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18548670 No.18548670 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18538145

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JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

Leyte ships: https://i.imgur.com/O0en2P4.png

-The January ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment is the 5inch Single-Gun Mount Mk. 30. It will be obtainable with a new ship set to be implemented in the Spring.
-Decisive Battle, Operation Shou-Gou! Interception in the Battle of Leyte Gulf (Part 2) has begun. It is a 7-map large-scale event that will last around 4 and a half weeks. E-1 is an ASW patrol mission in Palawan Passage, E-2 is based on the Battle of the Sibuyan Sea, E-3 is the "First Battle of Cape Engaño", and E-4 is "Beyond the Waters Off Samar— Battle of Leyte Gulf". E-5 is "Operation Ta-Gou Kai", E-6 is "Pursuit! The Second Striking Force". E-7 is "Victory on the Dawn Horizon— The Second Battle of Cape Engaño".
-The new ships from the main operation are DEs Hiburi (E-2 reward), Daitou (E-4 drop), Destroyer HMS Jervis (E-4 drop), and CVE-73 USS Gambier Bay (E-4 reward). The new ships from the Extra Operations are destroyer Hamanami (E-5 drop), Russian destroyer Tashkent (E-6 drop), and the Essex-class carrier CV-11 USS Intrepid (E-7 reward).
-New equipment are 10cm Twin HA+Additional Machine Guns (Musashi stock), SK Radar (E-6 medium and and easy), SK&SG Radar (E-6 hard reward), QF 4.7inch Mk.XII Kai (Jervis stock), 130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount (E-4/5 reward), 533mm Triple Torpedo Mount (E-5 reward), and 51cm Twin Gun Mount (E-7 medium and hard), Shiden Kai (343 Air Group) Unit 301 (E-7 hard reward).
-Zuihou has received her Kai Ni and Kai Ni B. It only requires level 80 and is a convertible remodel. Her Kai Ni B can be used in Transport combined fleet and can use OASW.
-Musashi has received her Kai Ni. It requires level 89, 3 blueprints, 3 New Type Gun parts, and 1 Action Report.
-Friendly Fleet(NPC) appears in E-4 boss node during the yasen phase, where 1 of 5 preset NPC fleets will appear and provide shelling support before the escort fleet's turn. The NPC ships attack in the same way as a regular fleet does in yasen. Each fleet has a special voice line before they begin their attack. There are more Friendly Fleets(NPC) available in E-6 and E-7. New fleets have been added to E-7.
-New spring furniture has been added.
-Valentine's seasonal lines and CGs have been removed. New and returning Decisive Battle voice lines and CGs have been added. Zuikaku Kai Ni and Kai Ni A now have Cape Engaño Decisive Battle CGs.
-The Kagerou-class will receive Kai Ni starting in the spring and a few may already be implemented before Phase 2. Yuugumo-class will also get more Kai Ni this year.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
-KanColle will migrate to HTML5 and Friend Fleets will be implemented in the 2018 Spring.

>> No.18548680

Takao a best

>> No.18548681
File: 216 KB, 720x900, __intrepid_kantai_collection_drawn_by_admiral_paru__091f7bc93833b85b598f14ee2fad07d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548710

>> No.18548693

Evaluating a ship based on singular use is not exactly how you say someone is better.

>> No.18548707
File: 1.21 MB, 692x1250, __abyssal_crane_hime_battleship_water_oni_kitakami_maya_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__9fa725892e3ca99fea50d27b30cd6983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna have a threesome with Zuikaku and her edgy twin.

>> No.18548710

good post

bad post

>> No.18548723

She is a shit.

>> No.18548726
Quoted by: >>18548741

I want to pet abyssal zuikaku and tell her everything's alright.
and then flatten her hair.

>> No.18548733
File: 216 KB, 869x717, Good ol lexington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lexi when?

>> No.18548739

Does the guy ever sleep?

>> No.18548741

I am annoyed by that hair, I really want to brush it until it looks like hair-down Zuikaku's.

>> No.18548748

Considering we just got 2 USN ships, and that next one or after that event will have a USN DD, maybe in 2 years or so.

>> No.18548755
Quoted by: >>18554334

After Yorktown or Hornet. I am glad they found her. Now we just need to find Hornet, maybe Wasp.

>> No.18548771


Who's he going to look for next?

>> No.18548777
File: 2.59 MB, 2000x2461, __shoukaku_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__81f9fdc01e4f73590537d927b8f26dcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548854

I love my cranes.

>> No.18548778
Quoted by: >>18548805

Coral Sea confirmed for Summer Event.

>> No.18548782


>> No.18548793

Will Sara be happy or sad?

>> No.18548805

Abyssal Kisaragi?

>> No.18548808

Chinese salvage company soon.

>> No.18548812
File: 1.41 MB, 1507x1734, invisible handjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548820

>> No.18548815
Quoted by: >>18548818

>Literally 2 miles under the sea.
You wish.

>> No.18548816

We should've listened to MacArthur and nuked the chinks.

>> No.18548818
Quoted by: >>18548842

>You wish.
No, in fact I do not.

>> No.18548820
Quoted by: >>18548826

She doesn't event exist.

>> No.18548821
File: 788 KB, 996x1085, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how well-preserved she is

>> No.18548825

>Going anywhere near there
Ha, I don't think so.

>> No.18548826

But that's not Harukaze

>> No.18548842

In any case it's not cost effective to salvage any wrecks more than a mile. Prince of Wales for example was less than 500 meters deep.

>> No.18548846
Quoted by: >>18548906

Reminds me of a PBS documentary about the ocean or something, I forgot, and in the Pacific there was a crashed Zero fighter at the bottom that had coral growing in and around it with lots of fish and marine life and the narrator said something poetic like "the taker of life is now giving it". I thought that was pretty cool.

>> No.18548849
Quoted by: >>18548852

>2 miles under the ocean
>US ship
>farther away than any previous salvage from china
I suppose next they'll be headed to Bikini Atoll, then off to Pearl Harbor.

>> No.18548852

They would if they could.

>> No.18548854
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 1517779788021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548897

Please don't post pictures of my wife with that shitty artstyle.

>> No.18548857

Yorktown was in even better condition. Hornet is probably in the worst condition considering the partial scuttling and the long lance. Wasp is probably horribly burnt.

>> No.18548867

It's not cost effective to salvage a ship at that depth.

>> No.18548880

Less so given the current situation with steel.

>> No.18548886

Nice TBD.

>> No.18548896

Even if they tried they'd get the US on their asses hard for messing with one of their gravesites.

>> No.18548897
Quoted by: >>18548917

Why is your wife's sister such a giant cheating slut?

>> No.18548901

Chinks would do it just to do it.

>> No.18548902
File: 915 KB, 1452x2000, 1516447865417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are your porn queens.

>> No.18548906
File: 137 KB, 1000x600, 1495420575874 shikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548935


>> No.18548907

>Dumb enough to waste their times
Yeah I guess

>> No.18548915

I want to be abused by all 3 of them at the same time

>> No.18548917
File: 631 KB, 1000x1045, 3a82786b8aa7667a43cecd6817abbfd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18548925


*such a pretty carrier

>> No.18548920
Quoted by: >>18548947

They don't have the equipment to do it. Also the best wrecks to salvage are the ones you can dive down. People can't survive 3,000 meters under the water and be able to salvage.

>> No.18548925

Obviously she has to be pretty, otherwise she wouldn't be able to entice so many men.

>> No.18548935

Absolutely kino

>> No.18548947
Quoted by: >>18548980

You could dive to Amatsukaze?

>> No.18548963

Best equipment can only go 610 meters(less than a mile). I doubt the average Chinese and Sea Monkey Salvager has such a thing. And it's not cost effective either.

>> No.18548970
Quoted by: >>18548998

I love you Samidare

>> No.18548980
Quoted by: >>18548999

Last time I checked she sank in comparatively shallow water. Probably 500 meters or less. Same with Prince of Wales.

>> No.18548998

said no one ever

>> No.18548999


>> No.18549008
Quoted by: >>18549053

Amatsukaze already got salvaged by chinks.

>> No.18549033
Quoted by: >>18549049

pleases give iowa

>> No.18549049


>> No.18549053
Quoted by: >>18549062

Will someone end their reign of terror on the poor sunken ships?

>> No.18549055

Amatsukaze has been salvaged already. Prince of Wales has been heavily salvaged. It's what happens when your ship sinks in shallow water.
On the other side you have Indiannapolis who is safe at 5,500 meters underwater.

>> No.18549061
File: 1.03 MB, 1439x682, discord_img_877842113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running low on space. Which of these can I safely delete? I was thinking Ark, Gambier, Tashkent, and Graf.

>> No.18549062

>In 2012, the wreckage of Amatsukaze was found by a Chinese engineering ship. About 30 tons of the wreckage was salvaged, cut into pieces and sold as scrap metal before the intervention of local relics administration departments. According to Chinese media, a museum will be built to protect the remaining wreckage.
You can imagine what happened to the museum since zero news have emerged about it since then.

>> No.18549067

Zuizui stronk!

>> No.18549069
Quoted by: >>18549076

Fuck off.

>> No.18549073
Quoted by: >>18561381

Buy more slots for 1,000 yen.

>> No.18549076

Where's that faggot who said not replying to >>18549061 doesn't work because >>18549069 is just as bad?

>> No.18549088

Be real, though. The Chinese would salvage their own grandmother if they could get something out of it.

>> No.18549096

They did, blame Mao.

>> No.18549098

The US or Japan should really step in, since this is basically grave robbing.

>> No.18549099
Quoted by: >>18549125

Only if it's cost effective.

>> No.18549124
Quoted by: >>18549147

Nips were too busy fapping over Yamato and getting trinkets from Kikuzuki to really care.
US could care less.
Only reason the Surigao strait girls haven't been salvaged is a combination of murky water and a horrible current.

>> No.18549125

Don't they chop up prisoners for organs?

>> No.18549128

Chopping up Prisoners and using them for Labor is cost effective.

>> No.18549134

Who knows, they just "disappear".

>> No.18549147

>getting trinkets from Kikuzuki to really care.

Why haven't they given this girl a Kai Ni already?!

>> No.18549149
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 1520240920234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These trashbags are full, somebody take them out to the dumpster.

>> No.18549159

People who lived through Mao basically lost all their morality.

>> No.18549160
Quoted by: >>18549206

>The US
Don't care
Are politically impotent, especially with China

>> No.18549168 [DELETED] 

Asian niggers

>> No.18549201

Would poke her cheeks and put random stuff hanging on her hair.

>> No.18549206
Quoted by: >>18549271

It it falls under certain categories the US does care.
'Course it would only be ships like Lexington that would be protected. Random Fletchers that were sunk off Okinawa would be ignored.

>> No.18549208

Pls gib the best way to get ShidenK2

>> No.18549240
File: 60 KB, 650x975, 1519863265118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Iowa drop rate higher getting A or S?

>> No.18549243

wait for the next quarterly reset

>> No.18549271

>. Random Fletchers that were sunk off Okinawa would be ignored.
They are also not in international waters so I mean there is nothing you can do.

>> No.18549277

Try and take a guess.

>> No.18549283

Of course S.

>> No.18549288

I'm sorry /jp/. I failed.
I can't even beat E6H Phase 2. I doubt I'll even be able to do E7 on Medium.
A good radar for Maya and a unique Interceptor, gone gone gone. Just like everything else I never was able to acquire. I hate myself and feel like quitting.

>> No.18549292

S increases drop rates but takes more resources.
decide if the increase is worth it.

>> No.18549293

S is at least twice as better, maybe even 3 times.

>> No.18549311

Anyone actually managed to get a dupe Iowa here?

>> No.18549317

Don't think I've seen anyone.

>> No.18549333

Not here. But saw many on twitter.

>> No.18549335
File: 580 KB, 800x480, karenget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18549426

great, now I just need trashcan and I'm done with this shit event

>> No.18549341

No but you can indeed get dupes of her.
Relax, none of the new equipment is game changing

>> No.18549347
Quoted by: >>18549576

>quitting over a radar

>> No.18549375
Quoted by: >>18549576

Post your fleet, equips and bases already, you idjet.

>> No.18549402

Problem is that if it's Prinz all over again it's not going to be worth the effort

>> No.18549415

20/20/10/70, it is the cheapest combination that can craft shiden k2, and the build rate is within 0.1% of more expensive ones.

>> No.18549426

Don't be rude.

Dupe 16 inch will always be worh it. Untill you have ~8.

>> No.18549428
Quoted by: >>18549439

It isn't, hyuu got a dupe on A rank while clearing.

>> No.18549435
File: 32 KB, 327x300, 1520256856816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18549467

>> No.18549439

And some people got dupes of all the other rare event only shit before the much more probable new drops. A bad example.

>> No.18549443

Apparently 13 games besides KanColle were attacked. If there was any doubt before this settles it. It really is the Chinese.

>> No.18549451

Probably raging cos they're banned in China

>> No.18549467
File: 48 KB, 687x381, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some blurry titties

>> No.18549470

No more Hayasui barrels.
What now?

>> No.18549474
Quoted by: >>18549480

Is that including maolane?

>> No.18549480

Why would they attack their own game?

>> No.18549481


>> No.18549496

I thought they could make it less clear. Such an underhand tactic. Maybe the fade actually died down.

>> No.18549515
Quoted by: >>18549544

I still have 50+ free greenjuice given by the devs even after beating the event. Newfag?

>> No.18549538
File: 15 KB, 148x72, Screenshot_2018-03-06_00-52-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 barrels left
>3k fuel per run
>Haven't even come close to sinking Water Oni
Please help.

>> No.18549544

Maybe he's just not doing the quests. I only have 27, and I've used maybe 6 in total since they came out.

>> No.18549547

Buy it like a champ
Scarp 1 meme.

>> No.18549549

Her edgy face is.cute, built for surprise hair brushing sessions.

>> No.18549556

50k wasn't enough.

>> No.18549557
Quoted by: >>18549609

Wow, seeing many anons run out of resources made me greatful of my experiences from granblue.

>> No.18549564

Regarding the name of the last map, "Victory over the Dawn Horizon", where is that seen as being the sub title of the game? Or is that one of the lines they say when you start up the game?

>> No.18549566

Because it's banned/under investigation in China but not Japan?

>> No.18549576
File: 152 KB, 802x482, super ktkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel incredibly retarded, but all it took was exchanging Haruna for Iowa and suddenly everything went perfectly.

>> No.18549582

How do you pass E6 R?
I always get multiple taiha.

>> No.18549593


>> No.18549595

A multitude of boats tell you that when you start the game, "carve victory into the dawn horizon".

>> No.18549609

Only a couple people have run out of resources, there's literally over 2 weeks left to gain resources, farm and complete E7

>> No.18549611
Quoted by: >>18549634

I really want a new fresh-out UI for phase2 but knowing Tanaka, I guess it's impossible.

>> No.18549617

I just hope that the Android client gets optimised.

>> No.18549627

It was enough for E4.

>> No.18549634

At least give a dedicated button for Akashi

>> No.18549636
Quoted by: >>18549652

Optimised how? I actively use it and it's pretty alright, no major issues that I can mention, except it randomly freezing sometimes, but that only happens if my cellphone is near full storage capacity.

>> No.18549642
Quoted by: >>18549661

Actually it is enough considering the event still has 2weeks+ left. If you started at 50k, there is no reason you will run out.

>> No.18549648
Quoted by: >>18549654

>not clicking on the crane

>> No.18549650
Quoted by: >>18549661

>I just hope that the Android client gets optimised.
moving to HTML5 might enable playing on browser.

>> No.18549652

The framerate is pretty bad and the game is a bit sluggish.

>> No.18549653
Quoted by: >>18550379

Click the time and date on the bottom left.

>> No.18549654
Quoted by: >>18550379

I do but it feels tacked on, she deserves a real button and not that weird hover one

>> No.18549656

10 points remaining on the TP. I actually have to kill the last form twice. Fuck me.

>> No.18549660
Quoted by: >>18549702

Any mad men tried farming E7 on hard? Read a claim it's easy but resource intensive

>> No.18549661

It isn't 50k if you keep actively farming resources during it.

Why would you want to use a resource hog browser to play a game when you can do without it?

>> No.18549669
Quoted by: >>18549681

Yeah, these ones

>> No.18549681

I would carve plenty of things into Akatsuki.

>> No.18549702
Quoted by: >>18549719

Bring fcf and retreat if you get dong at W?
Getting A rank at the boss node should be easy.

>> No.18549719

If I'm reading this right A rank is 0.37% whilst S rank is 1.48%, fucking hell that's a massive difference but I don't know how skewed the stats are

>> No.18549759
File: 615 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180305-16265620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, time to clear this map.

>> No.18549770

The real hell begins now

>> No.18549945
Quoted by: >>18549968


>> No.18549962


>> No.18549968

Anyone remember if 50% worse than Summer 2017 and ass wall?

>> No.18549995

It's not, super kuso is making a difference again.

>> No.18549999



>> No.18550025

She will only drink from you if you did kou.

>> No.18550028

The last boss is a total pushover with the gimmick

>> No.18550063

Difficulty selector was a mistake

Also quads

>> No.18550081
Quoted by: >>18550134

>implying the US and Japan can do something to the chink

>> No.18550089
File: 176 KB, 1142x1390, IMG_20180305_102520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550143

I want to mate with this bunny.

>> No.18550134 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18550159

They are literally crying bitch tears about tariffs. Bunch of rats.

>> No.18550143

I don't like seeing my waifu in this bunny shit.

>> No.18550159 [DELETED] 

It goes both ways

>> No.18550165 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18550208

China already slapped tariffs on everyone else, they deserve to have a taste of their own medicine.

>> No.18550185 [DELETED] 

It doesn't, China already uses every shady business practice in the book to cheese trade in its favor. There's not much else they can do without risking destroying their own economy.

>> No.18550203

China thought the rest of the world was going to keep sucking its cheap steel exports and watch their own metal industry shrivel up, and they partially succeeded

>> No.18550208 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18550267

This. Thet're getting cocky lately.

>> No.18550220
File: 1.28 MB, 801x1200, DXiFhe3VwAAFT7_[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18550226

Cute, but only enough for pump and dump.

>> No.18550235

What the heck is she doing with her lips

>> No.18550237

That's a man.

>> No.18550238

Too ugly, too thicc.
Not my loli

>> No.18550267 [DELETED] 

They've always been cocky, they literally built a fucking island in the middle of the sea then claimed all the surrounding sea belongs to China, and everyone should respect their sovereignty

>> No.18550280

Where do you keep finding this stuff?

>> No.18550293

I'm barely halfway through the E4 bar and I have no motivation to play, but I don't want to drop the difficulty. This game makes me feel like shit

>> No.18550307

How easy is E6 P3 with subtank?

>> No.18550336

Subtank improves your chance at O but doesn't completely negate it. You also lose firepower which makes LD more difficult and subs have a tendency to taiha so you'd need a damecon on it

It's not easy, just another option for me

>> No.18550346

I want to breed her and make full Asian babies.

>> No.18550351

You only need to get through G without taiha and then just FCF until you reach boss. E4 has the hardest pre-boss nodes.
E4>E7>E6 in term of pre boss nodes difficulty.

>> No.18550362
Quoted by: >>18550441

Radar isn't really better than FuMO on Maya and the plane still doesn't beat the super OP 64th one.

>> No.18550376

Why am I not getting my rear end handed to me fuel-wise but when it comes to bauxite it's just magically disappears? Wish I could trade some steel or devmats for baux.

>> No.18550379

Not the hover one, the crane when you're in the fleet menus as >>18549653 describes. Unless you misquoted.

>> No.18550380
File: 198 KB, 1000x866, 1507765611019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how Atago gets so much porn when she doesn't show any skin at all.

>> No.18550384
File: 219 KB, 1165x1500, DExK-yFUMAEHGKc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550399

I didn't realize until today that Grabarc released a new version. I've been using the Yuubari's final release for so long.

>> No.18550385

Send an LBAS of your best fighters. Only way I got past it.

>> No.18550399

>Grabacr07 released this 7 days ago

>> No.18550408
Quoted by: >>18550414

Then finish the event in kuso and rest your head in the chest of youre waifu.

>> No.18550414

>in the chest
This kills the musume.

>> No.18550416

>What is her damaged art.

>> No.18550417
Quoted by: >>18550426


Damn. Does this mean it is not a shame if I do medium in E7?

>> No.18550422

Not true.

>> No.18550425

I just wish Takao and her would get K2s, their damaged CG is so bad.

>> No.18550426
Quoted by: >>18550434

>not a shame if I do medium in E7
You won't get into /jp/ sekrit 13th memedal club
Enjoy your turbokuso friend fleet for phase2.

>> No.18550433
Quoted by: >>18550446

Can't you just give someone a barrel or a daihatsu?

>> No.18550434

I will never have 13 medals anyway. The thing is +11 FP interceptor is super rare. Another thing is I don't think I can handle E7H mentally.

>> No.18550441

The radar is a straight upgrade over FuMO for Maya because it has 2 higher raw AA.

The plane is also tied for best base defense with Hien244, and has 2nd highest sortie power, the only bad part is the 4 range.

>> No.18550446
Quoted by: >>18550476

At that amount of TP he might as well go at it as if it was a regular gauge-breaking comp.

>> No.18550451

You aren't going to use that interceptor very often. Yeah it's great for when you need AS on LBAS to unlock something but it's just a Raiden on steroids.

>> No.18550453
Quoted by: >>18550477

Both mode has 3BBhime in the first phase.

>> No.18550458
File: 884 KB, 1600x961, Disbelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550469

Please tell me it gets better after this.

>> No.18550469
Quoted by: >>18550492

Part2 is pretty easy since the pre-boss nodes don't do shit.
Part3 is where they get dangerous.

>> No.18550473

Nah, it's shit because of the range. 64th is still the best all-rounder fighter, and 301st is redundant if you have the previous interceptors already like 3 Raiden, 2 1D, 244th, Spitfires and Hiens.

>> No.18550476
Quoted by: >>18550494

One Ka-mi would clear it though.

>> No.18550477
Quoted by: >>18550508

I know. However doing medium will have less mental strain on myself based on the perception alone.

>> No.18550489

The thing is that in the future there will be a super high FP attack on your LBAs and only 20% chance of you getting a slightly less enemy FP variant.

>> No.18550492
File: 182 KB, 640x360, WORRY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but what about subcheese? Surely that must help? A-and what about friend fleet and historical ship bonus?

>> No.18550494
Quoted by: >>18550505

Correct me if I'm wrong, but ships themselves count for TP too.

>> No.18550495
Quoted by: >>18550514

Give trashcan, not trash.

>> No.18550502
File: 156 KB, 355x355, 0022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550572

Subs won't help with air nodes, and the occasional sub node.
Boss is pretty easy though.

>> No.18550505
Quoted by: >>18550528

They do but Ka-mi gives you 20 TP for sure. Pretty sure a vanilla fleet would give you close to 10.

>> No.18550508

If you can beat otome mode, you can beat kou mode. The plane stats might not be that great but the sprite is sexy as fuck.

>> No.18550514
File: 57 KB, 800x480, Trashcan get moments after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you /jp/ meme magic.

>> No.18550528

He say he had 10 TP left.

>> No.18550539

Their uniform is GOAL

>> No.18550547 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 850x850, 1520304664472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550639

Your belief in our Lord and Savior seems weak.

>> No.18550559
File: 98 KB, 793x1200, __admiral_female_admiral_and_fubuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_oweee__544c480bfae9e1bd9bc962bc3e03a679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which kind of TTK are you aiming to be?

>> No.18550562

The thing is it's always good to have more than one good plane. You have 3 LBAS to fill, you kuso faggot

>> No.18550571

loli ttk

>> No.18550572
Quoted by: >>18550587

Is the E6 routes harder than E4 route?

>> No.18550574
File: 304 KB, 570x760, anon and waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18550587
Quoted by: >>18550597


>> No.18550597

If boss is easy, and the route is better than E4, then what's the worry? It's not even a combined fleet map.

>> No.18550639

I want to believe but anon is seeding doubt in my heart.

>> No.18550644

Pray for me /jp/, i am trying to farm Oyashio on E7H.

>> No.18550661
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, DXkB8_IUQAAqBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18550669

Cute cat

>> No.18550678
File: 16 KB, 287x430, F6F-5_206_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18550695

Who was it that used Felix the cat, VF-3?
Also that's some bad-ass paint

>> No.18550731

People has been throwing theories that having A rank instead of S rank gives more rarer ships easily. Is that true? I've been farming E4 for weeks and still no Jervis on S rank. Not even any Britships and Richelieu. Everything is trash ships you'll get everyday

>> No.18550738

Let me guess, you're not farming on hard.

>> No.18550741
Quoted by: >>18550791

Being able to see it that clearly after so damn long is damn surreal.

>> No.18550744

That is a nice reference.

I think they meant its just possible to get them with an A rank since its a giant pain in the ass on Hard to consistently do it. I just got Jervis myself with an S rank.

>> No.18550750

That's from Yorktown isn't it?

>> No.18550753

No, you can just look up the droprates for A and S-ranks.

>> No.18550759

>4 kills
What a scrub

>> No.18550762
File: 99 KB, 508x599, 508px-Felix_VF-31_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550792


>> No.18550768

Many airmen were lucky to get even 1 kill, or even make it back alive you know.

>> No.18550782

USS Lexington event soon

>> No.18550783

>He was one kill away from being an ace.

>> No.18550784
Quoted by: >>18551889

Do SPF on the escort fleet not count towards AS?

>> No.18550788
Quoted by: >>18550853

Yeah, how many zeroes had you taken down?

>> No.18550791

Industrial product of last century is pretty robust. From little stickers, mechanical pencils to big boys like cars and planes, they are built to last. Notice how you can still use your radio from the 80s while your new phone can at most last 5 years.

>> No.18550792
Quoted by: >>18550821

Holy shit suddenly this makes sense and not completely random. I feel so dumb, I think Fujikawa is my new favourite artist.

>> No.18550805
Quoted by: >>18550909

>4 kills
There are SBD pilots who got that much in one day.

>> No.18550821

She isn't in my top three in terms of girl designs but she is fantastic when it comes to fairies and equipment.

>> No.18550836
Quoted by: >>18550911

Help. Should I use double attack or full AACI Maya on E-7 P2 if I already have Akizuki?

>> No.18550853

Countless during training. I also shot down lots of hellcats during sorties.

>> No.18550909

I'm pretty sure that was just the one guy

>> No.18550911
File: 68 KB, 729x404, 5%_droprate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18550927

Jervis drop rate is about 5% at turbokuso. Come back when you are at 50runs.

>E-7 P2
This is a piece of cake. It is an autowin with barrel.

>> No.18550927
Quoted by: >>18550949

How many barrels per run?

>> No.18550949
Quoted by: >>18550981

1 is enough for both phase.
Use 2 if you are rich and if you bring kamoi, use her to carry torchlight.

>> No.18550978

>tfw you will never be an early ww2 american fighter plane getting passed around the fleets like the town bicycle

>> No.18550981
Quoted by: >>18550991

What did you use to negate the sub from Node D? Did you use Toukai or OASW specialist?

>> No.18550987
Quoted by: >>18550993

If I turn SuzuKuma into CVLs for E-4, I won't need a BP to turn them back into CAVs later on for E-6, right? And they just have to be level 88 to go back and forth?

>> No.18550991

Asashimo 2ASW+searchlight and Zuihou
Just Zuihou for LD

>> No.18550993
Quoted by: >>18551013

Why turn them back?

>> No.18551013

I don't know, that just seemed logical to me. Looking at E-6 part 2, it would seem that there is no air opposition, so I guess they'd be really useful?

>> No.18551035
Quoted by: >>18551224

Fucking air denial I swear to god.

>> No.18551037
Quoted by: >>18551040

Just level another set of SuzuKuma

>> No.18551040

That'll take me a while, though, more than I currently have to finish the event.

>> No.18551042
Quoted by: >>18551136

Just use Tone/Chikuma.
Or another CAV all together.

>> No.18551131
File: 1.61 MB, 1252x1632, __akashi_jervis_kasumi_tashkent_and_tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tsukemon__8f1b0e9143ada19ddce7ab10af1b84f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translated this little series on destroyer leaders.

>> No.18551136

Yeah, I guess that would work.

>> No.18551224 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18551282

Just use Kaga

>> No.18551242
File: 681 KB, 799x477, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamadupe! To the trash she goes.

>> No.18551282

I wish I can sortie CV in E6.

>> No.18551313
Quoted by: >>18551347

Is it possible to beat Turkey without drums?

>> No.18551347


>> No.18551377
Quoted by: >>18551395

A lot of the artist's "Worst fighter plane ever" comics is still untranslated.

>> No.18551395

Oh wow, you weren't joking about that name (bit exaggerated translation of 駄作機 though). Long as hell though.

Eh, close enough.

>> No.18551409
File: 381 KB, 801x481, rareshiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18551436 [DELETED] 

El Intrepida...

>> No.18551444

Fuck off.

>> No.18551449
File: 663 KB, 799x478, I blame the jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was playing in autopilot and didn't noticed I was already in the final kill. Guess is time for the based wolf.

>> No.18551477 [DELETED] 

La Patata...

>> No.18551492

At least none is pushing la patata blanco

>> No.18551498 [DELETED] 

La papa de las americas...

>> No.18551511

>has no ships

>> No.18551514
Quoted by: >>18551542

Go back to your shitty DBS threads.

>> No.18551542
Quoted by: >>18551547

I thought it was an /int/ meme

>> No.18551547

It isn't, DBS threads have a lot of spics and they've been pushing some shitty Gohan Blanco crap for a year now.

>> No.18551550 [DELETED] 

la tuberculo horripilante...

>> No.18551559

They are so worthless.

>> No.18551567 [DELETED] 

>More planes than Kaga
>Kaga is still more popular

>> No.18551572 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18551645

la caca del sol naciente...

>> No.18551583

For those who cleared E-7 phase, which friend fleet do you usually get?

>> No.18551588


>> No.18551614

>comparing a nearly 5 year old character to a 2 week one

>> No.18551645
Quoted by: >>18551651


>> No.18551651 [DELETED] 

What's so funny about it?

>> No.18551652

Noshiro or potato flleet, about 50/50.
Second phase is more varied. Got the shitty Richeliu 3BB fleet to Yamato stronk fleet to USA+Yurop fleet.

>> No.18551668

Do they all give a cool speech when entering or just the usual voice lines?

>> No.18551674
Quoted by: >>18551682

I'm worried about that Richeliu fleet, guess I'll just change my fleet a bit.

>> No.18551682
Quoted by: >>18551684

If you bring Richelieu then you cancel out one of the few fleets that actually does shit, that being the one with Sara night planes that can crit the boss for 300+.

>> No.18551684
Quoted by: >>18551689

I'm gonna bring Bisko.

>> No.18551689
Quoted by: >>18551693

Bisko is also in that fleet. It's Iowa, Sara, Richelieu, Warspite, Ark Royal, Graf Zeppeling, Bismarck.

>> No.18551693
Quoted by: >>18551696

I know. I'd rather summon Yamato consistently.

>> No.18551696
Quoted by: >>18551706

Yamato's fleet always misses.

>> No.18551706
Quoted by: >>18551715

At the very least I won't be seeing Shit Royal's shelling misses.

>> No.18551715
Quoted by: >>18551728

But you'll be missing out on Sara's 300+ crits.

>> No.18551725
Quoted by: >>18558911

This is a vicious cycle I can get behind.

>> No.18551726
Quoted by: >>18551739

How easy is easy? Is it doable if you are just starting out?

>> No.18551728

Phase2 is easy m8. It is not like you need friend fleet support.
Phase1 friend fleet is more important. If you have good luck modded kurita/suzuki/shima DD members, it is better to not bring Yukikaze or Naganami so that you don't lock out Noshiro and Yahagi fleet.

>> No.18551739
File: 184 KB, 1126x822, DXXeCJGU0AAtqJt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just started, do casual, you can get plenty of event ships. There's no way you can finish the event on easy if it's your first one. On casual though? Maybe.

>> No.18551740

Is that a small runway?

>> No.18551747
Quoted by: >>18551763

Alright I'll try that then, thanks

>> No.18551757
File: 138 KB, 752x1062, 1520240784689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18551773

Can you make Graf good with night plane memes

>> No.18551763
Quoted by: >>18551771

My first event was Summer 2015 and I could only finish up to E5 on easy. I doubt many new players can finish their first event, though maybe they can now that we have casual.

>> No.18551771
Quoted by: >>18551803

Back then you didn't have to worry about tags in kuso mode.

>> No.18551773


>> No.18551774

you have your memes mixed up. la creatura is about america being 56% non-hispanic white.

>> No.18551797
Quoted by: >>18551819

DBS or /int/ fuck off.

>> No.18551803

Wait, do tags apply to kuso mode too nowadays?

>> No.18551810

So far Kusous fleet tag rule applies them or at least using their route, yes.

>> No.18551812
Quoted by: >>18551815

Should I really take a sub with me on E6 first boss? It seems like it only helps for node O and nothing else. I have to retreat anyway if any one of my DD is taiha by the fucking so.

>> No.18551815
Quoted by: >>18551843

Send Swordfist MKIII and 3Toukai to subnode.

>> No.18551817

For both Leyte events yes because routing is determined by it.

>> No.18551819 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18551822

Well, he's in DBS thread in first place.
Nah, fuck off crossie

>> No.18551822

Fuck off.

>> No.18551843

Yep. I did that, and proceed to get wrecked by supposedly harmless node G. Both Iyo and Akitsumaru taiha'd.

>> No.18551862

Did you farm her on casual?

>> No.18551863

Does anyone see that crazy high maruyu drop rate on E1

>> No.18551867

Tags always applied, didn't they? But now they actually matter for routing rules, even if they still don't restrict entry on kuso.

>> No.18551870
Quoted by: >>18551878

Anyone have a comp for farming on hard?

>> No.18551878
Quoted by: >>18551885

Kasumi with FCF
CAV SPF Mule <- Not sure if you need this, can replace with Abukuma

>> No.18551881
Quoted by: >>18551982

Since when is talking about Intrepid off topic?

>> No.18551883

Should I be prioritising Tone and Chikuma or Suzuya and Kumano?

>> No.18551885

I have one torpslut locked into another map.
>Tanaka still haven't lift the restriction even after clearing the map

>> No.18551889

Only when fighting a combined fleet I think.

>> No.18551895

Fuck me in the ass Akitsumaru is a slow ship. How do you fucking get AS in E6 first phase?

>> No.18551908

Ташкент please come

>> No.18551909

You don't.

>> No.18551910

I loaded a CAV with seaplane fighters and fighters on the LBAS.

>> No.18551935
File: 271 KB, 587x675, 1510904309540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna get my 13th medal tomorrow and hope to get Daipotato afterward.

>> No.18551977

Bismarck ate the special onigiri at fucking air raid node.

>> No.18551982

Someone butthurt about it just reported it and the post was removed. Mods here has no idea that Intrepid is a ship name.

>> No.18551986
File: 43 KB, 600x600, DW5UEoWX4AIDSYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone like her?

>> No.18551990

I do.

>> No.18551993

He says while posting fanart.

>> No.18551999

I was expecting her to be a cheerful girl since she's Fujinami's closest friend. How disappointing.

>> No.18552007
Quoted by: >>18552502

There are better DDs this event
Later girl.

>> No.18552011
File: 216 KB, 849x1200, DXikAbwU0AIAFZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18552021

Yes, I really like her! Gonna farm for her once I finish.

>> No.18552013
Quoted by: >>18552016

So is the solution to the potato problem just running Ayanami on your E7P1 fleet?

>> No.18552014 [DELETED] 

So, who's the best new girl?

>> No.18552016
Quoted by: >>18552019

No. She likes you so much that Ayanami fleet will have a chance to appear no matter what you do.

>> No.18552019

Gonna die. I don't even have overlap with at least one other fleet, yet I still get my daily recommended dose of potassium every time.

>> No.18552021

Her or Fujinami?

>> No.18552027
File: 2.39 MB, 2400x3300, 1520191530925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18554823


>> No.18552032


>> No.18552038


>> No.18552047
File: 1.61 MB, 2066x2922, __kaga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_suika_atelier_yuu__0d6992b4c69cb950f5317f2e5ae1e6d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2018, and Kaga is still relevant by being a Reppu mule. How does she do it?

>> No.18552057

By virtue of her huge slots.

>> No.18552073
Quoted by: >>18552081

Intrepid is better mule.

>> No.18552076 [DELETED] 

By being the best carrier, Mou sugoi Kaga-san

>> No.18552081
Quoted by: >>18552090

You'll need both to beat the next event.

>> No.18552090
File: 365 KB, 1024x1024, BBV_Canal_Princess_Vita_650_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next event will be medium-scale and focus on Installations.

>> No.18552099
Quoted by: >>18552120

She will be replaced by the new face of America >>18551436

C95 will be full of Intrepid and no more Kaga.

>> No.18552104

She doesn't, she is worthless garbage, just like in real life.

>> No.18552106

Good lord, I can't pass the carrier node in E7 phase 1 anymore. RIP fuel

>> No.18552114
Quoted by: >>18554831

Kai2 soon™.
The catapul of this event is for Kaga kai2 next month

>> No.18552116
Quoted by: >>18552148

Reading this makes me realize something
If Tashkent is CL size because Destroyer Leader, will the next update treats her as CL in expeditions despite being DD?

>> No.18552120 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18552151

>C95 will be full of Intrepid and no more Kaga
I can't feel her momentum at all

>> No.18552122


>> No.18552131

I wanna cum on her hair.

>> No.18552148
Quoted by: >>18552485

>>If Tashkent is CL size because Destroyer Leader

She is still fairly small when compared to actual CLs.
>tashkent 2893 tons
>yubari 3387 tons
>tenryus 3948 tons

>> No.18552150

Jervis or blini.

>> No.18552151

C94 is not even here yet.

>> No.18552155


>> No.18552157

Jervis and commie

>> No.18552162
Quoted by: >>18552164

Meh but fun for bullying.

>> No.18552164
Quoted by: >>18552171

Lift her bangs and cum on her forehead?

>> No.18552165

Hamanami > Jervis = commie > shits

>> No.18552166


>> No.18552170

Gamby > Hamanami > Everything else

>> No.18552171

No. Cum on her bangs, lift them and cum on her eyes and forehead.

>> No.18552177
Quoted by: >>18552179

>Gauge has 901 HP left
>Boss has 800 HP
please tell me it rounds down I dont wanna do this twice

>> No.18552179
Quoted by: >>18552183

There's no way around it. Suck it up, faggot.

>> No.18552181 [DELETED] 

I'm doing this event for the blueprints and catapult

>> No.18552183
Quoted by: >>18552235

Well fuck me sideways then my chips were absolute shit

>> No.18552192

Jervis top daughter.

>> No.18552215

Atago fleet is infinitely worse than Ayanami fleet holy shit. 0 damage from everyone.

>> No.18552222

What were you expecting from cut-in setup cruisers without luck.

>> No.18552228
File: 100 KB, 754x1200, DWja56NV4AAzGWi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dialog is also extremely long.

>> No.18552235

On the plus side all you need to do is bump her lightly next time you get there.

>> No.18552271

Yes! Cleared E6 first boss. Gangut with 116 damage CI into the boss. WTF I love communism now.

>> No.18552280

Zuihou's voice is very sharp too but for some reason I never feel annoyed by it unlike Abukuma.

>> No.18552309

Just sparkle your fleet, they said.

>> No.18552353

Red T, 4 chuuhas and 1 taiha on node T. I haven't even unlocked the real boss yet.

>> No.18552416
Quoted by: >>18552428

I can't get past R even on easy. someone sink me irl.

>> No.18552428
Quoted by: >>18552434


You can drop it to casual since the only thing you missed is those 2 medals.

>> No.18552431
File: 235 KB, 2880x1620, 1487159519129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got Tashkent anc leared E6 on the same run.

Time to go back to resource stockpile before E7.

>> No.18552434
Quoted by: >>18552484

I'm only on e-4

>> No.18552460

Jervis really is like by ESLs.

>> No.18552484
Quoted by: >>18552508

Use LBAS and sparkled route support, it really helps

>> No.18552485

She actually has a larger beam than Tenryuu and is only 3 meters shorter length wise. The real reason she displaces less is that an actual cruiser has armor.

>> No.18552502

I guess Tashkent is nice despite Yadokarishit. Hope you are not talking about the unintelligible screecher.

>> No.18552508
Quoted by: >>18552529

I'm already sending one land base there. I don't know if I can actually sink the boss if I don't use one base on it. route support is cancer and I refuse to waste time on the worst mechanic in the game on principle.

>> No.18552515
File: 1.35 MB, 2591x3624, 58726751_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18553592

The one that gets doubleteamed

>> No.18552529

As a kuso admiral, this is the first time I ever had to use any kind of support fleet. I even starting slotting in damecons just to give me greater odds of making it through R (I never used them due to the taiha patterns, but I was just that desperate).

You will need all the bullshit you can get. E-5 and E-6 are cakewalks in comparison. Luckily a fairly sparkled route support fleet will keep those sparkles for a long time since they only lose 1 morale per use.

>> No.18552535

Don't they lose 5?

>> No.18552536

How to not get cancer in E5? Node O is 100% taiha.

>> No.18552537
Quoted by: >>18552733

Clearing E6 before farming Tashkent was a mistake.

>> No.18552543

That's boss support, route support is much more lenient since it needs the whole fleet sparkled for consistency

>> No.18552558
File: 854 KB, 800x480, gambyget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18552572

of course as soon as I put fcf back on I get through completely untouched. now I just need to get trashcan and I don't even care if I finish this shit event.

>> No.18552572

If you're going easy all the way, farm E-6 post-clear

>> No.18552672

Only if you retreat on the first node.

>> No.18552680

Gamby is pretty good. She can oASW at lvl45 after kai. Time to scrap potato

>> No.18552733
Quoted by: >>18552769

you'd rather redo p1 and p2 over and over?

>> No.18552769
Quoted by: >>18552782

You easily don't get daytime clears even on casual and settle for A farming.

>> No.18552782

It is 7.932% vs 1.94%
You could easily quadruple your resource usage if you are unlucky.

>> No.18552799
Quoted by: >>18552852

You either clear and farm, settle for A farming, or redo all of that shit every 2 tries. Non of these options are really farm friendly (unless done on Kuso).

>> No.18552808
Quoted by: >>18552852

Buckets are my biggest bottleneck. Looking at the nodes on casual I probably could've gotten away with bucketing at chuuha and still reach the boss 99% of the time.

>> No.18552815
Quoted by: >>18552827

>E-6 part 2 doesn't have friend fleet

>> No.18552821
Quoted by: >>18552832

Down 50k fuel on E7 part 1 already.

>> No.18552827

You can easily LBAS spam it.
Don't forget to bring at least 1 TCI, the BB Hime is even bigger of a bitch than CA Hime

>> No.18552832
Quoted by: >>18552844

I've had an easy time in chipping. Easy kills on the boss even without support and only potato friend fleet and 1 taitei. Has the 50k all come from last dance?

>> No.18552844

Trying to get there, mostly. Also never got anything other than potato friends and I've wasted 6 suck barrels already.

>> No.18552845
Quoted by: >>18552856

Should I go for AS on E-7 P2 LD or should I just go for AP and then load more Torp Bombers

>> No.18552852

It is not that hard. I went 22/32 during post cleared farming. 11 S rank, 11 A rank.
E4 is the one where it is not farmable.

>> No.18552856

The AS requirement dropped tremendously for LD. It is 800 - whatever your bombers killed.
I said you can get it with 700+ airpower.

>> No.18552896

Do I need Hayasui for both E7H LD?

>> No.18552899
Quoted by: >>18552909

Definitely for P1, not sure for P2 (haven't got that far yet).

>> No.18552904
Quoted by: >>18552909

You should use it on e7hp1 cause youll need everything you can get. You can probably get by e7hp2 without if you try, but you might as well use your barrels at this point.

>> No.18552909
Quoted by: >>18552920


What I am worried about is that with Hayasui it means that you have one less ship that can deal damage, and that is 2 round of damage no matter you put her in the first or second fleet.

>> No.18552920

Just stick her in escort. the bonus damage for musashi/2nd bb/shoukaku/zuikaku in day battle and the rest of escort in yasen will make up for it.

>> No.18552925

Speaking of E-7H LD, whats the best set up for a Shimakaze? I have 2 max ducky guns, and two +1 12.7cmD. Are ducky guns still better despite the extra bonuses?

>> No.18552935
Quoted by: >>18552952

TypeD is vastly superior for Shimakaze and Naganami

>> No.18552946
Quoted by: >>18552994

Get past node T for the first time in five hours and my internet cuts out. What a fucking joke.

>> No.18552952
Quoted by: >>18552972

Doesn't Shimakaze need a surface radar to get bonuses from it? Won't you be sacrificing extra shotdown when making that setup?

>> No.18552972

Type D itself gave a +5fp bonus. With surface radar it is an additional +1fp +3torp

10cm is just 3fp.

>> No.18552979

If they're maxed and the other one isn't yes use the Akizuki guns.

>> No.18552983
File: 75 KB, 845x220, give.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm below 40k resources and 200 buckets.
please give iowa.

>> No.18552986

What's a good recipe for Shiden kai 2?

>> No.18552993
Quoted by: >>18552996


>> No.18552994

Taiha on first node now.

>> No.18552996

please iowa

>> No.18553003
Quoted by: >>18553163

Well, at least you got Sara, Riche and the rarest Shigure.

>> No.18553009

So prototype 41cm is not a fit gun for any ship at all?

>> No.18553012
Quoted by: >>18553016

All slow BBs except Yamatos.
Unless you are talking about the 51, then yes, abolutely noone.

>> No.18553014

You're better off using them as support.

>> No.18553016

Fuck. So the best gun for fast BB in general? I am planning to upgrade some big guns.

>> No.18553020
Quoted by: >>18553027

Fit guns are in the OP.

>> No.18553027

I know. I just don't want to accept the fact that I have to go with prototype 35.6cm if I want high accuracy.

>> No.18553065
Quoted by: >>18553072

16inch is the best gun for everyone fit or no fit.

>> No.18553072
Quoted by: >>18553154

Holy shit is it expensive to upgrade. But I will do it anyway because I want a powerful gun that everyone can use.

>> No.18553095 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1654x540, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how all of this together is not AS.

>> No.18553102
File: 298 KB, 1658x536, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how all of this together is not AS.

>> No.18553154

Some get negative accuracy, but usually you'll have at least one BB in fleet who could use it.
35.6cm triple is certainly worth upgrading for some and 41cm triple for Nagato(s).

>> No.18553163

Umikaze is the rarest Shiggy? I've gotten like 2 this event. And 1 KWKZ.

>> No.18553192

I'd say so. Either her or Harusame, but she seems much more common.

>> No.18553195
Quoted by: >>18553204

>E7P1LD boss at full hp before night battle

Is this a joke?

>> No.18553198

Harusame is more common.

>> No.18553204
File: 294 KB, 800x960, noshiro kantai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noshiro will help

>> No.18553216

Yamakaze is the rarest

>> No.18553223

Needless to say, she had about 200 hp left at the end.

>> No.18553227
Quoted by: >>18553260

After her appearance, she was made farmable fairly quickly, often and on the easier maps than Umi.

>> No.18553236
Quoted by: >>18553251

How to kill the E6 second boss LD? That motherfucker is so bulky that I don't know what kind of steup can kill it. Should I bring Hayasui or something?

>> No.18553251
Quoted by: >>18553268

Torp sluts and pray.

>> No.18553252

She appears on far easier maps so no.

>> No.18553260

It's funny cause I haven't gotten her yet. Not that I'm really all that interested, at least until I beat the event. Has Hagikaze been reported as a drop yet? Don't think I've seen her so far.

>> No.18553261
Quoted by: >>18553312

Harusame is more rare. Got one of her ever.

>> No.18553262

Kawakaze drops in 2-5.

>> No.18553268
Quoted by: >>18553300

2 torp sluts?

>> No.18553285
File: 501 KB, 1504x2124, Booty (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mistress Iowa is one fine woman.

>> No.18553300
Quoted by: >>18553311

I brought 4 but at the end of the day only two of them were necessary to kill the boss. Mind you this was only because LBAS and day attack did its job to reduce the boss to taiha by night battle.
I'd say bring three for good measure. Someone is going to get chuuha'd along the way and then that slut will be effectively useless on the boss's retarded armour.

>> No.18553311
Quoted by: >>18553362

How much LoS to go from L to Q?

>> No.18553312

I got at least 2 Harus so far but no Umis at all.

>> No.18553328
File: 467 KB, 725x432, 1507917550030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18554280


>> No.18553362

Shiun and OS2U were enough to get me past L>Q and Q>V.

>> No.18553365
File: 83 KB, 1000x934, 1519845157554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that a big butt?

>> No.18553399


>> No.18553430
Quoted by: >>18553459

EO gets an array out of bounds warning on the battle plugin and doesn't show night battle results every time Noshiro shows up.

>> No.18553459
Quoted by: >>18553474

That is good isn't it.
It is going to be a surprise for you when your girls choked.

>> No.18553468
Quoted by: >>18553477

Red T is truly epic.

>> No.18553474

It's exhilarating to be brought back to the despair and hopelessness of watching my girls fail in real time.

>> No.18553477
Quoted by: >>18553488

It really helps me in reaching E-6 second boss, but then the boss just doesn't give a fuck at night and i slightly despair.

>> No.18553488

>tfw everyone on the route destroys your girls through dong
Why do they have so much power?

>> No.18553492
File: 75 KB, 1600x1155, German_battleship_Bismarck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh shapeless blob of blubber

Fucking plebs, this is what a top tier boat ass looks like.

>> No.18553503

Believe it or not, they're also fighting for what they believe in.

>> No.18553506

God, what a wreck of a ship.

>> No.18553509

The dong caught them off guard before, but abyssals have begun acclimatizing to it. Through the second and third phases of E6 I had to keep going back to line ahead.

>> No.18553526

Why can't our girls get their accuracy and target firing?

>> No.18553531

Best site for non-lewd fanart?

>> No.18553534


>> No.18553541


>> No.18553542

I'm going to be out of barrels before I ever even unlock the real boss in E7. This is fucking retarded. Fuck this piece of shit cancer game.

>> No.18553545


>> No.18553551

Tanaka gave you 2 barrels in E-4. What the fuck do you want more?

>> No.18553554

The dong got nerf according to the nips.
Evasion bonus is less now.

>> No.18553556
Quoted by: >>18553572

And it feels like diamond pretty much counters the bonus completely.

>> No.18553557

Throughout the years, fatman gave you over 50+green juice. You only use 1/sortie. How the fuck can you fail 50times in a row?

>> No.18553558
Quoted by: >>18553572

For what purpose?
How is this fun?

>> No.18553559

Pixiv, turn off r-18 search results

>> No.18553561

I told you to stop lying. Making someone do quests for them is not "giving".

>> No.18553566
Quoted by: >>18553579

Is crafting 2 shells and 2 barrels in a month too much for you?

>> No.18553567
File: 564 KB, 1897x1507, better bote butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18553700

>state of the art German engineering
>Barely a match for 20 year old burger biggu sebbun
Why is Bisko so easy to bully?

>> No.18553568
Quoted by: >>18553577

His setup is probably retarded. Some people simply belong on Tei.

>> No.18553572
File: 252 KB, 857x459, dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You can't even scrap 1drum/month?

The players complained that the formation was too OP and leyte was too easy.

>> No.18553577

Setup is fine. Seen people do it with shittier fleets.

>> No.18553580

Haven't experienced anything OP about dong. It just helped you survive through the shitfest of nodes Tanaka scattered all over. You'd be doing at least twice as many sorties without it.

>> No.18553579

The problem are the pre-quests. Such amount of sorties is not compatible with IdleColle.

>> No.18553592
File: 56 KB, 378x188, shimai-don.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18553594
Quoted by: >>18553597

No, the problem is you.

>> No.18553597

I don't have a problem, I still have 27 drums.

>> No.18553601
Quoted by: >>18553628

Which is the pre-req again?
I usually cleared out the all the EO and pre-req for BM6 and then idle for the rest of the month. The only terrible quests are the weekly world4 quest and those shitty quest with random 1-3 3-1 boss encounter.

>> No.18553620

Look out Bismarck here comes the obsolete torpedo bombers

>> No.18553622
Quoted by: >>18554560

Monsters don't believe in anything. We kill them so that we can release them from the suffering.

>> No.18553623

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.18553625
File: 228 KB, 860x1214, bunyodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18553628

Weekly subs and carries. The only thing I do is 1-5.

>> No.18553634
Quoted by: >>18553640

What would that be? For the Great Fishing Waters to be freed from human intrusion and pollution?

>> No.18553637
File: 71 KB, 694x430, swordfish-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.18553640
Quoted by: >>18553647


>> No.18553645
Quoted by: >>18553659

I want to make fuckbucket choke on my semen!

>> No.18553647

To rape or be raped?

>> No.18553650
File: 221 KB, 1200x795, 503870431_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Germany's best butt.

>> No.18553659
Quoted by: >>18553825

I don't produce enough to make any of the botes choke. How to I bigger my cumloads?

>> No.18553664
File: 76 KB, 800x480, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18553734

Finally done with this. How is part 3?

>> No.18553667

Reminder that a country that relied on air superiority over its' waters for its' navy to just stay alive will have it's navy demolished once they lose air cover? How is that possible?

>> No.18553674
File: 34 KB, 558x63, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help please.

>> No.18553679
Quoted by: >>18553684

Scrap equips or ships.

>> No.18553681

You're doomed

>> No.18553684

Ah, thanks.

>> No.18553700
File: 418 KB, 649x900, 5f674c08ddc86b74c670ca41fb23c4d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How mean stupid bully.
Aryan sex goddess was much faster.

>> No.18553702
Quoted by: >>18553710

Where do I level my fucking gay LBAS?

>> No.18553710
Quoted by: >>18553721

E3 with one sub.

>> No.18553721


>> No.18553731

Yeah her career was definitely quick. Less than a year from commissioning to sinking has to be some kind of record for a BB.

>> No.18553734
File: 612 KB, 800x480, 20180307_00112849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished it too. Super KTKM-sama is as OP as always.

I am not sure we can use subbait again for the third boss.

>> No.18553742

Combined fleet can't be sortied to this map.

>> No.18553750
Quoted by: >>18553767

You still need to go through O again, so why not? It's probably the same as the first boss but with a BB hime or two along for the ride.

>> No.18553753

If she was so fast then how did the slower Royal Navy ships catch her?
Useless kraut battleship.

>> No.18553757

Yukikaze did everything in her power to choke here.
Thankfully, KTKM-sama was there to save me from this bs.

>> No.18553767
Quoted by: >>18553773

It is air denial again, right? So tired of this bullshit.

>> No.18553773

Just line ahead with route support and pray. That's what I'll do because they punch through dong without a care.

>> No.18553784
File: 236 KB, 1000x1412, IMG_20180306_071918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to mate like a rabbit with Yodo.

>> No.18553788

>tfw you will never yank the whole front off

>> No.18553811

Is this the best KC doujin artist?

>> No.18553814
File: 488 KB, 1280x812, 1519779159701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is a pervert.

>> No.18553822
File: 126 KB, 850x792, __jervis_and_kongou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamada_rei_rou__sample-1cf7ac8f7fa43e547b5effa4345f105f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother and child.

>> No.18553825

eat healthy, drink a lot of non-alcoholic liquids, edge

>> No.18553852



>> No.18553881
Quoted by: >>18553986

Someone actually translated this to English? There are so many fucking words like it is a novel. I applaud who did this.

>> No.18553895
File: 728 KB, 800x480, 20180306_10431296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it this is like my sixth one. it'd be one thing if she had lookouts at kai but this is just annoying. stop. give me roy already.

>> No.18553914

Are dupes good for anything actually or should they just be trashed?

>> No.18553918
File: 1.37 MB, 500x500, 1506939676869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18554008


>> No.18553922

Some are good for equips then scrap or if you want to keep CAV and CVL SuzuKuma, etc.

>> No.18553967

I personally have a fleet of around 30 submarines.

>> No.18553986

3 chapters so far

>> No.18554003

10 barrels left, not done with E7 1 last dance yet. Epic.

>> No.18554008
File: 378 KB, 923x739, BANZAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18554023

>oh man I'm fucked
>better say something cool

>> No.18554035
Quoted by: >>18554060

Japan's strategy from 43 onward in a nutshell

>> No.18554056

It's not a bad read, but the porn feels really out of place.

>> No.18554060


Did they really speak that when they were dying?

>> No.18554083

Is she okay?

>> No.18554108

Yeah. They smashed a bucket in her face and she got better.

>> No.18554121

Over 90% of hollywood action movies.

>> No.18554131
File: 708 KB, 900x1200, __jervis_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mofu_namako__ae1a36f3637e1039bbed2e17810f00ac[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh darling

>> No.18554140
Quoted by: >>18554178

Is this atagos daughter?

>> No.18554146

Her thighs are pretty thick.

>> No.18554156
Quoted by: >>18554247

Yeah, most people who read it notice that. I think it'd be better without.


>> No.18554175

Titless little kid Atago

>> No.18554178


>> No.18554189

Wonder what uninteligible stuff will she say when you hit all her sensitive spots.

>> No.18554247

Can someone source me up?

>> No.18554253

*Mildly-audible Squealing*

>> No.18554280

A shit.

>> No.18554292

You should know this artist by now.

>> No.18554311

Look it up in exhentai

>> No.18554316


>> No.18554319
Quoted by: >>18554339

>oi bloody hell
>watch where you poke that thing
>fucking pillock

>> No.18554324

Douzo lad.

>> No.18554334

She'd have some nice words with Iku if she ever gets added

>> No.18554339

You forgot the warping japanese accent in these.

>> No.18554376
File: 202 KB, 479x390, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't they go to the D route?! Help! It's been over 2 hours and I've tried almost all the recommended comps.

>> No.18554382
File: 642 KB, 750x1000, f6a208c248d600dd5cc8b7b81466eab7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18554385


>> No.18554389
Quoted by: >>18554418

>Using 1 FBB and 1 BB in your fleet.

>> No.18554391
Quoted by: >>18554418

Read the branching rules

>> No.18554418

>1CL 2DD/DE 0-1BB(V) 3-2XX
Ah, I am dumb.

>> No.18554462

I have dupes of Hatsuzuki and Teruzuki, not going to scrap extra ducks with ship locks. Also have a dupe Musashi, glad I didn't scrap her since she's cheaper to use. Also Chitose and Chiyoda AVs and CVLs.

>> No.18554477
Quoted by: >>18554504

How many resources did you guys use on E7 part 1?

>> No.18554504
File: 42 KB, 244x162, spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18554509

I only have pic related for the whole E7.
Almost no failed run.

>> No.18554509

That's not on hard, is it?

>> No.18554513

Is Hayasuck or Kamoi better for E7?

>> No.18554523

With no failed runs that's possible. 15k baux is about right.

>> No.18554530
File: 73 KB, 626x269, streak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18554534

Hard, always no return sortie (aka megamis), double supports, fully >> LBAS, and always 2 barrels.

>> No.18554534
Quoted by: >>18554545

Ahh, megamis would explain it.

>> No.18554545

Yeah, you see my steel. I couldn't take too many repair so I had to go almost full p2w before my resources run out.

>> No.18554553

>triple brows


>> No.18554560

I don't think they don't believe in anything, there's a reason why they're always recreating ww2 battles so it's very likely that they're obsessed with the roles and believes that the ships they were before had.

>> No.18554569

Which of the new ships is the best at anal?

>> No.18554585
Quoted by: >>18554725

Giving or receiving?

>> No.18554586
File: 158 KB, 850x1258, gambu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18554594
Quoted by: >>18554595

Akira is amazing.

>> No.18554595
Quoted by: >>18554654

That is not Akira.

>> No.18554599
Quoted by: >>18554691

Holy shit 400 DA without the plane on E5. Nachi strong.

>> No.18554612


>> No.18554620
Quoted by: >>18554633

Fuck, I don't have enough SPF for E6.

>> No.18554633

You plow through and get at least AP at boss.

>> No.18554654
Quoted by: >>18554662

Akira drew her.

>> No.18554662

Akira didn't draw her butt.

>> No.18554666

Nice butt.

>> No.18554691

Plane only really gives +5 attack, though.

>> No.18554725


>> No.18554740

what am I supposed to do on e-5? just starting the transport part now and I only have 4 seaplane fighters. do I just bring ducky and hope I don't eat shit on the air raid nodes? or is it better to send land base there instead of to boss?

>> No.18554791
Quoted by: >>18554804

Just eat the AD.

>> No.18554804

dong or line ahead on the two pre boss nodes?

>> No.18554811

Always pick dong on preboss unless it's Air Raid. 7fleet FCF is useful as well.

>> No.18554815


>> No.18554823

I want a drink of that.

>> No.18554831

Is for neither.

>> No.18554844
File: 70 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180306-11595757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for LD? I want to keep Zuihou and Maya.

>> No.18554866

How long would it take to unlock E7 boss on super kuso? Trying to decide whether to farm for Iowa on hard post-clear or not

>> No.18554872

Kurita and Ozawa girls.

>> No.18554878

Just try once if you have resources.

>> No.18554889

Farm on hard you pussy.

>> No.18554900
Quoted by: >>18554987

What if we get USN DE, DD, and Wasp in the next event?

>> No.18554901

Drop Torres and Akizuki and bring Myoukou TCI and Naganami TCI.

>> No.18554902

>LBAS does nothing despite >>
>support does nothing
>opening torps take out 1 escort fleet ship

That's another barrel down the fucking toilet!

>> No.18554911
Quoted by: >>18554916

So I'll just basically pray on the sub node?

>> No.18554913
Quoted by: >>18554921


>> No.18554916
Quoted by: >>18554918

Pray to Toukai-sama.

>> No.18554918
Quoted by: >>18554949

I'm not sure if 4 waves of bombers are enough.

>> No.18554921


>> No.18554928
Quoted by: >>18554931

I thought that was Robben.

>> No.18554929
Quoted by: >>18554935

KTKM is cut-inside man, Torres is Sh*tgure and the likes

>> No.18554931

Forgive me, it's been so long I forgot which one was which. Yes, drop Robben.

>> No.18554935

>Torres is Sh*tgure and the likes
Why is that?

>> No.18554936

/sp/ please go.

>> No.18554949

Hold I'm dumb, this is the 2nd boss. By the sub node you mean the one where there's a single sub right? Yeah just pray and send your bombers to boss.

>> No.18554954


Hayasui (1 barrel)
Kasumi (TCI + Searchlight)
Beaver (TCI)

What am I doing wrong here for E7P1 LD?

>> No.18554967
Quoted by: >>18554980

Musashi not FS

>> No.18554969

>luck modded KTKM, ABKM and Kasumi
God, I wish that were me.

>> No.18554975
Quoted by: >>18554985

Amerimutt flagship in a Japanese campaign.

>> No.18554980
Quoted by: >>18555064

What do I do instead of CVLs?

>> No.18554985 [DELETED] 


>> No.18554987

Nobody wants a jobbing wannabe Yorktown

>> No.18554988
Quoted by: >>18555006

I want to see some madman doing E-7 with transport.

>> No.18554994 [DELETED] 

Nice greentext, crossie.

>> No.18554995

Only her or Ranger can come with SB2U.

>> No.18554997 [DELETED] 

Stay mad.

>> No.18555001

I do.

>> No.18555004

Explain this meme.

>> No.18555006

There was one madman farming e-7 hard with sanic fleet.

>> No.18555007 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18555011

You can easily tell its the same shitter because he says that to anyone that shits on him.

>> No.18555008 [DELETED] 

Both of you shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

>> No.18555010

Its an obsession of something you don't like.

>> No.18555011 [DELETED] 


>> No.18555013
File: 247 KB, 666x932, new support ship uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18555837

Who is the final boss of KanColle?

>> No.18555019
Quoted by: >>18555021

OG Lady Lex also had them.

>> No.18555021

But Sara doesn't come with it.

>> No.18555027

The Yorktowns had them at midway, Yorkie could come with them. Or Lexington.

>> No.18555031
Quoted by: >>18555035

>Still would be better than half the CVs

>> No.18555035

Ehh. That's debatable.

>> No.18555036

Some meme from normalfag board I think.

>> No.18555041

Is this game still alive? I haven't played for like 3 years and I was browsing my games folder and found my kcviewer. Just passing by to check out the new stuff.

>> No.18555042

As old as two years now, makes fun of people who are obviously obsessed and angry, which that anon clearly is.

>> No.18555045
Quoted by: >>18555100

More or less the same as always.

>> No.18555046
Quoted by: >>18555100

No, we died. This is hell.

>> No.18555056

Or maybe someone who is using Iowa as a flagship in a Japanese campaign is the one who is obsessed with amerifat ships instead.

>> No.18555064
Quoted by: >>18555123

Please respond.

>> No.18555066

>stop liking things I don't like

>> No.18555067
Quoted by: >>18555075

Or maybe they just want the best ship for the task.

>> No.18555075
Quoted by: >>18555082

Right, the best ship with slut art, dubshit voice, and no buff for the boss.

>> No.18555078
Quoted by: >>18555120

Iowa somehow still triggers people, its pretty fascinating.

>> No.18555082

Exactly right, I'm glad you understand.

>> No.18555100
File: 311 KB, 1120x671, kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is kcviewer still a thing? Mine isn't updated.

>> No.18555101
Quoted by: >>18555142

It soon won't be.

>> No.18555116
Quoted by: >>18555142

Dunno how long the current viewers are going to be viable, honestly. The service is swapping from Flash to HTML very soon.

>> No.18555119
Quoted by: >>18555142

There are still viewers but everything is about to break anyways; they're switching from flash to HTML5 soon.

>> No.18555120

Too much concentrated freedom for axisfags and IJN purists to handle desu.

>> No.18555123


>> No.18555132

Ahh, yeah. I'll try that tomorrow, I'm very sick of this shit for now.

>> No.18555141

Fellow Harunafag.

>> No.18555142

I guess I'll just craft shit and never play again. I like the new lsc girl saratoga. Any recipes and which fs is needed?

>> No.18555145
Quoted by: >>18555157

Would that still get AS?

>> No.18555149
Quoted by: >>18555186

Why did you stop playing? Taihou?

>> No.18555152

Gakada fork died ages ago, others are still mostly fine. But I think most people now use EO or KC3.

>> No.18555157
File: 779 KB, 1068x1050, Winter2018-E7phase1LD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any problem.

>> No.18555166
Quoted by: >>18555186

Since you don't Iowa you need to LSC Kamoi first then use her as flagship to craft Sara.

>> No.18555173

Swap ktkm for historical CA to carry night plane. Myoukou or choukai is good

>> No.18555174
Quoted by: >>18555186

>new lsc girl
She was a reward for the Fall 16 event.

>> No.18555178

Yeah I'm fucking mad everytime some crossie posting his meme from normalfag board with green text

>> No.18555180

Escort fleet AA doesn't count right?

>> No.18555185

For all the shit IJN BBs get, everyone seems to forget Bismark was sunk by fucking biplanes of all things.

>> No.18555186
File: 261 KB, 621x504, iowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18555226

I honestly couldn't remember. I forgot the last event I finished as well.

I have iowa

haven't done that

>> No.18555196

finally after almost 2 years.

>> No.18555202
Quoted by: >>18555239

It was sunk by torpedoes, brits didn't practice kamikaze.

>> No.18555203

IJN BBs were zerg'd to death by some of the most experienced carrier crews ever; Bisko couldn't handle a handful of biplanes from a shitty carrier. Yeah, I see what you mean.

>> No.18555210
Quoted by: >>18555239

>Bismark was sunk by fucking biplanes of all things.
No she wasn't you fucking retard.

>> No.18555211

I'm not sure about that.

>> No.18555226
Quoted by: >>18555263

If you have Iowa it hasn't been that long, her event was less than 2 years ago.

>> No.18555239

Is this how you cope?

>> No.18555244

Bismarck was sunk by Rodney and KGV, not by Biplanes.

>> No.18555248

With what?

>> No.18555263
Quoted by: >>18555523

Probably the last event I've done.

>> No.18555430
Quoted by: >>18555548

I fucking love it when you're in LD and suddenly can't reach the boss anymore thanks to random taiha everywhere.

>> No.18555461
File: 1.28 MB, 752x1062, __admiral_akagi_fusou_inazuma_and_isuzu_kantai_collection_and_sayonara_zetsubou_sensei_drawn_by_doku_denpa_blue_killer__98095bf565ce061ae4ff7e95dee24f3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you share your fleets for E7 last dance, please? I need fresh ideas, this is goddamn hell.

>> No.18555469

I didn't know E7 last dance was going to be that hard. I just blew through all of my fuel.
How much longer do we have?

>> No.18555477

Almost two and a half weeks left assuming they don't extend it at all.

>> No.18555499

Like at least two Sundays from now.

>> No.18555506

Such a shitty twist

>> No.18555515

Akitsumaru can bring you up to AP.

>> No.18555519

There was a tweet a day or two ago saying there was still over two weeks left.

>> No.18555523

Yeah you will probably have to drop down to Kuso.

>> No.18555538
File: 549 KB, 852x1070, Winter2018-E7LD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18555548

Just close the game and come back in a few hours. I was getting brickwalled at O and R in E6 and that solved my problem. Sure it's just dumb luck but still.

>> No.18555552

Was Jervis even really a true destroyer leader? She seems the same size as her sisters.

>> No.18555562

As said in the comic not really. She just had a small quarters for a Admiral and his staff slapped on her. Nothing like the Italian, French, or Tashkent. Hell the tribal class would be more representative of destroyer leaders. Same with Porter, and Somer classes of the USN.

>> No.18555588

Should I move to EO once the change to HTML has been succesfully patched?

>> No.18555593
Quoted by: >>18555609

You should've moved when KCV wasn't updated for months.

>> No.18555594
Quoted by: >>18555604

All viewers will probably be dead for awhile.

>> No.18555604
Quoted by: >>18555609

I know, I meant as in, when EO gets patched to support playing KC again.

>> No.18555609

Well I mean if it's KCV, as >>18555593
said it would be better if you just moved to EO now.

>> No.18555611

You don't put 46cm on your support exped BBs?

>> No.18555617

Found the madman with super sanic fleet

no ACC stat iirc

>> No.18555642
File: 58 KB, 400x381, 1519145885994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18555645

I knew someone would eventually do it, but it's still surreal.

>> No.18555644
File: 308 KB, 850x1201, IsoUraHama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18555825

What a perfect trio.

>> No.18555645

Fuck, meant for >>18555617

>> No.18555667

What the fuck

>> No.18555738
Quoted by: >>18555757

A better question, what the fuck are those support equips? Should you really put 4x 46cm on Haruna?

>> No.18555757
Quoted by: >>18555775

They're prototype so you gain +4 ACC with nuke damage gambling.

>> No.18555775

But you would reach the cap with 4 35.6 just the same and you'd get much more accuracy.

>> No.18555800

I thought they fixed support cap not being 180 like daycap is?

>> No.18555803

Just wanted to show off then?

>> No.18555825

Someone vital is missing in this picture.

>> No.18555827

Engagement does affect shelling support, and 188 will hit shelling daycap on Hankousen.

>> No.18555837

You, all along

>> No.18555856

How did Akira go from drawing complete flops (Mizuho, Richelieu, and Commandant Teste) to stunning beauties (Gambier Bay and Kamoi)?

>> No.18555864

Riche is fine

>> No.18555869
Quoted by: >>18555879

Better coloring of the skin. Richelieu in designer clothes also looks decent.

>> No.18555871
File: 230 KB, 1600x1000, 769cdd9da5058ea2ae52b6cbfe5a9adc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558201

Glasses are the best defect

>> No.18555874

Sold his eyes to the devil

>> No.18555875
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, 1519560096007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18555902

>stunning beauties
>Gambier Bay
not with that retarded face, bruh

>> No.18555879

Gambier Bay and Kamoi are goofy support type characters so the funny faces Akira makes works in their favor. Also>>18555869

>> No.18555881

While I agree, Richie isn't too bad either. It could use some work when it comes to the CG but its a pretty good design and her collab CG was good besides the effect she used for shading on the pants.

>> No.18555885

Kamoi's CG looks pretty bad, she needed fanart.

>> No.18555887

Kamoi was before Richelieu you retard.

>> No.18555888

>irl ugly boats get ugly art, irl decent to good looking boats get decent art

Akira is just being historically accurate desu senpai.

>> No.18555900

How come the Italian ships are way less popular than the German ships? I thought it'd be vice versa.

>> No.18555902

I don't find her a stunning beauty either but I would say Akira's funny looking faces work in her favor as a comedic character.

>> No.18555906
Quoted by: >>18555934

Jiji's designs and their lines seem to not impress artist I guess.

>> No.18555910

BunnyYodo is such a strange phenomenon. I refuse to believe that KanColle is actually dead.

>> No.18555911
Quoted by: >>18555947

JiJi vs Fumikane.
And Japan loves Germany.

>> No.18555915

>Strike Witches guy vs some dude who is Kuro's friend

>> No.18555920
Quoted by: >>18555928

Who told you it was dead?

>> No.18555921

Early Jiji is bad, I mean Pola and Aquila look better to me than their earlier counterparts. Hell his art from a recent game also looks better than Littorio and Grandma. On the downside I feel Luigi is worse than Libeccio though that could be because less of her huge 5head is covered. Also Wehraboos have fucking cults in every country.

>> No.18555927

Declining, not dying/dead, big difference.

>> No.18555928


>> No.18555934

The designs are fine, it's their art that sucks

>> No.18555935
Quoted by: >>18555955

Bunny Yodo is mostly done due to Nips finding it funny, I feel. That said who told you it was dead? Declining slowly? Sure. But not dead.

>> No.18555947

Funnily enough the more documents that get released about WW2 the more it feels like Italy was a better than Japan.

>> No.18555952
Quoted by: >>18555987

Can carry FCF in Kai Ni.
Can carry large radars in Kai Ni B.

Has the latter ever been useful for Kusomin?

>> No.18555955

>Declining slowly
This year was the first time anything KanColle related even trended on twitter, it's not declining at all. They even regained all of their followers after their attack.

>> No.18555966

>They even regained all of their followers after their attack
Sadly that was just a twitter bug.

>> No.18555987

For that shitty 2-5 monthly

>> No.18555993
Quoted by: >>18556006

While his statement is arguably wrong, it certainly feels like it has stopped growing(in terms of fans).

>> No.18556006

>all those tweets
Well, I felt a little bit sad for newbs who can't even touch 丁.

Well, how should I put it? KanColle is at public tier so it should reach saturation point already. To get any more than this you might need a kiddies anime featuring shipgirls.

>> No.18556013

>This year was the first time anything KanColle related even trended on twitter
This happens all the time.

>> No.18556026
File: 188 KB, 1080x1920, DXkQTLFVoAAwYmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I mean there are still two weeks left. I think the fact tagging matters even on the easier difficulties is messing a lot of the more casual players up. Also because there is two weeks left you have some guys that don't want to give up and drop to an easier difficulty level yet.

>> No.18556037

This calculation doesn't make sense to me

>> No.18556039
Quoted by: >>18556157

Another problem is that Nips don't have holidays this time of year so consequently less clear rates. It's probably the reason why Winter had small events in comparison to this.

>> No.18556050
Quoted by: >>18556063

It's one nips calculation. It doesn't look right to me either at a glance so I laughed.

>> No.18556063

He think it's
>90% of players only managed to break through E-1
>of that 90%, only another 90% beat E-2
>and so on and so forth
In the end only 50% of the people who started the event managed to beat E-7 so far, so who knows bout the rest who are still stuck at E-5 and E-6.

>> No.18556068

Events should be hard to clear. What's the point of 2 months to prepare for each one otherwise?

>> No.18556072

Hardmode yeah

>> No.18556081

Even easymodo is pretty hard though, especially for a new player. The air power requirements are insane, you need elite fighters or upgraded ones.
I thought the whole idea of easy mode was equipment-independence in a way.

>> No.18556090

Large and some medium events are stupidly hard already, even casual mode will beat the shit out of any unprepared newfag in the EOs.

>> No.18556097
File: 281 KB, 518x650, 7d13a551ae4c1bf848398e7cf4f1a7b6eb28ffd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw newb but beat E-1 and E-2 on turbo casul and got some rare shipfus
Also yeah tagging is supposed to work on all diffs but I still could bring all my ships from E-1 to E-2, they showed the grey tag but I was able to go and beat it with them normally

>> No.18556098
Quoted by: >>18556129

It's not supposed to work on all difficulties. He's talking about Nishimura fleet and E-6 phase 2.

>> No.18556099
Quoted by: >>18556129

>tagging is supposed to work on all diffs
Check again

>> No.18556100
File: 732 KB, 800x480, 20180306_23452641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First LD run that reached the boss was a clean kill. Crane himes last sinking line and Zuikakus line at the end were a nice touch, actually made me tear up a bit.

>> No.18556105
Quoted by: >>18556129

Anon was talking about E-6.

>> No.18556107
Quoted by: >>18556129

Yeah better not rush with this game.
It took me half a year to get full K2 fleet.

>> No.18556114

Well done. I hope I can clear. I've got plenty of time, but the difficulty is worrying me.
I finally married Zuikaku just for this occasion too.

>> No.18556123
Quoted by: >>18556138

Does everyone here know nip or do you just remember all the text and buttons after some time?

>> No.18556126
Quoted by: >>18556129

The tags are applied on all difficulties but the maps just ignore them on the lower ones.

>> No.18556127
Quoted by: >>18556139

Post fleet please.

>> No.18556129

Alright nvm.

Well I'm not really rushing, so to speak, but I am a neet so I can afford to play quite a lot every day so maybe I'm making slightly faster progress than intended, either way, I stopped at E-2 and I'm not gonna go more into the event, this whole thing seems way too complicated and autistic to me at this point.

>> No.18556134

>Gambier Bay
>stunning beauty
Nah, she's better than garbage like Mizuho and the frogs but she's still mediocre.

>> No.18556138
File: 862 KB, 1000x1400, Hatsuyuki.(Kantai.Collection).full.1729540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the latter
I dunno a single thing in nip

>> No.18556139

Pretty much the same as >>18555538 but Maya with AACI+TorpCI since I have her luck modded.

>> No.18556157


丁 and 丙 also get fucked in other ways as there's no armor gimmick. So that's understandable.

>> No.18556178

Gamby became my favorite from her, I liked Kamoi so it was a welcome surprise. I really liked Richeliu's seasonal more than her original CG, though I can say the same with Kamoi with her christmas seasonal. I can't wait for the Gamby seasonals.

>> No.18556230

Fucking E5. After giving up on air superiority with subs, I sent in Mikuma and Akitsumaru and then the land bases killed two CVLs, making it air supremacy.

>> No.18556232

I thought E6 phase 3 was supposed to be hard?
Instead Kumarinko gets knocked out on the first air node and sent back, reach the boss with no further casualties and then Ashigara proceeds to single-handily remove all of the boss' HP.

>> No.18556236

>no ACC
Craft more cardboard boxes

>> No.18556246

Was that the last kill or the first?

>> No.18556301
Quoted by: >>18556400

What ships did you get?

>> No.18556306

It doesn't unless you fight an enemy combined fleet IIRC I could be thinking of escort fleet fighter-power so don't quote me on this

>> No.18556332
File: 325 KB, 781x1200, 1514935228557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shima snipe can just end it.

>> No.18556345

No. Phase3 is just like Phase1.
The hardest boss in this event is E7 phase1 and E6 phase2.

>> No.18556354

There aren't any Kurita members I should be leaving out of E2 for any reason, right?

>> No.18556355

We need AP shell for other classes to end BBhime bullshit. Imagine you can use it on CA.

>> No.18556383
Quoted by: >>18556395

>E7 phase1
But that was easy as shit for me and phase 2 is raping my ass.
My luck is backwards or something.

>> No.18556395
Quoted by: >>18556466

Route is harder in phase2 but the boss die too easily. Gimmick is too OP

>> No.18556400

two Ooyodos, Hiburi, Kunashiri, and some Yuugumo class DDs, and yeah I know they're not really that rare but for a newb they are

>> No.18556409

>In the end only 50% of the people who started the event managed to beat E-7 so far
I thought it said 50% of people who attempted E-7 have cleared it.

>> No.18556419

>two Ooyodos
you motherfucker
I have multiple 99 ships and doing some maps hard and only just got my first Ooyodo farming e7.

>> No.18556424
Quoted by: >>18556461

Man E-1 alone gave me 3 DEs while clearing, you could probably farm that for the rest.

>> No.18556431

Dupe yodos are worthless.

>> No.18556446

If you have gotten past E7H P1LD with only one Taitei, please say so and how many TCI you ran. I just need to know its possible. I keep getting so close, but the lack of ability to nuke dyson before night battle is killing me. Do I just have to pray for non-luckmodded cut ins along with a zuihou 300 crit? 100k fuel left to gamble away.

>> No.18556451

Wrong enemy.

>> No.18556461
Quoted by: >>18556585

kek, just do some E-1 boss node on casul
also, anything useful I can do with the 2nd one? Don't see much point in leveling another one, but getting rid of her seems like a bad idea.

oh well

Yeah I did a tiny little bit of farming there, probably gonna do some more later. Especially now that I got Isuzu Kai Ni and Hiburi who can both do OASW.

>> No.18556465

It's the principle! I struggled for so long to get even a single one to not be gimped every combined fleet chipping and he gets two of them so easily.

>> No.18556466

Is it the gimmick you can't do on easier difficulties?

>> No.18556467
Quoted by: >>18556720


>> No.18556469

I have to go back and fish Kamo for this.

>> No.18556474
File: 24 KB, 563x117, 2018-03-07 00-11-29 43 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18556482

I had 3 of her and got a 4th this event, I'm probably just going to scrap them as well

>> No.18556476
Quoted by: >>18556720

Yeah, boss node has, like, paper-thin armor after gimmick. Zuihou always deal 250-400 damages.

>> No.18556482

No, don't. Keep one so you can have one with each base CG (regular, Kai and future K2).

>> No.18556487
File: 65 KB, 650x417, Remove Runt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18556597

Mongrel bitches are for neglecting

>> No.18556491
Quoted by: >>18556597

>runt Sakawa type

>> No.18556585

No there's no point in keeping more than one yodo. Unless you really like her.

>> No.18556597
File: 376 KB, 927x1200, __admiral_and_tanikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kamelie__b7167c990f3df7ef85a12c5d8c19ecf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say such obscene things to my Daughter.

>> No.18556621
File: 18 KB, 169x306, 1519445472831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18556633
File: 115 KB, 480x680, DXpXS21UMAEhG3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18556643
Quoted by: >>18556653

I bet everyone who thought it was Musashi must be feeling pretty stupid right now.

>> No.18556646

Why is evil Zui so horny?

>> No.18556647

Samishii no longer

>> No.18556651
Quoted by: >>18557542

As always I'll have the rips up soon after they release. No CD however since I get the ebook release and not a physical copy.

>> No.18556653
Quoted by: >>18556657

Why would anyone think it's Musashi when she's literally called Crane Princess?

>> No.18556657

From the cropped twitter icon. There were retards who thought the one next to Zuikaku was going to be Musashi because of similar hair color.

>> No.18556661

God that hair is so stupid

>> No.18556662

Damn, Tanaka give the option to choose sprites. I like heavy armor, I'd prefer my turkey under thick layer of it.

>> No.18556673

So Zuikaku is evil.

>> No.18556675

Why the fuck am I even trying to bother farming for Harukaze when she doesn't even exist?

>> No.18556681

Oh right, but you could clearly see the weird long hair there and Musashi is a different artist anyway.

>> No.18556683

It's supposed to resemble the flowers you usually see in the health bar.

>> No.18556685

You have to be pretty retarded to see the crazy floating hair and think it was Musashi.

>> No.18556686 [DELETED] 

El Zuikaku blanco

Can't wait to see her with the E.

>> No.18556688
Quoted by: >>18556724

Speaking of the health bar, did everyone notice the two cranes on Crane Hime's bar?

>> No.18556690

You mean Yorktown or Hornet.

>> No.18556691

ZuiZui and Big E will make the ultimate combo, nothing will be able to stand before the two most experienced carriers of the Pacific war.

>> No.18556695

Those weren't Zuikaku's rival.

>> No.18556697

Hornet makes more sense since the cranes killed her. I'm very open to Yorktown though for some 1st/2nd CarDiv shenanigans.

>> No.18556699

Apologize to conishi

>> No.18556700

touch horns

>> No.18556705

Tanaka is never going to pair her with E because she'll be done by Shibafu

>> No.18556712
Quoted by: >>18556725

They also fought Yorktown though and ZuiZui's pilots though Yorktown looked like her at night.

>> No.18556715

Shibafu will be busy with Midway

>> No.18556716

So, what to expect from second phase performance-wise?

>> No.18556717
Quoted by: >>18556812

Hornet wasn't the one fighting it out with the cranes the whole way. It was Big E, that's why the nips like to always bring up Big E whenever they discuss Zuikaku.

>> No.18556718
Quoted by: >>18556750

Nothing, anyone who thinks there will be much change is deluded.

>> No.18556719

Yeah she will be paired with Yorktown instead.

>> No.18556720

Easy mode confirmed for hard mode for last dance

>> No.18556724

Yeah, I was about to mention them. Nice digits, by the way.

>> No.18556725

Ah right, I forgot about Coral Sea for a moment.

>> No.18556726

Maybe it will run slightly smoother but ultimately nothing. Expect cat bombs just after implementation though.

>> No.18556727
Quoted by: >>18556737

>different Yorktowns done by different artists
I'm not buying it.

>> No.18556731
Quoted by: >>18556743

>Tsukiyomi but with Brass
I'm rock hard

>> No.18556737

You will get one Yorktown by Monkeyperson with the biggest monkey ears.

>> No.18556738
Quoted by: >>18556751

With that serious face, the mullet-like hair and the headband Zuikaku kinda looks like some cheezy 80s action movie protag.

>> No.18556743

kancolle vocal collection when?
the phonograph version isn't cutting it

>> No.18556745

Worse performance because they'll add lots of needless and point animations/transitions to make it "feel" like phase 2

>> No.18556750

So, no client for ios or wp? No continue where left off if catbombed?

>> No.18556751

Looks more like an ikemen samurai to me.

>> No.18556756

How delusional can you be

>> No.18556760
File: 168 KB, 900x603, Grey-Crowned-Crane-e1418160562234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was supposed to somewhat resemble this thing.

>> No.18556778

HTML5 just "open" the door of possibility. But many works still have to be done to achieve performance. Knowing Tanaka, we might get nothing.

>> No.18556782
File: 27 KB, 500x500, bulk-discount-flowers-fuji-chrysanthemum-white-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18556801


>> No.18556784
File: 743 KB, 795x471, I want to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damage control at its finest

>> No.18556798

Who are you trying to agitate here, buddy?

>> No.18556801
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x1500, Lycoris_radiata_spiderlily_higanbana_DSCN9322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider lilies, I thought.

>> No.18556804

Myself I actually want to die

>> No.18556807
Quoted by: >>18556814

I am not stopping you. In fact, I encourage you to do so.

>> No.18556809

What's your excuse?

>> No.18556812
Quoted by: >>18557005

Yeah, but they won't add E anytime soon. Yorkie and Hornet are okay since they don't have a 3 year track record of kiling nips. Maybe by Fall or next Winter they'll add one.

>> No.18556814
File: 552 KB, 715x1000, __shiratsuyu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yua_checkmate__c5992651cd15cce51dbd3e56aa67df56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18556860

Both of you quit your bitching and post ichiban

>> No.18556826
Quoted by: >>18556846

not who you're replying to but probably resources if I had to guess? or despair

>> No.18556839
File: 180 KB, 353x673, a79ab6c325a3130b4f7fbce3370f1f02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She screams lazy Fujikawa rainy season CG were she just draws an umbrella on her right hand and calls it a day.

>> No.18556844
Quoted by: >>18556846

Real world issues and resources.

>> No.18556846

Oh shit, I didn't see the resources, what the shit.

>> No.18556860

Stop posting that edgy artist.

>> No.18556863

Faggot with 1 Taitei here. I had Yukikaze + luckmodded Abukuma and Kitakami with TCI. Zuihou ended up taking the kill.

I recommend you try to farm for Taitei afterwards, but 2% on a non-boss node is just a waste of fuel.

>> No.18556868
Quoted by: >>18556879

I've seen it before but what does the other medal mean? Is it an item?

>> No.18556879
Quoted by: >>18556892

Which one, the casual medal or the rehashed-surigao-strait medal? the Surigao-Medal is basically a "congratulations on clearing this event" medal that shows up on some furniture and has no actual use other than decoration

>> No.18556880
Quoted by: >>18556895

>He thinks 2% is low
People don't appreciate how easy it is these days

>> No.18556892
Quoted by: >>18556898

Yeah I was talking about the other one. Looks cool, I had a feeling they would make something like the first class medal as a kind of "cleared the final event" thing.

>> No.18556895

I'm not saying it's low, I'm saying farming there when each E7-1 run costs 2k+ fuel is retarded.

>> No.18556898

It's the same medal as the last one they gave for Leyte Part 1, it's more a Leyte thing than final event I imagine

>> No.18556899
File: 61 KB, 249x238, TEIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18556915


>> No.18556915

Not everyone can be a 13.

>> No.18556923
Quoted by: >>18560697

tfw stuck at 5 because the events just keep getting worse

>> No.18556930
Quoted by: >>18556940

You're here for the girls, not the memedals.

>> No.18556938
Quoted by: >>18557309

Is there any confirmation what steps stay if you change difficulty on E7? At best I'm guessing you have to kill both bosses but all routes are still opened.

>> No.18556940
Quoted by: >>18557110

I am a 13 though.

>> No.18556971

Damn, feel like shit for starting exactly at the first memedal event. I shouldn't be a headstrong 2hufag back then.

>> No.18556992

Have we even gotten an end date for the event yet? How long is this thing?

>> No.18556998
Quoted by: >>18557331

I'm only taking off 76 points a run on e-5 with 4 daihatsu. should I up it to 6?

>> No.18556999
File: 478 KB, 1000x1000, 1395143020800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18557022

You still have plenty of time. Take it slow.

>> No.18557005
Quoted by: >>18557065

Not this shit again, kill yourself already.

>> No.18557022

I'd take Wo-chan slowly

>> No.18557028

Somewhere around 2 weeks left

>> No.18557049
File: 85 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180306-18362598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacing Aki > Kasumi, KTKM > Hayasui. Who will be my MVP?

>> No.18557064


>> No.18557065
Quoted by: >>18557130

I didn't say never, I just said not now. They're just easing you into it.

>> No.18557073
Quoted by: >>18557371

Whoever you put below Maya.
Shit is easy. Zuikaku hime is just going to die just like back in Leyte.

>> No.18557110

underage b&

>> No.18557128
Quoted by: >>18557148

You cleared without hayasui? I have a married KTKM but replaced her with 2 suck barrels. The damage difference has been minimal so far, but people seem to say shes key to clearing so I gave it a try.

God damn this map, I have been waiting for my 5th Maruyu before luckmodding, but I just might use them now for the slight hope of beating this whore.

>> No.18557130

There's no easing needed you fucking retard, the nips themselves want her.

>> No.18557132 [DELETED] 

Only the race traitors.

>> No.18557137
Quoted by: >>18557146

I agree, but it definitely looks like that. I'd estimate two years to get E, but it really depends if we get Yorkie or Hornet by next Summer Event.

>> No.18557142

Cute wacky moose.

>> No.18557146

It's not easing, it's Tanaka being stingy. He doesn't want to blow his load too early like he did with the hotels.

>> No.18557148
Quoted by: >>18557226

You only need 5bars of ammo for full damage.

>> No.18557149
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1593155835769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing since the original IBS, and I only have two memedals!

>> No.18557167
File: 153 KB, 345x593, Potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The potato it calls to me, not in one language but two. It asks me to do things against my will.

>> No.18557175
File: 549 KB, 1500x1800, Battleships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable, post more BBs

>> No.18557180
File: 114 KB, 845x1200, untato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd mash it, if you know what I mean

>> No.18557187

Awful, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.18557191
File: 821 KB, 849x1200, 67606934_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese turkey folded 10000 times. Full size has 6 MB.

>> No.18557216

To expand on what the other guy said
>18555562, remember from the comic that the general increase in size of all ships meant regular destroyers basically "caught up" with Britain's original destroyer leaders in size. The critical aspect of a destroyer leader is having the facilities in place for an admiral's staff to lead the flotilla from. You don't have to be on a bigger ship to lead smaller ships.

>> No.18557218

Doesn't feel like Zui.

>> No.18557221

Would brush her hair.

>> No.18557226
Quoted by: >>18557266

Yes and? Sorry if Im being retarded, its my first time using AO in an event, but dont you reach V node with only 20% ammo and so two barrels in combined fleet would bring it back to 50% to remove the damage penalty?

Are you saying to only bring 1 barrel?

>> No.18557230
File: 659 KB, 900x1273, Poi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Poi poi'd 10000 times.

>> No.18557235

This is a pig, not a poi.

>> No.18557237


>> No.18557255

Not quite uncanny valley, but definitely doesn't look like Zuikaku.
Now THIS is uncanny valley.

>> No.18557266
Quoted by: >>18557314

Correct me if I am not wrong.
Subnode doesn't use ammo If I remembered correctly.

>> No.18557277
File: 524 KB, 881x1500, __harusame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kanon_kurogane_knights__df81d4be41b1de8b38d5d45b25a93619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18557280
File: 1.47 MB, 1240x1753, 60318672_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty gud Asakaze.

>> No.18557297

I have gained a new feeling when it comes to shipgirls; a sense of protection. I hope my fellow TTKs feel this as well.

>> No.18557309

I can only tell you that dropping difficulty on LD third gauge of E6 keeps you in third gauge, albeit with some of the gauge regenerated.

>> No.18557310

I literally can't stand seeing them suffer. Shigure using a damecon was painful because of the sinking cutscene. Only one other ship ever used a damecon, and that's Yuu this event, and I intentionally made her flagship so that I can use it between fights, not during.

>> No.18557314
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 1512786095713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I forgot that.

I guess it wasnt a total waste because fuel is supposed to affect evasion, but I suppose I deserve to be hardstuck here if I still make mistakes like this. Forever kuso.

>> No.18557316

checks are slightly chubby, if adjusted. she'll look good

>> No.18557331
Quoted by: >>18557484

Are you using tanks?

>> No.18557334
Quoted by: >>18557344

Anime hair and a realistic style never really work well together

>> No.18557344

Hardly realistic if you look at the eyes.

>> No.18557349

I refuse to listen to any of the sunk lines when new girls come out.

>> No.18557352

It really bums me out that you have the sinking scene before the damecon trigger. I hope phase 2 removes that or adds a skip button because I get depressed from thinking about it.

>> No.18557371
File: 310 KB, 800x960, e-7 clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18557398

Abukuma does it again, my back-to-back boss killer. I really couldn't ask a better performance, I'm speechless. Welp, time to farm for the last potato.

>> No.18557398

Which potato?

>> No.18557401

You can only farm one potato.

>> No.18557407

The potato who got lost in a cancerous map filled with Rus and Nus.

>> No.18557415
File: 79 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180307-11573711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18557437

Ah yes, the glory of LBAS.

>> No.18557434

When will Ai-chan play Can This?

>> No.18557436
Quoted by: >>18557440

She played AL, I don't think she's playing CanThis ever.

>> No.18557437
Quoted by: >>18557446

come back after your 10 attempts

>> No.18557440

When Tanaka pay her to shill canthis

>> No.18557446
Quoted by: >>18557459

I don't need 10 attempts to see that 6x 1/3 airstrike should kill more than one ship.

>> No.18557459

Between the Nu and two Tsus you're lucky that you can chuuha anything let alone sink one of those fucking DDs.

>> No.18557467
File: 211 KB, 800x603, 1424037535123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to lewd green eyed Poi?

>> No.18557484

I had my one tank on kusomi and 3 daihatsu on satsuki.

>> No.18557531

Only 1 taitei, 120k resources and 400 buckets should i bother with E7 hard ?

>> No.18557536

No, unless you have this mental fortitude to not give up.

>> No.18557542
Quoted by: >>18557546

You got a link to the ebook release you're getting?

>> No.18557546
Quoted by: >>18557551

It's not up yet. Unless you mean the site itself.

>> No.18557551
Quoted by: >>18557561

Yeah, the site. I can't find anything but I am retarded.

>> No.18557561

There's multiple you can buy Comptiq ebooks from. Bookwalker is owned and operated by Kadokawa itself so it always goes up at midnight JST without delay, but they have a gaijin ban and it's efforts to maintain a ripper for it were dropped years ago because they kept changing their encryption keys every month which made it a pain to keep up.
I used to rip from this one but it's too slow on my net. Usually there's a delay of half an hour or so after midnight.
There's also https://books.rakuten.co.jp/e-book/ but some books have lower quality scans from what I've heard on scanlation threads. Comptiq doesn't have this problem though.

>> No.18557563
Quoted by: >>18557578

You have a lots of resources.
How many greenjuice do you have? That should be your limiting factor.
Only phase1 would be a problem since you dont actually need taitei for phase2.

>> No.18557568
Quoted by: >>18557583

Oh I forgot, they only let you buy back up to a year from the next coming issue, so right now for example you can't buy any Comptiq issues from before the April 2017 issue.

>> No.18557578
Quoted by: >>18557589

28 juices, most of my ships are level 90ish no full married fleet and i have all good LBAS bomber from previous event.

>> No.18557583
File: 116 KB, 1131x1600, i-bookwalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one more thing I forgot, the files that ebookjapan, amazon kindle, and rakuten are the same files that bookwalker get and so they always have this file at the end even though you didn't buy it from bookwalker. So it there's ever a delay at bookwalker, everyone else also doesn't get the files.

>> No.18557589
Quoted by: >>18557590

More than enough.
You just need to have the mental strength to survive through the chokejob.

>> No.18557590

1 juice or 2 juice per attempt ?

>> No.18557591
File: 168 KB, 1600x1000, ca1efdfb69eb84544703526ae2389102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18557597

Up to you, I used one and clear it without much issues. I don't have anyone else to carry the nightplane.

>> No.18557611

1 will enable full damage, 2 just lets you dodge a little better

>> No.18557628

I want a glovejob from Zui

>> No.18557639

Matsukaze's bitch.

>> No.18557645
File: 2.85 MB, 1500x2186, __haruna_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tsukui_kachou__1e1e387a65d8a74a1700241b5b1e5cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Haruna

>> No.18557646

Eh, she's okay.

>> No.18557647

A shit.

>> No.18557655

What's Haruna's personality like?

>> No.18557660


>> No.18557662

>Haruna has a soft, warm, humble personality.
The experts at wikia have spoken!

>> No.18557663
Quoted by: >>18557667

The superior poi.

>> No.18557667
Quoted by: >>18557895

Would you say the supoirior poi?

>> No.18557673
Quoted by: >>18558945

Does anyone else prefer Poi and Shigure pre-KaiNi?

>> No.18557675
File: 718 KB, 1000x1200, 9e607761bf4eb5251ac82b4ad72675b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18557924

They are not wrong.

>> No.18557683

There is a reason why she is the #1 waifu in both the eastern and western canthis community

>> No.18557685
Quoted by: >>18557694

She better be, she did nothing throughout the war except ineffectively shell an airfield.

>> No.18557689
Quoted by: >>18557702

What's Hiei's and Kirishima's personalities like?
The answer; Not Very Much.

>> No.18557694

Not like any of the other IJN BBs managed to anything more desu. Pasta, Kraut, Frog, Bong, and Yank BBss might have fought in gun duels but with IJN the best you can ask for is sinking a DE (Kongo) and doing minor damage to a yank BB's paint job (Kirishima).

>> No.18557702

Childish, sisterconish, bro to the admiral
Smart, strict, always thinking, caring

all I know of from their lines, but here's a better question. Who's cuter, Haruna or Jintsuu?

>> No.18557707

>with IJN the best you can ask for is sinking a DE (Kongo)
Hey now, basically the entire fucking Kurita fleet helped sink that DE.

>> No.18557719

How is Jintsuu in any way cute?

>> No.18557729

Neither, both are just mediocre.

>> No.18557744

Which is why she's boring. She has no flair, no downside that makes her interesting as a character. The other Kongous has both a good and bad traits. Which is why they're more interesting as characters and not at all a blank slate.

>> No.18557753
File: 279 KB, 712x665, Slvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18557772


>> No.18557759

Ugly girls better have some personality. Thats all they have going for them.

>> No.18557761

this Haruna is pleb-tier waifu

>> No.18557768

Friend Fleet feels like cheating.

>> No.18557770

It's gonna feel even more like cheating when your friends can actually give you good fleets.

>> No.18557772

I liked this one only because it's one of the few doujins with Myoukou/Ise.

>> No.18557777

Acting as a fleet in being is pretty good in its own right.
Better management would have suited the IJN far better, like sending actual battleships to the fight instead of the poorly rebuilt battlecruisers.

>> No.18557782

I want a TBM-3M.

>> No.18557783

>My fleet had no way of beating E-4 FD
>Bong fleet comes
>Warspite manages to chunk off 80 health
>Noshiro last in the fleet and manages to do just enough damage to finish it with a DA
Kinda I guess.

>> No.18557798

It won't be
In the future, the devs are going to make the event more bullshit to prevent Friend Fleet to be a cakewalk thing.

>> No.18557801
Quoted by: >>18557803

You can't balance the game around expecting people to have good friends. Real friend fleets will likely be more overpowered.

>> No.18557803

yes you can, just look how they scaled up the routes and bosses after LBAS was added.

>> No.18557806
Quoted by: >>18557824

E6 LD is suffering.

>> No.18557807
Quoted by: >>18557833

This. Friend fleet just means that this game's gonna powercreep to the next level and you will hate yourself for having no friend.

>> No.18557809

Is that also why Kaga is so popular?

>> No.18557824

E6 last boss is making my fleet shit itself. I haven't even reached her once. Should I just give up on bombing her with LBAS and put all my planes as fighters on the air raid nodes?

>> No.18557833
Quoted by: >>18557841

In a year the only way to complete anything other than super-kuso is to have all meme medals so that people with decent friend fleets will befriend you.

>> No.18557841
Quoted by: >>18557888

I wonder if they'll also randomly choose which friend fleet actually shows up out of all of your friends, so it will only further encourage people only to befriend other people with optimal setups

>> No.18557845
Quoted by: >>18557862

>People like shipgirls who has no interesting personality like Kaga, Haruna and Shigure

Pretty much.

>> No.18557862

Does Hamakaze classify as having no interesting or unique personality?

>> No.18557872
File: 422 KB, 1000x872, 66218986_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18560183

50k is enough.

>> No.18557877

Every character you don't like can classify as having no personality. That's how this always goes.

>> No.18557884

She sounds like a chain smoker.

>> No.18557888

Canthis is truly the game for elites.

>> No.18557895


>> No.18557896
File: 996 KB, 1808x2560, 910nYcO1ZnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larger version from AmazonJP. Lists the tracks.

>> No.18557901

Yeah, there's no reason why you can't have a more complex personality + the token wifu traits.

>> No.18557908
Quoted by: >>18557914

Which tracks are in the mini cd?

>> No.18557909

Nip has shit taste, new at 11

>> No.18557910

What the fuck do I do with a dupe bisko? Her guns aren't even that good anymore

>> No.18557914

I figured that's what 1YB/1YB3H/2YB/KdMB are.

>> No.18557917
File: 673 KB, 991x1190, 56027106_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking tits
Yeah. Only good for lewd doujin

>> No.18557922
File: 146 KB, 890x1200, DXn28YFV4AAN84Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to take the picture seriously with nude Nero off on the side.

>> No.18557924

Dumb slut.

>> No.18557926

I really really like non-twin tail Zuikaku. I would do all kinds of things with her.

>> No.18557930

Even Tanikaze has more personality than her.

>> No.18557931

Usually there's a clean version inside.

>> No.18557932

Punchable face.

>> No.18557944

There's something really cute about how serious the boss is trying to look yet how silly her actual design is.

>> No.18557946
Quoted by: >>18557947

It's hard to take anything seriously with Typemoon shit on it, yeah.

>> No.18557947

pretty much

>> No.18557997

>980 yen

Who would buy an advertisement pamphlet with that price?

>> No.18558010
Quoted by: >>18558019

Or rather, why do magazine still matters in this time and age?

>> No.18558019
Quoted by: >>18558059

I think there is a digital version of comptiq.

>> No.18558027
File: 569 KB, 763x1080, __inazuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yatsu_seisakusho__52ea622a0478cc24466adabf23e0647b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows you are a lolicon

>> No.18558040

She can be my great gandma with her age.

>> No.18558059
Quoted by: >>18558099

For special goods.

There is, that's what I upload here.

>> No.18558099
Quoted by: >>18558105

>For special goods.

>> No.18558105
Quoted by: >>18558110

Posters, usually.

>> No.18558110
Quoted by: >>18558112

Meh. I can print one myself.

>> No.18558112
Quoted by: >>18558152

How are you going to print it without the artwork?

>> No.18558124

What's wrong with liking destroyers?

>> No.18558128
File: 2.24 MB, 2508x3541, 1487053365896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for all-night pomfing.

>> No.18558147

That's her only use.

>> No.18558150
File: 134 KB, 1150x1266, 1509816923970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-7 P1 > E-4 > E-6 P3 > E-6 P2 > E-7 P2 > E-6 P1 > *

>> No.18558152
File: 486 KB, 640x1136, 06401136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558190

If you mean things from Kadokawa, they usually have some the digital version available. I bought this one canthis book and they gave me a A5 poster for it, however the book itself contain a link to obtain various size of the image, so yeah I can print a bigger version myself.

>> No.18558169
File: 141 KB, 1158x1637, 69497ae085a8e89bdbc656ee2b06b3fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558183

That's one of my precious daughter and agree.

>> No.18558175

>muh shinano
>muh protect
Definitely better than Shitgure cowardice if you ask me

>> No.18558183

Who's teaching her to do these things?

>> No.18558189
File: 424 KB, 971x588, March-7-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558289


...okay... maybe just a few more.

>> No.18558190
File: 429 KB, 1128x1600, i-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558200

That's fucked up, I buy the athologies' ebooks for scanlations and the quality for Maizuru's ebooks have always pissed me off. I'd love to be able to get higher quality scans of the illustrations instead of jpeg artifact ridden shit.

>> No.18558191

It's part of the Asashio-class curriculum at my base.

>> No.18558197
File: 253 KB, 600x338, 16b7c6c73984bd80c0bc40daf8df2c02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trining her on how to seduce her father. Also, to stop calling me commander and call me father instead, she get spanked for everytime she calls me commander, she will learn eventually.

>> No.18558200
File: 999 KB, 1440x1280, 14401280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558237

You mad? Here's a bigger version.

>> No.18558201
File: 196 KB, 1038x649, 1511671242191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My black brother

>> No.18558217
File: 829 KB, 1784x1267, Remove glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18558220


>> No.18558234


>> No.18558237
Quoted by: >>18558271

What's the biggest size they offer you, anyways?

>> No.18558244

Is Fujikawa wearing glasses ?

>> No.18558256
Quoted by: >>18558332

Oh, thank god. Now we need girls without their hats.

>> No.18558264

What is with Nagasaki and constantly shitting out defective boats? One or two might be excusable but when like half of them need glasses to see you know that you've got a problem.

>> No.18558271
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1200, 19201200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the one that is the biggest if you only care about the image in the centre. Here's the one with a bigger file size but that is only because they added the left side.

>> No.18558288
File: 508 KB, 1000x1200, 1510850637688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiden Kai Ni when?

>> No.18558289
File: 91 KB, 572x602, DXnHyqXVAAEWuzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561811

This event is a dream in terms of all the ships you can get, may as well keep going.

>> No.18558332
File: 202 KB, 328x655, DD_Ooshio_Kai_Ni_199_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558348


>> No.18558348
Quoted by: >>18558352

Ooshio, Arare and Yamagumo are excellent daughters, I don't know how they're in the same class as Asashio the slut and Kusomi.

>> No.18558352
Quoted by: >>18558654

Hamakaze is a Kagerou-class you dolt

>> No.18558364
File: 668 KB, 800x480, 20180307_16171978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless Lenin, Marx and Engels, I got Tashkent from the very first run to the third E6 boss.

Zodorasvuitiye to you too Tashukento.

>> No.18558374

A shit.

>> No.18558376
File: 4 KB, 158x42, id.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558393

I got her on my first run too. Also this, feeling lucky this event.

>> No.18558393
Quoted by: >>18558400

I got Rucky Jewvis during my chipping run, A rank.

I got Daitou from the transport phase while chipping too (S rank).

Hamanami dropped during E5 boss phase chipping run too. Feels good not needing to farm for this event.

>> No.18558400
Quoted by: >>18558411

only had to farm for Jervis, everyone else came while clearing.

>> No.18558411

My take is that the drop rate on Hard is significantly higher than the stats. Because you can't get a dupe(?), and most people need to do multiple sortie on hard in order to clear it even if most of them got the new ships during chipping, it dilute the drop rate of the new ships.

>> No.18558416
Quoted by: >>18558418

Looks bourgeois to me

>> No.18558418
Quoted by: >>18558478

She's literally wearing rug around her neck.

>> No.18558421

>The one who triggers AACI goes taiha

the ironing

>> No.18558437
File: 748 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558442

why do I do with this blind creature?

>> No.18558441

Guess Zuihou isn't worth using for E7 unless shes Kai2, huh...

>> No.18558442

Teach her everything about love.

>> No.18558456

So do I still send Toukai to subnode for E6 third boss LD or do I all-in the LBAs to boss node?

>> No.18558458

I just got my 5th Ooyodo. What do I do with her and the others? I already raised the other 4 up to Kai for the FCF.

>> No.18558467

If you aren't using node support, then run ASW support. Then you can send all 3base to boss node.

>> No.18558477
File: 109 KB, 664x700, DXiDbmIVQAAuHVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558479

You don't need that many FCF's. Just use her as mod fod.

>> No.18558478

Looks like a quilt Bruh. But Yadokari is a shit artist.

>> No.18558479

Would she get angry if the admiral grabs her chest from behind?

>> No.18558480
Quoted by: >>18558533

what the fuck are you going to do with 4 FCF?

>> No.18558481
Quoted by: >>18558487

Will ASW support still hit normal nodes?

>> No.18558483
File: 2 KB, 344x135, 1520399166692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558489

>> No.18558487

Yes but you are equipping them with tenzan931, swordfish and those 2akitsumaru planes.

>> No.18558489
File: 156 KB, 1363x984, DWrtkTMVAAEhpbm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18558511
File: 27 KB, 287x430, winsconsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We all know Missouri is endgame. What if she's a potato?

>> No.18558514
File: 2.03 MB, 1945x2908, 1518383827037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid noob question. If I switch difficulty level from Easy to Casual, boss`s HP will be full again and I must fight from the beginning?

>> No.18558517
Quoted by: >>18558521

It's better if you kill yourself instead, you shitter.

>> No.18558518
File: 537 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180307-17180787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558543

>do historical debuff
>A rank the boss on the way out
is this prefinal formation a joke or what

>> No.18558520

The answer is in the first section of the first tab of the event wiki page

>> No.18558521
Quoted by: >>18558558

In past events, yes. But IIRC this event the boss's health will only recover by 25%.

Consult the wiki for more info.


>> No.18558523
Quoted by: >>18558558

The boss gauge will reset but the map gimmicks you've done, if any, will switch over.

>> No.18558533
Quoted by: >>18558555


Well, I had 2 yodos originally. Expected that if she gets a K2 it would be worth it.

Then we got the Striking Force FCF conversion and now I was glad I had one extra already.... then that event dropped two more Yodos.

Now this event dropped a 5th.

>> No.18558534

Ok. I am on the chipping run for the final E6 boss. Everything went smoothly and everything dies even though I got Hankousen both times. Is this just the fake bliss they gave me before the last dance?

>> No.18558541
Quoted by: >>18558567

Yeah, have fun with sniping.

>> No.18558543

Phase2 is a joke m8
It is a post celebration walkover after beating the true boss Onihime

>> No.18558553
Quoted by: >>18558567

Last dance is far harder, though the real killer is the route.

>> No.18558555
Quoted by: >>18558562

Can newfags even get super FCF now?
I thought it was a 1time event quest back during leyte?

>> No.18558558


>> No.18558562
Quoted by: >>18558583

It's still there
The problem is getting the two action reports needed for it as a new player

>> No.18558567

Well fuck me in the ass. I will redirect two of the LBAs strikes from node G to boss so that I have 4 in total. I will still use Iyo as a bait and sent her back after O. The important thing is for any member of the Shima fleet survive and aim at the boss at night right?

>> No.18558583
Quoted by: >>18558588

We just have 2Naganami quest in back2back month. No excuse.

>> No.18558584
Quoted by: >>18558595

I think meganefag was right, glasses are the best.

>> No.18558588
Quoted by: >>18558806

>Naganami Kai Ni
>as a new player

>> No.18558595
File: 153 KB, 1387x1286, 1510122972331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18558599

We need more western shipgirls in glasses.

>> No.18558599
Quoted by: >>18558607

That pantyhose make me diamond.

>> No.18558607
File: 289 KB, 680x800, 1510209333594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantyhose+glasses=absolute fetish combo. That`s why I love Katori.

>> No.18558626

Why is the Russo-German fleet worse than the Russian fleet? It has 5 members while the Russian fleet only has 3.

>> No.18558630

Gangut has higher chance for cut-in in flagship spot.

>> No.18558646

gangut has a lot of guns and hits like a truck if she cuts in, which she won't unless she's flagship.

I've had her crit for 200+.

>> No.18558647

How come she's not as popular as Kashima?

>> No.18558654

And I'm talking about the Asashio-class, you nimrod.

>> No.18558674

Her in-game art doesn't look as nice.

>> No.18558675
Quoted by: >>18558691

Old hag.

>> No.18558689
File: 1.16 MB, 692x1250, 1520413935521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18558691
File: 210 KB, 845x1280, __akigumo_and_katori_kantai_collection_drawn_by_zuihou_hechen121__ccbcf79061e0d3e9c654115446ef1692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs don`t understand her mature appeal. See >>18558675

>> No.18558710

Hm, this is a good idea, although I found line ahead + route support half decent. What was the comp for ASW support again, Taiyou + high ASW DD spam?

>> No.18558737
Quoted by: >>18558800

Is Katori a Christmas Cake?

>> No.18558759
File: 649 KB, 800x480, 20180307_18370966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18558762

Prove it

>> No.18558771

goddammit I would have only needed 2 more runs for e-5 transport but the fucking nigger boat dodge tanked all my night battle attacks so I couldn't get s rank.

>> No.18558795
Quoted by: >>18558814

>Vanguarding the air-raid

>> No.18558796

what should my LBAS look like for E4? Just all in bombers?

>> No.18558800

Yes, she's so desperate to get married that it makes the Myoukou-class cringe.

>> No.18558802
File: 927 KB, 2780x1990, __admiral_and_murakumo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_jito_mesuki_nitouhei__80544a6e7996718422c68f291ef8f16e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. You'll eventually clear the event, Commander.

>> No.18558806
Quoted by: >>18558810

Just do 5-4 for both the cranes and Naganami
What's the issue?

>> No.18558809

Worst Kai Ni Ever.

>> No.18558810

The issue is that I have 10 other ships waiting on blueprints

>> No.18558814
Quoted by: >>18558869

After substantial testing, I find that vanguard is superior to diamond if you don't have any Air Power or AA equipment.

>> No.18558823
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, 1520397815509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18558830

But where does her cuteness come from?

>> No.18558847
File: 196 KB, 542x800, 42366981_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the enemy

>> No.18558850

From getting abyssalized.

>> No.18558853

I have already cleared the event.

give me iowa.

>> No.18558862 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 1536x2048, 1520417612561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kashima Kai 2 is here!

>> No.18558864

How would you feel if your favourite shipgirl got ABYSSALED?

>> No.18558867

These air nodes are such bullshit.

>> No.18558869

My anecdotal evidence agrees.

>> No.18558871
Quoted by: >>18558915

Should I bring AACI on E7P1 LD? I don't really have room for it but my jets are getting slaughtered.

>> No.18558911

Please don't lewd Ncha, thanks.

>> No.18558915

>think it's another failed shit run
>Zuihou hits 440 on the boss

I will eat now all eggs

>> No.18558918

is she going to use all that on herself?

>> No.18558934

I'm going to use it on her

>> No.18558944

Glasses too?

>> No.18558945

I like Shigure pre Kai Ni better.
Both Pois are good.

>> No.18558987

Just finished the movie. Worst decision I've ever made. I think that was the downfall of canthis.

>> No.18559041

What's wrong with it?

>> No.18559045
Quoted by: >>18559069

I didn't think it was horrible, but it definitely wasn't good. It's way too serious.

>> No.18559048
File: 600 KB, 2893x4092, __kashima_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ulrich_tagaragakuin__fc06e3603eef743721798b316791e139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's a given.

>> No.18559052

Light-hearted fun S2 never.

>> No.18559062

People wanted more desdiv6 shenanigan, not fubuki shitty drama.

>> No.18559069

Major plot flaw
>Kisaragi died
>nope xD
>won by talking, not by the last TCI onto the boss

Some annoyance
>DesDiv 6 appearance limited
>Fucking KitaOoi is not K2
>where the fuck is Taihou when you need her?
Also Yamato tanking those torps made my heart ached.

>> No.18559070

At least it had Aoba and Tatsuta in it!

>> No.18559079 [SPOILER] 
File: 395 KB, 595x1135, 1520422135164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's westernshit but I think this sums it up rather nicely.

>> No.18559086
File: 339 KB, 750x1000, __batsubyou_enemy_aircraft_error_musume_fairy_fubuki_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_bacius__200217c5330bcc62f9093818247a4765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18559097

So she's coming to the game eventually, right?

>> No.18559097

Yes. Final map boss for the next event. The reward for the map is Fubuki.

>> No.18559104

Would the Gluttonous Akagi, Christmas Cake Ashigara and Nagamon memes still be around if the anime didn't make them canon?
I still salty that they permanently fucked up Nagato's voice

>> No.18559121

But the movie is pretty good, too bad it's only 9 minutes long.

>> No.18559126
Quoted by: >>18559170

I bet you couldn't make a better movie, anon.

>> No.18559152

>and now PTE
Damn. I'm jealous but I can't see how can they fit in KC.

>> No.18559164
Quoted by: >>18559666

Coming back to E6 for Tashkent, how the fuck did I clear this map?

>> No.18559167
File: 577 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180307-03431595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, finally.
Spent a whole day on LD.

>> No.18559170

Me playing the game for 2 hours is better than the movie.

>> No.18559175

What are you talking about?

>> No.18559176

Strike Witches colab any day now.

>> No.18559177

I know about the other two AL collabs but where's the source for this one?

>> No.18559178
Quoted by: >>18559183

Damn I also think AACI is a big problem but I didn't think about bringing Teruzuki. I am surprised you didn't bring any BB.

>> No.18559183

I didn't bring a BB because I didn't want a second shelling phase.

>> No.18559190

Canthis anime and movie would have been much better if it was a semi-historical following of [insert IJN admiral here]. And they would have had easier opportunities for extra seasons. Now that fat fuck is stuck with his AFK botting admiral.

>> No.18559196

What if they adapted tk's doujin instead?

>> No.18559198

Where is the sources

>> No.18559204
Quoted by: >>18559293

>Canthis anime and movie would have been much better if it was a semi-historical following
But that's exactly what it was and a large part of why it was so shit. KanColle doesn't stick to history. Following it by the numbers is just asking for bad drama and a predictable plotline. And if you begin on the rails like that, the moment you deviate the story has nowhere to go. It's always worked as an anachronistic ahistorical recreation of events.

>> No.18559213
File: 1.09 MB, 714x1250, __battleship_water_oni_kongou_and_zuihou_battleship_movie_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__ea86aa645727d67a85af67ab232674fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18559293

Even the event storyline is more hilarious. serious story just doesn't work with canthis.

>> No.18559215

Nep collab was cancer, you don't want that.

>> No.18559227

So an entire series about nip boatsluts getting butchered by Abyssals/burger boatsluts.

>> No.18559239
File: 73 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180307-20573105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doukousen

>> No.18559254
Quoted by: >>18559266

All 3 LBAs to boss?

>> No.18559257

From her silliness.

>> No.18559262
Quoted by: >>18559296


>> No.18559266

1 to subs, 2 to boss.
Although I was considering sending 3 to boss.

>> No.18559293
Quoted by: >>18559358

>But that's exactly what it was and a large part of why it was so shit.
The anime was shit because of Fubuki pandering, the retarded Kisaragi drama, turning most of the support cast into walking memes, the borderline shizophrenic switches between serious war drama and sol and the studio having no idea how to handle the admiral.
A serious anime could work, it just needs a competent director. Imagine CanThis by Mamoru Oshii.

>> No.18559296
Quoted by: >>18559318

MaoLanefags butthurt the collab brought nepfags to their general.

>> No.18559318

AL girls in the next Neptunia game when?

>> No.18559343

What the hell is PTE.

>> No.18559348
Quoted by: >>18559355

What the hell, how much LOS do you need for L-Q gimmick? It says to use slow STF, but I keep getting sent to H. I have shiun and Saiun already, do I just put radars on my BBs?

>> No.18559355
Quoted by: >>18559365

1BB in escort
4BB in mainfleet

>> No.18559358

>A serious anime could work
Nah, can't take 95 % of the cast seriously with those designs.

>> No.18559365
Quoted by: >>18559371

Oh wow that BB is mandatory? I figured I didnt need for just an A-rank. Thanks.

>> No.18559371
Quoted by: >>18559377

Yea, really surprised me how those RTAfags even discover this.

>> No.18559377

Probably by burning resources and shit on the most useless things to see if it does anything Like the manual off-route to node W in E-4

>> No.18559429
File: 76 KB, 423x287, 5a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18559454
File: 91 KB, 681x1050, DXm937LVQAEFpDu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the tissue?

>> No.18559472

Runny nose.

>> No.18559474
Quoted by: >>18559476


>> No.18559476
Quoted by: >>18559478

Did Kitakami bully the TTK?

>> No.18559478

Those were tears of joy.

>> No.18559504
Quoted by: >>18559648

Itou Life.

>> No.18559505

This image makes me want to breed with a potato.

>> No.18559522

Bkub post 2hu works

>> No.18559648

Choukai doujin by him when? We need to complete the Takao-class.

>> No.18559660
Quoted by: >>18559665

best method to increase Zuihou asw by 1 ? just feed her 2 DE of the same class on hope for asw bonus ?

>> No.18559665

Buy ring
Give her 2xF6F-5N or swordfish III

>> No.18559666
File: 590 KB, 800x480, 20180307_05273262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go back for Jervis, now. Almost done with this shit.

>> No.18559688
Quoted by: >>18559721

Ahhh. so stressed. Fucking E6 give me a migraine.

>> No.18559721
Quoted by: >>18559759

tfw haven't started E7 yet because E6 is so stressful

>> No.18559746

I named an expedition fleet NoPan and forgot to fix the names when fleet presets started cloning them. Asashio, being a loyal destroyer, took it seriously.

>> No.18559749

Explain how there's duplicates.

>> No.18559756

Fairy magic.

>> No.18559759
Quoted by: >>18559948

I cannot finish off the boss at E6. This game makes me doubt myself so much. Why did I chose this difficulty? Why did I start playing this game at all? And then I start doubting my life.

>> No.18559761

Any requirement for the game to follow any universe's canon is purely in your head. There are duplicates.

>> No.18559795

The duplicates are additional sets of equipment and fairies. The equipment can be used to summon the girl it belongs to. If you try to sortie both in the same fleet, the fairies will all pick one and the other will be unsummoned.

>> No.18559824
Quoted by: >>18559918

Sparkle, etc. for chipping E7 final boss?

>> No.18559829
File: 67 KB, 800x480, Tash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes. I got almost all the girls while clearing the maps.
>two jervis

>> No.18559846

Spare bodies

>> No.18559856

Twins, duh.

>> No.18559859

Because this is a serious game with any need of notice.

>> No.18559908

They come from a doomed timeline, they're just secretive about it.

>> No.18559918
Quoted by: >>18559932

Sparkling combined fleet? Good joke.

>> No.18559922
Quoted by: >>18559927

How effective is ZuiZui dance?
I used it once for Akitsushima farming in E4 and actually got her.

>> No.18559927

>Zuizui dance helps in farming
I may just put 'Murica music when I start farming for Iowa again.

>> No.18559932
Quoted by: >>18559945

Can't take a whole day of retreating, drives me up the god damn wall.

>> No.18559945
Quoted by: >>18559956

I always spend all of my Mamiya+Irako on that. Doesn't help. Spending a long time sparkling 12 ships to not see the result you expect would tear your soul even harder.

>> No.18559948

sometimes i'm jealous of casual / easy fags that finish the event without any stress and don't bother with memedal or good equip rewards.

>> No.18559956

Just worried about my resources, got 70k fuel left and I've never been to evil Zui yet.

>> No.18559967

Could someone post an E4 fleet please?
I'm not sure if I should save some Kurita shipgirls to later maps.

>> No.18559969
Quoted by: >>18559975

I refuse to believe this. I've never seen my flagship getting wrecked so hard so consistently. The boss know how to aim at Kasumi.

>> No.18559975
Quoted by: >>18559981

The abyssals can pick their target.

>> No.18559981
Quoted by: >>18560001

Fuck it. I don't want to fight in air denial anymore. Fucking loading up my Suzuya right now.

>> No.18560001
File: 370 KB, 1351x2046, 1d6994f1adae4b3672153fa68be2b1ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking loading up my Suzuya right now.

>> No.18560015

>tfw you will never fill Suzuya to the brim

>> No.18560031

Tone's been doing work for me 2nd to last in line killstealing from KTKM a few times.

>> No.18560034
Quoted by: >>18560039

Where's your duck? Do you not have even a single SPF? Did you sortie a base of LBAS fighters for cover?

>> No.18560039
Quoted by: >>18560057

Who the fuck send LBAs to air raid nodes?

>> No.18560048
Quoted by: >>18560074

Suzuya is hot but I hate green hair

>> No.18560057

Not the IJN, clearly.

>> No.18560061

One base to R with fighters and split the others between O and the boss node. Even if you only whack one ship on O that's one less DD for your FBB to shoot at instead of a Nu.

>> No.18560062
Quoted by: >>18560126

Did you sink your sub? Or is this before your Damecon activated?

>> No.18560074
Quoted by: >>18560084


>> No.18560084

It looks terrible

>> No.18560126
Quoted by: >>18560140

Are you serious?

>> No.18560135
Quoted by: >>18560140

Should I bring 3rd CVL to E4 if I'm doing kusomedium?

>> No.18560140
Quoted by: >>18560146


>> No.18560146
Quoted by: >>18560156

Why not?

>> No.18560151
Quoted by: >>18560245

Is E7P2 harder or easier?

>> No.18560156
Quoted by: >>18560174

Routing and BBs do more damage. Bring someone like Musashi or Nagato for the Ru wall.

>> No.18560169
File: 475 KB, 786x1100, __kaga_and_zuikaku_kantai_collection_drawn_by_souji__4ea5b7e0b22d3cc72cb468992cb2c13e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagafags really are the worst especially since Zuikaku says it was thanks to Shoukaku being there that she succeeded.

>> No.18560174
Quoted by: >>18560185

I planned to bring 4 BBs and 2 CVLs in main fleet. 3rd CVL would be just muling in escort fleet.
I would still have seven kuritas.

>> No.18560183
File: 74 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18560229

Go away Wo-chan, you're old and busted. And 50k is plenty with regen.

>> No.18560185
Quoted by: >>18560196

Ok. I used 1CL, 3DDs and 2 CAs.

>> No.18560196
Quoted by: >>18560210

Did the boss survive far to the night usually or did you kill it often during the day?

>> No.18560201
File: 838 KB, 868x1228, ganbie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18560210

I'm still stuck on Last Dance because I advanced while Taiha'd and lost one of my ships. I plan on clearing it today. Most of the time she will survive until the night.

>> No.18560218
Quoted by: >>18560236

Haha wow, disgusting.

>> No.18560221
File: 67 KB, 499x560, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18560236

Who was it?

>> No.18560229

Watch those words, she always gives the best and most relevant advice.

>> No.18560230

>can't use a saiun without completely neutering two carriers by making them fighter mules
>always get red T

>> No.18560236
Quoted by: >>18560249

I built one the same day. She's Daijoubu.

>> No.18560238
Quoted by: >>18560397

Your kusoest moment in this event so far?

>> No.18560245

Easier on medium and above.
Harder on easy and lower due to the boss not having an armor gimmick and being considerably harder to kill due to no nuke damage.

>> No.18560249

Always and forever daijoubu.

>> No.18560252
Quoted by: >>18560262

Really hope I get it within the next 60k fuel, then.

>> No.18560258


>> No.18560262
Quoted by: >>18560264

What difficulty?

>> No.18560264
Quoted by: >>18560268

Hard. Other difficulties are not important.

>> No.18560268

You shouldn't have much of an issue then. Preboss is probably going to be the bigger pain in the ass.
If you got P1 in your pocket then it's only a matter of time. You've got two weeks or so anyway. Double that fuel number and you're good.

>> No.18560276

Really don't want to drag this out any longer. Absolutely despise this event.

>> No.18560286
Quoted by: >>18560299

So E7 is way easier than summer E7?

>> No.18560299

It's harder for me, but maybe I'm just a shitter and can't get my comp right.
P1 was surprisingly smooth but P2 boss refuses to fall.

>> No.18560301
Quoted by: >>18562094

I wanna sniff Maya's sweaty armpits.

>> No.18560352
Quoted by: >>18560387

How to beat E6 lass boss LD?

>> No.18560371
File: 115 KB, 560x700, ec1e06d2eeff2bd45e6268eced255453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you use your duckies?
No need to mention bedroom, toilet and office table.

>> No.18560382
Quoted by: >>18560484

Shower, bath, couch, table, and backyard.

>> No.18560387
Quoted by: >>18560393

Which one? They're all lasses.

>> No.18560393
Quoted by: >>18563551

The third one. I've been trying all day and it is giving me stress no less than E4.

>> No.18560397

Doing E7 on casual just so I could farm.

>> No.18560412
Quoted by: >>18560424

On average if the whole map is considered, which is harder, medium or kuso?

>> No.18560424

Whole map? Surely medium due to harder preboss and whatnot.
But easy P2 last dance boss is genuinely the hardest thing out of either of these. Medium boss dies to anything.

>> No.18560427
Quoted by: >>18560442

Do the new ships have a higher drop rate? I've gotten every new ship and none of those I missed in the past year and a half of not playing.

>> No.18560442

Yes. New ships get from 3-5% on average while old ships get 1-2%.

>> No.18560449
File: 84 KB, 212x478, Shigire_suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561118

The hardest has yet to come but I already capitulated mentally.

Maybe I should go and sleep right now and sign the terms of surrender tomorrow.

>> No.18560457
Quoted by: >>18560588

When Iowa said 「私たちのこともよろしく」, why did she pluralize it?

>> No.18560484
File: 170 KB, 850x635, 5b1c42372f48469c3425650997295307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to ask in which maps did you use your slutty duckies.
Where are they really needed this time? Already used two in E3.

>> No.18560508
File: 641 KB, 1000x1400, 67619457_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18560627

Is a chink going to brutally rape Trashcan.

>> No.18560539
Quoted by: >>18560573

Why is Aki blushing?

>> No.18560558

Cute as fuck

>> No.18560573

No pantsu.

>> No.18560588

US ships.

>> No.18560600

Are you still upset about Intrepid?

>> No.18560604

I was never upset.

>> No.18560614
File: 2.40 MB, 1194x1500, __hayasui_kantai_collection_drawn_by_caesar8149__216df04dc62729ad4abd338a8dc93823[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her reward for helping you pass E4 and E7?

>> No.18560620

Implying I used her in E4.

>> No.18560627 [DELETED] 


>> No.18560636
Quoted by: >>18560879

Who uses Hayasui when there's Kamoi?

>> No.18560637
Quoted by: >>18560658

Redpill me on fastfuck for E-7.
I've never used her buckets, she's only level 9 for me. I have a shitton of buckets and I'm stuck on last dance, maybe I'll use her.

>> No.18560655

>Taking all that ironic shitposting when she first was revealed as being upset.

>> No.18560658
Quoted by: >>18560672

Put her on escort flaship, she won't sink. That said, it would be better if you Kai her and max her armor just to have a better chance of her not getting instantly taiha.

>> No.18560667
Quoted by: >>18560833


>> No.18560672
Quoted by: >>18560753

Yeah, I'll flagship her. I think I've read only one bucket is going to be of use, right? What should the other equip(s) be? Night equipment?

>> No.18560697

At least you're not stuck at 3. And those are from the 3 easiest/shortest events. Hoping this event is 4, still got 290k res.

>> No.18560716
Quoted by: >>18560731

tfw stuck at 4 memedal, i want to attempt E7 on hard but only 1 Taitei

>> No.18560731
Quoted by: >>18560738

What do you need more for anyways?

>> No.18560738

i'm still unlocking the boss but most people said you need 2 taitei for phase 1 boss

>> No.18560748

It was hilarious.

>> No.18560752

I'm used to Shitbafu being shit, and his IDF defending garbage.

>> No.18560753

Gotta make her fast.

>> No.18560757
Quoted by: >>18560763

I was surprised, but I got over it since I already masturbate to potatoes frequently. I honestly do think other people in forums and Wikia got legitimately asshurt though.

>> No.18560760

Two in E3, one in E6.

>> No.18560763

I mean, it's shit, but there's always next event.

>> No.18560770

I was surprised by it then I grew to like her after hearing her lines. It's the usual kancolle effect - the art eventually grows on you and you get used to it.

>> No.18560771

Pretty much everyone is in the acceptance stage and only if they truly hated it in the first place. Of course she is probably one of the least cared about ships in the event even among nips.

>> No.18560781
Quoted by: >>18561119

Pretty sure everyone is tired of the event to care anymore if they actually hated it. At least on /jp/.

>> No.18560787
File: 30 KB, 720x106, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18560851

fuck off stupid dancing bitch just give me trash can holy shit

>> No.18560796
Quoted by: >>18560800

But anon, I didn't use Hayasui (or Kamoi) this event!

>> No.18560800
Quoted by: >>18560825

Casuals need not reply.

>> No.18560825
Quoted by: >>18560830

I'm on hard mode though. Got E7's first boss done yesterday. It's really not that hard even without an oiler.

>> No.18560830
Quoted by: >>18560852

6 TCI?

>> No.18560833

She's daijoubu.

>> No.18560851
File: 61 KB, 800x480, 2018-03-08 01-38-50 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck JP whining magic is real, literally next run. thanks anons

>> No.18560852
File: 756 KB, 800x480, NoOiler1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 TCIs and Zuihou. The boss was so low at the end Zuihou didn't even need to crit.

>> No.18560870
File: 585 KB, 800x480, NoOiler2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18560878
Quoted by: >>18560897

What is Taigei's role in your fleet?

>> No.18560879
Quoted by: >>18560905

Is Kamoi measurably better? About to start E7P1.

>> No.18560887
Quoted by: >>18560925

Congratz, post LBAS please.

>> No.18560897


>> No.18560899

Nice. Took me 100k fuel with a similar setup WITH barrels, so you got lucky.

>> No.18560905
Quoted by: >>18560916

Kamoi is significantly cheaper, that's all that matters since their purpose is to carry drums.

>> No.18560916

Cuteness is important.

>> No.18560925
Quoted by: >>18560993

My LBAS was pretty standard. ASW to N then the other two bases to the boss with enough AS for 劣勢

>> No.18560932

24 hours spent on sparkling 14 ships and leveling LBAS planes for E-6 phase 2. What do I get, a fucking taiha on the first node.

>> No.18560937
Quoted by: >>18560989

How bad is E6 without FCF?

>> No.18560976

Was never upset, just sad. Same kind of sad I am whenever potatoman gets a new boat.

>> No.18560979

There is no benefit to restarting the steel industry now. The problem has been innovation.

>> No.18560989

As soon as I put it on Nachi I went from retreating 75% of the time to only having to turn back once. And I never retreated a ship either, just had it for placebo.

>> No.18560991

I don't think China has been targeted with Tariffs actually.

>> No.18560993

>with enough AS for 劣勢
Is that a fancy way of saying getting AS at the boss?

>> No.18560996
File: 686 KB, 797x831, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my dupe, better than a 51cm imo.

GL out there, she exists.

(only took 80 times making it to node X)

>> No.18561003

Sweet fucking lord, I have an aneurysm every time I look at this interface.

>> No.18561010
Quoted by: >>18561146

It means you can't read.

>> No.18561013

Literally nothing wrong with it.

>> No.18561017
Quoted by: >>18561042

You know you can click your name to hide it right?

>> No.18561027
File: 315 KB, 460x365, base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561146


>> No.18561042


Oh hey they actually did update it to disappear instead of just like shittily blur it a bit, but I'd have to remove it from the results screen anyways since I was too paranoid and wanted to heart-lock her asap to wait for a better moment to screenshot.

>> No.18561100
Quoted by: >>18561105

The clutter and the color scheme reminds me of those browser-based MMOs in the late 90s

>> No.18561105

Yeah I feel you.

>> No.18561118
File: 82 KB, 755x733, 1518410449651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheer up anon, tomorrow is a new day.

>> No.18561119
Quoted by: >>18561140

Yeah this is a slog. E6 was super annoying.

>> No.18561125

I can't be bothered to constantly reset on casual to farm for her, but a dupe would be nice

>> No.18561140

E6 makes me miss E4.

>> No.18561146
Quoted by: >>18561156

rikai translation simply made no sense, yeah.

>> No.18561156

>rikai translation simply made no sense, yeah.
Do you not use the calculator in the OP?

>> No.18561165
Quoted by: >>18561243

Kongou or Iowa for E7 LD?

>> No.18561203

Is there no way to measure the LBAS morale?

>> No.18561211
File: 62 KB, 272x126, please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the iowa and no one gets hurt

>> No.18561222
Quoted by: >>18561267

Good luck, kusofriend

>> No.18561225

Take a break, regain your resources. You have 1 and a 1/2 weeks, right?

>> No.18561238

2 weeks. Which reminds me, exact date when, Tanaka?

>> No.18561243
File: 141 KB, 600x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561266


>> No.18561248

Can you lend me some of that bauxite...?

>> No.18561266

Kongo is better in all respects.

>> No.18561267


I'm going to keep farming until they're around 10k or I get to about 40 buckets. Then I'll take a break with resource regen helping me.

something is going to 0 if I fail to get her no matter what.

>> No.18561279
Quoted by: >>18561296

How resource intensive is it to unlock E7 boss node on super kuso?

>> No.18561283
Quoted by: >>18561354

yes. I'm still debating on scrapping here immediately, levelling her to 50 for the plane and then scrapping her, or keeping her around just to feed to enterprise. if enterprise is a potato too I'm going to quit the game.

>> No.18561293

Had a giggle and went to bed. I was serene.

>> No.18561296
Quoted by: >>18561302

Are you considering going down in difficulty or just thinking which one you want to pick?
Either way, can't be much. 10k at most to get to P2 boss and that's with bad luck and/or a shit fleet.

>> No.18561302

Considering whether to farm and reset on super kuso before going for hard clear because with 83k bauxite I probably don't have enough resources to farm hard post-clear that much

>> No.18561310

Oh, farming? Well the actual farming depends of course, but don't worry about your bauxite, honestly.
I've barely used any this whole event and I'm a shitter. Less than 5k for the EOs.

>> No.18561326 [DELETED] 
File: 2.05 MB, 450x450, 1482868623912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18561354

>if enterprise is a potato too I'm going to quit the game.

Stuff like this is why Enterpotato should happen, the flood of butthurt would be most amusing to witness and it would be interesting to see how many people would actually go through with their promises to quit KC if Freedom Fries CV-6 edition happens.

>> No.18561363

Thicc af

>> No.18561364
Quoted by: >>18561390

If Enterprise does happen, she wont be a potato.

>> No.18561368

I want to get sandwiched by them

>> No.18561370

fuck off²

>> No.18561381

It's like 7,5€ or 9,5$ for you. Should be affordable for everyone at one point.

>> No.18561390
Quoted by: >>18561411

You said same about Decrepit and we both know what happened.

>> No.18561402

>rather get butthurt than good art
This is a cancer way of thinking, senpai

>> No.18561411
Quoted by: >>18561427

Intrepid? Because I never said that she wouldn't. But its highly unlikely that Enterprise will be a potato. Every carrier the USN gets wont be a potato purely because you want to see people upset about it. We're going to end up with Enterprise + Zuikaku promotional art and you're going to fucking like it.

>> No.18561427

>We're going to end up with Enterprise + Kaga promotional art and you're going to fucking like it.


>> No.18561430

>Getting promotional art at all
Yeah where are those that were promised with group ships from all the artist? Oh yeah they never happened.

>> No.18561433
Quoted by: >>18561472

The more you push this nonsense the more disappointed you'll be when it doesn't happen.

>> No.18561472
Quoted by: >>18561484

Just keep clinging to that, just don't come crying for pity if it goes down in flames like "1 country=1 artist" and "Yoshinori is going to draw all burger capital ships" stuff went.

>> No.18561484
Quoted by: >>18561559

So how will I know its you sperging out when Enterprise isn't a potato? Can you throw in a code word or something?

>> No.18561559

His codeword would be 'Kaga'

>> No.18561576

I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.18561580

Actually haven't seen him since Intrepid was revealed.

>> No.18561590

He dropped Laga for the new potato.

>> No.18561593

eh? thought he was on earlier in the thread posting kaga was "relevant" or "why is she so popular" BS.

>> No.18561624
File: 541 KB, 633x951, 4koma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561863

I believe in 4koma power. He's the insider.

>> No.18561633
Quoted by: >>18561643

He complained a bit about USN bias because Kaga doesn't have the most planes anymore.

>> No.18561643
Quoted by: >>18561650

Can't be helped, Kaga might have had most planes of Tojo's carriers but even the weakest of burger fleet carrier's carried more planes than she did.

>> No.18561650

Maybe is Japan hadn't insisted on following the British method of making a carrier they could have doubled Kaga's carrying capacity.

>> No.18561663

That is IJN for you, copying British ideas even after Bongs stopped sugar daddying them.

>> No.18561664

Nah, the plane just got bigger over time. So Essex actually have more space than the piece of shit Laga.

>> No.18561669

All they needed was folding wings, not folding wingtips. That's how USN carriers inflated their numbers.

>> No.18561674

Pretty much this, people seem to forget how small early planes were and how massive newer planes were getting.

>> No.18561677

Deck parking could radically increase carrier's carying capacity. For example see how Lusty-class jumped from 30-ish planes to 60+ planes after Brits adopted that practice

>> No.18561680

The US also had one huge hangar and stored their planes on the deck. The nips had several small hangars and stored all their planes inside.
Actually a lot of pre-war planes are as big as a lot of late-war planes.

>> No.18561701

Except planes like SBD and early wildcats didn't have folding wings at all.

>> No.18561710

You could clear turbo-kuso with 1/16th of that bauxite.

>> No.18561721
File: 598 KB, 850x1200, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget suspended planes.

>> No.18561738

Pastas are cute

>> No.18561758
File: 1.67 MB, 1500x1500, d68ccfe183010020d1b6df91583e31d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people STILL want Enterprise even after getting the strongest USN carrier they fielded
You really are brainlets.

>> No.18561762
Quoted by: >>18561773

>Stop wanting thing
Not everyone cares about stats.

>> No.18561767
Quoted by: >>18561777

But Midway is the strongest carrier we deployed during the war. How do we already have her?

>> No.18561769

Tsushima is slow.

>> No.18561771
Quoted by: >>18561796

For folding wings you need a good hangar height though. Something the Japanese hangars could not handle.
They stopped doing that though especially after the escort carriers could transport new aircraft to them. However just like folding wings you need a hangar large in height for it.

>> No.18561773
Quoted by: >>18561781

This, I want the big 7 and most are inferior to ships that are already in the game. I just want more character possibility and fan out put.

>> No.18561774
Quoted by: >>18561840

I can't even find proof if any carrier had over 80 planes in it's own group before Essexes.
Obviously not including disassembled planes, transport configurations or planes which came from damaged carriers. Lexingtons, Akagi and Kaga sometimes carried huge hordes of biplanes but that should not be relevant.

>> No.18561777

Well launched during the war. Not deployed.

>> No.18561781

Can we leave the oil tankers out so we only have the good looking ones?

>> No.18561787

I know, I should have used a better word.

>> No.18561796
File: 53 KB, 576x348, TBM_on_USS_Randolph_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561853

>Something the Japanese hangars could not handle.
What if it's this kind.

>> No.18561810


>> No.18561811

It's also a nightmare in how bullshit reaching all the farm spots is.

>> No.18561839
File: 74 KB, 744x492, 1937_00_00_rodney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8, you're gay as fuck if you don't think that this is sexy

>> No.18561840

CEAG Cdr Richard K. Gaines
1 (1 operational) x TBF-1.
VF-10 LCdr James H. Flatley, Jr.
36 (33 operational) x F4F-4; fitted for drop tanks, tanks available.
VB-10 LCdr James A. Thomas
22 (17 operational) x SBD-3.
VS-10 LCdr James R. Lee
22 (16 operational) x SBD-3.
VT-10 LCdr John A. Collett
14 (14 operational) x TBF-1.
If this is correct then Enterprise had 81 planes active at on point. This was like a day or two before Santa Cruz. Though I think it is said they had to push the crew really hard and 72 was a more manageable number. In the main day of the battle she had less planes active due to sending out a strike the previous day.

>> No.18561842


>> No.18561853
File: 44 KB, 800x461, aichi-b7a-grace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561874

I don't know but the Japanese planes that did adopt folding wings like their Torpedo bombers folded them the other way. I think folding them like the TBM and some variants of F6F puts even more weight on the wings than the more conventional fold upwards style. To the Japanese that probably would have been unacceptable.

>> No.18561856


>> No.18561861

God that's almost as ugly as Fuso. Even the fucking French pulled off the all-forward design better. Of course it isn't hard to beat the RN in aesthetics.

>> No.18561863
Quoted by: >>18561875

You already got your Yorktown class Intrepid just like you predicted Saras' mk.2.

>> No.18561874
File: 102 KB, 429x308, Corsair_being_pushed_on_elevator_HMS_Glory_(R62)_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British managed to stuff the slightly shortened wing Corsairs in Illustrious-class which seems to have lower hangars than Japanese carriers.

I'd guess that Japs couldn't afford to make such fat planes like Americans since they didn't have so powerful engines.

>> No.18561875
Quoted by: >>18561888

>Yorktown class Intrepid

>> No.18561888

Sorry, i forgot to put sarcasm/irony/whatever in brackets there for people who can't get it.

>> No.18561899
Quoted by: >>18561917

It's the kind of joke that's only funny in your head in the first place.

>> No.18561901
Quoted by: >>18561912

why did aquila have so few planes even storing them like that?

>> No.18561912

>23k tons

>> No.18561915

It's just not funny, anon. Making nonsense statements isn't sarcasm or irony.

>> No.18561917
Quoted by: >>18561930

It's the point when someone says something will happen and it happens in whatever time with no confirmation other than some random guys words. It's hardly a prediction, just a random statement with a 50% outcome.

>> No.18561928

She'll just shout "Go James!" when sending out planes.

>> No.18561930

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.18561939

Kill bonus, bitch. Enterprise will have Shoukaku FP at kai.

>> No.18561951

Are you only allowed to fly in the navy if your name starts with "J"?

>> No.18561966

Because muh Turkey and E rivalry even though its not going to happen.

>> No.18561971

E is most likely going to be a good Kaga kouhai desu.

>> No.18561973

>James "Jimmy" Doolittle (army)
>John Smith "Jimmy" Thach

>> No.18561974
Quoted by: >>18561979

No but she'll become the sweetest potato.

>> No.18561979

It will be Yorktown with a big set of monkey ears.

>> No.18561986

They are just in alphabet order. Maybe I-people went to Yorktown.

>> No.18561987
Quoted by: >>18561999

Enterprise by Jiji.

>> No.18561988

The flight group commander was named Richard.

>> No.18561991
File: 145 KB, 587x544, 1495844290094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18561998

>post E-4 farming

Holy shit. I've forgotten how it felt to go through those cancerous nodes, but it's all coming back again. I invested 2 LBAS on R, support was there, two midget subs were there AND I'm still not safe from one of the Ru critting Yamato. Fuck me.

>> No.18561998
Quoted by: >>18562005

If you're farming for Jervis just do it on E-5.

>> No.18561999

Anything but Shibafu is okay.

>> No.18562005

Sadly it's for the lone potato.

>> No.18562006
Quoted by: >>18562014

It will be Yorktown.

>> No.18562011

>Enterprise: 1stCarDiv, who?

>> No.18562014

Yorktown didn't have a rivalry with the cranes.

>> No.18562024
Quoted by: >>18562036

The only two good ones are already in game.

>> No.18562029

Any fellows who've done E5 farming post-clear? Did you use supports?

>> No.18562035

Dragons need someone to contrast with.

>> No.18562036
File: 120 KB, 744x582, colorado_bb45_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to disagree, but the 'Rados are pretty nice. Certainly much, much better than the Oil Tankers.

>> No.18562054

They certainly have the classic look going for them.

>> No.18562077

If we go by design, launch and completion period then Yorktown class rivals as a whole would be dragons and Ark Royal.

>> No.18562086
Quoted by: >>18562124

That's not how it works.

>> No.18562092
Quoted by: >>18562124

We're not having this argument again. We aren't going by date.

>> No.18562094

Why Maya specifically?

>> No.18562103

We're not doing this again. It was retarded then and it's retarded now. Scuttle yourself.

>> No.18562113


>> No.18562116

Where do you use CLTs in this event?

>> No.18562121
Quoted by: >>18562136

Even nips who seem to be chilled with Shibafu raises concerns about Enterprise's artist.

>> No.18562124

It's not my fault you guys can't accept their real rivals were dragons.

>> No.18562127
Quoted by: >>18562146

They weren't. Stop talking before you get BTFO again.

>> No.18562136
Quoted by: >>18562141

I assume in the comments section?

>> No.18562141


>> No.18562143
File: 92 KB, 600x849, bunniya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562151

Mamiya, Ooyodo, or Akashi?

>> No.18562146

By who? You guys were the ones who were BTFO?

>> No.18562151
Quoted by: >>18562158

There's something about bunnysuits that kills my boner instantly.

>> No.18562150

Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.18562153
File: 103 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180307-14475649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562170

Oh wow, that didn't take long. Only two sorties, and my event is over. GG next event.

>> No.18562154

>being this delusional
Stop before you embarrass yourself more.

>> No.18562158

That's kinda weird, guy
Though I don't find it particularly more attractive than regular clothes myself

>> No.18562160

But she was mistaken for one and that's what Tanaka will go with.

>> No.18562170
Quoted by: >>18562175

Why is this tiny potato so smug?

>> No.18562172

Iowa and Yamato are considered rivals right?
Well that's wrong. Its actually North Carolina and Yamato, since Iowa wasn't built until 3 years after Yamato.
Do you see how retarded you sound?

>> No.18562175

It looks like a normal smile to me.

>> No.18562187

By this logic, Yorktowns should be dragons' rivals, just like the guy said.

>> No.18562194
Quoted by: >>18562201

Don't try to reason with it, the guy shat a thread up for hours a while back arguing this shit with the whole world telling him he was retarded.

>> No.18562201

I was here for that. I was just killing his argument. Again.
You're an idiot if you think that.

>> No.18562203
Quoted by: >>18562221


>> No.18562212

Then Essex class should be drawn by Humikane because they're in the same generation.

>> No.18562215

>convert my only FCF because I eat taiha after taiha at either node O or R in E6
>taiha at first node
I'm going to proceed to hang myself.

>> No.18562217

No shit, did you not read the spoiler?

>> No.18562221

Then according to what and whos' rival Yorktowns should be?

>> No.18562240
Quoted by: >>18562250

>Hosho and Langley were the first carriers
>Lexingtons to Akagi and Kaga(It was supposed to be Amagi) were the second&third carriers
> Ryuujou and Ranger were both attempts at building small carriers by their respective nations
>Dragons and Yorktowns(notably the first two) ended up carriers 5 and 6 of their respective nations built and designed under the treaty.
It gets muddy afterwards due to USA having higher tonnage thus building Wasp after that, but for those first six the rivalry is there.

>> No.18562247 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18562252

You gotta just tell him to fuck off or ignore him. Logic doesn't work on tards. Any other reply is just asking for him to shit the thread up again.

>> No.18562250


>> No.18562252
Quoted by: >>18562257

The idiots don't have valid arguments while I do. It's pretty sad.
>Logic doesn't work on tards
Yeah I agree, just look at you.

>> No.18562253

Shinano-Saipan, Forrestal

By your logic.

>> No.18562257 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18562259

Fuck off, retard

>> No.18562259 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18562263

You fuck off first retard.

>> No.18562263 [DELETED] 

You first, retard.

>> No.18562264

Answer the question, don't reiterate what you named a fallacy.

>> No.18562270

They are the type of person who ignores that Tashkent didn't have guns while running speed trials.

>> No.18562275

Make it Essex (long-hull)
>Shinano-Saipan, Forrestal
Not a fleet carrier, more or less equivalent to bong maintenance carriers

>> No.18562314

To be honest, Shinano has the same problem as Wasp. They don't fit as cleanly, one due to being a late war battleship conversion, the other a down scaled carrier who was there to use up remaining tonnage under a treaty. The closest thing to Shinano would be one of those Iowa preposals that would turn one of two incomplete ones into a carrier. Though I would say it's more like if the US made a Montanna and then converted it into a carrier halfway through construction.

>> No.18562319

>shimakaze runs her trials at far lower load than usual and overloaded her engines to reach her speed record
>that is completely fine, her record is completely legitimate and she is the fastest destroyer in the world
>tashkent runs her trials without her guns
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fucking soviet subhumans!!11!1!1! that is cheating!1!1!1!!!

Sasuga Shimakaze-kunfags.

>> No.18562345
Quoted by: >>18562362

I did not say anything about Shimakaze. Hell I gleefully admit not only was Shimakaze running on a lighter load than usual but so was USS Maury. Then you have the French Destroyer leaders who had protection that was considered paper even among destroyers.

>> No.18562352
Quoted by: >>18562375

Three turrets and their ammunition weigh more than what they didn't put on Shimakaze.

>> No.18562357
Quoted by: >>18562375

Yorktowns have their comparison to 2nd and 5th CarDivs, but E was the only one who fought more than once against other carriers, specifically the 5th CarDiv.

>> No.18562362

Fixed your "logic".
French overloaded their engines way more.

>> No.18562363
File: 996 KB, 300x459, 1456707199569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was deciding on fleets and below is for E7. If I take Yukikaze to P1, Noshiro fleet won't come to my help, right?
Also, is it worth taking Yamato considering that Engano fleet won't come if I do so?

1st fleet


2nd fleet

Ayanami (Luck increase)

E7 P2

1st fleet


2nd fleet

Ayanami (Luck increase)

>> No.18562366
File: 847 KB, 1000x1500, a1c5cb58d20f3ae39f80e6205522d1f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562385

Shiggy is gonna cook the good stuff.
Shiggy's Special rainy curry!

>> No.18562375
Quoted by: >>18562398

To be fair to everyone here even the Japanese say it's muddy on the relationship of rivalries.
That said Japan and United States both compared the carriers they had during the 1930s to each other.

>> No.18562384

Shimakaze ran her trials at half load of fuel/ammo/supplies instead of the standard 2/3rds.
Tashkent ran her trials with no guns installed, no ammo on board, and minimal fuel/supply load, and also overloaded her engines which damaged them and required their overhaul on return.

>> No.18562385

>Shiggy's Special rainy curry!

>> No.18562386
Quoted by: >>18562492

You'd have to take out Myoko from that 2nd fleet since she's part of the Egano fleet too. Take Purin instead

>> No.18562394
Quoted by: >>18562492

You can't use Kidou on p1, you idiot. You need one taitei and one catalina/taitei as well. Try again.

>> No.18562398
Quoted by: >>18562441

But we're not talking about the fucking dates they were built. We're talking about the events of the war.

>> No.18562441

Well the one to talk about Yorktown is I-168 and the one to reference Hornet is Akigumo. So none of the carriers seem to find Yorktowns as their rivals. Makes sense since they never actually met in battle anyway and only their planes saw the enemy.
As for the events during the war Enterprise's crew saw all of Japan as something to defeat, Zuikaku and Shoukaku crews just did their duty too. Its only people born after long after the war that have labeled them rivals.

>> No.18562449
Quoted by: >>18562461

>stating the obvious

>> No.18562456

Then Yorktown will be americanized Zuikaku because of mislanding.

>> No.18562461
Quoted by: >>18562470

>Implying that's obvious to idiots here.
They wouldn't be arguing in the first place.

>> No.18562470

That's a fair point.

>> No.18562492
File: 14 KB, 375x91, kamo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd have to take out Myoko from that 2nd fleet
Shit, you are right. Is it the same for P2?
Pic related.
>You can't use Kidou
Well, I fucked up.
Back to the drawboard. Below is the new one.
Hayasui needs to be made fast for the P1, right?

E7 p1

1st fleet

Kumano /or Kongou(?)

2nd fleet

Ayanami (Luck increase)
Akizuki /or Mogami(?)/or Shigure(?)

E7 P2

1st fleet


2nd fleet

Ayanami (Luck increase)

>> No.18562517

>So none of the carriers seem to find Yorktowns as their rivals. Makes sense since they never actually met in battle anyway and only their planes saw the enemy.
With the exception of Zuikaku getting triggered by anything related to Turkeys, that does seem to be what the lines imply. Hiryuu, Souryuu, and Akagi seem to have amnesia about the battle they sank in anyway.

>> No.18562522
File: 217 KB, 701x701, PurinzuEugen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562554

This. and it's the same for all parts along with other friendly fleets

>> No.18562526

Also, why no night planes?
Zuihou does crazyshit in this event.

>> No.18562529

For P1, you shouldn't use Kumano and Haruna so that you'd have a chance to make Kongou fleet appear. Also you really don't need an AACI as they'll be useless on the boss, but it's up to you. Also Zuihou is mandatory, she can deal huge chunk of damage.

>> No.18562542
Quoted by: >>18562556

Even if she doesn't have night planes?

>> No.18562554
Quoted by: >>18562647

No yasen planes, no Sara. Zuihou is level 82. I can level her up to 99, but she will be silent at night.
>Kumano and Haruna so that you'd have a chance to make Kongou fleet
Are they gud?
If so, I changed them with Maya and Hiei.
I actually even have a punchhole in my Prinz.
But she has no bonus, wait, was that only relevant in P1?
I really can't keep it together.

>> No.18562556

Why didn't you make night planes when you knew it'd be a large event? Are you retarded?

>> No.18562564
Quoted by: >>18562621

He apparently has no Saratoga.

>> No.18562601
Quoted by: >>18562607

What is the best way to equip that Tamagoyaki?

>> No.18562607

Night crew

>> No.18562614

I don't have 250 screws lying around.

>> No.18562618

Hi, top5 ranker.

>> No.18562621

this >>18562564

>> No.18562627
Quoted by: >>18562643

Isn't there more powerful cut-in setups or do you need two fighters for AS?
What should I put there if I only have crews, TBM and F6F-3N? Stupid wiki still has some old shit about Swordfishes.

>> No.18562643

TBM 2xfighter has the highest cut in damage
If I am not wrong swordfish has slightly less damage

>> No.18562647

You could go with Chokekai for the bonuses but Purin is far more consistent with cut-ins than her. I'd recommend moving Musashi into 2nd fleet for the last dance of both parts too if she's holepunched and you have two +13 boilers to spare as a good alternative to Zuiho.

Also the bonus only applies in part 2.

Not everyone has the luxury of such equips you know.

>> No.18562675

How's doing quest a luxury? If you're committed to do events on hard, preparation is the key. You have only yourself to blame.

>> No.18562679

is only 2 hysterical ships enough for otsu e-5 part 2 or do I need 3? I want to use abukuma instead of kinu, but I only have rude destroyer girls besides her.

>> No.18562683
File: 86 KB, 800x566, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562689

>> No.18562689
Quoted by: >>18562769

Fuck off with your pad jokes, faggot.

>> No.18562705

>Also the bonus only applies in part 2.
So that is why everyone has a bad time at P1.
>but Purin is far more consistent with cut-ins than her
>I'd recommend moving Musashi into 2nd fleet
But 2 rounds with scary BB's will rek my poor DDs.
>if she's holepunched and you have two +13 boilers to spare as a good alternative to Zuiho.
Yes, but two rounds, wait, so this is STF, then
>(One round only regardless of whether BBs are present.)
Changed. For LD only. What to put there in 1st fleet instead of Musashi though, in LD?

>> No.18562729
Quoted by: >>18562741

>Turket and E rivalry
Will be fun as hell if they both start getting lines playing off of one another. Enterprise gives you chocolate, Zuikaku feels threatened and gives you bigger chocolate. Zuikaku throws beans at you, Enterprise purposely misinterprets the act and puts an airborne torpedo through the wall. It'll be fun.

>> No.18562741
Quoted by: >>18562755

What's the most threatening to childhood friend type? Must be the main heroine.
Nooooooooo I don't want Megumi as Enterprise.

>> No.18562755

Now you made me think: who would be a good seiyuu for E? I think that will be the real dealbreaker.

>> No.18562768
Quoted by: >>18562789

Nana Mizuki.

>> No.18562769
File: 520 KB, 600x650, official art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562788


>> No.18562771

Tomatsu Haruka has a wonderful voice.

>> No.18562775

I like how wikia flat out doesn't mention the no guns thing. It is literal misinformation for the people who are not familiar with naval history who are probably learning through the wikia. A warship without the things that classify it a warship might as well be a literal boat.

>> No.18562785

We don't even know her personality, so no clue at all.
English doesn't matter at all, we have every range of Engrish.

But Y.Aoi would be good, just my preference tho. Hanakana (Yankee mode) is also good.

>> No.18562786

Pretty sure Trash had torpedo tubes on her during the test.

>> No.18562788
Quoted by: >>18562794

Tit armor.

>> No.18562789

Never ever. But you know what, I agree with you.

>> No.18562792

I know, I just want them to go bankrupt with the most expensive seiyuu-singer they can get.

>> No.18562794

Gotta protect her weak point

>> No.18562796

So, uh, how's her English?

>> No.18562798

To be fair, if I wanted to learn more about naval history I wouldn't go to a game wiki for that sort of information. That certainly doesn't excuse them for misinformation though.

>> No.18562800

Implying Nao isn't expensive already.

>> No.18562807

I forgot which ships I luck modded. How can I figure it out in EO?

>> No.18562809
File: 92 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180308-08430379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18562824

Naganami, no! You need to let the TCI girls have a shot at her.

>> No.18562810
Quoted by: >>18562828

The worst money can buy.

>> No.18562811
File: 910 KB, 664x1200, __akitsushima_nagato_and_nishikitaitei_chan_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__4c29c91493f71b4387ba46b05b8de605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is the MVP of this event?
Taitei? Tamagoyaki? Abukuma?

>> No.18562814

They'd be better served putting the money into promotions and advertising. Like saving up and releasing a bunch of new ships at once in a big, hyped event.

>> No.18562816


>> No.18562820

>Zuikaku's fated fight
>Zuihou is the real MVP of the event

>> No.18562822

Remember luck cap is around 50-60 and then check their yasen power, that's all.

>> No.18562824

Naganami-sama and her fuel tanks best DD

>> No.18562828

Engrish really grows on you. Guess I wouldn't hate it after a day or two.

>> No.18562830

The one in AL sounds nice.

>> No.18562831

It's confirmed Eggs, no-one can compete

>> No.18562832

Good enough.

>> No.18562833
Quoted by: >>18562842

>he didn't see Zuikaku kill the boss in day battle
I'm sorry...

>> No.18562842

My fault for being a filthy casualfag.

>> No.18562845
File: 115 KB, 700x695, nope, not your time yet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to post this. Poor Turkey.

>> No.18562850

Honestly, you're not wrong.

>> No.18562857

And for a game filled with complete sluts, she's surprisingly pure.

>> No.18562864

The only thing they did that I like is Cleveland

>> No.18562875

Yeah, she sticks out like a sore thumb because she's not showing much skin. Great voice, too.

>> No.18562879

How can I increase my chances of not taking catastrophic damage in E6 O node?

>> No.18562882
Quoted by: >>18562905

Try going line ahead.
It works better than dong for me there.

>> No.18562886
Quoted by: >>18562905

Hirano Aya


>> No.18562896
Quoted by: >>18562948

You can customise the stats shown in your Groups by right-clicking in the table area.

>> No.18562905
Quoted by: >>18562916

Will try that.

I'm on LD, should I still do that or too much loss of firepower?

>> No.18562916

Up to you then, E6 is bullshit RNG rolls anyway.

>> No.18562948
File: 97 KB, 335x733, bestIcoulddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay attention to Prinz.
But I cannot figure out how to make it show onlny the luck modded ones.

>> No.18562971
File: 632 KB, 1120x672, 2018-03-08 00-20-39 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18563238

>2nd clear
>Dupe bong
The only equipment of worth here is the QF, and even that sucks

>> No.18562974

>Preboss is probably going to be the bigger pain in the ass.
What's so hard about the preboss?
It's just some cruisers and shit.

>> No.18562987
Quoted by: >>18563024

Exactly, and the boss is even easier. Gets nuked by just about anything.

>> No.18563012

33% dong formation

>> No.18563024
Quoted by: >>18563031

Hurr, I forgot enemies have dong too.
And why do they insist on adding 1000+ AS air raid nodes? That's gay.

So I don't need sucky juice, right?

>> No.18563031
Quoted by: >>18563057

Sucky juice always helps. It's not needed though, especially if you have Zuihou.

>> No.18563057

I have the dork and the Night Plane Full Set®, so that's good to know since I used lots of juice on the first boss.

>> No.18563074

Who leaked that fucking formation to them?

>> No.18563094

The kusos who sunk their ships after they learned it

>> No.18563101

現在「艦これ」冬イベ2018 : 期間限定海域【捷号決戦!邀撃、レイテ沖海戦(後篇)】を作戦展開中です。作戦期間は、再来週【3/23(金) AM11:00】までの予定です。現在行動中の提督の皆さん、通常海域や遠征も駆使して頂きつつ、今季作戦の成功と奮戦をお祈りします!
There's your end date.

>> No.18563103

Who's the only Nishimura that survived?

>> No.18563128


>> No.18563131

I always knew she was a traitor

>> No.18563159


>> No.18563169
Quoted by: >>18563181

Basically 2 weeks, absurd amount of time for this event

>> No.18563179
Quoted by: >>18563306

Post E4 comps please.

>> No.18563181

They must be working very hard on phase 2 and want to give it to us immediately after the event ends.

>> No.18563238
Quoted by: >>18563266

i've been trying to get her for days, fuck off

>> No.18563266

I'll whore her out until her remodel then scrap her

>> No.18563306

Musashi, Yamato, Nagato, Haruna, Suzuya, Kaga + Yahagi, Naganami, Maya, Kitakami, Yukikaze, Myoukou

>> No.18563357 [DELETED] 

Here is m tentative ship list.
Please respond and nitpick.
Is it stupid for me to use her for E5/E6?
I also used a BB (Haruna) as you can find in above link, instead of KTKM.

>> No.18563368

Here is m tentative ship list.
Please respond and nitpick.
Is it stupid for me to use her for E5/E6?
I also used a BB (Haruna) as you can find in above link, instead of KTKM.

>> No.18563386
Quoted by: >>18563404


>> No.18563394

Is the sub node at E7 P1 basically "pray you don't get roasted"?

>> No.18563404
Quoted by: >>18563409

Are the potatoes really that bad? They dealt 280 damage to the e7 first boss for for me once. I've had way worst experience with the takaos.

>> No.18563406

Subs can't be faster than fast?

>> No.18563409

It's just the fact that there's only four I think.
If I had gotten Yamato fleet it really would have been a hands down victory.
Fucking Ayanami choked in the friend fleet and then my Yukikaze choked too which she could have killed the boss.
I'm out of fuel again. That was the last run of the night.

>> No.18563415

Literally just pray to get red T and sub hime won't taiha your ships.

>> No.18563427
Quoted by: >>18563452

Line ahead at G with sub tank or what?

>> No.18563442
Quoted by: >>18563514

Where's your LBAS with asw?

>> No.18563447

Is E4's drop rate worth the resource sink for Jervis? Did 80 runs in E5 to no avail, finished the event and got everyone else. Return to E4 or E5?

>> No.18563452


>> No.18563472
File: 210 KB, 455x602, 49130480_p16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, accidentally gave my torp sluts a yellow tag when trying to lock them to green.

>> No.18563485

That's why I tested it with Maruyus first.

>> No.18563488
File: 143 KB, 1490x520, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18563492


>> No.18563492
Quoted by: >>18563500


>> No.18563500
File: 204 KB, 800x423, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18563505
File: 297 KB, 842x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18563582

>19 HP left on Water Oni
>Eggs CVNCI triggers
>this gunna be gud
>3 damage

And now I need to wait a day because I have 7 bauxite.

>> No.18563508


>> No.18563514
Quoted by: >>18563530

I have exactly 1(one) Toukai unfortunately.

>> No.18563530
Quoted by: >>18563541

Do you have 931 planes from Taiyou?

>> No.18563541

The range is not enough iirc.

>> No.18563547

You got a little over a week to raise a new set!

>> No.18563551

Nachi and Ashigara and pray for night double attack.

>> No.18563578

help I'm stuck on e-5. I got to the second half of the map but I can't even get to the boss. how do I deal with all of the bullshit on the way without gimping myself for the boss?

>> No.18563582

You clearly aren't taking good enough care of her.
