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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.16 MB, 4093x2894, EUk4mDNUMAMkFB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23641766 No.23641766 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23641776


>> No.23641783
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x1536, 1588293994466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641786

whos ready for movie night with peko

>> No.23641790
File: 1022 KB, 4096x1971, EWwsqmgWkAA633B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best gen

>> No.23641794 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1588383603840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23641978

>> No.23641795

>star city comet
>kanata has a star shaped halo

>> No.23641796

FBK is so based

>> No.23641799

Senpai desu cuck!

>> No.23641798

roboco is here!

>> No.23641803

You're awful Coco...

>> No.23641804

>star shaped halo
Are you retarded?

>> No.23641807
File: 1.45 MB, 4093x2894, EWxCIaiWAAUcxeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Kaichou after all

>> No.23641809
File: 297 KB, 2457x1440, EQZ9Zw7UYAIlXQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always right in front of our faces!

>> No.23641813

that roboco jacket seems pretty wearable

>> No.23641816
File: 773 KB, 1235x522, roboco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10000 yen for amazing Roboco sweater

>> No.23641817

Wow this Roboco thing actually looks nice. Too bad they probably don't produce it in gaijin human size

>> No.23641818

strongest hololive power couple

>> No.23641820
Quoted by: >>23641838

>100 bucks for a basic hoodie
I can buy one for 20 bucks at Walmart

>> No.23641822
Quoted by: >>23642048

its pretty shit because it doesnt have the zipper in the middle for cleavages

>> No.23641825
File: 2.28 MB, 4096x2891, EWc1CMHVcAEYXyv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641831

>has huge ass ears on the back
Haha what the fuck

>> No.23641832

>bunny ears on the hood
its fucking ruined

>> No.23641836

I only like Luna and Towa.

>> No.23641838

Yeah but does Walmart sell THE Roboco jumper? Yeah that's what I thought

>> No.23641841

How did Kanata become besties with Coco so fast? Suisei knew Kanata long before Coco but it only took Coco a few months to firmly establish herself as Kanata's noble confidant.

>> No.23641843
File: 207 KB, 848x1199, EW-eyeQVAAAfN52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641844

Remember to support the Holostars!

>> No.23641849

If you were a true Robocochad, you would wear it and go out bursting with your power level.

>> No.23641850
Quoted by: >>23642072

i just woke up, only watched from coco's merch
what other merch was there before coco's?

>> No.23641851
File: 75 KB, 637x900, 89b0cfc451fd3745f47087162772214d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i caved and bought the keychain collection and the towa tapestry

>> No.23641853

Cocochama is easy to make friends with.

>> No.23641856

sometimes you just really click with someone without much effort and become besties really fast

based towa paypiggu

>> No.23641859

I don't like guys

>> No.23641860

Coco is a western attitude chad, she attracts people to her like a charistmatic leader despite being a complete autist by western standards

>> No.23641863
File: 199 KB, 1200x900, EW-enayUYAAbW3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641867

>no extra aqua merch because she's streaming right now

>> No.23641870
Quoted by: >>23641931

Here's your threadly boat: https://files.catbox.moe/phjwpl.webm

>> No.23641875
Quoted by: >>23641909

Are you gay or something?

>> No.23641876

>Having fun watching a man makes you gay
Are you just that insecure about your sexuality?

>> No.23641877

coco has been working hard to build good relationship with the other members, even towa, but then towa almost doxed her

>> No.23641882
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, 78856013_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23641906

She's a Stacy it is impossible to hate her once you get to know her

>> No.23641883

post that roboco webm!

>> No.23641889

I only like Watame, Coco, and Kanata.

>> No.23641890

Dont they live within walking distance of each other?

>> No.23641891
Quoted by: >>23642122


>> No.23641892
Quoted by: >>23642381

More like Lsoon to be morbidly obese with a beer belly cup

>> No.23641894
Quoted by: >>23642314

this image doxed noel...

>> No.23641898

The Dragon Emperor has her General of the Left Watame and General of the Right Kanata

>> No.23641899
Quoted by: >>23641932

yes, but it still makes you gay retard

>> No.23641903
File: 679 KB, 956x1822, 2124237-hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That robocco hoodie

>> No.23641905

same, but also the holocomi goods set

>> No.23641906

Man all Japanese men need to do to be considered chads is just look people in the eye and talk clearly. How the fuck are they so sheepish?>>23641882

>> No.23641909
File: 94 KB, 700x1200, 1563383468615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all the same "no u"

>> No.23641918
File: 236 KB, 1200x1457, 1587868184830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most probably has something to do with them living so close, could also be acquainted before Hololive or became so close to applying. Maybe got this close because Kanatan was actively asking for advice about vtubing and Coco had a ton to share. Now look at them, both at the top of Hololive this month.

>> No.23641923
File: 277 KB, 1024x2270, 1582682202600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641925
Quoted by: >>23642035


>> No.23641926
File: 33 KB, 366x189, brave_2020-05-01_18-49-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggot. It's ok if you're gay.

>> No.23641929
Quoted by: >>23641934

ponytail roboco.... how of ten do we get to see this?

>> No.23641931

Is she mentally ill?

>> No.23641932
Quoted by: >>23642590

I suppose people who watch sports are all homosexuals then because the athletes are male?
I'm actually the biggest homophobe around and I agree with the wahhabis when they suggest throwing them from the top of a building anon. There is nothing gay about hanging with a dude

>> No.23641934
Quoted by: >>23641947

ask anon to post that webm

>> No.23641935
Quoted by: >>23641984

non canon ears

>> No.23641945


>> No.23641947

anon please post that webm?

>> No.23641950

nah there's no way

>> No.23641960

It's funny watching the /pol/tard take obvious bait so hard.

>> No.23641964
Quoted by: >>23641966

Wait who is Aqua collabing with?

>> No.23641965
File: 202 KB, 1120x1200, 1587560369458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the good old times, anons?
Will it ever be like this for them again?

>> No.23641966


>> No.23641968
File: 116 KB, 735x1000, ENTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23641996

fucking pussy

>> No.23641969

Soon 4th genbros... Kanatan and Towa haven't been busy for nothing.

>> No.23641970

Thank god Subaru moved her FF6 stream back 4 hours. So much good shit happening in a few hours.

>> No.23641972

Cool, the bunny ears are removable

>> No.23641973

Maybe. Depends on whether Coco forces them to interact or not

>> No.23641977
Quoted by: >>23641990

Fuck almost wearable I knew it was too good

>> No.23641978


Cute cheeks.

>> No.23641982

Based, wish i could buy stuff but im pretty sure shipping all the way to mexico is going to be a pain in the ass.

>> No.23641984
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, 1587352065198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642127

>towa will not participate in ahegao challenge
Why so prude?

>> No.23641986

I want Fubuki to squeeze the lifeforce out of my loins as she calls me a filthy kaigai

>> No.23641990

I think they are detachable.

>> No.23641991
File: 46 KB, 700x700, EK7-AOQU8AEQH2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full ears instead of hafu
>connected twin tails
Get your ugly face away from me

>> No.23641992
File: 118 KB, 461x424, 1587348962909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about shion, something about her forehead and eyebrows, i want to see it everyday

>> No.23641995

not until the corona virus passes

>> No.23641996
File: 119 KB, 735x1000, lyger on the prowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23641999

ass too big

>> No.23642000
File: 36 KB, 500x500, roboco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cute if you're not a fat fuck

>> No.23642003

Bros...the てぇてぇ...I miss it...

>> No.23642005

i like you, shionposter

>> No.23642006
Quoted by: >>23642031

>implying sweaters aren't perfect for fat fucks

>> No.23642008

look ok tbqh

>> No.23642012

thanks to this anon I too can see it everyday

>> No.23642013
File: 2.70 MB, 2800x3000, yonkisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642042

Here's a higher quality version, anon.

>> No.23642014

Does it come in gaijin size or is it made only for midgets?

>> No.23642016
Quoted by: >>23642041

BGM is pretty funky

>> No.23642017
File: 1.15 MB, 2508x3541, __oozora_subaru_hololive_drawn_by_borumete__20e6dd9164c676e1b24959a582febd36 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642030

I want to fuck this duck

>> No.23642019
Quoted by: >>23642037

I'm so tired...
I'll see you guys in 6 hours
Please leave some merch for me...

>> No.23642021

I'm gonna buy it and display my powerlevel

>> No.23642022
File: 113 KB, 536x1125, Tokoyami.Towa.full.2803564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642056

make an official towa hat

>> No.23642027
File: 37 KB, 334x434, EN0B8R1UEAAlfi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coco can be stopped...

>> No.23642028

Im pretty sure there would have been atleast one of those collabs again but corona is stopping everything, same with okakoro collabs since they were offline most of the time.

>> No.23642029
Quoted by: >>23642043

Legit looks like cheap garbage

>> No.23642030

Don't recognise that. Which holo is it?

>> No.23642031

any clothes covering their unsightly body is perfect for fat fucks

>> No.23642035
File: 124 KB, 1162x1134, 1565298291711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dork

>> No.23642036

Its probably Japanese sizes so you might wanna order a much larger size than usual

>> No.23642037

Oyasumi holobro

>> No.23642038

I use to be lonely and depressed until I found these threads and holo girls. Now each day is fun and not lonely

I know it sounds a bit cringe but I thank you guys.

>> No.23642041

It's pretty nice.

>> No.23642042


>> No.23642043

He's not a dork he's the boss
Yeah but it's Roboco's cheap garbage

>> No.23642044
File: 117 KB, 923x1199, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642045

>paw print sole
holy shit

>> No.23642047
Quoted by: >>23642120

I pretty sure I would have went insane during the quarantine without the holos.

>> No.23642048
File: 480 KB, 1417x2000, Roboco.full.2492820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642062

this is why you buy the pink one

>> No.23642049

Thanks to you too for being here with us every day

>> No.23642050
Quoted by: >>23642059

look at it yourself https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1256402047835881473?s=20

>> No.23642051
File: 733 KB, 1200x901, EUlwF32UwAkZ9Ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642052

Uhh, should've went with bigger size camo pattern like in the picture, this looks bad compared to the picture...

>> No.23642053

Same bro. Keep working on yourself, as hard as your favourite chuuba do!

>> No.23642056
File: 102 KB, 351x435, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__25b8fe42554f5e83a712e6bdb9df6f02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd 100% buy it if I could afford it
But I can't
So I'd just do my part and shill it multiple times per thread

>> No.23642057
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1578261974627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good now go sub to Towa and become family

>> No.23642058

you're laughing?
fubuki is ODing on AsaCoco and you're laughing?

>> No.23642059

Not at all bro. Everyone is a bit lonely in these times thanks to the based China virus keeping us all inside
Thanks pal

>> No.23642060


>> No.23642062

I'd wear the fuck out of that honestly. I usually hate pink too.

>> No.23642065

You're still lonely and depressed, now you're just delusional too

>> No.23642066
File: 43 KB, 1080x607, you're gonna be my friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642138

Thats cool anon, hope the girls drive you to become a better person.

>> No.23642067

My wife aki is cute today!

>> No.23642069

>discord sound compression
My ears

>> No.23642070

kakage posting all his hololive art . what a good boy

>> No.23642071
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1587561106796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, anon. I went from mild apathy to smiling every day because of holos and this thread.

>> No.23642072


Just the regular merch I believe.

>> No.23642073 [DELETED] 
File: 1017 KB, 850x1779, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_litsvn__a854e97a4ac81c0dc49528f34f39cef2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest suisei doxx details: https://streamable.com/fz8om5

>> No.23642077

Yeah I'm out.

>> No.23642078
File: 33 KB, 277x346, choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace the cringe anon it makes us stronger

>> No.23642079


>> No.23642081

That's my wife anon. My third one

>> No.23642083

I feel like i have ascended

>> No.23642087


>> No.23642088
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1588072013185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay healthy

>> No.23642090

There are almost 1200 people waiting for peko's stream two hours away.

>> No.23642091


>> No.23642092
File: 2.06 MB, 2039x2504, 75950937_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642097

Destroyed Rushia for being fake live in front of 30k viewers

>> No.23642097

How does she keep getting away with it peko?

>> No.23642098
Quoted by: >>23642114

Man, I am NOT a fan of MS4 but it's Peko...This is so conflicting!

>> No.23642099

wake me up when Towa appears

>> No.23642100

>pekora shitting the whole canvas

>> No.23642101
Quoted by: >>23642118


>> No.23642104

now post a cumtribution to your fav holo

>> No.23642105

Feel the same way, I probably wouldn't of ever even found out about these dorky girls without this quarentine shit and I have fun in these threads

>> No.23642106
File: 168 KB, 1400x796, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this

>> No.23642107

Pekora cancels out Rushia's awfulness though.

>> No.23642108


>> No.23642110
File: 57 KB, 381x538, respect-mah-authorichama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off fag and give me a hug.

>> No.23642114

https://youtu.be/lO2Zp4nwsFA just watch when peko reach that part

>> No.23642116
File: 454 KB, 2688x1512, 1583731386014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having something to look forward to each day is rather nice, and I've finally motivated myself to start seriously learning nip. Take care of yourself Anon

>> No.23642117
File: 143 KB, 750x1800, 1588111743975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad that I'll probably miss Pekora's stream completely but I just can't stay awake any longer. Instead I'm gonna hope once again to see a Kanatan dream, maybe tonight's the night. G'night.

>> No.23642118

this reminds me of that mario party 2 face morph minigame


>> No.23642119


for the lost boys

>> No.23642120

Yeah, vtuber videos have at least made jp study a lot more fun while I'm stuck at home all day.

>> No.23642121
Quoted by: >>23642128

Not the first time a Japanese company has put restrictions on videos of their game either. Persona 5 banned the ending too for the launch period.

>> No.23642123 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 789x889, speedreaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As entertaining as it was to watch anons sperg out about Suisei being full Russian or half slav or quarter сука it seems to be dying down so let me put a stake in it

Here's the context of that stupid twitter conversation from 8 years ago, it was obviously a joke about Suisei's Tetris obsession

sasuga /hlg/ retards and 5ch autist


>> No.23642122
Quoted by: >>23642140


To be honest, it does seem kind of weird that Coco is allowed to get away with "haha drugs".

>> No.23642125

Why is Rushia so bad

>> No.23642127

she doesnt like low effort trash

>> No.23642128

That's fucking stupid. Japan is stupid

>> No.23642132
Quoted by: >>23642145

Surprised how good she is at drawing.

>> No.23642133 [DELETED] 

You got my hopes up

>> No.23642135

exposed the racist faker

>> No.23642136
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1576321854877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants you to prep her bullSugita

>> No.23642138

God I miss Fourze

>> No.23642139 [DELETED] 

OK blacked bros we were safe this time. Thought we lost another one to the yts

>> No.23642140

Big Dragon Energy usually allows you to get away with everything.

>> No.23642141
Quoted by: >>23645886

I'm sure you will. I usually have a dream about the most talked about holos of the day, and Kanata was pretty popular today, and theres a chance of her showing up in a suisei dream too!

>> No.23642142
File: 1.58 MB, 338x480, 1587230938954.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left towa on the right

>> No.23642143
File: 410 KB, 1456x2080, ERn6QiOU8AAezAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some one post the longest pekora laugh

>> No.23642145

I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.23642146

Did I just hear something about calorie

>> No.23642147
Quoted by: >>23646201

human contact , even the fucked up type here , is nice. just remember to take care of yourself, dont let this be your only outlet

>> No.23642148

sugita is such a lucky man...

>> No.23642150

They should've gotten Towa on this drawing segment as well.

>> No.23642151

Fuck Rushia

>> No.23642152

I thought you guys told me that Rushia was terrible at drawing. She's like Suisei tier.

>> No.23642153

bunny cunny

>> No.23642154

cant wait to see all the eop's wondering when the cutscenes end

>> No.23642156
Quoted by: >>23645886

Hope she steps on you again bro peace out

>> No.23642158

I love Rushia

>> No.23642159

that's gay

>> No.23642161

>marrying your tomboy childhood friend and all you do is practice wrestling moves all day on the couch

>> No.23642163
Quoted by: >>23642179

Do you want Pekora to fucking die? Because that's how you get Pekora killed. Sugitas gachikois are scarier than China.

>> No.23642164

They were talking about CalorieMate which is a snack that is also featured in MGS

>> No.23642165

Towa isn't a dude

>> No.23642166

Probably Calorie Mate, referencing Pekora's MGS 3 stream.

>> No.23642170
File: 741 KB, 735x1000, 1588302453567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642172

oh fuck

>> No.23642173

was aqua not invited to this hololive event that's going on?

>> No.23642174

why isnt rushia drawing bros

>> No.23642176
Quoted by: >>23642184

HoloRUS has already debuted right under our noses, that's why they don't label Suisei under any Gen.

>> No.23642177
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1518990733519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642185

I've finally listened to Rushia's full RingFit video with headphones

...I can understand why it was taken down, this was pure fap fuel. Rushia was doing that on purpose

>> No.23642178

it's 2020 where the fuck are my animated tshirts

>> No.23642179

If anyone is worthy of breeding her it's Sugita Miko worth the fan reaction if they release the video and both did it in character voices

>> No.23642181

rushia is bottom left

>> No.23642182
File: 108 KB, 1372x786, EW78dbrXgAAN9Ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642191

tfw no towachama tomboy gf...

>> No.23642183

I still think it's funny and it's been like 6 weeks.

>> No.23642184

can i get some contex suisei and rushia narrative?

>> No.23642185

She's the Gachikoi Queen for a reason.

>> No.23642187


>> No.23642188


>> No.23642190

T-Towa tomboy gf...

>> No.23642191

mfw https://streamable.com/qckb6y

>> No.23642192

Cute *

>> No.23642193


>> No.23642197

i kneel

>> No.23642198

Sensei is getting uber eats again bros... not like this

>> No.23642199
File: 197 KB, 980x588, 1587846363294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642200

Anon...your reps

>> No.23642204
Quoted by: >>23642212

Why is Rushia's drawing some mixed breed abomination?

>> No.23642205
Quoted by: >>23642221

FBK is the one not drawing

>> No.23642206
File: 78 KB, 1395x793, miko sleepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite thread-specific meme

>> No.23642209
Quoted by: >>23642227

Wait what stream are you guys watching with Rushia?

>> No.23642212

She saw all the posts we made about Haato and Suise being mixed race

>> No.23642213

Aki is actually a decent drawer..

>> No.23642216
Quoted by: >>23642250

do YOU kneel?

>> No.23642219

Suisei came from Rushia.

>> No.23642220
File: 362 KB, 1280x720, KAqNqNE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing a vtubers 3d form is like seeing rhett without a beard

>> No.23642221

copying pekora then copying aki
truly the lowest scum in hololive

>> No.23642222
File: 289 KB, 1460x2048, EW-iz16UcAAA0hB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is my miko merch YAGOO

>> No.23642223

Which hololiver has the least amount of english commenters? It's physically hurts me seeing the "sugoi (insert hololive idol here) xD" comments all the time.

>> No.23642226


>> No.23642227

hololive comi

>> No.23642229
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, 1586692819412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki drawing fortune cookie on stream

>> No.23642231


>> No.23642232

pekora has the best drawing

>> No.23642233

sugoi based chat reading retard xD

>> No.23642236

In a convention trashcan from a couple years ago.

>> No.23642237

Flare, Sora, Azki and any one of them during a zatsudan stream. Choco gets 1 or 2 EOPs in her member streams

>> No.23642238


>> No.23642239
Quoted by: >>23642271

Sugoi Korone

>> No.23642240
File: 1.07 MB, 312x504, 1588047991380.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really wanna bouncy doggo gf

>> No.23642242
Quoted by: >>23642252

She also has the least amount of japanese commenters!

>> No.23642244
Quoted by: >>23642271

If we told you then you'd just shit up their chat.

>> No.23642246
Quoted by: >>23642253

Move to Canada then

>> No.23642247

Anon, you took all my answers. What the fuck.
Kanata also doesn't have many EOPs in chat but they've been growing lately.

>> No.23642248
Quoted by: >>23642259

Towa is not a tomboy, luna is not a loli. learn some new words.

>> No.23642249
Quoted by: >>23642256

There's a new rumor going around on 5ch that Minato Aqua is a total babe irl

>> No.23642250
File: 111 KB, 259x274, 1584061868336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all kneel to the Mikochad but even he kneels to Miko

>> No.23642251 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 468x135, 1588385828441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei actually from russia

so she half? neat, that's make me love her more, at least the way she speak japanese not shit like kson or coco

>> No.23642253

im here now what

>> No.23642252
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1586497061401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642254

Which Hololive would break first under military degree torture and interrogation? Which would fare the best?

>> No.23642256

Doubt it, shes a neet

>> No.23642255 [DELETED] 

Anon... read this thread too
Narrative has been dismantled already

>> No.23642259
Quoted by: >>23642277

Luna is 0 years old though.
But yes her body type is not loli.
Towa is also not really tomboy she just has a deep voice. Not sure why people think she is one.

>> No.23642260
File: 87 KB, 769x1133, 1583899497375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642262

The 2 previous voice packs goods are on delivery hold and you want to add a third one to the waiting list ?

>> No.23642263 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642357

It was a mistranslation by dumbass EOP google translator like the smoking thing.

>> No.23642264
File: 559 KB, 1098x1000, 1583143080380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gonna beat the apolovideo

>> No.23642265

Go to the animal shelter and you can adopt all the bouncy doggo GFs you want

>> No.23642266
Quoted by: >>23642287

Rushia's drawing is actually pretty cute. As expected of my daughterwife.

>> No.23642268

Literally just enjoy the holos and ignore EOPs
I wish I could cuddle with korone after playing a kusoge for 20hrs

>> No.23642270

I bought the keychains and my chuuba's White Day voice pack.

>> No.23642271

Why do you hurt me like this
But anon, I'm just trying to practice my reading reps without wanting to claw my eyes out

>> No.23642272

Yeah I'm thinking aki has this in the bag.

>> No.23642276


>> No.23642277
Quoted by: >>23642288

They think she must be a tomboy due to her voice but she's actually one of the more girly members.

>> No.23642279

those aren't mutually exclusive things

>> No.23642281 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642356

How do they know this? Are they trying to dox her? I hate it when people do this crap, just leave her alone.

We all like our escapism

>> No.23642280

Don't worry, I have the apology video on loop.

>> No.23642283
File: 36 KB, 389x209, Untitledtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the line, Rushia !

>> No.23642284
File: 1003 KB, 586x480, 1576602409572.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pretty much never see english comments on marine's streams

>> No.23642285
Quoted by: >>23643001

its easy to become friends with someone whom lives close and literally can get lunch and bring it over your house to eat it with you
im pretty sure kanata and coco will become irl roommates in a year or two if things go well, they'd really be a good support system for each other

>> No.23642287

Shes a psycho lol

>> No.23642288

I don't even watch Towa and I knew that.
sasuga EOPs

>> No.23642289
File: 2.61 MB, 584x720, 1588299831893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642290

Funnily enough, Aqua from time to time. For all her popularity, the amount of English is very minimal compared to other chuubas.

>> No.23642293

thats a crime

>> No.23642295

but anime tells me neet girls are always hot

>> No.23642296

marine speaks so fast it's pointless for gaijin to try and understand her

>> No.23642298 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642356



>> No.23642300

What the fuck Towa return those glasses

>> No.23642301

Just wait till they find out she likes JoJo
It'll all be over then

>> No.23642302
Quoted by: >>23642320

aki's drawing is cute

>> No.23642310 [DELETED] 

No... My perfect idol goddess Suichan can't be a smoker.....

>> No.23642314
Quoted by: >>23642365

explain further

>> No.23642319
Quoted by: >>23642340

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIOQjL-1BD8 Coco

>> No.23642320
File: 682 KB, 2480x3508, 1577773042227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642336

You only like it because she drew FBK's butthole and put her in spats and a bra for some reason

>> No.23642321 [DELETED] 

Anon, update your narrative, we're talking about how long will be the delay for all Holo goods that have to be shipped overseas.

>> No.23642324

She has a lot of good taste for us older dudes.

>> No.23642326

Cute towa noises!

>> No.23642328 [DELETED] 

I can't believe Susei smokes...

>> No.23642329
File: 535 KB, 1981x2316, EWbmdQWU0AEMvEs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best girl stream

>> No.23642330
File: 1.12 MB, 1413x2000, EW-jV9MVcAAWFbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642333

Suisei is the biggest fake and would immediately sell everybody out before the interrogator even says anything.
Luna would somehow still be talking like a baby throughout the whole thing and freak the interrogator out.

>> No.23642336

i like it becaues aki is my 2nd favorite!

>> No.23642339 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642356

Suisei is half Russian? So hot.

>> No.23642340
File: 9 KB, 269x105, 1585837802327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Coco gachikoi

>> No.23642341

"Where did you hide the Asacoco?!"

>> No.23642350

>Luna would somehow still be talking like a baby throughout the whole thing and freak the interrogator out.

>> No.23642349
Quoted by: >>23642359

Noel would break first; she's already mentally unstable. She'd probably get shot as she lashed out in anger though.
Luna would fare the best; she's already passed insanity.

>> No.23642352 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 306x306, Pepe-The-Frog-Enough-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642356 [DELETED] 

>so she half?
1/4 Japanese + 3/4 Russian, OR
3/4 Japanese + 1/4 Russian, OR
1/1 Russian
which is unclear.

Faggot misread tapioca as tobacco.

>How do they know this?
Ties to Kanata's roommate, mostly.

>> No.23642357 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642373

Wasnt a google translate thing it was straight from the NIPs at 5ch. The smoking thing was just anon being a speed reader without double checking

>> No.23642359

Anyone got Noel's tantrums, somewhat enjoy watching her squirm and freak out.

>> No.23642360

>waw im so ready for pekora old snek edition
>delay the stream 1 hour
>wtf might as well keep watching the holocomi stream
>pekora is there


>> No.23642361
Quoted by: >>23642398

Anon, almost all of Japan loves Jojo... it's a huge cultural icon in Japan. Araraki was rumored to have been one of the talents for the Olympics show thing...

>> No.23642362

bouncy korone on my cock!

>> No.23642363

Is that fucking mukkun and watame!?

>> No.23642365

this image lead noel's irl friend to find her channel and notice noel sing as badly as their irl friend

>> No.23642369 [DELETED] 

I find it hilarious that the whole russian thing is just some idiots taking suichan saying that shes russia because shes so good at tetris as proof she 100% slav.

>> No.23642373 [DELETED] 

So was the Russian thing which, in this very thread, was revealed to be a joke about her Tetris skills. Speed reading or google translator? You decide.

>> No.23642375 [DELETED] 

the russian shit as a whole is up in the air, it's missing context.

>> No.23642378


>> No.23642381
Quoted by: >>23642395

The fatter she gets, the bigger her tits will become. That's a win-win for me.

>> No.23642382

They try to torture Towa but she barely reacts because she's already suffering every single day.

>> No.23642383

Daily watch pls

>> No.23642384 [DELETED] 

1/4 Russian.
You don't call a person "quarter", if 1/4 Japanese.

>> No.23642387 [DELETED] 

but...star city...comets...laila...astronauts...
It was all connected...

>> No.23642389
File: 838 KB, 2896x4096, moona126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fondle Moona's moonas.

>> No.23642391

Pekora. She's already fainted before the interrogation starts.
Coco. She'll strike a deal no one can resist while her Yakuza henchmen digs a tunnel to rescue her.

>> No.23642394

I'm happy that APEX is getting the attention it deserves instead of that excrement Valorant.

>> No.23642395

Yes but she already has body image issues. I don't want her getting even worse anxiety because she thinks she's getting overweight. She was worried about her weight months ago when she wasn't even putting any on

>> No.23642398

That won't stop EOPs from filling the chat with their hilarious and epic memes once they see a translated clip of her talking about it

>> No.23642401

Marine would break before she'd even get hurt since she'd offer her body and sell out her friends to avoid the pain

>> No.23642404

I hope she moves it then, really.

>> No.23642405

I am suisei, and I am actually a somalian

>> No.23642406 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642477

So we're back to the "Suisei failed her idol auditions because she's fat" narrative?

>> No.23642407

I swore he posted this a while ago.

>> No.23642408

>4.5 mil
I remember when it was at 2 mil....

>> No.23642410

You forgot her hijab

>> No.23642412
File: 214 KB, 315x363, okaiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642414


>> No.23642416
Quoted by: >>23642425

What sweet zatsudan have I missed?

>> No.23642418


>> No.23642420
Quoted by: >>23642434

The more selfesteem issues a hot girl has, the easier is to hit on her.

>> No.23642422
File: 398 KB, 533x534, 1565586871733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642424
File: 940 KB, 752x1062, 1568057060204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23642425

Sensei talking about making a voice pack where she is impregnated by the reaper queen
Okayu is great, a literal blessing on the world

>> No.23642426
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, EN0B8R1UEAAlfi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no debasement towa hasn't already been subjected too. she is resilient

>> No.23642427

>miko's asking if there's any doujins about herself
based ojiisan

>> No.23642432

haha go fuck yourself coco with your sub 3k viewers gorilla ARK stream
peko will decimate you even further later

>> No.23642433

We need this sometimes, Okayu should be protected and not posted in this thread.
She's a treasure.

>> No.23642435

Mel streaming on every vtubers channel but her own!

>> No.23642434
Quoted by: >>23642449

She already has big trust issues with men. You wouldn't be able to make a move on her without her doubting everything or straight up pushing you away from her

>> No.23642436

Roboco tweeted that overseas sales of her jacket will come later. Hopefully that means sizes that aren't for 120lb 5'4" guys

>> No.23642437

The sad answer is no.

>> No.23642440

Okayufag here, that's how I got into her, turn back before you're gachikoi.

>> No.23642441 [DELETED] 

Gotta love EOPs who just believe the first thing they see.
The ''tetris'' thing from this thread was about a completely different tweet. It puts scrutiny on if she's a quarter Russian.
The tweet that 5ch posted explicitly says
As in, she's Russian... explicitly. BTW the person who tweeted that, from 2012, is someone Suisei follows. As in, friends.

>> No.23642443

Definetly Luna
>You're doing this all wrong noraaaaaaaaa

>> No.23642445

Based fortnite pro

>> No.23642446

I wish Miko. I wish.

>> No.23642449

I wanna push her fat ass from behind.

>> No.23642450
Quoted by: >>23642466

Are kimo-ota really not 200lbs like the memes?

>> No.23642452


>> No.23642453 [DELETED] 

A white girl? In my Japanese idol group? Unsubbed

>> No.23642458
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, 1588303465712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23642460


>> No.23642461

Based... uh which one was this? Civia?

>> No.23642466

I can confirm that they definitely are. It's why XL sizes are always sold out but Americans are taller and fatter.

>> No.23642467
Quoted by: >>23642480

God I wish I was a Hololive

>> No.23642468
File: 878 KB, 735x1000, soraCHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed the link for you, no need to thank me.

>> No.23642469

How will he ever recover?

>> No.23642470 [DELETED] 

This sadness me because for a brief moment I could pretend that Hololive had a Russian idol.

>> No.23642471 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642485

We just don't know any better...
It's like I show you a tweet in french and say something about it, of course you's have to believe me

>> No.23642472

Yeah I'm thinking she's BASED

>> No.23642473


Subaru, Mio, Fubuki, Shion and Flare are pretty much devoid of english comments whatsoever.

>> No.23642474

Based Sorachad.

>> No.23642475

based Sora Chad.

>> No.23642477 [DELETED] 

i prefer the Russian thing , its so much more mysterious

>> No.23642480

Don't let your dreams be memes, apply today for HoloEN!

>> No.23642482
Quoted by: >>23642508

any holo doing eroge yet

>> No.23642483

Wrong! This is the best this Hololive has ever done in singing

>> No.23642485 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642491

speak for yourself homeslice

>> No.23642487 [DELETED] 

Ummm...they do according to this?...

>> No.23642490

I share the same birthday as Sora so I feel spiritually connected

>> No.23642491 [DELETED] 

I'm speaking for all EOPs, I don't think there's any exception

>> No.23642492
Quoted by: >>23642510

>Fubuki's drawing

>> No.23642494

FBK swagging her drawing skills.

>> No.23642496

ugh shes so fake

>> No.23642498 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23642515

Based retard

>> No.23642501

>Fubuki is better and faster than all three together
Truly the soul of Hololive

>> No.23642502 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23643058

No, the narrative has gone mainstream I don't want to be part of this anymore.

>> No.23642504

fubuking flexing on the rest

>> No.23642505

How can she be fake? She is literally a fat lazy shit IRL just like a cat

>> No.23642506

She's drawing with a mouse right now as well

>> No.23642507

Delet this.

>> No.23642508
Quoted by: >>23644502




>> No.23642510
Quoted by: >>23642518

She's drawn some thumbnails for Roberu, so it shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.23642514

As expected of my gifted virtual cat !

>> No.23642515 [DELETED] 

>american education

>> No.23642517
File: 869 KB, 1203x926, 1588373625917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642519

Why is Fubuki so good at so many things?

>> No.23642518

Based cat momma

>> No.23642520
Quoted by: >>23642522

>that eye
peko hates rushia isnt she lol

>> No.23642521

1st gen super talent.

>> No.23642522

Anon.. what a dumb

>> No.23642523

I have a serious question

Which idols do you guys dislike and why?

>> No.23642525
Quoted by: >>23642558

Bros where do I order the Holo goods, newfag

>> No.23642527 [DELETED] 

Sadness is not the word you use there...

>> No.23642528 [DELETED] 

Unironically learn to read

>> No.23642529

so this is how sankisei no kizuna ends...

>> No.23642531

not as good as Suisei

>> No.23642533
Quoted by: >>23642604

Aqua a cute!

>> No.23642534

I don't know anything about idols I just watch chuubas

>> No.23642539

sankisei no kizuna ended when Rushia tried to seduce Flare

>> No.23642540

God I wished I was fubuki

>> No.23642544

I sometimes forget Rushia and Pekora are the same gen and that Aki and Fubuki are the same gen. How weird.

>> No.23642548

Did it come true?

>> No.23642549

rushias aki looks nice, the racist can draw

>> No.23642550

Fubuki is pretty talented, but Suisei is better at being good at a lot of things.

>> No.23642553

Does someone know how Fubuki got her drawing skills ?

>> No.23642557

A Japanese woman? Anon... Is that really an upgrade for you?

>> No.23642558

or use a forwarder/proxy and order from booth

>> No.23642563

Usually idols are able to draw well, YAGOO has interesting idol picks...

>> No.23642566

If Fubuki was my mom, things would be different around here.

>> No.23642567

Actively disliking something is a form of self-harm, I like them all!

>> No.23642569

You practice

>> No.23642570
Quoted by: >>23642583


>> No.23642571
Quoted by: >>23642630

I wish I had any talent at all
Fuck fubuki makes me jealous

>> No.23642573
Quoted by: >>23642588

based pekora with the rushia blackface

>> No.23642574

I would assume from lots of drawing practice

>> No.23642578

towa was talking about collabing with aki yesterday , maybe they can bond over their shared artistic talents

>> No.23642579

dark magic and ritualistic sacrifice

>> No.23642581
Quoted by: >>23645012

God I wish I could draw.

>> No.23642583

>tfw FBK isn't even the oldest of the hololive
>still able to do more than those hololives

>> No.23642586

What is aki drawing omg

>> No.23642588
Quoted by: >>23642876

Pekora made her a nigga as punishment for her use of the racist word! Based!

>> No.23642590
Quoted by: >>23642598

>I suppose people who watch sports are all homosexuals

>> No.23642595

Where were you when pekora drew blackface?

>> No.23642598
Quoted by: >>23642615

Sorry bro, sports is entertainment for chads that get more pussy than you.

>> No.23642599
Quoted by: >>23642611

Rushia muh nigga

>> No.23642604
Quoted by: >>23642641

So baqua is the protagonist of hololive?

>> No.23642606

towaposting here made me dislike her

>> No.23642609
Quoted by: >>23642625


>> No.23642610
Quoted by: >>23642625


>> No.23642611

yo yo yo yo

>> No.23642613
File: 185 KB, 850x1201, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_chiyonekoko__sample-106a90ecfc18d102e4a3b56942dbb8f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642715

May is Mental Health Month, anon, please take care of yourselves.

>> No.23642614
Quoted by: >>23642625


>> No.23642615
Quoted by: >>23642620

>obsessed with sex
classic boomer

>> No.23642616

Haunted Rushia drawing that sucks your soul and calls you flat

>> No.23642617
Quoted by: >>23642625


>> No.23642618

Don't dislike anybody, I just like some more than others.

>> No.23642620

t. virgin

>> No.23642622


>> No.23642624


>> No.23642626

Why is aki so fucking based

>> No.23642625
Quoted by: >>23642831

this is why everyone hates towafags...

>> No.23642627

cant believe thats what peko wear down there...

>> No.23642628


>> No.23642629

the only one I have a tinge of dislike towards is suisei
thought she was cute at first but then I realized she was actually kind of self-centered and fake

>> No.23642630

Fubuki's 100% one of those people that had no dreams but wanted to be involved in her hobbies, so she just tried everything that was related to anime and games she could until she was skilled then stopped when she realized she was untalented. Thankfully vtubing came along and gave her a place where a wide array of just good enough disciplines could make it for her.
Anyways, start training.

>> No.23642631

>peko's shit leaking out of her underwear

>> No.23642632

Tell me when the Holostars come on I'm gonna go watch sensei play Gyangu Auto 5

>> No.23642634

I want all of them to do well so I don't dislike any, some of them I do like more than the others though

>> No.23642635
File: 368 KB, 1566x871, Untitledtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chefs kiss, Aki.

>> No.23642640

FBK's model looks so lo-quality compared to the others

>> No.23642641

Truly the most idol-like second to Sora.

>> No.23642646

It's a lot older but I still think it's really nice. Her 2D is way more of a tragedy.

>> No.23642648

The clear winner even better than fbk

>> No.23642651

poor girl looks so anemic

>> No.23642654

Is it time for Holochads yet?

>> No.23642655

That gen 5 on the lower left is cute

>> No.23642656

no it's time for our favorite russian psychopath

>> No.23642659

based star city blyat passing by

>> No.23642660
File: 141 KB, 602x799, tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rushia that's lewd

>> No.23642662

/jp/s favourite, suichan

>> No.23642663
File: 846 KB, 1470x2048, EWkGKdHUcAApmTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642688

reject modernity, embrace tradition

>> No.23642667

It was at like 12:55 JST I think so about 50 minutes

>> No.23642668

>tfw I've been serious about becoming a pro or a streamer for the last 10 years with no payoff
Just give my lifespan to korone/fubuki/okayu/pekora, they'd do something better with it

>> No.23642669

bros... why am I getting ads

>> No.23642670
Quoted by: >>23642709


>> No.23642671
File: 2.95 MB, 310x338, 1569275695451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642684

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XF9ebI2WFw Chocolate

>> No.23642676
Quoted by: >>23642686

wait, companies legit pays to have ads in this stream?

>> No.23642677

its time my african brother

>> No.23642679
Quoted by: >>23642701


>> No.23642678

kek i did notice this

>> No.23642681
File: 66 KB, 802x668, 1588309060646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642684

I like that gif it's just a shame she doesn't have the breast tattoo in it

>> No.23642685
File: 857 KB, 4093x2200, 20200501_220200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23642686

There are 33000 viewers right now.

>> No.23642687

What the fuck i this shilling

>> No.23642688

what, like moona?

>> No.23642689
Quoted by: >>23642696

I missed the first hour, though I did catch the last one so far. What happened there?

>> No.23642691

is Choco really a sensei

>> No.23642692

She is without a doubt gifted, but being gifted usually makes you lazy as it makes everything easier and you don't learn to put effort into things.

All these streams don't make it easy to be productive..

>> No.23642696

Fubuki talked about the shedule of the stream and showed off merch

>> No.23642698

She;s a driving instructor

>> No.23642699
Quoted by: >>23643716

Ah. It's a good thing that they got Ookami Mio to voice Ookami Mio. I was really worried they'd just give the role to that B-list Kanata chick again.

>> No.23642700

Is there a full version of the animated series' ending theme?

>> No.23642701
Quoted by: >>23642746

>actual Yakuza ad followed by hololive autismo skits

>> No.23642702

wait why is the Roboco wear only 7000 yen now?

>> No.23642703
Quoted by: >>23642713

why does aqua barely appear in any of the hololive group events/videos? is she not 2nd in popularity?

>> No.23642704

Coco really has sold her soul to Sega.

>> No.23642707

In real life? No. As a character? No. She's a nurse

>> No.23642709
Quoted by: >>23642711

please tell me she's not driving...

>> No.23642710
File: 368 KB, 579x819, EWTvJmsUcAAeD1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subaru has used only her new year and idol costumes in the last months
>even her holocomi chibi is the idol costume instead of her original outfit (unlike every other chibi holo)

I think its safe to admit that she is no longer comfortable with looking like a rapper-wannabe middle-schooler and now embraces her idol/yukata customes much more, (which is fine because they are great costumes)

>> No.23642711


>> No.23642712
File: 647 KB, 1280x720, 1569268651511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642722

Kino incoming.

>> No.23642713

Maybe because she has a collab later to do and just did a collab the previous day with Fubuki

>> No.23642714

It's all she ever wanted in life

>> No.23642715

>quarantine got extended again
>no job
>no money
>no food
That's kinda hard at the moment.

>> No.23642716

Let's have a drinking game: every time Choco crashes

>> No.23642719
Quoted by: >>23642725

That crying baby...

>> No.23642720
Quoted by: >>23642725


>> No.23642721

I don't blame her the colour scheme was pretty stupid

>> No.23642722
Quoted by: >>23642735

Really wish I could watch these. I just kept putting off playing the games for so long.

>> No.23642723

I can already feel myself suffocating just looking at it

>> No.23642725

it's propaganda by Abe, don't fall for it, he wants you to care

>> No.23642727

Someone coughed.

>> No.23642729

Why are they using a prerecorded background noise sound with a baby crying in it ?
Is it for Luna's followers ?

>> No.23642731
File: 1.64 MB, 1279x719, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642734

>all this QUALITY fanart

>> No.23642735

Anon you don't play metal gear games they are movies with short breaks

>> No.23642736

It's the people in this thread whenever they get baited.

>> No.23642737

comfy fan art, I wonder if Okayuposter got in

>> No.23642738

That's luna herself. Someone took away her sippy and she's in a bad mood.

>> No.23642739

So is this gonna be a regular thing now?

>> No.23642741

>EOPs in chat asking when ASMR streams are when she hasn't even posted a shedule yet
>EOPs backseating in a language she can't understand

>> No.23642743
Quoted by: >>23642753

I love Choco's face every time. It's like 悪るくないよね

>> No.23642745
Quoted by: >>23642829

What is?

>> No.23642746


funny thing is Yakuza is the only SEGA franchise she cares about. Where's the shilling for the new Sakura Taisen Coco?

>> No.23642748

What trope/character archetype that still isn't in Hololive that you'd like to see for 5th gen? I'm thinking a Ninja girl.

>> No.23642750


I don't really dislike any of them, I just wish Azki, Mel and Sora would participate more.

>> No.23642751

Choco crashing her car with no survivors

>> No.23642752

Aqua's going to get a ninja costume any day now.

>> No.23642753

she always seems so happy when she dies...

>> No.23642755

>Coco really has sold her soul to Yakuza

>> No.23642756


>> No.23642757
Quoted by: >>23642775

>Where's the shilling for the new Sakura Taisen Coco?
Ask Marine.

>> No.23642760

imagine being super famous on the internet but not being able to assist to your own fan conference event out of risk of revealing your identity so you just stay at home playing videogames like you always do instead.

>> No.23642761
Quoted by: >>23642773

That's Haato

>> No.23642763

A sister (nun) type character that's actually lewd

>> No.23642764
Quoted by: >>23642785

I'll never understand the english backseating. Is this person unironically retarded? Or are they just so self-centered that they don't particularly care for helping the streamer, they just want to say something for the sake of having said it? Surely they understand that the english backseating is fucking useless right?

>> No.23642767

So are they actually sponsored by SEGA now

>> No.23642768

A cat-eared white hoodie kouhai who is always thirsty.

>> No.23642769
File: 156 KB, 284x273, 1578951503191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642774

Not all of it.
She kept half of it for Adidas !

>> No.23642771

I've already seen most of the haachama art cause she uses them on all her thumbnails kek

>> No.23642773

That was Haato*

>> No.23642774
Quoted by: >>23642872

?? who is this why you keep posting her

>> No.23642775

We don't mention that. Marine didn't like it because the art and gameplay was soulless

>> No.23642776

>Coco doing it for free
What the fuck bros?

>> No.23642777
File: 950 KB, 971x554, 1573490600237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that subaru

>> No.23642778

This is how you know Ui-mama has done fucked it up.

>> No.23642782
Quoted by: >>23642796

Bros I can't make up my mind on who my number 1 hologirl is...
what do I do?

>> No.23642785

When Choco needed help finding the firetruck I donated telling her how to get one in Japanese but these fuckers don't even bother to google translate it so at least she can read it

>> No.23642786
Quoted by: >>23642790

I don't know what character archetype but I want someone who has a passion for fighting games, I think people who want to get good at fighters are cool

>> No.23642788
Quoted by: >>23642833

>Bondrewd FBK
What's the reasoning behind this?

>> No.23642790


>> No.23642791

>used to watch sensei's asmr
>her normal voice is completely different than her asmr ones

>> No.23642794
File: 662 KB, 2048x1302, ESBpmC_U8AADpZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642869

So the only thing confirmed about her is that she had a previous life where she helped make a game, and she's a fan of not!kanata?

That's pretty nice, only makes me like her even more

>> No.23642795
Quoted by: >>23642833

>Fubuki Bonedrewd
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23642796

Which one have you donated most to? Which one have you watched the most? Which one have you masturbated to most? Use the metrics

>> No.23642800
Quoted by: >>23642812

>Shin Sakura Taisen
>PS4 exclusive
Fuck Sega. They are garbage to me now.

>> No.23642801
Quoted by: >>23642828

Sometimes when Choco is tired, her voice completely changes too. It's quite interesting.

>> No.23642803
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, 1583153978242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642815

>language she can't understand

>> No.23642804

Shion yo...

>> No.23642805

they got a real Yakuza 7 ad in there so yes

>> No.23642807
Quoted by: >>23642811

a proper sadist type would be nice

>> No.23642808

She just isn't as close to the mic (and is also using a different one). She barely changes her voice if you watch her IRL persona chat streams

>> No.23642810

Suisei would pull an Eruerufu and you know it

>> No.23642811
Quoted by: >>23642904

Marine is already too much of a sadist for me.

>> No.23642812

Just like Yakuza 7 at the moment.
It'll come to PC though, only a matter of time until we get the superior version.

>> No.23642813


>> No.23642814

Surely not anon...You don't actually...Right?

>> No.23642815

Her English reading/listening is actually very good. But she obviously isn't as fluent in understanding as, god forbid, Haato even. She didn't cheat. Why would she cheat. Sensei is a good girl. Stop calling her a cheater

>> No.23642816

i want to put subaru on her hands and knees and look up her megaphone.

>> No.23642817
Quoted by: >>23642825

Where is my fat Holo? Okayu doesn't count because her 2D and model aren't

>> No.23642818

Does this mean I like Kanata the most because of this ?

>> No.23642821

Literally me whenever this clip is posted.

>> No.23642825

Why do people bully Okayu for being fat when Korone is easily as chubby as her?

>> No.23642828

Her tired/drunk voice is the best. It's so relaxing. Thankfully she isn't an alcoholic (on stream at least) so we don't hear it often.
Only to her Anonymous voice work by Poni R

>> No.23642829
Quoted by: >>23642871


>> No.23642831

Most of them aren't even Towafags, it's shitposting.

>> No.23642832

It isn''t really bullying right? I couldn't care less if she's fat especially when she's such a nice person. She's probably skinnier now anyway

>> No.23642833

because of her lobotomy corporation streams

>> No.23642834
File: 633 KB, 441x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require more Kurokami

>> No.23642837


>> No.23642840
Quoted by: >>23642986

why do [headcanon] when [headcanon] is [headcanon]

>> No.23642843
File: 75 KB, 675x1200, EWM6kDiVAAE9dEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642887


>> No.23642844

>Choco protecting her student's innocence by censoring the strip club
What a good nurse she is. Nothing like Haato that showed off her paying the whores to dance

>> No.23642846
File: 233 KB, 1909x1071, 1561578121677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has three
Choco voice ASMR/RP etc.
cutesy for streams

>> No.23642848

I think it was only like this because of the chink virus so they make a virtual one

>> No.23642849

>that coco stand


>> No.23642854
Quoted by: >>23642867

Holy based is this voice Roberu?!

>> No.23642855
Quoted by: >>23642867

Oh good, Fubuki found our son.

>> No.23642856

Holostars Time !!

>> No.23642857

I haven't donated to any holos because I'm a poorfag, please don't remind me.
As for either metric it doesn't really feel fair because Sora's been around far longer than Kanata...
And I would never masturbate to either of them!
That's what Matsuri is for. She's asking for it.

>> No.23642858


>catchprase is MOGU MOGU
>other holos have commented she is so hungry she literally steals their leftover sandwiches and onigiris when they are not looking on irl meetings.
>avatar is a lazy cat on NEET clothes
>even her soft voice has a *hint* of fatness unlike other squeaky sounding girls like haachama and rushia

>> No.23642859

>beat mario

>> No.23642861


>> No.23642860

No matter how hard I try I can't get aroused by any of the holo idols. Is there something wrong with me or have I become a better person?

>> No.23642862

Does the MGS4 make sense again after 2 turned the series into insane nonsense?

>> No.23642864


>> No.23642865

What the fuck Beatmario-san is part of Hololive gen 5 now???

>> No.23642867

It's not

>> No.23642869
Quoted by: >>23642880

>and she's a fan of not!kanata?
She also illustrated and animated things for Kanata's roommate.

>> No.23642870

>Hololives were the thing to make you a better person
We truly live in the most blessed timeline.

>> No.23642871

Comiket is an actual convention that's held every year but they canceled due to covid so hololive is making their presence online

>> No.23642872

Coco's roomate

>> No.23642873

From that one weird karaoke video of all nico girls it seems like Mio is the real fat one anyway

>> No.23642874
Quoted by: >>23642881

I hope Yaman releases that Coco art. Absolutely kino

>> No.23642875

You think you've seen insane nonsense? Prepare yourself for, it was all planned.

>> No.23642876
Quoted by: >>23642886

did anything come of Rushia saying it?

I know Miko gained subs and one of the other girls (Korone maybe?) deleted all the vods

>> No.23642877
Quoted by: >>23642999

I'm really tempted to make the Kanata tapestry my first non-entertainment otaku product. It's super nice.

>> No.23642878
Quoted by: >>23642908

Not even Choco when she's teasing you for wanting her to tease you despite being her son? Not even when starts making fingering sounds because she's too drunk to hold herself back?

>> No.23642880
File: 419 KB, 854x480, Nozo9n.ppt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23642881
Quoted by: >>23642985

Official Art Coco feels so different from the Coco we got

>> No.23642882


it connects very well to MGS3 and MGS1 in a lot of parts, but also desperately tries to fix retarded plotholes like ocelot's retarded liquid arm, NANOMACHINES VAMP and FOXDIE sheanigans

>> No.23642885
File: 1.27 MB, 960x540, Miko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this one time..
But it was before I became a member.

>> No.23642886

Don't think so but I don't care about the butterlfy anyway. She clearly did it for attention. Korone only deleted the bit of the archive of her saying it. Pretty smart desu

>> No.23642887
Quoted by: >>23642948

anon i just fapped...

>> No.23642893


mg2 is fucking kino and mg4 trys to massage it into the canon, its interesting how they do it.

>> No.23642894
Quoted by: >>23642900

from 33k view to 26k view haha

>> No.23642895

Yes and no, it doubles down on the nonsense but also makes up a bunch of plot points that try to fix the problems that 2 caused.
>it was all planned
Haha I wish that were true

>> No.23642899

I just skimmed the wikipedia article and it made my head hurt.

>> No.23642900

Don't worry in 5 minutes when Holochads are on, it'll go up 10k.

>> No.23642903
File: 165 KB, 955x1351, EW-3An5U0AAXYN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute miko

>> No.23642904

what the fuck are you talking about she's the biggest M in homolive

>> No.23642905

I wish I gave a fuck about Touhou.

>> No.23642906

Oh come on, we all fap to our Hologirls sometimes..

I mean not ALL the time, that's a bit strange. But one or two times a month then it's fine. I mean during a Korone stream, I pull out my onahole and dild-

Alright I'm doing too much, it's fine though

>> No.23642908
Quoted by: >>23642913

Not even in the slightest. Whenever something lewd happens with any of them I always end up just laughing or being weirded out by it, which is strange since I'm a massive degenerate normally. Closest I've probably come to being slightly aroused is that Peko pic of her bending over, but then I remember it's Peko and that feeling immediately dies.

>> No.23642910

More like "I was pretending to be retarded".

>> No.23642911
File: 18 KB, 220x67, 1587116648495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone knows an app for desktop or browser to learn Japanese like Obenkyo?
Obenkyo is for mobiles only. I'm using "Kakitai" on PC, but it doesn't have the scoring system and the drawing system is not very accurate like Obenkyo.

>> No.23642912

i never beat mario , we were a sega family , get this fag out of here.

>> No.23642913

Choco only arouses me when she wants her viewers to be aroused

>> No.23642915

holy shit I almost forgot about how the bosses in MGS4 are actually sexy girls in catsuit spandex that sexually approach you after you defeat them.

peko reacting to them is going to be priceless, probably gonna get really spooked at another potential BAN

>> No.23642916

Of course it would be a Koroneposter...

>> No.23642919

Should have been ZUN instead.

>> No.23642920

I like my fat cat. Just relax.

>> No.23642921

>It'll come to PC though
Yeah, after 2-3 years. By that time, I don't even want to play it anymore.

>> No.23642922


>> No.23642928

Korone without fake dialect 2019.

Earliest Korone uploads (reuploaded by someone else) 2009

>> No.23642930

>only 8k watching coco and no superchats

Coco is reclining

>> No.23642932


>> No.23642933

Tbh, as a 35p I love miko, but I just can't find myself to want to lewd her. She's too idk... tt? On the other hand, Aqua... against her, something about her...hatefuck seems right.

>> No.23642936
Quoted by: >>23642954

Have only fapped to sensei's roommate doing the sex voice

>> No.23642937

Too busy downloading ARK to play now because of all the Holos.

>> No.23642939

>FBK shilling Holostars still

>> No.23642943

this is just too off topic even for me.

>> No.23642945

Oh shit

>> No.23642946
Quoted by: >>23642955

>No superchats
There are 6 akasupa stickied right now.

>> No.23642948
File: 682 KB, 648x906, 79993954_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23642998

do it again

>> No.23642950

her usual paypigs are there though

>> No.23642953

she's too dumb, it's like banging a retarded chick, you can't expect them to really comprehend what's happening to them and that makes it worse

>> No.23642954

>sensei's roommate doing the sex voice

>> No.23642955

akasupa last forever anon

>> No.23642957
Quoted by: >>23642962

What did he just say about Marine, my youtube kept clipping

>> No.23642958


>> No.23642959


>> No.23642961


>> No.23642962

Hololive gensokyo

>> No.23642964
Quoted by: >>23642991

please watch choco...

>> No.23642966

When Choco goes "mmmmmm"...
That's what makes my day.

>> No.23642968

I always knew Korone was a fake bitch

>> No.23642967
Quoted by: >>23643271

OK one of us is wrong and I don't know which cause I always mix this up. One of them has to be right anon just look up both

>> No.23642973

Hololive getting sponsored Ads...

>> No.23642975
Quoted by: >>23643091

Why not run the app in an emulator on desktop?

>> No.23642976
Quoted by: >>23642997

I just get HFOs from sensei's ASMR

>> No.23642977

>no im@s

oh no...

>> No.23642978
Quoted by: >>23643050

Still waiting for 3-6 to go on PC along with Judgement and that Fist of the North Star game.

They're so fucking slow at doing PC ports.

>> No.23642979

>50% golden week sale
Get it now!

>> No.23642981
Quoted by: >>23642990

Hearing her saliva sounds is hot

>> No.23642980
Quoted by: >>23643014

is the irony that no Holo has ROG gear?

>> No.23642982

gamers? baseded

>> No.23642985

It's because of her Live2D avatar. It's just so wonky.

>> No.23642986

Headcanons here are so annoying

>> No.23642987

ohnonono dialectbros

>> No.23642990
Quoted by: >>23643008


>> No.23642991

I am watching, look I just gave her a red SC!

>> No.23642992

Seeing these two posts directly next to each other sent me into a laughing fit.

>> No.23642995

when does the hoodie go on sale?

>> No.23642997

That's pretty based I wish I was such a quick shot that I could do that. It takes me like 30+ mins of stimulation to get anywhere

>> No.23642998

anon telling anon to jack off. hot

>> No.23642999

same, only thing holding me back is money being tight due to corona and importing being a bitch right now.

>> No.23643001

Kanata kind of worries me. Like does she even know about the birds and the bees? She comes off as having a very sheltered upbringing.

>> No.23643003
Quoted by: >>23643007

How did Roboco suddenly make her sweater $30 cheaper?

>> No.23643004


>> No.23643005


>> No.23643006


>> No.23643007

she's high spec

>> No.23643008

Normally when she is doing breathing sounds she has to adjust her mouth. She also does the miminame shit that you can buy

>> No.23643011


>> No.23643012

personality aside, which holo has the best character design? and why is it mio and suisei?

>> No.23643014
Quoted by: >>23643024

Why was this advertisement in english ?
Is it for the EOPs ?

>> No.23643017

Ehhhh Kusa

>> No.23643018

unironically ayame
suisei's is really good though

>> No.23643019

nice bro

>> No.23643021

Time for the holostars?

>> No.23643022
File: 535 KB, 603x852, 1584394341190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643026


>> No.23643024

Because only true gamer gear is made overseas.

>> No.23643025

All holos have gimmicks, sorry to ruin your delusion mr. autismo

>> No.23643026


>> No.23643028

that's just pekora when she's mad

>> No.23643029

I can't wait for Homostars to be slaughtered by Peko.

>> No.23643030

In about 10 minutes

>> No.23643031

People exaggerate how bad she is. She definitely has a healthy level of sex education and she's comfortable when the subject crops up, there're just holes in her knowledge over things that wouldn't come up in regular conversation. People noted that she's social in person.

>> No.23643032

Bitch has TWO SWORDS.
How do other holos compete?

>> No.23643034
File: 109 KB, 886x1700, 438f1c10f498aa60e0241b8e131372c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Matsuri is such a fucking loser
>low streaming views
>low archive views
>low superchat money
>simps for a gyaru stacy
>still a virgin
>fans are all creepy weirdos
>neither boys nor girls view her in a romantic way
graduation when?

>> No.23643036

Peko, Matsuri, Suisei and Towa

>> No.23643037
Quoted by: >>23643123

~10 minutes until Holostars.

>> No.23643038

which part of korone is real

>> No.23643039

thank you for supporting our sensei

>> No.23643040
Quoted by: >>23643057

Hopefully this Holostars spotlight will get them some more fans

>> No.23643041

Her upbringing sounds tragic sometimes

Eating grass, playing board games alone, not being able to play/afford games growing up, and the stuff about her having no father figure (that one might have been narrativefagging)

She always seems to just push through and learn new things and gloss over how sad some of the stuff she said sounds

>> No.23643042
File: 366 KB, 763x1080, FLARE Totally not an edit from records of lodoss wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23643045

imagine what could've been with 6 1st gens running around

>> No.23643047
File: 3.00 MB, 1853x1626, 1563798511507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643049

This but with gap moe.

>> No.23643050
Quoted by: >>23643068

lol I bet use AMD.

>> No.23643052

Towa and Ayame. Mio and Suisei are also really good

>> No.23643053

When Coco goes "Uuwawawawa... Uuwowow... Oy!"
That's what makes my day.

>> No.23643054

unironically towa

>> No.23643055

i view her in a very romantic way. just redirect her my way

>> No.23643056
Quoted by: >>23643073

The old school game love

>> No.23643057

Hopefully management will see that they are a waste of resources and will end them

>> No.23643058 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 330x374, somexkcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until we bleed into other sites nothing here is mainstream.

>> No.23643059

Ayame, the definition of a wasted design.

>> No.23643060
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1587452296181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking cool Flare!

>> No.23643061

When she makes it as a real idol hopefully.

>> No.23643063

Miko is already yanki enough. So is Towa sometimes.

>> No.23643064

>MGS4 Peko in 20mins
She's totally going to fucking kill the stream lol

>> No.23643065

never because she's one of the most important holo's behind the scenes along with fubuki

>> No.23643068
Quoted by: >>23643108

I have a RX570 yes but the PC ports are fine. I'm on about how long they take at porting them to PC.

>> No.23643070
Quoted by: >>23643085

Neck needs to be longer

>> No.23643071
Quoted by: >>23643109

I wish we could have real time CC subs...

>> No.23643072

This is unbased and cringe

>> No.23643073

This guy gets it.

>> No.23643074


Oh no Aki will make a flying ship, isn't that huge to be fit in aberration?

>> No.23643075
File: 407 KB, 512x512, poochie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not a cool post dude

>> No.23643076

Mio and Suisei are top tier, also Kanata

>> No.23643078

Shion, Ayame and Suisei are all great
Marine is pretty nice too
however Ayame is the best and top tier design, almost feels too good

>> No.23643079

Holostars will do the job themselves

>> No.23643080
Quoted by: >>23643092

You can already satisfy those needs with Lize Helesta and Takamiya Rion. Both are dork ojous

>> No.23643085

nah, its perfectly concealed under all that clothes

>> No.23643086

Why is there a baby crying anyway

>> No.23643087

That is one super lewd angle Aki...

>> No.23643088

she just needs to stop being a fucking simp and she will get better

>> No.23643091
File: 595 KB, 1047x1076, GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want something easy to access otherwise I'll keep making excuses to not do my reps.
Anyway, never mind this post >>23642911 , I just found the configs for scoring system (it helps to engage) and fixed my Wacom settings now I can watch holos, work and do my reps at the same device.

>> No.23643092

Sorry I don't follow non-Hololives. It's just too risky.

>> No.23643093
Quoted by: >>23643149

somebody better have the link for all the fanarts displayed, some are actually really fuckin good

>> No.23643094

I want to lick that stomach

>> No.23643095

the BGM is stuck in their heads

>> No.23643096

Did you really think she talked like that and acted like a 13 years old irl ? Seriously anon ?

>> No.23643099

Could Asako be Lupinus or Ran?

>> No.23643098

>Choco's driving

>> No.23643100
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you now remember the amount of people that got hooked on hololive from this video alone (me included)
What went wrong, festivalbros?

>> No.23643102
Quoted by: >>23643170

Look Ayame! Look at how many people love your design!
Please stream Ayame I'm begging you
Stop fucking your boyfriend for one minute, I'll take the sloppy seconds I don't evven care anymore.

>> No.23643103

It's coco's

>> No.23643105

Miko should voice jahy

>> No.23643106
Quoted by: >>23643189

They are already getting less than 100 views...
Lyger is mad because Matsuri has another subber as her boyfriend

>> No.23643108
Quoted by: >>23643394

Shit I've been using my 290x for years now. As long as I stay within 1080p this little guy can keep going but Cyberpunk might be the breaking point.

>> No.23643109

Learn Japanese

>> No.23643110

That Aki outfit is so lewd, I can't believe Youtube-kun let that slide...

>> No.23643111
File: 1.10 MB, 2638x1488, 79527544_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When her real idol stuff happens. Whatever she chooses to do, I wish her the best.

>> No.23643112
File: 3.95 MB, 4134x2756, Nakiri_Ayame_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is alright

>> No.23643113
Quoted by: >>23643136

a retard

>> No.23643118
File: 308 KB, 1260x1552, yui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism guitar girl

>> No.23643119

How does hearing about a girl being a stupid bitch attract you?

>> No.23643120

Why is Choco's viewercount so low bros its not fair

>> No.23643122

She's too one-dimensional.

>> No.23643123

they wont even have the best one there so who cares

>> No.23643124


>> No.23643125
Quoted by: >>23643177

Perfect for a Tenchu Series stream/10

>> No.23643130
Quoted by: >>23643138

When will Yagoo update Aki's avatar?
She looks waaaay outdated when compared to 3rd and 4th gen.

>> No.23643131
File: 216 KB, 866x1024, EWuQEmwWsAE9vUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope that Merchant is still in her house.

If no one else has played Minecraft since Towa last used it, it'll probably still be there, right?

>> No.23643132

>tfw don't even watch Ayame but from the moment I saw her, I fell for her
Seriously, what is this oni magic?

>> No.23643133
Quoted by: >>23643153

Now that bring me back, the nostalgia is overwhelming.
Korone has great tastes.

>> No.23643135

Fucking wasted design

>> No.23643136

Haato has transformed her character into that already though
GTAV isn't that interesting when she's playing it I guess

>> No.23643137

She isn't playing Ark

>> No.23643138

He needs to update Sora first. She's supposed to be the face and that's just fucking embarrassing.

>> No.23643139
File: 29 KB, 252x363, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said the gamer word, she is a true gamer

>> No.23643140
Quoted by: >>23643166

She just need to go faster.

>> No.23643142
Quoted by: >>23643206

Is this going to be a different airship? She used the hot air balloon thing during the collab with coco and sensei.

>> No.23643145

I wish she streamed more I watched some of her apex streams today and she's cute as fuck

>> No.23643146

It's weird how well either Sora's model or her own movements are in comparison to the other hololives. She can really dance.

>> No.23643149

your gonna have to just dig through this tag

>> No.23643153

nothing will top 4U and XX for me, it's been downhill since world

>> No.23643155
Quoted by: >>23643169

You know what? I don't even remember what gen Ayame is

>> No.23643159

No she isn't. She tried to hide her saying it

>> No.23643165
Quoted by: >>23643181

She should play Nioh 2

>> No.23643166

she'll just launch herself further when she crashes

>> No.23643167
File: 2.18 MB, 2048x1322, EK3k78GWwAEi8Ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more partial to Suisei's myself but I'm a sucker for star and constellation themed shit
That back ribbon is the coolest thing I've seen
Ayame's is nice as well

>> No.23643168

Not even a decent design, just a generic cute girl with a whole cluttered wardrobe on her.
Why does /hlg/ has such shit taste.

>> No.23643169

Same gen as Choco I think

>> No.23643170

Does Ayame actually have a boyfriend

>> No.23643171
Quoted by: >>23643200

>posting clips from 10 years ago
>people don't change I swear

>> No.23643172

Best design and best laugh.

>> No.23643174

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Ak7EUjMQ8 Holostars time, tune in.

>> No.23643177

good game, I wish she would become a videogame streamer holo and go full tenchu/sekiro/etc

>> No.23643179
Quoted by: >>23643192

Flat goddess!

>> No.23643181

That game is bleached propoganda any holo that goes near it is a whore

>> No.23643182

Someone get our son away from that mean bully.

>> No.23643183


>> No.23643184
Quoted by: >>23643202

wait why the fuck is Matsuri here

>> No.23643185

Holostars with Hololive girls...

>> No.23643186

Too bad she hates her job, she could easily surpass Korone at cuteness.

>> No.23643187

I wanna rub her horns.

>> No.23643188

I love these design documents. Are there anymore out there for the other holos?

>> No.23643189
Quoted by: >>23646281

based filename

>Lyger is mad because Matsuri has another subber as her boyfriend


>> No.23643190

noooooo get away from Fubuki you homos

>> No.23643191

lol the youtube chat is crueler to holostars than jp

>> No.23643192

you mean fat!

>> No.23643193

Bros.... the views....

>> No.23643194

Ayame is amazing but I also feel like she's also a literal who.
Such a shame

>> No.23643195
Quoted by: >>23643235


>> No.23643196
File: 811 KB, 792x445, mpv_a3oIMCttcB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643211

My son is so popular guys

>> No.23643198

But they already updated her model.

>> No.23643200

Everyone here is the same friendless faggot who thinks of themselves is too good for the retards around them they were ten years ago.

>> No.23643202

She's the only other hololive that's willing to hang out with the guys

>> No.23643203

I just realized I've never seen any of Tenmas content.

>> No.23643204
File: 60 KB, 680x680, EW4PWTLVcAAsBkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643226

Agreed. I went all the way but when Rajang went down like a bitch, my disappointment was immense and my day was ruined forever, till I picked up the 3DS.

>> No.23643206
File: 65 KB, 866x446, airship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking huge.

>> No.23643207

She designed this herself right?

>> No.23643209
File: 589 KB, 3035x2150, Murasaki_Shion_Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Tsuono's design

>> No.23643210
File: 68 KB, 325x319, 1583153925242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post Subaru every thread until you like her.

>> No.23643211

Chad idol Roberu

>> No.23643212

>peko streaming at the same time
Based bunny annihilating the homos

>> No.23643213

Ayame is just a slightly less annoying Hoshikawa

>> No.23643218

Tsuon yo...

>> No.23643219

I'm still shocked since anon pointed out that the smug face isn't actually her default expression.

>> No.23643220


>> No.23643221

at least the initial draft

>> No.23643222


>> No.23643223

33k > 24k


>> No.23643224

>the triangles open up
wtf is this black magic

>> No.23643225

why are pekofags so stupid and annoying?

>> No.23643226


>> No.23643227

It's designed by tejima sensei, although I presume there's a lot of input from suisei

>> No.23643228

they gave the lewdest design to an underage girl...

>> No.23643229

I never noticed until now she wears dumb clips.

>> No.23643230

>tfw been listening to canan more than Noel or any other holos recently
what is happening, am I cured?
See you loosers

>> No.23643232
Quoted by: >>23643295

Why not just edit over the actual dark elf in Lodoss?

>> No.23643234
Quoted by: >>23643254

i dont get why people like this trainwreck design
looks a bit too crowded to me with too much thing going on. removing few attributes could work to make it less of a pain to look at.
mio's design hit that sweet spot where the color scheme is flashy but the sailor + miko design is kept simple and it just works

>> No.23643235


>> No.23643237
File: 284 KB, 2036x2048, bald_miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643238


>> No.23643239
Quoted by: >>23643275

Like 3 streams are about to start

>> No.23643241

why are anti-pekofags so stupid and annoying?

>> No.23643242
File: 2.64 MB, 1814x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643264

Azki has one

>> No.23643244
File: 47 KB, 371x348, 1420514727452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate hoshikawa. She's a fucking bitch and a slut and I want her to retire so I never have to hear about her ever again. Every new piece of information I find out makes me physically disgusted.

>> No.23643245
Quoted by: >>23643297

It should have been Gen3 homos

>> No.23643247
Quoted by: >>23643273

How? She doesn't stream often enough for that unless you've been watching her old ass streams in which case, why?

>> No.23643249
Quoted by: >>23643262

that's fucking weird

>> No.23643250

Bald Miko!

>> No.23643253
Quoted by: >>23643273

Canan is more of a character than Noel. You're actually diving into a darker place.

>> No.23643252
Quoted by: >>23643287

>actually pushing the homolive narrative
Why do they do this

>> No.23643254

Most of the time you only see them from the collarbone up so maybe they based their opinions on those

>> No.23643255

>pantsu concept


>> No.23643257

Exactly why I like her!

>> No.23643258

Roberu is such a CHAD

>> No.23643259
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, hoshistacy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643260
File: 3.40 MB, 2048x1448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643261
Quoted by: >>23643267

Sora is showing us we must eliminate all men.
We've got to respect our daisenpai, death to holostars.

>> No.23643262
Quoted by: >>23643288

What's her default expression?

>> No.23643264
Quoted by: >>23643269

That looks more fucked than her actual model somehow

>> No.23643265
File: 538 KB, 464x544, Screenshot_2020-05-01 【Ark】浪漫飛行なるか!?巨大飛空艇建造!ムキロゼ楽園高校工業科Steampunk Modその10【ホロライブ アキロゼ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643292

>> No.23643266
Quoted by: >>23643278

You took the [ ] pill bro

>> No.23643267


>> No.23643268

Where's that autistic cuck who keeps saying that the girls must boost males now?
This was way more views than asacoco could get.

>> No.23643269

concept art is weird like that

>> No.23643270
Quoted by: >>23643291

>23k people watching our Holostars
Bros we've made it...

>> No.23643271

Its RJ277717

>> No.23643273
Quoted by: >>23643443

I'm bored and waiting for her next stream, the tenth is still far away...
Really? Please tell me more.

>> No.23643274

peak character design

>> No.23643275

Like I keep saying, Cover sucks so bad at organizing. Lets have a bunch of streams start while the main channel is trying to put on a show. What shitty management.

>> No.23643276
Quoted by: >>23643307

I think she puts on more of an act when she's showing herself off, noel is unironically less of a character than Canaan

>> No.23643277

man, she's really fucking stupid huh

>> No.23643278

The what pill

>> No.23643280
Quoted by: >>23643308

That anglo blood.

>> No.23643281


>> No.23643285

>that glove
>modular skirt
>side tail
>that wavy ribbon on the back
>wear a crown on top of her hat
how is she so perfect

>> No.23643286

this is the first time I've noticed she wears a crown on top of her hat, what the fuck

>> No.23643287

Trying to assure their fans that it's okay for holostars and hololives to collab since they are all homos.

>> No.23643288


>> No.23643289
File: 530 KB, 1500x1566, Dh89NG6VAAI8qLd@akitake_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643291

Finally, holostars saved by Fubuki&Matsuri

>> No.23643292
File: 55 KB, 803x615, gyaaaaahhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643293
File: 222 KB, 952x1280, IMG_94849589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I bought realistic custom girl feet that would look just like Korone's, They're perfect but I also bought red socks to match with it and these people gave me white instead of RED. I'll have to make a return with the socks.

The shoes will arrive in another week, so that's great but I'm still a bit upset about the socks. They look nice though, yet Korone wears white not red.

You guys think the feet look good?

>> No.23643294

I love dumb blondes

>> No.23643295

I hate that bitch

>> No.23643296

More like NANDE cup.

>> No.23643297

Same guy. This too: >>23643245 You got new gets debuting and you don't feature them on the big show?

>> No.23643299

Just make Coco manager already!

>> No.23643300
Quoted by: >>23643329

Ayame and Hoshikawa are my favorite vtubers....

>> No.23643304

is her tummy fat or just thick because of her abs?

>> No.23643307

It makes sense. Her personality seems somewhat flat when she's canan, how to describe it... more in line maybe?

>> No.23643308

My ancestor... I want a harem of all the mixed anglo chuubas so I can make their genes more anglo

>> No.23643309
File: 4 KB, 271x250, 1550699608277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643310

What a fatty

>> No.23643311
File: 68 KB, 741x599, 741px-Akai_Haato_Coat_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama's, what a baggy coat!

>> No.23643313

go back to your dead thread

>> No.23643314


>> No.23643317
File: 12 KB, 246x205, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643318

I want Hoshikawa to pair with Haato again for old time's sake.

>> No.23643319

I'm sorry what?

>> No.23643321 [DELETED] 

Based falseflagger

>> No.23643322

>she wears a crown
wtf bros you told me the haughty bitch narrative was a lie

>> No.23643323
File: 91 KB, 1792x828, 1586231306037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643347

Not really a fan of the nijis. What did she do aside from breaking matsuri's heart?

>> No.23643324

holy shit lmao

>> No.23643326
Quoted by: >>23643361


a Lolibaba, accompanied with the -Jya and Umu dialect, since most animals like fox and wolf are taken,she could be an ancient youkai like a tengu, kappa or tanuki.

also a perfect justification for the actual irl girl being over her 30s, I think marine could have been a great lolibaba, also luna doesn't count because even if she is a lolibaba, she doesn't behave like one.

>> No.23643327

honestly her best outfit

>> No.23643329

I'm sorry but you have shit taste bro

>> No.23643330
Quoted by: >>23643485

Sorry anon but I'll have to hide this post

>> No.23643331

yay, luna is starting. How does some of the vtubers feel when they have more english chat than japanese? Do they feel unwanted by their home country?

>> No.23643332

They already showed off their vocal character introductions. They still haven't had enough time to fully establish themselves as a personality yet (except Kaoru he's done a few streams now)

>> No.23643333

Speaking of these design documents, are some of the later gen's designs gonna be in this https://www.geekjack.net/category/select/cid/314/pid/9409/ ?

>> No.23643334


>> No.23643335
Quoted by: >>23643485

for what fucking purpose

>> No.23643336

This but for the regular streams as well. I get they have freedom but having 6 streams in the same hour block and nothing before/after is fucking horrible.

>> No.23643337

She's pregnant with our baby.

>> No.23643338
File: 13 KB, 287x287, ESl4AxDUcAg4h1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643339
File: 40 KB, 211x185, FBK what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643342

She's cute!

>> No.23643343


>> No.23643344

I thought this was a sweater this entire time since she never shows the entire thing.

>> No.23643345
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x1334, Yozora_Mel_-_Concept_Illustration_01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643364

Leaked 5th gen artwork

>> No.23643346

Dayum, nice feet.

>> No.23643347
Quoted by: >>23643378

She is one of Haato's friends I think. Anglo mud bloods have to stick together I guess

>> No.23643348
File: 103 KB, 272x334, Luna34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643349

>peko skipped MGS3

>> No.23643350

hiramen > normal > dango

>> No.23643351

Watch Sora-senpai!

>> No.23643353
Quoted by: >>23643367


>> No.23643355
File: 350 KB, 1000x1000, 1578096617225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643357
File: 408 KB, 1400x1271, 1525346430275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643374

Matriarch coming through

>> No.23643359
File: 63 KB, 194x192, runa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643361

Just watch Niji

>> No.23643363

She played 3 first

>> No.23643364

>those pantsu
Chou sensitive!

>> No.23643365

Bruh how

>> No.23643366

how new?

>> No.23643367

I want to buy an ona so bad but shipping kills my soul.

>> No.23643368
File: 42 KB, 462x461, eb92d33b2f1954886937952971e578b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643369

Don't worry, I'm coming to watch!

>> No.23643370
File: 61 KB, 196x221, 1579386742314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643373
File: 330 KB, 2000x1716, Oozora_Subaru_-_Concept_Illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643374

such a derivative im@s design

>> No.23643376

Roberu and Matsuri have synergy

>> No.23643377
Quoted by: >>23643526

She played in chronological order silly head

>> No.23643378
Quoted by: >>23643393

I'm gonna have to ask you to calm that racism, malfoy

>> No.23643379

waste design

>> No.23643380

TriNero already got a ton of promotion in the last few days. It's fair to give the older guys some love too.

>> No.23643382

Could be worse, you could have paid 18k yen for a Kaguya Luna hoodie

>> No.23643383

Did she just mention Hoshikawa?

>> No.23643384

I forget that haachama actually has tits since she always hides them.

>> No.23643385
Quoted by: >>23643405

>not playing games in release order
never gonna make it

>> No.23643387
File: 312 KB, 498x704, wowkorone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643408


>> No.23643388

lewd duck panties...

>> No.23643389
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1587543682109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643390
File: 42 KB, 436x348, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643392

jesus fuck bro...

>> No.23643393
Quoted by: >>23643452

It's fine I'm an Anglo too but I'm not a filthy mud blood I'm allowed to be racist to them

>> No.23643394

I have three 1920x1200 screens in the RX570 and they do good for watching vtubers.

Decent graphics card but you are right, I can't see it doing well on 4K despite the 8GB RAM in it.

>> No.23643396

>still just FBK and festival

>> No.23643397
File: 208 KB, 1443x1572, EW8oghdUwAIQ_aL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643398

Peko time, peko!

>> No.23643400
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>> No.23643402
Quoted by: >>23643408

Did he just say he's both a shotacon and into traps? I didn't know the holostars had good taste.

>> No.23643404
File: 779 KB, 4096x2976, Ookami_Mio_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643405

not playing it in fan theory chronological order where 3 is just the guy from 5 getting virtual training in how to be snake after his accident

>> No.23643408

How does she control the ears

>> No.23643410
File: 283 KB, 534x574, korosad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sad doggo noises

>> No.23643409

kusa peko

>> No.23643411

poor holostars they gonna get peko'd

>> No.23643412

Jesus christ Luna is so fucking CUTE

>> No.23643413
File: 402 KB, 1920x2000, 1585602500614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643421


>> No.23643414

time for the RABBIT to destroy the DRAGON LIVE

>> No.23643416
Quoted by: >>23643444

>383 dislikes

Oh no

>> No.23643417

Cute boots. Too bad we never see them

>> No.23643418

how is peko going to deal with MGS4 requiring pre-installation every chapter?

>> No.23643420
File: 2.97 MB, 1650x2250, 80900089_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to penetrate her womb more than before now...

>> No.23643421

I want Haato to bully me so hard I can't control my temper anymore and I put her in her place

>> No.23643422

how is she going to deal with MGS4 being shit

>> No.23643423

>all this english in the pekora chat

i mean i'm also a filthy EOP but that's just disgusting

>> No.23643424

>Shirts that play music and animations don't exist

This world is shit.

>> No.23643425
File: 184 KB, 1307x736, EWUhWkzU0AACRW7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and red pilled

>> No.23643426
File: 181 KB, 369x285, 1579422835621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK

>> No.23643427

put me in the screenshot

>> No.23643428
File: 128 KB, 1200x702, Dki68_rU4AAUrgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lads

>> No.23643429
File: 1.04 MB, 3575x3528, Usada_Pekora_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just noticed her "tail" is actually her hair's ponytail, and her actual tail is wrapped around her leg
That's pretty cute

>> No.23643431

Temma is unfortunately one of the few Hololives I haven't watched much of.

>> No.23643433

Jesus, her hair is so much longer than I thought

>> No.23643434
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>> No.23643435


By talking about old ojisan snake

>> No.23643436
File: 996 KB, 1736x1816, 1587650824871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643450


>> No.23643437

You can install it all in one shot now after the last patch but I hope she doesn't just for the 8 minute install reaction

>> No.23643438

I honestly can't tell if that guy is Japanese or Latino.

>> No.23643439


>> No.23643440
Quoted by: >>23643477

that fur lined kneesocks does things to my dick
best design so far

>> No.23643442

If she was playing ATS her brake pressure would be so fucked right now

>> No.23643443

Canan's a caraciture crafted by a young girl desperate for a place in the world and trying to escape from her cruel reality. She has basically zero personality and is more or less just a lust icon shaped by a decade of course correction by predatory nico crawlers. Basically expresses zero interest in anything that isn't directly related to her activities and exists in this weird vacuum space where no one exists except her and the each viewer pretending things are one on one.

Noel's still a mask but it's a mask that lets this girl with late development make friends, a support group, and express herself. When she's Noel she's actually pretty witty, she's allowed to emote, and even her imaginary world is larger than one bedroom. Whatever the hell the real girl is, it's definitely closer to Noel than Canan.

>> No.23643444


>388 dislikes relative to 14000 likes

oh no, how will the holos EVER recover

>> No.23643446


>> No.23643447

What went wrong Pekobros

>> No.23643448

isn't LaLiLuLeLo revealed in 3? Did peko just forget about it?

>> No.23643449

Designated toilet RTA checkpoints

>> No.23643450

huh, I didn't know Japs called them cardigans too

>> No.23643451

Matsuri has my favourite laugh in hololive

>> No.23643452
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>> No.23643453
Quoted by: >>23643469

I didnt know she wears a lock behind her scarf

>> No.23643454

Matsuri has lost it...

>> No.23643455
File: 89 KB, 892x501, bend over peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But good for you proto-bro.

>> No.23643456

watching choco play gta 5 is really painful

>> No.23643457

>worst MGS
here we go

>> No.23643459

peak character design

>> No.23643460
File: 274 KB, 2048x1086, Uruha_Rushia_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643478

Cutting board

>> No.23643462
File: 178 KB, 687x1237, 1587216545490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happens to coco when all the hololive slobs with messy trashy rooms slob around and make coco clean it all up.

>> No.23643463
Quoted by: >>23643528

But what's under the jacket? Does she have a modified bunnysuit, or is that actually just part of the jacket?

>> No.23643464
Quoted by: >>23643487

Oh fuck she is actually trying to explain the story so far

>> No.23643465
File: 406 KB, 2048x1086, Uruha_Rushia_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643467

i started watching an apex tournament because towa posted about it on twitter, the homostars have lost me. [im not watching mg4 cuz i need to catch up with mgs2 before you ask]

>> No.23643468

senchou's hips...

>> No.23643469

probably something that changed later on

>> No.23643470

Looks so innocent
I love that massive ponytail

>> No.23643471

matsuri is dying... of laughter!

>> No.23643472
Quoted by: >>23643480

>this lore web

>> No.23643473
Quoted by: >>23643495

It's so sad that she started streaming to make friends but as her body developed people groomed her into cam whoring

>> No.23643477
Quoted by: >>23643513

it's not furlined that's her tail

>> No.23643478

Wow, I haven't seen flatness like this since Louise...

>> No.23643479

Pekora straining her IQ trying to explain the MGS plot is too precious.

>> No.23643480

Sad thing is it actually makes sense

>> No.23643481

Nice catch at that Mio design

>> No.23643482


>> No.23643483
File: 309 KB, 2048x1642, nak3eb26d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her other look is my favorite of all hololive girls

>> No.23643485
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, IMG_948858949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I'm sorry. I should've known this might be a little much. I just love the Korone feet, they did an excellent job with making them.

Korone has really cute feet. Plus I like her and donate to her a lot. I just wanted to enjoy myself while viewing her streams

Here's one last pic, sorry again. The socks are cute but she wouldn't wear these. Luckily I can just return them to get the red ones.

>> No.23643486

The avatar they clearly need to fix is AZKi giving her awful mouth tracking on the recent streams.

>> No.23643487
Quoted by: >>23643497

She's been infodumping before every game, it's nice.

>> No.23643489

huh, pekora won't play MGR?

>> No.23643493
Quoted by: >>23643516

Ayame has a casual outfit? This is a huge surprise.

>> No.23643494

pekora trying to make a character tree rip peko's brain

>> No.23643495

You articulated it well anon, I though she felt flat and in line at all time when being canan.
I thought it was the kind of self-restrain that's needed for this kind of content though, never searched further than this.
Is the grooming part really a thing? That suck, maybe I should superchat Noel instead of paying for the niconico stream then.

>> No.23643496

Kojimbo masterpiece...

>> No.23643497

Yeah I know, just figured she would give up after 2
Maybe after 4, she has said she is interested in it

>> No.23643498
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, Pekoras brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how MGS looks in pekora's brain say something nice about it

>> No.23643500
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>> No.23643501

That :P face...
Very good.

>> No.23643502

waste design

neat peko yo

>> No.23643504
File: 21 KB, 428x487, EV48EgmU4AAMW3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed, anon. You're something else, and I applaud that.

>> No.23643505

She'll change her mind real quick when she sees him in 4.

>> No.23643506

it would just seem stupid if she didnt play MGS4

>> No.23643507
Quoted by: >>23643519

Oh shit I just remembered those weird ass commercials in 4
Peko's gonna lose her mind right off the bat

>> No.23643508

Yes she went from normal streaming with talking, to talk streaming with her cleavage out to full on ero streams

>> No.23643509
File: 2 KB, 123x83, 1325137588481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's actually real
it's good that this site can actually still manage to get a reaction out of me sometimes

>> No.23643510

Send the pics to her. I'm sure she'll be delighted!

>> No.23643511

Have you put your dick between them yet?

>> No.23643512

Peko's so cute bros

>> No.23643513
File: 128 KB, 461x461, 1587824067603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643531

my whole life is a lie

>> No.23643514

why contradicting yourself with the socks bro

>> No.23643516

It would be less of a surprise if she actually streamed...

>> No.23643518

peko stop stalling and press the start button

>> No.23643520

Time to grab some popcorn. Pekora may as well too.

>> No.23643519

I hope she watches the Hayter interview

>> No.23643521

Roberu is way too funny, damn it.

>> No.23643522


>> No.23643523

I had no idea she had this! You fucks are making me love this demon......

>> No.23643524
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shouldn't have cut it out....none of the others did. Other than Choco who skipped the scene.

Who is the next holo that will fall for Lamar?

>> No.23643525

I felt like a retard when I realized her symbol was both a carrot and a rabbit's foot in one

>> No.23643526
Quoted by: >>23643541

She hasn't played 5 or Peace Walker yet.

>> No.23643527

>miko asked for a matching leg band in her current design
these two dorks are cute

>> No.23643528

I think it's a modified bunny suit

>> No.23643530
Quoted by: >>23643552

She's not a demon...

>> No.23643529

now you can patiently wait for her streams like the rest of us

>> No.23643531
Quoted by: >>23643582

That big tail like thing you see on the rightmost pic is part of her hair, not her tail.

>> No.23643532

She's going to be disappointed

>> No.23643533


>> No.23643536

Roberu is fucking hilarious

>> No.23643537

oh right the start of MGS4 is special.

>> No.23643538

LMFAO MGS4 is already insane nonsense.

>> No.23643541

Those are spin off games like MGR. When you play them doesn't matter

>> No.23643543

Already most kino of 2020 so far

>> No.23643544
Quoted by: >>23643782

Wrinkle pattern on the sole's not very sexy, and looks like it's crumbling

>> No.23643545
Quoted by: >>23643561

Did Choco restart the mission all over again or was there progress?

>> No.23643546
Quoted by: >>23643782

Is the texture on the toes just not coming out in the photo or is it the whole foot smooth?

>> No.23643547
Quoted by: >>23644259

Just the part we know about is that niconico talked a growing girl into showing more and more skin until she was basically doing softcore porn. It's better not to dwell on how bad things might've been otherwise.
I used to follow Canan thinking of her as some dumb camwhore who liked the attention, but then watching Noel made me realize how much of a mess Canan actually is.

>> No.23643551
Quoted by: >>23643557

is mgs4 the only game where it starts with the main character trying to kill itself

>> No.23643552

Why does she have horns then? Thought she was an oni

>> No.23643554
File: 497 KB, 710x405, 1571572625306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh, based?

>> No.23643555

Our boy's gonna hit 4 digits on his streams soon right?

>> No.23643556
File: 216 KB, 369x351, 86qM4h3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what i thought was her tail is actually her hair
>her real tail is actually wrapped around her leg

>> No.23643557
Quoted by: >>23643570

Persona 3

>> No.23643558
File: 161 KB, 720x221, 2020-05-02 00_18_36-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea maybe the holostars suck because their designs are so boring. They all look like the same guy with different hair / clothes.

>> No.23643559

She's an Oni Princess I thought.

>> No.23643560

How long is MGS4 anyway

>> No.23643561

She got her truck stuck (kind of like now) and blew herself up to restart

>> No.23643562

I'll have to apologize to the SEAfags here; you all are better than the Boomer Eurofags. You have better tastes.

>> No.23643567
Quoted by: >>23643600


pekora didn't have to wait years of speculation over her own headcanon to be dissapointed, I'm sure she will enjoy seeing cyborg raiden doing crazy shit, returning to shadow moses and the kino last boss fight with ocelot

>> No.23643568


>> No.23643569
Quoted by: >>23643596

Wow she is actually going to watch it, good for her that will help a little
3 hours of gameplay, 20 hours of cutscenes

>> No.23643570

good point

>> No.23643573
Quoted by: >>23643581

They're all going to have triple the numbers after this stream for sure.

>> No.23643574

This kind of oni is closer to the English equivalent of an ogre or troll. Not a demon otherwise she'd call herself an akuma like Choco and Towa-sama

>> No.23643575
File: 226 KB, 424x277, Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 9.19.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is already 12 years old

I feel so old-Peko.

>> No.23643577

Cutscenes alone are 8-9 hours. We're literally going to be watching peko watch a film

>> No.23643578


>> No.23643579

congratulations roberu for reaching 10k subs! our son is truly winning!

>> No.23643581


>> No.23643582

the fur on her legs being her tail is actually pretty smart

>> No.23643584

fujos can't draw

>> No.23643585
Quoted by: >>23643592

Those kanjis and military terms are so hard and confusing in jap

>> No.23643587

what the fuck is she doing

>> No.23643586

Holostars doing lewds with Hololives...

>> No.23643588


>> No.23643589

>even her background is MGS
this girl is too invested, I love it

>> No.23643592


>> No.23643593
Quoted by: >>23643601

Jesus christ, he was at 9.2k the other day and now he's at 10.k

>> No.23643596

>immediately skips it

>> No.23643597
Quoted by: >>23643613


>> No.23643598

Holocomi still retaining 20k viewers when Pekora is already at 22k, impressive...

>> No.23643599

Kaoru fell from his 1.8k to about 700 earlier. But I hope so, our boy should remain king.

>> No.23643600

shadow moses is probably going to lose a lot of that punch because it hasn't been that long for her. that 1v1 with ocelot though is the highlight of the whole game. also FOXDIE じゃない

>> No.23643601
Quoted by: >>23643617

TriNero and this stream have really helped boost their popularity

>> No.23643602

>still says KONAMI
>doesn't say Kojima Productions anymore

>> No.23643603

Liquid Easy

>> No.23643605

Wow. He was at 9.6k just yesterday I could sworn.

>> No.23643606

I've said that myself several times. Roberu is the best designed one and that's not a high bar. Gen 3 is at least better than the majority of Gen 1 and 2.

>> No.23643609

Pekorafags are pathetic telling her to pick Easy

>> No.23643610
File: 7 KB, 113x66, 1588393351441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i get this pic...

>> No.23643611

I feel bad for Pekora. She started with 3, the best one, and it's all been downhill from there culminating in this garbage.

>> No.23643612
Quoted by: >>23643622


>> No.23643613
Quoted by: >>23643800

bunny is a cute announcer

>> No.23643615
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1448517386171s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these ads

>> No.23643616


I'm sorry I like Peko but I can't watch this

>> No.23643617
Quoted by: >>23643670

TriNero doing well is expected after their strong launch but I really didn't expect them to have any impact on the older holostars.

>> No.23643619
Quoted by: >>23643628

He was only at 4k subs only a month ago
Holy shit

>> No.23643621

she's done this for every game bro

>> No.23643622
Quoted by: >>23643642

She's terrible at the games to be honest, she struggles even on easy mode

>> No.23643624
Quoted by: >>23643634

I played 1-3 but not 4, I'm feeling as confused as Pekora now.

>> No.23643626
Quoted by: >>23643635

Forgot about this intro
Fucking hell Kojima

>> No.23643627

Does peko usually have the best viewership in hololive or is it just kojimbo fucks

>> No.23643628

our son really did say he was winning after all

>> No.23643629

>video games

>> No.23643630
File: 478 KB, 2268x1696, 1577578157105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's nice.
Welcome to the family !

>> No.23643632

What the fuck is this shit? Goddamn Kojimbo really is a hack

>> No.23643633

Never played MGS4 before. What the fuck am I watching exactly right at this moment?

>> No.23643634

3 came out in 2004 so it's been 4 years until 4. Imagine how everyone else felt when it came out

>> No.23643635

the david hayter interview is kino

>> No.23643636

how new?

>> No.23643637

It's consistantly high. Around 15k-20k.

>> No.23643640

im so happy watching her play these games. its a joy seeing her react to it

>> No.23643641
Quoted by: >>23643658

Bros... we're already sub 20k...

>> No.23643642
Quoted by: >>23643654

just like Korone

>> No.23643644

one of the highest along with aqua, marine and coco but MGS boosts her popularity to collab-tier numbers.
She got 20k playing HC minecraft yesterday

>> No.23643645

Kojima is a massive Americaboo, combine that with Japanese "humour" and you get MGS

>> No.23643646


>> No.23643647

a "An Hideo Kojima game"

>> No.23643648

It's insane anyone would give him the time of day and no wonder his ass got dumped by the company.

>> No.23643649

It's a glimpse into the hellish world of Metal Gear through TV shows and ads

>> No.23643650

imagine if mgs4 opened with the middle east segment instead of those weird-ass commercials

>> No.23643651

>pekora 25k
>holocomi 19k

what went wrong?

>> No.23643652
Quoted by: >>23643662

you spend more time watching her teammates play than herself cuz she keeps fucking dying. hasn't luna been playing this for quite a few streams already?

>> No.23643654
Quoted by: >>23643687

Korone plays old games at least rather than flavour of the month like most VTubers

>> No.23643655

war never changes

>> No.23643656

everyone was waiting for peko

>> No.23643659

I can't wait to watch Pekora watch 50 hours of cutscenes!

>> No.23643658

Pekora MGS is going to murder viewership, that's just the way it is.

>> No.23643660

Holostars were a mistake. I imagine that the advertisers aren't too happy about losing 30% of their audience.

>> No.23643661

War changes tho

>> No.23643662

what level is Luna?

>> No.23643663
Quoted by: >>23643673

The wackiness adds to the surrealism of war. It makes you realize that war makes less than than these weirdo moments Kojima adds to the story. Kojima is truly a fucking genius.

>> No.23643664

The company being unable or unwilling to tell the talent "don't fucking stream when we are."

>> No.23643665

pekora will change it, pekora will stop war

>> No.23643667
File: 365 KB, 1195x1500, sukocchi tail usada_pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643691

So... 1 - 2- 3 - 5 - 4

>> No.23643668
Quoted by: >>23643679

Then Tropic thunder wouldn't have stolen the idea, and we wouldn't have one of the best movie intros ever.

>> No.23643669
File: 167 KB, 850x709, __yogiri_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_loalo__sample-74bdcf0ba254198b15f9d47d3fde4c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643676

"hey yagoo ive an idea for out new cn vtuber, self-harm-cutter-chan"

>> No.23643670

Kaoru's like second stream was him reviewing all of his senpai in what was blatantly advertising. Miyabi also mentioned that all of their numbers had been going up since 3gen's debut.

>> No.23643671

I'm so happy to see my boys and girls together

>> No.23643672

>Peko wanted to play on Big Boss Hard
>Her fans wanted her to pick Easy and didn't want her to suffer

You Pekofags are terrible

>> No.23643673

the black hawk downish segment and snake-altair are fucking kino though

>> No.23643675

Sad Peko.

>> No.23643676

I unironically love her design, wish she wasn't trapped on chink hell

>> No.23643677

fans are retarded

>> No.23643678

Why is Snake so old

>> No.23643679
Quoted by: >>23643700

the tropic thunder commercials make a ton of sense though, the ones in mgs4 are just kojima flexing his hack muscle

>> No.23643680

they just wanted to see her beat the game before her career ended

>> No.23643681


>> No.23643683

Watch and find out

>> No.23643687

But Korone does play flavour of the month too. She was playing Apex just the other day.

>> No.23643689
Quoted by: >>23643811

keep the tryhard mode for yourself bro
shes here to casually playthrough the game and have fun

>> No.23643690

>didn't translate the menu

>> No.23643691
Quoted by: >>23643709

No, it'd be Peace walker, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4

>> No.23643692

Pekora made the easy in every other game look like normal so its for the best.

>> No.23643695

He's a clone. Clones (in real life) age just as fast as their original. If you were cloned from a 20 year old you'd be born as a 20 year old and age just as quickly as they would after reaching maturity. Look into the sheep that they cloned

>> No.23643697

Any english speakers here?

>> No.23643698
File: 1.05 MB, 2660x2660, quieres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subscribers to all the homiestars RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.23643699

Sasuga westaboo Kojimbo

>> No.23643700
Quoted by: >>23643717

The commercials show how Normalized the Nanomachine soldiers are in this game setting.

>> No.23643703

This game is a literal movie her having to redo battles wouldent make for a good stream maybe if she really liked the gameplay she can do a big boss run

>> No.23643704

mgs4 is such a bad game to stream, im ready for people to bitch about cutscenes 24/7

i cant wait for her to get emotional during the last fight though, considering how much she likes snake

>> No.23643705
Quoted by: >>23643711

>crawl 2 feet cutscene
>walk 5 feet cutscene
Bravo Kojima

>> No.23643706

Shut up and enjoy the vibration feature

>> No.23643707
Quoted by: >>23643711

>walk 5 feet
video GAMES

>> No.23643709
Quoted by: >>23643730

No. 5 is the doctor in the same room with damaged snake that after the attack got a face reconstruction to be the replacement snake while real snake healed. It HAS to be 3 5 4 at the very end.

>> No.23643711
Quoted by: >>23644031

First Kojima game?

>> No.23643712

time to whine about the cutscenes

>> No.23643714

Think she'll play Peace Walker before MGSV?
I hope not.

>> No.23643715

Who puts all this walking simulation in my MOVIE

>> No.23643716
File: 1.31 MB, 1736x2456, ELScUjSUUAAjIvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643742

What is she voicing herself in?

>> No.23643717

there's only 1 about pmcs though...

that said i'm very impressed at how kojima practically predicted the proxy conflicts in syria

>> No.23643720


>> No.23643721
File: 540 KB, 1600x1198, 1560977291067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643725

This shit has been happening since the cold war Kojima didn't predict shit

>> No.23643727
File: 10 KB, 323x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one translation every minute for a line from three minutes before
>still guesslation tier
what's the point of this clown

>> No.23643730
File: 136 KB, 1307x736, 1587276551280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643731

this whole series of video have been about watching peko reacting to the story , its almost like a movie watch along stream, mg4 is perfect for that.

>> No.23643732
Quoted by: >>23643733

I hope she plays Portable Ops first but that will never happen

>> No.23643733

portable ops is shit. SHIT!

>> No.23643734

He's not even a member lmao

>> No.23643735
Quoted by: >>23643766

She's gonna break down even more once big boss shows up again
I'm sure she has a strong attachment to him and all

>> No.23643737


>> No.23643738

Yeah but it is part of the experience even if Kojima wants to erase it's existence

>> No.23643739

but I really enjoyed PW bro...

>> No.23643740


>> No.23643741

You need the one commercial to explain the soldiers, and the other commercials to juxtapose it.

This wasn't even a new idea either. Command and Conquer did it 10 years before this game.

>> No.23643742

My sex tape.

>> No.23643743

This nice cinematic 24 fps, at the best of times

>> No.23643745

she wouldnt make it out of the tutorial before she changed difficulty considering how much she struggled on mgs2

>> No.23643746

orudo suneku? dare?

>> No.23643747

For this exact reason I always question why these translations even exist. It's utterly pointless for livestreams unless you're an omniscience god who can stamp them out immediately.

>> No.23643749

Pekora is going to make a Smash Bros. comeback as a Snake Main!

>> No.23643751
Quoted by: >>23643777

why has everyone suddenly forgotten what metal gear is and become retarded

>> No.23643752
Quoted by: >>23643775

God I fucking hate hoshikawa.

>> No.23643753
Quoted by: >>23643758

Who left those watermelons in that box?

>> No.23643754

bro what the fuck wheres the gameplay

>> No.23643756

Rip holostars, slain by the bunny

>> No.23643757

This is Metal Gear this is the gameplay

>> No.23643758

I did it

>> No.23643761
Quoted by: >>23643771

But it has Calling to the Night!

>> No.23643762

cutscenes cutscenes cutscenes

>> No.23643763

boy howdy are you in for a fucking ride

>> No.23643764


>> No.23643765

nigger this is the 4th game, find a new line already

>> No.23643766

"Snake had a hard life"is going to break the poor rabbit

>> No.23643767
Quoted by: >>23643790

Don't you miss your melons?

>> No.23643769
Quoted by: >>23643790

You are a hack fraud Kojimbo

>> No.23643771

I'd just read the synopsis on the wiki and listen to it on youtube

>> No.23643772


>> No.23643773

>PS3 save interface

ah yes, true cancer

>> No.23643775


>> No.23643776

But she can meet gray fox again.

>> No.23643777

Are we old now for remembering metal gear solid 4? Jesus.

>> No.23643780

Sorry holostars, but I'll keep you running in the background at the very least.

>> No.23643781

I really like leaving Sora streams up in the background as I do other stuff.
Do the other Soratomo here more actively watch? I feel a bit bad about it at times.

>> No.23643782
File: 92 KB, 960x616, IMG_48738784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I know I said last pic but I just wanted to explain to these replies

The soles are super super soft, they'll look and feel nicer with oils.

The feet are smooth with some wrinkles on the soles, it feels very nice. But here's the best thing about this? I can warm up the feet and I'll feel the realistic warmth of an actual foot.

There are creams and oils that make the feet taste good as you lick and suck them but I'm still deciding on whether to buy those.

Alright no more posts now.

>> No.23643784


Wtf I like Akzi now

>> No.23643787

>peko so excited about otacon she used her real voice for a second

>> No.23643788

MGS4 came out when I was like 7 or something lol

>> No.23643790
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>> No.23643791
File: 5 KB, 166x196, 1332219211386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are creams and oils that make the feet taste good as you lick and suck them but I'm still deciding on whether to buy those.

whatever makes you happy i guess

>> No.23643794
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patra is the best 35P

>> No.23643796
Quoted by: >>23643816

Zoomers please leave

>> No.23643798
Quoted by: >>23643825

>you will never be a fit operator grandpa

>> No.23643799
File: 232 KB, 768x664, 1561459740096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are creams and oils that make the feet taste good as you lick and suck them

>> No.23643800
Quoted by: >>23643822

She really does sound a bit like Gilbert Gottfried in this one.

>> No.23643801

Let's play a game. Take a drink every time FOX DIE is mentioned

>> No.23643804

She's a bitch, a slut, a normalfag and a fucking bitch. I hate her. I don't want to hear anything about her. Every piece of information repulses me to my core. She is the anti-woman that I would spend my entire life avoiding.

>> No.23643805

God, I was in college back when- actually know, I was joking around with my classmates about how long the game was taking to come out. It didn't come out until after I graduated.


>> No.23643807
Quoted by: >>23643968

Why is Patra the only popular one from that VTuber group? Also I remember hearing a baby crying in one of Mary's ASMR streams like a year or two ago. Is she a mother?

>> No.23643808
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1586776599852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643809
Quoted by: >>23643823

If only it was Marine instead of FBK
Since she is really good friend with Nator
Fucking fubuki wants to be everywhere

>> No.23643811

>Big Boss hard
>Try hard mode

How much of a casual are you?

>> No.23643812

>peko still think the general is an AI

>> No.23643813

You can't kill what was born dead

>> No.23643816

I still played all the MGS games I'm sorry anon

>> No.23643818

The confusion in peko's voice that campbell is actually real and not a AI

>> No.23643819
File: 19 KB, 526x379, Registeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643865

please fucking stop

>> No.23643820

the flashback button was really fucking stupid

>> No.23643821

i wish patra had a better group

>> No.23643822

And Subaru sounds like Vin Skully.

>> No.23643823

>why is the most well known holo is everywhere

>> No.23643824


>> No.23643825

It's never too late anon, stay fit till you are in your 70's and you may still be able to fight on the battlefield

>> No.23643826


>> No.23643828

I'll never get footfags. It's not what you're into that bothers me, it's how obsessed with it you are. I don't buy replica ass or tits, and fondle them while I watch my chuuba. All this effort for sexual relief, and don't try to claim it's more than that.

>> No.23643830
Quoted by: >>23643851

This is dark.

>> No.23643831

30k right from the start
Peko #1 peko!

>> No.23643832

i never played any of the metal gear solid games, when MGS4 came out the only game that existed in my world was runescape

>> No.23643833

>more codec and shit after 5 min of cutscenes

jfc this game lmao

>> No.23643834
File: 111 KB, 523x680, madarasan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disturb me anon, but I somehow find you fascinating

>> No.23643835
Quoted by: >>23643867

Project winter is amazing

>> No.23643836
Quoted by: >>23643858

She's playful with it anon

>> No.23643838

The new metal gear are Proto-Robocos!

>> No.23643839

no, we are young and attractive.

>> No.23643841

MGS4 is bad about cutscenes even compared to 1-3
Or anything else Kojima did

>> No.23643842

Don't forget Peko will call the codec at every opportunity extending the movie run time to at least eleven if not twelve hours.

>> No.23643843

Can't wait to see Peko reaction to Ray vs Rex and the microwave

>> No.23643844


>> No.23643845

Just wait for the 1hr10min ending.

>> No.23643847

I don't even know what to tell you
I hope you are doing ok anon

>> No.23643849
Quoted by: >>23643861

All this easy bait, /v/ please leave

>> No.23643850

I'm both disturbed and impressed at how well modelled these are.

>> No.23643851
Quoted by: >>23643859

Yeah I just checked the release date it came out when I was 7. I first started playing MGS when a friend introduced to me the PS3 versions of the games

>> No.23643852

even compared to death stranding?

>> No.23643854

haha time for technology

>> No.23643856
File: 29 KB, 453x95, 1588394986769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643913

>> No.23643857
File: 337 KB, 538x560, 1584062224130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're telling me we're all Marine!?

>> No.23643858

She's playful with boys too fucking faggot. Her being self aware just makes the manipulation worse.

>> No.23643859

are you literally 19

jfc im old

>> No.23643860

DS has the most gameplay of any kojima game when it comes to quantity

>> No.23643861

Janny just nuked the thread, but with Peko streaming more are just about to be made until janny commit suicide

>> No.23643863

Yes so when sensei is begging for my young and fertile seed I don't have to pretend that I'm young it's pretty based

>> No.23643864

Death stranding has more walking than anything else
And yes, far worse

>> No.23643865
File: 168 KB, 1253x1393, ES-n_0tUwAEC9Dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im finding this all very educational anon, let him speak.

>> No.23643867
Quoted by: >>23643882

PW is shit if you're not playing with a cute chuubas or a group of chuubas.

>> No.23643868
Quoted by: >>23643877

no, he's sarcastically 19

>> No.23643869
Quoted by: >>23643937

MGS should have ended with 3

>> No.23643870
File: 204 KB, 391x496, 1422010654916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You beautiful bastard.

>> No.23643871

Yes I am literally 19. 20 this summer

>> No.23643876

MGS should have ended with 2

>> No.23643878
Quoted by: >>23643907

>mfw zoomers have never played zoe

>> No.23643877

you joke but that actually makes sense sometimes

ok. enjoy your 20s

>> No.23643879

you're probably the youngest person here

>> No.23643880

MGS should have ended with 1

>> No.23643881

Anon likes Matsuri.

>> No.23643882
Quoted by: >>23643903

No it's fun if you have a good group of friend to play with

>> No.23643885

MGS should have ended

>> No.23643886

MGS should never exsist

>> No.23643887

Put me in the screencap

>> No.23643888
Quoted by: >>23643901

I sincerly doubt it. I'm sure there's a few underages here since school is off it's basically summer already

>> No.23643889

MGS ended with 5 and I'm happy it did

>> No.23643891

Oiled shiny and warm sounds hot, happy for you anon

>> No.23643892
Quoted by: >>23643967

MGR 2 fucking when

>> No.23643893
Quoted by: >>23643899

Did you even play Death Stranding?

>> No.23643894

This site should never have existed

>> No.23643897
File: 25 KB, 258x387, Metal_Gear_Survive_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MGS ended with 5

>> No.23643898

explain metal gear survive

>> No.23643899

i dont play video games

>> No.23643900

Please watch Holocom too....

>> No.23643901

don't they still have to do online classes?

>> No.23643903
File: 876 KB, 456x490, 1559899132119.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with a good group of friends

>> No.23643904

mass hallucination

>> No.23643907

I played all of them, even the gba one
They still have more gameplay than fucking MGS4

>> No.23643908

Isekai zombies

>> No.23643909

That's more like a poorly done expansion pack for 5 than a full game

>> No.23643910

Yes but you can shitpost and attend at the same time. It's also exam season for a lot of students right now so their classes have ended anyway

>> No.23643911

Don't be have a significant /v/irgin population? Half that board is 14.

>> No.23643913

god I hate ironic weeb reddit fags calling literally any anime girl a loli

>> No.23643916
Quoted by: >>23643924

She doesn't have DDDs? That's a loli bro

>> No.23643918

How about that Oni ?
Is she stream often and cute ?

>> No.23643919

murder bunny

>> No.23643920

That hasn't stopped Haachama.

>> No.23643921
File: 350 KB, 1383x1900, EW9t0GWU8AUsy4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643923

Finally a holocon break, it's chaotic to listen to 5 people talk

>> No.23643924

the idea that there is likely a comment somewhere made by someone referring to Towa as a loli fills me with immense anger

>> No.23643925
Quoted by: >>23643932

Why are they even streaming at the same time as their own event?

>> No.23643927

First kill. Does MGS4 still let you do non-lethal?

>> No.23643929
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, 1587990521164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23643940

>> No.23643930

Shiiiet I thought that was over already

>> No.23643932

Please andastd

>> No.23643933

I'm getting second hand anger just thinking about it

>> No.23643935

Nighttime CQC with pekora!

>> No.23643936

Many US states have canceled classes entirely.

>> No.23643937
Quoted by: >>23643949

3 was the worst one

>> No.23643940
File: 187 KB, 2048x1152, 1586689971460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643941

how did this video game series become popular

>> No.23643942

Yup, her knife even has a stun function

>> No.23643943

Yes, she can do takedowns again

>> No.23643946

>holostars are gone
Sure, I'll chill for a bit

>> No.23643947

Of course you can go non lethal the whole game

>> No.23643948


>> No.23643949
File: 13 KB, 216x233, 1570719015274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643951

nanomachines and propaganda

>> No.23643952
Quoted by: >>23643974

You should send them something like Geiger counter and see their reaction

>> No.23643953

the stealth gameplay was fun and it helps that the series has whacky characters

>> No.23643954
Quoted by: >>23643959

why isn't she wearing pants or a bra

>> No.23643955

If Pekora doesn't pose with the statues she's very unbased.

>> No.23643956
File: 290 KB, 596x730, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please support Towa and her cute momma

>> No.23643957 [SPOILER] 
File: 681 KB, 2928x4096, 1588395640115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643959
Quoted by: >>23643986

when does she ever

>> No.23643962

I want to buy a tapestry and a roboco hoodie

>> No.23643964

Who's Momma/Papa is a better artist, Towa's or LunnnnnNNNNNNNAAAnora's?

>> No.23643967

>90% of the assets used were from MGSV
Yeah, it ended with 5.

Do you honestly think Konami is capable of writing MGR2 without Kojima's bullshit writing?

>> No.23643968

sorry that was me

>> No.23643969
Quoted by: >>23643979


>> No.23643970

Anyone know how Artia is doing? Like monetization wise. The Chinese holos do pretty good don't they? Since there are supposed to be a heck of a lot more Chinese people and as a result more people on bilibili.

>> No.23643972
Quoted by: >>23643987

So what are your impressions on holostars now that you get to know them more?

>> No.23643974

i still haven't seen geiger counter, same with emergence/metamorphosis (though I don't think I'll ever read emergence, seems boring)

>> No.23643975

why does peko sound like she's throwing up when she says "ore"

>> No.23643976

rurudo, she also has an incredibly cute voice.

>> No.23643977

Rurudo, and it's not even close

>> No.23643978

They wrote most of MGR without his input so...

>> No.23643979
File: 370 KB, 2200x1441, EWtt9ipWsAUOE5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23643981

Glad to see Peko's gone right back to Ramboing through with the CQC slam

>> No.23643982
File: 3.71 MB, 3264x2491, c35568fc6ad5a41356540c448c8dd364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanzaki is a god.

>> No.23643983
Quoted by: >>23644001

Kojima didn't even write Rising

>> No.23643985

Hiro makes some great music at least

>> No.23643986

Fantasizing about peko's hairy unwashed NEET pussy!

>> No.23643987
Quoted by: >>23644004

That Roberu's clip is perfect for describing him as a whole. I still need to watch more Temma. Pizzabro hasn't streamed in a while though.

>> No.23643989

>comparing the man behind the most iconic brat character of all time versus a literal who
Are you serious?

>> No.23643991

rurudo is one of if not the best Momma with her art and voice.

>> No.23643994

Which holos do you think are unshaved?

trick question Japanese people don't shave

>> No.23643995

I wish Rurudo told me to kiss her feet

>> No.23643996

Hiro, easily. Anons will say Rurudo because she has a vagina and has collabed with the Holos before.

>> No.23643998

what does that have to do with who's a better artist?

>> No.23644000
Quoted by: >>23644014

rurudo has 250k twitter follows bro...

>> No.23644001

Funny how its story and themes are more in line with the rest of the fukushimas storylines instead of solo kojima fap fiction

>> No.23644002

at least we know coco is shaven which is pretty much the only thing going for her desu

>> No.23644003
Quoted by: >>23644016

Why bother with shaving anyway. Everyone is staying home.

>> No.23644004

I came in late, what was the clip?

>> No.23644006

Bros, does aqua hates korone?

>> No.23644008

Choco is being loved tonight. So many supas including reds.

>> No.23644009

I wonder what Marine and her black boyfriend are up to today

>> No.23644010

Luna doesn't need to shave

>> No.23644012

I can't believe that a dragon has to shave too!

>> No.23644014

So? She's never done anything major and most people wouldn't recognize her style. Show anyone Luna and they would say "huh she looks a lot like a character from OreImo/Eromanga"

>> No.23644016
Quoted by: >>23644046

Yeah I'm just worried the increase in EOP members is gonna increase the risk that someone starts leaking hidden words/stream recordings
If you are shaven and let it grow back... well try it yourself and find out

>> No.23644018


>> No.23644021

who doesn't hate korone

>> No.23644023
Quoted by: >>23644063

I think Hiro's career speaks for itself, even though I like rurudo more.

>> No.23644022

>struggling on Easy
sasuga peko..

>> No.23644024
Quoted by: >>23644032

Let /hlg/ decide then.

>> No.23644027

what happened to the mgs soundtrack after 3

>> No.23644028

maybe to uninformed westeners, but I recognized towa as rurodo immediately.

>> No.23644029

Coco didn't shave. She waxed.

>> No.23644030

Don't you faggots have a chatroom to post play-by-play commentary in?

>> No.23644031
Quoted by: >>23644050

What game?

>> No.23644032

I don't care what a bunch of mouth breather who are too dumb to discern narratives from truth think. Hiro is a better artist than Rurudo. Rurudo may be cuter, a girl, more likable, whatever. She just isn't better than Hiro at drawing, and she definitely doesn't have the same portfolio he does.

>> No.23644033

both of those series' are trash anyway, and the art is flat and boring. the question was who's a better ARTIST.

>> No.23644034

Name a more painful stream from the last 24 hours.
Choco's streams don't count.

>> No.23644035

>fall asleep to sensei
atleast she woke me up i guess

>> No.23644038

Same thing, as long as she doesn't have hair

>> No.23644039

Yes? That wasn't a question of popularity.

>> No.23644040

She used a machine. An epilator or something like that? It pulls the hairs out.

>> No.23644042

>Pekora shooting at the freedom fighters

>> No.23644046
Quoted by: >>23644051

You mean her ASMR member-wall stuff?

>> No.23644047
Quoted by: >>23644078

>more popular = better
Pekorafag, I presume?

>> No.23644050
Quoted by: >>23644155

That took a while, wasn't sure anyone would take such easy bait.

>> No.23644051


>> No.23644053
Quoted by: >>23644079

What kind of pain are we talking here?

>> No.23644054

bros I thought utube doesn't allow nudity...

>> No.23644055

This is a good lineup.

>> No.23644056

Aqua at best tolerates other holos, autism and selfishness leave her with zero camraderie.

>> No.23644059

imagine pekora playing doom

>> No.23644060

what a sad excuse of a woman, literally built like a man with those hips

>> No.23644062

She's a dragon so it doesn't count

>> No.23644063

What career? You mean piggybacking off Fushimi?

>> No.23644065
Quoted by: >>23644214

I think Sora's 3d model is one of the worst in the company
Her lack of teeth scares me

>> No.23644066

You asked who was the better mama, not who was better and you got your answer retard so go eat shit somewhere else

>> No.23644068

please no

>> No.23644070

>pekora slaughtering innocent chickens

>> No.23644071

you must like minions too , cuz they are popular. why are lunfags like this.

>> No.23644072

easy 60k viewer

>> No.23644073

There is a lot of shit on youtube that people don't know about. This shit is just buried deep in the site.

>> No.23644074

That's not me anon please don't insult me. I asked from a position of neutrality and I didn't comment on any of the replies

>> No.23644075
Quoted by: >>23644082

>You asked who was the better mama
Holy fucking reading comprehension.
Reread this post carefully. >>23643964

>> No.23644076

depends. Youtube is less strict than Twitch when it comes to nudes but more strict when it comes to swear words.

>> No.23644078

hey don't bring peko into this. shes great

>> No.23644079

OK this is pretty painful.

>> No.23644080

Haatos stream from last night. That was hell

>> No.23644082
Quoted by: >>23644094

You still got your answer then retard, rurudo is better.

>> No.23644085
Quoted by: >>23644124

brehs... the ipod...

>> No.23644088

There's a yoga video done completely nude. I think YT is lax about the subject if it can be interpreted as 'educational'.

>> No.23644087

That was the good kind of pain though.

>> No.23644089
File: 138 KB, 680x317, towabest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644100

get fucked, stupid lunafag.

>> No.23644090

That's just the norm for Haato though.

>> No.23644091

you mean towa

>> No.23644092

she used an epilator, you retard

>> No.23644093

ngl this game is kinda boring
even peko cant make it interesting to me

>> No.23644094

Please stop insulting me when you aren't even replying to me it hurts my feelings anon please.

>> No.23644095
Quoted by: >>23644101

incredible how after 3 games peko still hasn't learned how to lean against walls or move in a stealthy way

>> No.23644096

>Could have walked right through the militia base
>Chooses to kill the militia and make them hostile

Stupid rabbit.

>> No.23644098

I can't believe roboco overslept again yes i can

>> No.23644099
Quoted by: >>23644115

Stop deflecting then, retard.

>> No.23644100

Towafags.... why are we like this....

>> No.23644101

bunny doesnt like to sneak around

>> No.23644102

I thought koronefags were but pekofags are way worse than them
enjoy your overrated rabbit overreact to overrated games while you can because nobody is going to give a shit about her after finishing MGS

>> No.23644103

eat shit

>> No.23644105

I remember like 6 years ago I found some tranny jerking off in a weird modern art video and reported it just because I was so taken aback at some fat man jerking his dick in women's underwear being on the site. It didn't get taken down.

>> No.23644109

No worries, have a good one

>> No.23644112

It isn't 2010 anymore...

>> No.23644113
File: 499 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-PikameeAmano-thumb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644114

why is FBK talking to these strange men

>> No.23644115
Quoted by: >>23644123

I'm not deflecting I didn't even question your judgement or anyone else's I just asked a question please stop calling me a retard anon

>> No.23644118


>> No.23644120
File: 307 KB, 1422x2010, 1586658204954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suichan CM!

>> No.23644121

Every holo is nice in her won way!

>> No.23644122
Quoted by: >>23644131

>sora's channel is marked as content for children

>> No.23644123

Then you're worse than the other guy because at least he took a side and defended it. You're just a pussy.

>> No.23644124

A one way street to getting your VOD taken down

>> No.23644125


>> No.23644126
File: 81 KB, 384x177, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is going to give a shit about her after finishing MGS
uh bro? your narrative?

>> No.23644129
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1496518838861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644135

Welcome to MGS4

>> No.23644130

Why would I take a side when I'm asking for a answer to a simple question :(

>> No.23644131

All anime is due to YT

>> No.23644132

cute shark alien girl!

>> No.23644134

Some /v/ tard is spamming corona in chat to trigger tha AI lmao

>> No.23644135

I will never forgive colleges for ruining a genuinely funny girl.

>> No.23644136

Should be Towa

>> No.23644137
Quoted by: >>23644142

this is a strange post , theres more people complaining about mgs being "movie lol", than anything else in this thread

>> No.23644140

you're kind of a dick bro

>> No.23644141

Thanks anon, I hope your favourite holo finds her breakout game too

>> No.23644142
Quoted by: >>23644151

It's just the Rushia NTR friend trying to stir up trouble again

>> No.23644143
Quoted by: >>23644146

>Yakuza ad comes up
>Coco immediately comments in chat

>> No.23644146

Based Yakuza dragon

>> No.23644149

And only one of them was the oil prince, I'm so happy for her. Can't wait for the last GTA stream so we can shower her in SCs.

>> No.23644151

I never make posts with no caps. It's bad for business.

>> No.23644152

It really sucks man.

>> No.23644153

Oh look its the worst character across the entire mgs series.

>> No.23644154

Bruh that's pretty racist of Kojima, thinking the black man talking was a monkey.

>> No.23644155

I knew, but I don't mind taking bait to shit on Kojima.

>> No.23644156
Quoted by: >>23644166


>> No.23644157
File: 106 KB, 850x728, ako_suke-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644163

you pekobros are alright

>> No.23644160

Just because he's black?

>> No.23644161

Why hasnt any vtuber copied Pekora and play MGS for easy growth. These MGS streams have like twice her usual viewership.

>> No.23644164

Because /v/tards are kimochiwarui

>> No.23644163

don't go to AsaCoco on monday

>> No.23644166


>FF7R gameplay
>reno talks


>> No.23644167

>30k again
pretty cool

>> No.23644168

Patra already did it.

>> No.23644169

Peko's reactions are part of why it's so popular

>> No.23644170
File: 312 KB, 600x660, 1538292571205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst character across the entire mgs series.
uh bro?

>> No.23644173
Quoted by: >>23644182

Too soon, would be too blatant
Give matsuri a few weeks

>> No.23644175

I'm surprised it took you four games to come to that obvious conclusion.

>> No.23644176

I have never played MGS but I have a super basic idea of what the story is about and watching Pekora react to all the cutscenes across the series has been the major highlight from all of these streams. It's so fucking surreal seeing a cute rabbit play Metal Gear Solid of all fucking games.

>> No.23644178

Sugita will still care.

>> No.23644179

Someone get a blank youtube account and see if typing "Metal Gear Solid 4" brings up Pekora's stream

>> No.23644180
Quoted by: >>23644194

Did everything wrong and DDog is a dog not a wolf

>> No.23644181
Quoted by: >>23644189

yeah hold on lemme get this call real quick

*crouches and talks to himself for 5 minutes*

>> No.23644182

>implying Matsuri's brain could process it

>> No.23644184

I wonder if someone will tell her to shake the controller during a cutscene or during a codec call

>> No.23644185

It does but it's like the third video down.

>> No.23644186

a funny girl who loved mgs was lobotomized and replaced by some art college, thats all you need to know

>> No.23644187

Or just use a private tab.
And yes it does.

>> No.23644189
Quoted by: >>23644196


is this your first metal gear? because codec calls literally warp time and space in all of them.

>> No.23644191
File: 325 KB, 847x723, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644192
File: 48 KB, 256x256, camo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By his own son too

>> No.23644193

i just realized she also played the classic metal gear games and rising

>> No.23644194

Fuck Huey desu

>> No.23644196

no, i'm a fan of the series. mgs4 just makes it more blatant how snake is super autistic when talking on the codec

>> No.23644198

What the fuck? I typed desu

>> No.23644199


>> No.23644200

This is RushiaNTR anons dream

>> No.23644204

how new

>> No.23644205
File: 41 KB, 422x317, mgs3_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644206
Quoted by: >>23644240

something I forget about the filter

>> No.23644207
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645986

Here's your 5th gen bro

>> No.23644208

How new?

>> No.23644209

his personality did a 180 after pw which was weird as hell

>> No.23644211
File: 899 KB, 802x938, nlX6opu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/1 last year, for those who want to see how the vtuber world evolved
The idol club was so strong by then

>> No.23644212

new kid

>> No.23644213

why'd you post this image of a wall?

>> No.23644214

I always wondered why they never updated it

>> No.23644215
Quoted by: >>23644224

Thats one ugly monkey

>> No.23644216

bros, this is epic, im not even a pekofag, but this i love to see.

>> No.23644217

When live chat says "__たすかる", does that mean "I liked that __" or "nice __"?

>> No.23644219
Quoted by: >>23644334

It's kind of depressing what happened to them.
Not that it wasn't deserved to some extent but man.

>> No.23644220

It means "based"

>> No.23644221

>kojima is a westaboo
>kojima is racist

>> No.23644223

It just means "saved"

>> No.23644224

please don't call me that

>> No.23644226
Quoted by: >>23644249

>that Roboco at the bottom with Fortnite
Soft chuckle.

>> No.23644230

happy to see my girl Roboco still chugging along

>> No.23644232
File: 993 KB, 2230x4515, 1579637226482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you trade Coco for Pikamee?

>> No.23644233
File: 354 KB, 900x1600, 76660955_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora loves Drebin
but she keeps calling him Yazuka...no peko

>> No.23644234
Quoted by: >>23644255

pretty sure the viewer went up when the homostars left and all we have on screen right now is the fan art

>> No.23644235
Quoted by: >>23644253

When does Pekora meet the worst part of MGS4, the guy with all the diarrhea and fart jokes?

>> No.23644236

Pika for 5th gen

>> No.23644237
Quoted by: >>23644250

no, but I'd trade her for luna

>> No.23644238


>> No.23644240
Quoted by: >>23644261

I haven't seen that filter in a while. IIs it the f a m senpai filter or the t b h desu filter?

>> No.23644241


>> No.23644242
Quoted by: >>23644264

This dude looks a lot like Otacon

>> No.23644244

Who do I have to trade in for jitomi?

>> No.23644245

how does it look now

>> No.23644246

What did Subaru do that made it so high?

>> No.23644249

Aqua was the strongest in hololive back then, in term of live views
And she still only pulled that much
Imagine Patra beating her now

Hololive was basically animaru level back then, who know what will happen next year

>> No.23644250 [SPOILER] 
File: 192 KB, 1688x913, 1588397948153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We trade Luna for Lulu

>> No.23644251
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x1985, EWxRwYDXgAAitnv.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644252
Quoted by: >>23644260

Nip for Pog.

>> No.23644253

Pretty sure it's coming right up

>> No.23644254
File: 1.53 MB, 1244x637, 1586845328317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the gundam.

>> No.23644255

Viewership went from 24k to 19k from when the Holostars segment started to when it ended

>> No.23644256
Quoted by: >>23644276

I want to watch lulu but I can't be bothered to catch up on hundreds of hours of archives.

>> No.23644257

I haven't seen someone get confused about the filter in so long, wow.
Thank you newfag.

>> No.23644259

God you're right, now I see it when I pay attention.
This is depressing, my japanse isn't great and I just pulled out an all-nighter so at that point even english make little sense, but this is something about her mother and being alone during Christmas eve right ? Seems like she think highly of her but sounds like crying at the same time, I can't even tell if she's laughing.

>> No.23644260

It makes more sense than that stupid bizarro lingo though.

>> No.23644261
Quoted by: >>23644266

the t b h one

>> No.23644262

It was made with Kanata in mind

>> No.23644264

haha y-yeah

>> No.23644265
File: 302 KB, 640x360, 1588397502085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644281

wait a minute that outline...

>> No.23644266

i can see that. I ran a test. But thank you for your input friend.

>> No.23644267
Quoted by: >>23644278


>> No.23644270
Quoted by: >>23644293

Yes she starts questioning what she's doing with her life as well. I'm seriously surprised she kept this up I scrambled to save it when I saw it live to keep the narrative alive

>> No.23644271

i dont understand why barbatos is there either

>> No.23644272
Quoted by: >>23644324

Wait, what? Explain more. Is there a scene or something I can watch?

>> No.23644273

>Natsuirooooo Maaatsuri des
Festival's greeting is pretty cute bros

>> No.23644274

Matsuri's lolicon mama(papa) is on live!

>> No.23644276

true, that was my original offer, I just want to trade up for someone good.

watch her souls and rythym heaven stuff, then just keep up with streams. her 24 hour stream is going on now

>> No.23644277

I haven't been paying attention, is Sora doing Karaoke now?

>> No.23644278

That's Sora-sama for you, plebeian

>> No.23644279
Quoted by: >>23644288

It's Noel themed. Notice the mace.

>> No.23644281

Hold on a moment... I saw this somewhere before...

>> No.23644280
File: 71 KB, 541x691, 1305813492087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644292

>peko's ryokai

>> No.23644282

I doubt Nijsanji wants her back...

>> No.23644284

That's laughing. I feel like everyone in these threads can't tell when she's laughing because it sounds so similar. But she almost always is laughing like that.

>> No.23644285

hahaha lolicon papa. hahaha. fuck i feel like such a normal fag but that just sent a shiver down my spine.

>> No.23644286
Quoted by: >>23644294

Sorry anon, I had to do it to you

>> No.23644287

It sounded like she had technical difficulty for a second?

>> No.23644288
Quoted by: >>23644302

barbatos uses a mace as a standard weapon and the paint scheme doesnt even look like noel

>> No.23644289
Quoted by: >>23644295


>> No.23644290
Quoted by: >>23644296

yes, btw is obligatory for her to have technical issues

>> No.23644292

i love it

>> No.23644293
Quoted by: >>23644788

Fucking hell... I guess at that point deleting it would only cause some kind of Streisand Effect. Most of the top comments don't even acknowledge that part...
Yeah her laugh is weird, sounds like she's crying and laughing at the same time.

>> No.23644294

it's okay bro, I understand. it's survival of the fittest out here

>> No.23644295
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584291753734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644297

I'm intrigued tell me more

>> No.23644296

Yeahhh she sure seems to have them often.
Sasuga obaa-sama

>> No.23644297
File: 132 KB, 305x358, Luna50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644298

Where's Roboco?

>> No.23644299

Isnt this MGS the one with a 8 hour or something cutscene as the ending? or was it 4?
will pekora start a new stream before the ending just incase so it doesnt get cut off?

>> No.23644302

Well the guy posted it under #ノエラート

>> No.23644306
File: 17 KB, 284x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oversleeping robo wife....

>> No.23644307

I still don't know if Tama is a victim with a great underdog story or the greatest mastermind the vtuber world has seen

>> No.23644309
Quoted by: >>23644326

I thought it was 1:30

>> No.23644310
Quoted by: >>23644326

Its 1hr10mins of pure cutscenes literally a movie

>> No.23644311

Suisei best girl

>> No.23644312
Quoted by: >>23644326

MGS4 has the longest cutscene in video game history at 110 minutes.

>> No.23644313


>> No.23644314

>middle of the day
>was even in Holocon
Where did she go?...

>> No.23644317
Quoted by: >>23644359

man FUCK johnny

>> No.23644318


>> No.23644319
File: 36 KB, 494x67, 1585830489348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a moment there you made me check

>> No.23644321

Imagine Korone trying to cash in on the MGS trend but she just plays the MSX games and then Snatcher somehow

>> No.23644322
File: 220 KB, 534x296, 2IGX5kZ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the numbers, mason

>> No.23644323

fucking Kojimbo

>> No.23644324

Octagon told us back in MGS2 that his father drowned himself in the family pool once he found out he got kekked.

>> No.23644325
File: 1.44 MB, 3842x2882, 20200502_014850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23644326

Imagine calling MGS a movie when a movie is usually only 2 hours run time. MGS has gone beyond and surpassed such limits.

>> No.23644327

>Hating on based Drebin


>> No.23644328
Quoted by: >>23644337

is it even possible to play snatcher?

>> No.23644330

Oh, that's a fun idea Sora.
Does she do this often? I like this.
For reference I mean harmonizing/playing backup vocals for herself.

>> No.23644333

>using the shit barrel

>> No.23644334
Quoted by: >>23644358

what do you mean

>> No.23644335

That would be pretty cool. I'd watch a Snatcher and MG2 stream, MG can go to hell though

>> No.23644337
Quoted by: >>23644342

why wouldn't it be? It's a good game, you should play it.

>> No.23644338


>> No.23644339

>holostars are gone
well, I can stop watching kojima now

>> No.23644341

Consider the following: Everything sad you heard about your chuuba is made up to trick you into getting more emotionally evolved up to nurturing your father instinct. It's all just a ploy to squeeze the biggest amount of money out of gachikois.

>> No.23644342

isn't it kinda difficult to get the MSX2 nowadays?

>> No.23644347
Quoted by: >>23644532

Consider THIS: https://files.catbox.moe/q1ctji.webm

>> No.23644348

But I am a woman...

>> No.23644349

>Both matsuri and her papa are lolicons
somehow that explains so much

>> No.23644351

I don't have any money to spend anyway, I can only shower them in my worthless love

>> No.23644352


>> No.23644353

>700 people waiting for Roboco

>> No.23644354
Quoted by: >>23644360

There are ports though

>> No.23644355
Quoted by: >>23644368

MGS3 is the only MGS game I understand

>> No.23644356
Quoted by: >>23644380

Based Peko dabbing on the Hololive channel with a 10k gap. She should quit Hololive and go solo to get all the cash, clearly they care more about the actress not the character.

>> No.23644357

I never given a dime to anyone on internet ever, except for goods

>> No.23644358

I didn't really follow Idolbu but from memory the short of it was basically management seriously mishandled them, their most popular member peaced out after revealing all this and going solo (iirc), and then management did the cardinal vtuber sin of soul replacing instead of retiring.

>> No.23644359

Meryl pls

>> No.23644360

I guess I'll add it to my list

>> No.23644361

My chuuba's history online is evidence, but it's possible to ham up how sad it is

>> No.23644362

Every once in a while, people get reminded that Sora is a pro singer.

>> No.23644363

peko.... if only you remembered you have an RPG, a porn mag, an AK and fucktons of grenades...

>> No.23644364

The Saturn version of Snatcher is better so no reason to play on MSX2 except for muh pixels

>> No.23644365
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644437

>> No.23644366
File: 145 KB, 848x1200, EW-jV9MVcAAWFbS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to extend my noel membership...

>> No.23644368

that's because it's the only game in the series that doesn't rely on previous information to be good. aside from Metal Gear 1 I guess.

>> No.23644369

>father instinct
More like my dikk. I doubt Aki needs fatherly guidance since she drinks twice as much as me

>> No.23644371
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1534645053074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644372

Is that a MEH or MYEH coming from Sora by the way?

>> No.23644373

matsuris art here looks so much better than her live 2d, her tummy doesnt look fucked up

>> No.23644374

But I give them my support by subscribing and tuning in to the ones I like every chance I get, maybe throw some money if I liked the stream a lot. Yes it's sad to hear that some of these people have similar problems as me but I'm not a believer of money solves everything. Some of these people don't seem to care all that much about the money they make and rather care about being entertainers/idols

>> No.23644375
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, BLv5LGhpsbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Choco posing the Freddie stance

>> No.23644377


>> No.23644380

I'm sure this is bait but there're people that actually think this way and don't see all the benefits of being part of a corporation

>> No.23644382

Why is Choco still using her sub account?

>> No.23644383

Her head is too big.

>> No.23644384

Does Noel's room mate have an onlyfans?

>> No.23644385
Quoted by: >>23644629

so she can milk double from her member piggies

>> No.23644388
Quoted by: >>23644629

It unironically brings in views.

>> No.23644389
Quoted by: >>23644398

copying her new best friend aki ro

>> No.23644390

trying to hate noel but can't because i like her voice...

>> No.23644392

choco would be playing ark and talking to herself regardless of stream or not

>> No.23644393
Quoted by: >>23644403

i normally defend matsuri when people are mean to her on here , but theres been way to much matsuri on this stream , im beginning to hate her

>> No.23644395
Quoted by: >>23644445

Other than the odd well known JAV star I don't think Japanese girls know about that site. Even if she did she wouldn't have one. She still has some self repsect left. Some.

>> No.23644396

How can A-chan stand those two

>> No.23644397
Quoted by: >>23644445

Onlyfans is western trash for sub humans.

>> No.23644398
Quoted by: >>23644424

her thumbnail game ins't even on the same level

>> No.23644399

wait so autoaim + tranq = sleep?
i thought autoaim just aims at the body and not at the head/

>> No.23644400

>11 P.M
>I'm tired as fuck
>Subaru Fantasy 6 in 2 hours

>> No.23644401


I like Luna saying "of course i'm streaming", as in "i'm talking like a retarded baby do you think i would do this if i weren't live?"

>> No.23644402

It's on easy mode

>> No.23644403

based contranian bro

>> No.23644404

It could also be because its on easy modo

>> No.23644406

Why do Matsuri shipper fags always post translated clips instead of proper source timestamps?

>> No.23644411

I want Choco to ride me and train me all day long like she does her Spinos

>> No.23644412

Cause you act like you know Japanese but you don't

>> No.23644414

Do you really need someone to tell you the answer to that?

>> No.23644415

Being on the west coast is truly terrible for watching the Hololives, especially since a large majority of them stream around 4am.

>> No.23644416

Do you really have to ask?

>> No.23644417

Come to the east coast

>> No.23644422
File: 30 KB, 461x461, 1586618632295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644421

>Find an interesting clip that is translated
>Wait.. if i post this some person i don't know on my samoan tapestry forums will think i'm an EOP, can't have that! Let me autistically look for the original VOD, find the timestamp and post that instead! My reputation on this anonymous site is once again saved!

>> No.23644423
Quoted by: >>23644430

Consider the following. Pekora is a transparently greedy bitch who openly states that she wants fame and fortune while doing the minimal amount of effort possible. That doesn't at all diminish at all the fact that I'll give money to her because funny bunny go peko.

>> No.23644424
Quoted by: >>23644433

there was an attempt

>> No.23644425

My favourite holos all stream at like 2-7 AM for my local time and if not for lockdown I'd be unable to watch them. I'm dreading the end of this lockdown just because of that

>> No.23644428
Quoted by: >>23644431

I can't believe Anon is asking me to come to his place. That's gay.

>> No.23644429

surprise gen 5 at the end of stream?

>> No.23644430

>she wants fame and fortune while doing the minimal amount of effort possible
I want that too, so I can't see it as a bad thing

>> No.23644431
Quoted by: >>23644444

I'll show you a good time, don't worry boya

>> No.23644432

East coast chads

>> No.23644433
Quoted by: >>23644447

Well all her old thumbnails were lewd fanart by fans before the demonetising happened. Now she has to make use of the pictures staff made for her like the rest of the holos do

>> No.23644434
Quoted by: >>23644441

>retards on chat complaining about how peko play the game
thats why no one likes EOPs

>> No.23644435
Quoted by: >>23644442


/hlg/: haha funny rabbit go NO! TEME! ORA!

>> No.23644436
File: 165 KB, 750x750, 1584825236662.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe luna is a method actor.

>> No.23644437

That design makes me want to cum.

>> No.23644438 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 800x1024, 1588399574357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll do ANYTHING Luna wants!

>> No.23644440

if there was any justice in the world towa and rurudo mami would have a segment on here.

>> No.23644441
Quoted by: >>23644461

anyone who types in english should get instabanned desu

>> No.23644442

based random rabbit

>> No.23644443
Quoted by: >>23644669

>complains about /pol/
>uses a /pol/ meme template

>> No.23644444


>> No.23644445

Sad. Is there a Japanese equivalent? I'm sure those horny nips would eat it up.

>> No.23644447

it feels like youtube gave sensei PTSD and she doesnt want to do anything lewd

>> No.23644448

I don't understand camfags. Just fucking watch porn. It's free.

>> No.23644450

Chat keeps spamming AKAGOO and now I can't remember what the cover CEO's actual name is anymore

>> No.23644451
Quoted by: >>23644459

>Full game is over 11 hours long
>The cutscene-only edit is almost 8

>> No.23644452

Because these girls stream for hours at a time and sharing a highlight real is far more effective than posting an archived livestream you question-leading snake in the grass.

>> No.23644454

There's a narrative floating around that says Matsuri won't do her usual "lewd" antics with Luna because she's so good looking in real life that it becomes somewhat imposting. Anyone have videos to substantiate this claim?

>> No.23644456

It's 8am here, haven't slept...
I-I'm gonna watch too, if I can pull it off surely you can anon from the other side of the world.

>> No.23644459


>> No.23644460

Some onlyfans camwhores will converse with you via DMs so there's an aspect there that's missing in porn I would say

>> No.23644461

They have fantia and FC2 which is basically the same thing I believe. Also some girls use pixiv's fanbox
Yeah she was even afraid of leaving archives for her now extremely SFW ASMR before AI took control
Back when I watched smaller Japanese streamers on twitch there were actually channels that did this. I miss watching Dotamara before Slacks made EOPs aware of him and they trashed his stream.

>> No.23644462
Quoted by: >>23644481

her statement was just that she didn't think luna had any sex appeal

>> No.23644463
Quoted by: >>23644477

You're implying that cams aren't also free (if you know how to look for them) and infinitely better than porn. The ideal pornography features only women, either by themselves or with another woman, which is way more common with cams than with professional pornography.

>> No.23644464

MGS should be a movie haha..

>> No.23644465

Matsuri shipper fags are the most annoying posters in this general by far and always shitpost about the same topics ad nauseam. Starting to think they're mentally ill.

>> No.23644467

Is haato helping with holocomi all day? She usually streams at around this time and I miss her.

>> No.23644468

>ctrl-f kojima
>ctrl-f kojimbo
Do better /jp/

>> No.23644469

Now we'll finally be able to find out for real if Fubuki's mother actually hates her.

>> No.23644470

It's perfect because it's in the evening when no one will bother you all the way until morning when people wake up.

>> No.23644471
Quoted by: >>23644572

whenever luna drops the baby act i really like her voice. its a shame.

>> No.23644472

Yahoo! Thanks for the stream, Sora!

>> No.23644473

Fubuki's mama is hot as hell, I want to cum inside that cute boypussy.

>> No.23644475
Quoted by: >>23644486

Is FBKs papa gonna explain why he hates her so much?

>> No.23644476

She has a stream planned in 4 hours

>> No.23644477
Quoted by: >>23644488

>The ideal pornography features only women, either by themselves or with another woman,
What the fuck?

>> No.23644478

I want to plant my seed inside Suisei's hapa belly and breed some dangerously retarded babies!

>> No.23644480

This isn't /v/

>> No.23644481

She's not wrong. Luna is closer to some bizarre apparition/eldrich abomination then human

>> No.23644482

What are you talking about peko is watching it right now

>> No.23644483


despite having the longest cutscenes, MGS4 still had the largest maps in the series so far (with maybe MGS3 very close). with my only real complaint being that europe and arsenal gear where way too small, if those chapters where longer MGS4 would unironically be a much, much better and complete game.

>> No.23644485

Honestly can't believe this is a launch ps3 game for how amazing it fucking looks

>> No.23644486
Quoted by: >>23644509

Fixed that for you.

>> No.23644487

Nobody cares about that shit stream. People are watching Holo Comi.

>> No.23644488
Quoted by: >>23644510

What's the confusion about?

>> No.23644490

Aqua just makes you wanna I M A G I N E

>> No.23644496

FBK's mama (papa) hates her? I need a rundown on this narrative.

>> No.23644497

People are watching sensei actually

>> No.23644499
Quoted by: >>23644515

whos FBK mama

>> No.23644500

that's it, I'm canceling my membership, coke is fucking disgusting

>> No.23644501

>a soldier let something like that
god fucking dammit, I can't take this shit

>> No.23644502

>35 in hyperlink

>> No.23644503
File: 43 KB, 344x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644521

provably false

>> No.23644504


>> No.23644505

>meryl can't recognize the love of her life wearing a bandana and an eyepatch and a super high-tech sneaking suit only because he has grey hair

sasuga kojima-san

>> No.23644507
Quoted by: >>23644761

They should have a panel with Suisei and Suisei where A-chan interviews Suisei about drawing Suisei and she plays both "characters" completely straight and they never acknowledge the joke

>> No.23644509
Quoted by: >>23644530

You didn't fix shit, fuckboy.
For what other reason would he give her a soulless corpse as her second avatar and never talk to her?

>> No.23644510

How do you enjoy solo female/lesbian porn? I never understand this and I never understood yurifags. Maybe I am the wrong person to be asking this question since I have an underlying cuck fetish and I need to see a woman be penetrated by a man that isn't me.

>> No.23644511

fucking johnny

>> No.23644512

In what manner do you imagine she is 'helping' behind the scenes?
Honestly she could be doing anything right now.
She mentioned yesterday she ran out of snacks and she probably has homework she's been ignoring etc.
There's so many things she could be doing guessing would be foolish but I'm pretty certain 'helping' holoket isn't it.

>> No.23644513

Peko supports cock and ball torture.

>> No.23644514
Quoted by: >>23644533

he's like 50 years older bro

>> No.23644515

An APEX addict

>> No.23644516


>> No.23644517
Quoted by: >>23644534

Is that Raiden?

>> No.23644519

It's just an idea people've had since ages back. Despite Fubuki being so active on social media there's basically no communication between her and her mama, and her live2D treatment is bizarrely poor for who was hololive's main sell for ages. Janky default model even by gen 1 standards, sloppy and rare costumes compared to much less popular girls.

>> No.23644520
Quoted by: >>23644533

To be fair snake aged super fast. You wouldnt expect the same guy you met a few years ago to be an old ass man

>> No.23644521
File: 192 KB, 1407x2178, 1585311379352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644522
Quoted by: >>23644539

Are you that ntr fag from the day before?

>> No.23644523

Who's Friend A's parent?

>> No.23644524

I have tried to masturbate to her and I can't do it. I can enjoy lewds of her aesthetically and that's it.

>> No.23644526
Quoted by: >>23644554

>that ! joke

>> No.23644528
Quoted by: >>23644532


>> No.23644530

he says hes mama , so hes mama, whats so hard to understand

>> No.23644532


>> No.23644533
Quoted by: >>23644546

did they never meet again after mgs1 or what

>> No.23644534
Quoted by: >>23644573


>> No.23644535

The solo stuff is about the one on one feel. No idea about people that enjoy lesbian stuff that has always confused me too

>> No.23644537

I can't believe Pekora hates black people and laughs at their existence.

>> No.23644538

>Ayame starts singing
>Chest starts hurting
But why is it like this, bros?

>> No.23644539

Yes, I'm here like 24/7. If you're replying to a well constructed and thoughtful post then you're probably replying to me since I am one of the only good posters in this general.

>> No.23644540


>> No.23644541


>> No.23644542

What did Towa mean by this? Towa and Rushia collab?

>> No.23644543

the pornstash disguises him if they took out the stache he would look like big boss

>> No.23644545
File: 2 KB, 277x39, hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is unaware.

>> No.23644540,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone got link on Senchou's youtube banner?

>> No.23644546

probably not after mgs2 no, snake's supposed to be dead.

>> No.23644549

I'm fairly certain I'm just projecting my bias on mama, but it reeeeally sounds to me like he doesn't want to be here dealing with this and that Fubuki is doing her best to just keep things rolling. Stark contrast to Matsuri's segment.

>> No.23644550

>NTR fag
>Anti shitpost fag
>Autism fag
>good poster
OK buddy

>> No.23644551
Quoted by: >>23644561

Dude are you fucking serious.
I can't believe I could be replying to Rushiafag at any time.

>> No.23644552
Quoted by: >>23644560


>> No.23644553
Quoted by: >>23644595

>this guy again
Stop posting your own comments, faggot.

>> No.23644554

If you shot the "!" Above an enemies head it would stun them

>> No.23644555

That's it
I'm joining the Towa cult
Coke is based

>> No.23644556

take a shot every time they say nanomasheen

>> No.23644557

ok , enjoy your pepsi alone , with no kenzoku

>> No.23644559

How do I feel this too?

>> No.23644560


>> No.23644561
File: 134 KB, 284x354, Luna46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644568


>> No.23644566

It's no great mystery why women would rather fuck other dudes.

>> No.23644567

I know that feel. Chest pain, knots in the stomach, a strange tinging sensation like your soul is leaving your body. You're supposed to leverage all of those feelings and make your body rush blood to your penis to fully embrace it.

>> No.23644568
Quoted by: >>23644710

what did he mean by this

>> No.23644569

I'm usually a super Japanese voice acting > all person and advocate for subs over dubs in everything but MGS is just better in English right?

>> No.23644570
Quoted by: >>23644607

>Roboco an hour and twenty minutes late
just another day being a robo fan

>> No.23644571
Quoted by: >>23644607

Roboco is awake boys

>> No.23644572

any clips of it?

>> No.23644573

great. Now I gotta stay up to see pekora react to the reveal.

>> No.23644574


>> No.23644575

Considering Kojima would've put 10x more effort into the English talent for all the games I can believe this yes

>> No.23644576
Quoted by: >>23644580

mgs and dmc are written with english in mind

>> No.23644577

It's her oni powers working their magic

>> No.23644578


>> No.23644579

There's a reason David Hayter is literally in the game

>> No.23644580
Quoted by: >>23644590

hard to believe

>> No.23644581
Quoted by: >>23644595

where the fuck is this guy now? koaru isnt streaming is he?

>> No.23644583

No, is just nostalgia what makes you said that.

>> No.23644587

>Uh, I made her white because shira sounds like shiro I guess.
It's true isn't it.

>> No.23644589

what a thrill

>> No.23644590

3 onwards, i should've specified

>> No.23644593

was that nanomachines repressing meryl's emotions?

>> No.23644594

Reality is often disappointing.

>> No.23644595

I was unaware that this guy was notorious. I was just laughing because he thinks Johnny's hungry.

>> No.23644599

Big brain right here

>> No.23644601

he's hot

>> No.23644602


>> No.23644604
Quoted by: >>23644630

it's the nanomachines acting in her endocrine system causing her to stop acting like a woman

>> No.23644603

Coke is amazing. It can clean blood off the highway.
It's not like Towa is drinking it or anything.

>> No.23644607
Quoted by: >>23644616

>You couldn't protect her from her nightmare

>> No.23644608
Quoted by: >>23644618

What a jerk he didn't give a fuck about her until she got famous.

>> No.23644611

Holostars are for bros not for homos anon

>> No.23644612

Roberu would be perfect if he didn't have that side mouth going on.

>> No.23644614
Quoted by: >>23644662

She won't get to it today most likely and I might have lied, don't stay up please

>> No.23644616

I'll make it up to her by marrying her

>> No.23644618
Quoted by: >>23644727

He didn't give a fuck about her after she got famous either.

>> No.23644619
Quoted by: >>23644627

MGS4 has a really good ost, this part was pretty cool.

>> No.23644621
Quoted by: >>23644631

Does MPV not give the chuuba a view?

>> No.23644623

Roberu is so perfect

>> No.23644624

My wife is so cute!

>> No.23644626
Quoted by: >>23644651


>> No.23644627
Quoted by: >>23644692

imagine mgs4 without the shit johnny scenes and all the nanomachine bullshit

>> No.23644629
Quoted by: >>23644644

These two things
Plus she's keeping it in case she gets demonetized again.

>> No.23644630

Kojima koiwai

>> No.23644631
Quoted by: >>23644637

It does not

>> No.23644633

>holos talk with their mamas
are they going to do it for everyone or just gen 1?
i wanna see coco and towa interact with their mamas

>> No.23644634

Yeah that's what Matsuri is saying but real context is Matsuri likes young girls and Luna is allegedly a decade older than her, also maybe as a sign of respect.

I know she also treat Marine differently than others but not to the degree with Luna. I haven't seen her interact with Korone that much so I might be just telling bullshit here

>> No.23644636

He's cool, he just looks like he's having a stroke when he talks

>> No.23644637
Quoted by: >>23644643

What makes you say that?

>> No.23644639
Quoted by: >>23644645

I want to continue listening to FBK's papa, but this BGM is grating

>> No.23644641

that autoaim is making her life so easy

>> No.23644643

Well I'm assuming he'd say it if it doesn't give a view

>> No.23644644

>Plus she's keeping it in case she gets demonetized again.
She'll never get over her PTSD, won't she?

>> No.23644645

Nice to know it's not just me who think it's annoying

>> No.23644646

All of there subs shot up a bit after their sketch

>> No.23644650
Quoted by: >>23644660

When I quote matsuri I drop vod timestamps though. I thought people would appreciate it as a discussion aid but as you have shown, that's apparently not the case.

>> No.23644651
Quoted by: >>23644668

Seeing Choco-sensei play alone has made me realize someone can play ARK alone and that I too can play ARK alone

>> No.23644653
Quoted by: >>23644675

She pretty much did. She has had the strongest and most permanent reaction. Aki and Noel have both tried ASMR on youtube again. Choco vehemently refuses to now.

>> No.23644655

Tell me I'm the only one that thinks Fubuki mama sounds like he's being forced to do this. I don't want to believe the narrative.

>> No.23644656

No especially not when it gives her a good excuse to make more money

>> No.23644659
Quoted by: >>23644709

Imagining FBK and mito in JK uniform made my dick diamonds

>> No.23644660

Why are you misusing the spoiler tag, retard

>> No.23644662

The actual Raiden reveal is even better.

>> No.23644663

Bro... there's no coercion...

>> No.23644664

that's just corona-chan

>> No.23644666

The narrative is real.

>> No.23644668

Yes but she plays on a server and can always meet other people and get resources for someone else. Being completely alone in a world is boring

>> No.23644669

/hlg/ has been invaded by /pol/ for awhile. Hilariously, they either try to pretend they're anti-/pol/ or they are more /pol/tistic than usual.

>> No.23644672
Quoted by: >>23644676

i'm going to report roboco channel for being cute

>> No.23644673
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1573399756512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644680

Whoever made said Pekora should play on this difficulty should off themselves

>> No.23644674

I think sensei forgot to post on her Ci-en. She said on the 1st of May she was gonna take requests for her next situation (family friendly) voice work and she didn't post yet. She spent like 4 hours on twitcast does morning so I'm surprised she didn't then

>> No.23644675
Quoted by: >>23644775

she does membership streams but those aren't public but youre right
noel and aki did go back to their normal routine with aki and haato abandoning their sub channels

>> No.23644676

don't do it they ban for that now

>> No.23644677

>the shitstain on johnny's pants


>> No.23644678

head too small in the front shots

>> No.23644679

Let the /v/tards shit the thread. Peko is almost done with MGS. I got shit to do, like Choco sensei and work, rather than sperg.

>> No.23644680

She only cares about the story anyways so it's fine I guess....

>> No.23644682

Kojima says Akio Otsuka is the voice and soul of snake, when it come to writing the game japanese was first and its show, the japanese dub shits all over the english dub in terms of writing and performance. all the menus and english text is westaboo aesthetics , they look cool and give it an authentic western feeling but how anyone can listen to the english dub and japanese dub and pick the english is beyond me

>> No.23644683

Where do we stand on Fubuki and her mama after this? It's one of the oldest mysteries of hololive.

>> No.23644684

David Hayter is the only snake I know

>> No.23644686

>Extremely based tier
boatposter, SoraCHAD
>Based tier
Pussy-eater anon, Lunaposter, Shion foreheadposter, Towa crypto-gachikoi falseflagger
>Ok tier
Towa....fags, Narrativefags, L*ger falseflaggers, Haachama?!posters, Senchou wombposters
>Shit tier
Suisei falseflagger, Suisei gachikois, L*ger, Rushiafag (cuck), Matsuri Schtickposter

>> No.23644688
Quoted by: >>23644735

Why is this genre popular?

>> No.23644689

you're in the vast minority

>> No.23644690

What would you feel if Pekora streams Metal Gear Rising?

>> No.23644691

David Hayer > whoever that fag jap is

>> No.23644692

but those are the scenes pekora enjoys the most

>> No.23644696

Her mama sounds like she is her papa instead

>> No.23644697
File: 1.44 MB, 3180x2864, Okayu29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna draw Okayu every day!

>> No.23644698

Towa... is only OK...

>> No.23644699
File: 8 KB, 240x240, q0IIJesu_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English dub....?

>> No.23644701

Strange, I made this list 7 times.

>> No.23644703


>> No.23644705
Quoted by: >>23644771

Based as usual and pretty good

>> No.23644706

Sasuga Kojimbo not understanding his own game again.

>> No.23644707

Happy because Rising is kino and the streams would be legendary

>> No.23644708

What about the people endlessly shilling for the ponkotsu demon nurse?

>> No.23644709


>> No.23644710
Quoted by: >>23644717

I can't tell if it's just a few anons shitposting as cuckfag or if that's truly cuckfag. I'm so confused now... Would that mean he thinks Luna is genuine?

>> No.23644711

Source on that? Want to use it against dubfags

>> No.23644714

He's shitposting.

>> No.23644715

I'd watch Peko for the first time

>> No.23644716
Quoted by: >>23644726

gotta love how mgs4 sometimes runs at 60fps for like half a second

>> No.23644717
Quoted by: >>23644723

I'm not sure but cuckfag is kinda cute

>> No.23644718

He's ok with her existence but Mito mama still regrets giving birth to Fubuki

>> No.23644719

Niji's thot queen.

>> No.23644720
File: 647 KB, 596x548, 1573610642889.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644730

>Shion foreheadposter

>> No.23644723
Quoted by: >>23644738

t. cuckfag

>> No.23644725

I have to stay up until 4:30 AM to prepare myself for work. Which Hololive vtuber should I watch?

>> No.23644726

sounds like a modern day multi-platform PC release

>> No.23644727

What a bad papa/mama/whatever. I do like the concept of her design but.. that's just messed up. FBKing deserves better.

>> No.23644728
File: 1.30 MB, 888x1243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tie my wife Marine up as we roleplay me invading her pirate ship and I mindbreak her to become addicted to me filling up her womb!

>> No.23644729


>> No.23644730

Is this why Shion is so stupid she bought itunes cards just to avoid going to the shop in person?

>> No.23644731

>peko MGS likely for 7 hours
>impreg collab after
looks like my whole day is hololive today

>> No.23644732


>> No.23644733 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 320x320, 1588401756739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644774

>replaces hayter

>> No.23644734
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1586145096346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644735

Winning games doesn't require pure FPS skill and it feels good "winning" against 50-100 people.

>> No.23644736

Has there been any stealth in this Metal Gear Solid 4 game yet so far

>> No.23644737
Quoted by: >>23644741

Shame her womb is barren and that there is no booty to plunder

>> No.23644738
Quoted by: >>23644749

Absolutely not.
I actually hate NTR with a passion, I just like calling anons cute.

>> No.23644739
File: 75 KB, 230x267, 1587678920595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644741

Marine being a christmas cake only adds fuel to my fire

>> No.23644742
Quoted by: >>23644755


>> No.23644743

>pekora actually really likes johnny and tells him to do his best, thinks he is cute
>screams MAJI KAKOOII at meryl and her bros doing things

fun to see her perspective compared to how jaded everyone is here towards MGS4, she will be so happy when johnny marries meryl at the end.

>> No.23644744
Quoted by: >>23644755

Not with Pekos gameplay and you shouldn't expect to see any

>> No.23644745
File: 165 KB, 362x397, Luna60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644746

Can't wait to see Pekora's reaction when Johnny becomes Merly's little fuck boy

>> No.23644747
Quoted by: >>23644763

Someone post that song made with samples of MIko's alarm voice set. I forgot what it was called and who made it

>> No.23644748

No pekora? She and miko would make unstoppable team like the Minecraft one.

>> No.23644749
Quoted by: >>23644769

Not based and not redpilled

>> No.23644750
File: 478 KB, 727x720, 1587016335071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressing answer but OK.

>> No.23644753

kakage chad

>> No.23644752
Quoted by: >>23644766

Why the fuck are you spoiling the movie, asshole? I haven't seen MGS4 yet.

>> No.23644754

what? everyone ive seen loves johnny, patra liked him and meryl's squad too

>> No.23644755
Quoted by: >>23644773

Even accounting for Pekora it doesn't seem like any of the sequences so far require or even allow stealth.

>> No.23644757

Not everyone is a professional streamer.

>> No.23644756
File: 157 KB, 633x758, 1497125694722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-chan... please.. stream..

>> No.23644758
Quoted by: >>23644771

Pretty cute

>> No.23644761

That'd actually be pretty funny

>> No.23644762


1 - she is playing on easy
2 - MGS4 was marketed as a shootan/stealth hybrid, there are segments you can entirely beat without being found,(all of shadow moses and south america, lots of parts in this chapter) while others force you to shoot things (the current segment she just beat)

>> No.23644763
Quoted by: >>23644781


>> No.23644765

You'll never have mommy Pekora tell you you're cute even when you fuck everything up

>> No.23644766

>spoiling a shit plotline
who cares, barely even related to the game

>> No.23644767

How did a cuck like Huey produce such a badass like Otacon?

>> No.23644768
Quoted by: >>23644834

I have to assume as a nihongo she's used to stories making no sense and ridiculous ass pulls in her media

>> No.23644769
Quoted by: >>23644792

That's okay, I've gone my whole life not being based or redpilled. Truly unlucky.

>> No.23644771
Quoted by: >>23644790


>> No.23644773

Everything until the Frog fight in the building she just did can be 100% stealth

>> No.23644774

Does it count as a replacement when you use the understudy?

>> No.23644775

She probably got ahead outside of losing her core youtube audience. But she seems to be steadily growing. Two channels of memberships with not over-lapping perks and protection against getting youtube'd.. it's not a bad tactic for a lower-tier Holo.
Yeah, I wasn't counting those since most people aren't aware of them.

>> No.23644776

Strangelove's genes

>> No.23644777
Quoted by: >>23644784

never in my life had i thought i'd be up at 2am watching an anime girl scream mosin nagant at the screen

>> No.23644778
File: 137 KB, 666x281, 2020-04-12 02_05_08-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great answer and thank you!

>> No.23644779
Quoted by: >>23644864

What about pitfags, feetfags, tummyfags, etc?

>> No.23644780

by marrying a pedophile rapist I guess

>> No.23644781

Thanks chief

>> No.23644784

Sasuga kojima
everything is forgiven

>> No.23644785
Quoted by: >>23644821

love that they put that pic of rurudo lion up

>> No.23644786


>> No.23644788

if you can't tell she's crying you either need to get your ears fixed or do something about your social retardation anons

>> No.23644789

Pathetic fathers often produce strong sons because the son looks at his father and realizes that he doesn't want to be like him so he analyzes the father and realizes what not to do. The opposite then happens and strong fathers produce shitty sons who think life is easy because the father makes it look easy, and they often act entitled. It's a cycle.

>> No.23644790

I love it when they try to show they at least appreciate the fans but love it more when they mention THEY CAN'T SPEAK IT EOPs FUCK OFF

>> No.23644792


>> No.23644794

she's literally drunk crying and letting her bottled stress out cause her inhibitions are being broken down by her alcohol idk how any can confuse it for laughing doesn't help she's bipolar though

>> No.23644795

>move five feet
>move five feet
>forced action sequence
>move five feet

I thought this series was supposed to be good?

>> No.23644796

what about sons that had no father in their lifes?

>> No.23644798

Time to watch Roboco play Apex!

>> No.23644799

If MGS was so good Kojima would still be employed!

>> No.23644800

kakage designed 5th gen confirmed?????

>> No.23644801

She is gonna struggle hardcore in mgsV

>> No.23644802

Now you understand why everyone hates Death Stranding because it's not MGS.

>> No.23644803

they become a cute angel pretending to be an anime girl

>> No.23644804

Who told you that? mgs is literally liked only by spergs and casuals

>> No.23644805

Based FBK with Pizzabro

>> No.23644806

What about sons with two fathers?

>> No.23644807

I'm not black so I wouldn't know.

>> No.23644808
Quoted by: >>23644813

>fubuki doing a collab with the best holostar Aruran


>> No.23644810


AZKi later!

>> No.23644809

We've already seen her design anon. She was one of the open auditions. I don't have it saved though.

>> No.23644811

Effeminate closet gays

>> No.23644812
Quoted by: >>23645080

>that feel
Ayame's カタオモイ cover makes me melt


>> No.23644813
Quoted by: >>23644836

based cat momma. What is the limit on her levels of based??

>> No.23644814
File: 207 KB, 1030x1200, EVbuQvFUEAAgkYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644816

I'm honestly amazed at how good FBK is at being a host. She just keeps going and going without dead air.

>> No.23644817
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644818

>Kojima is unironically retarded
nothing new

>> No.23644819

Yeah the Mad Father (mad doctor) has a pretty annoying beginning, but I'm sure Subaru's next stream of it will be a lot better.

>> No.23644820

I'm surprised Fubuki as been able to keep talking and keeping the comi going this long. Reminds me I'd never be able to be an entertainer like this I'd get tired of the talking after an hour or so

>> No.23644821

can't believe rurudo is an honorary hololive

>> No.23644824

I really look up to her
Although seeing people better than me at everything kinda pisses me off

>> No.23644825


>> No.23644826

She doesn't get enough credit for how hard she tries at everything. I wish I was gachikoi for her, but instead it's just a lot of respect.

>> No.23644828

What about sons of the patriots?

>> No.23644829

Average anon would get tired of talking after 5 minutes.

>> No.23644830

She just drank a gallon of asacoco today.

>> No.23644831

Nomura really fucked FF7

>> No.23644832
Quoted by: >>23644847

>do something about your social retardation anons
I don't have problems on that front, she just also sound weird when she laugh. Of course she's crying in that timestamps but it'smixed with her usual laugh, she literally sound insane. Being drunk and alone on Christmas eve doesn't help either.
Of course there no question about whether she's crying or not.
What's strange is how she go from sounding like a mess to being collected again in an instant.

>> No.23644833

ok ok , this is too much , this shitpost is so subpar, get out

>> No.23644834


you are looking at the word camp, (which is abundant on the west too).

>> No.23644835


>> No.23644836

Earnings her pamas love.

>> No.23644837

But Otacon literally only does what he does because he thought mecha anime were cool

>> No.23644840

https://youtu.be/TkV65v81ABM time to sleep risu bro

>> No.23644841

seriously tho , where did all these fags pretending to like the english dub of mgs come from?

>> No.23644842

I know we've seen her boyfriend but I really gotta wonder if and how they're still together with the sheer amount of work she does. Though I suppose that may just be normal Japanese stuff.

>> No.23644846


>> No.23644847

it's cause she's drunk, she drinks canned beer like an old man and is also drunk like one

>> No.23644852
Quoted by: >>23644871

It wasn't even her boyfriend, that's the funniest part.

>> No.23644853
File: 91 KB, 960x950, 1588300087673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644872


>> No.23644856

Pretty sure it was the /jp/ consensus since the very start

>> No.23644857

She became his mother after she found him cheating on her multiple times

>> No.23644859
Quoted by: >>23644887

Why can't you post with proper grammar and punctuation?

>> No.23644860
File: 29 KB, 318x227, 1557978173424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644861
File: 91 KB, 473x1024, EW_LmSpVAAAkWCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644868

Indonesian folklore and Indonesian folktales, this seems kind of niche.

>> No.23644864
File: 75 KB, 2456x202, pitfag explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, pitfags is based tier. i love pits so much, i hope they keep posting pits

>> No.23644865

Bit early, don't you think?

>> No.23644867

Don't question the latest narrative

>> No.23644868
Quoted by: >>23644907

Shame I'm not a monkey so I can enjoy these streams

>> No.23644870

I watched this stream for almost the full 6 hours but it doesn't feel like it. It felt really light on content

>> No.23644871

Well, I'm sure she can just pick a holostar up when she retires at least.

>> No.23644872

I want to lift her hair up and see where there should be human ears.

>> No.23644873

i want roboco gf...

>> No.23644875

Did anyone ever explain to Haato what "hitting the sack" means? I remember someone donated that to her and she just asked "what was sack again?" like she didn't even realise it was a metaphorical phrase. I just want my daughter to get better at English bros

>> No.23644877

FBK's exboyfriend is a cheater and too young for her

>> No.23644878

english was always first and foremost, jp is whatever

>> No.23644879

Don't worry about it

>> No.23644880

Did they say anything about the dimensions of the Hololive bag? I kinda want to buy it.

>> No.23644881

get in line

>> No.23644882

It was really heavy when it was heavy though. Holostars felt so heavy for example and so did the drawing part with Pekora, Rushia, Aki and FBK.

>> No.23644885

does kojima ever explain how not-psycho mantis floats

>> No.23644887
Quoted by: >>23644896

im very lazy anon

>> No.23644889
Quoted by: >>23644900


>> No.23644890

Don't worry bro they can be mass produced Hololive just needs funding. I'm sure you know how to make sure they have it

>> No.23644892

FBK did great today!
I don't watch her much but I really respect her, and her effort really shows in everything she does

>> No.23644891
Quoted by: >>23644900

psychic powers

>> No.23644894
Quoted by: >>23644900


>> No.23644895

Same way psycho mantis floats

>> No.23644896
Quoted by: >>23644903

When was your last siesta you filthy Spaniard?

>> No.23644898

someone pls post roboco webm showing her back and ponytail...

>> No.23644899

Midic... I mean Nanomachines

>> No.23644900

ok cool

>> No.23644903

Siesta isn't lazy it's climate.

>> No.23644905
File: 1.98 MB, 1992x1241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644918

I want a Towa gf!

>> No.23644906
File: 47 KB, 734x425, towacoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sponsorships when?

>> No.23644907
Quoted by: >>23644919

Risu speaks mostly in English tbqh

>> No.23644912


>> No.23644913 [DELETED] 

next time shit gets leaked
use archive.is to archive it
I just archived all those imgur albums from the suisei leak
The clues were there all along.
\might be where her family is from too.

>> No.23644915


>> No.23644916

artist missed my cum trickling down her thighs

>> No.23644918

The tail piercings always make me laugh

>> No.23644919
Quoted by: >>23644929

I never watched her because I can't speak Indonesian. Maybe I'll tune in if I'm still awake.

>> No.23644922
Quoted by: >>23644932


>> No.23644923 [DELETED] 

>suisei half russia

wtf, that's hot, for half she speak japan fluently

>> No.23644925
Quoted by: >>23644933

Activate it

>> No.23644926
Quoted by: >>23644930


>> No.23644928
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1587225800659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*sees your dick*

>> No.23644929

They kind of main the language in the title, in the last stream she was throwing in more Japanese than Indonesian.

>> No.23644930


>> No.23644931

Haato x Towa Coca-Cola sponsored stream confirmed.

>> No.23644932

I mean it's not like you can't read that message by just looking at a table of hiragana/katakana and understand it with the most basic of weeb knowledge. Anyone who's watched Choco's ASMR before should know what tansan is anyway

>> No.23644933
File: 23 KB, 396x356, EWvuUv5WoAIqe40.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23644935
Quoted by: >>23644939

no one cares sperg go back to your shithole

>> No.23644936 [DELETED] 

>Star City, Russia

what a great name for a town, and what a great name for suisei

>> No.23644938

What about the video where she really laughs at someone's dick

>> No.23644939
Quoted by: >>23644952

She would be afraid if she saw mine. I am a westerner not a Japanese
Who is the sperg?

>> No.23644942

Psychic powers exist in MGSverse but has vastly been outdated compared to nanomachines and AI

People keep saying portable ops isnt canon but it answers the is psyhic real question

>> No.23644943 [DELETED] 

can't wait suisei fanart doing russian squat

>> No.23644945

She laughed at his lack of stamina not his penis. His penis was probably the Japanese average of 2.3 inches anyway

>> No.23644947

Is Towa accepting the narrative?!?!

>> No.23644948
Quoted by: >>23644958

The most colorful thing on the screen is Pekora. Everything else is shades of brown. Sasuga ps3 era game

>> No.23644949 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23644974

Anons determined that the rushian thing was a joke

>> No.23644950
Quoted by: >>23644961

I prefer this laugh

>> No.23644952

the doxxer

>> No.23644951 [DELETED] 

link for imgur?

>> No.23644955

Sound only. She was laughing at his virility but not at his dick.

>> No.23644958

Wait till Act 2 when everything is green

>> No.23644961

Doesn't embed probably but yeah that's a pretty good laugh haha

>> No.23644962 [DELETED] 

is this another narrative?

>> No.23644969 [DELETED] 

link for previous thread?

>> No.23644972
Quoted by: >>23644984

Tell me, why does Suisei smoke ten packs a day?

>> No.23644974 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 600x600, EI0_4VYUEAEU6ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23644991

People have been arguing both ways. I would advise you table the issue until Kotaro MacPaparazzi weghs in.

>> No.23644977 [DELETED] 

this make me love suisei more

>> No.23644978
Quoted by: >>23644983

New narrative : Mel is blind. I don't know why, just roll with it

>> No.23644980


>> No.23644981 [DELETED] 

can't wait suisei use russian language next stream

>> No.23644982
File: 63 KB, 680x443, EW_r1KyUcAAwdw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the bilibili streams... Matsuribros...

>> No.23644983

Mel has a family and three children now.

>> No.23644984

Not enough supachas for eleven packs.

>> No.23644989 [DELETED] 

how can this get so many (You)

>> No.23644990

Hey guys... Luna is streaming right now...

>> No.23644991 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645148

That retard can't research anything.

>> No.23644993
Quoted by: >>23644999

She's quite the whore for a mother of 3

>> No.23644994

She wants to be infected with Covid-19?

>> No.23644995

Make the oldest one stream then!

>> No.23644996

she wants to feel good by having more viewers

>> No.23644998 [DELETED] 

neat, they manage to dox suisei, irl pic when

>> No.23644999

They all have different dads

>> No.23645000

What else has Johnny's jp VA done?

>> No.23645001
Quoted by: >>23645020


>> No.23645004
Quoted by: >>23645016

just woke up and seen that Black Roboco hoodie.
I want it.

>> No.23645007
Quoted by: >>23645017

Explain the eggs to me

>> No.23645009

Sunny's still a better cook than haato

>> No.23645010

>eggs represent on how the next mission would end up
sasuga kojimbo

>> No.23645011 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645030

leak this leak that, post some proof here or it's just another narrative fag

>> No.23645012

Then grab a pencil and start drawing.

>> No.23645016

if you're a human sized person you're gonna have to wait for the gaijin friendly version to release

>> No.23645017
Quoted by: >>23645026

They are used as food, usually cooked

>> No.23645018
Quoted by: >>23645047

I wonder if Haato could cook eggs better

>> No.23645020

fukuyama has done a bunch of shit
sugita voices miller

>> No.23645022
Quoted by: >>23645045

are they going to make another batch?

>> No.23645024

i feel lonely and depressed too anon and i feel you

but i feel like if i just say "thanks to these girls that does cute voice and cute shit, i got out of depression" feels like a bad way of coping and just ignoring the issue you have, not truly looking to find the root cause of your loneliness and depression. It sounds delusional and if you think about it logically, without holo girls, your life would literally be nothing without them
i mean, watching peko or baqua or suisei do random stuff does makes my day better and going to these threads for either shitpost or *insert vtuber name* spam feels less lonely, but I think the better way to enjoy them and have a more fulfilling happiness is to face your issues head on and not just rely on watching them or going here just to be happy

i hope you get through your problems anon and get out of the rut, im doing my best to solve my own problems too and get out of my own rut and watching hololive a day keeps the darkness away, but watching them without that darkness creeping everytime the stream is over is really worth it

>> No.23645025 [DELETED] 

congratulation you manage to bait a lot of anon here, better prepare for next narrative

>> No.23645026
Quoted by: >>23645041

Explain food to me

>> No.23645028

Sensei... not again...

>> No.23645030 [DELETED] 

Were the yolks representing the rest of the game, being terrible?

>> No.23645031 [DELETED] 

>all these samefag (You)'s with the same syntax and style

>> No.23645032
Quoted by: >>23645049

>immediately realizes she's Olga's daughter
She's really invested in this series huh? It's very cute

>> No.23645034 [DELETED] 

first fat, now this?

>> No.23645036
Quoted by: >>23645073

This happened because you guys didn't show her enough love. She has gone over to bilibili where the chinks appreciate her.

>> No.23645040

Did Otacon fuck Sunny?

>> No.23645041
Quoted by: >>23645056

It's a tangible object which you consume to give your body sustenance so you won't die

>> No.23645042

yea, sure

>> No.23645043 [DELETED] 

>suisei actually from russian

that's explain her pyschopath side

>> No.23645044

I'd say that escapism is bad, but to hell with this smooth talk.
Godspeed anon and keep enjoy holos as you try to get better.

>> No.23645045

Someone else in the thread said so but they might've been lying

>> No.23645046

Explain Matsuri to me

>> No.23645047

No way

>> No.23645048

horny and drunk all the time

>> No.23645049

It’s been great to watch her play these games despite her subpar gameplay skills, she loves Kojima’s wild

>> No.23645050

hololive's town bike
...she wishes

>> No.23645051

damn XXXXL is gonna take that long?

>> No.23645053

link the tweet please anon

>> No.23645054

No, but George does.

>> No.23645055

Lyger's waifu made specifically for him

>> No.23645056
File: 100 KB, 800x1024, EW-4W1dU8AEgiNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645072

oh I get it, like this?

>> No.23645059

I'm back from my two week ban, where's my yakuza celebration and flood of superchats?

>> No.23645062

That's why she has trouble walking.

>> No.23645066

Holy shit, how did roboco's team pull that off

>> No.23645068

She's prone to dirty jokes and pushing the boundary on the idol limits, I don't mind her though she can be fun.

>> No.23645070

You're gonna watch our guy get his 100 kills right?

>> No.23645071

the large they are selling will no doubt not fit the most skeleton ever 5'10 + westerner

>> No.23645072

Yes, the weak fear the strong and that is just natural

>> No.23645073
File: 88 KB, 651x607, 1582632647211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, anon, I tried.

>> No.23645076

While roboco's streaming? he wishes

>> No.23645079
File: 2.12 MB, 2048x2048, 1588404631366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645084

Would you buy chinese goods?

>> No.23645080

I'm not crying you are crying

>> No.23645081

>get the bilibili streams out the way early in the month

>> No.23645082

Learn from Korone and write: "I LOVE THE CUSTODIANS!" next time.

>> No.23645083 [DELETED] 

this one is 1 thread old and anon already prove it's fake

>> No.23645084

I'd rather buy used syringes

>> No.23645086

Fuck no. Can't believe the girls will ditch ark for a fucking fps

>> No.23645088

that's not what it says

>> No.23645089
Quoted by: >>23645120

>two weeks in the gulags

>> No.23645092

Sasuga squirrel, always some great poorfag material to stream

>> No.23645093

Even dumb usagi gets it, Solidus was right.

>> No.23645095
Quoted by: >>23645104

I HATE Rushia

>> No.23645096

doesnt matter how skinny you are, japs are all manlets and cant comprehend someone being taller then 5'7 so jap sizes are super short

>> No.23645100

I'm guessing she was really close to naked and on the side of the road when they found her!

>> No.23645102

I LOVE Rushia

>> No.23645104

I LOVE Rushia

>> No.23645106
Quoted by: >>23645129

>look at Snake butt
>"isn't this a bit erotic"

>> No.23645107
Quoted by: >>23645120

I was banned for 3 days until yesterday for telling some gay dude he was going to hell. Welcome back anon why did you get banned?

>> No.23645109

That's transphobic, peko

>> No.23645112

Bilibili likes her

>> No.23645115

That Suisei interview that got posted yesterday was pretty mindblowing. All this time I always assumed she had wanted to be an idol all her life but apparently it's just a part of her character, she wasn't into idols at all until Love Live and just decided to make her Vtuber character an idol. She wasn't even really into singing until she was forced to as apart of her backstory. In a way it means Suisei truly is best at staying in character out of everyone because we all truly believed she was an idol from the get go.

>> No.23645116

>someone kills anyone in mgs4
i love pekora

>> No.23645117
Quoted by: >>23645121

>Apex gacha
Fuck no

>> No.23645119

Love Live and im@s anon

>> No.23645120

Joke dox posting, the mods didn't find it funny. In their defense I probably didn't make it clear enough I was being sarcastic.

>> No.23645121
Quoted by: >>23645123

so is he opening lootboxes then?

>> No.23645123
Quoted by: >>23645142

Yes, look at the thumbnail

>> No.23645126
File: 40 KB, 630x401, Yagoo barbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you taken the catpill yet? It's the true route after all.

>> No.23645129

glad to know she is into grandpas

>> No.23645130
File: 88 KB, 1333x1579, 1544679799594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645141

>mfw my (You)s disappear in less than 12 hours because jannies delete old threads.

>> No.23645132
Quoted by: >>23645146

God, I hate how he looks like Shinji from FSN and he sounds like him too. What the fuck?

>> No.23645133
File: 543 KB, 790x860, squirrel10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Jewslim.

>> No.23645135

Oh no Coco is playing RE4 again guys

>> No.23645138
Quoted by: >>23645143

Is he talking shit on robert?

>> No.23645139

peko is so genuine I love her bros

>> No.23645141 [DELETED] 

try to make narrative like this >>23644913 and you will get a lot of (You)s

>> No.23645142

Oh yeah I remember seeing that in the Coco stream. Sorry I'm not an apex player

>> No.23645143

I hope so
Roberu deserves bullying and mockery

>> No.23645146

He looks like a cross between Shinji and a Yugioh character

>> No.23645148 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645154

5ch will have settled the matter by the time he swoops in to summarize.

>> No.23645150

why is pekora playing? where's the movie?

>> No.23645153

Did Ayame ever give an actual reason as to why she's streaming so little these days?

>> No.23645154 [DELETED] 

Then 5ch can't research anything either because his shitty summaries are incomplete.

>> No.23645156

ah, yes, the entire south america chapter, that one part of the game that is actually really fucking good.

>> No.23645159

Making babies.

>> No.23645160
Quoted by: >>23645165

She's busy fucking her boyfriend(me)

>> No.23645162

Unfortunately there are sections where you have to navigate to the movie by yourself, for 'immersion' purposes apparently

>> No.23645164
File: 991 KB, 1240x1754, EW_hljkUcAYLifi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23645166

did peko turn auto aim off?

>> No.23645165

Nice RP faggot.
Show proof or GTFO

>> No.23645168

I think she claimed her mic broke? For her specifically just assume she is fucking around (literally and figuratively) with her boyfriend, because she probably is.

>> No.23645171


>> No.23645172

because people are dumb and love to exaggerate but the truth is it would probably be the best mgs game if there wasn't so many cutscenes.

>> No.23645173

Never saw that clip before, now it all makes sense. Based bro. No wonder he was the only other star I liked.

>> No.23645174 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645186


>> No.23645175

You are a hero.

>> No.23645177

Believe me, he is her boyfriend
source: I got invited to a threesome

>> No.23645179

I have nothing to prove to you, fool. As long as I'm fucking her, that's all it matters.

>> No.23645180
Quoted by: >>23645184

okayu and sensei streams are truly the 2 most comfy things to watch

>> No.23645181 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645190

This is a narrative I can get behind.

>> No.23645182

Miko looked like that!?

>> No.23645184
File: 325 KB, 1440x1200, Konachan.com - 285774 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fat tomboy neko gamer gf cant possibly be this relaxing

>> No.23645186 [DELETED] 

More like "Matsuri..."
Literally paying money just to masturbate

>> No.23645187

Busy making babies.

>> No.23645190 [DELETED] 

It's not a narrative, it's a fact.

>> No.23645191

So the whole rejected sob story was a scam?

>> No.23645192

Time for cucking Raiden

>> No.23645194

mgs4 is not entertaining to watch at all

>> No.23645195
Quoted by: >>23645212

Azki collabing with Sora.
I wonder if Azki will ever collab with Suisei.

>> No.23645196
File: 86 KB, 750x395, EW8zwjTVcAE3dnA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to lay on me and narrate what she's playing

>> No.23645198

Link to the interview?

>> No.23645199

I wanted a comfy stream today, but she tweeted that it became a collab earlier. I don't know what to expect now.

>> No.23645200

Nice bait.

>> No.23645201

30k viewers highly disagree.

>> No.23645203
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, EW8m6oDUYAEA4jD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for long, looks like she got monetized by youtube
Will she keep use Streamlab too?

>> No.23645205

They are watching Pekora not MGS4

>> No.23645206
Quoted by: >>23645227


it would be interesting

if you knew Japanese

>> No.23645207

I'm only watching for Pekora
The game is trash

>> No.23645208

It just means there's 30k brainlets.

>> No.23645209
File: 3.76 MB, 2894x3761, EW-OHJTUwAA5RYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23645210
Quoted by: >>23645217

meanwhile, Iofi still rejected...

>> No.23645211

Can't you shake the codex or cutscenes to make boobs jiggle in mgs4?

>> No.23645212
Quoted by: >>23645268

She might if she goes through with her plan to play games, though so far she has singed 3 days in a row. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

>> No.23645214
Quoted by: >>23645253

tupid korone knock off, your cute smile isn't fooling me. I see the evil behind those eyes

>> No.23645215

I love my wife and her non-pants

>> No.23645216

I want to fuck that robot

>> No.23645217
Quoted by: >>23645228

Literal who?

>> No.23645218
Quoted by: >>23645257

About a million times more people watched the Big Bang Theory. Conclusion: Big Bang Theory > Pekora

>> No.23645219
Quoted by: >>23645240

Here's the video

>> No.23645220
File: 70 KB, 515x521, battle of the millennia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23645223

superchat isn't available with indonesian monopoly money, she wil probably use both spacha and streamlabs since streamlabs actually let the indogs pay her

>> No.23645224

Robot asking for a recharge

>> No.23645225

>entire peko chat became NTR spam


>> No.23645226

yea if its other streamer I am not even going to bother

>> No.23645227

I'm EOPchad and the MGS3 stream was amazing. This is boring. Pekora herself sounds like she's struggling to find things to react to.

>> No.23645228

Iofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to

>> No.23645229

What a manlet.

>> No.23645230

cant tell if peko's husbando is solid or big boss

>> No.23645231
Quoted by: >>23645272


>> No.23645234 [DELETED] 

This is a fact I can narrate.

>> No.23645236

it's whatever ikemen is on screen at the moment

>> No.23645237

Solid is a Big Boss clone so they are the same anyways

>> No.23645238

She's struggling to come to terms with being cucked.

>> No.23645239

How come pekora isn't getting very many red supa tonight?

>> No.23645240
Quoted by: >>23645264

What a racist. Making monkey noises just because Franklin is black. When are we gonna get her to stop?

>> No.23645241
Quoted by: >>23645277

The virgin "carried by the game"
The Chad "carries the boring game"

>> No.23645243

Peko's bad aiming vs Coco's ODs

>> No.23645245

ok retard
guess you're missing out on her being pissed off at rose for ntr'ing raiden

>> No.23645247

she seems to be enjoying herself, this just isnt a funny le ebin streamer bait game
but peko seems genuinely invested in the characters so i cant wait to see how she is around the microwave scene and the final fight

>> No.23645248 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645256

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBuuK7tTTug 5th gen debut soon

>> No.23645250

I like when they play MGS or Yakuza it becomes hololive movie night

>> No.23645251
File: 176 KB, 788x900, EV9nRx-U0AAUQqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Subaru.

>> No.23645253

The only evil is the haram things she wants to do to Korone!

>> No.23645254

Because like everytime supacha don't happen every single minute during a play through livestream? She is getting red bukake after she beats the game anyways

>> No.23645256 [DELETED] 

cute lulu!

>> No.23645257

Can't beat that logic. Pekora and MGS is literal trash, proven.

>> No.23645258
Quoted by: >>23645267

Kiryu is a chad
Snake is a fag

>> No.23645259

she likes otacon more

>> No.23645260

People are likely waiting for the emotional moments of MGS4

>> No.23645261
Quoted by: >>23645283

I'm watching cuz pekora
I fucking hate this pseudo movie

>> No.23645263
Quoted by: >>23645269

does anyone else fucking love Shiyon yo's singing voice?

>> No.23645264

There's no stopping her, she's already won.

>> No.23645265


azki finally leaves the music room

>> No.23645267
Quoted by: >>23645289

chads don't cry/doubt about everything half the game every game

>> No.23645268


>> No.23645269

i can't stop watching her cover song by king gnu thing

>> No.23645271

probably because she got plenty of red during her member only stream earlier

>> No.23645272

Who bothers lying about this shit?

>> No.23645273

Cute idols.

>> No.23645276

Roboco with a triple kill

>> No.23645277

It's ironic because Snake is a womanizer and Kiryu is a virgin.

>> No.23645281

i see need sora to carry her ass or i can say need sora so she can easy leech for money

>> No.23645283
Quoted by: >>23645305


anon, Im sorry, but movies are actually interesting when you know the language of the movie being played, most of pekora's comments and reactions right now are related to the actual plot happening right now.

>> No.23645286

Patrician taste in girls and games.

>> No.23645285
Quoted by: >>23645299

Cool, but her outfit is still stupid

>> No.23645288
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1587047255201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snake is a womanizer

>> No.23645289
Quoted by: >>23645313

Are you talking about kiryu or snake here?

>> No.23645296

Petan GTA > ALL

>> No.23645299
File: 480 KB, 2000x2000, D8PdY_KU8AAA_FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking the condom outfit
why are you gay

>> No.23645300

cocofag are the worst, can't believe they get mad because pekora have more viewer than coco and start to trash talk pekora

>> No.23645301

I hope she has fun it'd be nice to see her do casual stuff more

>> No.23645302
Quoted by: >>23645309

>Snake is a womanizer
I guess if you count Meryl wanting to fuck him but it's confirmed they never did anything, I wonder if a clone even has a working penis

>> No.23645303
File: 2.21 MB, 4096x2891, EW5sS_UU4AA-1rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23645305

Nope, I played mgs4/5 and they both were absolute shit, even playing it in English it IS bad

>> No.23645307
File: 112 KB, 433x530, 1588298169517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645870

Reminder that Snake probably is and died a virgin

>> No.23645308

that's a nice render

>> No.23645309
Quoted by: >>23645320

pretty sure snake is sterile, even if his dick works

>> No.23645310
Quoted by: >>23645323

>Pekora worried about Raiden

>> No.23645312
File: 976 KB, 595x814, ELmjnbVUwAAA_mL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based based based based and best

>> No.23645313
Quoted by: >>23645361

buh woo muh friend
boo huu mu yakuza boss
buu huu my girlfriend we just kissed and now they are ded/other country x3
buuh huu muh enemy/friend buu huu

>> No.23645314

The only Gen where I don't see a problem if I cum inside!

>> No.23645316

who gives a shit who has more fucking views you troglodyte
watch whoever and shut the fuck up

>> No.23645317
File: 6 KB, 314x44, ERIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be patient they have autism

>> No.23645319
Quoted by: >>23645333

>pekora actually was smart enough to pick the "free the rebels and ally with them in war" route

sasuga peko is too pure for this world, I just sneaked and backstabbed everyone on my first run.

>> No.23645320
Quoted by: >>23645324

>pretty sure snake is sterile
all clones are sterile
there's a reason why solidus adopted raiden

>> No.23645321
Quoted by: >>23645332

Other way around? Snake (David) never had sex, Kiryu bangs every hostess.

>> No.23645322
Quoted by: >>23645331

I understand that, but why does she keep doing things as canan if she hates it then?
Noel and hololive is the perfect way out of the canan persona, she's popular enough to only do vtubing and leave the dark times behind her isn't she?

>> No.23645323
Quoted by: >>23645334

Glad she seems to like him enough to worry so much
It means she's more more likely to play Rising too

>> No.23645324

yea, that's what I thought.

>> No.23645325
Quoted by: >>23645330

Cute, so she was serious about interacting with the holos more after all.

>> No.23645326
File: 41 KB, 780x900, EWR_7otVcAAgNR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645336

Time to watch this dumb tomboy get rekt by Storm Dragon again

>> No.23645327

Each Gen 0 girl needs to give birth at least four times.

>> No.23645328

I wonder if she's just doing it because there is fuck all to do because of corona

>> No.23645329

the last singing stream was super fucked with the kind of songs she chose to sing.

>> No.23645330

if it's the same as it was before innk wasn't allowed to interact with holos unless approached first. so I'm glad Sora asked, if that's the case.

>> No.23645331
Quoted by: >>23645373

Alright, so imagine this. You have built up a fan base of horny retards. They absolutely love jacking off to you multiple times in the month. Okay you there? Now imagine these horny retards also know that you enjoy doing something else more, but also that your other activities would ruin the activity. Now imagine you're thinking about upsetting these horny retards by no longer appealing to them. Do you see the issue?

>> No.23645332

>Kiryu bangs every hostess.
He's canonically a virgin and has also never killed anyone.

>> No.23645333
Quoted by: >>23645345

she still wasn't able to save the hostages, she is passing by plenty of funny stuff and quirks because she is rushing.

>> No.23645334
Quoted by: >>23645344

>likely to play Rising too
she will
its a hack n slash, she'll have an easy time

>> No.23645335
Quoted by: >>23645355

Imagine being a MGSfag and being threatened by a joke game.

>> No.23645336
File: 73 KB, 1221x264, subamembership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did my part, did you? *unzips membership*

>> No.23645341

Wow I didn't know that both Kiryu and Snake are based alpha caste chads

>> No.23645343

oh my god come on why does the weekends always have the best streams together

>> No.23645344

>she'll have an easy time
y-yeah haha

>> No.23645346


>> No.23645345

It's clear she's not into this game as much as the previous ones.

>> No.23645347

>Believing some producer

>> No.23645348
Quoted by: >>23645362

Miko's thoughts on nakadashi?

>> No.23645353

I don't even watch her anon. Sorry

>> No.23645354

Those are nice detailed armpits

>> No.23645355

>MGS is not a joke game

>> No.23645356


>> No.23645357

I wanna put a baby in that Russian!

>> No.23645358

I membership to everyone, but Subaru is one of the 3 that I send a supacha to every time I watch one of their streams.

>> No.23645359
File: 10 KB, 291x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645381

I sure did

>> No.23645360
Quoted by: >>23645363

oh come on, if you know how to parry in rising
it'll be a cakewalk

>> No.23645361


>> No.23645362


>> No.23645363

this is pekora we're talking about

>> No.23645366
File: 247 KB, 1438x1061, Screenshot_20200502-011326(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23645367

Literally me.

>> No.23645369
File: 1 KB, 179x82, ydVmqPR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure did

>> No.23645370

The parry window is massive and she'll probably play on ez modo anyway

>> No.23645371

Aside from playing on revengeance difficulty the game is easy
She would probably struggle on sundowner if she isnt used to manual blade form but parrying is the easiest thing in the entire game

>> No.23645373
Quoted by: >>23645624

I see it, it's more pernicious than I though.
It's true that you can't undo years of doing something with a swift sweep of hand.
Maybe it could have gone differently if both of her identities weren't linked, she probably never expected to find a way out and now it's too late.
What a shit situation to be in.

>> No.23645374
File: 156 KB, 1194x520, firefox_N3iTXGtTo7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23645376

>You wanna have a go?

>> No.23645380
File: 184 KB, 1183x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23645381


>> No.23645382

Why so horny?

>> No.23645384
File: 144 KB, 610x936, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23645385

Great taste

>> No.23645386

we get it you like blondes with blue eyes anon

>> No.23645387
Quoted by: >>23645521

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.23645388

I played all the way up to Jetstream Sam without learning how to block properly, If she gets baited into easy modo like the last two times she will be fine

>> No.23645390

Now this is fucking shit taste. Jesus Christ.

>> No.23645391

This can't be true can it? Pekora loves mgs!

>> No.23645393

Is 3 the magic number or something?

>> No.23645394

Think it's more that easy in this is just too easy. She's not being forced to play smart and is instead bum rushing everything because the game is doing the work for her. She isn't being meticulous because she doesn't have to.

>> No.23645395

Based taste.

>> No.23645396

a fellow robocobro, I welcome you.

>> No.23645397

remove coco and you have a good taste

>> No.23645398
File: 350 KB, 427x415, feet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant stop jerking off to the thought of pekora milking me with her pantyhose feet while she laughs.

>> No.23645399

Well at least you like Roboco

>> No.23645400
File: 11 KB, 784x175, one and only.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645414

thinking about giving choco one.

>> No.23645402
File: 148 KB, 1071x501, paypig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess

>> No.23645406

Remove Towa and all is good.

>> No.23645407

The Fukkireta cover won't stop showing me Ayame on thumbnail

>> No.23645409

Gladly have a go with her.

>> No.23645410
Quoted by: >>23645417

>Feeling anything for Ayame

Boyfriend or not, she couldn't give a flying fuck about her fans. Fuck her.

>> No.23645411

If you're not a member of at least 3 hololives, then you don't deserve to be in here.

>> No.23645412

It's really tough to follow more than a few Hololives religiously, especially if they stream at the same time typically. 3 seems like a good number.

>> No.23645414
Quoted by: >>23645422

lol that's literally 2US bucks.

>> No.23645415
Quoted by: >>23645420

>subbing ever
free entertainment bruh

>> No.23645417
Quoted by: >>23645426

This but Mel

>> No.23645420

This, I watch with adblock, never supacha or become a member, and often open multiple streams at once just to deny them even more revenue.

>> No.23645422
Quoted by: >>23645434

yeah i was suprised at how cheap it was.

>> No.23645424

Admit it, you're just in love with her design.
Generic pretend tee hee, listen to Subarus genuine guffaw instead

>> No.23645425


>> No.23645426

Doesn't Mel have another channel?

>> No.23645428

What the FUCK bros

>> No.23645429

hell yeah motherfucker, subaru actually beat the wind dragon, other 7 to go.

>> No.23645430
File: 98 KB, 198x268, firefox_Mqw4DGmNNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you submitted to our loli overlord today?

>> No.23645431
Quoted by: >>23645438

The Pekora MGS play through is a stroke of genius, She's grown massively from it.

>> No.23645434

it is because google doesn't do money conversions for some reasons, it's a flat 4.99 regardless of the currency same with SC.

>> No.23645438
Quoted by: >>23645530

yeah she most likely will hit 300k probably sometimes next week now

>> No.23645439

Astel's viewership actually doubled after HoloComi, huh.

>> No.23645441
File: 126 KB, 583x501, Screenshot7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645446

Membership for half the price.

>> No.23645444

>Her artwork not even in the previews at holocomi

>> No.23645446

All you need.

>> No.23645449
File: 82 KB, 250x226, 1586694947706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23645457

Same. I also don't subscribe to some of the girls despite watching them.

>> No.23645455
Quoted by: >>23645483

I only like Luna when she's playing good games since she's not very interesting herself.

>> No.23645457

this doesn't actually do anything though

>> No.23645460

Wait did I get that correct? Never played MGS4 before. Did raiden literally get cucked?

>> No.23645459

wheres the cutscenes reeee I am here for the cinematic experience

>> No.23645461
File: 33 KB, 481x680, 1562090677917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without a comment.

>> No.23645463


>> No.23645464

What did Korone means by this?

>> No.23645466
Quoted by: >>23645482

She looks very aerodynamic

>> No.23645467

>biribiri_Loli_Tomodachi_03.jpg :: 1093 x 1600 :: 478.3 KB

>> No.23645468

I sub to every hololive plus Ui, Tamaki and Hoshikawa

>> No.23645470

Translate it weebs.

>> No.23645472

whoops, I meant membership.

>> No.23645474

it means she will most likely not be playing an EOPs game.

>> No.23645476

Yes, but no not actually.

>> No.23645478
Quoted by: >>23645486


I can spoil you if you want

Raiden became a fugitive targeted by the patriots after saving sunny, so rose pretended to leave him and married to the colonel to protect herself and his son, after everything is over, she reveals him the plan, they reconcile and make a family again

but it doesn't fucking matter because they divorce for real in MGR, since jack is too much of a murdering psycho anyways

>> No.23645480

+1 stealth

>> No.23645481

>Not Lulu
Fuck outta here.

>> No.23645482

Someone invite her to the next holo toss.

>> No.23645483

Her gimmick doesn't work well alone and she needs something/someone to bounce it off. When it does work though she's one of my favorites.

>> No.23645484

Damn, are the keychains really only sold as a package? I just want Kanatan....

>> No.23645485
Quoted by: >>23645493

Her recent style of streaming is pretty much Aqua/Haato, and she's growing a lot more. She should really leave the shithole company that is Nijisanji and just come over to our side.

>> No.23645486

Second line No they don't, he sent them to New Zealand to be safe.

>> No.23645487

yeah i just want a couple of them myself now 28 or whatever it is.

>> No.23645488

Just make a custom one yourself.

>> No.23645492

I can see them splitting them up into at least generations closer to the actual deadline for pre-order.

>> No.23645493

Don't want her dont need her. I would rather have Pikamee.

>> No.23645494

Yeah. You might be able to find individual ones on yahoo auctions at a later date because people will be buying these for their favorites and selling off the rest for profit.

>> No.23645495

>Unironically being subscribed

>> No.23645496

I'd membership Pikamee too if she had it available.

>> No.23645499
Quoted by: >>23645546

I bought it. I don't like Kanata so I can just send it to you if you want it.

>> No.23645500

this doesn't really feel like a stealth game like the previous three were

>> No.23645501
Quoted by: >>23645506

>speaks fluent English
Ah, I see why lol.

>> No.23645504

why did the artist intentionally make the top of the scarf look like a dick?

>> No.23645506
Quoted by: >>23645508

Nah, because she has the girl next door vibe. Don't need any more vapid sluts. We already have Matsuri.

>> No.23645508

Matsuri is the vapid slut next door though.

>> No.23645509


>> No.23645511

She was CQCing all through MGS3 and it had health regen in combat so she was even more invincible

>> No.23645512

what the fuck, watame's voice is actually pretty cute

>> No.23645514

Eroii Luna op please

>> No.23645518
Quoted by: >>23645522


>> No.23645520

she is playing in easy she could theoretically just run to the poiif she wanted and she is using the easy mode weapons lol.

>> No.23645521

I am max tier on all of them. You think an underage can afford that sir?

>> No.23645522

Based lolicon

>> No.23645523

>it's real
Well I guess I can't be surprised about HoloID and Islam anymore.

>> No.23645524
Quoted by: >>23645526

Where's the bomb?

>> No.23645526

both of them are hidden under her shirt

>> No.23645528 [DELETED] 

let's talk about vtubers and their past history on the internet

Rushia - niconico not sure about this one
Pekora - niconico
Marine - used to do loli voices on niconico apparently
Coco - is a youtuber called kson ONAIR
Noel - has one of the biggest asmr channels in Japan
Korone - reaincarnation of a dead vtuber called AyaMina Games

anything else you guys know about?

>> No.23645529

first boss time.

>> No.23645530

>already at 293k
Good lord
I didn't noticed that

>> No.23645533 [DELETED] 

no one cares.

>> No.23645534 [DELETED] 

Choco - Twitcast radio speaker
Haato - Twitcast radio speaker
Shion - Twitcast radio speaker

>> No.23645537


>> No.23645538

>Pekora actually closes her eyes and turns away when Naomiis about to inject herself

>> No.23645539

Aqua's dog...

>> No.23645546

Thanks a ton for the offer but I'm an anxietyfag with a bad history with sharing non-anon details online

I'd be happy if you forward it to another Kanatan-chad in need though!

>> No.23645549

I keep on dreaming having threesome with Haato and Hoshikawa.

>> No.23645552

God I wish that was me.

>> No.23645554

Towa has 100k twitter followers, wasn't she going to do something when she hit 100k? I forgot what it was.

>> No.23645555
Quoted by: >>23645560

How long has Peko actually played?
Holy shit I forgot how long the cutscenes are in this, bravo Kojima.

>> No.23645556

I keep on dreaming happy family with Choco, where Hoshikawa and Haato are my retarded mixed Anglo babies

>> No.23645557


>> No.23645558
Quoted by: >>23645561

>putting nanomachines in your body
i hope you bakas wont do this in the future

>> No.23645560

4 hours and she is only almost to the first boss, yeah cutscenes are plenty and long, make me sad because what's in between is really good.

>> No.23645561

The future is now, Jack.

>> No.23645562

this but with a stolen laptop on my neighbours wifi

>> No.23645564

After extensive research I managed to find out all of their identities.

Sora - High school girl
Roboco - Robot
Miko - Shrine maiden
Suisei - High school girl
AZKi - Diva
Fubuki - Cat
Matsuri - High school cheerleader
Haato - High school girl
Aki - Space half-elf
Mel - Vampire
Aqua - Maid
Shion - Witch
Subaru - Esports manager
Choco - Succubus school nurse
Ayame - Oni
Mio - Wolf
Korone - Dog
Okayu - Cat
Rushia - Necromancer
Pekora - Rabbit
Noel - Knight leader
Flare - Elf
Marine - Pirate cosplayer
Kanata - Angel student
Coco - Dragon
Watame - Sheep
Towa - Devil student
Luna - Princess

>> No.23645568

Do you have a source? There's no way you got all this

>> No.23645570

Don't know how Kojima did it but he somehow made naomi worse than in the first game

bravo kojumbo

>> No.23645571

cannot unsee the penis

>> No.23645574

Shut up Konami, no one loves you anymore

>> No.23645575

Subaru yelling at you for being shit at video games!

>> No.23645577

Just wait, it gets worse.

>> No.23645578
Quoted by: >>23645590

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5DG4f8YL7c Marine and Rushia

>> No.23645582

Our winning son is gonna play a horror game

>> No.23645583

It makes me kinda happy that someone can nanora their way towards making a living each day

>> No.23645586
Quoted by: >>23645588

Trash game for a trash channel

>> No.23645588

Go do your idol reps Matsuri

>> No.23645590


>> No.23645592

I was surprised to see the scheduling in my feed when I woke up. Good for them, I hope they have a blast.

>> No.23645594

lol pekora avoiding all the scenes where snake stares at naomi breast.

>> No.23645595

Ah Choco just did one of those screams like Subaru does. Great. I wonder how many people she just woke up

>> No.23645597

Why doesn't ukyochi become a vtuber bros..

>> No.23645603

do I continue watching peko or watch marine+rushia...

>> No.23645606

Might as well just make a fucking movie series out of MGS. Oh wait, it didn't survive.

>> No.23645609

Depends if you're a womb/cuck poster or if you're /v/

>> No.23645610


>> No.23645613

Watch Roberu play a horror game he just started

>> No.23645617

It did survive, wish it didn't. Bad game.

>> No.23645618

Rushia is the one Holo you never turn your back to.. She would sell your kidney I can tell..

>> No.23645619


>> No.23645622

Homolog #3

>> No.23645623

Mild chuckle

>> No.23645624

As someone who has been in and out of multiple abusive relationships, even if there's nothing tangible stopping you from leaving a bad situation, actually doing it can be fucking hard.

>> No.23645626

No Rushia would give you her kidney and beg you to not leave her. She would even let you drink a tea made with her eye juices if you asked

>> No.23645628

Use Jetri and watch all 3

>> No.23645629

I would watch Rushia sell another man's kidney.

>> No.23645633
Quoted by: >>23645660








I feel sorry for pekora

>> No.23645639

Subaru is about to get fucked up with the Relm Shadow flashback.

>> No.23645645

Old news
Rushia is now a negromancer

>> No.23645646
Quoted by: >>23645650

How did they figure that suisei was 23?

>> No.23645647

So why were Order:1886 and Death Stranded so disliked for its tedious cinematics but not MGS?

>> No.23645649
Quoted by: >>23645664

>telling the same joke twice
Come on

>> No.23645650

They got the carbon count and compared it to the half-life and expected decay rate

>> No.23645652

I've been saving up a bunch of these to check out after I clear a short backlog. Game's concept is neat. Still surprised the dev made another game already.

>> No.23645653

Because it's MGS.

>> No.23645655
Quoted by: >>23645663

yo man don't remind me, i'm boutta chimp out. she ain't gots a pass, she white dawg she be raciss.

>> No.23645656

Just in time for Laughing Rabbit to fight Laughing Octopus, all I really needed to see

>> No.23645657

I think people did complain about 4's countless cutscenes but the actual game outside of them is good. Death Stranding didn't have an actual game no idea about Order what ever that is

>> No.23645658

Order 1866 and Death Stranding do not have pee in it

>> No.23645659

Because people were more accepting of cinematic bullshit and now they're starting to wake up and realize that games need to have gameplay. Like how Final Fantasy was always pretty shit but people are calling it out now

>> No.23645660

Is it harder to follow in Japanese? I found it fine in English and I'm far and away from the biggest Metal Gear fan.

>> No.23645662

4 is very much disliked for it's tedious cutscenes, the other games aren't so bad for it. And it has interesting gameplay to back it up.

>> No.23645663

She ain't white that shawty yellow it even worse dawg shieeet

>> No.23645664
Quoted by: >>23645678


>> No.23645669

people always said MGS4 had too many cutscenes but i still think it's a good game overall.

>> No.23645671
Quoted by: >>23645696

Nigga, death stranding had half of it's combat system based around your shit and piss

>> No.23645672
Quoted by: >>23645681

Our son just fell few the floor guys

>> No.23645673
Quoted by: >>23645696

Death Stranding very much has pee.

>> No.23645674

Kojima hadn't made a shit game before MGS4

>> No.23645677


>> No.23645678
Quoted by: >>23645691

Some other dude said she had become a negromancer like 2 or 3 threads ago

>> No.23645681
Quoted by: >>23645684

Thanks, keep me posted.

>> No.23645682

Even I felt let down by Order:1886. I'd say some big factors are:
-more gameplay
-more excitement and action
-better balance of serious and silly
-more relatable due to the style of combat
-greater investment in a story across multiple games
Over all MGS is just as more well-rounded experience as whole

>> No.23645683
Quoted by: >>23645693

pretty cool boss idea but I feel like easy mode ruins the immersion

>> No.23645684

He said if the game bugs out again he's gonna change to a zatsudan instead

>> No.23645687

Kojima is a hack and has always been a hack and anything he's ever made that's happened to be good was completely by accident as MGSV and Shit Stranding have demonstrated

>> No.23645690

Man Order1886 finished on a fucking cliffhanger just right when things were about to get good.

>> No.23645691

Fuck, I'm late at it again.

>> No.23645694

>immediately trusts the fake Otacon
Big brain peko

>> No.23645693

it really does, she can stay under fire and still be fine.

>> No.23645695


>Like how Final Fantasy was always pretty shit but people are calling it out now

funny how subaru literally just said some minutes ago on stream that she is so engrossed in FF6 she plans to play the rest of the series after she finishes it.

>> No.23645696

Then Death Stranding is the definition of an amazing game. More game companies should follow Kojima example

>> No.23645697
Quoted by: >>23645738

Oh god she's non lethaling the boss, the photo op is gonna be cringe

>> No.23645698 [DELETED] 

Here's the context for why people think Suisei is Russian now, if anyone cares.
5ch found this person "Endolu" which worked with Kanata (Nozomu) before she joined hololive, making music videos for her.
When Kanata released her latest song cover, Suisei was credit with doing the music video for it, so this must have clicked with some people and they made the connection between this person and Suisei. Their artwork and hobbies are also extremely similar, I think it's pretty say to say "Endolu" is "Suisei"
The Russian thing is less clear, the source of the claim comes from this tweet: https://twitter.com/asako_2525/status/199761743700959234
>Endolu is a Japanese-born Russian
This person is definitely talking about the same Endolu, since they interact with her directly in other tweets.
Further context was found in this tweet: https://twitter.com/nalabebla/status/196577690701152256
>Ah, a quarter, huh? Anyways, that's nice.
I actually found further context to this tweet here: https://twitter.com/nalabebla/status/196577294771429376
Endolu's original tweet was:
Basically asking for questions from her followers.
The guy asks "What's it like being a haafu?"
Her reply is deleted, but from the context she probably said something like "Actually, I'm not a haafu, I'm a quarter".
"quarter" is used almost exclusive to mean Japanese with a quarter of something else, so she's likely 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 Russian, similar to Haafu being 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 British.

>> No.23645699

It's almost like there are other people involved in the creation process that affect the quality of the product

>> No.23645701

Well it's too bad you didn't like death stranding while i certainly agree it's gameplay is divisible for me it was a great experience.

>> No.23645708 [DELETED] 

>Haafu being 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 British
I assume you meant Haato

>> No.23645709

MGSV went the other way and had great gameplay but the story was shit and nonexistent and we only got 60% of it.

>> No.23645710 [DELETED] 

>similar to Haafu being 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 British.
Meant to say "Haato" here, slip of the fingers.

>> No.23645712
Quoted by: >>23645721

Somebody put my wife in the next OP, thanks.

>> No.23645717
Quoted by: >>23645730

>snake became mute
cant forget the jeep ride with skully

>> No.23645719
Quoted by: >>23645727

Speaking of which did Pekora decide if she's playing MGS5 yet or not? I remember she said she wouldn't because of fans but that was 3 games ago

>> No.23645721

Sure thing, we haven't had enough Towa OPs recently.

>> No.23645723
Quoted by: >>23645755

Death stranding actually looks like a fun game for me gameplay wise although wanderlust games are fairly niche so I understand the dislike.

>> No.23645725

Why is she an idol reject if she's a quarter?
Aren't they usually cute?

>> No.23645727

undecided like pw and rising but she is aware of them.

>> No.23645728

>YouTube shitting the bed at a really important scene

>> No.23645729

Rushia is bad and Marine has to keep saving her and get's hit in the process.

>> No.23645730


>> No.23645737 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645752


>> No.23645738

I forgot how sorry the game made me feel for those kids. At least, I got the impression they didn't really grow up mentally.

>> No.23645739

what the fuck is happening here in peko's MGS4
is this another product of nanomachines?

>> No.23645741

So Pekora is fighting Towa now?

>> No.23645745

just read 歌い手のバラッド because matsuri mentioned it
holy shit
what a ride

>> No.23645746

>shoot her right in the pussy

>> No.23645747


>> No.23645749 [DELETED] 

unless she made it up to be "special" I think the 1/4 russian thing is pretty cemented
So is her being a Kanata gachikoi

>> No.23645750

got a hearty chuckle out of me

>> No.23645752 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645802

Kanata's previous online alias before hololive.

>> No.23645753

>all this NEE

*Pekora just lost 100 SAN points!*

>> No.23645755

It's actually fun for the first 20 hours, but gets really repetitive after that. If you're going to play it don't bother too much with side content, just push trough the story.

>> No.23645756

You did this Subaru

>> No.23645757

its the fragments of towa's personality

>> No.23645759


>> No.23645761

Unexpectedly, all the Suisei talk resulted in me having a pretty nice dream.
A lot happened, but I'd say the highlight was hearing her sing Next Color Planet in person in a more quiet and casual manner.

>> No.23645762


>> No.23645764
Quoted by: >>23645770


>> No.23645766

MGS PW, 5, and 4 has the worst bosses in the franchise

>> No.23645769

Sahaelanthropus was pretty fun, but otherwise you're correct

>> No.23645770

First the game bugs and then youtube gurugurus him. Just after getting attention from Holocomi too. Shit luck

>> No.23645774

You have the worst taste in the thread

>> No.23645777
Quoted by: >>23645786

yeah PW isn't exactly meant to solo unless you want to spend a long time on bosses your first time around.
That's why despite being a good game i don't think it's really stream friendly.

>> No.23645778

I think i just finally realized what bugs me about Shion. She has the most "normal" voice. Every other girl sounds like they're making a voice for the camera to a certain extent but Shion just sounds like she's speaking normally all the time

>> No.23645780

>FOXDIE mentioned
>Debrin talks

I watch chuubas for fun but instead I get sadness.

>> No.23645781


>> No.23645786

if pekora's going to play PW she's pretty much going to keep calling support for rpg ammo when fighting bosses

>> No.23645792

Probably too old. I mean she is 23 right now and she said she got into idol because of imas and LL so thats means that she was around 16-18 when she got into idols which would be considered old at least for traditional idols in Japan since because of training and shit.

>> No.23645794
Quoted by: >>23645834

Where you the anon who went to sleep trying to dream about Kanata?

>> No.23645797
Quoted by: >>23645819

If Sui could speak Russian I feel like she would have done by now, I mean she's already the most talented at Hololive anyway.

>> No.23645802 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645805

was she still a VTuber then? Please tell me she doesn't pull a Coco and double dip...

>> No.23645803
Quoted by: >>23645834

What did Suisei in person look like?

>> No.23645804

rushia is getting her ass completely carried by marine

>> No.23645805 [DELETED] 

No, she did singing on nico nico.

>> No.23645806

That's just your perception. A bunch of them are not doing anything to change their voice.

>> No.23645809

What is a cumpet?

>> No.23645811

I don't get it, why are they going to hell?

>> No.23645813 [DELETED] 


Bros, I thought the Suisei smoking narrative was just a mistranslation!?

>> No.23645814

A crumpet full of cum

>> No.23645817

Wasn't a mistranslation summary anon was just a speedreader

>> No.23645818

Shion doesn't even sound like she's part of Japan to me. Or maybe she's from a dialect I'm extremely unfamilair with

>> No.23645819

Yea, most people I know who are quarter don't know their grandparents language which is pretty sad really. She should learn just for her grandparents.
cum pet

>> No.23645820 [DELETED] 

I want to have a cigarette with Suisei.

>> No.23645821 [DELETED] 

He's literally spamming random things in the reply you ESL ape.

>> No.23645822
Quoted by: >>23645842

How can this dumb blue baby be so bad at video games?

>> No.23645828 [DELETED] 

I can smell the scent of cigarette from here

>> No.23645830
Quoted by: >>23645852

>peko is a sniffer

>> No.23645831

Is Rushia pretending.

>> No.23645834

Nah, didn't even know such a thing was being attempted. That would make for some cute fanart though.

If I did imagine a face for her, it didn't make it out of the dream. On the other hand, the thought of hearing singers without the need for electronics was pleasant enough to.

>> No.23645835

It's kind of sad to think that A-chan and Sora were probably never real friends

>> No.23645836 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23645841

Oh no, Suisei is a bad girl. Underage smoking is bad

>> No.23645837

The narrative is shes always pretending bro

>> No.23645838
Quoted by: >>23645840

Who's A-chan?

>> No.23645839
Quoted by: >>23645856

A-chan being hired to pretend to be Sora's friend is kind of fucked.

>> No.23645840

my imaginary domfu, Please step on me A-chan.

>> No.23645841 [DELETED] 

All smoking is bad

>> No.23645842

My daughterwife is trying her best

>> No.23645844 [DELETED] 

aaaaa kusa

>> No.23645848

Is the Holo Comi worth watching ?

>> No.23645849

Interesting Maimoto and Subaru merchandise. The first hololive nijisanji crossover merch and it's a male and female.

>> No.23645853

She is not. Her old youtube channel has a bunch of splatoon videos with toddler gameplay.

>> No.23645852

sorry I cum too hard so it usually ends up leaking out of her nose

>> No.23645854

Now I need to see art of small Azki stuck inside a condom.

>> No.23645855
Quoted by: >>23645860

This is a pretty big leak. I think it deserves Suisei being stood down for a week like Towa, she's causing problems for the company.

>> No.23645856

It's probably more accurate to say the opposite all things considered. Sora having been part of a talent agency and her original purpose and all.

>> No.23645860


>> No.23645864

You're not allowed to mention other chuubas while on someone's stream, but I feel the need to make jokes about Miko on Peko's stream...

>> No.23645868

That's cute.

>> No.23645869
Quoted by: >>23645927

Why are enemies in mgs so dumb? They literally stand so far from each other they dont even realized they got sniped one by one

>> No.23645870

He fucked Meryl for two weeks in alaska and Mei ling on the side probably Olga as Pliskin

>> No.23645873

>obsessed with Tetris
It really is Suisei...

>> No.23645874

uncanny. The rest of her body is too realistic compared to her face.

>> No.23645875

Ui-mama is so nice, she even produces art for collabs of her daughter.

>> No.23645877
Quoted by: >>23645902

did the next color planet in your dream sound like it was a bassa nova version or was it just a slower quieter version with a piano accompanyment?

>> No.23645878

Yea and it says that she loves shounen on her profile bio.

>> No.23645882

I like how everytime the enemies sperg out peko's chat just assumes it's asacoco

>> No.23645886

Didn't get it, instead I had a dream about Matsuri and Korone and we were escaping a sinking liner, reminded me of that A Hat in Time DLC. Had any holo even played A Hat in Time? Sounds like it'd be fun to watch.

>> No.23645887
Quoted by: >>23645925

She may not have been skilled enough in any particular area at the time of those auditions, so they may have felt that it could be too great an investment of time to find her niche and then after that develop it.
Add to that what Suisei said about not having any particular quirk and there was just nothing they saw to use as a trope/meme/running gag with her to attract an audience around her "for sure"
By the time of Hololive she definitely developed more and now on top of skill and hard work she has the charm point of playing and enjoying games like others and sharing that via streams.
I'll add that Suisei may not have been the type to be terribly fond of flaunting her natural beauty (photoshoots and videos really showing it off) even if it is considerable, so her being a beauty in that case would mean a lot less.

>> No.23645888
Quoted by: >>23645892

Whats asacoco

>> No.23645889
Quoted by: >>23645918

why did they do it, why did they bully PPT

>> No.23645892

La Li Lu Pe Ko?

>> No.23645893
Quoted by: >>23645897

>1/4th bong genetics

>> No.23645895

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXyk5_3YlU4 Subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIZGB5hI0PI Kanata

>> No.23645897

What? Who quote

>> No.23645899

So, anyway, Peko started blastin

>> No.23645900

You guys know that 1/4 Russian doesn't necessary mean he has Slav blood right? There are more ethnic groups in Russia other than Slavs.

>> No.23645902

Truth is that she was singing it very close to my ear and it was just her voice doing all the work, with a slowness to match that more delicate manner of delivery.
No clue how much it reflects her actual tastes, but the lyrics where she sings about wearing pretty dresses and dancing to bumpin' tunes always struck me as adorable.

>> No.23645907

Like Des Slavo, El slavo maximo and El ogro de slavo to name a few.

>> No.23645912
Quoted by: >>23645941

What you think she's mongolian or something?

>> No.23645913
Quoted by: >>23645953

you think she flinches everytime some chuuba avatar follows her
Also chances of 17th April being her actual birthday?

>> No.23645914

nah you can't be x or y unless i decided so on my arbitrary scale.

>> No.23645916

Time to dig for info about her alcohol tolerance

>> No.23645918

nothing wrong with bullying the local cumpet

>> No.23645925
Quoted by: >>23645940

bruh most idols are bottom of barrel in terms of skills...

>> No.23645926

Pekora finally found the one weapon she doesn't have bad aim with

>> No.23645927

Easy mode, in hard mode their sight would pretty far that forcing you for complete stealth play.

>> No.23645932
Quoted by: >>23645937

So a mongol?
Suichan's throat singing when

>> No.23645933

>game is called metal gear
>there is no metal gear

>> No.23645934
Quoted by: >>23645946

raiden time soon

>> No.23645937

Chechen aka slav nigger

>> No.23645938

We are the metal gears...

>> No.23645939

Image limit reached.

>> No.23645940

Well, I took a reasonable look at it. We'll get a more detailed answer for real someday, maybe.

>> No.23645941

Turkish maybe. Or native siberian or russian korean

>> No.23645942
Quoted by: >>23645947


the gekkos are the metal gears

>> No.23645946

I'm looking forward to what she thinks

>> No.23645947

Technically they aren't

>> No.23645951


>> No.23645953
Quoted by: >>23645964

Well, a bunch of people with chuuba avatars are following her. Even people with Suisei avatars.

>> No.23645955

>nice movie kojima, but what if I actually played raiden and cut the gekkos myself?

and so was the start of a legend.

>> No.23645960

>that superchat

>> No.23645962

You were supposed to make the OP Anon's wife!

>> No.23645964
Quoted by: >>23645999

Wonder how many of those Suiseifans discovered her on their own but kept quiet.

>> No.23645968

What's the appeal of Peko

>> No.23645972
Quoted by: >>23646053


>> No.23645974

>raiden gets stabbed
god i love this stupid bunny

>> No.23645980

Apple juice was code word for vodka the whole time...

>> No.23645981

She's friend with Miko

>> No.23645982

Greatest dance battle.

>> No.23645986

>Aiicia solid
Yes please. This hot little fucker is how I even found Vtubers in the first place when looking for MMD videos.

>> No.23645987

wait for it...

>> No.23645988

Double penetration

>> No.23645991

Is Pekora watching an anime ?

>> No.23645993

She's playing Metal Gear

>> No.23645994

Don't let Pekora's cuteness distracts you from the fact that she still has not do her VR horror stream

>> No.23645995
Quoted by: >>23646006

And I thought Miller and Boss was the gayest ship in Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.23645998


>> No.23645999

Well, Suisei fans tend to be loyal. Also, discovered that Suisei's preferred pronoun is boku

>> No.23646006

Obviously you haven't seen Raiden and Sam

>> No.23646009

>6 hours
>29k viewers
holy shit

>> No.23646011


>> No.23646012

Christ, could she get any more perfect?

>> No.23646022

jesus christ fuck youtube

>> No.23646030

Peko just got guruguru'd

>> No.23646031

Just let Subaru finish the game, please...

>> No.23646035

I didn't even know Leo had a grave in WoR

>> No.23646043


>> No.23646044
Quoted by: >>23646048


>> No.23646046


>> No.23646047

is youtube fucking up?

>> No.23646048

probably what she is going to do.

>> No.23646053

Why the fuck has nobody made a Pekora soundboard, now that I think about it? Surely it exists?

>> No.23646055

there we go, she will continue tomorrow same pekochannel.

>> No.23646056

How many variants of peko would there be?

>> No.23646058


>> No.23646062

Only 6 hour stream of MGS 4? It's official, she ended up hating it.

>> No.23646065

I mean, it''s a start I guess.
Just as I say this, I was going to paste the other soundboards but I seem to have lost the links. Good job, me. I'll find them eventually in this mess of links.

>> No.23646066
Quoted by: >>23646087

either she's putting it off like bilibili or she can't / doesn't want to do it on her own

>> No.23646072

not much you can do when youtube is giving you the middle finger and she also has a collab in about 2.5 hours and hasn't eaten anything

>> No.23646073


>> No.23646075
Quoted by: >>23646085

tfw Kanata and Suisei are the japanese equivalent of twitter weirdboys

>> No.23646081

At this point looking to be the first 3 day stream instead of only split up into 2?

>> No.23646083

trash board

>> No.23646085

The only weirdboys I know of are from WH40K

>> No.23646087

IIRC, she has to reserve a VR stream with the Hololive office so that they can set up the equipments needed for VR/ body tracking. Considering the situation in Japan, we won't get it anytime soon

>> No.23646097

she is also secretly hoping people forget meanwhile.

>> No.23646104
Quoted by: >>23646116

Her willingness to betray anyone and everyone is part of the charm

>> No.23646113

Can't do. That's the stream where she ear raped 20k live viewers

>> No.23646115

coco is a big girl

>> No.23646116

of course, i wouldn't expect any less from her.

>> No.23646129

This is unbelievable. How can people still like Korone after seeing this?

>> No.23646132

Gau is a pretty good fit for Korone.
His life is an endurance stream.

>> No.23646178

I wonder if she would be okay with just a VR headset, something that Coco has.

>> No.23646190 [DELETED] 

We got too cocky holobros...

>> No.23646199 [DELETED] 

Report the stream and hopefully the crazy ass YouTube AI will do something.

>> No.23646201

Let me be honest right here, I'm a spaniard, and our culture has us being really touchy and kissy and assgrabby, but even that shape of human warmth feels cold, hollow and meaningless compared to the watching the holos and okayu's ASMR genuinely feel more close and humane than any of that

>> No.23646207 [DELETED] 

NijiHolo Tetris please

>> No.23646242

>Coco still has cops looking for her
>Towa on the verge of mental breakdown
>Kanata slowly losing her five senses
>Watame slowly being undomesticated
>Luna 3 months from retirement
I'll miss 4th gen.

>> No.23646248
Quoted by: >>23646269

nnaaaa luna will stay regardless if you like or not.

>> No.23646261
Quoted by: >>23646294

Almost time for Fubuki and my cool pizza uncle to sing about pizza

>> No.23646269

I hope so. If only for the rest of Gen4 sake.

>> No.23646281

you say XD but thats what's actually happening

>> No.23646294
Quoted by: >>23646317

it's an audiovisual shitpost

>> No.23646317

it's a pastapost

>> No.23646332

Betting Kanata would let you use her in exchange for buying her tshirt.

>> No.23646374

Why aren't they using the homing shot on Cuphead, it's the best one for clearing non-boss stages.

>> No.23646375
Quoted by: >>23646380

If I put my mouse cursor over hers are we holding hands virtually?

>> No.23646380

You are basically dating at that point.

>> No.23646385

Loved this one, nice work anon!

>> No.23646395


>> No.23646399

Since Haato died prematurely, have her ED.

>> No.23646413
Quoted by: >>23646528

Holos playing Grief Syndrome when

>> No.23646484
Quoted by: >>23646502

towa getting hard carried again bros...

>> No.23646502

But she did pretty much the same amount of damage as her teammates, she just got fucked hard by the gas.

>> No.23646510

Lulu is the Bob Ross of anime

>> No.23646512

Is there any combination in hololive that is as good as Marine + Luna?

>> No.23646516

and (you)

>> No.23646528

7 years ago, no one remembers that game these days. Could be cool though, it had 3-4 player coop if I remember correctly.

>> No.23646582

Man I wish I wasn't so broke so I could get that bag

>> No.23646609

I might buy it one day just as a collector thing. I don't personally use such bags, but it's nice to have some backups in-case anyway.

>> No.23646673

That hirotein guy donates a hundred bucks to anything suisei shows up in. Does anzu usually only donate solely to miko streams?

>> No.23646693

Pekora is my inspiration, my role model, my idol.

>> No.23646774

watch azki NOW!

>> No.23646789
Quoted by: >>23646795

I would if her model weren't so shit

>> No.23646795

I love my condom suit singer.
Shit taste.

>> No.23646805

>supachat off again
how is she going to survive like this?
