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File: 126 KB, 600x525, 7aa07a4d824b8ef5c0ff42df733f603b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15063763 No.15063763 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15089272

Incompetent edition.
Old thread >>15006242

>> No.15063800

Ryukishi is a witch.

>> No.15063833

I am a witch.

>> No.15063847


>> No.15063919


>> No.15064039
File: 583 KB, 480x640, 15753139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok want to be Lambda to hug Bern?

>> No.15064525

Why is Beato's furniture so dull?

>> No.15064571
Quoted by: >>15071229

Trianthology is the first 07th Expansion game that isn't directed by Ryukishi himself, right? I wonder if it will feel any different

>> No.15064701

What are Kinzo's ten desires?

>> No.15064876
File: 266 KB, 634x475, SUSPICIOUS BATTLER IS SUSPICIOUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ep 2 Battler cried when Rosa suspected him and was upset throughout due to having to suspect his family of murder. But in Ep 3 Battler is so quick to pose anyone as an accomplice so he can solve the closed room situation. What's up with that? .

>> No.15064930

shitty writer

>> No.15065452
Quoted by: >>15070029

Character progression. Battler realizes between episode two and three that if he wants to end up winning against Beatrice, he's going to have to be realistic and suspect others.

>> No.15066338

I wonder how that translation is progressing.

>> No.15066978
File: 101 KB, 500x500, 1457468571866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Lambda's tongue taste like if you bit it off?

>> No.15066982


>> No.15067967

Worse than bern's

>> No.15068400
Quoted by: >>15070029

Battler clearly went through character development after having lost hard core in the second game. He's been hardening himself the entire episode. By the time that scene came around he was prepared to point to whoever was the killer, and defeat Eva-Beatrice. Battler's had a very consistent character progression the entire series

>> No.15068542
File: 306 KB, 820x975, kinzo_ushiromiya_vector_by_ludek_cortex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much was wrong with the Studio DEEN adaptation of Seacats? Everyone hates on it hard without explaining anything. The way I see it, it isn't a 1:1 adaptation but I've seen much worse.

>> No.15068809
File: 241 KB, 584x385, Composers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone were wondering, the two Japanese names on the list of composers are Luck Ganriki and Rokugen Alice

>> No.15068864
Quoted by: >>15069026

The feeling I have is that it looks like a cheap adaptation for the hahaha.wav *cackle* *cackle* exaggerated fanservice on boobs. I don't know. Feels dumb.

>> No.15068865
File: 254 KB, 768x256, 1432441247439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15069026

It had no good qualities other than the voice acting, the pacing was shit and they handled all the scenes building character terribly or just skipped them entirely, so it was hard to feel attached to any of them when they got killed. It was just awkward all around, plus the animation and color schemes were hideous during most parts so watching it for the visuals was out of the question. The only thing that made it memorable was the gore/Maria and how bad it was.

It did give birth to the damedame subs version though, so it's not all that bad.

>> No.15068902

Country Girl's version of Rika is literally just Erika, at least when she is being more civil in front of the adults, with Bern's hair and smirk. I'm looking forward to seeing how sadistic she acts in the zombie timeline.

Also I like how Inaba gives the girls the finger after the goal

>> No.15068942
File: 121 KB, 603x155, Artists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm at it, the two artists aside from Ryukishi are Tatsuhiko (who's currently doing the Country Girl manga) and Itou Fumi (who drew the Umineko Tsubasa manga)

>> No.15068958
Quoted by: >>15068972

>I'm looking forward to seeing how sadistic she acts in the zombie timeline.
I don't think the three stories have the same characters. At least not according to this


>> No.15068972

That doesn't mean they won't show up at some point later in the story. Especially if Ryu's meta mentality gets his way.

>> No.15068986
File: 178 KB, 650x924, 5579071p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15069195

>with Bern's hair and smirk
You mean her? I don't think she has either of those anymore

>> No.15069026

When you consider the fetishy concepts of the stakes' outfits and the existence of Gaap, you'd figure that R07 may have even liked how it turned out. (I'm probably wrong though.)

The pacing felt just about the same in the manga to me. I was disappointed that a lot of the goofier scenes were omitted from the anime. And you could really only feel for the characters once a bit of their backstories were revealed anyway. I know what you mean though. ShaKanon's developments were really lackluster. But on the other hand, it felt like the animators had a bias for Rosa/Maria.

Either way I'm forever salty that Erika and D'lanor will never be animated.

>> No.15069195
File: 235 KB, 650x924, 5646362p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs to be translated. If I understand it right, she colored her hair blonde for some reason? Also, she's really fucking hot now, holy shit

>> No.15069692

Is there a working character sorter for Umineko/WTC anymore?

>> No.15069715
File: 68 KB, 177x219, sostupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15069941


What kind of hack writing is this?

>> No.15069941
Quoted by: >>15069979

That was only in ep 4, and here's how I see it. I don't think bribed is the right word, I always thought they were threatened to play along with Yasu's game. Since you know, threatened they were going to be killed. It was a pretty obvious conclusion to come to. I mean Jessica and Kyrie were both held at gunpoint while on the phone, they probably had a script to read off of. Kumasawa is always in on it, Ghouda was probably bribed/Threatened to play along when talking to the cousins, Krauss was probably threatened to recount a bullshit story to Jessica too. It makes sense that they'd play along with that little stunt, considering they really were being picked off one by one.

>> No.15069979
Quoted by: >>15070210

>I always thought they were threatened to play along with Yasu's game
Have you read the manga? Yasu says that it's easy to bribe the adults since they all have money problems, and that most of the accomplices thought they were just playing a game

>> No.15070029

Thanks. Now that you point it out, I can see that.

>> No.15070049

Not sure if people have commented about it in previous threads, but does anyone here who knows japanese read Iwaihime? If so, how was it?

>> No.15070087
File: 504 KB, 1094x1063, Lucifer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15071291

>> No.15070210


I know that they all need the money but it's too ridiculous to think that they'd start some circular firing squad in the dining room for the first twilight. It's even more unbelievable that they'd just stand around and let Yasu kill 6 of them.

>> No.15070272
File: 899 KB, 1440x2048, img000017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15089291

As you can see here, Kyrie, Krauss, Nanjo and the others weren't in the dining room when they were killed. They were probably taken to different places, and might not even have known that Yasu and Genji killed the others first

>> No.15070538

Which witch would you hitch?

>> No.15070589

This whole premise could have been avoided if Battler went to Rosa after falling out with his parents. From there, he would have several options:

>Return to the island earlier
>Fill Rosa's void (platonically or not)
>Fill Maria's void (in case his canon advances had any seriousness to them)
>All of the above.

I can't be the only one who thought about that.

Actually I forgot whether or not it was specified where Battler lived during that timeframe.

>> No.15070594
Quoted by: >>15070613


Everything could have been avoided if either Rosa OR Natsuhi hadn't fucked everything up, too.

>> No.15070613
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, yami wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely everything could have been avoided if Kinzo hadn't went full OH DESIRE

>> No.15070645

>Actually I forgot whether or not it was specified where Battler lived during that timeframe.
He lived with his grandparents on Asumu's side

>> No.15070776
File: 62 KB, 127x280, yo boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to use Battler's original palette swap in CROSS?

It's so much better than the new one he got. Nigga looks sweet as fuck.

>> No.15071197

Yasu didn't kill anyone in the dining room until near the end. I believe he asked the 6 people to stay in the room and not move, then he came back and killed them later.

Remember that none of the deaths in EP4 were confirmed in red until the end when Battler saw them all.

>> No.15071211
Quoted by: >>15072088

Are either of them known?

>> No.15071229

TRI was mostly written by Ryukishi and was supposed to be released in Winter 2014 (Jesus, so long ago) but Ryukishi got sick during the final weeks before RGD got released and he had to push back the product. So he got the solution of letting Romeo and that other guy who wrote Rewrite to write two thirds of the story, with the outlines mostly already done.
Ryukishi is very likely directing this story, plus it gave him more room to write other stories which are being released this year.

>> No.15071291
Quoted by: >>15071313

The queen herself.

>> No.15071313
File: 2.85 MB, 2256x2256, don't you enjoy bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15071745

How hard would you bully her?

>> No.15071745
Quoted by: >>15071886

Lucifer was made for bullying.

>> No.15071886
File: 2.57 MB, 2240x2240, bullying is amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True but you didn't answer the question.

>> No.15072049

>Ryukishi is very likely directing this story
But he isn't, it says on the website that the director is Nakao Boushi

>> No.15072088

Luck Ganriki worked on Umineko and Higanbana, and both of them worked on Rose Guns Days. Not sure what else they've done

>> No.15072211
File: 278 KB, 918x900, dat crossover picture everybody post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Bern and Lambda known to the Touhous? And if yes, which Touhous and what are their feelings about them?

>> No.15072319
File: 222 KB, 428x600, eri_a11_futeki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an pure Umineko fantasy-versus-truth scenario happening right now quite close to where I live. In Loch Ness in Scotland an underwater robotic drone has been deployed with an aim to utterly eradicate the Devil's Proof argument of whether the Loch Ness Monster "Nessie", a folklore sea creature believed to be descended from the dinosaurs and I believe actually mentioned by name in Umineko at one point, exists or not. It is currently scanning the entire length, breadth and depth of the loch with 'cutting-edge technology'. If nothing is found, then even the Devil's Proof argument itself will be broken and the monster will be declared as non-existent.

Hilariously, in it's search it found a fake Nessie model used in a Sherlock Holmes movie of all things. Subsequently I believe I have a name for this robot. I shall call it Erika.

>> No.15072598
Quoted by: >>15073605

What's the point of this?

>> No.15072779

>So he got the solution of letting Romeo and that other guy who wrote Rewrite to write two thirds of the story, with the outlines mostly already done.
Do you have a source on that? I though Romeo and Tonokawa worked on it from the start

>> No.15073072
File: 332 KB, 733x1080, x0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full Hotarubi chapter with all 62 pages, in Korean.

Apparently there are 2 suns now or something like that

>> No.15073605

To take horror to new levels.

>> No.15074051
Quoted by: >>15074189

Now that I think of it, the list is exactly the same as Rose Guns Days', just without Funczion SOUNDS

>> No.15074189

Rose Guns Days' soundtrack was really good, and they've been working on this fucking game for like 4 years, so I expect some good tracks

>> No.15074227
Quoted by: >>15074241

Why didn't they use red ink for the red truth in the English localization?
I heard they explain it in the back of volume 4 (turn vol 2), but i don't have that yet so

>> No.15074241
Quoted by: >>15075429

Printing color is expensive. The japanese volumes don't have color either

>> No.15074464 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 960x690, 1460602618927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15076798

Would you?

>> No.15075429
Quoted by: >>15075433

Especially when all you print is some text in red. At that point you might as well shell out even more money for a full color manga.

>> No.15075433

Even if it is more expensive than BW, two-tone printing is way cheaper than full color pages.

>> No.15076128

>There will never be an OMK CROSS 2 with a third Battler, Gaap, Maria and Kinzo that turns into a dragon for his meta super as playable characters.

>> No.15076402

Can anyone explain to me the deal with Featherine memory device broke = Hanyuu?

>> No.15076425

Her memory device kind of looks like horns, and Hanyuu's left horn has a crack in it

>> No.15076473

They have some other similarities as well, just read this


>> No.15076475
Quoted by: >>15076485

But how did it work through the story, like Virgillia and Beatrice mentor-student interaction is actually just that old servant girl who likes to give advice.

>> No.15076485

I don't think it has anything to do with the story, it's just a reference to Higurashi

If anything, her broken memory device is probably supposed to represent Battler losing his memories

>> No.15076798

Makes sense with tits that size.

>> No.15077363

But then you wouldn't have 19 characters, and that wouldn't work for symbolic reasons

I would love to see another fighting game on OMK's vein if 07th Expansion ever comes out with another VN of Seacat's scope.

>> No.15078464

I want to play as Featherine

>> No.15080130 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 700x700, c65f4e265ec1cc4741ac54d7220e0daf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080278

Simple. In Higurashi, Featherine was playing a game against Lambda. However, Lambda managed to break her memory device and slip a poison. This made Featherine go to sleep and left her the broken piece (Hanyuu) limited power to help Rika win the game. This is greater emphasized as the piece and witch being unable to communicate and coordinate, which is why Hanyuu isn't able to help out much. This is also why Hanyuu has a broken horn piece.
In Hou, it's explained that power in the meta is accumulated through fear, paranoia and conspiracies anchored through a proxy in the real world (a maiden). This is how Hanyuu got the power to jump kakera without the help of a higher being in the meta, like Featherine, though this kept Hanyuu in the middle of the meta and the physical world. It's also interesting how it's a similar way to who the Youkai in Higanbana get their power, through fear and people talking about the mysteries in the school.
I find it funny that because people talked badly about Hanyuu, the thing she hated the most about her past, she was able to use that power to give Rika a chance at her happiness.

>> No.15080139
File: 10 KB, 692x140, featherine vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15080165 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 724x1068, Featherine-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084050

I'm still trying to think of ways to kill Featherine. My ultimate end scenario as the last thing Ryukishi ever writes is a story in which all the characters he's ever written get together to destroy the author in a meta crossover finale for all the suffering he's caused them.
Just Featherine literally destroying everyone one by one until she's defeats and everyone gets a happy end. And Ryukishi never writes a story again, then dies shortly afterwards.

The only problem is that I can't think of a way to kill Featherine. How the fuck do you kill someone who's essentially god?

>> No.15080167
Quoted by: >>15080183

But can she beat Demonbane?

>> No.15080171
Quoted by: >>15080176

Don't bring that powerlevel shit here, retard.

>> No.15080176
File: 7 KB, 631x113, erika furudo is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just found it funny how it's suggesting "vs goku" over "vs lambadelta".

>> No.15080183 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15080273

Ehh, it ends as a tie. The problem with Featherine versus Demonbane is that it never ends. It actually goes against one of the few weaknessess Featherine has, namely rationality. Demonbane essentially can spawn anything and everything to counter whatever from nothingness itself. So is Featherine just writes ''Demonbane will stop existing'', a Demonbane will just create a Demonbane that will make it so that it's unaffected somehow. And it will go on ad neuseum. You cannot destroy nothingness.
So you have Featherine endlessly destroying Demonbane and Demonbane endlessly countering being destroyed and being unable to destroy Featherine because she can write off whatever attacks it throws at her.
In the end, it's a stalemate with arguably a slight loss for Featherine.

>> No.15080208
File: 137 KB, 454x340, I did not get this from tumblr I swear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best pokemon

>> No.15080212 [DELETED] 

It's obviously batman.

>> No.15080216 [DELETED] 

Could Erika figure out the secret identity of Batman?

>> No.15080273
Quoted by: >>15080284

Featherine stops at the last realm of The Creator (allegedly the creator of the entire Umineko omniverse). Meanwhile EG Demonbane beat up its creator (Azathoth, creator of the entire Demonbane Omniverse) into submission by turning it into a giant glowiing stick and Demonbane VB from another universe ended up killing Azathoth and killed its own Omniverse too.
By feats description, Demonbane > Featherine.
Call me back when Featherine can seal its Creator into her pen and use it to write story.

>> No.15080278

So their relation is a meta and game piece?
I thought they are literally the same person.

>> No.15080284 [DELETED] 

Featherine can likely just write ''put Azathoth into a box and make him sleep forever''.
I don't see how that makes Featherine lesser than Demonbane. You're counting only feats as a measure of which is better rather than how the two would fare in a fight.

No, they are different people. They basically have the same relationship as Bernkastel has with Erika except if Bernkastel fucked off forever and had to rely on Maria to solve everything.

>> No.15080288






Do you remember how there were katana cuts on Hanyuu’s horns? With that blow, “her” memory device broke down, and there was a bug in her existence. Because of that, she became a character with a completely different identity from Featherine… or there may or may not have been a hidden scenario like that…

I thought that if Demonbane break Fetherine memory device, she will reverts to Hanyuu.

>> No.15080316 [DELETED] 

After the device was broken once, Lambda says it's impossible to break again.
Arguably, it's Featherine's only weak spot but Demonbane creating a Demonbane to destroy the memory device is countered by Featherine writing that this Demonane's effort are worthless, which is countered by another Demonbane, etc etc.
You get my point.

>> No.15080318

Azathoth is of the equal level as The Creator in Uminekoverse. Something beyond dimension and concept and everything else (which consist of infinite multiverse) in their respective series.
If Featherine can't even reach the Realm of The Creator (she only touched the last boundary because if she contiunes, she will become nothingness / her existence will be gone) but Demonbane weaker form already entered the state of nothingness and non-existance from Zanma Taisei and said Demonbane can beat the creator of Demonbaneverse.

>> No.15080320

Well done faggot.

>> No.15080331

Please stop

>> No.15080342 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15080353

That's just syllogism.
>Demonbane defeated a Creator level being
>Featherine is not a Creator level
>therefore Demonbane can defeat Featherine
Just because Demonbane is able to remove a creature on the level of a The Creator doesn't mean it's able to remove Featherine.
Being from nothingness allows Demonbane the ability to not be defeated but it doesn't give it the power to destroy Featherine.

>> No.15080343
File: 77 KB, 396x400, bernkastel MOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080354

well shit

At least the thread is moving again.

>> No.15080345


Excerpt from Lambda vs. Featherine in EP8:

The horseshoe-shaped memory storage device floating around Featherine’s head.
Without that, she couldn’t maintain her existence.
It’d be impossible to destroy it, …but if she could manage to hit it, …she might be able to cause a bug in the memory device. There had been one time in the past when Featherine’s memory device had taken damage, and a changed personality had been brought about.

Is that even done by Lambda in the past? The conversation doesn't seem to indicate it. Somebody else broke Featherine's memory device.

Do note Ryukishi words on >>15080288
> there was a bug in her existence
>she became a character with a completely different identity from Featherine
It implied that their relationship is not simply meta witch->gamepiece
It kinda means she become something completely not Featherine. Not just hurr she sleep.

>> No.15080349
Quoted by: >>15080377

To be fair, it wasn't really his fault, he just posted a screenshot. It's everyone elses fault for starting a discussion about it

>> No.15080353
Quoted by: >>15080376

>Demonbane who has the powerlevel of a child can beat the policemen in his story. This policemen has the same powerlevel as the policemen in Umineko.
>Featherine who has the powerlevel of a child can't beat the policemen in her story. THis policemen has the same powerlevel as the policemen in Demonbane.
>Therefore Demonbane can beat Featherine.
Why is it so hard for you?

And Featherine simply can't write anything to happen to Demonbane since Demonban has a powerful immune to any form of supernatural influences and acausal. It means her writing will become a fanfiction in front of Demonbane.

>> No.15080354
Quoted by: >>15080373

At least it's not as bad as rikafag and juliette together.

>> No.15080373
Quoted by: >>15080382

At least I could sleep assured that all Rikafag posts would be gone by the time I woke up.

>> No.15080376 [DELETED] 

As I said, Featherine simply cannot defeat Demonbane but it does not mean that it can defeat Featherine.

>> No.15080377
File: 14 KB, 538x138, umineko is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still should have seen it coming. All the silence meant everyone was bored out of their minds with nothing better to do.
Featherine never gets anything nice posted about her.

>> No.15080382 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 517x517, is that so-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080392

Pffft, you wish.

>> No.15080392

Oh no, it's just getting worse

>> No.15080396

Just report and ignore.

>> No.15080397 [DELETED] 

You just think that because you can't discern my posts in these threads.

>> No.15080399
File: 60 KB, 639x479, erika shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080410

I can also add Erikaposting to the thread.

>> No.15080410 [DELETED] 

One can only ponder how much Erikaposting contributes to the overall enjoyability of these threads. It must be quite high indeed.

>> No.15080411

This thread needs to get back on track. Post your favorite WTC opening/ending


>> No.15080431 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 744x819, smilling rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082669

Hou has arguably the best WtC opening ever. It represents Higurashi in its entirety.


My favorite non-WtC opening is the one for Higanbana. It perfectly captures loneliness, bullying and sadness in a school.


How can Ryukishi be so godlike in his taste for openings?

>> No.15080606
Quoted by: >>15080645

>Featherine never gets anything nice posted about her.

Featherine is the biggest shit in WTC.

>> No.15080645
File: 30 KB, 205x305, bern meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080734

Even Bern sometimes gets praised or intrigues people.
When's the last time someone said anything nice about Featherine? And I don't mean bragging about her insane powers.

>> No.15080708
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_mcpry5AI6n1rc0lzwo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Featherine is total shit, that's why. And I don't mean shit in a good way like Erika or Bern, she's just shit in a "Would improve the story by not existing at all" kind of way.

If she were cute or anything that could be considered remotely fappable I'd forgive it, but she's not.

>> No.15080712


>> No.15080721
File: 401 KB, 1000x1000, 54727950_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080764

Yeah, so what?

>> No.15080728
File: 29 KB, 197x226, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15080764

Honestly, the parts with Ikuko were really boring. I remember wanting to hold Ctrl to skip through it.
I'd say something nice if I could remember more about her. I'm rereading the whole thing and I'm on Episode 3 still.

>> No.15080734
Quoted by: >>15080764

>When's the last time someone said anything nice about Featherine?
She's kind of pretty, I guess. That's a good thing, right?

>> No.15080739
File: 308 KB, 1000x1000, d10888657c36e4e1b73d06cc4c87dcd54322c20d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr is accepted in seacats because they have some good content for us sometimes

>> No.15080746
Quoted by: >>15080747

Dude at least change the filename

>> No.15080747

Dude at least try not to act like a fucking autist

>> No.15080755

Where do you think we are autist?

>> No.15080757


You need to read the filename everytime or something?

>> No.15080764 [DELETED] 
File: 3.41 MB, 1600x1200, tea party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is pretty. That's not a compliment.

I personally find them interesting but they do get loooong and drag forever. It gives interesting opinions of truth, what it means to be a selfish author (which, every author is, to a degree or another) and more truth.

>so what
There's a difference between getting your content from Tumblr (no one really cares, but just don't keep the goddamn filename, it makes everyone act retarded at the mere sight) because everyone gets their content from everywhere and no one cares. But to get the goddamn CG from tumblr and say that they have good content is disingenuous. You could have gotten it anywhere, not content made and posted on tumblr, but simply that you got the CG from tumblr because you were too lazy to get it somewhere else.

>> No.15080766

fuck off rikafag

>> No.15081454
Quoted by: >>15081502

>>15080739 isn't even me, man. What the hell are you on about?

>> No.15081502 [DELETED] 

I did not imply that you were the same person, only stating that although there is nothing wrong with posting content from tumblr, removing the name is a thing everyone should do.

>> No.15082015
File: 989 KB, 658x1024, jhgfdcfghjiuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or is the mascot for TRianThology clothes in her original design is more badass.

>> No.15082044

Is it just me or does death (from stupefaction) make a better song to play when finding murders than rahugoldenslaughterer?

>> No.15082056

Oh, good. So that's how it works.
Is she actually flat? I thought Ryukishi drew her. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.15082071


>> No.15082143 [DELETED] 

She looks more like Cinderella than Alice imo.
I like both, though the arm things are a bit worse in that one than the other.

>> No.15082184
Quoted by: >>15082230

That's not from Trianthology. It's from some Rozen Maiden contest, where the winners would get their designs featured in the actual manga or something

>> No.15082230
Quoted by: >>15082270

Oh, but Ryukishi drew her, right? If so, we at least know he just added some changes to the offit for her in Trianthology.

>> No.15082270

>Oh, but Ryukishi drew her, right?
Yeah, he drew it. I just wanted to point out that it isn't actually from Trianthology, since I've seen people on tumblr pass it off as a new character from the game before

>> No.15082669
Quoted by: >>15082739


The one bad thing about Hou's OP is that it outright spoils the story for people who haven't played it yet. That irks me.

I love the percussion in the 2nd half of Higanbana's OP. It feels like rolling waves.

>> No.15082689

Those clothes look pretty good desu

>> No.15082739 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 848x480, just rena being rena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it outright spoils the story
I would say that it summarizes the story and only people who know the story understand. I mean, Hanyuu's reflection in the water? Takano's black dress? What does it mean?? It's not enough to spoil anything imo.

Though if I were to cheat, I would argue that the anime openings for Higurashi are still godtier.

The first one is mysterious, bloody, unknown and paranoia inducing, which is basically ep 1-6 in a nutshell.


Kai really just focuses on a single episode and it perfectly encapsulates Rika's suffering, struggles and loneliness. It's no longer about the mystery but the suffering of Rika.


Then you got Rei, which starts off ominous and weary before becoming upbeat and optimistic, much like how Rika was still cynical and had to chose to accept her single life and be happy with it. I also find it funny that Rika is riding a bicycle. Reminds me of that quote that life is like riding a bicycle and you keep your balance and keep moving.


And then you get Kira, which is Higurashi returning to its roots. Namely Happy! Lucky! Dochy! YES YES YES


Can it be argued that the anime openings are the best openings?

>> No.15082795
File: 168 KB, 329x331, iuyghjkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not going to hear anything about MangaGamer's 'updated' Umineko until next year, won't we?

>> No.15082884
File: 76 KB, 848x960, 1250709876992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15083428

I get that they have very limited resources but being an animationfag, I can't help but cringe at all the Aftereffects shit. The song is catchy though. And I love the part with the island in the beginning

>> No.15083445
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, molestering the furniture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15083452
Quoted by: >>15084249

Taishou-A best ED.


>> No.15083455
Quoted by: >>15083471

Ooh! I really like the Rei opening and your description of it!

>> No.15083463
Quoted by: >>15083471

>the message of Higurashi is to reach out for support from your friends and not suffer in quiet
>get inspired playing it
>still isolate self as life gets worse
It's such a good message and so beautifully taught, but I just can't out that advice into practice. I'm sorry, Ryukishi!

>> No.15083471

>Replying to that shitposter who ruined the previous thread

>> No.15083509
File: 746 KB, 2000x1430, img000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15088575

I've had fun in the past threads and haven't noticed a problem. Regardless if someone did something you didn't like, they can still make good posts or be engaged in conversation. Let's all get along, shall we?

>> No.15083512
File: 400 KB, 638x476, 2016-03-08 05_23_08-Umineko no Naku Koro ni, Patch v4.4 by The Witch Hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi could have prevented all of this at several times in the story.
Also, did Kinzo really respect her or was that just her Yasu-level delusions?

>> No.15083522
Quoted by: >>15083687

Kinzo never respected her (I think Bern says this in Red) and yes she could have probably prevented everything, especially if she hadn't chucked the baby off the cliff.

>> No.15083557


>> No.15083687

Which will lead Lion to be appointed as the next head and Kyrie to play her FPS game.

Nippon is obviously the one at fault here for joining the Axis.

>> No.15083793
Quoted by: >>15095001

But that's not Juju, and she promised to leave us alone for now.

>> No.15083841
File: 91 KB, 512x1536, 143135u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a Let's Play of Higurashi or Umineko be a bad idea? Like doing different voices for the characters and occasionally commenting.

>> No.15083871
File: 398 KB, 633x475, umm ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15083950

What did she mean by this?

>> No.15083950 [DELETED] 

Suede tried doing something like that when ep 1 was released on Steam before quitting because not enough people watched. It was him giving voices in a decent speed without fucking up, giving his opinion and reaction to the story and characters while reading. I found it fun while it lasted.

That rape is the ultimate tool for bullying.

>> No.15083975 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15089316

Why would Kinzo ever respect her?
Look at it from his point of view. He 'won' her by basically ruining her family financially to the point where they were forced to give him their daughter just to not live on the streets. Then he makes her marry Krauss (still unsure why, was Krauss unable to find a girl? Was he too beta or did Kinzo just want to add salt to the victory by making her a slave to marriage?) and she fits Kinzo's patriarchal view of the sole role women should take; childcaring, not talking and opening their legs on command.
What part of Natsuhi would anyone respect? Being a good mother? Only Krauss and Jessica could respect that. Hell, just look how illiterate Jessica ended up being. It could be argued that she wasn't a good mother at all.
She was a worthless woman, undeserving of the family brand.

>> No.15084050
Quoted by: >>15084068

featherine is not even real

I hate that fucking powerlevel chart that places her next to LoN, you know, an actual multiversal creator deity, so fucking much.

>> No.15084068
Quoted by: >>15084070

>an actual multiversal creator deity, so fucking much.
I hate to break it to you, but he's not real either.

>> No.15084070 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 460x690, ohh ho ho ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084072

Doh ho ho

>> No.15084072
Quoted by: >>15084089

Pick one.

>> No.15084089 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 630x420, ryukishi meet rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084262

The only real person is Rika.

>> No.15084249

Personal favorite of mine as well. Soft and emotional. Lovely song.

>> No.15084262
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, Rika JAV starring Goro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15085394
File: 459 KB, 1000x4446, 1444077872243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15085411
Quoted by: >>15085439

I just wanted to say that you're cool people and not goats. You've all read Umineko and appreciated it anons. You are cool people. Keep it up. You're great.

>> No.15085439 [DELETED] 

Shut up Ryukishi and go write more.

>> No.15085453

Speaking of goats, which ending did you all choose first?
Magic or Trick?

>> No.15085459 [DELETED] 

Trick, obviously. I always play bad ends first when I get the feeling that it might be a bad end.

>> No.15085461
Quoted by: >>15085466

I am drunk and I literally can't read this font. Literally. My mind and my eyes seem to decide to do everything but reading this font. I've tried for 10 minutes straight but I can't read it.

Please change the fond. I'm sure it is a fun a comic about something or another. But please, think of all the drunk men out there. They don't want tot suffer like I do.

>> No.15085465

I chose Trick first, but only because it was obvious that Magic would be the good ending, so I saved it for last

>> No.15085466

Lay off the absinthe, Kinzo.

>> No.15085512


>> No.15085641

They could probably go into the Kakera where Evangelion is happening or whatever. Watching evangelion seems quaint when you can meet Gendo in person.

>> No.15085716
Quoted by: >>15085719

Can the roleplaying faggots please go back to /a/? This board is autistic, but at least we have standards.

>> No.15085719


>> No.15085742

Magic because I didn't want to ruin the mood.

>> No.15085892


There was some leaked screenshots from mangagamer's image directory in the vntls a couple months back showing that they had inserted the new art

>> No.15086119
File: 100 KB, 850x546, beatolamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15086738
File: 1.51 MB, 800x1143, witches and woodlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave this a read. Some of the memes are dated, but I still enjoyed it enough. Anyone else checked it out?

>> No.15086808

I think or af least hope most here have checked it out.

It was pretty amusing for what it was.

A deconstruction of the dnd genre if you will. Ha!

>> No.15087117
Quoted by: >>15087149

Why would they be releasing Umineko when Higurashi isn't finished yet?

>> No.15087124

The one thing I'd say about LPs of VNs: Don't narrate the text. The voice acting that youtubers do is usually obnoxious. Just let the viewers read the text, and narrate your own thoughts on top of it (Warning: You will actually have to have interesting thoughts to make that work).

>> No.15087149

Why not? Higurashi won't be finished for years anyway

>> No.15087470

I read it back when 3.0 was out. I remember it was fun to read and the style felt pretty faithful to the original. It's been ages since I read it so maybe I'll re-read it after I finish re-reading the VNs.

>> No.15087555
Quoted by: >>15087572

There's actually one guy who's been doing a Let's Play of Umineko for a while now, currently near the end of Episode 5.

>> No.15087572
Quoted by: >>15087658

Wow, he started it in October 2014 and he's still going. That's kind of impressive

>> No.15087575 [DELETED] 

Watched it on youtube a long while back. It perfectly captured the spirit and characterization of the cast to the point that it made me realize that Umineko really had very well written characters all around.

>> No.15087576

Why didn't George ever cop a feel? Imagine all of the trouble that could have been avoided.

>> No.15087658

Yeah, It's been going faster now that he's started doing livestreams to cover 2-3 hours at once, but even then it'll probably be another year or so until he finishes.

>> No.15087700
File: 38 KB, 635x475, eva laying down the hurt on ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva > Rosa
Like her witch side, she has a sadistic streak. And while Rosa is stern, angry and cold while beating her kid, Eva really feels it.

>> No.15087756

In the beginning of act 4, is Ange imagining spending time with Maria because she is reading the diary?

>> No.15087769
Quoted by: >>15087781

So I just finished this, and it was overall pretty good but it had a lot of dull moments due to, in my opinion, consistent bad choices in plot devices that people ignore because of an overestimation of Ryukishi's abilities as a writer.

I have no interest in discussing or debating any of these plot devices, but does anyone else feel the same?

>> No.15087781
File: 292 KB, 633x477, engrish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087814

I mean, yeah. I kind of take Ryukishi's writing with a grain of salt because it's moreso his subject matter that he writes about that's brilliant. Not necessarily his technique, or how he structures the plot. The overall story/concept makes up for a few boring parts and asspulls.

>> No.15087814 [DELETED] 

I think he purposefully writes that way. I'm just unsure if he decided his prose that way because of Nasu or just because he wants to to slowly get the reader to understand through repeating the same thing three times before moving on.
His analogies and metaphors are my favorite parts of his writing. Like in Higanbana where he just randomly makes a clock to be a sadistic shit.

>> No.15087954

So does Beatrice have a dick?
Does that make Battler gay?

>> No.15087958 [DELETED] 

>So does Beatrice have a dick?
Better question, does she wear panties under that dress?

>> No.15087964

I can't believe it took you so long to figure it out.

>> No.15088052
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1459635354164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15088071

Do you think Yasu ever got wasted off Kinzo's absinthe?

>> No.15088071 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 257x249, 1337989198087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine Jessica drinking hard and passing out on the floor, hidden in some far off room because she doesn't want to be cause. And Kanon having to undress her, put on her pajamas and then tucking her to bed.

>> No.15088072 [DELETED] 

doesn't want to be caught*

>> No.15088575

The trick ending is the true ending.

>> No.15088609

I've never noticed the chanting before. Pretty spooky


>> No.15089272
Quoted by: >>15089319

Is Battler just resting his head on the table or is he checking out Anges Anges there?

>> No.15089291

I just can't see Yasu gunning down Jessica, George and Maria face to face in cold blood. Those three never did anything evil to her.

>> No.15089316

Still a better parent than Kinzo, thats for sure.

>> No.15089319

He's resting his head on the table, you pervert.

>> No.15089340

It was quite hillarious.
>Erika powergaming
>Jessica pickpocketing Satan
>all that 4th wall breaking
>Maria and Jessica trolling Erikain the bossfight

>> No.15089345
File: 440 KB, 716x499, 1458459528815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasu is just kinda a total bitch.

>> No.15089372
File: 69 KB, 571x427, 4a568776abda4495587a8dc19214021587300caf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her reaction when she wakes up, sees the pyjamas and realizes that this MIGHT be Kanons work would be priceless.

>> No.15089392
File: 396 KB, 900x1317, img000031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just being a selfish cunt

>> No.15089476
File: 201 KB, 800x800, 1433966564660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15089513
File: 348 KB, 790x790, I tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15089576
File: 67 KB, 624x800, 4107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15089825

The ones with Erika are the best

>> No.15089828
File: 604 KB, 1000x1450, I_change_my_mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Yasu never actually got a chance to put their plan into action, so we don't know if they would have been able to go through with it.

>> No.15090048
File: 1.76 MB, 1080x5906, mystery_of_the_umbrella_solved__by_rediidesu-d9kh3e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15093310

>> No.15090882

Would you have Erika sleep with you and your sister?

>> No.15091772

Sure, it sounds pretty great actually

>> No.15091882
File: 152 KB, 600x620, Sow-Hsin Chen (simplified Chinese 陈守信; traditional Chinese 陳守信; pinyin Chén shǒuxìn; born in Chia-yi, Taiwan), is an American physicist and Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15091935

As long as she doesn't talk too much.

>> No.15091935
Quoted by: >>15092222

And what would you want her to be doing? What if she's a real big snorer?

>> No.15092222
Quoted by: >>15093355

>And what would you want her to be doing?

She should be sleeping so I can touch her without a care in the world.

>> No.15093310 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15093350

Heh, it would be funny if literally every mystery and death was basically Kinzo throwing shit out of his window while screaming Beatrice.

>> No.15093312 [DELETED] 

Depends if I'm sleeping in a kingsized bed or a singlesized bed.
Erika should be content to sleeping on the floor however, like the good dog she is.

>> No.15093350
File: 434 KB, 800x800, 3d41dd091a38b39481f651f3b257087a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.15093355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15093366

>implying Erika wouldn't stay awake, watching you sleep

>> No.15093366
Quoted by: >>15093418

But that's what I'd be doing to her. Wouldn't we just be staring at each other awkwardly?

>> No.15093418 [DELETED] 

That sounds boring.
How about having slow sex while trying not to wake up your imouto?

>> No.15093434
Quoted by: >>15093480

>making Erika watch you have slow sex with your sleeping imouto
You monster.

>> No.15093459
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1459544714109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15093480

Why slow? If you want to make it exciting you gotta go all the way.

>> No.15093480 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1479x1080, smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh heh.

Because it's more exciting to see if you can get away with something without getting caught.
Slow sex is always the best and most exciting with sleeping people. If you go all the way, it's almost likely that you'll immediately wake her up.
Don't you want to slowly move, unsure whether any action you make might wake her up, as Erika slowly moans louder from masturbating?

>> No.15093481
Quoted by: >>15093503

How about having rough sex with both of them?

>> No.15093503 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15093515

>giving Erika what she wants

>> No.15093515
Quoted by: >>15093577

Erika doesn't want dick, unless you happen to be a Game Master.

>> No.15093577 [DELETED] 

Everyone who's finished reading Umineko is a Game Master, so of course she wants my dick. And possibly everyone else's dick.

>> No.15094881

So does that make Erika everybody's actual metafictional waifu?

>> No.15094912
File: 428 KB, 950x411, erikrazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 64 unique posters counted so far in this thread alone, that's a lot of dick.
Where would one even start?

>> No.15094914
File: 187 KB, 456x549, 20132203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095373

Her wanting everybody's dick doesn't make her anyone's waifu.

>> No.15094924

Absolutely disgusting! Truly horrifying! Immensely intolerable and vomit inducing!

>> No.15094937

No, it just means she's a slut

>> No.15094963
File: 445 KB, 957x690, The 1989 Pacific typhoon season has no official bounds; it ran year-round in 1989, but most tropical cyclones tend to form in the northwestern Pacific Ocean between May and November..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd start with OP, then the rest can jump in at their leisure.

>> No.15094998
File: 90 KB, 639x477, literal rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or she jumps onto others. Both work.

>> No.15095001 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 479x560, 1459322738234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for now.

>> No.15095015 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15095071

What an interesting thread you guys have here. So interesting and unique (sarcasm)

>> No.15095017

Someone really needs to make more hentai of Erika. There isn't nearly enough

>> No.15095039
File: 13 KB, 175x165, 1456042462730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't enough porn of anyone
>fat old men
>harem of stakes
>bunny girls
>cat shota
>femdom Beatrice
>femdom Erika
99% of all fetishes are canon and the rest could be explainded with "lol magic"
You could make whatever kind of porn you wanted withUmineko and it could still be plausible

>> No.15095059 [DELETED] 

There's nothing interesting here at the moment. Disappointing.

>> No.15095061

>femdom Erika

Erika is meant for dominating roughly and you know it

>> No.15095069
File: 360 KB, 935x632, 1455498843687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095090

And somehow Erika still has more good porn than Jessica, Lambda and especially Dlanor.

It's pretty distressing.

>> No.15095071
Quoted by: >>15095079

Twilight of the Golden Witch was released over 5 years ago. Almost everything that could be discussed has already been discussed by this point.

>> No.15095079 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, Happy-Mini-Rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095109

I'm talking to that shitty retarded piece of fucking shit who loves to bitch about me and the other idiot when this thread is the same shit. I find it very hypocrite. I truly hope he die in a fire Just kidding. No hard feelings~

>> No.15095090
Quoted by: >>15095150

Dlanor has porn? What about Cornelia and Gertrude?

>> No.15095099 [DELETED] 

At the beginning of the line, obviously.

No, that just makes her the town whore.

>> No.15095109
File: 145 KB, 640x480, requieseacat in pace .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that.
That one night was still fun.

>> No.15095123 [DELETED] 

Indeed, it was a delicious~ I remember that I was a little grumpy because I lost the game, but who cares.

>> No.15095140 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, breast envy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fun thread indeed.

>> No.15095146 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 390x351, Mini_Rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Hi.

>> No.15095150

>Dlanor has porn?

Sure. Not terribly much, but she's better off than Cornelia and Gertrude. Think I saw them in like two or three images total.


>> No.15095159
File: 142 KB, 420x600, Ange's Buns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095196


>> No.15095171

Remember to ignore and report

>> No.15095174

Reminder that Battler, Beatrice, Kinzo, Krauss, Natsuhi, Jessica, Eva, George, Kyrie, Rosa, Maria, Genji, Gohda, Kumasawa, the Italians, the Japanese, and/or Agatha Christie could have prevented the tragedy directly, indirectly, purposefully, accidentally and/or incidentally.

>> No.15095184 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 320x320, This is funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww~ Grumpy puppy is here to annoy as always.
I... emotions... you... <3

>> No.15095188
File: 573 KB, 2507x3541, 1456483571191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Yasu could have prevented the tragedy directly by just not being such an little bitch.

>> No.15095195
File: 45 KB, 238x300, ange of justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame Ange.

>> No.15095196 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15095205

But there still remains one major question.
Which is better, Teenage Ange's butt or loli Ange?

>> No.15095200 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, a gift for you...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, I don't really care. Open your gift, grumpy anon. Bye.

>> No.15095204 [DELETED] 

And goodnight to you, guys. Take care.

>> No.15095205
File: 125 KB, 300x314, 10924710924710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli Ange, duh.

>> No.15095321 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 402x423, Bern 18s924m5(44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095330

God can't kill me. I hope you remember that very well, you dumb dumb.

>> No.15095329 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 405x796, Bern 18s924m5(55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say that ;)

>> No.15095330
Quoted by: >>15095342

You can't kill which has no life.

>> No.15095342 [DELETED] 

I have a life, you dummy. I just like to play with anon sometimes.

>> No.15095355 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 476x372, Bern 18s924m5(45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095370

Now, for real, bye. I'm very sleepy.

>> No.15095370

Sleep and rest easy sea cat.

>> No.15095373
Quoted by: >>15095411

Can Dlanor be my waifu? We can talk about Knox.

>> No.15095411
File: 211 KB, 698x1000, 749df0b9f3283550b76ef0ac8b50e1f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have good taste, so I'll allow it.

>> No.15095452
File: 253 KB, 410x302, erika&#039;s chopsticks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095487

Could Erika stop a speeding bullet using chopsticks?

>> No.15095487 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15095493

I don't see how that's logically possible.
I mean, if it was Kinzo doing it, I wouldn't put it past him though.

>> No.15095493
File: 472 KB, 630x856, chopsticks manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095529

Why not? She's Mary Sue enough to pull it off.

>> No.15095529 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 252x252, 1461021013814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. Erika is a failed Mary Sue. She's smart and liked by everyone, however, she fails at everything.
Being a Mary Sue would probably be enough to accomplish any task, including stopping bullets with chopsticks. But not for Erika. She would fail without fail.
Because she's such a worthless piece.

>> No.15095580
Quoted by: >>15095620

She manages to solve the epitaph, has a name that's spelled a special way (ヱリカ with ヱ being a defunct character), manages to become a Witch of Truth, and Bernkastel chose her to "insert herself" into the story.
It's like she's deliberately a parody of Mary Sues. And I love it.

>> No.15095620 [DELETED] 

>She manages to solve the epitaph
No, she doesn't. Tohya narratively lets her 'solve' the epitaph by basically transporting Battler and Erika to the gold room, without explaining the answer, then lets Erika gloat how *she* solved it. Tohya just let the mystery fans on the internet skip the Epitaph because it was a bonus story for them.
She didn't solve jack shit. Which is funny because Goat-kun actually solved the Epitaph in ep 4.

>Bernkastel chose her to "insert herself" into the story.
Which is basically the literal definition of a Mary Sue, a person putting themselves into a story with bullshit amount of powers over everyone else.
She's a Mary Sue, but a failed one because although she's liked at first and seems to be smart, she just fails at everything.

Seriously, other than the obvious solving of the epitaph that you mentioned, what else has she even done in the whole story of note? Because she's a failed Mary Sue. So if I shot her, she would just die.

>> No.15095662
File: 728 KB, 1023x741, 1440055714893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095702

>So if I shot her, she would just die.
No, she wouldn't. she's already dead you monster please stop

>> No.15095667
File: 824 KB, 960x1394, 19203012312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15095702

>So if I shot her, she would just die.

>Shooting a corpse

For real though, shooting her isn't that easy

>> No.15095702 [DELETED] 

Exactly, I wouldn't miss.

>> No.15095716
File: 40 KB, 211x215, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Erika died for our sins

>> No.15095718
File: 388 KB, 900x1311, img000024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the Rosatrice theory explain this?

>> No.15095805 [DELETED] 

Hello, Rikafag.

>> No.15095829
Quoted by: >>15095840

I wanna fap

>> No.15095840 [DELETED] 

Then do it, dumbass. Come back when you have finished. I want to laugh at you.

>> No.15096132


>> No.15096214
File: 58 KB, 1024x938, perception of Beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15096901

cow tits

>> No.15096677
Quoted by: >>15096704

Just finished reading it all, what a fucking ride that was. I'm now reading each chapter's truth on the wiki, but I still don't really understand the "why dunnit". What exactly are Yasu's motives for commiting the murders if people don't solve the epitah on the first night? I know Yasu's fucked and Battler coming back when she's about to marry George may trigger her, but why kill everybody?

>> No.15096704

Pretty much everything is explained in Episode 7 and 8 of the manga, so you could just read that if you're still confused about something

>> No.15096901

It's magic, anon.

>> No.15096979

Seacats are for reading, not porning.

>> No.15097028
File: 333 KB, 640x480, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15097231
File: 22 KB, 450x496, 2djszdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15097234
Quoted by: >>15097245

Bern is kinda a jerk.

>> No.15097245
Quoted by: >>15097286

Nah, she's funny.

>> No.15097286
Quoted by: >>15097294

Funny in the head.

>> No.15097294

She's just a cat, anon. Are there such things as evil animals? I don't think so.

>> No.15097302
Quoted by: >>15097322

House cats especially kill for pleasure all the time.

>> No.15097322
File: 18 KB, 282x500, 1460793730137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15097353

>for pleasure
Are you sure? Cats are born with a hunting and chasing instinct. It's just a game for them. There is no evil in them, just a playful spirit.
We're quite alike.

>> No.15097353
File: 148 KB, 787x796, 1440401253503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hunting and murdering other living things is just a game to them
>Somehow not evil

>> No.15097363
File: 188 KB, 600x600, i&#039;ve seen enough shitposts to know where this is going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Life" is just a mode of existence, not a state of value. It is what a thing that lives does, can do, and might do that makes it worth preserving. Cats understand the true nature of reality. Cats understand the true nature of mice.

Fuck mice.

>> No.15097366
Quoted by: >>15100855

Don't give me that, anon. We kill, slaughter and cook thousands of animals per day. We're eating the whole world. A little mouse feels tiny compared to that.

>> No.15097392

You know, I'm not really serious. I love animals. I just don't like to think too much about it because the more I think, the more I realize how little is everything (even life), and then everything feels empty.

>> No.15097405

We just need to simply have fun and stop overthinking everything. Life is simple and comfy. Happy feelings~

>> No.15097582

Honestly, I don't think it can.
The solution is still the same. Someone pretended to be dead and killed Nanjo. The problem this red poses is that no one else but Yasu could have done it because it can only be solved with the alternate name to bypass the red.

Rosatrice maintains that the story doesn't rely on this ploy, and that Ryukishi is smarter than that so it must provide an alternate answer. And honestly, I don't see an answer.
I tried to think of some possible way but I can only think of some stupidity like
>George died next to Nanjo from bloodloss and as he fell, the gun hit the floor and randomly shot and hit Nanjo in the head
But that's stupid for many reasons.

This red simply rejects anyone else except Yasu.

>> No.15097586

Cats are very sadistic and selfish animals, with a sense of entitlement and mystery. It's the reason they were revered in some parts of the world as mystical in ancient times.

>animal acts similar to us
>Somehow evil
Isn't that interesting?

>> No.15097702

Doesn't the Rosatrice theory deny everything in the manga

>> No.15097789
File: 470 KB, 640x480, You can only trust the red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a certain degree, yes. But you cannot say for certain that everything shown in the manga concerning the truth of what Yasu felt isn't complete bullshit.

You have to trust the white text to understand the story but the story also makes it a point that you shouldn't completely believe everything as well. Rosatrice theory just says that it's bullshit meant as a red herring because it's shows everyone as complete idiots, and only idiots would believe that everyone acted retarded the entire story.

To the Rosatrice theory, accepting Shkannon is like accepting the witch and stop thinking. I also don't entirely understand why people dismiss the Rosatrice theory since it basically goes ''yeah, Shkanon has some flaws, but it was all intended'' without saying that the theory is shit, just a red herring. And everyone goes apeshit over it.

>> No.15097801
File: 1.74 MB, 1004x2880, rosatrice complilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, to expand, the Rosatrice theory simply denies the end portion of the manga showing the struggles concerning Yasu.

>> No.15098012

tfw no Erika erper for a bunch of us Anons to rail

>> No.15098026
File: 674 KB, 799x666, 14609016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15098389

I'm a Bern erper.

>> No.15098091
File: 170 KB, 400x638, ERIKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15098698


>> No.15098126
Quoted by: >>15098398

Why do people waste their time doing that?

>> No.15098316
File: 143 KB, 1000x800, 2exwq3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15098367

why bother with Erika when there are the stakes?

>> No.15098367
Quoted by: >>15098385

The Stakes are like the girls you circle each week every night to keep things interesting. Erika is the trophy wife you hang on a wall.

>> No.15098385
File: 41 KB, 379x419, erika&#039;s bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15098473

More like you're the trophy she hangs on her wall.

>> No.15098389
Quoted by: >>15098422

Me too

>> No.15098398

Because text erotica is incredibly exciting. Stimulates the imagination and puts you yourself into the situation. If anything it's more creative and better than porn.

>> No.15098409
File: 664 KB, 1141x1158, looking down on you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other words... It's the best you have for the moment, right? Virgin

>> No.15098417

I'm just joking, nerd. Pls don't mind me.

>> No.15098422
File: 1.61 MB, 886x1423, 55818686_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fun ERPing her, she would go full dominatrix at first to feel superior to everyone but when you somehow are able to meddle with her inner feelings she would start to feel awkward and nervous and would be submissive for you. This is why Lambda can do what she does to Bern.

You don't even need to fap or anything, its like platonic boner.

>> No.15098437
Quoted by: >>15098468

I actually take a consistent gentle femdom approach wih Bern, teasing and teasing until the partner goes wild with need and begs to cum

>> No.15098442
Quoted by: >>15098468

Oh, I know who you are. You're one of those anons from /trash/, isn't? I never found those games interesting.

>> No.15098468

I just have a feeling that if you tease and keep teasing Bern over and over, she would never beg, but feel the need to be stuck in that endless teasing forever.

It seems that only Witches would be able to satisfy our platonic fetishes.

No. Sorry tripfriend.

>> No.15098473
Quoted by: >>15098566

The only person she'd tape is someone as pathetic as Battler.

>> No.15098479
Quoted by: >>15098488

Maybe eventually depending on a few factors. I'm talking about when I play as her though and what I do to my partners.

>> No.15098481

Oh, and I was sure it was you. Nevermind then. I never go to that place anyway. I found about those guys in the archive, looking for some old seacat threads. I read some of those threads. I think it's kind of hilarious

>> No.15098488
Quoted by: >>15098495

I never ERPed as Bern. I just get stuck on ideas.

>> No.15098495

You should try, it's fun and addictive. Don't stick around /trash/ too long though, it's a real mess.

>> No.15098505 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 402x423, Bern 18s924m5(44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to get bored very soon, my dear.

>> No.15098512

Nothing last forever. Those childish games are going to be nothing for you very soon. Bye-bye~

>> No.15098515
File: 184 KB, 720x802, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want be related with /trash/ at all. You also can't have good quality RP there.

I really never ERPed seriously in my life.
tfw I just want to write porn hoping I did everything well, but I just can't do it...

>> No.15098529
Quoted by: >>15098539

We all have to start somewhere when trying something new. The only way to get better is to actually do it and keep doing it so you can slowly learn from it, there are no shortcuts and you can't rush yourself.

>> No.15098534

Yeah don't bother with /trash/. You should practice and write fapfics for us here

>> No.15098539
Quoted by: >>15098592

The real problem are the partners, most of the partners are cringy pervert and autists that are more interested on fapping to words then some random porn.

ERP is different from Cybering.

>> No.15098566
File: 257 KB, 600x451, bd32f528dab8198e320e12f00475d704bdaf2dbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15098592
File: 129 KB, 640x360, Bernkastel wasting time on the Internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15098675

Is this actually a thing? Bizarre. I only used to rp as Bern to annoy certain special person, for fun. To have fun and laugh a little ...Why do you guys take everything so seriously? You guys are like a mystery to me. That's why I keep coming here~
Have fun.

>> No.15098675
File: 95 KB, 669x960, TUMBLR_FILENAME_PLS__n4otpjwxuB1sh4xkdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think of it as something that stays on the meta, always inside the Box.

The RPing its fun in terms of being able to write very well and for the sake of writing properly. It is serious because writing itself is serious, not because we take it serious in our life.
You can see it as doing some sketches for fun in a Drawthread, which is not serious. But if you draw really good pieces of art with all your effort, your drawings are serious.
The same goes for writing or RP. You can write funny stories easily, but making your stories or RP look very good with DEEP meanings that can touch other people minds or hearts, the whole thing is serious and people are glad to read your stuff. This is why we also like Umineko right? How autistic we can get with this story and its subjects.

ERP is the same thing, just with an erotic theme. For example, can anyone explain me why Bern and Lambda have lust for each other besides, "its just lesbians"?

It's serious when you really put your effort on something to look good, specially for others.

There is also an other autistic reason why RP and Umineko fits together.

>> No.15098696


>> No.15098698

I want to dominate a cute Anon ERPing as Erika with another Anon

>> No.15098959
File: 415 KB, 1200x1697, 1438204944967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Battler getting killed by the stakes over and over in Ep 3 was the metaworld manifestation of Yasu ravaging Battler's ass right?

>> No.15099101
File: 21 KB, 173x191, ss+(2016-04-02+at+10.30.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new here and was hyped to join the threads as I just finished reading the VN, but all I see is lewd RPers, is it always like this?

>> No.15099119

No, it's usually just one or two regular RPers that ban evade all the time.
Welcome to purgatory.

>> No.15099142

You don't want to imagine Erika grunting and squeaking as she's sandwiched by two anons?

>> No.15099171
Quoted by: >>15099214

Not always, just beware of rikafag and juju.

>> No.15099189
File: 140 KB, 403x323, erika, atheism incarnate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15101882

Just take it easy and Erikapost with us. It'll be fine.

>> No.15099214
Quoted by: >>15099252

I don't bite like some rabbit dog.

>> No.15099252
Quoted by: >>15099260

Maybe not, but you are constantly bringing us trouble when that chick is around, derailing the thread with your shit.

>> No.15099260

Just ignore and report it

>> No.15099412

It was a civilized discussion with an Umineko topic.

I don't talk for the other shitposters just looking for (You)s.

>> No.15100855

Well, not everyone does (vegetarians and vegans). I thought it was interesting when Ryukishi explored these themes in the final chapter of Higanbana's first night:

"No animal is born wishing to become our food. In the same way, no person is born wishing to be bullied. If I can pretend not to hear the death screams of the animals, and aimlessly go about eating meat...
'You could even join that group of people bullying here and spend every day having fun with everyone.'"

>> No.15100861
Quoted by: >>15100906

Welcome to /jp/, I'd say. It's nothing but weird fetish posting about touhou and idols.

>> No.15100906
Quoted by: >>15100907

I'm new to this general, not the board. Still surprised to see erpers, we all talk about fucking characters but I rarely see people rping them in other threads

>> No.15100907
Quoted by: >>15100912

There was no erping going on in this thread, just talk about wanting it. If it were posted on this board it would be deleted and the rpers banned.

>> No.15100909

Every year millions of animals are killed by wheat and soy bean combines during harvesting season. So unless you grow and harvest the your own food, a vegan/vegetarian diet can still mean the death of animals being involved. It doesn't even wind up as food, it's just wasted meat.

>> No.15100912

It was actually a discussion about it and its was interesting.

>> No.15101019

Why do Shannon and Kanon exist in ch7 if it happens in a universe where Lion doesn't become a witch?

>> No.15101373

It's a weird world of different fragments stitched together. Lion doesn't know Shannon or Kanon in that world, and they don't know him

>> No.15101681


Poor execution even though the character progression was shown properly.

>> No.15101703

Bern did something strange by merging several kakeras together. Willard gets it almost instantly and it is confirmed by Bern later.

>> No.15101882

I still have some of the Jessica images left over from that night. Never gonna forget.

That's pretty much what I come here for that this point, Erika posting, Stake posting, and the occasional good conversation.

>> No.15102009
File: 23 KB, 708x361, animals killed per one million calorie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the old "because we can't save every life, we should kill everyone" justification. The same justification which tells us that, since people are killed in car accidents, it's morally justifiable to run people over for fun. See the related pic, too.

>> No.15102052

Animals can't wish, therefore it's fine to eat them. However, humans don't want to be bullied because we wish to live peacefully.

Plus, I apathetically don't care about the animals that I don't hear crying in their final moments before being pushed into the slaughterhouse. And with bullying, you somewhat have to be there in person. It's like judging a person badly for their apathy of something they've never seen or heard. It's not like a person slaughters a cow before they cook it to eat. You just buy it at the grocery store. Even butchers eat the meat that they cut.

>> No.15102074

That's somewhat untrue. Food will not go immediately bad just because *you* don't decide to eat meat. A vegan not eating meat is simply following his moral code and feeling pure/better about themselves. Honestly, that line of thinking is just putting guilt on vegans for choosing not to follow the herd of society that eats meat
>don't you feel bad for wasting meat by not eating the already dead animal? It's all your fault!

Similarly, we don't live in an age where we use animals to plow the fields. And even if animals did die due to wheat and soy beans combines, it's not a net loss.
>you can't save EVERY animal from dying, so you should remove your morals and participate in the tradition of eating the flesh of the living like everyone else!
Absolutism doesn't get anyone anywhere. Sure, it might help a person's consciousness concerning their morals if they grow their own food but it's all about choosing your principles and how far you'll push them depending on what kind of person you are.

>> No.15102098

>/jp/ - morals committee

>> No.15102175

Depending on which theory you believe in, the answer is different.
For Shkannon, it's basically that Bernkastel merged kakeras to create a miracle and which is why meta and physical beings are able to walk together.
For Rosatrice, it's more the opposite. Bernkastel created a catbox within a catbox, by letting Lion live, and showing that Lion being alive shows that Lion in unconnected to Shannon and Kanon. What Bernkastel did was not merge kakera but create the impossible variable that the baby was not thrown off the cliff. Everything afterwards is not meta but actually real, except whenever Bernkastel shows up. Ep 7 is basically adding Lion to the mix and the only apparent changes is that Kinzo doesn't die of old age and Battler doesn't come back.
The Rosatrice theory claims that the baby actually did die, which is why ep 7 is more of a miracle by letting Lion live.
This leads to people questioning the 'Shannon acting weird' in front of Will, but, to me, that's just her stating that if Shannon and Kanon came in the same room, the world would shut down, because it's a XYZ rule that Kanon and Shannon cannot be in the same room as the detective. People interpret that in the opposite way, that getting Shannon and Kanon together is an impossibility, because they're one person, and it would be a loss on her, but people forget that Shannon was warning Will that it would be his loss, not hers.

Whichever theory is correct is up to you to decide.

>> No.15102182
Quoted by: >>15102194

The only problem I have with the Rosatrice theory is really trying to explain how Rosa was in love with Battler, since that was a kind of important part of Beatrice's motivation, and what hints there were that could have pointed to such an attraction. Not that I'm not opposed to the idea, of course.

>> No.15102194
Quoted by: >>15102208

I honestly don't know how she ended up loving Battler. I think Rosa took up Shannon's love for Battler as a way to help her cope with her sadness and actually ended up loving him. If you make Claire into Rosa, who listens to Shannon cry after waiting so long for Battler to come back, it somewhat explains that beginning spark but not the love itself. I find a stretch, but meh. If Rosa was as delusional as the Rosatrice claims she was, it doesn't really matter.
Something I find funny is that a good part of the fandom does recognize and joke that Rosa loves Battler. Not in the same way that Beatrice loves Battler, but still similar enough. It's like subconsciously, people knew that Rosa had some affection for Battler.

>> No.15102208

She does treat battler a bit differently in canon, I'll give you that. The only thing that really implied any overt attraction on either end was during episode 5 when Rosa was helping battler out solving the epitaph. I kinda wanna see it, but a lot of stretches need to be made to make it work.

>> No.15102428
Quoted by: >>15102460

How does the Rosatrice theory work for truths? Like at the end of ep6, when it is claimed as truth that Kanon made Battler escape and hid in the closet, but he wasn't there? I don't see any way to explain it beside "Yasu killed his Kanon persona so Kanon wasn't in the closet".

>> No.15102460
Quoted by: >>15102482

Erika shot the closet with her gun and killed Kanon. It's really just that simple. Kanon can't exist and be alive if he's dead. I find the whole ''Yasu killed her persona'' to be foolish. Especially when the manga makes it clear that there was no persona, only a single person playing different roles.
People can't seem to decide if Yasu had multiple personalities or if she's/he's a single person playing different roles. The manga says that it's the latter but before, people kept flip flopping on which one was correct.

>> No.15102482
File: 420 KB, 900x1319, img000037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15102510

It's not about personalities, it's about names. As the manga explains, Kanon hid in the closet, dropped the name Kanon, and therefore 'Kanon' was not in the closet

>> No.15102510
Quoted by: >>15102530

I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, the blue truth is not the red truth. A false blue truth is just as effective of an answer as the real truth. Nowhere does the manga confirm this page, nor does Battler.
Just like how Beatrice accepted all those crap blue truth in ep 4 from Battler.

>> No.15102530
Quoted by: >>15102546

Whether you believe the blue truth or not is up to you. My point is that according to the manga, Yasu doesn't have multiple personalities, she has multiple names that she switches between

>> No.15102546
File: 334 KB, 728x1088, g024_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15102559

And as I said, before the manga, people kept flip flopping between which was the truth, and the latter is the one the manga chooses.
However, that page does not disprove that Kanon was shot by Erika and no longer exists. That blue truth simply gives an alternative explanation which may or may not be accurate, just like small bombs.

You're basically just reaffirming what I just said. Which is why I have to repeat that the blue truth is not the red truth, and Battler does not confirm the blue truth to be accurate.

>> No.15102559
File: 408 KB, 900x1319, img000034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15102577

You're right, but if Erika really did shoot him, why would she use this explanation? Why didn't she just say that she killed him?

>> No.15102577
File: 196 KB, 728x1042, g024_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Erika really did shoot him, why would she use this explanation?
If I might be so bold as to give an explanation for why she used this explanation, I think it's a red herring. Or maybe the truth, depending on who sees it I guess? The manga explicitly gives the answer basically everyone imagined and knew. Either through name change or personaly change, it's still the same answer that Kanon switched to become Shannon and then Kanon 'escaped'. Erika is parroting everyone's answer to how Kanon escaped. So that you, and others, might think
>oh, look, Erika is giving the exact explanation and solution I thought, this is the truth, why else would she be saying that?
And as I said, giving an incorrect blue truth is not equivalent as a red truth. This is why small bombs is accepted even though it's completely ridiculous and bullshit.

>Why didn't she just say that she killed him?
She didn't think of it. She shot Battler in the closet, then time stopped, the idea of Kanon escaping from the room with Jessica and the others came about, Kanon switched places with Battler and then died at his place. She was caught up with the idea of Kanon escaping.

Maybe it's the truth, maybe it's a red herring. Who knows.

>> No.15104667
File: 22 KB, 960x540, eq189h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15104730


>> No.15104730
File: 632 KB, 245x162, beatrice virgilia pachinko slots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15105391


>> No.15105401

I am a witch.

>> No.15106653 [DELETED] 

What start's with a B and rymes with Witch and describes Bernkastel?

>> No.15106658
Quoted by: >>15106742

What start's with a B and rhymes with Witch and describes Bernkastel?

>> No.15106742
File: 114 KB, 400x400, 1458180322117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful Witch

>> No.15106810

I hate you.

>> No.15106838
Quoted by: >>15106929

Dumb Erika poster.

>> No.15106929 [DELETED] 

They're too loyal to Bernkastel. I bet they'd throw away Erika just to be in the good grace of Bernkastel.

>> No.15107061

Bern is the prettiest and best witch of all time and you can't do anything about it

>> No.15107067

I can shove my foot in her face until she stops being pretty.

>> No.15107437
File: 126 KB, 500x708, Ange-Ushiromiya-umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-32715573-500-708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15107687

Bern can't compete with dem Ange legs.

>> No.15107687
File: 850 KB, 900x750, drinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15107699
File: 118 KB, 660x613, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the seacats always have over 9000 billion deleted posts?


>> No.15107717
Quoted by: >>15112338

They got accepted into the Golden Land.

>> No.15107733 [DELETED] 

Rikanon and Julie being retards.

>> No.15107777
File: 213 KB, 600x720, angelegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15107815 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 600x588, kitty rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Rikanon participates in discussions seriously when there is something on-topic, and he has a lot to say. I'm fine with him when he's like that, but when others shit up the thread at him even though he's contributing is just as retarded.

>> No.15108050 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15108072

Just fuck off. He’s getting what he deserves because he brought it on himself. If you're going to misbehave like a piece of shit, then everyone is going to hate you.

>> No.15108072 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15108079

It's funny I never see the shit when they are doing it. Just dead links and I don' t bother checking scrapers.

>> No.15108079 [DELETED] 

You're not losing much.

>> No.15108154 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 240x200, kitty cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15108167

I'm really unsure if I should find that Rika image cute or not. I honestly find it insanely creepy. It's as if Rika got her arms and legs chopped off and someone put some paper and elastic around it, then drew some cat hands.

I always participate seriously in discussions because I find everything Ryukishi writes to be greatly interesting.

>> No.15108167

But I almost didn't posted or talked with him on this thread at all, idiot.
>I honestly find it insanely creepy.
Me too. She looks like amputated.

>> No.15108199
Quoted by: >>15108212

Seacats were always a thing on /jp/, right? I mean, every time I come here there is a thread. Wouldn't it be better to let some time pass before doing a new thread? It's just a thought.

>> No.15108212

I never make threads, once it took a lot of time to anyone do a new thread and I had to do it.

I just need a seacats thread always up, not having one its like dying of boredom.

>> No.15108226

Any word on Hotarubi's translation or the 3rd episode of Higurashi from MangaGamer?

>> No.15108247

You're a very passionate person, are you? I understand that. I'm planning on replaying the whole VN again and have some fun.
I'm sleepy. Goodnight thread. Bye friends.

>> No.15109341
Quoted by: >>15109366

>Hotaru Bi
Coming along
>3rd episode
Fucking never. Which is a shame as there isn't a voice acting patch for the regular version of Higurashi. Their seacats release is likely to be just as delayed and deficient.

>> No.15109366
Quoted by: >>15109415

A month ago they said it was 100% translated and edited. Are they waiting for May?

Mid-May 2015 had episode 1 released
Mid-November 2015 had episode 2 released, six months later.

>> No.15109382

>3rd episode of Higurashi from MangaGamer
It's 100% translated and edited, meaning it's completely finished. They just want to maintain their 6 month schedule becase they're fucking jews


>> No.15109415
Quoted by: >>15109817

So including Rei and Hou, it will be finished in 2019 if they keep going at this pace. I wonder if Umineko will take that long as well

>> No.15109817

Probably. Honestly with the whole thing out they could really do to release them sooner, especially since they can do that.

>> No.15110149
File: 2.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is certainly a lazy cosplay!

>> No.15110221
File: 56 KB, 200x200, Hank Hill BUWAHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15111579

We've become Bern and Lambda after our story ends, searching for something to distract us from the void. Jesus christ, how horrifying!

>> No.15111579

My head canon is that they are real and they bothered R07 to write down the stories.

>> No.15112338
File: 496 KB, 768x1024, dfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still beliving in the Golden Land

>> No.15112348
Quoted by: >>15112374


If I were to guess, I'd say it's probably being ported right now given their programmer's tweets.


Of course they could just as well finish all the work completely and not release it until they've got an open hole in their release schedule. They've literally been sitting on a fully translated "My Boss’ Wife is My Ex!" for a year now because they've kept giving its release window to bigger titles.

>> No.15112374
Quoted by: >>15112405

>because they've kept giving its release window to bigger titles.
Why can't they just release them at the same time?

>> No.15112405


Same reason ubisoft delayed watchdogs so it wouldn't launch at the same time as gta 5. "Better launch visibility"

>> No.15112831
Quoted by: >>15112884

While we're on the topic of MangaGamer, is there any chance they'll publish Trianthology in English?

>> No.15112884

Depends whether or not Witch-Hunt decides to translate it. Still no word on them yet. I'm also wondering the same question concerning Iwa. I've been told that it's pretty good and that it sold out quick, which is good for Ryukishi.

>> No.15115145
File: 606 KB, 800x1137, hghjokds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I didn't feel as bad for Dlanor when this happened in the vn. This page in the manga is just a wave of emotions.

>> No.15115397
File: 247 KB, 900x608, 841f4f95ab103776cf40832f5831bd8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15115565

I just want an Umineko vs. Higurashi fighter with an enchaned version of the OMKC engine, separate life bars for each member of your team members (think Marvel Vs. Capcom 2), and ground and air tech.

It'll be broken as fuck in favor of the Umineko cast and idunno how you would give the Higurashi characters Meta specials but dammit I wanna see a fighting game of those two series.

>> No.15115435
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nbmc0bRJj11qhsw7ho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never get any doujin hentai of Black Battle dominating Erika.

Or one with Ange having an orgy with the Seven Sisters.

Whats life my niggas?

>> No.15115565
Quoted by: >>15116726

I want to see Black/Evil versions of all the characters both from Higurashi and Umineko
>Black K1 vs Black Battler

>> No.15116726
File: 337 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n8x8szwNqS1qhsw7ho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15116829

Kinda like how in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax you have Shadow versions of most of the characters.

I figure the black varations of each character would have separate skills from their normal counterparts.

Black Ange could decrease your stun rate against an opponent rather.

Black Rosa can do a snap back ala MVC2 where if she hits your opponent, it forces them to switch team memebrs.

Black Evatrice skill can be decreasing your opponent attack power.

>> No.15116829

Eh, probably not, since Black Battler is considered his own character instead of being a palette swap of Battler or something.
Then again, that could be an interesting idea.
