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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 638 KB, 1047x985, 59a4707e8fe909ec34b737b461524bd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24272995 No.24272995 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24272996

Reminder for our sekret club friends that /jp/ belongs to /hlg/

>> No.24272998
Quoted by: >>24273025


>> No.24272999
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275735

I love Suisei

>> No.24273000
Quoted by: >>24273146

I want to fuck the cat

>> No.24273001
File: 138 KB, 1381x1257, 1592146536527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273003

I love Aqua so much.

>> No.24273004
File: 208 KB, 1200x1500, EYtmwIoUYAAlIpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273006
Quoted by: >>24273034

who is this? leaked holoEN member?

>> No.24273007

mmm stinky anon feet

>> No.24273009

List of people bullied in today's AsaCoco
Noel (Her vocal coach quit on her because she's hopeless)
Haachama (Her retardation is driving people insane)
Choco (Degenerate ARK addict)

>> No.24273010
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1572576528685.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273011


>> No.24273013
File: 1.21 MB, 768x576, 1591805106647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to love Roboco, her butt, and her weird salamander feet!

>> No.24273014

Who's this? Its this Towa's new outfit?

>> No.24273015
File: 229 KB, 377x402, B74DAF97-8A8B-41D9-89BB-6054B9FCC6B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, you should try some of this AsaCoco, it’s good shit.

>> No.24273017
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24273018

Why do newfags hate narrative posting so much?

>> No.24273021
File: 770 KB, 1016x1020, 1591353253961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and true.

>> No.24273023

How many aqua OPs have there been in the last few weeks?

>> No.24273024

They can't take it easy.

>> No.24273025
File: 274 KB, 1961x1813, 1591898034696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her!

>> No.24273026
File: 243 KB, 1512x1212, 1585888597536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273238

Give me more Suisei/Towa duets.


>> No.24273027


>> No.24273028
Quoted by: >>24273035

How do i know this is the real one without azki poster

>> No.24273030

oh suichan...

>> No.24273031

Because they can't tell what's real and what isn't at first glance.

>> No.24273032
Quoted by: >>24273252

I hate it because people don't know how to properly narrative post and instead make up lies that destroys the brand.

>> No.24273033
File: 748 KB, 968x1192, cocomama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder shes watching you shitpost here
and will steal your posts for her asacocolives

>> No.24273034

That's Russia's new costume they changed so much she's practically unrecognizable

>> No.24273035

fuck off.

>> No.24273036

Because they fall for every one.

>> No.24273040
Quoted by: >>24273055

coco please tell me how does kanata's pussy taste like?

>> No.24273042
File: 36 KB, 297x378, 1591756287699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273056

Who can stop her?

>> No.24273044
File: 641 KB, 1000x1200, 65849516516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273073


>> No.24273046

I don't care for ark but Choco's low energy and cute voice is extremely comfy

>> No.24273047

>this vtuber totally lurks /hlg/!
It's more likely than you think.

>> No.24273048

Good i hope she enjoying hlg shitposts

>> No.24273051
File: 162 KB, 816x812, Eap81vwUYAE7z87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273076


>> No.24273052


>> No.24273055

like bath soap and blue berry lube

>> No.24273056

Spicy ramen.

>> No.24273057


>> No.24273058
File: 1.39 MB, 2891x4096, 1591467073352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I hope my posts about Kanatan being cute won't end up on Asacoco!

>> No.24273059


>> No.24273061
File: 291 KB, 374x402, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273268

I want to see this FUCKING nerd try (I leardned the big word watching her show)

>> No.24273062

I see Marine has taught her well

>> No.24273065
Quoted by: >>24273097

Coco stole our miko trump meme

>> No.24273069

why is 4chan so chad that holos come here where around 300 people hang out as opposed to reddit

>> No.24273071

Uhh bros...

>> No.24273072

Korone is entry /v/ and Reddit tier.

>> No.24273073
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1590700369798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273084


>> No.24273074

>/hlg/ is losing to them
Bros... this can't be happening.

>> No.24273075
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1588357271862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273076

Me on the left.

>> No.24273077
File: 166 KB, 868x1228, 1562993508783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't deliver it yesterday, so I want to do it today.

Yeah, I'm thinking she's back...

>> No.24273078

What a cute Rushia OP

>> No.24273079


>> No.24273084
Quoted by: >>24273142

I love her

>> No.24273085

Why is her 3D model so head and shoulders above the rest?

>> No.24273087

coco I hope you won't ever show FBK our punished FBK memes

>> No.24273089


>> No.24273090
Quoted by: >>24273101

Imagine Aqua but good

>> No.24273091


>> No.24273092
File: 445 KB, 505x632, 1592338953405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273093

well she is the cutest so it's natural that she has such a wide appeal

>> No.24273094
File: 246 KB, 920x1440, 1591119459392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone please.

>> No.24273096
File: 85 KB, 651x315, 1509678509976 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your strongest Haachamas.

>> No.24273097
Quoted by: >>24273108

Someone reposted it on Reddit. Or sent it to her Twitter

>> No.24273098

She looks like a fucking retard

>> No.24273101

So Shion? Because Aqua is perfect, so Shion must only be the "good" version of Aqua.

>> No.24273103
Quoted by: >>24273635

>contained in one bloated thread while most of the board is still 2hu
Fake and gay.

>> No.24273105

Why does Fubuki insist on using this short hair model, it's so fucking ugly, she looks like a boy.

>> No.24273106
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1589016966490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273107
File: 859 KB, 2894x4093, E419FDB3-FD9E-450D-840F-95D78B59A976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275205

Early Kaichou

>> No.24273108

reasonably think about how degen and how old coco is.
she likely hates reddit like you do anon

>> No.24273109

>Vase emoji
It's just gonna be the potman meme game every single Holo has played at this point

>> No.24273110

FBK is the punished FBK originator

>> No.24273111
Quoted by: >>24273133

I miss her....

>> No.24273115
File: 401 KB, 800x800, genkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED Kanata to get her 3D soon so they can be dorks together

>> No.24273116
File: 676 KB, 1005x1080, 1592247994599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273191


>> No.24273117

Numberfags that hyped up coco's supacha for today made the actual amount underwhelming desu.

>> No.24273119
File: 863 KB, 2904x4096, 1592331489549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I continue to live knowing that Korone will never be the mother of my children?

>> No.24273118 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24273143

You guys think Subaru's voice is a filter? Check this shit out.

>> No.24273122
Quoted by: >>24273151

>not enjoying a zatsudan with your holo

>> No.24273123
File: 640 KB, 220x199, 69F5683F-CFBC-41CC-A0FB-0C01BC94DE1B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273125
File: 110 KB, 828x1792, 1592042214175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273191


>> No.24273128
File: 590 KB, 800x1080, 1590401080715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd just use them for her video thumbnails.

>> No.24273129

Can't wait

>> No.24273130
Quoted by: >>24273170

Why do you give up so soon?

>> No.24273132

This is true but that doesn’t make her bad, she’s still top 5.

>> No.24273133
File: 49 KB, 720x721, 1589857274956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Aqua just streamed couple of hours ago!

>> No.24273135

luna is going to kill herself

>> No.24273142
Quoted by: >>24273154

The cutest elf.

>> No.24273143 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 933x277, 1592345148276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting filtered by SRYR's gorgeous voice

>> No.24273146


>> No.24273149

is /hlg/ saving or killing /jp/?

>> No.24273151

Oh I'm still gonna watch it
But the fact that she's only playing it now when all other avenues have been exhausted is telling of how interested in this game she actually is

>> No.24273152
File: 140 KB, 1008x1324, 1592256561535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Coco ever shows punished FBK 100% she browses here right?

>> No.24273154
Quoted by: >>24273194

I love this elf!

>> No.24273157
File: 27 KB, 281x328, D3E1AE4A-86C3-4752-ABE6-5D679542FBCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24273159


>> No.24273160
Quoted by: >>24273174

Does Luna + Haato + Watame have a fan nickname?

>> No.24273163
File: 243 KB, 1004x2048, EXjvmZGVcAMiirX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up, Korobro!

>> No.24273166

you can't save what is dead and you can't kill what is dead
/jp/ isn't even close to what it use to be

>> No.24273168
Quoted by: >>24273206

Actual /jp/sies just want to sit back, autistically flex their mediocre japanese on each other and fap to 2hu images. They probably wish we were on a different board.

>> No.24273170
File: 646 KB, 1235x1587, af353735a6e4fae8297a2db64a4569ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273207

Bros, I don't feel so good...

>> No.24273172

2hu is eternal, it might recline from time to time but it will never go away.

>> No.24273174
File: 54 KB, 903x508, Screen_Shot_2019-11-14_at_12.59.03_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273215


>> No.24273175
File: 356 KB, 618x2048, EaoWD_bUwAAVsGd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273180
File: 37 KB, 456x244, F4D0C378F25445FE9DC3DFC69B128DB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punished fubuki...
A cat denied her supacha.

>> No.24273181
File: 7 KB, 198x197, 1566091618959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273182

haachama has a really big head.. makes me wonder what all that extra spaced is used for, cause it certainly isn't for her brain.

>> No.24273185
Quoted by: >>24276022

I'm still going to support her even without her games.

>> No.24273188
File: 662 KB, 1280x720, RUSHIA RUNS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273191
File: 38 KB, 185x233, 1439179330814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273217

Very good, ya cunts. May drop bears never cross you.

>> No.24273193

Her previous boyfriends are super fucking ugly so you might have a shot bro.

>> No.24273194
File: 1.11 MB, 679x786, 1591642612565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273209

The true elf idol!

>> No.24273199


>> No.24273201

everything is a entropic system
the more retards you cram into a system the the more alive it gets but it creates disorder leading to its downfall.

>> No.24273202

Who will give the best love advice?

>> No.24273204

I wonder if we'll ever get another stream like her monetization stream, where there was so much superchats you literally couldn't see regular comments for a whole fifteen minutes because Youtube wouldn't show them.

>> No.24273205

Why is Rushia pink now?

>> No.24273206

>They probably wish we were on a different board
That's pretty obvious at this point anon, same with the meidos who never expected to actually have to do something. I feel kind of bad for them...

>> No.24273207

Make her forever happy so that she never has that void ever again.

>> No.24273208

It's not love advice, EOP. It's discussing the love they have with each other.

>> No.24273209


>> No.24273211
File: 287 KB, 850x1200, 10627834a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273213

no one in that group

>> No.24273214


>> No.24273215
Quoted by: >>24273220

I'm a filthy N10 but I think I get it. All three pretty much love their chips/snacks.

>> No.24273217
File: 302 KB, 500x715, 1592259443136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273233


>> No.24273218

Watame would clearly give the best love advice... shame we'll never hear it.

>> No.24273220
Quoted by: >>24273249

>I get it
Then tell me their name

>> No.24273221

She was browsing /hlg/ and liked the fan edits so she made them reality

>> No.24273225

Kaoru is a man eater

>> No.24273227
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, え?なにこれ.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273228
File: 358 KB, 2693x1896, EZBnAPaVcAEX9aP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273262

>> No.24273229

anybody that owns that will never have sex ever again

>> No.24273231

dont worry its not perm
she likes her body dolls and keeps stacking them

>> No.24273233

You couldn't make your own post? You had to edit Haachama onto someone else copypasta of wen u feel frigten? This general didn't even exist until a few months ago.

>> No.24273234
File: 3 KB, 180x128, EaO_pmsUMAA3deF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273236
Quoted by: >>24273244

she'll reach menopause soon anyway

>> No.24273237

Mio hoodie... YAGOO...

>> No.24273238


>> No.24273239
File: 1.26 MB, 2450x1451, 1592193869112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273241
File: 151 KB, 859x245, 1586077772289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, at FBK's

>> No.24273244

>exponential graph

>> No.24273245

sasuga messenger of god

>> No.24273247

i didn't make it mate

>> No.24273248


>> No.24273249

Potato trio basically

>> No.24273250

Anemachi...your food....

>> No.24273251

>30 Euro
>48 Euro

>> No.24273252

The lies were made to hide the truth DOX

>> No.24273253

I love this jewish half elf.

>> No.24273257

why does rushia hord body models?

>> No.24273261

look at her go!

>> No.24273262
Quoted by: >>24273269

Soft dog.

>> No.24273263

To please old men

>> No.24273264
Quoted by: >>24275307

Fubuki will evolve into a form that no longer needs supacha.

>> No.24273268
File: 470 KB, 1247x567, cocomad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273269
File: 356 KB, 1181x1575, EWSU89gUYAMsQWz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love softness.

>> No.24273270
Quoted by: >>24273288

same bro

>> No.24273272

she also said shes about to die
im worried for her

>> No.24273274
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1580395246067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knew it... She always knew it... Why didn't you stop it..

>> No.24273277
Quoted by: >>24273289

What site is this again?

>> No.24273278

When will "I'll fucking kill myself" become one of the phrases?

>> No.24273279

It's fine the world of warships money will keep her afloat for a little longer

>> No.24273281

her multiple divorces have made her a cynic

>> No.24273284

ELITE landing

>> No.24273285

So if her current body gets killed her soul is transfered to an intact one.

>> No.24273286
File: 2.95 MB, 922x720, 1589346918327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273288

Oh look, an actual idol.

>> No.24273289


>> No.24273291
Quoted by: >>24273305


>> No.24273292

is this true bros?

>> No.24273295

at least the WoWs and ASUS stuff probably paid good money that she doesn't need to care..

>> No.24273296

Did you guys know the Holo copyright drama got so huge and out of control Hololive threads are currently banned in 2chan and dic,Nico released an announcement discharging themselves from any responsibility on this shit? Japan won't forget anytime soon.

>> No.24273298

Is this a thinly veiled commentary about the state of Cover?

>> No.24273305
Quoted by: >>24273360


>> No.24273306


>> No.24273307
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 8F7A6CFB-8F06-4428-B572-C4F6DCE2FFEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273308
File: 787 KB, 1950x1170, 2020-03-23_ETzgNmkVAAA41eJ_@ui_shig_-_ui_shigure_しぐれうい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ui the only chuuba with design cuter than Korone's?

>> No.24273311

im actually extremely embarrassed to recognize exactly what track she is singing

>> No.24273313

She has the cutest design, period. Lulufags can fuck off.

>> No.24273316
Quoted by: >>24273363

Why are nijiniggers still streaming as if nothing happened?

>> No.24273318
Quoted by: >>24273338

Oh no, a few weeks without games, how will we ever recover

>> No.24273321
File: 13 KB, 360x344, 1592251620333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so....soft. I need to....cuddle her...

>> No.24273322
File: 459 KB, 720x720, Akai_Haato_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now aware that Haato's song at the next HoloFest will 100% be "Big Red Heart"

>> No.24273326
Quoted by: >>24273380

Defamation laws in Japan are pretty strong, I wouldn't be surprised if Cover was keeping to their word and sending their legal team after the main perpetrators of this drama.

>> No.24273327
Quoted by: >>24273341


>> No.24273329
File: 615 KB, 597x588, 1591806323752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24273330
Quoted by: >>24273356


>> No.24273331

Good lyrics

>> No.24273332
File: 381 KB, 1800x2039, 1591563470674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the dark times you can't appreciate the bright times.
Korone has seen a lot of dark, which is why she can be so cheerful.

>> No.24273333

Almost one year...

>> No.24273334
File: 188 KB, 784x1080, blncza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273335

Why does Choco like Ark so much
Are dinos that important

>> No.24273336

I hoping it will be "I'm a fucking cute!"

>> No.24273337

I can't believe Aqua is fucking dead.

>> No.24273338
Quoted by: >>24273354

Yeah! a few weeks, hehe... only a few weeks...

>> No.24273341
File: 452 KB, 945x672, 2020-06-16_19-26-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273342

How can a dork be this cute?

>> No.24273343

Watch him.

>> No.24273344
File: 449 KB, 438x466, 1591708177083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273379

I won't let China have her.....

>> No.24273346
Quoted by: >>24273366

Nothing in life gives her enjoyment anymore. She’s ready to lay down.

>> No.24273348

It would be more embarrassing if you didn't know, anon.

>> No.24273349

because dinos are like aliens, they are so ugly and weird

>> No.24273351


>> No.24273352
Quoted by: >>24273380

I guess i have to believe you then

>> No.24273355


>> No.24273354
File: 114 KB, 1280x1000, 1589710957996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273356
Quoted by: >>24273376


>> No.24273357
Quoted by: >>24273397

Too bad her audience is full of lolicons now.

>> No.24273358

AZKi bro....

>> No.24273359

>that heavy breathing

>> No.24273360

what a bunch of drunk dorks
i want to go to a drinking party with them!

>> No.24273362

its going to f*uck you

>> No.24273363

Why would they stop streaming?

>> No.24273364

Sora has her own thread.

>> No.24273366

Will Chocosaurus become extinct?

>> No.24273367

I like how they can still have a Sora thread.

>> No.24273368
File: 1.41 MB, 854x720, 1591632602453.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273390

>> No.24273371


>> No.24273372

how many birthday streams is coco going to milk? will she top watame?

>> No.24273376
Quoted by: >>24273384

Wrong, the lyric is "I AM STILL LOOKING FOR PLOO"

>> No.24273378

how did we get to this point?

>> No.24273379

Don't worry anon she belongs to Russia.

>> No.24273380
File: 375 KB, 676x534, 2020-06-07_22-13-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was before the ban was in place, threads were out of control.

And who are those perpetrators? I don't think there's someone you can point at, and some of the fault does fall on the retarded management.

>> No.24273381


>> No.24273382

Antis on suicide watch.

>> No.24273384

Pretty sure it's BLOO actually.

>> No.24273387


>> No.24273388


>> No.24273390

Stinky beer braps!!

>> No.24273391

Listen to the dork's cover, just 2.5k views from 400k

>> No.24273392

She'll get her own haatohen song

>> No.24273396


>> No.24273397
Quoted by: >>24274227


>> No.24273400

they have a vtuber board?

>> No.24273402

God imagine the shitpost

>> No.24273404


>> No.24273403
File: 1.33 MB, 1244x568, 1592335435635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I donate dragon dildos to Choco?

>> No.24273405
File: 134 KB, 828x1585, EZqR0egUMAEbx_N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original soon.

>> No.24273406
Quoted by: >>24273417


>> No.24273407

Why didn't you tell me Towa is this cute? >>24273329

>> No.24273408

2ch is nijishit central of course anti holo threads will plague it.

>> No.24273409
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1592141184568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273428

why are the japanese like this?

>> No.24273410
Quoted by: >>24273525

Too cute. I love these

>> No.24273411

>And who are those perpetrators?
They can go after the sites hosting them comments, defamation suits are regularly filed against 5ch and futaba.

>> No.24273412

So, something weird recently happened to me you guys. I'm a hardcore fan of the Hololives, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in the Hololive House where I would often drink beer with Aki after hours and help Haachama with her weird videos, but one day as I was talking to Coco, we went to my house for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on another dimension and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then smiled and said "Because we've been watching you, of course."

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Fubuki and she agreed that you would be PERFECT for the Hololive Gamers, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Fubuki said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She smiled again, "Suicide will require pain, but...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works."

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and I purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.....

>> No.24273414
Quoted by: >>24273425

I can't believe most niji discussion is about hololive...

>> No.24273416

Were they trying to make the konami code with Hololive logo?

>> No.24273417


>> No.24273418

I was indifferent towards Towa, but youtube algorithm threw a bunch of her clips my way and she got me. She's weirdly endearing even though she doesn't have anything that special about her.

>> No.24273421

Always good for a quick laugh, thanks anon

>> No.24273422
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, 1591828984501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday family

>> No.24273423

hope YAGOO sues that pig farmer into the ground

>> No.24273425
Quoted by: >>24273437

About how to kill hololive.

>> No.24273426



>> No.24273428
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1591234233303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough nukes.

>> No.24273432

they never win

>> No.24273433
File: 109 KB, 850x769, 1571442736290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I recognize that song, which one is it?

>> No.24273437

Literally the majority of their discussion.

>> No.24273439


>> No.24273440
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1590439743832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273451

Fubuki would know a thing or two about that method

>> No.24273441

At least for 5ch, they typically just delete the comments if they're sued, so it gets dropped. I assume futaba probably does the same, which would make sense if they're now nuking all hololive threads.

>> No.24273444

I've been on 4chan too long. I've seen a bunch of fake suicide posts but only like 3 live streams.

>> No.24273447

It's Avril Lavigne, somehow she has a lot of staying power.

>> No.24273449
Quoted by: >>24273457

First time I hear Towa speaking, her voice sticks out like a sore thumb

>> No.24273451

I wonder how many times she has pulled the trigger only to respawn...

>> No.24273453

>sexy demon
>very seductive
>actually very pure
gap moe

>> No.24273455 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24273497

This guy for HoloEN

>> No.24273456
File: 2.09 MB, 766x1006, 1589169214632.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273457

Imagine walking to the shop and hearing Towa...

>> No.24273461

No one told me the homos were this fun

>> No.24273462

Been a while since I’ve seen this

>> No.24273467

Ah, so sorry!

>> No.24273470
File: 131 KB, 489x450, 31DCB7B2-5D27-4164-A0AD-4E0DC98CE886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata lived a sheltered life and was constantly depressed, she’s a singer who’s slowly going deaf by an incurable disease
Suisei was a failed idol
Matsuri was fat and bullied in school, acts like a degenerate to hide her crippling depression and desire to be loved
Coco moved to Japan and become a lonely and depressed NEET
Noel roommate cries constantly on streams
Korone had 1000+ hours of DQ playthroughs with a pathetic amount of views, a decade of failure, now she can’t do what she loves more than anything in life because of some jap autists who enjoy her suffering
Subaru nearly died twice and her house burned down.
Rushia was a failed seiyuu

I want to hug all these girls and give them all my money.

>> No.24273471
File: 33 KB, 640x640, Anus Analyzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Marine was into kinky stuff, but this is too much.

>> No.24273472
Quoted by: >>24273478

2ch isn't 2chan, and there's also NND, basically Japan is Niji grounds.

>> No.24273473
Quoted by: >>24273481

Who said this again

>> No.24273475

Sk8r Boi

>> No.24273478
Quoted by: >>24273514

Despite Hololive beating them in numbers...

>> No.24273480
File: 227 KB, 851x1200, 1585022963325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273492


>> No.24273481
Quoted by: >>24274528


>> No.24273483
File: 198 KB, 1216x1188, 1589962708922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you watch hololive to escape
>can no longer escape

>> No.24273484
File: 1.62 MB, 3472x4911, 63027465_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273485

>ywn accidentally bump into Towa
>hear her voice and make eye contact for a whole second

>> No.24273487

>Sora still has her own thread

>> No.24273489
File: 353 KB, 2560x1440, EXpNph8U0AEKb70[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on your way home
>pass by this
What do

>> No.24273490
Quoted by: >>24273555

It's something I expect from people as old as Coco and Korone but even Haachama just did a short Avril cover.

>> No.24273491

Lurk more.

>> No.24273492
Quoted by: >>24273502

How can she be so smug?

>> No.24273493
Quoted by: >>24273568

Did Niconico actually purge stuff or did they just say they have no responsibility?

>> No.24273495

Say hi to Towa for me.

>> No.24273496


>> No.24273497


>> No.24273498

Fall into a one-sided love relationship

>> No.24273500
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1582800760719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273550


>> No.24273501
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273517

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.24273502
Quoted by: >>24273519

she knows she can touch any butt she wants

>> No.24273503

keep walking

>> No.24273504

sup dog

>> No.24273506

Challenge her to a pokemon battle

>> No.24273505
File: 487 KB, 550x682, 1592155797666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this cutie

>> No.24273508
File: 20 KB, 399x399, 1588822578842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273511

Wonder why there's a window with curtains outside on my way home.

>> No.24273514

Hololive barely has ani views on Nico except when it's videos shitting on them while niji is super popular there, I really feel like it's no coincidence.

>> No.24273515
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, 1589630756177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273528

Imagine the smell.

>> No.24273517

if any post itt is actually made by coco, it is this one

>> No.24273519

>all the holos have had their butt touched

>> No.24273520

"You lost sailor?"

>> No.24273521
Quoted by: >>24273531

Offt my pal.

>> No.24273522

Slap in front of YAGOO

>> No.24273523

grab the nearest chair and bench press her

>> No.24273524
Quoted by: >>24273732

Noel roommate doesn't cry on stream constantly though.

>> No.24273525
Quoted by: >>24273537

I sometimes get the feeling Kanata is better at English than she lets on. She often reads English comments and instantly gives a perfect Japanese translation for it, even for some longer comments. Even if she could use a translation tool that fast, there's no way it would always be this accurate and natural sounding.

>> No.24273528


>> No.24273529

imagine hating holos because the girls left your shitty website to find better opportunities.

>> No.24273530

Politely pass by her after greeting her platonically.
I'm not fucking Iyg*r

>> No.24273531

Yeah they are super popular on a decrepit website who hates hololive with a passion

>> No.24273532

>the fantastic soft cave
I want into Flare's anus.

>> No.24273533
File: 52 KB, 612x401, 20200616_111252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273535

Haato really feels like a gen 4 holo more than a gen 1. Almost as if she and Towa swapped places at some point.

>> No.24273537

Is everything even the tweets all fabricated in Hololive? Would you still care for PPT if you knew she wasn’t poor?

>> No.24273538

nnd is almost as garbage as billibilli

>> No.24273541

I wish I was as cool as this chad cat....

>> No.24273544
File: 2.47 MB, 1370x1822, 1591768883456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273604

I want to cum in Suisei's ass
I also want to pee in her ass
Followed by intense missionary babymaking
With handholding
And lots of headpats afterwards
Fall soundly asleep spooning her

>> No.24273546


>> No.24273549
File: 1.09 MB, 3679x4096, EaFXG5aUMAE0Cj_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273556

Shion yo...

>> No.24273550

very based

>> No.24273553
Quoted by: >>24273608

It wouldn't be like this if Choco wasn't autistic enough to have another channel...

>> No.24273554
Quoted by: >>24273563

You forgot about Miko failing misserably at becoming the next Ai, being unable to be successful even in Hololive for a long time

>> No.24273555

avril is very popular in japan even now

>> No.24273556

Her personality... her big wide personality...

>> No.24273557
File: 138 KB, 538x442, 1506555997325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm matsuribros??

>> No.24273563
Quoted by: >>24273607

Did Miko even change after her GTA stream? Did she beat down on it hard?

>> No.24273564


>> No.24273568
Quoted by: >>24273584

A group or person can ask mods to delete defamatory articles or videos. So basically Hololive just needs to ask, they're not very good at it though going by what started the drama in the first place.

>> No.24273569
File: 108 KB, 819x579, EZWhxACUMAAdV6W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273570

I refuse to believe haato actually has big boobs

>> No.24273571

One among this was a narrative that I bullshitted on the fly
W-What is this feeling bros? Is this why narrativechads can't stop?

>> No.24273572
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1592066958454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys keep telling Festival needs a good dicking but despise Ayame who does that daily and having a literal healthy normal life without showing abnormal psychological shits on her stream. What the fuck /hlg/....

>> No.24273573
File: 150 KB, 1440x1454, 20200616_195122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copyright accusations are more upboated than Hololive itself in the NND Encyclopedia

>> No.24273576

Being a Haaton must be the most fun thing ever. I can't imagine any other holo fanbase enjoys themselves as much as the Haatons.

>> No.24273577

I love Ayame...

>> No.24273578


>> No.24273579

Shitposting Australian...

>> No.24273581

Why did you feel the need to lie Korobro?

>> No.24273583 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 890x1080, tapioca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273584

Even the futaba mods could see the haters being ridiculous though

>> No.24273585

but I like Ayame
she's the only holo that I can picture as a normal girl and not some deranged menhera

>> No.24273587

Noel confirmed pure.

>> No.24273588
Quoted by: >>24273601

will everything be ok?

>> No.24273589

She's fucking boring.

>> No.24273590
File: 1.58 MB, 1025x999, 1591305669552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273594
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1591435169788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273610

Imagine being this autistic over video games...

>> No.24273595

Matsuri is way too energetic and fit (see her dancing streams) to still be fat.

>> No.24273599

>When you see Matsuri hiding behind a bush

>> No.24273601
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1590973802896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doompost with us.

>> No.24273604

Suisei would be disgusted with you!

>> No.24273605
File: 1.19 MB, 1455x2050, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273606
Quoted by: >>24274462

best holo for giantess scenarios?

>> No.24273607
File: 238 KB, 459x368, 1591883761066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she kept being herself

>> No.24273608

Problem is that Choco needs it, Youtube still shadowbans her main channel.

>> No.24273610

They don't care about games, they just want to start shit.

>> No.24273611 [SPOILER] 
File: 509 KB, 911x569, 1592348211830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273612
Quoted by: >>24273741

Absolutely amazing. This is Japanese culture. No matter if it be war crimes, wage slavery or internet drama.
Yamato-damashii is impressive.

>> No.24273614
File: 1.44 MB, 1455x2050, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273617

what she does is she eats a shit ton of hamburgers, gains a bunch of weight, and then starves herself to lose it all again

>> No.24273619
Quoted by: >>24273641

I want a shitposting haato gf so fucking bad

>> No.24273621

Becoming a streamer really helped her, she's pretty much the best entertainer in hololive.

>> No.24273622
Quoted by: >>24273640

>now she can’t do what she loves more than anything in life because of some jap autists who enjoy her suffering
??? wat ???

>> No.24273623


>> No.24273625

Now I wanna see some dragon tits

>> No.24273627


>> No.24273628
Quoted by: >>24273675

Pass by the same place every day for weeks in hopes the other person will show up and miraculously talk to me first. Duh.

>> No.24273631
Quoted by: >>24273811

I'm 200+ lbs and used to go to the gym regularly, and now during the quarantine I jog daily. You can be active and a fatass at the same time.

>> No.24273632

she's strongfat, no amount of exercise could tame a tempura bowl, gummies, sweet bread, pocky, potato chips, 2 box bento, 5 hamburgers, udon, starbucks, dinner, another snack, ice cream, and fried chicken

>> No.24273633

For a necromancer Rushia sucks at handling the undead.

>> No.24273635
Quoted by: >>24273648

2hu x hololaibu when

>> No.24273638

you did it anon, you won the game

>> No.24273640
File: 46 KB, 407x490, 17763431-F0EF-404D-901F-BB5235A57F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death.

Fuck you newfag

>> No.24273641
Quoted by: >>24273692

Anon she's retarded...

>> No.24273643
Quoted by: >>24273669

>part of the song is about being a single mother
bros...the narrative

>> No.24273642
File: 31 KB, 632x403, 1592174041349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bloatmaxer.

>> No.24273644
Quoted by: >>24273649

she's got a pretty strong grasp on the Fandead though

>> No.24273647

hololive will move to america and claim to be only bound by american copyright law

>> No.24273648
Quoted by: >>24273663

July 10

>> No.24273649

It comes with being a cult leader

>> No.24273651

Apparently the Marine article is rising up because they are angry at Marine collabing with the NND touhou old guard

>> No.24273652

Ayame is just normal and boring, I still like her cause of her adorable voice though

>> No.24273654
Quoted by: >>24273684

i'd still marry matsuri, i like my girls with meat
I dont like skeletons

>> No.24273655

American copyright law is pretty shit.

>> No.24273656

What?! I thought miko can't sing for shit! so I tried to listen to a bunch of her utawaku and what I found was a surprise. This one's for example, it's clearly better than what I expected, actually this particular utawaku is great and also cute! https://youtu.be/7XbX6QvTD2o?t=3284

>> No.24273658
Quoted by: >>24273981

Ayame almost never gets hate. People either forget about her or wish she'd come back.

>> No.24273659
File: 105 KB, 1540x1027, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273682


>> No.24273663

Nice, didnt know they released the full image already, thanks for a reason to keep living for now

>> No.24273665
Quoted by: >>24273712

get this brainlet outta here

>> No.24273667

She doesn't fucking stream.

>> No.24273669


>> No.24273671
File: 1.73 MB, 1754x1240, 41366fd57f205bb0bd1b56ad0db5c9d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273674
Quoted by: >>24273695

Are they just petty and jealous?

>> No.24273675

Based anxiety chad.

>> No.24273676

Then, THEY will ask why they do not donate to x-charity because is trending.

>> No.24273680
File: 595 KB, 512x512, 1590885955281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooah look at that sexy dragonpits

>> No.24273682

is that....IS THAT... A NINTENDO GAAME?!?!?!

>> No.24273683

Your body is build not in the training room, but in the kitchen.

>> No.24273684
Quoted by: >>24273715

Would you be okay with her screaming “Sara” during sex, constant mood swings and weekly “30 big macs” nights?

>> No.24273689

Angry on what exactly, she was literally on stream with ZUN and beatMARIO.

>> No.24273692
File: 469 KB, 602x790, 1591935539654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273783

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.24273695

I think they correlate Hololive to youtube who in addition to not being popular there has been sucking views from their toxic website

>> No.24273696

>I thought miko can't sing for shit
miko antis are strong in /hlg/ i see

>> No.24273697
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1253436366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding me that I'll die alone

>> No.24273702
File: 69 KB, 463x453, B85AA63E-76C0-4017-BE7E-9616D9F857A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273703
File: 165 KB, 600x1073, 1586042094181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's she do it bros? The green hair was perfect

>> No.24273705
Quoted by: >>24273713

Her necromancy loicense expired.

>> No.24273709
File: 1.05 MB, 2160x1620, EYCmM41U0AA578I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273712

She's got some haachama in her

>> No.24273713
Quoted by: >>24273724

But she's not Br*tish. Do Japanese people require loicenses too?

>> No.24273714
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, 6f7db375f5aa5fab1f84a9c33face8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273715

Yes, loves knows no boundsor age.

>> No.24273718

Please give her games back.

>> No.24273724

Apparently so.

>> No.24273725

> nearly every day someone asks here "why didn't any of you guys started streaming?"
> still noone here started streaming

>> No.24273732

I think you are watching the wrong roommate anon

>> No.24273734

Not even a good /hlg/ narrative.

>> No.24273736

how do you know

>> No.24273741
Quoted by: >>24273765

This. Love their entertainment but hate their culture.

>> No.24273742
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, 1592300765634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm too busy rewatching videos of suisei dancing to start streaming

>> No.24273744

Its over she is now pink artia

>> No.24273748
File: 264 KB, 1240x1754, EZVf1YfU0AAu_MF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273815

The first date with Sui-chan!

>> No.24273752

I'd probably still care, but it might change how I look at her. I don't think that's made up though. It's not like she tries to paint herself as somebody who suffered from being poor, people just like to exaggerate because that makes for better shitposting.

>> No.24273753

If I started streaming I certainly wouldn't advertise it to you assholes

>> No.24273754

because you need to be interesting, have a nice voice and extroverted(unless you are a girl lol)

>> No.24273756
File: 56 KB, 457x497, 7F0F184E-C7F8-4A16-8CB9-F71A91C8C534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273757
File: 2.88 MB, 842x708, dork.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273815

The dork levels are too strong

>> No.24273760

Haato confirmed big tits IRL. Makes sense since the person had to have a similar build or else the 3D won't work.

>> No.24273765
Quoted by: >>24273798

Isn't the reason their entertainment is great that so many people feel alienated in society and gather together, creating parallel cultures that are in a sense anti-japan where taboos are constantly broken, which birthed otaku culture and all of its glory?

>> No.24273769

My roomate started streaming.

>> No.24273771


look at her go

>> No.24273773
File: 1.35 MB, 1629x2000, 1590338349001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru as described by herself:
>Born with heart defect, was told she won't survive past 14 without surgery
>Didn't start talking before 3
>Was kept in hospital until kindergarten, played with dolls alone or with other sick kids who stayed there
>Couldn't connect with kids in kindergarten and early school, couldn't do sports, was basically a bookworm
>Poor, couldn't afford to spend money on herself
>Her family is weird and strict with her
>At some point got hit by a car so hard she thought she's gonna die
>House burned down
>Had to take multiple part time jobs while still in school, came across Cover as a part-time opportunity
>Didn't know a single thing about anything tech-related, had a $5 mic and barely any knowledge of anything about v-tubing
>Even as a vtuber isn't a typical Hololive girl
>Couldn't read Tanigo's name
>Isn't an otaku because she never had a real childhood and only now gets to discover a lot of things
>Hyperactive and loves sports now because back in her hospital childhood she was straight up told she'd die if she as much as starts running
>Shines brightly despite everything, because now is the most peaceful period in her life and "a lot of things always happened" to her
>Impressive vocal capabilities even despite bad dental situation and possibly some sort of trouble breathing related to her voice (in her asmr video she said it sounds strange because she's breathing through her mouth, at least for the quiet voices)
>Still tries to live a full and happy life and experience everything because at this point it'd be stupid to miss out on it
Don't believe her when she says she's not a God. She might as well be.

>> No.24273774

if that is true, since when did so many jap girls get big milkers... and what does that say about coco and her height

>> No.24273775

She's karaoke good, not vocalist good, and that's okay. She's enjoyable and entertaining.
Also, try her Ark singing stream.

>> No.24273778

that is bullshit because mikos roomate has no tits

>> No.24273780
File: 90 KB, 254x275, 1591629094540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*munches on chips and gets crumbs everywhere*


*continues aggressively eating snacks into the mic*

*snack dust-coated lips smack together with an audible plap, and tongue sloshes around inside mouth, lapping at cheeks and teeth*

*reads chat and gets mad about something*

*makes long, drawn out mouth fart noises*


*makes more fart noises*


*hides half her videos behind a membership*

*sings poorly*


*uses youtube money to buy expensive jewelry*

*tries to delete online presence for the 30th time*

>> No.24273781


>> No.24273783
File: 128 KB, 314x236, F_UCK YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273785

I feel kind of bad for not watching her because of her shaky live2d now.

>> No.24273787
File: 70 KB, 637x719, PekoraD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274375

>Length 182mm
>Diameter 53mm

>> No.24273788

I don't think they're as big as her models though, her hands and arms clip through them all the time. Whereas noels don't.

>> No.24273791


>> No.24273793
Quoted by: >>24273801

Bros, I got the corona, I don't think I'm gonna make it, I have been waiting for at least 9 hours just to get enter and get admitted in the hospital, they just put me an armband and give me a blanket, there's no beds left and most of the patients are in the hallway in the floor. It was fun to shitpost with you guys, it reminded me of the golden age of the yuchubas when it was just a few of them. Goodbye

Haachama is the best holo

>> No.24273794
File: 198 KB, 1000x1500, EV3w3ziU8AAS4YZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she wasn't. And I hope everything else about her childhood and health is a lie too. I'd cry tears of joy if all of this is just an act for her character.

>> No.24273797

Haachama is so based

>> No.24273798
Quoted by: >>24274488

>creating parallel cultures that are in a sense anti-japan where taboos are constantly broken
Ironically these sub-cultures are the ones gaijin associate with Japan.

>> No.24273799
Quoted by: >>24273816

What about Rushia's roommate?

>> No.24273801

Everyone in this industry were poor, most of them are still poor.

>> No.24273803
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, 544E0F3E-C536-4F23-AD72-6397C350BD19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you stupid baby

>> No.24273804

I'm probably not entertaining enough, but thinking about it, trying to stream in front of a small audience is something that I'd like to at least try once at some point just as an experiment. Nothing stopping you from streaming once and and stopping completely.

>> No.24273807

I don't wanna miss on Hololive streams, if I ever make myself a live2d model I'll be sure to let you fags know so you can come and dislike my silent eurojank streams

>> No.24273808

Isn't she like 23?
How the fuck did you get into Cover as a student?
This smells like narrative faggotry.

>> No.24273809

she just messed up the RGB of the 3rd gen

>> No.24273811

Jogging is a bit different. As Homo sapiens you are literally born and bred to jog. It doesn't require you to be in amazing shape because every single part of your human body is optimized for jogging long distances. Conversely, humans did not evolve to dance, so you need to be in a lot better shape for dancing than you do for jogging.

>> No.24273813

How much did Rushia make during her new outfit stream?

>> No.24273815
Quoted by: >>24273836

Suisei......please be my bride!!

>> No.24273816

You have to be literally dumb or blind to not see she photoshops her face and breasts. She's just like Korone. At least she's so blatant about it though. Korone actually tries to be slick.

>> No.24273819
Quoted by: >>24273831

haato is 18

>> No.24273820

I'm not an attention whore

>> No.24273822


>> No.24273824

i want to be a teacher IRL and I always wanted to stream video games which would allow me to explain and elaborate on cultural trivia for zoomer audiences

>> No.24273827

You forgot:



>> No.24273828
File: 984 KB, 1060x595, 1592080027336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273831

I'm taking about Subaru. Pretty sure she's at best a university student.

>> No.24273834
File: 898 KB, 2000x2000, 1590383068015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karakuri Pierrot

>> No.24273836

She has never really been on my radar like other chuubas have but Ive been liking pride more and more lately, shes very cute and her design is awesome.
I cant wait for another 3D karaoke stream

>> No.24273837
Quoted by: >>24273858

Haachama joined hololive as a 16 year old

>> No.24273838

You're going to learn to like Nushia before her stream tonight.

>> No.24273842

>Isn't she like 23?
No? Where did you get that? She's everyone's little sister in Hololive.
>How the fuck did you get into Cover as a student?
Ask Haachama
Also get your narratives straight, word is she wasn't hired through usual means.

>> No.24273843

she will keep this style a week at most then revert

>> No.24273846

I didn't know Luna did that many menber streams.

>> No.24273847

Cheap Aqua copycat

>> No.24273850


>> No.24273852
Quoted by: >>24273882


>> No.24273853
Quoted by: >>24273863

damn she's also a duck

>> No.24273855

Who's voice did you read that in?

>> No.24273856
Quoted by: >>24273883

>miko has tits but roommate no tits
>pekora no tits but roommate has tits

>> No.24273858

How? You're supposed to be 18 right? Wtf doesn't this go against child labour laws or something?

>> No.24273859
File: 235 KB, 2048x1236, 1586473516761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just playing video games

>> No.24273860

Shion yo...

>> No.24273863
Quoted by: >>24273876


>> No.24273864


>> No.24273865
File: 114 KB, 673x720, 1582892421447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273869

>you will never work as hard as Subaru
Why even live?

>> No.24273873

pekora reads comic lo
and had a brother that mentally abused her for talking like a chipmunk
he would constantly burn her manga and comics

>> No.24273874

She's doing really well at the moment, it's nice.

>> No.24273876
Quoted by: >>24273894

she might be a crow

>> No.24273878

>child labour laws
Since when did those matter?

>> No.24273879
File: 138 KB, 1150x1228, Untitled6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273881

>dont cum

>> No.24273882
File: 799 KB, 1073x2079, 9a4bcb40f5eb78b70c7ff8a2ecacf103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273901


>> No.24273883

>pekora no tits but roommate has tits

>> No.24273884
File: 1.12 MB, 1435x808, 1589370546262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her model's incredibly cute art is really held back by her rigging. She's way overdue for an update.

>> No.24273892

Is there any holo member who's not a pedophile

>> No.24273894


>> No.24273895
Quoted by: >>24273913

Shit narrative

>> No.24273897

both her and shion started during college

>> No.24273898


>> No.24273902

The age requirement wasn't always there. It was added after they hired Haato and Shion.

>> No.24273901

I'm somehow convinced A-chan is always wearing jeans now.

>> No.24273905 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24273914

Nigger you’re fucking stupid

>> No.24273909

Thank you livebro. Keep up the good work.

>> No.24273913

its true though anon

>> No.24273914

wow wow wow

>> No.24273915
Quoted by: >>24273965

I saw Haachama at a grocery store in Melbourne yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say
was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Spicy pringles in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.24273916


>> No.24273921
File: 2.77 MB, 800x640, 1588774964832.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24273923
Quoted by: >>24273983

The shakiness makes it more funny to me when something ridiculous is happening on her stream.

>> No.24273924

Which holo doesn't have a dark and troubled past? Is it a requirement to join the company?

>> No.24273927

I remembered this post was posted and translated on 5ch first before getting on Twitter.

>> No.24273930

yes yagoo only hires girls that cant take care of themselves

>> No.24273932
Quoted by: >>24273966

I streamed shit once upon a long time ago to just dick around with video games but fuck paying an artist and rigging an avatar and all that shit, going indepedent seems like such a hassle. Also, I have a very deep voice, and homostars aren't in demand so I'll just keep supporting the holos instead.

>> No.24273934

... anonchama... you do realize people under the age of 18 work part-time jobs all over the world... right?!

>> No.24273935 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 504x749, 1591105667555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273952


>> No.24273936

>child labour laws
the only real restriction is working hours, when akb does long events the youngest girls have to leave early because they aren't allowed to work past 9pm or whatever

>> No.24273937

All the dudes except Astel might not be. All women are paedophiles Japan just enables them

>> No.24273939

Nobody said n*ntendo.

>> No.24273941

What about Miko, Noel, and Flare?

>> No.24273942
File: 225 KB, 600x1073, rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273946

Why do you guys love the word nigger so much?

>> No.24273947

Choco's past was full of joy and love and stability and a lot of dinosaur toys.

>> No.24273952

Haachama would say n*igger anon

>> No.24273953
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, EZCRRjJUEAAiLo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273992

Playing kusoge with Korone and the kids!

>> No.24273954

conflicting feelings

>> No.24273955
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1590559876166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273956
File: 245 KB, 1131x404, 1591988511928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24273967

>you have to go back

>> No.24273962

I miss Luna's English lesson...

>> No.24273963


>> No.24273965
File: 16 KB, 314x177, EKbebE2UUAAex8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only part of this pasta that would actually work with Haato would be the "infetterence" part since she's probably actually said that non-jokingly...

>> No.24273966

But Homostars are in demand

>> No.24273967


>> No.24273969

i wish anon god i wish

>> No.24273975
File: 164 KB, 1200x1039, EMyscEFU0AkhZno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these hunnies biggie got to creep with

>> No.24273978

who is the worst vtuber to listen to without headphones?

>> No.24273979

this degree of autism

>> No.24273980
File: 152 KB, 633x1000, EZq9Tr2WoAcs3mF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24273981

>Ayame almost never gets hate.
Hello newfag

>> No.24273982

And nowadays she still has a lot of dinosaur toys but she plays with them in other ways.

>> No.24273983

Her sausage legend streams are a goldmine of those kind of reactions, she shakes so much sometimes. But her 2D model really doesn't do her justice, I wish she had a 3D model to stream with. Back in the day when she swapped models with Roboco you could see a difference right away.

>> No.24273986

anon..... im sorry you think the stars are "pure"

>> No.24273987
Quoted by: >>24274012

I miss these outfits so much like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.24273992
File: 428 KB, 724x1228, 81766039_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274007

Just playing for fun because she can't stream her games anymore!

>> No.24273993

I mean, the worst I've seen is that Roberu wants to be the shota in a /ss/ fantasy but really who doesn't want to be that...

>> No.24273994


>> No.24273995
Quoted by: >>24274010

I didn’t say they were pure I said they were possibly not paedophiles (with the exception of the Shotacon astel)

>> No.24274002

didn't she graduate high school while being a vtuber? i remember seeing a video of her talking about quitting her part time jobs to go full time vtuber because she couldn't handle streaming, part time jobs and club activities.

>> No.24274004
Quoted by: >>24274008

Pillow talk with sensei...

>> No.24274006
File: 1.70 MB, 1445x2550, 1592339375857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274344

>> No.24274007
File: 891 KB, 300x628, 1588966954045.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish.

>> No.24274008
Quoted by: >>24274016

But it's time to wake up...

>> No.24274010
Quoted by: >>24274021

you fucking know what i said anon
dont be stupid the word pure means many things in context of what its being said in.
holy shit

>> No.24274012

3D streams are now back, I really hope we get a summer HoloFes.

>> No.24274015
Quoted by: >>24274027

I really hope Choco’s next outfit has a ponytail like this.

>> No.24274016

Not in Europe... and also not on her fucked up sleep rhythm

>> No.24274017


>> No.24274018
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x1660, 1591567043004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these are so on point it's incredible. I can't wait for Gen4 to get theirs.

>> No.24274021


>> No.24274027
Quoted by: >>24274057

It's going to be a dinosaur onesie and it's going to be really cute.

>> No.24274028

didn't know noel roommate started doing light bdsm stuff now

>> No.24274029

Does that mean someone found a full picture of Miko?

>> No.24274032

It's a fun word that rolls right off the tongue. Like faggot and cuck

>> No.24274033
File: 86 KB, 768x720, artia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274344


>> No.24274035

Why are their hats so tiny

>> No.24274037
Quoted by: >>24274054

Is Rikka finally getting his 3D model?

>> No.24274038

there are states in Usa and Eu you can move the legal HQ there without the need to move physically an atom from japan. is just paperwork and a bit of fee.
stay in japan, operate in japan, pay taxes in japan, follow laws in japan for everything in regards to physical things but legally, you are not japanese.
and virtual space cannot be claimed as japanese.

>> No.24274039
Quoted by: >>24274055

>Korone's EOPs start leaving her now that she can't play video games anymore
>The ones that stay eventually assimilate and start typing in japanese
>Nobody's left to reply to "hey guys"
First her children then her EOPs. Korone...

>> No.24274040

Hololive isekai when?

>> No.24274042

The outfits are cute but the Shiny Smily Story art style sucks

>> No.24274043
File: 109 KB, 615x742, 1591875913783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 4chen is the only place we can say it.

>> No.24274047
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1591767143446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she'd wake me up every morning..

>> No.24274048

Like water off a duck’s back.

>> No.24274050


>> No.24274051
Quoted by: >>24274064

>Loli Boy
Why the fuck this shitty channel has almost as much subs as Aki and Towa?
Fuck EOPs

>> No.24274052


>> No.24274054

no. but he'll probably hit the required subcount in a month or so...

>> No.24274055
File: 789 KB, 1062x1505, 1590253284508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone will make it through this.

>> No.24274057
File: 161 KB, 2048x2048, 1579407811985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274063

It's going to be like Flare's where she never uses any other outfit.

>> No.24274058
Quoted by: >>24274074

Matsuri is pure!
Pure alcohol

>> No.24274063

That’s fine. I’d prefer to see more than just her neck and head all the time

>> No.24274064
Quoted by: >>24274077

>comes to /jp/ to cry about English speakers
do you know how retarded you are?

>> No.24274065

>Holos are crammed inside of a truck-kun on the way to the office
>Truck drives off a cliff
>They wake up in ARK: Survival Evolved or Aki's elven world

>> No.24274069
Quoted by: >>24274071

Matsuri is a good senpai

>> No.24274068

>ARK: Survival Evolved

>> No.24274071
Quoted by: >>24274081

when shes not having OCD attacks

>> No.24274074

And pure shit

>> No.24274077
Quoted by: >>24274095

Fuck off to back to your board EOP

>> No.24274081
Quoted by: >>24274116

matsuri doesn't have ocd, she has npd.

>> No.24274082

>Gen 4 are now 2 time isekai

>> No.24274088
File: 178 KB, 1144x566, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama just took down Sora.

>> No.24274094

Shitposts give you power. But at what cost.

>> No.24274095
Quoted by: >>24274110

poor mad flip thinking 4chan was not made for eops

>> No.24274099

or they end up in the demonic realm that Shion, Choco, Rushia and Ayame are from

>> No.24274101
Quoted by: >>24274122

All Japanese people are pedophiles. Some are just more open about it.

>> No.24274106

So proud of our retard

>> No.24274110
Quoted by: >>24274125

Monkeys should fuck off /jp/ along with EOPs like you

>> No.24274112
File: 1.61 MB, 2356x3300, 82373370_p0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274128

It's disappointing since she's the only Holo with green hair. We already have a ton of holos in the pink/purple range.

>> No.24274116
Quoted by: >>24274136

her apex addiction is ocd
not npd
her sara addiction is ocd
She has OCD

>> No.24274117

going through the Matsuri simp saga. this is actually kind of brutal.

>> No.24274122

I wish Choco met me when I was still a boy...

>> No.24274123
File: 1.18 MB, 498x318, 01743EF9-473B-4BEB-8115-240CFBEFE525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274146

>Asacoco 2.0 loading screen

>> No.24274125
File: 397 KB, 220x177, 1591739742289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you see threads full of moon runes?
no. close your mouth autist before bees fly in it.

>> No.24274128

I'm not a huge Rushia fan but green hair + red eyes is a amazing combo. My 2hu wife has them as well.

>> No.24274129

She gets better anon, don't worry

>> No.24274131

Roberu and Matsuri collab again when...

>> No.24274132
Quoted by: >>24274161

i hope they set up a kusoge battle of GAMERS vs HAACHAMA (+1 for 2v2 bunnyman) with Haachama kusoge.

>> No.24274134

>Passed her role model
I wonder how she feels

>> No.24274135

Remember to end it with the (Haato+Hoshikawa)-Matsuri Hawaii story.

>> No.24274136
Quoted by: >>24274165

How does that have any correlation to OCD?
She's a pretty textbook NPD my dude. She's addicted to attention and praise.

>> No.24274138
File: 1.32 MB, 4590x1534, EMyscEFVAAEXGwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274139

How do you plan on discussing Japanese content when you don’t speak Japanese anon?

>> No.24274140
File: 358 KB, 2048x1536, EO82sqtUcAU4X6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24274146

That's luna

>> No.24274147

Man i've read thread after thread and i still don't understand what started it. It's all people blaming nijis and saying vague stuff about copyright? Can anyone tell me what actually happened?

>> No.24274148
File: 201 KB, 915x1637, sadsadsdasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274149

She's having a chuuni collab with Oga today and Rikka in a few days

>> No.24274152

Okakoro when

>> No.24274153
Quoted by: >>24274199

You should stop watching vtubers if you can't even understand what they say when they're saying live.
But of course EOPs are too retarded to understand what they do is pointless.

>> No.24274156

>expectation vs reality
>then vs now

>> No.24274158

Man, /hlg/ really died over the past 2 months as tourists and EOPs invaded this place.

>> No.24274161
Quoted by: >>24274334

I don't think there's a vtuber on the planet that can beat Haachama at bunnyman. She is to Bunnyman what Suisei is to Tetris.

>> No.24274162

aqua is reclining....

>> No.24274165
Quoted by: >>24274202

NPD people would screech like hell after being shut down like matsuri has

>> No.24274168

We just had one last week right after Okayu's outfit reveal.

>> No.24274170

90% of the people on this board don't know Japanese.

>> No.24274171
File: 39 KB, 399x399, 1590405778103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who tried to hit on Suisei on twitter got dislike bombed, sometimes I wonder if the nijisanji fanbase is just full of lunatics.

>> No.24274173

High quality translations from youtube obviously. Who needs shit like zatsudans.

>> No.24274176

Haachama is a hardworking talented girl!

>> No.24274177
Quoted by: >>24274181

For me?
It's chubby Korone.

>> No.24274178

The growth is slowing down...

>> No.24274179
File: 125 KB, 606x888, matsuri....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274246

When she finally succeeds in kidnapping him...

>> No.24274180

>high quality
Top kek

>> No.24274181
File: 514 KB, 1536x1560, 1589241236915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274182

He probably got disliked bombed by actual fans.

>> No.24274183

>High quality translations
>Loli boy
EOPs and their delusions, everyone.

>> No.24274185

Be the change you want to see. Start conversing in japanese.

>> No.24274187

We've been so blessed this past month, let's not get greedy.

>> No.24274188

Her voice is pure sex. People who think she sounds like Watame need to listen closer. Ui is capable of making noises that I've never heard out of Watame.

>> No.24274191
Quoted by: >>24274203

who was it?

>> No.24274192

Imagine being too retarded to learn 4th language.

>> No.24274197

>60’s spider-man pointing around himself.avi

>> No.24274199
File: 51 KB, 413x474, EVa0O_oWoAIXTWp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try seaniggers
4chan will aways be eop

>> No.24274202

They love being the victim to garner sympathy from others.
Someone like Matsuri who grew up coddled and unpopular at school to someone who is now pretty, skinny and popular it's hard to avoid becoming one.

>> No.24274203


>> No.24274206
Quoted by: >>24274230

4channel will always be JFL, go to 4chan if you want to be an EOP

>> No.24274207

Why are Aqua and Korone deleting so many videos...

>> No.24274213

Sorry, next I'll add quotation marks so you can read obvious sarkasm.

>> No.24274214
Quoted by: >>24274233

Im convinced that this thread rn is like 4 anons samefagging

>> No.24274215

Korone is privating videos because she is shook, not sure about Aqua though.

>> No.24274218

She probably doesn't. In the pictures leaked after people doxxed her dad she looks like a stick. There's no way someone that slender has large breasts unless she's a 1% genetic miracle

>> No.24274219


>> No.24274220

Why are JSLs so triggered today?

>> No.24274222

Yagoo fears the big N...

>> No.24274223
Quoted by: >>24274247

Are you trying to insinuate you’re too stupid to learn another language but the sea niggers that shit out the “translations” you use aren’t?

>> No.24274224

Lawsuits almost never go to court. The main purpose is to intimidate the counter party enough to make them stop their shit "voluntarily".

>> No.24274227

If she didn't want lolicons in her chat she shouldn't have challenged Kenmochi. She has no one to blame but herself.

>> No.24274228
File: 619 KB, 3242x4096, Eap9TnIUwAALucl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274424


>> No.24274229
Quoted by: >>24274243

>Aqua and Korone burning bridges.
They're graduating bros...

>> No.24274230
File: 1002 KB, 1200x1427, 1592196996283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking there is a difference between 4chan and 4channel

>> No.24274233
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, 1591342089194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274248

It's just me, you and a bot.

>> No.24274235
Quoted by: >>24274259

>Flare getting massive boost
>Kanatan and Watame still neck to neck
>Miko, Subaru and Mio nicely boosted their views in the last week
Pretty good.

>> No.24274237

PekoHina > PekoMiko

>> No.24274238
Quoted by: >>24274274

Any idea as to which videos she’s privating? Any patterns?

>> No.24274239
Quoted by: >>24274252

Management is just following their NND autists master orders

>> No.24274242

They are different domains anon I don’t know what you want me to say

>> No.24274243
Quoted by: >>24274253

Going nuclear if that happens lads.

>> No.24274246


>> No.24274247
File: 177 KB, 278x365, MhV1hTtlr1Yl_pekoraint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do i need to need to learn another language when seanig slaves translate for us eops?

>> No.24274248
File: 246 KB, 400x400, 1579016044317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274249

There is.
4chan has all the boards accesible by default.

>> No.24274252
Quoted by: >>24274284

I'm convinced there is no real management, if so they are grossly incompetent and should commit seppuku.

>> No.24274253

>tfw we won’t ever see anon go nuclear

>> No.24274255
Quoted by: >>24274300

because they translate 1% of the content and what they “translate” is google translator tier

>> No.24274258
File: 258 KB, 762x800, 1591838500944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Cover IS actually doing shit behind the scenes? Like they're planning some sort of powerful counter attack against nijis?

>> No.24274259
Quoted by: >>24274298

>Aki and Towa are dragging each other up
even better

>> No.24274260
File: 235 KB, 1325x1567, EaqdIhoXgAQM3DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274261

4chan > 4channel

>> No.24274263
Quoted by: >>24274280

Why would the Niji fans dislike bomb they love shipping?

>> No.24274265
File: 102 KB, 479x631, 69963_1586967748_8c77ff328e0614922845477f34bde613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274431

I mean, what was he expecting to happen? Guys have to tow a fine line when talking to Holo girls, even holostars have to watch what they say(which is even harder when the only Holo who actively talks to them is Matsuri who will say shit like "I want to bathe with my onii-chan... do you want to be my onii-chan?")

>> No.24274266
File: 35 KB, 288x497, 1591120235818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAGOO let his girls get bullied on purpose...

>> No.24274267

Has Bladerunner taught you nothing young one?

>> No.24274268

What are they gonna do? Send armed mercs to Niji HQ?

>> No.24274271

Writing something completely unrelated to what the chubas said is not translation, Anon.

>> No.24274272
File: 359 KB, 522x643, 264DFE5F-BB42-47C9-B0F5-97FD84B56C72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no more fighting, can’t you see? We are destroying ourselves...

>> No.24274273


>> No.24274274
Quoted by: >>24274281


>> No.24274277
File: 230 KB, 316x331, cocoglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274283


>> No.24274278

You're overestimating them

>> No.24274280

I'm convinced they as a collective are mentally deranged and a harm to the chuuba industry

>> No.24274281

Korone plays smash?

>> No.24274282
Quoted by: >>24274291

Any screens of this?

>> No.24274283

Can’t wait for Kson to start streaming with some new “friends” she’s made

>> No.24274284

theres no managers
thats the big joke

>> No.24274285
Quoted by: >>24274303

What's Kanata's roommates code name

>> No.24274286
File: 48 KB, 720x696, 1591731558051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only hope.

>> No.24274287
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1566552591342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moshi moshi? They reported?

>> No.24274288

I'm talking about Aqua. I don't know about Korone, I don't watch her.

>> No.24274289
Quoted by: >>24274304

/hlg/ defense force when?

>> No.24274291
Quoted by: >>24274316

I just sent the youtube link to some anon

>> No.24274292
Quoted by: >>24274315

That doesn't answer my question tho. They like shipping why dislike bomb because of flirting?

>> No.24274294
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1592003722709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another shitpost
>this one is of even lower quality
is haachama ok

>> No.24274296


>> No.24274298

Even underdog stories aside I think they're fun together and hope Towa won't forget about Aki now that she's getting all these different collabs with people outside of Hololive.

>> No.24274300
Quoted by: >>24274312

Honestly, quite a lot of the translations are actually below Google translate tier, JOPs could do better than some "translators" by just transcribing the Japanese and running it through Google or DeepL.

>> No.24274301
Quoted by: >>24274314

Yakuza attack maybe?

>> No.24274302

She's just a bored 18 year old

>> No.24274303


>> No.24274304
Quoted by: >>24274346

I fear what will happen if we weaponize our autism.

>> No.24274307

You need to find that video of her old twitcast then. She almost certainly has a larger than average rack.

>> No.24274308
File: 140 KB, 320x320, おっけー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274325

So that's why their greatest strategist Aqua took a break from streaming...

>> No.24274311

You will need Niji's permission for that. Please submit your request via their official business email.

>> No.24274312
Quoted by: >>24274329

Wasn’t a Subaru fan already doing that?

>> No.24274314

Remember YAGOO is actually a yakuza representative, it could happen.

>> No.24274315

Maybe they just don't like the guy, I mean even we didn't but not on this scale.

>> No.24274316

I mean do we know what did he say to Suisei? Or is it in the video?

>> No.24274318

They have connections with the Yakuza, the Maple Prince and shitposting Emues.

>> No.24274321
Quoted by: >>24274340

I can't wait to see her collab with the Holostars roommates since her roommate actually follows the boys' accounts but doesn't follow Kanata or Suisei's roommates

>> No.24274322

Good, fuck that guy.

>> No.24274323
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never better

>> No.24274324
Quoted by: >>24274411

The video you’re referring to she barely shows off her legs and it’s from years ago it’s literally irrelevant

>> No.24274325
Quoted by: >>24274359

Aqua is going to infiltrate niji HQ and plant a nuke that will make hiroshima look like a fucking firework

>> No.24274328
Quoted by: >>24274350

for fucks sake haachama, how can you still not write subscribe to my channel correctly

>> No.24274329

The translations are terrible, but they are helping her.

>> No.24274330

I've seen that video before but i honestly can't remember the details. Other than there was a teddy bear involved or some other plushie? Anyway wasn't she like 15 when she recorded that? Feels a bit weird

>> No.24274332

They are sucking their thumbs in fetal position after sending permission messages to 100 devs

>> No.24274333

She played some, yes. I only know because she played with Ayame.

>> No.24274334

fug I want to see them do the stupid kick flying thing.

>> No.24274340

Can’t wait for for my dragon bar tender grandson

>> No.24274343


>> No.24274344
Quoted by: >>24275100

She's dead, man. You gotta let go
Do it for her

>> No.24274345

Is Haato's shtick getting kinda old for you guys too?

>> No.24274346

Almost positive you guys taught Towa big kusa

>> No.24274347
File: 1.78 MB, 6316x913, AF10A830-FC0B-4AA5-8709-E3DB5A233ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine...imagine walking down the streets with a stupid baby on 1 arm and an onion in the other.

>> No.24274348
File: 742 KB, 1706x967, 1592145869499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274370

not even close

>> No.24274349

You guys ever think that maybe you are overreacting?

>> No.24274350

She has to be pretending right?

>> No.24274352
Quoted by: >>24274389

Where does he hit on Suisei?

>> No.24274355

I feel like the family will create a new mixed language.

>> No.24274356

Anyone got Matsuri yugi boyyyy?

>> No.24274358
File: 2.21 MB, 1740x1820, 1590762257337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all
are you gay?

>> No.24274359
File: 307 KB, 1280x1000, 1592352532174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274434


>> No.24274362
Quoted by: >>24274392

How will Risu and Iofi survive Oga?

>> No.24274363

Coco's head is fucking huge

>> No.24274366

Yes, now she's a tryhard.

>> No.24274367

>144 kg
>44 cm

>> No.24274368

Has to be for that huge fucking brain she has

>> No.24274370

The best thing about this video is the joke translations she made for it
Poor EOPs implied they understand the joke just because she's singing in English

>> No.24274374


>> No.24274375
File: 34 KB, 377x757, Korone's redrocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274379

I love that Coco is casually skewering the two guys next to her

>> No.24274383
Quoted by: >>24274393

Towa is very tiny

>> No.24274384

Not as huge as A-sans relative to her body.

>> No.24274385
Quoted by: >>24274399

Towa teaching Aki stupid English slang she learned through her chat are some of my favorite moments in their collabs.

>> No.24274386
File: 92 KB, 1238x797, blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn hear haachama run her mouth about all the random dorky ideas she has in her brain
It hurts

>> No.24274388

Even if it gets old her little sister appeal ensures that it's still very endearing that she's trying really hard to entertain us

>> No.24274389

It was like a month ago he went "I wanted to learn tetris so I found this Suisei girl and she's really good" our Sui-chan defense force told him to cut that shit out.

>> No.24274392
Quoted by: >>24274410

>How will Oga survive Risu and Iofi
Fixed that for you.The sexual hunger of aliens and squirrels have been scientifically documented by scientists for centuries. Their vaginas posses the elasticity of play dough

>> No.24274393

She's a small debiru.

>> No.24274394

Do you just drink and eat salt with no water anon?
you truly are baiting too hard

>> No.24274399
Quoted by: >>24274764

Aki talking about all the gaijin that have attached themselves to Towa was quite funny in their last collab

>> No.24274402
File: 2.45 MB, 2400x1290, E6D59642-D950-46B4-9F2D-63BF1D24E29B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora was robbed

>> No.24274406
Quoted by: >>24274426

I like how people were actually posting seriously here about Haato wanting to become a "seiso idol" after her "greatest idol" shitpost video. Some of you obviously do not understand the genius behind Haachama.

>> No.24274407
Quoted by: >>24274443

>Same height as the gay twink
Fucking being hispanic...

>> No.24274410
Quoted by: >>24274631

Nah Iofi and Risu will force the boys to fuck each other against their will

>> No.24274411
Quoted by: >>24274422

Watch it again and focus on her chest. If she had that kind of rack back when she was 15 what do you think it looks like now that she's 18?

>> No.24274412
File: 23 KB, 640x640, 1591051324864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPT's angelic rod.

>> No.24274417


>> No.24274422

Nothing because puberty starts and stops early for girls, Noel has her rack since she was <15 too

>> No.24274424

Can't wait for their song for Gensokyo Holoism

>> No.24274426

She still wants people to drop the foot and vomit jokes though

>> No.24274430

I know she the bought the seat vibrator now

>> No.24274431

I hate Matsuri so much

>> No.24274434


>> No.24274439
File: 1.25 MB, 1264x1500, ETicf_uUYAEtLZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks Coco's path*

>> No.24274442

Girls' chests can grow up till around 18/19. It depends on the girl and when it starts. We don't really know if Haachama was an early or late bloomer.

>> No.24274443
Quoted by: >>24274448

Don't worry anon the twink isn't a bottom, so that means you aren't as well.

>> No.24274445

The last video was a miss for me. Her girlfriend cover was absolutely brilliant though. I'll going to call it: in a couple of weeks she's going to put her fuck you phase into her black history vault just like she did with her kimoota impersonation and her feet and vomit phase.

>> No.24274446

Girls stop puberty at 18.
So it could be possible it might be larger now

>> No.24274448
Quoted by: >>24274482

Kira is the twink...

>> No.24274450

if you think womens breasts fully stop growing after puberty. you know very little about them

>> No.24274456
Quoted by: >>24274476

Damn, I still can't believe Kakage is entering Gen 5.

>> No.24274460
Quoted by: >>24274474

Only EOPs like you would think she made regular translation for the song

>> No.24274461
Quoted by: >>24274469


>> No.24274462

Marine ready had Flare pretend to step on and kick her during her 3d stream

>> No.24274467
File: 511 KB, 2048x2624, 1592114395980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is the perfect size!

>> No.24274468
Quoted by: >>24274507

consistently hilarious Haachama. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9PVBxYnQA8

>> No.24274469

One of the 5th gen girls

>> No.24274474
File: 89 KB, 262x262, sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please try harder.

>> No.24274475

With every gen, the chests will get bigger...

>> No.24274476

What's he known for again? GBF or FGO?

>> No.24274477
Quoted by: >>24274526

imagine Coco's long tongue harassing PPT's body bros...

>> No.24274479
Quoted by: >>24274530

Only women with broken genes (and fatties) continue to grow their tits, if Haato was a titty monster like Noel they would’ve talked about it as much as they have her

>> No.24274482

Kira isn't a bottom anon

>> No.24274483
File: 604 KB, 749x621, 1592234897067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274502


>> No.24274484
Quoted by: >>24274495

I wonder if they've chosen the VAs yet, the auditions were held awhile ago, but Gen 5 is delayed now.

>> No.24274485
File: 185 KB, 1128x1270, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh... 35pfags... care to explain?

>> No.24274488

Japan has embraced that anti-culture since long ago.

>> No.24274491
Quoted by: >>24274512

Sure he might not consent to it but how is he gonna stop someone? Imagine Oga deciding he suddenly wants to have his way

>> No.24274492

WTF? I thought Chocosaurus was a meme, did she actually make dino tendies ?

>> No.24274495

The Kakage girl is played by *NND girl streamer* the other girl is played by *failed idol*

>> No.24274497
Quoted by: >>24274560

I don't know, but even if it's Holo's papa is it even allowed to let them debut with a voice changer? I thought they only allowed girls in Hololive.

>> No.24274499
Quoted by: >>24274552

W-What does Vanilla Positive mean S-Subaruchads?

>> No.24274501

Guess the tongue condition affected her vagina too

>> No.24274502
Quoted by: >>24274518

Don’t you have to have a brain first for this to happen?

>> No.24274505
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1579587725601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274506

GBF, fanart of Rosetta in particular

>> No.24274507

Here someone posted a hint >>24274468
Her translation in that Avril song is a full of jokes just like the altered lyrics she wrote for the Lemon cover
But of course an EOP like you won't understand

>> No.24274509

Shion yo!?

>> No.24274510

>Choco makes dino tendies
>Aki gets wasted and drunktalks about ARK and how much she like sit
Goddammit, fine. I'll swallow the ARKpill.

>> No.24274512
Quoted by: >>24274523

Slap him in the face with his giant dick.

>> No.24274513


I'm not ready for this

>> No.24274514

No, she did make Karaage recently though which is about as close as you can get. We could meme her into making them though

>> No.24274516
File: 873 KB, 1019x536, 6yt5r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.24274518
Quoted by: >>24274531

Contrary to popular belief, Haachama was, in fact, born with a blain.

>> No.24274519
Quoted by: >>24274546

we already know they're trying to ask permission for some things based upon that blog from a Japanese dev that someone posted a day or two ago

>> No.24274521


>> No.24274523

Oga is a overseas (outer dimensional) ogre brother he definitely has a bigger penis than kira’s respectable 11cm or whatever it was

>> No.24274524
File: 28 KB, 350x365, 1590755564783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274526
File: 2.68 MB, 2480x3508, 1588729353226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274545

She talks about Kanata with such softness in her voice I'm sure she'd be really gentle with her.

>> No.24274527
File: 108 KB, 576x644, huge brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274528

>there's no "Uma" in the group
I can't believe the did my boi like that, he actually stood up for Sio he didn't deserve that.

>> No.24274530

She's not a tiddt monster like Noel though. She's just larger than average. Of course compared to Matsuri and Suisei (both have commented about Haato's breast size) they must seem gigantic.

>> No.24274531

But it’s bloken... Haachama...

>> No.24274533

Is HaatoxWatame still a thing?

>> No.24274536

he is a bottom whenever he turns off the voice changer

>> No.24274542

It’s not fair, Haato has the advantage with her white genes

>> No.24274544

How does that even happen?

>> No.24274545

God I can imagine PPT squirming and making cute noises while Coco gently strokes her shaft while rolling her tongue around the tip.

>> No.24274546
Quoted by: >>24274561

I dunno how it's taking them so long though
You'd think most devs would just say "yeah sure" and call it a day but we've still had nothing but the same few games for nearly 2 weeks

>> No.24274547
Quoted by: >>24274563

Haato didn't even show up to her birthday stream

>> No.24274548

Big 잔디

>> No.24274550

She was wearing a dark uniform, it's kinda hard to tell bust size from it.

>> No.24274551
Quoted by: >>24274601

I love the 80s vibe

>> No.24274552
File: 1.57 MB, 1426x1920, 1589112798166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only for the most vanilla gentle lovemaking.

>> No.24274554
File: 36 KB, 528x532, fierce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274577

Fubuki has a legendary snatch.

>> No.24274560

I don't think Hololive controls what artists do on their free time

>> No.24274561

Most devs probably don't even bother responding because most have their terms clearly written out already, Cover is just to retarded to follow them.

>> No.24274562

I thought they stopped at certain point, but will grow again once they get impregnated or something
Not sure if true though

>> No.24274563

Well, it was definitely one of the worse pairings they tried to push hard for some reason.

>> No.24274569
File: 166 KB, 541x281, 1565274155209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274582

>Coco isn't even subscribed to Choco's sub channel
Wtf Chocobros, we can't let this slide.

>> No.24274572

Does Cover just not have a single lawyer for that? Are they really that unprofessional?

>> No.24274573
Quoted by: >>24274585

Hormones will do it, and unless you eat like a fat shit, take birth control or have a genetic malfunction your hormones will balance out after puberty

>> No.24274576
File: 184 KB, 878x1200, 1592114549883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pekora will absolutely drain you
sounds about right

>> No.24274577
Quoted by: >>24274586

Fuck you guys. I've never watched Fubuki beyond a short couple of clips and all the lewdposts have made me only view her in a sexual light now. I can't watch her anymore without imagining her bouncing up and down on my dick enthusiastically. I can't hear her よいしょ! without getting thrown into a primal frenzy.

>> No.24274579

Haachama interacts more with Coco and Kanata now. I still can't believe Chamatan started with Haachama literally just DMing Kanata "Kabaya let's become a comedy duo" and it somehow worked out.

>> No.24274582
Quoted by: >>24274590

Why would Cover subscribe to their own YouTube channels

>> No.24274585

unless you eat like a fat shit,
take birth control
or have a genetic malfunction

>> No.24274586
Quoted by: >>24274596

Good question, is FBK ok with her lewds.

>> No.24274589
File: 312 KB, 720x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274609


>> No.24274590

Why wouldn't they?

>> No.24274593


>> No.24274594

>Chamatan started with Haachama literally just DMing Kanata
How does Kanata just keep attracting all of these mentally unstable people?

>> No.24274596
Quoted by: >>24274605

Does it matter? They'll continue to happen either way

>> No.24274599

what movie will you watch with korone?

>> No.24274600

the age gap is too strong

>> No.24274601

This might be my favorite AZKi song now, it's really good. Views are slowly climbing, hopefully it gets some more exposure.

>> No.24274604

Mel getting more subs than Towa

>> No.24274605

I feel bad fapping to chubas that don't like it.

>> No.24274606
File: 119 KB, 750x721, 1589853747410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would've known the worst thing to ever happen to hololive wasn't literal workplace sexual harassment but random mostly retarded accusations of copyright infringement taken in earnest.

>> No.24274608

the Chad Haachama building a harem from across the ocean.

>> No.24274609
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 1584181259834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24274611

Videos of those 2 talking about how big Haachama's breasts are.

>> No.24274612


>> No.24274613

>bigger than Okayu
Yea no fucking way

>> No.24274614
Quoted by: >>24274627

I mean they are technically infring on copyright on most stuff the thing is that you need to have the common sense to notice most devs don't give a shit, if you aren't explicitly allowed to so they'd put in a guideline.

>> No.24274618

That's Towa for you always be responsible!!

>> No.24274621

>Same height as Oga

>> No.24274622

If they did, they probably wouldn't be in this mess to start with. Imagine talking to a lawyer before basing a major part of your business model around a legal grey area.

>> No.24274624

Tits from being fat don’t count

>> No.24274625
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1590631167537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end hololive could only kill itself...

>> No.24274626
Quoted by: >>24274634

I don't. It makes me feel like I'm raping them. The thought of their vilified stares, them spewing spiteful words and vitriol at me while I'm steadily stroking it. It's bliss.

>> No.24274627

*Explicitly disallowed

>> No.24274628
File: 187 KB, 870x1233, 1591440703418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre pretty big

>> No.24274629

For some reason people seemed to be under the impression that Okayu wasn't very big until her new outfit came out. Those people are retards.

>> No.24274630
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 【歌番組】わためのうた(6月17日)【角巻わためホロライブ4期生】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274659


>> No.24274631
Quoted by: >>24274648

Is Risu a fujo too?

>> No.24274632

>Miko defending haato from the lecherous festival

>> No.24274634


>> No.24274635

What are some dinosaurs theme games Choco can play with other people?

>> No.24274637

of course, they can make an army of sockpuppet accounts that scream permission reeeeee on futaba or anywhere a fuck is given-board, this in order to cripple the growth of any competitor that may arise in the future whit the same shit.
well this requires that cover corp act as a piece of shit, but those antis believe cover is made of piece of shits so a the end this copyright shit controversy is useless or counterproductive even under the logic of antis.

>> No.24274638

I'm voting for Shutter Island

>> No.24274640
Quoted by: >>24274668

when tf did this happen? every time i take a break from this shithole i miss all the good stuff

>> No.24274642
Quoted by: >>24274678

Honestly if it happened to a girl more popular and more about purity than Mel it would’ve been bigger. Imagine if it started happening now (assuming copyright shit didn’t happen) and it came to light 6 months later that Aqua was being sexually harassed instead

>> No.24274647

Has Choco ever played minecraft? Never seem to recall her streaming the game.

>> No.24274648

Whether she is or not doesn’t matter Alien will just brainwash her so she enjoys it

>> No.24274651
Quoted by: >>24274667

It's for members only.

>> No.24274652
File: 409 KB, 1854x2048, ogaya_nina-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274671

I got the job. I'm gonna make it to her 35万 celebration...

>> No.24274659


>> No.24274660

She did and bullied Subaru there.

>> No.24274661

She did stream it a few times but she never got hooked on it. Basically the same deal as ARK Ragnarok

>> No.24274662


>> No.24274665

Yes, just search minecraft on her main channel.

>> No.24274667
File: 71 KB, 1440x327, Screenshot_20200616-194116(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274725


>> No.24274668

Haato thought it was a good idea to show her dads work video a few weeks ago on stream and people doxxed her dads workplace and some blogposts. Check the archives for details.

>> No.24274671

Good luck 35p

>> No.24274672

We're talking about a company that didn't even do anything about a manager sexually harassing one of their talents.

>> No.24274673

I Spit on Your Grave is a terrible, gory, rape revenge movie. Sounds like a fun time to watch with her.

>> No.24274678
Quoted by: >>24274708

I agree they were really lucky it was Mel but I feel like Hololive's problems are 99% incompetence and 1% malice otherwise we would have more people quitting than one holostar.

>> No.24274681
Quoted by: >>24274688

That we know of...

>> No.24274683

I wish I was a manager of one of the chuubas...

>> No.24274686
File: 450 KB, 976x549, 1591225454211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua reports Artia to the CCP and then dissapears

Is this a coincidence? i think not.

>> No.24274688

They literally released a statement apologizing for their incompetence on that matter.

>> No.24274691

Was Mel raped or something harmless like molestation?

>> No.24274693

Haato's so assertive. She's really taking her job more seriously this year.

>> No.24274695


>> No.24274697

...After Mel came forward

>> No.24274701
File: 765 KB, 2048x1193, L*yger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274715

>> No.24274703
Quoted by: >>24274724


>> No.24274704


>> No.24274708

I agree, most that have talked about behind the scenes of hololive, it seems like a very relaxed environment, but that seems to permeate every level of the company to the point of incompetence at the higher levels.

>> No.24274711
Quoted by: >>24274724

If it was anything physical we can only speculate because it was never said. Mel said that it was constant harassment wasting her time and him trying to treat her as a girlfriend treating meetings like dates (and of course online harassment too)

>> No.24274714
Quoted by: >>24274762

Puberty ''stops'' but your body doesn't fully complete till your 20's. For instance, women's brains don't stop development till around 21 and men's around 25. Women's tits don't stop at a hard date, it depends on a number of factors. It can be 14 and it can be 19.

>> No.24274715

He translates like 2 minutes of content per week.
Too busy stalking her to do actual work.

>> No.24274718
Quoted by: >>24274728

I thought the anon posting about manager sexual harassment was talking about chris

>> No.24274724

Doesn't sound that bad. Didn't the Niji's have something similar happening??

>> No.24274725
Quoted by: >>24274730

I felt bad I missed the splice stream because of too much work.

>> No.24274728
Quoted by: >>24274737

Chris was never harassed by a cover employee

>> No.24274730

>tfw eventually you'll be missing a lot more streams because of work

>> No.24274731

She was raped. She has an ongoing lawsuit alleging her manager of raping her. Her story is that he asked her to meet up late to discuss something with her at his place. She felt really uncomfortable with that so he asked to do the meeting at Holo HQ. At Holo HQ he took her into a secluded room to do the meeting and he came onto her. She politely asked him to stop but he didn't and when she tried to leave he pushed her down and raped her. There are no security cameras at Holo HQ so there was no evidence to support her claim. She's probably gonna lose the case.

>> No.24274736

To be fair, it's a very Japanese way to go about it. We don't exactly know what happened behind the scenes.

>> No.24274737

I harassed Chris, it was me. I started the chain of events that led to Chris becoming a vengeful force that's hellbent on ruining Hololive and it's all my fault.

>> No.24274740
Quoted by: >>24274757

Not really. Mito's manager was with her when something big like that happened and they went to the police almost immediately after she told them.

>> No.24274742

Manager started scheduling useless business meeting on restaurants and other date spots, Mel asked for a change of manager and they demoted him, she started getting stalked and being sent threats, asked help for Cover and they went "oh we that's your problem not ours" then it turner out the stalker sent a message from his personal e-mail, turns out it was the demoted manager, so Cover besides not helping out one of their employees was directly(?) responsible for months of emotional agony, I mean Mel forgave them and they said they'd do better so all is hopefully fine I guess.

>> No.24274743
Quoted by: >>24274761

It became a serious problem when they removed him from his position as her manager and he started using anonymous accounts to send her hate mail using her real name. That's when she stopped streaming out of fear for her safety. Of course, that's just the story as we got from Mel and Cover.

>> No.24274745

Source? Need to fap

>> No.24274746
Quoted by: >>24274787

Did you write this so you could masturbate to it anon

>> No.24274749

Jesus they must be strong to be able to throw that fatso around like that

>> No.24274751

>There are no security cameras at Holo HQ so there was no evidence to support her claim.

>> No.24274752

How to learn about date spots and restaurants for your holo guys?

>> No.24274756
File: 49 KB, 557x517, 1590535038563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shops in the 100yen store
>140yen bread is expensive
>doesn't have an oven
>buying zojirushi is one of her dreams
No wonder PPT wants to move into the Holohouse. Also where the fuck is her SC money Cover? They're not paying her just $200 still right?

>> No.24274757
Quoted by: >>24274818

The police didn't do shit but at least management did all the right things.

>> No.24274758

If you want the source you’ll find it up anon’s ass

>> No.24274761

I'm surprised that the stalker didn't just expose her name and everything to a place like 5ch.

>> No.24274762
Quoted by: >>24274792

Boobs are not brains

>> No.24274764
Quoted by: >>24274782

Link to that collab?

>> No.24274765

Miko, Pekora, Haacha and Matsuri has to be one of the best groups.

>> No.24274766

Funds are saifu.

>> No.24274767

>useless business meeting on restaurants and other date spots

>> No.24274770

They pay her a lot of money but she then blows it on scams.

>> No.24274773 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1591391449722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manager-san got to stick his tiny 6" nip weiner in this hole

>> No.24274774

I mean, I get if they didn't realize random-stalker-kun wasn't actually random; it isn't really their responsibility (or ability) to deal with random stalkers. That's more for the police
Still, Cover should've just fired his ass.

>> No.24274776

What the hell does PPT use if not zojirushi?

>> No.24274777
Quoted by: >>24274789

Whats the probability that Mel is just being a hysterical female?

>> No.24274782
Quoted by: >>24274814

That’s why Mel went to a lawyer (also Cover saying they will sue doxxers just before Mel went public)
Their most recent Apex duo, don’t have a time stamp sorry

>> No.24274783


>> No.24274784

>those hands

>> No.24274786
Quoted by: >>24274799

Then you'd have competition stupid. He wants her for himself, how would ruining her life help?

>> No.24274787

they write it because retarded anons eat shit up like there's no tomorrow

>> No.24274789


>> No.24274791

Definitely in her 30's

>> No.24274790

The guy eventually named himself in the hate messages and Cover still wouldn't do anything.

>> No.24274792
Quoted by: >>24274834

And boobs and brains are both parts of the development process - puberty. But you'd have to read a biology book to understand this.

>> No.24274793

That's old though, she's making good supacha numbers since her living with coco and then suisei schtick, i believe she's top 5 in supachas.

>> No.24274794

I did not know vaginas did that

>> No.24274796
File: 138 KB, 360x344, punishedyagoo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you all continue to follow and support your favorite chuubas, even after they all eventually graduate?

>> No.24274798

Some people theorized that directly firing these people might lead them to leak personal information, still should have fired the guy

>> No.24274799

Stalkers are some of the most fucked up in the head people you can find anon. Their reasons are their own.

>> No.24274800

what are the homostars current power rankings

>> No.24274802

If she exists and hasn't retired to become a loving wife to hopefully a very loving husband...

>> No.24274804

I'm pretty sure that's speculation on your part

>> No.24274806
File: 461 KB, 518x788, 1591272528299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24274935

Fuck Cover.

>> No.24274809

same as this>>24274638

>> No.24274810
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, inaudible screaming.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still mourn chuubas who have been axed, Anon. You're gonna carry that weight.

>> No.24274812
Quoted by: >>24274838

Not speculation, it's on Mel's statement. Of course, she could have just made that up to make cover look bad.

>> No.24274813

All I know is Roberu and Rikka are top and unfortunately Astel is bottom.

>> No.24274814


>> No.24274816
Quoted by: >>24274842

At this point Cover should just sell themselves to the Yakuza. Their competent enough not to leave personal information so easily. I'd sleep safely knowing my chuuba's manager was a grizzled veteran of 80's gang violence.

>> No.24274817

Huh. I wonder what rogue employee is gonna be the doxxfag to end all doxxfags.

>> No.24274818
Quoted by: >>24274830

Can you tell me where I can read more about this Mito stuff? I never cared for Nijisanji

>> No.24274819

I'd follow Coco and Pekora to the end of the world.

>> No.24274821
Quoted by: >>24274850

Sounds like they did though? As anons mentioned, the ''we'll sue doxxers'' came about right before Mel came out about this. When you know that the stalker is an ex-manager (knows private information) and is clearly deranged, it's not exactly an easy situation to navigate. For Cover's sake and Mel's.

>> No.24274822

>chicken legs
bro even my legs are thicker

>> No.24274824

t. Loserbait

>> No.24274825
Quoted by: >>24274840

Do Homostars have spic rankings too? Can we get our SOPchads to make one?

>> No.24274830


>> No.24274832

that mans name? Albert Einstein

>> No.24274833
Quoted by: >>24274869

The reason Mel became scared for her real life safety and cancelled her 3D birthday stream was literally this it’s not speculation

>> No.24274834

>Tanner stage 5 is [ . . . ] attained by an average age of 15 years
Fuck off dumb cunt

>> No.24274836

I wouldn't be surprised. But if he goes to jail, he might then too. That's the risk when you hire deranged people into positions of power (as much as I hate that term).

>> No.24274838

Really? Point me out to it, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't stay around if it was the case and just pull a Sio.

>> No.24274839

I'd be OK with any of these. I'm happy that Korone enjoys horror movies because I like them a lot too.

>> No.24274840

An anon made a version that included them among the other holos

>> No.24274842 [SPOILER] 
File: 399 KB, 2829x2000, 1592355549157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.24274844


>> No.24274848

How do these crazy people end up in managerial positions?

>> No.24274850

They released that statement right before Mel's, which was a some time after all of the events described happened.

>> No.24274851

what's this I hear about Rushia absorbing Aqua and Artia like Cell

>> No.24274852

if i can, i will try

>> No.24274855

He would’ve been hired when Cover was a fledgling business

>> No.24274856
File: 613 KB, 922x546, 1591860802806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mito already won its over

>> No.24274858
Quoted by: >>24274872

These? Who else is there? Maybe you'd go crazy too if you met Mel.

>> No.24274863
Quoted by: >>24274875

>no confirmation by our guy 5ch
dubious info

>> No.24274865
Quoted by: >>24274885

maybe don't be so gullible as to believe her embellished tales of being poor

>> No.24274866
Quoted by: >>24274928


>> No.24274869
Quoted by: >>24274883

Can you prove Cover didn't fire him when Mel told them it was him

>> No.24274871

As if he would put a stalker tag on his forehead.

>> No.24274872

Nah, guy was in love with Mel before she was Mel. He pushed for her to be hired

>> No.24274875

/hlg/ narratives taste better anyways, there's flavorful english text. You don't get that with Japanese to English.

>> No.24274876
Quoted by: >>24274891

Back when it happened something said that she had been locked in a "meeting" overnight

>> No.24274877

It's not even uncommon, plenty of psychos are pretty good at pretending to be well adjusted while carving their way up the corporate ladder.

>> No.24274880
Quoted by: >>24275002

Cover and the police knew day one but only advise her to not come back to the office and stop stream as Mel

>> No.24274883
Quoted by: >>24274912

It’s what Mel said in her statement and it’s not like either of us have anything else to go on is it

>> No.24274885

Fake tenshi...

>> No.24274888
Quoted by: >>24274900

Haatons never cease to amaze me with how they are able to pull evidence to support their point seemingly out of thin air. The rest of you need to step the fuck up. If you were half as autistic as the Haatons, none of the narrativefags would be able to make shit up anymore.

>> No.24274891

If she was actually raped though the police would’ve gotten involved instead of just “stay inside your house lol”

>> No.24274892
Quoted by: >>24274932


>> No.24274896
Quoted by: >>24274972

>an average age

>The adult nulliparous breast is complete in ductal and stromal maturation by 18 to 20 years of age and the lobules it contains are mainly type 1.
You're so stupid, you can't even read the source you cite...

>> No.24274898

and what if the guy was in a position: fire me and I will make scorched earth of it threatening to dumb all info he has online? too many things we don't know.

>> No.24274900

I could do it with Miko, but I'm not in these threads too frequently anymore. I respect Haatons for their dedication. Truly the high IQ posters.

>> No.24274901

I don't think a vtuber wants anyone to know they're used goods.

>> No.24274902
File: 237 KB, 431x334, 1575393050929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being asshole or sociopath is almost mandatory for manager position.

>> No.24274905

healthy lifestyle with our son

>> No.24274906

japanese police are more lazy than americans, so no

>> No.24274908
Quoted by: >>24274925

I hope one day she decides to watch a really stupid slasher movie like Child's Play (original) or Leprechaun.

>> No.24274909
Quoted by: >>24275052

They would have sued his ass into the ground. There's a reason contracts exist.

>> No.24274910

Mel was used goods before.

>> No.24274912

I still can't find her saying they didn't fire him or that he stayed in the company, when do you think they fired him anon.

>> No.24274913
Quoted by: >>24275052

Then he gets a harsher sentence.

>> No.24274915

>thinking the police would do anything

>> No.24274917

Except Mea

>> No.24274918


>> No.24274920
Quoted by: >>24274946

It's Yagoo....the stalker was Yagoo....

>> No.24274922
File: 118 KB, 430x783, five-foot-three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I narrowed it down to the ones that are acceptable for siring an heir with.

>> No.24274924
Quoted by: >>24274959

Also, here's the statement Cover released about doxxing and harassment, just one day before Mel came out with the story.
And here's their apology statement which contains the rest of the story.

>> No.24274925
Quoted by: >>24274940

child play is one korone favorite movies

>> No.24274927

Toaw... https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1273058608368873472?s=20

>> No.24274928
File: 78 KB, 463x352, 1571104161125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275059


>> No.24274930

Why are we talking about such a dumb old topic when we could instead be discussing ways to save AZKI.

>> No.24274932
Quoted by: >>24274968

Where in the fuck does it say he kept being employed

>> No.24274933

She says something like “when I needed help from trust people the most they let me down” and doesn’t outright say it. I’m sure someone else can point out the exact Japanese text to you I can’t because I’m phoneposting. This part stuck out to me the most because I remember Iyger refusing to translate it properly

>> No.24274934

Mel's statement is vague, but it implies Cover didn't do what should have been done. The actual "not firing him" part came from Narukami, who leaked the actual details of the situation (before Cover released their apology), all the rest of his story was correct, so it's likely that part was as well.

>> No.24274935

Mio will probably have an easy time transitioning back to IRL entertainment. It would be cool if see could reunite with Towa in another band

>> No.24274940

I love this dog more with each passing day.

>> No.24274943

fucking manlets ;_;

>> No.24274944

Haachama actually sounding like an idol.

>> No.24274945

Morning Bar with Roberu again. Good morning!

>> No.24274946

Retards, you're all playing into her hand. The stalker was Hitomi Ch

>> No.24274947

God they're so fucking tiny. 150 fucking cm. That's like a 12 year old's height.

>> No.24274951


>> No.24274954
File: 220 KB, 1448x2048, 1591410405432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What species will the 5th gen have?
I'm hoping for an owl.

>> No.24274956

There's also this clip of Matsuri getting Haato to jump infront of the camera as punishment for losing the game so every can see her tits jiggle.

>> No.24274959
Quoted by: >>24275006

It doesn't say anywhere that they didn't fire him after Mel told them anon

>> No.24274960
Quoted by: >>24275008

Oh shit yeah, Iyger was being sketchy as shit. Was he covering up for a fellow stalker too?

>> No.24274961

Who doesn't carry a credit card around these days

>> No.24274962

>These gross anatomic changes begin with stage 1... The age range in which this can occur is 8½ to 13½ years.
>Tanner stage 5 is ...This stage is attained by an average age of 15 years
>The average time spent between Tanner stages 2 and 5 is 4 to 4½ years... Tanner stages of breast development can range from 1.5 to 6 years
If Haachama started growing her tits at 12, her tits wouldn't be done til 16 or 17 on an average scale. There are no hard dates anon.

>> No.24274966
Quoted by: >>24274989

Towabros... throw more aka supacha already...

>> No.24274967

Based and redpilled japs who only use pre-paid cards and cash.

>> No.24274968
Quoted by: >>24275020

From Narukami

>> No.24274972
Quoted by: >>24275039

Sorry, I thought you were a biological major? You're quoting cellular changes you fucking retard, that has nothing to do with size. Backpedal harder and then come back and tell me the average of 14 and 19.

>> No.24274975
Quoted by: >>24274990

>catching with the past few days of asacoco
>the subs are fucking vibrating when she was talking about the vibrator
This is art.

>> No.24274974

I don't think Haato would appreciate you guys talking about her breasts.

>> No.24274979


>> No.24274981
Quoted by: >>24274992

Watch this video, please.

>> No.24274982
Quoted by: >>24274999

But anon, we really need to know if an 18 year old girl has big tits!

>> No.24274986

Japan can't into card readers

>> No.24274987
Quoted by: >>24275029

If you’re gonna use this as evidence then most of Hololive is fucking STACKED because they all have had their 3D model do tit jiggling

>> No.24274988

AZKI will be the next one to be a victim of sexy crimes.

>> No.24274989
Quoted by: >>24275027

If I dropped $100, would she even get it instantly? Is there any point in doing it on the next stream?

>> No.24274990

HoloEN staff

>> No.24274992

no, that would give an extra view to an AZki video

>> No.24274994

Ok Coco, should we talk about yours instead?

>> No.24274998

I assume it's cover not giving a fuck about one of their employees getting stalked, do you honestly believe they'd let the guy around and then let Mel use her official chuuba twitter to tell the world that they did while she hasn't fucking quit for some reason.

>> No.24274999

All of her growth went into her massive fucking feet.

>> No.24275000

satanic demons probably

>> No.24275001

how is the hololive management so incompetent? you would never see that kind of shit happening in America

>> No.24275002

I would assume so they could figure out a way to deal with him properly while protecting Cover (and Mel) from the guy going ballistic. If he felt like he was going to go to jail, it's wholly plausible he could have spread Mel's private information, including address, on the internet. It's logical to tell Mel to drop off radar until they could figure something out. Granted, Mel claims Cover did nothing... but women do tend to be a bit hyperbolic about this stuff too. It's hard to really say. Either way, we all know Cover is incompetent in general.

>> No.24275003
File: 251 KB, 547x413, 1378913405151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275004

Why not? She posts pictures of her self half naked all the time on twitter

>> No.24275005

maybe she should have changed her voice a bit
everyone and their moms knows her roommate

>> No.24275006

That's not what I was claiming, sorry if you misunderstood me for somebody else. It was never made clear if he was fired or not, though they do say something about "rearranging staff" or something like that in the apology statement iirc. The point I'm making is that the company didn't help Mel defend herself after the hate messages started coming even though they knew one of their employees was involved. At that point he was still clearly an employee, since they claim themselves that he was only demoted for the harassment when he was her manager. The only evidence that he wasn't fired is the Narukami video another anon cited where he claims the guy was still managing two other holos. Most of the stuff he said on the video ended up matching Cover's statement precisely, so there's some credibility to it.

>> No.24275007


>> No.24275008
Quoted by: >>24275019

Both Lyger and Loserbait tiptoed around the translation of those letters to try to make Cover look as innocent as possible, it's kind of fucked that they abuse their position as trusted translators to do something like that.

>> No.24275009


>> No.24275010

tell that to noel, her bras no longer fit on her

>> No.24275012
Quoted by: >>24275033

Without Miko, I don't know what to do with my life...

>> No.24275013
File: 135 KB, 1075x1313, 1591969675581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please listen to my wife, only 4k left until 1mil

>> No.24275014

This post is incredibly sexist.

>> No.24275015
Quoted by: >>24275040

America has an independent country inside it...

>> No.24275016
File: 814 KB, 800x1200, coco beat down .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad coco will just beat the small nip manager she has to death if he tries to lay a hand on her or kanata

>> No.24275017

Just keep her away from this place, Coco. You know it's already too late for you.

>> No.24275018
Quoted by: >>24275031

Tumblr is the next door down.

>> No.24275019
Quoted by: >>24275034

Are they working for them? I find it hard to believe if they did it for free.

>> No.24275020
Quoted by: >>24275090

I'm still waiting for the 30 nijis to quit

>> No.24275026

man that's cute, she didn't even realize what matsuri made her do.

>> No.24275027

They get SC's once a month in one lump sum after YT and Cover takes their cut.

>> No.24275028

Is FBK part of holostars now???

>> No.24275029

But the 3D model didn't jiggle for shit yet Matsuri seemed really satisfied so she must have seen something nice on her end in real life.

>> No.24275031
Quoted by: >>24275055

um... sweety this is 4chan

>> No.24275032
File: 793 KB, 800x1466, 1591345970375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275048

My wife is perfect

>> No.24275033
Quoted by: >>24275066

She's taking a break today. Have you done your reps?

>> No.24275034

Some people have speculated that Loserbait is doing some kind of paid work for Cover, but it's never been proven. He was definitely the one doing the subtitles for Watame no Uta, but it's possible he was just doing it as a fan.

>> No.24275037

>ywn take Towa out shopping, try out many outfits that turn out to be perfect then as she looks into her wallet and see's she's unable to pay for some great clothes, you take out your own money and pay for all her stuff without even asking for any payment back since they fit her so perfectly

>> No.24275038

Aqua!! I miss you

>> No.24275039

I never once uttered the word average. Only a moron bases reality exclusively on averages. Outliers exist. Scientific averages have error ranges. The entire point of pointing out the cellular aspect was to point out that breasts don't finish development till later. It doesn't stop on a magical date, absolutely, every women, without failure.

>> No.24275040


>> No.24275041

Some horny anons just want to fuck her, they don't see the cute wholesome girl underneath

>> No.24275042

anon is a newfag eop

>> No.24275044
Quoted by: >>24275111


>> No.24275046

What else is there to talk about?

>> No.24275048
File: 215 KB, 1200x1368, EOKhfbYU0AIkObZ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wife is retarded
and that is ok

>> No.24275049

>is it simping if you support other bros?
>Yes! I'm Roberu Yukoku!

>> No.24275050

They demoted him because he was being creepy, the harassment started after and by the looks of it was anonymous in nature for a long time, and yes Cover should take better care of their employees if they had given Mel proper support when they didn't know it was him this wouldn't have exploded on their face.

>> No.24275051
Quoted by: >>24275062

Oh man you think American police are useless, you've never seen the Japanese police force. They're the definition of lazy fucks who sleep and eat donuts

>> No.24275052


scorched earth means that he goes all in to deal the biggest possible damage fully knowing that he gets wrecked doing so. if he is really deranged he may not give a shit.
he ruins your company for good, destroying him in court after is a mere sop.
also, he will become popular among antis, and with popularity, some failed seiyuu will come to fling her vagina at him. not worth it

>> No.24275053
Quoted by: >>24275079

>only a moron
You mean literally everyone that has to make decisions based on statistics? Are you really this far up your own ass?

>> No.24275055

And I'm directing you to where your safe space is.

>> No.24275056

>Towa ARK

>> No.24275057

my sides fucking exploded at that exchange

>> No.24275059
File: 597 KB, 760x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to learn japanese

>> No.24275060

I'll follow Fubuki and Korone anywhere.

>> No.24275062

B-But the crime rate...

>> No.24275064

It's over...
Spinos are fucking everyone...

>> No.24275065
File: 74 KB, 622x622, 1592135958811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275066
Quoted by: >>24275102

Unfortunately, I went the art route instead.

>> No.24275068

She gets sexually harassed by her viewers in kusomaro streams all the time and yet she just takes it in stride. Her viewers have sent her mail saying they want to drink her breast milk and talking about what they think her bra smells like.

>> No.24275070

Mel and her friend got enough money to hired a lawyer to stop all this and force cover hand on this stuff

>> No.24275073
Quoted by: >>24275104

>using the holos for your cards
my fucking sides
good shit

>> No.24275074


>> No.24275076


>> No.24275079

Statistics are for generalities and large data sets, not specific cases. Any girl can always be an outlier case; you don't fucking know and statistical averages can not tell you that. 17 and 18 are not even severe outliers, those are on the edge of statistical error.

>> No.24275080

what am i looking at here?

>> No.24275081

For the TowAki tete, duh.

>> No.24275082

>haachama deleted all the streams with her sister after her sister got angry at her and her mother threatened to cut haachama out of the will
Life is cruel...

>> No.24275084
Quoted by: >>24275086

>made new char on the new map
>dragons and shit everywhere
>already got picked up and killed by a BR on a bird
playing with randoms is suffering...
tfw no hololive server...

>> No.24275085

Don’t forget the time someone said they want to BE her breast milk

>> No.24275086
Quoted by: >>24275127

Do we need an hlg ARK server now too?

>> No.24275089
Quoted by: >>24275159

There's a small difference between sending kusomaros to a character and writing 100 posts speculating about her real life breast size. But what does it matter, it's not like she's gonna read anything here

>> No.24275090

How good it would have been if that was all just a dream
to have had this disgusting boyfriend by my side
I recall old forgotten memories of
his face, his figure, and his voice.

The last thing you taught me
Is that there are types of happiness that don’t come back
The abnormal fetish that I kept hidden by not saying a word
has been completely rejected by you

"This is the last straw."
"Don't come near me"
she told me earnestly

Your fetish is nasty
Frankly, it’s disgusting
just like you who denied everything
Your ammonia breath still lingers in my nose
Go use toothpaste and wear a mask
Even now you give off a disgusting scent

I embraced you from behind in the middle of the dark
The warmth, the smells, I remember everything
"Don't touch me!", "get away!", "you're disgusting!", "let me go!"
these insults you hurled towards me.

"What were you doing"
"What were you watching"
I messaged you in LINE every second

The notifications don’t stop coming
I set it them already read and blocked him
I want to erase him from my memories
the ammonia man

Oh, just please, please, forget about me
I want to be free from these shackles
Lunatic guys are pussies just as I expected

She is more savage than I thought
Since then, I’ve been drinking Kurinika like mad (TL Note: Kurinika is a toothpaste brand)
If only I haven't talked about my fetish...
But I can’t stop picking out the grime from my toes

The gaze that I've lately been feeling
The window that opened by itself
At that moment, I realized everything

The strong murderous intent that remains within me has awakened
I will tell you my fetish
It's hunting and collecting corpses of high-school boys
and now you will be a part of my collection.

>> No.24275091

I missed that part of the story; that does change things quite a bit.

>> No.24275092

Yeah that started the joke and the follow up was the guy who said he wanted to drink her breast milk.

>> No.24275093
Quoted by: >>24275121

Then why the fuck isn't she sueing cover it doesn't make sense unless the guy had already been fired from the company

>> No.24275096

Shut up dumb cunt. This entire conversation has been about size. Maybe next time you should read a fucking book before pretending to be an expert and spreading misinfo

>> No.24275097

God I wish that were me. I want to be inside Haachama. I want to be a part of Haachama. I want to support Haachama's healthy baby with my nutrients.

>> No.24275098
Quoted by: >>24275112

Exactly, which is why I still suspect that Narukami got his leak from Mel herself. In the end Cover was forced to pay for all of Mel's expenses related to the situation, but they probably wouldn't have if not for that video leaking that it was an employee all along.

>> No.24275100
File: 301 KB, 1440x1272, 1592356696547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they've broken her

>> No.24275102

Nothing wrong with that. Art can be pretty healing in ways. Good luck, anon. You can always start learning 日本語 now if you wanted. A healthy otaku is one that can take care of their oshi.

>> No.24275104
File: 5 KB, 453x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're pretty helpful

>> No.24275110

Stop it, Penis. This is serious

>> No.24275111


>> No.24275112
Quoted by: >>24275140

What a fucking bitch...

>> No.24275114

Haato is a dumbass let's be honest

>> No.24275116

based /jp/ supporting roberu

>> No.24275117

Aki is a bad influence.

>> No.24275119
File: 73 KB, 500x366, 0a37fb917a34325452356e0d11aaebeb90bd12ef7e455492493c21ae6e2b5317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her back, Xi...

>> No.24275120
Quoted by: >>24275149

Damn, how much work is it to make cards like this?

>> No.24275121

What would she sue cover for exactly? Cover are paying her legal and moving fees anyway obviously she worked out an agreement with them

>> No.24275122


>> No.24275124
Quoted by: >>24275183

>donating to male chuubas
You're a fucking faggot dude.

>> No.24275125
Quoted by: >>24275144

And the anon resorts to back-pedaling and insults now that he's run out of logic and arguments. Thanks for the fun anon. This was a good off-topic diversion.

>> No.24275127
Quoted by: >>24275166

I'd play it but it seems like no one else likes ark here

>> No.24275129

what the fuck is wrong with haato

>> No.24275130
Quoted by: >>24275169

Let's hit a million before her next stream.

>> No.24275134

>mention America
>the nips go crazy
We really do run the world huh.

>> No.24275135

To think that we will probably never hear Kokoro again on stream even if Haato returns to Japan. Why can't she be as chill as Anemachi?

>> No.24275137

Haachama plan all along was to get disowned so she could be free from her family responsibilities and be the greatest idol

>> No.24275138

If her friend is a lawyer she would know you can get way more money out of a company than a single guy and if they were as horrible as you were making out to be she'd have every reason in the world to do so.

>> No.24275140

I mean, it's just speculation, but Narukami did have a lot of detailed information that exactly matched Cover's statement and it makes way too much sense. Unless you want to believe Cover preferred to admit guilt to a bunch of false accusations because they were too scared of the consequences of defending themselves, which is honestly plausible enough seeing how they're dealing with the permission situation.

>> No.24275141
Quoted by: >>24275187


>> No.24275142

>I wanna turn into a cat

>> No.24275143

fucking hilarious

>> No.24275144

Not him but you’re a perfect example of Duning-Kruger if you think you managed to come out on top

>> No.24275145
Quoted by: >>24275162


>> No.24275147

Why is Miko taking a break today? Does she not realize that Rushia's about to pass her in subscribers count? Why is she trying to kill her own momentum just like that? Does she even try anymore? Why Miko why?

>> No.24275148
Quoted by: >>24275566

If they let it happen for too long or did too little it could fall under negligence

>> No.24275149

20 seconds to a few minutes depending on the sentence
i recommend sharex, helps in capturing audio and the picture

>> No.24275151

i wish we didn't, the average american might be okay but the ones that get noticed are batshit insane

>> No.24275152
Quoted by: >>24275171

>If her friend is a lawyer
Her friend helped her find a lawyer. Holy shit, narratives get distorted fast in this place.

>> No.24275153
Quoted by: >>24275174

>is it simping if you support your bros?
>donald trump donates
>america has your back roberu
the bar is on fire today

>> No.24275155

>her friend is a lawyer
Huh? Where did you get that from?

>> No.24275156

God, Paris syndrome will hit so hard.

>> No.24275159

You said it yourself. One is mere speculation and one is ACTUAL harassment being sent to her (jokingly of course. Nips aren't as anal about sexual harassment as western women)

>> No.24275162
File: 102 KB, 640x1091, 7kQ4ATAy-QA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275163
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1591474431894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko doesn't lose to the numbers.

>> No.24275166
Quoted by: >>24275195

I thought Coco made a fan server for hololive?

>> No.24275167

nether pekora or miko try anymore
they need a break so they can fuck

>> No.24275168


>> No.24275169

even without shilling it should within 4 hours

>> No.24275171

If she has an actual lawyer then

>> No.24275174

>is it simping if you support your bros?

>> No.24275177

gonna make it

>> No.24275178

My daughter is scary!

>> No.24275179

She actual has a real knack for making up lyrics.

The whole second half of this stream is her making up lyrics to popular songs in real time and singing them. It's fucking crazy how she's able to do it in such a short time and have the lyrics match the melody too.

>> No.24275182

If they're at least trying to maintain the "idol agency" façade they should 100% have done something about it. What kind of a joke agency wouldn't protect their idols?

>> No.24275183
Quoted by: >>24275203

What happened, was it that faggot with the Donald Trump account again?
He was trying to get Aki to say "thank you Donald Trump" yesterday.

>> No.24275186
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1591063760894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feed the sheep
a healhy dose of chips

>> No.24275187
Quoted by: >>24275206

Okay? Do you want my opinion on something?

>> No.24275188
File: 412 KB, 740x861, 1591353055710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Cover of course!

>> No.24275190
Quoted by: >>24275214

Haachama is only pretending to be retarded half the time after all.

>> No.24275191

I mean, she did make the masterpiece known as " Red Heart"

>> No.24275192

>believing Narukami
No thanks, I'd much rather believe my homebrewn hlg narratives.

>> No.24275193
File: 2.62 MB, 540x360, 1580934795187.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275195

possible and I'm just retarded, I just didn't see anything about it

>> No.24275196

My Welsh blood demands I make Watame my wife.

>> No.24275199
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1582136371439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275217

This is an idol according to cover

>> No.24275202
File: 822 KB, 917x802, sheep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this friend

>> No.24275203

Nah that's a different guy. It was just Jaypee being a faggot again.

>> No.24275204
Quoted by: >>24275220

How prominent were Melchads in /hlg/ how did they react to the initial

>> No.24275205

Did this bitch really use a vibrator on stream?

>> No.24275206
Quoted by: >>24275236

I was pointing out the facts, written in the article, that apparently everyone in the thread was missing.

>> No.24275208

Ironic that the corporation called Cover leaves their idols for dead

>> No.24275209

The lyrics to that are literally like something she came up with in the bathroom and just thought “yeah, that’s a song”

>> No.24275210

Well you see, we actually love all the holos and want to see them all successful.

>> No.24275211
Quoted by: >>24275231

Back in the old kpop days, idols would get stalked at their dorms, their phone numbers would get leaked, they would get gross shit mailed to them, and their agencies would do nothing.

>> No.24275212


>> No.24275214

Retarded people can be funny and witty

>> No.24275216


>> No.24275215

yes she did

>> No.24275217

Between Haachama and Coco, who fits the concept of alternative idol better?

>> No.24275218
File: 176 KB, 482x482, EaO7mR2UMAAARXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275288

Whoa, might wanna do something like that at some point too. NAISU!

>> No.24275219

Look at her go!

>> No.24275221
Quoted by: >>24275235

Which holo should I pop my supa cherry on?

>> No.24275220

How fucking new are you? The incident happened like a few weeks ago.

>> No.24275222

Yes, and then slapped Yagoo while Aqua was watching.

>> No.24275224

Me in the middle

>> No.24275225

Do we even know if she wrote the lyrics herself? It could have been commissioned.

>> No.24275226

Where is this from?

>> No.24275228
Quoted by: >>24275263

YAGOO coming to the Roberu Bar...

>> No.24275230

This is my first thread....

>> No.24275231
Quoted by: >>24275297

You expect a country that has had an idol culture for the best part of a century to handle this better though.

>> No.24275234

>Ironic that the corporation called Cover leaves their idols for dead
What is a corporation if not a legal entity to cover the proprietor's ass?

>> No.24275235
Quoted by: >>24275267

Shion needs it most right now

>> No.24275236

The ones that say breasts don't magically keep growing after puberty? Yeah, that was the point.

>> No.24275237
Quoted by: >>24275270

He's hit and miss, he pretty much got the Mel story 100% correct before Cover announced anything, so it's obvious he had a real source for that one.

>> No.24275239
Quoted by: >>24275599

More like Cover Up amirite

>> No.24275243

Thanks for the link, I disliked it too

>> No.24275245
Quoted by: >>24275293

The lyrics definitely weren’t written by a native English speaker, that’s all I know

>> No.24275247

Almost everyone here is a newfag at this point. /hlg/ is unrecognizable from April or even February. /hlg/ has been fully overrun with Reddit, /v/, and /pol/.

>> No.24275248
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1591114143984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275265


>> No.24275250
Quoted by: >>24275293

Nobody could write that but Haachama.

>> No.24275252

So much for YAGOO "I'll be covering" Motoaki...

>> No.24275253
Quoted by: >>24275266

She came up with it in the bathroom, probably while pissing
She likely hummed the tune too
By listening to it I am in that bathroom, like a small time capsule
I am in the bathroom with Haachama
I am the toilet

>> No.24275254

her lemon stream

>> No.24275255
Quoted by: >>24275293

If she did then she got fucking scammed

>> No.24275256


>> No.24275259
Quoted by: >>24275287

>What kind of a joke agency wouldn't protect their idols
Not sure if this guy is that gullible or just stupid.

>> No.24275261

It's the lyrics to her cover of Lemon that she did a few weeks back.

>> No.24275263
Quoted by: >>24275284

now THAT would be a collab, Roberu would get 50k live viewers and instant jump to 100k subs if he could make that happen

>> No.24275265
File: 805 KB, 473x726, 1591272411297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275266

Remember when we all tried to cheer up Towa... together?

>> No.24275267

Does Shion even remember her members and thanks each supachat?

>> No.24275270

The best lies are cast in with the truth.

>> No.24275271
File: 57 KB, 456x700, IMG_20200616_223739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how the copyright thing caused a shitstorm a 100x bigger than whatever happened to Mel, this kind of thing must be routine in japan.

>> No.24275272

Yeah sometime around March it feels like the usual general gatekeepers just stopped trying and let all the tourists just flood in unchecked.

>> No.24275275

>What kind of a joke agency wouldn't protect their idols?
Isn't that normal

>> No.24275276
Quoted by: >>24275317


>> No.24275278

Where did you come from? I'm always curious about how people are finding their way to this place

>> No.24275279
File: 68 KB, 512x512, 1591733341219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275280


>> No.24275282

Sexy woman in Japan are routinely punished for being sexy.

>> No.24275283
Quoted by: >>24275322

Haachama by far, Coco is funny and popular but she doesn't have hardcore fans.

>> No.24275284
Quoted by: >>24275309

Yagoo's collaborated with the homos a fair bit and even shills their streams all the time. Maybe he'll hit 3k viewers but it's nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.24275285

Sounds like she needs another lesson.

>> No.24275286
File: 15 KB, 603x126, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275308

Why are mikofags like this?

>> No.24275287

It makes so fucking sense from a business standpoint. Why would you not help your talent (which is really important sicne you're a TALENT AGENCY) when they're in a potentially life-threatening situation?

>> No.24275288
File: 524 KB, 760x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275334

do it

>> No.24275289
File: 225 KB, 1654x2339, to64rq9flz451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>festival kissed my wife again
its not fair

>> No.24275292

Yeah, March or April is when the gatekeepers quit, I agree. End of April is when the decline started to really rot in.

>> No.24275294

It’s around the time people stopped telling others to call this place a general

>> No.24275293
Quoted by: >>24275324

I guess we'll know once the full version comes out. But she did say I think in her 2nd anniversary karaoke stream stream that she's still learning the lyrics to the song so she can sing it live. Why would she need to learn the lyrics if she wrote it herself?

>> No.24275295

I don't think so. If you want a girl who thanks every member and superchat, then donate to Ayame.

>> No.24275297
Quoted by: >>24275314

Cover was and is still a tech company in its roots

>> No.24275300
File: 586 KB, 1584x2048, 1591931811809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard newfriend!

>> No.24275302

I think they are unironically coming from discord, apparently they see this place as some evil boogeyman

>> No.24275304
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 68a78d598d9a3b4f0695f3ff76ed044b.1000x1000x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is MC ride of hololive

>> No.24275307

it's pretty obvious she's at that point already

>> No.24275308

hey that nig aint all mikofags

>> No.24275309
Quoted by: >>24275344

when has YAGOO shown up on a stream outside of being in the chat?

>> No.24275310
File: 1.18 MB, 600x338, watameroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275312
Quoted by: >>24275331

Imagine coming home from work and seeing Matsuri in your house with your wife...

>> No.24275313
Quoted by: >>24275340


>> No.24275314

There are plenty of experienced people in the field they could hire, this is getting ridiculous and I think the girls should feel it too.

>> No.24275315
File: 317 KB, 528x562, IMG_20200325_181733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275341

Dead ship

>> No.24275317
File: 261 KB, 1000x1392, EWiSdLyU4AEHbpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275333


>> No.24275319

Mel isn't that popular. Imagine if this shit happened to Aqua.

>> No.24275322

>hardcore fans
Going by akasupas, Coco has more hardcore fans.

>> No.24275323


>> No.24275324

You know that even the biggest musicians use lyric sheets, right?

>> No.24275325

Matsuri should become an idol manager of an underground idol. She knows what it takes to be an idol and she would be very supportive and loving. Plus by being a manager she's guaranteed to least have sex with one underground idol.

>> No.24275326
Quoted by: >>24275348

Hitler wants to marry Roberu.

>> No.24275327

>What kinda stream is this?
I want to know too, Roberu
I want to know too

>> No.24275328

On one hand it actually allowed discussion of HoloPro as a whole but on the other hand the narrativeposting has gone out of control.

>> No.24275329

>Guy with "Hitler" username sends Roberu a superchat
>All Roberu can do is go "ohhh uh ohhhhhh"

>> No.24275330

I bet they fell for the narratives.

>> No.24275331

Sounds like an easy 3some.

>> No.24275332
File: 23 KB, 238x286, 1590506847701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275333
Quoted by: >>24275393

But that is a luxury apartment for a major city like Tokyo, especially for an average person

>> No.24275334

I have no idea how

>> No.24275335
Quoted by: >>24275347

Where's that picture of Flare's pizza? I went through her twitter and couldn't see it at all in her media uploads.

>> No.24275336
File: 7 KB, 302x93, adolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275338

Can you guys behave for once, since we have a new friend (>>24275230) over? We need to make a good first impression.

>> No.24275339
File: 58 KB, 552x887, 1590899183016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accept hololive/cover is a collapsing black company and wish the best for your girls

>> No.24275340
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1590904920067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's hololive threads on /k/?

>> No.24275341
Quoted by: >>24275380

>Dead ship
matsuri just kissed her again like two days ago

>> No.24275342

Don't even joke about that, Cover would be gone the next day.

>> No.24275343
Quoted by: >>24275359

I came here in March from /a/. Kinda glad I didn't have to endure sharing a general with Nijisanji, Upd8, Animare, and Eileen turds.

>> No.24275344

Asacoco, he did a segment once.

>> No.24275345


>> No.24275346
File: 2.70 MB, 498x452, 1592337659720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275347
Quoted by: >>24275375


>> No.24275348

He has to fight Trump, FBK, Kuku and Matsuri if he wants to have a chance

>> No.24275350
Quoted by: >>24275382

So what is Red's fetish? We only know about Haato's new fetish at the end.

>> No.24275351

I wish the best for all the Hololives every single day.

>> No.24275354

I dunno how it happened but I got recommended funny scatman fox

>> No.24275355
Quoted by: >>24275373

Since Coco's model is probably gonna get butchered for her 3d reveal, I would say I'm more excited about PP's futomomos

>> No.24275356
File: 56 KB, 1066x626, 1591317652144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I won't accept it.

>> No.24275358
File: 43 KB, 198x198, 1589391473882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should only hire gay men and straight women managers, it probably saves you a lot of headaches on the long run.

>> No.24275359
Quoted by: >>24275377

>dissing Animare
What would our son think?

>> No.24275360

Aqua probably would have quit and killed Hololive.

>> No.24275361


>> No.24275362
Quoted by: >>24275395

>apparently they see this place as some evil boogeyman
Why? Because we dare to call most translation channels to be mistranslated or what?

>> No.24275363
File: 99 KB, 630x947, 1591161935646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275391

Imagine filling Senchou's womb with your creamy inside until her belly is about to burst

>> No.24275365

why are EOPs like this...

>> No.24275366
File: 155 KB, 1000x993, 1590428878217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275367
Quoted by: >>24275409

Why is a Japanese guy RPing as Hitler and speaking in English?

>> No.24275369

I've seen Hololive girls posted in every place at this point. Even Haato and Miko...

>> No.24275370

FGO's Sei Shonagon sent him a supacha asking for marriage too

>> No.24275371

Why is Fubuki like this?

>> No.24275372

I love FBK but I've come to loathe that video specifically.

>> No.24275373

>Coco with proper teeth an a nose
I just can’t picture it

>> No.24275374
File: 141 KB, 1280x960, Hitler did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275435

He can do it. I believe in him.

>> No.24275375


>> No.24275377

Our son is too good for that ugly slut Kuku

>> No.24275378
Quoted by: >>24275400

It seems Cover corp spends all their budget on youtube shilling instead of getting proper management.

>> No.24275379
Quoted by: >>24275416

Are there funny meme patches of the Holos? Might draw some /k/ommandos in.

>> No.24275380
File: 63 KB, 194x192, 1583359812296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275381

adolf hands off Roberu is ours

>> No.24275382
Quoted by: >>24275399

haato is bipolar and "reds" fetishes are hers too

>> No.24275387
File: 231 KB, 512x512, 1591859874674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome fbk bro

>> No.24275388
Quoted by: >>24275405

>Nico discharging themselves
This isn't gonna work in the court.

>> No.24275391
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, cream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275401


>> No.24275392
File: 253 KB, 273x345, qb0km7d5a4l41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any bastard that dare flirt with my chuuba on twitter shall have my fury unleashed upon them LIKE THE CRASHING OF A THOUSAND WAVES

>> No.24275393

Well I hope Amane "Scolded for keeping fridge open for too long" Kanata won't be living like she is now at the Holohouse and this kind of apartment becomes her reality.

>> No.24275395

I’m not in there so I don’t know why

>> No.24275396

Someone get these shitposters out of Roberu's chat.

>> No.24275397
Quoted by: >>24275408

Which one of you is doing this...

>> No.24275399

That sounds way too smart to be something Haato thought of. Red's fetish has to have something to do with his bad breath.

>> No.24275400

Youtube informs you with a big thing called AD when they get paid to shill you

>> No.24275401
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1591112521091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275402

They're all from here, anon.

>> No.24275403

I thought Matsuri wanted to get with Roberu ?? Matsuricucks can you explain?

>> No.24275405
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1591380796253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAGOO isn't taking anyone to court, he is just threatening people.

>> No.24275407

you should had never posted anything about him here if you loved him fujo

>> No.24275408

Sorry bro, something had to be done

>> No.24275409

Clearly some dumb fuck from this thread, judging by the amount of nigger/tranny posting we get.
It doesn't matter whether it's BLM or Hitler, it doesn't fucking belong in hololive.

>> No.24275410
Quoted by: >>24275417

she sends him drunk texts when he's not streaming...

>> No.24275411

She wants to get with everything that moves.

>> No.24275414

Hololives matter...

>> No.24275416
File: 870 KB, 2507x3541, 1591416905850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I can think of is the chibi FBK that she uses when she plays Apex but I don't have it. There are a few Holos with gun images though

>> No.24275415

This, only chink hating is acceptable here.

>> No.24275417
Quoted by: >>24275430

She does this to everyone

>> No.24275418

The Mel comeback stream in a month is gonna be awkward

>> No.24275420

Sorry. Matsuri is Luna territory now.

>> No.24275422

But I like Civia...

>> No.24275425
File: 400 KB, 504x749, 1591105616996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bwain is not bwoken no more

>> No.24275427

199934932423942 DEAD HOLOS

>> No.24275430

imagine trying to do whatever the fuck Holos do outside of streaming and you keep getting texts from Fatsuri asking if you want to "Offcollab" with a *wink* emoji after it...

>> No.24275431

matsuri loves mature women

>> No.24275432
File: 137 KB, 360x450, %21IS2_-_Cecilia_Alcott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roberu is a Ceciliafag
Holy fucking based.

>> No.24275433
Quoted by: >>24275480

What did Matsuri do this time

>> No.24275435
Quoted by: >>24275458

Mel looks a little different here...

>> No.24275436

Daily favorite AZKi posting

>> No.24275437

Her brain is FUBAR.

>> No.24275439

If it isn’t Choco moaning while Mel is eating her out from beneath the desk it won’t be a real Mel stream

>> No.24275440
Quoted by: >>24275464

You know it looks bad for Holos specially the ones with slow chats to get superchatted by a guy called Adolf Hitler

>> No.24275441

>Can you imagine the amount of shitposting...

>> No.24275443

Ok guys stop, is not funny

>> No.24275449

I didn't even recognize that she was voiced by Yukana

>> No.24275452

Civia and Rosalyn are cute

>> No.24275453
File: 1.40 MB, 522x512, uiShigure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Ui Mama, the "Get to know Shigure Ui in 10 minutes!" video and the "Get to know Shigure in 50 seconds" video are my favorites. Also this one just straight up heals your soul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9o1i7fKJqU

>> No.24275454
File: 427 KB, 608x448, definitelyflare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of North Korea!

>> No.24275455


>> No.24275456

unsubbed, france/germany or nothing

>> No.24275457


>> No.24275458

>Hitorachama saving Mel from stalkerfag
I like this narrative.

>> No.24275462
Quoted by: >>24275656

That's what you get for bringing your trash to /hlg/ ...

>> No.24275463
Quoted by: >>24275472

American hours truly are the worst.

>> No.24275464
Quoted by: >>24275548

I can't believe a member of /hlg/ would make this kind of joke.

I'm kind of disappointed in this community...

>> No.24275465

Oh lord please delete this unholy image

>> No.24275467

What a cutie

>> No.24275468
File: 150 KB, 1200x938, 1590297200394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri needs constant attention so she pursues multiple people, and started streaming on her irl youtube channel.

>> No.24275470

damn Flare looks like THAT?

>> No.24275471

I've accepted it and am now open to the Hololive House

>> No.24275472

come play minecraft with some of us bros instead

>> No.24275473

I wonder how often Haato accidentally pisses herself.
i am guessing a lot with her autism level

>> No.24275474

EOP newfag here, it's the Mel shit real or one of your narratives?

>> No.24275476
Quoted by: >>24275501

What the fuck, she has breasts?!

>> No.24275477
File: 308 KB, 2048x1873, mk7k0dq0wa551[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her old outfit was better

>> No.24275478

I fucking love this catchphrase of hers, especially since it's something she invented herself.

>> No.24275479

Real, I was there.

>> No.24275480

Collab with another homostar

>> No.24275482

I just want to watch my chuubas play good games....

>> No.24275484

Hi Stheno

>> No.24275486
Quoted by: >>24275493

Its real
You can even see it in reddit if you want a reliable source

>> No.24275487

I bet her room permanently stinks of urine and that’s why グランマ has to clean it for her

>> No.24275488


>> No.24275489

The donation is in yen though...

>> No.24275491


>> No.24275493
Quoted by: >>24275534


>> No.24275495

my dumb ass is just now noticing Korone and others are in the visuals of the video.

>> No.24275494
File: 159 KB, 324x446, 1591731330927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-believe in YAGOO...

>> No.24275497

It's true, I was Mel.

>> No.24275499
File: 69 KB, 228x221, 2721-1583430189-1782774948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All jokes aside I really have zero interest in watching collabs with dudes and unironically unsubbed from FBK because of all the homostar shilling lately

>> No.24275500

explain. what really is the problem with azki manager?

>> No.24275501
Quoted by: >>24275517

Yes big fat fucking udders just massive milky fucking absolutely huge

>> No.24275503

that bdsm shit hugging her shoulders and neck are real good though

>> No.24275508

Why are Subarufags like this?

>> No.24275509

That's cool thanks for letting us know

>> No.24275510

i would enjoy it so much more if they didnt change the hair color

>> No.24275513
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 1591133147647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275578


>> No.24275517

What the fuck, I love Ui Mama now.

>> No.24275518
Quoted by: >>24275533

All jokes aside you probably have some form of autism if you both actually unsubbed because of that and also expect us to care.

>> No.24275519

A living suit of armor.
A talking car.
A bumblebee.
A potted plant.
A dinosaur.

>> No.24275520

Well then you're going to be in for a bad time when Peko announces she's doing a collab with Sugita.

>> No.24275521

The sources were linked. Learn Japanese.

>> No.24275522

Roberu-kun is scared of the ocean.

>> No.24275523

We might genuinely be the biggest Holostars western fan base...

>> No.24275526

why are pekofags like this

>> No.24275529

Everyone should be. Fuck that thing.

>> No.24275530

I'd believe it

>> No.24275531

but they are.. apex, mahjong, getting over it, super bunny man.. i hope more of them start playing mahjong.

>> No.24275532

Mikoboat chads win again

>> No.24275533

uh oh the two homostar posters are mad

>> No.24275534
Quoted by: >>24275560

Its a more reliable place to get info than here since he admitted to a newfag and cant tell which is a narrative

>> No.24275535

Sugita is my idol, he can fuck my chuubas.

>> No.24275537
File: 92 KB, 444x659, 1591302915598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275578


>> No.24275538

>A dinosaur

>> No.24275539
File: 86 KB, 828x688, 1588436736844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275540


>> No.24275542

Yeah, you should see how frightened he was when he jumped into the ocean in his first ARK stream

>> No.24275543

someone needs to start translating clips of them and put them on reddit, they deserve to be saved from us.

>> No.24275544
Quoted by: >>24275568

I'm glad you told us faggot. Can you tell us about your day too?

>> No.24275545
Quoted by: >>24275563

Mikochi only cares about one number, 350k subs by the end of the year. Beyond that number wanking is irrelevant.

>> No.24275546
Quoted by: >>24275657

I really wish I enjoyed watching them play.

>> No.24275548

>reddit spacing

>> No.24275549
Quoted by: >>24275604

Unless there's super secret but super active discord or something we definitely are.

>> No.24275550
Quoted by: >>24275564

were you superchatting her in the first place
otherwise literally doesn't matter

>> No.24275551
Quoted by: >>24275571

Sugita is cool and not a homo

>> No.24275552

>A bumblebee

>> No.24275555
File: 866 KB, 850x478, 🏴‍☠️ケツアンカーぶっこんでくぞー!🏴‍☠️ キャプテン・マリンのケツアンカー 宝鐘マリン 歌:宝鐘マリン 作詞:夕野ヨシミ (IOSYS) 編曲:[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275582

>> No.24275556

You're thinking of Matsuri. Haato has never pissed herself outside of that one incident in first grade of elementary school.

>> No.24275557

I imagine her being one of those people that has to be careful not to pee herself if she laughs too hard cause I was like that at her age...

>> No.24275558
File: 780 KB, 774x1000, 1562652954953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275657


>> No.24275559
File: 237 KB, 1280x1000, 1589452349283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I told you I've been sexually harassed and stalked by an employee but I'm happy to be coming back

Honestly the way things happen at this company are fucking bizarre

>> No.24275560

Sure thing anon.

>> No.24275562
File: 135 KB, 1021x1200, EOPePO5XkAEdWd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck holostars

>> No.24275563

She's already at 320, she'll get 350 soon enough.

>> No.24275564

Why would you ask a question you know the answer to? No one superchats Fubuki

>> No.24275566

Japanese laws are different and contract prevent it

>> No.24275567

>A talking car.

>> No.24275568

I also jack off to Pekora every hour

>> No.24275569
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1591002362453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275598


>> No.24275571
File: 116 KB, 603x904, 1357089193205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not homo

>> No.24275572

I mean Robert averages like 500 views and there is almost no English comments. Even if there are like 20 anons here following Holostars that's probably big enough. Surprised the twitter fujoshits never got into it.

>> No.24275574
File: 107 KB, 991x1080, 1591311992208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your baseds

hand them over

>> No.24275577

Okay mate just try to get out of these threads before someone posts the Peko AV again

>> No.24275578

EOPs filtered

>> No.24275579

that's just bros being bros, bro

>> No.24275580
File: 77 KB, 250x345, Majorita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275596

Kinda reminds me of Majorita from Disgaea 5. Except Majorita has no tits and less clothes.

>> No.24275581


>> No.24275582


>> No.24275583

I can't believe Peko is getting cucked...

>> No.24275586

Stop Pekobro, you make us look bad

>> No.24275585

Reminder that Sugita and Nakamura voiced BL smut together.

>> No.24275591
Quoted by: >>24275636

Haato has told you all over and over again. She's an idol so she doesn't need to use the bathroom. Why would you doubt her?

>> No.24275592

why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24275594

Don't waste time posting here when you should be giving your holostar one of their 50 views

>> No.24275595
Quoted by: >>24275635

t. faggot

>> No.24275596
Quoted by: >>24275624

>Except Majorita has no tits
just like rushia?

>> No.24275598

Movie soon if you're a Kenzoku. Just let her know.

>> No.24275599

You mean "Cover my bills, sluts"

>> No.24275600
File: 25 KB, 585x156, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275601

Why are Watamefags like this?

>> No.24275602
File: 35 KB, 554x437, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275639

>> No.24275604

Hololive reddit supposedly has 22k members. Which I can believe that they're bigger since they're officially shilled by Coco/Artia and plenty of normies will go there first.

>> No.24275605
File: 63 KB, 457x497, 1591161346373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275614

Are all JSPs gay due to decades of virginity rotting their brains?

>> No.24275606

Me too pekobro

>> No.24275607
Quoted by: >>24275653


>> No.24275612

Imagine missing the Holocomi and the stream with Roberu/Rikka/Matsuri/Fubuki just because of these reasons. Fubuki is literally the best host a collab can have and Roberu is probably going to end up becoming the Fubuki of Holostars.

>> No.24275613

I would actually be totally fine with Korone just playing solo apex for a while
It always made me wonder how the fuck she managed to get gold rank whenever she played on stream

>> No.24275614

why are lunaposters like this...?

>> No.24275615

>Sharing members only content
It's only a post with nothing important, but still fuck you.

>> No.24275619

Stop JSLobro, you make us look bad

>> No.24275621
File: 283 KB, 534x574, 1590562783018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /hlg/ like this....?

>> No.24275622

so which gen 3 will get new outfit after rushia?

>> No.24275623

Coke Z is the thinking holo's drink

>> No.24275624

Her tits are just really small

>> No.24275625

Why are Noelfags like this?

>> No.24275626
Quoted by: >>24275733

Numbers means nothing when there's no activity. That place is ghost town compared to us.

>> No.24275627

Damn i need to start baiting homostarfags outside burger hours too, look at all these (you)'s

>> No.24275630
File: 745 KB, 606x541, 1591034631331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No games makes hlg a dull boy.

>> No.24275631
Quoted by: >>24275720

>tfw people have gotten their tapestries and shirts but no one has said if they bought Roboco's sweater or Coco's dumb stuff from Holocomi

>> No.24275633
Quoted by: >>24275733

What are the chances those 22k are divided between Koronefags,FBKfags,Pekorafags and Rushiafags?

>> No.24275634

Damn i'm huge compared to them

>> No.24275635


>> No.24275636

she wears diapers

>> No.24275637
Quoted by: >>24275651

>Roberu is probably going to end up becoming the Fubuki of Holostars

>> No.24275639

Go to sleep Matsuri before you rape somebody.

>> No.24275640
Quoted by: >>24275654

That's not even content, you autist. If anything a post like that is going to make people think about membering Towa please do

>> No.24275642
File: 484 KB, 595x912, EZuxIM8U4AAtwFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275667

>> No.24275643

Because it's in /jp/ and not a dedicated vtuber board

>> No.24275644

But that's Mio and her wheezing

>> No.24275651

we all know the FBK is going to be whoever makes the most meme videos...

>> No.24275652

Does Hololive have a single girl who is as good at tsukkomi as Roberu?

>> No.24275653

Everytime I watch this, I without fail, fail into uncontrollable laughter. I don't know why.

>> No.24275654

I'm always amazed how many green western names are in Towa's chat, I like to think they are studying hard.

>> No.24275655
Quoted by: >>24275661

Towark in an hour?

>> No.24275656
Quoted by: >>24275751

The only trash in /hlg/ is the relentless posting of Miko nigger image macros, Miko following Trump, will holoEN hire people that use pronouns?, will holoEN hire a black chuuba?, dude this guy asked coco to say trans rights, and whatever else I forgot.
Stuff that should have been relevant for one, maybe two threads tops but will now be posted in every thread until someone gets bored because it happens to please some memesters that decided to infest this boil on the ass of /jp/, and now are trying to force memes on stream too.

>> No.24275657

I like the ones that are so bad that the game plays out like a horror survival game rather than a battle royale. The ones that are in ok-good-ish tier are hit or miss solo, but fun in a collab. FBK is probably the most entertaining solo player because of how cute she is while playing. I'm pretty okay with it overall, but I also started watching vtubers from my interest in Apex.

best game. want to see gen 1-4 battle it out in a team battle with the prize being an original song for the generation or something. i desperately need Haachama to announce her riichi ippatsu tsumo toitoi to win it all for gen 1..

>> No.24275658

If she weren't so active on her other accounts I would have more sympathy for her.

>> No.24275659
Quoted by: >>24275665


>> No.24275660

I don't have to imagine it

>> No.24275661
Quoted by: >>24275681

Not like this Towaki...

>> No.24275662

If you want things to change do something about it
Try making one of those synced youtube streams but of archives when dead hours hit

>> No.24275663


>> No.24275664


>> No.24275665

no wonder Matsuri wants to fuck both of them.

>> No.24275666

Please /hlg/... stop the shitposting and baiting...
Let's enjoy some quality music instead


>> No.24275667

I went looking for this poicture and found out Marine has 23 followers on her pixiv...

>> No.24275668
Quoted by: >>24275673

Does anyone have the picture of Flare's pizza?

>> No.24275670

>Members only
I've expected more from a Kenzoku. I'm disappointed.

>> No.24275671

Has Towa even played Ark before?

>> No.24275673
Quoted by: >>24275687


>> No.24275674

He's so proud...

>> No.24275676
File: 532 KB, 511x544, 1592311308659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but her default will always be the best one.

>> No.24275678
Quoted by: >>24275690

pekofags are based?

>> No.24275679

For 13 minutes.

>> No.24275680

no, aki is gonna get her ark virginity

>> No.24275681
Quoted by: >>24275691

If Towa is going to learn about ARK, she is lucky to be learning from Aki who has played it a lot.

>> No.24275684

What are the chances that flare actually moves in with noel?

>> No.24275687
Quoted by: >>24275695

Could you please share?

>> No.24275688
Quoted by: >>24275702

damn that model made me expect a much more suave voice than that

>> No.24275690

im ron burgundy?

>> No.24275691
Quoted by: >>24275718

Will the Kenzoku support Aki's harsh teaching ways?

>> No.24275695


>> No.24275696
Quoted by: >>24275796

if that happens, Noel's roommate's channel will die because she'll be too busy fucking flare...

>> No.24275697 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1308x1764, EZfmT4SU8AA0UrJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275698
Quoted by: >>24275721

>From Software is probably one of the hundreds of companies that Cover is waiting on explicit streaming permission from
>it'll probably be months until Flare can beat Sekiro
Fucking Cover. Just let them develop Elden Ring in peace.

>> No.24275699
File: 286 KB, 2003x2048, 1576299480062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekofags, Koronefags and Artiafags are ethe trash of /hlg/.

>> No.24275701

I can say for a fact that a few people from nijisanji lurk on 4chan. I work for Ichikara's international marketing department, and I love reading the nijithreads and occasionally holothreads (like now). For me, 4chan is the best place to get unfiltered feedback. You'll never see someone call a liver shit on reddit or discord, but on 4chan, people really state their mind. I wouldn't be surprised if Hololive members who read english, like Coco, enjoy it too.

>> No.24275702
Quoted by: >>24275753

the only holo that sounds like how they look is Oga.

>> No.24275703

Say no more, family.

>> No.24275704


>> No.24275706
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, EZsJv5AVAAAJm_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275707

If that's the catalyst for Noel to finally clean her fucking room, then it can only be a good thing

>> No.24275709

I voted for the last one, but don't really have to actively avoid because my chuubas would never collab with them in the first place

>> No.24275711
File: 100 KB, 336x249, zehi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275743

>Only 10k views
Please watch AZKi... This is a good and chill MV I promise...

>> No.24275716

I love the design, it looks a lot more like a necromancer to me than default Rushia, but the hair color makes it too much of a departure

>> No.24275717

Artia organless body...

>> No.24275718

It should be fun to watch Towa trying out a new game. Hopefully she will enjoy herself with Aki there at least. Sandbox type games are more daunting for beginners who are striking out alone.

>> No.24275719
Quoted by: >>24275736

Aki is gonna shove her big Ark experienced dick down Towa's throath

>> No.24275720

I might have considered Roboco's sweater if it didn't have those dumb rabbit ears, Coco's stuff seemed a little low effort.

>> No.24275721

Do you think they are sending thousands of applications for every game...

>> No.24275724

I can't believe FBK is the official holostar onahole now...
I hope this results in more supacha at least...

>> No.24275725

i feel the same everytime i see fubuki with the giant mouth

>> No.24275726

>I work for Ichikara's international marketing department
What do you need to get this kind of position?

>> No.24275727

Let's get Chocolate Pandemic to 100k

>> No.24275728
Quoted by: >>24275776

She played it a fair bit during Ragnarok, and was even supposed to join in the massive boss battle before something got in the way.
Not sure if that Rabuni clip ever got translated, but it was pretty cute.

>> No.24275730
File: 11 KB, 395x168, 1590777034642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch me /hlg/, I'm going to save her.

>> No.24275732
Quoted by: >>24275790

I don't mind seeing them collab with the girls because they only collab with Matsuri, FBK and the IDs, but I'd certainly mind if they started collabing with other girls.

>> No.24275733

No idea. I don't visit reddit so I wouldn't know. I just pulled it up to check the sub count out of curiousity. >>24275626 is right though, they barely have comments apparently.

>> No.24275734
Quoted by: >>24275770

the first half of the song is a disaster but after the drop its actually kinda catchy

>> No.24275735
File: 1.18 MB, 1121x2048, 1592317318651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275754


>> No.24275736

That's hot.

>> No.24275737

I used to think about stuff like that, but then I watched Fubuki climb to gold. The answer is something like they play a lot and just run around and survive while panicking often.

>> No.24275738

So you're telling me that Marine knows about the womb meme?

>> No.24275741

Many anons have tried, none have returned. I wish you luck BROTHER

>> No.24275742
Quoted by: >>24275756

>chinks about to enter a war
I'm afraid you're too late

>> No.24275743

>pop beat

>> No.24275744

>3 votes for not liking Holostars
>all those "based" on the Pekorafag post

>> No.24275745

Never change Roberu

>> No.24275746

I want to molest this dumb fox's armpits

>> No.24275749
Quoted by: >>24275885

You underestimate FBK's FPS skils... but also aren't wrong.

>> No.24275750


>> No.24275751

And where do you think those types came from and who brought them here? They weren't here before the EOP flood.

>> No.24275753

I remember expecting Noel to have some deep sexy voice but she sounds like she could easily voice a loli character.

>> No.24275754

suiseint louis

>> No.24275755
Quoted by: >>24275763

Otherfag calling otherfag are the worst are the worst

>> No.24275756

Just the distraction I need.

>> No.24275757
File: 133 KB, 1460x919, inq5tsbo4e151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275759
File: 193 KB, 1120x1728, 1591965212086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275763

Why are ___You___ like this?

>> No.24275764

I kinda see coco browsing here

>> No.24275765

Would you have a meltdown if your Holo collabed with Homostars? What about Kaoru specifically?

>> No.24275766

What are you talking about? Noel is a graceful seiso menhera knight ojou

>> No.24275767
File: 27 KB, 720x392, EacinlwU0AAfnI0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrigt I've seen Reddit, Twitter and now you guys constantly chilling Towa. What's the deal? She only stream boring ass Apex all the time...

>> No.24275769

I hope coco tells the other holos about what we think of them, especially haachama cause she gets a shit ton of support in here

>> No.24275770

I've listened to it far too much than I should have, I actually love it now. I'm not even a Haaton.

>> No.24275771
File: 685 KB, 849x1200, 1591542687172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275772

Not be EOP, first.

>> No.24275774

Big fat cat tats.

>> No.24275776


>> No.24275777
File: 843 KB, 2508x3541, 1591911369023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275779
File: 1.37 MB, 600x338, fbk....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24275798


>> No.24275780

I always thought those where something else, but it turns out they're just butt fangs.

>> No.24275782

Yes, they better fucking stay with the slut fox and the slut slut

>> No.24275783
File: 198 KB, 1280x1817, 1591520727979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275784

Fucking Nijinigger in my Holochad thread.

>> No.24275786
File: 124 KB, 700x859, 1592236719768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24275787


>> No.24275788
Quoted by: >>24275885

That's what I assumed too but still, seeing it live would be interesting anyway
The fact that she was using healing items off the inventory menu and not the key shortcut for them instead just because she didn't know it was a thing just fucking baffled me though
Also her mouse sensitivity compared to Okayu's who is a literal FPS newbie

>> No.24275789


>> No.24275790

I just want to see more drunk holos do Bar Robel zatsudans... is that really so wrong?

>> No.24275792

i would like to see the shitshow if Rushia collabed with a homo.

>> No.24275796

Canan is doing an asmr stream and it suddenly gets interrupted by this.

>> No.24275798


>> No.24275799
Quoted by: >>24275810

Who is this cutie?

>> No.24275801

For once, I actually like Aqua's butt.

>> No.24275803
Quoted by: >>24275822


>> No.24275804


>> No.24275807

>people really state their mind
people also pretend to have opinions they don't actually have just to piss other people off

>> No.24275808
Quoted by: >>24275859

Towa's played ARK in the past, she had a few streams where she was making a cave base similar to her streams of making a Minecraft house. It's just that in both games she's only really interested in building a house and it seems it was much easier and faster to do so in ARK so she completely dropped it once she was done with it.

>> No.24275809

I would get some popcorn and watch the japs burn Cover to the ground.

>> No.24275810
Quoted by: >>24275818

Meas' girlfriend

>> No.24275812


>> No.24275815

I want to spoil her and shower her with love

>> No.24275816

You can't derank, so getting to gold is super easy

>> No.24275817

She already streamed with them and I’m fine. I’d be fine if she did it again actually first time she’s had fun playing with friends on DBD since the Towa stream YouTube killed

>> No.24275818
Quoted by: >>24275856

Is she going to be joining Gen 5?

>> No.24275819
Quoted by: >>24275839

I want this to be her new L2D outfit.

>> No.24275821
Quoted by: >>24275833

Shut the fuck up. I hate you retard.

>> No.24275822

The shape of the dick wtf

>> No.24275828

The """talents""" are the most expendable part of the idol industry. There are thousands of generic girls who want to become idols. The only requirement is that they're somewhat attractive (and that's not even applicable to vtubers) and that they love to talk about themselves.

>> No.24275829

I pretended to be a Matsurifag so hard I became one.

>> No.24275830
Quoted by: >>24275841

What are Coco and Marine about to do

>> No.24275831 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 2048x1591, agreement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To begin with, you need experience with Japanese, and most likely need to live in japan. I did not, as corona allowed me to apply remotely. If you want, check what jobs are avaliable at hololive/whatever company on wantedly (what I did) https://us.wantedly.com/companies/cover-corp

I will warn you, don't apply if you think you're gonna be able to spend time with the idols or romance them or some bullshit. We are all strictly bound by a lot of agreements and NDA's that could result in legal action against any of us or the slightest slip-ups. I have barely interacted with the idols at all, and when I did, it was with permission from my higher-ups.

>> No.24275833
Quoted by: >>24275844

haha this is just pretend right bro....?

>> No.24275839

I don't know if I'm ready for Towa without the Vivi cap.

>> No.24275841
Quoted by: >>24275855

Ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist

>> No.24275840
Quoted by: >>24275857

Anyone who's been on 4chan for any reasonable amount of time is able to filter the bait.

>> No.24275842

Don't talk about my wife like that, asshole.

>> No.24275843
Quoted by: >>24275861

that's not true
you can't find an aqua or luna replacement...

>> No.24275844


>> No.24275845 [DELETED] 


>> No.24275846

I would be happy if Shien or Roberu collabed with my Holo because I genuinely like them and I think they're fun and dorky. Fuck chads like Rikka and Temma though. They need to stay away and go use the town bike aka Matsuri.
I would not be okay with Haachama collabing with any male. She's not my favorite but I just don't like the idea

>> No.24275848

Worst post in this thread, worse than narratives.

>> No.24275850

fuck you faggot

>> No.24275851

Same, but with Luna.

>> No.24275852

Why are nijis trying to kill hololive?

>> No.24275854
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1589365869049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24275853
Quoted by: >>24275984

Kizuna Ai...

>> No.24275855

Doesn’t look like it

>> No.24275856
Quoted by: >>24275881

How much is YAGOO willing to pay? She likes being independent so it might take a lot of money.

>> No.24275857
Quoted by: >>24275871

yet the bait still always gets replies

>> No.24275859

Hopefully since other people are actually playing ARK, she might get into fun antics with them instead.

>> No.24275860


>> No.24275861

>Aqua replacement
just bring Artia over

>> No.24275865

hey coco if you are reading this play skyrim

>> No.24275868

This but Suisei

>> No.24275869

Eugene A?!

>> No.24275871
Quoted by: >>24275886

the fast moving stream always gets more fish

>> No.24275872

I audibly gagged at your shitty opinion. Please leave and never come back.

>> No.24275873
Quoted by: >>24275876

I'm Loserbait.

>> No.24275875




>> No.24275876

Even worse

>> No.24275877
Quoted by: >>24275888

daily dose

>> No.24275878

Would anyone even want to watch Anons streaming? I feel like anyone here streaming would be lucky if they could even break 10 viewers and most everyone in the thread would tell them to fuck off.

>> No.24275879

I genuinely can't understand how people care so much if they do, as long as the guys aren't hitting on them every 5 seconds and encouraging shipping and shit like that, it's really not a big deal. Even when the guys collab with FBK and Matsuri, they avoid saying anything that could result in disaster(even though Matsuri tries to bait them into saying that kinda stuff). Really the worst you get is how Oga interacts with the IDs.

>> No.24275880


>> No.24275881

Honestly? She should've just joined Gen 3 with Mea, they're both great friends after all and it would've been easier to acclimate that way.

>> No.24275882
Quoted by: >>24275898


>> No.24275883
Quoted by: >>24275919

Which Niji did you get to interact with? Sounds kinda exciting.

>> No.24275885
Quoted by: >>24275935

she uses the r99 despite 7/10 mags or so being like 3 bullets hit. I notice a lot of chuubas doing this(Shion yo) I wish they'd stick to r-301 or find their own weapon.

oh is that how it goes? I watched the OkaKoro collab from Okayu's side. Fair enough watching your favorite chuubas grind it out is fun.

>> No.24275886
Quoted by: >>24275895

I stil remember the time back when threads gets 3000+ posts

>> No.24275887

I see that you have never seen your average idol show on TV. It's basically free lobotomy.

>> No.24275888
Quoted by: >>24275932


>> No.24275889

WTF TowAki ARK? looks like Aki is making a powerplay to NTR Towa back from Sio

Elf vs Elf warfare where the true winner is Towa.

>> No.24275892

I think Noel's voice suits her perfectly though. Makes you wonder how this poor girl became a knight.
Was there no one left after all the king's men were burnt to a crisp?

>> No.24275894
Quoted by: >>24275913

If I had 10 viewers I would be ecstatic. I've maxed out at 6.

>> No.24275895
Quoted by: >>24275936

We used to go all the way to 4000+... Those were the days.

>> No.24275898

Hermano del Torre...

>> No.24275899

So nijiniggers literally get paid to come shill in our thread

>> No.24275901
Quoted by: >>24275920

No, unless anon is a cute japanese girl

>> No.24275903

There was one anon here who tried streaming with Helltaker.

>> No.24275904

Repost because I almost doxed myself posting the signing i did

To begin with, you need experience with Japanese, and most likely need to live in japan. I did not, as corona allowed me to apply remotely. If you want, check what jobs are avaliable at hololive/whatever company on wantedly (what I did) https://us.wantedly.com/companies/cover-corp

I will warn you, don't apply if you think you're gonna be able to spend time with the idols or romance them or some bullshit. We are all strictly bound by a lot of agreements and NDA's that could result in legal action against any of us or the slightest slip-ups. I have barely interacted with the idols at all, and when I did, it was with permission from my higher-ups

>> No.24275905

I don't mind, but my holo doesn't seem to have enough in common with any of the homos, even Kaoru. So a collab between them would feel forced instead of organic.
At least compared to FBK, who is a good host, and Matsuri, who is good at bouncing conversation back and forth.

>> No.24275906
Quoted by: >>24275984

Yeah because replacing Kizuna Ai worked out so well.

>> No.24275907

Okay, i'm ready now, time to stop being a filthy EOP

>> No.24275908

D-Do you guys have this weird feeling that they're like only 10 people in this thread? And that they're same-fagging to such an extent that we reach the thread limit?

>> No.24275911

The design is fine but they should have kept the green hair. Helped her stand out more, there what like four maybe five other avatars in Hololive with pink/purple hair

>> No.24275912

Pekora with gen 3

>> No.24275913

same, and thats only because i played FNAF and undertale

>> No.24275917
Quoted by: >>24275985

Towa went from begging for collabs live in front of tens of thousands of people to people fighting over the right to collab with her.
She's truly inclining.

>> No.24275918

are you 12?

>> No.24275919


>> No.24275920
Quoted by: >>24275933

Anon just has to be a genuine streamer like the holos. It's been shown that it works for even the stars.

>> No.24275922

>people membering before the stream starts
Shy family.

>> No.24275924

seems like it, or someone pretending to be them and is just shilling in general

>> No.24275926

But Mel's manager got away with it until he went full retard and made her fear for her life.

>> No.24275928

Haha yeah wouldn't that be funny, good thing it isn't true

>> No.24275929


>> No.24275932


>> No.24275933

I was speaking for myself desu

>> No.24275934
Quoted by: >>24275943

no, it was just free views back then

>> No.24275935
Quoted by: >>24276034

But anon, they discussed both of those things I mentioned between themselves too, on stream
Which POV you were watching wouldn't matter unless... don't tell me...

>> No.24275936

The threads were literally killing the site and meidos phones.

>> No.24275937

I post nearly every minute and I can say for sure it's at least 20-40 people here at all times. You can tell by the way posts are written.

>> No.24275939

It's not a competition for me. I'm paid a salary, and I honestly like some hololivers more than I do nijisanji members. When I applied for the job, I was interviewed "which vtuber do you like best" and I gave my honest opinion, so they followed up with "which vtuber IN nijisanji do you like best."

As I got the job, I'm sure they don't give a shit if we like one company's members since I told them, they just care if you can do the work

>> No.24275941

>tfw you will never get paid to shill chuubas
I'm jelly

>> No.24275943
Quoted by: >>24275956

>playing garbage for 6 views
have some pride bro

>> No.24275944

keep posting. I want my meme images.

>> No.24275945 [DELETED] 

Fuck off
Im actually 11, dumbass

>> No.24275947

I write in several different styles and never keep the same opinion.

>> No.24275948

I get paid in her love. It's more than I can ever repay her.

>> No.24275950
Quoted by: >>24275969

I-Is there a hololive shill in the Niji thread?

>> No.24275951
Quoted by: >>24276023

Is your job actually shilling Nijisanji here though.

>> No.24275953

what's our consensus on Sio? is she based?

>> No.24275954


>> No.24275955

I feel you. Here I am doing it for free..

>> No.24275956

ok fine i actually just like undertale
im 27

>> No.24275957

You don't know me!

>> No.24275959


>> No.24275961
Quoted by: >>24275986

That's how I know it's you because I do the same. I even see other posters try to copy me.

>> No.24275962

I'm glad I joined when her membership became available, it's honestly pretty scary joining right now when everybody welcomes you like that.

>> No.24275963

Huh? There is currently 205 posters in this thread anon.

>> No.24275969

Yes, but they're bad at it as is typical of Cover people trying to promote the girls.

>> No.24275970

That explains the faggot who keeps posting Hoshikawa.

>> No.24275973

Is it weird to feel proud of your favorite chuuba?

>> No.24275974
Quoted by: >>24276000

>Not posting from 5 different ips
Step it up son

>> No.24275975
Quoted by: >>24276019

Place your bets, how much money will Coco's birthday stream make?

>> No.24275976

Membering before the stream won't save them from being welcomed

>> No.24275977


>> No.24275979

all me

>> No.24275978


>> No.24275983
Quoted by: >>24276009

>Welcome to the family!
>Welcome to the family!
>Welcome to the family!

>> No.24275982

That explains so much actually. Yeah, I'm talking to you know who poster.

>> No.24275984
Quoted by: >>24276010

Yeah, people are rushing back to her now. Oh wait, they're not. They got bored of her and moved onto the next toy. And they'll keep doing it again and again while the idols themselves fade into obscurity.

>> No.24275985

I'm happy for Towa!

>> No.24275986

Not him, but I also do the same. You're the ones copying me.

>> No.24275988

Remember guys you can stalk you holos just don't harass them. Stalking is ok as long as no one finds out.

>> No.24275991

People are just faggots.

>> No.24275993

this desu

>> No.24275994

Nah, that's just Matsuri practicing her English.

>> No.24275995


>> No.24275996

Just join off stream like I did

>> No.24275997

Doesn't feel like it. It's like 10-20 people with the same opinion shitting on one another

>> No.24275998
Quoted by: >>24276037

i bet you can tell who the fuck i am

>> No.24275999

This anon and his department most be run by retards because Nijisanji has like no fucking presence in the west. Unless they're marketing to SEAfags or something.

>> No.24276000

It's too late, they got him.

>> No.24276001
Quoted by: >>24276127

It's a good feeling, isn't it?

>> No.24276002

good holo doujin onegai...

>> No.24276005

Just use different Twitter accounts for Matsuri and her roommate, because she'll notice if you don't.

>> No.24276010

They killed off her momentum. You can't just punch someone in the face, say "sorry lol" then expect them to still like you the same way.

>> No.24276009

Welcome to the family, son.

>> No.24276011

Is there any general sentiment inside the company about the current copyright drama going on?

>> No.24276012

I haven't been following her yet and only watch her collabs with various holos but she seems to be a fun vtuber to collab with who can really connect with the other vtubers during collabs.

>> No.24276015

Check Asanagi's twitter. He's got previews for a Marine doujin.

>> No.24276016

Welcome to the family!

>> No.24276017
File: 432 KB, 900x805, 1591969466885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24276018

what if I just use my normal twitter, but add "_sub" to the username, and make my profile image the same as my main account but make it a different color?

>> No.24276019

If Rushia outfit stream is any indication, not much because she already milked them during 400k stream.

>> No.24276020
Quoted by: >>24276040


>> No.24276021
Quoted by: >>24276041

is Oga a brotha

>> No.24276022
Quoted by: >>24276039

wait, what happened i haven't seen her in quite a while

>> No.24276023

Lyger is a hololive matsuri shill, why would I be him
I've been here for a long time koroneposting and sniff posting, i'm just a holofan

>> No.24276026
Quoted by: >>24276049

fuck you triple nigger you stole my image slot

i fucking hate ayametards they are destroying /lhg/

>> No.24276029
Quoted by: >>24276226

How many viewers would a new pekomiko collab get?

>> No.24276031

When? I only see Haato being posted..

>> No.24276032

I'm gonna become a Unity enjiniaa!

>> No.24276033
Quoted by: >>24276038

Wtf didnt expect my image to get posted

>> No.24276034
Quoted by: >>24276098

fair enough. you got me I only half pay attention to most Apex streams and usually have it them on my tv while I play Apex on my pc with headphones.

>> No.24276035

>two of the worst posters

>> No.24276036
Quoted by: >>24276054

still waiting for a good holo doujin...

>> No.24276037
Quoted by: >>24276051

Koronefag is that you?!

>> No.24276039

Cover said no real games until we get our head out of our asses

>> No.24276038

Please marry me, Ayame.

>> No.24276040

I also like the "mugyu~ mugyu~" sounds Aki makes when welcoming new members.

>> No.24276041

he's an Ogre.

>> No.24276042

Kaoru is a chad so no. I'd be flattered if he treated my Holo nicely. The rest of them will just make me jealous.

>> No.24276043
Quoted by: >>24276063

>posting the 2 worst hololives
yikes, you bring shame to your company

>> No.24276045

>There are people in this thread right now believing a fan fiction writer larping as a niji shill.
come on guys... don't go full retard.

>> No.24276046

I only follow her roommate because I won't forget festival's name so I can check her anytime

>> No.24276049

That's what you get for being slow

>> No.24276050
Quoted by: >>24276129

Post the most retarded Miko video

>> No.24276051
Quoted by: >>24276070

the shion and aqua ones exist
close but no

>> No.24276052

This kind of entertainment is better than your dumb narratives.

>> No.24276053
Quoted by: >>24276067

what, isn't she like the one who has the most subscribers

>> No.24276054
Quoted by: >>24276075

let me guess you also hate Raita and CSR...

>> No.24276055

My goal is to become good enough at drawing that my holo will RT my art. Wish me luck!

>> No.24276056
Quoted by: >>24276083

Then thats ok, anon
I dont think it would be obvious that its you

>> No.24276059

Good luck drawfriend!

>> No.24276060
Quoted by: >>24276168

The NDA he posted looked real enough, could be faked but nobody would just lie on the internet like that, would they?

>> No.24276063
Quoted by: >>24276080

Let's hear your opinion then anon, who's the best hololiver that will bring pride

>> No.24276064

Same drawfriend. I hope to one day get on a thumbnail for her. It's tough competition though. My rendering isn't good.

>> No.24276067

Argentina peso is making her lose money anon

>> No.24276068

He literally just posted proof. Obviously Ichikara and Cover are hiring bilinguals and multilinguals since they're international corporations.

>> No.24276070


>> No.24276071
Quoted by: >>24276103

YAGOO just kill FBK already. This is so sad, A-chan play despacito.

>> No.24276075

Raita is based and I'm not familiar with CSR

>> No.24276076

why 300 images? why not 350 or 400?

>> No.24276077

Shit, sniffposter is a nijishit. I feel dirtied now.

>> No.24276078
Quoted by: >>24276104

My consensus on her is that she is very based, I think even as Tama before her incident (which eerily reflects things with Mel) and how she handled it are a testimony to how talented of a woman she really is.

>> No.24276080
Quoted by: >>24276158


>> No.24276082

Good luck!

>> No.24276083
Quoted by: >>24276222

Need I remind you about this girl?

>> No.24276084

how much money do you get when they choose your art as thumbnail

>> No.24276086


>> No.24276085
Quoted by: >>24276147


>> No.24276087

Always reply to sniffposters!
Is the pay good?

>> No.24276089
Quoted by: >>24276097

Because H*ro won't make us a new board.

>> No.24276090

>tfw want to learn japanese, learn an instrument, and learn to draw
>spend all my freetime posting here and watching holos instead

>> No.24276091

Might as well go the whole way and allow 2000 pictures for the thread.

>> No.24276094
Quoted by: >>24276127

No. She's my daughterfu for a reason.

>> No.24276095

So, say Cover does go under, who is Fubuki's roomate and her twitter? I wanna follow her no matter what, I'm just not gonna be a dumb fag like Lyger about it.

>> No.24276097
Quoted by: >>24276132

who the fuck is Haro?

>> No.24276098
Quoted by: >>24276197

I was implying you being an EOP
Though not actually watching them might be a bigger offense

>> No.24276103

FBK clearly gets income from other places. shes had multiple game collabs with stuff like azure lane, muse dash, etc.

>> No.24276104
Quoted by: >>24276157

What's this? Do tell.

>> No.24276107

Because Gookmoot needs to save money on overhead.

>> No.24276109
Quoted by: >>24276130

I'd love to see how Roberu handles Marine.

>> No.24276110

I can't believe the horny korobro was a nijishill...

>> No.24276111

I ask for my payment in her blessings.

>> No.24276113

You can shitpost and learn japanese at the same time
Draw while doing your listening practice

>> No.24276116

If cover ever dies it's gonna be a slow death from trying to ger permission for everything, you need to remember Hololive has been around for 2 years already with way shittier views.

>> No.24276118

holy based

>> No.24276121
Quoted by: >>24276131


>> No.24276122

she didn't even have superchat on in those

>> No.24276124

How to escape?...

>> No.24276127

Yeah, everytime i see Miko get big numbers or being happy in general i remember the dark times and then i feel warm and fuzzy inside

>> No.24276128

For how many drawfags there are supposedly posting here we sure don't get a lot of OC art.

>> No.24276129


>> No.24276130

Heterochromia couple. I ship it already.

>> No.24276131

Bruh, pls.

>> No.24276132

Some fag who lost to a pig farmer.

>> No.24276135

Hell, Roberu actively tries to steer Matsuri away from dangerous topics all the time in their collabs, man is a saint.

Unfortunately, his iron-willed resistance only makes Matsuri cling to him more, if twitter is anything to go by.

>> No.24276136

okayu collabing with a homo would be fun/comfy as fuck

>> No.24276137
Quoted by: >>24276186

Why post in here when you can just post on the art tag for you holo to see?

>> No.24276138

They're gonna post it on Twitter to try and attract their tuber.

>> No.24276144
Quoted by: >>24276163

Aki getting drunk in Roberu's bar zatsudans would be amazing and you know it.

>> No.24276147
Quoted by: >>24276169

oops wrong clip here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxTb3ZXt9p0

>> No.24276149

Okayufats, who is your ideal Holostars collab? You have to pick one.

>> No.24276154


>> No.24276157
Quoted by: >>24276172


Management fucked up didn't tell the public about said fuck up, Tama(Sio) told public about fuck up, they "graduated" her.

>> No.24276158

Based and family-pilled

>> No.24276160
Quoted by: >>24276174

That's a tough call. I'd probably say Roberu or Oga, but I'm not as versed in the homos as I'd like to be. I'll go with our son Roberu.

>> No.24276163

Obviously. They'd have the most chill chat and pal around.

>> No.24276167

I only like Okayu in collabs. I think she's somewhat boring on her own but she's a good conversationalist

>> No.24276168

I can't provide further proof of my NDA as I don't want to reveal too much, but I can tell you something nobody outside the company would know, and that is in two days (thursday) Nijisanji is launching something big for international EOP audiences, you'll find out soon

Once you realize I'm not bullshitting you, I'll let you all know that quite a lot of livers have actual lives. Some have boyfriends. Hololive is almost certainly no different. Half the people here crying and shitting over the fact that their favourite idol collabed with holostars will probably kill themselves once they find out that their livers have boyfriends/married or family.

>> No.24276169

>thirteen orphan

>> No.24276170

extreme shit taste

>> No.24276172
Quoted by: >>24276192

snitches get stitches bro. never going to watch that bitch.

>> No.24276174
Quoted by: >>24276204

Shien would be funny, just because they have complete opposite energies.

>> No.24276175

I haven't seen it for myself so I don't know if it's accurate or not, but I remember someone saying there was a paywalled collab between Okayu and Roberu's roommates so I could see that working out well if it's true.

>> No.24276177

What the fuck... Stop trying to spread fire here.

>> No.24276178

>Watch noel latest singing stream
>She actually can sing well

wtf i LOVE noel now!!?

>> No.24276182

You deaf bro?

>> No.24276183

im just gonna have to go with roberu on this, her and korone in the bar would be cool
bossu my favourite but his autism might be too strong for her

>> No.24276184

Say anymore and I'll kill myself unironically you Nijigger

>> No.24276185
Quoted by: >>24276193


narrativefag sure is is trying hard today

>> No.24276186
Quoted by: >>24276205

For the (You)s, of course. And some pictures shouldn't be seen by the Holos.

>> No.24276187

Noel has been trying so hard to improve her singing voice, even after her coach apparently bailed on her.

>> No.24276189

Marine. I want to study her and see if she's really a "former" lesbian or not...

>> No.24276192

That's fine she doesn't need you or anyone else retarded to think she was in the wrong, She has tons of fans that have pushed her past peak Tama and is in a healthier VTuber community without people not waiting to betray her for good girl/boy points.

>> No.24276193

We'll see in two days.

>> No.24276194
Quoted by: >>24276314

The coach bailing on her was really recent

>> No.24276195

Joining a company just seems like a big hassle. I think if you're interesting enough you're better off going independent, or paying a popular artist to design and promote you.

>> No.24276197

I know. I just like to check in occasionally on game streams unless I know something hilarious is going to happen. Basically my full attention is for Haachama and everyone else gets varying degrees, but I have a dog that is always watching.

>> No.24276199

We alredy know about who is married and who has serios love issues.

>> No.24276198

Allo. I came from the future.

I am the John Titor of Vtubers.


>> No.24276200
Quoted by: >>24276215

Nobody knows who you are bro just give us the most juicy deets you have man... Surely you have something for us

>> No.24276201


>> No.24276202
Quoted by: >>24276225

I can't find it...

>> No.24276203
Quoted by: >>24276240


>> No.24276204

It would probably go like an Okayu/Towa collab since Shien is also teasable as hell

>> No.24276205
Quoted by: >>24276220

if /v/ didint shit up the fucking canvas people would still be doing those

>> No.24276206

I get that you are a holo fan but maybe you should be telling the Niji thread about this?

>> No.24276207
Quoted by: >>24276244

How do you decide if you're interesting enough? How do you get the money to pay a popular artist if you still have other responsibilities? A company is much easier and safer.

>> No.24276208
Quoted by: >>24276252

When is aqua coming back?

>> No.24276212


>> No.24276213

does towa fuck up again?

>> No.24276215

At this point anybody can just hop in and start spewing bullshit for good times.

>> No.24276216
Quoted by: >>24276232


>> No.24276218

Can someone post the subaru trashcan pasta?

>> No.24276219
Quoted by: >>24276252

The Pride and A*Ki live at Budokan???

>> No.24276220

I think it's safe now to post again, but I'll just wait for the original canvas anon to come back.

>> No.24276221
Quoted by: >>24276252

Will coco and PPT have kids?

>> No.24276222

Matsuri is always watching. I bet she remembers all of Hoshikawa's streams in detail.

>> No.24276223
Quoted by: >>24276244

The only independents that make it big these days are mamas

>> No.24276225
Quoted by: >>24276236

Keep looking

>> No.24276226


>> No.24276227

>Matsuri and FBK have a boyfriend

>> No.24276229
Quoted by: >>24276235

When did she do a "fuck up"?

>> No.24276230
Quoted by: >>24276252

Did any anon marry the Chocosaurus?

>> No.24276232
Quoted by: >>24276246

>not Sora-sama

>> No.24276234

I want huff Haachama's socks

>> No.24276235

lurk more

>> No.24276236


>> No.24276237

Unless they're selling on something it I would imagine none.

>> No.24276238
Quoted by: >>24276345

You better be back here in two fucking days

>> No.24276239

99% indies never make it. Most corporate streamers don't make it either but at least when joining a big company like Niji like HL you are guaranteed at least 100k subs.

>> No.24276240
Quoted by: >>24276249



>> No.24276242

alright then, tell me

>> No.24276241


>> No.24276243
Quoted by: >>24276252

HoloEN leaks?

>> No.24276244

It's pretty obvious that a lot of vtubers are scouted or recommended through nepotism. Some work out (like pekora) but a lot of the girls are not very interesting even though they have a good character and support from behind.
If you are confident in yourself I don't see why you should limit yourself to a company.

>> No.24276246


>> No.24276249

silencio pedro

>> No.24276250


>> No.24276252

I can't give too detailed information since it will mess up the time line, but be prepared for another "miracle".

>> No.24276254
Quoted by: >>24276280

They make it clear that by using the hashtag you consent to having your art used for thumbnails and stuff, though the holos almost always ask the artist anyways

>> No.24276257

>guaranteed at least 100k subs

>> No.24276258

They only use art with their tags on it. There's an agreement that comes with using the tag that they're allowed to use it with no restrictions, including for thumbnails and such.

>> No.24276261

Towa... Hollow Knight...

>> No.24276262
Quoted by: >>24276301

Isn't Nijisanji much different to Hololive in how they select and market their talent? I see them more as streamers than actual "livers" so I expect them to have a life outside of streaming. It's just speculation on your end too based on your post that you think the Holos have boyfriends because of the way it is at Nijisanji. I would not be surprised if some of the Holos ended up having them though. It's easier to keep private life separate with vtubing.

>> No.24276263

>tfw can't read Towa's thumbnail from the thumbnail
>can read Aki's
Towa... please work on your thumbnail abilities.

>> No.24276265

wow you're just like that employee that was just here... hmm..

>> No.24276268

you do it for free

>> No.24276269

Is being Menhera considered interesting?

>> No.24276270

Hololive John Titor is a piece of shit. Fuck you nerd, hope your timeline fails and you can't collect your rare Korone Oppai Mousepad.

>> No.24276272

Why does Towa look so concerned in her thumbnail

>> No.24276273


>> No.24276274
Quoted by: >>24276344

I like Towa, but I like her mom more.

>> No.24276275


>> No.24276276
Quoted by: >>24276298


>> No.24276277

what happened to Towa's BGM?

>> No.24276278

Well of course niji sluts would have boyfriends, they're not an idol company like hololive.

>> No.24276279
Quoted by: >>24276297

How do I consent to Aqua so that she can take my virginity?

>> No.24276281

holoEN ends up bigger than pewdiepie?

>> No.24276280
Quoted by: >>24276292

>though the holos almost always ask the artist anyways
Is this true? I could potentially one day get a DM from my holo asking me for permission and I have to reply without my autism acting up?

>> No.24276283

How do we save AZKi?

>> No.24276285

>having boyfriends
What the FUCK

>> No.24276286
Quoted by: >>24276309

Anon I think you're blind

>> No.24276288
Quoted by: >>24276347

I think it's easy for you to say that when you try to apply it to people from companies who already became famous from their time there, there's a reason the most popular chuubas belong to companies even though indies are the majority.

>> No.24276289

It's been getting 50.000 views per day for weeks now

>> No.24276290

Fuck you fake John Titor. I hope you failed retrieving IBM 5100.

>> No.24276291

She needs to collab with Toa

>> No.24276292
Quoted by: >>24276355

They usually ask publicly which I guess is even worse.

>> No.24276293

>A miracle comes
>All other vtubers' streams stop working and they get redirected to Azki/Aki/Towa

>> No.24276294


>> No.24276296

Transfer her to Hololive's main branch.

>> No.24276297

Just be a really good smash player. Maybe one of the best in the world.

>> No.24276299

Aki's thumbnail game is unbeatable.

>> No.24276298


>> No.24276300
Quoted by: >>24276319

Small Aki in Towa's stream!

>> No.24276301

why the fuck would it even matter if they had boyfriends or not? its not like any of us will have a chance with anyone from hololive

>> No.24276302
Quoted by: >>24276331

Karaoke with Suisei and Toa

>> No.24276303

another miracle? what was the first one?

>> No.24276305

imagine actually believing any holo girl other than Aqua never had a boyfriend

>> No.24276306

what moron doesn't know some of them have bfs or are married hags? shit's common knowledge, and obviously is how you know about it too

>> No.24276308

Why the fuck did I think the AkiTowa collab was going to be apex

>> No.24276309

That's right. I forgot I am.

>> No.24276311

I like Hololive non-sexually

>> No.24276312
Quoted by: >>24276338

>what was the first one?
Your favorite Holo.

>> No.24276314
Quoted by: >>24276333

Why would a voice coach bail on her? She isn't that bad at singing. I've heard worse.

>> No.24276317
Quoted by: >>24276339

Here's something I made just for you anon! I hope i used the right word

>> No.24276318


>> No.24276319

Towa sending her face to Aki's stream!
Truly, we are living in the future!

>> No.24276320

Stop saying this please... I'll go insane...

>> No.24276321

Haachama never had a boyfriend

>> No.24276322


>> No.24276323
Quoted by: >>24276348

delusional aquafag

>> No.24276325

You niggers trust that guy

>> No.24276326

Absolutely based post.

>> No.24276329

>but at least when joining a big company like Niji like HL you are guaranteed at least 100k subs.
Howling right now lad.

>> No.24276330


>> No.24276333
Quoted by: >>24276391

I was only half listening, but I think Noel was having serious trouble with breathing exercises and her coach gave up. Take that with a grain of salt (or just wait for subbed AsaCoco)

>> No.24276331

That would be based.

>> No.24276336

Not feeling Towa's Razer themed overlay to be honest family.

>> No.24276337

I believe in the time travaller yes, what's it to you faggot?

>> No.24276338

This, but unironically.

>> No.24276339


>> No.24276342

>operator Aki

>> No.24276343


>> No.24276344

Towa's mom has got it going on.

>> No.24276345

I'm sure a few of us saved that image not that it actually revealed too much, I hope he is for real though since it would be fun

>> No.24276346

It's a slow day.

>> No.24276347
Quoted by: >>24276382

It's an investment into yourself. Frankly, a lot of indies are unpopular because they have generic designs coupled with generic content and they use their real, generic voice.
Even if you don't get the subs you might get if you belonged to a big company, you might make more money by being on your own, not having to deal with the corporate cuts and whatnot.

>> No.24276348

She's a speedrunner my dude.

>> No.24276349

No but I pretend I do

>> No.24276350
Quoted by: >>24276363

Lul, did the jannies finally snipe the head off that one poser?

>> No.24276352

I want more COCOpex

>> No.24276353
Quoted by: >>24276378

>fuck up hololive with the permission shit, forcing them to only do streams that filter out EOPs
>follow up with an EOP launch to swoop in on the international recognition that hololive got for vtubers
If this is real then I'm really going to hate nijifaggots.

>> No.24276354

dude who supposedly knows japanese using chink font? how interesting

>> No.24276355
Quoted by: >>24276368

>get art used for thumbnail while simultaneously embarrassing myself with my JSL Japanese

>> No.24276358

>Pekorafag is a misandrist

It checks out.

>> No.24276359

Holy shit that team actually won a game?

>> No.24276362

This isn't /b/ /v/ or /pol/.

>> No.24276363

No, he's been deleting his own posts from the start.

>> No.24276364

Same, I miss her old one.

>> No.24276365

Imagine your favorite Holo streaming when their boyfriend suddenly wraps their arms around them from behind and she has to mute the mic to tell him that they'll do "that" later...

>> No.24276366

I want more Marinepex

>> No.24276368

you can do it anon

>> No.24276369

Now that I think about it, did they have permission to cover this?

>> No.24276373

filtered fake family

>> No.24276374

My wife Ayame is super popular!

>> No.24276376

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.24276375


>> No.24276377
Quoted by: >>24276396

How do I mute just Towa's voice?

>> No.24276378

Based as fuck. Hope you deliver.

>> No.24276380

Imagine if Anemachi did that to Suisei during one of her streams...

>> No.24276382

I think you are overestimating how far can you realistically make as an independent presumably with no connections and that hired a popular artist that may or may not give a fuck about him

>> No.24276383

Coco really needs to fucking shout AMERICA FUCK YEAH while she uses the spitfire.

>> No.24276384

>Luna's part
why is she so retarded?

>> No.24276385


>> No.24276386


>> No.24276387


>> No.24276389

Towa Geddan!

>> No.24276391

I also dont like her singing
But I feel bad for her

>> No.24276392

So Holofriends, how's your moonrune learning going?

>> No.24276395


>> No.24276396

Why are Miofags like this?

>> No.24276397

