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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 180 KB, 1448x2048, EbmJrpPUYAETNVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25644620 No.25644620 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25644651
File: 95 KB, 619x449, ss+(2020-08-09+at+09.56.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 19 is out in case you missed it.

Don't forget to subscribe to catch her guerilla streams as well.

>> No.25644756
File: 88 KB, 960x1706, D9f1HKfU4AA8CIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25644767


>> No.25644790

is over

>> No.25644800
File: 9 KB, 160x160, flushed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if she shitposted about you

>> No.25644804
File: 71 KB, 1240x311, 1597788158234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new four heavenly kings...

>> No.25644807
File: 183 KB, 589x600, Ef87HHyVoAAVTDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25644815


>> No.25644845
Quoted by: >>25644903

Football's coming home

>> No.25644873

I like them all so whatever.

>> No.25644903

what ever happened to that forex trading vtuber

>> No.25644911
File: 327 KB, 1000x1000, ka_sea_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25644960

The kings must kiss the Queen's cute feet.

>> No.25644910


>> No.25644918
File: 56 KB, 486x1016, nimuvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the best vtuber on your native language

>> No.25644938 [DELETED] 

Reddit, Aqua, EOP magnet, Pekora.

>> No.25644941

Dead. COVID. Not because he got it but because the market was so bad he couldn’t survive anymore.

>> No.25644958

I don't think there are any "good" American streamers. If you guys have suggestions or recommends let me know.

>> No.25644960

Post more BEST OF BUTT

>> No.25644975
Quoted by: >>25644984

Gross, not /jp/.

>> No.25644984
Quoted by: >>25645475

shut up retard

>> No.25644987
Quoted by: >>25645024

all of them are either drama whores or trannies

>> No.25644989

nice try.
I'm not going to reveal my Esperanto vtubers

>> No.25645024
Quoted by: >>25667792

Only ones that come to mind is Char and Asobi Rin

>> No.25645048
File: 43 KB, 390x403, 1585240263095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25645107 [DELETED] 

I think it’s hilarious that all the indies are bending the knee to all the BR chads. No one here can do anything but seethe like they always do. Get fucked.

>> No.25645162
File: 303 KB, 1536x2048, EfGvwUcXsAAoY5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25645357

My egg!!!

>> No.25645175
Quoted by: >>25645485

In the end is all about money my dude

>> No.25645183

Support small cute indie chubas https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVPAfwJZZhLyiKwfkyB5xQ

>> No.25645357

I liked when Pika got grabbed and she yelled "NO TOUCHING"
I imagine that's what she'd say if a fan got too close to her.

>> No.25645475
Quoted by: >>25646006

He's right, faggot, even if I like the stupid shit she does.

>> No.25645485
Quoted by: >>25645714

Japanese and BR hapas are actually pretty common too. Just look at the NGNL guy. Having all these girls learn Portuguese will only exacerbate this.

>> No.25645499
File: 798 KB, 789x1157, 79896898_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, anon.

>> No.25645571

People here don't seem to understand that chuubas don't give a shit about the state of their fanbase, they don't give a shit if it is 100% japs or 100% EOPs, is all about money and numbers

>> No.25645577

Mimi Izumi Kuku Hashiba Splatoon

>> No.25645594


>> No.25645638

Unconditional love without any humanity to ruin it , what's not to like?

>> No.25645644
Quoted by: >>25645922

Unfunny and extremely normie

she also permabans from her Discord or social media anyone who even mentions other vtubers

>> No.25645647
File: 264 KB, 1450x1080, ERSpU9uU4AIKynG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Hiyoko's demon daughter?

>> No.25645714

Does it count if the majority of said monkeys have japanese parents or grandparents?
That being said, I had a very cute hafu classmate, nice ass too.

>> No.25645730

Good taste

>> No.25645803
File: 344 KB, 1449x2048, Ef78CT_UMAErU8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25650348

>> No.25645816
File: 223 KB, 2048x1536, 1545393480602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently stumbled upon one of the many pictures people took of this figure's butt.

>> No.25645851

char and purin?

>> No.25645894

I can't stand Char burping in my ear and I think Purin is Filipina?

>> No.25645922

really? what a bitch
exactly what you would expect from an argentinian

>> No.25645935
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, 1598048170_1280720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25647218


>> No.25645965
File: 33 KB, 400x400, Pwr5sTmS_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25646343

2 hours until Yuuna!

>> No.25645992

Char is literally just some alcoholic asian-american girl from Orange County
her accent gives that away and i've met way too many of those here in California

>> No.25646006 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off already. “This isn’t /jp/! That isn’t /jp/!!!!”
It’s all you idiots say. You’re wrong. Completely. They’re vtubers so it’s vtuber related. It’s part of this thread.
Why is Hoonie allowed? Is she just grandfathered in? Or do you just take anyone as long as they’re from that part of the world? Why are the other Chinese allowed? The Koreans? Indians? Indonesians?
Because they’re all vtubers. But here you are cherry picking who is and isn’t allowed because you’re a self-hating retard. Get over yourself.

>> No.25646036
Quoted by: >>25646387


>> No.25646041

Go back

>> No.25646054
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1920, 「シロとアイドル部からのクリスマスメッセージ」(_ˊᵕˋ_)੭ ੈ - jEvyJEOJ2yc-shot0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25646058
Quoted by: >>25646192

>They’re vtubers so it’s vtuber related
this the thread for Japanese vtubers. If you want to discuss international vtubers go to /aco/

>> No.25646076
Quoted by: >>25646192

Hoonie can speak japanese fluently and was shilled by several japanese vtubers like Kaguya Luna

>> No.25646079
Quoted by: >>25646192

>Why is Hoonie allowed?
Hoonie speaks Japanese and she did collabs with Usamimi

>> No.25646100
Quoted by: >>25646169

they're all cute girls
please let's be friends

>> No.25646128
File: 675 KB, 2600x2600, EfZH2E9VoAM8bL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, at least nijiholofans talk about Japanese chuuba

>> No.25646169

Not /jp/

>> No.25646168

Take to IRC, otherwise fuck off. If they speak 0 japanese they don't get to stay in the japanese otaku culture board.

>> No.25646192

Why was Earth-chan allowed? She can only speak Russian. But she was discussed very cordially and nicely. Did you not know that? You probably weren’t even here then.

>> No.25646211
File: 174 KB, 1539x2047, 1538634917975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25647245

Previous thread

>> No.25646225
Quoted by: >>25646259

>But she was discussed very cordially and nicely. Did you not know that? You probably weren’t even here then.
You weren't there as well, there was people telling the Earth-chan posters to not posting her anymore. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.25646259 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25646297

What would an ESL know? You can’t even speak English.

>> No.25646266
File: 121 KB, 1200x675, EXqRkReUwAASWwT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd impregnate Tomoshika

>> No.25646296 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25647275

>That homo jannie keeping in eye on the thread

You guys can't even agree on who can be talked about and who can't. Why don't you ask for a vtuber board that way you fags can be contained in a board with separate threads

>> No.25646297 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25646351

Neither do you. Another reason for you to leave.

>> No.25646324
File: 323 KB, 655x417, pika drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.25646343


>> No.25646351 [DELETED] 

Another shining brilliant post from an ESL.

>> No.25646353

found her just a few days ago when she popped up on the virtual youtuber rankings, thought it was a meme at first.
Maybe something good will come out of this and she'll attract all the random spics.

>> No.25646387
File: 315 KB, 690x1280, モーニングアイちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI-chan is cute up close too.
I'm looking forward to her stream, but I wonder if it'll be a long one or not.

>> No.25646400 [DELETED] 

The eternal EOP.

>> No.25646405 [DELETED] 

At least he's not an EOP shilling non japanese chubas.

>> No.25646431
File: 131 KB, 605x828, Ef8pI7qVoAE7Ek7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her laugh gross because it's fake, or cute because she's trying so hard?

>> No.25646478

You guys DID download her good morning clips right? She did them in multiple languages


You guys ARE coming to her language exchange classes right?

>> No.25646496


>> No.25646518

Both, and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.25646519

I hope so, as an spaingo speaker I'm really tired of all those faggots trying to make a vtuber say stupid shit on spanish.


>> No.25646593


>> No.25646637

OK, fuck it. I got nothing to do right now. I need to finish some stuff right quick .

I'll take some draw requests expect "quality" no holos or nijis for now. Hit me up. I'll do a couple.

Hopefully drawfaggotry is OK in this thread if not they can let me know by deleting this post or whatever

>> No.25646658


>> No.25646661

Get out comdost

>> No.25646672
Quoted by: >>25648740


>> No.25646673
Quoted by: >>25646794

Fuck no, even as a fellow argentinian I find her disgusting as fuck.

>> No.25646674
Quoted by: >>25648740

Kosaka or Akkun.

>> No.25646724
Quoted by: >>25648740

Haneru holding a knife

>> No.25646745
File: 351 KB, 2480x3508, 1595221430421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25648740

Higiri holding a controller and yelling at the screen.
I think she deserves fanart for once.

>> No.25646794

Matias, is that you?

>> No.25646809
Quoted by: >>25652722


>> No.25646875
Quoted by: >>25652722

Make Ringo's R-18 hashtag not completely barren.

>> No.25646927


>> No.25646929
File: 159 KB, 265x241, 1597260752569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25646948

Please post iyashikei tubers

>> No.25646948
File: 264 KB, 1600x1600, 1549323364448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25647053

Just finished. Congrats.

>> No.25647068
Quoted by: >>25652722


>> No.25647218

That's why I was asking. Anyone knows any further details on this?

>> No.25647245

fuck off, generalposter, nice YUAs, by the way

>> No.25647275
Quoted by: >>25647314

Why do you think there's so many videogame boards now, anon? Paving the field for /v/irtual youtubers.

>> No.25647302

No, those streams are trash, the ones she does in prime time are nice.
I do like her "oburigada", though.

>> No.25647314
Quoted by: >>25648124

You mean /vs/ - videogame streamers

>> No.25647357

I wanna punch the fucker who decided this.

>> No.25647384
Quoted by: >>25647914

Kuku, Izumi, Mimi and Hashiba just barely lost 100x Splatoon 2 match!

>> No.25647432

Moe and Ironmouse i guess
Moe is ok
Ironmouse would be great if she dropped the voice

>> No.25647577
File: 174 KB, 1074x1517, EfyPiRSUYAARij6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25647600
File: 186 KB, 1074x1517, Efy4tbeUYAAEvEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25647674

Besides dot, are all the daughters that anon have an apex addict?

>> No.25647711
Quoted by: >>25648057


>> No.25647914

But they picked up the win in a 10x match.

>> No.25648057
Quoted by: >>25648239

His character is even brown, that's fitting.

>> No.25648073

I'm probably gonna get flamed for this but

>> No.25648114

Is she even good though?

>> No.25648124

Then we'd have to share a board with twitch shit, and people bitching about how vtubers who focus on singing "aren't vidya streamers"

>> No.25648131
File: 455 KB, 800x800, Ef8m4yvUwAAUyqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25654282

>> No.25648181

Fuck off.
It's ironic weeb garbage, what do you think?

>> No.25648239
Quoted by: >>25648283

Not really, must be either a hafu or sansei and they tend to be pretty white(yellow).

>> No.25648242

That better be a woman...

>> No.25648271

What is your mental condition? Your post gets deleted every single time for a reason, why are you like this.

>> No.25648283

I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about the audience.

>> No.25648288
File: 254 KB, 425x544, 067fc2ac09284721e512b31e5c2d0527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678012

NOT YET, they still haven't pushed Luna and Akari out of top 4 and I won't like /vyt/ just cast our originals to the side like some waste, Luna even has a video tonight

>> No.25648301

For no reason really. It’s a retarded double standard. Look at all of the other foreign vtuber posts that weren’t deleted but for some reason she’s singled out.

>> No.25648322
File: 69 KB, 724x1024, ER1ukplUYAE-TQ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watage...Hiyoko's best daughter

>> No.25648333
Quoted by: >>25648392

I'm a different guy...

>> No.25648352


>> No.25648363
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, Ef7DJFSUMAAEtrD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25648986

Finally. I really like Anko and Ichika together.

>> No.25648367

She's singled out (and rightfully so) because she's particularly bad. Honestly, you should eat a ban over posting that shit.

>> No.25648375

Take your eop whore shilling somewhere else.

>> No.25648392
Quoted by: >>25648584

Then not only you're newfag, but a retard. EOP chubas stay on /aco/.

>> No.25648439
Quoted by: >>25648539

Win 98 chan

>> No.25648527
Quoted by: >>25648615

Aw, man, the BR magnets are losing numbers already, I hoped that it would attract a few elevens to be regulars, shit sucks.

>> No.25648539

She seems to be in high spirits, singing and everything.

>> No.25648584

anon asked about english streamers, i answered.
kinda? there's a lot of /b/ humor tossed around, so...

>> No.25648587
File: 75 KB, 600x886, shiro (dennou shoujo youtuber shiro) drawn by motsunuki - 5f4bbf56835f2149cf7c1e7b9bfae6a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25648619

So what's the story on Shiro? Haven't watched her since her Death Stranding streams.

>> No.25648615
Quoted by: >>25648671

Why would nips stay in an eop/esl infested chat? It's even worse if it's a small stream with very few people chatting.

>> No.25648619
Quoted by: >>25651138

She has been struggling to recover after Sio took down her company.

>> No.25648652

nyanners is good, she's getting the hang of it and developing her character, people in this website can be retarded.

>> No.25648654

watching indy 500 with thomas!

>> No.25648671

I just want 日本人 to support their dreams.

>> No.25648688

Pikamee, but as a dark souls hollow!

>> No.25648740
File: 1.31 MB, 1855x1985, vyg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I plan to do more just taking a break

>> No.25648751
File: 726 KB, 685x960, 1595137512874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25648756
Quoted by: >>25648915

this is great!
mind if i crop out the one i requested?

>> No.25648789

That's a cool Akkun.

>> No.25648814
File: 338 KB, 1396x2028, Ef8lHDlU0AMQglt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25648816

Cute Su, I approve it

>> No.25648826

Sasuga, anon.

>> No.25648843
File: 150 KB, 917x969, 1598044577661..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me ASMR or give me death!

>> No.25648880
File: 149 KB, 567x518, Ef9quC3U4AAudJh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25648891
File: 56 KB, 439x339, mig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25648996

This, but with Tsukasa as Light and Sio as L saying 私はecです

>> No.25648914

Mononobe is better after a week than I was after 3 months.

>> No.25648915

Yeah that's fine

>> No.25648942
Quoted by: >>25648999

Yuuna telling us she's retiring from her dream

>> No.25648986

They have great chemistry together. Lots of good 774 collabs lately, especially with VApArt like the Haneru Asobi Taisen collab.

>> No.25648996
Quoted by: >>25649340

Sio is Kira. She even did the potato chip thing but with shitposting on stream.

>> No.25648999
Quoted by: >>25649008

what's her dream

>> No.25649008
Quoted by: >>25649162

Paris Collection model

>> No.25649014

Nice Neru-chan

>> No.25649085
Quoted by: >>25649124


>> No.25649100

would Yuuna get mad if I call her cutie?

>> No.25649110

doubt it, she's pretty open to compliments

>> No.25649113

only one way to find out

>> No.25649124

kano is cute

>> No.25649131

dont, shes having a serious chat

>> No.25649162
Quoted by: >>25649254

I still don't understand what that means...

>> No.25649194
Quoted by: >>25649366

the fuck is going on in Yuuna's stream

>> No.25649230
File: 40 KB, 478x410, 9b20626c09407c15f2ebc38acf74f463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25652722

Sio as pic related after reading the note_PR tweet.

>> No.25649254

there's a fashion show where people show off clothing from the "Paris Collection" of outfits

A collection of outfits picked by Paris France or something

>> No.25649286

Char drinking again...

>> No.25649308

Why is Pika's next stream full of chit-chat?

>> No.25649340
Quoted by: >>25649531

She's too dumb to be Kira.
Imagine shitposting sensitive information from your home IP.

>> No.25649357
File: 2.32 MB, 2400x2400, EfseZT8UEAIHEnS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember potechi

>> No.25649366

basically foreshadowing her retirement

>> No.25649393


>> No.25649407

>30 min stream
she really is retiring soon isn't she?

>> No.25649444
Quoted by: >>25649472

Why do my daughters keep dying...

>> No.25649467
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1594841987344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surely hope not. I've just found her recently, so seeing her retire too soon is sad

>> No.25649472

Pikamee will never die!

>> No.25649483
Quoted by: >>25649505

One less annoyance in these threads.

>> No.25649497

Pikamee died the second she gave in to the filthy western garbage. 90% of her videos are of her speaking english only.

>> No.25649501
File: 1.58 MB, 1800x3200, EWhMGPmUYAIhg5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25651140


You guys got it backwards.
She's retiring from being a Paris Collection model and now focusing her time on vtubing.

>> No.25649505

now we just need Ai to die and this thread will finally be purged

>> No.25649507

Probably...she's still not monetized, she's not making that much off Fanbox, and I believe she has school on top of her part time job.

>> No.25649515

Recommend me some good small vtubers who stream horror games. I feel bad whenever I see someone stream for hours but only have a few hundreds view

>> No.25649531
Quoted by: >>25649638

So dumb, it's almost like she didn't do it...

>> No.25649537

Sorry but those pathetic youtubers belong to me since they give me all their attention. I even managed to get a Jap slut vtuber added on discord.

>> No.25649547
Quoted by: >>25649581

To be fair, she's always mixed languages. When she gets excited she tends to speak english.

>> No.25649562

Well good for you. Next stream is VOMS collab right? It'll be full JP.

>> No.25649576


>> No.25649577
Quoted by: >>25649626

what do you guys talk about?
i want to be jealous but only if you tell me what she discusses with you

>> No.25649581

I really don't want to look like a sekrit club faggot but every Pikamee stream, chat filled 90% english 5% spanish and 5% japanese will make her future as a Vtuber harsh.

>> No.25649603

The legend never die

>> No.25649605
Quoted by: >>25649692

She was sexier back in 2434 ngl

>> No.25649606

>sekrit club

>> No.25649608
Quoted by: >>25649624

She recently mentioned her subs are around 50/50 between JP and non JP. Or so someone said.

>> No.25649626

Random bullshit, bitch uses google translate to message and I don't know the fuck she's talking about.

>> No.25649624

the nips should talk more then, i remember some of the latest gta streams, that shit was almost english only. I wonder if that can affect her collabs later

>> No.25649638

Sure you didn't, Sio. Someone else got the information that only Sio and a few other people would have, and then went to her home, hacked her WiFi and posted it, all in a span of minutes.

>> No.25649657

Honestly this.

The problem is Japanese viewers don't fucking say anything. Even when some crazy shit happens like Pikamee running over a cat, the only shit you see in the JP side is a fucking あっ or 草 like seriously, get creative with your fucking language.

>> No.25649659

>will make her future as a Vtuber harsh
Why? She can just become an english vtuber.

>> No.25649670
Quoted by: >>25649701

why are you watching her when you hate eop so much

>> No.25649680
Quoted by: >>25649807

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOT7DW3cd0I potechi

>> No.25649692
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, __hikasa_tomoshika_voms_drawn_by_gyari_imagesdawn__7dd5a503a67623204ccb447bfe6c7e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree but okay

>> No.25649693

how does tomoshika get away with streaming with her boyfriend?

>> No.25649701

I don't hate it, but the amounts is retarded. I can easily see other Vtubers looking at their chats during a collab a thinking inviting Pikamee was not a good idea.

>> No.25649704
Quoted by: >>25649713

I can't be jealous if I don't know the name of the vtuber.

>> No.25649713

She has 5k subs.

>> No.25649726

After finally listening to Rene's second ASMR stream i refuse to believe she's a beginner with it like she said on her first stream.

>> No.25649727
Quoted by: >>25649742

TMSK and Anon's cat maid both do the "brother" thing and JOPs eat it up.

>> No.25649739

Kira Mimi?

>> No.25649742

Which is pretty mindblowing to me, because anyone with a sibling would realize you wouldn't want to stream with them

>> No.25649743
Quoted by: >>25649749

are you a retarded newfag because Pikamee collab a lot with many different vtubers, probably about 2 to 3 different collabs a week

>> No.25649749
Quoted by: >>25649760

yeah those collabs with 5k subs youtubers sure help her

>> No.25649757
Quoted by: >>25649901

I can't believe GYARI was held at gunpoint by Tomoshika to draw her boyfriend

>> No.25649760
Quoted by: >>25649782

VOMs also collabs with the holostars pretty often

>> No.25649782

Kaoru was their biggest consistent collab and he died.

>> No.25649784
Quoted by: >>25649796

You do know some vtubers will be happy to get a EOP fanbase and you should be worry about some of them using Pikamee to get one.

>> No.25649796
Quoted by: >>25649802

I want to use Pikamee

>> No.25649802

I want to PUNCH Pikamee

>> No.25649807

remember potechi

>> No.25649835
Quoted by: >>25649865

Am I the only one who wants to poop on Aloe?

>> No.25649842
Quoted by: >>25649856

gonna need just one more hint before the jealousy sets in

>> No.25649855
File: 2.31 MB, 390x590, happymimi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25649966

>> No.25649856

Get your own desperate jap slut, anon.

>> No.25649865
Quoted by: >>25649911

I want Aloe to beat me up and poop on me

>> No.25649898
File: 1.54 MB, 390x590, popipopipopu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25649966

>> No.25649901

I wonder how he felt about having to draw her boyfriend to keep the unicorns at bay

>> No.25649911

Aloe is already poop

>> No.25649935

i can't stop thinking about zombie. is this true love?

>> No.25649961

It's your awakening necrophilia.

>> No.25649966

For some reason only spics and hues watch her videos

>> No.25649982

same but with Ai-chan

>> No.25649993

same but with Lulu

>> No.25649997

So many guitars

>> No.25650013

If only Nao was doing her guitar streams again

>> No.25650022
Quoted by: >>25650056

She pretty much invited them in and became an icon for a BR facebook group.

>> No.25650028
Quoted by: >>25650056

>Attempting to learn Spanish and Port using English

I wonder why, my dude

>> No.25650038

any bass player vtuber?

>> No.25650049

Nyako has cute english

>> No.25650056


>> No.25650057

Arisu was playing bass like 8 months ago

>> No.25650060
File: 501 KB, 900x650, Ef-GD1lUEAEwUWg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25650179

Acute angle...

>> No.25650069

are you being serious

>> No.25650100
Quoted by: >>25650486


>> No.25650128
File: 2.11 MB, 390x590, twerkit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is a shame because her content is great outside of the shitty "Let's Learn Monkey speak" streams

>> No.25650132

Chiyu is inclining!

>> No.25650162
Quoted by: >>25650275

same but with Pikamee

>> No.25650179


>> No.25650216

What a slut

>> No.25650239
Quoted by: >>25650244

Imagine the lap dances...

>> No.25650244
Quoted by: >>25650292

Sadly she only services spics, anon.

>> No.25650275
File: 140 KB, 1500x1500, __amano_pikamee_voms_drawn_by_ramiigotcha__da5090b445b7b1e08940b2104d9959a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25650300

This is normal

>> No.25650292
Quoted by: >>25650322

hey, that's me!

>> No.25650300
Quoted by: >>25650318

Where's my GTA stream you fatass?

>> No.25650318
File: 102 KB, 322x236, 1596426988749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25650322
Quoted by: >>25650330

Yeah but are you cute? Do you look like Ryan Gosling?
God I fucking wish I looked just 80% like Ryan Gosling FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!

>> No.25650325

She's sloooowly getting subs. I wonder why she doesn't stream.

>> No.25650330

I look like a cyborg Ryan Gosling

>> No.25650348

>Baby face but body of a woman
I'm conflicted by Chieri

>> No.25650383

Reminder YUA is still the queen of /jp/

>> No.25650414

How can she still do this when she got only 38 views? I would be too ashamed to show myself in public

>> No.25650443
Quoted by: >>25650471

Going for almost a year and she only has 137 subs. Damn, that's sad. We could make her our personal desperate jap slut. What do you think, guys?

>> No.25650448
Quoted by: >>25650495

I don't understand the theme of VOMS.

What connects fire, magnetism, and electricity? Electricity and magnetism are two parts of the same thing and fire is a totally different thing.
You could say something like "energy" but that's so broad it would just raise even more questions.

>> No.25650471

That's soul crushing. I don't sub so I will just watch all her vids to give her some views. I like girls with deep voices like her but it's sad to see her channel like this

>> No.25650486
File: 120 KB, 591x637, Ef_ZQf6VAAAAJQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bean. I hope it won't be a short stream.

>> No.25650495

They're just P***mon, anon

>> No.25650496

i want to make her happy so i will sub.

>> No.25650503

It's about perspective.
She's got a lot of subscribers and views relative to her point of view.
Obviously she's no Pikamee or anything but she also doesn't stream for 3 hours every day.

>> No.25650520

Who are you talking about?

>> No.25650568

schizo, who are you talking to?

>> No.25650608

Pikamee is too popular now so I can't enjoy her streams (unironically).

>> No.25650631
Quoted by: >>25650658

why are you like this?

>> No.25650634
Quoted by: >>25650658

I think you might be autistic, or some vtuber hipster

>> No.25650640
Quoted by: >>25651107

She's cute and russian shitposting is based.

>> No.25650641
File: 1.74 MB, 390x590, brasilpoi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25651251

Honestly as much I dislike the BRs, seeing a Japanese girl move her hips like the shortstacks at Carnival is pretty hot

>> No.25650658

She doesn't say people's names anymore and her OHAO is too loud indicating lack of soul.

>> No.25650690
Quoted by: >>25650883

For me it''s the anons spamming low efforts posts about her for the last month or so
Same the happened to Lulu for me
Such a shame

>> No.25650806

So what happens to Aloe now? Will they quitely retire and whore her out to Yakuza to recup their loss?

>> No.25650831

She has the EOP white knight, she'll be fine.

>> No.25650869

Kohaku singing stream

>> No.25650883


same but with yuuna

>> No.25650930

Second one is not a valid reason, but based off the first reason, it's basically because she doesn't notice you anymore?
If you crave attention maybe give a smaller vtuber your time and subscribe to them.

>> No.25651107
Quoted by: >>25651211

Based on what? Vodka-balalaika?

>> No.25651119

vsonic (no promises i'll post all the streams, i only follow like 5 people involved with it)

>> No.25651120

Why retire when she can come back and make shit loads of money

>> No.25651127
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, yuuners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25651133

>> No.25651133


>> No.25651138

Damn, this person sounds like a menace.

>> No.25651140

Looks like she should be a paizuri prostitute instead

>> No.25651160

same but with anon

>> No.25651172


All she streams are horror games

>> No.25651177

I swear half of these vtubers must be reading our posts.

>> No.25651211

They work on a different wavelength than the rest of the world.

>> No.25651227
File: 569 KB, 4096x2304, Ef_mWoYUYAEtYbU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25651251

>shortstacks at Carnival
What kind of carnaval are you watching?
Good thing I donated when she still read names, she thought mine was cute.

>> No.25651273

How did Pikamee revive a School Days meme from over 10 years ago?

>> No.25651328
Quoted by: >>25651351

She's into old memes.

>> No.25651351

TMSK too, I just saw her reference Lucky Star's Lucky Channel in one of her older streams. What the actual fuck.

>> No.25651375
File: 240 KB, 1839x1839, chad akkun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a perfectly chiseled Akkun. Neru could use more murderous intent in her eyes.

>> No.25651381
Quoted by: >>25651529

I don't think the audience knows what nice boat is. Not sure how it started on her channel though.

>> No.25651386
Quoted by: >>25651436

Do you think they laughed after 7 years? Because I fucking forgot and I hate myself for it.

>> No.25651411
Quoted by: >>25651437

It literally never died.

>> No.25651436

>after 7 years
try 13

>> No.25651437

Yeah but she’s like the only one still doing it.

>> No.25651470

Has any vtuber played Divinity OS2?

>> No.25651490

You're just new

>> No.25651529

Oh I just looked it up.

>> No.25651535
Quoted by: >>25651715

It's literally one of the consistently longest running memes across the entire internet. Not just the Japanese side of it. You're retarded.

>> No.25651545


>> No.25651580


>> No.25651621

Paryi's kids still keep doing it even when they stop being Paryi's kids

>> No.25651630
Quoted by: >>25651922

Milana Lavina

>> No.25651670
Quoted by: >>25651866

https://youtu.be/4Idwv4Ioze0 the return

>> No.25651715
Quoted by: >>25651770

Not all of us grew up with 90s anime or visited /a/

>> No.25651726

Be honest with me guys, no bullshit: in addition to your favorite vtubers, how many chuubas do you watch or comment mainly on out of pity?
I will admit that it's around 3 that I do actively and like 6 that I leave a comment or leave their stream running on mute every so often.

>> No.25651770
Quoted by: >>25651843

Neither of those have to do about whats being talked about here, and I'm not going to spell it out for you since you've clearly suffered some kind of concussion.

>> No.25651802
Quoted by: >>25651917

What? Why would I waste my time watching someone out of pity? Maybe to actually check them out in the first place, but actively watching them like that? Seems like a massive waste of time to me.

>> No.25651817

God I love Pikamee

>> No.25651822

0 because i enjoy the people i watch

>> No.25651843

Sounds to me like you're just shocked to know it's not a big of a meme as you thought, and now you're coping for some reason by name calling people and pretending like it's impossible to not know some meme from a cartoon that aired decades ago.

>> No.25651866

Oh yes.

>> No.25651889
Quoted by: >>25651995

Commiemi Commiemi, what the fuck?

>> No.25651917

Because of savior complex of course

>> No.25651922
Quoted by: >>25653253

i watch >>25651630 out of pity because she genuinely has great content but is struggling so hard

>> No.25651966
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, え?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25651995

But seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.25651972
File: 352 KB, 900x731, 1597178276225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25652014


Do any other girls do more of this? Everything I find is 80% scritch scratch '''''ASMR'''' and not enough talking

>> No.25651995

soviet union theme starts playing

>> No.25652014

the answer is yes but i can't cite examples because i don't tend to watch anything like that

>> No.25652045


>> No.25652067


>> No.25652197

why do Japanese girls have the prettiest hands

>> No.25652252
File: 72 KB, 358x420, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's pretty cool

>> No.25652323

anyone got any weird vtuber to watch, and i mean really weird ones

>> No.25652352

Korone go yubi yubi haha

>> No.25652409


>> No.25652490
File: 3.44 MB, 2400x2400, __amano_pikamee_jitomi_monoe_and_hikasa_tomoshika_voms_drawn_by_traveler_artbbt__0afb2d8f852bd1ffbd6aebab5b78effd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25652535

VOMS marathon starting soon

>> No.25652506


>> No.25652509


>> No.25652521

For some reason I find vTrannies more off-putting than real ones.

>> No.25652535
Quoted by: >>25652899

Will Pika say things in English to make things awkward?

>> No.25652582
Quoted by: >>25652594

Lamy's voice sounds like a babiniku's.

>> No.25652590
Quoted by: >>25652737

What would happen to VOMS if Gyari got arrested for CP or molestation?

>> No.25652594

babinikus are hot

>> No.25652722
File: 1.31 MB, 1809x1914, vyg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


R18 stuff obviously I have to do separate, I'll attempt it though.

>> No.25652737
File: 685 KB, 1873x1177, Ef32WfLUMAArjhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25652851

Are you assuming PIka hasn't already been touched inappropriately by the Japanese suits?
Hafus are extremely fetishized in Japan to the point of perverse ritualistic perception towards corrupting one with pure blooded Japanese semen.

>> No.25652801


>> No.25652851
Quoted by: >>25653461

who would want to touch an ugly fat hafu

>> No.25652899
Quoted by: >>25652921

It happened! I knew it!

>> No.25652921


>> No.25652940
Quoted by: >>25653480

Neon is kill

>> No.25652941

Fumino Tamaki

>> No.25652953

Three voms is too much for my sensitive ears.

>> No.25652987

Can't wait for TMSK to rape my ears and cause permanent hearing loss.

>> No.25653049

>英語 only
Based TMSK pandering to us EOPs

>> No.25653100

Just turn the sound down

>> No.25653137

Can't believe Monoe is being left out by these two.

>> No.25653149

look a new vtuber

>> No.25653212
Quoted by: >>25653251


>> No.25653251

The next Eve?

>> No.25653253

Thanks for recommending her anon. I watch her DBD stream and she is much better than Hololive tuber. Hope she gets better. 1.5k sub at 9 months are brutal

>> No.25653374

Tomoshika coughing up something sticky

>> No.25653461

That's a whole genre on JAV

>> No.25653480


>> No.25653486

hearing them mimic English like parrots is kinda cute

>> No.25653507

The F words are flying!!

>> No.25653547
File: 273 KB, 900x900, EX5X7BCU8AcKUHg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be intimate with Monoe

>> No.25653608

why tho?

>> No.25653632

drawing lewd art of Monoe and using her official tags!!!

>> No.25653734

I really like Monoe's voice

>> No.25653742

Y'know, I kinda expected this would happen when she revealed she was a halfie. Honestly surprised it took this long, if we're speaking in relative terms.

>> No.25653756
File: 3 KB, 298x42, ss+(2020-08-21+at+10.44.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25653763
Quoted by: >>25653857

what do you mean by "this:

>> No.25653764
Quoted by: >>25653945

My dumb daughter never uses the dive jump...

>> No.25653767

What would happen?

>> No.25653786


>> No.25653857
Quoted by: >>25653893

What do you think? A gaggle of retards showing up here. It's not exactly a new thing but today's the worst I've personally seen.

>> No.25653893

Boy are you whiny

>> No.25653945
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1597858072820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25654037


>> No.25653961
Quoted by: >>25655627

https://youtu.be/HCe5FHcZn-Q summer tatamaru soon

i wonder if she's been posted at all in my absence

>> No.25654037

her brain is too busying thinking in multiple languages

>> No.25654082
Quoted by: >>25654367

Jojo fans are awful

>> No.25654155

Why vtubers cannot get to the 1m subs? Which one will be the first one?

>> No.25654179

I think Kizuna AI will be the first one

>> No.25654202

kizuna ai on both channels newfag and kaguya luna

>> No.25654207

1 million is a big number

>> No.25654216

If kizuna AI doesn't reach it first one of the Hololive girls will.

>> No.25654217

dumb holofag

>> No.25654248
Quoted by: >>25654286

Kizuna Ai is dead, let her rest in peace, and Kaguya Luna been stuck on 99X.XXX for decades, how is that even possible.

>> No.25654268

Luna managed to get 1m subs multiple times and is on her way to do it again.

>> No.25654282
Quoted by: >>25654493


>> No.25654286

Because she uploads once in a blue moon and her videos never get translated?

>> No.25654333
Quoted by: >>25654362

I'm glad that everyone in VOMS like each other

>> No.25654361

fubuki will be the first

>> No.25654362

>triple 3 for a trio of love
how fitting

>> No.25654367
Quoted by: >>25654608

I hate to use the term considering it's also an example of what I'm going to say, but normalfag culture really does ruin fucking everything that has a history. It almost makes me not want the Tsukihime remake at this point.

>> No.25654369

She's been uploading once a months but it changed to once a week lately! She's totally back boys!

>> No.25654492

they get translate now

>> No.25654493

Anon, there's been official nendo's for literal years. Siro, Fubuki, Mito, and the Cheater Cat all got theirs at around the same time if memory serves me right. It's shocking it took Aqua this long to get one but on the other hand not really because physical merch is the one thing the scene just doesn't fucking have. Which is ironic, because they probably sell more physical merch than anything that isn't one of the top 5 gacha's, but it's all posters (which admittedly recently have been very nice) and badges.

>> No.25654534
Quoted by: >>25654542

There are at least three vtuber channels with over 1million subs, although two of those are Kizuna Ai.

>> No.25654542

So there's 2.

>> No.25654608
Quoted by: >>25654664

I would say that actual normies are better than "jojofags" since they just consume shit and shut the fuck up , the annoying jojo fans are actually irony poisoned lizards that don't want to enjoy the show but they want to participate in the meme culture regardless.

>> No.25654661

no bitch

>> No.25654664

At this point I don't even know what the difference is. The term twitter memetards gets thrown around here and I think that consolidates it better than saying normalfag which nowadays just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons.

>> No.25654668

Fubuki didn't get shit it was the kings + Mito, Cheater and Tsugu
All from the Jap side of Good Smile and not the chink Shanghai side like Aqua's and probably other holos will get

>> No.25654703

And Tamaki

>> No.25654710

Yeah, I was thinking of Tsugu and memory mismatched with the actual model that Fubuki got. Still, point about figures being stupid-rare but not exactly a new thing either still stands.

>> No.25654803
File: 50 KB, 600x440, 1496202862979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would any vtubers play CK2?

>> No.25654844

Anyone have a list for all horned vtubers?

>> No.25654852
Quoted by: >>25654875

>no japanese language option

are you fucking stupid

>> No.25654868
Quoted by: >>25654908

Holy shit Pikamee is a great goalkeeper

>> No.25654875
File: 64 KB, 421x248, buli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25654881

Maybe pikamee or coco?

>> No.25654881
Quoted by: >>25654892

you gaijins keep on suggesting very boring games to stream

>> No.25654892

CK2 is very interesting.

>> No.25654908

her fat ass blocks the whole goal

>> No.25654913
File: 625 KB, 1920x1080, sengokureview3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have them play CK2 when Sengoku is just Japan CK1.5

>> No.25654914

>All from the Jap side of Good Smile and not the chink Shanghai side
What's the different between them?

>> No.25654955
Quoted by: >>25655070

Please help her to reach 1k subscribers

>> No.25655030
Quoted by: >>25655051

that was fun, who do we watch now?

>> No.25655049


>> No.25655051


>> No.25655070

rip lisa

>> No.25655096

Cat girl Shiro built for corruption doujins

>> No.25655109

this stream made me realize nobuhime was terrible at real games

>> No.25655139

for me to poop on

>> No.25655228
File: 81 KB, 800x532, 1570360182514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25655247

I want to jam my hand in there and make her puke! Bueeeeergh!!!!! Mao's steaming hot vomit running down my arm and all over my stupid face!!

>> No.25655247
Quoted by: >>25655266

this but with Gumi

>> No.25655266

Rude, and impossible! Gumi's mouth is nowhere near large enough to fit a whole human hand!!!
Please do not make Gumi puke!

>> No.25655315
Quoted by: >>25655702

>Sora Fall Guys
Now is it a dead fad?

>> No.25655393
File: 729 KB, 2504x3188, 20200822_150418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25655432

holy based

>> No.25655496


>> No.25655627

this stream is bad for my health

>> No.25655702

The new and improved Sora, getting in before fads die.

>> No.25655802

I wonder if anybody still think that "oruyanke" and "kitsune jai" were Fubuki's original ideas after the FOXBURGERKING thing.

>> No.25655848
Quoted by: >>25655929

Ew why is there a man

>> No.25655929

sorry it's me, please enjoy the TRPG while the VOMS girls are cuddling up to me

>> No.25655933

>mahjong tournament
>no Sio
Did they abandon her too

>> No.25656022


>> No.25656047
Quoted by: >>25656096

Himari in an eroge radio explaining her work as a... YouTuber.

>> No.25656096

Wrong thread

>> No.25656129

Babiniku stream in few hours.

>> No.25656345


>> No.25656346
Quoted by: >>25657050

She's still a king

>> No.25656416
Quoted by: >>25656431

Any recent drama since the Aloe and Sio stuff?

>> No.25656431

Anon, that kind of drama isn't normal and doesn't happen all the time.

>> No.25656447

this Voms stream is TeTe as FUCK

>> No.25656454
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, patyusha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25656494

>> No.25656494

Has she mentioned anything about her absence, I've missed it, probably watch it after she finishes.

>> No.25656751
Quoted by: >>25657032

the voms girls are really great as a group. I love these streams

>> No.25656814

Charlotte is surprisingly good at fps for someone that plays nothing but minecraft.

>> No.25657032

They are nice, I started to watch them because of Gyari in hope hearing more of his music but now I watch them for for their own efforts

>> No.25657050
Quoted by: >>25657067

Is this old bitch still making videos? She's deader than Kizuna AI

>> No.25657067

Nah she's just a marketing tool.

>> No.25657098

nobu polkahime is monetized now please give her money she's poor

>> No.25657138

well does this guy count?
he's a popular utaite but he also streams with a live2d avatar sometimes

>> No.25657296

Sorry I only care about Alone, I'm going to poop on her as soon as she comes back!

>> No.25657335
File: 887 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka has a message

>> No.25657386
Quoted by: >>25657449

I don't care about someone who said she wont reincarnate and do it after a few months.

>> No.25657391
File: 479 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was about money

>> No.25657433

her handwriting is hilariously bad

>> No.25657449

was very sad tho

>> No.25657461

Her most popular video only has 258 views. Damn, this hurts. How is it even possible?

>> No.25657492
Quoted by: >>25658060

To the surprise of no one after she milked the fuck out of her retirement.

>> No.25657578
Quoted by: >>25658095

so what's up now with the Sio stuff? I saw some new videos about her being ghosted by a former mahjong pro or something?

>> No.25657640
Quoted by: >>25657650

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhu0GBfJWCg chihiro tlou
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wunvV65HKg polka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uquc2NRKPY0 ebio fortnite with pros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2BQnO-QRuw ryushen fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSfwrivxpQQ hoshikawa fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zntbSAJDRxM taisa powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LiLneMvoYc choco 300k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTwExyhv7I0 nazuna singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNtQdLApPy8 kirame splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ky5kiVE69I rene botw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKMs_eHaIo4 reid apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7kR5eVl1oc hayama dead space
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvTbq_2ofmg anko fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9h8lsOD2Kg chieri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZIMdPNWY3c hal papers please
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CteEsLhSgvs rushia splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s7rVIfsPtQ yua fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJAJc6wYVSk utako fall guys

>> No.25657650
Quoted by: >>25657666

Sorry, anon. We only watch obscure desperate vtubers in here. Those are way too popular for us.

>> No.25657666
Quoted by: >>25657785

Who "we"?

>> No.25657756


>> No.25657785

The Chad army

>> No.25657922 [DELETED] 


>> No.25657938

Just saw there was another one on Hashiba's channel

>> No.25657942
Quoted by: >>25658096

Something about watching obscure vtubers with barely any views is so comfy.

>> No.25658060

Wait polka is nobuhime? Wtf

>> No.25658095


>> No.25658096
Quoted by: >>25658282

Really? I thought Shiromiya Mimi is quite popular an well-known. Unlike Kirara Mimi who was pretty obscure but not anymore since somebody posting her in this thread all the time and it's not that comfy anymore.

>> No.25658122


>> No.25658264

https://youtu.be/7yb4YmZq8lI Laki pyoko fes
https://youtu.be/5ah8VR_y6TU Altimate music live
https://youtu.be/TdPPuA8gomY Kanato vsonic
https://youtu.be/BKbdHqFFniM Patra radio (guest: Hashiba)
https://youtu.be/nRxFaqHmTUM Holmes murder mystery

>> No.25658271

What does this mean? I'm not really familiar with mahjong

>> No.25658282

Once they become famous I look for another desperate vtuber loser. I only want them to pay attention to me when I message them.

>> No.25658342
Quoted by: >>25669728

The fact that this video is going full Streisand effect after some sioshitter had the original video taken down via copyright claim is amusing in itself

>> No.25658359

I think about dasayu every day.

>> No.25658388

He breaks down that game based on what she says and does, and concludes that she's 100% ghosting

>> No.25658399
Quoted by: >>25658475

tl;dr at 12:00

>> No.25658465
Quoted by: >>25658480

You forgot to mention that the one who's commenting is a former mahjong pro.

>> No.25658470
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>> No.25658475

So he's saying she's either bad or stream sniping the others? Isn't it just a friendly match with her friends though?

>> No.25658480

Is there any mahjong player as good as Akagi irl?

>> No.25658488


>> No.25658516

You can't be good at luck games.

>> No.25658565
File: 450 KB, 1046x1814, EgAWMXHUwAAizt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25658591
File: 268 KB, 1702x2048, EgAZzQVUYAAlNG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25667282

>> No.25658598
Quoted by: >>25658700

Hipsters are no better than big companies' cock suckers

>> No.25658621
Quoted by: >>25658907

Not the only example

>> No.25658632

Kagura Nana being ponkotsu in Fall Guys

>> No.25658700
Quoted by: >>25658722

I like the corporate tubers but hipsters are right when it comes to gatekeeping. Though there isn't really anything they can do. Weebdom was already mainstream.

>> No.25658722
Quoted by: >>25658825

This is why I'll never post my hidden gems. I don't want them to become popular to get ruined by spics. They're only for me.

>> No.25658804
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to be watching /ourchuuba/ right?

>> No.25658812
Quoted by: >>25670627

It's related to two matches she had involving two pros, which he references in the beginning of the video. He then looks at another match to see if the allegation still holds true.
He concludes that it's either she doesn't know what she's talking about, or she's cheating.

>> No.25658825
Quoted by: >>25658866

>I don't want my struggling entertainers to have more mainstream access so I can feel special.

>> No.25658860

Would be interesting. Link it when it's up.

>> No.25658866

Yes. And the day they give up and stop making videos I'll move on to the next one.

>> No.25658868
File: 79 KB, 569x496, 1525222517140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25658921

Yua? yeah.

>> No.25658907
Quoted by: >>25659198

Here's a moment he mentioned. Sio comments how the man next to her raised his hands even though there was no way to see it for her unless she was watching his pov.

>> No.25658921

YUA is the queen

>> No.25658925

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgcw1J01Jrk kandacraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blLJRpuGNBo hajimecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF9lM2NNQEA uge apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyU_eJaiH8I lenri pochi offcollab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlPha2-i_E ribon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOqr4oHs1Sw kaiji holmes terazo murder mystery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cQif1etXbg noel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0_VuPqnYXE debi magicami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKbdHqFFniM patra hashiba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGeKId3uFXg keicraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvQcovvM2mE botan modern warfare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ah8VR_y6TU palette project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgX7Yw6wtPs elicraft

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX2UvszptTs kerin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNOCP9yZxUU kou
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2Rfh6-m5wo uka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7RDplTKz40 chigusa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZHU3O3lWqs omesis

>> No.25658926

Our chuubas today!

>> No.25659053
File: 942 KB, 3642x4096, EgA7tdBUYAAs8HB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25659071
Quoted by: >>25667405

I bet she moved closer to Noel.

>> No.25659076

fake gay

>> No.25659103
File: 380 KB, 1536x2048, EgAihq4U4AAm7qE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25659226

Here's your NEET.

>> No.25659116
Quoted by: >>25659168

promising new person debuting

>> No.25659168

This is worrying... she has way too many subs already.

>> No.25659198

Oh, so she said she had the stream open but theirs hands covered?

>> No.25659219

I bet it's the holofags trying to ruin her channel already.

>> No.25659222

Post the links if you dare now

>> No.25659226

She needs to become my gf.

>> No.25659255
Quoted by: >>25659282

Never saw such obviously forced yuri shit

>> No.25659269
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, Ef_ZQf6VAAAAJQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch an intelligent super A.I. try to win at Fall Guys.

>> No.25659282

Mito & Deron

>> No.25659286
Quoted by: >>25659341

why is that bad anon?
she's got backing or something?

>> No.25659339
File: 600 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25659841

>> No.25659341

I just don't want her to become too popular since she looks really cute. I fear redditor scum might take over like they did with other vtubers.

>> No.25659361

She's actually pretty competent.

>> No.25659442

Did vtubers ever play a game they like or they only play things that are popular? They're sellouts.

>> No.25659496

they play games just to promote themselves
except subaru, because she's pure and gets invested into any game she touches even trash JRPGs

>> No.25659508
File: 71 KB, 430x703, モーニングアイちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI-chan does both, mostly because she likes trying fad games too.

>> No.25659509

don't worry, they really do just have shit taste

>> No.25659520

Yeah, I mean, it's completely impossible to like something that's popular.

>> No.25659533

Chihiro loves apex, even though it's a kusoge.

>> No.25659539

There were multiple times where vtubers just randomly decided to try some game and it got popular. Not sure how it was with Fall Guys but that was the case for Project Winter.

>> No.25659549

There is the complete range from people who play every popular games, to people that play a mix, all the way to people that just play one game that they are addicted to more or less exclusively.

>> No.25659564
Quoted by: >>25659594


>> No.25659594

How many subs does she have?

>> No.25659619

Watch Akikun for Polybridge! There's Lily too who tries the Steam demos

>> No.25659631
Quoted by: >>25660697

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR_OKHUBzPc animare collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3jYVdzFsRo voms collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7-v1uBjVz0 akanecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdx0UfDlzzI hisuicraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNO_wkM-o8A aizono akina minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zklxlyX4XyQ akina pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS2vJaTGfDs mayuzumi uiha arse minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRlHVi77mgY uiha pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXssw9AwJcc ars pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV8I0Sm1DEg chaika rion minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BT4IXvOIU0 rion pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUHcXMMx7VM natsume chima minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XI4W2jzOK4 chima pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK3BW4F01Js luiscraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bof7NZYqEmY ichigo belmond minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F-D_HtumkU belmond pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYugCzUe6lU furen melissa ibrahim minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux7MC-2CipA melissa pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ft1uD-9ow ibrahim pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFDK2XCSzeI mitocraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-6K9eIuEyw deron ritsuki nui amamiya minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvAohA7We0I ritsuki pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHBTtbzAb_4 nui pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ry2JNa6oev0 amamiya pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM6QCi_fB0k toko lize ange minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWcEKleNUV0 lize pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r_1yLnqS-0 ange pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Yk-vYP9sI mahiro eli haruka levi hayase minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnTjmmJhrPw eli pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kUIMbUWPYk hayase pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfN6nrrYKts levi pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtfKb6-QVbQ haruka pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-ROQzmf_ng koo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WsLer7N2CU geromatsuri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvRBckns4nU coco ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUh37bAbhrc oneechan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmdurO7J0OY met 20k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_iplx6-fUc cononocraft

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrYe6wnJXEQ kaguranana
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZREgm8oWlBs mzm with dola and marinasu's subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyxqOFyfxwc aoi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEFbWfvJUcg ginga alice
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiUmhXHjSLs pinky
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfBu53GxMrM gorilla

>> No.25659652

https://youtu.be/2ojZuS1vNGU Frontnumber vsonic
https://youtu.be/-8qQ7nAILyw Espada mahjong
https://youtu.be/rOe6LqpqHPA Rosa radio (guests: memex)
https://youtu.be/zlrcOBWHCjg Tsukuru king of crabs

>> No.25659654

Wrong thread

>> No.25659657

This. Play CK2!

>> No.25659675


>> No.25659714

Please subscribe to my channel

>> No.25659813

That's not you

>> No.25659841

I hope the server gets more active again after this

>> No.25659863

I wish I learned japanese so I could be a vtuber.

>> No.25659881

Why put 2ch bait here?

>> No.25659886
Quoted by: >>25659945

You can still be a vtuber without knowing Japanese. Just don't expect anyone to actually watch you.

>> No.25659891

You can be my vtuber anytime, anon.

>> No.25659929

I wish I had an entertaining personality to be a vtuber...

>> No.25659945

Knowing japanese still doesn't make anyone watch you though.

>> No.25659948
Quoted by: >>25660094

As long as you're female you don't need that

>> No.25660071

Korone really likes obscure kusoge and played Apex only couple of times.

>> No.25660072

Do you really need to be entertaining to be a vtuber?
I mean, you could do nothing but bitch and whine but as long as you have some sort of avatar and character you technically count as a vtuber.

>> No.25660094

I wish I had a vagina to be a vtuber...

>> No.25660096
File: 521 KB, 496x701, Screenshot_20200822-044757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Ai-chans snooby little tight ass would fall on me

>> No.25660153
File: 1.12 MB, 796x3784, 34trewfgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this
why are there so many of them streaming the same thing

>> No.25660158
Quoted by: >>25660574

Korone is an old ugly slut and she's way too popular for me.

>> No.25660162
Quoted by: >>25660170


>> No.25660167

They're soulless slaves owned by men in suits. This is why you should only watch vtubers with less than 5k subs.

>> No.25660170

Easy (you)s.

>> No.25660187

I didn't know Ray Wakana came back, that's some good news.

>> No.25660190

>Why are so many people coming to a festival?

>> No.25660195
File: 148 KB, 1276x713, EgBcJnaVoAAY7Yq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25668125

Expected new outfits to be announced first.

>> No.25660204
Quoted by: >>25670104

Well, I think it's very difficult to play something and talk at the same time or be able to extend a conversation for more than 2 minutes. I'd like to actually have fun and interact with people.

>> No.25660267
File: 275 KB, 675x720, Screenshot_20200808-040610~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25660294

She's amazingly good at being off by one. She's the first to lose!

>> No.25660294

Like 3 times now. She's something for sure.

>> No.25660368
Quoted by: >>25660426

If you get the sum of the nijisanji viewers and the sum of the holo viewers. nijisanji has more in total.

>> No.25660379

Lito Muller

>> No.25660426

There are also people who don't watch the festival and watch dokuzuhonsha live concert instead.

>> No.25660544

Hololive would be good if the men in suits shut the fuck up and let them do whatever they wanted. Who gives a fuck about idol shit. They'll be making more money this way. Forcing them to act in a specific way makes them unfunny and boring.

>> No.25660554
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25660564
Quoted by: >>25660713

https://youtu.be/vs-y7wclXqs Till de Tail 2 years
https://youtu.be/HQ2sHHOCnzA emu silent hill simulwatch
https://youtu.be/5mNiUtRDsVc vsonic
https://youtu.be/FuadkRoddkA sakura vsonic
https://youtu.be/Gj6DBipOLlw roid
https://youtu.be/LxN8hA-xLOU atsuko/jiro
https://youtu.be/I7YJf6u4v-4 stalin visage
https://youtu.be/61RNqbwlzcs alumael nohana splatoon
https://youtu.be/pTDl55ff-Fo (nohana pov)
https://youtu.be/4NqOWuzf7uM Yamamii mk8 collab
https://youtu.be/1ohWYkDXQkc tsuyu ringfit
https://youtu.be/YQcUt_FGgNk hiyo cover

>> No.25660574
Quoted by: >>25660624

If their physical appearance bothers you, you'd better off watching 3dpd streamers on twitch.

>> No.25660624

I don't want ugly people to pretend to be cute 2D characters.

>> No.25660676
File: 237 KB, 1600x900, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is pretty impressive.


>> No.25660684

Yeah just let Korone stream all the games she wants without permission
oh wait they already do that

>> No.25660697

This was great, the video was a bit bland though. I hope she covers a new version Tori no uta.

>> No.25660711


>> No.25660713

What's your purpose of showing the minor ones? Are they the channels that you subscribe?

>> No.25660727

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laXxc2DY2TI honey strap clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_EIHzQLndY chris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0jTCLWPwcA noah apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e__LwrjH0Ug dokuzuhonsha live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k0mEDaBUgY gorilla meika inui apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK7MHPrLkOo meika pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhWzQWaKy6o inui pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0zEGX6Ud04 qpi apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ1VuW62-n8 leona singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIF4JIfQr5Q mishiro ghost train
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfEmYRtcoc8 tammy fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eck6xeVUp78 roboco 300k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jXufRyqX3Y sumire apex with pros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaTWQ9V4vmw sukoya tomoe minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aML_qlIooaU tomoe pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p30WeHUCSdc debi yorumi minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EytO3GXXmmw yorumi pov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQCEnVU_PI tomoshika

>> No.25660777
Quoted by: >>25660869

Did you just find an easy formula to make everyone funny and entertaining?

>> No.25660809
Quoted by: >>25660869

Their real personality is unfunny and boring too.
Literally twitch thots with anime avatars

>> No.25660832

>really likes obscure kusoge
Literally copies Lulu

>> No.25660869
Quoted by: >>25660891

Japs are extremely unfunny by default.

>> No.25660891


>> No.25660894

I'd say the limits and orders by the suit that you call useless is the core of their popularity, actually.

>> No.25660933
Quoted by: >>25660973

Is this the vtuber anti thread?

>> No.25660973

It's the Kizuner thread so yeah, obviously.

>> No.25660988

>The original video is copystriked by a youtube channel that made Sio's kirinuki

>> No.25661207

I guess, I have a new favorite chuuba.

>> No.25661241

Please give my wife Miyu a watch!

>> No.25661292

Yeah, but how would you know? A great number of obscure indies are just dudes with voice changer.

>> No.25661325


>> No.25661521

I thought Sio was pretty good at reading people, but then it turns out she was just ghosting.

>> No.25661577

Festival being pretty damn good except yashiro fucking almost dying.

>> No.25661683

Ever watched anime?

>> No.25661723
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25661730
Quoted by: >>25662198

I thought Sio was loved by all the Mahjong oji sans, Now she apparently might be ghosting? Fuck me.

>> No.25661752
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25661885

Yeah, and they would get into some controversy every week.

Oh wait.

>> No.25661945
Quoted by: >>25662018

Milana Lavina

>> No.25662018
Quoted by: >>25662040

She has the perfect number of subscribers for me but I didn't know she had friends. This ruins it for me.

>> No.25662040

kill yourself

>> No.25662054
Quoted by: >>25662109

You clearly don't understand vtuber.

>> No.25662109

Do I have to repeat it?
kill yourself

>> No.25662115

Woah there, did your daddy beat you up today?

>> No.25662142

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlI5YHPedBY emma tomari itou life fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmtnOeJWA5k tomari pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiuYocaSUcw itou life pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOiiNvdqIyU miyabi cooking
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBe3_Tp6CaE suisei tetris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bZ10w3MSFc hina 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VGrpc3D1qg naruse clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsDtOJo_U34 haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjtLk9KJYWI magrona vs tsumire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Xzk-Oc9hk hinano ui
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_LBa5rHLYg tenbin fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucukIt91Nxw haru singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLpvV3FmQTQ sryr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP7YclUskb8 watage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG320qVuwWg lolo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGCgPM76XZ4 akkun powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7A6wvWYEuw milk singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHqiLRNB_OE matsuri watching aqua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgZsijplSBU kanae apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD5zguWGYME aki-kun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_VjUHrr0lM anko apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJqT1ZNDqiI tetra delithe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTKJiBmZrAY ritsuki deron

>> No.25662198
Quoted by: >>25662455

Ghosting as in standing them up for dates?

>> No.25662199

Nobu Polkahime earning $22k just by reading superchats! Way better than her previous life!

>> No.25662227

The whole reason Hololive became any popular is because they appeal to the idol fan crow, it's too late to go back now.

>> No.25662239

Which holoslut is the closest to being an idol? They're all lewd whores.

>> No.25662258

Suisei I guess, but she's not a real Hololive.

>> No.25662259
Quoted by: >>25662431

well thats the main reason she jumped in

>> No.25662312
Quoted by: >>25662361

But /jp/ told me they become popular because of Azur Lane and EOPs, did /jp/ lie to me?

>> No.25662335
Quoted by: >>25662856

She's Hololive CH

>> No.25662361
Quoted by: >>25662373

E.O."P" only make up about 20% at best of all combined hololive subs

>> No.25662369

>They're all lewd whores.
Which of them has a confirmed boyfriend now then?

>> No.25662373


>> No.25662377

>she's not a real Hololive
Anon are you ok?

>> No.25662407

EOPs literally don't understand that Hololive is idolshit, they think it's all a ruse or an elaborate joke.

>> No.25662431

well you can only go so far as an Indie content wise.

>> No.25662433

They all are. Even edgy harajuku slut are idols now as long they avoid intimate talk with man and avoid talk topic that require critical thinking.

>> No.25662455

A pro mahjong player stands in for her during play while she shitposts on 5ch.

>> No.25662464


>> No.25662470
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, EgBx_aCU4AI3IzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25662502

Meanwhile Nijisanji is having a 3d live show with superchat disabled.

>> No.25662483

Watame and he's very cute.

>> No.25662502

>Nijisanji is having a 3d live show with superchat disabled.
Why the fuck would they do that?

>> No.25662527

Afraid of music getting copyrighted so they play it extra safe, unlike the idiots that can't even TM their own song.

>> No.25662538
Quoted by: >>25662758

because maybe, just maybe, singing licensed songs with monetization on is a bad fucking idea that will bite Hololive in the ass someday

>> No.25662551

She has 3 husbands!

>> No.25662554

Because you don't suck your fans dry while losing 30% to youtube, you let them buy their merch that they shilled during the live.

>> No.25662565

Coco has one night stands with a lot of men
Pekora is a mom
Korone is a grandma
Haato has a white boyfriend
Luna is a slut
Noel is a literal prostitute just like Matsuri
No need to say anything about Aloe since she's a huge slut
Subaru looks like a rat and she's too ugly to have a boyfriend

>> No.25662573

They spent around a good while advertising merch and voice packs.

>> No.25662615

Yes, shitpost from /hlg/ is something they officially disclosed and something they 100% want their fans to know.

>> No.25662643

It's gotten to the point where holofags don't understand copyright due to being blinded by holo super chat, how sad.

Hayato's wasn't disabled since he got the OK to use those songs since they fall under the JASRAC label, which ichikara managed to get a deal from. These songs however don't fall into that label so they can't switch it on, plus they're advertised their merch.

>> No.25662744
File: 93 KB, 680x383, EgBhoPJUMAYTVTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25662757

>unlike the idiots that can't even TM their own song.
I still don't understand this, how the fuck something like that even happened.

>> No.25662758
Quoted by: >>25670168

I wanna know the rules around singing copyrighted music, so you can't sing it in a monetized stream but you can sing it for a non-monetized stream that promotes merchandises you sell?

>> No.25662765

The absolute state of holosuits

>> No.25662817

>Pekora is a mom
No way. I could believe if you said Flare maybe.

>> No.25662856
Quoted by: >>25662941

Do the swiss really watch that much vtubers to have their own branch?

>> No.25662861


>> No.25662902

If she is a mom then I wanna be her son.

>> No.25662940

Yeah, she has a kid and lives with her parents.

>> No.25662941

3/4 of her superchats come from bilibili lately.

>> No.25662956

piss off back to hlg you cretin.

>> No.25662966

Damn. She looks breedable.

>> No.25662985
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25663037

>> No.25663037

Ahhh... So much fun. I loved the little peeks from hima

>> No.25663101
Quoted by: >>25663201

it's okay to start watching again

>> No.25663135
Quoted by: >>25663211

My wife doesn't even know my name

>> No.25663201

Looks like she smells bad

>> No.25663204
Quoted by: >>25687053

Hololive is on top of the stats, quick the screenshot with the comment full of disdain for Nijisanji!

>> No.25663211

Too few supachats?

>> No.25663259 [DELETED] 

new clothes for shota cat

>> No.25663281

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TkGZioC4h0 chihiro noah kinako apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zieQqRi7FrU yumeo majora's mask
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69GidK5EMw traplover 300k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3ppI7GQN38 izumi kuku overcooked
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwVjTY__Jo oneechan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZaAy7vBEKo nene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaMjXceLQzY sango
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-wnkU3P1g bell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfkNnZaL0A8 futaba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpNsMre-fHc charlotte apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15C6z95vq10 tane mario rpg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSJbqqiJiMY aqua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq-wKlJ2bUA yua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RvUGGDlAqQ moira splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLqao1dm_4w lulu yakuza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-CUVGkOPJg pandy apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt4gKD2H9sc akina fall guys

>> No.25663320
Quoted by: >>25663363

Is tamaki's tail real or a buttplug?

>> No.25663363


>> No.25663387

>Haato has a white boyfriend
Good job finding one in melbourne to be fair.

>> No.25663424

>ichigo isn't using a jpeg

>> No.25663590

Australians aren't white

>> No.25663658

This channel is better than most vtubers. Hopefully mommy makes more videos about these sluts.

>> No.25663799 [DELETED] 

>Surprised that women who are good at entertaining men don't entertain men

>> No.25663895
File: 551 KB, 752x1062, 7wdiyuki98421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they count as sluts if theyre aggressively gay?

>> No.25663901
Quoted by: >>25663948

Kizuna AI is a whore who loves getting gangbanged by foreigners.

>> No.25663948
Quoted by: >>25664079

I don't know anon, she has a strong distaste for men and has on multiple occasions molested other women on camera.

>> No.25663951

AI-chan is always by herself though.

>> No.25664023

At least Ai wasn't an ex cam whore.

>> No.25664071

She's turning into one tho.

>> No.25664079

Women love cocks, not men.

>> No.25664105
Quoted by: >>25664147

I take it you don't know about her irl account.

>> No.25664147
Quoted by: >>25664218

Her irl account has no camwhore content, she's not naked nor have a cam that only shows her neck down with a slutty cosplay.

>> No.25664195
Quoted by: >>25664378

I thought you guys' narrative was that she was truly virtual. Where did that go?

>> No.25664218
Quoted by: >>25665003

There's a male human recording her in her latest video. She's a slut.

>> No.25664318

Are there any chubas who aren't sluts?

>> No.25664345
Quoted by: >>25664368

You don't become a vtuber without sucking a few dicks.

>> No.25664368


>> No.25664373

Yes if they are just suit's onahole

>> No.25664378

She's a ctuber, her soul doesn't matter.

>> No.25664419

Is there any way to get a small chuuba out of Youtube's algorithm hell?

>> No.25664442


>> No.25664448


>> No.25664451

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h69Qnfav4AA Patra playing "accordion" guitar

>> No.25664456


>> No.25664465


>> No.25664478

Akkun is a virgin!

>> No.25664483
Quoted by: >>25670202

The only way it either to get viral and popular in a short amount of time, or pay jewtube to get her videos advertised and keep the momentum from there.

>> No.25664594
Quoted by: >>25664672

>engrish twinkle twinkle little star
oh my god

>> No.25664631

Is this the slut who did ASMR?

>> No.25664647
Quoted by: >>25664697

How new?

>> No.25664650
Quoted by: >>25664697

are you the anon whos a newfag?

>> No.25664672

Already pandering to redditors

>> No.25664697
Quoted by: >>25664783

Sluts don't deserve my views.

>> No.25664725

Longer streams help
endurances too

>> No.25664783

She doesn't want views from a newfag eop, stay in your thread.

>> No.25664918


Hayate playing SPLATOON

>> No.25665003

If it's the guy we know, she's more interested in his girlfriend.

>> No.25665113

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epr92kLWxBI saku powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF7YKnL3r5s ichika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBXrdcMfEKw meiji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rytDKpD_BA shion clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToD6nhatkec touya's birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-DFywnA0wY elicraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhCufmloH1A kanata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReNFqTPvwgo watame link's awakening
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf8-ZMkwHGY moira
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaNYl4mvjR4 aoi fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h69Qnfav4AA patra guitar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbif-25tft0 rikka home sweet home
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUAkBU7KZ8Y hajime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzPIEJN-4CU kohaku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGEy_9lFR5U wat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amIaJ9kGpPw reid 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybGEGNgTUN4 meika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7fdt8NZCCQ mel choco ark

>> No.25665148

funny seeing a w*stern vtuber where 90% of the chat is japanese viewers.

>> No.25665194
Quoted by: >>25665244

Interesting that Reid and Asuka Hina both debuted on the exact same date. They should collab.

>> No.25665217

They're just like us.

>> No.25665238
Quoted by: >>25665256

Ironically, Aloe is the only pure one here.

>> No.25665244
Quoted by: >>25665377

>Interesting that Reid and Asuka Hina both debuted on the exact same date. They should collab.
What retarded logic is this.

>> No.25665256

Aloe literally whored herself for money.

>> No.25665288
Quoted by: >>25665317

w-what about Rushia

>> No.25665297

Seems like the doxxers have taken over, is this hlg?

>> No.25665317
Quoted by: >>25665321

She did striptease videos and whored herself.

>> No.25665321


>> No.25665339

It's a good thing so people know not to watch the sluts and uggos.

>> No.25665342

Nijisanji is beating Hololive in views again so they are having another breakdown

>> No.25665352
Quoted by: >>25665532

What? Who?

>> No.25665377

I just like seeing ultra rare 絡み and any excuse is a good one

>> No.25665532

if i post it here the brazilians will invade.

>> No.25665605
Quoted by: >>25665634

It's a western vtuber anyway, BRs will find them.

>> No.25665615


>> No.25665617

hues and spics are our shock troops.

>> No.25665634

yeah but maybe it's possible to delay the inevitable just for a little while.

>> No.25665674

Good man. Forgive my schizoposting, but I sometimes think that the "Brazilians" in these chats are just autistic trolls from /jp/ using set phrases or google TL. I almost never see BRs in small channels that don't get posted here, but it's like a 100% rate for the channels that are talked about here and it's always the same shit.

>> No.25665699


>> No.25665740

Without anon disillusions. There’s chance if the channel is small and with like one year or less of activity. Those in the long run with popularity will inevitable attract males skilled in seduction, and everyone knows how that end even with the innocent kind that survived the school period hormones.

>> No.25666101
Quoted by: >>25666226

Kuku 3D!

>> No.25666226
File: 1.54 MB, 1414x2000, e9206531fb27d78d740014c3b2b79603[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing to happen in this thread since >>25662744

>> No.25666232
File: 992 KB, 2857x4096, EgBk6U8UEAAqIVa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





















>> No.25666289
File: 1.21 MB, 1240x1754, EgCau58UwAEtfe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25666399
File: 200 KB, 758x1060, EgA7tkrVoAA9Vv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25666562

>> No.25666562


>> No.25666587
File: 87 KB, 234x284, zonbko bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zombie time

>> No.25666594
Quoted by: >>25666657

is zombie the new yuuna?

>> No.25666617


>> No.25666657

Zombie loves Brazil

>> No.25666666
File: 200 KB, 420x386, Ef8P13gUMAAIS4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25666686

Think I found who you meant. There's a touhou related reason why there are many japs in her chat.

>> No.25666689

Kindergartner > Dinossaur.

>> No.25666703

It's dumb to classify chubas binary as slut/not slut. We need a scale from 0 to Aloe.

>> No.25666713

I like the design of her, Ema August and Anon Shito

>> No.25666744

I just checked her twitter and holy fuck, she's an ogre. This is why westerners shouldn't become vtubers since they're ugly as fuck.

>> No.25666752

NICE naisu.

>> No.25666773
Quoted by: >>25666970

Aloe level:
Matsuri, Noel, Aloe, Rushia and Coco

>> No.25666970
Quoted by: >>25667024

I'd be worried if Aloe wasn't at Aloe level.

>> No.25666982
Quoted by: >>25667276

Pure tier:
Monoe and Pikamee
Aloe tier:

>> No.25666988

People are ugly in general. This is why vtubers should be encouraged everywhere, so you see less ugliness.

>> No.25666999
Quoted by: >>25667023

Pure tier: chubas I like
Aloe tier: anon's favorite chubas.

>> No.25667006
File: 209 KB, 1096x1997, 1570424641751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25667023
File: 248 KB, 1700x1900, Ef7UrnPU8AMFnYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI-chan is pure.

>> No.25667024
Quoted by: >>25667121

Once she comes back she will go past the Aloe level. She will become a total cumdump.

>> No.25667039
Quoted by: >>25667074

I'm torn between you knowing how terrible women behind vtubers looks like and doing some great sarcasm or total ignorance japanese good/western bad mentality

>> No.25667055

So these guys are trending right now, and their intro video got 200k views asap, anyone knows who they are?


>> No.25667070
File: 402 KB, 1401x1857, EPc6UsDVUAcEBWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Above Aloe:

>> No.25667074
Quoted by: >>25671277

To be honest from all the jap sluts that got her face revealed most are good looking or average.

>> No.25667078

Since Sio is a cheater, do you think Tama cheated on that idolbu test

>> No.25667090

The Anal Brothers

>> No.25667118
Quoted by: >>25667171

200k views but only 455 likes and 82 comments, if this is not bots then I don’t know what is it.

>> No.25667121
File: 97 KB, 900x503, 1484791815702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will femdom her cucknights fanbase.

>> No.25667125

Babiniku and guys chubas are all pure.

>> No.25667145
Quoted by: >>25667168

What did she do to be lewder than the other sluts? Keep in mind people on the Aloe rank did things like literally whoring themselves for money.

>> No.25667168
Quoted by: >>25667216

Why do people this new and this clueless even post here?

>> No.25667171

Could be embedded on some page a lot of people go to and autoplay as advertisement or just paid advertisement.

>> No.25667216

Oh yeah, that's the dude, right? There are so many vtubers I can't remember them all. Forgive me anon, I'm an old man.

>> No.25667264
Quoted by: >>25667284

imagine 3d cock

>> No.25667276

TMSK is pure too. Pure sex.

>> No.25667282

why does she want porn of herself so much

>> No.25667284

Why Imagine? Come here and I'll give it to you, slut.

>> No.25667343

Will Mano Aloe ask for sex like she used to do?

>> No.25667405

She can't scissor the shit out of her without getting closer.

>> No.25667433

I like that new layout, I always felt like the cutout was too little AI-chan.
Also, why aren't there more chuubas that look as good as her? I only know of one other and it's her clone.

>> No.25667469

Fumino Tamaki is in 2 streams at once and neither is in her channel, why don't more vtubers do this?

>> No.25667538

Not every chuuba is blessed with a brain as big as Tamaki's.

>> No.25667553

You have to be as professional as this to be able to perform that

>> No.25667554

That is zombie's friend she always watches zombie and spams random english and romaji they have the same mama who is japanese

>> No.25667594
Quoted by: >>25667677


>> No.25667613


>> No.25667677

2 months making videos but barely has subs or viewers. So sad...

>> No.25667697
Quoted by: >>25667736

It's good for an indie

>> No.25667706
Quoted by: >>25667716

she has more views and subs in two months than some of my girls who have been doing it for almost two years

>> No.25667716
Quoted by: >>25667822

You're so lucky.

>> No.25667730
Quoted by: >>25667986

20 viewers is a lot actually, and that chat is pretty active.

>> No.25667736
Quoted by: >>25667791

I still don't get how I can have a shitty channel I haven't touched in 10 years and I have like more subs than most of these people without doing jackshit.

>> No.25667785

So happy for my wife Tamaki

>> No.25667792

Char is just so horrible.

>> No.25667791

Because you used to post shitty comments when you were underage, and people that read it decided to click in your channel and sub to you for no reason, since you can't add friends on youtube.

>> No.25667793
File: 1.90 MB, 1120x833, kiyo is her hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she really likes kiyohime

>> No.25667808
Quoted by: >>25667885

I got like 70k views per shitty gta video I made.

>> No.25667822
Quoted by: >>25667858

No, they're lucky that I watch them.

>> No.25667858


>> No.25667881

Zombie's mama

>> No.25667885
Quoted by: >>25667905

So did I with my BL slideshows with vocaloid songs, that doesn't mean much. It was 11 years ago.

>> No.25667889

So I guess if vtubers want to raise their sub count they should be more active in the comment sections of other videos.

>> No.25667905

That means we were geniuses and these bitches aren't worth shit. This is the power of a real man.

>> No.25667932

I mean, I got over 100k views on an old combat arms video

>> No.25667976

You should become babiniku

>> No.25667986
Quoted by: >>25668056

I feel the big vtuber boom has really warped a lot of peoples perspectives on what normal numbers and growth looks like. A couple dozen viewers is very normal for an indie streamer, even good for only a few months streaming. A few hundred and that's enough to be called successful. Over a thousand and now you would be one of the larger streamers for a category on twitch. I have a friend who literally streams for 5 people on a good day, and has done so for three years now.
But people like Pekora pulling in 40k viewers, or the recent niji collab with 190k has seemingly convinced a lot of new people that that is in any way the norm, rather than an ungodly outlier for streaming, so they see good growth for an indie as literally nothing in comparison

>> No.25668049

Can Sio still be saved? Is there any possible outcome better than retirement? Anything she can do to make people forgive and forget or even better convince them that it wasn't her?
t. Sio

>> No.25668056

If people want perspective they should go to twitch, go to browse, live channels, sort by viewers and then just keep scrolling down, their browser will crash before they reach the bottom

>> No.25668089

She probably has to forget about big brand deals and collabs but she can retain a few thousand loyal fans and then spend the rest of her vtuber days streaming to them, maybe hoping that she can bounce back someday

>> No.25668091

Turns out she was cheating by looking at the screen of other streamers during collabs, even the mahjong crowd will leave her.

>> No.25668105

siochads will find a way!

>> No.25668125

774 has been ramping up the 3D events lately so I suspect they want Animare together.

>> No.25668138
Quoted by: >>25668747

Nobuhime killed Sio...

>> No.25668187
File: 81 KB, 640x853, you will lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25668196

She's been exposed as a doxxer, a two faced bitch and a cheater. She can still stream if she wants and maybe get some eops to defend her, but the japanese aren't going to forgive her.

>> No.25668219
File: 290 KB, 2048x1535, EgC3LVoVAAAm5jO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The naan Haneru and Airplane Cat made together

>> No.25668237

looks like naan

>> No.25668246

Does this taste good?

>> No.25668288
File: 502 KB, 2048x1566, EgC4GYrUMAESN-R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25668320

And here's Haneru's curry!

Apparently better than the concrete Tamaki made during Kara Sawagi

>> No.25668294

Tastes like bread

>> No.25668320
Quoted by: >>25668337

Is haneru's dog trying to eat the cat?

>> No.25668337

She's already seduced her.

>> No.25668340

It's a vessel not a standalone.

>> No.25668370

Naan is just a type of bread.
Does bread taste good? There's your answer.

>> No.25668400


>> No.25668437

good bread tastes good

>> No.25668451

Flatbread specifically, bread has crust and air inside it.

>> No.25668468
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, EgBfj6sUwAElpj9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izumi too

>> No.25668542
Quoted by: >>25672568

Can Haneru tame airplane cat?

>> No.25668556
Quoted by: >>25668603

>Does bread taste good?
My local bakery makes the best you'd ever taste, I can't understand people buying bread at the supermarket.

>> No.25668582


>> No.25668603

>tfw ceilac disease

>> No.25668612

im feeling something weird in my ears.

>> No.25668721
Quoted by: >>25670272

Between Sephira and Bell, I'm not sure which of the little sisters I'm more fond of.

>> No.25668723

I wonder why he did use that version of Lulu singing, but it's still cute, so I don't mind

>> No.25668747
File: 44 KB, 667x677, Adnotacja 2020-08-22 210026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25672239

Oh no

>> No.25668762

Good, fresh bread is fucking delicious.

>> No.25668814
Quoted by: >>25669017

If I tried to fight neru-chan would she break my legs? All of my arms and legs?
Would she elbow drop my windpipe and then tell me to beg for mercy, if I can manage to speak?
Would she curb stomp my face over and over? Smack me hard with a steel folding chair?
Would haneru lift me up over her head and hit me with the classic back breaker?
I hope so.

>> No.25669017
Quoted by: >>25670303

She's weaker than your average Japanese girl.

>> No.25669088

Thanks for this.
I didnt know her until yesterday and instantly fell in love.

>> No.25669110

This Haneru collab is the first time I heard Fumino Tamaki with a clear voice from a clear mic.

>> No.25669218
Quoted by: >>25691362

Football's coming home tomorrow

>> No.25669237
Quoted by: >>25669425

Well, the reason I got into vtubers was Korone playing Act Raiser, was that game popular in 2020?

>> No.25669425

go back

>> No.25669461

I want Shigure Ui to look at me like she looks at a cockroach and call me names.

>> No.25669473
Quoted by: >>25669979

Maybe I'm biased because i'm hispanic but she looks cute for a white girl.
Like a mascot for the instant Hot Chocolate packets
I'd cuddle her chubby body for sure.

>> No.25669488

I want to look at Shigure Ui like I look at a cockroach and call her names.

>> No.25669509


Imagine being your own biggest fan

>> No.25669720


>> No.25669728

Thanks, you reminded me of the song, it's been a few years.

>> No.25669740

Was it the bassist?

>> No.25669898
Quoted by: >>25670239


>> No.25669947

what are your thoughts on heterochromia?

>> No.25669965

It can work in a few designs, eg. Hoshikawa, but it's heavily abused and usually doesn't look good

>> No.25669979

She has barely any subscribers so I'll support her. Her voice isn't as bad as the Tsunderia girls

>> No.25669986

If it's not some super cliche shit like one eye is red/gray then that's fine.

>> No.25670081

I'd stream mecha indie projects floating on twitter if it comes to that. How's that sound?

>> No.25670102

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdl2lIqSrQo sumomo

>> No.25670104

You mean like xQc, Nerdrotic, moistcr1tikal and ItsAGundam?

>> No.25670168
Quoted by: >>25670655

Can you clarify this for karaoke streams, when a vtuber decides to sing stuff that the other tubers don't usually sing? Like singing Crush 40 stuff?

>> No.25670202

Video ads in the middle of vids, or popup clickable link ads, which is better?

>> No.25670239

Isn't this just prerecorded?

>> No.25670272

But るる is the imouto.

>> No.25670276

its distracting but not as bad as the mismatched legwear thing that plagues so many hololive designs

>> No.25670303

Performing a rolling death craddle on haneru followed by a king's bridge!

>> No.25670317

Its only acceptable if one of the eyes is milky due to blindness.

>> No.25670319
File: 683 KB, 600x680, Ran chan!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25670383

Leaked Hololive x Animare merch designed by Ran herself!

>> No.25670383

Give me Kuku and I will buy it at once

>> No.25670394
File: 18 KB, 230x355, aye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25670562


>> No.25670450

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7r9ruV9_WA mizuryu fall gays

>> No.25670474
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the one who shared the shota cat with the serafuku, he's the cutest little thing since anon's sea slug daughter, good shit.

>> No.25670562

I like this tomato-growing tomato very much.

>> No.25670627

It could also be scripted to promote her stuff

>> No.25670630


>> No.25670655
Quoted by: >>25670701

Any japanese song under a publisher = need rights to play during the stream/covers, that's why you'll see some chubas that never archive karaoke streams. I don't know how different things are with indie musicians and especially vocaloid songs, and given how popular the latter is with covers, I assume it's less of a hassle compared to your average anisong, unless the producer is backed up by an agency or under a publisher.

>> No.25670666

ANN is whiny sjw central, I wonder how they'd react if they knew that she's friends with some alt right youtubers.

>> No.25670671

>According to Playboard's about page, Superchat earnings began being tracked on January 10. Livestreams from before this date are only counted in the data if the stream's archive was saved.
That explains a lot about that list.

>> No.25670694
File: 546 KB, 2690x3698, 83584835_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25671056


>> No.25670698

That's a yummy 30% cut for youtube.

>> No.25670701
Quoted by: >>25670840

Vocaloid is, by the nature of the community, usually a free-for-all for covers. Anyone under a music label is an obvious no-go, though, but only a handful of the biggest names have been signed.

>> No.25670729

I wonder if something is wrong with my ears, how is it possible for people to watch Coco? Her voice is awful.

>> No.25670744
File: 643 KB, 1638x2116, EgBSOtkUcAAOAUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25671842

Glory to Arstotzka

>> No.25670764

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoFUxvTOA4s chloe

>> No.25670840

>but only a handful of the biggest names have been signed.
It's what I presumed too, that's why not a lot of people are willing to cover something from let's say Hachi or Mitchie M when they could be singing some popular one hit song from a random producer that never really made it outside of niconicodouga.

>> No.25670963

They're drug addicts, they're still doing air Asacoco over there

>> No.25671012

She sounds as if she's drugged all the time. Her voice is so weird.

>> No.25671056

The artist didn`t really think about removing shoewear before dipping your feet in water to be a good idea.

>> No.25671112

She voiced Serval as part of Kemono Friends Eng dub

>> No.25671237


>> No.25671277

Most "revealed" faces are heavily shopped. Like, I'm pretty sure new smartphones "enhance" faces automatically.

>> No.25671420

If she actually ghosted she'll probably graduate
Otherwise the accusations shouldn't be too hard to debunk. ec stuff is much less important at this point

>> No.25671528
File: 351 KB, 847x600, EgBr2JeUYAIEjrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Chieri is laughing at her

>> No.25671627

i'm surprised Haneru is in the top 10, she is popular?

>> No.25671661
Quoted by: >>25671728

I like it when you can hear cicadas in peoples streams.

>> No.25671715

I'm glad our guy UnitedGamer is on the list.

>> No.25671728

link pls

>> No.25671817

Biggest way is, quite literally, spamming.
Find any reasonably big community based on your target interests, register an account, make a few posts on unrelated things for a period.
Then when you upload your video, go through each of those communities and posting it each day, with some basic as fuck "LOL!" or witty remark, preferably with a clipped funny section, or something really good like musical instrument, singing, etc.
Bonus points if making new accounts each time to post it on alternating days with a different browser.
After doing that for a few videos, you can then start posting it more regularly, instead of being separated by a day you could maybe post and comment on it multiple times with accounts.
Viral marketing is big business because it works well, you just need to play it out properly. A few dozen people can make things trend on Twitter with relative ease if they plan it out thoroughly.

>> No.25671842

I'd rather go to Nerustotzka

>> No.25671941
Quoted by: >>25672005

Subs with no engagements to the channel actually hurt the channel. They need likes dislikes and comments proportionate to the subs else YouTube algo doesn't bat an eye

>> No.25672005
Quoted by: >>25672058


>> No.25672058
Quoted by: >>25672191

The algorithm likes AI-chan though. If you watch one of her videos then soon your recommended page will be mostly her.
Which is why I use a different account to watch small chuubas so they don't get obscured.

>> No.25672072
File: 283 KB, 1448x2048, Ef--7BpUEAAFpvE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25672076
Quoted by: >>25672111


>> No.25672111
File: 353 KB, 749x763, Ef8I2uqU8AA7OKJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25672225


>> No.25672118
File: 25 KB, 97x81, coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coco is white confirmed?

>> No.25672122
Quoted by: >>25673180

Are you too young to remember LPs?
There were channels with hundreds of uploads for years and would get less views than 38, yet they never stopped.

>> No.25672174


>> No.25672177
Quoted by: >>25672208


>> No.25672191

A small edit, but YouTube usually drops her if she doesn't upload 3 times a week. Which is most often reflected on recent uploads.
That means she has to upload at least 6 times a week to keep a healthy flow, but she often misses on one of her channels.

>> No.25672197

Neet Met

>> No.25672208
File: 2.91 MB, 388x720, モーニングアイちゃん.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the physics on her hair.

>> No.25672225

I still want paizuri

>> No.25672238

I found a chuba that sounds exactly like a seiyuu I used to like, it's uncanny how similar he sounds like him, he's also fairly good at talking, so I think he's not going to stay obscure for too long.

>> No.25672239

Sio is not going to kill herself r-right?

>> No.25672266
File: 202 KB, 1197x2048, EgCySI9UcAAC3lY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25672275

she needs to get a 3d model gun

>> No.25672307
Quoted by: >>25672343

Too proud to kill herself or retire, and too retarded to properly apologize or find a way out of this mess.

>> No.25672343
Quoted by: >>25672361

but she's supposed to be smart

>> No.25672361
Quoted by: >>25672409

Smart people don't get hacked by their own houses.

>> No.25672409

She wasn't hacked, there's someone living in her attic she isn't aware of

>> No.25672422
Quoted by: >>25672485

It's the Sio evil twin storyline. Expect her to debut soon.

>> No.25672485
File: 1.94 MB, 3507x3541, EL66Xl1U0AAU0is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25672645

You joke but an alter ver with which she can talk shit about other people would be a pretty good idea

>> No.25672509
Quoted by: >>25676673

Thanks for nothing.

>> No.25672557
File: 734 KB, 3413x4096, EgB3RoZUwAUX0sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25672568

>She bought Kyurizuke because she knows Haneru hates it
I dunno.

>> No.25672634

PPH and Anon's Babiniku Rabbit

>> No.25672645
File: 70 KB, 1334x750, 1547845256852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would 5ch react if she embraced the antis and her shitposting nature?

>> No.25672660
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, yahooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes V2 so much better than V1?

>> No.25672713
File: 172 KB, 899x804, Ef2K3I2UcAABtys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25672737


>> No.25672737

Didn't mean to reply.

>> No.25672981
File: 4 KB, 332x47, ss+(2020-08-22+at+05.09.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25673048

I missed TMSK's stream after falling asleep during Monoe's TRPG stream.
Any highlights?

>> No.25673009
File: 1016 KB, 4096x2896, ENbw8drUwAA6-Rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great design
>fucking babiniku
god damn it

>> No.25673048

Looks like everyone kinda did. The collab went from 36K views on Pika's channel to TMSK's 8K...

>> No.25673061


>> No.25673094
Quoted by: >>25673167

Get your morning greeting from 1maru.

>> No.25673167

yeah ok

>> No.25673180

I am new to vtubers. What's LP?

>> No.25673192

Lets play

>> No.25673404


>> No.25673425
File: 645 KB, 1001x823, 1593211988506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25673464

yfw your indie obscure vtuber gets too big and stops caring about the small stuff you guys did while she was still small

>> No.25673490
File: 216 KB, 1200x1189, 46w346hb34h6b34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25673491
Quoted by: >>25673499

What is it? The label looks like Apple

>> No.25673499
Quoted by: >>25673517

Apple, mango, carrot this time.

>> No.25673517

If it was orange instead of apple it would be pretty good

>> No.25673534
Quoted by: >>25673709

Win 98 chan

>> No.25673539
Quoted by: >>25674808

She is so small she doesn't even have a wiki page. Feels like she is my personal treasure bro

>> No.25673540
Quoted by: >>25673591

How much juice did you buy for her, anon?!

>> No.25673591
Quoted by: >>25673617

I didn't link the tweet but it was a 24pk.

>> No.25673603


>> No.25673617
Quoted by: >>25673670

Can you send messages for buying people stuff off their list?

>> No.25673670

Yeah you can add a custom message along with custom gift wrap (which looks like cheap material used for re-usable grocery bags).
I don't know much Japanese so I just said 暑いね!

>> No.25673709
Quoted by: >>25673734

Someday you'll get more than 3 viewers, bro. I rooting for you

>> No.25673734

And at least non of them being BR

>> No.25673831

time for cat

>> No.25673845

Your kitty is super cute, anon.

>> No.25673903

anon you are a good person and i wish higiri a lot of success.

>> No.25673943

Cutest little bundle of fur I've ever seen.

>> No.25673962

I don't think gwelu really is invested in getting better at drawing.

>> No.25674086
Quoted by: >>25674108

cute and funny

>> No.25674108

That's a boy.

>> No.25674194

He's better than me already.

>> No.25674311

do you remember them

>> No.25674392

Yes, anon, feet.

>> No.25674580

Can tubers turn off foreign characters in the chat?

>> No.25674674
File: 413 KB, 2048x2048, EgBK9EsU0AAe51t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25675205

>> No.25674781

When will you people learn that babiniku is better?

>> No.25674808
Quoted by: >>25674878

>She is so small she doesn't even have a wiki page.
Just like 98% of vtubers.

>> No.25674835
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, behold my true power uuunnngghh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25674893


>> No.25674878

>She is so small she doesn't even have a wiki page
By the wiki, you mean that embarrassment made by Der Presenz?

>> No.25674893
Quoted by: >>25674986

Nice butt, but it's not BEST OF BUTT

>> No.25674909

I was watching this chuuba trying to win at Fall Guys, but I thought she had stopped at 12 hours.

It turns out, she's still going at it.

>> No.25674957

>805 subscribers
>170 live viewers
>Joined Jul 22
She's going to make it

>> No.25674986
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, 1597107421527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video recently got to 1M views.

>> No.25675009

Fumi's summer haircut is fucking cute.

>> No.25675104
Quoted by: >>25675126


>> No.25675126

my girlfriend

>> No.25675143
Quoted by: >>25675216

Where's fatamee stream?

>> No.25675205
Quoted by: >>25675223

Cute, when will she stop playing DQ...

>> No.25675216


>> No.25675223

probably next DQ11 stream

>> No.25675227
Quoted by: >>25675333

What the hell is she playing?

>> No.25675232

thanks mate

>> No.25675233


>> No.25675333
Quoted by: >>25675393

The Henry Stickmin Collection, which contains all the previous Henry Stickmin games as well as a new game based on all possible ending combinations from game 4 & 5. Not the most interactive game, but very nostalgic and silly enough for simpletons like me to enjoy.

>> No.25675346

Pika only notices the food, based fatass

>> No.25675393

You sound like a faggot
Did you have to write all that?

>> No.25675501

Can't believe the game called Pika fat too

>> No.25675502

Anon that was extremely mean.

>> No.25675505
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, fattymee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fitting.

>> No.25675513

Anon why

>> No.25675519
File: 637 KB, 980x659, uh oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor pika...

>> No.25675541
File: 22 KB, 450x450, remi crouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25675622

Anon.. I was just trying to give as much context as possible to someone who asked a question about a game I enjoy. The fuck's wrong with you.

>> No.25675563
File: 618 KB, 1230x689, Screenshot from 2020-08-22 22-23-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25675574

pikamee play joecartoon

>> No.25675622
Quoted by: >>25675634

Its true tho, you could have just written "Its a stick game retard" and that would have been it

>> No.25675634
Quoted by: >>25675687


>> No.25675641

Titty monster No

>> No.25675645

pikamee play kramer hentai adventure

>> No.25675675

pikamee play meet n fuck

>> No.25675687

No shit Sherlock I was responding to him
You just might be the smartest anon of em all keep going

>> No.25675692

damn rip other VOMS girls
pikafans clearly don't care about about them

>> No.25675717
Quoted by: >>25675785

What made you bring that up?

>> No.25675732

this, people should talk more about girls that aren't streaming at the moment instead of the ones that are streaming

>> No.25675755

Holy shit, this takes me back.

>> No.25675785

The fact that pika went from 1k viewers to 5k in a matter of days

>> No.25675796

Pikamee should play dadgame, that shit was fun.

>> No.25675807

6k. And a non flavor of the month game.

>> No.25675808

she keeps inclining

>> No.25675810
Quoted by: >>25676162

make that 6k

>> No.25675822
Quoted by: >>25675837

she went from like 60k subs to 115k in the last two weeks

don't underestimate the appeal to larger audiences that speaking fluent(ish) english has

>> No.25675833
Quoted by: >>25676137

it would help if they streamed games regularly and not just cthulu roleplay and biweekly valorant

>> No.25675836

And paradoxically I love them more than lardamee. Monoe is the cutest.

>> No.25675837
Quoted by: >>25675849

It also helps that "Let's kill da hoe" clip went viral.

>> No.25675849
Quoted by: >>25675933

but anon, it was tmsk that wanted to kill da ho

>> No.25675852

that fucking laugh

>> No.25675854
Quoted by: >>25676168

Poor Azuma will probably quit again

>> No.25675933

Well, it's only logical. The viral video was an eng sub clip, and its source was a Pika vid.

>> No.25675953
Quoted by: >>25675964

Are you talking about the kettle laugh?

>> No.25675964
Quoted by: >>25676005

it's like risitas became a vtuber

>> No.25676005

la gordibuena mestiza de las paelleras...

>> No.25676019

She suddenly turns into Pekora for couple seconds.

>> No.25676020

Milana Lavina

>> No.25676034
Quoted by: >>25676083

You know what they say about girls who love Sonic

>> No.25676049

I want to sharpen Pikamee's teeth

>> No.25676083
Quoted by: >>25676936

I actually dont, but Pikamee sounds cool

>> No.25676092
Quoted by: >>25676102

it's really fucking weird to hear someone keep saying your name like this

>> No.25676093

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A71qVjhF3Sc Hal papers please

>> No.25676102

be grateful anon

>> No.25676114

pikamee is having so much fun

>> No.25676137

yeah, pikamee streaming daily help her grow faster than the other two

>> No.25676160


>> No.25676162

make it 7k

>> No.25676167

Her voice is too seductive for coomer like me

>> No.25676168
Quoted by: >>25676301

Monoe is the one who just tweeted "Burnout syndrome".

>> No.25676174

His talent pool is really short.

>> No.25676204
Quoted by: >>25676226

wow pika reached 7k?

>> No.25676226

It went back down to 6.7k, but yeah, she's doing great for herself.

>> No.25676256
Quoted by: >>25676313

Pikafags were numbrains all this time?

>> No.25676301

She's probably just tired from yesterday's collab, they streamed basically the entire day after all.

>> No.25676313

Most of them were eops, so that's a given.

>> No.25676346
Quoted by: >>25676547

The hamster has made it 6k

>> No.25676401
Quoted by: >>25676416

what happened to pikamee's voice?

>> No.25676416
Quoted by: >>25676430

What do you mean ?

>> No.25676430
Quoted by: >>25676516

Her voice sounds higher than when I last watched her

>> No.25676470

I watched her got the crown. So proud of my little girl

>> No.25676500
Quoted by: >>25676525

Did she really spend 15 hours to get a crown?

>> No.25676516

She explained some time ago that when she started she was really scared and nervous so her voice was weird.

>> No.25676525
Quoted by: >>25676605

Yeah. She sounds so exhausted in the last game

>> No.25676547

Hope she gets a a bigger japanese audience, the monkeys are getting bored.
Speaking of monkeys, gorilla warfare.

>> No.25676570

I'm almost surprised that people are still drawing Aloe, but then again there's still people drawing Tama so it's not that shocking.

>> No.25676582

Seems great for lewd drawings.

>> No.25676602

Why are you surprised? The general consensus is that Cover was too harsh on Aloe. All the threads on reddit were defending her to death

>> No.25676605

No wonder she sounds so seductive, almost like pillow talk

>> No.25676650
Quoted by: >>25677176

because it was a complete nothingburger
she literally didn’t do anything wrong and it’s only dumb ass idolfags that were pissed
but they forgot about her now so who cares

>> No.25676661

>general consensus
Even if you assume a 50/50 split between nip and english fanbases, that still doesn't make it even close to a general consensus. Get over yourself.

>> No.25676673
Quoted by: >>25676798

His name is Yoshino Azami, he debuted 3 days ago, but he was active on twitter since the past month, that's how I found him, uncanny how similar he sounds to Umehara Yuuichirou, there are differences, especially the laugh, but when he speaks slowly he really sounds like him.


>> No.25676674

that place also thinks people should support her blindly even though she has no content

>> No.25676691
Quoted by: >>25676788

look here comes the idolfags
don’t pretend like the vocal minority japs trying to manipulate the info out about her were real fans. sock puppets are not legit people.

>> No.25676701

Manten splatoon

>> No.25676732
File: 361 KB, 1582x2048, 1573091021911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676899

>> No.25676758

From what I've seen recently English fanbase besets anyone who try to say or imply anything negative about vtubers. You must be positive, support everyone and don't try to criticize any individual or company. Otherwise you're anti.
Speaking of that vtuber who has almost destroyed .LIVE single-handedly called Sio...

>> No.25676782

Damn, Hal is so good at this game, he makes no mistakes.

>> No.25676788
Quoted by: >>25676828

I literrally don't care anything about this, I'm just saying unless you assume over half of the fanbase is EOP's, which is literally an impossible thing to track as Mea and her massive chinese popularity and countless others prove but ignoring that for arguments sake, reddit isn't the only hub of where these retards gather and I'd doubt it'd be the largest. So you can't call it a general consensus by any means whatsoever, unless anon legitimately believes reddit is the only place that attracts this shit which anyone whose been around for long enough knows is blatantly false; they attracted some but most of it came from twitter which is an unquantifiable thing.

>> No.25676798
Quoted by: >>25676905

He looks like kanae but gayer, amazing.
Don't think he sounds that much like Umehara, though, the chuuba's voice is more "soft".

>> No.25676828

Pretty sure that was a shitpost, anon.

>> No.25676877


>> No.25676899

If it weren't the retard-pandering that made me stop watching her as consistently, it'd have been this. That being said it's still fitting, but it's as ungodly awful as the third or fourth wave Animare costumes.

>> No.25676905

Maybe debut Kanae when he used to play the yandere character every now and then.
>Don't think he sounds that much like Umehara, though, the chuuba's voice is more "soft".
They sound really alike to me, not very noticiable when he's talking in that more effeminate way, but when he's speaking normally is noticeable, ikebo nonetheless tho, most indie newbies don't have a voice this good, so I'm going to follow him from now on.

>> No.25676936

Sonic fan girls are a special breed of autism

>> No.25676950

Well, Pika IS pretty autistic. Look at Tomoe.

>> No.25676973
Quoted by: >>25677052

People still care about that series? I thought that was just an early phase of the internet thing and everyone grew up and realized half of the games are trash and pretty much all the new ones are okay at best. Except Mania, that was fun.

>> No.25676977
Quoted by: >>25677251

Do you think she would fuck Christine Weston Chandler

>> No.25677052

She seems par for the course with some other vtubers though.

People dont care/are as willing to put up with the 3D games as much as they used to, but yeah there's still a dedicated following.

>> No.25677111
Quoted by: >>25677177

When will chris-chan become a chuuba?

>> No.25677151

>The general consensus is that Cover was too harsh on Aloe.
She got two weeks probation for breaking NDA. She's lucky she didn't get fired. The way some of these faggots are acting, you'd think they sentenced her to death.

>> No.25677176

How can someone be so uninformed? No one cares she's a loose bimbo, her fuckup was making up shit about Chitose's retirement.

>> No.25677177
Quoted by: >>25677231


>> No.25677195

People seem to think she only got punished for the boyfriend and sex stuff and not all the other retarded stuff she did.

>> No.25677204


>> No.25677213

Considered that he was using mouse all of this time and just recently buying pen.
He definitely serious

>> No.25677231
Quoted by: >>25677268

I just posted that because I expected someone would reply with "I'M WORKING ON IT".

>> No.25677235

But why do people act like she’s hitler? Why would ANYONE that’s not part of the company care about the contract? Like it’s fucking stupid. Retarded antis definitely have an agenda and don’t actually care about anything she said.

>> No.25677236
Quoted by: >>25677313

>the boyfriend and sex stuff
>all the other retarded stuff she did
They don't even acknowledge that any of that exists, even if it is irrelevant to her punishment. Despite the fact that they found the leaked video on one of her Dedechiy accounts and several of the other accounts contain all the relevant information, they've quite literally taken to trying to prove it's not her.

>> No.25677241

She is basically dead now. Her coworkers and superiors will bully her until she retires on her own. They probably going to can all of her collabs and events. Other popular hololive won't call out or mention her at all. Nijisanji will never want to have anything to do with her. And most importantly, all her Nip fanbase is gone. Reddit and EOPs don't pay and she won't have any revenue

>> No.25677251

Shes a female Chris-chan.

>> No.25677254

Some will forever be convinced that she wasn't on contract with Cover back then, but rather with "mysterious company x" that also happens to have a vtuber branch she'd be debuting in soon.

>> No.25677268

meme responsibly

>> No.25677277

>They probably going to can all of her collabs and events.
That raises the question, does a collab ban include or exclude a 2 week break?

>> No.25677307

It's funny, because even if you point out that some of her streams where she said that she was going to debut as a vtuber soon were as recent as the start of the year and the model leak was in May, they still pretend like it was some other company. I think the most recent one posted here was dated 8 months ago on Periscope.

>> No.25677308

collab ban will be permanent. There will be more severe punishments that aren't public

>> No.25677310

Hey if people are ok with lying slut not being fired then let them be.

>> No.25677313
Quoted by: >>25677355

It's this stuff that confuses me. People legitimately believe she was talking about a totally different company, and even if she was, she isn't actually Aloe despite being Aloe. It's stuff like that which makes me completely and utterly ignore everything any defenders are saying. On the bright side, only retards come here, not really many white knights.

>> No.25677336
Quoted by: >>25677379

>Retarded antis definitely have an agenda and don’t actually care about anything she said.
Retarded positive brained have actually believed everything she said.

>> No.25677348

Man, I'm happy for Reid, playing with Kuzuha is really paying off.

>> No.25677355

Those two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.25677371

I seriously can't believe how anyone believes this. It's not like we don't know the turnaround from signing into debuting isn't a several month long affair just from observations, statements, or a little bit of digging. People are legitimately saying "Because she said it months ago, she was talking about a different company!" and think that people sign the contract and debut the next fucking week.
It's mad. It's absolutely mad.

>> No.25677379
Quoted by: >>25677389

On the other hand they also believe in super ninja hackers so...

>> No.25677389

They should believe in Cyber Brain Ninja Girls instead.

>> No.25677399

Because it hurts the image of the industry at a time it's picking up mass media attention in Japan.
And she didn't just burn the company she signed with, she also implied people in Ichikara were responsible for leaking Kudou Chitose's identity, even though people already knew who she was even before her debut.

>> No.25677431
Quoted by: >>25677776

I haven't been keeping up with either, but I'm happy to hear that. I think the last boost he got was from the big PUBG tournament way back when but I seem to remember his growth went stagnant again after that. He's fun, though. I hope Chigusa gets some games in with him, too. I always liked that duo.

>> No.25677456

>at a time it's picking up mass media attention in Japan.
Every month since probably early-summer 2018 has fallen under this.
> she also implied people in Ichikara were responsible for leaking Kudou Chitose's identity
No, what she said was something different. Dumber, much, much dumber, but completely different. Clean out your ears.

>> No.25677492

I wanna visit the Aloe rape chamber.

>> No.25677495
Quoted by: >>25677577

It's hard to tell what she says because she keeps pausing as she's making up shit to say.

>> No.25677502

>the small indie chuuba I've been supporting for months suddenly streams APEX with a random "friend"
Okay guys, whats the odds its her boyfriend pretending to be a girl?
Should I give up on her?

>> No.25677505

If you have listened to her so closely care to explain me why she has decided to join an idol agency when it's such a "black" kind of work? To get more friends?

>> No.25677534

You're so cute to not consider that it's obviously about the money

>> No.25677540

She didn't touch on it, but the likely explanation is she just wanted easy vtuber money because everything she said about the whole scene was nothing but vitriol. Same as Pekora.

>> No.25677562
Quoted by: >>25682155


>> No.25677570

What are you talking about? Hololive is like a family and all of them are friends who treasure each other! Let's be positive!

>> No.25677572

>she also implied people in Ichikara were responsible for leaking Kudou Chitose's identity
Is there a clip of this?

>> No.25677577

Also true, but the main implication was the latter part of anons post, not the quoted part which as far as I can tell is pulled entirely from thin-air. The fact that she believed someone leaked her already-known identity and the idea that it was someone internally are two different things. There's a dozen different ways someone can fuck up and lead to your identity being found; disgruntled former friends, someone saying the wrong thing, taking a picture of a stray cat, accidentally pulling up your credit card during a MtG stream, your fucking brother, so on and so forth. Of course none of this applies because it was already knowledge that had been known for closer to a year before her retirement than not.

>> No.25677581 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677609

>Coco didn't even bother to put up a Towa pic to show that she's on stream

>> No.25677609

What is a narrativebro?

>> No.25677611

Nope. It’s all hearsay.

>> No.25677628
Quoted by: >>25677668

To be honest can anyone really blame people for becoming vtubers because there's money in it? I mean shit, if it weren't for that MMBK would have offed herself. And in this case got no idea what the fuck she's said but anyone can turn around on the scene once they make some friends. That being said holding out until I see an actually genuine person a year from now.

>> No.25677641

She has also stated that somebody has somehow found her real address. Just like Sio who was receiving photos with her real face lately or something like that? Anti are scary.

>> No.25677660

Is this true? I know that Hololive isn't a fun family it looks but Pekora seems very proud of her work

>> No.25677668

Try Gilzaren.

>> No.25677686
Quoted by: >>25677725

Five dollars its just her pulling a "t-they're sending me death threats!" card to garner sympathy and kill all attempts at detractors by giving people a reason to say anyone who does so is literally no different than those making death threats.

>> No.25677698

How does that invalidate what he’s said? Of course she’d be proud. She’s making bank.

>> No.25677714

It's even more of a fucking dumb thing to imply when she herself is going around doing lives in person. You'd think someone afraid of stalking would just stay virtual.

>> No.25677725
Quoted by: >>25677754

That's basically what I was implying and it's working really well for all those Western fans who can't use their brain for shit.

>> No.25677727
Quoted by: >>25677745

Were you not around for her debut?

>> No.25677745
Quoted by: >>25678014

I wasn't, what about it?

>> No.25677750

Just one live but yeah she has stopped trying to hide her appearance after she became Ema.

>> No.25677754
Quoted by: >>25677781

>Western fans
I don't think she cares about that part, otherwise she'd have made the message in english too. Though it's weird she'd pull it with nips because that's the kind of stuff that inflames them even more; if 2ch doesn't know your address then no one does, and if you're lying about what they're doing they'll let you know so anyone with even a cursory knowledge would know it's bullshit. I.E. Cheetos.

>> No.25677760 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677791

I got bored of the fast posting pace in /hlg/ and wanted to try out niji since their slow thread might be better for discussion. But I just visited the niji thread to ask an honest question to get to know their livers, and got accused of shitposting. Why are they so unwelcoming? It's like they don't want the nijis to get more viewers.

>> No.25677766

That specific thing? No. As explained, that's a misinterpretation of what she said. If you want the clip in question, though, sure. It's still there.
IIRC it was more or less the last thing she said in her past life. She said she was going to quit and become a vtuber for easy money, or something along those lines. I'm sure she's happy where she is, though. She's very successful and probably has a lot more fun being a shitbunny than parading her tits around hoping for someone to throw money at her.

>> No.25677776
Quoted by: >>25677800

He actually didn't get a big boost from the RAGE or Hal's chuba tournarment, so these streams with Kuzuha are doing him well, it helps that Hal is not tryharding so all the streams have been really fun.

>> No.25677781
Quoted by: >>25677824

Her apology has official English translation though. They clearly know what they were doing and which crowd they were appealing to.

>> No.25677791 [DELETED] 

what did you do

>> No.25677794

It was dumb from the second she opened her mouth and dropped names in specifics, because Sirose's shown off her face several times on streams and twitter long before any of those lives anyways. You can literally go on some archives and see a picture of her with a mask as one of the first tweets.

>> No.25677800
Quoted by: >>25677989

It was a few thousand for the one I'm thinking of. Which isn't many but he also only had a few thousand subs in the first place so it was a big deal. It was whichever one we were making "Leave Kanae to me" memes for at the time.

>> No.25677824
File: 53 KB, 505x670, 1529887623567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677904

Hoooooly shit.

>> No.25677826
Quoted by: >>25677880

Pikamee got a Jojo scene!

>> No.25677880

this, but unironically

>> No.25677886 [DELETED] 

I just asked this
and threw in a random niji name I heard before.

>> No.25677904
Quoted by: >>25677935

Cover has even deleted a translation(s?) of apology from some fan translation channel for some reason. Maybe they wanted to have a monopoly for its interpretation.

>> No.25677911 [DELETED] 

Anon's doing the thing 12 year olds do when they want to brag about being epic trolls on the interwebz.

>> No.25677916

whats with the "pikamee fat" meme

>> No.25677930
Quoted by: >>25677946

> parading her tits around hoping for someone to throw money at her
was she a strip dancer or something? No way Cover let someone like that into their idol programs

>> No.25677935

No, anon, you don't understand, they DMCA'd a fan translation because "the translation was bad." It's true!

>> No.25677946

You've gotta be more subtle with this post if you want a serious reaction of "holy shit, he can't be serious". Maybe re-word it to something like "but Pekora wasn't a titty streamer".

>> No.25677950
Quoted by: >>25678008

Pikamee loves Charles, if your name is Charles I really envy you

>> No.25677981 [DELETED] 

Isn't that kind of a dumb question?

>> No.25677989

Nah, these tournarments have been recent, he got a boost too, just not as much as he's getting now.

>> No.25678008

I assure you it's just really weird more than whatever you'd think

>> No.25678012
Quoted by: >>25681044

Luna is dead to me.

>> No.25678014
Quoted by: >>25678118

Here is fuel for your shitpost, my /hlg/ new friend

>> No.25678023 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25678055

Well, anon, >>25677373 made you sound really fucking new and >>25677466 cemented you as a shitposter, harakiri yourself to keep you honor and not stain your family's name.

>> No.25678029

Purin is from the Philippines, I think.

>> No.25678055 [DELETED] 

>>25677466 was meant to be >>25677446, the numbers are similar.

>> No.25678064

Vtuber plays the piano and it's good

>> No.25678084 [DELETED] 

That's pretty impressive, shitting up 3 threads simultaneously.

>> No.25678095

luna cant compete

>> No.25678102

I love Pika's "waaahh"

>> No.25678106
Quoted by: >>25678117

Any chuuba that plays the jaw harp?

>> No.25678117

None that I know of

>> No.25678118

It's funny how tame that looks compared to all the stuff that's happened recently.

>> No.25678155
File: 295 KB, 1600x1600, Ef9j5PZUMAAusvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678162
File: 913 KB, 2480x3508, 1597708223023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe is gonna come out unscratched from this, she already has 150k subs, more likes than dislikes in her apology video and she already has a couple of reddit posts and hashtags on twiiter showing her support from overseas fans, a couple more of those and this whole incident will be just a funny memory.
Western EOP fans really do wonders, I wish Sio had more of them

>> No.25678167

I guess I have to add that she's doing Disney covers and you can probably request her to play a song you know / like

>> No.25678187

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSSATKAeTJo horse

>> No.25678225

Did you know that those who have decided to protect Aloe are also more likely to believe that Chitose was bullied out of Nijisanji?

>> No.25678234

We all know that she is being whored out to the Yakuza right now

>> No.25678258
Quoted by: >>25678269

She was though. We have sources saying so and none saying otherwise.

>> No.25678261

they're also more likely to be into NTR and penis humiliation

>> No.25678269
Quoted by: >>25678294

Link to the sources?

>> No.25678284
File: 427 KB, 918x1500, 83868294_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25678294

The source is Aloe, she'd never lie about it of course.

>> No.25678351
Quoted by: >>25678529

i have to admit, i masturbated to the conversation Aloe had about sex toys and beastiality

>> No.25678354

I can't wait for Aloe to stream with her """"""""little brother""""""""!

>> No.25678359
Quoted by: >>25678456

Fucking americans and their savior complex. They just had to 'save' her huh? Those EOPs barely even know her. What a lucky stroke for someone who broke NDA.

>> No.25678362

Petra almost petrified...

>> No.25678370

I heard Nene talked shit about nijisanji in her recent stream, something about backhanded compliments? Is it true?

>> No.25678371

Wasn't keeping track of vtubers for a few weeks, but why did pika suddenly blow up? Hard to believe that an independent is getting 6k on a casual stream. I get that it's EOPs but did some random eceleb shill her?

>> No.25678387
Quoted by: >>25678421

I think she went viral with the let's kill the ho clip.

>> No.25678401

this got half a mil views

>> No.25678420

oh man that rigging

>> No.25678421
Quoted by: >>25678433

But shouldn't tmsk get the bigger attention not pika?

>> No.25678433

Well maybe but Pikamee is a lot more accessible for the eops.

>> No.25678452 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 803x774, vlc-snap34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25678455

Why did this go viral? I don't get it

>> No.25678456

just the other day some EOPs were saying on Towa's chat that western fans were there for Towa when japs abandoned her.
Pathetic honestly

>> No.25678470

Why does anything get viral?

>> No.25678472
File: 39 KB, 297x296, nicodic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sio and Hololive are so popular, big numbers good.

>> No.25678487

the chickens were bunched in a mcdonalds box, bringing out the mcdonalds fanbase in full force (chicken mcnuggets)

>> No.25678496
Quoted by: >>25678541

It's amazing how Nijisaji got a bunch of hater without doing anything.

>> No.25678502

It's cute.

>> No.25678511


>> No.25678523

Why did this get viral?

>> No.25678524
Quoted by: >>25678565

Pika 10k

>> No.25678525
File: 195 KB, 570x957, 1595263150854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k on a casual stream
she's inclining really hard
expect 200k subs soon

>> No.25678529

I wanted her to talk more about getting used to putting your fingers in.

>> No.25678538
File: 180 KB, 1278x2048, Ef6CT_MVoAAn0dQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing stronger by the minute.

>> No.25678539

I love the way Pikamee goes "WOOOAHH!" and gets excited

>> No.25678541

/hlg/ take the tribalism way too seriously, wouldn't be surprised if those retards are sending death threats to nijisanji members on twitter and youtube.

>> No.25678543
Quoted by: >>25678627

Pika just got 11k what the fuck? It was 6k literally 10 minutes ago.

>> No.25678547
Quoted by: >>25678627

Pikamee with 11k viewers. Was it worth it?

>> No.25678554

Just fucking watch
A new wave of EOP vtuber wannabes will pop out soon thanks to her, and the entire community will go to shit for a few weeks if not months

>> No.25678560
File: 296 KB, 596x456, 1597964013715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for naruKAMI to laugh at /hlg/ again

>> No.25678563

I don't know, anon, why did ran ran ruu got viral?

>> No.25678565

This is going to cause a big rift between the other memes
Pikamee is going to get pushed away and bullied and will think the other members quitting in the future is her fault

>> No.25678576
Quoted by: >>25678590

How does that affect the whole community? EOP vtubers will get their EOP audience and japs will continue as they have.

>> No.25678577

They already exist.
Pika works because she isn't EOP.

>> No.25678580

but that is already happening and it's Coco's fault

>> No.25678585

So I guess Pika is an english Vtuber now? Will she be banned from this thread?

>> No.25678586
Quoted by: >>25678640

Vtuber is just going to be the next step for regular streamers and "influencers".

>> No.25678590

More attention to vtubers -> more horrible translations -> a bunch of them will go to non-English vtubers thinking they're welcome

>> No.25678591

other members*

>> No.25678607

There's like 1 Jap comment for every 30 English

>> No.25678612

Jojo reference

>> No.25678627


>> No.25678633
File: 4 KB, 385x54, read you fucking niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678647

why are you complaining about the english on an english stream?

>> No.25678640

The moment they become big enough to get mainstream and SJW's attention, expect some serious shitstorm to happen.

>> No.25678645

Pikafans talking about numbers and bots... hmmm...

>> No.25678647
Quoted by: >>25678682

It's not about the stream
It's about the long term effects of doing this type of stream

>> No.25678648

I don't know why you would think that, they are all doing fine. Look at Hololive in the past, it took most of their 1st gen well over a year to hit after debut 100k besides fubuki who was way out in the lead.

>> No.25678665
File: 21 KB, 340x320, 1593071750370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh now she says the person she's playing with a まぶだち, I see. So she's cheating on me...

>> No.25678667
Quoted by: >>25678741

It's my favorite pastime to watch newfags on /hlg/ getting riled up by shitposters and blaming everything on nijifags. Even /v/ aren't this dumb right?

>> No.25678678

just based on the kind of videos they upload I see Tomoshika as a numberfag that might get salty but Monoe wouldn't give a shit

>> No.25678682

too late pikas going to sing the baka mitai song and collab stream with ThatWeebChauncey and ninja. its over now

>> No.25678737

I wonder why pewdiepie hasn't collabed with Coco yet, is he still an AIfag?

>> No.25678741

Of course /v/ is that dumb, /hlg/ is just a /v/ exclave.

>> No.25678749

You're joking, right?

>> No.25678755

Lito Muller

>> No.25678767
Quoted by: >>25679051

>loud people complaining on twitter about how popular vtuber designs are unrealistic and should be banned
Can't wait.

>> No.25678804

between many superchats apologizing to pikamee for leaving early, she announced her next flash stream, pico's school,

>> No.25678822

>pico's school
Now that's a name I haven't heard in years
>superchats apologizing for leaving early
Please explain this to me like I'm an idiot because I seriously can't figure out the train of logic here

>> No.25678863
Quoted by: >>25679030

Do you pikamee was a newgrounds kid? Maybe she even has done some voice acting in some game or animation?

>> No.25678965
Quoted by: >>25678977

The power of JojoCHADS. Literally just make a random jojo video and you get 1 million views easily.

>> No.25678977


>> No.25679007

>totaled at 300 views
>Went from 1.06k to 1.08k subscribers
Feels good knowing she'll probably play the piano more often now

>> No.25679030
Quoted by: >>25679052

I sometimes wonder what Pikamee was doing before becoming gyari's piggy bank

>> No.25679042
File: 889 KB, 2591x3861, Ef92dXCU0AA2nmD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25679051
Quoted by: >>25680807

That already happened when Melody hit, in case you forgot. It's "not fair" for people to not have to put themselves directly on camera or something. Twitter had a beautiful little meltdown for like a week and ultimately nothing happened. I don't think anyone else will create enough buzz for it to happen again, though.

>> No.25679052

She part-timed somewhere for a while I think

>> No.25679074

I thought my monitor glitched for a second.

>> No.25679091
Quoted by: >>25679116

foxcow. I dunno about this

>> No.25679113

Who the fuck asked for 2 pairs of tits

>> No.25679116


>> No.25679129


>> No.25679135


>> No.25679154
File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, EgFaLW-U0AAAKsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMSK weaseled out of her 10,000 jumprope jumps. Not a single day goes by lately without some huge scandal

>> No.25679166

How do you paizuri 2 pairs of tits? I'm not that hung.

>> No.25679174
Quoted by: >>25679189

Bring your friends

>> No.25679187
Quoted by: >>25679440

Bring your black friend

>> No.25679189

But I'm very greedy and want her all to myself.

>> No.25679269

Less than 20 minutes until Holoark goes kill.

>> No.25679283

I might be the biggest Sio anti here, but even I hope she doesn't kill herself.

>> No.25679284

did pikamee get a 5k sub boost for this game?

>> No.25679354
Quoted by: >>25679523

Holy shit, those are some ancient meme references

>> No.25679375

Bring your clones

>> No.25679403

That's not how things work around here. We're a family and we share everything.

>> No.25679440
Quoted by: >>25679485

can i bring my white friend? im the minority in this case

>> No.25679442

Waiting for Patra's kyaa's when spidertits happens.

>> No.25679445
Quoted by: >>25679493

breast mole

>> No.25679473

my girlfriend 96neko is still playing apex

>> No.25679485

She's too small

>> No.25679490
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1597062485475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679518

>> No.25679493

holy shit someone playing Ever17

>> No.25679497

What chuba do you think will die first? Either from health issues or by committing sudoku.

>> No.25679499
Quoted by: >>25679516

Looks like it, is she going to be THE eng vtuber?

>> No.25679507

The one you like.

>> No.25679516

At the very least I doubt it's still 50-50 with the japs.

>> No.25679518



>> No.25679523

newgrounds is somehow still alive

>> No.25679526


>> No.25679580

There are many that could be dead for all you know.

>> No.25679581

I've seen them tweet stuff like "2 nukes weren't enough" at japanese fans, hopefully they'll galvanise japanese viewers into hating eops and hololive even more

>> No.25679698

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-oKLgmPsNM yorumi ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKvm5MsYIAw shellin ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_B7pCNJztA rion hakase furen gwelu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGU2RBlLh8Y towa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6bN5x5_XRo chieri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcA7fF7MHv4 pochi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GIy_H8HkP0 hajime ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZinPoOHH_4 yua
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEodmUEEfOI chihiro uge apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4qo1KbdFg0 uge pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAUYrH1pyhU hayama dead space
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8_x5bqXLvM hisui kohaku splat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_TPeQzh60o kohaku pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNAHaYgeNYw patra souls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp6lG3zaBis subaru pikmin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSNUU8reuyo debi ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbXHvVW6tPw ibrahim ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti1q5iflxL8 amamiya ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti1q5iflxL8 hima ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O1wHJl26lo haru ark

>> No.25679721
Quoted by: >>25679759

>japanese viewers into hating hololive even more
I've been hearing this, but how do you know it's true? Is there any any place where you can see nonbias people having opinion about this?

>> No.25679738
Quoted by: >>25679870

It's almost like Japanese Hololive fans are better than that. They were sending threats to different game companies when Hololive released statements about copyright problems.

>> No.25679759
Quoted by: >>25679870

I did say hopefully, they can only act like obnoxious shitheads for so long before people start getting fed up

>> No.25679870

Way to make other companies hate them. Funny how they actively shit on people who follow the law while acting like a bunch of criminal, yet somehow still believe they're the good guys.
I don't know, idolbuta has been shitted on since forever, but they're still around spreading like cancer.

>> No.25679903

>I've seen them tweet stuff like "2 nukes weren't enough"


>> No.25679942


>> No.25679972

Something got summoned at the 3 hours mark

>> No.25679981

>I've seen them tweet stuff like "2 nukes weren't enough" at japanese fans
Out of all the shit they could choose to say, what the fuck do the fans have anything to do with anything?

>> No.25679997
Quoted by: >>25680052

patra is fun to watch

>> No.25680007
File: 907 B, 89x34, ss+(2020-08-23+at+01.25.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my baby is getting there, i'll support her until she makes it big!

>> No.25680051
Quoted by: >>25680069

Tell me her name and I'll give her a shot
If I like her content I'll probably subscribe to her

>> No.25680052

her current hair style makes her look wider...

>> No.25680054
Quoted by: >>25680147

Most EOP hololive fans are racist kids from /vpol/

>> No.25680057

Daaaaaaamn. Some uploader just compiled all I think about the latest state of Hololive. Wish somebody could translate it so others could (try) to understand it as well.

>> No.25680069
Quoted by: >>25680103

its just minecraft and Apex, not yet, i won't expose her to the BRs here, but soon

>> No.25680082
Quoted by: >>25680147

remember pearl harbor desu yo

>> No.25680103

Then by God's name, man, make sure to give her all the love and support she needs
I'll be rooting for her channel to blow up, even if I don't know her name yet

>> No.25680121

Good for you. I tried to support an indie but she was just crazy, borderline suicidal, way too obsessed with Kanae, and would often start playing one game to stop after 5 minutes and go play something else.

>> No.25680122

What the fuck Polka

>> No.25680127
Quoted by: >>25680217

hololive is black company shady shit

>> No.25680147

But the hololive vtubers are Japanese themselves?

>> No.25680162

They really are the cancer of this fad

>> No.25680168


>> No.25680181
Quoted by: >>25680283

Don't expect too much logic from them

>> No.25680186
Quoted by: >>25680283

No they're waifu

>> No.25680193

And Japanese are owned by Americans.

>> No.25680214

name? i wanna see her obsess over Kana Kana

>> No.25680217
Quoted by: >>25680262

He's mostly making fun of the obsessive fans not criticizing the company.

>> No.25680262

>not criticizing the company
Did you really watch the video? He has literally started it with "Hololive is over".

>> No.25680283

I used to browse /pol/ and /v/ years ago and I can't imagine anyone at the time having the balls to make such a stupid statement in context
The only time someone would make that kind of post would be when Japan and Crime were the thread topic, but this isn't even about either

>> No.25680315

You should of paid more attention during your English classes.

>> No.25680321

In other news Hajime hit 100k.

>> No.25680331
File: 8 KB, 477x136, te.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25680364

i dont normally post here but im very happy for my girl and i want to share this moment with you all.

>> No.25680336

>should of

>> No.25680359

Same for you and Japanese classes.

>> No.25680364
Quoted by: >>25680478

Way too popular for my taste. She won't pay attention to you since she has too many subs now.

>> No.25680369
Quoted by: >>25680451

Well he's acknowledging the problems he has with the company and that for him it's over but the point of the video it's not to "compile all about the latest state of Hololive" but more about complaining about the fans' reactions and blind following.

>> No.25680415

What If someone make a translated clip of eop mocking the japs both during towa and aloe's drama. And post it on niconico. I bet the japs would realize how racist EOP are, especially american.

>> No.25680424

not even pikachads can save this thread from the same old nijiholo shit

>> No.25680448

Point me to bullshit pertaining to nijisanji in this thread

>> No.25680451
Quoted by: >>25680475

Current Hololive is all about blind following and denialism.

>> No.25680458

They're the same numbrain, the fuck did you expected from them?

>> No.25680475

You'd think it wouldn't be that bad with western fans but one look at /hlg/ would tell you otherwise.

>> No.25680478
Quoted by: >>25680507

she normally gets only 20-50 viewers when i watch her streams so the sub count doesnt mean much, but it made her happy so im happy

>> No.25680487

Pikamee is lost. Now she plays garbage western games and ignores their real fans.

>> No.25680507

Make her yours, anon.

>> No.25680543

I doubt I will watch her "english only" streams, but her collabs are still nice as she is so reserved and loud

>> No.25680551
File: 99 KB, 247x181, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't eat
Doesn't sleep
Just plays Apex

>> No.25680558
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, yuunadateo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuna has finished her voicelines.
They're available for the supporters in her FANBOX. (As cheap as 100 yen)
Again she asks that you don't post them publicly but feel free to save them for personal use.

>> No.25680563
Quoted by: >>25680594

Im pretty she orders food delivery occasionally

>> No.25680592

Is it true people from this thread find desperate vtubers with no subscribers and groom them into being their sluts?

>> No.25680594

Her sister brings her food usually

>> No.25680805

Now? She's been doing english-only western game streams since her debut

>> No.25680807



A small preview of the future (check the retweets)

>> No.25680846

They look like two smelly NEETs

>> No.25680862
Quoted by: >>25680873

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhpF07MFVUA kanon fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqQ0V988Vms fuwa ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqQ0V988Vms rushia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw3zMwdHz7M ritsuki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXvaDthbAdQ kei and fumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsUxBDqx9R4 kuzuha ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQetNOGzvU8 chaika ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyh7abbexsg amamiya ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u26HvnFuAKo ebio ark

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXENbvPeht8 sephira
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GLSHHLP91s hololive skit

>> No.25680873

Kei and Fumi offpako?

>> No.25680889

The one complaining claimed themselves to be communist, pacifist, liberal and shit. I'm not even surprised.

>> No.25681015

This deserves way more views

>> No.25681020

I like how some of these are real examples.

>> No.25681044

I dislike you

>> No.25681050

All of their songs do.

>> No.25681124


>> No.25681154
Quoted by: >>25681914

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9qU96WrH4g Patra Live show in 30

>> No.25681193
Quoted by: >>25681348

How is it even possible to get that hooked on apex?

>> No.25681255

Don't want to sound negative but there were more creative ways to involve other vtubers compared to just putting their models next to each other and doing the same moves.

>> No.25681348
Quoted by: >>25689986

Being born after the OG FPS games fad died

>> No.25681389
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x2732, Efi_5LZU0AAUy1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





sequel to








>inb4 who?














>> No.25681394

Kanon using her feet again

>> No.25681667

https://youtu.be/N9bWBUXFNUk I cry every night knowing Uruha isn't pounding me with her fists of rage in bed

>> No.25681741
Quoted by: >>25681987

Milana Lavina

>> No.25681768
Quoted by: >>25681854

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxlUHfEbilo crimson

>> No.25681774
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of dance.

>> No.25681780

I'm glad Aloe got fired. She's a slut who can only think about sex and orgies.

>> No.25681803

AI-chan still showing those Nijis how it's done.

>> No.25681854

>every illustrator/author sounds like a cute girl.
god bless v-tubers.

>> No.25681893
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Gatchman with best of cook.

>> No.25681914
File: 107 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she's viewing/commentating that previous PatLive show with her wives.

>> No.25681987

another sub-30 viewer stream, oh Milana...

>> No.25681991


>> No.25682011

Checked her out, didn't like voice.

>> No.25682032

I just don't like that she has friends. I want her to only pay attention to me.

>> No.25682125

Even Yuuna gets over 30 and she's got less subscribers

>> No.25682155
File: 189 KB, 1680x1600, Ef0gpYnVoAAZCbO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of show she'll be making next. Though this means the current assistant probably won't be there.

>> No.25682194
Quoted by: >>25682235

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y0zJ26uMAE masaru ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zFQcfxR9Zg akato clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ExUcmrSHFo kagami ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9SNLgyKrrk mea koyori karaoke
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOY_lQQ5scQ kyouko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxl8DtzGiiM karuta new costume
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQlWFyskepM megu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9qU96WrH4g patra
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Cf6oOp8Kc ars ark

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apb9KzLhxKs nekomasu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90lnvMgviyY rene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhxwxoPo0Lg sryr

>> No.25682235

>オフコラボ with mea
Imagine, Mea's body odor and her pissed panties.

>> No.25682329

mea is actually a good girl

>> No.25682344
File: 17 KB, 587x177, 8637726000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25682418

>> No.25682416

I ship Koyori with Maimoto because I want Mea to suffer.

>> No.25682418

another way saying of "death of homolive"

>> No.25682443
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25682482


>> No.25682517
Quoted by: >>25683282

Ichika Anko Fall Gays

>> No.25682695
File: 277 KB, 1076x1352, 1585653992329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25682731
Quoted by: >>25683614

sio hid her subscriber count?

>> No.25682769
Quoted by: >>25683282

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPd_Ej3hzqA kotone watame choco apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJEBQGtMcMU watame pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drKd8RBCMKU choco pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kbel-65TCw sumire apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bw1nqz4aqw belmond code dragon blood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN9anTDnKfg mao ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIkZn334y50 ryushen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LY98PI82TE rikka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKvKEBY7FkY tenten mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms5V94q22Z0 chigusa monetized
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T79RUT_vaM0 mememe apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DEfX8nIhKA anko ichika fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPSdZXFRJo traplover magicami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK5LfTjff9U towa roboco okayu apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyR2mBZApjA roboco pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWmjaB8nSM8 akkun powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mcVOQQEWUc noracat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-OmKeR10-M kaiji powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpBgeMnxqAg meiji levi offcollab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mg7cj0Y1V4 honami puzzle de pon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2KQ6x2keE kanata matsuri noel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IME3j0tUk-A furen ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yETwjQXsU8g haato fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79oOB12BxPY chris

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26KdBOuKS0Q monthly nijisanji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Q4RgWVlW8 lizelulu first part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HSAUGBrdk second part

>> No.25682831

tamaki magicami
Replace aqua with marine

>> No.25682862

So is it true that Aloe is the same bitch who got sacked from 774 Inc. before even debuting?

>> No.25682905
Quoted by: >>25683399

What the fuck is this man doing with my fucking chuuba?!

>> No.25682926
Quoted by: >>25683033

Her motion cap is so nice

>> No.25683033
File: 711 KB, 1000x1000, 83808422_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I commend her dancing skills. That and her doing whatever she wants instead of worrying if it might be popular or not.

>> No.25683123
File: 704 KB, 637x900, EExIb7pU4AAhi7G.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25683172

I love my independent chuuba!

>> No.25683186


>> No.25683190

I love my independent chuuba especially when she collabs with another independent chuuba I like!

>> No.25683232

I'd rather fuck Patra.

>> No.25683282

>Anko and Ichika collabing again
Fuck yes

>> No.25683295
Quoted by: >>25683646

What happened, suddenly there are a loads of people streaming it again and it's the top viewers streams again. Thought that game was over.

>> No.25683392
Quoted by: >>25683466

I love my chuubas irl streams!

>> No.25683399


>> No.25683407
Quoted by: >>25683453


>> No.25683453


>> No.25683466
Quoted by: >>25683515

Non-chan is really cute.

>> No.25683481

Which chuuba would you not let kiss you but you'd still tear that muthafucking ass up?

>> No.25683499


>> No.25683515

It's her big eyes and button snooty nose.

>> No.25683575

Tamaki, kissing boys is gay.

>> No.25683586
File: 1.43 MB, 1272x1800, Chinese_dress_Tanaka_Hime_Himehina_Channel_ribbon_purple_eyes_thigh_highs-1417483.jpg!d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25683591

Lito Muller

>> No.25683614

no no no no no!

>> No.25683646

It's a repetition of yesterday's Minecraft madness.

>> No.25683655


>> No.25683722
Quoted by: >>25683795

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddJjhswzvJ4 hashiba wat met mimi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rDNfZwft14 chaika yashiro ririmu saku smash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwhFhrTFNdk dola
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkPSVs11Sd4 yumeko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xSUsJgCj_s milk ddlc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFaL6GzSjuo marine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKsi7LrpPxc ichinose
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tytWNVMK3Z4 bell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwqrWYnmUFQ noah chihiro kinako
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cD59A9mAkA meika inui gorilla apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO_2hsxUg4A inui pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z97tX29Czs gorilla pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DeYgsJCjQ0 elu yoru tomosu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc8Zx74rVzw trpg collab azumi pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeTBOzP8jYE itsumi pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFHPgZsCtZs qpi apex

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dwXuU_uIxI kaza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHSGtMQEvhI midy

>> No.25683795
Quoted by: >>25683819

Why does Bell look like Nyanners? Or is it the other way around?

>> No.25683819

it's just a generic design

>> No.25683857
Quoted by: >>25688188


>> No.25683979


>> No.25683982

Best of english

>> No.25684097 [DELETED] 

Big number vtuber incoming

>> No.25684128

Not /jp/.

>> No.25684132


>> No.25684133

Not /jp/.

>> No.25684177


>> No.25684180


>> No.25684201
Quoted by: >>25684360

Don't forget that popularity = quality holobros so make sure you jump ship over to her for high quality vtuber streams.

>> No.25684206
Quoted by: >>25684314

I want to poop on Aloe's face so bad.

>> No.25684279
Quoted by: >>25684311

I want Aloe to poop on my face so bad.

>> No.25684310

Houshou Marine 44k
Nijisanji 24k

>> No.25684311
Quoted by: >>25684337

She'd only poop the cum of random men she had sex with.

>> No.25684314
Quoted by: >>25684353

Wait for that anon who want to be pooped by Aloe while you pooping on her face

>> No.25684326


>> No.25684337

That's fine too

>> No.25684353
Quoted by: >>25684379

Too much shit at the same time might create a vtuber agency.

>> No.25684360


>> No.25684379

It's literally shit company tho

>> No.25684559


>> No.25684575


I've been waiting all week for this.

>> No.25684628

charlotte is an angel

>> No.25684777

Sumire's Apex tournament boost wore off. She's no longer consistently getting 1k+ viewers. Meanwhile Noah is still getting 1.5k+

>> No.25684815

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuI6Q07c6mA kuku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMgEmwgWeaI tomoe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDv0xEyZ1pg flare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oVnaL2h_6E sryr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs3JwkoqLcw dola charlotte minecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xcgOxoI3zs charlotte pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vknblXB6hGE rene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y52rk6lYc4A yua dbd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5D3WDPGmXg nene fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwpIi5D0IGQ akane
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te-AyXCEo3M mishiro fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JSgRL_FzbE hiina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ji9NYVj5H8 hayase ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYJJRJxU50M kanae apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSN5sSCaMp8 fairys apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOb-2tQHP6Y riri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_5B8dy9Az8 tane
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x38pFwhChgY shion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvTNuT_QFnU tojiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6kdShHG_Ck ponpoko

>> No.25684839

She needs more collabs with the non-chuuba Apex pros to make her stand out more.

>> No.25684918

Her peak viewers on this current stream was 1.4k though.

>> No.25685168

Do they collab like once a year?

>> No.25685287

Anyone have a link to Shirayuri singing a dick song on Seto's stream?

>> No.25685323

Asahi I mean

>> No.25685329

Noah and Kinako actually just won that as a duo.

>> No.25685745
File: 339 KB, 1564x2048, EgBw32vU8Acgoxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25685956


>> No.25685762


>> No.25685832
Quoted by: >>25686050

Noah is playing with Chihiro

>> No.25685879

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bpRxe9LlME ASMRin

>> No.25685956

I want to fart on her face.

>> No.25685957
File: 2.22 MB, 1447x2047, EgFn3hvUcAAz12c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25686018

>> No.25686018

Have they ever explained the reasoning behind writing group's title in Russian on their costumes?

>> No.25686050

She had 2.4k even after Chihiro left to do the radio show with Aki

>> No.25686069

Rene is clearly a gopnitsa

>> No.25686080
Quoted by: >>25686379

Looks cool

>> No.25686245
File: 77 KB, 754x754, EdNJ0_-U0AA-D-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some BR sent a dick pic to bunch of tags and of those happens to be the same as Pika's fan art tag.

>> No.25686271

guess I'll have to unsubscribe from all vtubers who might of seen that, now that they've been sullied

>> No.25686317
Quoted by: >>25686420

According to Aloe dick picks are on a lower level of harrassing (though she had a lot of experience with dicks so no wonder)

>> No.25686327
Quoted by: >>25688793

That's the funny thing , he's not targeting Vtubers her tag just happens to coincide with the shit he's talking about.

>> No.25686338

Show her your superior johnson.

>> No.25686375
Quoted by: >>25686892

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylpo_pDcSUc watame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YgDmdx4NGM kurea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSTMN490WnI kou fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYTuZEtpyzE mahiro apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Saos0eycZEg pekora dbd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EqH7vyUFCM sephira
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQUdFfE6ndI masaru missing children
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yozLA0v4U7A hima
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLZLiWhBqAA laeria
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8OIR4MjdmI hanerucraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hNkGUNLGiw moruna haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfB0UWiVYcg pandy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LgNODEjenk sango konbini
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhIzBlq1A98 magrona slay the spire

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBm5owSirQY sukoya and tomoe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lql_Wvh8Mw4 claire

>> No.25686379
File: 289 KB, 1000x1000, 1594124370509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They chose most awful font with awkward spacing that can only be used in Chinese manuals for cheap knock-off electronics written by google translate. And Anna has letter "Л" missing on her left sleeve ribbon. At least the words are grammatically correct, except I have no clue what Sugar Lyrica supposed to mean. Overall their designs looks weird.
I like them though, especially Anna.

>> No.25686420
Quoted by: >>25686765

Aloe is such a slut she will message you for sex if she sees your dick pick.

>> No.25686580
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated thumbnail. It's cute.

>> No.25686681 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 691x783, 1588829433054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25686765
Quoted by: >>25686825

Only if you're Korean

>> No.25686825

What, she's Koreaboo?

>> No.25686892

Is it me or is Watame keep getting better?

>> No.25686917


>> No.25687053

Took your time, where's your integrity?

>> No.25687093

Flare please stop, you'll attract the monkeys.

>> No.25687102 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 997x812, 2020-08-24 000215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post the trend page to show that Nijisanji is still top but, well, as you can see...

>> No.25687121

https://youtu.be/mgOk21gmL5s Futanari ASMR

>> No.25687133
Quoted by: >>25687227

Wait, this is a guy?

>> No.25687137 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 875x884, 1569388863152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687963

don't worry bro, I got one from earlier today

>> No.25687144

...Toya is fucking everyone but Marine... 17 years old cosplayer...

>> No.25687148
Quoted by: >>25687220

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWR1Xod8jQw patra
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2_XqFmMXms suzu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Ls2ZmywnU roa ghost train
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL5SyCXeohc mirei getting over it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP93LORlhjs sumire apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fClQ0uzOVSw hal apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC8TlsgCWfg chima
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN6fYHE_LI8 anko

>> No.25687163

No, you were just waiting for the Dokuzu Honsha event to disappear.

I really enjoyed your silence during the Nijibaseball season, by the way.

>> No.25687220

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN6fYHE_LI8 anko
Best Lifeline skin

>> No.25687227

No she’s a futa

>> No.25687298

My little stats poster can't stop being ecstatic every time Hololive gets the big number to go very silent afterwards, I wonder if he's just the greatest Nijisanji falseflagger of this thread to make Holofans looks bad on purpose even if his help isn't needed.
Our Hero.

>> No.25687340 [DELETED] 

>tfw played that memeguys game and didn't like it

>> No.25687347

Who are you quoting? Also this isn't your blog.

>> No.25687349

Better luck next fad

>> No.25687369

silly anon you're neither funny nor interesting to make the game fun

>> No.25687375

Are you a chuuba?

>> No.25687447
File: 2.03 MB, 1547x868, puddi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Patra's Giga Puddi turned out. Tasted great apparently.

>> No.25687514

For me it's Patra.

>> No.25687534

For me it's Mary.

>> No.25687586

I'd eat out Patras pudding.

>> No.25687653


>> No.25687671

For me it's Chumete

>> No.25687712
File: 26 KB, 241x240, 1598177200181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687992


>> No.25687750
Quoted by: >>25688825

Yeah but where's the kanikama

>> No.25687775
Quoted by: >>25687854

Those problem glasses don't fit that outfit at all, Patra...

>> No.25687854

What are you talking about? It looks nice.

>> No.25687963
Quoted by: >>25688039

fuck off nijishit

>> No.25687992
File: 667 KB, 959x1280, 06292303_5ef9f4bdb8c49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688289


>> No.25688012
Quoted by: >>25688078

Aloe is made to become a public toilet.

>> No.25688039
Quoted by: >>25688058

shouldn't you be tweeting at japanese fans about nukes and calling them insects holofag?

>> No.25688058 [DELETED] 

To be honest all asians are insectoids, Japs are less than the others but still insectoids.

>> No.25688059
Quoted by: >>25688262

For me it's Zombie.

>> No.25688078
Quoted by: >>25688291

*sponsor's toilet

>> No.25688080

as expected of holofags

>> No.25688088

Japanese are the only humans on earth.

>> No.25688126

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqFO3n1NRHY pinky pop

>> No.25688171
Quoted by: >>25690205


>> No.25688188

She's live on Instagram.

>> No.25688239 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 883x198, 1582411828538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688312


>> No.25688262

me too but too bad apex is boring to watch

>> No.25688289
Quoted by: >>25690195

Every single on of her designs is a fucking knockout.

>> No.25688291

Anyone who pays* toilet

>> No.25688312

I haven't seen any of his stuff but why was Kuzuha so desirable in the draft picks?

>> No.25688341
File: 650 KB, 1280x720, 1575842475981.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25688363

i didnt believe nobu when she said she was poor as fuck until recently

>> No.25688519
File: 212 KB, 800x1131, Efmo2qnVAAISnEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25688558
File: 441 KB, 2689x998, pika1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been following her growth the past couple of days, it finally happened.

>> No.25688589


>> No.25688591

I wish Pikamee wasn't so ugly in real life. Kinda ruins it for me.

>> No.25688610


>> No.25688635

You should have seen my shock when I found out that Goku turned to actually be a woman behind the character

I too was turned off, it ruined Goku for me

>> No.25688682

Just think of him as the english VA then.

>> No.25688758
Quoted by: >>25689241

My problem with her is the english fans who types non stop and sends SC talking about their daily life

>> No.25688762

Masako Nozawa is a talented legend unlike any of of the sluts vtubers.

>> No.25688793

Pika is a slang for penis in hue, so I guess that's why.

>> No.25688825

She just wanted to enjoy the pure flavor of the pudding by itself first.

>> No.25688881
Quoted by: >>25688967

He's popular, he was mvp in the final of last years tournament, he has lots of connections to the various coaches, zushiri, dokuzuhonsha.

>> No.25688951

Where's the photos? I couldn't find any leak or private information at the Dai Nippon Teikoku forum. She's obviously crying wolf for fuck sake.

>> No.25688967

Is competitive ark really a thing?

>> No.25689097
Quoted by: >>25689149

She definitely deserves it. I feel a bit bad for the other VOMS but they're still doing fine, and they're just not putting out content as much lately.

>> No.25689130
Quoted by: >>25689317

>Just like Sio who was receiving photos with her real face lately or something like that?
is this how you in a subtle way spread fake news?

>> No.25689131

Commence the "I got hacked" act

>> No.25689149
Quoted by: >>25689200

> they're just not putting out content as much lately
They've never been able to keep up with pika in volume of content. You have to realize that they probably all have second jobs, it's just that pika is an actual monster.

>> No.25689155

It's a different account, genius

>> No.25689200

As long as they're fine with it. Which they seem to be. Their group chemistry is great, too

>> No.25689202

Isn't this a crime?

>> No.25689226

How can this bitch be so evil?

>> No.25689241

Compared to hues and annoying spics trying to trick her into saying swear words or to shout out some soccer team so they can post it on their discord those are the lesser evil.

>> No.25689261

I'm sorry, can i get filled in on Sio?
Did she cheat in mahjong or something?

>> No.25689276

She's called Kusonoki now?

>> No.25689312
Quoted by: >>25689363

Shitposted online about her supposed "friends", backstabbed a lot of people who helped her get where she ended, cheated in Mahjong,

>> No.25689318


>> No.25689317
Quoted by: >>25689745

I guess? That's from her last note:

>> No.25689340

She cheated, she doxed people. She basically did gay ops

>> No.25689344

Some former pro guy analyzed her video and concluded that she's ghosting her opponents during collabs. So far she has not addressed it
Note that being a pro player doesn't actually mean shit because you just pass an exam and pay a pro organization to get the certificate

>> No.25689363

ok, thanks

>> No.25689393

>Commence the "I got hacked" act
She already started that though.

>> No.25689406

Seems based.

>> No.25689459

Here's some new material of Ghosting of Hiroshima

>> No.25689587 [DELETED] 

siochads... i can't believe this...

>> No.25689591

Have this neat compilation:

>> No.25689665

They could be in a video call though

>> No.25689690

just antis hitting her more when she is down, people would be more willing to accept juicy claims regardless of truth

>> No.25689696

> that's a misinterpretation of what she said.
EOP... she literally said some of the streamers at Nijisanji took her pictures and spread them on twitter. There's no place for interpretation here, this isn't poetry.

>> No.25689731
Quoted by: >>25689755

To offpako good looking viewers, duh? She said that about utaites before.

>> No.25689745
Quoted by: >>25689778

She's talking about pictures of her home.

>> No.25689755

About both actually.

>> No.25689756

This is all part of her keikaku just you wait

>> No.25689759

By the way, the reason the previous video was taken down was because this guy used footage from a clip channel, with subtitles and editing.

>> No.25689778

So basically the same thign Aloe said? What a coincidence! Both have their super stalker ninja hacker anti.

>> No.25689785
File: 258 KB, 1120x1680, Ef4lBAmUEAEiuf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

















>> No.25689826

None of my subs (Lulu, Mio, HoloMiko and Hinako) are streaming right now. Recommend me a stream to watch.

>> No.25689931


>> No.25689941

Indy 500

>> No.25689972


>> No.25689986


>> No.25690070

Aloe will return stronger than ever and she will make the haters KNEEL

>> No.25690085

I found a very cute indie, give her a watch

>> No.25690109

OG Kaoru

>> No.25690170


>> No.25690190
File: 29 KB, 858x177, 20200823_104513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25690195
File: 568 KB, 1419x1920, d7d0bdeaa3e3522f1ae2c79187de8047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morikura is god. She has so many random designs that would look good as costumes.
Though the one I want to see the most is the Santa AI.

>> No.25690197

She has over a thousand subs. Way too popular for me.

>> No.25690205

so cute

>> No.25690208

If you had wondered, she didn't kill herself

>> No.25690222

That's the ugly ogre, right?

>> No.25690249
Quoted by: >>25690269

Yes, also filters are magic

>> No.25690269
Quoted by: >>25690288

Gross. We're lucky for being beautiful men, anon.

>> No.25690288
Quoted by: >>25690309

>beautiful men
huh? we're all cute girls here, anon

>> No.25690309

Being female is a downgrade. I'm proud to be a man, superior in every single way.

>> No.25690311

That's good.

>> No.25690356
Quoted by: >>25690384

No that's botan

>> No.25690361
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, EgA6TtHUMAEjwpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25690365
File: 22 KB, 900x543, Screenshot_2020-08-23 Ichika Channel's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25690480

She should be thankful for the free advertising

>> No.25690366
Quoted by: >>25690388

Why does she look like she's about to cum but it doesn't come out?

>> No.25690384
Quoted by: >>25690690

I wonder who's uglier?

>> No.25690388

I'd still love her.
Because I don't let her cum.

>> No.25690424

Did any chuuba recovered after revealing their face by accident?

>> No.25690461
Quoted by: >>25690477

That one who turned out to be a fat ugly NEET. I'm bad at names.

>> No.25690468

To play the devil's advocate here, I think people are forgetting that this is a program, and this might have been a part of the script.

>> No.25690477
Quoted by: >>25690569

you're a vtuber?

>> No.25690480


>> No.25690569
Quoted by: >>25690712

I'm an APEX Chad, boi. I could DOMINATE anything in my path.

>> No.25690630
Quoted by: >>25691559

>she literally said some of the streamers at Nijisanji took her pictures and spread them on twitter.
Which part?

>> No.25690690

Nose girl just needs to put on make up and she's fine, botan is shrek incarnate

>> No.25690707

has any chuuba actually declined after a face reveal?

>> No.25690712
File: 25 KB, 400x400, ゴリラさん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that.

>> No.25690730

Most nijisanji I think

>> No.25690742

Yes. Me.

>> No.25690762 [DELETED] 

whos botan and what do they look like irl

>> No.25690793

Why so many vtubers play Apex, ARK and minecraft? Those games are so mind numbing and boring to watch

>> No.25690812

Rising talent Amano Pikamee gets poached by Hololive and redebuts as Hoshizora Amanda!

>> No.25690816

oh, that suntory fanartist is accepting commissions

>> No.25690827

They're really popular in japan for some reason. I specially don't get apex, the characters are intentionally ugly and japs were never particularly fond of the fps genre

>> No.25690828
Quoted by: >>25691077

Because all you watch is nijisanji, branch out a bit more

>> No.25690833

Fall Guys is getting an update, it's ok

>> No.25690862

that siofag will continue to draw sio

>> No.25690870

>Hololive is over
>Just Anti?
>Not Just Anti
>I am dissatisfied with management, You guys always defend excessively. When Hololive is up in flames it's a comedy.
>Shouldn't we defend in times of flames? Isn't it normal to do so?
>That's right but you shouldn't defend it's obviously wrong. monetization issue was a fuckup, blah blah.
> yeah but hololive apolgized what's the point of attacking again? It's just noise
>Nijisanji doesn't matter now...

Ok i'm going to stopped here lol fuck the rest.

>> No.25690888

Because people like to watch them play it? If people stopped watching it nobody would be playing it. Besides maybe Apex with the handful of people that solo play it.

>> No.25690958
Quoted by: >>25690967

I can't wait for Aloe to come back and become the number 1 vtuber.

>> No.25690967
Quoted by: >>25690980

number 1 EOP vtuber, you mean

>> No.25690980
Quoted by: >>25691039

The most popular vtuber is already majority EOP

>> No.25691006
Quoted by: >>25693456

the cat anon doesn't want to pet

>> No.25691039

Kizuner isn't that popular nowadays

>> No.25691043
Quoted by: >>25691085

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V86Vi4DT1Rk moyo

>> No.25691057
Quoted by: >>25691654

It seems like Pikamee is becoming one of the more frequent Holostar guests alongside Kuku and Izumi. She has a collab with Roberu, Izumi and Tomari this week, and she had the VOMS x Holostars valorant collabs a while back.

>> No.25691066

Subaru mentioned her in a recent stream, said she had funny replies on twitter.
The chat was all like shh... don't talk about her yet.

>> No.25691077
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, EgB_JyuUEAEPT-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25691176

There are over 80 people active in Nijisanji and half of the time not even 5 of them are playing apex, minecraft or ark.

>> No.25691085

she has some kind of tracking on her cube wtf? i want that.

>> No.25691109

>Her coworkers and superiors will bully her until she retires on her own.
I love when Japs do that. Imagine taking it like a man until you force them to fire you. I wonder if anyone managed to do that.

>> No.25691125

mostly because they've never give a SHIT about the actual character stories and looks, often you'll see that the vtuber thumbnails will just have their characters cosplay, like if the individual apex characters are classes

>> No.25691132
File: 159 KB, 1600x1200, EgCy0OhU4AA3vLW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25691145
Quoted by: >>25691153

Yagoo please buy Sumire's contract out.

>> No.25691153
Quoted by: >>25691183

no don't

>> No.25691176

Niji got some of my favorite character designs but I get bored of them so fast

>> No.25691181

wraith-chan is cute, wattson too. loba is sex but her kit is terrible.
rampart is ugly though

>> No.25691183
Quoted by: >>25691245

Why, She's too good for LVG.

>> No.25691199

Out of all the Nijisanji only Lulu is ok. But she's so ugly It's hard to watch her videos. She looks like a rat.

>> No.25691229
Quoted by: >>25691277

post proof

>> No.25691243
Quoted by: >>25691268

How do I know you're an EOP you might be wondering? Well, you said you only like a girl that's popular with the EOP memer fanbase out of a lot of other members of a certain group. Coincidence you might say? I highly doubt it.

>> No.25691245

She wouldn't be able to have the collabs she has right now, in the first place. Second, Cover is a black company

>> No.25691268

Her father is my uncle's coworker.

>> No.25691277
Quoted by: >>25693166

Maybe you don't deserve it since you've been a bad boy.

>> No.25691295

Why would anyone do this? This is too painful to watch. How come she doesn't give up?

>> No.25691321
Quoted by: >>25691364

Out of all the people you could say they look ugly, you pick the one that was an irl idol before? Really?

>> No.25691323

People want to dream.

>> No.25691362
Quoted by: >>25694285

Football's coming home

>> No.25691364

Ugly and used goods. Disgusting.

>> No.25691373

It must come as a surprise to you holofags eops, but most people, vtubers or not, don't stream thinking it's their main job or that they'll become very popular because of it, for more than 90% of indies and small chubas, this is just a hobby.

>> No.25691399

Getting the model and design done isn't cheap.

>> No.25691423

No she didn't, you dipshit JSL/ESL. It's right there, even in plain English for you. She never specified who spread the pictures (vtuber or anti) and only said the person she was doing something with was another vtuber and that particular action is what caused the information to be found and spread.

>> No.25691427

If anything accidental reveals makes them more popular

>> No.25691454
Quoted by: >>25691501

Anon just gave her a 24 pk of apple juice, I would keep doing it if it meant I get free juice.

>> No.25691460 [DELETED] 

Inide chubas just make themselves avatar in VRoid studio. Live2d is also has free version with limitations. It's not that hard.

>> No.25691473

Buying warhammer figures isn't cheap either, but you don't do it thinking that you'll make a business out of it

>> No.25691494
Quoted by: >>25691549

Inide chubas just make themselves avatar in VRoid studio. Live2d also has free version with limitations. It's not that hard.

>> No.25691498

nice labels getting thrown around here

>> No.25691501
Quoted by: >>25693504

Imagine drinking her piss after she drank all that juice.

>> No.25691511
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25691559


>> No.25691528

ark and minecraft because collabs.

>> No.25691543

Neither is vocaloid software. But there's still plenty of people who still buy it and make songs with it, knowing they'll never make a dime

>> No.25691547

Most Japanese can draw cute anime girl unlike EOPs who can't draw for shit and need to spend huge money on model and design

>> No.25691549
Quoted by: >>25691584

Even assuming they were paying for it, spending significant amounts of money on your hobby isn't unusual. Think about people that spend thousands on photograph or fishing equipment with no intention to become a photographer or a fisherman. Or things like telescopes even.

>> No.25691559
Quoted by: >>25691590

Retard... You forgot to answer >>25690630's question, by the way.

>> No.25691584
Quoted by: >>25691788

Or things that cost millions, like boats, cars and airplanes

>> No.25691590
Quoted by: >>25691640

People here are wannabe nips who eat up 5ch's shit narratives. They can't actually read moonrunes.

>> No.25691640

This is a Reddit narrative, though. Everyone at 5ch knows people knew Chitose was Rei Sirose. She even posted Chitose stream notifications to the Sirose account several times. The idea that "Nijisanji leaked her identify and that made her quit" was made up at Reddit to deflect from Aloe.

>> No.25691654

VOMS not being idolshit is pretty nice.

>> No.25691685
File: 71 KB, 640x800, 1569485464405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25691739
Quoted by: >>25691777

How do people end up believing shit like this.

>> No.25691750

They're also martial arts masters.

>> No.25691760
Quoted by: >>25691798

everyone has to make a living youtubing with an anime avatar or it's a tragedy. capitalists, this is your mindset.

>> No.25691777

Japs believe that every westerner can speak english

>> No.25691788

Sure I was just trying to think of examples that just about anyone with stable non-poverty level income can afford to get into to some extent.

>> No.25691793
Quoted by: >>25691808

They also believe all westerners are white

>> No.25691798

Isn't that the anti-capitalist "Everything has to earn a livable wage" mentality?

>> No.25691802

>Everyone at 5ch knows people knew Chitose was Rei Sirose. She even posted Chitose stream notifications
Isn't Aloe being shitcanned for mentioning that? I'm confused now.

> The idea that "Nijisanji leaked her identify and that made her quit" was made up at Reddit
So just some butblasted nijifags in vtubers reddit making up shit? Why hasn't anyone dumped out the japanese text of that video for us to look at and examine ourselves?

>> No.25691808

That's not true, they just think every black person must be related to or is Michael Jordan/Michael Jackson

>> No.25691817

Every westerner speak english though. Latinos aren't real westerners.

>> No.25691833
Quoted by: >>25691915

>Isn't Aloe being shitcanned for mentioning that? I'm confused now.
No, because that's not what she said, for the umpteenth time.
>So just some butblasted nijifags in vtubers reddit making up shit?
Opposite, ESL. Holofags running damage control by pointing the finger at Nijisanji.
>Why hasn't anyone dumped out the japanese text of that video for us to look at and examine ourselves?
Just... listen to it...

>> No.25691840

She was probably shitcanned because she used her model to do a stream in april while she debuted just a week ago. Other than that, she's a whore.

>> No.25691852
Quoted by: >>25691993

>The idea that "Nijisanji leaked her identify and that made her quit" was made up at Reddit to deflect from Aloe.
Hello EOP hololivefag, your narrative doesn't work on here tho

>> No.25691871

Does shitcanned mean something else in some parts of the world? As far as I'm aware she wasn't fired, just put on suspension

>> No.25691879

Not probably, definitely. Mainly because her shit manager not telling her to delete the test.
Aloe not deleting it because she is a sentimental idiot that'd rather keep things around, then go on a rant about dirty baggage being dug up by antis and stalkers. w e w.

>> No.25691915
Quoted by: >>25691935

>by pointing the finger at Nijisanji.
Yeah, it's not because those fags are the most mad about what she said or anything. Just damage control.

>> No.25691935
Quoted by: >>25691995

It is 100% damage control

>> No.25691992
Quoted by: >>25692014

pinky pop hepburnnnnnnnn fall gays

>> No.25691993

I... What? How does pointing out a deflection to protect Aloe from her fuckup make someone a "hololivefag"? Anon, are you okay?

>> No.25691995

If you can read japanese well, could you type out a exactly what she said and is guilty off?
I don't get it, you could stop the formation of white knights with that but all we hear is, "read it yourself stop using google translate".

Obviously EOPs can't do that, so why not help them and tell them and stop the blueballing?

>> No.25692013
Quoted by: >>25692022

the idolbutas are coming from inside the thread

>> No.25692014
Quoted by: >>25693473

Thanks anon, albeit it was already posted.

>> No.25692019
Quoted by: >>25692110

I'm just saying, it is damage control and you should go back to your thread

>> No.25692022

アイドル部 is great though

>> No.25692030

why do holofans keep coming here to defend some new girl that hasn't made actual content

>> No.25692037

This is an anti thread. You don't need any effort.

>> No.25692050

You don't understand, anon. They have to save her from the evil Japanese culture. It's not FAIR for her to have consequences for her actions.

>> No.25692051
Quoted by: >>25692110

Instead of begging for translations here can you go back to your cancer thread?

>> No.25692055

Brand loyalty

>> No.25692058

Reddit whiteknight squad got nothing better to do I guess.

>> No.25692061

They don't though.
>>>/jp/hololive is that way

>> No.25692072
Quoted by: >>25692085

What is context?
Kill yourself back to r*ddit, EOP

>> No.25692085

You first, Reddit white knight EOP.

>> No.25692110

I'm just trying to get the full story from both sides.
All that needs to clear the issue up is to point out exactly where the EOPs fucked up in their translation:

I wanna know the truth, hlg says this place is 5ch narrative dicksucking central. If you're not willing to meet me halfway then that perspective isn't going to change.

>> No.25692121

Nobody cares what hlg thinks, they're retarded shitposting kids from /pol/

>> No.25692129
Quoted by: >>25692147

>that perspective isn't going to change
It won't. This thread is too busy dicksucking 5ch narratives, I recommend you go back to avoid reading 5ch lies.

>> No.25692147

Why don't you just tweet about nukes and call them insects again holofag?

>> No.25692154

So how many times are we going to loop through this Aloe argument before people realize nobody gives a fuck about what the other side thinks, and no amount of shitposting here is going to change the situation in any way?

>> No.25692172
File: 163 KB, 1080x1801, EgHwbXmU4AAfHBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made it...

>> No.25692181

People will KNEEL and BOW DOWN to her once she comes back. She probably drained the nuts of every suit in Hololive. She owns the company now.

>> No.25692185

Until holofag EOPs get bored and move on to the next fad I suppose.

>> No.25692198

I just feel bad for Guchico...

>> No.25692203

>nobody gives a fuck about what the other side thinks, and no amount of shitposting here is going to change the situation
Isn't that the majority of arguments on this website?

>> No.25692219 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 960x900, 6oacfin4vli51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25692271

This is you.
Until japanese hololive fans ban EOPs presence.

>> No.25692224

It's the majority of arguments in general

>> No.25692227

The eop white knights are going to defend her no matter what, given they're defending Sio too.
I don't get why 5ch wants her fired so badly though. t's not new that Hololive have a lot of retired niconicodouga "streamers", 5ch knows every single hololive girl's past by know, and I'm not seeing nips claiming for Rushia or Pekora to get fired. From the Nijisanji's fan perspective, I can understand being a little salty of her talking nonsense over Chitose, since she was very much beloved, but at the same time EMA clearly doesn't give a fuck and already disclosed her reasons to leave in the first place.

>> No.25692248
Quoted by: >>25692280

They want her fired badly because they saw Hololive reddit.

>> No.25692251

What's the difference between a mosquito and Mano Aloe?

>> No.25692252


>> No.25692261

for the epic lolz

>> No.25692262

I don't want to poop on the face of the mosquito

>> No.25692264

One sucks blood and the other sucks cum?

>> No.25692271 [DELETED] 

It's people in general.

I'm on the fence dude and trying to figure things out. Not everyone is on one side or another. But now I'm going to lean that way at least they pose arguments.
So far from your side all I get is "you're a cuck", "read the japanese" and "fucking peasant". So unwelcoming. It's not hard to believe I'm talking to a virgin who has issues.

>> No.25692273

The man that drove Aifag to insanity.

>> No.25692276

He's unstoppable now. He'll get a 3D model and be invited to events. Antis can't touch him.

>> No.25692280
Quoted by: >>25692296

They probably weren't too happy about all the racist shit that holofags were throwing at them either.

>> No.25692296
Quoted by: >>25692319

Let's be honest here, the Japanese are the last people who get to complain about racist shit being thrown around

>> No.25692297

You are most certainly not welcome here with those /pol/ shit buzzwords.

>> No.25692319
Quoted by: >>25692378

Go ahead then, show them how they should welcome you in their fanbase.

>> No.25692321

Thanks, I'll unsubscribe from him immediately.

>> No.25692325
Quoted by: >>25692381

"Please spoonfeed me. If you don't, you're a liar. No, I won't do my own research."

>> No.25692333

Give me one reason why I should watch her beside being small and indie

>> No.25692338

She is guilty of three things: Not deleting that test video (reason for suspension), being friends with Nene which caused her to get doxxed and all her slutty tweets reveleaded (reason for 5ch to shitpost her) and talking trash about Hololive and Nijisanji at the same time (reason why some nips want her fired, because why are you joining a corporate you dislike in the first place?)

>> No.25692350 [DELETED] 

Don't bother trying to make sense out of it. I don't give a shit about the girl just want her gone because fuck EOPs.

>> No.25692352
File: 302 KB, 985x1377, 1572009151148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25692384

>> No.25692378

When did I say I was one of them? I'm just saying the Japanese are racist as fuck and only care about racism when people meme them for being bombed

>> No.25692381

C'mon, anon, be a little nicer, it's not like this subject has been discussed to death for the past week with every reason, proof and source thrown around and there's no way to check on it because an archive of this board doesn't exist.

>> No.25692384

embarrassed about out of context sounds

>> No.25692391
Quoted by: >>25692415

>because an archive of this board doesn't exist
go back to your board

>> No.25692394 [DELETED] 

Funny cause that twitter acount that recieved the "nuke" was a legitimate racist.

>> No.25692410 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded? You are entering their space, of course they'll be pissed when you start insulting them. You can say during a dnd session that you think truckers are retarded but when you're at the bar of a gas station full of truckers then maybe calling them retards isn't a good idea.

>> No.25692415 [DELETED] 

Are you japanese and don't understand the concept of very obvious sarcasm?

>> No.25692420 [DELETED] 

And? That's still not the point. Ask any of these people who they think about Koreans or the Chinese, or whether they'd let a black man stay in their home. They're all super racist, but only ever call it out when they're on the receiving end. Whether the person addressing them is actually racist or not doesn't matter, the Japanese only care about racial equality when it can be used as a defense for themselves

>> No.25692425 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692471

I'm just dumb

>> No.25692427 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692471

Archive section is 30 holoshit threads to 1 vyt thread, where Aloe isn't even mentioned except for slut memes.

A lot racists in the U.S. now because of Trump.

>> No.25692437 [DELETED] 

You're a disgusting korean, fuck off from this place.

>> No.25692443 [DELETED] 

Oh, I was agreeing with you. I'm was just saying the thread doesn't even care to mention that part of it. They go just woe the more japanese racist recieving a troll comment and then crying for attention with twitter spam.

>> No.25692447

Anon. The story was already presented. If you don't agree then you are an EOP/holofag. That's it.

>> No.25692449
Quoted by: >>25692509


Imagine this, you're a jap, enjoying your favorite chuba, then out of nowhere comes EOPs and ESLs, they shit up the chat, makes the chuba talk in broken english and call you a creepy fucker and that idolshit is predatory and doesn't belong in the current year.

>> No.25692453 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692484

I never would've thought that holofags would be worst than nijifags and aifags
Aifags are drowned out by everyone else now and nijifags are chillin in their thread while holofags are going on about something almost every hour of the day

>> No.25692459 [DELETED] 

This thread is toxic, you guys shit on your own.
I dunno about the Aloe shit but incel radar is going off here.

>> No.25692465 [DELETED] 

And? You are entering a japanese community, insulting japanese people won't be a very good plan there. What's hard to understand?

>> No.25692471 [DELETED] 

It's okay, fren.
You can always lurk more and especify the thread subject to exclude the hololive threads.

>> No.25692475 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692479

Go back to your board.

>> No.25692479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692490

Ok i'll go back to pol. Have fun virgin kun.

>> No.25692484 [DELETED] 

It's because they all come here to shitfling. Nijifans come here to shit on holofans since it's off-topic in their thread, and holofans come here because they can't go 5 seconds without defending muh waifu

>> No.25692490 [DELETED] 

If only it was this easy with every holofag.

>> No.25692509 [DELETED] 

Sounds pretty based to me. I'd buy that guy a beer.
Fuck idolpigs. Literally no different to /r9k/ tier posters.

>> No.25692510

>incel radar
please return to reddit

>> No.25692518 [DELETED] 

"It's ok to be racist against the Japanese because the Japanese are racists." So you really did come from /pol/. Why the fuck is this such a huge deal for this dumb girl who broke NDA and made fans inciting such a hate war. This is why she should have been fired. Never post here again.

>> No.25692533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692543

Make sure you let the japanese know how you feel as well, and show that you're a hololive fan.

>> No.25692537 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692562

Fuck off from /jp/.

>> No.25692543 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692576

I don't hate the Japanese though. I hate mentally disabled retards.

>> No.25692546
File: 310 KB, 1210x778, 1576779971575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25692562 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692701

Na, how about you idolfucks get out of /jp/. You've shit this board up for too long.
Literally the worst part of otaku culture.

>> No.25692564 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692600

mentioning niji or holo outside of their respective threads should get a 3 day ban from /jp/

>> No.25692566
Quoted by: >>25692723

>broke NDA
She was bitching about having to delete her old accounts. But since she didn't actually didn't delete any accounts, is it still the same contract with Hololive?

>> No.25692576 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692619

Sounds like you hate the japanese, go and tell them how they live their lives wrong and hololive should adjust to your standards.

>> No.25692580 [DELETED] 

>"It's ok to be racist against the Japanese because the Japanese are racists."
Where did this bullshit come from? The point is is that you should go fuck yourself if you think japanese are short of sacred while everyone who disagrees with them is a racist.

>> No.25692590 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692610

First off, I never said it was okay, I just mentioned that the Japanese are hypocrites for crying about racism. Secondly, I know you're a shitposter because you're bringing up the retarded NDA shit that not even 5ch believes

>> No.25692595 [DELETED] 

Why did you conveniently ignore this post? >>25692410

>> No.25692597 [DELETED] 

It's okay to be racist against inferior races, anon.

>> No.25692600 [DELETED] 

Happy ban anon!

>> No.25692604 [DELETED] 

A small price to pay

>> No.25692609 [DELETED] 

I'd gladly take the ban if it means all these shitposts go down with me

>> No.25692610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692625

Go call them insects on twitter again, that'll show them.

>> No.25692616
Quoted by: >>25692628

I've been away from these threads for a while...why does everyone hate Yuuna? does she get spammed here now?

>> No.25692619 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692641

Who's hating on Japanese now that you are saying all of them are retarded? I've said no such thing.
I also couldn't give a single shit about Hololive, Aloe or the hottest new drama.
Yet again I've come in to sit down, have a cup of tea and you faggots are talking about the same tired bullshit.
Also, stop calling everything racist, you stupid fucks are the worst.

>> No.25692625 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692641

I like the part where you didn't address anything I said and just repeated the same retarded response for a third time. Feel free to take your time, I know thinking is hard for you

>> No.25692628

She gave up her dream, that's a big no-no

>> No.25692638 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692660

It's just dumb of people here to cry about one troll account being racist against another racist troll. Like you have the moral highground here.

>> No.25692641 [DELETED] 

Whatever you say racist.
I like the part where you ignored all my other posts and just repeated the same retarded response.

>> No.25692656 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692679

I'm far from racist, friend. But keep sperging out. I'm sure you'll win. I believe in you.
Hating idolfags isn't racism. It's sensible. It should be encouraged.

>> No.25692658 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692679

No, it's okay. Explain how she broke NDA. Give us the the details on how you found out about her contract information that no one else knows. Or, you can say "Shouldn't you be calling them insects on twitter" again.

>> No.25692660 [DELETED] 

Holofags are racist kids from /pol/ and they post racist shit at the japanese vtuber fans, it's not surprising if the japanese are getting annoyed by it.

>> No.25692669 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692752

This thread should be renamed to false flagger general - /ffg/.

>> No.25692673
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, best of butt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai-chan proving once and for all that she truly is best of butt.

>> No.25692674 [DELETED] 

That was one guy.
If it's wrong for holoshits to say all japanese are shitty otakus becuase of one anti it's also wrong to say all holoshits are racist because of one poster.

>> No.25692679 [DELETED] 

Whatever you say racist.
So will you bother respond this time? >>25692410
Or just ignore it and repeat the same "buhhh japanese are also racist sometimes" shit post?

>> No.25692680 [DELETED] 

Do you have any links of the tweets? I knew /hlg/ was getting big but I didn't think they would get this bad.

>> No.25692687 [DELETED] 

Explain how you know she broke NDA or neck yourself.

>> No.25692688

Aifag please save us.

>> No.25692692 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692782

You're not allowed to. That goes against spergs narratives. Surprised he hasn't started throwing around holo* and niji* yet.
Argument, you have none.

>> No.25692693
Quoted by: >>25692744

That's some good animation on her ponytail

>> No.25692701 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692725

How about you normalfags go back to whatever normalfag website you came from? There are a myriad of sites for people like you.

>> No.25692723
Quoted by: >>25692768

Do you really believe she was with anyone else for a short 4-5 month period and just immediately threw her Live2D up on another account the second she got hired at Hololive?

>> No.25692725 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692804

wew. It's not bad to hate idolfuckwits. You're a disease.
The rest of us on /jp/ despise you fucks and have done since you started to invade.

>> No.25692739

actually wanna cry how good some of these v-tubers are at APEX.

>> No.25692744
Quoted by: >>25692784

It almost looks like she has a bit of jiggle physics on her butt.
They updated her hair physics when they gave extra bones and collision to her big sleeves.

>> No.25692752
Quoted by: >>25692771

I wonder how deep the falseflags go. What if it's a nijifan pretending to be a holofan pretending to be a nijifan pretending to be a holofan? Or what if it's just a retarded holofan? We will never know

>> No.25692755

Virtual Gorilla is too strong.

>> No.25692768
Quoted by: >>25692813

I don't know. There's room for speculation.
It's kinda weird to bitch about needing to delete your old accounts if no one at hololive actually did that except roboco.
5ch says it was with 774 inc, but she got a better one from Hololive.

>> No.25692771
Quoted by: >>25692797

If only they got range banned. Sadly we can only dream.

>> No.25692782 [DELETED] 

More like a 100, holoshits are all racist idiots from /pol/.
Respond or neck yourself. I never said anything about NDA.
So you'll just ignore it again. Retarded bitch, you are entering a japanese community, insulting the japanese, if you didn't have brain problems you should be able to process why that's a bad thing.

>> No.25692784
Quoted by: >>25692922

It looks like they just added some stretchy bones to her undercheeks. Advanced in real time animation technology being properly used to animate perfect snooty butts!

>> No.25692797 [DELETED] 

You sound really IPcist.

>> No.25692798
Quoted by: >>25693503

Where are the anons that are good at fps? Go snipe Gorilla or Hal or Kanae and kill them for us.

>> No.25692804 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692862

You can't be more new and dense than this. Everyone from /jp/ wants virtual youtubers to be gone from the board, because you normalfags are too retarded to fit in.

>> No.25692805
Quoted by: >>25692822

I'm the anon who mentioned the NDA thing, I'm not even gonna bother showing anything. My point was such a stupid incident made people instigating such a hate war is fucking dumb.

>> No.25692808
Quoted by: >>25692879

>More like a 100, holoshits are all racist idiots from /pol/.
Yeah they're racist but only one of them posted the nuke tweet. Like only one Anti out of a hundred posts he wants a Holoshit to die.

>> No.25692813

>I don't know. There's room for speculation.
There's really not.
>It's kinda weird
It is, but that's not because what she said it's right. It's because almost everything out of her mouth in that stream was made up, either out of ignorance, spite, or a desire to be interesting. She was wrong about the company policies, she was wrong about Chitose. Probably not wrong about Hololive being a black company, though.

>> No.25692822
Quoted by: >>25692836

>stupid incident made people instigating such a hate war is fucking dumb
it would've happened anyway, you can't stop the shitposters without the meidos

>> No.25692836

Maidos can't remove 5chan infominers.

>> No.25692838

>that's not because what she said it's right.
is right*. Sorry, dysgraphia.

>> No.25692858
Quoted by: >>25692880

>It's because almost everything out of her mouth in that stream was made up
Unless Cover makes an official statement, we're not going to know. You only think it's made up because it doesn't match what you think happened and vyt is just outsiders just speculating.

>> No.25692860

Westerner holobastards are nothing but human scum.

>> No.25692862 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692891

I'm not insulting anyone. They did. But I'll still shit on dumb idolfags regardless.
I'm not speaking about vtubers. You idiots thinking vtubing is synonymous with idols are hilariously dumb. I'm perfectly fine with these threads. Well, besides the shitposters.
I've been on this shit site longer than moot has. Fuck outta here with your "epic oldfag" nonsense.
And to be honest, they shouldn't even be on this board either. I'm one that thinks there SHOULD be a dedicated board for it. Slow threads are not a bad thing. These threads are already shitpost central because of sperg and sperg2 and spergN

>> No.25692879

I'm just saying, the eop holofags have been pretty aggressive and racist towards the japanese fans, that's bound to create some animosity. Then this idiots comes out and starts saying that japanese aren't allowed to get angry at racism, because some japanese are also racist, or some stupid bullshit.
To be fair though the holofag eops are cancer but the japanese who watch hololive are also retards.

>> No.25692880

No, we know it's made up because it's factually incorrect. The stuff about having to delete accounts, literally everything about Chitose's identify reveal... We know all of that is false. We don't need a statement from Cover to tell us that because we have brains and access to information and we're capable of putting 2 and 2 together and realizing that it is, in fact, not 7.

>> No.25692883

>230 IPs
It's over, these threads have no salvation anymore.

>> No.25692887 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25692915

I think pre-split was more peaceful than this...

>> No.25692889

identity* Sorry, dysgraphia again.

>> No.25692891
Quoted by: >>25692934

Oh yeah you're just defending people who call the japanese subhuman insects, but oh wait you don't defend them, so what exactly are you bitching about? EOP holofags are full of racists and they are bitching at the japanese, no wonder if japanese communities are getting pissed.

>> No.25692904
Quoted by: >>25692934

we get 290-300 in Holo, I don't know where these retards have come from, Most are just looking for drama/dox shit.

>> No.25692908
Quoted by: >>25692942

Apparently Hololive sold Aloe to BLACKED.

>> No.25692914

Let them burn bridges. In the end hololive will suffer for it anyway I'm just going to enjoy this. Fuck the Japanese idolfags amirite? I'll leave it to yagoo to ban the EOPs.

>> No.25692915 [DELETED] 

well I told you guys that this shit should've been kicked out a long time ago but no this is a thread for all vtubers, have fun with that I guess

>> No.25692922
File: 990 KB, 1080x1560, 74169796_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame they can't give her boob physics because collision would make it too obvious. She wouldn't be able to chumete without pressing them forward.

>> No.25692934

Get your brain checked, seriously. You're that stupid. I'm done going around circles with your blackhole of a memory.
Also, protip, it was likely sperg that sent that message on Twitter. He shitposts and tries to rile up the Hololive thread all the time. He's the one posting threads on other boards to piss off everyone.
Thanks to sperg posting shit on Reddit.

>> No.25692935
Quoted by: >>25692945

We already kicked them out once, anon. We also told you to go make your own thread if you weren't happy about it.

>> No.25692942
Quoted by: >>25692949

Lol! This reference is epic FTW

>> No.25692945

have fun with this for all eternity then

>> No.25692948
Quoted by: >>25695567

I'll wait for the official announcement from Cover about the NDA shit like how I choose to believe the official announcement from NijiSanji about Chitose's retirement.

You're writing off the better offer possibility. This kind of thing is possible because it happened to me. Was going to be a temp wageslave for a bank but some pajeet who beat me in an interview died or skipped the country and I got the news at the last second.

>> No.25692949

The sluts voicing the vtubers are as lewd as the ones from blacked.

>> No.25692964
File: 501 KB, 1613x2061, EgHOAvvUMAIQMni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should become zombie's fan

>> No.25692965
Quoted by: >>25693000

Yeah right, holofags never do anything wrong, it must've been a singular mastermind who's pulling the strings behind thousands of people every day. Go see a doctor.

>> No.25692968

There's also the guy who comes in every now and then to link to his own shitposts in the hololive thread if they don't get attention there

>> No.25692974
Quoted by: >>25693083

>literally everything about Chitose's identify reveal
You mean like she got it revealed, then stalking happened afterwards?

>> No.25692976

How many more days until Aloe comes back from her break? Hopefully the fighting stops then.

>> No.25692977
Quoted by: >>25693057

She got too popular for me

>> No.25692988
Quoted by: >>25693057

She's too deviant and that scares me

>> No.25692992

Reminder with who you're arguing with

>> No.25692997

I expect the fighting to get even worse the day she comes back, and then slowly die down as all the autists realize that they are powerless and will change nothing

>> No.25693000
Quoted by: >>25693013

Okay sperg.

>> No.25693002

Otakus, known for letting things go, at any point ever,

>> No.25693006 [DELETED] 

>this is a thread for all vtubers
I don't think that really applies when these dumb discussions about streamers from the other 2 threads takes up over 90% of this one.

>> No.25693013

Only 1 by the way.
What's next? It was the aifags who did everything all along? You sure are quick to blame whatever random person for holofags being retarded.

>> No.25693032

Wasn't the whole point of the split because hololive and nijisanji were dominating discussion? Now they're still doing it, but instead it's just shitposting and arguing rather than posting about actual vtubers

>> No.25693034
Quoted by: >>25693071

This is sperg. The post, not the /pol/ link. Only he keeps track of this shit because he is obsessed. In fact, the link may well be him too.

>> No.25693051

well that's what people always said when they were told to keep this shit in their own threads, and of course the classic, it doesn't bother me so it's okay

>> No.25693052

It was actually more about speed, but we're getting there again.

>> No.25693053

First time seeing a hololive /pol/ thread. No fucking wonder given how they are. I thought it was going to be /pol/ telling them to fuck off but THEY are actually /pol/...

>> No.25693057
Quoted by: >>25693088

You're right. 400 subscribers is too big.
Only the most mentally ill of all the mentally ill vtubers are worth watching

>> No.25693071
Quoted by: >>25693123

And the 100 people who posted in that thread too and everyone in hlg and everyone on reddit and every holofag on twitter and everyone in the holodiscord. All one person.

>> No.25693075


>> No.25693083
Quoted by: >>25693109

The part about it getting revealed in general (it was revealed early on, even several times by her by accident, and she was upfront about it and didn't care), but it would be hard to comment on whether any stalking happened unless she said so. In her case, she did release a statement about why she quit and didn't cite any kind of stalking or safety concerns but said it was about not really enjoying the work she did and wanting to focus on music.

>> No.25693088
Quoted by: >>25694847

I don't want to live in a world where Akiraman is the best chuuba...

>> No.25693089
Quoted by: >>25693105

All these posts just to whiteknight Aloe? holofags....

>> No.25693093
Quoted by: >>25693115

Holofags are actually /pol/tards?
They really are worse than Aifags and Nijifags

>> No.25693105
Quoted by: >>25693133

I'm holding my shit to release it all on Aloe's face when she comes back.

>> No.25693109
Quoted by: >>25693162

If you take it at face value.
Wait, are these threads looping?

>> No.25693115

Is that supposed to be a surprise? They spent like 3 days trying to argue here that the n-word was 4chan culture so they should be allowed to say it.

>> No.25693118

>hololive and nijisanji
Only Hololive. We went from threads lasting 2-3 days on average to several a day capping out at 3000 posts, and it stopped as soon as Hololive got their own thread. The Nijisanji thread came later and it moves at a snail's pace.

>> No.25693123

That's not the point. Sperg does this to invite the scum here. He does it to make these threads worse so he can sperg out like the retard he is.
He lives for drama. He's literally admitted to doing this. Several times.
Half this fucking website are racist cunts. Hiroyuki is called "chinkmoot" by a large percentage of the site. (of those that even know he exists)

>> No.25693133

I laughed. You're good.

>> No.25693142
Quoted by: >>25693152

You're the only one who's sperging out right now. Why can't you just accept that holofags are retarded when all evidence points towards that simple conclusion?

>> No.25693152 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25693169

I'm not denying that though? Fuck off sperg.

>> No.25693159 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25693204

So you're just shitposting here just because you love the /hlg/ sperg so much you want to tell us about him? Why don't you go back to your thread, anon?

>> No.25693162
Quoted by: >>25693203

Only the one part, sure. The part about her identity being revealed and being the reason for her quitting is still wrong no matter how you slice it. She went basically her entire tenure at Nijisanji with everyone knowing and her admitting to it openly. And yes, it is looping because the main point is still being called into question on account of side points that ultimately don't matter.

>> No.25693166

y-you too

>> No.25693168
Quoted by: >>25693207

When did that happen? I don't remember seeing that unless the whole chain was deleted before I saw it or it happened in their thread

>> No.25693169 [DELETED] 

Then what are you denying? Are you just sperging for the sake of sperging about a sperg who's bad for sperging for the sake of sperging? That's some meta posting there.

>> No.25693203
Quoted by: >>25693224

To continue the loop, she wouldn't have mentioned if she was indeed getting stalked.

>> No.25693204 [DELETED] 

I left that shithole when sperg ruined it thanks to inviting the /v/tards. Bitch some more, maybe someone will care.

>> No.25693206 [DELETED] 

Okay resident spergs I think you guys scared off the /hlg/ posters by now. Let's go back to discussing chuubas.

>> No.25693207 [DELETED] 

Of course it was deleted, in the first days when the Aloe drama kicked off they were saying lots of racist shit here, they were told that they should keep that shit to /pol/ and then started going on about how it's "4chan culture". Maybe they got rangebanned after a while because they didn't really appear again after that.

>> No.25693217 [DELETED] 

What's with everyone hating on Aloe for no reason?

>> No.25693224
Quoted by: >>25693257

Okay, but what does what Chitose did or didn't say have to do with Aloe being factually incorrect about her identity reveal?

>> No.25693232

Who is your favorite babiniku?

>> No.25693235 [DELETED] 

uhhh I never posted in that thread though, I guess it's another case of you mixing a dozen people together or you're not even talking about me idk I'm not sure, I'm just gonna assume that you're talking about someone else at this point

>> No.25693240


>> No.25693257
Quoted by: >>25693280

That we don't know how much she knows, which means she might not be incorrect.

>> No.25693262

Note-mama, but I've been warming up to itou life recently, he's really fun in collabs.

>> No.25693276
Quoted by: >>25693465

Guess I could give it a try. What's the appeal?

>> No.25693280 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25693297

I really just hope you're fucking with me at this point and not actually this stupid, anon. I really do.

>> No.25693284
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, Eb1r7VOUEAMyYNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25693357

Tomari. This design does things to me.

>> No.25693297 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25693338

What, do you want me to explain from the top or do you want to do it instead?

>> No.25693300 [DELETED] 

You clearly do care enough to reply to me though.

>> No.25693329

I've done it. I've finally married Patra.

>> No.25693338 [DELETED] 

Don't do it anon. That guy has been baiting this thread the entire day trying to find someone who could spoonfeed him the translation since he couldn't search for it himself.

>> No.25693355
Quoted by: >>25693481

Nora Cat

>> No.25693357
Quoted by: >>25693378

Going to have to agree, and his voice changer and acting is pretty good too. Almost sounds like a real girl with a low voice using a voice changer to up the pitch.

>> No.25693378
Quoted by: >>25693408

I agree with the acting, but the voice changer makes it really obvious

>> No.25693404
Quoted by: >>25693446

Can somebody explain that banner and why it has some Nijisanji people on it?

>> No.25693408

The voice changer is obvious, but it's not "intrusive", for the lack of a better word, in the way he sounds.

>> No.25693436
Quoted by: >>25693452

None of them. I'm not gay

>> No.25693446
Quoted by: >>25693694


>> No.25693452

Babinikus are not gay, what are you talking about?

>> No.25693456
Quoted by: >>25693481

cat maid?

>> No.25693465

She's an JK gurofag who whispers all the time and drinks energy drinks out of a baby bottle.

>> No.25693473
File: 2.97 MB, 746x420, check em.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post this mv then

>> No.25693481


>> No.25693503

kanae got killed a couple of times

>> No.25693504
Quoted by: >>25693513

As in all 24 packs at once?

>> No.25693511

Anyone know any less well-known illustrator vtuber? no babiniku please.

>> No.25693513

Of course

>> No.25693520
Quoted by: >>25693531

>no babiniku please
what are you, gay?

>> No.25693531

If I watch babiniku I might have to pound your boipucci

>> No.25693553

watch thomas right now!

>> No.25693674
File: 82 KB, 186x174, apologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25693706

Why haven't you apologized yet?

>> No.25693694

ah thats cute!

>> No.25693699
File: 2.75 MB, 4092x2893, EeKZkDDUwAMEiqb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25695018

This slime draws sometimes.

>> No.25693706

Not /jp/ related

>> No.25693730


>> No.25693745
Quoted by: >>25694130


>> No.25693766
File: 47 KB, 572x614, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Monday, wake the fuck up.


>> No.25693937

If you mean "vtuber that does drawing streams" then this person
If you mean "illustrator that made themselves a vtuber" there's a ton.

>> No.25694118
Quoted by: >>25694257

I enjoyed the Jerma raid

>> No.25694130

I miss oddai so much

>> No.25694196
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1524429563077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25694257
Quoted by: >>25694377

>When your smal tubah that usually has 2 viewers has 170 because she's commentating on the indy 500
Based and Takumo Sato won pilled

>> No.25694285
File: 993 KB, 1024x1139, Bayern München AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bayern München wins the Champions League

>> No.25694377

oops didn't mean to reply, also actually 226.

>> No.25694540

I want Anon's cat maid to make me some Toriten

>> No.25694717


>> No.25694719
Quoted by: >>25694838


>> No.25694838

the period shits are no joke

>> No.25694847

That's あぃらマン to you.

>> No.25694884

Sort of specific, but are there any good Vtubers with a Hokkaido-ben dialect?

>> No.25694903


>> No.25694906

I always looked at it simply as true freedom of speech, it's not supposed to be taken seriously, anyway, the worse it could happen is being called one yourself.

>> No.25694981
File: 182 KB, 1456x819, Ef4Ru7cVoAA6q8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25695018
Quoted by: >>25695047

Is she the one that drew slime AI-chan?

>> No.25695032


>> No.25695047

Yes, she drew that one first.

>> No.25695049

Mary is streaming. She's still single.

>> No.25695068
Quoted by: >>25696426

more and more streamers are becoming english friendly, even very small ones

>> No.25695070
Quoted by: >>25695115


>> No.25695115


>> No.25695287

I love AI-chan's strong personality, even as guest she's quick to take charge.
It was a lot of fun and Gacchan seemed pretty happy by the end.

>> No.25695351
Quoted by: >>25696171

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSxYgQjldiE kakage

>> No.25695407
File: 5 KB, 321x47, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25695557

>> No.25695553
Quoted by: >>25695699

I like Nazuna

>> No.25695557

That's actually pretty funny
I loled

>> No.25695567

why niji want to destroy her career right now?
she just collab with ai chan

>> No.25695577

Kurea's monring show

>> No.25695699

Nazuna is cute!

>> No.25695962


>> No.25696171
Quoted by: >>25696263

whats a croquis?

>> No.25696208
Quoted by: >>25696442

Someone was looking for a chuuba playing Fortnite.

Or maybe they were joking, but this one's pretty hyper.

>> No.25696263

quick drawings

>> No.25696426

And? Are you that faggot that throws a tantrum whenever they speak engrish/broken english and claims the west are corrupting them?

>> No.25696442

Is it wrong to wish more chuubas played Fortnite instead of ARK

>> No.25696466

Fortnite is a shitty meme game, but I think it's more entertaining than Ark, depending on the vtuber. Ark is slow, so if they aren't good at filling dead air then it's a shit stream, but Fortnite is generally faster paced with less dead time

>> No.25696494

arcana mama is terrible

>> No.25696557
Quoted by: >>25696606

Any chubbas playing DBD as killer? Most of the one I found play Survivor and Survivors are hilariously strong and unfun to watch

>> No.25696606

Kishido Temma typically plays killer when he does play DBD, but other than that most I know of play survivor

>> No.25696750
File: 633 KB, 956x541, kg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25697373

You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.25697077

you mean Apex?

>> No.25697373 [DELETED] 

Love how the angry 5chan incel is literally portrayed as The Joker.

>> No.25697481
File: 16 KB, 500x400, 1592743706093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any vtubers who don't just play 話題 of the week online games and dumb lolsorandumxD meme games ad-infinitum?

it's so hard to find anything where they do an actual let's play of a game with a story.

>> No.25697495


>> No.25697525
Quoted by: >>25697537

Do you prefer FF14?

>> No.25697533

check out the korone channel, you'll love it

>> No.25697537
Quoted by: >>25697727

get out rin

>> No.25697549

There are

>> No.25697608

Do you watch vtubers or do you just complain about them?

>> No.25697708

Win 98 chan

>> No.25697710


>> No.25697727

But she voices those unvoiced cutscenes for a better experience.

>> No.25697746

cute design

>> No.25697985

You would think TMSK would be more genki than Monoe and stream today.

Probably spending some quality time with her "brother" though.

>> No.25698118

I just wanna se her jump the rope 10000 times like she promised.

>> No.25698122

Still can't believe there are people who buy the "brother" thing.

>> No.25698159

I think it's hotter that way.

>> No.25698186

i wish she would stream more stupid playstation 2 games, that was a great direction for the channel

>> No.25698490

remember potechi

>> No.25698539

when will Pikamee and Monoe get a "brother"?

>> No.25698576

sorry, I don't like coming on streams

>> No.25698621

I don't think Monoe's fanbase would approve of her brother being a different race from her. Besides I'm not too fond of becoming a vtuber.

>> No.25698653


>> No.25698655
File: 3.66 MB, 2300x2315, 76994869_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25698919

Does anyone have the better version of this image? I know I saw it somewhere.

>> No.25698698

As soon as Pikamee starts going to the gym

>> No.25698777

Sorry but if you told me Pika would lose those lovehandles I'd dump her on the spot.

Nothing butter than a plump Pikamee with all the fun parts for squeezing.

>> No.25698917

Someone told me Kagura Mea is known for selling gifts her fans send her but I can't find any evidence of this. Is this true?

>> No.25698919

>better version
what do you mean?

>> No.25698983

I wonder how FAT she actually is

>> No.25699056

my browser can't handle this many posts, its lagging up everything, can we just make a new thread at 1900 posts?

>> No.25699056,1 [INTERNAL] 

There is no fucking way haato has a boyfriend she clearly said that in her twitter and live stream. And you dont make up some shitpost
