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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 216 KB, 1280x720, 1412476615757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12614474 No.12614474 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12567472

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12614514
Quoted by: >>12614786

I wish there'd be more games with yakuza themes or characters.

>> No.12614758
File: 306 KB, 1366x768, leyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12617736

What's that blue youkai on the left again?

>> No.12614786
Quoted by: >>12614985

>What are you playing?
Natsu no Ame. Midori carry the whole vn for me, other heroines are too bland for my liking.

>What are you looking forward to?
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm

>What have you finished?
I never finished anything.

Serial killer MC/heroines would be nice too.

>> No.12614817

Whats that pic from?

>> No.12614985

Serial killer/anti-hero MC sounds amazing now that I'm thinking about it. Any good VNs that already have that?

>> No.12615016

What the hell happened at the end of Air? I was following along just fine until the last scene.

>> No.12615171
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>> No.12615176
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Quoted by: >>12615439


>> No.12615177
File: 1.57 MB, 2530x1600, 1413894410559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12621122


>> No.12615180
File: 1.64 MB, 2505x1600, 1413901245079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12615185

Purple software

>> No.12615185
File: 1.57 MB, 2500x1600, 1413901245080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12615186


>> No.12615186
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>> No.12615188
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>> No.12615193
File: 1.43 MB, 2535x1600, 1413896050702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liar Soft

>> No.12615201
File: 1.69 MB, 2541x1600, 1413899154940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interview with よう太

>> No.12615439

When I read the interviews and stuff from the creators I almost feel bad for pirating their stuff.

I want to play this. I need to play this:

>> No.12615442



>> No.12615473
Quoted by: >>12615495


>> No.12615495

They are trying to attract us with a meme.

>> No.12615497

There's voice samples on the game's site, but no one immediately springs to my mind.

>> No.12615505

Hmm. Ah well, Yui Sakakibara alone is enough to sell me.

>> No.12615537

I hope someday a site will appear that's as comprehensive as Beauty Planets was.

>> No.12615552
Quoted by: >>12615798

Its 安玖深音. She has been using a new name for every one of her new roles lately. I don't know why she doesn't use her old name anymore.

>> No.12615742

I wonder what their next big series is going to be after Grisaia. So far it's just been nukiges, no?

A new artist? I don't know how I feel about this.

>> No.12615752
File: 30 KB, 412x399, kotetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unsure about it too, but I couldn't help but giggle when I saw this face.

>> No.12615763
File: 1.45 MB, 2420x1540, 1413724024600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12615769

>I wonder what their next big series is going to be after Grisaia.
This thing probably. It has the same staff as grisaia.

>> No.12615769

Ooooh boy, I can already picture all the drama. Hopefully we get another Alpha Male MC.

>> No.12615782

The cover looks like it could be for some shitty otome game. That said this and the last Ley Line are pretty much the only things I'm looking forward to in the nearish future, in addition to some classy nukige like ママとボクのカラダのしくみ お母さんに膣内射精したら親孝行な世界 and いれかわ お姉ちゃん、ぼくの身体でオナニーしちゃうの. Couldn't ask for anything more.

>> No.12615798

Ah, come to think of it, I did hear that she was in this. Didn't know she took on another alias though.

Thanks. Now I'm sufficiently hyped.

Kinda surprised they haven't made a Witch's Garden anime yet though, considering all the other Windmill Oasis VNs got adaptations.

>> No.12615800

>The cover looks like it could be for some shitty otome game.
Par for the course for Liar Soft then.

>> No.12615802

That makes it better. I'd like to see what Mareni can do with a female perspective.

>> No.12615833

Otome game? Have you even seen the size of those tits? Anyway, Mareni isn't Sakurai, so I'm pretty sure it's not going to be anything like an otome game.

>> No.12616065

I'm really looking forward to the Cocoro@Function and Hello Lady! fandiscs. It seems the former is gonna reward me with kaichou's and Bell's routes (and the classy OP by Ceui http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eefZDw9YaHY)), and the latter with the maid.

>> No.12616312
Quoted by: >>12616337

E-mote sex scenes seem interesting. I look forward to the tech getting used more.

>> No.12616337

Well, I don't think it would look too different from existing games that already include animated ero scenes.

>> No.12616339
File: 291 KB, 1280x960, FD_popotan00034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played popotan, is it any good? I used to watch the game's OP for hours at a time way back when. Listening to some UNDER17 right now has inspired me to play it, once I find a DL.

>> No.12616512
File: 46 KB, 506x285, koichoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on PC, finished Phantom of Inferno 2013
and started the second scenario for Secret Game

on PSP, still playing Koi Choco

>> No.12617736
Quoted by: >>12617744


>> No.12617744
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot what they were called but it struck me as the creatures from Moomin right away too

>> No.12617792
File: 77 KB, 999x750, whatthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished oretsuba.
Disliked a few parts but generally it's extremely well done.
A few parts dragged on too long and there were a bit too many pointless conversations though.

Going to start kara no shoujo now.

anyone know where I can find 四季の詩 -Poetry of four seasons-?

>> No.12617799

卍 is best kanji

>> No.12617879
Quoted by: >>12618099

Only now found out that Tsuriotsu 2 is a thing

I'm surprised to see the previous games were popular enough to warrant another sequel. Personally I really don't know if I want to read yet another game about fashion and making clothes. The first one was great because of two really good heroines with some great voice acting. The second one was still interesting because they saved the story of the most interesting side character for it.

There doesn't seem to be much else to look forward to though.

Looks like the Senshinkan sequel(?) thing is confirmed, but does anyone have any info what it's going to be about?

>> No.12618099
Quoted by: >>12618118



It is going to be about Dan's daughter and written entirely in Hiroshima-ben, narration and all.

>> No.12618118
Quoted by: >>12618131

Sounds like that might be really interesting, thanks for the info.

This reminds me, was there a soundtrack of Senshinkan released/ripped and uploaded somewhere?

>> No.12618131
File: 245 KB, 2250x1080, 030_a_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12618165


I was just kidding.

I'm excited for it too, but I really don't know anything more about it apart from what Masada has said on Twitter, which is not very much and most likely the usual trolling. Hopefully we get some actual info soon.

>> No.12618132 [DELETED] 

anyone can recommend vn similiar to katawa shoujo ? i just finished it and really liked it >,< and looking something similiar to it. cute romance and character with interesting setting..

>> No.12618165
Quoted by: >>12618185

Damn. I would've loved reading something that was entirely from the perspective of someone like Dan. I got the feeling from Senshinkan that the author wanted to make everything easier to understand so it would be a pretty weird choice to have the entire thing in dialect.

>> No.12618185
File: 1.06 MB, 1266x676, dan please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah Dan was such a great character. I really liked all of the villains in Senshinkan, except for Seiji. For whatever reason I just didn't find him to have as much appeal as the rest of them did.

I have faith in Masada so I'm confident that whatever Bansenjin ends up being will be a pretty great read, maybe it will be the long awaited otomege.

>> No.12618210

It's on Clubbox.

>> No.12618262


Will the daughter inherit his genius? I mean, in Senshinkan Dan was shown to be quite a clutch, doing stuff he wasn't sure in advance but worked out ok sort of thing.

>> No.12618719

Why aren't you using the default font? I thought it was one of the better ones I've come across in any games recently.

>> No.12619368


>> No.12619636
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 5616161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12619811


Just started this. Why is the mom the best character with the best personality and VA?

At this point, I feel like it's on purpose.

>> No.12619811
File: 283 KB, 1386x1068, duelist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moms are always the best

>> No.12619926
File: 127 KB, 1282x721, PoI - Claudia + Lizzy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12621356

This has aged surprisingly well.

>> No.12621055
Quoted by: >>12623402

Recommend me something with 友情発恋愛行き /jp/! Quick! I'm lonely right now

>> No.12621098

She is shouldering the rifle

>> No.12621122

I hope we get this before meikyuu and rakuen gets translated. I can't wait anymore

>> No.12621127

Guys which Liarsoft game should i play first? Been eyeing to play one since they announced gahkthun

>> No.12621157
Quoted by: >>12621361

Angel Bullet. Be warned though, it contains NTR.

>> No.12621190

If you want to get into the WAB series start with Inganok, if you want some meteor read Forest or Kusarihime.

>> No.12621206
Quoted by: >>12621240

I'd start with Celenaria or Sona Nyl if I were him.

>> No.12621240

Chances are he can't.

>Been eyeing to play one since they announced gahkthun
might mean the official English release.

>> No.12621337

If you want to read Meteor, you should just read something like Fire Girl that he actually completely wrote himself.

>> No.12621356
Quoted by: >>12622602

Is that Phantom of the Inferno?

>> No.12621361

Oh man, I love that game so much.
Shit gets ridiculous in the most amazing ways.

>> No.12621433

How on earth do you guys get on EGS? Sites like http://japanwebproxy.com/ are way too slow and I don't really know what else to do or how to do it.

>> No.12621447
Quoted by: >>12621646


>> No.12621450
Quoted by: >>12621646

I point my browser at erogamescape.dyndns.org and press enter. That's it. But if you need a proxy, try one of these:
If you use FoxyProxy you can set up rules to only use the proxy for specific sites. I use it to get around gaijin blocks on certain devs' sites.

Alternatively, I hear the EGS admin will unblock you if you message him on Twitter.

>> No.12621576
Quoted by: >>12621646

Google Translate works too. Point it to the page you want to access, press Translate and then press "Original" to view it in Japanese and not machine-translated gibberish. Google Translate itself you can use with HTTPS, EGS page needs to be HTTP version, or Google Translate won't work.

Also you can't use EGS searches like this, so if you're looking for specific titles, it's probably better to google their specific pages beforehands and feed them to Google Translate.

It's kind of inconvient way really, but it works if you just want to check something quickly.

>> No.12621646

Thanks! One of the proxies on the page >>12621450 linked gave me the best results.

Time to fill up the backlog.

>> No.12621707
File: 6 KB, 235x142, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me jay, you're my last hope.

I've been struggling for around 2 hours to install ましろ色シンフォニー. Already set format,region and locale to japanese and tried to run using NTLEA but this error keep appear. I assume this problem happen because i'm using windows 7 so i also tried to look for the patch but since my moon skill is still below average i can't find any result.

>> No.12621731
Quoted by: >>12621762

>I assume this problem happen because i'm using windows 7

The game came out in 2009. Surely it would support Win 7. And even on EGS you can see 10 votes for 動作 on Win 7 x64 and 5 for on Win 7 x86.

>> No.12621754

Did you try changing your timezone ?
I think I had the same problem with this game but I'm not sure.

>> No.12621762

I completely forgot EGS also provide that information.

So, what's is the problem with this? Is there a crack other than installation crack? This is killing me.

>> No.12621771
Quoted by: >>12621783

>Is there a crack other than installation crack? This is killing me.

Maybe? Palette's newest game, 恋がさくころ桜どき, needs a crack for the installer too.

>> No.12621783

Oh wait, I misread >>12621762. Seems like you're already using an installation crack.

Try >>12621754 then?

Although come to think of it 恋がさくころ桜どき needs two cracks, one for installer and one for the game itself, so maybe...

>> No.12621788
Quoted by: >>12621800

Ok, i changed the timezone but now i got error in english saying "Illegal Execution Environtment"instead when i run it directly. When i run it with NTLEA it goes back to the 動作できません~ error.

God, i hate palette.

>> No.12621800
Quoted by: >>12621805

Try running it in a VM?

>> No.12621805


>> No.12621819
Quoted by: >>12621861

Virtual Machine.

>> No.12621820
Quoted by: >>12621861

He probably means Virtual Machine. Which feels a little excessive.

Palette's games are always a pain in the ass to install.

If I remember correctly, for Mashiiro, you need

>to run a mashiroiro_keygen_install
>run the iso and then enter the serial number
>after intsallation, run the exe with NTLEA

Maybe there's a better way to do it, but that's what I did back when it released. Good luck!

>> No.12621821
Quoted by: >>12621861

Virtual machine.
It's my go-to solution for weird problems when running eroge, and it typically works. You should be able to find a Japanese version of Windows on TPB or wherever.

>> No.12621861
Quoted by: >>12621879

Ok, i just realized i can't even run NTLEA properly. it give me error about some compability shit. I will try this virtual machine thing, thanks anon. Honestly, i already installed mre than 50 vn but this is the first time i need to use shit like NTLEA so i'm kinda clueless about how it works.

>> No.12621879
Quoted by: >>12621906

Fatal error happened when i tried to install VM, that's it i'm going to kill myself...
One last thing before i give up, anyone can give me legit download link for NTLEA 0.92/0.87 command prompt version? Apparently i downloaded the GUI version that's why it didn't work.

>> No.12621906
Quoted by: >>12621922


Try this. It's actually what I used back in the day for Mashiiro, the shortcut exe is still in there too.

>> No.12621920

Is Ano Harewataru Sora yori Takaku generally hard to read? Because I don't know about you guys, but I don't know a lot of vocab about building rockets.

>> No.12621922
Quoted by: >>12621953

Oups, link seems to be broken. Hopefully 4shared works...


>> No.12621926
Quoted by: >>12621950

>but I don't know a lot of vocab about building rockets.
They explain it to you, but there's a ton of that, because they are building rockets.

>> No.12621935
File: 9 KB, 481x19, the one from nyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12622892

Can any nice /jp/ anon help? I've been stuck for days. I know it's old but I just want to re-play it.

>> No.12621939
File: 1.04 MB, 1296x778, あの晴れわたる空より高く_2014-10-05_02-51-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12621950

Generally, it's normal dialogue. But if you don't know anything, you will learn about rockets a lot. I knew quite a bit about space exploration already but I learned a lot about the Japanese programs and its history. It helps if you know stuff previously since they use wordplay here and there, but its not necessary. (Hayabusa and Akatsuki from early in the game come to mind)
Basically the protagonist is ignorant about everything rockets too, so the VN uses the girls as teachers for both the protagonist and in proxy, you. It also has a dictionary built in for the terms which whenever the word shows up in text, you can click it and i will take you to its definition.

>> No.12621946
Quoted by: >>12621951

>Baldr Sky
>small res as fuck window
>shitty full screen modo


>> No.12621947
Quoted by: >>12621955

Is mashiro iro symphony kamige?

>> No.12621950

Thanks! The dictionary function sounds very useful.

>> No.12621951

It's 800x600, so deal with it.

>> No.12621953
Quoted by: >>12622021

Thanks anon. Though i still get an error about musica for clearrave or something.i will try it again later, maybe a miracle will happen.

>> No.12621955
Quoted by: >>12621963

Airi and the maid are great. Worth playing just for their routes. Prepare to get diabetes though.

>> No.12621957
File: 52 KB, 300x185, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered I have this downloaded but never installed. Is it good?

>> No.12621963

>and the maid
As fun as Ange is, her route is really bad and pointless.
The only routes worth playing are Airi and Miu and Sana's shitty route if you are a blind delusional Sanafag.

>> No.12621967

Well it's a chara/moe-ge, so I really wasn't surprised by the lack of story, especially in the routes.

>> No.12621973

No. It's actually the most boring visual novel I've ever read.

>> No.12622021
File: 9 KB, 378x201, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image. i wish this game was translated so i can download the preinstalled version on fuwanovel and remove the gaijin patch later so i don't need to deal with this bullshit.
Too boring for me.

>> No.12622051 [DELETED] 

I had the same problem w/ the game and I was only able to play it after I used NTLEA.

>> No.12622373

Poor Sakuno.

Ange was great in the anime though.

Yuiko route where.

On a side note, Airi's birthday is tomorrow.

>> No.12622434

I liked the artstyle. Everything else was shit.

>> No.12622602

It's the pc port of the 360 remake.

>> No.12622602,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol I literally didn't know about this one hahahahahha

>> No.12622853
Quoted by: >>12622949

Does nadyroiro symphony work in windows 8

>> No.12622892

try to download it from here http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2046040

>> No.12622949

I hope it doesn't. Just to spite you.

>> No.12623088

What's an ojou-sama centered game? Or at least a game with a good heroine in that category. I've already played that one that's translated, noble works and お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ. I also tried walkure romance but the shit that happened in the plot was just so stupid and nonsensical I couldn't stand it.

>> No.12623126

>I also tried walkure romance but the shit that happened in the plot was just so stupid and nonsensical I couldn't stand it

Aren't you talking about Princess Lover? At least that one was dumb nonsense to me.

>> No.12623243
File: 50 KB, 769x269, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12623249

It feels good to finally be able to bring about salvation.

Also Naru best girl.

>> No.12623249

I wish I had an easier time just ignoring the art. I really want to finish reading that.

>> No.12623385

It's... okay. Cocoro@Function was better.

>> No.12623389

I really liked the parts 紺野アスタ was in charge of. Other than that, it was pretty decent for the most part.

>> No.12623402

Since god doesn't want me to play Mashifoni. I'm going to ask this question again, anyone can recommend me something that deal with relationship transition from best/close friend to lover? Something similiar like Midori route in Natsu no Ame and released between 2010-2014.

>> No.12623404
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, プライマルハーツ_2014-10-16_20-37-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Primal Hearts the other day, in case anyone is interested, as a moege it's well above average. I liked it, it had this nice clash between two student councils, a conservative and a liberal one. The art is also good, but sadly the individual routes were lacking and short compared to the common route. The characters are likeable though, and the ero was surprisingly good. Also, I already bitched a lot on EGS about Bitch-san not having a route nor ero-scenes so I just felt the need to bitch about it here too.

>> No.12623411
Quoted by: >>12623440

My only issue with the game was the H-scenes were too frequent once they started.

>> No.12623440
Quoted by: >>12623460

Yeah, it's a common mistake, once you enter the routes the pace fucks up and it kind of feels like a nukige, but it stands well as a charage and with its common route alone. Also Yuzuki was cute as hell, but she got the fifth place in the character poll. What the hell Japan?

>> No.12623460
Quoted by: >>12623481

Totally not fandisk bait, no sir.

>#1: Sera

I... what?

>> No.12623481
Quoted by: >>12623530

>Totally not fandisk bait, no sir.
The fandisk bait was completely obvious, I mean she had almost as much as appearance time as the main heroines and she was obviously in love with the MC. They even hinted several times that she actually wasn't a bitch and never had a boyfriend. Well, I don't care as long as they actually release the FD.

I feel like this kind of FD bait has been getting pretty commonplace recently.

>> No.12623530

It could happen, I guess. If they didn't inflate the popularity pool and 2/3rd of them aren't proxy votes, those numbers are kinda high.

>> No.12623558

I remember having problems with that game as well. It's the hardest gaijin block I have encountered.

I tried all the usual things. The only thing that eventually worked was NTLEA, which I had never had to use before. This was maybe in 2011, so it was an older version of NTLEA. I was running windows 7.

I'm not sure if this is any helpful, but good luck.

>> No.12623590

I really liked Primal Hearts. Was a nice surprise, especially coming from Marmalade who usually makes good common routes and shit everything else.

And yes, Bitch REALLY deserved a route. Hopefully they release a FD, but I don't think they ever released a FD for their other games...not holding my breath.

>> No.12623648
File: 252 KB, 816x681, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happened to have it downloaded, so I tried installing it just for kicks. It didn't like being mounted with Daemon Tools, so I booted up a Japanese Windows XP virtual machine and mounted the ISO in VirtualBox. Worked flawlessly.

>> No.12623678
File: 331 KB, 800x600, capture_009_25092013_023406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12624132
File: 1.58 MB, 1350x768, Iyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some time to sit down and go through Nanairo Reincarnation. Now I see why people were calling it a Kotori-ge through and through. I'm not really complaining though since Kotori is a pretty good character.

Finished Yumi's and Iyo's routes so far. Yumi's route is kinda iffy, but I find Iyo's route to be well done. Her last dialogue with Kotori and her epilogue CG were both heart-warming and poignant.

>> No.12625072

Where did you hear people calling it a kotori-ge? Last i heard Yumi won the chara poll while Kotori got LAST.

>> No.12625078

It's because the plot is more or less centered around her in all routes.

>> No.12625153
File: 1.73 MB, 2530x1600, 1414015765700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625158
File: 1.65 MB, 2322x1600, 1413889549828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12625162

Re;Lord 第二章 -ケルンの魔女と黒猫-

>> No.12625162
File: 914 KB, 1159x1600, 1413889549829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625165
File: 1.55 MB, 2323x1600, 1413890121511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

時計仕掛けのレイライン -朝霧に散る花-

>> No.12625170
File: 1.14 MB, 2287x1600, 1413890578256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625172
File: 897 KB, 2294x1600, 1413991215256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625175
File: 980 KB, 2294x1600, 1413991215257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625178
File: 933 KB, 2295x1600, 1413991215258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12625181


>> No.12625181
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>> No.12625185
File: 1.33 MB, 2299x1600, 1413891801072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12625189

あま恋シロップス ~恥じらう恋心でシたくなる甘神様の恋祭り~

>> No.12625189
File: 952 KB, 2296x1600, 1413892451945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625378
Quoted by: >>12625382

Well, I guess best girl is clear. The best kind of lewd faces

>> No.12625382

She uses rotors, probably a week or two in the relationship, therefore she's a whore and a slut.

>> No.12625417
Quoted by: >>12626509

Gonna give it a try. Thanks in advance, kind anon.

>> No.12625440

Ill suck off the person that can get me 殻ノ少女 no dvd patch 1.01.
It's on share but I don't have access to it because I'm in a dorm.

Playing 1.00 atm with the 1.01 guide (which is all I can find) and there are quite a few changes.

>> No.12625495
Quoted by: >>12625517

You should play the trial before the game, has material that's not in it (same with kns2 by the way, especially important in this case).
You could use a hex editor and just do what http://pocky33.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-151.html seems easy enough.

>> No.12625509
Quoted by: >>12625517

You can try this one. I found it on Clubbox.

>> No.12625517
Quoted by: >>12625528

thank you very much.

>> No.12625528 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12625545

Well, what about that blowjob? Post your email and we'll set it up.

>> No.12625545 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 816x638, 1414182174562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have encrypted my email inside this picture's xif data.
pls be in london.

>> No.12625700

I don't remember having to use the nodvd patch for 1.01.

>> No.12625754
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 20692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12625838

Can I request someone to upload the first Ikusa Megami game?


Internet only has dead links and extremely slow torrents, so if someone could upload it to Mega etc., I'd be really happy. It's only like 500MB.

>> No.12625768

are there any good yuri VN's
please don't bully because I like yuri

>> No.12625779

no sry :(

>> No.12625788
Quoted by: >>12625799

That lesbian ghosts one was pretty good. I also liked ひとりのクオリア, but if you're only in it for the ero, you'll probably be disappointed.

>> No.12625799

downloading it right now, looks cute, thanks for the rec.

>> No.12625838


Just suffer through http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=17905&showfiles=1 , if I could, you can too.

Speaking of that game, I've been wanting to find out for the longest time how to extract the BGM out of those obscure data files but to no avail. Anybody here succeeded in doing that?

>> No.12625867 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 1279x720, 1414191402836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yumi won the chara poll
I'm mad.

>> No.12625957
File: 239 KB, 1288x766, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12625971

now this is some high level moe

>> No.12625971

Maximum fuwa
I really didn’t like the 1st ep of the adaptation. Visual quality aside, I barely recognised Kaori as a character.

>> No.12626082

There are soundtracks for first two games somewhere on Share.

>> No.12626421

There's always the final resort method of recording your pc's audio with software

I used to do that when I wanted audio clips of ero scenes

>> No.12626509
File: 365 KB, 808x638, some random runes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got it downloaded. Praise the VN deity. Many thanks, anon.

However, I can't get it working via the included README method. Can't mount the .cue file. Very strange. Had to find a NoDVD to download from somewhere else, and need to run via AppLocale unlike what the ReadMe suggests. On top of that, no idea why some of the moon in game appears as random codes. (Only some, not all. And this is running via applocale)

But it is running. I guess it's better than nothing, right...?

>> No.12626520 [DELETED] 
File: 526 KB, 808x638, Screenshot (306).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what's going on. Some runes display properly some are just... as you see.

And it asks for key at every start up. Most peculiar...

>> No.12626524
File: 526 KB, 808x638, Screenshot (306).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12626543

I don't understand what's going on. Some runes display properly some are just... as you see.

>> No.12626543
Quoted by: >>12626551

Do you have jap date format?

>> No.12626551
Quoted by: >>12626562

I installed it in UK locale, so I don't think so. Rebooted to JP locale to run it there without applocale, all seemed fine vs using AppLocale.

I'll try installing it in JP locale and then play it in UK locale with AppLocale(JP)?

>> No.12626562
Quoted by: >>12626570

System locale and date format are different things. But yes, you shouldn't use applocale anyway.

>> No.12626570
Quoted by: >>12626590

>you shouldn't use applocale anyway.

Hmm. Care to educate me as to why not? I know it's not the most elegant solution, but it has worked for me (in most cases).

Would switching to Jap date format perhaps fix the issue? I'll give it a shot later. Thanks.

>> No.12626590
Quoted by: >>12626602

>Would switching to Jap date format perhaps fix the issue?
I can't guarantee, but most cases of issue like you had were fixed by setting date format.
> I know it's not the most elegant solution, but it has worked for me (in most cases).
Because it fails very often, especially during installation (when installer spawns new processes or does some other non-trivial shit).

>> No.12626602
Quoted by: >>12626608

I didn't install through AppLocale. This time I installed in JP locale.

>Game title comes up instead of jumbled in both locale
>Back in UK locale Windows
>problem still persists with AppLocale, with Windows date format changes to Japanese.
>same with after changing location to Japan

So it would seem if I want to play this game and want to understand 100% of it instead of 80% skimming, I'd have to boot to JP locale to play... every time.

>> No.12626608
Quoted by: >>12626612


Why not just boot to JP locale? 99% of all programs have no problems with it.

>> No.12626612
File: 346 KB, 1200x1920, Ignis test shot 0 curved and resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I might have to until I finish the game again for nostalgia's sake. I can't JP locale mostly because I do have a few locale-dependant programs being dicks.

Thanks for trying to help, anon.

>> No.12626739

Eh, so I suffered through the brand pack instead. I'm just happy go get it at all.

>> No.12626779

November probably will be the best month of this year for me.

>> No.12627299

Completely new to VNs, but I gave Grisaia no Kajitsu a chance and I've been hooked to VNs for the last week, to the point I've completed Grisaia 100% and am half way through Rewrite already.

>> No.12627310

I'm glad for your newfound hobby, but strongly advice to go to >>>/vg/vn/ thread before you get trolled here. This is non-translated VNs thread.

>> No.12627323
Quoted by: >>12627358

Whatever you do, don't read Cross Channel, Swan Song, Clannad, KiraKira, or any Liar-soft VNs until you learn Japanese. A lot of VNs have fucked up translations, but those are probably the ones that are hurt the most by them.

>> No.12627358

Was Swan Song tl that bad? I remember reading it a long time ago in english and it looked ok to me.
Also, how can someone fuck up something as easy as Clannad.

>> No.12627376

>Was Swan Song tl that bad?
Yeah. You should try reading it Japanese, Setoguchi's writing is amazing and it's pretty tragic how little justice the translation does to it.
>Also, how can someone fuck up something as easy as Clannad.
By machine translating it.

>> No.12627488

Swan Song has one of the worst translation

>> No.12627501

Seems lie 武想少女隊ぶれいど☆ブライダーズ is out. Anyone tried it?

>> No.12627566

Can you say some more about the game? I might pick it up.

>> No.12627603
Quoted by: >>12627607

I bought Vita recently. Any good VNs for Vita which don't have PC version (or alternatively have some extra on Vita version)? Got Steins;Gate fandiscs and going to get Danganronpas and FHA.

>> No.12627607

Daitoshokan Library Party when it comes out.

The new heroine might actually have a pretty interesting route.

>> No.12627622
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 茶 - 華ちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12629833

What's a good game I can read on my PSP? Preferably exclusive but if it's good and has extra routes I don't mind it not being exclusive.

>> No.12627687
File: 1014 KB, 1280x720, ev_bb09_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I didn't instantly drop this when the first thing you see in the game is a pantyshot that covers the whole screen, as was my first impulse. I'm not even through the first route yet, but I'm really enjoying it so far.

I like how subdued it is: both the drama part and the comedy part. The drama feels just right for what a group of teenagers would go through and since it doesn't exaggerate, it doesn't bother me like so many other games. Same goes for the comedy: it's not dumb. You know what I'm talking about, the common kind of eroge comedy where you (or I, at least) have a constant frown on my face due to how awful and unfunny the 'jokes' are. It's not uncommon for me that there'll be a joke at the expense of the protagonist or someone else and I'll just stop reading for a full minute or two thinking of how many ways it'd be a disrespectful, horribly dickish thing in a more realistic setting and how one could respond. I haven't laughed much at this either, but at least it hasn't annoyed me.
Also, the art is good and the dialogue is pleasantly witty.

I'm only at the beginning though, so the game still has plenty of time to disappoint me. If I understand correctly, there's some sort of time travel element to it? Or something? We'll see how it develops.

>> No.12627706
Quoted by: >>12628248

Really late, but Muramasa.

>> No.12627771


>> No.12627968
File: 782 KB, 970x502, this definitely isn&#039;t foreshadowing or anything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12627971

Finally done with the Kamimaho trial. It was an entertaining read, especially the forbidden love between protag and his blood-related imouto. I'm kind of worried about what direction the plot will take from here, but definitely going to play the full game on release.

>> No.12627971

>forbidden love between protag and his blood-related imouto.

It is depicted in a serious way?

>> No.12628248
Quoted by: >>12628755

I wouldn't really call him an anti-hero. He's definitely a "good guy", he just has...complications.

At least until the very end when he's running his "business"

>> No.12628599

Just finished Futaba's route in グリーングリーン overdrive remake. Her route was great, except near the end where it turned into misunderstanding donkan protagonist, and the ending happened too anti climatic with Futaba leaving on the bus Anybody have links to the second and third ones? All the torrents seem to be dead

>> No.12628638
File: 531 KB, 1280x720, 20140207210144_33a32211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry myself to sleep every night knowing that "Not a Harem Heaven but a Yandere Hell" will never get an English release and I am way too stupid to learn Japanese.

>> No.12628642
File: 364 KB, 1024x768, 七沢 由仁.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Yuni's route in LC, I thought it became wholly retarded when they started having sex and the couple was being beyond stupid, but it kinda redeemed itself by the end with the letter scene, kinda.
Male yandere rape ''we'll be together FOREVER was cool though, for a bad end.

>> No.12628651

I'm in love.

>> No.12628661

>Thank U

>> No.12628682
Quoted by: >>12628706

Yeah, it's painful to read because of how dumb it all looks.

>> No.12628686

Just finished My Girlfriend is the President.

What's your best VN, /jp/? And don't link me to vndb, I mean your personal favorite. Not the top rated one.

>> No.12628706

Dumb is too nice of a word I know we hold hands, eat together, have sex and generally behave like a couple, but we are just pretending so it's killing me. Just retarded.

>> No.12628720

Thats something I wouldnt expect from the xCation games.

>> No.12628737
Quoted by: >>12628749

I hate the let's pretend to be lovers! setting. I don't even have the patience to read the exact same scripted development anymore, CTRL or skip the route when I see it.

>> No.12628748

I don't have a PS3, so I can't really play it myself, but I've seen some reviews saying the girls only get yandere for a little bit towards the end.

Might be a bummer for some people.

>> No.12628749

I liked the spin hitoren did on that in Risa's route, in which they basically forced themselves to be lovers after getting really drunk one night and thinking they fucked.

>> No.12628755

> complications
Heh. He's still a serial killer, IMO. Whether he's willing or not.

>> No.12628757
File: 594 KB, 1028x772, capture_099_20102014_200005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628779

I finished Aya's route just a few days ago. Coming from LxC2 and PxC both of which were pretty much nothing but pure love with almost no drama whatsoever the more serious moments of the first game really caught me off guard.

The last scene with the protagonist breaking down crying had me flipping my shit. Thank god for the epilogue.

>> No.12628779
Quoted by: >>12628881

So far I liked Yuuki the best from what I saw of her so I'm doing her next, was Aya's decent enough? I plan on doing her last/second to last.

>> No.12628881
File: 554 KB, 1028x772, capture_115_20102014_205228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12628925

Can't really say how she compares to other heroines as I haven't gone through their routes, but I personally liked her and felt that she was a good pairing for the protagonist. Great if you like brooding asocial girls that gradually warm up and she's ドS to boot.

>> No.12628908
Quoted by: >>12628930

>Male yandere rape ''we'll be together FOREVER
Wow, that's definitely not something I'd expect.

I only played LxC2 which only had that one pregnancy bad end. How does the first compare?

>> No.12628925
File: 408 KB, 1280x720, Narusawa.Rikka.full.1751173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great if you like brooding asocial girls that gradually warm up and she's ドS to boot.
Sounds good, even if I prefer them around 80% dere and as embarrassing as possible.

>> No.12628930

It's kinda like a reverse Seine bad end where he 'rapes' her and cums inside shen she keeps crying to stop him to get her pregnant so they can be always together.
The problem is that the situation was so unbearably stupid it comes off as too extreme.

>> No.12629208

Going to try Alicesoft's new game I guess. Hopefully it won't explode.

>> No.12629515

It's in my backlog actually. Just clearing out some older games first. I'd appreciate it if you posted your opinions afterwards.

>> No.12629583

Arunaru (Rance translator) seemed to enjoy it so far.

>> No.12629721
Quoted by: >>12629862

Please tell us if it's actually fun to play.
The recent Alicesoft games was tedious to play.

>> No.12629815
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, akichan pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the game but I only did the good end. A lot of h-scenes (with animation) than I expected but there's some plot development that leads to the overall story. Really nice graphics and I am anticipating the third game from this series.

Shizuku best girl.

>> No.12629833
Quoted by: >>12634191

amagami +

>> No.12629862

Different anon but I've also been playing the new Alicesoft game up to chapter 3 and have been enjoying it so far. The characters and their interactions are enjoyable, if a little cliche.

As for the world itself it feels very cartoony and light-hearted, which I think fits the game well, making it more enjoyable to read without feeling too heavy. The protagonist fits this as well, with his completely straight yet out-of-touch personality; he feels like an older Sagara Sousuke from FMP.

As for the game itself, it plays pretty much like Fire Emblem, even down to what I assume are RNG based level up stats. My only issue so far is lack of money, which is either my fault or the lack of battles so far.

My only complaint would be the art, but that's more a personal issue as I'm not a fan of the art from 母娘乱館. The faces especially resemble the art from that game, which I'm not too partial of. Overall though a pretty solid game so far.

>> No.12629947

When did masada start writing random moege?

>> No.12630007

When he practices his simplified Chinese.

>> No.12630011
Quoted by: >>12630135

Its not moege. Sex to story ratio there is 9:1.

>> No.12630135
Quoted by: >>12630157

You're right. An average moege is more like 10:0.

>> No.12630157

lmaooooo good one m8

>> No.12630687
Quoted by: >>12630834

I'm getting an error like this [範囲チェック] when trying to begin a new game, how to fix?

>> No.12630834
Quoted by: >>12632623

Win 98 Japanese version in a VM?

>> No.12630875 [SPOILER] 
File: 277 KB, 1278x715, 1414326977338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12631013

So I finally finished all routes in Nanairo Reincarnation after putting it off for quite a while after finishing Kotori's route and being quite satisfied with the endings. Which ending did you like the best /jp/?

>> No.12631013
Quoted by: >>12632265

I'll be honest, I mostly stopped paying attention and skipped through a lot of scenes when it became clear that Kotori was gonna the center of every route. She's just not interesting at all.

>> No.12631266 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1283x727, 1414338414950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing サツコイ
I didn't see this coming at all. Fuck, protagonist killed him like it was nothing too. .

Anyway, does /jp/ prefer protagonist to use 俺 or 僕?

>> No.12631405

Ore because I ain't no pansy ass boku.

>> No.12631486
File: 117 KB, 1296x758, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting 晴のちきっと菜の花びより now, mostly because of the Anzu Mitsu/Kadowaki Mai voice acting.

Also, the osananajimi is so clingy, I had to stop to check if there's a yandere route (there isn't)

>> No.12631496

Boku is for beta male and gay.

>> No.12631508
Quoted by: >>12631516

僕 tend to be more interesting.

>> No.12631516

Because 99% vn's protagonist use ore instead of boku.

>> No.12631525

why's that

>> No.12631919
Quoted by: >>12631958

The real question is, 我 or 俺様.

>> No.12631943
Quoted by: >>12631956

I've seen a lot of boku. And it pisses me off. Especially when the protagonist is a complete hetare.

>> No.12631956
Quoted by: >>12632007

Wouldn't it be a lot weirder for a complete hetare to use ore?

>> No.12631958


>> No.12632007

They could at least try and use ore. Boku is basically them giving up at the starting line.

>> No.12632025
File: 112 KB, 917x685, sex ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12632212

Eroge sex education is killing me.

>> No.12632049
Quoted by: >>12632172


>> No.12632059


>> No.12632172
Quoted by: >>12632322

Only if that has a く in the reading.

>> No.12632212

Why didn't a sexy older anime teacher educate me about sex when I was still in school? Maybe I would've been more of a sucess...

>> No.12632215

I'm getting a nasty issue here, guys. I'm trying to play ひまわり!! -あなただけを見つめてる-, but I can't save my progress. The changes I do inside the config menu are being properly saved every time, but both save and quicksave always fail. What am I supposed to do? It's unplayable like this.

Installed and ran the game on Japanese locale, before you ask. It runs and shows all text properly.

>> No.12632225
Quoted by: >>12632287

Is your format in Jap too? If yes, then go look at the save folder. The name should be in proper Japanese text. If it's in gibberish, your locale/format isn't set properly.

>> No.12632265

I actually thought she was the best girl.

>> No.12632287
Quoted by: >>12632594

It's in proper Japanese, but the folder remains empty no matter how many times I save. No idea why it's glitching like this, especially because other settings are saved.

Reinstalling the

>> No.12632296


>> No.12632322

Watakushi a shit.

>> No.12632325

Hi. Has anybody here played Secret Game:Killer Queen? I need saves from it...

>> No.12632594
File: 410 KB, 1300x782, ひまわり!!_-あなただけを見つめてる-_2014-10-26_18-54-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12632635

No problem here. But I assume a reinstall fixed it for you.

>> No.12632615
File: 324 KB, 1281x729, ss+(2014-10-27+at+02.04.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632623
Quoted by: >>12633468

I guess I'll try this.

>> No.12632635

I had to leave for a while, but nope. Reinstalling did nothing. Different folder, different user account, nothing helps. I grabbed a save data from sagaoz and it works, all Extra mode with CG got unlocked. But the game won't save no matter what I do.

I'm forced on giving up on this game, I'll uninstall before I actually get angry at this crap.

>> No.12632694
File: 170 KB, 1286x764, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here again to rant uselessly about well established eroge tropes as usual. This time this is the culprit. Someone can't yawn or sneeze in front of a protagonist or they immediately go ARE YOU OK? YOU'RE NOT GETTING A COLD ARE YOU? ARE YOU SLEEPING ENOUGH? YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF
Shit, I getif you see your friend is yawning all the time you say it once, but you don't keep fucking saying it if it's clear they know what they're doing. Every single offender seems to repeat himself over and over on this shit. They act like a cold or a night of shitty sleep is equivalent to taking years off your lifespan, it's ridiculous. What is this guy supposed to be, an overprotective mother? If I were in the position of the heroine here, I might actually be offended. I'd be like: fuck you dude. You think you know the limits of my body better than I do? I can stay up if I want to, what the fuck are you gonna do about it? Hands off you possessive bastard, we started dating like yesterday. How are these kids supposed to get through japanese college if they think a night up is gonna murder them? Really.

Yeah I know it's pointless to complain about this kinda stuff, but I like getting it out.

>> No.12632697
Quoted by: >>12632712

That’s not an eroge trope, that’s just part of East-Asian cultures.

>> No.12632701
Quoted by: >>12632712

Calm down

>> No.12632702
Quoted by: >>12632712

> I'd be like: fuck you dude.
You should visit doctor and drink these sedative pills, this behavior is abnormal.

>> No.12632712

That seems to be the case when I find something generalized in eroge that annoys me a lot. It was the same with the constant apologizing. I think if I had to live in japan I'd end up killing myself, it seems horrible there.

I'm calm, I just write like this.

Oh, it's just a bit of hyperbole and you know it.

>> No.12632718

You’re getting irrationally upset over it—imagine some Japanese guy ranting on 2ch about how rude and brazen the characters in his American movies are.

>> No.12632745

Culture of submissiveness, what can you do. Unapologetic eroge protagonists are few and far between, treasure them when you find them.

>> No.12632746

But that kind of stuff almost always leads to some incident/drama down the road. It's called foreshadowing. A really shitty kind.

>> No.12632915
Quoted by: >>12632951

I know right. It's fucking torture. Fandisc bait. I just hope they release one, I want to believe.

>> No.12632930
Quoted by: >>12633501

I'm not reading the spoilers because I plan to read it, is it good? Or above average?

>> No.12632935
Quoted by: >>12633394

I dislike 僕 protags. And best choice is, obviously, oresama.

>> No.12632951
Quoted by: >>12632971

It's a lost case, give up. No Bitch-san for us.

>> No.12632971
Quoted by: >>12633438

It can't be, the amount of people complaining about it in the 2ch thread was insane, and she got 4th place in the poll. If they don't I'll burn myself in front of Marmalde's HQ.

>> No.12633040
File: 119 KB, 658x527, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Hatsukoi. Went through Anzu's route first, obviously, since I'd heard it's one of the best incest routes and that's what got me interested in the game in the first place. While there is some drama regarding the incest (unlike so many sister routes unfortunately) it's overall fairly minimal and is resolved easily, basically resolving itself, so the route was pretty unsatisfying. Anzu is cute though.

On Komomo's route now and shit gets pretty fucking weird, sometimes in a good way and sometimes not. More interesting than Anzu's route at least.

>> No.12633058
Quoted by: >>12633434

I remember reading that years ago. At least the parents actually had something to say about the incest for once. I think I've only played one other game where that was the case. It's normally a stupid cop-out like the parents are dead or the route ends without the parents learning about their relationship or something.

>> No.12633394

Best choice is 儂

>> No.12633413
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 46007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my fault, sorry. It was one of the first I'd ever played back when I regularly talked about incest games on /jp/ and it started a translation effort that fell through.

Hope you can forgive me.

I think my favorite now would be the sister route in Magical Charming. It gave me moegasms.

If moe isn't your thing try Clover Point. It's genetic sexual attraction between siblings who've never met before which is a real condition. I tend to avoid straight drama though. It often frustrates and annoys me. I like fluffy fuzzy cute over relationship problems and drama.

Also maybe Nekonade Distortion, although I didn't like it particularly well, it's so long that it drags.

>> No.12633434

It's pretty much one of the only games where the siblings actually cry and suffer in fear of being actually separated. Then the father falls from overwork and the mother pretend to not see it. Felt pretty heavy back in 2002~2004, when incest routes were not common.

Anzu is still one of my favorite imoutos, even though it's one of the few VNs where i enjoyed all the routes.

>> No.12633437
Quoted by: >>12633446

How's nekonade from the incest fetish perspective?

I heard the catgirl is their mom, but i'm wondering if they play with this on the H scenes or it's there just for plot reasons. And the imouto and big sis too.

>> No.12633438

Post your charred corpse when you do it, bro.

>> No.12633446

You can fuck your loli virgin mother, your younger sister, or your older sister. Never did the cat's route.

Story begins with a night of shooting stars, you wish your sister hadn't died, she comes back to life.

Apparently your whole family got their wishes. Your father turns young, your mother too (and becomes a virgin again), your elder sister becomes hot, and your cat becomes human.

There's several incest games /jp/ can recommend that aren't my style so I never picked them up. Like Hoshizora no Memoria. So I don't know how good some of them get.

>> No.12633468

>>12632623 here, it's working now but there is no bgm playing. I have sound working in the vmware, battle sound effects play fine.

I noticed that the disc files is 500mb, but the actual contents only adds up to 150mb. I don't know the file names of the bgm to be sure, but perhaps they're missing.

>> No.12633494

Didn't know you still posted here, glad you're still around. Although your posts about it were part of the hype it's also highly praised on Japanese imouto sites (or at least Anzu herself is, which makes more sense). The route was still enjoyable enough, just disappointing compared to what I was expecting.

It seems most people here don't like drama. I do, which often puts my tastes at odds with general opinion here. Like my favorite incest game is Uchi no Imouto no Baai, which is melodramatic as fuck. (The brother-sister also aren't actually related but they feel more like real siblings than just about any blood-related eroge siblings.)

Clover Point is on my list but I was worried it might be too moe-oriented. Glad to hear otherwise.

>> No.12633501

It's been really enjoyoyable me. Great comedy,characters and pacing. Protagonist also quite exceptional. Just try it.

>> No.12633525

You're not alone, I fucking love drama. It's one of the reasons I'm disappointed by most incest stuff; so much great drama potential there, and it's basically never utilized.

>> No.12633559

I also like drama and some degree of realism in incest. When everyone accepts it quick and fine and nothing happens it feels too fake and gets boring after a few times, but that's me.

>> No.12633773
File: 129 KB, 1273x713, Lovesick Puppies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of face is this? I can't picture one.

>> No.12633781

It's an おっぱいでけえ! face, are you blind?

>> No.12633853

The face in the sight of huge tits, of course. Must be something of disappointment or mild disgust, depending on the person.

>> No.12633902
Quoted by: >>12634492

This clingy osananajimi is the true end and the main heroine though, I didn't like her as a character that much but iam excited for her route. Iam on Nanoka route now, Iam not usually into loli characters but she is my favorite heroine in the game and the best loli I met this far. Her and Konomi are the only heroines I liked, it will be a drag to finish the other two to get Konomi end. Someone motivate me.

>> No.12634191
File: 520 KB, 1000x1318, アオサ - ひびきちゃ〜ん!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already beat that actually.

>> No.12634213

Are Majikoi titles worth reading?

>> No.12634377
Quoted by: >>12634571

Personally, I really thought they only had the voice cast going for them, everything else was pretty middling.

>> No.12634379
Quoted by: >>12634571

In my opinion they are very solid comedy titles. They're actually my favorite comedy eroge, now that I think about it.

>> No.12634422
Quoted by: >>12634571

Yeah. It falls part when it tries to do drama, because as soon as you take it seriously, everything looks dumb. But the rest is a fun ride.

>> No.12634441
Quoted by: >>12634467

/jp/ has anyone read Friends and can tell how is it? It's very important. (I consider if I should buy it or not) http://vndb.org/v9267

>> No.12634467
Quoted by: >>12634511

I haven't played it, but I'm curious what made you interested in that particular game.

It seems to be in the lower spectrum of average with lots of complaints. Unless there is something specific you really like about it, it could be a waste of money.

>> No.12634492

I like Konomi so far (if you don't, you probably won't even get though the first hour of the game), so that sounds fine too.

I'm not that exited for the other two either, but as long as Nanoka and Konomi are good, I'll probably be able to tolerate the rest.

>> No.12634500
Quoted by: >>12634571


>> No.12634506
Quoted by: >>12634571

I didn't care for the art or Takahiro's spastic writing style, and the drama is all kinds of retarded. Unless you really like your seiyuu jokes, I'd recommend skipping it.

>> No.12634511

I like this art style and heroines types, and disc is really cheap, but I know nothing about the story and haven't heard about it before.

>> No.12634543
Quoted by: >>12634571

The best part is the common route, everything after that is just really stale

>> No.12634571


Thanks. It does sound more middling than I'd think. Elsewhere they get praised a lot... although elsewhere anything with English patches gets praised.

Obviously I'd read them in Japanese. But now I'm not so sure. And my backlog is already gigantic, so I guess I won't pointlessly add to it.

>> No.12634574
Quoted by: >>12634909

Try tsuyokiss instead, if you like it, there's some chance you like maji, some.

>> No.12634685

Ah, that's too bad. I'd still recommend reading it whenever you're in the mood for the fun life of a group of friends. I always really like strong friendship elements in games, and I think Majikoi is great at it.

>> No.12634710

Is Majikoi similar to Tsujidou?

>> No.12634715

>(The brother-sister also aren't actually related but they feel more like real siblings than just about any blood-related eroge siblings.)

That's one of Kusarihime's many strengths. You should check it out if you haven't already, it really nails that familial collapse that comes as a result of it.

>> No.12634722

The several incest layers of Kusarihime were so fucked up.

>> No.12634747

Yes and no. Sakakikasa clearly tried to emulate Takahiro's style to a certain extent and it has the same "strong independent heroines" thing going, but Tsujidou has a bigger focus on drama. Personally, I didn't really enjoy Majikoi but Tsujidou was okay.

>> No.12634793

It had an annoying 'this girl is the main heroine, feel bad for not choosing her' thing going on, which was quite bad because Tsujidou bothered to cause drama about it in other routes.

>> No.12634909
Quoted by: >>12634925

I loved Tsuyokiss but I disliked Majikoi surprisingly. It might just be because I was neutral/dislike for the characters in Majikoi save a few side chars, but loved the ones in Tsuyokiss. There were a few times that I'd get irritated in Tsuyokiss (mainly involving Hime), but nowhere near the level of Majikoi.

I think Tsuyokiss may be the only non-scenario-ge where I did all the routes instead of just the girls I liked. It's actually my favorite moege/charage/whatever the right term'd be so far. And it had one of my favorite heroines of all time, favorite male friend characters, only yandere I've seen so far that I didn't find retarded, and 2 of my favorite VAs. So I guess it's not surprising Majikoi wasn't up to par.

>> No.12634925
Quoted by: >>12634981

since there is no samesuga at majikoi this is not even worth of discussing. Tsuyokiss > Majikoi.

>> No.12634981
Quoted by: >>12634993

No Subaru either so the homolust joke scenes weren't nearly as good too.

>> No.12634993
Quoted by: >>12635009

Yeah, actually the whole friendship thing was much better portrayed in Tsuyokiss than in Majikoi.
You could actually feel that Leo, Kani, Subaru, Samesuga was an actual group of friends who had fun being together, in Majikoi's case it just feels like they are a bunch of strangers

>> No.12635009
Quoted by: >>12635055

>it just feels like they are a bunch of strangers
It just felt like they lived together and that was about it,
Even the 'heroine the MC has a past with' was way better in it, Sunao is love.

>> No.12635055

Seriously sunao can go to my top 10 tsundere easily. Original tsuyokiss was such a masterpiece; a yandere who is not a retard, an awesome tsundere, an ojousama who does not break her ojousama personality in her route, great male friends, great comedy etc etc. Unfortunately nigakki is so bad that I couldnt finish it and start sangakki yet.

>> No.12635068

>Seriously sunao can go to my top 10 tsundere easily.
What's good about her is that she has proper reasons to act like a tsun/be a cunt towards the MC, I like girls who can display that kind of animosity towards the MC.

>> No.12635170

>not reading the glorious cudder translation
JOPs please go

>> No.12635201
Quoted by: >>12635430

I'm glad I looked at EGS comments before deciding to play 2, feel like I really dodged a bullet there. I still haven't worked up the motivation to play 3, even though it seems to be pretty good, I can only imagine it falling flat after the 1st (especially since different writer). Though I am really interested in Tonfa route.
Which reminds me I'm still bitter about no Kuu anything. I'd even be fine with an omake h-scene from Murata POV or some shit. I always wished VNs would do that once in a while, like once you clear, there could be a little extra non-canon story or h-scene for a subcharacter. It could even be someone else beside the protag if it wouldn't make sense. Because sometimes writers really go out of their way to make subcharacters seem cute which kills me even though I know it's probably for fandisc possibilities.

>> No.12635206

Is https://vndb.org/r16287 the release to grab? Seems like it has extra content compared to the original release, but sometimes these updated releases tend to be fucked up somehow.

>> No.12635222

It is, it gets an additional ending for Erika's route and all, you should do all her endings before Yoppi anyway.

>> No.12635344
Quoted by: >>12635420

>I think my favorite now would be the sister route in Magical Charming. It gave me moegasms.

That's next on my list to tackle, but even as an imouto fan, Orietta is too fucking good.


>> No.12635420
Quoted by: >>12635431

What's so great about this? How is overacting cute?

>> No.12635430
File: 272 KB, 1274x712, ss+(2014-10-27+at+11.51.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12636133

Original Tsuyokiss dont have sunao route, Full edition adds the sunao route from minikiss (fandisc) and 1 new h-scene for per heroine. Definitely play full edition, sunao is the best girl.

Cosmic Cute makes that h-scene thing, In lovesick puppies and gleamgarden no shoujo after finishing one route you can read two subcharacter's h-scenes in the extra. But still not having a route fpr Ageki and nothing for Ayano hurts, I guess I'll never be satisfied.

>> No.12635431
Quoted by: >>12635495

If overacting bothers you, abandon all Japanese media.

>> No.12635495
Quoted by: >>12635762

It doesn't. That seiyuu is just horrible at trying to portray cute, but she got annoying down perfectly.

>> No.12635528
File: 223 KB, 1366x768, geniuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From all those commentaries I kind of expected it but, Leyline 2 finale was just, wow.

Omaru sure is the best heroine.

>> No.12635545

Btw I kinda expected it but Unison Shift is releasing 3in1 box with bonuses, 10/10 would buy. http://unisonshift.amuse-c.jp/products/project26/top_ltb.html

>> No.12635586

Damn, I've seen praise for it all around. Better read it before the 3rd one comes out so I can ride it out with everyone.

>> No.12635762

Literally hating on best voice.

Though she was definitely overacting here.


>> No.12635764

It's like the 'dat ass' face of years past, but for big titties.

Another game that's on my backlog. Actually pretty high up on it, if I can ever manage to stick to some sort of order of priority.

>> No.12635766

That reminds me, lunch with Yaya was pretty great.


>> No.12636107
Quoted by: >>12636131

My thoughts exactly. It was a real deal breaker. Well, I hated the comedy too, from my first impression it was just dumb "wacky" shit I hated, but when I found out Bicchi had no route I sort of flipped my shit and quit.

Maybe I'll pick it back up for Kanna but what a waste, really. Not making a fandisk for her at this point would be an absolute fucking disgrace.

>> No.12636131
Quoted by: >>12636136

Oh yeah, and while I'm on the note of slutty heroines, anyone know any games with a good one like Bicchi-san? Playing Primal x Hearts gave me a craving for it now and deprived me of it.

>> No.12636133

They are worth reading. I still think Majikoi is really overrated though. Granted, The game is very enjoyable but that's only how far it goes. None of the heroines give any impression on me and the story is something you will forget the next day after you play it. I personally give it a solid 7.

I want to give her some dicking too. It's killing me.

>> No.12636136
Quoted by: >>12636142

But bitchy-san is not an authentic bitch.

>> No.12636142

Okay, give me the authentic bitch experience then.

Like I mentioned, I didn't bother even getting half-way through Primal Hearts, but I'm going to make my best guess and say they went with the whole "pretends to be a slut but is actually a virgin" thing.

>> No.12636236
Quoted by: >>12637313

>"pretends to be a slut but is actually a virgin" thing
I don't know why that type of thing bothers me so much. Guess kind of in the same vein of a girl who acts confident/strong/haughty/etc then you get to her route and she turns into a blushing stuttering delicate flower. Well I'm biased since I like heroines who are at least a little assertive h-scene/romance-wise.

I mean, I think there would be something kind of cute about a genuine bitch heroine. At first the protag would be just another fuckbuddy but eventually he turns "special" and "teaches her to love" or some shit like that. Would be pretty hard to suspend your disbelief though.

>> No.12636289

It's pretty much explained on this post anon. >>12632615 ,Your texthook didn't work or something?

>> No.12636450

Lots of bitches in nukige, especially recently. Closest to the authentic experience of dating a slut is probably Torikaekko Shiyo (you even get to watch her have sex with other guys!).

>> No.12636465
File: 1.30 MB, 1286x764, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed this character a lot, even though she's not really my style (not especially into dominant women). But unfortunately, her route was a disaster. Mostly the last hour or two.

When it was revealed that the issue was an arranged marriage of all things I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly saw my own brain. I mean really, that's what you went with? And then they just drop like half a dozen H-scenes on your lap and it ends.
Jesus. Someone dropped the ball on this one.

>> No.12636677
File: 114 KB, 800x600, Koshiki Miyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they ever make a sidestory for Kengo and Koshiki?

>> No.12636757
File: 991 KB, 1280x720, EV0521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12636794

For all my soul mates who are complaining about bitch-san, seems like there is a similiar heroine in 南十字星恋歌. I dont know her personality since I will play that game a little later, but at least her appearance is just like her.

>> No.12636794
Quoted by: >>12636811

Isn't that just gyaru?
Gyaru are pretty awesome too though.

>> No.12636811

Gotta bear with that, at least until the FD comes.

>> No.12637196
Quoted by: >>12637822

This month seems pretty underwhelming. Mayoeru Futari seems to be the only game that isn't moege.
I guess I'll just pickup Ane Yome this month since the art is by Hisasi and work on my backlog.

>> No.12637205

This was pretty much the first VN I played, before I knew Japanese worth a shit. I only played the bad ends because I really wanted to fuck Megumi and the concept of branching plot was lost on me.

Later on somebody told me that I missed the entire plot and I went back and actually reread it properly. Then I felt bad about it.

Oh well.

>> No.12637240
File: 157 KB, 516x440, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond...

>> No.12637301 [DELETED] 

texthook general

>> No.12637313

It's the whole notion of characters pretending to be something they're not. It's one of the reasons why I can't stand Michiru even after reading her route.

>> No.12637358
Quoted by: >>12637408

So on a whim I downloaded the translated version of F/HA and dear god, this is a horrible, horrible clusterfuck. With no hyperbole, I can say that this is barely coherent at all, hardly better than a machine translation. And then I realized, was the F/SN translation also in this state? Did I read it like this and just not realize because I was new to eroge?

So what I'm asking is, is it worth going back and rereading FSN in japanese?

>> No.12637408

I've been rereading FSN these days and honestly, it's not really worth going through the japanese version specifically, the japanese version is probably better (I never did the translation) but the text is, let say not very interesting to begin with
Better keep it the way it looks through rose-tinted glasses

>> No.12637822

Alicesoft's new game is pretty good. If you don't mind eroge SRPGs, it's worth taking a look into.

>> No.12637954 [DELETED] 

What's the most feminist moege you have ever read?

>> No.12638132
Quoted by: >>12640859

It might be the same problem as Rance IV not playing BGM in modern systems. I can't remember what I did exactly, it had something to do with Winamp playing the music for you.

>> No.12638152
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, top_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here waiting for this?

>> No.12638170

Holy shit, what's up with that art?

>> No.12638175

>H.I design office(HINOUE ITARU design office)
Yeah... I don't think so.

>> No.12638491
File: 152 KB, 1296x758, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the game is joking about it

>> No.12639299
File: 162 KB, 640x360, c817017sample1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried すたーらいと★アイドル -COLORFUL TOP STAGE!-. I wasn't expecting anything, obviously, but this is even more annoying than I imagined.

From the beginning, it's only nagging, bitching, shit goes wrong, nothing works, "oh no X was hospitalized!", "I quit!", "no I'm the one to quit!" blablablablabla

It's not even depressing, it's just irritating to read something that completely unbalanced. We Suck: The VN. I'll keep reading, but meh. If it goes on for more hours I'll drop.

>> No.12640859

I don't get music in Jap Windows 98 as well.

>> No.12640867

Use _inmm.dll and patch the exe.
Old eroge have problem playing CDDA music.

>> No.12640938

New thread

>> No.12641655

actual new thread

