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File: 346 KB, 1280x1261, cosmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15025113 No.15025113 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15038364

Previous thread >>14929505

IT'S HERE edition


>P.T.A. DVD Vol. 7

http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=636109 (starter pack)
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=639631 (PTA 1-6)
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=642330 (2 subbed concerts: Yoyogi, Tokyo Dome)
don't be caught without them, and don't be caught not seeding.

>> No.15025117

1st for surprisingly decent album

>> No.15025142
File: 1.70 MB, 540x335, c5a6487e-525f-42fe-ae8c-2b34272b82fb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't be caught without them, and don't be caught not seeding
Fuck yeah i missed these in the OP

>> No.15025174

New album stinks!

>> No.15025181

This new album is okay

>> No.15025246
File: 624 KB, 1112x506, ea5bc0f7-d5c1-48e0-8864-d327a239e9ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triangle >Game>JPN>Cosmic explorer>Level 3

>> No.15025253



>> No.15025292

Like I said in the previous thread

>> No.15025351

cosmic explorer is the greatest song ever written tbqh my family

>> No.15025378


>> No.15025396
Quoted by: >>15025440

Game>Triangle>Cosmic explorer>Level 3>JPN

fite me

make that miracle worker and i might believe you

>> No.15025440
File: 30 KB, 200x193, smug-nocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GAME (10/10, greatest album in the history of humanity) > Triangle (9.5/10) > Cosmic Explorer = LEVEL3 (9/10) > JPN (8/10) > Complete Best (7/10)

>> No.15025461
Quoted by: >>15025476

Cosmic Explorer better than Complete Best?
How big of a faggot can you be?
Holy shit

>> No.15025476

Half of Complete Best is trash. It only gets a 7/10 because Electro World & Computer City are two of the best songs ever, and PSPS, Computer Driving, and Monochrome are also great. Perfume & wonder2 are okay to listen to every once in a long while, and the rest is garbage.

>> No.15025488
Quoted by: >>15026131


>> No.15025510
Quoted by: >>15025536

Look man, it's great and all that you try to defend your shit taste but at the end of the day it is still that, shit taste
Let me guess, your first album was either level 3 or JPN

>> No.15025536

no one defending complete best can say that anyone else has shit taste desu
you're gonna have to hold that L bro

>> No.15025551
File: 33 KB, 557x503, 12932607_10154055720794344_4669360059250452358_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer driving better than wonder 2, perfume, Inryoku, foundation and linear motor girl.

what the fuck am I seeing.

I've seen some REALLY bad opinions in this thread but this is by far the worst.

I've seen people say that furikaeru is perfumes worst song.
I've seen people say that koi wa is a bad song
I've seen people say that dream fighter is better than love the world.
I've seen people say that natty ni koi is perfume's very best song.

but m80. your opinion is just fucked.

>> No.15025578

I think Butterfly trumps everything desu.

>> No.15025583
Quoted by: >>15025645

flash album mix is actually good. what a surprise

>> No.15025645
Quoted by: >>15025924

the original is better imo but it's an alright alternative

Sweet Refrain album mix is better
Tokimeki sounds almost the same to me
Star Train is maybe 1% better
I'm unsure which Cling Cling is better

>> No.15025677
Quoted by: >>15025924

First half of Cosmic Explorer is great, but after STORY everything is so-so.
Except for Cling Cling (album-mix), fuck all y'all, this version is extremely upbeat and fun. Sweet Refrain (album-mix) is fine but it was necessary change to fit within the album.

7/10 like whatever anon said previously.

>> No.15025713
Quoted by: >>15025924

post improved tracklists

>miracle worker
>hold your hand
>cling cling
>koi wa
>next stage
>pick me up (optional)
>cosmic explorer (gapless when??)
>flash (album mix)
>sweet refrain (album mix)

>> No.15025853

I think I'm done with Perfume and Nakata. Last Kyary album was bad, last....3 or 4 Capsule albums have been bad and now this boring, EDM filled pile of garbage?

There was a time a few years ago where I worshipped the ground that guy walked on but I think it's finally time to give up. 2007/8 will never come back.

>> No.15025856

bye bitch

>> No.15025880
Quoted by: >>15025969

I don't blame you anon. Nakata has been on a negative roll so there's no reason to currently keep up with him. Hell, this year so far has been REALLY bad for music releases so far.
Have you tried any indie idols coming out of Tokyo? There's been some really good stuff coming out. It makes up for the lack of good established music group output.

>> No.15025924
Quoted by: >>15025948


>sweet refrain album mix
>cling cling album mix
>anything other than the worst album mix he has ever made.

>> No.15025948

nothing will ever be worse than the Magic of Love album mix
My Color on LTW was pretty shit too

>> No.15025969
Quoted by: >>15026241

Indie idols have been pretty decent lately. I'm looking forward to the new Neggico.

What are you listening to lately anon?

>> No.15026011

>a bunch of japs on 2ch are either too excited to sleep or are going to bed early so they can buy the album asap or something
my nakamas

>> No.15026126
Quoted by: >>15026130

Incoming autism.

Navigate (4/10) - Not much to it. Not particularly interesting. The presentation as a whole could have been improved by just putting Story here instead and getting rid of this.

Cosmic Explorer (8/10) - Some nice 80s style ballad sounds on this one, similar to what we heard in Tokimeki Lights but less sparsely mixed. Noodling in the middle evocative of Rush-style prog rock. Feels like another intro track so it works well in this position.

Miracle Worker (8/10) - Healthy dose of Western influence detectable in the chorus, but as anon said last thread about CE the adoption is more gracious and up-to-date than something like Sweet Refrain or Wave Runner. Vocals are nice despite the mix being fucked. Bonus points for Nocchi's pronunciation of 'miracle'.

Next Stage with YOU (6/10) - Already delved into this one last thread. This was the track I was most excited about and so I felt pretty let down by the final arrangement. Starts strong but the rest is shaky.

STORY (7/10) - Pretty nice instrumental. Sound effects at the beginning sound a bit amateurish for an actual track but their live utility is obvious. Massive horn synths from White As Snow make a return and while I'm not a fan in general of Nakata's recent 'festival EDM' trend, I don't mind the more well executed aspects popping up here and there. This completely unabashed sound being one of them.

FLASH (5.5/10) - While I was initially pretty optimistic for the album mix after hearing the live clip I ended up being just as bored with this as I was with the single.

Sweet Refrain (4/10) - Didn't care for the single, still don't care for this. Nakata has the mercy to remove or push back a good portion of the terrible wubwubs which were two years too late at the time and by this point sound cartoonishly dated. Unfortunately as a trade-off we get muddier-sounding vocals by virtue of Nakata's 'just stick another layer of sound on it' approach to album mixes and the strange addition of a pissy little electric guitar halfway through.


>> No.15026130

Baby Face (6/10) - The presence of some vocals that one can actually hear properly is reason enough to enjoy this track. Clear inspiration from the recent tropical house trend in Western pop music, a trend that anyone who spends any time at all listening or merely overhearing this sort of music is thoroughly bored of by now. I don't really know how much play time this sort of thing is getting in Japan so perhaps it'll feel fresher to a domestic audience. Nakata does a decent enough job at least of adapting this sound to a track that doesn't end up feeling too out of place on a Perfume album.

TOKIMEKI LIGHTS (6.5/10) - Thought the single was decent and I feel like this mix is a minor improvement. The vocals, yet again, are pushed back in the mix but I don't really feel like that's too much of a detriment this time around. The instrumental is beefed up and glued together a little bit but the change isn't drastic.

STAR TRAIN (4/10) - Album mix does little to assist a boring single. Marginally more listenable but still weak.

Relax In The City (4/10) - Of course this was an A-side so it makes sense that they wanted it in here but Toumei Ningen would fit the sound of the album so much better.

Pick Me Up (5.5/10) - Actually fits alright with the album as a whole after hearing Story and Flash but still not a great track.

Cling Cling (7/10) - The great divider. Personally, I'm a fan. In fact after going back and listening to the single and this back to back I think Nakata could have actually taken this mix a bit further.

Hold Your Hand (4/10) - Song's not awful but I don't want to hear it here.

Overall: 5.5/10

Opinions have changed somewhat since last night and my overall impression of the album has gone up by half a point but I still think it's definitely worse than Level 3 and therefore the worst album overall.

>> No.15026131


>> No.15026241

I've been following Sora Tob Sakana, Kit Cat, Billie Idle, KOTO and Guso Drop lately
If you happen to like KOTO's sound, you'll also probably enjoy the band Recoride
The lised groups have a variety of sounds so maybe you'll find something you like

>> No.15026434

perfume has always been EDM
the girls do literally nothing but dance
nigga you dumb

>> No.15026460
File: 374 KB, 1058x1280, 1435013650132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Explorer sound great.
Miracle Worker is alright.
Next Stage with YOU is too repetitive for me.
STORY le club banger
FLASH finally a song where the girls sing
Baby Face GOAT

>> No.15026528

>makes half the album electro ballads
>compresses and brickwalls it to shit

it doesn't work Nakata


I'm so mad. At least Miracle and Story benefit from being loud as fuck. The mixing is bad here tho, the highs are gone and the mids are all muddy. I miss Level3's level of mixing.

>> No.15026531
Quoted by: >>15027538

Triangle = Level 3> Game> JPN> Cosemick Exploraha!

>> No.15026702
Quoted by: >>15027267

JPN is the laziest album Nakata's ever done, how people don't put it on the bottom every time is beyond me. The original tracks on it are total garbage, aside from My Color, and the rest is just a random mishmash of singles with no flow.
The Glitter remix was nice tho

>> No.15026736

Star Train is underappreciated but I get that most EDM/house/pop fans won't like ballads, especially if they don't understand the lyrics. It's highly rated in Japan.

>> No.15027267

>glitter album mix

>> No.15027331
File: 191 KB, 1705x412, objective fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15027546

I like Story a lot, but it doesn't have shit on Edge, Party Maker or even Hurly Burly as far as bangerz go.

>> No.15027538

I've witnessed bait in my time but this is bait of the highest quality.

>> No.15027546
File: 65 KB, 627x960, 18238_855858777855776_8685446584432731017_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo cancer cancer shoo
fuck off piece of shit waste of space waste of space piece of shit fuck off

>> No.15027629

some of these songs are going to be absolutely EPIC to see live tbqh
they better bring all of the cool shit to their american shows this time

>> No.15027641
File: 102 KB, 1440x810, 12719451_1166203680086990_742809834151686386_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuka alone summerizes perfume.
I was the best. and then it aged and became so painful to look at not because it was ugly or even average, but because it isn't and will never again be the glorious thing it was

>> No.15027684
File: 25 KB, 658x658, 12728778_769692643175231_7609044057423307686_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15028135

Nocchi is good at stylish and cool kind of dances that's why we let her take center stage.


one of the best lines in perfume banter history

>> No.15028064
File: 119 KB, 637x450, 2ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this is so fucking awesome I;m alive while Perfume is performing!!

<3 new album guys

>> No.15028135

Is there a video of this anywhere?

>> No.15028443
File: 436 KB, 640x445, 20160404_214420-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my copy today - the album mixes are great, and the whole album is pretty solid overall. The show in NY is gonna be great

>> No.15028592

flac rips when

>> No.15028601

They might already exist of you know where to look - might not be where you'd expect

>> No.15028639

not on slsk yet baka

>> No.15028644
Quoted by: >>15029713

Is it as badly mixed as the m4a leak?

>> No.15028662
File: 440 KB, 1656x1470, 6-Postcard-A-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15029713

Are you expecting me to look on PD or something?
What the heck!

>> No.15028690

I grabbed the last Perfume album on /mu/ and this is my first time listening to Perfume. I'm really liking the album, I'm halfway through it.

>> No.15028711
Quoted by: >>15028731

I'm sorry that this is your first experience of Perfume.

>> No.15028731

It's not that bad desu, what's your favourite album from them? I need something to listen to after I finish this one.

>> No.15028740
Quoted by: >>15028747

I agree with >>15025440

>> No.15028747
File: 27 KB, 804x222, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15028751

Don't listen to this pleb, Game sucks.

>> No.15028751

so, triangle's better?

>> No.15028752
Quoted by: >>15028755

decide for yourself, faggot

>> No.15028755


>> No.15028864
File: 703 KB, 720x480, title03.mkv_snapshot_13.45_[2016.04.05_01.56.48].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when they cry.

>> No.15029384 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 809x808, 1403580464911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything Nakata makes now just falls flat of being good. It's just painfully average.

>> No.15029400
File: 108 KB, 720x534, l8hrletEvF1qbmksqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything Nakata makes now just falls flat of being good. It's just painfully average.

GAME was 8 years ago this month and is this a worthy addition to the lofty heights of the GAME/Triangle era?

They had Baby Crusing Love, GAME, Love the World AND Dream Fighter all release in the span of a year in 2008.


>> No.15029482

yeah we get it bro

>> No.15029591

Yeah, have fun with that

>> No.15029713
File: 151 KB, 2525x580, Screenshot_2016-04-05-06-07-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm I doing this right?

>> No.15029802


Only listened about 4 times, but this is my judgement of the album so far. I am currently in the process of downloading the FLAC version hoping for a better experience.

Best song goes to 'Cosmic Explorer' fucking amazing.

>> No.15029808


stoped reading there.

>> No.15029821
Quoted by: >>15029839

>currently in the process of downloading the FLAC version hoping for a better experience.


>> No.15029837


Triangle is objectively a better album. 10/10 for me, and it's Perfume's best work. So yes, listen to Triangle next.

>> No.15029839
Quoted by: >>15029867

Jps bruh. But it just got uploaded so the download is quite slow, mine is still going after almost an hour. It'll probably be finished in the next 6 hours I assume.

>> No.15029867
File: 69 KB, 150x218, 202d41c18ef206a6d53b7961fc7b60a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, I'm glad someone else is uploading - I was uploading mine to AB last night, but as the song goes

>if you're looking for cosmic explorer i feel bad for you son
>cause i got 99 problems and my seedbox is one

mfw missing first/early upload

>> No.15029944

I didn't download the flac cause right now i have no time, but the mixing is better than the mp3 ver?

>> No.15029946

Umm what? Are you retarded?

>> No.15029947
Quoted by: >>15030142

I am not sure yet, it is still downloading... Fuck this I'm just going to let this download overnight. I'll tell you tomorrow whether there is a difference in the mix or not.

>> No.15029979
Quoted by: >>15030036


if you wanted to hear the album pitch shifted

>> No.15030036

>That butthurt in the comments

>> No.15030042 [DELETED] 


>> No.15030069
File: 47 KB, 400x300, tumblr_o545qfR1rM1spqetho5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15030250

i guess the japanese aren't big fans of leaking shit?

>You are a fool!
>Delete it!

>> No.15030079

>evil.stop uploading!

>> No.15030142


The mixing is the exact same, it's from the same fucking source

>> No.15030236
File: 52 KB, 383x440, loud-headphones-listening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15030250

they don't even want people posting setlists to the concerts

>> No.15030358
Quoted by: >>15030410

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the limited edition doesn't have a CD case? The album CD is in a cheap fucking plastic sliver and the blu ray is in a cheap plastic case that barely protects it. They didn't even cheap out like this with the singles.

>> No.15030410
Quoted by: >>15030419

Hah! I felt the exact same way. It's pretty shitty that they skimped out on a case. The box is annoying as fuck to open as well.
Not only did the regular edition come with am actual case, it also had better artwork.
Go fucking figure.
Good thing I just rip these things and stick them in storage.

>> No.15030417
Quoted by: >>15033259


full flash mv

>those yuka high kicks
>we game now

>> No.15030419
Quoted by: >>15030690

You know it's bad when even CLing Cling has better packaging

>> No.15030613

Cosmic Explorer is great; I'm also liking STORY and the full mix of FLASH

>> No.15030640


new call me single landed

yfw this cutie creates better music than hackata

>> No.15030643
File: 114 KB, 660x528, e31288a3-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

check em

>> No.15030690
Quoted by: >>15030775

but Cling Cling is one of their best LEs ever
>that beautiful box
>that beautiful art book
>the whole single is fucking great as well

>> No.15030770

Is there a single version of Flash I don't know about?

>> No.15030775

The box is a cheap novelty that just takes up space

>> No.15030777

i don't know why it's not on youtube, but yes, it exists somewhere

>> No.15030850

>listening to discount perfumes

>> No.15030860

Just watch the MV that's posted a bit up in the thread, that's the single version.

>> No.15030871

So... what's up with the two seconds of ailence at the end of the intro track on Cosmic Explorer?
Or did I just a bum mix?

>> No.15030953

nakata do what he wanna do

>> No.15030961

someone needs to make that shit gapless

>> No.15030979
Quoted by: >>15030991

Seriously. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the album. It has a nice flow to it and reminds me of concept albums like ELO's Time. But that glaring two second silence is just lazy when you can tell there should be a gapless transition to the next track.

>> No.15030991
File: 263 KB, 1280x1073, cosmexplorerbooklet4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like this? http://picosong.com/Njzr/
i think having a gap at the end was deliberate but it goes on slightly too longer than it should

>> No.15031030

Just like that, it sounds so much better and doesn't disrupt the flow. Fucking lazy ass Hackata. Hell, someone had to sign off on it after Nakata, whoever that was is also a faggot.

>> No.15031078

why do we hate Level3? its their best work next to Triangle

honestly spring of life makes me wanna be gay and power bottom, it's that infleuntial.

>> No.15031105

We don't. It's just plebs doing what plebs do best.

>> No.15031139

people can't tell you why they don't like level 3. they never ever can.

also another person thinking triangle is better than game. but not only that thinking level 3 is better than game.

wtf is going on man?

>> No.15031170

>another person thinking triangle is better than game
Not a controversial opinion.

>> No.15031181

Here is on spotify

>> No.15031236

GAME, ⊿, LEVEL3, and COSMIC EXPLORER are masterworks

>> No.15031323


>> No.15031402
Quoted by: >>15031474

I think that Display should've been on this album instead of Relax or Pick Me Up, I think a display album mix would've worked better with this albums heavier edm focus.

>> No.15031474

A-side singles are always going to be on the album

I would have liked a Pick Me Up album mix. That song is weird. I really hate the first 10 seconds or so, but it's good once it gets going. It's better when they play it live because it starts a little differently.

>> No.15031647
Quoted by: >>15031684

Every track on that album except Spring of Life and 1mm sucks

>> No.15031684
Quoted by: >>15031708

>Enter the Sphere
>Hand Man
>Party Maker
>Dream Land
>Sleeping Beauty
kill urself my man

>> No.15031708
File: 157 KB, 1655x1469, 12916827_10154796876713378_1924008466818346510_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15031721

updated version with not shit taste

>enter the sphere
>handy man
>sleeping beauty
-party maker is okay.

>> No.15031721
Quoted by: >>15031728

>posting yuka
>saying other people have shit taste
you can only choose one

>> No.15031723
File: 324 KB, 1200x1780, 516025_1338123331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny thing is all of these people talking up comsic explorer and how great it is are likely going to leave the thread sometime this week and only the core perfume gen audience will remain.

ironic that the people that hate the album are the people that will likely stay and talk about waifus.

never been so hyped for a blu ray in my life. the second world tour documentry lands. I'm finna bust all kinds of nuts

>> No.15031728

>implying yuka is my waifu.
>implying I don't just like her legs

yuka is trash tier she is just lewd AF

>> No.15031891
File: 15 KB, 367x479, IMG_2256969199504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.15031902
Quoted by: >>15031938

Remove LEVEL 3

>> No.15031905

ive listened to next stage with YOU at least 30 times and i like it now

>> No.15031938

Remove yourself from this life

>> No.15031939

no u

>> No.15031959
Quoted by: >>15032087

This album is horrible.

>> No.15031969

I can easily tell you why I don't like level3.

I don't like Party Maker or the Album Mixes.

>> No.15031973
Quoted by: >>15032087

I really didn't like this album. The songs are devoid of any energy compared to their best songs. This is sad.

>> No.15031984
File: 144 KB, 1680x1050, Perfume_01wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032087

GAME>Complete Best>Triangle>JPN>Level 3>Cosmic Explorer

This is the lowest Perfume has ever gone.

>> No.15032087
File: 270 KB, 1262x1920, 320fe7c4-e15a-4607-bc0e-73e4920a18e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is all this samefagging

>> No.15032111

Remove yourself from this thread

>> No.15032250
File: 362 KB, 850x480, (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032663

>anything I don't like is samefagging!

>> No.15032265

Shut up Ray Joe

>> No.15032484
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, 0405 Perfume FLASH 4725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look people there is only one fucking objective tier list and I'm tired of all these fake fans getting it wrong.

it goes GAME>TRIANGLE>COMPLETE BEST>Cosmic Explorer> Level 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHIT>>>>>>JPN

Level 3 had some great album originals and great flow but had some pretty boring as songs that came with it too and some worse than trash album mixes.

cosmic explorer also had some great album orginals and actually didn't have any shit ones yet cling cling album mix is the worst thing nakata has done next to clown car horns and sweet refrain was a heavy downgrade from the single, not to mention his best song is clear plagerization, ferrel got sued for blurred lines and this is on that level.

but yet with that being said Cosmic explorer at least had a fantastic opening just like Triangle did so I have to rate it. JPN is trash and has no redeemable features. other than have a strolls choreo holly shit that ass shaking is TOO nice, over all it's actually a pretty good song to see live kokoro no sports is also pretty good but pretty much average for a perfume song which makes it sad that it's the best album exclusive JPN has, at least the opening was very smooth, I listen to it more than take off desu

GAME over Triangle every single time.

Triangle is so strong because of one thing. take off into, love the world into dream fighter intoedge into night flight.

that flow is so golden it's a master piece. also the best thing is one of their best album exclusives of all time up there with clockwork, 1mm, secret secret and game.

where it fails is sounding very samish and not really going through many different sounds, not to mention one room disco being shoehorned in, kiss and music is pretty trash and honestly while the songs are fantastic they are pretty harsh on the ears for prolonged periods of time so while I love zero gravity I rarely ever get to it seeing as by the time night flight is done I'm both quenched and incapable to listen to more hyper ultered voices.

once you start GAME you litrually can't stop till it's finished. I've late for shit constantly because of being stuck listening to GAME. not to mention that secret secret and GAME are in perfumes top 3 best songs of all time. butterfly is one of perfumes most chill ass songs that they have and over all GAME has litrually no bad songs on it. plastic smile, salami girl and puppy love are neglected ass songs in my book. people forget about them and perfume rarely perfom them. ceramic girl being the least neglected. yet it's probably plastic smile that is the best of those.

when was the last time the perfomed that?

also perfumes old shit is fucking gold fuck the guy that said complete best is trash

TL;DL: objective facts backed up with well revised and peer reviewed information that you can't deny backing up my opinion.

>> No.15032524

Holy shit the amount of mixing issues in this album are UNBEARABLE
Did they not even give this a listen before pressing all the commercial copes?

>> No.15032556
File: 948 KB, 500x280, 1457454904033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone put this much effort into bait

>> No.15032568
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, 0405 Perfume FLASH 7346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032575

also I looked through every frame from flash and saved each frame of value.

I hate socks but it's been so long since I've had new perfume feet that I'm happy as fuck just to see them without shoes.

>> No.15032575
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, 0405 Perfume FLASH 4484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot link


>> No.15032640

>GAME>TRIANGLE>COMPLETE BEST>Cosmic Explorer> Level 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SHIT>>>>>>JPN
Jesus approve this list

>> No.15032663
File: 142 KB, 338x500, look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15032710

Oh my is that 3 guys in the span of 8 minutes that hate CE and decide to post on /jp/ about it ? That's great !

>> No.15032683

This is "litrually" what Gamefags look like, people.

>> No.15032710
File: 502 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_o4o4aebUfs1v9apn2o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new fag doesn't understand that posts always come in waves.

you understand that people wake up usually at the same time in different time zones.

the cances of 3 people waking up or coming home from work and posting isn't that small a chance.

usually the way to tell is observing their rhetoric and post styles.

thats how I usually manage to suss out image.jpg. he posts a hell of a lot like you only I know it can't possibly be you seeing as Image.jpg is devoted to the destruction of all perfume fans so he would never defend the album


>> No.15032777

Bad album!

>> No.15032802

Good album!

>> No.15032829

am i a pleb because i think JPN is their best album.
also, just started listening to cosmic explorer, i am excited

>> No.15032895
Quoted by: >>15032978

Who care anyway ?
it's not like you're going to stop listening because i said it's shit

>> No.15032978

i am heavily swayed by anonymous opinions on a native american bead making forum.

>> No.15033231 [DELETED] 

no! dont listen to alll the haterz xDDDD

Jpn is definitly the best perfume album evaarrrrr

Cosmic explorer is hella f*cking epic and it defanitely wins the entire internets for being sooo great!!!1!

>> No.15033259
Quoted by: >>15033262

Hey does it look like Nocchi starts to fall at like 2:4ish in the Flash MV? I swear they cut it right as she starts to go down.

>> No.15033262
Quoted by: >>15034453

At 2:45 ish

>> No.15033270
Quoted by: >>15033332

A little review:

I kind of like the album mixes in CE or at the very least on the fence with them being there. At the very least they don't screw up the songs chosen (hard to make Tokimeki sound worse lol).

Starting from SR and you'll hear some electric guitar, which will be used a little less in Baby Face (next song) to a lesser effect in the next song.

But then we have Star Train's kazoos which sound weird and out of place and don't flow well at all from the previous song. It doesn't do the song a disservice (downgrades it a bit but you might disagree) but it doesn't help the album itself.

Cling Cling sounds a bit different... not a fan of the changes as Nakata does away with a lot of the East asian shit it had going on (and which made it unique) and puts some weird computer/UFO sounds that seem out of place. He didn't even fix that weird I will cling to your chest in the middle of the song.

>> No.15033325
File: 436 KB, 1750x2500, adult-spooky-ghost-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every song in this album have them going "oooo"

makes me think this album is fucking haunted.

>> No.15033332
File: 33 KB, 377x366, 1443680736671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15033374

Holy shit, this is the first time there's ever been a namefag in these threads.

Been here since the beginning, and I was starting to feel that this general was becoming redundant, but now we have a namefag and everything is finally coming together.

Congratulations Perfume General.
It took 1 and a half years, but it all came down to this moment and may there be countless more to come.

>> No.15033374
Quoted by: >>15033400

you honor me

I'm actually a bit new here so I decided to put a name here. Get some legitimacy and stop that faggot calling everyone a same-fag. Shit was rampant 2-3 threads ago. cringe-worthy.

btw, the album is on spotify.

>> No.15033400
File: 258 KB, 377x550, 26fdf2aee62a54bd058b-LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. You don't need legitimacy.

>> No.15033435

god I love jpn ... you're not alone don't worry

>> No.15033518
Quoted by: >>15033572

This fool is right though

>> No.15033544
File: 1.31 MB, 2010x2912, PerfumePortfolio0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cosmic Explorer album as a whole feels... outdated?

The trap shit on Story is horrible. Most of the songs other than the forgettable album mixes just feel like western sounding songs you'd hear on the radio 3 or 4 years ago.

>> No.15033572
Quoted by: >>15033782

Are you kidding me? JPN has Perfume's only rap song.

1 > 0. JPN wins, not even close.

I actually like My Color

>> No.15033616

Where's the torrent

>> No.15033666

Ok, this is my Album Review

Cosmic Explorer (2.5 Stars)
Where the emotion in this music? they should use the 80's concept better

Miracle Worker (4 Stars)
I Liked, but still needs something in this song...

Next Stage With you (3,5 Stars)
Is a good song, but could have been better exploited

Story (2 Stars)
Why use that long intro? Why use this style of music to perfume? This is Perfume or DeadMau5?

Flash Album Mix (5 Stars)
Best Song of Album, they did better than original, this is Perfume at finest

Sweet Refrain Album Mix (4,5 Stars)
One more time, better than Original Mix

Baby Face (3 Stars)
Seems that Perfume take some inspiration from Avicii

Tokimeki Lights album mix (3 Stars)
This is even a remix? it looked like original

Star Train Album Mix (3 Stars)
Again, same original song just some new FX

Relax in the City / Pick Me Up
I Will jump both songs review beacuse is same thing from single

Cling Cling Album Mix (2,5 Stars)
For third time... Original Music + New FX

Total (3,3 Stars)
Is not the Worst Perfume Album but is also not the Best.... i Think that perfume should back to Origins of his success (Polyrithm Single Era) in terms of creativity, maybe last album can be the last one (i hope not)

>> No.15033681

Complete Best
Cosmic Explorer

>> No.15033782

I hate My Color but I don't mind the other JPN songs. My biggest gripe with JPN is the song arrangement compared to the previous albums. But JPN looks like solid gold compared to level 3/CE

>> No.15034024

ye nakata has definitely lost his touch

>> No.15034030
File: 51 KB, 741x417, kitsune_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15034062

>Perfume debut on US television... when?

Flash + Cosmic Explorer (song) > Cosmic Explorer (album)

CE overall 7.5/10 pretty good

>> No.15034062

US audience isn't interested in any of the snoozefest songs on CE.

>> No.15034109

I assume this is out of 10 stars

>> No.15034146
File: 133 KB, 861x1300, 1442499219876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The album as a whole gave me this conflicted feeling. I love Perfume, but the album is nothing like what Perfume used to be about.

Listening to GAME and Triangle kinda bugs me now. CE is just so disparate in comparison. I really never thought they'd released an album with less lyrics than Level 3. I mean sure the girls have always been about dancing, but that only applies to their shows, not an album. I want songs that are fun to listen and watch. Even worse, Perfume is too late in the game to switch producer, so they'll be heading down the slippery slope till they retire in 2 years.

>> No.15034201

Hopefully the album flops so nakata can chase a trend other than edm. That, or make a genuinely good album for mito.

Kyary is even more far gone than perfume lol

>> No.15034339

320kbps on slsk now

>> No.15034375
Quoted by: >>15034527

Exactly the same sentiments here. The songs might grow on me eventually, but this kind of thing splits fanbases. Their heavy non-use of lyrics and instead reliance on fucking awoo's goes to show that the focus was for more catchy songs. The avici example was dead-on. This might work, but chances are that it won't and in the process further split the older fans from supporting the group.

Also not understanding why tumblerinas are so happy with this album. Withdrawal?

>> No.15034453
Quoted by: >>15038698

it just looks like shes doing the same move as a-chan and yuka but facing the other direction, and she just does quickly and sharply so it looks the way it looks.

either laziness, attempting to make it catchy, or both!

>> No.15034462
Quoted by: >>15035941

The mixing errors are enough for me to consider this album as complete trash.
I love how all the tumblrinas just ignore all the blatant problems.
Fucking clipping issues, random spots of just empty audio, it's disgusting.
Deaf faggots.

>> No.15034488
File: 55 KB, 1919x430, Screenshot_2016-04-06_19-31-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.15034527
File: 14 KB, 334x344, (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15035990

This really bugged me
The constant "whoa-ohhs" and "ohhh-whoas" in the album definitely feels like some shit you'd hear from a western artist to save actually having to write lyrics because making noises is easier to sing along to!
>Also not understanding why tumblerinas are so happy with this album. Withdrawal?
Echo chamber/hivemind mentality. Everybody's too afraid to come out and say the album is fucking trash and will call you a hipster if you say you prefer their earlier work to the post-JPN era shlock.

>> No.15034561
File: 209 KB, 900x1191, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.15034625
Quoted by: >>15034642

is it just me or does audacity refuse to export cosmic explorer after i edit it?

>> No.15034642
File: 40 KB, 600x450, CfVKf05UAAAk9hA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it exported alright for me. the only thing i could possibly think of is maybe try removing any japanese characters from the metadata since that can be fucky sometimes. at least for me, songs i created in FL Studio and then would try to export from audacity (for whatever reason) wouldn't work until i removed "FL Studio.11" or whatever from the metadata. idk worth a shot

>> No.15034672 [DELETED] 

weird lol, no matter how many times i crop cosmic explorer, the exported mp3 is always exactly the same. well fuck that shit then

>> No.15034759

thanks bruh, i think it has something to do with the fact that i'm only cropping out like 0.05s, and audacity probably thinks that's nothing so it just shits out the same file lel

>> No.15034905
File: 132 KB, 367x475, 1427102742090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15034906

postin old memes

>> No.15034906
File: 187 KB, 960x587, 1430524278969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15034917
File: 235 KB, 1261x832, 1418655444637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15034919


>> No.15034919
File: 937 KB, 3100x2296, 1417983908699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15034921


>> No.15034921
File: 105 KB, 467x750, 1445205055156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15035020
File: 231 KB, 557x495, HD_this_please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15035053
Quoted by: >>15035112


I hope the vinyls will use a different source

>> No.15035112

lmao they won't

>> No.15035113

Why does the Album-mix of FLASH suck?
Thank God for CD 2

>> No.15035203

The album mix of flash is one of the best songs on the album though

>> No.15035221
Quoted by: >>15035248

lmao cd 2 is worthless

>> No.15035248

lmao ur right
unless u want an hour of the girls talking

>> No.15035633
File: 32 KB, 804x155, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15035712

>> No.15035712

you could atleast give some context

>> No.15035768
Quoted by: >>15036126

i assume he's referring to the silence at the end of Navigate

>> No.15035787
Quoted by: >>15036272

spoonfeeding occurs on reddit

>> No.15035867
File: 49 KB, 423x389, 1457483968442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is AWOO the album

>> No.15035941
Quoted by: >>15036041

not all tumblrinas but the leddit also are saying that this album is great and blabalbalbla

>> No.15035958

Take me
Take me
Take me tonight
Take me tonight
Take me
Take me

>> No.15035990 [DELETED] 

it happned in facebook too
a guy just showed to me saying that the new album was he loved the album and how the new album was well accepted and blablabla

>> No.15036003

I would like to get into Perfume. Can you suggest which songs/albums/videos to get into first?

>> No.15036012
Quoted by: >>15036063


>> No.15036020

Also try listen the old Albums (Execpt JPN)

>> No.15036031
Quoted by: >>15036035

He should listen to JPN too, it has some good tracks.

>> No.15036035

oh, okey

>> No.15036041
Quoted by: >>15036060

The 2nd highest comment on the Reddit thread is saying the album is bad it's not as full of blind fangays as tumblr

>> No.15036050
Quoted by: >>15036063

You should try "Fuck Off"

>> No.15036051
Quoted by: >>15036063

Japan's #1 entry level song


>> No.15036060
Quoted by: >>15036342

seems that was deleted, i just passed in /r/perfume and all comments was how new album is great

>> No.15036063


Thank you. Always hear about them. For some reason I thought they were older like pushing 40.

>> No.15036126
Quoted by: >>15036301

wait so that silence is intentional? I thought it was only on the leak as I haven't had the chance to download the CD rip from JPS yet.

Seriously what the fuck Nakata?

>> No.15036272

he could be talking about the new justin bieber song for all i know, facebookfag are not my thing

>> No.15036301

The real question, is the 3:20 thingy on cosmic explorer is on the cd rip too

>> No.15036342


Dude thinks JPN is their best album so he has shit taste, but he's still not into CE.

>> No.15036358

Yes, all the "issues" are on the cd audio as well. The source was just sloppily put together. I hope Japanese reviewers reem Nakata for doing such a shitty job.

>> No.15036522

>original songs are meh
>album mixes are too

Worst album in the history of perfume. I'm gonna listen to Omajinai perori now.

>> No.15036627
Quoted by: >>15036852

>using Nakata to represent quality with A-Chan

>> No.15036628
File: 609 KB, 1280x1869, 58945795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15036845

this is the least comfy perfume gen has ever been

>> No.15036638

I don't think the hate for JPN still applies after how hard their quality has dropped during/after the Level 3 era.

JPN has some of my favorite singles on it.

>> No.15036647
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 大本彩乃のっち09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15043367

>"This isn't to say that I don't enjoy the album, because it has it's shining moments. (Just as a sidenote on that, one of those moments for me is Miracle Worker. I am absolutely in love with that song. It sounds like joy, sadness, longing, and nostalgia all somehow mixed into one sonic experience, and I can't stop listening)"

Youtube comment tier.

>> No.15036716
Quoted by: >>15036845

>Where the emotion in this music?
how new are you? the lack of emotion is one of perfume's key traits

>> No.15036845

I love how he pussyfoots around, instead of just saying thing straight out. That karma shit really has their balls in a vice.
I don't think so m8. This is probably the best the gen has been in a long time. Much better than circlejerking and waifuposting.
lmao being auto tuned doesn't signify lack of emotion. Listen to Triangle again in its entirety then come back.

>> No.15036849
Quoted by: >>15036889

>cling cling album mix


>> No.15036852
File: 103 KB, 730x644, 14377021481883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15037940

you don't know how vintage this meme is.
It's a reference to the orginal meme that I made in 2014 before cling cling even came out.

no one could have known that the dry patch wasn't a patch at all.

when depicting A~chan fags we use nakata, when depicting yuka fags we use aoi honoo and when we depict nocchi fags we use any random weeb.

>> No.15036884

this is what 2ch has to say

>俺も⊿は苦手、逆にJPNが好き (Triangle is weak, I like JPN)
>GAME> JPN> LEVEL3> ⊿ (Hasn't listened to CE enough to rank)
>GAME>LEVEL3>JPN>⊿ CEはL3の前か後ろか、、、これからですなあ (CE either before or after L3)
>CE> GAME = ⊿ = JPN = LEVEL3

>> No.15036889
Quoted by: >>15037075

JUST make a shitty song better?

>> No.15036906

do you have 16:10 wallpapers of perfume?

>> No.15036999

Two bombs weren't enough

>> No.15037029

Well, shit taste is universal

>> No.15037044

>all those JPNfags

fucking nips

>> No.15037049
Quoted by: >>15037822

I actually loved this album and want to fuck Nacho in the ass

>> No.15037075
Quoted by: >>15037876

What in the actual fuck is going on with the intro of Cling Cling? Why is the inhalation and first consonant of the second half of the chorus there?

>> No.15037313
Quoted by: >>15037395

Is the title track the greatest song of all time, or just the last 10 years?

>> No.15037395

at least of the last century

>> No.15037542
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bravo mikikko

>> No.15037822

> you will never eat the cheese from Nachos butthole

>> No.15037861

Kek I never noticed that. Sounds like a fucking implosion of silence.

>> No.15037876

The "cli-" bit?

>> No.15037893
Quoted by: >>15039116

seriously that thing ruins the song for me. what the fuck happened

>> No.15037940
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 20150613-210958-983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15038031

That was in 2014? Fuck.

I guess I've been out of the loop as pitlord. I should've waifu'd A-Chan instead of Kashi way back in 2010 when I first got into Perfume

>> No.15038001 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1000x750, 1459992399868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15038027

being an A~chan fag is pretty much equally as shit at this point. rarely anything come from A~chan these days and while she looks great these days her dresses are rarely ever good. while nocchi's outfits tend to be bad too the usually are a little better and also have a cute autistic appeal to them.

also nocchi has been a gold mine for the past two years.

2014 was a great year for depressed pictures and so was mid 2015 but when she is lively she is actually a lot better so I'm really enjoying her at the moment.

chubby A~chan> happy nocchi> current A~chan > depressed nocchi > sexy yuka > cute yuka = fringe nocchi > current yuka.

>> No.15038027 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 1636x1615, coverbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't liked their outfits since Spice, honestly.

2008-2009 Yuka > Chubby A-Chan > Happy(! 2008) Nocchi > Current A-Chan > Current Nocchi > 2012-Current Yuka.

>> No.15038031 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 1000x750, 1459992910664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15038047

being an A~chan fag is almost much equally as shit at this point. rarely anything good comes from A~chan these days and while she looks great still her dresses are rarely ever good. while nocchi's outfits tend to be bad too the usually are a little better and also have a cute autistic appeal to them.

also nocchi has been a gold mine for the past two years.

2014 was a great year for depressed pictures and so was mid 2015 but when she is lively she is actually a lot better so I'm really enjoying her at the moment.

chubby A~chan> happy nocchi> current A~chan > depressed nocchi > sexy yuka > cute yuka = fringe nocchi > current yuka.

man that's one mess of a list.

what I love about nocchi is that she is always hooking us the fuck up with the good shit. I said it way before perfume view that came with star train but once that came out it only strenghened my point.

pointing at yuka's legs, taking shots of their shoes for us, giving us the close ups. nocchi just want us to stay and she knows giving us nuts to buss is the best way to do that. nocchi is smart.

>> No.15038047
File: 216 KB, 1636x1615, coverbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't liked their outfits since Spice, honestly.

2008-2009 Yuka > Chubby A-Chan > Happy(! 2008) Nocchi > Current A-Chan > Current Nocchi > 2012-Current Yuka.

Their shoe game has been trash since 2009.

>> No.15038111
File: 87 KB, 500x419, 1413648560930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its about that time of year when i require perfume comf and rewatch Happy/Chandelier House

>> No.15038187
File: 140 KB, 336x450, 2013.05.28~~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 2017 the year perfume disbands?

>> No.15038214

we can only hope

>> No.15038333
Quoted by: >>15038662

Did they make enough money to quick working forever.

>> No.15038364


>> No.15038389

sometimes i stick my finger in my butt and smell it


>> No.15038662

Amuse sure did

>> No.15038698
File: 727 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2016-04-06 at 9.53.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After rewatching it I guess she's not falling but she's just getting into this pose

>> No.15038943
File: 85 KB, 500x333, 4275902278_c4b0fde161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15039109

>Japan loves JPN
hah, you weebs are the real plebs. true otaku's stylin on ya'll bitches

>> No.15038993

Willing to bet a nickel that JPN and Level 3 were their first album.

>> No.15039093
File: 75 KB, 700x708, they&#039;ll announce their retirement on sept 12 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you say are the top 5 mistakes on this album? any answer is good

>> No.15039109

But perfume is western otaku tier, in Japan it's normie stuff.

>> No.15039116
File: 91 KB, 540x761, scheming nocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15039399

no don't do this!
We're edgy ppl with honest opinions and definitely not tumblr-like in our blind hatred to the smallest of issues.

actually some posts here have brought up good points, esp mixing and stupidly loud tracks...
but shit like >>15037893 makes me go wtf. A freaking hiccup/stutter ruined a track? dat autism.
I'm okay with the album desu but was expecting something more. This isn't Perfume.. it's an unholy western Capsule-AVICI track.

>> No.15039399
File: 361 KB, 1280x757, m5tdlmGlbC1ryrr0zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15039761

Tumblr blindly defends CE because they don't want to appear the odd one out of the hugbox.

If you like CE that's fine but being a fan doesn't mean that you can't look at something objectively or base things on the artists' past releases. I, as a westerner, would not pay to hear the songs on Cosmic Explorer performed live but I would (and have) everything before it.

>> No.15039455

1. Tracklist (no Toumei Ningen, Ijiwaru, etc)
2. Track order
3. Silence after Navigate
4. Brickwall
5. Makes me want to listen to game instead

>> No.15039761
Quoted by: >>15039993

lol what the fucc is up with yuka's hair

>> No.15039993 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 4168x2408, 1431273264045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15040049

if you had a bomb under tokyo and could request 3 things from amuse what would it be?

1:fire the hacks
2:bikki photoshoot for perfume
3:yuka jav

who wants to help me set this up?

>> No.15040049

Your IP has been fucking reported

>> No.15040467

New fag here got this album its alright. I don't like electronic music that much are the other albums better for me?

>> No.15040473

>I don't like electronic music that much are the other albums better for me?

>> No.15040474

try triangle, if you don't like it don't bother

>> No.15040576


>> No.15040716
File: 47 KB, 600x648, CW4P-aUUMAQtKpG.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15040852

using very basic mathmatics japan has proven that kashiyuka does in fact have the perfect body that is impossible to beat.

I know it's been posted before but man it's the truth. show me a woman with a better figure than yuka. you litrually can not

>> No.15040804
File: 608 KB, 600x800, 1439219954132_waifu2x_photo_noise1_scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15040818

waifu2x is giving life to all those SD pic it's crazy

>> No.15040818
Quoted by: >>15040828

ho shit. just learned this from you now.
you got an archive for the locks photos anywhere?

>> No.15040828

I think it's there

>> No.15040852
Quoted by: >>15040861

>no tits
sure maybe for pedo shits

>> No.15040861
File: 154 KB, 1038x960, 1431220800097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15040868

>thinking pear shaped bitches aren't 1000 tier ahead of everything else.

>thinking flat chest/fat ass ain't the dankest shit.

no excuse for having taste this pleb.

>> No.15040868

which is why you should apologize RIGHT NOW

>> No.15040913
Quoted by: >>15041105

Miracle Worker and Cosmic Explorer are masterpieces tbqh

>> No.15041105
Quoted by: >>15041270

You mean Miracle Worker and Baby Face? Cosmic explorer is good but it's just a shameless rip off of that madeon song

>> No.15041166
File: 132 KB, 600x400, photo04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there hr of this pictures?

>> No.15041270

>every time a new song comes out it's ripoff of some song nobody's heard of from a literally who
this meme's getting old

>> No.15041317

it's not a meme and you're just being a pleb faggot right now

>> No.15041363

with 13 million views on yt, i wouldn't say its exactly literally who status, but thats besides the point.

in this case, Nakata did a remix for the guy and did a joint interview with him where they praised each others work a while back, and now we have Cosmic Explorer which sounds blatantly like the Madeon song.

>> No.15041475
Quoted by: >>15041506

There's also an interesting coincidence between boomboomsatellite's what goes round comes around and perfume's party maker. At the very start of bbs's song, you'll hear something familiar.

>> No.15041506

Guess I'm the only one that heard a similarity between Candy Candy and Sweet Refrain's album mix

>> No.15041606

i just listened to them back to back and they're only vaguely similar in tone - the song construction is nothing alike

nicely meme'd

>> No.15041716
File: 42 KB, 1431x936, (964).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate how people are calling cosmic explorer "80s" sounding like it's a good thing. The instrumental just sounds like neo-80s trash by Kavinsky or Lazerhawk.

Love the World sounds retro and it's nice, Cosmic Explorer doesn't.

>> No.15041776
File: 661 KB, 1200x800, 45c1798d-49aa-4e9a-8762-44bf81abfe2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15041841

Is this Better?

>> No.15041791

the "woooowooooo" shit in Cosmic Explorer and Miracle Worker makes them fucking trash.

>> No.15041841
File: 6 KB, 277x208, tumblr_lgedv2Vtt21qf4x93o1_40020110725-22047-38imqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon kun

>> No.15041951

no anon, you are the trash

>> No.15042034
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1600, 3d7ac51e-d434-48bd-a57c-21d5f2078df3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trash but too much western

>> No.15042278

more than anything, i'm pissed they're wearing socks goddamnit

>> No.15042284

the complete lack of an open toe foot game for the past 7 years has been a crime.

>> No.15042325

i dont see anything wrong with the socsks

>> No.15042449
File: 306 KB, 480x640, bd6fd96c-192b-482e-8d8b-ee28b5cedc78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15042749

>> No.15042550

>too much western
now THIS is the top meme

1. jpop has been heavily influenced by the west since the beginning
2. they chose their most "western" songs for their 2014 tour, and guess what, that includes most of their GAME/Triangle hits
3. they're worried about their upcoming american shows because they're part of their Cosmic Explorer tour, and the songs on there are more appealing to the Japanese than the west

>> No.15042578

Still too much western

>> No.15042725


>> No.15042749

i am determined to travel back in time and fill 2008 Yuka with my impure gaijin semen

>> No.15042780

>The surprisingly mature Nocchi. In second grade in elementary school, she called ten boys one after another out to confess her affection to them.
Holy SHIT what a slut

waifu status:

>> No.15042884
Quoted by: >>15043412

but did she do them all at once?

>> No.15042900
File: 124 KB, 600x800, faewfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15042991

this is why I always always always say no new fags.

this nigger doesn't even know about 10 guys 1 toilet and he has the audacity to post in this thread.

what happened to the good old days were new fags would stay fucking quiet and just lurk. now they want to share their trash fucking opinions.

>> No.15042991
Quoted by: >>15043097

i wish you would stay quiet forever

>> No.15043097

same desu

>> No.15043161
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, 115997326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it sounds like shit now.

GAME was the first electro-pop album to chart #1 on Oricon since YMO, which is probably my favorite Japanese band of all time. You felt echoes of classic synthpop and electronic music in GAME and Triangle.

Perfume don't feel like electro-pop at all anymore compared to their earlier work with Nakata. If going western means going EDM then it's fucking trash and isn't worth it.

>> No.15043367
Quoted by: >>15043639

Wow, you're so edgy.

>> No.15043412 [DELETED] 

She took turns and called them in one by one. And was rejected by them in the same manner.

>> No.15043639
Quoted by: >>15043740

Wow, you're using a normie meme

>> No.15043740
File: 1.07 MB, 500x280, tumblr_ncb170BETi1qk7scno1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15043898


>> No.15043811


>> No.15043832

when will we get more kiss and music esque songs, ree

>> No.15043898

>tumblr gif

normie cancer confirmed

>> No.15044050
File: 526 KB, 640x960, 1428889068659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed listening to Metal Resistance this week more than listening to Cosmic Explorer.

kill me

>> No.15044128
File: 58 KB, 389x700, tumblr_lmtmezbLP01qei6p2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm just gonna come out and say that I'm a new fag. I've known Perfume for a while and listened to their stuffs on occasions. Came across a dl of CE and gave it a listen, I quite like it but I understand the sound is massively different from the old perfume. Anw since then I've been digging non-stop to find anything with them on it, and currently in the process of watching the rest of the stuffs on the PerfumeFansub group on YT but I'm afraid I'm running out. What do guys? I dont wanna get back to the real world

>> No.15044232

that would require creativity

>> No.15044357

Just watch Happy! and then watch Chandelier House.

Then cry when you realize there are only 5 SUBBED EPISODES OF CHANDELIER HOUSE

Then just watch Happy again

>> No.15044365
File: 98 KB, 400x311, download (131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite Perfume selling out and becoming westernized their fanservice for western fans is sorely lacking. Also, before Perfume joined Universal they were part of Tokuma Japan which cracked down on 99% of Youtube uploads back in the day which made it very hard to find most videos of them. I had to go on fucking Dailymotion to watch Glitter when it came out since it kept getting taken down from Youtube.

PTA members get shafted in terms of fanclub benefits and the few benefits you do get (Blog pics/vids) are small like pic related.

hope you like tiny ass pictures and videos that are barely worth the effort of saving, senpai! That'll be $15 a year.

Also Perfumefansubs are dead. They did all of Happy! at least but disbanded before tackling No Chandeleir House.

>> No.15044784

karate was really good iirc. is the album better than the first?

>> No.15044788
Quoted by: >>15044980

>cry when you realize there are only 5 SUBBED EPISODES OF CHANDELIER HOUSE
no, you start learning nihongo :^)

>> No.15044800
File: 576 KB, 672x900, 742ebf34f6212be386f02c11a3bf864ccc947c95_s2_n1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15044869
File: 532 KB, 480x750, tumblr_mbasp8waeF1raqwemo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you know where this is from and if there's a larger HD version, lemme know

>> No.15044871

No, but it has some pretty good/catchy songs and way better production/mixing than CE.
Just ignore Meta Taro.

>> No.15044883
File: 197 KB, 600x600, CW1utkAU4AE8_Nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15044901

baby metal shites have made their way back into the thread.

have I ever been wrong?

getting tired of the same old cycle.

>be comfy
>new people come
>hey guys here are all the links, I'll spoon feed them to you, hey listen to these albums why listen to them reverse chronologically when people can tell you exactly what to do.
>hey turns out I like such and such shitty idol group more, better stay in here and talk about it with my new perfume friends.
>wahhh why has the thread become cancerious all these non fans shitting the place up
>why wont they leave their shit posting is ruining the thread
>oh look some new guys here are the albums you should listen to.

>> No.15044901

jesus christ shut the fuck up already

eh, it still has the same issue of inconsistency between songs by different producers

>> No.15044903
Quoted by: >>15044912

Samefagging intensifies

>> No.15044912


>> No.15044914

>better production/mixing than CE
Get out seriously

>> No.15044917

>defending CE production

>> No.15044943
File: 52 KB, 648x656, 1426523081891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15044982

>liking baby sheckels

>> No.15044970
Quoted by: >>15044982

hopefully never
kiss & music and take me take me were mistakes that nakata hasn't made since

>> No.15044980
File: 260 KB, 800x450, wl6oh0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of desperation for more cute perfume vids, i still just watched the rest of the unsubbed chandelier house episodes without knowing a fucking word they were saying and still kinda' enjoyed it

>> No.15044982

you don't need to like babymetal to realise CE production is shit

i can understand kiss and music, but take me take me? damn son

>> No.15044990
File: 917 KB, 804x559, b926fa33507cb42b300fa4f14c076be5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the episode with the french guy in particular was comfy, it had more of perfume trying to speak english

"no party!"

>> No.15045054
Quoted by: >>15045075

Shilling baby shit so hard

>> No.15045075

I intended to reply to this>>15044917

>> No.15045103
Quoted by: >>15045121

deaf tumblrina detected

>> No.15045121
File: 192 KB, 1000x1400, fadwadweq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is tumblr for saying perfume is better than babymetal?

m8 your reddit is showing.

>> No.15045142
Quoted by: >>15045169

CE production is objectively worse than Metal Resistance

>> No.15045155
Quoted by: >>15045169

sop being such a retard, the comment being replied to is about audio mixing and mastering
you're just being a mindless faglord like the tumblrinas now

>> No.15045169
File: 84 KB, 1049x722, 1422550111276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this juicy same fagging.

stay mad bubby shittle fag lord. nothing baby metal will ever be better than even a piece of shit hack like hackata can produce.

>> No.15045175

good detective work anon, you have beaten me

>> No.15045205

Caught me too
Looks like we have a regular Kintaro Watanabe here

>> No.15045225

just watched ep6. my nihongo is shit but the overall plot felt pretty self-explanatory. i could write a synopsis if anyone desperately needs one.

ep7 looks like a dank source of nocchi autism but i can hardly understand any of it.

>> No.15045237

No that is okay go away

>> No.15045245
File: 70 KB, 634x646, 1437701725477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045394

perfume no chandiler is not a good source for nocchi autism as it's all scripted. if you want the dankest autism you have to go to the interviews.


this one hasn't been posted in a long ass time but here is some noice nocchi autism

>> No.15045264

i should just pay a translator for the rest of no chandelier

>> No.15045276

CE doesn't even best JPN, this is the darkest timeline...

>> No.15045394

Got anymore good autism interviews I need more of these

>> No.15045414


>> No.15045476
File: 204 KB, 1024x690, 55481879_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045494


ehh this is a little autistic.
videos mostly good because of A~chan blowing the fuck out of nocchi for the 100th time.

don't mind the baby shitter we get this every sping, baby shitters are normal fag regects so while everyone else is going out and lviing happy lives they are indoors wishing that they could fit in with the rest of the normies and take it out on us as a result.

>> No.15045494


you do realize that shut ins are normal anons and the reverse are cancerous newfags? lol

>> No.15045506

he doesn't

>> No.15045526
File: 669 KB, 1200x851, 55353586_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045532

my normal fag regects aren't real shut in's they are redditers, they go outside try to mate with a girl and then get blown the fuck out.

the real anons are the people that gave up trying and just like to post comfy shit after a long day of working at a piece of shit job that makes them hate themselves.

>> No.15045532
Quoted by: >>15045547

>I found 4chan post 2010

no wonder you are delusional

>> No.15045547
File: 108 KB, 1024x1280, Cfc9tliVAAAqo8y.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045606

that's some hard core projecting you're doing there sonny.

did you only just come to /jp/ after finding about baby metal in late 2015 or something?

>> No.15045606
Quoted by: >>15045638

it's always got to go back to babymetal doesn't it lol

>> No.15045638
File: 117 KB, 1024x1247, CfVjshwUEAElySn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045834

it's the reason you're not welcom here

>> No.15045777
File: 99 KB, 227x302, foff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Babymetal fans
Fuck faggots who hate Complete Best

Anyways Cosmic Explorer was okay. The first half and more of the album was decent, then became absolute shit from STAR TRAIN and on. The last third of the album ruins it for me. If it wasn't for Miracle Worker, STORY, and Flash I would of quit Perfume and hung myself.

GAME > ⊿ > Complete Best >>>>>>> Cosmic Explorer = Level 3 > JPN

(although JPN had way better singles than CE and Level 3 it blows ass as an album)

Anyone here going to the San Francisco show?

>> No.15045792 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 964x1140, 1444944593839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen such god tier taste anon. where have you need?

and to top it off you're using a reaction image I made. I think, i've lost track of which ones I created

>> No.15045798
File: 136 KB, 964x1140, 1444944593839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045909

never seen such god tier taste anon. where have you need?

and to top it off you're using a reaction image I made. I think. i've lost track of which ones I created. also trips for truth.

>> No.15045826

Holy shit is delusion bro back? These last whiny newfaggy posts sound just like him!

>> No.15045834
Quoted by: >>15045858

where is kashi??

>> No.15045853

It's a goddamn tragedy

>> No.15045858
File: 288 KB, 1200x675, 56135290_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artist never done a yuka solo drawing.

been a perfume fan since early 2014 and I've never seen someone call yuka "kashi"

>> No.15045868
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, CW6MpyhUQAA-9sD.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit meant to say 2013.
they were doing world tour 2nd when I heard about them

>> No.15045872
File: 93 KB, 876x784, 1434415862506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15045885

vogue magazine. to lazy to find a better pic sorry

>> No.15045897

Reminder that A-chan is the only acceptable waifu because she's the only one that hasn't been in a dating scandal. The other two are used goods.

>> No.15045908

thank you 2013-anon kun

>> No.15045909
File: 20 KB, 640x397, 1428975397384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045921

>where have you need?

Thanks for the images anon. I am sure I have a couple of yours saved throughout the years.

>> No.15045921
File: 158 KB, 972x946, 1429046989396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045951


I even deleted my post then forgot to correct it. I'm a retard.

>> No.15045935
Quoted by: >>15045942

>I've never seen someone call yuka "kashi"

Aaaah kashi

>> No.15045942

great example

>> No.15045951
File: 287 KB, 500x398, eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045964

It's all good. I have been on a search for prime A-chan smiles lately. I only post once every other thread in recent months, ever since the numbered generals went away.

>> No.15045964
File: 131 KB, 705x1101, 1426650008097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045974


>> No.15045974
File: 548 KB, 1280x1293, tumblr_m9stal5Z1m1rr2z6no2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045986


>> No.15045986
File: 295 KB, 1804x1014, fire the hacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15045994

desu all but on paper my new waifu is Nocchi so since I formated my computer I haven't been saving as many A~chan pics.

>> No.15045988
File: 121 KB, 855x561, tumblr_o5b8e0r8jr1rvjz2fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15045994
File: 298 KB, 800x501, 800full-ayaka-nishiwaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046023

Delusion bro samefagging for damage control lmao

>> No.15046044

these old hags are finished
it's time to make room for BABYMETAL

>> No.15046074


Newfags get OUT

>> No.15046105
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, perfume-50a9bc1a72897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046118

In the OP of this threat, get all the PTA DVDs. hours and hours of footage. not subbed but still very fun to watch

>> No.15046122

if you don't think CE is their best album you are edgy shit without taste

>> No.15046147
Quoted by: >>15046175

True, their sound has only been evolving for the better over time. These plebs just want their uninspired idol music back and hate anything more matured than that.

>> No.15046174
File: 242 KB, 771x771, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd4e786660e20d0964f4608b811de3558%2Ftumblr_nqb3w5FgBG1ttl1qio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GAME = ⊿ > Complete Best >>> Cosmic Explorer >>>>>>>> Level 3 >>> JPN
Not their best but still an improvement over Level 3 and JPN

>> No.15046175
File: 319 KB, 410x410, tumblr_nm053fFf5G1szlnwpo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15046229

this same fag trolling really isn't convincing dude.

reminder that image.jpg is both a hard core babymetal fag and proven samefag. not to mention any time a new release comes out he shits up the thread.

I'm pretty sure the majority of people that are "new" are just him doing really ineffective trolling technique.

of course with the release of a new album an influx of new fags are bound to come but the number is likely inflated by him seeing as the original posters number hasn't gone up from the last two threads.

he is likely shit posting multipul times a day and that number has gone up now that people are putting baby shitters in their place.

[spoilerfemm, koto or kyary will come next just you watch, this guy has zero taste in music[/spoiler]

>> No.15046213 [DELETED] 

my post got deleted.
what is this shit?

>> No.15046229
Quoted by: >>15046247

hi delusion bro

>> No.15046247
File: 55 KB, 960x960, 1929726_794156820728813_1324874134648865756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15046268

the funny thing is image.jpg is one guy shit posting multiple times.

and delusion bro is multiple people calling out one shit poster

>> No.15046268
Quoted by: >>15046285

>Delusion bro stoking the fire

Nigger you need some help

>> No.15046280

She was my waifu 2010-2015 and i never called her Yuka once, even in here.

>> No.15046285

Get ready for some epic samefagging! >_<

>> No.15046310
File: 1.72 MB, 184x464, 98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make the samefag/delusionbro faggotry end. someone post the ultimate autistic nocchi webm, the one with a-chan and the card trick. that will calm everyone down.

>> No.15046317
Quoted by: >>15046327

shut up delusion bro! shut up! ahhhhhh tatatatatatata

>> No.15046327

the only delusion i have is that i keep coming here expecting it to be good and comfy again

>> No.15046393
File: 1.47 MB, 854x480, スパゲッティガール..webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah the webm I made ages ago.

the reason it keeps coming up is because not enough people call him out on his samefaggint. he anti shills so hard its stupid.the only reason to keep him around is for his delutional stories about how he met x idol after a concert and they went out for karaoke or getting a hug from Y idol. image.jpg is just the cancer of this thread and as annoying it is when the thread devolves into me and probably one other guy calling him out we at least provide other things for the thread where asll he does is talk shit.

>> No.15046396
Quoted by: >>15046484

thank you anon. this makes me comfortable to watch

>> No.15046455

Every time you come back you just have to start shit don't you? I guess Summer is coming near so you can go full retard. This thread was comfy before you started losing your shit.

>> No.15046484
Quoted by: >>15046517


definitely not samefagging with those time stamps lmao probably just one kid going full retard

>> No.15046517
File: 7 KB, 338x115, 3aa92908b2c7c720d4cea52f0c327731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15046519

does replying to someone within 5 minutes mean you're samefagging now? surely that means you and >>15046455 are the same person, anon!

>> No.15046519
Quoted by: >>15046545

nice photoshop mate im pretty sure those three posts are the same anon

>> No.15046534
File: 38 KB, 240x400, 2008.03.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Cosmic Explorer is the first album title track since GAME, right?

How do you think it holds up to GAME?

>> No.15046545
File: 1.74 MB, 500x363, help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me, shit!!!

>> No.15046547

GAME is so cool and has the first lightsabers dance i say it does not compete

>> No.15046559

>all of these people talking up comsic explorer and how great it is are likely going to leave the thread sometime this week

Reminder that if you are alive right now you are conceivably among the most lucky life forms to have ever existed (ever) because you are here to witness perfume in real time and to be a part of a society that is enlightened enough to slightly recognize their perfection.


>> No.15046572
File: 33 KB, 567x709, 1422551246897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046576

So what are everyone's thoughts on Cosmic Explorer vs I'll do my best?
I really think Nakata hit it out of the park with Mito's new single and kind of just barfed out Cosmic Explorer really quickly

>> No.15046641
Quoted by: >>15050735

Saw a comparison of Moshimo Cooking or whatever and Plastic Girl off Cutie Cinema Replay and it gave me a little glimmer of hope that Nakata hasn't entirely replaced his songwriting sensibilities with EDM.

Don't think it's particularly great or anything but it's encouraging.

>> No.15046729

it's a much better song than GAME, no competition

>> No.15046735
Quoted by: >>15046837

I listened to the first few Mito songs and thought they were all putrid shit

>> No.15046780

moshimo cooking is the reason i'm still alive

>> No.15046837
Quoted by: >>15046871

I'll do my best is worth a listen, her first two singles were crap

>> No.15046871

I heard maegami wo kirisugi da and thought it was pure trash.

didn't listen to 8 bit boy until I do my best came out

I like them both. 8 bit boy is a cheap but catchy sound.

>> No.15046917

omg talking about non perfume music reeeeee image.jpg reeeeeeeee

>> No.15047003
File: 736 KB, 1020x622, ascream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15047164

>mfw when
>is me, and I haven't said anything else until this post.

If you didn't get my point, I have been a Perfume fan for a while and am NOT a fan of babymetal, so it's really a testament to how shit CE is that I cringe more to new Perfume than new Babymetal.

Anyone who loves CE is either currently in denial or has awful taste.

>> No.15047164

I hate Babymetal but I hate Mikiko reusing Babymetal choreo for Perfume even more now.

Perfume are getting Nakata scraps which aren't even good anymore and they're getting Mikiko's babymetal scraps so even their dancing is worse.

I haven't even liked their outfits since the Level 3 era.

>> No.15047246

Perfume are considered washed up old hags in Japan because they're over 25 years old. BABYMETAL is the current hotness. Deal with it.

>> No.15047355
Quoted by: >>15047387

yo yall talk so much smack about perfume but i bet if they let you sniff their little asses you would
just spittin some truth
so keep hatin

>> No.15047387

oh we're mostly shit talking the music, i don't think any of us would object to sniffing their lewd asses

>> No.15047759
Quoted by: >>15047863

Okay yeah this album sucks. Literally fell asleep multiple times while listening because I'm tired of this shit

Thanks for zzz's Nakata, drop these worn-out broads and do that Tiesto collab you want to make so much

>> No.15047830

Nakata is definitely gonna switch things up now

>> No.15047863

I literally cannot listen to the album after sweet refrain.

Nakata's songs for Mito have only been improving. Her full-length might be what redeems him.

>> No.15048508

I haven't read anything here for months

I'm 4 tracks into Cosmic Explorer and I'm LOVING IT

>> No.15048528

Good taste

>> No.15048669

>4 tracks into
That's why

>> No.15048711
Quoted by: >>15048910

the first 3 tracks where were I knew the album was going to be trash

>> No.15048910

this post is how i know your taste is trash

>> No.15049483

What is wrong with you?

>> No.15049740

If you were in charge of torturing someone with a Perfume song, what song would you choose?

I think Nee would be good.

>> No.15049746

FAKE IT, Glitter, Laser Beam or anything off of Cosmic Explorer.

>> No.15049811


>> No.15050202

goddamn I used to not like level 3 very much but now it sounds godlike compared to the new album

>> No.15050427

Linear Motor Girl or Vitamin Drop

i'd rather swallow razor blades than listen to either of them more than once every 6 months

>> No.15050703

is Mito Natsume really 4'11" O_O

>> No.15050735
Quoted by: >>15050781

Holy shit Nakata is so fucking lazy, I immediately thought "this is just a slightly altered Plastic Girl melody"

>> No.15050781

Eh, I don't think it's that egregious. Certainly not as obvious a similarity as I'll Do My Beam.

>> No.15051165

party maker, perfume or zero gravity

>> No.15051272
Quoted by: >>15051279

Apart from Story, Sweet Refrain, and Baby Face

Cosmic Explorer was a BANGER, yo

Cosmic Explorer itself was a SICKNASTY track, yo


>> No.15051278

Mirai no Museum and it ain't even close

>> No.15051279

Spittin that real talk familia

>> No.15051535

