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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 535 KB, 1200x800, 1302426633343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21280116 No.21280116 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone remember Uncle?

>> No.21280134
File: 160 KB, 493x493, Uncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21282854

Are all the other oldfags in Gensokyo right now?

>> No.21280243
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Blood-C.-.12.-.1080p.BluRay.x264.DHD.mkv_snapshot_16.13_[2019.05.03_10.52.02].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21280257

I never got the chance to say goodbye ;__;

>> No.21280257
Quoted by: >>21280265

He's not dead anon, even if he...

>> No.21280265



Can you hold me, please?

>> No.21280413

Honestly, I am out of the loop.

Was he a tripfriend from old?

>> No.21280429

Do you think someone will tweet when he dies?

>> No.21280483

you could describe him, for good or ill, as ''an old regular'' around these parts yes

>> No.21280506

Around 2009-2010. Who's that guy who also died a long time ago? Back in the time of Sudo and his crew.

>> No.21280535

Yes, Mugen posted on /jp/ from its earliest days to some time in 2010. He is (or was - we don't know at this point) an OELVN producer and enthusiast, drawfriend and somewhat squeamish gurofag. If you are familiar with RenPy and The Question, check out his The Fucking Question.

>> No.21280553

Just remembered, wtH-kun. Wonder if he actually died.

>> No.21281221

I never knew him but I saw him when he recently (in /jp/ time) visited /jp/ in name only

>> No.21281232

May he rest in heaven.

>> No.21281831
File: 104 KB, 900x695, uncle_mugen_takes_down_powertripping_jp_meido_by_mugenjohncel-d4fsfo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this his greatest accomplishment?

>> No.21281942
Quoted by: >>21281976

His greatest accomplishment was not being arrested for the onion incident.

>> No.21281976

How many people did he (in)directly kill with those food shortages?

>> No.21281980


>> No.21282210

How did he do it?

>> No.21282854
Quoted by: >>21285527

Maybe some. It depends on what you mean by oldfag however.
There are some that died on /jp/ and went to Gensokyo and there are those who betrayed/jp/ and will not go to Gensokyo. Idolfags are one of the unsavables by example.

>> No.21282925

did sparky die

>> No.21285023
Quoted by: >>21285529


>> No.21285527

How does one betray the jay?

>> No.21285529

on what?

>> No.21285533

Sweet dreams, Weird Al.

>> No.21285580
File: 28 KB, 929x302, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21285603
File: 90 KB, 859x930, dick_cheney_in_plugsuit_by_mugenjohncel_d2wkqb6-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21286291

Excuse me for my ignorance, but who is this guy and what exactly did he create? Some sort of visual novel? Which one?

He looks like a character from Unteralterbach.

>> No.21286363


>> No.21286368
File: 356 KB, 1056x1504, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21286514

I'm gonna be honest here guys. I've been lurking /jp/ for just under 10 years or so, and I never picked up on what the onions smuggling thing is. Is it just a joke people like to repeat, or was it based on something that happened?

>> No.21286514
Quoted by: >>21286993

Go search the archive.

Mugen used to post about how he was some bigshot business owner and then one day he posted about having a bunch of crates of onions mysteriously show up in his warehouse and then police involvement. After that, an article was release about police where he lived (Philippines I believe) investigating businesses illegally importing onions and competing with local farmers and busting several groups. He then posted his business wasn't one of the ones shut down, so people made fun of him for being too small time a smuggler.

>> No.21286758

This really bummed me out. Unc is a chill, classy guy and he's probably old but not nearly death-age. People recover from strokes. I'm gonna pray to ZUN.

>> No.21286985

He'd fit in there.

>> No.21286993

>bigshot business owner
I thought he's always been a graphic designer.

>> No.21287023
Quoted by: >>21287035

Mugen = Jim Watkins.

>> No.21287035
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21287196

He looks like an usual customer of Pedro's Pizza.

>> No.21287202

>sequel never ever
Why live?

>> No.21287226

>Why live?
To properly use the quoting function.

>> No.21287232

That's a terrible reason to live.

>> No.21287416
Quoted by: >>21288691

There are several ways.
The easiest is to betray the way is to be one of the idolfags since they never were /jp/ but also converting to one or discarding /jp/ altogether.
Being a horrible tripfags is a surefire way to not even have the chance of being associated with anything /jp/.

>> No.21288691
Quoted by: >>21288700

Imagine regurgitating a jones meme in a nostalgia thread. Go die in a fire.

>> No.21288700

I meant to quote >>21287226, my bad.

>> No.21289617

I hope he didn't because he was my favorite funposter.

>> No.21289687
Quoted by: >>21289885

By worshipping 3DPD or becoming a b*tefag. B*tes are heresy and should be grounds for excommunication from /jp/.

>> No.21289841

First KOG, now mugen.

What is it with new 2hu games getting released causes you people to think about the past? It wasn't nearly as good as you remember it...

>> No.21289849

I never liked Sudo

>> No.21289885

FYI "boat" isn't spelled "bote".

>> No.21290262

Maybe you just didn't enjoy it as much as I and others did. Ever considered that?

>> No.21290801

RIP you onion-smuggling fuck.

>> No.21291050


>> No.21291074

I always remember wtH.
I hated him so much back in the day, I hated him. And now I miss him more than anything.

I want to go back.

>> No.21291303

folks, i'm sad about the news

>> No.21291473
Quoted by: >>21291958

You know, if Mugen died, he wouldn't get a sticky like the dead fag and musicians.

>> No.21291899
Quoted by: >>21295116

By using r/touhou for example. There are actually oldfags from /jp/ that moved there for some reason.

>> No.21291958
Quoted by: >>21291974

Ideally all the old tripfags would die at once and then we could have a sticky in which to throw a party in.

>> No.21291974

Actually I made this post before learning that Mugen was actually paralyzed for life, so that's kind of shit and given that he won't be around more I guess it's safe to express appreciation for the various fun and honestly mostly harmless things that he did over the years.

Good luck, you onion-smuggling bastard, or if you're gone, good night.

>> No.21294746
File: 982 KB, 1389x1785, 1301133827587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21294917

I got this that he made in one of his threads.
Hope he gets betters.

>> No.21294750
File: 264 KB, 1000x1179, 1306727950037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also this

>> No.21294772
File: 344 KB, 640x480, [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Dokkaan!.49.[A675FC68].avi_snapshot_18.20_[2018.12.29_17.37.14].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly sad how far /jp/ has fallen.
I sometimes don't even recognize this board anymore.

>> No.21294917
Quoted by: >>21294934


>> No.21294934
Quoted by: >>21301648

I think I have Loli Mugen on my old laptop.

>> No.21294937

Times change.

>> No.21294951
File: 455 KB, 684x1000, 1552931485354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think we're doing fine compared to the rest of the site.

>> No.21295116
Quoted by: >>21296555


>> No.21295237

Out of all boards with more than 1 post per minute it is probably the best preserved. It's certainly fared better than /g/ or /tg/.

>> No.21295455
Quoted by: >>21296570

The rest of the site has always been devolving at a faster rate. /jp/ used to be impenetrable to offboarders and preserved what it was far easier.
/jp/s death is far more tragic than the other boards that were destined to die, the only thing that even comes close is /tg/.

>> No.21296555

Yeah, I'd like to see an example or two.

>> No.21296570

>/jp/ used to be impenetrable to offboarders
Why do you think that?

>> No.21296686
Quoted by: >>21345187

Oh shit, I just remembered /ota/ exists.

>> No.21296698

Didn't he fix a VN engine and made it available in English?

>> No.21296764
Quoted by: >>21296783

Good riddance, fucking tripfag

>> No.21296783

Shut up, loser nerd.

>> No.21296893

relatively yes but you see crossboard shit here more and more often as time goes on. unironic use of /v/ buzzwords and phrases

at least images tend to get eliminated on sight

>> No.21297246
File: 29 KB, 719x674, 1495404845981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because from 2008 to 2010, even 2011 if you want to stretch things, /jp/ developed a culture so particular that basically you couldn't understand almost anything that was going on. It was basically like futaba or early 4chan. Only after lurking for a while you would start to develop a sense of the subculture and the inside jokes. It also helped that (almost) no one took themselves really seriously and the board's motto was "take it easy".
No matter how many times people post "japanese bird cooking spaghetti" or corndog tenshi, the atmosphere that /jp/had back then can't be replicated unless there's a massive shift in internet culture.
With the massive "generalization" of /jp/, a lot of dumbasses from other boards like /vg/ and /a/ migrated here, and without all the elitism and the "culture flow" that kept people away, newfags don't even need to worry about adapting anymore and then the board just grows in population just like any other. No one takes it easy anymore because almost the entire internet (that doesn't involve overly technical or obscure hobbies) is dominated by politics. Granted, this shit has been seeping into /jp/ since 2011 with all that "jewnes" and nazi copypasta, but now even in regular threads you see idpol discussion popping out of nowhere. And worst of all even in japanese twitter it's becoming harder to avoid this shit.
Otaku culture is all about escapism and imersion. We used to be brought together because we hate reality and we love lolis. Now everyone in the community is looking for an opportunity to looking down on each other because of normalfag political beliefs. The culture that /jp/ used to have just died a little bit too early, because with the way things went the past few years it was just bound to happen.

And honestly you know this board has hit rock bottom since there's not even a fucking OC thread up. We became the general otaku media cumdumpster of 4chan.

>> No.21297260
Quoted by: >>21297267

>And honestly you know this board has hit rock bottom since there's not even a fucking OC thread up

>> No.21297267

Ok, my bad. I'm fucking blind.

>> No.21297288

/pol/ ruins yet another board on 4chan, its the unfortunate truth but trust me when I say it could be a lot worse.

>> No.21297291

Idols were always /jp/, and are a fundamental part of otaku culture, popping up in all forms of otaku media. It's just that when the akb people made their thread it went from just a mornimg musume thread and cooking idol ai ma mi thread, to a bunch of threads about akb and their shit subgroups. If just akb and anything related were banned, there would be like maybe 4 idol threads left.

There's no OC thread because it's always been infrequently made once every few months. That's hardly anything new.
2008-2010 /jp/ was still basically /a/.

>> No.21297295

This, idol threads should have stayed just one or two general threads or moved to another board entirely. Now every other thread is idol generals, and everyone knows what kind of people those threads attract and leak into the rest of the board. I've never had problems with idolfags so long as they stayed in their own lane but once they were given an inch they really took a mile.

>> No.21297303
Quoted by: >>21297354

Wait, when did I talk about idols? Did you misread "idpol" as "idol"? Because by idpol I meant identity politics, it wasn't a typo. Idols were not always /jp/ simply because the board at the beginning had a lot of resistance towards them, but idols and the discussion around them have been around /jp/ since forever. Can't say the same for most of the trash that brought so many newfags.
I'd argue there's some fundamental differences between /jp/ and /a/ 10 years ago. /jp/ being a smaller board allowed it to develop a much more consistent culture with tons of OC characters and comics based on the events of the board.

>> No.21297354
Quoted by: >>21297359

>Did you misread "idpol" as "idol"? Because by idpol I meant identity politics, it wasn't a typo.
I don't get non-4chan abbreviations. Or /int/pol/ ones. Heck I still don't know what "incel" or "mgtow" really mean. Which reminds me, /pol/ stuff, there were the proto-/r9k/ people like athens.

>> No.21297359

>before /pol/ stuff

>> No.21297492

Because it used to be swamped in a myriad in-joke / board culture threads and anything. Anything that looked offboard or anyone who made the mistake of posting without sage or something was usually called out or just relentlessly shitposted at.

You either lurked until you could fit in without being noticed or your thread was turned into a dumpster fire.

As much as the relentless shitposting bothered me at times in the past, especially when it made "good" threads fall off the board, it was better than the generals and death of the board culture that the over moderation produced. It was serving a purpose that is painfully obvious in hindsight but completely irreparable. I'm sure some posters, especially newer ones, won't give a shit about what /jp/ used to be like but holy fuck it pains me to see what it's become.

It's the biggest problem across the site, "Lurk more" died, and /jp/ used to be the place that was enforced most aggressively.

>> No.21298188
Quoted by: >>21298396

The fact that most of his last few tweets are about FAG depresses me more than his entire history of funposting. Truly there's neither rhyme nor reason to ingroup mentality.

>> No.21298384

They say in whispers that to this day his still smuggling onions in gensokyo

>> No.21298396

we at the /toy/ threads liked his spiffy display setup

>> No.21299690
Quoted by: >>21299722

>newfags don't even need to worry about adapting anymore
Honestly, I didn't have to do it in 2011. I recently found my posts from then on warosu and was appalled at my blatant newfaggotry. I had been on 4chan for years, and yet my posts stood out like a sore thumb. Although I guess the reason I got mostly positive responses was that the thing I came here to talk about was fairly unpopular and niche compared to /jp/'s other topic.
>this shit has been seeping into /jp/ since 2011 with all that "jewnes" and nazi copypasta
Do you happen to know when, where and how "Western netoyo" came into existence? It seems it started as a joke and then became semi-serious. Was /jp/ their place of origin?

>> No.21299722
Quoted by: >>21306047

By "Western netoyo" I mean Westerners who express netoyo views about Japanese politics, not Western politics.

>> No.21301648

Somebody please post her.

>> No.21306047

it's "netouyo"

>> No.21306258

We will never forget!


>> No.21307861

>First KOG,
Explain please?

>> No.21307924

i want to go back guys
why does it hurt so much

>> No.21307972
File: 155 KB, 1278x851, sad cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21309065

that's pretty sad
even though he was an onion smuggler and killed his gf

>> No.21308317

Oh god, what happened to KoG? My sweet, sweet child.

>> No.21309065

>killed his gf
I haven't heard of this story before

>> No.21313853 [DELETED] 


>> No.21313910

I hope mugen is okay at least. He will be missed

>> No.21315920

Even though I wasn't here during that time, seeing how the site has become even since I started coming here is very depressing. I left for a while and wasn't regularly browsing, but coming back /jp/ is really the only board that feels untouched by what's rotting most of this website, and so I've been coming on more than I did previously, savoring freedom from what the rest of the site became. Some might call it nostalgia, but, I've started to feel that things really are truly getting worse, this site, the internet, the world at large...
The direction everything seems to be going, I hate it.
I want to go somewhere far away...

>> No.21316070
File: 111 KB, 800x800, 1527192444696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds about right. Two big issues (and I'm not talking exclusively about /jp/ by the way, it's the same thing all over internet) are the influx of normies diluting the local culture and toxic politics invading everything. I'm not sure what can be done about the first issue, but the second is driving me crazy. And no one can do anything about it, because when someone takes action, it's always either against /pol/tards or against SJWs, depending on their own sympathies, but never both.

First step that should be taken to salvage a board or a forum, or ensure a new one doesn't go the same way, is a zero tolerance policy towards idpol (an a low tolerance policy for politics in general). This shit is literal poison that ruins every community it touches.

>> No.21316140

Or you clamp down on anything that isn’t /jp/, you know. The mods should just move those generals and shit yet they won’t because it’s now deemed “otaku culture”, which is sad given how years ago this board would have reviled its existence and gone against it

>> No.21316154

That would be great, obviously. but it's a different issue.

>> No.21316171
File: 121 KB, 640x480, lMNMs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21352966

>> No.21320610

Over moderation is probably what I'd consider the biggest and final blow /jp/ took.

The thing that kept /jp/ alive was branded as bannable trash and this is the result. I'm not sure I really blame the mods for it, because it was a fucking chore to use the board at times, but I preferred it to the alternative, dead board culture and a swamp of generals.

>> No.21321154

>Now everyone in the community is looking for an opportunity to looking down on each other because of normalfag political beliefs.
You mean like you're doing in the very same post?

So basically you're butthurt leftists angry that you can't silence the opposition on 4chan. Got it.

>> No.21321283

and here comes a perfect textbook example of case in point

>> No.21321286

For hating people "talking about politics all the time" you lot sure like to bring them up eh?

>> No.21321288

did you ever wonder why you're the first person to jump down these people's throats after they've been up for full five days

>> No.21321291

Are you stupid or just pretending? Discussions that last for days are a given in slow boards like this.

>> No.21321310
Quoted by: >>21321959

i guess not

>> No.21321959
Quoted by: >>21325642

you're the one who brought it up and you act like the good guy when someone responds to it

>> No.21324250
Quoted by: >>21325646

>Remembering Uncle Mugen
Whats next? Are you're gonna be bringing up Dan Kim?
Fuck, wish i still had the screencaps of the times he got in here

>> No.21325642

Both of you shut it.
Piss off for bringing that up again.

>> No.21325646

We can have a tripfag mourning thread if that's what you're asking for.

>> No.21325650
Quoted by: >>21325834

Funny how you didn't attacked the first lefties that brought politics to an Uncle Mugen thread in the first place. How come?

>> No.21325834

you intentionally came to the thread to talk that shit. Not only that but you lack any reading comprehension.
The posts>>21297246 and >>21316070 are explanations, not opinions made for the sole purpose of debating right vs left bullshit.

Leftist this, Leftist that, shut the fuck up and get off of this board if you wish to talk politics. You aren't even being subtle that your point of being here and posting is to cause a shitstorm in this very thread to talk about fucking politics whether it be leftist bullshit from that schizophrenic mind of yours or more "right-wing" /pol/ bullshit. Neither is welcome here and it was never the topic or A topic in this thread to begin with until your faggot ass brought it up.
I'm not attacking anyone, I'm saying shut the fuck up in my post, >>21325642, because you decided it was a good idea to bring up politics 5 whole days after which was stated. I don't care how long you've been here, there are posts that are better left unreplied to after about a week where there is no discussion.
Since your retarded ass could not understand what was being said in >>21325642, I'll shorten it, I will make it specific. I will make it so simple that you have no room to make a misinterpretation.

You have two options.
A shut the fuck up and post about the thread topic and contribute to the thread with relevant information regarding /jp/


B get out of this thread, get off of this board and don't come back.

>> No.21325866
Quoted by: >>21325900

Even if you leave politics aside, the post is just plain wrong. Look at your comrade whining about "not a single OC thread" when there's like 4 or 5 right now. So yeah, take your pathetic backseat moderation and shove it.

>> No.21325900

Backseat moderation my ass.
Instead of making garbage posts, refute the statements and get your head out from being buried in your crusted ass.
You are confronting a statement already stated as wrong whether it be your post or someone else's.

>> No.21330231

good post

>> No.21333768
Quoted by: >>21335995

rip in peace mr. onion

>> No.21335995

Don worre.
/jp/sies live an astonishing amount of time.

>> No.21339051

Easy to do when every second feels like an eternity of suffering.

>> No.21339099
Quoted by: >>21339148

Sometimes we really need posts like these on /jp/.

>> No.21339148

That in itself is a sign.

>> No.21345187

/bun/ also still exists, somehow

>> No.21346355

Does he have lewds? then nope

>> No.21349554

that sounds like bullshit to me!

>> No.21350688
File: 92 KB, 850x709, hipsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, /jp/ is in a worse state than /a/ and /v/ together right now. All these idolshit/monstergirl/imagedump etc. threads are a blight.

>> No.21351386

The average thread on other boards is shit like:

Porn dump
Look I'm beating the dead frog again!
Blah blah niggers
Blah blah bitches
Hey janny, I posted it again!
Template thread
Template flamebait thread
Template thread with pornographic op
Like 29 threads about some bullshit autists keep spamming
40 other threads with similar OP images that exist only to put those images into the catalog.

>> No.21351413
Quoted by: >>21351568

all those together are still better than a single idol thread. And I'm posting in comfy JRPG threads on /v/ and /vr/ right now, those aren't a waste of space like the majority of /jp/'s catalog.

>> No.21351563
File: 44 KB, 294x194, Youkai Are Not Welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the truth, /a/ and /v/ are far worse. You need at least a somewhat decent powerlevel to get into Touhou to begin with, so that keeps a fair amount of people away, so they can shitpost elsewhere.

A large part of the problem is that both anime and vidya haven't exactly gotten better over the past decade, while Touhou is still good.

>> No.21351568
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1021, 1527429951808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21351579

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.21351578

>Otaku culture is all about escapism and imersion
Immersion maybe, but escapism is something the masses consume quite regularly, it's one of the things Hollywood does best and why they're so successful.

>> No.21351579
File: 906 KB, 825x676, sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21351652

at least I don't post reddit screenshots

>> No.21351652
Quoted by: >>21352042

You post on /v/ which is Reddit's cum toilet, or simply put, Reddit.

>> No.21351816 [DELETED] 

kill yourself for bringing up /vr/, you fucking vermin. idol threads keep to themselves (and, to a lesser extent, have been around basically forever) but /v/ has leaked into damn near every /vr/ thread. /jp/ might have gone massively downhill but /vr/ is nothing like it once was.
go back to /v/ and stay there.

>> No.21352042

the last time I checked shadow bans are not a thing on /v/, so they're not Reddit. Now if you prefer vapid Patchy's feet! threads on /jp/ I totally understand that, but even Touhou gameplay discussion is better over there.

>> No.21352114
Quoted by: >>21352135

>but even Touhou gameplay discussion is better over there
Amuzing. This week some mod imported /v/ threads here and I see like 3 posts about gameplay but tons of image dumping. I guess you're going to say that there are exceptions or something.


>> No.21352135

not my fault some image dumping subhumans like aceman infest a thread... but it's still possible to talk about viable shot types and the like. Without having a disgusting idol thread right next door.

>> No.21352145

hope you're fucking joking
/jp/ is the worst out of the worst

>> No.21352147
Quoted by: >>21352173

You can discuss shot types in the gameplay thread. And if you hate the sight of idols just do like I do and filter them out.

>> No.21352173
File: 784 KB, 400x1800, jp history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21352234

Yes, you are right about that. The dedicated gameplay thread is about the only thread left on /jp/ that's remotely quality. Honorable mention: the occasional FOTM doujin game thread like for puppet dance performance or shanghai.
The others can be gassed and nothing of value is lost. People who think /jp/ today is fine haven't been on /jp/ for long.

>> No.21352189
Quoted by: >>21352214

>Without having a disgusting idol thread right next door
Are you seriously going to pretend that /v/, aka /b/ 2.0, doesn't have excessive amount of shitposting, frogs and newfaggory every time all over the board. Idolshitters at least they contain themselves somehow. Meanwhile /v/ is on constant shitposting mode.

>> No.21352214
File: 20 KB, 596x892, generals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never said that. Just telling that people come to /v/ because they're interested in games. People also came to /jp/ because they were interested in Ar Tonelico, Etrian, Fortune Summoners etc. etc.. But now there's a landscape of worthless generals sweeping up the whole board, buddy I sure prefer the folks interested in games. At least talking about Ar Tonelico still is imaginable on /v/, you can forget it on /jp/.

>> No.21352231
Quoted by: >>21352263

>if you prefer vapid Patchy's feet! threads on /jp/ I totally understand that
Get off the high horse man. I get your point but various fetish threads about 2hus were on jay since its inception.


>> No.21352234
Quoted by: >>21352263

>People who think /jp/ today is fine haven't been on /jp/ for long.
There isn't anyone except maybe post-GG/election tourists that think there is still a fine board of 4chan. But as someone who's been posting on /v/ since 2007 I have absolutely no hopes for that place anymore. It has had the biggest influx of newfags since Trump, the entire board is a non-stop cesspool of shitposting and off-topic discussion endorsed by 4chan moderators. Imagedumps are flourishing all over the place and are never deleted, be it feet, ass, tits threads, heck, I even saw armpit threads.
I don't want to be a blind retard and say /jp/ is good. It has severely declined, I agree with you on that. In my opinion /jp/ was a silly mistake from moot and allowing 2hu back on /a/ would do a lot of people a favor. In the current state of things I still prefer posting about 2hu here than on /v/ because in the midst of all the shitposting, imagedumping and idoltrash, I have better discussions here than on /v/.

>> No.21352263
File: 11 KB, 228x250, Arle8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21352385

that the shit threads were common back then means it's totally OK for them to be here right now, in abundant number.

Are you alright in the head?!

right. Touhou discussions have gone to hell on both sides so I have a tough time deciding which shart is smellier.
But I have more interests than just Touhou, I had lovely discussions about SaGa, Corpse Party, Drakengard, Yomawari and I don't even know what elsewhere. So when slash vee is a 2/10 for those threads that redeem the board, /jp/ is a 1/10. The touhou game discussion isn't half bad I guess.

>> No.21352385
Quoted by: >>21352395

>in abundant number
No fucking way dude. Back then stuff like "Yukarin has four threads!" was pretty common back there. Good luck with it today.

>> No.21352395
File: 57 KB, 158x300, Asellus_Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21352634

Do you honestly need me to make a screenshot of the catalog right now and circle all the

Why is Alice so lonely?
Oh no, Sakuya has lost her Stopwatch! what are we gonna do?

threads just to shut you up? Yeah, do it yourself.

>> No.21352499

>than /a/
Consider yourself spending at least an hour there because /a/'s quality went into Mariana Trench level of depth.

>> No.21352634

Not him, but for as stupid as those threads may be, I vastly prefer them over the threads full of forced memes, one word buzzword replies that act as an upvote or downvote, Twitter screencaps, and political bullshit. I'm not saying there aren't ever any good threads on /v/, /a/ or other big boards that are full of this stuff, but the vast majority of threads either start out with the aforementioned shit or become infected by it as the thread continues.

>> No.21352966

RIP John Romero.

>> No.21353146

I went to /v/('s archive) and saw this https://img.fireden.net/v/image/1459/20/1459202475764.webm
Should I make a fortune teller thread with it?

>> No.21353475
File: 81 KB, 553x824, 4stats io - live 4chan board thread statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4chan itself that has gone to shit. Look at these stats. /jp/ is still better than pretty much any of the similarly fast and faster boards. It's like a deformed descendant of a once-beautiful, brilliant and wise noble family still staying ahead of the wretched, ugly and stupid mutated population after some kind of an apocalypse.

>> No.21353588

you're talking like if in 2010 there wasn't any imagedump 2hu edition threads

>> No.21355377
File: 166 KB, 1200x900, D2R2CeKVAAYVC_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21355446
Quoted by: >>21355458

>All these idolshit/monstergirl/imagedump etc. threads are a blight.
/jp/ should be strictly a Touhou board,

>> No.21355458
File: 983 KB, 1500x1062, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_gaoo_frpjx283__b71274eb465b9cfadde50574c231f039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21355465

/jp/ should be strictly a Parsee board,

>> No.21355465
File: 415 KB, 1024x768, 1502143033609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21355487

Real talk the Meidos should expel idolshit heretics to /mu/, monster girl garbage to /d/, gacha/MOBAGE/N*taku stupidity to /v/, b*te sodomites should be all sent to /vg/ with the rest of the damned and JAV degenerates cast into /hc/ or /gif/.

>> No.21355478

I'm going to bed, /jp/.

Stay dry.

>> No.21355487

No, they should make a dedicated idol and vtuber board and send the JAV thread to /t/.

>> No.21355557
Quoted by: >>21355700

no, the state of /v/ is worse, i think that's it the worst board of 4chan.

>> No.21355585
Quoted by: >>21355660

>they should make a dedicated idol and vtuber board
Containment boards just serve to attract more people to the site as a whole, people who have the contained topic as their primary interest.

>> No.21355592
Quoted by: >>21355660

vt*ber plebs are the worst, they DO NOT deserve a board, they deserve a permaban from 4chan.

>> No.21355660

the average vtuber poster is a better poster than either of you

>> No.21355700

I don't want to spend enough time there to really confirm it, but it seems /b/, /r9k/ and /biz/ are worse. /biz/ in particular is a big disappointment.

>> No.21355709
File: 2.11 MB, 5000x3748, 1346289883953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21355759

How is this guy doing, I wonder? I remember him from /g/.

>> No.21355759
Quoted by: >>21355760

I think he still spends time at /g/, but posting without tripcode now.

>> No.21355760

How do you know?

>> No.21355866
Quoted by: >>21355937

>All these idolshit/monstergirl/imagedump etc. threads are a blight.
Just filter them, loser

>> No.21355937

I hate those threads but at least i can filter them but every /v/ thread is >>21351386

>> No.21355962
File: 90 KB, 700x991, 9d3518efcb0ed38375a8a35c3d44c58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite VN threads are cancer now >>21355936

>> No.21356227
Quoted by: >>21356309

>send the JAV thread to /t/.
Why the fuck do you keep saying this.
The mods didn’t enforce the rules and thats why the 4 year thread exists.
/t/ is not the JAV board, it is fucking torrents
Why the fuck would I torrend gpd damn porn when I have other shit to find interest in.
This is the exact fucking reason why a portion of the board is nothing but fucking porn.

>> No.21356309

/t/ is redundant. Anything you want you can find on pirate bay or TT or some other torrent aggregator. It should be used for somewhat harder to get stuff like JAV and gravure. It's slow enough to not need to post new threads constantly anyway, so you'd only need a few threads that would last years. After all, what do you need to say in a JAV thread other than "/r/ so-and-so" and "here's the new release of X (link)"? 300+ posts of "nice big tits" and "ye gads I hate non-whites in my porn of non-whites" shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

>> No.21356955

Some of the shit you find there you won’t find on the cartel or pantsu let alone that damn honeypot that is TPB.
JAV torrents are all over the place. You don’t need 14 different threads for every single fucking flavor of the month

>> No.21356996

It doesn’t take long to update torrents. All it takes is one big megathead separating links by catagory and that will be enough. Then again that will be obselete because a site will hold much more

>> No.21357311
Quoted by: >>21358131


>> No.21357329
Quoted by: >>21358707

This actually hurts.

>> No.21357481

Seeing people complain about image dump threads really makes me wonder if the people were here back in the old days. Only difference now is that there's other flavors of image dump apart from half a board full of threads dedicated to 2hu feet.

>> No.21358131
Quoted by: >>21358540

I’m probably quite literally the only poster up on this board on the night shift until the Flan Thread arrives.
This is close to bullshit.

>> No.21358540
Quoted by: >>21358655

The idea of a night shift vs. day shift board never made much sense, because during the night in the US it's day in Europe and Asia. If you enjoy a board at night, maybe you just like posting with the Europeans and Asians.

>> No.21358655

>If you enjoy a board at night, maybe you just like posting with the Europeans and Asians.
There are too few of them compared to Americans. All boards become significantly less active during American nighttime hours.
A popular belief years ago is that nighttime filtered out all normalfags from posting and led to increased posting quality, but I can't say this is very true nowadays.

>> No.21358707

That shit is way too ugly to look at, I don't see how anyone could stand to "play" it.

>> No.21360650

I think for most it's the Krautchan jokes and the whole counter-cultural "fuck society" aspect of it.

>> No.21363183
File: 30 KB, 1033x233, the way moot split the boards doesn't make any sense at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21363682

>> No.21363678

It's hilarious, cute, well-written and has an amazing OST.

>> No.21363682
Quoted by: >>21363768

At this point we need a separate containment for all the inane Touhou shit. Right now /jp/ is a fucking Touhou board with some sprinkles of otaku culture here and there.

>> No.21363768
Quoted by: >>21363779

/jp/ since the begining was always mostly touhou and other stuff.

>> No.21363779

/jp/ then: 30% touhou 30% type-moon 30% translated visual novel of the month 10% wacky shit
/jp/ now: 50% touhou 50% general

>> No.21363783

We have to clean up the 50% general

>> No.21363789
Quoted by: >>21363796

but now type moon and umineko stuff are general /v/ tier shit.

>> No.21363796

that 50% general contains tons of topics that have been in /jp/ for ages and only happen to castle up into generals because of the sheer quantity of other generals and the obnoxious behavior of dumb faggots who order them back into their general whenever they leave.

>but now type moon and umineko stuff are general /v/ tier shit.
the touhou threads are also garbage. it's all shit. welcome to the new /jp/.

>> No.21365337
Quoted by: >>21365977

He was an annoying piece of shit, and that's how I shall remember him.

>> No.21365977
Quoted by: >>21366044


>> No.21366044

Rude, yet not wrong.

>> No.21367938


>> No.21368087
File: 303 KB, 324x324, 1537860052735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kog's still alive, the /bant/ project just didn't turn out as well as we'd hoped.

>> No.21372206 [DELETED] 

I do
