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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 295 KB, 1280x850, Comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11228579 No.11228579 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11228590 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11228590_1

I'm always looking forward to fucking your mom

>> No.11228590,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry that was mean

I shouldn't shitpost in an actually related thread, I'll delete it

>> No.11228627
Quoted by: >>11228845

I'm not really into the doujinshi scene, are there any particular circles/groups that you fancy OP?

>> No.11228708

Electric Red

>> No.11228748

non shitty Yukinon and Kotori form DeitoLive doujin.

>> No.11228771

lewd doujiin.

>> No.11228780


>> No.11228794

Anything by たくみなむち.

>> No.11228845
File: 104 KB, 413x248, 1309254060849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I can't find a proper list of all the things so if someone know where to find that.

I know i am waiting for the full release of TH14, that's for sure.

>> No.11228924

the same as every comiket, music and porn

>> No.11229045

Definitely all the Kuroko Basket.

>> No.11229056

All the Hibiki doujins.

>> No.11229284

Music and 2hu porn

>> No.11229399

Going again this year on my way back from visiting home.

Probably go to a least a dozen doujin circles booths and get their latest releases(Jackpot, Enuma Elish, Ohigetan, Digital Lover, Rustle, Gust, etc)

>> No.11229409

Looking forward to Touhou 14.

Also for anything by Kinku, Satetsu, Higenamuchi, Kanyapi, Shiwasu no Okina, Narusawa Kei.

>> No.11229413
Quoted by: >>11229424

Bomb threats.

>> No.11229424
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 1374685040885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11229431

So far I have three Touhou doujinshi on preorder from Melonbooks, and I'll be ordering a couple more from the previous Reitaisai and Comiket. It's going to be the by far the best haul ever.

>> No.11229435

/jp/ meetup?

>> No.11229443
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, [Freelance-Raws] Suisei no Gargantia - 02 (TV Quality BDrip 1280x720 H.264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.58_[2013.04.09_19.37.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11229451

gargantia porn

>> No.11229451

it will all be boring shitty vanilla rape.

>> No.11229534

I hope Chokudoukan releases something this time. They took a break last comiket and their website hasnt been updated so im a little scared.

>> No.11229535
Quoted by: >>11229591

Fuck off

>> No.11229540
Quoted by: >>11261420

A new volume from MTSP

>> No.11229543

I am looking forward to new scat doujins

>> No.11229591
Quoted by: >>11230062

epic fitting in you fucking gigantic retard. Go jump under a train.

>> No.11229613
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, gargantia pixiv girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a tons of them

>> No.11229639

TH14 BGM. Outside of that I don't know, I prefer to be surprised so I don't look at upcoming releases.

Also do you guys want to try sticking to one thread this time? In the past having uploads and discussion in one thread worked just fine, and with google docs and DS I don't really see the need for a neat archive.

>> No.11229647
File: 122 KB, 566x800, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11230055
Quoted by: >>11230059

Hammer had a live stream on Nick last night. She was drawing a remiflan yuri scene that looks super cute. Apparently there will be a futa rumia as well.

Man she's so lewd, couldnt stop talking about omanman

>> No.11230059


>> No.11230062

Just leave

>> No.11230069

I'll tell you what I'm not looking foreward to, /a/ coming over and yelling about "where is this doujin? Why isn't it translated? Stop lying to me, give me the doujins" when it's not even the porn day and that's that's been released is music.

>> No.11230550

Why would you give more of a shit about what /a/ does than the actual content of the event?

>> No.11232207
File: 90 KB, 420x314, 1309568133368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares?

>> No.11232294
Quoted by: >>11235565

The music. It's the only reason I ever visit /jp/. I read some of the doujins eventually, but I get that stuff from sadpanda threads on /a/.

I'm most looking forward to the new release by Sakuzyo.

>> No.11232298


>> No.11232304


>> No.11233406

I'm still lamenting how a ton of stuff from the last Reitaisai was never uploaded.

>> No.11233439

Nerither of my favourite artist aren't going to release interesting doujin, no interesting upcoming dakimakura, so the only thing I look forward to is potential re-release and music.
Haven't stayed up to date with the pixiv and all though.

Not him but noise pollution.

>> No.11233547
File: 84 KB, 420x248, 008148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11236251

Holy smuggin' bubbles! Now I can't wait to see Satori being a highschool girl in a story.

>> No.11233560


>> No.11233563

Any and all the good doujins with my fetishes in it.

>> No.11234274
File: 355 KB, 811x1147, 37274794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11234443


>> No.11234314

Not much. Haven't looked at the doujin scene much, and DDC doesn't interest me at all.
When is Comiket again? I forget.

>> No.11234339
File: 729 KB, 750x1031, 37129347_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11234395
File: 233 KB, 600x450, 1327803321385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a preview of C84-games? I hope for some cool non-3D platformers.

>> No.11234415
Quoted by: >>11234430

Ctrl + f
labyrinth of touhou 2

>no hits

This kills the Dungeon Crawler fan.

>> No.11234419
Quoted by: >>11280720

Hopefully Orange Coffee comes out with something. There's a lot more I'd like to see, but I can't think of any names, really. I'll probably just end up downloading everything anyway.

>> No.11234430
Quoted by: >>11234516

Speak for yourself.
Love me an RPG but LoT sucked. I don't expect much better from the sequel.

>> No.11234436

What is the significance of Futo being in an image with the AVGN?

>> No.11234443


>> No.11234466

Futaba just loves 2hus and James Rolfe.

>> No.11234516
Quoted by: >>11234521


RPG =/= Dungeon Crawler

The difference could save your life one day.

>> No.11234521

Well I like dungeon crawlers too and still hated LoT.

>> No.11234567

h manga
I don't care about the music anymore

>> No.11234606
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, BR_ss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new AQUA STYLE game, Bullet Report.

>> No.11234613

Rozen Maiden

>> No.11235317


waiting warmly

>> No.11235320

I've put off looking forward to Comiket until I'm done learning Japanese.

>> No.11235335
File: 7 KB, 232x231, my body is reggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm holding out for the 1/1000 chance someone will actual buy, scan, and upload hard core tenchi muyo girl doujins

>> No.11235352
Quoted by: >>11235356

How many comikets were you planning to miss until then?

>> No.11235356

Three after this one, maybe? I'll catch up eventually.

>> No.11235357
Quoted by: >>11235543

Do we have anyinfo on this beyond that image?
Their website didn't teach me much.

Other than how they are also going to release a soundtrack of Miracle Party, alongside with an art-book.

>> No.11235358

Touhou m1 grand prix remake

>> No.11235359

Everything. Comiket is better than having two christmases a year.

>> No.11235363
File: 2.92 MB, 211x194, invisible orgasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the previous comiket
>half of the vendors won't sell to me because they think i'm there to scan and upload
>the other half think i'm tom hanks and want to pose with me for photographs
>fuck a guy dressed like miku that thinks i'm tom hanks later that night

>> No.11235380


>>half of the vendors won't sell to me because they think i'm there to scan and upload

This is what I'd be most worried about if I went to Comiket. I spend all that money and time getting there only to be denied the things I wanted to buy.

>> No.11235386


Wasn't it something about the worst character from the worst game or something? I could and probably am totally off about that, though, I can't remember the explanation somebody wrote out last time.

>> No.11235389
File: 111 KB, 478x640, generational differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what my friend does
he pays a cute local girl 400 dollars per day
he goes through the various stalls while she waits
he then hands her a list of things to buy
she buys them with his money
he then takes her back to his hotel and fucks her
sometimes it could a ladyboy
sometimes a chubby milf
one time a 13 year old girl that lied about her age

>> No.11235391


Because event threads are more or less ruined by crossboarders, and /jp/sies getting mad at crossboarders. We haven't had a decent one in years. In all honesty it's just better to go to doujinstyle since it's all the same uploads but without the shit.

>> No.11235416

Just porn honestly. Never was much into the music, and I'm a little tired of the non-H stuff for whatever reason.

>> No.11235422

>comiket poor nerds
>refusing money

>> No.11235427
Quoted by: >>11235435

white and black people are blackballed at comiket
some times they'll try to chase you away with chopsticks
it's how my cousin lost his nipples
swear on me mum

>> No.11235433

That sounds hot.

>> No.11235435

you forgot to say that they do it after you pay lol

>> No.11235489

Nice greentexting and memeing there, /v/-kun.

>> No.11235508

My Satorin can't possibly be this lewd.

>> No.11235519
File: 20 KB, 317x330, 1374952178208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you looking forward to?

Inoue Kiyoshirou

>> No.11235522
Quoted by: >>11235525

Is your friend a sex tourist?

>> No.11235525

he's just ugly

>> No.11235536
Quoted by: >>11235548

So is that 400 + money to buy stuff or are the things she buy paid with the 400 dollars?

>> No.11235542

I completely agree with that mother.

>> No.11235543
File: 8 KB, 300x300, BPxIaeiCIAEU41g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They released a proto/alpha version of the game earlier this year if you want to see how it will play.
It was just a tech demo of the engine they are using for the game.


They will open a teaser site later.

>> No.11235548

she gets paid 400
she also gets a hot lunch and dinner

>> No.11235560
Quoted by: >>11235568

that's really expensive

>> No.11235565
Quoted by: >>11262268

I download everything that I can get my hands on, and just delete what I end disliking.

Damn, this is why I prefer to remain oblivious about the incoming releases.
Because that way I won't get sad when what I want doesn't get uploaded, and any release I wasn't expecting from my favorite circles gets uploaded is like an early Christmas present.

>It's the only reason I ever visit /jp/.
But /jp/ is a nice place... to be hot and bothered all day.

Cosplay as a sinsack, problem solved.

>> No.11235568
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Din.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11235572

Looking forward to never properly putting things where they should be on my HD again.
I still have unsorted stuff from a few years back.

>> No.11235578
Quoted by: >>11235587

So is that cheap for a whore in japan or not?

>> No.11235587

depends on how good the girl looks
a really hot chick would charge 400 dollars just to fart in your open mouth

>> No.11235699
File: 197 KB, 957x298, qrblberqwbfuoqwfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11245131

Doujinshi from:
Enuma Elish (A Senjougahara & Kanbaru work is on the way)
RUBBISH Senbetsutai (RE18 is on the way, fuck yes!)
Transient Melody (with an original and a SnK work coming out)

and hopefully releases from Bolze, Kansai Orange, and Paranoia Cat.

>half of the vendors won't sell to me because they think i'm there to scan and upload.

Fuck. If that were to happen to me I'd be filled with a mix a rage and sadness.

This is why I like online vendors. They can be overpriced but they're willing to sell.

>> No.11235766

video game

>> No.11235840

Scat doujins of any media

would be nice to see a scat geimu

>> No.11236120


>> No.11236177
Quoted by: >>11236318

Maybe Leopard will release a new tank.
Maybe he'll do something that isn't crying rape.


But I'm also looking forwards to Drill Jill's Getter book. Hopefully will be able to snag the first two off mandarake if it's kind.

>> No.11236231
File: 565 KB, 1200x1694, matsumotoreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Matsumoto Drill Kenkyuujo.

>> No.11236251


>> No.11236260

why is there so much fucking text on the cover.

it's not even a weekly manga.

>> No.11236318
Quoted by: >>11243586

Yeah. The Drill Jill is all I am really looking forward to.

>> No.11236323

Uno Makoto, Katou Jun.

>> No.11236351
Quoted by: >>11236364

Wait is that doujin out?

>> No.11236364


nigga it's been out for more than a year now.


>> No.11236389

Oh yeah I did see it. My bad homie. I just forgot about it.

>> No.11236405
Quoted by: >>11236414

It's been so long and no translation yet, despite being a Matsumoto work.

Must be his awful handwriting past page 21.

>> No.11236414

Some anon around here translated it up to page 17 and then the thread was deleted by a mod.

>> No.11236432

I'm going to Comiket for the first time. Scan requests? What are some things from Reitaisai where people are disappointed that they didn't get scanned?

>> No.11236438

scan 90's anime stuff
they keep making it but nobody scans it

>> No.11237707

O...okay, Reimu.

>> No.11237762

Bomber Grape's new stuff.

>> No.11237769

Also going for the first time this year.
/jp/ meetup?

>> No.11237922


>> No.11237931
Quoted by: >>11238640

Didn't want to start a thread for this but any recommended places in Akiba?

>> No.11237934


>> No.11237992
Quoted by: >>11238671

Is it okay to go alone?
I always see those nerds with their groups

>> No.11238640
Quoted by: >>11238671

This is my first time at Comiket, and I'm looking forward to the music, mostly. I honestly wouldn't mind a /jp/ meetup.

What are you looking for?

>> No.11238665
Quoted by: >>11238692

I'm looking forward to having out of body-like experiences again due to my social anxiety. Each time I go to a convention it's a struggle but comiket is the worst, absolutely. Of course I sweat a lot (down my back) and my mind races so fast that I can't even focus on anything. and at the worst points I feel like just hiding somewhere.

Usually i will try my best to be intoxicated before and and while im visiting but thats not always possible to do so. Oh and I look forward mostly to looking at girls in cosplay.

>> No.11238667
Quoted by: >>11238739

Anyone wanna /jp/ meet up in Akiba today?

>> No.11238674

I am most looking forward to the swarms of retards from other boards coming here to mingle it up and janny babysitting their off-topic threads

>> No.11238671

Having a /jp/ group at c84 would be pretty cool

>> No.11238691
File: 2.16 MB, 4272x2848, jp_meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a /jp/ meetup pretty much every Comiket.

This is from C81.

>> No.11238692
Quoted by: >>11238727

It sounds like you could do with a boyfriend. My boyfriend helps me a lot when I go outside, he's really kind and patient and asks me if I need to take a break. Sometimes it gets bad when there are a lot of people but he finds somewhere quiet and hugs me and everything feels better.

>> No.11238702
Quoted by: >>11238708

d-did you fug? which ones are grills?

>> No.11238708

You cannot tell grills by the doujinshi they are holding ? Ha Ha !!

>> No.11238711

I feel sorry for the rightmost /jp/er. He held his comic book too low, and all we can see is his balding head.

>> No.11238727
Quoted by: >>11238776

Oh im not gay. I like girls but if you meant a friend whos a guy that might be nice although the hugging would be weird.

>> No.11238739

I may be able to come, depending on the time

If someone organized one, I would go.

>> No.11238752

Some new music. I think Touhou arranges need some post-rock/shoegaze albums.

>> No.11238776
Quoted by: >>11238788

Sorry, I thought you were a girl.

>> No.11238784

Do you speak japanese at /jp/ meetups or are they all full of english only peasants buying comics they cant even read?

>> No.11238788

no problem. Maybe a girlfriend could do those things for me.

>> No.11238794
Quoted by: >>11238801

this is why i dont do /jp/ meetups. most of them are weebs.

>> No.11238801
File: 2.22 MB, 320x180, jp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11238819
File: 199 KB, 568x720, 2nd_jack_thum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gattling Cat always makes some of the best games.

>> No.11238824
Quoted by: >>11240209

/jp/ meet up at melon books in Akiba at 2:00 pm

>> No.11238830
Quoted by: >>11238833

Probably why I pretty much avoid /jp/ meetups every year.

>> No.11238833
Quoted by: >>11238871

I'm sure the c84 one will be better

>> No.11238840 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 252x396, brain problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11238852

why is this allowed?
jesus ZUN get your shit together

>> No.11238850

I'd rather go alone.
I look like a real Japanese, just my eyes that are different, and I dont want to walk with a bunch of blonde hair and blue eyes dirty gaijin.

>> No.11238857
Quoted by: >>11238870

Would you walk with a Mexican?

>> No.11238852

look at this baka

>> No.11238870

only if he didn't wear a sombrero

>> No.11238871

I doubt it. Besides there being something really creepy about a group of awkward gaijin otaku, most of the people at those meetups aren't even /jp/ers and just use the board as an alternative to /soc/ for comiket.

>> No.11238930
Quoted by: >>11239217

Oh so your eyes are different? That makes you more dirty than blonde and blue eyes, Chinese scum.
I'm an avid /jp/ user I even schedule my shit posting and touhou discussion!

>> No.11239217

I'm not Chinese, I don't have slanty eyes.

>> No.11239943

>scan 90's anime stuff
>they keep making it but nobody scans it

>> No.11239950

Have you been to one of them before? Are you they one they left to die on a Tokyo night?

>> No.11240034

>Are you they one the left to die on a Tokyo night?

No, I am. I hope you are all prepared for my devastating revenge, for it shall come soon. Very, very soon...

>> No.11240061

Damn, what a bunch of assholes.

>> No.11240209
Quoted by: >>11281339

There are two. Which one are you talking about?
Since it's raining, I may or may not be able to make it.

>> No.11243586

The fact that he still doesn't have a weekly robot manga makes me quite angry.
Same goes for Matsumoto fucking it up with Champion Red and spending too much time on lesbians than robots. Well that and ripping off the Takemikazuchi.

>> No.11245050

is /jp/ hardcore enough to get there at 4am and do ote circle ?
if so, at least the meetup can be used as a way to make queuing more efficient by buying for others.

You know, like other group.

>> No.11245131

I was just skimming the thread and saw this discussion. At first I was wondering what the heck because I have never been refused anything. Then it turned into some sex fantasy which obviously isn't true because they expect you to buy and not browse after you wait in line for half an hour. It just wouldn't make sense for you on them to do it that way.

>> No.11250835

I want games. I am hoping there will be tons of good games.

>> No.11250923
File: 219 KB, 345x410, 0124579688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are aware that this Comiket will be a complete shit, right?

>> No.11250928

you are aware that the person running the venue comiket is located in has sub-negligible impact on the works released there, right?

>> No.11250933
Quoted by: >>11251084

I don't care about anything lewd from Comiket. It can be banned for all I care.

>> No.11250938
Quoted by: >>11250958

"I can't read Japanese!"

>> No.11250958
Quoted by: >>11250991

Actually, I can.
Japanese otaku are also concerned.

>> No.11250984

More Watosato

>> No.11250988
Quoted by: >>11251017

cool /a/-thread, dude
No one cares about the lewd stuff btw

>> No.11250991

nothing will change, trust me.

>> No.11250992
File: 89 KB, 1245x1046, 1351470755972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some #nxtlevel shit from da Japanese m8

>> No.11251017

>no one cares about
>60% of Comiket is porn stuff

>> No.11251037
Quoted by: >>11251094


Nice random figure.

>> No.11251084

I hope they ban all pornographic materials.

>> No.11251094

obviously comiket is all about porn because thats all that gets uploaded!!!

>> No.11251097

No. Most translations are porn, because people can't get their heads out of their pants.

>> No.11251668
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1700, 1372526008969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always skip the sex parts. Doujinshi with non-naked girls and no sex are actually more erotic.

>> No.11252446
Quoted by: >>11252537

how do you scan an annieme

>> No.11252537

Laser scan of course.
You won't have to deal with bullshit like melting the glue or other quality assurance issues

>> No.11258112

FELT - Abyss Nova

>> No.11258425
Quoted by: >>11259076

You know this makes you normalfags, right?

>> No.11258682

Higurashi x Umineko piano collection.

>> No.11259076

>wasting money in girly books

>> No.11259095

>pony tunes
why did you let that person in the picture?
fucking gross

>> No.11259109
File: 427 KB, 972x1296, 96412687615891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11259122

There were a handful of Japanese speaking /jp/ers at C82 at least. Doing some translation between /jp/ers and 2channers.

>> No.11259122
Quoted by: >>11259262

How do you even go to Comiket without knowing at least some Japanese?

>> No.11259141

What does speaking have to do with reading?

>> No.11259143

I'm not the meetup type but would definitely show up to a comiket meetup. Maybe next year.

>> No.11259262
Quoted by: >>11259292

Just do it. It's not that hard, the way some people on /jp/ talk about it is reminiscent of all those white gangsters living in the hood of some middle class suburbs posting about how real stuff is online.

The fact is most people on /jp/ have no clue what they're talking about and are just better off experiencing it for themselves.

>> No.11259292

>Just do it. It's not that hard,
Going to Japan alone with no knowledge of Japanese?
Shit, I know some and I still wouldn't do that.

I think you're forgetting where you are.

>> No.11259311
Quoted by: >>11259352

No, just do it. Force yourself to get on the plane and deal with it. It will all turn out better than expected. Besides the largest amount of habitual behavior is bound to familiar surroundings.

>> No.11259350

Dude, I barely knew any Japanese the first time I went and it was fine, if I got lost I'd just ask someone, they're super friendly and speak enough English to help you out.

>> No.11259352
Quoted by: >>11259770

Believe me, I wish I could. And I don't mean it in financial sense.

>> No.11259611


New original album from Tenmon with Sora Yuzuki vocals..

>> No.11259770
Quoted by: >>11265337

Believe me you're not some unique snowflake or special case no matter how hard you could try and prove you are by making yourself fail to do what you want. There aren't any special rules that govern how you behave and how your body and brain functions. Even if you have a neurological condition that makes your brain normal then the rest is still just variations on the common theme that obey the same simple rules.

If it helps try and think of yourself in the third person and force yourself to do it. Also the Japanese are much nicer and more considerate than people in most other big city places.

>> No.11260937


>> No.11261325
File: 1.56 MB, 2051x1100, 34223559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11261331

Please scan TM stuff.
Kind regards.

>> No.11261331
Quoted by: >>11261336

Where does one find stuff like this uploaded on the internet? Not that one, or TM in specific, but artbooks like that? Are they just uploaded on the boorus or something, or is there an archive of actual art book downloads

>> No.11261336
Quoted by: >>11261384

Samples or previews like that are usually uploaded on the various artists' and or groups' blogs or profiles on stuff like Pixiv and whatnot.

>> No.11261369


New Floating Cloud album.

>> No.11261384

Well I mean the full books, not just the previews

Do they usually just go unscanned?

>> No.11261420


>> No.11261436

non-lewd 2hu games

>> No.11261448
Quoted by: >>11261941

Good games and porn ie not 2hu

>> No.11261485

ufotable FSN trailer

>> No.11261941

What >>11261448 said

>> No.11261995

Futa on Male and Rape doujins

The usual

>> No.11262160
File: 413 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Shibayan won't do Bossa Nova this time..

>> No.11262192
File: 72 KB, 560x420, BR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11262216

Is the full version of suppression by celestial supposed to be released this comiket?

>> No.11262268

>Cosplay as a sinsack, problem solved.

Except cosplay is banned inside the building area.
There are specific areas outside designated for cosplay and photos.

If I ever went to Japan though I'd probably cosplay as sinsack the entire time.

>> No.11262284
Quoted by: >>11262342


>> No.11262294
Quoted by: >>11285777






probably missed some things

>> No.11262342
File: 731 KB, 1000x674, 20130725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much STGs there, hoping for a GHost93 upload this year - this game still looks amazing.

>> No.11262458

Anything Corpse Party

>> No.11265337

Yeah, I'm not a unique snowflake, I'm sure there are other people as fucked up as I am out there.
Thanks for the life advice from an ignorant person's point of view, asshole, why don't you start a blog about it.

>> No.11266637
File: 26 KB, 420x248, 1374854812524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu gaems

>> No.11266673

Watching Genshiken has been making me really want to go to comiket again.



>> No.11269239
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, Knytt-Underground-Splash-Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can shit like picture related sell better than pretty much all the games of Comiket?
It baffles me.

>> No.11269248
File: 535 KB, 430x600, a7d2c430987a4d0a105a0a323dc30de5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11276634


>> No.11269256

Touhou 14
Other games

Porn is for losers.

>> No.11269258
Quoted by: >>11269286

Never heard of it. But if you try to compare a steam ,,indie´´-game with an actual japanese indie-game it's pretty obvious that only a few people will get wind of the japanese one.

>> No.11269265

Because you can actually buy Knytt on digital distribution platforms. Do you have any idea how much money I would throw at Zun if the drunk faggot would let me?

>> No.11269286

>,, ´´

>> No.11269403
File: 843 KB, 556x780, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They better be at c84 or someone's waifu is gonna get raped.

>> No.11270101

Too bad the cover looks much better than the insides.

>> No.11270519


Fuck yes.

>> No.11271803

Finally got around to organizing 例大祭10 and M3-31 downloads into my main library. I seriously need to do this right away. It always takes a long time to get this shit all organized.

I'm completely ready for C84.

>> No.11272993
File: 602 KB, 1456x1056, asuka's best bukkake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11288029

>possibility of new musashi dou, new kouie dou, new niku ringo, new amanoja9, new una mokota, new inuboshi, new rustle

>possibility of none of those things happening

>> No.11273322

Any news on Muv luv TSF Forefront?

>> No.11273326
File: 1.35 MB, 931x1300, Seiga time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of lewd Touhou stuff. Especially with Seiga.

>> No.11273402

Not getting hassled by the Cops because I look Manchurian/Mongolian. (E.G. like a illegal immigrant.)

>> No.11273406 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 710x1000, hyoushi1_20130805001029fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11273791

Hoping someone will scan this...

>> No.11273418

Why do you need to be fluent in Japanese to go? Hell you don't even need to know that much. See something you like, you just buy it.

>> No.11273455

I'm paranoid the people there will start throwing rocks at me while shouting, howaito piggu go homu or something, so there's no way I'll ever go there.
I'd rather just wait for the scans and uploads.

>> No.11273791
Quoted by: >>11273818

Why must Elin doujins be nearly all so badly drawn

>> No.11273818
Quoted by: >>11273837

Are you bullying kmojarin? I won't let you off if that's your intention.

>> No.11273837
Quoted by: >>11273962

I didn't even realize it was the same guy at first. That image is complete shit in every way.

>> No.11273962

Whatever, he nails the plumpness. Although some things look awkward if you take a good look, it's good enough for enjoyable fappings.

>> No.11274195

please tell me which day is yaoi day so I can skip it

>> No.11274201
Quoted by: >>11274217

You don't want to hunt down weird doujinshi of western franchises like ninja turtles? I wonder if fujoshi make doujin games with little boys in it but no one ever buys or uploads them....

>> No.11274217

actually now that you mention it, I remember seeing some funny shit like Call of Duty doujins last time. Maybe I'll drop in all three days after all

>> No.11274255
File: 37 KB, 600x445, BABYPICTURES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I can pass as japanese

>> No.11274331
File: 51 KB, 380x397, 1374109920995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st bl-day, 2nd best-day and 3rd 2hushit-day

>> No.11274336
File: 111 KB, 800x1130, EFBD8384pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a wallscroll of a humongous Ikaruga destroying Tokyo, I think that'd be neat

>> No.11274583

well it's been normal stuff every comiket
I'm eager to see if there will be another Myon song

>> No.11274952

haha no.

>> No.11275071

Just wondering, are we doing a /jp/ meetup for this comiket as well? If so, where can I get info>

>> No.11275834

Anything noteworthy in the pro side, beside the garupan staff book ?

>> No.11275855
Quoted by: >>11276172

>Eh not bad tast-
>Pony Tunes
Fuck off normalfags, this is why /jp/ meetups are cancer.

>> No.11276172

Calm down there nerdling, the guy was just being ironic so it's ok.

The best thing about them /jp/ meetups is that you can hook up with some chicks. ;)

>> No.11276634
Quoted by: >>11276680

Probably one of my favorite artists.
I wonder if there's a collection of NEKO WORKS' scans floating around...

>> No.11276647
File: 19 KB, 200x198, haguruma_sample200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossfade demos sound really promising this time.
SOUND/SWING HOLIC, Floating Cloud, Tamaonsen, C-CLAYS, Yuuhei Satellite, NEETs, and much more. And holy shit, Shikata is releasing an original orgel album.

>> No.11276680

Sadly she's been too busy making mindrape games to draw her original characters. These are dark times we are living in.

>> No.11276760

Well, it just wouldn't feel like comike without a /jp/ meetup now would it...

Since nobody else seems to be organizing:


Day 3, 4PM, by the big saw

Email or just show up!

>> No.11276771


Shanghai Alice



Dragon's Crown Doujin ( game is out is east and west now )

more doujin fighters

Russle ( don't even like him just think if he makes another one it'll be funny how 4chan reacts )

all DAT touhou remixes

better be good this year last year sucked and we still have winter CK too

>> No.11276787
Quoted by: >>11276813

I want to go but I don't want to get raped...

>> No.11276813

Nobody's been raped yet, to my knowledge at least

>> No.11276859
File: 226 KB, 482x441, 1375661715521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw not in Japan.

One day man, one day.


>> No.11276896

How do these things usually pan out? I would go but I'm too nervous...

>> No.11276900

Everyone has gay sex!

>> No.11276905
Quoted by: >>11277948

No Kyoanis allowed.

>> No.11277797

dumb shitposter.

>> No.11277948

You aren't allowed.

>> No.11278029
File: 183 KB, 800x1112, BHtJAcrCUAEZBiO.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really coming to C84? only saw something about him doing a prequel or sequel to his gender bender manga on his twitter and danganronpa

>> No.11279127
Quoted by: >>11279398

There's a new Shikata album, but it's just orgel...

>> No.11279165

I don't think he's doing anything other than mastering for others this time.

>> No.11279398
Quoted by: >>11279545

Well, it's Comiket. Why not you enjoy some nice orgel tunes until October 23?

>> No.11279400

... god bless Da Hootch. I have a thing for female Link.

>> No.11279420

remember to not thank the uploaders

>> No.11279425
Quoted by: >>11279426

Not again, I hate you.

>> No.11279426

what i gave a warning didnt i

>> No.11279431


>> No.11279432

thanks for the reminder

>> No.11279453


This comiket is going to be amazing if all I want gets uploaded.

>> No.11279458
Quoted by: >>11279485

I am interested in this. Link me to his twitter post, please.

>> No.11279469

The music and the hentai doujinshi as always. I can't read the catalog so it's always a nice surprise. I'll be staying the hell away from /jp/ though, we haven't had a half decent event thread in ages.


Take a wild guess. Hint: If your guess involves anything like a gay orgy or something and not just meeting /jp/ers you're a fucking retard

>> No.11279485

Found it. He apparently made an extra story for it named TSF Append 1.0. Apparently the slut does not have enough with the futa and goes back to sucking dozens of cocks at once.

>> No.11279545

>October 23

I had to look it up, cool I guess.

>> No.11280303
File: 100 KB, 460x345, angry orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to comiket 82 with 500 american dollars worth of yen
>buy every 90s anime doujin i can find
>wrap the doujin in carpets before boxing them up to be shipped home
>package arrives 3 weeks later at my home
>the ink from the carpets bled through and ruined the doujin

>> No.11280305

Is there a way of seeing which doujins are being released in C84? I know there are spreadsheets for doujin music releases, but not doujin manga.

>> No.11280308

The idea of someone failing to wrap things in sealed plastic for shipping is absurd in and of itself. Have you ever seen how air carriers handle mail? Exposed to the elements. Often.

I used to send stuff out, and people would tell me that the parcel itself looked like it had floated across an ocean, but the item was fine inside of the vacuum-sealed plastic wrap.

>> No.11280316
Quoted by: >>11280333

i'm sorry
i wasn't aware that japanese postal workers often used parcels as floatation devices to cross the atlantic

>> No.11280317

The official catalog?

>> No.11280320

>Have you ever seen how air carriers handle mail?


>> No.11280321 [DELETED] 

Could I have a link, or is it scanned on nyaa or something?

>> No.11280328

I cannot find this. Is it on nyaa?

>> No.11280333

The Japanese ones are not the problem. It eventually goes to an American carrier for regional travel and local delivery. I'm assuming third-world nations have similar idiocy from their postal handlers.

>> No.11280351
Quoted by: >>11280545

pls help ;_;

>> No.11280541
File: 20 KB, 428x394, 1372542575357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11280549

You'll need an user-account for using it.

>> No.11280545
Quoted by: >>11280549

Search for コミックマーケット in nyaa.

>> No.11280549

why bother? less than 6% will be scanned
just wait it out and see what pops up on depressed koala

>> No.11280569

Alternatively you can use this.

>> No.11280579
Quoted by: >>11280582

That's fine, 94% of it is worthless garbage anyway.

>> No.11280582

>card capter sakura futa doujins
>worthless garbage

you're a damn worthless garbage!

>> No.11280591

Shisaku have a new release, that should be good.

>> No.11280629

I like to see new artists that may pique my interest. Already am using the catalogue to search for old favorites and new upcomers.

>> No.11280638
Quoted by: >>11280645

Hopefully there is some good NTR stuff this year.

>> No.11280645

hopefull ou got fuck a duck you faggot cuck

>> No.11280673
File: 195 KB, 626x321, portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really hope s10rw's new album gets uploaded. Whoo's music is so fantastic! Hamu's new album sounds really good too! And Floating Cloud's.

If it doesn't get uploaded I'll try and buy that and Open Air Theatre

>> No.11280688

Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of Suika TPS game? I remember seeing a promo video with one large Suika having many small Suikas as pets.

>> No.11280720

They're making a third Lounge Map album. I hope clockwork and brickwall get uploaded someday.

>> No.11280825 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 202x908, top 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11281339

The one in the basement.

>> No.11281455
File: 175 KB, 1156x1542, fza_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish that Light's would expand on Fatal Zero Action.
It's hands down mu favourite game of the entire genre.

>> No.11281478
File: 37 KB, 500x751, '=sdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Shibayan bullshit

>> No.11281481
File: 287 KB, 500x500, ARCD0041_POP_CULTURE_JACKET_500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11282022


>> No.11281543

If I go to a Comiket, is there anyway I can bring them back to Canada while avoiding customs sending me to jail?

>> No.11282022

The cover looks a lot nicer than the usual

>> No.11282457

Move to the land of the free.

>> No.11282792

Try going in through a non major airport if possible?

YWG (Winnipegg) Had a single native minding and he took "Nothing to declare" just fine even though I had about 5 liters of American liquor making audible sloshing noises in my bag.

So keep it in your carry on and check out your arrival destination first maybe?

>> No.11282815

Tokyo Active NEETs album

>> No.11282887

Does customs go through regular mail? (i.e. fits through the slot of a post box and is not considered a package). If not, you could send them to your home through snail mail in a sturdy/padded envelope. Of course, only a few would fit in one envelope, so it might get expensive if you've bought a lot. Also, several heavy, large envelopes being sent to the same address from the same location at the same time might arouse some suspicion from someone.

>> No.11283082 [DELETED] 

Someone please get this.

>> No.11283234

Download thread when/where?

>> No.11283391

Go to shrine forums. We aren't sharing anything here for it might get taken down.

>> No.11283412
Quoted by: >>11284173


>> No.11283643


Doujinstyle, reddit, anywhere but here.

>> No.11284023
File: 325 KB, 500x600, 37547777_p0_175486383_kc_137564325982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some day when I've saved up enough money I'm gonna go to Japan for Comiket and buy all the gfur I see.

>> No.11284088

>boxing them up to be shipped home

Why don't you bring it with you?

Actually, don't do that. I've done it before and it was a very unpleasant experience.

>> No.11284098
File: 181 KB, 640x380, 1375970216506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11286572

RIP Hong Meiling and good old non-janitor times

>> No.11284173
Quoted by: >>11286950

>>ぎりぎりになってすいません!! 今回のコミケは新刊作れませんでした… インフォメペーパーのみとなります。 申し訳ないです


>> No.11284451

>sir would you mind explaining this sir?

Customs is the most retarded and degrading concept ever invented.

>> No.11284515
Quoted by: >>11284548


Oh really?
Why the change of heart this year? Did a Mod say something?

>> No.11284548

Reitaisai had this buttflustered shitnugget that reported all the download links because people said "Thank you"

>> No.11284551
Quoted by: >>11284587

And by reported I mean to the upload service, so the download links themselves got purged and everybody had to reupload to mega.nz

>> No.11284587

Probably going to catch some flak for asking, but what exactly is the shrine forums, SM?

Didn't see much going on there. Oh well I guess I'll stick to doujinstyle or something

>> No.11284601
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, BRRVIclCMAAj3hV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11289325

did you prepare /jp/?

>> No.11284604
File: 61 KB, 414x275, aya_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11284608

What happened to the other, new thread?

>> No.11284608

Overrun by shitposters, uploaders will probably make one when shit actually gets uploaded so don't worry, we've still got 5 pages to go on this thread.

>> No.11284662

So any chance on GSW 3 release?

>> No.11284670
File: 122 KB, 768x1024, BRQ3OsGCcAABPBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11284698

akiika117 アキ@コミケ遠征隊隊長 2h

RIP nippon ;_;

>> No.11284677 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1414x1000, 1168569 - Sakuya_Izayoi Touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this!

>> No.11284678

I don't really care, Comiket is now an /a/ thing.

>> No.11284698

Its been that hot for like the last two months here, spoiled jps.

>> No.11284801
Quoted by: >>11284827

are there happen to be any livestreams?

>> No.11284827
Quoted by: >>11284868

No. Comike doesn't allowed it in the building

>> No.11284868

I know. Though there were people ignoring this and were streaming in the past

>> No.11284953
File: 287 KB, 777x520, prosit_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desire this.

And a bunch of other things, of course.

>> No.11285100

So when does DDC actually get released? Is it on Saturday?

>> No.11285214
Quoted by: >>11285269

Sunday probably

>> No.11285269

According to the thread on ota it's out on Monday.

>> No.11285777

I'm really looking forward to these, and additionally,




>> No.11286091

I went last year; might pop by this year to say hello to the /jp/ers, but I probably won't stick around too long, or for dinner!

For those of you who don't know if they want to go, here's what last year's was like
>talk for a few minutes
>take monorail downtown
>maid cafe dinner
>drinking at bar

It was pretty fun. Too bad I had to go home early and missed the drinking.

>> No.11286572

What the actual fuck.

>> No.11286598

Blame the dumbfuck who went and bawwed about it everywhere.

>> No.11286661

Jesus christ really?
I haven't been here in like a year and a half and I had no idea shit had gotten that bad.
And here I thought the shitty DRM argument in the c84 games thread was an isolated incident.

>> No.11286950


>> No.11287477
Quoted by: >>11287487


>ITT: Dumbasses don't know how stack doujins and tape them together (while in their original plastic wrappings) with one non-h doujin on the top, another non-h doujin on the bottom, with all the h-doujins inbetween.


If there really was somebody reporting links for the sake of causing shit, then what's wrong with using just Mega? In order to report anything on there, the person that's submitting the report has to fill out an entire form which requires him to give out his real name and address. I highly doubt some troll would want to give out a real name/address, and if he tries to fake it, they'll be able to verify that he's pulling off a bunch of BS.

It's not something worth completely stopping the posting of upload links. Seriously.

>> No.11287487
Quoted by: >>11287503


>If there really was somebody reporting links for the sake of causing shit

It did actually happen, and it wasn't for the sake of causing shit. Also, Mega sucks.

>> No.11287503


What's wrong with Mega? It's a lot better than that Baidu shit some of you guys were trying to push on this board.

>> No.11287533

Nothing wrong with it. Just morons that think it's run by the us government.

>> No.11287602
Quoted by: >>11289790

I personally don't like the download method, its incredibly slower and prone to just failing entirely. Plus I have to wait untill the goddamn file is done downloading to choose where to save it instead of just selecting and letting it do its thing and not worrying about that shit popping up later.

>> No.11287792


Nobody was pushing Baidu, that's just where a lot of things get uploaded first.


Why would you trust somebody that already got caught once?

>> No.11288029
Quoted by: >>11289118

congratulations on your fantastic tastes
we should fap together sometime

>> No.11289118

we could double sided tape on our balls and smush our butts together

>> No.11289325

why specifically external? it's cheaper just to get an ordinary HDD, you know.

>> No.11289516
File: 316 KB, 2046x1440, 別冊ガルパン戦車読本 ガールズ&パンツァーに出てくる戦車をガンダムに例えてみた.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11289588

The one thing I want from Comiket ;_;

>> No.11289588


Holy shit I must own that!

>> No.11289627

Japanese don't even want so sell to gaijin in comiket. Bloody racist and stupid. It's as simple as hiring a Jap or chink to do the buying for you, but it really stinks. I suppose they don't want the attention, fucking hipsters.

>> No.11289787
Quoted by: >>11290176


They are probably worried that foreigners would be ripping/scanning it. Which is totally false. If Westerners were ripping/scanning stuff then it sure as hell wouldn't show up first on Baidu, Share, or PD.

Either way, I think at some point I'd still like to go and try. It can't be that bad; what if they're surprised they have support in the West instead?

>> No.11289790

>its incredibly slower and prone to just failing entirely. Plus I have to wait untill the goddamn file is done downloading to choose where to save it instead of just selecting and letting it do its thing and not worrying about that shit popping up later.
You should really just use JDownloader with it.
It solves all of that and downloads things at terrific speeds.

>> No.11290176

>>11289627 is a troll post. I've been to 16 Comikes and bought from hundreds of circles, and I've never experienced anything even close to someone implying that they don't want to sell me their stuff. I'm surprised people actually believe posts like that.
