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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.98 MB, 2500x3100, EY7ygjoUYAUBVB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24045393 No.24045393 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24045396
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1583875320327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045399
File: 127 KB, 720x940, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's his endgame?

>> No.24045400
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24045402
File: 634 KB, 2894x4093, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045403 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24045426

Quality reply doxxfag, amer*cans really have low IQ uh.

>> No.24045404

impregnate every single vtuber

>> No.24045405
File: 502 KB, 499x573, risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045589

The collabs...

>> No.24045406 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24045645

Que este sea un mejor hilo hermanos...

>> No.24045408
Quoted by: >>24045446

I bought this narrative. My new favorite narrative. Maybe that's why Subaru has yet to be on Coco's and Haachama's English games?

>> No.24045409


>> No.24045412

he has impeccable taste.

>> No.24045413


To be scouted by hololive, probably.

>> No.24045415

He's just doing some scouting for the EN branch

>> No.24045416
Quoted by: >>24045442

Why don't we see the HoloCN collab more with the JPs? the IDs getting collabs left and right and they can barely speak Japanese (except the alien)

>> No.24045418


>> No.24045419
Quoted by: >>24045449

Making love to coco
Hugging her after orgasm
Seeing her sleeping without the need of pills

>> No.24045420
File: 178 KB, 393x336, kiryu-chan....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this thread is peaceful...

>> No.24045422

Kaorus out there networking

>> No.24045423

YAGOO... Mio hoodie... please

>> No.24045424
Quoted by: >>24045438

Fuck Coco

>> No.24045425
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1587341001994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's gonna collab with Towa next?

>> No.24045426 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24045441

>continuing off-topic shitposting across threads
Low-IQ move.

>> No.24045427
File: 547 KB, 594x597, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045806

I love Roboco!

>> No.24045429


>> No.24045431
File: 592 KB, 1037x653, 1590109867763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, this is a list of who is the most boring

>> No.24045432
File: 10 KB, 212x239, 1590016019209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045455

The dragon fears the duck.

>> No.24045434

shut the fuck up kson

>> No.24045435

What do Luna's armpits taste like?

>> No.24045436

Towa/Risu to kill all narrativefags.

>> No.24045437
File: 244 KB, 391x438, spookyelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if lack-daddy ever feel bad about his artstyle, like he sabotaged Flare's success. I love her cat-like reptilian look though!

>> No.24045438

That's the plan

>> No.24045440

I really wish she would do a collab with Mio to destroy the narrativefags.

>> No.24045441 [DELETED] 


>> No.24045442

because the holos would have to stream on bili, and they don't seem to like doing that especially pekora

>> No.24045443
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 1590870429622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045476


>> No.24045444
File: 1.02 MB, 4096x2384, fe6024436ae5194240135db06736cd32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder not to audition for a character that you don't like.

>> No.24045446

Honestly I hate Subaru, but this is 1 I wish to happen. Subaru has shown she can understand English extremely well in the past, why has she been getting left out of the English episodes?

>> No.24045447

Her niji sister looks ever weirder to be honest.

>> No.24045448

Power play, destroy every female vtuber by ruining her for idolfags so he can take the dominant spot over the scene.

>> No.24045449

Fucking until she collapses without the need of sleeping pills!

>> No.24045450


Haachama puking!

>> No.24045451

Roboco apex collab

>> No.24045452

Anon, you need to be 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.24045453

your comfy maikura stream...
hand it over

>> No.24045454
File: 530 KB, 800x800, 1579287160002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045455

>Subaru is a normie

Makes sense

>> No.24045456
File: 385 KB, 504x749, sips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045497

Remember when Matsuri used to be THAT girl from hololive.

>> No.24045457
File: 275 KB, 799x539, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045468

Why are you not watching Kaoru, anon?

>> No.24045460

You should tell moona this.

>> No.24045461
File: 464 KB, 1080x1398, Isitoktofuckthisfinalversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046817


>> No.24045462

Could we have some cute narratives for once?

>> No.24045463


>> No.24045464

Are premade designs the norm for hololive?

>> No.24045465
File: 124 KB, 265x273, 1587071982741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy rurudo as soon as SHE CLEANS HER FUCKING ROOM

>> No.24045466
Quoted by: >>24045919

Honestly Flare's issue is not with her looks. To the extend it is, it's mostly due to the live2d not the design. And I say this as someone who likes her a lot.
Also she really shouldn't feel bad about her numbers now if she ever did in the past. She's making a killing on what matters, which is money. Having a tighter community also makes her chat so much nicer than say Pekora's.

>> No.24045468

I only like female vtubers

>> No.24045469

She wanted to be the cute little green butterfly girl but they had already given the role to someone else and all that was left was the dark elf.

>> No.24045471
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x480, 1573683458108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045472
File: 313 KB, 650x650, daily dose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045478

>> No.24045473

Shion is the most girlish holo of them all.

>> No.24045474

>Eat a cup of noodles
>Puke the cup of noodles back into the cup
>it overflows
checkmate conservation of matter fags.

>> No.24045475

So anons, what are you doing today, during these dead hours?

>> No.24045476
File: 245 KB, 110x110, watamebounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045517


>> No.24045477
Quoted by: >>24045983

which stream was this? I missed it

>> No.24045478

thanks doc

>> No.24045479

I mean she's a loli, her freaking head is wider than her shoulders. Like one of those nightmare-fuel early low-budget anime.

>> No.24045481
Quoted by: >>24045746

You know that the girls can influence the pre-made designs, right? Noel initially didn't have the mole for example.

>> No.24045486

Yes, most characters are revealed beforehand and then auditioned for.
For the ones that are scouted instead of auditioned, it's not entirely known if the characters are still premade or they get more input on the design.

>> No.24045487



>> No.24045488

watching non-holos and practicing shoot em ups, trying to sync my schedule to my favorite chuubas

>> No.24045490

100 kanji a day.

>> No.24045491 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 969x1428, FB_IMG_1584260579518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The persona behind the avatar most certainly is relevant to hololive whether you like it or not and it isn't your choice to decide what does or doesn't make it into the thread.

They're relevant if someone takes interest in them. Just because it isn't relevant to you doesn't make it irrelevant to everyone.

Screeching loudly won't do anything.

>> No.24045492

in some cases. others aren't. I sincerely doubt Korone and Okayu being a cat and a dog that are close friends was planned prior to hiring two people who were also already friends.

>> No.24045493


>> No.24045494

The puke noodles were of lower density than the food noodles. The total amount of matter stayed the same but the volume increased.

>> No.24045496
File: 633 KB, 497x1431, hololive_fantasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045497


>> No.24045500
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1590525000734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you weren't pretending to be retarded.

>> No.24045501 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 800x800, 1590968211269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045502

From what I've heard, and this is based off things I've heard on 5ch btw.
Luna is the only one that still spends time with Towa. Luna is used to being alone and knows how it must feel for Towa to be getting ignored.
Apparently they talk over discord daily and before the lock down Luna would regularly take Towa out to fancy bakeries to buy pastries.

Luna once said in a stream (that she later cut out because she was embarrassed) that she really loves Towa and treasures their friendship

>> No.24045503

Why do her eyes disturb me so much? I want to like Flare but the avatar just looks so grating.

>> No.24045504
Quoted by: >>24045525

Why is it so hard to talk about hololive in the hololive general? It’s not that hard to understand.

>> No.24045507
File: 113 KB, 225x302, 1589168986772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045523

i want to fuck the dog

>> No.24045512

wow, a channel dedicated entirely to coco
and they translated Choco's quiz too, cool

>> No.24045517
File: 3.16 MB, 498x457, 1590249207351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045518
Quoted by: >>24045702

She talked about doing a "mahjong practice stream with mommy", wonder if anything will come from that.

>> No.24045519

Yes, see Kakage's Nijisanji reject witch and the chuuni coony cunny.

>> No.24045521
Quoted by: >>24045583

>tfw read the spoilers first
>reread the first line
Fuck you so much. I wanted to believe in some hope.

>> No.24045522


>> No.24045523

Doggy style?

>> No.24045524
File: 2.55 MB, 390x444, When He Dances His Way Into The Wrong Hole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045525 [DELETED] 

I've lost interest in this argument.

Ties to hololive.

>> No.24045527

Did gen 4 have something like this? I dont remember

>> No.24045528

Can anyone sauce me Noel’s crying Christmas stream?

It’s okay, it’s hololive.

>> No.24045529

The characters were allowed to deviate from the original idea. Just look at Marine for the extreme.
I wonder how much Flare is acting and how much is her true personality showing through.

>> No.24045533
File: 74 KB, 829x659, EVaE6yWU0AQNWzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I want to draw cute Towas, how do I even start?

>> No.24045534

Imagine literally watching haato

>> No.24045535

some holos are scouted, others aren't.

>> No.24045537

Open MSpaint.

>> No.24045540

It's prerecorded anon, notice how they laugh at the same time in the same way, there's no other possible reason.

>> No.24045541

Kson has no affiliation with hololive and is offtopic, please stop posting offtopic content here, thanks.

>> No.24045545


>> No.24045546

Based 14 year old.

>> No.24045548

Holos should play real RPGs, not these bullshit JRPGs.

>> No.24045549
File: 1.73 MB, 1277x715, trying to say good things about haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045552

Wholesome (yet still sad) narrative

>> No.24045553

Do some terrible doodles with /hlg/ on the canvas and hope someone posts it with a tag that lets you see Towa and influence her opinion on how to further her hololive career.

>> No.24045554

go back

>> No.24045555
File: 42 KB, 552x887, 1590213839478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWO WATAMES?! Just IMAGINE the sexual possibilities.

>> No.24045556
File: 117 KB, 725x1024, 1590125756931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045587


>> No.24045558
Quoted by: >>24045575

You're posting off-topic right now you autist.

>> No.24045559

Is there a better way to find members only videos other than the community tab?

>> No.24045566
File: 1.34 MB, 1125x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045569

collab with korone when? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_fIaQi9ImX_JW5-thf60A/videos

>> No.24045572
File: 13 KB, 300x326, 1584279102487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Towa drawings are cute, just do your best, anon!

>> No.24045575

Please stay on-topic, thanks.

>> No.24045577

Literally no answer

>> No.24045578

Retarded logic, it's like if you talked about different anime characters (from unrelated anime) voiced by the same seiyuu on a specific anime general thread, that's still off topic. If you want to talk about Kson, go to cosplay board or virtual youtuber thread.

>> No.24045579
Quoted by: >>24045593


>> No.24045581

I agree, when will any of them play the ultimate form of RPGs, SRPGs? Stella Glow seems like a perfect fit for some of them.

>> No.24045583

Its not a real narrative if it doesn't come from 5ch

>> No.24045585
File: 637 KB, 528x531, 1590849297167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045612

YAGOO... the 3d.... please....

>> No.24045586
File: 2.34 MB, 2894x4093, lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get these two gay retards to make up?

>> No.24045587

Remember anon, she wouldn't mind yo trying out some things whilst she sleeps...

>> No.24045588
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, not invited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045675

What's the narrative here, bros? Why did they not invite Suisei?

>> No.24045589
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, EZVgG6aU4AAyLc8 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045590
File: 2.84 MB, 592x1280, pekora.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045622

Well, if Pekora wanted me to be hopelessly addicted, she's done it. Despite how messed up her voice sounds like it's getting, I still want to see her streaming instead of taking a break.

>> No.24045592 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24045603

these are reddit hours
enjoy your posters behaving like mods and telling you off for even referencing or hinting at any talk about the person behind the cute anime girl avatar
best to just ignore all of them and do your own thing

>> No.24045593

Do you go to /tv/ to talk about carpentry too?

>> No.24045595

As far as I remember, none of Gen 4 was announced beforehand, though people seem to say Watame, Towa and Kanata were auditioned for, Luna and Coco were scouted. Not sure where that info comes from.

>> No.24045596

What happened to them narrativebros?

>> No.24045600
File: 918 KB, 707x689, Coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is pretty great guys.

>> No.24045601

-Practice handwriting Kana for a little while.
-When you reach a 4th grade level, start drawing animals using only the experience you got practicing that handwriting.

You should get a similar result.

>> No.24045603

Why are amer*mutt doxxfags like this?

>> No.24045604

what the fuck

>> No.24045606 [DELETED] 

Esto no pasaria si todos fueran miembros de Torre...

>> No.24045607

Miko married Sora and Peko cried all night

>> No.24045608
Quoted by: >>24045664

Question, why do faggots keep calling bilingual vtubers cancer when they repeat and translate what they said from japanese to english? they are trying their best to keep both fan base informed and on track.

>> No.24045610
Quoted by: >>24045694

except the anime character is the person.

>> No.24045612

Watame just finished making her 3D model.

>> No.24045616
Quoted by: >>24045630

That can and does happen
Sure I guess that's a similar example albeit way off on the extreme end
I'm pretty sure this is the same guy as >>24045593

>> No.24045617
Quoted by: >>24045625

Hey where's wordcloud anon, I want to see what funny words from previous thread that it makes now.

>> No.24045618

Narratives are meant to paint someone in a bad light, this makes me like Luna and want to cheer for Towa.

>> No.24045621

To be honest, I don't mind actual discussion of roommates if it's at least vaguely related to hololive, but just posting pictures of kson sticking her tongue out or bending over on stream isn't "hololive related".

>> No.24045622

Just be glad you didn't end up becoming an Ayamefag.

>> No.24045623
File: 459 KB, 900x900, a3131370730_10 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Towa was born in THESE conditions?!

>> No.24045625


>> No.24045626

I completely agree with this statement and this is a good example of a healthy balance of boundaries.
Take note.

>> No.24045629
File: 1.34 MB, 1215x1500, 1562863575138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of Hololive, Hoshimachi Suisei!!!

>> No.24045630

I'm >>24045600 and that connection makes zero sense. I'm doing the exact opposite of >>. I think you're genuinely retarded, so I apologize for bullying you.

>> No.24045632

some anon said miko talked about pekora lesbian bulling miko in when they high school and said they will never collab again on this video https://youtu.be/sClqEIxJViY

>> No.24045634
Quoted by: >>24045651

>towa bad
bros.... this wasn't supposed to happen...

>> No.24045638

For people who still doubt Pekora and Aqua's inability to interact with people.

>> No.24045639
Quoted by: >>24045685

damn bitch, you live like this?

>> No.24045642
File: 2.11 MB, 1270x1065, Three macronutrients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045643 [DELETED] 

Hey guys what’s your favorite Pokemon? Mine is Charmander.

>> No.24045644

Suisei makes me so horny

>> No.24045645

What's the Holo of choice for spic anons?

>> No.24045646


>> No.24045647

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMs1_FlYAWI FATQUA

>> No.24045649

Jokes on you Suisui, the spats only make me harder!

>> No.24045650
File: 105 KB, 1253x704, Exvi5CM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045651

>anon believe retard sense man
invalidates everything else on the bubble so don't worry

>> No.24045652
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, 1590222798929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /hlg/ like this?

>> No.24045656

looks like my room tbhq

>> No.24045657

Mods don’t ban doxxfags.

>> No.24045658
Quoted by: >>24045720

Pekora doesn't pay attention to Miko anymore because she's not popular so Miko went to collab Sora and Roboco to make Pekora drown herself in money alone

>> No.24045659
Quoted by: >>24045672

Dead hours makes the IQ of the thread drop by 20 points

>> No.24045660

>mfw pekora is so mentally ill she ran miko off
the only human that cares about her lesbian ass
there should be mental meds for this

>> No.24045661

Please be in London.

>> No.24045663

>video dead better stream
>love kanata
>ppt collab play thing

>> No.24045664
Quoted by: >>24045684

> keep calling bilingual vtubers cancer when they repeat and translate what they said from japanese to english?
Because they shouldn't have to do that and it just bogs down the stream. The main reason probably is that anons hate EOPs and repeating what they say in English attracts EOPs. Plus they lose whatever superiority makes them feel alive.

>> No.24045669

Real RPG.

>> No.24045670 [DELETED] 

My favorite movie is Matrix, what’s yours?

Korone watched a movie recently so this isn’t off-topic btw.

>> No.24045671

Kanata if she is feeling better later


>> No.24045673

Because mods arbitrarily decided kson is the only roommate you can talk about without getting nuked.

>> No.24045672

>murcan hours
asian go back to 5ch pls

>> No.24045675

Damn, what's the polycount on the 3D models?

>> No.24045676

Pekora slapped Sora in front of Haato's church?

>> No.24045677
File: 211 KB, 768x768, 1570950632012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045693

>his favorite chuuba speaks less than 7 languages
Why haven't you taken the Iofipill yet?

>> No.24045679

sorry anon, I don't associate with britbongers.

>> No.24045680
Quoted by: >>24045688

Kindly reminder that you have no excuse not to watch Artia RIGHT NOW.

>> No.24045681
File: 613 KB, 850x1200, 79818745_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045692


>> No.24045684

>lose whatever superiority makes them feel alive.

Anon you can't just expose them like that....

>> No.24045685

Full pic.

>> No.24045687


>> No.24045688

I don't want to use bili

>> No.24045691
File: 180 KB, 1200x675, EZYabZWUcAAAwjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045689

Noel and Towa should be roommates. They would be perfect together.

>> No.24045692
Quoted by: >>24045856

angle of the spray makes no sense given how the rest of his body is drawn. his dick would have to be massive and hooked.

>> No.24045693

>can speak 7 languages
>can't sing
Was it worth it?

>> No.24045694

Except Kson is another character, or did you really think her real name is Kson too?

>> No.24045695
Quoted by: >>24045996


>> No.24045697
Quoted by: >>24045710

Choco sensei asked like 4 questions after time was up
she was desperate to raise the hololive average

>> No.24045699
Quoted by: >>24045719

Is Kson the character officially affiliated with Hololive then?

>> No.24045700

kuso thread
i'll come back later

>> No.24045702
Quoted by: >>24045729

What's rurudo's status withregards to v-tubing? Didn't she delete/hide all of her past streams on her channel recently?

>> No.24045705

la cachorrita Korone

>> No.24045706


>> No.24045708
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1590559876166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045724


>> No.24045710
Quoted by: >>24045727

She does this for a bunch of people, I don't know the exact rules of the quiz, but it seems like she usually keeps asking questions after the time is over until they get one right.

>> No.24045711
File: 232 KB, 484x468, korone....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All roommate posting does is provide fuel for narrativefags to shit on/praise holos rather than create good discussion. What do we really gain from people posting that Korone is a 35 year old single mother? Or that Coco is a cosplay thot? Nothing except a reason to avoid talking about actual Hololive content.

>> No.24045713

A double was used to wear the Watame avatar while Watame/UI voiced the entire conversation.

>> No.24045715

El orgullo de holovive, Suisei

>> No.24045716

>moona's going fuck everything up

>> No.24045717

is it possible to miss the point this hard?

>> No.24045718
File: 2.90 MB, 333x720, 1578939075083.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045720
Quoted by: >>24045737

Fame and power sure is a double edge sword.

>> No.24045721
Quoted by: >>24045733

The days when kson was the obligatory retarded gaijin punching bag

>> No.24045719
Quoted by: >>24045739

Affiliated regardless.

>> No.24045722

How do we get Pekora to play Apex instead of kusoge?

>> No.24045723 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24045738

What’s your favorite anime?

>> No.24045724
File: 28 KB, 563x539, mikochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045727

coco got two questions after the time
it's rigged

>> No.24045729
Quoted by: >>24045751

She hid a lot of her YouTube videos, then unhid some of them, and said she was just in a weird mood. Menhera daughter, menhera mommy.

>> No.24045731

Any sensible person agrees, but non sensible people are always the loudest.

>> No.24045733

And now she gets 9 times more supachas than FBK


>> No.24045737
Quoted by: >>24045752

I hope this isn't really why and they go back to collabing together. They're genuinely fun to watch, no other duo can spar like they can.

>> No.24045738
File: 806 KB, 947x997, 1590449031096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045745

The one where I get isekai'd into a world where shitposters are executed and Noel is my wife.

>> No.24045739
Quoted by: >>24045797

Show me where

>> No.24045740

Haato; she already has the flips whom are basically the same.

>> No.24045741

La gata blanca

>> No.24045743

Is Artia decent at Apex?

>> No.24045745
File: 78 KB, 400x400, noel guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cool, don't come to the thread tomorrow.

>> No.24045746

And Coco requested giant boobs from mama.

>> No.24045747
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 1586822621127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045996

Never forget.

>> No.24045749 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 907x505, 1587647949080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Noel's roommate looks like THAT?

>> No.24045750

Kanata has talked about taking the audition several times. Don't know about the rest.

>> No.24045751
Quoted by: >>24045779

Good. I guess this means she hasn't decided to quit completely then.

>> No.24045752

Just because they don't collab these days doesn't mean they don't talk a lot behind the scenes, other holos always comment about how much Miko cares for Pekora.

>> No.24045754

Why do so many people wanna marry Coco

>> No.24045756 [DELETED] 

Give me more anon

>> No.24045758

In the most recent Kanata let's talk video she talks about how when she found our about her ear disease, she was super depressed.

She mentioned an interview so it should reason that she wasn't scouted.

>> No.24045759

Where is the narrative that Noel is/would be abusive come from?

>> No.24045761
File: 576 KB, 1000x1000, 1583849478379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045800

Matuli is a freaking skellington now.

>> No.24045763

Menhera outbursts.

>> No.24045762

how did they fuck up so royaly?

>> No.24045765

those who were abused are far more likely to become abusers themselves

>> No.24045766
Quoted by: >>24045776

I want to be Korone's fifth husband!

>> No.24045768

Who here excited for Roboco 4 player Overcooked 2 tomorrow???

>> No.24045769
Quoted by: >>24045819

She went afk and you could hear her beating up her brother with a bag of coins because he didn't cook her a gyudon.

>> No.24045770

You picked the worse picture.

>> No.24045772

Hey she's the only one who almost never breaks character

>> No.24045774

>Matsuri taking advantage of Pekora's splergness and feeling her up knowing Pekora won't put up a fight.
Why is she like this?

>> No.24045776
Quoted by: >>24045786

If he gets fifth then I want to be sixth

>> No.24045778

I think aqua is just really stand offish and makes awkward first impressions. I forgot who said it but I recall one of the holos saying that aqua wasn't as socially awkward as they they expected after meeting her and hanging out on new years.

>> No.24045779

Having a hot, smart and wise shitposting cosplay wife with two college degrees would be nice

>> No.24045781
File: 585 KB, 566x758, 1590706018010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045786

Then I'll be the lucky number seven!

>> No.24045788

Now that you have silenced Kanata forever you can finally have a peaceful life, isn't that nice

>> No.24045789

YAGOO was simply saving a bullied girl from a black rival company.

>> No.24045790

I hope she collabs with the last post Towa...poster!

>> No.24045795
File: 89 KB, 1053x600, IMG_20200517_220116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone will always love Okayu more than her current soon to he divorced husband(s)!

>> No.24045797

By being the same person.

>> No.24045798

Aqua is not as awkward as Pekora for sure. She was only trying to act like a good senpai by offering to pay for dinner.

>> No.24045799 [DELETED] 

Pekora’s roommate looks like THAT?


>> No.24045800

>be fatty but healthy
>gets bullied for being fatty
>works hard to become skinny
>fucking dies because you fear bulling to the point of being a fish bone
why does yagoo not get these girls mental help

>> No.24045802

If mods nuke this it's confirmed they have a bias.

>> No.24045805
Quoted by: >>24045818

I can't believe marine didn't stream princess connect, one of the cutest funniest characters got a new version out
marine already drew lewds of her so maybe she's playing off screen

>> No.24045806

Me too.

>> No.24045807 [DELETED] 

We got Coco, Noel and Pekora’s boobs.

What about Haachama? Any IRL pics?

>> No.24045811
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, 1588871338434.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048640

Huge brothers!

>> No.24045812 [DELETED] 

Towa's roommate's starfy let's play. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34005455

>> No.24045813

>Pekora prefers to be alone now that she's popular
>Korone played with her emotions telling her that she will never be at the same level as Okayu while she awkwardly agreed
at least Sora, Roboco and Coco will never let Miko behind...

>> No.24045816 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 310x310, 1590970280900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045818
Quoted by: >>24045916

I didn't even know Marine drew actual lewds, all the art I've seen has been safe. Based senshou.

>> No.24045819

Reminder that Noel calls her brother by 兄上, which is pretty much the archaic equivalent of onii-sama so she ain't the one doing the abuse. I think this might also imply that her brother is much older than she is.

>> No.24045820

Haachama has canonically big boobs.
You'd know this from her roomates streams and how others react to her boobs during colab streams where they're both in the same room.

>> No.24045821

>be fatty but healthy
No fucking way she was healthy, she isn't even 1.60m and was somewhere around 90kg

>> No.24045824


>> No.24045825


Anyone got anything on Flare?

>> No.24045826

She had a collab days ago, dude.

>> No.24045827

She is FLAT

>> No.24045830
Quoted by: >>24045849

spics are genetically closest to haato

>> No.24045839
Quoted by: >>24045851

Filthy spic here
Roberu is my bro

>> No.24045842

Clearly those morons who wanted to talk about kson are right, look at this thread, quality hololive discussion.

>> No.24045847

>Towa and Okayu both streamed MMBN in their pasts

God I'd kill for a competitive stream. 5 or 6 would probably be the best for it, huh? 5 Double Team even has wireless.

>> No.24045849
Quoted by: >>24045877

cool meme. she dont have flip in her

>> No.24045850


it's just as good as ark really

>> No.24045851
Quoted by: >>24045996

La torre
also my hijo

>> No.24045852
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1590433470418.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045872

Shut up retard.

>> No.24045856

>his dick would have to be massive

>> No.24045858
File: 44 KB, 833x802, 1589564190109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048184

It's also hilariously obvious that the guy is seething and is spurring on the off topic discussion and kson posting.

>> No.24045859

mi hijo esta ganando

>> No.24045860
Quoted by: >>24045893

pick 1
only 1

>> No.24045861
File: 844 KB, 1362x770, 1590682062341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045883

Main cruft

>> No.24045862
Quoted by: >>24045888

Yeah fuck this thread.

>> No.24045863
Quoted by: >>24045891

This shitstorm is caused by inconsistent moderation, if the mods just decided one way or another to allow or disallow roommate discussion, people wouldn't be so edgy about posting it all the time.
It's because some stuff gets deleted and some stuff doesn't makes people try to skirt the rules and be edgy.

>> No.24045864
Quoted by: >>24045878

What else to talk about? Subaru and Okayu finishing good games? Miko and Watame having fun in Minecraft? Public tenshi hanging? 2 year anniversary? That's all already in the past and nothing is on right now so we must talk about irrelevant shit until people start streaming again.

>> No.24045866
File: 147 KB, 1096x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24045867

she's so much entertaining here...
hololive is literally killing her...

>> No.24045868

9 billion triangles per pixel

>> No.24045870

I'm so glad Coco got rid of that dumbass voice she was doing when she debuted.

>> No.24045871
Quoted by: >>24045893

being fat isn't healthy, u fucking burger

>> No.24045872
File: 446 KB, 392x841, 1590265849127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046801


>> No.24045873

Someone summon Lu** again

>> No.24045877

Even knowing Haatos close friend is a flip is enough for them to claim her.

>> No.24045878
Quoted by: >>24045898

We just gotta do other stuff in the meantime. Like, open up MSpaint and draw your favorite Holo in 10 minutes without using any references.

>> No.24045879
Quoted by: >>24045886

She's got big feet

>> No.24045880


>> No.24045882

Bros, are you ready for more KanaTowa てえてえ?

>> No.24045883


>> No.24045886


>> No.24045888


>> No.24045889
Quoted by: >>24045939

Kanata is dead...

>> No.24045891
Quoted by: >>24045900

The solution isn't blaming moderation. The solution is to report more until meidos move their asses.

>> No.24045893
File: 63 KB, 457x497, 1590805365042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctors will tell you straight up that anorexia
kills faster than being a little fat you two chinks

>> No.24045897 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1332x850, 1590970889311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for that brief moment in time, i had fun pretending lu*a was lu*u

and then lunafags ruined her for me.
i hate it

>> No.24045898

The hlg junkie has no life when not typing here.

>> No.24045899
Quoted by: >>24045939

Kanata anheroed

>> No.24045900

If you were here 2-3 threads ago when people were spamming kson pictures and everything but them was getting deleted, it's obvious the mods are being inconsistent. I reported all of them.

>> No.24045903
Quoted by: >>24045918

Not to mention that japanese fat isn't the same as weighing 400 pounds.

>> No.24045902
File: 38 KB, 782x782, 1580879565165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24045913


>> No.24045904

she was full of energy... what went wrong...

>> No.24045905
Quoted by: >>24045922

>n-no i'm 250 pounds because its healthier to be overweight!
>i-i'm just worried about being annorexic and literally starving myself to death... that's why i need this 2 gallon tub of ice cream and my double baconator

>> No.24045907
File: 283 KB, 850x1133, dorks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24045908
Quoted by: >>24045922

Matsuri isn't anorexic.
She still eats real meals. If she was really anorexic, she wouldn't even be able to take the classes or the do the streams she does.

>> No.24045913

Fuck I can't unsee it.

>> No.24045914 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 800x407, EX-ONp-UwAAVLVD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic

>> No.24045916

I saw that she drew Morrigan from Darkstalkers boobies once

>> No.24045917

The angel will be the next one to start speaking Spanish

>> No.24045918
Quoted by: >>24046005

>eats literally 10 hamburgers a day
>on top of 6 snack periods and 3 meals a day
>considers a large bowl of ramen a "snack"
>was over 150kg while she was still in high school
sure thing anon...

>> No.24045919

Not a lot of English in her chat either which is nice because those types seem to have the longest conversations with each other.

>> No.24045920
File: 1.16 MB, 350x650, 【#桐生ココ】あさココLIVEニュース!6月1日【#ココここ】-lo_vWJvoFzE - hanged ppt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata wanted to avoid her collab with Towa so much that she killed herself

>> No.24045922

salty chink manlet
>bread crust is a real meal
cool anon

>> No.24045925

skeletons are not healthy nor sexy but europoors will seethe at the truth

>> No.24045926

Hang in there Kanatan!

>> No.24045927
Quoted by: >>24046042

Did she get thinner?

>> No.24045930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24046038

Which one of these guys is Towa's roommate's boyfriend?

>> No.24045935
Quoted by: >>24046028

Wouldn’t it be really easy to recognize her if she ever left the house?

>> No.24045937

Bro ...

>> No.24045938

You guys all said she was faking her reactions to Doki Doki Literature Club now look what's happened.

>> No.24045939

There's a better internet connection in heaven than on earth so everything is still fine.

>> No.24045942

Bread crusts for lunch
Hot dog stir fry for dinner
Seems alright, albeit really pathetic.

>> No.24045946

>bread crust
She sent 3 pictures of proper meals along with the bread crusts.

>> No.24045948

Even she can't save this thread.

>> No.24045954
Quoted by: >>24045985


>> No.24045955
File: 154 KB, 947x1139, EZXTl0pU4AEe-Mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have YOU helped our Haachama today to achieve her dream of being the strongest idol?

>> No.24045960


>> No.24045964
Quoted by: >>24046012

Haato knows Taekwondo right?
Do other holos know martial arts?

>> No.24045965
Quoted by: >>24045977

Hermanos, es hora de salvar este hilo

>> No.24045966

i know pekora larped as cirno
but haato is cirno

>> No.24045967

Miko and Sora are such a wholesome duo.

>> No.24045973

I buy meth off her every week

>> No.24045977
File: 214 KB, 759x1400, 1590375110792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no te preocupes hermano

>> No.24045978
File: 2.69 MB, 2000x1347, Coco makes Kanata hang herself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way she's swinging suggests she really is affixed by her neck, not by any strap on her body. Is it wrong that it did upset me watching it?

>> No.24045982
File: 214 KB, 1600x1600, EXqaTX2UcAAA1It.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what the topic is but I'm glad that hololaibu transcends race and cultures

>> No.24045983
Quoted by: >>24046051


>> No.24045984

Why is Rushia's chat always full of Peko peko

>> No.24045985

The only thing that could make this thread worse is Kpop.

>> No.24045988

So can any members of Fbk tell me if she has any member only persona content? I saw that she played royal, played one of the dancing games, and even watched a fucking announcement stream. I wonder if she has more content up if she clearly likes it.

>> No.24045990

>Killyou Cocaine

>> No.24045994

Imagine making your way through the rounds of interviews for HoloEN, and all of a sudden you have an interview with Haato.

>> No.24045995

>Harbor Aquaman

>> No.24045996 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24046102

Con todo esto de Torre y Towa cada dia con mas gente viendo sus streams se me vino la idea de "La Torre Inclinada de Pisa con la cara de Towa" pero no puedo photoshoppear para salvar mi vida.

>> No.24045999

To remind her she will never be as good as Pekora.

>> No.24046000

yeah the way she swings definitely points towards it being an actual hanging.
It upsets me a little too which surprised me.

>> No.24046001
File: 3.80 MB, 351x267, 20200531_203338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I dont know why more people aren't shitposting with this app.

>> No.24046003

You really think the third worlders in here can afford a phone for the app?

>> No.24046004

They watched that clip.

>> No.24046005

she said herself that she never even hit 100kg, at least mix some truth into your shitpost.

>> No.24046010

Pfffft, okay that was pretty good.

>> No.24046011

>bunnyland pepsicola

>> No.24046012

She took classes but said she was a lazy retard who couldn't stretch properly.
I love her.

>> No.24046013

I prefer Killyou Coca-cola.

>> No.24046014

It doesn't have my oshi so it's a waste of space.

>> No.24046015
File: 43 KB, 340x340, 1563926941733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said I'd be an idol. That I'd replace Kizuna Ai, that I would outperform Nico, that even Haruka would be forgotten.
I was supposed to be the best, I was supposed to have the full force of Cover behind my back to spread my name. I was supposed to bring idols into a new age.

How did this happen? Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.24046018

FBK became a meme queen. Matsuri is ???, Aqua is ???. Rest of the holos are irrelevant.

>> No.24046019
File: 239 KB, 52x52, 1565768183408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than Flare, which Holos do you think hate their design?

>> No.24046020

I still like her :)

>> No.24046021

I want to have sex with Coco while Shion watches

>> No.24046022
File: 1.24 MB, 1148x720, 1569362194652.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046033

3d streams when...

>> No.24046024

I made my sister a fan of her. It happened because she felt sorry for Haachama when she saw how Coco would talk to her during their collab.

>> No.24046026
Quoted by: >>24046037

If you really wanted to shitpost about failure and things going south you should've picked Miko.

>> No.24046028

She could just wear chest binders, plus she's a hiki she doesn't leave her house.

>> No.24046029
Quoted by: >>24046337

Is Coco trying to trick her japanese viewers into watch her playing a game they already seen multiple other vtubers played, because if see really wanted more EOPs to watch her should would of posted more stuff in english.

>> No.24046030

Probably Mio, she does look like Shadow The Hedgehog afterall.

>> No.24046031

Nice sister

>> No.24046032

I opened up Korone's publicly released one and it's 100K triangles. (Though MMD models don't always import correctly so it might be off).

>> No.24046033

20th june 2100JST

>> No.24046034

I would make some shitty memes if Miko was there but she isn't

>> No.24046035

Watch out, Haato likes incest. She might try and get you and your sister together.

>> No.24046037
Quoted by: >>24046097

Na, Miko still plays along with it. She's accepted and adapted to the changing times.

Sora is still sticking with her idol image and is trying her darndest to make it work.

>> No.24046038

all of them

>> No.24046039

I have seen him reply to a number of females outside of Hololive now you mention it, Haneru and Seto Miyako but I think I have seen some others too. Smart move to be honest, probably hoping for collabs with females from other places as a way to get more viewers. The fans of other companies aren't going to get mad about it as much so its the easier way to get your name out there.

>> No.24046040

I want to have sex with Shion while Matsuri watches

>> No.24046041

Shion thought her original design was too lewd for a while but she's accepted her fate as a lewd girl.

>> No.24046042

I think she's just pulling the tank top down so she looks thinner.

>> No.24046043
Quoted by: >>24046057

You fell into Haachama’s trap of acting retarded on purpose to be funny while getting rightfully bullied.

>> No.24046044


>> No.24046047

are all the holos drawn by different people?

>> No.24046049

Ironic considering she may be the purest.

>> No.24046051

thanks anon

>> No.24046052

Why Matsuri?

>> No.24046053

No, YAGOO draws them all.

>> No.24046054


>> No.24046056
Quoted by: >>24046082

This but the other way around

>> No.24046057

Is it a trap if you throw yourself knowingly into it? Probably, but everyone is happy then.

>> No.24046061

>Implying that's a bad thing

>> No.24046062

Ai is gone. Nico and Haruka who? All the Holos worship Sora. Cover has gotten the "New Age" idolatry market cornered.

>> No.24046063

Probably the most likely to join in.

>> No.24046066

So she can critique me

>> No.24046068

I want to have sex with Matsuri while Aqua watches

>> No.24046073
Quoted by: >>24046083

She ate 2 cups and puked on 1.

>> No.24046075
File: 1.04 MB, 1162x794, miomiso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio doesn't like Mio in general.

>> No.24046077
Quoted by: >>24046103

>Nico and Haruka who?
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you're pretending to be retarded and not that this is your 3rd visit to /jp/ ever.

>> No.24046079

ai got 100k subs on both channels recently

>> No.24046080

At least she's still trying to keep the balance and is still refusing to join the shitposters.

>> No.24046082

watches Shion while Coco with sex have to want I

>> No.24046083

She was also drinking fucking cola. There's tons of fluids that could have potentially come up.

>> No.24046084
Quoted by: >>24046551

>Other than Flare, which Holos do you think hate their design?
What makes you think Flare hate her design?

>> No.24046085
File: 1.56 MB, 1584x1080, 20200531_204520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dog just broke into my house, I'm freaking out, what the fuck should I do?

>> No.24046088

Rape her
[spoilers] with her consent ofc [/spoilers]

>> No.24046089

Godbless our Haachama

>> No.24046090

Give her your yubis

>> No.24046091
Quoted by: >>24046109

How did you fuck that up

>> No.24046092
File: 197 KB, 1684x1191, 1587883214925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046093

Yubi yubi

>> No.24046094
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1590562672086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

>> No.24046095
File: 438 KB, 465x560, 1559812079665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of North Korea!

>> No.24046097
Quoted by: >>24046107

Current Miko is a shadow of what Cover originally intended for the character. She was supposed to rival Ai and the whole thing just fell flat.

>> No.24046098

She was drinking milk and ate one cup and part of the second one.

>> No.24046101
Quoted by: >>24047488

New cover tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtQSA2ZFYw0

>> No.24046102
File: 1009 KB, 608x926, la torre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got ya bro

>> No.24046104

She's bland, the Holos with the most success are the ones with the strongest personalities.

>> No.24046103

W-what if it is

>> No.24046105
Quoted by: >>24046111

And milk, and jelly, and water, and yogurt...

>> No.24046107
Quoted by: >>24046160

Miko is in a better place than Ai at least in live viewership and company wise, she's above average in holo which is good enough

>> No.24046108

Colaaaaaa co-pomf

>> No.24046109


>> No.24046110


>> No.24046111

Suddenly the rainbow puke art may not be so far fetched after all.

>> No.24046114

Jesus christ
I love it

>> No.24046115
File: 204 KB, 1467x2048, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying Shion for her services...

>> No.24046116

extremely cute Towa

>> No.24046117

Gracias hermano...

>> No.24046120
File: 844 KB, 676x1000, 1590940546585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare will destroy america for the glory of the eternal leader kim jong un!

>> No.24046122

Coco again?

>> No.24046125

Ironically its because of how untouchable she is that she has issues gaining popularity. She's too perfect, even other holos treat her super formally due to her seniority and therefore are afraid to collab with her.

>> No.24046126

10/10 would pay again.

>> No.24046128


>> No.24046129

the leaning Towa of Pizza...

>> No.24046131
File: 340 KB, 408x656, 1576662129389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Flare smells nice. She looks really soft. Imagine how warm her skin is. I want to hug her. I want to hug Flare.

>> No.24046132
File: 53 KB, 429x417, 1578298225473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's leaning because of the weight she has to carry.

>> No.24046135
Quoted by: >>24046145

Miko married and kissed her but Miko probably doesn't feel the divide as strongly.

>> No.24046136

Sora is a very confused grandma

>> No.24046137

I would definitely pay Shion to wear some normal clothes for once. Yes, please.

>> No.24046139
File: 73 KB, 755x955, 1579217971271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why anyone would like Mio. She's just FBK without the energy mixed with Noel without the menhera and boobs. She's plain as fuck and doesn't even have a gimmick outside pandering towards Oedipus complex people.


>> No.24046146


>> No.24046145

They're pretty close because Sora's papa adopted Mikoti.

>> No.24046147

YAGOO This hoodie right here, the man needs it.

>> No.24046148
File: 144 KB, 1500x500, 1573475202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Lack draw females?

>> No.24046152
File: 474 KB, 419x650, 1589245817154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's great with Subaru and I like Subaru so I like Mio.

>> No.24046154
Quoted by: >>24046165

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21LFYWHVGdE Flare [Cooking Simulator]

>> No.24046158


>> No.24046159
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1585805983615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046160
Quoted by: >>24046173

anybody who watched Ai before the clones know she had low numbers when it comes to live viewers compared to other vtubers over 100k subs

>> No.24046161
Quoted by: >>24046268

Flare would have looked nice if she had normal ears.
I hate pointy elf ears.

>> No.24046163

I think shion is one of the more girly and innocent of the holos too which makes it funny how unintentionally lewd she is just cause of her design.

>> No.24046164
File: 383 KB, 392x390, 1588669018893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046165
File: 336 KB, 455x1000, freru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046166
Quoted by: >>24046177

Roberu gacha

>> No.24046167

a-at least she still has azki

>> No.24046172

She's probably in the half of the holos that bathe regularly.

>> No.24046173
Quoted by: >>24046323

Out of all the Ai clones Miko is sucessfull in her own way and even Ai-chan isn't in that good of a place right now

>> No.24046174

will El Italiano Primo ever be allowed to collab with Flare?

>> No.24046175
File: 44 KB, 299x576, EZWz902VAAAc0XJ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet her armpits spark and smell of smoky quinoline scent when she exposes her armpits, haha

>> No.24046176

What has Noel got besides the menhera and boobs?

>> No.24046177
Quoted by: >>24046184

I don't dislike the homos because they're guys, I dislike them because they play awful games and do nothing to make themselves be interesting.

>> No.24046178

More boobs.

>> No.24046180
File: 44 KB, 600x900, 1583948105782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Che cazzo fai?

>> No.24046181
Quoted by: >>24046969

Anyone else feeling lonely? What are some prime Holo ASMR to listen to and feel someone else's presence?

>> No.24046182

Her nice voice.

>> No.24046183

Eh, I like all three granted I am a lolicon.

>> No.24046184

Shien tho...

>> No.24046185
Quoted by: >>24046196

Her music does alright at least, she had the second best selling album released by a solo vtuber last year and her mini album this year performed decently. Azki on the other hand.

>> No.24046187
Quoted by: >>24046219


>> No.24046189

I like the style but the fucking symmetry is just so symmetrized. The artist has some serious OCD.

>> No.24046190
File: 231 KB, 1365x2017, __grey_wolf_kemono_friends_drawn_by_ransusan__3f29bf637b77cf9b690db0a0b2e75f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Grey Wolf from Kemono Friends

>> No.24046196
Quoted by: >>24046209

Does Azki even care about popularity

>> No.24046200
File: 1.21 MB, 350x278, 20200531_210018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046205

No Aqua!

>> No.24046209
Quoted by: >>24046215

She's been trying out more new content recently in addition to singing streams and music premiers. She has had a semi regular video game stream with Sora and a movie livewatch stream with others recently.

>> No.24046210

This makes me want to see an idiot sandwich Aqua.

>> No.24046211
File: 780 KB, 774x1000, 1570188247980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046241

Stop... Using... Oven... Memes!

>> No.24046212

Coco being scouted makes sense. She has a pretty good vtube channel before being Coco.

>> No.24046215
Quoted by: >>24046242

Really? Oh that's nice, she seems to be in the Sora bubble instead of interacting with everyone like Sui did, I wonder if her and Sora feel old

>> No.24046217
Quoted by: >>24046227

Should be Aki

>> No.24046219
Quoted by: >>24046249

Why aren't they making fun of her singing? Her singing sounds like she's sucking someone's dick lol

>> No.24046220
Quoted by: >>24046251

Is aqua really that short?

>> No.24046222


God I love this trio. Takes me back.

>> No.24046223
Quoted by: >>24046248

>She's too perfect
current hololive is all about streaming vidya or zatsudan for hours daily and she's extremely generic and boring.
supachas and merchandise makes way more money than music.

>> No.24046227
File: 786 KB, 1912x3092, 1579550818951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046241

Please leave my alien khazar waifu out of this

>> No.24046229
Quoted by: >>24046271

Our son is so lucky

>> No.24046234
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1590811852731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046241
Quoted by: >>24046260

When are you getting your redesign?

>> No.24046242

I would guess they are trying their best to fill the new expected role for v-tubers being more of an all around entertainer rather than being highly specialized into niches. With AZKi I think she still has her music as her primary creative output with almost weekly new songs, covers or singing streams but at least she is still gaining a decent amount of new subscribers every week.

>> No.24046248
Quoted by: >>24046380

If we are talking about one girl, then an album that sold really well could very well make 100 million in a couple of weeks without even thinking about the concerts and merchandise that would likely go along with it. Even the top superchat earners are only making like 5-6 million a month after google takes its cut.

>> No.24046249

They make fun of it all the time.

>> No.24046251

Aqua is fat and a midget

>> No.24046255
File: 245 KB, 1944x1200, 1590631330895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute reptilian.

>> No.24046256
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1587061140349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046335

Haachama is my girlfriend. Every day she wakes up, makes me breakfast, and rides me like a horse. Pumping pounds of prostate pudding into this cutie is heavenly. She climaxes and lets out a lewd "HAACHAMA-CHAMA~" while her pussy tightens around me and milks me like a cow. As she's streaming my cum is still dripping out and making a big mess all over her expensive gamer chair. This little baka slut with a cute little butt makes me the happiest man on earth.

>> No.24046260

I was filtered by the design too at first but she's just too pure not to like. Removing the hairpins(?) and Rayman ponytails would be jarring now

>> No.24046262
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1590675015624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently nintendo is only going to allow Nijisanji chuubas to turn superchat on Nintendo games

>> No.24046264

I really think Subaru needs a new outfit.

honestly there's so many different styles that would fit her. I want to take her on a date and go to the mall with her. we'd go to all the different stores, at first she'd be a little reluctant to be spending the entire day trying on and buying new outfits but after a few minutes she'd start to get really into it, going around the store excitedly picking out new outfits. She'd be trying on different styles, ranging from typical tomboy attire with shorts for when we go on active dates together, to more girly and mature outfits like cute miniskirts and evening gowns. Eventually we'd have arms filled with clothes and start to head back home. On the way back though I'd tell her I have a surprise for her and ask her to put a blind fold on, naturally she'd oblige happily, wondering what could be in store for her. I'd park at a nearby building and take her hand, leading her inside and sitting her down in a chair. Before she realizes it I'd strap her down so she could leave and undo the blindfold. She'd immediately be greeted with her own face as she looks into a large mirror displaying the both of us as I stand about her bound body. She'd start to struggle, not understanding what was going on, but I'd tell her to relax and just wait for the real action. Then, I'd go through, and starting with individual strands, I'd start to rip her hair out by the roots. Eventually moving to large chunks, she'd scream as I rip out chunkful of hair, in part due to the pain, but more in the humiliation and despair that someone she loved is abusing her in such a way. Eventually her crying would stop and I'd be left with the last bit of hair on her now bald scalp. Then I'd take all the clothes we bought throughout the day and put them on over her so she should see it in the mirror, telling her how stupid it looks on a bald dumbass like her. Afterwards I'd rub her head with oil telling her how proud I am of her for getting through all of it. I'd then untie her and lift her over my shoulder in a fireman carry, carrying her out the backdoor before tossing her into the dumpster, right where she belongs

>> No.24046267

Our son likes onee-chans doesn't he?

>> No.24046268
File: 578 KB, 645x749, 1584259648256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046277


>> No.24046271

Damn rate up in that game is so bad. He only got one copy of that Meguru.

>> No.24046275
Quoted by: >>24046284

He wants to be the little boy.

>> No.24046276
File: 431 KB, 900x684, 1588866215138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... She's completely helpess at western cooking, isn't she?
Or is it cooking simulator that's weird? She didn't even have to remove the seeds from the capsicum.

>> No.24046277

literally 10x better

>> No.24046280

Is this a new thing? Okayu's Paper Mario streams had no problem.

>> No.24046283


>> No.24046284


>> No.24046285
Quoted by: >>24046471

>set in the middle of a forest, a stereotypical place for suicides in Japan
>the way Kanata swings shows that she's clearly being supported by her neck, and he even went through the trouble of animating at the joints so you know it's no accident
>apologizes for the video being inappropriate but still links to it
He's not fooling anybody.

>> No.24046302

Thank you again for what you do

>> No.24046303
File: 1.02 MB, 2500x3000, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046318

>> No.24046304

Truly, a man's man.

There's a flow to your writing, just hooks you into finishing it.

>> No.24046306
Quoted by: >>24046325

Dunno how that works people are going crazy about it in the anti thread

>> No.24046308

I thought matsuri had stopped liking fumihiko's stuff, but she liked every single one of his posts yesterday

>> No.24046317

Those games are old and busted so Nintendo probably doesn't care.
She said she might stream Origami King when it's out; if she does you can bet your ass she's going to do it without SC.

>> No.24046318


>> No.24046323

>Ai-chan isn't in that good of a place right now
I don't know what you mean by that

>> No.24046325
Quoted by: >>24046347

Well, so much for her streaming the new one then. I'm assuming it's only first party nintendo games, but I guess AC is dead forever now.

>> No.24046330

Okayu's just crazy enough to do that too. She'd probably rather just have a good time.

>> No.24046335
File: 16 KB, 314x177, EKbebE2UUAAex8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046399

incorrect, Haato is my wife. Every morning I wake up next to her feet by my face because she sleeps like a fucking weirdo. She wakes up and makes burnt toast and eggs but she refuses to eat it because she'll throw up if she tried to.

>> No.24046337
Quoted by: >>24046452

Coco is out of touch on what makes the top hologirls entertaining to watch (genuine first time reactions to the game) that she comes out as a super tryhard with her attempts at entertaining. Her frequency of clickbait zatsudan increased to compensate her lost of viewership and sub rate.

>> No.24046340
Quoted by: >>24046361

why does Flare sound like a gremlin?
is she in character?

>> No.24046345
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, miko_zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please refrain from posting about disgusting topics such as moona's armpit, suisei's sweaty spats, haato's vomit, and flare.

>> No.24046347

Let's hope it's only a superchat thing, not being able to stream nintendo games will hurt everyone

>> No.24046352


>> No.24046353

I like Flare

>> No.24046355

I really want to know what Subaru looks like. Not for horny reasons but I just can't imagine what kind of human face would go with that voice.

>> No.24046357
File: 1.77 MB, 302x324, 20200531_212248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046363


>> No.24046358

>and flare

>> No.24046361
File: 137 KB, 947x997, 1590460337498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refrain from saying such things.

>> No.24046363

Cute elephant foot.

>> No.24046365
File: 1.01 MB, 1253x707, 1590714382438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like Subaru's voice

>> No.24046366

that doesn't make sense given how many youtubers already stream Nintendo games and have superchat/donations enabled. It's not Nintendo's fault you aren't getting any superchats FBK...

>> No.24046367

I'd rather know what her day is like. I can imagine the others just sleep a lot but subaru seems more normal so I wonder if she's doing anything. She mentions dance lessons occasionally.

>> No.24046368

ikenai ikenai. I was almost about to spacha Roberu since he just kept on scouting.

>> No.24046369

Wasn't Hololive already doing streams of things like AC with superchat on though? Did they just assume it was OK?

>> No.24046374
Quoted by: >>24046393

Anon is just making things up. Just ignore him.

>> No.24046377
File: 166 KB, 846x719, EY4QVKgUcAA4LZn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how happy you would make her...if you supacha'd her...

>> No.24046378
Quoted by: >>24046396

video games are generally considered fair to use for revenue so I doubt nintendo is seriously going after for superchats.

>> No.24046380
Quoted by: >>24046419

Niche music doesn't sell those kind of numbers anymore, especially not generic vtuber idol music where the fans are savvy enough to listen to music for free on streaming services or youtube.

If an album costs 3500 yen, you'd have to sell over 30k to hit 100 million revenue. then the songwriter, producer, labels and publishers, etc. would take their own cut from that and you'd be left with maybe 5-20%.

but like i said, if sora or hololive released an album it probably wouldn't even sell 10k copies.

>> No.24046383
File: 33 KB, 434x238, Screenshot_2020-05-31 🏮みんなの交流場🏮 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046391


>> No.24046387

I never expected Miko to zoom in to a 3dpd's pussy.

>> No.24046389
File: 333 KB, 1184x2392, Kurokami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather supacha her sister

>> No.24046390

You can buy her ASMR for 100 yen.

>> No.24046391
Quoted by: >>24046434

Choco has a stream scheduled for 2023

>> No.24046393

He isn't though.
Nintendo just published new guidelines that specifically mention Ichikara as being a company allowed to monetise their games and it doesn't mention Hololive.

>> No.24046394

Man, everytime I hear the Saga Jihen cover I can't help but laugh.
It's so fucking bad

>> No.24046396


The nintendo statement, it's on Q9

>> No.24046397
File: 1.15 MB, 2500x1300, EXf3hreU4AAc3rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Shion will be able to keep the cat and dog alive today in Apex.

>> No.24046398
File: 25 KB, 369x381, 43w5xeycrui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she wouldn't, since she doesn't even bother to read them out or say thank you.

>> No.24046399
Quoted by: >>24046459

>Haato making eggs
I don't think she's THAT stupid anon...

>> No.24046401 [DELETED] 

>wake up
>thread complete shit like usual
But muh ausfags are the worst on the site, get fucked

>> No.24046410

shut the fuck up kangaroo jack

>> No.24046412
File: 263 KB, 1500x1060, 1588944692301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're saying that like it's something unusual.

>> No.24046414
Quoted by: >>24046426

It literally says they won't go after streamers.

>> No.24046416
File: 83 KB, 853x480, HoloEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24046417

This thread is filled with equally horrible people at all hours. The only difference is whether or not they have chuubas to keep them occupied.

>> No.24046419

Nijisanji released one album this year that got over 20k, and another that got 16k first week and might still increase more. I think its perfectly possible for Hololive to match that or do better.

>> No.24046421
File: 4 KB, 334x59, 1588640734963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046423

Hololive is irrelevant

>> No.24046424

So they might start to enforce this soon if they are planning to build exclusive partnerships with the listed companies.

>> No.24046426

I think they say they will go after corporate streamers? Isn't that why they added Ichikara in the list of exceptions

>> No.24046431
Quoted by: >>24046451

Dude, it's like noon Aussie time. Of course they're on here shitposting.

>> No.24046430

Only Roberu and Flare are streaming. Their fans don't feel like discussing the stream content here.

>> No.24046434

That's the freechat stream that she uses to publish her weekly schedule.

>> No.24046435

Dont show this to Risu

>> No.24046436
File: 265 KB, 1525x2048, EW7gBq5U8AIvYbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm going to wake up to a happy Kanatan's stream and not a twitter message with an apology. I just want to leave this shitty weakend behind and hear her voice again. Her asacoco segment didn't help one bit. G'night!

>> No.24046438

Is this a shitty joke asmr or an attempt at a real one?

>> No.24046439

This damn thing cursed me with liking fatties for the rest of my life.

>> No.24046441


>> No.24046443

Looking at Q9 it does seem to say that only people attached to these organizations are allowed to use the rules above for individuals.

>> No.24046444

I'll donate you
In argentinian pesos

>> No.24046445

Adidas tracksuit cosplay?!

>> No.24046446

Fix'd that for you.

>> No.24046447

Its saying corporate streamers don't follow the above rules and have to follow a different set of rules (doesn't say that they're banned from profiting or streaming)

Its a toss up if they consider people like holo or niji to be "corporate" or if they're more implying larger studios who're more ripping off their material rather than just streaming it. From what the guidelines say it sounds like they don't care about monetization from things like vtubers because its specifically called out as creative content.

>> No.24046449
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1583405382540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Tenshibro

>> No.24046450
Quoted by: >>24046462

I didn't believe it so I read it myself. Ichikara gets special treatment holy shit

>> No.24046451

Its only 11:30 in the part that matters, everyone else is either wageslaving, still sleeping or out to stock up on piss for a night of funposting

>> No.24046452
Quoted by: >>24046477

her zatsudan are the third highest viewed stream behind asacoco and her ark streams

>> No.24046456

Wait isn't the Gen 1 collab at 18:00 jp time? Are they really sure they can stop the collab after 1 hour?

>> No.24046458
Quoted by: >>24046473

All this is just guidelines towards streaming and monetizing content for the game, not saying "ONLY THESE PEOPLE CAN MONETIZE"

>> No.24046459

Never underestimate Haachama's stupidity

>> No.24046462

Ichikara is listed probably because Nijisanji management is actually competent and got on top of the issue as soon as it came up. Hololive isn't mentioned because Yagoo is a hack fraud who can't do anything wrong and is too busy trying to find a way to rape Mel instead of getting in touch with Nintendo about this.

>> No.24046464


>> No.24046466

>can't do anything right*
I'm a retard.

>> No.24046467
Quoted by: >>24046529

oh no no no no bros nijishits got recognized by japan's bgigest gaming company, are holochuubas about to get fucked?!

>> No.24046470
Quoted by: >>24046510

I literally do not understand the point of this. Especially because I am EOP but I feel the same way about EN ASMR.

>> No.24046471
Quoted by: >>24046542

>tfw this is all an elaborate plan to bring Coco down

>> No.24046473

It first sets out what individuals streamers can do. Then says that those rules do not apply to corporations or individuals attached to corporations, with the exception of those attached to the companies in the list which have the same guidelines as individuals.

>> No.24046474

You do know HoloEN is going to branch company like Nintendo of American is to main Nintendo branch

>> No.24046477

Zatsudan: clickbait that wasnt serious at all
Asacoco: meme

Actual solo gaming stream:only 6k lmao

>> No.24046479


>> No.24046485

Can they still stream with the superchat turned off or can't they play the games at all?

>> No.24046486

that's not the same thing as "THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO MONETIZE"

>> No.24046487

subscribing to every holo!
spending hours watching each one!
unsubscribing from Luna because she is fucking horrible!

>> No.24046491

>Deliver literally 2 french fries
>3.5 stars

>> No.24046498
File: 16 KB, 239x211, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046501

Blessed Flare laughter.

>> No.24046506

I believe they were undercooked fusili

>> No.24046508

Which one out of the three made them cancel the collab I wonder?

>> No.24046509

>tfw no Flare gf to lovingly cook you dinner poorly

>> No.24046510

Oddly enough there are a lot of wordless ASMR content in youtube which suggests that the effect is not tied to a particular language.

>> No.24046511
Quoted by: >>24046523


>> No.24046522

Hololive and companies not listed are given different guidelines. The "corporation" question here is saying that the companies listed negotiated (at the time of them posting this) terms that give them similar guidelines to independent streamers. Hololive is likely still allowed to monetize their videos and streams and receive superchats, but they have to follow a different guidelines than Niji does.

>> No.24046523

Damn it's been a while.

>> No.24046528

what could be the appeal of this, haha

>> No.24046529

>Q9. Is it possible for a corporation to post Nintendo's copyrighted game material under these guidelines?
>A9. These guidelines apply to the posting of Nintendo's game works by individual customers. Submissions made by organizations such as corporations or as part of the business of the organization to which the contributor belongs are not subject to these guidelines. However, contributors belonging to the following legal entities with which a separate agreement has been signed may make contributions using Nintendo's copyrighted game material in the same way as individual customers, even if the contributions are made as part of the business of the organization to which they belong, in accordance with these guidelines. (6/1/2020 Postscript.)
>・UUUM Corporation (including Yoshimoto Kogyo affiliates)
>・Sony Music Marketing Inc.
>・Tokyo Sangyo Shimbun Inc. (Gadget News)
>・Ichikara Corporation


>> No.24046533

It's normal for companies to have branches in different countries to retain their IP.

>> No.24046534

fox is too rich to care

>> No.24046537

No way to tell really, wait and see but the Nijisanji members have all been streaming with it off up until now on the newer games. So I assume at the very least Hololive should still be able to do that without any contract to monetise.

>> No.24046542
Quoted by: >>24046583

By whom, Coco? She's the one making the news, did she not check her own material before airing? And she obviously won't touch the subject again so that half-assed made up "apology" by her editor is going to be the end of it.

>> No.24046548

Even is it's only 20 cents like the Argentinian chads?

>> No.24046551

The assumption being because she has never stopped wearing the new year outfit when the others don't use them much any more.

The boob window costume is still there for the 3D debut....whenever that happens.

If Flare just wants to keep that outfit for 3D stuff then let it be.

>> No.24046560
Quoted by: >>24046566

You seem butthurt, what’s the matter anon?

>> No.24046561

What the hell is Flare trying to do with the spatula and the meat right now?

>> No.24046563
Quoted by: >>24046565

Shes trying to position it on the plate so it looks nice

>> No.24046565
Quoted by: >>24046571

Do you get extra points for "plating"?

>> No.24046566
Quoted by: >>24046627

You cocotards seem butthurt to me when you quickly defend her

>> No.24046567
File: 250 KB, 594x474, logan lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046568

She was trying to get the presentation right. Now it's got cold food on the plate. This is infuriating.

>> No.24046569

>Kitchen tongs just lying on the floor

>> No.24046571

no just for if you followed the recipe shes just being autistic

>> No.24046573

she's autistic
please andast

>> No.24046574

>Bunnyland Pepsicola

>> No.24046575

I feel like Flare is often overshadowed by the rest of the 4th gen.
What's her biggest appeal?

>> No.24046578

Being Noel's partner. That's it

>> No.24046579

Same thing as Towa

Low viewership and supachas so you are more likely to get shoutouts/interaction

>> No.24046581
File: 37 KB, 406x411, 1587503037530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046596

>asacoco's CMs predict future hololive reveals/drama
>PPT suicide today

>> No.24046583

>her editor
That's not her editor, it's just a fan who made the video and sent it for her to use on Asacoco.

>> No.24046584


>> No.24046585

I have been told by a Flare anon that she tends to take care of her fans well, responds and interacts with them on twitter a lot.

>> No.24046587
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1590904920067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth is this woman doing in the kitchen

>> No.24046590

Minecraft Holoserver is really back. Thank you Aqua-sama.

I do hope Kanata is really feeling better today.

>> No.24046591
Quoted by: >>24046634


>> No.24046593
File: 635 KB, 2048x1783, 1589669016694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanatan loves Towa...!

>> No.24046594

NoA is nothing more than a marketing, distribution and localization branch. All the decisions are still taken at the main HQ in Japan.

>> No.24046595 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 511x364, 1590976898709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonchama!!! You're dinner is ready! I hope you like it... I worked really hard on it.


>> No.24046596
Quoted by: >>24047441

>Hanged high
>on a overreaching branch
>no ladder
Suicide... Riiiiiiight.

>> No.24046599
Quoted by: >>24046605

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ummIujoUgd8 Towa PoV

>> No.24046601


Eat it of course.

>> No.24046602
File: 34 KB, 95x124, pits of lust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat it all and then finish the meal with some dessert, pic related.

>> No.24046603
File: 77 KB, 634x900, EX00qbAVAAApGKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, seeing the festival's roommate post shower without make up yesterday vs her make up prepped look today... I think she looks cuter without it, and would probably look her best with lighter application instead of the cake up

>> No.24046605

It's in 4 hours. Why are you posting this now? PPTenshi might not even be showing up.

>> No.24046609
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1588699512429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit today's Asacoco was fucking wild.

>> No.24046614

She's best in reading a woman's heart. She could swoon every hololive chuubas she collabed with in just a matter of minutes by just talking with them. That might be the reason why despite being the least popular in gen 3, she's literally digging easy gold in her zatsudan streams. Most of her paypigs were rich, insecure middle aged lesbians.

>> No.24046616

It's odd watching a Cooking Simulator stream ending with the kitchen not a fiery inferno or looking like a tornado's aftermath.

>> No.24046619
File: 372 KB, 1920x1920, 1573040200531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24046620
Quoted by: >>24046637

If Lyger was planning on translating this looks like he got cucked by HLM

>> No.24046622

she's not very good at doing makeup
cute forehead though

>> No.24046623
File: 818 KB, 3840x2160, 1569297548128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24046625

i just woke up, any narratives?

>> No.24046627

Hope your day gets better anon.

>> No.24046633
File: 696 KB, 3840x2160, 1569637018073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24046634
File: 1.33 MB, 1191x1684, 1590114932627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046660

This video just proves Aqua is the best after all.

>> No.24046635

aqua wears the crown now and FBK left for korea

>> No.24046636 [SPOILER] 
File: 500 KB, 1067x1600, 1590977306600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is still a faggot, including you.

>> No.24046637

oh no no no, we have to help our guy out

>> No.24046641

Watch today's Asacoco first

>> No.24046656
Quoted by: >>24046761

More males than females in her streams desu. I think she appeals to herbivorous males because she's strong and to manly men because she's not weak.

>> No.24046657
File: 162 KB, 850x664, 328C9702-EBDB-4AD7-84AD-D2219B9AB40D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AsaCoco is back

>> No.24046658

PPT stepped out of line and was hung by the gen4 cabal who made it look like a suicide. The sad thing is she wasn't actually trying to go against their secret rules, she just missed some of them because the speaker walked around to her deaf side.

>> No.24046660

>esports mindset and redbull
lads I like aqua now

>> No.24046664
File: 1.40 MB, 566x666, 1567860202922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046669
Quoted by: >>24046681

The guy looks like he could be a party member in a JRPG.

>> No.24046672
Quoted by: >>24046712


>> No.24046677
Quoted by: >>24046690

senchou has the cutest laugh

>> No.24046679

How did Korone peirce through her gaurd though. She looked pretty vulnerable during that stream.

>> No.24046681

pizza dad looks almost exactly like sojiro from persona 5 with the hat on

>> No.24046682
Quoted by: >>24046722

Nintendo slapped YAGOO in front of Nijisanji and told him his idols can no longer stream Nintendo games

>> No.24046684


>> No.24046686

Coco lives in the slums and all of her superchat money goes towards Yakuza debt and not the Holohouse.

>> No.24046687

Perfect Pendulum Tenshi!!!

>> No.24046690

I feel the same way. I've heard her laugh a lot and it's easily the most pleasant laugh out of everyone in Hololive. Super, super cute.

>> No.24046694
File: 1.24 MB, 760x424, 1565710828446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24046697

haha very funny facebook meme

>> No.24046699

that's more than enough food for me so i'd eat it

>> No.24046701
File: 257 KB, 383x463, secretly, shes upset that her right pantleg keeps getting stuck up at her knee and it makes her leg cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048271

>> No.24046705

Towaiting 4 hours

>> No.24046706

Funny noise reddit doggo LOL

>> No.24046712

this but japanese, too bad schools dont even attempt to make you care about learning the language or try to even though its forced through all of primary school

>> No.24046716

I'm a Towafag and I'm excited too but let's not spam Towaiting for 4 hours and instead find other things to talk about.

>> No.24046717

does anyone else think vtubers singing is cringe

i wish they'd just play vidya and not try to be idols

>> No.24046722
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1590674720056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046756

>all companies except these ones can stream nintendo games
>but you can still do it as individuals *wink* *wink

Those Nijisanji fuckers got us good

>> No.24046725

heres your (you) now fuck off

>> No.24046727
Quoted by: >>24046754

Nice try self proclaim Towafag, the real Towafag will post Towaiting even though the stream not start yet

>> No.24046730
File: 86 KB, 473x587, 1590439911730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046731
Quoted by: >>24046813

i would enjoy it more if they stopped singing the same 10 vocaloid songs every stream someone please get them to do symphogear songs

>> No.24046736

I don't enjoy the singing no matter how good or bad it is so I just don't watch it.

>> No.24046739
Quoted by: >>24046759

>Even Towatards are getting tired of their cancerous low IQ spam


>> No.24046745

Konyapi! Towaiting!

>> No.24046751

I was looking at the guidelines for sending presents and what exactly are you supposed to send? Almost everything you can think of is banned.

>> No.24046752 [DELETED] 
File: 961 KB, 1294x729, 54d6cf5b40ce015c153786f1c0bf7f7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gumi do homework at the end of her streams? She's not really a little girl, is she?

>> No.24046754
File: 11 KB, 470x64, 1580186013730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047209

>post Towaiting even though the stream not start yet
You can't exactly be Towaiting if the stream has already started, anon...

>> No.24046755

Towa-sama so perfect

>> No.24046756

We can't even blame Nijisanji here. Nindendo owns the IP and they have the upper hand in these negotiations. Nijisanji naturally would want to negotiate something with Nintendo and managed to get special exceptions. Cover fucked up by not negotiating their own exception.

>> No.24046759

I know how annoyed I get when people spam HAACHAMA for 100 posts so I don't want other people to have to deal with that.

>> No.24046760


>> No.24046761

Oh, you're right. I checked her channel analytics a while ago, and I'm surprised she's actually more popular with males aged 13-17. I'm more surprised on the analytics of every Gen 4 members though. Compared to the earlier generations who has a predominant male viewers, Gen 4's male and female viewers are almost equal.

>> No.24046769

I like Gumi but I think you've go the wrong thread anon

>> No.24046773

Towafag need to shut up

>> No.24046776

I caught up on Subaru's Nier Automata stream. The part where she had to choose between playing as A2 or 9S during the final fight was full of despair and it made me smile.

>> No.24046784
Quoted by: >>24046823

That's absolute nonsense if you are taking it from noxinfluencer or whatever. Literally just made up. Unless the streamer themselves has shown it or said it you might as well make it up. Even the most popular males among Nijisanji only have 20-30% female viewers when they show their actual statistics.

>> No.24046786
File: 3.55 MB, 311x498, hips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046787

That site is bullshit the only people who have acess to that information is the chuuba themselves Coco said she has 5% if you go compare that it's most likely different

>> No.24046788


>> No.24046790
Quoted by: >>24046800

Let's discuss the pros and cons of having a Choco wife.

>> No.24046794


>Not [Deleted]

Why is meido like this?

>> No.24046795 [SPOILER] 
File: 511 KB, 2048x2624, 1590978642519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora W O M B

>> No.24046797
Quoted by: >>24046824

I wanted to see her cry but automata is more tiring than sad.

>> No.24046800
Quoted by: >>24046868

There are cons?

>> No.24046801


>> No.24046804

This along with her despair of losing her save file was precious.

>> No.24046806

Meido = Based

>> No.24046813

I swear Hololive likes to sing vocaloid and anime songs. It might be due to them are so into otaku stuff and being NND content creators before.
I also watched other vtubers who does karaoke and it isn't as prevalent as them.

>> No.24046815

This was deliberate. The swaying should look a lot different if she was suspended from the waist.

>> No.24046817

Luna is 35.

>> No.24046819

I think the limited pool of songs is to do with monetisation.

>> No.24046820

no she's 19

>> No.24046823

That's why I'm suprised though. I have an impression that Flare attracted more older audience due to her zatsudan. So does the Gen 4. Unless their male audiences are more casual than gachikoi unlike the previous gens.

>> No.24046824

She was tweeting about wanting to play it again.

>> No.24046828
Quoted by: >>24046936

Nobodies streaming.

>> No.24046836

I don't think that's the age of maturity for whatever species she is.

>> No.24046838
File: 419 KB, 839x753, pissed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24046839
Quoted by: >>24046884

Coming up at the top of the next hour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzXgnQFFP94 Choco [Ar...APEX?!!!]

>> No.24046840

yea that all makes more sense, considering okayus stream last week got nuked within 10 minutes and i still dont even know what song caused it

>> No.24046843

This. If you want to do a karaoke stream you usually would have to put the music that accompanies the song so it helps with pacing and sets the mood. With youtube having laser fucking sight for this type of shit they are limited in what they can sing with music. I know Towa did one not too long ago and didnt put music up because of this exact reason

>> No.24046844

I'm not sure you understood my point. The figures on those sites are not reflective of reality at all. You shouldn't use them in any capacity to form your impressions of who is or isn't watching anybody because they aren't even slightly accurate. Not even for male/female divides let alone age groups.

>> No.24046845

minecraft with towa and kanata
this could be the comfiest stream of 2020

>> No.24046846
Quoted by: >>24046860

It's actually vast than you think, just see one of Leona's karaoke stream.

>> No.24046848

That site is inaccurate af, you can only get age and gender demographics from yt channel owners

>> No.24046851

So, what if you finish the game and just open a zatsudan stream after with the superchat turned on?

>> No.24046852
File: 1.08 MB, 800x800, 1590264950581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the gulag

>> No.24046857
Quoted by: >>24046864

I'm watching Pekora DQ5 archive and it's killing me how much shit she's selling instead of just killing few monsters for money.
Normally people don't play like that right?

>> No.24046858


>> No.24046859

>roberu doing a zatzudan now instead of zelda
this is not YEAAAAH

>> No.24046860
Quoted by: >>24046892

It might be but I assume they are going from that pool to start with, then filtering it for songs they know/can do within their ability that their audience will know and enjoy which likely significantly narrows it down.

>> No.24046864

when you have a limited as fuck inventory i dont think it matters

>> No.24046865
Quoted by: >>24046878

You'll come off as a gold-digger that's what.

>> No.24046866

Matsuri has some core songs but my experience with her last several weeks of singing streams is mostly different songs, the most obvious shift is she hasn't sung any songs from the songs she sang with Hoshikawa since. Judging by her tweets since then I think she's finally over Sara (though not without pain)

>> No.24046868

Yes, for instance, not having an Aki wife.

>> No.24046872
File: 1.42 MB, 4092x2893, 1566847126309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046973

>towa collabs
>I can't watch it because its at 2 am
I'm still happy for you Towa! I hope you get akasuupas!

>> No.24046873
Quoted by: >>24046957

Anyone else reminded of Doufus?

>> No.24046877
File: 370 KB, 1528x1825, 57MKW3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Towa given such an edgy character? If there's a reason why her voice doesn't fit her character is because she's a huge dork that's the opposite of a demon.
>Tfw no mean-looking-but-pure-hearted schoolgirl character for Towa

>> No.24046878

Winter_Leaf would be happy

>> No.24046884

Choco that's not how you use a scope this is why you're so bad at killing things you should just stick to being a lover.

>> No.24046886

KABAYAAAAAAAAA!!! The Coco will pay.

>> No.24046887
File: 61 KB, 533x800, 1590439102032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad if Matsuri got over that bitch she deserves way better

>> No.24046888
Quoted by: >>24046898

All the Holos except Luna and Pekora are too dorky to do characters desu

>> No.24046890
Quoted by: >>24046904

>I think she's finally over sara
Just because I don't yell out my love for matsuri every thread doesn't mean I'm over her
It's the same thing anon

>> No.24046892

The problem with the Holo's is that they do mostly do popular songs which are the biggest targets and they don't try to do acapella like Towa to avoid getting the ban hammer.

>> No.24046894

It's the hat, 100% the hat. Towa looked at her character options, saw a hat and said THAT ONE.

>> No.24046897
File: 531 KB, 1064x469, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is S tier

>> No.24046898

I like them both because they are rather dedicated to their characters even when they break it.

>> No.24046899
Quoted by: >>24046916

They could do that but you do lose on potential "at the moment" opportunities. Messages meant for certain moments would lose part of their meaning. An example would be if a character died halfway in the stream and the holo reacted to it significantly. Mentioning it in the money stream wouldnt have the same impact. Others would also be less inclined to donate because they would be drowned in the colors and they want to feel noticed.

>> No.24046903

I think it's endearing, everyone in chat always calls her an angel instead of a devil, and she has to correct them.

>> No.24046904
Quoted by: >>24046927

She mentioned looking for someone when she gets her shit together. I don't doubt lingering feelings but I think she's starting to get a bit more realistic personally

>> No.24046906

God I hope, she can finally impregnate luna now

>> No.24046908
Quoted by: >>24046924

Please remember to support Sora-mama's dream by watching her videos and songs, specially her last cover with Sora blanca!

>> No.24046909
File: 1.50 MB, 1843x1079, bigwatame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sheep not A

>> No.24046911
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1561316216092.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a squirrel?

>> No.24046914
File: 286 KB, 1416x2006, EYykAMjUEAA74DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Tenshibro. I hope so too, but even if it was a sad weekend without her, she definitely got talked about a lot in other streams and I was fortunate enough to have seen those (even appeared in the ARK collab for a very short moment). I love seeing the happy and energetic Kanata so I hope she's feeling better today.

>> No.24046915

I can deal with Towafags, for the most part they're unoffensive and are just autistic faggots.

Lunafags are actively being little shits though and post on twitter, lunafags are probably the faggots that constantly talk about /hlg/ in live chats too.

None of you faggots even liked Luna 2 weeks ago, you just latched unto someone everyone hates for the sake of feeling special.

>> No.24046916
Quoted by: >>24046984

Yeah but if we limit that to Nintendo games it won't be that bad, poor Korone and Okayu though, old nintendo games seem part of their niche

>> No.24046917


>> No.24046921

I mean come on... The one on the right is just a straight up dude. Not even female in the least.

>> No.24046922

only if she piki piki brrrr waduuuuu

>> No.24046923
File: 46 KB, 461x461, 1590750330052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give her the big nut.

>> No.24046924

I've been listening to a lot of this one lately.

her and azki go well together, though not the best pair they're both fantastic.

>> No.24046926

>Twisted Wonderland
noooo fbk your supacha

>> No.24046927
Quoted by: >>24046977

oh? source?
If you have the timestamp as well that'd be nice

>> No.24046928
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, warota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046963


>> No.24046933

>you just latched unto someone everyone hates
She has 147K subscribers, you think everyone is being ironic when they say they like her?

>> No.24046936

Civia and Artia...

>> No.24046935
Quoted by: >>24046955


>> No.24046938

Tower is inclining!

>> No.24046947

wtf she had like 90k a month ago

>> No.24046949

Meido has good taste.

>> No.24046955

Was that being sarcastic?

>> No.24046957
File: 32 KB, 490x400, evangelyne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24046971

You mean the Ankama style? Like Wakfu? Apart from the pointy ears I don't really see it.

>> No.24046958

Are Lunafags the new ''we hate X''?

>> No.24046963
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1589615526801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047057


>> No.24046964

>((no makeup))
>no pores
>those lips
>barely any crows feet
>5,000,000 filters
Holy shit how much faker can Matsuri get? Maybe that's why Hoshikawa hates her.

>> No.24046965

Who the fuck is Aki?
Who the fuck is Ayame?
Who the fuck is AZKi?

>> No.24046966
Quoted by: >>24046986

How can you make such top tier male designs but fuck up female ones that hard?

>> No.24046968

She's a unique character that before I get to like her, I hated her with passion.

>> No.24046969


>> No.24046971

Season 2 > Season 1

>> No.24046973

>towa collab
N-No, our inside joke...

>> No.24046975

>all holos not in S tier

>> No.24046977
Quoted by: >>24047047

Browse her 2nd Twitter account, not gonna look for it because she's retweeted a million fanarts and has streamed since then and my feed is a combo of her 3 accounts (including roommate's). It was yesterday or the day before iirc, but my sense of time is fucked

>> No.24046982

cute artia eating noises

>> No.24046984

Theres also the issue that said method would do one of two things. Increase the time to stream or cut down on overall stream time to accommodate the zatsudan. Suddenly korones typical 12 hour stream gets another hour or two since they have to talk about the game and read off supachas.

>> No.24046986

Lmao lack does this all the time, go look at his art in Fire Emblem Heroes

>> No.24046995

Towa should do APEX collabs but instead of playing the game she should just spectate the girls and give them tips, that way they don't have to get drug into the high rank matches and die and Towa doesn't have to go try hard and scare people off.

>> No.24047004
Quoted by: >>24047034

damn it artia just switch to hololiveEN for us

>> No.24047007

>Sensei is saved from her endless Ark loop with APEX
What kind of monkey's paw shit is this

>> No.24047008

Have you done anything special for Festival's 2nd anniversary, fellow Festival friends?


>> No.24047009

This is the first time I'm early enough to a Choco stream to see her loading screen and it's fucking awful, it goes from nice calm jazz to some electronic farts who okayed this?

>> No.24047014

Towa should suck my dick on stream

>> No.24047021

New narrative: Coco wanted to get into Hololive because of respectable Haato-senpai, but by the time she got the Haachama that sniffs her own feet on stream. Feeling let down and betrayed, Coco decided to bully the Haachama forever.

>> No.24047022
File: 21 KB, 600x250, Artia is a kpop stan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047051

Stop listening to mass-produced garbage, Artia

>> No.24047025

I don't understand why they don't sell a version of Towa's hat as merch. It's super stylish and hits all the right notes.

>> No.24047030

Noel has always been a big girl, btw her older brother has a Bro pass from me.

>> No.24047031

High production cost and it's too special to Towa, she doesn't want to give it away she wants it to be her hat alone.

>> No.24047032

The dream. Imagine being able to bully Haachama for a job

>> No.24047033

She's probably gonna play Valorant now that its releasing this Tuesday.

>> No.24047034

We're sure to get one screaming Twitch girl anyways.

>> No.24047035
Quoted by: >>24047044

How does Choco sensei play games when her eyes are closed half the time

>> No.24047038

Towa IS the hat.

>> No.24047042

I could get behind this narrative. Being disappointed with your idol and being playfully mean in return

>> No.24047044

When you become a master of ASMR you evolve past the need to use your sight and can rely on sounds alone.

>> No.24047045
Quoted by: >>24047059

Choco's upcoming ASMRPEX!

>> No.24047047

you don't mean https://twitter.com/7216_2nd/status/1266548415401357313 right?
because that's just matsuri saying she wants to play with everyone once covid settles down

>> No.24047050

[ENG] Towa : I'm cumming.

>> No.24047051


>> No.24047054

That would imply nips are good at merchandising.

>> No.24047055
File: 41 KB, 231x202, 1586013975484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change my mind.

>> No.24047057


>> No.24047059

Me and my dick want her to do gun cleaning ASMR.

>> No.24047061

>the one EOP telling flips to speak engliish
my sides

>> No.24047062

You guys ARE now watching Choco playing Apex right?

>> No.24047065

That's straight shota material indeed.

>> No.24047066
Quoted by: >>24047090


>> No.24047068
File: 380 KB, 1448x2048, 1590869452591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047082

the pride of hololive

>> No.24047071
Quoted by: >>24047085

I-Is sensei getting enough sleep???

>> No.24047073

You mean playing the training map all alone?

>> No.24047075

I am. Seeing her get excited over weapons makes me happy.

>> No.24047077

Impossible. The spats are too perfect.

>> No.24047079

Coco really has a soft spot for Haato

>> No.24047082
File: 2.47 MB, 1370x1822, 1575424784388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047089

Sorry I just can't. I can't Suisei further than cup A

>> No.24047085

Its choco we're talking about she never gets enough sleep

>> No.24047087

nice bait

>> No.24047088

What i don't understand is how there aren't any chinese knock-offs of Holo Merch yet.
Like please, give me a way to getMarine's dumb hat and eyepatch.

>> No.24047089

but she's russian, she must have massive boobs

>> No.24047090

I thought nobody will but you did notice!

>> No.24047094
File: 669 KB, 1064x653, basado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her is the true inoffensive list.

>> No.24047096
Quoted by: >>24047102

Someone please post SHOTACON YANE IO!

>> No.24047097
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1590202177361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your tier list then

>> No.24047098

>Not smokin'

>> No.24047099

She compensates the lack of boobs with a nice ass

>> No.24047101

Matsuri says she will never ever call Haato by her nickname "Haachama", even if she dies. Can anyone explain why?

>> No.24047102


>> No.24047103

It's cringe

>> No.24047104
File: 559 KB, 1098x1000, 1588386042295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god why is she such a huge dork
>Ywn walk around hand-by-hand with Towa and see her freaking out over a little kitty.

>> No.24047105
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, angryelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047128

Charts shouldn't be made. It's impossible to know every holo like they're your favorite holo.

>> No.24047108
Quoted by: >>24047121

>Riots in my city
>Watching cute holos do cute things
Everything is fine.

>> No.24047110


>> No.24047111
Quoted by: >>24047130

With her voice it's clear she burns through at least 12 packs a day

>> No.24047116
Quoted by: >>24047129

She's salty that haachama got to change her nickname in the middle of nowhere
well not really salty but more of a "you can't just do that you know"
she'll acknowledge it but she won't use it outside of jokes

>> No.24047120

The bullying started way before the feet thing though.

>> No.24047121

Which Holo would be out on the street trying to loot stuff?

>> No.24047122
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, wke_N4jZVEzjx5Jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047139

Just 4 hours until KanaTowa. I really miss this tenshi bros.

>> No.24047124
File: 149 KB, 324x168, 3db664b04c6aa36942fae2fc8754d267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047276

*deep breathing*

>> No.24047128
File: 671 KB, 1064x746, Basado numero dos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047149

Fixed just for (You)

>> No.24047129
Quoted by: >>24047258

Why would she have a problem with changing one's nickname though? Seems awfully petty.

>> No.24047130


>> No.24047131

Basically she's pissed that Haachama was allowed to do a complete 180 switch from ojousama to retard. But she's still forced to pretend to be "bi" instead of being allowed to simp for stacys.

>> No.24047134

Rushia for more views

>> No.24047137


>> No.24047139

She's dead anon, you have to let it go...

>> No.24047141
File: 105 KB, 1080x607, 1590981359059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047145


>> No.24047143
Quoted by: >>24047153

A /jp/ Lunaito was the only fans who got acknowledged by their holo.

>> No.24047145

>not putting Coco with her cocospeak

>> No.24047147
Quoted by: >>24047153

Towa's model seems to be able to naturally go between smiling and frowning, I wonder if she's still manually switching or hers can automatically do it?

>> No.24047149
File: 2.58 MB, 2572x2572, autisticflare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Ever noticed how the fans' personalities often reflect their favorite holos?

>> No.24047150
Quoted by: >>24047158

Para mi, es Noel.

>> No.24047153
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 1586584971499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true, i got Towa to say "TenQ" time once.
Not much but it was cute...
It's manual, but you can probably bind it to a key combination.

>> No.24047154

ive been gone whats this kanata suicide meme

>> No.24047155


Holobros, I don't know how to feel, Towa came back from the worst ever roasting without shedding a single tear and here's Mio with zero scandals, more subs and a stable flow of videos crying about stress.

Should I feel bad?

>> No.24047157

Watch asacoco

>> No.24047158

Normal o en Modo Furia?

>> No.24047159

Flare for obvious reasons.

>> No.24047161

Towa cries all the time what are you on about?

>> No.24047162

watch new asacoco

>> No.24047165

Not everyone takes things like that the same way, and just because someone didn't take a bad situation as hard does it invalidate that Mio might felt just as bad as she seems.

>> No.24047168

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24047170

Fubuki I came!
Ah Mio you came

>> No.24047171
Quoted by: >>24047184

It's because she's black, isn't it

>> No.24047174


>> No.24047177

>He didn't watch Towa's Family exclusive stream.

>> No.24047178

>He missed the Towa crying video

>> No.24047181

It's because of her knife ears, isn't it

>> No.24047182

>zero scandals

>> No.24047183

>You will never become suisei spat

why live?

>> No.24047184

Cause she's North Korean you racist.

>> No.24047185


>> No.24047191
Quoted by: >>24047238

>You will never become the Holohouse toilet
Dream big or go home.

>> No.24047192

Don't worry, Kanata is fine.
Just come here https://aggie.io/m2umdu5r69 and draw something so you can forget about it.

>> No.24047198

Puking on stream twice and leaking Fubuki's real voice...

>> No.24047209
Quoted by: >>24047224

I remember anon here gets roasted for saying Towaiting.

>> No.24047210

If FBK and Coco still got along, she would be the one hanging from a tree in AsaCoco. Poor fox.

>> No.24047213

>hololive house
>pekora sleeps in the room next to subaru and rushia and under Towa
>constantly surrounded by the sound of normalfags having sex
>isn't allowed to complain about it because it'll give away her coworkers.

>> No.24047214

Looks like Kanata is taking it slower this week. Also, more Chamatan!

>> No.24047218
Quoted by: >>24047225

What did I miss from todays asacoco

>> No.24047222


>> No.24047224
Quoted by: >>24047285

Any mention of Towa brings out the Anti-Towa spergs, even if it's completely on topic.

>> No.24047225

Coco killed Towa on stream before Towa could Joker Coco

>> No.24047228
File: 153 KB, 960x950, pussy destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okayu bringing up a fucking food analogy
I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.24047230
Quoted by: >>24047235

KanaTowa Minecraft from 5 months ago

>> No.24047235

Cute! Kanata loves Towa

>> No.24047238
File: 774 KB, 1830x1720, anon posts about werediapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047267

This but with Suiser's spats...

>> No.24047239
File: 621 KB, 1920x1080, peko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047240
Quoted by: >>24047252

I like to pretend I have high brow tastes and don't like the girls screaming and only watch sophisticated holos but in reality there's nothing I love more than Choco screaming.

>> No.24047241

suisei spat is so overrated

>> No.24047242
File: 11 KB, 314x287, towa-to-the-antis-shortly-before-breaking-down-and-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Towa is edgy

>> No.24047243
File: 86 KB, 990x1280, 1590483433267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, wanna get married?

>> No.24047247
File: 955 KB, 4096x2809, 1586173242139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047254

Take it easy, Kanatan~

>> No.24047248
File: 113 KB, 551x448, debiruzu akushon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gap moe

>> No.24047250

why are you collaborating with Aqua's enemy now

>> No.24047252
Quoted by: >>24047269

Choco trying to drive in GTAV is the peak of chuuba entertainment.

>> No.24047254

This pic has layers.

>> No.24047258
Quoted by: >>24047266

Think of it more like your peer/friend jeremy suddenly changes his name and now asks everyone to call him jewemee
Yeah no he's jeremy to me. If he introduced himself as jewemee i'd go along with it sure but at this point it's just weird. As long as he's cool with it, I'm going to call him jeremy for as long as I like.

I also need a source for something if anyone is reading. I remember watching a video of haachama explaining how the name haachama came into being. I was going to quote it but I can't find the video anymore.
It was clipped from an ARK video with watame and I don't watch ark so I don't know where it could be from. Anyone knows what video i'm talking about?

>> No.24047259

>everyone going back to minecraft
>Choco: haha let's play Apex

>> No.24047261
Quoted by: >>24047281

>Ah ah ah konpeko konpeko konpeko hororaibu sankisei no u-
>OI URUSAI, sada pekora peko!

>> No.24047266
Quoted by: >>24047364


>> No.24047267

Haha, degenerates and their stupid ass fetishes and kinks

>> No.24047269
File: 79 KB, 681x472, 1578628937052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the peak of entertainment.

>> No.24047270 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about language barriers when you have a live translator?

>> No.24047271
File: 244 KB, 1200x675, hare-field-2246752_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047275
Quoted by: >>24047282

>Choco: haha let's play Ark

>> No.24047276

APEX themed ASMR when?

>> No.24047277
File: 336 KB, 1111x1789, 1590339451153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she like ark so much? I've never been obsessed with a videogame...

>> No.24047280
Quoted by: >>24047300

what are the sheep and muslim planning

>> No.24047281


>> No.24047282
File: 429 KB, 995x598, 1565013766847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047292

I love this shitpost

>> No.24047284

She can pretend to be a mommy and raise dinosaurs.

>> No.24047285

I can't believe Towa basically said "Rent Free" to her antis.

>> No.24047288
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about language barriers when you have a live translator?

>> No.24047290
File: 505 KB, 1100x700, EZMnPMJVAAETs8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, noticed that too. It's good that she's taking it more slow, seems like the Higarashi endurance + doing 4 streams the day after really tired her out. This is better for both her and her fans.

>> No.24047292
Quoted by: >>24047311

did the rushiafag ever make one for marine and senchou?

>> No.24047293

The narrative is that Choco cant have kids so breeding spinos is her alternative

>> No.24047295

Her maternal instincts are in full effect but she's too much of a hikki to find a husband so she settled on raising dinosaurs.

>> No.24047297
Quoted by: >>24047309


>> No.24047299

Coco saying kusa in asacoco never gets old

>> No.24047300

making lamb sauce

>> No.24047303

Choco engrish is the greatest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.24047305

Choco is a rebel.

>> No.24047307

I hope sometime in the future, we'll get a collab between JP,ID,CN,and EN. But only with the girls that can't communicate in other languages. Preferably doing something that requires communication.

Would be fun to see what they resort to, horrible broken japanese or horrible broken english, or just screaming at each other.

>> No.24047308


>> No.24047309


>> No.24047311
File: 130 KB, 358x360, ERTZv8UVUAEL4wL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think so

>> No.24047315


>> No.24047318
Quoted by: >>24047341

It's my theory that the recent hires all have at least one member proficient in English for this particular reason, to facilitate cross country collabs.

>> No.24047319


>> No.24047320
File: 3.89 MB, 640x640, 1589997326361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047325

I vote for this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-MM1UTtjyU

>> No.24047326

Sorry to disappoint anon but it's going to be more awkward than anything, if the Nobody Explodes stream with Haato and Coco and Roboco's Apex collab with Moona are anything to go by

>> No.24047327
Quoted by: >>24047334

>Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with Marin and a HoloEN
Might actually get me to watch HoloEN.

>> No.24047333
File: 418 KB, 2196x2928, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um...can you pwease give me the tl;dr on the subaru towa thing...

>> No.24047334

>2v2 KTaNE collab with Coco, Haato, Marine, and HoloEN

>> No.24047335

Except that Nobody Explodes stream was gold

>> No.24047336

The Haato and Coco and Marine collab was great though. RoboMoona was eh, but it wasn't unenjoyable.

>> No.24047337

>Nobody Explodes stream with Haato and Coco
What are you talking about, that stream was a sides breaker.

>> No.24047340

Subaru slapped Towa on stream and Mio laughed at her for an hour

>> No.24047341

Holostars Kaoru only reinforces this since he actually has halfway decent English

>> No.24047343

>the Nobody Explodes stream with Haato and Coco
The fuck are you talking about, this stream is still one of the funniest shit they've ever made.

>> No.24047344

tl;dr Subaru loves Towa and Towa loves Subaru

>> No.24047347
File: 249 KB, 1075x1384, EZMfz-gU4AEGixq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine doesn't even speak English and she made that stream endlessly entertaining by just winging it.

>> No.24047348
Quoted by: >>24047356

apex is probably worse because you don't actually need to talk, pings do the work for you.
the nobody explodes stream was great though.

I think it might be fun to do something like their EN telephone collab, but cross languages and see if the meaning gets across.
do something like "japanese phrase" -> Risu -> EN girl -> not artia -> Haato and see if the meaning stayed hte same.

>> No.24047355

Yeah, I think this is the real different between the Haato/Coco/Marine collabs and the Moona/Roboco collabs. Marine and Haato can be entertaining even if they don't understand what the fuck is going on, Moona can't.

>> No.24047356

That would be hilarious too. Do a mix of Japanese and English phrases and see the hilarious results.

>> No.24047358

Marine was invaluable in how she spewed bullshit with a completely confident voice

>> No.24047359

Roboco Moona APEX was terrible but the Haato/Coco/Marine was gold. Anything with Haato and Coco is great just like that last collab.

>> No.24047361

>lets go onmyoji

>> No.24047362

So they all call her brat because she's really 17?
I want to subscribe to this JK now!!!

>> No.24047364

I want to call her Haagendazs because of this video

>> No.24047366
File: 219 KB, 1909x1073, fbk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBKfags look like that?

>> No.24047367

When is Moona entertaining? I saw the GTA stream the other night and she barely said a word.

>> No.24047371

Real Akiba Boyz are based

>> No.24047374

Me on the right

>> No.24047377

Stop posting pictures of me.

>> No.24047379

I know this feel

>> No.24047380
Quoted by: >>24047464

Its still going to be really awkward. Iofi will have to translate everything the three of them say for Moona as well as translate Moona's responses.
Moona isnt as beloved as Risu or Iofi yet she still acts like she is desu

>> No.24047381

Me with the afro.

>> No.24047382

Shes the prime example of "carried by design" yet somehow fucked that up as well

>> No.24047384
Quoted by: >>24047395

Coco Artia collab when

>> No.24047385

The can slap you with their feet and spin over your dead body if you say anything bad about winter cat.

>> No.24047387

Imagine the indog chat.

>> No.24047394

I like her experimenting with more edgy content like spooky storytelling/chat streams she sometimes hosts with the other HoloID.

>> No.24047395

I don't think Coco gives enough of a shit about Bili to bother. Maybe on Twitch.

>> No.24047398
File: 703 KB, 1053x592, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24047402


>> No.24047407

>all of this
god shes the best

>> No.24047408
File: 871 KB, 2536x3104, 8658c9e119d36948b188fb8a41e35352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR'd by Jewtube and Big Black Venom

>> No.24047411


>> No.24047412

So they are poor students. Poor FBK.

>> No.24047414

She seems to have her own fanbase and mostly does talking streams and marshmallows. She's probably capturing the core Indo audience and understandably filtering most of the posters here.

>> No.24047419


>> No.24047421

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-DLPBkvenk Roberu [Chat]

>> No.24047422
File: 1.67 MB, 1909x1073, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047431

please never post this again

>> No.24047432

New narrative:
Matsuri hates Haato because when Haato first talked about Hoshikawa to Matsuri, Haato said Hoshikawa was gay.
But Haato was just being an idiot, but now Matsuri thinks that Hoshikawa was secretely gay with Haato and is really jealous.

>> No.24047433

Risu is too popular
Moona is too hated
Iofi is just right

>> No.24047437
Quoted by: >>24047454

You'd think Coco doom posters would have given up by now as Coco keeps being top 3 in scs over and over.

>> No.24047441

Just retract angel wings

>> No.24047443

too clothed

>> No.24047451
Quoted by: >>24047477

can't believe Coco killed PPT because she didn't want to move in with her

>> No.24047452
File: 74 KB, 166x242, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Narrative: You're mother was going to abort you, but for the time she was pregnant she couldn't save up the money to get it done properly and had to take care of things herself. Though, to her dismay she was already nine months pregnant, but still going through with it anyways she started using a hammer on her large belly, only to accidentally knock your now retarded ass loose from her womb a few weeks too early.

>> No.24047453

TOO hated?

I think you mean hated just right.

That dumb sjw bitch

>> No.24047454
Quoted by: >>24047652

Oh another cocofag. Now using SC numbers that don't mean anything in this conversation about popularity and viewrship. How defensive.

>> No.24047457
Quoted by: >>24047505

>face revealed
>best profit machine in all hololive

>> No.24047458
Quoted by: >>24047482

new narrative: matsuri wants to f*ck luna

>> No.24047459
File: 1.78 MB, 1909x1073, 1590983903924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047460

Tick tock risukek, your squirrel popularity is dropping fast.

>> No.24047462

I'm loony for Moona's moonies!

>> No.24047463
File: 124 KB, 1080x1077, 1586370030539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay lads, who should I invest to?
So far I've only invested into Towacoin since it seems to be the most stable but I'm thinking of diversifying my assets and pouring shit into HCM and Cococoin.

>> No.24047464
Quoted by: >>24047528

Moona really needs to just stay in her hole and fuck off. Honestly, what does she even bring to the table? Outside of her "incident" I'd literally not give a single fuck about her. I feel bad for the IDs that she exists.

Risu is a treasure that transcends language barriers.
Iofi is a literal genius and can also draw semi-moderately-okay

Moona is just there.
the sad part is, I imagine holoEN is going to be mostly Moonas. monolinguals who will keep pestering the popular japanese girls for collabs and think they're top shit 24/7

>> No.24047465

I love you. make it a webm next

>> No.24047466
File: 1.81 MB, 1909x1073, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047467

Matsuri is going to rape haato when she gets back to japan

>> No.24047470

i love mikos retarded baby voice

>> No.24047471

Fuck Holohouse, hlghouse when?

>> No.24047472

a brilliant synthesis

>> No.24047476


>> No.24047477
Quoted by: >>24047484

And here I thought Suisei was the yandere in the love triangle.

>> No.24047482

we're not supposed to call it a narrative anymore if it's true...

>> No.24047483
Quoted by: >>24047526

Please invest in the rising star of Holo, Ayunda Risu, she has potential but she needs that computer

>> No.24047484

Suisei is busy with the love triangle with Towa and Aki, she's biding her time and waiting for the right move to snag Towa back.

>> No.24047485
Quoted by: >>24047494

i'll rape your butt

>> No.24047486


>> No.24047488

Looking forward to hearing her sing again.

>> No.24047491
Quoted by: >>24047526

Risucoin, wait for 3-4 months.

>> No.24047493
Quoted by: >>24047526

HCM and Cococoins are just a bubble, they'll pop soon.

Swap your Towacoins for FBKcoins, they have similar growth rates but FBKcoins are less likely to have a spontaneous collapse. Towacoin has a high risk of being retired.

For diversification I'd suggest investing into Kanacoin and Watamecoins if you're a little hesitant. They have fast growth rate that seem consistent so the gains will probably stick around. Koronecoins will be great for the shortterm, but I'm predicting her growth is artificial and will pop in the near future pushing it into a recession.

>> No.24047494
Quoted by: >>24047498

And why is that?

>> No.24047495

>Marine and Haato can be entertaining
And having the confidence to make fun of the situation even at their own expense. It's like shitposting. Moona is the typical seafag that would retreat into silence from realizing all the retorts she'd have to make to continue the conversation, while an American would loudly proclaim "WHAT'S WRONG WITH SUCKING DICK" with the utmost, cavalier attitude. The former is entertaining while the latter is just fucking boring.

Another example is the Holostar UNO collab. They spent a good time speaking purely English, and in spite of being worse than Haachama, it was still entertaining. Or better yet. Remember that time when FBK, Subaru, Suisei and Haachama played UNO speaking in nothing but chimp noises?

>> No.24047497

>want to live with bunch of autists who can shut up 24/7

>> No.24047498

i'm horny and virgin

>> No.24047499
File: 2.24 MB, 1216x684, partyhard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24047502
File: 305 KB, 615x827, t5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047519

We aim for the youtube thumbnail, Towabros.

>> No.24047504
File: 563 KB, 600x336, PARTY SUISEIZURE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047505

>already show face
>get scouted
>make big bucks because she’s entertaining
opposed to
>boring whore who doesn’t stream
>purposely leaks that she is a popular tittuber
>doesn’t come close to the top girls
it takes more than a pair of tits (though Noel is ugly lmao)

>> No.24047507
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1590530345685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047509
Quoted by: >>24047526

All in on Haachama~Chain, trust.

>> No.24047512
Quoted by: >>24047571

lit who

>> No.24047514

hlghouse when the towa stream is about to begin

>> No.24047515

>living in a house with a bunch of shitposting NEETs
i can teach you the true way to post like an ausfag

>> No.24047519

I'm going to make Towa a June Bride!

>> No.24047521
Quoted by: >>24047566

god I want one of those KSZK shirts so bad

>> No.24047522
Quoted by: >>24047531

I'm gonna hodl all my Chococoin.

>> No.24047526

I'd like to, but I'm largely inexperienced with foreign exchange speculation.

Is FBK even on the rise? Word on the street is it's going to get phased out in favour of another currency and I don't want to lose all my assets. PPT and WTM seem pretty good though so I'll check them out, thanks.

It does seem to be going to the moon.

>> No.24047528
Quoted by: >>24047545

>monolinguals who will keep pestering the popular japanese girls for collabs and think they're top shit 24/7
But this is Risu.Keep pestering Korone but never managed to score once.

>> No.24047531

Chococoins are going to be so valuable in 5 years, I'm sure of it.

>> No.24047534

I wouldn't worry about FBK. While it's growth rate has slowed, that's to be expected. Its still the most used currency in hololive so don't expect to to be phased out anytime soon.

>> No.24047535
File: 229 KB, 850x1205, TheBetterFubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always exchange your FBKcoins for Kurocoin the market will be explosive

>> No.24047538
Quoted by: >>24047542

TriNero x HoloID collab when

>> No.24047541
Quoted by: >>24047548

Aquacoin or Koronecoin are the best choices. Consistent growth rate in all areas that isn't stopping anytime soon. You get more returns compared to everyone else without ever having to worry about volatility.

>> No.24047542

You mean TriNero x Risu and Iofi?

>> No.24047545

risu speaks japanese better than all but 2 of holoJP speak english tbf

>> No.24047548

Aquacoin is worth it's weight in gold. And it doesn't take very long to turn a profit either. Very short.

>> No.24047549


>> No.24047553
File: 635 KB, 1760x2048, __himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_fuusuke_fusuke208__ee8b9ce2bbec27bb4c2c6655decdc62d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screams upon seeing your dick

>Unbothered by the sight of your dick

>Laughs at your dick

>Immediately hands you a leaflet listing their services + rates

>Has a mental breakdown and tries to murder you

>> No.24047556

Cococoins are RECLINING sell them all now

>> No.24047558
File: 499 KB, 1601x2048, 1585104988908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the 2k/6k meme
>Nayr's 5k is actually better in every way

I hope some of you beginners learn from my mistake and make the right choice

>> No.24047563
File: 728 KB, 823x553, i only use it to talk to friends i swear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend just sent me this
please dont tell me this is the offical EN page, it's only going to get worse from here on out

>> No.24047564

Anyone not saying flarecoin is trolling

>> No.24047565

I wish I could enjoy life like they do...

>> No.24047566

They're still up for sale

>> No.24047567

How fucking old is Pekora that she feels threatened by Haato and Matsuri's youth?

>> No.24047568
Quoted by: >>24047651

oh no...

>> No.24047571


>> No.24047573
Quoted by: >>24047651

No... not AYAME!

>> No.24047574

>Screams upon seeing your dick
>No Haachama
Shit list.

>> No.24047578
Quoted by: >>24047594

>Has a mental breakdown and tries to murder you
Naked wrestling with danchou!

>> No.24047579

She's 111.

>> No.24047586
Quoted by: >>24047598

Haato should be on her own part of the list
"Already screaming before she even saw your dick"

>> No.24047589
Quoted by: >>24047599

Not EN, this the official YouTube channel, full stop.

>> No.24047590

Did she forget this happened? She wanted to call Haato Haachama.

>> No.24047591

If you feel a littler adventurous, Flarecoin might explode post 3d model so now is a good chance

>> No.24047592
File: 598 KB, 719x1000, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047593
Quoted by: >>24047605

I just use my own mining deck, when you have no experience seeing the word actually used it's much harder to remember it.

>> No.24047594

Performing a stone cold stunner on danchou!

>> No.24047597

Almost 10 years.

>> No.24047598

Haachama is her own tier, with puking all over your dick

>> No.24047600
Quoted by: >>24047607

Where is holostars?

>> No.24047599

you mean facebook

>> No.24047601

Imagine giving up virginity in fag butt

>> No.24047605
Quoted by: >>24047630

That's what I'm liking about the Nayr deck actually.
All the cards are sentences so it feels more natural reading and associating them as opposed to a single word.

>> No.24047607


>> No.24047611
File: 1.78 MB, 2000x1800, EZQT1QUU4AAFpP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff this baby armpits

>> No.24047613


>> No.24047614

ayamebros...we're already mistreated badly in these threads..why would they do this to us...

>> No.24047616
Quoted by: >>24047654

Please explain I'm 1/4th through 2k/6k

>> No.24047617
File: 237 KB, 1280x1000, 1590552214291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047635

Good list but Haachama is on the screaming tier for sure, or should be her own tier because she'd probably puke on you too

>> No.24047618

That would make me so hard, then watching her fiddle with it like a toy cause she doesn't know what to do, fuck I need a haato gf

>> No.24047619

I wonder if they already finished watching all the HoloEN audition videos, I know they wouldn't pick me anyway but waiting for a call that won't ever come is making me depressed

>> No.24047620

Kinda hot.
I came in Haachama expecting to be made into a M but instead she brings out the S in me bad.

>> No.24047630
Quoted by: >>24047654

My 2k/6k has sentences, I guess it's an edited one.

>> No.24047633

Kanata is leeching Towa again

>> No.24047635

I want to breed Haachama and have retarded children

>> No.24047634

>Matsuri hugs her
>disgusted Pekora
>Haato hugs her
>happy Pekora
Explain this fags.

>> No.24047637


>> No.24047638

>Laughs at your dick
>No Luna
Luna's princess cunny only wants giant and girthy cock nanora

>> No.24047639
File: 1.22 MB, 2776x1579, 82011201_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047646

>demands the dick

>> No.24047646

That's one saucy 0 year old

>> No.24047647

Is that the new terminology for cunnilingus?

>> No.24047648
Quoted by: >>24047912

Matsuri is a molester and a creep.

>> No.24047650

They said confirmation e-mails would go out no later than 2 weeks after auditions closed, it's been a week, so you still have a week left.

>> No.24047651

dont worry it isint the thumbnail i wanted the (You)s

>> No.24047652
Quoted by: >>24047655

Okay anon. Coco is going away any minute now. Now finish your milk, it's bed time.

>> No.24047653

Someone post matsuri ring fit

>> No.24047654

It cuts out a lot of the weird and uncommon kanji in the 2/6k deck.
Also uses sentences instead of single kanji so you read the word in its natural habitat instead of seeing it randomly making it much easier and natural to pick them up since you're associating them with a meaning and not a word. (also implicitly helps with grammar and vocab)

Mine does
>flip card for meaning + usage in a sentence
which is different than
>flip card for meaning
slight difference but much better imo.

>> No.24047655


>> No.24047656
Quoted by: >>24047682

What about Kaoru?

>> No.24047659
File: 486 KB, 700x1000, IMG_20200313_235604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco actually managed to get her wish of Nintendo being eradicated from Hololive holy shit

>> No.24047663
Quoted by: >>24047712

Matsuri irl is ugly ex-fat, no wonder Hoshikawa hated her.

>> No.24047666

Chocofags, what the hell is an ARK earlicking ASMR? How does she make it ARK-related?

>> No.24047667

She's an american streamer and a PC and Sony "master race" she know how stingy nintendo is

>> No.24047671
File: 202 KB, 2048x1165, EZYUpZJUMAA8w6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047676


>> No.24047674
Quoted by: >>24047688

But Fubuki...

>> No.24047675

Did anyone buy this? Was it good?

>> No.24047676

Why is she licking a sausage

>> No.24047682

>Whips out a bigger dick

>> No.24047685
Quoted by: >>24047733

You're a baby spino and she thanks you for being born and then licks your ear until you become a man.

>> No.24047688

Play AEK and pretend it's Animal Crossing

>> No.24047689
Quoted by: >>24047737

Does your favorite Holo care about you this much?

>> No.24047690
Quoted by: >>24048157

If you watched the 3D karaoke stream you'll hear Miko and Pekora constantly bring up how cute Haato is irl. Who wouldn't be happy if they were hugged by a cute JK.

>> No.24047695

If you have a pronoun in your twitter bio, please just kys now

>> No.24047696

Check the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP_LqLk3BEY

>> No.24047700
File: 144 KB, 800x600, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24047701
Quoted by: >>24047735

Choco almost got punched to death by an enemy she didn't notice.

>> No.24047704
File: 314 KB, 1837x1109, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any drawfriends in the thread? would you mind bkubifying this creature? i cant believe this hasnt been done yet, it fits the character pretty well

>> No.24047706
Quoted by: >>24047721

Whenever I feel bad for being bad at video games, I just gotta remember the fight Choco just had.

>> No.24047707

Just do a Suisei and email them again.

>> No.24047712
Quoted by: >>24047722

I'll take her, gladly. She just needs someone who can give her all the attention she lost out from being a fatty growing up and a proper dicking to get her obsessed with the love she's being shown, t. ex-fatty

>> No.24047714
Quoted by: >>24047738

>not awkward

>> No.24047716

Seeing choco sensei playing apex is giving me a headache.... is there an elo system for casual so she's atleast matched with the noobs?

>> No.24047720

I think matsuri is very weird in like a creepy way, haato is that cute weirdo you want to hug

>> No.24047721

But then remember that she fired off two hipfire sniper shots earlier and both were headshots.

>> No.24047722
File: 835 KB, 1927x655, 1580274063347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might have lost your fat, but you'll always be autistic inside

>> No.24047727
File: 1.37 MB, 1436x1154, IMG_20200524_153044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047731
File: 70 KB, 1024x559, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047756


>> No.24047732

at least we still have the fukkireta thumbnail....

>> No.24047733

I don't even think this is a popular fetish, probably something for people that are already into Choco's ASMR. Thanks anon.

Will give it a listen, to think that of all things that could get me interested in Choco it would be dinosaurs.

>> No.24047735

Sensei got 3 kills! This round looks good.

>> No.24047737
Quoted by: >>24047888

Man it is impossible to dislike her

>> No.24047738

Reread the post nig. That's what I was trying to convey.

>> No.24047740 [DELETED] 

she's already matches with other noobs...

>> No.24047741

Yes, but there's only two brackets, the absolute bottom 10% of players and the remaining 90%. So if she ends up moving out of that lower pool somehow she's finished.

>> No.24047742

I'm well aware but I've managed 2 gfs as a fatty, can definitely do it at my peak with a 6-6.5/10 aesthetics wise

>> No.24047745

t. I only watched clips of Matsuri.

>> No.24047749

That's literally me ;_;

>> No.24047750

This was last year before Haato got weird. Back then she was the perfect image of an idol.

>> No.24047756

>senchou flirting with old hag dog
>rushia flirting with tamaki

>> No.24047757
Quoted by: >>24047800


>> No.24047758

imagine touching someone when you first meet them

>> No.24047760
Quoted by: >>24047766

Wtf is the correct word to describe this weird heightened sensation and tingling in my ears?

>> No.24047761

Oh boy someone stole Choco's main and she doesn't know what to do, she's probably going to smoke her teammates.

>> No.24047762
Quoted by: >>24047774

haachama form is superior

>> No.24047763
Quoted by: >>24047792

matsuri suffers from narcissistic personality disorder
dont be too hard on her

>> No.24047764
Quoted by: >>24047837

Didn't catch the last part on Aqua's, what did Noel do to leave her like that?

>> No.24047766


>> No.24047772

Bunch of chads who get to slam that FBKing pussy.

>> No.24047773

Wtf luna is a size queen!?

>> No.24047774

Seriously what the fuck happened? I watched her energy drink stream and it still doesn't explain the drastic change in her character this year.

>> No.24047779
Quoted by: >>24047802

She got fucking bored anon let the girl have fun

>> No.24047784

she's trying to become the PDP of Japan

>> No.24047785
File: 3.46 MB, 3000x3695, 07300ce3b595f571bccbf7a297ce6eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is a horny lonely old hag and Korone is clingy, they're perfect for each other

>> No.24047786

Try Australia

>> No.24047787

mental breakdown and she realized that self mockery gets more views and laugh than acting mature.

She's in the endless look of self destruction, she'll probably end up killing herself by the end of it. She's not as stupid as she pretends to be, but she knows that being stupid is the only way she'll get attention.

>> No.24047789


>> No.24047792

probably doted on too much as a kid, if her diet is anything to go by. as she got older and less attention from peers and parents, she started doing negative things for attention, hence mamasuri and tamaki commenting on her using her bad side and the scaring away of her hs crush's potential bf

>> No.24047793

Why are the pairings who are supposedly the closest like Miko/Peko and Coco/Kanata collab the least?

>> No.24047794

I love how Choco is blocking her minimap with an advertisement. 天才

>> No.24047796

Is Korone Shion's mom?

>> No.24047797
File: 18 KB, 299x481, 24852612_865283056970628_8506317463286702619_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats bait

>> No.24047799

>senchou with pants
That design. MUH DICK

>> No.24047800

The way she says "you're kidding me" makes me harder than it should

>> No.24047801
Quoted by: >>24047812

Why disussing old fucking hag when you can discussing a perfect devil that is Towa-sama

>> No.24047802

A lot of her colleagues have raised concerns though. See Mio in her fortunetelling stream, Tamaki and Marine in their Suisei tetris raid battle stream also said they were worried about Haato.

>> No.24047806
Quoted by: >>24047814

Coco happened, she stole her niche

>> No.24047808
Quoted by: >>24047885

They severely underestimated Australia's shitting power. Happens to everyone, don't worry about it.

>> No.24047809
Quoted by: >>24047818

Korone is also an old hag! wow

>> No.24047811

Lets be honest, if Haato decided to stop pretending to be stupid, literally every single one of you would stop caring about her.

>> No.24047812
Quoted by: >>24047860

Who are you calling an old hag? Depending on your answer we might not be able to be friends anymore.

>> No.24047813
Quoted by: >>24047849

I like both but i think the haachama form is a better anti-idol image than matsuri pretending like a slut. Haachama shows that she's still a brat who makes a lot of mistakes and have her own imperfections but still being a pure idol.

>> No.24047814
Quoted by: >>24048512

Coco never does english streams or pander to her english fans. A lot of EOPs are extremely frustrated because of this and prefer Korone.

>> No.24047815

Maybe they just don't feel like collabing, if Minecraft ot Ark comes back you can be sure PekoMiko are going to havd lots of fun

>> No.24047818
Quoted by: >>24047828

>Senchou is a fake old hag
>Korone is an actual old hag

It's an interesting dynamic for sure.

>> No.24047820

I'm pretty sure at least part of it is just screwing around and having fun, you can see she was ditzy from the start but getting to embrace the mistakes and exaggerate on them has to be way more enjoyable than trying to play them off.

>> No.24047826

Haato is doing some stupid stuff I agree that she needs to calm down

>> No.24047827

Keeping a pristine shell is much harder than being a rough diamond. She wanted to be more approachable so something had to give

>> No.24047828

Marine is in her late 20's, according to japanese society she's about as delicious as a well done steak

>> No.24047829

You save those for special occassions and a collab with someone you know well is kinda boring.

>> No.24047833

She's just unfortunately not dumb enough to be completely dumb and oblivious like Aqua is. Her self-aware idiocy is entertaining though but it can't be healthy in the long run.

>> No.24047835
Quoted by: >>24047865

She's young and is still forming her personality.
She decided she wanted to be more of an entertainer than an idol.
She realised she couldn't keep up the "perfect idol" act forever.
She realised being too perfect would make her unapproachable like Sora/she's more relatable this way.
She figured she would be more successful changing her act.
Orders from management.
ADHD causing her to wildly swing between extremes.
Pick one or several.

>> No.24047836

There's nothing wrong with christmas cakes

>> No.24047837
Quoted by: >>24047861

If you really want to have dinner with someone again, you let them pay the bill this time and so that you can get the tab the next time.

>> No.24047841
File: 872 KB, 971x1300, Aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, as long as I have A1 I'd eat any well done steak.

>> No.24047842

Because they're just good actors is all.

>> No.24047844

Keeping work and friendships separate.

>> No.24047846
Quoted by: >>24047851

I believe she said on stream she's happier now than ever and appreciates the sentiment of her fans and friends asking her if shes ok.

>> No.24047847

I think her whole degenerate thing is just an act that she thinks is funny, she wouldn't make such a huge deal about it if it was an actual fetish. She's also probably just so fucking lonely in that hellhole Australia that she wants attention anyway she can get it.

>> No.24047848

Marine is seventeen! SEVENTEEN!

>> No.24047849

plus haachama is actually likeable

>> No.24047851

>she said she's happier now

>> No.24047853
Quoted by: >>24047904


>> No.24047854


>> No.24047855

Coco hates Kanata because Kanata wants to collab with Towa

>> No.24047858

plus ten

>> No.24047859

Inches deep on top of a BBC.

>> No.24047860
Quoted by: >>24047911


>> No.24047861
Quoted by: >>24047880

Close, but not exactly. If you want to have dinner with someone again, offer to pay the bill and when they insist to pay, tell them they can pay the next time you go out.

>> No.24047863
Quoted by: >>24047869

Which holo probably thinks skeletons are cool?

>> No.24047864

17+105,120 hours

>> No.24047865

You forgot one:
She's away from any decent family that cares about her and the stress on being on her own in a foreign country is getting to her.

>> No.24047866

>as a well done steak
Is that supposed to be negative?

>> No.24047867
Quoted by: >>24047873

She literally said she's much happier now compared to when she debuted because she doesn't have to deal with her shitty relatives or bullies in school anymore.

>> No.24047868
Quoted by: >>24047937


>> No.24047869

Korone played Mr. Bones so...

>> No.24047874
File: 362 KB, 507x1200, nevah4get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047873

That's what people always say before they kill themselves.

>> No.24047877
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, Springfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a christmas cake is still good then theres no problem with one

>> No.24047879

She definitely said that she is, anon

>> No.24047880
Quoted by: >>24047905

Ah thanks. I'm still working on this. Subject matters can be confusing in Japanese.

>> No.24047881
Quoted by: >>24047916

As long as I still get to hear her screams

>> No.24047882

The funniest part is, even her character looks like a scummy loser who'd do what she did.

>> No.24047883

I dunno, but their fans sure are in denial.

>> No.24047885

What is in Aussie's water that turns everyone into massive shitposters? Is this the form of toxin or superpower for humans that Australia seems to grant every organism?

>> No.24047887

I've been a Haaton since last year and I honestly preferred her as the haughty ojousama. Now she's the one being made fun of by her viewers and it just doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.24047888

Yeah. She really cares about her fans.

>> No.24047890
Quoted by: >>24047913

its actually all the venom from the spiders that we eat in our sleep

>> No.24047894
Quoted by: >>24047923

It was never the same again ever since Marine said HAACHAMA!??

>> No.24047897

I feel bad for original Haatons. It must be weird watching your chuuba undergo such a regression.

>> No.24047900

Its a natural self defense mechanism that Australia triggers in the people due to its dangerous wildlife to either hide from the outdoors or get smashed

>> No.24047901

But I also love her sense of humor and her awkward JK girl speak

>> No.24047904

Choco is actually a genius. The way she walks past the enemy without noticing them is tricking them into also thinking she's a team mate.

>> No.24047905
File: 466 KB, 2054x4096, ERSr9r9UUAEgE0R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you need to master divination to parse long Japanese sentences.

>> No.24047906

I would like to see a vtuber that cheats in videogames using cheatengine, plays awful indie shit and leaves bad reviews and trolls in multiplayer games.

>> No.24047907

The story honestly sounds like what you would expect from an ero doujinshi.

>> No.24047910

Reminder that those who called Haachama in her recent totsumachi are her only friends and she fucked up with that soundboard shit

>> No.24047911
File: 475 KB, 600x811, mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind then, let's keep posting

>> No.24047912

People can tell when Matsuri tries to take advantage of their social awkwardness to step over their boundaries.

>> No.24047913
Quoted by: >>24047924

Are you a fucking legend mate? How many tallies have you downed since the thread started?

>> No.24047916
File: 28 KB, 231x300, 1590683703893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu

>> No.24047917

what the fug

>> No.24047922
File: 123 KB, 300x547, GabrielDropout-Episode6-Omake-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What she did holobro, i just joined the pekora gumi two months ago?

>> No.24047923
Quoted by: >>24047956

I wish EOPs would stop perpetuating this dogshit. Haachama?! was used by her viewers to mock her when she did something stupid way before that stupid stream.

>> No.24047924
Quoted by: >>24047935

what the fuck is a tallie? if you mean cones about 8

>> No.24047928

Fubuki and Matsuri had a scheduled stream on billibilli at the time and Matsuri is her friend

>> No.24047929
Quoted by: >>24047940

She pretended to work for cover and convinced girls who were auditioning into joining her prostitution ring. She got found out and fired.

>> No.24047933

she just pirated some audiovisual equipment :)

>> No.24047935

You are not a real aussie

>> No.24047936

Is Choco's BGM from that Chinese parents game?

>> No.24047937
File: 51 KB, 569x774, もう位階.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24047939
File: 86 KB, 1199x632, EZWYTXHUwAET8AG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to rim Kurokami's anus, cleaning every single anal crease with my tongue

>> No.24047940


>> No.24047942

Its all a fantasy anon like pro wrestling. Kson never mentions a nozomi, her best friend's name is called MEGUMI.

>> No.24047943
Quoted by: >>24047950

I get all of them but the last 2. How does your tone turn the cat anthropomorphic?

>> No.24047945

Ruru da!

>> No.24047946

She stalked Mel, delayed Flare's 3D stream, paid some men to speak on Towa's stream, frequently cut Watame's internet connection, slipped growth stunting hormones into Aqua's cereal, gave Shion depression, stole Fubuki's superchats, made Rushia say the N word, shipped Haato off to Australia and made sure no one would visit Miko at her early live events or watch her streams.

>> No.24047949
Quoted by: >>24047969

I love Matsuri because she's a sociopathic manipulator like me.

>> No.24047950
Quoted by: >>24047964

Head is <a cat eating a red fish>
Head is <a red cat eating a fish>

>> No.24047951
File: 786 KB, 876x999, 1590689924044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not welcome here anymore Hololive and Nijisanji are officially at WAR burn your MaiSuba goods consequences will never be the same

>> No.24047952

You need to be actual friends. Aqua and Mea still collab often on Bilibili.

>> No.24047953
File: 586 KB, 708x1000, EW2e0MyVcAI_rUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but with a sweaty Suisei after one of her concerts

>> No.24047954

Haato herself realizes from that totsumachi that her actions recently could be a huge turn off for her colleagues. Hoshikawa even warned her that she might lose all her friends.

>> No.24047955

Der ewige Chris.

>> No.24047956

Didn't Haato say she originated はあちゃま herself?

>> No.24047957

You forgot that she claimed Cocos Mamas voice so she could sabatoge Asacoco

>> No.24047958
File: 1.40 MB, 2786x4096, cd20a9e909cb13bfe4b8705fb804e20d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24047974

Same, but with Noel instead.

>> No.24047960

Instead of giving her a rimjob, give her a akasupacha please...

>> No.24047961

wow bet she had to do as well with pekora sama china fiasco, dem chinese are evil but dont have the balls to pull something like that.

>> No.24047963

I'll never leave my flip queen till the end

>> No.24047964
Quoted by: >>24047973

I still don't get it.

>> No.24047965

Poor Haato, she might have really lost some friends due to how she's been behaving recently

>> No.24047967
Quoted by: >>24047989

Didn't she only recently move in with her grandma? Maybe the old haato was actually unhappy and the new haato is what she wants.

>> No.24047968
Quoted by: >>24047978

plenty of flatties in russia
like my sister

>> No.24047969

me too. I don't want to be but it's who I am

>> No.24047973

Imaine the sentence were 頭がサッカーボール and you had a drawing of a person with a soccer ball for a head. Would that make sense to you? Now replace soccer ball for 赤い魚を食べる猫.

>> No.24047974

>This picture is mistagged as Sirius from azurlane

>> No.24047977

which holo is most like the joker?

>> No.24047978
Quoted by: >>24047984

How long does it take pretty Russian girls to turn into babushka ladies, Glad?

>> No.24047979
Quoted by: >>24048007

I genuinely believe its Coco that's enabling her to act like this behind the scenes. Suisei, Matsuri and Hoshikawa have their pride

>> No.24047981

I wish I could approach her and be friends with her without coming across like a weird stalker fan...ie impossible.

>> No.24047982

Arr rook the same.

>> No.24047984

Vlad* fuck phones

>> No.24047987
File: 106 KB, 799x930, EWIDoSZUEAELMwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24047988

I want Kurokami to bully my prostate while I cum uncontrollably begging for her to stop.

>> No.24047989
Quoted by: >>24048571

She moved in with her grandma sometime early last year. I do believe her when she said she's a lot happier now and if this is what she wants to do I have no objections. It's just sad that we'll probably never see the old Haato again.

>> No.24047992
Quoted by: >>24048002

But why is it a person

>> No.24047994

I want to rip off Kuro-chan's anal pubes with my teeth!

>> No.24047996

Silly sheep, that's not a mic

>> No.24047997
Quoted by: >>24048003

I listened to Next Color Planet for the first time and I think I'm a Suisei apologist now

>> No.24047999

OH fuck now I get it.

>> No.24048001

looks nothing like sirius as well

>> No.24048002

To illustrate that way of reading the sentence. It could be literally anything with a head, a person is the obvious choice.

>> No.24048003

There's nothing to apologize for, Suisei has done no wrong.

>> No.24048006

She actually went and bought a tenga under the advice of PPT, what a good sheep.

>> No.24048007

Except Haato is nowhere as close to Coco as she is to the other 3.

>> No.24048009
File: 146 KB, 1057x1500, EBSfv-UVUAUwshW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048030

Who has the smelliest anus in Hololive? It's gotta be Haato right?

>> No.24048010
Quoted by: >>24048025

She needs an irl friend that she can talk to and steer her in the right direction. Having the mind she does, I feel like she never really considers other peoples takes on things, and she's developed a bit of an ego.

>> No.24048012

Coco exposed her for being shit at English and destroyed her confidence so she had to reinvent herself.

Honestly her stream isn't any different from how I imagine any teenager given a streaming set up and no adult supervision would look like.

>> No.24048013

If Hoshikawa really was Haato's friend before they became vtubers and this really is what actual Haato's personality is as she claims, then Hoshikawa should be the one person who will stick by her.

>> No.24048017

>High IQ - Kanata
>Above Average IQ - Fubuki, Sora, Pekora, Coco, Choco, Flare
>Average IQ - Subaru, Mio, Marine, Miko, Matsuri, Ayame, Luna, Okayu, Aki, Roboco, Rushia, Suisei, Noel
>Below Average IQ - Shion, Haato, Korone, Mel
>Low IQ - Aqua

>> No.24048025

She has her sister and mother for that. They're both huge Haatons and give her plenty of criticisms and suggestions. Their damage control was probably why her dad's vtuber video wasn't a complete unmitigated catastrophe although it did lead to some doxxing.

>> No.24048026

>Pekora above average IQ

How do the cardinal directions work again?

>> No.24048027


>> No.24048030

its definitely sheep since its full of hair which traps sweat dripping from her ass

>> No.24048031

How much body strength do you need to break dance? They look pretty slim yet pull it off, unless they're ripped under those clothes.

>> No.24048033

Shouldn't Chocos be unknown since she was the one who made the test

>> No.24048034

forgot watame and towa, they can go in average

>> No.24048035
Quoted by: >>24048063


Why is she talking with herself?

>> No.24048037

Haato has recently made private her collaboration videos with her sister. I'm guessing after the papachama fiasco her sister wants nothing more to do with her vtuber life and order her to take off all videos related to her. I've found most of them still on bilibili save one so if any of you are fans I'd suggest you archive them for safekeeping.


PLAY HORROR GAME with my sister - OUTLAST -

【6万人記念】姉妹でたこ焼きパーティーするっ(音フェチ)EATING SOUNDS



not found yet

>> No.24048038

Wait. Korone dumped Okayu for Marine but Marine already kissed Okayu, what the fuuuuck??

>> No.24048042


>> No.24048043

Break dancing is mostly core strength and using momentum/weight distribution properly, it helps if you're light as fuark like they are as well.

>> No.24048045

Ever tried to do a handstand? It's pretty tough if you don't regularly exercise.

>> No.24048049
File: 393 KB, 1332x1864, fcae05c3c283e51ebec105235ebe4067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048088

Do Haatons have their own discord or place to hang out and chat?
I am serious about wanting to produce a Haachama based non ero doujinshi together with a team and sell it online.
If there isn't a place already maybe an anon can make one?

>> No.24048050

Marine's also visited Okayu's island in AC. She's trying for a threesome, but so is Shion.

>> No.24048051

Isn't this an established narrative? haachama being all but disowned?

>> No.24048053

None, just cardio. Remember that they're probably like 5'2 as well

>> No.24048058
Quoted by: >>24048070

Baqua is dumb when it comes to general knowledge but I can't help but to be impressed by her when it comes to gaming. She can be competent when it comes to things she cares about. Haachama, on the other hand...

>> No.24048059
File: 140 KB, 294x294, no replies0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please share your favorite Hololive reaction pictures.

>> No.24048061
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1589405101088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048090


>> No.24048062

that outlast stream with her sister was the first holo stream I watched

>> No.24048063

I want Watame and Ui to sexually assault me at the same time.

>> No.24048064
File: 722 KB, 1300x986, 1590609908497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048070

>average IQ
>literal tetris goddess

that's gonna be a no from me famalam.

>> No.24048065
Quoted by: >>24048077

too early bro, I don't want to have 600 posts of no images.

>> No.24048068
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1589096598160s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048090


>> No.24048069
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1590798244999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048090


>> No.24048070

Grinding =/= smart

>> No.24048071

>tfw getting NTR'd by marine
i understand your pain now koronefags

>> No.24048072

Matsuri hanging out in Roberu's chat

>> No.24048073
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, elite fall 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048090


>> No.24048077

He's crashing this thread, with no images.

>> No.24048078
Quoted by: >>24048138

What papachama incident?

>> No.24048079

I just watched asacoco.

>> No.24048080

So with news of Nintendo's guidelines...does this mean that streamers covering SRB2 Kart have to remove all the Nintendo-related mods/content(plus the race courses) for it? Minus say, third-party characters like Rex/Snake/Terry?

>> No.24048081
Quoted by: >>24048107

The average person could not play tetris like that even with 10k hours of practice.

>> No.24048083

Marine there sounds like those Stacies from yuri.

>> No.24048084

You need a decent amount. But being light helps.
Think more calisthenics rather than lifting. Bulk hurts more than it helps, but you still need that lean muscle.

>> No.24048085 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 655x612, when the supatrain rolls in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048090


>> No.24048086
Quoted by: >>24048099

In that case, everybody is an idiot. Nobody inherently knows thermodynamics, nobody reaches diamond in Apex without practice.

>> No.24048088 [DELETED] 

There is a place.


EN Haato is there but not JP. There are some Jp's at the EN one tho. They're all nice people

>> No.24048090

Thank you.

>> No.24048091
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 622094575380725761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048092


>> No.24048096

Korone has started collabbing with Marine because she figures if she turns Marine into her cumpet first then Marine won't try to get Okayu to cheat anymore.

>> No.24048099
Quoted by: >>24048103

floyd mayweather is dumb as brick and he's the greatest boxer on earth.

>> No.24048100
File: 525 KB, 1909x1073, 1590983903924-Recovered.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048103

So the word smart is just bullshit then. Unless we're talking general knowledge, which is all learned.

>> No.24048104

Seems to be backfiring since Korone is playing Marinecore games. It feels like 2 old ladies becoming friends and Marine is probably more mature than Okayu.

>> No.24048105
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1589575925338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048107
Quoted by: >>24048124

And some people can perform incredible mental calculations in an instant. I wouldn't call a lot of them "smart" either.

>> No.24048110
File: 293 KB, 483x703, EVtgwXfUMAALZPf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ever going to see a resurgence of loli streams?

>> No.24048112
File: 137 KB, 840x852, 1590475032261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048131

I want to give the squirrel a big ol' smooch and let her use my PC

>> No.24048113

is she going to try and fatten marine too?

>> No.24048115
File: 560 KB, 749x872, 1580349461319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048126

I saw it from a mile away that somebody will make this but I still laff

>> No.24048119

It's already begun, though she was probably almost there already.

>> No.24048121

seems like the trend is over for now, I don't see any new schedules loli themed streams

>> No.24048122

Miko's quiz translation
>Q1 Color you don't like
Shocking pink/Bright pink
>Q2 A skill you don't get to show off often
I can move my fingers really smoothly as if they had a mind of their own
>Q3 Who do you want to colab with
A lot of people but I wanted to do one with Luna
>Q4 What animal would you like to turn into?
If insects were included a cicada, otherwise a cat
>Q5 Something you're really into
Stuff my freezer with a shitton of icecream
>Q6 What type of member of the opposite sex do you like
Not my area of expertise, If we are talking same sex though...
>Q7 Do you eat taiyaki from the head or from the tail
From the middle
>Q8 Boobs or ass
>Q9 What type of onigiri do you like
Dried plum
>Q10 A tv program you like
>Q11 What would you take to a deserted island
A lighter
>Q12 What did you buy recently
WebMoney(Prepaid cards)
>Q13 What club would you be in
Go home club
>Q14 School swimsuit of bikini
>Q15 What will you be doing in 5 years
A Hololive Idol!
>Q16 What fetish
Feet soles/tights (I'm guessing feet with tights on but I couldn' completely understand because of luna's laugh)
>Q17 Something you like about youself
My ahoge
>Q18 Which do you prefer takoyaki or ikayaki
>Q19 If you were to describe yourself as an animal what would it be
A cat
>Q20 Give Luna a nickname

Posting again because miko is a lesbian

>> No.24048123
File: 107 KB, 850x850, 1590820444309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was already plump

>> No.24048124
File: 109 KB, 660x742, 1590685616690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are a retard who doesn't understand what IQ is or how it works.

>> No.24048126

I was expecting someone to do a shion chair one before that.

>> No.24048127 [DELETED] 

Thanks, floating the idea there.

>> No.24048129
File: 658 KB, 4000x4000, Angels!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be able to watch the Kanata+Towa collab...
Someone, promise me you'll enjoy the stream twice in my stead.

>> No.24048131
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1590468039684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048140

yagoo, walla walla bing du duk piki piki brrrrr

>> No.24048132

To be honest, the loli streams felt a little insulting. But I'm pretty stingy with my loli, so I couldn't help but get the feeling of "You call this loli?!"

>> No.24048136

The only way I'd want it is if they all get live2D models to go with it. Also, just have them at random intervals, rather than everybody doing it in the same fucking week.

>> No.24048138

Haachama had a stream where Papachama made a video for her to show on stream. Turns out papachama is a lot more looser with his digital footprint and pretty much doxxed himself and almost Haachama. We at least know that Haachama idiocy runs in the family

>> No.24048140
File: 55 KB, 160x169, 1582297571383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048313


>> No.24048149
File: 161 KB, 1280x1000, 1590807307020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048153
File: 249 KB, 1400x1400, EZG6XuzUYAAk871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048158

I fucking love this bitch

>> No.24048156
File: 7 KB, 198x188, 1590320942668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048157

Still trying to figure out what those two were doing to Haachama in that stream.

>> No.24048158

I guess I'll have to take up the mantle of hating Coco.

>> No.24048166

>50 images left
>600~ posts to go

>> No.24048167

2 old hags try to rape a JK live on stream

>> No.24048169
Quoted by: >>24048220

>Aired from 1982 to 2014
>looks like a boomer show

>> No.24048172

someone subbed the haachama vomiting clip and i feel sick just remembering it...

>> No.24048182

She's the holo who needs a L2D update the most.

>> No.24048184
Quoted by: >>24048656

Anyone has the streamable version of this?

>> No.24048185


>> No.24048188
Quoted by: >>24048212

I don't know if it was just me but the feet clip felt way more repulsive, I couldn't even finish it.

>> No.24048192
Quoted by: >>24048218


>> No.24048193

That's pretty funny.

>> No.24048194
Quoted by: >>24048199

Only if it's Towa, and it has to be an endurance Horror ASMR stream.

>> No.24048195

matsuri roommate still has fatty fingers and uses fat girl angles and tons of filters

>> No.24048199

Collab with Sora so she cant run away

>> No.24048206

She's a fat goblina, what do you expect?

>> No.24048208
File: 386 KB, 439x462, Okayu43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048224


>> No.24048212

the feet clip really got me, but i think it's worse for me because my headphones make it sound so much more prominent that it sounds like it's right next to me

>> No.24048213
File: 649 KB, 692x1064, 1582708366525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is for missionary position only. Debate me.

>> No.24048215

I used to be fat but I still can't relate to her

>> No.24048218


>> No.24048219
File: 145 KB, 492x492, 1590531110239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048235

>the @ of the guy she replies to

>> No.24048220

It's Miko answering not Marine

>> No.24048221


>> No.24048222

I can't because I agree.

>> No.24048224
Quoted by: >>24048250

that's not my original filename

>> No.24048226
File: 46 KB, 426x412, 1583068653036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048227

Kurokamis sister in 5 minutes for APEX

>> No.24048233
Quoted by: >>24048239

I don't want to crush her under my mass.

>> No.24048235

Oh dear.

>> No.24048237
Quoted by: >>24048307

Counter proposal: Nursing hand jobs.

>> No.24048239

She is our beloved idol! She can handle anything!

>> No.24048242
Quoted by: >>24048249

Two words: Mating Press

>> No.24048244

Extra webm of Pekora blowing kisses

>> No.24048245

Does anyone know this FBK op song playing right now?

>> No.24048249

Just modified missionary

>> No.24048250
File: 248 KB, 431x558, Luna五万八千三百九十二.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048277

It's not your file.

>> No.24048252
Quoted by: >>24048264

>>Q15 What will you be doing in 5 years
>A Hololive Idol!
Miko sure is optimistic

>> No.24048255

they were removed before the papachama fiasco

>> No.24048258

...but I want Pekora to laugh at my dick

>> No.24048259

I would raise you a doggy style.

>> No.24048262
File: 259 KB, 600x818, IMG_20200524_205732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a granny and being able to take advantage of a cute naive jk like Haachama.

>> No.24048263

Q2 just reminds me of https://youtu.be/06xxbl3BDzw?t=14

>> No.24048264
File: 632 KB, 1000x1400, ESad8IVUEAAHRoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048279

growing old with mikochi!

>> No.24048265

wow her sister sounds hot

>> No.24048266

everyone encourage him to do this right now https://twitter.com/aragamioga/status/1267322392197517312?s=19

>> No.24048267

>Korone = obviously
>Marine = mating press
>Coco = standing
>Kanata = spoon
>Aqua = head stomp doggie
>Okayu = lotus
>Rushia = DP
>Towa = head on couch facefuck press

>> No.24048271

That's nothing compared to her friend getting PLUNDERED and stealing all the attention

>> No.24048272

She's good for mating press as a good and loving wife. But also she has a really good ass, so anal doggy style is mandatory

>> No.24048273
File: 57 KB, 173x167, 1572498470735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048277
File: 131 KB, 251x297, explorer_2020-06-01_16-05-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048300

oh yea?
>duplicate file exists
why is FBK the only one streaming im so fucking bored

>> No.24048278

>haachama replying to a guy with the username @BestialityLoves

>> No.24048279
Quoted by: >>24048309

You mean growing even older? Miko is old and so am I...

>> No.24048283

>Suisei is posted
>Suisei dance webm poster appears with subsequent "look at her go!" replies

>Towa doing literally anything
>Posters reply with her name with a few ellipses.

>Marine image is posted
>Posters state their intention to fill her womb with their cum

>Shion is posted
>Something something about eyebrows. Something something about black boyfriends.

>Moona is posted
>Either explicit armpit images are posted or an argument about religious fundamentalism is started.

This is what I come to these threads for.

>Depression-posting moved from Shion to Fubuki
>Boatposting has ceased
>Actual lunafags exist now
Oh that's new.

>> No.24048284

Roberu collabs with Roberu, Roberu and Roberu
but if Roberu plays with Roberu, Roberu and Roberu, is our son winning or losing?

>> No.24048285


>> No.24048288

Hololive discord confirmed for ERP channel.

>> No.24048291

I miss boat posting.

>> No.24048292
File: 952 KB, 1098x1200, 1590044467513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata = spoon

>> No.24048293

>Boatposting has ceased
Normies got a wind of it bad huh?

>> No.24048295

This is just a preview of June's new degeneracy, stay tuned...

>> No.24048298
File: 96 KB, 261x311, Luna7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual lunafags exist now

>> No.24048300
File: 87 KB, 880x866, Korone Hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you stealing my file, anon?

>> No.24048304
File: 710 KB, 1032x808, 1588027121627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you can rustle her wings with your fingers while doing it.

>> No.24048306
File: 233 KB, 973x611, 1588003947555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048307

Those are for the nurse, obviously.

>> No.24048308

Spoon? How is that a position

>> No.24048309

miko is in her mid 20s
prime time to reproduce for the greater good of japan

>> No.24048312

hey nerd, what's wrong with Lunafags uh?
Have you never wanted to fuck a baby? No?
That's what I thought loser.

>> No.24048313


>> No.24048316

There's sexual spoons, sweetie.

>> No.24048317

I know we're all virgins here, but take a wild guess.

>> No.24048318
File: 1.04 MB, 723x850, 1587406489972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wouldn't be the first time

>> No.24048320

>Ayame = sitting in her boyfriend's backpack while her boyfriend rails her for hours

>> No.24048322

Not like this bro...

>> No.24048324
Quoted by: >>24048333

>Choco = consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of (dinosaur) procreation

>> No.24048325

>Fubuki = Dead fish
>Kurokami = Amazon position

>> No.24048327
Quoted by: >>24048406

Are you ready to smell your favorite chuuba?

>> No.24048330

Get off 4channel kanata

>> No.24048333
File: 85 KB, 800x800, 1580341762518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.24048334
Quoted by: >>24048344

I want to cuddle haato

>> No.24048339
Quoted by: >>24048352

Why do Discord servers have to announce your arrival to everyone when you just want to take a peek?

>> No.24048342

>Matsuri = piss exchange tea ceremony before bukake finish

>> No.24048343
File: 744 KB, 880x704, suichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Pride of Hololive, Suisei Hoshimachi! I want to look at her go(on a date with me)!

>> No.24048344

Haato is trike patrol sex potion

>> No.24048345

how did coco become this succesful with that voice

>> No.24048349

>Flare = hand holding and kisses

>> No.24048350

she has SOUL

>> No.24048352

Because discord is a hugbox of fags.

>> No.24048353

Suisei is for glory hole sex.

>> No.24048355

her hardwork, so hard it makes her cry

>> No.24048356

The same way mickey mouse became successful

>> No.24048363

Memes and shock value.

>> No.24048367
File: 82 KB, 896x520, C31AB01A-0620-43AB-A1BA-79D1AC4212DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do nips hate haachama so much
Majority of her fans are gaijin

>> No.24048373
File: 146 KB, 1200x1200, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048408

Take her hand...

>> No.24048374

They probably don't like retards as much.

>> No.24048375

she's a dishonorable samurai

>> No.24048376

Better yet, why India?

>> No.24048382

India is the austrialia of asia

>> No.24048383
Quoted by: >>24048385


>> No.24048385

That doesn't make sense.

That make sense.

>> No.24048391

Why don't the EOP's donate? Wtf bros

>> No.24048393

she's not a traditional idol, so they view her as undesirable

>> No.24048394
Quoted by: >>24048397

Based chat

>> No.24048395

Anal Idol!

>> No.24048397

Okay Roberu bro where are you? We aren't mad just admit you hoped for a yeah

>> No.24048400

Does that make Pakistan the New Zealand?

>> No.24048405

feet and vomit

>> No.24048406

Sigh, what do I need to install / set-up to enjoy this masterpiece?

>> No.24048407

Dumb reddit girl

>> No.24048408
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, hypnosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048421

Hypnotizing Rushia!

>> No.24048415

>the Pride of Hololive
What does it even mean

>> No.24048421

imagine the hypnotism sex
god that's hot

>> No.24048426
Quoted by: >>24048435


>> No.24048429

she's the Pride of Hololive, anon

>> No.24048433
File: 454 KB, 601x598, HugeBrothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048435

>me at work
>"Hey, anon. Help me lift this thing up will ya?"
>prepare to lift

>> No.24048436
Quoted by: >>24048470

She probably stands the most for the idol ideal, the journey of growth of an idol from nobody to someone who inspires and I'm not even a Suiseifag (her dancing needs a lot if work)

>> No.24048438

imagine holding hands with mikeneko while she streams

>> No.24048443
File: 1.89 MB, 2008x2840, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048734

Korone gets to tap this?

>> No.24048444


>> No.24048445
File: 61 KB, 869x504, Screenshot_2020-06-01 Korone Ch 戌神ころね YouTube Channel Analytics and Report - NoxInfluencer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute haato audience is full of old farts
>"""boomer""" vtuber audience is full of kids
really makes you think

>> No.24048450
Quoted by: >>24048462

It's okay, anon, I used to make Link noises while helping carrying stuff

>> No.24048453


>> No.24048457
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1589612208777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048484

>Fubuki's mouse sensitivity

>> No.24048458


>> No.24048459

That site is incredibly inaccurate. Also, everyone knows Korone is full of Zoomers.

>> No.24048462
Quoted by: >>24048473

i still do that and DBZ grunts im 27

>> No.24048469
Quoted by: >>24048492

Bros I'm starting to think Noel and can actually kick my ass

>> No.24048470

>not even a Suiseifag
Yeah sure you are

>> No.24048473
Quoted by: >>24048489

I still Naruto run in my dreams

>> No.24048474

You realize that this site's method of analysis is guesswork and not facts right? It has been up here several times before and it is obvious that it's data is unreliable.
The way it gathers viewer age is based purely on some hypothetical rather than say the date of birth.

>> No.24048475
Quoted by: >>24048502

>back to posting shitty audience demographics graphs
Please I want out of this time loop

>> No.24048476

What about pekora

>> No.24048478
File: 230 KB, 1122x2048, EZV4TOtVAAM3oHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big noels

>> No.24048482
Quoted by: >>24048538

>noel was a cheerleader
imagine going to that school

>> No.24048484
Quoted by: >>24048501

with a mid-long range sight as well

>> No.24048486

Towaiting 24 minutes

>> No.24048489

I do but only when nobody is home

>> No.24048490

Im busy watching FBK

>> No.24048492
Quoted by: >>24048510

Noel could smother you with her chest and there’s nothing you could do about it.

>> No.24048495 [DELETED] 

Towaiting 23 minutes

>> No.24048498

Wait just how long she has that tits for

>> No.24048500

Oh I hate this

>> No.24048501

>6th grade
>already a titty monster
Man she must've early and fast to have gotten a nickname like that in 6th.

>> No.24048502
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, timeloop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't.

>> No.24048508 [DELETED] 

Towaiting 20 minutes

>> No.24048509

>running titty cow in elementary school

>> No.24048510

Noel wouldn't smother you to death, in her crazed rampage she would probably strangle you to death very painfully

>> No.24048511
Quoted by: >>24048516

Towa should graduate already, why is she still trying when she can't even earn more SC than fubuki

>> No.24048512

funny that most of the holo usa jokes was in complete japanese

>> No.24048516 [DELETED] 

Towaiting 19 minutes

Shut up insecure suiseifag

>> No.24048518


>> No.24048517
Quoted by: >>24048532

Whats this

>> No.24048525
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1583123589062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048530

As a Towafag, shut the fuck up.

>> No.24048527


>> No.24048528

Suiseifags are living rent free in your head.

>> No.24048530 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24048536


Shut up self proclaim towafag

Towaiting 18 minutes

>> No.24048532

a collab with a smell-o-vision tie in.

>> No.24048534

>Brother is called african refugee

Bros... Please don't tell me she's a hafu...

>> No.24048535
Quoted by: >>24048568

>Noel = BDSM

>> No.24048536
Quoted by: >>24048539

lmao enjoy the ban for spamming then

>> No.24048538

>imagine being a girl
it would let me approach more holos, i'm for it

>> No.24048539 [DELETED] 

I just can restart my internet and it instantly change my IP

Towaiting 16 minutes

>> No.24048540


you towafags are more insecure of suisei, look at the music videos faggot. 600k in 4 days vs 345k on 1 month. Maybe your Towa should stop singing and retire already

>> No.24048541

Maybe because her brother was skinny as fuck.

>> No.24048542
Quoted by: >>24048551

Cowgirl with little bunny hops

>> No.24048544

She's definitely not half black. She doesn't have the skin or ass

>> No.24048545

god damn it noel let your brother eat a gyudon, stop stealing his food...

>> No.24048546

I can relate to this so much...
they used to bully me in the locker room, calling me a 3 legged horse just because I had the biggest dick.... ;_;

>> No.24048550 [DELETED] 

Imagine being insecure suiseifag coping with number

Towaiting 15 minutes

>> No.24048551
File: 935 KB, 574x640, frog jump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048552

She kept stealing his bento

>> No.24048556

That works too!

>> No.24048558
File: 529 KB, 1100x788, KanataWave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanata!

>> No.24048559
Quoted by: >>24048567

Noel's "older brother" called african refugee because Noel's boyfriend is an african living in japan. she's getting BBC every night

>> No.24048562

It was a joke at how much of twig her brother was since everyone knows theres no food in africa

>> No.24048564
Quoted by: >>24048602

Stop falling for the bait, it's obviously the ESL Towa anti sperg falseflagging. Just report him for spamming and move on.

>> No.24048565 [DELETED] 


Towaiting 13 minutes

>> No.24048567
Quoted by: >>24048579

but that story is from when Noel was in primary school.

>> No.24048568

More closely resembles >>24048535 it even looks like her ankles and hands are tied up in that webm.

>> No.24048569

That's just a different way if saying auschwitz survivor.

>> No.24048571

Her grandma only speak english if I remember, and haato could spend days without talking to her

>> No.24048576


>> No.24048579
Quoted by: >>24048583

the african is her classmate / boyfriend since primary school, she's just saying he's her older brother

>> No.24048580 [DELETED] 

Towaiting bros WW@? it's time for us to Towaiting

Towaiting 11 Minutes

>> No.24048582

I've been practicing this while taking a shower. It's fucking hard.

>> No.24048583
Quoted by: >>24048594

shit narrative anon. everyone knows she beats up her brother with a sock full of coins when that wouldn't happen in your narrative.

>> No.24048584
File: 140 KB, 1748x1240, EYhTW03U4AE4b9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048585 [DELETED] 

Towaiting 10 minutes, can't wait for kino collab between kanata and towa-sama

>> No.24048586


>> No.24048587

wtf noel is racist, I hate noel now.

>> No.24048589
Quoted by: >>24048600

Fuck I forgot the link.

>> No.24048592

Towafag can you shut the fuck up?

>> No.24048594

ofcourse she would beat up her boyfriend. what do you expect from a menhera boobs

>> No.24048597

I thought you were trying to naruto-run in the shower

>> No.24048600

how do you not slip and break your neck

>> No.24048601

This is why Rushia is the best gen 3. Pure + Cute + she's my girlfriend

>> No.24048602


>> No.24048603 [DELETED] 

Can't wait to hear Towa say konyapi...

>> No.24048606
Quoted by: >>24048634

I don't care for Towa but this is a painfully obvious falseflag. Just report.

>> No.24048607

Can't wait for Towa to start hanging

>> No.24048608

shien has a 10k celebration stream and he got his first aka supacha

>> No.24048609 [DELETED] 

Towa and her smelly armpit hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.24048612
Quoted by: >>24048625

>Pure + Cute + she's my girlfriend
Anon are you okay? Did you come from some alternate reality?

>> No.24048615
File: 2.71 MB, 2508x3541, IMG_20200417_154917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love her so much, then why don't you find a cure for her disease?

>> No.24048620 [DELETED] 

Imagine licking towa-sama ass and then accidentally pulling her ass hair

>> No.24048621

The holostars are going to make it!

>> No.24048624

>Noel loves her brother
>Noel probably prefer skinny guy that she can lift and smother with love

>> No.24048625
Quoted by: >>24048642

it's true though

>> No.24048628
File: 1.44 MB, 3842x2882, noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel is called "Titty Monster" and is known for eating a lot
>She would steal her brothers food growing up which made him skinnier than stereotypical african refugees
are we sure Noel was the one that was abused as a child, sounds more like she was the abusive one even back then.

>> No.24048629

Are americans still awake?

>> No.24048630
Quoted by: >>24048649

She'll slip and dump cola all over your floor

>> No.24048631

She won't let me fuck her ear so I can't help her.

>> No.24048633

Haato sister English is so much better than her's

>> No.24048634

Yesterday there were at least 5 of them just spamming name ellipsis before during and after her karaoke.

>> No.24048636

Shien yo...

>> No.24048637

Why discussing Noel when you can just discuss about how perfect Towa-sama is

>> No.24048638

Towafags are the worst, just like their vtuber

>> No.24048639

>brother was called African Refuge

>> No.24048640
File: 46 KB, 300x300, brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048642
Quoted by: >>24048663

Sure buddy, you keep holding onto that dream

>> No.24048643

No, we're not.

>> No.24048645

The abused also abuse. It's a cycle.

>> No.24048649

i'll just wipe it out

>> No.24048650 [DELETED] 

Towaiting 3 minutes!

>> No.24048652

>Towa's offline chat is just full of Towaiting
>Kanata's offline chat is full of off-topic English discussion
Why is it like this

>> No.24048654

Sasuga, Japs take banter to an uncomfortable level.

>> No.24048655

Hamburger M4A1 Bacon Lard 5.56x45mm NATO

>> No.24048656

https://files.catbox.moe/ri508s.mp4 only the catbox

>> No.24048657
Quoted by: >>24048669

man i wish they had done that while he was streaming, i want to see his reaction

>> No.24048659

I am
3 AM

>> No.24048660

I don't know what's more damning, Towa falseflagging or writing Pizza Party.

>> No.24048662

Big American Hamburger!

>> No.24048663

you are just jealous because I have rushia. I'm guessing you are an ayamefag that got cucked

>> No.24048665

burgers are not awake until another 3 or 4 hours

>> No.24048666

It really saddens me.

>> No.24048668

Aussie here. My friends and I made those kinds of jokes. Americans are pussies.

>> No.24048669

Dude couldn't be there for the stream

>> No.24048670
Quoted by: >>24048677

Whats wrong with Towaiting?Even Towa did it.

>> No.24048671
Quoted by: >>24048696

I'm more impressed that the Nips are also towaiting... she really has her audience into a cult... JP and EN together... maybe Towa really is a devil.

>> No.24048672

I'm a NEET and probably too stupid.

>> No.24048674
Quoted by: >>24048732

Towa's EOPs leaking into Kanata's chat. Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24048675
Quoted by: >>24048686

>wanting to ban artia brothers
small, sister

>> No.24048677
Quoted by: >>24048707

Nothing, I was making the point that Towa has a well behaved chat, I wish Kanata's was like that too, though it's also not the worst either.

>> No.24048678
File: 249 KB, 1654x2048, EZaCHmLVAAAPfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048741

>> No.24048680
Quoted by: >>24048689

PPT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jimnG8c4_c

>> No.24048682
Quoted by: >>24048698

God dammit Towa stop using this new BGM.

>> No.24048683
File: 190 KB, 867x1024, 1528296725986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of Asian banter is.

>> No.24048685

So Kanata's NOT perpetually dying in lava anymore? or is this a rescue mission collab?

>> No.24048686

i wanted to give towafags a chance

>> No.24048689
File: 449 KB, 1448x2048, 1590416478800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048694

>delicious as a well done steak
nothing like a little kewpie mayo cant fix

>> No.24048696
Quoted by: >>24048745

Towa is one of the four cults of hololive with Rushia, Dragon and Flare

>> No.24048697

Is this Kanata x Towa's first collab with just each other?

>> No.24048698

Its the original one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID1AhHDWDzo

Make whatever narratives from that as you wish.

>> No.24048699
File: 49 KB, 271x80, hey hey people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048739


>> No.24048700

神kanata OP

>> No.24048704

Do you guys also thing about elaborate stories where you guys meet the holos and how you try to get friendly with them? It's one of the many delusions about good things that will never happen to me that i've added to my repertoire as i go to sleep thinking about how much of a failiure i am

>> No.24048706

They used to collab all the time, it's just been a while.

>> No.24048707

Her chat ain't usually like that. It's just that one Pointer Jian retard who always chats like that there.

>> No.24048710

Holy shit that is some good bantz.

>> No.24048711

>The difference not only in chat but also in OP of Towa and Kanata
It really is a collab of a devil and an angel

>> No.24048714

They collab quite often before THAT incident

>> No.24048715
Quoted by: >>24048754

Towa and Kanata had semi regular collabs from 3 months ago and older.

>> No.24048720

>Nips, polite until the bantz come out
Good shit.

>> No.24048723

well FBK is a shark now not a fox or cat

>> No.24048727

Yes, bro it is quite sad,

>> No.24048728

I thought that kind of language was pretty common and I'm euro.

>> No.24048729
File: 951 KB, 800x1200, 1588935595819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I thought Kanata's mic died again for a second

>> No.24048730

Muted Kanatan.....

>> No.24048731

I've had a couple of dreams but I'll settle for looking for desperate hikkiwomen parents to find my wife. So at least it's only half a delusion instead of a full one.

>> No.24048732

Don't act so pure
the 4 marine prank got subtitled every time. and is really popular.

>> No.24048733

Only the strong can survive.

>> No.24048734


>> No.24048736

I went in deep thinking about myself as a Holo it's not a fun time.

>> No.24048739

>noel's nii-san is an african warlord who reviews retro games
new narrative?

>> No.24048741

>red haired sisters
when are they gonna start making more small groups like im@s
i'd like to see a ponkotsu team

>> No.24048744

So it's safe to say we're past the yabee moment now?

>> No.24048745

>four cults
So the four horsemen? I fear the day we get a collab with the four of them. Though Flare having a cult is new to me.

>> No.24048746

She's a fox, cat, shark, scatman, spiderman, manfoxpig, giraffe, probably some other stuff I can't remember.

>> No.24048747
File: 29 KB, 860x906, 1588497913899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048757


>> No.24048748
Quoted by: >>24048762

have any of the other holostars gotten an akasupa? i haven't watched their streams enough to see

>> No.24048750

Yes but it makes me happy instead of sad.
The faith that people like this exist is enough

>> No.24048752

Sasuga "kamaitati_鎌鼬" supachatting both streams

>> No.24048754
Quoted by: >>24048771

The incident ruined EVERYTHING. Hopefully we can slowly go back to comfy duo streams with the two

>> No.24048757
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, ETD4oAiUYAESVFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048761
Quoted by: >>24048773

Based guy who supacha both of them

>> No.24048762

All of them have at some point

>> No.24048764

You forgot burned out, overworked and poorly paid face of Hololive

>> No.24048767
File: 150 KB, 1000x1478, 1584185084684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to keep up nowadays...

>> No.24048770

what incident

>> No.24048771
Quoted by: >>24048801

I'm convinced Towa was under some kind of probation until recently, either by the company or just one she imposed herself. After her second Apex endurance stream where she said she finally got over that moment, she started collabing again.
Something similar to Matsuri's collab ban when she was having sleep issues.

>> No.24048773

i guess that's one way to split an akasupa for a collab

>> No.24048776

Towa is so happy! Happy Towa is cute! I love you Towa! Thank you Kanata!

>> No.24048778

If you look at the revenue chart Flare is pretty high up there despite being middling in views.

>> No.24048779
Quoted by: >>24048850

Im glad a decent deal of holos are returning to minecraft

>> No.24048780

These two together are cute!!!

>> No.24048785

Fubuki is a changeling, it comes with being the King of Hololive.

>> No.24048786

I do but those make me happy. Probably exactly because there's no chance of it happening. Better than realizing that it might happen and I'll never be prepared for it, you know.

>> No.24048787

What is the Mozambique meme about? I end up getting more kills with that than the Mastiff

>> No.24048788

>the difference between Kanata and Towa house

>> No.24048789

just noel using her roommate's money to support her husband

>> No.24048790
File: 7 KB, 189x267, SmallKuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs to use the superior version of herself and everything will be great

>> No.24048792

I wouldn't consider a dedicated/faithful fanbase to be indicative of a cult. It's a mindset after all.

>> No.24048793

>Watame pulls a fucking Mio and proves to be disgusting and also a leach
>Coco proves to have been a false bravado bitch lying about how "hard" she works and also pulling a fucking Mio
>Luna "nuff" said
>Towa handling her incident the way she did

I have GRAVELY overlooked PPT i'm not sure why I haven't subbed yet but I feel this collab is a step towards getting me there. One of the "P" must literally mean perfect she has as of yet fucked up anywhere near as bad as her 4th gen peers and is sadly underrated itt.

>> No.24048798
Quoted by: >>24048809

PPT is used to being poor.

>> No.24048800
Quoted by: >>24048808

KanaTowa てぇてぇ

>> No.24048801
File: 29 KB, 274x344, 1563574163442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...she did a collab with Flare/Haato and someone else way before that.

>> No.24048803

Towa's house looked bare until very recently too. She just fixed it last weekend.

>> No.24048804
Quoted by: >>24048815

Towa is relaxed and happy, i like that
I'm on Kanata's stream tho

>> No.24048805

So are they racing to 30 diamonds, or just collecting 30 diamonds between them?

>> No.24048808

How do i make えand つ small

>> No.24048809

Towa has been busy on the server after all. And yeah also >>24048798

>> No.24048810
Quoted by: >>24048848

She's not underrated because her video game streams are painful to watch.

>> No.24048811

>Towa lives in a organised house that was redone at least 5 times
>Watames sleeps outdoors like a sheep
>Kanata sleeps like a hobo

>> No.24048815

I have them both open. The volume is louder on Kanatan's stream.


>> No.24048816

Holy fuck these two are so sweet together.

>> No.24048818

towafags sure are disgusting

>> No.24048819

Towa is just awkward to collab with, She has no sense of humour.

>> No.24048820

The elements are already in stark opposition of Kanatan...

>> No.24048821

On keyboard, press x + e or tu

>> No.24048822


>> No.24048824

Type l before doing e/tsu.

>> No.24048825
File: 130 KB, 450x450, pekarlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame Subaru and Coco won't Collab

They could play Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap

>> No.24048827

>Kanata's hole full of monster already

>> No.24048828

Flare cultists are subtle and occasionally reply to posts with Flare's reptile expression and "Flare!" to make people curious about her.

>> No.24048829

God just hearing happy Towa makes me so happy. Thanks Kanatabros.

>> No.24048831
Quoted by: >>24048847

You're obviously an EOP or ESL, they've been joking back and forth since the stream started.

>> No.24048832
Quoted by: >>24048840

Seems like their making it a contest. Not sure if their going to have a punishment stream for the loser.

>> No.24048833

Race to 30

>> No.24048835
Quoted by: >>24048847

I didn't know you collabed with towa before to inform your opinion.

>> No.24048836

Fuck off Suisei

>> No.24048837

Please someone save FBK's chat...

>> No.24048840

There's going to be a batsu geimu decided by the winner.

>> No.24048841

amazing, thanks anon

>> No.24048844

I have had dreams every night for the last week about that type of stuff, and it's depressing...

>> No.24048847

wow no wonder people hate Towafags fucking white knights on your ass.

>> No.24048848
File: 2.24 MB, 2000x1273, 1564951076565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Com'on she was sheltered she has a legit reason to suck at them, the other girls have been playing them forever and still suck minus obviously Roboco,Marine,Korone and Aqua to a degree Luna and they aren't judged nearly as harshly during their gaming streams.

>> No.24048849
File: 1.36 MB, 2891x4096, 1588145860042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048870

She has a few loyal fans here, I don't think she's that underrated ITT. Just like in Hololive in general she's in a fine place in terms of popularity.

>> No.24048850

I hope they continue killing Ark because coco will never take a hint

>> No.24048851

thanks ぇっ

>> No.24048852
Quoted by: >>24048869

>says retarded thing
>gets called out for retarded thing
>wow look at all the white knights

>> No.24048853
Quoted by: >>24048866

The difference in action between Towa and Kanata's stream is pretty staggering.

>> No.24048854

I haven't seen so much English on PPT's chat since DDLC.

>> No.24048855
Quoted by: >>24049100

Who are the people in this? Ayame, choco, matsuri, noel, rushia?

>> No.24048858

I'm black.

>> No.24048859

Her chat is like a perpetual revolving door of newcomers thanks to her meme videos reaching beyond her audience.
Also it's kinda weirding me out how she's just a disembodied head floating in the middle of the screen. It feels wrong.

>> No.24048860
Quoted by: >>24048880

>Towa is just mining and having a comfy time
>Kanata is fighting for her life every 2 minutes

>> No.24048863

What the fuck is happening in there

>> No.24048865

What is pulling a Mio?

>> No.24048866

Their chats are actually moving at a pretty similar speed considering the viewer difference. Towa's cult is scary.

>> No.24048869

>give honest criticism on why Towa is the last popular.
fuck off and don't reply to me, Fucking hate Towafags with a passion.

>> No.24048870
Quoted by: >>24048899

Yeah, it's weird when people say that Kanata is underrated here when I and what feels like plenty of Kanatabros post about her pretty regularly.
Though I get the feeling that most of us don't post every thread/every day. Though that may just be me projecting.

>> No.24048871
File: 7 KB, 330x88, nihongo....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed a supacha for FBK to stop encouraging it.

>> No.24048872

She is collabing with the biggest EOP magnet after all.

>> No.24048873

>GeForce 2070 Super
Someone finally took her display cable out of the motherboard

>> No.24048875


>> No.24048877
File: 121 KB, 1285x1097, 1587079665511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24048963

>> No.24048879

>Kanata and Towa find 29 diamonds
>The 30th diamond is on the ring you give to them

>> No.24048880

who the fuck sending in mobs to kanata

>> No.24048882

What other conclusion would someone come to when you say someone has no sense of humour when they're currently joking around on stream.

>> No.24048884

I guess the challenge will continue then.

>> No.24048885
File: 443 KB, 687x621, chrome_2020-05-17_19-08-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24048886


>> No.24048887

>Fucking hate Towafags with a passion
>give honest criticism
uh huh

>> No.24048888

bro sorry but you said something completely false since the two are chilling and got called out for it. stop spergiing out over towa-sama.

>> No.24048890
File: 270 KB, 2048x1625, EYIRPazU0AAU07Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say it doesn't bother me but it ain't that bad yet.

>> No.24048893

>kanata gets hordes of monsters
>Towa finds diamonds right away

>> No.24048896

You slick mother fucker

>> No.24048897


>> No.24048898
Quoted by: >>24048907

didnt know about l, I use y a lot so that's new

>> No.24048899

Want to know who's underrated? Shion. She barely gets mentioned here unless it's for some joke or the usual Shion yo...

>> No.24048901
Quoted by: >>24048917

As a Towa fan I hope she loses so we can watch her cringing while doing ASMR!

>> No.24048902

Minecraft is really leaving Kanata hanging

>> No.24048904

I expected but it doesn't really bother me. Kanata isn't exactly an EOP-oriented chuuba so they won't be staying.

>> No.24048907

Japanese don't have an L so it kind of makes sense that they'd find a use for that key.

>> No.24048908

They're always there but they only chat when some random says something in English and PPT reads it.

>> No.24048909

because she's always making up excuses not to stream.

>> No.24048910

not as underrated as ankimo

>> No.24048911
Quoted by: >>24048961

Kanata has the worst Minecraft luck.

>> No.24048912

did kanata really call enderman niggaman?!

>> No.24048914

Shion has very few fans here.
Guess people don't really like shitty brats.

>> No.24048915

is towa using a much better pick too?

>> No.24048916

Why are idol threads always full of people that feel the need to insult and put down everyone who isn't their favourite?

>> No.24048917

I hope she'll get dragged into a future KanaTowa batsucollab like with Aki.

>> No.24048918
Quoted by: >>24048926

Why are you looking at the chat and not Kanata or minecraft?

>> No.24048919

Because idols attract extremely autistic people.

>> No.24048920

watching towa's stream instead of working on my group project...gonna fail the class because of the holos, bros

>> No.24048922

thats how idolfagging works

>> No.24048923

I like Shion. I just turned from being a fulltime Shionfag to a fulltime Towafag.

>> No.24048925


>> No.24048926

It's not hard to watch both.

>> No.24048927

Worth it.

>> No.24048929

No, Kanata is actually smart unlike Miko and Moona

>> No.24048931

just multitask bro

>> No.24048932

>Dark skinned
>Steals blocks
>Will kick your ass if you look at them the wrong way
>Cant swim
Checks out

>> No.24048934

>Towa involuntarily switching to a cute voice because of PPT
Cheeky angel.

>> No.24048935


>> No.24048941


>> No.24048943
Quoted by: >>24048951

Kanatan found some!

>> No.24048945


>> No.24048946
Quoted by: >>24048978

Basically people can't like the group as a whole they have to have a favorite, also /pol/ and /v/ have seeped in especially /v/ with the rise of Korone and Pekora and tribalism is basically their MO.

>> No.24048948

>2... with the extra drop pickaxe...

>> No.24048950
Quoted by: >>24049238

Kanata almost said the gamer word.

>> No.24048951

Is there a strategy or is it just keep digging until you get lucky?

>> No.24048953

I agree that brat is actually pretty entertaining

>> No.24048956


>> No.24048959

I really like Shion but there's nothing to post about her here...

>> No.24048961
Quoted by: >>24049000

>finally finds diamonds
>it's just two blocks
>only gets one diamond out of each
Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.24048962
Quoted by: >>24048973

What Towa is doing is pretty much the ideal way to farm them, just dig a straight line under line Y = 11 or something like that. Kanata seems to just be exploring caves looking for them.

>> No.24048963

Cute brat

>> No.24048964

They spawn at a certain Y level and you can do a certain mining pattern but other than that just luck.

>> No.24048965

You dig down to a certain level and then just dig forward until you find some, it's the strategy Towa is using right now

>> No.24048966

its somewhat randomly generated but diamonds usually spawn at the most bottom level

>> No.24048968

I feel like, shitposting aside, every member is generally liked here (except for Moona). It's pretty impressive actually.

>> No.24048969

Most insults start from people who don't care, looking for a rise so they can feel good about something. Sensitive fans then fire back at somebody else. Most people here are emotionally stunted.

>> No.24048970
Quoted by: >>24048974

>only two diamonds
Holy shit PPT calm down

>> No.24048971

Shion's the perfect waiting room holo.

>> No.24048973
Quoted by: >>24048989

Towa is doing it like a miner who has a plan
Kanata is doing it like an adventurer exploring ruins

>> No.24048974
Quoted by: >>24048983

crazy that she said it in english too, wasn't expecting that.

>> No.24048975

Kanatan teasing Towa...! Too cute.

>> No.24048977

>nice smell in live collab
what did noel mean by this?

>> No.24048978

All one can do is fight against it until they get tired and leave. Sadly you have people blaming Pekora or Korone rather than the /v/-scum which ironically is the same kind of tribalism.

>> No.24048979

sounds like both of them are waiting to collab since a long time

>> No.24048980

Kanata you have a bucket, put the lava out before a skeleton shoots you in.

>> No.24048981

The thing about shion is that she just feels so basic, like she's not too over the top nerdy but she also isn't a complete normalfag. Her streams are comfy cause she's like that cool friend you want that you just want to hang around with all day but nothing really spectacular happens its just her playing the game.

>> No.24048983

Even with that flawless Southern drawl, she's been hanging out around Coco too much.

>> No.24048984

I like Shion but she makes my cock constantly hard so it's very difficult to concentrate whenever i'm watching her. I love the idea of dicking down a slutty brat like her.

>> No.24048985

official hololive scratch and sniff getting announced soon...

>> No.24048986

The smell of miko used panties

>> No.24048987

Choco smells good

>> No.24048989

Not Kanatan's fault her mine seems to have more monsters

>> No.24048990

They're great together.

>> No.24048991


>> No.24048992

Towa's got this in the bag

>> No.24048993

Holy shit, Towa hit the jackpot.

>> No.24048994

Was that just Pecor on their stream?

>> No.24048996

Guys, FBK is still on...

>> No.24049000
Quoted by: >>24049020

is her pickaxe even enchanted? towa most likely has Looting 2 on hers or whatever gives double ores

>> No.24049002

why the fuck did kanata hit a sea floor

>> No.24049003

This is going to be a very short collab at this rate.

>> No.24049004

Holy shit Kanata is getting destroyed...

>> No.24049005


>> No.24049009

Who? I only know Kurokami

>> No.24049010

Towa blessed by the god

>> No.24049012


>> No.24049014

It's over, Kanata is finished

>> No.24049015

What the fuck kind of group is this.

>> No.24049017

she was AFK though

>> No.24049019

PPT... Your luck...

>> No.24049020
Quoted by: >>24049038

Towa gave her an enchanted diamond pick at the start of the stream.

>> No.24049021

Marine would be a good degenerate wife.

>> No.24049024

I haven't watch much Kanata... I think I will join The Kanata.

>> No.24049028

Here's the real reason the girls don't like collabing with Towa, she's a prick who trash talks her collab partner. Can't read the mood.

>> No.24049029

welcome to THE KANATA

>> No.24049030
Quoted by: >>24049033

Towa's punishment for Kanata is going to be collabing with her again

>> No.24049031
Quoted by: >>24049046

Same, I hope we get more KanaTowa collabs, they're really good together.

>> No.24049032
Quoted by: >>24049044

>Kanata being frugal and using a worse pick even though she has a diamond pick
>Towa just blasting through with a diamond pick

>> No.24049033


>> No.24049037

>Ctrl+F Towa
>207 Result

Take that insecure Suiseifag, look at that number, nothing can stop towa, now towa will be the pride and the face of hololive, long live the queen, towa-sama!

>> No.24049038

oh i didint look at the hotbar

>> No.24049039

was it not because she started a riot?

>> No.24049042

Maximize the number of new blocks you see below a certain Y level in a given period of time. Exploring caves which match the Y level criteria will be the most efficient way in theory because you don't have to dig. But in practice you'll be wasting time finding caves, lighting caves, fighting mobs etc.

>> No.24049044

So that's why she seems to be tunneling more slowly

>> No.24049045
Quoted by: >>24049055

The EOP's in fbks chat are annoying

>> No.24049046

This was how it was meant to be from the start, gap moe angel and gap moe devil in perfect harmony

>> No.24049047
Quoted by: >>24049051

Towa lives in the world where ribbing is a sign of friendliness and has been thrown into the house of anxiety.

>> No.24049048

I thought the other holos' managers told them not to collab with her.

>> No.24049051

I think that's why she meshes so well with PPT, PPT will throw it right back.

>> No.24049053

>who isn't their favourite?
it's 4chan

>> No.24049054

Towa has a lot of viewers lately (3-4k)
Is she inclining ?

>> No.24049055

The well behaved ones are in PPT/Towa's chat.

>> No.24049058


>> No.24049062

>Why is Towa playing the devil in a collab between an angel and a devil?!
How smooth is your brain, honestly?

>> No.24049063

Except for the part where she burns through your incomes on alcohol and gacha

>> No.24049064

I've been camping for a week and haven't had internet access. Could some kind anons give me a rundown on anything note worthy that happened?

>> No.24049067

>digs up the block directly underneath her that far underground
You're lucky today ppt

>> No.24049069

>Hints that she likes longer gravid breast
>God that's one lewd tummy
>This is not lewd this is plumpness
Marine is perfect she understands, I mean of course she would her own design exudes most of these traits

>> No.24049072
Quoted by: >>24049081

Shion yo has contracted the coronavirus, its only a matter of time for her

>> No.24049073

not much but ayame is starting her college graduation stream soon

>> No.24049074

Towa making an excuse to take a break so Kanatan can catch up. てぇてぇ…

>> No.24049075

Pretty sure those AL videos are sponsored.

>> No.24049077

Haato moved to Siberia

>> No.24049080

based AL still getting away with see-through nipples

>> No.24049081

Shion is alive and well, she defeated covid

>> No.24049088

Nice try Fubuki, Marine doesn't like Gacha shit that was promotional work

Good the carbs are only going to go to the best parts of her body you fool.

>> No.24049089

>Towa make another diamond pick in the meanwhile

>> No.24049092

Mel isn't coming back

>> No.24049093

Twafags are now inciting other fanbases to spam for the center spot in the word bubble. They do it because it's all they have. Do not copy them. It does not matter.

>> No.24049094

Mio did a pubes shavng stream

>> No.24049098

Miko married Sora

>> No.24049099

Why is PP's ghost haunting Towa?

>> No.24049100

Only holos that smells good are allowed.

>> No.24049103

YAGOO fired in the lawsuit with Mel A-chan is the CEO of Hololive

>> No.24049108


>> No.24049109

Woops, I meant Towa

>> No.24049110

Yeah, I don't like being part of 9gag army tier groups, don't dislike Towa though

>> No.24049111

I missed most of it, but apparently Coco sent threats to Kanata, telling her that she should kill herself

>> No.24049115
Quoted by: >>24049145

I'm fine with Towa and PPT, but commenting on every second that something mundane happens makes the Korone fags from /v/ look well behaved. Cute stream though, they have no problem ribbing each other.

>> No.24049116

I like Towa and I hope Towa has a nice day. PPT and Towa look like they're having fun! Ganbatte Towa!

>> No.24049117

a lot of even super introverted people can flip a switch once they think theyre with friends
aqua probably sits quietly and balls up when in a big room with people she barely knows but you can tell from her streams with mea how much she opens up around someone shes actually close with

>> No.24049121

Looks like Towa punishment game ASMR is on the menu.

>> No.24049124

Towa was trying to be nice but was too cocky, it's gonna cost her.

>> No.24049125

Towabros...we got too cocky...

>> No.24049126

Towa getting absolutely smashed.

>> No.24049130

Can't believe THE Kanata is making this comeback

>> No.24049131


>> No.24049132


>> No.24049134


>> No.24049135

Towa!? Towa!!!

>> No.24049136

straight up tortoise and the hare shit going on here

>> No.24049137

spoonfeed me on luna pls
I know she's a serial quitter (40 times or something like that), but is there more to her hate than that?
I'm just a clueless EOP that likes to watch her streams to fall asleep

>> No.24049138


>> No.24049139


>> No.24049140

Towa ASMR boys!!!

>> No.24049141

Absolutely demolished

>> No.24049142

Nice comeback

>> No.24049144

>that comeback

>> No.24049145
Quoted by: >>24049159

>he didint see the mass spam when subaru was doing ending E

>> No.24049146


>> No.24049147

Towa ASMR!

>> No.24049149


>> No.24049150

Towa got too cocky.

>> No.24049151
Quoted by: >>24049164

>"As Coco would say: Eat shit you menhera bitch!"
Wow Kanata I'm happy you won but that's really rude.

>> No.24049152

Does Kanata have to come back up with them too? Because that's the hardest part.

>> No.24049153

Wait so the loser had to do ASMR?

>> No.24049155

I look away for 2 minutes how the hell did Kanata get ahead?

>> No.24049158
Quoted by: >>24049179

>towa ASMR
How would that even work?

>> No.24049159

nvm this is actual cancer, at least people were talking about subaru and nier

>> No.24049160


>> No.24049164

Her english is really good though.

>> No.24049167

Okay, maybe there is a warrant for a separate thread, we can have towafags and koronefags post there

>> No.24049168

Nothing is more cancerous than half the thread being ''towa...''
I liked Towa and Towafags before but man. I can't tell if these are real towafags or falseflaggers but it doesn't really matter. Pure cancer.

>> No.24049170

Her exploring actually payed off for once and she found a fat stack.

>> No.24049172

Towafans supachatting PPT to thank her for Towa ASMR. kusa

>> No.24049174

It's literally the same during any collab, it's just dead hours so the "spam" is more obvious.

>> No.24049176

Towa went back home to craft another pickaxe

>> No.24049177


>> No.24049179

probably as same as subaru ASMR

>> No.24049180

The tenshi did it! I thought her 2 diamond would become another meme but I'm glad she actually managed to come back.

>> No.24049183

Wow towa really does dominate this general...

>> No.24049184

i also forgot it was monday

>> No.24049188
Quoted by: >>24049226

She was just faking her bad luck.

>> No.24049192


>> No.24049193


>> No.24049194
Quoted by: >>24049215

What the fuck do you suppose people talk about when there's nothing else on aside from FBK Apex?

>> No.24049195


>> No.24049196


>> No.24049197


>> No.24049199


>> No.24049200


>> No.24049202


>> No.24049201


>> No.24049203

Kanata!!!! This collab is hilarious.

>> No.24049204


>> No.24049205

Tenshibros...we got too cocky...

>> No.24049206


>> No.24049207


>> No.24049208

fucking jinxed it

>> No.24049209

No! PPT!

>> No.24049210


>> No.24049211

Oh no no no Kanata get too cocky

>> No.24049215

What do they see in apex?

>> No.24049216

Kanatan... Just like the last time...

>> No.24049219

I can't believe PPT is fucking dead!

>> No.24049220

What a ride

>> No.24049222

It's not dead hours though. It's just not as many streams as usual.

>> No.24049223

all me

>> No.24049225
Quoted by: >>24049249

I know it's not your fault but I am blaming anon for this.

>> No.24049226

Anon...Its all your fault...

>> No.24049227
Quoted by: >>24049237

so...dead hours?

>> No.24049228

I'd also argue that the ending to a critically acclaimed game after a 30 hour journey is a little bigger affair, but shit's subjective I suppose.

>> No.24049230

This poor angle

>> No.24049231
Quoted by: >>24049250

>It's just not as many streams as usual.
That's the definition of dead hours.

>> No.24049232
Quoted by: >>24049252

Then discuss your other chuubas retard. No one is stopping you.

>> No.24049235


>> No.24049234

This fucking collab has so many fucking plot twists

>> No.24049236


>> No.24049237
Quoted by: >>24049245

>four streams running
Not dead.

>> No.24049238


>> No.24049239
Quoted by: >>24049257

chuubas playing 24/7 hightower servers when

>> No.24049242
Quoted by: >>24049259

>Kanata fucking died near magma
>Towa mouse is dead
Cursed collab

>> No.24049243

Was Asacoco foreshadowing?

>> No.24049245
Quoted by: >>24049253

compared to the 7+ we usually have? it's pretty dead

>> No.24049247


>> No.24049248


>> No.24049249

I just was remembering her hardcore stream when she got done 10 minutes before her set time. Kanatan simply can't get a break.

>> No.24049250

>dead hours
>when there are zero streams running
You know.. from ~5:30AM to noon.

>> No.24049251

Blessed collab

>> No.24049252
Quoted by: >>24049266

He doesn't really have a favorite chuuba. He just hangs here being autistic.

>> No.24049253
Quoted by: >>24049256

Almost like 5 of the holos are at the off collab right now or something, and everyone else isn't starting streams that would overlap with it.

>> No.24049254

Doesn't the loot despawn if you die before picking it up? Are those diamonds gone now?

>> No.24049255

any Izurubros in the chill stream?

>> No.24049256

this doesn't conflict with what I'm saying

>> No.24049257

Who are going to be the medicuck

>> No.24049258

It despawns in 5 minutes if the chunk is loaded, probably gone by now.

>> No.24049259

These 2 seem to have the same thing Peko and Miko do. Their bad luck is amplified when they collab.

>> No.24049261

pretty sure she died near lava, so they're super gone regardless

>> No.24049262

no, your stuff is on a timer, I think it's somewhere from 5-10 minutes.

>> No.24049263

FBK obviously, towa would be the dumb scout the caps at the end

>> No.24049265

okayu is slowly becoming irrelevant
dumb mogumogu fucker only plays mario shit and does boring zatsudan

>> No.24049266

my favourites arent streaming so there's nothing to talk about besides shitposting about being fat

>> No.24049267
Quoted by: >>24049275

Its already past 5 minutes...

>> No.24049268

I have him on in the background.

>> No.24049270

Towafags vs Kanatafags, last post is the winner?

>> No.24049271

Oh my godo...

>> No.24049273

Oh no, Towa is getting sued

>> No.24049274


>> No.24049275
Quoted by: >>24049298

she went to see towa, so I don't think she had any real intention of getting that stuff back

>> No.24049276

Kanata's multiple personality starts sperging while Towa just sits there and laughing

>> No.24049277
Quoted by: >>24049290

It's over, kanatafriends. We'll never get that Towa ASMR.

>> No.24049278

oh shit he didn't show up in my sub box, thanks for letting me know

>> No.24049279


Today I will remind them

>> No.24049280


>> No.24049283
Quoted by: >>24049307

Its ok okayu is better off with aqua anyway

>> No.24049286

Kanata gets lost in the mines and slowly dies from hunger...

>> No.24049287


>> No.24049289

Okayu should do a collab with Towa given they used to do song covers together before joining Hololive.

>> No.24049290

At this point they both deserve to lose so just make them do a collab ASMR

>> No.24049291
Quoted by: >>24049296

megaman soon...haha
assuming korone is really shit at apex anyone wanna try to snipe and feed them kills?

>> No.24049292

The only way this can end now is Towa falling into lava and dying.

>> No.24049293

Best outcome.

>> No.24049294
Quoted by: >>24049311

Angel on your right ear
Devil on your left ear

the ultimate nut sandwich

>> No.24049295

Why did you take the bait?

>> No.24049296
Quoted by: >>24049310

I'll give it a try.

>> No.24049298

She just get lost and found Towa accidently

>> No.24049299

if we get a full reset, that would be great.

>> No.24049301

collab ASMR ? that sound fun af.
Have any holos done it before ?

>> No.24049303

Mio and Korone...

>> No.24049304
Quoted by: >>24049308

Will korone attempt to groom shion like she did with okayu?

>> No.24049305

>Towa would be the scout doing frags
>Aqua the tryhard soldier who has a gf medic
>fbk is the gf medic
>Coco is the gunslinger engineer who ruins the fun of everyone
>Kanata is a friendly heavy
>Choco is the f2p engineer who only wants to build a nest
>Shion is a trolldier
>Artia is the tryhard sniper who wants to be noticed by her senpais but ends up being killed every 10 seconds in humilliating ways

>> No.24049306

Collab ASMR since technically they both lost? I see this as a win!

>> No.24049307

And Aqua is much better off with Shion.

>> No.24049308

it's going to be an onision situation...

>> No.24049310

i want to but if they play on the normal tokyo servers instead of GCE than im fucked since i get 350+ lat

>> No.24049311

Actually a good idea.... they both have top tier voices too.

>> No.24049312

There is a Roboco + Choco ASMR in Roboco's video list that is super lewd.
