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File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1575534696321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23926231 No.23926231 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23926234
File: 47 KB, 422x414, 1586019643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck the dog

>> No.23926251

Did towa retire

>> No.23926253
File: 103 KB, 288x288, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926335

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.23926255

bros, towa has been cumming for 103minutes straight, should I call someone?

>> No.23926256

DAMN Choco gets to lick that?

>> No.23926258

Towa can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.23926259
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x2000, 80089913_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New song soon™

>> No.23926260

fuck a dog

>> No.23926261
File: 375 KB, 1085x1525, a95dc91987e475034cb86b82c6f36560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926289


>> No.23926262
Quoted by: >>23926283

Korone playing Kamen Rider on PS1. Don't call it kusoge, it's decent.

>> No.23926263
File: 1.09 MB, 1105x622, suisei sucking niji cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I thought suisei was taking a break

>> No.23926264
File: 383 KB, 618x918, 5644ba670762adf7375b4e927b531098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926265
File: 98 KB, 828x1792, 1588695868716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926266
File: 2.57 MB, 2894x4093, 1589028381768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Pekora!

>> No.23926267
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1576319534767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926417

>> No.23926269
File: 208 KB, 1200x1500, EYtmwIoUYAAlIpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926297

Embarrass the cute cat.

>> No.23926270

Where were you when Korone saved the tekken scene?

>> No.23926271
Quoted by: >>23926302

How many times has towa been the last post

>> No.23926274
File: 424 KB, 548x421, firefox_n4XaogWXio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926275 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 800x800, 1590248460444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926276

>EOPs appreciating Let's go Rider Kick
I'm glad she's teaching them some culture

>> No.23926277
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, i want to scream my love for this cat from the mountains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926391

my wife is almost at the final boss of paper mario, please watch!

>> No.23926279

I must fulfill my destiny and impregnate Coco

>> No.23926278


>> No.23926281

So what happened in the Towa member stream?

>> No.23926283
Quoted by: >>23926357

It looks like a Tekken reskin though.

>> No.23926284
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1582091382256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towafag is unironically scripting for the last post every thread.
Fuck me.

>> No.23926285
File: 116 KB, 1920x1030, 1589610509153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926600

I will marry Matsuri and make her happy.

>> No.23926286


>> No.23926287


>> No.23926288

>narratives narrative
is this the new narrative bros...?

>> No.23926289

Wished she was my gf...

>> No.23926290
Quoted by: >>23926307

He said before he doesn't script he's just autistic

>> No.23926293

>If he leaked real info before how can he still have connections? Wouldn't everyone cut him off?
Have you never heard of whistleblowers? Just because you work for a company doesn't mean you're happy about everything they're doing.

>> No.23926294
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1587543682109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wannabe JSL seething yesterday because nobody gives a shit about marine like in their precious 5cuck
>now they're mad because nobody believes their new cuck fanfic coming from the japanese equivalent of KEEMSTAR
go back to sucking tiny yellow japanese cocks you weirdos lmao

>> No.23926295
File: 1003 KB, 1040x583, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate Korone

>> No.23926297

A perfect wife for a perfect life.

>> No.23926299

nijshitter delusions will never not be funny

>> No.23926300
File: 3 KB, 214x31, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926302

One of her fags is scripting to get it. Which is ironically the perfect way to show that towafags are insecure just like their Holo because they just have to have her as last post every time.

>> No.23926303

What the fuck she lied to us

>> No.23926305

opening presents

>> No.23926307

he said before that he scripts newfag

>> No.23926309
File: 167 KB, 329x285, 1581927100706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrativefags are gay.

>> No.23926311

Kamen Rider is for children and people with mental deficiencies.

>> No.23926312

rent free

>> No.23926314
Quoted by: >>23926327


>> No.23926315

Get in the fucking robot, Mio

>> No.23926317

Towabros have all of Towa's luck.

>> No.23926320

>literally gamers best
Fuck narratives.

>> No.23926321
File: 18 KB, 704x421, 23rwer3423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the nijifags jealous of us or something? Why do they keep mentioning us?

>> No.23926322
File: 51 KB, 700x220, 04_itazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no story in this KR game

>> No.23926323

Please come listen to Mio's Cruel Angel Thesis!

>> No.23926327


>> No.23926331
Quoted by: >>23926364

>coco, watame and luna apex collab later on in the day

>> No.23926332
File: 1.47 MB, 532x640, 98654575425.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is for wholesome post.

>> No.23926334

>IDs names that big
what the fuck happened is this the power of roboco's totsu....
>gamers best

>> No.23926335

See you at her membership stream.

>> No.23926336
File: 7 KB, 207x26, Naa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926338
Quoted by: >>23926372

As one of the people who has gotten multiple last Towa posts, I'm not scripting.
You just need to try harder for your favorite chuuba, anon.

>> No.23926341

that's toku in general, only manchildren like it

>> No.23926340

>miko teleporting sounds

>> No.23926342
Quoted by: >>23926365


>> No.23926343

>popular subaru vtuber loves world
You guys cant stop winning can you?

>> No.23926344

One of Roboco's planners set this up for her birthday a few weeks ago.

>> No.23926346

>that Aqua fighter
kek nice

>> No.23926351

What morning video? Why is he gay?

>> No.23926352
Quoted by: >>23926356

>hes not a children at heart

>> No.23926353

I think half of the niji fanbase is autistic

>> No.23926355
File: 841 KB, 1600x900, EXp5eoJU0AMBqoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join THE Kanata

>> No.23926356
Quoted by: >>23926380

>>a children
What did ESL-kun mean by this

>> No.23926357

Is that supposed to be a problem?

>> No.23926359
Quoted by: >>23926376

Choco rushing home from supa! Choco loves Roboco!

>> No.23926361

wow Watame and Coco are so fucking gay off screen

>> No.23926362

Oh shit that is cute.

>> No.23926364


>> No.23926365

>towafags are /v/ tourists

>> No.23926366

Yeah, replying to your post with "Scripting :^)" is obviously the real poster not an ironic shitposter.

>> No.23926368
File: 200 KB, 1140x893, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you would you sick fuck

>> No.23926369

Explain this narrativebros.

>> No.23926370

It must be nice being an EOP and being able to believe whatever you want since you don't understand anything that's going on.

>> No.23926372

Statistics is a factor you simply can't ignore. It is literally impossible to land on the last post as often as towafags do if all is left to human hands.
Unless you are telling me that there are multiple towafags all trying to get the last post every thread, in which case my point still stands.
The insecurity is blinding.

>> No.23926373

Seriously cool.

>> No.23926374
Quoted by: >>23926397

you're being baited anon

>> No.23926376

I always believed in Choco

>> No.23926377

I would.

>> No.23926378

What the fuck, I hate Suisei now!

>> No.23926379
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1589287336478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926432

>no Saturday night fever

>> No.23926380

>What did ESL-kun mean by this
Evangelion pilot.

>> No.23926381

>watame and korone already making plans to offcollab once they're allowed to
farewell sleep

>> No.23926382

There are at least several Towachads that try to get last post.

>> No.23926386
Quoted by: >>23926393

*translators. don't know why I said planner.

>> No.23926387

>kamen raider

Korone really seems to like tokusatsu based on some of those game adaptations she plays

>> No.23926388

rent free

>> No.23926389
Quoted by: >>23926408

>JOP believes literally anything that's spread on 5ch
Just because you can read it doesn't make it true. JOP drama queens are the worst

>> No.23926390

marinefaggots have been shitting up these threads hard for the past month

>> No.23926391
File: 79 KB, 675x680, EYNXKq0UwAAfHuS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aahhh i love this comfy cat and her sneezes

>> No.23926393

Probably because of his handle. That guy is what Lyger could've been. He's been with Roboco for ages and been nothing but help in directing her foreign fans.

>> No.23926395
File: 180 KB, 519x341, 1563530140955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're just upset you can't get the last post

>> No.23926397

i don't mind, better than narrative posting

>> No.23926401

Are we or they the containment thread?

>> No.23926402
File: 265 KB, 990x1478, 20200523_104728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926425

Time for Senshou's womb bullying.

>> No.23926405

and I don't give a shit too
now go back to study your useless lenguaje while you have fantasies about marine cucking you, loser

>> No.23926406
Quoted by: >>23926464

Lyger without the creep factor is extremely powerful

>> No.23926407

The towachads keep taking the last post...this can't be...

>> No.23926408

>believes literally anything that's spread on 5ch
Anon, this information didn't come from 5ch.

>> No.23926409

Rent free kusa

>> No.23926410

>imagine caring about last post
how underage?

>> No.23926412
Quoted by: >>23926444

Anon I think you need some study too

>> No.23926413

5ch is paranoid as fuck
>they are replying each other in twitter, they must be fucking

>> No.23926414

>risu under 1k viewers
Someone, please help...

>> No.23926415

>Choco narrative

>> No.23926416
File: 79 KB, 268x260, Luna3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look Mom! He posted it again! "X word next to Y word next to Z word!" Haha it's so funny look at these unrelated words making funny phrases!

>> No.23926417


>> No.23926420

What a chad. I can only wish that I can do this for my favorite chuuba.

>> No.23926421

It is no coincidence that a towafag would be against anything Japanese.
After all she has 99% EOPs in her chat so it is the only place he can subvert by numbers.
Also a muh dick poster, pathetic.

>> No.23926422
Quoted by: >>23926430

I have her stream open

>> No.23926423

Miko is better than most Holos in their first Apex, truly Elite.

>> No.23926425

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.23926426
Quoted by: >>23926455

They still believe Pekora is fucking Junichi Sato because of the PC specs

>> No.23926427

If you don't give a shit why do you keep replying? Just ignore it and let people who do give a shit talk about it. This is neither doxxing nor off-topic, so you have no excuse.

>> No.23926429

Why are lunafags like this?

>> No.23926430

Thank you, anon!

>> No.23926431
Quoted by: >>23926479

Post Luna128 right now.

>> No.23926432

she'll do it on Sunday instead

>> No.23926433
File: 134 KB, 284x354, Luna46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926434

Indie kusoge OUT
At least she will do another Karaoke stream for 50k.

>> No.23926435

Post them all!

>> No.23926436
File: 24 KB, 400x302, wheredidyouthinkweare4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926439
File: 352 KB, 2092x1400, EYsae8lVcAADn74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this image convey?

>> No.23926441
Quoted by: >>23926463

She's reclining...

>> No.23926443
File: 62 KB, 208x246, Luna16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using Luna's pic.

>> No.23926444

sorry amigo I'm not an EOP :^)

>> No.23926445
Quoted by: >>23926477

Is she enjoying it? I thought she said she didn't want to play Apex because it wasn't fun or something.

>> No.23926446

Someone is mad and can't stop feeling annoyed by this. Pitiful.

>> No.23926447

Me on the right.

>> No.23926448

Cumpet induction

>> No.23926449

How rich is Aqua that she has VR but never uses it?

>> No.23926450
Quoted by: >>23926487

miko is retarded, it hurts to watch her play a real video game

>> No.23926451

>Useless language
This is like going to /a/ and saying all anime is shit, or going to /k/ and saying guns are shit.
The fact that this isn't an instant permaban is really weird.
What is the point of coming to a board dedicated to a certain topic if you believe that topic to be worthless.

>> No.23926453

Just enjoy the stream, why do you even worry about number?

>> No.23926455

What specs? Don't all girls rent beefed up rigs?

>> No.23926456
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1580633234220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko's actually decent at APEX

>> No.23926459

Oh boy

>> No.23926460
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 6e6237839d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926462

>What is the point of coming to a board dedicated to a certain topic if you believe that topic to be worthless.
contrarianism, autism or a desire to stir shit. it really should just be a ban.

>> No.23926463

She's nosediving, Manager-san, taskutte!

>> No.23926464

Can't disagree with Lyger being a huge creep, but I remember him doing a similar thing for Towa during the yabee break.

>> No.23926467


>> No.23926468

Aqua is too adorable. Fun stream as always.

>> No.23926470
File: 75 KB, 637x900, 1581226491185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Towa stream is kinda pointless, but its cute watching her fangirl to some good music.
10/10 bro tier girl.

>> No.23926471
Quoted by: >>23926522

Thats a very cute aki up there

>> No.23926472

>korone can't play fighting games for shit
Anyone from the FGC would be frustrated to see someone play like this.

>> No.23926474

Yeah, she's taking a break. A break from you guys.

>> No.23926476


>> No.23926477

she said she didn't want to play it because she thought she was only going to be dead weight for her team when is completely the opposite
now I'm waiting for the collabs

>> No.23926478

someone erase those marines

>> No.23926479
File: 131 KB, 325x429, Luna128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926480
Quoted by: >>23929752

I can't deny he's been an overall boon for the community, but knowing how he acts and what he does behind the scenes I can't really find it in myself to think of him with anything but disgust.

>> No.23926482
File: 82 KB, 236x236, 1577583734225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien just can't stop winning.

>> No.23926481
File: 73 KB, 233x251, Luna24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926689


>> No.23926484
Quoted by: >>23926494

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42KxtioGoeU Coco

>> No.23926487

>miko is retarded
water is wet

>> No.23926492
File: 131 KB, 301x364, Luna52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926689


>> No.23926493
File: 394 KB, 2131x1568, 1571156794996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the Towafags that goes for last post, I get it quite often, has no thing to do with scripts. If I'm here when the thread is nearing the end I just wait for last post. Getting a last post is easy.

There's a reason I'm considered the GET master. Check em.

>> No.23926494
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, EYpHveQWAAgpCsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926504


>> No.23926495
Quoted by: >>23926509

Watame Luna Coco apex tomorrow

>> No.23926496

yeah I'm sure you need to understand a lot of japanese to talk about which 2hu would you fuck

>> No.23926497
File: 270 KB, 2048x1625, EYIRPazU0AAU07Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926811

mfw this day was my only chance to get her to greet me a happy birthday but I get cucked by YouTube. Gotta try again next year.

>> No.23926499
Quoted by: >>23926515

Nice voices Mio!

>> No.23926501


>> No.23926502

I feel like that entire fight was designed for the player to spam rider kick, and she didn't even use it.

>> No.23926504

>Coco-chin, why do they say I rape girls?

>> No.23926505


>> No.23926506

I hear from 5ch that she will give you a big chunk of BL doujins and novels if you collab with her.

>> No.23926507

delete this post towa is an innocent girl who dindu nuffin

>> No.23926509

They'll get better and soon collab with Towa!

>> No.23926510

YAGOO hasn't tweeted anything for a week maybe the Narukami story is true...

>> No.23926511

Cute Iofi.

>> No.23926513

nijis and holos are both retarded fanbases

who /ind/ here?
i love you kotone

>> No.23926515
File: 50 KB, 800x450, 1562407922013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a such a nice voice.

>> No.23926516
File: 349 KB, 1462x823, gifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck

>> No.23926518
Quoted by: >>23926615

The Towa Tower...

>> No.23926522

cooking with aki!

>> No.23926524

Comrade Luna...

>> No.23926525

>literally just random friends talking (probably discord)
Whats the problem here

>> No.23926527

Korone did it, she defeat Great Leader.
Now she'll spend the next 50 years fighting variants of it, replacements and then just Shocker again on and off.

>> No.23926529
Quoted by: >>23926555

Is that a translation device?

>> No.23926530
Quoted by: >>23926562

I watched some EVO Tekken once and it was like 80% juggling. It was boring as fuck.

>> No.23926533
Quoted by: >>23926568

The sounds coming out of Marine right now arouse me

>> No.23926535

new narrative
Narukami was YAGOO all along, that's why all his stories are 100% true

>> No.23926537


>> No.23926538
Quoted by: >>23927864

I can't get enough of this pig haato, the anon drew it is a genius

>> No.23926539

Do we have to prepare for the next .live or Gamebu happening ?

But how can the other members stream so happily if there is some truth to it ?

>> No.23926540

Give her time, she'll be Daigo-tier in no time

>> No.23926541

based rushiacuck always show up in these

>> No.23926542
Quoted by: >>23926550

Why does no one ever mention the muscular bird thing in the back of Mio's streams?

>> No.23926543
Quoted by: >>23926758

I'm a Festivalbro that hates all the creepy stuff and the demonetization stuff, but I'm also not in denial about his contributions when he does do good. As long as he doesn't do anything to her like stalk her IRL, kidnap her, or murder suicide, I can (barely) tolerate him with a cringe on my face. Moreso I feel kinda sorry for him in terms of level of obsession.

>> No.23926544

Dammit Okayu.

>> No.23926545
Quoted by: >>23926551

your favorite holo is so fucking shit
holy fuck

>> No.23926546
Quoted by: >>23926586

kalimba, its like a handheld acoustic piano

>> No.23926547

sorry, i don't support girls who don't support roboco

>> No.23926550

It's her Stand.

>> No.23926551
File: 938 KB, 1062x597, 1590234836659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't talk about roboco like that. She does her best

>> No.23926552

>Resetting because she wants to fill the Tattle Log

Okayu is a true RPG gamer.

>> No.23926553
Quoted by: >>23926566

It's Roboco's birthday and Towa hijacked another thread like she did with Miko.

Fuck Towa. Worst 4th gen.

>> No.23926554

fuck I wish more Holo members did this.

>> No.23926555

no that's a kalimba. it's like a handheld autistic piano

>> No.23926556

she lied that it was one of her staff.

>> No.23926558

I thought she lost it for a second.

>> No.23926559

She played Apex before, she collab with Roboco before. Check Roboco's old archives.

>> No.23926561

if none of the current streams interest you, mea is doing a horage with tamaki

>> No.23926562

I feel like the line between pro and casual play is huge in major fighting games. Shit like Tekken or Blazblue for pro players comes down to landing one confirm, and then ripping half their health apart with a really long combo. In casual play there's a lot more action, hits here and there, not a 40 second string that kills instantly

>> No.23926564
File: 563 KB, 494x498, Luna9.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926689


>> No.23926566
Quoted by: >>23926591

You missed last thread or what?

>> No.23926568
Quoted by: >>23926668

shut up coomer

>> No.23926569
Quoted by: >>23926609

possibly drunk aki with a video camera. that's spooky

>> No.23926570

Risu has 50k subs already? Thats fast

>> No.23926574

>the next .live or Gamebu
The vtuber industry is top-class entertainment.

>> No.23926576

the only problem is that she lied about it.

>> No.23926577
Quoted by: >>23926589

Meanwhile Hana...

>> No.23926579

She's the cutest ID, even if her equipment is shit!

>> No.23926580
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, EXK_s5iU8AAV53V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926620

Of course. Soon dethroned by alien...

>> No.23926581
Quoted by: >>23926592

>hear men talking

>> No.23926582

Miko is so bad it's actually kinda amusing

>> No.23926583

>Suisei has a better house in Toko's server than in the Holo server
What does she mean by this?

>> No.23926585
Quoted by: >>23926613

>takes 40 seconds
>kills "instantly"

oh man those OHKO 200 hit combos!

>> No.23926586

Keep at it anons, you'll be funny and original one day.

>> No.23926587
Quoted by: >>23926655

Dunno, I think it's an ex employee who kept Mel's contact information rather than someone who's currently employed which sounds a lot less worse

>> No.23926588

She's allowed to play games on her break, also that probably isn't even the hololive server.

>> No.23926589
File: 108 KB, 671x900, EYsalpiVcAUHqG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menhera btfo.

>> No.23926590

What kind of game is this? Walking simulator?

>> No.23926591

I was sleeping for so long....RIP.

>> No.23926592


>> No.23926593

What did you send RBC?

>> No.23926595

now imagine if this was late 2018/early 2019 and she had just joined HL, she'd be lucky to have 200 subs lmao

>> No.23926597
Quoted by: >>23926602

>6 Towas
Towa just keeps winning bros

>> No.23926598

>also that probably isn't even the hololive server.
No shit, anon.

>> No.23926599

Best thread in a while.

>> No.23926600
Quoted by: >>23926653

Hope she is able to read this bro

>> No.23926601
Quoted by: >>23926635

that's what marvel 3 feels like, but that's why I love it, when a 5 minute mind game match goes by and it all comes down to dark phoenix as the anchor and whether they can land that 1 hit to wipe her out or die to eventual chip. Or someone trying to overcome ChrisG's Morrigan, that's always comedy.

>> No.23926602

The family is growing stronger!

>> No.23926604

You missed out bro.

>> No.23926607

>eating 3 packs of potato chips
Watame...your health...

>> No.23926608
Quoted by: >>23926692

Mio jiggles a lot. That shirt logo makes it super noticeable.

>> No.23926609

i wish she did more like this, the chair one was really fun too

>> No.23926612

chubby sheep

>> No.23926611

best thread i've seen on this thread in literal months.

>> No.23926613

its "instant" because you get hit once and you just put your controller down and get a drink.
the loss happens immediately even if it takes 30 seconds for the video to play out

>> No.23926615

it's called Tokyo Towa you absolute newfag

>> No.23926616

Whatever happens she will eat her chips.

>> No.23926617
Quoted by: >>23926639

How is Risu so erotic?

>> No.23926620

not if her new pc comes in. then she'll be unleashed and unstoppable.

>> No.23926623
Quoted by: >>23926633

>tfw the worst towa drawfag in these threads
it hurts bros.

>> No.23926624

If she had a decent PC from the start and could play something other than low requirement games, she would probably be even higher by now.

>> No.23926626
File: 109 KB, 210x230, 1589200632545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she struggled with those three she may not do so well with the final boss. I'm getting worried.

>> No.23926629

nobody does this though since people drop combos

>> No.23926631
File: 1.64 MB, 1366x768, datname.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23926633

There's no way.

>> No.23926634

>world domination

>> No.23926635
Quoted by: >>23926670

I really like the FGC as a viewing experience, but honestly as a playing experience something like Smash is much more fun for a casual like me. Watching someone like Fame blast someones ass for 80% and true combo into an astral is hype as fuck, getting assblasted for 80% into an astral is not.

>> No.23926636

dropped combos are pretty common, even at the pro level.

>> No.23926639
Quoted by: >>23926648

Voiced by 30 years old hag.

>> No.23926640

Did the nijisanji dog give it away?

>> No.23926642

absolutely based

>> No.23926643 [DELETED] 

Heres a cute one

>> No.23926644


>> No.23926646


>> No.23926647


>> No.23926648

Imagine how old her sister is and she still borrows her sister's laptop...

>> No.23926649


>> No.23926650

Chuu... Thanks Risu!

>> No.23926651


>> No.23926653
File: 23 KB, 548x548, 1580317696770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it every thread where I'm awake, but in reality, I'd be happy if she found someone who would love her like I would. She's been nothing but a positive influence in my life, and if she could receive a portion of the gratitude and love I have for her, I could feel at peace. Either way, I'm gonna try.

>> No.23926654


>> No.23926655 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23926674

Narukami admitted in his video that the situation regarding the employee may have changed since he was given the information, but it was fairly recently, so even if it has, it doesn't justify continuing to employ him before all this blew up.

>> No.23926658
Quoted by: >>23926677

People aren't robots anon, nobody can actually pull those off 100% of the time, especially not the mythical super-practical tournament-viable 100%-to-loss ones that you're talking about.

>> No.23926659

What happened to Miko?

>> No.23926660

Wait, Marine is playing on original Playstation?

>> No.23926663
File: 1.06 MB, 966x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cute though

>> No.23926664
Quoted by: >>23926680

Riamu is similar to Miko tho

>> No.23926665

MILF with 3 kids.

>> No.23926666
File: 383 KB, 579x652, 1590047494741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926667
Quoted by: >>23926680

Kyonyu daisuki....

>> No.23926668
File: 215 KB, 1094x1764, 20200425_025157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926669
Quoted by: >>23926703

She gonna struggle just with grodius, let alone shadow queen
Dont remember but pretty sure bowser was easy, best bgm though

>> No.23926670

I'm not good at fightan, so I only like watching, when it comes to competitive games it's starcraft or nothing for me.

>> No.23926673

Suisei pleasuring nijis!

>> No.23926674

I don't even know if this information is true but letting a sexual harasser in the company is bad I agree with you

>> No.23926675

Suisei is going to transfer to Niji after her break

>> No.23926676

oh no not the apex gacha miko...

>> No.23926677
Quoted by: >>23926706

its hyperbole, but FGs are cancer with long strings of combo shitting.
Its even more cancer to actually have to do the combo strings.

I love fighting games, but holy shit getting into "serious" ranks was always the worst cancer. Its so much more fun to play casually with friends where nobody gives a shit and combos are like 5 hits max.

>> No.23926678

Towa's design is really good.

>> No.23926679

She didn't seem to realize that the fat one in the middle was the most dangerous. But yeah, she might be in danger for the final boss, but I guess we'll see.

>> No.23926680

what in the fuck is this guy on?


>> No.23926681

The game's crashed

>> No.23926682

game crashed

>> No.23926685

It's her child's laptop.

>> No.23926688
File: 1.96 MB, 1322x744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926705

whoa these are nice

>> No.23926687


>> No.23926689
File: 223 KB, 960x1081, endangered_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the fucking MEGA!!!

>> No.23926691
Quoted by: >>23926701

Showa tokus had the best music.

>> No.23926692

>Mio jiggles a lot. That shirt logo makes it super noticeable.

>> No.23926696
File: 193 KB, 747x719, Luna1333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926699

No one has it, we're just taking the breadcrumbs he left everywhere.

>> No.23926701

I wanted her to play Agito, just so I could hear that guitar riff.


>> No.23926703
Quoted by: >>23926740

she is bad with action commands and have been neglecting her HP so from here on out I'm expecting more resets. Even though Bowser is piss easy if you know what you're doing.

>> No.23926705
Quoted by: >>23926714

Roboco's fucking rolling in it. I've never recieved this much shit for Christmas, let alone my birthday.

>> No.23926706
Quoted by: >>23926718

Felt this way about every fighting game in my life. When we start getting competitive, it gets boring. Still remember playing Soul Calibur 3 in high school with the boys just to make as many stupid costume edits and meme fighters, like a Gandalf ninja and Chuck Norris.

>> No.23926708

thumbnail looks like it's unedited.

>> No.23926709
Quoted by: >>23926731

Is Okayu almost done with Thousand Year Door? I want her to play Superstar Saga...

>> No.23926714

she has a small but EXTREMELY dedicated fanbase as proven by>>23926344

>> No.23926718
Quoted by: >>23926761

it was partly my fault but I tried to get hardcore into SC6 when it first came out, last like a month on near the top of the tira leaderboards but burned out because of how shit it was.

i just want to shit around with my sister in it now. she's like the perfect level of skill where's she's good, but not try hard good.

>> No.23926721

How long until Towa retires?

>> No.23926726

When she marries me.

>> No.23926727

I saw some kind of modern console menu at the start of the stream but I have never used any of them so I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.23926728

I want to see Miko play more APEX now, it was really fun

>> No.23926729

Don't you ever think about what she would feel like if she read a comment like that? Do you really want to hurt people that much, anon?

>> No.23926731

Just needs to get to the next boss pretty much

>> No.23926736

I want Risu to play the darkest dungeon, the perfect game to stream with her favella laptop

>> No.23926737


>> No.23926740

She only resetted to look at the bonus Tattle dialogue there wasn't any She seemed to be doing alright otherwise.

>> No.23926743
Quoted by: >>23926814

>alien is probing everyone

>> No.23926746

After next Aki's drunk stream where she tells the truth

>> No.23926748

Watch Astel...

>> No.23926749
Quoted by: >>23926767

hololive should have just sponsored her a new rig as a start

>> No.23926750

Once the Bratva get her for breaking Suisei's heart.

>> No.23926752
Quoted by: >>23926860

I think she would get filtered hard.

>> No.23926755
File: 72 KB, 501x428, Just Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926813

Towa...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Hololive is just made to make her out as the slut, when really she's no worse than any of the 'idols' and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? She masturbated guys on stream and lied about it?
Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking masturbated guys on stream. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She just saw them doing it.
Let me ask you this. WHO IN HOLOLIVE DOESN'T WANT TO MASTURBATE MEN? You can't even name one fucking character who wouldn’t want to masturbate their small dicks! hololive Idols are the kind of bitch who will act like they don't want it when they really do. They'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Towa knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like her audience want.
And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly lied about it later.
Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious fan. Is keeping your loved ones from heartache so wrong? When Ayame does the same thing to dirty old men for money it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Towa does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect her only fan. She probably was going to study medicine to tighten those guys asses back up or cure their syphilis or something.
The whole project was made to make that slut Ayame look good. Objectively, Towa is a far better character than Ayame. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Ayame, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass personality and no plothax she probably could have fucked the entire cast.

>> No.23926756

I don't wish retirement on any Holopro, or even any Nijisanji. Alright, maybe just Mea, but even then Baqua would be sad and that would make me pretty sad too.

>> No.23926757

Thanks I didn't realise he was streaming

>> No.23926758
File: 1.38 MB, 3840x2160, 1588878636248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926804

I mean if he was doing a good job stalking her no one would know. Like I could be stalking Matsuri and as long as I didn't tell anyone she never know.

>> No.23926761

I stopped trying to be good at fighting games when I realized it made it super unfun to play with my friends, for them and me. It wasn't enjoyable for me to dunk them, and they hated playing with me because of the massive skillgap. Now I just pick cute girls and mash and games are way more fun

>> No.23926762
Quoted by: >>23926776

>can't hit 1k
>niji homos
They can't be saved bro...

>> No.23926766
File: 14 KB, 245x210, 1479096640898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Okayu will finish the game on this stream or will she take a break and finish it later? I'm invested but I'm also tired.

>> No.23926767
File: 29 KB, 632x607, 1590122274069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover already gave her a phone!

>> No.23926771
Quoted by: >>23926779

Based Aquabro. I thought I was alone in my feelings.

>> No.23926776
Quoted by: >>23926795

yeah but did they get beyblade asmr trending? i dont think so

>> No.23926777
File: 1.99 MB, 1324x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can roboco even play pool?

>> No.23926778
Quoted by: >>23926802

The thumbnail says "Last time", and I'm pretty sure the title used to say "Until I beat the game".

>> No.23926779
Quoted by: >>23926802

Most anons aren't filled with hate.

>> No.23926781

Underneath that smelly, crusty, creepy layer Mea is a good girl!

>> No.23926785

She says this is the last so she'll finish it

>> No.23926789

Who can't play pool? You just hit a ball into another ball.
Playing well is another thing but even a complete beginner can play the game after a minute.

>> No.23926792

Noel's roommate's member only nico stream....

>> No.23926791

you say that, but I've seen some really bad pool players

>> No.23926795

Winning the battle losing the war friend

>> No.23926796
Quoted by: >>23926817

Might be a PS2, Korone plays all her PS1 games on one.

>> No.23926798
Quoted by: >>23926809

Most bad players are just drunk since pool is a pub game.

>> No.23926802

if you spent your time 24/7 on 4chan you'd probably incline more towards hate than love if I'm perfectly honest

hopefully she'll be straightforward with 最終回 unlike what aqua did with apex

>> No.23926803

What's pool? Billiards?

>> No.23926804

That is entirely true. The best stalkers never get caught. Made me think of the "positive" stalker poster like 3 threads ago and how creepy that would be too. Like having someone stalk you and leave behind what would be boons or positives in a healthy relationship, like leaving envelopes with money in your home, ,or fixing broken appliances, etc.

>> No.23926805


>> No.23926807
Quoted by: >>23926808


>> No.23926808
Quoted by: >>23926836

Snooker is not pool

>> No.23926809
Quoted by: >>23926859

i'm genuinely just terrible at it.

>> No.23926810
File: 255 KB, 2048x2048, 1566158853971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy wuf stream.

>> No.23926811
File: 519 KB, 1200x1334, EWb2yFbU0AISXkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927105

I'm sorry anon, maybe her tomorrow's stream is going to have supacha readings and you can ask then. And yeah, youtube robbing us of Kanata's stream, especially a zatsudan, is unforgivable.

>> No.23926813
File: 613 KB, 1247x2882, 1578860047115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926910

Towa false flaggers are even more autistic than actual Towafags.

>> No.23926814
Quoted by: >>23926823

the power of doing your reps

>> No.23926817

How many retro systems does Korone own?

>> No.23926822


>> No.23926823
Quoted by: >>23926854

But she learned from watching anime...

>> No.23926824
File: 257 KB, 333x419, firefox_VkIyfNLRQS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first holoEN? she has 1k viewers and does the horrible westerner anime voice/accent

>> No.23926831

based, yet autistic. Haaton's truly are a special breed.

>> No.23926832

Can a nice anon post some Watame for me please?

>> No.23926835

I know your many screw up but I know your tremendous amounts of effort too

>> No.23926836

All pub games look the same to me after I get done drinking.

Would she apply though?
Her audience is twitch, not youtube.

>> No.23926838

>DS 2

>> No.23926841


>> No.23926842

>3k subs
There's no reason to join hololive, that's like 15k a month

>> No.23926843
File: 166 KB, 480x448, 1589563467911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926844

she has almost 3k subs on twitch, she has nothing to gain from holo.

>> No.23926845

Choco is planning on doing a cooking stream soon, on the 25th I think.

>> No.23926847


into the trash

>> No.23926848

She's doing fine by herself. More likely than not most of them are gonna be b-list western VAs

>> No.23926849
File: 31 KB, 534x396, 1581137682866.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926851

I find it funnier that Haachama is retweeting wotagei vids

>> No.23926852
Quoted by: >>23926869

That's still less than most of the holos and they get a salary.

>> No.23926854

Do both and you will be N3 in half a year. Media with no subs+reps.

>> No.23926857
Quoted by: >>23926886

We've already sussed out the first HoloEN is going to be either Pewdiepie, or Jontron.

>> No.23926858
Quoted by: >>23926916

watch Mikoti being bullied by a robot

>> No.23926859
Quoted by: >>23926867

Sure but I meant it more in a sense that being able to play it is very easy, as in grasping the rules and methods.
When someone says they can't play pool I imagine someone who misses the white ball half the time they try to strike.

>> No.23926860

Easy mode is basically impossible to fail.
And only is quite fast to figured out
>Stress dealers = bad
Once you learn to kill the stress fucker first the games gets easier, it boils down to learn the optmial lineups for each dungeon, like bringing a Flagellant to the ruins isn't the best idea ever

>> No.23926861

actually cool

>> No.23926863

Oh, right. Grodus first, Bowser second.

>> No.23926864
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 1586465796574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926866

The only reason she has to join holoEN is if she gets to keep all her current shit and just adopts the holoEN brand name. Otherwise there's a lot of risk for her

>> No.23926867
Quoted by: >>23926875

One time I tried to hit the white ball and just hit someone's long island instead.

>> No.23926869
Quoted by: >>23926887

The top 5 jp holos, sure. But nobody knows how popular holoen will be

>> No.23926871
Quoted by: >>23926895

I want my daughter to cook on stream again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS-VMlO4EBc&t=3849s

>> No.23926872
File: 640 KB, 220x199, 1588171384373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926875
File: 168 KB, 722x960, 1574806132771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon

>> No.23926876

all the jop in her chat

>> No.23926880
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1590002364666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926894


>> No.23926885

Coco to be announced as holoEN manager!

>> No.23926886
Quoted by: >>23926905

For me?
It's got to be Ssethe.

>> No.23926887
Quoted by: >>23926902

I think this is the big issue. If she joins holoEN she has to cut back on her current audience, who might not stay when that happens. If holoEN doesn't kick off then it's a huge loss

>> No.23926891
File: 1.12 MB, 336x306, 1590174367455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926892

why is she so cute...

>> No.23926894
Quoted by: >>23926908

what's wrong with her?

>> No.23926895

I honestly kind of want to see Aqua cook on stream again too.

>> No.23926897

Today I will educate EOPs so you guys can learn about hololive culture.

>> No.23926899

Not sure if that would be good or bad.

>> No.23926902
Quoted by: >>23926962

I can't believe they are just like us...

It doesn't help that she doesn't know Japanese, but even getting a collab with Haachama would be extremely positive.

>> No.23926905

We can't make TriNegro with two white guys, after all

>> No.23926907


>> No.23926908

she a sheep named watame

>> No.23926909

She's a cute necromancer. I miss Rushiaposters.

>> No.23926910

It's a copypasta mate, people copy and paste it when it feels fitting with the same image, they've been around for years including that one

>> No.23926911
File: 671 KB, 603x705, 1589702981544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia more like best holo am i right?

>> No.23926912
Quoted by: >>23927188

lmao, was she primed for this or are her reactions really that quick?

>> No.23926914

She did nothing wrong!

>> No.23926916


>> No.23926918

oh that checks out

>> No.23926927

It would be amazing, she would still be the most competent manager at hololive.

>> No.23926931

It would be bad because Coco already overworks herself. If she had to do manager work as well, she would retire.

>> No.23926938

>Astel's precious building and then Kaoru's fucking mess in the distance

>> No.23926941

Oh hey, #2 has red gloves now.

>> No.23926944

huge simps the lot of them and their english translated messages are nothing but simping
though the biggest simp is a westerner who has gifted a shitload of subs

>> No.23926949

What happened to them?

>> No.23926952

we gone over this already, the only people willing to joining HoloEN are ESL vtubers

>> No.23926953
File: 3.35 MB, 638x596, 1582763038422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23926955

What happened to Rushiaposters?

>> No.23926962

Skeletons are cool!

>> No.23926963
File: 741 KB, 951x532, 1590090538192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure she wouldn't be allowed to stay a vtuber if she decided to become a manager.

>> No.23926968
File: 90 KB, 817x78, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23926982

pekobros... it's coming...

>> No.23926972

i wish Rushia would make more ASMR videos :/

>> No.23926973

my god

>> No.23926979

Aqua is the biggest sperg

>> No.23926981

I really like Coco!

>> No.23926982

these money hungry sluts she's at 340k already

>> No.23926989
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1590227957615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come translators never do her stuff? I wanna get to know her better she seems cute

>> No.23926995

Translate yourself then

>> No.23926996
Quoted by: >>23927023

Twitch gets half so it's 7.5k a month but that's still a lot + donations.

>> No.23926997
Quoted by: >>23927000

she smells

>> No.23926999
File: 196 KB, 900x1256, 2020-04-11_EVUaVPZU8AAjNa__@oshio_dayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927000

Imagine the smell

>> No.23927005
Quoted by: >>23927111

Time to learn nigga.

>> No.23927007

She doesn't have a huge exciting personality.

>> No.23927009

They got mistakenly caught by police officers who were looking for a young girl loving sheep.

>> No.23927011

>That one autist spamming where is Mel in Korone's chat
EOPs making videos on V-Tubers was a mistake

>> No.23927012
Quoted by: >>23927062

it will be Artia, she currently live in a western country and is the mod of their reddit. besides Coco dislike EOPs outside of using them for her jokes with JOPs.

>> No.23927013

*confused sheep noises*
Am I qualified yet?

>> No.23927014

Doesn't she have real time translators? Why aren't those faggots making translated clips?

>> No.23927016

>Korone getting EOPs into the original Kamen Rider
Bless this doggo

>> No.23927019

They do it live

>> No.23927020
Quoted by: >>23927159

What does Aqua say at this part? I can never understand it.

>> No.23927021

she has a dedicated translator
meanwhile coco has no one translating her live and the only one who clips and translates for her is birdkun

>> No.23927023
Quoted by: >>23927042

Most partners get a 3.50 per sub, some even 4, i think only affiliates get half. There's also ad-money, bounties and as you said donations and bits. But yeah 15k was being a bit generous.

>> No.23927025

I can't believe Okayu is going to LIfe Shroom her way through the end of this game.

>> No.23927028

she's been translating asacoco by herself for some time now

>> No.23927030

[ENG] Watame : giggle

>> No.23927032

This is sad...

>> No.23927036

>Harry Lin: ​[ENG]WATAME: *sheep noises*

>> No.23927037

Fuck, someone take the job for her. She's gonna burn herself out at this rate.

>> No.23927038
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1587649558402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by herself

>> No.23927039

Final bowser theme in pm64 still > ttyd bowser theme

>> No.23927040

will she sekuhara her favorite holoENs and get away with it

>> No.23927041

I can't believe she cucked the translator's...

>> No.23927042
Quoted by: >>23927064

there's quite a few asmr streams with 3-4k subs on twitch too. must be nice to be a woman in the gamer world. I wish youtube didn't fuck with the holo's asmrs streams...

>> No.23927046

I wonder how worth it really is to be a dedicated translator.

>> No.23927049


Tomorrow... Towa...

>> No.23927053

Chat has actually been pretty decent this stream so it sucks when one autist tries to ruin it for everybody else.

>> No.23927057
Quoted by: >>23927081

Great content for your comeback there Towa.

>> No.23927062

I don't know Artia at all, but seems to be a better option than whoever these tiny dick heads at holo/cover usually picks for the job.

>> No.23927064
Quoted by: >>23927089

>there exists an alternate timeline in which ASMR never went wrong
Can you imagine how different Hololive would be?

>> No.23927065


>> No.23927069

Dedicated translator who does it live in stream chat for free? Not at all, they're just simps with skills.
Dedicated translator for a company? Probably not worth it. Pay isn't great and translating with no script, audio only is way more time consuming.

>> No.23927067

And also Watame no uta

>> No.23927070
Quoted by: >>23927160

Yes, she even complained about it in that video where she cried.

>> No.23927071

does sensei have a boing boing IRL too

>> No.23927073
Quoted by: >>23927096

Why do narrativebros like Towa so much

>> No.23927074

I'm positive she doesn't translate them, she just doesn't have the time. She might look over the completed translation before it goes live however.

>> No.23927081

>Apex Gacha
What the fuck did their managers mean by this? Trying to suck me dry? Next you know, Miko and Coco do Apex Gacha.

>> No.23927080

Pro jap translators get treated poorly, you get a nice fuzzy feeling for doing it for holos though!

>> No.23927088
Quoted by: >>23927273

Sora's next FFX video didn't record properly

>> No.23927089

>all the holos doing fucking ASMR still
Cursed timeline for sure

>> No.23927094

I hope if cover does hire some subbers it means that holos can make highlight clips of their own streams, send them to be subbed and host them on their own channel.

>> No.23927095
Quoted by: >>23927112

Korone has a dedicated paypig..

>> No.23927096

Towa is free meme.

>> No.23927097

>back when hololives were good

>> No.23927102

Astel's building skills are actually pretty good

>> No.23927103

Watame promised to pander to pitfags when she gets 3D

>> No.23927104
Quoted by: >>23927111

Learn the language. Think about what you're actually missing out on. If you really want to know more and hear all her stories, you just have to learn, it's not too late. Unless you want to forver be stuck with [ENG] Watame: *watame noises*

>> No.23927105
File: 95 KB, 768x1024, EW2XUArVcAIjWNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, I already thought she wasn't going to stream today anyway so the guerrilla stream made me really happy.

>> No.23927106


>> No.23927109

sit on me roboco

>> No.23927111

Anon I'm 34 by the time I learn it well enough to talk to people I'll probably have colon cancer or something

>> No.23927112

>Congratulates Korone for 380K subscribers

How long before Korone gets 400k.

>> No.23927114

>change to a new ass

>> No.23927116

>Towa OP


>> No.23927117

Korosan has become absurdly popular in the last few weeks, what went right?

>> No.23927120

you can always hear her chair squeak on her stream, Sounds like some cheap shit.

>> No.23927125

Well at least if you start now, you can know Japanese and have colon cancer. Instead of just having cancer.

>> No.23927127

Watame doesn't mess up a lot or do something outrageous, so there's not much interesting stuff to clip.
Most of the best stuff in her channel can be usually found in her morning Watame's Song corner, which is already translated.
Some are in Watame Night Fever, but karaoke streams are bad to clip due to music label copyright strikes and takedowns.

>> No.23927128

Very soon.

>> No.23927131
Quoted by: >>23927153

Does anyone else ever wonder what happened to Rushiacuck?

>> No.23927132

watame talking about armpits

>> No.23927133

A week

>> No.23927134

Going by her current rate, a few days. She's been sky rocketing lately.

>> No.23927135

She's already been fucked by her ex husband bro.

>> No.23927137

Well do you want colon cancer where you can pay a holo to say get well soon and understand it, or colon cancer when you can't? Learn faggot

>> No.23927138
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, 20200523-095449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927244

What the fuck peko

>> No.23927139

What did Roboco mean by this? Sometimes the Holos give you the most extreme images in your mind.

>> No.23927141

Incredibly based

>> No.23927145

You are younger than Korone and she is learning English.
Do it for them.

>> No.23927146

What happen to Mio's stream...

>> No.23927150
File: 442 KB, 917x945, 1566472345260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons why the Dog god is popular
- Plays retro games.
- Finishes 99% of games she starts.
- Endurance master.
- Actively engages with foreigners more than anyone else.
- Can do multiple 10 hour streams in 1 week.
- Doesn't follow the "meta" of games (e.g AC/APEX)
- Cute.

>> No.23927151

She earned 3K subscribers per day. So around 6 to 7 days.

>> No.23927153

He's an Aqua poster.

>> No.23927158
Quoted by: >>23927197

Same actually. I need to buy a new chair but I just bought one so I have no idea why my ass has been hurting so much.

>> No.23927159
Quoted by: >>23927200


>> No.23927160

Whatever you say birdkun.

>> No.23927161

>Suisei was actually being passed around at the Nijisanji house

Uhhh, based?

>> No.23927165
File: 288 KB, 874x591, 1588739585315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She transcends barriers.

>> No.23927166

Yooo yo yo yo

>> No.23927167
File: 153 KB, 960x950, 1590001472208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927207

Ah, yes the famous "thanks for serving me in my slumber so get out of my face and die" trope. never gets old.

>> No.23927168
Quoted by: >>23927182

>4 Towadrawfags in this thread right now
>None of them are Tweeting fanart to Towa

>> No.23927171

all of this but cute

>> No.23927173

Do it for her, anon. Worst case you'll always be able to enjoy chuubas, manga, LNs, anime, and Japanese vidya raw. What have you got to lose?

>> No.23927175

Don't forget
>doesn't bow down to worktime laws, YAGOO or Abe

>> No.23927176
Quoted by: >>23927194

Inui Toko is cute as fuck and so is Suisei, Waiting for Yagoo to pay Inui's buyout fee.

>> No.23927177
Quoted by: >>23927198

Maybe her ass hurts

>> No.23927181
File: 277 KB, 626x885, 1586093728577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927265

I'll take one for the team and massage her butt so everyone can continue to enjoy Roboco streams!

>> No.23927182

There's been multiple people here saying they are working on art for her new song cover.

>> No.23927185

>watame apex collab with aki and choco next wed

>> No.23927186

Figured out how to train EOPs to behave plus the recent Cho Aniki streams and the cockroach incident helps.

>> No.23927187

EOP's spreading her around like wildfire is definitely helping. Her and aqua are the only vtubers I see on my normalfag twitter

>> No.23927188

pretty sure shes just that quick, she uses expression changes much more than any of the other members.

>> No.23927194

>niji letting go one of their idol baits

>> No.23927196

She didn't say she can't play games on her breaks though

>> No.23927197

I used to be cheap when buying chairs before i realized that I spend over half of my existence sitting down and I was being retarded. Best change I've ever made

>> No.23927198
File: 18 KB, 310x310, 1425984594052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what?

>> No.23927200
Quoted by: >>23927264

I see. What does ぶち even mean? Is it just a sound?

>> No.23927201
File: 137 KB, 1606x803, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very soon.

>> No.23927202
File: 789 KB, 1062x1505, EYIr3teUEAEaazY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actively engages with foreigners more than anyone else.

>> No.23927203

Don't fall into this trap. Next year you'll be 35, Watame will have three times as many videos as she does now, and you still won't be even one step closer to understanding them. Then you'll remember today and think about how things would've been different if you started right then and there. If you start now you'll at least be able to not completely rely on subs. Watame isn't exactly the hardest member to understand either, she talks at a slower pace than most and doesn't use any super advanced language.

>> No.23927204
Quoted by: >>23927270

An idol shouldn't be saying things like that.

>> No.23927207

Shadow queen is a pretty shit boss anyway tbdesu

>> No.23927208
Quoted by: >>23927230

Sitting on a bad chair

>> No.23927211

>choco fell too
only mio, noel and flare are free for now

>> No.23927214

Is this true. Do I have to aka supacha for Choco Apex gacha now too?

>> No.23927216

The bimbo trio has been formed.

>> No.23927218
File: 82 KB, 1000x500, 42kibd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /hlg/ press it?

>> No.23927220

>Comfy the collab

>> No.23927223

>Marine and Rushia are "dating" but they barely collab/interact
what's the point?

>> No.23927224
Quoted by: >>23927266

Smash that button, I don't speak anyway.

>> No.23927226
Quoted by: >>23927266

That's fine, I'm not going to be speaking to anyone

>> No.23927227

they broke up

>> No.23927228

>get slightly better at japanese but have to speak like a fucking child

>> No.23927229
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 1498100251041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927237


>> No.23927230
Quoted by: >>23927235

Don't they all have GAYMER™ chairs? What kind of cheap chink shit did YAGOO get them?

>> No.23927232
File: 876 KB, 1230x966, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927239

Guys I didn't change my desktop background but this is what I saw, what the hell!?

>> No.23927233
File: 247 KB, 1264x495, 1588129338199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927266

Yes nanoraaa

>> No.23927235

>Don't they all

>> No.23927237

I hate the person who has plagued /a/ with this meme for years.

>> No.23927238
Quoted by: >>23927266

It's too late for me anon

>> No.23927239
Quoted by: >>23927256

Is Luna actually as tall as Matsuri? Never thought about it until now.

>> No.23927241
Quoted by: >>23927266

hell yeah dude

>> No.23927243
Quoted by: >>23927266

>can only talk with someone older than my mom
Sure, why not

>> No.23927244

What the fuck do we even call this trio
we cant keep letting maririn do this to our crazy idol comedian rabbit

>> No.23927245
Quoted by: >>23927255

Korone Karaoke stream tomorrow. And Marine's Batsu game next week.

>> No.23927246

why does her colleague call her maririne

>> No.23927248
File: 10 KB, 647x111, 6543245766854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5000 earned subscribers in 1 day.
What just happened? What made her spike in the last 24 hours?

>> No.23927251

scared Coco: YEET

>> No.23927252

She is playing a Kamen Rider game?

>> No.23927255

I hope Korone tries hard

>> No.23927256

No, she's 12 CM shorter without the crown. With it she's 2 CM shorter.

>> No.23927257

She played some meme game.

>> No.23927259

I wasn't around when 3rd gen debuted, how long did they even keep that up?
Just from browsing old clips it seemed like they dropped it immediately, with it only occasionally showing up in like the 3D streams.

>> No.23927261
File: 27 KB, 480x360, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Doesn't follow the "meta" of games (e.g AC/APEX)
- Plays retro games.

This guy gets it.

Holos need to play games with more 'personality' and soul. Who picks out thier games anyway? Is it the company or are these game their own choice?

>> No.23927262

Blonde bimbos or BB

>> No.23927263
Quoted by: >>23927281

>he doesn't earn 5000 subs a day
lol pleb

>> No.23927264
Quoted by: >>23927322

ぶち is a perversion of 打ち that's used as a prefix to some verbs to make them sound more aggressive, e.g. ぶちのめす, ぶち壊す.

>> No.23927265

Lewd robot.

>> No.23927266

Ha, the dumb EOPs have exposed themselves

>> No.23927267

>playing tokusatsu games from the showa era
Korone know how the please youtube oji-san

>> No.23927268
File: 25 KB, 855x171, 1568458485311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of david cage... woah...

>> No.23927269

>almost 100k subs in a month
what the fuck.

>> No.23927270

Would not おしり be worse actualy
t. N6

>> No.23927271

They had a Cuphead collab like two weeks ago.

>> No.23927273


>> No.23927278
Quoted by: >>23927402

Maybe this one
>248.6K views on the original 32.1k on the remix.

>> No.23927281

I can't believe non-vtubers post here. Also do you want to collab later?

>> No.23927282

Stacy trio

>> No.23927284
Quoted by: >>23927301

everyone getting a boost

>> No.23927287
File: 70 KB, 851x479, HEY WASHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu has a massive brain so she realized the fight was scripted and didn't waste any items on the first phase.

>> No.23927288
Quoted by: >>23927315

But she literally plays both AC and APEX...

>> No.23927289
Quoted by: >>23928361

fubuki gets 100k sometimes...

>> No.23927292

Why is Coco speaking so much English this stream

>> No.23927297

Not playing Apex

>> No.23927298

I'm consistently surprised by how many vtubers do Detroit and by how big a number it pulls in. I guess the in your face "CIVIL RIGHTS" and "SLAVERY" aren't as in your face for the nips to be cringy

>> No.23927299
File: 195 KB, 499x536, 1589060360220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927301
Quoted by: >>23927437

>that debiru niji has 200k subs

>> No.23927303
File: 673 KB, 842x958, NewStrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gwass! Anon, did you leawwy think we would get maweed?? I am Coco's cumpet nao, roser!

>> No.23927304

Only one not playing APEX

>> No.23927307

She's learning to let loose. Next thing you know she'll be wearing glasses and not have horns and a tail.

>> No.23927315

Not as her main games to stream. Maybe for collabs but not as the main game in her channel.

>> No.23927316

I don't know, but I like it.

>> No.23927321
File: 41 KB, 646x358, 543567965456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat 2000 gap
Holy shit, chill the fuck down Korone!

>> No.23927322

That was very helpful. Thank you a lot.

>> No.23927324

David Cage games are somehow popular in Japan

>> No.23927327
File: 91 KB, 637x900, EYX2vdSUYAAOjrN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927457

This isn't the last TTYD though. Okayu said she's going back for Bonetail tomorrow on twitter.

>> No.23927330

This disease mutates fast

>> No.23927333
Quoted by: >>23927625

okayu is smiling and laughing so much, i feel blessed

>> No.23927335

She's objectively boring. Very plain.

>> No.23927337

I blame Kojimbo

>> No.23927339

more like the power of pekora's weekend streams. I'm so glad for ARK dying so pekora could blossom

>> No.23927340

If there was any game you could let your favorite holo play, what would it be?

>> No.23927342

Where do all these 2000 people come from every day? It's really impressive how consistent it is.

>> No.23927344

Marine will overtake Coco soon.

>> No.23927346
Quoted by: >>23927380

Watame talked about wanting to play Amagami, Kimi Kiss, and what else?
I think I heard Dewprism and I hot hyped for her to play that little good game.

>> No.23927352

Detroit is at least the best Cage game in terms of consistent story I guess, even if that's not a very high hurdle.

>> No.23927353

Good question. I'll think about it from now on until the future when you ask it again.

>> No.23927357

All me

>> No.23927358
Quoted by: >>23927372

Me. I make at least 1000 throwaway bots to subscribe to all the Holos.

>> No.23927361
Quoted by: >>23927399

>Holos need to play games with more 'personality' and soul
Yeah look at Coco. She was playing her favorite games ARK (she was the one who started the ARK trend when she debuted) and Yakuza. She lost viewers and now plays APEX and Shinymas. Its not the games its the character.

>> No.23927363

I created 2000 bots everyday

>> No.23927366

How does FBK still gets so many subs

>> No.23927368
Quoted by: >>23927385

you know it's peak korone hours when the thread is nothing but fighting about who has the highest numbers

>> No.23927367
Quoted by: >>23927390

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and convert Korone to be a slavaboo instead of a westaboo.

>> No.23927369

They're like old point and click adventure games with AAA production values. Everyone can enjoy them.

>> No.23927371
Quoted by: >>23927406

Isn't Kamen Rider popular in SEA countries?

>> No.23927372
Quoted by: >>23927386

Why aren't you putting those bots towards the homos?

>> No.23927376

Korone ushering in a new era of hololive!

>> No.23927378


>> No.23927379

>Hey guys

>> No.23927380
Quoted by: >>23927408

yeah dewprism, okami, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince, >DDLC, FF10, one of the Zelda games

>> No.23927384

Korone is pandering to the fucking eops again, god fucking damn it.

>> No.23927385

Homofags like me never have to worry, since you come to accept you'll never win a numberfight

>> No.23927386

I do but everyone else keeps unsubscribing.

>> No.23927387
Quoted by: >>23927427

I'm always more interested in them playing games I don't know.
Though if I look at my library, a bunch of them would probably enjoy Slime Rancher. Others could like Rogue Legacy.

>> No.23927390
Quoted by: >>23927423

That will just make her depressed.

>> No.23927392
File: 157 KB, 1074x1128, EYDT6Q2U4AE-Hkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is she really losing her earsight or is it just a meme?

>> No.23927394

She does the same shit at the end of every stream, Get use to it.

>> No.23927396

wake me up when this lying bitch plays Super Metroid

>> No.23927397

>implying that's not how i speak already

>> No.23927398

Coco is speaking in English a lot this stream

>> No.23927399

I love haachama and she doesn't even have a computer to play good games on

>> No.23927401

She's the gateway Holo due to her memes. She then filters EOPs because her real strength is in witty dialectic, doesn't have the sex appeal of others or stand out as much as the others with her choice of games.

>> No.23927402
Quoted by: >>23927441

Wtf never in a blue moon would have thought that the dog is actually a fucking South Park fan

>> No.23927404

Streamlabs is back on the menu boys.

>> No.23927406

Popular enough that Ishimori actually made an original toku for indogs.

>> No.23927407

This is a method of control, please understand.

>> No.23927408

Gotcha, she has a few good games in there

>> No.23927409
Quoted by: >>23927561


>> No.23927411

Why are coomers losing to dog god in viewers? dafuq literally can't stop EOPs...

>> No.23927413
Quoted by: >>23927561

ear sight...?

>> No.23927415
Quoted by: >>23927561


>> No.23927417

I want Haachama to play Helltaker

>> No.23927418

>played both of those games
>even AEK

>> No.23927419
File: 23 KB, 347x340, luna_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's gonna stop me?

>> No.23927423

But there are no fathers in stalker, and she'd probably get slav-type-depression and end up casually chugging vodka midstream.

>> No.23927424
Quoted by: >>23927456

Shes doing a lot better than i thought with the shadow queen

>> No.23927426



>> No.23927427
Quoted by: >>23927787

This is true. Seeing them play unexpected games is kind of fun sometimes. Although, I don't know about Slime Rancher. How do people find that game fun? I played it and it feels really slow. You have to walk back and forth a lot for minimal gain in money. Basically backtracking hours to build a farm.

>> No.23927428
Quoted by: >>23927450

Coco just leaked that streamlabs is coming for her in a month while answer a question during this horror game stream.

>> No.23927429

2000 is also the thread limit
coincidence? i think not

>> No.23927433
File: 6 KB, 128x162, 1576034082510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927436


>> No.23927437

She's pretty popular and collabs with a lot of other popular nijis, which gives her a lot of visibility.

>> No.23927438
Quoted by: >>23927561


>> No.23927441

how new?

>> No.23927442


>> No.23927445
Quoted by: >>23927469

She's going deaf in one ear. It's probably Meniere's disease. Anything else you hear is shitty rumors and narratives.

>> No.23927448


>> No.23927449

Its like the pewdiepie effect, you join a culture and your brain tells you to subscribe to the number one

>> No.23927450
Quoted by: >>23927466

I thought she already had this since she was shilling it for ages.

>> No.23927452


>> No.23927453
Quoted by: >>23927495

size of her channel causes the algorithm to make her one of the main recs if youre watching any other holo and theres nothing about her that turns anyone off so its an easy follow
unfortunately there isnt much that turns anyone on either and thats why the supacha death...help her...

>> No.23927456

Okayu's great at RPGs, just bad at timed commands.

>> No.23927457
Quoted by: >>23927508

Did she do the 100 pit in pm64 as well?

>> No.23927461

i want zoomers to stop recommending shitty games to my chuubas

>> No.23927466

They cancelled it when Quarterpounder saved the demonetized holos

>> No.23927469
Quoted by: >>23927556

>Meniere's disease
I thought Meniere's was mainly something that affected people in their 50s

>> No.23927470
File: 798 KB, 560x420, okite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927472
Quoted by: >>23927504

this usually happen when the game she is playing have use a lot english text

>> No.23927473

My chuuba doesn't even seem to take game recommendations aside from other holos. I don't know where she gets her ideas.

>> No.23927475
Quoted by: >>23927541

I wanna get off this vchuuba rollercoaster, fuck the day I saw that Pekora minecraft video.

>> No.23927478
Quoted by: >>23927497

You'd rather watch ARK, Apex and gachashit?

>> No.23927480


>> No.23927485


>> No.23927488
File: 86 KB, 178x222, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927501

>dies from hammer thrown by a fan

>> No.23927489
File: 919 KB, 840x980, surprise_baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 2 good things for pressing a button
You are doing it wrong! You are supposed to put a bad thing on the other box.

>> No.23927491

Her second wake up was really fucking cute.

>> No.23927492

>Holos need to play games with more 'personality' and soul
Nothing wrong with playing "trendy" games if you actually enjoy it. Holos enjoying their games is the most important thing.

>> No.23927494
File: 83 KB, 933x800, EYpLP0LU0AEfyNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone getting those sweet spaniard subs

>> No.23927495

I can't believe Youtube's shitty AI is what's keeping Shirakami alive.

>> No.23927497

Yes. I would.

>> No.23927498

kek legit newfag here and just did that

>> No.23927499

>Sailer Moon
>Correcter Yui
Nice taste Korone.

>> No.23927501

That was fucking hilarious.

>> No.23927503

Matsuri's taste is different from my own, I mainly play JRPGs so she probably wouldn't enjoy any of the one's I would like her to play.

>> No.23927504

Doesn't surprise me. Bilinguals typically respond in the language they hear or see if they don't have a really strong leaning towards one language

>> No.23927506
Quoted by: >>23927531

One Way Heroics.

>> No.23927508

Don't believe so.

>> No.23927512
Quoted by: >>23927530

>JP Watamates recommending god tier games like Utawarerumono and Trauma Centre
I have no confidence she'll actually get around to playing them but I'm impressed by the fanbase at least

>> No.23927514

I just dreamed that I played some kind of scrabble game with Korone. I didn’t really get the rules, which she made fun of me for in that cute smug way she can be. It was really cute and fun. I woke up with a raging hard on.

>> No.23927515

Honestly, it would be a Lost Planet 2 collab stream. But if you meant one holo only then probably Haachama playing Dead Space.

>> No.23927516

who are you quoting?

>> No.23927519

Not watching is she still trying to suppress her southern accent?

>> No.23927523

Do you actually enjoy her videos/streams? She's pretty good.

>> No.23927524

actual Korone

>> No.23927525
Quoted by: >>23927550

Nice blog, when can we expect an update?

>> No.23927527
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 81726874_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popularity, but at what cost?

>> No.23927530
Quoted by: >>23927592

Those games are garbage and entry-tier respectively, although I guess entry-tier is at least appropriate for a streamer inexperienced at games.

>> No.23927531
Quoted by: >>23927743

I bought this game on sale. It's really fun at first. Then I realize after the hundredth run that it's playing a the long con game. Luck is merely how often you want to roll.

>> No.23927532
Quoted by: >>23927547

The only two paper mario games to exist both finished, good work okayu

>> No.23927533
File: 216 KB, 1000x1100, EYtE-NjU8AAQs6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23927538
File: 374 KB, 447x462, 1590153973831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another day of japanese snack trivia
This dog is too fat

>> No.23927540
Quoted by: >>23927583

I want Korone to make fun of my penis and laugh at me.

>> No.23927541

I spent the entire day with my eyes glued to streams and this thread. It feels like I literally have to tear myself away just to take toilet/food breaks. I'm so scared of the narrative passing me by. This cannot continue.

>> No.23927543

Holy based.

>> No.23927547

How does she feel about the new one coming out?

>> No.23927549

Oh fuck, Coco's playing the horrorge that destroyed Aqua once. It's a pretty creepy-ass game, I wish more holos played it.

>> No.23927550

Nice comment on my blog, thanks for reading!

>> No.23927553


>> No.23927555

Was it Mojipittan?

>> No.23927556

You thought wrong.

>> No.23927560

Any of the Megaman games, be it classic, X, battle network, or star force.

>> No.23927561

Unevolved losers who don't see with their ears.

>> No.23927563

fucking christ who the fuck is that guy translating every single shit watame says in her chat for the love of god
is that an alt of lyger or what kind of transcendental autism is going on here

>> No.23927566

She was excited and thought it was spooky, at least i can see if its any good watching her play it

>> No.23927568

>I'm so scared of the narrative passing me by. This cannot continue.
This. I want to catch every narrative I can.

>> No.23927573
Quoted by: >>23927591

He does it for free.

>> No.23927574
Quoted by: >>23927589

when the FUCK are they going to port battle network to something I can play.

>> No.23927576
Quoted by: >>23927610

She did a simultaneous watch of the trailer, seeing as it was announced while she was streaming the series. She wants to try it. I've never really heard her speak bad of a game though, so who knows.

>> No.23927577
Quoted by: >>23927601

>the entire day
Haha... yeah not the entire month or anything...

>> No.23927578

A saint.

>> No.23927579


>> No.23927581
Quoted by: >>23927591

>looking at the chat instead of Watame

>> No.23927582

It'd have to be going back in time to HL1 mod days, somehow having all the voice chat converted to Japanese, then playing games like Zombie Panic, Sven Co-Op, Brain Bread etc. So far she only really seems to be good at FPS (she plays some other stuff too), and those would be the golden days of fun. Otherwise, she'll probably end up playing Nier Replicant remake so I've got that to look forward to.

>> No.23927583
Quoted by: >>23927612

>she does her squealing laugh as she's stroking it

>> No.23927585

This Korone stream is legit comfy, except for an autist or two the EOPs are super well behaved today.

>> No.23927586
Quoted by: >>23927674

What makes it so creepy?

>> No.23927588

I thought it would stop when I started focusing on a handful of holos instead of all of them, but it just means I browse these threads more. I feel like I'm losing my will do anything else.

>> No.23927589

Just emulate it bro. Its ez.

>> No.23927590

its another thread /v/ thinking they have an idea which games are stream viable

>> No.23927591
Quoted by: >>23927609

I see it in her background anyway
thats the crazy part

>> No.23927592

I'm used to /v/ being unable to appreciate Utawarerumono but TC being entry tier doesn't even make sense as a shitpost
Could you elaborate on your shit taste a little?

>> No.23927594

Hololive ruined my life bros... i just sit here and watch this shit for the whole day

>> No.23927595

He mainly translates iofi's stream when she talks in jap. Guess he migrated to watame after today's collab

>> No.23927596
File: 283 KB, 534x574, 1589211618580.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Korone to play "To The Moon"
I want to see her cry again.

>> No.23927597
File: 107 KB, 1310x839, paper mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927722

A very emotional ending.

>> No.23927600

>fighting over numbers
>soul vs soulless
>calling other members irrelevant
>saying she doesn't play trendy games when she clearly does
>wow my doggo so unique
and you retards still wonder why koronefags are so hated

>> No.23927601

Well, it's been over a month for me now. My brain is turning to mush.

>> No.23927604
Quoted by: >>23927620

I have accepted it as a facet of my life and worked around it instead, never before have I felt like I needed a polyphasic sleep schedule just so I can be awake longer.

>> No.23927605

They have been domesticated by the dog.

>> No.23927606
Quoted by: >>23927616

Not like there's anything else to talk about now anyways. Might as well try to have a discussion.

>> No.23927609
File: 180 KB, 346x377, 1578172092394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at the background instead of the foreground
Still an idiot, literally choosing to be mad

>> No.23927610
Quoted by: >>23927643

Normal people don't waste their time talking about games they don't like.

>> No.23927611
Quoted by: >>23927633

>destroyed Aqua
any horage destroys her so its not an argument

>> No.23927612

I am both painfully erect and also horribly depressed that this will never happen.

>> No.23927613

Okayu was talking about megaman earlier tonight, not sure what about i just know i heard rockman

>> No.23927614
Quoted by: >>23927682

This is what I did too
But I find her streams boring then just stop watching them completely so I unsubbed now

>> No.23927616

There are actual streams on right now faggot tourist

>> No.23927618


>> No.23927620

>never before have I felt like I needed a polyphasic sleep schedule just so I can be awake longer.
It works. Sleep when they're not streaming and you can be awake for when they are. It takes some getting used to because you don't get day light.

>> No.23927625

>okayu is smiling and laughing so much
I mean, she's smiling by default...

>> No.23927627
File: 576 KB, 669x595, 1588913501287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927651

Most of Korone's fans are /v/ this is why they have this behavior.

>> No.23927633

Aqua did that one chain game just fine. She even did RE2.

>> No.23927635
Quoted by: >>23927664

The Korone EOPs are always polite because they know if they wait their turn they’re going to get their own segment at the end of the stream. It’s actually pretty genius of Korone.

>> No.23927636

Blessed video

>> No.23927637
Quoted by: >>23927665

She said the platforming at a section was like Megman. Apparently she really like the old sidescrollers and played them a lot.

>> No.23927641

The way the all drop everything and sync together to sing it is magical.

>> No.23927643

Game critics do

>> No.23927645
File: 534 KB, 468x603, 1589381024482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Suisei is so fucking flat imagine how smooth her cute tummy and chest is

>> No.23927647

Oh, right, they never tell us what's in a box. what a tease this game is.

>> No.23927648
File: 68 KB, 858x712, 1589987162599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotline Miami

I want to watch them A+ every stage

>> No.23927651

This kind of shit is why Okayu has the best fans. They don't numberfag, they just show up every now and then to post cute pictures

>> No.23927652

>fighting over numbers

Most of them are pekorafags though.

>> No.23927654

she has been spammed on /v/ and it shows

>> No.23927657

>or is it just a meme?
You haven't heard those couple times where she finds herself crashing and burning as she sings? It's painful just to witness it.

>> No.23927658

The best thing about her is her spats, fucking amazing. Imagine how a naizuri or clothed sumata would feel.

>> No.23927659

Soviet Jump Game

>> No.23927661
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want
- Suisei to play Helltaker
- Coco to play Conker Bad Fur Day
- Korone to play a Tony Hawk pro Skater game or Jet set radio

>> No.23927663

If Okyau plays Megaman I will change my oshi to her!

>> No.23927664

Compare Korone's EOPs with Towa's. I feel bad for Towa, with her unbehaved EOPs flooding the chat.

>> No.23927665

I would like to see any holo do a Rockman X series playthrough, maybe skip 6 and 7.

>> No.23927668

Okayufags are a lot like Okayu
boring and tedious to watch

>> No.23927671
File: 39 KB, 376x640, Big fucking sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I got a dragon to slay.

>> No.23927674

The first part has great atmosphere, with a lot of weird and unnecessary details, like being able to watch a full on cooking show on a TV and being able to examine and rotate all the props in the house. There's no monster in that part too so you're just left alone to get scared by yourself.
The latter parts of the game are just classic indie horror game with monsters and a camera.

>> No.23927675
Quoted by: >>23927692

One day there's going to be a clip of her crashing and burning during a live while trying not to break down, enjoy that thought

>> No.23927677

At least they all became members for Towa.

>> No.23927678

Nice try korotard. Nobody even talks about in here anymore.

>> No.23927682

IKR at least that Aqua girl speedruns stuff like Sekiro

>> No.23927683

Doom Eternalお願いします

>> No.23927689

Korone is running out of ideas for games

>> No.23927690


>> No.23927691
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1588255636636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get off. I am getting fitter but nothing else is happening in my life but these threads and the chuubas.

>> No.23927692

Noel has managed just fine

>> No.23927695
File: 1.72 MB, 1630x874, 1581883922192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality of the VTuber reflects the fans

FBK and Coco shitpost so do their fans
Korone acts like a child on sugar so do her fans
Sora and Okayu are calm and reserved so are their fans
Mel and Ayame barely stream their fans barely post.

>> No.23927696
File: 3.52 MB, 3320x3040, BIG SUBARU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUBARU DEUS EX (original or HR)

>> No.23927699
File: 167 KB, 1087x1754, IMG_20200523_221129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927720

How do I get Kayaba's fat thighs and ass on my face, anon-kuntachi?

>> No.23927701
Quoted by: >>23927726

your newfag is showing, stop.

>> No.23927704

Please be the 2d games

>> No.23927706
Quoted by: >>23927894

Pekora just gets used to stir shit.

>> No.23927708

Damn haato gets to lick THAT!

>> No.23927710
Quoted by: >>23927723

Coco says she might get streamlabs enabled next month.

>> No.23927712


Come on pal, just go on trial one time. It's a blast.

>> No.23927713

People only post pekora catboxes or when she does something really fucking dumb. Koronefag shitpost about numbers all the time

>> No.23927715



>> No.23927716
Quoted by: >>23927731

What about the rest of the VTubers? Like Marine and Rushia or Subaru and Flare?

>> No.23927717

I wonder which group of EOPs will lose interest first and move on to something else

>> No.23927719

Skies of Arcadia

>> No.23927720

By joining THE Kanata.

>> No.23927721
Quoted by: >>23927752

nice EOP opinion based on translated clips

>> No.23927722
Quoted by: >>23927742

>that face
Did a goomba eat her onigiri?

>> No.23927723

Fuck Youtube

>> No.23927724
Quoted by: >>23927778

>I'm so scared of the narrative passing me by.
Fuck, same. Sometimes I see interesting things posted about my holo, some timestamp, translation or just an interesting find, and think "man I'm glad I didn't miss it".

>> No.23927726
Quoted by: >>23927732

>calling someone new
Holy shit kill yourself, underage zoomer.

>> No.23927731

I mean, Marine's fans seem almost as horny as she does.

>> No.23927732

You have to go back.

>> No.23927733
File: 47 KB, 128x128, 1588004165803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that explains why i like haachama!

>> No.23927734

Oh, so the credits are in English even in the JP version.

>> No.23927740
Quoted by: >>23927769

Damn, Matsuri gets to grope THAT!?

>> No.23927741

I can't get anything done since more than half a year.
My day just ends with me realizing I didn't do anything.
I even have trouble to make food now as I can't move away from my screens with all these streams.
I shouldn't have followed so many vtubers..

>> No.23927742

The ending scene was making her cry and it was cute.

>> No.23927743
Quoted by: >>23927760

>Then I realize after the hundredth run that it's playing a the long con game. Luck is merely how often you want to roll.
Welcome to roguelikes?

>> No.23927745

I like Luna and Haato
What's my personality?

>> No.23927748
File: 358 KB, 400x400, 1588151078689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Festivalbros are either perverted (depraved), have stalkerish tendencies, possibly mentally ill, loving, and sometimes genki as hell.

>> No.23927749

Korone has pretty much every single fucking console apparently

>> No.23927750

based and redpilled

>> No.23927752

You would be the most knowledgeable on the subject matter here to be able to make that assessment, does /jp/ know you've seen all the translated clips?

>> No.23927753

wait is koro seriously listing all the system she owns

that's a lot

>> No.23927754

you are merely pretending

>> No.23927757

Matsuri's fans are lewd but surprisingly genuine.
Noel's fans are calm in the surface but secretly huge M's and want Noel to clobber them and smother them to death with her No-L's.
Haachama's fans are Australians.
It checks out.

>> No.23927758


>> No.23927759

As an okayufag i can assure you i aint calm cunt

>> No.23927760
Quoted by: >>23927806

My first impression of the game was that you could win by getting the right items and doing the right things. That turned out not to be true.

>> No.23927762
Quoted by: >>23927773

I want her to go back to playing Kamen Rider.

>> No.23927763

her PC Engine is borrowed

>> No.23927765
Quoted by: >>23927868

Explains why Towa fans are chads

>> No.23927766

So Korone is hella rich apparently

>> No.23927768

Not the xbox though. Probably because someone in the chat said not to buy one yet.

>> No.23927769

>Matsuri mentioned that she wears a bra-top instead of a normal bra because she's so flat

>> No.23927771
File: 114 KB, 1280x1000, 1590007710173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't say

>> No.23927772


>> No.23927773
Quoted by: >>23927818

The SFC game would make a great short stream.

>> No.23927774

What is a bra-top?

>> No.23927776

How does this work out if you are a fan of multiple vtubers with different content and personalities ?

>> No.23927777
Quoted by: >>23927797

Korone spent all her husband's money on game consoles...

>> No.23927778

it's the 2k post cap
if the post cap was 10k we would have 5 times less threads to watch

10k post threads would also mean less people being able to post with their toasters and no image spam
which is good for you anyway

>> No.23927780

I like Aqua and Shion. Analyse me.

>> No.23927781

My fucking DICK. I fucking love комета now.

>> No.23927782
File: 160 KB, 850x889, _akai_haato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927804


>> No.23927783

Who is this and why do we care?

>> No.23927785

If she's so rich, where does all her money go? Checkmate.

>> No.23927787

I feel it's mostly the discovery that's fun. By the time you're able to use science machines, you don't really need them.

>> No.23927790

>where does all her money go?
Into killing cockroaches

>> No.23927791

>likes suisei

>> No.23927792
File: 3 KB, 144x86, OsvofGkMWj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927793

imagine korone's tiny japanese apartment with all those consoles. you probably cant take a step without stepping on a wire.

>> No.23927794

watame talking about holostars!

>> No.23927797

Quads confirm.

>> No.23927801
Quoted by: >>23927835

I can't remember where it was but there's a clip of her talking about meeting up with Matsuri and it was so hot and sweaty she went out without a bra, Matsuri noticed immediately and fondled her through her shirt, I think it's a clip with Suisei talking to Fubuki

>> No.23927804

I don't like to lewd holos but some haato art really gets me...

>> No.23927806

As long as your seed isn't absolutely unreletentingly brutal, and you aren't picking a shitty class, you can. Especially if you're not playing on Maniac mode, you can cheese everything in the game with Agility.

>> No.23927807

She tapes them all on the ceiling, that's why she's so experienced with tape.

>> No.23927809

ever see those pics of video game consoles infested with roaches? that's korone's house.

>> No.23927811

You're probably a balanced person, or a schizo.

>> No.23927817


>> No.23927818

I'd like that to be a collab.

>> No.23927820


>> No.23927827

Alimony because she couldn't keep custody of her kid

>> No.23927830

Weren't people warning her because she stacked them on top of each other?

>> No.23927835

They talked about that in their ambulance game collab and Matsuri's drunk totsumachi

>> No.23927837

>When Korone talks about losing family, she's referring to her child that was taken away.

Sad if true.

>> No.23927840

Is there any alternative to playboard yet? They don't have the live streams anymore.

>> No.23927849

I like Kanata and Subaru, what does that say about me?

>> No.23927852

>that's why she talks to her listeners like children
I don't like this narrative bros...

>> No.23927861

Coco fans are those who act loud, obnoxious, tough and put on a bravado when in reality are filled with insecurities, need to do double the work and escape in boring progressed based survival games to compensate the lack of natural talent and the strong personality is just there to cope.

>> No.23927863

would explain why she plays games made back when she was a child herself

>> No.23927864
File: 151 KB, 721x724, Haachamachama switch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you liked my shitty drawing, I'm also the one who drew pic related.
I need to stop bullying Haachama though.

>> No.23927865
Quoted by: >>23928046

Need tomboy.

>> No.23927866
Quoted by: >>23928046

You're into boys.

>> No.23927868

no one replied towafags just like no one watch her


>> No.23927869
File: 2.70 MB, 590x720, SadAqua.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23927870
File: 124 KB, 645x448, _screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone - GODHAND

>> No.23927871
Quoted by: >>23927884

narukami the chad

>> No.23927875


>> No.23927877

Wait is that the real Nobuhime?

>> No.23927884

even a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.23927887
Quoted by: >>23927895

>okayu will never say she loves you the same way she does to lady bow
Just end this suffering i feel everyday

>> No.23927888

Korone plays God of War 1-3

>> No.23927889

>pekofags = muh high numbers
>koronefags = muh uniqueness/soul
>marinefags = To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Houshou Marine.
who else?

>> No.23927890

I like the old clumsy but comfy Haato, not the full retarded memelord Haachama, please bring her back.

>> No.23927891

>watame secretly checking out kaoru's morning streams

>> No.23927894

They're both numberfags but looking at numbers differently. Koronefags are looking at subscriber count while Pekofags are looking at suppa.

>> No.23927895
Quoted by: >>23927929

Become a man of the sea. She said she loves those.

>> No.23927896

Lonely milf gamer korone is the best narrative

>> No.23927897

Coco finished it.

>> No.23927900
Quoted by: >>23927920

When she moves vack to japan anon

>> No.23927901
Quoted by: >>23927966

It's pretty obviously her dad who she lost, stop trying to confuse things.

>> No.23927904


>> No.23927905

>towafags = muh towa...
>robocofags = ze, zehi...

>> No.23927907

old clumsy but comfy Haato wasn't even that long ago...

>> No.23927908
File: 73 KB, 297x378, 1585505335619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama's late night minecraft stream was peak comfy...

>> No.23927912
Quoted by: >>23927960

Too much exposure to australia will do that.

>> No.23927916

>fallout soon
We got her.

>> No.23927919

NarrativePill me on this

>> No.23927918

I miss Holo Minekarts...

>> No.23927920


>> No.23927924
Quoted by: >>23927941

she wants the beyblade

>> No.23927926

and it ruined her school life

>> No.23927927
Quoted by: >>23927949

35Ps and Elfriends are the strongest posters in this general

>> No.23927928
Quoted by: >>23928031

>mikofags = b-b-but we came so far
>fubukifags = muh memes
>festivalfags = muh horniness

>> No.23927929
Quoted by: >>23927952

Do i have to turn myself into a bob-omb first?

>> No.23927931

I am falling for watame

>> No.23927936



>> No.23927937

What's the narrative here?

>> No.23927938
File: 24 KB, 313x240, 1577567794973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, not like this...

>> No.23927941

>Watame wants him
>Coco wants him
At this rate all gen 4 will be thirsting over him

>> No.23927942

Coco just finished up her game?

>> No.23927943
Quoted by: >>23927962

No you aren't

>> No.23927945


>> No.23927949
Quoted by: >>23928038

>not including Mioposters

>> No.23927951

To be fair you need to have 300IQ to fully appreciate Towa or Luna

>> No.23927952

A pirate shark or a giant pirate skull seem to be her preferences. I think she has a thing for non-humans.

>> No.23927955
Quoted by: >>23927962

dont worry you will get bored of her very quickly

>> No.23927960
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, HaatoAnimalFarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23927970

Australia is a strange place...

>> No.23927962

Shes mine now so leave

>> No.23927963

This is way too good for narrative posting. Holy shit. My fucking sides. I can't even begin to imagine what Haachama Papa is like. This will blow itself up in the face without our doing.

>> No.23927965

EOP BROS??????

>> No.23927966

cant believe she lost her dad the same year she lost custody of her kids

must have been really tough

>> No.23927967

rip gen 4 collabs

>> No.23927970
Quoted by: >>23928048

bet shes a big whore in Australia.

>> No.23927971
File: 161 KB, 848x1200, 1578138924014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her dancer boyfriend is more interesting

>> No.23927974
Quoted by: >>23928005

But you guys said that haachama's dad didn't want her to be a vtuber?

>> No.23927978

First Holostars EN stream

>> No.23927980

Korosan... Take my akasupa...

>> No.23927981

you can recommend Korone some games using this tag

>> No.23927983
Quoted by: >>23928062

>lunafags = nnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.23927984
Quoted by: >>23927992

will papachama say haato's real name on stream

will papachama actually be there or will this just be another haato bait

>> No.23927985

Why are Rushiafags like this?

>> No.23927986

You can now confess to Haachama live with her father's permission.

>> No.23927990

watame actually talking about the sensitive topic about collabing with holostars
brave sheep

>> No.23927992

It's gonna be red-kun^2 obviously

>> No.23927993

ngl his dancing is very hypnotic. it's like aphrodisiac in dance form.

>> No.23927998

Diving into her archives yeah she really was such a sweetheart. I do like how funny she has been lately but I want her to balance the different sides of her somehow.

>> No.23927997
File: 574 KB, 900x786, EYpCoWqU8AANcbz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone going to play FO3
>main plot is about finding your father just for him to die soon after

>> No.23927999

This guy's an absolute faggot

>> No.23928001

I don't really care about there bfs desu.
Also I find it funny that you guys really are in love with the seiyus and not the "character"

>> No.23928002

yeah her real "daddy".

>> No.23928003

Marine is unironically the most braindead streamer in hololive

>> No.23928004

I doubt a rich guy like papachama can wast time like that

>> No.23928005

This is truly the narrative to blow out all other narratives of the water.

>> No.23928007

Papachama is Holostar EN?!

>> No.23928009
File: 493 KB, 2048x1126, 192491035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was one MMORPG you could get all the Holos to play together, what would it be?

>> No.23928010

>Wife plays games all day.
>House is a mess.
>Come home to neglected child crying.
>Roaches everywhere.
>She promised to be better when she retired from streaming, but nothing changed.

That's a rough one.

>> No.23928017
Quoted by: >>23928044

Are Noel and Flare scissoring?

>> No.23928018


>> No.23928019
Quoted by: >>23928051

This is baito

>> No.23928021

5 minutes after you leave this website.

>> No.23928022

She's setting herself up for pain.

>> No.23928025

MMORPGs are all shit so none of them.

>> No.23928030

Maybe because hes rich he has time to do what he wants

>> No.23928031

Fuck off asshole 35Ps did nothing wrong

>> No.23928032
Quoted by: >>23928049

good thing the delivery is so bad it hardly has any impact

>> No.23928034

I wouldn't dare let them waste away their life like that. Probably Maplestory for maximum guild fun.

>> No.23928037
File: 56 KB, 600x400, beyasmr-1c02020e752433ae6e1947b37bb897b3_600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928047

the girliest homostar turned out to be the biggest chad

>> No.23928038

I don't think there's more than one

>> No.23928040

I can't wait to see Haachama's dad streaming live form his pig farm.
I hope his name is Akai Shinzo so it can fit my narrative.

>> No.23928044

i hope so

>> No.23928046
File: 1.74 MB, 2238x2837, 1589539873825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928052

I like Subaru's girly side I swear

>> No.23928047

He's not girly at all he just likes cute things. It takes real balls as a man to take that in stride instead of hide it and be ashamed of it. He is the most masculine by virtue of it

>> No.23928048

Nah her english would be way better if she interacted with bogans. Unless she fucks all the abroad students.

>> No.23928049

What if all of Haachama's aka supacha were fabricated this whole time and that's why she doesn't get any money?

>> No.23928050

you can like different people
but you can only love one

>> No.23928051
Quoted by: >>23928066

How is it bait if it's true, marinecuck?

>> No.23928052
Quoted by: >>23928099

When her real voice slips through my heart melts.

>> No.23928055
Quoted by: >>23928120

yet marinefags still think you need to be hyper cultured to understand her zatsudans

>> No.23928060

Where is the art, artistfags

>> No.23928062
File: 165 KB, 362x397, Luna60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928063

The coronavirus lockdown broke him.

>> No.23928066

he said it was baito not bait anon do your reps

>> No.23928067
Quoted by: >>23928082

You say "coco fans" but I don't think I've seen her being anyone's absolute favorite here.

>> No.23928073
File: 36 KB, 680x484, 1589997360071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone going out of her way to pronounce bike in japanese just because she already had picture out

>> No.23928078

No doubt about it. Runescape.

>> No.23928079
Quoted by: >>23928098

mmos are for retards

>> No.23928082
Quoted by: >>23928137

Me, but I stopped trying to have anonymous discussions about her with you guys because she's one of the most hated Holos in /jp/ and none of you care about what she says outside of Asacoco anyway.

>> No.23928083

As much as I hate to admit it, it would probably be WoW classic

>> No.23928084

>spending an entire day here for shitty narratives from EOPs

>> No.23928087
File: 156 KB, 1280x1000, 1583897402882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23928091
Quoted by: >>23928354

I want to see Hololive defending emperium from Nijisanji attack

>> No.23928093

Комета playing Postal.
Luna marathoning Talos Principle.
Korone playing King's Bounty.

>> No.23928097
Quoted by: >>23928112

>watching Haachama whack at a tree for 5 hours to grind
I need this.

>> No.23928098
Quoted by: >>23928170

so what mmo you playing?

>> No.23928099
Quoted by: >>23928130

Which real voice, the one that's higher or lower than usual? Because both a pretty cute.

>> No.23928103
Quoted by: >>23928155

Bro, armchair psychologists deliver much better narratives.

>> No.23928107


>> No.23928111
Quoted by: >>23928115

>EOP narrativefags in shock at the sheer girth of a real narrative from 5ch

God that was great.

>> No.23928112
Quoted by: >>23928128

>Haachama getting raped in the wilderness
God yes

>> No.23928115

but it wasn't from 5ch

>> No.23928120

When you need to be fucking retarded to even choose to listen to them

>> No.23928128

I can see her getting lured then getting pushed around by dspears in the wildy

>> No.23928129

>EOPs still seething they can't understand marine

>> No.23928130

The lower one sounds more genuine.

>> No.23928132
File: 80 KB, 759x508, 1588557841087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Korone was probably being real when she said this at 6:40


>> No.23928135


>> No.23928137
File: 149 KB, 1000x1400, 1588510817028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928197

I've been watching her a lot more lately and I'm genuinely enjoying her streams now no matter what she plays. She's quickly rising to my top favorites.

>> No.23928147

It was probably the other way around.

>> No.23928155
Quoted by: >>23928173

You called ?

>> No.23928156

This is sad. I'm going to give her my suppa and become a member.

>> No.23928157
Quoted by: >>23928176

Cute Aki. stilll a large blank space for someone to draw on though.

>> No.23928158

>wannabe JSLs still mad that nobody gives a shit about marine here
who pretend you're japanese elsewhere even though you'll never be, we love korone here

>> No.23928161

so is her dad dead or just left her ? maybe disowned her ?

>> No.23928167


>> No.23928170
Quoted by: >>23928178

didn't take long for one butthurt mmotard to show up lmao

>> No.23928173


>> No.23928175
Quoted by: >>23928245

Do you think Haachama is retarded enough to be fooled by the free armor trimming scam.

>> No.23928176

Yeah usually one canvas lasted for 3~5 threads

>> No.23928178
Quoted by: >>23928203

I am just farming (you)'s with bait thanks its easy on jp

>> No.23928181

Akinglish is cute, and so is Akipanish

>> No.23928182

Is Korone actually menhera?

>> No.23928189
File: 18 KB, 424x383, 2020-05-23 14_15_25-【速報】パパが食いっぱぐれてVtuberになった件【ホロライブ_赤井はあと】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, what are the chances he fucks up and leaks something

>> No.23928193
Quoted by: >>23928201


>> No.23928196

Very small

>> No.23928197

That's cool I guess. She has more going for her beyond the rehearsed performance she puts up in Asacoco.

>> No.23928199

Ooof, this sounds too real.

>> No.23928200
Quoted by: >>23928375

sounds like she's just gonna show the video he made, not actually have him on

and that's implying this is even true

>> No.23928201
Quoted by: >>23928225

Is it really that much better than 2?

>> No.23928203

>giving (You)s to get one back
truly the king of mmo whales lmao

>> No.23928204
File: 58 KB, 430x243, cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928206

Is Spanish a common language for Japanese people to learn? It's weird that both Korone and Aki know even basic Spanish.

>> No.23928216

Ms. Worldwide

>> No.23928218
Quoted by: >>23928235

It's in all sorts of media anon, everyone picks Spanish up

>> No.23928225

no, not at all, I just mean in general. It'd be fun to see them try taking on bosses with all those mechanics.

>> No.23928228

They use a lot of Spanish/Portuguese/Italian loan words too. There's definitely something up with Japan and the Latin languages.

>> No.23928232

I'm actually surprised Watame has so many viewers for her zatsudan, is it normally like that?

>> No.23928233
File: 62 KB, 666x850, 1586248722891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have everyone in the comments
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY PAYPIGS, raise Korone and her bastard child.

>> No.23928234
Quoted by: >>23928272

Its pronunciation is easy comibng from japanese at least. English is the language that makes everyone retarded really

>> No.23928235
Quoted by: >>23928244

It's been years since I took a class in it and I would say I haven't picked up a single thing since, so no.

>> No.23928237


>> No.23928238
File: 2.58 MB, 824x720, dog jiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koronebros, how do you deal with Korone being married?

>> No.23928241


>> No.23928244

just because you live under a rock doesn't mean everyone else does

>> No.23928245

I don't know, but she'd definitely meet you in the wildy to do a trade.

>> No.23928246

more than usual

>> No.23928247

How the fuck Japan made so many fucking great kusoges?
THis game Marine is playing now is retarded

>> No.23928248
Quoted by: >>23928295

Watame chips are infinite

>> No.23928250
File: 354 KB, 1800x1800, EYfx8lkXsAUAWd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Members only dog Splatoon

>> No.23928252

>There's definitely something up with Japan and the Latin languages.
Yeah, it was attempted colonisation.

>> No.23928253

Historically they were the first to meet out of all the Euros, there's also a pretty big community of elevens in Brazil

>> No.23928254


>> No.23928257

It's already over 3 hours too and it's like 3:21 AM there now

>> No.23928262
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1588800187107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't.

>> No.23928266

She isn't. She isn't. She isn't.

>> No.23928268
Quoted by: >>23928578

Did you not know about how the Ports had the Japanese fooled into thinking that Catholics ruled all of Europe?

>> No.23928272

Granted, English is a retarded language

>> No.23928275
Quoted by: >>23928286

Spanish words are easier to pronounce in Japanese. It's much easier to say "mucho gusto" than it is to say "I really like it"

>> No.23928279
Quoted by: >>23928448

Nice. Her tweets had me worried she'd miss it.

>> No.23928284

I miss her elder sister back then

>> No.23928285

this narrative is dead, divorced milf koro is the new narrative. try to keep up.

>> No.23928286
Quoted by: >>23928307

>mucho gusto

>> No.23928293
File: 268 KB, 407x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928295
Quoted by: >>23928417

Has she been eating chips for 3 hours now?

>> No.23928297
Quoted by: >>23928584

Yes she's cute as hell and eating chips. Why wouldn't everyone watch?

>> No.23928301
Quoted by: >>23928346

fuck off she's reading supachas
viewership peaked at 7.9k

>> No.23928303
File: 1.26 MB, 1600x900, 1564914124459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928315


>> No.23928307

I didn't say I speak spanish

>> No.23928309
Quoted by: >>23928323


>> No.23928310
File: 47 KB, 1080x587, 1589916208697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter, all it takes is for one of them to start playing any, and the others will follow suit.

>> No.23928315
Quoted by: >>23928325

Imagine the smell

>> No.23928317
Quoted by: >>23928372

What are we looking at

>> No.23928318

Is anyone besides Marine and Watame still streaming right now?

>> No.23928323
Quoted by: >>23928331

It's 麻ココ

>> No.23928325

Hard liquor

>> No.23928326

Holy fuck my sides

>> No.23928330

Watamefags who are learning jap can consider themselves lucky. She speaks slowly and her pronunciations are clear.

>> No.23928331


>> No.23928336

The syllabus are pretty similar to Latin languages making it indeed easier to pronounce and it to learn for them.

>> No.23928340
File: 372 KB, 1980x1080, EYuKsrQUcAAHgvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928346

>peak is only 7.9k

>> No.23928351

please akasupa korone so she can buy food for her bastard child...

>> No.23928353

Bros I can't believe Korone used her spanish skills to call Aqua a "enana cabeza de caca", no wonder Aqua slapped her mom's knees until her hands bled last night...

>> No.23928354
Quoted by: >>23928646

This is honestly my dream, but I wouldn't want to see them spend 30 years grinding to 99 then doing it as an advanced class. Maybe a higher rates server once they hit the second class. Also pre-Rebirth.

>> No.23928359

hello, is this the youtube police?

>> No.23928361


>> No.23928372

premium watame pillow, made from 100% wool

>> No.23928375

She does say 釣りとかじゃなくて結構ガチ. But that 結構 also makes it sound like it's not 100% ガチ.

>> No.23928376
Quoted by: >>23928393

With how weird Rushia is, doesn't it seem weird that there aren't more clips of her?

>> No.23928378

Unironically really enjoying Choco's Life is Strange playthrough. Please watch it kudasai.

>> No.23928381
File: 28 KB, 563x539, 1590002874536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928398

Has 07scape maintained the soul of the old game, whilst the new game has suffered from content creep and lack of soul, or are they both bad now?

>> No.23928384


>> No.23928389
Quoted by: >>23928397


>> No.23928392

does she mean her authentic dad?

>> No.23928393
Quoted by: >>23928596

No one wants to be associated with NTRposter.

>> No.23928394
Quoted by: >>23928639

la cebolla...

>> No.23928395
Quoted by: >>23928427

expect VR horage, don't know when tho.

>> No.23928397
Quoted by: >>23928411


>> No.23928398
Quoted by: >>23928426

Remember how "well" the Pride event went?

>> No.23928402 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 110x112, swa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine solid 13k on a bullet hell!

If anyone's interested Forsen's playing minecraft for the first time and it's a blind playthrough.

>> No.23928411


>> No.23928417
File: 275 KB, 282x458, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928418

doubt it tho, maybe some voices or video.

>> No.23928419


>> No.23928426
Quoted by: >>23928468

>Pride event went?
I haven't played for any time since 2013. The last time I logged in was when the divination skill came out and that was only for 20 minutes, or so. I don't know whatb that is.

>> No.23928427

Probably whenever she does her 3D stream again which is a few months from now likely.

>> No.23928437
File: 2.49 MB, 662x778, aqua.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928447

How long has Marine been at this puppet boss?

>> No.23928448

I actually popped my membership cherry today on the dog without knowing she was doing a members only stream today so this should be interesting.

>> No.23928451

It's going to be fun.
Should we report all the degenelate things Haachama did to her father live on stream ?

As for the narrative let's see.
He watched the last reading stream she did and suddenly realized he had to marry her daughter quickly before she lost the ability to make sentences.
He is looking for her future marriage partner quickly and is hoping of her fans can save him from this.
By starting as a vtuber he can easily access her fans to find for the right one.

>> No.23928455
Quoted by: >>23928460

Is that thing on right now or later?

>> No.23928460

3 minutes

>> No.23928462
File: 356 KB, 1476x1476, EYje_3oUYAE6hOa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928478


>> No.23928466

I've been resisting the urge to become a member for 12 more Hololives. What's 75 dollars a month, really?

>> No.23928468

Devs tried to force a Gay Pride event despite the majority of players being against it. Should tell you all you need to know about their commitment to preserving the game.

>> No.23928476
Quoted by: >>23928488

A month's worth of food for 20 of the posters in here.

>> No.23928477

>Good luck next time!

>> No.23928478
File: 192 KB, 866x1220, EXY_tOjVAAEItt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eggs are drying up. You know what to do.

>> No.23928479

Haachama dad showing up to tell us hes forcing her to graduate due to poor school performance and turning his daughter into a degenerate

>> No.23928483

$75 less for your No.1 oshi...

>> No.23928486

>just type 車
am i doing it right guys?

>> No.23928488
Quoted by: >>23928493

Lol I spend that in a week on food and I'm a benefits scrounger.

>> No.23928492

you forgot

>> No.23928493
Quoted by: >>23928520

dole dosser?

>> No.23928495
File: 5 KB, 308x41, 1590148596534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928497

That's what she claims anyways
haachama will be watching her dad's channel during the stream like >>23928189 said.

seems strange to me. what sort of grown ass man one day announces to his family he's a vtuber? and if he doxxes himself haachama is cooked.
my money's on something that's halfway there. not a full truth but not a lie. it's haachama anyway so everyone would be fine with that

>> No.23928498
File: 158 KB, 1080x764, tR1rqFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it unironically this?

>> No.23928499

You convinced me
Deleting my Miko, Subaru, Mio memberships and supachaing Kanata 15 bucks on her next stream

>> No.23928501


>> No.23928505
Quoted by: >>23928519

I like my favorites pretty equally.

>> No.23928508

I would rather spend that on my 推し

>> No.23928509

But he didn't type grass

>> No.23928517

That's the kanji for car, idiot

>> No.23928519
Quoted by: >>23928685

Based almost 箱推しchad

>> No.23928520

Don't act like you know me.

>> No.23928522

holy based nkhdennis kusa

>> No.23928523

But if you do this it will be awkward the next time you watch Miko, Subaru, or Mio again, as they may see your name again in the chat and realize you stopped your membership !

>> No.23928531

That's a grass from me.

>> No.23928541

You better follow through with that nigger

>> No.23928542
Quoted by: >>23928564

車 go vrooom
草 go grass

>> No.23928543

Great now you have me worried. I don't even know if they notice.

>> No.23928551

Oldfag like me uses wwwwww instead
Fuck these zoomers

>> No.23928555
Quoted by: >>23928585

>> No.23928561
File: 216 KB, 330x378, worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928611

Subaru remembers everyone.

>> No.23928562

How did they manage to survive with this extremely inefficient language ?
It's already hard enough to see this for ants, but...

>> No.23928563

same desu

>> No.23928564

are you kidding me that's literally a difference of a few pixels. FUCK LEARNING JAPANESE BRUH. The holos want to learn english anyway.

>> No.23928565

It's all so tiresome...

>> No.23928567
Quoted by: >>23928644

Subaru and Mio wouldn't make a deal of it
Miko wouldn't notice

>> No.23928568

Real おじさん use (笑)

>> No.23928570
File: 857 KB, 2404x1254, 03f1a096-9f6a-41cc-b753-545fe97fedf9~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hachapapa.... Posting imminent this is just going to make haatos aussie shitposting powers stronger

>> No.23928571


>> No.23928572

But why grass?

>> No.23928578

>fooled into thinking that Catholics ruled all of Europe?
But they did...

>> No.23928584

She's clearly working hard to have what she's doing translate well through Live2D, that's admirable.

>> No.23928585


>> No.23928586
Quoted by: >>23928633

>be subaru
>painstakingly write down names on paper and tries her best to remember them
>anon sends a superchat devoid of membership status
>subaru, initially happy at receiving the superchat, realizes anon has quit being a member

>> No.23928588
Quoted by: >>23928618

>stop doing asacoco to have a break
>goes up to 4 a.m anyway

>> No.23928590


>> No.23928591

When's the next AZKi stream?

>> No.23928593


>> No.23928594

la goblina...

>> No.23928595


>> No.23928596


>> No.23928603

remember that one clip about Katana eating grass?
It was so funny everyone type grass instead of lol nowadays

>> No.23928604


>> No.23928610

Poor Coco, getting trapped in superchat reading because people keep donating.

>> No.23928611
File: 797 KB, 983x555, 1590199987593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928721

She unironically does, the ducks memory is scary.

>> No.23928615

>Roboco liked every comment on her song

>> No.23928618

its a superchat train

>> No.23928619

That's why I changed my name and icon after canceling Suisei's membership

>> No.23928620
File: 94 KB, 748x1200, 1589669777165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928741


>> No.23928622
Quoted by: >>23928649

Watch asacoco you newfag
Coco invented grass

>> No.23928626
Quoted by: >>23928659

So will Haachapapa be a gigachad english speaking gaijin or weak blooded beta Japanese?

>> No.23928627


>> No.23928628

I think because kuso (shit) doesn't have a kanji and it sounds like kusa (grass). I'm still learning though.

>> No.23928630

you forgot:

>> No.23928631

I'm starting to doubt if Watame has a boyfriend, She has some FUCKED up sleep schedule.

>> No.23928632

Does it feel like they're streaming way less than they were like a month or two ago? There was way more singing streams and times where I remember having to decide between like 8 good streams going on at once. Now I'm lucky if there's anything good at all.

Here's my favorite clip from one of FBK's singing streams back then:
Here's one of my favorite songs from back in the

>> No.23928633
File: 38 KB, 870x143, ships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928654

Fine. I'll keep Subaru you faggot.

>> No.23928638

>not using ワロス
fuck off zoomeroldfag

>> No.23928639


>> No.23928644

I am certain Miko watches at least some of her streams to check the comments and see how she can improve her streams and make it more fun.
If you make comments in the chat she will remember you after some time even if she doesn't seem to react to your comment.

>> No.23928646

I expect some of them to have an account in jRO

>> No.23928649

>Coco invented wwwwwwww
Big 草

>> No.23928650


>> No.23928651

Yeah thanks Chrome that was just great.

Here's the link: https://streamable.com/cfjiui

>> No.23928652

Is this true? Or is this just another narrative?

>> No.23928653


>> No.23928654


>> No.23928656

so does Haato's dad have an aussie accent?

>> No.23928659
Quoted by: >>23928677

He calls her out on her shit English but his is even worse

>> No.23928662

a-anon ?

>> No.23928663
Quoted by: >>23928681

That's the good thing to notice, anon. When you finally come to terms with the truth.

>> No.23928664

proof? what, you think im just gonna believe you because you typed it out?

>> No.23928668

When should I use 助かる?

>> No.23928669


>> No.23928673
File: 117 KB, 350x383, 2020-05-23_20-52-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928675

in actual writing it's more noticeable, but I hate reading typed japanese because of shit like that.

>> No.23928678

big fucking GRASS

>> No.23928677
Quoted by: >>23928702

That would be really fucking funny so I hope so.

>> No.23928680

FBK is unironically such a good singer. 丁寧丁寧丁寧

>> No.23928681

I mean it doesn't bother me if she does or not cause I'm not some idolshitter but she's always awake when Watame no Uta, Unless she sleeps for about 4 hours or something.

>> No.23928683

Probably everybody just needs a break and I don't really blame them.

>> No.23928685
File: 653 KB, 1022x592, NotLuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928705

Currently only subbed to Towa and Noel's roommate but I'll probably crack and just give Hololive all of my money.
Tier in order.

>> No.23928686

When everybody else starts spamming it.

>> No.23928690

Get those sluts away from my pure boy Kaoru.

>> No.23928691
Quoted by: >>23928704

Complete the drawing and coco, watame and kaoru.

>> No.23928695
File: 134 KB, 744x1042, EYs6PLqUcAEZned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928696
Quoted by: >>23928715

when they do something cute and you want to "save" the moment. Often used when they sneeze. くしゃみ助かる

>> No.23928698

Those are pretty different anon, there are some which are literally the same thing except for a little stroke though.

>> No.23928700
File: 49 KB, 800x700, 1589981061640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928735

Knowing her she probably has dorky idea that she thinks is funny so it's not actually her dad. I give it like a 75:25 haachama humor to real dad ratio. Regardless I'll still love it

>> No.23928701
Quoted by: >>23928842

Alright makes sense. At least someone who is helpful

>> No.23928702

No I mean she's literally said that in a previous zatsudan.
She could be overstating how bad he is though or overestimating herself since she had more confidence in old times.

>> No.23928704

and tag*

>> No.23928705


>> No.23928706

Why is no one talking about Watame's zatsudan and just spamming grass here? Fucking retards

>> No.23928707

>nijisaji has multiple stacey’s
>Hololive has uggos and whales
It’s not fair

>> No.23928709

Why do you think she is always bouncy? She's on his cock right now.

>> No.23928712


>> No.23928713

Unironically based and kusapilled.
Why the fuck learning japanese when you can convey all kind ot informations with wwwww, kusa, grass

>> No.23928715
Quoted by: >>23928759

Is that what it means? I thought it meant get saved from whatever they're doing.

>> No.23928716
Quoted by: >>23928728

It's easier to see with smaller vtubers that they react to your comments, but even with a lot of viewers they still check the chat and remember regular commenters.

I remember Miko saying she sometimes check on the chat before a stream to see who is here early.
For example before her 3D collab with Pekora she looked at the chat before the stream start and said she recognized regulars.

>> No.23928717


>> No.23928719

One guy did and got called a liar by people who aren't watching and I'm too busy talking about Haachama.

>> No.23928721
File: 73 KB, 705x1000, 1589683130421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928804

It's adorable when she sometimes wonders if it's her first time seeing a name. And it rarely takes her more than a second to remember.

>> No.23928722

It should get louder and more distorted the longer it goes

>> No.23928723
Quoted by: >>23928737

Is Marine going to fail to complete yet another cho aniki...

>> No.23928726
Quoted by: >>23928740

matsuri edition:

>> No.23928728

Miko... more than a girlfriend...

>> No.23928730
Quoted by: >>23928774


>> No.23928733
File: 66 KB, 802x668, 1589021879662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAGOO in charge of recruitment.

>> No.23928735

Haachama humor is something special and I love it.

>> No.23928736

Goddamn I want to suckle on those L-cups

>> No.23928737

Hopefully. The stream audio is legit porn.

>> No.23928738

Aside from わため脇臭 nothing interesting happened, just relaxing sheep

>> No.23928739
Quoted by: >>23928756

I don't think Haato will bullshit it and it'll be her real dad, I mean Matsuri already streamed with her mom so it's nothing too out there.

>> No.23928740

Also Haachama and kuso dekai BGM in WataUta

>> No.23928741
File: 2.45 MB, 2893x4092, EYUEGW3U0AE-I3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928767

Kanata's katana

>> No.23928743

this but the exact inverse

>> No.23928745

I don't like Watame.

>> No.23928747

You can set up google to send you a notification when someone becomes a member of your channel and get their account name with this notification.
They must have some way to keep track of their current to some extent members.

>> No.23928750
File: 132 KB, 709x994, EYsayu8VAAIbJ3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, thanks.

>> No.23928752
File: 76 KB, 453x431, 1585133973064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of cult is this

>> No.23928753

So isn't this confirming that Haato's dad already has vtuber videos somewhere?
He'd probably be an independent right?

>> No.23928755

She literally said real dad but EOPs still arguing it's a fake dad, omg

>> No.23928756

Haato also streamed with her sister so it's not like it would be a new thing for her.

>> No.23928759

I don't know Japanese, that is just my interpretation.

>> No.23928761

wtf i thought only towa's family did this...

>> No.23928762

It's the same way in Towa's chat. Both fan groups act like that.

>> No.23928765
File: 1017 KB, 1187x1228, EUg2KVnUUAAup1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like these leftover and late night dead hours. My god morning hours and the so called "prime time" are so fucking bad.

>> No.23928764

When Miko slaps you to wake you up in Asamiko !

>> No.23928766

Retards are copying the Towa cult. Watame and her sheeps literally have no originality.

>> No.23928767
Quoted by: >>23928812


>> No.23928768

Thats horrorifying

>> No.23928772
Quoted by: >>23928786

Defend THIS Watamates.

>> No.23928774


>> No.23928775

Could you imagine being in the same industry as your father?

>> No.23928776

Coco making more than I do in a year in one night

>> No.23928778

Do the dummies not know it's spelt memberSHIP?

>> No.23928781

He's probably a mahjong vtuber

>> No.23928782

did she say: "mi amores"?

>> No.23928784
Quoted by: >>23928792

Watame is a sheep Anon...

>> No.23928785

But all the holos have multiple bfs so they are still Staceys you idiot

>> No.23928786

Just standard sheep herd behavior

>> No.23928787

Hololive, more than just a religion...

>> No.23928789
Quoted by: >>23928821

Probably just has some silly videos he made for private fun using facerig or something.
If retardation doesn't run in his blood then the account shouldn't have personally identifiable information connected...

>> No.23928791

Alright which Holo member should I definitely NOT membership

>> No.23928792

I don't get it.

>> No.23928796
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x715, 1589253068193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928797
File: 16 KB, 382x241, 1589644464072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928802


>> No.23928804
File: 977 KB, 3250x2048, IMG_20200513_114157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donate once a small sum telling how much I like her streams and that I'm watching all the way from the other side of the world
>On the next supacha she remembers me and where I'm from
I love this genki duck so much.

>> No.23928805

Yagoo is the saint of the downtrodden. If we were Japanese hikki girls with any form of entertainment, he'd literally save us from neetdom.

>> No.23928806
Quoted by: >>23928829

I'm sure you wouldn't call most of the games Korone plays "stream viable".

>> No.23928811
Quoted by: >>23928859

What if Haato's dad is that Ojiisan little girl Vtuber that was popular back when things were first kicking off?

>> No.23928812
File: 174 KB, 1104x807, EYTwjoSU0AAJJV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928828

I read it in her voice.

>> No.23928820

She may have had one before this, but she wouldn't spend all this time speaking in her streams if she had someone irl to talk to.
A bf would feel cucked by her members and those giving her SC and would probably give up after some time.

>> No.23928821

Haato daddy stream comes on, he's a poodle.

>> No.23928824

ummm but watame got her membership first???
fucking towakeks thinking they're special again

>> No.23928828

cute art

>> No.23928829
Quoted by: >>23928841

Finishing it in one sitting can make any game stream viable

>> No.23928830


>> No.23928831

Towafags started the welcoming members first.

>> No.23928832

that sounds really nice of her

>> No.23928834

Reminder fandead were doing this before 4th gen even existed until their bitch queen told them to stop welcoming people

>> No.23928841
Quoted by: >>23928937

Yeah, that's why siren and new roomania streams were shit.

>> No.23928842
Quoted by: >>23928902

no you lil shit
warau is laugh
nips shorten it to w
when you laugh more there's more wwww
which looks like grass

it didn't make sense at all but you decided to shut your brain off because you didn't want to think
don't believe everything you read in this godforsaken shithole

>> No.23928843
File: 125 KB, 564x690, 1589912860148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the family, son.

>> No.23928845
Quoted by: >>23928862

lurk more

>> No.23928848
Quoted by: >>23928875

Nooo... that can't be Haachama's real dad, only I can be her real dad because she is my dumb daughter and I need to pamper her...

>> No.23928849
Quoted by: >>23928885

This is really cool to know even if I can’t prove any of it. It’s nice to reconfirm that the Holos really do care about their fans and may be noticing you without you realizing it.

>> No.23928851
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1588758384689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928909

Maybe I should later

>> No.23928852


>> No.23928853

wow i'm sure not a single sora member welcomed their members until towa came around

>> No.23928854

Why is Rushia like this?

>> No.23928858

Imagine bullying Towa's womb

>> No.23928859

Nojaloli isn't old enough to be Haato's dad. Plus his job was shit.
He was my first vtuber. I still miss him sometimes...

>> No.23928860

Nobody cares about Sora.

>> No.23928862


>> No.23928863
Quoted by: >>23928961

Imagine Towa...

>> No.23928864

Based Rushia

>> No.23928866

So I'm sitting here 30 min into Watame's stream and don't understand a lick of what she's even saying. Is this what you guy do the whole day?

>> No.23928867
File: 51 KB, 326x442, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928912

>towafags getting defensive again
like clockwork

>> No.23928868

I understand every other word.

>> No.23928869
Quoted by: >>23928887


>> No.23928872
Quoted by: >>23928889

You can't say that here, faggot.

Yes, except I understand a bit.

>> No.23928873
Quoted by: >>23929043


>> No.23928875

It’s her real sugar daddy. He takes her to a love hotel every week and slams that teenage haato puss for some cash.

>> No.23928876

Yes make sure you give her money too for the full experience

>> No.23928879


>> No.23928881
Quoted by: >>23928995

memberSHIP for SHEEP
= member(SHIP & SHEEP)
= memberSH (IP & EEP)
= memberSHEEP

>> No.23928882
Quoted by: >>23928919

People don't actually think this is something unique do they? It is relatively commonplace among vtuber chats across the industry.

>> No.23928885

To be fair it was a country which I'm sure isn't mentioned to her that much, so it must have stuck. She's still super cute for remembering though.

>> No.23928886

Maybe if you had watched anime with japanese sub you would get it

>> No.23928887
Quoted by: >>23928903

i know you are but what am i

>> No.23928888

For me it's the cute noises.

>> No.23928889

Nobody cares about Sora and her members.

>> No.23928891
File: 633 KB, 2149x3035, 1589697252840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duck's fans are as loyal to her as she is to them. It really is something special.

>> No.23928895

Based blog

>> No.23928899
File: 574 KB, 600x706, 1590073135288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928902

it likes "lol", no one actually "laugh out loud" when typing that. Words change meaning with time.

>> No.23928903

>but what am i
A retard.

>> No.23928904

why are koronefags like this?

>> No.23928908
File: 388 KB, 691x467, All not listed do not exist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note: Coco has god-tier potential if she continues to loosen up

>> No.23928909

yes ayame get in the bed

>> No.23928912
File: 372 KB, 528x607, towink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even defend his 2D anime streamer
pathetic low t loser

>> No.23928913
Quoted by: >>23929042

100% staged. Fuck this fake bitch.

>> No.23928914

Horrific post.

>> No.23928915
File: 71 KB, 640x522, 1589667270580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928917
File: 220 KB, 350x365, 1574179255265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't laugh.
didn't ask.
don't care.

>> No.23928919

Not even just Vtuber exclusive, just streaming generally all across the web.

>> No.23928922

Can I pay any chilean jpbro to kick the ass of that guy spamming Coco's chat?

>> No.23928924

You don't see new members in nico..

>> No.23928925

>God tier
Nice joke, anon. Made me chuckle/10.

>> No.23928927


>> No.23928928
Quoted by: >>23928965

The biggest population of japs outside of japan live in south america.

>> No.23928929

is this bait

>> No.23928930
File: 4 KB, 175x53, bait hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928935


>> No.23928936

Where's timeloop poster

>> No.23928937

Roomania was great

>> No.23928943

Making Towa a young mother!

>> No.23928946

that's why i watch translations. they show the highlights from a 3+ hour stream. I'm sure the majority here can't speak nip either

>> No.23928948

How good do you need to be at japanese to graduate from EOP?

>> No.23928952
File: 412 KB, 598x406, 2020-05-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change my mind

>> No.23928953


>> No.23928954

Bait aside it really does feel like Luna is self-aware that her character is shit

>> No.23928957
File: 414 KB, 1460x2048, 1589986717594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having Mikoti that low is unforgiveable.

>> No.23928958


>> No.23928959

I'm ignorant about youtube. How big do you need to be have members? I see Roberu's channel doesn't have that option.

>> No.23928961
File: 145 KB, 1748x1240, 61bser58ytw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.23928962
Quoted by: >>23928978


>> No.23928963
File: 190 KB, 1279x721, wtma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23928964

Thank god Harry is there

>> No.23928965

Also one born in Peru became a president

>> No.23928966

Matsuri loves her job pretty sure, especially with how much she loves all her co-workers

>> No.23928969

If you're N5 then you are no longer an EOP.

>> No.23928971

I look forward to the day Watame has an outfit without a fucking *arp

>> No.23928973

If you can 草 and 助かる in chat then you're good

>> No.23928975
Quoted by: >>23929022

Her job is making a spectacle of herself being a desperate virgin and she hates it

>> No.23928976

>aqua is max level in a week while everyone else is level 20
>she ditches them for a tryhard guild but cant keep up because shes a baka
>half the girls are completely incompetent and useless because they dont understand how the game works
>matsuri becomes addicted and gains back all the weight
>ayames boyfriend is the second best player but is the guy who is never online when you need him
>haachama accidentally deletes her character
>miko is surprisingly decent
>fubuki uses her last supacha money to buy a decked out account
>korone spends 30 hours wiping in an easy dungeon, beats it, then never plays the game again
>marine spends all her time ERPing with wombposters
>rushia copies the cookie cutter OP build then it gets nerfed
>choco is still playing the game months after everyone has quit

>> No.23928977
File: 300 KB, 479x421, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929271


>> No.23928978


whats above n1?

>> No.23928980
File: 97 KB, 1275x768, 1121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf Onigiriyas are like this?

>> No.23928981

Mel... Doko...

>> No.23928983
Quoted by: >>23929059

Why can't they be all 3?

>> No.23928984


>> No.23928987


>> No.23928988
Quoted by: >>23929059

Is the "loves attention" tier the ones you don't like?

>> No.23928989

Nothing. N1 in itself is impossible. Even Dogen is still only N2.

>> No.23928992

>no asacoco for a week
Bros no... I'm dying...

>> No.23928993

Perfect form.

>> No.23928994

Can you watch a zatsudan and understand everything they're saying without needing to be extremely focused? If not, you're still an EOP.

>> No.23928995
File: 319 KB, 588x495, 1589126364152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929051


>> No.23928997

Surprisingly accurate. Especially the part where Haachama accidentally deletes her character.

>> No.23928999

She also loves her fans. Like, confides in us and spills her guts on the floor, constantly says I love you. She's literally spaghettis all over twitter, twitcasts, and member streams. It's really adorable.

>> No.23928998
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929038

I love my shitposting wife and all the baitposters she attracts!

>> No.23929000
File: 10 KB, 326x359, EV8aASVUYAMrhXS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23929002
File: 432 KB, 443x528, 1588740362175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929005
File: 442 KB, 1280x720, 1583421479811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choco is still playing the game months after everyone has quit

>> No.23929007

You transcend reality and become the god of ninjas.

>> No.23929014

Lol fucking based

>> No.23929019

It shows. He slurs every word.

>> No.23929022
Quoted by: >>23929099

>only watching the subbed videos with 150k+ views


>> No.23929023

It's scary how accurate this shit is.

>> No.23929024

I always see this guy in Okayu's chat kek

>> No.23929029


>> No.23929030

Here's your (You)

>> No.23929035

Imperial and ancient japanese

>> No.23929036
File: 220 KB, 461x461, 1590218323702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929089

>Been listening to Roboco's new remix for almost an hour straight
Someone... help me... i cant stop...

>> No.23929038
File: 1.15 MB, 1274x718, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still blows my mind that is her natural laugh

She can play it up a bit I'm sure but you can tell when really funny shit happens that's just how it comes out

>> No.23929042

EZ 500K YEN.

>> No.23929043

I assume you're asking for proof she told them to stop rather than proof that they used to welcome people so here

>> No.23929044
Quoted by: >>23929057

Amazingly accurate. I'd still take Fatstival

>> No.23929046
Quoted by: >>23929061

Source? I took the mock exam for N2 in the JLPT website and got everything right without breaking a sweat, literally easier than reading LNs made for teenagers, but I don't think my nip is better than Dogen's.

>> No.23929047
Quoted by: >>23929070

Flare not being in "loves her fans" is how I know you've never watched her

>> No.23929048

More like /v/ tier list

>> No.23929050
File: 1.11 MB, 2833x4000, 1564578980710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to be the first one to stream Terraria?

>> No.23929051
File: 126 KB, 853x479, 1576373633777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama ?

>> No.23929054
File: 246 KB, 606x649, fuckups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929063

There's only one clear cut tier distinction, the rest is fuzzy at best

>> No.23929057
Quoted by: >>23929139

are you OK anon?

>> No.23929058

You are brought to Izumo Shrine to meet with Ken-sama to be part of the Dai Nippon Teitoku Tsunami Slayers and Abe-no-Seimei's Onmyouji squad.

>> No.23929059
Quoted by: >>23929304

View it as a hierarchy, obviously they all love attention or they wouldn't be professional streamers


>> No.23929060
Quoted by: >>23929079

>Kanata joins in late, levels mostly alone exploring everything at her own pace and can't join the raids, then Choco showers her with rare items and carries her through dungeons

>> No.23929061

hes joking JLPT doesnt mean shit

>> No.23929063


>> No.23929070

That's not very convincing

>> No.23929071
File: 255 KB, 1462x823, watame_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see Watame in 3D. Also, what would an eventual alt-outfit for her even be?

I want to see her in a PPtenshi T-shirt.

>> No.23929073
Quoted by: >>23929080

I hope they screw up and masturbate during stream like dsp

>> No.23929078
Quoted by: >>23929095

Marine and Matsuri are fucking shit though. You are a subbed clip watcher aren't you?

>> No.23929079
Quoted by: >>23929144

Watching Kanata just explore and appreciate the environments honestly sounds like a fun stream depending on the MMO.

>> No.23929080
Quoted by: >>23929093

/v/ is two boards down.

>> No.23929083
File: 302 KB, 1068x601, 1589642005379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I only watch vtubers with deep seductive womanly voices like Towa, Okayu and Ange

>> No.23929082

We have the official poster art as an example. Probably too simple though

>> No.23929086
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1588747373534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that supposed to be her?

>> No.23929088
File: 364 KB, 506x414, 1589773766220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929154

>Swap Coco with Matsuri
>swap Choco with Sheep
>swap flare with Miko

And I'll give you /v/ approval

>> No.23929089
Quoted by: >>23929162

It's not bad, but I'm not sure if Roboco's vocal fry makes a good fit for the dreamlike quality of the song. Maybe I'm just too used to the original, however.

>> No.23929093

32 boards to the left to be more precise.

>> No.23929094

Based chad.

>> No.23929095

What's wrong with Marine? She's cute and has a pretty wide range of stuff she's into and can be pretty funny, her 2ch boomer vibe is great

>> No.23929099

Oldest excuse in the Matsurifag book. Her introduction at Holofes was literally a seiso joke

>> No.23929102

slow thread

>> No.23929103

She doesnt understand english

>> No.23929104

I never noticed how huge her avatar's tits are, she usually crops them off stream

>> No.23929109
File: 131 KB, 853x479, 1576373770053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think ?

>> No.23929111
File: 812 KB, 854x441, rinzekanata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really curious about gen4 alt outfits in general, especially Coco. We can at least count on Watame's model being incredibly well rigged again, and on Oshio doing something special for Kanata.

>> No.23929112

Coco is singing right now and what the fuck am I listening to? Coco wasn't this good at singing before.

>> No.23929113

Black sheep. Potato sheep.

>> No.23929114
Quoted by: >>23929176

Dunno I'm literally a /v/ tourist and I like her, and /v/ tourists are only supposed to like Coco and Pekora

>> No.23929119

I can only see watame

>> No.23929121

>4 hours zatsudan, 30k jpy in superchat
>10 mins zatsudan, 20k jpy in superchat
Life's not fair

>> No.23929122
File: 23 KB, 230x311, 1576374047877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had a tragic end...

>> No.23929125

She stopped holding back

>> No.23929126
Quoted by: >>23929186

>especially Coco
It's going to look like an adidas jersey. I'm gonna be disappointed if it's not.

>> No.23929127 [DELETED] 

new dunkey

>> No.23929128

I'm amazed Watame and the chat can have topics going this much for 4 and half hours at this time, it's comfy af though, listening to it while playing DS

>> No.23929129
Quoted by: >>23929160

Will Towa's mami even have time for her neglected daughter?

>> No.23929130
Quoted by: >>23929151



>> No.23929134

Absolutely patrician. Add Mary on that list too

>> No.23929135

YAGOO's plan is finally starting to work, by slowly but steadily turning Coco into an idol.

>> No.23929137

Another day, another holo who gets more supachas tan Fubuki

>> No.23929139
File: 265 KB, 767x634, 1586877414449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't sleep tonight, struggling with a tough life decision and some compromises I have to make in the meantime (work and family related obligations) before I can move ahead with my life. Posts between truth and shitposts to blunt the conflicted feelings and mounting stress. So probably not. I tend to recover quickly though.

>> No.23929142

She probably would prefer to have the same size as in her real life and gets this result by hiding the difference.

>> No.23929143

>finishes watching anime
>look back to Watame stream
>40k yen in spacha
????????? what

>> No.23929144

If it's something immersive she'd absolutely take her time to do everything, that'd be some really comfy streams.

>> No.23929147

Coco is the cutest today

>> No.23929150
Quoted by: >>23929214

Got the eyebrows right, link to this stream I love this adorable retard

>> No.23929151

I'm guessing she realizes she'll be expected to perform with the rest of 4th gen during the next holofes and doesn't want to hold them back.

>> No.23929154
File: 425 KB, 1064x467, v approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you command /v/-sama

>> No.23929156
File: 459 KB, 720x720, haato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how big her loving haato is

>> No.23929157

Japs like talking to their idols

>> No.23929160

Nope, too busy becoming a vtuber herself.

>> No.23929162
Quoted by: >>23929231

never listened to the original and I wont listen to it, I dont want to ruin my immersion

>> No.23929169
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1589746300775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a fellow Koroneposter lend me their copy of a two panel thinking Korone where only her pupils moved?

>> No.23929175

I noticed too, and that's after an hour of SC reading. She really has been practicing.

>> No.23929176

She is nothing special and her fans are the worst

EOPs love her though and that's part of the problem with her

Well you just proved why she's shit

>> No.23929179

watame's raking in cash

>> No.23929181

It's to test her if she can keep up reading flood of supacha
These people are autistic

>> No.23929183
Quoted by: >>23929247

she just got a bunch in one go, I didn't catch why

>> No.23929185
Quoted by: >>23929506

pull a haachama or do a Coco

>> No.23929186
File: 745 KB, 606x541, 1587486919319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929192

It's gonna be an adidas idol dress.

>> No.23929192
Quoted by: >>23929249

They'll save that for holofes

>> No.23929195
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 80540360_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929228

Mukiroze no Uta.

>> No.23929194 [DELETED] 
File: 525 KB, 1602x2848, 20200523_143231_HDR(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out /hlg/. I'm doing a Pokemon Crystal run, to help with my Japanese, with a team made of Holos. First 5 pokemon and the Holos names. I'm using a Cyndaquil named Roberu but the other 5 are fair game. Help me out and I'll fuck off.

>> No.23929199

>EOPs love her though and that's part of the problem with her

>> No.23929208

>literally took a picture
How is it 2020 and people are still too fucking stupid to take a screenshot?

>> No.23929214
Quoted by: >>23929527

She was banned from the kitchen unfortunately after some time...

>> No.23929215

>viewers going up
>non-stop superchat
Watame is going to make it lads

>> No.23929216


>> No.23929218

Imagine having a 4P with Ui, Rurudo and Kagura Nana

>> No.23929222

based singing sheep

>> No.23929225
File: 136 KB, 319x393, smug uia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929226

>impromptu acapella Sweet Devil
Watame's too good

>> No.23929227

What's your question?

>> No.23929229

Every time I hear Watame's BGM I always need to listen to this.

>> No.23929228

I think Aki might love old men

>> No.23929231

Okay, then I won't press you. I will leave this album here though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atc0ERea7nE

>> No.23929234
Quoted by: >>23929287

Are you just trying really hard to force this or does Marine really trigger you this much to the point you can't stop posting about her?

>> No.23929236
Quoted by: >>23929258

How do you take a screenshot from a genuine gameboy you nonce?

>> No.23929235
File: 99 KB, 272x304, Luna8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929308

I know only know pikachu bro...

>> No.23929237

I just figured it out. The easiest way to prevent subaru from being sad upon seeing you lose your membership is to never become a member at all. Also, dont give any supacha to prevent her from seeing your name. Itd help to out her in the trash bin where she belongs as well

>> No.23929242

Anon are you alright?

>> No.23929243

I don't know shit about Pokemon but please name one as Moona

>> No.23929245

Prediction: she will overtake PPT this week due to no watauta and more streams
Cap this

>> No.23929247

She was discussing various philosophies on when to read superchats and whether going out of her way to read them as they come up would ruin the flow of the stream or take control away from her.
At some point people just started throwing superchats to prove they don't care if she reads them or not.

>> No.23929249

If next holofes Coco has her own number and sings it perfectly I'm gonna fucking cry tears of joy and pride.

>> No.23929251

Watame for a Mareep

>> No.23929255
Quoted by: >>23929283

Is that GBC backlit? Noice.

Catch a Slowpoke and name it Aqua.

>> No.23929256

Machop named Shion

>> No.23929257
Quoted by: >>23929276

It's because we figured out she's single

>> No.23929258

connect it with a cable

>> No.23929260

marine definitely has the worst antis. or is anti? is this the same autist who argued for like nine threads that she cant be an otaku

>> No.23929262

That's a sexy ass GBC. It's off-topic though. Fuck off.

>> No.23929264

Hello Marine anti

>> No.23929265
Quoted by: >>23929278

Miko's GTA streams have gotten really popular, both new ones have 100k+ views... Well deserved

>> No.23929271

new watame for the folder.

>> No.23929273
File: 582 KB, 1522x2048, EYjo2_zUwAIbHQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy for her.

>> No.23929276

yeah, because I stole her bf

>> No.23929278

Stay homo and watch Miko.

>> No.23929282

Their numbers are almost the same so I doubt but I hope she does for her own sake.

>> No.23929283

>not slowpeko
Aqua is ウパ

>> No.23929287
Quoted by: >>23929295

I replied to a shitty tier list that was called shit by everyone. What's your problem with that? Am I not supposed to say which parts of it I disagree with?

>> No.23929288


>> No.23929295

Never mind. I was wrong to assume you were at least self-aware.

>> No.23929297

>watame singing praises of flare

>> No.23929299
File: 212 KB, 544x552, 2020-05-23_21-48-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23929304

It's an odd list. At least I know my favorite chuuba loves both her job and her fans.

>> No.23929308
File: 75 KB, 230x267, Luna22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Lunaturd, how do you not know charizard

>> No.23929309

>Hololives I would have sex with
All if them.

>Hololives I wouldn't have sex with

Does this mean I'm desperate?

>> No.23929310


>> No.23929313

>Itd help to out her in the trash bin
Wanna try that one again?

>> No.23929314

I sometimes check out her stream and write a few simple comments.
Do you think she also remembers people who wrote in her chat without being a member ?

Does Hololive make some kind of improved statistics where they put together all the data of the comments and members they have to check what the viewers are doing and which vtubers and content they have an affinity for ?

>> No.23929315

>discovering a niche of vtubers I never knew I needed
Finally I have something to watch during downtime. The only con is the depressing sub 200 viewers

>> No.23929318

based anon

>> No.23929321
Quoted by: >>23929373

watame planned to stop at 4am... it's almost 5 now...

>> No.23929323

I hope those hololives include the holostars too. Don't wanna pass on that sweet Kaoru boipuss.

>> No.23929325

Did Korone's hashtag get spammed to shreds with gaijin recommendations or they didn't find out?

>> No.23929326

Homos just keep winning...

>> No.23929329

imagine noel's screaming

>> No.23929331
Quoted by: >>23929341

she couldn't read Marine? what a fake bitch

>> No.23929332
File: 388 KB, 2048x2048, 1590106434600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People suggested Coco and Kanata ASMR collab
This would be some good cop-bad cop tier stuff. Would listen to.

>> No.23929338
Quoted by: >>23929355

What's the narrative?

>> No.23929341


>> No.23929344


>> No.23929345

Oh man, the heckin pupperino is taking recs? Here I'll tell Discord

>> No.23929346

me on the left

>> No.23929348

Stop right there! That sheep is underage you filthy degenerate!

>> No.23929350

damn that online crane thing is such a fucking scam

>> No.23929353

no, but there are nips making a lot of EOP recommendations anyway

>> No.23929355

Fag hags are the worst, so he picked the worst two girls and made them fag hags.

>> No.23929360

What do you mean by worst antis? Wouldn't all antis be equally bad?

>> No.23929361
Quoted by: >>23929379

This is nice. Go post it on twitter

>> No.23929362

Feels good when you can recognize 2 out of the 4 kanji on there.

>> No.23929365

Guys, I can't believe Kanatan just declared war on Aki's people!

>> No.23929368

I just can't see Coco doing ASMR without using her real voice. It would be like Mickey Mouse ASMR.

>> No.23929370
File: 622 KB, 2296x462, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are we doing for the next 7 hours

>> No.23929373

She seems to be enjoying the easy-going chat. I guess being in the middle of the night slows things down to the point you can comprehend it.

>> No.23929374

What is the narrative Bros

>> No.23929375

shitpost on /hlg/

>> No.23929376
Quoted by: >>23929385

The same thing we do every night Pinky

>> No.23929379
Quoted by: >>23929419

i did the art, would you post it for me?

>> No.23929384

I can't believe Fubuki would eat a double baconator... how fat is she?

>> No.23929385

How fucking old are you

>> No.23929386

The girls can smell the soul of beyblade in him

>> No.23929387

Play Girls' Frontline or Azur Lane?

>> No.23929388
Quoted by: >>23929398

Watch Marine

>> No.23929392

>chinpo suki
i wasn't ready for this...

>> No.23929396

Are you even allowed on this website kid?

>> No.23929397

>Mickey Mouse ASMR
>Donald Duck ASMR
When do we get a hololive goofy asmr

>> No.23929398
Quoted by: >>23929409

She still didn't clear it?

>> No.23929403
Quoted by: >>23929428

Is it old to make that reference?
I'm 21 and know that show, come on.

>> No.23929404

Fuck off gachanigger.

>> No.23929406
File: 209 KB, 1400x1600, 1589277359641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Disney themed ASMR collab with Subaru?

>> No.23929409

She got to the final boss and ran out of continues

>> No.23929412
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 79992331_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute shit tier taste dude. Holy fuck. Arknights and HI3 are the only good chink mobage.

>> No.23929415

is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.23929416

How would you all react if Natsumi Moe was first HoloEN? Would she backstab Eilene like that?

>> No.23929417

I'm gonna draw until I fall asleep probably

>> No.23929418


>> No.23929419
Quoted by: >>23929429

Post the original pic here and i'll help you post it. I'll credit you as well.

>> No.23929421


>> No.23929426
Quoted by: >>23929437

Watch Roa getting scammed

>> No.23929428
Quoted by: >>23929449

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.23929429
Quoted by: >>23929672

no need to credit me

>> No.23929430

They tried to make a funny official collab, but it was so shit that they could only salvage 10 minutes out of a 3 hour long recording session, so they went with a clickbaity thumbnail to see if they could at least get some views out of it.

>> No.23929432
File: 62 KB, 943x960, 1585722968702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco and Watame both take a break to fix their sleep schedule
>BOTH stay up late at night

>> No.23929433
Quoted by: >>23929468

I'm doing my reps while watching my Holo's archive

>> No.23929435
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, Ymy-YgcGbGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that this is the official /hlg/ approved holos list (not counting the non-holos). If your favorite holos aren't pictured here, then you're not welcome here.

>> No.23929437
Quoted by: >>23929471

She's so fucking cute...
By the way, why the fuck are Nijis verified on Youtube but none of the Holos are?

>> No.23929440
File: 478 KB, 2268x1696, 1576882674434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would never do that.
Eilene seems to have a talent for finding gems and not exploiting them properly.
He must really like eating grass.

>> No.23929443

Why didn't they give Marine's 3D outfit her coat? It'd make her 3D much better, especially since the arms currently look strange.

>> No.23929446
Quoted by: >>23929501


>> No.23929447

We want less clothing, dumbo. Not more.

>> No.23929448

tower finally got her aqua collab...

>> No.23929449

Some of the hololives are zoomers.

>> No.23929450

>fat guy likes Korone

>> No.23929451

That's a lot of work

>> No.23929453

what did they mean by this???

>> No.23929457

And they also fuck up the schedule of their fans more in the process.

This week end didn't start well with Miko doing a member only stream and her Asamiko a few hours later..

>> No.23929458
File: 103 KB, 272x334, Luna34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929462

>both spending more time with their fans now that they can have a breather
Coco and Watame confirmed for genuine

>> No.23929463
Quoted by: >>23929486

>those aren't Watame's ears but ribbons in her hair
>Watame's actual ears twitch when she blinks
double huh

>> No.23929465
File: 2.15 MB, 1418x1264, 2817814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929466

Where can I get a cute friend like Kanata?

>> No.23929468
Quoted by: >>23929509

Have some focus when doing your reps anon, it doesn't take that long.

>> No.23929471

maybe yagoo was stingy and didn't pay up enough shekels

>> No.23929472

Clipping probably

>> No.23929476

The coat would require more moving parts and make some movements look awkward

>> No.23929478

As much as I like Natsumi, I just can't see it happening. She has an established fan base and is content where she is.

>> No.23929480

you never seen how poorly their skirts interact with their limbs? Now quadruple the catastrophe levels...

>> No.23929486
File: 119 KB, 564x840, 1588705462284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929489


>> No.23929492

You're joking right anon?
Things went even more dogshit P2W garbage after that shit dirac sea was introduced

>> No.23929493
Quoted by: >>23929535


Coco is a fucking treasure. Even if you don't like her streams, you should at least respect her.

>> No.23929497

garbage content, hope Coco never delivers to those sad fucks.

>> No.23929498

All of EN is bound to be people we've never heard about. Just 100 viewers is already enough that giving a company their cut is iffy.

>> No.23929501
File: 452 KB, 1184x1500, EYZfkGtUwAAF6Sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joining hololive with an old laptop is like storming normandy without a gun.

>> No.23929503

Check out your local YMCA

>> No.23929505
Quoted by: >>23929538

At least something good is coming out of this. Both Coco and Watame had some comfy time just talking to the chat today.

>> No.23929506

Enlighten me, if you'd please. In my mind I'm thinking "Make a retarded choice" and "Break down and confess, but then secretly confide in my supporters" respectively. I like and support all Holos except one so don't take it the wrong way

>> No.23929508
Quoted by: >>23929519

shutup gay

>> No.23929509

I'm searching the words I don't know that come up in the stream, memorizing them, and learning how to use them. Please andastd.

>> No.23929513

>and does the horrible westerner anime voice/accent
Is that the ProjektMelody-NatsumiMoe-Vannalemon voice?

>> No.23929516

It was funny and an interesting mix of HLs.

>> No.23929519

shut up desperate lonely pathetic faggot.

>> No.23929521
Quoted by: >>23929537

So what do you guys wanna talk about?

>> No.23929524

Matsuri was first and it made me happy to get ear blessings while I was running, nearly kicked a cat though.

>> No.23929527
File: 598 KB, 974x1024, 1586573669012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this video gave me diabetes. I hope I can meet someone similar to haato one day

>> No.23929530
File: 171 KB, 1100x1754, EC1W3L4U8AArzln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929543

Why didn't they show up to eachothers latest totsumachis?

>> No.23929531

>All of EN is bound to be people we've never heard about.
Whys that? Would getting someone thats already doing well on their own be too much of a nuisance?

>> No.23929533

Yeah, I hate Miko too.

>> No.23929534
Quoted by: >>23929656

Atleast you have something to watch, no news on when Towa is coming back.

>> No.23929535

Everyone knows that. No one here actually hates Coco.

>> No.23929536
Quoted by: >>23929627

>Make a retarded choice
Yes, you got the first one, the second one is "do the work and don't complain until is too much for you, but even so keep going".

>> No.23929537

I want to talk about this guy
being a sad gay

>> No.23929538
File: 56 KB, 768x1024, 1589374307296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929544

Meanwhile Kanata's plans for nightly zatsudan got absolutely crushed by youtube.

>> No.23929541

It would cost money, they should probably at least scout 1 talent though.

>> No.23929542
Quoted by: >>23929562

What are you in that case if you are posting on an anonymous basket weaving forum on the topic of japanese vtubers on a week-end ?

>> No.23929543

cute feet

>> No.23929544
File: 62 KB, 481x680, EVI22sgUEAAjXcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair...

>> No.23929548

whats the newest narrative bros

>> No.23929549
Quoted by: >>23929658

You can make your own Haato if you get a job, stop being a loser, take a shower, shave your neckbeard, lose weight, win the lottery, and then pay a good looking Japanese couple to procreate so you can adopt their child.

>> No.23929553

So will Holo EN character designs be done by people that are not Japanese? Shadman doing a design would be hilarious.

>> No.23929556

If Korone ever does ASMR, I'll unsub and revoke my membership

>> No.23929557
File: 439 KB, 600x600, EcHo - GIF出力してみた #マリンのお宝.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coat exists in 3D (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vJ_SlqrgEc)) but it's probably very hard to implement outside of hand animated scenes and they might not want her to wear it properly.
I still wish they implement it somehow because it's looks so good.

>> No.23929558

Sseth is going to be one, mark my words he's going to shitpost his way through

>> No.23929561

She already bought an ASMR microphone.

>> No.23929562
Quoted by: >>23929577

Someone who's watching entertainers, entertain. Not whisper lies to a hundred thousand's peoples ears.

>> No.23929563

Shadpapa does not deserve to exist in this world.

>> No.23929566
File: 1.08 MB, 800x800, drawing_baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TCSbros, it hurts... this can't be happening to us!!!!


>> No.23929568
Quoted by: >>23929587

gen2 are selfish and rude

>> No.23929570

Why does she have pekora ears

>> No.23929571

Oh shit how did I not notice this when I first saw this?

>> No.23929572
Quoted by: >>23929619

Stone the Gamers

>> No.23929574

Anyone who is already a moderately successful content creator has literally 0 reason to join hololive. The "must have a track record" point in the audition pretty much just means "do you know how to actually do anything" not, "are you popular"

>> No.23929575

You can't make good decisions while being tired.
Why not let your dreams show you the way ?

If that doesn't work out make a list for the different possibilities and attribute weights to the different pros and cons.

>> No.23929577
Quoted by: >>23929614


>> No.23929578

There's a lot of great non-JP artists so I'm down with that

>> No.23929580
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1583413821202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find Korone's enter act to be kind of offputting?
Like I understand she's supposed to be a video game streamer, but like that's all she does. Its not very fun or interesting and she doesn't really have any worthwhile comments while playing them, she just shouts out random noises.

But afterwards she goes out of her way to appeal to meme sites and foreigners in an attempt to draw them in anyways by being the funny dog that says stupid things.

Honestly out of all the hololive members, I feel like Korone is the one that's getting by solely on advertisement while everyone else is getting to be successful because of their talent and hard work. Its not really fair to the other girls that Korone is essentially leeching off their success while doing nothing but becoming a FOTM meme that will die in a few months essentially removing any 'help' she provided to them.
Maybe its just me, but I really think hololive would be better without the Korone sucking up for Gaijin money.

>> No.23929581

There are a few meme master Holos that would know better.

>> No.23929584
Quoted by: >>23929604

Thanks god she won't, as she is a hololive GAMER and not a glorified whore.

>> No.23929585

Umm she sort of tried it with Mio. It was more like a comedy ASMR though.

>> No.23929587


>> No.23929592

tldr:waaa Korone doesn't do things I want her to do

>> No.23929596

I don't seriously respond to long /hlg/ posts anymore. Sorry.

>> No.23929597

If Korone ever does ASMR, I'll sub and purchase membership

>> No.23929599

A Marine figure would probably be the best figure. Far more opportunity for dynamism the the rest of them.

>> No.23929600


>> No.23929601

I just watched korone watching jurasic park, have other hololive members also done stuff like this?

>> No.23929603
File: 36 KB, 541x960, 1589952163013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929604
Quoted by: >>23929624

korone did asmr with mio....

>> No.23929606

haha doggo goes brr

>> No.23929608

I think Okayu did a watch along of the Broly movie once.

>> No.23929614

Marine zatsudans are basically stand up comedy

>> No.23929619
File: 42 KB, 661x721, EYsxpfWUEAAUWGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.23929621

Sheep's never gonna finish if she gets distracted every 5 minutes, cute

>> No.23929623

If you really try you will eventually find someone like Haachama.
Good luck !

>> No.23929624
Quoted by: >>23929651

In the level of the beyblade ASMR, not a real ASMR

>> No.23929625
File: 258 KB, 529x899, EYr5mITUwAItORU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made Miko cry
Fuck u guys

>> No.23929627
File: 362 KB, 588x560, 1589151127963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929652

Thanks, anon. I guess I'm joining the military then.

>> No.23929631

Korosan is cute and that's all there is to it.
Its nothing too deep bro

>> No.23929636

miko is the biggest crybaby, she probably cries when she masturbates.

>> No.23929637

Kanata did one of the Detective Conan movies once.

>> No.23929638

She doesn't have a bad singing voice, she was just inexperienced and timid

>> No.23929641

>5 second mspaint from a divorced mother

>> No.23929642

Is it okay to masturbate to this image?

>> No.23929643

Which holo is confirmed to be a man using a voice changer

>> No.23929644


>> No.23929645
File: 507 KB, 2160x2880, Marine_624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929655

I want Marine to breastfeed Shion.

>> No.23929647

people watching gaming channels for funny screams?????? holy shit, who knew????

>> No.23929651
Quoted by: >>23929670

>"It doesn't count because it means I was wrong"
Sad. Let me see that unmember.

>> No.23929652
Quoted by: >>23929689

Go for airforce, communications or IT, there's a lot of weebs there if /k/ is to be trusted.

>> No.23929653
Quoted by: >>23929920


>> No.23929654

reported for bullying at timestamp 2:19

>> No.23929655

Why Shion

>> No.23929656

New cover drop tomorrow

>> No.23929657

your favorite holo

>> No.23929658

That's an interesting idea.
But to have a higher chance of success I would need to get more information on the psychological profile of her parents and Haato's past to understand how she became like this.
I would also need to find out the genetic link to being an airhead.

At least I already have the other parts right !

>> No.23929665

She's a mesugaki.

>> No.23929667

roboco, subaru and ayame are the only unknown holos whom we can't confirm are real girls

>> No.23929668

What how when

>> No.23929670

It doesn't count and I'll keep my member forever as she won't do any real ASMR and you can keep crying about it on /hlg/.

>> No.23929671

Shion's slurping sounds.

>> No.23929672
Quoted by: >>23929692

You can find your pic on twitter. I used watame, coco and kaoru tags.

>> No.23929676


>> No.23929678

It'd be fun to see her get the runs from the milk way past its expiration date

>> No.23929683
Quoted by: >>23929702

>biggest crybaby
Remember that time she started crying because someone sent her a screamer.

>> No.23929684

She learned the power of hard work while learning japanese and really wanted to get better before doing a singing collab with Sora.
A true role model for all of us that we should try harder.

>> No.23929689
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, 1587278907916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly in line with my skillset, so definitely. As for the obligation, I need to sit tight for a couple of months more, no one else is going to look after the equipment from the school we had to shut down due to the virus until it can be collected. I'll be stuck in the Philippines till July or August. I'mma try to sleep so I can get up early and run. Matsuriposter out. Be blessed.

>> No.23929692


>> No.23929697
File: 286 KB, 1448x2047, 20200516_232508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause she's small and dumb

>> No.23929699

what type of content could HololiveEN members even produce that would make their existence worthwhile? I imagine people won't be as interested if they're just doing the exact same things JP members are doing...

>> No.23929702

Same disclaimer as always, 35P bros don't watch.

>> No.23929705
Quoted by: >>23929720

>doesn't like towa
fucking kys nigger

>> No.23929706

If you can't immediately tell upon listening to someone's voice if they're using a voice changer or not, then you must be fuckin deaf or retarded.
Now what you should be worried about is if they're a guy who's really good at doing a girl voice.

>> No.23929710

makes me hard everytime

>> No.23929712

didn't ask
certainly don't care.

>> No.23929715

Haato is Red-kun all along

>> No.23929717
Quoted by: >>23929739

>>23929699 (checked)

produce delicious brown waifus

>> No.23929719

I just noticed Coco's character is wearing an uncle Sam hat in this

>> No.23929720

Why are towafags like this?

>> No.23929721


>> No.23929725
File: 446 KB, 392x841, 1589752260664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I dont think the western fans who see miko saying "niggaaaaaa" or Korone doing engrish actually goto the streams and give akasupa dupa supa supa chattos

>> No.23929727

I bet she makes these sounds after getting her womb filled.

>> No.23929730
Quoted by: >>23929743

You can't even do it in 5 hours brainlet.

>> No.23929733

Just like hololiveJP attracts random baka gaijins, hololiveEN will attract random baka nipponjins

>> No.23929736

Imagine if they managed to find a shitposting master who could troll everyone.

But they have 2 possible ways to do this.
Find a HololiveEN who attracts japanese viewers who find her cute even if they can't understand her like Miko.
Or make one for true EOPs.

>> No.23929739

you just know at least one of the girls will be a shade of brown. I imagine the first round of members will be
>brown girl
>animal girl
>regular looking girl

>> No.23929741

Good job Anon

>> No.23929743

You realize there's drawing page right now filled with drawings better than that all from people who visit these threads... right?

>> No.23929748

I didn't know she had a dog

>> No.23929752


what weird actions has Lyger done anyway?

>> No.23929753
File: 241 KB, 1440x1156, 1575327780612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept it.

>> No.23929754
Quoted by: >>23929763

Just imagine the SJW rage when they find out the brown girl is playing by a white girl.

>> No.23929756

Why am I not surprised that Matsurifags are blogposting SEAmonkeys

>> No.23929757


>> No.23929759
Quoted by: >>23929851

Too many people think /jp/ opinions are the norm and that EOPs wouldn't be happy with tubers that just speak English doing tuber things

>> No.23929760

HoloEn first gen will be Spice girls.

>> No.23929761
Quoted by: >>23929777

So how much did Watame get in this zatsudan stream in total?

>> No.23929762

Well you're not the one that's receiving the tweet. read it and weep.


>> No.23929763

big kusa moment

>> No.23929764
Quoted by: >>23929788

brown girls are hot tbqh. Just look at Flare.

>> No.23929766

unironically based if true

>> No.23929770

Watch holofes again?

>> No.23929771
Quoted by: >>23929789

Wouldn't it be funny if you beat her and she made noises like that haha

>> No.23929774

Do what the jp members do but in English and with games more relevant in the west

>> No.23929775

That'd be kind of cool, if they stick to the character at least at first and can sing too.

>> No.23929777

Around 240k Yen if you trust Playboard.

>> No.23929779

Jesus give it up

>> No.23929780


>> No.23929782

musically that'd be more interesting than generic idol songs, so they already have an advantage over JP hololive.

>> No.23929788

that's how she got her harem

>> No.23929789

Haha like as a joke?

>> No.23929792

Why is Patra the only HNST who really bothers collabing with Holos nowadays?

>> No.23929794
File: 1.03 MB, 1063x1172, 1589406049918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929797

Trying to deafen someone is not funny. Poor Mikochi. Why are Japs like this?

>> No.23929798

I realize that you were sucking a dick too

>> No.23929802
File: 317 KB, 686x1132, Screenshot_20200522-044929_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929811

Plesse reply!!! Pplease@@@

>> No.23929803

It makes me wonder what kind of fans and content she had before to do this to her.
I can't imagine one of her fans doing this to her now.

>> No.23929811

Why does her 3D model move like she’s in 6 inch heels

>> No.23929817

I can't believe Roboco is a nazi...

>> No.23929821
Quoted by: >>23929850

>HololiveEN is just virtual Spice Girls
>HolostarsEN is virtual NSYNC
would genuinely be amazing.

>> No.23929823
Quoted by: >>23929847



>> No.23929828
File: 88 KB, 1440x515, Screenshot_20200523-154130(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23929830

if it really is that easy then why dord nobody replicate it?

>> No.23929832
Quoted by: >>23929976

I can work with another Flare level of brown for sure, maybe even a tiny bit darker. If one is a straight up chimp I'm out.

>> No.23929836


>> No.23929839

She is one of us !
It must be nice to be able to post that sign without getting banned.

>> No.23929840


>> No.23929841


>> No.23929844

Anzu would literally pay darkweb assassins to murder whoever did this to her now.

>> No.23929845
Quoted by: >>23929857

>says occasionally that she has thick-skin and can handle insults
>cried to this
Did NND toughen her up?

>> No.23929846

The one good thing I'll say about this fucker is that he eventually became a member. But he's awful.

>> No.23929847

The current stream, a few hours ago

>> No.23929850

Revival of boy/girl bands in the virtual world!

>> No.23929851

The most success will probably be if they just make a 2d twitch streamer.
/jp/ will hate it and it will end up ignored here, but chuubas doing chuuba things in english will be too niche I think.

>> No.23929852
Quoted by: >>23929866

Yugioh streamer for HololiveEN please

>> No.23929854
Quoted by: >>23929862


>> No.23929856
Quoted by: >>23930070

>spic humor
absolutely horrendous

>> No.23929857

being directly under cover and watching everyones expectations be shattered probably toughened her up

>> No.23929862

I can't believe his parents cut off his inheritance...

>> No.23929863

Watch some RTA videos

>> No.23929866
Quoted by: >>23929959

What would they play

>> No.23929867
Quoted by: >>23929875

You can't imagine it because she'd never open a link you sent her

>> No.23929868


>> No.23929871

I still don't understand this list

>> No.23929872

But he doesn't own any Link to pay for an assassination smart contract !

>> No.23929874

Not to mention having to be friends with Usada "backstab your allies" Pekora.

>> No.23929875

Haato sure as hell would though...

>> No.23929878
Quoted by: >>23929886

They're not a problem to hololive. I'm sure hololive would love for proven successful talent to throw in with them.
The problem is that if you're already doing decently, even if you just have a loyal 100 regular community that donates a bit each month, joining hololive means giving up a cut of that and your own freedom in hopes that the company will make it up. Which is far from assured. Vtubers as a whole are less successful than other traditional streamers over here at every level.

I'm a bit hopeful that some of EN will prove worthwhile but the possibility that every EN will drop down to 200~ regular viewers after the first month is very real. An independent making just 100 viewers getting Twitch of streamlabs donations would be receiving less than half their usual pay out on donations if they averaged the same amount per viewer, and then they're counting on the undisclosed salary. Which I'm sure is decent, but then has to be weighed against other considerations.

>> No.23929882

You're a genius

>> No.23929885

What makes you think he isn't a kindhearted hitman like Leon that even the yakuza fear? Where do you think those spachas get their red color?

>> No.23929886

plus, already successful content creators can't market their hololive characters using their past life since that's supposed to be kept secret(even if people will find it on their own)

>> No.23929888
Quoted by: >>23929901

I slept 10 hours today already.
But nothing is happening for another 10+ hours...

>> No.23929889

impromptu wata no uta now!

>> No.23929890 [DELETED] 

They'll do fine, the indogs are doing fine. I'd be surprised if they make it big, but they'll hit respectable numbers and /jp/ will call them failures for not getting 100k on the first day.

>> No.23929893

My personal favorite RTA

>> No.23929894

Marine choking on the last stage final boss last moments...

>> No.23929895

She would probably like 4chan if she ended here by accident one day.

>> No.23929897

I thought Watame is ending... She's singing now,
is this an endurance zatsudan?

>> No.23929899
File: 2.74 MB, 498x498, blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does this since forever, check her roommate's channel.
She is successful now because Coco's boom made everybody notice how cute Korone is.

>> No.23929901

Do. Your. Reps.

>> No.23929908

how many roommates are there?

>> No.23929909



>> No.23929911

based redalice

>> No.23929919

I'm N2.

>> No.23929920
Quoted by: >>23929933

What was she even doing

>> No.23929930
File: 210 KB, 654x375, Screenshot_20200405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929955


>> No.23929932
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 1587527114376.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame no uta is hard to do and I'd rather fix my sleep schedule
>Lemme just stay awake until the usual Watame no uta premiere and sing it live
Dumb but based sheep

>> No.23929933

People moan when stretching.

>> No.23929934
Quoted by: >>23929978

it was 5.45am when she finished reading the superchats so everyone started spamming the lightsticks for air watame no uta, she decided to do it for real

>> No.23929935
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1584226883879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929950

>Watame is singing at 5am

>> No.23929939
Quoted by: >>23929963

Bullshit. No one here is actually N2.

>> No.23929941

so what?
There are still more reps to do than there are stars in the visible universe

>> No.23929943
File: 39 KB, 185x284, 1589042105285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23929995

She'd try to post something funny and get hit with
"ESL-chama?!" or "get out SEAnigger"

>> No.23929944
Quoted by: >>23929949

I dont have problem memorizing and learning kanji but how can I improve my listening skill?

>> No.23929945

they just need to be somewhat competent content creators, if the content is actually enjoyable, people will stick around. If it's boring and all the appeal is that it's moving avatar character, then of course it will stay niche.

>> No.23929948

If she came here, Civia would need to work overtime to help her.

>> No.23929949

literally by listening

>> No.23929950

Look at her go...

>> No.23929951

Rockbros ready!

>> No.23929952

She could probably tricked into going here by sending her Daisuke's channel and showing her that the dude can speak better English than her by reading 4chan for a year.

>> No.23929954

You know what they say about fixing sleep schedules, you gotta fuck up one day to fix holy FUCK Watame that was loud as shit I don't even know what she rolled

>> No.23929955

But she can find boards to express the full range of her degenelacy here without repercusions on her virtual identity !
Imagine what Haachama could be if she completely lost it.

>> No.23929958


>> No.23929959

Dungeon Dice Monsters

>> No.23929962

Why is watame doing a live Watame no Uta?

>> No.23929963

You’re right everyone here is N1

>> No.23929965

why not?

>> No.23929969
File: 3.16 MB, 498x457, 1587956043737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh yes

>> No.23929975

She's not constrained by reason

>> No.23929976
File: 6 KB, 207x244, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another issue. Flare is essentially a browner elf.
People with that shade of skin don't usually european or asian. It might look weird as an anime style character. It can be handled well, or completely butchered.

>> No.23929978


>> No.23929980
File: 1.69 MB, 1900x1343, 1573606923816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame convinces Coco to stop doing asacoco by telling her she'll take a break along with her
>Does Watame no Uta anyways
Watame stabbing 4th gen in the back again. It can't be a coincidence anymore. Watame is the leech of 4th gen

>> No.23929984

She is not even supposed to make a Watame no Uta on sunday.
She managed to increase its frequency !

>> No.23929986
File: 227 KB, 700x750, Miko motherfucker - ope84126886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, after many, many hours spent on it. I finally sent my HoloEN audition through now.
Now to hope for the best, wish me luck.

>> No.23929989

RTAs are so fucking lazy.

>> No.23929990

What a bitch.

>> No.23929992

lmao knew someone would come up with this narrative

>> No.23929995

Imagine her getting a Haachama response to a post and think she has been found out, then wonder how it happened.

>> No.23929996

Aki should make more videos like these

>> No.23929999
Quoted by: >>23930091

>Think maybe i'll apply
>Start up a practice stream to test my abilities
>have nothing to say
>stop stream because I realize i'm a boring and uninteresting person who never talks

>> No.23930004

Draw on aggie!

>> No.23930005


>> No.23930006

Wish you luck anonchama

>> No.23930010

You should stop coming here for a while bro, I'll take a break along with you.

>> No.23930012
Quoted by: >>23930053

I don't have to imagine, It's happened to me in these threads

>> No.23930014
File: 110 KB, 271x338, grumpy_baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are feeding the baby some pizza
What the fuck, babybros!? I thought breast milk is best for babies for up to 2 years of age?

>> No.23930020

Good luck anon, I'll definitely watch you more than once if you make it

>> No.23930021

I've been mindlessly studying Kanji to the point where I can read like 500 with their meanings and proper readings but I haven't touched the grammar aspect at all so I don't know what the fuck im reading half the time.

>> No.23930024

But it's not a normal Watame no uta for Asacoco but for Asamiko !
And Miko has a planned news stream in 4 hours.

How am I supposed to sleep without missing Asamiko now ?

>> No.23930027

Towa/Luna collab fucking when

>> No.23930028
File: 761 KB, 870x1200, 1587905080169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930059

Because she's based. Usually making Watame no Uta takes time off her schedule and that's time she's not doing anything else, not streaming, not planning other things. Today she's free from it and spends time with her fans. She's been with them the whole night just talking. This is what she's taking her time off for and look at how good it is. She had consistent amount of viewers through the night and her chat is like 90% members right now. Ths point isn't even to sleep more, it's too relax more and be out of the constant production loop. The fact that she's doing it with her audience is the proof that she actually cares. Coco stayed up late too despite the need to fix her sleep. Today's a blessed day for their fans.

>> No.23930033

>Kanata wants to play APEX with Coco
>Coco collabs with Watame and Luna instead

>> No.23930034

Good luck !

>> No.23930038
Quoted by: >>23930069

>Marine is still playing
Korone really did turn her into an endurance streamer

>> No.23930039
Quoted by: >>23930075

You fucked up, do words and grammar. It's easier, kanji stick more easily this way and you can feel the progress while watching chuubas and recognizing when your new words are spoken

>> No.23930042
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, 1588768857235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930085

It's okay, she's used to it.

>> No.23930046

Does Watame have the best ED? I love hearing it so much

>> No.23930048
Quoted by: >>23930072

Do you know any words?

>> No.23930051


>> No.23930053
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1574691557136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama ?

>> No.23930054

There was a post a few threads ago by some ausfag who was stressing about school ending and not being productive and asked for someone to deliver milk it was pretty rough english too. Probably not her but I could see her posting shit like that.

>> No.23930055

Pizza and candy and sweet drinks are the suggested diet for infants in the Candy Kingdom.

>> No.23930057

Coco is terrible in APEX, she's doing Kanata a favor.

>> No.23930059


>> No.23930060


>> No.23930062

I wish I could breastfeed Luna...

>> No.23930068

I can guarantee you no one is worse than Kanata at APEX

>> No.23930070


>> No.23930069

Don't worry. After this there will be another only 2 hours streams for a while.

>> No.23930072
Quoted by: >>23930112

A ton. When I read Japanese I can make out the words and shit but when it comes to conjugations and particles im fucked. It's like if I was ESL and saw the word "Going." I know it means "Go" but I don't know what "ing" means.

>> No.23930073
Quoted by: >>23930154

Good luck anon maybe we would end up becoming partners

>> No.23930075

I've been doing 15 new isolated kanji a day, 10-15 new words a day, some grammar studying time and some manga/anime without subs. it works for me because it isn't too boring.

>> No.23930078

I really don't think Kanata is better at Apex than Coco or anyone else really.

>> No.23930081
Quoted by: >>23930124

The only bad players are the ones who don't have fun.


>> No.23930082

hlg represent!

>> No.23930085
Quoted by: >>23930139

All that KanaCoco teasing for the past few days and, I assumed she was going to collab with Coco but it turns out she's playing Kirby with Korone.

>> No.23930090
Quoted by: >>23930166

Yeah APEX is a game very reliant on hearing.

>> No.23930091
Quoted by: >>23930130

Well you aren't getting better by not practicing it, that's for sure. If you have a friend get them to watch your gameplay via discord or something and practice that way.

>> No.23930096
Quoted by: >>23930154

I'm going to flame you relentlessly if you plan shitty games.

>> No.23930099
File: 1.11 MB, 1147x1020, gen5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this thread designed a chuuba by committee, what would she look like?

>> No.23930100

Like Towa cause they love her so much here

>> No.23930104

We should get 5 of our best drawfags to come together and design our own Holo.

>> No.23930105

Loli with a 40 year old voice and 20 IQ

>> No.23930107

>play with Koro a couple of times.
>turn into an endurance streamer
based senchou

>> No.23930110
Quoted by: >>23930222

I still kinda want the cute and funny bear to happen

>> No.23930111


>> No.23930112
Quoted by: >>23930125

Stop grinding kanjis asap

>> No.23930113


>> No.23930116
Quoted by: >>23930123

Brown oppai loli

>> No.23930118

pick me pick me. I want to design a burger inspired chuuba.
her outfit will be layered with different layers of a cheeseburger, overall theme will be yellow.
her ribbons with be bacon and she'll have onion ring bracelets.

>> No.23930119
Quoted by: >>23930126


>> No.23930120

Hiroshima you're not tricking anyone again.

>> No.23930121

Honestly we could do a series of poals with a range of height, hair, eye, face, chest, ass options to figure out what the ideal /hlg/ chuuba looks like

>> No.23930123

this shit right here

>> No.23930124
File: 426 KB, 2517x2516, EW6o6bgUEAEu9sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never fails to bring a smile to my face

>> No.23930125

There's nothing wrong with grinding kanji. It's the lack of grammar knowledge and actual reading that will stump you.

>> No.23930126

Dolly creeps me out. I'm gonna stick to Genki.

>> No.23930129

>what type of content could HololiveEN members even produce that would make their existence worthwhile?
it will be gaming, skits, talking, karaoke and asmr and draw-streams if they have the talent for it.
It's more about the character actor than type of content

>> No.23930130
File: 758 KB, 4096x3482, ETouLCeUYAEsSLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad that despite obviously being really close Coco and Kanata don't play together at all. Even now that Coco is on a break she probably already has her whole week planned out.

>> No.23930133
Quoted by: >>23930154

did you remember to stay in character?

>> No.23930135

I'd draw art for this design after you all decide on something.

>> No.23930137

vote for overwatch and save us from apex hell towabros

>> No.23930139

meant for >>23930085

>> No.23930141

Even apex is better than overwatch

>> No.23930142
Quoted by: >>23930155

Matsuri's trap friend is gonna do a collab with Ai-chan

>> No.23930144

Towa isn't saving anyone from nothing

>> No.23930145 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 800x1280, 1590268722340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930158

let's do it

>> No.23930146
Quoted by: >>23930160

Geeking out over JP vtubers. You know you want it.

>> No.23930147
File: 139 KB, 1000x1208, 1548852639588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930148
File: 24 KB, 550x336, Annotation 2020-05-24 051841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930149
Quoted by: >>23930162

Blond/white hair smug Lolibaba would win I already know

>> No.23930151

No way fag, Apex is at least better than OW

>> No.23930152
Quoted by: >>23930170

They're both lootbox openings so who the fuck cares.

>> No.23930154
File: 901 KB, 2064x1457, Korone and Saku playing SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pipedream, but a dream regardless.

I play huge variety of games as I'm open to pretty much anything like Korone. God I fucking would love to play Age of Empires 2, Men of War, Dirt Rally with my wheel set, indie freeware titles from my country back in day, Bannerlord, fighting games and so forth for a small audience if any.


>> No.23930155
Quoted by: >>23930186

That's good.
Only a matter of time for the Sora Ai collab

>> No.23930156
Quoted by: >>23930171

What's the name of that site that all the Vtubers steal pngs from to use on stream? Microphones and potato chips and such.

>> No.23930158


>> No.23930159

Who fucking cares, it's both gacha

>> No.23930160
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 61SHzlin-PL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw a character's entire gimmick is that they're a superfan of some random hololive member

>> No.23930162

So some strange mix of Haato and Shion?

>> No.23930164

I'm glad Luna was getting shit rolls from her Apex gacha stream so she will never ever get near it again.

>> No.23930165
Quoted by: >>23930174


>> No.23930166

Over the line

>> No.23930167
Quoted by: >>23930194

Apex or OW towabros?
personally i cant stand OW even though i dontlike APEX i rather watch apex.

>> No.23930168

id really love to see hololives play bioshock or even better system shock

>> No.23930169

This was such a great collab. Man. There're a good number of people who can handle Korone's autism, but Sasaki is the only person I've seen who can match it.
When the fuck are Korone and Shion going to collab?

>> No.23930170

what is Towa even doing

>> No.23930171
Quoted by: >>23930175


>> No.23930172
Quoted by: >>23930184


Hey Siri!

>> No.23930174


>> No.23930175


>> No.23930182
File: 154 KB, 1200x825, 1583108694942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930219

Like this ?

>> No.23930183


>> No.23930184
File: 177 KB, 281x265, 1589845416679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Coco fell for that

>> No.23930185
Quoted by: >>23930217


>> No.23930186

Matsuri Ai collab I want to see how Ai deals with a real degenelate

>> No.23930187
Quoted by: >>23930218

towa should beg for a collab with ayame
but she won't because she's too shy

>> No.23930190
File: 374 KB, 636x405, 1524496388706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930194
Quoted by: >>23930315

you realize its a gacha stream?
who gives a fuck what its for. gacha garbage is gacha garbage no matter what its on.

>> No.23930200
Quoted by: >>23930210

>elongating a syllable changes the meaning
Is that a thing in English?

>> No.23930201

I'm positive still that we might be getting an APEX collab. I just can't see it not happening, especially since she started playing again after a month.

>> No.23930204

I'm still working on mine, I'm putting a ridiculous amount of effort into it, I even wrote the background music that plays during the video but I'm still a little too nervous to send it in...good luck anon

>> No.23930210

No it's a typo you overthinking dork.

>> No.23930213

Fucking you better send it anon.

>> No.23930214
Quoted by: >>23930221

>God I fucking would love to play Age of Empires 2
I was literally thinking about this yesterday when the HololiveEN discussion came up in one of the threads.

>> No.23930217

haha de yubi

>> No.23930218

Ayame said that her and Okayu played some Apex with Towa behind the scenes. Wonder if they'll collab at some point.

>> No.23930219

This but the first panel only.

>> No.23930221
Quoted by: >>23930242

Grand strategy is gay

>> No.23930222

There's a cute and funny vtuber that sometimes gets shilled on /v/. She has like 5k subs though

>> No.23930223
File: 399 KB, 1450x1450, 424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone plays this weird new Maneater game, looks like a dumb fun old jaws game

>> No.23930224
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1588746943443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930238

>tfw all of hololive EN could be from here

>> No.23930225
Quoted by: >>23930240

I made mine without music, remeber to do your voice exercises.

>> No.23930226

Okay children you have been well behaved and still have some images left. Make sure to use your remaining time wisely.

>> No.23930228 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1063x1504, 1590269522428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930233
File: 81 KB, 288x254, 1589907585172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930234

You'll be far more disappointed later if you don't send it in. Just do it, and thanks.

>> No.23930235


>> No.23930237
File: 80 KB, 850x680, mikoark_disco-brando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss Miko.

>> No.23930238
File: 632 KB, 1280x720, 1590269588813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930239

Haha, it's lulu!

>> No.23930240
Quoted by: >>23930265

I would've gone that route, but part of me felt that if they knew I actually could write music, they'd be more willing to hear me out.

>> No.23930242
Quoted by: >>23930254

AoE2 isn't grand strategy, it's RTS

>> No.23930243
File: 231 KB, 800x965, IMG_20200523_074706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23930245
File: 320 KB, 1920x1067, 1588350640009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930246
File: 34 KB, 200x221, 1589813515820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930249
File: 1.32 MB, 535x620, suichan-roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930250
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, tBKSyi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930259


>> No.23930251
File: 216 KB, 890x890, EXqIOctUYAYjKIx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930273

post your best Miko

>> No.23930253
File: 94 KB, 300x312, 1564871987967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930254

like doubutsu no mori?

>> No.23930255
File: 1.21 MB, 1158x632, 20200524_063520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930263


>> No.23930256
File: 108 KB, 1372x786, 1588466043376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23930258

The sun is rising and Marine is still playing homoge

>> No.23930259

I love cat now.

>> No.23930260
File: 266 KB, 1280x720, 1575751206588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930280


>> No.23930261
File: 33 KB, 416x430, 1589299443169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23930263


I think one of my friends passed the audition. What do I do?

>> No.23930265
Quoted by: >>23930300

It's not only for music but also talking, if you do the tongue exercises your speaking will improve a lot.

>> No.23930269 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 399x399, korone_cheems_dorime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23930320

>> No.23930271
File: 286 KB, 1500x2000, 1566230427504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23930270

Shill them here of course.

>> No.23930273


>> No.23930275
File: 62 KB, 658x585, ETB7shpUwAgFr2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23930276

More than the ones that have retired, knowing that the kings are basically walking corpses compared to two years ago is what hurts me.

>> No.23930277
Quoted by: >>23930287

Suck his dick.

>> No.23930280

Is this real? Did she actually sing all of those? That sounds like absolute cancer brb gunna go watch the VoD

>> No.23930283


>> No.23930287


She's a girl

>> No.23930289

Leak Hololive info here so we can create more narratives.

>> No.23930290
File: 99 KB, 237x295, Luna78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23930291

So are you gonna do some poals next thread? I'm actually mildly interested in the results. Have one for backstory/setting as well besides just appearance.

>> No.23930292

Do what Mel's friend did.

>> No.23930293

She sings the same small pool of songs in every karaoke stream

>> No.23930295

>that tiny Roboco next to Hinatan
funny how much things have changed

>> No.23930298

Never mention it again because you're a good friend.

>> No.23930300

well duh, I just think it's also important to have something to separate you from other auditions, the same is true for any type of art. If you nail the audition and it comes down to you and someone else, if you have something else that makes you stand out, it's more likely you'd get picked over the other person. That's something I've found from doing performing arts auditions in the past.

>> No.23930301

Is Suisei even here

>> No.23930302

Please be in London.

>> No.23930303

You heard what I said.

>> No.23930304

Stop them before it's too late

>> No.23930305

Send it anon, you'll regret it if you don't, I guarantee 100%

>> No.23930306

Suck her dick

>> No.23930308

>watching matsuri start to play idolm@ster
Holy fuck her groping thing is not an act this bitch has the libido of 3 women put together she can barely handle this

>> No.23930309

But she improved the song by replacing West Virginia with West Jamaica !

>> No.23930315

i rather watch gacha shit than OW. OW is so fucking boring to watch.

>> No.23930318

What do Kanata,Matsuri etc see in idols?

>> No.23930320

yumbi yumbi

>> No.23930325


>> No.23930331
Quoted by: >>23930335

Is she fat?

>> No.23930335
Quoted by: >>23930340

As fat as Okayu?

>> No.23930339
Quoted by: >>23930354

Girls singing, dancing, and giving it their best despite how hard it is.

>> No.23930340

Anon are you shitposting or being honest come on

>> No.23930343

Why does /jp/ love Towa so much? Usual 4channel contrarianism?

>> No.23930345

A easy way to get viewers think they have something in common.

>> No.23930348


>> No.23930351

Girls "making it" and realizing their dream, hard work paying off, singing on a big stage and people loving them.

>> No.23930354

I'm more interested in why Matsuri always liked 2D idols
Lust? Jealousy? Their Purity?

>> No.23930359

Of course their purity.

>> No.23930362

Because she relates to them? Have you never liked anything that relates to you?

>> No.23930363

2D is the only way if you want to follow idolshit.

>> No.23930367

towabros, let's aim for the last post as usual!

>> No.23930368

One day two 6'3 burly men came up to me and said:
>join the family
and now I'm one of them.

>> No.23930370


>> No.23930372

I love Kanatan

>> No.23930374

Haachamas smelly feet

>> No.23930382


>> No.23930385

Last for MIko

>> No.23930384


>> No.23930386

She's an otaku who was unpopular in high school. 2D idols represent an ideal youth she missed out on.
