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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 195 KB, 1919x1079, ShareX_2020-05-04_15-44-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23680760 No.23680760 [Reply] [Original]

In honor of two crazy girls.

>> No.23680793
File: 2.80 MB, 670x1076, 1585880958193.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you have the stamina to last 12 hours with Senchou?

>> No.23680803
File: 2.07 MB, 1183x1707, hoshikawa bullying lesbian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying Matsuri with Hoshikawa!

>> No.23680813
Quoted by: >>23681258


>> No.23680815

Hot. Manga name please?

>> No.23680820

More like 12 seconds if she leg-locks.

>> No.23680824

And just like that, Marine left. Didn't even bother thanking her Super Chat donations.

>> No.23680825
Quoted by: >>23680828

why was the last thread archived so early?

>> No.23680827
File: 487 KB, 554x632, 1587031964357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23680832


>> No.23680828

Hololive threads auto archive at 2000 posts now.

>> No.23680830

The real winners were the friends we made along the way

>> No.23680831

Real simps don't want to be thanked.

>> No.23680832

>these are 17 years old idols

>> No.23680833
Quoted by: >>23680880

I train every day for this sole purpose

>> No.23680834

Does Peko change out the carrots in her hair? How do they not rot away like her rotten soul?

>> No.23680835

you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.23680837
File: 213 KB, 489x550, ascended dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23680849

Time to sleep

>> No.23680839

She'll probably do it tomorrow. She just spent 12 hours on one kusoge and 8 hours on one level. I think everyone understands.

>> No.23680843

12 hours streams from Towa, Marine, and Korone today. What a good day.

>> No.23680844
Quoted by: >>23680901

Bro she had a hard day at work... a whole 12 hours... playing video games......

>> No.23680846

nobody watched Towa

>> No.23680847
Quoted by: >>23681912

Matsuri got what she deserved.
Hoshikawa is for Haato only.

>> No.23680848
Quoted by: >>23680929

And then Korone turned herself into a hoteto. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.23680849

This dog is dead

>> No.23680851
Quoted by: >>23680891

yes but what about vice versa

>> No.23680852
Quoted by: >>23680891

Marine would call it quits after a minute because she'd get too tired.

>> No.23680859
File: 180 KB, 706x1000, ca24e6518ae5e0dd815c6883a055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great time to be alive and witness this madness.

>> No.23680861

I don't think they imagined doing 11-12 hour streams with this so it was good fun to watch.

>> No.23680865
Quoted by: >>23680885

I recognize the uniforms and the body types, it's probably a Shokugeki no Soma doujin.

>> No.23680866

That's 36 hours...

>> No.23680870
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1588260559909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23680883

Good collab

>> No.23680873
File: 593 KB, 2560x720, place your bets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681119

Marine and Korone were jacking off for 12 hours.

>> No.23680874

I think we're starting to get into a crazy phase for the holos. Can't wait to see what somebody cooks up next.

>> No.23680877 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 635x900, 1588632861310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680879 [DELETED] 
File: 633 KB, 639x357, 1584069094551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you watch v-tubers over twitch streamers?

>> No.23680880

I train to be able to princess carry Noel.

>> No.23680881

This. What a strange blessed age of entertainment we live in.

>> No.23680882
File: 221 KB, 2000x1455, EXMhSTrUcAEnA9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to see all the 2hufags crying because 1/3 of the archives are hololive threads in a few days

>> No.23680883

Yeah too bad Aqua will never do anything this cool because she's a dumb fake bitch

>> No.23680884
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1568041639984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did!

>> No.23680885

That's a start. Thanks.

>> No.23680886
Quoted by: >>23680928

I'm sorry /jp/ but I'm starting to think... EOPs were the best thing to ever happen to hololive

>> No.23680888
File: 2.94 MB, 352x410, 【APEX視聴者参加型】強化週間を過ごしたその先には…PART2【#常闇トワ_ホロライブ】.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680889

Reminder that chink is not your friend.

>> No.23680891
File: 2.97 MB, 1650x2250, 1587798575748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just feed her some of those energy shots and she'll be good to go. You'd probably break before she does because she'll make you do the work.

>> No.23680892

>streams end
>the music is still in my head

>> No.23680893
File: 96 KB, 461x424, 1588009969475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680895
File: 398 KB, 395x510, 1570174832765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680899
Quoted by: >>23680970

[Erect Sawaru] Love Letter.

>> No.23680900

Yeah? I bet you don't even zercher squat faggot

>> No.23680901

Unironically harder than an office job to be high energy for 12 hours.

>> No.23680902

Azki is gonna play a videogame for once!

>> No.23680903
File: 44 KB, 653x691, IMG_20200504_022230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post Subaru every thread until you like her or almost every thread because of the cap

>> No.23680906
Quoted by: >>23680944

A 12 hour is nothing to Korone but it's pretty out of the ordinary for Marine.

>> No.23680910

Someone spoil me the sick strats for Cho Aniki

>> No.23680911

I don't care about those hags

>> No.23680912

I already like her!

>> No.23680914

Mafiosi are people.

>> No.23680915

I'm glad I got to watch this legendary stream live! Fuck me, this stream was amazing.

>> No.23680916

very cool subarubro

>> No.23680918

how hard will flop with sora's abysmal connection

>> No.23680919

With Sora, strange times we're in.

>> No.23680920

Only if you're a neurotic introvert

>> No.23680922
Quoted by: >>23680951


>> No.23680923
File: 1.15 MB, 2508x3541, 1588299934248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681028

What do I get for already loving her and watching her streams?

>> No.23680924
File: 75 KB, 637x900, 1588383851041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where you're wrong

>> No.23680927

There's people who don't like her?

>> No.23680928

It is fun when when a chubba tries to read an English comment in Japanglish

>> No.23680929

Do you mean hotate? I laughed anyway.

>> No.23680930

Would have been legendary if one of them actually won

>> No.23680932
File: 10 KB, 743x107, dont be a bird rapist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try not to get too autistic. at the very least be less autistic than pic related

>> No.23680933
File: 673 KB, 1600x1200, 1571231676021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680935

Let's be real, most people shit around the office talking to coworkers and shit. Or sit in meetings and sometimes participate.

>> No.23680936
Quoted by: >>23680960

Haha hell yeah bro can't wait to tell my grandkids about this epic win

>> No.23680937
File: 876 KB, 456x490, 1587706974212.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680938

Ah, the onara idol.

>> No.23680939

Y-You guys are gonna watch Kaoru's fishing stream, right?

>> No.23680941

Okay, can't wait to see you do a cute anime voice and be super high energy while playing a video game for 12 hours.

>> No.23680942

Towafags... Stop pretending you exist... You don't exist...

>> No.23680944

Yeah but not playing the same few levels over and over again. It's this kind of thing that reminds me why only people who aren't mentally typical become vtubers in the first place.

>> No.23680946
Quoted by: >>23680953

that analogy was awfully specific, I hope his bird is okay

>> No.23680947
Quoted by: >>23680953

That post is pretty based though.

>> No.23680949
File: 2.12 MB, 1488x2088, 1588572632695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big elites

>> No.23680950
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1587543682109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that again, but slowly...

>> No.23680951

That is in fact Towa. Good eye!

>> No.23680953
Quoted by: >>23680991

>lol random xD
Reddit please go

>> No.23680956
File: 86 KB, 750x395, okayu nap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but for okayu

>> No.23680958


>> No.23680959

Sure, why not. There ain't anything else going on anyway.

>> No.23680960

Fuck off pekofag.
You got your kamistream. We get ours.

>> No.23680963
File: 872 KB, 971x1300, 1588468829485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23680997

This thread needs more baqua

>> No.23680964

Could the average Towafag kick the average Lunafag's ass?

>> No.23680965
File: 2.71 MB, 1048x1080, 1565050904285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23680968

who had the more enjoyable ff7r stream? Too lazy to play it on my own

>> No.23680969
File: 164 KB, 946x2048, 1587175826941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can she be so smug?

>> No.23680970

Thank you!

>> No.23680971

I better make sure no one is watching when I rape my bird then. Don't want to make an anon guilty.

>> No.23680975


>> No.23680981

None of them are complete cause they're not allowed to stream the last chapter.

>> No.23680983

You know, I really love fishing but I suck ass at it. I love animals and the wilderness. I can't believe I have never tried a fishing game. I'll check it out.

>> No.23680986

I love Miko's sideboob

>> No.23680991


>> No.23680992


>> No.23680993
Quoted by: >>23680998

Lunafags have retard strength but Towafags have guns.

>> No.23680995

I want Haato to attempt to bully me but slip up and fall over so I can laugh at her getting upset!

>> No.23680996

Too dumb to realize how dumb she is

>> No.23680997
File: 551 KB, 1145x420, kisspng-leftovers-onion-vegetable-food-dicing-5ae19367539666.1343192615247327753424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681033

help yourself

>> No.23680998
Quoted by: >>23681004

Towafags have strength in numbers

>> No.23681000

can't wait for her next 2 collabs in the next 2 days

>> No.23681001

The average towafag is too depressed to really do anything anon

>> No.23681003
File: 234 KB, 512x512, 1587007062344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681037

Why is Towa the best hololive?

>> No.23681004

There are more Lunafags here than Towafags

>> No.23681007

any karaoke streams recently? Need some background music for my gbf grind.

>> No.23681009
File: 710 KB, 782x664, 1588422105630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681038


>> No.23681010
Quoted by: >>23681355

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQlPGdsJD_E Kaoru
Watch the faggot go fish

>> No.23681011
File: 78 KB, 1395x793, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which horo stole your
First supacha
aqua chou makaimura

currently got my name read by miko, aqua, korone

>> No.23681013


>> No.23681015

One day I'll tell my son's sons. About how the legendary pirate Marine crossed swords with the Inugod Korone in a duel that captivated a whole country and even beyond. And how people who witnessed this epic clash can still hear MENSU BIIMUUU in their head sometimes even after all these years

>> No.23681018

All Miko

>> No.23681021
Quoted by: >>23681045

I'm sorry that you've never played video games with friends, dude. Maybe try an MMO.

>> No.23681025
File: 363 KB, 1736x1648, ER-2r9HWkAEH2kn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681026

choco a long time ago

>> No.23681027

You wish, Lunafag.

>> No.23681028
Quoted by: >>23681061

You get to watch a cutie play games and enjoy herself, isn't that enough?

>> No.23681030
Quoted by: >>23681056

Did Pekora always do those early streams or did it change recently? I remember catching her streams during normal hours instead of 5am.

>> No.23681031


>> No.23681033

I love her 2.1 update. Really brings out her layers.

>> No.23681035

5th gen

>> No.23681037
File: 228 KB, 1500x1200, EW7xxM2UEAAV2F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is cool, but I wish she'd do more collabs with her doukis.

>> No.23681038
File: 1.74 MB, 532x536, 1587981333934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute wink!

>> No.23681039
Quoted by: >>23681048


>> No.23681042

Haha... yeah...

>> No.23681043


>> No.23681044

Not yet
Not yet

>> No.23681045

Record your cute anime voice high energy commentary next time, I wanna hear it.

>> No.23681047


>> No.23681048

i've never tuned into a fubuki karaoke stream before except when she does it with other members so i'll do it .

>> No.23681056

i think she changed her schedule fairly recently, it was also supposed to be a day off but dumb rabbit decided she was going to play today at 3am

>> No.23681058

gone fishin'

>> No.23681059

Gee I wonder who made this poll...

>> No.23681061
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, 1588122513478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want ASMR

>> No.23681063


>> No.23681064
File: 37 KB, 392x408, watame_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i'm starting to fall for Senchou too help

>> No.23681065

Did marine clinch it in the end? I stopped paying attention around 8 hours in.

>> No.23681066

So is Kaoru just going to play old man games all the times because I am honestly fine with that

>> No.23681068

When we did the previous polls, Luna had a pretty low amount of votes, pretty much everyone who voted Luna also voted her as their number 1 favorite. Towa had lots of votes going both ways. Of course, the polls were also botted by Lyger to get Matsuri up to the top of both so it's hard to say if Towa's fans didn't also bot her up but given that she hovered around 10th place on both instead of 1st I don't think there was any foul play.

>> No.23681069

y-yeah imagine if gen 4 actually liked Towa... haha... how fun would that be...

>> No.23681070

Help spreading her and get her to 250k and she'll probably do it again

>> No.23681071

No, despite playing video games for a living and this being her specialty genre she failed spectacularly. Really disappointing, to be honest.

>> No.23681072
Quoted by: >>23681079

He's playing Portal tomorrow. Is that an old man game now?

>> No.23681073

nope, she came the closest though

>> No.23681074

I like that one video where she's being bullied by Korone and Okayu.

>> No.23681076
Quoted by: >>23681096

Your poll was shit because you kept reposting it in every thread so anons starting spreading it. Much more accurate to run separate polls and average the data.

>> No.23681078
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, EXFKtToVAAEJG4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681158

Azki probably thinks Sora is on her skill level.
Eeheheh, how wrong she is.

>> No.23681079

The first one? Yeah that's over ten years old.

>> No.23681080

No one because superchat sucks

>> No.23681081

no one
no one

>> No.23681082

They both gave up since 12 hours were coming up and Marine has a collab with Fubuki later today, but they wanted a rematch.

>> No.23681083
Quoted by: >>23681092

kaoru's just said his monetization has been enabled

>> No.23681084 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 900x900, 1558837911346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23681086

so which sick bastard sent dick pics to subaru
show yourself right now

>> No.23681088

There aren't 12 Lunafags in this general. You guys are fucking annoying.

>> No.23681091 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681101

/hlg/ fears this

>> No.23681092

Hopefully noone copyrights the bgm(?)

>> No.23681093

God dammit the chat is trying to drag the homo to ARK

>> No.23681094 [DELETED] 

best honorary holo

>> No.23681096
Quoted by: >>23681107

Yeah I disregarded most of the results after the first night of posting because it became clear people were botting or posting the links into their fan groups based around specific girls. As I said Matsuri jumped up by 50-100 votes over the span of a few hours at one point.

>> No.23681097

been thinking about giving sensei a membership

>> No.23681099

>Wanted a rematch
These girls are not sane

>> No.23681100 [DELETED] 

Based Pikaposter

>> No.23681101 [DELETED] 

More like covets

>> No.23681102 [DELETED] 


>> No.23681104

Kaoru is listening to spanish music...

>> No.23681105

Denial and anger in the same post, next comes bargaining.

>> No.23681107

Based Lyger

>> No.23681109

You're right there are only lunabros.

>> No.23681111

Okayu(She wished me a happy birthday)

>> No.23681112
Quoted by: >>23681130

shitty polls with zero ip checking are garbage
I can make 10 votes in 5 minutes if I felt like it so much more autistic people can rig them at will

Best way to make a proper poll is to do it via google because nobody will rig that if they can't see the results and need a new google acc for every vote.

>> No.23681113 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681141

All Holofans love Pika

>> No.23681115 [DELETED] 


Watching her improve (slightly) throughout the DS stream was a lot of fun

Kind of a shame she cheesed the Taurus Demon harder than I even knew was possible. Would've been good practice

>> No.23681118

What a time to be alive

>> No.23681119

So I missed the latter part, who won in the end?

>> No.23681120

Wait is Kaoru 2nd most subscribed holostar as of now?

>> No.23681124 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1200x1200, 1588281619618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681125

Actually pretty comfy

>> No.23681126

The viewers.

>> No.23681128

Playing ARK with an ARK stream on is top tier comfy.

>> No.23681129
Quoted by: >>23681144

Nobody, but Korone was the one who got to the last boss.

>> No.23681130

I've thought about that but then you have to give up your anonimity, which is really the only reason we're all posting here on /jp/ and not going into some faggy Holodiscord or Reddit. I'm not about to give up our freedom just so I can figure out how many samefags there are voting for their girls.

>> No.23681131

oh shit, and it's a really nice song
fucking based medb (male)

>> No.23681134
Quoted by: >>23681355

wouldn't be surprised, he is pretty based.

>> No.23681135

No one, but if you want to be technical, Senchou got the final boss multiple times while Korone only got there once.

>> No.23681136

Your dick

>> No.23681138
Quoted by: >>23681172

spanish music is based, more if it's from south america

>> No.23681139

What happened to his model?

>> No.23681141 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681159

Because they are all EOPs and she panders to them.

>> No.23681144
Quoted by: >>23681151

Senchou got farther than Korone multiple times, anon.

>> No.23681145

Whoa, that's a comfy stream.

>> No.23681149

Maybe he couldn't figure out how to put that animation on his live2D.

>> No.23681150


>> No.23681151

I see.

>> No.23681153 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681162

>>>/jp/virtual youtubers

>> No.23681157

Just look deep into his eyes, let all your worries melt away

>> No.23681158
Quoted by: >>23681178

not even the best vtuber cover of the song

>> No.23681159 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681186

She does but in the least obnoxious way possible. She's just a bro.

>> No.23681160 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681183

Is she hated in /vy/ or something? Why do you not post her there?

>> No.23681161
Quoted by: >>23681169

The software broke or something cause it stopped tracking him midway so he just put it like that for now

>> No.23681162 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 230x88, 3zjO7Rk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681165

Pikamee is actually a nigerian japanese living on chiba. she works as a car dealer there before

>> No.23681167

I want fanart of kaoru fishin
and I want it now

>> No.23681168
File: 278 KB, 1581x1112, IMG_20200503_195208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No membership yet but I'll probably go with haato here soon

Haato and she read my english spacha cause I'm still learning how to read kanji

>> No.23681169

Didn't Kaoru BGM not work yesterday? I wonder why he's having so much problems

>> No.23681170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681233

Do we know how fat she is?

>> No.23681172

Get the fuck out.
Spain > Puerto Rican > Mexican > South American

>> No.23681174 [DELETED] 

GYARI's daughter is very cute!

>> No.23681178

Okayu did it better.

>> No.23681181

Make it Spanish Kaoru fishing, this is great.

>> No.23681182

I'm happy for Korone and Marine for garnering such large amount of views. Korone is also set to overtake Sora and Coco in subs.

>> No.23681183 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 4096x3071, 1562530727553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because our thread is the best so success breeds jealousy, VY indies are reclining and Niji only has like 3/100 worth VTubers so they all have to come shitpost in our thread.

But the worse thing is people actually reply to the fucking trolls making them think they're in good company so they stay.

>> No.23681186 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681201

It literally doesn't matter how she does it. Her chat is cancer with EOPs.

>> No.23681187
Quoted by: >>23681202

The fuck, this song is good.

>> No.23681188
Quoted by: >>23681203

>puerto rican above anything
t. spic

>> No.23681190
Quoted by: >>23681229

Why don't you get happy for them having fun, numbersfag?

>> No.23681192
File: 113 KB, 1279x703, ponpoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like Peko and Miko are part of the Ponpoko 24 hour stream that starts later with Coco and Subaru as Hololive reps.

>> No.23681193
Quoted by: >>23681355


>> No.23681196 [DELETED] 

>implying people don't like lulu and pika here
how naive

>> No.23681198

I can't tell who's next to Chaika. Is it Shiishii?

>> No.23681200
File: 1.62 MB, 1235x1222, f89571fc7a04187645a41923ada6e249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more collabs between Haachama and Haachama

>> No.23681201 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681266

>anyone using english on the internet is cancer except me

>> No.23681202

I am actually fucking baffled right now.

>> No.23681203
File: 1.89 MB, 1800x2100, 1567306648806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuban > all that shit
Get some class Viva la Revolution

>> No.23681204

Top comfy stream, why are the homos such cool bros? Hope he catches a big one.

>> No.23681205

one haachama is enough thanks

>> No.23681206

>peko in an environment that requires any amount of social skills
n-narrative bros???! did we get too cocky???

>> No.23681207 [DELETED] 

cute shark

>> No.23681208

>Puerto Rican music

>> No.23681209

As always my heart is wavering, I need to do more reps to decide who is the one for me.
>First supacha

>> No.23681212

Was anyone even watching? I'm pretty sure everyone just had them open in the background. I had to eventually mute it after a few hours of BEEEEEEAM were engraved onto my brain.

>> No.23681213
Quoted by: >>23681238

who would win in a fight?

>> No.23681215 [DELETED] 

Just report the retard for offtopic. Replies and attention just validates him because shitposters love for attention and getting people mad.

A simple report and ignore to his niji spam shuts him down and a mod will eventually delete all his garbage.

>> No.23681218
File: 189 KB, 460x313, gamerforehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best forehead in the game.

>> No.23681220

She's with Miko

>> No.23681221
Quoted by: >>23681355

>Kaoru listening to spanish music while fishing in some place that looks like the south of Chile
finally a vtuber for us スペイン語bros...

>> No.23681222
Quoted by: >>23681241

looks like it

>> No.23681224
Quoted by: >>23681241

Seems like it, there's her ribbon thing visible in the silhouette.

>> No.23681226
File: 483 KB, 1181x1748, EXMOOXAUMAEvusX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23681227 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23681277

Why do you not post them in the threads meant for them? Are they hated there?
Answer the question.

>> No.23681228

I'm new here. What's wrong with this rabbit? Why does she sound like a psychopath when she laughs?

>> No.23681229

you're fucking assuming i don't, retard

>> No.23681230

nice, best duo

>> No.23681232

I can't believe Kaoru is a spicaboo.

>> No.23681233 [DELETED] 

Idk but she sounds fat
Not that it matters

>> No.23681234

>Why look at my model when you can look into my soul

I can't believe my heart is being taken by a man...

>> No.23681235

>he actually has a normal forehead
what kind of magic is this

>> No.23681236

*muffled sounds of Matsuri crying in the distance*

>> No.23681237
Quoted by: >>23681261

around the 9 minute mark

>> No.23681238

Haato could scream at Hoshikawa but Hoshikawa has more resistance to being punched in the stomach.

>> No.23681240
Quoted by: >>23681252

>Puerto Rican
>Anything above shit tier
That's why everyone hates you spics

>> No.23681242

kaoru streams are comfy...

>> No.23681241

Nice. I will enjoy the collab.

>> No.23681245 [DELETED] 


>> No.23681246
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1588263749527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please leave and dont come back

>> No.23681252


You're going to tune to Kaoru one day and he'll be singing this for his Karaoke streams

>> No.23681255

>People that are shitposting with them like them

>> No.23681256
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, murderpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, rude. That's her normal laugh.

>> No.23681258
File: 1.14 MB, 1267x702, kusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681259
Quoted by: >>23681305

I'm greatly disappointed at Marine.

>> No.23681260
Quoted by: >>23681370

Never say that in here again or the /pol/sperg comes back

>> No.23681261

This seems stacked

>> No.23681262

based trap listening to alberto plaza but he better but on some ana gabriel if whe wants my sub
I guess they invited her first but she can't go alone so she brought miko with her

>> No.23681264

it would be fucking hilarious desu
would supacha

>> No.23681265
Quoted by: >>23681271

rabbit mating sounds

>> No.23681266

That's not what I believe.
You fags complain about vtubers attracting foreign audience all day but when it comes to off-topic shitposting with your favorite bitch EOPs are suddenly perfectly fine

>> No.23681268

She's with miko so she'll be fine for the most part

>> No.23681271

that's the sniffle.

>> No.23681272

>This sound quality
>"Official Upload"
Can't even make this up

>> No.23681273
File: 74 KB, 214x226, firefox_l9GZL7PrWE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was Korone's highest viewed stream till now.

>> No.23681274

Puerto Rican is actually just garbage. Cuban is better than all of those, Buena Vista Social Club rules

>> No.23681277

>Answer the question.
I refuse

>> No.23681279

>You fags complain about vtubers attracting foreign audience all day
I don't cause I'm not a retarded hypocrite.

>> No.23681283

>it was just a random channel and he doesn't actually like spanish music
spicbros absolutely BTFO

>> No.23681286


>> No.23681288


>> No.23681290

Tenshi got my heart, first supachat, and will get my membership but I got memed into a Haato membership already

>> No.23681291

Haachama and Hoshikawa Oneechama

>> No.23681292

>some nip asked for a japanese radio

>> No.23681293

how many psychopaths have laughet at you recently?

>> No.23681295
File: 1.19 MB, 1240x1487, 76576807_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm new here
Lurk 110 years before posting

>> No.23681299

It wasn't Doom, it was SHMUP kusoge. Based Korone.

>> No.23681300
File: 155 KB, 1251x582, IMG_20200504_203501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23681301

How? it only had like 25k viewers, she's had more before

>> No.23681302
Quoted by: >>23681355

>You fags
that's your first mistake

>> No.23681303

it was too good to be true

>> No.23681304


>> No.23681305

I would say the same if her failure wasn't due to her dedication to chat interaction.

>> No.23681306

Expect the peko/korone collab to reach a million

>> No.23681309


>> No.23681311
Quoted by: >>23681352


>> No.23681312

Spotted the NEET with no job experience. Office job is piss fucking easy, vidya marathon is harder.

>> No.23681313

Changes from Spanish to Metal based

>> No.23681315
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, civia15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681364

>> No.23681316

Brutal fishing

>> No.23681317

It was so long there was enough time for every timezone out there to watch at least a bit of it.

>> No.23681318
Quoted by: >>23681352

"I only watch translated clips" tier ranking

>> No.23681321

What is this? Kreator?

>> No.23681323


>> No.23681324
Quoted by: >>23681329

Wait does he actually like metal?

>> No.23681328

All holos are queens

>> No.23681329

He just said he doesn't really except for certain 2hu songs.

>> No.23681336
File: 78 KB, 219x231, 0Vn0uUltmZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine's too.

I think it counts every individual view, including viewers who leave and come back later.

>> No.23681337
Quoted by: >>23681352

EOP CHAD taste

>> No.23681338
Quoted by: >>23681344

800 viewers already for Ultimate Fishing, good lord he might actually save the Holostars

>> No.23681340
Quoted by: >>23681352

0/10 kys

>> No.23681341

Is Kaoru going to get banned because of this radio?

>> No.23681344

He's been getting those kind of numbers pretty consistently.

>> No.23681345

She explains it here https://a.pomf.cat/zblfvo.webm

>> No.23681346


>> No.23681347

how will pekofag ever recover?

>> No.23681348

Probably lmao.
Last time someone I saw stream a game with radio they got fugged by copyright

>> No.23681350

>80s mix
Michael Jackson please

>> No.23681351
Quoted by: >>23681363

Not him, but I work an office job, and I find playing video games for hours way easier. Time passes faster when you're doing something fun. Three hours playing a video game you enjoy doesn't feel as long as three hours sitting at a workdesk typing up papers.

>> No.23681352


>> No.23681354
File: 785 KB, 1920x2160, 1588310543110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is canon
and i like it a lot

>> No.23681355
File: 151 KB, 1029x720, 1560685564275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong >>23680939

>> No.23681357
Quoted by: >>23681379

If he doesn't get copystruck within the next 5 songs I will supacha

>> No.23681359


>> No.23681361

This fishing stream has turned me around on Kaoru.

>> No.23681363
Quoted by: >>23681511

Now do it while streaming and doing a voice to entertain your 25k viewers that at any moment could turn on you if you say something wrong.

>> No.23681364
File: 79 KB, 1080x1080, 1586610626566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681365

Ranking criteria
S:Summer Color Festival
A: He has a track record of serious behavior.
B: One step closer to being a criminal.
C: Decent, but unfortunate parts stand out
D: A man of common sense

>> No.23681366
File: 47 KB, 128x128, 1588352777808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681368

/jp/ immediately seethes

>> No.23681370

Welcome back >>23681260

>> No.23681371

Still trash.

>> No.23681379

We had the kusoge challenge, the Apex challenge, and now the radio challenge.

>> No.23681383

Why is Aqua in A tier

>> No.23681384
Quoted by: >>23681419

>comfy fishing
>good music
>slow talk and chat to practice your 日本語
Kaoru's gonna make it bros

>> No.23681385

Kaoru the chad, he must know that this is a dangerous thing he's doing right?

>> No.23681386

Of course he's not an EOP, pekora and korone are way too low for that

>> No.23681387

tfw you will never go on a chill fishing trip with your otoko no ko bro

>> No.23681391

Kaoru just got his soul back boys

>> No.23681394

Kaoru's face returned! Must have finished giving that bj

>> No.23681395
Quoted by: >>23681429

>B: One step closer to being a criminal.

>> No.23681396
File: 911 KB, 1013x973, 1588274246787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681402

this makes me sad towabros

>> No.23681402

Sad is the default state of a Towafriend.

>> No.23681406

kaoru is holostars, there is no offtopic here

>> No.23681407

>baiting EOPs twice

>> No.23681410
Quoted by: >>23681413

Uh oh, say goodbye to the stream bros

>> No.23681411

Marine is hugely overrated

>> No.23681412
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681420

In a recent stream AZKi said about maybe playing ARK as well....who knows who will guide her for that, Sora didn't play that one.

>> No.23681413
Quoted by: >>23681428

Not until someone big comes on

>> No.23681414

Oh yeah this stream is totally getting banned

>> No.23681415

Kaoru is an unashamed boomer and I can respect that.

>> No.23681419
Quoted by: >>23681448

Is Kaoru not native? Or is the ''practice'' in reference to us?

>> No.23681420
Quoted by: >>23681579

Why does AZKI look like someone who wears a butt plug

>> No.23681421

Canoeing and fishing with Kaoru! Listening to The Bangles!

>> No.23681422

Pekofag on suicide watch.

>> No.23681425

I wonder where that trannies-everywhere fag is. I'm surprised he wasn't summoned since we're talking about a Homostar.

>> No.23681426

I've reached a point where everything in my recommendations is Hololive...

>> No.23681428
Quoted by: >>23681434

>The Bangles
>not big

>> No.23681429

korone: completely manipulative yandere
okayu: would eat you alive if she wants
rushia: uncontrollable anger issues
suisei: le psychopath meme xd
miko: rapist
pekora: would help miko rape some random girl in akihabara

>> No.23681430

This stream isn't monetized right? Maybe he is gonna be okay...

>> No.23681432
Quoted by: >>23681482

Your "I only watch highlights with subs" is showing.

>> No.23681434
Quoted by: >>23681439

You can't expect a Zoomer to care about good music.

>> No.23681435

The boomer energy coming from this cute otokonoko is insane

>> No.23681438

Kaoru doesn't know any of this music he just wants to add it for background sound

>> No.23681439
Quoted by: >>23681444

t. Jojofag

>> No.23681440

Manic Monday - The Bangles

pink guy know his trade here
I can even imagine my mother simping for this guy

>> No.23681441

time to go to akihabara dressed as a cute girl!

>> No.23681442
Quoted by: >>23681450

Well you cant superchat the stream so maybe it isnt

>> No.23681444

t. anyone over the age of 25.

>> No.23681445

>ywn be raped by Pekora and Miko in a dark alleyway in Shibuya
Why live?

>> No.23681446
Quoted by: >>23681454


>> No.23681448
Quoted by: >>23681463

I meant it for us, pretty sure he's native.

>> No.23681450

I don't think he's earned monetization yet.

>> No.23681452

>towa lowest tier in a yabee ranking
Narrative bros? Towa bros?

>> No.23681453

>comfy fishing for the JOPs
>random 80s hits for the EOPs

>> No.23681454

this guy is fucking great lol

>> No.23681456

Kaoru is absolutely fucking based.

>> No.23681457
File: 162 KB, 860x738, 1580158224430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone likes coco at all, why dont more holos play yakuza series?

>> No.23681460

>have backlogs to watch
>end up watching some random livestream instead
anyone else like this?

>> No.23681461

What a based lad kaoru's gonna go far I can tell

>> No.23681463

That's what I thought, I was a little confused with that line. I agree with your post.

>> No.23681464

This stream reminds me too much of fishing with my dad except he wasn't a faggot.

>> No.23681465

>views fluctuating around 900
P-Please let him break 1K...

>> No.23681468

Haachama is collabing with a lot of people lately.

>> No.23681469
Quoted by: >>23681474

You were the faggot in that scenario.

>> No.23681470
File: 292 KB, 483x482, korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681474

It's just too bad his son was.

>> No.23681471

Wtf this is my first time watching the pink guy and his voice is deep as fuck

>> No.23681473

Everyone put Kaoru in a random window or tab please...

>> No.23681474


>> No.23681478

Ok this song is definitely gonna get him banned

>> No.23681479

Anyone has the webm of Okayu playing a tambourine?

>> No.23681480

We are the world

immediately taken down

>> No.23681482
Quoted by: >>23681503

Anon, it's a Japanese guys list. >>23681352

>> No.23681484

will he sing it too?

>> No.23681485

There comes a time where we must come together as one...
It's time to stop the hate for each other,,,

>> No.23681487
File: 154 KB, 1200x1231, moona22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fondle Moona's moonas.

>> No.23681488

cant believe /jp/ is gay for a pink faggot
I thought we were all straight males in this thread

>> No.23681491
File: 1.16 MB, 1282x717, mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko was doing 0 but stopped...

>> No.23681492


>> No.23681493

I'm just here for the music bro...

>> No.23681494

I don't hate any of you desu

>> No.23681495

>I thought we were all straight males in this thread
Hahahahaha, faggot

>> No.23681499

He remind me of a guy who gave me a handie at my very first /jp/ meetup.

>> No.23681500

Look at this faggot

>> No.23681503
Quoted by: >>23681553

It's not even a quality/favorite ranking but you guys are all too stupid to realize that.

>> No.23681504

Have you not seen the amount of Towabros in this thread?

>> No.23681505

>a pink faggot
That's no way to talk about Miko.

>> No.23681507
File: 301 KB, 800x533, kamuruchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681508

There are gays in this thread right now.
There are girls in this thread right now.
There are trannies in this thread right now.

Sorry anon, you share the board with what you hate.

>> No.23681509

miko is red though

>> No.23681511

I've spent thousands of hours talking on the phone with millions of dollars on the line. Get a real job or be grateful for the one you have.

>> No.23681513
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, leanmiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is pink but she's only gay for a bunny

>> No.23681514

I miss hate poster.

>> No.23681517

There are also cucks in this thread that unironically watch Rushia, Ayame and Towa

>> No.23681518

I only hate one of those though

>> No.23681519

speaking of hatred poster, did he stop visiting /hlg/?

>> No.23681522

>stonks faggot
Oh no oh no no no

>> No.23681523
Quoted by: >>23681531

No you didn't

>> No.23681524

>sakura miko
>akai haato
sounds different to me anon

>> No.23681525


>> No.23681526

Oh look, the closet fag is back.

>> No.23681528
File: 318 KB, 800x883, 1580488456122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681531

Okay, well you're gay.

>> No.23681534


>> No.23681535

Miko has reddish pink hair but the rest of her scheme is pink to match the sakura element of her design.

>> No.23681536
File: 880 KB, 1283x517, the numbers kaoru what do they mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681566

>> No.23681537
Quoted by: >>23681542

aren't those like super long?
I've been playing 0 for 25 hours and it feels like i'm not even halfway through

>> No.23681539
Quoted by: >>23681552

and it's up to you to make one of those groups reduce by 41%

>> No.23681541
Quoted by: >>23681571

>touhou discussion
>80s BGM
how can you get any more based?

>> No.23681542

depends if you plan to do side missions and activities

>> No.23681543

Kaoru loves Touhou! If this was a just world kaoru would be able to collab with marine

>> No.23681544

If you can't enjoy a stream from a male without worrying about being gay, you're gay.

>> No.23681545

Bros this fishing stream is actually comfy as fuck. Too bad it's probably getting nuked by the copyright bots soon

>> No.23681546

/jp/ is just a bunch of faggots watching astolfo the vtuber

im disappointed

>> No.23681550
Quoted by: >>23681563

if that song didn't get him copystruck then I guess he's immune

>> No.23681551

The lack of nose on this guy is a little offputting

>> No.23681552

I love you, /pol/friend

>> No.23681553

Yeah, tell me about it. Half the morons looked at it and immediately responded with "EOP peasant" shit.

>> No.23681554

>with what you hate.

>> No.23681555
File: 335 KB, 800x800, Dxy217_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681558

I've got a cool ass Holostar fishing with 80's hits in the background, and RTK on my iPad, while I'm fucking around in my home the whole day.

Life literally can't get better than this.

>> No.23681561

You forgot the biggest one
>There are Cocos in this thread RIGHT NOW

>> No.23681562
File: 253 KB, 1920x1440, 1587638609811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681588

Playing video games isn't easy work, but someone has to do it.

>> No.23681563
Quoted by: >>23681570

Pretty much
Makes me wonder what the hell Haachama does to get her streams blocked every other day.

>> No.23681565
Quoted by: >>23681608

he was talking about fubuki so a collab is pretty much confirmed because she loves the homiestars

>> No.23681566
Quoted by: >>23681613


>> No.23681567

Astolfo is lame because he has a generic high pitched voiced. Kaoru has voice-gap moe.

>> No.23681568

go back to >>>/a/

Kaoru is a part of /hlg/ now.

>> No.23681570

who got a job at google to shadow ban all IPs coming from australia

>> No.23681571

you can't

>> No.23681575


>> No.23681578

This is a falsflagger.

>> No.23681579


>> No.23681580

I don't get why you always samefag yourself.

>> No.23681581
Quoted by: >>23681589

>There are girls in this thread right now.
How delusional can you be?
>There are trannies in this thread right now.
Not for long, that's for sure

>> No.23681582

Kaoru confirmed to be a crybaby during horror games

>> No.23681583

Oh shit

>> No.23681585

Marine literally quit her office job to do this instead retards

>> No.23681588

Drinking with Senchou as she talks about her day

>> No.23681589
Quoted by: >>23681603

I've been here before you ever came to this board. And I'll be here when you're long gone. Fag.

>> No.23681590

A fujo lesbian and a based homo talking about touhou. Would be pretty great.

>> No.23681591

>only polfags hate trannies
don't forget to take your meds alice, you gonna get bald again

>> No.23681592


>> No.23681593


>> No.23681596

Just cause it's harder doesn't mean it's not more fun. Especially if you're an attention whore.

>> No.23681597

A fun, tiring job > A boring easy one

>> No.23681598
Quoted by: >>23681605

YouTube doesn't scan videos for copyrighted content until the stream is over, he's probably going to instantly get 3 copyright strikes when he ends the stream and his account will be deleted.

>> No.23681599
Quoted by: >>23681650

/a/ is pretty gay, they would love him.
t. /a/non

>> No.23681602

Oh shit.

>> No.23681603


>> No.23681605
Quoted by: >>23681619

>YouTube doesn't scan videos for copyrighted content until the stream is over

>> No.23681608


>> No.23681612

Imagine having him cling to you as he gets jumpscared

>> No.23681613

Oddly enough, anon probably didn't shop that and just somehow lucked out on it. The numbers check out currently.

>> No.23681615
File: 173 KB, 1555x951, 554478905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with Korone's sudden popularity spike recently despite for mostly playing retro games.

>> No.23681619
Quoted by: >>23681624

It's true though? Oga got a copyright strike after his stream ended, not during it.

>> No.23681621


>> No.23681623
Quoted by: >>23681650

Yeah, this is more of a /pol/ and possibly /v/ fag. I would assume /a/ loves traps.

>> No.23681624
Quoted by: >>23681627

Then explain mid stream takedowns, dumbo

>> No.23681627

None of them have been for copyright, retard.

>> No.23681628

She's cute and makes funny noises.

>> No.23681631

I don't get it.

>> No.23681632


>> No.23681633


>> No.23681636
File: 313 KB, 900x541, 1588637889322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681660

Stop talking about that cute guy and let's talk about cute girls.

>> No.23681637

Subs, OkaKoro, Doom 64 (EOP).

>> No.23681644

>Not even a second apart

>> No.23681646

Doog xD

And she was one of the ones who didn't fall for the AEK or Animal Crossing meme

>> No.23681649


>> No.23681650

Yeah, that makes sense tbdesu. Sorry /a/nons.

>> No.23681660

that's gay

>> No.23681661

This guy was made to play a 男の娘

>> No.23681662

thank you for your service

>> No.23681673
File: 265 KB, 720x722, 1565884869540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23681676
Quoted by: >>23681697

Kaoru wants to try Mirror's Edge, based as fuck.

>> No.23681678
Quoted by: >>23681710

It's so surreal watching this trap fish like an old man while hearing music my dad usually listens to

>> No.23681679

Cute onion.

>> No.23681680

Atelier would be fun. Kaoru is pretty well-learnt.

>> No.23681681

Makes you wonder what Gen 2 did before this

>> No.23681682

is this guy gonna get banned for all the copyrighted music?

>> No.23681683
File: 476 KB, 451x539, 1588263260108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please subscribe to my girlfriend she's almost at 300k.

>> No.23681686
Quoted by: >>23681693

Is this Ice-T?

>> No.23681693


>> No.23681694

Why is Aqua the cutest?

>> No.23681696


>> No.23681697

He also wants to try out MGS1. I wonder if /jp/ would snap if another hololive member played MGS

>> No.23681701

I have no doubt he will. If he doesn't, I hope he does it again.

>> No.23681702


And yet Haato is doing english only streams but fails in the graph.

>> No.23681703
Quoted by: >>23681712

kaoru was talking about metal gear, pekofags go watch him

>> No.23681705

Will she mess up Biohazard 4?

>> No.23681707

>is this guy gonna get banned for all the copyrighted music?
No, he's untouchable. He has Yagoo's protection.

>> No.23681710

That's why I'm enjoying this stream so much, anon. It does feel surreal.

>> No.23681712

He was talking about MGR:R a bit too

>> No.23681713

He brought up Rising too
Would be really funny if he ends up playing it before Peko

>> No.23681714

because she's a fucking disaster

>> No.23681718

I hope she reaches it during the utawaku for max supacha.

>> No.23681719
Quoted by: >>23681765

She won't even be able to run RE4 so it's fine

>> No.23681722
Quoted by: >>23681757

She's trying to melt her laptop so she can buy a new one.

>> No.23681727


>> No.23681730

kaoru's gonna play portal later today

>> No.23681731

You will all support him when he's playing Portal right?

>> No.23681732

I'm not mad they play they same games as everyone else i just think unless it's a quirky game playing a game that was played not that long ago in the same circle not the wisest decision but it's up him ultimately.

>> No.23681734

did this guy just mention Portal? This guy is based as fuck.

>> No.23681736

Didn't know Asanagi got into 3DSFM porn

>> No.23681740
Quoted by: >>23681749

If it's not when my wife is streaming, of course.

>> No.23681744

Do it again remix...?
I feel old for knowing all these songs

>> No.23681746
Quoted by: >>23681777

I doubt /v/ would care if Kaoru plays MGS. He's a ''tranny'' to them so they'll probably not invade. So I couldn't care if he does.

>> No.23681747


>> No.23681748
Quoted by: >>23681762

>speaking english
Never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.23681749

I'll be there with the cake.

>> No.23681757

>doing this all off of a laptop

>> No.23681761

Over/Under on copystrike?

>> No.23681762

Haachama needs to teach Aqua some... she could even read Plants vs Zombies. Actually she could read the first part but not the next two.

>> No.23681765

I think her laptop can run the old port just fine, I used to play it on an early2000tier pc at work

>> No.23681769

Comfy 男の娘 stream is over. Guess I have to watch White Fox Burger now..

>> No.23681770

I swear Marine's 3D model has some extra sensors on those hips. None of the other hololives that have a 3D model get to that level of ero tracking

>> No.23681771

Kaoru's stream just ended... wtf do I watch now?

>> No.23681774

As long as nothing else supercedes. But the homostars seem intelligent enough to avoid major hours generally.

>> No.23681775

She can barely play real games on her laptop while streaming so today should be fun.

>> No.23681777

I'd rather watch nijis than a /jp/ approved tranny to be honest with you

>> No.23681778
Quoted by: >>23681856

Haato pandered to the EOP crowd before everyone found out how important it would be, and she doesn't have the equipment to play EOP magnet games so it's still not as effective

>> No.23681779

I'll take the over

>> No.23681781

Kurokami Fubuki or Mio
Only Noel currently and Canan too but I don't think I should encourage it.
Haven't superchated anyone yet

>> No.23681785

Watch it again and clip goodies for us.

>> No.23681786

Sure I'll give him a fair shake
This fishing stream intrigued me

>> No.23681793

her laptop should be more than enough, it's probably discord, a couple trojans and some pajeet on teamviewer what's killing the performance

>> No.23681794

>neither korone or marine won in the end
only me since i said fuck it and slept, how crazy did they end up going and what time did they finish (JP timezone)

>> No.23681795

learn to play mahjong so you can challenge him next time.

>> No.23681796
Quoted by: >>23681856

It's because she plays retrogames that I watch her, if it was Apex/Ark all the time I wouldn't bother.
I like her but if the material isn't interesting I can't watch.

>> No.23681797
Quoted by: >>23681812

I guess I'll break out my wallet if she reaches 300k......

>> No.23681801
File: 605 KB, 2048x1365, EXGfJggU4AARz7O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next stream at 11pm if he doesn't change it, right after pekomiko

>> No.23681797,1 [INTERNAL] 

Man I cannot wait to have my interview with Hololive. I hope I get in. The fags in here are gonna be so mad. Signed up as Other by the way and passed auditions, also don't know any Japanese.

>> No.23681804
Quoted by: >>23681828

5/4 8 PM JST to 5/5 7:40 AM JST
Right through Wata no Uta and AsaCoco.

>> No.23681805
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681837


>> No.23681806
File: 15 KB, 185x284, IMG_rt5nqh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, she's using a gaymer laptop

>> No.23681807

>after pekomiko

>> No.23681812
File: 164 KB, 1250x1650, 1588293650877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's at 299k so she should be hitting 300k today if her laptop doesn't catch on fire

>> No.23681817

I can't wait for inevitable short hair Kaoru L2D

>> No.23681819
Quoted by: >>23681876

One of the best Haachama images I’ve ever seen

>> No.23681824

Korone was half-trying at the end and Marine went from trying hard to half-trying as her fatigue seeped through. She got close a few times.

>> No.23681827

Wig off, blackpill mode

>> No.23681828

>would have had to stay up until 9am
im glad i went to sleep

>> No.23681829

He looks a lot more manly in this picture but it's still really cute...

>> No.23681831
File: 14 KB, 789x444, 1571201175808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681832
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, comfy otokonoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681844

Kaoru streams are really comfy

>> No.23681833

It's Haato. In Australia. Something is going to happen.

>> No.23681837

Dude cmon don't do that WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.23681839

I guess he probably knew and just went with it.

>> No.23681841
File: 80 KB, 905x814, 1582893054595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocked globally

>> No.23681844

after he gets permabanned I will miss him for sure

>> No.23681845

Good, fuck the tranny.

>> No.23681846
Quoted by: >>23681876

i will buy her a laptop so long as she lives in melbourne

>> No.23681847

Why is Subaru ASMR so funny to me as a concept?

>> No.23681849
File: 182 KB, 358x332, YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681884

>> No.23681852

She'll drop it after the third stream
screencap this post

>> No.23681854


>> No.23681855
Quoted by: >>23681867

You realize that you need to be 18 or over to post here, right?

>> No.23681856


That somehow doesn't answer the question on why people here said that Korone's became popular because of EOP when most of her streams are retro games, untranslated and not even popular outside in Japan. True she played western games here and then but so does other hololive members.

>> No.23681858
Quoted by: >>23681867

back to >>>/pol/ you go.

>> No.23681865


>> No.23681866
Quoted by: >>23681882

Which holos DON'T repeat always the same songs again and again when they do karaoke?

>> No.23681867

Not everyone here is a flaming faggot lusting for a tranny with a deep voice

>> No.23681868

crossdresser you fucking sperg, he's still male

>> No.23681871

Korone has a global appeal because it hinges on her making cute noises and doing cute visual gags/skits on screen which transcends language barriers. Therefore, EOP.

>> No.23681873

Aqua actually awake early again today.

>> No.23681875

Sure thing, faggot

>> No.23681876
File: 405 KB, 700x700, EW-elu-U0AAxsIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it as well.
That's part of the fun.
She should just go to umart and ask for help or something. But she should be stuck in Melbourne for a while due to Australia probably not reopening the borders for another year or two at least.

>> No.23681878
Quoted by: >>23681947

Her earnest efforts to communicate with the EOPs earned her a lot of love from them, and she acts confidently through all of it instead of turning into a stammering mess like when Haachama tries to do English streams.

Also what >>23681871 said.

>> No.23681881

what will peko play?

>> No.23681882


>> No.23681884

When is coco going to sing again?

>> No.23681886

Yeah, you seem to be the only homosexual here.

>> No.23681887
File: 249 KB, 870x481, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa can actually compete with SC. If only she get more views.

>> No.23681891
Quoted by: >>23681908

Why are people so pissed that Kaoru is gaining success?

>> No.23681893

>she should be stuck in melbourne
haha time to become a stalker

>> No.23681894
Quoted by: >>23681902

I haven't watched Aqua in so long. She must have gotten boring

>> No.23681896

Finally... some happiness...

>> No.23681897
Quoted by: >>23681936

Yeah, I love that part of Haato.

>> No.23681898

shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.23681899

Was mad comfy but now he's probably not doing these with music anymore.

>> No.23681902

But she's been as fun as ever.

>> No.23681903
Quoted by: >>23681940

Kaoru says trans rights!

>> No.23681904

Maybe she should stop playing trash games.

>> No.23681905

Towa redemption arc starting now.

>> No.23681908

It's just one /pol/fag that lurks here for some reason. He samefags himself a lot too to make people think there's more than just him.

>> No.23681910

kusa gay

>> No.23681912

I agree, Matsuri is for me.

>> No.23681917

Being able to stream completely as a character instead of your real self actually seems like so much fun when i think about it. You get to do silly stuff, act however you want. It has very little impact on your actual social life because of the anonymity. Sounds way more fun than being a regular streamer, shame that it's a market almost exclusively for females at the moment.

>> No.23681921

>if you're not simping for a tranny then you're from /pol/
How low has /jp/ fallen these days

>> No.23681922

Don't forget to listen to Roboco and Rikka!

>> No.23681924

damn, that's sad as fuck lol.

>> No.23681926
Quoted by: >>23681933

Ah, so just ignore and keep posting about how cute Kaoru is.

>> No.23681927
File: 35 KB, 354x96, 1574441563420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23681930
Quoted by: >>23681949

>shame that it's a market almost exclusively for females at the moment.
Not really, just dress like a girl and you'll get all the success you want from the LGBT community and trapfags.

>> No.23681933

Pretty much. He just wants attention.

>> No.23681934

Pretty based to be honest getting the win and have overall good team composition.

>> No.23681936
File: 137 KB, 1000x988, 1588215151109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's oddly endearing but I do hope she gets a real computer.

>> No.23681940

Okay I'm gonna make one post and that's all I will ever say about this topic on here but for real...what is it with you guys and your raging hateboner for all that are different? Like, what's the big deal if someone wants to have tits or glue a fake dick on their vag? Who the fuck cares? Yea, I know your answer will be "I don't care about mental freaks, but they're infesting all my stuff with their SJW values" but that's not a tranny thing, that's just a retard from every walk of life thing. The majority of trannies are like everyone else. They just want to live in peace without being hurt and that's it. I don't get why you guys have to be like this, and yeah I realize it's all 4chan and shit but like. I remember /jp/ started out as a pretty chill board where this shit would never infest threads, now every thread is full of random attacks on every kind of minority. Pretty lame /pol/ shit, really. Just let people live as long as they don't impact your life negatively.

>> No.23681941

Anonymity doesn't stay for long; pretty much everyone gets doxxed eventually. But it does give an excuse to be silly because you're playing a character. It is an untapped market, to an extent. Getting slowly saturated.

>> No.23681943

How many bathroom breaks did she take? Asking for a friend.

>> No.23681944

>Towa all lonely without collabs
>plays with viewers
>we're able to keep her happy for 12+ hours

>> No.23681945
Quoted by: >>23681960

yikes my dude

>> No.23681947
File: 416 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20200504_183909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea true, haato has really gotten unconfident with her english. I bet if she was doing this kind of quality english now with this pandemic going on she would be growing a lot too. https://youtu.be/7mWjTPuRrtA
Her recent english only's have her babbling like an idiot and I don't think that translates well to EOP newfags. I think it's her youth that's getting the better of her

>> No.23681948

How to check their SC like this?

>> No.23681949

I was going to end up ignoring you and other anon but you just showed your stupidity. Filtered.

>> No.23681952

>12 hours
>3 wins
Towa..... i played apex yesterday for the first time in an year and i got two wins in an hour....

>> No.23681953
Quoted by: >>23681957

Ok but really I want to fuck Kaoru's ass.

>> No.23681955

brb gonna spam this in every /v/ thread

>> No.23681956

Average kaorufag right here

>> No.23681957


>> No.23681958
Quoted by: >>23681977

>get 1/10th of the viewers that Korone and Marine do
>make equal money

>> No.23681960

It's not like I don't know what kind of reaction this post would get, but I still felt like saying it might make one person reconsider. Even if not, feel free to (you) and call me all kinds of dumb shit, I can handle it.

>> No.23681963

EOPs like Korone for the same reason they like people like Vinesauce's Joel or Jerma. Interpret that however you wish.

>> No.23681965

But you weren't playing with the handicapped viewers...

>> No.23681966

i doubt a /pol/fag would call a crossdresser or a trap a tranny, that's literally what trannies want

>> No.23681968

You just fed him for a month anon.

>> No.23681969

He's right you know?

>> No.23681970

Please andastd, she was playing with kenzoku and they're hot fucking garbage

>> No.23681971

>not a copypasta
Wow kaorufags really are the cringiest faggots. Can't imagine unironically writing this shit out.

>> No.23681975
Quoted by: >>23682044

>haato has really gotten unconfident with her english
English used to be her thing, then Coco blew her out of the fucking water.

>> No.23681977

The Towa cult's pockets must be massive

>> No.23681979

I think the Coco collabs really hurt her confidence but it's great to see her slowly getting back into them.

>> No.23681980
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1587341341247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost the same amount of money with less than 10% of the viewers
holy shit bros, the family is too strong...

>> No.23681981
File: 1.23 MB, 1404x2000, niravira_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23681990

I want to hug Miko.

>> No.23681983
Quoted by: >>23681995

Jesus christ you're retarded. It was literally one person. Now you motivated him to continue shitposting.

Granted, I could half believe you're the /pol/fag who is falseflagging this, considering how sad he is in general.

>> No.23681985


>> No.23681990
Quoted by: >>23682000

I want to fuck Miko.

>> No.23681989

>The majority of trannies are like everyone else. They just want to live in peace without being hurt and that's it

>> No.23681991

the protagonist defeat the yabe. best part of the story

>> No.23681995
Quoted by: >>23682043

>everyone that makes a post I dont like is the same person
you're not too far off in retardation youself

>> No.23681997

But she only got so much money last month from her celebration streams! There's no way she can make that consistently! Right narrative bros?

>> No.23681999
Quoted by: >>23682010

Haachama slowly sliding into persistent depression...

>> No.23682000
Quoted by: >>23682018

Me too. I want to lay my head on her boobs and feel her boob sweat.

>> No.23682006
Quoted by: >>23682017

Tranny this and tranny that but you fags ended up triggering the actual tranny in this thread and made them cry

>> No.23682009
File: 144 KB, 900x1125, fubuki1220543093n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682029

>> No.23682010

Please no, she just slid out from depression last month.

>> No.23682013

Dancho is live

>> No.23682015
Quoted by: >>23682037

Did the anon who compiled the superchat earnings into excel do it for April too?

>> No.23682017

I don't know why this post is so funny, but it is.

>> No.23682018

Imagine Miko's sex noises. I hope it's the same retarded screaming she does on stream.

>> No.23682021

Its ok anon, what are your pronouns? I'll make sure to remember them when addressing you so your delicate feelings arent hurt

>> No.23682024

I just got back. Who won, Marine or Korone?

>> No.23682026
Quoted by: >>23682119

Holy shit what the fuck? I've never seen so many views before aside from MVs. It looks like Towa got 300k just from 9.3k viewers?

>> No.23682027

The viewers won.

>> No.23682029

holostar fubuki

>> No.23682030

Both of their wallets.

>> No.23682031
File: 636 KB, 1796x2048, EWxoiv8WsAA5LOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682047

I want to eat american fast food with him

>> No.23682033
Quoted by: >>23682040

milk truck arrived

>> No.23682036


>> No.23682037
File: 31 KB, 468x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I can offer you.

>> No.23682038

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqHivK8514I Your boy Roberu is here guys. Back at it again with Shinymas.

>> No.23682039

What the fuck??? What do people actually see in Towa?

>> No.23682040


okay I'll watch this time

>> No.23682042

Not even a Towa fag, but after seeing all of those menhera tweets she posts, I'm really happy to see her in such high spirits.

>> No.23682043

Considering that /pol/fag was being largely ignored up until this moralfag posted out of nowhere, yes I find it odd.

>> No.23682044
Quoted by: >>23682076

Also that English only stream collab with Civia was a failure in Haato's part. She feels kinda awkward and a bit depressed when talking to a fellow member who is more fluent than her. Imagine her talking with HololiveID members in which knowing the fact that they can speak atleast 3 languages.

>> No.23682047
Quoted by: >>23682062

excuse me but it's xhir
please make sure to use the correct pronouns

>> No.23682050
Quoted by: >>23682086

i like her hat and twintails

>> No.23682051
File: 4 KB, 334x59, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682052

as long people offended on behalf of trannyes don't ruin my hobby I don't care.

>> No.23682053
Quoted by: >>23682068

>What the fuck??? What do people actually see in Towa?
An underdog I guess.

>> No.23682054
Quoted by: >>23682063

Sometimes I feel pity for the tranny spammer, he even bought a pass to samefag more fluently and all =/

>> No.23682055

Double knockout

>> No.23682057
Quoted by: >>23682100

>shame that it's a market almost exclusively for females at the moment
Nijisanji proves you wrong.

>> No.23682058
Quoted by: >>23682086

Cuck wallets are lucrative.

>> No.23682059
Quoted by: >>23682086

because Towa...

>> No.23682061
Quoted by: >>23682086

She's cute!

>> No.23682062


>> No.23682063


>> No.23682064
Quoted by: >>23682112

Towa must have attracted the attention of a small group of oil princes to get numbers like this

>> No.23682068

>Towa gets tons of SC
>Choco gets tons of callers
Underdogs it's time to rise up

>> No.23682069
File: 338 KB, 600x500, pL1uWh2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682147


>> No.23682071
File: 2.93 MB, 239x280, 1588616168629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682086

she's cute!

>> No.23682074
Quoted by: >>23682096

Yeah, I was considering ignoring this whole thing but you made me reconsider. Fuck off with your tranny shit, Kaoru is a crossdresser.

>> No.23682076

>Imagine her talking with HololiveID members
She will never fall into that garbage level

>> No.23682077
Quoted by: >>23682089

Um... Noel?

>> No.23682079

On a scale of 1-10 how gay am I if I wish I was a Japanese girl so I could be a Holo?

>> No.23682080

Cute dork that tries her best

>> No.23682086

This actually makes me furious. I hope that Towa stays depressed forever

>> No.23682088

Is Kaoru even gay?
I remember someone saying he didn't like gay stuff.

>> No.23682089

And just as I make this post she starts the stream.

>> No.23682091


>> No.23682092
Quoted by: >>23682180

Does Roberu speak with an accent or something? I have a mildly hard time understanding him.

>> No.23682093

Oh no, I think Noel is gonna have another breakdown

>> No.23682095

Have you ever actually watched her?

>> No.23682096

I agree with you. That's not relevant to what I posted.

>> No.23682099
Quoted by: >>23682149

He identifies as a girl but is attracted to girls

>> No.23682100
Quoted by: >>23682258

Sure but you have to be Japanese if you're not a girl. It's basically a dead in the water thing for male westerners. Probably for the best in general.

>> No.23682101
Quoted by: >>23682121

Umm... Guys... I think I'm deaf.... I can't hear anything anymore...

>> No.23682103

Kek just started and already sound issues

>> No.23682105

She's just playing DSIII anon...

>> No.23682106


>> No.23682107

>cute design
>voice is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) pleb filters
>fun to watch

>> No.23682108

He hasn't commented on that. He said he's sad girls don't like beyblade so he probably wants to date them. He's a very common archetype in otome games and those are literally about girls dating that type of character so you should probably assume he's not meant to be gay.

>> No.23682112

She's unironically the EOP darling right now. They're pretty cringey in her chat but they donate multiple times during every stream.

>> No.23682113


>> No.23682114

I too wish for this deeply

>> No.23682116
File: 214 KB, 279x327, chrome_2020-05-05_11-10-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why she sad

>> No.23682119

It's a 12 hour stream cut into 2, same as Marine and Korone yesterday.

>> No.23682120

>Noel's audio is messed up

She's having five melt downs right now

>> No.23682121

stop watching hachama for a while and it should fix itself

>> No.23682123

She'll become less depressed once she can go back to tindr hookups.

>> No.23682126

I can't believe Noel just blew up her $8,000 microphone...

>> No.23682127

her womb isn't filled with baby batter

>> No.23682128

Matsuri, FBK, Lulu

>> No.23682129

Cause she's unstable and needs to be checked into a mental hospital.

>> No.23682131

Honestly I think he's just that kind of guy who likes makeup but still wants to fuck girls.

>> No.23682133

no idea
she's not even a nice person.. she streams shitty fps and simply exists and leeches off of HL

>> No.23682138

Also helps her choice of weird retro titles make for generally interesting streams.

>> No.23682139

rip comfy radio

>> No.23682140
File: 902 KB, 853x437, ssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23682141


>> No.23682143

her that irl picture.

>> No.23682145

holy shit i'm listening to fubuki's karaoke and all she does is sing meme songs.

>> No.23682147

all I want in life is Mel nursing handjob

>> No.23682148

Her hope and optimism, gone.

>> No.23682149
Quoted by: >>23682159

He doesn't identify as a girl (You) drooling retard, it's even the thumbnail of his first fucking stream.

>> No.23682150

They're all bangers though

>> No.23682151

Meme queen sings meme songs. It checks out.

>> No.23682152

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

>> No.23682153

So what I'm getting is any English in chat = cringe. Towa's chat is one of the only well behaved EOP chats, just look at her chat compared to when Korone or Pekora are flooded with EOPs.
Stop hating yourself for speaking English, anon.

>> No.23682154

shes not called the meme queen for nothing

>> No.23682156

This could be used to feed a new narrative to EOPs

>> No.23682157

knew it was coming but i'm still disappointed. fuck copyright bots

>> No.23682158
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23682159
Quoted by: >>23682229

You realize like maybe 5% of people here andastda Japanese, right?

>> No.23682161

Fubuki has the most subscribers and yet she's not even in top15.

Kek, most of her fans are not loyal afterall.

>> No.23682162

The EOPs at least talk to Towa, it's pretty nice how well they behave now.

>> No.23682165

Pekora's signature is adorable as usual

>> No.23682168

You'd think Haato would be in the upper half of the rankings, considering she's one of the more popular girls with a the most notably 'maso pig' fanbase who you'd think enjoy giving money.

>> No.23682169

I reported her for copyright and i'm surprised they were so fast

>> No.23682170
Quoted by: >>23682276

Fuck this video is hilarious, don't know how i hadn't seen it yet


Haato bullies kimo-otas like the trash they are

>> No.23682171
Quoted by: >>23682193

Shit, I had a good time with that, a shame Youtube has to be so anal about it.

>> No.23682173

why doesnt chrome give me an option to translate shit anymore

>> No.23682174

Aqua revenge stream...

>> No.23682180

Sounds like some kansai dialect. Also he speaks like a normalfag, which already makes it 10 times harder.

>> No.23682182

When did I say anything about that? I said they (as in her members) tend to be kinda cringey, but never implied they weren't well behaved or supportive. I literally study English, anon.
Yeah I remember getting fed up with them during her earlier Undertale streams, but they've really mellowed out.

>> No.23682185

People say Aqua is a legit hikko, is that true or just lies

>> No.23682190

Have you ever heard her mention going out even once aside from eating something?

>> No.23682193
Quoted by: >>23682198

>blame Youtube
>when it was a music label that copyright blocked it

>> No.23682195

She has the same voice range as June Forey, with the same sense of humor.

I also like how grumpy she gets with in game characters, like the Zombies that kept stealing her boat.
It's kind of like how Pekora will throw a hissy fit when enemies start chasing her, only kind of the other way around.

>> No.23682198
Quoted by: >>23682286

To be fair, Youtube gives these labels too much power.

>> No.23682200

That's not really strong enough evidence

>> No.23682201
File: 267 KB, 2752x2336, EXMQTQiVAAAYFL5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682202

Wasn't that stream themed around niconico classics or something? What did you expect?

>> No.23682203

I used to believe this but the doxxCHADs told me she was cute so it's probably just bullshit

>> No.23682208

She seems pretty reclusive, and her peers seem to think she's very introverted so I would believe it

>> No.23682212

>believing those lies without realizing the source

>> No.23682213
Quoted by: >>23682273

Several times actually.

>> No.23682216

Vordt's Great Hammer is the biggest crutch in ds3.

>> No.23682217

Nothing wrong with it if you end up fucking a Holo.

>> No.23682219
Quoted by: >>23682311

Most of those pictures are faggots just claiming shit without source and everyone takes it as fact because they're horny as fuck

>> No.23682221
Quoted by: >>23682236

People said the same thing for Shion. People sure like having narratives

>> No.23682224

What is with these images of Rushia breaking into your house

>> No.23682226

Damn, the dots connected.

>> No.23682228

What the fuck is up with that dude who timestamps all of Towa's streams on youtube mentioning every time any little meaningless thing happens? It's really bizarre and strangely the EOPs seem to like it

>> No.23682229

But every non-tourist understands what a fucking trap is. Proving that you have no interest in this culture whatsoever.

>> No.23682232

She's the perfect character for that

>> No.23682235
Quoted by: >>23682246

The nips do it too

>> No.23682236

Shion poster hasn't posted much lately that I don't even know what Shion does in her free time. Is she otaku? Is she a gamer? What does Shion do? She seems terrible at just about every game from what I've seen.

>> No.23682238
Quoted by: >>23682259

He's either gay or a true ikemen in real life. I'm leaning on the former personally but who knows.

>> No.23682245
Quoted by: >>23682333


>> No.23682246
Quoted by: >>23682272

It's also very weird when they do it but as far as i can see they mostly just timestamp her kills which is a bit more understandable

>> No.23682247

There are autists like that for tons of holos

>> No.23682248
Quoted by: >>23682271

I hope Kaoru is gay but it's not very likely.

>> No.23682249
File: 74 KB, 448x291, mother rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682252
File: 71 KB, 927x1018, Image004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even my friend that has nothing to do with vtubers and only knows it through my autism was watching Korone's stream what the hell?

>> No.23682253
Quoted by: >>23682268

The real revenge I want to see is Mario 3.

She did a speedrun of it last year, but that wasn't the part of the game that humiliated her. She needs revenge on worlds 4 and 5.
(Seriously, watch her playthrough of SMB3 world 4, it's one of the funniest fucking things in her early work. I'll even drop the the link: https://youtu.be/W95wPuqXphw?t=1791))

>> No.23682255
Quoted by: >>23682278

stop posting off-topic images

>> No.23682256

All the homostars are gei. Did you even watch the Holocomi?

>> No.23682258
Quoted by: >>23682270

Just get fluent in Japanese (not easy I know) and stream in Japan. As long as you're Coco-fluent, it won't really matter.

>> No.23682259

He's just absolutely gay like everyone that watches

>> No.23682263

How is that a revenge stream? Last time she played and beat the first one.

>> No.23682267
Quoted by: >>23683809

The cult tamed the EOPs. Towa has to have some sort of magical ability to enthrall EOPs and JOPs so damn effectively. I'm afraid to watch her streams now.

>> No.23682268
Quoted by: >>23682372

but world 4 is the easiest 4-3 can suck a fat dick though eating inputs on the ramps

>> No.23682270

Give me like 10 years so i can become fluent, get enough money to move there and establish a fanbase. Provided vtubers are still a thing then... and that people would even watch a 34 year old...

>> No.23682271
Quoted by: >>23682283

Gay for clout?

>> No.23682272

Nah, they tend to timestamp stuff like whenever they make a funny noise or sneeze as well

>> No.23682273
Quoted by: >>23682335


>> No.23682276

you're right, that was fucking hilarious

>> No.23682278

keep posting off topic images.

>> No.23682283
Quoted by: >>23682306

Gay so we can have a vtuber representing the LGBT community

>> No.23682285
File: 190 KB, 900x665, 1586869124753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682296


>> No.23682286
Quoted by: >>23682293

>Youtube gives these labels too much power.
You mean the justice system, right? Youtube will literally shut down if they don't give in to their demands. Fucking copyright should be abolished since music labels abuse their power.

>> No.23682292

They are growing stronger

>> No.23682293
Quoted by: >>23682331

Taking down an entire video isn't necessary though. Twitch does something much better for vods, it just mutes the portions of the stream that had a song that triggered the copyright system but keeps the video up.

>> No.23682296


>> No.23682298
Quoted by: >>23682312

>7k for Noel
Is that her average numbers?

>> No.23682299

I personally think a gaikokujin speaking broken japanese could be fun to watch too

>> No.23682305

Coco, Korone, and Pekora will reach 500k subscribes before the end of June. Maybe Fubuki will get 1 million not sure yet

>> No.23682306

Shut the fuck up, falseflagger. I don't give a shit about that community, I just want to suck Kaoru's dick.

>> No.23682307

Kanata is only in C because of shinymas too I assume

>> No.23682311
Quoted by: >>23682317

If you weren't an EOP you could find the source for pretty much all of them in a few minutes with google.

>> No.23682312

Surprisingly yes. I don't know what people see in Noel that she gets such huge numbers while there's also people like Roboco, Choco, Towa, Aki, and such.

>> No.23682317
Quoted by: >>23682324

>all sources are random 5ch anons saying dude trust me
ok faggot

>> No.23682318

>greentext in signature
Is she /ourgirl/?

>> No.23682324
Quoted by: >>23682339

t.obvious EOP. If you actually knew what to look for you wouldn't post something that retarded.

>> No.23682326
Quoted by: >>23682354

Sometimes I forget they all have idol like signatures.

>> No.23682328

Noel looks the best out of them all

>> No.23682331
Quoted by: >>23682463

Youtube literally warns you to NEVER upload or stream anything copyrighted to avoid this issue, but he didn't listen.

>> No.23682333

What a fucking spaz.

>> No.23682335
Quoted by: >>23682544

Studio visits aside, she and Shion went to an amusement park together back in December. Aqua's zatsudan is long gone but you can find Shion talking about it briefly if look for it. This is just one example.

>> No.23682337

Noel is actually funny unlike Towa

>> No.23682338

chink seething again

>> No.23682339
Quoted by: >>23682374

I bet you believe everything 5ch tells you because it's in Japanese like a true retard

>> No.23682345

shes interesting and freaks out

>> No.23682347

It shouldn't take you 10 years to get fluent... and if you wait to get fluent before going to Japan, you'll never get fluent.

>> No.23682354
File: 50 KB, 499x499, autographs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm biased, but I love Miko's.

>> No.23682358
File: 65 KB, 1251x582, tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23682360


>> No.23682361

cow bobs and generic moe voice

>> No.23682365

She has two strong points.

>> No.23682366


>> No.23682370
File: 267 KB, 504x640, marine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly Wholesome

>> No.23682372

>But world 4 is the easiest
Just watch it. This isn't modern Aqua. This is early stuff. This is why she gets called Baqua.

>> No.23682374

You don't need to get nowhere near 5ch to find substantial evidence for any of the past lives that are already well known.

>> No.23682375
Quoted by: >>23682388

AZKi's is unexpectedly cute

>> No.23682381

Every Holo is in S, even ones neither you nor I like.

>> No.23682382

I'd be nice to invade Noel in game and freak her out by stalking her throughout the stage, too bad she doesn't play online or alive.

>> No.23682385

She's me but if I was a women with huge titties.
More seriously I like her demeanor, her voice, she's fun to watch I think.

>> No.23682387
File: 216 KB, 2048x1862, 1587102788218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute hungry cat signature

>> No.23682388
Quoted by: >>23682397

Real shame her design is so shit people don't bother checking her

>> No.23682390

I want to invade Noel, and act like I'm scary and coming to kill her, but then make very easy to punish mistakes so she can kill me and feel like she's a big hero!

>> No.23682391

only Marine has played online so far

>> No.23682395
Quoted by: >>23682436

haato's looks... out of place.

>> No.23682397

It's not even just that her design is kind of bad, her model itself is lower quality than the new 3d ones. She needs a model remake

>> No.23682399

Akis is cute of course

>> No.23682405
File: 31 KB, 112x111, VpY1WrW3sS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682407

Haato's looks like one an elementary schooler thought was cool.

>> No.23682408

Ayame’s cute horns...

>> No.23682410
File: 3.68 MB, 2046x2823, __kiryuu_coco_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kiyama_satoshi__1e1668ed55383bd9d66a718691e0470a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682417

>Noel just crushes Tsorig

>> No.23682421

is aqua in there at all?

>> No.23682423
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1688, abbf285204f0d4f54cd13a32638623cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.23682427

I think that's what makes Haachama's autograph cute. It's very characteristic of her.

>> No.23682429

Haachama has a very aesthetic signature

>> No.23682432

is fake

>> No.23682434

same, no idea what people see in noel
I watched her for a bit but i can't help but feel like she's trying extra hard faking stuff and it puts me off

>> No.23682435

Do your reps, but I'll help. It's to the left of Haato's.

>> No.23682436

She's seriously such a dork, I didn't think a person could exist like her and I love it

>> No.23682439
File: 64 KB, 562x519, 1584379256411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682448

what did she mean by this?

>> No.23682451

Ah shit, now I'm gonna get stuck thinking of Bon Jovi whenever I see Matsuri.

>> No.23682453
Quoted by: >>23682527

your dick needs to be massive if you wanna please her though...

>> No.23682454


>> No.23682458

She's an S like PPtenshi

>> No.23682461
File: 34 KB, 237x237, MoguMogu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682463

Sure, but they also could not do shit like this and do it like Twitch.

>> No.23682464

Lot of these aren't even there names wtf

>> No.23682466

Perfect voice to soothe me when I need it, always disliked ASMR but the ones she does became my guilty pleasure.

>> No.23682467

nep as a catgirl

>> No.23682474
Quoted by: >>23682491


>> No.23682475
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 1582228875208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682505

It's her! The mogumogu girl!

>> No.23682483
File: 454 KB, 703x792, 1586323261452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lovely comet wife's autograph is cute as always

>> No.23682488

Anyone from here actually play with Towa?

>> No.23682489

The ones that have drawings actually make their names. Like Peko's uses a ぺ to make the right eye and the mouth of the rabbit in her autograph.

>> No.23682491

Its for her foot fetish

>> No.23682492

Are you okay anon?

>> No.23682493

Is Kaoruposting the new Towaposting which was the new Lunaposting?

>> No.23682497


>> No.23682498

I love Pekora and Rushia ones so much
Choco is nice too

>> No.23682501

Either check your eyes or learn Japanese

>> No.23682502

Weird now that I realize it, Aqua is one of the few that wrote it in kana.

>> No.23682503
Quoted by: >>23682571

who's bottom left?

>> No.23682504

The whiteknights moved from towa to Kaoru, it's the same voice to them anyway.

>> No.23682505
File: 349 KB, 453x453, chrome_2020-05-05_01-20-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682579

smug mogu

>> No.23682508

I only liked her because she has a similar voice to HanaKana.

>> No.23682516
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x1920, EXKe64xU8AAVHAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I've learned that Kanata can't nail the scream in World is Mine (at least without preparation) and can barely keep up with that super-fast vocaloid song. And also that my new favorite performance of hers isn't even her best one, not even close, but god damn her voice just makes my heart flutter. I hope I'll finally see her in my dreams tonight. G'night.

>> No.23682522
File: 2.70 MB, 827x372, 1584377623633.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682533

In the end everything is Lunaposting...

>> No.23682523

I really wanted Suisei to be with Sora and AZKi in the collab. I need a doujin of those two fucking Suisei's holes.

>> No.23682527

I don't think anon is going to fuck her in her dragon form.

>> No.23682529

>Not posting the black version

>> No.23682530

how the fuck should i know which one is which

>> No.23682532

Noels and Okayu's are so fucking lazy, but I expected nothing less from the latter

>> No.23682533


>> No.23682537

By not being EOP

>> No.23682541

Unsurprising, WMG is Warner.

DMCA is a piece of shit.

>> No.23682543
File: 347 KB, 2842x1583, EXFinT-U8AIPxAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kept you waiting huh peko?

>> No.23682544
Quoted by: >>23682623

I hope in the future, it’s revealed someone here archived it.

>> No.23682548

none asked you incel

>> No.23682551
Quoted by: >>23682560

>call out Noel and Okayu but not Shion
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23682552
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584291753734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682554
File: 137 KB, 300x200, 1448055799493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682555

whats new

>> No.23682558
Quoted by: >>23682568

They'll be the only ones not regretting their signature if they ever have to sign a 1000 pieces of merchandise.

>> No.23682560

Shions is basically suiseis but lower effort kek

>> No.23682566


>> No.23682567

I hope luna teaches marine a lesson

>> No.23682568

nobody actually signs 1000 pieces of merch
they make it once then they copy it over and over

>> No.23682569

>Towa's chat is one of the only well behaved EOP chats,
That has nothing to do with Towa and everything to do with scale. You can only acclimate so many new users at a time.

>> No.23682571
Quoted by: >>23682793


>> No.23682575
Quoted by: >>23682580

but half of them write the english version of their names.

>> No.23682578

>its your friend
>you are autistic about it
of course he would watch it because he cares for you

>> No.23682579
File: 842 KB, 2000x2000, 3f96603049f0ea9ad719d3695b861354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682601

What kind of drunk would she be?

>> No.23682580

Then don't be ESL either

>> No.23682585

Even Luna knows how annoying her voice is.

>> No.23682589
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, mkv_snapshot_00.00.330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture with 4th gen's signatures as well, I'm not sure if they ever showed them off properly.

>> No.23682592

Watame's is very cute.

>> No.23682598

How the fuck is flare above aqua?

>> No.23682601
File: 591 KB, 292x244, 1581355284837.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682604

Cute Towa.
>Aqua cut off at the top

>> No.23682606
Quoted by: >>23682613

I'm so stupid and thought marine's name meant anime

>> No.23682609

Celebrations, Aqua is more consistent anyways.

>> No.23682613


>> No.23682614

Mel does Bathub asmr where she slap her thighs ok it was her upper arm only to get 0 fucking money?
Where is justice?

>> No.23682616

Flare paypigs are out of this world.

>> No.23682617
Quoted by: >>23682636


>> No.23682618

Elfriends are all oil barons

>> No.23682620

I went to bed. Give me a rundown on the senchou versus dog ending?

>> No.23682623

I always archive Aqua's zatsudan and singing streams but I am not sure why this matters to you. There is plenty of evidence left.

>> No.23682625

river > city

>> No.23682626

theres your reason

>> No.23682627
Quoted by: >>23682638

Wasn't that Aki? Mel hasn't streamed in over 2 months.

>> No.23682630

Please post me that clip of a holo throwing another holo down a cliff at minecraft and then the one that felt cried about her XP I just can't remember which ones were

>> No.23682632

Her tits aside she's actually pretty clever and she leaves basically no dead air.

>> No.23682633

Maybe if she actually streamed instead of being 6 feet under she could get supacha money

>> No.23682635

All Miko. Miko was also the first to reply and react to my English chat messages and superchat and she's liked many of my comments on YT. Of course she was smaller back then.

>> No.23682636

You have to go back, /a/utist.

>> No.23682638

You're right, I mixed them up
How retarded can one be?
I shouldn't be up at 4am

>> No.23682639

Aqua pushed Subaru. Funny now that think about it. Haven’t seen them interact in a while.

>> No.23682640

Because she's part of the best gen.

>> No.23682641

Anon... That was Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna...

>> No.23682648

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KftQsEtWL40 first clip

>> No.23682652
Quoted by: >>23682666

Mikochi.... your house.....

>> No.23682657


>> No.23682665
File: 109 KB, 822x1024, EWH1_sgU4AMg3yR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Luna can sing better than your favorite holo.

>> No.23682666

Peak Miko

>> No.23682667
Quoted by: >>23682698

shook it wasn't pekora

>> No.23682669
Quoted by: >>23682689

anyone know what texture pack miko is using? i like that fence

>> No.23682670

Dead hours in golden week...

>> No.23682677
Quoted by: >>23682687

Fuck you guys for making me aware of Noel's circumstances. Now I want to give her some superchat.

>> No.23682678 [SPOILER] 
File: 670 KB, 1500x1061, 1588645452320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post favorite holo song.


>> No.23682679

>never trust introverts
What did Subaru mean by this?

>> No.23682685

Watch Noel

>> No.23682687

whats her circumstance? back pain from having those lumps of fat?

>> No.23682689

Pretty sure it's this one. mizunomcmemo.blogspot(.)com
Haato used it too.

>> No.23682690

who's having sex

>> No.23682691

Nah, Civia owns every other Holo at signing and English

>> No.23682694

Lmaooooo its so bad

>> No.23682696
File: 561 KB, 854x480, when the asacoco hits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda Azki's thing. Feels kinda weird how I've been listening to her voice for almost half my life now.

Thanks, I haven't seen much of Fubuki. These take me back.

>> No.23682697

aqua didnt throw subaru

aqua slapped her ass because she was too enticing therefore its subaru's fault for having a fat ass

>> No.23682698

Too busy bombarding NPCs

>> No.23682700 [SPOILER] 
File: 548 KB, 595x595, 1588645580551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682719

My ears are bleeding.

>> No.23682702

obaa-chan... you need to go to bed...

>> No.23682705

are you gonna 20 box? I need water quartz but I only started the event now and it's a pain even though I can bonito otk ex

>> No.23682708

I can't get through this without laughing

>> No.23682711
File: 644 KB, 1200x795, IMG_0062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua's signature is the cutest.

>> No.23682713


>> No.23682714
File: 1.39 MB, 990x1400, c65a6c0a935904b5c55f1d943cd268e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684251

Noel hours

>> No.23682715
File: 48 KB, 680x383, EW7bSnHVcAATmG_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23682716

>Marine can write in cursive
why does she keep giving everyone fuel about how really old she is

>> No.23682719

luna no...

>> No.23682720

how the fuck doesn't she burst out laughing
how does she keep the act up all the time???

>> No.23682722
Quoted by: >>23682755

I have a VR headset but I have no idea how to actually watch this or other videos in full 360 VR.

>> No.23682723

what kind of retard can't write in cursive?

>> No.23682724

She sings better than Noel for sure

>> No.23682725

I don't know anon, it looks like a fish

>> No.23682727
File: 1.93 MB, 1770x2360, 1584678997941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682750

Full version one day...

>> No.23682728

Aqua's art seems to never really decide on a bust size for her. She looks enourmous here.

>> No.23682730

I’m more surprised the japanese learn cursive

>> No.23682734

What a chad! This is why Lunabros keep winning

>> No.23682735

I can't. Never bothered to learn because it's fucking useless and objectively less readable

>> No.23682740
Quoted by: >>23682747

The あ's look like anchors. Not sure if it's purposeful or if I'm seeing things.

>> No.23682741

Because it's not an act.

>> No.23682743
Quoted by: >>23682781

Quintessential Haachama

>> No.23682744

Gaou always draws them as F-cup, but Aqua herself is C-cup.

>> No.23682745

Daily dose https://files.catbox.moe/kw68ds.webm

>> No.23682746

Me. Maybe I'll sit down and learn for fun this weekend

>> No.23682747
Quoted by: >>23682764

I think the lower half is meant to look like fish

>> No.23682749

People born after 2005

>> No.23682750
Quoted by: >>23682776

Watame sang an indirect happy birthday to me today so she's risen drastically on my chuuba list

>> No.23682752

thanks lunadoc

>> No.23682753

To be fair, her own designer isn't consistent with her bust either.

>> No.23682755


here's what I found online. Now go watch her in VR!

>> No.23682757
File: 487 KB, 1084x756, aaae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682769

Didn't you learn it in elementary school?
I remember spending hours copying letters.

>> No.23682759
Quoted by: >>23682772


>> No.23682760
Quoted by: >>23682770

Okay when I first started watching Luna I used to hate her now I think she's top tier. Please forgive me

>> No.23682762

She's the closest Hololive to developing a split personality disorder.

>> No.23682764


>> No.23682769

They did teach it but i never learned, and nobody gave enough of a fuck to make sure i did

>> No.23682770

it's ok bro
just pay the tax and everything is gonna be ok

>> No.23682772


>> No.23682776
File: 1.33 MB, 1062x1500, 0e4fefc738bb878c7614fbe843e96e54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682803

>an indirect happy birthday

Happy birthday, anon

>> No.23682778

Luna is unironically a master comedian

>> No.23682779
File: 12 KB, 340x111, eop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata, you're not supposed to pander to EOPfags!!! Oh no no no no!!!!

>> No.23682780
Quoted by: >>23682841

Most kids nowadays aren't even taught it anon. Lucky little shits.

>> No.23682781

She butchered half of the pronunciations... but I wouldn't have wanted it in any other way.

>> No.23682782

what's the next step of her masterplan?

>> No.23682783

eops have the moneys
deal with it

>> No.23682786


>> No.23682787


>> No.23682788

if she didnt want to pander then she wouldnt be playing ddlc of all fucking games

>> No.23682791

Its civia. Best at singing and speaking english. Civia and Risu should have just joined JP if untalented trash like Coco could get in

>> No.23682792
File: 970 KB, 848x1200, EW1abA3VAAAfSxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682812

That one is drawn by Yasuyuki. Her papa draws them pretty consistently nowadays if you ask me. Gaou clearly intended her to be a shortstack.

>> No.23682793
File: 128 KB, 461x461, 1588392924619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682835


>> No.23682795

post the one where she says the n word

>> No.23682797

DDLC really is the quintenssential EOP "i love anime and lolis xD" game

>> No.23682798

>DQ5 right after MGS
I guess Pekora is the new Queen of Taste.

>> No.23682799

Why is Rushia such a dqn?

>> No.23682802

Japan is just a tiny island with lame birth rate after all... Soon all the holos will stream in english

>> No.23682803

She sang happy birthday to a donator and then reprised using everyone. It felt nice and thanks anon

>> No.23682804
Quoted by: >>23682875

I can't hate her. Her calling into Marine's totsumachi just to be annoying was amazing.

>> No.23682805
Quoted by: >>23682818


>> No.23682806

WTF I love Pekora now!?

>> No.23682810

just how anons manage to not drop their sperging once
it's not an act

>> No.23682813

Gotta strike while the iron is hot anon. She's never played one, so might as well pick the
most famous one. Cunning rabbit.

>> No.23682812

I wish more papas and mamas lewded their Holo.

>> No.23682814

From yesterday's stream, I think she legitimately wasn't aware of how popular the game is overseas. She didn't even know that it was made by a foreigner. But seeing her chat get flooded by EOPs at one point made her acknowledge that she was getting more EOPs than usual, hence there's now an EN description today and the EN tweet yesterday.

>> No.23682817

FF12 Zodiac era next please

>> No.23682818
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 1588570573215.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682821
Quoted by: >>23683085

Everyone on /hlg/ is currently learning Nipponese so that they can move to Japan and increase their birthrate, so that Hololive won't pander to EOP's anymore.

>> No.23682822
Quoted by: >>23682843

I dont understand. i remember kanata calling one of them loli too.

>> No.23682823

EOPs claim another Holo. Thank god I'm an Aquafag.

>> No.23682829

Who else hasn't been caved and catered to the EOPs?

>> No.23682830


>> No.23682831

It's a shame. After that whole video Luna made about telling people to stop recommending her games she quit DS3 and started playing crap like Paper Please and APEX.

>> No.23682832

b-but MGR and PW!?
i wish i could enjoy DQ but i absolutely despise that artstyle

>> No.23682833

Which version? PS2 I hope? Also, that game is really long, hope she'll even finish it.

>> No.23682835
Quoted by: >>23682942



>> No.23682836


>> No.23682837

Holos that pander to EOPs:

Am I missing anyone?

>> No.23682840
File: 288 KB, 899x506, EWuGb67XYAIL4cE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682841
Quoted by: >>23682861

what? how do they write then?

>> No.23682843
Quoted by: >>23682977

People are always fighting about the definition in /a/ but for japs loli is just any flat, small girl, or even in real life an adult man going attracted to an underage girl would be called a lolicon.

>> No.23682844

Luna has quite a big brain. One of the biggest homoliver brains.

>> No.23682846

Normal people aren't taught cursive nowadays grampa
you're either a nerd or an old person if you know cursive

>> No.23682848

Luna, Flare, Noel, Ayame, Watame (surprisingly)

>> No.23682849

Haato tried but didn't seem to work for her

>> No.23682850

Who's the sluttiest hololive?

>> No.23682851
Quoted by: >>23682863

I don't think Matsuri panders to EOPs as much as her content just gets translated and attracks EOPs. Towa's pretty EOP friendly as well

>> No.23682854
Quoted by: >>23682873

Great, can't wait to see all the epic pewdiepie references in the chat!

>> No.23682855
Quoted by: >>23682896


>> No.23682856

Haato but I don't think her pandering works on the them for some reason. I would think a nip girl speaking english at a relatively decent level would attract more of them. Because it definitely worked on me

>> No.23682857


>> No.23682859


>> No.23682858

all the IDs

>> No.23682861

the little useless turds only tap their fucking phones all day

>> No.23682862
Quoted by: >>23682882


>> No.23682863

This. Matsuri is just lewd and obnoxious and that attracts teens.

>> No.23682864


>> No.23682865

Why wouldn't catering to EOPs be good?
You ARE eops
They're catering to YOU
Don't you want to be catered to

>> No.23682866

>muh pandering
all them are retards
if not they all will be on niconico instead

>> No.23682867

Rushia hasn't pandered to EOPs yet!

>> No.23682870


>> No.23682871


>> No.23682873

I would rather kill myself than see it again

>> No.23682874

Miko in appearance but purest in thought processes

>> No.23682875

The more interesting thing about that conversation is her admission that she normally only calls into them because she’s “told” to.

>> No.23682876

If I wanted to be pandered to I would just watch twitch thots...

>> No.23682877
Quoted by: >>23682893

>Played GTAV and said nigger twice
Yeah about that...

>> No.23682878
Quoted by: >>23682893

She wanted to greet her overseas fans

>> No.23682879
Quoted by: >>23682899

Some cursive letters are better than print. Though I don't get how you fags sign legal documents since they expect you to write in cursive.

>> No.23682881
Quoted by: >>23682893

>Spergs out in english almost every time she sees an english comment
Sure anon

>> No.23682880

All of them are retards? That's rude.

>> No.23682882

she has 0 sex appeal

>> No.23682884
File: 588 KB, 800x1155, IMG_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682885

> english description
>the game is popular in english

sasuga kanata/manager-chan

>> No.23682886

SEA anon whose only asset is knowing a few of japanese is mad because his tiny PP can't compete with European and American PPs

>> No.23682887


>> No.23682888

Towa makes it an effort to talk to the english comments in her chat

>> No.23682891

Aqua is the most popular amongst eops

>> No.23682893
Quoted by: >>23682902

The guy that was translating her stuff fucking died so now her stuff is mostly untranslated except for 10 clips of her saying nigger and FUCKING FUCK

>> No.23682894


>> No.23682896

I love Japan's catto!

>> No.23682897
File: 249 KB, 1200x675, EXOGdSjUcAErc3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682913

>> No.23682899
Quoted by: >>23682953

I just have an elaborate signature memorized

>> No.23682900

>So welcome https://youtu.be/R7VehnJmF14
>Global Communication https://youtu.be/Qovxq3BEmzw
>Rushia learning how to greet https://youtu.be/v7iiFcN5eI0

etc etc

>> No.23682902
Quoted by: >>23682949

Wait what

>> No.23682903
File: 8 KB, 819x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, how did I miss something that big

>> No.23682904
File: 84 KB, 824x711, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23682922

Pekora is always going to be safe from EOP's and ESL's

>> No.23682905
File: 739 KB, 886x1309, EWnly8SU4AAhE3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hasn't pandered to EOPs yet

>> No.23682907

rushia is my nigga

>> No.23682909

Haato and Coco don't count because they straight up know or half know English.
Speaking English randomly, reading simple English comments, thanking English viewers isn't pandering, and playing Western games isn't pandering.

>> No.23682910

She's an insecure yandere.

>> No.23682913
Quoted by: >>23682920

Will Pekora kill Korone's relevance?

>> No.23682912

Only the communist bloc

>> No.23682914

>that Roboco scream
You don't hear that too often.

>> No.23682915
File: 787 KB, 1450x1535, yubiyubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0 art skills but I drew a dog

>> No.23682916

>dragon quest 5
Holy fuck Peko's coming out with the big guns
Absolutely based

>> No.23682918
Quoted by: >>23682930

Anon they streamed for 12 fucking hours where the fuck have you been

>> No.23682920

Will Peko's attention span be able to handle an RPG?

>> No.23682919

wtf is wrong with pandering to EOPs?
we are literally strong af

>> No.23682922
Quoted by: >>23682929

>not pekora seiyu
>"l-look g-guys!"

>> No.23682923

She acknowledges them from time to time, especially in her HITMAN streams

>> No.23682925

Cute and makes me want to try drawing again

>> No.23682926

>peko playing my favorite jrpg

>> No.23682928

Being an EOP trying to learn Japanese, I actually like that it feels more welcoming. But the chat becomes pure cancer which is annoying.

>> No.23682929

What's wrong with tricking EOPs and newfags?

>> No.23682930

Gardening and taking care of the property, sleeping too.

>> No.23682933
Quoted by: >>23682945

>going to be asleep when Sora and Azki have their gaming collab

>> No.23682935

she already killed herself with an RPG

>> No.23682936

Rushia pisses me off because she's a fake ass bitch but she's also so fucking cute

>> No.23682938

Define EOP pandering right fucking now or die

>> No.23682940

It's better than anything I can draw, keep trying!

>> No.23682941

She watched a 10 hour movie so I'm sure she'll be okay

>> No.23682942
Quoted by: >>23682966


>> No.23682943

Cute, anon.

>> No.23682944


>> No.23682945

Just don't sleep faggot

>> No.23682947

DQ blows

>> No.23682949

Look at this guy's channel
He was obsessively translating everything Rushia but now he stopped and the only recent translated rushia clips are like 10 of her saying nigger because no one else wants to

>> No.23682950
Quoted by: >>23683024

There are people that pure without having to fake it in this world

>> No.23682953

Fair enough. My signature is mostly bullshit too, even though I incorporate four cursive letters.

>> No.23682954


>> No.23682956

does it seriously matter if an anime character is "fake" or not?

>> No.23682958

I like you.

>> No.23682959

Community tab says he's taking a break. Maybe he'll come back or not who knows.

>> No.23682960

t. FFturd

>> No.23682961
File: 18 KB, 735x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just taking a break bro

>> No.23682962

>EOP filter quest V

>> No.23682963

It's nice to be acknowledged but I would rather have an EOPfree chat.

>> No.23682964

YAGOO made an internal announcement that every holo needs to pander to the western audience as much as they can manage to...
it's only going to get worse from here on out...

>> No.23682966
Quoted by: >>23683027

Ah fuck. I'm stupid.

>> No.23682968
Quoted by: >>23683002

She hasn't fully pandered to them but she kind of does. She's like cusp of pandering. Once Kanata starts pandering, Suisei will follow suit.

>> No.23682969

When a Holo becomes one of the top earner it means they pander EOP

>> No.23682971
File: 685 KB, 984x1253, EVwZ3C-XsAcAhQ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682970

Yes, it fucking matters when there is money at stake and absolute fucking whores are extracting money from lonely men like succubuses.

>> No.23682972
Quoted by: >>23682983


>> No.23682974

yeah an eternal break

>> No.23682977

isn't that because they liken the girl to an actual loli and not the definition of the word though?

>> No.23682978
Quoted by: >>23682995

sucking EOP cock

>> No.23682979

why are all these translators on such a fucking high horse
nobody gives a shit about you we EOPs just want subs

>> No.23682981

Fucking filtered LMAO

>> No.23682983

what happened? I stopped the stream

>> No.23682984

money for entertainment
now go being a bitch at nijisanji or something

>> No.23682985
File: 1.29 MB, 1172x626, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23682986

New narrative : Yagoo is actually American

>> No.23682987

>Yes, it fucking matters when there is money at stake
Is there? I get to watch a cute 2D anime girl I like for free and the actor playing the character I like gets paid for it so I don't see the issue.

>> No.23682988

That's all vtubers anon, you just called all vtubers bitches and whores.

>> No.23682990
Quoted by: >>23683050

He broke free of Rushia's gachikoi curse! We need to study him so we can find a cure. Also probably why Rushia has been acting out more, she might fear she's losing her ENG gachikoi paypigs. That's my narrative.

>> No.23682991

Learn English and I'll think about it.

>> No.23682995
Quoted by: >>23683008

I can't fucking believe Pekora sucked EOP dick live on stream

>> No.23682998
Quoted by: >>23683055

Yes, it breaks my narrative.

>> No.23682999

Based anon calling out the trannynijis 24/7

>> No.23683000

Fuck. I was safe from the Metal Gear marathon but I can't resist DQV.

>> No.23683001

what if he came to this thread to see what people think about Rushia and his translations only to get his eyes opened to her fakeness...

>> No.23683002

It's kinda hampered by her not being able to understand english all that well but it's a matter of time at this point

>> No.23683003
Quoted by: >>23683229

Ah hello Rushia cuckanon

>> No.23683004

I thought Sensei finished GTAV already?

>> No.23683006

Tone neutral term which encapsulates doing things for audiences who do not understand Japanese to enjoy their content

>> No.23683008

tell that to that DOOG player

>> No.23683009

Are you kidding me? If you spend hours watching a chuuba every day and you don't become a member or donate then you're a fucking leach. It's that simple. What do you guys do that you can't afford to pay 5$ for a membership or superchat 10$? That's pathetic if you can't afford to spend 5 fucking dollars.

>> No.23683012

she would if she could

>> No.23683014
Quoted by: >>23683022

MGS isn't even an American game

>> No.23683015
Quoted by: >>23683077

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdhdRnQoGaA Time for what Aqua thinks is the hardest game in the series.

>> No.23683017
File: 291 KB, 518x379, shooooiiiiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek nice copypasta

>> No.23683018


>> No.23683019

time for online shiningans

>> No.23683021


>> No.23683022

yes but it's inspired by western stuff therefore it's for EOPs therefore I don't like it

>> No.23683023

This is a 100% based post.

>> No.23683024

>There are people that pure without having to fake it in this world
sure there are
problem is they are 10 years old or younger

>> No.23683025
File: 377 KB, 1651x2048, m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-bros... I got it and I can do whatever I want with it

>> No.23683026

Do some people here genuinely hate Aqua or is just people trolling.

>> No.23683027

it's okay anon, I was only going to make a joke about how she doesn't stream anyway...

>> No.23683029

OMEGARORU imi wakannai

>> No.23683031
Quoted by: >>23683042

Try to get laid wearing that

>> No.23683032

I'm sure there are some people that genuinely do, but it's okay. Can't please everyone.

>> No.23683034

You know what to do....

>> No.23683035

Every day I come home and this stupid bitch makes this face

>> No.23683036

uhhh bro?

>> No.23683037
File: 180 KB, 1200x676, EXKC4pZUEAAFq3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683060

>> No.23683039

Unironically based

>> No.23683040

>now go being a bitch at nijisanji or something

Every /THREAD/

>> No.23683042

But how will he even find Matsuri....

>> No.23683044
Quoted by: >>23683056

Sorry guys, a giant dragon turtle with a cow head might have kidnapped Aqua and is keeping her prisoner in one of 8 castles. So the stream will be delayed for a little while.

>> No.23683046
Quoted by: >>23683101

Are people still buttmad she interacted with a male? Literally mental illness.

>> No.23683048
Quoted by: >>23683065

Why does every chuuba seem to think that all video games are made in Japan?

>> No.23683050
File: 17 KB, 495x148, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683416

She just needs to pull a Korone. Korone has been going around and commenting on clips of her so the translators feel motivated because their favorite holo personally commented on their video and thanked them.

The dog really knows how to pander and keep her English fans while Rushia is probably going to fall back into the area of holos that don't get a lot of English subs.

>> No.23683051

I don't care about Aqua. At all. Don't care if she had a billion subs or if she was gone tomorrow. Same goes for a few other holos.

>> No.23683055

Well, her coworkers aren't wrong. It's not like she's shown a deep interest in anything particular. Even the stuff from her past life are all about her just talking to guys like a normie.

>> No.23683056


>> No.23683057

You HAVE to cum on it and send the picture to her on twitter.

>> No.23683059

>go home

>> No.23683060

Kevlar pantsu...

>> No.23683061
File: 644 KB, 1536x2048, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even need to translate or even make a comment on her tweets to get me some Matsuri

>> No.23683063

A Japanese L is like an upper US M.

>> No.23683065
Quoted by: >>23683434

>Korone thought Neverhood and DKC were made in Japan

DKC isn't that hard to believe I suppose.

>> No.23683066
Quoted by: >>23683088

Compulsive liar attention-whore timezone I see...

>> No.23683068

Get a voicechanger and set it to ebifrion, then hit on some girls while wearing the shirt and upload it all to YT.

>> No.23683069
File: 110 KB, 271x338, Luna66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironic Matsuri fags in my /hlg/

>> No.23683071

I think its a combination of trolling and stupid numberfags thinking her being ahead of coco/peko/korone is a bad thing when it means nothing at all

>> No.23683072
File: 632 KB, 1536x2048, ESfQjrpUMAcM0iP@15aWaon12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683086

>Only 1

>> No.23683073

no shionposting today

>> No.23683075

You missed the power of MENSU BEAMMMMMM

>> No.23683076

Is this pasta?

>> No.23683077

It's widely considered the hardest one. That said I hope she practiced a bit as she was completely out of shape when she played the first one compared to her MM2 streams.

>> No.23683079


>> No.23683080
Quoted by: >>23683091

Imagine being a man and wearing anything below a large.

>> No.23683082

Luna is stinky

>> No.23683085

This is me.

>> No.23683086


>> No.23683088

His baits spamming about holstars were all ignored, please no bully

>> No.23683089

>still mad because matsuri rejected luna

>> No.23683091

>Imagine being a man
I thought we were all little girls here.

>> No.23683092
File: 99 KB, 679x1000, manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683096
Quoted by: >>23683155

If you're not a manlet it's normal to wear L.
(By euro standards at least, I don't know if the american nomenclature is different)

>> No.23683097

Shes probably doing the side missions.

>> No.23683100

When is Towa going to stream singing with a vibrator inside of her?

>> No.23683101

Aqua is still pure.

>> No.23683103


>> No.23683105

Her birthday was in april. Birthdays are huge superchat triggers.

>> No.23683109

F*ck off. There is nothing wrong with being 160 cm.

>> No.23683110

Hololive doing a Shoey when?

>> No.23683113
File: 785 KB, 2080x3097, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aqua is still pure

>> No.23683114
Quoted by: >>23683138

for females
males under 170 should sudoku asap

>> No.23683115
Quoted by: >>23683959

Towa probably has really cute moans

>> No.23683118

luna need to learn table manners

>> No.23683119

I don't like Rushia because she's too much of a normie and comes off as extremely fake that was a bully in high school, while she's still mean and makes fun of her fans in secret

>> No.23683121

im sorry anon but your shouldnt be shorter then your favorite chuuba

>> No.23683123
File: 666 KB, 1200x848, EV9P0cyU4AkWrpd@Fu_MiHi_Ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683315

Ignore THIS

>> No.23683124

too thick

>> No.23683125

Good thing towa is 150

>> No.23683128
File: 80 KB, 247x248, 1555652960422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683130

trying to suck some dick and swallowing while livestreaming sounds better

>> No.23683131
Quoted by: >>23683153

Will you shut the fuck up about Rushia already? We aren't your shrink.

>> No.23683132

I'm 183cm and I usually buy S because anything larger is too baggy.

>> No.23683134

>choco feeling bad after killing trevor
/v/ will seethe

>> No.23683137
Quoted by: >>23683154

The potential English audience is just vastly larger than the Japanese audience. Because the English audience isn't just EOPs like America, Autstralia and Britain but also ESL like SEA, Europe and South America. Hololives would be stupid to not aim for the English market. The hololives who are growing the most all appeal strongly to English speakers while the hololives who grow the slowest do not appeal to them at all.

>> No.23683138
Quoted by: >>23683143

t. Manlet

>> No.23683139
Quoted by: >>23683172

Anon that's bullshit. I'm a lankey fuck at 181 cm and I wear L.

>> No.23683142
Quoted by: >>23683172

This is a lie. I'm 181 and S clothes litearally wouldn't even fit me, unless you live somewhere with extremely bizarre measurements

>> No.23683143

I need gnomes and dwarfs for my Larp group

>> No.23683144

B-Baqua! Please cover yourself up!

>> No.23683145

She doesn't know what she's done yet...

>> No.23683146

thats why you get 2

>> No.23683147

>I don't like Rushia because she reminds me of this girl that bullied me in highschool

we solved the mytery behind the cuckanon

>> No.23683150


Korone it's been 4 hours.

>> No.23683152
File: 531 KB, 1054x544, 1588648673338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is a good senpai

>> No.23683153
Quoted by: >>23683170

Make me. She reeks of some fake person that laughs at how pathetic you are. A person could donate money and say "I love you Ruishia" and she'll say "And I love your money~"

>> No.23683154

Not like it matters anyway since HoloEN will canabalize them.

>> No.23683155 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 475x692, Limiter Removal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(By euro standards at least, I don't know if the american nomenclature is different)
Our schools refuse to teach metric so despite ostensibly being on the metric system our country uses imperial for everything.
Shirt sizes are in inches instead of centimeters but the length to letter match-up is the same. A large shirt n the EU is a large shirt in the US.

5'3" is subhuman.

>> No.23683156

First you need Coco and Watame to Joke about doing it. Then Kanata and Haachama will do it for real because they were too naive to know it was a joke.
Then Coco and Watame will hold Miko at Gunpoint and make her do it.
Then, the older Hololives will notice the trend and a few them will do it too.

Then Ayame's boyfriend will here about it, and pressure her to do it too.

Then after all that, Towa will do it, but she'll cry the whole time and end after 1 song.

>> No.23683158

Is your height solely concentrated in your legs or something

>> No.23683159

>But Rushia is fake!
All women are fake, it's literally what they evolved to do. They evolved to adapt to please their lover by pretending to care about the things he does. That's why womens interest always stem from the men around them, whether a boyfriend or a brother or a father. They don't generally develop interests independently. In a way Rushia is more honest than others because she doesn't even try to create the illusion that she's being genuine.

>> No.23683160

In his compulsive liar syndrome

>> No.23683161 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 542x771, 1525018563853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683180

I always found this one hilarious

>> No.23683165

I just wanna follow a hologirl whose a social outcast and not a normie like me

>> No.23683166

What board are you even from

>> No.23683169

Honestly bros, who cares?

Shouldn't you be happy the Holo you like is getting popular and thus making more content? Even their "pandering" 90% of the time is barely pandering and just them playing a game they like.

Hell, Miko played GTAV way before the EOPs grabbed onto her

>> No.23683170

>"And I love your money~"
Gibara LITERALLY says this and she's one of the most popular vtubers right now. They're fucking characters and entertainers you're paying because you like them or want to support them, not your pretend girlfriends or emotional supprts.

>> No.23683172

I don't know what to tell you. Just took the shirt off my back to confirm and it's a small like every shirt in my closet. Ausfag by the way.

Actually I think my torso is taller than my legs.

>> No.23683173

Holy /pol/

>> No.23683174

Must the be the /based/ board or something

>> No.23683177
Quoted by: >>23683196

/attentionwhoring because parents hate me for being a trap/

>> No.23683178
File: 122 KB, 1660x1259, mat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her face on the clothes wont get pregnnat right/? i dont want to take responsibility

>> No.23683179

Whatever you say man

>> No.23683180 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 808x1112, Want Jug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites too. it's impressive how accurate it is.

These cards are from /tg/ but Yugioh itself goes on /vg/.
I'm a regular on 5 or 6 boards I think?

>> No.23683181

ok StickNut

>> No.23683182

List all the reasons why we hate coco

>> No.23683183

Gibara is a literal ape, its like paying money to go to the zoo when you step into her chat

>> No.23683184
File: 323 KB, 429x466, firefox_VnTVfb5Qle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683219

Aqua's voice hurts my ears. It's so high pitch and annoying.

>> No.23683185
Quoted by: >>23683197

aqua might be the only biological female i've seen use the run button in a mario game

>> No.23683187
Quoted by: >>23683228

You guys going so and so is fake all the time. Aqua’s opening to this stream is the fakest sandbagging I’ve ever seen.

>> No.23683188
Quoted by: >>23683226

she went on a date with a guy

>> No.23683189

But Rushia comes off as secretly cruel and money hungry.

I donated to her small amounts and she didn't say a thing but when I donated a huge amount (100 dollars), she put on this super fake act. I stopped donating to her after that

When I switched and donated to Peko and Korone, they were actually thankful and I decided to dump my money towards them. I've given Korone 705 dollars in super chat and 542 dollars to Peko in super chat.

>> No.23683190

Narrativefag is the most fakest /hlg/

>> No.23683196

This one seems about right

>> No.23683197

She was a speed runner in MM2.

>> No.23683199
Quoted by: >>23683212

tried too hard, now it's just obviously roleplaying bullshit.

>> No.23683200
Quoted by: >>23683253

Playing RE4 again and FAKING

>> No.23683202
Quoted by: >>23683231


>> No.23683204

Gibara is DIFFERENT, she doesn't fake who she actually IS. She's a worthless lolicon with a dirty room and I still donated money to her, yet Rushia DOES fake it.

That's the issue.

>> No.23683205

Good job bro, continue supporting your faves.

>> No.23683207

dude drugs lmao

>> No.23683209

>donating to some literal who to see there personality and prolly a chance to bang them when i learn japanese
back to your containment thread you go

>> No.23683212

Do I need to pull up proof because I will.

>> No.23683213

her accent makes me want to twist kson's nipples

>> No.23683215

Orange woman bad

>> No.23683217

For taking Kanata away from Suisei

>> No.23683219

I've been wondering lately if Aqua's voice does sound weird and that's why it's appealing.

>> No.23683222
Quoted by: >>23683246

hope you go back too, actually

>> No.23683223
File: 119 KB, 1080x586, 20200505_052339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683225

Fake, bad voice, probably a roastie.

>> No.23683226

>Check her twitter
>Its just her sister
Made me excited for nothing anon
Also there an lot of simps in her replies

>> No.23683228

Aqua is honmono.

>> No.23683229
File: 111 KB, 850x1202, swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact some cuck shitposter is literally obsessed with Rushia and can't stop shitposting about her just gives me more reason to like her. If one of these creatures hates something then it must be really good.

>> No.23683231

I like matsuri and I hate hoshikawa

>> No.23683234

Translate weeb

>> No.23683235

What the hell is Aqua trying to find?

>> No.23683239


>> No.23683240
Quoted by: >>23683248


>> No.23683243 [DELETED] 

Fuck it. Answer honestly, I am actually curious. http://poal.me/6kxdd8

>> No.23683245

Her brain

>> No.23683246

i dont donate because i want to see my favorite chuuba how they react and poke at how they really are in real life tho

>> No.23683248
Quoted by: >>23683275

Do it

>> No.23683249
Quoted by: >>23683256

Never mind. Infinite life glitch again. I see.

>> No.23683252

I'm 6'4, which hololive am I compatible with?

>> No.23683253

This, I can't believe that they gave her a pass on this one.

>> No.23683254
Quoted by: >>23683267

Literally first week of Japanese class required for that tweet. Go study.

>> No.23683255

Didn't she mention the other day when she did 2 collabs in one day that she only had 2 hours of sleep? How the fuck can this dog game for hours and sleep so little?

>> No.23683256

She is a smart girl when it comes to games

>> No.23683259
Quoted by: >>23683276

I've only browsed /jp/ in the past 3 years but does /djt/ really truly count as /jp/?

>> No.23683260
Quoted by: >>23683292

What size shirt do you buy?

>> No.23683261

Aqua truly is a genius

>> No.23683263

Hate to break it to you but i'm the one who that anon is quoting and i'm not rushiacuck. I'm just really annoyed by her existance. Cute character, cute voice (cutest of all holos imo), cute reactions but it's all a cruel façade, hiding a normalfag who doesn't even respect the people who provide her with a living.

>> No.23683266
Quoted by: >>23683283

Ask a female friend for a favor and recreate the picture of a chad walking down the street while a woman looks disgusted.
Use that as a profile picture on social media.

>> No.23683267
Quoted by: >>23683300

I dont want to study for years just to read doggo tweets

>> No.23683269

Where's the /ck/ option

>> No.23683274
Quoted by: >>23683292

Let her ride on your shoulders and feel what it's like to actually be in the heavens.

>> No.23683275
Quoted by: >>23683299

>"I slept a lot"
>Previous tweet was 4 hours ago
Now go study Japanese, this is the basics of the basics

>> No.23683276

Yes. The current /djt/ is not even close to the peak /djt/.

>> No.23683278

>but it's all a cruel façade
so what about miko, pekora, luna? they are also cruel?

>> No.23683283

Or he could just walk down the street.

>> No.23683284

/v/ and /a/. I go to /v/ mostly to check if there is any news or happenings in the industry though I don't go there for shitposting.

>> No.23683285

>who doesn't even respect the people who provide her with a living
kek try harder if u wanna bait cuck

>> No.23683286
File: 80 KB, 598x600, Choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco eating a corn dog.

>> No.23683288
Quoted by: >>23683348

Why did she think it necessary to slap 初見 in though?
It's fine if she already played it and just act normally like someone who replays a game.
I don't get it.

>> No.23683289

>choco killing michael again
he doesnt deserve it

>> No.23683290

The /a/ and /v/ rivalry is always nice to see.

>> No.23683291

Okay fine, you people wanna know the truth? Your favorite hologirl LOATHES you, they just love your money and that's it. It's their JOB since they're in a BUSINESS. If they saw you in the streets they would look at you with disgust and even make fun of you.

ALL of them would do this. You don't think when they get a cringy donation of saying "I love you" or "oniichan", they want you to just die or burst in laughter with how pathetic you are?

You don't think that they have off stream meetings about the most pathetic donation messages you give or which girl has the most pathetic and worthless fans that have no life and will never get laid?

You want REALITY then there it is. I know it hurts, I know but you MUST ACCEPT IT, PEKO!

>> No.23683292

2XL pls no bully I'm trying to drop the weight :(


>> No.23683294

>not the same cuck that spams every thread with how she's a faker trust me guys
sure thing cuckbro
Any other good incel fantasies today?

>> No.23683295

How many more low bar baits and offtopic post are you going to create? Such a manchild...

>> No.23683299
Quoted by: >>23683313

would've understood if there was no kanji

>> No.23683300

>Retarded reddit meme
>Refuses to put any effort into things and expects to get spoonfed
checks out

>> No.23683301
File: 468 KB, 600x450, 1561025637367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683303


>> No.23683304

4 Hours is alot
Stop projecting your NEET lifestyle

>> No.23683305


>> No.23683307
Quoted by: >>23683310

>Retarded reddit meme

>> No.23683310


>> No.23683312
Quoted by: >>23683347

>FBK karaoke
okay this is epic

>> No.23683313

I haven't studied kanji at all and even I know it just cause of how commonly it's used...

>> No.23683314

I've wondered for years if there's a corndog stand over there. I know I'd pay for an overpriced corndog just to take that picture.

>> No.23683315


>> No.23683316

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVP25dHCoOY Pizza Uncle Trials of Mana

>> No.23683317
Quoted by: >>23683331

You didnt add "none".

>> No.23683320
Quoted by: >>23683332

doggo, pupper, pupperino, etc are 4channel
you just got brainwashed by /pol/...

>> No.23683321

Glad someone else agrees she's a fake cunt.

>> No.23683322

Ahh yes i can feel the SOUL literally oozing from this piece

>> No.23683324
Quoted by: >>23683335


>> No.23683326

it's kind of shocking how poor the writing is for the "kill michael" ending of GTA5, considering it's one of the most successful videogames ever released.

>> No.23683327

I was devastated to learn my chuuba is shorter than me.

>> No.23683328

>using chawrotte

>> No.23683330
Quoted by: >>23683332

Not him, but I know doggo from these threads. Is pupperino from reddit too?

>> No.23683331

Your opinion doesn't matter to me then.

>> No.23683332
Quoted by: >>23683380

Honestly all of those are more facebook memes at this point, too old and stale even for reddit

>> No.23683333

Every actor gets paid in some way. Every entertainer gets paid in some way. Do some people spend excessive money? Yes, that's their choice. But entertainers try to entertain on the expectation of getting some money. To pretend this is any different than an entertainer putting on a role to earn tips is foolish. You're delusional for caring if an actor is fake or not.

>> No.23683334

Well now I just feel bad compared to a real artist.

>> No.23683335

It's a great time to be a Pekolander.

>> No.23683336
File: 168 KB, 960x597, the tale of tetris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games have never been a good medium for stories.

>> No.23683337

>Retarded reddit meme
How would you know? You have to go back.

>> No.23683340

ex /a/ and /jp/ resident who only tourists for reitaisai and comiket here

>> No.23683341

The devs didn't put any effort into it because they didn't think anyone would actually be stupid enough to pick that ending

>> No.23683342

I understand it I just don't like it.

>> No.23683347 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would FBk sing ram ranch 7

>> No.23683348

Maybe it gets the algorithm working

>> No.23683350
File: 110 KB, 240x216, firefox_ZybWNT0ACq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here is going to watch this over Pekora? Show yourselves.

>> No.23683354

You can tell this dude is American cause only Americans have such a servile attitude to bossmans.

>> No.23683357

Kojimbo though...

>> No.23683359
Quoted by: >>23683373

Wait.. is this cuckfag or the reddit-white knight fag from earlier? I can't tell now...

>> No.23683360

I'm a Baquachad so no

>> No.23683363

It's weird how I started learning japanese from DQ5 this year and now Pekora is gonna play it

>> No.23683365

>their thing is being "singers"
>sing like shit
no thanks

>> No.23683366

I have no perspective on what goes on in that game, so it would just be boring

>> No.23683367
Quoted by: >>23683494

Both betrayal endings made me feel sick and want to skip dinner that night. I'm fine with virtual killing, torture, rape and all that jazz, but even in fiction betraying a friend gets me.

>> No.23683368

I rather watch actual game than story shit

>> No.23683369

Did you learn a lot? Was it difficult?

>> No.23683370

when are you gonna play pekora?

>> No.23683372

It's actually fairly easy and would recommend to any EOP

>> No.23683373

>is this cuckfag
I'm not even shitposting right now. All I did in the past hour is make the board poll and watch Baqua.

>> No.23683374

I'm legit interested. I'll have to double with Peko since I haven't played DW before

>> No.23683375

Pekora's prestream chat is a full on discussion board right now. For Dragon Quest JOPs.

>> No.23683376

DQ has furigana bro
Its easy

>> No.23683377

usually when there are multiple endings in a game, and one of the endings feels unsatisfying, it's because that's the bad ending.

>> No.23683378
Quoted by: >>23683384

I know there's at least another /fit/izen here. He mentioned zercher squats.

>> No.23683380
File: 63 KB, 500x612, accurate to this day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683381
Quoted by: >>23683485

Disonancia ludonarrativa.

>> No.23683382

Pretty much, they're actors. This isn't any different from watching some anime and shitting on a character from the show because they're ""fake"" and their VA has done 100 other roles.
But logic doesn't apply to this cuck and he's going to continue spamming this retarded shit every time some holo he hates gets posted.

>> No.23683384

There's that one Coco hating manlet. He was pretty ripped.

>> No.23683385
Quoted by: >>23683464

I meant the guy you're responding to (assuming you're the one I tagged). I don't want to give him any more (You)s than I have today.

>> No.23683386

Japan is too goddamn small to cater to. It's either the west or the Chinese, pick your poison.

>> No.23683391

So Choco just admitted on stream she doesn't have a driver's license. Not that anyone would be surprised, seeing how she drives in GTA.

>> No.23683390

Marine. This is the perfect size to fill her womb

>> No.23683392
Quoted by: >>23683459

holy shit, the cho aniki vods have a lot of views. what was their max live viewers?

>> No.23683393
Quoted by: >>23683449

Fuck it's too late and I'm retarded; just realized you're admitting you're cuckfag. I guess you've been good today. So it's reddit-white knight fag sperging for the second time today. Thank you.

>> No.23683396
File: 16 KB, 239x211, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683407

New week... new hopes for Ayame streaming... this weekend would be nice... please Ayame...

>> No.23683401

>get worse

>> No.23683404

Bizarro timeline.

>> No.23683407

Do wojaks get banned on /jp/?

>> No.23683410

Hololive started both a CN and an EN branch so both?

>> No.23683411

Filling Marine's womb like that bullet hell filled her with despair!

>> No.23683412

You all did your reps today right anon?

>> No.23683414
File: 731 KB, 1200x994, 80892712_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man luna have been growing on me i always watch her while im either working or studying and it calms me down in this time of day

i wish the eop translators translate her more often and i want to sleep on her phat thighs

>> No.23683415

I sure hope so.

>> No.23683416

Matsuri does this too. I'm surprised Rushia hasn't honestly. Maybe it's just a matter of time?

>> No.23683418

Aqua frustration heals me

>> No.23683422
Quoted by: >>23683449

Why do all the "its just an act" posters come out whenever pekora is about to stream?

>> No.23683423

>doing reps
No. I'm an immersionchad.

>> No.23683428
Quoted by: >>23683490

Yeah I finally hit 3 plates last week.

>> No.23683429


>> No.23683432

Why do I falseflag Pekofans everytime Pekora is about to stream?

>> No.23683434

Yeah, DK was made by Nips originally. I didn't know DKC was outsourced either.

>> No.23683435

Everything Aqua is healing.

>> No.23683436

It's been harder ever since I got addicted to this shit.

>> No.23683439

A lot of indonesian women sound like her 'DLC' voice, which isn't a bad thing, their tone is sex

>> No.23683445

I like the squirrel now?! nice

>> No.23683448


>> No.23683449

No worries aniki. Worrying about shitposters isn't worth it.
Easy (You)'s. A common shitposter strategy is to bait fags of the most popular streamer about to go on. Aqua is on but her fags are really hard to bait because Aqua fags are usually pretty intelligent and know to ignore bait. Pekorafag are unfortunately not as smart.

>> No.23683452

Thanks, did not expect that.

>> No.23683453
Quoted by: >>23683490

Did my weight reps for the first time in a week (oops) and just finished my Nip reps. Feels good.

>> No.23683454
Quoted by: >>23683470

Has any of the holos played Red Dead Redemption 2?
It's honestly better than GTA V in my opinion, at least story wise.

>> No.23683456


>> No.23683459
Quoted by: >>23683493

25K-ish, dropped to 20K-ish by the end. It just went on for so long that every timezone got a chance to watch. Some of their Japanese viewers probably went to bed then woke up to them still going at it.

>> No.23683460
File: 799 KB, 849x1200, 81313135_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her songs are stuck in my head

her cover, the flute BGM, the remix, everything

>> No.23683461

I put my reps on hold until I finish P5R

>> No.23683462
Quoted by: >>23683478

The small market of the west that would WANT to watch hololive wouldn't be intersted in an english speaking branch.

Hololive English is going to cater to ESL SEA markets.

>> No.23683463

How is it the dumbest girl has the most intelligent fans?

>> No.23683464
File: 166 KB, 407x371, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683465

Amen to that shit. I've been tuning shitposters out extra ever since that homostar-tranny-sperg-whatever spent half the day trying to derail the thread.

>> No.23683467

Not even mad this is based

>> No.23683468
File: 428 KB, 200x183, 1443225668443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked YouTube after playing my shitty JRPG for an hour and now I'm seeing Pekora is about to play a shitty JRPG too. Nice.

>> No.23683470

It's way more boring and serious though, which does not pair well with the Holo's general lack of attention span

>> No.23683471

>Choco is racing now

>> No.23683473
Quoted by: >>23683490

I tried to do it with water bottles, but is not the same,I really need a Gym.

>> No.23683474


>> No.23683476
Quoted by: >>23683490

did my schoolie reps, weightlifting reps, drawing reps and actual reps in my dreams I'm a good boy

>> No.23683478

>Hololive English is going to cater to ESL SEA markets.
You're probably right. I could see them eating up Western chuubas.

>> No.23683479

You can't bait Aquafags because they don't exist here.

>> No.23683485

Disonancia ludonarrativa

>> No.23683487
Quoted by: >>23683527

Choco made another 5 star breakfast today
Glad she went shopping for supplies instead of calling that no name

>> No.23683488

>Making the video higher quality on purpose so its more likely to buffer before reaching the last part.


>> No.23683490
File: 25 KB, 434x452, IMG_20200401_065508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683500

These guys are gonna make it. Good anons.

>> No.23683491

Choco 'I need to go faster' Yuzuki

>> No.23683493

that's pretty good, 25k is very big. how tf do they have the endurance for this shit

>> No.23683494

That's why I can get off to most fetishes but NTR always makes me feel sick

>> No.23683495

Choco 'I must have young man's semen' Yudzuki

>> No.23683496
File: 473 KB, 869x1200, EVNgE6DVAAU1IJc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683557

>> No.23683499

well she has said she really likes fast cars

>> No.23683500

you guys work out.. ?

>> No.23683503

>already crashed and is last place

>> No.23683508

A lot of anons here work out. We even convinced one to start.

>> No.23683512
File: 656 KB, 175x169, Pekora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683526

So, I found the Pekora cosplay video after vigorous searching but got stumped at finding her nico channel since I know no japanese and looked for her blindly, could anyone please help me look for it? even better if someone already has it

>> No.23683513
File: 3.74 MB, 1748x1181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who waiting for round 2 here?

>> No.23683514
Quoted by: >>23683534

Literally what else are you supposed to do when you're stuck at home?

>> No.23683515
Quoted by: >>23683524

why do I see the 12 hour streams, buy when I click on them it's only 2 hours

>> No.23683517

I'm also curious. Separate poll with multiple-voting enabled: http://poal.me/euxj5n

>> No.23683519

Who needs control when you have speed?

>> No.23683523


>> No.23683524

still processing

>> No.23683525

Normally I would pick Sora over Pekora alone, and a Sora/Azki collab should be a must watch, but holy shit, DQ5. Come on, it's not even fair.

>> No.23683526
Quoted by: >>23683539

I think this is all that remained anyway. Why do you care it's not like she changed since joining hololive

>> No.23683527
Quoted by: >>23683568

What did she make this time?

>> No.23683530
File: 1.07 MB, 1282x716, of course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683534
Quoted by: >>23683566

watch chuubas

>> No.23683535
Quoted by: >>23683540

Alright since some other /fit/bros are here, have any of you bought a shirt?
I want to get one but don't know what size. Feel like L will be to tight on the arms

>> No.23683536
Quoted by: >>23683543

>finished 12 hour stream
>wakes up 3 hours later
>"I've slept a lot"
How does she do it? Her biological clock must be all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.23683538

Oozora Subaru Builds a City Out of Panties (Hololive) https://youtu.be/RcHz-WfHxRY

>> No.23683539

I already watched all of her material and need something more to watch between her streams, she started a fire in my heart that I can't put out

>> No.23683540
Quoted by: >>23683650

its japanese sizing, japan's national standard is 2 sizes below america's, so an XXL = american L

>> No.23683541
Quoted by: >>23683553

newfag here, i know old sora has brown eyes and her new model has purple eyes, but why is her twitter pic still has brown eyes?

>> No.23683543

chuubas STRONK

>> No.23683544

sensei driving in a nutshell

>> No.23683546

>Choco crashing immediately after slow motion mode ends
Holy fuck, the comedic timing was too perfect that I unintentionally laughed out loud.

I wouldn't call it working out but I try to fit in bodyweight exercises throughout the day. I think about Korone's endless energy when I do.

>> No.23683549

Aqua's many drama's with the hammer brothers have been cute

>> No.23683551


>> No.23683552
Quoted by: >>23683573

Peko, you're late

>> No.23683553


>> No.23683554

she even austin powers'd her car earlier during the michael chase
girl's a natural

>> No.23683557

so pure and white

>> No.23683558

It's time.

>> No.23683559

I like how she goes from oneesan voice to cute chipmunk almost instantly

>> No.23683560

For the people that work out what's the best way to work on my knees. My knees are so fucking weak

>> No.23683565
Quoted by: >>23683575

The problem with EOPs in chats is that they proliferate exponentially. The more EOPs talking in english in the chat the more EOPs recognize that there are others like them that are actually reading their messages, so they get prompted to also post. It's not about having the vtuber reading it, it's about posting stale memes to make your fellow EOP retards laugh

>> No.23683566

You can do both, watch chuubas and work out.

>> No.23683568

Don’t sure how you’d translate that into English but she said she had too many eggplants so she made that. Can’t posf a pic but it looked really nice

>> No.23683569


>> No.23683571


>> No.23683573

She forgot to press the start button, dumb rabib

>> No.23683574

10k watching Noel!

>> No.23683575
Quoted by: >>23683584

The west promotes individualism. Was it a mistake?

>> No.23683577

Yeah, doing greasing the groove right now. 15 sets of 50% of my max reps for pullups and dips, with 45 minutes interval. Trying to get my endurance up, you know.

>> No.23683578

sensei has no concept of brakes

>> No.23683579


>> No.23683580
Quoted by: >>23683596

as in you feel pain in your knees when you squat or something like that?

>> No.23683582

Why is it that they updated Aqua's ability to remove stuff from her model but her mouth is still glued shut half the time

>> No.23683583

where's the MGSV stream dumb fucking rabbit

>> No.23683584

Majority of these fags are jobless NEETs that spend all day on reddit talking to their fellow SEA and ESL friends so not really

>> No.23683585

Quick intro

>> No.23683586

It's time for Diva's てぇてぇ

>> No.23683589
Quoted by: >>23683622

Somebody clicked on the "/qst/ OR /po/" option so there's definitive proof they just clicked every single button.

It was inevitable.

i always hated eggplant as a kid and I've never tried it since. Sell me on it.

>> No.23683590
Quoted by: >>23683600

Azki trying to play games, very cute. Very very cute. I want to cheer her on.

>> No.23683591


>> No.23683592

Amen to that brother.

>> No.23683595

she always look so happy while totaling the vehicle she's driving.

>> No.23683596
Quoted by: >>23683880

I sit down so much so my knees are hurting lately whenever I exercise a lot at all. Seems to hurt most when I jog for a very small stretch of time

>> No.23683597

watch Azki and Sora have fun together!

>> No.23683598

what's noel build?

>> No.23683600

There is no way she can use a controller.

>> No.23683601


>> No.23683603
Quoted by: >>23683634

One Punch Main routine, everyday. I'd do weights but all the gyms are closed here and I spent most of my extra income on my chuuba.

>> No.23683604
File: 121 KB, 850x1026, risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683639


Singing squirrel!

>> No.23683605

Butter and eggplants?... I wonder how that tastes. That's new to me. Eggplants are already nice when stir fried, but I assume this is just on top of rice.

>> No.23683606
Quoted by: >>23683613

if fubuki is such a meme queen then why hasn't she frogposted yet

>> No.23683608

You exercise the same way as someone who's arms are heavy

>> No.23683609

>All these /a/ and /v/ double cross boarders

>> No.23683610

Depends, but squatting

>> No.23683611

Is Risu the only likeable HololiveID out of the three?

>> No.23683612

Not her chat.

She talks with her mouth closed.

>> No.23683613
Quoted by: >>23683627

how are you sure I haven't

>> No.23683614
File: 972 KB, 1278x718, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this happen

>> No.23683615
Quoted by: >>23683637

Getting back to it thanks to Haachama.

>> No.23683616

Aquas beautiful english.....

>> No.23683617

That's just shifty tracking because she's looking at the other screen to play on. It works better when she's looking up.

>> No.23683619

>first time playing dq

>> No.23683620

How do I filter Towa without filtering the word 'towards' ?

>> No.23683621

She put in a lot of hours.

>> No.23683622
Quoted by: >>23683663

>Somebody clicked on the "/qst/ OR /po/" option so there's definitive proof they just clicked every single button.
What is this board discrimination? I don't go to /po/, but I do go to /qst/ ever since they got wiped out from /tg/. You got a problem mate?

>> No.23683624
Quoted by: >>23683669

Again the picture says a thousand words but I can't post it. But yes it's on rice and cooked

>> No.23683627
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1587794753418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683628


>> No.23683630

The idol and the singer try to be gaming chuubas. What has Corona done... but I won't complain.

>> No.23683631

Her main problem seems to be that she uses the handbreak too much and keeps it pressed for too long so she keeps spinning out

>> No.23683633
Quoted by: >>23683723

Regex probably

>> No.23683634

Saitama's workout is cool and all but it's not very efficient. Make sure to have rest days so your muscles can grow.

>> No.23683635
Quoted by: >>23683669

Butter and eggs goes well with eggplants.

>> No.23683636


>> No.23683637

When she gets back to Japan will you write her a letter thanking her for inspiring you?

>> No.23683638

watch noel fight sullivan!

>> No.23683639
Quoted by: >>23683653

Hadn't noticed how dumb her coat is

>> No.23683640

peko is saying she's okay with help in DQ unlike in MGS, guess she really didn't want to get spoiled in that game

>> No.23683641

big tits

>> No.23683642

>rest days
its weird how this is a thing for you guys, in my local gym none takes day off, is it necessary?

>> No.23683644

I hope he's doing a altered version of it because the word for word version is terrible for your body and actually kills gains

>> No.23683645

curious what pussy boards filterfags come from cause they sure aren't coming from /jp/.

>> No.23683647
Quoted by: >>23683658

After knowing how PPtenshi looks like irl, I want her to carry my babies now

>> No.23683650
Quoted by: >>23683670

Shiiet do they even sell over XL? I didn't see any

>> No.23683652

Anyone else can't see viewers in AZKi Sora stream? I think it got hidden

>> No.23683653

More armpit.

>> No.23683654

how the fuck does she do it bros...

>> No.23683655
Quoted by: >>23683664

How can pekora so dumb but can make good poem

>> No.23683656

>she just did it
dont doubt sensei

>> No.23683657

>none takes day off, is it necessary?
yes it is necessary
going to the gym everyday is retarded

>> No.23683658
Quoted by: >>23683666

link or fake

make kanatadreamer happy

>> No.23683661


>> No.23683662
Quoted by: >>23683668

Yes absolutely. They might be doing different muscle areas on different days. For example leg day, then arms while legs rest, then legs again while arms rest, etc.

>> No.23683663
File: 105 KB, 600x607, regular_expressions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683723


Oh OK. My bad. I haven't been there since shortly after it was cut-off from /tg/ and it was dead back then.

>> No.23683664

Pekora has a 139IQ though...

>> No.23683666


>> No.23683667
File: 374 KB, 1250x240, 804108585140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683668

yeah this makes more sense

>> No.23683669

No problem. It's nice enough to know what it is.
Don't use butter for cooking much so I wouldn't know. Perhaps might look up a recipe.

>> No.23683670
Quoted by: >>23683820

Its pretty rare to see XL, They usually only stock those sizes if they know foreigners are buying it.

>> No.23683672

Yeah, I rest every 3 days of work. If I had a bar I could use I'd be adding in pull-ups. I add in planks. I really wish I had plates and a bar like I used to have, so I could bench press instead of push-up and deadlift too. I miss the gym bros.

>> No.23683675

I wonder who Pekora is gonna pick to marry

>> No.23683676
Quoted by: >>23683682

Pekora, please blow your nose. I'm begging you.

>> No.23683678

Why do I think Peko eats her boogers..

>> No.23683680
Quoted by: >>23683689

Does kanata really? With wolves..?

>> No.23683681

Noel did it

>> No.23683682

But sniffing is her best sound effect

>> No.23683685
File: 579 KB, 4096x2499, 1584087099446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances Pekora actually finishes DQ5?

>> No.23683687
File: 26 KB, 583x252, purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23683689
File: 156 KB, 724x1024, EWNjO8gUEAIMdEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no wanting to fuck a wolf

>> No.23683690


>> No.23683691
Quoted by: >>23683701

I heard /ck/ and /fit/ were hanging out here?
Mind if /o/ comes?
What type of car should I rent to best pick up babes when I visit Japan mid-next year?

>> No.23683692
Quoted by: >>23683706

no way. if this is real, i'm fucking in love

>> No.23683693

>Is Muslim
>Kills a bug just for being a nuisance
Have fun going to hell Moona

>> No.23683694

Aqua has a filthy mouth

>> No.23683696
File: 62 KB, 604x439, abayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683708


>> No.23683698

Sensei managed to extract 2 red supas from Chrome and Yagumo two of her biggest paypigs. She's learning guys

>> No.23683699

Are the swollen? Even if they aren't yoga is unironically the best thing to get started with, try some leg ups against a wall

>> No.23683701

No one in japan drives. I'm not even sure they have roads.

>> No.23683702

let all the newfags die...

>> No.23683704

Yeah Haachama got me back into it and learning Jap.
Been super unmotivated to do things outside of my job for the last couple of years.

>> No.23683705
File: 50 KB, 632x699, 1524528756636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ps2 version is the one where you can't marry best girl right?

>> No.23683706
Quoted by: >>23683788

now imagine that face cumming as she reads Rinze from Idolm@ster's dialogue

>> No.23683707
File: 796 KB, 849x1200, 78698451_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i find kanata cute but her irl face makes me so goddamn horny

>> No.23683708

This post gets my sides every time.

>> No.23683709
Quoted by: >>23683727

>Have fun going to hell Moona
What the fuck? you can go to muslim's hell for killing a bug?

>> No.23683710
Quoted by: >>23683792

They have shitty little cars and only rich people drive them. Cars are only a thing out in the sticks really

>> No.23683713

This is a "I cum on cat hiss at penis"-tier post

>> No.23683714

>Ps2 version
F for our Deborahbros

>> No.23683715

Aki having a duo with her boy friend.

>> No.23683719
Quoted by: >>23683738

THE かなた

>> No.23683718
Quoted by: >>23683790

Anon... There are no muscles in the knees, only ligaments. Your knees won't get better no matter how much you work out.

>> No.23683720
Quoted by: >>23683734

Looks like a boy. Guess suisei would enjoy it.

>> No.23683722

It depends on your goals, lifestyle and the way yor workout, but it's not usually necessary to go to the gym everyday if you work yourself hard enough.
For beginners it's more than adequate to do full body 3 times a week,

>> No.23683723
Quoted by: >>23683819

but (?:^|\W)Towa(?:$|\W) doesn't work for some reason

>> No.23683724

That's the best version tho

>> No.23683725
Quoted by: >>23683741

is she retarded or am I too dumb for her tweets?

>> No.23683726
Quoted by: >>23683751

i like that aqua is decent at games

>> No.23683727
File: 2.31 MB, 2500x3186, Watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if you found this sheep in your barn?
Killing an animal without sufficient reason is a big sin. Even when there's animals in the mosque with the cube in it they will only try and shoo them away (including insects) instead of just killing them

>> No.23683728

Nerachads rise the fuck up

>> No.23683729
File: 109 KB, 536x463, holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored.

>> No.23683730

ESL queen

>> No.23683732

It hurts...

>> No.23683734

>Looks like a boy.
Guess I'm really fucking gay then if that looks like a boy.

>> No.23683736
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1585390942068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko playing the best version of DQ5

>> No.23683737

fucking murderer

>> No.23683738

what the fuck was she thinking...?

>> No.23683740


>> No.23683741

Haato and Moona are at similar levels of English, that should tell you everything. Moona can only speak indog and broken Seaglish.

>> No.23683743

Rip bugs

>> No.23683745

Man, I really like those cheesy animal sweatshirts. I'll get myself one with a cool animal when the quarentine ends.

>> No.23683746

The main theme is really great.

>> No.23683747

I can't believe the threads have gotten this bad during lively hours. What's to blame?

>> No.23683748

Cant wait for the suffering

>> No.23683749
File: 256 KB, 500x500, 1511425768941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towa and matsuri

>> No.23683752
File: 36 KB, 665x706, 1583774552361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty good

>> No.23683751

Aqua is a tensai after all

>> No.23683754

This was confirmed fake by 5ch. PSA for the newfriends.

>> No.23683755

azki's model is pretty cute when she looks confused

>> No.23683756
Quoted by: >>23683996

haato should 100% be in the dumbass peak category, not lesbian shit

>> No.23683757

heh, pretty nice

>> No.23683762

God fucking damnit I should have bought DQV when I had the chance so I could play it with Pekora.

>> No.23683766
Quoted by: >>23683775


which one of the non HololiveID are the most Halal

>> No.23683767

Please Hololive update AZKi's model, she has no fucking nose. Jesus Christ I can't look at it its hilarious but uncanny

>> No.23683768
File: 326 KB, 443x468, 1584297881094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys actually give money to these chicks? I mean I don't judge them for accepting, but I thought you guys would be smart enough not to hand out money

>> No.23683770

newfags dont care, they just want to get horny at random whores.

>> No.23683773

i can't believe big chungus is fucking dead, please someone call keanu reeves

>> No.23683774

Luna is holding back at all times.

>> No.23683775


>> No.23683779

What the fuck else am I supposed to spend it on? I don't have a family and I never will.

>> No.23683780
Quoted by: >>23683789

sucks but DS graphics are fucking hideous compared to ps2

>> No.23683782
Quoted by: >>23683804

Got a source? I'd like to see her real twitter if possible

>> No.23683785
File: 1.45 MB, 1270x1427, shion laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683787
Quoted by: >>23683910

Where did 5ch even get those images from? They link back nowhere. That's the bigger mystery to me than anything.

>> No.23683788

i already did anon. you think too highly of me to not have the moans on the ready.

>> No.23683789
Quoted by: >>23683805

>being a graphics kiddy

>> No.23683790

I have a feeling you are correct but if this is true I'm sad that my back and knee has gone out at an early age

>> No.23683792
Quoted by: >>23683807

have any of you ever tried leaving the touristic areas onto actual roads? literally just walk a bit away from akihabara and you'll see streets filled with cars on the move. what is this shit narrative?

>> No.23683793

I have to pay to get access to the nudes

>> No.23683795

buy yourself a bag of flaming hot cheetos bro

>> No.23683799
File: 426 KB, 592x578, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP bug, IDfags, please translate the third tweet.

>> No.23683800

Did Peko stream an RPG before? Does she know how much reading she will have to do?

>> No.23683801

I would give you 4.99 bucks for this bait too if you weren't hiding in the veil of anonymity, your loss.

>> No.23683804

>imgur link
It's 5ch and like I posted earlier, no source was given.

>> No.23683805

I mean... streaming a ds game will hurt everyone's eyes with how heavily pixelated it is but ok

>> No.23683807
Quoted by: >>23683828

Yes the rich people have cars, like I said. The average person walks or relies on public transport, like anyone in any capital European city

>> No.23683808

why is this shitter blogging about killing a fly?

>> No.23683809

Do it anon.
Join the famili.
Enjoy the dork.

>> No.23683810

Buy lootboxes in Apex Legends.

>> No.23683811

Depends on either the views or if she likes it.

>> No.23683812
Quoted by: >>23683895

not a fly, have thorn on its back, like a green hornet

>> No.23683813

Not seeing an Astagfirullah. Guess she is going to hell

>> No.23683814

I want her to live a nice life in my place. Please understand.

>> No.23683816

Yes. It's a good way to kill time and also avoid entering into madness

>> No.23683817
File: 302 KB, 498x452, 1588570205128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moona's room is so smelly flies hang around it

>> No.23683818

I hope your next shit is a flaming hot cheeto right out of your ass.

>> No.23683819

I don't know what subset of regex 4chan supports but the regex
seems comprehensive enough to me.

>> No.23683820

Oh well that sucks
Thanks for the info bro

>> No.23683821

This is what it's like to live in the third world anon. It's natural for them

>> No.23683822

I used to love hot cheetos when I was a kid but now I can't get through a bag. Dunno what happened.
What's her track record?

>> No.23683824
Quoted by: >>23683845

I don't know anon. Something nice for yourself like a quality meal or video games, maybe computer parts. These girls sometimes make like $30,000 in one sitting, I'm assuming most of you only make around that or a little over in a year. Use it on yourself

>> No.23683825
File: 133 KB, 462x554, 7754191ddf19020c13497d3de9a3740d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the smelliest room of all the holos?

>> No.23683826

>"Surely Choco will be better on a bicycle"
>Flies off a mountain

>> No.23683828

I mean it's clearly not just them, business vans, cars and transport buses all take these roads on top of the typical resident so it's not actually just rich people. only lived there for a few months so it might be limited information though.

>> No.23683829

She has played DDLC last year

>> No.23683831
Quoted by: >>23683841

My buddy Roberu is live


>> No.23683832


>> No.23683833

Haato or Noel

>> No.23683834

Fubuki by a mile. She's a fox.

>> No.23683837

Marine since she smells like grandma and was dirt poor so bad hygiene doesn't bother her too much

>> No.23683840
File: 232 KB, 380x349, 1587889616528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They couldn't finish it?

>> No.23683841

>only took an hour break
Based. Weird how I didn't see this scheduled earlier though.

>> No.23683843

>getting baited by the treasure chests

>> No.23683844

Not many people posting about DQ5 tonight. Good job Pekora picking a game to filter the EOP

>> No.23683845

Anon... They make 30k because I am a part of that 30k. Without me they would be eating scraps. Besides, I'm not a leach.

>> No.23683847

>Now choco is racing on a mountain with a bike

>> No.23683848
Quoted by: >>23683877

Azki is so cute bros... I wish they'd let her out of the idol cage to play with the shitposters...

>> No.23683849

Sorry I've never watched Pekora in my life except for when she plays hardcore minecraft because watching her die is funny.

>> No.23683850

Too bad there's no way she will ever finish it. This game is way too long and text-heavy for her not to get bored.

>> No.23683851

I need the illusion that I feel affection for something, don't judge me.

>> No.23683852
Quoted by: >>23683868

waking up and seeing choco-sensei riding a bike downhill...

>> No.23683853

I don't want to get spoiled because I haven't played it yet.

>> No.23683854
Quoted by: >>23683866

Peko is pretty damn hype about this.

>> No.23683855

>Not many people posting about DQ5 tonight.
We're busy actually watching her stream.

>> No.23683856
Quoted by: >>23683860

noel, haato, marine, miko and coco

>> No.23683857

literally nothing is happening right now, wait a bit

>> No.23683858

I'm actually watching the stream. I've beat the game and know the story so I can enjoy her reactions to the plot!

>> No.23683859
File: 119 KB, 564x840, 1588571214272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame got called a smelly sheep on stream.

>> No.23683860

Coco is a normal human being that cleans and shaves herself anon. Why would she have a stinky room?

>> No.23683861

>Chubby girls are cute
What did Noel mean by this?

>> No.23683863

Pekora's sniffle is the only ASMR I would listen to.

>> No.23683864
Quoted by: >>23683881

always forget how great the DQ OSTs are

>> No.23683865
Quoted by: >>23683871

She will probably get copyright striked for this, the composer is pretty anal about his music being streamed, even in this context.

>> No.23683866

reminds me of the first time playing V
it was amazing

>> No.23683867
Quoted by: >>23683885

Are you reading the same thread I am?
Because Pekorafags are extra obnoxious since they seem to think they need to go into overtime shitposting to make up for the lower popularity.

>> No.23683868

Sensei understands how to go fast

>> No.23683869

She means she is putting on weight so she can become more cute for her precious fans

>> No.23683870

Miko's room probably smells rancid considering she just walks around nopan all day

>> No.23683871
Quoted by: >>23683890

I forgot about the whole DQ11 orchestra controversy

>> No.23683872

Noel x Aqua

>> No.23683873

she's cute

>> No.23683876
Quoted by: >>23683886

Bugs dont believe in allah so its all good example is the chinese

>> No.23683877

Sora is probably the testing ground since she is probably the most "normal" outside of horror games

>> No.23683879

What about Matsuri then considering she pisses herself and gets UTIs on top of nopanning it up??

>> No.23683880
Quoted by: >>23683891

I had this problem.
Changed my squat form, did different leg exercises, and actually running more has pretty much eliminated the pain. Also get some knee sleeves. They help, as long as you don't mind looking like a bitch lol

>> No.23683882


>> No.23683881

I'm digging the current ost but is it going to be like 11 where it's one battle theme and one overworld theme? Because that was fucking mind boggling.

>> No.23683883

Cute is the default description for people you don't want to fuck. Especially in Japan.

>> No.23683885
Quoted by: >>23683944

>Because Pekorafags are extra obnoxious since they seem to think they need to go into overtime shitposting to make up for the lower popularity.
And yet she still has more viewers than any other Hololive.

>> No.23683886

You say this but Muslims believe that because animals don't have free will they all worship God like they do

>> No.23683887

It's literally a shit fly https://www.google.com/search?q=shit+fly
Didn't expect any less from moona.

>> No.23683888
Quoted by: >>23683921

But if she can go nopan that would mean it's actually really clean and getting proper air.

>> No.23683889

mikocchi sushi

>> No.23683890

I forgot that was a thing as well. I played it on PC and immediately installed the orchestral mod.

>> No.23683891
Quoted by: >>23683976

but you automatically look like a bitch if you mind looking like a bitch

>> No.23683892


>> No.23683894
File: 137 KB, 947x997, 1586751079380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683913

AZKi speaking voice sounds an awful lot like Noel's. Too bad Noel can't sing for shit unlike her.

>> No.23683895



scary af beasts

>> No.23683896
Quoted by: >>23683899

Imagine the smell

>> No.23683899

smells like a rotten fish market

>> No.23683900
Quoted by: >>23683909

Hell, even in America. In high school girls used to call me cute all the time but they were all pretty rude to me often and never asked me out.

>> No.23683903

N-no this can't be true cutebros...

>> No.23683907

Calm the fuck down, crazy rabbit

>> No.23683909

when they said cute they meant like a little boy though

>> No.23683910

Random private Facebook photos of some dude's girlfriend/sister. Personal photos some 5ch girl posted of herself. Googled images with metadata changed for believability.

>> No.23683912

noel mindbreak doujins when

>> No.23683913

Please don't bully the knight. She can't hear herself.

>> No.23683915
File: 253 KB, 273x345, qb0km7d5a4l41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683918

Leaving business aside, which holo do you think actually sees her fans as something important to her?
I think I'll go with Marine.

>> No.23683919
File: 221 KB, 1200x900, Horse-fly[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683920


>> No.23683921
Quoted by: >>23683932

Miko is probably the closest thing Hololive has to an actual NEET, do you think she properly douches and cleans down there anon?

>> No.23683922


>> No.23683923

Pekora's first RPG world map, how...

>> No.23683925
Quoted by: >>23683931

My favorite narrative is Noel being mentally unbalanced, I get a lot of mileage out of that one in my jerk off fantasies.

>> No.23683926
Quoted by: >>23683959

>Towa moaning
My dick would instantly explode

>> No.23683927

Pekora is dead to me now

>> No.23683928
Quoted by: >>23683939


>> No.23683929

gotta start somewhere but i'm surprised she never played a rpg before.

>> No.23683930

Haato's so straight she can't keep a yuri ship she started herself without laughing and running.

>> No.23683931
Quoted by: >>23684010

But you don't have to imagine it anon you can watch it live. She said on her twitter she's getting a new cosplay delivered tonight and will be streaming in it soon

>> No.23683932

Considering how many eroge she must be reading, yes.

>> No.23683933

she gets so genuinely happy messing around with them

>> No.23683935

All of them.
Better question is who views their fans are being friends, in which case a loser like Baqua might.

>> No.23683936

Pekora is a normalfag.

>> No.23683937

>Leaving business aside, which holo do you think actually sees her fans as something important to her?
I don't care. I'll never interact with any of them in a meaningful way. They are just entertainers.

>> No.23683938

Unironically Pekora.

>> No.23683939

I just killed a man

>> No.23683940

RE 4 is Coco's first RE after all...

>> No.23683943

remember anons saying she's not a huge normie?

>> No.23683944

shut fuck up about my girl

>> No.23683946

5ch narrativefag reporting in
Matsuri will be the first hololive to defect to Nijisanji like Luna was the first nijisanji to defect to Hololive

>> No.23683948

at least she is willing to try something new unlike some... "purists".

>> No.23683950

Subaru memorizes the names of her paypigs and holds zatsudans quite often where she has fun talking to her chat. Her members only zatsudan was especially intimate and nice.

>> No.23683952
Quoted by: >>23683966

Pekora's voices for all the characters are very very very very very cute

>> No.23683953

not fucking the normal fag out of her

>> No.23683954

It's more likely for her to retire to focus on being an actual idol desu.

>> No.23683955
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, MakesYouThink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23683998


>> No.23683957

Choco does the same but for free

>> No.23683959
Quoted by: >>23683990


>> No.23683962


>> No.23683963
Quoted by: >>23683971

Someone look up 110 streams on NND and find out if she's lying

>> No.23683964

The most obvious narrative.

>> No.23683966
Quoted by: >>23683973

she will get tired very soon

>> No.23683968

Must be pretty easy for her when she's getting 600 views per stream.

>> No.23683969

If only I knew what kind of things to say to my holo... too much of a dumb sperg to talk properly...

>> No.23683970

here's my new narrative, please spread it to 5ch.
Matsuri will get caught molesting one of the other chuubas once the quarantine is over because she'll have so much pent up sexual frustration.

>> No.23683971
Quoted by: >>23683979

How about you fuck off instead?

>> No.23683972

the chart is making more sense

>> No.23683973

I'll be surprised if she even does a second stream

>> No.23683974
File: 2.62 MB, 1495x1440, 1588613864167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch over Towa while i'm gone so she doesn't fuck up while I'm sleeping.

>> No.23683975

peko is so pure, not knowing whats coming...

>> No.23683976


>> No.23683977
File: 78 KB, 680x383, EXOnAKUU0AA2PUj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based squirrel

>> No.23683979

Why? You afraid of the truth or something?

>> No.23683981
Quoted by: >>23683999

That's probably the one respectable thing about /a/, they remove/strongly discourage wojak/frogposting.

>> No.23683982
Quoted by: >>23684020

OK anon but only because Choco likes her design

>> No.23683983
Quoted by: >>23683986

Don't worry she's still sleeping

>> No.23683984

The IDs need to step up their thumbnail game

>> No.23683986


>> No.23683987

Haato has been giving me that vibe lately, but really I wouldn't know how to tell. Maybe it's easier to notice in the guys as they have way fewer listeners.

>> No.23683989

I really think this is why Fubuki has stopped talking to Matsuri, jokes aside.
In the past month or so Fubuki has become really close with Flare and Watame

>> No.23683990
File: 375 KB, 1451x2048, 1588606000314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23683992

How can other IDs even compete?
That said their is a Iofi Karaoke today for anyone that wants a laugh.

>> No.23683993
Quoted by: >>23684005

How is Choco having more fun with this game now all she has left is the shitty side quests and racing missions?

>> No.23683996
File: 73 KB, 600x800, D1fntldUcAAaxmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684011

She is a dumbass but she's also gay as fuck...or could be she's at that age where she is still figuring it out, but at the moment some of the stuff she's said about Watame or women in general tends to make me think she'll sway that way as she grows older.

>> No.23683997

kamige, based

>> No.23683998
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_izumi_sai__81f4731dafcc1c4e7eb575cf40eb6317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684003

>be matsuri's bf
>she's busy streaming Apex
>says she needs to pee
>signals you to get under her desk and on your knees
>tfw ywn be matsuri's personal toilet

>> No.23683999

I wish they'd do that everywhere. I left /v/ because of frogs and wojacks

>> No.23684002

Why the game doesn't have cast shadow?
Is this PS4 thing?

>> No.23684003

This fantasy is unrealistic because I would have been her chair the entire time

>> No.23684004

>will get caught molesting
Nigga, she's already admitted to molesting them plenty of times. She even molested Haato and Haato didn't even realise. She fucking fondled Choco's breasts and forced a kiss out of her. She's a sexual deviant that needs arresting

>> No.23684005

Before it was just hide and seek with hallways like a FF game.

>> No.23684007
File: 688 KB, 720x720, Nakiri_Ayame_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684012

>> No.23684008

God, I wish I was Matsuri

>> No.23684010
Quoted by: >>23684019

But she won't be screaming like her demonetization breakdown.

>> No.23684011
Quoted by: >>23684031

Anon... You need to stop falling for the memes. The only holo that actually likes women in any capacity is Matsuri

>> No.23684012
File: 40 KB, 393x400, 1f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684123

Please come back...

>> No.23684013

I can't believe anon is fucking dead.

>> No.23684014

this is like the 3rd time she said she'd stream VA-11 HALL-A next, then streams something else
dumb cockteasing tree rat

>> No.23684015

Someone tell Pekora about the shortcut to talk and inspect things

>> No.23684016
Quoted by: >>23684043

And Suisei.

>> No.23684019
Quoted by: >>23684024

No but, especially when she's drinking on stream at the same time, you always have the chance that she breaks down mid stream and starts crying.

>> No.23684020
File: 133 KB, 954x1026, 1584553356851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684030


>> No.23684021

She doesn't kiss anyone any more after Roboco.
Touching and groping between girls is normal.

>> No.23684022
Quoted by: >>23684027

Haato goes out of her way to make those stupid highlight videos for her fans and she interacts with a lot of them on Twitter, I unironically think she views them as her friends since she probably has none in Australia

>> No.23684023
Quoted by: >>23684028

Hololive getting drunk and passing out on stream when?

>> No.23684024

>breaks down mid stream and starts crying
Does she actually do this?

>> No.23684026
Quoted by: >>23684053

which holo makes the best imouto and why is it matsuri?

>> No.23684028
File: 650 KB, 1906x2048, 1588181453273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch Aki.

>> No.23684027

Of course she has none, she can't communicate with Australians.

>> No.23684029

>She fucking fondled Choco's breasts and forced a kiss out of her.

>> No.23684030

I'm so glad that Choco decided to go shopping instead of calling into this literal who so she could make 5 star gourmand food and post recipes for her fans instead

>> No.23684031
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, 1557188222727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tells anon to stop falling for memes
>fell for the biggest Hololive meme

>> No.23684033

it's from irl stories during just chatting streams

>> No.23684035
Quoted by: >>23684060

None of this is true.

>> No.23684037

She started winning/crying like a mentally unstable girl back when she found out she got demonetized live on stream.

>> No.23684038

No but i mean literally pass out

>> No.23684039

Yes she's done it a few times. The last time she got close to it was a long time ago though. Her mental health has definitely gotten a lot better since joining hololive. Her last "proper cry" on stream was while she was drunk and thinking about her parents

>> No.23684040
File: 35 KB, 589x247, squirrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck, IDs can take supacha from paypigs other than indogs?

>> No.23684041
Quoted by: >>23684066


damn Coco, I want evil within more

>> No.23684042

Towa's got a boyfriend lads...

>> No.23684043

Fondled or fondled and kissed? Jesus tho, which Holo has Matsuri not assaulted?

>> No.23684045
Quoted by: >>23684054

Streamlabs is better for social cred since it has leaderboards

>> No.23684046

sadly, yes...
she's also in an abusive relationship with all her increasingly devoted fans since they all figured out she is Noel and will probably look for revenge if she quits (or atleast that's what she probably fears)

>> No.23684047
Quoted by: >>23684068

She mentioned it in the recent drinking Zatsudan on Miko's channel with Coco, PPT, Miko, Choco as the cast. I can't remember the time exactly but it's when they pulled out the graph and started talking about where they should put Choco I think. They were discussing what kind of real life things they'd done together and Choco mentioned when they went out to eat yakiniku Matsuri fondled her tits and kissed her

>> No.23684048

Good, it'd be a shame if a beautiful girl like her went to waste

>> No.23684049

Wish Matsuri molested me

>> No.23684050


>> No.23684051

>Cute is the default description for people you don't want to fuck

>> No.23684053
File: 96 KB, 650x400, Looks+like+yall++never+seen+this+then+baka+_0c46d7902378d38f07228be94a0eb42b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

matsuri is god tier onee-san so you can get /ss/'d by her

haachama imouto would just be pic related

>> No.23684054

>social cred
small penis detected

>> No.23684055

Yeah and it's me.

>> No.23684056
Quoted by: >>23684069

Fondled Sui the first time she went to the studio.

>> No.23684059

I think Flare is pretty safe. Although there are reports of her roommate being very good-looking.

>> No.23684060

You mean it never happpened or no one said it did? Because they definitely said it did happen, and it's not like you have evidence they're lying

>> No.23684061

I hate you and myself for knowing what this is

>> No.23684063


Shien yo

>> No.23684064
Quoted by: >>23684076

its a normal and healthy thing to do
why haven't you got a partner?

>> No.23684065

>peko literally never play rpg before
explain this pekofags lol

>> No.23684066
Quoted by: >>23684115

Starting with the last one?

>> No.23684067

>that ear piercing Aqua shriek
Why was it like a blessing to my ears?

>> No.23684068
Quoted by: >>23684092

Which one rebuffed Matsuri and got annoyed when she tried it?

>> No.23684069
Quoted by: >>23684089

Can you fondle something that doesn't exist?

>> No.23684070

He should do a DBD collab with Choco

>> No.23684073
Quoted by: >>23684261

>Ywn put a tail plug all the way up in Haato's anus and then fuck her with a bride dress on

>> No.23684076

Planning on getting that Haato gf

>> No.23684077

peko at 26k views with a totally different genre of game thatn mgs, i know dragon quest is big but this is still impressive

>> No.23684078

The chart was correct, she's a normie

>> No.23684081

hot woman

>> No.23684082

show me the chart

>> No.23684083

Give Haato some credit she's not THIS stupid anon or that bouncy

>> No.23684084

Based Miko being honest

>> No.23684085

>Choco with Shien

>> No.23684086
Quoted by: >>23684101

How am I already liking him better than Kaoru?

>> No.23684087
Quoted by: >>23684100

more like haachama than her imouto

>> No.23684088

Pekora is the new Queen.

>> No.23684089

Matsuri finds a way.

>> No.23684090
Quoted by: >>23684101

i missed you, boyfriend poster.

>> No.23684091
Quoted by: >>23684103

>A cruel hearted bitch like Coco is playing Uncharted instead of a cooler hololive member
It just isn't fair...

>> No.23684092

Nobody because girls are fine with gay shit.
Even non-closet-homo guys are. Who hasn't rubbed tips with the boys.

>> No.23684093

Bros.... is festival okay?

>> No.23684094

This is one of the games I'd like to play if I ever became a cute anime girl. Still listen to the music sometimes when I work.

>> No.23684095


>> No.23684100


>> No.23684101

He's pretty cool.
I'm not him, I'm just honoring his memory...

>> No.23684102
Quoted by: >>23684110

But Choco will lose her maple prince

>> No.23684103
Quoted by: >>23684322

Coco isn't cruel at all, where did you get this narrative from?

>> No.23684105

i love this crazy rabbit's attack sounds

>> No.23684106 [DELETED] 

fucking normie reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.23684108

someone redraw this with haato and tweet it at her, she'll have no idea

>> No.23684109

You guys weren't kidding when you said Choco was boring. She's got such a cute design and voice, but fuck, man.

>> No.23684110

Don't cheat on her like Hoshikawa did or face the consequences I guess
Maple prince already gachikois for her room mate so I don't think so

>> No.23684111

Just got into Hololive, particularly Coco. Is her roommate actually an old hag!?

>> No.23684112

>squirrel playing Bastion
Holy based.

>> No.23684113
Quoted by: >>23684124

How much money did squirrel make on her monetization stream?

>> No.23684114

Matsuri's inevitable retirement!

>> No.23684115

Luna doing the same tho.

>> No.23684116

But no one said that.

>> No.23684117

Or just color edit it for Hoshikawa.
They're both morons.

>> No.23684119
Quoted by: >>23684146

>She'll have no idea
How do you know she's not watched it and self-inserted as the sister before? I'm Haato's age (roughly) and I saw it before

>> No.23684120


>> No.23684122

Sora and Azki's stream is surprisingly more comfy than I thought.

>> No.23684123

feels bad being an ayamebro..... it's okay... we're here for each other.

>> No.23684124
Quoted by: >>23684145

Enough to feed her ass for 1-2 months.

>> No.23684128

She's the go-to when you want to sleep, anon. I don't watch her, but I put her on when I go to sleep.

>> No.23684130
File: 299 KB, 2046x1447, EXNKIWWUcAAYRfG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is about to die, post your favorite holo

>> No.23684131

Her roommate is like 30, whether that's a hag or not depends on your own preferences. Her roommate definitely isn't wrinkly though

>> No.23684132

I prefer "laid back".

>> No.23684133
Quoted by: >>23684144

Hmm, I like his voice esp those small acting quips. I'll keep watching

>> No.23684134
Quoted by: >>23684142

I want them to play randomizers

>> No.23684135

Go watch Coco or something if you can only be entertained by non-stop high-pitched screaming and overreacting.

>> No.23684136

she's just that powerful. i also want to fondle her tits irl.

>> No.23684137

Sit tight anon the team is on their way to correct your opinion

>> No.23684138
File: 116 KB, 192x325, LunaAC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684141
File: 290 KB, 680x706, 1577456779953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684142
Quoted by: >>23684151

i want them to play my meat bugle

>> No.23684143
Quoted by: >>23684148

This is going to be a long playthrough isnt it?

>> No.23684144

Yeah his voice is a big draw for me.

>> No.23684145
File: 609 KB, 2480x1748, 1586877866469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 2? how expensive is Indo food?

>> No.23684146

Haato isn't an actual degen so I doubt she would look for that kind of hentai. Probably just vanilla and stuff she finds of herself on pixiv

>> No.23684147
File: 37 KB, 288x288, chocosubchpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684156


>> No.23684148

Dragon Quest games are long anon

>> No.23684149
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1697, teritamayo_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684150
Quoted by: >>23684171

She has to buy a new PC too and pay her sister for melting her laptop.

>> No.23684151
Quoted by: >>23684163

why not just let them touch your cock and balls

>> No.23684152
File: 109 KB, 724x1024, 1588613285188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684167


>> No.23684154

Sorry Anon
if you disrespect the thread darlings Choco and Towa you face death

>> No.23684157
File: 504 KB, 679x960, 61b75041a7ae3f151ba08a8c8f3ae19b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684166


>> No.23684156

Post that one image of Choco 3D in her swimsuit

>> No.23684158


>> No.23684161
File: 209 KB, 751x779, EWyUYrrU8AAzS6N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684162

>filtered by first dungeon

>> No.23684163


>> No.23684164
File: 666 KB, 654x874, 1558635364669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684165

based jii chan

>> No.23684166

Thick dog.

>> No.23684167
Quoted by: >>23684198

This is the dumbest narrative so far.

>> No.23684168


>> No.23684170

1-2$ for a decent meal, can go lower or higher.

>> No.23684171

Nah, if she's smart she can spend an only quarter of that and she's fine for like 6 months or so

>> No.23684173

I don't have it sorry anon. Back when Choco did those streams I didn't really care too much about taking pictures

>> No.23684175

Pekora getting fucked by wild rabbits...

>> No.23684176
File: 184 KB, 878x1200, 1586923746207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684178

Don't know how I feel about this.

>> No.23684179

Now let's just hope Choco doesn't fall asleep before she gets to use it. She only slept for like 4 hours too.

>> No.23684180
File: 1.51 MB, 1488x2160, mat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684181

>a lot of sleep

>> No.23684183

It's a lot of sleep for her considering she stays up all night

>> No.23684184
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, twisted firestarter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684185
File: 498 KB, 1280x720, 1588228497732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684186

thats the prettiest bottle of water i have seen in my life

>> No.23684187
File: 227 KB, 1600x900, Greenscreenswim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I have some of these from her old member only posts that I can repost here

>> No.23684188
Quoted by: >>23684195

You guys don't sleep 4hs and less? How do you follow the holos then?

>> No.23684189

Heartbeat ASMR can feel a bit weird but I find them oddly calming. It should be interesting at least.

>> No.23684190
Quoted by: >>23684201

Why is there so much swimsuit peko art?

>> No.23684192

probably less if she takes a while to actually fall asleep

>> No.23684194
Quoted by: >>23684203

i-is he actually saying PIZZA randomly every 1~2 minutes?

>> No.23684195

Sometimes, but I don't consider it sleeping a lot.

>> No.23684196


>> No.23684198

It's a fitting narrative for neo-/hlg/

>> No.23684199

shien's an actual dork, nice voice and funny

>> No.23684201

>Why is there so much swimsuit peko art?
Seicoh has been going nuts with Pekora lewds lately.

>> No.23684202
Quoted by: >>23684208

She's part of the Japanese generation where they consider 6 hours of sleep a sleep-in. It's fucked and I'm glad it's changing now so they don't all die at 40

>> No.23684203

Sometimes it's mozzarella.

>> No.23684204
File: 878 KB, 1240x1754, EXOH1BUVAAEEwpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684212


>> No.23684206

Shien yo...

>> No.23684207

Liked his rapping

>> No.23684208

Don't Japanese have the longest life spans on average?
Are the retired japs just immortal or something?

>> No.23684212
Quoted by: >>23684221

is this the strong okayu or weak okayu

>> No.23684213

As holos haven't been playing lately, does anon want to play some tetris?


>> No.23684214

>Final Answer
Onion is a dork

>> No.23684216
File: 213 KB, 850x1215, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_enumiyan__sample-73cd35c91320df215ea4ef67c8587df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684217

Heartbeat ASMR is pretty good man

>> No.23684218

All of the new gen are good.

>> No.23684220
File: 70 KB, 724x1024, EXGhnSOVcAMM1SY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes not even my favourite but jesus, the fact she gets all the best art and is the sexiest crazy rabbit. i want to fuck this rabit

>> No.23684221

It's the "Good aim, but runs away in a straight line" Okayu.

>> No.23684224

It dips up and down, there's the 30-45 range of Japanese people right now who have beyond fucked their sleeping pattern that it's a societal norm that if you sleep 8 hours you're considered lazy. The older generation that live that long are from a different time.

>> No.23684226
Quoted by: >>23684258

I've saved countless fantastic lewds of Pekora, but I've never fapped to her. I just can't bring myself to do it for some reason.

>> No.23684228
File: 288 KB, 874x591, 1583927288878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They fell for the 8 hr meme
I know people in there 60's that sleep for like 6, Arnold Schwarzenegger only sleeps for 6

Marine and Korone should be fine with 4-5 especially since they just stream, don't try to do anything too mentally or physically tasking on that amount though it'll fuck you up

>> No.23684229

>bunny ferret thing holding up her braided ponytail
Damn that's nice

>> No.23684233

I like the little impressions he does. Dunno if anyone else is this hyper and dorky in holostars

>> No.23684234

Its the elderly that tend to live longer since they dont have to deal with the current society that thrives on overtime and abusing its workforce

>> No.23684235
File: 825 KB, 1080x1080, Choco5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May as well post some of these since I never bothered to look at them and she doesn't really post them anymore

>> No.23684236

pekora gets amazing art and damn this is one nice drawing

>> No.23684237

Turn based games make for bad streams. Change my mind

>> No.23684239
File: 93 KB, 591x680, 1fqSBUEAAVeWV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Quest
Ah yeah, we're going to get Toriyama styled art of Pekora soon

>> No.23684240

You clearly don't have a mind for me to change in the first place. What you got there in that hollow skull of yours?

>> No.23684241

It's true though.

>> No.23684242
Quoted by: >>23684254

>All these random encounters every five steps
This seems a little overkill

>> No.23684243

If the streamer can speak her mind during what she's doing or think ahead it makes it interesting.

>> No.23684244

the 26k people watching say otherwise

>> No.23684247
Quoted by: >>23684263

so do threads on /jp/ just auto die at 2000 now I only really come here for /hlg/

>> No.23684249

God I wish I could draw.

>> No.23684250
File: 411 KB, 1080x1080, Choco8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this make you feel?

>> No.23684251
File: 133 KB, 650x887, ET9NYhLU0AEqvjM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684254

I feel like random encounters are necessary, but they need to tune it down so it doesn't keep fucking interrupting your exploration

>> No.23684256
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1588392083231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you're right?

>> No.23684257

Is he contender for kuzuha ?

>> No.23684258

You better not...

>> No.23684260


>> No.23684261

I don't want to wear a bride dress.

>> No.23684263

They've never reached 2000 before /hlg/, so now they auto die at 2k cause the meido's old phone couldn't handle the 4k post threads.

>> No.23684265

Most of the people watching are for pekora

>> No.23684266
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, Choco11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684278

Imagine snuggling up with THIS!

>> No.23684267

Wo..wouldn't you rather suck it instead?

>> No.23684268

Makes me want to protect my crotch

>> No.23684270
Quoted by: >>23684274

somebody help noel... she's getting bullied...

>> No.23684272

Turn based and DQ are Japanese favourite.

>> No.23684273

>Aqua sees hammers
>it's over...

>> No.23684274

by my cock I hope

>> No.23684275
Quoted by: >>23684283

her foot looks weird

>> No.23684277

Only if your chuuba's boring. If they're interesting, then they can focus on talking, making jokes, telling stories, and communicating feelings on deeper levels than screaming and saying "yabai".

>> No.23684278

Keeping going anon
I'm almost there

>> No.23684279
File: 1.32 MB, 704x394, 1583252955434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684280

post THAT subaru webm

>> No.23684281

ATB ftw

>> No.23684283
File: 237 KB, 1080x1080, Choco13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cause it's a shoe

>> No.23684287

why do you think boring girls lime Towa have to play fast paced FPS games just to stay relevant?

>> No.23684288
File: 1.44 MB, 1488x2160, mat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

splooge on matsuri instead of some old used up hag!

>> No.23684289

yabe died, she mangled his body 12 hours no stop

>> No.23684290

>telling stories during story-heavy/narrative-heavy games
When you're watching turn-based games, you're watching it for the game.
If I wanted to play the game I'd go play it.
Some people even find it rude if they're not paying attention to what's happening.

>> No.23684291
File: 74 KB, 473x473, Choco35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684292


>> No.23684293


She changed to start with the first one.

>> No.23684295

Sluts who try too hard don't do anything for me. Desperation is the least attractive quality a woman can have.

>> No.23684296
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1080, Choco2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23684298
Quoted by: >>23684318

Can't believe one level took her all the way down to 0 lives

>> No.23684299
Quoted by: >>23684305

Everything about choco's design is trying too hard to be sexy though.

>> No.23684305

Choco just dresses in the way she finds most comfortable, she doesn't try to be sexy she just is

>> No.23684309
File: 185 KB, 579x245, Choco Stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23684316

You guys ready for Chocos stream?

>> No.23684312
File: 144 KB, 1655x1239, mat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure but beggars cant be choosers so splooge now or else

>> No.23684313
Quoted by: >>23684315

Wow you can actually see Pekora's eyes moving to read the text.

>> No.23684314

>all girls server

>> No.23684315
Quoted by: >>23684328

I think someone pointed that out during the MGS streams too, it is pretty neat that the software is that good

>> No.23684316
Quoted by: >>23684324

This just reminds me that she'll probably be gone completely from the internet by the time this date passes. Don't forget to archive your favourite streams anon

>> No.23684318

It was a confusing level for sure.

>> No.23684319

The stars have their own server don' they?

>> No.23684320

I would rather die a virgin than spend my seed on whores

>> No.23684322

he gave coco $200 to teach him japanese, but coco told him to GTFO and do his reps on his own instead

>> No.23684323
File: 387 KB, 625x598, 1586800941907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684324

>she'll probably be gone completely from the internet by the time this date passes
Fuck anon you can't just say things like that. Even if you're probably right.

>> No.23684325

considering you can get people pregnant in Ark they don't want weird RP to happen

>> No.23684326

>That picture
You just know

>> No.23684328

Maybe IRL Peko has big eyes so it's easier for the program to track the pupils

>> No.23684331
File: 542 KB, 1080x1080, Choco6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember during her swimsuit stream the part of her body that she was most excited to show off was her belly button. That's pretty hot

>> No.23684332
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 1588381909480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23684333

Nearly all if not all of them seem to have dropped ARK already, not that it was doing much for their numbers to begin with.
