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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18532396 No.18532396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What has changed here in the past 8-10 years?

Is Uncle Mugen still with us or has Meido finally kicked him out?
Are the older people still here? It feels like there are a lot more 3D threads now than a decade ago.
Has the culture changed?

>> No.18532994

what the fuck's a mugen

>> No.18533092

A shitty fighting game and our not so beloved uncle.
#1 cause of worldwide food shortages.

>> No.18533184

Tripfags/"personalities" and their blogging fucked off and we're better for it. 3D fags, idolshit, and threads that have copies on other boards like Monster Girls invaded and stuck around and we're worse for it. Threads are much better condensed now which is nice but people tend to stick to their own insular threads a lot, especially idolfags.

VN discussion is still alive though slow, WTC is still king. Yume Nikki has died outside of the recent really awful remake. FOTM doujin MMOs never happen anymore. Elona is the only online game I think people here play in that vein. For some reason we barely talk about figs and otaku merch other than a few odds and ends anymore

The culture is different and the early wonder of the board will never return but /jp/ has not fallen to the garbage that is current 4chan at large yet and at least retains some of what made it a unique place to talk Touhou. I wouldn't want to discuss playing the games or reading the manga anywhere else even if the gameplay thread has been shit lately.

Japanese bird and Corndog Tenshi are always welcome

>> No.18533229

the best thing /jp/ has going for it is being hostile to crossboaders. however this hasnt prevented cancer like general threads.

however, virtual youtubers brought back a lot of activity to the board and has made /jp/ of high interest to japan once again, to the point where there is a blog dedicated to translating our posts.

>> No.18533259

>being hostile to crossboaders
it is good, but with each passing day, month, and year, I see shit like greentexting and spoiler tag use becoming more commonplace and less called out.

>> No.18533500
File: 100 KB, 800x680, this is what jp has become.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has changed completely since back then. Mostly, like most of 4chan, it became 'general-ized', with every subject having its own thread and non-general threads being rare. /jp/ is no longer the 'Japan/Random' it was in practice in the past; on-topicness is enforced by the mods (not just the janitors; you'll get a temporary ban for off-topic posting) and with everything being in generals most people stick to their own generals.

Contrary to what >>18533184 claims, VN discussion is almost dead on this board. We have three general threads (VNTS, VN General and /blog/); the VN General does not discuss translated VNs and VNTS is mostly a Two Minutes Hate towards Sekai Project (who went from fan translation group to a commercial VN publisher that's probably more financially successful than MG and JAST; MG in the meantime transformed from an incompetent company with good intentions to a very professional company that caters to the fanbase very well. JAST is still JAST) with some occasional hate towards other non-MG companies and a bit of translation status discussion. Translated VN discussion mostly moved to /vg/, most the VN General Thread there.

Most of the general threads from back then (Denpa, Gust, Mahjong, etc) still exist though they're not continuous (there's no Gust thread right now for example). As pointed out by >>18533184, the idol/3D thread went from one innocent-seeming thread we tolerated to almost 10% of the damn board; other crossboarders also invaded, most notably the Monster Girl thread though personally I don't mind them too much since they seem to be sticking to their one thread.

Touhou threads are no longer random as they were in the past; now they're just consistent imagedumps focused on one character each and barely anything beyond that. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy what these threads have become.

>Yume Nikki
>recent really awful remake
Wait, is that what I recently saw appear on Steam? I figured they'd just tossed the original on there, but it's a remake? What makes it awful?

>> No.18533597

Actually, use of spoiler tags for non-spoiler purposes was also plenty common back then (at least starting late 2008; I wasn't on /jp/ before that). The term "surprise boxes" and subsequent allegations that these are a crossboarder thing didn't come until later. (Similar things are happening all the time. Right now, people are doing the same thing all across 4chan about "Reddit spacing". Fuck off, I'll add proper line breaks to make my posts readable regardless of how it's done on Reddit.)

Oh, right, I didn't answer your entire post.

>Is Uncle Mugen still with us or has Meido finally kicked him out?
Uncle Mugen disappeared from /jp/ a long time ago. Not sure when it was, may have been as early as 2010 even? At the very least it was not long afterwards. Not sure if he ever reappeared here (I'm not nearly as active on /jp/ nowadays as I used to be) but at the very least he's no longer a board personality. Actually, I don't think any of the tripfags of the time ring any bells for the newbies (as in, people who joined in the past, say, 6 years) here.

>Are the older people still here?
I get the feeling that most of the posters on the board nowadays are new, though there seem to still be a lot of older folks in the older generals and in the VN General.

>> No.18533659

I've been here since late 2008.
Same shit as always, because I ignore generals.

>> No.18533723

>Is Uncle Mugen still with us or has Meido finally kicked him out?
Ages ago, although I he seems to pop up to make a few mosts once a year or so(check warosu). I don't think there is any persona here posting here anymore.

>Are the older people still here? It feels like there are a lot more 3D threads now than a decade ago.
There are always such people

>Has the culture changed?
There isn't culture to speak anymore, even the anti-janitor shitposting is dead

>but /jp/ has not fallen to the garbage that is current 4chan at large yet
Diseases spread better in lush and populous jungles than in deserts with little to no inhabitants.

>> No.18533798
Quoted by: >>18612984

he's got a kid apprently

>> No.18533798,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>18584015_1

You mean you haven't read the irc leaks?

All those people moved to twitter and make seldom appearances in the spin-offs. The janitor's autistic crusade against anyone else with an identity led to the banning of 90% of the old trips.

>but /jp/ has not fallen to the garbage that is current 4chan at large yet
As if the jannies pushing every shitty barely related general from other boards into here hasn't turned this place to shit.

>at least retains some of what made it a unique place to talk Touhou
And nothing else. Absolutely nothing else. And you better stay positive. Ask questions or add a grumpy tone to your post and you will get a ban request. Guaranteed.

>the best thing /jp/ has going for it is being hostile to crossboaders
In 2018? Is this satire?
Oh wait, you're defending virtual youtubers. You're just retarded, then.

>to the point where there is a blog dedicated to translating our posts
"A" blog? Boy, you're out of the loop. There's dozens of those. I don't know what flavor of kool-aid you're drinking but those started popping up around the time Hiroyuki became the owner. He didn't waste time and applied the same strategies to 4chan he applied to 2ch.

Call it out and you'll get a ban request and a personal janny stalker.

>As pointed out by >>18533184, the idol/3D thread went from one innocent-seeming thread we tolerated to almost 10% of the damn board; other crossboarders also invaded, most notably the Monster Girl thread though personally I don't mind them too much since they seem to be sticking to their one thread.

You give an example of a cancerous community growing larger than it should because people didn't mind one "harmless" thread and immediately state you don't mind the newest flavor of shit to come to this board because it's restricted to one "harmless" thread. You deserve your personal hell.

>> No.18533798,2 [INTERNAL] 

there's been dozen of japanese blog dedicated to translating 4chan threads, even prior to The Grand Jew took a hike for greener pastures.

>> No.18535573
File: 167 KB, 769x406, 1252369936396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18536964

>Is Uncle Mugen still with us or has Meido finally kicked him out?
I'm sure his criminal empire has grown considerably since way back when, so he probably can't spend as much time here as he used to.

>Has the culture changed?
/jp/ is pretty much the same as it ever was (except everything stays in it's respective general). It's one of a small handful of boards that doesn't get inundated with constant race-bait threads from /pol/ regulars, so it still has that going for it.

>> No.18535864

>Is Uncle Mugen still with us

I remember seeing him in a drawthread back in late November - early December

>> No.18536525

I thought Mugen had terminal cancer, but he apparently made a recovery.

>> No.18536646

>>Wait, is that what I recently saw appear on Steam? I figured they'd just tossed the original on there, but it's a remake? What makes it awful?
More traditional spook-focused, some lame shit like the Uboa event, and it's a linear adventure rather than focusing on exploration. Less effects, also.

Here, this guy seems thorough: http://steamcommunity.com/id/g0osemaker/recommended/774811/

>> No.18536964

>/jp/ is pretty much the same as it ever was

imagine being enough of an retard to believe this

cool screencap, though. bet the mods think it's ebin hellen HILARIOUS xD

>> No.18536984

>tripfagging is bad
>board-meta is bad
>no one should recognize you and you shouldnt recognize anyone here, even after a decade of posting
this is why ylilauta /int/ will always be a better board than /jp/

>> No.18537007

in the spirit of this thread...
who r u quoting

>> No.18537047

Man, what a try-hard post.

>> No.18537084

/jp/ changed a lot and keeps changing, I can no longer recognize it, but the times I had with my friends will never disappear from my heart


>> No.18537127
Quoted by: >>18555086

/jp/ is so shitty now, even Niggy left in disgust

>> No.18537280

>an retard

>> No.18537532

2hu is peaked at 2013-2014, so...

>> No.18537587

Maybe it can peak again. Steam release is sure to introduce more players to the games, for better or worse.

>> No.18537626

Isnt that good? Its in that sweet spot where most memer retards and bandwagoners have left for other things and only dedicated people remain. It also helps there are a lot of dedicated people.

>> No.18538483

>When this board was getting flooded with brats who came in droves after hearing about the Fappening on Fox news
fuck no

>> No.18538596
File: 110 KB, 953x953, bawsonscreek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18540735

I was an idolfriend and tripfag back in the day but feel that meta threads like this were a much bigger problem than anything I ever posted.

I do wonder... how... mugen is doing... though...

>> No.18538696

>but /jp/ has not fallen to the garbage that is current 4chan at large yet and at least retains some of what made it a unique place to talk Touhou
watch me LOL

>> No.18538710

If most posters here now are new they're the best kind of new

>> No.18540735
Quoted by: >>18540774

Culture has changed, it's better in a few ways, worse in a few others, but mostly just different. Worst thing is lack of visible sage changed things in ways people weren't expecting. I really wish we still had it.

>/jp/ has not fallen to the garbage that is current 4chan at large yet
I generally agree but the flood of crossboarders that always comes when a new Touhou is released or the people that rushed in to the Aniki threads are bringing their garbage posting styles with them

if i wanted people to recognize me by name and associate posts with me as a "personality" i'd use a fucking forum

Meta threads are definitely the worst shit because it's just empty bitching and looking at things with rose-colored glasses, but I didn't like blogging and NEET threads either

>> No.18540774

/jp/: The last board that used sage in its intended way.

>> No.18543906
Quoted by: >>18544810

/jp/ doesn't seems to be doing too bad right now, all things considered. it feels good to be back

>> No.18544624

The VN untranslated thread is pretty terrible these days, but this is more of a problem of the medium than anything else. japanese VNs are fading away more and more.

>> No.18544810
Quoted by: >>18544875

Most people who whine about it are those who want it to be wall to wall spam like in 2010-2013. 3D threads are a problem though, regardless of what they say.

>> No.18544875

lumping 2010 with 2011-2013 shows either bad memory or you weren't there in the first place
if you were, please, the sudo + squiddy + fukune + tokiko whatever shitposting crew was hell incarnate. I'd take kuroko spammer any day over them.

>> No.18545046
Quoted by: >>18545792

Did /qa/ become a pseudo-/jp/? Many threads with OPs similar to the old days are posted there

>> No.18545092
Quoted by: >>18545779

Anyone have that comic that had /jp/ over the years from 2008-2011 and each panel was a representation of the board culture at the time?

Spent the last hour digging through files and couldn't find it.

>> No.18545147

/jp/ hasn't been the same since visible sage stopped being a thing. Not necessarily better or worse, but definitely not the same.

>> No.18545266

Ylilauta /int/ is a dead board and all the successor sites are sewers.

>> No.18545779
File: 215 KB, 4865x2000, v2E6u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of nostalgic.

>> No.18545792

Sort of. Before it was listed again it was almost all spam.

>> No.18545834

perfect, thanks

>> No.18546293
Quoted by: >>18546300

But anon, Meido retired ;_;

>> No.18546300


>> No.18546570

is warosu the only current jp archive?

I swear there was another archive that was hosting jp until a year or two ago

>> No.18546643
Quoted by: >>18547306

Needs an update version with the shitfest of the coming years, 2014 would be 90% niggy with a few meta threads thrown in

>> No.18546698
Quoted by: >>18550969

Why are the nips interested in /jp/ with regards to virtual youtubers?

>> No.18547306
File: 784 KB, 400x1800, 1422014108457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this later image.

If you're referring to foolz, it went down much, much longer ago. Not sure why that was, but it happened suddenly if I recall correctly.

>> No.18548340
Quoted by: >>18550535

2011-2013 was PEAK otaku culture
those dreamlike days are never coming back.........

>> No.18548370
Quoted by: >>18551945

http://arch.b4k.co/jp/ and https://archived.moe/jp/ both host /jp/ but they aren't as good.

>> No.18548475

/jp/ died when White Ren's tripcode became autoban.

>> No.18550535
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1468196924008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18565277


I miss skully.hopto.org

lots of great music died that I will never again be able to find or listen to.

>> No.18550549

What was Trevor?

>> No.18550579

>2hu is peaked at 2013-2014
No it didn't, there was a huge fan-content drought during that period. 2009 is when it truly peaked.

>> No.18550583
File: 36 KB, 600x590, 1451527415333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550716


an anonymous /jp/sie who accidently his real name when he posted a screen grab.

Moral of story: don't MMO with hotglue.

>> No.18550716

Shhh! We don't of speak of....."him"

>> No.18550969

They aren't. The blog they're talking about translates posts from other boards on 4chan too.

>> No.18551340


Just an average onion smuggler. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.18551945
Quoted by: >>18555154

I am such a retard, I have no idea how this website was completely lost to my knowledge for so long, I used to use it quite often. Thank you.

>> No.18552169
File: 1.62 MB, 2125x2750, cirno-with-uncle-mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a good guy that probably posts on /bant/

>> No.18552229
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, 1486767244691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This video pretty much describes old school /jp/ to a tee.

>> No.18552236

I remember how much everyone on /jp/ hated that when it first came out. Now, everyone still hates it, but in a good way.

>> No.18554255

Renpy is outdated trash and I wish people would stop using it.

>> No.18554787

>to the point where there is a blog dedicated to translating our posts.

>> No.18555086
File: 89 KB, 454x572, banimus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggy branched off into the pre thereisnosanity scare /b/ community threads (animus, thread with no point etc) and would get doxxed..cry about it and say they are leaving the internet forever and then try to sneak back in with some new persona and then get doxxed again 5 minutes later. A lot of crying and they finally gave up and fucked off.

>> No.18555097

what happened to the /jp/ mansion threads ?

>> No.18555138

you didn't make any

>> No.18555154
Quoted by: >>18555404

It used to be called "archive.moe", but then it crashed really hard maybe around 2015 or so as a consequence of running out of space from archiving nearly every 4chan board (including /b/) and the legal trouble that comes with archiving /b/'s content. A year or two later they started it up again as "archived.moe", and it now suffers similar problems.

>> No.18555404

I didn't know they were related, I assumed archived.moe was a tribute to archive.moe and nothing further.

I mean, I used to use green-circle and easymodo too. Archive hopping gets annoying.

>> No.18560018

I think the fun has just been drained from the internet, and I accept it.

>> No.18560788
File: 77 KB, 514x470, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18560945
Quoted by: >>18600680

Been browsing since 2008. I don't take part anymore. What surprises me a lot is that you see Touhou way more than you see Kancolle. I say this because Japan wise, you see a lot more talk about Kancolle regularly than you do Touhou these days. At least in the circles I associate with. Further, when it comes to Doujins, Azure lane and Kancolle have turned doujin artists from Touhou to those fandoms. Meanwhile, there don't seem to be as many Kigurumi threads as there used to be.

>> No.18563058
Quoted by: >>18563076

the /jp/ dream is gone

>> No.18563076

I was thinking about the mansion earlier today ;_;

>> No.18563305
File: 383 KB, 764x690, 1427062926901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Select your character.

>> No.18563379

Wait...where's Billy?

>> No.18563387

Unlockable character

>> No.18563422


>> No.18564459

Hmm... seems like quite the omission. Dunno, I didn't make it. I just saved it.

>> No.18564471

Oh god, I had wiped Tokiko from my memory. Now my day is ruined.

>> No.18564512
Quoted by: >>18603847

It's bizarre to me how in a video with shit like ragefaces, EFG and KoG in it, what seems to have aged the worst is Pepe.

The fuck's KoG been up to anyway? I doubt the madman has stopped but I haven't seen him strike in a while, but maybe I've just been missing him.

>> No.18564518

Wasn't there an alternate jp he started posting on but it died? I forgot the name of it.

>> No.18564607
File: 549 KB, 700x931, Tokiko 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18564625

Nah, I like that one.

>> No.18564730

He's the boss character.

>> No.18564737

I haven't really been here in years, this is the stuff I remember. Is it really that different?

>> No.18565128
File: 11 KB, 491x413, a tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18565241
Quoted by: >>18565333

This board isn't really what it used to be, especially not back in 2008, but neither is 4chan as a whole. /jp/ has been somewhat insulated from the changes to the rest of the site, but it's still affected, still ... I dunno how to explain it. I just woke up so these thoughts aren't organized very well, and thinking about the past like this is going to make me nostalgic and sad.

This place used to have a sense of novelty and excitement. You'd have threads for new touhou fangames, threads with anons talking about characters or visual novels or things from the subculture which they loved. Now, everything feels both more serious and more disposable, every thread is filled with ironic shitposting or people getting angry, which I suppose is not different from the old days, but the tone feels somehow wrong.

I used to feel a real sense of community here, and with people and friends I met here. Over time that sense faded away and I went looking elsewhere for the same feeling, but the more I searched the more I realised it wasn't /jp/ which changed - it was the whole internet which changed for the worse. /jp/ got affected like everywhere else.

>> No.18565277

board emigree here, left when sagebombing idol threads with tanasinn became too difficult, but rip skully.hopto. miss requesting some of the meme shit too.

>> No.18565333

I feel much the same way, but I carry on anyway. I don't know much else.
The whole internet forgot how to take it easy and the essence of ironic shitposting has been stolen, twisted, and deformed into an unrecognizable amalgamate of directionless hatred and unfunniness. I also feel like OC and image macros have been perceived to be ruined by association with various other placed on the internet, so no one really indulges in that anymore. I feel like the last great hurrah on that front were those buttfrustrated ones, before they got taken too far.
Ideally the whole planet would go back to December 31, 2009 and just try again.

>> No.18565433
Quoted by: >>18567453

I should have gone to the /jp/ meetup when I had the chance...also I miss BOOF

>> No.18565456

old survey thread

>> No.18565463
Quoted by: >>18600896


old meta(?) thread

>> No.18567453

There's one every Comiket, you still have the chance!

>> No.18567461

Niggy and it's not even a difficult choice.

>> No.18567818

/jp/ is "better" now than it was during the catastrophic years between 2012~2015 but it also lost a lot of its board culture and what made it unique along the way. It really feels much like any other otaku board out there though it still has bit of a particular charm, but old /jp/ had an unique character that was unlike anything else in both 4chan and the otaku world at large. When was the last time we had OC here? In fact my limited contact with the rest of this site tells me it stopped doing oc altogether, at best people create some new variation on the pepe/wojak meme templates

/jp/ feels pleasant but bland now, a board and its related culture settling into old age, and probably soon, death. It's not that bad, at least there's peace now, but it's really a shame.

>> No.18567931
File: 32 KB, 575x295, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18569367

I hope Mugen is fine now ;_;

>> No.18569367


>> No.18569369
Quoted by: >>18569497

I don't know what to do anon.
Even if i make OC, /jp/ will chastise me and tell me to fuck off to the OC thread to be buried under layers of garbage.

>> No.18569371

Why does the tree never have any leafs sill on the branches>

>> No.18569379
Quoted by: >>18570373

Then there's the possibility of some fag not native to the site taking it and posting it as garbage you'll find anywhere

>> No.18569423

Former /jp/project anon here. Was there a thread when Dandelion Girl got a rerelease? I had no idea that happened

>> No.18569497
Quoted by: >>18570607

No one would do that unless it's shit. No one tells that to the nipah guy.

>> No.18569597

The tripfags argue in the archives if you're interested in what they've been up to lately on /jpeasy/

>> No.18570129

I knew it!

>> No.18570211
Quoted by: >>18570278

I wonder how long it'll be until there's a single /jp/ general because the rest of the board is filled to the brim with shit threads about 3D women and /a/v/d/e/ shit

>> No.18570263
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1513367987099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick Kircheis, he was always my favorite.

>> No.18570278

thank you for ruining the thread.
I hope you are happy

>> No.18570373
File: 657 KB, 580x765, dame ningen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18570451

this is sadly true

>> No.18570451

What are the cons of permanently removing a normalfag from existance?

>> No.18570607

you're older and not as easily amused

Someone usually trashes wallpaper anon for some reason but everyone else is supportive

>> No.18570678

>wallpaper anon for some reason but everyone else is supportive
Where is he?
Did i miss the last thread?

>> No.18570973
File: 13 KB, 578x127, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18584154

if you present this during sentencing you might get off with probation

>> No.18571636

So where's currybutt these days? Still pushing that curry cart?

>> No.18572163

Might go to jail.
There's no surviving the corrupt and incompetent legal system.

>> No.18572194
Quoted by: >>18572594

>you're older and not as easily amused
That might be true but in many aspects the internet and the world at large is objectively a worse place.

>> No.18572594

It's just the internet really.

>> No.18581692

I'd actually say the low point of /jp/ was 2011 along with the rest of 4chan for obvious reasons.

>> No.18581751

what, anontalk?

>> No.18582853

I started at 2011 yeah

>> No.18583210
File: 3 KB, 251x251, twig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18583242


>> No.18583242

Tree, not twig anon

>> No.18583758

I changed my mind. Ever since Aniki died and all the crossboarders showed up for the sticky we keep getting threads with stupid /v/ tier template shit like "say something nice about X" and "what did X mean by this?" and "who was in the wrong here?" It's shit.

>> No.18583803

Now you see the truth.

>> No.18583871

>we keep getting threads with stupid /v/ tier template shit like "say something nice about X
That's been happening since the youtuber threads were allowed. It's just ramped up. Someone should make a big collection of templates, point out all threads using it and submit it/make a thread about it asking mods to ban or instantly delete threads with those lines.

>> No.18584011

Name 1 (one) fish that's cuter than this
>name 1 (one)/give 1 (one) [insert trope] that is better than x
>commonly associated with "give me one reason why x is better than y" or "name one thing that x has going for it than y does" shitposting
>crossie shit. Adds nothing of value. Most commonly found on boards like /g/ and /a/, possibly /v/ but i have no clue.
>commonly bait formatted template threads

This is Kasen, a hermit. Say something nice to her
>This is x. Say something nice to them/it/whatever the fuck
>adds nothing of value
>/c/ tier posting depending on the board and character.

Akyuu is a cute!
>x is cute shitposting
>adds nothing of value
>/c/ as of above [Kasen]

Gosh Anon, you're such a loser.
>depreciating shit. Almost like that one loli that spouts insults. Forgot her name.
>commonly turns into bully fetish threads if not "feel threads" which are basically shitposting. Going on about what they missed, and whatnot. Nobody gives a fuck.
>adds nothing of value

Orin is cute. CUTE!
>x is cute shitposting.
>/c/ tier posting
>adds nothing of value

Post 2hu characters that are literally you For me it's Futo - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
>"literally me" normalfaggotry shitposting
>adds nothing of value

Is Koishi canonically autistic
>is x autistic/ is x [this or that]

Does /jp/ like Sadako?
>does x board/general/whatever the fuck like y
>what is your opinion on x, y? Turns into shitposting if the right keys are hit.
>question thread. Adds nothing of value

Youmu: This is biggest dork in Gensokyo. Say something nice about her!
>this is x. Say something nice about them shitposting.
>adds nothing of value

There are more templates that could be listed, but some has been on /jp/ before

I claim no responsibility for this post.
It feels like /jp/ threads are slowing down and the garbage of the board is speeding up.
The lack of new posts suggests many of the newcomers don't know shit.

>> No.18584015

>Orin is cute. CUTE!
>>x is cute shitposting.
>>/c/ tier posting
>>adds nothing of value
/a/ and /v/ as well i think.

>> No.18584015,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>18588478_1

And he's a fucking retard for it.
Im just waiting until this collapses and everyone moves elsewhere.
Hopefully we don't get another faggot like moot to sell the domains to a fucking criminal

>> No.18584015,2 [INTERNAL] 

And once again, the staff cares more for numbers than they do the actual quality of the site so they don't give a shit so long as they're content in wasting server money on hookers and shitting up the boards for more traffic.

Banning people because you're assblasted your moderation is being criticized isn't an option.
Do your job correctly and you won't have to complain so fucking much.

>> No.18584088
Quoted by: >>18584122

>submit it/make a thread about it asking mods to ban or instantly delete threads with those lines
What makes you think the mods care? If anything, mods are much happier with the current garbage state of /jp/ than they were with /jp/ being that weird board that had a ridiculous amount of reports for the small amount of posters on it. /jp/ was a containment board, and nothing more. Now that /jp/ is no longer serving its function properly, if anything's going to be done to /jp/ then it's that the board will be deleted entirely.

>> No.18584113
Quoted by: >>18586759

>the garbage of the board is speeding up
That's because of shitposters sneaking back and wanting their "good old days" of unusable /jp/ coupled with frustration about the idol threads reproducing out of control. Also the lack of /jp/ to make actual relevant threads instead of crying.

>> No.18584122
Quoted by: >>18584187

>What makes you think the mods care?
If you don't care, the mods won't either. That faggot moot is gone, so the site is no longer based on his stupid ideas. The mods will probably do whatever is easier, and if deleting shitty threads is more convenient than being bothered all the time, it may happen. Besides that, they have no idea what belongs here nor what the users want.

>> No.18584154
Quoted by: >>18586541

It isn't murder if you don't kill a human being

>> No.18584187

And this is what gets threads removed instead of those who deserve it.

>> No.18586541

Too bad they won't believe it.

>> No.18586557

Mugen was here a short while ago.
Maybe 4 months max till now i saw him pop up a few times.
Mostly in nostalga threads and i believe one Cirno thread.
As of the past month, I don't know. Meido paid me a visit.

>> No.18586642

forgot the Anno "what did he mean by this?" thread but yeah more or less. just trash.

>> No.18586708
Quoted by: >>18586720

The morons that post about how bad the "current" situation is are the same morons that cry and shitpost when the board (or site in general) has active and effective moderation.

>> No.18586720

>The morons that post about how bad the "current" situation is are the same morons that cry and shitpost when the board (or site in general) has active and effective moderation.
You are just asking for the "if the mods did their jobs correctly, I wouldn't have to complain" post.

Two words.
Fuck you.
If i wanted to fuck IPs, I'd be shitposting 24/7 like that assmad sannyfag from not too long ago.

Try again. And this time, don't fuck it up 'kudasai'

>> No.18586751
Quoted by: >>18586752

Why won't the mods delete that reaction face general? They cannot possibly think that is something that should be on /jp/

>> No.18586752

Rid that one and all others have to go as well.

>> No.18586759
Quoted by: >>18586762

>That's because of shitposters sneaking back and wanting their "good old days" of unusable /jp/
Is history going to repeat itself?

>> No.18586762

Wait no. Let me rephrase.
Is history being forced to repeat itself.

>> No.18586765


1/10 Oppenheimer.

>> No.18586862
Quoted by: >>18586882

The template thread in /jp/ is as old as the textless thread and >/jp/, which is like ten fucking years old at this point. Stop linking everything you don't like to current events.

>> No.18586882
Quoted by: >>18586918

None of this say something nice about her, what was his endgame shit was here before. Stop being revisionist. >/jp/ is just a self depreciating shitpost and not even comparable.

>> No.18586908

Found the butthurt Yuukafag

>> No.18586918
Quoted by: >>18586940

>Stop being revisionist. >/jp/ is just a self depreciating shitpost and not even comparable.
Dumb meme threads are all the same shit. Was /jp/ - Okuu Culture" an original and on-topic OP of the kind you're wanting? Whatever year you thought /jp/ didn't contain dumb canned threads, you're wrong.

>> No.18586940
Quoted by: >>18586974

>Dumb meme threads are all the same shit.
Shitposts are not memes. Another problem with template threads, besides being /v/ flamewar bait shit is that multiple of them are made at a time.

And eve these shitpost threads aren't the same as Saten and Chie spam.

>> No.18586974
Quoted by: >>18587868

>And eve these shitpost threads aren't the same as Saten and Chie spam.
So basically /jp/ has always been full of infinitely many retarded contentless threads but THIS wave of retarded contentless threads is actually sort of on-topic and reminds you of /v/ so it's not acceptable.

>> No.18587067
Quoted by: >>18587287

Why is Yuuka so tired?

>> No.18587287

Isn't this actually LLS Yuuka?

>> No.18587490
Quoted by: >>18587831

I never understood the Saten threads but wanted to participate anyway.

>> No.18587831

slurp slurp

>> No.18587868
Quoted by: >>18587971

>reminds you of /v/ so it's not acceptable.
Well is this /v/, or /jp/?

>> No.18587971
Quoted by: >>18588021

Only shit eaters judge threads by tribal affiliation rather than content.

>> No.18588021
Quoted by: >>18588029

Only /v/ talks about eating shit all the time. Seriously, what's up with that?

>> No.18588029
Quoted by: >>18588102

I've been identifying shit eaters in /jp/ for the last eight years.

If everything you see reminds you of /v/ you should either stop going there or fuck off to there permanently.

>> No.18588066

New /jp/ is more like japanese image and messageboards than old /jp/ with random posting and tripniggers galore anyway
General threads (本スレ) are commonplace there and they don't have the attention-seeking tripfags we used to get here

>> No.18588102
Quoted by: >>18588239

>last eight years
Newfag crossie

>> No.18588120
File: 54 KB, 600x488, tenshi_versus_darth_vader_by_mugenjohncel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18588142

Am I right to think that the average age has decreased significantly since 2008-2010 or so?

>> No.18588142

The average age has probably stayed the same while you got older and realized teens and early 20s are idiots.

>> No.18588176

I vaguely remember old surveys that had /jp/ at 26 while the rest of 4chan was significantly younger (as expected)
Gamergate and the last US election definitely put the average age of whole 4chan down but I don't know how much it has affected more isolated boards.

>> No.18588209

>realized teens and early 20s are idiots.
You don't say

>> No.18588239

The term "crossie" was imported to /jp/ by shit-eating newfags in the year 2013. Fuck off.

>> No.18588478
Quoted by: >>18589296

Everywhere I go, I'm surrounded by idiots.

I think theres a macro of that quote

>> No.18588478,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ already collapsed long ago. Current /jp/ is a dead vacuum. It has become a fitting analogy of heat death. There's nothing else left to do but attempt to repopulate the board with outsiders who will adhere to the jan canon. Too bad the universe he carefully modeled in his image is so sterile nobody cares to stay regardless of how many generals are imported there.

Oh wait, I just read more of the thread. I never thought they'd be choking on mod cock to the point they'd mobilize to ban what's essentially the only thing a person can post without being immediately banned that isn't a general (template touhou threads).

>> No.18589296

Yes, everyone is an idiot except me

>> No.18589584
Quoted by: >>18595840

My guess is that /jp/ is moribund because most of the content we had a few years ago left or was shunted off to different boards. Off the top of my head we've lost MMOs and most VN discussion to /vg/, shumps and some touhou to social media, and a few others I forget. We also lost the OG 2013 funposters to the spinoffs but they were a cancer

>> No.18595840

All boards have lost something. But only a few matter.

>> No.18595854

Actually no. /jp/ is the only board that matters

>> No.18596690

We are the only true board left on 4chan because we didn't buy into the normalfaggotry fad of "self-improvement"
If anything, we have become more degenerate to spite the teenagers of the endless summer 2.0

>> No.18597127

More like 3.0 by now.

>> No.18597453

>We are the only true board left on 4chan
/f/ says hi

>> No.18597679

/jp/ has no reply
Anon says fuck you

>> No.18597727
Quoted by: >>18600683

/f/ is full of people who get mad about japanese content on a board explicit for Japanese content.

>> No.18597774

>only true board left
>didn't buy into the normalfaggotry
>3D shit generals are everywhere
Yeah, no. Present day /jp/ is only a different kind of degenerate than it used to be, not necessarily "more" than it used to be.

>> No.18597820

Who are you quoting

>> No.18597901
Quoted by: >>18597992

The sad state of this board.

>> No.18597992

You can't do that

>> No.18598487

>3D shit
It's the natural progression of things. The rest of 4chan attracts more and more fake moralfags who whine about tfw no tradwife, whores and cheating sluts so our only option is to become more repulsive in their eyes.
I want it all to burn to the ground. Destroy all that is left and leave nothing for anyone else.

>> No.18598530
Quoted by: >>18598564

Guide for newfags on how to fit in on /jp/ :

1.Sage every thread. Make sure to let everyone know you are saging the thread because you hate the topic, and if anyone points out that's not the correct use of sage, start an argument while insisting you are using sage correctly.

2.Spam image macros, memes and copypasta in every thread. Come up with new forced memes to spam if possible.

3.Make the same thread with the same picture, and no text or discussion value at the same time everyday.

4.Make sure to randomnly ask other people "wich toohoo wud u fuk"

5.Use a tripcode, the more obnoxious the better

6.Repeatedly claim to be an oldfag and that /jp/ was "better in the old days"

7.Constantly express your hatred for the janitors, mods and moot while claiming to have top secret information on who they are and what they do in their personal lives.

8.Go into every thread and tell everyone to go back to /a/ and /v/

9.Randomly tell people made up stories about how autistic you are, preferably while hijacking an existing discussion

10.Post pictures of gay pornstars, pretend to be the person in the picture and ask whether anyone wants to suck your cock

11.Make blog threads everyday, telling people what you had for your last meal or what you did in the last hour.

12.Make threads crying about how you will never have more than 2 dicks in you at the same time.

13.Start arguments over whether something is considered "otaku culture" or not.

>> No.18598564

drop names such as "Suigin", "Sudo", "Mugen", "easymodo" and so on as often as possible

>> No.18598827
File: 2.14 MB, 2079x2953, heca reclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18603537

This is more or less correct, but as >>18583758 and as >>18583871 says, it really is this new wave of liking these things ironically that has brought non-lurking newfags.

Gachimuchi threads outside of scheduled /f/ content and virtual youtubers are probably the biggest magnets for template threads, but 3D stuff in general has always drawn in posters from completely offsite

>> No.18598895

Why do generalfags not only refuse to integrate with /jp/ but refuse to let anyone interact with them? They're even tearing themselves apart because they can't handle anyone who doesn't act exactly as they want.

>> No.18598940
Quoted by: >>18599010

The /jp/ is mean to anything not officially /jaypee/

>> No.18598965
Quoted by: >>18599010

They'd be told to fuck off anyway, so why bother?

>> No.18598975
Quoted by: >>18599010

Because they're interested in things that the rest of /jp/ is not.

>> No.18599010
Quoted by: >>18599034

y'all need to read the second half of the question. I wasn't asking about why they don't integrate.

>> No.18599034

Same reason /jp/ us hostile to outsiders.

>> No.18599062
Quoted by: >>18604036

Can someone post that manga short where reimu tells yukari how much she loves /jp/

>> No.18599133

Has any chan tried an idol only board? Has it worked?

>> No.18599178

It feels like everything is separated into "generals", even moreso than in the past.

>> No.18599224
Quoted by: >>18599249

Has any chan tried barring celebrity discussion altogether? Has it worked?

>> No.18599242


almost, >>>/vg/sc2

>> No.18599249

I can think of only one chan that did that and that was a chanapocalypse era low traffic 2 digit board that every post was scrutinized. So the answer is yes and not really.

>> No.18599657
Quoted by: >>18599869

I hate this tokiko and jones heritage and anyone who uses this unironically needs to fuck off out of this board. Jesus fucking christ what did a mentally ill druggie and his cohort do to this board. Well I guess it's still better than 2012 and 2013.

>> No.18599869

Jones and tokiko were never on friendly terms never mind cohorts. This is fake news.

>> No.18600134

When did I say they were? Tokiko forced the shit out of Jones' "who are you quoting" meme. Jones did it back in the end of 2011 IIRC and I'm fully aware he never had good relationship with the 2011~2012 shitposting crew. It doesn't change the fact that he planted the evil seeds for this insufferable meme.

>> No.18600680

This, /jp/ feels a little behind trends

>> No.18600683
Quoted by: >>18600841

I never see this happen

>> No.18600841

Look at the threads about touhou or gachi or any old Japanese loop

>> No.18600896

Man, /jp/ really was /r9k/ back then. I was here in 2009 actually, but mostly stuck around in Umineko threads.

The internet really has changed a lot. The prose and style of posting is so different now. There's so much pressure on everyone tries to sound as "normal" as possible, if that makes sense. I mean just look at posts like >>2456896

That would get a dozen "autism" and >tips fedora replies if it were posted today. I guess that makes some sense though, people still post like that on reddit and we have to differentiate and distance ourselves from them, but a part of me thinks that what ends up happening is that we lost something valuable in the process while still ending up like reddit in the end (because they always copy 4chan anyway). I wish I could post like I did 10 years ago, I can't.

>> No.18600910

>Man, /jp/ really was /r9k/ back then.
More like the shitters migrated to /r9k/ when it was made and made it the way it is now.

>> No.18600927
Quoted by: >>18600967

greentexting rarely gets called out here these days

>> No.18600967
Quoted by: >>18602167

>There's so much pressure on everyone tries to sound as "normal" as possible, if that makes sense
>I wish I could post like I did 10 years ago, I can't.
It's been like that since we were no longer able to make fun of emotes on 4chan. Even posting LOL or LMAO would be sneered at nowadays, unless you were at least 3 layers deep in irony while posting it. (e.g. ayylmao). Something becomes known by people off the board, and then everyone tries to pretend they didn't come from those other sites by disassociating themselves. I miss being stupid for the sake of being stupid instead of people pretending to be retarded without realizing they are actually retarded.

It doesn't need to be. Misquoting people isn't the problem, making dumb greentext stories is and basically no one but faggot ass monstergirl retards does that anymore.

>> No.18601017
File: 88 KB, 900x600, 1490529145314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18601845

I don't fucking care, who fucking cares, FUkc this board I'm too old for this I'm just waiting till we both die クソthread motherfucker

>> No.18601845

The real truth right here

>> No.18602167

It does feel like everyone is a retard now.
Sometimes posts get to be so tupid i take some time off

You would think threads can't get any shittier, but no. The can

>> No.18602986
File: 832 KB, 642x885, Dokidoki!.Precure.full.1747384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18603061

>Man, /jp/ really was /r9k/ back then. I was here in 2009 actually,

If you took away the hatred and the constant yearning for female attentions.
Less like teenage angst, more like somebody who has found another light.
Then again, /r9k/ also used to be very different from the current one. It wasn't even intended to become how it turned out to be, it was just supposed to be /b/ with OC.

>> No.18602998

Maybe it's a good thing that everything has turned to shit, now I can focus on other things instead of the newest posts.

>> No.18603040

Personally I'm glad that forced ironic shitposting became popular with normalfags. The current /jp/ feels much more honest as a result.
At the same time, fuck this current irony culture with a rake. Can't wait until today's kids grow up and realize how retarded they were in their past.

>> No.18603061

>the constant yearning for female attentions.
No, the older form of >tfw no gf threads was one of the reasons /jp/ was made.

>Then again, /r9k/ also used to be very different from the current one.
I seriously blame /jp/

>> No.18603158
Quoted by: >>18603591

>No, the older form of >tfw no gf threads was one of the reasons /jp/ was made
Was this pre 2009/2008?

>> No.18603220

What will become of the Internet in the following years? Social media is probably bigger than ever, forums are fucking dead, IRC is getting replaced by Discord. What will happen to imageboards and textboards?

>> No.18603373

Probably die.
I don't want that.
Whenever I'm in the presence of normalfags i get extremely pissed.

>> No.18603386

4chan won't die from a lack of popularity I think. 2016 attracted a lot of people. It'll die if the site changes so much it becomes unrecognizable. The other chans are out of luck, as are other niche sites. They just can't win against Reddit and Facebook.

>> No.18603537

What's so sexy about women lounging around in their dirty underwear, not even trying to dress proper or feminine? I can just smell the freshman university student musk wafting from hecat's crotch just from this picture...

>> No.18603591
File: 109 KB, 800x600, 1386205273676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. People were using /a/ before then to make threads about how they wish they had a GF or an anime GF or whatever.

>> No.18603665

I like to use a hippie/punk analogy.

Back in the 1960s, the hippies genuinely thought that they could change the world by dropping out and confronting the conformist culture with love, drugs and sex. That fell apart and people burned out and became disillusioned with the utopian projects of the hippies. Punk rock was born from this nihilistic reaction to the hippies, where people decided that they were going to go all out and be detestable (some would say deplorable) cretins if society wouldn't change. Eventually the hyperindividualism of the punks got thoroughly coopted and commercialized, and now a lot of old punks from the 70s and 80s are reactionary corporatists who want you to buy their ice cream and fight for Western Civilization.™

The same thing has happened to internet culture. The original board culture of the 00s was, for all of its autism, much more optimistic, collective-oriented and wanting to change the world. When that didn't happen and internet/otaku culture got thoroughly commodified and commercialized, people latched on to the ironybro subculture of Something Awful which mocked the sincerity of early internet culture as hopelessly naive. A dejected elite of forum denizens shielded themselves from all of this by burying themselves in three layers of irony so that the corporate internet couldn't get at them. Of course, being an ironybro doesn't pay the bills, so now you have SA forums veterans like dril, degg, brendle and five different left- and right-wing podcasts whoring themselves, selling irony culture to the masses. It's become so widespread that expressing sincere thought or, GOD FORBID, doing anything that might make you look like an edgelord, is as unfashionable as a disco pantsuit. The only way to get approval from your internet pals is to completely poison yourself with irony and sarcasm and never let ANYONE express a sincere thought or dare to ask a stupid question.

Surprisingly enough the only people I see pushing back against this are 15 year-old Gen Zers who prefer the dorky sincerity of uwu weeaboo subculture over the tired sarcasm of a 29 year-old liberal arts major who can only communicate in screencaps and hot takes.

(Within this analogy, /jp/sies are like the back-to-the-land hippies who reacted to the failure of the hippie project by retreating to the woods and living in self-sufficient communes that all eventually became sex cults.)

>> No.18603742
Quoted by: >>18603816

>and living in self-sufficient communes that all eventually became sex cults

Is this where Saten came in?

>> No.18603743

I also want to add that I see this change as part of a larger trend towards people's minds being permanently warped by the knowledge that they are being permanently watched and any misstep or outburst could be filmed and put up on youtube to ruin their life.

>> No.18603752
Quoted by: >>18603816

How do you feel about the fact that /jp/ had, at least indirectly, a massive impact on the current trend of ironic shitposting that's present through the "humor" and memes of intermet normalfags form everywhere from /pol/ to twitter?

>> No.18603784

I'd like to add to this conversation that monster girls are furry shit and belong on /trash/

>> No.18603795

Fuck, I wish you weren't so right about your post. I can't stand that everything has to be done in an ironic manner or finding a sincere post about something wasn't so hard.
This is probably true as far social media goes since you generally use your real name or have a persistent identity at least. I mean ''Cringe Compilation'' thing is quite common on Youtube and probably on some social media as well which I suspect the main reason why ironic weeabos are so rampant but I don't understand why the hell it's so widespread on a anonymous platform as well? Is it because people bring the culture they're associated with them instead of assimilating to place they visit?

>> No.18603816
Quoted by: >>18604112

I don't think that we affected much. Most of the lineage of irony culture can be traced back to Something Awful. /jp/ was initially influenced by the same shitposting culture of SA goons, but as 4chan became its own identity without any direct influence from the SA forums our ironic shitposting became its own entity without any connection to other internet subcultures. Where SA ironybros who went on to weird twitter sought to spread their irony culture as far as possible, /jp/ shitposters turned inward and sought to restrict the spread of their newly-separate board culture as much as possible. This is because we maintained the aggressive SA-style hostility to new posters that weird twitter eventually scaled back or dropped altogether. Because we demanded that new posters completely conform to the board culture, avoid attention-whoring and learn its rituals, few people were willing to suffer through being called a crossboarder /v/irgin tripfaggot to participate. Weird twitter never really bothered to chase away people who didn't bother learning the new rituals, meaning that normalfags could eventually co-opt the culture, make it more palatable to other audiences and then let it spread and become the dominant culture.
And the /jp/ mansion!

>> No.18603847
Quoted by: >>18603926

>a video with shit like ragefaces, EFG and KoG in it,
because that flash was made by KoG himself

>> No.18603926

>Is it because people bring the culture they're associated with them instead of assimilating to place they visit?
That's the case, but there's the added effect of moving to a board where *everyone* has a unique identity. Things change drastically when you can only talk to people who have a public record of their previous interactions. It incentivizes the formation of cliques and factions around the most polarizing, cancerous users, for one.

On a more depressing note, I've found that it encourages people to avoid associating with people who have radically different views. For instance, I imagine that if people could look at my posting history for the past ten years and see my generally anarchist opinions, many newfriends from /pol/ would probably refuse to have any kind of substantial debate with me or would even try and get me permabanned based on those views. This is why, even with all the cancerous bullshit that goes on here in 4chan, I still value it over most other social media (yes, image boards are technically social media) since the culture that pressures others to remain anonymous forces people to discuss a topic without using identity, ideology or partisanship as a cognitive crutch. I believe that this is beneficial since it allows people to hold beliefs that might on average be anarchist, socialist, conservative, libertarian or whatever but still have the freedom to break from the group consensus on a particular topic without any penalty or degradation of the quality of discussion. Though I find that on faster boards, this doesn't really happen since you see the formation of anonymous mobs that get enjoyment by pouncing on a single dissenting voice who is pressured to answer the arguments of five different anons all at once, over and over before the thread prunes within an hour or so.

I saw him (or someone pretending to be him) in /trash/ a few days ago.

>> No.18604031

For me the peak of internet was getting around a thousand posters on mmo-champion to click on a Dutch scat porn site.

>> No.18604036
File: 594 KB, 600x1710, 1330888763809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18604551


>> No.18604051

>I can't stand that everything has to be done in an ironic manner or finding a sincere post about something wasn't so hard.
If you want to find an internet community where sincerity is basically forced, you could start learning how to program and get involved in open source projects. I've found that irony never really plays well in larger programming communities since too many people are ESL or autistic and won't get the jokes, forcing people to communicate like a normal person.

Or you could just become a hermit and abandon internet communities altogether. I'm undecided on which option is more mentally beneficial for a long-time, irony-poisoned netizen.

>> No.18604071
Quoted by: >>18604750

This is all part of a broader cultural trend. People are becoming less willing to disagree with each other and strive more towards group harmony, leading to polarization and 'us vs them' behavior. For a lot of people, discussions are no longer about exchanging information and giving good arguments, but rather about proving your moral superiority and humiliating those who stand in disagreement to you. Discussions are something that must be 'won' at all costs now, and if you're getting proven wrong you shout at and personally attack your enemy. This is probably self-reinforcing behavior; after all, admitting you are wrong in a discussion would mean letting down your group.

>> No.18604083
File: 49 KB, 704x441, 1353807918504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descartes warned us a long time ago, but we wouldn't listen.

>> No.18604112

The way I see it, /jp/ took this style of posting from SA and some textboards and from here it slowly spread through the rest of 4chan mostly by the way of /a/ and /v/ which had a lot of its crossposters here. Parts of this irony culture developed independently but at least within 4chan, /jp/ is the one to "blame"

>> No.18604249 [DELETED] 

reminder that pepe and current /r9k/ culture wouldn't exist today if it weren't for /jp/ importing wojak to 4chan back in the day

we are the inheritors of a sin so black that even our life's blood cannot wash it out

>> No.18604257

neither pepe nor current /r9k/ culture would exist right now if it weren't for /jp/ importing wojak to 4chan back in the day

we are the inheritors of a sin so black that even our life's blood cannot wash it out

>> No.18604283

I remember reading in the archives someone saying ''tfw no gf'' was originated from /jp/ as well, though similar threads have probably existed on other boards before but maybe the catchphrase is a /jp/ thing.

>> No.18604333
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Quoted by: >>18604927

Well, that was fun digging through old shit for hours. It's really crazy how different things used to be back then (pic not related) — like how people would respond to things, for one. I don't browse as often as I used to but do photoshop OC threads ever happen anymore? I don't recall seeing anything in months.

>> No.18604511

Crossdressing threads in ‘11 and Taka Tuesdays on /a/ were /lgbt/ before /lgbt/ became a thing.

>> No.18604551

It's been a while since I've japanese bird here

>> No.18604750
Quoted by: >>18604795

Most forum arguments have always been contests of sophistry, but the difference is that most of the pre-2008 communities were relatively small and thus slow. People would have time to walk away from an argument, do a few other things or play some flash games on Newgrounds, come back with some decent arguments and then flesh them out with original research as opposed to canned infographics a la /pol/posting. To use this very thread as an example, after I wrote the post you replied to, I caught your argument, left my apartment because I was hungry, went to an ATM, took a train downtown, got some ramen, and then got another train back home. By the time I refreshed this page there were less than 10 responses, of which only two were directly responding to me. If I was on /pol/, /a/, or reddit there would have been 20-50 different posts stemming from mine and half of the people who would have responded to me would have already moved on to different threads because it took me two hours to respond to you. On most fast boards threads prune in two hours.

With that little time available, it really only makes sense to engage in mindless tribalistic shitflinging or circlejerks. This is because when identities, stereotypes and symbols (fedora, pepe) are available and widely used you don't need to think. The thinking has already been done for you and a symbol or meme serves as an effective summary of that thought. Invoking the symbol saves you valuable time in the argument. *Tips fedora* is a shortcut to attack atheists, logic pedants and skeptics without actually writing an argument. Since most posters want their posts to be read before people piss off to another thread, they'll use these shortcuts which homogenizes the content of the average forum debate. People who invest more time in the thread to research new facts and make original arguments risk having the thread prune or depopulate of interested readers or debate opponents, and even if this doesn't happen their post is more likely to get lost in a sea of garbage posts. Popular forums have always been like this - Slashdot was Reddit before Reddit even existed - and 4chan has really only declined towards this sorry state of affairs the more popular it got.

The popularity of 4chan, of course, has been facilitated not just by the attention whoring of certain groups, but by the mere fact that it's gotten way easier to post on 4chan from anywhere. Free public wifi is almost ubiquitous, mobile data is getting more affordable each year, 4chan has had a dedicated mobile browser for years, batteries for mobile devices have greater capacity, and a few other things I'm probably not even aware of. Any thought can now be instantly be published here, no matter how asinine or unoriginal, further increasing traffic, de-incentivizing quality posts and most importantly broadening the types of people who can post here.

>> No.18604795
Quoted by: >>18604959

My conclusion, of course, is that regardless of whether or not people argue to seek out new information and reach a synthesis of ideas, the slow speeds of pre-2.0 communities meant that debate spectators benefited from such debates since forums allowed for longer and better-researched posts. Now it's just a race against the clock to get in the fastest burn against the opposing tribe, and trying to inject new information into such """debates""" is much more likely to hinder your ability to "win."

>> No.18604813
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>Is Uncle Mugen still with us
I like to think so. Uncle Mugi is like a leaf traveling on a seasonal wind.
>Are the older people still here?
I am. I'm never going anywhere and I've already arranged to pass along my tripcode to a younger successor. I will be shitposting into the next century.
>Has the culture changed?
Not much. Idol threads have become acceptable and /jp/ Quality Control has finally done its job. Most posts are on-topic now. This has made the content much better but I miss the old days, too.

>> No.18604814
Quoted by: >>18604876

>people's minds being permanently warped by the knowledge that they are being permanently watched and any misstep or outburst could be filmed and put up on youtube to ruin their life.
They'll probably eventually just be able to sue people for doing that. Japan already has stuff like automatic fave censorship, so that'll probably get added to video devices.

>> No.18604859

What were Saten Threads like?

>> No.18604876

Constitutional protections of freedom of speech and of the press will probably prevent any serious curbing of our slide into the stand alone complex from GitS. The alternative is to let governments start writing laws deciding who is and isn't a journalist.

But even if that happened, I doubt your average college student or fast food worker could afford the retainer for a lawyer anyway, and lawsuits serve more to extract restitution for damage already done than they do to prevent damage in the first place.

>> No.18604902
Quoted by: >>18604976

>neither pepe
That image has been used for stuff as long as it was drawn. People were actual fans of the comic back when and would post about it sometimes. /r9k/ might not have used it in the same way they do, but it would still be posted all the time around 4chan.

>> No.18604927

Rozen Maiden might be fondly remembered, but Shugo Chara was Peach Pit's best work.

>> No.18604942

Anyways, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to/jp/ a while ago; you know, Japan General?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't keep up.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "Otaku Culture" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to /jp/ just because it's Otaku Culture, fool.
It's only shitposts, S-H-I-T-P-O-S-T-S for crying out loud.
There're even entire cliques here. Group of 4, all out for some tripfagging and circle-jerking, huh? How fucking nice.
"*SLURP* *SLURP* *SLURP*" God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you absolutely anything if you just get out.
/jp/ should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the board can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.

>> No.18604946

update when

>> No.18604959
Quoted by: >>18604984

TLDR everything is shit now with illiterate unknowing unsmart faggots sucking their own dick just so they can get (You)s for "btfo-ing" OP with the same garbage one liner.

>> No.18604976

Pepe was enjoyed here because Boy's Club fit in with the gross out humour of the board. That declined as people started coming to 4chan solely for the epic maymays

>> No.18604984

Eeeeh, that's only part of what I wrote.

>> No.18605466
Quoted by: >>18609202

I wonder what's the real reason Horizonfags won't go back to /a/. Every other thread that moved here went back except them. I bet they're responsible for those touhou boob and fat thread shitposts.

>> No.18606007
Quoted by: >>18606676

Well, I really hope /jp/ does become a sex cult.

>> No.18606676
Quoted by: >>18606679

You start!

>> No.18606679
Quoted by: >>18606700

No, I can't be the only one naked! That's unfair!

>> No.18606700

Your resistance only makes me harder!

>> No.18607126
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The biggest change is that there are a lot less threads on the front page. There's only 5 at this moment.

>> No.18609202

They are.

>> No.18610580

"Official" rankings are also pure cancer.
But I don't know when they started appearing.

>> No.18610691
File: 221 KB, 1024x688, BpzbHzq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18613238

I wonder what would happen if we all decided to cut ourselves off from socialization completely. 4chan is an ersatz community where people pretend to form meaningful relations, but it still fills the social need. Would we be for the better if we only talked to others to swap files and answer programming questions, and spent the rest of that time consuming actual otaku media?

I'd be afraid of having my mind snap. I don't interact with real people and /jp/ is my only outlet to converse with strangers. But at the same time I fear that staying here would just warp my mind even further...

>> No.18612984

Bought or stolen?

>> No.18613136
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>> No.18613238

You would just be a hikki and go stir crazy.

>> No.18613253
Quoted by: >>18613502

crazy = more likely to go to gensokyo

>> No.18613502
Quoted by: >>18614376

Crazy=shorter lifespan
shorter lifespam=less suffering
less suffering=more happy
more happy=die sooner

>> No.18614254

Mugen has cancer :(

-- Tokiko

>> No.18614260

Was not hell incarnate, also while Tokiko as friends with Fukune ,Tokiko was a mortal enemy of Sudo and Squiddy.

>> No.18614264
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>> No.18614272 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1113x1800, antifa_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would always tell AoC on IRC that I wish that he died of brain cancer

wasn't lying

Also: me irl

>> No.18614284
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>> No.18614376

You're correct.

>> No.18619490
File: 1.03 MB, 1050x4963, 1374611733528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread about old /jp/? Pic related. Whatever problems the board has today are nothing compared to the nightmare that engulfed it from all of 2011 through 2013.

>> No.18619636


>> No.18620333


>> No.18620444
File: 29 KB, 559x367, 1313618667446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times

>> No.18620496

The last game is the best one, though it's easy.

>> No.18620496,1 [INTERNAL] 

