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File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1585847327307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25674107 No.25674107 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25674168

more like paizurilive.

>> No.25674169


>> No.25674176
Quoted by: >>25674187

*aloe image*

>> No.25674187


>> No.25674201
File: 14 KB, 260x260, 260px-Sakura_Miko_-_Portrait_01-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she unironically dying?

>> No.25674202
Quoted by: >>25676414


explain yourself lamycorns

>> No.25674452
Quoted by: >>25676463

giving birth is more likely

>> No.25674619
File: 127 KB, 381x386, 1597858167069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25674632
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1597998099132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25674794

long term medical conditions require shit like this, anon

>> No.25674829

Kinda glad Nene has calmed down a bit since her first stream. Her voice faltered a bit during this stream but she's clearly improving.

>> No.25674857
File: 247 KB, 931x691, 1578770682333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ask pekora to reenact this scene? I want to watch her bunny puss hole get stuffed.

>> No.25674979
Quoted by: >>25676463

I’d place more money on giving birth than anything.

>> No.25675020


>> No.25675041

holo live?

more like homo live

>> No.25675069

>year of the huge giant pandemic
>people believe she doesn't have the rona
Just accept it already anons, she's about to graduate from life.

>> No.25675074 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 269x202, nyranners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of pic related?

>> No.25675084

She sounds pretty healthy.

>> No.25675107

get the fuck off this board you degens

>> No.25675115

apology for poor english

wen wer u wen Mikochi was kill

I was watching birdkun21 "translated" clips on tablet wen azki ring

"mikochi is kill"

"who this"

>> No.25675123


>> No.25675149

Redpill me on Suisei.
She seems like one of the more serious holos when it comes to being an idol, but also seems to enjoy gaming and non-idol shit more than the holos that don't seem to care about the idol side of things.

>> No.25675161

Unironically we are all dying Anon

>> No.25675174
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, Ef_zXrKXsAM_T-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a jack of trades. She can sing well, edit videos, draw, and 3D model. She's also really damn good at tetris, too. A pity she's into young men.

>> No.25675179
Quoted by: >>25675192

>67 minutes
>23 posts
what the fuck happened

>> No.25675192
Quoted by: >>25675326

There's another active thread, my dude

>> No.25675224

I want to push Botan's Botans

>> No.25675295 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25675415

Sellout cunt, should never be anywhere near hololive.

>> No.25675297


>> No.25675315 [DELETED] 

makes me pray there's no hololive na

>> No.25675326

well now I feel like a silly billy

>> No.25675369

Same guy that told you guys about Miko getting covid here, she was tested negative after a few weeks before but now showing signs of symptoms once again and needs to be confined for a more thorough check.

>> No.25675407
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, shotacon't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25675411
File: 667 KB, 1060x794, 1512355663771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25675960

>A pity she's into young men.
how is this bad

>> No.25675413
File: 1.84 MB, 1028x1028, 1598044629045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is my wifu!

>> No.25675415 [DELETED] 

>Sellout cunt
what she do

>> No.25675447

Mikoti, holy shit

she is really dying.

>> No.25675460

>a literal cosplayer needs to go to the hospital
>start speculating about her personal life instead of just wishing her good luck like a normal human being

This is why people think you're all degenerates

>> No.25675494
File: 53 KB, 650x434, c978e122e9060d873f8cb78fa7b5e8aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may bring ONE Holo to a love hotel for the night.

Whos it gonna be

>> No.25675537

Omaru Polka

>> No.25675585

If it's one night, it's gonna have to be (who I feel) would be the nastiest girl. Matsuri.
Close second. NGL, I love her cleavage. honestly might pick her if I wasn't feeling a burnett

>> No.25675589 [DELETED] 

pretty fun to watch. she plays to her audience well. still an oldfag. people are salty because she 'denouncing' 4chan when her pomf video was taking some heat.

>> No.25675595
Quoted by: >>25675723

men ma boy astel have the best voice

>> No.25675605

Roboco, she'd be so submissive in the bed and i love it.

>> No.25675612


>> No.25675625

>2 weeks in hospital
she got the rona

>> No.25675697

I honestly hope everything goes well with Miko.

>> No.25675703
File: 113 KB, 306x300, 082320201034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casually steals your holo crown
heh...nothing personal

>> No.25675723

>not on twitcast
thank astel

>> No.25675739

I unironically believe that, really.

>> No.25675769
File: 1.83 MB, 1279x718, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676257

Bros... I wanna coom on their faces...

>> No.25675775
Quoted by: >>25676704

She died on the way back to her planet

>> No.25675782

><5% mortality rate
>immune to it the entire live after recovering

It is the risk that everyone should take.

>> No.25675863
File: 294 KB, 497x499, cocomorelikekaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually, unironically like this shitty-ass dragon go fuck yourself

>avatar is garbage
>retarded voice
>juvenile 14 year old humor
>panders to westerners hard

reminder that shes pushing for western expansion REALLY HARD. You do realize if she get what she wants, it's literally the worst possible thing to happen to hololive, if not Vtubing as a whole.

Pandering and accommodating to burgers is horrible enough, but having twitchwhores take up Vtubing would be the end.

>> No.25675887

why is their 2 threads?

>> No.25675910
Quoted by: >>25675996

>panders to westerners hard
She rakes in a lot of super chats from the westerners too. I respect the grind, but I don't want Hololive NA.

>> No.25675915

why does my willy stink?

>> No.25675952

>>avatar is garbage
And yet she can get the most subscriber out of the 4th gen. People like her soul not her skin.
>>retarded voice
She has weird accent but that is what you get for being bilingual since birth (talking from experience) but you can understand both her japanese and english
>>juvenile 14 year old humor
What's bad to attract fortnite generation? We are not gonna be here forever, we need young ones to take over us.
>>panders to westerners hard
So? More like pandering to English speaking community to be honest and that is not a bad thing.

>> No.25675960
Quoted by: >>25676300

We'll never be the shota, anonchama.

>> No.25675970
File: 253 KB, 850x1143, 0f1d7afb5114dab086a84f30917a3a854b00dc80ea328d0ad91f8a684e1c2440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676637

*shoots you*

>> No.25675980
Quoted by: >>25676017

A Coco defender and an ESL retard, amazing.

>> No.25675984

Do you scared by mickey mouse dragon?

>> No.25675996

I need to add more to this. Just look at your basic ebegging whores on twitch. Yagoo and Cover can't turn that into idolshit and you know they're gonna be the ones who apply and bring drama - in fact, they feed of the drama. No one can change them.
American girls just are not built for this job. It's all culture clash stuff and I really hope Coco's voice actress realizes this sooner than later.
There will be a day Vtubing slows die and dies off, but I really hope we don't hit the gas by inviting twitch whores and only fans girls.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
American idols won't do as the Romans do and will burn the whole place down while throwing a hissyfit then find a way to blame everyone but themselves.

>> No.25676008
Quoted by: >>25676065

I'll agree on the first two points, third is pretty iffy humor is subjective, but you've gone full retard on that last take there

>> No.25676014

Nene cause her roommate is actually hot

>> No.25676017
Quoted by: >>25676043

At least I can enjoy stuff on bilibili and can understand enough Japanese to enjoy the live streams. There is literally no advantage of being an EOP in this day and age. Just look at home all vtubers are trying to respond in Chinese to the viewers too.

>> No.25676021
File: 26 KB, 128x256, aqua god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to go rewatch Aqua's pancake hell stream again, but it looks like it was privated during the Holopocalypse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JwMsnjO4kc
Damn shame about that. I should have archived it when I had the chance, but I didn't.

>> No.25676032

Button is talking

>> No.25676039

>reminder that shes pushing for western expansion REALLY HARD

this is the only thing that i consider to be outright bad about her and and that i don't ever want to see happen, all the other shit you listed is just nitpicks

>> No.25676043
Quoted by: >>25676095

The advantage is that I can actually communicate on here without sounding like a lobotomite. How about you find a site where you can say the same?

>> No.25676047

because the other one is almost full and reached image limit

>> No.25676050
File: 200 KB, 1280x1000, Ef2goQXUYAA6gKa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676138

Sex is back in 8 days, sloppy seconds will be had.

>> No.25676051

Subaru, so I can listen to her complain endlessly as I leave her hanging from those cuffs while I watch a movie with popcorn in bed.

>> No.25676057

is this the slut thread?

>> No.25676065

What's so bad to pander to English speakers? That is the market that was explored primarily by hololive anyway (together with mainland China's market). It is the reason hololive is able to compete with rainbow since rainbow is slightly more dominant back in Japan.

>> No.25676085

Basically every Hololiver now has their chat filled with english messages that have little to do with anything and practically the entire comment section is a bunch of obnoixious EOPs. Worse than normal EOPs, worse even than most youtube comments--these obnoxious things are also r*dditors. And Coco has spearheaded the open borders for EOPs from r*ddit policy. Why would I ever want that? Why would anyone ever want that?

>> No.25676095

Not everyone EOP sound like Indians talking English. Gaijin can understand our English well, only thing different is that we speak slower.

>> No.25676098


>> No.25676109

>Why would anyone ever want that?
subscriber and okane

>> No.25676123

A lot of JP fans that I've seen want to keep the bond that is the Western and JP fans. I think this is just a personal disagreement on your part which is ok.

Just admit that you're being entirely partial by your assessment. She's heavily respected by the entirety of Hololive as a company and the other vtubers. Admit you're retarded.

>> No.25676129

What's the lion saying?

>> No.25676135
Quoted by: >>25676258

>Why would anyone ever want that?
Aki went from 180k to almost 250k in a week, getting memberships and more supacha, the comments being collateral damage is aceptable as everything else is a plus for them.

>> No.25676138
Quoted by: >>25676231

When watching her I just feel like watching another e-girl. I had that feeling watching Rushia initially but thank god she actually became honest in the end.

>> No.25676147

They'll just say so if she did got it. There's no point in hiding it

>> No.25676173
File: 73 KB, 705x1000, 1591789336589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676180

duck's armpit!

>> No.25676175
File: 98 KB, 847x666, BOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this just an upgraded version of "I really hate this bitch"?

>> No.25676180

Sweaty and smelly, I'm sexually aroused by it!

>> No.25676186 [DELETED] 

Should kill herself

>> No.25676188

coco because i know shes hot irl

>> No.25676193
File: 777 KB, 220x293, 1597493525068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one can visit her irl
>the streams before her break she was seen being out of breath

Like this is not a deep mystery anymore, she got the 'rona

>> No.25676196
Quoted by: >>25676247

>A lot of JP fans that I've seen want to keep the bond that is the Western and JP fans.
JP fans are VERY quickly going to regret that. Most Westerners that watch Vtubers right now are fans of anime/japanese culture. But once they open up to the larger western audience they're gonna get a lot more attention from burgers coming from cesspools like rebbit and twitter. The latter of which no double are gonna yell about retarded shit like REEEEEEEEEE LOLI AVATAR BAD REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.25676208
Quoted by: >>25676399

What is this Ereco = Botan thing going around?

>> No.25676213

As if JOPs were any less retarded than EOPs. At least the hololivers could easily claim no speaku englisu if they dont want to address the faggots. Even Coco

>> No.25676220
File: 2.06 MB, 1397x1080, 1593265853147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676326

Except Coco barely gave a shit about her english fanbase until like a month ago where she started doing reddit reviews?

I swear people here only watch a stream for like a week then judge everything

>> No.25676222

Redditors are faggots with more disposable income than your average japanese NEET. There's a reason why Coco is #1 on Superchat donations across the entire platform, bitch made around $850,000 USD in Superchats since December.

>> No.25676230

I can't believe I'm about to defend r*ddit... But more fans means more money and ultimately more pay for the girls and new idols. That's what matters.
Toxic fans come from all walks of life.
We just gotta hope that as the Hololive's and Vtuber notoriety grows, the new fans take a hint and adapt.

>> No.25676231

Honestly, I really admired her courage to immediately start out the stream with a vocoded cover song. Its too early to tell yet. I personally like her design kinda reminded me of Etna from Disgaea plus I'm a sucker for the succubus character thing. She seems pretty legitimate to me, she just fucked up royally. and had the sex.

We'll see, we haven't reached that "honest in the end" part yet, she had one stream.

>> No.25676247

Someone already made my point in a more direct way here. I'll let you find that post.

>> No.25676257
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, Robotokayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving the notifications in the image
fng I swear

>> No.25676258
Quoted by: >>25676312

More people watching, but the experience is different. And if you think that just means more engspam in chat, you're delusional. The closer they get to western fans, the more they'll change their content to suit what these subhumans want. It's an abstract and slow form of cuckoldry. I don't come to japanese media to get the same thing that I can get from western media but in another language, I come to japanese media for things made primarily by and for japanese people. And while I'd like to believe that all these new western viewers of Hololivers are the same way, experience with this sort of thing has shown time and time again it doesn't work that way.

>> No.25676263 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1598156414683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter. We be having fun


>> No.25676271

And it is also good to have anti(s) from different language groups because they can never see eye to eye with one another, hence you can divide your hate properly without letting it fester.

>> No.25676274

>There are people who can't follow zatsudan streams
Do your reps

>> No.25676276 [DELETED] 

Smart girl distancing herself from this place, hope she goes far in her career online

>> No.25676284 [DELETED] 

mostly meh

>> No.25676288 [DELETED] 

>Race war in the Korone waiting room
EOPs aren't the real problem it's South America.

>> No.25676299 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25676419

I can't stand watching Pikamee for more than 5 minutes, her constant switching between english and jp gets too much

>> No.25676300

There's always Shion

>> No.25676308 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread, wrong website, honestly the wrong decade. Irrelevant both to hololive and to anything, anywhere.

>> No.25676312

Talking about your final point, why would westerners come specifically for things like that when their only previous experience was watching translated clips? We already see how they always spew the same reused memes over and over, and don't seem to learn they are fucking tiring.

>> No.25676316 [DELETED] 

Yeah I hate SA. They really think that everyone speak Spanish? At least EOP are correct that majority of the world understand English.

>> No.25676326
Quoted by: >>25676460

>Except Coco barely gave a shit about her english fanbase until like a month ago where she started doing reddit reviews?
So it's okay for her to pander to burgers now because she didn't do it before?

What the fuck kinda argument is that??

>> No.25676334 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25676419

Damn, she's very annoying to listen to. So forced,

>> No.25676335 [DELETED] 

Having concentration-camp guard level guilt over the pomf video is dumb but honestly does anyone actually like 4chan anymore except for election tourists.

>> No.25676355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25676395

Shes a cautionary tale as to why Hololive USA would be a horrible idea.

>> No.25676360

I think the deathposters may have finally won this one

>> No.25676361
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1583616746862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is her English coming along? is she showing any improvement?

>> No.25676369 [DELETED] 

The really are the worst offenders in general, just ignoring stream rules in general and then complaining about it.

>> No.25676373 [DELETED] 

>JOPs wait calmly spamming taiki or emotes
>these fucking retards beclowning themselves
I am ashamed. I'm actually almost too embarrassed to mention I like vtubers to Japanese folks online because I don't want to be associated with these people.

>> No.25676379

>But more fans means more money and ultimately more pay for the girls and new idols.
As long as they are making enough money to live and keep making content, I do not give a single shit how much more money all the new fans get them. New and different fans means the content changes. If they're making more money but the content is no longer something I like, I have no reason to be happy about it.

>> No.25676386
Quoted by: >>25676463

No joke I legit believe she is having a baby.

>> No.25676387

She can make coherent sentences and can correct some google translate errors

>> No.25676395 [DELETED] 

Honestly yes.
Hololive USA should never be a thing.

>> No.25676399

Fake news, everyone knows Botan is Flare

>> No.25676409 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25676450

She disavowed anons after pandering to them for years and then tried to suck up to SJWs. It was basically cuckolding so anon is still rightfully mad.

>> No.25676410

I'm amazed by how well she can pronounce things.
Has she been getting help with pronunciation?

>> No.25676412

Why is Botan's face and eye tracking so much better than everyone else?

>> No.25676414

i slapped my sausage down her throat too hard so she couldn't thank u for all your supachas

>> No.25676417
File: 909 KB, 1302x734, armcutoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest.
Would you audition to join Holostars EN if they ever tried it?

>> No.25676419 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 454x420, 1598157063272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forced hate. Die.

>> No.25676422

Sounds pretty promising to me.

>> No.25676431

Hell yes, we need a real autist in the group.

>> No.25676437 [DELETED] 

I thought i would dislike her but she seems pretty cool i guess, shes not overly energetic or anything which makes her a million times better than any other content creator.
Same with her voice, shes not over doing it and it sounds genuine

>> No.25676450 [DELETED] 

>I've grown
>4channel full of retards but I'm better than that I side with SJWs now
how about you side with neither? dumb bitch

>> No.25676452

No. Too manly.

>> No.25676453

I unironically want her too be as slutty as possible when she's back

>> No.25676460

what a way to butcher the argument, Sounds like a true /v/ermin

>> No.25676463
File: 40 KB, 546x540, EedqH63WsAEyBBl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678721

Imagine having Sakura Miko as your mom

>> No.25676477

I think she's using an English tutor on LINE.

>> No.25676478 [DELETED] 

Pandered to lolicon anons for years by doing a loli voice and voicing stuff like pomf then decided that's bad now and tried to claim she totally never meant to pander to lolicons and it was never right to make loli jokes but kept doing the exact same voice except instead of pandering to anons she just kind of turned inward into a cloistered group of internet friends on tumblr and made content basically just for them and that's about where I stopped paying attention years ago and I wasn't aware that she was even still making anything at all online until someone informed me the other day that she's trying to be a vtuber now.

Design's slightly less painfully generic and unwilling to stand out than most ENG vtubers, I guess, at least.

>> No.25676480

I feel like I could definitely fuck Okayu.

>> No.25676481 [DELETED] 

I'm ok with her.

>> No.25676482

Who else but Choco

>> No.25676485

140~ posts in 2 hours


>> No.25676487
Quoted by: >>25676502

Succubus locked in horny jail: I am growing stronger.

>> No.25676497

>Being a holostar in general in suffering it takes a man of steel to do it
>Working for an overseas company and getting paid idol wages
>As an English-speaking Holostar, you are the C-team (USA) of the B-team (Holostars)
Fuck no.
Not even as a side hustle.

>> No.25676499

kek Astel

>> No.25676502
File: 182 KB, 384x408, 1563427184132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25676505

Thank god.

>> No.25676508
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1800, 1598037030627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676697

There are two threads, Meidos haven't nuked this for some reason or another

>> No.25676510

finish this thread first please

>> No.25676517
Quoted by: >>25676590

Why apologieze? Reddits greatest weakness has always been how easy it is to create an echo chamber lorded over by a single authority, which makes it the worst platform for discussions about the merits of a particular content or issue . But fan groups are already an echo-chamber anyway so reddit is a great support

>> No.25676523


>> No.25676530
File: 161 KB, 700x1000, sample-fdfe0e8a4ec8c63d1600c84f5a61be74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25676551

Succubus's armpit!

>> No.25676540

She's a 31yo nerdlinger from Alabama, of course she is the way she is.

>> No.25676542
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten fox, Kawaiiiiyoooo~

>> No.25676550
Quoted by: >>25676577

So is Botan going to play or not? Fucking hell do they really need to do these talking streams everyday?

>> No.25676551
File: 204 KB, 792x886, 1597967197478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe armpit sex!

>> No.25676577

Bro... the parasocial relationship...

>> No.25676590

if cover understands how the internet community works, they'll just use r*ddit as nothing more than an echo chamber and a place to sell their content instead of building a community from it.

>> No.25676591

What is the meaning of "parasocial"?

>> No.25676614

only if they let me fuck one (1) hololiver per month.

>> No.25676637

The "gun" in this image is based off of an airsoft gun, just looking at the barrel. Also, there are spent casings as well as non-fired rounds that have been ejected from the firearm...Whoever created this image either was trying to be comedic, or knew shit all about firearms

>> No.25676638
Quoted by: >>25676703

try typing that on google instead of here.

>> No.25676641
Quoted by: >>25676703

you're looking at it, bud

>> No.25676657
Quoted by: >>25676683

If Miko got the rona why is it taking so long for her to start streaming again?

>> No.25676664
File: 91 KB, 333x1089, DING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678132


>> No.25676683

I don't think it's the rona because if it were bad enough for her to need to be in the hospital she wouldn't have sounded as healthy as she did in the video.

>> No.25676684
Quoted by: >>25676699



Had a hard life...

>> No.25676686
File: 1.07 MB, 755x882, kuma noel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love noel very much

>> No.25676697



>> No.25676699
Quoted by: >>25676833

i wanted kanatan to drop by...

>> No.25676703

It is normal socializing. They even meet offline.

>> No.25676704


>> No.25676708

>but having twitchwhores take up Vtubing would be the end.
and whats wrong with girls on twitch exactly?

>> No.25676713

No, I'd eventually have to sing for that. Also would be limited to the idol boy thing they have going on which means in practice an even more restrictive code of conduct than even the girl idols are under and with less support from cover and the holostars curse of next to no subscribers outside of bleedover from any time some subbing channel decides to sub a holostars clip for once. Sometimes their streams can be comfy but I wouldn't want to actually have to be one of them. Would have an easier time being independent and trying to get a collab with a bigger vtuber, and then even if I ended up with fewer subs then at least I wouldn't be beholden to anyone else.

>> No.25676740

senchou seems like a horny mess, so...

>> No.25676746
Quoted by: >>25676840

having a bunch of pandering money-hungry sluts join hololive would break the illusion that hololive isn't already full of pandering money-hungry sluts.

>> No.25676755
Quoted by: >>25676840

Shallow vapid ugly whores

>> No.25676775
Quoted by: >>25676840

unfunny and have little to no personality

>> No.25676776
Quoted by: >>25676840

I don't really mind EOP and the entire western fanbase in general but if you don't understand the cancer that is twitchwhores then you need to lurk more and do your research.

Twitchwhores and the entire just chatting section is the absolute cancer of livestreaming world.

>> No.25676787 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25676914

the problem is anything related to west and seaniggers
eops constantly speaking in their own language despite fully knowing that the vtubers cant understand them, they are just expecting them to read it, but most of the time, no, not most of the time, pretty much all of the time they wont understand it, except for coco and haato, shit even people like kanae who his mother is a half have problem with basic english
the same applies to spics, with the difference that instead of trying to talk with the vtuber in spanish, they just continue sperging between each other or they continue spamming the same word in spanish hoping that the vtuber will try to read it
i fucking hate translators even if thanks to them vtubers got a lot of views and subs

>> No.25676789

Because of e thotting you have a bunch of 5 to 6/10s thinking and acting like they're 10/10s and therefore deserve your simp dollars.
Now imagine this same dynamic but open the gates to all girls as they hide behind an Avatar with the same level if not more of a sense of unearned but deserved entitlement.

>> No.25676799

Seeing how obsessed with sex aloe is what are the chances she's a gaijin hunter?

>> No.25676805

The only people who don't like her are autistic contrarian virgins

>> No.25676808
Quoted by: >>25676840

They'd be using using anime avatars, they can't """squat""" (twerk) for subs, so they have to actually lean on their personality, which they have none of. Unless you count vapid greedy whore as a personality.

>> No.25676811

she's going to femdom her whiteknight fanbase

>> No.25676833


Here is she

>> No.25676840

yikes didn't know we had a bunch of incels here

>> No.25676842

Is this the e-celeb reddit thread I keep hearing about?

>> No.25676847
Quoted by: >>25676852

go back to r*ddit, faggot. Or better yet, hang yourself

>> No.25676852

>falling for b8 this obvious this hard

>> No.25676864

That's her alright, what a cutie

>> No.25676873
Quoted by: >>25677245

close to 0 since shes a koreanboo literally a worse version of nips

>> No.25676884

I only hate women who do this

>> No.25676891

All me, nigger

>> No.25676902

>Seeing how obsessed with sex aloe is what are the chances she's a gaijin hunter?
She seems like the type who would be into big white dicks.

>> No.25676913


are you new around here?

>> No.25676914 [DELETED] 

Translated clips getting recommended on yt are sometimes bad but god, the day when a 500k+ anituber (oh god i can already see the gigguk video) makes a video about vutbers.... oh lord, cover corp. should definitely get chat mods

>> No.25676922 [DELETED] 

i wish youtube implemented some sort of language filter

>> No.25676945 [DELETED] 

>cover corp. should definitely get chat mods
we truly are at borrowed time, surely it can only get worse. hope they are on it.

>> No.25676946 [DELETED] 

Admittedly I think he'd be fun to grab a drink with and trash talk anime... but his fans are seething echo chamber scum.

>> No.25676980 [DELETED] 

>seething echo chamber

what's new?

>> No.25676989
Quoted by: >>25679324

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.25677007
File: 381 KB, 1256x885, suki sukiiiiii nanora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677902

>> No.25677016

matsuri is washed up

>> No.25677021


>> No.25677030

What happened to the old korone bgm... I kinda miss it

>> No.25677040 [DELETED] 

his vids are often good desu (well he has experience, noticed a few days ago when his mr. anime arrest vid. got recommended to me that hes around on yt since like 2010).

>> No.25677050
Quoted by: >>25677073

I find it quite funny how you get recommended kson stuff while watching coco and vice versa.

>> No.25677058 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 840x431, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigguk has already brought up vtubers a few times already. Anitubers wouldn't do much damage, but I'd imagine it'd be a lot worse if some normalfag youtubers/channels makes a video about vutbers

>> No.25677062 [DELETED] 

i have no idea how that "desu" got there, im pretty sure i typed "desu" ?

>> No.25677066
File: 60 KB, 503x87, csgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you akifags was this

>> No.25677069

Lunachi.... people are saying she actually is using a neck brace....

>> No.25677070 [DELETED] 

Oh no...anon...

>> No.25677073

that's bc youtube is not autistic about voice actresses

>> No.25677075 [DELETED] 


>> No.25677078 [DELETED] 

or we could copy western gate-keepers and gate-keep hololive. skate "culture" is kinda like this

>> No.25677079 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677098

Don't reveal you're a newfag t b h

>> No.25677088
File: 180 KB, 1000x1050, 1574282695227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677207



>> No.25677089 [DELETED] 

These are the people coming to these threads...

>> No.25677092 [DELETED] 

tb h
s oy
etc. were all words used to mock a mod's fav 48g girl so they got censored

>> No.25677098 [DELETED] 

as long as its not a towa retard im fine

>> No.25677102 [DELETED] 

oldest trick in the book

>> No.25677107 [DELETED] 

I believe Haato was in a PewDiePie video. But it went over 99% of people's heads. Thank God.

>> No.25677109 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677110

what does onions turn into?

>> No.25677110 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677118

there you have it

>> No.25677115
Quoted by: >>25677150

>coco's roommate does celebration stream
>half the chat is eops asking about coco
shit hurts to read

>> No.25677114 [DELETED] 

don't forget senpai

>> No.25677117

My oshi makes my heart go doki doki and it makes me feel like a highschooler with her first crush

>> No.25677118 [DELETED] 

yes, mystery solved!

>> No.25677128 [DELETED] 

thats only onions and basedboy. the original words were a lot older.

>> No.25677133 [DELETED] 

yeah they talked about them a few times in trashtalk afaik.

>Anitubers wouldn't do much damage

not so sure about that. normalfag youtber fanbase would probably trash the chat for 1- max 4 days while MHA weeblets would probably partly stay and ruin the chat for atleast 1 month if not forever

>> No.25677143

200 posts in under 5 minutes jesus christ.

>> No.25677148

Instead of shitposting why don't we talk about something important for once.

Aqua's pussy. Discuss.

>> No.25677150
Quoted by: >>25677187

It's her fault for not even trying to fucking hide it. She's worse than Noelanan.

>> No.25677158

must be new around here. welcome, newfag. don't spend too long in here

>> No.25677157
File: 15 KB, 589x340, peko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677224


>> No.25677161
File: 569 KB, 788x810, fnXIhpUcAIMRVH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayame bean
greater chance of failure when you equip it

>> No.25677162
Quoted by: >>25677205

This guy spamming Botan's chat with a google translated question is why they need chat mods.

>> No.25677164
File: 135 KB, 770x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25677168


>> No.25677173
File: 32 KB, 427x266, 1579681284243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677263

This is very spicy


>> No.25677174

Ye...yeah that's what happened, pay us no mind meidos

>> No.25677179

I wish I could eat moona's shits

>> No.25677180 [DELETED] 

red_it tier overlords

>> No.25677181

Tastes like onions. I'll ferment that juice in bottle.

>> No.25677185
File: 126 KB, 219x362, AK-aru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Nene!

>> No.25677186

are here.

>> No.25677187

>It's her fault for not even trying to fucking hide it. She's worse than Noelanan.
It's probably written into their contracts that they are not allowed to reference their character outside of when they're playing it.

>> No.25677188
File: 57 KB, 1000x567, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no duck or pikamee gf

>> No.25677190

So... do we move here or to a new thread?

>> No.25677191

>barely any ritual post on this thread
Is /hlg/ inclining?

>> No.25677192

Komugi is very cute yes

>> No.25677193

I want to see aquas squirming body as she squirts all over the bed!

>> No.25677197
File: 122 KB, 512x512, 1581085466894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25677199
File: 235 KB, 1488x1327, EbgNyCHVAAEIWdK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677287



>> No.25677200


>> No.25677203

well i already ritualposted in the other thread so stay in this one

>> No.25677205

go to 5ch for a pure kanji experience

>> No.25677206

we stay here until meidos nuke both threads

>> No.25677207

Vinny x Korone collab when?

>> No.25677209
Quoted by: >>25677234

Bros why do I love the holos speaking english badly so much? Just makes me happy for some reason.

>> No.25677216

Watch as those retards try to make another thread just to post their shitty rituals on it.

>> No.25677218
File: 75 KB, 461x256, 2020-08-23 01_25_20-4stats.io - live 4chan board &amp; thread statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677252


>> No.25677223
Quoted by: >>25677239

what game would they play?

>> No.25677224
File: 214 KB, 451x441, JPEG_20200821_125559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677266


>> No.25677232
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1596909336660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Risu is straight and likes big cocks

>> No.25677234

Holoen will never be good substitute because the cute bad English is what makes it

>> No.25677238
File: 799 KB, 1131x1600, 75732428_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!!

>> No.25677239

kirby 64, just to see who is worse at it

actually i want them to play a game like the neverhood

>> No.25677240

> sasuga moona

>> No.25677242
Quoted by: >>25677297

i would rather vinny x okayu, korone is too much of a spastic she would work better with that faggot joel

>> No.25677243
File: 5 KB, 156x156, 1588021958331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to wait until god knows when for EMS to resume shipping to the states before i can get my holocomi goods
i just want my tapestry and keychains god damn it

>> No.25677244
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677245

Kpop is a plague on this earth.

>> No.25677249
File: 771 KB, 675x652, W0mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old as fuck thread
Move here!

>> No.25677252


>> No.25677253
File: 74 KB, 770x242, 1598160202765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677299


>> No.25677255

we need a new thread or our ritual posters will go insane

>> No.25677256

Choco cooking streams are pretty nice anons.

>> No.25677258

>what is this picture referring to?
>just seems like a weird crop of he
>a hickey
Reminder that Aloe got fucking merced for mentioning sex and the indogs are out here giving eachother hickeys


>> No.25677259


>> No.25677260

Fuck this thread abandon ship

>> No.25677261
File: 163 KB, 1200x848, EcsCstHVcAEu2Wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677272

Sheep love!

>> No.25677263


Just isn't the same anymore...

>> No.25677266

Pecor's runny nose!

>> No.25677269
Quoted by: >>25677294

good lord am not really actively following moonas twitter but is she always this horny? https://mobile.twitter.com/moonahoshinova

>> No.25677270
Quoted by: >>25677301

Try asking them if they will ship with DHL if you want it sooner

>> No.25677272

thats some baaaaaaad singing

>> No.25677275

>tfw you will never see hololive version of sunday stream

>> No.25677278

hololive general just can't accept the fact that they're an anti general

>> No.25677280

Same for me but I'm waiting on the Hololive cards from the new bushiroad TCG.

>> No.25677285 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25677345

she does alright for an granny

>> No.25677287
Quoted by: >>25677325

where is this from?

>> No.25677294

She's always horny,hungry,or both

>> No.25677297

perfect tbdesu

>> No.25677299

please yes but instead you should @ them to me haha

>> No.25677301

judging from every other place that i asked if i could switch to DHL the shipping ranges anywhere from 70-150+ along with an extreme wait, buyfagging is just fucked right now

>> No.25677302


>> No.25677309
Quoted by: >>25677334

So what did Botan talk about her in her stream, don't know how long this superchat reading is gonna last to check the archive.

>> No.25677321 [DELETED] 

Reminds me why I hate my own people

>> No.25677325
Quoted by: >>25677406


>> No.25677328

Is she a werewolf?

>> No.25677329

if hell freezes over and holoEN actualy happens how would it even get people? They only hire experienced people and its not like a well off twitch thot is going to throw away real money to be an anime.

>> No.25677332
Quoted by: >>25677418

Subao's pikmins...

>> No.25677334

she was talking about horror games during the 5 minutes that I watched before going back to other streams

>> No.25677339

Oh fuck an Aloe OP? Yuck.

>> No.25677344

They will recruit failed ugly twitchwhores with cute voices.

>> No.25677345 [DELETED] 

More like a tranny

>> No.25677346


>> No.25677352

Melody is making more as a vr animu girl camwhores than actual camwhores.
Maybe they can find a weeb twitch gamergirl with low viewers and some potential.

>> No.25677354 [DELETED] 

very nice on topic discussion going on here, please link their channel and twitter next time so i can learn more about them ;)

>> No.25677357
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1596086715374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some would, twitch thots aren't sane

I mean shit Nyanners already said she would and I bet unfortunately cover is drooling at the idea of getting her

>> No.25677360
Quoted by: >>25677557

>They only hire experienced people
When has this ever been the precedent?

>> No.25677361

not to be racist but do not hire anglos or americans.

>> No.25677363
Quoted by: >>25677376

Oh no no no no a third thread was made what do we do now

>> No.25677368

She can at least still say "Hey guys" properly

>> No.25677374

They already have people that applied and they are probably close to done with vetting them at this point

>> No.25677376


>> No.25677378

>thread active with over 100 posts already
>still make 2 more

>> No.25677401

>its a peach saliva episode

>> No.25677404

I just looked up Nyanners. If anyone's going to be in HoloEN it's her.

Guys can we PLEASE think of the 5 month old touhou threads?

>> No.25677406


>> No.25677413

Towa... in Coco's stream...

>> No.25677414

sasuga 4chan

>> No.25677418

Thanks for reminder based anon

>> No.25677420

How new?

>> No.25677421
Quoted by: >>25677491

Theyll hire kson!

>> No.25677432

Would they integrate Nyanners channel as is or make her re-debut with some shit?

>> No.25677436

I was thinking it's impossible, but then I realized that some of the asmr thots can do voices and they already probably get the whole idol personality thing

>> No.25677447

Reminder that Sophie is going to be a member of HoloEN

>> No.25677451
Quoted by: >>25677478

Literally who?

>> No.25677454

It just keeps happening anons...

>> No.25677458

Considering she has more subs the almost all of hololive they'd be stupid to make her re-debut

>> No.25677465
File: 175 KB, 360x450, Inugami_Korone_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677932

I love korone!

>> No.25677470


>> No.25677473

I fucking hate Nyanners.

>> No.25677478


>> No.25677486

Hololive board when?

>> No.25677491

already managing 2 channels, third one? no prob.

>> No.25677496

God I hope not.
I believe the precedent has already been set and it's based on contracts. Nobuhime ended her contract and started over as Polka. Suisei/Miko were integrated.

>> No.25677508


>> No.25677515
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you best start believin in the hololive board
yer in one

>> No.25677520

please contain your cancer in a single thread

>> No.25677523
Quoted by: >>25677536

Never, please enjoy /vmg/ instead

>> No.25677530

When meidos sleep, /jp/ becomes Hololive board already

>> No.25677531
File: 16 KB, 520x109, translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677532

Are the meidos asleep or what?

>> No.25677536
Quoted by: >>25677549

But Anon-sama, I don't play mobile games

>> No.25677539


>> No.25677541
Quoted by: >>25677550


>> No.25677546

Thanks and sorry we deleted your dead thread, make sure you tell the other 4 Hololive threads too

>> No.25677549
Quoted by: >>25677599

You will once the Hololive one comes out.

>> No.25677550

I agree

>> No.25677557
Quoted by: >>25677683

the applications that were posted back in March as well as the one for HoloEN mentioned having kind of experience streaming or creating content at a schduele that involved multiple days a week. just look at gen 5:
>Lamy: graduated vtuber from a small company
>Nene: former idol for a Bamco game and one of the hosts of the games web broadcasts and radio show
>Botan: games streamer who broadcasted on NND, Twitch and Youtube. took part in NND games programs
>Aloe: utaite and twitcaster, was involved in NND broadcast among a group of friends
>Polla Nobuhime

>> No.25677564

>how the fuck sentences actually work
read a grammar guide, you won't be coming out of it knowing it all of course since you need the practice, but that also means that you're not expected to remember the grammar properly and immediately
the kanas are what they are, each symbol is a syllable
think of kanji not as words but visual representation of concepts
each kanji is composed of smaller parts (radicals), they help create meaning to each one of them, for example 好き (suki, to like something), the kanji 好 you see that represents that idea of "like" is composed of the radicals 女 and 子, which means respectively "woman" and "child", these which are kanji on their own as well.
I'm just saying this because at the start it all feels like a bunch of random lines but being aware that you can break down them helps quite a bit. People like to say that radicals are the building blocks to Kanji.
eventually you get to kanji that are composed of other kanji, for example Korone just did a tongue twister stream
早is the kanji that represents "fast"
口 represents "mouth"
言葉 represents "word/speech"
早口言葉 is tongue twister
it's like there's a bunch of building blocks that become building blocks as well and brick by brick you keep building your vocabulary
>i cant even learn kata
I went fuck it and started my deck without fully knowing katakana, the deck I'm using has lots of loan words so I'm just learning on the go
because the big majority of loan words are in english and through the "this syllable is read like this" repetition, it just ends up sticking.

>> No.25677567

Your time is over old man, join now or perish.

>> No.25677576
File: 353 KB, 1378x1715, 80494731_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677607

How can we be so sure that Kanata is not lesbian? What if her mom was right?

>> No.25677585
File: 232 KB, 768x768, Ee0XAVrUEAACI52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677623

Why you scared Risu away from us?

>> No.25677599

You are correct, I don't even need to deny it >>25677520
Assimilate or die

>> No.25677598

Poor Rushia thread with no replies

>> No.25677605
Quoted by: >>25677644

Meidos are sleeping. Post Ryona

>> No.25677606

Correct, and don't you forget it.

>> No.25677607

It feels like if either Coco or Kanata pushed for a romantic relationship the other on would comply

>> No.25677610

Lamy is a whore.

>> No.25677615

Watch the streams instead of making new threads

>> No.25677623

what even are SEAningens, like dollar store chinese?

>> No.25677636


>> No.25677644

you post the microphone being shoved up the pussy

>> No.25677658
File: 237 KB, 961x254, chrome_EJTXHOVKWe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677678

ok this is epic

>> No.25677678

You missed the Korone one

>> No.25677683

mind giving salsa for botan? or if its compiled in one thread, archive link?

>> No.25677753
Quoted by: >>25677789

It's here, the holopocylpse for /jp

>> No.25677777
File: 385 KB, 592x631, 1597150159582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677799

Why we are like this?

>> No.25677782
Quoted by: >>25677832

I got the sleep for 5 hours and come to see this shit in /jp/....where are the meidos?

>> No.25677789
Quoted by: >>25677833


>> No.25677799

Not us, it's schizo fags that left their containment board.

>> No.25677811
File: 1022 KB, 1702x771, 015731_boards.4channel.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is going on?

>> No.25677832

They abandoned this god forsaken land long ago. Turn back now, lest you get trapped in here.

>> No.25677833
File: 110 KB, 500x649, 1596267295287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they just made /incel/ vtubers could have had an actual home

>> No.25677834

meidos... I kneel

>> No.25677838

meidos woke up

>> No.25677839


>> No.25677841
File: 780 KB, 898x789, 1592171122626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677843

schizo from last week is back and trying to force us out because hiro keeps making FUCKING BOARDS FOR /v/ INSTEAD

>> No.25677844

Someone is mad his thread got ignored.

>> No.25677845

MEIDOS WOKE UP! Finally. Good job.

>> No.25677848
Quoted by: >>25677881


>> No.25677849
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1592128434842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the thread now?

>> No.25677851

and to imagine it only take very few retards to cause so much trouble

>> No.25677852

Speedrunning /trash/%, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO

>> No.25677853

Keep posting singing aloes, aloeanon

>> No.25677855

This thread survives! Long live this thread!

>> No.25677856
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1593485055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677857
Quoted by: >>25677877

>meidos let the early thread live
You know what this mean, boyos.

>> No.25677858
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1595722188831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are -STILL- spamming HAMBURGER in Coco's stream from the reddit stream

Okay that's actually a big Kusa

>> No.25677859

People realized the maids were asleep

>> No.25677860
File: 63 KB, 691x556, based on muh cok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677861

/how to evade taxes without leaving your country/

>> No.25677862


>> No.25677864
File: 56 KB, 596x422, F37F56ED-47BA-4DED-A0F1-B9D5B797FF48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave early thread

>> No.25677865

>the meidos nuked the good thread
good job retards

>> No.25677866
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1593447932561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos, enforce properly your own fucking rules please.

>> No.25677867
File: 532 KB, 858x1200, watapantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to celebrate, post lewds.

>> No.25677868

>deletes the actual thread

>> No.25677870
File: 361 KB, 688x500, 1597924325793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677871

Which holo is the cutest and funniest

>> No.25677872

When is Miko's funeral-graduation?

>> No.25677873
Quoted by: >>25677903

Sure, went away for a long time then come back nuking everything, I'll make a double threads again next time, don't worry meidos!

>> No.25677874
File: 1.29 MB, 900x900, 1572911543090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677876
File: 3 KB, 125x119, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will this lusty cumhound get released from horny jail?

>> No.25677877


>> No.25677878
File: 502 KB, 512x1080, 1584739519569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ritual posters btfo

>> No.25677879


>> No.25677881

Ok makes senses

>> No.25677882
File: 991 KB, 1000x1333, 1586241760100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and fuck your garbage idol generals

>> No.25677883

Meidos woke up

>> No.25677884
Quoted by: >>25678060

to be fair, they were orobably panicking over the 8 threads and chose the earliest without checking the archived thread

>> No.25677885
File: 326 KB, 432x546, zawe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Early threads are cool now? So we can dip when we hit image limit? works for me

>> No.25677887
Quoted by: >>25677912

>meidos woke up
AHHHHHH. Now either make new board for vtuber or we'll make /jp/ our board.

>> No.25677888

Minnaaaaa Oluuuu

>> No.25677889

There's plenty of lower-lever female streamers who would probably jump at it, the real issue would be Cover getting into a social media shitstorm over rejecting trannies.

>> No.25677891

Chocos bgm is pretty chill

>> No.25677893


>> No.25677895

>early thread

>> No.25677897

Why do they keep making /v/ boards? How about a manga board for godsake? Or /l/

>> No.25677898


>> No.25677899
Quoted by: >>25678011


THE ABSOLUTE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25677902


>> No.25677903

meidos work hard to clean up our shit
and they do it for free

>> No.25677905
Quoted by: >>25677936

I think they clicked randomly all of the ones they could find.

Pekora thread is still up.

>> No.25677908
File: 2.17 MB, 1748x2480, Tokoyami.Towa.full.2946349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677931


>> No.25677907


>> No.25677912

>new board for vtuber
N**** just going to spam their 1000000 livers threads like 2hus in /jp/

>> No.25677913

the anon from the other thread actually made a reimu thread, based

>> No.25677914

Towasama Maji Dai Tenshi!

>> No.25677915

It's ok I made a new one.

>> No.25677917
Quoted by: >>25677961

nips couldn't care less about that though, and if they hire that fag nyanners they're already going to get heat from the twitter/tumblr crowd about the pomf song

>> No.25677918

It wasn't technically early, blame the meidos


>> No.25677920

but what about the 12 tuhu threads MODS

>> No.25677921

You just know theres a group of autists trying everything they can to make that internet celebrity board happen. I can't imagine how mentally handicapped you have to be to go on a crusade like that

>> No.25677923
File: 72 KB, 418x513, 5564852B-D3FA-493B-B821-458147CD456A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, Rushia looks different...

>> No.25677925

>kept the early thread that is half /vyt/ - vtuber general

>> No.25677927
File: 297 KB, 480x480, 1598079930924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves the whore thread

>> No.25677928

I can't believe Luna got addicted to hardcore pain killers! 4th gen is full of druggies.

>> No.25677929

It's a mix of both, and heavily depends on the song.

>> No.25677931


>> No.25677932
Quoted by: >>25677957

I like your attitude.

>> No.25677934
File: 84 KB, 476x664, 1598115781860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nnnnnaaaaa my fucking nnnnneck

>> No.25677936

>Pekora thread is still up.
It was made 3 minutes ago you dingus

>> No.25677938

whats the goal coco's stream? stream for 55 hrs, complete 55 tasks or what

>> No.25677939


>> No.25677940

Do you know how many Touhou threads you killed in that escapade?

>> No.25677943
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, 【アニメ】サメハダーVSアイドル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677944
Quoted by: >>25677980

Aloe Love

>> No.25677945
File: 409 KB, 1004x1417, IMG_20200703_051237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25677965

Day 24 Thread #5

Miko suki!

>> No.25677948
File: 80 KB, 592x576, The tweet that saved Hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tweet that saved Hololive.

>> No.25677949
File: 293 KB, 1462x1918, 1597835137658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25677951

I just looked at this post and wondered to myself why the hell does rushia does nothing to me when I'm a lolicon

>> No.25677953
Quoted by: >>25677979

>Implying cover would reject trannies
They will just make them holostars

>> No.25677954

Isn't she capturing monsters for a menagerie

>> No.25677955
File: 183 KB, 850x975, ALOEPITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My horny wife Aloe is the cutest, especially when we're having SEX.

>> No.25677956
File: 761 KB, 870x1200, 1598024805788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25677957

Let's show them a thing or three!

>> No.25677959

>polka thinks ARS is australian money

>> No.25677960

Get all dinos

>> No.25677961

Nyannerz already made her internet dogeza conference about pomf years ago though

>> No.25677962

So this is the power of sex

>> No.25677963

Collect all the pokemon

>> No.25677964

Are we safe? Can I close the /trash/ tab?

>> No.25677965

Mikobro this must be the hardest day thus far for you, I wish I could help

>> No.25677966

what is botan saying about halo?

>> No.25677969 [DELETED] 


>> No.25677970
File: 276 KB, 350x489, hp002t_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Aki!

>> No.25677971

she kneels to the chama

>> No.25677972


>> No.25677973
File: 64 KB, 1032x494, 1586770499232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ is a giant piece of turd

>> No.25677974
File: 101 KB, 236x233, YEAH(no).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holostars thread deleted

>> No.25677976
Quoted by: >>25678073

>Auntie Aki will never come to give you a morning "Okite" but the first thing you hear is a little giggle as she sees the massive tent of your morning erection
why even live

>> No.25677978
Quoted by: >>25677997

I can only get off to her fanart

>> No.25677979

That's worse. That would absolutely turn out worse.

>> No.25677980
File: 186 KB, 675x1200, 1583470160290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- https://files.catbox.moe/wu636h.m4a

Thanks, Aloebro.

>> No.25677983

her goal is not falling into the cuckbox and getting overshadowed by Gen 5 chads

>> No.25677984


>> No.25677985

She thinks halo is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.25677986

Well now I feel validated by the argument I was having in the other thread about prioritising not making two threads, at least.

>> No.25677987 [DELETED] 

Hey she isn't Hololive related. Go to /vyt also, wasn't she one that had her boyfriend cheated on her. Or I'm probably thinking of someone else similar.

>> No.25677991

Stupid clown, don't insult me like that. My country might be a shithole but at least it's not fucking Australia.

>> No.25677993
File: 344 KB, 1526x2048, 1595426496232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are allow here.

>> No.25677996

well they're both for shitposting

>> No.25677997

that's the weird part, even the fanart doesn't do anything to me
it's like my brain just rejects rushia

>> No.25677998
Quoted by: >>25678206

My losing son...

>> No.25677999

Subaru is really cutting it close to the time limit
I don't think shes gonna win this game friends

>> No.25678000

Was there really a bigger demand for a mobile games board than a vtuber board?

>> No.25678003

Out of curiosity, I checked the oldest thread alive in this board. It's a Marisa thread from April. These are the kind of people getting triggered by Hololive killing their ritual threads

>> No.25678004 [DELETED] 

wish she would join holoen so i can watch this general crash and burn

>> No.25678006

Her goal is to hoard superchats

>> No.25678009
File: 496 KB, 1181x1575, 1593063581207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678011


>> No.25678013
Quoted by: >>25678083

I know right?
Shion gets me, Luna does a bit too. Outside Holo Hinata REALLY gets me.
But Rushia might as well be mature, she doesn't register as loli in my diseased brain.

>> No.25678016

So it seems like Towa is getting lots of collabs these days, is it actually true that they keep the talents isolated after a yabee incident for a given amount of time? Why do that though, wouldn't that cause more harm than prevent it?

>> No.25678020
File: 3.41 MB, 2894x4093, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_yuano__00f408a29a26f4d8f5dc71bf60fd7c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25678018
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is the biggest numberfag in these threads

>> No.25678019

no, gookmoot is just laundering posts to fake boards

>> No.25678022


>> No.25678024

It's because you display too many signs of intelligence and instincts, cunnybro. Your ancestors are telling you to stay away from her

>> No.25678025

Get out of /jp/

>> No.25678026
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1598054043247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wondered why previous deleted thread was so good, turns out Aloefags already spammed this one

>> No.25678027

The narrative seems to be one board for every subject /v/ refuses to talk about, even tho it's videogames.

>> No.25678028
Quoted by: >>25678057


>> No.25678030

The only place that asks for a vtuber board is this particular thread.

>> No.25678032

I imagine it was less them keeping her isolated and more the girls thinking she was poison or being worried that she'd fuck things up like with the webcam incident. But now enough time has passed that everyone is fine with her again.

>> No.25678036

>Threadspamming autist is still at it
What compels "people" to do this?

>> No.25678037
Quoted by: >>25678074

supachatto arigatou
supachatto da yo
supachatto arigatou
tottemo ureshii yo

supachatto arigatou
supachatto da yo
supachatto arigatou
tottemo ureshii yo

supachatto arigatou
supachatto da yo
supachatto arigatou
tottemo ureshii yo

>> No.25678039

isnt that normal for dragons?

>> No.25678040
File: 345 KB, 730x420, chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678042

I'm pretty sure the rest of /jp/ wants us dead.

>> No.25678043

Falseflagger on a crusade to get /incel/ created

>> No.25678050

Luna going on a break.

>> No.25678051

Towa's cute screaming! What a nice collab.

>> No.25678052

who can blame them at this point
in fairness the meidos could have range banned poland

>> No.25678057

stop giving him attention

>> No.25678059

/trash/ lets IKUZOOO

>> No.25678060
Quoted by: >>25678094

That's not fair.

>> No.25678061
File: 1.04 MB, 906x1306, C429B034-81FE-4281-AF03-BECC1803A655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678082

The cutest and funniest.

>> No.25678062
Quoted by: >>25678085

Mad 2hushitter his 5 month imagedump thread just ggot killed before he could bump it

>> No.25678063

I don't think a vtubers only board would be a good idea, just imagine all the threads

>Anti thread
>Towa thread
>Narrative thread
>Roommate thread
>5gen thread
>Holostar thread
>Lewd art thread (actually nice)

I think is better to keep it this way...

>> No.25678065

>Why do that though
Because the girl is dangerous.

You think Sora will hang out with Aloe now? The mere association would harm her image.

Aloe will be isolated, depressed, and lonely for a very long time. Her only friends will be the EOP monkeys she can't understand.

>> No.25678067

Who doesn't, even I want us dead

>> No.25678068
Quoted by: >>25678105

w... what's she gonna do?

>> No.25678071

I think the 1 hour stream is the most important in there because it shows that she handled herself like a normal person during the more recent pre-holo times.
Guess the horny posting was her just being a dumb teen.

>> No.25678072


>> No.25678073
File: 1.24 MB, 360x240, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f324332504b756b3938722d6953413d3d2d3730303336343435392e313538383235653064333538383865623933383237333435353736382e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine this but with Aki instead.

>> No.25678074
Quoted by: >>25678157

Is there a link for the full song?

>> No.25678079

you forgot
>early threads

>> No.25678080
Quoted by: >>25678126

/v/ is one of the worst discussion places on the internet you can even tell the posters that come from /v/ always forcing their retarded off topic culture in these threads. I fucking despise everything about /v/ and hope they continue to be split up.

>> No.25678082
File: 1.03 MB, 906x1306, 1597478584864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy i think theres something wrong with your shion yo

>> No.25678083

Is it her proportions? Maybe her shoulders are too wide?

>> No.25678085
Quoted by: >>25678283

i thought 2hu already moved to /vg/

>> No.25678086


>> No.25678088

At least those threads would actually be containment threads for the cancer I can just filter out.

>> No.25678090

I don't care what 3 fat retards in their 40's think.

>> No.25678092

>>Lewd art thread (actually nice)

>> No.25678093
File: 1.06 MB, 780x886, iii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of Haachama/Coco, what hololive girl could you see doing an english stream someday? (just a one-time thing)

Korone seems to be taking her studies seriously, but Kanata is seriously getting a buff from Coco, her eng is getting better at a crazy fast speed

>> No.25678094

it is when theres one or two people that still made new threads after the meidos deleted the others. if they hadnt deleted the other threads as soon as possible, it wouldve become a holo only board

>> No.25678096

It's a non anime or manga thread pertaining to Otaku culture. Fits the vision of /jp/ forged the second moot was forced to retire the Japan/General name like a glove.

>> No.25678098
File: 279 KB, 604x980, 1587050023591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which esl's side do i pick?

>> No.25678099
File: 606 KB, 2550x3313, 83838533_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25678100

Just hire Vei she's already popular with Japan

>> No.25678101
Quoted by: >>25678116


>> No.25678103
Quoted by: >>25678120

So does
>tree rat
Did I miss any?

>> No.25678105
File: 247 KB, 2560x1440, sora-approved-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678107

Just let us split off 4th and 5th gen from these threads so I never have to interact with the people responsible for the majority of the cancer in these threads.

>> No.25678109

Man, imagine the threads without towa cucks...

>> No.25678108

BecauseOfReasons is based as fuck.

>> No.25678111
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, towasad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better not be related...

>> No.25678113

BOR has been a mikopi for a long long time. I respect his loyalty at the very least.

>> No.25678115
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1594458468601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we actually get a board, all of us will be seperated into several threads..
I don't want to get sperated from (You), anon...

>> No.25678116
File: 1.43 MB, 1270x672, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Her eng was cute but seemed... pretty terrible

>> No.25678119


>> No.25678120
Quoted by: >>25678149

Why would /trash/ want us dead? Are we a menace to their month old generals?

>> No.25678123
Quoted by: >>25678176

Roommate thread and Towa thread would be useful containments
if we still kept hlg and didnt have 50 sperg threads for individual holos the ones that dont have discord trannies spamming them it could be good

>> No.25678124

Why not try to actually respect the users of the board you're posting in? The vtuber threads have become a different animal to what the rest of /jp/ is. It runs at a different pace and it's been that way for years. These threads are like six year olds running around their grandparents house trashing everything and then justifying it by saying "they're old, they deserve it if they can't keep up".

>> No.25678125

birdkun is one of the worst ones for sure

>> No.25678126
Quoted by: >>25678177

The more you split it, the more it spreads. Just look at the IPs we're getting in dead hours.

>> No.25678127

Wow now that's how you do it.

>> No.25678128

The one with good english

>> No.25678130

The one that is not autistic

>> No.25678131

Choco sensei

>> No.25678132

moon subs FeelsAyayaMan

>> No.25678133

Miko wouldn't want this... BecauseofReasons is right of course

>> No.25678135

Pekora should do a stream like this, just chatting while mindlessly clicking for KMR

>> No.25678136

korone playing that rat game was basically an english stream

>> No.25678137
Quoted by: >>25678195

Himepolka has always had google translate tier english, the thing is her EN audience was so extremely small before that now she has a reason to actually learn and try

>> No.25678138

becauseofreasons has always been superior. im glad the good translators have been shitting on the ones obviously doing this for attention/money

>> No.25678139

BoR's of course. Long time trusted Miko's own translator, he even subbed her 3D birthday and new costume reveal.

>> No.25678140

>her eng is getting better at a crazy fast speed
there was some basis to the narrative that kanata was pretending not knowing English

>> No.25678141

She'd do it as a joke

>> No.25678142
File: 3.48 MB, 2361x1624, __kiryuu_coco_amane_kanata_tsunomaki_watame_tokoyami_towa_and_himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_dazeroyuu__43a32914dd320f8aa84ac30439d7bbaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678151

>> No.25678145

BecauseOfReasons was one of the people who participated in the 35p project. Pick his side.

>> No.25678147

You can stop samefagging now BOR. WE ARE NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY~

>> No.25678148


>> No.25678149

They're just looking to stir the shit pot.

>> No.25678150

Which holos are in it for their passions (voice acting, gaming, entertaining, etc) and which are in it for easy money?

>> No.25678151
Quoted by: >>25678199

Luna really doesn't feel like a part of gen 4 at all.....

>> No.25678152

I unironically would love to get stepped on be rushias tiny feet while she berates me i bet it'd feel amazing

>> No.25678154
Quoted by: >>25678204

BOR, because he publicly endorsed Pekora's views on racism and homophobia.

>> No.25678156
Quoted by: >>25678307

(no we wont because itll be a vtuber board not a holo board. we would still have a general and maybe one or two extra threads for active streams or roommaten posting)

>> No.25678157

The guy tweets it to polka, you can find it somewhere on her twitter.

>> No.25678158
Quoted by: >>25678172

both faggots and so are you
focus on your chuuba not on their fans

>> No.25678159
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1589597340844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678223

is BOR a stalker like l*ger? because hes right

>> No.25678160

Birdkun is trash but BOR is a delusional retard

>> No.25678161

All we need is a Baba Is You stream.

Literally any of the holos trying that game could be a good time

>> No.25678163
File: 474 KB, 457x618, 1594035561441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do I hate you fucks, but (You) pirate lad, you're alright please come to /hlg/ tomorrow

>> No.25678166

Akirose because EoP influx

>> No.25678168

Too bad, I think (You) suck

>> No.25678169

Coco has a English Only rule during sex, that's why she is learning fast

>> No.25678172


>> No.25678173

desu it would be a rather bad image to her brand atm. I wouldn't mind it being a private stream tho.

>> No.25678176
Quoted by: >>25678189

Almost all of them have dedicated discord servers anon.

>> No.25678177

/v/ mods are directing them to come here

>> No.25678178

The users of this board dont include the out-of-touch autists who still dont know what a booru is.

>> No.25678181
File: 1009 KB, 2892x4096, 05DB3763-4B82-4807-967A-02387D2288D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678194

Was the 3D horror stream a mistake?

>> No.25678183

Neither and all of them

>> No.25678184

english speaking streamers are absolute brainlets at the game, if you through in a language barrier you're going to give the girls an aneurysm

>> No.25678185

CoCo invited Towa.. to holohouse!

>> No.25678186
Quoted by: >>25678417

The board is not called /2hu/ but /jp/ - Otaku culture. I can't respect some 40 yo fuckers having 10 different threads for the same character but then come bitch here because there are 2-3 threads up at the same time

>> No.25678189
File: 321 KB, 617x491, 1597518673586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but only one of them spams their cuck fantasy here (actually two now)

>> No.25678190

God I wish that would happen. I think there's a JP patch for the game, though. Would be nice to see how many brainlets are in Hololive.

>> No.25678191

Oh baby hit that refresh button. Pekora playing might motivate players to inflate the ranking points even further.

>> No.25678192

all of them are for the money.
its a job, you autist.

>> No.25678193
File: 298 KB, 446x382, ENbzW9HU0AE9IV_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678194
Quoted by: >>25678203

Yes and Luna should sue because it was a work accident.

>> No.25678195
File: 355 KB, 2048x1376, 1597976344377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678247

Polka has shown some INTENSE interest in her EoP viewers and outright said she wants to improve her eng

Honeslty Polka has so many plans she SOUNDS like she could become some ultimate v-tuber, she's fun so far but now it's really just seeing if she lives up to all of these promises/ideas she has or if she's all talk

>> No.25678196

She really should stop bothering with that dying kusoge desu

>> No.25678198
Quoted by: >>25678266

>/vvyt/ - Video Games/Virtual Youtubers
this is the future that you chose

>> No.25678199

It's because of the type of streams she does. Plus she's usually with Matsuri in minecraft as of late.

>> No.25678200

>I will try my best not to worry too much
but then
>She said not to worry but to be honest
>I'm really worried...
>I mean what is the reason people go to the hospital with the decided date...
>I can only think of one thing...
yeah, don't pick this ESL's side.

>> No.25678201

I am the brainlets

>> No.25678202

Who hasn't gotten a crown yet? Or would it be easier to list who has?

>> No.25678203

based jew lawyer

>> No.25678204 [DELETED] 

Which Hololiver would you have by your side when you initiate the day of the rope?

>> No.25678205
File: 958 KB, 817x723, 64545364564646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the full version of Red Heart getting released?

>> No.25678206
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1566866567063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678227

Did he collab with any girls after Yomi?

>> No.25678207

I actually want to stay here. It just needs more threads and more & better moderation. But they want to kick us out so of course they won't give us that.

>> No.25678208

she will bring with her a homemade cake

>> No.25678209
Quoted by: >>25678238

>Which holos are in it for their passions
The majority of them

>which are in it for easy money?
It can't be separated and I don't think people to try to separate it. It's a job at the end of the day, even if they fucking love it.
I love programming and even more so thanks to getting to work from home thanks to the rona. I even do little projects in my spare time. It's my money maker, but also my passion.

>> No.25678211


>> No.25678212


>> No.25678213
Quoted by: >>25678221

How did she respond?

>> No.25678214

not really, at best it would be like 4 thread, hololive, holostars, roommate and antis

>> No.25678215


>> No.25678217

Was Coco just propositioning Towa about the Holohouse?

>> No.25678219 [DELETED] 

Pekora or Fubuki for sure

>> No.25678221


>> No.25678222

Choco's stream is making me very hungry.

>> No.25678223

He's no way a l*ger tier fan.

>> No.25678224
File: 683 KB, 1200x934, 1584455334715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the reimu thread didnt get deleted

meidos here are retarded and should let hololive have threads outside of here to kill off the dead threads of imagedumps and thinly veiled /d/ threads

>> No.25678226
File: 213 KB, 850x988, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_fukahire_ruinon__sample-b90b06270f71362da9c1770686f678e1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678227
Quoted by: >>25678265

The most recent one I've noticed was the Leona guerilla collab

>> No.25678228

It doesn't exist

>> No.25678229

If Towa says yes, who is gonna move with her?

>> No.25678231
Quoted by: >>25678248

Towa/Rushia as roommates.
The slut room.

>> No.25678232
File: 1.69 MB, 560x314, 1568637994536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25678233
File: 730 KB, 813x721, bak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah since Rushia getting hype about it totally lead to anything

>> No.25678235

I actually want a dedicated anti containment thread. If 5ch did it, why can't we?

>> No.25678236

It will be a bilibili exclusive stream

>> No.25678237

yeah this honestly, without all the makeup and dress shes like the cutest out of all the holos i want to see her in a casual outfit the most

>> No.25678238
Quoted by: >>25678296

Ask me how I know you're a literal autist.

>> No.25678239
Quoted by: >>25678246

mad because your thread got deleted, huh?

>> No.25678241
Quoted by: >>25678277

To clean the bathroom

>> No.25678245

That's the idea.

>> No.25678246

no im laughing. its hilarious

>> No.25678247

I don’t want to see her burnout

>> No.25678248

Imagine the smell...

>> No.25678250

mailing anthrax to the holohouse!

>> No.25678251

It's better to have this one thread to gatekeep retards.

>> No.25678254
File: 825 KB, 850x817, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678273

Husband and wife!

>> No.25678255

they are not japanese

>> No.25678256
Quoted by: >>25678268

You're posting in one

>> No.25678257
File: 13 KB, 652x329, 1595371208241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're talking about armpits now...

>> No.25678262
Quoted by: >>25678313

Why are you stopping? Keep making threads so you can get your ass banned.

>> No.25678265
Quoted by: >>25678274

Makea brought Yomi during his 24hour Apex stream yesterday.

>> No.25678266

i would be okay with that, at least that way it would be possible to try and talk about nep VVVtune without it being deleted because of spergs

>> No.25678267

I fucking hate birdkun. He really deserves to get called out publicly like that.

>> No.25678268
Quoted by: >>25678339

Exactly, anon. I want an anti/fan thread split.

>> No.25678271
Quoted by: >>25678313

You're right and I say this as an original /jp/sie. We have a thread that is sometimes faster than /a/ and is filled to the brim with shit flinging and people who disagree on whether a certain thing should be allowed or not but rather than respark the dead board they choose to confine this into one thread that moves at light speed.

>> No.25678272

There's literally zero point to having more than one hololive general thread at a time over here. When one reaches image or post limit the cancer will just spill over to the next thread anyway so don't give me the "containment" argument

>> No.25678273
Quoted by: >>25678295

Who is the cat on the left?

>> No.25678274

Oh really? How well did he do?

>> No.25678275
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1591811076225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realised that the ribbon on luna's head is a candy

>> No.25678276
File: 185 KB, 415x342, 1594036299710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678277


>> No.25678279
File: 122 KB, 900x450, fishmarket[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678280
Quoted by: >>25678395

Can you fill me in on other crap birdkun has done?

>> No.25678282


>> No.25678283

There are 60 threads of touhou right now

>> No.25678286
File: 372 KB, 1920x1080, 【豪華12人】Vtuber酒飲み音頭-nuGFD3nG91E.mkv_snapshot_03.12.133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sons of bitches sons of bitches

>> No.25678288

smelling hololive through my monitor!

>> No.25678290
Quoted by: >>25678304

other Holos stayed away from her because they knew she was friends with someone who had a poor reputation from her previous life. now that Towa has come to realize the full extent of how terrible and toxic of a person Sio was, she's made moves to distance herself from it and other Holos are more willing to lend her a hand

>> No.25678291
Quoted by: >>25678319

The "antis" here are merely shitposters that crave (You)'s it wouldn't work because they'd just come back to the fan thread hoping their newly found narratives grants them the attention they want.

>> No.25678293
File: 1.95 MB, 311x311, 1597189229992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678295

Mio blanco

>> No.25678296

It couldn't get more obvious with my profession and hobbies.

>> No.25678298

You already know the answer, anon...

>> No.25678299

I fucking knew he was gonna be into either Shion or Marine. Based.

>> No.25678300

Narrative fags aside.

Can anyone suggest a possible reason as to why some chuubas limit themselves to only 1-2 hrs of gameplay per day?

It's rather common recently for them to mention stuff like "oh shit ... there's only 8 minutes left" and stuff which leads to rather negative thoughts really.

>> No.25678301
Quoted by: >>25678328

How does Aki get away with that ultra-lewd alt outfit? It's literally her stripping

>> No.25678302

What a coincidence her spine is also made of candy

>> No.25678303

Rushia's screams

>> No.25678304

Do you narrative reps

>> No.25678305


>> No.25678306

why are people like this, holy shit

>> No.25678307
Quoted by: >>25678330

So there's no point in another board? It's going to be the same

>> No.25678308

They have lives outside of hololive, anon

>> No.25678309
File: 57 KB, 390x501, 1594395804122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678311

please don't sexualize our daughter, asanagi-sensei

>> No.25678312

If I could work for only 1 hour then chill at home eating cheetos watching my other co-workers work instead you best your fucking ass I would

>> No.25678313
File: 334 KB, 1448x2048, 1572608919447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678345

but anon, i might kill of a precious thread of someones imagedump or some garbage thread nobody wanted. this place has gone stale and it needs a shakeup. i get that 2hu idolmaster and etc is all "board culture", but hololive is here to stay.

however, mods STILL do not get rid of the fucking monstergirl thread and the endless upon endless 3DPD and JAV threads. Its essentially hell
agreed but im a much newer one. i joined in 2017 and theres only so much you can do before realizing this place has nothing new to offer. even with a new 2hu game it was stale and more of the same. Entertain me /jp/: allow hololive to run on the board

>> No.25678315
File: 5 KB, 358x228, 1587453266932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Coco Ark
>towa is there
I will now watch your stream

>> No.25678319

They're rampant here because you can't really do anything about them. They're not breaking any rules by being an anti since it's on-topic. Imagine a fan thread, an anti would immediately get canned for obvious reasons.

>> No.25678320

Did you know that Polka's pink slice of hair is from the murder of the once great general

>> No.25678322

They only need to fill a small quota of hours per week to get paid, so some girls just stream the bare minimum.

>> No.25678324

>Can anyone suggest a possible reason as to why some chuubas limit themselves to only 1-2 hrs of gameplay per day?
Because they can.

>> No.25678327

What are you talkign about? Gigguk already made videos about Vtubers.
Hell, he is a Coco paypig and is recommending anyone interested in learning japanese to watch vtubers.

>> No.25678328
File: 190 KB, 946x2048, D83-0NyUYAAqion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678363

Pajamas are harmless.

>> No.25678329

>japanese shadman

>> No.25678330

yes, theres no point. thats why they havent given us a board yet.

>> No.25678331

It's just a job to them retard, they want to hang out with their real friends and boyfriends.

>> No.25678332

If you don't want your holo to get EOPs then you don't care about your holo. People make two arguments, one that the boost they get is temporary because the EOPs bangwagon and leave and two that EOPs don't actually donate or member. However, both are objectively false and that's going off like 5 different examples now. Luna and Towa were both permanently boosted by EOPs for example.

So when you say you don't want EOPs to watch your holo what you're really saying is you care so little about her that her financial health is less important to you than her chat.

>> No.25678333
Quoted by: >>25678413

Narrative fucks BTFO (as usual)

>> No.25678335

My dick is ready

>> No.25678337

Luna just mocked Towa's yabee incident.

>> No.25678338

Yes. Yes. Slutty brats like Shion are PERFECT for Asanagi. I do hope he doesn't cuck Marine by not drawing her though.

>> No.25678339

I don't know how it is on 5ch but the way I see it antis here are less passionate about being anti-holo than they are passionate about being anti-holo-fan. They post not to discuss Holos but to get a rise out of the people who want to discuss them. You wouldn't be able to keep them in the anti thread, they'll get bored just agreeing with each other.

>> No.25678340

More Luna collabs!

>> No.25678341

Oh this is gonna be good

>> No.25678342
File: 14 KB, 152x331, 0493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678352

Phantom Thief Spade Echo

Take your Heart

>> No.25678344
File: 82 KB, 250x226, 1555554220060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678356

>12 hour old stealth /g/tuber thread

>> No.25678345

Keep going then. Make more threads. Get banned.

>> No.25678348

You have cases like Matsuri where they legitimately have packed schedules and only schedule a couple of hours a day to stream. Sometimes she continues to plays offstream, but playing for leisure is different from streaming for work.

>> No.25678350

"This is a "shame-no-brain T-shirt" from Choko Healing, a member of Holo Live Production. Healing Moon Choco"
Alright anons what does Chocos shirt really say.

>> No.25678352

who the fuck

>> No.25678355


>> No.25678356
Quoted by: >>25678393

Why /g/?

>> No.25678360

Are those the drinkers of Hololive?

>> No.25678363
Quoted by: >>25678407

>no visible hair down there
There was an attempt.

>> No.25678364

I can't believe Luna is still alive!

>> No.25678366

Shes cute. 7 months in and only at 1.59k...

>> No.25678367
Quoted by: >>25678375

There's no way ojisans would ever hurt her r-right?

>> No.25678368

LMAO I can't unhear it
sons of bitches ヾ(• ω • \) sons of bitches (/ • ω •) /

>> No.25678372
File: 284 KB, 392x433, 1592514715819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my retarded little sister's senpais to notice her?

>> No.25678373

Dangerously based.

>> No.25678375

That exposed belly was made for harapan.

>> No.25678376

Their contracts stipulate a streaming quota. The outliers are the ones who stream 3+ hours a day

>> No.25678374

Ohtomo Takuji should draw some Luna stuff.

>> No.25678377

He tried. Astel several times talked over Yomi when she tries to initiate a conversation with him.

>> No.25678379

Holos for this feel? https://twitter.com/annonanam/status/1292796332650815489/photo/1

>> No.25678380

I want to fuck shion

>> No.25678381

I thought that was Raita.

>> No.25678382

they are not japanese x2

>> No.25678383
Quoted by: >>25678768

why does ARK look like oblvion in 3rd person
I want someone to play Oblvion

>> No.25678384



>> No.25678388

>depression driven singer
Are they going to create a new talent like this? Chances are you either get Freddie Mercury or garbage.

>> No.25678389 [DELETED] 

>Botan back to reading supachas
So is Lammy the only one who does them by text now? That seems like it's gonna backfire

>> No.25678392

ESLs should not be allowed to make translations

>> No.25678393
Quoted by: >>25678404

Most of /g/ are unironic weebs and trannies.

>> No.25678395

ESL shitty translator and nitpicks clips just for the purpose of wanting clout. Think he's funny but actually not and also called Miko a retard on one of his translated clips when Miko was trying to speak english.

>> No.25678397


>> No.25678400

Give them superchats (in Japanese) suggesting them to collab with her especially ARK

>> No.25678402


>> No.25678404

/g/ is just /v/ tho

>> No.25678407
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 【アニメ】ヨメミコラボ!ハイポと触手で大乱闘wwwwwwww_00.01.37.400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678428

Idols don't have body hair nor do they need to poop.

>> No.25678408

EOPs won't understand :(

>> No.25678409
Quoted by: >>25678424


>> No.25678410
File: 256 KB, 680x680, 1596496583573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678440


>> No.25678411
Quoted by: >>25678426

Why did Towa-sama change her voice from this?

>> No.25678412

why is he making an edgy doujin of a depressed girl...

>> No.25678413

Anon... the cake is a lie

>> No.25678414

and he shoehorned completely misunderstood US politics into that cute Miko Coco English video

>> No.25678416
Quoted by: >>25678463

and then when makea left, she said "ah guess ill leave too"...astel...

>> No.25678417

When I first started getting into vtubers I thought it'd be a perfect fit for discussion on /jp/, slotting in right next to niche interests like train station cams and stuff. Really weirded me out when threads started getting traction here and it turned out they were shit and read like all posters were entirely new to /jp/. Things seem better now that this has been split into 3 threads, though. Slowly, it's normalizing and eventually maybe vtuber posters will fit in here. But it'll be a while and we'll have a lot of bad threads until then.

>> No.25678418 [DELETED] 

Here's your holoEN bro

>> No.25678419
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596400419777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678451

Towa actually has friends!

>> No.25678422

EOP Haatons are very consistent too.

>> No.25678424

thanks, i was just after that specific (You)

>> No.25678425

>work on stream for an hour
>work for a few hours on setting up next stream
>work with manager on phone for an hour
>work lunch
>discuss collabs, studio work, etc. with coworkers for two hours
>work on social media accounts
>work with 2D and 3D designers
>work on PC and equipment
Sensing a theme here?

>> No.25678426

Sucked too much dicks

>> No.25678429
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x708, bestougal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678449

Sushi > Birdkun

At least Sushi genuinely loves Subaru, you just gotta accept him replacing every other noun/verb with "yabai"

>> No.25678427
Quoted by: >>25678495

When is he becoming a papa?

>> No.25678428
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 1569534198706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those private videos
>yet somehow this is still up

>> No.25678431

Full-time job, university, part-time job, family, children, treating it as a job exclusively, spending countless hours on very time-consuming things (Suisei), etc.

There's probably only a relatively small number of Holos outside of gen3/4 who make a complete living off Hololive and treat Hololive as their entire life.
PPTrio are one of the set that live Hololife.
Pekora and Miko are partially hikkis and probably do the same.
Rushia too? Certainly makes enough to.
Flare and Noel probably.

Also remember they're Cover employees and may not be only streaming as part of their job (i.e. Sora).

>> No.25678432
Quoted by: >>25678436

>FOUR colalbs
Luna is coming back strong

>> No.25678434
Quoted by: >>25678492

Also look at the end of this one https://youtu.be/08shHReflWA

>> No.25678435


>> No.25678436

luna thread incoming!

>> No.25678440
File: 1.01 MB, 1900x2488, 1570253877296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like luna as godzilla. shes innocent but fits the role perfectly. reminds me of when stitch did that
the problem is that this board barely has anything going. i get respect and im all for respect. you know what i dont respect? image dumps and endless threads of useless traction only getting necro bumped for the sake of being here

>> No.25678441 [DELETED] 

Unironically cute and wholesome.

>> No.25678443

Most holos earn more money than everyone in this thread. You're retarded for trying to whiteknight their pay.

>> No.25678444 [DELETED] 

off topic, but thanks anyway

>> No.25678445
Quoted by: >>25678478


>> No.25678446

People who don't speak both English and Japanese flawless should not be allowed to translate anything at all. Birdfag speaks neither. His "translations" are the equivalent of a fucking war crime if you ask me.

>> No.25678447

I wonder if shion yo likes the porn drawn of her

>> No.25678449

I laughed when I saw that he did a Subaru clip that was actually just a Towa clip

>> No.25678451
File: 412 KB, 528x568, 1595804500704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

{Towa's friends} = {hololive} - {Towa}

>> No.25678453
File: 696 KB, 870x1200, 81621590_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck ye-
>Murasaki Shion

why would someone so good at drawing T&A waste a doujin on a washing board? You have failed me for the last time i'm going back to Butcha U

>> No.25678457

>may never recover completely


>> No.25678458
Quoted by: >>25678477

No more exposito shenanigans?

>> No.25678463

In fairness, Yomi is also in the spectrum.

>> No.25678464
File: 1.82 MB, 1133x2080, 1567639030578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait and hope

>> No.25678465
Quoted by: >>25678493

Asanagi is a fucking GOD when it comes to drawing flat chests though. He makes the nipples perfectly puffy, his big tits are generic in comparison

>> No.25678466

Korone's had to call off streams because of unexpected overtime, plenty have actual jobs or lives outside of this.

>> No.25678468

old chart, the last patch added Nene on enemies

>> No.25678471

She's a granny please understand

>> No.25678473

He just drew fanart, it's not really a doujin.
He drew 2hu fanart numerous times yet never did a doujin about it.

>> No.25678474

The ones that stream for hours have personal issues that they try to ignore by streaming more, take notice
The sadder your life, the more you stream. These girls are pretty normal save for Polka.

>> No.25678476

I realized you could sort of create a Luna in Code Vein

>> No.25678477

Well, that’s technically Spanish, so we could get more moments like that.

>> No.25678478


>> No.25678479
Quoted by: >>25678871

Sauce on your guess?
Cover, YouTube, and taxes do take out a lot.

>> No.25678480

she needed to stop crashing the Ark server and stop creating problems that require others (Coco, Aki, etc) to go a fix them. not that this matters anymore because she was so totally depressed and wanted to die over loosing her griffon that she started her own Ark server for the CNs (...who have yet to play) and various other non-JP vtubers

>> No.25678481 [DELETED] 

JOPs get to fuck this...not fair...

>> No.25678482

I mean better to lean into it and have a competition with Festival and Senchou about horny stats.

>> No.25678485

who is this grandma?

>> No.25678488

Hardcore fans WILL watch every minute of content you put out no matter how much you try to tell them they don't need to. Some of the Holos have mentioned that they want to at least keep this amount manageable so they don't burn out their fanbase.

>> No.25678489

T-this is a joke right?

>> No.25678490

as one should

>> No.25678492

I remember watching the original stream live. Feelsbadman it got butchered in this clip

>> No.25678493

this guy gets it
the nips are what make or break a cutting board

>> No.25678495

He already is one, he's had a son for the longest time https://twitter.com/Candylemonade31

>> No.25678497
File: 101 KB, 1864x1052, SOUL&amp;PRIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678510

I wonder if we can take down birdkun's video if we tell T-chan about him spreading misinformation
worldwide35Ps, it's time to take action

>> No.25678498
File: 2.07 MB, 1488x2088, 78112241_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is for happy vanilla conceiving lovemaking (preferably marital) only.

>> No.25678501

the girls get their pay monthly, right?

>> No.25678503
File: 2.80 MB, 670x1076, h i p d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is honestly such absolutely perfect wife material, not just fucking or wombposting, a true perfect wife

>> No.25678504

How do you know I'm not an Arabian Sheikh living in Dubai?

>> No.25678505

Oh wow, his male designs are usually pretty good, however I'm not really feeling this one.

>> No.25678507

Well that's not too bad, at least she likes nier.

>> No.25678508

She's for mating press and reverse rape.

>> No.25678510
Quoted by: >>25678668

no but maybe we can make narukami laugh at EOPs again

>> No.25678512

Good question. She is our ecchi neechan ...

>> No.25678513
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1598036961882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lived in the world where Luna said, "All my homies"

>> No.25678514

Miko is dying deal with it retards

>> No.25678515
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, mortal kombat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678516
Quoted by: >>25678544

Do you think Botan might like this? I dunno how we can pass this to her and get it noticed.


>> No.25678517
Quoted by: >>25678642

The worst sin the clip makers commit is when they try to "improve" the material with sound FX, wacky memes, and so on. The bad English is just bonus retardation.

>> No.25678518
Quoted by: >>25678530

those hips are HIP-notic

>> No.25678521
Quoted by: >>25678572

Coco saying Otsuyappi...

>> No.25678522
File: 2.50 MB, 1250x1298, horn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678536


>> No.25678526

>I love how the reimu thread didnt get deleted
It did
Now I predict you're going to laugh about how it did get deleted.

>> No.25678527

Well, he has a cute sister at least.

>> No.25678528

arabian sheikh only browse 7ch

>> No.25678530


>> No.25678531 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 338x46, 1598165014387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Coco review stuff from here if I sent her an imgur link through Steam?

>> No.25678532
File: 88 KB, 1200x675, EdSZoVpUcAIgNbB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678534

Also add Miko. Her current condition is likely to be one of the factor caused by overworking, she also tried to ignore her personal issue.

>> No.25678535

Shion, no!

>> No.25678536
File: 1.18 MB, 1266x677, COOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a gigantic ass
>that voice

Imagine having a wife like that

>> No.25678540
Quoted by: >>25678559

This dude is way too low enegery for his avatar. He has a nerdy voice too.

>> No.25678542

Probably not, most of our OC is basically a bunch of in jokes that would make no sense without extensive lurking.

>> No.25678544

System looks similar to Twinkle Crusaders, nice

>> No.25678545
File: 32 KB, 467x473, 1575327477360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real, will miko actually try to get back into streaming?

>> No.25678546

She already browses here retard

>> No.25678548
File: 342 KB, 1291x1391, stats .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678611

Your ass mad just makes her stronger.

>> No.25678549

I imagine it every day...before Marine it was just short fat cosplayers now it's a short fat virtual pirate cosplayer.

>> No.25678550

Shion yo..........

>> No.25678551

Luna's original concept art definitely did not design her thighs to be that meaty

>> No.25678553

I don't.

>> No.25678555

It's breaking my heart.
At least they get a pay check for running away.

>> No.25678556
Quoted by: >>25678594

I wonder that sometimes if we have anything that would actually make sense and be appropriate for her to show. It'd be slim pickings.

>> No.25678557
Quoted by: >>25678592

Post image again, i didn't see it

>> No.25678558
File: 114 KB, 1200x674, EdSOXaQUcAYaQPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678559

i expected him to have a creepy perverted ojisan voice

>> No.25678561

She was great on Touhou Station yesterday.
>that webm
I swear she needed to pee, it's the only explanation I have for it

>> No.25678562

at least this coco stream is going faster than the apex one

>> No.25678564

she's frail and a massive otaku who has a cute voice, unless her voice is fucked in the surgery and she can't speak anymore of course she will try to
she's one of the ones in hololive who undeniably love their job

>> No.25678567

fucking shion is so lucky

>> No.25678569
File: 361 KB, 1536x2048, 1570795071410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ONLY thing i will agree is that last statement, but i enjoy this dragon as much as anyone else

>> No.25678570
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1597496877033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will mean more Oji-sans will be integrated into Shion's fanbase

>> No.25678571

0 year olds these days damn

>> No.25678572
File: 330 KB, 2000x1500, 1594619467527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678573
Quoted by: >>25678593

I expected Marine, Ayame or Haachama
still a win, I hope he stays for a while

>> No.25678574
File: 572 KB, 1111x627, 1598148056175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bros let's invite her to an unironic anti general, we'll really stick it to reddit that we're the better website!

>> No.25678578

Are we calling Luna a homie now?

>> No.25678579

What is the SHAME of /hlg/?

>> No.25678582

she is back into her early type of streamings º////////º

>> No.25678583

homiemori luna

>> No.25678584
Quoted by: >>25678632

>having twitchwhores take up Vtubing would be the end
This isn't a new thing. It's basically the entirety of the English vtubing scene. Hololive NA probably won't though. Although if it does, I hope its Hololive EN, and we get a broader variety of English accents that isn't Western American accent no. 8828288101010010101001010.

>> No.25678587
File: 3.36 MB, 498x407, 1593555467963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678601

Reminder that the Captain has placed the poop deck permanently OFF LIMITS.

>> No.25678589

that we have to share a board with the rest of /jp/

>> No.25678592

It was just ks*n in my friend list.

Not everything posted here is anti stuff.

>> No.25678593 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1598165303511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678609

pls don't ryona my autistic daughter thanks

>> No.25678594
File: 48 KB, 750x500, 1596618755109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678605

We have those comics anon made. That's all I can think of that would be both funny and not mean spirited enough to get public attention.
The anon specified he was going to link it through imgur. Do your English reps.

>> No.25678595

Making 20-40k $ a month isn't millionare status it's slightly above average.

>> No.25678596

We didn't gatekeep hard enough.

>> No.25678597
File: 71 KB, 383x308, 1597971394066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion luggage could work... Not this one specifically though... definitely not this one.

>> No.25678599

She is our sk8r homie.

>> No.25678601

>implying shion didn't have the deck resting on her face just yesterday

>> No.25678602

Do not read this post if you watch luna, it's truly cursed : If you pay attention to how weird her nose looks in her live2d you can never unsee it

>> No.25678603
Quoted by: >>25678639

No, The holos probably has the gist that 4chan/2chan is a bad place


>> No.25678604

I still want to piss into suisei's ass.

>> No.25678605

>damn i wish i wasnt retarded

>> No.25678609

Haachama is perfect for bullying!

>> No.25678608
File: 71 KB, 664x960, 1587002497031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama breaking routine and starting to do multi hour streams again

>> No.25678611

I don't get the Coco hate. Yea I don't care to watch her but you can't deny she's talented at working an audience and dedicated considering she'll sit and thank superchats for fucking hours.
Honestly if her voice didn't annoy me so much I'd watch her much more often.

>> No.25678613


>> No.25678616
File: 92 KB, 173x283, 1593432417120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678617

How in the world is that nose programmed?

>> No.25678619

Ah shit fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou I don't even watch her a lot but...

>> No.25678621

Huh how about that, more strange they did it like that than cursed

>> No.25678622
File: 786 KB, 1037x988, 1597684677902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678751

>> No.25678623

watame arigato!

>> No.25678624
File: 108 KB, 199x284, 1574565927921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678644

>tfw all the streams atm are shit

>> No.25678625
Quoted by: >>25678638

Subaru that poor pikmin...

>> No.25678626
Quoted by: >>25678636

Gonna go out on a limb and guess that she generally doesn't mind but probably hates the doujin where viewers come to her house and rape her while she's streaming because, you know

>> No.25678628 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1020 KB, 1724x896, 1598165451042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678629
File: 620 KB, 1280x720, Peko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora's huge one million subs idea is telling her mom she's a v-tuber

For how Chaotic she is that just seemed so pure and adorable to me, Pekora said her mom is pretty sassy so I hope it goes well

>> No.25678630

Yeah I notice already

>> No.25678631

that's not her nose, it's a fly
none of the holos have noses

>> No.25678632

>Western American accent
You'd rather a Southie?
"The fack is this? Ah ya retahded?"
"I just banged a U-ey in Hahvid Yahd! Wicked fried!"

>> No.25678634
File: 601 KB, 566x736, winter suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's pretty serious about being an idol, but she's not the type that wouldn't do things just because it won't make her an idol. While being an idol is her ultimate goal, she has always been more of a fun-seeker that likes trying out new things that seem fun to her, and she has a truckload of other hobbies asides chasing her dreams like spending her time watching anime and reading manga, drawing, and hanging out with her friends.
Also during her indie days you can sense that she had lots of doubts about herself, there was even a time where she was jokingly questioning if she's really an idol and what an idol really is, so during that era she just tried to have fun as much as possible while connecting with her friends and her audience and putting out song covers because when she ego searches, that's when people actually remember she's supposed to be a virtual idol because she doesn't really very much act like one even way before she joined hololive (she cusses and tells her viewers to "please die already" during tetris matches) .

tl;dr Suisei is serious about being an idol, but she's also the type that does whatever seems fun to her so she also does non-idol stuff.

>> No.25678636
Quoted by: >>25678655

That’s a scenario that could feasibly happen?

>> No.25678637

Because they don't actually enjoy streaming that much.

>> No.25678638

they are just numbers for her

>> No.25678639
Quoted by: >>25678676

That's why I'd link imgur and not 4ch. It would just be foreign memes not-from-reddit.

>> No.25678642

>The worst sin the clip makers commit is when they try to "improve" the material with sound FX, wacky memes, and so on.
Even before that shit, just the decisions about the colour and placement and line thickness of the text are atrocious on half them. I go into a clip anticipating the subs being unreadable because of the bad English. Instead I find they're unreadable because I can barely tell what I'm looking at.
>I'll use the colours of the vtuber herself for her text
okay makes sense
>the text often goes over the vtuber herself on the screen
w-what are you doing you retard

>> No.25678644

Pikamee's stream is kinda fun

>> No.25678649
Quoted by: >>25678659

So Aloe will stream 8 hours a day (unless she needs sex ofc)?

>> No.25678650
File: 84 KB, 598x370, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She follows Asanagi on twitter along with a bunch of other artists like Hews and Mizuryu so it's quite possible she likes it to some degree.

>> No.25678651

>Coco and Kanata made fun of watame on stream
lmao sheepfags btfo

>> No.25678652

wait, so what does her mom think shes been doing during this whole time? I mean she knows her girl is getting shekels from somewhere + going to office for 3D stuff nd sheit

>> No.25678653

Kanata riding Watame!

>> No.25678654
File: 377 KB, 2481x2262, 1571134162002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678698

what are you gonna do to that sheep

>> No.25678655


>> No.25678656

She's one of the ones who clearly loves it. She's already said she's taken this time off because she was forced to by management.

>> No.25678657

will grandma botan do a 7 hour warframe stream when the new open world drops in a few days?

>> No.25678658


>> No.25678659
Quoted by: >>25678680

who says she won't be doing both at the same time?

>> No.25678662
File: 98 KB, 653x720, HA HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does that even work? She LIVES with her mom

What the fuck does her mom think hearing the HAHAHAHAHA OOREE TEME NEEEEE TCH

>> No.25678664
Quoted by: >>25678674

Blatantly scripted videos like Kizuna Ai are the worst. I hope Miko never goes back to this type of vtuber again.

>> No.25678668

Narukami wants drama though. if Cover intentionally gave misrepresentation and differing statements to the Japanese and overseas audience, that would be a topic he'd certainly he interested in. an ESL who is bad at English and even worse speaking Japanese as a third language... isn't exactly noteworthy.

>> No.25678669

Based mesugaki

>> No.25678670

Does her mother think she's a camwhore? Did she ever ask where Pekora got all the money?

>> No.25678671

The people that unironically wants /hlg/ to be mainstream in the >vtuber community

>> No.25678672

she's a less seiso Sora

>> No.25678673
Quoted by: >>25678679

peko could easily be in a dungeon so her mother doesnt hear her

>> No.25678674

some of the scripted shit was hilarious. The three fairies is some of the best shit in hololive

>> No.25678676

I still would say let poor kson not get bombarded with Coco related stuff outside of her Coco persona. She already has enough with people who flood into her stream and make oh not so obvious comments implying she's Coco, it's probably akin to Rushia getting a pettan post at this point.

>> No.25678677

This is the first Subaru pikmin stream I've watched, are they all this good?

>> No.25678679

You are GREATLY over-estimating the size of japanese homes

>> No.25678680

nah, we established that Aloe will wear a superchat-activated vibrator for her zatsudans

>> No.25678681


>> No.25678684

She just has a strong personality that people will either love or hate. Her liking reddit memes makes her the perfect scapegoat.

Personally she’s the type of girl that I fucking despise in real life. But if she’s successful good for her I guess.

>> No.25678686
Quoted by: >>25678718

Her mom thinks she's a damn neet.

>> No.25678687

I want to fuck this retard

>> No.25678688

>all the fucking clueless dumbass chat spamming fuckos with bruh etc in their name are the ones thanking birdcock's shit tier translations and defending him
it's all so tiresome...

>> No.25678689
Quoted by: >>25678744

Camwhoring. Going to the office could be interpreted as going with a client to a hotel

>> No.25678690


>> No.25678691
File: 154 KB, 269x309, oozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678936

Subaru is god-tier in general the past few months

She was always fun but feels like she's top 3 lately

>> No.25678692

>my poor autistic daughter has brought shame to our family because she won't stop screaming

>> No.25678693

Suisei does whatever the fuck she wants. She doesn't let bullshit stop her from being herself.

She wants to be an idol, be she is also a turbo otaku, she accepts that and rolls with it, if anyone doesn't like it then fuck that guy. Suisei will be Suisei whether under a company logo or independent. She will never kneel against anyone.

>> No.25678695 [DELETED] 

Marine is lesbian and would have to get pregnant

>> No.25678696
Quoted by: >>25678710

yo what if miko just up and dies haha
and all her friends and fans just have to quietly ignore the fact that she's dead cause cover brought in a new girl
that'd be pretty funny i think

>> No.25678697

Robocos asmr gets me so hard

>> No.25678698

Mating. Press. Until her mind breaks.

>> No.25678699

gotta love asanagi

>> No.25678701

She probably has sound proofing stuff coating her room.
In her eyes she could also be a saleswoman or something or get her money from stocks. There's plenty of vague ways to make money on the internet.

>> No.25678703

That's what happens when you pander to reddit, her own fault it's happening.

>> No.25678704

Damn that's hot. I'd waste money on that.

>> No.25678707

They deleted the Touhou thread I made to give back to the board after we made too many Holo threads...

>> No.25678708

a camgirl, like she has been since she was little

>> No.25678710

giga nigger

>> No.25678709

The image of pekora arriving at her house with noel and a mountain of gifts, and not explaining shit to her mom is really funny

>> No.25678712
File: 861 KB, 2897x4096, 1598133956006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678713 [DELETED] 

How old is Kanata's roommate?
And I don't mean kson

>> No.25678715
Quoted by: >>25679438

Pekomum apparently texts Pekora to “shut up” when she screams late at night. Must be some shitty sound proofing

>> No.25678716

She's lolicon, so yes.

>> No.25678717

I don't think she cares that much, she uses the same voice for both and even cross references stuff like the adidas shit

>> No.25678718

A damn neet that either:
>Lives off of her parents money when she earns a pretty good amount
>Became able to pay for costs within the household while seemingly being a NEET

Come on, I don't even know how you would even hide this shit.

>> No.25678719

Sorry, rabbit isn't very smart

>> No.25678720

Of course she likes it. Being raped by a Chad are the most common fantasy for women

>> No.25678721
Quoted by: >>25678848

Imagine discovering your mom's hidden stash of eroge DVDs.

>> No.25678722

>japanese shadman

>> No.25678723

Because it's just a job for them. They actually want do some shit like hang out with friends or boyfriend rather than streaming to pander smelly otakus.

>> No.25678725


Brooklyn be the strongest

>> No.25678726
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1597399907591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally don't give a flying fuck about doxshit and roomates
>never look into it, never click anything

>Got a kson stream recommendation today watching coco
>got an actual unironic dox youtube page recommended to me yesterday with luna's roomate plastered all over it

S A S U G A Y O U T U B E god this website is shit

>> No.25678727

Wait I went to take a shit and Towa is gone, what happened?

>> No.25678728

mid 20s like literally everyone else but 3

>> No.25678729

Coco is 3501 years old

>> No.25678730

little kids discovering that kson is coco
is like finding out that joji was filthy frank.

>> No.25678731

She doesn't go out and her parents probably cook for her. How would they know if she's spending money?
That being said her parents are probably aware by now.

>> No.25678734
Quoted by: >>25678750

As a vtuber board specifically yeah, but an internet celebrity board (which would include vtubers) is a common demand on /v/ and /co/ among others

>> No.25678733


>> No.25678735

>but you can't deny she's talented at working an audience and dedicated considering she'll sit and thank superchats for fucking hours.
My thought process doesn't go that far. I'm not gonna waste time or braincells thinking about her.

Coco panders to EOPs?
Coco panders to ironic weebs like Koefficient?
Coco panders to Reddit?
If yes to all the above, then fuck her. I couldn't care less about what you typed, anon.

>> No.25678736

She probably knows she does shit on the internet but doesn't know the extent of it.

It's funny, Pekora's pretty high profile, she's one of the first that gets recommended to people. If Hololive keeps expanding at the rate it is, she might get so well known her mom finds out before she gets to tell her.

>> No.25678738

Youtube just recommends you what other vtuber fans watch.

>> No.25678739
Quoted by: >>25678764

Because Pekora is a lying whore. I bet she doesn't even live with her mom.

>> No.25678740

I have seen her do this but with less clothes and darker hair... hmmmm.....

>> No.25678742

Has to get ready for her own stream

>> No.25678744
Quoted by: >>25679142

if thats the case then her mom getting mad at pekora for being a vtubers is stupid as fuck
>In her eyes she could also be a saleswoman or something or get her money from stocks. There's plenty of vague ways to make money on the internet.
her mom should be very naive to believe that but it wouldnt surprise me, if her mom does get mad because of her vtuber job then pekora should show her her paychecks

>> No.25678745

that got deleted quick, are meidos just refreshing this thread now? i dont blame you...good luck

>> No.25678747

That's fair, but her being late to the Sololive watch-along due to a kson stream makes me think she's encouraging the correlation

>> No.25678748

Or playing FallGuys with a vibrator. Each time she loses she increases the speed. If already at maximum speed she shoves another vibrator

>> No.25678750
Quoted by: >>25678805

Yeah that absolutely should get added. Whether chuubas get moved there or not is up to the meidos.

>> No.25678751
File: 798 KB, 1037x988, robwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678762


>> No.25678752

26-29 based on school, around twappi's age, making them the two youngest gen4

>> No.25678753

Googletranslate with the narratives and youtube with the dox

>> No.25678754
File: 730 KB, 1203x678, pukingonstreamRTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oga is in this kusoge train
gdi temma

>> No.25678756

Doxshit is the most boring "secret" ever, definitely the worst part about /v/ threads


>> No.25678757
Quoted by: >>25678783

I love this webm so much

>> No.25678758
Quoted by: >>25678811


>> No.25678759

Luna isn't that old. Coco is the oldest

>> No.25678761

top speed meidos atpQuan

>> No.25678762
File: 69 KB, 180x201, RoberuScared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678763

it would be more interesting if one of them were a cripple or ugly as fuck
Cover get on it

>> No.25678764

This anon is right, Pekora actually lives with me

>> No.25678765

You flushed her down the toilet

>> No.25678766
File: 38 KB, 300x456, tor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678802


>> No.25678768

they wont

>> No.25678769

I think Kanata, Towa and Luna are around the same age group. Coco and Watame are a bit older

>> No.25678770

If the holostars became as popular as the main branch do you think the girsl who don't collab with them would be willing to do?

>> No.25678771


>> No.25678773

its not even a secret if youre a nip in your early to late 20s who watched a lot of NND content because these girls are just old content creators. Marine has been doing NND doujinshi for 10+ years and her voice never changed.

>> No.25678777

i genuinely dont know why you guys dont talk about roommates in the seiyuu thread

>> No.25678778


>> No.25678779
File: 2.68 MB, 1334x750, 3C890659-F4D3-4F35-A450-9332A6CBB9A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678780

What an idiotic question.

>> No.25678781

It'd be sweet if Cover granted some crippled girl her dream of becoming an idol.

>> No.25678782
Quoted by: >>25678790

I think you're mistaken mate because who you were seeing is clearly not her.

>> No.25678783

Pekora is a good girl

>> No.25678784


>> No.25678785

Well leech has a partial disability and okayu is hideous.

>> No.25678786

they don't want these people there.

>> No.25678787
Quoted by: >>25678798

no, their popularity isnt the problem, its the idol culture surrounding hololive. weve been over this, stop

>> No.25678788
Quoted by: >>25678806

>robocock watching her prerecorded "live" concert
how patethic can you be

>> No.25678789

I found polka weird.
She is way too confident even if she had experience with streaming before. I personally feel like she is popular even before joining hololive

>> No.25678790
Quoted by: >>25678807

your shaky and triggered post tells me I'm spot on

>> No.25678791

El ogro de las americas aka: Botan

Now that was a shock!

>> No.25678792

Well sure, botan's roommate has a SEXY DEEP FACE but you can't say she looks good.

>> No.25678793

But plenty of them are ugly. Kanata and Noel will be a cripple

>> No.25678795


>> No.25678796

Luna arigachu closer without moving her neck is still cute

>> No.25678797
File: 173 KB, 522x300, chee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irl cripple can't walk
>make her a mermaid Hololive


>> No.25678798
Quoted by: >>25678808

>idol culture surrounding hololive
that's not a thing, matsuri get's away with it without problem

>> No.25678800
Quoted by: >>25678867

The isn't the low popularity. It's the seething idolfags. Unless you're Fubuki or Choco.

>> No.25678799

>I personally feel like she is popular even before joining hololive
Well, she was, her forced retirement was considered a landmark event in the vchuubing community

>> No.25678801
Quoted by: >>25678860

Are you shitposting?

>> No.25678802
Quoted by: >>25678909

torture is the horror movie loving dogs thing though...

>> No.25678803
Quoted by: >>25678825

Because they are not seiyuu.
Except Fubuki maybe now that she did that one ad

>> No.25678805

Celebrity board will never be reality here. You're basically asking for designated honeypot and doxing station.

>> No.25678806

i'm glad someone is at least watching roboco

>> No.25678807

Post proof.

>> No.25678808
Quoted by: >>25678821

we're not having this discussion again holy shit

>> No.25678809

Which holo has the most Fall Guys crowns?

>> No.25678810

She mentioned tell her mum that she got employed by hololive but never told her that it was as a vtuber.

>> No.25678811

She was school gay earlier in life and she's idol gay now, but the truth is she craves a man to put her in her place as a woman. She just happens to go homo the moment she's around a bunch of girls.

>> No.25678813
Quoted by: >>25678829

Where did all the duckbros go? I remember there were a few of them when she was playing FF6

>> No.25678815
File: 633 KB, 1500x1500, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_sasakura_momiji__5b66f0511c6ef2b0080fc820c2245b96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already got a deaf person anon

>> No.25678816

>being this new

>> No.25678817

I'd rather anything that doesn't sound like a valley girl. Whenever I come across anything like an English cover or an English fan dubbing or and English vtuber or anything like that, if I dare click on it it always sounds like a valley girl and I close it right away, that accent just repulses me. It doesn't help that Japanese or Chinese or whatever girls trying to actually speak good English seem to always veer towards that accent too. I struggle to watch HoloCN and HoloIN because of this.

>> No.25678818

Marine is only gay when she's ovulating.

>> No.25678820
File: 246 KB, 372x315, 1596614222027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678874

Depends, if they got popular on what Yagoo intended, then no. The fujo audience wants the holostars to be collabing with other fujobait vtubers.
If that is not the case. It will still be a no.
They might collab in hololive vs holostars events though.

>> No.25678821

the at least bring up a valid points, matsuri is still seen as idol like, is among the biggest earners in the company and she collabs regularly with the stars, nothing has changed for her despite collabing with them

>> No.25678823

She doesn't give allowances to her parents and in return also doesn't ask anything in return.

Truly a neet.

>> No.25678824

>just found out that the full version of Ahoy!! is available on spotify
God I’m retarded. Check her description.

>> No.25678825

they voice the hololive characters, theyre voice actors. theyre seiyuus. i know we dont want to consider the girls characters because its a very very blurry line, but roommates are seiyuus

>> No.25678826
File: 213 KB, 720x480, 1596741898319.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fubuki is worse than coco desu when it comes to the west

>> No.25678827
Quoted by: >>25678839

Why would they? They don't gain anything by collabing with males. It's unnecessary risk

>> No.25678829

Plenty of duckposts this thread anon, also we're watching Pikmin

>> No.25678830

I have no idea why someone wouldn’t just tell their parents they’re a popular vtuber instead of letting them think they’re a cam whore. I really don’t get it.

Does she have an awful relationship with her parents?

>> No.25678831

Helping Botan accross the street!
Sorting Botan's arthritis medicine!
Putting Botan to bed after watching wheel of fortune!
Big wet grandma kisses from Botan!

>> No.25678833
File: 107 KB, 850x567, pekora_morning_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

До... до... доброе утро. АХАХАХАХА! Доброе утро!

>> No.25678834
Quoted by: >>25678845

fbk didn't actively pander to reddit until C*co ruined everything

>> No.25678835

How else can she play the ringfit?

>> No.25678836

Matsuri gets less viewers than Ayame and she is dead.

>> No.25678837
File: 164 KB, 333x546, IMG_20200823_130747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asanagi talking about shion's eyebrows
Wtf, japanese shademan is based as fuck?

>> No.25678838
File: 47 KB, 1110x180, 1598134171029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Polka feel about this.

>> No.25678839

that was my point, if some of the stars where equally or more successful than the holos i think they would be more willing to collab

>> No.25678840
Quoted by: >>25678925

Temma for the guys
AkkukinTV for the girls

>> No.25678844

Gonna blow your mind a bit anon

Japanese women in their 20s tend to be really fucking awful at social interaction

>> No.25678845
Quoted by: >>25678858

Coco dresses like a tramp

>> No.25678846

Too lazy to explain? Try explaining becoming a vtuber or even a regular streamer to boomers

>> No.25678847

So is Haachama getting addicted to kusoge again?

>> No.25678849

>not the hat
he doesn't get it

>> No.25678848


>> No.25678850

Coco straight up panders to foreigners, but at the very least she cares for them. Fubuki just uses foreigners as numbers padding.

>> No.25678851
File: 129 KB, 1299x951, SkinMatsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678885

Seiyuu is/are literally any voice actor/actress, either pro or amateur, providing voice for animated things or dubs
Stop being such a simp wk gatekeeper she will not fuck you ^_~

>> No.25678852

>What is a vtuber???

>> No.25678853

That she made the right decision with Hololive rather than N********

>> No.25678854

https://files.catbox.moe/3ek5e9.mp3 onee san voice

>> No.25678855

Her large forehead and eyebrows are extremely arousing

>> No.25678856

She was already talking about how crazy the brand power of hololive is

>> No.25678857

Probably happy? she fucking flew to 200k

>> No.25678858

she dresses like a slav but close enough

>> No.25678859
Quoted by: >>25678890

we can go in circles for hours about this like last time you decided to say this, or we can ignore each other. what you consider "valid points" is your opinion and we both disagree on this matter so just stop

>> No.25678860

No, I seriously think she is popular.
She just seem so much like another vtuber I've seen twice or thrice, but I think it's just a coincidence.

>> No.25678861

She's probably elated.

>> No.25678865


>> No.25678867

>seething idolfags
those aren't a thing and have never been, no girl has faced backlash from associating with men

>> No.25678869

the list is getting bigger...

>> No.25678870
Quoted by: >>25679191

She's literally over the moon
she spent 6 hours celebrating her monetization, if theres someone who knows how to take advantage of the brand power shes been given its her

>> No.25678871

My statement assumes they receive 1/3 of superchats/memberships after youtube and cover (30% to youtube, of the remaining 70% half is taken by cover, so they get 35%). Taxes affect everyone and you always talk about pre-tax amounts when it comes to salaries so that doesn't matter at all. A lot of the girls are earning an above average salary assuming all this, with a bunch already at 5 figures (USD) per month. Even Towa is earning an above average salary (in Japan), and if EOPs magically disappeared today she would be slightly below average (going by superchats only, I don't know what her membership numbers are), but considering she has the second lowest hours because she is allegedly studying and therefore this is basically a part time job for her, that is still extremely good part time job money. So really only Towa """needs""" EOPs for anything because they make up 43% of her superchats.

Furthermore, if you knew about commision-based jobs you would know that you can negotiate for a better cut based on your performance. I imagine everyone over the 500k mark can or already has negotiated for a better cut from cover than 50%, making them even more rich.

>> No.25678873

>So you're a camwhore with an anime model?

>> No.25678874

>They might collab in hololive vs holostars events though.
Cover won't even promote the two in the same series of tweets

>> No.25678875
File: 284 KB, 498x498, Yukihana_Lamy_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all gen 5 I'm starting to think she's not acting

maybe playing it up a tiny but but I think they actually found someone truly Seiso, guess we'll see on a drinking stream

>> No.25678877

We can't afford to lose her.

>> No.25678878
Quoted by: >>25678897

No, they aren't.
Only Fubuki is one. The seiyuus themselves don't consider the hololive girls have seiyuu during the radio shows.

Sorry kid, but your opinion won't make two separate industries suddenly become one just because you think technicalities are relevant when they are not.

>> No.25678879

Sure talk about them somewhere else if you're interested in who they are in a bubble.
People are interested here in how they're related to their characters. Your suggestion doesn't make practical sense and is an arbitrary reading of unspoken rules.

>> No.25678881

I'm new but why won't they create their own website for streaming? They can get rid of youtube's cut and threat of ban in one go. They also have a lot of tubers already so it should be in their talks right?

>> No.25678882

>Luna winking and thanking everyone
This is too cute and sweet.

>> No.25678883
File: 68 KB, 189x237, EEkasdoufhfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25678925

This guy

>> No.25678885

STFU MATSURI'S ROOMMATE IS ONLY MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25678886

upd8 is garbage what a surprise.

>> No.25678887

watame had to make a public apology for retweeting fanart with her and kaoru in it

>> No.25678889
File: 94 KB, 720x720, 1570504556695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about deleting this in aggie. i was frustrated about its controls

>> No.25678890

The girls don't loose anything from collabing with men and FBK and matsuri are living proff of such, gen 3 and forwards are being genuine assholes by not helping their coworkers out

>> No.25678892

her voice is definitely put on but her personality might not be

>> No.25678893

she'll get drunk and start a racial tirade against koreans

>> No.25678894
Quoted by: >>25679103

I really don't get people like you that believe everyone should share everything with everyone. I fucking hate the facebook generation.

>> No.25678895
File: 261 KB, 2462x1384, 1598013331497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like we're seeing a whole new Towa. She's so much more comfortable and confident and seems to be having a ton of fun.

>> No.25678896

Yeah, nothing happened with Rikka and Matsuri.

>> No.25678897

Sora is, she's one of the main characters in an anime series. Matsuri made a guest appearance in it too

>> No.25678898
File: 524 KB, 476x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making my baby moving her neck so much!

>> No.25678900

She's a great actress.

>> No.25678901
Quoted by: >>25678919

Lamy doesn't drink...

>> No.25678902

Matsuri and Rikka? That was chinks though. Older holostar collabs with hololive had a decent amount of dislikes.

>> No.25678903

Imagine doing that every day.

>> No.25678904

You fail to realize that they have gotten you.... farewell anon.

>> No.25678905

Her mom called her a gorilla when she heard her working out.

>> No.25678907
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, 1596177295082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrativebros I'm feeling really down, can you all please explain to me how Miko's actually doing okay I'm genuinely depressed

>> No.25678909

I just thought their mouths looked similar

>> No.25678910
File: 275 KB, 1363x570, 1593815747720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678911

Keep in mind they also receive a base salary.

>> No.25678912
File: 34 KB, 315x581, 1590845156725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this

>> No.25678914

matsuri had to make an apology on bilibili because of her video to rikka
now i know you dont know what youre talking about

>> No.25678915

That would be peak seiso.

>> No.25678916

So how new are you?

>> No.25678917

The real reason she's taking a break is to focus on investing her earnings. She's going to buy out Cover in 10 years after her crypto moons.

>> No.25678919
Quoted by: >>25678954

she likes drinking but can't hold her liquor you purefag

>> No.25678921
File: 959 KB, 1200x934, 82948583_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a sheepbro, it's been a really nice week. Watame has been really shining this week and reached a major milestone. She has been in high spirits lately and has finally managed to reach out for collabs more actively. Blessed sheep!

>> No.25678924
Quoted by: >>25678968

>Taxes affect everyone and you always talk about pre-tax amounts when it comes to salaries
Not how it works both in hololive and in japan.

>> No.25678925

Just checked and he only has 6.

Why do holos suck at vidya?

>> No.25678926

She's fine and will probably back to streaming in the first or second week of september.

>> No.25678929

>japanese shademan
I want homosexuals to leave

>> No.25678931
Quoted by: >>25678939

I'm enjoying this Happy Towa arc. Her collabs with Kanata, Marine and Nose have been amazing.

>> No.25678932
Quoted by: >>25678960


>> No.25678933
File: 378 KB, 1475x2048, 1596283766913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Pekora, the most racist, transphobic and homophobic chuuba in hololive.

>> No.25678934
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1000, 1591511619716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people posting about japanese shadman
I'm going to warn you guys, don't fap to your holo
I did it once to Marine and I feel really fucking weird whenever I watch her stream now, not in a good way either

>> No.25678936
Quoted by: >>25678971

>Day 26
How many parts does she have?

>> No.25678937

that was just angry chinks it wasn't because it was a collaboration with a man, it was specifically because it was rikka

>> No.25678938

She's making the correct decision to join a company with decent management rather than going indie

>> No.25678939

The guerilla collab she just had with Coco was actually nice too. Totally unexpected.

>> No.25678941

dumb fake voice
and a whore

>> No.25678940

Not kenzoku but I'm enjoying everytime she collabs with other holos. She works well with others.

>> No.25678943

Please andastd Temma is too busy doing endurance streams in DBD

>> No.25678944

She's having a blast in life. Play whatever game she want. Wake up whenever she want. No need to entertain a bunch of lonely otaku seeking virtual relationship.

>> No.25678946
File: 486 KB, 1536x2048, 1587621022697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound young

>> No.25678947
File: 85 KB, 800x566, 1_rvPt1PgeWoHquFsWFgk66g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we deserving of such grace?

>> No.25678948
Quoted by: >>25679002

>Try explaining becoming a vtuber or even a regular streamer to boomers
I mean you have a wealth of visual aids, it can't be that hard. It's not like they need to see the appeal in it so long as they understand other people see an appeal in it. All she has to really do is demonstrate that 1) she's not being an internet whore and 2) she's being really fucking successful and has a lot of fun and her mom will probably be over the moon and ask her to start paying her fucking way when it comes to rent, lmao.

>> No.25678949

This can't be real... Aqua...

>> No.25678950

Luna is dead.

>> No.25678951


>> No.25678952

Her best streams so far

>> No.25678953


>> No.25678954

She just said that to appeal more mature

>> No.25678956


>> No.25678957
Quoted by: >>25678996

>It's another episode of discussing old shit.
The anon that tried to destroy the timeloop failed, right?

>> No.25678959

You guy would not read your chuba's doujin with ryona tag in it right?

>> No.25678960

You're so fucking stupid, birdkun.

>> No.25678961
File: 313 KB, 750x750, 1588688330535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obese Bibi...
It's cute

>> No.25678962

That's from the chinks and they hate Rikka. Not because Matsuri collabed with a male

>> No.25678963
File: 1.43 MB, 970x546, 1586468019708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 5 total earnings as of now.

¥2,290,837 - Polka
¥2,274,908 - Nene
¥2,266,744 - Lamy
¥1,422,307 - Botan
¥0 - Aloe

>> No.25678964

Anon, I....

>> No.25678966

Of course I would.

>> No.25678967

Fat like her

>> No.25678968
Quoted by: >>25679019

Japan doesn't talk about salaries in pre-tax amounts? So everyone says they're on some weird amount with decimals? Works contracts don't say you're on 5m yen but instead 3.1231627? I find that hard to believe but I can't be bothered checking because my post holds true either way.

>> No.25678971

It's written in Suba's stream title, anon.

>> No.25678972

Nevermind, Aqua has 6 and a 5 crown skin.
I guess I finally have an excuse to start watching her.

>> No.25678973

I'm level 17 and still haven't won so I can't judge them...

>> No.25678974
Quoted by: >>25679055

I really hope that the singing collab coming up is with PPT, the falseflaggers are so tiresome.

>> No.25678976

What the hell? Polka barely got monetized.

>> No.25678980
File: 511 KB, 830x738, 1586934209650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25678981

Depends on the art quality.

>> No.25678983
Quoted by: >>25679086

literally kanata, she spent years lamenting there being no hope of being an idol with her condition, and then she passed the hololive audition and/or suisei+marine nepotism'd her in

if she wasn't going to be okay, she would have delayed the surgery a while and spent time restoring her videos since they would be turning into her memorial.

>> No.25678984

NO ONE in hololive is as Seiso as true form Subaru


You all are lucky she's massively hiding her powerlevel

>> No.25678985


>> No.25678988


>> No.25678990
File: 69 KB, 680x383, EgBFS-wUwAAndef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is embracing diversity after being warned by Cover staff that she was at risk of being cancelled on twitter

>> No.25678991

Aloe will be okay.
Polka will pay her wages to do tricks in her circus.

>> No.25678992


>> No.25678994
File: 611 KB, 900x820, 20200820_080149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679029

>Grinding the dumb crossover event in FF14 while binging in hololive content
Pretty comfy.

>> No.25678995
File: 243 KB, 560x420, 1593237689913.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Towa is finally happy, the redemption arc was tough...

>> No.25678996

its the same guy from last time too, same arguments and everything. im so tired bros...

>> No.25678997

I can't believe she is so fat!

>> No.25678998

She sang glow... I will forever simp even if she isn't in hololive anymore.

>> No.25678999

>How to be handed a road to success and piss it away

Holy shit Botan is stupid.

>> No.25679000

Because it's embarrassing. Imagine your parents watching your videos on the living room TV then commentating on it like they're watching divegrass. suisei...

>> No.25679001

Why would they hate him? Do they even acknowledge any holostars?

>> No.25679002
Quoted by: >>25679038

lol so funny, fuck off retard
why do all that problematic shit when she can do nothing and keep living her life as she has always lived it?
Stop finding solutions to problems that only exist in your autistic head.

>> No.25679003
Quoted by: >>25679043

why they hate Rikka? he said something about HK or Winnie the Pooh

>> No.25679006

Yeah that too. I wrote that post completely on superchats, there are of course other things that make them even more rich such as salary, sponsorships and merch, but I don't know if those figures are available anywhere.

>> No.25679008

I think he also tweeted about Mano after her debut, but I guess he found a new target after she got suspended.

>> No.25679009
File: 300 KB, 345x379, 1597976395152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future Queen of hololive

>> No.25679010

I wouldn't
Ryona is a huge turn off for me

>> No.25679011
File: 1.86 MB, 1930x2601, 83017559_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an idol otaku in the truest sense of the word.
She wants to live her life by doing what she loves, and being a virtual idol as well as an otaku is just that. She's one of the more straightforward girls in terms of presentation, in that what you see is what you get. Theres not much hidden backstory, no secret characterization, no elaborate plot behind her, just a forever 18 idol on her nonstop story to getting here solo live at Budokan.

Her backstory and lore as well are great parts to her charm, they allow you to feel the same things she felt as she was all alone. She specifically marketed herself as a true cinderella story if ever she were accepted into hololive, and now she has the audience and fame she worked hard for. Others have detailed that she makes a point to not change her style just because she became popular, or because she joined hololive, and what not. In a way, she doesnt want to alienate her fans from before, so if you dont like how she is right now, it's probably unlikely for that to change in the future. However, she greatly appreciates anyone who comes along with her for the ride. She doesn't mind if shes not their first, second, third, fourth, or even their tenth favorite youtuber, just the fact that they're watching her makes her grateful.

She may not be the purest idol, or maybe the most genuine, but I find her really sincere, so when she says that she's thankful for everyone who even just comes to see her stream (even when she doesn't read superchats or shit like that), I feel like she really means it.

>> No.25679013


>> No.25679014
File: 31 KB, 480x401, 1576734765801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference? Polka, Nene, Lamy, and Botan mentioned Watame on their debut. Never disregard the sheep that pulls the strings.

>> No.25679015
File: 322 KB, 1500x1061, EgFFDcVU4AE4dWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool looking senchou is something i didnt know i wanted

>> No.25679016

>apology on bilibili
an apology-non-apology where she said 'sorry for worrying everyone but I'm still going to collab with who I want and I won't change what I do.' the rumors were getting out of hand so she felt the need to address them directly.

and if you believe the narrative it was rooted more in a shit translation misrepresenting her and less to do with her collabing with Rikka. if anything it underscores the importance of translating responsibly.

she then proceeded to have a multi hour apex collab with Rikka and sometime thereafter a collab with a male top ranker who her supporters also donated around 8k to.

>> No.25679019
Quoted by: >>25679092

>because my post holds true either way.
It would be truer if you actually bothered to fix it, as it is, your post is just a shitpost.

>> No.25679020

And she sat for hours reading superchats.

>> No.25679023

Become another collab organizer like Mio, please.
We need more group activities.

>> No.25679024

What the FUCK

>> No.25679025
Quoted by: >>25679123

I don't know where you people get the idea that the holos are dying to collab with men, even if there wasn't a prevailing idolculture around them. what do they have that makes them so fucking valuable?, there literally just a bunch of dudes, not miracle workers, holos go moths without collabing with people within their own branch, at this point cliques are so established within hololive that outside of mandatory collabs nothing would change

add to that the fact that at least half of them are socially incompetent or actually uncomfortable with men, you really think that outside of coco, watame, polka and towa any of them would seek out collabs with them

>> No.25679026


>> No.25679027

She's the third member of the PPTrio

>> No.25679028
Quoted by: >>25679032

RIP to the one of the fallen that helped get her here...

but yeah these collabs have been insane recently especially Senchou.

>> No.25679029
Quoted by: >>25679082

Hours of Noel's roommate slobbering in my ear while I make people seethe with my Fate destroying Missiles.

>> No.25679031
Quoted by: >>25679170

I thought she was elite bros??????????????

>> No.25679032


>> No.25679033
Quoted by: >>25679058

Wait until gen 6 arrives.

>> No.25679034

coco op next

>> No.25679035
Quoted by: >>25679073

sweet dreams coco bros

>> No.25679036
File: 2.70 MB, 1456x1080, 1571462165728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679100

Her collab with Senchou really revealed a lot of things about her. It' s like meeting Towa again for the first time.

>> No.25679038

>Stop finding solutions to problems that only exist in your autistic head.
The fuck are you talking about

>> No.25679040

i might have to stop watching holostars if theyre attracting these types of people, its been fun, but im not strong enough

>> No.25679041

I guess... they all saw botan picture
how can you donate money to
>el ogro
when the others could be cute girls

>> No.25679043

A mistranslated clip of Matsuri's message went up on bilibili and the Chinese started making crazy narratives about Matsuri and spreading NTR memes about him and exposing his "shady history" under his past life and shit.

>> No.25679044

Timeskip senchou when she's an actual pirate captain who's experienced the hard seas would be rad

>> No.25679045

Polka has army of former gachikois. Of course they were ready with their money loads.

>> No.25679046

what's the appeal of hololive anyways?

>> No.25679048
File: 1.95 MB, 2000x3000, EgDFIazU4AAAiBt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.25679047

i can see it

in 2 years

>> No.25679049
File: 807 KB, 1384x898, loneliness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679050
Quoted by: >>25679068

Is this from Playboard? If so, their numbers for Lamy are way off since they only scraped the superchats from her archived chat, not live. She should be ~1,000,000 yen higher than what Playboard states.

>> No.25679055

Let me tell you something, i will do absolutely nothing to stop them, but rather just make them even more insufferable, with people constantly comparing their singing and shitting on kanata

i know this is a fact, because i will be doing it, and genuine and earnest fuck you kanata

>> No.25679058
Quoted by: >>25679075

Gen 6 is holoEN so no thanks

>> No.25679061

Is Polka's superchat song specifically designed to brainwash people into giving her money?

>> No.25679063
File: 46 KB, 377x427, 1597528575906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679064
File: 267 KB, 504x640, 1586897503065.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried fapping to marine H could not for 30 minutes find a picture to stay on and fap to had to open up a marine stream and listen to her voice to finish

>> No.25679065

Botan isn't very cute so I can see why. Coco is the only one who defies conventional gachikoi wisdom.

>> No.25679067

that intro though

>> No.25679068

Lamy's channel was always there iirc. It just wasn't searchable

>> No.25679069

Guess those gaijins don't have any money huh? She should play Apex because Japan love it. CoD is shit

>> No.25679070

She probably spoils the fuck out of that cat

>> No.25679071
File: 442 KB, 638x776, 20EC89DA-BD81-4566-8192-C280F47D259F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you raise a child with your favorite holo from another fan

>> No.25679072

Flare... treat your wounds onegai...

>> No.25679073

Gnight cocofriend.

>> No.25679075

That'll be HoloEN gen 1. Retard.

>> No.25679077
Quoted by: >>25679183

Why are you even here?

>> No.25679079

It wasn't, I checked using the video IDs directly, her channel wasn't indexed at all until just a few days ago.

>> No.25679080

None, now go back to the niji thread. We don't need more IPs here.

>> No.25679081
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1598076471896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679082

The ammount of salt in shout chat about BLU is so damn funny

>> No.25679083
File: 109 KB, 788x682, hololive polka angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka ain't clowning around

>> No.25679085
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1593035075689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly aqua

>> No.25679086

>suisei+marine nepotism'd her in
why would they need to do that?, she had the exact same background as flare and watame. she was just slightly more popular within her little circle

>> No.25679087

Which holo has the most crowns in fall guys?

>> No.25679092
Quoted by: >>25679133

Whether the Japanese speak about their salaries in pre or post tax amounts has no effect on what I said. Your contract saying you'll earn $50k pre-tax is literally the same thing as saying you're going to have $32k or whatever post-tax deposited in your bank account over the year. Are you angry for some schizo reason or do you just not know what "shitpost" means?

>> No.25679093

It's not the design if her roommate's identity is an open secret. Kson is hot while Botan is an ogre

>> No.25679095

honestly, if you have the time, i'd suggest this video, basically a TLed version of one of her zatsudans where she was talking about her history

>> No.25679096


>> No.25679097
Quoted by: >>25679108

The sound quality is kinda bad. I will create a better one later. So sorry
Don't save please

>> No.25679099

honestly she probably just took a long vacation after negotiating her contract after her last yearly contract ran out and is using health issues as a cover story, like aqua's month long break where she was 'training'

>> No.25679100

That stream was something special, almost shocking how aggressive she got, which is funny since marine said before stream that she wanted to "back off" to let Towa talk

>> No.25679101
File: 1.77 MB, 3310x2500, 1581731095832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679102



>> No.25679103
Quoted by: >>25679155

Anonchama, we might be the same age or I might even be older, what makes you think I’m in the fb generation?

I’m not saying she HAS to disclose her work life. What I mean is why would you let your parents have the impression you’re a fucking prostitute and jobless rather than just say you work for some corporation, even if they don’t get the “vtuber” thing

>> No.25679104

triggering nerds by mentioning that behind the holo charas are real life women

>> No.25679105

It's a combination of things. Including her games of choice, lack of chat interactions and doing the supacha image shit.

>> No.25679106

Lamy's is wrong.

>> No.25679108
Quoted by: >>25679132

Is there a channel where I can listen to all of them?

>> No.25679109
File: 670 KB, 682x642, 1593940639018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka learned the art of reading supa for hours from her senpais

>> No.25679110

Cover and Miko herself already stated that she will be back, they even already worked on a project and merch for her return. If it's really serious (either for health reason or something scandalous) they wouldn't want to take the risk and would have graduates her early

>> No.25679111
File: 1.57 MB, 1424x802, 1596270924541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679183

Please kill yourself

>> No.25679114
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1574922075192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superchat song is hypnotic

>> No.25679115

Pekora's mom obviously knows she makes videos online and that she's making good money from it. I think Pekora just means she hasn't told her mom she is a vtuber specifically, because it would be a pain to even explain the concept.

>> No.25679119

Do any of you guys ever feel like killing yourselves

>> No.25679120
File: 34 KB, 213x126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get bigger image for this at bottom right?

>> No.25679123
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1597182413110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pill you're probably going to have to swallow at one point
if the holos were actually socially inept, they wouldn't be able to organize any of the events they do or things such as covers/original songs since Cover's management does nothing to help them there

>> No.25679124
Quoted by: >>25679267

You wish
It's around 1/4 because sales tax is applied first (supachas are affected by sale taxes and youtube deducts that amount immediately) and the apple cut since nips are retarded and use their iPhones to send supachas (30% after sales tax)
The same is applied to memberships
Now let's talk about income taxes. Their progressive tax rates go up to 45%. The effective rate for the holos are probably 35-40% depending on how much they earn at the end of the year
Then you have to take into account that their careers are extremely short. In a year some of them will probably be irrelevant or retired
The base salary is a joke. Coco and Kanata talked about it before they got monetized

>> No.25679125

Coco's roommate gives hope to the Japanese salaryman.

>> No.25679126

It wasn't, even if you manually put her channel id on the url, you get error.

>> No.25679127

Apex is also much more climactic. Winning a game there will be much more likely to earn supas than anything in CoD or other games.

>> No.25679128
File: 1.04 MB, 1359x977, 1597548933984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little did they know he wasnt the NTR holostar they needed to worry about

>> No.25679130

Nah, I'm too old to be an emo

>> No.25679132

search @_makoto10 at twitcast

>> No.25679133
Quoted by: >>25679194

>your contract saying you'll earn $50k pre-tax is
it doesnt say that tho, you're looking at it from a western perspective without even reading a single japanese law.
>Are you angry for some schizo reason
Ah, you're one of those. bye

>> No.25679134
File: 511 KB, 1125x1584, polka polkas 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679271

Polkahime is actually quite sexy?!

>> No.25679136


>> No.25679137

I'll never forget her fat ass

>> No.25679138

Fubuki is taking part in a Call of Cthulu TRPG stream later

>> No.25679139
Quoted by: >>25679207

is there more to the narrative or is it just because the chink rats got mad at her for not streaming on billibilli?

>> No.25679140

I think about dying, slightly different you see.

>> No.25679141
File: 222 KB, 376x338, 1589315997169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a big fat lie.

>> No.25679142
File: 306 KB, 1183x1148, pekomiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should get mad at Pecor for not contributing and being a filthy parasite despite having an income for years.

>> No.25679143
File: 136 KB, 367x361, 1597157288771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually harboring negative emotions towards the Tenshi

She is the bully target, but we always got her back when needed.

>> No.25679145
File: 185 KB, 930x1657, Efam21QUwAE2qpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679161

Yes until I found the fat cat

>> No.25679148

>school gay
(Idiom: LUG. "Lesbian until graduation.")

>> No.25679149 [SPOILER] 
File: 853 KB, 843x538, 1598167932404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which hololive would fail without the brand?

>> No.25679150
File: 513 KB, 1110x412, 1593638930863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679169

Your chart is outdated, please download the update patch.

>> No.25679155

Why do you care about impressions so much? Stupid ass generation always begging for attention and recognition.

>> No.25679156
File: 113 KB, 1012x506, DgNTTenVQAEDGDV@shirakamifubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679158

is noel's roommate ever gonna do full nude or not?

>> No.25679160
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1589384167082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah about that...

>> No.25679161

Just want to go to sleep while she talks softly in my ear

>> No.25679162


>> No.25679163

Most of them.

>> No.25679165

A little but meeting my oshi stopped that. I made a vow to support her until her dreams come true

>> No.25679167
File: 35 KB, 640x612, angry sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally in response to a single anti. that's half the shit that these girls get in trouble for, they end up responding to a single anti and the problem ends up looking worse than it actually is.

>> No.25679169

Nene needs her own tier

>> No.25679170

Elite corpse

>> No.25679171

I'm too old to think about that.

>> No.25679173

Redpill me on Rikka's shady shit I know he's old but that's it. He did drug or something?

>> No.25679175

I think that's because she forces herself to avoid being awkward lol See the collab with Subaru

>> No.25679177
File: 23 KB, 216x263, 1594831306117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679178

Okay anon, I’ll bite, how old do you think I am?

>> No.25679179

damn thats the hottest thing ive seen in months

>> No.25679182
Quoted by: >>25679195

I feel like killing some anons. Will you be my first?

>> No.25679183

I don't have any obligation to like all the girls, I can openly dislike kanata and make fun of her flaws as much as i want. if watame is collabing with someone who i don't like there's no reason as to why i shouldn't be able to talk badly about her. Maybe if Kanata actually put effort into shit and didn't get by purely on pitty she wouldn't be so unlikable.

if you want a space free of criticism then go to other platforms, at least i'm willing to give some very valid and needed critisim about her

>> No.25679184

Girlfriend simulator

>> No.25679185
Quoted by: >>25679585

literally everyone after gen0

>> No.25679186
File: 169 KB, 498x498, jfmsubotan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will we an isekai where a christmas cake got reborn as a 17 year old pirate with raging lesbian crew members

>> No.25679188

>cute tomboy with a duck voice making feminine noises in bed

>> No.25679190

I can't believe Miko was actually pregnant. I should've listened to you guys all along.

>> No.25679191

>if theres someone who knows how to take advantage of the brand power shes been given its her
See also: Coco?

>> No.25679192

>6 hour old thread
>1237 posts
Is /hlg/ finally reclining?

>> No.25679193
File: 25 KB, 150x150, featured_channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bigger version probably exists but this is what I could get.

>> No.25679194
Quoted by: >>25679213

>repeatedly provides no argument
>gets angry and leaves at the mention of "schizo"
I'm guessing you get told you're a schizo a lot. Thanks for saving us both some time I guess.

>> No.25679195

Literally would pay you to come and shoot me in the head.

>> No.25679199


>> No.25679198
Quoted by: >>25679349

I don't even know. There's just a bunch of comments on those videos like "He's 40 years old and has a shady history" and "it seems the poison of *Rikka's past life* still persists even today..."

>> No.25679201
Quoted by: >>25679225

this was an early thread made by some fags when another was still going

>> No.25679202
Quoted by: >>25679324

doesn't like her normal voice from the 6 singer interview for the one cd, are there other references? she could be faking in the RE vid, but faking in the interview is absurd due to how long ago it was

>> No.25679204

this was the old thread made two threads ago

>> No.25679203

>+300 ips

>> No.25679206
File: 1.54 MB, 600x600, 1590370898351.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Marine Noel and Flare being all cool and serious is easy to imagine, I think. Especially if you give Marine like a flintlock pistol or something. Rushia too if you treat it right and have her go full necromancer. I would love to see some sort of 2D animated short of Gen 3 going on a fantasy adventure. Just keep them all playing it straight and serious except for Pekora who's just a cartoon oddball.

>> No.25679207
File: 887 KB, 1500x1059, 298332 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679234

>is there more to the narrative
Pekora is an avowed Japanese nationalist and strong advocate for reforming the Empire of Japan.

>> No.25679208
File: 52 KB, 829x818, ogreslayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikocchi is getting ready for her body transplant surgery

>> No.25679210
Quoted by: >>25679221

Towa got backlash because she lied

>> No.25679209
Quoted by: >>25679345

>is noel's roommate ever gonna do full nude or not?
Is Noel ever going to do something that will get her banded on both platforms? I don't know sub 10 IQ anon what do you think? don't hurt yourself.

>> No.25679211

It's not because she's not cute, it's because she hasn't done more superchat thanking/reading. She could easily be above Polka and Nene because she has more viewers than them.

>> No.25679213
Quoted by: >>25679232


>> No.25679214

No, I want to live forever.

>> No.25679215

>space free of criticism
You meant space free of people who are mentally ill?

>> No.25679217
Quoted by: >>25679632

I've seen people parrot "the chinks claim rikka's shady shit" but I've yet to see any source
if anyone finds a chinese source I can check

>> No.25679216
Quoted by: >>25679321

For a supposed "S", she took the role of "M" very well at least in the past. Now she's dishing out the pain.

The 3D debut and birthday streams really boosted her confidence. I guess it's because she gets to dance and sing which was her goal since her debut.

>> No.25679218

Thank you, anon. This will do

>> No.25679219

>lowest amount of EOPs
>2nd highest superchats
Based Nene.

>> No.25679220

this thread was made at the same time as the previous thread and was never deleted.

>> No.25679221


>> No.25679222
File: 81 KB, 476x664, hololive luna marshmallow neckbrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Luna supported her neck with a marshmallow haha

>> No.25679223
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, EdSxoQvVcAYkxjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679240


>> No.25679224
Quoted by: >>25679247

Her delivery is this week!
Her YouTube delivery is next month!

>> No.25679225
Quoted by: >>25679270

It wasn't early you idiot, it was two seconds late but remained for the entirety of an thread because meidos weren't around.

>> No.25679226

I don't know, even between her high school and hololive she remained very gay

>> No.25679227
Quoted by: >>25679238

You're getting senzawa.
Accept it

>> No.25679228
File: 185 KB, 360x360, 842028d9-ab6b-4674-a2ea-f2accf7aefce-Deadsheep.JPG_BIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame is never on when i csn watch her
Its not fair bros

>> No.25679229

It was an early thread sadly

>> No.25679230

We went through 4 thousand posts after this thread was made. Meido forgot to delete this one.

>> No.25679231
Quoted by: >>25679244

Shut up birdkun, fix your shitty translation first.

>> No.25679232
Quoted by: >>25679259

>keeps posting
Totally not a butthurt schizo. Take your meds.

>> No.25679234


>> No.25679235
File: 24 KB, 410x207, 2020-08-23_09-37-06-286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, are you guys ok?

>> No.25679236
File: 428 KB, 750x750, 1596051005099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa : magical girl :: bibi : cute mascot

>> No.25679238

literally not happening

>> No.25679239

thank you anon

>> No.25679240
File: 523 KB, 476x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679241

He's not wrong though; they were more upset that she lied about who the voices were, rather than the face the voices were male. That said, Cover's reaction probably amplified the problem tenfold because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.25679242

wow getting into hololive at this point is kind of ife changing. imagine coming from a background of doing asmr, and now youre getting fat stacks just to talk and play games.

>> No.25679243

this was made the same time as the last thread, scroll up

>> No.25679244

No, I'm a SEAnig

>> No.25679246

>watame streams for 10 fucking hours a day
>s-she never streams guys! it's not fair
Kill yourself fake watamate. She is pushing herself to the limits.

>> No.25679247

Wait... all this time DeepL and Google were telling us it was a DELIVERY and not a stream...

>> No.25679248

>that soft belly

>> No.25679249

Doubt it, she makes a shit load of money currently, and now she even has a second income with hololive, if nothing her roommate currently wants to do more things that don't relate to her body like she used to

>> No.25679250
Quoted by: >>25679257

Can you dumb fucks not read timestamps?

>> No.25679251


>> No.25679253

Do your English reps.

>> No.25679254

no this is the work of the meidochamas

>> No.25679256
Quoted by: >>25679301

Aloe covering Ur-style, it's a no brainer song.

>> No.25679257

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.25679259


>> No.25679261

if she was in HoloEN, why did she make a vtuber after the auditions already ended?

>> No.25679260
Quoted by: >>25679288

>s-she never streams guys!
Did he say that?

>> No.25679263
Quoted by: >>25679324

Fuck I really want my oshi to move into holoapartment so I can see her on coco's roommate streams!!!!!!!!

>> No.25679265
File: 372 KB, 529x756, lunanora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679266

i still dont understand why coco's boring ass ark endurance is maintaining 16k viewers since it started yesterday
is this the power of planning streams ahead and letting your audience prepare for it?

>> No.25679267

Well depending on their renegotiated cut, the top holos could very well have all that offset and still be raking in the big bux after all cuts and taxes. Still, assuming you're correct it just means that instead of most of them being well off it shifts down to some being well off and most being average for a fraction of the hours of a regular full time job.

>> No.25679268
File: 2.09 MB, 358x360, 68747470733a2f2f696d6775722e636f6d2f4e614a465547682e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she never streams
I didnt say that retard

>> No.25679270
Quoted by: >>25679316

>was made after the other thread was started
So you're saying it was early then.

>> No.25679271

Truly a foxy lady.

>> No.25679272
File: 328 KB, 501x443, 1596206840213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Itou-chan, I will support you if you ever become a vtuber!
>arigato, I won't able to tell you if that happens, please look out for me, I will be waiting

>> No.25679273
File: 488 KB, 559x722, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679356

>at least i'm willing to give some very valid and needed critisim about her
I'm sure you do buddy.

>if watame is collabing with someone who i don't like there's no reason as to why i shouldn't be able to talk badly about her
You always have the right to do so, but it'll make you look like a jerk

>Maybe if Kanata actually put effort into shit and didn't get by purely on pitty she wouldn't be so unlikable
How do you even know how much effort she puts into her work? Or have you calculated her workhours and created a proper excel sheet about it?

When you make posts like this, it just makes you look like an idiot. You don't have to like everyone, but stop acting like an autist.

>> No.25679274
Quoted by: >>25679337

Which Holo has the messiest room?

>> No.25679275

I can't believe Towa might move into the holohouse with Rushia... That is like... all time most unexpected twists.

>> No.25679276
Quoted by: >>25679322

I think you were suppose to reply to the Noel anon, not me.

>> No.25679277

I'm going to be disappointed if she stopped being horny because of this incident. Why would you choose to be a succubus otherwise.

>> No.25679279
File: 83 KB, 724x1024, 1597068423901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday had so many good streams and today there's nothing.
Except was Botan going to play something? I forgot.

>> No.25679281

>keeps posting
Totally not a butthurt schizo. Take your meds.

>> No.25679282
File: 148 KB, 1000x715, 54315789874564156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Grab titty*

>> No.25679285
Quoted by: >>25679300

Its what your going to get.

>> No.25679288
Quoted by: >>25679399

I quoted him.

>> No.25679289

The pirate womb's curse...

>> No.25679290
File: 211 KB, 1480x1080, _20200822_235709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679310

Finally going 3D really rose her morale. Even if she fumbled through parts of error her passion overshadowed the technical mistakes she was making. Unfortunately with the way her luck works we can only hope that losing Sio was the worst to come.

>> No.25679292

*Rip out ears*

>> No.25679293

Night Fever is today

>> No.25679296

Meant for >>25679158

>> No.25679299

i wanna hug and snug with peko

>> No.25679300
Quoted by: >>25679465

nope, trust me, my uncle works at Cover

>> No.25679301

Nice, more electronic singing, I wish the other aloefags stopped trying to downplay it and push for the plain singing when there's at least another half a dozen holos which are at least as good as she is in that.

>> No.25679302

hopefully she can prevent Rushia from stripping on the internet for guys like a whore.

>> No.25679304

Dammit. I missed Astel's singing stream.

>> No.25679305

Hope Sio reincarnates into Hololive too. Everyone's too nice and homogeneous. We need a mega bitch for some variety.

>> No.25679306


Where's the Serious Sam stream, Button?

>> No.25679307
Quoted by: >>25679513

Watame cuuuuuuute cuuuuuuute!

>> No.25679309

>no gw zatsudan holo

>> No.25679310

Towa-sama tanoshisou!

>> No.25679312

>That new animation that got posted

I don't want to fap to the stupid rabbit.

>> No.25679314


>> No.25679316

>was made after the other thread was started
>So you're saying it was early
Anon please get those ten or so braincells I'm sure you have you have to work together.

>> No.25679317


>> No.25679318

>mid 2019

>> No.25679319

No she is 100% lesbian I don't see how she is not when she doesn't give a shit about males and fucks girls

>> No.25679321

I feel like all of 4th gen got a confident boost. Especially towa and watame. She seem to just shine a bit brighter. Kanata was doing well too until her irl troubles

>> No.25679322

My bad, sorry

>> No.25679323
File: 407 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which holo has the gamer dent

>> No.25679324
Quoted by: >>25679434

thats kson's REAL life best friend. She didnt know who kanata was until she became coco while her REAL best friend has appeared several times in her streams for years.
its all kayfabe folks

>> No.25679325

I hope Sio dies and stays dead

>> No.25679326 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1002x1022, 1592413855223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One girl already leaked for HoloEN.

>> No.25679332

Towa is more likely to join in with her.

>> No.25679335


>> No.25679337

It's Noel. Whenever she steps away from her computer it sound like she's navigating a garbage dump.

>> No.25679339

They'd both have separate rooms so Rushia will likely continue doing that for me.

>> No.25679341

She won't.

>> No.25679343


>> No.25679344
File: 595 KB, 1008x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have these
Also watame night fever and dog horror game

>> No.25679345

no need to get your stolen panties on a knot anon, she's done almost full topless and recently did a face reveal so was just curious.

>> No.25679346
Quoted by: >>25679369

I want sio to comeback

>> No.25679349

so just narrativefag: Chinese edition?

>> No.25679350

say something nice about your oshi

>> No.25679352
Quoted by: >>25679387

Only Suisei, Miko and Coco would survive without hololive. The rest are too weak and uninteresting to attract viewers on their own.

>> No.25679353
Quoted by: >>25679366

enlighten me pls. what animation

>> No.25679355
File: 1.53 MB, 2002x2591, suichan narifanbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshi no Kanata Mspe in 15 minutes, Cometbros and Heimins.

>> No.25679356

News flash idiot, i can talk about how much i dislike someone as much as i want here, and that just happens to be kanata

looking forward to making you seethe when she embarrasses herself by being on the same stage as watame, at least she lives with coco now so i guess she can help her tie the noose

>> No.25679358
Quoted by: >>25679384

Just sacrifice some sleep to watch her. If you are in your 20s or 30s then you can handle it

>> No.25679359

she sucks dick pretty well

>> No.25679361

this thread needs hatred.jpg

>> No.25679364

god fucking dammit why cant i look at a western girl and think she s cute anymore

>> No.25679366

It has cock and balls in it, no thanks.

>> No.25679367
Quoted by: >>25679435

Here is a gift from Noel

>> No.25679368
Quoted by: >>25679382

Why is Noel always on that show?

>> No.25679369
File: 1021 KB, 1604x1080, 1598023107362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her. No one could harass Towa quite like she could.

>> No.25679370

Towa just wants all her friends to be healthy, but their sleep schedules...

>> No.25679371

It's gonna be Senzawa, Dakooters, Lily Pichu and Eile Monty. It will be the holoEN gen 1 lineup. You can screencap this.

>> No.25679372
Quoted by: >>25679391

Imagine paying for softcore porn.

>> No.25679373
Quoted by: >>25679458

I understand disliking some holos, but why would you wish such a sad fate upon anyone

>> No.25679374

go back to v fagsan

>> No.25679377

can't believe i forgot about this
sorry towa

>> No.25679379 [DELETED] 

>face reveal
Never saw that one yet. Link?

>> No.25679380

You forgot DigiBros girlfriend

>> No.25679382

Being menhera is not a meme

>> No.25679384

Ill probably just go 80 year old tier and wake up at 5am and go to bed early

>> No.25679385 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1912x595, 1592506899508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679450

Not this shit again

>> No.25679386
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1587377669055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>setup the movie in the living room
>get a bluetooth L earphone and put it in my left ear
>play pekora's stream on it
>get my body pillow and spray it with my sister's girly perfume
>sit on the couch while i pretend the body pillow i'm hugging from my left is pekora
>enjoy another movie night watching a french movie with pekor while /hlg/ shits on itself yet again
Damn last night was a real blast

>> No.25679387

Don't forget Pekora.

>> No.25679389

I don't know how many times it has to be said, but literally only retarded EOPs freaked out about her having men on stream. It's literally the same kind of misinformation shit that is rampant about Aloe now in the EOP scene. Her having male voices on stream was never the main problem of the situation in Japan, it was only ever brought up by some retarded NTR tabloid blog that was trying to get clicks from VTuber clickbait. Towa hardly had any idolfag fans in the first place since her past life was well known from the start, the "idolfag" narrative was literally invented by Westerners who had no idea what the situation was actually about.

>> No.25679388

Hi I'm new and I'm a cuck. Who should i support

>> No.25679391
Quoted by: >>25679419

imagine being a poorfag

>> No.25679393 [DELETED] 
File: 546 KB, 850x1074, sio72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sio is lovely, cute and a talented vtuber, unlike Roboco and that traitorous bitch Towa. Both of these whores should just die.

>> No.25679394

because they arent cute

>> No.25679396

Top 2 has not skipped supacha reading by posting an image on Twitter (yet)
Bottom 2 did that

>> No.25679397
Quoted by: >>25679412


>> No.25679399

No you didn't.
>watame is never on when i can watch her
>s-she never streams guys!
In what world do these say the same thing

>> No.25679401
File: 91 KB, 800x1250, 1597490787998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679746

>Aleo comes back as a nun, she took a vow to stay pure to avoid further controversy

>> No.25679402

What did they mean by this? Also why don't Chinko Kotone just join Hololive

>> No.25679404

I belong here, and i'm not going anywhere

>> No.25679405
File: 285 KB, 1165x1329, polkadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck coco and fuck reddit fags

>> No.25679406

Rushia or Towa

>> No.25679407

that sounds about right, fuck

>> No.25679408 [DELETED] 

Sio... You forgot your VPN...

>> No.25679409

The yabee was made around the time of the sashimi incident so she's a dumb teen atm

>> No.25679410

I know I love consistency, and it works heavily when someone is managing their rest and day to day life.

>> No.25679411
Quoted by: >>25679444

I'm trying to explain to you that you are just making yourself look stupid.

>> No.25679412

you first vtard

>> No.25679414
File: 1.41 MB, 1334x750, fav5gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679418

>> No.25679415

>Fuck coco
I wish...

>> No.25679416

>no preasu you dont understand eop
*skittering intensifies*

>> No.25679417

Aloe is the new hotness.

>> No.25679418


>> No.25679419
Quoted by: >>25679468

holy shit he actually does it
I thought you would torrent it like any intelligent guy, top kek literally paying a camwhore.

>> No.25679421 [DELETED] 

Roboco has a good ass, but Sio's is better

>> No.25679422

>with my sister's girly perfume
why are pekorafags like this

>> No.25679423


>> No.25679424

What are we arguing about?

>> No.25679425
Quoted by: >>25679451

I hate it, who can I try to kill to avoid it?

>> No.25679426
Quoted by: >>25679478

>posts Polka
yeah nice

>> No.25679430

we didnt gatekeep hard enough...i know we hate the niji thread but they did one thing right

>> No.25679432

It's fun.

>> No.25679433

>Games Workshop zatsudan

>> No.25679434

she has 2 friends now! moving up in the world!

>> No.25679435


>> No.25679437

Having mommy as desert...

>> No.25679438

To be fair she screams like she's dying. Residential homes are not made for that kind of sound proofing.

>> No.25679439 [DELETED] 

I can't deal with how cute this picture is

>> No.25679441
Quoted by: >>25679628

They were having so much fun.

>> No.25679443

I don't care about your opinons, but you talk like a huge faggot

>> No.25679444

Not at all, but sure keep coping tenshifag, i take pleasure in making your kind uncomfortable posting in here

>> No.25679446

Whether it's "whoa" or "woah".

>> No.25679447

How to make daoko give permissions to watame

>> No.25679448

>get my body pillow and spray it with my sister's girly perfume

>> No.25679450

No but seriously that would be the coincidence of the year if she just happened to actually quit and deleted all her videos at the same time as HoloEN auditions.

>> No.25679451

just kill the holoEN chubas? is what even a question

>> No.25679453 [SPOILER] 
File: 828 KB, 2048x1679, 1598169079955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatfags need to get fucking killed

>> No.25679455

mama mikochi...

>> No.25679456
File: 258 KB, 498x498, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holoEN speculation
>everyone just names people who are already vtubers
>when Hololive is made up of what are pretty much just let's players and cover singers
I honestly think it's far more likely they'd try to get someone like JubyPhonic or Sapphire(she actually hasn't even been uploading since auditions ended) before you get someone like Nyanners or whatever other western vtuber you try to guess. At least in terms of scouting, in terms of who auditioned, we have no fucking idea, the attention whores who made their shitty auditions public got disqualified by doing so and half the western vtubers/VRChat youtube channels I've seen seem to kind of be set in their shitty circles and half of them don't seem to care about Hololive outside of a few, who likely blew it by talking about their auditions on stream or something.

>> No.25679457 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25679480

Sio won't collab with Towa anymore so it's starting to be off- topic. Better check Nose out.

>> No.25679458

because i want to suffer alongside them
hurry up and host a gw zatsudan pekora

>> No.25679459

Go do a zatsudan or something about it, Nobu.

>> No.25679461
Quoted by: >>25679504

If HoloEN had a literal tranny with hardcore liberal views would you quit Hololive?

>> No.25679462
File: 1.87 MB, 1664x6220, 1598161095570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25679463

Holy based

>> No.25679464

It's good to have hobbies

>> No.25679465

That man sucked me off for the job if anyone knows who's getting in it's me.

>> No.25679466
File: 277 KB, 372x454, 1596652346440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm a sheepbro

>> No.25679467


>> No.25679468
Quoted by: >>25679498

most the torrents get nuked fairly quickly with all the white knight faggotry, figured i'd try it out for a month instead of subbing was about 6 bucks

>> No.25679469

dangerously based

>> No.25679474

>Sio talked shit about Roboco being bad at Apex (among other things)
>Gets a lot of heat and goes on break until things die down
>Towa still going on by collabing with Nose without Sio
>Towa collabing with Roboco in Apex in a few hours
Damn Sio, talk about getting fucked.

>> No.25679475


>> No.25679476
Quoted by: >>25679491

considering she said she didnt like anything she tried, and she had tried being a vtuber, i think its just a coincidence. i was following her for a while and she was genuinely burnt out

>> No.25679478


>> No.25679479

I think whoa has more charm to it, woah just doesn't look good to me.

>> No.25679480 [DELETED] 

She will once this all blows over...

>> No.25679481

Anyone that types woah can leave the thread

>> No.25679482
Quoted by: >>25679509

Towa and Aloe!

>> No.25679483

>Why would you choose to be a succubus otherwise.
Looking at the previous gen demons, I'm legit starting to think that it's the backup plan in case their yabees get uncovered.

>> No.25679486


>> No.25679488

she's literally said that she has mental problems and couldn't handle doing youtube anymore, she even gave up on her new twitch account because she wasn't mentally sound enough to come back.

>> No.25679491

Just an excuse bro

>> No.25679492

A gateway holo like Korone most likely. There are other holos that might fit you better but are harder to "get into" and you'll find them in time.

>> No.25679494
File: 156 KB, 437x182, 1570579096626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typo haachama....

>> No.25679495

do people really do this when they watch a movie with their oshi?

>> No.25679496

I would rather watch HoloEN be fucking nobodies than autodoxxed streamers. Jesus christ.

>> No.25679498
Quoted by: >>25679522

Nice excuses, incel.

>> No.25679502

These were all genuinely good. Great job anon.

>> No.25679503

woah... rude

>> No.25679504
Quoted by: >>25679545

They won't be allowed to talk politics- adjacent on their hololive persona, not that I'd watch HoloEN anyway.

>> No.25679505


>> No.25679506

>no names

>> No.25679509


>> No.25679511
Quoted by: >>25679524

For someone who "belongs here" you don't seem to have anyone backing you up.

>> No.25679512
File: 93 KB, 1200x839, 1598079159971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant my favorite vtubers be blessed with the hololive brand...

>> No.25679513

>Chocotto cocking
how do you fuck that up

>> No.25679515

But why would the gaijin do that? Invent a idolfag narrative to make it look like JP fans were collectively toxic and dangerous?

>> No.25679517

Fucking kek

>> No.25679519
File: 2.65 MB, 502x510, 8h0HLmWA1u.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679801


>> No.25679520
File: 635 KB, 436x645, 1591342637542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679550

endurance stream

>> No.25679522
Quoted by: >>25679560

heres your (you) vtard

>> No.25679524

Look who's talking, people rightfully shit on Kanata and her dogshit singing on a thread to thread basis

>> No.25679527
Quoted by: >>25679533

why would valkyrie nuke her ytube account?
I had fun watching some of her vids.

>> No.25679528
File: 11 KB, 275x183, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame, we hold sacrifices every wednesday

>> No.25679529

So we are getting a new generation every 4 months right? Hope they slow it down or only hire 3 at most.

>> No.25679530

wow + ah

>> No.25679532
File: 212 KB, 610x660, 1597301824593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perfect.

>> No.25679533
Quoted by: >>25679556

>mental problems

>> No.25679535

Yeah but don't you only want this if you think your vtuber is dying or is gonna go away because of their lack of numbers? Isn't it fine now with your nice comfy slow chat and she has no sense of obligation to do something due to her fans.
Or do you mean solos who don't have access to 3D and a backbone company support?

>> No.25679537

ur mom lol

>> No.25679539
Quoted by: >>25679570

That's just you samefagging.

>> No.25679540

Holy fuck this is good.

>> No.25679542


>> No.25679545
Quoted by: >>25679568

They're "allowed" to do whatever they want, it's just that most of them are smart enough not to ruin their own careers. I mean Choco has talked about dating men before and it doesn't look like she's graduating any time soon, but at the same time she's one of the least successful holos.

>> No.25679548

Who are they?

>> No.25679549
Quoted by: >>25679565

I think it's closer to one gen every half a year. Gen 3 was middle of 2019, Gen 4 was end of 2019, Gen 5 was middle of 2020, etc.

>> No.25679550
File: 115 KB, 597x677, no1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama has a collab with Luna so it can't go longer than 4 hours

>> No.25679551

you're such a schizo holy shit

>> No.25679552
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.25679553


>> No.25679554


>> No.25679555


>> No.25679556

yeah... but why nuke the old videos?
she must be a fucking crazy schizo bitch.

>> No.25679557


>> No.25679560

Here is yours, waste of excuse of a man.
>paying for ASMR
Im still laughing

>> No.25679562
File: 91 KB, 1000x800, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679677

Hoshi no Kanata Mspe now, get in here

>> No.25679563

Holy shit are you actually an autist? Can you not differentiate people taking a piss of something and actually believe people hold animosity towards holos? I thought you were just shitposting but you might actually be a genuine autist.

>> No.25679565

indeed, 2 gens per year

>> No.25679567

Finally, a good fucking meme.

>> No.25679568
Quoted by: >>25679593

those two points have no correlation though, Choco's channel wasn't destroyed because of boys, it was destroyed because Youtube-kun took her out back and shot her and then made her pay for gas.

>> No.25679570

The i'll gladly keep up the good work, i've seen some tenshifags talking about not wanting to post anymore so it's working, the recent growth in watamates also helps

>> No.25679571

hard to decrypt I'm filtered by most

>> No.25679572
Quoted by: >>25679590

nijifags are seething again

>> No.25679573
Quoted by: >>25679582

>ayame fans
>not cucks
I wonder who made this image.

>> No.25679574

Coco is going to fail to meet the goal for this stream too....

>> No.25679575

>Noel's roommate has hickeys on her tits the day after an offcollab with flare

So they did it

>> No.25679577

Next ones to debut should be Kakage's daughter and loli goth. I'm guessing it'll be in December or next year.

>> No.25679576

fuck you Mel is doing just fine with her fanbase and it's growing

>> No.25679578
File: 18 KB, 625x125, 2020-08-23 03_59_22-Haato Channel 赤井はあと - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is a typo

>> No.25679579

your in /jp/ what do you expect? just go back tourist

>> No.25679582

>he doesnt get the reference

>> No.25679583

Embarrassing yourself

>> No.25679584

Caked in makeup and filters

>> No.25679585
Quoted by: >>25679609

aside from Noel and Polka, very few of them had anything even close to resembling the level of success they do now. you have holos whose past lives still have ~1k followers on NND to this day despite ongoing activity spanning over a decade
considering gen 0 has struggled for the longest time even with the Hololive brand...
she also tweeted him and said that while she wasn't able to welcome him to the company in person that she was watching his debut stream. the absolute horror.

>> No.25679589
Quoted by: >>25679602

I don't understand the roboco one...

>> No.25679590

niji debuted a bunch of vtubers around the time 5th gen got their start, maybe nijifags should go support them instead of seething at holos

>> No.25679591

"MrBeast donates $/100.000 to random Hololives" when?

>> No.25679592

I can smell the whore off of her

>> No.25679593
Quoted by: >>25679630

Are you seriously implying that the more successful holos wouldn't crash if they started talking about dating men? Choco just gets away with it because nobody cares about her, and it doesn't look like it's an actual hololive rule.

>> No.25679594
File: 130 KB, 1089x590, aloe_sex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679596

I didn't see pics of Botan's real face yet, someone post them

>> No.25679597

This community post made me laugh

>> No.25679595


>> No.25679598

>same kind of misinformation shit that is rampant about Aloe now in the EOP scene
Then, let's hear it. What misinformation that is rampant about Aloe?

>> No.25679600


>> No.25679602
Quoted by: >>25679608

He's from My Life as a Teenage Robot. The guy wanted to fuck the main girl who was a robot.

>> No.25679603

If Watame could see what you post she would cry

>> No.25679604

When will Towa upgrade from the ice cream truck?

>> No.25679605

Me sitting there waiting for Mels next stream and not understanding that she's shadowbanned

>> No.25679607

I don't get the Messi. Because popularity?

>> No.25679608


>> No.25679609
Quoted by: >>25679729

So the sheep was the one that Kaoru cheated on his wife with, nice to know.

>> No.25679610


>> No.25679611
Quoted by: >>25679635

>she trimmed her nails
no fucking way, did noel actually win...

>> No.25679612

Lurk more absolute retard.

>> No.25679613


>> No.25679614

ARS superchats, maybe.

>> No.25679615


>> No.25679616

Serious question. Where do you draw the line between simping and supporting something you like? When they dont need your money? When its available for free? What about the free rider problem?

For me my money needs to return something novel unless i strike it rich

>> No.25679617

But I love the ice cream truck... it's a super cute intro

>> No.25679619

>27/30 with 2 days left and still missing at least 1 important part
The duck is cutting it close. Hope she at least get's to see the last level, doubt she will beat it at this point.

>> No.25679620
File: 33 KB, 128x128, 1597117663565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679621

>jumps almost right into a song
Towa is ready today.

>> No.25679622


>> No.25679623
File: 207 KB, 768x960, fbkargie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because ARS

>> No.25679624

please return to /v/ newfagchama, you're trying way too hard to fit in

>> No.25679625


>> No.25679626
Quoted by: >>25679680

the fact you even know who that is says alot about you anon

>> No.25679627
File: 120 KB, 362x437, 1595745014282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679628
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1571127139804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679639

What did Okayu mean by this?

>> No.25679629

Let's fucking ikuzoooooooooo.

>> No.25679630

where are you getting that idea, I'm talking from Choco's perspective, the way you phrased it made it seem like Choco being open about men and shit is what made her one of the least successful holos when her channel's destruction had nothing to do with boys. Heck, even Fubuki's situation has nothing to actually do with boys but people like to point at them instead of what actually caused her situation.

>> No.25679631
Quoted by: >>25679647

just buy merch

>> No.25679632

You expect dumb EOPs and IOPs in this general to source anything. They just say 5ch said or chinks said and everybody will believe it

>> No.25679633
File: 489 KB, 595x842, EQ-HCXiUYAA5E42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D collab tomorrow.

>> No.25679634

Ice cream truck is great though, I can't imagine her using anything else

>> No.25679635

i can't believe it bros... she finally did it...

>> No.25679637

Towa Singing Stream! Ooof and it's off to a rough what the hell... This is Kanata level

>> No.25679638

Some of you are awful and this general is trash so I’m fucking off.

But a lot of you are really great guys. I hope you guys get quality time with your oshi, that miko will recover, and that you have a great week.

>> No.25679639

I wonder.

>> No.25679640

It's been a while since I heard pretender. Great song as always.

>> No.25679641
File: 35 KB, 451x805, 56464564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679642

"I donate $1000 to this random SQUIRREL and you won't believe what happened!"
>ah supacha arigatou thanks
>anyway I was saying...

>> No.25679643

why are you so mentally ill?

>> No.25679644
Quoted by: >>25679664


>> No.25679645
File: 2.98 MB, 372x468, ubq2SP6cxw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OUR girl suisei is streaming!

>> No.25679646

Eating cum out of Aloe's snatch!

>> No.25679647

It wasnt necessarily specific to hololive

>> No.25679648
Quoted by: >>25679796

How many times did Coco get gang raped back in the ghetto?

>> No.25679649
File: 658 KB, 643x891, EKp66CoU0AA-orh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today she's back, I'm kinda surprised to say I missed her

>> No.25679650

Holy shit people here are stupid

>> No.25679651

This is ear poison... The echo is maybe messing with her or she can't monitor her own audio?

>> No.25679652

Pochi-sensei finishing Fubuki's ideal onee-san she designed in the previous stream.

>> No.25679653


post THAT...

>> No.25679654

Which hololive has the smelliest braps?

>> No.25679655
File: 454 KB, 703x792, 1595442603937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cometbros and PPTenshibros get in!

>> No.25679656
File: 470 KB, 1280x1280, 1597972297606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679657

r/chonker chads...

>> No.25679658

holo only here

>> No.25679659

See you tommorow

>> No.25679660


Luna, your naaack...

>> No.25679662

I just wonder if she's gonna use this again.

>> No.25679664

We never have civil discussions about it

>> No.25679665

Streaming on bilibili really adds a few pounds, huh?

>> No.25679666

She should let Noel sniff her cat's farts haha.

>> No.25679667

>Congrats on 400k subs. 500k is just around the corner! Please give us your thoughts.

>This is the Suisei of past, so she's not sure how far up she's gotten now. When she first hit 200k, her next goal was 300k but she hit that in no time at all. Everything moves at such a fast pace. A week feels like a month. It feels like she has to leave her mark in some way at least once a week. Once she hits 500k she'd like to do something big and fun, so she's currently talking with the higher ups on that.
Sololive bros

>> No.25679668

I want to see fatquas fat cat!

>> No.25679669

>radio version shubashuba
thank you dorykouz

>> No.25679670
File: 1.42 MB, 1637x1158, 1584876234692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679732

>Watching Sora, A-chan, and AZKI fuck each other!
>Having boring missionary sex with boring Roboco!
>Getting good enough at crossdressing to trick Miko into having sex!
>Enjoying a post-coitus smoke with Suisei!
>Tag-teaming Fubuki with your Holostar bros!
>Jacking off with Haato's feet while she looks on in confusion!
>Having uncomfortable sex with Mel that gives her flashbacks of her manager!
>Fucking Aki after she's passed out from drinking!
>Bending Aqua over random household objects and railing her from behind!
>Fucking Matsuri and slipping out in the morning before she wakes up, and then never returning her calls!
>Having a good time with Shion and the Ojisans!
>Paying Ayame for a full night course!
>Engaging in sexual dinosaur roleplay with Choco!
>Asking Subaru to do the duck voice in bed!
>Giving facking cute Mio a good fucking!
>Taking Korone like a bad boy chad!
>Doing reverse-cowgirl with Okayu and getting the wind knocked out of you everytime she bounces downs on your dick!
>Deciding Rushia's not worth fucking after you see the 30 vietnamese guys that are ahead of you in line!
>Getting loving paizuri from Noel as an apology for beating the shit out of you!
>Getting told to wear a blindfold by Pekora and then being surprised when she starts pegging you and laughing!
>Filling Marine's dusty old womb to the brim!
>Flare being unimpressed after you had her wear her old outfit and used the boob window for paizuri!
>Watching Watame cry as you put it in!
>Fucking Towa as she tries to stream. Yabee!
>Nutting inside Kanata after asking her if you should pull out and getting no response because she can't hear you!
>Fucking an incoherent Coco blitzed on sleeping pills!
>Hearing Luna "Naaaa" after you cum!
>Sucking on Lamy's tits while she jerks you off and strokes your head!
>Impregnating Nene and aborting the child when you knew it was female!
>Botan biting your balls after your 15th ejaculation!
>Aloe getting too into CBT and accidentally cutting your dick!
>Pulling anal beads out of Polka's ass but it never ends!

>> No.25679671
File: 1.94 MB, 1500x2121, 1569984595883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679672

looks like her plan to bring aloe as a scapegoat so people would get off her ass is working out just fine

>> No.25679673

What the actual FUCK noel, it was meant to be a joke

>> No.25679674

Oh yeah... that one was really good too... Tough choice.

>> No.25679675
Quoted by: >>25679704

This post made me realize this thread is filled by both board drifters and zoomers who are 20 and younger. Not that it wasn't obvious before, but being reminded is always painful. Fuck.

>> No.25679677


>> No.25679678

Love you too, POS faggot. Sweet dreams

>> No.25679680

i must be dumb because i thought the guy is ryan gosling

>> No.25679681

>ywn suck on miko's milkers after she gives birth

>> No.25679679
File: 41 KB, 600x419, F737039C-4FD5-4C01-B9E5-F177FD30EA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25679682

Towa's actually covering this song pretty well.

>> No.25679683

Why is she so sad today?? Narrativebros??!

>> No.25679684
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, happy dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!!!

>> No.25679685
File: 259 KB, 1548x2048, 1571946178777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679699

anyone catch that luna stream? is she okay? how's her neck?

>> No.25679686

you do know theres a video the asmr stuff right? as in big fat asian tits in your face

>> No.25679687

man that broadcast was so cursed

>> No.25679688
File: 6 KB, 342x103, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking dork

>> No.25679690

She still uses that one for her ending

>> No.25679692
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1592478347299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mrbeast was brayan all along

>> No.25679691

>that kanatan "keeryuu cow cow"

>> No.25679693
Quoted by: >>25679736

Is it up on /t/ ?

>> No.25679694

I don't think she's sad, she's just singing emotional songs.

>> No.25679696
File: 37 KB, 325x391, Screenshot_199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679734

Thanks for informing us blue Mel poster.

>> No.25679697

same principle, support them by buying something for yourself

>> No.25679699

She's ok enough to do arigachu and Haachama collab is coming

>> No.25679700

What did she mean by this?

>> No.25679701

Dropping some money here and there to support an entertainer is fine. If you think you're gonna get laid or that you have a special connection and they owe you you something you have a problem.

>> No.25679703
Quoted by: >>25679736

anon you are going to tell the class and not post links?

>> No.25679704
File: 177 KB, 455x372, 1598053886633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, it'll only get worse!

>> No.25679705

Simping is the act of giving money to some camwhore hoping to get even the slightest hint of attention, "supporting" someone is on the edge of simping, specially if you're obsessed, but not quite, and then voluntarily paying for what is otherwise free entertainment is not simping, it's just being an idiot.

>> No.25679706
Quoted by: >>25679775


>> No.25679707

she lost the game of werewolf the other day with her male """friends"""

>> No.25679709

Towa and her goofy bgm...

>> No.25679710

wait, does this mean we can no longer make fun of her

>> No.25679711

i still have a little bit of hope left that not all of them are like this

>> No.25679712

Do your English reps.

>> No.25679715


>> No.25679718
File: 176 KB, 1097x1842, EgFbRM_UwAEy0DM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679758

I just feel a need to compensate my oshi for providing me with happiness in my miserable life.

>> No.25679720

Streams are happening? See ya later hlg, have a good night!

>> No.25679722

There is something about Suisei's avatar that makes me feeling extremely sexually aroused every time I look at it. I have a strong urge to procreate with her. It's just a generic anime idol design. But I can't stop thinking about her. She's so fucking sexy. I want to pee in her butt.

>> No.25679723

>this thread
Everyone is falling for bait and replying to obvious shit posting today, huh?

>> No.25679726

omaruza for polka

>> No.25679728
File: 860 KB, 850x1497, 9d9e7ed286dfdea5fe6178733d1f7165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25679752

> drunk crying because she thinks she's not a cute idol
> hate Aqua
> hate Korone
> interact with Rushia the least out of 3rd gen


>> No.25679729

Kaoru's roommate was part of the same NND gaming programs as a bunch of other Holos (Mio, Towa, Okayu, Korone, etc). there's a good chance the cross dressing chad has had his way with every single one of them, it was reasonable for Cover to get rid of him in order to avoid a pregnancy epidemic where Holos start having to take "vacations" one after another and deprive Cover of revenue / rack up insurance expenses.

>> No.25679730

She thought she was going to get a good dicking from her collab with males yesterday but they gang banged the girl with the cuter voice instead.

>> No.25679732

>>Pulling anal beads out of Polka's ass but it never ends!

>> No.25679733

yes you're lying for attention you boring blert, fuck off.

>> No.25679734

What happened to Melody?

>> No.25679735

It's my idea or now Towa is the holo with less subs? 5th gen doesn't count.

>> No.25679736
Quoted by: >>25679804

Its up on the usual place

>> No.25679737
Quoted by: >>25679792

i dont get miko, shion and aloe

>> No.25679739

rent free

>> No.25679740

I uh... retract my complaints about the echo... I had 3 of her stream open on accident...

>> No.25679741

that's every day, anon

>> No.25679742

It was her boyfriend, right bros?, there's no way they were actual lesbians all along

>> No.25679743
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25679744


>> No.25679745
File: 2.43 MB, 2100x2100, 1596097414940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, how will she get victimized?

>> No.25679746

I've always want a nun Holo, so I'll take it. She's definitely going to be a slutty nun like Laeria.

>> No.25679750


>> No.25679751

in english please?

>> No.25679752
Quoted by: >>25679828

why does she hate Korone?

>> No.25679753


>> No.25679754

why the fuck are they streaming music space in a different account?

>> No.25679756

Discounting Azki, yes. But she'll overtake Mel in a week or two.

>> No.25679758
File: 241 KB, 1000x1778, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_yuyaiyaui__56a2734edf092674d9c463d1a235abee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling

>> No.25679760
File: 205 KB, 392x389, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thumbnail.

>> No.25679761

I've had that happen before and complained about echo in the thread too, you're not alone

>> No.25679762

they always stream it there retardchama

>> No.25679763

Sad songs with Towa!

>> No.25679765

>That 'welcome to the family' chain

>> No.25679764
Quoted by: >>25679818

>364 ips
these threads are infested with newfags who have never heard of not taking the bait

>> No.25679766

The general rule is to not think that you have a chance of fucking them just because you're giving them money. Give them money if you like what they're doing or something, they're in the entertainment industry after all. If you aren't being entertained, the holo doesn't deserve your money. Same thought applies to memberships.

>> No.25679768

How new?

>> No.25679770

How new

>> No.25679771

at least i stopped when i realized i was talking to the same guy as yesterday...and the day before that...and the day before that

>> No.25679772
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1592400754119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25679773

I feel second hand embarrassment from this because I did it before too.

>> No.25679774

You said they will get bored...

>> No.25679775

is this a preview of her asmr?

>> No.25679777

How new?

>> No.25679778

If your goal is to get a thanks from the streamer rather than to help them out then you're borderline simping.

>> No.25679779

I want to see this happening now

>> No.25679781

Yeah and 5th gen will overtake her soon.

>> No.25679783

same shit different day, anon

>> No.25679784

Are there any other threads on this site that regularly have 300+ IPs posting in them?

>> No.25679786
File: 36 KB, 297x378, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25679787

Bless Towa's Aimer.

>> No.25679789

Miko is an inspirational figure. I hope she gets well soon

>> No.25679788

the fuck are you niggas not watching our girl?

>> No.25679790

Very accurate.

>> No.25679791

is Towa sad guys ? :/ what happened?

>> No.25679792

Lurk 2 years before posting, leddit tourists.

>> No.25679793


When you don't need the money and want to support them without expecting "compensation"; though it is nice when they read out your name or you get (overpriced) merch in return.
As long as you don't do it just to get noticed by your imaginary waifu but because you genuinely like their entertainment it isn't simping.

I like comparing it to movie tickets. Having 4 memberships would pay for one visit to the cinema in my country. But I get much more entertainment out of my favorite chuubas, so it is a justifiable amount to spend.

>> No.25679795

The other day I opened the homostars premiere while listening to Eugene and Roboco on twitch. I completely forgot about it, and when it started it was somehow almost on beat with what was was RBC singing. I though Eugene was trying to mix something on the fly and majorly fucked up for almost a minute

>> No.25679796
Quoted by: >>25679935

Depends on where she was at Georgia. Even if she grew up sheltered/micromanaged, one does not get the uncouth accent without living in certain areas.

>> No.25679797

>Can't post images

>> No.25679799
Quoted by: >>25679848

Suisei's voice really fits this song somehow

>> No.25679800


>> No.25679801

LOOK AT HER GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25679803
Quoted by: >>25679813

how new?

>> No.25679804
Quoted by: >>25679857

well fuck anon i dont know the usual place

>> No.25679805

It always makes me feel good seeing the high percentage of Kenzokus with membership in chat

>> No.25679807
Quoted by: >>25679822

She lost in a game of werewolf yesterday

>> No.25679808

goodnight bros, take care of your oshis

>> No.25679811

Don't worry, I've done dumb shit like that before as well.

>> No.25679812


>> No.25679813

>image board, can't post images
>how new
like clockwork

>> No.25679814


>> No.25679816

suisei's high voice combined with kanata's deep voice awakening something in me

>> No.25679817

She had to talk to Coco earlier today.

>> No.25679818

Why are so many people here? There really isn't anything happening...

>> No.25679819

Ahh, Watame. Your smug face can only be rivalled by your beauty.

>> No.25679820

S... sugoi

>> No.25679821

rest well idiot

>> No.25679822
Quoted by: >>25679872

Towa debut voice...

>> No.25679823

But I am...

>> No.25679824

When you really do it to support the vtuber and for nothing else

>> No.25679825

Which holo has the most freedom overall to say things that surprise you sometimes?
Which holo feels like the one who follows the idol corporate speak the most (excluding Sora)?

>> No.25679826

It's that time again!

Your favorite holo
How many times you fap per day

>> No.25679828

animal instinct?

>> No.25679829

Too many crossboarders and newfags after the holocaust.
This ill be the new norm for /hlg/

>> No.25679830

LilyPichu has like 2 million subscribers why should she give that up?

but I believe you

>> No.25679831

supporting = tipping for your entertainment
simping = paying to get attention from women

>> No.25679833

It gives a sense of stability in these threads Anon.

>> No.25679835
Quoted by: >>25679847

Is this the most IPs this thread has had?

>> No.25679837


>> No.25679840

top fucking kek why is kanata's singing so horrible

>> No.25679841

How new?

>> No.25679842

I'm surprised Sophie isn't on your list ngl

>> No.25679843

Depression with Towa!

>> No.25679844

More like mental instability.

>> No.25679845

Matsuri seems pretty open

Korone, two max

>> No.25679847

Polka's debut had 400+ I think

>> No.25679848

I forgot how much I wanted her to cover Hakujitsu properly until now

>> No.25679849

Sad songs really fit Towa.

>> No.25679850

If you expect that giving money will result in anything but a normal entertainer and fan relationship then you have crossed over to the simp side. Think of it as a street performer with their hat out, you can stay and listen for free but other folks will give money if they think it was good.

>> No.25679851

Suisei. 1 time.

>> No.25679852
Quoted by: >>25679885

then become the ritual poster anon, put in some actual effort it goes a long way!

>> No.25679854

Kanata i know it's just roommate's shtick, but please use your deep voice more, it's fucking great

>> No.25679855

Oh fuck this might be happening. He's been disappearing for months now.

>> No.25679856

deaf bitch cant sing how surprising

>> No.25679857 [DELETED] 

one of the other anons literally said where, i'll feed this time

C@n@n 22/08/2020 on sukebei

>> No.25679858

I would have to think Coco's 3D was higher? The thread was fucking out of control insane then.

>> No.25679860
Quoted by: >>25679878

They really nailed Hakujitsu in this one.

>> No.25679862

If you ever feel compelled to justify why you are throwing money to a paid actress doing random shit on the internet, you're a simp.

>> No.25679863

Pekora. 1-2 times

>> No.25679864


>> No.25679865
Quoted by: >>25679883

Post it on reddit

>> No.25679867
Quoted by: >>25679933

at least those were from vyt, i dont know where these guys came from

>> No.25679868


>> No.25679869

are you me?

>> No.25679871

Once a day

>> No.25679872

I don't know if it was just me but it seemed like her Towa voice is sticking to her.

>> No.25679873

thanks for sticking your neck out then anon

>> No.25679874

Towa... your Japanese reps...

>> No.25679875

Nyanners already has a fair chunk of people and a vtuber avatar ready

>> No.25679876

>Go over archives of last 10 hours
>Nothing but survey posting and Moona level autism
How does /hlg/ do it?

>> No.25679877


>> No.25679878

The live piano is very nice as well.

>> No.25679879

Are you farming meat, loyal grubber?

>> No.25679881

is there a new Hologra yet?

>> No.25679883
Quoted by: >>25679899

>implying reddit would understand hlg memes
sure bud

>> No.25679882


>> No.25679884

I really hope you are wrong...

>> No.25679885
Quoted by: >>25679936

But, sugoi and how new ARE ritual post.

>> No.25679886
Quoted by: >>25679900

The juxtaposition of Sui-chan and canata with this real woman is very cursed

>> No.25679888

the dumb thing is, anyone who's been on youtube/twitch for a long enough time knows to avoid a lot of these networks and shit. It'd be really ridiculous if these types of people actually do join hololive because then it shows how warped the impression of Japan is on western people that they think a Japanese company isn't going to shitty.

>> No.25679891

0 - 2 times

>> No.25679892
Quoted by: >>25679937

Stop ritual posting you faggot. Here is your (You).

>> No.25679893
Quoted by: >>25679940

She actually mentioned that she wanted to give it a try but idk if you could commit

>> No.25679894
Quoted by: >>25679948

Leeches are deaf

>> No.25679895
Quoted by: >>25679915

oh no no no the nijis are stealing OUR ARK content again

>> No.25679896
Quoted by: >>25679916

Senchou... 1-2

>> No.25679897

leeching off GW badges while watching Kanata!

>> No.25679899

post it anyways pussy

>> No.25679900

I prefer this setup more than the generic setup with pan-nii

>> No.25679901

Seeing even Japanese kenzoku happy for ASMR brings tears to the eyes.

>> No.25679904
Quoted by: >>25679917

Nobody here cares about reddit's girls

>> No.25679905
Quoted by: >>25679965

man I fucking miss Miko so much.

>> No.25679906

Maybe once or twice a month if I feel like it. I get satisfied sexually from my relationship

>> No.25679908

>Piano player just sitting there while they chatter

>> No.25679910

1 every 3 days on average so....1/3 everyday?

>> No.25679911

Playing ARAMs alone at 4am while listening to Towa...

>> No.25679912


>> No.25679913


/hlg/ can sing you knw

>> No.25679914


>> No.25679915

What, are they trying to make Hajime relevant again?

>> No.25679916

>marinefag masturbating less than 5 times a day
how are you going to service your captain

>> No.25679917
Quoted by: >>25679944

then who are the /hlg/ girls?

>> No.25679918

why are some anons so obsessed with hating kanata? she lives in their heads rent free, what kind of mental illness is responsible for this?

>> No.25679919

on a 3 month no fap

>> No.25679922


>> No.25679921

>Beat in Angel
Man they're killing the pianist

>> No.25679923

I want to sniff Miko's diseased braps

>> No.25679925

so after watching the shion marine wake up stream, it seems like shion was the on who did something to marine? I can't believe my kusogaki is sexually harassing a baba...

>> No.25679926

1-3 times a week

>> No.25679928

Sui-chan a cute!

>> No.25679929
Quoted by: >>25679943

Tokyo Tower singing her heart out.

>> No.25679930

>all those monkey currencies
how did Towa do it

>> No.25679931

Playing fortnite while watching twappi sing...

>> No.25679932


>> No.25679933
Quoted by: >>25679960

its regular posters, just the time difference from the first couple hundred posts added like 50 IPs and we have 330 IPs during SEAmonkey hours now regularly because the thread has gone to shit

>> No.25679934
Quoted by: >>25679967

Kanata antis on full force today it seems
I'm surprised unironic watamates actually responded to them, I thought they'd know better about these kind of talk

>> No.25679935
Quoted by: >>25680050

Atl from what I saw. Last time I was there it was nothing but nigs

>> No.25679936

images are alot more valuable though

>> No.25679937

Anon, true ritualposter never expects (You)s in the first place.

>> No.25679938

Once most of the time, sometimes I skip a day and sometimes I do it twice.

>> No.25679939
Quoted by: >>25679963

jesus christ why are they letting kanata sing

>> No.25679940
Quoted by: >>25679977

If vtubers were popular five years earlier Lily could have done a lot in that scene but she's shown her face way too much and is confirmed to have had s*x so she'll never be a chuuba.

>> No.25679941

man i fucking miss Mio

>> No.25679943


>> No.25679944

artia and risu

>> No.25679945


>> No.25679946

these kind miserable beings

>> No.25679947

Oh now this is a fuckin cute duet

>> No.25679948

she's deaf from me cooming in her ears too much

>> No.25679949


why even bother witch such shenanigans? it's not like she can take it down on sukubei

>> No.25679950
Quoted by: >>25679989

For a second, I thought you wanted Suisei to beat up Canata ,,,

>> No.25679951

Coco, Natsuri, Marine
Suisei, Subaru


>> No.25679952

/v/ syndrome.

>> No.25679953

ill try harder next time

>> No.25679954

in fact i am fapping right now

>> No.25679955

Which holo has sung other holo's original song? The only one that I remember is Aqua sang Suisei's original

>> No.25679956

Maybe once every 2 days

>> No.25679957

This is another Aimer, right? It sounds familiar.

>> No.25679958
Quoted by: >>25680084

she has like 50 other guys i think anon can take a break

>> No.25679959

This pianist is fucking god tier, and this duet is really great.

>> No.25679960
Quoted by: >>25680008

I thought this is Eurohours?

>> No.25679961
Quoted by: >>25679987

Subaru... Be honest with me lads. Is she gonna make it?

>> No.25679963

where do I watch Kanata ?

>> No.25679964

They hate it when she has real friends and that she gets sympathy for having an expire date on her dream.

>> No.25679965


>> No.25679966

After hololive its been roughly once a week

>> No.25679967

there are no antis, only tsunderes

>> No.25679968


>> No.25679969

Because she deserves it, she wouldn't get hate if she didn't ridicule herself constantly

>> No.25679970

this towa stream is pretty chill

>> No.25679971

monkey see monkey do

>> No.25679973
Quoted by: >>25680024

I wish holos will stop singing aimer. they cant do it properly and it just makes me annoyed listening to them butchering her songs. the unique husky timbre aimer got from destroying her vocal chords when she was a teenager is not something you can reproduce...

>> No.25679974

Her friends are all fucking dying.

>> No.25679977

>confirmed to have had s*x
I mean at that point, you've pretty much eliminated 99% of the names people keep saying are totally going to be in.

>> No.25679978

Sheeptards are mentally ill

>> No.25679979


>> No.25679980

bleeding ears from kanata

>> No.25679982

Towa also sang one of Suisei's songs in her 3D live.

>> No.25679983

Towa also sang Suisei's songs before

>> No.25679985

Why do /v/fags try so hard to fit in thinking that their consolewar mentality applies to all boards? I don't get it, you're not fooling anyone that you didn't come here this week.

>> No.25679987

Make what?

>> No.25679989

is joke

>> No.25679990

Since quarantine started I been fapping 8-10 times a day.

>> No.25679991


>> No.25679992

towa tiene una hermosa voz

>> No.25679993

Towa, I kneel.

>> No.25679994

>From sad face change to happy face after tempo changed

>> No.25679996

I forgot how to count

>> No.25679998

This thread is full of shit posting triablist scum.
Don't expect it to get better because it won't, People post garbage shit for attention because of how fast this thread is and how quick you can get a reply.

These threads are one of the worst on 4chan.

>> No.25679999

2-5, although taken a break for the weekend because i was shooting dust

>> No.25680001

Sheep here, Katana is wonderful fuck off

>> No.25680003
Quoted by: >>25680029

Make it

>> No.25680002

I really hope this pianist becomes a regular, holy shit.

>> No.25680004

>we might get stuff like this consistently in a month+ when suisei moves and they can do off-colab utawaku
>watame might even move there too in the future


>> No.25680005

i love you guys this community is warm
i also love tower

>> No.25680008

Nah, every bad thread is SEAmonkey hours

>> No.25680009
Quoted by: >>25680042


>> No.25680011

Sheepfags did nothing wrong

>> No.25680012
Quoted by: >>25680048

Cual holo habla mas con los cholos?

>> No.25680013
Quoted by: >>25680039

because they are spawns of the devil, one day they'll all face God's wrath for bullying His dearest angel

>> No.25680014


>> No.25680015

sheep mentality. Nothing to do with Watame, but the actual thing. People see that others falseflag with Watame and hate on Kanata and think they need to do the same, because it will make them feel part of the community. Kind of like when your little brother starts swearing if he hears you do it with your friends. Has no idea why, or what it means, but does it to feel cool and be part of something.

>> No.25680016
Quoted by: >>25680036

It's not just /v/, pointless tribalism is a cancer that has spread to all of 4chan. Every board, every thread HAS to have sides people pick, endless discussions about what is better, perpetuated by autistic falseflaggers and stupid people who falls for the bait.

>> No.25680018

Will Subaru win? I don't remember how many days you have in Pikmin 1.

>> No.25680019

Until it starts bleeding

>> No.25680020

3 to 4

>> No.25680021

besides Towa, Kanata also sang Suisei's song before

>> No.25680024

Ok anon. I'll tell them to stop. Sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.25680025

estoy viendo el directo, hermosa voz

>> No.25680027
Quoted by: >>25680062

enjoy your ed in couple of years

>> No.25680028

Damn, what a cute dork

>> No.25680029

Make it to where?

>> No.25680030

i cant fap to korone

>> No.25680031

why are watamates getting bullied again? anti suisei false flaggers?

>> No.25680032

twapi on muspe when

>> No.25680033

>Suisei's already getting the pianist's contact details
sasuga comet networking

>> No.25680034

I hope you're drinking enough water bro

>> No.25680035

Aloe would love you

>> No.25680036
Quoted by: >>25680093

Not even true, the only boards that have tribalism as part of the board mentality are /v/ and /asp/

>> No.25680037

Just don't give them attention and hopefully they'll stop

>> No.25680038
Quoted by: >>25680070

Your favorite holo
The holo you think fits the nickname "twappers" the most

>> No.25680039

>spawns of the devil
I knew it's those fucking Towafags all along
They cant keep getting away with this

>> No.25680040

No jokes, no memes, she get's very well deserved criticism for her bad singing, she wouldn't get nearly as much hate if other holos didn't suck her dick constantly for pitty, can't imagine how often she must bring her medical diagnosis in the office

>> No.25680042

For some reason my erection never goes, I usually stop because I get so tired, or because my dick start hurting.

>> No.25680044
Quoted by: >>25680063

Did Towa play with Coco earlier or something?

>> No.25680045

nice deflecting towafag

>> No.25680046

Why is there a real person my fucking immersion

>> No.25680047

Based coomer

>> No.25680048


>> No.25680049

I have an autistic system in place in order to prevent masturbating too much and giving my self ED. I only masturbate if I hit a natural 20 on a d20. so a 5% chance per day

>> No.25680050

Never been there myself but Atlanta is a major corporate hot spot and overall really large city. Been to plenty of other major cities that can have plenty of affluent areas where you don't have to interact with the riffraff. Still doesn't explain her accent.

>> No.25680053

I'm a sheepfag and while I do Watamepost bullying Kanata as a joke I don't have any malicious intent. Fuck /v/ermin and their console war tier shitposting.

>> No.25680056

watamates did nothing wrong. it's all pekofalseflagers

>> No.25680059


>> No.25680058

Faggot detected.

>> No.25680060

TOWA!!!!! AA

>> No.25680061

>people are more hyped for aloe's return than mio's
Why are you faggots like this?

>> No.25680062
Quoted by: >>25680110

And Eddy?

>> No.25680063

She showed up randomly in Coco's Ark stream for about an hour to help her tame something.

>> No.25680065

She's on day 30 of Pikmin, Olimar's life support runs out and you get BAD ENDed if you don't beat the game in 30 days.

>> No.25680066

De verdad amo su voz por la chucha

>> No.25680067


>> No.25680068

Flavour of the month. Gets attention for hating her. They will move onto someone else.

>> No.25680070

Towa. I dont think any other holo can be called "twappers"

>> No.25680071

>trying to fit in
huh? All they do is drag their garbage board culture with them wherever they go and expect other boards to welcome it while ignoring all other board culture

>> No.25680077

Towa maji tenshi

>> No.25680078

does this count?

>> No.25680079

Remember when we talked about ongoing streams?

>> No.25680081

Towa is a One OK Rock fangirl...

>> No.25680084

More like 5000 or whatever her membership count is

>> No.25680083


>> No.25680085

Old and busted Anon. It's time for the new

>> No.25680087

that pianist was great

... luna... keep practicing

>> No.25680086

Aloe is a hot meme right now. All of the people who like Mio itt are excited and post about it often. Most of the people who post about Aloe simply do it because it's popular to shitpost about it.

>> No.25680088

Towa's singing is actually pretty great. Kenzoku bros were right after all

>> No.25680089

I feel like ht the average age of this thread dropped by at least a decade in the last two weeks

>> No.25680090


>> No.25680091

Crying while watching Towa!

>> No.25680093

Not really. /a/ has endless arguments between "/u/fags" and "hetfags", JCfags and "real lolicons", for example. /tv/ has "capeshit" vs "real movies". Everywhere you look there will be a forced console-war like argument that doesn't fucking matter, and people endlessly chasing shadows and blaming an omnipresent boogeyman for every post they don't agree with.

>> No.25680095

>sheep falseflaggers are most active during seanigger hours
That really explains a lot, huh. What compels them to be the worst posters in the world next to BRs?

>> No.25680096

Suisei, sometimes when she wants something she just shouts out "HOLOLIVE-SANNN" while streaming. One time she also called out bushiroad because they made a mistake in her script during one of her sponsored vanguard streams.
FBK probably

>> No.25680097

This is like an actual radio show right?, must be a nice listen while on the train back from work or while cooking

>> No.25680098
Quoted by: >>25680111

Towa's English got so much better

>> No.25680099


>> No.25680100


>> No.25680101
Quoted by: >>25680109

that smoker voice is great

>> No.25680104

people like horny i guess

>> No.25680105
Quoted by: >>25680153

"Wherever you are you always make me smile"

Towa you have no idea... Every time I unlock my phone and see her I smile.

>> No.25680106

Mio is a strong and experienced girl. We know she can do it just fine. I'll tune in both.

>> No.25680107

I need to address the elephant in the thread

Towa has a better voice than Suisei

>> No.25680109
Quoted by: >>25680128


>> No.25680110

you won't be laughing when your dick stops responding

>> No.25680111

She is doing this song justice.

>> No.25680112

because sex

>> No.25680114

Better sound


>> No.25680115

>RaQ 1600 oh god that's not even voice of an angel anymore that's a voice of god

>> No.25680116

>390 posters
Stop breeding

>> No.25680117

Mio modified a DS for video capturing. She is a literal criminal who should be hanged.

>> No.25680118

Because Mio is still 2 months away.

>> No.25680119

iron man

>> No.25680120

We are being oppressed by falseflaggers, we are a cult of peace

>> No.25680123
Quoted by: >>25680182

Holy fuck my ears bleeding listening towa whore singing. Did she singing while jacking off her sex friend?

>> No.25680124
Quoted by: >>25680166

Her deep voice is great for certain melancholic songs. I semi got filtered by her at first because of her voice but it makes sense to have a variety of voices in an >idol group.

>> No.25680126

Because Aloe is new and people haven't seen what she can do yet.

>> No.25680129

I think they both do different ranges that suit different songs better. They should do a duet!

>> No.25680128


>> No.25680130

Yes, it was originally just broadcasted through Bunka Housou but since Hoshiyomis wanted to throw superchats they made it a simultaneous broadcast on both bunka housou radio and youtube.

>> No.25680131


>> No.25680132

I hope Mio comes back soon and we get to have a SMOK Fall Guys stream

>> No.25680133

Hopefully she becomes a regular, it add so much, and at this rate kanata should also be one, she lives close to the studio

>> No.25680134

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25680135

>392 unique IPs
Holy shit I remember when 180 was horrible. At this rate it will be 500 soon.

>> No.25680136

I want to breed Suisei.

>> No.25680137


>> No.25680138

Not reallly comparable. Towa is more of a specialist

>> No.25680139

yup, it's a simulcast on Youtube and AGQR

>> No.25680140

It's hard to face the sad truth that some people don't know who Miko or Mio are.

>> No.25680141
Quoted by: >>25680160

never underestimate the coom

>> No.25680143
Quoted by: >>25680191

How old?
Also stay hydrated

>> No.25680144

mi pichula

>> No.25680145

Maybe? But Suisei is still the better singer, Towabro.

>> No.25680146


>> No.25680148

We are the most oppressed group. People hate what they do not understand.

>> No.25680150

one is a hot mess and not knowing what she's gonna do or get once she comes back
one is sure to get a warm welcome back
Pick your side

>> No.25680149

Being by Towa's side forever!

>> No.25680151

We'll get /vyt/ before that

>> No.25680152

Mio's boring

>> No.25680153

damn straight

>> No.25680155
Quoted by: >>25680189

Do you want a twitter hashtag for Mio too?

>> No.25680154

I hope this smoker will sing some sad anison

>> No.25680156

please not another timeloop

>> No.25680158
Quoted by: >>25680170

Towa might sound like a tranny but at least she isn't howling like cabaya.

>> No.25680159

have ohayou sex

>> No.25680160
Quoted by: >>25680190

I want to coom inside Mio.

>> No.25680161

Fucking hiromoot
Give us a new board already you fucking hack

>> No.25680163


>> No.25680164

Couldn't agree more. But suiseifags will laugh in their delusion. They still think Suisei is the best singer in hololive when it hasn't been in a long time.

>> No.25680165


>> No.25680166

The problem with Towa's song in an "idol unit" is that it's TOO different. It stands out. Notice how in Ochame Kinou for example, they completely cut her from the mix during the chorus parts.

>> No.25680169

based and truth pilled

>> No.25680170

Why are Watamefags like this?

>> No.25680171

Fuuuuck, give me Towa-Mio-Okayu trio please!

>> No.25680172

>almost 8K
Towa should just sing all the time.

>> No.25680173

>old, fat, ugly

>young and horny

>> No.25680174

I will go to desuwarudo with Towa

>> No.25680175

I already know i dont like mio and ive heard aloes roomate

>> No.25680176
Quoted by: >>25680187

inb4 a thread lasts 10 minutes

>> No.25680177

Subaru's not gonna make it...

>> No.25680178
Quoted by: >>25680199

Suisei's voice is really sharp and would begreat for rock. She's only average because she's in the wrong genre.

>> No.25680179

Her voice is great. If she practiced more she could have a career as a youtube singer.

>> No.25680180

Maybe 3-4 times a week.

>> No.25680182

You're really just stabbing in the dark when it comes to verb tense, conjugation, and word order, huh?

>> No.25680183

There are like a million billion small channels of girls who sing anime songs or do voice acting or do anime inspired asmr

>> No.25680184
Quoted by: >>25680197

where did all these faggots come from
some of these posts are not organic

>> No.25680185

Towa should do rock songs!

>> No.25680187

authentic 5ch experience

>> No.25680188

Going to Hell with Towa!

>> No.25680189


>> No.25680190

you can after i'm done with her

>> No.25680191


>> No.25680192

I remember they did a duet one time. Don't have the link to it though.

>> No.25680194

mio is miso

aloe is sashimi

>> No.25680195

They have

>> No.25680196
Quoted by: >>25680204

I want to marry Towa!

>> No.25680197

What are you, some kind of post hipster?

>> No.25680199

Suisei is perfect for JP jazz.

>> No.25680200

Towa is a whore~.

>> No.25680201

going to hell with Towa!

>> No.25680202

Artia... I want to hold your unwashed hands

>> No.25680203

Well that answers the question of who tops

>> No.25680204

