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File: 113 KB, 760x100, 1545902137153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20498335 No.20498335 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>20493794

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JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN) https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-The Winter 2019 Event, "Intercept! Buin Defense Operation" is now live. It is a small-scale event and takes place in the Central Solomons with a LBAS base at Rabaul.
-There are 4 new ships. Minegumo is available as the E-1 reward and Hayanami as an E-2 drop. Nisshin is available as the E-3 reward. The mighty DD-557 USS Johnston is available as an E-3 drop along with Gotland and Suzutsuki.
-The November ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the 533mm Quint Torp Mount (Early Model) and SG Radar (Early Model).
-Yuugumo-class will get more Kai Ni. Hyuuga will receive a Kai Ni as well. Gotland will receive a Kai Ni at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser.
-The 2019 calendar shows at least one new Yuugumo-class.
-There are already plans for the 7th year of KanColle.
-Numerous Fletchers will be implemented in the 6th year, some illustrated by ZECO. We Fletchercolle soon. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-Full implementation of 2nd Sequence may take a year. Each Block will have new features added.

>> No.20498340
File: 210 KB, 1151x912, DvWDCiFUwAAB8_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20498897

>> No.20498415
Quoted by: >>20498432

KanColle has a recurring theme about overcoming the past, right? But the more I play, the more I think IJN were hopeless. They can't really win that war without all those resources, shiny equipment and multiple tries.

>> No.20498432
File: 124 KB, 1200x675, DvZb8wkVAAEoF9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abyssals right.

>> No.20498443

Fairies are behind everything.

>> No.20498464

Post armpits.

>> No.20498502
Quoted by: >>20500813

The eternal fairy catbombs when she strikes you.

>> No.20498512

Everything was orchestrated by the fairies for their personal amusement.

Fairies did 12/7.

>> No.20498525

No, post butts.

>> No.20498532

Hayanami is cute.

>> No.20498539
File: 54 KB, 416x840, 1499455426317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498547
File: 390 KB, 708x1000, 45068904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroyer butts are unbeatable, prove me wrong.

>> No.20498548

Holy shit the rewards for E-3 are fucking nothing.

>> No.20498551


>> No.20498563
Quoted by: >>20498608

Too young.

>> No.20498573
File: 129 KB, 736x842, 9f6b3c130a4beea45c8149946cf88033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498575
File: 235 KB, 892x1800, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498584

Pastas smell bad.

>> No.20498585
Quoted by: >>20498711


>> No.20498608
File: 334 KB, 1156x1600, 00b83f75a034a87ebc7bcfc831a29dc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20498700

Shima and Amatsu are perfect age.

>> No.20498635
Quoted by: >>20498675

I like how the fat retard decided to invent a new mk.30 version.

>> No.20498675

He really tricked some people who already upgraded the normal version in hopes of upgrading it directly to gun+GFCS.

>> No.20498677
File: 180 KB, 778x128, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498687
File: 738 KB, 1200x847, __re_class_battleship_and_zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akaneharu_ohkami__3a855eaee057a1e75c7de14341fd76be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20498693

Bros, my Tamagoyaki is channeling her inner Doom Slayer

>> No.20498693

Shit tamagoyaki daydreaming.

>> No.20498700

They could be a bit younger honestly.

>> No.20498711


>> No.20498742 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 2500x2000, __atago_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sarfata__6aadb7398e12cb9f1ed889fcef3e67fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20498768


>> No.20498754
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1479234797006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498766
File: 206 KB, 850x1275, __pola_kantai_collection_drawn_by_danbo_rock_clime__sample-2fa47ead1be287843c60d35f9ff73782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498768

Too fat, destroyer meat is better.

>> No.20498778

Post some ass now.

>> No.20498786
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1271, __littorio_and_roma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__98f9181c71cb1a0bdc891f2c6422e092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498788


>> No.20498789
File: 335 KB, 550x778, __kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_souji__fde8f60deb63ee5f89365c67b9bb20fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498801
File: 793 KB, 1000x1085, __zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__8884c4d2db6a2b228ad635c4bbd7ea55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20498805


>> No.20498805

no thank you

>> No.20498812
File: 582 KB, 1416x900, 1544899002334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498816
Quoted by: >>20498820

Yes please.

>> No.20498820
File: 188 KB, 850x1200, __pola_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__sample-76b5397e43932547cc6e2499fb0d094a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20498821
Quoted by: >>20498837

What's wrong with him?

>> No.20498837
File: 704 KB, 921x1280, 1537878784039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always the same shit with him:
>Muh woman have to be cum toilets
It really looks like he has a template for his doujins, and he's only changing clothes and hair of his characters, also
>NTR shit

>> No.20498842
File: 150 KB, 620x997, EE8F16BC-2E39-43AA-BC54-EF2D68711AA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the focus on American ships from taffy 3 lately, what are the chances of a sister ship to gambier bay being implemented in 2019?

>> No.20498848

Right after Aoba, Pola and Samidare/Suzukaze K2s.

>> No.20498849

50/50, we get one or we don't.

>> No.20498856
Quoted by: >>20498859

New KuroKuro ships when?

>> No.20498859
Quoted by: >>20498864

When you stop asking every day.

>> No.20498864

But he wasn't asking for around a year before, now is the time to respond.

>> No.20498895

fuck off just ask the artist or devs on twitter

>> No.20498897

That would actually be neat idea for l2d to give KC a unique take of it.

>> No.20498906
File: 19 KB, 423x174, DvaC4K6XQAUUh6W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern War Hime got buffed.

>> No.20498925

I believe it was supposed to have 288 armor and 1380 hp.

>> No.20498973
File: 69 KB, 512x512, right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post those E1 fleets.

>> No.20499014
File: 226 KB, 1200x720, 20181227_20421401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As many drums and boats that you can bring

>> No.20499016
Quoted by: >>20499032

Just pick Murasame and random DDs you wont use anon.

>> No.20499032

If I want to farm with it too, then should I pick DDs with high HP, firepower or something else to save buckets?

>> No.20499071

Common sense would be to plan from last-to-first. As in, set aside the DDs that you'll be using on the hardest map and work backwards. Whatever's left over, you can use on the easiest map.
And what's there to farm in E1 anyway? I thought Hayanami dropped on E2.

>> No.20499077
Quoted by: >>20499095

Wait, does that mean 5-5 got even harder? Say it ain't so, chief.

>> No.20499080

Just save Arashi, Hagikaze and Isokaze for the last map.

>> No.20499082

Kaibokans I think are the only ships you could farm on E1

>> No.20499088
File: 504 KB, 850x510, 1545913875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20499103

Fucking nips

>> No.20499095
File: 177 KB, 412x412, 1532484940657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, 5-3 too.

>> No.20499096
File: 70 KB, 427x604, yakuzahoushou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason she never shows skin:

>> No.20499103

>2100 HP
Which map is that?

>> No.20499105


>> No.20499114

The name is literally on the screenshot.
It's the current best powerlevel spot, now even better with spoon. If you want to level something quick, best make use of it while the event lasts.

>> No.20499119

It's a dong.

>> No.20499122


>> No.20499126
File: 615 KB, 1228x868, 72329874_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20499134

Ribbon too small.

>> No.20499140



>> No.20499145

Would deep dick both so hard.

>> No.20499165
File: 91 KB, 580x400, kancolle-english-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20499244

>> No.20499169
File: 341 KB, 1400x1400, D43B4CE9-3C5B-423C-A324-5343BDA233FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruiser butts are nice

>> No.20499183


>> No.20499196
File: 529 KB, 1000x708, d131a9637a66c5ac3a22fc4e56192137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20499317

I will exterminate that slutty stern.

>> No.20499244

>capital Y
And it's already failed as an English course.

>> No.20499269

Maybe their german is showing.

>> No.20499279

I think there should be ! before it instead of ,

>> No.20499295 [SPOILER] 
File: 963 KB, 689x1100, 1545918452699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ban me

>> No.20499317
File: 130 KB, 850x520, __admiral_and_suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_jack_slaintheva__sample-af6f6f0b3945f01d709279c6eba09c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuya is the cutest cruiser ever

>> No.20499319
Quoted by: >>20499341

Would be hot if it had normal facial expressions

>> No.20499341
File: 218 KB, 850x1189, 1497213426888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is hot

>> No.20499370

Such talent wasted on such garbage ideas.

>> No.20499388

Now, how would we explain the reason why shipgirls can only use dong formation during event time?

>> No.20499389

Do you use some kind of support for E1 boss or only final?
The three Tsus and boss eat quite many DD shots.

>> No.20499391

Meh, those faces just look dumb to me.

>> No.20499400
File: 34 KB, 600x387, 4cf3703ce230ce5bca0e14618063f9ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's post cute instead!
I used Shelling boss support just to cut down the number of targets for DD

>> No.20499440
File: 917 KB, 1165x555, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these can I sacrifice? I like all of them, but I am a 100 slot shitter. I also got plenty of gumos last event, but I don't want to get rid of them, but if they are not rare or particularly good, I could let go of them probably ... this hurts, help

>> No.20499444

Feed the onahole to someone.

>> No.20499453

Which one is the onahole?

>> No.20499454

The smallest one.

>> No.20499455

buy slots and ease your pain

>> No.20499464


>> No.20499472

Should be fucking the onahole.

>> No.20499479 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 858x1200, 1545920142242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20499502

bosshi boys

>> No.20499484

If you don't buy slots it will only get more painful from here.

>> No.20499499
Quoted by: >>20499508

I have never beaten an event.

>> No.20499502

Hayaku hayaku.

>> No.20499506
Quoted by: >>20499518

Back to Lelddit with you.

>> No.20499508


>> No.20499518

You just don't know how to have fun.

>> No.20499531
File: 335 KB, 1200x720, 20181227_22232301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use boss support.
4sorties and she is dead. E1 is basically a free map.

>> No.20499692
File: 923 KB, 2510x3498, DvVwNMOU0AM_djj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20499717

>> No.20499700

do we know what we need to save for the second and third maps yet?

>> No.20499709

would empty those tits and make them cum in the process

>> No.20499717
Quoted by: >>20499852

Would rub against vigorously.

>> No.20499746

Don't eat a single bigmac ONCE, and go buy 10 slots you absolute happy merchant

>> No.20499770
File: 13 KB, 600x339, A6M3_Type32_Tainan_Kokutai_V174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Tanaka give us the Tainan air group? E2 is supposed to be their map.
Do those Zero 32s even get some bonus in E2?

>> No.20499786

he probably forgot - maybe they'll get their buff in a few days.

>> No.20499852

Until sore?

>> No.20499884
Quoted by: >>20499915

Where do you need Arashi, Isokaze and Hagikaze?

>> No.20499915


>> No.20499999
File: 620 KB, 848x1200, BSFawbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500040
Quoted by: >>20500053

i want to make babies with Minegumo

>> No.20500053

>choosing the objectively worst girl this event

>> No.20500080

What's the tips for E2? All subs fleet?

>> No.20500085
Quoted by: >>20500094

So far, she seems the most popular to draw.

>> No.20500088

>Liking Fujinami with a slightly different haircut

>> No.20500094
Quoted by: >>20500108

>implying i like the second worst girl this event

Becasue she's the most basic and an E-1 reward.

>> No.20500099
Quoted by: >>20500148


>> No.20500108

What's wrong with the new gumo?

>> No.20500134
File: 796 KB, 904x1039, pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bismarck's outfit covers so much skin, but it is very lewd in any standards. Visible pant__ is amazing. Oh!

>> No.20500148

That's true.

>> No.20500165

Hayanami is the cutest.

>> No.20500179
Quoted by: >>20500187

I don't think this is advertiser friendly, anon.

>> No.20500187

You should report him on Youtube and patreon.

>> No.20500198
File: 71 KB, 880x880, 1450425833997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500213

Bros are there any compositions for E2? I'm running 1FBB, 1CA, 1 CAV, 1CL, 2DD and it still goes offroute

>> No.20500199
Quoted by: >>20500603

I got AS on all the air raid nodes and 2 perfect air raid defences on E2, but the 2nd route isn't open yet. Do I need to S rank any of the surface nodes?

>> No.20500203
Quoted by: >>20500306

Is there a table of success rate for bucket expeditions?

>> No.20500213
Quoted by: >>20500249


>> No.20500232
Quoted by: >>20500575



Damn son. Post more biggu seben!

>> No.20500235
File: 409 KB, 1200x1674, IMG_20181227_082210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500239

those damn potatoes are too fucking lewd

>> No.20500249
File: 165 KB, 850x1005, __akatsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fuuen_akagaminanoka__sample-4a563265d9b38ee25aff84d9b929e45d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.20500285
Quoted by: >>20500295

>everyone has fun with the event
>while I have to sick with ranking
Damn. At least dong makes it less painful.

>> No.20500295

Unlike me
>stuck levelling because I've hit the limit cap on the amount of ships I can own
hell where do I even grind my Destroyers and Cruisers

>> No.20500302
Quoted by: >>20501610

Cuck MPs.
The sex potato isn't even underage for lewds.

>> No.20500306


>> No.20500307

There's a difference if I send 4 or 5 ships in E-1?

>> No.20500345
File: 217 KB, 1000x1399, Dur6gUpU0AAdHml.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500353

Jervis's cunny!

>> No.20500353

i will ruin it

>> No.20500401

Buy more slots.

>> No.20500443


and buy slots

>> No.20500460

Any decent drops in this event?
I still don't have Nimu or Akizuki,

>> No.20500465

Caca is caca.

>> No.20500471
Quoted by: >>20500707

I think it takes a few days for the poi drop database to be updated with new event maps.
So far we have ducks and Gotland dropping in E3. Other than that, nothing too remarkable.

>> No.20500542
Quoted by: >>20500581

The new burger boat has excellent gear - I recommend to farm like 5 units

>> No.20500575
File: 214 KB, 850x904, n5567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500657


>> No.20500581

If it's anything like the past previous events, the droprate will decrease drastically the more copies you have.
For Prinz last event, it went from 3.9% to 1.6% if you already had 1 Prinz, down to under 1% if you had 2, and 0% if you had 3+

>> No.20500592

Gear or girl?

>> No.20500603

Figured it out, turns out the requirement isn't just AS on the air raid nodes, you have to send a LBAS squadron too.

>> No.20500607

Dunno. It wasn't verified whether it was tied to the # of Prinz or # of FuMOS. Just that the droprate decreased the more you had.
I think Iowa was also limited to max 2 copies, not the amount of 16in guns, but I might be wrong.

>> No.20500620
Quoted by: >>20500663

I got 2 prinz from E-5 last event despite having 1. And i didn't do much farming there (around 50 runs total).

>> No.20500657
Quoted by: >>20500708

surprisingly cute

>> No.20500663
Quoted by: >>20500681


I have a suspicion it's more likely related to gear, because otherwise nothing would stop the neet autists from farming the boatsluts for their gear and gear alone

>> No.20500681

Why would you farm more gear than you can feasibly use?

>> No.20500705

You can never have enough FuMOs for support.

>> No.20500707

I only need a Maruyuu gold mine map like 2018 winter E1

>> No.20500708
File: 64 KB, 850x612, __mutsu_and_nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tan_tangent__cf1a21cc906f5aa56d30017281211fa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500898

Don't know if i'm the only one, but i kinda liked how they were in the anime, not total siscons, but very close to each other and (at least in Mutsus case) not above a prank or little flirt.

>> No.20500709
File: 105 KB, 960x872, lost it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500729

Amazing secret mechanic Tanaka.
Of course the boss support stops working in E1 last run and half the fleet does 1+1 during night.

>> No.20500719
Quoted by: >>20500732

Needing 6 radars to avoid mr. bones' wild ride makes using Yura for E1 less than stellar, not to mention the "bonus damage" is not needed if you bring hai hai. In retrospect Isuzu would have been better to guarantee no issues at the sub node.

>> No.20500729
File: 111 KB, 635x903, __murasame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_danbo_rock_clime__b3f0560a12861b1c9c36350238282781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500904

Just use the best DD's DDs buddy

>> No.20500732
Quoted by: >>20500749

It's 5 radars.

>> No.20500749
Quoted by: >>20500753

I used 5 radars and got sent to both nodes in addition to 6 radars on 5 ships (same result). What was your LOS?

>> No.20500753
Quoted by: >>20500775

This is going to sound silly but were they all surface radars?

>> No.20500763

What to do with Johnston farming? Hard level seems to be painful as fuck.

>> No.20500775
Quoted by: >>20500789

5 surface radars yes. When i bumped to 6 I used a Fumo on Yurarin which sent me straight to the boss. Swapping out a surface for a GFCS (6 radar setup) also sends me straight to the boss.
This sounds like an LOS issue, but I used the same 6 radar setup that sent me straight to the boss, but balanced on 5 ships instead of 6 and I ended up being off routed.

>> No.20500777
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, 1545863640546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks futaba, now I know why I like Johnston so much.

>> No.20500785


>> No.20500789

I needed 7 to go directly to boss. But pretty sure I probably included air radars like an idiot.

>> No.20500792
File: 178 KB, 848x1199, 1545923485185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20500813

So where's the final solution to the fairy question?

>> No.20500825

No wonder John felt like a ripoff of something.

>> No.20500838
Quoted by: >>20500851

What kind of hentai game this is?

>> No.20500851

All you have to know is that Ogata Rina is best girl.

>> No.20500871
File: 1.52 MB, 800x1200, __urakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ichikawa_feesu__cda20a878cbe2b0d6bac280114a02bf0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20500877

Good set.

>> No.20500877

The only salvaging part about it is that the distinct sameface is at least nice to look at.

>> No.20500898
Quoted by: >>20500909

They only have each other. Figures.

>> No.20500904
Quoted by: >>20500926

those things are bigger than DDs if my eyes don't lie

>> No.20500909
Quoted by: >>20500916

They would have plenty of other girls around if they wanted.

>> No.20500916

How? Nagato is a big seven years old, and Mustu is a man-eating succubus!

>> No.20500926
File: 98 KB, 720x960, __murasame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_youmou_usagi__608d9fe01fe738535a8f126cba524798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the better

>> No.20500927
Quoted by: >>20500979

And people said she looks like Azur Lane. Zeco truly is the retro artist.

>> No.20500937

absolutely agree

>> No.20500948

Can I leave Yura to E-1? How many shiplocks are there anyway?

>> No.20500953
File: 262 KB, 1200x720, 4th failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boss survived with 102hp. Am I doing something wrong or do I just wait for green T?

>> No.20500956
File: 565 KB, 367x265, 1488255883233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20500965
File: 519 KB, 1827x2048, 1545924878135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujikawa is a lewd girl!

>> No.20500973

>the game
You obviously just keep rolling till you win.

>> No.20500975

Rabaul a shit server.

>> No.20500979

If Shimakaze released today, people would say she looks like Azur Lane. Art criticism is mostly buzzwords masking my taste > your taste.

>> No.20500984

trans8 it weeb

>> No.20500988

Transfigurate it, creeps!

>> No.20501053

Is this guy the biggest gumofag?

>> No.20501094
Quoted by: >>20501162

How on earth do you get your hai hai to night battle? I'm at a 100% taiha rate with her anywhere but flag.

>> No.20501104

KanColle will be saved again today. Jazz events will be successful.

>> No.20501108
File: 176 KB, 413x413, 1542074362575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501123

share your wisdom on E2H, /jp/

>> No.20501123

Shoot the Abyssal until it dies

>> No.20501145
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x720, 20181227_15435571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be good as long as the fodder dies and Murasame doesn't get hit.

>> No.20501149

What do I do if my Murasame is Lv.1?

>> No.20501155

Hit yourself.

>> No.20501158

nicely done

>> No.20501162

shelling support and searchlight

>> No.20501174

Turbo kuso then.

>> No.20501184

Use other Ichibans or Asashios with radar and double attack or good old torp cut-in roulette. Boss doesn't have that much armor.

>> No.20501186

I don't even need Murasame at the night to kill her

>> No.20501199

Go with other good ships. I killed E-1 hard with my 2nd slot night attack and Murasame was way down on 6th slot so she never got to really damage the boss at all.

>> No.20501210
Quoted by: >>20501220

Any info on drops ? I need a duck, any duck.

>> No.20501211
File: 809 KB, 1075x1518, __zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_amano_kouki__60fa0812f8fec8c53c11627543f981b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20501220
Quoted by: >>20501235

E-3 then.

>> No.20501226
File: 317 KB, 1434x1182, boobs not allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konishi is /our girl/.

>> No.20501235
Quoted by: >>20504461

No way to get one in E-1 or E-2 ? I'm not interested in any of the new ships nor the memedal

>> No.20501236
Quoted by: >>20501245

>these tits should be impossible for Asashio-class...
That's gay.

>> No.20501237
Quoted by: >>20501245

>boobs not allowed
What the Fuck is she talking about?

>> No.20501245

That's not what he said, he said >>20501236

>> No.20501249

Why does my mother-in-law use the English interface?

>> No.20501255

Who the fuck does she think she is?

>> No.20501258
Quoted by: >>20501261

She's absolutely correct.

>> No.20501259

Konishi and Fujikawa feud when?

>> No.20501261

RJ pls.

>> No.20501267


>> No.20501271

The original Asashio-class artist.

>> No.20501276
File: 1.37 MB, 527x439, zuizui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502922

How good is she in the arts of Zui?

>> No.20501281


>> No.20501289

A flat DD is the natural order of things. A flat carrier is a crime against god.

>> No.20501293

Katsuragi pls.

>> No.20501304
Quoted by: >>20501313

Do we know where Johnston and Hayanami drop yet?

>> No.20501313

Read the OP. If you mean nodes, Johnston is at the boss.

>> No.20501328
File: 703 KB, 537x2000, zuiho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20501340
Quoted by: >>20501355

But carriers make the most sense to be flat since the real ships are mostly flat.

>> No.20501351
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 1543538380856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most important in carriers are their souls

>> No.20501355
Quoted by: >>20501381

The flat bit is the flight deck they carry. Carriers should have huge tanks to provide their planes with fuel.

>> No.20501381
File: 182 KB, 865x1102, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provide their planes with fuel
I never heard of planes running on milk...

>> No.20501500

fair magic

>> No.20501514
Quoted by: >>20501529

Fairy milk.

>> No.20501524

Still no interesting new girls? How many years is it now?

>> No.20501529

magic milk.

>> No.20501559

Less than 1.

>> No.20501587


>> No.20501591

Why would you care?

>> No.20501592

Still AL hasn't beat KC? How many years is it now?

>> No.20501593

I can't wait any longer, I want to play the event now. Or at least E-1.
Grieve for me /jp/, I who will do something stupid like bring a ship necessary for E-2/3 and cheat myself out of yet another medal.

>> No.20501601
Quoted by: >>20501693

E-1 can be done with trash and ships that likely won't be locked, just use your Mutsukis + Murasame.

>> No.20501602
Quoted by: >>20501693

E1 is super easy.

>> No.20501609
Quoted by: >>20501622

Just do like me and stop playing during the lack of a Spring event when they said HTML5 version would be released but lied

>> No.20501610

Creator said to one of the comments on twitter is that the admiral is touching her hanger in public and someone reported them to the MPs.

>> No.20501614

I finished E1 on hard in about an hour. It is piss easy.

>> No.20501622

Fuck off.

>> No.20501624
File: 556 KB, 739x874, 1542890598437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best new girls are on the wrong side, as always.

>> No.20501626
Quoted by: >>20501629

>still no new ducks

>> No.20501629

Laughing at you, friendo.

>> No.20501638
File: 302 KB, 850x1200, 1545827184721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K2 Soon.

>> No.20501647

How many years is soon?

>> No.20501650

Gumo k2s are so good.

>> No.20501651

Some admirals run on milk though. That's what I remind to my freedom carrier time to time.

>> No.20501660
File: 357 KB, 1565x2145, acbd5912c7a03a9f1862558af5c406bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501715

I will ram her when that happens.

>> No.20501661
Quoted by: >>20501702

Uh... Please translate to gaijin peasants?

>> No.20501665

What the fuck is up with the routing in E1 P2?
I keep getting routed to E with 1 CL 5 DD I have 6 surface radars across every ship and Murasame

>> No.20501673
Quoted by: >>20501678

Grow up.

>> No.20501678


>> No.20501685

The right question is who.

>> No.20501691

Kazagumo Kai Ni isn't happen just because AkiGAYmo is drawingf it.

>> No.20501693
File: 309 KB, 1002x1200, Winter 2019 E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501705

I saved this for later use, seems strange to not use Yura when she reportedly has a damage boost but if it's that easy, I'll give it a go.

>> No.20501697

Yeah it's happening because Fujikawa is teasing it.

>> No.20501698
Quoted by: >>20501719

How does it feel to be this delusional?

>> No.20501702
File: 149 KB, 1024x878, 1545926209466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be on the booru already.

>> No.20501705

Probably overkill even for H, it's that much of a joke, and keeping Yura for pure utility might not be the worst idea given how crazy later maps look.

>> No.20501715

You should do that untill that happens too.

>> No.20501719

Has it been mentioned on twitter yet? If no then you're retarded.

>> No.20501722
Quoted by: >>20501780

Yeah and we wont be getting Johnston this event.

>> No.20501741
Quoted by: >>20501761

By that account all the Kai Nis that were announced in interviews aren't happening either. Oh wait.

>> No.20501760

They mentioned more Yuugumo Kai Nis, yes.

>> No.20501761

Except for them being mentioned?

>> No.20501766
File: 76 KB, 976x638, 1545940965252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20501780
Quoted by: >>20501788

Johnston is different because she appeared in the calender.

>> No.20501788

And how does Kazagumo Kai Ni being hinted in not just one, but two ships' CGs not count?

>> No.20501800

>the most ignored of the gumos

>> No.20501801
Quoted by: >>20501807

How does having her art in another art imply that it's a K2?

>> No.20501804
File: 554 KB, 800x1113, Kaga wife Santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501812

I can't wait for Kagawife C93

>> No.20501805
Quoted by: >>20501822


>> No.20501807
Quoted by: >>20501823

Because of the Kai 2 uniform you blind retard.

>> No.20501812

Sorry guys, my bad

>> No.20501816
Quoted by: >>20501892

Feels good to be invested in all 4 top franchises. Shame that most of the Fate shit is F/GO garbage instead of the good Fate shit though. Tsukihime Remake fucking when? Someone kill Takeuchi already so Nasu can make it.

>> No.20501819

Because anything drawn by Akigumo isn't meant to be taken seriously at all. You know how much she likes using her girlfriend as a test subject.

>> No.20501822

No, grey is the previous one.

>> No.20501823

Yeah, her being in a different pose is clearly a sign of a different uniform.

>> No.20501832
Quoted by: >>20501874

Nice fanfiction.

>> No.20501838
Quoted by: >>20501899

Are they really making doujins about Vtubers?
Aren't they real people?

>> No.20501843

I don't believe heavens feel was the reson for this jump. Also, the utter failure of the arcade that for some reason didn't affect them at all feels really fishy.

>> No.20501854
Quoted by: >>20501904

>Even more fate shit
God help us

>> No.20501857
File: 33 KB, 176x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really this blind? Is the Kai 2 coat and transparent skirt not visible in your tiny monitor?

>> No.20501858
File: 195 KB, 700x991, 7XTavNHw64Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501887

Will I need her on E3 or is it okay to use her earlier?

>> No.20501867

Fuu'un isn't Akigumo's girlfriend, she's TTK's girlfriend.

>> No.20501869

You really are blind, it even says 改二 on the book.

>> No.20501874


So where's the thingy for this, anon?

>> No.20501887
Quoted by: >>20501969

Why for E3?

>> No.20501892

Nasu doesn't want to make it, too busy playing Dark Souls.

>> No.20501899

Their sexual appeal is literally the only thing keeping them afloat to be honest. Have you ever tried watching their shit? They just copy what everyone else is doing and play PUBG/Minecraft for hours

>> No.20501904

As long as there's more Abby and Lily I'm good.

>> No.20501913 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 250x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20501944

That's the only one you fucking retard. Holy shit this whole time you were using an old sprite for your retarded shitposting.

>> No.20501915

Typemoon was a mistake.

>> No.20501920
File: 259 KB, 539x998, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the old one you fucking retard. Holy shit this whole time you were using an old sprite for your retarded shitposting.

>> No.20501926

Anything purple deserves to have its numbers divided in two.

>> No.20501930
Quoted by: >>20501940

>it doesn't count when done before

>> No.20501940

The old one from LAST YEAR didn't have her in Kai 2 uniform you fucking retard.

>> No.20501942
File: 174 KB, 420x420, Delambda3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20501944

Wait, it is? And here I was thinking it was for an official doujin so I could have tried and get you faggots to deliver (which you wouldn't be able to).
Still, until I see hints of it on twitter its merely Kazawank by aki.

>> No.20501947

>Just you wait
AL already reclined, kek.

>> No.20501950

It's just good game design, anon. No ned to be mad about it.

>> No.20501955

Ah, good old CA Hime. Cockblocking people since Rei-Gou.

>> No.20501959

Reminder that CA Hime's TTK love is the highest out of all abyssals. Despite being newer than the other regulars BB Hime and CV Hime, she's the one that keeps the admiral to herself the longest.

>> No.20501962

Do I need ASW for E-1?

>> No.20501969

heard there are twin sub lolis in there?

>> No.20501970

>KC slowly slipping to obscurity due to shitty management and events
The fire rises.

>> No.20501971
Quoted by: >>20501976


>> No.20501976
Quoted by: >>20501982

How about route support?

>> No.20501979

what destroyers do I need to save for e2 and e3? hagikaze and arashi for e3 but what about e2?

>> No.20501980

Just dong it

>> No.20501982

It's super easy, you just need to use everything, have everything at +max and sparkled.

>> No.20501992
File: 256 KB, 1106x1543, IMG_20181226_190639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate 2738 (2256)
The IDOLM@STER 1813 (1485)
KanColle 1607 (1731)
Touhou Project 1283 (1355)
Touken Ranbu 961 (1067)
Love Live 498 (595)
Virtual YouTuber 391
Detective Conan 384 (197)
Vocaloid 383 (381)
Yuri!!! on Ice 381 (505)
Girls und Panzer 379 (529)
Azur Lane 376 (586)
Granblue Fantasy 341 (287)
Haikyu!! 259 (250)
Tiger & Bunny 199 (255)
Kuroko no Basuke 186 (250)
Maho Shojo Madoka Magica 183
Kemono Friends 135 (170)
Boku no Hero Academia 133
Osomatsu-san 130 (224)
Shingeki no Kyojin 124 (180)

>> No.20502005
File: 1.13 MB, 1153x1500, 1536707235147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502018

>AL almost half as much as last time

So are we still dying or are they just dying even faster?

>> No.20502007

What the fuck, there are so many fujoshi on Comiket.

>> No.20502018

Yes, the grey bar next to the blue one means nothing because people keep getting triggered by shitposting.

>> No.20502020

They run that shit.

>> No.20502025
Quoted by: >>20502096

>Fate and Im@s has fujos
That explains a lot, same with Vocaloid.

>> No.20502043

>Detective Conan
Huh, somewhat unexpected.

>> No.20502045
File: 805 KB, 1454x1500, 7938253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502055

Madoka is growing! All hail our wide overlords.

>> No.20502050

>Fateshit skyrocketing even more
>KC falling to third
>virtual fucking youtubers growing tenfold
>Mao Lane diving harder than Neymar
Quite a number of developments here.

>> No.20502055

Also Jiji is playing that Madoka game.

>> No.20502059

>Boss targets Murasame at night for the fourth time in a row.
At least I'm getting the bad RNG out of the way on the easy maps.

>> No.20502072

Spotlight on a burner ship helped me. Now instead she gets focused during day time.

>> No.20502075

Aren't virtual youtubers just different people doing their own shit? Seems weird it all counts as one thing.

>> No.20502077

Nah, it's just giving you a feel for the full experience later on.

>> No.20502078
File: 58 KB, 491x491, cc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, i am somewhat surprised about the relatively low number of GuP doujinshi.

>> No.20502083

Because it's shit.

>> No.20502091
File: 36 KB, 500x465, 1476928188994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502131

Shut your whore mouth

>> No.20502096

Most of those numbers come from music albums, not doujins.

>> No.20502100
Quoted by: >>20502124

I feel the same about GBF, I thought that was a lot more popular.

>> No.20502104
Quoted by: >>20503418

I think companies are picking some up and turning them into groups, but you're not wrong.

>> No.20502106
Quoted by: >>20502111

GuP is old and stopped delivering shit. Or rather it's delivering at such a slow pace it's making a fleet oiler look like Shimakaze.

>> No.20502111

I'd rather have GuP end slowly than in a single cour.

>> No.20502117
Quoted by: >>20502124

GuP was so much fun, and I want more seasons. But nope. Fuck me. Have an episode a year.

>> No.20502124
Quoted by: >>20502151

GBF was always a variable form of niche, that boomed when new, then lost the casuals due to the grind, and not having much new or relevant stuff coming out.

Just watch any other idol/parody show. It's arguably the same kinds of trash.

>> No.20502131
Quoted by: >>20502136

Why she needs a weapon?

>> No.20502136

For personal defence if the tank is out of combat.

>> No.20502145

Rude and not true.

>> No.20502149
File: 18 KB, 759x459, types of kancolle fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory taht there's basically 3 types of kancolle fan
>historical faggots/military otaku
>moe lovers/fanservice lovers/anime otaku
Where do you fit on this chart

>> No.20502151
Quoted by: >>20502169

>Just watch any other idol/parody show
This is what happens when you don't try what you're complaining about. GuP is a pure sports anime and no more of a parody than KanColle. Naka actually makes it 100% more of an idol franchise.

>> No.20502153

Rude but true.

>> No.20502160

You fit in the part where you're a retard.

>> No.20502163
File: 219 KB, 960x719, homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502167
Quoted by: >>20502177

Do you also have a theory about water being wet?

>> No.20502169

The show centers around cute girls doing cute shit, in tanks. The tanks are so irrelevant to the point K-on is far more of a music anime than GuP being in any way relevant through it's presence of the "P".

>> No.20502173
File: 28 KB, 459x370, IMG_20181226_035640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly in the middle.

>> No.20502175 [DELETED] 
File: 2.78 MB, 500x281, thie pinnacle of japanese animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can even imagine something like this.

>> No.20502176
File: 13 KB, 759x459, 1545949773681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502186


>> No.20502177
Quoted by: >>20502189

no but like, nobody is just one of these, most people fit somewhere in between them

>> No.20502180
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, [CBM]_Girls_und_Panzer_-_04_-_Captain_Does_Her_Best!_[720p]_[13CDA505].mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2017.01.05_18.03.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502184
Quoted by: >>20502194

>The tanks are so irrelevant
beito desu

>> No.20502186

HL3 confirmed?

>> No.20502189

You mean, that this game aimed at military otaku is liked by some overlap of military fans and otaku?

>> No.20502194
Quoted by: >>20502248

Horse Idols is more of a sports+idol show than GuP is a tank show.
Or you didn't notice the fucking PLOT bullshit they have the "tanks" do for narrative purposes?

>> No.20502248

Still more enjoyable than the KC anime.

>> No.20502257

Well, yeah. It's hard to be worse than that.

>> No.20502262

I haven't even seen the first episode of this damn show, but I've fapping like no tomorrow with the doujins of this franchise.

>> No.20502263
Quoted by: >>20502271

There is no KC anime.

>> No.20502271

t. Kadokawa employee.

>> No.20502276

That doesn't exist anon, what're talking about?

>> No.20502291
File: 104 KB, 800x480, DvbAuDsU0AE4Kkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502312

>> No.20502312

Would sub twins be better?
Got no more Maruyu left.

>> No.20502321
Quoted by: >>20502451

For the E2 unlock gimmick, I need two perfect kichi defenses and AS on A, L, and N. That's it?

>> No.20502442
File: 368 KB, 379x480, e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502558

Why does this go C to E on E1 p2 丁?

>> No.20502450
Quoted by: >>20502456

E-1 is hard. Time to use that.

>> No.20502451
Quoted by: >>20502467

AS/AS+ all air raid nodes and send lbas of fighters to them. good luck anon

>> No.20502456
Quoted by: >>20502463

Which of the "that" are you talking about?

>> No.20502463

double support

>> No.20502467

The only roadblocks so far have been node I and node M. M is particularly nasty.

>> No.20502468

Cute TOOThpaste.

>> No.20502478
File: 110 KB, 927x1200, DvceNcHV4AA7KqU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502488
File: 15 KB, 759x459, doot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502497
File: 52 KB, 480x480, DvdW_5BUYAAfp7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20502519

Lacks a hell background.

>> No.20502523
Quoted by: >>20502547

Too many trumpet players.

>> No.20502531
File: 121 KB, 520x297, Kaga smile 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502550

I wonder?

>> No.20502533

日棲姫 porn when?

>> No.20502547

Hoenn confirmed.

>> No.20502550
File: 427 KB, 675x1200, 1544380551651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaca is not even the best potato carrier now.

>> No.20502558
Quoted by: >>20502564

>casual modo
you're irrelevant

>> No.20502564
Quoted by: >>20502572

Maybe he's farming.

>> No.20502572

Farming for what?

>> No.20502622


>> No.20502642
File: 39 KB, 500x450, 1545860889583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough about the event! Post abyssals!

>> No.20502646
File: 279 KB, 582x800, 1543368911633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502760

I'm glad my waifu is alive and well.

>> No.20502647
Quoted by: >>20502665

Eat shit.

>> No.20502649
Quoted by: >>20502763

Waiting warmly for quality Sun Hime art.

>> No.20502665
File: 143 KB, 425x425, 1545859646801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502768


>> No.20502702
File: 535 KB, 720x960, 71120734_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502716

深海日棲姫 is going to look so cool in the arcade.

>> No.20502733
Quoted by: >>20502741

Kill yourself Abyssal.

>> No.20502739

God that hair is really bad. I can see why she wears the hat and wears bulky clothing.

>> No.20502741

t. non-abyssal

>> No.20502760
File: 947 KB, 1136x817, __lycoris_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ninimo_nimo__99e1a1cedf3895146fe8d2ba1f032b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste.

>> No.20502763 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 730x516, 1545956672111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502768
Quoted by: >>20502818

This is bb hime's face when she sends you home from e2 preboss

>> No.20502781
File: 163 KB, 900x700, 66218927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20502807


>> No.20502807
File: 190 KB, 1000x1408, 1542569464331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can we capture and marry abyssals?

>> No.20502818

I am still trying to get to that last air node for the unlock. It's pretty suffering here.

>> No.20502821
File: 118 KB, 800x480, Du4vDuvVAAE0jCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the other game.

>> No.20502827

E-1 is easy, they said. Cleared it with trophy DDs, they said.
I mean, okay I can kill the boss 50% of the time with boss support, but it all depends on Murasame not eating the torp before night battle. Which always happens.
LD will undoubtedly make it impossible, I just know.

>> No.20502832

You need to know the secret cheat code.

>> No.20502833

It's easy.

>> No.20502840

Seems only chinkshit allows you to capture enemies.
Or at least impression I get from it being a thing in both AL and GF.

>> No.20502845
File: 278 KB, 600x800, __admiral_destroyer_hime_shimakaze_shimakaze_yukikaze_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_goma_gomasamune__f5b1bfba60bbba0c35a552c0dea10e0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20502848

For me the boss support was killing 3 or 4 but in LD it turned to 1 or 2 and in yasen half of the ships did scratch damages.

>> No.20502849
Quoted by: >>20502875

So is the grey bar the amount of doujinshi it had last time. But man is fate shit really dominating everything else.

>> No.20502861

Are your trophies married?

>> No.20502862

Man Nips really love spending loads of cash on the current type moon. Also it looks like Mecha Musume is on the decline in general. Hell military shit in general is on it's way out.

>> No.20502872

I did the first sortie without any problems, with memeships and not support, you're just a faggot.

>> No.20502875

Yes. And purple means it's registered as male and female due to the number of fujo circles. They keep leaning further in that direction so it's no surprise.

>> No.20502877
File: 899 KB, 1200x720, 20181227_17414443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a joke.

>> No.20502885
Quoted by: >>20502899

when someone finds Iowa on his first try - that is a joke. When someone finds 2 pringles under 30 runs - that is a joke.

THIS is a bad rng roll.

>> No.20502891

>using dong
You're better off using line abreast. It's better to disable their closing torps than risk getting hit.

>> No.20502899
Quoted by: >>20502907

That's wrong formation.

>> No.20502907
Quoted by: >>20502947

Yeah, I bet you use line abreast against So class.

>> No.20502915
File: 96 KB, 786x989, __ancient_destroyer_oni_kantai_collection_drawn_by_koruta_nekoimo__a53b06e79d489dcbb379343022cc4533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxy grandma.

>> No.20502922
Quoted by: >>20502957

Speaking of Zui

>> No.20502926

Murasame really LOVES torpedoes.

>> No.20502927
File: 288 KB, 698x1000, 1544525014655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe losing this war isn't such a bad idea at all. I mean - look at our hot 'enemies' !

>> No.20502936
Quoted by: >>20502947

>using dong
>those memeships

>> No.20502946

That's pretty gay, my dude.

>> No.20502947
Quoted by: >>20502953

I'm confused, which one is right?

>> No.20502953

Line abreast. Dong formation is not very useful against subs. At least with line abreast you have a chance to damage enemy subs.

>> No.20502957
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, 1425314396272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit fetish.

>> No.20502961

Dominate them in bed, don't let them defeat you.

>> No.20502964

Fits a terrible girl pretty well.

>> No.20502967

All I see is a pale corpse. Probably reeks of fish too.
I choose to lead the actual cute girls to victory.

>> No.20502971

They all reek of fish down there.

>> No.20502973
File: 301 KB, 510x700, __ri_class_heavy_cruiser_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kureaki_exit__ed167ccdc425074e8b3b5d25cb285526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon don't be rude, Ri-class is prettier than that.

>> No.20502974

wtf I wanna fuck a corpse over actual girls now?

>> No.20502980

Zombieland Saga is that way.

>> No.20502983

Cute pale butt. Would bite.

>> No.20502986
Quoted by: >>20503287

Yeah now imagine her like your loving house wife if you manage to take her to your side instead of letting her beat you.

>> No.20502987
Quoted by: >>20502997

pretty disgusting, check your local morgue.

>> No.20502989
Quoted by: >>20503003

Ri-class has one of the cutest bodytypes, would fondle her petite body all day.

>> No.20502993

I feel sorry for all the real fujo series getting their audience taken away from Type shit.

>> No.20502997
Quoted by: >>20503018

*pretty delicious

>> No.20503000
File: 159 KB, 413x413, 1539284117691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20503003

She looks like a boy, anon.

>> No.20503007

Fujos are fucking invincible fuck.

>> No.20503010
File: 569 KB, 1206x1578, __ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_walzrj__25d95023acaebf5b2694c3d1f12ff781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck this "corpse" over Haruna any day.

>> No.20503014 [DELETED] 

No you

>> No.20503015

Tomboys are cute.

>> No.20503018
Quoted by: >>20503033

I didn't make a spelling mistake, but when you corrected me you did. But don't worry, I checked google and it is spelled "disgusting"

>> No.20503025

Ta-san is daijoubu

>> No.20503028
Quoted by: >>20503038

Isn't that part of the appeal? A girl trying to look unfeminine and tough but failing very hard and looking even more desirable instead.

>> No.20503033
Quoted by: >>20503042

You made the mistake again, it's delicious. Also you made two mistakes in that post, you don't find this cuties in morgues but in whichever spot you find goth gfs.

>> No.20503037
File: 48 KB, 313x269, ktty face BB hime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. The eternal, undefeatable lust for that-what-you-can't-get. Good. Very good indeed.

>> No.20503038
File: 316 KB, 1280x800, __ne_class_heavy_cruiser_and_ri_class_heavy_cruiser_kantai_collection_drawn_by_deel_rkeg__375ac0e109657cd4097d7db2c2bd1fa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503046

Yeah, also the cold and grumpy face. It's like a little cat trying to look mean.

>> No.20503042
Quoted by: >>20503065

What dictionary are you using? In every one I checked it's spelled disgusting.
Because wanting to fuck a corpse is degenerate and disgusting.

>> No.20503043
Quoted by: >>20503109

I find Ri to be cuter than Mogami, how is it that she looks better as a "corpse" or whatever?

>> No.20503046
Quoted by: >>20503054

Are (You) saying that the undead underwater chuuniboats are sexy?

>> No.20503054

Not only sexy but huggable.

>> No.20503065

Wanting to fuck a corpse is degenerate and disgusting if the corpse looks like your average zombie, wanting to fuck the "corpses" you're complaining about is as degenerate as wanting to fuck a pale girl wearing some edgy cosplay costume.

>> No.20503066
Quoted by: >>20503071

Traitors please go.

>> No.20503067
Quoted by: >>20503080

Johnston's drop rate feels really low for a gold rarity.

>> No.20503071

I want them to join humans, try again.

>> No.20503073
Quoted by: >>20503079

Why doesn't she wear pants? Or a skirt?

>> No.20503077
Quoted by: >>20503084


>> No.20503079
File: 1.05 MB, 1447x2047, __ru_class_battleship_and_ta_class_battleship_kantai_collection_drawn_by_abo_hechouchou__ba6d63d969a7188589f83ab18aac0c69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503302

She was in a hurry and forgot to put them on.

>> No.20503080
Quoted by: >>20503086

At no point in KanColle history has rarity meant anything.

>> No.20503082
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1400, 1541391641467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503092

If you don't want to warm up the cool abyssals with your dick - you are probably gay, anon

>> No.20503084
Quoted by: >>20503095

PETA wants no contact between us whatsoever
They're homos

>> No.20503086

That's a good point.

>> No.20503087

Too bad, they chose the wrong side in the war. The best they can hope for is to be enslaved.

>> No.20503089
File: 18 KB, 169x306, 1536968180313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these corpse fuckers need to hang themselves.

>> No.20503091
Quoted by: >>20503096

>The best they can hope for is to be enslaved.

Wanko would make an excellent maid and a nice living milk factory.

>> No.20503092
File: 421 KB, 800x1130, __fubuki_light_cruiser_hime_light_cruiser_oni_mutsuki_sendai_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bacius__49acaf7a65fa15d61f30011b1fc82eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503179

Abyss Jintsuu is perfect.

>> No.20503094
Quoted by: >>20503103

Shitgurefags should do the same honestly.

>> No.20503095

Maybe that's a good thing, or you'll end up like that guy who went to some Indian Island to preach Jesus.

>> No.20503096
Quoted by: >>20503104

No I mean like black people in the american south, not fancy butlers/maids

>> No.20503098
File: 816 KB, 680x905, 1541394231161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you think - I want to date undersea Jintsuu

>> No.20503100

God, I wish that was me.

>> No.20503099
Quoted by: >>20503112

Enslaving them and forcing them to be our housewives sounds perfect honestly.

>> No.20503103
File: 622 KB, 1066x915, 1539402659719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503313

Well, yeah. That's why I posted that pic.

>> No.20503104
Quoted by: >>20503112

So abyssals learning how to rap? That would be cute too.

>> No.20503106
Quoted by: >>20503116

I want the spooky Naka.

>> No.20503108

Abyssals taste like raw sushi.

>> No.20503109

Abyssal fuckers go home.
>cuter than Mogami
Setting the bar a little low, aren't you?
Not better.

>> No.20503112

You know what I mean, abyssfags.
Low intelligence cannon fodder is the perfect thing for making iphones.

>> No.20503115


>> No.20503116
Quoted by: >>20503144

I'll take the regular Naka.

>> No.20503117
Quoted by: >>20503125

Wow Military musume and Military shit in general is on the decline in general huh? Almost makes me feel sorry for even the trollish newcomers. I actually feel sorry for GFL though.

>> No.20503121

Ri is very similar to Mogami in terms of looks, I'm pretty sure that's the point.

>> No.20503123
Quoted by: >>20503131

There isn't a single person out there that would refuse to fuck Ta.

>> No.20503125
File: 91 KB, 630x960, De7NU7RV4AAWoCz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually feel sorry for GFL though.
Don't. Pic related.

>> No.20503126
Quoted by: >>20503130

Sounds boring, forcing them to become maids and housewives is the superior choice.

>> No.20503127
Quoted by: >>20503188

Mogami is very cute!

>> No.20503129

Says you.

>> No.20503130
Quoted by: >>20503139

No it's not. They sided against us in war, living is mercy enough for them.

>> No.20503131

You'd be surprised at the amount of fags that roam these places.

>> No.20503132

Isn't that girl from Nier?

>> No.20503139
Quoted by: >>20503147

Living wearing frilly dresses and short skirts for our pleasure would be the proper treatment.

>> No.20503141

Meh. Not the most annoying ad I've ever seen.

>> No.20503144


>> No.20503147
Quoted by: >>20503162

Nope. I intend to kill them until someone tells me to stop, then lock 'em in chains and send them to a farm in Idaho.

>> No.20503148

Mica (company that made GF) hired a 3rd party to do advertising for the game. This is the result. They immediately cut ties after and advertising is virtually non-existent still.
I gotta say the image of 47 trying to shoot a Walther 2000 (where gun was replaced by the android) was pretty funny.

>> No.20503154
Quoted by: >>20503335

I wanna have sex with her and normal Jintsuu at the same time like in that doujin.

>> No.20503160
Quoted by: >>20503194

>Mica (company that made GF) hired a 3rd party to do advertising for the game. This is the result. They immediately cut ties after and advertising is virtually non-existent still.
They sound okay for a Chink based company if true. No one should put up with a third party company that doesn't do it's job.

>> No.20503162
Quoted by: >>20503204

Meh, edgy and shitty, maidslavery is better any day of the week.

>> No.20503168
Quoted by: >>20503175

I-class can be like that if he wants, I'll be busy having an harem of hime abyssals and the like.

>> No.20503171
Quoted by: >>20503183

It didn't help that they were cockblocked entering Japan, and some Korean feminist scandal.

>> No.20503175
Quoted by: >>20503196

Is I-class going to become a rap artist?

>> No.20503179

That's such a perfect reaction image.

>> No.20503183

Korean feminist scandal? Now I'm interested.

>> No.20503188

Mogami is a boy.

>> No.20503194

Yeah even the Chinks know that using shit from another company doesn't fly in countries that enforce their law. Just what kind of shitty advertising company was this?

>> No.20503196

Yeah, monster abyssals will sing rap and girl abyssals will become maids.

>> No.20503204
Quoted by: >>20503219

Most efficient. But I suppose they can go fuck off to some island, like an Indian reserve.

>> No.20503207
Quoted by: >>20503254

An artist they had hired to do one of the login screens was a member of that infamous Korean Feminist cult that makes many other modern feminists look sane. They probably just hired her based on the fact she was Korean and they liked her artwork.

>> No.20503208

So this isn't some kind of collaboration but just some retard using any kind of popular character to gather attention.

>> No.20503213
Quoted by: >>20503254

I'm not an expert, but
>Female Artist
>Some Koreans dig up tweets connecting her with radical feminist group
>Koreans threw bitch fit.
>Art gets removed
Still unclear whether there were links.

>> No.20503215
Quoted by: >>20503223

It's the third party advertiser is at fault.

>> No.20503219

Maids will work for you so that's the most efficient solution, they can go to and live in Aoshima to attract even more tourists to that island.

>> No.20503222
Quoted by: >>20503229

Basically, they also photoshopped game CGs to look like an entirely different kind of game, used that (copyrighted) pic of Agent 47 firing WA the other guy mentioned and just outright did a fuckton of shitty and mostly false and copyright infringing advertising. And yes, it was all a 3rd party.

>> No.20503223
Quoted by: >>20503231

That's fucking hilarious, what kind of shitty advertiser shits the bed this badly?

>> No.20503225


>> No.20503229

That's crazy.

>> No.20503231

One that inexperienced Chinks had the bad luck of hiring.

>> No.20503233
File: 158 KB, 707x1000, 1h0qAUc58Ns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can use the boatsluts to train the himes into proper maids

>> No.20503235

Actually producing stuff that people want is the most efficient solution. But the most likely to happen if all this shit went down in reality is they'd be locked in abyssal Australia. Nobody is going to be eager to have them just move in anywhere after they declared war on the whole planet.

>> No.20503238
File: 576 KB, 805x1204, __minegumo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_psidubs__2761cccb83dc715c08072b767da1c326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk is ready.

>> No.20503240
Quoted by: >>20503242

>Nobody is going to be eager to have them just move in anywhere
Speak for yourself, give me those pale cuties asap.

>> No.20503242
Quoted by: >>20503271

Well too bad, they're in some shithole island in the south pacific.

>> No.20503246
Quoted by: >>20503265

That's why turning them into maids is the best solution, they will be producing stuff people want like tasty desserts and the like.

>> No.20503247
File: 361 KB, 1297x1086, 1545880430844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs glasses.

>> No.20503252

GFL doesn't have their own hamakaze/shielder/youmu/isuzu/rem?

>> No.20503254
File: 319 KB, 1000x1412, IMG_20181227_175246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503344

Ah, I've heard about that cult before. Freaky stuff.

>> No.20503256
Quoted by: >>20503268

The absolute state and to think chinks kept insisting the previous numbers were just pre-registers.

>> No.20503262

You have people irl doing more retarded shit than that, accepting glorified terrorists in their countries, I'm pretty sure accepting someone who used to be your enemy because it went insane due to memory wars and not because of it's political or religious ideology isn't that far fetched as long as they're no longer aggressive to humans on sight.

>> No.20503264

Based meganefag

>> No.20503265
Quoted by: >>20503273


>> No.20503268

>The absolute state and to think chinks kept insisting the previous numbers were just pre-registers.
More like western and sea monkey shills doing it for free than true Chink.

>> No.20503271

They'll be moved to Aoshima then.

>> No.20503273
Quoted by: >>20503292


>> No.20503278


>> No.20503282
Quoted by: >>20503347

I can't reach node N for the unlock portion of E2. Please pity me.

>> No.20503284
Quoted by: >>20503311

Disrupting global trade and several years isn't going to be forgotten or forgiven quickly.

>> No.20503285

Why would you ruin her even further?

>> No.20503287
File: 1.44 MB, 1400x840, 1541390643657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of letting her beat you

Shipsluts and abyssals are like many, many times stronger than an average man. Can you stop a shell with your bare hand with no damage? Kongou can. Imagine what she can do with your body. Imagine what the abyssals can do with your body.

>> No.20503291

anon, comiket started out as a fujoket
It was only the past 10years or so where the commercial big wigs start to take over the main hall and day1.

>> No.20503292

Too bad.

>> No.20503293
Quoted by: >>20503320

Modern Terrorists aren't disrupting the human life as we know it on the scale of the Abyssals.

>> No.20503297

Fucking Gundam was a fujo show man along with a gunpla builder show.

>> No.20503302

Ta class is too cool for pants. Or skirts.

>> No.20503306

>Kongou can.
Kisaragi is also weaker than Maruyu and can die from full health to one bomb.

>> No.20503311
Quoted by: >>20503333

Again, we're not talking about a group of people doing said actions deliberately due to their political beliefs. If people find out that reincarnations affected by humanity's violent past attacked us because they used to be insane then the response to them if they manage to come back to their sense would be totally different to how people treat a defeated enemy that still has remnants holding to the ideologies they were fighting for.

>> No.20503313

Shigu can take quite a dong in her mouth. Impressive.

>> No.20503315

Abyssals are girls, therefore they're easily dominated by the cock.

>> No.20503317

is it safe to use sam in e-1?

>> No.20503318

>Abyssals are girls
Not all of them

>> No.20503320
Quoted by: >>20503366

Yeah, instead of being on some Island waiting for you to retaliate they're disrupting society from the shadows and causing paranoia, attacking when no one expects it. That's a million time more dangerous than enemies that can't lead you to a game over.

>> No.20503324

I class is a girl!

>> No.20503326
File: 124 KB, 1200x912, HGSxEYq15fM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They taste like sex goddesses from another dimension

>> No.20503331

The muscular ones are just muscular women.

>> No.20503333
Quoted by: >>20503346

Sure if humans were extremely forgiving and reasonable people. But shockingly, they aren't. The abyssals would be treated like the Native Americans or Filipinos, not very well. Sure eventually they'd get rights and forgiveness but that would be a long ways out from the war.

>> No.20503334
Quoted by: >>20503356

Any numbers on Dolls Frontline or are there just that few being made?

>> No.20503335
Quoted by: >>20503354

name of the doujin please?

>> No.20503344

I fucking love this artist

>> No.20503346
Quoted by: >>20503364

Not really, nowadays people are more willing to forgive compared to those days. Of course some people would hold grudges but not everyone would react like that specially when so many of them are young girls who went crazy due to traumatic memories instead of rival nations holding hostile sentiments for generations that can be felt even on a daily basis among normal citizens of said nations.

>> No.20503347
File: 34 KB, 413x413, 1536724193104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity you.

>> No.20503354
Quoted by: >>20503381

Kyouraku Contrast

>> No.20503356

Just that few numbers made. Kind of a shame, I do like some of the girls designs. One artist I like is making a doujin though.

>> No.20503360
File: 414 KB, 1200x889, 1502551224360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you will be dominated by BB-sama's heavenly pussy and you will love every second of it

>> No.20503364

Again you still don't understand. Nobody will care who the abyssals really are, all they'll care about is that they fucked with our trade, which probably crippled several countries, and killed a lot of our sailors (an assumption based on the fact that we resorted to using our own magic girls to fight the abyssals) And don't go "people are more forgiving", when 9/11 happened it was just "kill 'em all" not "well they didn't really mean it"

>> No.20503366

I don't think you know how bad the shipping industry would be effected by the Abyssals. And how much Island countries would need their shipping industry.

>> No.20503374

BB Hime is the cutest and best overall abyssal, but Sun Hime is the coolest by far.

>> No.20503375

>when 9/11 happened it was just "kill 'em all" not "well they didn't really mean it"
You had plenty of civilians in America who weren't totally happy with the idea of retaliating, they weren't that rare to find.

>> No.20503378

Bitch please, do you even remember the political climate during 9/11? You had a ton of people going full hippie even during those days.

>> No.20503379
Quoted by: >>20503389

>when 9/11 happened it was just "kill 'em all" not "well they didn't really mean it"
Because that was ideological, not by nature. Back 100 years ago, when a shark killed someone there would be boats out on the water killing every shark in sight. They built boats to trawl rivers with giant electric generators on the back to fry every living thing when they found one upriver. We don't do that anymore.

>> No.20503380
Quoted by: >>20503406

Because 9/11 only affected a few thousand people. Imagine if 9/11 affected everyone. Just look at how the Entente felt about the Central Powers after WW1.

>> No.20503381


>> No.20503383

>Wikia says you only need 5 radars
>get sent to I

Wow, nice info!

>> No.20503384
Quoted by: >>20503391

Were they in 5 ships or more than 1 on a single ship?

>> No.20503386
File: 517 KB, 700x800, a10ae04bbd1ef981170c633fbb54701a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still legitimately surprised Sword Boys managed to stay relevant after all this time unlike chink lane.

>> No.20503387

>You had plenty of civilians in America who weren't totally happy with the idea of retaliating, they weren't that rare to find.
I was one of them. But that's because I knew that it wasn't a country declaring war but a group of guerrillas. The US can defeat any lesser standing army from a small country but it's too costly to fight guerillas. I do remember wanting revenge though but it wasn't practical. Too bad I was only eleven, and my parents who are also practical people were outnumbered by people who let revenge cloud their judgement.

>> No.20503389

People killed stingrays when Steve Irwin died. Granted not many, but some people did.

>> No.20503391

Tried one radar on each ships, was sent to I.

>> No.20503394

A lot of fujos, and I think they killed off the international community.

>> No.20503395

How many times does it have to happen for you to learn?

>> No.20503400
Quoted by: >>20503413

>some people did.
Yeah, retards not the average joe.

>> No.20503406
Quoted by: >>20503426

>Imagine if 9/11 affected everyone. Just look at how the Entente felt about the Central Powers after WW1.
You mean generations before 9/11? That's exactly the point here, people nowadays forgive quicker for better or worse.

>> No.20503413

The real enemies are the dolphins, they're behind everything.

>> No.20503418

There's a great deal of interactivity both within vtuber groups and outside them.
From self organized pokemon/smash/mariokart tournaments, to song collabs and four hour long middle of the night to early morning streams where an oni, jokester and female light novel ojou get fuckin' smashed and start talking about dicks.
So many are interwoven with each other either through interaction or pure impromptu chance it's hard to seperate them.
There's even an upcoming Kohaku Uta Gassen with them, which should be fun.

>> No.20503419
File: 595 KB, 883x1300, battleship hime, kongou, and zuikaku (kantai collection) drawn by sakimiya (inschool) - c37224362c7f2627338ece7da37ee1c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not trust the underwater semen demons

>> No.20503420
Quoted by: >>20503463

I will let her dominate me for a while but suddenly I will turn the tables when she least expects it and dominate her with the mighty cock.

>> No.20503425
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1469940242628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503436

They are starting to infiltrate the IJN.

>> No.20503426
Quoted by: >>20503434

You know what, fine, whatever. I'm done arguing with you.
If you want to believe that everyone will just forgive and forget after the abyssals plunge the planet into a second great depression then fine. Be a fucking retard.

>> No.20503427

I only see one of the Kongou sisters in there.

>> No.20503429
Quoted by: >>20503440

Touken Ranbu is basically Kancolle's brother.

>> No.20503431

What does this mean?

>> No.20503434
Quoted by: >>20503439

Suit yourself, I'm not the fucking retard treating the barebones plot of a moe game as a serious political affair.

>> No.20503435

Japan should be fishing dolphins and not whales. They taste the same and dolphins are the assholes of the sea, there is no reason to let them live. Make Orcas go extinct while at it.

>> No.20503436

That game was pretty good.

>> No.20503439

Well I'm not the one who started arguing about the real-life political affairs. I speculated what might happen and you fucking ran with it.

>> No.20503440
Quoted by: >>20503457

Even some of the designs feel a bit like genderswapped shipgirls.

>> No.20503444

You need 5 surface radars and the flagship has to have one as well.

>> No.20503446
Quoted by: >>20503456

>They taste the same

>> No.20503453
Quoted by: >>20503461

Dolphins are our best chance at someday engineering mermaids though

>> No.20503455
File: 80 KB, 804x539, Dolphi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do

>> No.20503456

More or less. It's like comparing one type of cow with another. Most people won't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.20503457
File: 167 KB, 722x1024, IMG_20181227_182656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately it received a better anime, by ufotable of all studios. And what we all want, a 2nd season that's SoL.

>> No.20503458

This makes me happy.

>> No.20503461

>Dolphin porn will become mainstream in your life time

>> No.20503462

What's the point of hunting whales if you are hunting dolphins?

>> No.20503463
Quoted by: >>20503491

>with the mighty cock

She can tie crowbars together like shoe laces. Are you sure you want to risk?

>> No.20503465


>> No.20503468


>> No.20503469
Quoted by: >>20503476

Whale is more valuable.

>> No.20503472
Quoted by: >>20503477

Japs are just assholes to plankton eating mammals for some reason.

>> No.20503473

IMAGINE banging BB-sama in Bongo clothes and the best Bongo in BB-sama's clothes at the same time!

>> No.20503474

>you will never eat canned dolphin with your foreign shipgirls

>> No.20503476

So japs are just assholes like the guys who hunt elephants. Gotcha.

>> No.20503477

There is nothing wrong with eating dolphins and whales.

>> No.20503480

Yes there is, they taste awful. I've had whale and it's disgusting.

>> No.20503481
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 1538341052006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dolphins are the assholes of the sea

please explain

>> No.20503483
Quoted by: >>20503490

KC threads sure are... diverse.

>> No.20503486
File: 291 KB, 600x1977, 1545958775354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolphin rape caves.

>> No.20503487
File: 838 KB, 1440x1047, 1538835958989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any excuse to club animals is good enough for me.

>> No.20503489

They are giant dicks to every other species that lives in the sea. Orcas are basically just large dolphins and the worst offenders.

>> No.20503490
Quoted by: >>20503497

post a single image of Tenryuu to unite everyone itt

>> No.20503491
Quoted by: >>20503503

Sure, she will face a power she won't be able to defeat.

>> No.20503494

Only if they are being assholes to you. Plankton eaters don't tend be assholes like Sperm whales and dolphins. And even Sperm whales can't compete with Dolphins and Orcas in being an asshole.

>> No.20503496

Dolphins rape and bully pretty frequently.

>> No.20503497
File: 94 KB, 788x1050, cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea!

>> No.20503498
File: 1.01 MB, 1690x2400, _014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.20503499

This is my fetish.

>> No.20503502

A shit etc.

>> No.20503503
File: 424 KB, 900x1300, 58748335_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dick hummie logic

You won't see your old age it seems

>> No.20503506

Oh yes I will, together with her as we see our kids grow older.

>> No.20503509


>> No.20503515

I want to do this so bad

>> No.20503517

I love how silly this looks.

>> No.20503523
File: 1.03 MB, 990x1427, 69667588_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best tits in the game, haters can go fuck themselves

>> No.20503526

Female dolphins are sluttier than shipgirls.

>> No.20503531

Her sexiest body part.

>> No.20503535
Quoted by: >>20503541

Man hope they implement friend fleets soon. A lot guys on twitter are saying how E-3 is a pain in the ass to farm for drops.

>> No.20503541

Next year, we promise.

>> No.20503542
Quoted by: >>20503548

Now I want to go beat some dolphin to death with a club.

>> No.20503546
Quoted by: >>20503573

okay so they aren't nice, but assholes? really?

>> No.20503548

That's harder to do since they don't come to the shore like Sea lions.

>> No.20503549
File: 201 KB, 900x1200, 1545964094975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there another Gamby art coming?

>> No.20503551
File: 532 KB, 1200x800, 1498101553790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how do WE taste to THEM?

>> No.20503552

Me below her.

>> No.20503556

I hope not.

>> No.20503558

I hope so.

>> No.20503559

Salty and bitter

>> No.20503562
Quoted by: >>20503588

Probably taste good. This is why we have to kill them before they kill us.

>> No.20503564

Salty milk and coins.

>> No.20503567

So I don't have any pictures yet but I already found a couple of tweets claiming that Johnston can do OASW from level 1. So it won't be a pain to level her at least if you care.

>> No.20503573

They are more like the dicks of the sea than asshole as the video shows

>> No.20503575

Destroyer Hime seemed to enjoy the glass of yogurt I gave her the other day so I'd say they like it.

>> No.20503577
Quoted by: >>20503583

Jazz mode Gambier might be fun

>> No.20503578
File: 625 KB, 850x510, kancolle-20181228-115608-000-resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503599

So this is how you use LBAS scout.

>> No.20503580
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, DveD4PqUUAAojeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503583

I dunno, it's most likely just going to be more of the same.

>> No.20503585

Buoys could save the day though.

>> No.20503587
Quoted by: >>20503623

So she will just be normal Gambier Bay holding a trumpet?

>> No.20503588

>he doesn't want to be playfully bitten by the abyssals in various places as they jokingly promise to ''eat (You) up one day''

very homosexual, buddy.

>> No.20503589

Dunno, but I wanna lick her.

>> No.20503597


>> No.20503599
Quoted by: >>20503653

Explain further

>> No.20503609
Quoted by: >>20503617

I don't even want those fish people on my base

>> No.20503615
File: 354 KB, 970x750, 1500871662896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am scientifically curious how do you plan to fuck the abyssals like wanko since they are supposed to be base-sized. Read as 'huge as fuck'

>> No.20503617
File: 67 KB, 321x404, Darkstalkers_3_Rikuo_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out.

>> No.20503620
Quoted by: >>20503625

I'm willing to give her a try and find out.

>> No.20503623

Or Gambier being toot'd by donuts

>> No.20503625
Quoted by: >>20503631

she won't feel your dick

>> No.20503627

Maybe they're huge but tight down there.

>> No.20503631
Quoted by: >>20503639

More like she won't feel her womb after I finish.

>> No.20503639

No, anon. Your dick will be to wanko what your pinkie finger is to a normal sized girl

>> No.20503640

Get one of those weapons Duke Nukem had and shrink her down to normal human size.

>> No.20503643

What if Wanko goes full titan and eats you in painful and gruesome way as you eagerly undress yourself in front of her?

>> No.20503645
Quoted by: >>20503650

She's in for a surprise.

>> No.20503648
Quoted by: >>20503655

You slap her face with your dick to put her in her place.

>> No.20503650
Quoted by: >>20503656

It's THAT small? Christ anon, at least use a dildo.

>> No.20503653

Send LBAS to air raid node and LBAS scouts will destroy licoris.

>> No.20503654

Give her something delicious to eat before having sex with her, that way she won't be hungry at that point.

>> No.20503655
Quoted by: >>20503668

What do when it doesn't work?

>> No.20503656
Quoted by: >>20503669

Yes her pussy is actually that small in comparison to it, she wasn't expecting that.

>> No.20503669
Quoted by: >>20503678

To the big dildo? Yeah I'd imagine. You should probably see if those pills to help increase dick size work so that she'll at least feel something when you try to fuck her.

>> No.20503668
Quoted by: >>20504132

It will, haven't you seen that pic with different shipgirls and abyssals reacting to the ttk's dick? She knows she can't challenge it.

>> No.20503671
Quoted by: >>20503680

I'll put her entire clitoris in my mouth if it means I can give her an orgasm or ten

>> No.20503678
Quoted by: >>20503688

Holy fuck no, if the dildo is already too big for her then I don't even want to imagine what my dick might do to her pussy if it's on pills.

>> No.20503680
Quoted by: >>20503685

Unlike the other abyssfags, this man truly cares for his abyssal.

>> No.20503682
File: 183 KB, 858x1024, DvePvJiVsAACaHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503685
Quoted by: >>20503800

Close but he didn't hold hands with her desu.

>> No.20503688
Quoted by: >>20503693

I know, your dick might get big enough for her to actually feel.

>> No.20503693

Yes, to actually feel the might of the cock and succumb to it.

>> No.20503697

I wonder about the looks people would give you for wearing that in public.

>> No.20503699
Quoted by: >>20503714

why do they have their dicks out?

>> No.20503701
File: 152 KB, 1200x924, DveOiY4UwAA5AQQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503705

Yawn, no surprise

>> No.20503708
File: 103 KB, 552x947, Average Terroni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503715

>listen to Fall 2018 OST
>actually feels nice for a short event
Anyone have any idea who made the music for this game?

>> No.20503712
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, DveOguPU8AEifHL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503714
Quoted by: >>20503807

I dunno, to look more menacing?

>> No.20503715
Quoted by: >>20503724

The same person as always.

>> No.20503717

cute bag

>> No.20503719
File: 266 KB, 940x1199, DveRVM-VsAAQx7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503720

The drum set looks better than her.

>> No.20503721

Little hat...!

>> No.20503724
Quoted by: >>20503734

Tanaka? Isn't he just the Big Boss of Kancolle

>> No.20503727

For hugs, not fucks.

>> No.20503731

Man she looks off for some reason.

>> No.20503732

Cute! CUTE!!!

>> No.20503734
Quoted by: >>20503740


>> No.20503735

wtf i love potatoes now

>> No.20503736

Cute potatoes.

>> No.20503739
File: 130 KB, 1024x804, DveRrgKVYAAvDEo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503740
Quoted by: >>20503748

does he have a twitter link?

>> No.20503741

>tfw your boats are more talented than you

>> No.20503742

Huh, that could've look way worse.

>> No.20503748

Yes she does.

>> No.20503749
File: 250 KB, 1445x2048, i-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smol gamby is smol

>> No.20503750

She looks dead inside.

>> No.20503751
Quoted by: >>20504154

I want Intrepid to play my trombone.

>> No.20503752

>The next Dave Lombardo

>> No.20503753
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, DveR1FnUwAA58PZ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503769

I can play an instrument.

>> No.20503755

The potato master does it again.

>> No.20503760

They're just posing for a pic, none of them knows how to play instruments in actuality.

>> No.20503762
Quoted by: >>20503772

I don't know if it's just the camera or lighting, but the hair looks like one solid block of plastic.

>> No.20503763

Smol gamby a shit.

>> No.20503766

What's even the point of gamby if she doesn't have breasts?

>> No.20503767

I bet Gamby can't do a proper beat behind those drums.

>> No.20503769

>almost immediately sold out

>> No.20503772

Yeah, it looks like it's made out of some cheap material.

>> No.20503773

/ourbuoys/ are at it again!

>> No.20503775
File: 191 KB, 850x979, __asahina_mikuru_and_gambier_bay_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_and_etc_drawn_by_kanon_kurogane_knights__sample-dc316bd18dd67185f84983e9e5ffdb9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whiplash but main character is replace by Gamby

>> No.20503776
Quoted by: >>20503793

Yeah, they have lots of talent at sucking cocks.

>> No.20503778
File: 111 KB, 675x1200, DveS-3nUcAMnuTc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you wear it?

>> No.20503781

Huh, either I pretty much gotten used to Shibafu's style so it doesn't look bad anymore or he's getting better.

>> No.20503786

I bet she kills herself due to the pressure, more like the Black Swan.

>> No.20503788

Yeah, i don't care.

>> No.20503791

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.20503792

If it had a better girl maybe.

>> No.20503793 [SPOILER] 
File: 174 KB, 760x596, 1545967767783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20503795
File: 619 KB, 2048x1364, IMG_20181228_102653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We alive.

>and Fletcher is Fletcher

>> No.20503798

Only because of the buoy desu.

>> No.20503800

you try to do that when she is so huge

>> No.20503806

That only makes it better.

>> No.20503807
Quoted by: >>20503817


a certain animoo completely ruined this word for me

>> No.20503808

>That scene where Fletcher shouts at the fat guy just to fuck with him
>scene recreated with Akagi crying in the end

>> No.20503816

Is this Comiket or the jazz thing?

>> No.20503817


>> No.20503823

The potato man is back in action.

>> No.20503827

Nice Shimakaze.

>> No.20503829


>> No.20503832
Quoted by: >>20503846

>Is this Comiket
Are you serious?

>> No.20503835

You could always climb on top of her and pet her head.

>> No.20503838
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, DveU7jTU0AAzdyq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503846

Dead serious, but my question was answered.

>> No.20503847

Ready for hotgluing.

>> No.20503849

I need this NOW

>> No.20503853
Quoted by: >>20503876

wtf where's Fuyutsuki

>> No.20503855


>> No.20503856
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, DveQ1XHV4AEFRLn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503861

>> No.20503861

I want to cum inside that bucket.

>> No.20503864


>> No.20503874

I want to gather every male on the base to fill that bucket with cum, then get Yamato to chug it down without stopping.

>> No.20503876

Sex with Suzutsuki

>> No.20503877


>> No.20503889

I wanna drown fairies in that bucket.

>> No.20503893
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x720, 20181227_20460055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504069

E-1 done. What's the best fleet for E-2?

>> No.20503924
File: 601 KB, 2048x1536, DveYNj8U8AIXagG.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503931

>> No.20503926
File: 148 KB, 413x413, 1541780892760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally got the E2 air nonsense done, Christ. That double hime node was fun.

>> No.20503930

How slow.

>> No.20503931


>> No.20503936
Quoted by: >>20504048

What's going to happen to her after she finishes?

>> No.20503940
Quoted by: >>20503953

How many radars do you need to get to the second boss on e2 hard?

>> No.20503941
File: 70 KB, 768x1024, DveY5MrU0AEwC5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503951
File: 278 KB, 1080x1440, DvdziJIUwAAkLcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20503953


>> No.20503955
Quoted by: >>20503966

e1 fleets?

>> No.20503966

Doesn't really matter, just use Murasame + 1CL + 4DD.

>> No.20503968
File: 147 KB, 1182x599, DveUaR4U8AE8F6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no...

>> No.20503972

A shit.

>> No.20503975
Quoted by: >>20503980

>Dwight Eisenhower
What the fuck.

>> No.20503978
File: 31 KB, 720x540, 1505770300680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20503980

>Dwight Eisenhower

>> No.20503979
Quoted by: >>20503990

She would legimately look cute in this picture but then I notice the tooth paste hair.

>> No.20503980

I think its a joke about Isoroku.

>> No.20503981
Quoted by: >>20504015


There's something unsettling about her face in this one.

>> No.20503986

holy shit

>> No.20503987
File: 379 KB, 1536x2048, DveWDtyVAAAMMLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fucking tempo

>> No.20503989

Detective Yahagi?

>> No.20503990

Her face looks ugly so no.

>> No.20503993

she's not even holding the drumstick lmao

>> No.20503995

Punchable face.

>> No.20503998

>Photo not focused on the buoy
One job.

>> No.20504000

Not as punchable as Teste's though.

>> No.20504003

It's from the Sasebo Chinjufu live event booklet.

>> No.20504004

Rude but for some reason I agree.

>> No.20504007
File: 415 KB, 2048x1536, 1545968989166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504014
Quoted by: >>20504022

Intrepid plays the Trombone?

>> No.20504015

Her head's disproprotionately HUGE compared to the rest of her body.

>> No.20504022

Talented potato.

>> No.20504025

>Detective Yahagi

would read\watch

>> No.20504027

They look even more off now that they're together, what the hell.

>> No.20504028

Uh, what? Is this a shoop?

>> No.20504041
File: 154 KB, 988x1024, DvePvlTVsAAuobh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know some of you guys would wear this and slut it up.

>> No.20504045

I wanna cum on that uniform.

>> No.20504048

Asks for a second bucketful.

>> No.20504051


>> No.20504055
Quoted by: >>20504079

Not every one is a degenerate.

>> No.20504069
Quoted by: >>20504087

what was your equipment setup? did you use route support?

>> No.20504078
File: 67 KB, 900x599, DvebNYyV4AAm0jf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504077

I want this to be a doujin now.

>> No.20504079
Quoted by: >>20504100

It's just a matter of time, soon you will also want to sniff buttholes and molest your girls in unexpected ways.

>> No.20504087
Quoted by: >>20504101

I didn't use route support, but I retreated a few times. If Murasame double attacks the boss, you win.

>> No.20504100
Quoted by: >>20504135


How would your favorite shipgirl react to being asked to sniff her butthole?

>> No.20504101
Quoted by: >>20504125

did you give anyone sonar?

>> No.20504102
Quoted by: >>20506041

I wish I was a JK so I could wear it.

>> No.20504117

I want to use those thigh highs as cum rags

>> No.20504125
Quoted by: >>20504145

No, it's necessary.

>> No.20504132
Quoted by: >>20504141

Do you have a source on that

>> No.20504135

That's one of the best parts about sniffing them.

>> No.20504141
Quoted by: >>20504165


>> No.20504145

it's not*

>> No.20504150

two full buckets will make her stomach bulge a bit.

>> No.20504154

I want Intrepid to blow my trombone


>> No.20504157
File: 343 KB, 1536x2048, Dvei24mVYAApWX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504161

Cute boy.

>> No.20504162

looks like a Shouta

>> No.20504165


>> No.20504169

Feels like the head doesn't belong on the body.

>> No.20504176

Poor Panchita, has to play music on the street to pay the renta.

>> No.20504185
File: 262 KB, 850x1256, __johnston_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tesun_g_noh__sample-ff1cb8fe8224e62bfef761689893535e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504186
File: 91 KB, 342x466, Screenshot_20181227-204601_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504196
File: 277 KB, 900x1200, Dveloi9VAAADl6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504202


>> No.20504205

Was that a yahagi figure in the box?

>> No.20504215
File: 68 KB, 850x1511, kancolle-20181228-135000-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504220

This one looks far better than previous one.

>> No.20504220

Still ugly.

>> No.20504276
File: 131 KB, 960x576, Dva7FkhU8AAo0iK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyu did it.

>> No.20504281
Quoted by: >>20504297

>Zara in escort
What? Wait, is Solar Hime an installation?

>> No.20504283


>> No.20504284
Quoted by: >>20504297

What? A debuff?

>> No.20504297

historical buff for isokaze

>> No.20504331
File: 778 KB, 708x1000, e927264e1f25ef703499328cf2dcd2cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504344

Post puffy girls

>> No.20504344

Sniff the puffy girls.

>> No.20504373 [DELETED] 

I find it hilarious how GFL is an indirect ally despite being chink shit.

>> No.20504383

Go back.

>> No.20504384

stay there

>> No.20504389

Curvy ducks.

>> No.20504391

Please don't bring /v/ stuff here. It's bad enough with the raids.

>> No.20504394

Fuck off.

>> No.20504401
File: 17 KB, 630x362, whiplash-movie-jk-simmons[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504405


>> No.20504405

Bay could take him

>> No.20504406

Leave the Orcas alone. They get rid of sharks

>> No.20504411
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 404351268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504412

Sharks are our allies.

>> No.20504416


>> No.20504417
File: 1.01 MB, 848x1200, sharklet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharks are better than Orcas

>> No.20504419

I don't care about GFL.

>> No.20504423
File: 232 KB, 200x200, 1535763889115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly skimmed through the thread, they are beyond delusional and retarded.

>> No.20504427

Which robot is usio?

>> No.20504434
Quoted by: >>20504455

if I had a girlfriend I’d try to get her to wear it

>> No.20504444

Who everyone in the thread?
That's /v/ for you. They aren't really representative of any playerbase except their own retardation.

>> No.20504446
File: 316 KB, 901x1024, e3a8d19f55a737ef8c3a7951879e743f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504452

Shark is better dead.

>> No.20504448
File: 103 KB, 626x885, IMG_20171006_104336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504456

Whale > Shark

>> No.20504449

I wanna leave her in a pool alone with a pair of orcas.

>> No.20504452

Arousing pose.

>> No.20504454 [DELETED] 

Suzuya is your girlfriend.

>> No.20504455

Suzuya is your girlfriend.

>> No.20504456
Quoted by: >>20504489

A shit.

>> No.20504460

I can't stand the constant fanwar bullshit. I'm really glad we aren't in /vg/

>> No.20504461

Yup E-3 it is for you. Teruduck awaits.

>> No.20504465

I don't feel like to sortie to E-2 unless it's optimized and know exactly what will I bring in E-3.

>> No.20504467
Quoted by: >>20504480

Nah, that's just how insecure chinks act towards other chinks. Pretty funny to see them fight for last place though.

>> No.20504471

Ah, Johnston's lines are up

>> No.20504480

No he's right that's literally how /v/ acts like all the time.

>> No.20504489

A rude.

>> No.20504492

So uh which destroyers should I take for E-1 and which destroyers should I take for E-2 especially if I want to do E-2 甲? How much resources did E-2 甲 even take from your experiences?:
Asashio Kai Ni D Lv. 99
Akizuki Kai Lv. 99
Verniy Lv. 98
Satsuki Kai Ni Lv. 95
Kasumi Kai Ni Lv. 93
Murakumo Kai Ni Lv. 92
Yuudachi Kai Ni Lv. 90
Hatsuzuki Kai Lv. 89
Mutsuki Kai Ni Lv. 86
Ayanami Kai Ni Lv. 85
Kisaragi Kai Ni Lv. 84
Kawakaze Kai Ni Lv. 84
Ushio Kai Ni Lv. 82
Arashio Kai Ni Lv. 81
Yukikaze Kai Lv. 81
Shimakaze Kai Lv. 81
Shigure Kai Ni Lv. 80
Michishio Kai Ni Lv. 79
Suzutsuki Kai Lv. 78
Akatsuki Kai Ni Lv. 77
Hatsushimo Kai Ni Lv. 76
Hatsuharu Kai Ni Lv. 75
Yuugumo Kai Ni Lv. 75
Fubuki Kai Ni Lv. 74
Murasame Kai Ni Lv. 71
Urakaze D Kai Lv. 70
Hamakaze B Kai Lv. 67
Naganami Kai Lv. 60

I don't think anyone else is strong enough.

>> No.20504501
Quoted by: >>20504506

With your ship levels Just do E-1 Medium then choose E-2 hard. For E-1 use Murasame and then anyone who doesn't have a bonus on E-2.

>> No.20504505

>Heavy Cruiser references
>Yukikaze references
>"More Shells!"
>cute voice
I like it

>> No.20504506
Quoted by: >>20504515

>Just do E-1 Medium then choose E-2 hard
What? Why would you go From E-1 Medium to E-2 Hard?

>> No.20504507
File: 668 KB, 1049x564, KanColle-181227-22262008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use an image next time.
I just used this for E1.

>> No.20504511

Yura, Murasame + 4 (Asashio-class/Shiratsuyu-class)
Very easy map, you can finish it with 2sorties(transport phase) 4sorties(boss phase)
Probably cost like 10-15 buckets and 1k resources


Isokaze Arashi Hagikaze are the important one

>> No.20504515

I guess he can do E-1 Hard. I don't know his resource situation.

>> No.20504517
File: 576 KB, 1037x568, phase1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504522

I used this for phase 1. Levels don't matter.

>> No.20504519

Dude, I'm doing E-1 with Hatsuyuki lvl. 22 in hard, levels doesn't matter, if you have good equip and sparkles ships, E-1 is a walk in the park.

>> No.20504520
Quoted by: >>20504523

>secretary marriage lines
Instant candidate.

>> No.20504522
Quoted by: >>20504524

Only 4 ships?

>> No.20504523

Manchurian candidate?

>> No.20504524

For TP gauge, yes.

>> No.20504526

>It is four. Hi! Yukikaze! You're always happy. Aren't you... cold in that? Really?
How rude.
>I'm...sinking again...Yukikaze...what? Huh? I can't hear you...
So they do become good friends. You wouldn't let John die in front of Beaver, would you?

>> No.20504535

Yukikaze is the biggest hooker. Everyone knows this.

>> No.20504538

I wouldn't let Beaver near any ship.

>> No.20504541

>Aren't you... cold in that?
I was wondering that too

>> No.20504544

What time is the jazz concert in Japan?

>> No.20504546

Everyone is friends with Beavs

>> No.20504547

The beaver is dangerous.

>> No.20504548
File: 113 KB, 708x954, Dve-YgRUcAAnq8I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504552


>> No.20504553
Quoted by: >>20504558

Ugly girl.

>> No.20504554

I guess it's really down to Isokaze CI.

>> No.20504555

The first round was ended,

>> No.20504556

She's really cute.

>> No.20504558

Can't wait to hear thoughts on it.
Rude. She is the third cutest girl in the event.

>> No.20504560
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x720, Dve7yWdUwAYEj7I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504569


>> No.20504568
Quoted by: >>20504571

How do you farm John after this?

>> No.20504569

I dont have a luckmodded Isokaze
What do?

>> No.20504571
Quoted by: >>20504593

Wait for Friend fleets to be implemented.

>> No.20504572
File: 292 KB, 425x600, 1525885609854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just wait for DU to hook me up with the detailed analysis of the event. Wouldn't want to rush and make a mistake.

>> No.20504576


>> No.20504577

>Isokaze CI

>> No.20504579

>trusting a landwhale that pays her way through brute force

>> No.20504581

My first thoughts as well.

>> No.20504585

Please don't taint my daughters with such a stupid comment.

>> No.20504586

>The Japanese destroyers are very aggressive at night.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.20504589

I don´t get it, how can i unlock the 2nd start point in E-2?

>> No.20504590

Probably referencing how nip crew were made to autistically train for night engagements

>> No.20504593
Quoted by: >>20504600

That's too much unreliable factor.

>> No.20504597

I guess it was their bad luck Admiral Merill and Burke existed in 1943.

>> No.20504599

Vigorously petting Beaver's beaver

>> No.20504600

Well if you already completed the map I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.20504601

>TFW have a married and luckmodded Isokaze

>> No.20504603


>> No.20504604
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, C3pv_avUYAA9M4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Saber

>> No.20504605

Doujins soon

>> No.20504607
Quoted by: >>20504612

>still struggle on the last dance
>struggled on last event by using suijou


>> No.20504610

Destroyers really want to yasen with TTK

>> No.20504611
Quoted by: >>20504616

With star shell, skilled lookouts, and flagship position, base luck Isokaze K2 has a ~60% chance of torp CI

>> No.20504612

and with super expensive equipment like several max f6f-5 planes and BB guns

>> No.20504616
Quoted by: >>20504621

>Isokaze K2

>> No.20504617
File: 702 KB, 1000x1403, b159a448af27525e216fa9427ea5aa8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504621
Quoted by: >>20504626

It's as close as she'll get

Also I meant searchlight instead of skilled lookouts

>> No.20504623

New year Arashio will be implemented. From Jazz

>> No.20504626
Quoted by: >>20504642

>It's as close as she'll get
Isokaze Kai 2 was confirmed in the same interview that her B Kai was announced.

>> No.20504628
File: 306 KB, 919x1300, __abukuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shino_ponjiyuusu__e19ef093acd4f052d6db379567af84a5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504629

Which makes the fact that nips consistently got their asses kicked during them so much more hilarious.

>> No.20504631

xxx with arashio on new year

>> No.20504637

They did alright at first. Problem was they were inflexible so once they got figured out they were fucked.

>> No.20504640
Quoted by: >>20504671

Can't really do shit when they have radar and you don't. USN might as well had foresight powers.

>> No.20504642
Quoted by: >>20504644

Forgot about that, although I'll believe it when I see it just like Samidare K2

>> No.20504644

Samidare Kai 2 was never hinted, let alone announced.

>> No.20504648
File: 143 KB, 1200x675, Dvb3ZEsVYAAkD4A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unremarkable class somehow changes it around and is now full of cuties

how did they do it

>> No.20504653
File: 174 KB, 1200x675, DvfDzxOUUAItYAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need a source on that.

>> No.20504654

Being unremarkable doesn't mean they can't be cute.

>> No.20504656

My wives.

>> No.20504657

Fujikawa salvaged the class

>> No.20504660
Quoted by: >>20504669

is it over?

>> No.20504662

The Kai 2 uniform literally saved the class and then Tanaka forced them on everyone until you liked it.

>> No.20504669

Night one left

>> No.20504670

Still unremarkable.

>> No.20504671

The nips did actually start getting radar before all the night fighting was done. Their radar wasn't that useful though. It wasn't as good as burger radar but the bigger problem was probably that burger radar was way more user friendly. Nip radars just displayed the waveform so if you weren't trained in it you had no idea what it was showing you. Because of that a lot of nip commanders never really trusted it and they never developed tactics to utilize it.

>> No.20504673

How useful are Hagi/Arashi for E3? Asking for a, uh, friend who may have locked them into E1

>> No.20504674
File: 1.76 MB, 1199x722, hamamamama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504694


>> No.20504675
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, DvfDjhpUUAAg8L0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504676

Gunna kidnap Nakachang and her sisters

>> No.20504677

It's probably a good idea to say goodbye to memedal.

>> No.20504682
Quoted by: >>20504688

I'm not shitbafuckfag, but this one is actually cute wtf

>> No.20504688
Quoted by: >>20504711

Shibafu is actually tolerable in a lot of his promotional stuff. It's like he deliberately spends way less effort on in-game art.

>> No.20504692

Can I do E1 without Murasame?

>> No.20504694

enjoy my used onahole

>> No.20504696
File: 164 KB, 480x480, Line Ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504704

Updated OP:

>> No.20504700

I like how Johnston has sex with you in her marriage line.

>> No.20504704
Quoted by: >>20504706

>We Fletchercolle soon

>> No.20504705

I remember a lot of the Nip radar operators being frustrated at their commanders for not utilizing it more. Some of the burger radar like the air radar used the waveform as well btw.

>> No.20504706

This is only the beginning.

>> No.20504709
File: 191 KB, 989x1400, DvbmhtOVsAAXlZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504711
File: 24 KB, 340x300, 1p7aTd3-e1545969265436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504716

Intrepid looks lovely in this one.

>> No.20504716

Intrepid is HUGE in the chest area. Makes Akagi look Flat.

>> No.20504721
File: 52 KB, 622x465, silent8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Nips weren't smart enough to develop their radar?

>> No.20504722

Hyu cleared it with just Seiba

>> No.20504725
File: 467 KB, 640x890, tofucry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504730

>> No.20504726

Well they got a cavity magnetron and copied some of the principles the germans used with their radar. So it was decent. They got further than the Italians or Russians.

>> No.20504730
Quoted by: >>20504746

What the fuck is wrong with Tsushima's eyes?

>> No.20504731
Quoted by: >>20504757

More like they didn't trust it and were years behind RN and USN.

>> No.20504732

They kinda did, but commanders preferred optical targeting, even at night. And radar was expensive so they couldn't produce a lot.
On the flip side they easily had the best optical firing systems.

>> No.20504742
Quoted by: >>20504757

It wasn't exactly bad it was just inferior to the competition and they didn't use it well. If I'm remembering it right the resolution wasn't accurate enough for radar fire control for example. I might be mistaken though, it's been a while since I read about that stuff.

>> No.20504746

Seaman daemon

>> No.20504757

Given how the Americans were at times mistaking the returns from their own shell splashes as enemy DD's, it would've probably been worse with the Japanese.

>> No.20504767 [DELETED] 

>KanColle in 3rd place

>> No.20504776
Quoted by: >>20504818




>> No.20504782
Quoted by: >>20504881

To be fair, Idolshit came literally out of nowhere with that big increase.

>> No.20504784
File: 84 KB, 240x240, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504792

Gloating FGOfag & Im@sfag?

>> No.20504792
Quoted by: >>20504794

Why was Conisi in hiatus a while ago anyway?

>> No.20504793
Quoted by: >>20504805

Outside of Yamato at Samar I can't even think of any times where the japes used radar.

>> No.20504794

Some drama with LN author trying to advertise her real name.

>> No.20504795
Quoted by: >>20504822

Did the LN get cancelled?

>> No.20504805
Quoted by: >>20504879

Oh, I meant that if they trusted their radar more, they'd probably be even more prone to shooting at false returns than the Americans, given the capabilities of their equipment.

>> No.20504817
File: 31 KB, 854x480, KC Vita Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is monekygirl so secretive about her name?

>> No.20504818
File: 267 KB, 1046x2048, DvfSdZtVsAAr3Y8.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20504822

Seems like it. Do a search on アーマードール・アライブ
It is illustrated under ひよこ西

>> No.20504833

Kaga (Battleship) when?

>> No.20504838
Quoted by: >>20504842

Is that really Fujikawa's name or is it a pen name?

>> No.20504840
Quoted by: >>20504856

It was pen name not real name and the LN author wanted Konishi to advertise because his pen name wasn't as popular.

>> No.20504842
File: 325 KB, 1000x551, 1545892123511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably real name.

>> No.20504851

After Tosa but before Washington (BB-47).

>> No.20504852


>> No.20504853

Shiori is my artistfu

>> No.20504856

Yeah you are right. I meant he wanted to advertise the author using her kancolle name since it is more popular.

>> No.20504857

The pleasure of cumming inside.

>> No.20504858
File: 171 KB, 850x601, __akatsuki_hibiki_ikazuchi_and_inazuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kaamin_mariarose753__sample-485764347b2140fe6727218bf21bee47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504870

Fuck me I forgot picture. Translate.

>> No.20504859
File: 143 KB, 834x1199, DvfV7vnUcAEJMTp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20504863

>The pleasure of cumming inside.
You mean ''the pleasure of being cummed inside'', idiot.

>> No.20504868

Does anybody here still like Akagi?

>> No.20504869


>> No.20504870

The pleasure of eating food.

>> No.20504876

That was early in the war when SG radar still had bugs to work out though. Time doesn't wait for anyone, unfortunately.

>> No.20504879

Well yeah, but even still they likelihood of them ever using their radar would be microscopic with their bad luck in the war.

>> No.20504881

It's like all the love livefags went back to idol m@ster. Did anything else change about idolm@ster other than pandering more to Fujos?

>> No.20504887

For food jokes sure.

>> No.20504892

How the fuck does an idol game comprised of female characters pander to fujos?

>> No.20504893
Quoted by: >>20506180

LL had a couple missteps/scandals.

>> No.20504894

Both FGO and Im@s have the fujo markets
Canthis and 2hu cannot compete since they dont the fujoshi support

>> No.20504898
Quoted by: >>20504907

Fujos are a mistake.

>> No.20504901

That's good. I hate fujos.

>> No.20504902
File: 644 KB, 794x449, aidoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504954


>> No.20504907

I wish Comiket would ban them so they'd stop shitting on every thing they get their hands on.

>> No.20504912

They run that shit.
Day 2 is like fujo day.

>> No.20504914 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 659 KB, 1024x1019, 1545986452834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her! Her AL version that is.

>> No.20504917
File: 349 KB, 533x904, 1515616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they ban what makes them the most dough? There are also quite a few fujo's that like KC, so it doesn't really bother me.

>> No.20504918
Quoted by: >>20504937

What a piece of junk

>> No.20504923

Anon... Gundam had doujins for the longest thanks to Garma x Char back in the day.

>> No.20504924
Quoted by: >>20504937


>> No.20504925

SideM anime airing

>> No.20504926

Male singers/idols are a thing anon.

>> No.20504933
File: 1.48 MB, 1200x852, 1544759445062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolmaster has some really great doujins, so I don't mind it getting more. I tried getting into it, but I just don't give a single crap about idols. Does not interest me at all.

>> No.20504935

Female idols are old and busted my friend.
They have been releasing new contents for SideM non stop for the past 2years

>> No.20504936

What if you accidentally nut inside a DE? Asking for a friend.

>> No.20504937

If you honest to god think that's worse than some fucking potatoes... what's wrong with you?

>> No.20504939
Quoted by: >>20504955

Nobody said anything about potatoes dumbass, trash is trash.

>> No.20504940
Quoted by: >>20504955

>better than potato means it's not shit
Okay retard.

>> No.20504942
Quoted by: >>20504948

It looks like shit.

>> No.20504948


>> No.20504954
Quoted by: >>20504965

This looks gay as fuck.

>> No.20504955

It's pretty good, you have to admit.

>> No.20504961
File: 194 KB, 430x645, 1545869449584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sloppy photoshop is better than this

>> No.20504962

Is this the AL version?

>> No.20504963


>> No.20504965

Isn't that the point?

>> No.20504974
File: 239 KB, 1044x770, Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20504987

>this is the new bob ship
What a fucking disappointment.

>> No.20504978
File: 658 KB, 1024x1024, akagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this one looks better.

>> No.20504980

Nice editing.

>> No.20504987

I fucking love it, I don't know what people were expecting honestly.

>> No.20504997
File: 40 KB, 750x400, 2a4c6c1754fb4bd1b3fb4251c6b03d89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the red and white, it reminds me too much of Umbrella corp.

>> No.20505000

Meh, whatever. New KuroKuro and Fumikane ships when?

>> No.20505003


>> No.20505006
File: 146 KB, 422x600, 198702l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505016

>tfw I bought and read my very first light novel just because bob was the artist
It was actually kind of okay

>> No.20505009

Now this is stupid.

>> No.20505016

Personally I like the design. I just think the pose and riggin being a complete back weird. Nice design for the girl though.

>> No.20505018
Quoted by: >>20505021

Wow, that looks like garbage. Did Bob have to both design and draw her in 15 minutes?

>> No.20505021

Nah the calendar design is what happens when bob only has 15 minutes to draw.

>> No.20505022

Talk about bland and boring.

>> No.20505027

No it does not.

>> No.20505033

I'm yawning just looking at this.

>> No.20505034

>have no ducks
>want a duck
>only duck reported on E-3 is the worst one
Why did it have to be Teruzuki

>> No.20505035

You do realize that's their national colors, right? It's the same fucking thing Iowa's uniform does.

>> No.20505038


>> No.20505040
Quoted by: >>20505115

Suzu drops too,

>> No.20505041

The very definition of mediocre.

>> No.20505043
Quoted by: >>20505050

Oh, is it time for
>muh L2D
>muh famous VA
>muh doujin artists
>just you wait
>he's not wrong, you know
shitposting hour?

>> No.20505048
Quoted by: >>20505054

Stop replying to me you fucks

>> No.20505050
Quoted by: >>20505060

And retards like you making meta posts, yeah.

>> No.20505051

Hey, uhh, anyone got that equipment voodoo picture around, real quick?

>> No.20505054


>> No.20505056
File: 182 KB, 659x664, 1537000235974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20505058

Yeah, that's a gonna a No from me.

>> No.20505060
Quoted by: >>20505062

You won't get any

>hurr I got caught

meta indeed

>> No.20505062

>You won't get any
You're not the boss of me

>> No.20505086
Quoted by: >>20505114

Any foreign capital ship drops?

>> No.20505114
Quoted by: >>20505121

Enjoy your single token gaijin drop Johnson.

>> No.20505115 [DELETED] 
File: 804 KB, 660x660, g_321Ud018bngc35v1x97xgj7_nqasav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20505121

Gotland is gaijin.

>> No.20505154

so you think every miko is a secret umbrella agent?

>> No.20505166

Best plot twist 2019

>> No.20505167
Quoted by: >>20505170


>> No.20505170
Quoted by: >>20505189

Fuck her brain out.

>> No.20505189

Lick her home of the brave
Nibble her land of the free

>> No.20505195
File: 226 KB, 1200x1200, DvfxO-TU8AAzgHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505275

>> No.20505219
File: 170 KB, 1200x900, DveRiF6U0AEvSxN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like KC still safe.

>> No.20505229

For now.

>> No.20505237

Get me Yahagi figure please

>> No.20505275

Rude but true

>> No.20505328
File: 507 KB, 883x754, gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20505337
Quoted by: >>20505348

Is Gamby a good drummer?

>> No.20505348
File: 46 KB, 137x214, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505363


>> No.20505351

That ear placement.

>> No.20505363
Quoted by: >>20505370

She's tossing it in the air for style points in the middle of a solo

>> No.20505370

Sasuga Gamby

>> No.20505438

Are those E2 starting nodes good for ranking land based planes?

>> No.20505548
File: 209 KB, 600x848, Kaga Mon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20505562
Quoted by: >>20505582


>> No.20505582
Quoted by: >>20505650

She neither looks nor acts like them.

>> No.20505598

>wear your corp colors openly all the time

>> No.20505650

Oh, thought you just mean the big-tittied poster girl for the franchise.
But to look and act like those, Vector is the only one that comes close. Short hair, acts cold and methodical unless hit with cutesy stuff.

>> No.20505676
File: 397 KB, 640x890, mashukaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505722

It's sometimes called the titty-cyclops archetype

>> No.20505700
Quoted by: >>20505722

Spring isn't particularly big tittied (nor is Mash or Youmu) nor much of a poster girl in the game either. Maybe on reddit, but i don't brows much of it to find that.
Vector has rather small tits too. I find it kinda interesting actually, that there isn't a prominent titty-ccyclops in GFL, or not as prominent as Hama/Mash.

>> No.20505713
File: 46 KB, 240x389, 4193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505727

>> No.20505722

Ah. For that there is MG5, titty-cyclops, white hair too. Though her chest isn't very large, nor is she particularly popular.
But it's a shame, I like how she acts. Teaches younger androids to value Christmas after riddling them with rubber bullets for trying to steal presents.

>> No.20505727
Quoted by: >>20505815

Fuck off.

>> No.20505755
File: 54 KB, 800x480, DvdcWrJUYAAPR4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20505788


>> No.20505788
Quoted by: >>20505796

Is this the rapetrain?

>> No.20505796

Doesn't have jijis colour palette.

>> No.20505815

But those are your shipgirls' voice actresses.

>> No.20505923
File: 126 KB, 1024x725, akagi_x_kaga_by_mmrailgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20506045

What's wrong with her?

>> No.20505968

I started the game with her as my favourite potato, and it only got better with her from there.

>> No.20506041

There's nothing stopping you even if you're not a JK.

>> No.20506045
Quoted by: >>20506086

She's inferior to her chink counterpart.

>> No.20506049
File: 105 KB, 567x800, 72346394_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20506056

Adding direct flavouring?

>> No.20506057

I want to eat out a DE too.

>> No.20506071

BB hime route or Re route for E2?

>> No.20506078


>> No.20506086
Quoted by: >>20506094

Eh, the single boat where I'd make such a claim to would be Taihou.

>> No.20506094

I like chink AKaga because are more interesting design wise. But it doesn't stop me from liking KC AKaga.

>> No.20506102

Do you have any comps for unlocking the U-M shortcut?

>> No.20506173
File: 780 KB, 1596x914, 1453941520874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20506180

What happened? I don’t follow LL

>> No.20506247

Check the LL Arcade nude glitch.

>> No.20506285

My kind of glitch.

>> No.20506300

That's a bad thing? Sounds like something that would cause more doujins.

>> No.20506312


>> No.20506330
File: 96 KB, 688x340, E1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared E-1 Hard.
Why do all vids of it on youtube have people going with some of the best DDs, how do they plan to do the next two maps?

>> No.20506356

Some people just don't like having fun.

>> No.20506406

There's more than enough good DDs for all maps. But they probably just assumed it was harder.

>> No.20506426
Quoted by: >>20506513

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.20506471
Quoted by: >>20506488

what ships are required to save for e-2 and e-3? I want to start already but I don't know which of my destroyers to use.

>> No.20506477

Oh I thought something worse happened.

>> No.20506488

Just use Murasame and any other 4 Shiratsuyus.

>> No.20506504
Quoted by: >>20506549

Any girls with bonus damage in E2?

>> No.20506513

Johnston is cuter

>> No.20506549

Several, check the wiki.
Highest ones would be Jintsuu, Ayanami and Fubuki.

>> No.20506565

I've just been using あ艦これ. Haven't seen anything in the comments, but I also haven't checked today.

>> No.20506570

which phase is harder and require better and more historical ships?

>> No.20506609
File: 142 KB, 693x1000, 1545971359692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20506647

That I can't say, haven't started yet.

>> No.20506673
Quoted by: >>20506789

I'm working on the final phase right now. 甲, of course. The hardest phase for me was getting AS on all of the air raid nodes. It's not that the air nodes are hard, it's that the route is pretty annoying. There is a double Ru node and a double BB hime node on the way.

>> No.20506789

Can't use subs?

>> No.20506823

Murasame + 4 of (Asashio-class/Shiratsuyu-class)

Akatsuki-class, Yuugumo-class, Shitbuki

Arashi, Hagikaze, Isokaze

There isn't a need to save anything unless you are a 100slotters without the a fullset of Asashio and Shiratsuyu class kai2.

>> No.20506826
Quoted by: >>20506841

>dont have murasame
is it over for me?

>> No.20506841

You can do it with others, but Murasame's absurd damage boost was what saved the map for me.

>> No.20506845
File: 171 KB, 635x567, 1546004947571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20507300

Stole this from futaba.
Should be legit

>> No.20506849
Quoted by: >>20506866

I'm fucked, she has never dropped for me.

>> No.20506853

Fuck my fucking shitty life jesus.

>> No.20506865

I am fucking doomed. Only have Isokaze at Kai. Hagikaze and Arashi are low level.

>> No.20506866

>19 July 1943:
>Depart Truk for Rabaul with MOGAMI, AGANO, OYODO, ISOKAZE, HAGIKAZE, and ARASHI.

>21 July 1943:
>Arrive at Rabaul; after rapid loading of an additional 250 soldiers aboard each of the three destroyers, the NISSHIN, ARASHI, HAGIKAZE, and ISOKAZE depart for the Shortlands the same evening. ComDesRon 10 RAdm. Osugi Morikazu shifts flag from AGANO to personally lead the operation from aboard HAGIKAZE.
>2300: Enemy planes sighted, but Osugi decides to continue with the reinforcement.(Today Ultra deciphers specifics of the anchorage arrangements, dooming the NISSHIN. A fatal ambush is prepared).

So far only Arashi Hagikaze and Isokare are confirmed since they are on the banner but Mogami, Agano and Oyodo are there as well.

>> No.20506867

>Arashi, Hagikaze, Isokaze
>things I don't have

>> No.20506885

Finally, a use for my Midway reward.

>> No.20506910

I was thinking she reminded me of someone.
Usa mimi

>> No.20506921

Is it viable to farm John in Casual first and then clear the event in hard?

>> No.20506943

Damn! Shion is sexy.

>> No.20506975
Quoted by: >>20507015

Cleared E-2.
The event doesn't seem particularly hard so far, but I'm expecting the EO to be a rude awakening.

>> No.20507015

I thought it was 3 maps only.

>> No.20507060

Dearest support fleet, 160 damage to one and only one DD is not exactly very supportive to the main fleet. Can you please fucking disperse the damage a little?

Your Admiral

>> No.20507073



>> No.20507091

Next time they will hit multiple ships for scratch damage only.

>> No.20507098

Aw, what the fuck? I have already locked her in E1.

>> No.20507132

Now you're gonna have to face her again while clearing 2nd boss. Have fun.

>> No.20507199
File: 71 KB, 850x1200, DvgnzJGVAAEEjvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20507214

What are Nisshin stock equipment do you get more type c mini sub from remodeling her?

>> No.20507268
Quoted by: >>20507300

Guys what do i do if my arashi is level 6

>> No.20507300
Quoted by: >>20507325

Start leveling her up. Alternatively use those ships: >>20506845

>> No.20507309
Quoted by: >>20507323

For E2 the can ships from p1 be used in p2?

>> No.20507323

Answering my own question - https://twitter.com/fumi_TA_/status/1078705094143631361 seems to imply yes (mogami on single && combined fleet)

>> No.20507325
Quoted by: >>20507337

Yeah i was thinking of leveling her while doing the first phase of e3 but then i saw some of the enemy formations on hard and got fucked.

>> No.20507337
Quoted by: >>20507453

Get her to kai, fully modernise her, put her in flagship position and let RNG settle it. With enough attempts and misfortunes, she will naturally be at a level where she will not cripple the fleet that much.

>> No.20507348
Quoted by: >>20507354

How the fuck can i unlock de second starting point in E-2?

>> No.20507354

AS node A/L/N
AS air defense,
Have fun getting cucked by double BB hime at M

>> No.20507391

>aerial support triggered
>5 damage

>> No.20507393
File: 268 KB, 1000x1412, IMG_20181228_095111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20508203

I wish Yume no Owari's would kick the enko slut aside and go for the loli pastas.

>> No.20507443

Is it ok to go back and forth between casual and hard E3 to farm Johnston?

>> No.20507448


>> No.20507453

Ill try but she still gets rekt at the blue ri class node

>> No.20507459
File: 145 KB, 708x1000, Dvgap_TU8AIBeSo.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20507465
Quoted by: >>20507472

Ooyodo will give you disapproving looks and start talking about you behind your back if you keep abusing the difficulty option.

>> No.20507472
Quoted by: >>20507484

But look at those boss comp! literally impossible to farm under 1.5k buckets!

>> No.20507484

I think you're exaggerating.

>> No.20507485

How much resources to do E-2?

>> No.20507489

>back and forth between casual and hard
just f5 if you accidentally killed the boss

>> No.20507491

>KanColle JAZZ event
>kanmusu tap dance
>Akatsuki Class
>Sendai class

>> No.20507495

What maps need daihatsu mules?

>> No.20507510
Quoted by: >>20507546

>VA may have been in an AV
>Arcade nude glitch
>GBF collab

>> No.20507512
Quoted by: >>20507538

I expected the thread to be faster due to event.
What's going on?

>> No.20507538
Quoted by: >>20507927

Everyone is waiting for more info.
And the event is a total chore.

>> No.20507546
Quoted by: >>20507563

>>GBF collab

>> No.20507553
File: 266 KB, 1448x2048, DvgKO5CUUAInEs0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanibe actually played trumpet

>> No.20507563
Quoted by: >>20507574

Yeah, and since GBF previously did a collab with idolmaster you could have both in one game.

>> No.20507574

Oh wow those retards don't deserve their franchise.

>> No.20507581
File: 271 KB, 587x675, 1510904309540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20507637

>gave all 5 maruyu to Isokaze for this event

feels good, man

>> No.20507637

good choice and taste

>> No.20507642

There's no advantage in using shells on support expeditions, right?

>> No.20507802

Okay I finally got the proof that Johnston can OASW no matter what.

>> No.20507830

Too op.

>> No.20507854
File: 164 KB, 1536x1024, North_cape_battle_memorial_plaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75 years and two days ago.

>> No.20507867

>a seafaring nation celebrating the sinking of a non-seafaring nation ship

>> No.20507898
Quoted by: >>20507913

Is sinking a kraut boat that was armed with peashooters really that noteworthy?

>> No.20507904

Norwegian boat when?

>> No.20507913

For the Royal Navy, it was a wonder they were able to sink anything at all.

>> No.20507927

Every event is a total chore.

>> No.20507961


>> No.20508084
File: 894 KB, 800x1130, 2382bcc4bac211b5ae21a7a09e399f1e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20508110

Ruining her before marriage.

>> No.20508142
File: 533 KB, 750x1000, __admiral_akigumo_and_kuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamaioni_sasakama__d844ffa7e2d5ce2912a935d2f32d4859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20508148

Any word yet on which ships to keep for E-3?

>> No.20508148
Quoted by: >>20508293

Same as before, Arashi, Hagikaze, and Isokaze.

>> No.20508160

Using her behind anon's back

>> No.20508176

Whore. Anons think they are deflowering but her whore ass was deflowered long ago.

>> No.20508183
File: 10 KB, 302x146, Du6_8zbUUAAjEbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20508191


>> No.20508191

We must isolate the whore maestrale from the other ship girls before they all turn into prostitutes for other men.

>> No.20508197
Quoted by: >>20508213

You'd have an easier time just wiping out all other men.

>> No.20508203
Quoted by: >>20508216

Too late, it's already spreading >>20507393.

>> No.20508213
Quoted by: >>20508262

Nah scrapping one ship is much easier than wiping out other men who have guns and A-bombs.

>> No.20508216

But those 2 were prostitutes to begin with.

>> No.20508220

Thoughts on my E-2 phase 1 fleet?


>> No.20508224
Quoted by: >>20508233

You ready for Kuso mode?

>> No.20508226

Suzutsuki is cute!

>> No.20508233

I'm saving my main fleet on phase 2.

>> No.20508262
Quoted by: >>20508281

You underestimate Maestrale's abilities.

>> No.20508281

You underestimate radiation poisoning.

>> No.20508293

Might be useful to keep Mogami, Agano and OhYodo too, if the information anon posted up there turns to being relevant.

>> No.20508341


STF with Nelson.

>> No.20508344
File: 1.41 MB, 1204x1516, 1545946636406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Jintsuu/Sendai?

>> No.20508375
Quoted by: >>20509690

Possibly a unique AA cutin too?
Got to use that massive AA for somthing.

>> No.20508394
Quoted by: >>20508556

Can anymore share a comp that does R-U-V-W in E2P2?

>> No.20508472

Are GFCS and Fumo qualified as surface radars?

>> No.20508487

They're both air radar according to wiki.

>> No.20508504

They are technically air radars, but you can use them in place of surface radars and not get off routed.

>> No.20508556
File: 1.11 MB, 1308x1172, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m using this, no problem reaching W or AS in R and V but for some reasons i still don´t get the shortcut.

>> No.20508592

I'm wondering if if its an LoS check since i'm using the same comp

>> No.20508626
Quoted by: >>20508781

Every time i se Shinyou seyes i wonder when she will start chanting "Muad'Dib"?

>> No.20508656
Quoted by: >>20508695

God, E-1 LD is such a pain in the ass.

>> No.20508695
Quoted by: >>20508931

Use boss support. Problem solved.

>> No.20508714

How good do you figure that 5inch + GFCS radar gun to be, at least compared to duck guns?
Trying to decide if Hard is worth the trouble,

>> No.20508736

Only worth it for burger DDs.

>> No.20508781

Could Muad'Dib beat Sun Hime?

>> No.20508807

Yes please gorgeous

>> No.20508815

Whaaaaat? I’ve gotta hear/see this.
I may need to add to the waifu list.

>> No.20508838

She doesn't.

>> No.20508839

1 extra AA, 5 extra accuracy, has LOS stat. Basically better everywhere except raw firepower if you upgrade the ducks.

>> No.20508848

Erection, but also an erection.

>> No.20508861

>I'm going to be a fighting sip
Johnston is a boomer.

>> No.20508931

>only 1 hit for boss support

>> No.20508985
File: 293 KB, 661x979, 237c674bb304e0a1a392e39adbd7bbbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20509115

Is this the birth of a new Yamashiro?

>> No.20509022

>pre-boss has 2 Wo Kai and BB Hime on pre-boss in kidou with ammo penalty
>in suijou, pre-boss has SS Hime but no penalty

That's like Tanaka is saying pick your poison while laughing his ass off.

>> No.20509057
Quoted by: >>20509700

That’s not an immediate deal breaker. She is really cute still.

>> No.20509115

How is she anything like Yamashiro?

>> No.20509127
Quoted by: >>20509305

R>U requires a large number of ships equipped with surface radar.

>> No.20509305
Quoted by: >>20509486

I know, but my problem is with the unlock.
I did the AS+ in R and V with my landbases and fleet, two S-ranks in W but still no shortcut.

>> No.20509386
File: 937 KB, 1200x720, 20181228_17004188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20509424

What's the easiest way to unlock the boss?

>> No.20509424


>> No.20509486

sounds like something else is missing then, Perfect LBAS defense maybe?

>> No.20509595
Quoted by: >>20509650

What’s with all these pictures of Shikinami with an axe?

>> No.20509635

I want my 7-ship formation back.

>> No.20509650

It's a historical reference. Shikinami was sunk after her bow was cut off by an angry battleaxe wielding dwarf dropped by an American B-25.

>> No.20509690

You have the tweet for that?

>> No.20509700

She gives you a gift and asks you not to tell the others in fear of slut shaming. Don't listen to this dense idiot.>>20508838

>> No.20509818
File: 28 KB, 250x250, 1480277259937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20509889

This clearly means sex.

>> No.20509846
Quoted by: >>20510204

I just had to fight the second boss's escort fleet in E2 night battle, meaning I couldn't touch the boss. Didn't happen the next time I tried a run. Is this a bug or some bullshit fucking mechanic I missed hearing about?

>> No.20509848
File: 137 KB, 800x798, large-e2da58244d0929641730df5526aeaa3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20509854

I must buoy it now!

>> No.20509856

>What's wrong, dear...? You're not looking too well. Are you tired...? Oh well... then... do you want my special good luck charm? Don't tell anyone else...
She's giving you a kiss for good luck. She says not to tell because she's embarrassed. Anon has a filthy mind.

>> No.20509857
Quoted by: >>20509881

Is there a on-going promotion going on dmm?
Just reload and get 1.5x extra dmm points right?

>> No.20509862

Imagine trying to explain to people why you're sitting on it though

>> No.20509869

more buoys

>> No.20509881
Quoted by: >>20509927

Rather more complicated. It's a 50% rebate on up to 2000 points spent on in-game purchases/DMM avatar through mid-January, that can be claimed in late January.

>> No.20509889

Exactly. Now you are getting it Haruna, you dumb ass ship.

>> No.20509897
File: 838 KB, 1200x1400, __akizuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tama_seiga46239239__cf286937c1975862c57b0b04f702292a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20509921

>> No.20509921

Why is she crying?

>> No.20509927
Quoted by: >>20509967

Wait, do I need to use the money first to get the rebate? Example, I charged 4000. The 2000 will only be rebated after I spent all the 4000? Not instant rebate?

>> No.20509930

Sent back at the double hime node again.

>> No.20509936

TTK said he'd get her VT fuse but they didn't add it

>> No.20509967

First of all you'll only get a maximum of 1000. Secondly yeah, the rebate is paid out in late January, not instantly.

>> No.20509975

Cute as fuck but I don't think I would want a full size one. Red is nicer as well

>> No.20509979

Until exploded happened

>> No.20509982

She's going to explode at any moment.

>> No.20509983
File: 1.69 MB, 1368x1638, 2019 Winter E2-P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start E2.
Fumo and GCFS count as surface radar right?

>> No.20509992


>> No.20510065

Fumo doesn't. Not sure about GCFS. In theory you would think it would though.

>> No.20510066

.why is the R-18 ratio of Shiranui artworks so low? I want to see this girl fucked!

>> No.20510075


>> No.20510079
Quoted by: >>20510090

A statistical anomaly resulting from a small sample size.
i.e. nuinui isn't popular

>> No.20510083

Fumo counts. Tested it today.

>> No.20510090

She got more artworks than most other ship girls.

>> No.20510103
File: 136 KB, 749x942, 1534688560245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too cool to lewd.

>> No.20510126

It works. GCFS, 2xT32 and 1xT22 got me to boss.

>> No.20510135

E2 wasn't so bad. Nagato Touch helps a lot.

>> No.20510137


>> No.20510145

>Shiranui - 3.6k results
>Shiranui+pubic_hair - 8 results
>in all but 1 the pubic hair is on someone else
I haven't been this disappointed in a long time

>> No.20510156
Quoted by: >>20510158

Did you use her touch on pre-boss or boss?

>> No.20510158

On the boss. The double hime node actually turned out to be pretty harmless.

>> No.20510164
Quoted by: >>20510178

What even is her new mechanic?

>> No.20510178

Nagato can do a Nelson Touch style special attack, and having Mutsu as the supporting battleship makes it more powerful. Nagato needs to be flagship for this to work, and the second ship needs to be a battleship of some sort. You'll need to hit 第二警戒航行序列(前方警戒) for it to activate in a combined fleet, though.

>> No.20510194
Quoted by: >>20510216

Well it's a good thing she's my most powerful battleship, i guess.

>> No.20510199
Quoted by: >>20510206

Sorry, I don't speak French.

>> No.20510204

If escort fleet has more than 2 ships remaining, you'll fight them in night battle.
If escort fleet has 2 or less, then you fight the main fleet.
Is that what you mean?

>> No.20510206

double line

>> No.20510208

Any tips to unlock phase2 starting point?

>> No.20510216

For the record, that formation has a smaller firepower multiplier than good old fashioned 戦闘隊形. I just kind of tried 前方警戒 out of curiosity since あ艦これ mentioned it was possible and I had had a really shitty previous run.

Guts and determination. And shelling support. And multiple attempts. Remember that you can spare one of your LBAS groups for bombing the bejesus out of the Ru node or Hime node at your discretion.

>> No.20510222


>> No.20510226
File: 171 KB, 1439x380, Screenshot_20181229-113109_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga buoys

>> No.20510232
File: 60 KB, 480x387, 1546003575661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orel vacation is over.

>> No.20510253

AS in nodes M and N.
Same fleet you used in Phase 1, just replace a ship with a CVL as fighter mule, put nothing but fighters on LBAS for these nodes (range 6/7).
You no longer need radars, so feel free to set up a DD or two for ASW, standard load on all others.

>> No.20510262

>Send boss support in E-1
>it worked, but Muramase don't ended the boss in yasen

Kill me already, fatfucker.

>> No.20510278

Post your setup, I beat E1 like it was nothing, didn't need support. Don't understand how people are having trouble with it.

>> No.20510290

Some people sail through events whilst others get cockblocked by RNG. Standard fare

>> No.20510296

Did both of you sparkle?

>> No.20510309

I'm using the same setup of this: http://akankore.doorblog.jp/archives/52850587.html


>> No.20510312
File: 1.29 MB, 1196x722, e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, no.
