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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 190 KB, 700x700, 1219381652740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2423861 No.2423861 [Reply] [Original]

Ask not what Touhou can do for you, but what you can do for Touhou.

Seriously. It feels like the western Touhou fandom is the most useless fandom out there. The Japanese pump out doujins and remixes. The Chinese translate them almost at the same speed. But us westerners, we're lucky if we get something translated a month after the doujin comes out. Most of the time we wait a couple months to a year. We barely have any original content. I'm sure a couple of us are talented in some areas. We should work together.

>> No.2423882

I draw...

>> No.2423890
Quoted by: >>2423914

Well, what about those of us who have no original ideas and can't draw to save our lives?

What are we supposed to do, learn moonrunes?

>> No.2423900

Eastern Touhou fans are profitable otaku. Western fans are wannabe otaku who can't do anything except siphon off their parent's college money.

>> No.2423904
File: 184 KB, 450x600, 4521c75a2d0a9d304770c2e68f49b305c023d85e.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they such best friends?

>> No.2423912
Quoted by: >>2423930

They come out with shit like Seimoe, grown men dressing up loli girls, eye cancer from deviantart and etc.
Thank god I am not a westerner.

>> No.2423914


>> No.2423923

First, most Western-made fan material seems to suck. This isn't a pro-Eastern statement, Western fans just don't work in the same mindset and it is typical for them to make hackneyed and lazy products.

However, there are many good Western artists, musicians, and what-have-you. I'm a decent artist but nothing you'd run to show your friends, so I've yet to make anything more than paintchat pieces. If I were so inclined I may try something as large as a doujin, but since I don't have a good story for one anyway, I don't care to add to the pile of crap that the West produces.

Hope this helped.

>> No.2423930
Quoted by: >>2423935 >>2423979

westerner= not Asian, actually, by /jp/'s definition..

>> No.2423933

As soon as we try working together, people like me start pointing out why we are not able to work together, eventually destroying our spirit completely.

>> No.2423935
Quoted by: >>2423950

I am Asian.

>> No.2423940
Quoted by: >>2423945

all i can do is code. maybe i should write a curtain fire game for the iphone or something?

>> No.2423945

No, for PSP

>> No.2423950
Quoted by: >>2423984

Also, only Japanese, koreans and Chinese are asians, by /jp/'s definition.

>> No.2423961

Hey, the chinese not only translate fast, but they release very nice material in their conventions. We get slow releases compared to the chinese because it's easier for them to translate to japanese I think, and because we have so little people working on stuff here, I mean there is a pile of stuff ready to be edited on voile and nobody seems to care. Pretty astonishing nobody is capable of editing stuff seeing the size of the western fandom. Translators are a different story, since they are few and far between, they do what they can against the overflow of material.

>> No.2423965
Quoted by: >>2423980

I just play the games, I don't care about the fandom. It's not like I feel obligated to go out and create doujins or remixes for every anime, manga, visual novel, and video game that I like. The only reason Touhou is viewed differently is because there are people who only care about the fanworks and not the source material.

>> No.2423973

Just look at the NEET population for each country, you'll find an answer.

>> No.2423974

I can't think of where the OP is coming from there are plenty of doujins that get translated almost straight after someone bothers to scan them and I don't see any chinese original content.

The real bottleneck is of people not uploading in the first place on the japanese end fuck having more translators/smelly dumb walfa scum.

>> No.2423979

Actually, more like "not living in Japan"

>> No.2423980

>The only reason Touhou is viewed differently is because it has more people creating quality fan material.

>> No.2423981
Quoted by: >>2424002 >>2424014

What has /jp/ produced?, touhou related.

>> No.2423984
Quoted by: >>2423988

Yeah I am chinese.
Reason why I am here is cause I can't read chinese.

>> No.2423985
Quoted by: >>2424002

Well first off the western touhou fanbase is very, very small. Us and pooshlmer are the two biggest English touhou sites on the web.

Second, do you really think we are exactly the best people to be producing fanworks? Posh is just too deeply infected with gaia monkeys and we're the bastard child of /a/

>> No.2423988
Quoted by: >>2423997

How come?

>> No.2423997
Quoted by: >>2424008

Not from China.
Don't go to chinese education system school.
I am multilingual though, just can't read and write.

>> No.2424002

The drawfags working at the Aki sisters thing seemed pretty good to me, the script as well.
I would really like to know.

>> No.2424006

>We should work together.
Most of us don't want to. Simple as that.

>> No.2424008
Quoted by: >>2424022 >>2424037

How exactly does that make you Chinese?

>> No.2424014
Quoted by: >>2424030

Only thing I ever produced (and never shared) was something that moved replay files around. Cause I'm a lazy bitch.

>> No.2424022
Quoted by: >>2424035

Chinese parents? Not born in China? It's possible.

>> No.2424023

Sadly, most of the Westerners who are actually proficient in Japanese have better taste and objects of pursuit more worthwhile than Touhou allows.

>> No.2424025

Well, I do enjoy Doyora's work. That style gimmick is pretty fun.

UD is a good storyteller too.

>> No.2424030
Quoted by: >>2424038


>> No.2424035


>> No.2424037
Quoted by: >>2424050

3rd generation chinese here.
You do know tons of chinese people migrated to work in other place during the early 1900 or fled from china during the wars. Learn to history.

Regretted not learning chinese when I have the chance during my younger days. Should be easy for me to pick up japanese if I know how to read chinese.

>> No.2424038

Small command line program, moves replays to their proper directory (just "open with..." when downloading).

>> No.2424050

So I'm European? cool

>> No.2424056

I don't think Westerners actually UNDERSTAND what being a REAL Touhou fan MEANS. It doesn't MEAN sitting on your FAT ass and chewing cheetos while FAPPING to NITORI, it doesn't mean RPING on IRC/MSN/LIVEJOURNAL and pretending to be FEMALE while enacting Touhou YURI scenes. No, WESTERNERS don't get IT and they never, EVER will. I think that's FINE with ME, though. They DON'T deserve IT.

>> No.2424059


>lolol i trol u

>> No.2424060

Is this fresh copypasta or stale?

>> No.2424062

Yeah, Candid.

>> No.2424072
File: 116 KB, 922x692, 1234374786435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this, this belongs to a western fan. He bought all this shit last comike, some of it you can't find online at all, and refuses to rip because "we should support the artists" (which is a comical statement considering this is the doujin scene).

Most people here who care are learning japanese and no one cares about anything that dudes here make. What we need are the japan anons/people who make trips to japan to plug some real gaps in what doujin material gets posted online and what doesn't. Do your civic duty, service guarantees citizenship!

>> No.2424073
Quoted by: >>2424079

If you're not a troll or copypasta tell me what does a real Touhou fan do?

>> No.2424078

>We should work together
Simple as that. /jp/ just doesn't seem able to. How's that jpproject thing turning out? And if you followed the threads, they were filled with "Give up you losers. Stop trying to do something. Just fap to touhou porns like the losers we all are". I don't know if they actually believed it, or were just trolling because all of 4chan is overfilling with trolls.

>> No.2424079
File: 31 KB, 319x242, confused_keith_Richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>replying to a troll post

>> No.2424084

hey MAN that's JUST, like, your **~~OPINION~~**

>> No.2424090
Quoted by: >>2424142

>What we need are the japan anons/people who make trips to japan to plug some real gaps in what doujin material gets posted online and what doesn't.
Doesn't matter since we take and download our shit from the Japanese guys anyways.

>> No.2424092


>> No.2424095

Because working together online is efficient, right?

>> No.2424100
Quoted by: >>2424110

I'm sorry, I completely ignored your post in order to look closer those DJ Sharpnel vinyls

>> No.2424104
Quoted by: >>2424117

IT worked for LINUX, I use UBUNTU and I am PROUD to ANNOUNCE the following MANGA:

>> No.2424110


>> No.2424111
Quoted by: >>2424142

Never seen that TANO*C vinyl around. The one with the cover by POP.

>> No.2424112

Good point.
Don't create something just for the sake of creating something.
If you can't create anything good, don't even bother. There is of course an exception to talented artist and musician.

>> No.2424116
Quoted by: >>2424131

It's been known to work.

>> No.2424117


>> No.2424122
Quoted by: >>2424131

Fuck if I know. I seriously doubt that translation groups on TLWiki, Witch-Hunt, mirror moon (inb4 everything), etc meet each other offline. I could be wrong, but I imagine it's completely online. And so what if it isn't efficient? It'd get more done than not working together at all.

>> No.2424123

I'm workin on it man gimme a break

>> No.2424127
Quoted by: >>2424147

China has NEETs?

>> No.2424129

Wrong post?

>> No.2424131
Quoted by: >>2424164

I meant for doing something like a game or doujin.
Not a shitty translation.

>> No.2424137
Quoted by: >>2424171


>Don't create something just for the sake of creating something.

Then there's no reason to create anything. You must hone your creative skills through repetition, like anything else. By doing this, you will refine your creativity until you produce something good. It doesn't matter if your first works are ugly and eye-searing, as no-one can produce a perfect piece of art on their first try.

>> No.2424142
File: 39 KB, 389x550, 116440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh my point is that the Japanese guys don't post everything. In fact they don't even begin to cover everything that's out there and even miss stuff by well known circles, maybe uploading it months or even years after the event has passed if at all


There's a CD version, vinyl was event only iirc and yes still never ripped.

>> No.2424143
Quoted by: >>2424154

WHY do you continue to ARGUE with me? What the FUCK have I DONE? All I HAVE done is EXPOSE the TRUTH. Look AT Deviantart. THAT'S how far WESTERN Touhou has COME, and that's how FAR they will ever GO. Accept it, TROLLS.

>> No.2424147
Quoted by: >>2424158


Half my male cousins in Hong Kong are NEETs. And yes, they fap to VNs and are into Touhou. Strangely Hong Meiling isn't that popular in Hong Kong, they join in making fun of her.

>> No.2424153
Quoted by: >>2424171

You gotta start somewhere, eventually you'll want to put your work out there and get critique of it.

>> No.2424154

>Look AT Deviantart
No, I'll look at western artists at pixiv that have successfully been confused with japanese artists.

>> No.2424156
Quoted by: >>2424204 >>2424247

I would be down for uploading some of my various Doujin loot. The problem is I have a pretty shitty scanner, one of those $100 3 in one printers. I got the first 3 doujins in the Melty Blood Twin Heart Comic anthology collection. Dunno if those have been translated yet.

>> No.2424158

Because she's shit and even they know it.

>> No.2424164

I don't know anything about creating a doujin, but I don't see why creating a game online would be much different than creating a translation online.

Hell, I have an idea for a touhou game I'd like to make if I can get a damn job and scrape up some free time. I can't do any kind of art, modeling, or sound effect shit so I was planning to get volunteer work from /jp/.

>> No.2424169

Meh, I stopped working on my project cause there was no interest from others and a person who I thought was gonna help me out didn't.

>> No.2424171


You don't upload shit like on to the web.
It seem majority of the westerner are really thick skinned and like to post whatever shit they made onto the web. Train and hone your skill first. Once you can make something satisfactory only you upload them on the web to let everyone see them.

>> No.2424184
Quoted by: >>2424187

I didn't say you should be like kids at deviantart and release stuff without putting any work into it but that not everything you release has to be absolutely perfect.

>> No.2424186
Quoted by: >>2424199 >>2424213

>It seem majority of the westerner are really thick skinned
I thought the idiots on deviantart explode in anger whenever they receive the slightest criticism. That's not being thick skinned, that's just being delusional. Which would also mean that telling them to 'wait until they can produce something good' is pointless.

>> No.2424187

WHATEVER. Fuck... I'm out of HERE.

>> No.2424195
Quoted by: >>2424261 >>2424322

We tend to have alot of drama in the west. Don't believe me? Look at what stalled the Spice and Wolf novel translations on Baka Tsuki. The 2 translators that were working on it were fighting over how to translate a technical economic term. So much bullshit got started that both of them just dropped the project because they couldn't work with each other. The sad part was they NEEDED each other to compensate for their lack of knowledge in some areas of Japanese. It seems like we're too individualistic. We need to take credit for shit. But the Japanese and the Chinese, their mentality is as long as the fandom gets to enjoy it, it's fine if my name isn't first on the credits.

>> No.2424199

See also: http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/

99% of their stuff is total shit. The slightest criticism, even constructive, often spawns multiple-page shitstorms.

>> No.2424204
Quoted by: >>2424322


I'm sure the quality won't suffer that badly. The problem would be the software you are using to scan so you don't have 10MB jpegs for each page.

>> No.2424211
File: 238 KB, 1075x1525, 004_1f7r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western artist

>> No.2424213
Quoted by: >>2424223 >>2424232


I've seen some talentless fuck on DA who decided he was good enough to charge people for drawing request.

>> No.2424217
Quoted by: >>2424240 >>2424249

uhhh, no

>> No.2424219

Drawing shit and not taking any criticism.

Westerner in a nutshell. I pity the minority of the talented drawfags that get group together with them.

>> No.2424220
Quoted by: >>2424240 >>2424249

Doubt it.

>> No.2424223

Fucking christ

>> No.2424231

I post every little thing I draw on my DeviantArt, pretty much because I don't really value it as a community. On other sites though, I just put up relatively finished work. I usually never finish anything at the moment though, which is why I have no personal site to display my work -- there's not really any point as of now.

>> No.2424232


>Just described everyone in the Furry Fandom ever

>> No.2424240

It's true, he's an American who's living in Japan now. He never mentions it online, but his American status was revealed in a video of him at a bar drinking with ZUN.

>> No.2424242
File: 364 KB, 400x600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424268

Found this on DA AND pixiv. Western artist I guess.

>> No.2424244
Quoted by: >>2424253

uhhh, no

>> No.2424247
Quoted by: >>2424267


Yeah, my scanner sucks balls too, but I think even bad quality scans people would still appreciate as long as it's readable. I see plenty of shitty scans on share anyway.

I think an ideal fanbase is one where if people like us who have some good loot see something we have that is never posted online, we should upload it ourselves if possible. My main complaint is that there are plenty of wealthy anons out there who hold collections full of stuff others can't get and refuse to post them. Some out of laziness, some when pressed will say "hurrrrrrf support the artists!"

They really fucking piss me off.

>> No.2424249
Quoted by: >>2424256

You don't know rando, I see, he even hangs out with ZUN and all.

>> No.2424253
Quoted by: >>2424260

lol blindly nay saying

>> No.2424254
Quoted by: >>2424266 >>2424274

If I remember correctly, that guy said he worked with that circle, not that he was the artist.

>> No.2424256

I do know

>> No.2424257
File: 143 KB, 600x800, Another_Dream_Issue_2_-_077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424277 >>2424382

Most of the people drawing shit in the west aren't NEETs. They are normalfags that like animu a bit too much. Look on deviantart. Look at what most drawfags are drawing. Shonenshit or some popular series. They aren't like the Japanese where they lock themselves in their room and hone their skills and take the fucking time to PLOT their shit out. Most western artists just draw some shit gags, throw in some memes and expect people to like it. Or have some choked up plot like "Reimu looks for donations" and turns it into SRSBSNS instead of going for a 4koma approach.

>> No.2424260

I'm always right

>> No.2424261


This. Overall, its sad to say but this is reality on the western side. Everyone's out to make a name for themselves, >>2424211 That artist was one lucky bastard being able to work with ZUN.

>> No.2424266 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2424276

His "circle" is Randou House but I've never found any evidence that there is more than one person involved

>> No.2424267


Is there a certain technique for scanning manga? I don't wanna fuck it up where you see half of the next page in the scan or oriented in such a shitty position etc.

>> No.2424268
File: 289 KB, 500x500, y1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424273 >>2424410

I've seen this person on DA too.

>> No.2424273
Quoted by: >>2424285

I don't like it

>> No.2424274

His "circle" is Randou House, but he's the only member. It's just a shame he obviously wants nothing to do with the Western community lol

>> No.2424276
Quoted by: >>2424283

Nor proof that he is alone. And besides most circles get people to help them on conventions.

>> No.2424277
Quoted by: >>2424281


Damn that looks like something from a children's book I use to read. Funny enough, I have yet to see a western artist take up a decent 4-koma approach on touhou. except Dan Kim.

>> No.2424278
Quoted by: >>2424290


destroy the binding?

>> No.2424281

Dan Kim sucks

>> No.2424283
Quoted by: >>2424291 >>2424292

Well regardless of what help he gets I can assure you he is the artist.

>> No.2424285
Quoted by: >>2424298

I'll get better. Sorry!

>> No.2424286


Melt the binding that keeps the pages together. Use a blow dryer. Read up a scanning guide to do this.

>> No.2424289
Quoted by: >>2424343

That's it, I'll stop making worthless drawinga and make a decent 4-koma, in the name of /jp/.

>> No.2424290


FFFFFFFFFFFFF I was afraid of that. I got alot of my doujin shit 3ish years ago on my high school Japanese class trip to Japan. Alot of what I picked up is Typemoon shit that I have yet to see translated. I don't mind fucking up the book but the problem is I don't think I can ever get this shit again.

>> No.2424291
Quoted by: >>2424315

If you say so, I still have my doubts. Not that it matters. If he is american he clearly doesn't want anything to do with western fandom.

>> No.2424292

Could be true, which would only summon a Parsee thread

>> No.2424298
Quoted by: >>2424303


>> No.2424303


>> No.2424315
Quoted by: >>2424318 >>2424321


I don't blame him. After going to the Sakura-con Touhou panel I really don't want to associate with any western Touhou fan.

>> No.2424318
Quoted by: >>2424327 >>2424335


Wait wut? What happened?

>> No.2424321

He did right.
If I ever manage to get my things popular, I'll completely ignore the western fanbase.

>> No.2424322
Quoted by: >>2424372 >>2424397


Pretty much what >>2424204 said and clean up your scans afterwards. Massive 60MB doujins at 1800x3000 res per page is far more annoying then seeing part of the next page.


The egoism that runs all through the fanbase is really that crippling, from fansubbers to touhou fags. People wouldn't get so pissy at each other in the western fanbase if there weren't fags running around making a name for their handle/sub group/art in every one of the 3000 communities they try to make their presense felt in.

I smiled a bit when I first saw anonymous postings of fansubs a while back, that stuff is cool.

>> No.2424327

Tch, isn't it obvious?

>> No.2424332

nah, I don't need programmers to make a doujin

>> No.2424335


When the panel was getting settled, most of the audience were mumbling amongst themselves shit like "Marisa stole the Precious thing!" or "CIRNOBAKAKAKAKAKAKA".

I tried making conversation with some people around me but I wanted to steer clear of memes so I brought up Touhou remixes. They all claimed IOSYS is the best remixer out there and didn't know who dBu or WAVE were. The only remixers they knew were IOSYS, Beatmario and SSH. I'll give them SSH, but for fucks sake....didn't know anything about dBu.

>> No.2424341
Quoted by: >>2424393

This is the guy, right?

>> No.2424343
Quoted by: >>2424354

Please train till you are up to colonel aki or minami standard.
If those are too hard for you, draw them like BKUB.

>> No.2424345

What have you done /jp/? drawings wise

>> No.2424349
Quoted by: >>2424358

dBu is shit though.

>> No.2424354
Quoted by: >>2424401 >>2424408


>> No.2424358
Quoted by: >>2424378


But you would know of their name, shit or not. They pump out a shitload of remixes.

>> No.2424361


Give me the demographics and the number of audience
members attending.

>> No.2424372


Too true about the egoism. I knew a guy in college that worked on Higurashi subs and he doesn't miss a chance to tell EVERYONE he meets that he worked on them. But he doesn't just say "I used to do subs with XXXXXX group.", no he says shit like "If it wasn't for me, you asshats wouldn't have gotten your Higurashi a week after it comes out in Japan."

>> No.2424374

So, did anything actually happen with the /jp/ project things? Because if anyone needs a writer....

>> No.2424376

The West needs more original content. In the East there are thousands of high quality Touhou fan artist, yet I can count the amount of high quality western Touhou fan artist on my left hand. What's wrong Europe and America, too fat and lazy to produce any thing of value?

>> No.2424378
Quoted by: >>2424388

Alstroemeria Records has done more, they probably haven't heard of Masayoshi Minoshima though.

>> No.2424381

I'm not an artist, so I can't contribute any drawn works. I have considered making something in danmakufu (started messing around making a DOOM themed mod for it), or maybe a Touhou themed TF2 map (assault the SDM, perhaps?) Problem right now is I need to get the parts for my new desktop PC, and make time to work on either of these projects outside of my job hunting.

>> No.2424382

Most of the dudes in Japan that do it aren't NEETs either though. The classic otaku in Japan is usually more a freeter than a NEET, most likely still living with his parents but working part time jobs.

>> No.2424388
Quoted by: >>2424400


True. But my point is, to only know of IOSYS and Beatmario, is just pathetic. They probably just heard of IOSYS because of Marisa stole the Precious thing and Beatmario for doing Help me Eirin.

>> No.2424390

my best tip re scanning is to put black paper behind what you are scanning. if you don't do that then a lot of times you can see the lines from what is drawn on the back side of what you are scanning

>> No.2424393
Quoted by: >>2424403 >>2424406

No, oh if only mota were American... This is the Western artist http://randou.jp/

I look for people who know nazz-can

>> No.2424397


I'll probably get started on doing the scans when I get another copy of the doujins. I'm not ready to completely destroy it just yet. Does anyone know a site where I can order doujins with ease? I don't have a problem buying it, I probably spend $100 a month just on completing my PS2 library of games so a couple bucks won't bother me too much.

>> No.2424399
Quoted by: >>2424480

I'm simply a poor bastard trying to hopefully make my own doujinshi at some point in my life. As selfish as it may sound, I want it all to be mine. The pictures, I want them to be EXACTLY how I see them in my head. If I'm going to fail hard in depicting my own ideas, it will be because of my hand, no because of another artist I have little control over. I'd rather have the satisfaction of seeing a mediocre Minoriko appear on my paper, created by my own hand, rather than having some other guy make her perfect in almost every single way. Because then I can only say, "Hey, you did a great job."

Shit, that's all I've been saying for years now, and I've still never had the satisfaction of drawing her to meet my own expectations. I want to make my own doujinshi with my own interpretations and ideas, at the level that I expect from my own body.

Well, besides that, I really don't want to deal with any silly drama because we disagree on a minor detail or anything, and honestly, seeing how I'm the one that doesn't have the advantage of being able to draw, the artist would most likely get his own way over mine. But really, in the end, it's not about the credits. It's about the satisfaction of completing it by yourself.

However, as it stands, I suck ass at the moment.

These two are my main inspirations in hopefully kicking ass.

Gez Fry's site died, it looks like. However, I still think the guy's great.
In short, he locked himself up for 2 years to teach himself to draw.

And this guy is just great in motivating me. Shows the reality of gradual improvement. A 4+ year journey from start to end.

>> No.2424400

Yep, probably. Shame but I don't blame IOSYS or COOL&CREATE for it though. Not their fault people aren't willing to educate themselves.

>> No.2424401
File: 144 KB, 400x1183, 1235943022476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424414 >>2424433

>>2424354 BKUB

>> No.2424403

I...don't like it, they all look fat.

>> No.2424406
Quoted by: >>2424417

Think I've fapped to this guys stuff.

>> No.2424408
Quoted by: >>2424421 >>2424431

Are you new or something?

>> No.2424410

I actually really like this. If that was the actual artist who responded up there, good job.

>> No.2424414
Quoted by: >>2424423

ohh, OHHH
No, I'm better than that already...I think.

>> No.2424417

Me too......what the hell...

>> No.2424421

Just the name, I identify art styles instantly.

>> No.2424423

Don't worry, bkub is awesome. You just need to be as insane as him.

>> No.2424430
Quoted by: >>2424437 >>2424459

MaullerMauller was the best Western Touhou artist. Shame I haven't seen any new artwork of his. All the rest of you suck seriously bad, however. Not trolling, btw.

>> No.2424431

I believe I could make something of equal or greater quality.

>> No.2424433

ORIN Honk Honk!

>> No.2424437

MaullerMauller sucks. Not trolling, btw.

>> No.2424445
File: 154 KB, 538x598, tewib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424452

man I would spend more time on touhou arts if I could re-stimulate my creativity instead of just doing a pose and calling it a day

>> No.2424448
Quoted by: >>2424467 >>2424634

You know how it goes, if an artist is interested in doing a short thing, maybe a doujin with an actual plot, just let me know and I can cook something up.
It has worked so far on the impromptu projects that need some help. Mostly scanlation work.

It's not that we're lazy or bad, I've learned as much. There is a lot of talent waiting to be expressed away. The real problem is ourselves, we have taken to heart the idea that contribution is not worth working for when you're just gonna get harsh words anyway.

Anyway, someone wants a story or just wants to collaborate to do something for anonymous, feel free to mail me, as always. Glad I got an anonymous to do the art for the aki doujin, really hard working and we give each other feedback to make something better.

If I may say so, we really should bring back drawfag threads. Those were great, and it can make a lot of artists more comfortable with doing original content. Works for /co/ and /tg/, and we have the talent.

>> No.2424449

i love japan i hate japan , there can only be one



>> No.2424452
Quoted by: >>2424466

What's up with those trees on the background?

>> No.2424459


When I was talking about wanker egoists before I was thinking precisely of MM.

>> No.2424464
Quoted by: >>2424490

I can't really draw but I love writing. I really do want to write a good plot for a touhou doujin but I'm scared that people will brush it off as FANFICTION THREAD BAN HIM.

>> No.2424466
File: 16 KB, 441x355, cirnotray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a paintchat session so I dunno

posting secret arts!

>> No.2424467

>If I may say so, we really should bring back drawfag threads.
This, I drew that Marisa_get_out image just for those threads, they do wonders.

>> No.2424470
Quoted by: >>2424479

I'm bored. What should I draw.

>> No.2424474
File: 131 KB, 530x700, 1239557328938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians are genetically superior to Europeans. Even in your own Nations they outperform you.

Just face the fact that anything you invent will be perfected, minimized, and mass produced by the Japanese.

>> No.2424479

Nitori taking off with a jetpack made from Pepsi Cucumber.
Get it? It's water powered technology, it compliments her powers perfectly.

>> No.2424480
File: 45 KB, 912x399, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. There is still hope for us that can't draw to save our life.

>> No.2424490


Most fanfiction out there is shit. Browse fanfiction.net and you'll see. Considering how niche Touhou is here in the west, I'd be surprised to see 4 or 5 good fics out there. But anyways if you are to make a touhou fanfic, I implore you to not just put it on fanfiction.net when you are done, beta that shit and make sure it's coherent.

>> No.2424491
Quoted by: >>2424496

Over time I have noticed /jp/'s growing obsession with creating material.

I remember when we were just content with MS Paint hijack pics.

>> No.2424493

That makes absolutely no sense

>> No.2424496

Isn't that....good?

>> No.2424497

More ideas:
Marisa getting shocked by Alice's behavior, then a second Alice walks in, almost in tears. "I-I don't know who THAT is!" she cries, clinging to Marisa.
Other Alice just sits there matter-of-factly, sipping a tea cup. "I'm canon, bitch"

>> No.2424500
File: 244 KB, 700x500, 1202062864902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with all this discussion, how do we actually encourage more material to be produced? Constantly having a drawing thread up or having threads for programming ideas? In generally its pretty hard to keep anything organized around here. But if there are willing participants, I don't see why we can't start. I'm all for original material. Even if most people start off low leveled, if they are somewhat dedicated we might actually see some progress.

>> No.2424506
Quoted by: >>2424525

More ideas:
Kogasa gangrape

>> No.2424512


The problem is the incessant trolling. It really does crush the spirit of someone trying their first doujin or their drawing. /jp/ anons aren't known for their unshakable self esteem so even constructive criticism would probably be taken as harshly as an insult would be taken.

>> No.2424518
Quoted by: >>2424529 >>2424548

I've been wondering how expansive is the Touhou fandom in the west. Whenever someone replies to a Walfas drawing or some shit about Touhou on Kotaku or something, are they /jp/ anons or gaiafags?

>> No.2424525

Not the guy you're replying to, but I think most of us wouldn't put it on fanfiction anyways. I already have some basic scripts and such for my own ideas just in case, and I'll tell you right now, the layout most certainly isn't laid out like a traditional story. There's plenty of notes scattered throughout in parentheses for things I might need to research more, and much of the dialogue is laid out in script form, with sentences merely quick notes describing how I imagined the scene playing out in my head. Besides, most of us wouldn't want to be associated with them.

These sorts of things are reasons why I wouldn't be too interested in working with another person in /jp/.

>> No.2424528

>"Give up you losers. Stop trying to do something. Just fap to touhou porns like the losers we all are"
In all honesty, I'd say /jp/ has too many trolls for there to be a good thread that produces anything. Yes, I am aware of the irony of what I'm saying.

is there a time when /jp/ isn't terrible? Like the old "nightshift /a/"? I've heard people complaining about weekends, but whenever I check the front page it always seems to be the same shit, regardless of time.

>> No.2424529


>> No.2424530

Even more:
A giant Cirno with a silly helmet. Saber stands before her.
Caption reads "We're the knights who say ⑨"

I know, it's not too good.

>> No.2424541

>These sorts of things are reasons why I wouldn't be too interested in working with another person in /jp/.
You make me sad.

>> No.2424542
Quoted by: >>2424553 >>2424589

>These sorts of things are reasons why I wouldn't be too interested in working with another person in /jp/.
Ah shit, and before I get grilled, I don't mean it in an offensive way. It's just that I'm not interested at all in that sort of humor or in those sorts of things. Tensions would naturally arise from different perceptions in character. And if both parties are too steadfast in holding onto their ideas and refuse to compromise, it can become a problem. I guess that's a reason why I'd want to work by myself.

>> No.2424547

2 main things:
1. Get people who will regularly dedicate time to working on projects, and stick with them to completion.
A lot of people give up on projects when school starts up, which is somewhat understandable, homework is very much fail. But people do have free time, and should dedicate some of that free time each day/week to working on projects they start. ...and well, drama is just plain retarded.
People also need feedback, positive and constructive, not negative. If people just give negative feedback on everything, then obviously the creator won't want to continue working. If somebody makes something you think sucks, tell them why you think it sucks, not just that it sucks.

>> No.2424548

How about... neither?
I've actually met some people online who actually got into Touhou through shmups, hard to imagine as it may be.

>> No.2424549

>These sorts of things are reasons why I wouldn't be too interested in working with another person in /jp/.
I'm crushed.

>> No.2424553
Quoted by: >>2424564

Well actually, for the Kogasa guy, fuck you.

>> No.2424558

The thing is with this kind of project. You actually need a real hierarchy to get things done, an egalitarian laissez faire approach just doesn't work because everyone is just like 'meh, ill just wait a bit longer'.

>> No.2424564

I stand by it.

>> No.2424571

>'meh, ill just wait a bit longer'
Ugh. Too true. As much as I'd hate for the other guy to be waiting on me, I'd hate to be waiting on the other guy as well. And with no real way to enforce it, especially over the internet...

Shit, I need to learn how to draw.

>> No.2424579


I wouldn't put it on the shitfest that is ff.net. I don't really have anyone to help me beta read it. No friends that I want to admit that I write fanfiction to and don't want to have my soul crushed or banned if I put it up on /jp/. The piece I'm working on right now tries to give a prelude to why Reimu keeps the peace in Gensokyo as opposed to just abandoning it out of sheer frustration. I portrayed her more as a tragic heroine that reluctantly accepts the position because she would feel guilty if she just let chaos rule in Gensokyo.

>> No.2424589
Quoted by: >>2424625

Ah, I see. You should have said so before.
Unfortunately, I'm all out of ideas for serious touhou since I'm using them all on that collaboration. But how about an exploration of the humans being feeble and weak against the youkai menace. Say we take an average young farmer type, 25 years old but looks 40 due to the harsh soil, and make him walk all the way to Hakurei shrine. He goes all the way scared, hanging to dear life to some amulets he takes out every time he hears something moving.
Eventually, he makes it, and greets the bored-looking miko. Claps a few times for the gods that aren't there and drops what looks as half of his money, only a few coins. They clank into the donation box, and he sets to get back to his farm again.
Reimu stops him before he leaves that huge red arch thing (the name eludes me right now), and hands him a couple more amulets.
He clutches them, and begins walking down, this time with a certain step.

That's just an idea I just thought of. Maybe you'd like to see that short poor, way poor, reimu I did for anon a while back?

>> No.2424595
File: 221 KB, 768x1024, nazrin rats off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424636 >>2424648

here I drew this just for the thread enjoy

>> No.2424598

>banned if I put it up on /jp/.

Just post it. If it isn't terrible I don't think it'd get too harsh a reception here.

>> No.2424600
Quoted by: >>2424745


I agree with this. But right now there are people who want to draw and just don't have the skill to do so. My point of view is that just having more drawing threads in general encourages practice since you don't exactly have to submit completed masterpieces, sketches do fine. It can be something as simple as every one submit their own rendition of "insert character." If people participate, generally they have more encouragement to participate as well.

>> No.2424619


Fuck that. I won't wait on anyone, and no one should wait on me.

Then again, I am somewhat drunk right now, so give me about eight hours and I'll probably be back to my shitty self again.

>> No.2424625
Quoted by: >>2424668

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Also, I'm hesitant in posting my stories, because I want it to be a surprise when I do happen to finish.

>> No.2424634
Quoted by: >>2424642

>you're just gonna get harsh words anyway

Can't take criticism? Even the best artist will get criticism.

>> No.2424636

I'm gonna need you to cover that up.

>> No.2424637

I want to see, and this is my dream fanfic, Reimu bursting in on Remilia and Sakuya's diaper S&M session and her peeing on Remilia's diaper, and while Remilia is initially shocked by Reimu's pure behavior, she gives in and has Reimu pee in Sakuya's mouth, then they have a strap-on dildo session followed by sex in SDM secret sauna. FUCK YEAH!

>> No.2424642


I think anon means harsh words in the sense of trolling.

>> No.2424648


>> No.2424654

Chinese probably translate fast as fuck as they already know most of the Kanji shits, even if there are variations within their use in Japanese.

>> No.2424657

all you guys are really thin-skinned. no wonder America is in such decline...

>> No.2424668
Quoted by: >>2424673

I don't really know either. Just an idea that just played out in my head, maybe someone can work with it.

Going to sleep now, getting late. Before I go, here's that poor Reimu thing I did on a rush a week back. It's not too good, but it's original that someone can work with as a base or inspiration. It's all good.

Reimu opened her eyes, awoken by the sound of the shuffling dry leaves on the uncared shrine. Marisa had come today as well. Getting up, she ignored the stabbing pain of hunger. That pain that never got away, even if she tried to stay asleep most of the day to quiet it down.
Grabbing the lone teabag, drying in the sun, she heard Marisa's steps getting closer. You could hear it on sound of her walking, the cheerfulness of those that have nothing to worry about.
"Marisa, good morning. I was just preparing the tea", she said with her usual voice, dunking the recycled bag into the teapot. "Is a baggie okay?".
"It's fine, ze".

Sipping the watered down tea, Marisa tried to ignore the patches of missing grass around the shrine. Or how Reimu looked as if she was going to collapse in any second.
It was a really awful cup of tea, but Reimu was smiling back at her. That was the real reason she came by every day.

"Leaving already as usual?"
Marisa nodded, adjusting her hat. Lifting off the ground on her broom, she circled around the shrine a couple of times. Reimu heard the unfamiliar but known clinking on the donation box. Smiling, she waved her goodbye. Tonight, she would eat.

>> No.2424673
Quoted by: >>2424694

Wait, is this going to eventually be doujinshi?

>> No.2424676

Some day...

Some day I'll be BETTER THAN YOU ALL.

>> No.2424676,1 [INTERNAL] 

Separatist Scavenger Ghost Bump.
Thread will hit autosage in a few minutes.

>> No.2424693
Quoted by: >>2424698

Not my content, but trying to spread the love:

[Black Label Records] 東方幻奏囃

[MOB SQUAD TOKYO] Gensokyo Style

[冷猫] Final Master Spark!

[荒御霊] SpellCore ACT5 -Valley

[M2ind Manufactory] 浮華

[DDBY] Touhou Synthesis

>> No.2424694

Maybe it could work as a short affair, 3-4 pages. Needs to be polished, but if someone wants to take a stab at it, be my guest.

>> No.2424698

And by content I mean rips.

>> No.2424703

I'm surprised how many people are talking about criticism. I mean the last thing I would expect from people here is to take things too seriously. Even with the best drawings, they will at least have a 1 negative for every 10 positives. Just look at the ratio. If your ratio is poor and you suck then you suck, just keep on practicing. All of us have probably failed harder before, its the ability to continue that creates a true artist.

In short, just keep working and you'll see progress. I'm fairly certain that if other people are progressing too, then they will share tips that you can eventually pick up on.

>> No.2424716

Well this is where westerner fail.
They can't take it easy and one small criticism will cause a shit storm.

>> No.2424720
File: 44 KB, 300x467, Shadow_on_the_Sun_by_Aerion_the_Faithful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2424784

So we posting fanwork ideas now... alright, I know I'm going to regret this but here goes.

The entire windows touhou series (starting with EotSD) redone in the style of late 30's pulp fiction. Reimu stars as the cocky freelance detective and the rest of the cast range in character from yakuza type crimeloards to masked rooftop hopping heroes in the style of The Shadow or Green Hornet.

>> No.2424725
Quoted by: >>2424738

I think it's more of the things such being bagged on for caring about Touhou characters and general trolling. Really, it's not something I give a shit about, but it's really tiring after hearing it for the fiftieth time.

Criticism isn't really a problem when it's done in good taste, but shit gets retarded when it becomes idiotic bashing and trolling, and they hide behind the shield of, "OH, IT'S JUST CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!"

>> No.2424735


4chan doesn't do much constructive criticism. Most of it is "LOL SHITSUX AMIRITE?" or "LOL WESTERN ART".

>> No.2424738

Oh my fuck, don't even get started when it comes to criticizing the interpretations of a Touhou. Half the time, it comes down to, "Yours is wrong. Make it more like mine!"

>> No.2424745

>more drawing threads
When was the last drawing thread? Why not just try making one sometime and see if people are interested?

>> No.2424754
Quoted by: >>2424802

It's true.

On the other hand, I've seen some good stuff.

...I liked the idea one author had involving Remilia being frightened of Flandre's growing power and cutting her soul into eight pieces, each a different aspect of her self, placing her naive, childish self in her body and splitting the remaining seven each in two again, putting each of these pieces into one of the crystals hanging from her wings. At least, it's more interesting than the canon.

>> No.2424784

This could work, nazi busting touhous hell yes I want to see this.

>> No.2424793

Thread continued >>2424789

This thread is well over 200 replies already.

>> No.2424802

That sounds awesome. Got the name / artist?

>> No.2425172

...I don't even know what is. Educate mans - reference would be good too!
