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File: 507 KB, 634x1000, 1438950723672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13887370 No.13887370 [Reply] [Original]

Don't worry Kaganon, we are with you.

Previous thread: >>13873905

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle

Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

A Jew's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/4Wk2hy0B

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/Combat
Voices, Sprites, Furnitures Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev
KanColle Viewer (JP original): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN fork 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN fork 2): https://github.com/yuyuvn/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR fork): https://github.com/FreyYa/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (JP fork 1): https://github.com/about518/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (JP fork 2): https://github.com/linnaea/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (ZH fork 1): https://github.com/kookxiang/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases
Kancolle Broker: https://github.com/phoenixlzx/kancolle-broker
MyFleetGirls: https://github.com/ponkotuy/MyFleetGirls

PS Vita Game (27 August 2015): http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-Summer 2015 event will be a large scale event based on the Solomon Islands campaign. It starts in three days.
-Tatsuta is now healthy.
-Fit planes.
-Shoukaku and Zuikaku will get kai 2 this summer
-Kancolle is dominating yet another Comiket.

>> No.13887403

Sounds like a horrible language.

>> No.13887435

We don't know the in-depth mechanics yet but given the information we have it's a solid assessment.

>> No.13887961
File: 442 KB, 1150x901, stlouis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13888423

OC, but you can't tell anyone. They'll find me.
Actually, it's just a coloured version of a posted picture. But you still can't tell anyone.

>> No.13888121

To me it sounds like they are nerfing CVLs. If they are introducing cut-ins for carriers, it would make sense.

And not that fit guns was realistic implented. Nagato can carry the big ones while the heavier and more powerful European battleships got the Kongou-class treatment.

>> No.13888373
Quoted by: >>13888423

There's a toggle in the ship construction screen, what does it do? I haven't been able to find anything from searching around.

>> No.13888423
Quoted by: >>13889882



You mean the LSC contruction switch?
It makes big guns and shitty subs.

>> No.13888974

I'm only at 45000 fuel.

Send help.

My Yamato hungers.

>> No.13889010

Below is my carrier department. What needs work? How is it for clearing this event on medium? Assume ships are fully modernized, save for AA on a few.

Hiryuu Kai Ni (Lv.77)
Akagi Kai (Lv. 58)
Kaga Kai (Lv.53)
Shoukaku Kai (Lv. 53)

Jun'you Kai Ni (Lv.80)
Ryuujou Kai Ni (Lv.75)
Hiyou Kai (Lv.51)
Shouhou Kai (Lv.50)
Chitose Kai Ni (Lv.50)
Chiyoda Kai Ni (Lv.50)
Zuihou Kai (Lv.46)

Reppuu: 5
Shinden Kai Ni: 7
Ryuusei Kai: 4
Saiun: 2
Type 2: 1

>> No.13889060

Levels don't matter.
Equips and resources do.

>> No.13889115
File: 402 KB, 708x414, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy sure loves submarines

>> No.13889123



>> No.13889147

I bet he hasn't even luck buffed them.

>> No.13889158

why isn't the new kancollewiki being put on the OP anymore?

>> No.13889376

Despite what people say about levels modernization, equipment and resources are the only things you should be worrying about for the event.

You look fine and as long as you have at least 30K for everything, you should be alright for clearing on medium.

This is of course, you don't plan on rushing through the event.

>> No.13889882
Quoted by: >>13899760

I don't think that's the switch for large construction, because when I toggle it on, the max is still just 999

There's also other toggles throughout the UI that I have no idea what they do, like in the repair down UI.

>> No.13890009 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 140x68, 098e2b447b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well did you play Stockolle recently, are you ready for the event on your wanted difficulty?

I'm ready for 2 days.

>> No.13890083
File: 25 KB, 269x117, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to get all the new ships on easy.

>> No.13891256
Quoted by: >>13891430

You know what annoys me? Shipgirls that non-stop reference their sister. Come on, Chiyoda, I like Chitose too but why's all your lines gotta be about her.

>> No.13891419

Just started playing and got Akagi from some kill enemy carrier quest. Is this normal or did I just get extremely lucky?

>> No.13891422

Why do you want to be disinformed so much?
There were numerous complaints about that wiki's lack of quality and plain misinformation misleading a bunch of people. It's also a scam and being raided 7/24. Don't advertise it here or anywhere else.

>> No.13891430

Get Kaga and then will you be considered lucky.

Siscons are hot tho.

>> No.13891432

The entire point of that quest is to give you Akagi.

>> No.13891608
File: 252 KB, 550x617, monthofstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kept mostly consistent for a month, though I missed my ammo projection by about 20k. Might attempt hard mode this time around.

>> No.13891639
File: 57 KB, 834x181, Aug 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly burned myself out in just a week of stockpiling. I've done absolutely everything I can in the short amount of time I've been playing to prepare for the event so I don't have to regret anything. Right now I'm thinking I should let my bauxite drop below the soft cap during the event and keep it up with sparkled Ex6.

>> No.13891657
File: 655 KB, 802x481, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it /jp/

>> No.13891820
File: 213 KB, 600x543, Bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13891998

nice slut you got there

>> No.13891998

Fuck off hater.

>> No.13892084
File: 25 KB, 218x300, IKIMASUYOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you haven't got 200k+ of everything and 3k buckets you will NOT clear the hardest and longest event ever, Summer 2015.

>> No.13892095

I wasn't really going to marry a Kongou since I already had a BB wife, but apparently I was happy enough with Haruna getting final clear last event that I went for it. Have barely used her since.

>> No.13892138
Quoted by: >>13892149

Reminder that good Admirals will clear the event with luck buffed 150's and no stockpile.

I honestly can't believe there is such a prevalent belief here that stockpiling is needed for any of these events.

>> No.13892149
Quoted by: >>13892196

Reminder that I'm shitpoting and also suck cocks.

>> No.13892196

Reminder that I latched onto the most recent stockpile-fag comment

>> No.13892244

It blows that I got together 3x as much resources as I had the last time only to see the event be much longer than the one I already couldn't clear on easy.
For reference: Due to my limitations and trying to listen to /a/jp/ and do construction and development just before the Sping event I had 2 lv40 ships, 15k in all resources, and 50 buckets.

Now I've got 40k, 170 buckets, and a much higher leveled fleet. 30+@40-60
Oh well. Fuck it, I'm ready.

>> No.13892259

It's always hilarious to read these posts.

>> No.13892285

get more buckets, asap

>> No.13892350
File: 6 KB, 142x58, ss (2015-08-08 at 11.57.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking piece of fuck fuck i am always away from the PC so i cant really spam 2 and 4 all day.

here's to hoping I'd reach 500 by the start of the event

>> No.13892354

369 buckets, am I fucked?

>> No.13892365

you will run out after two days and not finish the event but nothing to worry about really

>> No.13892372


or just be a pleb and choose easy modo for all 7 maps.

>> No.13892460

That's what you get for being a fucking normalfag.

>> No.13892498
Quoted by: >>13892516

I had like 400 buckets and finished Spring on hard all the way through. Stop worrying, you have more than enough wwwwwww

>> No.13892516
Quoted by: >>13892528

Is this kuso cereal?

>> No.13892528


>> No.13892536
Quoted by: >>13892543

>still cann't log in
why live

>> No.13892543

This is why you should use API links.

>> No.13892630
Quoted by: >>13892635

So max upgraded 38cm kai are the best for Kongou-class, right?

>> No.13892635
Quoted by: >>13892642


>> No.13892642


>> No.13892711
File: 566 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-01311505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13892714

Fuck this shit

>> No.13892714
Quoted by: >>13892730

I don't see a health bar so what are you even doing there?

>> No.13892730

I need 2 more for the weekly. I went to furniture node 6 times a in row so I don't want to waste any more resources with 3-3. I guess I'll just ignore the quest altogether since the rewards aren't even worth it when Akashi is next to impossible to obtain

>> No.13892802

Because this is the troll's thread.

>> No.13892809
Quoted by: >>13892817

I got her from 2-5 some time ago. Went there every day several times for like two weeks. Hiryuu, Taigei and then her.

>> No.13892817

I'm at 62 S rank kills and I'll go HQ100 soon. After that point I doubt I'll want to farm there anymore.

>> No.13892834
Quoted by: >>13892839

I lucked out and got her while clearing Winter 2015 E-1. I'm a shitter about screws and upgrading though, Right now I'm blowing most of what I have on getting 6 35.6cms to +4 because the only things I've upgraded previously are 4 T91 AP shells to +6 and 2 10cm+AAFD.

>> No.13892839
Quoted by: >>13892843

I lucked out and got her while clearing Spring 2014.

>> No.13892843

I had only been playing for like 3 weeks when I got her. I had no idea who she was or how useful she was and almost scrapped her.

>> No.13892853

>almost scrapped her

Top Kuso

>> No.13892854
Quoted by: >>13892886

Don't scrap any ships, you fucking moron. Buy slots.

>> No.13892873

Kaga is love, Kaga is life

>> No.13892886
Quoted by: >>13892944

Oh, I caved pretty early. Sitting at a nice 170 right now.

>> No.13892892
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>> No.13892899
File: 24 KB, 142x61, Screen Shot 2015-08-08 at 12.20.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post what you got. Everything is more than double what I had for the last event, which I cleared on Hard. What difficulty are you aiming for?

>> No.13892904
Quoted by: >>13892913

Reminder that Kaga will be officially rendered useless in two days.
Reppu will be fit planes for crane sisters, Akagi/Kaga won't even be able to carry them since they were sunk too early in the war.

>> No.13892906
File: 15 KB, 472x472, 5b2c699f1e957826fbc8055acc963916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13892916

I'm not posting here often, even though Kaga got nerfed, my love won't falter even a bit

>> No.13892913
File: 120 KB, 378x393, 1423875287087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13892916
Quoted by: >>13892926

>Kaga got nerfed
you got any proofs for that?

>> No.13892921
File: 81 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-12272724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-5 cleared at the very first time on last kill, right before the event. I fucking love my girls.

>> No.13892926

No, I'm just saying.

>> No.13892930
File: 12 KB, 146x64, 2015-08-09_02-26-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming for 2 maybe 3 maps (if I'm lucky) on easy, since I started 3 weeks ago. I've got a mostly light fleet, only 5 K2s (all 3 Sendais, Poi, and Kitakami), no Reppuu, no Sanshiki and no T 91 Shell. No Hiei, so I wasn't able to unlock the 4th fleet.

I'm sort of worried about my fuel.
We'll see how it goes.

>> No.13892940
Quoted by: >>13893032

If you focus on fuel (Expedition 5 and 9 if you have them) you should be able to get fuel to over 20k if you stay on it. I cleared 4 maps of Winter 2015 with far less resources than that and only 50 buckets. Depending on how you've levelled your girls, you should do better than you expect.

>> No.13892944
File: 71 KB, 1339x174, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13892949

>Oh, I caved pretty early
I maxed my slots a week after I started. And then I stopped playing for a month after getting angry at Iona who kept going north in 3-1.

>> No.13892949
Quoted by: >>13892954

It's not my fault you're a kuso who hates money. I assume you came back though, right?

>> No.13892954

Just in time to get Sakawa.

>> No.13892956
Quoted by: >>13893032

>No Hiei
I know your pain. She was the last for me too. I kept non stop farming 4-1 and 3-2 and I got 3 copies of each other Kongou class before I got her. You should still try farming 3-2A until the event starts while staying under the resource soft cap just in case you get her. 4th fleet makes a big difference. Might also be worth spending some devmats for Reppuu and AP shells but it's a gamble

>> No.13892957

What is the easiest way to get cranes guys?

>> No.13892959
Quoted by: >>13892989

LSC for the hoe named Tai.

>> No.13892961
Quoted by: >>13892989

5-4, event, Taihou attempts

>> No.13892962
Quoted by: >>13893233

Hail Satan.

>> No.13892972

Should the first LSC attempts go for Battleships or Taihou?

>> No.13892974

5-4, but I believe Cranes will be farmable on E3 of this event.

>> No.13892980
Quoted by: >>13892984


>> No.13892981

Battleships. There's a very small chance for Taihou in most of their recipes.

>> No.13892984

I got both hotels one after another while trying to BIsmarck, so you can do it too.

Still no Bismarck, though.

>> No.13892989
Quoted by: >>13892995


But it's not working, i got Kaga and Taihou for first and second attempt for cranes before, not doing LSC anymore.

>> No.13892995
Quoted by: >>13893001

Well, fuck you.

>> No.13893001
Quoted by: >>13893007


>> No.13893002

Attempt to clear the event.

>> No.13893007
Quoted by: >>13893014

You heard me, fuckboi.

>> No.13893014

Already married that Kaga for your information.

>> No.13893032
File: 500 KB, 890x735, 2015-08-09_02-45-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might also be worth spending some devmats for Reppuu and AP shells but it's a gamble
I've been trying to get Reppuu for two weeks (daily development) and only managed to get 2 Tenzans. It's better than nothing. I think I used all my luck on getting Zuikaku before completing Akagi quest.

I've been doing 3-2-A as well since I wanted to at least Kai my CAs and CVLs, and get ships to modernize the K2s I had earlier.

>Expedition 5 and 9 if you have them
Will do.

>Depending on how you've levelled your girls, you should do better than you expect.
I probably made some big mistakes, but my fleets looks like this.
I wanted to sit out on the event, but some anon convinced me that I should participate anyway, so I'll take any map as a nice bonus.

>> No.13893040

Oh boy, someone's looking to get banned.

>> No.13893064
Quoted by: >>13893079


>> No.13893065

>probably made some big mistakes
CVs. You need them. This is supposed to be a 'CV heavy' event. That has been proven to be bullshit in the past on multiple occasions, but on combined fleet maps you could be looking at branching that requires at least 4 CVs. Get your modernization going as well, armor and firepower for your BBs and CV/Ls.

>> No.13893075

Wanna correct that date for the vita game OP was delayed to November, whether anyone cares or not.

>> No.13893079

It's メメ.

>> No.13893136

its shitposter thread, so dont count on it.

>> No.13893152
Quoted by: >>13893160

Caring about what's in the OP is a meme. Who the fuck actually reads it?

>> No.13893160
Quoted by: >>13893408

But air superiority calculator is important though

>> No.13893163

I'll do it when it's time.

>> No.13893233
Quoted by: >>13893244

I got one that way, my friend got one that way, pepekekeko got one that way, this >>13892962 faggot got one that way. Satan recipe is true,

>> No.13893244
Quoted by: >>13893259

Oh, thanks.
Will do

>> No.13893259

Honestly though, just wait for the fucking event. Spring stages dropped cranes like crazy, and winter also gave a sizeable amount of them.

>> No.13893278
Quoted by: >>13893302

>like crazy

It too me almost 200 runs to farm my cranes.

>> No.13893288
Quoted by: >>13893294

Okay, ill stop wasting resources

>> No.13893294
Quoted by: >>13893303

i wish you'd do that irl

>> No.13893302
Quoted by: >>13893369

RNG does favor me at times, but holy shit, 200 is more sorties than the whole fucking event took me. Which difficulty were you farming?

>> No.13893303
Quoted by: >>13893309

Dont worry, im pretty efficient guy

>> No.13893309

oh, good

>> No.13893342
Quoted by: >>13893647

>don't pay attention
>boss node
>alt+tab back in
>skip night battle
>entire run wasted
Sometimes, I don't even know about this whole "life" thing

>> No.13893369


It worked out though because I got Harusame in 11 runs and saberkaze while clearing.

>> No.13893396

When's the event starting guys?

>> No.13893405


>> No.13893407
Quoted by: >>13893421

It already did.

>> No.13893408

At least it's much more important than 9999 versions of KCViewer.

>> No.13893415

Is there a secret to getting loads of steel?
I'm currently doing Exp. 3 but resending them every 20 minutes becomes tedious after a while.

>> No.13893419

Tokyo Bay

>> No.13893421

It's already over, and everyone's preparing for the fall event now.

>> No.13893423


Tokyo Express

>> No.13893430

I personally just do expedition 18

>> No.13893431

3-2. I don't have Tokyo Express unlocked either since I don't think it's worth it at this point so I'm sending subs and sacrificial fleets through 3-2A

>> No.13893433
Quoted by: >>13893449

Which stage??

>> No.13893436

See >>13893419 >>13893423
#37+#38 all day every day.

>> No.13893449


>> No.13893455

>I don't think it's worth it
Do you at least make good decisions in other parts of the game?

>> No.13893457

oh my god I can get banned for this?

>> No.13893469

It's hard to fulfill the Expedition requirements of having lots of high-level DDs available to run expeditions when you're relatively new to the game.

>> No.13893478
Quoted by: >>13893481

No. It's a dank meme.

>> No.13893481
File: 402 KB, 800x800, 1438197616932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>famous last words

>> No.13893485

Can't spare the ships to run them unless I used my main DDs and the time wasted unlocking it would result in 18~20k resource loss

>> No.13893495
File: 65 KB, 785x785, 1424649337931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sacrificial fleets

>> No.13893510

Ah yes, that quest.
Rejoice an be thankful. She's the only CV you're likely to see till about world 3-3. Even then CVLs are more common.
Shouhou's decent and fairly common if you can find her. Took me till HQ73 to get Kaga.
I also got a bunch from the last event including: Hiryuu, Zuikaku Shoukaku, and Katsuragi.
You want lucky: try getting Taihou on your first LSC attempt.
I didn't, I got Yahagi, but she's still considered extremely rare as craftable girls go.

Good luck. If you're feeling masochistic try the event. Actually: start preparing now and you'll be ready for your first event by Spring 2016.

>> No.13893516

It's time to level other girls. You cannot rely on the same DDs throughout the game.

>> No.13893519

>start preparing now and you'll be ready for your first event by Spring 2016.
Don't listen to him, he's exaggerating this part. I started late December and managed to clear winter on Normal up to E5.

>> No.13893524

He could easily clear the next event on hard.

>> No.13893526

>you'll be ready for your first event by Spring 2016.
It only takes 2-3 months to be ready for any event, assuming you're a NEET.

>> No.13893527
File: 38 KB, 973x530, Banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be fine as long as you never log on one day and see this.
I live in constant terror of seeing this to the extent that I avoided getting a HUD program as long as possible.
Unfortunately recent additions to the region locks have pushed me further into dangerous territory.

>> No.13893538
Quoted by: >>13893635

The Japanese fork of KCV apparently has over 2 million downloads. I believe there would be a lot of uproar if they started banning people for using it

>> No.13893540

But that's how you win. Once you're finally free, the game is over.

>> No.13893549

Fuck off already.

>> No.13893553

Only if you send a mail to DMM from the same mail account you used to register on DMM, with a screenshot and/or video of yourself using it with your username on it/them, they can't detect it otherwise.

It takes a huge retard to accomplish this.

>> No.13893608
Quoted by: >>13893641

Is it better to equip Type 32s or AP shells on BBs in combined fleet during events?

>> No.13893635

The vast majority ofJaps don't use KCV at all since it's Japanese tradition to religiously obey the law.

>> No.13893641

depends on the boss, so for himes besides installation types, the AP shells might be more recommended.

>> No.13893647


>> No.13893685
File: 309 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-14414199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894919

Someday I will find you, and I will scrap your married shipgirl.

>> No.13893697
File: 893 KB, 1000x1793, kantai collection (kancolle) 「青赤」by たえ さん @ snnns.tumblr @ twit tae402 @ t.tae600@gmail.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13893786

I just had a dream I scrapped one of my strongest girls by accident because I was grinding while tired.

>> No.13893792

Nice blog.

>> No.13893821

Nice vision

>> No.13893823

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you agree with this statement by Palmer Luckey, CEO of Oculus, about who is the best shipfu?

"Jun'you obv
Fubuki is probably better, but I don't want to share waifu with all the people who agree."

>> No.13893824
Quoted by: >>13893832

I dreamed I scrapped my girls because they did shit on events.

Oh wait that actually happened.

>> No.13893828

>Fubuki is probably better


>> No.13893832
Quoted by: >>13893837

>when things don't go my way I throw a fit and do irrational things
cool, are you by any chance twelve years old?

>> No.13893837

I bet you don't even throw ships away on 1-6 pussy.

>> No.13893838
Quoted by: >>13893847


>> No.13893840
Quoted by: >>13893844

I had a dream about sinking one of my ships and get up and turn on my computer in the middle of the night. This kusoge has corrupted me.

>> No.13893844
Quoted by: >>13893906

You're not corrupted until you wake up to resend expeditions.

>> No.13893845
Quoted by: >>13893848

I had a dream, that all shipgirls are judged not by the number of their stats, but by the cuteness of their face.

>> No.13893847

/u/palmerluckey on reddit, servers are throwing a fit right now, so can't link.

>> No.13893848

That's even more shallow.

A girl can't change what she looks like, but she can work hard to be useful to you. I use even the ugliest girls if their stats are good.

>> No.13893862
File: 88 KB, 223x205, 1387256454306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13893870
File: 60 KB, 500x490, onlythedead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13893886


>mfw the new wiki links to reddit

>> No.13893882
Quoted by: >>13893891

Well he doesn't post often on 4chan, does he?

>> No.13893886

Better than herding wikia cancer over here.

>> No.13893891

Why would a CEO even answer who is best girl?

>> No.13893892
File: 489 KB, 1544x705, ETqFCJ3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Neat.

>> No.13893900
File: 682 KB, 1080x1920, 50395500_p27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the auxiliary ship we'll be getting is probably going to be Mamiya, right?

>> No.13893903

I don't like ice cream sundaes, I'd tell her to make actual food.

>> No.13893906

I did that with an alarm on, and it was 4am.

>> No.13893907
Quoted by: >>13894100

Mamiya actually sortied, so it's not her. Hayasui is the most likely ship.

>> No.13893913

I need a way to get the actual Mamiya food. Why is Irako the only one you can earn?

>> No.13893923

About -∞.

>> No.13893980
Quoted by: >>13894100

I would love that, but she actually had some experience, so its not her sadly? Im not really sure.

>> No.13893984
File: 698 KB, 800x480, timeforevent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event preparations complete! When I heard 7 maps I figured I should get one more CA for locking. What are my other TTKs finishing up with?

>> No.13893993


I got my FCF today so I'm good.

>> No.13893994


>> No.13893997

Bored out of my mind stockpiling. I just wanted to craft more Maruyu and Mikuma.

>> No.13894000

I wish Kako and Furutaka weren't so worthless.

>> No.13894007

They are pretty useful for shiplocking maps. Their only problem is lower health and armor.

>> No.13894040

I wish it was 48 hours from now so I'd know what all the useless reward ships are already.

>> No.13894047
Quoted by: >>13894052


>USS Enterprise

nice meme

>> No.13894052
Quoted by: >>13894067

>not usa
dank meme

>> No.13894055
Quoted by: >>13894216

Your dream came true because they're far from being worthless. People like to bitch about Furutaka, Kako or Kinugasa, but they actually aren't that weak.

>> No.13894060

It's Santa Maria, I can feel it in my bones.

>> No.13894065
Quoted by: >>13894079

So how soon until we get some more hints on the new ships?

>> No.13894067
Quoted by: >>13894305


Abyssals haven't been the USN since like 2013, now they're sunk ship girls.

>> No.13894070

I'm sparkling a bunch of girls, nothing else to do.

>> No.13894076
Quoted by: >>13894086

Trying to get the damaged summer sprites before I forget, maybe later ill post my pvp fleet, the only thing I did the last months.

>> No.13894079

For hints, maybe 5-6 hours. For the leaks it's during maintenance.

>> No.13894086
Quoted by: >>13894098

>damaged summer sprites
If you have their regular damaged sprites, you'll get the damaged seasonal sprites automatically.

>> No.13894098

Are you sure about this? I checked Murakumo in the pokedex and didnt have the special damaged one, a shame that I forgot that so Im trying to make sure now.

>> No.13894100
File: 1.14 MB, 800x989, Prinz_Eugene_of_Savoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894116

I don't know if getting torpedoed a few times actually counts as "entering combat" (if that tweet was accurately translated), so I'm still hopeful.

I guess we have a better chance of it than getting pic related.

>> No.13894102

Murakumo Valentine's damage sprite was exactly the same as the original. The artists only drew the non-damaged version.

>> No.13894113
Quoted by: >>13894120

Yes, I'm sure. This guy beat me to it >>13894102, but Murakumo doesn't have a seasonal damaged sprite to begin with.

>> No.13894116

The exact wording was accomplishments, rather than enter battle. Mamiya actually managed to fulfill her role, so she can be ruled out. The ship that's being added did nothing at all before sinking.

>> No.13894120

Its true then? I tought I was going insane, having all the valentine damged sprites but not Murakumo's one? I almost felt like shit.

>> No.13894132
File: 488 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-17520990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I have New Year's damaged Ooyodo despite not having her when it was New Year's Day.

>> No.13894133
Quoted by: >>13894186

If you started playing not too long ago, you can confirm this yourself by checking to see if you have seasonal sprites for seasons you've missed (such as christmas or whatever).

Just remember that the only requirement to get a seasonal sprite in your kandex is to have the equivalent regular sprite.

>> No.13894140

I didn't even play before 2015 and got all the christmas and new year sprites.

>> No.13894141

Yes, you can even get them later if you don't have the normal damaged sprite. I noticed I was lacking Christmas Naka's damaged sprite during last year's spring and it was because I was lacking her damaged sprites, decided to immediately send a level 1 Nakachang to get rekt since it was hurting my OCD and got both the normal and the Christmas damaged sprites.

>> No.13894156

I'm half-assedly leveling Maruyus (to feed Ayanami with), and the Cranes and Souryuu along with them.

I beat last event in e-penis mode with less K2s and worse equip than I have now and got all event ships, so I'm not too worried.
The only potential problem is I still have no hotels.

>> No.13894165

>no hotels
Enjoy your 100+ sorties for a final kill on E-7.

>> No.13894173

Fuck the hotels, even Bongos are more reliable.

>> No.13894186
File: 68 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-20015719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894203

January 2014, I kinda knew it, but not seeing Murakumo's sprite made me think again, a shame that Ayaki didnt draw one, but I guess its fair because she looks the same but with scarf and the choco.
Also Saza best Nami.

>> No.13894189
File: 1.07 MB, 912x1234, 1386452832090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are planning to bring your starter to the event.

>> No.13894192

No need for useless hotels
Just use pastas and bisko.

>> No.13894203

You can't get back all that time you wasted, TTK, but at least you know better now.

>> No.13894215

I'm planning to use my favorite girls for the final map now that I modernized luck a little bit. I never liked torpedo sluts.

>> No.13894216

Furutaka and Kako are most certainly weak, taiha magnets, but at least Kinugasa is cute.

>> No.13894221

Sure, she can be the flagship for E1.

>> No.13894223

Sorry, my starter is Hatsuharu

>> No.13894234
File: 234 KB, 600x800, 48783810_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to bring my wife to turn the tables around this time.

>> No.13894237
Quoted by: >>13894248

Sorry, my starter is Takanami

>> No.13894240
File: 132 KB, 642x800, a029206e30eb979274e8e603b493d006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894248

The starters suck. It took me a while to get my real starter.

>> No.13894244

I've brought her to every event I participated in.

>> No.13894248
File: 151 KB, 1280x1076, 1423625200070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894251

kai ni when?

>> No.13894256
Quoted by: >>13894267

I also hate Kongou. Completely replaced by Roma.

>> No.13894261

my starter is kongo ooga booga lol

>> No.13894267
File: 965 KB, 1400x1176, 1410873713336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894277

No one cares. Go clear 5-5 before the event starts, Re is waiting for you.

>> No.13894268
Quoted by: >>13894280

In addition I also feed her to my new stater

>> No.13894272

>not having gumos specifically for TE

>> No.13894277

I also hate this bitch. How is she not considered a boss?

>> No.13894280

>new starter
Stop. You already lost your real starter and nothing can replace her.

>> No.13894282


Well, considering this event takes place in the Solomon Sea, Flag Re will probably finally appear and be a boss.

>> No.13894285
File: 99 KB, 198x747, ikazuchi MC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High5 my friend
Ikazuchi is my starter

>> No.13894286
File: 72 KB, 1000x1080, 09183a13bc10871b6fa59355e8666483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she'll (probably) be in the event.

>> No.13894288

Of course I'll use Tenryuu.

>> No.13894294

Inazuma has been sitting at level 70 since forever, Kai Ni never.

>> No.13894300

The two-year death anniversary of my starter is next week.

>> No.13894305

>since like 2013
Konwa, Ritou, Hoppou, Midway, and CV Hime are Japanese now?

>> No.13894311
Quoted by: >>13894318

Not to mention last event we didn't have a single new abyssal that looks like a shipgirl.

>> No.13894314
File: 596 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-19334290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I having such a hard with 4-5 this month? The first two months were a cakewalk.

>> No.13894318
Quoted by: >>13894325

We are probably getting Iowa first before confirming that abyss is usn, stop with this, it was never funny.

>> No.13894319

You got lucky, at least 4 BB or bust.

>> No.13894321

probably because you're a kuso

>> No.13894325
Quoted by: >>13894331

I never said the abyss was USN. And it won't be Iowa, it'll be Big E with a small American flag attached to her flight deck.

>> No.13894330
Quoted by: >>13894337

Because it's a lottery in itself. Nobody thinks it is easy.

>> No.13894331

Keep dreaming then, amerifat.

>> No.13894337

>Nobody thinks it is easy.
I do.

>> No.13894338
Quoted by: >>13894346

I just blew most of my screws on upgrading some 35.6cms to +4. After tomorrow, I'll have 6 of them like that, so my FBBs should be set. I really hate doing quests for screws but as time goes on I'm feeling the need for them more and more.

>> No.13894346

You're supposed to upgrade one 35.6cm per day making them free.

>> No.13894347
Quoted by: >>13894350

how long does the maintenance usually last for a large scale event like this?

>> No.13894348

YOu mean the ships I always used when I started? Yuubari, Choukai and Haguro are all going to be there, yes. If you mean Fubuki, she's level 80 but won't be used unless they fuck us with crazy ship locking.

>> No.13894350

6 hours

>> No.13894353
Quoted by: >>13894356

But I don't have time for that TTK! I had none upgraded last week, I am fully aware that I'm a big kuso. I was doing that with AP shells though.

>> No.13894356

>doing AP shells before main guns
I hope you enjoy failing the event kuso

>> No.13894359

356mm cost only 1 screw too? Damn, what other weapons outside AA pasta and 127mm twin costs one?

>> No.13894364
Quoted by: >>13897818

Someone told me they could replace radars if they're upgraded enough. Was I lied to? Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what should come after the 10CM+AAFD.

>> No.13894366


all torps besides quints

>> No.13894371

Why is gun night battle cut-in so shit compared to double attack and torpedo cut-in? I like that activation graphic better than the rest.

>> No.13894372

Upgrades are placebo.

>> No.13894374

What country am I on?

>> No.13894381
Quoted by: >>13894383

aren't those gun upgrades only available on certain days

>> No.13894383

Yeah, only Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

>> No.13894391
File: 580 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-20000973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894402

I should have invoked complaining on /jp/ magic earlier. Would have freed up my entire evening yesterday.

>> No.13894402

I don't like how everyone gets wrecked the moment you enter the map and then they all aim for Ru kai.

>> No.13894404
File: 101 KB, 1000x1250, 1421377151730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku just dropped for me when I was casually clearing 1-5 for weekly

Aw yes

>> No.13894408

I wish they aimed at Ru Kai, instead they waste the entire day scratching the boss and only start taking out the escorts at night.

>> No.13894418

There are so many nodes where I would love nothing more than for them to take out the flagship or the battleships as soon as possible, but on the one node where I simply want them to clear out the trash they waste all of their turns failing to proc double attacks on Ru and the boss. I die a little every time I go into yasen with both fortresses alive.

>> No.13894423

Should I grind up a CA to lvl 70 before the event over the weekend? Only have 6 CAs at 70+ and 4 CAVs at 70+.

>> No.13894428

You're probably fine.

>> No.13894440

That's a good number to have unless you use them in a shiplocking map. You can if you want, but you can also wait until other people find the optimal balance in a map so you don't lock important girls too early

>> No.13894442

I wouldn't. I have 5 CAs and 2 CAVs over 70 and not much else besides that. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, even for hard.

>> No.13894471
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Tenryuus over Yuubari for Expeditions
Yeah gotta save that ammo right? Ammo shortage is a serious problem

>> No.13894476
File: 857 KB, 915x1200, 1410294981096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I just realised that I somehow lost the 12.7 HA + AAFD gun that I got from Maya's Kai Ni.

It's not that big of a loss, but I dread to think what else I've "lost" to the Weekly Dismantlement quest.

>> No.13894488

After I scrapped my first Observation Plane I make it a point to keep locks on at least 10 of each equip.

>> No.13894489
Quoted by: >>13894505

>12.7 HA + AAFD gun
you don't even get that from Maya

>> No.13894490

I even use remodelled Tenryuus for expeditions.

>> No.13894494
Quoted by: >>13894505

>not locking your equips
I bet you don't lock your girls either, ya kuso.

>> No.13894503


Maya doesn't come with 12.7cmHA+AAFD, she comes with 25mm triple concentrated.

>> No.13894505

Crisis averted.

About that. If you accidentally "lose" a ship, does it disappear from your Kantaidex? I ask because I swear I got a trophy DD from the last event, but she's not in my shiplist nor in my Kantaidex. It's possible that I dreamed it all up, but does anyone know if this happens?

>> No.13894512
Quoted by: >>13894517

No, I'm pretty sure she stays. Buy more slots poorfag?

>> No.13894517
Quoted by: >>13894532

But can you confirm?

>Buy more slots poorfag?
I have 230 slots and 4 repair docks.

>> No.13894522


Considering how all of the people who scrap whobukis or mutsukis for ship slots aren't complaining about gaping holes in their kantaidex, I think you hallucinated it.

>> No.13894532
Quoted by: >>13894543

Yes. I've had high level girls sink but still stay in the dex.

>> No.13894543

Great! Then it was just a delusion.

>> No.13894544

明日【8/10 AM11:00】より「艦これ」全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&大規模アップデートを実施予定です。作業完了予定は同日【19:00】です。同メンテに伴うアップデートの完了を以て、「艦これ」夏イベ2015:期間限定海域【反撃!第二次SN作戦】、作戦開始予定です!

>> No.13894557

>8 hour maintenance
I'm dying here.

>> No.13894563

You can sleep right through maintenance.

>> No.13894580

But thats not fun, hype and pic teasing threads are the best thing, do you hate fun? 8 hours is too much, not sure how can I adjust my day to not miss anything.

>> No.13894581

I can sleep right through your face.

>> No.13894583

Speculation is more fun than sleep.

>> No.13894585

Don't forget the unstable half day right after with unending error cats.

>> No.13894591

Does Akitsumaru function like a light carrier in combat? Can she attack subs?

>> No.13894595
Quoted by: >>13894596

Woo, ends at 5 AM my time. I'll just see all the spoilers when I'm at work then.

>> No.13894596
Quoted by: >>13894608

>living in CDT

>> No.13894607



I'll just do it the next day after unlimited cat works is over.

>> No.13894608

Is this supposed to be some sort of bait? It doesn't look very tasty...

>> No.13894652
File: 523 KB, 1024x725, mutsukis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can always Orel for fuel. With NEETdom or scripting you can make several thousand extra fuel a day. Orel is slightly ammo negative, though, so you save it on expeditions over fuel. Mutsukis and Tenryuu earn their keep

>> No.13894679

When does natural regen for materials stop?

I know the hard cap is 300k and I'm far from that, but I don't see it going up anymore.

>> No.13894685

read the fucking wiki

>> No.13894688


>> No.13894698
File: 13 KB, 400x426, 1366062435022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>event starts in less than 36 hours
>still basically zero info on new shipgirls outside of a passing remark about Teruzuki weeks ago

Should I be bracing for immense disappointment or getting my hopes up that it's secretly Shinano/Tripitz/Iowa/Enterprise?

>> No.13894705


>> No.13894706

I want the Warspite

>> No.13894714

You can stop hoping for meme girls.

>> No.13894718


Instead of Shinano we get Graf Zeppelin

>> No.13894732

Today is the kankanshiki (naval review, a live kancolle event in yokohama). They'll most likely give info there. First session should end in 3-4h. I'll be at the second session so I'll try to pull together a report in ~10h.

>> No.13894742
File: 104 KB, 240x240, 1435046567014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.13894748
File: 1.96 MB, 2290x2900, fce00e7a49c86febbc72fb24bf82551e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're counting on you, Fellow teitoku

>> No.13894762
File: 57 KB, 451x452, These hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894775
Quoted by: >>13894795

>They'll most likely give info there.
I really doubt it, I feel like Teruzuki, the new system and the info from Comptiq is all we'll be getting when it comes to info until the servers go back up.

>> No.13894776

Best of luck to you, based TTK.

>> No.13894795

Yea. Today's event is mainly for Anime and its 2nd season.
Good thing is Musashi's VA is there.

>> No.13894803
Quoted by: >>13894809

I want to see her dressed as Musashi saying Iku's lines.

>> No.13894809

Disgusting, Musashi is pure.

>> No.13894816


Arcade advertising.

>> No.13894820
Quoted by: >>13894828

I want to fuck that Kongou.

>> No.13894822
File: 331 KB, 597x851, 1437969070264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The sooner arcade comes out, the sooner we get glorious Ise/Hyuuga Kai Ni and fusou goes back to being kuso.

>> No.13894824

Only if they give them a real artist.

>> No.13894828


VR soon.

>> No.13894829

>fusou goes back to being kuso.
plz no

>> No.13894833
Quoted by: >>13894836

Beautiful, cute girls.
That would only show us that potato bias is real and you faggots will still keep denying it.

>> No.13894836
File: 101 KB, 920x720, 1436653052246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Potato bias is real insofar as potato ships will always be the mascots and cover girls.

>> No.13894842
File: 133 KB, 1024x682, CL5lUfFUAAAKwhI.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894850


>> No.13894850


That's a big advertisement.

>> No.13894851
Quoted by: >>13894855

As long as you admit that fact Im good, the problem is the faggots living in denial.
Also looking at irl stats, they shouldnt be that much different, maybe a little bit weaker because they wouldnt need blueprints.

>> No.13894854
File: 117 KB, 600x600, 1439072210624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go potatonize yourself

>> No.13894855
Quoted by: >>13894865

44 plane slot, 99 armor, 46cm fit guns.

>> No.13894859
File: 97 KB, 480x480, potato smug girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove shitbafu

>> No.13894860
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, 1434945975738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894861
File: 182 KB, 1200x600, 1436186215390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did someone say potato?

>> No.13894865

With or without blueprint?

>> No.13894875
Quoted by: >>13896484

Shibafu art is the ZUNart of Kancolle. It's bad, but you gonna love it anyways.

>> No.13894878
File: 849 KB, 1810x2560, 1433674848605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13894894

>potato ships will always be the mascots and cover girls
I'd like to see you cherrypick your way out of that one. None of his girls are anywhere near the Vita game's advertising and he's not the only one who gets the spotlight on covers. Tanaka's Whobuki fetish is the closest you can get to claiming there's any kind of Shibafu bias.

>> No.13894881

Not even potatofication can ruin Tatsuta's cuteness.

>> No.13894894

Why are you comparing a random kancolle book cover to the cover of a game made by fucking AM2? This denial is crazy.

>> No.13894901
File: 349 KB, 470x318, melon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13894904
File: 559 KB, 512x512, 3mMlZT_O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the event so far.
Shitbafu only had 1event trophy.
I401 which got shitted on by the real Iona.

>> No.13894913

>keeping shitty expedition sluts with the limited ship slots
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

>> No.13894917


He has a shitload of ships already, there's no reason to give him more, same with monkeyshit.

>> No.13894919
File: 309 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-20451149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895000

>notice icon change

I got you now you orel cruising fucke-

I will find you someday.

>> No.13894923

Be real here, would you prefer potato Teruzuki or Yoshinori's one? Im sure he must be a powerful person there to be so relevant, shitbafu could be a dev for all we know. I dont really mind him that much, I really love some of his girls, its just people not seeing the facts.

>> No.13894937
Quoted by: >>13894941

Yoshinori's ships are more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.13894941

They botched Nagato class and Yamato and make them less respectful and dignified. So no.

>> No.13894949

Yoshinori of course.
The game wouldn't be where it is now without Shimakaze

>> No.13894964

I don't think Yoshinori's early ships are that great, but all of his Event ships (barring Musashi) are really well designed.

>> No.13894970
Quoted by: >>13894987

Musashi is great as are all of Yoshinori's ships, go fuck yourself.

>> No.13894975



Yoshinori smartassery aside

>> No.13894980
Quoted by: >>13894987

I dont agree with this, the only one looking closer to "weak" would be Yukikaze, I dont hate her, but there's something off about her, also I didnt know humans could hate Musashi, what are you, a wizard?

>> No.13894987

Musashi's design (and Shimakaze's too for that matter) are way too over the top and look stupid.

Mind you I'll fap to their doujins, but I don't care about them otherwise.

>> No.13894994
Quoted by: >>13895005

You look stupid

>> No.13895000
File: 971 KB, 1308x1187, 1422927148881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13895004

Nah they look great.

>> No.13895005
Quoted by: >>13895010

Musashi looks awful and needs Yamato to take her shopping.

Now Yamato, that right there is a pretty ship.

>> No.13895010

A pretty ship that lies about her tits' size.

>> No.13895023
Quoted by: >>13895040

And Nagato needs a better design. She supposed to be dignified IRL. So she deserve a better design than a miniskirt

>> No.13895025
Quoted by: >>13895044

Yeah, Yamato needs an overhaul. For one her chest being small is downright retarded, with Musashi being huge. She also needs a new voice, it doesn't match at all. I don't even remember who voices her but damn that voice is so high and squeaky when it should sound more elegant.

>> No.13895026
Quoted by: >>13895029


it's not padding it's armor plating.

>> No.13895029


>using explosive shells as armour

u wot m8

>> No.13895030

All of Yoshinori's designs are great.

>> No.13895040

That's a charm point, like Sakuya's pads.

And this is my problem with the Nagato class's design. Is it attractive? Definitely. But the boob shirt, exposed midriff and miniskirt shouldn't be the uniform of choice for the Big Seven.

>> No.13895044
Quoted by: >>13895063

Yahagi's voice needs to be adjusted as well. Listening to her is so jarring; her voice doesn't suit her sprite at all.

>> No.13895051

well mem`d

>> No.13895063
Quoted by: >>13895084


Her voice matches her sprite just fine, do you want her to have some manly deep voice or something?

>> No.13895077
File: 559 KB, 1149x1600, lexington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895109

America carrier when?

>> No.13895084
File: 241 KB, 595x842, 1408793251899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a voice that matches her sprite. Something similar to Isokaze's voice would be perfect.

>> No.13895094
Quoted by: >>13895112


>everything must be Saber

Fuck off, Takeuchi.

>> No.13895105
Quoted by: >>13895107

I don't know why you guys talk about voices not matching their faces and don't even bring up Taigei.

>> No.13895107

Im still wating for Tamamo's kanmusu version.
How are you so crazy, anon?

>> No.13895109

My one gripe with Arpeggio is they can't use planes. I mean the explanation makes sense but I don't have to like it.

>> No.13895112

Do you have brain problems? Why are you bringing up that starwman?

Ayako Kawasumi also voices Unryuu and Ooyodo and all 3 of these ships sound perfect.

>> No.13895115

Shimakaze, Hibiki, and Kaga.
If only they could have used this in the vita game.

>> No.13895120

Kongo is near K2 so I'm wrapping up with her.

>> No.13895124


>> No.13895139
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, CL79JOAUAAAzoyF.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13895149


iSE and hyuGA.

>> No.13895153

So Hayasui is another Nomizu ship, I like that.

>> No.13895159

According to Wikipedia, Hayasui was an auxillary ship for carriers.

This probably means that Hayasui will be an early map reward and will allow for superior routing in one/several EOs.

>> No.13895162

Context please?

>> No.13895166
Quoted by: >>13895172

It's a shame that they give K2 to the least interesting BBV.

>> No.13895167

They already said the auxiliary ship will be the reward for completing the main event, meaning E-4 reward.

>> No.13895172


>> No.13895173


Oh lord it's like when they gave all of the pokemon 3d models in XY all over again.

>> No.13895182

Those Rensouhou look pretty great.

>> No.13895186
File: 91 KB, 800x587, cfa08237[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like it's an Oil Tanker that is also and Aircraft Carrier and a food supply ship.

So it's a battle capability Mamiya/Irako

>> No.13895187

Were you guys able to train Akashi successfully on 3-2A? She doesn't seem to hit anyone hard enough to sink.

>> No.13895193

PvP and expedition 22 as flagship.

>> No.13895194
Quoted by: >>13895203

I thought most of us just PvP her till 35.

>> No.13895196
Quoted by: >>13895209

Nips had the craziest ideas.

>> No.13895199

As a supporter, yeah. Maybe I'd put her as flagship if i really wanted to boost her but she'd never get MVP. PVP all the way.

>> No.13895202

3-2A. It doesn't matter if she gets MVP or not, she's just a leech.

>> No.13895203

Why 35? Her success rate for the harder upgrades increases with her level.

>> No.13895208
File: 139 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150806-07562362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895211

It took me 1.5 year to get her to 99

>> No.13895209
Quoted by: >>13895217

ChitoChiyo with torpedo bombers, thats crazy. I predict Fujikawa looking kinda notMamiya.
Thats why they are so best.

>> No.13895211
File: 593 KB, 856x1181, dbbccab3ab64970fed146b2e9be04982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a year for me and still no Taigei

>> No.13895217


>lose miserably


>> No.13895223
Quoted by: >>13895249

How does this happen?

>> No.13895226

Only six moths here, but I don't have her either.

>> No.13895230

Maybe you should actually play the game instead of sitting on 300k/3k buckets all day long.
She is pretty common drop at 2-5. Already saw a few of her doing the monthly and weekly.

>> No.13895243

It took about a week and half of farming until I got her, I got akashi with her as well. :^)

>> No.13895249

I've been doing 2-5 as dailies, only thing I got that was rare was Abukuma and Akashi.

>> No.13895274

>pretty common drop in 2-5
Say that to my 300+ S ranks before I got her. Not to mention furious farming on event maps where she was available.

>> No.13895391
File: 60 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-22424743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't disappoint me.

>> No.13895400


Just hope she shoots the DD, because that's basically the only thing she can reliably kill with her torp stat.

>> No.13895415

So long as she doesn't aim for the same DD as KTKM and Ooi,

>> No.13895419

She can't do much after she launches the midget sub. I'm going to laugh during the event when she wont be able to sink beyond Tsu class and people won't be able to sneak in yasen equips without crippling her even further or other girls.

>> No.13895423
Quoted by: >>13895437

>people won't be able to sneak in yasen equips
What is yasen plane on Bisko?
What is star shell on DDs?
>using searchlight

>> No.13895437

>BB for escort fleet
I mean, if you want to go full retard, go ahead.

>> No.13895438
File: 70 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150806-21410550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895446

>doubting MEGA ABUKUMA

>> No.13895444

Are you retarded? Have you never looked at all the combined fleets with Bisko on the escort fleet? Or are you just new?

>> No.13895446


>le ebin one in a million RNG face :^)

What's next, someone posting the level 1s that sank Henderson-chan?

>> No.13895447
File: 126 KB, 838x666, queen of the night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Bisko night battle prowess

>> No.13895460

Just like the torpedo sluts ones, and no one complains and they are the so called goddesses for those 1/1000 achievements. I guess some people cant accept changes or getting their goddess dethroned or not being unique.

>> No.13895468
Quoted by: >>13895484


>> No.13895475

Is anybody really going to use 46cm x2 + Quints x2 on Bisko during an event? Or quadruple torpedo Myoukou?

>> No.13895480
File: 40 KB, 605x600, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't finish IBS with unremodel ships

>> No.13895484

Do it, but also taking Abukuma is a huge mistake.

>> No.13895488



Torp cut-in on Abubear isn't a bad idea though.

>> No.13895489

How new can you be?

>> No.13895498

No but the point is her combined night battle stats trump majority of CA and other BB while having superior daytime double attack with yasen plane.
Searchlight and flare can be on your DD so having a CL for additional yasen gear is dumb. Abukuma is arguably the best CL right now.

>> No.13895499
Quoted by: >>13895557

In what way?

>> No.13895506

I will fucking happy as fuck if CL can fucking sink any trash DD in boss node

>> No.13895516

Yes but there doesn't have any map hard enough to bring torpedo cut-in since she got drei

>> No.13895522

You know retards are incredibly strong because they lack the mental process to not tear themselves apart with their own strength.
Translation: Full retard in a combat scenario would be a great idea.

>> No.13895529
File: 356 KB, 700x508, 1423155212802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that picture of Usain Bolt in Shimakaze's clothes

>> No.13895557

Lets assume the player uses Surface Task Force since that is the most popular choice in combined fleet. You have the torpedo sluts who need a midget sub and you need a double attack Ooi and your choice of double attack KTKM or risk torpedo cut-in. At least 2 DD, most likely the player will go with the high luck girls, so Beaver and Shigure are the go-to with either torpedo cut-in or double attack. They can carry night equips, but if someone gets wrecked, you either end the sortie and lose possible sparkles or retreat a DD with the FCF, now you are left with 1 starshell since that's probably what the DD will carry. Taking Abukuma and treating her like a pocket CLT also restricts an even distribution of night equips and she can't sink higher than a CL like a real CLT can without using more torpedoes. Taking Bismarck is only viable if she has high enough luck to do >>13895475, but now you can't stuff a night scout, leaving only the DDs to use their limited slots on starshell, which might not even activate, also assuming they don't get escorted out.

Now everything can go as planned, but we all know final kill runs are the most rigged part of the event, and they might not even hit the boss if 3 Abyss are left standing.

>> No.13895564
File: 334 KB, 801x479, fucking_meme_carrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you think you're cool, asshole.

>> No.13895567
File: 265 KB, 472x560, JAVADABADOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895575

I decide to grind my Yamato on 1-1 for sparkle
>mfw already 100 condition

Guess I can grind her on 1-5 or something even if I'm HQ80+

>> No.13895570

I already don't put yasen equipment on the CL so switching Jintsuu for Abukuma changes nothing to me except getting an extra chance at getting rid of trash. Using Ooyodo usually led to her getting Taiha'd so I didn't use her for yasen mule like you faggots.

>> No.13895571

sasuga dollfuckers

>> No.13895573

You can still get 600 base exp and 900 base flagship for that.

>> No.13895575
Quoted by: >>13895581

How the hell are you going to sparkle Yamato in 1-5 if she can't hit subs?

>> No.13895581

I meant grind levels, and I just figured that it would be a shitty idea to level Yamato in 1-5

>> No.13895587

Fuck you, DMM. Get your shitty server together.

>> No.13895589

Kagafags are just as cancerous in game.

Having Ooyodo in place of Abukuma changes nothing except having 2xyasen/2xflare compare 1/1.
Abukuma trump Ooyodo in damage and you get additional torpedo phase that actually do something. Ooyodo torpedo stat is shit.

>> No.13895596
File: 140 KB, 832x644, easymode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy mode is nice too I guess..

>> No.13895603

It's always the Bongofags.

>> No.13895626

I don't understand why people do this, or how they manage to end with this result. Is it that hard to train everyone else at roughly the same rate?

>> No.13895633

Fuck some bongos

>> No.13895640
Quoted by: >>13896482

Not really except DDs, but people get carried away when they only like their waifu and neglect the rest, then wonder why you can't clear the event on hard like a true TTK.

>> No.13895641

As for DMM, I don't think everyone would bother because of its region locking, but MHF DMM edition will be giving away 1000 DMM points by playing their freemium part (Hunter rank 99).
It took me about 2 hours thanks to the exp boost event going on this week.

>> No.13895642
File: 66 KB, 606x835, 5b12804e0f4650ee841758c921125429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to me too, its mostly just using ships you like a lot and they end up going way ahead in levels.

>> No.13895644
File: 96 KB, 931x881, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895649

I know I'm ready for hard mode.
Also got dupe lesbo torp cruisers for insurance.

>> No.13895649

>Yukikaze ID 14
Fucking how? Also, you're a dick for not marrying your started. And why do you even have 2 Suzuya? Her CA art is shit.

>> No.13895702

Some rumor says each aircraft gonna have its own "level" which is differ from Akashi's improvement.

>> No.13895707

Sounds OP if handled wrong.

>> No.13895708
Quoted by: >>13895725

I bet the level resets every time they change carrier.

>> No.13895709

Ever useful Kaga

>> No.13895725

That would just be mean.

Whenever my carriers are being patched up by Akashi, I always make sure to strip them of their planes.

>> No.13895728
File: 109 KB, 769x916, c15f0166b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be sick. Sounds baseless though—how often do rumors just fly through?

Should I grind anyone out last-minute? Hiryuu?

>> No.13895734
Quoted by: >>13895759


>Katsuragi is your highest level CV

There are so many things wrong with this, but love conquers all I guess.

>> No.13895736

More rumors from the event. The third map will have an airfield, the new system involves planes growing after shooting down planes, and a possible new battle provisions system.

>> No.13895739
Quoted by: >>13895760

It seems the system was introduced at the event today.


>> No.13895741
Quoted by: >>13895793

>KanColle movie
Oh fuck.

>> No.13895744
File: 695 KB, 828x500, Bright Rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896214

Thanks 2-5, now I can finally do whatever it is Akashi does

>> No.13895746
Quoted by: >>13896356

Because other CL are so much more useful during daytime shelling with their FP in the mid-60s, right?

Face it anon, a normal CL can either run a standard setup and get outclassed by ABKM during the nighttime where her torp stat (106 with mdiget sub) more than makes up for her FP, or they can run a cut-in and be a choke artist while ABKM kills everything because double attacks.
>using all 3 in the same fleet and getting shiplocked
Anon, are you perhaps an idiot?

>> No.13895754 [DELETED] 




>> No.13895758

Will sister ship cut-ins be a thing?

>> No.13895759
File: 507 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150604-17232551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love stat is strong, anon. pic related, my first and only 3-4 run. (it dropped my second whale, too)

>> No.13895760

Actually, I wonder if this new system will require you to modernise your planes too.

>> No.13895761

Can someone help me here. Fit guns for Yamato class is 46cm obviously and 41cm for Nagato, are 35.6cm guns fit for the Kongous? Because kai stock they come with 41cm guns. Is there something which tells you the fit guns for each ship?

>> No.13895763

Inb4 triangle attack like system.

>> No.13895764

>Fit guns for Yamato class is 46cm obviously
Aren't they neutral on the Yamatos?

>> No.13895765
File: 68 KB, 448x529, 1431556005514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaga lv41 on June 4th
>still level 41 today

>> No.13895766

>Space Flower
Where did you get that gayish alias?

>> No.13895767
Quoted by: >>13895771

Why would an expedition ship disappoint you?

>> No.13895768 [DELETED] 

Only if abyss gets it too.

>> No.13895769

I just roll with whatever the people running the tests are saying.

>> No.13895771
Quoted by: >>13895782

Because I'm grinding her to 99.

>> No.13895782
Quoted by: >>13895797

If you're not using an expedition ship for expeditions, obviously you'll be disappointed.

Don't get memed; use a real CL like Jintsuu.

>> No.13895792

I-is it not cute enough?

>> No.13895793

So much for hoping it would be a SoL.

>> No.13895797
Quoted by: >>13895804

>35 ammo
I'm sorry for your resources, anon.

>> No.13895804
Quoted by: >>13895811

Onii-chan you're confused again

>> No.13895811

Did I say you could come up for air?

>> No.13895813
Quoted by: >>13895864

Sounds like a song from a crazy acid jazz band, I like it.

>> No.13895864

Space Flower pls

>> No.13895908
File: 372 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-03293057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13895921

Well then.

>> No.13895921
Quoted by: >>13895937

How many cute girls this jew had scraped

>> No.13895937
Quoted by: >>13895971

You only really need 80-90 girls, and 90 is stretching it. He probably bough an extension to fit Maruyu batches.

>> No.13895971
File: 169 KB, 806x476, Thorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 4 slots to store extra equipment just in case I'll need something rare or obscure to feed Akashi.

>> No.13895972

>You must bring Hayasui for routing
How fucked are you?

>> No.13895980

>kai fast and modernize
That was hard, this is why stockpiling is necessary.

>> No.13895987


I brought a level 1 Katori during that one event and after a bit kai'd her.

>> No.13895997

I played with sensei and Akashi when they were needed in their respective events, cute is everything you need in this game, anon.

>> No.13896008

Oh is it time again?

>> No.13896011

I am lv.120 and don't know who that is.... Am I fucked?

>> No.13896012

What are our chances for getting Zuikaku kai ni at start of event?

>> No.13896016

It won't happen so who cares?

>> No.13896017

Very high.

>> No.13896018
File: 116 KB, 816x587, 1434063407190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z e r o .

>> No.13896037

I doubt it will come unannounced like that. Maybe in 2 weeks when everyone will already have finished the event just like what happened with Yamashiro.

>> No.13896043

Already denied by magazine interview.

>> No.13896150

>scrapping Mutsukis
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13896201 [DELETED] 



>> No.13896214

Be awesome, that's what. Best ship in my fleet.

>> No.13896271 [DELETED] 

I updated your OP and used best girl.


>> No.13896280

>updated your OP
> event starts in 2 days

>> No.13896300
File: 224 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13896303


Double Carrier Princess sounds interesting

>> No.13896317

>sparkling planes
That will be interesting.

>> No.13896324
Quoted by: >>13896370

There is fairly little indication that Kaga will actually be nerfed for now.
This is upsetting.

>> No.13896334
File: 6 KB, 429x410, 1299689964254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for my first event. I'll be sure to clear everything on hard!

>> No.13896347
File: 35 KB, 490x300, 78cc6edd0baceb13fff323c9bd9c5f29b76469161439107659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibafu went to the event apparently

>> No.13896356
Quoted by: >>13896410

>Anon, are you perhaps an idiot?
Final map will not hve ship locking, I'm from the future. And even if it did I can just use CAs in previous maps.

>> No.13896370

I fucking told you faggots but you chose to be delusional instead.

>> No.13896391

>fleet oiler voiced by Nomizu Iori and illustrated by Konishi
Welcome to the fleet, Kazahaya!

>> No.13896403
File: 829 KB, 800x480, Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 13.52.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896449

Still trying to grasp as many buckets as possible before the event, because I fucked up and woke up too late with grinding.

>> No.13896406
File: 677 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-04320282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896471

Congrats Maya on rehab and 75 heroin free levels, just in time for the event.

>> No.13896410
Quoted by: >>13896419

You really are retarded.
>I'll just use CAs
Escort fleets need 1 CL. Now, anon. What class is ABKM?
Only Jintsuu has better night battle stats, and ABKM has midget subs for daytime.

Not that it matters for you. You can use whoever you want, anon. It's just going to be objectively inferior.

>> No.13896419

When I said I'd use CAs I was talking about replacing the torpedoe sluts. Sendais and Kuma can take care of the CL role in combined fleet maps before E7 while saving ABKM and KitaOoi for E7. CAs have done well for me as substitues when saving he torpsluts before, it'll work again. I put my trust in bob.

>> No.13896424
File: 308 KB, 768x1024, d616eeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap dat Zuihou pose is amazing.

>> No.13896428

Way better than the boring "just do the key art pose" like a lot of other figs do.

>> No.13896436
File: 362 KB, 600x1000, fe4164de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks kind of bland.

>> No.13896449
File: 7 KB, 137x57, 20150809_1409150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896457

I'm sorry for you

>> No.13896457

Pls send help

>> No.13896465 [DELETED] 

I made a new thread. It should be safe to migrate now.

>> No.13896471

Congratulations! She is my waifu

>> No.13896477

Getting only the error cat right now.

>> No.13896482

if i level ships that are actually useful i lose

>> No.13896484

You mean outside of being good?

>> No.13896493

Definitely not a figure to actually leave in sunlight.

>> No.13896495


>> No.13896499

PVC and sunlight aren't a good combo anyway.

>> No.13896505 [DELETED] 

Mods are on a roll today.
With nobody monitoring them anymore they don't even try to hide their abuse.

Keep making new threads admirals. If they ban us all, it's their loss.

>> No.13896513
Quoted by: >>13896548

I know you love your /jp/ memes.

But Yoshinori last relevant designed shipgirl was Amatsukaze. All other event shipgirls he designed failed to archive anyform of popularity.

>> No.13896517
File: 417 KB, 801x1025, 1431718834435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896538

>potato bias
Not as long as Yoshinori draws breath, dear anon.

>> No.13896538

Time for a break for him.

He went lucky with Shimakaze but he is a quite subpar character designer.

>> No.13896546

Yoshinori's problem is that he is copying Fumikane with his designs. Not the best idea if Fumikane is part of the design crew, even if he is just doing the German ones.

>> No.13896548

That's a pretty shitty argument, anon. Event girls on the whole tend to be more niche and less popular than the girls with tenure. It's even shittier considering that Akizuki is an OP ship and Amatsukaze has a unique role in the fleet.

What did Shibafu get? Oh yeah, a sub with +5 armor. Blows my mind, woah!

>> No.13896549
Quoted by: >>13896553

Fumikane did Taihou too.

>> No.13896553

You are right.

But point still stands that the original is better than the copy.

>> No.13896562
File: 344 KB, 436x727, 445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please point out what elements of this were lifted from Fumikane. Show me you aren't talking out of your ass.

>> No.13896569
Quoted by: >>13896578

So you are saying there is no Shibafu bias.

That's correct. Kaga gets barely attention with no own manga/ln series and stuff. Just that enka song after 2 years of being the most popular KanColle girl for the longest time - based on Pixiv search results and doujinshi output.

>> No.13896575
Quoted by: >>13896583

Yoshinori designed Yukikaze and Yamato the two most popular ships in Japan. And both failed to become top tier.

Yukikaze is even a straight Yoshika Miyafuji rip-off.

>> No.13896576

>Amatsukaze has a unique role in the fleet

>> No.13896578
Quoted by: >>13896589

Anon, can you think of any reasons why CarDiv1 would be popular? No, me neither. Must be that godly character design. "Here, this one can be blue with a side-pony, and this one can be red with long hair."


>> No.13896581

Like getting replaced by Chitose and Chiyoda on a map which was designed for her.

>> No.13896583

The design isn't the only thing a girl has. Voice and personality matter too.

>> No.13896585
Quoted by: >>13896598

Well that too, considering that Amatsukaze is the TTK private cumdumpster, but I meant Akitsushima.

>> No.13896586


>> No.13896589
File: 55 KB, 466x640, CKpiQK8VEAAN1sg.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akagi and Kaga are quite well-designed.

Both don't have any visual gimmicks which get boring after a while.

>> No.13896590

There's a reason the CEO said he has several of Chitose and Chiyoda, anon. He's kind of ahead of the game.

>> No.13896593

Yoshinori is a skilled artist but damn his design are overdesigned as fuck.

>> No.13896596
Quoted by: >>13896601

They look "fine" but nothing is exceptional about the design. Simplicity is a virtue but you don't get artistic awards for coloring in the lines.

>> No.13896598

Ah, now I get it

>> No.13896599


Not OP, but there's the super short borderline bottomless dress(short skirts in other designs), ZR and the whole exposed armpit longsleeves thing going on.

Unlike OP I see this as a good thing because at least Yoshinori takes inspiration from one of the best. Fumikane is a pioneering mecha-musume artist after all.

>> No.13896601
Quoted by: >>13896603

Dunno, designing a girl who became the waifu of ABe and another one who is basically the waifu of the playerbase are quite the selling points.

They didn't accidentally become popular but are also a result of his designs.

>> No.13896603

The next reply is going to be "Design has nothing to do with that, it's because they are OP".

>> No.13896606

Shibafu is quite refreshing with his tame and grounded designs, while he is like the greatest pervert ever.

Not that I would want that all ships getting the Shibafu treatment but I could live with a event trophy ship which isn't designed by Yoshinori.

I hope that the new oil tanker is designed by Fujikawa.

>> No.13896612


>> No.13896614

It's Konishi, read the above tweet.

>> No.13896615
Quoted by: >>13896631

That is because they start boring.

>> No.13896618

It's a S2 and movie.

>> No.13896620
File: 10 KB, 250x250, ta02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13896628

Konishi makes tame and grounded designs too. Without potatoes even, and I like his colour palette the most from all artists.

>> No.13896631

That post doesn't make sense.

>> No.13896635

Cool meme

>> No.13896644
Quoted by: >>13896655

Konishi is doing quite generic anime style designs. Not offensive bad but quite forgetable outside of the Kongou-class, the two cranes (though the gap to Akagi and Kaga is extremly big) and maybe Shiranui.

>> No.13896645
Quoted by: >>13898021

Konishi is the Kai2 choke artist, though.

>> No.13896647
Quoted by: >>13896652

Some girls just seem like they're trying to think of innovative and flashy ways to wear slutty outfits. If all the girls dressed over-the-top from the beginning (instead of what was honestly just a shit ton of seifuku and hakama) I don't think it would have ever started this game.

>> No.13896649


>Tame and grounded

>> No.13896652

I would have ever started this game*

>> No.13896655
File: 360 KB, 628x890, 1438402059740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896666

Replace Shiranui with Suzuya. Though she is truely one who only got popular becasue she looks a little bit like Sanae and the slut meme.

>> No.13896662
File: 98 KB, 600x600, MK48_ADCAP_02wf.jpga6e5b405-6c70-4ac6-8817-d8080fa1f389Larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mk-48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology. Operational since 1972, it replaced the Mk-37 and Mk-14 torpedoes as the principal weapon of U.S. Navy submarines.[3] With the entry into service of the new Soviet Alfa class submarine in 1972, the decision was made to accelerate the ADCAP program, which would bring significant modifications to the torpedo. Tests were run to ensure that the weapon could keep up with the developments and the weapon was modified with improved acoustics and electronics. The new version of the weapon, also known as Mk-48 Mod 4, was extensively tested and production started in 1985, with entry into service in 1988. From then on, various upgrades have been added to the torpedo. As of 2012 Mk-48 Mod 6 was in service; a Mod 7 version was test fired in 2008 in the Rim of Pacific Naval exercises.

Mk-48 and Mk-48 ADCAP torpedoes can be guided from a submarine by wires attached to the torpedo. They can also use their own active or passive sensors to execute programmed target search, acquisition, and attack procedures. The torpedo is designed to detonate under the keel of a surface ship, breaking the ship's back and destroying its structural integrity. In the event of a miss, it can circle back for another attempt.

The inventory of the U.S. Navy is 1,046 Mk-48 torpedoes.

>> No.13896666

I'm pretty sure she's painted like a slut because she talks like a typical trendy JK. The Sanae-is-slut-meme is way bigger in the West anyway.

>> No.13896672
Quoted by: >>13896679

Did someone say enjo kousai?

>> No.13896679


>> No.13896685
File: 19 KB, 731x212, from the wikiatards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13896692
Quoted by: >>13896713

Where's that faggot who promised to go there and report in 10 hours above in the thread?

>> No.13896713

probably stuck in transport or whatever offkai. Give him a break, it was the same for last year.

>> No.13896714
Quoted by: >>13896735


Famitsu article has it all include E3 and E4 thingies

>> No.13896716
Quoted by: >>13896720

Food ship confirmed. You need it to craft food out of iron and bullets.

>> No.13896720

It's talking about Hayasui and fuel.

>> No.13896735

On August 9, 2015, Kanagawa's Pacifico Yokahama hosted the second Kancolle Kankanshiki (Naval Review), announcing Kancolle's movie version, as well as various other new information.

The movie will reflect the post-event state. Fubuki, Mutsuki, Yuudachi, Akaga, the dragons, the Kongous, torpedo sisters, Choukai, Yuubari, the Nagatos, the Furutakas, the cranes, Shimakaze, Kuma, and Ooyodo [in their most kai'd forms] are confirmed for appearing. A sequel to the anime?

>> No.13896740

>post-event state
Oh shit, are things going to start happening?

>> No.13896748

During the event, Naka (Ayane Sakura), Inazuma (Aya Suzaki), Kitakami/Ooi (Yuuka Ootsubo), Kongou (Touyama Nao), and Yuudachi (Yumi Tanibe) came out in full character mode and gave some announcements regarding the browser game. Iori Nomizu will be voicing the tanker Hayasui, in the large-scale summer event beginning 8/10, "Counterattack! The Second SN Operation!" While the Kancolle official Twitter had announced that an auxiliary ship would be added, this confirmed its identity.

>> No.13896755
Quoted by: >>13896768

New thread when?

>> No.13896766

>Iori to voice Haysui
>Iori also voices shokaku and zuikaku
Shoukaku-class Kai ni this event confirmed

>> No.13896768
Quoted by: >>13896775

How about when the event starts or this thread dies, idiot.

>> No.13896774

>Naka (Ayane Sakura)
>Naka instead of Shimakaze

>> No.13896775 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13896778

Thread is already over bump limit, idiot.

>> No.13896778

When has that ever mattered?

>> No.13896782

Shimakaze might be the better known ship, but Naka is the more iconic voice for her.

>> No.13896785
File: 652 KB, 800x483, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how fucked are you guys for the event?

>> No.13896787

Show your quest log.

>> No.13896788

5-10x more fucked than you on any front.

>> No.13896790
Quoted by: >>13896802


In the same update, a carrier plane equipment system was announced, whereby by stellar service, ship-borne planes will be able to upgrade their skill. Loss of planes reduces ability, but with high ability and in certain cases, they will be able to surpass the performance of cutting-edge planes in both anti-air and anti-surface performance. The Mobile Strike Force will make an appearance in the third operation; in order to support the fourth operation's mission of destroying an enemy airfield, an advance force will also need to be deployed. [Probably combined fleet.] The fourth operation will involve a big change from the climax of the first half of the operation, and it's hinted that a high-speed fleet will be needed. Finally, new ration food item was added. Admirals, please participate in the event!

There's no way she could go on stage wearing that.

>> No.13896791
Quoted by: >>13896831

E-8 will require you to have a fleet with an average level of 100+

>> No.13896793
Quoted by: >>13896798

Lurk more, newfag.

>> No.13896798

Why aren't you banned yet?

>> No.13896802
Quoted by: >>13896813

I guess I didn't make it clear in >>13896748, but they were out on stage fully dressed up as the characters.

Also, U-511, Eugen, Littorio and Roma will be appearing in Kancolle Kai. Finally, it was announced that the second anime season will be happening in coordination with the movie.

Please look forwards to another report about the summer event that will be happening shortly [presumably another Famitsu article. Article end.]

Pretty much never.

>> No.13896808

If someone are making a KC art tier, Shibafu should be its own tier. Because there is some sorta peculiar notion on the potato-face. Like it or not, It's kind of a trademark. You saw that kind of art, you know it's Shibafu. And i'm a minimalist guy, so i liked his art compare to most of them who are too gaudy, too revealing and too impractical. Akagi actually suited to be designed that way. She is the pride of the IJN fleet before her inevitable fate in Midway. So she had that kind of a dignified feel on her together with Kaga. Something a shame Nagato and Yamato did not despite both ship being the utmost pride of Japan itself.

>> No.13896813
Quoted by: >>13896821

Thanks for the translation, anon.

>> No.13896815

Nagato/Mutsu are tokusatsu characters for a very good reason.

>> No.13896816

I'm sure he has been countless times but it's too easy to ban evade.

>> No.13896821
Quoted by: >>13896834

Unfortunately it didn't tell us any more than Wikia already told us... but oh well.

Maybe it's because I'm already using my brain to mentally store a hundred other fleet girl designs, but sometimes I have a hard time remembering the design of the newer girls. Like I can draw Kongou (well I could if I could draw) but I simply can't remember what Akitsushima is actually wearing.

>> No.13896831
File: 622 KB, 800x483, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be enough then

>> No.13896834

Do you remember what Kuroshio looks like?

>> No.13896838
File: 310 KB, 600x800, 46afbe41d99eff4917aef28e25ffe7ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896850


>> No.13896841

Not him, but she's one of the best looking Kagerous so it's kinda hard to forget.

>> No.13896845

You know that not repeating memes the entire discussion would be way less toxic.

>> No.13896850
File: 311 KB, 600x800, dd13ee47745fbddf9dfeb631a95b5748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896857


>> No.13896854
Quoted by: >>13896909

Why do you not proudly display your wife? There is literally no reason not to.

>> No.13896855

She has the standard Kagerou uniform and a white hairclip. I don't remember if she has the gloves.

I guess it's just not a fair comparison at all because there aren't 16 variants of Akitsushima running around out there to help boost my memory.

>> No.13896857
File: 337 KB, 600x800, 9559d27a12460b37dde9d293167691f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13896859
File: 205 KB, 935x929, top40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896909

I hope the devs have ship locking for all 7maps.

Why are you censoring your waifu? Worried about your shit taste and being laughed out of /jp/?

>> No.13896860

Why are you ashamed of your wife?

>> No.13896862
File: 564 KB, 800x480, duplicates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the resources but do you have enough duplicates for the multiple shiplocking?
CLTs are useful in early and later stages too.

>> No.13896863

The neck tie color is important.

>> No.13896864

>16 variants of Akitsushima running around
I just imagined that. Glorious.

>> No.13896866

You're disgusting.

>> No.13896868

I won't have access to my regular computer for another six months and didn't think to back up my build collection--would anyone mind posting a 3-5 south route equipment setup?

>> No.13896869
Quoted by: >>13896876

As if Kisaragi wouldn't know what that is.

>> No.13896870
Quoted by: >>13896888

>pride of the IJN fleet
That's Nagato.

>> No.13896871
File: 380 KB, 600x800, 71537544310574aceb0c33e24c29cdea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13896872

Double attack on everybody.

>> No.13896873

Kuroshio is unfortunately rusting in the docks because I fell for another girl with a charming accent from the west of Japan.

Man, these are fucking great.

>> No.13896874
Quoted by: >>13896881

Read the wiki.

>> No.13896876
File: 410 KB, 600x800, 33f032d6f612e898d723c9f240136f88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896879

She's all talk.

>> No.13896878

I do have dupe CLts
>Why are you censoring your waifu? Worried about your shit taste and being laughed out of /jp/?

>> No.13896879
File: 480 KB, 600x848, a4cf8ae8de7a531316ce64fadaf9ea0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896883


>> No.13896881

Read my cock dude

>> No.13896883
File: 450 KB, 600x848, 79611747b39b068278d642a746985522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13896885
Quoted by: >>13896894

It must be Kongou then.

>> No.13896888

It's what she was made to be, but then time marched on.

>> No.13896891

Abukuma - 20.3x2/Minisub
2DD - 2xAkiduki guns/T13
3DD - 2xAkiduki guns/T33
You don't need AACI before last kill though.

>> No.13896894
File: 83 KB, 600x582, haruna is a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it is Haruna

>> No.13896898

It's Kinugasa.

>> No.13896899

Kagerou — sap green
Shiranui — cadmium deep red
Kuroshio — cobalt dark blue
Maikaze —cadmium bright red
Hatsukaze — naples yellow
Nowaki — yellow ochre
Do I get a cookie?

>> No.13896902
Quoted by: >>13896964

What about Michishio?

>> No.13896904

Now do the same with Asashios.

>> No.13896906

Is that a new ship class?

>> No.13896907

now try to remember where each mutsuki wears her crescent

no cheating

>> No.13896909 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13896910

>not noticing these are the same exact pics >>13896785 >>13896831

>> No.13896910

If you only change one ship of course it's going to look the same smartass.

>> No.13896912
Quoted by: >>13896915

I'm pretty sure not all of them wear one.

>> No.13896914
Quoted by: >>13896923

But why is the clock copied?

>> No.13896915

Mutsuki and Kisaragi get theirs on K2.

>> No.13896916

Post your quest log.

>> No.13896922
File: 212 KB, 1500x2000, 48338446_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sortied Houshou to 5-2 and didn't encounter any setback.

>> No.13896923
Quoted by: >>13896929

It's not.

>> No.13896926

As long as you can get AS and still attack it doesn't matter who you use.

>> No.13896928
Quoted by: >>13896937

Now send her to 5-5.

>> No.13896929

The sparkles should be different too.

>> No.13896937
Quoted by: >>13896938

Why would anyone go to 5-5?

>> No.13896938
File: 569 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150808-18394417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13896947

To play with Re.

>> No.13896940

Even if he isn't banned, he renews IP to avoid having to wait those minutes to make a new thread.

>> No.13896947

What was the point of this exercise?

>> No.13896952


>> No.13896956
Quoted by: >>13896966

Some shitty namefag said cranes were going to kick Re's shit in, so I sent an all carrier fleet with guaranteed AS+ and their best fighters and bombers to fight Re and prove that Re > CVs, no matter which CV.

>> No.13896962
Quoted by: >>13896968

He wanted to prove /a/'s tripfriend wrong about CVs killing Re. Except the tripfriend was memeposting around as usual about cranes getting kai ni.

So, basically being retarded.

>> No.13896964

Now that would be harder.
Asashio — prussian blue
Kasumi — venetian red
Michishio — lamp black
Arare — lamp black
Arashio — ehhh was it some kind of red?
Ooshio — grey? black?
Asagumo — cereleum blue
Yamagumo — sap green.
Nagatsuki, Yayoi — on the head
Satsuki — on the necktie
Kikuzuki— on the belt
Kisaragi — on the vest
Can't remember others.

>> No.13896966

So you only did it once? How do you know that this result wasn't an outlier?

Go repeat this experiment at least 9 more times and report back with results.

>> No.13896968
Quoted by: >>13896970

>doesn't even use a trip
>spends most of his time shitposting

>> No.13896970
Quoted by: >>13896978

If you realize he's shitposting, why would you spend the time to sortie? Check your autism.

>> No.13896972

Because this isn't the first time I've tried it before. I do it at least 5 times a week just to fuck around. It's always the preemptive torpedo and surviving bomber that takes at least 1CV out. This is why I used subs.

>> No.13896978

Because there's stupid newfags that would take him seriously and repeat his shit. It only costs 400 bauxite to do it, anyways.

>> No.13896990
Quoted by: >>13896994

You have to be extremely autistic not to realize the fucking around in his posts not to mention newfags flood here and wouldn't even know who Re is. I don't care about bauxite but good job wasting 5 minutes on proving a point that wasn't serious.

>> No.13896994

>wouldn't even know who Re is
I wish this was true.

>> No.13897001

Shieeet, now that I check Mikazuki doesn't even have a crescent.

>> No.13897005
File: 1.34 MB, 500x700, 037_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13897017


>> No.13897007

Fuck the newfags, fuck him, and fuck you. Neither of the three deserve the time of day.

>> No.13897008
Quoted by: >>13897017

I think you might be blind, look at her collar's right side.

>> No.13897017

Gross it's in her armpit does she even wash it?

>> No.13897033

But are you sending out support fleet like what you usually do with normal clear?
That said I do 5-5 if the rewards is actually better or medal can actually exchange for screws. I am already sitting on 19 unused medals without even clearing 5-5 once.

>> No.13897048
Quoted by: >>13897058

Have you at least remodelled every girl that needs a blueprint?

>> No.13897058
File: 1.66 MB, 1531x2092, kai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Every one of them.

>> No.13897064

Support fleet comes after Aerial phase so it doesn't matter if Re already taiha'd one of your girls. Not to mention support doesn't usually take Re out.

>> No.13897129

as usual /jp/ talks shit.

Basically it was almost like last year. Fujita (akagi) as MC and some RP gameplay with the penlights. We had a few live concert : Fubuki+Poi+Mutsuki charasong, 2-4-11 by ayaneru, Kagamisaki, Anata to no kizuna by Nao, anime ED, anime OP, and the encore was like last year, Anata to no kizuna by the full cast, Shiena and Akino included.

We got free Kancolle arcade card (although no date were given for release), and some info on upcoming figs.

They also introduced one of the new girl, the auxiliary ship Hayasui. She has brown shoulder length hair, wears a white jersey holds some kind of milk tank on her back. She is pettanko.

We saw the first PV for the gekijouban, many ships will appear in their K2 versions (like kako).

I'll try to remember other stuff but for now ask if you want to know anything~

>> No.13897143

thank you

>> No.13897153

Explain plane stuff.

>> No.13897157

>Fubuki+Poi+Mutsuki charasong
You poor bastards, that was the worst song in the character songs CD.

>> No.13897159
Quoted by: >>13897173

I thought you can exchange medal for screws?

>> No.13897162

Is the event actually this big?

>> No.13897163

Thanks for the report and this >>13897153 pls

>> No.13897173
Quoted by: >>13897185

It's the epeen medal, not normal medals.

>> No.13897185
File: 44 KB, 612x300, 2121212-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13897211


>> No.13897188
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My card

>> No.13897191
Quoted by: >>13897217

Is the movie going to be less shit than the anime?

>> No.13897197
Quoted by: >>13897217

>2-4-11 by ayaneru
Wait a minute, is the 2-4-11 even an official song?
I always thought it was a fanmade/doujin song

>> No.13897201

Who cares about the arcade game, just answer >>13897153

>> No.13897207
Quoted by: >>13897253

Maintenance notes are coming soon.

>> No.13897211

Its the bottom option.

>> No.13897217

I wish I could but I didn't quite catch it.. and they didn't give really detailled information so..

yup, and there no footage or record of it. she only sang it twice, this year and last year. Hopefully they'll do it again next year.

the PV was mostly showing the movie cast so I have no idea but I doubt it'll be great.

Also since you guys love hearing about the arcade game it seems it'll be an aikatsu like thing, you pay and get a gamecard and can choose to "do stuff" (like songs for aikatsu) or just take the card and go home/do it again. I didn't play Aikatsu arcade so I don't know much about it.

>> No.13897221
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 1432002883497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more info on arcade, fuck the planes

>> No.13897253
Quoted by: >>13897257

how soon

>> No.13897257

Less than 24 hours.

>> No.13897305

What kind of games did you play with the penlights? Any notable quotes from the voice cast?

>> No.13897311
Quoted by: >>13897348

>yup, and there no footage or record of it
Funny how that they only release that song to the Joysound karaoke system and it is not found in any of the kancolle album.

>> No.13897348

Yes, because as was pointed out like one post ago, it's a doujin song.

>> No.13897380
Quoted by: >>13897388

Point sale when

>> No.13897388

it's happening but it's not the same as last year, it's half off on certain games, kancolle isn't one of them.

>> No.13897479
Quoted by: >>13897949

>continuation of S1


>> No.13897499
File: 35 KB, 439x213, Resources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13897511

Still regretting top100 for last month and getting lazy as for past 10days.

>> No.13897511

New mechanics will increase bauxite costs and you'll be completely fucked

>> No.13897550

Doing exp 6 and 11 all day.

>> No.13897595

I wonder if this new mechanic would make fighter-bombers good. Airgroup/Skilled Model 62 Zeroes would be really rad.

>> No.13897604

>increase bauxite costs
Oh boy I never even considered this. Please no, this sounds awful.

>> No.13897646
Quoted by: >>13897664

Wait new mechanics for real?

>> No.13897664
File: 103 KB, 578x460, Slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13897687
Quoted by: >>13897736

How can Terizuki possibly top Ducky's cuteness?

>> No.13897694
File: 6 KB, 143x68, 2015-08-09_12-34-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think I fucked up by leaving my bauxite on natural regen?

>> No.13897701

Probably not.

>> No.13897704
Quoted by: >>13897709

I'm more worried about your buckets.

>> No.13897705

Hope your ships love you

>> No.13897709

300 buckets is enough.

>> No.13897712

So are 50k resources.

>> No.13897731
Quoted by: >>13897735

It should be if the devs are nice enough to not put a new Yahagi/Roma on E-7.
But they will, they didn't say anything about the EOs yet and that means you should expect the worst.

>> No.13897735
Quoted by: >>13897767

Can Rome be a drop?

>> No.13897736

By making her a Swan

>> No.13897742

Yeah a shame that he doesnt have 2 OP torpedo sluts, OP carrier, OP destroyer and OP submarine, literally no attention nor bias, right?

>> No.13897752

>OP destroyer and OP submarine

>> No.13897754

>OP destroyer
>OP submarine


>> No.13897764


B-but Fubuki and Shioi are god tier!!

>> No.13897767
Quoted by: >>13897769

Not really, she was easy to get and not really useful, they should add Amagi/Katori/Akizuki/Prinz first.

>> No.13897769

Katori drops in 6-3.

>> No.13897772
File: 28 KB, 250x244, 1410814017842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must be talking about this cutie.

>> No.13897776
Quoted by: >>13897783

Good but hardly OP as long as Yuudachi exists.

>> No.13897779
Quoted by: >>13897783

Good but hardly OP as long as Yukikaze exists.

>> No.13897783

Who's top dog then? Yuudachi or Yukikaze?

>> No.13897789

Max luck Shimakaze.

>> No.13897792

DD you love the most, starter comes close too.

>> No.13897793

Yeah, Unryuu does too so hopefully Amagi will replace her as an event drop.

>> No.13897795

Oh really and also Unryuu, then it's really time for an Amagi node now.

>> No.13897797

Yuudachi and Yukikaze. They fulfill completely different roles but excel at them all the same.

>> No.13897800

Yukikaze is a beaver you mong.

>> No.13897801
Quoted by: >>13897817

Luck can be modernized but you can't bring Yukikaze to 74 firepower.

>> No.13897817

Shouldn't a max luck Yuudachi with a CI setup out-damage Yukikaze with an identical setup? As >>13897801 said, you can't increase Yukikaze's firepower so her damage potential loses out to Yuudachi.

>> No.13897818
Quoted by: >>13897824

Radars are fucking useless compared to guns so AP Shells being better doesn't mean much. Not to mention we don't even know the exact effects of radar upgrades.

Also, AP Shells are better than radars and it has nothing to do with upgrading.

>> No.13897821

I have 52k fuel and steel.

I have Fusou at level 73.

Should I rush her to Kai Ni before the maintenance? Would that be worth the around 4k hit to my resources?

>> No.13897824

>AP Shells are better than radars
I love scratch cut-ins too!

>> No.13897828

Meant to say fuel and ammo.

>> No.13897833
File: 43 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-03091953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13897835


>> No.13897834
File: 349 KB, 463x376, 2015-07-18_01-24-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13897835

Wakaba? わからん

>> No.13897836

I love double attack scratch too!

>> No.13897840

Who in the hell uses Shimakaze for AACI?

>> No.13897841

Top poi.

>> No.13897842

Well, if you really want to.

>> No.13897843

The double misses are the best!

>> No.13897844

You have 20 days to decide if she is needed, no need to spend those resources now.

>> No.13897847

Any DD is fine for aaci.

>> No.13897855

How important is Ooyodo for the event?
Is it advisable to immediately start farming for her in E-1 before trying to clear the rest of the event?

>> No.13897861


Oh! Yodo! herself isn't very good outside of being a night equipment mule due to hitting like a wet noodle, but the FCF is great.

>> No.13897869

I'd hit her with my wet noodle

>> No.13897871
File: 430 KB, 827x1062, 1436740131780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13897872
Quoted by: >>13897889

Yes I meant for the command facility. Does it save you a lot of runs in an event?

>> No.13897875

FCF can save you lots of frustration when the last enemy to attack on the preboss crits somebody but I wouldn't waste time trying to get her before the event.

>> No.13897885
Quoted by: >>13897897

literally the only motivation that made me actively get to world 6

>> No.13897889

It's good for chipping but won't help you at the final kill. Might save you 10-20k resources but you will spend more buckets because of the fatigue penalty.

>> No.13897897

Katori is pretty shit.

>> No.13897905

All about that horse whip yo

>> No.13897907
File: 723 KB, 827x1169, 5a2d65768f2a3cd65643a20e04eb9268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better watch what you say, faggot.

>> No.13897909

Why not?

>> No.13897940
Quoted by: >>13897972

Does finishing event maps give you a ranking boost?

>> No.13897947

Am I the only one who's scared of the new plane mechanics?

>> No.13897949

Where the heck did you read "continuation of S1"?

>> No.13897952

probably, if anything I'm interested in seeing how this will go.

>> No.13897954

Yes, you are too paranoid.

>> No.13897958
Quoted by: >>13898013

Why? It sounds like free Akashi stars that you can lose.

>> No.13897960

useless Kaga inc

>> No.13897971

No, I'm scared too, though because I have high expectations. I put all my Reppus on shelf and now use purely airgroup Zeros from many dragon dupes I grinded because they have awesome paint scheme, if this leveling would make them even stronger it would be really magical. I don't want to be disappointed.

>> No.13897972

I think it's nerfed, you wont get as much as 5-4 S rank or completing regular EOs.

>> No.13897975 [DELETED] 



>> No.13897982
File: 444 B, 18x18, Icon_AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the AA stat actually do?

>> No.13897984

AA stands for Anti Air. I think it boosts torpedo damage.

>> No.13897986

It launches beautiful fireworks.

>> No.13897988
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 1438656092999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It compels you to read the wiki.

>> No.13897989

Obviously shoot down planes, but the amount is very little without AACI. It wont do shit against Takoyaki.

>> No.13897994

It's a dump stat disregard

>> No.13897998
Quoted by: >>13898058

Has anyone tested Isuzu's AACI yet?

>> No.13898000

See >>13897989 , also increases AACI chance of a ship.

>> No.13898005

>but the amount is very little
Sucking 2 Wo formation almost completely dry (only 1 bomber survived) with 6 49 AA destroyers is not "very little"

>> No.13898009

2 Wo at 2-2 obviously.

>> No.13898010

Apparently it also initiates dubs threads.

>> No.13898013

Doesn't that imply that we will have to do plane "sparkling" before sorties in order to be able to have viable planes then?

>> No.13898016

How hard is it for Yuubari to make his viewer fucking horizontal?

>> No.13898019
Quoted by: >>13898027

I'm talking about regular sorties. Nobody is going to use an AA fleet when day battle and AS is more important.

>> No.13898021
Quoted by: >>13898045

>choke K2
She rose from unimpressive to the best looking CL.

>> No.13898025
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1438836505531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898033

>plane "sparkling"

>> No.13898027

Grinding transports at 2-2 with 6DD is as regular as it can get.

>> No.13898029


Fuck that, I'll just live with air denial forever.

>> No.13898031


I've been doing that, started playing recently. There is scattered information on several topics about AA, but there is no page with a concentrated description of stats, so It's been hard.


Taking it that you are not mocking my ignorance like the rest, so it increases my output damage only if using AntiAir equipment?

>> No.13898033

I bet you can lose sparkle before boss if a plane gets shot down

>> No.13898040

Yes, and you can't do it on 1-1.
It has to be on a map with enemy planes.
I hope I'm wrong

>> No.13898045
Quoted by: >>13898158

I'm not a fan of the smug look, I think the normal one was cuter.
But the damaged sprite looks fantastic.

>> No.13898047
Quoted by: >>13898059

How many of those DDs have an AACI setup?

>> No.13898048
Quoted by: >>13898054

>it increases my output damage only if using AntiAir equipment?
It would be more correct to say it raises your _defense_ by a bit without an AACI-equipped ship, and potentially by a lot with an AACI-equipped ship.

>> No.13898049
Quoted by: >>13898053

Someone started new thread.

>> No.13898050
Quoted by: >>13898073

HA guns, Type 3 shells, air radar, AA guns and fire directors, but the way AA works makes it nearly useless to focus on it. It was only until the inclusion of AACI where it was somewhat viable to use, but it is still terrible without Akizuki or Maya kai 2 to really help, maybe Isuzu too.

>> No.13898053

Good for him.

>> No.13898054
Quoted by: >>13898060

>raises your _defense_
By permanently decreasing the amount of enemy bombers for a given fight.

>> No.13898058

I tried it in 1-6 when I noticed that she could not do it with 2x 90mm pasta and FUMO.

>> No.13898059

They all had 2 akizuki guns 1 T13 Kai. Cut-in haven't proced though, they did that with just normal fireworks.

>> No.13898060
Quoted by: >>13898073

Which wont stop the enemy carrier from destroying you with a single bomber.

>> No.13898073

I've had some nice and reasonably consistent AACIs with a fully upgraded Bukki equipped with a "10cmHA+FD" and a "13Kai radar". Completely shut down a wock shooter once, though usually it's a milder effect.

How so? I was under impression less bombers on enemy side was noticeable better for me. Am I misguided, or are you going to go >rng >placebo ?

>> No.13898078

>Because some reasons, I'm not able to continue develop and maintain this project anymore. Therefore this will be the last version maintained by me.
Fuck, now what do I use? I really don't want to go back to Yuubari's fork.

>> No.13898084

Switch to logbook.

>> No.13898097

Of course it's better to have less bombers on the enemy side.

But even after AS and a Ducky cut-in CV Hime can still destroy you with her flying balls unless you get lucky and shoot down all of her planes.

>> No.13898107

>CV Hime
Well, you have to admit that cunt is a special microhell no matter what, so I was not even taking her into account when talking about how (not) useful AACIs are.

>> No.13898126

Electronic Observer, obviously

>> No.13898130

Lol nope. I disabled the fortress on E5 once.

>> No.13898147
Quoted by: >>13898154

I'm not sure if it's possible. CV Oni, sure, but Hime?

>> No.13898154

Happened a few times last event on E-6.

>> No.13898158

A shame, I love her newly-found and perfectly justified confidence. Her uniform is also in completely different league than before.

>> No.13898160


The problem with AACI is that while it does reduce the impact of the aerial bombardment phase, unless you shoot down literally every incoming bomber, enemy CVs still will fight at literally 100% efficiency during the shelling phase(s), and the shelling phases are the far more dangerous stage. Not to mention that you already have winning AS or AS+ to soften the aerial bombardment phase already.

Firepower during shelling phases for CVs is currently affected by the highest divebombing stat available on the CV combined with its innate firepower and torpedo stats. This is when leveling CVs in PVP, it's common to load CVs with guns and a single divebomber: opposing troll AACI setups will then cost you a minimum of bauxite, as opposed to if you'd loaded yourself with huge amounts of torpedo bombers.

>> No.13898197
File: 913 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-04303410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the office have to look like during the event? Do I stick with the summer beach house theme, go for the comfy love nest with the futon, or super-serious battle station mode?

>> No.13898217

Make it start out bright and optimistic; then, as your sanity collapses, revert it to something oppressive and discomforting.

>> No.13898223

Put the battle planner poster on and you're good, they can plan the event from the pool.

>> No.13898226
File: 666 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-21352704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event time is serious time. After the event I'll buy some new furniture to celebrate.

>> No.13898231

Make it look like a prison.

>> No.13898233
File: 699 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-14370221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898246

Just add the battle map and a smart girl and you are set.

>> No.13898243
File: 160 KB, 799x478, ss+(2015-08-09+at+03.39.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898260

your room should be chaotic at first, to represent the lack of information at first, though as time goes on you'll slowly collect yourself and reach peak professionalism.

>> No.13898246

nice shipfu

>> No.13898249
File: 819 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150717-21481644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm keeping the beach theme. It will soothe my mind when RNG will inevitably try to rape my sanity.

>> No.13898251

Shit I'm starting to get shivers. It's too early but I can't help it.

>> No.13898252

You can try KC3 Kai

>> No.13898258

empty room with mikan box

>> No.13898259

i'm just waiting eagerly on what the other girls are going to be and the drops

>> No.13898260
Quoted by: >>13898265

>sheets on top of the sand
Oh shit nigga what the fuck are you doing.

>> No.13898263

I'm more excited about the plane mechanics. Leveling your fairy pilots sounds cute as fuck.

>> No.13898265
Quoted by: >>13898299

I'm going diving into the chaos friend, will you join me? Or will you stand idly by on the piers?

>> No.13898267
File: 123 KB, 800x481, And the Shimmering Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simplicity is always the best.

>> No.13898269

I faintly heard of a strat last event with sending subs in as death fodder

Should I keep some extra subs around for that then? Feels like they're clogging my ship storage.

>> No.13898274

>fodder fleets

>> No.13898279

Yeah good luck trying to sink Water Oni with fodder subs.

>> No.13898280

They should make the boss stronger every time you lose a girl.

>> No.13898283

>sub death fodder
The subs wont last long with ASW DDs.

>> No.13898284

Unless there was another strat I don't remember, E-5 wasn't about using subs as fodder, you'd equip one with a repair team and let it tank the boss node.

>> No.13898299
File: 788 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-15481738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898312

No thanks, gotta stay organised. I just have some ramune and an ice machine to get me through the rest of summer.

>> No.13898306
File: 28 KB, 499x500, 1410577980707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sparkling planes sounds cute as fuck

>> No.13898310

Until they're shot down and you have to relevel your planes just so you can fight CV-hime again

>> No.13898312

Ah, I see... Wish me luck then fellow TTK. As I'll dive in to darkness that is the abyss.

>> No.13898335
File: 669 KB, 800x480, The Office V3.1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898356

After a long day of hard work, the onsen is the only place to be.

>> No.13898345

I don't think you will lose your levels unless Tsu shoots down every single one.

>> No.13898347
File: 501 KB, 644x902, Quest4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well!
Don't forget about your dailies and weeklies because of the upcoming event.

>> No.13898355
File: 478 KB, 521x621, 1410016376858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13898357

>6 seconds late

>> No.13898356
Quoted by: >>13898453

>marrying a brainwashed slut

>> No.13898357

It's because of RNG.

>> No.13898367

You'll be on time one day.

>> No.13898368
Quoted by: >>13898386

Just keep Kaga in your fleet at all times. The Reppuu queen will never be dethroned.

>> No.13898379

You should have used Event Ooyodo with the stack of papers.

>> No.13898380
Quoted by: >>13898438

>skilled zero becomes the best plane after the update

It's time

>> No.13898386

i unno mang, if we're looking at a possible Shinano for this event, she just might dethrone Kaga as Reppu Queen and Akagi as Bauxite Queen.

>> No.13898438

We are gettingthat new mechanic because of this. Wasnt there around an interview about showing Zero's true potential or something among these words?
Also what? I got warned for reporting kcgfag's thread? Confirmed for janny.

>> No.13898450
Quoted by: >>13898547

If the moderator isn't a /jp/ regular (as in, sits around long enough to learn who all the retards of the board are) it looks like we're the ones trying to harass Kancolle off the board.

Send a polite note to the feedback box.

>> No.13898453

Still better than Kongou though.

>> No.13898462

Don't reply to shitposters.

>> No.13898465

Me too. I haven't got a warning in forever.

>> No.13898472

nice joke

>> No.13898475

I did as well.

>> No.13898487

It's not possible to get banned from trying to use a freedom credit card to buy slots, is it?

>> No.13898488

I really hope the new carrier mechanics is more about giving our CV(L) a necessary (but optional) boost rather than forcing another grind aspect upon us. I wouldn't mind higher baux consumption in return.

>> No.13898494

It either does not let you or it does.

>> No.13898497

Welp, same here. I think he should check the posts before issuing warnings without knowing what's happening.

>> No.13898504
Quoted by: >>13898512

You're too paranoid. They accepted my filthy slav money, they'll be more than happy to milk your CC.

>> No.13898512

>They accepted my filthy slav money
They still do not accept my bloody hryvnias, says all my cards are not supported.

>> No.13898521

Another slav here, use a Qiwi Virtual Visa, worked like a charm for me.
>captcha keeps giving me "pasta and noodles"
Littorio's return confirmed.

>> No.13898523
Quoted by: >>13898531

They accepted my visa debit card, maybe it has to do with your bank. You can try either contacting your bank or buy webmoney cards from somewhere else since DMM accepts that.

>> No.13898524

3rdworldfag here, used an int Master Card several times without problems, stop believing in Re.

>> No.13898530

I use Visa pre-paid card, works like a charm.

>> No.13898531
Quoted by: >>13898542

I'm buying pre-paid cards via a friend and he simply mails me the codes. Web money jews can rot in hell.

>> No.13898542

I guess that works too, webmoney does have some shitty rates and should only be used as last resort.

>> No.13898547
Quoted by: >>13898558

Not him, but I've suggested improvements twice already. I don't think they care at all.

I'm just hoping they get new jannys soon so I can apply.

>> No.13898558

Of the hundred messages I've sent to the staff over the years, three were acted on. I consider that a victory.

I also applied twice and got nothing.

>> No.13898582
Quoted by: >>13898595

Does anyone else get FFT vibes from some of the Kancolle OST? Are they done by the same composer?

>> No.13898595

There's no Yasunori Mitsuda cues in the music.

>> No.13898659

How do people end up with steel shortages? You get so much from Tokyo Express and scrapping ships that I can't fathom how you'd ever run out of it before fuel, ammo, or bauxite.

>> No.13898675

Nice surprise box. I like it.

>> No.13898676


>> No.13898684

It's impossible to lose 250 bauxite in one sortie but 2k+ steel isn't unlikely with heavy fleet.

>> No.13898712
File: 18 KB, 149x69, 2015-08-10_05-36-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13898719
Quoted by: >>13898745

It's when they realize 5 and 21 are better than 37 and 38 so dailies and ex2 become their main sources of steel.

>> No.13898743 [DELETED] 

Fuck you mod.

>> No.13898745

>5 and 21 are better than 37 and 38
That's wrong, assuming same chances of Great Success.

>> No.13898766
Quoted by: >>13898777

The real question is how does one lose bauxite? Ranking/dailies/weeklies all use subs (except for 3 sorties), and the sub kill quests don't put your planes at risk. So what are people spending it on?

>> No.13898767

Please go back to classes. 5 is by far the best expedition and 21 is above both TEs.

>> No.13898768 [DELETED] 

I hope you shitposters got what you wanted.
Now would you fuck off already?

Here's the new thread: >>13898762

>> No.13898777

Radar crafting, LSC

>> No.13898778

Who's YOLOing this event and jumping right in as soon as maintenance is over?

>> No.13898781

The first map is guaranteed to be DDs and CLs, so I'll just do that blind.

>> No.13898782

I'd love to but I'll be back home 6 hours after the event starts.

>> No.13898787
File: 301 KB, 750x750, 1422664437967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, I'm doing easy mode anyways so why not. Frontline here I come.

>> No.13898788
Quoted by: >>13898792

>assuming same chances of Great Success.
Ex5 — 438
Ex21 — 379
Ex37 — 344
Ex38 — 319
Combined gains per hour. Ex5 is 1,38 times better than Ex38.

>> No.13898792

People who add up all resources like that are retarded.

>> No.13898796
Quoted by: >>13898829

Hard mode should put Re in every E-1 node.

It's supposed to be hard.

>> No.13898829

People would just drop down to Medium for the map and then go hard for the rest.

>> No.13898837
Quoted by: >>13898846

Huh, just did the 2-3 submarine fleet quest and Makigumo dropped
time to fap to her I guess

>> No.13898840
Quoted by: >>13898950

Only a couple hours till maint, how are you using your remaining time?
I'm sparking some ships and trying to perfect my office.

>> No.13898842

I made a proper thread with non-fake news I'm getting tired of that guy and his weak trolling.


>> No.13898846
Quoted by: >>13898855

>fapping to Makigumo

Absolutely haram

>> No.13898849
Quoted by: >>13898860

>non-fake news
>no Hayasui on the news or planes gaining and losing levels

>> No.13898855

Ship girls are pretty easy to fap to,
I have her chuuha'd and ready to go.

>> No.13898860

I didn't add those cause there's little to none info about them.

>> No.13898863

Wait for this thread to die first. If you make threads early, you're little better than him.

>> No.13898864

You could have at least changed the part abpit am auxiliary shipgirl to Hayasui instead, since it's pretty much confirmed she's the E-4 reward.

>> No.13898871 [DELETED] 

>butchered OP
Fuck off

>> No.13898880
File: 581 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150806-02003720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone wish the playing field would turn from blue to red on event boss nodes? I think it would add more to the to the fight, even if it's just a change in color. The overworld is completely red by the last map.

>> No.13898881

You would have to make ten shit threads a day and spam completely unrelated threads crying about Kancolle to be as bad as him.

>> No.13898883

At least people won't endlessly hop into his threads with stupid news and memes like they did the for the past week.

>> No.13898886

At least ask the thread if there's any news before making the thread, if you don't follow it closely.

We could have a maintenance thread where we discuss the upcoming event (this thread is on page eight after all) and then open a new one for the event with all the maintenance tweets updated.

>> No.13898891

Nah, if you want too long the other cockaddict will make his shit thread.
It normally can take him up to an hour to find a working proxy though.

>> No.13898897

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it should be that way. E-5 through E-7 would have a light red background on battles which would turn an eerie dark red on yasen.

>> No.13898900

It's just fog.

>> No.13898905

Trolls thread already have Jannys seal of approval, so any new ones now will be deleted on account of "being too late".

>> No.13898908 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13898914

Made a real new thread:

I added the event wiki page which contains every new information we have.

>> No.13898914
Quoted by: >>13898916

It's almost like you missed the 5 or so threads that he linked here only to get them all deleted.
And here's yet another one he made >>13898908

>> No.13898916
Quoted by: >>13898928

Meant for

>> No.13898917
Quoted by: >>13898928

Threads get deleted on account of being made by an actual troll and ban evader, you can see his autism with just a click https://archive.moe/jp/search/text/Fit%20planes/type/op/

>> No.13898928

Oh great it was deleted. I just read a lot of reporters got warnings for reporting it, so I figured Janny was a lost cause.

>> No.13898946

Congrats on fooling the mods /kcg/fag.
I don't know how you did it, but you caused yet another shitstorm. I hope you are happy with yourself faggot. Now we are stuck with a shit thread.

>> No.13898949
Quoted by: >>13898953

Nice proxy, breh.

>> No.13898950


>> No.13898952

Funny how you throw back the /kcg/fag nick you have earned yourself.

>> No.13898953

Nice meme, bruh.

>> No.13898955

Anyone from Rabaul? I'm getting database errors when scrapping ships.
I fear the update will take longer.

>> No.13898958
Quoted by: >>13898965

Do you get errors scrapping anyone or just some specific girl? If it's the latter she might have a bugged ID shared with someone else.

>> No.13898965

Any ships, they disappear but don't get counted to the quest.
The error says: "The table 'log_lostship' is full"
I guess there wasn't a real maintenance for a while now and there will be a long cleanup during the update.

>> No.13898968
Quoted by: >>13898981

What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.13898971
Quoted by: >>13898997

Weird, never had that happen. Even tried scrapping just now and didn't get an errorcat, did you try clearing your cache?

>> No.13898981
File: 4 KB, 225x225, whybutthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're big guy

>> No.13898984
Quoted by: >>13898997

Are you playing with API link? Delete your cache and get a new API link.

>> No.13898997

Using cookies, now I cleared cache but multiple guys on 2ch are reporting cats too so I guess it won't help.

>> No.13899009
Quoted by: >>13899020

You are banned. Sorry.

>> No.13899020
File: 29 KB, 600x800, 1402317730135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even log in now and 2chan is reporting it too, RIP Rabaul.

>> No.13899037

No chance, I'm doing a bunch of quests I forgot about, then farming resources for another week while sending my fleet to the easy maps and not using buckets for damage.

>> No.13899043

Yea, Rabaul is kill.

>> No.13899046

I hope you managed to send out some expedition fleets.

>> No.13899048
Quoted by: >>13899053

It's time to perform one of the ancient Aztec sacrificial rituals.

>> No.13899051

It's almost 3 hours early, I don't think anyone that isn't sleeping already did.

>> No.13899052

Prelude to the event, Abyss invaded Rabaul.
We'll have to clear them out.

>> No.13899053

I have a bunch of lvl 1 DDs from sparkling to spare. How many do you think will do?

>> No.13899074
Quoted by: >>13899079

Is it normal to not be able to access the game right now? I've gotten to an error screen twice, and it's just been white and blank completely unloaded several times.

I bookmarked the page of the game, so I just click that and it takes me to Kancolle usually. This is the first time this isn't working. I use the cookie method to connect.

>> No.13899079
Quoted by: >>13899086

You might be from Rabaul server.

>> No.13899086

Yep, just read the thread.


>> No.13899091
Quoted by: >>13899095

This is what you get for not being Hitokappu master race.

>> No.13899092
File: 88 KB, 480x451, 1435457143807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899097

I was still getting some last minute leveling and quests done.

>> No.13899095

Sukumo master race reporting, no cats here.

>> No.13899097

>didn't do my PVP yet
>all my expeditions weren't sent out yet
>none of my quests done


>> No.13899100

Why is your post so green though?

>> No.13899105

You people are fucking autistic.

>> No.13899107

He's green with envy.

>> No.13899110

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13899111
Quoted by: >>13899113

If you don't like it, reddit misses you.

>> No.13899113
Quoted by: >>13899117

I have never made a post on reddit, and have only been there maybe 5 times in my life when googling questions.

>> No.13899114

Because you're on autism board. Fuck off, crossie

>> No.13899117
Quoted by: >>13899119


>> No.13899119

/a/ is full of filthy faggots.

Why would I go to /v/? Also it's shit.

What's the matter with Himeuta?

Sure, I use the wikia as a resource, but I DESPISE the community.

>> No.13899129

because this is 2hu autism fan forums. you don't belong here, fuck off

>> No.13899130

>/a/ is full of filthy faggots.
And the only ones constantly translating kancolle material.

>> No.13899131

Yet you clearly don't belong in the Jay. You have no place to call home, don't you? It's alright; repent, lurk, and you might be accepted.

>> No.13899135
Quoted by: >>13899139

Naturally the last two and a half hours before the event is the time when dailies and weeklies refuse to clear.

>> No.13899136

Nobody cares about your opinion, stop blogging.

>> No.13899137
Quoted by: >>13899145

Just because they translate stuff that doesnt make them less faggots, look at what are they discussing right now.

>> No.13899139

At least you can access your fucking game.

Should Rabaul just give up on any chance to update before maintenance?

>> No.13899145
Quoted by: >>13899200

I can do translations if people specifically request things but otherwise I really can't be bothered.

Look at what we're discussing right now,

At least glasses on characters is nominally Kancolle-related.

>> No.13899151
File: 45 KB, 503x302, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899229

Just in time.

>> No.13899160

>And the only ones constantly translating kancolle material.
Only secondary faggot need translating. Fuck off to your shitty board, ret/a/rd

>> No.13899167
Quoted by: >>13899178

/jp/ is also shit. Don't try to argue with the self-appointed defenders of board culture, though. They'll just shitpost you into the ground.

This word doesn't even mean anything anymore.

>> No.13899178

>/jp/ is also shit. Don't try to argue with the self-appointed defenders of board culture
Then fuck off. You are not welcome here

>> No.13899181
Quoted by: >>13899197

>Then fuck off. You are not welcome here
I was here before you.

>> No.13899192

If you weren't born Japanese and didn't learn Japanese as your first language you're a fucking secondary.

>> No.13899197

i fucked ur mom before u was here.

>> No.13899200

But thats not my point, just because its related that doesnt make it good. Glasses are good, thanks to them I can see my daughterus sharp and clear, hating on them because some people cant live without memeposting is retarded.

>> No.13899204

That's called EOP.

>> No.13899220

That's not what a secondary is, newfag.

>> No.13899222
File: 287 KB, 689x225, Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 6.47.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girls are you leaving in your first fleet to welcome the event?

>> No.13899227

Akashi + lightly damaged ships.

>> No.13899229
Quoted by: >>13899246

No kidding. Thank god you didn't hit confirm yet.
Now go use that blueprint on a useful ship.

>> No.13899245

My PvP fleet I guess, not much choice in Rabaul.

>> No.13899246

Please, I have 7.
I would leave my past event ships, but Nowacchi's on an expedition. How troubling.

>> No.13899247

Favorite girls from each class that I have

>> No.13899251

>Implying anyone is welcome here.

>> No.13899252
Quoted by: >>13899284

私は日本人です (o・ω・o)

>> No.13899253
File: 410 KB, 685x333, KanColle-150809-18523307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899449

Everyday, Musashi never.

>> No.13899271 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 691x341, 1st fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13899278
File: 405 KB, 681x339, 第一艦隊.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899280
Quoted by: >>13899297


>> No.13899284


>> No.13899285
File: 421 KB, 691x341, 1st fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899289
Quoted by: >>13899297

And then there's this scum fuck.

>> No.13899295
Quoted by: >>13899302

Just marry them already. Just think of all that wasted experience.

>> No.13899296


>> No.13899297

They've been doing it to me for the past week, it's time for some payback.

>> No.13899299
File: 80 KB, 687x217, fleet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trip

>> No.13899302


>> No.13899305
File: 232 KB, 688x339, Fleet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899318
File: 418 KB, 690x339, 1st fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899353
File: 439 KB, 689x337, Ready for the event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best ships around.

>> No.13899363
File: 194 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-21134982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899383

My pvp fleet as always, there's no reason to change it since top 2 are pretty high lvl, I used to change it to wife+lvl99 ship, but Im too lazy to do that everyday.

>> No.13899383
Quoted by: >>13899392

You just reminder me I don't have any Mamiya or Irakos.

>> No.13899390
File: 145 KB, 695x342, ss+(2015-08-09+at+08.28.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899392

Those 2 are Irakos only, I mostly use them during events, I just want more furniture fairies, I need to finish the new 3-2 quest.

>> No.13899409
Quoted by: >>13899429

Oh, so it was Suzuya here >>13896831

Don't be afraid to show off your waifu, faggot. She's cute.

>> No.13899413


>> No.13899422
Quoted by: >>13899448


>> No.13899429
Quoted by: >>13899466

It was probably the slut meme.

>> No.13899433


These faggots extended the maint already, that's some great news.

>> No.13899440
File: 389 KB, 679x333, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13899441

Damn, I'm not going to be able to see the first leaks.

>> No.13899446
Quoted by: >>13899454

Another one of them gay faggots, eh?

>> No.13899448
Quoted by: >>13899461

Womotte is all server groups, common maintenance, implementation today of update completion, was a summer event of execution in 2015 "this helps": limited water and [counter! Second, the strategy of SN is scheduled to start the strategy! Shinkanmusume, in order to put all of the 7 ship, we, we conducted a fairly large updates. Everyone of Admiral, we will please thank the cooperation!
Currently, some of the burden from the server group, the database server Rabaul], connection and an unstable part, it has become very high. Sorry for you rather discomfort, it is confirmed, than has been promoting the application of current solutions.

>> No.13899449

Good taste.

>> No.13899454

He's doing it to be an ass, I'm doing it for petty revenge. It's different.

>> No.13899458

As expect of haruslutfags.

>> No.13899461

>"this helps"
Does it? Does it really?

>> No.13899462

Better for me, I was planning to sleep early so I could wake up some hours before maint, but I can do it the "normal" way just fine.

>> No.13899464

You're an ass that's doing it for petty revenge.

>> No.13899466
File: 566 KB, 992x1407, sluut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But slut is this one

>> No.13899467
Quoted by: >>13899479

Today [AM11: 00] a.,, Sorry announced press'm all server groups before implementation, maintenance, and planned to release a full-employment "may be" more, I mean [20:00]. Guests and fortunate to cooperate.

>> No.13899472

Okay, so one of you is a gay faggot and the other is a faggot who just so happens to be a homosexual, is that better?

>> No.13899474
Quoted by: >>13899478

Did they extend maintenance to finally ban foreign players?

>> No.13899478

Are you stupid?

>> No.13899479
Quoted by: >>13899489

It's "can this", stop forced your own meme

>> No.13899481

What is a "faggot" in this context?

>> No.13899487

Yes, thank you for your understanding and good luck in the event.

>> No.13899489

It's changed to "ship this", keep up with the times, grandpa.

>> No.13899502
File: 181 KB, 791x379, LSC ships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899562


>> No.13899512
Quoted by: >>13899520

Now that will be fun.

>> No.13899515

Fuck, Rabaul already down, there goes my pvp.

>> No.13899520
Quoted by: >>13899563

How did you not know about this already? We've mentioned it multiple times.

>> No.13899559
File: 86 KB, 696x336, Irish Naval Service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13899573


>> No.13899562

A what.

>> No.13899563
Quoted by: >>13899580

I don't know, the tweets only talked about "multiple new ships" until now and only 2 were confirmed, since when did we know this?

>> No.13899573

Let Ayanami grow out her hair already.

>> No.13899580

Since the 30th.

>> No.13899619
Quoted by: >>13899623

That was map count, not ship count.

>> No.13899621

I only see it mentioning the 7 maps but okay, I must have missed something.

>> No.13899623

My bad, you're right.

>> No.13899640

There is no good long expedition for ammo, this sucks.

>> No.13899655

Are you retarded?

>> No.13899671

Dude, if it's not about Kancolle, don't post it. 4chan will always have people trying to bait you into defending yourself and if you can't keep your ego in check, why are you on an anonymous board to begin with?
Sparkle 5-21-37. That's nearly 1k ammo when you come back.

>> No.13899742

Either Lingga is also fucked or my connection is just inexplicably shitty today.

>> No.13899743

What would you rather see in your pvp list tomorrow, normal 2 high level ships or a single level 1 for sparkles? Might as well try to help those out venturing early and gathering information for the more cautious like me

>> No.13899751

The vast majority of fleets will be able to ace any set of two ships and if it's DD/CLs you need, then switch out a DD for a battleship.

>> No.13899760

I think you're toggling instant construction

>> No.13899799
Quoted by: >>13899849

>Almost maintenance.
Time to spend the next 9 hours here.

>> No.13899819

High levels. I just need one more good day of PVP to push Sendai to Kai Ni and get the rest of the Yasen gear I'm going to need for the event.

>> No.13899849
Quoted by: >>13899881

>not going to bed now
do you even NEET

>> No.13899851
File: 78 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150809-21071424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ogre, time to watch anime or something.

>> No.13899863

For some reason I thought the event was starting tuesday. Didn't even get my expeditions setup.

>> No.13899881

>Implying that you need to sleep more than 4 hours a day.

>> No.13899891
File: 329 KB, 1208x1062, f912856f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say we'll see a lot of DDs in this event.

>> No.13899898

Let there be Tokitsukaze drops pls

>> No.13899899

What even is this?

>> No.13899907

Are we getting any bonus DMM points or no?

>> No.13899909

I expect to see 3, maybe 4, trophy DDs this event.

>> No.13899911

IJN DD list.

>> No.13899913

It looks like all the DDs left to add.

>> No.13899915

Yes, at a 100% discount.

>> No.13899917

For the last fucking time, no.

>> No.13899925

>Inc Summer event
Someone start a Kuso TTK counter please

>> No.13899926

>all those Yuugumos
Oh lord, so many crazy girls.

>> No.13899982

Okay, so who are the two who are missing? There are only 68 here but we have 70 DDs.

>> No.13899990


New arcade trailers.

>> No.13899993

If I decide to do a shiplocked map on medium/hard I can still use those same ships in the other locked maps as long as I select easy difficulty right?

>> No.13899998

Z1 and Z3.

>> No.13900004

Well, I don't read moonrunes, but I could assume that it says Japanese ships up there.

>> No.13900009


>> No.13900014

So are there any DDs that we don't have yet who could become one of the most powerful or useful?

>> No.13900018
Quoted by: >>13900065

Yes, but why would you do that?

>> No.13900020


>> No.13900027
Quoted by: >>13900047

Your only hope for powerful girls is if the existing ones get kai 2.

>> No.13900030
Quoted by: >>13900040

Did they just show an accurate Green T formation?

>> No.13900032


more adventures of Akitsushima, the strongest ship girl in history.

>> No.13900040


>> No.13900047

I guess so. I can't even begin to imagine what a Shimakaze Kai Ni would be like.
>tfw she has a torp stat on par with CLTs or has firepower close to Poi's

>> No.13900057

Goldion Hammer, uuu~!

'nuff said

>> No.13900060

What the fuck, she can equip SCAMP?

>> No.13900065

I don't have that big of a fleet ready for the event, 4 CVs, 4 CAs, 4 CVLs, 6 DDs, 2 CLs, 2 CLTs.
If I use KitaOoi in one map I can't use it anywhere else. If I send 4 CVs in the combined fleet I don't have any CVs left for the other maps.
Also I fear I might run out of resources prematurely since I don't have a FCF and will need more runs.

>> No.13900067

I wish they'd do it, her sprite sucks compared to how amazing her overall design is

>> No.13900070

As expected of the strongest.

>> No.13900073

Yeah but not like that's going to help her at all.

>> No.13900075
Quoted by: >>13900092

Of course she can, she carries planes so that automatically makes her able to.

>> No.13900080

At least she defeated Akashi.

>> No.13900081

>no BBs
enjoy less than easy modo gaybo

>> No.13900085

This is where your management skills come to play. Study the enemy formations, look at what other TTKs are using, prioritize who goes where.

>> No.13900092

The other seaplane tenders, Akitsu Maru and SSVs can't.

>> No.13900102

Im glad they are putting my money to good use, now lets just wait 15 years for a PC port.

>> No.13900106

>20 days
>Clear one map a day and leave 13 to farm drops

Get on it, you TTK with 300k/300k/300k/300k/3k bucket

>> No.13900113

Kinda slowpoke.jpg but now we are having 7 ships on 7 maps instead of the original 5 ships on 7 maps, right?

>> No.13900114
File: 173 KB, 1200x1181, 1431792579866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13900141

Who has the updated version of this? I remember it had Hyuuga's face somewhere in the lower right hand corner.

>> No.13900118

I'm probably gonna aim for 2 maps per day, if time allows it. I'm pretty sure the last map or two might take longer, but I can hope.

>> No.13900137
Quoted by: >>13900146

I'm going to do one sortie a day for the first two and a half weeks, and then try to rushdown the event the last day, blow out my Mamiya and Irako stores, and fail anyway.

>> No.13900141
File: 39 KB, 600x600, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not max

>> No.13900146

Well at least you planned ahead.

>> No.13900149

I really like the logo for it.

Also do want want want.

>> No.13900155

There isn't much difference.

>> No.13900159
Quoted by: >>13900900

Decimals round down, so the max is only there to look cool.

>> No.13900170
Quoted by: >>13900179


Fuck I want to play it so badly.

>> No.13900179


>> No.13900200
Quoted by: >>13900205

So what are the speculations on this 'new remodel requirement' for the cranes?

>> No.13900202

Watching it makes me think LoS has more importance here.

>> No.13900205
Quoted by: >>13900212

Their stocks planes/quest planes will probably be very good with the new plane system.

>> No.13900212
Quoted by: >>13900214

>inb4 Turkey's planes have twice the chance to be shot down.

>> No.13900214

You mean Shoukaku's.

>> No.13900217

Girls moving around in 3D is in itself worth it all.
As for the Vita game, things look [insert adjective]

>> No.13900225

Can't wait to see 2-4-11 being animated.

>> No.13900226
Quoted by: >>13900232

creepy and dead, just like the platform, does it even has a release date now? last time I heard it was delayed yet again

>> No.13900231
File: 34 KB, 228x256, CritMaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget Shimakaze, what would happen if they gave Yukikaze a K2.

>> No.13900232
Quoted by: >>13900242

November, got delayed to add pasta ships.

>> No.13900234
File: 50 KB, 399x227, 1385268652644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BB Hime
>all the land bases
>2-5 north cut-ins
>replay of past events with the new mechanics
It's like they don't want my money at all.

>> No.13900240

Has anyone like, tried recreating their Admiral's office in Anarchy Arcade? That'd be really cool, like your TTK office on your desktop.

>> No.13900242
Quoted by: >>13900274

Pastas must be really fat in vita version to add a 4 month delay, maybe I should consider it in the future. they are not really expecting anything out of this version, right? why are they still trying?

>> No.13900245
Quoted by: >>13900325

chink cumdumter

>> No.13900255
Quoted by: >>13900325

She'll become Tan Yang.

>> No.13900274

It being different from the original is already interesting enough. I'm sure it was also delayed to include the new plane mechanics so it can release as up to date as possible.

>> No.13900275

Did the maintenance already start? I can't log in with my API link

>> No.13900277

No. Try resetting your link.

>> No.13900279

At least some servers are down.

>> No.13900281

You're 2 hours late.

>> No.13900297
File: 214 KB, 515x443, Vyli1423833960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you feel if it was this?

>> No.13900300

Shimakaze a gundam.

>> No.13900301

Wouldn't put it past Yoshinori.

>> No.13900303
Quoted by: >>13900310

Silly and out of place, but they should use that for an event or something

>> No.13900307
Quoted by: >>13900311


I love it. Mace and shield is the shit.

>> No.13900310
Quoted by: >>13900319


>silly and out of place

Yes, because Shimakaze's regular outfit is completely appropriate.

>> No.13900311
Quoted by: >>13900316

That's not a shield it's a gauntlet made out of her torp mount.

>> No.13900316
Quoted by: >>13900323


A gauntlet that size may as well double as a shield.

>> No.13900317

This should be her kai ni.

>> No.13900319

It is most definitely not out of place in the game, no

>> No.13900323
Quoted by: >>13900333

I don't know, I don't think I'd like to use something with torpedoes as a shield.

>> No.13900325
File: 166 KB, 500x880, Tan_Yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something like this?

>> No.13900327

Good night my fellow TTK. I shall see you all when Summer Hell ascends.

>> No.13900333
Quoted by: >>13900338


The torpedo mount is very very tough.

Or she fires them before going into melee since you'd probably wouldn't launch torps that close anyway.

>> No.13900338
Quoted by: >>13900350

>since you'd probably wouldn't launch torps that close anyway.
Are you saying I've been playing DD or Kuma wrong against BBs?

>> No.13900342 [DELETED] 

You're missing the teeth. She need

>> No.13900350
Quoted by: >>13900354


Are they using a gauntlet torpedo mount against them?

>> No.13900354
Quoted by: >>13900384

I'm launching torps at <1km and then ramming for some CQC.

>> No.13900361
File: 518 KB, 600x800, 1429573060349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they had waited until after the event to roll out the new plane system.

But at least now all of the dragons' skilled planes will reign supreme.

>> No.13900365 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 537x529, 1439180328401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13900376

Devs love to fuck around, so they do it during the event.

>> No.13900384


At what point does your ships HENSHIN, before the torpedo launch or before the ramming?

>> No.13900404

>SCAMP Hiryuu with Suisei Egusa
Cumming buckets.

>> No.13900462


>> No.13900490

Ex16 profits the most ammo, around 460/710.

>> No.13900494
File: 540 KB, 800x480, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I have your undivided attention. How did this happen in pvp today? I did not snap a screenshot in time because I was confused.

I did not think abubear was that strong.

>> No.13900499
Quoted by: >>13900512

That seems normal.

>> No.13900501
Quoted by: >>13900512

Probably green T and max upgraded quints. Just having a midget sub isn't enough to wreck Yamato.

>> No.13900512
Quoted by: >>13900585

Do opening torps follow normal combat damage? I could not find a specific equation on the wiki.

I wish I knew what the engagement type was, but I was not paying enough attention.

>> No.13900585

Torp phase is most likely just torp + 5.

>> No.13900610
File: 266 KB, 1100x432, kancollecalc.web.fc2.com_damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried Kancolle calc.

>> No.13900690

I haven't played in months so my resources should be topped off.

Too lazy to do anything but easy mode, I think

>> No.13900689

Anybody got any o them pre-event leaks? Hurry up devs, I want the excitement to keep me up tonight.

>> No.13900693

Those don't come out until half an hour before servers go up.

>> No.13900697

In another 4 hours.

>> No.13900759

Here's the list:
6 DDs

>> No.13900769
Quoted by: >>13900789

Stop with the fucking surprise boxes.

>> No.13900777

I guess it's time for DDcolle.

>> No.13900782
Quoted by: >>13900788


You mean 6 super cute DDs and Hayasui.

>> No.13900788
Quoted by: >>13900822

You mean Hayasui, 1 hyper cute DD, and 5 super cute DDs.

>> No.13900789

But anon! Surprise boxes are the best! Don't you like surprises? I love surprises!

>> No.13900822
Quoted by: >>13900833

No, it's Hayasui, 1 hyper cute DD, 4 super cute DDs, and that 1 girl that not a lot of people like but has dedicated fans anyway.

>> No.13900833

Yeah that sounds accurate let's go with that.

>> No.13900853
File: 748 KB, 1208x1000, ed9c34a002fbc23e46a07ad8546d18f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon.. miss her yet?

>> No.13900854
File: 37 KB, 447x447, 1409020812654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13900859

>mfw Yoshinori didn't draw Teruzuki

>> No.13900859

Don't jinx it.

>> No.13900863
Quoted by: >>13900869

Where's her sister?

>> No.13900869

Behind you.

>> No.13900879

I always wonder if the big guys behind her are male.

>> No.13900886


Female. I've dated one. They are very sensitive, so please don't bully them so much.

>> No.13900887


>behind her

Nigga they're part of her, like extra limbs.

>> No.13900898

Final boss:
BB Water Oni Kai
BB Hime Kai
BB Hime Kai
CV Hime
2 Elite Ne

>> No.13900900

>Decimals round down
No, they don't. Or rather, only at the end of the formula.

>> No.13900907

You mean Re not Ne.

>> No.13900910
Quoted by: >>13900918

E-4 is also double CV Hime, apparently.

>> No.13900911
File: 550 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150803-05302593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13900915
Quoted by: >>13900921

If they end up nerfing Kaga, I hope they nerf CV Hime as well.

>> No.13900918

>No CV Water Oni

>> No.13900920

And no combined fleet.

>> No.13900921

>If they end up nerfing Kaga
She's not getting nerfed, did you miss the news? If anything all carriers are getting powered up. I hope you're ready to level up your Reppuu Kai.

>> No.13900928
Quoted by: >>13900933

>I hope you're ready to level up your Reppuu Kai
And watch them level right back down as soon as a few get shot down.

>> No.13900933

Exactly, this even is going to be quite the spectacle.

>> No.13900934
File: 635 KB, 1000x1280, 62aae77b3f084fc96a14ba4d1b636481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13900938

>level up

>> No.13900937

On the bright side abyss filth will never have their planes sparkled.

>> No.13900938

Not that kind, they level up or gain ranks, it's still not completely know how it's called, by shooting down planes. They also lose levels if they get shot down.

>> No.13900941

But then you're going to have to deal with seeing your sparkled Egusa and Tomonagas losing it to Elite Tsu. I can already feel the anger.

>> No.13900944

Just because you said that, they will be assigned a random level each time you sortie.

>> No.13900947

Oh how naive of you to think so.

>> No.13900961
File: 64 KB, 565x800, 1436946064241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what you think, ttk.

>> No.13900962 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13900970

Will we have a proper new event thread?

>> No.13900970
Quoted by: >>13900982

It's already up. It could be a lot better but at least it's not /kcg/fag's shitty spam.

>> No.13900982 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13901000

That OP is missing a lot of links and information this one has. We shouldn't start the event in a shitty thread.

>> No.13900987

I don't know about the rest of you, but I thought I was ready for this event as I did hard last time without issue and have only improved since then.

Now that word of a refueling ship, and leveling planes is out, what if the add something awful like a 7 node route, and as limits you can only meet with sparkled reppuu kai. I don't even have a reppuu kai.

>> No.13900993

I'm more worried about "combat rations" or whatever that new shop item is called.

>> No.13900996


At this point I'm just hoping I can brute force it with 150k resources.

>> No.13901000
Quoted by: >>13901026

Because he added too many forks just to bloat the OP.

>> No.13901004
Quoted by: >>13901012

If you really needed a sparkled Reppuu Kai to do it then they'd give it to you early on in the maps. The devs are dicks but even they aren't that dicky about it.

>> No.13901011
Quoted by: >>13901021

Just do it in easy, scrub. Nobody will make fun of you.

>> No.13901012
Quoted by: >>13901019

7 maps. Perhaps this is finally the time they want to see who can actually best a hard event.

>> No.13901019

Well I mean Reppuu Kai was pretty much a giveaway price so.

>> No.13901021
Quoted by: >>13901033

Except the laughing dragons and the thread, unless you like the dragons to humiliate you.

>> No.13901026 [DELETED] 

Have you even tried those forks?
The japanase fork is really nice.

>> No.13901030

I can't wait to see those Nips locking their aces in easy maps, then they can't use it in hard ones.

>> No.13901033

I'm not planning to use laughing dragons unless someone sinks their ship while half a sleep or drunk.

>> No.13901044
Quoted by: >>13901078

You underestimate their autism. They could lock their best ships and still clear the event on hard all the way through. Grinding a ship to 70 only takes a day.

>> No.13901050
Quoted by: >>13901068

Carriers will actually be important this time right?
The devs have been telling us to level carriers the last few events and they were underwhelming.

>> No.13901052
Quoted by: >>13901059

They do that every time. I don't know how the fuck they do it.

>> No.13901059 [DELETED] 


>not sortieing your hotels to 2-2


>> No.13901068

With the new system yes. I'm still going to roll Surface Fleet if it gives easier routing, though.

>> No.13901073

Dear jp, after looking at the marriage lines, how do you handle the sadness of a girl who is not actually interested in you?

I want to marry her, but if I will never be in her heart, why bother?

>> No.13901078

>Grinding a ship to 70 only takes a day.
Does that include buckets?

>> No.13901079

If you like NTR, go for it.

>> No.13901080

They can just buy buckets, they do it all the time.

>> No.13901085
Quoted by: >>13901104

What girl would that be?

>> No.13901095

3-2A doesn't use buckets.

>> No.13901097

Wait for a revision at Kai-3 or hope for other added lines.

>> No.13901103

E-1 - DD/CL only. It's the generic Ri Kai, DD Hime, or CL Hime boss
E-2 - Combined Fleet, easy filler boss but requires you to lock some of your ships.
E-3 - Light fleet only.
E-4 - Combined Fleet, more shiplocking, boss is an installation-type.
E-5 - SS map
E-6 - The second night battle only map.. Bring out your placebo yasen equipment.
E-7 - Combined fleet, all-out counter-attack.

>> No.13901104


>> No.13901105
File: 16 KB, 288x306, PROTIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901120


>> No.13901109

>SS map
I've always wanted to use an all Sub fleet in an event.

>> No.13901110

>CL Hime
You mean CL Oni unless they add a new one.

>> No.13901113
Quoted by: >>13901141

Wouldn't an SS map be the first map like Winter event? Sub hunting is pretty boring and slow paced.

>> No.13901117
Quoted by: >>13901126

>E-5 - SS map
God no, I scrapped all subs long ago.

>> No.13901119
Quoted by: >>13901134


>> No.13901120

What if it doesn't die when killed?

>> No.13901125

Kill it some more.

>> No.13901126

Sucks to be you then.

>> No.13901128

You need to kill it 7 times.

>> No.13901130

>E-5 - SS map
My Maruyu is ready.

>> No.13901134


>> No.13901135

It sounds like she will be ready when she gets older. After all, she is a little girl.

>> No.13901141
Quoted by: >>13901153

I hope not, placing it in later maps will be a good access for farming event-only rare ships. E-1 is usually aimed for new players without Ooyodo, Akashi, etc.

>> No.13901153
Quoted by: >>13901243

Good god please fucking no, no more mid event sub maps. Fuck E-4 that fucking horrible map ate several damecons and instalosses.

>> No.13901159
File: 233 KB, 360x360, KLmmUMOs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayasui sneak picture

>> No.13901162

>monkey ears

>> No.13901163

It begins.

>> No.13901164


>> No.13901170

She's going to look like shit.

>> No.13901172

Her damaged sprite better have some oil leaking.

>> No.13901173
Quoted by: >>13901179

>short hair
Why do they keep pandering to homosexuals?

>> No.13901174

jacket or sweater?

>> No.13901179

But the majority of girls are long haired.

>> No.13901185
Quoted by: >>13901190

I like this outfit already, if she has a ponytail my dick will be in pieces

>> No.13901187
File: 793 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901190
Quoted by: >>13901198

It's already confirmed she has short hair and is a tomboy.

>> No.13901191


>there are people who will stay up for this


>> No.13901192

Maybe I will go to sleep.

>> No.13901197
Quoted by: >>13901203

Is that Konishi?

>> No.13901198
Quoted by: >>13901205

who says short hair can't be in a ponytail, don't ruin this for me.

>> No.13901200

That's a big update.

>> No.13901203


>> No.13901205

Her VA does, see >>13895139

>> No.13901210
File: 340 KB, 1000x801, CL_IMP2UwAAfnJM.png_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901213

What a cutie

>> No.13901214



>> No.13901216

Good thing I already slept.

>> No.13901218
Quoted by: >>13901236


>name means "Fast Sucker"

I can see the doujins already.

>> No.13901220
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, CMBuS5fVAAEBtXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayasui is a cute boy

>> No.13901222
Quoted by: >>13901225

Oil tanker without oil tanks.

>> No.13901225
File: 256 KB, 800x1119, 49548243_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger tanks are always better.

>> No.13901236
File: 94 KB, 425x417, DolphinRape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name means "Fast Sucker"
>look it up
>It actually is

>> No.13901238


The reveal was hayasugi.

>> No.13901243

>mid event sub maps

I have Yuu but no Shioi or Maruyu, please kill me.

>> No.13901248
Quoted by: >>13901261

Don't worry Shioi and Maruyu are both terrible.

>> No.13901254

You're thinking of the wrong kind of sub map.

>> No.13901258

I feel like they're pandering to gaijins. Yurofags have to get back from work and amerifats need to wake up.

>> No.13901260

Tracksuit? Nice.

>> No.13901261


>> No.13901262

Amerifats were staying up. At least I was, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.13901264

It'll only affect me if they delay it another 5 hours. I'm on day shift today.

>> No.13901268
Quoted by: >>13901271

I don't need that, I took a day off for this.

>> No.13901271

That's why you don't take launch day off. You take the day after launch day. How much of your time off is spent waiting? If you had done tomorrow, the answer to that would be "none."

I have tomorrow off.

>> No.13901275
File: 10 KB, 220x331, Renshou Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901277

>E-5 - SS map
>I only have 2 subs

>> No.13901277
Quoted by: >>13901286

That's why they won't make an event map that requires subs. So many players don't have any.

>> No.13901286
File: 257 KB, 506x543, 1437939541680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901320

>So many players don't have any

>> No.13901294

Well we only have a few more hours until these threads become filled with "why can't I sortie", "is this comp okay", "what ships should I use?"

>> No.13901299

>why can't I sortie
>is this comp okay
>what ships should I use?

Still better than what's going on here most of the time.

>> No.13901301


>> No.13901302
Quoted by: >>13901547


"why can't I sortie" is probably the most asked.

>> No.13901304

Read the thread and read the wiki.

>> No.13901308


>E-5 - SS map

my subs are at level 20-30 but have max torpedo stats, I wonder if its still doable for me.

>Select all images with boats

>> No.13901316
Quoted by: >>13901349

Honestly that's pretty true. It's fun to read the bitching of new players or people who play for stats and get bent backwards.

>> No.13901320


Well I don't have any subs a few months ago.

>> No.13901349

I especially love when someone discovers special branching in a shiplock map and turns out they already used the girl in a previous shiplock map, so they are stuck doing the hard route. Makes me laugh every time.

>> No.13901350

When will we get new CAs? I'm tired of fucking DDs and auxiliary ships.

>> No.13901351

We're out of IJN CAs so until Graf Spee or a USN CA shows up, you won't get any more.

>> No.13901352

>new CAs
Between the gundam duo, the myouko quartet, LoS queen sisters and the midriff duo, why would you need more CAs?

>> No.13901356
Quoted by: >>13901391

And that's not mentioning Kinugasa and the inevitable second remodel takaos. CAs are the ONE thing this game has in a just right amount.

>> No.13901362

Because only Prinz is cute.

>> No.13901368

>only Prinz is cute
Anon confirmed for pleb taste.

>> No.13901369
File: 580 KB, 922x922, 1426832596155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that's wrong.

>> No.13901375


>> No.13901380
File: 79 KB, 901x500, 1435140426018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901383
Quoted by: >>13901388

Are secondaries invading from /a/?

>> No.13901388

/a/ loves bobships so no, it's a tertiary.

>> No.13901391
File: 1.75 MB, 4086x5895, a4438f41745b5e954a673cff98dad1e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901395


Aoba K2 when. The artist apparently showed a sign of life this year.

>> No.13901395

Artist does other things, too. But yes, I wanted Aoba for the last CA K2 but I'm totally okay with カッコ加古.

>> No.13901396
File: 282 KB, 827x750, 1431260461717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901421

It's just that my autism makes me want to marry at least one girl of each ship class, but I have yet to find a CA (not CAV, because I already married Suzuya) that makes my heart flutter.

I guess I'll just have to choose the one who helps me the most during events then.

>> No.13901414
File: 233 KB, 360x360, Kjp05DwT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901418


That propeller tied braid is cute as fuck.

>> No.13901419


>> No.13901421

Marry CA Suzuya too.

>> No.13901423

I'm ready.

>> No.13901424
File: 43 KB, 540x572, 1428703782108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901425

Who else would it be? Look at the uniform.

>> No.13901427
Quoted by: >>13901430

Shameless ass fanservice.

>> No.13901430

It's runs in the family.

>> No.13901431

Holy shit that's cute.

>> No.13901434

I can't handle this

>> No.13901436
File: 197 KB, 490x300, 1437718114833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901832

Looks a bit like the fairy too.

>> No.13901441


>> No.13901450

Perfect, goodbye Akizuki.

>> No.13901454

The last few events the ship rewards have been a little lackluster. I was being a bit pessimistic but this
has given me hope. That braid has given me hope. Don't disappoint.

>> No.13901455

Smh, another ass focused drawing. Shit gets boring.

>> No.13901456
File: 25 KB, 212x220, 1434088427055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901459

no it doesn't

>> No.13901460
File: 2.59 MB, 412x304, 1437120602271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901467

He stays a subpar character designer.

>> No.13901470

Her skirt color is inverted compared to Ducky's one. And those ammo belts are new too.

>> No.13901473

Ass + sideboob is better than just a boring frontal view of the boobs.

>> No.13901474

Sucks to be you.

>> No.13901483
Quoted by: >>13901485

And still no mention of the 5 other girls.

>> No.13901485
Quoted by: >>13901492

maintenance is like 3+ hours longer, they have time

>> No.13901492

I guess, they didn't mention Akitsushima until like 30 mins before the event.

>> No.13901497

How many girls with Yoshinori draw this time?

>> No.13901500

There is a reason why his new designs barely gains popularity. He lucked with Shimakaze and now he thinks that all other girls must go the same route.

>> No.13901509

He is a worse Fumikane.

>> No.13901524

>why his new designs barely gains popularity
Maybe if you're comparing them to girls like Kaga/Kongou/Shimakaze, but his recent characters have definitely gained more of a following than other artist's.

>> No.13901547

"Is this the last kill?" is also quite frequent.

>> No.13901551
Quoted by: >>13901555

I assume material shortages for late-war destroyers are so bad that that girls' skirts are being restricted to six inches below the waist to save cloth.

>> No.13901555

>girls' skirts are being restricted to six inches below the waist
Literally turbosluts. Gotta go fast.

>> No.13901575

Ded Thread

>> No.13901577

Dead servers.

>> No.13901583

checkmate potatofags

>> No.13901586
Quoted by: >>13901589

Go to sleep and wake up for the event, anon.

>> No.13901589

It's 6pm here

>> No.13901595

Fuck off Yuropoor.

>> No.13901598

Wow you're a dumb nigger, he's actually SEA

>> No.13901600
Quoted by: >>13901611

That's not even in fucking EU

>> No.13901602

how do timezones work

>> No.13901605

I feel like over time the ships are getting sluttier.

I guess there is Shimakaze and all, so that's probably the wrong word... more of a feeling like their designs were ripped from an eroge.

>> No.13901606

Are you from Argentina or something?

>> No.13901608

N-Not that I don't like that

>> No.13901610

There will be 5 more ships, just wait for them.
Yuugumos never disappoint.

>> No.13901611

Meant to quote >>13901595

>> No.13901613
File: 974 KB, 717x732, zZo7vCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the 2ch threads 100x more active than ours

>> No.13901614
Quoted by: >>13901629

we would see more designs with less actual clothing if this were true.

>> No.13901615
Quoted by: >>13901617

Because there are a 1000x more Japanese players.

>> No.13901617

This. Also 'muricans are asleep.

>> No.13901623


>> No.13901629 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13901640

It's not even about sheer clothing quantity as certain design decisions. Like, if the ships for the next event showed up in the outfits from Makai Tenshi Djibril (or maybe Muv Luv) it wouldn't even feel out of place.

>> No.13901636

New way to sparkle for jews?

>> No.13901640

I dunno if I agree with that, but if you say so.

>> No.13901641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13901648

I made a new official event thread.
Hopefully things will pick up.

>> No.13901642

This update [rations], according to a new location, [Mumia the implementation of a new system with a new kitchen.
[Qualified Accountant soldiers] in cooperation with the Mumia the kitchen, to be implemented at the same time, it is possible to upgrade the Bleyer to fight any state.
For information, we will explain later tweets. We look forward to!
The # Cannes

>> No.13901644

I don't see this tweet on the official account.

>> No.13901646


>> No.13901648

Fuck off /kcg/fag.

>> No.13901649
File: 55 KB, 694x488, 1438712609258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901652

Fackin b8

>> No.13901653
Quoted by: >>13901660

We made it to 1300 posts and page 10. That's really impressive. So, can we contain the autism now?

>> No.13901654

I never understood why people machine translate any news in this thread. Is this some sort of a running joke?

>> No.13901655

Yeah, the Unryuu class is to much.

>> No.13901656

If you acknowledge it in any way other than reporting it means he wins.

>> No.13901658
File: 157 KB, 516x440, Anime-Анонс-Anime-kangoku-gakuen-1952272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not an ass MAN!

>> No.13901660 [DELETED] 

You are not being funny.

Except the actual /kcg/fag thread is still up.

>> No.13901664

That's not the /kcg/fag thread, it's not bloated with links.

>> No.13901670

It's ironic because we're posting in a /kcg/fag thread at this very moment.

>> No.13901673 [DELETED] 

It's his thread.
He removed the links and is obviously bumping it up with dumb questions and samefagging. He started doing it when I made the event thread.

>> No.13901677
Quoted by: >>13901682

>It's his thread.
Even if it were /kcg/fag, which it isn't, if he decided to abandon all the dumb shit he usually puts into the OP, and instead make OPs indistinguishable from those created by anyone else, then he's free to do that.

>> No.13901680
Quoted by: >>13901681

It's funny how you accuse people of doing the same things you actually did and still do with the help of proxies, keep wasting your life trying to shit on this fanbase for naught.

>> No.13901681
Quoted by: >>13901685

For people like that, shitting on /jp/ is its own retard.

Just leave it alone.

>> No.13901682 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13901686

It's the outdated OP he is using.
Don't you remember how he used to spam it all the time? It was easy to spot.

>> No.13901685

its own reward*

>> No.13901686
Quoted by: >>13901690

You can stop now, only people more retarded than you would eat that lie and even then I have my doubts.

>> No.13901690

If you know that nobody's buying his garbage then report his posts and stop validating his shitposting by responding to it. They banned him nine times yesterday and they'll probably do it some more today.

>> No.13901696 [DELETED] 


>> No.13901697
File: 683 KB, 643x840, a8bf15cdf7da42806d3fffe366723987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901713

I'm no SJW but I'm pretty sure that's not being slutty. They're empowered. I mean come on, Katsu and Amagi were fucking glorified AA platforms. If I was released from that fate I'd tear off my clothes too.

>> No.13901705
Quoted by: >>13901714

I know that much, won't be replying to any of his posts now.

>> No.13901707

Most Unryuus are fine, except maybe Unryuu herself.

>> No.13901713

Katsuragi actually looks pretty splendid, but the boob window on Unryuu and Amagi is fetish bait no matter how you slice it.

I mean the whole game is kind of filled with fetish bait but with the other stuff you get more plausible deniability.

>> No.13901714 [DELETED] 

But you just did.

>> No.13901719

I wish Amagi kept the kimono in her kai form. It looks so pretty and unique.

>> No.13901725

At least they updated her kai damaged sprite.

>> No.13901729
Quoted by: >>13901738

Once you watch a shit ton of anime or see ugyuu~ she's wearing a kimono for the festival~ it becomes old as shit.

>> No.13901738
Quoted by: >>13901759

I obviously meant unique in the context of this game.

>> No.13901742

It kind of reminds me of a carpet.

I took a second look at the kimono on Amagi and damn she's fucking stacked. Her remodel actually looks like a breast reduction.

The kai outfit does like it would provide better breast support (practically binding) than the kimono, so it does kind of make sense...

>> No.13901750 [SPOILER] 
File: 153 KB, 960x1280, 1439204215717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready for the event jaypee?

>> No.13901754

Kill yourself.

>> No.13901759
File: 39 KB, 218x300, 068_Nenmatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901771


>> No.13901760

You're fucked

>> No.13901767
File: 1.26 MB, 2507x2579, Poi kai ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unremodeled Yuudachi
Nope, not ready.

>> No.13901769

One and half hour till the end. Devs should start posting notes soon.

>> No.13901771
Quoted by: >>13901774

When will we be able to change to seasonal CGs anytime we want? I can't go back to old Oboro now.

>> No.13901774

Editing .swfs is easy and 100% safe. That's what I did to remove swimsuits, never had any problems.

>> No.13901785

>Event about to come
>"Been waiting for this."
>Provider suddenly pretty much cuts off connection, barely even able to load images

Well, guess that's it for me, guys.
See you when it's over.

>> No.13901786

Go steal somebody's wifi.

>> No.13901790

Get a new Internet provided, shouldn't take more than a day or two.

>> No.13901791

Take a laptop to a college campus and leech off their internet.

>> No.13901792

Don't you have mobile internet? My 1 GB limit is enough for about 20 days of playing.

>> No.13901793

You exceeded your monthly greentext blogging quota; they'll probably give you some more at the start of next month.

>> No.13901809
Quoted by: >>13901813

What the fuck is this bullshit?
I thought it was 20:00, so we need to wait 1more hour?

>> No.13901811
File: 894 KB, 800x480, 1439123490961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901813
Quoted by: >>13901817

One hour, and a half.

It's important. A HALF.

>> No.13901817

I think he means one more hour until 21:30

>> No.13901821
Quoted by: >>13901834

>Dat waist cloth
What is the name for that anyways?

>> No.13901829


>> No.13901832
File: 131 KB, 709x1000, 1439200112743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902335

If it is based on the fairy, then it is going to be left sided girl because of the hair color.

>> No.13901834

Pareo, maybe?

>> No.13901835

That's a pareo at least in my mother language

>> No.13901837
File: 882 KB, 469x940, maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time!

>> No.13901841

BB Hime

Easy easy

>> No.13901843

>15 Stars
I never knew how fucked i was

>> No.13901844

We must go deeper.

>> No.13901846

>15 stars
No sweat.

>> No.13901847

So is final boss finally Enterprise incarnate?

>> No.13901849
Quoted by: >>13901865


>> No.13901850

E7 hime looks lewd, can't wait for sprite.

>> No.13901851

you have my attention

>> No.13901852

Thank god for new carrier mechanic.

>> No.13901853

Oh dear.

>> No.13901854

Would be hilarious if E4 is same with IBS E4

>> No.13901857
File: 94 KB, 602x280, 1427303384567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901858

Event thread or currently up thread?

>> No.13901859

I bet it's just like Spring where it looked hard and turned out easy.

>> No.13901861

where is the source for this

>> No.13901862
File: 482 KB, 1471x274, lockouts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like 4 lockouts?

>> No.13901863

Hello newfag, keep lurking.

>> No.13901864

New thread?

>> No.13901865

I can feel my sanity slipping already.

>> No.13901866

It's from m. It's legit newfag

>> No.13901867
Quoted by: >>13901880

Only one new Abyss model? CV hime once again showing up for the millionth time, while CV water oni is still in limbo? This is kind of already looking to be a really unimpressive event.

>> No.13901868

Oh man.

>> No.13901869

Yep, 4 different tags. Oh dear.

>> No.13901870

>4 shiplocks
>Combined fleet
>No problem

>> No.13901872
File: 424 KB, 1000x524, finalboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good.

>> No.13901874
Quoted by: >>13901888

And you can't use the orange ones for the final map for some reason.

>> No.13901875

Guess they had enough of people calling their events easy.

>> No.13901876

>2nd map, upper arrow, 3rd map, 4th map upper arrow
That's right where carriers were stationed during initial stages of Solomon. If anyone wants to sink Enterprise she would be there.

>> No.13901877

She looks chill as fuck. She's resting her head on her hand.

>> No.13901878


>> No.13901879
Quoted by: >>13901886

Only one combined fleet lock, so total 30 ships needed.

>> No.13901880
Quoted by: >>13901895

E-3 and E-7 look new.

>> No.13901881

Better get your Solomons team ready for easy branching.

>> No.13901883

Glorious, I can use all my boats.

>> No.13901885

Look easy.
Look at the final map.
You can use ships from E1, E2, E3, E4 and E6 in the last map. Just dont fucked up on E5 since they locked out your ship for the toughest map.
Easy modo to be honest.

>> No.13901886

E2, E4 and E5 look like they are combined fleet, E7 too but I suppose all ships can go there.

>> No.13901888

Because you're sending your E-5 fleet off in a completely different direction from your main forces.

>> No.13901889

Seems like they're having issues and pushed another 15 minutes until servers are up.
This is getting more interesting than usual.

>> No.13901891

E5 is also the BB hime map, so things might get hairy.

>> No.13901892
Quoted by: >>13901906

What is written in small red prints on the bottom of some maps?

>> No.13901895

Your right, thought E3 was using Abyss Naka's damaged sprite. Still looks like her though, but with a scorpion tails or something.

>> No.13901896
Quoted by: >>13901902

>Deep Extra Operation
Well fuck I don't know what that means

>> No.13901901

Time to wait several days for branching rules.

>> No.13901902

It means Re-chan is escorting the boss and going in dry.

>> No.13901904
Quoted by: >>13901911

The PTSD flashbacks from last summer are back.

>> No.13901905
Quoted by: >>13901923

If it is combined fleet and only a single Hime, Kiso is good enough and a cut in myoukou class will do.
Relax, you can still save your torpedo sluts for the last map.

>> No.13901906

連合艦隊 except for the one below E5

>> No.13901908

Any bets on Bonus route ships?

>> No.13901910
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1436743339547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901911

E4 is Henderson, IBS PTSD is in too.

>> No.13901914
Quoted by: >>13901926

メンテナンス状況:中間報告です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全ゲームサーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート実施中です。同実装進捗は、最終シークエンスの二つ前です。この後大きな問題が発生しなければ、【21:45】前後にアップデート完了が可能です。お待たせして大変申し訳ありません。

>> No.13901915

Staff just delayed the end of maintenance again

>> No.13901917

Full sprites when?

>> No.13901920
File: 117 KB, 639x602, 1409501338046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first event and I was thinking of doing the event on medium. How fucked am I?

>> No.13901923

But I have 3 pairs of them.

>> No.13901924
Quoted by: >>13901946

Good luck with 4 ship locks.

>> No.13901925

Just search for the order of battle on the Solomons campaign it should give you a rough idea.

>> No.13901926
File: 312 KB, 700x700, 1429717361750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13901927
File: 59 KB, 395x397, 1272752840586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901946


>> No.13901931

Quadruple lock? Now we're talking, devs. Bring it on.

>> No.13901932
File: 113 KB, 900x800, 11855903_732882430150638_9130212726398819232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13901934
Quoted by: >>13901946

Either learn your place and go easy or be a man and do hard, feel free to pick.

>> No.13901935
Quoted by: >>13901942

>super drum
For what purpose.

>> No.13901936
File: 233 KB, 360x360, Ii_cMxcs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901945

>> No.13901937
Quoted by: >>13901954


>> No.13901939

This pleases the Akagi.

>> No.13901941

If that's all the new equipment it's a bit underwhelming.

>> No.13901942

It will be used mid sortie.

>> No.13901943
File: 41 KB, 351x359, 1404084860059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Above-sea Resupply

>Combat Rations

>> No.13901945

Best event shipgirl right now.

>> No.13901946
Quoted by: >>13901955

I can reduce that to 3 if I do one map on easy, right?

I'll try to do one or two maps on hard if I can. I'd like to think I'm well prepared but 4 ship locks sounds spooky

>> No.13901948

>Super drum


>> No.13901950

Prepare your anus for 6 nodes before boss at E7.

>> No.13901952

And they say boys can't be fairies.

>> No.13901953

I hope I can Akashi my endless supply of drums into super drums

>> No.13901954
Quoted by: >>13901960

Which one is Operation SN?

>> No.13901955

If you do a map on hard those girls will be locked for the next maps even if you do them on easy.

>> No.13901956

On the sea resupply.
Prepare for 8 node pathing.

>> No.13901958

Battle of the Eastern Solomons, or the Second Battle of the Solomon Sea, Operation SN.

On June 13 1942, the Naval General Staff decided to build an airbase at Guadalcanal. Mutsuki and Transporter Kinyu Maru were first to arrive, screened by Yubari, Uzuki, Tenryu, and Tatsuta as well as the 6th DesRon.

The American counteroffensive started much earlier than expected, catching Japan unprepared with Operation Watchtower, which captured a decoy airstrip built by Japan and turned it into Henderson Field. The US gained total air superiority.

On August 16, 1942 troop transports left Truk for Guadalcanal. On August 21, the rest of the Operation Ka counteroffensive departed:

Support force anchored in Truk: Yamato, Taiyo, Akebono, Ushio
Main carrier striking force: Shokaku, Zuikaku, Destroyers Kazagumo, Yugumo, Makigumo, Akigumo, Hatsukaze, Akizuki
Mobile force: Ryujo, Tone, Amatsukaze, Tokitsukaze
Vanguard: Hiei, Kirishima, Kumano, Suzuya, Chikuma, Nagara, Destroyers Nowaki, Maikaze, Tanikaze
Advance force: Atago, Maya, Takao, Myoko, Haguro, Yura; Destroyers Kuroshio, Oyashio, Hayashio, Minegumo, Natsugumo, Asagumo; Chitose as a seaplane carrier
Outer seas screening force: Jintsu, Suzukaze, Kawakaze, Umikaze, Kagero, Isokaze, Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki
Covering force: Chokai, Kinugasa, Aoba, Furutaka
Standby forces not at sea: Junyo, Mutsu, Harusame, Samidare, Murasame

The plan was to locate and destroy the US carriers Enterprise, Saratoga, and Wasp.

>> No.13901959
File: 57 KB, 496x700, Bdcapd2CAAAeYGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13901971

Are you ready for night to day combat?

>> No.13901960

They are all part of it.

>> No.13901961
Quoted by: >>13901970

This is not true lol

>> No.13901963

Pretty underwhelming compared to the free fighter planes and 51cms from the last few events.

>> No.13901964
Quoted by: >>13901982

Another ace pilot. Responsible for sinking USS Hornet.
He's from Akagi by the way before she was sunk.

>> No.13901970
Quoted by: >>13901974

It is, even medium tags the girls and once tagged they can't go to any difficulty if it's a different locked map.

>> No.13901971
Quoted by: >>13901972

This time I have flare, yasen flare and big searchlight. It is going to be easy modo

>> No.13901972
Quoted by: >>13901978

Nothing of that will save you from the compass trolling.

>> No.13901973

Holy shit.

>> No.13901974

That sounds fair enough. As long as avoid locking one set of ships on one map by playing it on easy I should be fine.

>> No.13901977

Event last only for 20 days.

>> No.13901978
Quoted by: >>13901985

Historical fleets will fix that. Hopefully.

>> No.13901979

Britain confirmed to exist in the Kancolle universe?

>> No.13901981

Event OST
Password: kome

>> No.13901982

Beyond that he was on Shoukaku it would seem.

>> No.13901985
File: 300 KB, 1000x1000, 3744931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a positive way of thinking, would be a shame if something were to ruin and crush it to bits.

>> No.13901986
Quoted by: >>13901991

Nah https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/120_mm_Italian_naval_gun

>> No.13901987



>> No.13901988

Wrong weapon. It's the Italian OTO 1931 120mm/45"

Proof lies in new Pasta ship.
Libeccio, 3rd ship of the Maestrale class.

>> No.13901990
Quoted by: >>13901997

Shoukaku Kai Ni stock equip?

>> No.13901991



>> No.13901992


New Pasta and Teruzuki

>> No.13901993

I'm guessing the devs realised that letting players pick their own route and avoid compass trolling allows them to make events harder in combat difficulty without too much of a shitstorm.

>> No.13901997

So Kai Ni it is.
But nah it's an event reward. If Shoukaku gets a Kai Ni she probably won't have that again. Unless they're okay with us having two identical aces

>> No.13901998

That sounds REALLY familiar. Remix of the OST from Fall 2013? 決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて?

>> No.13902005

Will the Pasta DD be trophy or elite?

>> No.13902006

Someone please tell me they're going to bring back that spooky BGM.

>> No.13902012

I didn't know pasta came from France.

>> No.13902014
File: 40 KB, 500x501, 1437664257215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902017

That sounds great.

>> No.13902019

Buon giorno

>> No.13902020

It's buongiorno.

>> No.13902022

It's Buongiorno.

>> No.13902027

Libeccio sounds really cute.

>> No.13902033
Quoted by: >>13902044

Shiratsuyu-class Kawakaze in E2, Hayasui in E4

>> No.13902034

So the new boats are

Who else?

>> No.13902038

My body is ready.

>> No.13902039

>pasta boat again
Just give us Enterprise already.

>> No.13902041
Quoted by: >>13902049

Mizuhou ?

>> No.13902042

Goddamn are these all DDs? Nothing heavier?

>> No.13902044

I hope she won't be an Ichiso ship.

>> No.13902049

Please be joking.

>> No.13902053
Quoted by: >>13902072

Last summer we only got Unryuu, Ooyodo and 5 DDs.

>> No.13902054

Hayasui is blowjob-class, not a destroyer

>> No.13902055
Quoted by: >>13902072

Hayasui's a support ship.

>> No.13902057

In your dreams, fattie. We are axis. Allies can fuck off.

>> No.13902058
Quoted by: >>13902067

At least we finally got all the Ichibans.

>> No.13902063
File: 100 KB, 600x583, 1439209138333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi TTKs, do you miss me?

>> No.13902064
File: 745 KB, 855x1008, 1395035227202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902078


>> No.13902065

It's past 9PM, go to bed Hoppo.

>> No.13902066

Do you bring Mochi?

>> No.13902067

Not Yamakaze.

>> No.13902069
Quoted by: >>13902074

Where was Kawakaze confirmed?

>> No.13902072
Quoted by: >>13902091

So nothing heavier at all. They better be cute though but I'm still biased for cruisers. If not then guess I'm skipping.

>> No.13902074

Dev twitter.

>> No.13902075

They are. In E7. As Abyss.

>> No.13902078

I already can't wait for the lewd Hayasui pictures.

>> No.13902080

05▼夏イベで入手できる特別な装備&アイテムについて 1/3

>> No.13902083

#Kan Colle

>> No.13902088

#Ship This.

>> No.13902089

06▼夏イベで入手できる特別な装備&アイテムについて 2/3

>> No.13902091

Hayasui has more displacement than CAs.

>> No.13902092

#Boat That

>> No.13902096

But she's going to suck at combat.

>> No.13902102

Reminder from the previous event.

>> No.13902104

#Go Home

>> No.13902107

Truly the hero we need.

>> No.13902114

Is it normal to almost throw up in fear?

>> No.13902116

Gonna try the Shibafleet for E-7. Wish me luck. I just hope escort flag is still unsinkable.

>> No.13902117

I'm almost throwing up in anticipation.

>> No.13902118
File: 9 KB, 219x206, DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902121

In six days people will be whining about this event being too easy.

Mark my words.

>> No.13902125

I can't point it out directly but there's something wrong with her face

>> No.13902126


>> No.13902128

Extended again, 22:15

>> No.13902129

Summer is never ez.

>> No.13902130

Or that they made it harder for themselves by sending their powerful ships to easy maps

>> No.13902133

This is one of the items they mentioned in the patch notes, but I don't see it in >>13901932

>> No.13902134

In every single thread after the event starts will be people asking stupid questions about ship locking, pathing and other bullshit.

Mark my words.

>> No.13902135

Her face looks weird.

>> No.13902137

What the hell man

>> No.13902138


>> No.13902140

She's probably be useful as a refueling ship midsortie but why bother the extra evasion if RNG can fuck her in may ways

>> No.13902141

might be the item for crane k2s

>> No.13902144
Quoted by: >>13902162

Who voices Teruzuki?
Same VA as Kamo?

>> No.13902145

And here I was, worried I wouldn't make it when my slavery ends in 20 minutes.

>> No.13902146


what the fuck

>> No.13902151
File: 100 KB, 436x232, something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you.

>> No.13902152

I'm guessing that's the cranes kai ni blueprint.

>> No.13902156

Isn't that a furniture fairy

>> No.13902158

Seems like an Akashi fairy.

>> No.13902162

No, i think it's Akizuki's VA.

>> No.13902163
Quoted by: >>13902177

What else do you have?

>> No.13902164

A little Akashi fairy, I hope that doesn't mean the way to get those new blueprints is burning screws.

>> No.13902165

So nothing about the supposed new plane system?

>> No.13902166

The twitter profile pic hasn't changed. Fanart based on nomizu's drawing?

>> No.13902168

Reminder that a waifu fleet can do anything.

>> No.13902171

Are you like a detective or something, anon?

>> No.13902173

Nomizu's drawing?

>> No.13902177
File: 28 KB, 313x86, items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These and the voices for Umikaze, Kazagumo and Mizuho.
They are not uploading the maps and sprites yet.

>> No.13902180

Based Kancolle devs.
2 event in a row we are getting Akitsushima tier final map trophy

>> No.13902184


Quite boring. I hope they're cute.

>> No.13902189

That second from the left is definitely the special item for Shoukaku-class.

>> No.13902190


Well, at least that one can use midget subs.

>> No.13902193

>No Shinano
Hopes and Dreams crushed.

>> No.13902194

>still no Allies shipgirls
Tanaka pls.

>> No.13902195

Yeah might become a CVL with a BP now.

>> No.13902196
File: 12 KB, 212x204, 1400839734351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardest event ever
>only cosmetic ships

>> No.13902200

Wait until the Pear Harbor event in Winter.

>> No.13902201

I'm going to walk through hell for these ships? What the fuck.

>> No.13902206
Quoted by: >>13902217

At least we get more Akizuki guns with any luck.

>> No.13902207
File: 68 KB, 601x362, E-4_Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this map

'13ers ww@ :^)

>> No.13902208
Quoted by: >>13902234

Whoa, this 補強装備 is interesting.
Adds an additional slot for non-vessel equipments, apparently.

>> No.13902211

You can just run easy and be done with it.

>> No.13902212

It's the journey that matters, not the final result.

>> No.13902214

Keep dreaming, ameritard

>> No.13902217

I thought AA cut in value doesn't stack? Maybe effective for raw AA though but then again it's not much the effort.

>> No.13902219
Quoted by: >>13902236

I bet Teruzuki is going to be a drop.

>> No.13902229
Quoted by: >>13902235

The first even is always the hardest event, unless maybe it was the Arpeggio collab one.

>> No.13902234

Maybe this will stop retards from sinking their waifus.

>> No.13902235
Quoted by: >>13902261

The only event to make me drop close to double digit resources is Roma, I didn't even get her in the end.

It was my third event.

>> No.13902236

Umikaze and Teruzuki seem like they are going to be drop. Both of them are heavily involve in Guadalcanal.

>In October, Umikaze participated in two missions to bombard Henderson Field on Guadalcanal, and on 26 October was part of Admiral Nobutake Kondō’s force at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands.

>On 12–13 November 1942, Teruzuki was part of the Bombardment Force commanded by Rear Admiral Abe Hiroaki. In the First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, she claimed hits on seven U.S. ships, including one sinking. The following morning, she assisted the crippled battleship Hiei.

>On 14–15 November, she joined the Emergency Bombardment Force commanded by Admiral Kondō Nobutake. In the Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, she and the destroyer Asagumo provided close cover to the heavy ships. Afterwards, she assisted the crippled battleship Kirishima and helped remove survivors.

>On the night of 11–12 December 1942, Teruzuki led a transport run to Guadalcanal. While patrolling close to shore at low speed, she was attacked by PT-37 and PT-40, torpedoed and left dead in the water. Fires spread over the next three hours until reaching depth charges, resulting explosions sinking the ship.

>> No.13902261

That's actually telling how low the event difficulty was, considering you were farming the final map for drops.

>> No.13902273

in before more delay

>> No.13902276
Quoted by: >>13902285


>> No.13902279
File: 3.84 MB, 1600x1920, maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902285
Quoted by: >>13902291


>> No.13902286

Okay, I hope she is avoidable.

>> No.13902288
File: 680 KB, 1094x810, ship_urpnkwaneqfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902289

oh my

>> No.13902291


>> No.13902293

Yeah! loli hime. They still dont forgot it

>> No.13902295

Is that an upgraded mad Naka?

>> No.13902296


>> No.13902297
File: 625 KB, 1152x789, ship_ajggcaaaocgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902298


>> No.13902302
Quoted by: >>13902322

nigga that's cute

Her damaged face though is kinda weird, I don't know

>> No.13902304
File: 677 KB, 1162x812, ship_rnmsjjndxlgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902305


>> No.13902306

Oh wow, I can feel my frustration, rage and fear boner now.

>> No.13902308

That turret is smoking a fucking bullet.

>> No.13902309
Quoted by: >>13902528

DD Noshiro

She looks comfy, I want to eat her food while she sucks my dick

>> No.13902310

Looks like Shigure. I approve.

>> No.13902311

I'd let her assist me if you know what I mean

>> No.13902314

Thought I was looking at shigure

>> No.13902315

>same face

>> No.13902317

Oh hi Henderson-chan, been a while

>> No.13902318

Step away, best girl is here.

>> No.13902320

She looks like a terrible anime villian.

>> No.13902321

RIP Samidare's artist

>> No.13902322

She is leaking

>> No.13902324
File: 760 KB, 1300x818, ship_xooelfidumnp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902325

HIPS ,also turrChouju-chan confirmed for snake?

>> No.13902328

>dat rensohou smoking bullet.

>> No.13902330

One more crazy gumo

>> No.13902331


>> No.13902333
File: 1.06 MB, 1482x875, ship_zqwwomufsbpq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902335

She looks like the fairy here >>13901832

>> No.13902336


>> No.13902337

Looks like someone from JRPG.

>> No.13902338

Why's she so much taller

>> No.13902340


>> No.13902343

I'm tired of copypasted gumos and shimos with different colors.

>> No.13902344

Not a big fan.
Smoking turret is a turn off too.

>> No.13902345

I like they eyelashes.

>> No.13902347

That damaged akizuki guns sprite.
Teruzuki confirmed for best new girl this event.

>> No.13902346

So many subs.

>> No.13902348

I don't know what the fuck is going on with that damaged sprite

>> No.13902349

Hold on, who's the artist for this one?

>> No.13902350
File: 798 KB, 1142x728, ship_nsutzbtifaji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902351

Did they accidentally add her to kancolle? Style looks like some other dmm games.

>> No.13902352

Pretty cute with traditional japanese wafuku
Not bad.

>> No.13902354


>> No.13902355

What the fuck, is she drawn by the event boss artist?

>> No.13902357


>> No.13902356

Is this the enemy artist making a ship?

>> No.13902358
File: 29 KB, 637x478, 1404039622895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow loli as fuck

>> No.13902359
File: 333 KB, 500x602, I&#039;m cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902360
File: 77 KB, 389x552, 1367198101576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tan loli

>> No.13902361

>lewd flat loli
I hate it.

>> No.13902362

Brown girls are best.

>> No.13902363

>big forehead again

>> No.13902364

Brown girl alert

>> No.13902365


>> No.13902366
Quoted by: >>13902396



NOW this is what I'm talking about

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.13902367

>brown loli
Muh dick.

>> No.13902369
Quoted by: >>13902382

Might as well have gone with LO.

>> No.13902370

Looks like a ship from chinkcolle

>> No.13902371

Why is she showing off her ass?

>> No.13902372


>> No.13902373

>tan loli genki pasta DD

>> No.13902374

tan or full choco? this is very important

>> No.13902375
File: 765 KB, 1303x789, ship_jdpiljspxgpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902377

Fucking hellllll
She look like some chinese cartoon twintails girl name that I cant recall.

>> No.13902379

Wow another disappointing Italian design.

>> No.13902382
File: 134 KB, 372x351, 1369470182600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902384

She looks sadistic as fuck

>> No.13902385

>still same face

>> No.13902386

Best newgirl in the event

>> No.13902387

I know what I want.

>> No.13902388

Best smug

>> No.13902389


>> No.13902390

Very nice, even though most are DDs I'm somewhat pleased.

>> No.13902391

Is that smug?

>> No.13902393

Kujo trying to draw smug face but failed anyway.

>> No.13902394

What the fuck? They're all destroyers.

>> No.13902397

>That belly.

>> No.13902396

What massive shit taste for liking the JRPG reject.

>> No.13902398
Quoted by: >>13902421


>> No.13902399


>> No.13902400

>shirayutsu and poi combined.

>> No.13902401

Oh boy, another pasta that requires a blueprint to Kai...

>> No.13902404

Mizuho is supposed to be another akitsushima apparently

>> No.13902409

Those torpedo tubes look awesome.

>> No.13902410
Quoted by: >>13902424

There's a seaplane tender and... what was Hayasui exactly again? Resupply ship?

>> No.13902411

Enjoy summer, anon.

>> No.13902413

They don't look cute but at least their uniform is nice.

>> No.13902418
File: 628 KB, 1170x720, 1438774868949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902431

>new shipgirls

okay now we wait for the drops

eugen please. i already have her but i want more of her damn guns

>> No.13902419

Please don't be a drop.

>> No.13902420

E-5 to E-7 will only be available tomorrow at 1800 JST.

>> No.13902421

wow what shit tastes you got there

>> No.13902423


>> No.13902424

Fleet oiler/Comfort ship.

>> No.13902425
File: 112 KB, 995x589, E1 thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902436

Time to make a new thread

>> No.13902431
File: 1.25 MB, 1400x1000, 49392786_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her guns are bad, go upgrade some 20.3cm (3), you know you want to.

>> No.13902436

It's already up.

>> No.13902440
Quoted by: >>13902449

Fumizuki, Mizuho, Hayasui and Kawakaze are pretty nice. The rest is boring, but at least not ugly.

>> No.13902442
Quoted by: >>13902450

The girls are quite disappointing.

>> No.13902443

They say update is till 10:15. It's still on maintenance here. They extend the maintenance?

>> No.13902446
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1366050851683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your shipgirl wishlist barring the new girls, /jp/?

Hoping for a U drop and hopefully the cranes. God damn those fuckers elude me for a good year.

>> No.13902449
File: 452 KB, 700x870, 45977368_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902480


Yeah, she's pretty cute.

>> No.13902450

Pity the newfags for this event. They don't get any power ships.

>> No.13902451

I just want to fucking play and run expeditions. Fuck you, devs.

>> No.13902457
File: 2.14 MB, 2032x1308, bad guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henderson-chan wasn't this angry in Ironbottom Sound, prepare your anus.
Also, red glow DDs.

>> No.13902458

Hayashimo, Kiyoshimo and Asagumo to keep, the rest for Kantaidex.

>> No.13902459


>> No.13902460


>> No.13902462

I need toddlers and maybe more pudding.

>> No.13902464

No anon, everybody else has already gotten in and are kicking abyssal ass while saving lolis, except for you.

>> No.13902470

>Top left.
They just keep getting better.

>> No.13902472

Not much. If the DDs I'm missing drop, great, if not, too bad. Other than that, I'm eyeing at Teruzuki.

>> No.13902473

Son of a bitch, the late model is going to have even more evasion.

>> No.13902474


Henderson, don't be so mad, I gave you so much love!

>> No.13902475

>pissed off Henderson

Jesus fuck.

>> No.13902480

Heh, I should go to sleep.

But Fumizuki is indeed cute, the only Mutsuki along with Mochi that I still keep.

>> No.13902481

>That Henderson
Absolutely disgusting
>New white-haired girl
>Final boss is an installation-type
That sounds easy, what's the twist?
>New black-haired girl
CL Hime confirmed.

>> No.13902484

Still butthurt over Spring 2013 E4? No worries, I'm bringing more greens for you, ye' cunt.

>> No.13902485

1) Akashi
2) Kaga
3) Ooyodo
4) I-8
5) I-401
6) Any event only drop

>> No.13902486

So which girl became final boss this time?

>> No.13902491

>top left
My dick

>> No.13902492

Hey Sphiinx kill yourself motherfucker.

>> No.13902493

CL Hime+ looks pregnant.

>> No.13902499
File: 396 KB, 638x634, 1433382761926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to stock up on lewd pics to fap of your kanmusus to express love so you can power them up for the event, /jp/

>> No.13902500

>top left
Is that abyssal nagato?

>> No.13902501

>late model DDs elite
RIP everyone, was nice knowing you.

>> No.13902502

Teruzuki and her butt are priority number one, the rest comes after.

>> No.13902505

Teruzuki and Yuu for sure. Maybe a tokitsukaze as well.

>> No.13902506


>lewd pics

Imagination or bust.

>> No.13902508

I thought the other bitch was Abyss Nagato.

>> No.13902509


I don't think that's scientifically accurate.

>> No.13902512

I'm not a deviant.

>> No.13902513

KTKM-sama will gonna have a hard time this event.

>> No.13902514

How the fuck can late model get elites
This is fucking bullshit

>> No.13902515

Fuck that, I'll only fap after the event. My fleet will run on sexual frustration

>> No.13902516

High angle guns plus headband makes me think it's Teruzuki + Akizuki.

>> No.13902518

Is that a Yoshinori abyss design? oh shit son.

>> No.13902519

>Stock up on lewd pics.
I've been ready and lubed for months buddy.

>> No.13902525

E7 map leaked.
It is 4nodes before boss.

>> No.13902528

5/7 are destroyers, are you kidding me? They are cute and all but I need more Carriers and CAs.

>She looks comfy, I want to eat her food while she sucks my dick

My African American brethren.

>> No.13902530
Quoted by: >>13902541

Im 99% sure it is, also looks like abyss Akizuki class.

>> No.13902531

Don't jinx it, what if those four nodes are battles? You will reach boss without ammo.

>> No.13902532

And the 2 that aren't DDs are still trophy shit.

>> No.13902536
Quoted by: >>13902591

>5/7 are destroyers

Same as last summer.

>> No.13902538

just fuck my shit up

>> No.13902541

>abyss Akizuki class
RIP in peace plane fairies.

>> No.13902540
Quoted by: >>13902591

>5/7 are destroyers
Just like last year summer event.

>> No.13902543
Quoted by: >>13902550

fuck off

>> No.13902544
Quoted by: >>13902549

And they just gonna stuck in the dock and waste space.

>> No.13902547

>need more Carriers and CAs
There are more than enough of both in the game already.

>> No.13902549

Scrap, replace or buy slots.

>> No.13902550

Kill yourself inbred.

>> No.13902552
Quoted by: >>13902565

4 nodes of hime and oni, just like Spring 2013 E5. GLORIOUS.

>> No.13902553

E-1 to E-4 look doable considering all those straight lines towards the boss node.
E=5 and E-6 are a bit more complicated with all those extra nodes, but still a straight lines.
E-7, so I have choice between top and middle route? Noice.

>> No.13902554
Quoted by: >>13902572

but i tought that kaga and purin were the best? fuck off

>> No.13902558

It is only a DD boss.
The headband and the abyssfied 10cmjyuuchan.
She is a sunken Teru/Akiduki.

>> No.13902559
Quoted by: >>13902571

Anything new now?

>> No.13902565

Hime and Oni are marked on the map.
North route is clear of any big brickwall.

>> No.13902566

"Only" heh ,cute guy.

>> No.13902567


>> No.13902569

>DDcolle yet again
I know I'm going to be disappointed since day 1, but I'm still disappointed.

>> No.13902571

Nothing else, I will post ship stats when my server is up and if there is anything interesting in the API but that's it.

>> No.13902572


I'll still use Kaga, but adding more Carriers for ship-locking does not hurt.

>> No.13902573

The whole site seems to be down for me

>> No.13902575


>> No.13902577

It's just you, I'm already done with E-1.

>> No.13902578

Thanks for the hardwork!

>> No.13902579

They're being hammered by login attempts. Should probably back off until it calms down.

>> No.13902580
Quoted by: >>13902586

>Train your carriers TTK
>That's enough Bauxite TTK

>> No.13902585
File: 169 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-22483549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902587

Lets go

>> No.13902586
File: 156 KB, 1024x576, 1434758093946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30k is enough

>> No.13902587

Godspeed anon. Godspeed to you all as well, may RNG have mercy on your soul.

>> No.13902588

the page isn't even loading for me

>> No.13902591


Last summer was 3/5. At least it is less obvious that they wanna shove another DD up your palms.

>> No.13902594

Anyone got in for Shortland?
I got nuthin

>> No.13902595
Quoted by: >>13902629

What about carrier mechanics?

>> No.13902596

small fix for the crash even if you clean appdata's folder

>> No.13902600
Quoted by: >>13902746

>all white
send help

>> No.13902603

I want to have sex with that final boss.

>> No.13902604
Quoted by: >>13902656

You forgot Kiyoshimo and Hayashimo.

>> No.13902605
File: 135 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-22532625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902612

There is actually a new SN quest.
No cranes kai ni.

>> No.13902607
File: 272 KB, 371x545, PiOPh8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13902608
Quoted by: >>13902656

Try to count again. Harusame, Tokitsukaze, Kiyoshimo, Hayashimo, Saber.

>> No.13902610
File: 132 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-22542141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New planes mechanic.
Nothing for Reppu, only special pilot.

>> No.13902612

Shit ships, shit items, shit new mechanic, and they didn't even release the cranes. Who the fuck approved this event?

>> No.13902613
Quoted by: >>13902618

Get fucked repu

>> No.13902614
File: 166 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-22554735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902615

Heh i am disappointed.

>> No.13902616


>> No.13902618


>> No.13902619

>there are people who scrapped the skilled fighters

>> No.13902620

W-what does that do?

>> No.13902621
Quoted by: >>13902628

What do the blue lines do?

>> No.13902622

Get it through the event and it will be decorated like a Russian general.

>> No.13902623

>Someone's not a shit eater
>Bring up /a/ in response
Even the maps themselves look lacklustre, the event is a mess already.

>> No.13902624
Quoted by: >>13902652

What does /a/ have to do with any of that? /a/ probably is more optimistic and happy about shit than this board.

>> No.13902626
Quoted by: >>13902634

The game is all fucking white

>> No.13902628

Indicates DNA so pregnancy test :v

>> No.13902629
Quoted by: >>13902647

I don't think it's anything we already don't know but planes now have a system where they gain experience through sorties. This is lost if the whole plane squad (probably the slot) is wiped out.

Unrelated but there's also a dedicated slot for items like damecons/rations on ships. This slot can only be opened by a cash item.

>> No.13902632
File: 26 KB, 2000x1333, 2000px-Zulu_flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the boss nodes are all Z.

>> No.13902634

It's not like 3 million people are not trying to log in at the same time.

>> No.13902635


Noice. The dream of training the planes' sprites to be "skilled" is real.

>> No.13902637
File: 95 KB, 993x744, Tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902641
File: 126 KB, 795x471, D071d70288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double BB on the a destroyer map, can't wait.

>> No.13902647
File: 137 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-23013784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right.
They actually added a row of cash shop item to jew the userbase.

>> No.13902648

Oh I didn't notice, we will see that NEET Hikkimori hime as well. This event is like a fucking reunion holy shit.

>> No.13902650
File: 131 KB, 597x715, 1438717439403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13902651

Congrats you already used your best DDs on the first map.

>> No.13902652
Quoted by: >>13902657

As long as it's cute, /a/ will approve it.

>>>/facebook/ is that way.

>> No.13902654

>using all the good DDs on E-1 and E-2

What are you going to do about all the Combined Fleet maps?

>> No.13902655

They're only elites. How hard can it be?

>> No.13902656


Kiyoshimo and Hayashimo is not map clearing reward though.

>> No.13902657


You mean

>As long as it's cute, anyone will approve it.

>> No.13902658

It's prob not his screenshot, you dingus.

>> No.13902659

You fucked up.

>> No.13902661
Quoted by: >>13902695

Neither will be all of the new DDs.

>> No.13902662
File: 42 KB, 754x396, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitokappu dedder than ded.

>> No.13902663

I can't even get in, that's from the wiki.

>> No.13902666
Quoted by: >>13902695

You really think they will give all those new DD as map clearing rewards?

>> No.13902668

>BBs on first map
Where ? I've seen a shitty DDs fleet.

>> No.13902669


Rolo go back to take patient history instead of shit posting here.

>> No.13902670
File: 73 KB, 1193x459, ss (2015-08-10 at 11.05.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come others are inside the game already

or my server is just shit

>> No.13902672

Brother, I'm seeing all white here.

>> No.13902676

I saw all white as well, this happened after 5 refreshes.

>> No.13902677

probably the latter

>> No.13902681

I logged in using api.

>> No.13902682

Easier than 3-2 I don't see the problem.

>> No.13902683
File: 141 KB, 800x479, first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902703

>red T and still S rank it.

>> No.13902684


>> No.13902685

Considering how Rabaul was dead since even before the maintenance, I have no idea why I thought I'd be able to get in now.

>> No.13902686
Quoted by: >>13902696


>> No.13902689
File: 20 KB, 351x206, E-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.13902695


Now that I think about it, what you said actually make sense. I was way over myself, thinking that 7 maps + 7 ships = each ship for each map.

>> No.13902696
Quoted by: >>13902706

Of course.

>> No.13902697

are you playing on a game boy?

>> No.13902700
Quoted by: >>13902712

E-1 shiplock? Oh boy.

>> No.13902701

You're not?

>> No.13902703
Quoted by: >>13902708

Seems easy.

>> No.13902706


>> No.13902707

Not mine. Found it on twitter.

>> No.13902708

Wait until final kill where they add Ta kai.

>> No.13902710

almost 1 hour and still can't beat E-0

>> No.13902712

E-1 and E-2 is blue-colored shiplock.

>> No.13902713

Fuck fuck fuck. Deer-house server still under maintnance.

>> No.13902714
File: 128 KB, 800x479, second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy,

>> No.13902716
File: 525 KB, 923x555, e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fun.

>> No.13902718

>tfw locked all my elite DDs on E-1

>> No.13902719


>> No.13902723
File: 18 KB, 250x376, laughing tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902724

Thats going to be a bit tough for my Mutsukis

>> No.13902725

Damn, looks like super Abukuma sama is a must now, I guess I can lvl up her quick.

>> No.13902726

Fucking retard.

>> No.13902727

well, shit

>> No.13902728
File: 145 KB, 624x950, 1438324086308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13902729
File: 152 KB, 502x600, 1426402719305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2ch saying Eugen confirmed for E-1 boss drop

i don't want to believe but i want to believe

>> No.13902730

Just use support, how hard can it be?

>> No.13902731

It's random between BBs node and resources node though so no problem at all

>> No.13902734


>> No.13902735

Just like how she dropped last event in E-1.

>> No.13902738

They say that every event.

>> No.13902742
File: 293 KB, 800x480, E-1 drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed :^)

>> No.13902743
Quoted by: >>13902769

Looking at this makes me feel like a strategist. I guess I just have to wait until people get far enough to judge my own capabilities.

>> No.13902744
Quoted by: >>13902751

I just finished all my PVP.
My plane didnt even get an additional blue line.
This shit is rigged.

>> No.13902746

Server is already up. If you're getting a white screen clear your fucking cache.

>> No.13902750

>Clear cache
>White screen
>Clear cache again

Can't win.

>> No.13902751


>> No.13902755


>> No.13902760

i'm in after clearing cache, but stuck at loading
too laggy

>> No.13902762
Quoted by: >>13902788

Rabaul is up.

>> No.13902765
Quoted by: >>13902787

Prinz Eugen drops on easy in E-1
this is crazy

>> No.13902769

You're just going to copy other people's comps.

>> No.13902777

White screen confirmed for new boss

>> No.13902778

>stuck at loading page
Thank you, Hitokappu.

>> No.13902779

Bismarck drops on E-2 medium
What the hell

>> No.13902783
Quoted by: >>13902793

Hitokappu here, faito.

>> No.13902784
Quoted by: >>13902795

What? Are you for real?

>> No.13902786

Can you stop posting already?

>> No.13902787

Your mom drops on E-7, 100% legit.

>> No.13902788
Quoted by: >>13902805

You lie

>> No.13902789

Are you shitting me ? You better not lying.

>> No.13902791

Holy shit guys I got Samidare on boss node.

>> No.13902793
File: 198 KB, 800x491, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image thpr

>> No.13902795

Obviously shitposting.

>> No.13902796


That didn't take long

>> No.13902798

So I guess no new sprite update for any ships?

>> No.13902801
File: 770 KB, 842x738, Re_e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bismarck Drei confirmed E-4 guys it's crazy!

>> No.13902803

Akiduki, e-1 S-rank confirmed

>> No.13902804

what the fuck i got past the white screen and the fairies, then I'm getting cat shit

E-0 is truly terrifying

>> No.13902805
File: 78 KB, 669x393, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well about that...

>> No.13902806

I just cleared the event, it's too easy.

>> No.13902808

Get your Isokazes at E-1 Hard boss.

>> No.13902809

Teruzuki confirmed for E-1 drop.

>> No.13902811

She doesn't look very happy about that fast sucking.

>> No.13902813
Quoted by: >>13902816


>> No.13902814

Oboro from E-1 confirmed.

>> No.13902816
Quoted by: >>13902828


Oh wait wrong game.

>> No.13902820

Just tell me where I can find Amagi. That's all I care about.

Maybe Yuu as well.

>> No.13902825


>> No.13902828

I like you.

>> No.13902831
Quoted by: >>13902835

Yuu is sure to drop, she already dropped in the event after her debut. They don't value her very highly.

>> No.13902835
Quoted by: >>13902839

She's a tanned slut, after all.

>> No.13902838


>> No.13902839

Yuu=/Ro don't mix the two

>> No.13902842
Quoted by: >>13902853

Abyss confirmed usn.

>> No.13902843

Holy fuck
Laggy as fuck, it took me like 10mins to equip everyone. Are they running on toaster?

>> No.13902846
Quoted by: >>13902855

Ro's a tanned slut trapped in a pale german's body. She just didn't have the confidence to be her true self before joining the fleet.

>> No.13902850

My sprites don't even load and I'm still at second expedition pop-up.

>> No.13902853

Already confirmed long time ago, lad

>> No.13902855


>> No.13902857

welp, got error cat after click game start

>> No.13902858

Is this your first event? It's always like that for the first time.

>> No.13902859

Can't sortie. My game goes frozen.

>> No.13902861
Quoted by: >>13902872

Working fine more or less for me on Brunei

>> No.13902871
File: 113 KB, 806x483, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this screen?

>> No.13902872
Quoted by: >>13902884

Brunei is really laggy for me

>> No.13902874
Quoted by: >>13902944

Ship stats are already on the wiki and doesn't look interesting so here are the equipment:

九七式艦攻(村田隊): torp:12, AA:1, ASW:5, accuracy:2, LOS:4
天山一二型(村田隊): torp:15, AA:1, ASW:6, accuracy:2, LOS:4
120mm連装砲: FP:3, AA:2, accuracy:1
戦闘糧食: -
洋上補給: armor:-2

>> No.13902875

It's because of this thread.

>> No.13902878

Advanced cat

>> No.13902880

This thread is too big it's killing my PC.

>> No.13902881

It has begun.

>> No.13902884
Quoted by: >>13902895

It even takes too long for the game to load for me, and it's not my connection's fault.

>> No.13902885

You are banned.

>> No.13902887

Just got the same maybe the server crashed.

>> No.13902889
File: 35 KB, 310x310, 1427958757239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every event

>> No.13902891

A weeks worth of cache is good enough, then keep fighting

>> No.13902895

Brunei just died on me

>> No.13902896

Don't worry, It'll feel good after a while

>> No.13902897

clear your cache

>> No.13902904

>set up support fleet to BBs troll node
>it's went to ammo node
I'm ashamed of myself

>> No.13902908

Did Akira design Mizuho? I guess ths event we have some sort of artist exchange between sides.

>> No.13902912

I fapped to Bisko all day. Hope she performs well.

>> No.13902917


she's not called Fast Sucker for nothing

>> No.13902923
Quoted by: >>13902928

>maps take ages to load to download the new BGM
Fucking DMM devs should have just preloaded everyone swf with the BGM before the event start.

>> No.13902928

Welcome to glorious flash

>> No.13902930

These shiplocks are full retard.

>> No.13902937
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-23513724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1 is a fucking joke. You can just F5 if the node is 50/50 random.

>> No.13902938

welcome to summer event, enjoy ur stay

>> No.13902944
Quoted by: >>13902966

And for the enemy:

4inch連装両用砲+CIC: FP:5, AA:15, accuracy:5
深海水上攻撃機: bomb:8, AA:4, ASW:8, accuracy:1, LOS:6
深海水上攻撃機改: bomb:13, AA:9, ASW:10, accuracy:3, LOS:7
深海猫艦戦改: AA:12, accuracy:2, evasion:2
深海地獄艦爆改: bomb:15, ASW:8, accuracy:4, LOS:5
深海復讐艦攻改: torp:16, AA:5, ASW:9, accuracy:3, LOS:6
深海FCS+CIC: AA:6, ASW:20, accuracy:5, evasion:3, LOS:3

>> No.13902945
File: 69 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150810-23543742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13902960

Sure is easy mode around here.

>> No.13902946


>> No.13902949

It must be hard being shit. I hope you can overcome it soon my friend.

>> No.13902953

Enjoy the ban.

>> No.13902960

>that gauge
Fuck this shit. I miss sane 6 kill gauges.

>> No.13902961

You're just full bad.

>> No.13902966

>AA 15
They really want my bauxite.

>> No.13902975

Seems like Akiducky drops on E-1 hard? Gonna need a few more runs to confirm though

>> No.13902984

>Laggy as fuck like every event
>Bring out my ASW ships in Line Abreast
>Still laggy
>Suddenly fucker replaced his ships to powerhouse
>C rank
Worst day ever.

>> No.13902986
File: 115 KB, 769x465, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen the streamer go there ONCE and I go there first fucking sortie.

>> No.13902990

Good taste

>> No.13902994
Quoted by: >>13903000

Why the hell are you using 5 ships?

>> No.13902995

You're missing 1 more girl.

>> No.13903000
Quoted by: >>13903011

Because he didn't go there once. There was a rumor that you can avoid it with 1CL4DD

>> No.13903007
Quoted by: >>13903014

【爆撃能力のある水上機及び軽空母を運用中の提督方へ】 現在、対潜航空攻撃が行われない症状が報告されています。できるだけ早く確認&対処致しますので、同対潜運用を少しだけお待ち頂けますと幸いです。艦隊の対潜哨戒にご迷惑お掛けして申し訳ありません。確認と対処に努めます。

>> No.13903011

It's too early to believe in routing voodoo, though we appreciate you proving that theory false for us.

>> No.13903014


>> No.13903023

>sortie to E1
I thought I was playing Touhou.

>> No.13903026

Help, the game won't let me start E-1 on easy. I have plenty of free ship and equipment slots, and my sortie win ratio is fine, but the damn button is greyed out. Am I so kuso the my ships are refusing to fight now?

>> No.13903029

Fuck off.

>> No.13903030

I don't have enough leveled DDs, Guess I am fucked.

>> No.13903031

DD and CL only.

>> No.13903032

hello brother

>> No.13903034
Quoted by: >>13903065

And here we go.

>> No.13903035
Quoted by: >>13903065

You're definitely stupid

>> No.13903036
Quoted by: >>13903051

The requirement is only 1CL 2DD
You can bring 4big ships if you want.

>> No.13903037
Quoted by: >>13903065

Are you using the right composition?

>> No.13903039
Quoted by: >>13903065

Check the red text above the button against the entries in the wiki.

Also, check the wiki first from now on.

>> No.13903040
Quoted by: >>13903046

You can use BBVs too

>> No.13903041

Just bring CAs

>> No.13903042

1 CL, 2DD to enter.

>> No.13903043
Quoted by: >>13903065

It begins.

>> No.13903046

I'm pretty sure that gives undesirable routing.

>> No.13903048

>only one to miss on first node
>only one to get taiha on second run first node
God damn it.

>> No.13903050
Quoted by: >>13903053

F5 when going BBs node
ez boss ez medal

>> No.13903051

Wait, seriously? Well that explains the triple Ru then.

>> No.13903052

so basically, if I don't enough shit for shiplocking, my best bet is to stay on kuso mode?


>> No.13903053
Quoted by: >>13903058

ez ban

>> No.13903058
Quoted by: >>13903064

dank meme, my friend

>> No.13903059

Time to level anon
You have over 2 weeks, more than enough time

>> No.13903060

The only problem is having enough DDs. You should never rely on elites.

>> No.13903064

just trying to match the quality level of your posts

>> No.13903065
Quoted by: >>13903069


O-oops. I'm sorry, everyone, I'm overexcited.

>> No.13903066

1CL 5 DD guarantee A-D-Z (99%)

>> No.13903069

Fuck off till you calm down then.

>> No.13903071
Quoted by: >>13903075

no event rewards confirmed yet, right?

>> No.13903072

Maybe certain ships bring you to B?
It seems like most people are getting A D Z

>> No.13903075

E-3 apparently gives you http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Type_97_Torpedo_Bomber_%28Murata_Squadron%29

>> No.13903076
File: 125 KB, 815x486, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every event.

>> No.13903081

So, today was the day when Kaga became even better.

>> No.13903084

Went to B with 1CL5DD three times in a row. Got S rank on boss all three times though.

>> No.13903086
Quoted by: >>13903104

Fucking He-class
How does it hit that hard when it doesn't even have a torpedo equipped nor that high of a base torpedo stat

>> No.13903087

Every carrier did.

>> No.13903088

thank god devs arent biased, oh wait

>> No.13903091

Is there item locking in E-1?

>> No.13903092

clearing e-1 hard gives you 4 combat rations, furniture fairy, supply expansion, irako.

>> No.13903093

It's like 3-5 with extra Ru-class.

>> No.13903094

potato poster btfo

>> No.13903097

Reppuu Kai confirmed to gain experience and level up like every other ace pilot plane.
Non ace pilot plane just start at lvl0 compare to elite.

>> No.13903103

What does the new quest do?

>> No.13903104

It's torpedo stat falls in sweet spot, just enough to red someone. It's not CLTs that wreck shit at 3-5, it's late model fuckers, they have similar shit too.

>> No.13903116

>The new item 'Reinforcement Extension' allows any shipgirl of your choice above a proficiency of Level 30 to be remodelled to include an additional equipment slot capable of equipping Damage Control (Emergency Repair Crew/Goddess) or Combat Rations.

>> No.13903120
Quoted by: >>13903139

Has anyone made it to E-2 yet? I want to decide what DDs and CL to take before I do anything.

>> No.13903121
File: 139 KB, 820x489, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking event.

>> No.13903125
File: 119 KB, 461x441, Laughingkuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kuso mode

>> No.13903126

How do you fail so badly against a bunch of DDs

>> No.13903128

How do your ships even do that bad?

>> No.13903137

I found your problem

>> No.13903139

Streams buddy. Someone is already on E-4.
