: >>25769281

>Getting to a point where you can throw away all doubt and cynicism and genuenly believe those words
>Even years down the line after things go sour
if you know the second is likely, how can you do the first?

>> No.25769132
File: 248 KB, 1434x2048, 1582665981197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she ever sing?

>> No.25769134

watch her collab with korone where they swapped models. suddenly she was far less grubby gremlin-like.

>> No.25769135
Quoted by: >>25769138

The whole sugar daddies paying to fuck someone who uses a 2d character narrative is mind boggling the narratives here are dumb sometimes but the 5ch autists really shoot for the stars

>> No.25769136

Based and intimacypilled

>> No.25769137

It's funny how Luna fanarts can't seem to be able to sexualize her properly. I guess they don't have enough material to work with, that or Luna just doesn't have any sex appeal like Matsuri once said.

>> No.25769138

5ch autism is advanced even by 4chan standards.

>> No.25769139

She doesn't need to.

>> No.25769141

Hearing Choco sleep helped me sleep without meds for the first time in weeks, i can't judge them for doing it

>> No.25769145

don't try to force it or despair over it, just let it happen and go with the flow when you get the opportunity

>> No.25769147



>> No.25769148

So what actually happened to miko?

>> No.25769149

Pretty sure they're contractually obligated to do it.

>> No.25769150

Coco's still working on her zoo?

>> No.25769151 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1598483235800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be real
we all know why he dumped her

>> No.25769153
Quoted by: >>25769173

Minna, my favorite holos are Miko, Luna, and Subaru in that order.

>> No.25769155

dangerously based

>> No.25769157
Quoted by: >>25769163

I'm laugh if you're an argie more than your SC being ARS

>> No.25769158


>> No.25769159

Use a vpn and just enter w random address in Argentina as your card address

>> No.25769161
File: 247 KB, 365x341, 1598107612198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769177

tfw coco was exotic to seafags too, that's why the threads

>> No.25769162


>> No.25769163


>> No.25769164

Go look at some 3d Marine clips and pay attention to her hands.

>> No.25769165

>just bee yourself
get the fuck out normalfag

>> No.25769168

Also 5ch has been warming up to Lamy these days since it looks like she is taking this seriously and will play lots of different games so don't worry about it

>> No.25769172
Quoted by: >>25769268

I have a hard time ever imagining the dragon on stage singing with someone like Sora or Aki or the sheep in a different outfit

>> No.25769173


2/3 ain't bad.

>> No.25769174

Well Coco is too. Once shit sleep schedule, always shit sleep schedule.

>> No.25769177

That's why the threads what?

>> No.25769178
File: 58 KB, 1080x1080, Luna sexy zone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fags that don't appreciate thighs and legs.

>> No.25769179

get filtered idiot

>> No.25769180

Do you have to pay conversion fees?

>> No.25769181

The only one who will ever know is Miko herself.

>> No.25769182


>> No.25769183
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1597652338445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769187
Quoted by: >>25769197


>> No.25769188
Quoted by: >>25769205

I'm dumb why would I not want my country getting tracked?

>> No.25769190

What stream are you even talking about.

>> No.25769194
Quoted by: >>25769328

she's STILL sleeping

>> No.25769196

Tongue surgery

>> No.25769197

it's never Lupus

>> No.25769200

>get the actual Shinymas artist to design a vtuber
>hire girl that doesn't sing to play her
Amazing work as always Cover.

>> No.25769199

Why is Coco allowed to be Coco and K**n at the same time?

>> No.25769201

Thank you friend

>> No.25769202

Fuck anon now I'm crying in bed tonight

>> No.25769204
Quoted by: >>25769332

imagine having Kanatan as a housewife
also what did she say at 1:34?

>> No.25769205

I'm sure no one will ever dox you but it's great practice to do so.

>> No.25769207


>> No.25769209

Lets see you do better nerd

>> No.25769210
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1596607010722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769255

>> No.25769211


>> No.25769212
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber

>> No.25769217

Because she's no.1

>> No.25769218


>> No.25769219

first pekofags and then watamefags
who are gonna be next?

>> No.25769222
Quoted by: >>25769238

Rushia was pretty racist earlier. After she learned her lesson, she even started avoiding blacks.

>> No.25769223


>> No.25769224

All of them are allowed to keep their old personas. Some just don't want to. I think Danchou's acc is still active too?

>> No.25769228


>> No.25769229
Quoted by: >>25769248


>> No.25769230

Nene or Polka

>> No.25769232
Quoted by: >>25769249

ah yes the perfectly Hololive related posts, Stop blogging you fucking weirdos no one gives two shits.

>> No.25769233

Every time kanata brings coco breakfast a lose my will to live a little more, i'll never have something of the likes

>> No.25769235

Noeru can be C***n and Matsuri can be N****i and I don't see you complaining

>> No.25769236
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1597551477310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769238
Quoted by: >>25769278

>After she learned her lesson
... did she burn the coal?

>> No.25769239
Quoted by: >>25769260

Could you share it when it ends, anon?

>> No.25769240

have you seen her mosquito art? thats one of the best holo lewds out there imo

>> No.25769242

I really can't fucking belive how these people act sometimes...

>> No.25769247

God, I fucking hate you niggers.

>> No.25769248

Meant for >>25769148

>> No.25769249

It's okay anon, here *hugs you* everything will be okay

>> No.25769251

have sex

>> No.25769252


>> No.25769255

Me behind Aloe!

>> No.25769256

Would it be possible for a fat ugly bastard like me to become a cute vtuber like in Oyaji ga Bishoujo ni Natteta Hanashi?

>> No.25769257
Quoted by: >>25769440

I can't believe Kanata became a loyal wife so suddenly.

>> No.25769258

>Gets filtered

>> No.25769259


>> No.25769260

As long as she doesn't do something bad yeah, though I might just cut a few cute noises out of it and upload that because it's going to be hours of nothing and traffic.

Unless when I edit it I can boost it to hear her breathing

>> No.25769261
Quoted by: >>25769280

I fucking hate you all

>> No.25769263
Quoted by: >>25769347

I'm surprised more people don't use their old or alt accounts at this point. Great way to get out from under the permission shit since you're technically indie under a different persona.

>> No.25769264

That's why they picked Hololive and why Hololive is flourishing. They have (relative) freedom.

>> No.25769265
File: 406 KB, 338x435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769286

I possess information that will lead to the graduation of Kiryu Co-

>> No.25769266

Her design is a bit too innocent looking kind of a victim of its own success

>> No.25769267

She's part of a project that will make vtubers fully transcend into the virtual world and render their human bodies useless.

>> No.25769268

I can see Coco being an emcee while still wearing the outfit

>> No.25769271
File: 435 KB, 1352x931, 1598150235004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual chart with data instead of opinion.

>> No.25769273
Quoted by: >>25769292

Miko is a Key heroine

>> No.25769274
File: 2 KB, 372x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot

>> No.25769275

She OD'd in pussy

>> No.25769278

A bunch of black guys assaulted her on fall guys then she blurted out several racial slurs against them. The following matches whenever she sees a black guy, she avoids them completely.

>> No.25769279

being racist, homophobic and transphonic all are bad though?

>> No.25769280
File: 232 KB, 1242x1347, 1597757041135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i like you anon! We spend too much time together here to truly dislike each other.

>> No.25769281

Because love is a drug, it makes you forget and trust, it turns you into a fool and you're loving every minute of it. You know things will probably end poorly, but you're so glad someone is temporarily filling the void and you're doing that for someone else that you don't have time to think about anything else, but how happy you're are at the moment. Of course, you have to make sure the fear of the eventual outcome doesn't make you do stupid shit and ruin what you have. Some people will try to trick themselves into feeling that way by having a large number of partners or trying to rationalize their choices.

>> No.25769282

I wonder how Ui-mama would look on the chart
She was pretty awful

>> No.25769283


>> No.25769284


>> No.25769286 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 1080x960, 1598483740085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769287

Bless you anon if you upload it, I haven't been recording but I've been enjoying the cute noises and traffic ASMR.

>> No.25769288
Quoted by: >>25769343

>46% final
no way

>> No.25769289

how much fucking free time do you have?

>> No.25769291

Hololive is starting to affect my relationship with my 3d girlfriend.

What should I do, oh Miko-sama..

>> No.25769292


>> No.25769293

Depends on your bank

>> No.25769298
Quoted by: >>25769307

God, imagine posting stupid questions like this on /hlg/ and I'm actually fucking surprised you're getting serious replies.

>> No.25769299

Aki is finally out of bottom three... Though marine played like three games so the number of games matter a lot as well.

>> No.25769300

nah it's pretty based

>> No.25769301
Quoted by: >>25769321

stop posting your off topic garbage, towafag

>> No.25769302

Just get your 3D girlfriend interested in Hololive. Then you can enjoy it together.

>> No.25769303
Quoted by: >>25769434

Bro... that’s outdated as Flare and Sora won one

And Polka made it to finals yesterday

>> No.25769304
Quoted by: >>25769316

>Getting filtered by round 1

>> No.25769305
File: 263 KB, 1500x1800, EgKjkEUUcAEJ5Vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769370


>> No.25769306

didn't Sora win days ago?

>> No.25769307

timeloop is real anon

>> No.25769308

Of course, but even with conversion fees, ARS is still a fuckton cheaper

>> No.25769309

If you don't do your data reps you're not going to make it

>> No.25769311

Same, I just want to hear her breathing. Thanks for your work.

>> No.25769313

These people should be killed unironically

>> No.25769315
Quoted by: >>25769335

>Botan that good even though she just started

>> No.25769316

Ui mama...

>> No.25769317
File: 1.53 MB, 1282x719, 93C83603-093B-4C58-9C98-A1F25821B445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769318

Wtf Ayame based retard

>> No.25769319

Where do you think you are?

>> No.25769322
File: 3.09 MB, 3200x5508, 1595564887918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought korosan was going to stream twice today. once on billi and once on youtube? wheres the youtube stream?

>> No.25769320
File: 610 KB, 733x412, Chadefficient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this picture make you feel, /hlg/ ?

>> No.25769321
Quoted by: >>25769344

after you hang yourself subhuman

>> No.25769324

Marine, Noel, Flare were already created beforehand and they had auditions for them.

>> No.25769328

Can somebody post a screenshot? NND is blocked in my country.

>> No.25769330
File: 772 KB, 875x1080, 1594648574982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss prideposting

>> No.25769332

She brought Coco another food

>> No.25769335

It's a pretty easy game. If you don't get fucked by being thrown into yellow team its pretty easy to make it to final round

>> No.25769336

I donated 20 ARS earlier and my bank credited me 13.5 in my currency. Looking at google, it's 13.23. So yeah.

>> No.25769338

>Overachieving autists trying to get regular autistis to kill themselves
Hello? based department? ookini

>> No.25769339

>free time
the man clearly has important data to collect and conceptualize anon he has no free time

>> No.25769340

Hololive need to hold another tournament like Mario Kart back then. What game that could be fun for a tourney these days /hlg/?

>> No.25769342

Would she keep her gimmick or would she have to reincarnate like Nobuhime?

>> No.25769343

its 46.2 + 7.7 won
over 50% final reached

>> No.25769344
Quoted by: >>25769358

you are insulting yourself. pathetic towacuck

>> No.25769346

She's meeting with her custody lawyer

>> No.25769347

>wake up
>im still not Coco
>Kanata still isn't delivering breakfast and her sleepy voice to me to revitalize me

there's some small issues with doing it on youtube specifically, if they ever managed to get their alt account hit with TOS violations or strikes, they'd be in big fucking trouble.
if you have an infringing account and keep streaming on your other, its an instant and permanent ban for all of your accounts; this is also the reason why Coco didn't use Kanata's account when she offered (Kanata had good intentions but she had no idea what she was doing)

>> No.25769348

>Why does everybody only care about my boobs..
She probably only joined Holo to see if she could be off-cam and see if she had an actual personality people would like. I don't like her much outside her boobs, but her childish tantrums are kind of cute though.

>> No.25769349
File: 702 KB, 1358x763, mad a-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only she didn't had those frontal fat mounds

>> No.25769351

Cancelled. Apparently Okayu said they were together though.

>> No.25769352


>> No.25769353

Do you think these girls masturbate to their own lewds or what?

>> No.25769354

off topic shit
go to /v/

>> No.25769355

would you masturbate to your own lewd?

>> No.25769356

She said tommorow after the midnight, she will do it today.

>> No.25769358

>cuckshit calling anyone pathetic
lol irony

>> No.25769359

a screenshot of what retard

>> No.25769360

You know the answer anon: https://youtu.be/8e3WLgZS0nQ

>> No.25769361
File: 450 KB, 708x900, EeVmH7rU4AEdRUG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up in the morning to the smell of breakfast!
Lying in bed as your wife Kanata delivers it to you!
Kanata giving you a kiss on the cheek before she goes off to stream ARK!
Eating Kanata's delicious home cooking!
Surprising Kanata with McDonalds during her Fall Guys Endurance!
Having children with Kanata!
Caring for Kanata when her hearing deteriorates!
Growing old together with Kanata!

>> No.25769362
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1595156135468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this question again

>> No.25769363
Quoted by: >>25769409

Risu will 100% masturbate if someone draws her getting raped by a big hairy guy.

>> No.25769364

>Suisei (or Anemachi) will never you her spats
Why live.

>> No.25769365
File: 1012 KB, 949x766, 1596097946546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769392


>> No.25769366
Quoted by: >>25769403

matsuri 100% does

>> No.25769367

Haachama probably does, she may be faking it but she always sounds turned on when reviewing her own art

>> No.25769369
Quoted by: >>25769390

It's beyond me how some people can be autistic enough to shame the whole overseas fandom in any situation

>> No.25769370

This would be better with PLEASE FINGER

>> No.25769372
Quoted by: >>25769402

Matsuri, Miko, Haato, Marine, and Aloe definitely do. Not sure about any others.

>> No.25769376

Which holos have been the victim of chikan?

>> No.25769377


this requires a lot of luck too

like not getting shitty tail games or teams

>> No.25769379

She doesn’t really need Cover her biggest problem is she doesn’t do live streams which is where the money and views are

>> No.25769380
Quoted by: >>25769467

The ones that have big asses for sure

>> No.25769382

They need someone else to organize one. Miko did the mario kart one

>> No.25769383
File: 166 KB, 404x405, 1585859908254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shout at kanata because she's almost deaf
>neighbor reports me for domestic violence
>get jailed

>> No.25769384


>> No.25769387 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25769395

Does noel masturbate to c*nan?

>> No.25769388

You can fap both to the other person and the situation itself if you are involved, so it's perfectly possible.

>> No.25769390
Quoted by: >>25769416

If you've been in this thread you'd have known obviously who that faggot is.

>> No.25769391

The 3 '''M''' dykes definitely does masturbate to their lewds

>> No.25769392 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1209x750, 1598484204826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769393
File: 31 KB, 480x401, 1578537993800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769421

Where's my morning Towhore stream?

>> No.25769395


>> No.25769396


>> No.25769398
Quoted by: >>25769468

I don't think Aqua and Buki reached the finals that many times.

>> No.25769400

a lot of them hate each other now so it's tricky to get all together for something like this?

>> No.25769401

One more week

>> No.25769402

now take responsivility for making me horny anon

>> No.25769403

>tfw you will never do matsuri

>> No.25769404

Goslingbro... she's gotta be freezing. Please give her your coat.

>> No.25769405

I suspect it's a bit more than luck that separates 54% finals from 52% first round eliminations.

>> No.25769408
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1403, 1573969974646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more holofeet pics, send me your best

>> No.25769409

Ok, Risu

>> No.25769410

They're too afraid to tell her to STFU. She's a Double-Bacon Cheeseburger with extra large fries and it terrifies them.

>> No.25769412

Mikoti! https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1298763088292802560

>> No.25769414
File: 164 KB, 273x247, 1598009288890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's way better at it than I expected. Maybe it's because she's not doing the retard voice: it's hard to believe this is the same person who makes monkey noises because of apex

>> No.25769413

Cover specifically said every time someone asks either on 4 or 2ch they add another day to her sentence

don't forget

>> No.25769416
Quoted by: >>25769442

towafag from discord

>> No.25769417
File: 87 KB, 336x350, vroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like listening to the cars driving past hehe beep beep whee vroom vroom haha

>> No.25769418
File: 3.31 MB, 242x414, 1581151469904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they try to fill up dead hours a bit instead of having 20 streams on at the same time during primetime?

>> No.25769419

Why is goslingposting so fun?

>> No.25769420

Never, Cover can't afford Capcom ransom

>> No.25769421
Quoted by: >>25769431

started 3 hours ago watamebro...

>> No.25769422


>> No.25769423 [DELETED] 


look what I found

I'm starting to think Hololive is Reddit and NIJISANJI is based. Hope there'll be a merger somewhere down the line.

>> No.25769424

Did anybody archive the 3 hour FBK/Marine/BeatMario segment from the big 2hu station stream on the weekend?

>> No.25769425

They are what I love about the threads the most

>> No.25769426

I guess angry? Maybe that is too harsh, just annoyed really. I can't wait for him to do a /hlg/ meme review collab with Coco

>> No.25769427
File: 209 KB, 850x1213, 1577382862322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769428
File: 772 KB, 1920x1080, 1595774059696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769460

Are you alright?

>> No.25769429

Nijisanji looks like its off-topic.

>> No.25769431

Sleeping stream.

>> No.25769432

sleeping is fun anon.

>> No.25769433
File: 2.22 MB, 1418x2006, 1598063639192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769434

The last update on this chart was 4 days ago.

>> No.25769435


>> No.25769436

holy. fucking. based. i love my 0 year old wifedaugherprincess luna

>> No.25769437
File: 199 KB, 941x1080, 1596074188196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same my fellow kenzoku

>> No.25769438

Mikoti's mikotis!

>> No.25769439

It's just makes me want to live in Tokyo

>> No.25769440

Do you have any idea how many foreigners take asians for wives?

>> No.25769442
Quoted by: >>25769453

cuckshit mad again

>> No.25769443

Because only Korone and Watame want to stream at 2am in the morning.

>> No.25769447

Paypigs can't watch in real time due to day job so why even bother.

>> No.25769448

Fake indo.

>> No.25769449

Buy danchou's bowl

>> No.25769451

she going to live

>> No.25769452
File: 787 KB, 2500x1000, 1591382477508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is literally living the dream. Either sits around all day or hangs out at the studio. Her recent game streams ever since Kanata moved in have all been longplays, no regard to any limits other than her desire to stream, other holos joining and going as they please. Caring housewife who is always around to take care of her and no family to bother her. Friends visiting almost every single day and staying for sleepovers. It makes me feel jealous but they've been moving towards this for so long I can only be happy for both of them. And I hope it continues to work out for them because right now that place is a paradise for two.

>> No.25769453

says the towacuck

>> No.25769456

They aren't, you got conditioned.

>> No.25769455
Quoted by: >>25769471

I love it when Aki says "Thank you comment"

>> No.25769458
Quoted by: >>25769474

Why are the girls allowed to keep their previous lives when they join Hololive? They should have to kill themselves and have their soul transferred into a computer.

>> No.25769460
File: 350 KB, 1280x720, 1595858094586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel lonely.

>> No.25769461

>Miko's old model is better than her new model but we cant enjoy it because autistic japs

>> No.25769462
File: 3.82 MB, 3541x2508, 1590965033661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769465
Quoted by: >>25769538

It's not like she isn't known here. She just isn't talked about because she's off-topic.
I always try to catch her persona streams though

>> No.25769466
File: 212 KB, 320x320, 1598024106342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikochi eroge when?

>> No.25769467


>> No.25769468
File: 401 KB, 1819x839, Fall Guys top 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did.

>> No.25769469
File: 164 KB, 333x546, EgFZswOUcAIr4tP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769477

>shitty tail games
git gud

>> No.25769471

mugyu mugyu

>> No.25769474


>> No.25769475

mad cuckshit crying from the cuckshed kek

>> No.25769476
File: 911 KB, 1013x973, 1588374799360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon that's enough

>> No.25769477
Quoted by: >>25769498


>team tail tag

>tail anything

you are at the mercy of retards in many of these.

>> No.25769478

Oh is this shit starting again
You're a poopyhead anon!

>> No.25769479

for me its everyone but Luna, she is based and pure and wifely and a top notch daughter princessfu

>> No.25769480

Thank you eroge for giving Miko much needed energy to continue to live on.

>> No.25769482

I appreciate the work you put into these.

>> No.25769483

Fall Guys race for a crown.

>> No.25769485

When you make it.

>> No.25769486

you boring fucks repeat the same post and images every thread.

>> No.25769487

imagine cuddling with your oshi

>> No.25769488
Quoted by: >>25769505

Moshi moshi?

>> No.25769491

its based

>> No.25769492

actual /x/ browser here, a sex-tulpa is the worst idea possible and will leave you with a monster like the armless,legless infinitely screaming tulpa

>> No.25769493

She's definitely better than holos ID streamers

>> No.25769494

Do better and improve the quality of the thread yourself

>> No.25769495

You'll have a sleepover with me right anon?

>> No.25769497
File: 778 KB, 1048x616, 1595767792827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769526

Same bro, as always

>> No.25769498

just social distance

>> No.25769499

>not masturbating to your own lewds

what are you, gay?

>> No.25769500


>> No.25769501

what if I'm into that?

>> No.25769502
File: 306 KB, 1422x1900, 1595164107615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday is exactly the same.

>> No.25769503


>> No.25769504

Please understand, for some reason anons HAVE to absolutely post something.

>> No.25769505

Sex please

>> No.25769506

le XDXDXD yer yubis hand them over so fahnnney
what's not to like?

>> No.25769510

im so fucking hard right now

>> No.25769512

Waking up in the morning to the sound of a bed hitting the wall!
Lying in bed as your wife Kanata wobbles back to the room!
Kanata giving you a kiss before she goes back to blow Coco!
Eating out Coco's cum out of her ruined pussy!
Surprising Kanata with a Coco double-team!
Raising your wife's son!
Caring for Kanata when her womb prolapses!
Growing old together with Coco's cumpet!

>> No.25769513


>> No.25769514

The true /x/ (not really /x/) fix is lucid dreaming.

>> No.25769515


>> No.25769516
File: 677 KB, 2048x1362, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769523

>dead hours
Why are you here?

>> No.25769517
File: 183 KB, 1754x1240, 1591288600644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Flare

>> No.25769519
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25769520 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 582x350, 1598484733644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

>> No.25769522

Ok son

>> No.25769523

Waiting for Lamy and watching Chinaman Hajimari endurance stream

>> No.25769525
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1598220881261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags killed og** and r**t in 2 days and now meidos ban you for it

I fucking hate newfags

>> No.25769526
File: 542 KB, 1280x529, i miss her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is going to be okay anons, I promise.
As long as you can see her smile everything will be alright with the world.

>> No.25769530

Also not getting stream sniped

>> No.25769531

I do that all the time and it only brings me pain

>> No.25769533

Sounds kind of hot desu

>> No.25769534
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25769535
File: 35 KB, 460x557, a2ZxRYD_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri does, i'm pretty sure of that. Haachama as well.

>> No.25769537

>finally get to listen to senchou's utawaku
I love her voice so much

>> No.25769538 [DELETED] 

i actually know jackshit about niji except for ange and her deep man voice which tickles the gay inside of me
niji does seem a little more natural whereas hololive consists mostly of tryharding oversexed nihon grills
niji seems a little more democratic imho

>> No.25769539

I need a link.

>> No.25769540

Max party size in fall guys is four. Statistically, they could multiply their chances of one of them winning a round by four if they collabed instead of going solo. With enough stalkers to boost them they could win the crowd every time.

>> No.25769541
Quoted by: >>25769550

>implying it wasn't a coordinated attack on pekofags

>> No.25769543

lunaitos~ https://files.catbox.moe/739g1h.webm

>> No.25769545
File: 458 KB, 1536x2048, AB8C7165-D591-4C71-A0AA-822324918964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25769547
File: 679 KB, 3010x4096, 20200826_173125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769821

Clown pit

>> No.25769548

back to your containment thread falseflagging faggot

>> No.25769550
File: 293 KB, 480x480, 1593394916886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769562

We need to answer with something, it's not fucking fair.

>> No.25769551

They should do it with every spam post
although ogeyposting was actually funny back then

>> No.25769552

It was always cancer. The meidos are based.

>> No.25769554

Peko falseflaggers caused this.

>> No.25769557
Quoted by: >>25769585

Move yourself over to /vyt/ or the nijisanji thread and see how democratic they'll be to you.

>> No.25769558
File: 645 KB, 960x1200, sleepytowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will never roll over in the bed to face you when she wakes up in the morning making those noises and saying おはよー in her sexy deep sleepy voice

>> No.25769559

I hate that nobody ever clipped her saying Snipping Point.

>> No.25769561


>> No.25769563
File: 370 KB, 1920x1080, twitter_download033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this for real?

>> No.25769562
Quoted by: >>25769582

Sure thing, rodent.

>> No.25769569

looks legit bro

>> No.25769570


>> No.25769571


>> No.25769572
Quoted by: >>25769622

Depends on the group

You either get Ayame and Pekora who go by their separate ways since neither wants to stay and watch

Or you get Sora and Kotone who would sacrifice rounds just so they can advance together until finals

>> No.25769573

which holo has the worst dental hygiene and stinkiest breath?

>> No.25769575

If it was peko would just get btfo repeatedly

>> No.25769576

beep beep hehe

>> No.25769577

stop spamming already faggots, this is why the spergs shit up her chat

>> No.25769579

I hope not because it will be over very quickly

>> No.25769581
File: 179 KB, 650x580, 1590696555694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769582
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1592203154049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769592

I bet your oshi gets less views than the rabbit
Oh wait, i don't have to bet anything, it's literally a fact.

>> No.25769583

>Coco joins Hololive to make friends and continue being a weeb streamer
>finds Kanata of all people
>they move in together
>#1 world-wide superchat
>half a million fans
>Coco literally living her dream

>Kanata joins Hololive
>her singing streams each getting more views than the sum of her videos views on NND over a decade prior
>gets to go on stage and sing for 100,000+ live viewers, putting her on par with if she had gotten to perform in the biggest stadiums in the USA
>makes a new best friend
>moves in with her which will help keep her a bit safer from episodes of vertigo
>Kanata literally living her dream

>> No.25769584


>> No.25769585

to be fair they were talking about the streamers and not the mentally ill try hard nijinigger "fans"

>> No.25769586

no but Aqua and Shion taking molly is

>> No.25769588
File: 201 KB, 1280x1350, 2B0D173E-64BA-458A-9D37-871BD2D9B5BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is still the fucking strong

>> No.25769589
Quoted by: >>25769842

I watch a few select nijis but honestly so many of them are just really bland. So I end up still watching mostly holo with a few nijis sprinkled in. I would not be able to keep myself entertained with just nijis.

>> No.25769590

>which holo has the worst dental hygiene
Okayu and Towa are tied

>> No.25769592

Jokes on you, she gets the exact same amount

>> No.25769593
Quoted by: >>25769596

get off my thread nijiniggers
this involves flips as well [/spoilers]

>> No.25769594

Marine has the worst breath. It's why she's so obsessive about cleaning her mouth.

>> No.25769595
File: 897 KB, 1920x1080, English lesson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It captures everything I don't like about Coco.

>> No.25769596

you did your best anon.

>> No.25769598

she once told YAGOO to make a VN but he refused

>> No.25769599

Subaru has the worst dental hygiene but Okayu is a close second.

>> No.25769600
File: 142 KB, 701x806, 1596931938752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember the silence at the end of the HPS stream
You now remember Ayame trying to cheer up Matsuri and Roboco, who were clearly crying
You now remember that Roboco went to bed depressed and didn't play APEX for a week

>> No.25769602
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 1596413226250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769603

Who will end up marrying first, Noel and Flare or Coco and Kanata?

>> No.25769606
Quoted by: >>25769622

It would suck for anyone to get eliminated early in the rounds because they'll have nothing to do but watch others play. I wish the devs would implement a team elimination mode instead

>> No.25769607

More like I only remember how based Gorilla is and how glad I am that people heard his covers

>> No.25769608
File: 156 KB, 661x623, 1596466565589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769609
File: 111 KB, 599x850, Gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember this ape.

>> No.25769611

She actually finished GOI and then did a ring fit stream for hours a few minutes later

>> No.25769612
File: 1.48 MB, 1266x666, 99F326F1-2AA6-425B-81C8-6587791EC3B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769628


>> No.25769613

None cause gay marriage isn't a thing in japan

>> No.25769615

this is fucking iconic

>> No.25769616

Abe forbids it.

>> No.25769617
File: 133 KB, 850x892, 235A82D3-3897-40FD-A330-BA6CE72416CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s nothing wrong with saying ogey

>> No.25769618

Nobody because none of them are lesbians

>> No.25769620
File: 2.08 MB, 4049x4092, 1595500370336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE going to watch her stream, right, anon?

>> No.25769622

Advancing together to finals naturally has the best chances, but one has to sit and watch if they drop after round 3 to maximize the chances of a win while reducing the downtime to as little as possible. It makes a lot of sense for all to redo together if someone doesn't make round 1 or 2

>> No.25769623 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 275x228, 2020-02-05 18_00_16-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770215

Finally listened to Marine talking about Shion. I feel so sorry for her. It's like Marine's re-experiencing the time that girl she liked in highschool was just like "I'm not a dyke." I hope Marine finds her soulmate.

>> No.25769624

Not if Coco takes Kanata back to America

>> No.25769625

>sing for 100,000+ live viewers
And fuck up terribly... that SSS on her 3D was a shame

>> No.25769626

Danchou at 480k... sugoi.......

>> No.25769628
File: 335 KB, 718x1080, 1598316846167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769645

I can't believe Sora hired a monkey to assassinate her own coworkers and friends.

>> No.25769629

>another aquashion collab tonight
Is Shion latching onto Aqua after the Marine sex scandal?

>> No.25769631

Sio did try to warn them about Roboco...

>> No.25769632 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 506x302, 1598485244718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25769634 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25769759

Slav Dragon Twerks?!


>> No.25769635

no give me kakage's daughter you tramp

>> No.25769636
Quoted by: >>25769648

Why do you people keep coming to this thread? Why do the meidos never delete these posts when offtopic shit gets removed immediately in the other threads?

>> No.25769637

In my opinion, Niji is _________________________________________$103.50____________________________________________________________ just my opinion tho

>> No.25769638


>> No.25769639
File: 417 KB, 947x278, hmmmdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769689

Why does lamy always stare so thirstily at botan in the group stream

>> No.25769640
Quoted by: >>25769653

Has Noel actually played RFA yet or did I miss it?

>> No.25769641
File: 198 KB, 1741x1769, EfnshZcUEAMi7ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always do

>> No.25769642


>> No.25769644

Astel cheering up Matsuri with his awkwardness was really sweet.

>> No.25769645
File: 948 KB, 4096x2304, 67B255E2-D549-4604-A2CF-EA4800A46555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769658

>friends with other Hololive

>> No.25769646

If it bothers anyone on /jp/, happy.

>> No.25769647

Mikochi.... please open your eyes...

>> No.25769648

You know why it doesn't get deleted.

>> No.25769649
File: 195 KB, 850x1201, 1589329673510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769652


>> No.25769653

She played it yesterday morning. It was leg day.

>> No.25769654

yes, Shion knows Aqua is a complete autist and will never have weird relationships desires

>> No.25769655

No, because they are actual friends

>> No.25769656

beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
it was one of the cutest things I've seen this year

>> No.25769658

Polka is going to join them when the collab ban is up, right?

>> No.25769659

but muh mmmmmmmmmmm-ercchh

>> No.25769660

no way it is

>> No.25769661

Completely bizarre. Before corona hit he was all over anime fighting games and now he's here.

>> No.25769663
File: 601 KB, 592x640, 1596857134634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769665


>> No.25769667
Quoted by: >>25769673

I want to forcibly remove Nene's fang with pincers

>> No.25769669

>niji does seem a little more natural whereas hololive consists mostly of tryharding oversexed nihon grills

You aren't seeing the sex Nijis. Aizono, Miyako with the slut outfit, Utako, Iincho, Tomoe, Sukoya, Mirei, Ange and more. A lot of them put any holo to shame with how dirty they can get.

>> No.25769670

They made around 3.5m yen in memberships at the end of it so it kind of balanced out it in the end.

>> No.25769671
File: 147 KB, 662x700, CBA1C0B4-6FEE-45FB-A5C4-3DFBE79EC6BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I laugh at some of those garbage reddit memes?

>> No.25769672
Quoted by: >>25769684

>Miko was in charge of the OP and ED but she didn't want to do it alone so she asked Marine and AZKi for help
Miko's an angel

>> No.25769673

Towa no...

>> No.25769674


>> No.25769677 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 381x386, 1598485485791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it, you know what

>> No.25769678

She's just going to hang out with her old utaite buddies instead and you know it.

>> No.25769681
Quoted by: >>25769846

Did Sora ever collab with “her”?

Looking at her videos, she usually befriends the singer vtubers

>> No.25769683

>Not in brought drinks
I fucking hate redditors

>> No.25769684
Quoted by: >>25769707

I hope she recovers soon, Hololive isn't Hololive without Miko.

>> No.25769685
File: 236 KB, 620x467, pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769735


>> No.25769686


>> No.25769689

Lamy is secretly yandere for Botan

>> No.25769692

>Sora can't drink legally
>but Haato already drunk

>> No.25769693 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 510x491, 1598485558988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769702


>> No.25769694
Quoted by: >>25769720

Shion isn't old enough to drink legally...

>> No.25769695
Quoted by: >>25769720

Haachama cant drink

>> No.25769696 [SPOILER] 
File: 380 KB, 2048x2048, 1598485580244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769697


>> No.25769699

Eh, a broken clock is correct twice a day.
I mean I'm sick and tired of these retarded tier list things but whatever floats your boat

>> No.25769700 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 2000x1500, 1593827480421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769702
Quoted by: >>25769738


>> No.25769703
Quoted by: >>25769863

I did. Give me a moment to upload it.

>> No.25769704

God I want to fuck Miko so bad, fucking a sickly frail hospitalized girl laying on her deathbed is my fetish

>> No.25769706

He means secret contract clauses

>> No.25769707
Quoted by: >>25769756

she's already ok, just 4 days until she's completely fine

>> No.25769708

noel talking about domestic violence...

is this a recent noefure reference ?

>> No.25769709
File: 1.12 MB, 498x278, 1568021063676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769752

Always laugh at the /v/ babies who cry over what vidya the Holo is playing.

No one cares, 90% of the Holo's don't care that much about vidya.

>> No.25769710
File: 534 KB, 1001x703, havmxg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769711
File: 46 KB, 705x813, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my favorite holo!

>> No.25769712
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1596058411194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing women doing so many bad things I have a phobia of them, I will never find someone like that

>> No.25769714

its 9 AM towa will wake up soon

>> No.25769717

I wish he were still there for her...

>> No.25769718
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 1597890215248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769719
File: 3.20 MB, 3534x3924, 83945371_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769720
Quoted by: >>25769843


>Immediately thinking about the roommates

Come on now. You don't even pay attention to the character anymore.

>> No.25769721


>> No.25769727

post it on twitter and say you're a 5 year old.

>> No.25769728

That's a nice Polka.

>> No.25769731
Quoted by: >>25769749


>The dark elf is a sadistic bitch
Who could have anticipated this.

>> No.25769732 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 570x957, 1598485704187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769733
File: 876 KB, 3498x1969, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769735


>> No.25769738


>> No.25769740
File: 273 KB, 1290x2048, 20200825_171653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769741


>> No.25769742

ehh, this one isn't too shitty, but incredibly inaccurate, proving that l*ddit doesn't watch streams and only watches clips.
>tier lists

>> No.25769743


>> No.25769744

This is going on the fridge

>> No.25769746

Anyone have a coco reaction image folder they're willing to share?
Asking for me.

>> No.25769747

I can't believe Bibi is fucking dead...

>> No.25769748


>> No.25769749

that's great character development in my book

>> No.25769751
File: 1.95 MB, 1334x1800, 83955194_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25769752

Korone needs to play more weird super old games like that 2d platformer with the penguinsnowman that could climb walls

>> No.25769753


>> No.25769754

>we're unironically posting reddit memes here now

>> No.25769756
File: 1.04 MB, 800x1200, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_mi_taro333__09739d3b173ba777bf970a7feec7ce9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait 35Ps!

>> No.25769757


>> No.25769758
File: 163 KB, 262x326, 1595777814769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bibi lives.

>> No.25769759

i really fucking hate this bitch
she really will be the downfall of hololive fucking shameless whore

>> No.25769761 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 1220x267, 1598485844861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769777


>> No.25769762


>> No.25769763
File: 72 KB, 960x930, 61hcp6dmqnf51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770059


>> No.25769765
File: 30 KB, 603x494, EcqNXIbUMAAVHBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769768
File: 103 KB, 722x690, 1596247452695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769769

>you boring fucks repeat the same post and images every thread.
Welcome to 4chan I see it's your 1st day

>> No.25769773

>not a single real reply

So nobody knows. You're all failures at being one of her fans, no wonder why she left.

>> No.25769774
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, Generation Hololive - Aloe AWOL.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pastebin with all the edits so far.

>> No.25769776
File: 108 KB, 760x436, 1598249304293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769777
Quoted by: >>25769794

What's the other?

>> No.25769779

Sora is 20 she legally can drink. Someone didn't do their research

>> No.25769781

Is this picture literally photoshop? Why user names are so sharp and everything else around it is blurry as fuck?... (and I'm not even doubt boyfriend narrative lol but this picture is kinda fucked up)

>> No.25769782

It's a sponsored stream.

>> No.25769784

It would be less bad if you just stayed there instead of bringing over trash (and probably stealing stuff here for upboats too). Neck yourself.

>> No.25769785
File: 83 KB, 350x274, 167387-icytower1_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769960

I wonder if Aqua knows about Icy Tower. I spent countless hours back in the days trying to beat this shit, just remembered about it, this is possible another 12+ hour endurance stream like jump king, pretty sure she'll like it.

>> No.25769786
File: 608 KB, 595x800, ayaclown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope my favorite and my new 2nd favorite collab one day in the near future
it would make me very happy

>> No.25769787
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25769788

Flare is a stiff worker.

>> No.25769790
Quoted by: >>25769798

how the fuck can she sleep with that noise

>> No.25769791 [SPOILER] 
File: 663 KB, 640x1136, 1598486001704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769794
Quoted by: >>25769871

Cutie and sexy and beauty and wonderful and bunny and girl.

>> No.25769796
File: 696 KB, 1179x402, tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

>> No.25769797
File: 843 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769798

Bakas sleep easy.

>> No.25769804
File: 478 KB, 645x749, 1594390591895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone's favorite

>> No.25769806

replace cringe with more basederer

>> No.25769808


>> No.25769809
File: 1.11 MB, 2756x4961, a298b10210a7541d2463ffdbeaa3c196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769830

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZM05dWP6kM Lamy

>> No.25769811
Quoted by: >>25769816

ayame hates newcomers.

>> No.25769813

Most based tierlist ITT

>> No.25769815


>> No.25769816

exactly, which is why they might collab

>> No.25769817

Fuck off, Sio.

>> No.25769818

Clown should do a stream with Tamaki, I feel like their style would work well together

>> No.25769819


>> No.25769821
Quoted by: >>25769831

wh-where are her nipples

>> No.25769822
File: 174 KB, 284x332, IMG_20200827_075347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769823 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.10 MB, 1472x2000, 1598486112128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good list

>> No.25769824

Ayame is the sexiest holo eaasily.

>> No.25769827

Can't wait for this meme to die.

>> No.25769829

>le epic sio... meme
retarded towasperm

>> No.25769830
Quoted by: >>25769836

more like LAMEy

>> No.25769831

in my mouth

>> No.25769832

I hope you die in a fire

>> No.25769833

Nigganui flare scares me

>> No.25769834
File: 156 KB, 1280x1000, EYsB5FXVAAEtJnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769927

It's not just their own dreams, it's a Hololive dream too. For them to have these opportunities and form bonds that would otherwise be impossible. From Kanata bringing Coco food in her crammed room to Kanata bringing Coco food in her spacious room in just half a year, yet so many things have changed. Even if it won't last forever they have now experienced the legendary Attakai Hololive, or rather created it on their own.

>> No.25769835

definitely towa since she likes to smoka

>> No.25769836

Wew gottem!

>> No.25769839
File: 198 KB, 613x586, 83851802_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hoshikawa said that Matsuri's menhera was cute
>Wants to go on another date with her
What does this mean narrativefags?

>> No.25769840

Nah, I would never let the clown go until our 24hr mating session is over

>> No.25769842

damn you're right on the money
even when japanese i enjoy watching holos but this hana macchia bitch is getting on my nerves with her funny voices and cocky attitude
atleast holos actually have characters to maintain other than 'slightly bored lesbian'

>> No.25769843

If we were talking about characters then most of them legally can't drink.

>> No.25769845
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, sadtowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell asleep listening to car and twap noises
>disturbed from my slumber by a spider landing on my face
fuck you spider, I was comfy.

>> No.25769846

I don't think with Sora but Nobuhime did a duet with Kotone. She also collabed with Miko, Marine and Korone (before she was Korone)

>> No.25769847

dios mio...

>> No.25769848 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 559x506, 1598486202335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769861


>> No.25769851

yep i'm thinking based

>> No.25769852
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769853
File: 234 KB, 1156x972, EgMatDNUcAUC9HI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769987

How do I cope with the pain that I will never cum inside Suisei?

>> No.25769854


>> No.25769855

based stacey with the emotional manipulation

>> No.25769856 [DELETED] 
File: 896 KB, 1064x551, ht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25769857
File: 17 KB, 320x390, 118209932_988261734979817_537685816464029690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25769858
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, 45A39649-D123-4139-9A06-C0CC40C1010E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769896

And post...

>> No.25769860

I love my wife Pikamee!

>> No.25769861
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1589161834412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769882


>> No.25769863

Based. Thank you so much.

>> No.25769864

god this place loves running things into the ground, fucking underaged attention seekers.

>> No.25769865

imagine, your childhood friend Miko, has only been into girls her whole life, but one her deathbed, she realizes she wants to feel a dick at least once in her life. she asks you, as her beloved childhood friend, to show her what it feels like to be man and woman, just once before she shuffles off this mortal coil...

>> No.25769866

Hoshikawa needs to use festival for more subs again

>> No.25769868

Please watch any Flare 3D stream and reconsider

>> No.25769869
Quoted by: >>25769914

Sleeping with Towa...

>> No.25769871


>> No.25769872

i hope hoshikawa runs into a korean and has kimchi dumped on her

>> No.25769873

>my child
Mio ain't your mom

>> No.25769875

Doesn't she have classes today....?

>> No.25769877

best tierlist ITT

>> No.25769879

Haachama has talent, Gordon Ramsay...

>> No.25769880

It was soulful as fuck, probably the most emotional performance to date

>> No.25769881
File: 845 KB, 850x601, 4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss CAMP

>> No.25769882

>eats disgusting food
>is incredibly violent during sex
what the fuck is her problem?

>> No.25769883


>> No.25769884
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1597804071477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DORK of hololive

>> No.25769885

I'm gonna slap your fat fucking ass bitch.

>> No.25769887

the only accurate tierlist so far

>> No.25769888

When do the next set of streams start?

>> No.25769889
File: 34 KB, 580x548, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn sniff and lick Watame's smelly pits after a 10 hour Fall Guys stream as she calls you "good boy"

>> No.25769890

>enjoy watching japanese vtubers
>don't enjoy watching english vtubers
>in other words; enjoy watching vtubers i can barely understand
lmao @ women, they can't sell themselves in a conversation if their lives depended on it

>> No.25769891

Either Matsuri is a drug people can't get over or Hoshikawa is straight up evil.

>> No.25769892

the whore*

>> No.25769893
File: 419 KB, 839x753, LUNER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769908

Hoshikawa is going to break festival's heart again and our girl Luna will have to pick up the peices.

>> No.25769895
Quoted by: >>25769914

is she up now?

>> No.25769896
Quoted by: >>25770313

what's happening here?

>> No.25769897


>> No.25769899

Honest to god autism but she enjoys her life so it's fine

>> No.25769900
File: 1.27 MB, 990x1023, 1596077812995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone have a coco reaction image folder they're willing to share?
I am asking you all once again for your support.
I need some coco reaction images, please.

>> No.25769905
File: 19 KB, 314x238, 1581355936016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people just finding out about ogey and rrat
Are you serious, We have THIS many newfags and tourists?
This place really is fucked beyond belief my fucking god.

>> No.25769906

Fucking aussies

>> No.25769908
File: 24 KB, 208x246, 1593018279710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is what the fuck is Luna doing

>> No.25769910

God her armpits are so fucking EROTIC

>> No.25769914

It's the closest we'll get anon.
I think so.

>> No.25769915
File: 566 KB, 633x671, 1594246544947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.25769917


>> No.25769919

Subaru is a whore

>> No.25769920

Hoshikawa has a sick sense of humor, but Matsuri deserves whatever happens if she accepts.

>> No.25769921 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 320x320, 1598486463280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769967

Just lurk moar don't beg

>> No.25769922

>tfw pitfag but not a smellfag
I suffer

>> No.25769923



>> No.25769924
File: 1.60 MB, 1500x1061, EgK26m-UMAE7rqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delinquent Towa being late for class!

>> No.25769925
Quoted by: >>25769969

nah it's just western vtubers are cringe

>> No.25769927

When is someone going to produce a biopic about this?

>> No.25769928

Lunachads, Hoshikawa's transgressions have to be stopped for good.

>> No.25769929

I can't even tell how much of an act is hoshikawa pulling at this point, maybe she's just evil, unsubbing soon.

>> No.25769930

Ok dude bunch of small bruises is not "incredibly violent"
She was just kinda rough
come on

>> No.25769933
File: 281 KB, 600x680, watamagosling (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769935
File: 24 KB, 313x240, 1597633036833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769967

I'd rather /hlg/ focused on other holos for a while but here's one

>> No.25769936

>spiderbro wanted to be comfy too
>act like a dick

>> No.25769939

Matsuri deserves it.

>> No.25769940

Somebody save this poor girl.

>> No.25769941

devilish Towa drawing dicks in the margins of her textbooks!

>> No.25769943

Wait until you find out that 4chan is not the same cadre of bitter eternal posters but an eternal flow of old leaving and new arriving and acclimating!

Getting all Yeats about it won't help, the center cannot hold and all that.

>> No.25769946

western women are boring. I used to think all women were boring until I met hololive. That's why holoEN would be a disaster

>> No.25769947

Hey, guys. Kanacoco is a onesided relationship where Kanata does everything for Coco and puts up with Coco's mockery and gets nothing in return. That's why Suisei, who apparently never spoke to Coco once in her life previously, immediately wanted to follow Kanata when she heard Kanata and Coco were moving in together.

>> No.25769949

That's pretty amazing to never drop in round 1. It feels like sometimes someone just fucks you over on see-saw or the fake doors with a random ragdoll.

>> No.25769951

shut the fuck up, cringy retard

>> No.25769952
Quoted by: >>25769988

>no translated streams of Pekora playing mahjong or go


>> No.25769954
File: 164 KB, 293x316, 1593770545592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother Mio

>> No.25769955

Whats wrong with the kid behind her?

>> No.25769957 [SPOILER] 
File: 576 KB, 582x771, 1598486586927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769967


>> No.25769958
File: 359 KB, 1448x2048, EgBFazaUwAIEznx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready to be healed.

>> No.25769959

Wtf was that noise

>> No.25769960

And how do you beat that game?

>> No.25769961
File: 98 KB, 620x1127, Ef68paqU8AA2wQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25769982


>> No.25769963

I wanna get drunk with Subaru. Fuck reddit.

>> No.25769964

spiders are bros and good to have around, plus he's probably more scared of you than you are of him

>> No.25769965

Not their fault western stream culture is cringe and if they try to mimic the nips streaming it's also just as cringe because it's not their culture

>> No.25769967

Understandable, thank you.


>> No.25769969

probably lol
japan has an entire culture centered around the digital while in the west only cringey meme obsessed zoomers end up become vtubers (female)

>> No.25769972

recover from her 40 different illness and injuries in a wheelchair anon...

>> No.25769973

Based spiderbro dabbing on towacucks.

>> No.25769977

Towa just ripped a big smelly fart

>> No.25769978
Quoted by: >>25770029

that's why Coco is a fucking disaster
is it something cultural or is it linguistic?

>> No.25769979 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 600x594, 1598486689180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their banter is near dead now and Kanata always answered with her own bants like saying Coco has hairy legs

>> No.25769980
File: 119 KB, 960x539, 1583213730932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still one of Haachama's best even if it was all downhill from there

>> No.25769981
File: 23 KB, 370x144, 7BCD229D-211F-484E-BDC1-6E4BE7A89637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769982
File: 874 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769984
Quoted by: >>25769999

towas house is falling apart...

>> No.25769986

Whoa that takes me back.
This whole thing is so wholesome it makes me finally understand the gosling posters a bit.

>> No.25769987

Buy an onahole and name it Suisei

>> No.25769988

that's a great excuse to start learning Japanese

>> No.25769989
Quoted by: >>25770021

Fucking this. Can't stand english speaking chuubas, i. E women I can understand

>> No.25769992

PPT's life seems so fucking shit from what she's told people, I'm glad she's living the good life in Hololive.

>> No.25769993
File: 1.85 MB, 862x1163, 1596336388025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25769998
Quoted by: >>25770028

ding dong bannu

>> No.25769999
Quoted by: >>25770013

It's just the water server

>> No.25770001


>> No.25770005
File: 2.80 MB, 1500x2121, 83723918_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Towife.

>> No.25770006


>> No.25770008
File: 113 KB, 500x488, 1593262627930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go make screencaps from her 3D streams or something

>> No.25770009

>Falling for her narratives
I bet you believe all the yuribait too.

>> No.25770010

oh no is Lamy doing ASMR already

>> No.25770011

I thought there was a rule about not disturbing others streams or did they decide the てぇてぇ moments were too good to pass up.

>> No.25770012


>> No.25770013

>water server
why the fuck is she has a water server

>> No.25770014

I hate this kind of memes but it is right. No woman here could make me laugh like Miko do

>> No.25770015


>> No.25770016

Maybe Kanata likes to take care of Coco

>> No.25770017

I-I'm sorry spiderbro. He ran away down the side of the bed so maybe he's getting comfy again.

>> No.25770019

asmr with lamy mama!

>> No.25770020

should i make some instant Ramen?

>> No.25770021

mostly probably cover corp's heavy vetting (holos go through harsh auditions) coupled with the fact japanese has a lot of feely context words while english is focused on grammar (e;g itai! itai! itai! vs. ouch! that hurt!)

more importantly, the girls that sign up for holo speaking english probably grew up with r/dankmemes while holos are from the already autistic japan which comes off as natural with them

>> No.25770023

Narrativefags explain immediately.

>> No.25770025


>> No.25770027


>> No.25770026
Quoted by: >>25770045

Eat it raw aru.

>> No.25770028


>> No.25770029

How do I become a disaster like Coco? I want to be number 1 in youtube supachas too.

>> No.25770030

everytime choco...

>> No.25770031
Quoted by: >>25770082

If you have nothing else and want to eat something quick then sure go ahead

>> No.25770032
File: 860 KB, 2384x4017, Ed_770bUcAAqhKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she's not streaming from her overheated sauna booth. Her loud as fuck aircon is proof enough that she's fine now.

>> No.25770034

women irl kind of leave comedy to the men
it's a bit of a fucking responsibility to have to shit out something funny in any conversation or lose their interest

>> No.25770035

>western women are boring
western women are not women anymore

>> No.25770036
Quoted by: >>25770070

Her "school" when she started was her old job that she didn't quit until like a week or two before the yabee. That endurance stream was part of celebrating having the time to do longer streams now

>> No.25770037

These posts were made by spiders.

>> No.25770038

Doing short 1 hour collabs 2 times a day. Making food in her bedroom for some reason. Playing the piano. Being cute.

>> No.25770039

15 hour nap

>> No.25770040

why are you blogging in the holo thread? piss off.

>> No.25770041

I've wondered about this as well, and I can't tell if it's because he doesn't like her, or if he just doesn't want to lewd her.

>> No.25770042

Found the yuri schyzo falsefagger, no one would bring that out of nowhere otherwise.

>> No.25770043

>gets nothing in return
She gets to leech off Coco.

>> No.25770044

Sensei is having ARK withdrawal...

>> No.25770045

crunch crunch

>> No.25770046
File: 82 KB, 598x192, 1596388834129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770205

you see this? this, is called happiness

>> No.25770050
Quoted by: >>25770075

Kanata sound her happiest when she's with coco

>> No.25770051

Choco woke up.

>> No.25770053
Quoted by: >>25770073


>> No.25770054
Quoted by: >>25770088

Why did you give him a (you) anon...

>> No.25770055

it's easy, step 1# lose all integrity step 2# sell yourself to reddit step3# get dumb lesbo marine to do stupid shit on your stream so you can earn money

>> No.25770056
File: 116 KB, 240x253, 1598401119476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop complaining about towa, faggots.

>> No.25770057

Luna brings the most interesting collabs

>> No.25770058
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x2000, EgXXN2QU4AAZ6-R@Piukute_Maple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25770059

Ookina chungasu

>> No.25770060
File: 244 KB, 996x631, FBK pecho frio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770077


>> No.25770061

Matsuri is absolutely his oshi; he's got in total well over 50 Matsuri works, which is more than double anyone else.

>> No.25770062

Wanted to nap for 2 hours, slept for 15 hours instead

>> No.25770066


>> No.25770069

Will Miko's funeral be streamed?

>> No.25770068

I love Towa.

>> No.25770070
Quoted by: >>25770089

No, after that, slightly more than a month ago, she definitely talked about exams on her twitter.

>> No.25770071
Quoted by: >>25770085


>> No.25770073


>> No.25770076


>> No.25770075

And Coco gets embarrassed when Kanata talks about how caring Coco is with her.

>> No.25770077
File: 207 KB, 768x960, 1594752315543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuantos mundiales tenes?

>> No.25770078
Quoted by: >>25770087

Don't EVER post something like this here AGAIN. This is not who we are as community. This is such a toxic mindset that puts down one thing to put another on a pedestal, can't you just enjoy Hololive without comparing it to anything else? Pease don't spread toxicity like this. (That's not even touching on the sexism and the fact that Hololive consists of women.) I'm not joking when I say this, delete this.

>> No.25770080
File: 884 KB, 676x1000, Cocopits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770082

alright i will
no need to be so rude anon, i was jut asking a question

>> No.25770084

Why does Flare like ASMR whores so much

>> No.25770085


>> No.25770086
Quoted by: >>25770127

We said the same shit about noel and flare and look where it ended up, they're good friends and coco rarely mocks kanata now a days she has really mellowed down

>> No.25770087
File: 159 KB, 500x500, 1598457482615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770088

lmaoi'ng at people on 4chan (place renowned for anarchy) coming here to create in-groups and identities to limit free discussion
>nooo you're an anti for disagreeing with my favourite company narrative!
>noooooo you can't just talk about something else except a very specific holo and her narrative this evening
are you sure you don't belong on a subreddit where you can downvote yucky comments you don't like?

>> No.25770089
Quoted by: >>25770283

And she's going to be taking language classes too in a couple weeks.

>> No.25770092

Nose nee-chan...

>> No.25770093
Quoted by: >>25770219

Is there anything America isn't perfect at?

>> No.25770094
File: 77 KB, 515x446, Aloe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770115

Just stop complaining at all, the people you hate won't go away and you just derail the thread even more.

>> No.25770098

Yeah piss in your mouth lmao

>> No.25770099


>> No.25770100

nosey wosey...

>> No.25770101
File: 1.43 MB, 2509x3392, 1595755078596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will follow her on her dream to become a singer

>> No.25770102
File: 49 KB, 452x491, 1597025269370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770130

uhh, what?

>> No.25770103
Quoted by: >>25770568

Excuse me, but this is 4channel.org not 4chan

>> No.25770104

patra is cute

>> No.25770106

>place renowned for anarchy

>> No.25770107

Dunno, Patra is a shit

>> No.25770108

Noel AND Patra?!

Oh boy

>> No.25770109


>> No.25770110

sir this is 4channel

>> No.25770111

lamy got so many paypigs already

>> No.25770112
Quoted by: >>25770138

>listening to senchou sing Dunbine Tobu
I really want her to sing Time for L-Gaim and Men of Destiny.

>> No.25770115

I want sex.

>> No.25770118

The only reason you could possibly see it that way is by just watching early AsaCoco and/or poorly translated clips and nothing else involving them together.

>> No.25770119
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1598400761050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aki about to hit 250k...

>> No.25770121
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770122
Quoted by: >>25770162

>towafags are peko falseflaggers
Imagine my surprise. I'm convinced you tards are behind most shitposting here as 'revenge' against everyone shitting on you/Towa.

>> No.25770123

Imagine being rich but wasting time being a holo

>> No.25770124
Quoted by: >>25770145

She knows patra from her past life

>> No.25770125
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770126

off topic garbage

>> No.25770127

Noel / Flare never had a relationship as messed up as Coco / Kana cause Flare set boundaries and encouraged Noel to hang out with other people.

>> No.25770128
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1217, Untitled54_20200805202352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770152

Can't spell narrative without rrat

>> No.25770129

Tribalism became stronger with generals. /soc/ and /r9k/ are proof of attention-whoring. There are people in this general who create content for (you)s.

>> No.25770130


>> No.25770134
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770133

>Why does Flare love big soft breasts you can claw at
I dunno

>> No.25770135

Turning into gosling with those moans

>> No.25770136
Quoted by: >>25770189

Anal sex with Towa

>> No.25770137
Quoted by: >>25770204

I wonder if Patra is as soft as her character like Noel. Flare truly is building a harem

>> No.25770138

Based MIO bro

>> No.25770139

So where's the new and updated fall guys chart

>> No.25770140

Aloebros... https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83939051

>> No.25770141
Quoted by: >>25770191

>メン限 stream the other day
Uh... I don't see anything for Luna or Kanon and I'm a member for both.

>> No.25770145

when she was a moepop singer? she was famous

>> No.25770144

>Pho Channaru______________$103.50
>Renowned for Anarchy

>> No.25770146

Watch fucking Noel turn up with even more bruises

>> No.25770148

I just feel really sorry for Matsuri at this point.

>> No.25770149
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, 1598406186025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit already forgot about aloe
but not us

>> No.25770150

Chilean here, it's the same shit. I can tell you that peruvians are the actual worst, somehow worse than the brazilians.

>> No.25770152
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770153
File: 536 KB, 878x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who will win the Aquabowl?

>> No.25770155


>> No.25770158

https://youtu.be/DI5dFfN-mBo seems not so long ago

>> No.25770159
Quoted by: >>25770210

I will kneel before reddit if Aki have more than Luna and Flare

>> No.25770160
File: 71 KB, 500x522, 1592820356555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770225


>> No.25770161
Quoted by: >>25770247

I want to watch Back to the Future with Miko...

>> No.25770162
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770163
Quoted by: >>25770200

1 more day (or less) until Botan surpasses her!

>> No.25770164
File: 121 KB, 1080x1620, F204281D-F287-45B8-AADC-6E6642E7E413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770223

Ahh yes, the Sora experience ...

>> No.25770167

Nobody wants Aqua. She's that weird friend you bring along everywhere to bully and make you look cooler. She's Butters.

>> No.25770168


>> No.25770169

>that moan

>> No.25770170

Her mum

>> No.25770172

holy shit towa MUH DICK

>> No.25770173
File: 327 KB, 220x220, 12794562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770198

towa is waking up and you are not next to her

>> No.25770174


>> No.25770175
File: 387 KB, 523x482, 1598053792707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770201


>> No.25770177
Quoted by: >>25770196

Congrats towafags you now know how towa cumming sounds

>> No.25770179

Shion is cuter

>> No.25770180
Quoted by: >>25770654

>be a whore irl
>ask for a 2D succubus avatar
Is there a more based holo?

>> No.25770181
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1396, 1580979085348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's pantyhose

>> No.25770184

Oh hey she woke up from her short nap

>> No.25770185

Never been goslinged this hard in my life... Aaaaaaa Miko!!!!

>> No.25770186

She woke up after another 15 hour sleep. According to anons from 5ch, earlier yesterday she was last seen at holooffice, taking suspicious bag of pills from coco.

>> No.25770187
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770189
File: 2.86 MB, 942x1080, 1596880286202.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770241


>> No.25770190


>> No.25770191

That's because I lied about the Luna neck thing. I just get my kicks from making shit up. Anon's here are so fucking stupid lol. I don't know jack shit about the dumb baby.

>> No.25770193

Mea has that Ugly Bastard vibe, so I'll go with her.

>> No.25770195
Quoted by: >>25770213

Did you record it

>> No.25770196

Why are you listening if you hate her so much

>> No.25770198
Quoted by: >>25770207

>waking up

>> No.25770200
Quoted by: >>25770238


new gens always get more subs fast though.

>> No.25770201
File: 151 KB, 1498x805, 20200519_015409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770202
Quoted by: >>25770220

No, we aren't. Chileans are complete pieces of smelly shit, not even other chileans can stand being next to these faggots. 90% are SOP plebs, they can't even keep a simple piece of conversation with foreigners. I hate them

>> No.25770203
File: 95 KB, 854x970, 1597763083178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770227


>> No.25770204

she is!

>> No.25770205

Thank you for the reassurance Mikochi, hopefully nothing bad will happen in the end.

>> No.25770207

What's wrong with this debiru?

>> No.25770208
Quoted by: >>25770253

No one here actually hates Towa, they're just being tsun.

>> No.25770209

Fuck mea

>> No.25770210
Quoted by: >>25770237

Time to do something to steal the credit

>> No.25770211
File: 621 KB, 498x498, haachama2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What what where did towa moan what stream reeeeeeeeeee I need to know aaaaaa only Noel and Lamy's streaming aaaaaaa

>> No.25770213

please tell me you did

>> No.25770214

irresponsibly based

>> No.25770215

Marine doesn't want a soulmate she just wants to fuck, she has already stated this

>> No.25770216

he wants to hear something he can ContractFag over

>> No.25770218 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1598487630101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770219

having slender people

>> No.25770220
Quoted by: >>25770307

talk for yourself mapuche
white chilean here, we're great

>> No.25770221
File: 248 KB, 1765x1200, 1595764349209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770280

>> No.25770223

Right you are, Ken.

>> No.25770225

うるせい ぺたん

>> No.25770227

im trying

>> No.25770228


>> No.25770232 [DELETED] 

damn rushia is so tight when she's asleep and unconscious

>> No.25770233

Sounds like roommate shit

>> No.25770234
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1595734973005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770235

Wait Towa's roommate was streaming earlier? Was there any interesting information?

>> No.25770238
Quoted by: >>25770359

Are you a brainlet or something? Getting new subs faster is completely different to getting more total subs. It means Aki is so boring that she gets beaten quickly by a new gen. The non-boring holos still maintain a lead without getting btfo in a week.

>> No.25770237

I will lie that actually I translated that clip

>> No.25770239
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1592085311561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25770241

Literally made for SEX

>> No.25770243
Quoted by: >>25770433

Can we support our boy next? Only 300 subs to go https://www.youtube.com/user/tanigox

>> No.25770244

Please be bait

>> No.25770245
File: 1.59 MB, 3249x4096, holos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many viewers you think will Mikoti have on her stream when she will come back? Must be 100K minimum.

>> No.25770246
Quoted by: >>25770260


>> No.25770247
Quoted by: >>25770289

Could be a fun watchalong some day. Though it seems like she's already watched the movie. Also we were this close to watch BR 2049 with her that one time...

>> No.25770248

Marine. Seems like a fake bitch who only wants to fulfill her sexual desires. She also despises men. I don't give a single fuck about her womb, huge ass or boobs

>> No.25770249
Quoted by: >>25770285

Coco would lose like 90% of her sex appeal if her fat didn't go to the right places

>> No.25770250
Quoted by: >>25770270

She likes sleeping.

>> No.25770251

tier 3 member only stream, sorry poorbro

>> No.25770254

Why is the thread so calm right now?

>> No.25770253

Towafags make me hate her.

>> No.25770255
File: 662 KB, 612x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770294

damn rushia is so tight when she's asleep and unconscious

>> No.25770257

Unironically, literally nothing at all.

>> No.25770259

It's dinner time

>> No.25770260


>> No.25770261

She has many male friends!

>> No.25770262

spammers got range banned

>> No.25770263
Quoted by: >>25770282

>No stream
>No big event
>No drama

>> No.25770264

must be exhausting, hating someone for reasons you entirely invented in your own head

>> No.25770267

Lamy woke up

>> No.25770268
Quoted by: >>25770277

/hlg/ is sleeping with Towa and no one wants to wake her up.

>> No.25770270
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1596294539386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I still remember Choco's twitcast where she fell asleep and you could hear her breath

>> No.25770271

>he's never listened to a Towa roommate stream
It's nice. She's always laying in bed and talking about her feelings. It's like she's your girlfriend and you can put your phone on your pillow and just pretend.

>> No.25770272


>> No.25770273

Where are you watching Twa?

>> No.25770274

Lamy's calming powers

>> No.25770276

car ASMR put us to sleep

>> No.25770277


>> No.25770279

Towafags are watching her member stream. Wait until it's over for the shitposting to pick up again.

>> No.25770280

i used to be laughing at gosling poster, but recently ;.;

>> No.25770282

Meant for>>25770254

>> No.25770283

Incline incoming

>> No.25770284

But I'm still here

>> No.25770285

100% USDA Prime Beef, organically grown in Atlanta, GA.

>> No.25770286

I don't think I believe it.

>> No.25770287
File: 158 KB, 1195x669, 1592409989840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770288

I don't give a single shit about the numbers. I just want her back.

>> No.25770289

>already watched it
Didn't stop Korone from doing a Jurassic Park movie night.

>> No.25770290

there was NO NEED to make a shrine maiden this sexual

>> No.25770292

She honestly seems like she says the hates men part to appear more like an asanagi character because she fingerblasts to his work too much

>> No.25770294
Quoted by: >>25770303


>> No.25770295

where did I say I hated her faggot?

>> No.25770296
File: 2.96 MB, 792x890, fbksway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770317

Marine and Fubuki on the Touhou Station August 22nd

My favorite parts from the singing segment
Gensou Holoism https://streamable.com/n72jvr
Ningen ga Daisuki na Kowareta Youkai no Uta by Marine https://streamable.com/u691yp
Gensou no Satellite by Fubuki https://streamable.com/72vuu1

>> No.25770297

This stream is making me unbelievably lonely but also very very happy for once in my life, hug me lads.

>> No.25770299
Quoted by: >>25770334

Has anyone done any full stream TLs of Korone?

>> No.25770301
Quoted by: >>25770322

How do you have girlfriend feelings for someone who regularly interacts with males to the point of yabee'ing herself on stream? Do towacucks really?

>> No.25770303

Muscles get strong by using them

>> No.25770304
Quoted by: >>25770322

Trying too hard fag, I know you're just falseflagging but I don't want the retards here to shit up her chat every time so neck yourself.

>> No.25770305


>> No.25770307

No, you aren't. And you just showed your true colors with that post. I wholeheartedly declare my hatred towards people like you, faggot

>> No.25770308
File: 65 KB, 1212x251, ARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now what?

>> No.25770309

Hopefully only her loyal fans. I don't want reddit to latch on her

>> No.25770310
Quoted by: >>25770318

I love Towa.

>> No.25770311

why would you member someone you arent subscribed to hahahahaha what a retard

>> No.25770313

Sio is tweeking her mic/monitor settings, anons like to shitpost because there is alleged evidence that she was shitposting on her phone live during one of her mahjong games.

>> No.25770314

How sensitive is Towa's deviru tail?

>> No.25770317

Awesome, so many good parts to whole thing but the karaoke parts were the best. Thanks.

>> No.25770318

I love your mom.

>> No.25770319

>anons talking to me in basic hiragana as though that's an achievement
not going to make it
do your anki reps

>> No.25770320

Reddit doesn't care about her.

>> No.25770322

So you're just gonna date a girl who literally has zero male friends?
Apologize to me right now or I am linking her twitter, nnd, and twitcast

>> No.25770323

How many viewers does towa usually get over there

>> No.25770325

I regret to inform you that watame hates spics.

>> No.25770328
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, 1595774163707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sensitive.

>> No.25770329

Fuck off spics unironically kys

>> No.25770330
File: 293 KB, 427x505, 1597821398451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAaAaaaaa...I love you Mikoti

>> No.25770331
File: 736 KB, 1283x765, 069c0f856a542f7b6dda816a44e80aba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770332

I need more Nene-Botan APEX
I can't believe I'm actually enjoying an APEX stream

>> No.25770334
Quoted by: >>25770377

I think one of her tongue twister challenge streams got translated.

>> No.25770335
File: 272 KB, 960x454, 1595839865886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770363


>> No.25770336


She shivers if you caress it.

>> No.25770339

Not very, else she wouldn't have gotten it pierced.

>> No.25770341


>> No.25770342

Anyone who isn't an incel loner knows that women who have tons of male friends that they always interact with regularly are never single for long. There's no point pining over someone who's likely to be taken. Enjoy paying for the condoms I guess.

>> No.25770343

Everyone already knows all of her profiles, most of us just aren't that retarded.

>> No.25770346

Wait, really? post source

>> No.25770348

Anon said the piercings make it more sensitive to the touch!

>> No.25770349

realistically in the neighborhood of 75-80k

it will set a record for viewership and SCs among holos for sure and the only person that will break it is kizuna ai when she signs to hololive.

>> No.25770350

>that laugh

>> No.25770354

that doesnt make sense, people get nipple/dick/clit piercings

>> No.25770356
File: 1.92 MB, 4096x2896, 1598220595487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was really fun. Gen5 should just stream more and I'll watch them

>> No.25770357
Quoted by: >>25770365

explain why clit piercings exist then

>> No.25770358


>> No.25770359
Quoted by: >>25770388


sub count isn't everything. Aki for example is more entertaining than many people with more subs.

>> No.25770361


>> No.25770362

I still haven't watch it. I really need to.

>> No.25770363
File: 76 KB, 1080x516, 1594482830863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based PPTrio

>> No.25770365
Quoted by: >>25770384

What if actually clit isn't sensitive and they're just lying

>> No.25770367

l-lamy chan ?

>> No.25770368


>> No.25770372

Do you know about To-Love-Ru? Yeah.

>> No.25770373
Quoted by: >>25770401

Who cares? There's nothing wrong with pretending she's single.

>> No.25770374
Quoted by: >>25770391


>> No.25770375
Quoted by: >>25770404


>> No.25770376
Quoted by: >>25770426

The piercings make her even more sensitive at the tip, she could literally cum from the stimulus

>> No.25770377

I just wish i could understand all her reactions to Bankazu. But I know no moonrunes.

>> No.25770378

This Lamy full-body shit is just reminding me that her legs are way too tiny. Why are her thighs thinner than her breasts?

>> No.25770379

Ears are sensitive too.

>> No.25770380

No Coco stream right now, she is sleeping or fucking kanata.

>> No.25770381
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770405

>> No.25770383

>kizuna ai when she signs to hololive
Would she really? I'd believe if one of her clones did it though.

>> No.25770384


>> No.25770387
Quoted by: >>25770400

I want Lamy to give me nursing handjobs.

>> No.25770388

That's literally just your own (unpopular) opinion. And maybe reddit's at this point.

>> No.25770390

I want Lamy and Nene to lock fangs.

>> No.25770391


>> No.25770392

WTF where are you watching Twapis sleep you fuckers?!

>> No.25770394


>> No.25770396

Watching Botan train and guide Nene was certainly satisfying, and Nene herself made some very clippable moments for a rookie.

>> No.25770397

This is so relatable, can't wait to see it again

>> No.25770399
Quoted by: >>25770460

Everybody hates spics. They are the online community that ruins every thing they put their fingers on

>> No.25770400
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770401
Quoted by: >>25770431

Only if you don't give her money. You don't actually give her money while pretending she's your single e-gf candidate, right?

>> No.25770402


>> No.25770404

Is that a

>> No.25770405

This just hit, don't the gen 5 girls all have fangs?

>> No.25770409

Can someone shit talk Nijisanji with a Luna picture? That shit always makes me laugh

>> No.25770412

She would never, her seiyuu literally blackmailed the company with quitting and making a scandal and her plan worked perfectly.

>> No.25770413

Ponka doesn't.

>> No.25770414
File: 86 KB, 965x1081, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holos are racist and homophobic?

>> No.25770415

Bros, I'm trying to watch Lamy
But I can't focus. I keep looking at Lamy's Lamys and not Lamy

>> No.25770416


>> No.25770417

lurk more

>> No.25770418

how new?

>> No.25770419

so why doesn't anyone stream in the morning hours till 6 EST?

I only see roboco in the list at 0:00

>> No.25770421
Quoted by: >>25770449

>Watch Lamy
>Watch random Japanese fortnite player with 25 viewers

>> No.25770423

AiPii for gen 6

>> No.25770424
File: 649 KB, 1078x581, D0929F10-4896-4F10-8747-D47BB0BB9C33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pull down your pants
>They give you this look
What do?

>> No.25770425


>> No.25770426
Quoted by: >>25770463

Can females cum from stimuling their earlobes?

>> No.25770427

Is this a falseflag? Do you unironically think she's one of the most popular and well earning holos or something?

>> No.25770428

Polka doesn't.

>> No.25770429


>> No.25770431

I send her pretend money and pretend gifts

>> No.25770432

She is sleeping in bed next to me and I am trying to measure her finger for a ring.

>> No.25770433

>proper desktop and monitor in front of him
>still hunches over a macbook

>> No.25770434


>> No.25770436
Quoted by: >>25770447

I will gladly and proudly pay for my oshi's condoms.

>> No.25770437

immediately cum and start farting

>> No.25770439

Why would Kizuna Ai come to Hololive? She's a multiple entity nowadays, her original VA is doing her own shit right now

>> No.25770441

Polka doesn't. Which is ironic since she's a fox

>> No.25770445

Why should I care what some damn southie thinks of my union dong?

>> No.25770446

Most people don't know that when she said ogey rrat, she meant okay jew.

>> No.25770448

tier 3 member in nnd poorbro

>> No.25770447

Based towabro.

>> No.25770449

I'm watching my beautiful daughter Alice

>> No.25770451
File: 696 KB, 4096x2599, PPT....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them so goddamn much...

>> No.25770452
Quoted by: >>25770471

Your favourite holo
what would you do if your holo ogey ed another rrat

>> No.25770453
File: 23 KB, 720x391, Hf518hz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770541


>> No.25770454

>fennec fox
>doesn't have fangs
>but Nene does
this is so ass backwards.

>> No.25770456
File: 770 KB, 827x1169, 83952127_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25770458

Tell them they should stop looking at so much porn because i'm fucking average fuck you

>> No.25770459


>> No.25770460

Hmmmm. Maybe I could translate some of my least favourite holo's clips to spanish and watch the fireworks.

>> No.25770461
File: 62 KB, 640x758, rp9q7lrcrej51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a girl in hololive who conceals her power level harder

>> No.25770462
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 8d5b0439dfcc2db43e0faac3015bc7ac9917f8a0_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people don't know

>> No.25770463

Yes, it's an extremely erogenous zone

>> No.25770465

Nene is chinese.

>> No.25770471


>> No.25770475
Quoted by: >>25770516

>06/17/2020 @ 4:06 pm UTC (70 days ago)
What happens first? Miko comes back? Or n*gposter finds some new material?

>> No.25770477
Quoted by: >>25770493

>Tfw watching Lamy's morning zatsudan have become my everyday morning routine

>> No.25770478


>> No.25770481
File: 3.21 MB, 1920x2144, There&#039;s three more pannels to do below this one, what the fuck am I doing with my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25771369

So let's say Coco is being interviewed by two reporters while she's commiting war crimes, who should the two chuubas interviewing her be?

>> No.25770480
Quoted by: >>25770494

what if actually nene is a fox too and she hides her ears on those white things

>> No.25770482
Quoted by: >>25770563

Slap them and call them whores

>> No.25770483
File: 699 KB, 694x643, mommy draws her horny dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770489

I love these stupid little doodles so much. They're very cute.

>> No.25770484
Quoted by: >>25770492

Peko sure as hell isn't the latter considering she's surrounded by homos on all sides.

>> No.25770485
File: 945 KB, 2792x4096, Ef_2WgWUYAMCZ7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her name again?

>> No.25770486

I haven't seen a good sexual fantasy post since the Fubuki shota one
Where are all my porn writers?

>> No.25770488
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>finally got that job teaching english in japan
>waiting for your taxi outside the airport
>"Hey! Hey man!"
>turn around
>see this

what do

>> No.25770489
Quoted by: >>25770512

Calling Lamy a cute doodle is kind of rude.

>> No.25770490

There goes the ambulance carrying Miko to the hospital!

>> No.25770491

>It's funny how Luna fanarts look better than the Live2d.

>> No.25770492
File: 67 KB, 297x209, 1598219079034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770493

Bro you weren't supposed to actually fall for the Lamy meme...

>> No.25770494

where's the tail tho bro?

>> No.25770496
Quoted by: >>25770538

Was supposed to be funnier than Pekora but ended up being more boring than Mel in a collab.

>> No.25770497


>> No.25770499

Nijichads are angry and disliking the stream in mass lamy...

>> No.25770500


>> No.25770501

my wife

>> No.25770502

immediately cum

>> No.25770503
Quoted by: >>25770529

Scream, I'm afraid of ghosts.

>> No.25770505

She actually has small ones that can't be seen on stream due to the resolution. I know because I've felt them on my dick

>> No.25770509

i wake up

>> No.25770510

Polkita lo más grande

>> No.25770511
Quoted by: >>25770607

Wait, Polka has tail?>>25770494

>> No.25770512

I'd doodle that cute doodle's doodle if you know what I mean.

>> No.25770513
File: 610 KB, 1450x2048, 09b1dd393d67945c196039d53508e421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clown princess

>> No.25770516
Quoted by: >>25770666

What the hell is that anon?

>> No.25770518

Have you seen Nene's back when she streams?

>> No.25770520
File: 826 KB, 2646x3742, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_meemo__d8ca1dcb3751b2c0742a775c042b954d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25770521

Nijikeks aren't even aware that dislikes are good for the algorithm, how pathetic!

>> No.25770523


>> No.25770524

Make like an NPC and hope she decides to beat the shit out of me.

>> No.25770525

Let Susei suck the ringo juice out of my pp while Coco licks my nuts then they both share it with a kissu!

>> No.25770526


>> No.25770527
File: 36 KB, 423x125, DING DING DING DING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mi amore

>> No.25770529
File: 248 KB, 675x520, laughingbea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770530
File: 235 KB, 2048x1205, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_foxxarius__8ef3a74baa8a8abc2a87a4f822a38dbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you be willing to pay for this old lady's back surgery?

>> No.25770532


>> No.25770533

How hard is it to get started as a vtuber? Like do you need to know how to draw and stuff? I just wonder how indies do it.

>> No.25770534

I'm not a big Towa fan but that coochie makes me feel funny

>> No.25770537
File: 517 KB, 3840x2160, Ee8GDpVVoAA1jjR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770580


>> No.25770538
File: 130 KB, 781x989, xyebo9duh6j51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we watching the same collabs?

>> No.25770540


>> No.25770541



>> No.25770543

>25 dislikes

>> No.25770544
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, Ee3dIrSUMAgIJvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770551

She's been unveiling it too much lately. But at least I now understand why she has to hide it in the first place.

>> No.25770545

Slap Coco and fuck Suisei

>> No.25770546

I'm unironically in love with both Marine and her roommate and want to mating press them both

>> No.25770547


>> No.25770548

Be Japanese and have a scandal where you apologize to your nip fans to get that western fan welfare

>> No.25770549

>How hard is it to get started as a vtuber?
For starters, you need an avatar, a decent rig, a list of things to do, and some semblance of a personality.

>> No.25770551
Quoted by: >>25770730

Link me some really loud shubas

>> No.25770552
Quoted by: >>25770569

did lamy say her asmr was member stream only or what?

>> No.25770553
File: 1.19 MB, 1274x716, KAO DEKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just a test post, don't mind it

>> No.25770554

If you're so retarded that you ask in the hololive thread instead of the general vtuber thread then you're never going to make it.

>> No.25770556

Niji only have 25 fans and the rest are bots

>> No.25770558

And in fairness it's working wonders.

>> No.25770559

Cute girl. Able to hold attention somehow/avoid dead air. Be fucking aware that people want to fuck you raw and cater NOT WORK AGAINST IT.

>> No.25770560

If you don't do any of the technical stuff yourself, you better be prepared to pay a decent amount in getting it commissioned.

>> No.25770561

Don't be rude, that's the entirety of the nijifags

>> No.25770563


>> No.25770566
Quoted by: >>25770758

If Lamy was an indie she would never make it

>> No.25770568
Quoted by: >>25770583

i got here by writing 4chan.org/jp

>> No.25770569

Didn't she say her ASMR mic hasn't come in yet?

>> No.25770570

I feel like Noel's cuteness gets overlooked because of her breasts. She's easily the cutest Holo.

>> No.25770572


>> No.25770573

I'd rather attend to her "back" personally myself

>> No.25770574
File: 84 KB, 476x664, 1598285125413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770606


>> No.25770575


>> No.25770580

I want to pork polka until she honks.

>> No.25770581

does japan have something like these listen to live calls?

>> No.25770582

Noel's model looks like shit

>> No.25770583
File: 151 KB, 1582x1208, 1582152277669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't bypass the redirect? You can't join the cool boys club then

>> No.25770584
File: 36 KB, 297x378, 1586647495582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770647

>> No.25770586
Quoted by: >>25770602

I really don't like the way her 2D mouth looks. It's just weird.

>> No.25770591
File: 244 KB, 499x667, 1583030792157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat nene aru

>> No.25770593
File: 26 KB, 514x346, 1568982915073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770613

>> No.25770594

i find big tits disgusting

>> No.25770595
File: 233 KB, 463x402, 1596417189230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Roberu's morning stream in 15 minutes


>> No.25770597

i feel like Noel gets pigeonholed into being sexualized because of the tits roommate doesnt help but she's a got a lot more to offer, and frankly on the holo scale she's very low in actual lewdness

>> No.25770600

Is Lamy the best in gen 5 when it comes to making use of her Live2D at the moment?

>> No.25770602

>not liking the chestnut mouth
that's like the best part

>> No.25770604

do you have that pic of watame with that face? i lost it

>> No.25770605

erebun monthsu

>> No.25770606

Luna broke her baby neck

>> No.25770607

Anonchama... even her fanarts all drew her with her tail.

>> No.25770610

I find her boring most of the time.

>> No.25770611

what happens if marine and noel are in the same room?

>> No.25770613
File: 25 KB, 514x346, 1597399109898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770614
Quoted by: >>25770656


>> No.25770615


>> No.25770617
Quoted by: >>25770642

Oh, gay

>> No.25770619
Quoted by: >>25770662

literally impossible

>> No.25770620

Flare appears and Marine gets third wheel'd

>> No.25770621

She has really cute mannerism that are backed by the fact that she's very nice, her design tends to act like a filter

>> No.25770626 [DELETED] 

Do you guys use tissue, toilet paper, or a rag to wipe up your cum?

>> No.25770627

>I feel like Noel's cuteness gets overlooked because of her breasts.
>She's easily the cutest Holo.
Nah, that's subjective.

>> No.25770628


>> No.25770629 [SPOILER] 
File: 359 KB, 645x505, 1598489504092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770631
Quoted by: >>25770653


>> No.25770634

based lamy supporting aloe with her drawing

>> No.25770637

Botan has the higher smug face rate but overall Lamy is the best yeah.

>> No.25770638
File: 24 KB, 949x771, teachingtheretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770640
Quoted by: >>25770761

Post THAT webm.

>> No.25770642

no, lolicon

>> No.25770643

Hers is certainly the most well made of the five

>> No.25770647

>12 images early

>> No.25770650

Just did my reps while my wife slept.
Have YOU done your reps, Anon?

>> No.25770652
File: 6 KB, 316x61, 1598471356901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25770651

paying someone few hundred $ for proper live2d rig. dont even think of trying to do it yourself(unless you know how to).
I tried.

>> No.25770653


>> No.25770654
File: 1.23 MB, 792x886, 1592317244124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she cant act pure anymore so she can't be the next towa
wtf is she gonna do?

>> No.25770656


>> No.25770657

I think so. In the last collab she was always looking left when talking to or listening to Botan speak

>> No.25770660
Quoted by: >>25770674

>Matsuri, Luna, Towa, Mel, and Rushia's roommates are all wearing fake nails again...

>> No.25770659

The perpetually horny meets the Naturally lewd
so nothing, past maybe some groping, oddly enough marine wants to those two to fuck more than anyone else

>> No.25770662
Quoted by: >>25770757

it doesn't even feel like she's clearing her throat

>> No.25770663


>> No.25770664
Quoted by: >>25770677

is ogey the funniest thing in hlg?

>> No.25770666

When you save images from 4chan you get file named with the UNIX timestamp of the date and time the image was uploaded.
When you repost without renaming the file, that original UNIX timestamp shows up as the filename each and every time.
You can use this to get a ballpark idea of how long someone has been trying to force memes.
For example, the n*gposter up above has been pissing away several of /hlg/'s precious images on stale memes over two months.

>> No.25770667
Quoted by: >>25770756

>there are people itt who dont nut exclusively in their onahole

>> No.25770668

Paper towels

>> No.25770670

why is this pic so good

>> No.25770671
File: 107 KB, 230x230, 1596543991792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking nate higgers

>> No.25770672

What's your dream holo merch that doesn't exist yet?

>> No.25770673
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1598472816559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can only speak englando
>trying to buy Luna artbook
>none of you anons want to help me

>> No.25770674
Quoted by: >>25770705

What does it mean

>> No.25770675

Anonchama... What do you think "HoloPro" is short for?

>> No.25770677


>> No.25770679

rased and bedpilled

>> No.25770681

onaholes for every holo

>> No.25770683

Mio's hoodie....

>> No.25770684 [DELETED] 
File: 780 KB, 898x789, 1585187419146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770743

The last image... IT'S MINE!

>> No.25770685
Quoted by: >>25770696

When will this cute debiru wake up? I need to go and do stuff dangit.

>> No.25770688

no, I always finish inside your oshi

>> No.25770689
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1597033658012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25770690

Korone and Marine figures.

>> No.25770691

So can Holos play games without permissions as long as they don't monetize that stream?

>> No.25770693

why would aqua hate herself

>> No.25770694

bitch, someone linked the booth page last thread

>> No.25770695
Quoted by: >>25770707

You mean reddit tourists (You).

>> No.25770696

Dumb debiru will hopefully wake up before class.

>> No.25770699
Quoted by: >>25770717

Big Bibi plushie

>> No.25770700

Risu is the worst hololive girl. Boring, fake and will never buy a pc

>> No.25770702

You can silence me but deep down it will always be NUTTERS

>> No.25770703


>> No.25770705
Quoted by: >>25770711

they're about to go on a "date" with some oji-san

>> No.25770704

Bro..just buy it from booth via buyee wtf

>> No.25770706

Bibi plushie

>> No.25770707

I'm tired of pretending that /hlg/ is not an echo chamber

>> No.25770708

>image board
>can't post images

>> No.25770709

Kanata nendo

>> No.25770711


>> No.25770712
Quoted by: >>25770786

yes but antis will try to say they still can't even though that's what Niji does

>> No.25770714
Quoted by: >>25770786

That's usually how the tubers would do it but now all the eyes are on them, I don't think they want to risk it.

>> No.25770715

Just finished watching both Luna collabs
>KanaLuna collab
>despite her condition Luna tries her best in physical games like bowling because she's having so much fun
>really into it, voice all over the place, shedding her character a lot due to emotions and Kanata plays perfectly into it
Was it the slow game choice? Noel created a lot of dead air which Mel just couldn't fill on her own. Luna tried really hard, I've gotta give her props for that.

>> No.25770716

Okayu hoodie

>> No.25770717
Quoted by: >>25770725

I just wanted the Bibi pillow from the 3D...

>> No.25770718

It isn't, it's multiple echo chambers at the same time.

>> No.25770719


>> No.25770720
Quoted by: >>25770753

h-how new?

>> No.25770721
File: 1.29 MB, 900x900, 1575707106591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25770743

This time for sure!

>> No.25770722

Plug-in type AsaCoco pillow
A 3D mold of Watame’s pits

>> No.25770724

figures, hats, hoodies. a lot of shit that cover could fucking do but doesn't because yagoo is retarded.

>> No.25770725

That Bibi pillow was plain as fuck, just a pillow with that Bibi emote on it, give me a plushie

>> No.25770726

Pekora plushie

>> No.25770727


>> No.25770728
Quoted by: >>25770744

Watame bobblehead
Mio hoodie
Korone nendo
Roboco slippers
Haaton plush
Figma Flare

>> No.25770729
Quoted by: >>25770746

I don't think you know what an echo chamber is, redditchama.

>> No.25770731

I love Watame so much it hurts

>> No.25770730


>> No.25770733

Watame Figures
Lamy Dakimakura

>> No.25770734

Onaholes unironically, and official lew dakimakuras

>> No.25770735

>image board
>can't post rrat

>> No.25770736

You ever been to a restaurant or food stand where they hand out those tiny glass bottles with ketchup or whatever? My life has never been the same.

>> No.25770737


>> No.25770740
Quoted by: >>25770769

>draws Nene carefully and in a cute way
>the Aloe draw was made as soon as possible to end the stream faster yesterday

>> No.25770741
Quoted by: >>25770772

I don't follow any of the homos, but I have seen a couple of Roberto's clips and I have to admit the guy is based. He's fun and entertaining and seems pretty fond of his fans. Hope he keeps getting better and maybe some day he will be followed just like the Hologirls

>> No.25770742
Quoted by: >>25770776

Mio's fucking hoodie. I've been waiting for it for months.

>> No.25770743

why are aloecucks like this?

>> No.25770744

good choices, but
>35p plush
>nousagi plush

>> No.25770745

we are stuck in a time loop
it's a little bit different

>> No.25770746

i've been here since the aqua shion neighbour clips so i'm an oldfag

>> No.25770750

35P and Nousagi plushies. An anon before came up with it and I really want those now.

>> No.25770751

Yagoo comes to your door with a horny Peko and says she's in heat because it's mating season.
How do you fix this situation?

>> No.25770752

Haaton beanbag

>> No.25770753
Quoted by: >>25770768

>image board can't post images
>how new
like clockwork

>> No.25770755

E-whores deserve to burn for burdening our princess with awkwardness.
Just because she overslept once.
I would beat each of them up if I could, my princess cannot be mistreated.

>> No.25770756

>having onahole

>> No.25770757

Neither does Kanata's kyuin-kyuin but it still is. Subaru got scolded for it but it's cute so she keeps doing it.

>> No.25770758
Quoted by: >>25770783

Let's be real, none of them would outside of polka hime who has

>> No.25770759

Kanata bowls

>> No.25770761

I love these two lesbians and her goblin friend!

>> No.25770764
Quoted by: >>25770781

large breasts < small breasts < medium sized breasts

>> No.25770766
Quoted by: >>25770789

do lunafags really?

>> No.25770767

holo nesoberi plushes

>> No.25770768

how new?

>> No.25770769

Based seiso Lamy doesn't want to spend much time on the whore of hololive.

>> No.25770772

he definitely deserves more success

>> No.25770773

make some rabbit stew

>> No.25770774

I want Luna to put Hoshikawa in the camel clutch.

>> No.25770776
Quoted by: >>25770787

What's the point if they just gonna use the cheapest material possible?

>> No.25770775
Quoted by: >>25770805

noel is a bad person

>> No.25770778

Nesoberis and an official Matsuri onahole

>> No.25770779
Quoted by: >>25770793

are you ready https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCE2yhkPRr0

>> No.25770781

Agreed, medium size is best size

>> No.25770782

Watame homegrown quality hand picked weed

>> No.25770783

Am I retarded? Pretty sure Nobu wasn't indie

>> No.25770784

mold of kanata's anus

>> No.25770786

How do I get the antis to convince Holos to play interesting games they don't have permissions for, claiming the money hungry whores from Hololive can't have a single stream without monetization...

>> No.25770787

This, shit would probably start falling apart after two weeks

>> No.25770789

No, just assume any Lunafag here is a falseflagger because there are legitimately only like 2 Lunafags. Always ask for membership to prove.

>> No.25770790

Roberu morning stream starting
get in here dads


>> No.25770792

Literally made for breeding half demons.

>> No.25770791

I'm a lunaito and this is some serious headcannon

>> No.25770793
Quoted by: >>25770832

That's not KanaTowa 3D Horror.

>> No.25770796
Quoted by: >>25770890

she is up8 which is worse than indie

>> No.25770797

What color does Marine paint her nails? I bet they’re black!

>> No.25770798

Choose one (1) holo to survive a catastrophic hurricane / typhoon with. (You may choose them for utility or entertainment value.)

>> No.25770799

Miko's oppai mousepad

>> No.25770800

you don't now what rangeban means.

>> No.25770803
Quoted by: >>25770830


>> No.25770804

roberu my ears

>> No.25770805

But she's cute...

>> No.25770806

Call her wife, Miko, and have her come over to handle it

>> No.25770807

1:1 scale reproduction of Danchou's tits

>> No.25770809
Quoted by: >>25770837

>Always ask for membership to prove.
do buycucks really? i dont give any money to them

>> No.25770811


>> No.25770813

Everyone's just gonna pick their oshi.

>> No.25770815

Noel for nourishment and repopulation

>> No.25770817

Robel jamming right now

>> No.25770819

roberu is killing pigs help pls

>> No.25770821

what the fuck roberu lmao

>> No.25770822
Quoted by: >>25770841

You posted this same shit two weeks ago. Why?

>> No.25770824
Quoted by: >>25770835

What animal is Robel trying to summon this time?

>> No.25770825

Black to red gradient

>> No.25770827

Make low key erotic ASMR is the only way

>> No.25770830


>> No.25770831
Quoted by: >>25770840

your oshi so I can NTR you

>> No.25770832
Quoted by: >>25770851

Anon, he was talking about Watame...
I love all these gen 4 3D streams, I'm so happy they're making good use of their 3D models

>> No.25770833
Quoted by: >>25770890

nah she was under upd8 which is arguably worse than being indie

>> No.25770835

that was just Pikamee laughing

>> No.25770836

Risu's bath water

>> No.25770837

Then you shouldn't be making posts about how much you love "X" Holo and how she's your oshi and all that other shit. If you don't then I'm not talking about you casual bitch

>> No.25770840

but my oshi is you, anon *chu*

>> No.25770841

>Thread is full of ritualposts
>Complains about a clone post

>> No.25770843

I really really like the getting over it streams. Jump king too. That kinda of frustrating but slow game is really fun to see in streams. What games of that kind would you like your oshis to like anons?
>Darkest Dungeon
Altought I don't even know if there is a moonrune version

>> No.25770845

Choking survival with Towa!

>> No.25770846

Noel... That's some Watame tier shit

>> No.25770847
Quoted by: >>25770856

Lunaito here, Lunaitos love the princess too much to give her a bad name so wee keep the shit for ourselves, if you see someone trashtalking others in name of the princess it's a falsefagger.

>> No.25770848
Quoted by: >>25770862

I love my oshi and i dont give money to her
suck it faggot

>> No.25770850

Sora is kind of a dork, isn't she?

>> No.25770851
Quoted by: >>25770860

I want Kanata to have one next, either with Suisei or Korone.

>> No.25770852

Poll time

>> No.25770853
Quoted by: >>25770882

Luna Katamari Reroll but muh namco permissions

>> No.25770854
Quoted by: >>25770877

What do you think is Roberu's go to rejection line when he gets confessed to?
he probably has one since he must have to deal with it often

>> No.25770856

This is the same for everyone.

>> No.25770860

Kanata is already having one on the 31st with Towa. I hope the narratives about Kanata and Watame doing a 3D Night Fever collab are true

>> No.25770861

Suisei branded apple juice

>> No.25770862
Quoted by: >>25770895

Yeah you love your oshi so much you won't even give her 5 bucks a month for extra, often personal, content. Okay.

>> No.25770864

is haato dead?

>> No.25770865

the obvious answer is Roberu since he's entertaining and a male so he would more useful than any woman in that kind of situation

>> No.25770866

>Kanata is already having one on the 31st with Towa.
I completely missed this, I'm hyped now.

>> No.25770868

why have you for suck me

>> No.25770869

It will be survival horror for KanaTowa.

>> No.25770870

except for watamefags

>> No.25770872

TowAki Factorio... I'm sure there's a non 0% chance that one day one of them plays it someday it's not impossible someone recommends it to either of them thanks to their big exposure to the EOPs...

>> No.25770874

Even Roberu is thirsting for a new valkyrie profile game.

>> No.25770875
Quoted by: >>25770905

Not Suiseifags

>> No.25770876
Quoted by: >>25770972

Based. Membership is the cheapest thing you can buy for your oshi and if you can't do that then just call yourself a casual fan.

>> No.25770877

Hello, rejected department? Ookini

>> No.25770879

i hope so haha

>> No.25770882

Permissions truly are the exponent of the problem with intelectual property nowadays. Especially in relation to youtube.

>> No.25770884

i think they just needed a moodmaker as a 4th person. it opens up more games and that person could lead conversation better. i feel like luna does better responding than initiating in conversation. someone like haachama, fubuki, matsuri, suisei, subaru, marine, or coco.

>> No.25770888

Isn't Factorio a big brain game?

>> No.25770889
Quoted by: >>25770924

kanata ace attorney onegai, fuck capcom

>> No.25770890

She was a company backed indie. She joined upd8 a few months after starting.

Also I'm surprised people still don't understand how upd8 works but they literally only managed Kizuna Ai. Everyone else who joins them uses them more like a talent agent would, for a cut of their profit. Joining gets you some exposure and help, and you can leave when you want. Omesis made a video about it just after Ai left since even Japanese people had no idea how they work

>> No.25770891

nobody cares about polls

>> No.25770894

Towa... it's 3AM and I'm working tomorrow...

>> No.25770895

>love = money
do you happen to have a vagina?

>> No.25770901

Yes, and that's what would make it great

>> No.25770902

Anno 1800 has a Japanese translation and the game is comfy enough that you can use it for a zatsudan background.

>> No.25770903


>> No.25770904

Don't worry, she will be late for class too!

>> No.25770905

you mean suiseiantis and falseflaggers

>> No.25770906


>> No.25770907
Quoted by: >>25771421


>> No.25770908

You don't need a big brain to actually play it and enjoy it, if Aki plays it she would definitely fall in love with it, and it gets really addicting because you always find ways to optimize what you build so you keep playing for 5 extra minutes to fix it, and then again, and again...

>> No.25770910

how long till coco gets so much hate from 2ch antis cover just can't afford to keep her anymore and she's forced to open her own company which kickstarts her own yakuza story?

>> No.25770913
Quoted by: >>25770916

Coco literally runs Cover.

>> No.25770915
Quoted by: >>25770922

R18 asmr

>> No.25770916

Coco about to be on the board for reddit

>> No.25770917
Quoted by: >>25770926

I read a youtube comment and curiousity got the best of me. Botan made me realize watching vtubers is just too Japanese/weeb for me. Out of the rabbit hole I go.

>> No.25770918
Quoted by: >>25771108

She doesn't really have that many JP antis, there are others who got it much much worse.

>> No.25770919

There are some big-brain ideas you can bring to fruition but even if you're retarded you can still have dozens of hours of fun figuring out has shit your factory is and reorganizing it. Plus you can turn off bugs and it's just becomes a comfy factory simulation game.
t. room temp IQ

>> No.25770922

You will pleased to know many of your favorite holos have already made this.

>> No.25770923

Imagine being her mom and hearing that regularly

>> No.25770924

I never seen this game being played, could it make for a fun stream? Isn't it pretty text based?

>> No.25770925
Quoted by: >>25771295

>Darkest Dungeon
I want to see this but I don't think many holos would invest too much time in it

>> No.25770926

>This post

>> No.25770928
Quoted by: >>25770933

I can't believe Lamy makes over $1000 (after all cuts) in 1 hour every morning. Imagine lucking into hololive and still somehow fucking it up.

>> No.25770929

Aren't just Choco and Mel?

>> No.25770930

What's the appeal of Rushia to you?

>> No.25770931

I hope someone records her waking up I need to sleep..

>> No.25770932
Quoted by: >>25770978

I checked out nobuhimes channel and now I really want to see what the clown will do for her 3d debut

>> No.25770933


>> No.25770934

Kanata's good with text based VNs since she voice acts the cast, plus she would like it due to her love for conan.

>> No.25770935
Quoted by: >>25771060

>vtuber highlight channel
>mito icon
>last 10 clips are all hololive

>translation channel
>nijisanji icon
>last 20 clips are all hololive

>> No.25770937

kanata can probably voice act

>> No.25770938
Quoted by: >>25770969

Coco has too much influence/money to be fucked with. Literal Dragon of Hololive.

>> No.25770940


>> No.25770941

Aki's ARK character is the perfect example of a chad

>> No.25770942

Coco's monthly cut from SCs alone is about what the average salaryman makes in a year. That's not even factoring in memberships or merch.

>> No.25770943

Miko too

>> No.25770945

AA series is basically a visual novel. Kanata played Dangitronpal, which is also basically a visual novel, I think, never played that franchise.

>> No.25770946

Japs in towas chat are really goslings

>> No.25770948

She mentioned she wouldn't be streaming much or at all due to exams

>> No.25770949

My oshi, of course. I'd be commited to save her life at any costs

>> No.25770951

Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect, Dead Space. Anything where the sense of presence is yabai, really. Darkest Dungeon would work for her too knowing her horrible luck and tendency to overthink everything. Lisa would work perfectly for her too.

>> No.25770952

If this were actually a thing, Coco makes Cover so much money that they'll spin up some drama on a sacrificial holo to siphon anti energy away from Coco.

>> No.25770953

Through Towa, unity.

>> No.25770957

Post your autism clips

>> No.25770958

You already did your bragging stream Coco, do you have to come here and do it too?

>> No.25770963
Quoted by: >>25770981


>> No.25770965

towafags really are annoying with her roommate off topic shit

>> No.25770966


>> No.25770968


>> No.25770967

over 1300 goslings...

>> No.25770969

muted dragon

>> No.25770970

The quintessential autism clip

>> No.25770972
Quoted by: >>25771084

How much of the membership fee actually goes to the girl? 30% like the SCs?

>> No.25770973


>> No.25770974

Wtf is this

>> No.25770978

Use the wrong model "accidentally"

>> No.25770979


>> No.25770980

I really really really really really really hate so many of you people. Why do you care what a person playing a fucking anime avatar looks like? Do you guys even anime? Do you care how the VA looks like behind the character they are playing?

>> No.25770981


>> No.25770985


>> No.25770986


>> No.25770987

I want to lie here listening to cars with towa forever.

>> No.25770988

Who here doesnt know moonrunes but watches anyway?

>> No.25770990


>> No.25770993

Is Moona getting shadowbanned? For some reason her streams dissappeared from my subscription list

>> No.25770994

Ok, I'm subbing to Flare

>> No.25770996

>Darkest Dungeon would work for her too
It did

>> No.25770998


>> No.25771000

themed onahole

>> No.25771001

Heh, Towafags sure are cute tryhards

>> No.25771005
Quoted by: >>25771049

I can't understand anything but she's cute hahaha

>> No.25771006
Quoted by: >>25771028

Lisa fucking hurts me in places I didn't even know I could feel, it made me rethink how I behave around who I like and tore whatever humanity I had hiding in the recesses to the surface. This game is suffering if you get invested
Dead space could be real fun tho.

>> No.25771007

I love my husband so much.

>> No.25771008

"oh Jesus.."

>> No.25771009


>> No.25771011
Quoted by: >>25771040


>> No.25771012

Noel and Miko

>> No.25771013
Quoted by: >>25771276

Her reactions to games and personality.

Sucks she hates black people like me though

>> No.25771016

Her roommate

>> No.25771017
Quoted by: >>25771046


>> No.25771020

Mel did R18 ASMR? brb, going into archives.

>> No.25771021

welcome to membersheep!

>> No.25771028

Imagine Korone playing Lisa. It's a mix of everything that breaks her up inside.

>> No.25771031


>> No.25771033
Quoted by: >>25771276

She hates seaniggers, which makes her based in my book

>> No.25771034

Ah, I forgot about Noel. I didn't know about Miko.

>> No.25771037

I think she's really funny

>> No.25771040

Language classes with Towa!

>> No.25771042

Considering her personality and success she's probably already asked for a better cut than 50% too.

>> No.25771043

Believe it or not the Necromancer thing

>> No.25771045

I can't believe my son is a shark.

>> No.25771046

This was great dogfags were raging "JUST LET HER PLAY"

>> No.25771048

ah, this is my cue, right?

>> No.25771049

I used college for german, oh well. Maybe Japanese later.

>> No.25771051

Cutest design and voice

>> No.25771055

I still haven't watched any of the new gen and I still don't want to.

>> No.25771058

Stop talking about Towa's roomate if you are not going to share a link aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25771060
Quoted by: >>25771076

>haachama translation channel
>haaton icon
>last 20 clips are all haachama

>> No.25771061

Shut the fuck up Coco.

>> No.25771062

How to like holostars with one simple trick

>> No.25771063


>> No.25771064

I don't really care about how they look, but I have to know. I really really really really really really have to know. And how they smell, what their real voice sounds like, which part they wash first in the bath, there's a lot that I just need to know. All the VAs I care about have public faces.

>> No.25771066

Roboco Apex, home

>> No.25771067

I like Nene and Button!

>> No.25771068


Why is Aqua NOSEDIVING so hard?

>> No.25771069

Noel and Mel are more like R15, they never really say anything explicit and just lick the mic, to stick with niconico guidelines.

>> No.25771071
Quoted by: >>25771133

i guess we should assume there is no plan for a Roberu 3D at the time, right?

>> No.25771072

I've only watched Polka because of how hard she's been spammed here.

Pretty fun, great energy, I'd like to see her do something besides Fall Guys though.

>> No.25771074

I use as background noise but I'm starting to pick up stray words now that I started doing vocab reps

>> No.25771076

Wtf are haatons retarded?

>> No.25771079

Roberu has too many viewers during his live streams, I don't want to watch him now.

>> No.25771080

Peko nousagi plushie

>> No.25771081

I know miko did but who else. Earlicking and kissing shit dont count thats r15 at most.

>> No.25771082

I am like everyone else here i only watch her when there's nothing else on

>> No.25771083

not enough eop catered clips

>> No.25771084

Normally for membership, 70% goes to the creator and 30% for YT. But in the case of Cover I don't know, perhaps they're also taking a cut like with the SCs.

>> No.25771087

Amazing actress, good with her voice, good comedic timing. On top of that she's really cute and her yandere game is top notch.

>> No.25771089
Quoted by: >>25771105

can Subaru lay eggs?

>> No.25771091
Quoted by: >>25771116

green rushia good
pink rushia bad

>> No.25771092

I think I've developed an unhealthy affection for this character bros

>> No.25771093

which holo has roast beef curtains?

>> No.25771094


>> No.25771095

I don't even watch holostars but I love this clip soo fucking much

>> No.25771097

>lol who cares if she has boyfriends and sex that's normal
also towafags:
>omg she's so cute i wish she was my gf [chair clattering]

why are you like this?

>> No.25771099

She shits on EOPs. The onion bullying clip went viral.

>> No.25771100

She hasn't streamed since her sololive. Like 4 days ago.

>> No.25771101

I love Towa.

>> No.25771102

I find her a bit endearing since she's clearly not very good at most games but she tries her best to succeed despite that.

>> No.25771103

I feel like Polka is trying way too fucking hard and is just super fake and artificial.

>> No.25771105

Subaru can lay on my eggs if you sniff my drift

>> No.25771107

She's the sexiest I don't like her but still fap to her anyway

>> No.25771108

Coco is American dragon, so is up to burger to decide whether to dig some of her dirt or not

>> No.25771110

they are cucks

>> No.25771112

barely streamed this week for a solo concert behind a paywall

>> No.25771116

green rushia good
pink rushia best

>> No.25771118

what the fuck delete this photo of me *HONK*

>> No.25771119
Quoted by: >>25771135


If I had to pick, probably Coco. I can't even begin to imagine how many white Chads she's fucked in high school and college, not to mention various promoters and industry figures at cosplay events.

>> No.25771120

I have a girlfriend too but I'd have an affair with Towa once.

>> No.25771121

i can see that

>> No.25771124
Quoted by: >>25771155

Gotta say, watching Korone, Japanese Gruntilda isn't as good as English Grunty. They changed the writing to a verbal tic and extended vowels.

>> No.25771127

Towafags are delusional
t. towafag

>> No.25771129

I don't get how Fubuki maintains her momentum.

>> No.25771131

She was there for the rise of Hololive, but she missed the peak because of her sololive practice arc. There are people here who don't even know of the maidragon shit.

>> No.25771133

I wonder if they gave him a higher sub requirement since he's gen 2 of the Holostars, I just hope they aren't going to wait for everyone from gen 1 to get their 3D first I love you Miyabi but your growth is really slow...

>> No.25771134

Arisu's voice heals my soul.

>> No.25771135
Quoted by: >>25771170

>asian girl from atlanta
umm, anon... i hate to break this to you...

>> No.25771137

it's all incel narratives. it always was

>> No.25771138

even 1 mil viewers is less than he deserves anon

>> No.25771140
Quoted by: >>25771164

Mikoti why are you RT spamming...

>> No.25771141

Hopefully she gets into a groove soon, but yeah I don't find her entertaining at the moment

>> No.25771142

No idea about runes yet but I've been getting better at the listening part

>> No.25771143

The autism is filtering people

>> No.25771144

Towa's roommate has never mentioned having a boyfriend or sex...

>> No.25771146


>> No.25771151

The 4 whores of hololive

>> No.25771152
Quoted by: >>25771167

She doesn't stop.

>> No.25771153

Reddit white knights and discord trannies.

>> No.25771154

Coco is probably up there. She willingly does slutty club girl shit during 3D and she barely keeps up any sense of decency for the japs sake.

>> No.25771155

It would probably be a pain in the ass to come up with equivalent rhymes in Japanese.

>> No.25771156
Quoted by: >>25771179


>> No.25771158

Can't help it she is perfect

>> No.25771163


>> No.25771164

Nothing else to do in bed.

>> No.25771166

FBK is a genius, see how she took advantage of Marine/Shion delay last week pushing it to even trend on twitter

>> No.25771165

This hurts...

>> No.25771167

She somehow managed to get a four hour stream out of Marine and Shion oversleeping.

>> No.25771170
Quoted by: >>25771186


I grew up in Chicago and I've literally never seen an Asian girl with a black guy in real life.

>> No.25771171
Quoted by: >>25771309

She has a dedicated fanbase and always has very consistent number of viewers no matter what. She also gets consistent amount of donations too. I rather have that than let's say fubuki who barely reels in 10k.

>> No.25771172
Quoted by: >>25771190

I see no contradiction here.

>> No.25771174

You'd have to be pretty mentally ill to think she's more likely to be single than in a relationship at this point.
>outgoing roommate
>was in a band with all males
>low stream hours
>still collabs with male friends on nnd

>> No.25771177

It's okay, I'll watch him in two devices at the same time

>> No.25771179

I'm not even a Towafag. I just think it's funny that Towa having male friends is somehow equivalent to Aloe saying she wants to fuck anything that walks to you guys.

>> No.25771180


>> No.25771182

>Your favorite holo
>Are you a cuck?

>> No.25771183
Quoted by: >>25771217

I don't really care but if you're saying that you wouldn't click on a link to their profile, than you're lying. It's just general curiosity.

>> No.25771185
Quoted by: >>25771387

The shitposting stream was 100X more interesting than the actual stream as well.

>> No.25771186

>Los Angeles
>Ungodly amounts of Haffa blasians.

>> No.25771188

She is sleeping alone, she is single.

>> No.25771191

Cute design and cute voice. I only watched her if no one is streaming or if it's an utawaku though.

>> No.25771190
Quoted by: >>25771291

Being a cuck isn't contradictory, just pathetic.

>> No.25771192

>>was in a band with all males

>> No.25771193

She's scared of dying again

>> No.25771197

Well, she did say she had hostess friends and mentioned some of their habits.

>> No.25771198
Quoted by: >>25771225


>> No.25771200

This should be Polka's theme.

>> No.25771202

You don't have to read moonrunes to understand what they're saying.

>> No.25771203


>> No.25771205
Quoted by: >>25771226

She isn't called Fubuking for nothing

>> No.25771206


>> No.25771207

And she barely got any superchats for it.

>> No.25771208

I don't really care about how ugly or cute they are but you inevitably run into it if you dig into their past and I like seeing where they come from, makes some of them more endearing.

>> No.25771209

how young?

>> No.25771211
Quoted by: >>25771300

>no one live
What to do?

>> No.25771213
Quoted by: >>25771248

Wrong. Just because she isn't anti-social doesn't mean she's outgoing. You clearly don't have much social experience and it shows.
>if she associates with males then she has a boyfriend
That's now how that works. Women with many male friends often avoid having boyfriends because they get jealous easily and cuts in with friend time. She just has close friends she hangs out with. Thats it.

>> No.25771216
Quoted by: >>25771245

She's becoming her sister

>> No.25771217

If someone posted it, i wouldn't click on it. there's been so many roommate posting and the only one i clicked was kanata because it was regarding that drama on her stuff getting stolen. And even then it's not even her irl face, just her vtuber alias.

>> No.25771220


>> No.25771221


>> No.25771224
Quoted by: >>25771273

What the fuck, Mio and Okayu are men?

>> No.25771225

Hearty chuckle

>> No.25771226

Doesn't need them when she's promotional face of the company.

>> No.25771227

I even watch zatsudons despite being 200% EOP filter.

I've started studying hiragana and katakana but this shit impossible, I need a tutor to teach me so that I can enjoy my holos more

>> No.25771228

Do you start living with your girlfriend the moment you start going out?

>> No.25771231

I've had girlfriends and sex and still I wish I had a gf now

>> No.25771232

she was also smart to keep up those videos even on her break

>> No.25771233

Holo with a gyaru gimmick when? WHEN YAGOO YOU FUCKING DUMB FUCK!?!

>> No.25771234


>> No.25771235

are those Supa's with the bacon meant to tell him to go eat breakfast lol

>> No.25771236
Quoted by: >>25771250

These hours were comfy so far, stop replying to fucking baits retards.

>> No.25771238

I can't believe Towa has sex with her male friend Mio...

>> No.25771240

I clapped.

>> No.25771242

>hiragana and katakana

>> No.25771243
File: 994 KB, 1748x1181, 1585949198981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25771323

>the tired fallacious anime seiyuu analogy again

>> No.25771245

narrative: Coco's sister is actually herself, they're funny stories that wants to be able to tell but doesn't want to admit to, so she creates the "sister" character and pins it all on her

>> No.25771247

>your favorite holo
>gender bender, feminization or body swap
All of them

>> No.25771248
Quoted by: >>25771270

Everything you wrote is literally the opposite of reality. I will just assume you purposely don't follow her roommate so as to not break your delusions.

>> No.25771249

How long did it take for the 5th gen to go from audition to debut?

>> No.25771250


>> No.25771251

Do voccab reps, it takes time and I still only understand 5% - 10% of whats going but you will make progress.

>> No.25771252

She a fat whore

>> No.25771254
Quoted by: >>25771288

I’m kenzoku and I’m a proud cuck, fuck your opinion I don’t care.

>> No.25771256

Been reading past threads. Do people like to forget Aqua was part of an idol-ish group along with Mea or are they literally newfags?

>> No.25771258


>> No.25771260
Quoted by: >>25771265

Goodnight towabros, going to sleep with towa noises...

>> No.25771261
Quoted by: >>25771268


>> No.25771262
Quoted by: >>25771281

I cheated on my ex twice

>> No.25771264

5th didn't audition, at least there was no public announcement like 3rd gen.

>> No.25771265
Quoted by: >>25771313

Sleeping with Towa...

>> No.25771266
Quoted by: >>25771374

>reading past threads
what the actual fuck

>> No.25771267

>which holo has roast beef curtains?
Flare's must be super dark at least, can't speak to how they hang.
Wait, we were talking about holos right?

>> No.25771268


>> No.25771269
Quoted by: >>25771294

polka is a tryhard, but I don't think she's faking it, it's just her humor is LOL I'M SO RANDOM stuff

>> No.25771270
Quoted by: >>25771332

I do, I follow her on twitter but you clearly don't. Do you even know Japanese? Be honest.

>> No.25771273
Quoted by: >>25771296

That karaoke gathering of NND streamers weren't her band you dolts, you know that there are pics of her on stage with her bandmates, all males except her.

>> No.25771274

This place gets newfags every week. It's a revolving door.

>> No.25771276
Quoted by: >>25771297

>Rushia hates black people
Wait, what?

>> No.25771277


>> No.25771278

Gen5 auditions were still going in June. Source: Kanata.

>> No.25771279

What she looks like isn't important, but if she's ad libbing it and I'm really liking her role, I sure want to know who she is so I cana watch more of her.

>> No.25771281

Holy based.

>> No.25771282

when last time aqua collab with mea

>> No.25771284

Her anger outburst are top class among all the holos.
I also have a weak spot for both yandere archetypes and necromancer charas, so I might be biased

>> No.25771287

Is Towa sleeping while streaming? Where?

>> No.25771288

Then post your membership.

>> No.25771290
Quoted by: >>25771349

I'm going to assume they auditioned around february seeing as Aloe was already trying her L2D in march

>> No.25771291

I bet ive had sex more times than you. I bet towa fags in general get more ass. But sure me cuck.

>> No.25771294

Give her 1 or 2 months and she will start dropping the act

>> No.25771295
Quoted by: >>25771314

Rename characters as other holos, instant engagement. Would work for X-com, too.

>> No.25771297

she called flare disgusting for being brown

>> No.25771296
Quoted by: >>25771347

You're really obsessed with her and her friends, cuck-kun. It's not healthy.

>> No.25771298

In your imagination

>> No.25771300

robert and larry are live

>> No.25771303
Quoted by: >>25771352

_________Lurk more________

>> No.25771306

Calling someone a slut because they are in a band with male friends seems like a stretch

>> No.25771309

The rabbit and the dog both have the same thing and they're inclining like a rocket.

>> No.25771310
Quoted by: >>25771352

>he doesn't know

>> No.25771311

do towafags really?

>> No.25771313


>> No.25771314

bro you should become a manager or something

>> No.25771316

in my kokoro

>> No.25771317

Are you guys ready for the Azure Lane 2.0 arc?

>> No.25771318

Can't read shit but atleast i can understand 60% or get a gist of whatever they are saying.

>> No.25771319


>> No.25771321

You have to buy a tier 3 membership

>> No.25771322

It's Gosling hour, it's been to long with Watame being THE cult holo, so we're doing a ritual where we all imagine Towa sleeping next to us.

>> No.25771323

He's right you know...

>> No.25771325
Quoted by: >>25771361

They're still traumatized by Aya Hirano.

>> No.25771326
Quoted by: >>25771359

I have always been a creepy stalker since I feel the need to know more about people I know I will never be close with. That said, I think it's pretty disgusting to try to insert yourself in their lives (hi lyger) or insult them for being fat uglies, like 99% of this board.

>> No.25771329

Yea a local idol thing, kind of like what matsuri does

>> No.25771331
Quoted by: >>25771367

timestamp or it never happened

>> No.25771332

Yes but I'm not sure how my Japanese ability has anything to do with reading social cues. Women with many male friends are in relationships most of the time and keep male friends around as backups or attention-providers because those types of women naturally crave male attention more than normal. No amount of you pathetically trying to ad hom will change this.

>> No.25771333

I hope the drawchads here will make a canvas for Miko and Mio when they're coming back

>> No.25771334

Not even him but are you seriously trying to use the sex argument in 4chan in a thread about animated croatian xylographs?
You are either underaged or you need to neck yourself m8

>> No.25771336
Quoted by: >>25771344

Mina-*clears throat* MINAAAAAAA!

>> No.25771337

Am I a bad fan if I like multiple holo girls a lot

>> No.25771339

USADA bin laden overtaking aqua soon

>> No.25771340

>Your favorite holo
>Your HONEST thoughts about armpits

>> No.25771342
Quoted by: >>25771358

>hiragana and katakana
You don't know how bad it can actually get, anon.

>> No.25771343

If only...

>> No.25771344

hold that pitch sora

>> No.25771345

I only call her a slut for having a boyfriend that isn’t me.

>> No.25771347
Quoted by: >>25771378

I'd say purposely deluding yourself into not knowing the facts is what's unhealthy. Anon is just trying to save you from being a cuck.

>> No.25771348
Quoted by: >>25771376

>I need a tutor
>for hiragana and katakana
You're gonna need a fucking notebook. They're like ten cents. You're also gonna need a fucking pencil. Now write down all the kana fifty times each.

>> No.25771349

I wonder how much snagging Polka changed their plans for 5th gen?

>> No.25771351

I want to lick hers

>> No.25771352

>members only

>> No.25771355

No. Next question.

>> No.25771356

You're just a DD

>> No.25771358

dog on a leash

>> No.25771359

Actually agree, knowing about their life isn't creepy, it's just curiosity. But trying to interfere in it is pretty disgusting and retarded.

>> No.25771360
Quoted by: >>25771432

>Yes but I'm not sure how my Japanese ability has anything to do with reading social cues.
All I needed to know that I'm arguing with a social retard.

>> No.25771361
Quoted by: >>25771366


>> No.25771362

It's a fucking forced meme and needs to die (already dead on arrival actually). Shit isn't even funny and you aren't going to turn anyone into an actual armpit fag by via forced memes.

>> No.25771365
Quoted by: >>25771432

Hello incel

>> No.25771366
Quoted by: >>25771385

As a bassist, I'm offended

>> No.25771367
Quoted by: >>25771403


>> No.25771369

Threads almost dead, no one will see me beg again for ideas for >>25770481

>> No.25771370


>> No.25771371

I'm neutral about it, I'm a traditional T&A kind of guy.

>> No.25771373
Quoted by: >>25771432

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.25771374

Found the faggot asking to be spoonfed every thread.

>> No.25771375

Focuses on her chink/nnd audience instead of EOPs.

>> No.25771376


>> No.25771377
Quoted by: >>25771411

>Do you care how the VA looks like behind the character they are playing?
actually i do. when it's a character i really like i tend to follow on who voices them to get more of their work

>> No.25771378

But anon, you have hardcore cuck fantasies and you're trying to project them onto everyone else.

>> No.25771381
Quoted by: >>25771432


>> No.25771382

>bragging about the number of girls he's cucked for and slurped semen from their pussies

>> No.25771384

Why do armpits upset you so much bro

>> No.25771385

Towa wants to be a bassist...

>> No.25771387

the shitposting in these threads was even fun for once
>FBK cant turn off the stream because the moment she does the reality of what's happening will set in

>> No.25771390

I have a few female friends but not even one of them wanted to fuck me yet...

>> No.25771391
Quoted by: >>25771419

>forced meme
ill be honest, all the footfag shit on 4chan for so long made me kind of like certain 2d art pics of toes like that one botan one. forgive me for i have sinned...

>> No.25771393

Don't fall for the 5-strings meme, Tower...

>> No.25771395
Quoted by: >>25771432

holy fuck lmao

>> No.25771396
Quoted by: >>25771415

>Towa sleeping in to almost 11am so far, and skipping classes
truly devilish

>> No.25771398


>> No.25771399

He isn't wrong...

>> No.25771403

holy mackerel

>> No.25771404

You've clearly never met a woman who's been in a band with all male friends then. Seriously, I wouldn't try to wife one unless you're a cuck.

>> No.25771402

It's starting to become physically impossible for Roberu to not win, this place is way too powerful.

>> No.25771406

>Cocofags ignore the bait
>Towafags don't
Why are you like this

>> No.25771407

I can't believe I've been listening to 5 hours and a half of nothing but cars

>> No.25771408

the ultimate argument that towa's a virgin

>> No.25771409

>Said I hate forced memes
>"Why u hate armpits!?"
Nice reading comprehension ESL

>> No.25771410

Where do you guys come from? What happened to you guys in high school that gave you such a stupid and twisted take on female friendship with male?

>> No.25771411
Quoted by: >>25771454

That's normal, your following for their works. But people are seeing their pics and bashin them, either saying they are ugly, fat, or any sort of discrepancy. Like get the fuck outta here with that shit.

>> No.25771412

>Coco walked into another woman's apartment and tried to pass out naked on her bed

>> No.25771415

She can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.25771416

Kanata wants to learn bass to be the first bassist to fuck Towa

>> No.25771417

Did Coco ever gave any details of her "band girl" phase?

>> No.25771418

That's probably because you're a loser

>> No.25771419
Quoted by: >>25771450

You're weak minded.

>> No.25771420

i'm just waiting for towa panicking when she realizes what time it is

>> No.25771421
Quoted by: >>25771430


>> No.25771422

I didn't have an armpit fetish until I came her

>> No.25771424
Quoted by: >>25771447

My highschool and college days, the class is 1/4th boys, 3/4th girls and not one fucked me

>> No.25771426

There's a reason why towafags have proven themselves time and time again to be the dumbest fanbase on this thread.

>> No.25771427

pretty common tactic really

>> No.25771428

All the girls who only has male friends in high school were whores with boyfriends. Fuck off, faggot. Stupid whiteknight fuck.

>> No.25771429

Is there any single word that has poisoned 4chan(nel) as a whole more than cuck? I remember thinking ebin, le monkey face and kek would be our demise but I wasn't even close.

>> No.25771430


>> No.25771432
Quoted by: >>25771466

Sorry cucks but I'm unironically speaking from experience. Or maybe you're so triggered that you think I'm calling them loose sluts or something. No, I'm just saying that they are more likely to always be in a relationship or seeking one out.

>> No.25771433

I blame Reimu for making me liking it

>> No.25771434

they're fine, like feet, there's nothing wrong with appreciating them as the holistic whole package of a cute girl, but obsessively fetishizing them is cringe

>> No.25771435
Quoted by: >>25771458

Honesly I think a few of them just replying to themselves, they're cannot be that retarded. although cocofags took the bait as well in the previous thread

>> No.25771436


>> No.25771437

Is the dick cutting video still in aloes hashtag? I dont wana check

>> No.25771438

damn, I almost spit my drink at this one

>> No.25771441

Towafags are inherently whiteknights so they'll bite the bait and defend her at all costs.

>> No.25771442


>> No.25771444

Towa needs to wake up so I can go to bed

>> No.25771445

Every close female friend I had I ended up dating. I don't understand how men and women can be close friends without one developing feelings.

>> No.25771448

Big fan

>> No.25771447
Quoted by: >>25771464

did you try talking to any of them?

>> No.25771450

I think I just want an older woman dressed like an office lady to step on me, but youre probably right

>> No.25771451

Towa is a tomboy you can feel the testosterone in her voice that's why she gets along better with dudes and hot sluts like Sio

>> No.25771452
Quoted by: >>25771463

A pair of twins wanted to fuck me back in hs.
I was just to retarded to notice..

>> No.25771454

well this is 4chan and people will do that when they know they're anonymous and they know that the chuubas will likely never see it. it's just the site's culture
Reddit seems like a good place for people who don't wanna to deal with that shit so i suggest you go there or maybe even start a discord

>> No.25771455

The focus exclusively on the armpits themselves are a retarded corruption of the actual appeal of the armpits - girls with their arms raised over their heads denoting a vulnerable and/or welcoming position as well as exposing the underarms meaning pheromones are more easily being released. It's the whole gesture which is really appealing, not the localized spot.
May as well get turned on by the back of the knee, maybe.

>> No.25771457

you ugly af bro

>> No.25771459


>> No.25771460

Yes, because unlike you pathetic incels I'm not playing a girlfriend simulator and pretending anime is real, I have an appreciation for the actresses as much as the characters they play.

>> No.25771458

Insulting Coco derails the thread.

>> No.25771463


>> No.25771464

I have a lot of female friends so yeah

>> No.25771465


>> No.25771466

Oh wow lads. He's got "experience." I can't believe you're the only person in existence who has interacted with women. I really should take your words more seriously then. How did you do it?
