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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 211 KB, 888x1243, EXpnU9VUcAgJ7Jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23756868 No.23756868 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>23757164

>> No.23756871
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, KoroneKissRingfit 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23756887

i want to fuck the dog

>> No.23756874
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1588068177838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early thread

>> No.23756880
Quoted by: >>23756897

Based Aqua, she's going to get Diamond today!

>> No.23756882
Quoted by: >>23756897

This is the run
I feel it

>> No.23756883
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1563764764597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23756897


>> No.23756884
Quoted by: >>23756898


>> No.23756885
Quoted by: >>23756898

towafags owned again

>> No.23756887

based dogfucker poster

>> No.23756888
File: 18 KB, 464x95, 1565817579781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when you have some spare time, give Towa a chance. She needs it more than other girls....

>> No.23756889
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, chrome_2020-05-07_22-21-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23756922


>> No.23756890


>> No.23756891
File: 135 KB, 600x419, 1589097724618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756892

>Both her teammates have gold armour
Please let this be it

>> No.23756895

2 gold armours, this is definitely it.

>> No.23756897


>> No.23756898

Did a Towashitter made another thread?

>> No.23756899

Schedule a stream you menhera bitch

>> No.23756900
File: 220 KB, 750x721, 1589136977353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAYU wins again.

>> No.23756901


>> No.23756902

her voice is ugly

>> No.23756903
File: 364 KB, 1012x1446, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_enumiyan__73cd35c91320df215ea4ef67c8587df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare actually looks cute in some of her fanart. I wish her L2D art wasn't drawn so poorly.

>> No.23756904

>2 gold shields
>wraith + crypto
Is this it?

>> No.23756905

This thread is a comedy show at this point

>> No.23756906

watch her streams anons they're fun

>> No.23756907

>can be enjoyed without even knowing what the V in Vtuber means
Pekora, Korone, Coco (asacoco only), Suisei, Haato, Fubuki (meme videos only)
>can be enjoyed with some basic Japanese knowledge
Roboco, Mel, Aki, Choco, Subaru, Ayame, Shionyo, Aqua, Matsuri, Noel, Rushia, Okayu, Mio, Watame, Kanata, Coco, Towa...
>can only be truly enjoyed if you know a lot about japanese culture, you either love them or ignore them, no in-between
Miko, Luna, Marine, Flare, Fubuki, AZKi, Sora

>> No.23756908

Last image post.

>> No.23756911

you severely underestimate how retarded people can be

>> No.23756913
Quoted by: >>23756924

Korone gets to fuck this?

>> No.23756918
File: 279 KB, 1200x1800, EXrUOyaUYAAvNLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23756920
File: 297 KB, 1080x1200, 72853251_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post aquas to support THE RUN!

>> No.23756921

I can feel it....this is the game...

>> No.23756922
File: 98 KB, 858x956, 1588610452082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756924

imagine Korone gettin on top of you with her +80Kg

>> No.23756926

I support all Holos when they stream with a view and a like, but can only pay attention to mine otherwise I just spend the whole day watching chuubas. Good luck though, Towabros.

>> No.23756928


>> No.23756929
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, EN0B8R1UEAAlfi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't beg , you cunt. People will come when she provides the content, when she does, you post it here. Real towafags don't beg

>> No.23756932
File: 584 KB, 700x1102, EXlpcbBUwAAwYaK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't count as cheating if Danchou becomes Jack

>> No.23756933

P O S I T I V E, is this... it?

>> No.23756934


>> No.23756935


>> No.23756936

+20. So close!

>> No.23756937


>> No.23756938

>hipfire snipe

>> No.23756939


>> No.23756941
File: 3.93 MB, 2549x3583, 263c798418d472acdbb390678709d4cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco needs your essence more, Towa is stable 2k~ per stream, subs don't matter.

>> No.23756942


>> No.23756943


>> No.23756944


>> No.23756946

30 RP!!!!!!

>> No.23756947


>> No.23756949
File: 114 KB, 1200x675, EXc863IUEAAxMoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756950

there's a skeleton inside your body

>> No.23756952


>> No.23756954
Quoted by: >>23757001

This list is awful. Why are Miko and Luna in the complex tier?

>> No.23756955

Its happening

>> No.23756956


>> No.23756959

But I fucking love miko and only have a basic grasp of japanese

>> No.23756960


>> No.23756962
Quoted by: >>23756985

>that no scope
holy shit /v/ told me girls can't be good at vydia
why is aqua so fucking good?

>> No.23756964

SHE'S DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23756965


>> No.23756966
Quoted by: >>23756979

>stream crashed from all the supachat

>> No.23756968
Quoted by: >>23756979

>The moment Aqua did it stream crashes
Fucking what mate?

>> No.23756970
Quoted by: >>23756979

>Stream crash

>> No.23756971


>> No.23756973

Its finally over

>> No.23756975
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1588888445730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756976
File: 180 KB, 519x341, EWpf6dRXgAQZ49S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did a Towashitter made another thread?

>> No.23756978
Quoted by: >>23756982

Is there any way that +30 can go back down? I have no knowledge about this game.

>> No.23756979
Quoted by: >>23756998

Stream still fine, 5 teams left at +39 now

>> No.23756980
File: 413 KB, 404x525, chrome_2020-05-10_01-45-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756981


>> No.23756982


>> No.23756983


>> No.23756984

I told you guys... lets drinks now for celebration!

>> No.23756985

Triple take has a spread so it helps at close range

>> No.23756987


>> No.23756991

She made it.

>> No.23756992
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1588695077017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did .. made

>> No.23756993

>Getting diamond rank with that no scope headshot.
that needs clipping.

>> No.23756994
File: 49 KB, 410x286, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23756997


>> No.23756998

Stream most definitely wasn't fine for few minutes.

>> No.23756999

Stream crash? Was it for only a split second? Because I didn't see her stream crashing.

>> No.23757000

i told you guys the winning game would be when the last thread hit post limit

>> No.23757001
Quoted by: >>23757124

strong boomer aura, you'll be missing a lot if you don't understand at least 30% of what they're saying

>> No.23757004

She might actually end it with a champion. Holy shit.

>> No.23757005


>> No.23757007

>three fucking Level 4 Armor
Blessed run

>> No.23757008
Quoted by: >>23757023

How is this gold pathfinder so good? It's insane. Carried her not once but twice.

>> No.23757010

3 yellows now...they winning this game

>> No.23757011

I've genuinely never seen 3 level 4 armors on one team and I've played a lot of apex

>> No.23757013


>> No.23757015
File: 57 KB, 510x680, EWAoDvXU8AABc3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, Aqua, and Aquabros.

>> No.23757016
File: 615 KB, 597x588, angry_demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair. She SHOULD be suffering.

>> No.23757017
File: 333 KB, 622x800, ERdjKCXU8AEJ2h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

神回 incoming lads

>> No.23757021
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 1588117385011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cute doog saying "hairy asshole" in brazilian portuguese

>> No.23757022

My reverse-reverse-reverse psychology totally worked, she's getting champion this game I can feel it

>> No.23757023

He's probably a smurf and realized aqua needed his help one last time

>> No.23757027
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1588097780958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She needs it more than other girls....
That's not Akirose.

Towa's channel is just 5 months old and she already have enough subs to catch up to Akirose who's been streaming for 2 years.

>> No.23757029
Quoted by: >>23758008

How can you enjoy it without understanding the news retard

>> No.23757030

>15 hour stream to hit diamond
This is why Aqua is popular, She's a lovable autist.

>> No.23757032

Is she the highest ranked hololive? How good is Towa...?

>> No.23757034

hey kai liu

>> No.23757036
File: 3.68 MB, 842x960, Haatogoingnuclear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unleashing "The Haato" on this thread, you are all going down with me.

>> No.23757037

I fucking missed it, the stream inexplicably cut out just as I saw everyone start congratulating her in the chat.
>this livestream is not currently available in the selected quality
It said, which isn't the case because I've got it going now.

I am in pain.

>> No.23757038

Alien is flirting with that blonde holostar

>> No.23757042

Ayame is also diamond but she gets carried by her sugar daddies boyfriend

>> No.23757045

You are pissing into the ocean, But that's ok i guess, pissing into the ocean can feel good sometimes.

>> No.23757046
File: 68 KB, 500x695, Onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757075

Was there any ever doubt?

>> No.23757051
Quoted by: >>23757274

i couldnt hear her over your fucking faggot ass laughing

>> No.23757053

Towafags are ungrateful bastards.

>> No.23757052

Final game to diamond, Champion, 3 Gold Armor, how the fuck did it all line up so well bros

>> No.23757055

Aki's background is so powerful

>> No.23757056

Moona's going to honor kill her

>> No.23757057
File: 152 KB, 896x1062, ApplicationFrameHost_0v4DTQXC7L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757114

money well spent

>> No.23757058


>> No.23757059
Quoted by: >>23757226

Squirrel is there too

>> No.23757060


>> No.23757062


>> No.23757063


>> No.23757061

ending with a bang

>> No.23757064


>> No.23757065


>> No.23757066


>> No.23757067

>Aqua never using her ultimate when it could easily strike all enemies

What a shitter.

>> No.23757069
File: 140 KB, 320x320, nm-gXt_YBKem_AO03bbwDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757070
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1586517193346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a blessed match.

>> No.23757071

Do not use Towa for your shitposting.

>> No.23757072

Her suffering is over

>> No.23757073


>> No.23757074


>> No.23757075

yes, quite a lot actually

>> No.23757076


>> No.23757077


>> No.23757080
File: 245 KB, 1441x814, chrome_2020-05-11_05-07-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757084

the fucking supachats...

>> No.23757085

>16 hour stream to see Aqua at her happiest
We did it bros...

>> No.23757087


>> No.23757089

Based Pathfinder bro, did his job and disappeared.

>> No.23757090

All those supachats, Aqua's fucking RICH

>> No.23757091

>based towa was watching

>> No.23757093

>That's not Akirose.

>> No.23757094
File: 1.12 MB, 498x278, 1589039656925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757096

What a cute autist

>> No.23757097
File: 239 KB, 1403x992, EXpnU9UUMAAqs8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757120

Blessed thread, and blessed OP for this to happen.

>> No.23757098

The princess of Hololive...

>> No.23757099

I want to sniff her chair...

>> No.23757101

Swimming in supacha

>> No.23757102

Infinite supacha

>> No.23757103

Towa's not that great. She was at low gold if I remember, but to be fair she only plays a couple of hours a stream.

>> No.23757107

Pekobros our rabbit is getting forgotten... we should make her play another overrated series like Dark Souls or Undertale instead of this JRPG garbage...

>> No.23757108


>> No.23757109

These threads are worse than /v/ at this point

>> No.23757111

Imagine the orgasm after edging for 16 hours.

>> No.23757112

she is so fucking happy its actually making me tear up with her

>> No.23757115

I imagine every girl applying to be an international holo must want a Japanese boyfriend.

>> No.23757114

I want to join now too.

>> No.23757116

Whats the point of donating to hololives anyways? They don't actually get the donations anyways right?

>> No.23757117

So fucking rich

>> No.23757118
Quoted by: >>23757156


>> No.23757120

Imagine how sweaty she is right now......

>> No.23757121

She's shouting and clapping out of pure joy at 4am while her family are sleeping... better hope her soundproofing is good.

>> No.23757123

But what about Towa?

>> No.23757124

For Luna that makes sense, Miko's not really a boomer though.

>> No.23757125

Towa is shit.

>> No.23757126
File: 282 KB, 2570x1920, EUNyCDLUYAEsEbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757127

Bless this dedicated autist.

>> No.23757130
File: 538 KB, 827x1576, 1563037202425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good girl.

>> No.23757132


>> No.23757134
Quoted by: >>23757147

she played it for 12 hours once

>> No.23757138

35% according to Coco and 50% according to Haato

>> No.23757143
File: 7 KB, 315x44, towacd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towa's congratulatory message got burried by the pile of superchats

>> No.23757144
File: 407 KB, 512x512, Towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will motivate Towa to get better at the game, perhaps we should expect even more Apex streams in the next weeks.

>> No.23757145

You think they don't get paid?

>> No.23757146


>> No.23757147

Twice actually. Both times in casual, with kenzoku who are somehow worse than her.

>> No.23757148

They do, about 30% of them but when you add up the ridiculous superchat numbers from streams like this it's a lot of money.

>> No.23757149

Now Aqua is finally better than Ayame's boyfriend!

>> No.23757150


>> No.23757151

she played for 12 hours, got 3 champions and her team collectively got over 100 kills, she's pretty solid.

>> No.23757152
Quoted by: >>23757161

How the fuck did you see that

>> No.23757155
Quoted by: >>23757168

youtube and hololive also takes a cut
so yeah she does not get much money

>> No.23757156
File: 563 KB, 600x336, PARTY SUISEIZURE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757157

>make your annual salary with one apex win
How de you feel anon ?

>> No.23757158
File: 200 KB, 343x392, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the duty of the strong to bear the suffering

>> No.23757159

>Towa and Ayame in Diamond
>Shion barely in Plat
Shion yo...

>> No.23757160

Coco gets robbed more by the Japanese government since she's a foreigner.

>> No.23757161
Quoted by: >>23757173

towafags are sensitive to all things Towa...

>> No.23757162

Since it's Haachama she probably wasn't including taxes while Kaichou was?
On that note I'm actually pretty curious how Haachama's taxes work since she's living in Australia but her job has no particular connection to her location.

>> No.23757163

these girls really love singing eh

>> No.23757164

reminder that Laeria hates foreigners

>> No.23757165

New Apex season starts soon so we'll be seeing a lot of Apex from everyone probably.

>> No.23757167

The superchat jumped by about 800k yen in a few minutes.

>> No.23757168

plus taxes

>> No.23757170

Ponkotsu devil.

>> No.23757171

Nice system Abe.

>> No.23757172

I feel great for Aqua, she spent 16 hours grinding that.
Genuinely, she deserves it.

>> No.23757173

i'm not a towafag???

>> No.23757174

she was at like 6900 a couple of hours ago.
what a turn around.

>> No.23757175
Quoted by: >>23757200

>her family
Anon... Her parents are dead.

>> No.23757176

Yeah the anon who said the Coco information said he didn't know if Coco's cut was before or after the fat taxes

>> No.23757179

good, fuck coco

>> No.23757180

towa did what she needs to do in apex, from now on its all about having fun.

>> No.23757184
Quoted by: >>23757209

Is it that easy to get platinum in this game ?

>> No.23757185

what do you guys think will Aqua masturbate after this?

>> No.23757186
Quoted by: >>23757195


>> No.23757187
Quoted by: >>23757220

>1,304,735.76 YEN

>> No.23757191

>All the team with golden armor
>Champion win to Diamond
Aqua is literally a shonen anime protagonist

>> No.23757192
File: 26 KB, 297x415, 1584548086274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for her, She grinding 16 hours non stop.
I'm not bothered if she makes thousands from it.

>> No.23757193
Quoted by: >>23757227

Is Aqua good enough to make it to Master?

>> No.23757194

someone please clip the no scope and splice it into her orgasm here

>> No.23757195


>> No.23757197

Chino with a strap on

>> No.23757198
Quoted by: >>23757473

Because she's American she still has to pay US taxes on her wages despite not working in the US.

>> No.23757200


>> No.23757201

I make more than that and I don't have to stay up playing a shitty game to do it so feels nothing man.

>> No.23757202

Towa is only Gold retard.

>> No.23757203

she will have to, the high from all those donations won't let her sleep otherwise

>> No.23757205
Quoted by: >>23757521

She'll probably take a bath, brush her teeth and sleep like a dead fish.

>> No.23757206

I can't believe I actually watched a full 14 hours of Apex, never again.

>> No.23757207

>come with local huehue

>> No.23757208
Quoted by: >>23757233

The fuck... Her father died February 2020, you fucking shit.

>> No.23757209
File: 23 KB, 802x373, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757235


>> No.23757210
File: 5 KB, 423x100, 1583334253175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23757211

>2,218,009.30 YEN

>> No.23757213
Quoted by: >>23757222

Just go to sleep jesus
16 hours of gaming is tiring

>> No.23757216

What are you asking

>> No.23757218
Quoted by: >>23757240

After Youtube, Hololive and taxes she's probably left with 1/3rd of that.

>> No.23757220

>a month's wages in 15 hours
Feels bad...

>> No.23757221

Tune in tomorrow to watch Aqua spend 3 hours reading her superchats

>> No.23757222

She's relishing on the money getting thrown at her

>> No.23757223

based /ourmidget/ did it
cutest smallest autist

>> No.23757224
File: 187 KB, 1518x1008, EXjm5kDUEAAyztr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757234

Bros.... I fucking made it til the end....
I'm so happy.....

>> No.23757226

I remember she was fangrilling over some utaite bishounen character just a few hours after her debut stream

>> No.23757228
File: 266 KB, 1891x915, last thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23757227

Maybe if she grinded for another month.

>> No.23757229
Quoted by: >>23757289

now get ready for a 12 hour superchat thanking stream

>> No.23757230

Good night.

>> No.23757231
Quoted by: >>23757259

This is why Aqua is the real face of hololive and not FBK.

>> No.23757233
Quoted by: >>23757291

Is he her whole family? You fucking speedreader?

>> No.23757234

Same bro, 16 whole hours...

>> No.23757235

Aqua is on the top 3% apex players?

>> No.23757236

Go to sleep Miko... https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1259562910805712896

>> No.23757238

>go love Towa

>> No.23757239


>> No.23757240

400k yen in one day is still a stupidly huge amount for an ordinary person.

>> No.23757242

It feel like this thread is full of people watching their very first aqua stream. Is this the power of v?

>> No.23757244

>Coco want someone

>> No.23757245

>just one based girl
I'm going to fucking bed.

>> No.23757247

>Just one based girl

>> No.23757249

>Engrish end card instead of actual English made by EOP
this is why I am an Aqua Chad

>> No.23757250

Aqua never gave up!

>> No.23757251
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1588499292328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking bros hours

>> No.23757252


>> No.23757255


>> No.23757254

>didn't even cry
meh Towa did it better

>> No.23757256

>get Diamond please Aqua

>> No.23757258

Out of the full cut, it isn't a huge amount, but it adds up from the sheer numbers. As for the point... It's to show support for your chuubas
Support Option Tiers:
1. Membership (more content, motivation for chuuba to keep working)
2. Merchandise (second best bang for buck)
3. Voice Packs (big money to your chuuba, generally ovepriced)
4. Suupachas (35-50% to your Holo, 30% to Cover, fuck google)

>> No.23757259

>only 20k the whole time
Pekora played DQ5 a few hours ago and peaked at 28k. Get with the time gramps.

>> No.23757261
File: 116 KB, 180x247, 1587235022403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757317

You can feel she got really affected by the impregnation collab going suboptimally, don't take things so hard on yourself Miko chi

>> No.23757263
File: 800 KB, 1920x1080, EWYAXtdUwAEfS-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night boys, it was a fun ride!

>> No.23757265
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1697, dfpoqwnjrd641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this nerd! And I love all of you who support her!

>> No.23757268

I just don't watch her often because she's boring
this stream didn't change that opinion of her, but congrats anyways.

>> No.23757269

Top 3% of those that play Ranked.
So probably even a smaller percent of all players.

>> No.23757270

>Matsuri actually got shit

>> No.23757271

>weird word combination from this wordcloud
Lmao bros!

>> No.23757272
File: 47 KB, 503x252, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757273
Quoted by: >>23757309

>Shion Fucking Aqua

>> No.23757274

she said cu cabeludo

>> No.23757276

That fat in the aqua completes it.

>> No.23757277
Quoted by: >>23757343

her, peko, aki, and sensei kept playing after the collab
i hope she is feeling better after the collab

>> No.23757283
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, 1532352607591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bros hours fuck

>> No.23757285

I'm not really a Baquafag but why did I watch 16 hours of a shit game because I cheer for her and see her achieve her goal

I just got through 12 hours last week of Towa

What am I doing with my life...

>> No.23757289

I didn't even know how much or what to send. Feel a bit bad about it, but it'll be okay...

>> No.23757291
Quoted by: >>23757316

>father died
>mother moved to the province
>no siblings
Speedwatcher or newfag?

>> No.23757294

What? Aqua was at 28k during her last round.

>> No.23757299

>nooooo why are the 15-hour endurance stream is getting attention
Kill yourself nigger.She even trending in Japan right now.

>> No.23757300
File: 1.19 MB, 720x936, lMmL_w79Xe4InfE4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread before morning shows

>> No.23757301


>> No.23757302
File: 119 KB, 1084x160, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Aqua's highest grossing stream this year?

>> No.23757304
Quoted by: >>23757321

Aqua peaked at 28k the last couple of hours

>> No.23757307

Stop replying to bait.

>> No.23757309
File: 133 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20200428_213302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757310

Aqua's determination is contagious. She just makes you want to root for her.

>> No.23757313
Quoted by: >>23757896

That's now how distribution works dumbo. You're thinking of percentile.

>> No.23757316
Quoted by: >>23757367

damn how old is she?

>> No.23757317

miko never stops until things are finally done, I don't remember who said it but she's the same off-screen

>> No.23757318


>> No.23757319 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 680x719, 1589138594066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking niji is on there but okayu isin't

>> No.23757321

My point still stands. Not even gonna bring up MGS.

>> No.23757322
Quoted by: >>23757341

>1. Membership (more content, motivation for chuuba to keep working)
ya know this is cut up in the same way as super chat right?

>> No.23757323

Brings me back during RO days 12-24 hours grinding for cards

>> No.23757324
File: 242 KB, 1498x1056, 1583367061206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living it to the fullest.

>> No.23757326

Watching someone finally succeed after trying hard for 16 hours, even if it was for a small thing in a video game makes anyone feel something. For now, go to sleep with that feeling in your heart anon, good night.

>> No.23757328

Dead hours now

>> No.23757329

Meanwhile Ayame is doing nakadashi endurance with her boyfriend.

>> No.23757333

Coco's monetization video make 35k USD

>> No.23757336

Didn't she break up with her boyfriend?

>> No.23757338

Just shut up and let them savor the moment.

>> No.23757339

You should add the stream before that because technically it is the same stream.

>> No.23757340

>35k USD
56k* USD

>> No.23757341

but it's just fancy subscription number, it makes them look better. and its a number they can easily look at and see there's X amount of people who actually pay for membership on a regular basis.
supers are much more vague.

>> No.23757342

>Marine Cho Aniki
>Aqua ranking up saga
>Towa training saga
God bless Golden Week

>> No.23757343
Quoted by: >>23757401

How de you know that ?
Yes, I hope too. It was ok the first time because she wasn't really responsible, but today it was partially her fault so she must feel pretty guilty. It's even more sad when you watched her and Choco-sensei making the preparations for 2 hours before the collab started

>> No.23757344

how often does a person outside of japan, like in SEA or CN learn japanese?

>> No.23757346
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1586320021415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it?

>> No.23757347

no its not

>> No.23757348
File: 109 KB, 822x1024, EWH1_sgU4AMg3yR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watame and coco morning streams
prime time
leftover streams
dead hours <----- You're here

>> No.23757350

>1,769,587.50 YEN
Good job, Aqua.

>> No.23757351

Does N*jishitards have this kind of experience that we're having?

>> No.23757353

So /hlg/ what are you doing right now, during the dead hours?

I'm grinding through RTK, done with 350 characters by now

>> No.23757354
Quoted by: >>23757399

>Towa training saga
This one isn't worth mentioning.

>> No.23757355

Depends what you mean by learning japanese

>> No.23757357
Quoted by: >>23757400

She streamed yesterday

>> No.23757359
Quoted by: >>23757420

Towa is a man?!

>> No.23757362

Nothing wrong with cheering someone succeed when they're trying so hard.

>> No.23757365

Based low comprehension bro.

>> No.23757366

Masturbating waiting for watame rock corner and then going to sleep

>> No.23757367

She was in her late teens during her nico days, so probably early to mid 20s.

>> No.23757369

I'm not a Nijifag but Kenmochi Touya winning against Shigure Ui in Tetris was an amazing VTuber moment.

>> No.23757373
Quoted by: >>23757383

going the fuck to sleep because its 5:30am

>> No.23757374

the ark wars were pretty fun imo

>> No.23757376
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1582835683661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757406


>> No.23757379

And she's going to spend a hefty portion of that with her gamer boyfriend...

>> No.23757383


>> No.23757386

>now so high off aqua getting diamond i can't sleep
What the fuck bros

>> No.23757389
Quoted by: >>23757464

Whoever married Aqua is gonna be a lucky dude

>> No.23757392

Playing Zero no Kisekai Kai and watching some Miko old VOD. I'm also waiting for MITB to start at 1 AM

>> No.23757394
Quoted by: >>23757405

Sorry anon but Aqua is a lesbian who has never had any interaction with men IRL.

>> No.23757396
File: 1.20 MB, 1465x2048, EXrVuCmU8AAuFlL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757419

>> No.23757398

listen asmr and go sleep

>> No.23757399

if you don't have a heart its not, she trained so she could retry the stream that she got suspended for and cried at the end of 12 hours.

>> No.23757400

Right after the stream end duh

>> No.23757401
Quoted by: >>23757421

i peek at the site that has all the ark servers listed and look at who has the most hours sometimes, it shows who is on the server also

>> No.23757402

her cheering and excitement transcends through time and space

>> No.23757403

Watching vods and drawing. The day's basically done now.

>> No.23757405
Quoted by: >>23757431

I'm sorry anon, but any girl who has played league has interacted with men irl.

>> No.23757406
Quoted by: >>23757439

RTK is working pretty well for me tbdesu. Learning vocab has gotten much easier with it.

>> No.23757410

I'm the opposite. I gotta stay up, but the relief from her winning is making the energy leave my body.

>> No.23757411

Kinda sucked we watched them fail for 3 hours only for them to succeed off stream but at least they finally did it.

>> No.23757416

Depends on how proficient you set the baseline to be. There's a lot of chinks that learn nip because the hardest filter of kanji is much less difficult to learn, but the actual percentage that are actually fluent is probably about as much as any other country. SEA tends to have quite a bit of people with a basic level of proficiency in Japanese since they're one of the larger consumers of Japanese culture, but these are also the kinds of people making poor quality translations online.

>> No.23757417

Blessed day.

>> No.23757419

Are Miko and Sora some sort of secret pair?

>> No.23757420 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 2048x1536, 1589139137888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757421
Quoted by: >>23757665

Can you share the link ?

>> No.23757424

Based Okayu spending all Aqua money on food

>> No.23757425

I'm dying

>> No.23757427
Quoted by: >>23757447

Reading a shitty crossover event from the gacha I'm playing that's about to end and has been putting it off for more than a week.

>> No.23757429

Finishing up that Towa drawing I started almost a month ago.

>> No.23757431

Stop spreading fake news.

>> No.23757432
Quoted by: >>23757446

Is this?!

>> No.23757433

I'm gay now.

>> No.23757434

Towa looks and sounds similar to an Asian girl that used to bully me in high school

>> No.23757435

That’s a very cute man.

>> No.23757439

Don't listen to RTK antis. They don't have strong enough mental to spend 2 or 3 months almost entirely removing the ""biggest hurdle"" of the language.

>> No.23757442

Towa has a sharp face for a woman

>> No.23757446
Quoted by: >>23757453

why do you think towafags are such cultists...

>> No.23757447

Did you roll for Tiki?

>> No.23757449

It's a popular third language to learn.

>> No.23757450

Who's the best wife /hlg/?

>> No.23757452

Aqua's determination really makes me want to work hard too for her sake.

>> No.23757453

deep sexy voice

>> No.23757462


>> No.23757463
Quoted by: >>23757476

360 posts in 40 minutes
the power of aqua

>> No.23757464

I know I am anon, but what are you?

>> No.23757465

How much did aqua make total? The stream was 2 parts right?

>> No.23757469
File: 852 KB, 3500x2500, 71831502_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757529

Aki my wife.

>> No.23757473

That's only an assumption, she has never talked about her citizenship.

>> No.23757475
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, 20200511000233_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to finish the Steam version of Utawarerumono.
Fucking shitty port already crashed on me twice during battle, so I'm taking a short break.

>> No.23757476

is this the return of aqua's popularity on jaypee?

>> No.23757477

>those pillows
Super gay.

>> No.23757479

At least they are happy now. Hopefully this is gonna be the last one of these collabs because it obviously doesn't work out well.

>> No.23757481


>> No.23757483
File: 239 KB, 394x692, 1588160833629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757563

Me for Kaoru

>> No.23757485

Not as cute as Luna.

>> No.23757490

Objectively Choco.
>her voice
>hikki so she won’t cheat
>good cook
>good stamina
>her voice

>> No.23757494

Aqua's stream made me realize I don't understand like 30% of what she says.

>> No.23757499

>People forgetting about the other stream
oh no...

>> No.23757500
Quoted by: >>23757537

Sora's Miko's favorite idol and she got into Holo because of her, she even calls her Sora-chan instead of senpai like the others so they have a strong relationship

>> No.23757501


>> No.23757503
Quoted by: >>23757553

I did and didn't get her. I was getting tired of the game anyways and was going to quit if I didn't get all 3 of them.

>> No.23757509

Aqua has so many voice packs, it looks like it would make you go broke by the end of it.

>> No.23757510
Quoted by: >>23757553

Yeah got her on the first day of her banner and maxed her, I'm not sure that was a wise decision since I don't have DYJeanne. I also finally got Chrom today after waiting for my pity rate to go up with dailies and did 2 10 folds. And now I got all the units.

>> No.23757513

Watching Gleipnir.

>> No.23757514
File: 62 KB, 658x585, ETB7shpUwAgFr2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours. You know what to do anon.

>> No.23757519


>> No.23757521

Based pure post.

>> No.23757526

Miko started as a project under Cover that was separate from hololive and it failed terribly. Sora basically saved Miko by reaching out to her and asking her to join holo.

>> No.23757529


>> No.23757532

Yes,time to convince all my friends to stop subbing to kanata.

>> No.23757537
Quoted by: >>23757618

Aw that's heartwarming, a shame Sora barely streams, she really is a good senpai

>> No.23757543

it's a charming character trait, she must be high functioning, she was able to build a gamer chair.

>> No.23757544
File: 96 KB, 825x615, anoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID stalker certified
Fuck, he's creepy.

>> No.23757545


>> No.23757548

Definitely not Haachama

>> No.23757549 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.10 MB, 2638x1488, 1589139797379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to save her, bros...

>> No.23757552

it's almost marshmallow time

>> No.23757553

Nice, I got her just last night grinding the event while watching Pekora.
Don't give up hope anon, there's still the free 1200 we're getting tonight.

>> No.23757556
Quoted by: >>23757722

Squirrel has a nice onee-san voice. I'll listen to her karaoke more often.

>> No.23757560
Quoted by: >>23757567

What the fuck, does this dude always comment a fucking essay on Risu's vids

>> No.23757563

He looks like he could be cousin of Suisei

>> No.23757564

Definitely not her lmao

>> No.23757567

On most IDs vids.

>> No.23757577

god dammit, one lyger is bad enough

>> No.23757585

this guy is gonna murder Risu.

>> No.23757589

How do I become as dedicated as this guy?

>> No.23757590
Quoted by: >>23757849

I'm doing what I can anon.

>> No.23757591

Hide your squirrels.

>> No.23757598

best traditional wife's definitely Mio

>> No.23757601
File: 118 KB, 962x1235, 1588711460242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't alone, bro. I hope one of us does, before L*ger does anything.

>> No.23757604

>He doesn't want a comfy space wife to get drunk with after a long day of building furniture

>> No.23757610

>aqua and ayame leaving shion yo behind on plat
what's the narrative here?

>> No.23757611
File: 50 KB, 1080x374, IMG_20200511_034712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757635

That's our cute onion maid!

>> No.23757613

Upcoming collab stream to get Shion to diamond of course.

>> No.23757616 [SPOILER] 
File: 560 KB, 1005x1200, 1589140143173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry to do this hlg but it has to be her....

>> No.23757617

>another vtuber pretends that they forgot to turn off their stream and talks to themselves

>> No.23757618

she's actually successful outside of Hololive so she doesn't have a lot of time, I think she's a seiyuu

>> No.23757622
Quoted by: >>23757722


>> No.23757628

aqua plays offline with shion

>> No.23757631

>tfw no squirrel onee-chan

>> No.23757635

Crazy to think she actually did it.

>> No.23757643

What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.23757646
Quoted by: >>23757668

shion will collab with towa!

>> No.23757648

Shion is too busy being lewd with her thumbnails

>> No.23757651
File: 582 KB, 1500x844, kanata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757828

Time to write up an essay of my fantasies with her.

>> No.23757656

He's one of those kinds of people that announces they are going away to the toilet in a stream chat.

>> No.23757657
File: 38 KB, 512x512, IMG_20200406_204822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chipmunk voices
>onee-san voices
>man voices, imitating red-kun

>> No.23757664

>surprise Okayu

>> No.23757665


>> No.23757668
Quoted by: >>23757673

Didn't Towa have a dream about being friends with Shion? This is their chance

>> No.23757673
Quoted by: >>23757693

Towa dreams of collabs...

>> No.23757675
Quoted by: >>23760378

Not sure why you guys are worried about Lyger anymore when your main worry now should be if Matsuri turns herself into a man or not

>> No.23757678
Quoted by: >>23757755


Yagoo the last bastion show sign of cracks

>> No.23757683
Quoted by: >>23757691

Drawing, singing and cooking

>> No.23757691
Quoted by: >>23758240

what are you cooking, anon? I made some churros yesterday, they turned out tasty as fuck.

>> No.23757693


>> No.23757696

wtf Miko-Sora
also Miko-Pekora

How many pair does she have?

>> No.23757697

At the same time I am laughing I'm also sad because all the Brazilians will come to her streams and shit on everything.

>> No.23757704

>I hope one of us does, before L*ger does anything.
But then I can never realize my dream of being a chainsmoking private dick going about questioning the other holos about the sudden disappearance of Natsuiro Matsuri while the rain never stops falling.

>> No.23757711

She can work with everyone except Flare.

>> No.23757716
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, IMG_20200324_224231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757722


>> No.23757724

miko and sora are more like actual senpai and kouhai
miko looks up to sora a lot

>> No.23757727

she has no idea how to deal with autists like Flare

>> No.23757732

I'll fuck you up if it's the boat vers.

>> No.23757735

>yagoo only retweet about homostars, holoid and certain hololives
Is he bias?

>> No.23757736
Quoted by: >>23757776

Don't forget Mikorone.

>> No.23757746

What, that's like the only person to be able to do Okayu.

>> No.23757752
File: 323 KB, 595x547, alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing tantrum
>got retweeted

>> No.23757754

mikoaki, mikococo, mikkorone and mikoflare
she goes well with everyone despite not collabing a lot, her interacting with subaru is also really cute

>> No.23757755

This was the worse sign

>> No.23757756


>> No.23757758

I think he feels eternal guilt for creating a group with 50 avg viewers, or he's just gay

>> No.23757761

Has Okayu and Risu ever been seen in the same room together?

>> No.23757764

according to fubuki, miko is someone you want to cuddle with so im not surprised a lot of the girls like her

>> No.23757766
File: 656 KB, 1210x673, heHATESher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757826

Reminder YAGOO HATES Watame

>> No.23757775

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0h3iVfp94I yofi moona and squirrel

>> No.23757776
File: 105 KB, 960x1000, 1585161391651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757778

She's Korone and Okayu's daughter.

>> No.23757781
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, mkv_snapshot_00.00.660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clipped a nice frame from an old mv

>> No.23757783
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, 1588840026277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23757813

I want to cuddle with Miko!

>> No.23757784

>Live stream offline

>> No.23757788

Nice one. I wonder how many people here have actually seen the entire thing to see this nice shot.

>> No.23757789

I like too many of them to just pick one...

>> No.23757792
File: 71 KB, 664x960, 1588911089388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757794

I never noticed the top ones

>> No.23757797


>> No.23757799

What the fuck
Delete this

>> No.23757808
File: 1.36 MB, 2891x4096, 1587265456390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757813

imagine how soft it is between her arm and exposed side boob

>> No.23757820
File: 94 KB, 709x1151, IMG_20200511_030933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757823

I like how the only person who doesn't even look slightly concerned is fucking Haachama and I guess Okayu is being Okayu

>> No.23757826
Quoted by: >>23757889

But why

>> No.23757828

How creepy would that turn out I wonder

>> No.23757838

Seeing her creative ideas come out again is a really nice feeling. Like the parody song and the kusoge review she did last night. I'll always support her no matter what

>> No.23757841

As long as it's not sexually explicit or long as fuck I'm expecting plenty of subtle creepiness to be in the ones that make the cut
Haachama loves that shit anyway but she's dragging the other girls in this time so she had to set guidelines

>> No.23757842

yagoo supports the underdogs except towa

>> No.23757849

It's okay anon, the thought and effort counts.

>> No.23757851
Quoted by: >>23757868

Aqua actually did it. My daughterwife is so dedicated.

>> No.23757857

Guys, I have a theory..

What if Risu IS Okayu, that voice is way too dead on, I think it's actually her.

>> No.23757864
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1584114022267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757867

It's all wholesome things anon. I hope Haato picks it.

>> No.23757868

Just goes to show that if you keep pushing, you'll get there eventually. Truly an idol.

>> No.23757869

You wish, bad narrative.

>> No.23757870

lick shrine maiden navel

>> No.23757871

I want to lick Miko's belly!

>> No.23757873

What language is this?

>> No.23757882

What if it was an early collab?

>> No.23757889

Sheep is just a shitty version of Sister Claire

>> No.23757890
File: 117 KB, 725x1024, 1588706021325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEED TO __hug

>> No.23757893

What the flying fuck?

>> No.23757896

uhh? i dont get it

>> No.23757897

Is anyone streaming at all? Links poster didn't appear.

>> No.23757898

It's funny because she's fat.

>> No.23757909


>> No.23757911
File: 42 KB, 511x511, 1588056015280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757912

You want to listen to IDs?

>> No.23757913

YAGOO needs to hire girls who stream at 4 AM

>> No.23757917

Never watched this chick in my life but this is genuinely impressive

>> No.23757918

I'm new to /hlg/ and really just now getting in to these girls and I love them, but I have to ask. Can most of you understand japanese or do you watch the streams for the energy? I still watch the streams even though I dont always understand whats going on. Curious how other /jp/ people do it

>> No.23757921


>> No.23757927

If only...

>> No.23757929

I'm not him, but:
https://youtu.be/jOyO-RV7rSM - WataUta at 5:45
https://youtu.be/ZbbGAq1oB5w - Asacoco at 6:00

>> No.23757934
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Hoshimati Suisei at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and reloading her russian rifle in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cigarette packs in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the packs and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any voicing chord infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cigarette and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by speaking in russian really loudly.

>> No.23757937
Quoted by: >>23757964

welcome, EOP Chad

>> No.23757941

What fuckery is this?

>> No.23757945
Quoted by: >>23758001

I am a beginner JSL, I just make up the parts that I don't get.

>> No.23757951

Nani?! Of course watashi wa understand nihongo very much desu ne~

>> No.23757952

okay, but post -that- webm

>> No.23757953
Quoted by: >>23757987

I connect with the chuubas on an emotive level that is beyond language, time, and space.

>> No.23757954
Quoted by: >>23757974

Nobody here understands Japanese. We just shit on Towa.

>> No.23757958

Imagine her and Kanata in a stream together.

>> No.23757964
File: 69 KB, 828x930, 1569179572664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23757970
Quoted by: >>23758001

Started off not knowing a lick of jap, but the streams inspired me to finally get around to learning. Right now I'm just padding my growing vocabulary by listening in to the streams.

>> No.23757974


>> No.23757975

It's never too late to put in your 10000 hours of listening newbie.

>> No.23757976
Quoted by: >>23757989

this thread is full of people from other boards who don't know japanese

>> No.23757977
Quoted by: >>23758035

what stream was this?

>> No.23757980

>infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word
This shit will never not make me laugh like a retard.

>> No.23757983
File: 642 KB, 957x653, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my EOP-chad taste.

>> No.23757987
Quoted by: >>23757998

I'm connected to my chuuba via an interdimensional space time crossing umbilical cord

>> No.23757989

And people on this board who use the copy pasta of common Japanese shitposts to pretend they know Japanese.

>> No.23757998
Quoted by: >>23758025

You thought it was a chuuba but it was actually Lavos. Good job, idiot, I'm still trying to fix your mess.

>> No.23758001
Quoted by: >>23758086

Cool! I'll be starting classes for JSL in the fall actually. I wonder how it will change things for me.
I'm hoping after I start learning I'll experience the same effect.

>> No.23758005

Self proclaimed N5-kun here. Don't actually know what level I'm at since I never took the test.
I can understand or at least get the general idea of what they talk about most of the time and piece it together through context. While watching I also look at twitter and the chat, if there's something I don't understand I search for it.
VN games, collabs, and zatsudan streams are the hardest for me to follow since it involves a lot of talking.

>> No.23758008

Here's a (You)

>> No.23758006

Okayu is way better than that. Otherwise it's okay I guess.

>> No.23758009

>shion and ayame in D tier
it's shit anon.

>> No.23758017
Quoted by: >>23758064

Its easy to watch the streams and get a general idea of what they are doing in game but it does suck not being able to understand them because a lot of them are really charming and funny with their jokes and stories. I've been watching since january while learning japanese at the same time and I'm starting to understand more but I still miss stuff when a subbed video comes out

>> No.23758023

bwain is bwonken

>> No.23758025
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1520220528193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get to post this.

>> No.23758026

Aqua must be either at the very top or at the very bottom, that's the law

>> No.23758033


>> No.23758035
Quoted by: >>23758057

this one:
her impersonation happens right after the cover

>> No.23758037
File: 145 KB, 709x1151, mikochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758069

this is how she looks most of the time tbdesu.

>> No.23758042

degenewates, yu guyz arr degenewates

>> No.23758057


>> No.23758064

>but I still miss stuff when a subbed video comes out
Glad I'm not alone. Although, it is different if you get to rewind multiple times to hear them.

>> No.23758065

I forgot it's Monday over there, got a ping for a Coco stream and got excited, then was disappointed to realize it was just the news.

>> No.23758066
File: 59 KB, 460x641, Otaku slayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this dummy be your number one? She hates trash like you, you know!

>> No.23758069


>> No.23758070

Why is this not getting the attention it deserves.

>> No.23758079

You have already posted this, fuck off

>> No.23758081
Quoted by: >>23758096

>Holostars collab
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

>> No.23758084
File: 170 KB, 519x499, 1588842537573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner JFL, I have a general idea of what they're talking about and a lot of times it's enough because I mostly watch them on the background when I'm doing something else. And for gameplay heavy content you don't need to understand a lot to enjoy it. I absolutely adore some of the voices and can listen to them for hours. The only thing I really regret is missing zatsudans exactly because it's my favorite holos talking. Hence I'm starting to study, slow but steady.

>> No.23758086
Quoted by: >>23758152

I'm not nearly as proactive in learning as I ought to be, but for my case it's more of tying the sound to the kanji since I'm a chink and I can get the general gist of the meaning most of the time. I think if you're fresh going in you'll need to keep up your kanji reps alongside listening.

>> No.23758093

I actually really like this one

>> No.23758096

it's an actual banger though, both sound so good together.

>> No.23758100

I forget to post it. I did it a few times in the threads, but because we move from a new one so often, I forget to post it again. Keep up the narrative.

>> No.23758101

because the only homiestars who get attention are kaoru, roberu and flare's uncle aka the pizza guy

>> No.23758102
File: 663 KB, 976x647, my-image(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758130

not as good as my EFL-gigachad taste

>> No.23758103
File: 318 KB, 800x883, 1580488456122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758107

>beginner JFL

>> No.23758113

It's Haato.

>> No.23758116
File: 533 KB, 1064x1026, Hololive_tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758144

Not as good as my list.

>> No.23758120

The homos are way too high spec to be stuck where they are.

>> No.23758128
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Tokoyami Towa at a konbini in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Konyappi!”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Towa...” but she kept smiling. I eventually told her how cool it was to meet her in person, and I heard her say "TenQ!". When I was about to walk away and continue with my shopping, she stopped me and offered to take a photo together.
That was the best day of my life, thank you based Towa I will forever be your kenzoku...

>> No.23758130
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1587453053182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758131

What's strange about Japanese being a foreign language to someone?

>> No.23758132
Quoted by: >>23758167

I've tried learning russian and german and didn't have the drive to do it
jap would be impossible for me

>> No.23758133

>not learning a fourth language

>> No.23758141
Quoted by: >>23758156

I get why she hates her model. And by the time she gets her 3D debut, everyone will have already forgotten about it. Except Noel. Because she can never get rid of Noel.

>> No.23758142

which holo is the oldest irl. I can't idol worship 18 year olds

>> No.23758143


>> No.23758144

Do a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram next.

>> No.23758145


>> No.23758151
Quoted by: >>23758186


>> No.23758152
Quoted by: >>23758181

I am going in fresh. I'll be taking 3 levels of a language for my studies in order to graduate anways. So I'll be doing Japanese. Ill be trying to supplement it with other resources as well.

>> No.23758153

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOyO-RV7rSM Watame no uta

>> No.23758155
Quoted by: >>23758186

luna but she acts like the youngest

>> No.23758156
File: 153 KB, 796x1000, IMG_20200510_080629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758157
Quoted by: >>23758186

Luna > Marine > FBK

>> No.23758158
Quoted by: >>23758244

Marine has a dusty old womb

>> No.23758159
Quoted by: >>23758200

I'm jealous that you guys can talk about holos in your own thread. Wish the other thread was like that too.

>> No.23758160

Hitomi Chris

>> No.23758164
Quoted by: >>23758186

Either Luna or Korone

>> No.23758165

God bless Suisei shitposting

>> No.23758167

I learned German. Huge waste of time.

>> No.23758171
File: 540 KB, 992x653, 1570701999714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my tastes anons?

>> No.23758175

But it's the ultimate chuuni language.

>> No.23758176

*and offered to laugh at my small penis

>> No.23758179
Quoted by: >>23758460

As someone who is considering learning German can you explain why?

>> No.23758181

Ganbare, anon.

>> No.23758183

based towa...

>> No.23758184

korone is so old she has cockroaches living in her crusty old pussy

>> No.23758186

no way

>> No.23758196

she's in her 30s so yes way.

>> No.23758200


>> No.23758206
Quoted by: >>23758232

Aside from Pekora and Korone thrown in to be believable this is contrarian as fuck
If you didn't actually make this as bait then enjoy yourself I guess
There are no wrong opinions

>> No.23758210


>> No.23758214

Bump up Subaru and Marine and this is perfect

>> No.23758216
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x1536, You can say that again shion yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758245

We live in a vtuber society....

>> No.23758219
Quoted by: >>23758230

she's too much of a boomer to be popular and her design doesn't help either

>> No.23758223

She's been on the internet in some way or another for decades.

>> No.23758225

Shit like every other tierfag's

>> No.23758227

Pretty shit but that's okay anon.

>> No.23758228

Coco or Luna, Coco is a 3500 yo dragon while Luna is a self proclaimed 0 yo old, she has been around since the founding of the Kingdom of Zion which might be older than Coco.

>> No.23758230
Quoted by: >>23758343

I like the way she is and that makes me want to watch her streams, she's fun.

>> No.23758232
Quoted by: >>23758251

>Aside from Pekora and Korone thrown in to be believable
>Pekora and Korone
>that high

>> No.23758240

Steak with rice and tomato

>> No.23758241
File: 238 KB, 1366x768, 20200509230935_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PVP in DS1

>> No.23758244

Thats why I love her.

>> No.23758245
File: 32 KB, 600x600, cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towaposting is more fun than actual Towa stream

>> No.23758251

What do you think contrarian means and did you read the rest of what I wrote?

>> No.23758254

Is it just me? or is Watame getting really good at these covers?

>> No.23758257

It hurts but it's quite true

>> No.23758260

watame's singing makes my chest hurt bros... she's so wonderful...

>> No.23758263
File: 410 KB, 1420x1242, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758267

Her training is paying off

>> No.23758273
Quoted by: >>23758291

Noel's roommate licking makes my dick hard bros... she's so lustful...

>> No.23758274
Quoted by: >>23758279

it's just you

>> No.23758275


>> No.23758279
Quoted by: >>23758290

Go to sleep, suiseifag.

>> No.23758284

I thought everybody knew that.

>> No.23758285


>> No.23758287

Thanks for reminding me to check out Watame's singing yesterday and Luna's too apparently? Ayame even did one too. So many to catch up on.

>> No.23758288

Based sheep

>> No.23758289
File: 144 KB, 300x300, Megumin_Bakuretsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758290

She's even worse.

>> No.23758291

That's the only way she knows how to interact with men. You know, because of the abuse and all.

>> No.23758292
File: 593 KB, 1064x758, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 100% indisputable tier-list

>> No.23758299
File: 561 KB, 1007x463, my-image-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All holos are good

>> No.23758300
File: 661 KB, 1085x956, EXPIEu4VAAIHe-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758335

Wait is Korone really a dog? I mean you can see her human ears in her mama's drawings compared to Okayu and Mio who has theirs hidden.

>> No.23758301


>> No.23758302
File: 108 KB, 386x441, 1563344688439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fap while Towaposting though...

>> No.23758309


>> No.23758310

It's a brand new day for Towa. Please support her.

>> No.23758311

This but Towa, Suisei and Mel on E

>> No.23758314

Based wholesome poster.

>> No.23758316
File: 3 KB, 277x89, best post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758325

>Watame's morning songs have english subtitles
Neat, what other content gets them besides asococo?

>> No.23758329

Is this sheep's best performance yet?

>> No.23758330

This guy gets it.

>> No.23758335

mmmm I want to fuck cat and dog...

>> No.23758340
File: 352 KB, 3112x2200, IMG_20200507_160546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Holo had more members we wouldn't have dead hours

>> No.23758343
Quoted by: >>23758396

I wonder if she would have had a similar sub explosion like suisei had with her 3D stream

>> No.23758347

best taste

>> No.23758351
Quoted by: >>23758358


>> No.23758354
Quoted by: >>23758368

Watame has crazy eyes.

>> No.23758355
Quoted by: >>23758430

Its almost time for news chorogon

>> No.23758357


>> No.23758358


>> No.23758360
Quoted by: >>23758376

I still don't get the "sheep is a good singer" meme.
She's okay, compared to other hololives.
But for vtubers in general she's pretty low tier.

>> No.23758362


>> No.23758363

a draw snipbros...

>> No.23758364

That's true.

>> No.23758367

Dead hours are a good thing. Without rest, you can't keep the dopamine going bro.

>> No.23758368

Her tracking software is shit.

>> No.23758371

do i add the non jp girls and boys to the tier list or keep it pure?

>> No.23758372
File: 3.68 MB, 2046x2823, __kiryuu_coco_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kiyama_satoshi__1e1668ed55383bd9d66a718691e0470a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink Coco's dragon milk.

>> No.23758373
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, IMG_20200406_095604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758375

Only her because it's a prerecorded video that Coco translates beforehand, then after Asacoco's finished she immediately starts working on it's subtitles

>> No.23758377

don't worry, these will be holoEN prime hours in a couple of months

>> No.23758376
Quoted by: >>23758380

she can hit high notes while most other vtubers can't.

>> No.23758379

Add them.

>> No.23758380

>she can badly inconsistently hit high notes
>that makes her good

>> No.23758383

Add it you pussy.
t. not unicorn

>> No.23758386

It's going to be awful.

>> No.23758396

I think that will depend of how good the model is and what they do on the stream. I hope it's fun and enjoyable

>> No.23758398
Quoted by: >>23758424

Hope we get more Coco talk streams soon, those are always good.

>> No.23758402

I hope one of them streams on twitch instead of youtube

>> No.23758409

Starting off strong today.

>> No.23758410
Quoted by: >>23758426

I love Coco's perpetually open mouth

>> No.23758411

The chats will be like twitch regardless.

>> No.23758412
Quoted by: >>23758432

>only less than 20K

>> No.23758414

What a way to start Asacoco

>> No.23758419


>> No.23758420

Civia will kill Artia

>> No.23758423

Hello? Based department??

>> No.23758424
Quoted by: >>23758445

Aren't her talk streams usually just her bitching about something?

>> No.23758426

People who say they should change her dumb model are wrong, it fits Coco perfectly (in a good way)

>> No.23758428
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1578341853820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never watched a single Asacoco.

>> No.23758430

I hate this dragon bitch so much

>> No.23758431

>morning whore exercises

>> No.23758432

don't you mean reclining

>> No.23758434
Quoted by: >>23758452

You want a medal?

>> No.23758436


>> No.23758437


>> No.23758438
Quoted by: >>23758621

baqua is a true inspiration for bakas everywhere that with enough determination you too can achieve your dreams

>> No.23758439

It’s just narrative posting anyways.

>> No.23758440

Did Coco stick the tracking device on a stick and just wave it around?

>> No.23758444

It sure is monday.

>> No.23758446


>> No.23758447

Based anon

>> No.23758445
Quoted by: >>23758465

Yes anon. The talk things for one of the most popular hololivers and chuubas in general is just her bitching. Now finish your apple juice, it's almost nap time.

>> No.23758448


>> No.23758450

Was she bragging about having a higher rank than Aqua or is she talking about Overwatch?

>> No.23758451

they probably will, streaming on youtube is not really that popular in the west compared to streaming on twitch

>> No.23758452
Quoted by: >>23758457

No I want to fuck the dog.

>> No.23758456
File: 2.76 MB, 1148x720, 1560457953486.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758492

that's because you're an EOP

>> No.23758457

Based Canadian.

>> No.23758460
Quoted by: >>23758476

There are like, 0 german vtubers.

>> No.23758462

>Rushia fucks on the first date
You guys were right about her...

>> No.23758463


>> No.23758464
Quoted by: >>23758477

Shut the fuck up about ARK, Coco bitch.

>> No.23758465

The only one I ever paid attention to was her bitching about her pay.

>> No.23758473

We've done it, boys. We've got Coco saying "NTR" live on stream.

>> No.23758475


>> No.23758476
Quoted by: >>23758510

lmao thought u had a real reason

>> No.23758477

join her kson ark server bitch

>> No.23758483

By hating her, you're playing right into her game.

>> No.23758484

It's going to be a wild ride.

>> No.23758490
File: 8 KB, 1055x88, asakoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of /Hlg/ resistance
LMAO at you

>> No.23758492
File: 2.20 MB, 400x700, 1569140114413.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Korone move awkwardly?

>> No.23758494

Holy based.

>> No.23758496

>only 18.5k viewers

>> No.23758498

Retarded EOP, you're not allowed to post the doG God.

>> No.23758503

Sup Dutchfag

>> No.23758505

Imagine taking this fatty from behind

>> No.23758507

She's old and her joints are creaky.

>> No.23758509
Quoted by: >>23758538


>> No.23758510

(I'm not actually him it was just an easy joke)

>> No.23758511

she's in heat

>> No.23758513


>> No.23758519
File: 415 KB, 1893x1080, IMG_20200510_180813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this will be a thing on the shitposting shorts and the other fukkireta like stuff from now on, a shame because I prefer Okakoro.

>> No.23758523


>> No.23758526

Don't you want to watch Korone?

>> No.23758528

Seems to be entirely one sided as Okayu rarely reacts to it.

>> No.23758530

Goddamn Korone's breasts look so grabbable in this outfit.

>> No.23758531


>> No.23758536

Okayu doesn't really care about Shion and Aqua's feeling

>> No.23758535

>Sup Dutchfag
The Absolute state of Burger education

>> No.23758538
Quoted by: >>23758581


>> No.23758540

Oh no, is it time for a new product?

>> No.23758542

The only reason it was that way in the fukkireta video was because Korone didn't have a singing part and it would be awkward to force Okayu in with her.

>> No.23758545

>Only 20K watching

Coco is reclining.

>> No.23758547

>ayame is still the fukkireta thumbnail
>now she's in the newest short
maybe Ayame's bf is yagoo...

>> No.23758553
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1586653537208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Aki helps out her kohais.

>> No.23758556
File: 480 KB, 1297x803, 2020-05-10 17_12_15-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758559
File: 16 KB, 224x214, watame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23758562

YAGOO laughing at the Ayamecucks as he shoots cum into her womb

>> No.23758563


>> No.23758564
Quoted by: >>23758583

Aki confirmed for whore.

>> No.23758566

>Cup D
Ohnonono Matsuri

>> No.23758567

Honestly don't feel she sounds much like Okayu. Only notable thing here is the change in pitch, and it's so extreme and quick it makes me think she must be digitally affecting her voice.

>> No.23758568
Quoted by: >>23758595


>> No.23758569

>V V-Katsu

>> No.23758571
Quoted by: >>23758595


>> No.23758573
Quoted by: >>23758595


>> No.23758574

Atleast Mel finally collabed with Hololive members

>> No.23758576
Quoted by: >>23758595


>> No.23758579

tfw Ayame has more time for shorts and songs than she does for streams.

>> No.23758581

With pleasure!

>> No.23758582
File: 80 KB, 929x708, 1588686130517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758583

She use it for work!

>> No.23758585

I see that Coco is trying to beat Asamiko production

>> No.23758587
Quoted by: >>23758596

I can't get over her desktop background.

>> No.23758594

Coco got Aqua diamond in the news... I'm crying... she must have worked hard cause it just happened so recently... such a good kouhai....

>> No.23758595


>> No.23758596

She had a "face reveal" before. She won't take any chances.

>> No.23758598

But Aqua looks kinda annoyed or wary of Okayu in the Fukkireta video

>> No.23758602
Quoted by: >>23758618

Coco would rather give publicity to this guy instead of Holostars it's kinda hilarious

>> No.23758603

We need to go deeper

>> No.23758606

Ok but really, why does Towa have so many english fans? Her chat is almost entirely english.

>> No.23758607

Coco.. what about Holostars?

>> No.23758611
Quoted by: >>23758647

Kaoru shouldn't have missed her message...

>> No.23758618

Fuck homo "stars"

>> No.23758621

Definitely. Aqua is shining now.

>> No.23758622

only chat slow enough to not get flooded out by jp

>> No.23758623

yabe incident

>> No.23758624
File: 141 KB, 2048x520, 1589145642169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758625


>> No.23758627


>> No.23758628


>> No.23758632

got dicked too hard by Okayu the night before

>> No.23758633


>> No.23758636

i can't believe pochi is getting fucking banned

>> No.23758637

Pochi collab when

>> No.23758638


>> No.23758644

It only gets flooded with english when there's a lull in whatever she's playing. When something happens or she does a stupid impression the chat explodes in japanese.

>> No.23758645

What does Coco have against the switch?

>> No.23758647

He could have saved the entirety of Homostars if he read Coco's message

>> No.23758648
File: 50 KB, 732x639, weather5.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758657

>> No.23758649

Coco... please do more 3 min cooking segments.

>> No.23758650
Quoted by: >>23758689

she says its an overpriced piece of plastic

>> No.23758651

Collab when!?

>> No.23758654
Quoted by: >>23758687

btw anyone have an mp3 of the ED?

>> No.23758657

Translate it weeb.

>> No.23758662
File: 555 KB, 737x677, Marine sauce pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758747

Anyone know what video is this from?

>> No.23758664

She has SEGA flowing through her blood

>> No.23758668
File: 2.35 MB, 292x298, 1587309048683.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758677

ded hours again

>> No.23758671

Pochi gen5 when.

>> No.23758675

I tuned in to one of Towa's streams because of the amount of Towaposting here and that made the stream more enjoyable.

>> No.23758677


>> No.23758682

"Nothing happened in Nanking. Get fucked Artia. All my senpais suck."

>> No.23758687
Quoted by: >>23758713


>> No.23758689

You mean right now or just in general. But it's a good investment considering the games other holos play on it. And we are talking about nintendo land here.

>> No.23758690

She's a Segafag and a Sonyfag from America. Skub runs strong in her.

>> No.23758693
Quoted by: >>23758699

Yesterday I made hamburgers. They were delicious

>> No.23758694

I think there's a pretty high chance, if we consider that the 2 leaked girls will be part of a gen, I'm thinking maybe Norio and Pochi

>> No.23758695

"Nice karaoke night Suisei"

>> No.23758696
File: 452 KB, 650x933, u2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her kind went through some tough times because of N*ntendo...

>> No.23758699

Her boyfriend must have enjoyed them...

>> No.23758701

She's on Sega Yakuza payroll

>> No.23758700

At most she'll be a mama for one of the gen5s

>> No.23758707
Quoted by: >>23758729

ask coco what a dreamcast is and she probably couldn't answer

>> No.23758708

But dragon genocider Oji-san was a Segafan, what?

>> No.23758712

is mio a single mom irl

>> No.23758713
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1586206205253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758714

nihongo dekimasen

>> No.23758716

Mio is my mom

>> No.23758717

Sega shit the bed on their own though. PS1 might have helped but by the time N64 came out Nintendo was already in a downward spiral until the Wii.

>> No.23758728

No. We're not going to have children until after we get married.

>> No.23758729

the dreamcast was a complete failure and everyone already forgot about it

>> No.23758731
Quoted by: >>23758742

Is Gen 5 even happening soon, I heard that YAGOO was slowing down on expansion so that they could better support all the chuubas that they already have.

>> No.23758735


>> No.23758736

Norio is impossible. Pochi is nearly impossible.

>> No.23758737

Yeah, Roberu is her son

>> No.23758742

It depends, did his statement start counting from when gen 5 debuts or from when he made the statement

>> No.23758747


>> No.23758752
Quoted by: >>23758758

Yeah, she has a beautiful half black baby.

>> No.23758758 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1989141493867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758759

Pochi said she wanted to be a holo mama and I don't see why Norio wouldn't like to be a mama for the company she gets along with really well, even if she has her own company now.

>> No.23758760

Pochi once tweeted indirectly to Hololive that she wanted to be a mama for them.

>> No.23758777

I don't remember the stream where she said it, but she had nothing against Nintendo itself, but the people that play Nintendo games. She was probably bullied at one point by normalfags that play on DS or some shit.

>> No.23758789
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 1588733701910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758800

The Dreamcast only "failed" because Sega sudoku'd early and people were cumming over the PS2 because it played fucking DVDs. People still made games for the thing until like 2007. The only Sega console to be a true failure was the Saturn in North America. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.23758793

To be fair, have you seen Nintendo's rabid fans? They're pretty fuckin stupid, and nuts.

>> No.23758794

Coco's boyfriend is cutter than Towa.

>> No.23758796
Quoted by: >>23758853

Pekora real life pekoras > Pekora hololive pekoras

>> No.23758799

The first console I bought as a kid was a Dreamcast, I regretted it instantly and traded it for a Playstation...

>> No.23758800

Sega didn't really have a choice. They were bleeding money so badly they needed to sell anything. If it wasn't for a ridiculous free loan, they'd have gone out of business after the Dreamcast.

Sega signed their own death warrant with the 32x and Sega CD.

>> No.23758808

If we assume he isn't Coco's boyfriend the guy must be euphoric that Coco gives so much attention to him

>> No.23758810
File: 155 KB, 994x745, nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758817

I wouldn't want to recognize these people either

>> No.23758811

At least the SegaCD had some good games, the 32x was a waste.

>> No.23758813
File: 8 KB, 114x140, 1578473161514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How small is cup D in Japanese?

>> No.23758814

Ah, the Sega CD

>> No.23758817

Me on the right.

>> No.23758820

/v/ go away

>> No.23758824
File: 271 KB, 704x1068, 1586910410720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the saturn is unironically sega's best console

>> No.23758825
Quoted by: >>23758831

I'd say cup measurements in Japan are around one size smaller than in the west. So a D cup would be like a western C.

>> No.23758826
Quoted by: >>23758831


>> No.23758829

Imagine what a power couple they'd be if they were actually together though.

>> No.23758831


>> No.23758835

I wonder if the other holos ask if they can touch Noels boobs haha i mean they must be curious right? And they're all girls so it wouldn't be a problem. I mean you know how Suisei got super curious when she first saw her.

>> No.23758838

They don't ask, they just grab them.

>> No.23758841

Squirrel is actually good?! fuck I have to sub now, why did you post this?

>> No.23758845

Oh say can you see!

>> No.23758850

Show some goddamn respect

>> No.23758853

*pekora real life fake pekoras

>> No.23758854

>Americans are close towards getting a 2000 dollar stimulus check
>Thinking about using it on Hologirls

GOD I CAN'T WAIT. I'm thinking about dumping 1000 to Risu to upgrade her stuff

>> No.23758858

I know I would

>> No.23758860

Based Yakuza bailing out SEGA so we could get endless Yakuza games.

>> No.23758862
Quoted by: >>23758988

Imagine not knowing the difference between swamp Germans and snow mountain Germans.

>> No.23758867

Jesus, another 2k stimulus check?

>> No.23758873

No one tell him...

>> No.23758875


>> No.23758882

Canada has given me 7000 dollars since this started

>> No.23758883
Quoted by: >>23758934

Unemployment is almost 15%

>> No.23758890

I was making an extra 500 a week doing nothing but watching holo until my gay ass job called me back to work last week

>> No.23758891

Yep, there's still TONS of unemployed folks, I am so happy because I can single handedly upgrade Risu's PC or just support her for a while

>> No.23758892
Quoted by: >>23758909

Maple Prince?!

>> No.23758900
Quoted by: >>23759277

yeah, but americans need to save wallstreet.

>> No.23758903

>7000 in leafbux
>still less than the 1000 burgers + 1200 trumpburgers i get

>> No.23758904

STOP, Coco isn't paying her taxes so you can wast them on a whore squirrel.

>> No.23758909

カイツブリ has reduced his payments recently. Don’t worry I will pick up the slack

>> No.23758910
Quoted by: >>23758932

Is this true? The hell? I didn't know our burgerbucks were worth that much more than leafbuxs.

>> No.23758911

thats 1000 burgers per week, i got too excited swimming in all my NEETbux

>> No.23758913

Squirrel might be dumb and poor, but she is not a whore.

>> No.23758918
Quoted by: >>23758937

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2zGkiKSR38 HAACHAMA!?

>> No.23758921

I'm jealous of 1st world country posters and their chuuba bucks

>> No.23758923
Quoted by: >>23758960

Meanwhile here in Brazil the ""stimulus check"" is 100 bucks and you only get it if your entire family makes less than 600 dollars per month total AND you're unemployed. I want free money damn it.

>> No.23758927

Risu is poor, anon and she's not a whore. Once I get my 2000, I'll use 1000 on Risu.

>> No.23758931
File: 297 KB, 1430x2020, 1569958694547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the hologirls spend their donation money on?

I need to know who to donate my stimulus check to for maximum efficiency.

>> No.23758932

It's not true. A burgerbuck is worth around 1.5 leafbucks.

>> No.23758934
Quoted by: >>23758955

Jesus, I'm glad I have a shit-tier government job. And to think I almost left it for a better private job last autumn/winter.
That's an insane amount. How does Canada even have that much maple leaves?

>> No.23758936
File: 36 KB, 401x41, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her friend is.

>> No.23758937
File: 49 KB, 1080x313, IMG_20200510_185707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Haato...

>> No.23758942

Since us americans are getting 2000 checks, which Hologirl is grateful and deserves the money?

>> No.23758944

Fubuki spends it all on gacha, Matsuri spends it on a mixture of gacha and expensive donations to Hoshikawa and co.

>> No.23758947
File: 389 KB, 1440x1270, 1589147905190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we dislike her again?

>> No.23758948

Haato got NTR'd

>> No.23758950

Oh no not more of them

>> No.23758952

Eww what the fuck so if i donate to Matsuri i'm indirectly donating to H*shikawa? I'm never giving her any money again.

>> No.23758955

Canada's prime minister is a good man with a lot of heart and no brain.

>> No.23758956

She's Chinese and likes using twitch emotes outside of twitch.

>> No.23758958

Cute image

>> No.23758960

It's not "free" money we're paying for it because factories aren't following regs workers are getting sick and they're shutting it down.

domino affect is farmers aren't getting enough money food prices going up (also because people are too stupid to buy from farmers markets locally)

>> No.23758959

Nippa please.

>> No.23758961

She is infected with a virus that makes her speak only in twitch emote names

>> No.23758962

Aki and Risu.

>> No.23758965

She's passively aggressively mocking Aqua for taking 16 hours to reach diamond when it only took her 12 hours to reach master.

>> No.23758973

Red kun is just too irresistible

>> No.23758974

Nobody, stop simping for some virtual thots.

>> No.23758975
Quoted by: >>23759160

who tf is pochi?

>> No.23758976
File: 213 KB, 956x2048, EUiOxd_UUAASW2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23758979

>congrats aqua, only took you 33% longer than me
>hahahaha, I totally respect your "hard work"
>t. you're "loving" kouhai"

>> No.23758984

Aqua is too amazing.

>> No.23758986

>fps games require very high concentration

>> No.23758988

theyre the same.

>> No.23758989

How many more till you fill your bingo?

>> No.23758991

That sounds like a fake compliment with condescending tone, especially the fact that she mentioned about her achieving "Master" rank.

>> No.23758992

Ignore this newfag, support the holos.

>> No.23758994
Quoted by: >>23759002

Raping Hoshikawa!
Beating her up to remind her that she's just a stupid bitch!
Cumming inside her as she begs you to stop and says she's sorry for calling you a shitty virgin!
Starting her livestream as i rape her and calling Matsuri so she can watch as i defile her crush!

>> No.23758997

is Master higher than Diamond

>> No.23758999
Quoted by: >>23759054

Chinese people lack tact, please andastd

>> No.23759002
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1582643392866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool bro.

>> No.23759009

Yes, but she's also talking about a different game.

>> No.23759010

in overwtach yes.

>> No.23759011
Quoted by: >>23759038

If she didn't stream on that bug website if watch her

>> No.23759013

She accidentaly let her Chinese side show

Yes, It's Platinum -> Diamond -> Master -> Apex Predator

>> No.23759021

>implying matsuri simping other vtubers isnt irl gacha with the same reward...zip

>> No.23759024


>> No.23759029

wow, what a self centered bitch

>> No.23759033

It is. And after Master is Apex Predator AKA Top 500 Players.

>> No.23759036
File: 267 KB, 515x681, soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was talking shit about Aqua's accuracy today
>took me almost 3 hours to finish 6 kill daily challenge

>> No.23759037
Quoted by: >>23759101

I can't believe Choco-sensei is disrespecting the quarentine...

>> No.23759038

This. I can't like her because I've never watched her, because bilibili

>> No.23759040
File: 153 KB, 850x738, 1587338501709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko spent the night with two busty blondes

>> No.23759043

They helped her get pregnant.

>> No.23759044

I want to drill her saber-clone ass

>> No.23759046

We got nothing but unemployment

>> No.23759047
Quoted by: >>23759077

No narrative here, they played Ark

>> No.23759048

What the fuck. Lucky ass bitch.

>> No.23759054
File: 626 KB, 1440x2405, 1586248267336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759110


>> No.23759063

Yuduki Choko-sensei...

>> No.23759075

I want to help breed Choco tentei too...

>> No.23759077

I bet Miko felt so bad Choco couldn't get preggo

>> No.23759082

Congrats Aqua-senpai! By the way, did you know I'm MASTER rank???

>> No.23759083
Quoted by: >>23759153

I totally get Artia. She has autismo. When you're trying to compliment someone, but you don't want to do a generic response which will seem fake, so you bust out a similar story that you experienced. Except then there's people like you who take it the wrong way and think it's showing off.

>> No.23759092

Are Miko, Choco and Aki okay? They've been playing for so long. Usually Choco goes to bed by now. Is Monday just all the Hololive's day off?

>> No.23759094

Future HolostarEN

>> No.23759097
File: 339 KB, 598x579, cooking dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone's Siren playthrough got noticed by 3 devs/actors from the game
Do many holos often get tweets from devs of games they play?

>> No.23759099
File: 160 KB, 1080x1080, Okayu New Year&#039;s baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best price/quality audio interface and pre-amp to go with my Shure SM7B microphone?
In fact on what board would I even get the best answer for this?

>> No.23759100

Has to be either Marine or Senchou.

>> No.23759101

Nips didn't do shit until they were told to

>> No.23759104
File: 86 KB, 1487x1149, IMG_20200510_171205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759108

They are addicted the 3 of them, literally.

>> No.23759109

I don't care abot trumpbux, just give me a cute Okayu gf please.

>> No.23759110

more like fartia lmao

>> No.23759113

We have a full week Suibros

>> No.23759118

On their husbands. And the homolive part goes to holostars.
You're falling to the new Chinese world conquer project.

>> No.23759119

Fubuki must be fuming

>> No.23759120
Quoted by: >>23759219

Wasn't Cho Aniki Also noticed? But then that also had Korone in it although Marine was more prominent.

>> No.23759123
File: 283 KB, 534x574, saddogg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian NEET's don't get any NEETbuxs

>> No.23759129
Quoted by: >>23759137

Anon She was the first to thank the Actor who first noticed Korone playing Siren. The face of Hololive indeed.

>> No.23759131

Those three are the ones most obsessed with AEK

>> No.23759132

They do sometimes, some more than others. Usually works if they can get a game trending on twitter, like Korone did with SIREN.

>> No.23759135

Fubuki will get her recognition, she already does I'm hopeful.

>> No.23759136

same, $9k for sitting on my ass for 4 months, and it might even get extended
gonna go to nipland and fuck matsuri when this all dies down

>> No.23759137

>leech Marine's ZUN collab
>leech Korone getting attention from VA's

Wow Fubuki

>> No.23759142
Quoted by: >>23759211

>mentions that people were shipping him with holos
It's over bros...

>> No.23759143
Quoted by: >>23759156

miko probably felt very bad about not getting choco pregant
choco has wanted a reaper for a very long time

>> No.23759151

my time has come
time to snipe

>> No.23759153
Quoted by: >>23759446

Aqua played 16 hours to achieve Diamond rank, and you have the audacity to include your achievement (in her case, MASTER which is higher rank) in your compliment? That sounds like proposing to your girl in someone's wedding. Just because she's autistic doesn't mean she isn't a condescending bitch.

>> No.23759156

If I was Miko I’d be sad for her too. I’d literally amputate myself for Choco

>> No.23759160
Quoted by: >>23759167

Shes an illustrator, vtuber and draws shotacon doujins.

>> No.23759167

Is it ss? If so based

>> No.23759170
File: 254 KB, 2048x1676, 1564522753481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23759174

Fucking everyone is going to play APEX even more now after Aqua's endurance stream, aren't they

>> No.23759176
Quoted by: >>23759488

>Suisei actually played two games offstream after 4/27
>13 kills

>> No.23759177


>> No.23759178

My wife

>> No.23759179

I love this guy's drumming so much, excellent groove and feel.

>> No.23759184
File: 390 KB, 768x534, 1568550044180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759187

I want to but if anything Aqua's dedication has shown me more to life.

>> No.23759191



>> No.23759193

I hate his stupid fake laugh

>> No.23759196
Quoted by: >>23759202

Aqua is done with it at least.

>> No.23759202

Until season 5.

>> No.23759203

Yes, as much as I hate twitch and everything this guy genuinely love and put all his being in drumming and I can't help but find that endearing.
If I ever watched live on twitch it would be his, I am already subscribed to the youtube channel though.

>> No.23759205
Quoted by: >>23759348

When is Paryi going to learn how to draw faces?

>> No.23759206

I was wondering when you were going to show up.

>> No.23759207

Season 5 starts in a few days, so probably.

>> No.23759210

imagine the noises...

>> No.23759211

>Mentioned it and told them to stop
Bless him.

>> No.23759212

Since when does Luna look like that?

>> No.23759213

What did she mean by this

>> No.23759217

You're right. I can't believe I didn't notice. All three ASMR queens together. We could have had something.

>> No.23759219

Yuzo Koshiro also followed her playthrough of ActRaiser and seems to have become a fan

>> No.23759220
File: 517 KB, 1216x281, holo imas alignment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indisputable truth.

>> No.23759224
File: 302 KB, 1068x601, 1575828133868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towabros, she's in a good mood!

>> No.23759226

Miko's Until Dawn playthrough apparently had the Japanese localizer superchat her.

>> No.23759235
Quoted by: >>23759261

Will she grace us with a delivery today?

>> No.23759238
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, Fubuki slurp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No audiotechphiles here?

>> No.23759240

love live has a better trinity

>> No.23759241 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, EXsGeysUcAEC8ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh Holobros...

>> No.23759242
Quoted by: >>23759285

Anon, listen to her text in audio

Do you really think she was being kind?

She's passively aggressively mocking Aqua,

>> No.23759243

But why

>> No.23759244
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1586621125328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least haato won't grind it because she cant stream it!

>> No.23759245

>We have a full week Suibros
Great, that's a full week of shitposting for the antis.

>> No.23759247
Quoted by: >>23759472

didn't the devs of that shitty 2d soulslike watch her stream too?

>> No.23759252

How do you check the superchat total for a stream?

>> No.23759254

Wouldn't be surprised to see him show up on the news with a video message one of these days. Nips like him quite a bit and he did directly tweet at Coco after that joke video fooled him into thinking she had featured him.

>> No.23759255 [DELETED] 


>> No.23759258

Luna is my type. If only she didn't have that dumb baby face.

>> No.23759261
File: 294 KB, 451x1409, 1561888751794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am confident.

Her heart is apparently beating.

>> No.23759262 [DELETED] 

>shilling blurays at the bottom

>> No.23759263
Quoted by: >>23759275

/g/. Use one of the audio related generals or ask in stupid questions thread. Don't shit up the board by making new threads.

>> No.23759268

Imagine a 3 way disappointment Gakuen Handsome stream

>> No.23759270


Subaru is literally the embodiment of passion tho

>> No.23759272
File: 63 KB, 194x192, 1584458656666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759275

Gotcha, arigatee fren.

>> No.23759276
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1581764899167.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759326


>> No.23759277

>Economy is in shambles
>Unemployment highest ever
>Everyone is hording money

>My calls keep paying out
>My stocks keep going up and up


>> No.23759281

Has watching holos improved your life?

>> No.23759282
Quoted by: >>23759322

You can ask /mu/ or /diy/, don't ask /g/ or they will convince you to buy gold protectors and shit.

>> No.23759285

the one time I'm disappointed it isn't mikoboat.

>> No.23759286

Can someone post the Suisei dance link?

>> No.23759287
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1564304570260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759288
Quoted by: >>23759322

what are you even gonna use it for? just buy a cheap Focusrite thing if not too extensive

>> No.23759290
File: 70 KB, 1131x792, doom was a mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759292

Different game, seems like the only people taking it wrong are the people who didn't realize that

>> No.23759295

People are investing wow

>> No.23759296

Likewise I prefer AquShio. We can't have it all I suppose.

>> No.23759297

It made me think about killing myself less often

>> No.23759299


>> No.23759301
Quoted by: >>23759324

Fuck off /v/

>> No.23759302

Quite the opposite. I think it's going to kill me.

>> No.23759303

just a tiny bit. I've started to fap less.

>> No.23759306


>> No.23759308
Quoted by: >>23759749

It's like I really have friends now!

>> No.23759310

i used to fap every day now i fap twice a week

>> No.23759313
File: 34 KB, 600x336, suisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisui.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759312

Choco on one side and Aki on the other would be the best combination

>> No.23759314

Actually wake up looking forward to something now.

>> No.23759315


>> No.23759317
File: 144 KB, 1080x1512, 1580555937763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right?!? What the fuck I thought I'd be fapping more but I haven't fapped for 2 days.

>> No.23759319

It's made me try to have a regular sleep schedule so I can watch my favorite every day.

>> No.23759321


>> No.23759322

We'll see.

Streaming duh. Gonna put my hololive EN audition going in too hopefully before deadline with the nice stuff and not my two decades old half broken cord mic.

>> No.23759323


>> No.23759324
Quoted by: >>23759338

How about you fuck off yourself if you're not going to bother engaging with the entirety of my post.

>> No.23759326
Quoted by: >>23759335

why did she get angry here?

>> No.23759327

Care to remind me again why anon considers her an idol?

>> No.23759328
Quoted by: >>23759364

it pushed me to finially start learning japanese instead of just learning the method of learning it

>> No.23759330
Quoted by: >>23759380

Any USB interface will suffice. A safe choice is Focusrite Scarlett, if you only need it for the mic preamp (and no need for 2 channel combo input with 48V for example) the basic solo one can do the job perfectly fine. Other than that Steinberg is good but drivers can be shit, for real tight budget Behringer is "fine" but your mileage may vary. Look out for quality of life things like visual level indicators and direct input monitoring too.

>> No.23759331


>> No.23759334
Quoted by: >>23759364

I started studying nip seriously because of them

>> No.23759335

I think it's when Matsuri accidentally superimposed Hoshikawa's image over her

>> No.23759337

Happy about Aqua succeeding

>> No.23759338

If you care so much about underaged retards, then you really need to go back to /v/. Also, kill yourself while you're at it.

>> No.23759339
File: 1.30 MB, 2951x2206, EXkGm4XUMAANypF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759366

Here's a better list.

>> No.23759346

said it when this was asked last month but it made me think less about my dad passing away

>> No.23759348
File: 15 KB, 381x403, 1570494504688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got something to say to me?

>> No.23759350

Aside from constant good mood I'm feeling creative and motivated again. It really improved my life. I'm playing vidya less and instead making content and starting learning Japanese.

>> No.23759351

'Cause she's cute and a good singer!

>> No.23759352
Quoted by: >>23759380

Risu got in despite only having her sister's old laptop, you don't need to spend too much.

>> No.23759355
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1588858960929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759388

You guys can stop now.

>> No.23759358

Big face lmao

>> No.23759361


>> No.23759362
Quoted by: >>23759378

Did aqua really take 16 hours to do what Towa can do over a couple apex streams? Holy shit, I thought the true gamer of hololive could do better than that
Watch towa if you want to see some good gameplay

>> No.23759363

sora sure is cute

>> No.23759364

Same brothers
I just want to understand my favorite chuuba more and more every day

>> No.23759366


>> No.23759370
File: 97 KB, 983x871, EXpRekUUEAAmlEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerking off like once a week now vs every day and motivated me to learn jap.

>> No.23759371

Big heart

>> No.23759374

I swear my N5 couldn't andstd a word coming out from that autistic cutie when I first watched her.

>> No.23759378
Quoted by: >>23759383

Is Towa even plat?

>> No.23759380
Quoted by: >>23759464

That's funny, when I used to research about these things many months ago, Focusrite Scarlett was the one with 'driver' issues or rather it works best in Mac environment and many Windows users have had issues with them and instead recommended Steinberg ones.
Money isn't really that much of a issue, budget being somewhere 300€ for both interface and preamp separately.

Her mic doesn't sound like laptop one though, unless you meant for her audition she used shitty one. I'm doing this for myself really getting good quality stuff, the mic's already waiting in my living room and was expensive, but not really in the end.
Auditioning for the fun of it, otherwise just want to make videos as a hobby and stream on my own come what may.

>> No.23759382

>swore not to play a br game since dayz 8 years ago
>aqua's apex autism makes me wanna go play now

>> No.23759383


>> No.23759387
File: 527 KB, 1101x1200, Openthedoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sora.
You guys love Sora too, don't you?

>> No.23759388


>> No.23759389

Towa will stream. Towa will be happy. Towa is cute. I love Towa. Towa... Thank you for tweet. https://files.catbox.moe/4iepso.webm

>> No.23759397

I cant believe Sora is a better idol then Suisei.

>> No.23759398

Leaving DOOM and EOP hate aside for a bit, playing old games and then their modern releases would make for a fun watch and commentary.

>> No.23759399


>> No.23759400

Did Aqua ever hit diamond? It was looking pretty doomed when i went to sleep last night

>> No.23759403

I love Sora-Momma. All hail Sora-Momma. All fear Sora-Momma!

>> No.23759406

Who? Sorry I only watch interesting girls streaming video game not some hag idol

>> No.23759408
Quoted by: >>23759422

what's the website to track the chuba's superchats again?

>> No.23759410
File: 335 KB, 1425x1920, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_pochi_pochi_goya__b344f19168deba32fac00b7de64872f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't been jacking off more
Mommy needs my milk...

>> No.23759411
File: 2.71 MB, 1048x1080, 1570846427997.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759412
File: 95 KB, 1200x900, D8jKdTDUEAA8AN8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759421

Sora tomo no genk- woah what is she doing? that is not alright

>> No.23759414

You're the least shitty weeb here. I hope you die peacefully.

>> No.23759416
Quoted by: >>23759423

Yes, it was kino.

>> No.23759418

God finally said fuck it and gave 3 gold shields and every other spawn she needed to win along with a god pathfinder

>> No.23759420
File: 108 KB, 1125x806, 1575852620637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759431

>> No.23759421

It's okay Anon, she just wants to come in and make you dinner.

>> No.23759422
Quoted by: >>23759673

I usually just look at this one

>> No.23759423

is there a clip of it oh wait it's youtube...

>> No.23759425

I can't wait for more of her FFX let's play!

>> No.23759427

is it true that subaru has no past life? how did she get into hololive then?

>> No.23759428

Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, or cheaper.

>> No.23759429
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1579939144978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759430

I want mommy noel to baby me and humiliate me in public if I act up

>> No.23759431
File: 126 KB, 1200x1263, 1586876412455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759449

Nice post ID we hate you too

>> No.23759437

Unironically yes. I really enjoyed her Romancing Saga 3 streams.

>> No.23759439
Quoted by: >>23759459

she pleased old men with connections

>> No.23759445

You assholes didn't clip Towa saying "I love you" like I asked you even after giving you the timestamp

>> No.23759446
File: 914 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt she'd spend the effort doing this if she really thought that

>> No.23759449
File: 1.52 MB, 1144x1599, EVfpdprVAAIHmJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759514


>> No.23759450
File: 243 KB, 2000x2000, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_nyan_reinyan_007__5858bd8af9812202768840ef9ca912fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759501

Calling Noel mommy in public and watching her get all embarrassed and flustered!

>> No.23759455

So based on my observations in /hlg/, here's the general consensus for HoloID

Risu: everyone loves her, great voice
Iofi: After the dox incident, no one seems to care about her anymore. Not really loved, not hated either.
Moona: people hate her for some reason but don't even watch her stuff

>> No.23759457

Towa would want you to do it, anon

>> No.23759459 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, 1589150838800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her uncle works for COVER

>> No.23759461
Quoted by: >>23759506

Why aren't there more deeper voiced holos, it's a tragedy

>> No.23759464

I heard that 3rd gen Scarlett improved drivers but I don't have it so I can't vouch for it. I personally have M-Audio M-track 2x2 and I've only ever had driver issues while recording Dark Souls 2 while being on discord for some reason, oddly specific. Steinberg are generally friendly with PC because of ASIO, they had a refresh recently too but at the first glance regular UR242 or UR22Mk2 are still a safe choice in terms of price/features ratio.

>> No.23759463

>for some reason

>> No.23759467

She has a past life and she's also Yahoo's niece.

>> No.23759468

>for some reason

>> No.23759469
Quoted by: >>23759480


>> No.23759471

She redeemed herself in my eyes

>> No.23759472

Blasphemous and yeah

>> No.23759475

She used to voice doramas at nico. And also was a barely known showroom chuuba.

>> No.23759480
File: 607 KB, 2508x3541, 1588228540440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.23759481

My sleep schedule is fucked, but I only fapped once this week, so 50/50.

>> No.23759482

link the video and timestamp and I'll consider it

>> No.23759486

I bet she'll draw herself holding a hologram of MASTER symbol beside her

>> No.23759488

Sorry I was playing on her account

>> No.23759496

i hope someone compiles highlights for aqua's stream. I missed it cuz i had work

>> No.23759497

What's the point of having a real person sing if you're just going to make it sound like Vocaloid anyway

>> No.23759498

Squirrel has the worst taste but it's okay because she makes cute sounds and has a nice voice.

>> No.23759501
Quoted by: >>23759528


>> No.23759502
File: 362 KB, 588x560, IMG_20200427_233257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759508

I keep having dreams of being a male holo who plays with the girls and acts as an older father figure. Why am I such a fucking retarded weeb faggot.

>> No.23759506

Wait for HoloEN

>> No.23759508

I only ever have nightmares.

>> No.23759514
File: 82 KB, 500x303, 1576686695953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759515

Even if HoloEN had good deep voices I still wouldn't watch that dogshit

>> No.23759522

I wanted to watch aqua's archive but its only 2 hours long/stuck at 2 hours long?

>> No.23759526
File: 468 KB, 448x864, 1565199028663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo...

>> No.23759528

I want drink mommy's milk after a change

>> No.23759534

Are you new? They take a while to process.

>> No.23759535

lewd oneeshion

>> No.23759537

Started watching Kanata's CT playthrough and Jesus she just plows through everything in the game like she doesn't give a fuck. I mean, she seems to be honestly enjoying it so far, but there's no exploring towns, no browsing shops or exploring the world map, she barely talks to NPCs, she skipped the tutorial house so she's just kind of learning how things work as she goes along, it's interesting but also kind of stressful to watch, you miss so much of the game if you play it like that. I think I prefer comfy streams from seasoned players like Okayu. Are people normally like this when they're new to JRPGs?

>> No.23759538

I like hearing her sing.

>> No.23759540
Quoted by: >>23759557

Kaoru soon, watch some boomer fishing

>> No.23759542

they say the lewdest girls are often the least experienced

>> No.23759543

artia simping cute! cute!

>> No.23759547

Kanatan is kinda bad at games

>> No.23759551

That tummy is very lewd, I'd like to do things to it

>> No.23759553

artia sounds like a huge NERD

>> No.23759554
Quoted by: >>23759728

So Matsuri?

>> No.23759555


>> No.23759557

He should do a multiplayer fishin stream

>> No.23759561

passable player tenshi

>> No.23759566

Watching this stream live was hype as fuck, but in retrospect it is slightly cringey, in an endearing way.

>> No.23759568

elite gameplay

>> No.23759571

What was the most recent game korone even played?

>> No.23759572

who says that? virgin women suck at sex

>> No.23759574
File: 115 KB, 900x888, EXN13JxVAAAB809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, you coming fishing?


>> No.23759577

it's kaoru time

>> No.23759582

She'll get there.

>> No.23759584

Based boomer with that strange cover song

>> No.23759585
File: 211 KB, 1000x719, EXm5urMXQAIa9R8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759603

THE かなた

>> No.23759590

I'd say most people, yes. I haven't watched Kanata's since I watched Subaru as she did hers.
Interesting to hear that Kanata is doing that.

>> No.23759594

Fishing is based, I'll let this play in the background

>> No.23759595
File: 526 KB, 950x811, 1588344232471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759596
Quoted by: >>23759612

cocola cola~

>> No.23759597

Kanata is new to games period and she has probably never played rpgs at all. At least it's not a 3d one so you don't have to watch her trying to navigate that. I haven't watched it yet but as long as she's having fun I'm fine with it, as someone who has introduced people to gaming before I'm used to watching people like her, it can be fascinating sometimes. But in my opinion the best content is made when someone more experienced in game in general discover them for the first time, like Subaru. Her playthroughs are just perfect for me. I used to scour youtube for letsplays like hers but never found a lot, so I feel lucky that I started watching her.

>> No.23759600

Honestly scariest part of the stream. Aqua looked like she was about to get beamed, but instead somehow hit her noscope.

>> No.23759603
File: 70 KB, 1080x804, EXQIES9UcAgtJrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759604
File: 2.50 MB, 1500x844, shion yo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759605

Speaking of Kanata hasn't she been preparing something with Ui-mama?

>> No.23759606

Youtube has it in two parts. 11 hour video followed by a 4 hour video.

>> No.23759608

why does she sounds like a man

>> No.23759609

Hell yeah. I needed something in the background while I do my reps.

>> No.23759612


>> No.23759618
Quoted by: >>23759628

Something about shion's navel

>> No.23759621

>No Shion GF to reach out and grab your penis

>> No.23759620

Absolute kino, you can feel her tension.

>> No.23759624

What is she grabbing?

>> No.23759628
Quoted by: >>23759646

No Shionposter! You have to stay true to her forehead!

>> No.23759629

This would be watchable but I can't for the life of me understand the dressed as a girl gimmick. How is this appealing?

>> No.23759638

No idea, I haven't seen any updates on that.

>> No.23759644
File: 589 KB, 3035x2150, 1588391596540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759674

Why does she dress like that?

>> No.23759646

Fool, shion was originally about her stomach, the forehead is the false idol

>> No.23759647

It's supposed to be some crossdressing shit but personally I just think of Nojaloli.

>> No.23759649

Yes. In Kanata's stream she said they'll play, in Uimama's tweet she said it was for work stuff.

>> No.23759650
Quoted by: >>23759656

>she would still be streaming if she hadnt hit that no scope

>> No.23759652

really want to abuse rushia...

>> No.23759656

As good as it was, she was already in diamond technically when she hit it

>> No.23759659
Quoted by: >>23759665

Like picking her up and throwing her against a concrete wall?

>> No.23759662

I love her voice but man she is awful at video games

>> No.23759665

giving her a black eye and making her spill her cola on stream...

>> No.23759673

>Flare above Aqua
>Even after last night's Superchats.
Explain to me again how Flare gats more money.

>> No.23759674

damn Machop looks like THIS?!

>> No.23759678

It's just his looks, he doesn't really act the gimmick further than that except for mentioning he wants to do make up tutorials.

>How is this appealing?
I'm not quite sure, my bet would be on girls liking him for being cute and able to understand girl problems and guys liking him for being a fishing/mahjong bro.

>> No.23759684

Flare has a smaller but fucking ravenous fanbase

>> No.23759688

paying to fix her autism

>> No.23759691
Quoted by: >>23759746

Fishing date with my cute husband Kaoru!

>> No.23759693

God I want noel to call me trash and make fun of my tiny cock while she steps on me

>> No.23759694
Quoted by: >>23759699

Crossdressing is a big turn-on for (some) gays, and a (smaller) fraction of straight women.

I can sympathise, because I've got the same thing but for reverse traps.

>> No.23759698

Hololive was supposed to cure my depression but instead I just find myself thinking about Towa all day now.

>> No.23759699

Reverse trap is a tomboy

>> No.23759702
File: 489 KB, 826x1169, Aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that Aqua finally reached diamond in Apex, what now? Is she going to become a pro Apex player and go to masters and become e-sports, or is she just gonna drop the game onces its not fotm anymore and pick up whatever else is fotm the everyone else?

>> No.23759703

But Towa is happy

>> No.23759704
Quoted by: >>23759723

It's like comparing cult of Towa to band of aids of Matsuri

Also playboard is a shit. This guy's graph is more trusted


>> No.23759705
File: 277 KB, 1464x2048, EXpRekTUEAYgpKV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759724


>> No.23759706

Does thinking about you make you less or more depressed?

>> No.23759707
Quoted by: >>23759730

shion seems to like this picture a lot, used it a few times as a placeholder for her stream preview thumbnail... what does this mean???

>> No.23759710

Are those mutually exclusive or something?

>> No.23759712

>Hololive was supposed to cure my depression
Who lied to you?

>> No.23759715

Carry Shion to plat

>> No.23759721

Hololive made me realize how much I want a fat jap gamer otaku gf

>> No.23759723

Who's this girl who had the lead for half the month? She's an indie apparently but I'd never heard of her. Is she any good?

>> No.23759724

oh my...

>> No.23759727
Quoted by: >>23759808

She called the last stream 最終回 so she's probably done with Apex.

>> No.23759728
Quoted by: >>23759815

yes, her unabashedness of going out of her way to make overly lewd or creepy comments just goes to show how much sex is still a fantasy for her. That's the kind of behavior you can expect for most teenage males who still haven't been disillusioned by sex and the only experience they have of it is from media.

>> No.23759730

She's trying to lure Noel into sniffing her bellybutton.

>> No.23759731

I want her to get good at smash

>> No.23759732
Quoted by: >>23759770

Reincarnated chuuba of a drama company

>> No.23759734

With all the bullshit AZKi's producer has pulled, I'm surprised that both Hololive or upd8 have allowed him to continue being AZKi's producer

>> No.23759740
Quoted by: >>23759759

Please tell us anon

>> No.23759741

That's watch more than the two or three cuts that have been cherry picked to make her look bad.

>> No.23759744

shienyo sounds so happy playing this boomer simulator

>> No.23759745
Quoted by: >>23759803

I sympathize with that. I think about my girl all day too. I hope she's getting fed well and hope she's not working herself too hard.

>> No.23759746
Quoted by: >>23759766

>tune in
>some girly BGM playing instead of AC/DC
>sips some drink instead of beer
He doesn't understand fishing

>> No.23759747

Didn't she swear she'd never touch Smash again after that fiasco with that pro player that forced her to put out a apology video?

>> No.23759749


This >>23759308

I've always thought that this isn't a very good hobby since it almost replaces the need for actual friends.

>> No.23759750


>> No.23759751

Boomers playing mahjong and fishing is the best content chuubas have ever produced

>> No.23759753
File: 609 KB, 1024x1024, icon-10-1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they even mean by this

>> No.23759757
File: 245 KB, 2048x1478, 20200509_143019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive made me realize how much I want a helpless retarded ESL in my life

>> No.23759758
Quoted by: >>23759770

Kusunoki Sio. Some vtuber that has already a following in her past life. A rabid following.

>> No.23759759

he bullied suisei for being fat and russian

>> No.23759760

fucking kek

>> No.23759761


>> No.23759764

I want her to play smash because watching holos get bodied by randoms is always funny. Pekora unleashing the true combo of Taunt to Get Bodied was peak gameplay

>> No.23759766

His fishing stream with 80s rock was erased from youtube because of copyright.

>> No.23759769
Quoted by: >>23759786

I like her. I've been watching her Nier: Automata streams. She's also a レズ.

>> No.23759770

Sounds like she carries a lot of narratives on her back.

>> No.23759771

She said she would come back to it recently

>> No.23759773

Can someone help me bully this translator.

>> No.23759775

collab with utsu-p when??

>> No.23759778

Fucking youtube

>> No.23759781

just point Lyger his way.
Unless you are Lyger.

>> No.23759783

yeah that stream was comfy as fuck. I wish some Kaorubro could've sent him a marshmallow asking to try streaming with music again.

>> No.23759785

Why would you bully a TL when that's the only way EOPs like you get content?

>> No.23759786
Quoted by: >>23759814

>She's also a レズ.

>> No.23759790


Suisei sang as the opening act at The Shitest Start?

>> No.23759791

I'm fucking laughing

>> No.23759792

Lyger go home

>> No.23759793
File: 260 KB, 1938x1098, D64aJuoV4AAzxUj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like seriously

>> No.23759794
File: 1.02 MB, 1283x665, subaru type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23759823

Hololive made me realize how much I want an honest energetic down to earth tomboy gf.

>> No.23759795
Quoted by: >>23759810

>The Shitest Start
>makes suisei sing the start
really activates my almonds

>> No.23759799

That was the event that announced that Inonaka is a thing

>> No.23759803

I feel bad that my favorite hololive vtuber is getting a lot of things done while I myself have been sitting on my hands for the past 2 years barely able to keep my head above water in terms of trying to be productive.

>> No.23759804
File: 87 KB, 1024x683, 2-3-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759805

That rog tshirt is damn great, wish my favorite had merch like that too.

>> No.23759808

Mostly because the season is ending in like a day, so it was going to be the last part of her road to diamond stream whether she made it or not

>> No.23759809

>The Shitest Start

>> No.23759810

It's no secret that the innk producer hated suisei

>> No.23759811

>FU*K t-shirt
I would believe this if it was Coco but Azki?

>> No.23759813
File: 105 KB, 838x1000, 1588592586603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is fucking amazing

>> No.23759814

She has a girlfriend at the moment though.

>> No.23759815

just go to australia and find one in university then, they'll all be in hiding in reclusion in their communities though

you're right on point with this
the disillusioned behavior she exhibits is really something that's not entertaining at all, which is mainly the reason why I don't watch her stuff
sure, she could be talking about regular things but she inevitably goes back to that particular mode of talking lewd/shimoneta on her streams

bros, the English translators who are working on the English site's gotta help them come up with English names...

>> No.23759819

I know the producer trying something punk here but that's just lazy.

>> No.23759821

>fuck frog T-shirt
Merch’s pretty good at least.

>> No.23759823
Quoted by: >>23759889

I hope you find them anon

>> No.23759824

>Even cover is aware how bad Suisei's singing is

>> No.23759826

What was on the secret cd?

>> No.23759827

The shitest start

>> No.23759828


>> No.23759829

>reeeee EOPs are telling my japanese waifu chuuba to rest!
>in the mean time jap simps are telling an EOP chuuba to take care of their health and go to sleep

it's a crazy world out there

>> No.23759837
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1588639234228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone recorded that, it was peak comfy.

>> No.23759838
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1565435167603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low hanging fruit.

>> No.23759845

We and the Japs aren't so different.

>> No.23759846

He caught a big one!

>> No.23759847

What a catch!

>> No.23759853

I will not proceed to pleasure myself

>> No.23759858

I can't tell if you linked that as a clip of her dancing well or poorly, because this looks really dumb to me to be quite honest.

>> No.23759861

Do you think she has a fuck frog t-shirt

>> No.23759865

Anyone saved that 5ch Warhammer vidya thread?

>> No.23759867

I genuinely have to ask, why do you hate Suisei so much? Every thread, all you seem to do is spam about how much you hate Suisei. I'm starting to believe you're the only one that unironically hates Suisei and are the majority of Suisei-hate. What did she do to you, that you are so invested in attacking her every couple of minutes? Did she cuck you or something?

>> No.23759868
File: 1.45 MB, 1270x1427, shion laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759870

So why is Azki's live called "The shittiest start"?

And why does she have a fuck frogs shirt? I don't get it

>> No.23759876


>> No.23759877

That's an old screenshot, I'm sure it will turn up sooner or later

>> No.23759879

4channel has a lot of mentally ill posters.

>> No.23759880
File: 779 KB, 900x1237, 1580489433839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759881
Quoted by: >>23759905

There are around 2 or 3, but they reply to themselves frequently

>> No.23759885
File: 160 KB, 1476x2028, japanese westaboos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23759886

The shitest start...

>> No.23759887

Azki hates autists. Based.

>> No.23759889
File: 1.91 MB, 1414x2000, Hololive_-_Oozora_Subaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally zero expectations because I'm old, boring and ugly but in the corner of my mind just a slim glimmer of mad hope still exists and it somehow makes me motivated to better myself now.

>> No.23759892
File: 395 KB, 800x706, firefox_8X7hj8lZXe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our boy beating a female Niji.

>> No.23759895

It reminds of that Christmas fucking sale sign.

>> No.23759902

Her producer uses a frog avatar

>> No.23759903

>And why does she have a fuck frogs shirt?
Azki is a frog

>> No.23759905
Quoted by: >>23759940

I could believe there's two. I'm just starting to pity them at this point. Even Rushiacuckposter isn't this obsessed.

>> No.23759906

>that last guy

>> No.23759913
Quoted by: >>23759933

Is he getting more views than his Metal Gear stream last night?

>> No.23759915

>Shut up about Japanese translation already
>Trash can't even speak English and wants to play western games
Reminds of some people in this thread.

>> No.23759919

why do you spam these shitty rankings every day? for what fucking purpose?

>> No.23759921

Skeletons are cool!

>> No.23759923

Haachama is now a kusoge

>> No.23759927
Quoted by: >>23759931

Does 5ch have threads about Moona?

>> No.23759931
Quoted by: >>23759982

Last time I visited there was for RIsu

>> No.23759932

Yeah! Skeletons are cool!

>> No.23759933

Yep. Yesterday night was stacked as fuck though. Ofcourse he wasn't gonna get as many views as his regular morning streams.

>> No.23759935
File: 6 KB, 840x105, fgofans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people get off on being retards

the only borders to marriage are
1 not wanting to have children with your spouse
2 not being financially independent before marriage
you can do it, anon.

you can kind of understand where such people come from if you've been through that phase of playing stuff you don't fully understand yourself
I understand the sentiment of wanting to explore new territory, but being all boastful about it and talking shit to others when you're doing so is pretty retarded behavior

>> No.23759940

I have some feeling that some suisei antis are 35p, mostly cause of posting habits and the general time when the shitposting starts and when it's awfully quiet when miko is streaming

>> No.23759941

Ars is in for a long one again, it's so painful to see her obviously not having fun sometimes, I bet she'd rather play Twilight Forest all night long instead of this

>> No.23759945

EN girls will all have squeaky 2000s anime dub voices

>> No.23759946


new fotm when? the current fotm games fucking suck

>> No.23759947
Quoted by: >>23759958

you hear it too, don't you anon?

>> No.23759948
File: 19 KB, 126x83, noseless creature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23759957

>That fucking fish finder sonar in an old dinghy
I shouldn't laugh but it got me somehow

>> No.23759958

I hear it every time I see that url

>> No.23759963
Quoted by: >>23759977

This seems exactly like the type of game Haachama would like.
Can't wait for her to play it on stream.

>> No.23759965
Quoted by: >>23759988


>> No.23759966

I guess some anons do enjoy being retarded.

>> No.23759967


>> No.23759968

You'll just get upset at the new fotm games again.

>> No.23759972

anybody got the one that ended with one them waiting on the next uncharted game

>> No.23759973

I'd wear that fuck frogs shirt

>> No.23759974
Quoted by: >>23759983

Not sure if you're baiting or retarded.

>> No.23759976
Quoted by: >>23760060

Gotta keep that hope alive anon. I recently got out of a bad depression because of these girls and I am the same as you. It feels better to live with the hope for a bit then dwell on what already is.

>> No.23759977
Quoted by: >>23760008

It's the exact same thing as a game she already played just with different graphics.

>> No.23759982

A squirrel to surpass the language barrier.

>> No.23759983

It's the same /pol/ tard from the past few weeks, probably. He's simultaneously baiting and retarded.

>> No.23759987


>> No.23759988

Anon this was way before Coco was a part of Hololive

>> No.23759993
File: 838 KB, 4000x4000, EXfRy8LUcAI6LRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a thin correlation but if it turns out you're right, I will rescind that.

>> No.23759994
File: 355 KB, 2048x1266, 1577116743114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tummy the new fad?

>> No.23759996
Quoted by: >>23760026

is everyone that doesnt share your opinion from /pol/?
Guess that makes you the local redditor then

>> No.23760000
File: 498 KB, 1280x720, 1588228497732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You miss ark don't you little one?

>> No.23760002

The last one is an art stream that says so in the title you know right?

>> No.23760008

yeah figured that out too late.

>> No.23760010

Man that's embarassing for niji

>> No.23760012

Now that's a cute peko

>> No.23760014
File: 695 KB, 654x712, korone (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760048

Was AZKi supposed to be a shitposter idol all along?

>> No.23760015

Yeah man, makes sense. It's probably the /pol/sperg again.

>> No.23760016

japanese producer: i want something that's edgy, and also in english, cause that's exotic, and i don't know anything about edginess or english

>> No.23760018

There are a billion Nijis, it's not too surprising.

>> No.23760020
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1574271119046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try playing apex
>everyone bullies me for sucking

>> No.23760021
File: 534 KB, 720x720, AZKinose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760028

>noseless creature.png

>> No.23760024
Quoted by: >>23760061

I didn't know Peko was this soft

>> No.23760025

yeah imagine getting beat by the stream of some tranny fishing
must really suck

>> No.23760026
Quoted by: >>23760036

Here's your (You) /pol/. It's funny that you're using this argument again, even though we all know that you're just a sperg.

>> No.23760028

fucking delete this

>> No.23760029
Quoted by: >>23760045

if I came on her tummy what do you think she'd do

>> No.23760031

Move on to Valorant.

>> No.23760032

Holostars are the laughingstock of the chuuba industry though

>> No.23760033

The weird part about those shirts is that the one that just says "VTUBER" on the front is actually the worst one by far.

>> No.23760034

Korone's japanese word of the day is くせっ毛
Make sure you learn it!

>> No.23760036

its funny a certain word is missing from your posts
Caught a ban yesterday and stopped using it? You shouldn't ban evade, it's bad.

>> No.23760041
File: 192 KB, 866x1220, EXY_tOjVAAEItt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760044

what are they gonna play? bannerlord? payday 2? mhw? r6s? terraria? scrap mechanic?

>> No.23760045

>if I came on her tummy what do you think she'd do

>> No.23760046
File: 382 KB, 1464x2048, EXsb1N2VcAAulDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760047

Her bwain is bwoken

>> No.23760048
Quoted by: >>23760621

She's an old 2hu singer, wouldn't be surprised if she has been involved with memes in the past.

>> No.23760049

isn't it completely the opposite? there's a huge ESL suiseifag hating on miko and replaying to himself all night every night, also there's not so much to talk about the games she plays

>> No.23760050
Quoted by: >>23760067

So far only Towa has been suckered into installed chink spyware

>> No.23760053

what a smart

>> No.23760054

They'd enjoy Terraria desu

>> No.23760055

Modded minecraft, I can feel it.

>> No.23760056
Quoted by: >>23760073

Nijis are weird. There's a million of them, and some of them pull good views, but holos still dominate the supachats every time i see it posted

>> No.23760057

>payday 2?
I'd watch them scream at each other about drills all day

>> No.23760058
File: 62 KB, 618x455, 1557305411777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna have to install Chinese spyware so I feel connected to my chuuba

>> No.23760059
Quoted by: >>23760086


>> No.23760060
File: 859 KB, 665x700, cutest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. I've been neglecting myself for so long because I just couldn't bring myself to care about dating, marriage and stuff because of shitty experiences in the past but seeing these girls every day makes me doubt myself. The fact that someone like these girls exists somewhere, with stories I can listen to for hours and not get tired, with lives I care about, with laughter that makes me smile as well, with voices I want to hear more and more of every single day, it's giving me hope I never thought I could still have.

>> No.23760061

>I didn't know Peko was this soft
Dang, she liked it so much she posted it instead of just retweeting it. Suck down more carrots you chubby rabbit.

>> No.23760062

The minecraft days were more fun
Ark is kusoge but at least had some stuff that could be clipped and apex has nothing to clip or watch, it's just them climbing ladder.

>> No.23760064
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x4667, nijishits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many nijis desu

>> No.23760066

***Cumulative super chat earnings from May 1 to May 10 (JPY)***


>> No.23760067

It's only a matter of time before more holos pick this game up. Chinese spyware or not it will be a popular game.

>> No.23760068

Subaru is Gilbert Gottfried.

Search your feelings; you know it to be true.

>> No.23760069
Quoted by: >>23760109


>> No.23760071

Think it's going to be Terraria when the new update drops. It's a good quality game getting it's last major update and can ride off lingering minecraft hype.

>> No.23760072

I blame sugita

>> No.23760073

theres like two nijishits that do well and one of them is a male, what a weird fucking company

>> No.23760075
File: 235 KB, 576x485, crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thumbnail

>> No.23760077

Festivalbros there is hope after all

>> No.23760078
File: 777 KB, 884x1200, EXmizEkUwAARuNk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine 1mil over Korone
Chou Aniki paid off

>> No.23760079

AZKi in holo graffiti when?

>> No.23760080

is pekora going to break 10mil this month?

>> No.23760081


>> No.23760083

>Chinese spyware or not it will be a popular game

Yes and it will die out like Apex did once streamers aren't tied to contracts and only stay strong in shithole asian countries. The anti-cheat shit certainly ain't doing it any favors.

>> No.23760084
Quoted by: >>23760116

I know chuubas don't own collabs to each other and I love Aqua but it's really sad that she might never give Towa that Apex collab that Towa literally asked onstream, she's your kouhai Aqua, be a good senpai for once, just 1 one hour collab.

>> No.23760085
File: 1.19 MB, 1808x1816, 2810769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata is still hanging there with the big girls, happy to see that.

>> No.23760086

is that the favorite clip for ban evadders and shitposters?
I liked how the thread got instantly better yesterday when you got banned

>> No.23760089


>> No.23760090

>Towa's paypigs are stronger than Flare's

>> No.23760093

Do not post my wife without permission

>> No.23760094

Unironically what were they thinking?

>> No.23760095

Even the lowest ranked is still making 2.7k a week in supas, that's not bad at all

>> No.23760097

please no, dont do this chuubas. dont make me unfollow you

>> No.23760098

>Theres a dog Niji
Huh? What? Guess I'll have to look him/her up just out of pure curiosity

>> No.23760100
File: 96 KB, 246x246, firefox_4GfYB7H4G7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did this just to hurt us Mel fans didn't you? Just kidding, I'm not a Mel fan, who even is?

>> No.23760101
Quoted by: >>23760138

Is this why she's desperate for the muslim audience and letting moona leech off her?

>> No.23760102

I was worried, but it looks like she's doing alright.

>> No.23760103
File: 225 KB, 1280x1280, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__a18e58bc7c4ee421171deb18293d1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23760105
Quoted by: >>23760134

>Aqua sticker for some reason

>> No.23760106

Honestly it's just the monthly rotating Holo shitlist. Nobody was shitting on Miko until a couple of weeks ago, and Suisei antis only started popping up a couple of weeks after her massive boost in popularity. Similarly Watame and Aqua antis have considerably died down from just a month ago. Now the ones on the rise are Coco and Korone/Pekora antis. It's a never ending cycle.

>> No.23760108

How much did Aqua end up making in supas at the end of her endurance stream anyways

>> No.23760109
File: 489 KB, 600x522, cumpet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a working brain to be loved.

>> No.23760110

>shithole asian country

>> No.23760111

It feels like they're trying to fucking float the genre by flooding it with chuubas, and by proxy cause everyone to profit.

The issue is there are so many fucking nijis and they don't really feel distinct enough, so the there's only a small handful that actually do well

>> No.23760113
File: 197 KB, 980x588, 1588913113806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760145

miko on the top 10! she did it!

>> No.23760116

Its towa's fault. Aqua just collabed with watame...

>> No.23760118

She's a great singer.

>> No.23760120

FBK near the bottom despite most subs
The FBK doom poster was right...

>> No.23760121

God damnit.

>> No.23760122

Nijisanji doesn't get nearly as many supachas because A. people are spread around the Nijis a lot since there's like 7 quadrillion of them and B. Niji girls freely interact with males, meaning they lose out on "my pure wife," money.

>> No.23760123
File: 26 KB, 360x450, Joerikiichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760125

Unironically looks like a roster from some cheap chink gacha

>> No.23760127
Quoted by: >>23760141


>> No.23760128
Quoted by: >>23760149

Based clownbro

>> No.23760129
Quoted by: >>23760140

usually when the shitflinging starts happening, it's SEA hours and it's a same fag replying to himself
the most obvious part is the horrible english pattern and im not a english major myself but the drop in grammar is noticeable

>> No.23760130

Inui toko? She's pretty popular.

>> No.23760131
Quoted by: >>23760157

Looks like she is one of the ones that isn't doing the job full time or has other commitments, outside of her debut month she has only streamed around 15hrs or so a month and is nearly dead last in subscribers.

>> No.23760132

Ars Almal is the only one I've really watched, I didn't realise she was so new.

>> No.23760133

Which one did Luna used to be?

>> No.23760134


>> No.23760138

Is that even that bad? Even if she's only taking like a 30% share of that it's still over 6k usd i a month

>> No.23760139

I wish you luck anon. I will be hitting the books this week to start learning Hiragana, something I have not done since my early 20s. I know I will never meet these girls or any woman like them but I want to be a better person for them.

>> No.23760140
Quoted by: >>23760247

I feel really sad when I see people like lyger who are so obsessed about their particular oshi that their lives revolve around them, which shouldn't be the case
spouses should first and foremost be friends, in the truest sense. What I mean specifically is that they actively take actions and do things in order to better you as a person, and you to do the same to them too (because if you didn't, it would be one-way, and more akin to being a mentor-student relationship)
and if someone is obsessed about someone else, so much so that they fail to realise that they're not bettering that person EVEN if that other person is bettering them, then they've missed on what true friendship is
that said, you don't seem like you're like him much if at all
all the best, anon

reminder that 30% of it all goes to youtube

she didn't have live chat on for her last video, at least when I watched it on mobile just now

you really don't need a major in English to be able to notice speaking patterns

>> No.23760141
File: 384 KB, 1049x1126, 81034025_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubt the dragon.

>> No.23760142
Quoted by: >>23760159

By oversaturating the market aren't they just killing the competition? It's pretty smart actually

>> No.23760145
File: 248 KB, 1440x1920, EXKaasrUMAEAcDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko works harder than most holos. Always has. She if anyone deserves all the good things.

>> No.23760147

its just a blanket recruitment strategy where they think if everyone is brought under their wing and the cream rises to the top theyll have most of them
YAGOO's plan of no chuuba left behind is more wholesome and surprisingly working well so far, to be determined if it lasts long term

>> No.23760148

I have literally never even seen some of them, what the hell.

>> No.23760149

How 'bout another joke, Yagoo?

>> No.23760150
Quoted by: >>23760173

>Fake fake fake
>Aqua as the thumbnail
>The shittest start
>Suisei as the opening

what did azki mean by this

>> No.23760151

Moruru, bottom left of the picture

>> No.23760152

I have no idea who you're talking about. I didn't post at all yesterday. If you're talking about ''tard'' or ''fag'', I used tard two replies back, so I'm quite confused what ''word'' you're even talking about.
BTW, whoever posted that V clip isn't me. So you're truly showing your intelligence-level.

>> No.23760153
Quoted by: >>23760262

Okayu is shockingly low, I had no idea

>> No.23760156
File: 74 KB, 500x559, 40dub7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760166

we live in a virtual society

>> No.23760157

Still, it's fucking Holostars

>> No.23760158

>Made over $300k in just 10 days
May YAGOO really hit the fucking jackpot with Hololive, even if he only gets to take 40-50% of it.

>> No.23760159
Quoted by: >>23760198

They only seem to be hurting themselves right now.

>> No.23760165
Quoted by: >>23760265

I've personally never seen this Suiseifag hating on Miko ESL before. Which posts are you referring to?

>> No.23760166
File: 148 KB, 359x383, lunajoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live in a virtual society

>> No.23760167

Inui, she's cute and is friends with the Russian Holo

>> No.23760171

I fucki g lo the that disg sting bi ch pek ra I swe r s me day I'm g nna rape that bunny and kill her. . .

>> No.23760173

she's upset that she is stuck in INNK while suisei escaped

>> No.23760181

Oh he I see Luna

>> No.23760183

>Towa almost doubling Luna
what was this about just because it was her membership stream + milestone stream lunafags?

>> No.23760188

>no chuuba left behind
>ripped the wind out of towa's sails right as she was getting momentum for no reason
lol no

>> No.23760191
File: 376 KB, 402x585, 1588974227658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760208


Watch this
You'll 100% be able to identify her from her voice

>> No.23760192

Don't Starve Together? Or did they already play that?

>> No.23760193


>> No.23760194

Did anything happen to Kanata this month? She's powerhousing.

>> No.23760196

>for no reason
Yabee was serious you know

>> No.23760198
Quoted by: >>23760217

Hololive was really lucky to explode in popularity and it's pretty much their only competition as a company, even if holo chuubas are individually more popular niji still dominates most of the market

>> No.23760200

Doki Doki

>> No.23760202


>> No.23760204

How would you figure that it's a suiseifag specifically who's shitting on miko?

>> No.23760207

i feel guilty every time i see fubuki with low numbers...

>> No.23760208
Quoted by: >>23760225

What a terrible miscast. What were they even thinking?

>> No.23760209
Quoted by: >>23760243

They probably overdid it but going big isn't a bad idea if you can manage it. A lot of normal people watch Nijisanji, and a lot of them may only watch one Nijisanji that pertains to their interests.
The investment into a vtuber isn't very big on a corporate level. Even an unsuccessful Niji will likely make the initial investment back in no time after monetization. Afterwards even if one remains unpopular Niji can just pay them their wage and stop doing anything with them. If one out of every second batch goes viral, that covers the rest. And the big numbers opens up a lot of space for special events that just aren't feasible at hololive which is the next biggest company which will then in turn generate more money.

The problem is that there's definitely an upper limit to how many people they can hold before the potential viewers are all there already and management can't practically cover everything. For all people complain about their current size though, they're really not at the point where it's a problem yet.

>> No.23760210

>i feel guilty every time i see fubuki with low numbers...
Why guilty? What did you do to her?

>> No.23760215
File: 348 KB, 500x1112, Sukoya_Kana_Full_Body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen Kana outside of some clip compilations, but her design is top tier.

Eli is based for streaming Warband and even Bannerlord, but sadly her PC is too shit to handle it.

>> No.23760217
Quoted by: >>23760257

I'm not a company fanboy, but the growth, at least it feels like, is on the holo side.

>> No.23760218

I do too. I wish I could supacha her more frequently, but I just can't when I'm spending so much money on my favorite.

>> No.23760219
File: 151 KB, 868x294, akua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like 16.5k combined for the full day

>> No.23760223

her membership commencement stream

>> No.23760225

When has Niji ever thought about anything they do, before?

>> No.23760229

She has accepted her role as the martyr of HoloPro. She's probably getting paid more for her management work, don't worry.

>> No.23760230
File: 134 KB, 1223x913, EXsSIwOU8AAxm-J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is doing pretty good this month.

>> No.23760232

It's the digimon artist

>> No.23760233

Guess those EOP twitchtards dont get out the wallet for the spachas

>> No.23760234
Quoted by: >>23760245

Isn't that the yuribait character?

>> No.23760236
Quoted by: >>23760254

same reason as this anon >>23760218

>> No.23760237

cover handled the situation in the worst posible way, should have just went along with Towa saying it was management and literally nobody would have found out, and even if some nip autist did he'd be called paranoid.

>> No.23760238

Presumably because he's not been contributing to those numbers.

>> No.23760239

What website tracks supas?

>> No.23760240

Why Aqua though. Did she literally just have Aqua's MMD model or something and just decided to use it?

>> No.23760241

Glad it replicates the earshattering experience of a real Haachama stream

>> No.23760243
Quoted by: >>23760284

The biggest issue that I thin is popping up with the blanket recruitment deal is that all their chuubas end up competing in similar niches. Plus they don't seem to benefit as much from inter-company collabs, since they can't be that tight knit. On the flipside, there's way fewer holos so there is a lot more overlap in their collabs and fewer "links" in between any 2 members, so it creates more of a "community"

At the end of the day all this really means is that it's way easier for hololive to advertise any new members that enter on big channels, since they have fewer coming in, but niji for example can't collab with every new member on Kuzuha's channel, or he'd be doing nothing but collabing with new members every dya.

>> No.23760244

Because aqua is FAKE FAKE FAKE

>> No.23760245

It's also the choke fetish one!

>> No.23760246
Quoted by: >>23760250

>hated by no one, loved by no one
FBK bros...

>> No.23760247
File: 295 KB, 1254x1771, 1588740836522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I will probably never met anyone like them too, but it's a matter of risking not being your best self in case you meet someone really special in the similar way. Losing that chance if it does come along is way worse than having a barely justified hope.
Well said, thinking about my favorite holos I imagine making their lives better just like they are making mine better. I want to add someone to the life of someone who adds something to mine.

>> No.23760250

Don't worry the Chinks are supporting her

>> No.23760252

How did this presumably get through multiple people's approval without anyone realizing how goofy it looks that she's playing an acoustic guitar instead of an electric one.

>> No.23760254
Quoted by: >>23760266

Pretty much Fubuki's problem. She's basically the Queen of Holo, the face. Most people like Fubuki, but she isn't many people's favorite. Supas are tied closer to gachikoi and favoritism than anything.

>> No.23760256
Quoted by: >>23760267

Aki is such a good girl I don't know how she gets so little

>> No.23760257

If Hololive stunts it's growth or if it already happened it will have like 80k peak viewers while Nijisanji has 150k peak or something, they'll still be the bigger ones if it gets to it and I don't know if Holos can get much bigger from here

>> No.23760258
Quoted by: >>23760294

in the second stream she earned over 4x as much despite her audience dropping to a third of the size

having celebratory moments really counts for a lot, huh

>> No.23760260

Throwing their employee under the bus wasn't really the best way of handling it.

>> No.23760259

Nobody should feel sorry for any of those numbers. It's not like she doesn't get paid for MCing holocomi.

>> No.23760261

Just even saying it was a lie and attempting to nuke all evidence of her past life basically confirmed her identity as well. They could not have fucked up harder.

>> No.23760262

Her stuff is my favorite, but it's not really a surprise. Variety and challenges, things of spectacle bring the bucks in. Okayu stays consistently at her own pace.

I'd like her to spice things up for her own sake, but if she's not worried, then I probably shouldn't be either.

>> No.23760263
File: 33 KB, 416x430, FE5EF120-1F76-47BE-8D87-0C9572E1EACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute as fuck

>> No.23760264
Quoted by: >>23760297

FBK may have lost the gachikoi audience, but she still gained the appeal of the masses. Is it worth i t to give up the delusional paypigs to become a general icon? I think so.

>> No.23760265
File: 252 KB, 1401x2048, EXknH2kVcAEwyT_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he calmed down because nobody was paying attention to him so there hasn't been any posts today, he usually says shit like "miko is reclining go watch suisei instead" then posts their subscription count
kinda sad to have this cute shrine maiden living rent free in your head just because of a few numbers

>> No.23760266
Quoted by: >>23760279

She presumably does make more off the channel itself and probably has better pay from management to compensate. I doubt being the face is without benefit

>> No.23760267

the world is not fair

>> No.23760271
Quoted by: >>23760306

I like both Hololive and Nijisanji girls
There's a few cute girls on the Niji side that I enjoy watching so it's a shame this thread is always using them to shitpost or fling shit instead of getting along.

>> No.23760272

What's bilibili's numbers for the month?
Do people there donate in japanese yen or chinese yuan?

>> No.23760273

I don't think its quite that, everyone in recent times at least gets the same fair shot at growing and support from the other members with little to gain often collabing with the newer members very early on.

But when you have that many members, with a sizeable portion of them who are clearly not focusing solely on being a full time streamer, and accounting for just some people just being better at it than others you are going to get quite a difference in outcomes.

>> No.23760276

That was a huge setback, but it's mostly in the past now. Towa is growing steadily, getting huge financial support from her fans and collabing with a relatively good frequency, even if Towafags like to pretend she's a loner underdog hated by everybody.

>> No.23760279

I keep seeing this FBK is the face of hololive thing everywhere but what is the basis? Isn't Sora the face?

>> No.23760281
Quoted by: >>23760291

God I wish I had miko living in my head
I want her to shitpost at me all day every day

>> No.23760284

How people watch Nijisanji is basically that they get into one that matches their demands then branch out to others in the same circles as that one. Most Nijisanji have no connection to most others but they'll have some groups they're connected to. The community issue doesn't really affect them, practically.
People here are really into their tribalism but ultimately, the objective fact is that Nijisanji is doing well in its bottom line. There's a lot to debate about whether or not the company is a shitshow on other sides, but the idea that they have too many vtubers right now is extremely poorly founded. Their model works, for now. I personally expect it to blow up some day but holding it to hololive's standards and numbers is a mistake just because the model is working and is plainly different.

Honestly, it's more measurably true to say at the moment that hololive is too small even if a lot of us struggle to pick a vtuber to watch. There're plenty of dead hours to deal with and people who only watch holos are often stuck complaining about some content niche not being filled.

>> No.23760290
File: 110 KB, 900x319, 15891470420581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23760291

Have you tried tulpas?

>> No.23760293

Towa fucked up. Its as simple as that. If she said they were her friends people wouldn't have cared. But she lied and involved the management in her lie, thats why it was serious. Fucking Towa EOP white knights changing the narrative.

>> No.23760294
Quoted by: >>23760322

I'm reminded of the manga One Outs and the arc where the protagonist made everybody's salary based on audience vote. I wonder how much harder Vtubers actively try when they know people will throw money at them if they succeed.

Back in Aqua's mind I'm sure she knew she's get thousands of dollars for getting to Diamond and that there's be nowhere as big a leadup if she went for it another day after that day's stream.

>> No.23760297

But she hates the pressure of being an icon

>> No.23760300

still baffles me how fucking retarded their actions were.

>> No.23760303

Good post, it echoes my sentiments exactly. We can hit the books again together, anon.

>> No.23760306

I watch both holos and some nijis, and some indies too but I can kinda get the attitude. It's not the place to discuss them and besides numberfags were always annoying.

>> No.23760309

that's why they're expanding to ID and EN
enjoy your hololiveEN chuubas since you can't handle a couple of dead hours

>> No.23760311

https://note.com/azkinote/n/n81d751532257 She mentioned it here briefly.

>> No.23760312
Quoted by: >>23760341

Management being in a call is nothing serious and if cover had agreed to the lie, literally nothing would have come out of it.
By acting retarded like they did not only damaged their own product, but ceased getting money for a week from said product.

>> No.23760313
Quoted by: >>23760372

FBK is the face
sora is the soul
a-chan is the brain
matsuri is seiso tantou
haachama is expert

>> No.23760314

What's the worst that can possibly happen?

>> No.23760315
Quoted by: >>23760347

Fucking monkey paw just hire a vampire YAGOO

>> No.23760317

Not that anon, but she shows up as the hololive rep for most of the random vtuber things I see, like that vtuber Majsoul tournament coming up.

>> No.23760321

Armpits, tummies, feet, I love every part of cute girls bodies

>> No.23760322

What I wonder is whether they ever feign the struggle to make the victory sweeter...

>> No.23760323

Guess he does exist, but I could only find one post of his going back about two weeks.

>> No.23760324

Virtual gamer girl bathwater

>> No.23760325
Quoted by: >>23760526

Not denying she fucked up, but they could have done the smart thing and not made it ten times worse. They could have had internal punishments without causing a public affair.

>> No.23760329

doubt hololive can be worse than moona and munafiks. Don't even have to come with a creative insult or anything because her official fan name is already an insult.

>> No.23760330

any of these play old jrpgs? tried searching a few and they all play ark or apex

>> No.23760331
Quoted by: >>23760357

There's 4 miko reclining posts on the archives and one of them was shitting on suisei.
The only miko shitposter of note is the miko cancelling streams anon, and he only shows up when miko cancels streams and always gets a ton of replies from idiots.

>> No.23760332

They will expand within Japan soon enough once they have the staff and infrastructure setup to support it on the basis of yagoo's blog and the investment PR. Just isn't sustainable for them to continue introducing more jp vtubers at the moment before they get the staff and facilities in place to support it.

>> No.23760334

>There're plenty of dead hours to deal with and people who only watch holos are often stuck complaining about some content niche not being filled.
Yea honestly Hololive has a lot of room to grow, look at the current stream drought for Hololive >>23759892. It's like this every day pretty much. It's bad that 5th gen got delayed.

>> No.23760335
Quoted by: >>23760387

Frankly I think the only way Nijisanji's plan backfires is if it gets way too large for their management staff to handle and implodes, which I think is unlikely.

I think Niji will likely always be bigger in the total revenue due to the numbers, but Hololive will probably maintain the edge in per channel revenue due to things like supachas.

I think the only way Hololive overtakes Niji is if western audiences suddenly become extremely influential for some reason, since holos seem to have the edge right now in EOP appeal

>> No.23760338

Fucking hell, this quarantine was already making me focused a lot more on holos, but now that neet catalog is dead I'm basically just stuck in here forever.

>> No.23760339

They have too many vtubers and they do it as a way of killing interest in the competition that might have appealed to the niche of each specific one, and I think it's smart, that's what I'll go by.

>> No.23760341

Honesty in business isn't just something cowards and saints do, there's a practical side to it that I'm sure they understand better than us. Live, the situation was a fucking mess. Towa took forever to come back and people thought the excuse was panicked as fuck. If she hadn't nuked her stuff, it wasn't implausible that someone would be able to connect the dots and figure out it wasn't management anyways. Even if no one figured out the very iffy lie Towa gave, hololive's brand would look worse off for it.
And as it stands Towa's managed to garner a lot of sympathy attention so it's not certain that it didn't pan out better in the long run. People saying cover handled it poorly at kneejerking at it over their feelings, but there's a ton that could've gone wrong if they'd handled it differently.

>> No.23760343

>hurt their own business over a petty lie
Cover is run by /biz/ I guess.

>> No.23760347
Quoted by: >>23760364

Just hire Big Face. She streams through the whole night usually.

>> No.23760357
Quoted by: >>23760384

there's also the falseflagger that claims random shitposts about some random holo are made by 35P

>> No.23760359

That's not at all what he is, unless any male not conforming to traditional masculinity models is a "tranny" for you.

>> No.23760364
Quoted by: >>23760402

Which big face?

>> No.23760368

Sora is more the irl public face (does offline live events), Fubuki interacts online more so she's like the internet public face.

>> No.23760369

>neet catalog
I've no idea what that is. Dare I ask?

>> No.23760372
Quoted by: >>23760406

And Senchou is the ビューティフル ギャル

>> No.23760374

It's /v/!

>> No.23760375
Quoted by: >>23760400

YAGOO probably isn't worried about holos dying before 5th gen comes out, but it likely would have been a real nice viewership boost for the company

>> No.23760378
Quoted by: >>23760395

She won't turn herself into a man. She can't talk about wanting to drink loli piss, masturbating to her favorite loli doujin, and marrying a JS as a guy. Plus she won't be able to molest the other holes as often either.

>> No.23760382
Quoted by: >>23760526

I personally think the punishment was too much, Towa had been fucking up for weeks already when she almost showed Coco's face but I think a stern talking to her and her clarifying it wasn't management would have been enough, they really went overboard.

>> No.23760383

Flare to save us from dead hours!

>> No.23760384

Pretty sure that shitposter changes the girl there. I've seen that be used at Suisei, Peko, and Koronefags.

>> No.23760386
Quoted by: >>23760403

>I came to the conclusion it could only be Minato Aqua-san when it came to the image of the song, the world's view, and the feeling of surprise.
>I will omit the reasoning because it is very long
This is maddening.

>> No.23760387

I'm still waiting to see what they are going to do with the English language translators and the editors they hired recently for making the matome they will translate. I still kind of struggle to see it having the same appeal as hololive to EOPs even with that though. The kinds of conspicuously cute characters you find in an abundance in Hololive that you can easily enjoy to some extent even without understanding them fully really aren't as abundant there.

>> No.23760392
Quoted by: >>23760425

>male not conforming to traditional masculinity models is a "tranny" for you.

who the fuck invited the twitter faggots?

>> No.23760393

It was just a site that cataloged 4chan boards better than the native catalog does. I forget how I used to browse without it.

>> No.23760395
Quoted by: >>23760448

>molest the other holes

>> No.23760399
File: 20 KB, 748x316, 1579688951681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They asked YAGOO if they can even compete with the giant Nijisanji. To them he replied:

>> No.23760400
Quoted by: >>23760432

Yeah of course not, Hololive is doing fine. I just mean they're leaving money on the table. But as mentioned in the blog post it's just not feasible at the moment without the support infrastructure.

>> No.23760402
Quoted by: >>23760443

The twilight forest witch.

>> No.23760403

Aqua is FAKE confirmed by azki

>> No.23760406

No, she's the レツゴ、陰陽師

>> No.23760413

How does she do it?

>> No.23760414

Even if you ignore NA hours. Holo isn't actually covering Japan time perfectly. There's a girl up every night but there isn't a winner up every night, people neglect that for every night Aqua is doing something crazy, there're two where she's just spinning the wheel practicing. Sometimes all that the collective holopro does during a night is randomly fill hours.
Making sure the backstage is better is a good call by YAGOO, but I'm sure if he had things where he wanted them, he'd absolutely be expanding faster.

>> No.23760417

Can't wait to see which vocaloid songs she picked.

>> No.23760420

Whether people think the excuse was panicked, all it takes is an official statement and that pretty much always makes the masses shut up. even in a place like this if cover had said "yeah it was a manager helping towa with technical stuff" would be accepted as the truth because official statement > some retard in a ch board a 100% of the time.

>> No.23760425

Are you denying that he isn't like the stereotypical guy?

>> No.23760432

What does the staff even fucking do, the girls edit the videos themselves, make their own thumbnails, do we need more shitposting shorts is thay it YAGOO?

>> No.23760439
Quoted by: >>23760576

Tranny can be a car transmission, a transvestite, a transsexual, etc. I think you're assuming all usage of the word refers to transsexuals.

I refer to you next: find the meaning of the word "context"

>> No.23760443

It wouldn't be the same without Ebio. Give us the OG Big Face Shiina. It'll make Aqua the happiest introvert ever.

>> No.23760444

i want to fuck ange so hard her real voice comes out.

>> No.23760445
File: 1.09 MB, 900x1266, 81455105_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760472

>How does she do it?
By being an adorable children's cartoon rabbit with a ton of catchphrases.

>> No.23760448

My bad fondle other holos. Is that better?

>> No.23760453
Quoted by: >>23760487

I wanna hear Towa's real voice while having soft, tender love.

>> No.23760454
File: 232 KB, 1219x1500, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760455

I kinda notice Kaoru fills in dead hours for EOP That's so kind of him,.

>> No.23760456

Every time I hear Matsuri's singing I always feel like it's one step away from being like, really good.
Maybe it's just me, I dunno.

>> No.23760457

Weekly progress report meeting I guess.

>> No.23760459

Same. None of the other Nijis do it for me.

>> No.23760460

What cover did was basically throw the unpopular product under the bus with their retarded decision.
i assure you if this shit had happened to fubuki or coco they would have lied because theyre the bigger product.

>> No.23760461


Are any of you this dedicated to your chuuba?

>> No.23760462

By not just being cute but genuinely entertaining, like, skillfully entertaining.

Oh right. Oh well, I've never used such a thing so I can't comprehend the loss, lmao. I've been here over a decade and only used 4chan in it's basest, vanilla form like a complete boomer.

>> No.23760465
File: 10 KB, 170x99, 1578765405018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760468

>On my lap?
Would you?

>> No.23760469
Quoted by: >>23760501

You mean http://catalog.neet.tv/ this?

>> No.23760471

That's probably why they're trying to make the support infrastructure before expanding more.
Getting a team of editors and artists in before Gen 5 means they could put out way more stuff

>> No.23760472

I love Pekora and her design.

>> No.23760476
Quoted by: >>23760523

Power of massive PE-KOU

>> No.23760478
Quoted by: >>23760522

Of course you throw the unpopular product under the bus if it'll help protect the rest of your brand.

>> No.23760482

>Flare saving us
This is why she gets the big supa numbers

>> No.23760483


>> No.23760487

Isn't Towa's real voice similar to her current voice?

>> No.23760491

She has alot of training.
Gets hololive to pay for her idol classes.

>> No.23760493

You don't know that, not the guy you are replying to by the way, the only thing I agree with you is that Towa's punishment was too much, I hope this never happens again, and no I wouldn't like the staff liying saying it was them either.

>> No.23760494
File: 163 KB, 215x365, firefox_XkoiWLm9tE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760518

I don't know why, but I hate this thing.

>> No.23760501
Quoted by: >>23760686


>> No.23760502
Quoted by: >>23760528

really good voice but bad technique. I don't think shs has the incentive to take lessons and get better though

>> No.23760506

Bitch! Watame is still awake

>> No.23760509
Quoted by: >>23760541

If the staff had lied you wouldnt have known it was a lie anon.

>> No.23760512
File: 859 KB, 220x176, ezgif-4-592a9f923cd9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa is the containment zone for the simps

>> No.23760515

How different was catalog.neet.tv from 4chanX Catalog? Cause once that was a thing, and clover/Kuroba, I never looked back.

>> No.23760516

You should also take into account Fubuki collabs alot and those supacha go into whoever she's collabing with's account.
Like the Fubuki/Matsuri Apex collabs had some of the highest supacha out of Matsuri's Apex streams.

>> No.23760518
Quoted by: >>23760539

What does it do?

>> No.23760519

It gets DEEPER!~

>> No.23760522

The brand wouldnt have been damaged by just a few hundreds of japanese autists who were never buying any of their products in the first place.

>> No.23760523


>> No.23760526

And yet we're still talking about it to this day, arguing about it keeps her in the mindshare. She wouldn't be as relevant as she is if that drama didn't happen honestly. "No such thing as bad publicity" and all that.

>> No.23760528

She is taking lessons tho.

>> No.23760529
File: 383 KB, 392x390, 1588716728321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Floor.

>> No.23760530

It's much more closer to Towa's ikemen voice than the normal she uses.

>> No.23760533
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1588798692846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What holo do you guys think could sing the whole summer machinegun song without stuttering or messing up?

>> No.23760538

I hope rurudo becomes a vtuber like ui mama and interacts with hololive girls. She is so cute.

>> No.23760537


support aki or your an antisemite.

ill pass

>> No.23760539
Quoted by: >>23760600

>What does it do?
Annoy me, apparently.

>> No.23760541
Quoted by: >>23760565

It'a pretty clear at least to me that it wasn't staff, and what excuse would they have to be there, people would just start rumors saying Hololive staff is fucking holos while they stream, best to prevent that.

>> No.23760543

It would probably help if they get dedicated editors like most big Western Youtubers. Having actual edited video shorts to watch does a lot for viewability compared to multi-hour streams with lots of dead moments and audience chatting. Fubuki's short meme shitposts are the reason she has hundreds of thousands more subscribers than the others and it's 100% certain the translated clips contribute a lot to any Hololive getting big globally.

>> No.23760544


>> No.23760545

FBK for sure

>> No.23760551

Rurudo is a guy

>> No.23760552

Fubuki 100% and maybe Kanata on a good day.

>> No.23760554
Quoted by: >>23760577

You're asking the wrong person.

>> No.23760555

Truly towafags are the worst.

>> No.23760556

There are holos who earn less than her, fuck off already you mentally ill cucks.

>> No.23760561

Does Flare pinch her nose to talk

>> No.23760562

I like winter machinegun more but I'm betting on Fubuki and maybe Watame

>> No.23760564
Quoted by: >>23760573

She uses a voice changer, right? Because I think she's underage and her real voice is a dead giveaway

>> No.23760565
Quoted by: >>23760586

Nobody was there anon, it was a discord group chat.
and if cover had come out and said that it was indeed staff then it would have been what you think might be vs an official statement.

>> No.23760567
Quoted by: >>23760611

when is roboco going to get her own hijab for the collab?
her current model shows too much skin and wont be able to draw the muslim audience that way with such a haram look

>> No.23760569
Quoted by: >>23760579

Is Roboco good?

>> No.23760572
File: 646 KB, 571x840, blender_SroTNX2mUZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a link to Roboco's Apex profile?

>> No.23760573

Yeah I think she's like 16 judging from her voice

>> No.23760576
Quoted by: >>23760587

I have a feeling most people using this word as an insult mean "transsexual". I could be wrong though. One way or another, my point was that Kaoru is an alright streamer past the superficial appearances level which you may like or dislike depending on your own views and preferences.

>> No.23760577
Quoted by: >>23760608


was for >>23760338

>> No.23760579

Nowhere at Aqua's level but she's fun to watch.

>> No.23760581
Quoted by: >>23760590

>Flare singing *ハロー、プラネット。
Fuck yes.

>> No.23760586
Quoted by: >>23760640

If you are dishonest dude that think lies don't eventually blow up in people's faces it's on you

>> No.23760587

and he's a tranny

>> No.23760590

.. and she choked.

>> No.23760593
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1588838818336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just played RPG maker futa game
>open flare video, it has the same background music as the rpg maker futa game

I just realized flare using rpg maker music

>> No.23760600
File: 281 KB, 329x483, 1586746876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23760612


>> No.23760603

Good taste, anon

>> No.23760608
Quoted by: >>23760693

Sorry, don't use extensions, but the main thing I liked about neet catalog was that the search function went through the entire thread for all the threads on the board.

>> No.23760609

free copyright music

>> No.23760610

Holy shit that Flare's voice!

>> No.23760611
File: 774 KB, 720x404, Robobully.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robots are not haram

>> No.23760612
Quoted by: >>23760637

Does he have any powers

>> No.23760619
Quoted by: >>23760654

What game?

>> No.23760621
File: 77 KB, 1038x630, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed Flare vocaloid singing
She should be more clear around her shitposting purposes.

>> No.23760622

I don't know about you guys, but I'd hide Flare in my attic during an exterminatus event.

>> No.23760624

Here is a list of the teams at Ichikara, leaving out the overseas section and the new businesses they are developing.

Live 2D Modellers, 3D Modellers, Illustrators, Designers, Client Engineer, Server Side Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer, Streaming Technology, Video, Sound, Project Manager, Production Director, Corporate Sales, Events, Content, New Development, Liver Management, Accounting, Administration, Legal, HR, Finance, Analysis, PR.

>> No.23760626

I want to hug Flare...

>> No.23760627

different anon but the main thing I liked about neet was the ability to sort threads by activity

>> No.23760629

>thread going to die before getting 2k posts
so this is the end of hololive...

>> No.23760637

>Does he have any powers
Yes, pissing me off.

>> No.23760639
Quoted by: >>23760651

I bet the 2hus and idolm@sterfags are creating threads in incredible hihg speed

>> No.23760640
Quoted by: >>23760666

Thats the thing, nobody but extreme autsits would have cared to dig down the issue to the point of finding out the truth and even then said extreme autist has to convince everyone else to believe his word over an official statement from the main company.
said autist wouldnt even be able to convince 5ch/4chan.
because once again anon.
its some retard's extreme autism on an anonymous board vs an official statemen, in a situation where people barely would care to begin with.

>> No.23760641

/hlg/ is reclining

>> No.23760642

/jp/ must be really quick today

>> No.23760643

It's dead hours, you should either go and watch Flare or do your reps

>> No.23760645

Post songs.


>> No.23760649

It’s because I’ve been asleep, and I’m about to get back to it. Sorry anon

>> No.23760651

That's not taking it easy at all.

>> No.23760654
Quoted by: >>23760676



its alright

>> No.23760656

I love Pekora!

>> No.23760660
File: 20 KB, 540x467, es54ut_umaa_6qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760663
Quoted by: >>23760707


>> No.23760666
Quoted by: >>23760704

It wouldn't be hard to convince people it wasn't staff dunno why you are thinking people are thay silly besides all the explanations they'd have to give as to why staff would be yabeeing over Towa's stream.

>> No.23760667

>sort threads by activity

>> No.23760670

I went to walmart wearing my watame shirt today
What a rush

>> No.23760672
Quoted by: >>23760716


>> No.23760675

I remember Towa. Such pleasant memories.

>> No.23760676

Absolutely based

>> No.23760682
File: 590 KB, 920x613, 1562450967276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23760683


>> No.23760686

It's still working though.

>> No.23760693

That's a bit expensive for a plugin, 4chanX just searches anything from the OP. How did Catalog implement that? By caching an internal copy of the thread?

4chanX has the ff sort order:
Index Sort, Bump order, Last reply, Last long reply, Creation date, Reply count and File count

>> No.23760694

Flare is cute! CUTE!

>> No.23760698
Quoted by: >>23760709


>> No.23760700

What is Flare singing? I've heard it before but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.23760701
Quoted by: >>23760703

I love Flare's enthusiasm, but she doesn't have the vocal range for this song...

>> No.23760703

Who cares, all that matters is she's having fun.

>> No.23760704

why wouldnt it be hard to convince?
literally nobody but a few hundred of nips cared out of the 7k that were watching.
they dont need to explain a staff saying "yabee" anon
>towa didnt mute mic
>oh shit stream heard me
shit is self explanatory.

>> No.23760705


>> No.23760707

This video feels like an elaborated shitpost

>> No.23760709


>> No.23760716

based Matsuribro
