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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 293 KB, 1024x1448, an installation and her drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16315874 No.16315874 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16305628

[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit guns for BBs:
Others: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me

Drop/construction statistics:

Voices/sprites/furniture preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

PS Vita game: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s https://youtu.be/IPfFSo-hiWI https://youtu.be/LYlzkMGYtEA

The KanColle movie is out. Movie trailers: https://youtu.be/7udGu_a0AvY https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E https://youtu.be/aTxaSuB_Fv8

-All Late Autumn and Wine of Autumn voice lines have been removed (except for Pola, who also keeps her sprite), and replaced with Christmas sprites, voice lines and furniture, including over 30 new Christmas lines. The date of the removal of the Christmas season and replacement by the Shiwasu (December) season has been pushed back to December 27, 10:30, pending further delays by the DMM site.
-The following ships get new Christmas sprites: Kuma (including a fix), Maruyu, Akashi, Commandant Teste, Tone Kai 2, Chikuma Kai 2, Suzuya, Asagumo, Yamagumo, Mizuho and Kumano. Akashi gets a new sprite at the cash item shop, but not at her upgrading factory.
-Two World 1 quests have been added, the first requiring an S rank each at 1-1 and 1-2 rewarding a Furniture Worker and either a +3 improved 25mm triple AA gun or a large extension bulge, and the second requiring an S rank each at 1-3 and 1-4 rewarding a Reinforcement Expansion and a piece of furniture. World 1 maps will also have temporary Christmas BGM.
-AA guns and Extension Armors can now be equipped in the expansion slot created by a Reinforcement Expansion.
-Extension Bulges (Large) can now be improved and upgraded to New Ship Design Extension Bulges (Large), which can be further improved.
-You are now able to access Akashi's factory while not on a sortie by clicking the crane at the bottom left corner of the screen, whenever she is the flagship of the first fleet.
-If improving or upgrading equipment requires the consuming of other equipment, the remaining quantity of required equipment will be shown just before confirming the upgrade.
-The next Kai 2 will be for a CA. Saratoga will also get a second remodel, along with F4F (Wildcat) planes being upgradable to F6F (Hellcat) planes.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see foreign ships from "interesting places". Matsukaze, Hatakaze and/or Yuunagi will also be implemented early next year.
-New submarines, Akizuki- and Matsu-class destroyers, and escort carriers are also under plans to be added.

>> No.16315902
File: 732 KB, 1359x1920, txxaZ8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316111

>> No.16316095
Quoted by: >>16316162

I'm in china right now, most VPNs are blocked, how do I play? ISP is China Telecom Shanghai.

>> No.16316111
Quoted by: >>16316128

Are those AA guns on the necklace or just decoration?

>> No.16316128

The latter. Wearing AA guns on your neck would be rather impractical.

>> No.16316162

Have you tried just logging in straight to DMM and overwriting the cookie? Or is DMM blocked too?

>> No.16316168 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 1200x975, 1482766531857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16316171

Where do I look to find those stamps for the lottery?

>> No.16316175

it doesnt work because cookie hack doesnt work with that isp

>> No.16316255

I'm pretty sure fairy magic allows Warspite to make those decorations actually fire when in combat.

P.S. So, is there any reason why World 1 got special Christmas tunes other than to just be there for a while?

>> No.16316261

Bombers' divebomb and torp stats don't count, but their chevrons still do. A crit can still take out Hoppou.

Besides even without taking into account the divebomb stat, cranes K2A and Hiryuu K2 can already reach the damage cap in doukousen anyway. And any other non-Aquila CV can do the same in green T.

Make Aquila a CVL already Tanaka.

>> No.16316269
File: 34 KB, 472x472, 1a5f86ee907f98c84dccc0b1f5700a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317609

Slow and steady

>> No.16316278

>salami areolas
>bigger shigures than they should be

>> No.16316279

Wouldn't put it past them to make an already dumb design even more stupid.

>> No.16316283

>Make Aquila a CVL already Tanaka.
It wouldn't save her, she's just too shitty.

>> No.16316285

Oops, forgot Amagi and Katsuragi. They're 3 firepower short of 151 damage, and 2 firepower short of 150.

Never mind, just dump Re.2005 or Fw190T Kai on them.

>> No.16316294
Quoted by: >>16316304

Not really. Just give her a firepower buff to 29+ and she'll be better than Shouhou/Zuihou.

>> No.16316301

Any extra CVL is useful.

>> No.16316302
File: 38 KB, 400x280, Tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make Aquila a CVL already Tanaka.
Never ever.

>> No.16316304

as well*

>> No.16316454
File: 450 KB, 600x1200, C0bxcDXUkAAaZU1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is real or a pretty good fake.

>> No.16316466


>> No.16316468

Judging by the hands, i'd say it's real.

>> No.16316507

Its already 27 december in nipland.
Refresh game, my italia still wearing christmast costume.

Are they delaying updates because DMM problem or something else happened ?

>> No.16316514

Read the OP

>> No.16316520

They said they will delay to 10:30 in nipland time.

>> No.16316524
File: 107 KB, 1200x675, C0Q5Z1DUkAA28bQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318773

I got it from some random guy's twitter calling himself a Yuugumo extremist. It looks legit but then I found this trying to replicate Fujikawa. Kazagumo is still at default look, no wiki has info, the devs didn't say anything, so I wonder.

>> No.16316528
File: 1.95 MB, 2731x2048, o8i3xbtqfw5y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16316535


>> No.16316556

She would at least be another fast CVL so that's good.

>> No.16316558

>Definitely Porn

>> No.16316563
File: 236 KB, 550x776, 60582459_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316641

And now for something cute.

>> No.16316566
Quoted by: >>16317428

>Samidare more than Fubuki

>> No.16316622
Quoted by: >>16316699

What does Taigei/Ryuuhou do?

Her equipment and stats suck ass and she costs a BP to remodel, am I missing something?

>> No.16316626
Quoted by: >>16316653

Anyone have a link to the Fubuki-class Family manga by Riyo, or anything Kancolle+Riyo related? I've read it ages ago but didn't save them, so now that I'm looking for it, I can no longer find it.

>> No.16316632
File: 475 KB, 1366x768, Chink EO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316637

Behold the power of chink EO.

>> No.16316637
Quoted by: >>16316688

I don't get it.

>> No.16316641
File: 66 KB, 400x565, __i_26_prinz_eugen_and_saratoga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nakajima_yuka__d35f53946381f9fcbb9a5740c73af2b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16316653
File: 396 KB, 1350x531, Rolling forever and ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316732


>> No.16316670
File: 59 KB, 413x413, 1472999060158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CVL Aquila would have the Hiyou sisters' plane capacity, same AA as Chitose K2, second highest evasion for CVLs, and goes fast
However, she has Ryuuhou's HP/Armor, and the lowest FP and LoS aside from base Ryuuhou, and shares Jun'you K2's consumption, though Aquila would eat up more ammo.

>> No.16316688
Quoted by: >>16316695

People kept complaining about the bright background of EO. The chink EO has the option to switch to dark. Default is something called Solarized Light. It's probably possible to change the backgrounds of other EO builds though.

Two other defaults were changed: the text encoding defaults to UTF8(BOM) instead of SHIFT-JIS, and the browser page does not automatically load by default when you open EO.

>> No.16316690
File: 365 KB, 1500x1059, 60583744_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316708

Left or right?

>> No.16316695

It was just one faggot.

>> No.16316699

Turns into CVL and comes with an ASW bomber.

>> No.16316701


>> No.16316706

Looks like a good fake to me.

Now take a look at her boots. Fake/10.

>> No.16316708

I don't get the Jellyfsh Hime=Saratoga theory. They don't really share any physical traits.

>> No.16316712
Quoted by: >>16316725

Purification theory.

>> No.16316720
File: 939 KB, 1600x900, Open-Mouth-Wreck-of-USS-Saratoga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316729

Have you even looked at the hole in the hull that she carries in her head? That's this thing and E-5 was in Bikini Atoll where she, Nagato, Prinz, and Sakawa were nuked.

>> No.16316725
Quoted by: >>16316742

Just because they look similar doesn't mean she was zombified. Leave that to the anime canon.

>> No.16316729
File: 732 KB, 598x969, CV_Abyssal_Jellyfish_Princess_711_Full (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16316732
File: 129 KB, 517x381, 1477017244092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316736

I miss this

>> No.16316736
Quoted by: >>16316747

Why is that fake Murakumo there instead of Kongouyuki?

>> No.16316742

>Just because they look similar

Listen to the voice lines.

>> No.16316747

Anyone tried EO Extended? Any difference from vanilla EO?

Fuck off Kongou"""""""""""""""""yuki"""""""""""""""""

>> No.16316758
Quoted by: >>16316782

There is another viewer? How many are there now?

>> No.16316780
File: 442 KB, 543x734, AV_Akitsushima_New_Year_976_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time for the best CG in the game.

>> No.16316782


In the past, tsanie's EO fork had the capability to implement plugin APIs. EOE is basically its successor fork.

I'm no good with any of the EO forks though so I don't think I'll try it.

>> No.16316790
Quoted by: >>16316792

He's gonna need to change that 2016 to 2017 or maybe they will as its only a little editing needed.

>> No.16316792

That should be easy enough unless he left it on the same layer as Taitei-chan's paint.

>> No.16316799
File: 747 KB, 800x480, KanColle-151231-18114403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been a year already

>> No.16316800 [SPOILER] 
File: 872 KB, 956x1341, 1482777154189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16316802

>neither wikia nor himeuta bothers to list the Korean fork as a viable KCV fork
>original BattleInfo is suggested even though it still can't view combined fleets while better forks which can (Yoctillion, CirnoV) aren't even considered
Really makes you think.

>> No.16316810
Quoted by: >>16316853

Because it's in gook.

>> No.16316817
Quoted by: >>16316853

It's an english wiki for a japanese game, why would it suggest a korean viewer?

>> No.16316853

You'd think someone would have mentioned it by now, since people familiar with how KCV works wouldn't have too much trouble with using a different language KCV. Then again I'm probably expecting too much from sites filled with drooling retards.

For the record, Yoctillion's BattleInfo is in Japanese. The only problem is that it isn't compiled but Yuubari should be able to do that. Thing is Yuubari probably hasn't heard of any BattleInfo fork other than the Korean one.

>> No.16316859
Quoted by: >>16316880

Honestly if it were up to me I'd take off the gook KCV from the OP and only leave the Japanese one and active Japanese and English EOs. Gook is a disgusting language to look at.

>> No.16316880

>remove the only decent KCV build

>> No.16316899
File: 2.86 MB, 840x480, the city of jets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think will be the next supposedly awesome thing that turns out to be shit?

>> No.16316902

Why won't you fuck off already?

>> No.16316909
Quoted by: >>16317028

People looking for viewers on wikia aren't going to be familiar with it so they need english or japanese if they can read it.

>> No.16316912

Fuck off and scrap your jets already faggot.

>> No.16316943
File: 296 KB, 600x847, 60582459_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16316980

>> No.16316954

Nobody but 2 guys, (you) and the creator (unless you are) shills it. EO is good, KC3 if you like visual cancer. I used to make these threads and I was never going to add that gook shit in the OP, but suddenly one day somebody did and it was when I was asleep, then future threads kept including it even when I removed it when I made the thread.

>> No.16316967

>unless you are
He's definitely not the creator, that faggot has come here before and his English is complete garbage.

>> No.16316980
File: 240 KB, 600x847, 60582459_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317000


>> No.16316994

Black or white uniform Sara?

>> No.16317000

I want to defenestrate the turkey.

>> No.16317003
File: 74 KB, 636x900, C0nX1rgUQAAqaGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317046

Utility RJ.

>> No.16317020


Fuck, again?

>> No.16317028

That's a good point. Though I'd still add it in with a note that it's only for those already familiar with KCV or Korean since there're also longtime KCV users on wikia.

Then would you suggest to remove KCV from the OP altogether? Since you don't like the gook fork and all the other builds suck.

This should be a server problem then. Most chinks are asleep around this time.

>> No.16317039

>all the other builds suck.
That's just, like, your opinion.

>> No.16317043
Quoted by: >>16317048

I have no problems right now and have been playing for hours.

>> No.16317046
File: 1.97 MB, 840x1120, a82d3f80692fba4417ff618cf5f71a2b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody told me that the new thread is up.
She's good for something, at last.

>> No.16317048
Quoted by: >>16317055

Good. Just don't F5.

Dude, it was linked in the old thread.

>> No.16317049
Quoted by: >>16317069

>Though I'd still add it in with a note that it's only for those already familiar with KCV or Korean since there're also longtime KCV users on wikia.

Then add it, it's a wikia after all.

>> No.16317054

Girls shouldn't be that muscular.

>> No.16317055
Quoted by: >>16317072

It didn't say "NEW BREAD".

>> No.16317069

I should get around to doing that sometime.

>> No.16317072

Fuck off.

>> No.16317080

Girls should be at least that muscular.

>> No.16317084
File: 399 KB, 636x900, 54931707_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious. Now those are abs you could smash chestnuts with.

>> No.16317086
File: 388 KB, 744x1052, 41127628_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317094

Muscular girls are best girls.

>> No.16317094
File: 551 KB, 1000x1414, 8c7ad8c3c490db52b822affeb5a7b616[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K2 fucking when?

>> No.16317095
File: 400 KB, 1689x599, Ise-class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317097
File: 580 KB, 708x1000, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagasioo__2b36e2aacfdba6202bdceaea46649af0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16317102
File: 251 KB, 865x546, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317172

Sometime after the sun burns out. It will be worth the wait, I can feel it.

>> No.16317112
File: 28 KB, 360x360, Ask2H-MIwGg9IUKU_J5onU5fgEE4l3BnbavywE4FWgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317117
Quoted by: >>16317126

It doesn't matter, fanartists will make it work.

>> No.16317122
Quoted by: >>16317124

Hey man, the longer it takes, the greater the chance shibafu will die/be in jail.

>> No.16317124

> be in jail.
Because such art quality is a crime?

>> No.16317126

Unless inserting art into the game stops being banable, seeing shit pop on your screen while selecting fleet/sortieing/etc. is going to turn you off very quick.

>> No.16317130

Is there someone who plays other games on DMM platform? Kancolle is working for me perfectly, but other games refuse to load properly. Is this problem on DMM side or on my side?

>> No.16317132
Quoted by: >>16317234

I played shooting girls for about a day when it launched, that's about it.

>> No.16317165
File: 751 KB, 796x752, 134256346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all submarines died in the day
>game gives me the option to continue to night battle
>this bullshit happens
Tanaka fix your game.

>> No.16317166
Quoted by: >>16317234

Did you try asking here >>16301121 ?

>> No.16317172

What's she gloating about?

>> No.16317174

Working as intended tovarish))))))))))))))))

>> No.16317176

New BBV quests were added.

>> No.16317177
Quoted by: >>16317216

One or more of them have 1 HP left. And yet, knowing that you can't sink submarines during night combat (in normal conditions), you continued into yasen. Isn't Tanaka's fault.

>> No.16317179
Quoted by: >>16317216

Shioi had 1 HP instead of zero and subs get god mode in night battle. Sure, this whole 1 HP = 0 or 1 is confusing, but you've fucked up.

>> No.16317182

Looks like you didn't have enough hope.

>> No.16317184
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x1024, 1482682829842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing valid.
Zuiuns are shit

>> No.16317216

I thought it was just a bug because it have happened other times where everyone dies, then the game still gives me the option to engage in night battle and even if everyone miss I get an S but not this time.

>> No.16317220
File: 114 KB, 699x1000, fe92c91da25e41cf79b3af28bd9ecb32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317229

Say that to my face, motherfucker.

>> No.16317229

At least Bifidus's Hyuuga is very funny; unlike Takitarou's Small-Name-Big-Ego Hyuuga, just saying

>> No.16317234

Nvm it seems that it was DMM's fault after all.

>> No.16317236

The "age of aviation" brought about by CVs.

>> No.16317238
Quoted by: >>16317242

You are shit.

The 20th century is going to be the age of aviation battleships, nerd. Mark my words.

>> No.16317242
File: 1.19 MB, 1659x1227, chuckmyersinterdictionassaultshiprear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aviation battleships
>with JETS

>> No.16317253

Is that Re-chan?

>> No.16317261
File: 344 KB, 1600x1060, abyssal_class_aviation_battleship_by_fluffyducky_plushie-d7qrddu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I end up in this shitty alternative reality where BBV aren't a thing?

>> No.16317263
Quoted by: >>16317277

Did the USN try to copy a japnese design? I'm surprised they didn't simply plan a full carrier conversion

>> No.16317265

Isn't Re a personification of a whole task force?

>> No.16317273
Quoted by: >>16317278

That's Iowa with a flight deck. Back during the 50s the navy was pretty desperate to find more ways to make battleships relevant again.

>> No.16317277

A full carrier conversion would cost too much, may as well just scrap her and use the metal to build a new carrier. The point of BBV Iowa was a desperate attempt to bring more "use" to them because of growing belief that there was no point in keeping battleships commissioned instead of retiring them.

>> No.16317278

Actually, the idea to put a flight deck on the Iowas came in the 70s.

>> No.16317285

Only some of those people do.

Easily 25mm

Moron. Upgraded 25mm triple is great for expansion slot.

>0 Kasumi Kai Ni B
Going full retard, I see.

Sukumo is weird.

Crafting right is easy when you have a lot of resources. Left however comes with "three free" screws, so it's a much better deal.

I only got first one after more than two years of playing. And they only became useful few days ago.

Lady always had a modest chest.

Very good posts BUT you didn't mention the most important thing:
1) Waifus have priority
And another, also important thing:
2) Asashio and Kasumi have alternative remodels so you should have covered other ships (Ooshio, Kawakaze, Akatsuki, Shimakaze) as well.

I disagree about quite a bit of stuff but don't have time for this shit now. Like
> In a way, you can say that this update was a slight indirect nerf to Abukuma.

>> No.16317289

In real war, are carriers inoperable at night and subs become god mode and near-impossible to sink?

>> No.16317294

Only if you mean in WW2.

>> No.16317298


>> No.16317300

In the case of WWII Japan yes.

>> No.16317301
Quoted by: >>16317382

>1) Waifus have priority
And even if they do you left out the third post.

2) Asashio and Kasumi have alternative remodels
And? Just take dupes.

>> No.16317316
Quoted by: >>16317382

Akatsuki isn't a lady.

>> No.16317317

> god mode and near-impossible to sink

>> No.16317326

Oh man, this definitely needs to be added. I don't think I can handle more sub trolling during events.

>> No.16317336

>equipped only on aircraft

>> No.16317344
File: 254 KB, 650x1035, 60501673_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317348

I want a little Iowa of my own.

>> No.16317348

Creepy. She's not a kid, just smaller than others.

>> No.16317350

ASW in the atlantic in general was on a whole other level than in the pacific theater. Pretty understandable when you see the kind of killcounts uboats could get during that time.

>> No.16317367
Quoted by: >>16317396

>Hamakaze Kai gets crit to chuuha at 1-1 boss
I didn't think this was possible.

>> No.16317371

Ranking rewards when?

>> No.16317382
Quoted by: >>16317405

Because it wasn't as good.

She is.

>> No.16317396

Mutsukis can even get taiha'd.

>> No.16317405
Quoted by: >>16317409

And the post you left out had the part you claimed I missed out.

>> No.16317409

Your part about waifus sucked.

>> No.16317424

Well, it was mounted on multiple engine aircraft, so we can only hope for either LBAS ASW, which sucks in its own way, or an ASW Catalina making kamo the new ASW queen.

>> No.16317428

Tanaka must be crying blood right now.

>> No.16317433

Or maybe for the new escort carriers.

>> No.16317467

At what point does 3-5 stop being cancerous?

I already have DDs all above level 90, ABKM k2, and six upgraded ducky guns and it's still like rolling the dice.

>> No.16317469
Quoted by: >>16317492

And this fuels is anger more on never wanting to hire her artist again.

>> No.16317474

When you use Hayasui, DA CL, Teste, DD, Abukuma and Mizuho.

>> No.16317475

Levels don't matter for 3-5.

>> No.16317479

They matter a fuckload.

>> No.16317482

Since the crevron update. EZ medals, EZ maruyues.

>> No.16317489

I already use Kamo for ASW every month so this would change nothing.

>> No.16317492

Whatever dick moves he had in mind, it wouldn't change anything.

Bukki is not popular; and never would be.

>> No.16317496

I thought it was two DDs.

>> No.16317497
Quoted by: >>16317505

Yeah if they did 3-5 wouldn't be anywhere as cancerous as it is even with high level DDs and 10 Akizuki guns.

>> No.16317504

1 CL 2 DD risks you getting offrouted if you go north at the start.

>> No.16317505
Quoted by: >>16317513

DD is the weakest ship in this composition. If ChiChis were stronger, best comp wouldn't include any DDs.

Learn how the game works.
Or do 3-5 with level 30s every week for a month and compare the results to 90+ fleet.

>> No.16317513
Quoted by: >>16317525

My lowest level DD is 60 and I'm not going to train five DDs to level 30 just to prove a point.

What I do know is sparkles matter a lot more than levels.

>> No.16317525

That means you have no point. And step it up anon, lowest is 70 here.

Depends on what level difference we're talking about.

>> No.16317541
Quoted by: >>16317567

Can I ask what you put on the AVs and Hayasui?

>> No.16317542
Quoted by: >>16317554

Levels only don't matter if you truly believe it doesn't matter. The more you believe levels matter, the more they really matter.

It's called the placebo/nocebo effect.

>> No.16317554

>it doesn't
they don't*

>> No.16317561

He probably only cares that the series has a healthy showing at Comiket.

>> No.16317567
Quoted by: >>16317570

Two Tenzans 12 and SCAMP on Hayasui. She needs two chevron'd bombers at start of every sortie, replace with other TBs if one gets shot down.

AVs can either go for AS or AS+ so a mix of Seirans, Zuiun 12, Late and seaplane fighter depending on what you have and want. I used two max OTO on Teste and one midget sub on Mizuho.

>> No.16317570

if one gets wiped = loses rank*

>> No.16317572
Quoted by: >>16317576


>> No.16317576
Quoted by: >>16317638

Is Kongou a Jew?

>> No.16317584

3 free screws are worth less to me than the 200k steel I once spent trying to craft a large bulge. Never again.

>> No.16317587

>1) Waifus have priority
You know how I know your whole post is trash? Anyone who claims this can have their opinions safely discarded.

>> No.16317601
Quoted by: >>16317624

Thank you, know I know that I'd never go yasen against subs in pvp.
captcha: mexico

>> No.16317609

>Same firepower as Akashi
What did she do to deserve this?

>> No.16317613

Exactly next to nothing.

>> No.16317621
Quoted by: >>16317635

I know, Akashi deserves more.

>> No.16317622

>full color
Not even once.

>> No.16317624
File: 343 KB, 886x702, USS_Steinaker_(DD-863)_in_the_North_Atlantic_1951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARM Netzahualcoyotl when?

>> No.16317628
File: 712 KB, 1181x832, 53f70ac48ca6b5a188cf8afebd9bb49c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Italianfags even exist?

>> No.16317632

Nothing. It's Graf's firepower stat that is over inflated.

>> No.16317633
File: 9 KB, 596x32, ss+(2016-12-26+at+11.21.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh KanColle News & Guides

>> No.16317634

Given all the bitching about the Zara class's armor and Aquila's stats, I'd say that they do.

>> No.16317635

This, her cute points are off the charts but she should be stronger.

>> No.16317638

Only a Jew would infiltrate a group of people and wreak havoc from the inside-out.

But seriously, what nationality is Kongou? Kongou was born and raised in the UK, so most Japanese people would not consider her Japanese. But if Kongou is British, then so are all the Dindus and Pajeets.

>> No.16317642
Quoted by: >>16317647

She's an anglo-saxon with Japanese nationality.

>> No.16317647
Quoted by: >>16317651

Does this mean Kirishima, Hiei, and Haruna are all Anglo-Saxons too?

>> No.16317649
Quoted by: >>16317654

She would be considered formerly British. Becoming Japanese is as good as renouncing any former nationalities. In fact, it's a requirement when applying for Japanese nationality, if I recall correctly.

>> No.16317651

Only Hiei because parts of her came from England, Haruna and Kirishima are completely domestic built so at most they're hafu since their designs came from England.

>> No.16317652
File: 143 KB, 692x112, pastaCAarmor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317667

But Pola and Zara had their armor fixed finally.

>> No.16317653
File: 119 KB, 616x654, 1423097798245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 6 medals

>> No.16317654
Quoted by: >>16317661

Kongou was built specifically for the IJN, therefore she was Japanese from the get-go.

>> No.16317661
Quoted by: >>16317664

So basically like those Americans born overseas on bases?

>> No.16317664
Quoted by: >>16317710

Precisely. What you were describing ealier would be more akin to Prinz's case where she was commissioned into a different navy.

>> No.16317667
File: 80 KB, 345x114, german engineering folded a thousand times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317672

That's nothing.

>> No.16317672

169 Armor Musashi when?

>> No.16317673
File: 550 KB, 1100x900, c0f978ffbe893d7d7a0b6f023aa8720a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317683

I love Roma's autism

>> No.16317683

What's Roma's favorite time period?

>> No.16317689
File: 8 KB, 651x215, U11lQuW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317693

If you actually still want to use wikia



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>> No.16317693

It's finally dead.

>> No.16317695

>servers acting fine all day for me
>now acting up all of a sudden
>during a fucking exercise match no less

>> No.16317700
File: 978 KB, 838x720, laughing dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose the wrong server.

>> No.16317703
Quoted by: >>16317708

Same thing happened to me, such a shit game.

>> No.16317708

Why are you blaming KanColle for DMM's problem?

>> No.16317710

Oh that wasn't me. But I found the conversation interesting.

>> No.16317720

I remember the one time he failed an event, I think it was Summer 2015, he was claiming the guide was still good despite him failing. He even had his drones defend him, what I don't remember is if he stooped down to kuso or just didn't finish.

>> No.16317729


>> No.16317733



>> No.16317741
File: 321 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161226-17515622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someday.

>> No.16317751

No the one she failed to clear was Winter 2015. She also consumed a memedal to clear one of the other events, don't remember which.


>> No.16317759
File: 321 KB, 800x480, 20161227_00033352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an inspiring man.

>> No.16317769

>failed Winter 2015
That's way more funny.

>> No.16317770

>consumed a memedal to clear one of the other events
Spring this year?

>> No.16317774

Which CL to level for next event?

>> No.16317779


>> No.16317780

Abukuma, Ooyodo and Abukuma.

>> No.16317785

Yura :^)

>> No.16317788

Abucute to 155, Abubear to 99, Dangerbear to Kai 2, Kinu I guess, Ooyodo, Yura.

>> No.16317791

Wait for Kinu Kai 3

>> No.16317835

which is better for 4-5, tone with wg42 or green shell?

>> No.16317838


>> No.16317841

>Abukuma max level
>not Ooyodo who actually needs it

>> No.16317843

You don't need more than a T3 but if you want to min max then both.

>> No.16317844
Quoted by: >>16317856

You won't be using Zuiun on her anyway.

>> No.16317847
Quoted by: >>16317883

>marrying a slave driver

>> No.16317849
Quoted by: >>16317854

Level changes nothing for Ooyodo. Her main purpose is killing installations. For LoS ring isn't needed, just two upgraded seaplanes.

>> No.16317854
Quoted by: >>16317860

I think he's talking about ASW.

>> No.16317856
Quoted by: >>16317860

but I don't want to d rank the sub node

>> No.16317860

I know.

That's why you take Fusou with Seiran, Zuiun 12 or Late.

>> No.16317869 [DELETED] 

Who is Dangerbear?

>> No.16317874

WG only adds 75 damage against Wanko.

>> No.16317876
Quoted by: >>16317885


>> No.16317878
Quoted by: >>16317885


>> No.16317881
File: 194 KB, 840x400, 1470603907490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317885


>> No.16317882


>> No.16317883

And Abukuma isn't?

>> No.16317885

Sorry, it took me a few minutes to understand you said Abookooma three (3) times.

>> No.16317886

She isn't, all she ask of you is to remember to write her name properly.

>> No.16317889

No because nobody takes her seriously.

>> No.16317895

And for people to listen to her instructions, please.

>> No.16317899
File: 1.85 MB, 863x863, 1482748575544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16317903
Quoted by: >>16317911

Abukuma is an annoying piece of shit and I'm never using her again.

>> No.16317910

Abukuma isn't a driver. Just a slave.

>> No.16317911
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1642, 51496225_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rude! You made her angry!

>> No.16317914
Quoted by: >>16317932

I'm going to mess up her bangs.

>> No.16317916

She deserves to have her forehead flicked every time she opens her mouth. Very disrespectful girl.

>> No.16317917

Poutykuma is cute too.

>> No.16317919

Is beaver never sad?

>> No.16317922
File: 639 KB, 744x1040, __abukuma_kitakami_and_ooi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fuyube_gin_huyube__5ced9e48c5d01165bfe4ae7f41190247[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will always be inferior

>> No.16317925
File: 994 KB, 990x780, beaver_strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317932
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, Abukuma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317933
File: 495 KB, 1227x900, Kancolle 157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they know how to have fun together.

>> No.16317939
File: 148 KB, 560x560, 51479439_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until a map with branching rules comes.

>> No.16317947

What does it mean?!

>> No.16317948
File: 7 KB, 249x213, kanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16317978

I tried writing it out.

>> No.16317965

Yukikaze is Yamato's pet.

>> No.16317966
Quoted by: >>16317978


>> No.16317969

Pet beaver.

>> No.16317970
File: 5 KB, 372x270, ABUBear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317975
Quoted by: >>16317991

Is that your depiction of a bear (probably dead) under A and B?

>> No.16317978

Bullying Abucute like this is a sure fire way of making her miss her torp cut-in.

>> No.16317982
File: 201 KB, 920x613, DSC05734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.16317985

Nope, slapping her upside the head has a positive affect and torp cut-ins will always be yours.

>> No.16317986

Yukikaze is always struggling with survivor guilt and puts on a cheery facade to mask it.

>> No.16317987
Quoted by: >>16318010


You're not spelling it right either.

>> No.16317991

I think it's the land base marker.

>> No.16317994
File: 724 KB, 1046x1181, __abukuma_kiso_kitakami_kuma_ooi_and_others_guilty_gear_guilty_gear_xrd_kantai_collection_street_fighter_and_street_fighter_v_drawn_by_darkmaya__c16d9756b5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318025

Kitakami does it again.

>> No.16318002


>> No.16318010
File: 19 KB, 753x500, abucute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am.

>> No.16318025

That's because Abukuma is a born loser.

>> No.16318027
File: 546 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318032

wtf I didn't even unlock my jets yet and they're already ruining my bombing damage

>> No.16318032

Fuck off.

>> No.16318038
File: 265 KB, 457x381, 201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one actively stockpile ammo? The only winning is not to play.

>> No.16318041

Cute potatos.

>> No.16318046
Quoted by: >>16318071

Do you sortie BBs on every map?

>> No.16318051
File: 333 KB, 591x542, InTIFPl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16318056
Quoted by: >>16318071

Put exp2 on infinite loop.

>> No.16318062

He failed Summer 2015 and used a meme medal to clear it on lower difficulty.

The hilarious part is that the wiki and discord drones consider him failing as indication that AA Hime was near impossible to beat when any veteran could clear the last map hard on 40k resources.

>> No.16318068

Running 2, 21, and 37 repeatedly

>> No.16318071
Quoted by: >>16318093

I'm just frustrated by having to play passively and not being able to farm that particular resource from a map with subs like I can with the others.

>> No.16318077
Quoted by: >>16318114

Its called exps 2, 5, 37.

Ammo is the easiest because you spam 2 for buckets anyway.

>> No.16318078

What are you even talking about and what does it have to do with what I said?

>> No.16318082

>failed Summer 2015


>> No.16318084

Where's the bloody finger it was originally attached to?

>> No.16318087

Fuck off Shitgure.

>> No.16318093

You shouldn't have a problem slowly gaining Ammo unless you use BBs and CVs a lot.
It also depends on what amount of time you consider as passive gameplay. (It takes me half a fucking day to do all dailys)

>> No.16318096

I love edgy shipgirls, not fake edge like Tenryuu.

>> No.16318101

Tenryuu isn't edgy, she's chuuni.

>> No.16318105
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1248, 2551960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are yandere girls so attractive?

>> No.16318111
Quoted by: >>16318117

Tenryuu isn't edgy her sister is.

>> No.16318114
File: 17 KB, 144x71, KanColle-161227-09202467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318119

I'm only doing 4-3 and occasionally going into yasen for PVP.

Explain this.

>> No.16318115
File: 453 KB, 636x900, 60579106_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16318117
Quoted by: >>16318129

Tatsuta isn't edgy, she's a cock tease.

>> No.16318119
Quoted by: >>16318166

4-3 takes up more ammo than you'd expect from repairs and the occasional 3-node sortie

>> No.16318122
File: 1.61 MB, 868x1228, 44371901_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318182

I want Tatsuta to hurt me badly.

>> No.16318129

She's not a tease she straight out tells you to fuck off. Then she talks about torturing abyssals and how good she feels when she's bleeding and shit.

Tatsuta is the edgiest ship by far. The funny being she fucking sucks besides babysitting DDs on expeditions.

>> No.16318134
File: 561 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161227-09273808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great aim girls

>> No.16318142

>non-kai subs

>> No.16318146

Every time I see one of these complaints it's someone with 3 unremodelled subs.

>> No.16318153

Maybe you should stop being a Jew fuck and upgrade them.

>> No.16318166
Quoted by: >>16318320


>> No.16318169
File: 1.49 MB, 992x1642, 40361319_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318241

I bet Tatsuta knows how to do a blood eagle.

>> No.16318182
Quoted by: >>16318207

How do people like this guy's art?

>> No.16318207
File: 298 KB, 682x965, 38507114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because he can draw a very handsome lady and it's nice to see something that's not fluffy and sparkly every once in awhile. Too bad he died.

>> No.16318211

It's not their fault their admiral is a retard.

>> No.16318220

>Too bad he died.
For real?

>> No.16318223

>Too bad he died.
Wait seriously? This calls for a celebration, I need to go buy some moscato.

>> No.16318225

I think he meant he's not doing kancolle art anymore

>> No.16318231
File: 669 KB, 723x1023, tumblr_nyrbjrj9yS1spd0keo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he actually posted new art on his tumblr today after being gone for almost half a year. He posted a message saying he got burned out drawing.

>> No.16318241
Quoted by: >>16318265

How can Tatsuta dance in the blood of her enemies, when her firepower is so shit, she only tickles the abyssals when she hits them?

>> No.16318265
File: 827 KB, 1025x806, 49327266_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she had some help.

>> No.16318278

>check latest updates after hiatus
>Maya huge buff
>BBs huge buff
>meanwhile DDs still a liabilty when not forced to use them compared to other ships

Nice meme.

>> No.16318290
Quoted by: >>16318319

>BBs huge buff


>> No.16318300
Quoted by: >>16318326

Improved AA guns on DDs give them additional FP and torp, not to mention the significant AA defense bonus from equipping the AA gun.

>> No.16318305


>> No.16318319

BBs get free 9 armor with bulwark, maybe more depending on what upgrades do. Stacked with their already high armor hotels and shit are even more powerful.

>> No.16318320


>> No.16318326

>3 fp for day battles only and need toupgrade 10 stars

Wew lad

>> No.16318329
Quoted by: >>16318341

BBs get free 9 armor with bulwark, maybe more depending on what upgrades do. Stacked with their already high armor hotels and shit still get taiha with a crit.

Meanwhile DDs get +3FP +3Torp and some AA for the fleet.

That's why BBs doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.16318330
Quoted by: >>16318352

What's special about the expensive window decoration with the small radio?

>> No.16318332

I say the bulges are more valuable on CAs, especially the ones that can hit cap with 2 torpedoes, but you can't upgrade medium bulges.

>> No.16318335

Aside from some extra armor from bulges, the BBs didn't really get anything from what I remember.
Is Iowa able to use her AACI while keeping her damage output after the update?

>> No.16318337
Quoted by: >>16318339

98 armor doesn't mean shit for a BB, the AA guns on DDs are a far better buff.

>> No.16318339


>> No.16318341

Next event don't use BBs and tell me how that works out for you.

>> No.16318347
Quoted by: >>16318357

>""free"" +9 armor and -3 evasion
>huge buff

Okay sure.

>> No.16318352

Clicking the radio resets the BGM to default.

>> No.16318353

Don't tell me you actually use more than 2BBs for combined fleet when routing has been absolute shit since last year's summer.

>> No.16318357
Quoted by: >>16318366

>evasion on BBs
>worth anything

>> No.16318366

Next you're going to say your BBs tank everything as if an aggro system magically exists.

>> No.16318368
Quoted by: >>16318393

Joke's on you, next event I'll sortie my BBs with a goddamn extra boffors. I'm going to need every bit of AA to deal with Wo kai ni jets after all.

>> No.16318371

Severe PTSD

>> No.16318379
Quoted by: >>16318388

>tfw these extra pompom guns, bofors, and 25mmCD are going to have a use

>> No.16318388
Quoted by: >>16319223

Where's your face?

>> No.16318393

If the cat series looks like cats, what will Abyssal jets look like? UFOs?

>> No.16318395

How is AA guns on DDs a bigger buff than bulwarks and the same additional AA guns for BBs/CVs?

Correct me if I'm wrong but the AA guns buff only apply to DAY battle, and who gives a shit about day battle damage from DDs except for them maybe occasionally picking off an enemy DDs scrub, which even then they miss most of the time and do scratch. Not only that but to get the +3 FP/torp you need to upgrade all your AA guns to max level and spend more screws. I'd rather save my shit for freedom guns.

Meanwhile all the bulwarks that have been sitting useless in your inventory now have a use and all your BBs/CVs can be outfitted with them. I'll take 9 armor for my big ships over 3 evasion any day, AA guns on them if more Wo shenanigans.

>> No.16318407

How are you spending your final minutes with your Christmas girls?

>> No.16318415


He only said BBs. CAs and especially carriers gain a lot more from bulges than BBs.

>> No.16318418

Just staring aimlessly at waifu till then

>> No.16318419

Leveling Chikuma, I regret that I didn't make it in time to see the CG outside the library.

>> No.16318426

Ducks, Maya and any AACI DD gets extra AACI activation rates. I think it jumps to 75% activation for ducks for a Bofors and all max upgrades.

>> No.16318438

Recipe for building Yahagi?

>> No.16318442

You can give your +3 fp AA guns to anyone though.

>> No.16318451

>not giving an upgraded AA gun to main fleet BBs to hit cap easier
It's like you actually have fun trying to max a T1 AP Shell.

>> No.16318461
File: 20 KB, 680x266, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when they keep giving you the no "x' version?

>> No.16318468

Stop using wikia

>> No.16318472

Read the thread.

>> No.16318482
File: 274 KB, 800x407, 1469677626368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranked during Xmas, will rank during New Years ;_;

>> No.16318489
File: 845 KB, 2123x2000, 48331977_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, there is a reason to use a prototype keiun over the old, reliable and more accurate type 2? Does it get some super secret spotting bonus or something?

>> No.16318498

>using either

>> No.16318501


The higher the LoS, the higher the bonus it gives other planes in LBAS.

>> No.16318505
File: 2.08 MB, 2480x1748, 55866830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318512

So, there is a reason to use a prototype keiun over the old, reliable and more accurate Taitei-chan? Does it get some super secret meme bonus or something?

>> No.16318512

Yeah, I won't have to bring Akitsushima.

>> No.16318517


Keiun's high LoS (Which can get to 14.7 with upgrades) give you the best contact chance you can have in your fleet. To the point that you have a pretty good chance of contact even with air parity.

Just for clarifying, contact chance isn't the same as contact bonus. The contact bonus is decided by the plane that makes contact and usually the game gives a higher chance for planes with higher accuracy (higher contact bonus) to do the contact even if the plane contributing the most to contact chance has lower accuracy stat.

So, to make it shorter, you equip Keiun and as many torpedo bombers with +3 accuracy to have a good chance of ccontact + the correct contact bonus.


Bonus is capped to 9 LoS = 33% extra air power.

>> No.16318557
File: 144 KB, 540x784, 1477876999136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318585

>many torpedo bombers with +3 accuracy
I'll farm more dragons next year!

>> No.16318568
Quoted by: >>16318578

How do I stop Graf and Sara from taking MVP in 3-2 when they're already carrying just and SBD+Model62 and fighters? I don't have worse planes.

>> No.16318578

You either don't use any bombers at all or you take common bombers and replace them when their rank gets too high.

>> No.16318585
Quoted by: >>16318600


Just for info, even with Type II, there are some setups that reach almost 100% contact chance and 80-90% +3accuracy plane doing the contact chance even with AS.

The only place where Keiun would really shine is at moments where you can't achieve AS

>> No.16318598

Anyone have a good EO layout? I suck at ricing

>> No.16318599
Quoted by: >>16321210

I don't get it. What's up with the fascination of japs spring cleaning before New Year? What the fuck?

>> No.16318600

>The only place where Keiun would really shine is at moments where you can't achieve AS
Then wouldn't bringing an extra lepu will be better?

>> No.16318610

>Meanwhile all the bulwarks that have been sitting useless in your inventory now have a use and all your BBs/CVs can be outfitted with them.
>have a use
Additional armor actually matter? Also this is at the expense of evasion. Not sure if it is worth the money.

>> No.16318619
Quoted by: >>16318633

What's a good place to dump a .zip?

>> No.16318633
Quoted by: >>16318643


>> No.16318636
File: 99 KB, 534x754, C0nWl7IUkAAkYcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318651

Oh baby.

>> No.16318643
Quoted by: >>16318714

Sweet, this one works nicely for me

>> No.16318648
File: 517 KB, 1060x800, 54896628_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318654

Wait, so there isn't a maintenance between Christmas and new years, right? I wonder if there is a way to peek while the girls change clothes.

>> No.16318651
Quoted by: >>16318683

Clearly she needs to cut back on the hamburgers.

>> No.16318654

I thought that was a dick.

>> No.16318683

Nah. We just need to strengthen the floor. Probably rotting.

>> No.16318714


>> No.16318718


>> No.16318728

Oh how I wish 4chan had a translation option for posts in moonspeak.

>> No.16318737
Quoted by: >>16318739

Just F5 at 11:20 (moon time).

>> No.16318739

It's already 11:52.

>> No.16318741

>not downloading a simple translation addon
>not wanting Can This

>> No.16318743
File: 96 KB, 600x839, 293635c61afa8867821102901fe142f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16318752

Prinz is cozy.

>> No.16318752

Prinz is besto.
I mean... fuck off.

>> No.16318762
File: 21 KB, 331x331, C0bLsUrUUAEwoxV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what the fuck was this then?

>> No.16318770

a good fake

>> No.16318773
Quoted by: >>16318794


>> No.16318794

>Yuugumo extremist
>legitimately looks like Fujikawa hands
Holy crap, I feel like a moron. It looks so close to the original style and shading.

>> No.16318845

wtf why is it so HARD to gain resources
I don't even sortie anymore because it cost too much
I only do 4 min lsc every day

>> No.16318859

No shit, you barely break even if you do 4 LSC tries, if at all. Cut back and do 1 a day.

>> No.16318879

Fuck off.

>> No.16318883
File: 466 KB, 1324x543, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine like this.

>> No.16318902
Quoted by: >>16318907

How did you get the tabs to do that?

>> No.16318907

It's the auto-hide pin next to the cross.

>> No.16318925


>> No.16318940

I see a lot of them are proud to show they are foreign players.

>> No.16318948

What kind of hipsters do you think we are?

>> No.16318957
Quoted by: >>16318980

>rare Aquila
>looks like ass
Damn it.

>> No.16318980

Looks decent to me. Or maybe I have just seen too many that are worse. The real problem is that it is Aquila.

>> No.16318984
File: 181 KB, 1265x501, 76e2af0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319050

>> No.16318990
File: 401 KB, 620x975, 60583590_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reminding people that Teste exist.

>> No.16319026
File: 46 KB, 493x391, C0lxFSAUoAAhXVp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319040
Quoted by: >>16319052

Are French girls really so wonderful?

>> No.16319050
File: 56 KB, 171x172, 1469546538458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looks too much like Shimakaze.

>> No.16319052

Well Testicles sure doesn't help their case.

>> No.16319054

Why can't you scrap more than one ship at once

>> No.16319067

the technology isn't there yet

>> No.16319070
File: 811 KB, 1946x2882, 2C7clHJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319073
Quoted by: >>16319100

Damn, Teste is an Aryan.

>> No.16319077 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16319082

Why can't I scrap my ARP ships now that this shit is over?

>> No.16319082 [DELETED] 

you need to select the yokosuka port otherwise they don't show up

>> No.16319100
File: 185 KB, 931x767, WNbekJsqsJaNwMZV-5rn4QEM8oUnS-NilElVJhdBvJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319103

That's not Teste you fool.

>> No.16319103
File: 1.45 MB, 1615x2000, 1482782068343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319123

Why is KanColle so behind?

>> No.16319114

How the fuck are you supposed to tell the right is Saratoga at all?

>> No.16319123

Chinks don't care, so everything they do is everything that is wrong with mecha musume based off real life machinery.

>> No.16319128
File: 183 KB, 992x636, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319146

Don't remind me. She single-handedly killed all the little hope I had for French ships. Her sprite is unsightly and her voice gave me stage 4 cancer.

>> No.16319136
File: 1.56 MB, 3466x3378, 1482758595486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319145

That design is worse than some of those terrible OCs you find on pixiv.

>> No.16319146

What's wrong with her sprite? She looks cute.

>> No.16319149
Quoted by: >>16319165

CRAWLING, but seriously that looks so fucking bad. Is that a webbed hand? It's not even a mouth turret.

>> No.16319165

Also I seriously hope those 2 floating meatballs are not her aircraft and are just caught passing by because that would just make it worse.

>> No.16319176
Quoted by: >>16319930

>6 medals

What server, again? I forgot.

>E4 on otsu
>needing boss support for easy
Ayyyy lmao

>> No.16319177

Wait a second.

Is that an Abyssal Bukki pantyshot in one of the pictures?

>> No.16319180

How strong do you think she'd be if she showed up in the game?

>> No.16319182

I can't wait for to be added to the game.

>> No.16319185

Abukuma and Yuubari to married for optimal HP, Ooyodo to 150s. Jintsuu if you dislike Abukuma

>> No.16319198
File: 16 KB, 141x61, KanColle-161227-13040212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam 2/4/5 like a madman.

>> No.16319216
File: 648 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161227-14113539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know we got the new years cleaning stuff out already

>> No.16319223
Quoted by: >>16319707

He said tfw (that feel when) not mfw (my face when).

>air parity

>usually the game gives a higher chance for planes with higher accuracy (higher contact bonus) to do the contact even if the plane contributing the most to contact chance has lower accuracy stat
Wrong. The game rolls for higher accuracy planes first, then only rolls for lower accuracy ones if the higher accuracy planes fail to make contact.

>> No.16319226

Really? Haven't refreshed yet since I prefer the Christmas CGs to stay a bit longer

>> No.16319293
Quoted by: >>16319340

how can you guys even get in the game? dmm has been saying it's overloaded since last night

>> No.16319294
Quoted by: >>16319302

I was expecting New Year Ooyodo but I guess that's later.

>> No.16319302
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1453176076677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319348

That's because your wife Akebono has to get everything ready.

>> No.16319304
File: 768 KB, 987x1800, 1481421854429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xmas CG are gone already?
What a shame, I'll miss best Roma.

>> No.16319340

Not closing the game. I got in fine a few hours ago though.

>> No.16319348

This look like a kasumi/akebono combination
Can you even imagine them double teaming you with insults?

>> No.16319363
File: 357 KB, 760x460, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319364

>Christmas lines replaced with New Year lines.
>Sara didn't get New Year line.
>How are you? is missing too.
Nice job Tanaka.

>> No.16319368

its a beta

>> No.16319374
Quoted by: >>16319400

It's actually end of the year lines. New Year lines don't start until the literal new year.

>> No.16319379

So the secretary lines default to lines 2 and 3 in the fleet org page if line 1 is missing.

>> No.16319387

Block the elements and force overflow scrolling on the html tag.

>> No.16319400

>It's actually end of the year lines.
You are right, guess next maintenance will fix the missing lines.

>> No.16319408

Why can't the devs do live updates for all their updates?

>> No.16319416
Quoted by: >>16319437

when the fuck do I leave my room if the game is never down?

>> No.16319421
Quoted by: >>16319437

Imagine how many more bugs there would be if they didn't always spend half a day on maintenance.

>> No.16319434
File: 57 KB, 467x700, C0nM2inUkAAZqQH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319437
Quoted by: >>16319452

Get a job, buy screws.

I suppose it's justified for events. But not for much else.

>> No.16319452
Quoted by: >>16319477

Well there was that one time they added some quests and instead of rewarding a damecon it gave out 30 12cm guns.

>> No.16319475
File: 307 KB, 819x944, im6359018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319489

Did you think that you could keep Suzuya out? Well too bad!
Now take those pants off.

>> No.16319477

43 of item 1 instead of 1 of item 43.

Bugs like these are funny outside of events, but not so funny during them.

>> No.16319487

Because live updates are API changes only. Any changes to the client SWFs can't really be done because there are overlaps in the SWFs that could result in problems as one child SWF gets updated but a parent does not.

>> No.16319489

Did anyone gave a shit about Kumano?

>> No.16319500

Gauge regen never again
Night to day battles never again
Fog ships never again
Aerial node never again

Anything else?

>> No.16319523
Quoted by: >>16319539

>Aerial node never again
They better not come back. They destroyed your air power (and bombers if Tsu was present), and with today's insane AS requirements this would just be cancer. Air raid nodes are the much better replacement.

>> No.16319526

Aerial nodes are still here.

>> No.16319534

I miss the times when they didn't have to have a different sortie BGM for event maps. Now even 6-4 and 6-5 have them.

>> No.16319539

Upgrade your Zero M52s.

>and with today's insane AS requirements this would just be cancer
Not everyone wants piss easy events all year like you do.

>> No.16319558

Since when did AS requirement correlate with difficulty?

>> No.16319582
File: 161 KB, 707x1000, __kumano_and_suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_naitou_ryuu__3cf76f68dc174075ac8926f079d1ec32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319584
File: 161 KB, 991x1400, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__adfb5fe12a6277f45998193bbd61bd3c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kumano

>> No.16319611

Any reason to not remodel Saratoga?

>> No.16319619
File: 336 KB, 717x1012, CUZ5izKWcAA41S9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319661

I would like difficult events if the difficulty weren't just the RNG roll.

The difficulty in events is the same as the difficulty in getting ship drops. Some people get through easily, some people have average luck, and some people just get fucking screwed over.

>> No.16319653

How many Kai 2s will we get next year?

>> No.16319657


>> No.16319658
File: 308 KB, 1228x869, 57964984_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoba got 2 new seasonal lines in a row, that means she gets K2 next, r-right?

>> No.16319661
Quoted by: >>16319702

The RNG roll is the whole point of this game. It just wouldn't be the same without a generous helping of RNG.

>> No.16319683
File: 564 KB, 799x566, f82e27781e366ebcc23fa988da7fff47[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 2. I can feel it.

>> No.16319693

Went down memory lane to see if Ooi was as good in winter 2015 as people say.

KTKM kills:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ELzVOASFw (double attack)

Not sure if this is already in the Ooi kill collage:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0GrYUOlwn8 (red T)

Kills while an enemy CA was still alive:

Kills during Red T:

On a side note, a relatively unknown Hitler video for summer 2015:

>> No.16319699
Quoted by: >>16320849

why would anyone use ooi over kitakami ever? unless you got an id1 ooi or something, but we all know none of us here on /jp/ do

>> No.16319702

RNG is the point of many games, many MMOs in particular, but most of them aren't anywhere near as frustrating as KanCOLLE is.

>> No.16319703
File: 152 KB, 600x849, 4e322bad400c5f2c3abfcf6a6aa449be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still hoping.

>> No.16319704
Quoted by: >>16320849

Most people used both. The thing is a good number of them also used TCI on KTKM and DA on Ooi. 30 luck wasn't reliable enough for TCI.

On a semi-related note, did anyone net a kill with a sub?

>but we all know none of us here on /jp/ do
There's a guy who has but he missed the first event so no Shinden Kai.

>> No.16319707
Quoted by: >>16319714



Abyssal achieve it all the time with worse planes even with AI. Contact chance formula is there for a reason.


It's basically the same explained with other words.

>> No.16319714
Quoted by: >>16319719

Make up your mind already fags. I was told last time that AI was 制空権喪失 and not 航空劣勢

In any case according to wikiwiki you can get contact in 航空劣勢 but not in AP.

>It's basically the same explained with other words.
The correct word is "priority", not "chance". You're implying that when rolling for contact chance in the second contact roll, accuracy is involved. It's not; the % chance for each ship is 7% * plane LoS. (For the record, the first contact roll doesn't involve accuracy either.)

>> No.16319716
File: 1.73 MB, 1507x2427, hyper ooichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16319719
Quoted by: >>16319729


It's like you've never played against Wo Kai with Elite Takoyaki torpedo bomber.

>> No.16319721
File: 123 KB, 798x481, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ooi gave me this during that event

>> No.16319725

>yasen mule Ooyodo
Why is anyone even bringing this up, this is so old.

>> No.16319728

Wasn't playing back then, was this boss node considered hard without all the mechanics we currently have?

>> No.16319729
File: 32 KB, 768x282, aerial phase table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319784

Well then why don't you go tell wikiwiki that their chart is wrong.

>he got air parity against elite takoyakis
Actually get better fighters.

>> No.16319732
Quoted by: >>16319738

Did Goya CI on the boss and kill it?

>> No.16319736

BB Water Oni was the strongest boss at the time and it was the first triple hime map.

>> No.16319737
Quoted by: >>16320616

So Zuikaku spend all christmas being triggered?

>> No.16319738
Quoted by: >>16319741

That last bit of damage on one of the BB Himes is from Goya. Ooi literally left out 1 fucking HP

>> No.16319741

Oh right.

>> No.16319744

It was really hard.

>> No.16319745

Three BB Himes.
Never seen before, now it feels routine.

>> No.16319753

40k resources was enough.

With that said, I myself didn't find it too hard.

>> No.16319758
Quoted by: >>16319764

Many people were sparkling whole combined fleets back then because map was so hard to beat.

>> No.16319759

Nah, it is still pretty easy since you can bring both the torpedo sluts. Pretty much a step down from midway and akiduki hime.

>> No.16319763
Quoted by: >>16319774

CV Hime was also a huge cockblock on the node prior to that

>> No.16319764

>Many people were sparkling whole combined fleets back then because they thought it actually did anything.
Fixed that for you.

If I did the map again with the exact same mechanics as before, I'd forgo sparkling completely.

>> No.16319774

That was CV Oni, not CV Hime. CV Oni was a joke.

>> No.16319776

Sorry. Seems like my memory is pretty rusty

>> No.16319780
Quoted by: >>16319786

No, she wasn't a joke. If anything, she had higher accuracy than CV Hime usually does.

>> No.16319784
Quoted by: >>16319788


It says right there you can achieve contact with air parity.

>> No.16319786
Quoted by: >>16319820

Don't know about that. I had way more problems against CV hime in spring '15 E6 than I had against CV Oni in winter '15 E5. Besides the Oni's slots were easier to clean out too.

Maybe it's just RNG.

>> No.16319788
Quoted by: >>16319806


>> No.16319806



>> No.16319809
Quoted by: >>16319814

>[random chinese]

>> No.16319814


Are you blind?

>> No.16319816
File: 88 KB, 752x1062, Cz81cbcUcAAzQMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319819
Quoted by: >>16319834

What does this have to do with getting contact?

>> No.16319820

>CV hime in spring '15 E6
I was considering mentioning specifically that CV Hime because I thought she was universally a joke. From what I remember everyone was passing that node without problems. With FCF people were reaching the boss node in every single sortie and only people without it struggled with a map in any degree though most of the runs reached the boss node anyway. You must have been an outlier.

>> No.16319825
Quoted by: >>16319834

That's just one method to achieve air parity. Nothing to do with contact.

>> No.16319827
Quoted by: >>16319867

That node proved to me that the devs can set individual accuracy values, so whatever you see listed on Abyssal ships, it's probably bullshit.

>> No.16319831
Quoted by: >>16319867

That node was only easy during pre-final because I didn't bring a BB for second shelling.

>> No.16319834
File: 8 KB, 1050x77, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It says right there that contact won't happen if there hadn't been an aerial phase. The only reason that row exists is just to indicate that you can get nightime contact even if you didn't have aerial phase during the day.

On the other hand the upper row is the version with an air phase and in that case it IS possible for your planes to achieve contact.

>> No.16319842
Quoted by: >>16319846

That's not parity, that's denial at top row.

>> No.16319844 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 752x1062, CuQY98EUEAEECpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eugen is embarrassed. What do you do?

>> No.16319846

No that's clearly incapability.

>> No.16319860
Quoted by: >>16319938

So that means in air parity the enemy can do artillery spotting but you can't? Are you retarded?

均衡 and 劣勢 mean two different things. Both are possible with air phases, but 劣勢 requires 1/3 enemy FP < your FP ≤ 2/3 enemy FP, and 均衡 requires 2/3 enemy FP < your FP < 3/2 enemy FP.

And for the record nighttime recon proc in air parity is only possible in PvP.

>> No.16319867

Yes, I agree. It was the only reason I could imagine why she was so blind for basically every anon. It also seemed like every abyssal got more accurate during last dance but returned to its "norm" after clearing the map.
Farming Roma at boss was pretty comfy, 95% of runs reached the boss and bucket usage was slightly below 6 per sortie. Sadly, it ate too much fuel to sustain for longer periods of time.

You must have been using some strange composition.

>> No.16319880
Quoted by: >>16319886

Maybe. The CV hime was critting my ships left and right (though usually only to chuuha). It was a pain when clearing, as well as when trying to farm the boss node (didn't get U-511 but I did get Roma). On the other hand I can only remember that the CV oni in winter E5 didn't pose much of a problem for me; I was more concerned about the quad Ru node.

>> No.16319886
Quoted by: >>16319895

As well as any Rus in the CV oni node. I found them more of a threat than CV oni herself.

>> No.16319895
Quoted by: >>16319902

Yes, the Ru Kai on CV Oni node was awful. Hitting with almost every hit and you simply prayed overkill protection is nice.

>> No.16319901

>Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Has this been discussed at all? If not I guess because it isn't really all that important, or out of the ordinary.

>> No.16319902

Yeah, but CV oni herself didn't do much. The preboss was a joke if the Rus weren't around. Even the Tas weren't as bad.

>> No.16319903
File: 14 KB, 339x132, 1 more in progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is too much?

>> No.16319905

bout three fiddy

>> No.16319907
File: 2 KB, 244x41, 2016-12-27_10-57-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know.

>> No.16319910

Yes, give luck to your favorite BB and she can the same bullshit luck privilege.

>> No.16319912

People just consider it somewhere in between Bisko/pastas and Nagatos and call it a day, I suppose.

>> No.16319924
Quoted by: >>16319928

It's been over a year since summer 2015 and I still refuse to believe that kidou was the best fleet to use for E7 last kill if you didn't bring Hayasui or Akitsu Maru.

>> No.16319928
Quoted by: >>16319932

Yeah, yeah, and the Earth is flat.

>> No.16319930


>> No.16319932

The Earth probably was flat for me back then.

>> No.16319935
File: 392 KB, 800x480, 20161227_11031008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy.

>> No.16319936

I wonder if events will be more intense in the future with escort carriers and Matsu class coming. Seeing the gradual evolution is interesting.

>> No.16319938
File: 48 KB, 541x281, 1435778785217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Can achieve contact with air disadvantage
>Yet can't achieve contact with air parity

Why is this game so retarded? So basically Keiun only when you have air disadvantage.

>> No.16319939
Quoted by: >>16319948

>100 slots
>1 ring
>8 medals
Impressive, it can be done. Truly a master at management.

>> No.16319943

>466 eq
He must be getting screwed every time something gets added to Akashi.

>> No.16319945
File: 16 KB, 474x335, 1433965289078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16319953


I want to meet this guy and tell him how much I admire him. Then proceed to ask him to give me lectures on KanColle.

Truly an admiral above admirals.

>> No.16319948
Quoted by: >>16319950

I don't know what server that is, but here you can idle all you like and you can get gensui as long as you clear all EOs. He is good at ship management, though.

inb4 Hashirajima
Impossible since the max for them is 6 medals.

>> No.16319950
Quoted by: >>16319953

Stupid faggot. Look at his HQ exp.

>> No.16319953
Quoted by: >>16319958

His lectures would only be useful if you're also a jew like he is. The problem is the way to approach this game varies drastically depending on how much you pay.

HQ level 120 isn't that hard to reach even if you don't rank.

>> No.16319958
Quoted by: >>16319965

He has 64 million HQ exp. HQ level 120 is 15 million.

>> No.16319960


Muh dick

>> No.16319965

Oh, right.

>> No.16319967
Quoted by: >>16319971

Regarding viewCreateShipLogList, what's the right way to read the chart success percentage?
For example, if the chart mentioned that the highest percentage for certain LSC is on 19.00, then you must do the LSC at that time. Is it true?

>> No.16319971
Quoted by: >>16319994

No. It's just that the most attempts are made during that time for some reason so the number of successes during that time is higher.

>> No.16319983
Quoted by: >>16319986

>air disadvantage
So have we actually settled on how to translate 制空権喪失 and 航空劣勢 or are we just going to continue to confuse the fuck out of one another?

>> No.16319986
Quoted by: >>16319995

I think inferiority and incapability would be the best.

>> No.16319987
Quoted by: >>16319996

So the patch was fucking nothing?

>> No.16319994
Quoted by: >>16320014

Literally this.

The difference is less than half a percent between max and min chance on most graphs and there is no way to know what recipes were being used so the graphs are being polluted by people aiming for other shipgirls and so on.

There is no statistical benefit to picking particular times of day to build ships.

>> No.16319995
Quoted by: >>16319999

So AI and AI- instead of AD and AD-? Alright then.

>> No.16319996

The patch? You mean the taking away of x-mas stuff and giving new years stuff? Exactly what they said they were doing?

>> No.16319999

They work well as opposite of superiority and supremacy.

>> No.16320003
File: 644 KB, 734x1020, 49535867b2a07fa34c7c12656e78ae1d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16320005

>the other wiki translates 南西諸島海域 as Southwestern Waters
Fucking hell.

>> No.16320007

Their alternative translations are annoying.

>> No.16320014
File: 6 KB, 1077x160, Example-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you saying that, I should keep an eye only on the recipe that has the highest percentage there?

>> No.16320022

Try 7000/6840/6900/2700/20. The extra baux should increase the chances of Bisko but it shouldn't be enough to default to Taihou recipe.

>> No.16320024

Highest percentage with sensible resources. 0.15 difference (so ~2% higher chance) isn't worth 2k fuel (10% more resources). What were you doing during maths lessons?

>> No.16320029

>0.15 difference (so ~2% higher chance) isn't worth 2k fuel (10% more resources)

Well you got a point there, anon.

>> No.16320033

Not him but for me my bottleneck is devmats so I prefer the recipe which uses more fuel.

>> No.16320063
File: 469 KB, 610x870, 1482401850626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kumano isn't a slut or a semen demon.
She just doesn't have the sex appeal to compete with kancolle #1 slut.

>> No.16320066
Quoted by: >>16320079

If you're gonna jew you gotta be the bestest jew there is.

>marrying Atago
To be a 100 slotter and not be a statsfag while achieving all that is truly admirable.

>> No.16320079
Quoted by: >>16320087

I bet people would ignore all that and call him out for shit taste if he'd married Fubuki instead.

>> No.16320087

Are you implying otherwise?
Why would anyone marry shitbuki when there are better girls around? Shitbuki is at the bottom 1% tier.

>> No.16320091

Tanaka would.

>> No.16320093
File: 53 KB, 600x800, kagafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16320104

Because it's not up to others to decide who they want to like?

Tanaka wouldn't be the type to marry just one ship, either.

>> No.16320105
Quoted by: >>16320116

Still couldn't believe that someone can have a boner while looking at, uh, inanimate object.

Then again, there was that story about some dude with his tiles

>> No.16320115

I seriously didn't think this was possible. What finally made me crack and buy slots was the Spring 2016 event when I saw the 5 color ship locks in Spring 2016.

I fucking need to know what ships this guy considers mandatory.

>> No.16320116

>inanimate object
Newborn incarnation of his favorite woman.

>> No.16320118
Quoted by: >>16320122

Spring only had 4 locks. E1/E4, E2/E3, E5 and E6.

>> No.16320122

Well fuck me then.

>> No.16320124
File: 1.71 MB, 1359x973, WTF Tanaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320456


This is so fucking retarded. Like WHY?! Why can you achieve contact with less but can't achieve it with more. My brain refuses to accept this, it just can't.

>> No.16320129

>des div 6 has a circle dedicated for them, especially Hibiki/Verny
Why the hell is this allowed?

>> No.16320130
File: 1.35 MB, 1563x1100, 60126773_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320143

He would only struggle through shit like bikini atoll crossroad.
Outside of historical lock, he would most likely breeze through the event.

>> No.16320143

He could just debuff. And I think he would keep Nagato.

>> No.16320148

So let's pretend we're this guy and we want to get every single medal. What 100 ships would you keep?

>> No.16320155

With chevvy system you don't need them at all.

>> No.16320159

You only need three Abukuma and two Ooyodo to get around any possible shiplock in case of CLs. Let's add Sendai and Isuzu for upgrades - 7.
KitaOoi, Kiso - 3.
Kongous, Bisko, Iowa, Fusous and either Hotels or Big7 for BBs - 10.
Cranes, Kaga, Taihou, Sara, Dragons for CVs - 7.
Top5 CVLs plus another pair of ChiChis - 7.
Maya, Maya, Choukai, three Myoukous, Prinz, Pastas - 9.
Two sets of Tones - 4.
Akashi, Katori, Kashima, Hayasui, Akitsushima, Mizuho, Teste - 7.
Subs - 7.
KitaOoi, Dragons, Maruyu, Mutsu - 10 slots for farming. Don't farm hard during events.
29 slots left for DDs.

Did I miss anything?

>> No.16320165

You don't need 7subs though unless you are a rankfag. They are pretty much useless.
The Akiduki set and kasumi, ooshio, hibiki, kawakaze and asashio tanker should be mandatory though.

>> No.16320170

Yeah, I was assuming ranking because that guy is clearly doing that.

>> No.16320171

He is a rankfag though.

>> No.16320174
Quoted by: >>16320203

I'm more interested in what ships did he heartlessly scrap when getting his event rewards.It's one thing if it were the frsh event rewards, and a completely other if it were veteran high level ones that he used to clear those specific events.

>> No.16320177

Doing quests that require certain ships must be a freaking nightmare for this guy.

>> No.16320181
Quoted by: >>16320193

Taigei. She's the only ship of her class.

>> No.16320190
Quoted by: >>16320195

Non-marriage opening ASW capable DDs should be mandatory too.

>> No.16320193
Quoted by: >>16320198

Sadly she's completely useless outside of that one expedition. Taigei route on 6-1 is bad and in events other ships can be used instead of her. But I guess you can add her.
By the way it's funny how everyone forgot about Akitsu Maru, she became really irrelevant after seaplane fighters got proper chevron bonus and slow bullying intensified.

>> No.16320195

Every single Kai Ni except Ayanami can oASW without marriage so that isn't a problem.

>> No.16320198
Quoted by: >>16320207

Wasn't there that one time when she was needed for branching? My memory could be messing with me though.

>> No.16320203

It depends if the event rewards bring anything new. If they do then it's a high level ship that goes. If they don't then they're scrapped instead.

Kawakaze too. Ooshio barely makes it.

>> No.16320207

Autumn 2015.

>> No.16320208


But, without a DC?

>> No.16320209
File: 865 KB, 1228x868, 94e0c67d838987f4bc33730b8b149714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320598

Are there any two ships more deserving of Kai Nis as Atago and Takao?
The fact they don't have them yet is a crime in of itself. Fingers crossed for 2017.

>> No.16320215

when do you even use them? on sub princess maps you want torpedo bombers to kill her escorts and kamo is all you need for 1-5.

>> No.16320216
Quoted by: >>16320221

DIscounting Asashio K2 (59) since K2D obviously can,
Ayanami (63)
Kawakaze (63)
Ooshio (64)
Akatsuki (66)
The rest have 68+

>> No.16320217
File: 37 KB, 715x707, 2016-12-27_12-58-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right.

In that case you want 68.

>> No.16320218

I understand statfaggotry.
But there are a number of ships that i said "i'm keeping you until i clear the quest" and after spending some time leveling them, they start to rub off of me and i just can't get rid of them. That's the reason i bought my first set of 30 slots with more to most definitely come in the future.

>> No.16320221

For >>16320208

>> No.16320222
Quoted by: >>16320349

Someone translate that new Kamikaze's line. Does she get embarrassed of admitting her age or something?

>> No.16320230

I can't tell you how they feel since my plan from day one was to get all the ships (although the reason has changed somewhat over the years), so I've always bought slots whenever possible.

But what I do know is that there are players who wouldn't think twice about scrapping high level ships that are no longer needed. I did it for dupe Kongous when I got more BBs, including a level 98 Kirishima.

>> No.16320235

Nobody said being a 100 slotter was easy. You pretty much have to steel your heart and scrap any dead weights. Could you scrap Tokitsukaze, Isonami or Hagikaze? If not, you're not cut out to be a 100 slotter.

>> No.16320253

I've been scrapping her since day one.

>> No.16320259
Quoted by: >>16320270

>farming Mutsu

>> No.16320260

It is not that tough if you always keep up with quest update. You probably need to keep like 5-10blank slot for rotation.

>> No.16320262
Quoted by: >>16320278

I was a 100 slot player until last event, and I could get to 95 now if I wanted. all I had to do was scrap every potato.

>> No.16320270
Quoted by: >>16320277

41cm Twin?

>> No.16320274
Quoted by: >>16321869

This is what I'd keep if I were a 100 slotter.
BBs: hotels, Fusous, Hiei, Kirishima, Italia, Roma, Bismarck, Iowa (10)
CVs: Kaga, Shoukaku-class, Taihou, Saratoga, Hiryuu, 2 more CVs (eg. dupe Kaga/Taihou) (8)
CVLs: Chitose-class, RJ, Hiyou-class, one Chitose-class dupe (6)
CAs: Maya x2, Myoukou, Nachi, Haguro, Pola (6)
CAVs: Tone, Chikuma, Mogami, Mikuma (4)
CLs: Abukuma x2, Ooyodo, Yuubari (4)
CLTs: Kitakami x2, Ooi x2 (4)
Akitsu Maru, Akashi, Taigei, Katori, Akitsushima, Mizuho, Hayasui, Commandant Teste (8)
Ro x2, I-8 x2, I-19 x2, I-26 x2, I-58 x2, I-168 x2 (12)
18 DDs (see below)
Total: 80 ships (left 20 for farming fodder and other deadweight)

Yuudachi x3
Ayanami x3
Asashio K2 x1
Asashio K2D x2
Ooshio K2 x2
Kasumi K2 x2
Bep x1
4 of Akizuki/Teruzuki/Hatsuzuki, no more than 2 of each

inb4 no K2B
I'll switch one K2 to K2B I really need the LoS. Otherwise there's no reason to.

>> No.16320277

Farming Kongous would be cheaper.

>> No.16320278

You need kumarinko to upgrade the No.3. Italian BBs to upgrade the 90mm.

You'd have to be suicidal to scrap the potato carriers or Ayanami

>> No.16320281
Quoted by: >>16320293

No, it wouldn't. Mutsu gives two 41cm.

>> No.16320283

Or the CLTs. But we all know the potato hater is suicidal anyway.

>> No.16320284

Then level them all the way to 75-80?

>> No.16320288
Quoted by: >>16320299

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read all day.

>> No.16320291
Quoted by: >>16320308

Good point about Mikuma.
There's no point in upgrading 90mm when 5inch exists. If anything, OTO would be a much stronger argument.

>> No.16320293

Oh, fuck me. Never mind.

>> No.16320299

Spamming recipe would be better since even shit like AA gun is useful now to upgrade maya gun and boat.

>> No.16320303
File: 106 KB, 776x1100, C0pv32dUUAABCrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320328

>> No.16320308

Is there really a reason to use OTOs for anything?

>> No.16320314

Leveling Akashi, as an example.

>> No.16320315
Quoted by: >>16320326

Yes? CLTs, Abukuma, AVs, carriers for range, secondary cut-ins on CLs, CAs and BBs...

>> No.16320326

>CLT, Abukuma
Only if you're a poorfag without a million No.3s
>AV, Carriers
Only if you suck and don't have the SCAMP
>secondary cut-in
Oh wow. Wouldn't want to miss out on that super powerful secondary cut-in would I?

>> No.16320328

Too small, not Takao.

>> No.16320333
Quoted by: >>16320337

There 's that weird 3xOTO 1xTorp Choukai setup for strongest yasen DA in the game for whatever reason.

>> No.16320337

CLT DA is stronger

>> No.16320340
File: 173 KB, 460x365, 攻略編成_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you do need at least two for Commander Frog if and when they do make a map that allow you to bring a slow AV.

>> No.16320344

>CLT, Abukuma
I use OTO on them even when I have (3) lying around.

>Only if you suck and don't have the SCAMP
Medium can be better than long range and OTO gives more firepower, accuracy and armor than SCAMP.

>Oh wow. Wouldn't want to miss out on that super powerful secondary cut-in would I?
Okay, so you're just a moron.

>> No.16320348

Now that I know better, no, but in the past OTOs were my favoured equipment against PT imps.

>> No.16320349
File: 23 KB, 1044x53, Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 6.36.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we got to it, we're doing things slowly since everyone's on is still on holiday ATM.


>> No.16320369

Calm down, Totaku.

>> No.16320383

Also, while you're still here, look at >>16320005 .

南西諸島海域 ≠ Southwestern Waters. I can't edit the main page, so it's up to you; Nansei Islands Waters, or Ryukyu Islands Waters if you're feeling exotic.

>> No.16320387
Quoted by: >>16320394

I'd go with Nansei Islands Tbh

>> No.16320394
Quoted by: >>16320413

Ryukyu was a joke.

>> No.16320410
Quoted by: >>16320915

I cleared through 5-1 with only hiyo and shoho class

>> No.16320413


>> No.16320418

i hope they will introduce another new AV soon, so I can actually do the 2 AV expeds overnight without resorting to AV chichis and just scrap them

>> No.16320424

>not liking ChiChis
What are you, gay?

>> No.16320439
Quoted by: >>16320462

Mizuho and Teste? That makes two

>> No.16320456

What Chrome are you using?

>> No.16320460
Quoted by: >>16320466

Kongous test with 38.1cm. Fit.

Warspite test.

>> No.16320462

well I meant both 36 and 40; need 4 for both

>> No.16320464

It's completely unrelated, but I'd like to point out that Mizuho a cute.

>> No.16320466
Quoted by: >>16320609

So basically Warspite a shit.

>> No.16320479

Even the "waters" part is irrelevant. Just say region or area.

Just like how Japanese have a different word for a horizon on water and on land, they have a different word for an area on water and land, but we don't in English.
We do use "waters" for things like "International waters" or the region of ocean that comes under a country's governance but that is used for those specific areas. Using region makes it sound more general, as it should be.

>> No.16320483
File: 75 KB, 701x95, Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 7.21.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320510

Noted going to fix

And done!

>> No.16320503
File: 542 KB, 900x1200, 2dc358a6f4ce0a23a032f55a985d4a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you guys too

>> No.16320510

So, World 7 will be Eastern Waters?

>> No.16320563


That's cute.

>> No.16320598

Fuck off. Kumano and Suzuya are more deserving of Kai nis.

>> No.16320605 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off.
Fuck off.

>> No.16320609
Quoted by: >>16320626


How is Warspite shit when she achieves higher accuracy with higher firepower than Bongos in all gun tests?

>> No.16320616
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>> No.16320620

No ship deserves kai nis more than the starters who still don't have one.

>> No.16320626
Quoted by: >>16320643

That's not because of fit gun, it's because the bullshit luck.

>> No.16320643


Yeah, so what?

>> No.16320644

Inazuma, especially.

>> No.16320646
Quoted by: >>16320694

Yes Samidare we know.

>> No.16320662
Quoted by: >>16320686

Yes Inazuma can have the gimmick of murdering Miyuki.

>> No.16320679
File: 841 KB, 4168x2017, 5AUEsjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16320686
File: 497 KB, 1024x1280, mini Den-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New quest: Development of Inazuma Kai Ni
>Scrap 5x Miyuki Kai
>Modernize Inazuma Kai Ni with 5x Miyuki Kai; do so twice

Possible reward?

>> No.16320692
Quoted by: >>16320698

>Possible reward?
Miyuki kai ni?

>> No.16320694

Actually I was thinking of Sazanami,

>> No.16320698
Quoted by: >>16320708

For free?!

>> No.16320708

Is twice the quest to get the normal one.

>> No.16320715
Quoted by: >>16320720

Den-tan = 電探 = radar?

>> No.16320719
File: 53 KB, 1333x1000, shimakaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16320720
File: 355 KB, 600x846, 355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320730

>Inazuma's name means "Lightning", so sometimes she is called "Den-chan", with "Den" being another name for lightning (and another reading of the Kanji). The same "Den" can be the first part of the Japanese word for "radar" (Dentan), so occasional puns are made about Inazuma being a radar, or being taken as a replacement for radar.

>> No.16320727


>> No.16320730
Quoted by: >>16320742

>no mention made about "-tan" being an honorific

>> No.16320742
Quoted by: >>16320756

Just for Pun

>> No.16320756

It's an actual honorific though.

>> No.16320769
File: 997 KB, 1020x754, 44670096_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 sorties to 5-5
>12 taiha on the way
>4 node L

I'll swear the frustration is turning me into a crossie. Lepu.

>> No.16320789

God her design is over complicated crap.

>> No.16320793

Well, what about Yoshinori's Sara?

>> No.16320797

I blame the chair and accessories.

>> No.16320838
File: 78 KB, 600x794, a70049099b73721b8017921b9a98d298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago and Takao are infinitely more popular and need to be caught up on this power creep since they're pretty useless since their stats are so lackluster compared to other ships. I love my Atago and I want a reason to keep using her.

>> No.16320845

>are infinitely more popular
Don't matter, hardly anyone gave a shit about Ooshio, and still don't, yet she got one regardless.

>> No.16320849

Meant for >>16319699

And this frustrating RNG is what makes this game stand out. It's a reason why I play. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.16320852

What about Sara? I guess the flight deck gun is complicated but it doesn't stand out as much as compared to chair rigging and a crown.

>> No.16320859
Quoted by: >>16320907

What do you expect to be their special snowflake bullshit? Wargayming gave them HP regen, for example.

>> No.16320862
File: 571 KB, 800x480, 2016 fall e-5 finished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320883

Love is enough of a reason to use anyone.

>> No.16320873

Their stats are fine as long as you have good equipment.

>> No.16320882
File: 50 KB, 355x385, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320890

They are stronger than Takao, Kako and Kinugasa kai ni. I use both for weeklies and when "you just need a CA" during events.

They also were my 2 MVP CAs during my first event, when I barely had any kai ni.

Also, captcha knows.

>> No.16320883
Quoted by: >>16320904

>posts nuke ship clears
Come on m8, my unremodelled Sakawa was enough to down the boss.

>> No.16320890
Quoted by: >>16320901

Which event was your first? IBS?

>> No.16320895
File: 42 KB, 533x800, C0XUzYCUUAEmhH0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16320898

>> No.16320898

Stop posting 3D shit?

>> No.16320901
Quoted by: >>16320930

Spring 2015.

>> No.16320904
Quoted by: >>16320930

Well I don't have any screenshots from earlier because my previous computer died.

>> No.16320907
Quoted by: >>16320914

Takao would get a major luck boost for surviving the war, and Atago can be, maybe carry seaplanes? Or she can just get nothing at all with some placebo stat boost.

>> No.16320914
Quoted by: >>16320929

Maybe Takao and Atago would have stats similar to Myoukou and Haguro respectively.

>> No.16320915
Quoted by: >>16320923

You can clear those maps without any carrier at all.

>> No.16320923

Ta Kai never.


>> No.16320929
Quoted by: >>16320945

Takao's gimmick would be higher than average luck, no doubt about that.
Atago would be more like the Nachi. Well she was the flagship for some operations so maybe she would get flagship equipment.

>> No.16320930
Quoted by: >>16320951

I hear some people cleared that event all on hard even though it was their first event. How was it for you? While I breezed through all the maps (except maybe the last one), I'd like to know how they were from the perspective of a new player.

Then search the archives for the screenshots you've posted and save them so you can post them again.

>> No.16320945

So Atago would be the weakest of her class?

>> No.16320951
File: 2.74 MB, 3000x1875, 5a4f30dd2413efd721f389c09fcc40d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was it for you?
Not really hard, cleared all maps in 甲. I leveled and remodeled Maya to get a decent AACI and spend a lot of time sparkling for the last map. My best ships were the ones strong at kai, like Atagos, Nagatos, etc.

Guess it was really easy for veteran players with high level ships and upgrades.

>> No.16320980

>Atago and Takao
>more popular than Inazuma
>implying popularity matters

>> No.16320984
Quoted by: >>16320992

>Implying your daughteru matters
I scrapped that whore as quick as I could.

>> No.16320989

6th desdiv in general is popular. That said Matsu-class will be true lolis.

>> No.16320992

Never said I cared about her, just calling out the dumb Atagofag who thinks she's the only popular ship.

>> No.16320993
Quoted by: >>16321013

>they pick Fujikawa to draw them
>they are as tall as any other destroyer

>> No.16320995
Quoted by: >>16321013

>implying they won't be Akizuki-class tier

>> No.16320996

You could have used Shimakaze, or Musashi but you went for one of his more simple designs instead.

>> No.16320997


>true lolis

Even more than the Mutsukis or the Asashio class? Are we heading to KanColle toddlercom doujins?

>> No.16320999

Will Jiji draw them? Will it be his time to shine?

>> No.16321003

I hope not, leave that trash out the door where it belongs.

>> No.16321005
File: 588 KB, 1240x1754, 60395784_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321016

Kisaragi is pretty mature.

>> No.16321013
Quoted by: >>16321018

>Destroyer escorts
>Being as big as the ducks.
Does not compute.
They were basically destroyer escorts not to mention the youngest IJN destroyer class so that implies being rather young.

>> No.16321016
Quoted by: >>16321021


That's like the exception to the rule just like Harukaze is the only mature one in a class of loli babas.

>> No.16321018

And watch they won't be lolis but the size of Kamikazes.

>> No.16321021
Quoted by: >>16321039

Kamikaze is 17!

>> No.16321022
File: 1.95 MB, 400x304, 1479129065700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321045


>A whole class of Libeccios

>> No.16321024
Quoted by: >>16321030

Mutsukis, Asashios and 6th destroyer division are growing up according to the K2s.

>> No.16321030

No that's just the artist becoming less shit, or more shit in Yadokaris case.

>> No.16321033

Weight wise they were 200 tons less than the Kamikaze class probably due to less powerful machinery and less main guns.

>> No.16321037
File: 1.00 MB, 1158x1637, 68a2d1fdf9d875ff529a3ce884ece7e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people arguing over who should get Kai Ni.
We have all of 2017 to get Kai Nis, it's not like only 1 ship is going to get it.

>> No.16321039
File: 227 KB, 600x600, Grandma Kongou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321223

Maybe if "17" is code for "younger than Kongou".

>> No.16321040
File: 203 KB, 850x1202, Aren&#039;t they precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine a kanmusu version of these.

>> No.16321042
Quoted by: >>16321054

Yeah, two ships (Aoba and Saratoga) will get it.

Tanaka has drastically slowed down the rate at which they're giving kai nis.

>> No.16321043

You're right, 3 or 4 ships is more like it.

>> No.16321044


a PT boat isn't a destroyer escort anon.

>> No.16321045

>YFW only one CA and Sara get a Kai Ni this year.
Well in the end I guess it depends who draws them. So pray that Jiji draws them I guess.

>> No.16321052

I remember there was a bug where you could DA against subs with 2 Urakaze guns before it got patched?

Did it also cause ships carrying 3 Urakaze guns to do gun CI against subs as well? What if it was 2 Urakaze guns + some other gun? Would it be DA against subs and gun CI against the others?

>> No.16321054

>Tanaka has drastically slowed down the rate at which they're giving kai nis.
Which makes no sense. Either they're trying to milk this as long as they can or they really are running out of ideas.

>> No.16321055

PT boats would be literal babies.
Matsu class would be more like elementary schoolers.

>> No.16321056

When will bob finally draw a DD?
When will drew get someone besides the same four girls he's had since forever?

>> No.16321057
File: 147 KB, 881x1361, 55256277_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321067


>> No.16321060

I'm going with the former, since seasonals are going the opposite direction.

>> No.16321064

>6 Kai Ni this year.
Why is this allowed? How can Tanaka get away with it?

>> No.16321067


PT imp Hime <3

>> No.16321069

Because Japan lets him and Kadokawa get away with it.

>> No.16321075
File: 143 KB, 601x799, x1tbtrnoff2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321096

This girl is your FRIEND.

She fights for FREEDOM.

>> No.16321079

I thought it was only 5.

>> No.16321084

Does anyone know what happens on the screen when you do fail recon against an enemy combined fleet?

>> No.16321086

Nips have been complaining about it too, we just can't do anything about it.

>> No.16321091

>trying to milk this as long as they can
Then they could just start with the kai san ones.

Also, lately the are releasing a lot of gimmicky kai ni ships, so guess is hard to add an interesting and good one to a CA without making her broken.

>> No.16321095

Off the top of my head I'm only remembering the three Asashio and Kinu.

>> No.16321096

This looks shooped.

>> No.16321112
Quoted by: >>16321136


>> No.16321116

And Kawakaze and Satsuki

>the three Asashio

Oh, that's it. I thought we got Kasumi last December already.

>> No.16321130
Quoted by: >>16321150

Asashio, Ooshio, Kawakaze, Kinu, Kasumi, and Satsuki.
Nearly all destroyers.

>> No.16321134

Kasumi was January 19.

>> No.16321136

Oh, ok. I forgot Satsuki got one. And I forgot Kawakaze existed for a minute there.

>> No.16321141
File: 125 KB, 1199x674, CzZuEdQVIAAMKfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 is their year

>> No.16321150

>New Year's quest: Sortie Kinu, Asashio, Kawakaze, Ooshio, Satsuki, Kasumi to 3-2, and get S rank at the boss.

>> No.16321210
File: 262 KB, 1600x1000, bddbfea3e201affb8329f542ad9b9322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's an old person thing.

>> No.16321223

>Oldest ship in the fleet
>still ended up being the most useful battleship

What does that say about experience?

>> No.16321231

That Bismark is better.

>> No.16321256
Quoted by: >>16321280

>next year is their year la
Every time.


>> No.16321258

Yes, and Mima will be playable in Touhou 16, I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.16321268
File: 1.89 MB, 1500x2662, 3784532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and daughter.

>> No.16321269

That the Kongo killer North Carolina class is dangerous. That planes are dangerous. I would say Submarines are dangerous but only Kongo was sunk by Submarine for Battleships the Pacific.

>> No.16321273

My wife and her* daughter, sorry.

>> No.16321276

Could you stop posting your adopted family all the time.

>> No.16321278

Tell your wife her Warspite Cosplay is ridiculous.>>16320679

>> No.16321280

BTFO by a fucking Swordfish.

>> No.16321287

The problem is a fucking large ass sea vessel getting BTFOed by a fucking tank-sized piece of shit. It's ridiculous in general.

>> No.16321291

My wife's sister and niece.

>> No.16321294
Quoted by: >>16321319

So? A torpedo is a torpedo, regardless of what it's launched from.

>> No.16321301

Checking nico videos is a nightmare. Can't even skip right to the part where the boss is downed.

Anyway, seems like KTKM torp CI wasn't actually that bad during winter '15, either. It's just that Ooi DA got publicised way more than KTKM's kills.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25898200 (DA)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26076486 (DA)


And an epic choke by Ooi. TTK ended up dropping down to kuso.

>> No.16321319

>already considered obsolescent at the outbreak of the conflict in 1939
A fucking biplane. Embarrassing.

>> No.16321328
Quoted by: >>16321374

All that matters is the torpedo.

>> No.16321347

>Old RPG-7 fucking up late T-80s and M1A2s
>AK-47 still the best AR
>Refitted Shermans fucking up T-54/55s after almost 30 years
Yeah. Old and busted equipment is completely and utterly useless in the age of modification ingenuity.

>> No.16321356
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, BAD TOUCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, Cahar.

>> No.16321365

>AK-47 still the best AR
Well if you mean it's the best AR since it can still work even if you are an idiot who is no good at maintenance then sure.

>> No.16321367
Quoted by: >>16321389

More like how does one stockpile fuel when Expedition 2 (a necessity for buckets) drains fuel for ammo, a resource that is used half as much in events.

>> No.16321374

We're talking about the pride of kriegsmarine and prime wehraboo wanking material. EMBARRASSING.

>> No.16321389

Just do 2/4/21 for 1 month, 2/21/any TE expedition for another, 2/5/21 when the event gets announced and 11/24/36 for overnight expeditions. That's what I do.

>> No.16321391
Quoted by: >>16321401

I thought that was the U-boat.

>> No.16321397

I'll wank off to Bismark any time.
But saying old weapons shouldn't be usefull against more modern stuff is like living in the Maus or Yamato and saying "aviation ain't got shit on this."

>> No.16321401

The (You)-boat*. Alternatively, the Yuu-bote.

>> No.16321404
Quoted by: >>16321425

Kikka's flight range. Apparently it can't reach nodes C and F.

The devs really should change it back to what they used in summer. There was nothing wrong with it.

>> No.16321405
File: 588 KB, 480x448, 1c891f9b84e08e26a74201baa032a698.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321420

>> No.16321420

Is this the fabled Phase 2?

>> No.16321423

Enjoy your NO BAUXITE. 250 overnight is nothing when you can make 120 per hour with 6.

>> No.16321425
File: 745 KB, 800x480, -4ada3Q9388-62geZ23T3cSm8-dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

Now remember that Kikka's flight range is 2.

>> No.16321428

80k is enough, that's usually what I end up with.

>> No.16321434
Quoted by: >>16321522

Isn't exp15 overnight better if you want baux?

>> No.16321436
File: 394 KB, 640x360, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Skip the first 23 minutes. Holy shit this motherfucker.

>> No.16321449
Quoted by: >>16321463

I'm currently doing 2, 6 (with 3 Daihatsu, so I get 92 instead of 80), and 21 (not sparkled, but GS sometimes). I found that last event ammo was not a problem in any way and I had half as much ammo as fuel. If anything I was going to run out of bauxite, fuel or buckets before ammo.

>> No.16321463
Quoted by: >>16321478

5 is better than 21.

>> No.16321464

So how is range determined now?

>> No.16321476
Quoted by: >>16321559

I have no fucking idea anymore. I just want the old range back.

>> No.16321478
Quoted by: >>16321513

In what ways? I'm not arguing, just looking to see how to better my resource income. I get GS on 21 about 33% of the time. So if I'm not sparkling is 5 really better than 21?

>> No.16321510
File: 102 KB, 800x480, Fall_2016_E-5_LBAS_Range_Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanaka looks at the map and picks the nodes he thinks works.

>> No.16321513

Exp5 needs less ships and cost almost half of exp21. If you sparkle, exp5 gives you more in the long run. If you idleColle, exp21 is better only if you get great success often.

>> No.16321521
File: 93 KB, 579x1199, C0l8OM0UUAAJR5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16321522

11 nets you buckets, and it's cheaper to run 2DD2SS than 2CVL2DD2SS. Also 12 hours is a bit longer than regular overnight.

>> No.16321537

Time goes by so fast for Shimakaze.

>> No.16321542

Hey, at least you have a cake.

>> No.16321559


I suspect they used the old (Summer) formula for 6-4 and/or 6-5, and never bothered updating it with the changes implemented during Fall '16.

Basically, if my hypothesis is correct, then they aren't going to bother going back to change this (maybe in newer maps with LBAS they will), so shortest route still applies for 6-4 and 6-5.

>> No.16321585

How the fuck am I supposed to use the fucking gook kcv if I can't read a damn thing? Who the fuck even understands gook anyway Jesus fuck.

>> No.16321605
Quoted by: >>16321671

Go to the translation settings, then:

>> No.16321624

>Thread on /a/ is basically /c/ and /u/ doing fusion dance

True, or false?

>> No.16321652

It's worse.

>> No.16321656
Quoted by: >>16321663

False: right now it's a running argument between a Warspite hater and another autist.

>> No.16321660

Worse, it's /trash/ incarnate.

>> No.16321663

Specifically, it's this thread's Warspite hater going by his sinking image.

>> No.16321671
Quoted by: >>16321676

I selected English from the dropdown menu and nothing happened.

>> No.16321676
Quoted by: >>16321699

Have you tried porting translations over from another fork?

>> No.16321699
File: 70 KB, 562x375, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321713

So is this the best I can get?

>> No.16321713
File: 196 KB, 876x1132, 1480009471794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yeah.

Also see pic.

>> No.16321721
Quoted by: >>16321744


T유리 -> Crossing the T (Advantage)
동항전 -> Parallel Engagement
반항전 -> Head-on Engagement
T불리 -> Crossing the T (Disadvantage)

적군조우 -> Normal battle
보스전 -> Boss battle
자원획득 -> Get Resources
소용돌이 -> Lost Resources
기분탓 -> Nothing

>> No.16321734
Quoted by: >>16321750

Wake up sheeple! The gook viewer is spreading gook like the plague! I don't want my children to even know what gook is. Stop this madness before it is too late!

>> No.16321738

The reason I like Aoba is because she is friendly to us Americans and helps us win battles.
She is a good Japanese ship.

>> No.16321739

Just use EO, it's much better.

>> No.16321744

Fuck me I'm not going to learn all that shit. Japanese is one thing. Gook is completely fucking useless. I'm switching to EO. Jesus.

>> No.16321746
Quoted by: >>16321762

Welcome to the masterrace.

>> No.16321750
Quoted by: >>16321758

Pretty much. If you do not use EO, you might as well use KC3.

>> No.16321751

The top half are piss easy to tell apart, and the bottom 4 are colour coded. You aren't colour-blind are you?

>> No.16321755

bottom 5*

>> No.16321758

But i like KC3. It's simple and gives me all the extra info i could need.

>> No.16321762

All it needs is the fleet roster from KCV and it will be perfect. The EO one is complete garbage and I don't feel like using list maker every time.

>> No.16321765
Quoted by: >>16321771

Korean letters make me feel like I'm experiencing the Gestaltzerfall phenomenon every fucking second. FUUUUUUUUCK that.

>> No.16321771

Actually come to think of it, don't people just care about the rank most of the time? And how much damage each participant took.

>> No.16321785

>Got Yahagi on my second try.
Now all I need from LSC is Army Dog and Mikuma.

>> No.16321796

>Gook is completely fucking useless.
It's the second most common language after chink that doujins are translated to, isn't it?

>> No.16321798

>got Yahagi
>doesn't have at least 5+ Army Dogs by now
Fuck you, RNG-sama.

>> No.16321803

But if you already know nip that doesn't matter, and koreans don't post translations without raws all the time like chinks do.

>> No.16321805

You can get Yahagi from minimum LSC, but Army Dog needs Taihou rolls for the best chances to get her. So you need 2 separate recipes for them.

>> No.16321806

You don't know true suffering until you get 6 Taihous before your first Army Dog.

>> No.16321809

The gooks don't have anything that the chinese haven't already translated. If you check Japanese, Chinese and English you pretty much find anything. I still wish the Chinese cunts would stop withholding raws but that's a horse that's already been beaten to death.

>> No.16321811

But she's nothing special.

>> No.16321818
Quoted by: >>16321839

Which one? I never know when I am going to need another CAV. And army dog gives the gyro-copter to a shitty newbie like me.

>> No.16321831
Quoted by: >>16321837

>there are scrubs ITT who think they need to know gook to use the gook KCV
Top fucking lel, I got the hang of it in a matter of minutes and mastered it in less than an hour without knowing a single gookrune. Like the browser game it's just a matter of mindless clicking after a while.

>> No.16321832
File: 607 KB, 2809x2045, SaratogaRiggingDesignNotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321842

Who is the better designer when they try?

>> No.16321835

Army Dog gives daihatsu at level 1 and Mikuma gives the easiest source of 20.3(3).

>> No.16321837
Quoted by: >>16321914

If I'm going to use a viewer then I expect to actually understand and use the info it's giving me. This means it has to be in Japanese or English, not disgusting gook.

>> No.16321839
Quoted by: >>16321843

Yahagi I mean

>> No.16321842
Quoted by: >>16321895

Yoshinori by a mile.

Yoshinori >= Fujikawa >> Conishi.

>> No.16321843

I like the Agano uniform and already have the other three. So it just felt wrong to not have the last one. I buy slots too so it's not a problem. Plus she is relatively cheap to make compared to other LSC ships.

>> No.16321846
File: 3.42 MB, 2060x1120, 60125824_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16321856

>> No.16321856


>> No.16321869
Quoted by: >>16321877

Who will run your exps?

>> No.16321877
Quoted by: >>16321896

The 18 DDs.

>> No.16321895

>Fujikawa is still stuck doing DDs
Truly the worst fate.

>> No.16321896
Quoted by: >>16321903

Who will run your exps during events and while running DD-heavy maps?

>> No.16321903

I'll throw in some subs. Subs are cheaper for exp 2 anyway.

>> No.16321914

You don't actually have to know how to read the runes, just what they represent, and sometimes where they're placed. The important info is translated so it's just a matter of knowing which numbers are for what, and where they're placed. It's pretty intuitive.

>> No.16321920

Gumos are goddesses.

>> No.16321938
Quoted by: >>16321946


Fuck off gook, nobody wants to learn your dog language and KC3 and EO are miles better than KCV anyway and I say it as a former KCV user.

>> No.16321946

I already said I don't know a single rune of gook you fucking mong.

>> No.16321953
Quoted by: >>16322023

What the fuck is wrong with gook that makes it so much more unbearable than nip?

>> No.16321960

Nothing wrong with that. The neo-Asashios and the Yuugumo class are wonderful. Except warcrimes, but it isn't Fujikawa's fault.

>> No.16321967

If shipgirls are usually repaired using the bath, how does Akashi repair them?

>> No.16321969
File: 7 KB, 649x120, 2016-12-27_20-33-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Ooi. Spring 2015. Every time I got a kill back then it was Kitakami having to clean up after Ooi or Shigure/Prinz doing the TCI. I can't believe I had problems with such an easy map.

>> No.16321972

Fairy magic.

>> No.16321978


>> No.16321984
Quoted by: >>16321999

I, too, agree that KTKM is the best.

Though I don't feel that Ooi is that bad. She's pulled plenty of weight during events too.

>> No.16321993

Grooming? Akashi is lucky as hell.

>> No.16321997
File: 41 KB, 290x270, 1482684523566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is impossible to make.

>> No.16321999

I find Ooi pretty annoying, but I have some appreciation for her since she's finished off some bosses when other girls choked.

>> No.16322004
File: 653 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150429-15363070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322094

You just didn't love her enough.

>> No.16322016
File: 90 KB, 600x600, nagamon is confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a prehistoric loudspeaker?

>> No.16322018

Look, a lot of people used KCV just because it's the nicest viewer to look at. And if those people don't like looking at korean they have no real reason to use it and will switch to EO or KC3 or even just Yuubari which has less features.

>> No.16322021

Yeah. Propaganda broadcasts.

>> No.16322023
Quoted by: >>16323916

The fact that it's completely fucking useless for one thing. If I'm consuming Japanese media gook does fuck all to help me.

>> No.16322025

Or they could use the chink application known as Poi, which comes with support for multiple languages and platforms :^)

>> No.16322029
File: 535 KB, 850x1200, img000005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323977


>> No.16322030

Or Intelligent Naval Gun

>> No.16322031
Quoted by: >>16322038

And get banned.

>> No.16322036


>> No.16322038
Quoted by: >>16322042

nga.cn doesn't allow discussion of tools that risk a ban.

>> No.16322042

I've learned not to trust what chinks say after one promised he'd let me have raws to edit a doujinshi and then called me a capitalist white pig when I inquired about it a month later.

>> No.16322043
File: 1022 KB, 1157x1637, uzb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks suspicious...

>> No.16322054

I need advice /jp/. After Abukuma K2, which ships take precedence in getting a blueprint?

P.S.: Is braindead 2-2 grind still the only place to relatively quickly complete 50 transport kills quest?

>> No.16322061

A second and third Abukuma.

>> No.16322064
Quoted by: >>16322090


>> No.16322065
Quoted by: >>16322090

Cranes and Fusou-class. Also, yes. Alternatively, 5-4.

>> No.16322066
Quoted by: >>16322090

Tone and Chikuma

If the past few events are any indication, CAVs are the meta ships now.

>> No.16322070
Quoted by: >>16322090

Depends on what ships you have and how many blueprints you have left. But usually it's Tone.

You could do 5-4 50 times if you want a guaranteed transport encounter.

>> No.16322074

Should I craft type 22 radars or farm Yuugumos for them?

>> No.16322079


>Bauxite sink
>Or just a few runs in 4-3

Geez, I wonder...

>> No.16322090

What if i don't have a catapult?
Aside from Tone-class being the best CAVs, is there any other benefits from them if i have only one seaplane fighter so far?

>> No.16322094

I tried, believe me. In Winter she was performing so bad I swapped her out for Kiso. She only stopped being awful in recent months, long months after I lost any hope I had for them (btw I have similar history with Yukikaze).

>> No.16322098

First come cranes if they're ready. If not then Tone/Chikuma if you don't have all Mogamis (you want 4 CAVs), otherwise Fusou and Yamashiro. After that is

Tone, Chikuma (if you already have all Mogamis)
Roma, Littorio, Bismarck
Katsuragi, Amagi, Unryuu

>> No.16322101
Quoted by: >>16322137

I don't understand why they went with the archaic looking trumpet thingies instead of antennas like everyone else, even though they did end up using antennas too. What was the point?

>> No.16322106

Thanks for the breakdown.

>> No.16322107

The reason is that Tone class are the only good CAVs.

Cranes can be replaced with Kaga/Akagi/Dragons.
Fusous weren't necessary in events and you can get by with Ise/Hyuuga.
BBs aren't necessary because there are tons of good ones that don't need BP.

Meanwhile there is no other good CAV.

>> No.16322109
Quoted by: >>16322120

Craft T32s. You'll be swimming in other radars soon enough. Especially the small ones.

>> No.16322115

Catch up with quests or just go for Fusou-class for now. Tone and Chikuma are pretty fucking strong, but Mogami-class will do as a replacement in most cases.

>> No.16322116

What is Taigei good for?

>> No.16322120

I already have plenty of 32s from years back when I mass crafted at 100k resources.

Type 22s on the other I threw away before freedom guns so I kind of got boned.

>> No.16322125
Quoted by: >>16322149

>Commander, how are you these days? Have you become rich?

What did Ooshio mean by this?

>> No.16322127

Library entry.

>> No.16322128

Fapping to sub tender shitgure if you're into it. Otherwise, pretty much nothing.

>> No.16322130


>> No.16322132
Quoted by: >>16322141

Giving air power in PvP with higher cuteness factor than other, stronger options.

>> No.16322137

I noticed that only the surface radars have it while air radars are antenna.

>> No.16322138

Thanks guys, Tone it is.

>> No.16322141
Quoted by: >>16322147

>higher cuteness factor than other, stronger options.
But this is bullshit.

>> No.16322147
File: 340 KB, 454x362, 2016-12-08_14-14-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322186

No, it isn't.

>> No.16322149
Quoted by: >>16322154

Looking cute. And the 931 plane. That's it. She's bottom of the list for a reason.


The only Yuugumos I'd bother farming from are Hayashimo and Kiyoshimo. The rest can go into the scrap heap.

If you do craft for them 10/10/150/150 gives them.

She's a gold digger?

>> No.16322154

10/30/150/150 would also craft T91 AP Shell if you feel like upgrading T1.

>> No.16322186

What does the whale picture signify?

>> No.16322191

Her name means Big Whale.

>> No.16322193
File: 362 KB, 643x736, 7d6f62019d032d662e643c318d9054d0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322257

>> No.16322195

Her cuteness! You just can't say with straight face that there exists something else this cute with more air power.

>> No.16322196

Taigei means great whale.

>> No.16322198


>> No.16322203
Quoted by: >>16322205

Kamo has less air power.

>> No.16322205
Quoted by: >>16322219

Tone then.

>> No.16322207
Quoted by: >>16322219

inb4 monkey.

Kamo gives less air power than Taigei.

>> No.16322213
Quoted by: >>16322220

I've been leveling ships all month and still dropped from Admiral to Captain rank as of yesterday. Trying to get ranking rewards must be pure hell.

>> No.16322219

Cooler but not as cute.

Hayasui is cute alright but when compared to Taigei she seems bland.

>> No.16322220
Quoted by: >>16322225

Do your EOs.

>> No.16322222

>Shitgure clone

>> No.16322224

>You just can't say with straight face that there exists something else this cute with more air power.

>> No.16322225
Quoted by: >>16322227

Finished at the start of the month.

>> No.16322227

Then you should still be Admiral. Even if all you do is 1-5 and 2-5 and idle the rest of the month, you would still end up as Read-Admiral.

>> No.16322230


>> No.16322236
File: 494 KB, 560x795, CV_Katsuragi_Kai_430_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl, I guess.

>> No.16322243
Quoted by: >>16322248

I was a Rear-Admiral before i could finish my 2-5. Now i play more than before but am a regular admiral.

>> No.16322248
Quoted by: >>16322261

Then you can't be a Captain. How many EOs do you even do?

>> No.16322257
File: 109 KB, 378x462, kysymysmerkki tyttö.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322310

I don't get it.

>> No.16322261
Quoted by: >>16322271

!-5, 1-6, and starting this month 2-5.

>> No.16322271

Then no wonder. Rankers don't just do those, they also do 3-5, 4-5, 5-5 if they haven't beaten 5-4 and then spam complete 5-4 sorties for the rest of the month.

>> No.16322275
Quoted by: >>16322286

That guy's not me. I do all EOs except 5-5, also killed loads of bosses because I was questing.

>> No.16322281
Quoted by: >>16322286

Then how did i go rear-admiral before? Did point count change after a certain HQ level?

>> No.16322286
Quoted by: >>16322293

Then how are you a Captain when I'm an Admiral and all I've done this month is 1-5, 2-5, 4-5, and 6-4?

At the beginning of the month your rank will be higher because people haven't started their 5-4 spam and all they have is their EOs.

>> No.16322293

Oh, Ok i get it.

>> No.16322300
File: 277 KB, 820x937, 48020379_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If shipgirl tits are filled with hopes and dreams, what are abyssal tits filled with?

>> No.16322307
File: 227 KB, 854x854, 45052332_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RJ and Zuihou.

>> No.16322310

Some kind of indo trash.

>> No.16322314

Death and despair.

>> No.16322315
Quoted by: >>16322336

How do I check to see the stamps for the free DMM poitst lottery?

>> No.16322330

Now that we got Saratoga, wonder when Shinano is going to appear?

>> No.16322333
Quoted by: >>16322342

What does Saratoga have to do with Shinano?

>> No.16322334
Quoted by: >>16322339

When KanColle drops below 2k circles on Comiket.

>> No.16322335



>> No.16322336
File: 540 KB, 969x497, Stamps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the stamp thing?
I've only heard about it recently.

>> No.16322339
Quoted by: >>16322344

Isn't that the condition for Enterprise's introduction?

>> No.16322342


> Be Shinano

> gets alpha art

> Gets releaseblocked by a German, Italian, and American

> Every other JP Carrier is out

Anyone else feeling sorry for her?

>> No.16322344

I wanted to say "right after Enterprise" but figured I might as well be more mysterious.

>> No.16322345

Just you, I want Big E.

>> No.16322355

>Completed: 19 November 1944
>Sunk by the submarine USS Archerfish, 29 November 1944

Not in the slightest.

>> No.16322363


But we might as well finish the IJN Line

>> No.16322367

This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce a ship with negative luck but I know Tanaka wouldn't dare go through with it.

>> No.16322371
File: 453 KB, 849x600, f8748b9f12eafe7eca99b242dd3d9217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322385

By the time she's out, she's just going to be an expensive Kaga. People might even refuse to change her into CV because she will be slow and no amount of air power potential will change it.

>> No.16322384
File: 56 KB, 610x832, C0XJ4ZLUAAAvUPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322401

If Tanaka can introduce ships that were never completed in the first place then there's nothing keeping him from introducing Shinano.

>> No.16322385


I'd do it for her.

>> No.16322401

So she will be just as shitty as them? Well that is certainly the most probable scenario if he truly goes purely off history.

>> No.16322409

Only Aquila was doomed from the start.

>> No.16322413

And some fagtrons still claim Sakawa is not cute.

>> No.16322418 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.07 MB, 2820x1890, 1482873645804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question, but as much as I love Sara and as much as I am happy she is getting a Kai Ni is there any reason why she might launch jets? Unless she trialled with Airacomets it seems odd unless the Kai Ni is CV-60

>> No.16322423

>Well that is certainly the most probable scenario if he truly goes purely off history.
The interview in which he talked about Shinano mentioned she starts out as a full fledged Yamato class battleship and gets an optional remodel only at level 1 to become a CV. She wouldn't be historical at all.

>> No.16322439

She's not.

>> No.16322447

She is.

>> No.16322449

She is something.

>> No.16322450
Quoted by: >>16322463

Why are people like you absolute morons?

>> No.16322453

I don't know, why can cranes use jets?

>> No.16322463

Weren't the jets tested intended for them? I mean I get it that there is some paper stuff in the game but what there is has some historical reasoning behind it, right?

Was just a question.

>> No.16322466
Quoted by: >>16322481

Because they have catapults, obviously.

>> No.16322475

>there is has some historical reasoning behind it, right?
Not at all.

>> No.16322481

Catapults and armored flightdeck, normal Kai Ni can't use them.

>> No.16322554
File: 631 KB, 1024x683, N8hW14K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322560

>> No.16322560

>AA fairy fighting a fighter

>> No.16322576
File: 616 KB, 740x740, JESUSFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16322597

I just don't want the fujo aesthetic to go away.

>> No.16322600
File: 641 KB, 800x480, 20161227_14080400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels bad being late for the Christmas CG.

>> No.16322606

Those proportions are fucked up.

>> No.16322609
File: 317 KB, 650x537, CVB_Shoukaku_Kai_Ni_A_466_Full_Damaged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322638

Semi perverted question but is it just me or does kai ni damage art look like you can see part of her aerola cause its pink right in between the torn cloth on her chest and it catches my eyes cause its pink while the rest is her normal skin color?

>> No.16322614

I like that glossy part of her exposed thigh, just makes me want to rub them.

>> No.16322616

It's not the proportions, those are just some really slutty clothes + nopants.

>> No.16322621
Quoted by: >>16322633

Her tits are too low.

>> No.16322623
Quoted by: >>16322644

I love Bob's work and I think he has improved quite a bit, but Chikuma's right arm looks broken.

>> No.16322625
Quoted by: >>16322627

Wiki page isn't showing anything, are there any seasonal quests added this patch?

>> No.16322626
Quoted by: >>16322633

She has sagging tits.

>> No.16322627

There wasn't any patch.

>> No.16322633

Now that you say it... even if she has her shoulders raised, it looks somewhat not right.

>> No.16322638

Looks like a shadow to me.

>> No.16322644
File: 583 KB, 1200x900, 04cc8e046775f71a6c899a0fe082fd49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322655

>I think he has improved quite a bit
Bob made great art long before boatcollect.


>> No.16322654


D-Did he just cry? Poor dude.

>> No.16322655
File: 576 KB, 800x600, 1514561_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322661


>> No.16322661
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1280, 2728764_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last example. If anything, bob just had to make his art great again.


>> No.16322664

Fuck off, don't post this retard here again.

>> No.16322667

Dark Souls?

>> No.16322670
Quoted by: >>16322680

>Dark Souls

>> No.16322671
Quoted by: >>16322680

Dark Souls was released in late 2011 anon.

>> No.16322672

So the early art really was just "who cares about this crazy guy, it wont survive a half year", I think Parsley was the same. None tried.

>> No.16322673
Quoted by: >>16322680

>Dark Souls

>> No.16322680
Quoted by: >>16322685

To be fair, I never played the games. I've just been conditioned into assuming something with medieval armor is probably from DS.

>> No.16322685
Quoted by: >>16322689

Are you 12?

>> No.16322689

I fucking wish.

>> No.16322699
File: 97 KB, 845x548, oooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not act like a bitch

>> No.16322703
File: 390 KB, 674x745, laughing torpedo sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16322711
File: 194 KB, 1200x847, 1482839188569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322715

Is that really Daxyn?

>> No.16322722

Nagato is such a beautiful ship.

>> No.16322728

I don't know, but the OOOOI reminded me of the nip's gaijin meme man.

>> No.16322783
File: 186 KB, 878x1239, C0ox1p3VEAAa4bM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322919

I wish to see Uraura with her hair down more often.

>> No.16322789

Ranking rewards fucking when? Let me just collect my garbage already.

>> No.16322794

There's a Kashima shrine about three minutes walk from my apartment.

>> No.16322801
Quoted by: >>16322810

You should go and deposit some cum in the donations box.

>> No.16322810

On Sunday.

>> No.16322825
File: 741 KB, 2048x1536, 1482843766552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16322952

Post a picture if you ever go visit.

>> No.16322869
File: 379 KB, 700x1032, 05ce9112455f0c0ab6e3bfe9126fe070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add this:
wikia.com###WikiaArticleMsg:style(display: none !important)
wikia.com###WikiaArticle:style(display: block !important)

>> No.16322892
File: 85 KB, 720x720, 6545b127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322919

Fucking Hamakaze ruining the picture.

>> No.16322921

Well aren't you rude.

>> No.16322937
Quoted by: >>16322954

The reason the cranes can use jets is because their USN equivalent could use jets with some modification.

>> No.16322951
Quoted by: >>16322956


>> No.16322952
File: 1022 KB, 1600x1067, _RIP6789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a small shrine, kinda old, nothing spectacular.

>> No.16322953

Fucking Hamakaze doesn't ruin anything.

>> No.16322954
Quoted by: >>16322959

That makes sense but wouldn't the USN equivalent to the Cranes be the Essex class? Which yes I know did use jets granted.

>> No.16322956
File: 18 KB, 320x320, CuZgtpFUEAEJxkF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect.

>> No.16322959

Because Tanaka feels like having Sara possibly use them.

>> No.16322964

Well if the Fat Man wants it then so be it

>> No.16322970
Quoted by: >>16323038

I pretty much meant the Essex class. Did you think I was talking about Sara?
Why do you think Sara K2 will use jets? Don't assume anything.

>> No.16323008


Which Sara would you choose?

>> No.16323020

Wow, on 4-4 the full version of Kaga Misaki is played. I managed to hear it in yasen thanks to redT.

>> No.16323038

I know, I'm just saying if Tanaka wants her to use Jets by just using a catapult for her Kai 2 then that's it.

>> No.16323039
File: 102 KB, 649x882, 4625d6777dd254793d197b341119f800f21767ea1481955582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It Ain't Me" starts playing

>> No.16323040
File: 89 KB, 540x733, 641b1d0d06ea569a7065e608aca0fbab39997b031481955581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger Sara, obviously.

>> No.16323073
File: 2.41 MB, 2380x1514, 0c0c4aeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers are in, how did your favorite girl/class do?

>> No.16323077

I'm guessing Suzuya had her own wing.

>> No.16323081

She didn't.

>> No.16323086

>le Suzuya a slut meme

fuck off

>> No.16323087
Quoted by: >>16323124


Rewards tonight.

>> No.16323092
File: 84 KB, 639x868, 3d44ebd6acf56abb9abc2f9f3cf4a9bbbd68cc501481960097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323097

Edgy Sara.

>> No.16323094

>putting American ships together with pig disgusting English ship

>> No.16323097
Quoted by: >>16323137

He should've given her a frown for the full wrist-cutting look.

>> No.16323120

Does anyone know why Saratoga is being drawn iwth Hatsukaze and Atago on some twitter pictures?

>> No.16323124

Calling it now, it's either the new torpedo bulge and Shiun with whatever BB gun or F6F and something to complement it.

>> No.16323129
Quoted by: >>16323136

F6F won't be until it's close to K2 time for Sara.

>> No.16323136

What if Kai 2 Sara is next month right after Zara's?

>> No.16323137
File: 165 KB, 639x868, emo sara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16323145
Quoted by: >>16323149


delete this

>> No.16323149
Quoted by: >>16323347

How did you add 81KB with just flipping her smile?

Come on, it's a joke.

>> No.16323153

I would be okay with that, it happening means Aobafags get burned again.

>> No.16323155

Aoba is friendliest ship to enemies. Aoba helps enemies win.

>> No.16323162

Saramaru isn't any better.

>> No.16323163

Aoba is an autist who should find herself a better career choice.

>> No.16323166

Why do you wish for bad things to happen?

>> No.16323168

She actually did damage and won battles though.

>> No.16323172

Same, it would be hilarious or pick Prinz either works.

>> No.16323178
Quoted by: >>16323378

I don't remember her helping the enemy. I remember her role at Rabaul and sinking an enemy carrier.

>> No.16323186

Now she looks tsuntsun.

>> No.16323187


>> No.16323190
Quoted by: >>16323193

Damn that is pure shit, expected of trash.

>> No.16323193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16323204

But it sounds nothing like (You)

>> No.16323204
Quoted by: >>16323211

Nah, that line sounds like shit.

>> No.16323211 [DELETED] 

Nah, that line sounds nothing like (You)

>> No.16323216

Just like the Christmas one, terrible.

>> No.16323224
Quoted by: >>16323228

I'm getting trolled so fucking hard by 5-2.

>> No.16323228
Quoted by: >>16323241

There's no compass bullshit on 5-2 though.

>> No.16323236
File: 110 KB, 567x800, C0hZ8enUsAAsjQl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There just isn't enough fairy content

>> No.16323241
File: 2 KB, 257x48, 2016-12-28_02-10-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two chuuha
>next node Ri elite pushes one chuuha to taiha

>first node
>four enemies down in air strike
>kill one
>Ri flag crits the flagship

>Yo crits full HP CA to 1

>both hits of pic related are accurate and fucking torpedo taihas Sara just to increase the cost

I guess that's what I get for clearing it 2/2 majority of the time.

>> No.16323252

Where do the faeries come from?

>> No.16323257

Where shipgirls and the abyssal girls come from; where ever Tanaka thinks they come from.

>> No.16323259


>> No.16323262


>> No.16323268

They are made of fuel and/or bauxite.

>> No.16323271

If the anime is any indication with abyssal Bucky, faeries are the souls of the all the killed sailors, pilots, and maintenance crew.

>> No.16323274

Witchcraft and alchemy, they are black magic and possibly satanic.

>> No.16323279


>> No.16323283


>> No.16323289
Quoted by: >>16323298

That's kind of implied with Suisei Egusa, that fairy looks like it's ready to die fulfilling its duty.

>> No.16323297

Where do the fairies for nonexistent/thoeretical equipment come from them

>> No.16323298
File: 423 KB, 800x480, 20161227_17314315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it.

>> No.16323300
Quoted by: >>16323307

I wish I could read Japanese to appreciate the game's lore.

>> No.16323307

Its just history tid bits and you read them on the wiki and wikia.

>> No.16323312

It's the only angry fairy.

>> No.16323318
File: 1.72 MB, 524x640, gPzxhH7GuNUNovBd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16323320

But that's bullshit.

>> No.16323325

There's a ton of fairies with that same pose and expression.

>> No.16323326
Quoted by: >>16323343

How does being angry mean that it's ready to die fulfilling its duty?

>> No.16323327
File: 137 KB, 287x430, Daihatsu_Landing_Craft_(Type_89_Medium_Tank_&amp;_Landing_Force)_166_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16323332

Cute, I want to rape that fairy.

>> No.16323336

Nippon Banzai!

>> No.16323342
Quoted by: >>16323344

Damn that is one angry fairy, just exhibits the aura of wanting to blow ones self up in the line of duty.

>> No.16323343
Quoted by: >>16323349

Being angry makes you fight or perform more passionately, which is what made Japanese pilots famous or infamous depending how you see it.

>> No.16323344

It's time for Banzai charge.

>> No.16323347

>How did you add 81KB with just flipping her smile?
The magic of Photoshop

>> No.16323349

Being Angry also has you make more mistakes.

>> No.16323354

Are they related? If so, where are the guys?

>> No.16323357
File: 113 KB, 752x1062, __shigure_kantai_collection_drawn_by_body_mahattaya_ginga__a6146055c93db393c1f12919e71efec2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323361

Why are people so mean to her?

>> No.16323361
Quoted by: >>16323371

Why is Shigure such a pervert?

>> No.16323371

She hanged out with Hai Hai too often.

>> No.16323378

She was absent at the battles of Coral Sea, Midway and Santa Cruz, all of which saw the USN lose aircraft carriers.

>> No.16323382

So? None of that has her directly helping out the enemy like Aoba.

>> No.16323389

That's better than Wasp who was never in any battle or participated in a major raid like Rabaul.

>> No.16323445

So all the ones too dumb to find the life boats?

>> No.16323448
Quoted by: >>16323454

If your boat explodes like Fusou you are gonna die.

>> No.16323452
File: 121 KB, 1344x756, 1481670413059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16323454

Sometimes anon, all the boats are gone because you got there too late.
Alternatively >>16323448 can happen. Also sometimes your ship will sink quickly like with many destroyers.

>> No.16323456
Quoted by: >>16323472

I really don't get the black Zuikaku and black Shoukaku meme on futaba. Why do they look like Pacman ghost rejects?

>> No.16323462


Good luck getting away from shit like this.

>> No.16323466
Quoted by: >>16323471

No wonder Warspite hates the Germans so much.

>> No.16323471

No one cares about that old hag's opinion.

>> No.16323472

I don't know either, but the Shoukaku one cracks me up every time.

>> No.16323485

Should I play hani select?
Is it worth it?

>> No.16323510
Quoted by: >>16323578

>Was the only British Battleship sunk at Sea during this war.
Well they are right. Royal Oak sunk in Shallow waters though also had a large loss of life.
In the case of Yamato it's amazing anyone survived.

>> No.16323512
File: 78 KB, 800x480, 20161227_20285512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323559

Fuck you DMM

>> No.16323559
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16323578
Quoted by: >>16323612

>the only British Battleship sunk at Sea during this war.
Prince of Wales says hi.

>> No.16323612
Quoted by: >>16323642

PoW, like every KGV-class, was just a glorified battlecruiser.

>> No.16323642

But the British said it was the American battleships that were battlecruisers.

>> No.16323656

The brits didn't know jack shit. I'm glad the IJN anally devastated them when they sunk PoW and Repulse. Those dirty anglos didn't have any right to be in the Pacific. I'm glad Japan became BFF with the superior USA instead of dirty bongs.

>> No.16323663
Quoted by: >>16323666

To be fair the North Carolina class certainly gives one the impression of a battle cruiser.

>> No.16323666

Not with that speed.

>> No.16323668


To be fair to the British, the the Iowa-class' hull profile combined with the USN's "all-or-nothing" armor design makes the line between American battleships and battlecruisers in WWII really blurry.

>> No.16323742

I need to beat 4-5 but there are conflicting tutorials on how to do it. I am unsure. /jp/ what fleet do you run?

>> No.16323743


>> No.16323744
File: 570 KB, 800x480, 20161205_22093452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323752

Replace Sara with the NTR Queen, I was just leveling her while doing it.

>> No.16323751


>> No.16323752
File: 90 KB, 1000x772, jyz0esyhifsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323787

>NTR Queen
Shoukaku is a good girl!

>> No.16323755

Use the force TTK.

>> No.16323758
Quoted by: >>16323765


>> No.16323765

>needing a heavy fleet for 4-5 when CAs blast everthing out of the water and land

>> No.16323787
File: 94 KB, 429x1200, 1475190949948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, I don't know.

>> No.16323832

why do stupid cunts like re and harbor princess get 180 plane slots so they can still knock someone out even when you have as? is there a maya setup that can anti air cut in and still kill her shit at night now?

>> No.16323836

Because fuck you is basically why.

>> No.16323837

Git gud.

>> No.16323844
Quoted by: >>16323858

It is highly unlikely anyone can wipe out a 180 plane slot, so you just deal with it.

>> No.16323847
Quoted by: >>16323892

Most primitive and obsolete Wo-class have fucking 81 planes already, so why are you acting surprised.

>> No.16323858

It's possible. You just have to get lucky.

>> No.16323892
Quoted by: >>16323907

They have 32~36 planes in each slot, which is vastly different than 180 planes in a single slot. AACI works really well on the first, but awfully on the second. Take a guess as to why.

>> No.16323907
Quoted by: >>16323928

I'd say that even 36 planes are quite AACI-proof. You have chance of wiping the slot only if it get appointed to duck or maya and will roll couple of 50% coins.

>> No.16323908
File: 362 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161228-13192082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324003

This fucking guy.

>> No.16323915
File: 579 KB, 1024x464, A4YxAAhV4z4NNi45S87sz-5X-KecaHTTtux_aHb-RwY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16323942

>> No.16323916

You don't have enough autism.

>> No.16323928

if you shoot down 80% of 36 planes that leaves 7 to bomb you. if you shoot down 80% of 180 that's 36 left, or like you had 0 anti air against wo.

>> No.16323942
Quoted by: >>16323989

Kind of wished she had no breast pockets.

>> No.16323947
Quoted by: >>16323978

No, that's Zak.


>> No.16323977

now i understand why u need oil and steel in repair
Oil for massage
Steel for equipment repair

>> No.16323978

Holy shit those videos are cancer, thankfully it looks like he stopped uploading.

>> No.16323989

How else would I keep my hands warm?

>> No.16324000

Armpit cutouts.

>> No.16324002
File: 804 KB, 800x1196, __aoba_kantai_collection_drawn_by_unadare__8ce6240df87436df83f7f3e842b3780d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16324003

How to report him?

>> No.16324087
File: 116 KB, 843x457, EXPAND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give Taigei a reinforcement slot.
Don't try to stop me.

>> No.16324107

Do it, faggot.

>> No.16324170


Looks like the calendar is doing well.

>> No.16324181
File: 163 KB, 752x1000, 71-3ZFBsrZL._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16324186
File: 140 KB, 752x1000, 718eTCoOqtL._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324214

>> No.16324190
File: 99 KB, 752x1000, 61SeDqyp64L._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324208

>> No.16324192
File: 103 KB, 752x1000, 61WpMC3tvxL._SL1000_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324198

>> No.16324195

Why not use KCVX, it's in Japanese.

>> No.16324196

What kind of calendar doesn't even list holidays?

>> No.16324198

I like the one where they were pushing Taitei more.

>> No.16324207

Fuck. I accidentally unlocked a construction slot.

>> No.16324208

Shibafu, pls. No more.

>> No.16324211

ING or Poi lads?

>> No.16324212
File: 412 KB, 593x1300, IMG_2162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOOOOOOM! He's doing it again!

>> No.16324214

Prettiest carrier is back, wish we could get a better art for the Kai Ni.

>> No.16324216


You'll take your New Years Ooi CG and you'll enjoy it.

>> No.16324218

>it's another X as cute girl series

>> No.16324226

That's a nice Taigei.

>> No.16324234

●[海外艦戦] F6F-3 x2 new!
●[試作主砲] 試製51cm連装砲
●[試作主砲] 試製46cm連装砲
●[海外艦戦] F6F-3 new!
●[試作主砲] 試製51cm連装砲
●[試作主砲] 試製46cm連装砲
●[海外艦戦] F6F-3 new!
●[試作主砲] 試製41cm三連装砲
●[試作主砲] 試製46cm連装砲
●[海外艦戦] F6F-3 new!
●[試作主砲] 試製46cm連装砲

>> No.16324236
Quoted by: >>16324239

New shitgure? What eroge is this?

>> No.16324238


Please post F6F stats? Is it better than Reppuu? 52 skilled?

>> No.16324239

Onsen Musume. Doubt it's an eroge though.

>> No.16324244


1 FP
8 AA
1 Acc
2 Eva
5 Range

>> No.16324245
File: 75 KB, 525x847, 4Atyg_Z5AlI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16324251
Quoted by: >>16324253

But can Akashi give it lots of love?

>> No.16324253

Next maintenance.

>> No.16324255
Quoted by: >>16324259

>rankfags wasted their month-long effort for this

>> No.16324259

An extra 51cm is always welcome Tbh

>> No.16324272

I'm glad I held off on maxing an F4F-4.

>> No.16324279

>hellcats had long range they said
>hellcats will be good they said
>america they said

I literally said 8 AA fighter and I was right. Eat shit Tanaka.

>> No.16324295
Quoted by: >>16324317

I think F6F-5 will have 9 AA and F8F-1 will have 10 AA. F8F-2 should have 11 or 12 AA.

>> No.16324317


Wonder if we'll get night fighter variants for Saratoga. Although that would be more a ship mechanic and less an equipment mechanic, I suppose.

>> No.16324320

Wow, fucking useless even with possible Akashi upgrades.

>> No.16324323

>Worst than Shiden-kai2

Bias! You revisionist biased fuck!

>> No.16324326
Quoted by: >>16324359

> Number built 12,275
> Number built 1,532
Wanna guess how burgers won?

>> No.16324327

>>Worst than

>> No.16324335

>has 1 accuracy
It better by default

>> No.16324343

is this the first fighter tat have +1firepower?

>> No.16324345
Quoted by: >>16324347


>> No.16324347

It'll be the first upgradable one soon :^)

>> No.16324349


>Forgetting Pasta Planes


>> No.16324350

No. Previous Burger fighters already had +FP, and Pasta and Kraut planes came even earlier.

>> No.16324353
File: 4 KB, 74x72, 19ae9945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay I guess

>> No.16324355

What is that icon with the 144?

>> No.16324357

i dun have Graf ;_;

>> No.16324359
Quoted by: >>16324397

Not really.
Burgers never went up against shiden, shinden or reppuu. They shot down Zeros.
Nobody actually know how good shinden or reppuu would be against burger planes. Sure on paper they might have good speed and agility stats but who actually know when put into the field against hellcats.

>> No.16324360

Same. Hopefully she's available next event.

>> No.16324361
Quoted by: >>16324406


Bauxite cost in LBAS. 8 per plane, 18 planes in a slot.

>> No.16324362
File: 9 KB, 300x145, 300px-Jakowkew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I wonder what kind of stats soviet planes will possibly have, considering that they won against kraut FWs and Bfs.

>> No.16324363

Amount of bauxite needed to stuff it in LBAS

>> No.16324367

maybe we will get new nerf like [FIT] plane in future

>> No.16324368
Quoted by: >>16324379

If you can upgrade it, it's better than Skilled 21 and on par with Shiden, maybe better too because of 1 FP and accuracy.

>> No.16324371

My max Zeroes are waiting. Bring it on.

>> No.16324379
Quoted by: >>16324398

No point. max out skilled 52 still trump F6F.
Guess I am going to wait it out for the Enterprise VF-6 F6F

>> No.16324385

>only Shinano can use Reppuu
>air power penalties for not fit
>CVLs are beyond fucked
>seaplane fighters intensify

>> No.16324395
Quoted by: >>16324459

im not really good at history
do burgerland have ace pilot on F6F?

>> No.16324397

So what all these 1.5k of shidens actually fought against?

>> No.16324398
Quoted by: >>16324414

Are you dumb? It has the same misc stats with added firepower.

>> No.16324401

>F4F-4 is at +3


>> No.16324404
Quoted by: >>16324406

What is that 144 thingy ?

>> No.16324406
Quoted by: >>16324417


>> No.16324414
Quoted by: >>16324429

If I am not wrong, shiden were used as interceptors in the mainland against burgers bombing raid (ie doolittle). Were they even carrier version in real life?

What? Max out 52 has 11AA.

>> No.16324417

Nvm, im retared. Thank you anon.

>> No.16324421
File: 479 KB, 800x480, Fw190T Kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324432

Nazi magic Stahl > hambagahs :^)

>> No.16324429

Max F6F will have 10AA and before you say wait and see if you can upgrade it, it's obvious you will be able to.

>> No.16324430

Shidens fought evenly well with Hellcats and Corsairs. In the hands of aces, the Shiden could even outfly its American opponents

>> No.16324432
Quoted by: >>16324436

Well I mean, it is Kai.

>> No.16324436
Quoted by: >>16324441

Article says nothing about any kind of improvement though, EXCEPT being Jap-carrier fitted. Mind decals.

>> No.16324441

It's modified in this context, FW carrier version never existed.

>> No.16324451
Quoted by: >>16324462

>it's obvious you will be able to
Upgradeable 5 inch guns fucking when. And while we're at this, 5 inch guns for DDs fucking when.

>> No.16324459

I literally googled "ww2 usa f6f ace pilots" and yes, obviously they did.

>> No.16324462
Quoted by: >>16324471

You wanted the CV first, now you have to wait.

>> No.16324466
Quoted by: >>16324474

I wish 10AA was still special today.

>> No.16324471
Quoted by: >>16324474

It was never special. I had 10+ Reppuu less than 4 months after I started playing.

>> No.16324474

Meant for >>16324466

>> No.16324475
File: 863 KB, 2100x1662, F6F-3N_NAS_Jax_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people forgetting this is the F6F-3?

Wait for the F6F-5. Probably 9 AA with more placebo stats than Skilled model 52 and when upgradable better than then.

>> No.16324481

I think people just want an excuse to shitpost.

>> No.16324494

they just need add David McCampbell on it
+13 AA

>> No.16324506

I was hoping it wouldn't be drawn as fat, that's the worst shit.

>> No.16324516
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, Hellcat_US_Army_Plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324523


What are you talking about? The hellcats felt like big bulky guys bullying the fragile zeroes out of the skies.

>> No.16324517
Quoted by: >>16324560

how do I teach my fairies the thatch weave?

>> No.16324522

Kamikazes never ever

>> No.16324523
Quoted by: >>16324529

It's ugly

>> No.16324529
File: 49 KB, 549x407, e1389363595472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324541


It wasn't supposed to look beautiful anon.

>> No.16324531
Quoted by: >>16324535

this shit is a hellcat?

>> No.16324535


What makes you think it isn't?

>> No.16324539
File: 107 KB, 660x430, F46F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad.

>> No.16324541
Quoted by: >>16324548

I know, that's why I was hoping it wouldn't be drawn as fat, but Fujikawa didn't pull any funny stuff.

>> No.16324548

-1 evasion?
bcuz FAT

>> No.16324550

Australian here. Do Americans seriously call seasons "quarters"?

>> No.16324553
Quoted by: >>16324556


>> No.16324556

on the wikia they call seasonal quests quarterly quests. I know you guys meme about wikia made up of seafags but we all know more americans contribute to it

>> No.16324558

does empty docks affect maruyu build rate?

>> No.16324560


Equip an F6F-3 on Saratoga Kai Ni as Flagship, then scrap two Reppu.

>> No.16324565

I've never heard anyone call seasons as quarters, since the winter last about 50% of the year here.

>> No.16324572
Quoted by: >>16324603

Wikiwiki calls them クォータリ since they come once every quarter of a year, so wikia just follows that.

>> No.16324573
Quoted by: >>16324583

The other wiki uses the term quarters / quarterlies too.

Seasons are okay, but not everyone gets them (see: SEAmonkeys). And since the quests reset exactly every three months (seasons aren't quite so precise as to when they change), the term makes more sense than "seasonal".

There are some quests that are explicitly called out as being seasonal (Fall/Winter PvP, etc.), but that's another matter entirely.

>> No.16324577

Quarters are more of a accountant term. Used in book-keeping and such.

>> No.16324578
Quoted by: >>16325117

you don't have quarterly reviews or quarterly financial reports? I guess life in australia huffing petrol and fighting emus is too depressing to remind yourself that there's still 75% of the year left.

>> No.16324581
File: 63 KB, 437x323, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find these fairies odd looking? I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.16324583

Just because SEA monkeys don't experience them doesn't mean they won't get them. The solstices and equinoxes are pretty much common knowledge.

>> No.16324591
Quoted by: >>16324614

> solstices
> equinoxes
Whoa, thats some neat words.

>> No.16324601
Quoted by: >>16324610


Are they taller than other fairies?

>> No.16324603

I forgot about >>16324572 and >>16324577 , which are probably more valid points.

Anyway, I'm not so sure about the solstices and equinoxes being common knowledge in these parts. I live one-and-a-half degrees north of the equator, and people look at me weird when I mention that the sunrise/sunset timings actually change according to the time of the year. They don't really pay attention to these things.

>> No.16324610
Quoted by: >>16324616

Yeah, it's weird as hell. They look like shrunken girls instead of chibi.

>> No.16324611

They look like the cunt from Hellsing.

>> No.16324614

Less of what they actually mean, and more of the fact that they're generally used to mark when the seasons change.

>> No.16324616
Quoted by: >>16324621

Obviously because they're 'Murican and therefore taller than your average Japanese fairies :^)

>> No.16324621

But it's only those 2.

>> No.16324622

I've always had holidays attributed to solstices and equinoxes .

>> No.16324629
File: 165 KB, 375x325, 20161228_03475168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324635


>> No.16324635
Quoted by: >>16324666

>I got a useless plane

>> No.16324642

Why are there no ships voiced by midorikawa

>> No.16324644

>a accountant

>people look at me weird when I mention that the sunrise/sunset timings actually change according to the time of the year
Obviously we living near the equator won't notice that, so maybe they thought you were talking in the context of their country.

It's those places not between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn that experience such phenomena.

>> No.16324666

More like I got a useless BB gun

>> No.16324672

>tfw no Kisaragi to bully you

>> No.16324685
File: 112 KB, 859x960, d51aa77602791b5441163eb4d3192c77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324696

Who has the best vocal mannerisms?

>> No.16324687

>tfw TTK has to use shitty carrier planes while USN admiral get all access to their modified of land based fighters.

>> No.16324694
File: 25 KB, 285x192, reaction image facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16324739

Another useless fighter into the trash you go.

>> No.16324696
Quoted by: >>16324744

Speaking of which, when did they fix the "How are you?" back in?

>> No.16324714
Quoted by: >>16324739

Really japan, really?

>> No.16324722

Yeah, maybe in your shitty russian wargaming games. There's a reason why Erich Hartmann shot down 300+ ruskies

>> No.16324739
Quoted by: >>16324743


Wait for it to become more accessible to the general playerbase (through Akashi's upgrades or otherwise). We may get the F6F-5 eventually ( >>16324475 ), and/or some other pathway for upgrades / skilled variants.

Comparatively, an unskilled Zero Model 52 only gives +7 AA, and no other stat bonuses.

>> No.16324743
Quoted by: >>16324749

+6 AA base actually

>> No.16324744
Quoted by: >>16324760

Wait, what?

>> No.16324749

Right, I'm blind.

>> No.16324760
Quoted by: >>16324765

When they removed the Christmas stuff including Saratoga's Christmas line in the live update, they forgot to add her "How are you?" line back in. It's back in now, though.

>> No.16324765

Fucking Tanaka. Sara's "How are you?" is wonderful.

>> No.16324771
Quoted by: >>16324778

> There's a reason why
Acute shortage of pilots? He was forced to make hundreds of sorties.

>> No.16324778
Quoted by: >>16324783

>quest to get Erich Hartmann plane
u need to sorties 5-5 50 times s-rank

>> No.16324783

Why 5-5 exactly?
It will be fun to have "shoot down 10.000 enemy planes" type of quests, for example.

>> No.16324791
Quoted by: >>16324797

Some people would just send lone Akizuki to 5-5 and bucket her every run.

>> No.16324797

Only B+ ranked nodes count or something. Then again, you can subcheese many maps, and Wo-class sunks with all aircraft.

>> No.16324817

>Why 5-5 exactly?
BB re-class

>> No.16324822
Quoted by: >>16324828

>In his first year of operational service, Hartmann felt a distinct lack of respect towards Soviet pilots. Most Soviet fighters did not even have proper gunsights, their pilots having to draw them on the windscreen by hand. "In the early days, incredible as it may seem, there was no reason for you to feel fear if the Russian fighter was behind you," he later recalled. "With their hand-painted "gunsights" they couldn't pull the lead properly or hit you." Hartmann also considered the P-39, the P-40, and the Hurricane to be inferior to the Fw 190 and Bf 109, although they did provide the Soviets with valuable gunsight technology.
>Unlike Hans-Joachim Marseille, who was a marksman and expert in the art of deflection shooting, Hartmann was a master of stalk-and-ambush tactics. By his own account, he was convinced that 80% of the pilots he downed did not even realise what hit them. He relied on the powerful engine of his Bf 109 for high-power sweeps and quick approaches, occasionally diving through entire enemy formations to take advantage of the confusion that followed in order to disengage.
>When the decorated British test pilot Captain Eric Brown asked Hartmann how he had amassed 352 air victories, he revealed:
>Well you can't believe it, but the Sturmovik, which was their main ground-attack aircraft, flew like B-17s in formation and didn't attempt to make any evasive manoeuvres. And all they had was one peashooter in the back of each plane. Also, some of the pilots were women. Their peashooter was no threat unless they had a very lucky hit on you. I didn't open fire til the aircraft filled my whole windscreen. If I did this, I would get one every time.

Sounds like Soviet pilots were shit, and Hartmann has been shooting down mostly ground-attack and bomber planes.

>> No.16324828
Quoted by: >>16324888

If I remember correctly, in his only fight with burgers he shot down seven planes or something.

>> No.16324831
File: 582 KB, 787x787, 1482864341423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Comiket again?

>> No.16324846


>> No.16324851

8 to 9 AA was expected by everyone.

>> No.16324857


>> No.16324871

once the p-38 is mass produced 21 skilled will be finished

>> No.16324884
Quoted by: >>16325146

Your porn won't come until like the third day.

>> No.16324888
Quoted by: >>16324899

When did he fight British and American pilots and what type?

>> No.16324899
Quoted by: >>16324905

Late into the war and P-51s

>> No.16324905

Yes but it appears he had three different fights with burgers.

>> No.16324950
File: 354 KB, 800x480, 20161228_21093625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they managed it. Absolute madmen.

>> No.16324957

>Absolute madmen.
That's not how you use it.

>> No.16324969
Quoted by: >>16324992

I wonder who (((they))) could be.

>> No.16324974
Quoted by: >>16325058

Through sheer numbers.

>> No.16324977

No carrier means no Soviet fighter, Tovarish

>> No.16324990

T13K max has more LoS than T33, nice.

>> No.16324992

Certainly not Kitakami and Ooi. They only accounted for the CL, one DD and one of the BBs.

>> No.16325004
File: 79 KB, 643x700, potatowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As the other artists fall behind in their obligations Shibafu will be there to pick up the slack.

>> No.16325005
Quoted by: >>16325034

LB fighter?

>> No.16325023
File: 300 KB, 700x979, 1482906216768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if Tenryuu class got Kai Ni,they gonna be AA type?

>> No.16325025
File: 80 KB, 600x404, TB-3 SPB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanaka is a smart guy, he'll figure something out and make it work. If not a fighter, then maybe a LBAS combi-fighter-heavy bomber.

>> No.16325028

Yes. 76 AA and unique AACI with fire director and air radar shooting down 3 planes with k value of 1.2.

>> No.16325032
Quoted by: >>16325042

>Tanaka is a smart guy
Remember Spring event?

>> No.16325034

Interceptor at best. Though the Soviet union's naval aviation arm was mostly bombers and flying boats.

>> No.16325037
Quoted by: >>16325042

>10ryu Kai 2
>AA focus
Pick one and only one. She'll become the ultimate expedition slut with built-in turbodaihatsu++ and lower consumption.

>> No.16325042

>inventing new ways to relish in the playerbase butthurt
Did you think it wasn't intentional?

That would be cool actually.

>> No.16325053
Quoted by: >>16325074

>Did you think it wasn't intentional?
>Pola can't equip her own plane
>Freedom guns are overweight on Iowa
Do you think these were intentional? And much earlier example:
>we've fucked up IDs and quantities because we're shit at dealing with databases so new quest rewards metric fuckton of 12cm naval guns instead of 1 new item

>> No.16325055
Quoted by: >>16325074

I'd be more convinced that he was trying to min-max how he could get more shop items sold.

>> No.16325058
File: 205 KB, 596x372, ghghgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yakolev Yak-3

>Marcel Albert, World War II French ace, who flew the Yak in USSR with the Normandie-Niémen Group, considered it a superior aircraft when compared to the P-51D Mustang and the Supermarine Spitfire.

>Yakovlev Yak-9

>At low altitude in which it operated predominantly, the Yak-9 was faster and more maneuverable than its main foe, the Bf 109, but was far less well armed. A series of improvements in performance and armament did not hamper the superb handling characteristics that allowed its pilots to excel at dog-fighting. Soviet pilots regarded the Yak-9's performance as on the same level as the Bf 109G and Fw 190A-3/A-4.

>Sheer numbers

>> No.16325060
Quoted by: >>16325074

Spring happened because only one person was working on the game during golden week.

>> No.16325061

When your pilots are crap, it doesn't matter.

>> No.16325068
File: 6 KB, 261x259, 2016-12-28_13-53-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be fixed.

>> No.16325071

wtf is this? 1-6 air raid node?

>> No.16325072
File: 134 KB, 752x1000, kancolle-20161228-215442-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325086

>> No.16325074

The fact that they are shit at game making doesn't mean they think they are shit at game making.
Wargayming tought me, that as long as you are confident in what you do, even if it is shit of exceptional quality, everything is great and working as intended, it's everyone else that is wrong.

>> No.16325076
Quoted by: >>16325085

What's wrong with it?

1-6 isn't air raid.

>> No.16325077

Obviously. Those D ranks are annoying.

>> No.16325085
Quoted by: >>16325093

Then how the fuck are these nodes called?

>> No.16325086

God those subtle fucking lips.

>> No.16325092
File: 31 KB, 320x500, -4ada3Qhgj-e9z5K2oT3cSir-tb.jpg.thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325125

>> No.16325093

Aerial node

>> No.16325095
Quoted by: >>16325120

Yeah, no. Fuck them for not giving EU santa convoy.

>> No.16325107

Considering the flight training and how it how it went down during the war, the only thing specs would have helped with is pilot survival. So outnumbering would have still been preferred.

>> No.16325117

yes but those quarters start on janurary, april, july and october not december, march, june, september

>> No.16325120

I'm not defending them. It's just, unless someone delivers the message to the developers ear with a loudspeaker, it's your opinion that is wrong.
For example, i'm sure Tanaka didn't think anyone would have the audacity to put 16 inch on Iowa rather than any of the superior nihon ships.

>> No.16325125

From the new calendar?

>> No.16325127
Quoted by: >>16325137

>as long as you are confident in what you do
It's typical of businesses to keep up a confident public image.

>it's everyone else that is wrong.
Who are they even arguing against? Convince me it isn't just an example of a burdened team only working on squeaking wheel problems and still cocking things up because of poor testing.

>> No.16325136

Do you have Uranami drop map?

>> No.16325137
Quoted by: >>16325158

>Who are they even arguing against?
The player base. Every business has to deal with their customers one way or the other. Keep pissing them off without periodically delivering and you fail.

>> No.16325138
File: 29 KB, 320x466, -4ada3Qhgj-axknK2mT3cSir-rb.jpg.thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16325139
Quoted by: >>16325150

Well the fact they put the plane as F6F-3 and not just F6F implies upgradeable into something else like the zeros.

>> No.16325142
File: 18 KB, 320x336, -4ada3Q7rcp-l5naZ14T3cSfv-go.png.thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325165

I love you. UGUME

>> No.16325144

What the- they look kinda different than usual?
It's Parsley right?

>> No.16325146

Not sure what you're talking about, stuff usually gets scanned and maybe translated the same day they were bought.

>> No.16325147

They look off.

>> No.16325150

Doesn't matter, F6F is now shit and should be scrap, it belongs to the trash for having a shitty disappointing stats.

>> No.16325151
File: 639 KB, 800x480, 20161228_14174991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325158

Except they don't really interact with the playerbase outside of public announcements. I doubt many people even use the feedback form under the game window, even less with the popularity of viewers which cut out the scruff.

>> No.16325160

You really need to lay off the memes.

>> No.16325165

What the fuck, this Kiso looks feminine. Obvious fake.

>> No.16325169
File: 249 KB, 850x1317, Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325172

>If you don't like me, why don't you remove me from the fleet?

Yet the bitch keep appearing in my base no matter how many times I scrap and use her as mod fodder.

>> No.16325171
File: 635 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161203-07020396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325179


>> No.16325172

It's a different one each time.

>> No.16325179
File: 683 KB, 800x480, KanColle-161203-07020396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325197
File: 6 KB, 174x155, 2016-12-28_14-31-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325205

I love the expansion slot.

>> No.16325205
Quoted by: >>16325211

Is this red T or what

>> No.16325211
File: 7 KB, 273x274, 2016-12-28_14-32-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of 88 armor.

>> No.16325247
Quoted by: >>16325252

What the fuck are you even doing at 2-4.

>> No.16325252
File: 696 KB, 800x480, 20161228_14550020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325260

Grabbing a pretty floor.

>> No.16325260
File: 28 KB, 186x208, best_2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325269

> 28.12.2016 anno domini
> grabbing a pretty floot at 2-4

>> No.16325269
Quoted by: >>16325297

Well, it's about time I did that, right? Doing this quest in 2017 would be quite embarrassing.

The mark is next to her head! Next to! It always bothered me in this supremely cute image.

>> No.16325297
Quoted by: >>16326389

>Doing this quest in 2017 would be quite embarrassing.
Why? I completed Mikawa 5-1 quest yesterday, for example.

>> No.16325316
File: 666 KB, 800x1555, ukz3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325321

I'm starting to wonder if Shibafu is secretly getting tired of drawing for CanThis and is deliberately ruining his own art in an effort to get Tanaka to let him go.
>Prettiest carrier
But that's not Sara.

>> No.16325321

>deliberately ruining his own art in an effort to get Tanaka to let him go

I thought he and Tanaka were friends?

>> No.16325355
Quoted by: >>16325362

I would say Sara has replaced her on being the prettiest. Zuikaku is cuter than very though.

>> No.16325362


>> No.16325368

Which one?

>> No.16325383
File: 446 KB, 645x924, tntd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people actually thought Tanaka would allow burger planes to surpass GRORIOUS NIPPON planes

>> No.16325392
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1333, Wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wildcat is better than Zeroes
>Hellcat F6F-3 is already better than Shiden Kai Ni thanks to placebo stats
>Hellcat F6F-6 Will be better than Shiden Kai and Skilled model 52
>We haven't even gotten any (skilled) or named squads yets and they are already better than their nip counterparts.

>> No.16325396

No one thought that. Though the description implies it will be further upgradeable.

>> No.16325409
Quoted by: >>16325429

Go ahead. We'll laugh at you when the F6F-5 upgrade becomes available.

>> No.16325420

>average planes by burger standards are weaker than top tier Japanese planes
Really makes you think.

Placebo stats don't matter much. Fighters are brought primarily for fighter power. I'll still use Shiden K2 over F6F-3 any day.

>> No.16325427


>> No.16325429

I want them to revamp the upgrade system. All these fucking plane upgrades are stupid.

>> No.16325434

But they are more or less better than Shinden kai and just below the skilled 52, what more could you want from a basic stage 3 fighter?

>> No.16325437

I just wish they would cost less screws.

>> No.16325445
File: 445 KB, 600x440, 9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really makes you think.
Are you seriously suggesting that Tanaka is biased against burger equipment? Perish the thought!

>> No.16325447
Quoted by: >>16325456

There are literally only two lines of plane upgrades.
Zero improvements and cat improvements.

>> No.16325448
Quoted by: >>16325454

>But they are more or less better than a 15 AA plane

>> No.16325453

I'm suggesting the exact opposite, ye of abysmal reading comprehension.

>> No.16325454
Quoted by: >>16325519

Sorry, i meant the 9AA 3EVA Shiden.

>> No.16325456

And they're almost all worthless.

>> No.16325457
Quoted by: >>16325601

>Biased against burger equipment.
>16 inch is the best gun in the game.
>water cooled bofors is great to use on Maya unless you have bothered to upgraded maya aa gun to max.

>> No.16325462

>lebbit image

>> No.16325468
Quoted by: >>16325470

At least he's using the quote function properly.

>> No.16325470


>> No.16325478

Just that alone you can tell he's a shitposter. Not even trying to hide it anymore, and the filename.

>> No.16325480

>Jets are shit
>F6F is shit
What do you think will be the next big disappointment?

>> No.16325485

Your future.

>> No.16325488
Quoted by: >>16325507

How is F6F-3 a disappointment when 8 AA or 9 AA at most was expected?

>> No.16325507

Because he is a dumb burger and thought that a mass produced planes would be better than a prototype planes or named squadron ones.

>> No.16325513

Or he's just dumb meme poster as this is his thing now.

>> No.16325519

I don't bring fighters for placebo stats. I bring other equipment for that. That'd be like using 15.2cm guns on CLs for their accuracy.

I'd still bring the Shiden K2 over the F6F-3 any day. I doubt the choice would ever crop up, since I have better fighters, but if the devs made an equipment branching rule that dictates that the only fighters you can bring are Shiden K2 or F6F-3, and I have loads of each, and at that time they're either both upgradable or both unupgradable, then more likely than not I'd take the Shiden K2. At the very least, I'd make fulfilling fighter power requirements a priority over placebo stats.

On a semi-related note, the chinks had a recent thread discussing whether Shiden K2, with its placebo stats, had become more important than Reppuu. The general consensus was that full Reppuu was better for autumn E5 than full Shiden K2.

>> No.16325523
Quoted by: >>16325533

I'm a burger too you know. And even I knew it was only going to be 9 AA. I actually question if he is a burger at all.

>> No.16325533

*8 AA
derp. Miss typed. Going to sleep now.

>> No.16325534

I don't see the point of releasing burger planes AFTER the players already have the super-special-prototype-that-never-reached-mass-production nip planes.

>> No.16325543

Because it's fun to collect Tovarish.

>> No.16325556

Might as well ask why we got the RE 2001 or Aquila at all.
Or why the german DDs got a K2 when they still are not better than the average Japanese DD.

>> No.16325560

So that they can add more things to do in the game.

>> No.16325577
File: 100 KB, 2000x853, cc2-c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Pasta planes, Fiat G.55 (which was regarded as the best Axis fighter by the Luftwaffe) and C.C.2.

>> No.16325588
Quoted by: >>16325699

Sorry man. Re.2005 Sagittario was chosen to be in the game over that.

>> No.16325601

>16 inch is the best gun in the game

You mean Proto 51cm.

>> No.16325608
Quoted by: >>16325622

Because new and casual won't have the super special planes? Fuck I have seen Japanese players who seemed to have never bothered with the catapult quests.

>> No.16325615

16 incher is actually better thanks to its insane versatility.

>> No.16325619
Quoted by: >>16325633

I guess if you are using them on Nagato then sure.

>> No.16325622

I understand the use of a pure AS+ fighter mule, but placebo stats give you extra utility/offence/defence to an otherwise one job carrier.

Yeah, because you drown in Hiryuus, Shoukakus and Zuikakus starting world 2. laughing_dupe_Kagas_and_Souryuus.jpeg.

>> No.16325633
Quoted by: >>16325654

I don't think I've ever seen her laugh.

>> No.16325640
Quoted by: >>16325654

Shoukaku and Zuikaku don't give you super special planes at world 2.

>> No.16325654
Quoted by: >>16325686

We are talking about getting rare carriers and completing their quests.

>> No.16325673
Quoted by: >>16325700


>I don't bring fighters for placebo stats.

But you should, since planes are the only equips any sane TTK will equip a carrier with in an event. Having 4 planes, all with placebo stats give a sizable bonus without sacrificing attack/air power.

>> No.16325686

Don't you need to complete World 4-3 for bm6 to unlock the carrier plane quests?

>> No.16325696
Quoted by: >>16325707

You need said carriers to initiate the quest chain to begin with.

>> No.16325699 [DELETED] 

I'd love this, along with the torpedo bomber variant and the Fiat G.56 too if possible (we already have so many prototype planes in the game anyway). Bonus if we get the SM.79.

Nice dubs, but doesn't mean that they can't add more Italian planes somehow.

>> No.16325700
File: 232 KB, 362x524, Saratoga Ave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say you couldn't bring bombers. In that scenario, I only restricted the fighters that could be brought, but I didn't restrict bombers.

I mean sure, I can see the use of placebo stats, and you can also use carriers for other purposes, but there's no point to that if they don't fulfill their primary purpose first, which is fighter power.

On a side note, interesting captcha.

>> No.16325707

When did Shoukaku and Zuikaku drop at world 2?
Was this back in the day, stuff?

>> No.16325708

And those 5-2 quests.

>> No.16325714
Quoted by: >>16325751


Once you reach a certain fighter power value any extra fighter power is useless. This is where the fighters with placebo stats shine since you can equip then and still reach the figter power value you want while receiving the extra stats.

>> No.16325719

So, we can all scrap our Hellcats now?

>> No.16325729
Quoted by: >>16325764

Well one could get them from events nowadays.

That said I wonder how resource intensive Sara K2 will be.

>> No.16325740
Quoted by: >>16325750

Yes, who needs a useless fighter anyways.

>> No.16325750
Quoted by: >>16325764

What will you say when the F6F-5 upgrade becomes available?

>> No.16325751

I know that. But that's assuming you can reach the required fighter power. That priority always comes first.

And from the chink thread I've been getting this feeling that Tanaka is designing hard mode for final maps such that using only Reppuu and planes you can get from quests (like Iwamoto) you can reach just enough fighter power for AS.

No. I'd wait for Bearcats. They'd most certainly be upgradable, and have at least Reppuu tier fighter power AND placebo stats.

>> No.16325752
Quoted by: >>16325779


Well, they turned out to be more generous than I thought they would be with the Hellcat.


F4F-4 -> +5AA given this definitive model was almost on par with the Zero.

F6F-3 Hellcat ->+7AA given the Hellcat was superior to all Zero models

F6F-5 -> +9AA Improved version. Same AA as the Shiden Kai Ni given that a lot of people considered then on par.

F8F-1 Bearcat -> +10AA to make it on par with Reppu though I'd give it +11

>> No.16325753

If you want to, then just do it.

>> No.16325755
Quoted by: >>16325779

Let's see if F6F-5 and Bearcat comes this year.
A 5 star and 6 star planes respectively.

>> No.16325763


Nigga, please. I was using some fighters with placebo stats in E-5 and E-4 because I was reaching the fighter power values I wanted.

>> No.16325764

Probably a lil bit above Taihou consumption.

Laugh at the disappointing stats that it would have.

>> No.16325768
File: 109 KB, 689x1020, be3adfac5e0d9e8a94676f055436988a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325769

90 is the new 17

>> No.16325769

One of the dumbest memes imaginable.

>> No.16325772
Quoted by: >>16325780

Oh, and include Ryuusei Kai as well. Double chevron Ryuusei Kai gives 3 fighter power.

And bombers from quests like Tenzan 12s, if I wasn't already clear enough.

What was your setup on your carriers? Mine consisted of 8 fighters each with 11+ AA, Iwai fighter-bomber, and 7 other bombers.

>> No.16325774


>disappointing stats

Upgradable F6F-5 Will probably be better than any buildable fighter we have AND those will not even be (skilled) or ace squads.

>> No.16325777

Saratoga Kai is already above Taihou in consumption. In terms of ammo anyway. But it's so easy to gather ammo and Doesn't matter unless if you using Hotels and/or Iowa back to back.

>> No.16325779
File: 285 KB, 1000x715, __inazuma_and_plasma_chan_kantai_collection_drawn_by_dainamitee__d43f3b2f62e31c6f637b176e7c001f28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that Tanaka wouldn't dig up one more super-secret-prototype design

>> No.16325780
Quoted by: >>16325820


Or course, I have max stars Iwamoto and a couple of Reppuu Kai.

>> No.16325781

9 AA is the expected unless they make it a fighter bomber.

>> No.16325783

Fuck off.

>> No.16325785

No. That was sarcarsm. I thought >laughing_dupe_Kagas_and_Souryuus.jpeg
was supposed to make it clear.
What I'm saying is that you need to go quite deep into the game to even start the carrier/plane quests.

>> No.16325789
Quoted by: >>16325860

He's already out of those.
This is what happens when you blow your load anyway. I guess he could always make the Shinden craftable.

>> No.16325790


Well, Tanaka can allways bring the F8F-2, which was the final version of the Bearcat for 12AA + placebo stats.

>> No.16325800

Sakai Squadron and jet fighters are the only ones left.

>> No.16325804
File: 871 KB, 1000x777, FavoriteGirlsof2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite girls introduced this year.
Pola is my third favorite.
Special mention to the Kamikaze grannies.

>> No.16325807
Quoted by: >>16325819

Woah dude we don't even have 6 star planes yet, and you want to bring a post war variant out.

>> No.16325819
Quoted by: >>16325830


Hey, we are getting imaginary planes that never went beyond prototype phase so why not?

>> No.16325820

That you can only get one of? What's the point? I can't feel safe for events without at least 12 fighters, and that's even before accounting for land bases.

Rankfags are a different story. Besides Reppuu Kai has only 1 AA more than max skilled Zero M52, which has placebo stats. I'm not sure why you traded out some fighters with placebo stats for fighters without just so you could trade other fighters with placebo stats for fighters with even better placebo stats (or other fighters without placebo stats for more fighters with placebo stats).

>> No.16325830

Because burgers had plenty of planes and equipment that saw use.

>> No.16325838
Quoted by: >>16325880

Still need more air power? That is where upgraded skilled 52zero come in.

F6F can't even displaced shiden, how burger planes even compete right now?

>> No.16325854

Is proto 46cm useful for ANYTHING? I like the fairy but the gun, Jesus.

>> No.16325860

Making it craftable is too easy. There are better ways.

Nope. Superceded by 16 inch guns.

>> No.16325869
File: 26 KB, 428x115, ss+(2016-12-28+at+05.34.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using upgraded one for over a year. They are cheap to upgrade and hit stuff. 16in is better tho.

>> No.16325874
Quoted by: >>16325875

Make one for your collection dictionary if you care about that dictionary. Either way concentrate on the 51cm and 16 inch.

>> No.16325875

>Make one
Stopped reading there

>> No.16325880


by having the same AA values with even better placebo stats.

Just look at the F6F-3 and compare it with the Model 52 skilled. The F6F-3 already has better placebo stats than the Model 52 by having +1 firepower. Now, if the same trend that happened bettwen the 2 models of the F4F repeats it becomes obvious that the F4F-5 will have better stats than the Model 52 (skilled) while having the same AA value. They will probably be upgradable too, so it will be a +11 AA plane with better placebo stats than any other of its kind.

>> No.16325885 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 682x992, progresion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.16325889


A bit too late into the postwar setting, I think.

My personal wishlist is P-51, Spitfire, Ki-84, and Ki-100 interceptors; and the Ki-67 bomber. Also, the G.55 and various other Italian planes (if ever). And of course the Helldiver, F4U/Corsair, and improved variants of the TBF too.

For ships, obviously more USN & IJN ships would be nice, but I'm also interested in the I-201-class submarines in particular.

Rather unrealistic expectations given how little new content they've drip-fed us over the past year, but we'll see.

>> No.16325891
File: 1.74 MB, 1500x1842, 6368227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325894
File: 593 KB, 682x992, progresion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16325910


pic, again.

>> No.16325901

Skilled Zero M52 has worse placebo stats than skiilled Zero M21.

>> No.16325910
Quoted by: >>16325921

I'm personally not that fussed about the current stats of the F6F-3 as it stands.

I just hope that there's an easier way to convert them to F6F-5s when the time comes, instead of the usual screwfest. Think along the lines of the monthly/quarterly conversion quests.

>> No.16325921
Quoted by: >>16325935

>monthly/quarterly conversion quests.
Please no. There has to be a better way to make them repeatable without this crap.

>> No.16325935

Well, there is another way for the Zeroes right now: Use screws, go from 21 (Skilled) to 32 (Skilled) to 52 (Skilled). Do you really think they're going to make things that simple for us? After all, these are late-game / endgame upgrades, in a sense.

>> No.16325962
Quoted by: >>16325969

>F6F-3 Hellcat
>F4F-4 Wildcat
I'm getting real tired of these translations. Either use the card name or give everybody their full name.

>> No.16325966
File: 239 KB, 480x253, ARCADE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rev up those PS4s! KanColle Arcade port coming!


>> No.16325969
Quoted by: >>16325999

Are you talking about a viewer or Wikia?

>> No.16325974


>Tweet doesn't exist

>> No.16325989


>> No.16325995


>> No.16325998
File: 144 KB, 1190x1200, C0v5I3QVIAALqRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325999

EO specifically. I changed it but whenever a new equipment gets added, it gets reverted back.

>> No.16326001
Quoted by: >>16326005

Well, that brought my excitement to a screeching halt in real short order.

>> No.16326005

Huh, what happened?
Something about DLC?

>> No.16326006


>> No.16326028
File: 114 KB, 556x900, b1620c058d94a67caad34ca066ebd81e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys sure know how to completely crush my spirit.

>> No.16326067

Is clearing world 4 12 bosses easier on 4-2 or someplace else? Is there any way to improve the boss reach sorties ratio, cause i'm slowly going crazy with the wikis 50% chance to reach the boss node procing only 1 out of 5 times?

>> No.16326079
Quoted by: >>16326099

4-5 is guaranteed

>> No.16326083
Quoted by: >>16326099

Bringing all subs to 4-2 bumps the chance up to 56.25%. And of course 4-5 is 100%

>> No.16326099

Thank you.

>> No.16326118

51cm is only the best for Nagatos and who cares about Nagatos.

>> No.16326119
Quoted by: >>16326135

>but there's no point to that if they don't fulfill their primary purpose first, which is fighter power.
What is this, 2014?

>> No.16326128
File: 190 KB, 1400x1000, 723b1262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drives a person to like a crippling beta this much?

>> No.16326130
Quoted by: >>16326153

The desire to protect, headpat and rape.

>> No.16326133

Parental instinct, me guess.

>> No.16326134
Quoted by: >>16326149


>> No.16326135

Yeah, see how they're going to deal any damage at the boss when the enemy cleans out their bombers because they didn't bring enough fighter power.

I get that carriers dealing damage is of importance now, but getting enough fighter power still takes even greater priority.


>> No.16326141
Quoted by: >>16328371

>Meng, Sprout, Germinate, Bud


>> No.16326143
File: 404 KB, 753x741, 1434480973725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lewd pics

>> No.16326145

Because they too are beta.

>> No.16326146
Quoted by: >>16326180

But reaching enough fighter power is easy as shit. I was using 1xIwamoto, 1x601, and the rest Skilled 21s in the small slots in E-5 without problems.

>> No.16326149
File: 99 KB, 944x712, where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326154


>> No.16326153

No you disgusting piece of shit

>> No.16326154
Quoted by: >>16326169

Those people are more autistic than others, its been proven.

>> No.16326161

Because she has a cute voice and I want to hug her.

With that said I never liked these "do it for" meme images.

>> No.16326163
File: 23 KB, 704x400, vlcsnap-1502344[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only kind of girl they can handle. For someone pathetic, only way to feel better is to find someone even more pathetic.

>> No.16326169

You speak as if they aren't the norm on 4chan.

>> No.16326180
Quoted by: >>16326188

It being easier than before doesn't mean it's any less important than before.

How many greens in total? 8 or 9? Did you bring a seaplane fighter as well?

>> No.16326188
Quoted by: >>16326208

8 and no, but I did bring Zuiun 12 since I was already bringing Nagato so might as well bring a my wife Fusou as well.

>> No.16326198

I want Sara Kai 2 already.

>> No.16326208

>Zuiun 12
Well that explains it. Wouldn't have brought a BBV myself. Those M21s wouldn't have been enough without the zuiun 12.

>> No.16326220
Quoted by: >>16326234

We still haven't gotten that CA Kai 2, whoever it is for, patience is needed.

>> No.16326222
Quoted by: >>16326234

I am worried they haven't revealed any hints at all for the CA Kai 2.

>> No.16326226
File: 208 KB, 500x500, a6c2b56fc5c4a5b289bf278a2d5a4ea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people would like the other 2 equally.

>> No.16326229


>> No.16326232
Quoted by: >>16326252

Shitty people who want someone with more social issues than they have.

>> No.16326234
File: 121 KB, 1000x783, CpsmBAMUAAAsiAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Zara guys, trust me my dad works at Kadokawa.

>> No.16326243

I'm okay with that.

>> No.16326246

I would like one of italians to get K2.

>> No.16326249
Quoted by: >>16326279

Poor Zara.

>> No.16326252
Quoted by: >>16326265

Were your parents shitty people who want someone with more social issues than they have?

>> No.16326265
Quoted by: >>16326288

I don't have social issues, especially not on the level of Yamakaze.
Second of all birth parents don't get to choose.

>> No.16326279

>she's just worried about her sister and doesn't want her to end up dead like like last time
>gets shit for it
Poor Zara indeed.

>> No.16326283
File: 946 KB, 642x1199, 9600 gallons divided by 2700 = 3. 5 gallons of ice cream per month for each man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326307

Iowa ice cream equipment when.

>> No.16326288

>birth parents don't get to choose.
There are plenty of options before and after birth.

>> No.16326298
Quoted by: >>16326312

>days away from 2017
>still not proper commie botes

Russian botebois when

>> No.16326299
Quoted by: >>16326306

>5 kraut remodels
>Sara is already planned
>no pasta remodel in sight
It's not fair at all.

>> No.16326306

I assure you it will be Zara to balance things out. The only other qualified pastas would be Pola or Aquila to actually make her useful but consume 2 BPs.

>> No.16326307

Nearly all the fleet carriers and light carriers which includes Sara carried Ice cream too. Even a few submarines had an ice cream machine. Cruisers I don't know. Destroyers certainly not.

>> No.16326310
File: 15 KB, 380x295, summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F8F this summer, you heard it here first.

>> No.16326311

If even Tanaka is known to lie from time to time, there's no way I can trust anyone working at (((Kadokawa))).

>> No.16326312

I am more interested in Polish or Dutch ships myself.
They said "exotic" after all.

>> No.16326313

So what's the gonna be the burger cruiser and DD?

It's clear that a ship's wartime reputation has no bearing on whether it'll make the cut, so anyone could make it in. What are you niggas hoping to see?

>> No.16326317

Someone with good stats.

>> No.16326318

You mean F6F-5 this summer. F8F will be postponed until winter or 2018.

>> No.16326321
Quoted by: >>16326337

Alaska please. I have never seen a ship with such a sexy hull in my Navy's history.

>> No.16326326

DD with sailor uniform, glasses and freckles.

>> No.16326328
Quoted by: >>16326539

Good AA stats. More Good AA equipment so as a newfag I can postpone upgrading my duck guns.

as for particular ships, I would like an Atlanta class, or maybe USS Helena for cruisers. A foreign light cruiser would be nice.

For DDs hopefully a Fletcher or Gearing.
Pre-war USN DDs are okay if top heavy but they already face too much of power creep.

>> No.16326332
Quoted by: >>16326345

I'm curious, has there ever been a guy who leaks info ever?

>> No.16326333

Do you think an actual boteboy would be possible? Russian naming conventions refer to their ships as male anyway.

>> No.16326337

Which Navy is that?
I would like a red head since Yoshinori has shown he can draw foreigners that are not blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.16326343

Give me Laffey of the Sumner class.

>> No.16326344
Quoted by: >>16326354

Never :^)

>> No.16326345

Nah, best we've gotten is Yuu's design leaking a day early because they put the event article in the magazine that was coming out the same day as the event. They've now put event articles in the month after an event starts, though I doubt it was because of the design leak.

>> No.16326347

USS Alaska, nigga.

>> No.16326350
Quoted by: >>16326384

The USN. No other ship has ever had a better looking design.

>> No.16326351
Quoted by: >>16326370

Nothing says exotic like brown skin.

>> No.16326354

>tfw shota Ognevoy in short shorts that are comfy and easy to wear

>> No.16326355

So do Germans and you saw what happened.

>> No.16326359

>Which Navy is that?

anon pls

>> No.16326360
Quoted by: >>16326366

This, they'd end up being androgynous as fuck. Probably designed by Humi, too. He does some delicious russians after all.

>> No.16326366


>> No.16326370
File: 126 KB, 800x543, ARM_Netzahualcoyotl0586325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARM Netzahualcoyotl when?

>> No.16326376
File: 47 KB, 470x392, 1460293205250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16326380
File: 204 KB, 1000x874, 28e73de4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16326382


>> No.16326384

>USN makes a surprisingly good looking cruiser.
>Unsurprisingly it's shit because they went completely form over function.
At least CAs can get a good gun now.

>> No.16326387


>> No.16326389

You should feel ashamed anon. Because.

>> No.16326391

Well I never said it was good, just that it was the best looking ship in the navy's history.

>> No.16326392
Quoted by: >>16326422

She can equip Keiun?

>> No.16326393


>> No.16326418
File: 81 KB, 1280x958, 1280px-USS_Alaska_(CB-1)_off_the_Philadelphia_Navy_Yard_on_30_July_1944[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Alaska revealed
>She looks like Prinz with a different haircut

>> No.16326422

It's a separate thing m8

>> No.16326424

Alaska-chan is bigger than Prinz.

>> No.16326433

How can they look the same if they don't have the same artist.

>> No.16326438

All ships look the same.

>> No.16326440

>So do Germans

I don't know why I keep reading this but it's bullshit, they're almost always female: "Die Bismarck", "Die Prinz Eugen", etc. Maybe it was different in WW2, I don't know.

>> No.16326444
Quoted by: >>16326531

Is this a scrapped palette?

>> No.16326447

I only remember that someone told Hitler that a ship this powerful(Bismarck) can only be male! Though I think he was a known female hater or something.

>> No.16326460
Quoted by: >>16326469


Costs a lot to keep both women and ships in paint and powder.

>> No.16326469
Quoted by: >>16326476

I was the captain of Bismarck who asked his crew to call Bismarck a He.

>> No.16326471
File: 110 KB, 844x1000, __admiral_and_hamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nironiro__c5fcc3edb6e60ef607eceab53f05e4d2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16326474
File: 1.07 MB, 2121x1500, ab8f96a60fea5ad37e344b562147e2c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326481

It's an anecdote from Burkard von Müllenheim-Rechberg(the highest-ranking officer to survive Bismarck's sinking IIRC) about how Captain Lindemann said that the Bismarck should be referred to as a "He" instead of a "She," because he considered it too powerful for feminine terminology.

>> No.16326476
Quoted by: >>16326482

>he would rather be inside a male ship than female

What a fag.

>> No.16326479

>It seems to be a catching topic – it comes up ever now and then.

>And every time thanks to Müllenheim-Rechenberg the might and majesty of Bismarck is mentioned.

>Though now, thanks to Josés great web page, we all have to possibility to read through some war diaries. One registers that whenever Bismarck is mentioned in Prinz Eugens diary it is most often without a pronoun (e.g. “… Bismarck did this or that …” rather than “der or die Bismarck did …”). This sounds rather stiff in German but is widely used in the documents presented. In cases though where a sub sentence refers back to it, the ship is addressed in the masculine form.

>So it seems not so much something that was a common practise just among Bismarcks crew but more wide spread. Even the commander of a heavy cruiser writes his war diary in accordance with that practice.

>Funny enough: Prinz Eugen herself (oh – sorry!) himself (!) is addressed in his :wink: own war diary in a masculine form. The pactice is exactly the same like for Bismarck. Most often the ship is mentioned without a pronoun but when it is refered to, it is in the masculine form (e.g. page 24 “…Prinz Eugen hält Kurs und Fahrt durch, solange bis er abgedrängt wird …”).

>So Prinz Eugen was also a ‘he’ after all!

>The practice to refer to the ship without a pronoun seemingly has been standard practise within the Kriegsmarine. In the Ktb of Blücher it also is always addressed as Blücher never die Blücher.
I do not know enough passages of Blüchers war diary to have found a sentence that would reveal if it was der Blücher in fact but one may suspect so.

>It is still a very interesting topic but it seems to me much less linked to Bismarck and her (sorry – his :wink: ) history than more an interesting practice within the Kriegsmarine to address heavy units in a masculine form.

Huh. I guess it really depended on the person in the case of Germans.

>> No.16326481
Quoted by: >>16326483

So it's Bismarck rather than Mogami who has a dick!

>> No.16326482

Nazis were closet gay.

>> No.16326483

You wish

>> No.16326486
Quoted by: >>16326524

But Ushio and Yuu are popular.

>> No.16326501

If it makes anyone feel better, Tirpitz's captain called Tirpitz a she.

>> No.16326523
File: 656 KB, 800x480, 20161228_13145857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326528


>> No.16326524

Ushio is not a crippling beta.

>> No.16326528
Quoted by: >>16326540


>> No.16326531

No, just saturated colors. Goes to show her uniform is blue and not black like the danbooru description says for some ungodly reason.

>> No.16326538

One way they could make lower AA planes remotely usable is tying bauxite consumption to the plane instead of the slot and giving different baux consumption depending on plane.

>> No.16326539

>a Fletcher
You're not getting Johnston, anon. Don't even think about it.

>> No.16326540

Burger plane got its own unique plane icon.

>> No.16326544

It'll be O'Bannon by Shibafu

>> No.16326549
Quoted by: >>16326586

It took you this long to notice?

>> No.16326551
Quoted by: >>16326681

>by Shibafu
>still trying to push this meme

>> No.16326554

I was thinking more like Fletcher herself. While I applaud Taffy 3 for their efforts I would rather have Nicholas or Fletcher herself to get more attention.

Plus those two sunk submarines.

>> No.16326555

Wasn't it always that way?

>> No.16326556

Please no, I want lower AA planes to be more useful to take better advantage of their placebo stats but I already have a hard enough time getting bauxite and LBAS is a bauxite sink as it is.

>> No.16326558

It was.

>> No.16326574

I know some of the burger planes use the Bf icon instead.

>> No.16326586
Quoted by: >>16326590

Didn't it used to be represented by the FW?

>> No.16326590

If it was then they changed it before I started leveling up their rank, because I've been seeing their blue icon since then.

>> No.16326599

>skilled 52s will cost more than vanilla 52s
>Iwamoto will cost even more

>> No.16326651
Quoted by: >>16326660

Yeah no thanks, balancing things by making them eat more resources is retarded and just makes people want to idlecolle more. Might as well make every good Kai Ni consume twice as many resources as others.

>> No.16326660

Cranes and Taihou should get +20 fuel and ammo consumption.

>> No.16326666
Quoted by: >>16326672

Has the quarterly 2-4 quest reset once already or is it still the same one as when implemented?

>> No.16326672
Quoted by: >>16326677

It reset twice already.

>> No.16326677
Quoted by: >>16326691

Wait, for real? Fuck, I'm 10 screws behind because of my laziness.

>> No.16326681

>literal potato throwing DD
>not by Shibafu

Maybe you're the memester here

>> No.16326690

Whatever you say, memester.

>> No.16326691
Quoted by: >>16326715

>I'm 700 yen worth of screws behind because of my laziness
Literally one hour's wages.

>> No.16326715
File: 5 KB, 350x73, 2016-12-28_20-52-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16326736

three hours*
I will never buy screws. Something concrete like slots, repair docks or rings, sure, I can do it for my favorite game, but definitely not resources. Especially since Akashi might just eat them.

>> No.16326736

>Especially since Akashi might just eat them.
Use the bar.

>> No.16326740
File: 332 KB, 692x1280, 60597780_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what is the appeal of a single mother with two creepy hyperactive kids anyway?

>> No.16326745
File: 162 KB, 949x596, 141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy.

>> No.16326768

The Alaskas carried 12-inch guns, which are considered BB-caliber, so no, CAs won't get them.

>> No.16326785
Quoted by: >>16326914

That was BB caliber by WW1 standards. Any BB was that still had that caliber was outdated.

>> No.16326802

Tell us, O wise one, why Tanaka would not want to roll out the DD that earned the respect of the nips at Samar.
Yoshinori has been all but confirmed to be the designated burger boat artist.

>> No.16326820
Quoted by: >>16326858

>Tell us, O wise one, why Tanaka would not want to roll out the DD that earned the respect of the nips at Samar.
Because a girl with only a short history is no fun.
Plus the first fletchers who needed refits roll better with game mechanics.

>> No.16326849

Not him, but my hypothesis would be as follows:

If and when we finally get Leyte as an event, we get one of the three DDs involved (or more) at Samar. I'd imagine her to be one of the two that actually sank, but that's just my personal preference because blah blah blah purification theory.

If we don't get Leyte, and/or they don't show up as rewards even if it is Leyte, then we get any of the USN DDs that was handed over to the newly-formed JMSDF after the war. Given how Saratoga and Iowa were a little less involved in epic naval showdowns with the IJN, I'd see this as the more likely option. Although to be fair, if they really wanted to go the reconciliation route, we'd have gotten Missouri instead of Iowa (which could also have backfired within that context, but that's another discussion entirely).

>> No.16326858
Quoted by: >>16326862

>Takanami: completed 08/31/1942; sunk 11/30/1942
>Teruzuki: completed 08/31/1942; sunk 12/12/1942
>Taihou: completed 03/07/1944; sunk 06/19/1944

...You were saying?

>> No.16326862

And all of those are boring.

>> No.16326871
Quoted by: >>16326879

But Johnston went out like a badass against a superior force. There's no way she'd be boring.

>> No.16326875
Quoted by: >>16326890

The two Fletchers given to the JMSDF after the war were involved in Surigao Strait.

>> No.16326877
File: 752 KB, 1500x846, 1893643e0d5edd3714fc680f2d03c394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just got a C from PvP
>frickin C

Anyone would kindly explain to me, why it hurts so much, idk why

>> No.16326879

Meh. I would rather meet the girls who had to deal with faulty torpedoes and a still evolving AA suite. Not to mention they also were under attack by Japanese forces who still had pilots who could carry out conventional bombing attacks.

>> No.16326890
Quoted by: >>16326902


Which would make it even more interesting, really.

>> No.16326893

I got CCD today. One was because I didn't enter yasen by mistake. Other two... I'm not sure how they happened. It hurt to get three losses in row but at least flagship got the MVP.

>> No.16326899
Quoted by: >>16326913

Shit taste.

>> No.16326902

I guess. I still find the first Fletcher's stories to be more interesting since they were the ones who dealed with a still learning navy like their predecessors yet many of them survived.

>> No.16326910

Because she'd have better stats than Yuudachi and it's strictly verboten.

>> No.16326913
Quoted by: >>16326930

Look Teruzuki and Taihou make my penis happy too but I can't say their history is interesting.

>> No.16326914

So basically, if they want to add Alaskas, they have to give cruisers gun fitness mechanics like BBs

>> No.16326930

But Johnstons is, even when short.

And saying "Tanaka wont add them because boring history" is stupid anyway when we got plenty of ships including foreign ones that did basically nothing.

>> No.16326932

That's why it should happen, really. Just to stop people from whining about how overpowered she is.

>> No.16326936

How much to go until next event?

>> No.16326940

>I'm not sure how they happened
Must be the same RNG's shenanigans as mine.

You know something's up when your fleet somehow had many missfest while other, strangely, didn't.

>> No.16326946

At least an entire month.

>> No.16326957


>> No.16326967

I never really see anyone complain about Poi being OP.

>> No.16326973

Is it just me, or is the (You) function not properly working today? Made me lose track of someone's reply; not cool.

Just asking

>> No.16326976

I have noticed it too.

>> No.16326980

Hiro changed it to instead you will see dotes under the reply instead of (You).

>> No.16326981

The real OP girl is Maya

>> No.16326985

Hang around more, every so often someone brings up her bullshit stats and blames it on "muh Nightmare of Solomon myth bullshit".

Which, to an extent, it is; but that battle was also so pants-on-head convoluted and messy that I'm willing to give her and the crew a little bit of credit for that.

Having a non-Japanese equivalent would ease the amount of butthurt, although you can bet that people will then move over to "Yeah, but this OTHER ship actually did something pretty amazing by comparison".

>> No.16326986

Chinkmoot or his cocksuckers removed it because fuck you. Or rather, fuck (You).

Yes, it's fucking retarded. Now replies to your posts are underlined with dots instead or solid 1px line.

>> No.16326987

Early to mid February.

>> No.16326991
Quoted by: >>16327019

I still see it and I just reloaded.

>> No.16326994

I heard some complaints after Kawakaze's Kai 2.

>> No.16326995

I haven't seen anyone bring it up in years.

>> No.16326997

I think the last time was earlier in the year.

>> No.16327001

I complain about her, but I complain pretty much about every single shitgure. Yuudashit just suffers from poorly-thought early implementation. Just like 10cm HA guns, except one is underpowered while the other is stupidly overpowered.

>> No.16327011

Hopefully we get a USN (or other) CL or CA with similar capabilities.

Also, since I only just thought about this: Depends on how much you buy into the whole Japanese mythology about human desires/emotions feeding into items and bringing them to life. Can't remember the Japanese term for it, but if you do think that is a part of the game in some sense, then it makes sense that people's imagined versions of that battle and expectations feed into her kanmusu form. Think Planescape: Torment and the power of belief.

>> No.16327019
Quoted by: >>16327074

>he uses 4chanX

>> No.16327020

Finally getting a foreign CL might be nice, even if all that will happen is just being another 4 slot(nice to have admittedly) or being a 3 slot and thus being shit compared to Abukuma.

>> No.16327031

Tsukumogami, that's it.

>> No.16327042

So now I have to start saying "Here's your dots" instead?

>> No.16327043
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x848, 60615242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327048

>> No.16327048
Quoted by: >>16327069


>> No.16327049
Quoted by: >>16328526

Yes, oh and here is your (dots) anon.

>> No.16327067

Maybe now that she has 5 slots and you can give her artillery spotting or torpedo cut-in and still keep the AACI.

>> No.16327069


>> No.16327074


Literally nothing wrong with it.

>> No.16327090

>Admiral, thank you for the ring
>Today is a special day
>I love you

>> No.16327105


Much thanks!

>> No.16327129
Quoted by: >>16327163

>Today is a special day
What's so special about it?

>> No.16327136
Quoted by: >>16327149

The real problem are people like you who even bother to care about this shit. Ignore.

>> No.16327149
Quoted by: >>16327155


>> No.16327155

Oh, I wasn't sure of that. Thanks.

>> No.16327163
File: 561 KB, 800x480, geqqxnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the day she got the ring, obviously.

>> No.16327187

>marrying an old hag

>> No.16327213
Quoted by: >>16327221

Are you a 3D lover or something? Cause you'd need a better arguement than age to not appreciate Warspite.

>> No.16327217

>Marrying NTR.

>> No.16327221

>marrying a crippled old hag that needs a cane to walk

>> No.16327225
Quoted by: >>16327238

>all this headcanon

>> No.16327238

Please let this get scanned 4chan.
Marrying a lazy woman.

>> No.16327242

So you didn't marry any of the ships?

>> No.16327244

I only marry DDs.

>> No.16327257
File: 565 KB, 1686x830, 2016-12-28_23-11-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is wrong?

>> No.16327260
Quoted by: >>16327266

Wikia is right.

>> No.16327262
Quoted by: >>16327266

Your viewer.

>> No.16327265
Quoted by: >>16327272

4DD to 1-1 and 1-2
AV and friends to 1-3 and 1-4

>> No.16327266

I'm disappointed and relieved at the same time. Thanks.

>> No.16327272

Cool. So the second quest is very similar to B83, sortieing Teste + Mizuho on 1-4 was fun.

>> No.16327282
File: 61 KB, 600x618, 60194479_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327317

The only old hag that deserves a ring is Kamikaze.

>> No.16327317
File: 982 KB, 320x287, The puh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327319

Even if she is the best hag, you know it's still not fair to not like the other hags.

P.S. Fucking 15 sorties to 4-2 and no boss. I'm getting slightly mad.

>> No.16327319

>you know it's still not fair to not like the other hags.
No it's definitely fair.

>> No.16327393
File: 314 KB, 494x656, 6127759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warspite is 17!

>> No.16327396

Go back to your thread, Yukari.

>> No.16327398

Fuck off.

>> No.16327472
File: 143 KB, 375x1065, iowa class sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Missouri is daijobu.

>> No.16327484
Quoted by: >>16327532

>not a retard

>> No.16327522
Quoted by: >>16327552

Why is Akebono mad all the time? I didn't do anything.

>> No.16327532
File: 27 KB, 287x430, winsconsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327548


Would they really make the US's trophy surrender ship look like Kirishima just to spite us?

>> No.16327548


>> No.16327552

Because unlike Kasumin, Kusobono doesn't love you.

>> No.16327585
File: 103 KB, 540x605, William D Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327589

It'll never happen, but I'm still hoping for William D Porter.

>> No.16327589


>> No.16327601
Quoted by: >>16327609

How to make Akebono love you?

>> No.16327609
Quoted by: >>16327821

You can't, just scrap the bitch.

>> No.16327622
File: 26 KB, 600x424, FEED ME DESTROYERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16327625

>those long legs
I thought Kamikaze was short

>> No.16327644

You can be short and have nice legs

>> No.16327708
File: 387 KB, 539x631, DD_Kamikaze_471_Full_Damaged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really no. She might appear shorter in the undamaged one because of the hakama and she's leaning forward.

>> No.16327821
Quoted by: >>16327834

She dont have kai ni so dont feel guilty.

>> No.16327834

She looks beautiful in her new updated sprite, and beautiful seasonal sprites.

>> No.16327860
File: 131 KB, 607x479, save me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up

>> No.16327873
Quoted by: >>16327881

>If you don't like me, why don't you remove me from the fleet?
>Yet the bitch keep appearing in my base no matter how many times I scrap and use her as mod fodder.

She's basically living Mixed Signals, for better or worse.

>> No.16327881
Quoted by: >>16327939

They're dupes retard. Not the same one.

>> No.16327888

>like the dreaded Glasses Girls of Nagasaki
I like to think the 4koma is its own thing, but when they bring up stuff like this it's hard to think otherwise.

>> No.16327900
Quoted by: >>16328031

Then why does she get a valentines sprites and Kasumi doesn't?

>> No.16327939

Eh, it's just the same bitch. Same stats, same rigging, same attitude.
Oh, and same destination.
Trash can that is; befitting those potty mouth of hers.

>> No.16327968
File: 87 KB, 801x1200, C0zBlKEUAAEbHmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327975

>> No.16327975
File: 260 KB, 740x1045, YuugumoKiyoshimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328015

Stop posting that shit.
And hope these gumo doujins get scanned.

>> No.16328015
Quoted by: >>16328048

>gumo doujin

>> No.16328031

Because Kasumin already has a Kai 2 so it was too soon.

>> No.16328048


>> No.16328057
File: 110 KB, 390x355, present-8_2siem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone planning to go to the movies to get this item?

>> No.16328072

Don't tell me it was Shibafu who designed Edgebuki.

>> No.16328078

If it turns out to be true, then I'll laugh hard knowing that this is pretty much an official design..

>> No.16328090

>Abyssal Fubuki shows up next event
>can't kill her unless she's targeted by Fubuki
>Fubuki disappears from your fleet after she's defeated

>> No.16328093

I already got sex so she can disappear no problem.

>> No.16328095

Oh well, nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.16328098

I have a level 98 Bucky so I'm not worried at all.

>> No.16328102
File: 475 KB, 500x500, 48662034_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki disappears from your fleet after she's defeated
That would certainly motivate players to complete the map.

>> No.16328103

Hey, Yoshinori and Conishi had their fun with Abyssals, so why not the Irishman?

>> No.16328109

when you think about it johnston would have the most meme potential. yoshinori could draw her with yamato and then you could also have fan memes of her bullying kongo's engrish.

>> No.16328113

Abyss with Shibafu shading would truly be horrifying.

>> No.16328136
File: 1.10 MB, 1062x1505, b938bccd485fc47d42ab6385f3336454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16328152

But they looked cool. That's just Fubuki in a dress with a big hand, don't get me started on Kisaragi.

>> No.16328149

I'd be surprised, unless it was also Kusada who designed horny Katsuragi.

>> No.16328151

So what is the current meta for 5th slot carriers? Bulges or improved AA guns?

>> No.16328152
File: 380 KB, 1260x1038, Abyssal_Jellyfish_Princess_Damaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the protoype art for this was done by Yoshinori as well.
What Yoshinori's prototype art looked like, only he, Tanaka and Akira know.

>> No.16328155

there is not meta until the next event

>> No.16328160

Every event is different on the meta.

>> No.16328188


I don't know how so many people mess this up unless they're doing it on purpose.

>> No.16328192

I would be okay with it if the sweater did not stay on. I think her hair pin turns into a cluster of horns, that's nice.

>> No.16328201 [DELETED] 

88 armor Kaga is too good to pass on.

>> No.16328207
Quoted by: >>16328209

That gun and T94 look shittier than usual, what the fuck happened?

>> No.16328209

Shibafu's slump.

>> No.16328223
Quoted by: >>16328708

Fresh bread:

>> No.16328248

With how plain and boring it is, maybe. But I think Shitbafu would be the kind of guy to give an abyssal some historical references instead of just that white abomination.
Does that abyssal even have equipment? How does she attack, just try to slap people with her disgusting arm?

>> No.16328266

本日開幕の有明海域、冬コミ(C91)では「艦これ」運営鎮守府&KADOKAWAからは新作の【「鳳翔」さん二合徳利&お猪口二揃え 】や【個人携行兵站バッグ(金剛mode)】などをKADOKAWA公式ブースにてC91先行展開中です。こちらもよかったらよろしくお願い致します!

>> No.16328298
Quoted by: >>16328325

What? They are going to C91

>> No.16328325

Jiji needs some new DesDiv6 doujins.

>> No.16328371


>> No.16328499

I love being able to refresh.

>> No.16328506

Higher firepower sure, but higher torp I severely doubt it. In fact might have lower torp than Ayanami.

>> No.16328526
Quoted by: >>16328708

Yeah, he did. You can edit your custom CSS to get it back, but you can't for example Ctrl-F it.

Someone suggested "Here's your ................."

>> No.16328540

Read the OP faglord

>> No.16328708

Add this to custom CSS:

a.quotelink.ql-tracked:after {
content: " (You)";
.ql-tracked { border-bottom: none !important; text-decoration: underline !important }

Page 10 rule, fag.

>> No.16329396
Quoted by: >>16329649

Kadokawa is having a booth at C91. I think it was posted before, but here's the site for anyone that wants to go to thier booth and pay for thier exclusive Kancolle sawg.


>> No.16329649

Cygames is bringing it to kancolle in terms of activity right now

>> No.16330010

Last bits. I stopped here.

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25702350 (DA)


Red T clear:
