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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 458 KB, 539x687, firefox_BVWUe4OBCu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23793938 No.23793938 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23793945
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1560779315801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23793947
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, every thread until you love her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794100


>> No.23793948
File: 56 KB, 573x800, 1586673337154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23793950
File: 469 KB, 602x790, cutestalmostretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23793959

>Haachama edit please...

>> No.23793951
File: 47 KB, 1080x587, nnaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23793953
File: 14 KB, 366x376, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towachads claim another

>> No.23793954

>Gundam Wing
Senchou really is just my childhood, I guess I should subscribe to her

>> No.23793955
File: 473 KB, 650x1156, 4203E50B-EA67-46EF-A1A4-021F70252604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holo is a gyaru?

>> No.23793958
File: 2.86 MB, 592x1280, 1568155532973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23793959

OK now tweet that at her

>> No.23793960
File: 671 KB, 603x705, cola dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794029


>> No.23793961

you can only pick 3 hololives to watch for the rest of the week
who do you pick?
I pick: senchou, aqua, and kanata

>> No.23793963
File: 991 KB, 1344x752, EX5WQDPUcAAytgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna miss miko's gf...

>> No.23793964 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 443x129, 1589374007387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest!

>> No.23793965
File: 344 KB, 1411x2048, 1588707555899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Pekora!

>> No.23793966

Fucking scripfags

>> No.23793968

Running over Mio with a car while listening to Marine!

>> No.23793969
Quoted by: >>23794054

I'm so glad senchou didn't get stuck wagecucking.

>> No.23793970

Prior to the Narutopocalipse /a/ was pretty good back then. Specially when off topic posts were allowed back then.

>> No.23793973

Don't encourage art stealing

>> No.23793974
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23793975

Marine, Aqua, Korone

>> No.23793976
File: 61 KB, 196x221, 1586934449908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata is now Choco's cumpet!

>> No.23793978

Choco gets to eat THAT?

>> No.23793981


>> No.23793982
File: 25 KB, 1080x501, 1589367687352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have failed noel once again

>> No.23793983

thanks doc

>> No.23793984

Mikochi has good taste

>> No.23793986
File: 62 KB, 666x850, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_tera_zip__ca775154e2f545dcbeeac59305b2867a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First few posts of the thread, hell yeah post cute pics.

>> No.23793985
Quoted by: >>23794000

Bunny is already old and busted.
Pirate is the new top dog.

>> No.23793988


>> No.23793991

Ayame, Mel, Shion.

>> No.23793993

Why are the streams so boring lately? I'm talking about everyone here. I haven't seen any good unique ideas lately, all of it is the same play games, collab playing games, karaoke streams and celebrations.

>> No.23793994
File: 308 KB, 459x466, vlc_kZmapY7uv7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is next on the cumpet list

>> No.23793996

post the correct tier list NOW

>> No.23793998
File: 180 KB, 519x341, EWpf6dRXgAQZ49S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23793999
Quoted by: >>23794233

Here we go again with the "Naruto killed /a/" oldfags.

>> No.23794000

She'll always be first in my heart

>> No.23794001

Go away

>> No.23794002

Senchou... this song needs to be sung with your low voice...

>> No.23794004

Cute thick dog.

>> No.23794009
File: 62 KB, 702x323, 1589308600222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794037


>> No.23794010
Quoted by: >>23794027

Subaru, Kanata, Pekora.

>> No.23794011

The best -< My favourite
The shit -< Your favourite

>> No.23794013

marine isn't that bad at singing

>> No.23794014

Tell them to do something new with an akasupa

>> No.23794016

Wasn't Shion supposed to stream tonight or am I crazy

>> No.23794017

The best BGM is Pekora's one
It just works as the soundtrack for silly antics

>> No.23794019
File: 1.69 MB, 1900x1343, EX04J4EU4AEK_ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best gen

>> No.23794018

PekoMiko one was better

>> No.23794020


>> No.23794021
File: 103 KB, 480x360, haachamatarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK now tweet that at her
Don't be mean.

>> No.23794024
Quoted by: >>23794056

I must fulfill my destiny and impregnate Coco

>> No.23794027

Okayu, Flare and Noel

>> No.23794028

marine, pekora, kanata

>> No.23794029
File: 89 KB, 700x467, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794032

Don't even try pretending /a/ ever had good taste. If it did, chuubas wouldn't be more entertaining for crossboarders than anime.

>> No.23794034

Who? Gen 0?

>> No.23794035
Quoted by: >>23794075

i hope it stays like this longer so fadfags like you move on to the next fad

>> No.23794036
File: 2.87 MB, 372x480, 1588196737375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dancing queen

>> No.23794037
File: 56 KB, 768x1024, EX5AwVLVAAA18JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794071


>> No.23794038

Based improvement.

>> No.23794044 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 630x947, 1589374334418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23794045
Quoted by: >>23794057

okayu, subaru, roberu

>> No.23794046

Do we even know something about her past, former Idol or something?

>> No.23794049

Towa in the back.... She wasnt even invited , the pizza place just happened to be her part time job.

>> No.23794052 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1464x2048, 1589289488480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794068

Haachama in 8 minutes

>> No.23794053
File: 529 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_20200430_225548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794080


>> No.23794054
File: 2 KB, 128x31, based yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste of talent that would've been, holy shit. Same with most other holos too. Good thing they have found their place among like-minded people and aren't rotting away like we are

>> No.23794055

Kimi no Gin no Niwa...

>> No.23794056
File: 214 KB, 990x1400, EXzx88VWAAANkG_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794057
Quoted by: >>23794076

he said hololives, stars are free for all

>> No.23794058

Gen 4 feels like the fakest gen when they get together

>> No.23794059
Quoted by: >>23794092

Are her movements that stiff or are the 3D models not translating well because Matsuri's movements look smooth as hell compared to her.

>> No.23794060

Marine is the best I love her so much.

>> No.23794063


>> No.23794064


>> No.23794065
Quoted by: >>23794098

It's still hilarious to me that she was totally winded through most of that hour long stream, then suddenly as soon as she gets the chance to Hare Hare Yukai she's somehow even more energetic than Matsuri.

>> No.23794067
Quoted by: >>23794085

She's done voice acting stuff on niconico for like 10 years already.

>> No.23794068
Quoted by: >>23794090

fuck off

>> No.23794069
File: 563 KB, 600x336, Suiseizure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796507

Still not as good as the REAL queen

>> No.23794070

>Roboco and Moona
wait what the fuck, is this the first JP&ID interaction on stream ever?

>> No.23794071
File: 576 KB, 800x766, IMG_20200418_225856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794073

Homura did nothing wrong.

>> No.23794074

not sure, but apparently she knew senchou and hoshou even before she became a chuuba

>> No.23794075
Quoted by: >>23794099

Are you stupid? You're literally the fadfag here if you're not getting bored of the same shit they're doing.

>> No.23794076

hard third choice between FBK and aqua then

>> No.23794079
File: 403 KB, 856x900, EWi3fBSUYAAKtEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794080

Why did they draw regular Rushia though?

>> No.23794081
Quoted by: >>23794122

Senchou, Marine, and the one with the eyepatch

>> No.23794083

Me too

>> No.23794084


>> No.23794085

I bet she voiced some of those Touhou MMDs.

>> No.23794088

Stop reminding me that I'm going to be stuck wage cucking for another 5 years at least I just need enough money to move to a place with cheap ass food/houses and retire at the ripe old age of 35

>> No.23794089

Subaru, Luna, Korone. The only ones im a member of. Id miss Aqua and Pekora a lot but these ones always play games I like or are just generally entertaining.

>> No.23794090 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 2000x2500, 1588758286194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794145

There is nothing wrong with posting haachama

>> No.23794091

>no korone or pekora stream
>hurr why is everyone so boring lately
maybe you can start watching other members

>> No.23794092
Quoted by: >>23794109

Matsuri had 2 gens of movement optimization

>> No.23794094
Quoted by: >>23794110

Not so fast! Enter another obsessive menhera (not Towa)!

>> No.23794095
File: 584 KB, 700x1102, 1589166484301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She created this abomination

>> No.23794096
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, EXyS6CVUwAADRQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23794098
File: 114 KB, 760x805, 1587746185161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the power of high school nostalgia.

>> No.23794099

That's not how fads work but okay dumb ass.

>> No.23794100
File: 883 KB, 486x783, firefox_vMkBAvs34P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794111


>> No.23794101
File: 878 KB, 1240x1754, EXOH1BUVAAEEwpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794102


>> No.23794103

new hololive branch, virtual hardcore metal group, HoloDEAD
yes or no?

>> No.23794104

I give the lives of all 52 other concurrent posters in this thread right now for stalkeranon back.

>> No.23794105

At least I have no talent that anyone is missing out on.

>> No.23794106
Quoted by: >>23794114

Was that a motherfucking

>> No.23794107
File: 42 KB, 479x746, d23f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23794108

>38 images in 100 posts
Sasuga, /hlg/.

>> No.23794109
File: 2.13 MB, 338x480, 1584685945705.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's was released around the same time and the difference in motion tracking is like night and day

>> No.23794110
Quoted by: >>23794205

Kanatan... gets passed around like a piece of meat for the menheras...

>> No.23794111


>> No.23794112

Rather drive pencils into my ears tbqh

>> No.23794114


>> No.23794115

Zombieland Holo...

>> No.23794116
File: 637 KB, 528x531, mpv_6KgRLN3OVe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794117

Can someone romajiticize Senchou's introduction?

>> No.23794118

That sounds chuuni as fuck.

>> No.23794119
Quoted by: >>23794125

stop spamming retards we are the cancer of 4chan now

>> No.23794122

The one with eyepatch is Captain, silly anon

>> No.23794124

>EOPfags talking in Suisei's chat when she herself has told people to do it free chat
Why are EOPs like this?

>> No.23794125

We are the fastest.

>> No.23794126

Everyone please tune in to my Aqua's new song!

>> No.23794128
File: 884 KB, 772x525, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794147


>> No.23794129

gdi senchou stop making me feel ancient

>> No.23794131

This one's speaking right to me, thanks Senchou

>> No.23794133
File: 36 KB, 1064x562, tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794148


>> No.23794136

These new /hlg/ memes suck.
You nerds seriously can't come up with anything better than marine/senchou?

>> No.23794139
File: 32 KB, 650x483, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794140
Quoted by: >>23794161

She's planning to play Dragon Quest? Did Pekora decide to drop JoJo after yesterday's failure?

>> No.23794141

fuck you talking about kid

>> No.23794143

I like it

>> No.23794144
File: 305 KB, 512x512, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is the best girl!

>> No.23794145
Quoted by: >>23794164

just because nobody gives a shit about that slut in her proper thread doesn't give you a free pass to keep spamming and shilling her streams here
fuck off

>> No.23794146

But isn't the nazi Iofi?

>> No.23794147

Ok thank you have a nice day

>> No.23794148


>> No.23794149

What if you want to learn something new on youtube but youtube say "VTUBER TIME"

>> No.23794150
Quoted by: >>23794245

Risu was so happy Korone noticed her

>> No.23794151

This is now the newest /hlg/ meme.

>> No.23794152

Yeah, they're missing Houshou after all

>> No.23794154

I like Houshou more than Marine

>> No.23794155

I made like 3 of the last 5 good /hlg/ memes and narratives. I can't be the only person carrying this general's meme culture anymore. It's getting tiring brainstorming new ways to make you guys enjoy posting here.

>> No.23794157
File: 2.78 MB, 600x336, Suisei reloading her rifle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794254

I saw Hoshimati Suisei at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and reloading her russian rifle in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cigarette packs in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to dance and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the packs and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any voicing chord infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cigarette and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by speaking in russian really loudly.

>> No.23794158
File: 55 KB, 768x1024, EX4-nuEU0AAmuCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794160

I wish Pizzaman was as popular as our son

>> No.23794161
Quoted by: >>23794183

Her save file got deleted

>> No.23794162
Quoted by: >>23794191

Holostar with Jonny Bravo avatar.

>> No.23794164 [DELETED] 

Alright anon her stream is starting now so you can go watch haachama if you like

>> No.23794165

I want to hug Watame. I want to protect Watame's dreams and future with my own hands.

>> No.23794167

>not IS
Missed opportunity

>> No.23794169

sure, but it has to be taken from the current rosters of hololive/holostars
i know aki is practicing drum currently, and some anon said watame could play some instruments. having the TriNegro as part of the members works too since oga and babu has edgy design, and kaoru could work as that one member who stick out the most appearance wise

>> No.23794170
File: 873 KB, 2894x4093, EWm-M83U8AMIaQe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell fucking yeah. Bring on the street cred chuunis and let them cover Rise of the Northstar right away.

>> No.23794171

She just started doing voice imitation streams and videos when she was 17 and provided vocals for a single doujin music album in 2011.
She probably hasn't done anything professionally since she ended up having a shitty office job.

>> No.23794172


>> No.23794175

There's always a flood of images at the start of threads.

>> No.23794177

I feel she's a bit held back by singing in her Marine voice, can't reach her full potential.

It's interesting how there's so often a trade-off between "singing well" and "singing in character". Back when OG Idolmaster was more popular it occurred to me that all the shit singers in the game were the ones who sang in character, the good singers were the ones who either don't try to stay in character when they sing or their character's voice/singing voice isn't very far from their regular voice...

...and then Azusa Miura is this weird anomaly with Azusa's voice clearly being an affectation by Chiaki Takahashi who doesn't sound much like her, and yet when she sings she sings as Azusa but she also sings really well and has perhaps the best song in the franchise. Suddenly gained a newfound appreciation for a character I thought was rather bland when I realised this.

>> No.23794179

Please never open photoshop again in your life.

>> No.23794180
File: 90 KB, 680x383, 1567587809996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double cumpet stream!

>> No.23794181
Quoted by: >>23794224

Did Haachama teach anything weird to Watame and Luna in that collab earlier?

>> No.23794182

Abayo nigga is not a good meme either.

>> No.23794183

That's what she wants you to believe.

>> No.23794185

Shit I wish I knew the Japanese lyrics for this to sing with her.

>> No.23794186
Quoted by: >>23794239


>> No.23794188
File: 30 KB, 228x170, 1585658807314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794190

Watch our skunk boss interact with high school girls!

>> No.23794191
Quoted by: >>23794358

>He wouldn't be able to do silly poses in 2D live
What's the point then?

>> No.23794192
File: 213 KB, 2000x1455, 1588802702262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794267


>> No.23794193

Better than narrative post and doxx post.

>> No.23794196
Quoted by: >>23794222

Rushia is the cumpet of who?

>> No.23794197

Aqua, Subaru, Mio

>> No.23794199
Quoted by: >>23794313

what were you responsible for?

>> No.23794202

The only good current /hlg/ meme is hoshikawaposting.

>> No.23794203

I only see one cumpet

>> No.23794204


>> No.23794205
Quoted by: >>23794499

It was meant to be, Rushia has seen Kanata in her dreams.

>> No.23794206

this guy will be male towa

>> No.23794207

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs7QcRwbC3E Coco Yakuza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTQ85TvjyI Pekora DQ5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7jETLhYz0w Suisei Shiny Colors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNgj07HR4Bw Subaru zatsudan (Topic: countryside)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1tb_AaDoy4 Kanata Rushia Mojipittan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLQM4RhDgX0 Shien yo... DDLC

>> No.23794208

She's singing songs that are tickling the far reaches of my memory.

>> No.23794211
File: 118 KB, 461x424, 1587348962909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about shion, something about her forehead and eyebrows, i want to see it everyday

>> No.23794212
Quoted by: >>23794786

Yeah I noticed this too. Honoka from Love Live sounds okay as far as anime idolshit goes but her seiyuu actually has a canon. https://youtu.be/w-il1H5Tuqc

>> No.23794213

He smells

>> No.23794216

Does this mean Okayu and Shion are doing one too?

>> No.23794218

Show it and i rate if your meme is shitty or not

>> No.23794220
File: 1.45 MB, 4093x2894, EWxCIaiWAAUcxeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coco yakuza

>> No.23794221
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1562540487611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only hope.

>> No.23794223

an unexpected collab appears!

>> No.23794222

her husband

>> No.23794224

A bunch of incorrect english.

>> No.23794225

That's not gen 2

>> No.23794226

least popular holo? But he's not

>> No.23794227

The one that Butcha U is getting into EN.

>> No.23794228

Luluposting > Hoshikawaposting

>> No.23794229
File: 9 KB, 304x99, 45e4095e42d71e7c472403addee2c37f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean these two are going to do new covers next?

Also Aqua has a great voice. Good cover.

>> No.23794231


>> No.23794233

No but it was basically the mods killing the board policing by the regulars. Now you see all the cancerous threads like the DBS threads. Although I mostly go to /a/ for specific manga chapters/Anime episode discussion threads.

I won't but it's not fair comparing long form story telling versus an interactive media that's easy to clip funny takes.

>> No.23794234

Loose hair usagi > tuinte braid usagi > buns usagi

>> No.23794235


>> No.23794237

did jetri just get updated? streams arent autoplaying now and the window button on the top right is gone

>> No.23794239

This was a good meme because the creator itself let it get out of hand.

>> No.23794240
Quoted by: >>23794291

Senchou just french kissed Korone!

>> No.23794244

ok hoshikawafag

>> No.23794245

Korone is her favorite holo after all.

>> No.23794246


>> No.23794247
File: 280 KB, 1214x1688, 1588616322126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794248
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, 1589273224687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half life general

>> No.23794250

Her voice really is great and the lyrics too. I'm glad my reps paid off for moments like this.

>> No.23794252

Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at it

>> No.23794253

high level gyaru

>> No.23794254
Quoted by: >>23794295

I saw Hoshimati Suisei during her stream on Youtube yesterday. I commented how cool it was to finally be able to catch her stream, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for replies or anything.
She said, “あなたが今やっているように?”
I was taken aback, and all I could type was “Huh?” but she kept laughing at me and going “え? え? え?” and reloading her russian rifle on stream. I moved away (from the keyboard) and continued with my watching, and I heard her chuckle as I stopped responding. When I came to pay for my akasupa I saw her trying to end the stream without reading any of the supachas.
The viewers were very nice about it and professional, and were like “Suisei, we love you no matter what.” At first she kept pretending to dance and not read the chat, but eventually turned back around and sat down at her computer.
When they took they money and started giving multiple supacha, she stopped them and told them to make them akasupa “to prevent any voicing chord infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at us. I don’t even think that’s a word. After the viewers emptied their pockets and put them into akasupas and started to say goodbye, she kept ignoring them by speaking in russian really loudly.

>> No.23794255

we were just talking about a new hololive metal group and senchou is already practicing her scream... she's monitoring the thread lads...

>> No.23794257

Oh no he's male Luna, fuck.

>> No.23794261

What the fuck these songs are ancient, just how old Marine really is?

>> No.23794262
File: 454 KB, 703x792, 1566615826322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794296

Sui so perfect again...

>> No.23794263
Quoted by: >>23794456

>best song
Which one?

>> No.23794265


>> No.23794266
Quoted by: >>23794284

It's because the pickaxe astel gave him his called pacifier

>> No.23794267


>> No.23794269

No idea what's going on with it, but it has been fucky like this for around 3 hours.

>> No.23794270
Quoted by: >>23794277

Male Towa is already Izuru though

>> No.23794272

Shien is a cute dork

>> No.23794273

Who's shien DDLC waifu?

>> No.23794274
Quoted by: >>23794285

I wouldn't mind Marine making these kissy noises to me

>> No.23794277

damn i like izuru

>> No.23794280
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1589204415327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about /hlg/ meta

>> No.23794284


>> No.23794285

You're not Korone

>> No.23794286


>> No.23794287
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 6H-JXs78KoOC_APyj5moBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794346

Towa will be buried again by this giants, she's also tweeting of work and recordings in the last few days.

>> No.23794291

Prove it

>> No.23794292

As a OG marinefag, I have mixed feelings about all these people in this thread tuning into her game and song streams who won't actually watch her best content.

>> No.23794295
File: 2.85 MB, 1100x1080, Shion wrong hole.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to save that one last time, will start shitposting it too

>> No.23794296
File: 1.13 MB, 2891x4096, 1589286666392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She updated her banner to reflect her new goal of 500k subs by the end of the year

>> No.23794300

Abayo Nigga is the only good meme recently.

>> No.23794302
File: 643 KB, 2048x3119, Suisei54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen of Hololive is so great...

>> No.23794303

>shien voicing the girls
holy shit

>> No.23794306
Quoted by: >>23794357

>Finally get a good grasp on the Kanas
>Come across all these stylish fonts
Stop... STOP.

>> No.23794308

Viewer request anon, senchou is 17.

>> No.23794310
File: 56 KB, 800x804, 1497246778236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794311


>> No.23794312

You're just really fucking young. Most of us here are in our late 20s/early 30s.

>> No.23794313

I'm Rushiacuck. I was responsible for cumpet, abayo nigga, I clipped the Suisei daydream warrior webm, I posted the shittiest start AZKI image, I started "Towa..." posting (in fact im the one running a script to ensure its always the last post), I makes poals every single day to facilitate discussion, im the Okayu samefag, I'm the one who made the Haato "I was just pretending to be retarded" edit. I drew the Kanata devil OC. I false flag as various Hololivefags and write up large paragraphs professing my love to a Hololive I don't actually give a fuck about to get people talking about them so I can then create an anti circlejerk to shitpost about them when people all get tired of everyone (me samefagging) talking about them. I am /hlg/.

>> No.23794314
Quoted by: >>23794338

Imagine wanting less people to love your favorite holo.

>> No.23794315
Quoted by: >>23794353

Pride, not queen.
The queen is Miko.

>> No.23794316

Shien pls... your vochal cords can barely handle it.

>> No.23794319


>> No.23794324

Она действительно великая, первая любовь каждого истинно чистокровного русского

>> No.23794325

what the fuck is happening on shien's stream

>> No.23794326
File: 108 KB, 386x441, 1572310024150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794342

Towabros, no Towa today?

>> No.23794327

That tummy is really nice.

>> No.23794329
File: 472 KB, 685x633, vlc_FUhf5w7F1m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794331

New copypasta?

>> No.23794333

>no Rushiacuck avatar
Anon, it's not like to steal other people's work.

>> No.23794335
File: 58 KB, 517x999, dwfg34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23794336
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1580330371965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stammer the chammer

>> No.23794337
File: 1.40 MB, 1305x698, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.23794338
Quoted by: >>23794407

I don't want people to look at senchou and have the first words they think of be aging womb.

>> No.23794340
File: 3 KB, 277x89, best post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794342
Quoted by: >>23794378

I'm foreseeing Hollow Knight guerrilla tonight

>> No.23794345

the rushiacuck is having a mental breakdown again...

>> No.23794346

Don't worry Towabro, just keep supporting your holo just as she supports you. Aqua wants to cheer me up just a little bit every day, but I'm more thankful to her than I could ever be. I'll continue to support her forever as she supports me.

>> No.23794347

Is there a way to make the screen just big enough to fill the browser while still showing the chat on the right?
I would like something similar to Twitch's "theater mode" where the screen is around 3/4 filled while the chat occupying the remaining space on the right.

>> No.23794348

Sorry anon but I kicked off the abayo nigga discussion

>> No.23794352


>> No.23794353

Miko is the princess. That's why Sui has a crown and more subs.

>> No.23794354
Quoted by: >>23794410

sponsorship "luck"

>> No.23794357
Quoted by: >>23794372

Those are not even hard, there are some stylized ones that I can't recognize for shit

>> No.23794358

Silly poses in 3D debut if he makes it till then

>> No.23794362

Oh baby a triple

>> No.23794364

Can I just trade time zone with the Finns or Moscow...

>> No.23794366


>> No.23794369
File: 893 KB, 3800x3800, 1589355055849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794373

This post was made by Coco.

>> No.23794368


>> No.23794370

He's killing these voices

>> No.23794371

it's reminding me a bunch of the role I got forced into playing in highschool where I did the same thing
it was pretty bad
use opera browser

>> No.23794372

Yeah these aren't so bad but I meant it more generally were there are some I can't read at all because they barely look anything alike.

>> No.23794373
File: 503 KB, 373x627, mpv_T8v4ypj8QK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794383


>> No.23794374
File: 899 KB, 1200x806, Amane Asahi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she rerolled it because it wasn't asahi
The things she does for not!kanata...

>> No.23794375
Quoted by: >>23794387

He can't seriously be intending to play the whole game like this, can he

>> No.23794376

The fakes of hololive are collaborating

>> No.23794377
File: 93 KB, 750x1032, EX4HYBSWkAAvhtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the mastermind behind /hlg/

>> No.23794378

I hope she'll bless us with a stream today. Good day, famili.

>> No.23794382

can shien keep this up the entire time? let's find out!

>> No.23794381

I know this is a shitpost, but I'm unironically behind ~50% of the things listed in this post.

>> No.23794383
Quoted by: >>23794401

what is she thinking here?

>> No.23794384

Just use picture in view or whatever it's called

>> No.23794386

Take your meds rushiakek, Jesus.

>> No.23794387

I hope he is. Makes it much more entertaining.

>> No.23794388

Use jetri

>> No.23794389
Quoted by: >>23794399

same but 70% instead

>> No.23794392


Now I want to hear Miko sing Merciless Soldier.

>> No.23794393


>> No.23794394

I must be the other half then.

>> No.23794395

Please be bait.

>> No.23794396

Oh lord he's going to blow his voice out.

>> No.23794399

Americans and math everybody

>> No.23794400
File: 66 KB, 587x740, 1586266291024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PekoMiko combination

>> No.23794401

>I wish I was playing Yakuza right now
>My feet hurt
>This girl stinks
>Is she really an angel?

>> No.23794405

Thanks for your shitty memes fag

>> No.23794407

If they actually get intereted in her they'll watch past it and discover more reasons to love her the more they watch.

>> No.23794408

same but ~100%

>> No.23794410

Too bad Aqua and Matsuri didn't get sponsorship ''luck'' then.

>> No.23794412
File: 1022 KB, 1125x795, 1584170043188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Holo would be size queen enough to make fun of my 18 cm pecker?

>> No.23794413
Quoted by: >>23794482

who's the mom and who's the dad?

>> No.23794416
File: 69 KB, 393x527, sample-29b6542e09ea3ba68275bf7775f0224d(1)(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this, friend.

>> No.23794417
Quoted by: >>23794500

They are Japanese, they'd feel lucky to get a husband with 11cm anon

>> No.23794419

>rushia and Kanata
What's this cuteness overload

>> No.23794420

same but I'm every single Towafag that posts in the thread

>> No.23794421
File: 600 KB, 1000x1000, 1589104959191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794441

Luna will play Monster Hunter World again in about 40 minutes.

>> No.23794423

More like fakeness

>> No.23794424

Lucky girl.

>> No.23794426
Quoted by: >>23794824

Fubuki, Aqua and Korone

>> No.23794427

Watame has been stretched by 7 years of fucking a gigachad

>> No.23794428

stop bragging faggot

>> No.23794430

Only Suisei and her perfect dancing could match Miko's singing.

>> No.23794431
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, EWM0BdCXsAEjNWX-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794451

Nice to meet you, I'm the one who makes every post about Holostars.

>> No.23794432

I love it.

>> No.23794433

Menhera daisuki

>> No.23794435

>taking credit for my meme
Well, whatever. You've had a hard life so I'll just let you have your moment.

>> No.23794436

They're asian so are probably satisfied with anything past 12cm, all except Aqua since she's 480cm 140kg who would probably need specialized machines to fulfill her needs

>> No.23794437

18cm is barely average anon how is he bragging?

>> No.23794440

None of them are interested in your pecker.

>> No.23794441
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, 1589238098060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794443
Quoted by: >>23794504

>roboco collab with moona at 23:00
>make guerrilla stream at 01:00
nice rbc

>> No.23794444


>> No.23794445
Quoted by: >>23794462

I watch Shinymas streams so I know who to fap too

>> No.23794449
File: 348 KB, 456x477, EXhvVtNUEAA2ksw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you are me , then who am i..?

>> No.23794450
File: 413 KB, 404x525, chrome_2020-05-10_01-45-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794531

>im the okayu samefag
you wish

>> No.23794451
File: 392 KB, 543x529, mpv_19gZrYmXDM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, I post about the lads all the time faggot

>> No.23794454
File: 15 KB, 654x116, 0432345679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually did it! Korone is now Top 3.
Will she ever slow down?

>> No.23794456

Her signature song, "Tonari Ni", it's goosebump inducing.
Full length live version:
I've always liked this mix someone did of it with Azusa, Chihaya and Makoto:
She also once did an operatic version of it with a full orchestra, although I honestly I don't think that really works. She's got a lot of mileage out of the song, which is a testament to how good it is.

>> No.23794457
Quoted by: >>23794470

>average size is 13.12 cm

>> No.23794458
Quoted by: >>23794468

>Rushia and Kanata
I wonder who can outfake the other

>> No.23794459
Quoted by: >>23794470

Literally 5 seconds in google:
Over all countries the average size of a penis is about 14.05 cm. "The longest one" is 17.61 cm long and carried by men in Ecuador. In Cambodia, the average length is only 10.04 cm, which is about 6.2% of the body height.

>> No.23794461

Is Towa falling off?

>> No.23794462

I only fap to media I consume, and I consume shinymas through the holos.

>> No.23794465

I found the person who works at hololive who posts on jp

>> No.23794466

Finally someone bearable in top 3

>> No.23794468


>> No.23794470
Quoted by: >>23794492

Did you take that bait seriously?

>> No.23794472
File: 144 KB, 288x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this girl with the holostars instead of hololive? what's the narrative?

>> No.23794473

No if she keeps playing retro western kamige

>> No.23794474

Anon, please don't bait the seafags too hard.

>> No.23794481
Quoted by: >>23794538

how new?

>> No.23794482

Miko's the dad who works all night, Pekora's the mom who does nothing other than watch tv all day and Flare is their maid who has to do the chores

>> No.23794485
File: 61 KB, 800x700, 1586841863642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794579

18 cm ain't reason to brag, I have even had girl to call it small before

>> No.23794486

She is growing faster than Pekora now despite her viewcount being lower on average.

>> No.23794487

Based. I had a feeling it'd be Tonari Ni.

>> No.23794489
File: 419 KB, 1334x2048, 1565513393452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To actually point out the one's I'm responsible for, I didn't initially post the AZKi image, but I've been the one posting it at the start of threads for the last few days. I'm also responsible for the last few "Towa" thread endings, I don't use a script though, I just queue a captcha and autisticly spam refresh the thread until the end.
I was the anon who wrote the long Towa paragraph in the last thread too, the replies to it weren't false flags though, just the regular Towa antis mad that someone actually likes her. I've also made a few of the popular poals, the holopro popularity contest one with all the names in Japanese was made by me, and I've made a bunch of other random ones.

>> No.23794492

I shitpost all day, 10 seconds and one post to give someone a (you) and make them happy is a nice thing to do

>> No.23794493
Quoted by: >>23794505

Rushia is cute as fuck dont know what's your problem with her fakeness
All of them are acting in some degree

>> No.23794495

Rushia sounds like she's about to drool all over Kanata and it doesn't help that Kanata plays into this constantly with her anxious voice.

>> No.23794496
File: 182 KB, 441x264, chinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23794498 [DELETED] 

Do you think Pekora would fuck a black guy?
I'm black and I love Pekora. She's perfect in every way

>> No.23794499
Quoted by: >>23794534

>pairing the necromancer with the terminally ill girl
Yeah I can ship it.

>> No.23794500

But I'm exactly 11cm anon

>> No.23794502

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTQ85TvjyI Pekora

>> No.23794504

can't wait for disaster to happen

>> No.23794505

Not matsuri

>> No.23794508

No. Japanese people are extremely xenophobic

>> No.23794510

Hololive already has someone with green hair so they lend him to star

>> No.23794513

Based Aquabro.

>> No.23794514

It's Chris's VA under her punishment for "that" incident. That's why she uses the voice changer.

>> No.23794516

She isn't real and is unable to fuck anyone.

>> No.23794517
Quoted by: >>23794545

shops in HK are open already? aren't they the one who spread covid?

>> No.23794518

>unironically replying to bait
Anon, holy shit you're pathetic.

>> No.23794520
File: 71 KB, 640x522, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a towa or okayu stream right now

>> No.23794521

falling off to my arms

>> No.23794522
Quoted by: >>23794574

tbqh i like this one better desu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSSsFHr_qis

>> No.23794525

They banged so hard they merged

>> No.23794526

Chinks really love aqua

>> No.23794527

Towa is a slut who talks to men - WTF how can any one be such a cuck and like her?

>> No.23794528


>> No.23794530

ok fox cho

>> No.23794531
File: 253 KB, 1315x1078, ERYR1i6U4AAmG8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794601

Based sleepless autistic comfycatposter, may she bless you with a sneeze today

>> No.23794532
File: 137 KB, 929x1200, EXghPwrU4AAb7Hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco Moona awkward silence collab

>> No.23794533

He's a Towafag. They can't help it.

>> No.23794534

I can see it like this but right now it's two kimootas one step away from molesting each other.

>> No.23794535
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1568076970687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're the one replying to bait, anon.

>> No.23794536

Hey Bimsco why are you posting this here

>> No.23794537

why is monika the hot blooded buchou?

>> No.23794538

Call it a month? Can't remember.

>> No.23794539
Quoted by: >>23794561

let okayu have her night off mate, she deserves it
towa on the other hand, stop being a lazy cunt

>> No.23794540
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, EN0B8R1UEAAlfi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794626

wtf I love Towa now

>> No.23794542

Is Korone the sluttiest Holo?

>> No.23794544

All Towafags are pathetic.

>> No.23794545

There's no reason to assume the photo is new, anon.

>> No.23794546

she liked drebin in mgs4 but i doubt you are that cool. people in this thread will say she is racist because she called a big black lady an ape. that was more about aesthetics than race tho.

>> No.23794550

>kanata is actually stuttering

>> No.23794553


>> No.23794554

Don't pick on Towafriends.

>> No.23794555
Quoted by: >>23794621

What Marine voice? She is using her real voice and doesn't do anything to change it for the character.

>> No.23794557
Quoted by: >>23794832

She called her a gorilla specifically not just ape

>> No.23794558

It's alright. They were just her friends. Towa has never done anything with a man, I can tell you.

>> No.23794559

Is Rushia making her nervous?

>> No.23794561


>> No.23794565
Quoted by: >>23794580

Okay this is gay

>> No.23794567

Kanata realized she could never even try to be as fake as rushia is, so she's cowering in fear

>> No.23794568

Who's Sayori, Norio Wakamoto?

>> No.23794570


But she also said "WOOOOOW, SEXY!!!" Upon seeing Fortune in MGS2

>> No.23794571
Quoted by: >>23794737

When she played the convenience store game, there was a guy who looked black at first and she asked if he's a criminal. Then it turned out he just had a weird tan or something

>> No.23794574

>Chihaya ver.

>> No.23794578
File: 512 KB, 1448x2048, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_mizutamako__9d34bd2de2b06965160f8feeb841b19b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794592

I don't want to fuck the dog, I want to ________protect________ her

>> No.23794579

based sph chad

>> No.23794580

it's very awkward, in the best way possible

>> No.23794584

They're both trying to pretend they're not into each other.

>> No.23794587
Quoted by: >>23794598

Miko, Haato and Towa. The only ones I consistently watch

>> No.23794591
File: 191 KB, 900x1259, 1588801555738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is streaming!

>> No.23794592

Good post, holos are for protecting and supporting.

>> No.23794593
File: 2.61 MB, 342x720, towatowa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794594


>> No.23794596
File: 445 KB, 546x660, 1588974142574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the realest Holo?

>> No.23794597

Getting drunk with Ayame!

>> No.23794598

Are you me?

>> No.23794599

What's with kanata why is every collab with her always end up with the other hitting on her

>> No.23794600

post bbc or gtfo

>> No.23794601

i promise i will sleep early tonight, unless FBK goes until 5am again
i dont even like apex but i keep watching anyone who's live with it
aqua diamond stream was too hype

>> No.23794604

You have done well son

>> No.23794605
Quoted by: >>23794642

>2 P SSR
Suisei's too lucky...

>> No.23794606
Quoted by: >>23794668

Every Rushia collab is her trying to make the other one say they like her.
She pulled the same thing on Suisei.

>> No.23794607


>> No.23794610

please watch pekora gambling again

>> No.23794611


>> No.23794613

That's not Monika, it's Yugi now.

>> No.23794615

I like Rushia only for Cola.

>> No.23794616
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, EX5nETeUYAg7xqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Siren continues in 25

>> No.23794617

Tenshi is like Luna, they're both incredibly cute little japanese girls, except Tenshi is pure and wholesome and Luna is just a giant shitposter

>> No.23794618

Because she wants to be a guy. She's pretty masculine. This doesn't work on Coco thought that's why they're buddies.

>> No.23794620
File: 62 KB, 461x645, ET0zeDeUwAANC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794621

Sure, that's why when others imitate her, her advice to getting the voice right is to pretend you have something stuck in your throat, it's not an affectation at all!

>> No.23794623
File: 201 KB, 2048x1156, 1589355250666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794624

Peko time

>> No.23794626
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>> No.23794628

That would be Fubuki and Matsuri
Towa is pure

>> No.23794629
File: 280 KB, 599x599, 1589272822990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794647


>> No.23794632

I think it's just because she's incredibly endearing.

Also she can do that smooth ikemen voice.

>> No.23794634

We got a discord mod over here

>> No.23794635
File: 44 KB, 833x802, 1586910242399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794638
File: 3.25 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame stream in 23 minutes

>> No.23794639

Triple SSR...
How is Suisei ths lucky?

>> No.23794641


>> No.23794642

She won't get Asahi I'm calling it

>> No.23794645
File: 1.44 MB, 1304x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794675

Just take Rinze already

>> No.23794646


>> No.23794648
Quoted by: >>23794701

She's veryone's cute hardworking reliable little sister. And unironic ikemen menhera magnet who impressed even Tamaki.

>> No.23794647
Quoted by: >>23794679

I LOVE that song

>> No.23794651

There's too much on during the day. It kills my productivity.

>> No.23794652
Quoted by: >>23794659

Only oldfags will remember shionchair.

>> No.23794656
Quoted by: >>23794660

Okayu, Towa, Okayu

>> No.23794657

back to /v/

>> No.23794659

Explain it in narrative terms to this newfag.

>> No.23794660
Quoted by: >>23794699

So... risu?

>> No.23794662

But Marine always has something stuck in her throat so it isn't an affectation.

>> No.23794663

who's shien going for? or is he just winging it

>> No.23794665

Fuck, jetri changed something on his website again?

>> No.23794666
File: 236 KB, 850x1202, 1588746391980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23794667

Oi oi.

>> No.23794668

Kanata is playing hard into this right now, it's great.

>> No.23794670


>> No.23794671
Quoted by: >>23794700

>no tattoo
nice bootleg towa

>> No.23794674

who is shion targetting right now?

>> No.23794675

Rinze talks so slowly it lengthens the streams, that's my pet theory for why she's so popular

>> No.23794678
Quoted by: >>23794694

where's hoursfag, are we in burger time already?

>> No.23794679
File: 770 KB, 1446x2048, 81529513_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I LOVE that song
Me too. I love her, I love all her songs, I love her BGM. Rabbit pheromones are powerful.

>> No.23794680


>> No.23794683

Roboco & Amun collab in 20 minutes AaAAaAaa...

>> No.23794685

Then why is her voice exactly the same everywhere online that I can find it? Even her casual twitcasts from a few years ago are the same.
She has practiced voice imitation for over 10 years so she would know where her natural voice comes from.

>> No.23794686


>> No.23794688

here's your narrative

>> No.23794691

Rushia ofc

>> No.23794694

It's still prime time you mongoloid

>> No.23794696

>drinking stream
Drunk ayame !

>> No.23794697


>> No.23794698

Eat the carrots goyim

>> No.23794699 [DELETED] 

no thanks I don't watch seanigs

>> No.23794700

I want to mindbreak Towa into purity

>> No.23794701


>> No.23794702

Another double P-SSR...

>> No.23794703

Sewer voice

>> No.23794705

which one of you is raging at fubuki in game chat

>> No.23794707
Quoted by: >>23794782

Maybe Flare will stream in her base model today...

>> No.23794708
File: 641 KB, 600x918, 35boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guesses on how long till boatposting becomes mainstream?

>> No.23794710

That's why I love her

>> No.23794714

underage hearing

>> No.23794717


>> No.23794718
File: 8 KB, 386x109, 2987558454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794787


>> No.23794719

I'm watching Shien

>> No.23794720

the sooner it gets banned from the threads the better

>> No.23794722
Quoted by: >>23794764

boatposting is already mainstream, that's why it's being shunned now, didn't a journo tranny use mikoboat for some shit?

>> No.23794724

This may be a shitpost but from what ive seen of her she has some real dyke energy. Not that fake stuff all over hololife. Like real shit.

>> No.23794725
Quoted by: >>23794741

Pics for those not watching

>> No.23794727


>> No.23794728
Quoted by: >>23794749

Reminder that Pekora wears glasses.

>> No.23794730

I had no idea Aqua and Kano even knew each other. Now I want a collab between them.

>> No.23794731
Quoted by: >>23794760

Pekora just blew everyone's ears out.

>> No.23794732

Who else just died

>> No.23794735
File: 13 KB, 504x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock mikucks

>> No.23794737

thats half of america, and they still have mixed marriages

>> No.23794739
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 1577492279513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794751

Just several minutes until Ayame streams her last stream in forever.

>> No.23794741

watching her on my ps4 so cant

>> No.23794748

A lot of them under 250k are doing a lot of collabs and getting good gains while Miko is still stuck

>> No.23794749

hot if true

>> No.23794750

>just her friends
more like sex friends lmao

>> No.23794751
Quoted by: >>23794767

her last stream was 2 days ago

>> No.23794754
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1564755248851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rbc and anoom collab
>rbc join her on SEA server
>the third party member starts harassing her using putang ina mo, kontol, du ma etc
Can't wait.

>> No.23794755


>> No.23794757
Quoted by: >>23794763

Rushia deserves it with how much money she makes for hololive.

>> No.23794758

>pekora blows everyone's ears out once
>apologizes profusely

>haachama blows everyone's ears out
>over and over and over
>doesn't give a fuck

>> No.23794760
Quoted by: >>23794768

Why the fuck do I miss everything.

>> No.23794761

Nobody wants to collab with Miko, pekora is only doing so out of pity for her friend who's lost her way

>> No.23794763

Why does paypig like her so much

>> No.23794764

Which journo tranny are you talking about?

>> No.23794765

Kano a cute

>> No.23794766
File: 265 KB, 306x473, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haachama's a chad, what else is new?

>> No.23794767

That's too many already for Ayame!

>> No.23794768
Quoted by: >>23794778

>Why the fuck do I miss everything.
Be fucking glad dude. It was an incredibly loud and scary high pitch noise.

>> No.23794775
Quoted by: >>23794831

>He doesn't watch haachama at extremely low volume
Lmao your fault

>> No.23794776
Quoted by: >>23794781

It's just that she and her friends are all introverts who can't initiate, there's no hate..

>> No.23794777

Fucking retard removed the organization button.
Jesus christ this is so much worse. Fuck you dragonjet, stop ruining the site.
Time to use piporoid. https://piporoid.net/NMado/

>> No.23794778

did u pee ur pants?

>> No.23794779

How much money does Pekora make? Let's say her 9 million views this month give her 9000 dollars, then you have all the simps throwing money at her, so that's probably another 9000 a month, then Yagoo might take 50% for himself, so that's still 9000 a month?

>> No.23794780

aqua confirmed the fakest holo

>> No.23794781
Quoted by: >>23794796


>> No.23794782

Flare won't go to her original model again. Instead she will have a revised version once she makes her 3D debut.

>> No.23794786

That melody reminded me a lot of this Precure song, had me wracking my brains for like a full three minutes.
btw this song is hype as fuck, as is a lot of Precure music.

>> No.23794787

over 100k most websites that track subs only track in multiples of 1000, any number up to 999 won't be shown on playboard for instance and you have to wait until the next day to see any increase.

>> No.23794789

>its prime time
Guess I'll just mute every stream and shitpost in /hlg/

>> No.23794792

The what?

>> No.23794793

Nice analysis dude

>> No.23794795

actually i like the button gone now, i dont have to fuck around to fit 4 streams into a square it just auto does it now
too bad none of the buttons work at all though

>> No.23794796

korone tolerates her I guess

>> No.23794798
Quoted by: >>23794811

Not this backstabbing bitch

>> No.23794800

what is her best content? she's fake as fuck in all the streams i have seen so far

>> No.23794802

It really would be perfect to see Aqua and Kano do more in the future. Especially with Aqua's soothing voice.

>> No.23794803
Quoted by: >>23794833

Give her a break, her real self is so far from her virtual self that she needs to find ways to cope, it's not easy being 150m 40kg

>> No.23794805

Well her last big collab didn't really end that well

>> No.23794806
File: 351 KB, 450x361, watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794823

Kanatan can't believe this shit.

>> No.23794807

Cute Fu-tan appearance

>> No.23794810
File: 40 KB, 615x640, 1586618347257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna watch Moona's perspective because I want to experience the mess

>> No.23794811
Quoted by: >>23794840

Who did she backstab
I need more bad blood drama aaaaaa

>> No.23794813

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQZGJgNfaSU Ayame Drinking Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijANku3i034 Korone Siren
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDHoRpyEO44 Luna Monster Hunter World
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlBX01qPIk0 Noel 290k Subs Celebration
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j--yj2i3eK4 Roboco Moona APEX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UATFpGdBKYY Moona POV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJCcc-LyuFI Kaoru Horizon Zero Dawn

>> No.23794815

The only ones on Coco's chat are members and there's 7k watching.

>> No.23794816


>> No.23794818
Quoted by: >>23794836

I think the general consensus estimate is that they get about 1/3 of total revenue (after youtube and hololive's cuts). Pekora made about $40k gross last month and is already at $40k halfway into May. Therefore she's possibly earning low 5 figures each month before tax.

>> No.23794823
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, 1587991337030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794884


>> No.23794824

Do you want to kill aqua?

>> No.23794825

what kind of games do gamers play? definitely not FPS right?

>> No.23794826
File: 807 B, 131x21, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794837

Korone can pull a lot of viewers. Too bad she doesn't make enough money. She has only made JPY 2,388,163.50 so far compared to the others who're already at 3m-4m.

>> No.23794827


>> No.23794828

If anything, this music video confirms Aqua is the most genuine holo.

>> No.23794829

They have salaries and only a part of their superchat money goes into their bonus.

>> No.23794831

>He doesn't watch haachama at max volume

>> No.23794832
File: 53 KB, 429x417, death3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ashamed, please forgive my mistake

>> No.23794833

What is she, a parade float?

>> No.23794835

What are the chances of your favourite hololiver retiring within a year?
Scary to think the state of hololive around next year...

>> No.23794836

I wonder what she spends all that money on

>> No.23794837
Quoted by: >>23794852

>2million yen

>> No.23794839
File: 171 KB, 850x1200, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_kugatsu_tooka__sample-e991a7023244d27b0efb07f64b964b82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794849

Why is Shion the best 2gen member?

>> No.23794840


Why do you fuckers behave like bitter vindictive 36 year old women with dry ovaries whose butter dog just died?

>> No.23794841

i wonder if shien is using his personal steam account, so monika ends up doxxing him at the end

>> No.23794843 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 640x360, 1589378186802.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it depression hours yet?

>> No.23794844

I can't believe Takahiro Sakurai became a vtuber

>> No.23794846
File: 1.13 MB, 2428x3434, IMG_20200513_205457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Moon-A ye faggots

>> No.23794849

Something to do with eyebrows and forehead.

>> No.23794851

that noel thumbnail is scary

>> No.23794852
Quoted by: >>23794912

when you compare it to the amount she streams, it's relatively little not the amount is anything to cough at anon, perspective is important.

>> No.23794854

Most of it goes to the yakuza to keep them at bay.

>> No.23794855

Pekora will burn out from stress and start fucking black guys, then get fired from hololive

>> No.23794856

If the game detects your streaming it changes out the scene where she says your name for a scene where she talks to the audience.

>> No.23794857

The game detects the streaming software and does something else.

>> No.23794858
Quoted by: >>23794872

What does Ayame drink? It's morning so what the fuck I don't this is the time for me to drink along.

>> No.23794862
Quoted by: >>23794879

Saving. vtuber is a short career when you have newer hotter girls to replace you.

>> No.23794863
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 2c0701a722d4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794887

>Nobody wants to collab with Miko

>> No.23794871


>> No.23794872


>> No.23794874

If she's sensible she's saving/investing most of it. You can't expect the Vtuber fad to keep you afloat when the bubble or at least your career could burst any minute.

>> No.23794875
File: 427 KB, 827x729, 1584119397165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it's still singing time, please consult the twitcast for the schedule.

>> No.23794876
Quoted by: >>23794907

Unironically soon because it'll be dead hours and the holos will be sleeping.

>> No.23794878
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 17egpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Holo EN bro

>> No.23794879

But they are 2D, you don't have to replqace them.

>> No.23794880

I think it's less than likely but you never know.

>> No.23794883

i hate this antiMiko narrative

>> No.23794884
File: 312 KB, 450x338, staring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794933

Kanata is still not on the levels of MASSIVE peko, but she's learning.

>> No.23794886

Aqua seemingly spends her money on nothing, she thinks even 500 yen is expensive. She's truly pure.

>> No.23794887

Recliners have to stick together

>> No.23794888

Awkward silence stream!

>> No.23794890
File: 2.35 MB, 292x298, 1565437970508.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@everyone ze,, zehi,,

>> No.23794892

Kinda weird decision to put someone else in your video like that. But then I guess she's just banking on the fact Aqua is more popular than her to give it a boost.

>> No.23794893
File: 110 KB, 651x625, holo wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to worry about really everyone has their own big faithful fanbases. Unless a big scandal happens that makes everyone disillusioned with the company or the girls.

>> No.23794895


>> No.23794897

>setting that pic as your twitter banner

>> No.23794900

I can't believe Nijisanji is fucking dead

>> No.23794901

not when there are better streams to watch.

>> No.23794903

There are worse streamers you could have posted

>> No.23794904
File: 2.00 MB, 961x1439, 1587919612635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794931


>> No.23794905

I think now is the time the Holos are trying their hardest because we're in the most depressing state the world could be in. They'll definitely all be here within a year. I believe in them because they're idols. We all rely on them for support and they rely on us for support too.

>> No.23794907

but so will I

>> No.23794908


>> No.23794909

love this zatsudan collab where they keep spiling insider news

Suisei is that popular?

>> No.23794912
Quoted by: >>23795222

Korone streams on god forsaken hours anon. The others stream on better times like primetime or at least day time.

>> No.23794913

All of the western Vtubers I've seen sound like bad dubs, I really hope HoloEN is different somehow but...

>> No.23794914

At least we can be sure they won't make the kinds of decisions that killed Kizuna Ai's channel.

>> No.23794915

Were you living under a rock?

>> No.23794916

It's gonna be worse...

>> No.23794917
Quoted by: >>23794932

Roboco's chat is entirely english. FUCK moona.

>> No.23794918

The power of gacha.

>> No.23794919

>roboco can't speaks ENG
>moona can't speaks ENG
This will be good.

>> No.23794922

Why do you think she's getting shit on in the threads?

>> No.23794923

At this rate the only one who needs to not fuck things up is cover corp

>> No.23794924

Painful to watch

>> No.23794927


>> No.23794928

They should just their natural voice, like Pikamee.

>> No.23794929
File: 705 KB, 636x572, Senchou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some funny reaction images? My Holo folder is only 1 GB.

>> No.23794931


tfw when you enter /jp/ and /hlg is not the first thread

>> No.23794932

Be glad it's not in indon

>> No.23794933
File: 977 KB, 1357x760, friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23794998

What about massive Suichan!

>> No.23794935
File: 524 KB, 3208x2817, EXzz_ifVAAAeUOp-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora will never die!

>> No.23794936
File: 2.42 MB, 1748x2480, 81397728_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora tuning her voice before the DQV title screen
WARNING: Very cute

>> No.23794937

>YAGOO opened pandora's box which is IDs

>> No.23794939

Who is this girl?

>> No.23794941
File: 739 KB, 886x1309, EWnly8SU4AAhE3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She averages 9k up
Maybe 10k

>> No.23794942

It seems like you can't either.

>> No.23794943

can't believe shes streaming more than once this week

>> No.23794947

>I think now is the time the Holos are trying their hardest because we're in the most depressing state the world could be in.
More like because livestreaming from home is one of the most viable jobs at the moment.

>> No.23794948


What does Marine's sweat taste like?

>> No.23794951

Kanata is dead

>> No.23794953

Watch Luna!

>> No.23794956
File: 79 KB, 772x525, know_eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't speaks

>> No.23794955

ahhh god i think i need to go out for a walk , i cant be near my computer while this is happening

>> No.23794958

Didn't notice that Noel is nearing 300k as well

>> No.23794959

I can already tell that this collab will be a disaster because of Moona's internet connection.

>> No.23794960

>they are actually going to communicate with google translate

>> No.23794961
Quoted by: >>23794969

nakiri drinking stream is she gonna get fucked by her bf while shes live

>> No.23794962

My wife is so cute

>> No.23794965
File: 847 KB, 2977x3150, EW21sMhVAAADf70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a real actual chance of her halting her activities due to her condition but I don't think she is going to outright quit unless it's really serious. She has already decided to get the best out of her life and unlike three years ago she now has lots of friends and an enourmous and very loyal fanbase who's going to be there to support her no matter what happens.

>> No.23794966

Make sure to update us with the hottest narratives from this collab for all us Shien bros

>> No.23794968

>english pls
Already gone

>> No.23794969

Her bf here. Can confirm

>> No.23794970

Cute Pekora!

>> No.23794971
Quoted by: >>23795060

8BitDrummer should cover that drum line

>> No.23794975

In practice even if they did a fuckup, they can still continue. The only thing Í saw that destroys youtubers is when they start to attack their fanbase.

>> No.23794976


>> No.23794978

I tried checking Moona's stream. She said hour and the h is audible.
Who the fuck hired her.

>> No.23794980
File: 440 KB, 512x497, 1563639261459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame looking good on Noel's stream.

>> No.23794984
File: 31 KB, 600x765, 53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk sex with Ayame!

>> No.23794986

I love her so much it hurts

>> No.23794987

miko said she will continue as long as people need her so I'm not worried

>> No.23794988

Reminds me of an indie chuuba who was complaining about Japan's toilet paper shortage months back.

>> No.23794989

>moona? moona? guruguru
it has already begun

>> No.23794990


>> No.23794991

Crazy to think PPT only debuted a couple of months ago and now has over 200k fans. Hope her the best in her time here.

>> No.23794993

Shes going deaf

>> No.23794994

I love the animation of the monsters in DQV, It's really good. I want to play it now

>> No.23794995


>> No.23794996


>> No.23794997
Quoted by: >>23795499

Damn, I'm so behind with Korone's Siren streams.
Is the game fun? I heard that the first half is boring as fuck.

>> No.23794998
File: 489 KB, 600x522, 1589155078520.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795028

Best moment

>> No.23794999


>> No.23795000

She's got an ear condition, she's gone somewhat deaf in one ear and it can potentially get worse.

>> No.23795002


>> No.23795003


>> No.23795005


>> No.23795006

Shien yo...

>> No.23795008


>> No.23795009


>> No.23795010
Quoted by: >>23795764

Nyanners does a vtuber shtick nowadays

>> No.23795011
Quoted by: >>23795025

How do they even communicate what the fuck

>> No.23795012

Shien yo...

>> No.23795013
File: 110 KB, 726x410, 890ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Noel's meat ASMR!

>> No.23795015

Roboco speaking english is so cute.

>> No.23795016

Holy shit this is so cute

>> No.23795019
Quoted by: >>23795061

I really hope that they're saving for their retirements already.
Their careers should be quite stable though, CoverCorp is being clever and not releasing a 5th gen because right now it would pull viewers from the existing girls rather than attract new viewers.

>> No.23795020
Quoted by: >>23795244


>> No.23795023

I can't believe Noel killed Watame just so she can ruin the meat

>> No.23795024

Hmmmm yeaaaaa

>> No.23795028
File: 863 KB, 2591x3624, EW7o6NGU4AElC1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795154

I wonder how their friendship started

>> No.23795025

I guess we're about to find out

>> No.23795026

jesus fuck roboco's live chat is fucking destroyed.

>> No.23795027
Quoted by: >>23795041

>Moona winning the jp bowl

>> No.23795031

>>I'm gonna jikoshokai in Japan

>> No.23795034
File: 920 KB, 1070x607, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know and i hope this isint a flag

>> No.23795037
File: 875 KB, 1575x2100, b5efd10ee01dc423868b33d4301134e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>just as ayame starts streaming
starting the day right!

>> No.23795036

Noel sure has interesting taste. That's a bit weird even for me.

>> No.23795038

Promise no uhhh

>> No.23795040

I'm cringing right now...aggghhhh

>> No.23795039
Quoted by: >>23795054

Wait, why?

>> No.23795041
Quoted by: >>23795053

more like roboco stealing her audience since she's infinitely more cute

>> No.23795042
File: 243 KB, 680x945, EXVn1TUVAAA1jj_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are here to save homiestars

>> No.23795043

>Moona/Roboco stream

>> No.23795044


>> No.23795045

Luna apparently likes to look at pictures of animals that have parasites

>> No.23795046

Okayu only fucks black guys, you can tell by her voice

>> No.23795047

Okayu what the FUCK

>> No.23795049

Bossu... Good ruck...

>> No.23795050

Bossu got his stream deleted and Noel is eating Watame.
What a morning

>> No.23795051

Ayame yo....

>> No.23795052

she looks at pictures of Coco?

>> No.23795053
Quoted by: >>23795094

Judging by the chat that is a huge mistake.

>> No.23795054
Quoted by: >>23795080

youtube ai sucks

>> No.23795056


>> No.23795055

>moona can't banter
roboco will hard carry the conversation

>> No.23795057

Moona can't speak English or Japanese...

>> No.23795059

Luna is crazy for sure. Parasites give me the creeps knowing they're controlling the animal like the puppet they are.

>> No.23795060

I feel bad ドラムニキ. He gets hatemail from idolfags because some retarded fans are shipping him with Fubuki.

>> No.23795061

Probably a wise choice as well.

I mean just looks at the sorry state of Nijisanji and their flooded streamers.

>> No.23795062
Quoted by: >>23795112

Shien is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.23795064

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wLANjphHlI Matsuri and Kotone

>> No.23795065

Meat grilling has some pleasant sound

>> No.23795066
File: 46 KB, 640x640, asdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayame will be streaming more apex because of the new season

>> No.23795067

I can't do it bros, I can't watch Roboco suffer through this...

>> No.23795068
File: 1.82 MB, 1482x2125, 1579205622427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco Engrish QT!

>> No.23795069

Moonas stream isn't even loading for me

>> No.23795070

They don't even understand a common language...

>> No.23795071

Yakiniku streams? They aren't that rare.

>> No.23795073
Quoted by: >>23795114

that's a nice head canon.

>> No.23795076
File: 33 KB, 507x567, ids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mona still using government 10Mbps connection but not this one

>> No.23795079


Goddamit Noel, use other kind of plate, stop throwing clues away.

>> No.23795080

LITERALLY what could he have done to get banned when 50 million other cunts on youtube have played the fucking game

>> No.23795081
Quoted by: >>23795102

>Twitter Banned
>YT Banned
>The go-to punching bag in all TriNero collabs
I love Bossu, he always makes me laugh

>> No.23795082

I like this. Roboco is cute and Moona seems cute too. They're both trying their best at speaking English, it's so adorable.

>> No.23795083

>Luna apparently likes to look at pictures of animals that have parasites
Luna is a parasite, sucks a host dry then retires and does it again.

>> No.23795084
Quoted by: >>23795106

now that we have a precedent, when is Aqua going to collab with Civia?!

>> No.23795085
File: 128 KB, 717x380, 1587439014854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795122

Poor Robo has to take care of the special kid...

>> No.23795086

Shes going to play with her bf...

>> No.23795088

It's not like he can read it anyway.

>> No.23795089
Quoted by: >>23795101

Wait, that's right. Moona sucks at English and Japanese. How is a collab even going to fucking work? Making cute noises to communicate?

>> No.23795091

I have no idea how that collab even came to be when they can't even communicate.

>> No.23795092

Holy shit. it's only just 15 minutes and I already can't stand this cringe ass collab. Might as well just watch SIREN.

>> No.23795094

most of the ones who talk will fuck off after a while.

>> No.23795096

YAGOO please end Roboco suffering...

>> No.23795097

Happiest I've seen Ayamebro yet.

>> No.23795099

>ayame gets more supachat money in 10 minutes of streaming than fubuki makes over multiple streams
its not fair bros...

>> No.23795101

the urgency of the noise they're making

>> No.23795102
Quoted by: >>23795125

Shien is the haachama of gen 3

>> No.23795103

Moon needs to loosen up

>> No.23795104

This is hard.

>> No.23795105

I wonder whose idea was it

>> No.23795106
Quoted by: >>23795127

>cute noises

>> No.23795108

rbc already planning it. she do guerrilla karaoke at 01:00

>> No.23795109

stop you're not allowed to have a reasonable opinion

>> No.23795110

im happy for you ayame poster, stay strong

>> No.23795112

I can't get enough of how everything about him contradicts his image. Poor guy can't get a break but it's only going to boost his popularity in the long run.

>> No.23795113

Is boss' twitter still dead? Why not just make a new one at this point, it's not like he had anything important on it for as long as he had it.

>> No.23795114

Nah, he had to explicitly tell his fans to stop shipping him with FBK.

>> No.23795115

>i'm finish


>> No.23795116

Thats how you get money though
Just stream once in awhile so your fans missed you

>> No.23795117
Quoted by: >>23796567

Ayame's one monthly stream still doesn't make up for all of Fubuki's

>> No.23795118
Quoted by: >>23795140

I don't even know if anyone in here is a FBK member or supachas her every time she streams. No one ever mentions it.

>> No.23795120

Best shitposter

>> No.23795121

>ayame will be fucking her boyfriends more to raise her rank because of the new season

>> No.23795122

She's used to it. Remember, she's collabed with Haachama.

>> No.23795124

Is that her roommates plate?

>> No.23795125

Poor guy spent like half an hour trying to make a simple TriNero sign out of dirt in minecraft. He's dumb but he's still our boss

>> No.23795126

>Moona seems cute too
She really doesn't. Unless your only requirement for something to be cute is them being a girl.

>> No.23795127


>> No.23795128
Quoted by: >>23795136

I can't believe Roboco murdered Moona..

>> No.23795130
File: 72 KB, 794x517, 1334959930411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be givin the image of tough guy mafia boss
>Accidentally get twitter banned by its system
>Streams falling apart
>Now stream banned by Youtube AI
>Shien's fw

>> No.23795131

Roboco and Moona can't take it anymore and are now fist fighting to the death.

>> No.23795133
File: 14 KB, 300x276, Ayamebros....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795132
Quoted by: >>23795151

Robocobros... she sounds like she's having so much fun.

>> No.23795135

what is this? 1v1 pvp?

>> No.23795136

Based Roboco.

>> No.23795138

It feels like she's given up on hiding anything. She just wants to hang out with her chat.

>> No.23795139
Quoted by: >>23795155

This is the peak in Noel's ASMR career.

>> No.23795140

You'd be dumb to think that gen 1 doesn't get a high salary, plus FBK is the one with the most marketable skills post hololive. She probably earned a big paycheck for MCing holocomi alone.

>> No.23795142

thanks danchou now i'm hungry

>> No.23795143

>Accidentally get twitter banned by its system
He set his birthday as 2020.

>> No.23795144

Stop posting wojaks ayamekeks...

>> No.23795145

Shien is gap moe!

>> No.23795146

Who's idea was this again? I would rather see Moona collaborating with Nijisanji ID.Cringe as fuck.

>> No.23795147

I always feel a little sad for fubuki.
If you ignore her sub number (mainly from EOPs that never watch her content), her numbers are not great, not her viewership nor her supachas

>> No.23795148
File: 384 KB, 513x555, 1587654097240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795169

Based creepy child

>> No.23795149
File: 81 KB, 423x445, 1557854203272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always follow our boss

>> No.23795150
File: 77 KB, 381x435, ayame_is_streaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795212


>> No.23795151

Roboco is wholesome, she seems like she really enjoys what she does

>> No.23795152

Why does Matsuri streaming with no name vtubers and nijishits instead of Towa?

>> No.23795154

Hot Tetris sex

>> No.23795155

Noel as your wife never...

>> No.23795158
File: 3.76 MB, 2534x3648, 1563593702661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795168

I think we need to set up an intervention with Ayamebros. I'm a Towafag and I pity them

>> No.23795157

>can post wojaks
>insta delete when i post them

>> No.23795159

she better be getting compensation from cover for her hard work

>> No.23795160


>> No.23795161

Do you miss all the sponsored shit and important shit she gets to do, she's basically Sora

>> No.23795162

She gets solid viewer counts though.

>> No.23795163
Quoted by: >>23795187

damn i hate ayameposter now

>> No.23795166

I don't think she really give a damn about her roommate identity leaking out.She even draw her model wearing the exact same glass her roommate wear.

>> No.23795167

Roboco and Moona having fun while the threads combust into flames in sheer anger

>> No.23795168
Quoted by: >>23795180

why do you feel bad for wojack posters

>> No.23795169
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584291753734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795170
Quoted by: >>23795175

Noel's big fat tits knocking stuff over.

>> No.23795171
File: 291 KB, 510x243, flare and boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe Noel is eating Watame and didn't even invite Flare.

>> No.23795172

I thought it was a possibility but not anymore. I wonder if Mel will ever graduate though.

>> No.23795175

Why can't I help her!?

>> No.23795176

Kotone isn't no name.

>> No.23795178
File: 77 KB, 922x514, bokestars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the biggest idiot.

>> No.23795180

Because it feels bad... man

>> No.23795186

the fucking peaking

>> No.23795187
File: 147 KB, 400x225, 1246623144533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wont be here for long

>> No.23795191
File: 424 KB, 548x421, firefox_n4XaogWXio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily dose for mogubros because none today:

>> No.23795192

Fuck you YAGOO, Risu should be the first one to collabs with holoJPs.

>> No.23795194

>Roberu on the exact opposite side of the spectrum from Shien

>> No.23795197

She's, not Towa meaning she's a no name.

>> No.23795198

Fubuki is one of the cornerstones of Hololive, no way she's not compensated more for everything she's doing.

>> No.23795200

Wait when did he get stream banned?

>> No.23795201
File: 815 KB, 320x180, IRefuse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795202

Why are Towafags mad at Ayamefags?

>> No.23795203

Slow down Roboco.

>> No.23795204

Shien is the Haachama of the Holostars.

>> No.23795205

Is temma true neutral?

>> No.23795207
File: 1.13 MB, 1879x1041, Oda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well vtubers aren't made to last in time, eventually they all are gonna disappear like Oda Nobuhime. Be happy that your favorite chuuba was a holo and that she had a decent fanbase, there is a lot of vtubers (and nijis) dying because they just couldn't make it.

>> No.23795210

>those eating noises from Noel's mouth

>> No.23795211

Based Firefoxbro.

>> No.23795212
File: 73 KB, 381x435, happyayamebros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you sad Ayamebro??

>> No.23795213

I don't know who the fuck she is

>> No.23795215
File: 415 KB, 1080x587, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795424

the eyes was bugging me out

>> No.23795218

how did festival react to the pathfinder nerf?

>> No.23795219

They're not

>> No.23795220
File: 63 KB, 194x192, 1588860398502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the last thing you'll ever hear in your life. Just needs some wind and approaching footsteps sound effect.

>> No.23795221

her voice is the literal embodiment of chill

>> No.23795222
Quoted by: >>23795342

Doesn't matter what time she streams, she has like 20k average viewers now and Rushia only has 6k average viewers and Rushia makes more money than her. It only proves that the number of live viewers doesn't really measure the value of a streamer.

>> No.23795223
Quoted by: >>23795239

that's it, i'll watch roboco archive vids instead

>> No.23795224

Why did Nobuhime graduate?

>> No.23795225

ive only ever seen depressed ayamefags , how can towafags be angry at them , doesn't make sense

>> No.23795227
Quoted by: >>23795245

damn newfag

>> No.23795228

Whats her endgame

>> No.23795231

What's that extension you used to crop pictures?

>> No.23795234

wtf is luna's problem?

>> No.23795235
Quoted by: >>23795286

Poor ponkotsu thrown to the wolves being forced into pilot testing ID JP collabs, with the fucking retard no less.

>> No.23795236
Quoted by: >>23795263

Maybe my favourite chuuba is out there and I don't even know about them yet, because they aren't famous from the Holo privilege

>> No.23795238

ask here >>23788012 and i'll answer

>> No.23795239
Quoted by: >>23795253

>not already up to date on Roboco streams

>> No.23795242

She's even going to be in the neptunia game

>> No.23795243

Is started when Ayame collabed with Roboco even though Ayame doesn't even stream and Towa streams nearly daily.

>> No.23795244

Thinking about it... if she has Meniere's disease as seems to be the consensus, then singing may not be the only difficulty for her but also—should she become 3D and do a 3D live—dancing might be a problem, since Meniere's also affects balance and causes dizziness.

>> No.23795245
Quoted by: >>23795258

Irrelevant niji

>> No.23795246
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 1589124334320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795266

This is now a comfy thread, everybody CHILL or else

>> No.23795248

I think this one is rather unique, since she stepped down for background reasons.

>> No.23795252
Quoted by: >>23795283

Pretty sure it's the built in screenshot feature of firefox.

>> No.23795253
Quoted by: >>23795264

>Watching cringefest stream

>> No.23795255

I think the narrative was that her management was scum and didn't want her collabing with her friends

>> No.23795256
Quoted by: >>23795291

But my favorite vtuber became sony's bitch.

>> No.23795258


>> No.23795261

The Japanese are so creative.

>> No.23795262
File: 2 KB, 198x28, chrome_2020-05-14_00-25-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795294

im going to be able to sleep happy tonight, thanks bro time for some mogumogu ASMR

>> No.23795263

You know you can just find non-famous chuubas right?

>> No.23795264
Quoted by: >>23795314

Roboco can make anything enjoyable, this is no exception. You're just weak.

>> No.23795265

>inb4 she rebirthes as nijisanji
long story short, the management was shit

>> No.23795266

bro why are you using caps thats not chill

>> No.23795267
Quoted by: >>23795283

Maybe you're not up to date but it's built in to vanilla firefox.

>> No.23795269

True Neutral CHAD

>> No.23795270

>Noel will never be your wife
>Noel will never cook for you
>Noel will never ask you "ご飯にする?お風呂にする?それとも私?"

it hurt

>> No.23795274

Suisei's officially lost it...

>> No.23795277

I feel you Noelbro.

>> No.23795278

>wake up
>roboco streaming with inshit
>chat full of EOPs

>> No.23795280
Quoted by: >>23795331

He's an enigma.

>> No.23795281

Damn I sure want to eat Watame now

>> No.23795283


>> No.23795285
Quoted by: >>23795300

>get streamed banned
>oh better announce this on twitter
>oh wait
Shien yo...

>> No.23795286

she's doing her best to make this fun.

>> No.23795289


>> No.23795290

>wanting a manhera wife

>> No.23795291
Quoted by: >>23795334

I still miss her bro

>> No.23795292

>Noel will never emotionally abuse you
>Noel will never flip at erratic times
>Noel will never make you afraid to not wake up in the morning
>Noel will never threaten you with glass shards
>Noel will never threaten to call the police on you
>Noel will never beat you up
>Noel will never socially isolate you
>Noel will never scream and shout at you for forgetting to do some chores

>> No.23795293

Matsuri won

>> No.23795294
Quoted by: >>23795310

Was that recorded with the $8000 dummy head?

>> No.23795297

They're forcing themselves to be funny. I feel sorry for Roboco for doing this, she's really trying to be on the same page as Moona but Moona and her iinternet connection is just too retarded to connect. The voice chat is not even smooth.

>> No.23795298

She seems to be having fun tho

>> No.23795300

It's a good thing Shien and Kaoru are butt buddies so Kaoru does it every time for him.

>> No.23795304

I'm honestly surprised they haven't collabed yet , they seem to get along ok offstream. Might have something to do with Towa organizing an apex stream and no one turning up the day of, or the day after roboco and matsuri first apex stream in a while. Towa probly took it personally and has made less of an effort to try and collab since.

>> No.23795305

I cant believe noel is killing watame on stream

>> No.23795308

What is this retarded Noel stream, ASMR cooking?

>> No.23795310

No holos is autistic enough to get that one cept Noel.

>> No.23795313

And don't forget getting stabbed in the stomach. It fucking hurts, even if it's not that lethal.

>> No.23795314
Quoted by: >>23795333

I really don't see any issue with the stream either. It's not like Moona's doing anything different from all the random people Roboco collabs with, apart from the English which everybody loved when she did it with Towa. Besides, the chat seems happy enough so I'm assuming it's just people here who are upset.

>> No.23795315

Did Towa spend the entire day sleeping or what

>> No.23795316

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.23795318

I'd rather have that than Aqua as a wife, I can't even fathom waking up in the morning to that 48cm 140kg behemoth

>> No.23795319

AAAAHHHH what happened to Jetri

>> No.23795321

Noel is eating sheep? Fucking gross.

>> No.23795327

Noel was abused, deadly cycle and all that

>> No.23795328

I don't want her as a wife, I just want to cook some meat with her.

>> No.23795330

Which holo has the best perks for their members?

>> No.23795331

Temma is weird in that he's not super interesting so he's not anyones favorite, but it's almost impossible to hate him if you aren't an idolfag. He's super inoffensive and seems genuinely happy to stream, even if it's only to 100 people.

>> No.23795332

Not Noel.

>> No.23795333

as long as Roboco is having fun, I have no issues, if people can't ignore chat that's on them.

>> No.23795334

Same bro.
I'm happy the hololives won't ever go through something like that.

>> No.23795335

Sheep is the best barbeque food

>> No.23795336
File: 166 KB, 407x371, 1587015435447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei is suffering...

>> No.23795338
Quoted by: >>23795363

Choco lewd ASMR

>> No.23795339
Quoted by: >>23795363

the nurse

>> No.23795342
Quoted by: >>23795586

But isn't rushia basically a simp magnet? She speciallizes on draining money from simps.

>> No.23795344

who is she rolling for?

>> No.23795345
Quoted by: >>23795374

She's 120cm now.

>> No.23795346
Quoted by: >>23795363

Your favorite holo. Choco is a fun one for me though.

>> No.23795347
Quoted by: >>23795363

Choco does a lot of member only streams

>> No.23795349

Holy shit I could kick her and she wouldn't budge an inch.

>> No.23795350
Quoted by: >>23795363

Given how many members only streams Choco does, she's the best bang for your buck if you like her

>> No.23795351

Choco's asmr used to be free...

>> No.23795353
File: 55 KB, 680x480, EV8nbIUU4AAQVg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, Noel's happy voices always warms my heart.

>> No.23795354

I've never seen someone so lucky yet so unlucky.

>> No.23795355
Quoted by: >>23795390


>> No.23795356

nani the fuck anon?

>> No.23795358
Quoted by: >>23795388


>> No.23795359
Quoted by: >>23795403

>4th stream of the same game
>streaming in the middle of the night
>12,573 watching now
Korone's pretty impressive.

>> No.23795362
Quoted by: >>23795390


>> No.23795363
Quoted by: >>23795384

So many Chocobros...

>> No.23795364

Flare plays Dark Soul in member streams. She knows what her hardcore audience wants to see.

>> No.23795368

Why is she such a gacha brain?

>> No.23795370
Quoted by: >>23795378

>not liking lamb
Shit taste, mate.

>> No.23795372

Senchou goes to your house and fucks you

>> No.23795374
File: 75 KB, 314x654, Aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they just updated her Pokedex entry

>> No.23795377


>> No.23795378

fatty garbage

>> No.23795379

Her boyfriend of course.

>> No.23795380

>"It is here interesting"
I love Roboco trying to speak english using japanese sentence structure

>> No.23795383
Quoted by: >>23795417

This stream is making me like Roboco more and dislike Moona more.

>> No.23795385


>> No.23795384
File: 435 KB, 528x647, vlc_2fiVLHvSjN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be yours if you just give her your money

>> No.23795386

lmao noel

>> No.23795388
Quoted by: >>23795404

full version https://b.catgirlsare.sexy/IfE0.mp4

>> No.23795390

we're about to have matsuri 2.0

>> No.23795392
Quoted by: >>23795406

are they playing casual or rank? is moona at least decent?

>> No.23795393


>> No.23795394

>Levelling rate slow

>> No.23795395

just came home, how bad is the roboco/moona apex so far

>> No.23795397
Quoted by: >>23795413

they aren't anymore?

>> No.23795398

It's great actually. The two are having the time of their lives.

>> No.23795400
File: 10 KB, 170x99, 1589070526580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height: 0.1m
Wight: 999.9kg

>> No.23795403
Quoted by: >>23795435

Why are you even surprised at this point

Peko, korone, aqua and senchou can literally stream anything and they will easily get 10k viewers

They already established a solid fanbase

>> No.23795404
Quoted by: >>23795427

holy shit that's adorable

>> No.23795405

They seem to be having fun.

>> No.23795406

Moona can't compare to Roboco because Roboco plays everyday, so it's just casuals.

>> No.23795409

can't believe I'm awake at this hour to catch AYAME streaming. THE AYAME!!!

>> No.23795413
File: 480 KB, 775x521, vlc_RKkHjoiHhV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because of youtube being a buzzkill

>> No.23795414

>Ability: Sturdy

>> No.23795415

Roboco is somehow managing to carry a stream without being able to communicate with the other person.

>> No.23795416

>Noel has a second house that she currently modifying as studio

>> No.23795417
Quoted by: >>23795438

roboco's very resilient to keep going. if i were her i would be regretting the collab. especially if me and my partner dont share a common tongue. who the fuck initiated this? poor roboco having to carry somebody else's ass.

>> No.23795421

I would pay any price for Kaoru ASMR

>> No.23795423

Just tuned in for Roboco and Moona's stream. Anything happened yet? It looks awkward as fuck in there.

>> No.23795425
File: 590 KB, 851x1200, 78856540_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wanna fuck Towa's roommate so badly

>> No.23795424

korone/hololive thread is up you know where

>> No.23795426

Finally all my red supacha goes somewhere right.

>> No.23795427
Quoted by: >>23795454

https://youtu.be/hEVqnQ3sdtQ?t=72 have okayu losing her shit for 2 minutes, bonus shion, miko and mio as well

>> No.23795428

Shinovu gave it the green light anon, you might not even have to pay for it

>> No.23795429
Quoted by: >>23795492


>> No.23795430

What's the youngest and oldest chuuba? Also any narrative of Shion?

>> No.23795432

>roboco can't speak en/id
>moona can't speak jp
yeah, awkward silence

>> No.23795434

Lurk moar shitbox, I said this 2 months ago every day up until yesterday

>> No.23795435

I'm not exactly surprised, it's just occasionally hits me like "damn, that dog's powerful"

>> No.23795436

Why are they constantly making jetri worse?

>> No.23795437

I stopped watching, the language barrier is killing the vibe...

>> No.23795438

they probably just asked her, Roboco is the physical embodiment of chill with an infinite tolerance threshold. She'll probably collab with holoEN if they ask her.

>> No.23795442
Quoted by: >>23795453

shion is the youngest, luna is the oldest in hololive
5ch stalkers found out shion was expelled from high school due to extreme delinquency on her part

>> No.23795443

mogu mogu asmr is the best though

>> No.23795444

Moona can't even speak en

>> No.23795445
Quoted by: >>23795460

>the youngest and oldest

>> No.23795447

>implying moona can speak en

>> No.23795448

And I wanna fuck some sense into your ass.

>> No.23795450
Quoted by: >>23795491


>> No.23795451

Youngest: me
Oldest: your mum

>> No.23795453

Shion is a gang member? Hot

>> No.23795454

already seen it, fubuki is evil

>> No.23795455

Same reason as twitter, I'm guessing. Who the fuck knows.

>> No.23795456

Moona just keeps repeating the 3 Japanese words she knows and speaking broken English every few minutes. Roboco is still managing to banter a little somehow, but it's like talking to a wall.

>> No.23795457
File: 472 KB, 1290x1821, PPdebiru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related for victorious voters who haven't seen it. I have the urge to want to doodle again. 10th reply gets it.

>> No.23795459
File: 45 KB, 760x278, firefox_GpxjBXAJ33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please watch festival...she needs the views...

>> No.23795460
File: 195 KB, 499x536, 1587772811961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alpha and omega

>> No.23795466
Quoted by: >>23795479

Sui so unlucky...

>> No.23795468
Quoted by: >>23795501

Lyger donates the max amount every stream, she doesn't need anyone else as long as that aspie exists

>> No.23795469

What is this heresy!?

>> No.23795471
Quoted by: >>23795493

Why would they even collab then?

>> No.23795472

my penis exploded

>> No.23795473

I don't like how they removed the permanent sidebar, but the add stream improvements are nice

>> No.23795476

bumping it for other anons, nice kanatan

>> No.23795477

>light law
Kanata, Flare
>neutral law
Subaru, Aki, Suisei, Roboco
>dark law
Choco, Watame, Korone, Noel
>light neutral
Okayu, Mio, Towa
>neutral neutral
Fubuki, Sora
>dark neutral
Miko, Coco
>light chaos
Shion, Aqua, Marine, Rushia
>neutral chaos
Pekora, Haato, Ayame
>dark chaos
Luna, Matsuri
Mel, AZKi

>> No.23795478
File: 89 KB, 1080x983, EWsZbzTU8AUM6IR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did it lads

>> No.23795479


>> No.23795480

Moonajihadis, how could this be?

>> No.23795481

doodle futa okayu

>> No.23795482
File: 343 KB, 1280x1000, 1562109036645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sui was about to stick with a 3 SSR roll
>chat convinced her to keep going
>gets Asahi in the next 20 rolls.

>> No.23795484
File: 396 KB, 1266x685, 1589112769787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone's stream starts
>have a call for work meeting at the same time
Thank God it's over.
I almost lost my shit since the boss looks like that depressed guy from that Korone's drama game.

>> No.23795485
File: 247 KB, 800x764, IMG_20200202_212308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything you want.

>> No.23795486
File: 41 KB, 1178x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start using alternatives.

>> No.23795488

Luna on a baby chair making a mess of her food

>> No.23795490

Why watch her when Kaoru is streaming?

>> No.23795491
Quoted by: >>23795507


>> No.23795492


>> No.23795493

why you ask me? am i look like their manager?

>> No.23795494
Quoted by: >>23795531


>> No.23795496

Roboco being cute!

>> No.23795497

okayu or subaru in a cute dress and embarassed

>> No.23795498

grilled watame is so delicious

>> No.23795499
File: 375 KB, 932x1092, yubi drink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stealth horror game, it's not amazingly FUN to watch, but it seems like a great game to play. And yeah, game definitely gets better as you play, first third is just different characters trying to escape and hide, but starting from second third it gets much more interesting to follow. The part with girl turning into shibito really got me interested in what's going on

>> No.23795501

Is this true? What kind of black market for translations exists that he's making so much?

>> No.23795503


>> No.23795504

oh no danchou wants to eat pekora next...

>> No.23795508

She looks exactly like Kanata

>> No.23795507


>> No.23795511

He's part of the cartel.

>> No.23795512
Quoted by: >>23795530

Noel Chocco and/or Flare swapping outfits, you decide what goes where

>> No.23795513

Angel Towa!

>> No.23795514


>> No.23795515

Holy based, he made it so you faggots actually give views now.

>> No.23795517

Suisei in an adidas dress, squating and with a rifle

>> No.23795518

Subaru in a dress!

>> No.23795520


>> No.23795522

Ayame being cute.

>> No.23795525

Shion and Aqua having a nice time and enjoying life.

>> No.23795526


>> No.23795527

He's a coworker of Coco's ex boyfriend

>> No.23795528
File: 784 KB, 900x506, 1589354067201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795534

>> No.23795530

Noel wearing Choco's Nurse outfit while Choco wears Flare's and Flare wears Noel's would be perfect.

>> No.23795531

she probably didn't even talk to her before streaming, only exchanged contact info and nothing else

>> No.23795532
Quoted by: >>23795545


>> No.23795533

Lucky anon! I will draw this one then.

>> No.23795534

More! Lewder!

>> No.23795535


>> No.23795536

why the fuck would you remove options for no fucking reason? how the fuck do I yell at this retard.

>> No.23795540

based towafag always winning

>> No.23795541

first you get the final post last thread and now you get the drawfag? Nice

>> No.23795542

It keeps happening!

>> No.23795543

Which Holo was bullied IRL?

>> No.23795545

I can't take it anymore... Sorry Roboco.

>> No.23795548


>> No.23795549

All of Towa's luck is being used in these threads.

>> No.23795550
Quoted by: >>23795565


>> No.23795551


>> No.23795552
Quoted by: >>23795628

noel and luna

>> No.23795554

god damn it

>> No.23795555

Miko was bullied due to her speech impediment

>> No.23795556

your mom

>> No.23795557
File: 294 KB, 451x1409, 1558476751749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795571

When will other Holofags learn?

>> No.23795558

Aqua got bullied so much she can only get along with people that bully her now

>> No.23795559

Angel Towa next to Devil Kanata would look pretty cool

>> No.23795562

I would but I've had enough Apex for today.

>> No.23795564

Best reply

>> No.23795565
Quoted by: >>23795572

Why do people keep saying Haachama was bullied? Only the other chuubas bully her

>> No.23795566

Noel and Miko

>> No.23795567


>> No.23795569

Okayu's voice is a gift from the gods.

>> No.23795570


>> No.23795571

I wonder if that guy feels self conscious about his body after becoming a joke

>> No.23795572
Quoted by: >>23795579

>he doesn't know

>> No.23795573

>>>your nihongo is beri jouzu
>>dai, dai, daijoubu desuyo
ahhhhh, this cringe level where your face is falling into the core of the earth is totally not possible
and yet it's happening

>> No.23795574
File: 350 KB, 1946x1668, 1589188854648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795576

Who is responsible for this retarded collab

>> No.23795577

Aqua, they forced her to work in construction when she was like 10 just because she was 48m 140kg

>> No.23795578

>All these random encounters
How the fuck can people stand playing DragonQuest? Is having autsim a requirement to tolerate this shit or what?

>> No.23795579

Fill me in narrative-kun

>> No.23795580

So Suisei likes russian type characters?

>> No.23795581
Quoted by: >>23795595


>> No.23795585

shut up zoomie

>> No.23795586

Yes. That's why she's really valuable, even more valuable than Pekora.

>> No.23795587
Quoted by: >>23795653

anon you've given me the motivation to start practicing drawing again
thank you

>> No.23795588

Maybe Towafags should keep their celebrations for when Towa gets something that actually matters like a collab.

>> No.23795589
Quoted by: >>23795618


>> No.23795590

this, drawfag-san please just do this after the solo towa is finished

>> No.23795592
Quoted by: >>23795618


>> No.23795595

based, keep organising them so these threads implode

>> No.23795597

THE かなた

>> No.23795600

yes, people only "like" DQ because it's the father of JRPGs, it's like unironically liking mario games

>> No.23795601

abe here. you have to pair the homos with the holos to regrow the population.

>> No.23795602
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1588392078563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this SIREN game is related to the new zoomer meme "SIREN HEAD" from yesterday's PewDiePie video?

>> No.23795603
Quoted by: >>23795618


>> No.23795606
Quoted by: >>23795674

go back

>> No.23795607

Moona is going to an hero after this collab.

>> No.23795608

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

>> No.23795611
Quoted by: >>23795674


>> No.23795612

Fuck the population and fuck you Abe.

>> No.23795613

towafags are filled with almost as much happiness as sadness, we have plenty to spread around.

>> No.23795615
Quoted by: >>23795674

peak zoomer

>> No.23795616

>like a collab.
Low blow.

>> No.23795617
Quoted by: >>23795674


>> No.23795618

I'm not watching. Give me a run-down.

>> No.23795622
File: 56 KB, 736x557, 1586833280305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795674


>> No.23795623

I'm not getting my hopes up.

>> No.23795626
Quoted by: >>23795674


>> No.23795627
File: 91 KB, 884x217, 80539786_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cant be right. Did the stream just finish or something ? I don't want to click through to find out

>> No.23795628


>> No.23795629
Quoted by: >>23795674

Powerful bait

>> No.23795630
Quoted by: >>23795674


>> No.23795632

cute roboco

>> No.23795634

It disconnected for a bit. They're back now.

>> No.23795636
File: 397 KB, 1448x2048, EA913A8B-02D8-4AF8-84E1-8B806A6633C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Vtuber is a gyaru IRL

>> No.23795637

her obs crashed

>> No.23795638

Not based Abe-sama...

>> No.23795639
Quoted by: >>23795777

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZsErjtKibM Miko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dAt-JNSp9Y Flare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97n02grbqTY Oga

>> No.23795640
File: 149 KB, 840x1200, lolimatsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23795641

Roboco's stream keeps dying, some dead air when nothing's happening but nothing too bad.

>> No.23795643


>> No.23795645

she's the designated clueless gaijin punching bag in programs she appeared in

>> No.23795646
Quoted by: >>23795657

It's like EOP's and JOP's in a chatroom.

>> No.23795647


>> No.23795648
Quoted by: >>23795674

This is a masterpiece.

>> No.23795649

noel bullied in high school. luna bullied in niji

>> No.23795650

context is ,they were bullied.

>> No.23795651
Quoted by: >>23795674

Top quality bait

>> No.23795654
File: 1.40 MB, 850x1202, FBKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best of gamers

>> No.23795653
Quoted by: >>23795675

Keep doodling, fellow drawfag. It's great with your favorite chuuba in the background too, or on another screen, to keep you motivated.

>> No.23795656

>that indo that donates in argie dollars is still doing it
Very uncool.

>> No.23795657


>> No.23795659

Roboco is pretty much carrying the conversation

>> No.23795662
File: 12 KB, 423x282, THE 草.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shrimp

>> No.23795663

It's Moona, so it's fine.

>> No.23795664

This collab is awkward as fuck.

>> No.23795665

is she playing at 30fps or did she lower the recording to 30?

>> No.23795667

Hoshikawa probably

>> No.23795668
File: 582 KB, 677x646, 1585487034429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru's are normies that want to stand out so you have to look at the normies in this chart

>> No.23795670

at least she do it to roboco

>> No.23795671

Why would someone bully Noel?

Women are disgusting. Imagine dudes bullying other dudes because their dick is bigger.

>> No.23795673
Quoted by: >>23795682

No one likes Fubuki

>> No.23795674
File: 1.77 MB, 389x450, 1585468386055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795692


>> No.23795675

>with your favorite chuuba in the background too, or on another screen
Can confirm, this is the best.

>> No.23795676
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, WgIoL4X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.23795678

yeah, anon should've written ESL

>> No.23795682
Quoted by: >>23795697

You're right, everyone LOVES her

>> No.23795684

fuck you don't you ever use watame for your shitposts ever again

>> No.23795686

>pic unrelated

>> No.23795688

Gyaru Watame makes my pp hard

>> No.23795691

Subaru you fucking normalfag

>> No.23795692
File: 2.77 MB, 800x640, 1588900280200.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795760


>> No.23795693

It's unironically the worst collab I've seen

>> No.23795694

Moona 1.6k viewers
Roboco 1.3k viewers
@robocobros ze,,,zehi,,

>> No.23795695

lmao why would the bulli Noel?

>> No.23795696

I'm talking about the atmosphere in the chatroom compared to Roboco and Moona's.

>> No.23795697

based and konpilled

>> No.23795700
Quoted by: >>23795706


>> No.23795702

If I didn't know what she looked like I'd have guessed Towa could be a gyaru by the way she talks.

>> No.23795704

she is ugly and autistic

>> No.23795706

again, her stream died a couple times, so she lost a few viewers

>> No.23795708
Quoted by: >>23795744

Women hate each other and will lash out if you stand out. Big breasts stand out.

>> No.23795709
File: 621 KB, 919x1300, 1589203800509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to perform cunnilingus on the dog

>> No.23795711

I don't want to tune in right now, please understand...

>> No.23795713

I can't believe Korone is so into youtube.

>> No.23795715
Quoted by: >>23795731


>> No.23795717

How? I can't even watch Moona's stream.

>> No.23795721

I just want to hold her hand.

>> No.23795723

probably aqua
even miko laughed at how she was scared at everything...

>> No.23795726

>tfw ywn protect Aqua...

>> No.23795727
Quoted by: >>23795758

today... for sure... Flare

>> No.23795729
File: 468 KB, 591x891, 1585199889408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795763

Stop or Roboco's gonna go nuclear
Roboco hovers around 2k before the crash

>> No.23795731

I want to say you can't use this word in that way, but I don't know if that's true or not. either way, good one.

>> No.23795732
File: 37 KB, 254x450, Moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a perfect execution of the plan you and your mujahideen friends manage to get into heaven. As you prepare to meet your 72 virgin wives you realize the room is empty, what's happening? should you call Allah?... Suddenly telephone connection sounds start to come out of nowhere like a cacophony of screaming jewish children, after a while you recognize a face appearing out of thin air in front of you... 72 faces, all of them the exact same face... This is wrong you think, I didn't die and leave Abdullah and Samar for this... What would you do?

>> No.23795734

her stream dead twice and her chatroom filled with indonesian

>> No.23795735

Falling asleep to ayame's voice

>> No.23795737

Towa stricks me as someone pretending to be a normie fit in.

>> No.23795738

Just came back after a week, any new Towa narrative?

>> No.23795740

Such is the fate of Aqua the 28cm 140g midget.

>> No.23795742

Marine probably for being a weird lesbian otaku. Knowing how super friendly people are bullied here I could see it being a thing in Japan

>> No.23795744

Specifically, women are insecure af and will bully anyone they perceive as a threat.

>> No.23795745

She has huge tits tho

>> No.23795746
Quoted by: >>23795762

I don't see what that has to do with my post

>> No.23795748

Towa's actually a tomboy irl when she was younger

>> No.23795749

GOD I want a scaredy-cat NEET shutin gamer sweaty smelly 144cm 48kg diamond rank aqua girlfriend.

>> No.23795755
Quoted by: >>23795778

Anon, high school girls are usually pretty mean to awkward girls, especially ones with big tits. Jealousy is an ugly thing.

>> No.23795756

IDs are used to streams lagging so they can't even tell there's a problem.

>> No.23795757

extremely stupid to sday and you should shut up!

>> No.23795758
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, angryelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ah ah ah ah!

>> No.23795759

>has a job

>> No.23795760

wtf is this real

>> No.23795761

I'm starting to feel it bros...

>> No.23795762

Why would she be bullied when she has huge tits?

>> No.23795763
Quoted by: >>23795771

is this from their anime shorts?

>> No.23795764

Does she? Where?

>> No.23795765

what does having big tits do that stops bullying? She didnt even have her tits grown yet when she was bullied out of school

>> No.23795766

Jop akifags angry at her for being a mean apex teacher who laughs at her students. That narrative is kinda stale now tho.

>> No.23795770

Girls are incredibly vicious, especially at that age.

>> No.23795771
Quoted by: >>23795782

Some guy's render. I don't remember lol

>> No.23795772

Because women are callous creatures

>> No.23795774
File: 697 KB, 640x640, 1589281141938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello y'all
Fuck off english chatters

>> No.23795775

Oh nice, I didn't know this Mio song had hit a million views

>> No.23795776

I want to lick that exposed armpits

>> No.23795777

>Shin Yomawari
Can't wait for the menu spooks.That got Fubuki good.

>> No.23795778

I've never understood teenage girls' problem with awkward girls with huge tits.

>> No.23795781

Towa will stream later... I believe in her...

>> No.23795782

i can't seem to find it

>> No.23795784

A girl in my class in middle school was bullied for having big tits, probably because the rest of the girls were small compared to her so they were jealous

>> No.23795786

I heard Towa is going to be converted into an angel soon!

>> No.23795788


>> No.23795790

moona stop chatting with viewer....

>> No.23795792

Freya is so ugly...

>> No.23795793

Tall poppy syndrome.

>> No.23795794
Quoted by: >>23795803

Girls are more fucked up then boys when it comes to bullying.

>> No.23795795

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it happen myself to one of my crushes. Pretty sure it's pure jealously because a lot of horny boys were into her. I just liked how nice she was to me, even helped me learn a bit of Math when I was falling behind.

>> No.23795797
File: 2.41 MB, 2120x2028, BF3AE7AD-2378-4461-980A-8F3C477758AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Holo would make the best mother? Pic related

>> No.23795798
Quoted by: >>23795811

It's your boy Asmongold

>> No.23795800
Quoted by: >>23795834

Oh yeah, I remember Big Tits Mcgee
Those were the days right, anon?

>> No.23795801

the nurse, she'd even let you use her for stress release

>> No.23795802
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2891, 1566380083164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795803

Boys will just call you a dumb faggot, and 10 years ago would steal your lunch money. Girls will try to destroy your entire social life

>> No.23795804

Luna was bullied ?

>> No.23795808

Mio probably, but she does reminds me a lot of my mom, the cunt.

>> No.23795810
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1589173783999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miko's OBS is not working so she's rebooting her pc

>> No.23795811 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 1384x1158, 1589382776982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795812


>> No.23795814

Are you fucking retarded? What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.23795815

watame probably has a black son already

>> No.23795820


>> No.23795822


>> No.23795824
File: 404 KB, 1036x1450, FZqeyzvKmZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795825
Quoted by: >>23795835

Fubuki, I want to say roboco, but she's kinda derpy.

>> No.23795826

Okayu for being overweight in an asian country.

>> No.23795829

hey I'm a dude and got bullied too for having big boobs

>> No.23795831

>$1500 pc
>can’t use it

>> No.23795834

They were pretty fun, me and my friend constantly talking about how we would fuck her. Even had a friend that was into rape shit and constantly talked about chaining her to a bed and shit.

>> No.23795835
Quoted by: >>23795855

>but she's kinda derpy

>> No.23795836

sorry robobros...this is just too awkward...

>> No.23795837
Quoted by: >>23795879


>> No.23795839

Doggo mentioned mama on stream...

>> No.23795842

There's nothing more destructive for a girl than another girl. Being cute and having big bonkers intensified it.
>That girl is really cute and has big breasts
>She is going to steal my boyfriend
>Disgusting bitch she deserves the worst

>> No.23795847
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, 8E41776B-7C4C-4816-918C-1C4594FD2137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23795848

This still bewilders me how OBS can just fail for no reason whatsoever and it's still not fixed.

>> No.23795849

MIko would be the best mom, buying me Mcdonalds and forgetting about me in the parking lot.

>> No.23795851

>Girls will try to destroy your entire social life
Someone post that anon who bullied disabled girl.

>> No.23795852

Its really bad. Pretty much Moona left Roboco on her own to keep the conversation going.

>> No.23795855

3 days in a row now, she's accidently switched to her ending screen when trying to go to her apex screen. also there was the nether bed thing.

>> No.23795856

Why tf did they even collab

>> No.23795858

Roboco is nice and loves playing apex with people.

>> No.23795859
Quoted by: >>23795880

Roboco's too nice to say no

>> No.23795862

meant to >>23795778

>> No.23795863
Quoted by: >>23795883

This is why I retreated from the real world into anime, and more specifically yuri. It's so refreshing to watch women get along and not be bitches toward each other.

>> No.23795865


>> No.23795866

To be fair, same thing happens to other streaming software as well. Together it is some of the buggiest fucking software around.

>> No.23795868

>already been 12 hours since I woke up
>only been in this thread and on youtube
>didn't even bother to shower

>> No.23795869

It's her luck stat.
Is she the Miko for the Axis cult ?

>> No.23795870


>> No.23795871

correction: those are specifically American chatters

>> No.23795875

If only Risu was here...

>> No.23795876
Quoted by: >>23795903

Disgusting. Dont abandon your real life bro

>> No.23795877
File: 1.94 MB, 1290x1821, 28676F33-599B-4004-BB97-47072CD2F7D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795901

I want to bully Marine’s womb!

>> No.23795879

Directly translating hera as "sick" without context, nice translation. Goodjob to the translator of this video for confusing even more Eops

>> No.23795880
Quoted by: >>23795889

god i really want to have bad relationship with roboco

>> No.23795883
File: 73 KB, 700x619, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based yurichad

>> No.23795885

I don't know about you guys but as someone who's joining way, way later than your senior collab partner and can't even speak the language she's proficient in, shouldn't you at least have the decency to learn two or three of phrases that you'll probably have to frequently uses to communicate?

>> No.23795886

They accidentally played together once before, they got matched together at some point off stream once.

>> No.23795889
Quoted by: >>23795905

sorry, I won't break up with my wife

>> No.23795891

Vtubers taught me you can go at least 3 days without a shower if it's winter.

>> No.23795892

I'm not saying stop it but will [name here] plus ellipses ever go out of fashion here?

>> No.23795893
Quoted by: >>23795910

Silky smooth 4 fps.

>> No.23795897

miko's back, she's going for morishima's route so it's going to be a long stream

>> No.23795901

How did they hit such gold with Marine? She's one of the like 3-4 girls I know who after all this can just retire to being a casual streamer if she wanted to and still maintain a massive audience

>> No.23795902

Same, just get it in before the next day.

>> No.23795903

>real life
there's nothing to abandon, I'm on disability and have no social life, I only leave my place to buy food

>> No.23795905
Quoted by: >>23795915

don't worry. roboco won't say no to open relationship

>> No.23795906

stop watching Mea

>> No.23795908
Quoted by: >>23795968

don't even pretend like she'd be able to communicate any much further than cute noises as well
the only exception is that everyone in the thread will love it

>> No.23795909
Quoted by: >>23795973

no dissent against our moona
moonafics rise up

>> No.23795910

That's still a hundred times better than this.

>> No.23795912

Is Sekiro harder than Nioh?

>> No.23795913


>> No.23795915
Quoted by: >>23795935

but I will

>> No.23795916


>> No.23795921
Quoted by: >>23795973

Infidels must adapt to Muslims, not vice-versa.

>> No.23795923

Based pekopeko

>> No.23795924
Quoted by: >>23795941

Boys tends to get physical especially in those living in dorms. A 12yo fresh from primary was bullied and raped by the 17yo seniors in my secondary school.

>> No.23795926

There are people in this thread who aren't watching Peko right now...

>> No.23795929
Quoted by: >>23796252

Wait is Siren just the same plot as Bloodborne?
Sasuga Miyazumbo

>> No.23795930

Sekiro is all about reactions and the flow of battle while Nioh you can get over all but the most bullshit of things with gear and cheese

>> No.23795932

I thought it was 10 days in the winter.

>> No.23795935

What a chad.

>> No.23795936
File: 866 KB, 595x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23795972

Noel's like that?!

>> No.23795939

is she still gambling?

>> No.23795940
Quoted by: >>23795991

Harder probably, better game? nope.

>> No.23795941
Quoted by: >>23795955

I think what was going on there was a bit more than bullying

>> No.23795942

no Islamchads are above that

>> No.23795948
Quoted by: >>23795954

sorry but her games are boring as fuck to watch

>> No.23795951

"Islamchads" literally have to learn Arabic in order to not go to hell so I don't know about that

>> No.23795952

it wasn't really a problem until one day some guy sperged about it measuring how many ellipses are posted per thread. that opened the flood gates.

>> No.23795953
Quoted by: >>23795963

>She's one of the like 3-4 girls I know
>a Japanese livestreamer
anon that doesn't qualify as a person you "know"

>> No.23795954
Quoted by: >>23795964


>> No.23795955

his boywomb was bullied

>> No.23795959

moona: i'm gonna die
Roboco: nice nice nice

>> No.23795961


>> No.23795962
Quoted by: >>23796015

Whens the plot reveal for siren

>> No.23795963
Quoted by: >>23795980

Anon please don't take this away form me I don't want to start saying I don't know anyone.

>> No.23795964

busy watching horizon zero dawn bro

>> No.23795965

/r/ roboco saying "MOZAMBIQUE HEA"

>> No.23795968

while risu is obviously not fluent, she is a much bigger weeb than moona. her stream few hours ago show her speaking quiet a bit in japanese. she will do much better than moona.

>> No.23795966

based roboco

>> No.23795969

Happy Peko.

>> No.23795970

Jrpgs are one of the few genres i generally just can't watch streamed.

>> No.23795972

Mio's reaction to hearing what's Noel's cup size is gold

>> No.23795973

Everyday I'm glad Hololive thread and Moona exists to contain child rapists and serial bombers like you all.

>> No.23795975
Quoted by: >>23796263

Because she’s being herself unironically where the rest are playing a character

>> No.23795976
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 1589354329085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the rabbit when you could be watching the dog

>> No.23795980

I know you anon, I care.

>> No.23795982

Top 10 most viewed Hololive covers

1. おちゃめ機能 by Hololive
2. ダダダダ天使 by Minato Aqua
3. 太陽系デスコ by Tokino Sora
4. エイリアンエイリアン by Tokino Sora
5. 天球、彗星は夜を跨いで by Hoshimachi Suisei
6. インドア系ならトラックメイカー by Minato Aqua
7. ゴーストルール by Amane Kanata
8. ウミユリ海底譚 by Nekomata Okayu
9. アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 by Tokino Sora
10. ディスコミュ星人 by Usada Pekora

11. 凛として咲く花の如く by Ookami Mio
12. スパークル by Ookami Mio
13. Shiny Smily Story (Mizugi MV ver.) by Hololive
14. ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー by OkaKoro
15. 惑星ループ by Nekomata Okayu

Did your favorite chuuba make it in?

>> No.23795983

her true nature revealed
more on moona for not learning the word for dying.

>> No.23795984
File: 21 KB, 640x450, 1577833540737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenjin is actually pretty cute
kinda wish I supported her more when she first debuted instead of ignoring her when she was posted
Also Matsuri sounds kinda lewd today

>> No.23795985

I also had a middle school classmate with big tits and she was the silent diligent student type so she wasn't popular at all. She also had an epilepsy attack in the middle of a class once. Her only friends were the perfect student of the class and some quasimodo looking girl.

>> No.23795986

not only roboco carrying the conversation, she carrying the game too holy shit

>> No.23795988

why is flare starting out with the 2nd yomawari

>> No.23795989
Quoted by: >>23796018

Roboco it's time to stop.. You have suffered enough already

>> No.23795990
Quoted by: >>23796044

The game Korone is playing looks like hot, gooey, sticky ass, but it's still a more efficient and fun use of my time than watching Summer Game Fest.

>> No.23795991
Quoted by: >>23796045

Nah it's better too. Nioh is shit.

>> No.23795992

I'll watch Peko if you let me know where on the JRPG scale between Kanata and Subaru she falls.

>> No.23795994
Quoted by: >>23796017

back to /pol/

>> No.23795995

Holoid is a mistake

>> No.23795998

Bro what do you mean, she knows all the phrases she needs: ちょっと待って、大丈夫、何だこれは、ごめんなさい

>> No.23796000
Quoted by: >>23796076

like on the top if kanata is in the middle and subaru at the bottom

>> No.23796001


>> No.23796002

More than once. Impressed that Sora doesn't surpass her.

>> No.23796005

The queen of Hololive... Hololive...

>> No.23796006
Quoted by: >>23796146

Some of those aren't covers.

>> No.23796007

is Roboco a popular vtuber?

>> No.23796008

I'm a pekobro and i'm not watching because i don't find jrpgs interesting to watch

>> No.23796009

>Monsters are like wieners
some wisdom from Luna

>> No.23796010
Quoted by: >>23796021

>child rapists
What about matsurifags or matsuri herself?

>> No.23796014
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1514190535309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796172

>Sora losing to Aqua

>> No.23796015


>> No.23796017
Quoted by: >>23796051

You first, Mohammed *wink*
Oh, I'm sorry it's your monthly fasting, sorry for the indirect lusting

>> No.23796018

seems this is their last game. roboco will have an excuse to prepare her karaoke stream

>> No.23796019

>Roboco thinks she said I'm gonna daijoubu

>> No.23796022
Quoted by: >>23796084

Is Fubuking the only holo who is promoting other stream ? https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1260590358880272385

>> No.23796021

>drawings are real

>> No.23796023

Moona plays like an escort NPC that aggros everything and copies everything you say

>> No.23796024

>3 covers from Sora
Can't beat the real idol.

>> No.23796028

About a Kabaru

>> No.23796031

>How did they hit such gold with Marine?
Well, she's a pirate after all

>> No.23796032

Is Miko gay? Why does she keep playing all these garuge where you date women?

>> No.23796033
File: 243 KB, 325x366, chrome_2020-05-14_00-41-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made it twice

>> No.23796035
Quoted by: >>23796059

Where's Scatman

>> No.23796036

I really like Noel's talking stream

>> No.23796037
Quoted by: >>23796053

I can't help but shower twice a day... hate sleeping sweaty.

>> No.23796038

>no Festival's Fanservice

>> No.23796041

In general yes. But slightly less than other Hololive members

>> No.23796042
File: 200 KB, 343x392, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did your favorite chuuba make it in?

>> No.23796043

If you actually watched Matsuri you would know her lust doesn't stop at drawings.

>> No.23796044


>> No.23796045
Quoted by: >>23796068

Shit probably, but shittier that Sekiro? nope.

>> No.23796050

天球 is so good

>> No.23796051
Quoted by: >>23796063

It's okay bro, you'll grow up one day.

>> No.23796052
Quoted by: >>23796085

galge are based and redpilled while otomege are just fucking shit

>> No.23796053
Quoted by: >>23796074

That's the correct way to live. Don't listen to smelly shutins.

>> No.23796054

Based https://files.catbox.moe/r1hq3a.mp4

>> No.23796056

Hoshikawa is 20 years old

>> No.23796057
File: 225 KB, 1280x1280, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__a18e58bc7c4ee421171deb18293d1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should watch it more often bro

>> No.23796058

Towabro it's because you don't post her covers every thread, you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.23796059

That's a meme

>> No.23796062

Which Holo would stink irl?

>> No.23796063

You... you meant to fuck me, Mr. Abdol? That's illegal to your shahriah!

>> No.23796064
Quoted by: >>23796092

>lust is illegal
unless she's actually raped a kid there's nothing wrong here

>> No.23796065

oira thats an original

>> No.23796066
Quoted by: >>23796105

Towa's Live2D can make some pretty good expressions, it's up there with Watame's in quality.

>> No.23796068

if you have braindamage and like fighting the same copypaste enemies from level 1 for 50 hours sure

>> No.23796070
Quoted by: >>23796087

I've listened to this song about 30 times in the past few days

>> No.23796072


>> No.23796073

You can easily cheese Nioh, but you can't cheese Sekiro. That's why a lot of people hate it even tho It's the best Souls game, they can't cheese it like they did with Dark Souls

>> No.23796074

showering twice a day is bad for your health

>> No.23796076

Your scale sounds broken.

>> No.23796079

Yer mum

>> No.23796080


>> No.23796082
Quoted by: >>23796104

miko's your typical NTR BBM inside a girl's body and that's why we love her

>> No.23796084

She's pretty much doing YAGOO's work since the latter is too busy building up his boi harem.

>> No.23796085

I played both genres and can confirm that most otome games (that are translated to english anyway) are very bad story wise.

>> No.23796086
Quoted by: >>23796113

Does the new Iceborne mechanics make the World early game a breeze?

>> No.23796087

It's a really good cover.

>> No.23796088

>What would you do if laws didn't exist?
Gibara: I'd marry a JS, also as soon as they grow too old I'd change it for another one (Matsuri agrees with Gibara just in the child part, not in the getting another one) Gundou asks if they'd have sex with said JS and Matsuri says "But of course" and Gibara mentions even getting a dildo
Matsuri: I'd kill someone just for the fun of it while watching as they pass away (Matsuri mentions her dad is a policeman). Her preference for the act is a young male having a happy life. (Then again what the fuck do you expect from the girl that does knive fights with her mom as her mom did with her grandma)

>> No.23796091

>luna is a skipfag
absolutely based

>> No.23796092
Quoted by: >>23796101

Considering she said she would kill a person if there were no consequences for it, it's only a matter of time before she finds a good opportunity.

>> No.23796093


This is the most viewed cover in all of Nijisanji

>> No.23796095
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1509061011935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play apex alone most of the time that she gets lonely
>had to bug ayame for apex collab on twitter so much she even comes off as creepy
>asked junior who can't speak english or nipponese to play apex with, accepts but gets ignored on stream
bros...roboco doesn't deserve this...

>> No.23796097

>the retarded baby is playing my favorite game
What ? I love her now

>> No.23796098
Quoted by: >>23796111

Link it and give it a pity view.

>> No.23796101

I'm pretty sure a lot of people would kill if there were no consequences.

>> No.23796102

haha i wonder if Moona would realise if Roboco said this quietly in japanase: you stupid Indonesian weeb i hope you retire

>> No.23796104
File: 309 KB, 1748x1181, IMG_20200504_150138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796105
File: 2.93 MB, 239x280, towa vibing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796127

I love how bouncy it can be.

>> No.23796106

I can't really pity miko for having low viewership when all you play are VNs and ark
Its good that shes playing what she wanted though and she did have a loyal albeit smaller following

>> No.23796107

I heard she was reluctant at first becoming a singer because she thought her voice is "too deep" for singing

>> No.23796108

Wakusei Loop needs to get to a million already

>> No.23796109
File: 261 KB, 1000x1392, EWiSdLyU4AEHbpu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes even though I peronsally like her second cover more

>> No.23796111
Quoted by: >>23796120


>> No.23796113

no, it's the defender armor set that comes with it
it's just below the weakest master rank armor in stats and comes with QoL skills.

>> No.23796114

the only person she asked to collab was ayame

>> No.23796115

i will play with Roboco happily ;)

>> No.23796116
Quoted by: >>23796211

Gibara sounds based

>> No.23796118

This is counting views from youtube/niconico/bilibili altogether?

>> No.23796120
Quoted by: >>23796128


>> No.23796124

Why do these girls cry so much? Miko, Pekora, Watame, Towa, Noel, Flare, Korone, Haachama and Shion have all cried on Stream

>> No.23796125
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1589048747572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time bro

>> No.23796126

anyone have the pastebin link for nonstop story?

>> No.23796127

Imagining her doing this sitting at her desk alone makes me laugh more than the actual webm.

>> No.23796128

You're welcome. Enjoy!

>> No.23796131

as if roboco would ever say that.

>> No.23796133

No. Nobody cares about bilibili and niconico numbers.

>> No.23796134

Just youtube. Bilibili views are fake and no one cares about niconico.

>> No.23796135
Quoted by: >>23796181

>Why do humans have emotions

>> No.23796136

Do you anons listen much to hololive original songs? If so, give me suggestions.

>> No.23796137

matsuri what the fuck

>> No.23796139
Quoted by: >>23796321

They all have broken families, why do you think they become chuubas

>> No.23796140
Quoted by: >>23796171

They need love
My love

>> No.23796142

They're girls.

>> No.23796143

She also wants to marry and have sex with a JS if the law didn't exist.

>> No.23796144
File: 71 KB, 541x691, 1305813492087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796167

feels good to be a vtuber chad
Why even play the game yourself when you can watch the girls struggle and play them for you

>> No.23796145
File: 287 KB, 890x890, EXqIR6hVAAA4l2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't play Apex with her friends because her computer is a potato, please don't bully the elite shrine maiden

>> No.23796146
Quoted by: >>23796173

Which ones aren't covers?

>> No.23796149
Quoted by: >>23796162

Matsuri and Matsurifags are mentally ill.

>> No.23796150

roboco's so pure of heart she could become a super saiyan.

>> No.23796151

It's okay, she's almost at 300k views...

>> No.23796152
Quoted by: >>23796188

what means a JS

>> No.23796154
Quoted by: >>23796318

Maybe Lyger is the one we should be worrying about...

>> No.23796155
Quoted by: >>23796283

Has Marine or Coco cried yet? They seem too happy

>> No.23796157
Quoted by: >>23796192

What Holo used to cut herself in hs?

>> No.23796160
File: 304 KB, 584x536, squirrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homostar and IDs collab when?

>> No.23796162

I'd kill this anon if laws didn't exist.

>> No.23796163

Towabros, reminder to watch her cover everyday. We still have to defeat the apology video.

>> No.23796164

Really? Didn't know Mikochi's pc was bad

>> No.23796165

she doesn't care about money or views she just doesn't want to play her games alone

>> No.23796167

>Why even play the game yourself
Because these girls usually don't play the games I play.

>> No.23796169

What even is your metric for low viewership anyway

>> No.23796171

Your love reeks of salty coins and milk though.

>> No.23796172

I'm actually kind of surprised, the only cover I really know by her is track maker so I didn't really think of her as a big singing type

>> No.23796173

Tenkyuu and SSS I guess.

>> No.23796174

But she can play Ark, How is her PC a potato?

>> No.23796177

That used to be the norm everywhere

>> No.23796178


>> No.23796179

Only girls that are fundamentally broken would choose to spend this much time in front of a stream. And only the ones that trigger the male protection instinct would survive.

>> No.23796180 [DELETED] 


>> No.23796181

>anime girls

>> No.23796182

Man, I really like Risu

>> No.23796184

To make people feel sorry for them and donate, it's an easy way to get superchats

>> No.23796187
File: 977 KB, 3250x2048, EX5qziFX0AUSiHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796188

Toddler: under 4
JY/kindergarten girl: 5-6 (can be 4)
JS/elementary school girl: 7-12 (can be 6)
JC/middle school girl: 13-15 (can be 12)
JK/high school girl: 16-18 (can be 15)
JD/college girl: 19-22 (can be 18)

>> No.23796190

I wish I was a shota around these girls. I swear all of them like JS

>> No.23796191

Maybe one day we'll see a vtuber play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or /gsg/'s.

>> No.23796192

Korone for sure or maybe Pekora after she failed her driving test

>> No.23796194
File: 2.01 MB, 800x1200, A6461B59-DEA2-44D6-B481-F7A103186127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796208


>> No.23796196
Quoted by: >>23796205

like most people did pre-1930 before the catholics stuck their dick into everything

>> No.23796197

But anon... It's not the computer; she is the potato.

>> No.23796198
File: 137 KB, 350x390, 1587978839779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796209

Love her singing, big fan of this as well and as a bonus it features a robo butt

>> No.23796200

anon she isn't playing apex again because she doesn't want to not because she can't

>> No.23796203

They mean lolis, not shotas.

>> No.23796204

Roboco is very popular with other vtubers

>> No.23796205
Quoted by: >>23796224

Oh fuck off

>> No.23796207

You'd still be an ugly shota so they will go for your cute friends instead.

>> No.23796208
Quoted by: >>23796235


>> No.23796209
Quoted by: >>23796221

if only they mocapped it instead of those janky animations

>> No.23796211

Not that anon but Gibara is very based, she kissed a girl on stream while drunk and made two girls kiss each other. She got a lot of hate after that.


>> No.23796213

My favorite chuuba always make it in every top 10.

>> No.23796214

>go through character development
>don't expect emotions
It means they're genuine pal.

>> No.23796215

Thanks as always boss

>> No.23796217

I feel like Kaoru would enjoy S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a great choice if he ever wants to play a FPS.

>> No.23796220
Quoted by: >>23796232

Okayu covers are more popular than I thought, neat.

>> No.23796221

This. The coded animation looks stiff as fuck.

>> No.23796222

>She got a lot of hate after that.

>> No.23796223

what did noel just take photos of?

>> No.23796224

lol catholics post on /jp/? dont you have altar boys to rape?

>> No.23796225

Subaru sure is cute right here.

>> No.23796226

>1. おちゃめ機能 by Hololive
>2. ダダダダ天使 by Minato Aqua
>3. 太陽系デスコ by Tokino Sora
>4. エイリアンエイリアン by Tokino Sora
>5. 天球、彗星は夜を跨いで by Hoshimachi Suisei
>6. インドア系ならトラックメイカー by Minato Aqua
>7. ゴーストルール by Amane Kanata
>8. ウミユリ海底譚 by Nekomata Okayu
>9. アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 by Tokino Sora
>10. ディスコミュ星人 by Usada Pekora

For the lazy.

Man, imagine being a singing focused holo and losing in viewership to Pekora.

>> No.23796228
File: 323 KB, 800x867, EX54Y2VWkAMUu_S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHOY! https://streamable.com/rpol0u

>> No.23796229
Quoted by: >>23796245

Alicefags were those "muh pure chuuba, don't dirty her" types

>> No.23796230

None of the girls will ever be able to stream the games I play, at least not on youtube.
Miko streaming eroge on pornhub when?

>> No.23796232

Okayu's covers are so good. Otome Kaibou is already at 700k in just a month.

>> No.23796233
Quoted by: >>23796251

Matsuri tongued Roboco and Roboco's fans got angry too.

>> No.23796235

flare already built a new pc though, that list is outdated

>> No.23796238

Nijisanji fanbase is very protective of their loli girls

>> No.23796240
Quoted by: >>23796582

>Ayame at the top
As it should be.

>> No.23796243
Quoted by: >>23796338

Post the Okayu one

>> No.23796244

でィスコミュ星人 is a pretty popular song. ナナヲ is top tier, and pekora's voice and personality fits it well.

>> No.23796245

dirtying is okay when it's other girls

>> No.23796246

>imagine being a singing focused holo and losing in viewership to Pekora.
Imagine not knowing how popularity works.

>> No.23796247

how about instead of korone playing another doom game she plays F.E.A.R instead

>> No.23796250
File: 297 KB, 1772x2048, EX2214IU4AAmSd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based squirrel.

>> No.23796251

Post it.

>> No.23796252
File: 22 KB, 264x380, 62686918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a lot in common, but apparently both Kos and Datatsushi are based on japanese folklore where washed up whales were seen as whale gods gifting villagers their body

>> No.23796253

You act like they cry every day. Usually something triggers it and the reason is usually understandable

>> No.23796255

I'd watch that

>> No.23796257
Quoted by: >>23796269

holy fuck that's actually so good. she has to be a legit VA.

>> No.23796258

That, or Dead Space.

>> No.23796259

Needs a few more pitches up.

>> No.23796260

Easily identifiable as fake but not bad.

>> No.23796263

She is doing a fake voice though and there are other girls that are way more genuine

>> No.23796265
Quoted by: >>23796315

None of the Sora covers I like made it to the list, but I guess that's due in part to them being newer and having less time to build up views.

>> No.23796269
Quoted by: >>23796279

>holy fuck that's actually so good
No, not really. She actually sounds more like Matsuri doing the impression in here.

>> No.23796271
File: 833 KB, 1320x1500, EM4EQBZUEAE23vU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that danchou lewd
God I wish I was crushed by those L cups

>> No.23796274
Quoted by: >>23796280

Who is the fakest hologirls and why is it Lucia?

>> No.23796276

Nice, more people to confuse Aqua with.

>> No.23796279
Quoted by: >>23796285

you're entitled to think that, but you're wrong.

>> No.23796280

Who the fuck is Lucia

>> No.23796282
Quoted by: >>23796289

I know at least one vtuber who has played STALKER, though not in Hololive. I personally would love someone to stream Factorio with comfy music, would be nice for relaxation. Like that Haachama's "Minecraft for sleep" video. Man that seems like it was forever ago.

>> No.23796283
Quoted by: >>23796322

Senchou did back in January. I don't quite remember, it was something about the pressure before the live and people on twitter mocking her for still not having her 3D model ready yet or something.

>> No.23796285
Quoted by: >>23796292

No seriously, it's not really that impressive. If you want something impressive, her okayu voice is better.

>> No.23796287

I unironically prefer Soul vs Soulless posting to Real vs Fake posting.

>> No.23796289

I miss Minecraft...

>> No.23796290


>> No.23796292

that's fine, you can think that, but I don't care. I stand by what I said.

>> No.23796293
File: 2.87 MB, 1761x2556, 2deb6ae67304959dc87b38008c31bcda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796303

>Ayame streaming twice in one day
ayamebros, we have risen.

>> No.23796294

What's with all these newfags questions?

>> No.23796296

Why are Risufags like this?

>> No.23796302

nice try, but I don't even watch Risu

>> No.23796303
Quoted by: >>23796316

Holy shit drunk apex with ayame!

>> No.23796307

I want to eat Noels cooking

>> No.23796308
Quoted by: >>23796323

What wrong with having an opinion?

>> No.23796310

>I don't care.
Clearly, you cared enough that you replied to me. Stop being delusional already.

>> No.23796311
File: 328 KB, 484x494, 1588839772062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn wake up next to this early and bright in the morning to have another beautiful colorful energetic day together
Why even live

>> No.23796315

Post them.

>> No.23796316

with Ayame's bf*

>> No.23796317
File: 33 KB, 416x430, 1589299443169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23796318

Lyger doesn't follow Matsuri's MO sadly

>> No.23796319

>soulful holo
my favorite
>soulless holo
your favorite
>fakest holo
everyone else

>> No.23796321

why if hololive is a social program in japan which is made for depressed neets with broken families so they can contribute to soceity by making people happy

>> No.23796322
Quoted by: >>23796375

Yeah, I remember something about that. Just goes to show how much effect a vocal minority has on your mental wellbeing.

>> No.23796323

Your opinion sucks. Fuck off.

>> No.23796325
File: 26 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two Ayame streams...

>> No.23796326

I want to eat Noels cum

>> No.23796327

>anyone who doesn't share my opinion is delusional
okay I take back what I said, I don't respect your opinion. you're just fucking retarded. stop responding to me

>> No.23796331


>> No.23796332
Quoted by: >>23796345

If I see that damn face ONE MORE TIME

>> No.23796333
Quoted by: >>23796347

I miss comfy Haato...

>> No.23796336
Quoted by: >>23796381

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about her? Ideas?

>> No.23796338
File: 135 KB, 1157x868, EX5kdXMUMAI6jom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796361

This one? Risu's impersonating Okayu's Wakusei Loop.

>> No.23796341

Eh, some of those cries were happiness.

>> No.23796344

My favorite cover is the Kanata Suisei duet.
It's getting up there in views too.

>> No.23796345
File: 85 KB, 985x553, Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD Does anyone&#039;s schtick get old faster than hers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796363


>> No.23796347
Quoted by: >>23796357

Haato comfy minecraft videos were the best

>> No.23796355

Please, every fags got their own autist like this one.

>> No.23796357

Haato did relatively comfy minecraft on bilibili a couple days ago.

>> No.23796361

pride of hololiveID!

>> No.23796363


>> No.23796364

roboco want offstream collab play?

>> No.23796368

Pretender was great and someone already posted the Remote Controller cover she did with Roboco. I also really like her Fansa cover.

>> No.23796372

remove ID

>> No.23796375

She's not entirely without some hera moments now and then. She got really down for a while when she lost monetization too.

>> No.23796378

Bros... How do we save [Holo I don't like]...?

>> No.23796381

Give her to me!

>> No.23796382
File: 642 KB, 720x510, 1589352221812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two sides of the same coin

>> No.23796383
Quoted by: >>23796410


>> No.23796384

remove Moona

>> No.23796385

>korone getting 18k playing siren
this dog really can make any game work

>> No.23796389

Who the fuck is Moona's target audience even?

>> No.23796392

Drama. That'll make that holo relevant.

>> No.23796396

falseflag on the threads

>> No.23796397
File: 244 KB, 1760x1676, 1589121793716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up before i EEK the shit out of your OOK

>> No.23796401
Quoted by: >>23796407


>> No.23796403
Quoted by: >>23796420

Can't make enough money with that much viewers though.

>> No.23796407

Imagine being an IOP.

>> No.23796408
Quoted by: >>23796421

Oh, Flare isn't playing Sekiro.

>> No.23796410

She felt bad from the "collab"...

>> No.23796411

This one is way too good. This world is too much of a blessing.

>> No.23796412

More like two people who aside from both being in hololive, would probably go through life never interacting with each other.

>> No.23796413

muhammad, mujahideen, rahmad, and rizky.

>> No.23796419

I think he means Russia

>> No.23796420
Quoted by: >>23796444

She's making plenty.

>> No.23796421
Quoted by: >>23796440

Did Owl break her like the monkey did? she took a 2 week break from the game after that

>> No.23796426
Quoted by: >>23796458

Just make a Siren movie and watch that with viewers instead

>> No.23796427
Quoted by: >>23796463

Still the best song, fuck Agua.

>> No.23796429
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1589016966490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796457

I want to save the holo I do like though

>> No.23796428

towabros let's spam her cover in every thread
we gonna make it

>> No.23796433


>> No.23796436

minion aside, isn't the black and white pigs on luna's screen also copyrighted? i remember it called monochromebo or something

>> No.23796437

They might just be spraying bullets all over the place hoping some hit a target. How much do you guys think launching a new holo costs? I don't think it's much of a loss for cover if one isn't successful.

>> No.23796439

Guys, Towa is pregnant! by me

>> No.23796440
Quoted by: >>23796460

Owl pretty much gated her but apparently she was practicing off stream and almost killed him so shes getting better

>> No.23796443
Quoted by: >>23796464

I know you're being sarcastic but I'm really tempted to do so now

>> No.23796444
File: 7 KB, 218x144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Kanata made more money than her.

>> No.23796445

She is the only one with 15k+ pull regardless of content

>> No.23796446


>> No.23796447
File: 85 KB, 600x516, 7e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so /jp/ in general. nice

>> No.23796448
Quoted by: >>23796501

coco looks like bagpipe

>> No.23796449
Quoted by: >>23796523

when was their last collab? i only remember when they promoted some random mobage

>> No.23796455

If you Ayamebros don't know yet, her streams are working through embeds now. So fire up that Jetri / Piporoid.

>> No.23796454

Her gains are far higher than her living expenses.

>> No.23796456
Quoted by: >>23796473

Who is Moona going to collab with next? My bets are on Haato

>> No.23796457
Quoted by: >>23796655

You can't save stupidity and autism I'm sorry anon

>> No.23796458


>> No.23796460

that's some real determination there. respect.

>> No.23796461
Quoted by: >>23796470

Does that matter? She enjoys her job and it's not a low amount by any means.

>> No.23796463


>> No.23796464

>I know you're being sarcastic
I wasn't

>> No.23796466
File: 169 KB, 437x448, 1586766785678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Matsuri antis are doing a good job chipping away at my spirit, bit by bit.

>> No.23796467

>rushia make top5

>> No.23796469

why are numberfags like this?

>> No.23796470

>Does that matter?
Yes, only superchat numbers matter in these threads.

>> No.23796472
File: 5 KB, 365x378, a0f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796512

Ayame streaming multiple times a day... just like old times...

>> No.23796473

She can't collab with pigs anon

>> No.23796474

The power of the fandead

>> No.23796477

Matsuri's her biggest anti though.

>> No.23796478

So they get estimated 15% right? I hope my holo gets at least 10k yen to keep for herself.

>> No.23796479

Roboco... I need my dose of solo roboco...

>> No.23796480

cuck fetish

>> No.23796481
File: 17 KB, 378x378, KtZKls3L_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796491

You got them all

>> No.23796484

>they get estimated 15% right

>> No.23796486

I seriously love her voice, and I just want it to be her most popular video.

>> No.23796487

Yes, Monokuro Boo

>> No.23796488

matsuri has antis?

>> No.23796490

they are getting 30% at best but realistically its around 20%

>> No.23796491

Oi, that's my rapper name!

>> No.23796492
Quoted by: >>23796504

go back to discord and never come to this thread again. this will recover your spirit and win win solution for us

>> No.23796494

Marine, Miko, Pekora

>> No.23796496

Luna is stronger than any copyright.

>> No.23796499

>korone actually scared 20 hours in

>> No.23796500

>the best
>not the barefoot version

>> No.23796501

True, people pointed that out immediately when Bagpipe was revealed.

>> No.23796502
Quoted by: >>23796541

you forgot soo min park, bro

>> No.23796503

>How much do you guys think launching a new holo costs?

This is just a guess:
Character design - $150
Art to live2d - $150
Comissioned art for early promotion - $30

>> No.23796504
Quoted by: >>23796518

I don't use fagshit like discord.

>> No.23796507

Did you want me to post this so much?

>> No.23796510
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1586367155894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796511

20% is still quite a large amount. I'm glad if she could get that much.

>> No.23796512

stay happy ayamefag

>> No.23796513

that's FAR too low

>> No.23796514
File: 170 KB, 1153x1567, 1588866311270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomposting is standard schlock, what else have her antis been doing outside of posting haachama

>> No.23796516

Holos are paid a salary though.

>> No.23796517

this but x10

>> No.23796518

then stop acting like a fag

>> No.23796519

I'm not an anti I just love talking about how much of a degenerate Matsuri is, in fact, I'm a Matsurifag. You have to love her because of her flaws. Not in spite of them.

>> No.23796521

What is Luna's name backwards? Anul. now change U with A now you get Anal xD

>> No.23796522

If you're only paying $150 for a full character design including rights to the character you are severely ripping off an artist

>> No.23796523
Quoted by: >>23796620

I don't think they talk a lot outside of sponsored streams, their personalities and actions are way too different
they were going to participate in a big virtual concert but it got canceled due to corona

>> No.23796524

>Korone gets 477632 Yen
That's more than enough for bugspray

>> No.23796525

She's just a benchmark to see how much of a following you can get without any redeeming qualities

>> No.23796529
Quoted by: >>23796544

Will male Towa have a girly voice?

>> No.23796531
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1534645053074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796545

>yfw korone purposely act like she's scared to mock aqua earlier

>> No.23796532

holy based

>> No.23796534

please leave

>> No.23796540
File: 206 KB, 1038x1439, 1589196033307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love her so much that her flaws start becoming benefits and you will reach true enlightenment.

>> No.23796541
File: 62 KB, 826x408, squirrelfan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796564

IDs grim reminder.

>> No.23796542


>> No.23796543

https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1260603239059173376 Roboco is a good girl..

>> No.23796545
Quoted by: >>23796575

Narrative posting has gone out of control.

>> No.23796544

he will hava grampa voice

>> No.23796548

holy shit bro i never realized! illuminati confirmed!!!!!

>> No.23796549
Quoted by: >>23796586

Kotone's taiyoukei is much better than sora's and the fact it hasn't even broken 200k views is ridiculous.

>> No.23796553


>> No.23796554

best girl

>> No.23796557

If Moona can collab with Roboco that means the collab embargo has been lifted. Squirrel x Dog fucking when?

>> No.23796558


>> No.23796562

Ayame streamed and Towa might skip today... Towa... please...

>> No.23796565
File: 583 KB, 1050x1400, 1588421190599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is true. I know I'm not mentally sound, probably why I fell in love in the first place.

>> No.23796564
File: 28 KB, 600x600, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796580

unironically read half of this
>congrats on new pc
she bought?

>> No.23796566

>Character design - $150
>Art to live2d - $150
>Comissioned art for early promotion - $30
Maybe if you're working for Nijisanji.

It's more than a thousand for the whole thing I think.

>> No.23796567
File: 680 KB, 883x1250, supachadeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796569
File: 101 KB, 768x768, EXQxflYU8AEvL9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till she get a new rig.

>> No.23796570

Only if you don't count 替え歌s as covers.

>> No.23796571
File: 37 KB, 1125x466, anul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or alternatively

>> No.23796572

Add the price of an iPhone to that.

>> No.23796574
Quoted by: >>23796675

What are you, twelve? Fuck off.

>> No.23796575

she has been playing this game for awhile and never got scared until now

>> No.23796579
Quoted by: >>23796614

can anyone give me the streamable link of the clip of okayu saying "I can't speak english"

>> No.23796580
Quoted by: >>23796591

The fuck, IDfags please confirm this.

>> No.23796582

At the top of her boyfriends dick

>> No.23796583

Please never post here again

>> No.23796584

bro, just commissioning japanese shadman costs like 60k yen.

>> No.23796585

If there are Ayamefags, why aren't there Melfags? Oh wait, there are, just not here very often.

>> No.23796586
Quoted by: >>23796649

>only 600 watching her play with matsuri
even though shes a nijishit i want to help her...

>> No.23796588

Youtube recommends me this video all the time and I still haven't watched it. At least now I know why.

>> No.23796590

She gets average of 1.2M yen monthly not counting BiliBili if there such thing as supacha there.

>> No.23796591

I think I read a comment that said she has bought one but it hasn't arrive yet.

>> No.23796594
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x1905, p6u9burwsxs41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I think I love the alien...

>> No.23796596
File: 91 KB, 768x768, EXae9jGU0AEh6BI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel!

>> No.23796599

Because she isn't streaming right now? Are you stupid?

>> No.23796600

They're busy following her other channel.

>> No.23796602


>> No.23796603
File: 338 KB, 600x500, Mel Lies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796682


>> No.23796604
File: 288 KB, 874x591, 1588739585315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Squirrel x Dog fucking
Interesting choice of words.

>> No.23796606

>just a guess
You got that right. kek.
Those numbers are a fucking mile off target.

>> No.23796609


>> No.23796610

I can't wait for another fuckery during her collabs with Pochi.

>> No.23796611

Soo Min pls go and stay go

>> No.23796614

i too wish to hear this for rep motivation

>> No.23796617

What are these prices its like saying you get paid in exposure

>> No.23796620
Quoted by: >>23796737

I personally made my own narrative between the two
Things like these make me think that Miko secretly hates Suisei. They're both aware that they both came from low places, but Suisei hit it far bigger in the idol business than Miko ever did. She sees Suisei at nonstop story being cheered for by fans even though she was a nobody at that point, how she made herself off as an idol while miko surrounded herself with eroge and attained popularity by being an elite. She didn't have much to say when they were grading suisei on the extrovert/introvert, she just said "a-ah, she's an extrovert but she's an otaku" while coco lead the discussion. She was quietly hiding her jealousy for the one who should have failed like she did.

>> No.23796621

the cat does it for free!

>> No.23796622 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2000, 1589386722365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think she is kind of cute irl.

>> No.23796625
File: 2.70 MB, 436x422, 1579404512231.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's just something about luna...

>> No.23796628

The doom posters are back bros...

>> No.23796629
Quoted by: >>23796644

>any game
Why do EOP keep acting like Siren is not loved in Japan? Siren was a huge hit on niconico

>> No.23796632
File: 72 KB, 222x264, 1586399891057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796633

is siren a kusoge? who can even stand these characters design lol

>> No.23796636

And you just summoned another doxxfag, congrats you imbecile.

>> No.23796637 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1589386869883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, i subscribe to yours

>> No.23796639

>replying to a post from 23 hours ago

>> No.23796643

I like Mel's design, if that counts

>> No.23796644

FBK is also a siren otaku

>> No.23796645
Quoted by: >>23796658

How can Moona even collab with Roboco? Moona barely speaks Japanese.

>> No.23796649
Quoted by: >>23796673

Kotone is a niji? I thought she's independent.

>> No.23796650
File: 982 KB, 1124x629, 75585200-868F-4778-B12F-F637F333215F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homos BTFO

>> No.23796651


>> No.23796655 [DELETED] 

Is she an example of allergic reactions and autism caused by a vaccine ?
I remember that eggs are used to produce some of the vaccines which could explain why she is the only one allergic to it in her family...

>> No.23796657
Quoted by: >>23796663

bros what if Towa suddenly got sick
I'm worried

>> No.23796658

English only colab

>> No.23796659
File: 376 KB, 402x585, 1587135804129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her princess aura?

>> No.23796661

There's nothing gay about it, holobros.

>> No.23796660

Apexfags, is Ayame deserving of her rank?

>> No.23796662
Quoted by: >>23796769

Well she was in her chat earlier, and something relating to DIscord, I never read much in to it I skimmed past.

>> No.23796663
Quoted by: >>23796691

nah she just need to have a little more fun time with her boyfriend today

>> No.23796666
File: 2.32 MB, 524x570, 1589294076830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796706

>> No.23796667


>> No.23796671

>sub 1k views
Please watch Roboco singing

>> No.23796673

oh she's independent? I just assume anyone who isn't holo is niji.
everyone should watch kotone then!

>> No.23796674
Quoted by: >>23796686

You never hear Ayame posters say anything about how good she is while she's streaming, so likely not.

>> No.23796675

Imagine taking shitposts seriously.
Imagine typing this on /jp/ of all boards - a literal shitpost board.

>> No.23796676
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1588747373534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796677

You don't wash your fellow bros, bro?

>> No.23796678 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1580117508725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my upperclassman lmao

>> No.23796681 [DELETED] 
File: 3.61 MB, 1480x4696, 1589386967006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little off topic but is this the most up to date version? I searched the archives and couldn't find anything.

>> No.23796682

I still don't know what exactly is going on in this webm

>> No.23796684

>Not scrubbing your bros back
There's nothing gayer then not being a bro.

>> No.23796686

it's literally one tourist from /v/ who thought to make a meme for himself, there are no ayame fags

>> No.23796687

But she is gay too

>> No.23796688 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796817

What? Your joke doesn't even make sense since if she was allergic to the eggs in the vaccine she wouldn't have been vaccinated and thus not autistic.

>> No.23796689

This is like the fifth stream that Korone is doing on Siren. How long exactly is this game?

>> No.23796691

but everyone else still streamed while spending even more time with their boyfriends than her

>> No.23796693

Mel is going to graduate to kill off every melfag and their misery.

>> No.23796692 [DELETED] 

shes not bad at all

>> No.23796695

>He didn't wash his bros

>> No.23796696
Quoted by: >>23796720

doxxfag sure is early today

>> No.23796698

is korone referencing something when she does that stereotypical american accent during her siren streams? she just did it again

>> No.23796699

Something something her eyes?

>> No.23796700
Quoted by: >>23796709

the rat really wants that bbc

>> No.23796702 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796753

Towa's so fucking cute, bros

>> No.23796705 [DELETED] 

fuck off your timeslot is in 10 hours

>> No.23796706
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1584458380211.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796738

I like an ANGRY princess!

>> No.23796708 [DELETED] 

Flare’s midriff

>> No.23796709

please don't compare oni to black people, even Ayame is an oni. Don't insult Ayame like that

>> No.23796710 [DELETED] 

doxxfag hours keep getting earlier and earlier, christ can you lot just fuck off please

>> No.23796711

Her boyfriend is

>> No.23796712
File: 945 KB, 961x1059, 1588315367223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796716 [DELETED] 

You're like 8 hours too early doxxfag

>> No.23796717 [DELETED] 

We aren't in doxxing hours yet, come back later.

>> No.23796719

Well watch her and find out

>> No.23796720
Quoted by: >>23796880

Simple solution. Range ban all mobile carriers.

>> No.23796721 [DELETED] 

>Subaru, Kanata and Ayame are anime girls IRL
I knew it.

>> No.23796724
Quoted by: >>23796748

Dying tenchi get a lot of aka donations and is the best at selling her merch

>> No.23796727

if there's anything more come out now

>> No.23796728

haha it's lulu!

>> No.23796731

Haha, it's Lulu!

>> No.23796735


>> No.23796736

Flare has used her new year's outfit for nearly half a year now

>> No.23796737

I don't think they even care about each other
Suisei is very skilled but a huge tryhard willing to leave everyone behind if it helps her accomplish her dream of being a true idol
Miko is your average otaku who just wants to be alone and play the same game for hours and hours, she doesn't care about money or high viewer count she just wants an audience to talk to
their only similarity is being part of the same gen, even their fans are way different

>> No.23796738
File: 923 KB, 607x800, 1588972116594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796761


>> No.23796740

From your perspective, the Holos look like they're spending their time communicating with you, but from theirs, they are sitting there for hours a day talking to a scrolling chat text box. If you aren't already mentally and emotionally maladjusted, months of being a streaming VTuber will change that.

>> No.23796741 [DELETED] 

too early

>> No.23796743
File: 57 KB, 585x411, kaoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squirrel is so smooth.

>> No.23796744

ha its ru

>> No.23796745 [DELETED] 

there's dozens of better pictures of rushia and matsuri

>> No.23796747


>> No.23796748


>> No.23796753 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 698x398, nrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796755

dead hours come early

>> No.23796756


>> No.23796758

Haha Lulu!

>> No.23796759

translate you weeb

>> No.23796760

This squirrel is a slut.

>> No.23796761
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1588933845210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796770

careful she drank too much juice

>> No.23796762 [DELETED] 

very powerful image

>> No.23796765

Dont worry one day she will be a real tenshi

>> No.23796768


>> No.23796769

Korone was in her Stardew Valley stream chat and then she added Risu on discord in the same stream. So they'll probably be planning something soon.

>> No.23796770
File: 22 KB, 290x276, 1586802401747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23796772
Quoted by: >>23796791

Soon as that lockdown is cleared he's bangin her.

>> No.23796771

he doesn't know

>> No.23796773
Quoted by: >>23796787

>ayame is playing apex now
two streams in a day...bro...

>> No.23796774 [DELETED] 

The otaku fear the female chad.

>> No.23796775
Quoted by: >>23796789

Kaoru : I'm interested in this game
Risu : This game is very fun, you can play with friends
Kaoru : I'll buy it
Risu : Let's play together sometime

>> No.23796776
Quoted by: >>23796789

Something something this game is good, if you buy it let's play together.

>> No.23796781


>> No.23796782

>willing to leave everyone behind if it helps her accomplish her dream of being a true idol
Nice headcanon.

>> No.23796783 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796793

Imagine marrying that Luna.

>> No.23796787

she seems rusty, she must not have been playing offstream.

>> No.23796788
Quoted by: >>23797043

>being this desperate to collab she's almost begging kaoru to talk to her
bootleg korone indeed

>> No.23796789
Quoted by: >>23796805

What game?

>> No.23796790 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796806

Wait, Is Ayame really Yanase Natsumi? Her VA profile is massive.

>> No.23796791

Soon as that lockdown is cleared she's bangin his.

>> No.23796792

I'm glad Matsuri and Gibara live in countries where they can say things like this without getting a knock from the bizzies.

>> No.23796793 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796820

You'd have to bare with the fact your wife loves Minions and you'd probably have to impregnate her while she wears Minions pajamas

>> No.23796794
Quoted by: >>23796802

Suisei being a mixed blood kind of makes me understand why she never got accepted as a idol. Trying to become a idol when your not 100% Japanese is very difficult.

>> No.23796795

Risu will be the one that truly who saved Holostars

>> No.23796801

Risu proving she is the only good ID. Though I've soften on a bit on Iofa even though she's a bigger fuckup than every Holo combined.

>> No.23796803
Quoted by: >>23796836

>huge tryhard willing to leave everyone behind
Which narrative did this come from?

>> No.23796802

isn't one of the most popular idols part burmese or something like that?

>> No.23796804 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796818

Uhh so Towa's only cute from one angle.

>> No.23796805

Stardew Valley.

>> No.23796806 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796825


>> No.23796808

>Willing to leave everyone behind if it helps her accomplish her dream of being a true idol
She literally collabed with her friends from her solo days because they're that important to her...

>> No.23796811
Quoted by: >>23796829

Risu, think of the idolfags...

>> No.23796813

No, but it's difficult and not made for streaming.

>> No.23796815

How much of a factor do you think Suisei's past life with Kanata was part of Kanata's hiring?

>> No.23796817 [DELETED] 

Allergy is an excessive incorrect reaction from your body to an external agent present in it.
When you get a vaccine which makes you sick and it contains traces of the egg used to generate the virus introduced directly into your body your body may interpret this as part of the sickness and if you get a strong reaction to this you will in the future have an allergy to it.

>> No.23796818 [DELETED] 

yea, the angle where you can see her face. how shocking.

>> No.23796820 [DELETED] 

I don't see the negative.

>> No.23796821

Her match history shows that she has played at least one game or more every day this month.

>> No.23796822


>> No.23796823 [DELETED] 

Sora and AZki are lucky they became Vtubers

>> No.23796825 [DELETED] 

Oh, so she's Emma Taso and Little Buster's Komari is just her profile picture. How misleading.

>> No.23796826
Quoted by: >>23796847

Gen 4 came in at the point in time where suisei hardly had any draw inside the company

>> No.23796827

It's going to start getting pretty exciting at least.

>> No.23796829

ID branch isn't idol group.

>> No.23796831

God damnt, I really need to take a break from holos I guess, I had another fucking dream
This time I was just watching movies with okayu while we snuggled on the couch bundled in a blanket together and she fell asleep against me
I havent fucking had a dream I remembered in like 3 years but this is the 2nd night in a row

>> No.23796832 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796858

Vaccines don't cause autism. The guy who wrote that article made it up so he could sue vaccine companies.

>> No.23796835

Kanata auditioned though

>> No.23796836
Quoted by: >>23796882

see >>23796808

>> No.23796839

Anon... just let yourself experience happiness and joy. It's okay. Why are you so hard on yourself?

>> No.23796838

suisei could've recommended kanata to apply, but that'd be it.

>> No.23796842

What was she doing with her boyfriend all this time then?

>> No.23796844

Very long, especially if you're bad at it like Korone.

>> No.23796845 [DELETED] 

Aki has a cute obaasan aura.

>> No.23796847

Pekora came in when Miko had barely any draw as well

>> No.23796848

She has also literally said that she's only streaming the stuff that she herself find enjoyable/entertaining. Still never stops narrativefags from thinking that she wants to become real deal singer like AZKi and stop streaming.

>> No.23796849


>> No.23796850
Quoted by: >>23796906

kek, okayu avatarfags gets you

>> No.23796851
File: 690 KB, 849x1200, EX5it3iUMAExbcP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23796852

I wouldn't say it was the biggest determining factor for Kanata getting in but I bet it helped in her favor somewhat being vouched for by a talent on the inside. Or maybe Suisei even talked to her prior about the opportunity which caused her to apply.

But Kanata still went through the application process herself and was chosen by her own skill.

>> No.23796853 [DELETED] 

Well, Azki isn't trying to be an idol, she's a singer (INNK). Sora could squeeze past with makeup and shit, but I think she is better suited as a vtuber.

>> No.23796857 [DELETED] 

Anon, looks are not everything. AZki has a very homely look but she her personality is very charming.

>> No.23796858 [DELETED] 

I suppose this explains why some of those researchers also end up dead when they try to study the link between vaccines and autism.
The vaccine companies murder them to prevent them from suing them.
They even get help from Google and Twitter to de-platform experts who talk about this subject.
What efficiency !

>> No.23796861 [DELETED] 

Azki's image quality is so shit you can't even really tell what she actually looks like

>> No.23796870 [DELETED] 

do we have an unironic anti-vaxxer in this thread?

>> No.23796871

Fair enough

>> No.23796872

New narrative: all holos that play apex have a boyfriend. That's how they get into the game and need to get good so they can play together.

The ones that haven't touch the game are the only pure holos. Dont fell for apex meme

>> No.23796874 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure Nayuta was fine before she became a vtuber.

>> No.23796876 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796963

Are you sure vaccines didn't make you autistic?

>> No.23796879
File: 215 KB, 600x2000, 42552523653735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny meme

>> No.23796880

Ah yes, let's fuck over everyone else because a hand full of anons want to dox.

>> No.23796882
Quoted by: >>23796921

She's still friends with them though? They recently had a collab together... and during her 3D announcement she had her friends with her...

>> No.23796886

Were the holo IDs made so that the stars could be paired up with them without tarnishing the main girls?

>> No.23796889 [DELETED] 

All you can do is hope that they die from irony.

>> No.23796894 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23796915

Flare is looking like a snack IRL

>> No.23796895

Kanata only played once, where is she in this narrative spectrum?

>> No.23796898 [DELETED] 

The potential correlation between vax and autism is abysmally low. But even if it DID exist... why would you want your child to have a crippling, terminal illness or be permanently disabled instead of autistic?
I never understood why antivaxxers would prefer their kids to have polio over autism.

>> No.23796900
Quoted by: >>23796937

aqua is afraid of girls who talk to boys, and you think she has a boyfriend?

>> No.23796904

if she only started playing it after the trend started she'd be in the single part

>> No.23796906
File: 386 KB, 439x462, chrome_2020-05-06_12-22-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796919

blessed anon

>> No.23796907


>> No.23796910

If Aqua is bad at singing then explain why this is so good.

>> No.23796911

Her boyfriend is Towa but they can't collab because nobody can collab with Towa so she stopped

>> No.23796913
Quoted by: >>23796936

so youre saying Coco is the purest hololive?

>> No.23796914

You can literally rank up by hiding until the last circle, so just playing a lot and not making stupid mistakes will make you rank up.

From her collab with Aqua and Shion, Ayame seems to be decently competent. Her aim isn't as good as Aqua's but it's enough to get some kills and assists for points. She also isn't as dumb so she loses less RP. I could easily see her climbing into Diamond if she's been playing as much as Aqua. Plus it's Japan server, so the competition probably isn't as sweaty.

>> No.23796915 [DELETED] 


>> No.23796916 [DELETED] 

there is also the fact that autism is a neurological disease cause by genetics and you can't induce it with a fucking dead virus

>> No.23796917

What determines which Luluposts stay up and which get removed?

>> No.23796918

watching miko play amagami is a nostalgia trip

>> No.23796919

You used snipping tool or chrome has built in extension like firefox?

>> No.23796921
Quoted by: >>23796939

That's... literally what the post I directed you to was saying...

>> No.23796926
Quoted by: >>23796950


>> No.23796931
File: 867 KB, 679x916, i_view64_25R8ibhuII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres never enough cat

>> No.23796932

pekora got in because of miko's influence, why do you think she has appeared in games, is invited to live events and sponsored despite not being "popular"?

>> No.23796933

No one reports them.

>> No.23796936

Coco is a virgin!!

>> No.23796937
Quoted by: >>23796966

When did she say that...

>> No.23796939
Quoted by: >>23796993

How does that prove that she's a huge tryhard who's going to leave everyone behind...

>> No.23796941
File: 691 KB, 1015x571, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps happening.

>> No.23796942

Number of reports. Do your part.

>> No.23796943

One of my favourite.

>> No.23796946
Quoted by: >>23796972

some songs fits her better than other
like sad/desperate song

>> No.23796947

Aqua is not bad though? She's just very underrated in /hlg/.

>> No.23796948
Quoted by: >>23796984

What's his endgame?

>> No.23796950

Thanks, you're a good Okayufag!

>> No.23796953
Quoted by: >>23797012

Based Aquabro. This cover really is great. Listen to it almost daily. Make sure to check her bilibili for more covers too.

>> No.23796955 [DELETED] 

Lmao are all gen1 ugly? except Matsuri

>> No.23796957

my comment was to prove that yes, the talents do have a large say in who enters the company

>> No.23796958
Quoted by: >>23797039

Pekora is very popular, are you retarded?

>> No.23796959

>Matsuri has a boyfriend

>> No.23796960

It's very bad compared to the real version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMhnYDRHWzY

>> No.23796961

>all holos that play apex have a boyfriend
>if she only started playing it after the trend started she'd be in the single part
You're shit at making narratives, buddy.

>> No.23796963 [DELETED] 

You should go to /pol/ one day or try to find information outside of google and mass media on this subject.
You are bound to get closer to the truth if you really wish to only learn the truth and ignore authority arguments without proofs.

According to the last poll only half of people in the Hololive thread have autism.
You should not project your own state onto others..

>> No.23796965
Quoted by: >>23797002

Can't you just shift+win+s?

>> No.23796966
Quoted by: >>23796980

why do you think she wont collab with towa?

>> No.23796967 [DELETED] 

>except Matsuri

>> No.23796969 [DELETED] 

Go back to /pol/ sperg

>> No.23796971
File: 305 KB, 1412x1200, 1588714311375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody wants to be a cat.

>> No.23796972
Quoted by: >>23796986

That's AZKi though

>> No.23796973

Now that's a narrative that would be hard to push.

>> No.23796974 [DELETED] 


>> No.23796977
Quoted by: >>23797046

aqua has some of the best singing streams

>> No.23796979 [DELETED] 

Mel's cute.

>> No.23796980
Quoted by: >>23797009

Don't worry. It's already planned just like this Sora was. You'll see it soon.

>> No.23796982

>Dont fell
Stopped reading there. Sorry ESL-kun but you are going to have to present your narrative in proper English or I won't take it seriously.

>> No.23796985 [DELETED] 

I hope this is bait.

>> No.23796984

Become her furniture

>> No.23796986
File: 90 KB, 207x183, 1587670315528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23796998


>> No.23796989
Quoted by: >>23797003

>The embodiment of sexual frustration and cuckoldery

>> No.23796992

Haachama bros?

>> No.23796993
Quoted by: >>23797086

Holy shit you're autistic. I was showing that narrative was a single anon's fantasy and contradicted by reality.

>> No.23796996 [DELETED] 

Just submit and get it over with. The media wants Trump out and Biden in at any cost.

>> No.23796997
File: 70 KB, 699x960, TimelineMortalityRates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the vaccine makes you more sick than the sickness itself it is supposed to protect you from ?
The number of death and bad long term effects caused by the vaccine is also higher.

>> No.23796998
Quoted by: >>23797048

That's not AZKi. Did you post a wrong pic?

>> No.23796999

>Matsuri is secretly a Chad and the pedo, and simp stuff is all kayfabe.

>> No.23797001

Aqua's not terrible but じん is simply that good. his songs can elevate whoever's singing them. Kanata's アディシュナルメモリ was fantastic too.

>> No.23797002
Quoted by: >>23797017

I'm still using Windows 7, this laptop is for VNs and shitposting only.

>> No.23797003

Matsuri's boyfriend just goes around fucking Hoshikawa instead of her.

>> No.23797005 [DELETED] 

I want a Kson gf.

>> No.23797006
Quoted by: >>23797034

Coco likes long haired boys?!

>> No.23797007
Quoted by: >>23797026

haachama can't play apex competently

>> No.23797009

Wasn't the Sora collab stream a shilling stream? You'll probably have to wait until Towa's next cover.

>> No.23797011 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797037

How is this related to Hololive? Fuck off.

>> No.23797012

I know right, I listen to it a lot too. The video is good too. Based bilibilibros.

>> No.23797013 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 576x280, 1589388682274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23797018

>> No.23797015

It's just that her ribcage is too dense for her voice to resonate properly, I guess that's normal considering she's 98cm 74kg

>> No.23797017

>Windows 7

>> No.23797018 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797052

That's an old photo of her btw. Imagine how she looks now.

>> No.23797019 [DELETED] 

It's great how all these infographics have horrible resolutions and compression artifacts

>> No.23797024

Need the clip of Aqua singing Freesia

>> No.23797025 [DELETED] 

Marine’s cute finger and thumb..,

>> No.23797026
Quoted by: >>23797031

Haachama can't play life competently either.

>> No.23797027

Is Matsuri's character supposed to be a high school cheerleader who is also an idol?

>> No.23797029 [DELETED] 

fuck off faggot

>> No.23797031

That's most of the people in this thread, anonchama.

>> No.23797033

It's pretty good but I'm forever in love with Kanata's karaoke verion of it.

>> No.23797034

My new narrative is that Suisei was originally transferring to a support role since her popularity was so low and that's why she was honing her video editing skills and emotionally supporting other holos before big lives. That's why she had more pull behind the scenes than her popularity let on.

>> No.23797035


>> No.23797036


>> No.23797037 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you flat earth retard.

>> No.23797038

ayame can't aim tonight....

>> No.23797039
Quoted by: >>23797053

I was talking about miko anonchama not about pekora

>> No.23797043
Quoted by: >>23797102

kaoru could use the help too, hes not kept his initial good viewer numbers

>> No.23797046

Nice clip.

>> No.23797048
Quoted by: >>23797097

are you okay, anon? is your brain damaged?

>> No.23797049

Her boyfriend's aim was too good and she's still quivering.

>> No.23797052 [DELETED] 

Her face is chubbier now. All the Gamers have fat faces.

>> No.23797053
Quoted by: >>23797079

Miko is very popular, are you retarded?

>> No.23797055

Haachama already has her potato stack.

>> No.23797056
File: 103 KB, 768x768, EXae-bMUcAApGIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone, please collab with me.

>> No.23797057

100 posts left, shill a cover you like that isn't in the top 10.


>> No.23797058
Quoted by: >>23797099

matsuri is a lovelive

>> No.23797059

>cute voice and personality
>cute model
>gets along with the girls
>can sing
>can asmr
but still
>one of the smallest holo
>no yt streams in a month archived
>didnt ever take off
>barely appears anywhere
>main irl channel is more popular than her vtuber one
what happened?

>> No.23797060

Where can I watch 3D debuts and Holofes?

>> No.23797065 [DELETED] 

>Don't listen to scientific data
>Random anons on a board are more accurate
This is why no one likes /pol/

>> No.23797067

Wasn't she drinking just a few hours ago?

>> No.23797068

she got champion though!

>> No.23797069
Quoted by: >>23797137

oh fuck me, ayames chat, shes got too many eops too quickly. hopefully they'll mellow out.

>> No.23797070


>> No.23797071 [DELETED] 

So? I would still eat their pussies out. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.23797073


>> No.23797074
Quoted by: >>23797110

Came for asmr, shit management, can't asmr

>> No.23797075 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 501x267, 1589389046596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23797077

please stop...

>> No.23797078
Quoted by: >>23797101

It takes around 30 hours to fully clear it. Korone brute forces it, so it will take her longer. I'm really glad she's actually doing all side objectives to get to final boss, there's a good deal of people who just rush through and get the "ending" and then call game shit for not explaining anything.

>> No.23797079
Quoted by: >>23797123

When Pekora got in on Miko's recommendation, Miko was not popular, you chucklefuck. Keep up.

>> No.23797080


>> No.23797081

3D debuts are on their channels
Holofes you have to time travel

>> No.23797082


>> No.23797084
Quoted by: >>23797120

So all of the holos are ugly but have chad boyfriends?

>> No.23797083

>champion without doing anything
Is this the power of oni

>> No.23797086

Well I wasn't asking for it retard since I already know it. I was asking which narrative did he manage to pick that up.

>> No.23797088


>> No.23797089 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797108

>Random chart with terrible resolution
>Not citing source
>No actual data, methodology, etc behind charts
Go back to /pol/. This is /hlg/.

>> No.23797090
File: 154 KB, 800x578, EX6Z5EcUEAAqOlO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from BLADE

>> No.23797095
Quoted by: >>23797205


>> No.23797096


>> No.23797097
Quoted by: >>23797118

You're the one who have replied to my post about AZKi with Suisei's pic? Have you somehow missed all AZKi's songs about "please support me, please don't forget me, I don't want to die"?

>> No.23797098
Quoted by: >>23797122


>> No.23797099

I have never watched lovelive.

>> No.23797100
File: 5 KB, 269x50, 8a2PELB[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy probably donates red supachat daddy levels of money but a dollar at a time.

>> No.23797102

I don't think he cares about having a lot of viewers considering the games he plays

>> No.23797101
Quoted by: >>23797147

By "ending" do you mean the wacky music Kyoya killing everyone cutscene?

>> No.23797103

There's no vid of it? shiiiitt

>> No.23797104

Give him at least 10k... please anons...

>> No.23797105 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797212

Do we actually have a picture of current FBK?

>> No.23797107

Cute Miko bob.

>> No.23797108 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797177

nice discussion of hololive dumbass

>> No.23797109

Haato should've recommended Hoshikawa for holo if they can just do that..

>> No.23797110

her main channel has a lot of asmr and with a lot of views, she can asmr, just a more casual version different from Choco which if full on intese hard dick asmr

>> No.23797112

35p I can't keep going on anymore...
please tell miko I loved her....

>> No.23797113
File: 958 KB, 1454x2048, 20200513_115717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23797135

I love my Husband AKI!

>> No.23797115
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, NIBBA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23797153

This anon >>23796886 said I don't have to help Homostars again.
Abayo Nigga!

>> No.23797116

Who said she was bad? I think she's one of the better ones

>> No.23797117

Hoshikawa wouldn't fit in

>> No.23797118
Quoted by: >>23797129

the original post was about Aqua, no one brought up Azki, are you having a stroke?

>> No.23797120

Yes, all the holos chug ikeman cum

>> No.23797121

She's not bad at all. Even the cover she posted today should tell you she's good.

>> No.23797122

Legit really like this one, had it on repeat for a few days

>> No.23797123

not popular but definitely has a lot of connections inside the company

>> No.23797124

>holofes you have to time travel
>he missed the stream 14 hours ago

>> No.23797125
File: 36 KB, 245x251, 146356383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23797126

Hoshikaw's a stacy, you really think she would get away with not interacting with guys

>> No.23797128

Moona has said she doesn't watch the Holostars while Iofi has interacted with some on Twitter

>> No.23797129
Quoted by: >>23797150

Google "reading".

>> No.23797131
File: 106 KB, 752x1062, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be abused by Matsuri!

>> No.23797132
File: 62 KB, 658x585, ETB7shpUwAgFr2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23797157

Join THE Kanata!

>> No.23797135

D-did Korone's head just got through Aki's vagina portal?

>> No.23797136

Shes more interested in interacting with non homolive vtubers than growing her own channel for whatever reason. Shes only been in collab streams for the past month.

>> No.23797137

>spics trying to stream snipe her

>> No.23797139
Quoted by: >>23797155

Hoshikawa doesn't like following rules.
Her appeal is also her bitchiness, which doesn't really fit in hololive.

>> No.23797141
File: 2 KB, 280x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holofes you have to time travel

>> No.23797142
Quoted by: >>23797181

Hoshikawa is a stacy, she doesn't want YAGOO's idol dreams preventing her from fucking around.

>> No.23797143

That's pretty good.

>> No.23797145
Quoted by: >>23797163

Try one of those.

>> No.23797147

Yup. I really hope Korone plays whole series because while Blood Curse is a pretty meh westernized title, its version of that ending is highly superior

>> No.23797146
Quoted by: >>23797197

His Jovi cover is close too

>> No.23797149 [DELETED] 

We can't judge haato yet

>> No.23797150
Quoted by: >>23797166

no thanks, I've concluded you're just retarded.

>> No.23797151

Why is she so perfect in everything
People called fubuki the queen but aqua is like the mary sue of hololive

>> No.23797153

based abayobro

>> No.23797155
Quoted by: >>23797175

Didn't stop Towa

>> No.23797157

She doesn't need my help anymore. I'm off to help the other unfortunate holos.

>> No.23797158
Quoted by: >>23797178

yes shes supposed to be the ultimate athletic stacy who likes summer festivals except matsuri has been to one festival in her life and she went alone

>> No.23797162


>> No.23797163

Bless your soul

>> No.23797166

No, please do it. You clearly don't know how it works.

>> No.23797169

Rikka has already had 3 covers with Matsuri and a cover with Roboco
When's Izuru getting a cover with one of the girls...

>> No.23797170

Imagine how popular Ayame would be if she actually gave a shit.

>> No.23797172
File: 84 KB, 719x900, EXo7WDEUYAAVdbK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will save her

>> No.23797173
File: 583 KB, 1378x2039, E47CD49E-692F-46E0-A3A0-EF9867A7ADED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy :3

>> No.23797175

Towa is a slut who doesn't flaunt her bitchiness like Hoshikawa. Towa is also mentally ill and shit.

>> No.23797177 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23797198

Nice post about Hololive retard.

>> No.23797178
Quoted by: >>23797210

And she only went to it after becoming Matsuri, and she wrote she likes Festivals on her hololive application.
Imagine telling a lie on your job application and then you get hired, and then your boss bases your entire job on that one lie you told.

>> No.23797181

yagoo's idol dream never prevented anyone from fucking around, even matsuri whose goal is to be an idol

>> No.23797182


>> No.23797183

RIZnote have some super good covers and Izuru mentioned how he really wants to do some duets of Connecting or Blessing

>> No.23797184

Or maybe you are retarded AZKifag who got offended by most post.

>> No.23797186
Quoted by: >>23797200

nah, I'm good retard.

>> No.23797187

Please, this songs really fits with her range

>> No.23797192

Hoshikawa isn't really the idol type

>> No.23797194

luna eternally btfo

>> No.23797197

Holy shit Izuru is based

>> No.23797198 [DELETED] 

next time when you get reincarnated maybe ask your mom to vaccinate you

>> No.23797199


>> No.23797200
Quoted by: >>23797207

Haha, see you, "good retard".

>> No.23797202

Roboco's karaoke right now is pretty great.

>> No.23797204
Quoted by: >>23797220

Does hololive really even enforce rules? It feels like they're less likely to force their idols to do shit lately compared to NJSJ

>> No.23797205

this is making me unreasonably angry. what a cunt.

>> No.23797206

It is still possible for Towa to make a guerilla stream... I am going to wait...

>> No.23797207

nice comeback, but you're still wrong and still retarded.

>> No.23797210

Except when they literally ask her to be more careful and Matsuri tweets about it. Hoshikawa isn't interested, she'd have to abandon her niji character too.

>> No.23797212 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 896 KB, 917x825, 1589389698050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23797229

Since this stuff isn't getting taken down right now, here's one where you can see a little more chub in her cheeks.

>> No.23797213


>> No.23797214
File: 409 KB, 366x479, 1587463810878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23797215

Her voice alone would skyrocket her in popularity

>> No.23797218

What's wrong with this?

>> No.23797220

Pretty sure they only have a couple actual hard rules, the others are just guidelines.

>> No.23797221

I think shes better than aqua. In apex atleast

>> No.23797225 [DELETED] 

Haato is that hot?

>> No.23797227
File: 951 KB, 2587x4096, EXK_HoMUYAMDmqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride of Hololive!

>> No.23797229 [DELETED] 


>> No.23797231


>> No.23797232


>> No.23797233
File: 61 KB, 680x408, EXV7hWbUMAIVaIr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
