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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 320x372, 1590820470250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24402095 No.24402095 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24402098
File: 3.78 MB, 2449x3112, EayqDE1WkAAWZam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck the dog

>> No.24402101
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer fucking hate this bitch

>> No.24402106
File: 95 KB, 1064x1327, 1582593199473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tardwrangler of Hololive...

>> No.24402107


>> No.24402108
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1590618179039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402109
File: 79 KB, 496x276, inlovewiththecocov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402122

I will marry Coco!

>> No.24402111
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24402112
File: 338 KB, 800x648, 3eiv4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402113
File: 101 KB, 1269x711, astel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua, Towa, Ayame and RBC kneel

>> No.24402114 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1097x1480, 1593025071091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't open familia

>> No.24402115
File: 1.87 MB, 2935x4175, 2e764011f11d854245216f96c30f5b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Aqua's roommate!

>> No.24402119 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1080x731, IMG_20200624_145943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the everloving fuck is wrong with nijifags


>> No.24402120
Quoted by: >>24402145

What would his ape teammates do without our boy

>> No.24402121
File: 420 KB, 1268x901, 1592672131859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking horny for Towa.

>> No.24402122


>> No.24402125 [SPOILER] 
File: 633 KB, 1500x1500, 1593025123358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402126
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1584228436461.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402127

I wish I was a neet with no income.

>> No.24402128

That's not fair. Men have better cremasteric reflex.

>> No.24402130


>> No.24402131
File: 23 KB, 112x112, atpRtsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon i liked your last work keep it up

>> No.24402133

Coco is in this thread right now

>> No.24402134

Yeah, you're too old for my taste.

>> No.24402136
File: 129 KB, 340x400, 1592165024692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402139
File: 86 KB, 128x128, 1592682496184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's quality is inclining tremendously! Keep it up

>> No.24402140
File: 422 KB, 1032x964, EbQ-GXfXgAA_BcW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to hear Marine live again.

>> No.24402142

How fucking early was this you silly cunt

>> No.24402143


>> No.24402145
File: 109 KB, 1272x716, astel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With just one good teammate they killed nearly half the server

>> No.24402146

Based Astel.

>> No.24402147
File: 3.58 MB, 1880x2358, 80095319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402167

Threadly reminder that Izuru released a new cover

>> No.24402149
File: 491 KB, 859x990, 1582169355577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aggie up for now, make the most of what it is.

>> No.24402151

DAMN Sio gets to eat that?

>> No.24402153
File: 940 KB, 1000x1638, EbSx5sRUYAAQG3r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402154
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, 1592940134289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402181

is this how female sex?

>> No.24402155


>> No.24402158
Quoted by: >>24402174

Is she taking 3 weeks long break?

>> No.24402160

Can we get some quality pekos in the thread?

>> No.24402161
File: 84 KB, 1332x565, notbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel, seems to be pretty good with this game...

>> No.24402162
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 1592096099115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now I found it.

>> No.24402163
File: 764 KB, 1000x1410, 97b7b89773f43ee6f6b28a67beefd4aea8b7c48c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actual kino

>> No.24402165

>still can't do 0 damage champion like aki

>> No.24402166

I volunteer to be the meido for /hlg/ and /hlg/ only. Contact me you fucks I'll do your jobs for you, you can go back to looking at your loli threads and live in peace like before.

>> No.24402167


>> No.24402168

This faggot is obsessed with Akua.

>> No.24402169
Quoted by: >>24402177

Roboco's laugh is actually really nice

>> No.24402173 [SPOILER] 
File: 855 KB, 2894x4093, 1593025319620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402184

Meido warning

>> No.24402174

No, 1 or 2 days.

>> No.24402176
File: 120 KB, 714x1200, 1585238149226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. I'm the Peko falseflagger. I realize now that my actions have greatly affected /hlg/ in a negative way. I will reflect on my actions now and return to posting Towa.

>> No.24402177

She's cheering for Shinzo Abe

>> No.24402178
File: 2.59 MB, 540x300, hoovylaff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this in burger hours
godspeed you magnificent bastard

>> No.24402180

>become meidos
>can't shitpost

>> No.24402181

I don't see any scissors

>> No.24402182
File: 169 KB, 848x849, Fubuki massage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK loves my chocoballs!

>> No.24402184

Tits too big.

>> No.24402185
File: 113 KB, 636x900, 1571375595718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu I love you so much you are the future of hololive

>> No.24402189 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger

>> No.24402190
File: 192 KB, 1200x1457, EZwMnGGU0AIKiMF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402198


>> No.24402191
File: 214 KB, 759x1400, -apNEdIYCdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402192

I still can't believe Fubuki spent an entire hour saying porkchop

>> No.24402194
File: 2.05 MB, 2252x1984, 1584632926706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402195

Lets fucking go,!!

>> No.24402196
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 1591376168640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402197

Yea its me

>> No.24402198

She should collab with Astel and get her shit handed to her so much that's she's too embarassed to stream FPS ever again

>> No.24402199
File: 116 KB, 942x1200, 1589631263458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to Melfag

>> No.24402201
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 1589516471207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402227


>> No.24402202

I only came for Risu and I left when the other losers came in.

>> No.24402203 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 587x595, 1592711180013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402208


>> No.24402204


>> No.24402205
File: 1.84 MB, 186x318, peko gdzie my som.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402228

I am in love with Bunyland Pepsicola!

>> No.24402208 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 271x280, 1592855716437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402220


>> No.24402210
File: 516 KB, 699x720, 1569725224342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402215
Quoted by: >>24402222

Or she could have Astel and Kira carry her ass out of P4

>> No.24402216

google translate usually translate Houshou to Ho Bell, which is pretty funny

>> No.24402217

Haachama's boyfriend here. AMA

>> No.24402218

What songs will Coco sing on her 3D stream? My Heart Will Go On is almost guaranteed.

>> No.24402219


>> No.24402220 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 587x595, 1592711180013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402221


>> No.24402223
Quoted by: >>24402237

I'd rather she kept streaming with Sio, some more Okayu too.

>> No.24402222

Imagine how embarassing it would be for a character like Kira to carry you lmao

>> No.24402224

tfw no roommate gf

>> No.24402226

Spoken like a true tourist.

>> No.24402227
File: 36 KB, 181x428, 1592956255138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402246

Flare's legs...

>> No.24402228
Quoted by: >>24402367

I've never bothered to ask, but is transparent webum already implemented here?

>> No.24402229
File: 66 KB, 603x575, L8XlP1Xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to eat your Famichiki, anon.

>> No.24402230


>> No.24402232
File: 11 KB, 271x280, 1592855716437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402233

Do you take her retard helmet off when you kiss or no?

>> No.24402234

>Towa stars getting popular with other girls
>Aki instantly invites her to off collab

Why are women like this

>> No.24402235

Abe Shinzo...

>> No.24402236

why is your girlfriend so unsatisafied she keeps asking her audience to send her picture and videos of themselves

>> No.24402237

I'm just shitposting. I really enjoy her collabs with Okayu and Sio too

>> No.24402240
File: 556 KB, 1520x566, 1574941771970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403295

Would Peko have pity sex with me if I asked her?

>> No.24402241
Quoted by: >>24402256

Should ritual posting and other repetitive content be allowed on this thread?

>> No.24402242
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, EUW5nCpUEAAuAt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402251

Good thing they can't censor thighs.

>> No.24402245
File: 826 KB, 2646x3742, 1592762921485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Everdarkness.

>> No.24402246
Quoted by: >>24402336


>> No.24402247

then post a handle or something to call you in IRC.

>> No.24402250
Quoted by: >>24402258

Should I pick up ARK?
Is it fun alone?

>> No.24402251

Aki and Towa have been dating each other for ages anon

>> No.24402252
File: 22 KB, 406x338, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, at the /holohouse/...

>> No.24402253
File: 2.29 MB, 2200x2700, 1590467033137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402282


>> No.24402255
Quoted by: >>24402271

So how much did Mel make on her comeback? Playboard doesn't list it.

>> No.24402256
Quoted by: >>24402277

you want a dead thread?

>> No.24402257

I'm glad someone took up the mantle while I was away.

>> No.24402258

vanilla solo ARK is the opposite of fun.

>> No.24402259

Akimom don't want to lose her daughter.

>> No.24402262
File: 2.45 MB, 1366x1822, 1592510307533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402261
Quoted by: >>24402292

They had like 4 or something collabs since Towa's probation was lifted.

>> No.24402264
File: 130 KB, 525x461, 1591911114523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402265
Quoted by: >>24402348


>> No.24402268

and Sio had a threesome with 2 other girls right after hearing about that

>> No.24402269
File: 23 KB, 192x278, 1575678871128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei I miss your voice already..

>> No.24402271
Quoted by: >>24402396

40k before tax

>> No.24402273

who is filling who

>> No.24402274

I just realised Izuru's covers have Chinese captions on them. Cool

>> No.24402276
File: 252 KB, 1000x1300, EY24nPGUcAA0Ai-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402375

I'd learn sign language for Kanatan. Or just talk into her other ear because she's not going fully deaf

>> No.24402277
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1591945102495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402279

>Nijisanji project is free. You are free to collaborate with anyone. Of course, you can feel what you think about it and send it out.
Holyshit he didn't aware.

>> No.24402280

DAMN __Syo gets to eat THAT?

>> No.24402282


>> No.24402284
File: 53 KB, 183x183, A-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-chan thread!

>> No.24402285

Looks like they're making sweets together

>> No.24402286
File: 265 KB, 1773x1773, 82480799_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's suisei flavored.

>> No.24402288

W-Why did Flare moan?

>> No.24402289
File: 2.93 MB, 239x280, 1592712515812.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402305


>> No.24402291

The ones she just sang in her last singing stream

>> No.24402292

Most of Towa's streams now are collabs, sugoi!

>> No.24402293


>> No.24402295

Noel is under the table

>> No.24402297
Quoted by: >>24402309

Was he not aware that YAGOO let the girls and boys start interacting ages ago or is he just trying to fool ignorante people?

>> No.24402299
Quoted by: >>24402323


>> No.24402300
File: 269 KB, 919x1300, 64E86EF10AD44CEA95EDA2F3464CBD96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402311

Coco, ppt.

>> No.24402301
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 1580963056896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koro-san... I miss you...

>> No.24402302

She likes chinkmoney more...

>> No.24402303

she does that all the time, you'll get used to it

>> No.24402304

I want to FUCK Mel

>> No.24402305
Quoted by: >>24402317

Look at her go!

>> No.24402307
Quoted by: >>24402334

post Aki dancing

>> No.24402309

He doesn't even know the dislikes on the niji girl video were made by bots and disappeared

>> No.24402311

>PPT's clothes

>> No.24402310

Is Mel the fastest to get banned on YT in hololive?

>> No.24402313

I love ritualposting. I love (You).

>> No.24402314

is famichiki like jap kfc?

>> No.24402315
File: 188 KB, 1200x675, KaichouLate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402331

Late Kaichou because i was cleaning my house

>> No.24402316
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x900, __tokino_sora_yuujin_a_and_ankimo_hololive_drawn_by_iwahana__6d61fe6cb26fec73e6d628fe8bbb16b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402345


>> No.24402317

I want to look at her go in 3D before the new lockdown!

>> No.24402318

She's fine. She had a good stream yesterday where she played a kusoge for like 4 solid hours and had fun.

>> No.24402319
File: 168 KB, 1175x1200, EbRPRTLX0AEzIpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402361


>> No.24402320
Quoted by: >>24402335

I love you too.

>> No.24402321

Why don't you help your dumb gf with her computer problems?

>> No.24402322
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.24402323


>> No.24402326

holy shit an actually cute sora

>> No.24402327
Quoted by: >>24402350

I was wondering that too, didn't think about the fact that it was bots. Funny as fuck

>> No.24402328

Anon... I'm not ready for this kind of relationship...

>> No.24402331

I can't imagine buying a Coco voice pack, like... who the hell would want to listen to that cracked up Mickey Mouse whispering into a microphone?

>> No.24402334
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, ALONA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402335


>> No.24402336
File: 264 KB, 761x989, lmao2elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402384

are you okay?

>> No.24402337
Quoted by: >>24402368

It's either moaning or this.

>> No.24402339
File: 245 KB, 800x800, 1590447839625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403054

I can't wait for the radio...

>> No.24402338

I would

>> No.24402341

No because they have KFC already

>> No.24402342


>> No.24402343

Why does Sora sometimes switch between brown and blue eyes?

>> No.24402344
Quoted by: >>24403003

Why am I getting a menacing aura from this webm

>> No.24402345

god I wish that were me...

>> No.24402346

She wears coloured lenses

>> No.24402347
File: 679 KB, 809x900, EbQVD6yXYAEbm_E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402360

Shes going to stream today and tomorrow and the day after that, friend
She said so...

>> No.24402348

I can believe pokara died

>> No.24402349
Quoted by: >>24402386

Sup akibros.

>> No.24402350

Just so so you see nijitards don't mind using scummy means to get what they want

>> No.24402351

Roboco's english is good, playing games in english has really helped her

>> No.24402352

How do we address the n*ji problem?

>> No.24402354

famichiki is japanese style KFC, which tastes different (better imo)

The sodium levels are sky high though

>> No.24402359

we call back the /v/tards

>> No.24402358


>> No.24402360

I wish I was a shounen shota so she'd abuse me

>> No.24402361


>> No.24402363
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x1243, e849281f586470cbb90a26d2319bb988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/-chan daisuki~

>> No.24402364
File: 93 KB, 1230x637, aki-hand-game-can-you-last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402377

I don't think I could make it 5 minutes

>> No.24402365
Quoted by: >>24402381

Originally she had brown eyes. Model update went with blue.

>> No.24402366

her voice pack would be make up walkthrough or discussion, it's not gonna be asmr

>> No.24402367

I'm pretty sure it is. I do remember people fucking around with it on /g/ years back around the time the spec for it was created.
Then again it could have easily been removed.

>> No.24402368

Why is this elf so autistic?

>> No.24402370
File: 89 KB, 1200x1351, yuujina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she look like a Yandere Simulator character?

>> No.24402371

>Subaru talking
>grating kusogaki voice
>Subaru singing
>a fucking angel
Why does she play such an awful character?

>> No.24402375

If you sign languaged ppt at her fan meetup would it be rude?
imagine kanatan signing back because she's already started learning

>> No.24402374

She is a duck

>> No.24402376
Quoted by: >>24402393

What is this?

>> No.24402377

Idris Elba...

>> No.24402378
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, 1586307732240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402489

don't think about it too deeply.

>> No.24402379

Why can't /v/tards shit up the niji thread....

>> No.24402381

I am aware, but if she primarily uses blue eyes nowadays, why does her My Loving art have brown eyes?

>> No.24402382

send Minato Aqua to kill n*ji.

>> No.24402383

Write to Amnesty International about them.

>> No.24402384

I honestly prefer the right. Left boob-window looks shite.

>> No.24402385

Is Towa going to Aki's house tomorrow?

>> No.24402386
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, 1592867627143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad idol dance...
I kneel...

>> No.24402388
File: 202 KB, 759x410, 1592415539781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Important

>> No.24402389
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, troubledays-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I didn't know there was a black haired Marine. And you can lewd her too in the pc version too.

>> No.24402390

Astel, do something... Everyone is inclining except you...

>> No.24402392
File: 340 KB, 639x820, cuteduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up. The duck is precious in all she does.

>> No.24402393
Quoted by: >>24402411


>> No.24402394
File: 626 KB, 3000x1406, Suisei3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402403

I feel bad for the pride, imagine not being able to make lewd jokes without thinking that your father, mother and nephew are all going to watch it at some point.

>> No.24402396

That's... not as much as I was expecting

Kanata's ear cancer beat her and didn't require her fearing for her life, moving houses, or stopping streaming for 5 months.

>> No.24402397


>> No.24402399
Quoted by: >>24402461

>switch to Flare
>talks about Noel
This woman...

>> No.24402401
Quoted by: >>24402431

What the fuck is technoforce

>> No.24402403

She can't talk about how much she would abuse her nephew either

>> No.24402404

moe gap is the strongest force

>> No.24402406
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402408
Quoted by: >>24402431


>> No.24402409
File: 735 KB, 668x954, 1589535921624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you got filtered anon, her voice is by far the best thing to compliment her character. Ease yourself into it by listening to her morning streams more, she's more relaxed there. Or that one nightly call on Mio's stream, she's almost completely out of character there.

>> No.24402410

She literally walks like a pro wrestler pacing in the ring doing a bit.

>> No.24402411
Quoted by: >>24402415

>"I don't know why I'm letting them fight their prejudices against me."

>> No.24402415

I don't know either anon I'm sorry

>> No.24402417

Shit pool because it doesn't have

>> No.24402418
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's blonde Noel

>> No.24402420

Aki is too cute

>> No.24402422

Was this when they had messed up the rigging a bit so she's was being super conscious of arm clipping?

>> No.24402424


>> No.24402426


>> No.24402428
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1591722550615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely know regular Japanese. How do I learn Japanese sign language.

>> No.24402429

I come from the future. It'll be I Was Born to Love You.

>> No.24402430
Quoted by: >>24402438

Yagoo literally just wrote "gap moe" on a board and circled it a bunch when designing Subaru.

>> No.24402431
Quoted by: >>24402439

>The creatures of the demon world known as “succubus” use a male’s sexual energy, his “technoforce,” as their nourishment.

>> No.24402432 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 287x175, 1593026517516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402434

no she's just a strong women who is constantly stance'd the fuck up

>> No.24402435

No she's just intimidating the other girls

>> No.24402437


Sio doesn't like it when you speak ill of her kuudere demon like that

>> No.24402438

what was YAGOO thinking when he designed Towa?

>> No.24402439


>> No.24402440

You can't just post that.

>> No.24402441
Quoted by: >>24402463

Yagoo literally just wrote "gap moe" on a board and circled it a bunch when designing Towa...

>> No.24402442

made me spit my water

>> No.24402444

if you can't tell you don't belong here

>> No.24402445

God, Choco's streams are so damn boring.

>> No.24402446


>> No.24402447

Step on me Noel

>> No.24402449


>> No.24402450
File: 38 KB, 480x360, Marlboro_W-Burst_Purple_5_Box_04c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402472

He literally looked down at his weird smokes and went "eh that'll do" and went back to circling

>> No.24402451

Family don't open kek

>> No.24402452
Quoted by: >>24402468

Don't watch them then

>> No.24402453

>design a debiru
>make it an angel
Gap moe!

>> No.24402454

Who's streaming at the moment?

>> No.24402457

God Marine is really entertaining. She's really good at the imposter guessing game and I'm positive she knew who the real Shigure Ui was but said D just for giggles.

>> No.24402461
Quoted by: >>24402476

>This woman...
What about her?

>> No.24402460

I love Marine so much

>> No.24402463

Is every holo designed around gap moe?

>> No.24402465
File: 1.96 MB, 1454x1755, 80924590_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marry the squirrel
i want to

>> No.24402466
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1589161834412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402524


>> No.24402467


why would you do this my day was dark enough already

>> No.24402468

I won't, I don't see how anyone can watch something so braindead.

>> No.24402469

Astel, Flare and the Chocosaurus

>> No.24402470

Sweet Home Alabama

>> No.24402471

> I call this one bold and brash

>> No.24402472
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402473

how dare you

>> No.24402474
File: 524 KB, 1000x1000, 1587926533882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember /hlg/: don't think, just consume and be excited for next stream.

>> No.24402475

Cute wife, dude.

>> No.24402476

Noel is too small.

>> No.24402479
Quoted by: >>24402499

So why do you feel the need to complain about it if you don't watch?

>> No.24402480

Sounds like a cheap kids movie from the 70's

>> No.24402482
Quoted by: >>24402699

You wouldn't marry a racist.

>> No.24402483


>> No.24402485
Quoted by: >>24402589

When were these clips taken? During her first or second 10 hour run? I seem to remember her being relatively calm for both runs.

>> No.24402489

AZKi is beautiful

>> No.24402491

When will Towa return to Mata Nui?

>> No.24402492

>donta smoke
>donta drink
>healthy sleep schedule
how does Towa do it?

>> No.24402493


>> No.24402494

Thanks for the reminder, how much should I give my holo?

>> No.24402497
File: 305 KB, 2048x1359, 20200623_193146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning /hlg/, hope youre watching some of the cool streams right now. astel is streaming apex and choco is streaming ark! a few other girls are streaming too, lets pop in and give their streams a like! support every one of the holos we can! i also hoped people managed to get to mels return stream, i slept right through it but ill watch the archive in a few hours. i hope she got a warm welcome back

astel is at 9.39k subs! a little less than a week until the end of june, so lets try our best to get him to 10k! hes still growing at a good pace, so he reach it soon! hes streaming right now, and hes really good at apex so its quite fun to watch. hes also got some pretty cute moments talking to viewers, its a really comfy stream!

>> No.24402499
Quoted by: >>24402508

This is a thread for discussing hololives.

>> No.24402500


>> No.24402501

Excessive masturbation

>> No.24402502
Quoted by: >>24402555

She will be drinking with Aki soon!

>> No.24402503

Fuck now im really sad thanks asshole i miss em so much

>> No.24402506


>> No.24402505
Quoted by: >>24402528

It's because you're a newfag and don't know what's the choco's Sub ch is for

>> No.24402507
File: 117 KB, 1020x574, EXnuZTnUcAELLP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402552

Does a short tongue make you a bad kisser?

>> No.24402508

How do you discuss something you don't watch?

>> No.24402510
File: 258 KB, 1433x916, 2020-06-24_21-27-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402511

Subaru is having fun on blackflag

>> No.24402512

Matsuri is the butt of all the jokes. Even Fubuki bullies her now.

>> No.24402517
File: 1.62 MB, 2480x3507, Flare37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402519
File: 155 KB, 804x996, 1588012260266 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402521

Fuck off Alex

>> No.24402522

now that the thread is going to shit there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you
I did not care for Yozora Mel

>> No.24402523

Thanks for letting me know astelbro

>> No.24402524

Flare plays Ark? Is she in the same server as Choco? Did they meet at any point so far?

>> No.24402527

tl;dr since I'm watching him right now

>> No.24402528
Quoted by: >>24402549

Nah, even her main channels content is boring. Her GOI stream the other day was terrible, she's just an uninteresting person.

>> No.24402529


>> No.24402530 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 393x527, 1593027021453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402531

I kinda of want Flare to stop streaming because it's already 5:30AM here, but she's pulling in good views compared to usual...

>> No.24402532


>> No.24402537

Wow he's growing fast

>> No.24402538

Legit made me choke. Anon deliveres.

>> No.24402539

which holo smokes weed?

>> No.24402540

>he does it for free

>> No.24402542

>Same server as Choco
They all play in the same server, Coco runs it
>Did they meet
No idea since I'm not watching either right now.

>> No.24402545
File: 3.71 MB, 1772x2506, 159270527572929924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss them so much family...

>> No.24402546


>> No.24402548
File: 172 KB, 850x1200, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_toratora_nanahaba__sample-cb5ec5dbd7fc5c787433fa69d5a69174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched a Matsuri twitcast where she talks about how she wants a husband that will be able to provide for her kids and allow them to do whatever they want and be supportive of whatever endeavor they choose. Holy shit can my wife get any more based?

>> No.24402549

Thanks for the views though. For someone uninterested you sure do watch her a lot.

>> No.24402550

Neither, they are all on asacoco.

>> No.24402552

>Kanata and Coco will wear spats
>we'll never get a Holo 3D pantyshot again
Thanks Cover.

>> No.24402553

Someone said to him in this stream
"I strive to be as good as Astel"
or something like that, and he acted all embarassed about it in a sarcastic way. That was pretty funny
Thanks for the supercha Noel!

>> No.24402555
Quoted by: >>24402585

Sleeping on stream together soon!

>> No.24402556

I've been watching her off and on but she is on the server because she found one of Aki's outposts earlier

>> No.24402557
File: 1.13 MB, 2047x1447, EbQ-VquWkAATH3s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402588

Imagine spending a sweltering summer day with Miko...

>> No.24402558
Quoted by: >>24402592

You're welcome, seems like she can use every view she can get, ASMR voice can only get you so far when you have no personality.

>> No.24402559
File: 83 KB, 749x575, Call of booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft era was peak Hololive. All fun, no drama and no FUCKING ARK.

>> No.24402560
File: 531 KB, 546x690, 15918964921117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.24402561

She says a lot of things in her twitcast that she immediately contradict the next day.

>> No.24402562


>> No.24402563

Possession for weed is a 5 year sentence in Japan.

>> No.24402565

Also forgot to mention Watame, but she'll get spats too. Towa wears shorts and Luna wears bloomers so they won't get hit as hard.

>> No.24402566
Quoted by: >>24402627

Even appears in Yaraon. This is the lowest point of nijifags.

>> No.24402567


>> No.24402569

What the FA

>> No.24402572

asacoco production has been stopped since 2.0 though

>> No.24402573

I think I would cum in my pants if Choco said "Mhm" right in my ear.

>> No.24402575
Quoted by: >>24402608


>> No.24402576
File: 434 KB, 1310x1766, 1592939950748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402596

Korone please split my skull open with a broadsword

>> No.24402577
Quoted by: >>24402606

Feels good being a spats lover

>> No.24402578
File: 66 KB, 507x552, 1592755996974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, why are Chocosaurus' streams so relaxing?

>> No.24402580

your wife is mentally ill

>> No.24402582


>> No.24402583

Even Astel can't believe how good his aimbot is sometimes

>> No.24402585
File: 685 KB, 849x1200, 78948897_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will protect them from yabees if they are both sleeping?

>> No.24402587

Sent you an email. I expect a reply in 2 hours.

>> No.24402588

She'd be too lazy to go outside and would just sit on her ass in front of the A/C eating ice cream all day. Basically, perfect.

>> No.24402589

The trash one was from her 300k celebration video, where she played 2 hours

>> No.24402590


>> No.24402591
File: 125 KB, 1788x259, neverforget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402592
Quoted by: >>24402639

Can you explain why she is boring and has no personality so I can email it to YAGOO.

>> No.24402593
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1584472201624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they got covered up, heh.

>> No.24402595

You don't understand how much pain this image has caused me

>> No.24402596
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1592343218409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the ass....

>> No.24402599
Quoted by: >>24402602

I bet if haachama had friends she would've smoked some in Australia

>> No.24402602

Nah she'd be doing crack and shit not weed

>> No.24402603

Fuck off Luna

>> No.24402605

Isn't it a bit fucked up how you can google PPT, Coco and Noel's roommate channel names and get hololive results? you'd think Cover would contact google or something but nah.

>> No.24402606

Sir, thou art mine chocoball.

>> No.24402607 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24402630

Reminder that it's okay to have hafu kids in Japan now so go marry your Holo and procreate for the good of Japan bros...

>> No.24402608
Quoted by: >>24402612

clip it, immortalize it

>> No.24402609
File: 87 KB, 465x559, 1590075029906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402646

I love this stupid cat.

>> No.24402610

I'm listening to Lulu's birthday singing stream, damn this is peak comfy

>> No.24402612

He said it a lot this stream

>> No.24402614
Quoted by: >>24402619

Why are Rushiacucks like this?

>> No.24402615

What's Aqua going to do with the minecraft server? Nobody will enter and ride her traps anymore since they are all addicted to Ark or Apex

>> No.24402616

Thank coco for ruining it.

>> No.24402618

>Cover would contact google or something but nah.

>> No.24402619
Quoted by: >>24402634

Mental illness. You have to be mentally ill to feel betrayed because a woman isn't 'real' enough for you

>> No.24402621
Quoted by: >>24402648

Anon, and I cannot emphasize this enough, chama?!

>> No.24402623

Coco and Gen 4 was unironically the death of Hololive

>> No.24402625

It's a lot easier to find and smoke than a lot of people think, according to my hafu friend and two other Jap friends, it's just expensive. Lots of people growing in the country side

>> No.24402626


>> No.24402627

Title of the article made me chuckle a little.
>overwhelming hate on hololive breaks the mind of Nijifan

>> No.24402628
Quoted by: >>24402633

good, fuck choco.

>> No.24402630

Tenda Spencer disliked this

>> No.24402632
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x1263, ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402651

>> No.24402633

I hope yes

>> No.24402634

Wow. I'm glad I'm an Ayamefag...


>> No.24402635
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1561941703457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402670

minecraft era was like 2 months ago bro...

>> No.24402636

Would you guys watch a co-op dead space 3 stream? Which holos would make this disaster of a game fun to watch.

>> No.24402637
Quoted by: >>24402784

>Superchat is back up on ARK streams
The Chocosaurus is saved...!

>> No.24402639
Quoted by: >>24402655

>slow speech without actually saying anything meaningful or endearing
>tons of dead silence where she doesn't say anything or intersect with her audience
>tries to rely too heavily on whispervoice to hide her flaws
Just plain unentertaining.

>> No.24402640

a change in circlejerk

>> No.24402644

>Dead Space 3
lol no

>> No.24402646

Honorary holo

>> No.24402647

Roberu and Fubuki. They talked about Dead Space together in one of their collabs. Roberu was the one who brought it up

>> No.24402648

You having a stroke, anon?

>> No.24402649

I understand Rushia and Choco because they're all Stacy cunts and Matsuri is a pathetic low self esteem attention whore but literally what the fuck did Suisei do?

>> No.24402651


>> No.24402653

Of course. It's a shitty dead space game, but there's some fun stuff there. Any duo with good chemistry would probably work.

>> No.24402654
File: 315 KB, 1524x2000, 1588413880395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to crash ARK with no survivors

>> No.24402655
Quoted by: >>24402662

Okay you haven't watched most of her videos. Thanks for entertaining me though, Rushiacuck.

>> No.24402656

You are talking about the same company that were so useless it took Mel over 4 months to start streaming again after handling one of their producers. Of course they don't care about google results.

>> No.24402657
Quoted by: >>24402688

dead space 3 was my favorites game for 2 years, replayed over 4 times, and i want Subaru/Towa or Coco?Haachama to play it

>> No.24402659

astel is so cute

>> No.24402661
Quoted by: >>24402666

>dislikes on the niji girl video were made by bots and disappeared
They were talking about this on NND, Is this even a thing?

>> No.24402662

She someone manages to be less entertaining than a holo who slept on stream. That's amazing.

>> No.24402664

>but literally what the fuck did Suisei do?
Being perfect

>> No.24402665
File: 721 KB, 4092x2100, IMG_20200624_154217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402671

So Risu's waiting for her PC to be ready before thinking about collabing with Korone. Honestly wouldn't mind just a chat stream with those two but I will be patient.

>> No.24402666
Quoted by: >>24402674

That video had like 600 dislikes originally, last I looked it was more like 60. YouTube doesn't remove rates unless it's botting

>> No.24402668

Yes. It's a shit dead space game but as a co-op shooter it's actually a lot of fun. I would say Mikochi and Usada_King_Pekora would be a pretty fun co-op collab playthrough

>> No.24402669
Quoted by: >>24402690

Baqua's gonna fly to Bill Gates' house and force him to give YAGOO the permissions

>> No.24402670
File: 64 KB, 451x553, 1591552164593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months
That's like 250 threads ago, breh...

>> No.24402671

>Zatsudan between two people who barely share a language with no third wheel interpreter like Iofi
Sounds great

>> No.24402672

This but Gen3.

>> No.24402674
Quoted by: >>24402677

are you sure they didn't just make a frame for the collab?

>> No.24402675
Quoted by: >>24402692

It's funny that anons thinks you're me. Keep fighting the good fight, fuck Choco

>> No.24402676
File: 714 KB, 969x786, cold war rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402677

No. It had more likes than it had views

>> No.24402682


>> No.24402685
File: 71 KB, 664x960, 1589141302059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402735

Stop reminding me of hiw much time I spent here.

>> No.24402686

Gomi chuuba

>> No.24402688
File: 82 KB, 768x768, 1592649979262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barely horror, but I bet Towa would be scared.

>> No.24402689

Honestly Choco is middle of the road. Not worth shitting on but not really worth defending.

>> No.24402690

What's the point of getting the permissions when nobody is going to play minecraft? Ark is minecraft but with better graphics and dinos

>> No.24402691

Russia and... Rushia?

>> No.24402692

I can't wait till you get bored of Hololive so you cretins fuck off and we can enjoy the threads again.

>> No.24402693

will weed ever get legalized over there? I mean they literally have a cannabis kanji as 麻 ffs.

>> No.24402695

Why do Risu fans think she's anything higher than N5? She's genuinely not ready without Iofi there.

>> No.24402697

You say that while posting someone who never got into Minecraft but was addicted to Ark. The truth is that Ragnarok especially was a goldmine of fun streams and interactions but most of the thread appears to be too new to know anything about it and from what I understand it doesn't get many translated clips either.

>> No.24402699

Has someone clipped that already?

>> No.24402700

>I'll probably never leave either
We are stuck with them unfortunately anon

>> No.24402701
Quoted by: >>24402706

Everybody is in ARK because there's no minecraft.

>> No.24402702
Quoted by: >>24402724


I find it cute the ID's try to shill their friend

>> No.24402703

I really need to break the habit of reading through every thread so I can get more shit done.

>> No.24402704


>> No.24402706
Quoted by: >>24402731

>Everybody is in ARK because there's no minecraft.
They left minecraft to play Ark when Coco created the server

>> No.24402707

I was a big Love Live fag for 7 years. Hololive is just amplified Love Live. There is no doubt in my mind you will fuck off before I do.

>> No.24402708

No since it doesn't contribute to the propagation of the Japanese people

>> No.24402709
Quoted by: >>24402722

The neighbour series between Aqua and Shion got a lot of views

>> No.24402711

Nothing's stopping you from enjoying the thread, if you can't handle someone criticizing your favorite holo then perhaps this site isn't right for you?

>> No.24402712

I realize that's a bit silly. Risu has been studying with Iofi's help though. Hopefully she can get to that point soon.

>> No.24402713

Anons are shutting it down so NND don't cancel her.

>> No.24402716
File: 3.92 MB, 400x224, 1575443771780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good threads are when it's peak Hololive time so 9/10/11/12 JST, Threads at this time are hot garbage where nothing of value is said.
Use this information wisely.

>> No.24402718
Quoted by: >>24402800

>Better graphics
ARK is a janky eyesore
At least MC is consistent
The mods...

>> No.24402719
Quoted by: >>24402726

>replying on two different devices seconds apart so it looks like you aren't samefagging

>> No.24402721

Green Rushia to make Hololive great again!

>> No.24402722
Quoted by: >>24402741

I was talking about Ark there.

>> No.24402723
Quoted by: >>24402738

>120 posters
I guess Mel banning will be peak /hlg/ ...

>> No.24402724
Quoted by: >>24402745

Is it presumptuous of me to think that these ID girls are going to be better than HoloEN

>> No.24402726

The schizo is strong with this one.

>> No.24402728
Quoted by: >>24402743

>9/10/11/12 JST
Literally no one streams at these times other than like Roberu, Kaoru and a random stream here or there

>> No.24402730
Quoted by: >>24402752

I like Hololive, You clearly don't.
Not replying anymore.

>> No.24402731

They were returning to Minecraft after Ragnarok and would still be there if not for permission apocalypse.

>> No.24402732

Pekoland Pepsi Cola

>> No.24402735
File: 111 KB, 1100x600, 1589719189736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402769

Remember, you are here forever.

>> No.24402736
File: 298 KB, 1443x2048, IMG_20200624_151248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402740

Mel is still answering every single twitter message sent to her at 5 AM

>> No.24402737

Suisei's movements are so dorky

>> No.24402738


>> No.24402740

Gonna ask if I can tell people she is my gf...

>> No.24402741

Yeah I was saying that minecraft moments reached a much wider audience than ARK ones

>> No.24402743
Quoted by: >>24402754

PM Anon...

>> No.24402744

Yeah, I think I might just stick to prime time threads and big event/collab threads.

>> No.24402745
Quoted by: >>24402759

Eh Iofi and Risu are decent enough, I think that's more than you can ask for when opening a vtuber foreign branch so it's a possibility.

>> No.24402750
Quoted by: >>24402766

Though I guess it makes sense Chocofags can't handle the bantz when their own chuuba couldn't even handle having a few retards in her chat

>> No.24402752

I really hope I am being trolled right now. There is no fucking way you can be so fucking sensitive. Unironically try Discord. Posters there get banned for saying anything negative about the Holos there.

>> No.24402754
Quoted by: >>24402763

Just say it with +12 then, Japs use 0-24(+2) not 1-12AM, 1-12PM

>> No.24402759
Quoted by: >>24402911

Risu should have been EN.

>> No.24402760

why do you hate suisei so much that you have to point out she can't dance whenever she appears

>> No.24402761

I can't believe Korone is fucking dead


>> No.24402762
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, br3535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402763

I thought it was obvious...I even said peak Hololive time.

>> No.24402766

I feel bad for Chocofags because they literally have no arguments for their Holo's obvious decline and lack of motivation and content creation besides
>muh demonitization (which literally affected everyone)
>w-well I only like her for ASMR...

>> No.24402768

I wouldn't say calling her a dork is an insult

>> No.24402769

I like to think that her "that's it" at the end does not mean "that's it, I only play muscle men" but it is actually just her saying "that's it, I'm done trying to speak English"

>> No.24402771
Quoted by: >>24402776

It's Burger hours why do we have a lot of SEAchocoballs here?

>> No.24402773
File: 109 KB, 660x742, 1590432885002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402801

Suichan is always kawaii, even when being a dork!

>> No.24402776
Quoted by: >>24402790

Quarantine round 2

>> No.24402778

I've just been informed that Ryan Gosling will be part of Holo EN.

>> No.24402779

Because it makes me feel better about my self because I am a lonely loser with no life who got cucked so he hates everything about everything and cry like a little bitch when women are doing good

>> No.24402780
File: 406 KB, 1266x685, 1593003196806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402823

Hello guys

>> No.24402781


>> No.24402783


>> No.24402784

Since when did they get superchat back?

>> No.24402785

well I hope you've learnt your lesson

>> No.24402786

What do you mean by this?

>> No.24402789
File: 72 KB, 1024x426, 1593002623866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402790

Are there actually any countries that are doing lockdowns again? People are talking about the 2nd wave meme but it doesn't seem like anyone is panicking about it like before

>> No.24402791
File: 221 KB, 477x599, 1590681292834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402807

Things I dislike in order

1. Doxxfags
2. Fanbase wars
3. Falseflagging

>> No.24402794
Quoted by: >>24402839

I thought you liked being cucked?

>> No.24402795

What will he sing for his karaoke streams?

>> No.24402797


>> No.24402800

>ARK is a janky eyesore
That's because of youtube, in game it looks way better

>> No.24402799

>dead space 3

>> No.24402801
File: 1.32 MB, 535x620, 1592145097783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a cute dork who can't dance, and who loves rough anal poundings after eating chicken. She is perfect.

>> No.24402802
File: 34 KB, 416x234, 1593003554103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402803
File: 1.06 MB, 868x1228, 606BECB4-6302-48E6-BDB7-9FF3016062F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402827


>> No.24402804
Quoted by: >>24402865

Burgers might have to lockdown again, since they are getting an actual second wave now. The "second wave" everyone was talking about was more in the august time if it recurs

>> No.24402807
Quoted by: >>24402813

'ate SEAnigs
love everyone else
simple as

>> No.24402808
Quoted by: >>24402819

No idea, I noticed it just now. Must have been pretty recent still.

>> No.24402809

He's gonna make all the depression bucks.

>> No.24402810
Quoted by: >>24402886

what would a cyberpunk chuuba be like?

>> No.24402811

>start looking up words said by chuuba and building a list
>it's filled with ark terminology
Man, I wish I have some 藁 and 木材 so I can do some 建築. Thanks Flare.

>> No.24402812

each ark stream was so fucking long it's probably torture trying to comb through it all and translate shit

>> No.24402813

I can't believe anon is so benevolent that he loves Chocoballs...

>> No.24402815

I'm in love with Banpire

>> No.24402814
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, 1593003175261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402818

I want to pee inside Suisei's ass

>> No.24402819

I see. I'm glad for them especially Choco, she wasn't getting anything from streaming ARK for the past week.

>> No.24402820


>> No.24402821
Quoted by: >>24402851

Why are you so obsessed with them?

>> No.24402822

Coco pls just make someone play dead space 1 instead

>> No.24402823
Quoted by: >>24402838

What went through your head when you were making this shitty /v/ meme?

>> No.24402824
File: 157 KB, 700x992, az1Y90N_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402825
File: 1.76 MB, 2200x1500, 1593003747978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402842

>> No.24402826
File: 192 KB, 850x1202, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_starkamisan__sample-0b20a20211ce49eddb26b82c545666ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine h-haha

>> No.24402827
File: 1.60 MB, 2894x4093, __shiranui_flare_and_kintsuba_hololive_drawn_by_tachibana_yuu_shika__25d6d7b3e9411010733ca58fb7a9de1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.

>> No.24402829

Yep, I'm thinking based.

>> No.24402831

What can I say SEAchocoballs are the worst.

>> No.24402832
Quoted by: >>24402853

People normally don't superchat during her gameplay streams anyway. She gets loads during twitcast streams

>> No.24402833

What is it like to pee inside of an ass? I imagine you end up with lots of piss all over your own dick, and the person's butthole can't possibly be squeezing down hard enough to keep all the liquid from leaking out, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.24402836

moshi moshi based department?

>> No.24402837

Nooo don't lewd tensh

>> No.24402838

>I'm sure /v/ will find this epic poggers, might as well post it on /jp/ as well famalam
that's my guess

>> No.24402839

Nobody "likes" being cucked, just like nobody "likes" being physically hit, mentally abused, dominated, humiliated, etc. Think of it like a rewire, or a rechanneling. It happened to them so they cope with it and tell themselves it brings pleasure. It's like an outlet. Eventually they think it hard enough and the brain can't take all that stress so they eventually do succeed in thinking they enjoy it when they really don't. You know what I mean? If everyone had the option between choosing to enjoy being a dom or enjoy being sub, they would all choose dom, but we don't get to choose. It just happens.

>> No.24402841
File: 499 KB, 1461x2048, 1592868917810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402869

>> No.24402842

Me on the door

>> No.24402843

Just use a funnel.

>> No.24402844
Quoted by: >>24402868

Since today

>> No.24402845 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 600x336, 1593028761771.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402848

We lifted lockdowns and cases skyrocketed so it's happening again here. Stuck forever like on this thread

>> No.24402849
File: 20 KB, 540x467, ES54ut_UMAA_6Qv.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean she likes getting anally pounded while having famichikin, right? Cock on both ends at the same time!

>> No.24402850

I've been hearing that cases are rising again so more probably more lockdowns and more EOPs for hololive

>> No.24402851

because Fubuki is my Queen and she is a racist who called the black people Chocoball

>> No.24402853

Yeah I know how little she gets when she's streaming ARK, but it's better than getting literally nothing.

>> No.24402855


>> No.24402856
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 38118751a6ca3bb7657a64499b3fb9ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402877

This cat deserves my cum

>> No.24402859


>> No.24402860

Well it's not like she gets much superchats on her regular ARK streams anyways, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.24402861
File: 186 KB, 1191x1532, かなたんのふふっていう笑い方がとてもすき.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402864

>the person's butthole can't possibly be squeezing down hard enough to keep all the liquid from leaking out
It can.

Source: your mom

>> No.24402866
Quoted by: >>24402904

tl;dr the receiver gets about 50% of the superchat given. (YT 30% + tax)
Does this also apply to Hololive? I actually can't think of any way they're exempt from any of the taxes. And to think a 30% cut was bad enough.

>> No.24402865
Quoted by: >>24402885

Burgers never went into lockdown in the first place
give me liberty or give me coronavirus
they won't listen

>> No.24402868

I still don't understand why they turned off superchat, especially when Coco was in contact with the devs already by that time.

>> No.24402869
File: 602 KB, 1461x2048, 1592868982895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402870

F A S T E R ! ! !

>> No.24402871


>> No.24402872
Quoted by: >>24402915

I want to pee inside Suisei's mouth
srsly this fetish gets me rock hard.

>> No.24402874

The Daydream Warrior...

>> No.24402875
File: 484 KB, 875x544, 1592514703325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risu is family friendly
>Pekora is children heroine
Hololive..... wholesome
And then there is Coco

>> No.24402877
File: 107 KB, 959x1332, EbRYc1RUMAEifEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cat is some kusogaki's mom now.

>> No.24402880
Quoted by: >>24402889

Mel got her stream taken down?

>> No.24402881

just piss hard enough and it goes into their stomach

>> No.24402884

duck off

>> No.24402886
File: 57 KB, 1200x666, DB05B40C-0485-4A41-9A17-B89410E2F59B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402897


>> No.24402885
Quoted by: >>24402909

I should've specified they technically went into "lockdown", but many people completely ignored it. They were downward trending until restrictions started lifting though. Should've just enforced policies, their policy are beating the shit out of everyone anyway, why not add corona deniers onto the list

>> No.24402887

The ironic thing is that Love Live fags themselves make fun of the Daydream Warrior dance itself. It's just a meme song all around.

>> No.24402888

Base/d/ logic

>> No.24402889

Her manager burst into the room so she had to take him down

>> No.24402890
Quoted by: >>24402926

It's pretty hard to piss with an erection, there's actually a mechanism so you don't pee and ejaculate at the same time.
As for the liquid retention, you'd be surprised at how much liquid you can fit from an enema. At least a solid 500ml.

>> No.24402891
File: 1.60 MB, 2039x1378, 1592180894023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402892
File: 3.55 MB, 2401x3424, 159233094916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never smell fubuki when shes freshly out of a shower

>> No.24402894
Quoted by: >>24402902

The intestine is 25 feet long....

>> No.24402895
File: 171 KB, 1156x1768, 43acded1a089a7cccf1c39f0a56ea5d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Shion, but I have needs.

>> No.24402896
File: 254 KB, 1334x2048, 1592214140350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what?

>> No.24402897

What a champ.

>> No.24402900


>> No.24402902

and? you can't piss 25 feet with a boner?

>> No.24402904

People estimate holos take about 35-50% of the supa after YAGOO, Nipland, and Jewtube all take their cuts

>> No.24402905
File: 411 KB, 1792x2048, EXpsX4MUYAEjWJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402920

I like your filename

>> No.24402907
File: 225 KB, 850x1198, __oozora_subaru_and_amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_tonari_no_kai_keruberosu__sample-83adc67d8f9543a3a9edc0f19dfa5e60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Subaru like this?


>> No.24402908

>generation 3 bath water blended together

>> No.24402909

>why not add corona deniers onto the list
because the corona deniers are in the government

>> No.24402911

seethe more burger

>> No.24402914
File: 1009 KB, 4096x1708, EbB0_RUU8AAvUJ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fight with a carrot

>> No.24402915

Based. It really is a great fetish

>> No.24402916
File: 201 KB, 800x800, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking squirrel even hijacked mel's revival thread
when does it end

>> No.24402917

Taxes were a mistake

>> No.24402920
File: 449 KB, 1448x2048, 1590416478800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403043


>> No.24402921


>> No.24402922

Why doesn't the Cat have the same appeal as the Dog? Cats and Dogs are the most popular animals on the internet by far and Cats are arguably even ahead of Dogs. What happened? Everyone's always talking about the doggo pupperino but I never hear anything about the gitty.

>> No.24402923

She'd smell like shampoo so nothing special
You're supposed to smell after dancing on stage or something so you get the real musk

>> No.24402924

Right up the ass

>> No.24402925

>astel made the word cloud

>> No.24402926

I know that you can fit a good bit of liquid up there but it seems like they'd still leak some, I mean even doing an enema you leak a bit as you put it in right? Also with peeing with an erection it's still possible, I've done it before, used to do it a lot, you know the drill, bend over the toilet to angle the boner downwards, there used to be a diagram about it, probably saw it on /b/ a decade or so ago.

>> No.24402927

It helped that there were multiple spam posts that were literally Risu x YYY

>> No.24402928

This but Gamers.

>> No.24402930

1) Sneak up to your enemy
2) Pull their pants down
3) J-jam it in

>> No.24402931
Quoted by: >>24402952

What did the squirrel do?

>> No.24402932

I fucking hate Risu so much. I will personally dislike all her videos from now on.

>> No.24402934
Quoted by: >>24403027

>She'd smell like shampoo so nothing special
>how to identify someone who has not had a real relationship 101
freshly bathed girls smell great faggot

>> No.24402935
Quoted by: >>24402962

thats why buying their merch is the most effective way to support them

>> No.24402936

the EOP fears the fat cat

>> No.24402937
Quoted by: >>24402970

mio and okayu are the blandest hololives

>> No.24402938

Risu was racist live on stream, it can't be helped.

>> No.24402939

Because Okayu is chill and Korone is the EOP meme dog

>> No.24402940
File: 220 KB, 331x307, 1592051959700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel Flare

>> No.24402941
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1592589043272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Flare talks in her stream makes you feel like you're on a date with her in the Ark world.

>> No.24402943
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, 1592971008196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24402944
File: 252 KB, 514x549, 1591449438425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402945

Risu would be dissapointed

>> No.24402946
Quoted by: >>24402961

Why? Are you a spic? I think she's based.

>> No.24402947

She's a lot more calm and relaxed than Korone. (Most) people want someone that's basically borederline ADHD to entertain them.

>> No.24402949

Stream Towa...

>> No.24402952

Banned some Peenoise.

>> No.24402953
Quoted by: >>24402958

What's wrong with yuri idols?

>> No.24402954
Quoted by: >>24402994

Because Okayu is fucking dumb, she was supposed to be some kind of kuudere/tsundere mix like a Cat is. Instead she's just some boring fat cunt.

>> No.24402955
File: 173 KB, 1120x840, 1592157893190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect peko

>> No.24402956

Why didn't you guys told me that Sora has a manga?

>> No.24402958

It attracts hoards of mentally ill people

>> No.24402961
Quoted by: >>24402998

I get rock hard whenever Risu bans someone

>> No.24402962
Quoted by: >>24402978

Never listen to this niji falseflagger trying to kill superchats

>> No.24402963

Catto no speaku engrishu

>> No.24402965
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1591386527732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403000


>> No.24402966
File: 97 KB, 947x2048, 1591333840365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bathing removes all natural body smell

>> No.24402967

> toa trying live

>> No.24402968
Quoted by: >>24403019

korone makes noises that attract new people and interacts with foreigners, okayu talks and is calmer and quieter

>> No.24402970
Quoted by: >>24403082

Not while Noel exists.

>> No.24402971

>Korone without superchat/character

>> No.24402974
Quoted by: >>24404505

Did she explain why she was needy/stalking and looking for validation from alpha men or woman?

>> No.24402975
File: 171 KB, 1668x1110, EbPniOnVAAERFrI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24402983

Not a big fan of the rudeposter tbqh

>> No.24402976
Quoted by: >>24403008

>astel tries to type a sentence
>has to tab through 20 different options for kanji
What a dogshit language

>> No.24402978

i superchat the holos when i can, but their merch sales give them more money than the superchats. do both if you can but if you want most of your money to actually go to the girls, then buying their merch is most important

>> No.24402979

>but literally what the fuck did Suisei do?
Being shit

>> No.24402981
Quoted by: >>24403004

Imagine if she sends you that through snapchat before you go to sleep

>> No.24402982

someone hit me with that british Risu clip

>> No.24402983

based okayubro.

>> No.24402986

>niji cum welcome

>> No.24402987
File: 143 KB, 323x301, 1589709399879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403037

Why are retarded girls so cute?

>> No.24402992
File: 1.07 MB, 1432x2792, supremacy rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402994


You what now?

>> No.24402995

It has its advantages.
Now that I don't watch Ark streams I have more time to shitpost!

>> No.24402996

I'd rather smell my favorite holo while she's sweaty and panting and tired out anyway.

>> No.24402997



>> No.24402998

For me it's when she tells the SOPs to fuck off.

>> No.24402999
Quoted by: >>24403033

with posts like >>24402126
its really not that impressive. towa shitters used to do the same thing.

>> No.24403000

I know it's not loaded. You can't afford food let alone bullets. Stop trying to get super chats by force because it won't work.

>> No.24403001


>> No.24403002
Quoted by: >>24403041

Shit that sucks

>> No.24403003

Aki's strength is unmatched. Aki can gaze through your soul. Aki merely allows you to live.

>> No.24403004
Quoted by: >>24403029

what does the text even say? ive seen that image a few times but im an eop

>> No.24403005
Quoted by: >>24403100

Please be a falseflag. Pekorafags have taken a hard enough beating these last few days...

>> No.24403008
Quoted by: >>24403021

>tries to type a sentence
>gets auto-corrected on spelling into words he didn't mean to type
What a dogshit language

>> No.24403009


>> No.24403011

Is there a japanese name for this? God tier fetish.

>> No.24403012

Wake me up when Subaru start streaming or joins a collab.

>> No.24403013


>> No.24403015

what rank is astel? i never watch apex streams, so i cant identify it by the logo in the corner
is it diamond 3?

>> No.24403017

Choco... my dick..

>> No.24403018
Quoted by: >>24403055

Okayu can't do this:

>> No.24403019
Quoted by: >>24403119

I see enough non-nips praising her voice to believe she could be big EOP bait if she started trying to appeal to that demographic. I pray she never does.

>> No.24403021

>has autocorrect on
Being a retard doesn't make a language bad

>> No.24403023

Kanata said that her impression of Subaru is of a pro comedian, so she could never bring herself to actually talk to Subaru because she had nothing funny to say, no anecdote to tell, so she never contacted her to just chat. That pic is just an interpretation of that. She started sperging out interacting with her before so it's understandable even if rather silly. https://files.catbox.moe/ebq2p0.webm

>> No.24403024

Choco... my boner

>> No.24403025
Quoted by: >>24403050

I googled and it looks like gold

>> No.24403027
Quoted by: >>24403039

the smell is overpowered by all the hygiene product they use.

>> No.24403029

Peko's version for oyasumi or goodnight

>> No.24403030

this is pretty fucking good

>> No.24403032

gold 3, he somehow got demoted so hard from diamond

>> No.24403033

That's why from now on we should end every post in FBK so FBK can always be in the word cloud, as the face of hololive deserves

>> No.24403034

astels little giggles are really cute
is this what the girls fans feel...

>> No.24403036

Great Empire of the Rising Rushia!

>> No.24403037

Lack of intelligence is prevalent in children, and neoteny is a desirable trait for women. Humans are driven by desire to propagate their own species and care about their progeny. Human brain is also prone to amke shortcuts and assumptions. When you encounter a young looking female human, it pigeonholes her into the "children" category and commands you to protect her.

>> No.24403038
File: 269 KB, 578x354, LOOK OUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403059

>taken matsuri roberu
thank god word cloud is dyslexic otherwise this could've been a disaster.

>> No.24403039
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1592049504727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally isnt. stop talking about things you clearly dont know about.

>> No.24403041

There's one every dan. They should be fine

>> No.24403043
File: 270 KB, 2048x1625, EYIRPazU0AAU07Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403075

Just a little over 14 hours until we see her again.

>> No.24403050

oh wow ok, i assumed it was diamond since he was there before. rip astel

>> No.24403051
File: 27 KB, 191x67, GO HOME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaijins GO HOME

>> No.24403053

Because she's hella chill. I could listen to her all day

>> No.24403052

This is a different account I believe. It's only got stats from this season and is only level 58. Either that or rank reset

>> No.24403054
Quoted by: >>24403067

I can’t wait for Towa to go menhara and cancel it again.

>> No.24403055


Cute English is easy, but Okayu's not westaboo at all. Her known English is probably just barely in the double digits.

>> No.24403056
Quoted by: >>24403103

Choco is an Ark junkie bigger than Coco

>> No.24403057

It explains how he's stomping so hard though

>> No.24403058

>fucking 4 hour Risu talking steam
you guys actually watched that shit?

>> No.24403059

when will they learn

>> No.24403061
Quoted by: >>24403087

I wonder if Astel's gachikoi is a grill

>> No.24403062

Goddamn I'm trying to work and Choco is seducing dinos with her voice in the background. I can't focus if she keeps giving me surprise boners.

>> No.24403063


>> No.24403064
Quoted by: >>24403080

The only important event in my life right now is coco 3d stream

>> No.24403066

Take your own advice.

>> No.24403067
File: 236 KB, 1878x2048, 1590857861038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa's got a mind of steel now.

>> No.24403070
File: 888 KB, 1454x865, World Wide Rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403102


>> No.24403071

You can't actually demote out of brackets like gold/plat/diamond in APEX so there was probably a season reset recently, idk I don't keep track of apex seasons

>> No.24403072

Norcal bro?

>> No.24403073

Risu is Pikamee improved

>> No.24403075
File: 193 KB, 1024x1024, 1592325281056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403132

Is it gonna be ARK?

>> No.24403076
File: 605 KB, 535x640, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403086

can you stop posting this green haired character? this thread is for hololive not just generic vtubers.

>> No.24403079

Thinner too.

>> No.24403080
Quoted by: >>24403150

Why are Cocofags this irrelevant?

>> No.24403081


>> No.24403082

Noel has tits and menhera bursts

>> No.24403083
Quoted by: >>24403093

Isn't Rushia trying to appeal towards EOPs since she can't beat Coco with just her JOP gachikois?

>> No.24403084
Quoted by: >>24403089

Risu has weird English, she has these really weird Russia R's.

>> No.24403086
File: 362 KB, 707x1408, 1592743360878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403087
Quoted by: >>24403099

im not, thats a guys name too

>> No.24403089

I think she does it on purpose, because it comes across really strong.

>> No.24403090

Shit my pants. Risu is kinda based, I thought the indogs would be shit.

>> No.24403093

What gives you the impression they're trying to beat one another and not just do well enough for themselves?

>> No.24403099
Quoted by: >>24403141

Less common of a name for guys though isn't it? At least in the US it's almost exclusively female

>> No.24403100


>> No.24403101

woah astel is actually good

>> No.24403102

traditional japanese beauty rushia > the rest

>> No.24403103
Quoted by: >>24403115

Coco only tricked them into getting addicted to Ark while she milks the gachikois. She told them to disable superchats so none of these ark junkies would get akasupas

>> No.24403104

Nailed it.

>> No.24403106
Quoted by: >>24403120

Because Rushia is a cunt.

>> No.24403108

An attempt was made

>> No.24403109

You sound exactly like how I thought burgers on /hlg/ would sound like.

>> No.24403111

Holy shit that Astel play

>> No.24403112
Quoted by: >>24403156

RISU RISU RISU repeat x56 times and you have this

>> No.24403113

his boredom and need 4 attention

>> No.24403115

That was a plan months in the making huh

>> No.24403117
Quoted by: >>24403123

Can you timestamp indian tech support impersonation?
>Russian in chat

>> No.24403119
Quoted by: >>24403191

she could, but as is people who can't understand anything get quickly bored

>> No.24403120

Okay, Rushiacuck.

>> No.24403121

Risu's roommate is a veteran voice actor.

>> No.24403123

Are ROPs above or below SOPs?

>> No.24403126


towa's radio questionaire

>> No.24403127

>ore sanjou

>> No.24403131

In terms of superchat money they may as well be equals, but in terms of chat behaviour above? I can't read Russian but I see it less so it must be better

>> No.24403132
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, ETD4oAiUYAESVFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403227

Very high chance it is. Unless she wants to try another horage, do PP zatsudan, or try something new.

>> No.24403134

I want to sodomize l*ger in front of Festival.

>> No.24403137

Above for the sole fact they don't constantly say "eheheh say this spic swear word"

>> No.24403138
Quoted by: >>24403300

Why the fuck would you send it here

>> No.24403139
File: 62 KB, 640x1385, 1589531302352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so mean to Rushia?
Being a fandead on /hlg/ is suffering

>> No.24403140
Quoted by: >>24403154

Considering it's Indonesia that probably makes her quite old.

>> No.24403141

yeah, but ive always thought it was more of a gender neutral name. its just an online name though so i dont really care much

>> No.24403144
File: 214 KB, 828x897, 1592741714868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403145
File: 192 KB, 828x1739, 1591088242303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403167

Well anon, I don't know about you, but I like RISU and I think RISU is finally getting the love RISU deserves, I just wish RISU buyed already a new computer so RISU can play real games

>> No.24403147
Quoted by: >>24403214

She would kiss you on the cheek as a reward afterwards

>> No.24403148

I believe it honestly her ability to change voices is amazing.

>> No.24403149
Quoted by: >>24403425

I typed in sexy deep voice in all fields

>> No.24403150
Quoted by: >>24403439

I'm not even a Cocofag. I'm mikopi.

>> No.24403154


>> No.24403156

where's peko spam

>> No.24403158

He's using a smurf to avoid bringing his viewers into higher level matched.

>> No.24403159

if you keep posting this green haired chuuba im going to report you. shes cute but shes just not in hololive.

>> No.24403160
Quoted by: >>24403176

Her design is ruined. They took away her twin buns and her hair color

>> No.24403161
Quoted by: >>24403242

>Why is everyone so mean to Rushia?
>Being a fandead on /hlg/ is suffering
is fun

>> No.24403162

ywn get to play with astel in apex and have him hard carry you to victory

>> No.24403164

It's okay Rushiabro. At least you have rushiacuck.

>> No.24403167
Quoted by: >>24403178

>that ESL

>> No.24403170
File: 22 KB, 432x432, 1592959142546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine liking an ant

>> No.24403174

hes such a good boy...

>> No.24403175
Quoted by: >>24403300

It would be fucking great if you'd made a copy of her questionnaire and then posted it here, people answered and then you just share them all here to roast people.

>> No.24403176
Quoted by: >>24403199

They did that with the last design as well though

>> No.24403177

Isn't he illegally boosting them? Someone call the NND PhD

>> No.24403178

Risu was always here

>> No.24403179
Quoted by: >>24403193

They are? The worst she got was the costume hair bully.

>> No.24403187

>being envious of Rushia out of all holos

>> No.24403190

As an Indonesian why do I feel that non of the holoIDs are appealing to me? Why do I find that they're too tryhard or cringey, I don't know, I'd prefer to watch only holoJP. Maybe you EOP would feel that way when holoEN debuted.

>> No.24403191

That's what I mean. She'd need to push her hours back, or extend them, play western or less text heavy games, and start engaging foreign audiences more. It would just be a different person at that point.

>> No.24403192

Matsuri calling Luna at almost 1:30am causing her to freak out


>> No.24403193

She has a dedicated schizo anti for a few months now which is more than you can say for the other girls in these threads

>> No.24403196

Cat is chill beats to study and relax to

>> No.24403199

She still had 1 bun and her hair color was just slightly different

>> No.24403201
File: 645 KB, 1536x2048, 1592917914269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy this car

>> No.24403202
File: 36 KB, 331x401, it's all so tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a fan of most girls here is suffering.

>> No.24403205

From my experience they don't usually superchat a lot of money but also pretty harmless in chat. Most of the things I see are things like "you're cute" and "good day". There's barely any sort of community for it here so it's not rabid at all. Someone uploaded the whole holofes with Russian subs and the comments there were pretty civil as well, usual Hololive memes aside.

>> No.24403206

HoloID are great. You're just suffering SEAnig selfhatred

>> No.24403207
File: 249 KB, 576x894, 20200624_010018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403222

>> No.24403208

Ask Anzu he will know

>> No.24403209

Why are Haatons like this?

>> No.24403210

Rushia has no fucking redeeming qualities. She has no personality. She constantly reinvents herself because she has some sort of identity crisis. "Cute" isn'ta personality, I don't give a fuck what anyone says. Also fuck KyoAni.

>> No.24403211


>> No.24403212


>> No.24403213


>> No.24403214

Sodomizing l*ger is nice, but not worth this ordeal.

>> No.24403216

Doesn't help that Risu ignores you!

>> No.24403221
Quoted by: >>24403232

Honestly the people that suffer the least are probably the fans of the ones that get posted the least.

>> No.24403222

5 inch.

>> No.24403223
File: 236 KB, 850x1199, 1591441024214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403239


>> No.24403224

Just watched the recent word wolf. Is Haachama is genius or a complete retard.

>> No.24403226
Quoted by: >>24403244

What does KyoAni have to do with Rushia?

>> No.24403227
File: 128 KB, 783x1193, EbPDl1fVcAEARki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I don't even mind ARK anymore, I just want to hear her voice and see her in a good mood.

>> No.24403228
File: 221 KB, 1239x1080, EW009r9UcAASGzE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403648

Thank god I am a Lunafriend.

>> No.24403230

I hope Anzu's dad is fine.

>> No.24403231

Because they are tryhard and cringey. I've never seen an English speaker nail the cutesy anime voice either. It probably just doesn't fit the languages.
t. Indog

>> No.24403232

Sub 300k is the comfy zone.

>> No.24403233


>> No.24403234
File: 135 KB, 1280x1000, 1592688488434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403236


>> No.24403238

I want to invite her to a BBQ

>> No.24403239

Just give her a supacha in actual currency.

>> No.24403242

>>Why is everyone so mean to Rushia?
dis! + autism and bound to a bed

>> No.24403243

>Also fuck KyoAni

>> No.24403244

Think about it.
>I've never seen an English speaker nail the cutesy anime voice either.
Laura Bailey. Fuck off. Not getting into an argument about it. It's just a fact.

>> No.24403245

what the fuck is up with fubuki and porkchops

>> No.24403246

Which holos could cosplay as their characters?

>> No.24403247
File: 278 KB, 1000x1500, Choco 1592685645607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tankusupacha ten cue bery match

>> No.24403248
File: 114 KB, 360x344, advanceddepressedfubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403249

It's a weeb thing I guess.
I don't and won't watch anything originated from outside of Japan, seanig or not.

>> No.24403250

Just wait till HoloEN. It's all going to be that ironic anime bullshit. The kind where they can't go for 5 seconds without referring to how tropey something is so that way you know they aren't serious.

>> No.24403252
File: 61 KB, 208x184, 1590857281619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Nissan Micra? Dunno problably anywhere.

>> No.24403251

watame (rock)


>> No.24403253

Stop stealing Sio's moves.

>> No.24403254

astel is so pure...

>> No.24403255
File: 138 KB, 1064x708, 1576378179274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be a Korofag after weeks of being given the cold shoulder by /hlg/

>> No.24403256
File: 2.26 MB, 3035x2150, EXjYdn-UwAIoHVX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Rushia.

>> No.24403257
Quoted by: >>24403283

when i first heard her say this i had no fucking clue what she was saying

>> No.24403258
Quoted by: >>24403266

Imagine the literal nursing handjobs

>> No.24403259

How many ARS for a Dino Tendie, chocomommy?

>> No.24403261


>> No.24403263

Flare's and Choco's chat is so comfy, almost no EOPs in sight spamming the chat with twitch memes

>> No.24403264

>Shounenturds hate Rushia
fucking pottery

>> No.24403266


>> No.24403269

You need GBP for a dinotendie not ARS

>> No.24403270

Honestly not feeling the holoIDs at all, aside from Iofi surprisingly. Risu is cute and she sings very well but outside of that she's pretty cringey. Moona is Moona.

>> No.24403271
Quoted by: >>24403291

Not him, but I'd give Bailey a pass. She's done some cute voices. I really doubt we'll get someone anywhere near her caliber though.

>> No.24403275

Am I the only one who doesn't sexualize the holos?

>> No.24403276


>> No.24403278
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, 1591726543002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403279
File: 89 KB, 418x415, 1592416487707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Someone actually should take the hint after that stream, easiest date idea.

>> No.24403283


>> No.24403284


>> No.24403286

Free if you are related to Spinos

>> No.24403287

Don't worry Choco is on it

>> No.24403288

yes, faggot

>> No.24403289

astel really got scared from that...

>> No.24403290
File: 174 KB, 850x1202, 1592964570365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403291
Quoted by: >>24403368

I wonder how many subs she would have if she and Aki switched designs.
>I really doubt we'll get someone anywhere near her caliber though.
Oh we definitely won't in the voice department. That one suspected HoloEN sounds alright but who knows about the other two. I just want them to be cute.

>> No.24403294

I don't.
Except Noel and Shion

>> No.24403295
File: 124 KB, 1520x566, cuminsideme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403297

Haachama is cheating on you with me bro. I'm sorry you had to hear it like this.

-Signed EOPChad

>> No.24403299

I post sexy holo art, but I've been here since last year, and still can't bring myself to fap to them.

>> No.24403300
Quoted by: >>24403305



>> No.24403301

Kanata wanted to invite Haachama to play Minecraft Dungeons with her, now they just stack animals...

>> No.24403302
Quoted by: >>24403315

How much did Anzu donate before he disappeared?

>> No.24403303

no, holos are not to be lewded

>> No.24403305

I know it was, I was just saying that would have been great.

>> No.24403309
File: 153 KB, 1200x1600, EbCMockU8AEvz5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight /hlg/, please remember to watch Towaki tomorrow

>> No.24403310
File: 62 KB, 481x680, EVI22sgUEAAjXcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403407

Tfw I will never have that beach episode with Kanata where we can have BBQ and then go see fireworks at night. Why even live.

>> No.24403312
Quoted by: >>24403420

You are not alone, I have yet to fap to any holo. The Shion and Aqua doujins were disgusting to me

>> No.24403313
Quoted by: >>24403328

I can't read this...

>> No.24403315
Quoted by: >>24403327

No idea but more money than anyone should ever donate in multiple lifetimes

>> No.24403318

Fuck Towa
Fuck Aki
Sio x Towa forever

>> No.24403320

Watch this

>> No.24403321
File: 120 KB, 512x512, 1590782748277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403337

Looking forward to Towaki and Towadio!

>> No.24403322
File: 49 KB, 400x400, マリルーナ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Siri!

>> No.24403324
Quoted by: >>24403332

I mean, Risu doesn't have yet any doujinshi, so I can't do much about it

>> No.24403325

I think she was playing the game well, so smart this time

>> No.24403326

I want Mio to cook Miso soup for me every morning!

>> No.24403327
Quoted by: >>24403340

And how do you guys know he stopped doing that because of his father? Did he write that on a supacha or is it just narrative posting?

>> No.24403328
Quoted by: >>24403336

Just use DeepL or some shit

>> No.24403329

It's summer bros. Don't you want to go out and enjoy life, rather than watching anime girls all day long

>> No.24403331
File: 1.58 MB, 1025x999, 1591767818623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like totes a cutsy animu grill
>Like I'm so quirky lol
>I'm sooo ironic lol
HoloEn will be such a mistake

>> No.24403332
Quoted by: >>24403353

Her shaking tits are all you need.

>> No.24403333

Holy based

>> No.24403336
Quoted by: >>24403369

translators suck I want a real person to translate it fuck machines

>> No.24403337

Did this art come from /hlg/? Also has anyone sent it to Towa?

>> No.24403339

Not really.

>> No.24403340

He made a tweet about being back home because of his father being ill. You can go look at his twitter I haven't looked at it since he spoke about his father being ill

>> No.24403341
File: 33 KB, 277x346, 1567186769685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403342
File: 320 KB, 1118x768, Risu in Lombok circa 1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403366

Bayoneting Indonesians!!

>> No.24403344


>> No.24403345
Quoted by: >>24403395

is it going to be on aki's channel?

>> No.24403346

Resident drawanon, not sure if he tweeted it though.

>> No.24403347
Quoted by: >>24403399

When do they get too big?
We are celebrating and congratulating the holos for their increasing sub numbers, which is a good thing for them, but it also means we are lost in a sea of comments and fans.
Sometimes I wonder if I should only follow vtubers who are in the 10k range...

>> No.24403348

/hlg/ canvas I think.

>> No.24403350
Quoted by: >>24403363

Is Coco going to shit on YT today for banning Mel?

>> No.24403351

Good night family *kisses you*

>> No.24403352
Quoted by: >>24403381

>"Cute" isn'ta personality, I don't give a fuck what anyone says
I'm sorry, are we talking about Rushia here or Haachama?

>> No.24403353

Anon please, she's family friendly content

>> No.24403357
File: 91 KB, 225x225, 1571360767414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403359
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I introduced you to my harem?

>> No.24403362

But summer vacation here never ends.

>> No.24403363


>> No.24403364

wtf why would I

>> No.24403365
File: 86 KB, 1487x1149, 5432646453635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckbros rarely shitpost. They pretty much only reply to each other's posts and it's always some essay about Subaru saving his life or how perfect she is.

>> No.24403366
Quoted by: >>24403405

Risu would be helping out the invaders!

>> No.24403368

Chocos designs is much more sexy and Aki acts much more like a semen demon when the time is right. So ChocoAki would get banned, while AkiChoco would get even more comfy quiet Akisaurus streams.

>> No.24403369
Quoted by: >>24403388

deepl is the best translator for japanese, my dude. people arent always going to cater to you

or better yet, do your reps

>> No.24403370

I try not to but Senchou exists.

>> No.24403371
File: 405 KB, 1511x1177, EbRphGDU0AAb8rC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at your side mirror
>see this coming up behind you
What do?

>> No.24403372

It's going to succeed because it will end up being a group of japanese woman with english as good or better than coco.

>> No.24403373

Song shilling time?
These 2 are almost at 2 mil.

And this one is going to hit 1 mil soon too

They're all great.

>> No.24403377

Seeing weeb speak in my language always makes me cringe. EOPs love the IDs only because they can understand what they're saying

>> No.24403381

Haatochama personality is stupid not cute anon.

>> No.24403382
File: 309 KB, 640x492, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403383
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1573257325978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403400

Duckbros are pretty scare desu

>> No.24403384

Brake check.

>> No.24403385


>> No.24403387

Second to the left > Second to the right > Middle > Far right > Far left

>> No.24403388

We have a million Towafags here, someone will do it.

>> No.24403389

How was the Subaru and Towa stream? Did Towa expose her menhera side to Subaru?

>> No.24403391

pedal to the metal

>> No.24403392

I just want to cuddle with holos

>> No.24403393
Quoted by: >>24403475

Risu mostly speaks English and she is fine.

>> No.24403395
Quoted by: >>24403408

Most likely.

>> No.24403398
File: 219 KB, 1080x1080, EaXa85KU8AAIXYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403399
Quoted by: >>24403506

That's dumb. You should be happy if the tuber you like gets more popular. I just meant it's suffering to be in this thread if your favorite is one of the really popular ones because the popular ones get the most dumb shitposting and narratives about them.

>> No.24403400

Wait til you see the antis and the Subaru dumpsterpost

>> No.24403401
File: 2.64 MB, 2700x1889, 1592826826153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer monogamy so I only have one wife

>> No.24403402
Quoted by: >>24403473

If you could replace Sugar song, Charles, King gnu in the karaoke list, what would you replace it with?

>> No.24403403

Jesus christ Astel have mercy they're only children

>> No.24403404

Nah, it's 94° outside. I'll stay in my air conditioned room and watch chuubas

>> No.24403405

wtf I love Risu now???

>> No.24403407
File: 220 KB, 1762x1070, EXRFkpPU8AYHjnO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403454

Quiet relaxing summer evenings with Kanatan...

>> No.24403408

I'd even say she's the best holo!

>> No.24403409

Nice try Corona-chan.

>> No.24403410

She's alright I guess though still inferior to glorious Japanese voice acting folded a thousand times.

>> No.24403411
Quoted by: >>24403495

You just described Artia...

>> No.24403412

Damn feels like those 2 songs recently just hit 1 million and now it's almost 2 million. https://youtu.be/-NWWNyzQfMo This meme song is almost at 1 million too.

>> No.24403413
Quoted by: >>24403424

Coco I know you lurk here, if you don't have 草 shirts coming for sale soon you're a fool.

>> No.24403415
File: 125 KB, 992x382, IMG_20200624_224007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew Risu

>> No.24403416
Quoted by: >>24403459

New Morning News in 16 Minutes


>> No.24403418

just like the ones from twitch?

>> No.24403419

Whatever happened to the Duck poster that turned out to be Jamal and in love with chinkland?

>> No.24403420
Quoted by: >>24403464

Please try to resolve your Oedipus complex.
You shouldn't fuck your mother but wanting to do it with someone else is a proof of love.

>> No.24403423

finna go to jail for 5 counts of 1st degree rape and sodomy my guy...

>> No.24403424

I doubt nips would buy those.

>> No.24403425
File: 35 KB, 344x418, 1593013974708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403426

please give my menhera wife a view as well

>> No.24403427

My state just made it so you have to wear masks at all times. Why would I want to go outside now when instead I could look at perfectly beautiful duck faces?

>> No.24403428
Quoted by: >>24403467

The impressions where comedy gold.

>> No.24403429
File: 1.29 MB, 1238x797, 1591580135343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not real

>> No.24403431
File: 137 KB, 840x852, 1590475032261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs indogs
>BTFOs filps
>BTFOs pajeets

>> No.24403433
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 【ゲリラ】マターリ進行でおねんねをサポート【ホロライブ_宝鐘マリン】 1-10-52 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by that exactly? What if they do things like this?

>> No.24403435

Today's the day scissorbros!

>> No.24403436

I can't believe I enjoy APEX stream this much.

>> No.24403439

I bet Coco X Mikoti will be the best part of the 3D debut.

>> No.24403440
Quoted by: >>24403468

no, it's full winter

>> No.24403441
File: 86 KB, 724x1023, 1575726187301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1h ago

Just how fucked up is her sleeping schedule?

>> No.24403446

As long as their not westernised girls trying to be weebonise cute, it should be fine. Like if one was heavily into shinto shit and other cultural things that would be interesting.
Also I hope that they don't get into drama with other youtubers and shit.

>> No.24403447

How long ago did Coco record that? It sounded a lot like early Coco.

>> No.24403450


>> No.24403451
Quoted by: >>24403497

please... don't summon him

>> No.24403452

rockbros. for real this time. this is the day. be ready.

>> No.24403453


>> No.24403454
File: 135 KB, 778x1100, EZ2RRwOUMAAcACY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403518

Hot summer day at the beach with Kanatan...

>> No.24403456
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1592174211449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403522

Imagine how good it'd feel.

>> No.24403458

Summer sucks. It's too hot, it's either too moist or too dry. You can do anything without sweating like a pig, you can't get any work done during most of the day because the sun fries your brain. Week long rainstorms turn your backyard into a jungle. Bugs fucking everywhere, flies at day, mosquitoes at night. The worst season. Good fruits and veggies though, the only saving grace

>> No.24403460
File: 646 KB, 1235x1587, 1592345299894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403469

well being a dogfucker is pretty great at least

>> No.24403459

Sorry, but I am busy watching Flare collecting wood in Ark.

>> No.24403461


>> No.24403463
File: 88 KB, 212x259, 1590836163743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm prone to being sentimental, last few months have been like a dream because of her, sorry if it comes off as cringy or creepy

>> No.24403464

>Oedipus complex.
I don't think it means what you think it means

>> No.24403467
File: 442 KB, 638x776, 1592878721375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403468
Quoted by: >>24403492

Oh, you're in Japan?

>> No.24403469
File: 257 KB, 1141x956, 1592822493888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dogchad

>> No.24403471
Quoted by: >>24403485

How do I get a Coco gf?

>> No.24403472

astel saying sorry for absolutely destroying these guys...what a good boy
poor gold rankers

>> No.24403473

Any ZUTOMAYO song, especially 蹴っ飛ばした毛布

>> No.24403474

Flexing with Aki

>> No.24403475

Yeah but she's not a western weeb. 90% of western weebs are shitters (that includes everyone in this thread).

>> No.24403476

One of the better ones, and I actually enjoy Subaru more with Towa. Even though Towa is still a dork and "awkward", the whole stream doesnt really feel awkward at all. The duck really have people's person magic with her.

The dynamic and contrast of those two feels like im witnessing fucking singularity.

>> No.24403477
File: 659 KB, 1324x885, 81624900_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>> No.24403478

You know the answer to that.

>> No.24403479
File: 30 KB, 301x328, 1568232565590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate hot weather, I would rather it be minus 5 degrees than 30. Can't wait for the winter and comfy cold nights watching Korone.

>> No.24403480


>> No.24403481
File: 3.99 MB, 2000x3200, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_cromwellb__76e6c646786fbd46892e4a23486613cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Noel so fucking much, I want to call her names, make her forget about everything, impregnate her with my semen.

>> No.24403482

>the collab that triggered all chinks

>> No.24403484

A true mother never sleeps.

>> No.24403485

Be Kanata.

>> No.24403486

Whats the probability HoloEN will have no one from America and will mostly be Euros other New Worlders????

>> No.24403487

I can't believe the chuubas are child entertainers...

>> No.24403489
Quoted by: >>24403505

Why don't you tell her?

>> No.24403490

I might be the only one in this thread who genuinely likes Choco. 6 hours AEK stream everyday is peak comfy and I wouldn't have it any other way, I make a batch of cookies and coffee every time she streams so I can enjoy her dino taming adventure. Choco is the true choice for the connoisseur who likes to kick back and relax, you literally can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.24403491

post the bee

>> No.24403492
File: 107 KB, 258x242, 1592026167001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403494

Of course, shill away. There's too many for me to remember at this point.

>> No.24403495
File: 450 KB, 976x549, 1591225454211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why she got the gulag.

>> No.24403497
Quoted by: >>24403504

He is still there.
Don't you remember the chink poster in the previous thread telling people from /jp/ to go to /v/?

>> No.24403498

BANPIRE! fffffuaahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

>> No.24403499

left from right

>> No.24403500
Quoted by: >>24403515


>> No.24403501
Quoted by: >>24403605

I want her to get her retro games back but I'll keep watching her no matter what.

>> No.24403504

Yes we don't need more summonings... please

>> No.24403505

Okay, next time I'll catch her stream, I'll definitely relay her my heartful message.

>> No.24403506
Quoted by: >>24403603

This. So if your holo gets too popular and becomes the latest fad for flaggers, you can actually leave the thread for a bit and focus on them and doing productive things.

>> No.24403507
Quoted by: >>24403829

Heh. Fuck you. One day im going to become a normalfag and leave this place behind.

>> No.24403509
Quoted by: >>24403534

There are more burgers being able to speak japanese than yuros. At least i think so

>> No.24403510
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1584305219431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty bad about discovering Korone just before the whole permissions thing, I could always watch her old streams but it's not the same...

>> No.24403512

What are some other casual rythm games similar to Muse Dash? Watching Luna play yesterday made me want to play but i don't really like the songs in Muse Dash

>> No.24403515

Perfect sheep.

>> No.24403517

There are plenty of people that like Choco too anon there's just no reason to post about it unless happens with someone else during the stream

>> No.24403518
File: 310 KB, 850x1202, 47891FFE-0B37-41B7-87A1-2B313C2B2AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going on a date with Tenshi!

>> No.24403519
Quoted by: >>24403558

Does PPT have the most meager body in Hololive?

>> No.24403521

Taiko mode in osu

>> No.24403522

I want to belly worship the fatass cat

>> No.24403523

>casual rythm games
>rhythm games

>> No.24403524

That would actually be the best case scenario.
The CN and ID speaking english have that accent that is eastern rather than western, so it doesn't trigger my twitchthot barometers.

>> No.24403525

Lower than me marrying any of the holos

>> No.24403526

what would Noel do if I supachatted her and called her Mommy?

>> No.24403527

4k osu mania?

>> No.24403528

Here's your HoloEN bro

>> No.24403531
Quoted by: >>24403545

>11 kills
holy shit astel

>> No.24403532

I wasn't specifically talking about you stalker anon don't worry.

>> No.24403533

Fortunately I already got over that phase where I felt like I had to make the most of my life.

>> No.24403534

Well if you go by absolute amount that's obviously true. America has way more people than western Europe does

>> No.24403535
File: 196 KB, 500x500, 1591039028525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403573

I want to cum on Artia's pale skin...

>> No.24403536
Quoted by: >>24403539

Love Live School Idol Festival
Idolmaster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage
Bang Dream
Guitar Hero
Rock Band

>> No.24403537

It makes me want to smoke again because it's hot but other than that no.

>> No.24403539
Quoted by: >>24403550

I don't think they will get bloody permissions for those.

>> No.24403541

>It's 40°c outside
>Korona-chan is still out there.
Hell no. I'm going to use the time for learn more japanese.

>> No.24403543


>> No.24403544
Quoted by: >>24403570

>Muse Dash

>> No.24403545
Quoted by: >>24403566

He gets 2k+ damage every time, it's ridiculous

>> No.24403547

You're not alone, there's just not much to discuss about her ARK streams. I personnally like to use it as background noise while I work, I loved how she was there with me everyday during the lockdown.

>> No.24403548

Damn that's cool of him to watch chuubas with his wife's daughter

>> No.24403549

Wtf? I thought /v/ said Japanese were awful at shooter ?!

>> No.24403550

Those are recommendations for anon not holos

>> No.24403551

>tlou 2 sex scenes OK
>2d anime cleavage ban


>> No.24403553

astels 'yay!' is too cute. how can a guy be this cute

>> No.24403555

How fat is Okayu really?
Like, "Japan fat" where she's got a bit of a belly and is carrying extra weight or fat fat, where she's outright obese and her fat folds have folds?

>> No.24403556
File: 630 KB, 1242x675, C05F7F04-C02F-4223-B0EF-CF4CC059B1A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404319

Anyone has the Watame no Uta where the dumb sheep sang the Totoro song?

>> No.24403554

>that gross voice
>excessive cussing
>terrible design
How did she get so fucking popular? She has like 4k subs.

>> No.24403558
Quoted by: >>24403571

Have you missed her gorilla strength in Ring Fit collab?

>> No.24403559

Flexing with aki?

>> No.24403561
Quoted by: >>24403638

The fact that most of her EOPs regulars are still sticking with her despite the permission bullshit means they genuinely enjoy watching her instead of just watching her because it's doggo making funny noises while playing games . I know I'm one of them.

>> No.24403564

tfw no watame gf

>> No.24403565

Astel many many many energy!!!

>> No.24403566

Does Astel have some history with the FPS scene? Very few people can be that consistent.

>> No.24403567

Do you want to know? Look it up yourself faggot, it's not hard.

>> No.24403570
Quoted by: >>24403642

Most songs in Muse Dash have a difficulty setting that isn't impossible but that doesn't feel braindead either, that's what i mean

>> No.24403571

I mean design, fool. I don't care how giant and fat she is IRL.

>> No.24403572


>> No.24403573

I want to pee on her

>> No.24403574
Quoted by: >>24403589

She'd be the best case scenario. No, we are getting worse man.

>> No.24403577
File: 3.77 MB, 4093x2894, __shirakami_fubuki_and_natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_starkamisan__8252d6223b698b0704fc32f2913f4ac4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine waking up next to this...

>> No.24403579

Gay looking sex is empowering
Anime tiddies are degrading

>> No.24403580


>> No.24403582
Quoted by: >>24403694

Is 90+ kg and 5'2 height considered fat?

>> No.24403585

>I fucking hate hot weather, I would rather it be minus 5 degrees than 30
This. If I ever move, it's north

>> No.24403587
File: 2.44 MB, 2894x4093, 80415879_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to superchat Mio with edited lyrics of the Abba song, "Mama Mia" to make it, "Mama Mio"
>Can't use Paypal and don't want to give Jewgle my credit card
aaa mouuu doushio

>> No.24403586

Check last thread. It's too early to loop again. Or just look her up on youtube; it's not hard.

>> No.24403588

im glad every astelposter here can agree on two things
astel is cute
and astel is a god gamer

>> No.24403589

Are you optimistic for holostarsEN or same expectations as hololiveEN?

>> No.24403590

Fat by nip standards, basically your average chubby american

>> No.24403591

I have no idea but she's basically reverse Towa or Korone with a massive JOP fanbase.

>> No.24403592

She's a big cat.

>> No.24403594


>> No.24403593
File: 569 KB, 1451x2048, EXgiABHUEAA1QFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403639

Spoiling Kanatan with expensive food and gifts!

>> No.24403597

Unironically based. The HoloEN we'll get would never insult Abby that way and instead say some dumb YAAAAS SLAY QUEEN shit

>> No.24403598
File: 184 KB, 850x1204, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_shinsoyori__sample-5e1eb9526750e32b0bc1828d564f8de4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403842

Fubuki invokes something primal in me
I don't know why her specifically.

>> No.24403601

I live in a tourist area so fuck going outside.
I swear to god, every fucking summer legions of retarded college kids flood this entire area and shit everything up.
Winters are great, though.

>> No.24403600


>> No.24403602


>> No.24403603

That's how it should be but somehow I still end up looking at the damn thread. Browsing 4chan is a mental illness

>> No.24403604


>> No.24403605

I agree seeing Korone just load up some random PS1/Megadrive game she bought was fun as fuck but I still like her regardless.

>> No.24403606


>> No.24403607
File: 204 KB, 1280x1000, EaWFdtbVcAILPnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living with Tenshi!

>> No.24403608


Your fist is all greasy now

>> No.24403609
Quoted by: >>24403626

>broke her toe
>becomes addicted to opiates
>buys black market yakuza tar heroin
>goes into drug muleing to keep her supply going
>arrested and put in jail for life

Why bros...

>> No.24403613

Scissorbros....it's not fair...

>> No.24403617


>> No.24403618

I don't know ask the nips

>> No.24403619


>> No.24403622
File: 13 KB, 351x329, sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss these times we have together.

>> No.24403623


>> No.24403625
Quoted by: >>24403692

cant believe shes fucking going

>> No.24403626

If only she still had her bideogames

>> No.24403627

Somewhere in between. She's fat, but she's not someone you'd point a finger and laugh at. She seems like she still could be attractive without you being a landwhale fetishist

>> No.24403630

Her Live2D isn't the best but I actually like her dumb voice

>> No.24403629

Just watch her live streams. she's way more fun live.

>> No.24403631

Still a miss because Rushia exists.

>> No.24403632 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1593032234358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we will be together, forever.

>> No.24403634
Quoted by: >>24403669

>Browsing the archived threads 10 years from now
>Looking back on doxxers and falseflaggers fondly

It's gonna be weird.

>> No.24403635

Flare is half elf half angel

>> No.24403636
Quoted by: >>24403692

Why is she graduating bros...

>> No.24403638
Quoted by: >>24403664

>instead of just watching her because it's doggo making funny noises while playing games
>'come on doggo say "puto"'

I swear to god, I'd punch these guys in the fucking face if I could

>> No.24403639

Teaching Kanata how to filter water, make food into MREs and know the proper measurements for a molotov cocktail!

>> No.24403640
Quoted by: >>24403649

>Subaru likes RPG maker games.
>A huge westaboo
To the moon playthrough when? Would the duck cry?

>> No.24403642

Well, most rhythm games follow that type of setting. It's just up to you what type of songs you wanna play and on which platform.

>> No.24403645

Have you not seen the video? She seems to have frame of a barrel, so not a completely distorted bag if lard like american mobility scooter drivers.

>> No.24403646

The average poster here is likely fatter than she is, but she's still a little larger than the average girl.

>> No.24403648

damn lunabros look like this?!

>> No.24403649

That's a Risu exclusive

>> No.24403650

I'll take sentimental anons enjoying their time with holo's over shitposting any day of the week. Just don't let your love turn you into a criminal

>> No.24403651

I thought most the people here were /fit/chads though?

>> No.24403654

I'm underweight by Japanese standards...

>> No.24403658

I said average anon.

>> No.24403659

>tfw 90% of the girls' photos are from over a year ago
>They could all be much better or worse, or horribly disfigured from a letterbomb

I remember caring about that shit. My only concern with their physical state is that I hope it doesn't affect their mood/self-esteem. I want them all happy.

>> No.24403660

Wait, Watame don't just set Watame no uta to play it, but she is awake at this hour?

>> No.24403662
File: 800 KB, 707x1000, 1589017477725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not that meager. Rushia and Shion are definitely below her.

>> No.24403661

Haha guys after Mel stream I got the sudden urge to look up Yozora Mel - Viva Happy on youtube to see if there's some good fan video of it


>> No.24403663

We let /hlg/ decide

>> No.24403664

Same here, I hate these shitters giving all the overseas fans who actually behave a bad name.

>> No.24403667

I'm about as chubby as Okayu though

>> No.24403669

Implying you'll remember any of this. I already forgot >90% of my time on this site

>> No.24403671

Oh yeah skeletons are cool.

>> No.24403672

Already do.
And every time she tweets we take bets on how long it takes until HE tweets. Then laugh with it fullscreen on a 70-inch TV while we fuck.

>> No.24403676

>tfw being a /fit/chad just makes bigger girls hotter

Well at least I'm only gay for Roberu still.

>> No.24403678

Yeah she's pretty much always up and watching it with us

>> No.24403679

I weight 230 pounds and I'd go for pretty much any girl that weights the same or less than me not that any girl wold want to date my fatass.

>> No.24403681
Quoted by: >>24403701


>> No.24403683

She's an asacoco addict anon.

>> No.24403685

That has to be straight up malnourished

>> No.24403686

Your shitposting is all indirect to avoid all accusations.

>> No.24403689 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 959x531, 1593032536410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat jap women are top tier females

>> No.24403690 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, EN3GrBqXkAAS2OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She face revealed. I don't really understand why you would be a vtuber if you're just gonna post your real self. Might as well fucking stream as yourself.

>> No.24403691


>> No.24403692
Quoted by: >>24403737

What do you mean? where is she going?

>> No.24403694

she's taller than 5'2" for sure. Looks close to 5'6 or 7"

t. manlet and therefore height expert

>> No.24403696
Quoted by: >>24403715


>> No.24403697

If you can't even lift your favorite chuuba you shouldn't even post here to be honest

>> No.24403698

Bottom right isn't even fat

>> No.24403699
Quoted by: >>24403716

I feel retarded, I've tried to press x on that 'ad'...

>> No.24403700
File: 281 KB, 412x349, haatosmile5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403701

/hlg/ is /fit/ territory newfagchama.

>> No.24403703

I am fat

>> No.24403704


>> No.24403706

That's some Matsuri tier makeup

>> No.24403707
Quoted by: >>24403752

Tamaki giving no fucks about your dumb opinion.

>> No.24403708

fuck me this is rushia level facetune

>> No.24403710

>just another generic twitch thot clone
Shit there goes any interest I had

>> No.24403711

I weight 50 kilos.

>> No.24403712

Bottom right is almost peak sex, bro.

>> No.24403713
Quoted by: >>24403740

>Hololive Gamers offcollab

>> No.24403715

It would be funny if coco gets banned too

>> No.24403716

I did it too

>> No.24403717
Quoted by: >>24403723

is she the one that has an alt idol on twitter that does loli voice and post pics of towels caked in her blood and her razor blade?

>> No.24403719
Quoted by: >>24403730

>JOPs and EOPs united in hate over YT
Nothing like a common enemy to bring people together

>> No.24403721

Narrative posting has a higher chance of being true than that.

>> No.24403722

>Doxxing even non JOP vtubers
s-sugoi /hlg/ might end up doxxing holoEN in one thread.

>> No.24403723

No. Where the fuck did you get that from??

>> No.24403724

anons don't you want to be fit, look how fun it is

>> No.24403726

My favorite chuuba could probably give me a standing blow job so I can confidently say I could lift her

>> No.24403727

What did she say? lol
which video

>> No.24403728

I want to impress Okayu with the fact I can bench her for reps. She probably wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.24403730
Quoted by: >>24403758

What do the JOP think about the jiggle?

>> No.24403732

Silicone lips are gross.

>> No.24403733

Avatar fagging isn't doxxing.

>> No.24403734


>> No.24403735
Quoted by: >>24403772

This is basically what happened to Iofi...

>> No.24403736


>> No.24403737

this is just because watame no uta is becoming weekly

>> No.24403740


>> No.24403742


>> No.24403743

It's not doxing when the person herself gives it away

>> No.24403744
File: 663 KB, 629x544, 8KrYhAfCLd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403745

>I don't really understand why you would be a vtuber if you're just gonna post your real self.
What did you expect? These English-speaking vtubers are just twitch thots with a few extra steos.

>> No.24403746
Quoted by: >>24403765

what the fuck is going on right now I can't even follow the thread there are like multiple dox conversations and shit being deleted squirrels a racist watame is quitting

>> No.24403747


>> No.24403748


>> No.24403749


>> No.24403751


>> No.24403752

Does Tamaki post IRL photos of herself on her Tamaki twitter?

>> No.24403753

RIP Mel, you will forever be called BANpire

>> No.24403754


>> No.24403755

fucking based

>> No.24403756

I really really really like this video

>> No.24403757

One of her member emotes is literally a pic of herself bro

>> No.24403758

some say it's the price to pay for going global

>> No.24403759

Coco sounds so bored lmao

>> No.24403760


>> No.24403765
File: 676 KB, 400x400, peko fother mucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403948


>> No.24403766

It's a dude...

>> No.24403767


>> No.24403768
Quoted by: >>24403787

Anon, one of her membership emotes is literally her IRL face.

>> No.24403769


>> No.24403770

based senchou

>> No.24403772

W-why would an alien reveal herself? Is she hot?

>> No.24403773
File: 901 KB, 230x240, 8998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco compiled the wall of Senchou shame

>> No.24403774

She is stayind independent. There's another option, but talking about her is even more forbidden than l*l*

>> No.24403777
File: 898 KB, 849x1200, 1585746617705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wombstone piledriver

>> No.24403778
Quoted by: >>24403858

Post Pekora saying rrrat

>> No.24403779
File: 12 KB, 294x166, 1571147908293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403794

Coco isn't gonna sing in her 3D is she.

>> No.24403781

Yup it sure is

>> No.24403782
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1590294900138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antis in Japan try to cause an uproar over FBK's chocoball comment
>All they end up doing is making a fool of themselves on r*ddit and creating a new memed word in /hlg/
The absolute state of antis

>> No.24403783

astel...you should sleep...its already 6am...

>> No.24403786

It was her first or second stream, her steam name appeared for a second and some fuck found all her info in like 20 minutes. She's average. Don't look into it anymore than that

>> No.24403787

Everytime I hear more about Tamaki I just lose more and more respect for her as a vtuber.

>> No.24403788
Quoted by: >>24403798

So the ban got trended in japan?

>> No.24403789

YouTube will hit Mel but leave this up...

>> No.24403791

Can't believe senchou is like this...

>> No.24403792
Quoted by: >>24403803

is your average SEAnigger hot?

>> No.24403793

bro she streams as Norio once a month


>> No.24403794

I fucking hope not

>> No.24403795


>> No.24403796

Stop posting, Mel

>> No.24403798

Yeah, Mel, youtube and the ban went trending

>> No.24403799
File: 777 KB, 850x1111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403813

don't bully

>> No.24403801
Quoted by: >>24403822

Why is coco using twitter light mode

>> No.24403802

Kanata is such a cute dork.

>> No.24403803

They live in the equator after all.

>> No.24403804

Even Kanatan's tweets are cute as fuck

>> No.24403805
File: 24 KB, 201x201, yes_and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403807

>FBK actually triggered the pork chop attack
wtf i love FBK now
where's my ARS wallet

>> No.24403808

There are more important matters like jiggle censor and tiddy ban.

>> No.24403809

At least Kanata isn't a whore doing lewd cosplay

>> No.24403810

She's uh... Not ugly I guess...

>> No.24403811
Quoted by: >>24403836

Isn't it /v/ central though?

>> No.24403812 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 640x497, 1593033072702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24403813
Quoted by: >>24403833

will you ever share whatever this program is

>> No.24403815

I would slap away the starved menhera and get that Risu easter egg.

>> No.24403816

Kanata definitely wears crocs irl.

>> No.24403818

Go to bed Korone.

>> No.24403819

>jiggle censor
They better fucking not

>> No.24403821

She is most definitely not, and also covered in a hijab. Like the other said very much not worth finding

>> No.24403820

B-Banpire posting?

>> No.24403822

She's not a edgy teen

>> No.24403823

>no one can prove risu is racist or doggo is baddo
literally nothing but cucks in thread

>> No.24403824
Quoted by: >>24403844

>Matsuri looks like a fat midget

>> No.24403825
File: 176 KB, 827x2000, EaTwN_iUYAAzj3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What of it?

>> No.24403827
File: 196 KB, 322x296, 1593015496946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403828
File: 82 KB, 288x254, 1592847876518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403829

Yeah haha sure buddy...

>> No.24403830
Quoted by: >>24403838

What's a banpaiya? I'm still learning katakana

>> No.24403831

It's fine she didn't hear Coco

>> No.24403832
File: 20 KB, 800x800, 1592317006320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dummy thicc japanese wife.

>> No.24403833
File: 625 KB, 850x1111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've always answered that it's anki

>> No.24403836

Yes, and /v/ likes to roleplay as gigachads.

>> No.24403837

Why is it only Hololive fags that are so obsessed with doxx shit? You don't see Nijisanji fags constantly fucking talking about it

>> No.24403838

A vampire that has been banned

>> No.24403839

Please go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.24403840
File: 538 KB, 1000x1000, 1592375426703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring about a drawing not showing her tits

Guys. You are being embarrassing.

>> No.24403841

fuck off dox cancer.

>> No.24403842

Well, she IS the queen of chocoballs.

>> No.24403843

crocs are the pinnacle of practical footwear

>> No.24403844
Quoted by: >>24403852

its an old pic of matsuri

>> No.24403845

>Risu can you do an Indian accent?
>Immediately does a customer support skit
Hilarious, but undeniably a bit racist

>> No.24403847
File: 97 KB, 223x216, 1592762321366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403849

I can hear that retarded flute.

>> No.24403850
File: 48 KB, 700x525, sadk-700x525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403867

good thing I have no social media presence, so when I become a vtuber nobody can doxx me
haha I win

>> No.24403851


>> No.24403852


>> No.24403853
Quoted by: >>24403873

I'm sure Tamaki cares about your opinion, anon. What is she gonna do now that the esteemed anonymous doesn't agree with the way she does things?
Matsuri used to be so fucking fat...

>> No.24403854

>nopan 3D
That's a ban

>> No.24403855
Quoted by: >>24403878

Leave all the fat chuubas to me guys. I'll take one for the team.

>> No.24403856
Quoted by: >>24403920

if it matters so little why censor it?

>> No.24403858


>> No.24403859

dragon ass

>> No.24403860

That's a big tail

>> No.24403861


>> No.24403862
File: 43 KB, 450x462, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403865

gamers more like fatties lmao

>> No.24403866

Only white people can be racist.

>> No.24403867

>so when I become a vtuber

>> No.24403868
Quoted by: >>24403890

Love newfags posting doxshit like 90% haven't already seen it 20 times, Just showing you're a newfag shitter or some attention seeking /v/ weirdo.

>> No.24403869
File: 63 KB, 457x497, 1583901036992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine and marinefags have gotten too cocky lately

>> No.24403870

oh, from today? yeah thats not racist at all

>> No.24403871
File: 228 KB, 408x422, I'M ROBERU YUKOKU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a funny anti event that happened recently that didn't get talked about
>NND anti tries to accuse Roberu of shady practices
>nobody dislike bombs or attacks him and his streams the next day ended up getting even more views
>NND anti deleted and reuploaded the video today thinking it would work this time

>> No.24403872
File: 460 KB, 3541x2508, 1591384413022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403883

>cheerypicked and outdated images
is this the best you can do

>> No.24403873

>Matsuri used to be so fucking fat...
She's kinda cute tho

>> No.24403874

How bad is that tail going to clip in 3D?

>> No.24403875

Holy fuck she has a body literally made for childbirth

>> No.24403876
Quoted by: >>24403901

Maybe Risu is white?

>> No.24403878

let me help you with that burden.
maguro busan trained me for this.

>> No.24403879
File: 776 KB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 15_17 ], take=[ 2020-06-24 23.13.48 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403880

Matsuri was cuter when she was chubby

>> No.24403881
File: 219 KB, 461x461, 1590327488285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403882
File: 109 KB, 1105x697, Capture+_2020-06-24-14-14-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old man...

>> No.24403883
Quoted by: >>24403913

it was to see who is a newfag and an oldfag, retard

>> No.24403886
File: 69 KB, 526x720, 1592021280058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403942

Mio is really cute.

>> No.24403888

Do you think a hearing aid could help? Maybe?

>> No.24403889

What a slut
Couldn't show her tits so she had to settle for this

>> No.24403890
Quoted by: >>24403905

Oldfriends post doxxshit because it's guaranteed (you)s from the newfriends.

>> No.24403891

No one can hate our son, his energy is just too infectious.

>> No.24403892
Quoted by: >>24403918

Where was this? I'm still laughing at them in the Hololive scandal bit for crying about metatags still.

>> No.24403893

Yes, I do care

>> No.24403894

>doxxfagging during asacoco

>> No.24403895
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 2132312324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all the holos are above your league

>> No.24403896

Where is her huge stinky cock

>> No.24403897

you guys said coco hated EOPs

>> No.24403898


>> No.24403899

EOPchads on asacoco!

>> No.24403900
Quoted by: >>24404147

Of course the only ones triggered by Seiyuu postings are the ones following ugly girls

>> No.24403901

If she was a white indog she wouldn't be poor.

>> No.24403902

By Allah I declare jihad on this foul Americanized تنين

>> No.24403903

I'm starting to think antis are just Haatons in disguise

>> No.24403904

Wasn't Matsuri there in person at the Hololive booth last Winter Comiket? IIRC

>> No.24403905

i love it

>> No.24403906

we did it EOPbros!

>> No.24403907
Quoted by: >>24403926


>> No.24403909
Quoted by: >>24403923

>letting her southern accent come out
She really needs to do that more often

>> No.24403912
File: 11 KB, 221x228, 1593016597942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403913

wow, now that I know that I definitely support your doxx campagn

>> No.24403914

Post link so we can spam YEAHH

>> No.24403917

they're just like our anonchaamas

>> No.24403918
Quoted by: >>24403934

it's also related to meta tags, here's the video that he reuploaded today

>> No.24403919

literally me

>> No.24403920

It's called Lurk and More.
But you get a free pass since I am feeling nice today - Youtube has killed streams left, right and center over even remotely questionable imagery in thumbnails and generally slow moving or static 3D scenes because they left their shitty algorithm on Full Auto setting because of Kung Flu.
It's unlikely to change any time soon. Better deal with it now than later and risk dealing with an even more delayed remediation process.

>> No.24403922

Based ojisan
Must be one of Mel customers

>> No.24403923

Kiryu "The South Will Rise Again" Coco

>> No.24403924

who is this cutie? one of the new holoENs?

>> No.24403925
Quoted by: >>24403936

Holy shit Coco really is from Georgia.

>> No.24403926

>speaking english
Stupid retard.

>> No.24403927
Quoted by: >>24403952

How the fuck has it managed to stay up for 6 months is my question

>> No.24403929


>> No.24403930

hololive confirmed white

>> No.24403932

Imagine the smell

>> No.24403934
Quoted by: >>24403957

I can't fucking read shit because the quality is so low

>> No.24403936
Quoted by: >>24404001

how new ARE YOU? JESUS.

>> No.24403938

ulul st'i ahah

>> No.24403940
File: 42 KB, 600x703, 1566742889824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403969


>> No.24403941
File: 614 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200624-221756_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403966

Coco is doxxfag

>> No.24403942

She's the most "mom" of them all. I love her.

>> No.24403944

Okayu, Fubuki, Aqua and Mio
Matsuri and Korone
I'm conflicted bros...

>> No.24403946

So like I was saying earlier meidos whenever you get tired of stopping a forest fire hit me up I'm here most the time and could stop the doxxfag problem when it starts up instead of 30 minutes to an hour after the thread gets ruined. I also don't give a shit about the rest of /jp/

>> No.24403948

man early in this thread was a mess

>> No.24403949

I don't give a shit about Kiryu Coco

>> No.24403950 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 504x434, random 3d japanese person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403982

>dox fag post the thing
>nobody replies
>starts samefagging with the same shit from last thread
>newfags zoomers fall for it

>> No.24403952

Don't know bruh but it's a god send after mel's stream.

>> No.24403956


>> No.24403957
Quoted by: >>24403967

basically, the guy is saying that Holostars are cheating the system by putting male nijis in their meta tags. What this guy doesn't realize is that Holostars get shit viewership and have really low subcounts, so this proves meta tags don't actually do anything

>> No.24403961
Quoted by: >>24403975

Shion yo...

>> No.24403962
Quoted by: >>24403993

help ppt reach 1 000 000 views

>> No.24403964

anyone really love Coco here

>> No.24403966

Based one of the cutes holos IRL doxxing fat holos

>> No.24403967

Thanks. I'm assuming the tags are what were circled.

>> No.24403968

Finna beat my meat harder than the time I first saw Noel's roommate

>> No.24403969
File: 704 KB, 1217x1080, 1592743762961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24403980


>> No.24403970

That spoiler fucked me up, thanks.

>> No.24403971
File: 187 KB, 799x1200, 3645764756576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me you wouldn't show your face if you looked like this?

>> No.24403974
File: 17 KB, 234x259, cBmEk8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hip vents
Fucking cowards.

>> No.24403975


>> No.24403976

you told me CocoShion was dead

>> No.24403977

Time to do your reps

>> No.24403978

So this is fine for Youtube but Mel's regular live2D isn't?

>> No.24403980
File: 356 KB, 1460x1342, EYQU6_tUwAECcyV copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24403979

Cute feet!

>> No.24403982

cute doggo

>> No.24403984

I always do them after asacoco, how could you tell

>> No.24403985
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1580961182674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dox attention whores back again.
Welp I'm out, Not like this thread was good in the first place.

>> No.24403986

She's kinda cute but damn at least separate the two like literally everyone else does. I don't care if she's a moderately successful mangaka.

>> No.24403987

Happy to help

>> No.24403988

shion is going to get btfo'd by coco so hard...

>> No.24403991

This is always the worst thread time of the day. See you in 8 hours.

>> No.24403993
File: 101 KB, 1000x1029, 1591301979342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404017

Will she record an original song when it does?

>> No.24403992

Don't come back.

>> No.24403994

Kagura Nana is a mega cutie IRL too ;)

>> No.24403996

I'm ok with Kanatan wearing spats, but I really wanted to see the dragon's pantsu.

>> No.24403997

Post pochi

>> No.24403998

Why does she get so many different teaser poses when everyone else has recently had just one?

>> No.24403999

Coco has teeth?

>> No.24404000

I was expecting mel to be kind of ponkotsu/relax like robocco and aki but she is actually very high-tension, even having more stamina than subaru during 3D streams, I hope she streams more and I will membership if she starts one.

>> No.24404001

Hey, fuck you. I used to live there, hearing her accent caused flashbacks. Not the good kind, either.

>> No.24404002

4/10 bait, barely passed the (you) filter.

>> No.24404003
Quoted by: >>24404012

What manga is this? I thought she only did trap manga

>> No.24404005

Futaba-san is unironically pretty good. I like it. Incest (and the superior twincest) is a top tier fetish.

>> No.24404006

Yes even in that screenshot you can see it in the 2D coco it's just very hard to see

>> No.24404009

Please no.

>> No.24404012
Quoted by: >>24404041

There's still a relevant trap character in that one.

>> No.24404014
File: 26 KB, 313x243, STFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404029

Do a bunch of /v/tards just flood in for AsaCoco or something? How are this many people taking the bait?

>> No.24404015


>> No.24404016

she has rat teeth

>> No.24404017
Quoted by: >>24404065

I wish holos would get more original songs. Don't they have to do most of the work themselves?

>> No.24404019

>Noel's roommate
you fell for my bate post that long ago

>> No.24404020

Only the Towachads are /fit/

>> No.24404027

I was talking about this

>> No.24404028
Quoted by: >>24404037

I'm going to make a pastebin with all the roommate ass hair count. Now if only i am not a newfag

>> No.24404029

Are you new or something? These threads are mostly /v/.

>> No.24404031

PPT Towa duet when

>> No.24404032


>> No.24404033


>> No.24404034

Strong banter is a sign of a close, deep and mature relation.
Of course /jp/ wouldn't understand.

>> No.24404037
Quoted by: >>24404059

If only you weren't an ESL.

>> No.24404039
Quoted by: >>24404151


was too horny after her stream and I remembered this video posted yesterday so I tried to look it up and there it's >>24403661

>> No.24404040

Time to do your sleeps /hl/

>> No.24404042
File: 547 KB, 1417x2000, 76534534653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckbro reporting in. I go to the gym 5 times a week.

>> No.24404041

She really does like traps

>> No.24404043
File: 213 KB, 509x650, hb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slaps your gf's ass*

>> No.24404048

She wants a dick herself

>> No.24404049

h-haha yeah...totally...
i'm sorry family

>> No.24404050
File: 681 KB, 2928x4096, 1592590563250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404069

More Towa songs in general please.

>> No.24404051

i don't give a shit about coco

>> No.24404052

do any holos like bullet hell games?

>> No.24404055

>come back
>see this thread
time to lift. pce out.

>> No.24404056

when her face isn't constantly going >:D

>> No.24404057

>Still not knowing Asians just bants racism all day long
We don't have to worry about walking on eggshells, we just make fun of each other, and do business anyway then hang out afterwards anyway

>> No.24404058

As cute as Ojou?

>> No.24404059

if only people correct my grammar

>> No.24404060
Quoted by: >>24404098

Do any of the holos like Touhou?

>> No.24404061

You can see them all the time. Her Live2D does a bit of a Matsuri face whenever she talks.

>> No.24404062

marine is a huge touhou fan at least

>> No.24404063
Quoted by: >>24404157


Counter question, is this your first thread?

>> No.24404064
File: 133 KB, 746x307, 1568423133779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? So I shouldn't have reported the doxx post as doxx?

>> No.24404065

Not everyone has connections like Suisei. She can pump out however many she wants. Kanata can arrange a song but that's about it. She said she really wanted to make an original but I guess it won't be happening any time soon. She's the one I want to do it the most though.

>> No.24404068
Quoted by: >>24404280

Dogfucker here, starting my way to becoming a /fit/izen. Wish me luck bros

>> No.24404069

we need another loli towa stream

>> No.24404070

How new are you? Marine fucking loves Touhou. Also pizzabro was streaming it earlier in the week.

>> No.24404078

yes, Let it beeee

>> No.24404080

>got a warning for reporting a doxx image

Sasuga meidos

>> No.24404081
Quoted by: >>24404321

should've said "off topic" because it is.

>> No.24404083

Nice pun

>> No.24404085

When Towa stops being embarrassed about being friends with Kanata.

>> No.24404088
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1591520569941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404089
File: 96 KB, 261x311, Luna7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404090

Cometfag here. I do my work but I can't dance for shit.

>> No.24404091
Quoted by: >>24404112

It's not dox no matter how many times you claim it is, retard. I tried telling you this but you retards NEVER fucking listen.

>> No.24404095

>only 200 IP
hololive is dying

>> No.24404097

Time to fap again

>> No.24404098

Aru-san also plays 2hu i think

>> No.24404099
Quoted by: >>24404125

Kanata x Haato duet when?

>> No.24404102

same here, dojikko meido

>> No.24404103
File: 662 KB, 2894x4093, EZZx8rSU0AEinD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's ready to see Coco's bare ass get nuked by YouTube-kun five minutes into her 3D stream?

>> No.24404104

*slaps his ass*

>> No.24404105

Marine, Kaoru, and Aruran play 2hu

Marine's 2hu remix CD is about to come out

>> No.24404107

is there a way to search only for deleted posts on badrosu?

>> No.24404109
Quoted by: >>24404120

I can understand why males like traps but why would a female like them?

>> No.24404111

>stop being a cunt

>> No.24404112

what is it then?

>> No.24404113
Quoted by: >>24404131

Gym is closed mate, I am a little over 13% BMI again...

>> No.24404116

Can't wait until she tries to do a backflip

>> No.24404118
File: 201 KB, 640x481, 1405418949147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404225

>yep I banned one doxxfag, time to get back to my hot pockets for another 2 hours because there will totally not be another around
This is the fastest thread on 4chins. Is it really so hard to check it once in a while.

>> No.24404120

the same way some faggots like Abby from TLOU2

>> No.24404121

Not dox.

>> No.24404122

It's publicly available stuff, that's why doxx reporting doesn't work. You have to use the right classification for reports. Touchama doxx was actual dox for example

>> No.24404124

get fucked retard

>> No.24404125

Hopefully soon, that's Kanata's best chance at getting an original song...

>> No.24404126

Just a thing you don't like

>> No.24404128
Quoted by: >>24404139

Why does this arouse me?

>> No.24404131
Quoted by: >>24404162

run outside and buy some dumbbells.
Hang on bro, they'll open soon

>> No.24404132

same yet the file got deleted? Oh well time to abandon this place if meidos are just gonna let these attention seeking spergs run free.

>> No.24404133
File: 80 KB, 304x304, 1592409967430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people claiming IRL holos don't make a difference at all
>yet get ass blasted whenever a picture of them shows up
I thought it didn't make a difference? Why not just ignore it?
You people make no sense.

>> No.24404134

what the hell dude I was sharing screens with my boss

>> No.24404136

Is she gonna have a giant model? Is her roommate that tall?

>> No.24404137


>> No.24404138
Quoted by: >>24404150

Dont come back =*

>> No.24404139
File: 538 KB, 2048x1536, 1579271006106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404184

How do you feel about this?

>> No.24404140

Are you saying anons here all have a close, deep and mature relationship?

>> No.24404141

Wait so doxxfags can do this shit as long as its old stuff? wtf

>> No.24404144
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, hypnosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypnotized rushia

>> No.24404147

>>24404133 >>24403900

>> No.24404148

>time to abandon this place
>attention seeking spergs
you can't make this shit up

>> No.24404149

it's the same thing with coming to /jp/ and asking why aren't people /fit/
they are from /v/eddit

>> No.24404150

Don't worry I won't, half the thread don't even care about Hololive they just want attention because the thread is so popular.
This past weeks thread shows how cancer this shithole is.

>> No.24404151

>no audio

>> No.24404152

>ignore it
>suddenly the thread is full of offtopic shitflinging because noone stops them
Sasuga Peko.

>> No.24404156

Matsuri is into malnourished mexicans

>> No.24404157

>Counter question, is this your first thread?

>> No.24404158

Another one bites the dust.

>> No.24404160

There's more shitflinging than banter here.

>> No.24404162

My country's goverment is retarded and want to extend the quarantine again. I can't even go for a run. The only thing left is do some bodyweight exercise and some Zumba.

>> No.24404163
File: 1.12 MB, 1177x1396, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24404164

It's publically available info? If i go to your fb and copypaste your adress it's not a fuckign doxx.

>> No.24404167

U still here? Bye Felicia

>> No.24404168
File: 352 KB, 720x758, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404177

>> No.24404169

Not him but when the bants are weak or unfunny, it doesn't really count, that's just shitflinging

>> No.24404170

>the thread is full of offtopic shitflinging
In other words, business as usual.

>> No.24404172
Quoted by: >>24404178

it's downtime, nothing to discuss, you're a literal retard

>> No.24404175
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1592240638726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24404176

Sorry Im retarded, I get it now

>> No.24404177

golden retriever

>> No.24404178
Quoted by: >>24404239

>acting like this doesn't have at any given time in the thread.
Fucking newshit, People like you have ruined this place because you spoon feed retards like you.

>> No.24404179

>Abandoned by meidos
Does this mean the Pekora abuse poster can come back?

>> No.24404180

Cute annoying piano princess.

>> No.24404181

>astel still playing apex
I thought he said one more like two hours ago?

>> No.24404182

If it's sensitive info being spread to this group of retards then it may as well be a doxx desu

>> No.24404184
Quoted by: >>24404218

what is eop?

>> No.24404185


>> No.24404186

Addiction yo, just like us being in this thread at dead hours

>> No.24404187

>hide post
>suddenly thread is fine
Or just report for off-topic, it gets deleted most of the time. It's just not doxxing so don't report it for that.

>> No.24404189

>"im leaving reee"
>still here whining for another half an hour

>> No.24404191 [DELETED] 

You win meidos, I won't bother reporting anything anymore, Let this thread burn to the ground if you're letting the shit posters win.

>> No.24404194

bantz is a male thing. Women shouldn't do it.

>> No.24404195
File: 470 KB, 905x1338, snuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404196
File: 88 KB, 850x850, 1591883042828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404197

>still playing apex
>still only getting 140 viewers

>> No.24404198
File: 213 KB, 862x327, 1592940177550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24404200

Hahahahaha! Get wrekt, meidochamaaaaaa!

>> No.24404201

Abayo chocoball

>> No.24404202
Quoted by: >>24404214

I thought the average poster age was above 21
Why do you still need nannies to clean up your shit?

>> No.24404203

>he's still here

>> No.24404206
File: 41 KB, 563x539, 1591670388638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in 6 hours assholes

>> No.24404207
File: 723 KB, 1048x1415, Yozora.Mel.full.2856221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404208


>> No.24404209
Quoted by: >>24404226

It gets deleted after like an hour when the thread is already in flames.

>> No.24404211


>> No.24404212

YouTube ai don't believe that is sex

>> No.24404213
Quoted by: >>24404250

I miss Fubuki playing comfy games in the morning I wish she could find something to stream

>> No.24404214

You'll have to give me the power to delete this thread

>> No.24404215

>>Abandoned by meidos
This thread has deleted posts so you are full of shit.
Try not being a bumbling moron that can't report posts properly.
Maybe if you first learned what dox actually are you'd get somewhere.

>> No.24404218
Quoted by: >>24404235


>> No.24404219
File: 53 KB, 680x648, 1592242512435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404293

>> No.24404220
File: 398 KB, 463x398, 543676474756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hero we need

>> No.24404222 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1080, __usada_pekora_hololive_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking leave already sweetheart

>> No.24404225

Easier to just ban the people who report and not worry about it

>> No.24404226
Quoted by: >>24404267

Just means it's more posts hidden and less shit for me to read. But if you think telling them to fuck off is going to help then by all means, carry on. For them it's just more of what they want, (You)s.

>> No.24404227

Matsuri is a cute fatty, the rest are revolting.

>> No.24404228
File: 56 KB, 704x596, 1591360862007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took you a while huh peko

>> No.24404229
File: 109 KB, 1062x594, 1578664778318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404245

>You win meidos, I won't bother reporting anything anymore, Let this thread burn to the ground if you're letting the shit posters win.

>> No.24404230

its an addiction...

>> No.24404231

Abe has direct line with youtube moderating AI

>> No.24404232

The one time we were legit abandoned was Father's Day, and the meidos probably have dads so I assumed they were busy

>> No.24404235
Quoted by: >>24404313

i did, didn't find anything, just like i couldn't find rusia even though i googled her twitter tag

>> No.24404236

Dumb rabbit. Holos lives outside of hololive makes no difference. But holo's lives outside of hololive isn't hololive so but it doesn't belong in the thread, that's why it shouldn't get posted. If I wanted to talk about a movie starring Brad Pitt and you keep talking about his divorce or some shit it'd be off topic. And that's an actual actor whose name is public knowledge who puts his name on his work and is advertised as himself.

>> No.24404237

Anyone using two x for dox is a newfag and it really fucking shows in these threads.

>> No.24404239

a few pieces of shit get drowned out by people discussing the stream, and you still act like it's a major issues. Five bucks you're a nigger

>> No.24404243

He's good at it, so why not.

>> No.24404245
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1080, __usada_pekora_hololive_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye byeeee wont be missed

>> No.24404250

Is she done with Maneater already? It was basically the new AC morning stream for a little while.

>> No.24404254

When will Artia save us with marbles...

>> No.24404255
File: 705 KB, 852x480, 1592183098911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP...... towa time

>> No.24404259
File: 79 KB, 268x260, 1574611043946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? you guys are going to side with the trolls instead of siding with law and order? I fucking hate contrarians

>> No.24404261
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1590687544130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404265
File: 1.13 MB, 900x636, EYG6LqnUcAEvQDh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you fucks in 8 or so hours.

>> No.24404267

Ignoring the problem doesn't matter when there's legion of tourists and only like 5 posts are relevant to girls and the rest is shitposting.

>> No.24404270


>> No.24404271

In other news
This thread's Arggie has been really cozy and cute so far

>> No.24404273

Thank you based snuffposter

>> No.24404277
Quoted by: >>24404310

Did JOPs abandon Towa when the EOPs arrived?

>> No.24404278
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1591565038370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably americans. They hate the law after all.

>> No.24404279
File: 805 KB, 473x726, 1591368704496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24404280
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, EVl9o3yU0AU__6_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow dogfucker that started getting /fit/ a few months ago here
Just keep it up slow and steady and you'll make it, I remember not even being able to do my first set of 10 push ups without fucking dying when I began.
Months later I'm doing 3 sets of 17 with more ease than the first time
Seriously don't try upping your reps too quickly or you will get too tired to keep doing them consistently, can tell you because I got cocky and tried it

>> No.24404281


>> No.24404283
Quoted by: >>24404311

What's the tier list in Holo skill levels at Muse Dash, given a good amount of them have played it now

>> No.24404284
File: 60 KB, 430x465, firefox_0uDUKcbB8O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one of this fella's drawings added to the collection

>> No.24404288
Quoted by: >>24404323

You are not on the side of "order" if you can't even file your reports correctly, retard.

>> No.24404289
File: 146 KB, 850x1132, 7290510c21f0085942dc17d7e71c1e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404290
File: 253 KB, 1448x2048, 1591902518906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404322

Towa's got rhythm.

>> No.24404291

The only ones worse than doxfags are people who complain about doxfags

>> No.24404292
File: 228 KB, 1000x1200, EWkk_ekUMAAEPv7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24404293


>> No.24404294

he tried to warn us

>> No.24404295
File: 269 KB, 1056x1000, 1567234582838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24404350

Based OkaKoro bro

>> No.24404296


>> No.24404298
Quoted by: >>24404306

Was last night (JST) so devoid of streams literally just because Mel came back?

>> No.24404297 [DELETED] 

I'm going to fuck up this general so hard

>> No.24404301
Quoted by: >>24404321

the sperg is now a meido, welp is time to leave this place.

>> No.24404306

Yeah. Kaoru even rescheduled for her. Choco moved her stream back 30 minutes too since it didn't end yet

>> No.24404307

We've hit the image cap boys.

>> No.24404308
Quoted by: >>24404320

She's a famed mangaka, her face has been public for a while so it makes sense that she'd connect the VTuber persona to her mangaka self. I just wish she didn't choose a trap character for her VTuber persona, it's not fooling anyone and her voice doesn't even sound remotely trap-like.

>> No.24404310

They're still there, they are much more prevalent when she is playing something other than APEX at silly o`clock in the morning.

>> No.24404311

Suisei is god tier, FBK is pretty good, Roberu is beginner. Only ones I've seen so far.

>> No.24404312


>> No.24404313
Quoted by: >>24404351

Alright then. Let's do it like this
How many languages do you speak?

>> No.24404319


find it yourself bro

>> No.24404320

I never said it was a bad thing. Anon was just comparing it to that western girl who does the same thing as her

>> No.24404321

I did and also got warned. https://imgur.com/BtKzyW8
Fuck this corrupt meido
looks like it.

>> No.24404322
Quoted by: >>24404344

Too bad she doesn't fucking play any rhythm games anymore.

>> No.24404323

I got warned for reporting it as trolling outside of /b/, which it objectively fits

>> No.24404324
Quoted by: >>24404348

How is A-Chan the sexiest Hololive?

>> No.24404326


>> No.24404328

On one side I want aplaud your effort and creativity. On the other however...

>> No.24404332

Name a more useless job than reacting to Holos

>> No.24404335

Who are the most likely to stream naked?

>> No.24404337

Very very tenq happy

>> No.24404338

>There's people that take this place seriously and not just a place for fun

>> No.24404343
Quoted by: >>24404372


>> No.24404344

I miss Hollow Knight...

>> No.24404345


>> No.24404348

Go back to redd*t

>> No.24404350

Raiding a games expo for permissions!

>> No.24404351
Quoted by: >>24404394


>> No.24404352

/v/ tier shit isn't fun

>> No.24404354


>> No.24404355

Reacting to a guy reacting to holos

>> No.24404357

>last of game
Yeah haven't heard that one today Astel

>> No.24404360

Coco. It's why she was agree with the Towa webcam yabee

>> No.24404362


>> No.24404363

just aspies that think they can influence a japanese company by posting on this hole in the ground ... when they already have 5chan

>> No.24404364

Janitors on a basket weaving forum for adult men playing children's card games and discussing virtual 2D moving sprites...

>> No.24404365


>> No.24404367

Choco confirmed and matsuri semi confirmed

>> No.24404371


>> No.24404372

Nah she has to take into account her grandma walking in

>> No.24404373

Coco. You don't do a peeing RTA fully-clothed.

>> No.24404374



>> No.24404375

No she's actually my child's mom.

>> No.24404379

Koree waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....


>> No.24404380

Is this the new mikoboat?

>> No.24404382

that "nnnnNICE"

>> No.24404384

There's a difference between fun and
>haha i said nigger XD

>> No.24404389

Thanks to the anon who subbed two Pekora 1 hour streams, watching the 3D one right now!
I like how you have 2 rows of subs with independent time, it makes following long phrases comfortable.

>> No.24404391

that sounds extremely fun anonchama

>> No.24404393

link please peko

>> No.24404394

Then you're an EOP

>> No.24404396

That's pretty cute

>> No.24404397


>> No.24404401


>> No.24404402

>3D Flare
>onegaishimasu, im kinjou suru tehee~
>3D coco

its nice to see someone with confidence for a change.

>> No.24404403


>> No.24404404
Quoted by: >>24404435

link to channel please

>> No.24404406
Quoted by: >>24404416

I'm not a tits guy but mel really got me going today.

>> No.24404407
Quoted by: >>24404425


>> No.24404410

Yeah, imagine talking about the girls when you can just shitpost.

>> No.24404411

This is literally Haachama humor. What's the problem?

>> No.24404412

you sound extremely underage then.

>> No.24404413
Quoted by: >>24404451

>4chan is just a place to shitpost bro xD I do all my actual discussion on other forums xD
Literally the worst posters on 4chan ever, bar none.

>> No.24404414
Quoted by: >>24404424

Nice, what is even that song tho?

>> No.24404416

Mel has a little something for everyone

>> No.24404417

Not every board has to be /v/.

>> No.24404418

Why do /v/ermin think it fun to fling shit everywhere they go?

>> No.24404419

That kind of crass upfront American attitude is funny for a single tuber, but I guarantee it'll get annoying as fuck when HoloEN rolls along.

>> No.24404420

astel go to bed, the annoying americans are here

>> No.24404424

Roberu's ad-libbed Ballad of the Windfish. Sorry, I don't have the link on me.

>> No.24404425

thanks very much pekonanodesunanora

>> No.24404428
Quoted by: >>24404439

I think it'd be nice if we started to fill the OP with links to the most relevant translation channels

>> No.24404430


>> No.24404431

Everything you want to hear...

>> No.24404433



>> No.24404434

There are plenty of confident holo

>> No.24404435

He also translated like 30 minutes of the C.A.M.P stream but it's not in his channel yet, i downloaded the webms when he posted them here, i'm sure you can find them in the archives if you search for "CAMP" or "C.A.M.P."

>> No.24404436

go away /v/

>> No.24404437

Because they're zoomers who think twitch chat spam is peak humor

>> No.24404438
Quoted by: >>24404527

It's the american bluster. I wonder how does she even relate to Kanatan.

>> No.24404439


>> No.24404440
Quoted by: >>24404457

I think its notable just how little discussion there was here about asacoco.

This isn't a recline, its just dead.

>> No.24404444

they lack proper hygiene

>> No.24404446

Funniest joke I've heard today.

>> No.24404449

Mel has a generic personality but her design is perfect.
>short hair
>big tiddies
>hotpants + thigh highs

>> No.24404451

I'll take a million genuine spergs over 1 of these uninvested asshats

>> No.24404452
Quoted by: >>24404463


>> No.24404456

Now hear me out
I know its crazy but

>HOLOLIVE D&D for afternoon streams (once a week)

>HOLOLIVE Variety Show for late night streams (once a week)

>HOLOLIVE MORNING EXERCISE featuring a different holo doing ring fit moans in the morning (every morning)

>> No.24404457

maybe if you posted roommates the spammers would stop spamming asking for them?

>> No.24404458

I didn't expect Flare to move around much given her character and she was surely somewhat nervous too but even this more modest body language should be fun in its own way once she gets in a 3D collab and has someone more energetic to contrast with.

>> No.24404460

>He forgot the visible panties

>> No.24404461

Until you ask her to sing

>> No.24404462
Quoted by: >>24404475

>See shitload of Goslingposting on /jp/
>Watch 2049 Bladerunner
>Not impressed so far.
>Like the scenes with joi and gosling
>Eventually reach the part with Gosling and her hologram
That scene hit me like a truck. Never before has a movie perfectly described my feelings towards something. I will never be with my cuuba ...

>> No.24404463

Someone needs to have an intervention for carrot boy

>> No.24404464

Quads comfirm.

>> No.24404467

Coco could never be an idol.

>> No.24404471

>exposed midriff
>exposed high leg panties

>> No.24404473

how do we save haato

>> No.24404475
Quoted by: >>24404488

4chan has a board to discuss this and it's not here

>> No.24404476

I was thinking about this the other day.

>> No.24404478

Isn't Aki Mel but better?

>> No.24404479

how was this general before /v/ took over?

>> No.24404482
Quoted by: >>24404497

fuse with pikamee

>> No.24404484

>report off topic shit
>get a warning for it
Suck my fucking cock you fat hotpocket eating doing it for free dumb ass meido

>> No.24404483


>> No.24404485

so how many more last of game until astel actually sleep?

>> No.24404486

She's gone

>> No.24404487

I will now watch your 3D debut.

>> No.24404488

Gosling is an honorary holo at this point

>> No.24404497

>Haato becomes fat and more depressed

>> No.24404498

Haachama is underage but shitposts to get people to like her, you are underage but shitpost to make others angry.

>> No.24404499

I like all these ideas, actually

>> No.24404500

>>24404484 >>24404292
xoxo peko

>> No.24404503

It was pretty /v/ from the beginning but it really went to shit around the time Pekora streamed the MGS games.

>> No.24404504
Quoted by: >>24404566

Only report off-topic shit if it's purely political or racist for the sake of it, if it follows a hololive-related (even slightly) reply chain then it's probably not gonna get purged.

>> No.24404505

Sadly Matsuri isn't that introspective.

>> No.24404507

Shitposting is shitposting. The intent really doesn't matter tho.

>> No.24404508

hes done almost 12 hour streams before, so...3 more hours maybe. only because of youtube

>> No.24404509
Quoted by: >>24404523

>He actually gets mad at shitposting

>> No.24404510 [DELETED] 


>> No.24404511

Matsuri is doing collab with males just to get rid of that one single dense stalker and Fubuki is doing it to get rid of the cancerous fanbase.

There is my narrative.

>> No.24404513

smash babies?

>> No.24404514

I expect the other person to drop out and then he says "Ah, might as well make it a 24 hour stream"

>> No.24404515

The archives of such times exist.

>> No.24404516
Quoted by: >>24404539

Great ones. Now we just need for someone to deliver them to hololive inc because in here they will be just lost in times like tears in rain...

>> No.24404521
Quoted by: >>24404566

report post like a r*ddit user?
even with all the shitposts i still love my holos, if other's opinions hurt you that much maybe go to a hug box

>> No.24404522

Well it sure as hell is not working for matsuri.

>> No.24404523

>haha XD umad bro?!
nobody is mad, they're just tired of your bullshit and don't want to read it anymore.

>> No.24404524

You're not a blonde 18 year japanese girl with huge tits

>> No.24404525
Quoted by: >>24404543

Yeah, youtube banning her stream is just completely random shit and unrelated to her outfit.

>> No.24404526
Quoted by: >>24404587

Matsuri has a stalker? Wouldn't that make shit worse if she streams with males?

>> No.24404527

She's a lonely experienced person and Kanata is a sheltered loner who loves acting like a parent.

>> No.24404532

whos this?

>> No.24404533

Somebody have the はあちゃま intro?

>> No.24404539

Anyone would be fine, I don't care about credit or shit just want them to happen
So if any of you want to feel important just copy, paste and send onegaii

>> No.24404542

Nani the fuck. Rushia is also privating streams.


>> No.24404543

it was some fucking autist report spamming I'm sure.

>> No.24404544
Quoted by: >>24404552

Hololive Manzai tournament once a month/season.

>> No.24404546
Quoted by: >>24404558

The Rikka 3d destroyed them. They are on the verge of ending it all, so if she appears on another Rikka stream and does the same delivery L*ger will probably kill himself

>> No.24404547

it was old/v/ before it became/b/ 2.0

>> No.24404548
Quoted by: >>24404567

Rushia is just slowly making the transition to her new model, in a few weeks she'll have privated all videos showing her old model and all evidence she ever had green hair.

>> No.24404549
Quoted by: >>24404565

please no don't make me have to start archiving the hololives too... I'm already in the process of downloading all of sbfp and the yogscast... I can't afford more storage arrays.

>> No.24404552

3d sport tournament

>> No.24404553

>It's still up


>> No.24404556
Quoted by: >>24404654

>And that's an actual actor whose name is public knowledge who puts his name on his work and is advertised as himself.
Not going to argue with the first part of your post, but save for a few very rare exceptions the shit that gets posted here all comes public accounts, many of them reasonably popular.

>> No.24404557
Quoted by: >>24404574

Everyone knows EN will be doxxed in a matter of hours.

>> No.24404558

Uh... sorry to break it to you but Lyger doesn't really care who Matsuri interacts with as long as she's having fun...

>> No.24404560

What gen ruined hololive?

>> No.24404561

Probably best ideas in a while. They've played some tabletop in collabs, would be nice to see a legit HL campaign

>> No.24404565


>> No.24404566

I'm talking about the doxxshit that you retards keep claiming people should just "report and ignore". Clearly meidos disagree

>> No.24404567
Quoted by: >>24404579

But that video is her new model.

>> No.24404570


>> No.24404571
Quoted by: >>24404578


>> No.24404572


>> No.24404574

They'll help it themselves because they don't value playing a character.

>> No.24404575
Quoted by: >>24404664

Not a dox bro get with the times

>> No.24404578
Quoted by: >>24404597


>> No.24404579

stop ruining my narratives.

>> No.24404582

Hey dude since you're here mind to translate that little clip of matsuri on Luna's chat today?

>> No.24404583

Wait, you reported this >>24403812 and got a warning for it?!?

>> No.24404585

Whoa, that almost sounds based. Is that what cucks think of themselves?

>> No.24404586
Quoted by: >>24404615

Green Rushia must be sealed
Damn you are a massive land whale whining bitch aren't you? whats the matter? bored while dilating? fuck off already

>> No.24404587

Same for Fubuki, they only know how to upset Japanese people.
She thinks the stalker is a gachikoi and is taking the wrong approach, it only confirms that he is more cuck than rushiafags.

>> No.24404591

Cabaret gen.

>> No.24404593
Quoted by: >>24404609

astel otsukare

>> No.24404596

3 and then 4 was a finishing blow.

>> No.24404597

Towa and Watame are pretty much the only positives about 4th gen

>> No.24404598


>> No.24404599

Why don't you fuck off back to /vpol/ you subhuman wretch

>> No.24404600

stars and ID

>> No.24404601
Quoted by: >>24404666


>> No.24404603

I want a Hololive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qck7Jh-CDhw

>> No.24404604


>> No.24404607
Quoted by: >>24404632

She privates like 70% of her singing streams

>> No.24404608
Quoted by: >>24404645

why the fuck our girls need to be censored while nijis have no problems showing tits?

>> No.24404609

i stand corrected...why...

>> No.24404610
Quoted by: >>24404629

i like dog
i like dog girl

>> No.24404611
Quoted by: >>24404633

Then tell me who was he stalking before Matsuri and why did it end?

>> No.24404614


>> No.24404615

>whats the matter? bored while dilating?
Ha ha Ha ha hA! Based and nail hitting

>> No.24404616
Quoted by: >>24404634


>> No.24404619

Well there are cucks who do it for themselves as a fetish and there are cucks who do it because they value the happiness of others over their own. The former is based, the latter is not. I am not Rushiacuck btw.

>> No.24404621

Don't fight and post cute Towas intead

>> No.24404622
Quoted by: >>24404655

>Watch compilation video
>All those moments past
>All that game variety
>Compare it to now
Bros.. it hurts..

>> No.24404623

Thank fucking god I downloaded it. I'm uploading it now, will take a few hours but I'll reply to you again when it's done.

>> No.24404624

You know how a lot of us always say the fans are like their chuubas? Festival has a tendency to be delusional, narcissistic and insecure, as well as a simp, so it fits the bill

>> No.24404625
Quoted by: >>24404647

>normies who never cared about Hololive and vtubing before being scouted

>> No.24404628

I just woke up, it's still /v/ hours?

>> No.24404629


>> No.24404632

But why?

>> No.24404633

Lyger was actually a normal respected dude part of a big anime subbing group before Hololive. It's not his personality to be obsessive, something about Matsuri just triggered it.

>> No.24404634

She's too quiet and gets drowned out by Coco.

>> No.24404637
Quoted by: >>24404656

The consensus is 3 but I personally think any gen has been aggregious

>> No.24404638

the indos
boring and annoying

>> No.24404639
Quoted by: >>24404651

>It's not his personality to be obsessive
clearly it is retard

>> No.24404642

what's this all about

>> No.24404644

Since posting roommates is fine now, post the holostars roommates. I've always been curious.

>> No.24404643
Quoted by: >>24404672

Its best to just abandon ship anon.
The Nijis won, the korone spam on /v/ has forever ruined the hololive english community.

>> No.24404646
Quoted by: >>24404662

>part of a big anime subbing group
>normal and respected

>> No.24404645

Price of popularity. AI doesn't care about things that barely get mentioned on google-controlled space.

>> No.24404647
Quoted by: >>24404680

Towa was anything but normie, let's be real.

>> No.24404648
Quoted by: >>24404665

>L*ger was actually a normal respected dude part of a big anime subbing group
Translation: he is part of the cartel. Noted.

>> No.24404649

go back to sleep
I'll do the same ayame is waiting for me!

>> No.24404651
Quoted by: >>24404679

>clearly it is retard
If it was then he would have had another person he stalked before Matsuri dumbo

>> No.24404654

But are those public accounts using hololive names or mentioning their hololive activity? Are their real names, identities or accounts listed as part of hololive anywhere officially? Think of The Stig and what happened to the guy who revealed himself, while it's highly unlikely any of the girls could ever loose their job over their other stuff, it's clear we aren't really supposed to know that stuff and that's why you sholdn't encourage posting their images, doxing or not

>> No.24404655

What's better, Korone sneezing or Okayu clearing her throat?

>> No.24404656
Quoted by: >>24404871

>The consensus is 3
imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.24404658
Quoted by: >>24404727

That's a very stalker-like justification.

>> No.24404659

Rikka is 39

>> No.24404661
Quoted by: >>24404687

just picture your standard ugly japanese betas and you will get them right
for ikemen go to niji

>> No.24404662
Quoted by: >>24404720

Literally how fucking new? Or are you just from /v/?

>> No.24404664

It literally by definition is not dox.

>> No.24404665


>> No.24404666

This is the final nail in the coffin, get ready for /v/ 2.0.

>> No.24404668

>Cartel member
>Stalking program writer
>The Chuuba Demonetizer
>normal respected dude
Big Grass

>> No.24404671

Layering them both along with Okayu's sneezes and Korone's throat clearing.

>> No.24404672

Fuck this thread then, /hlg/ used to be a comfy place. Well, at least I'll have time to my reps instead.

>> No.24404679

>dude stalkers just stalk anyone lmao

>> No.24404680

She's a riajuu band singer, of course she is.

>> No.24404682

just stp posting in 3rd person, its only cute in japanese

>> No.24404683

The one that made it popular so gen 3

>> No.24404684

Hololive ruins people

>> No.24404685
Quoted by: >>24404712

Pekora's voices is cuter here.

>> No.24404687
Quoted by: >>24404703

I can't picture Oga looking like a beta with a voice like that

>> No.24404689

Oh shit, I guess the cartel narrative got destroyed because he said so. How convenient.

>> No.24404692

She's a menhera...

>> No.24404693
Quoted by: >>24404711

I want to fuck a duck.

>> No.24404694

Subaru clearing her throat.

>> No.24404696

Because it's not doxing when the pictures are freely available everywhere on internet including the channel of the holo?
Do you also consider it doxing when someone posts a picture of an e-celeb?
Until you invaded this board in the last 2 months it wasn't a problem for the last 3 years.

>> No.24404699

They are all menhera.

>> No.24404701

Why are fagfags like this?

>> No.24404703
Quoted by: >>24404716

And reveal that the only anon that likes him is himself? NEVER!
Have you ever seen that chubby american/asian guy doing deep ikemen animu voices on youtube? Yeah

>> No.24404704

What group did Lyger work for? Most of the groups still active are cliqueish and actively hostile towards 4chan's lack of political correctness.

>> No.24404707

Are you new? Not new to /hlg/ but 4chan?

>> No.24404708
Quoted by: >>24404726

Behind every 4th gen shitpost there’s always a bitter Towafag with a victim complex.
It’s not Luna’s, Coco’s or Tenshi’s fault Towa didn’t take her job seriously when she started.
All of the 4th gen are a net positive and a success.

>> No.24404710

artia is offering you an escape route from this shitty thread!

>> No.24404711

You would have to be careful.

>> No.24404712

i hate newfags that say pekoras voice is not her real voice but dox fags are clearly worse

>> No.24404713

>there's no cartel, just a group of people with connections

>> No.24404715

just his thirst for moral superiority since his real life is shit
some discord shit that never took off

>> No.24404716
Quoted by: >>24404730

ProDZ? He's married

>> No.24404719

Artia was the savior all along

>> No.24404720

Don't reply to me ever again cartel nigger

>> No.24404721


>> No.24404722

>It needs your phone number to access

>> No.24404723

Post some C*n*n if you have the balls, faggot.

>> No.24404724

>Artia has 1k fans

>> No.24404725
Quoted by: >>24404741

Oh NOW she's menhera. You can be a normalfag and have mood swings, actually most normies have them along with short temper. Also remember when she was complaining that she can't go outside because of corona?

>> No.24404726
Quoted by: >>24404748

I like Towa a lot and gen 4 are my favorite!

>> No.24404727

I get it so people bring it out of you. The trick is to fight those urges because it's hard to go back to not being a stalker.

>> No.24404728

That's not what dox means retard. All the data is public and can be found anywhere

>> No.24404730

Beta and Emasculated? LOL I hope he gets along with her wife's boyfriend wwww~

>> No.24404731

>There's no cartel
>Trust me dude

>> No.24404733

So doxxfags won?

>> No.24404735
Quoted by: >>24404762


>> No.24404736

Thank you brother

>> No.24404737

>Roommates are safe now
>Doxxfags start spamming them every thread
>Weak-willed /v/ermin and newfags leave and no one else acknowledges them
Sounds like a based outcome to me

>> No.24404739

That's not how it works.
People who are stalking in such an excessive way have a similar excessive disorder they carry since their childhood.
All his obsessions were similar in their nature even if the object of it was not a real person, but they shared a common attribute.
What was his first excessive obsession?

>> No.24404741

She'll be getting even more menhera when she gets locked in again.

>> No.24404745

Dox away bro clearly the maids are okay with it

>> No.24404747

I cant deal watching the squirrel, reading the chat of your countrymen gives me second hand embarassment. So I rather have EOP or JOP, heck even spic chat.

Do JOP feels this way too seeing retards from their own country?

>> No.24404748
Quoted by: >>24404781

We need more anons like you and less cynical /v/ tourist who can only interact with shitposts.

>> No.24404749
Quoted by: >>24404784

burger meidos are retarded, this post will get deleted because it says burger

>> No.24404750

people will ask for hololive seiyuu threads now

>> No.24404751

>real names
No real names or real sensitive information has ever been leaked aside form Haachama's dad dox as far as I know. It's all just internet accounts used for streaming and shit. Also, no, they're not going to lose their job because people figured out an old internet account, you're just being dumb now. They can't talk about it because it breaks kayfabe, but it's not nearly as big of a deal as you think it is. All of that information is extremely easy to find for literally anybody who wants to know, and some of them even hint at it, like how Okayu joked with Towa about maybe them knowing each other from a previous life, or Pekora putting her age as 111 years old when her old name was 110. For some people like Korone who were extremely popular on nico, it borders the ridiculous to try and pretend her identity is supposed to be a well kept secret.

>> No.24404754
Quoted by: >>24404770

He's got a bigger ego than his supposed love for Festival, otherwise he would have done what her roommate wished when she asked fans to at least make alternate accounts if they're going to follow her. Instead he makes a twitter account called lyger_alter with his usual icon but with a blue background and tweets her. That's pure ego

>> No.24404755

Will the tranny anon whine all week about seiyuus being posted on /jp/?

>> No.24404757

Gen 3, Marine and Noel in particular.

>> No.24404758

>just speedwatched risu's stream
nothing like a bit of casual racism
It's fucking undeniable she's in her late 20 to 30s now, these kind of humor flies very well back in the CS 1.6 and DayZ days

>> No.24404762
Quoted by: >>24404790

So there will be another Haachama incident in a few days, just like back then.

>> No.24404764

Band singer? Does she do that under a name other than the NND one?

>> No.24404765
Quoted by: >>24404777

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.24404766

>posting well known image that the vtuber proudly display is doxxing

>> No.24404767

I kneel

>> No.24404768

coco haato shion aqua matsuri and those nijisanji whores went to okinawa to hunt for 黒んぼ and gaijin because they're fetishists

>> No.24404769
Quoted by: >>24404782

Spoken like a true cartel member. Herkz does the same thing.

>> No.24404770
Quoted by: >>24404793

change ego for "schizophrenic thirsty simping" and you will get it right

>> No.24404771

"There is no cartel." - L*ger

>> No.24404774
Quoted by: >>24404812

You’ll always be the cancer of /hl/.

>> No.24404776

Another awful thread.

>> No.24404777
Quoted by: >>24404819

it's the future you chose...

>> No.24404779
Quoted by: >>24404794

>DayZ early access was 2013
B-Bro she's my age...

>> No.24404780

Everyone won except for /hlg/
/v/fags won, doxxfags won, chinks won, niji won, permissionfags won.

literally nothing good is left.

>> No.24404781

I think it is much more enjoyable to interact positively with things you like, if you don't like it just hide it, otherwise you will be miserable.

>> No.24404782

That commie tranny?

>> No.24404783
Quoted by: >>24404804

Why are you mad tech support kun?

>> No.24404784

Fucking niggerkneelers ruin everything

>> No.24404788

If every doxxnigger drank bleach I think the thread would improve over night

>> No.24404790

Probably not honestly but I guess we will just have to wait and find out since meidos won't do anything about it anymore. Time to ruin the rest of /jp/ out of spite

>> No.24404791
Quoted by: >>24404829

Since roommates pic is now fine can I request the latest leaked roommates collage pic? someone posted the outdated one earlier, but please post the updated one...

>> No.24404793

Heh. It's both, to be quite honest

>> No.24404794

She's probably older than you.

>> No.24404795

i come from the future... someone from the earlier gen will lead hololive to its demise... it's going to be BIG news when it happens...

>> No.24404800
Quoted by: >>24404806

So what are the odds nijiniggers are able to get Coco's 3D stream banned?

>> No.24404804
Quoted by: >>24404876

It's the opposite, i love it
International clans or frequent lobbies in both games are literally filled with those kinds of people and that was the charm
Zoomers that only knew of casual racism through SovietWomble wouldn't get it but laughing at your friend doing their own country's bit or casually attacking their stereotype is glorious

>> No.24404805

It's okay because she's cute, cute girls can't be racist.

>> No.24404806


>> No.24404808

It’s like /ecl/ E-Celebs was a real thing and we got moved there!

>> No.24404810

I hope you are making your holo proud today, anon

>> No.24404811
Quoted by: >>24404964

>they're not going to lose their job because people figured out an old internet account, you're just being dumb now
Did I say they would nigger?
>because it breaks kayfabe
So why encourage it
>information is extremely easy to find for literally anybody who wants to know
I agree, but that doesn't mean you should encourage giving it away. Same as this thread can easily be found by anyone who wants to, but if I linked it on facebook or something you'd call me a faggot
>it borders the ridiculous to try and pretend her identity is supposed to be a well kept secret
I never said it is or that it should be, but we should still maintain kayfabe in case of a highly unlikely case that it does end up hurting someone

>> No.24404812
Quoted by: >>24404830

I agree that people who post dox charts to farm (you)s are cancer, I'm not defending them. I just get tired of seeing people start whining every time a roommate is mentioned, as if we're supposed to pretend we're all delusional retards who really believe they're all virtual girls living in a virtual world. The thread is about hololive and the people playing the characters are just as relevant for discussion as say YAGOO.

>> No.24404813

Will coco's 3D have this level of detail?

>> No.24404814

Literal children. Stop freaking out. Let the meido's do their job when real doxx shit happens.

>> No.24404817

The rest of /jp/ was just as shit in the past years too.

>> No.24404818

There's no way. the toilet must be in the same room as her

>> No.24404819
Quoted by: >>24404848

>hordes of tourists flooding the gates with "sup guys, I'm not here for chubas that shit is gay, just gimme dem faces or I will shitpost this thread to the ground"
The future looks bright...

>> No.24404821

lets hurry this thread up, list your top 5 holos


>> No.24404823

Cover needs to first step up their finger tracking

>> No.24404825

shes wearing a diaper sorry nijinigger

>> No.24404826

2D Towa in the background is hilarious.

>> No.24404827

Towa menhera'ing in the background is good shit

>> No.24404828

bros, doesn anyone have an archive or some link to the holo's beast ASMR?, i've been having a real hard time falling asleep

>> No.24404829

Grab it fast!

>> No.24404830
Quoted by: >>24404875

Ok, mind explaining to me why only /hlg/ is this fucking obsessed with their real identities? Do you ever see the nijisanji thread constantly fucking talking about it? You niggers are so tiresome

>> No.24404832

Dead hours. Time for songposting.


>> No.24404833

It was really good with pekora.

>> No.24404835


>> No.24404837

Sora's new song kinda sucked

>> No.24404838
Quoted by: >>24404953

The meidos have made it clear that it's allowed, please doxx away

>> No.24404839

Song hours baby

>> No.24404842


>> No.24404844

Only 4k more to be in 1.6M views.

>> No.24404845
Quoted by: >>24404862

It's the same as seiyuu etc. threads. I want to sniff my holo in irl

>> No.24404846

he seems cool, whats his twitter handle?

>> No.24404848

You only had to listen...

>> No.24404849


>> No.24404853
Quoted by: >>24404860

I really wish the Holos would hire people to produce songs for them instead of crappy covers...

>> No.24404854


>> No.24404855

Watching her vod and drawing, gonna do reps when the video ends.

>> No.24404856
Quoted by: >>24404867

The meidos are probably niggers.

>> No.24404857


>> No.24404859

The only reason why The Stig lost his job was because he made a FUCKING book about being the stig. He ruined the mystique that the BBC had created for his own character.
Sure fans know their names but there's a (small) chance that maybe the doxes are wrong. The characters could still stay as such as the people behind the voices haven't made themselves overshadow their characters.
That is why when real life shit gets directly involved, people and the company get upset. As their watching for the Holo rather than the 3dpd. (Though with that said, the real aspect also enchances the Holo). Holos are streamers without the drama and ugliness associated with 3d streamers.

>> No.24404860

Maybe if half the holos could sing...

>> No.24404861

Rikka had good fingertracking too.

>> No.24404862
Quoted by: >>24404881

But this is a hololive thread, not a hololive seiyu thread

>> No.24404863

Jesus christ, you guys are schizos.

>> No.24404864


>> No.24404866

AZKi deserves better.

>> No.24404867
Quoted by: >>24404885

You should go back to your main board.

>> No.24404868

Is this a roundabout way of asking what gen ruined Yagoo's dreams?

>> No.24404869

>streamed for 8 hours
>not even 150 viewers
Watch Astel.

>> No.24404870

I clearly dont get why doxx fags want to dox mentally retarded uggu girls.

>> No.24404871
Quoted by: >>24404915

How is he wrong? Most people dislike gen 3

>> No.24404872

You won't survive for long and stay healthy in this world with this kind of mindset.
If you don't like something, attacking it will not make it go away, just make it stronger.
That's life's way of telling you to change and adapt.
The more you resist the more it will hurt when you won't be able to ignore it.

>> No.24404873

Is FBK actually sad about not getting supas or is that a narrative?

>> No.24404874

That is my favorite AZKi cover

>> No.24404875

I don't go to the niji thread and what they do there is not really relevant to the discussion. I don't see this thread as being obsessed with real identities at all. Sure, people are obviously curious, and of course people are going to joke if they find out one of them is fat, but it only becomes a problem when some people (you probably included) are too easily provoked by the subject and shitposters like the chart posters use that to fish for (you)s.

>> No.24404876

It's the glory of the old Internet, and if you've lived in SEA, you'd be used to it and be able to laugh it all off. Hell even my BDO guild a year and a half back was an mixed international community with no racism rules but everyone still did the bants and it never got serious (the funniest thing was our guildmaster nervously chuckling while telling us to relax in voice chat)

>> No.24404877
Quoted by: >>24404896

>burger hours
>started with false flaggers
>ended with doxxfags/irlfags

>> No.24404878

So when are we getting /hlsg/?
You faggots must clearly have a lot to discuss about them since you've been trying so hard to post them everyday. And it wouldn't make sense to have Seiyuu circlejerks and their content in the same thread

>> No.24404879

But I've been watching Astel since before his first "One more game" today

>> No.24404881
Quoted by: >>24404900

Let's just start posting them in the seiyuu thread then.

>> No.24404882

3 exposed how much fun shut-ins were having so normalfags came to get in on the gold
Then Coco cemented that. Normalfags don't really know Kanata, it's literally just Coco.

>> No.24404883
Quoted by: >>24404888

What's the furthest Kaoru has gotten? I see he's at the sheer wall right now, highest I saw was the cardboard boxes a couple days ago.

>> No.24404885

This thread is ruined anyway so who cares.

>> No.24404886
Quoted by: >>24404911

I felt bad about it when I just tuned it, but he's actually having lots of fun so it's okay. I think he'd be doing the same even without viewers.

>> No.24404888

I don't think he ever got past that, he's Noel tier

>> No.24404889

She self-exiled into the sewer over her lack of supacha
Yes it's a narrative anonchama

>> No.24404890

astel english is so cute!

>> No.24404893

Man, when she went solo I'd never have expected she'd become so much more high-tech than she ever was as Tama.

>> No.24404894

You don't have to be a good singer, just look at real idols!

>> No.24404896
Quoted by: >>24404906

Everyone on /jp/ is NEET who sleeps during the day so it is actually Euro hours.

>> No.24404898

Give her a supa and ask

>> No.24404900
Quoted by: >>24404917

Ok, make one and keep it there. Both sides are happy

>> No.24404901

My latest favorites

>> No.24404904

Never realized how mentally ill anti-doxxers are. Do you retards know this is exactly the sort of reaction they want?

>> No.24404905

hello newfag

>> No.24404906

I wish I was a neet like anonchama.

>> No.24404909
Quoted by: >>24404925

>the only thing that matters is the amount of akasupas
is this true?

>> No.24404910
Quoted by: >>24404942

The site is full of autists, do you really expect them to grasp the simplicity of "ignore it"

>> No.24404911

its wholesome. he just enjoys playing games and talking. hes a good boy....

>> No.24404912
Quoted by: >>24404922

That woman spend 50 minutes to get some meat, you tell me.

>> No.24404913
Quoted by: >>24404927

Are Korone and Okayu going to be on Twitch for the event this weekend?
Or is their segment only going to be streamed on youtube?

>> No.24404915

>Most people dislike gen 3
>3 of the most popular holos including one thats on her way to be the most popular
lmao cope

>> No.24404917
Quoted by: >>24404933

I'm no doxxer. I'm saying they should go use the already established seiyu thread, seeing as it's slow enough already.

>> No.24404922

I can still hear the porkchops ringing in my ears

>> No.24404923

She's devastated due to gacha withdrawal but her fans will only give her supachas again once she's fully healed of her addiction.

>> No.24404925

Yes. If you aren't brining in the money you're not performing well.

>> No.24404926
Quoted by: >>24404930

go back

>> No.24404927
Quoted by: >>24404967

Korone confirmed youtube earlier on twitter.

>> No.24404928

Fucking KUSA
No one likes you idiots, most just learn to ignore it

>> No.24404929

I wouldn't mind doxxers but there will be a few retards in here who actually try to bother the roommates in the future, that's just inevitable.

>> No.24404930

>noooo stop ruining my narrative

>> No.24404933

They won't do that because they're not doxxing for discussion, they're doing it for (You)s

>> No.24404935

There's a lot of people obsessed with "keyfabe" or whatever and those are the people probably getting upset.

>> No.24404936
Quoted by: >>24405111

Aren't we all sad we aren't getting supachas?

>> No.24404938

Probably not seeing as she embraces her NTR collabs.

>> No.24404942

Remember these kind of comments when 1/4th of the posts in /hlg/ have the word “tranny” in it.
They’ll deflect right to the grave, these subhumans are CRAVING for wojak edits.

>> No.24404943

I'm not talking about that, /v/tard. I am saying you should go back to your home board.

>> No.24404946
Quoted by: >>24404988

I just wanted to talk about vtubers...

>> No.24404949

Why couldn't Njiisanji get popular with the /v/ crowd instead.....

>> No.24404951

You forgot your wojak image, cunt.

>> No.24404952


>> No.24404953
Quoted by: >>24404972

Just because they arent actively deleting right now doesn't mean it's allowed. Check the archives, roommate posting has been deleted more often than not. Not for doxxing but for being off topic. Because it's off topic.

>> No.24404956
Quoted by: >>24404984

Niji in general only have a couple of chuubas that have broken the language barrier.

>> No.24404957
Quoted by: >>24404977

too """boring""" because they talk more than they play dark souls.

>> No.24404959

The classisc Apex kill one guy and loot the thirty corpses of the men he killed

>> No.24404960

holy shit. I don't give a shit what they want, if meidos say those posts are fine I'll deal with it even if I think they shouldn't be

>> No.24404962

Wojacks are a strict no go in /jp/, meido's will shut that down quick.

>> No.24404963
Quoted by: >>24404978


>> No.24404964
Quoted by: >>24405050

>Did I say they would nigger?
You didn't, that was a legit brain fart, sorry.
>So why encourage it
I'm not saying to encourage it. Playing a game of pretend like that is fine for the most part, and it is in fact how the thread rolls most of the time, but banning discussion outside of it is kind of silly. Should we have banned discussion of the Mel incident too?

>> No.24404966

>everything i don't like is /other board/
have you tried not being a faggot?

>> No.24404967
Quoted by: >>24405010

That just means there's plans for streaming it on youtube too though, it doesn't deny the twitch stream possibility

>> No.24404968

Coco's recent RTA from her Apex stream was 18 seconds.

>> No.24404969

I wish Pekora never played MGS and Korone never mentioned DOOM.

>> No.24404972
Quoted by: >>24405044

yea except multiple people got warned in this thread for reporting it as off topic

>> No.24404974

The day /jp/ starts allowing wojak and other /v/ and /pol/ shit is the day I go to the discord

>> No.24404976

You unironically don't need to be able to sing to make good songs...

>> No.24404977
Quoted by: >>24404986

Isn't that why you're here?

>> No.24404978
Quoted by: >>24405006

I'm not gonna make it, family.

>> No.24404980
Quoted by: >>24404990

Or they'll just throw this thread to /trash/ and stop bothering.

>> No.24404981

Is there place on the internet where I can talk about chuubas without too many cancerous retard?

>> No.24404983

>Getting reps done early
This is it senpai

>> No.24404984

But they have people like Pikamee and Hana who are totally fluent and accommodate an EOP better

>> No.24404985

New thread!
Post your favorite roommate pics as you want there since apparently it's cool now with the meidos

>> No.24404986

I don't watch vidya streams, they're inherently boring.
I solely watch zatsudans and karaoke streams.

>> No.24404988

Nothing is stopping you from talking about them.

>> No.24404990

that's probably the only salvation we will find

>> No.24404991


>> No.24404993

Have you tried the youtube chat?

>> No.24404994

Shut the fuck up /v/irgin

>> No.24404995
Quoted by: >>24405016

this whole thread is like watching haato cooking

>> No.24404996

It's only a matter of time until every thread is "tranny/cope/seethe/dilate/cringe/sneed" and the "/hlg/ was always shit" posts

>> No.24404997

Yes, this thread, in 5-6 hours.

>> No.24404998
Quoted by: >>24405094

>some literal who has better finger tracking than hololive
What the fuck Cover, you're better than this.

>> No.24404999
Quoted by: >>24405015

choco checkups are back! wait... it's 3d? with a niji? and it's ryushen?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ce7d13lwIY

>> No.24405000

I was about to say your own room but that isn't true either.

>> No.24405001

>just ignore it guys


>> No.24405002
Quoted by: >>24405019


>> No.24405003

Never cared too much about Toaw but her girlfriend Sio is really cute

>> No.24405004

Very nice meme

>> No.24405006

Stay strong Gosling-kun.

>> No.24405007
Quoted by: >>24405019

Pikamee isn't a Niji and Hana sufferers from kind of bad brand recognition, I have no idea how Niji ID are doing so bad.

>> No.24405010
Quoted by: >>24405031

I haven't seen many japanese events use twitch for streaming, so I was just assuming they wouldn't. Probably will be some NND streaming though.

>> No.24405011
Quoted by: >>24405028

Yes they are popular and disliked by most people here for being massive normie magnets

>> No.24405012

The fuck are we supposed to do when meidos don't do their jobs? Call him a /v/ermin faggot and then what?

>> No.24405013

No, but some very specific things clearly are.

>> No.24405014


This is the future you are choosing /hlg/, keep enabling doxxfags.

>> No.24405015

She has one with one of Norio's girls tomorrow too

>> No.24405016

But haato is adorable these retards are just being annoying

>> No.24405017

Haha not anymore

>> No.24405018

Is this sperg new tactic? His homo thread failed so he is now doing this.

>> No.24405019

Pikamee gets talked about in the other thread either way

>> No.24405020

>Pikamee is a Niji
Anonchama, please lurk more before posting

>> No.24405025

There's this amazing button called the report button. You should try it out.

>> No.24405028
Quoted by: >>24405100

stop being such a little bitch and letting other people's tastes dictate your own

>> No.24405030

We should use that thread once this one dies to force meidos to act.

>> No.24405031

I was thinking the same, a 100% nip event stream on twitch feels off
I don't know how to feel if they do stream on NND though with the bullshit going on lately

>> No.24405032

Doesn't work, the meidos would warn him for false report

>> No.24405034
Quoted by: >>24405045

I will get the last post and save all the chuubas.

>> No.24405035
Quoted by: >>24405056

Hana is legitimately mentally ill

>> No.24405039
Quoted by: >>24405070

Yea it's called discord, have you heard about it?

>> No.24405040

DANG OGA LOOKS LIKE THAT?????????????????????????????????

>> No.24405041


>> No.24405043

>3 exposed how much fun shut-ins were having so normalfags came to get in on the gold
You mean 3 were the normalfags, right?

>> No.24405044

Yea so I saw. I can't explain that shit other than it's obviously inconsistent. Whoever is watching around this time isn't on the same page as the others.

>> No.24405045
Quoted by: >>24405072

It's going to be "Towa..."

>> No.24405049


>> No.24405050

>Should we have banned discussion of the Mel incident too?
No, because it was a big deal that affected hololiver as a company and Mel's career and well being. There's not reason to ban any non -direclty related discussion, but allowing people to freely posts whenever Matsuri takes a shit or Noel buys a new bra won't really help this thread or hololive, nor will trying to shut down any Okayu stream because haha lookt at how fat she is

>> No.24405052

This is a falseflag

>> No.24405054
Quoted by: >>24405067

to be fair, /hlg/ was always shit, it was just better shit than this.

>> No.24405056

Aren't girls sexiest when they are a little menhera?

>> No.24405057

nah, /v/ will be here 24/7 from now on. this is what you got for making fun of niji and futabachads

>> No.24405058
Quoted by: >>24405073

This is why I like this place, I'm never the most autistic guy around.

>> No.24405059

What the fuck is wrong with these people? Are they incapable of speaking like functional human beings?

>> No.24405061

Multiple people got warnings for "false reporting" today. The only reason that thread might get deleted is because it's early

>> No.24405062

Go back to your discord channel.

>> No.24405064

See >>24404583

>> No.24405065

lol now we have doomposters trying to make it seem like this is the end of /hlg/

>> No.24405067

/jp/ is tolerable, /v/ is not

>> No.24405070
Quoted by: >>24405085

Yes but everyone calls it shit, so I tried to evade it so far. But it's can't be worse than this

>> No.24405072


>> No.24405073

nobody here is, we've all lost to the korone feet guy.

>> No.24405074

Those are fake. They probably didn't go to pee

>> No.24405075

And get banned for false reports, the whole "discussion" started because a bunch of people got warned for reporting something that regularely gets deleted

>> No.24405080

>thank you for carry
>nono, team win
What a pure carrot Astel is

>> No.24405083

kira in chat!

>> No.24405085

if you don't mind dealing with "reputations" and attention whoring, it can be alright

>> No.24405087


>> No.24405091
Quoted by: >>24405097

>/hlg/ doesn't even watch hololive

>> No.24405094
Quoted by: >>24405121

>What the fuck Cover, you're better than this.
Mahjong oji-tan money

>> No.24405097

Oh my God I can already see it
It was fun while it lasted

>> No.24405100

What? Gen 3 is normie shit at it's core
I don't care about what other people like obviously but they ruined hololive by changing the overall image and direction

>> No.24405101
Quoted by: >>24405114

Is /v/ a board of underages?

>> No.24405107
Quoted by: >>24405119

>doxxfagging allowed
>constant newfag whining about how ugly most of the holo
This is your future.

>> No.24405108

kira is going to join astel...these are good friends

>> No.24405111

It hurts more when you got them before and now you don't. We never got them in the first place

>> No.24405114

I wouldn't be surprised if /a/ has more underages, judging from their love of shouen and harem shows, but /v/ has the most shitposters.

>> No.24405119
Quoted by: >>24405135

The issue is /jp/ doesn't have enough meidos for this kind of activity.

>> No.24405120

It's sad when you can say even 2006 /b/ was better than this shit

>> No.24405121

Finger tracking gloves aren't really that expensive all things considered.

>> No.24405123

At least f/a/ggots never spilled to other board, maybe some of spics.

>> No.24405125

Haha yeah, imagine being over 18 and liking shounen jump and posting in the axebait threads

>> No.24405127

>44.5 cm
>roughly 280 kg
imagine how fun it would be to use her as wrecking ball and demolish buildings

>> No.24405128


>> No.24405129
Quoted by: >>24405143

Towa deserves to be passed around by United States Marines in Okinawa!

>> No.24405131

/a/ just has a large Spanish population.

>> No.24405135

People got warmed for reporting doxxposts, manpower is not the issue right now.

>> No.24405138
Quoted by: >>24405157

Give them an inch and they will take a mile. And when you don't expect it, you will be reading about TLOU2 and metacritic

>> No.24405141

haha yeah dude... underages definitely love japanese comics more than fucking video games...

>> No.24405142

na /a/ is classic weaboos, weaboos are a dying race nowdays. the young ones are getting into kpop.

/v/ is /b/ 2.0, its literally the entry site for people to come to 4chan and shitpost everywhere. /b/ is dead so it can no longer serve that containment function.

>> No.24405143


>> No.24405148

>Hate doxxfags to death
>Start a big doxx thread

>> No.24405153

Sio turning Towa into a sopping wet mess using her fingers!

>> No.24405157

I want to see rushia play LOU2, as she streamed 1, just to see how bullshit the metacritic scores are.

>> No.24405156

I already got a warning, while the dox post is still up

>> No.24405160
Quoted by: >>24405177

You have no idea what you're talking about. There's a reason moot liked /a/ so much.

>> No.24405164

It's actually amazing that everyday I think we hit rock bottom, and then next day is even worse
sasuga /hlg/

>> No.24405169

tlou 2 is trash and if any of the girls play that garbage, they'll be downvoted into oblivion

>> No.24405170

Towa is such a lucky girl.

>> No.24405172

Despite playing way more video games than ever watching anime/reading manga. I always thought of /a/ as my homeboard, while /v/ as a shithole I reluctantly go over to when I just have to talk to someone about videogames

>> No.24405173

You can thank /v/ and /pol/ cancer.

>> No.24405175

I'm so jealous

>> No.24405177

That's old /a/ though.

>> No.24405181

Are you ready for tomorrow?

>> No.24405182


>> No.24405183


>> No.24405185


>> No.24405186


>> No.24405188

Shion yo...
