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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 300x246, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10589276 No.10589276 [Reply] [Original]

so let's say I want to touhou

I know, I'll probably regret this

but all I know about touhou is it's apparently some fucking bullet death game or something, which sounds gay to me, but I figure I better try it before I knock it

how do I introduce myself to touhou?

>> No.10589281

Touhou is a delicate boy, please don’t startle him when you introduce yourself.
When he signals he needs his distance, you back off.

>> No.10589294

Subterranean Animism

>> No.10589299

Play the one called Embodiment of Scarlet Devil first, other games later, but don't get affectionate with the character called Flandre. It would show you have really bad taste.

>> No.10589300
File: 35 KB, 300x220, horn horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10589379

first u hav 2 pick a fav 2hu, mine is chan
pic related its chan

>> No.10589312

Start with Story of Eastern Wonderland on max difficulty (Lunatic). Never lower it and don't play other games until you've finished.

>> No.10589319
Quoted by: >>10589321

Go to the piratebay site and search for touhou, then download whatever thing has the most seeders. Then when its finished play one. Only play on lunatic, you're not a kid after all. After that mix some blachand chlorine together, throw some pennies into the concoction, then grab a straw and start blowing into the mix. It will burn at first, but trust me, all 1337 touhouers do this do get quicker reflexes.

>> No.10589321

*bleach, not blach. My bad.

>> No.10589334

They are just porn games. Bullet death is just a euphimism of sperm death.

>> No.10589329

>don't get affectionate with the character called Flandre

Don't get affectionate with any characters. It's retarded and MLP fans only do that. You like it for the games, not the characters.

>> No.10589345

freud pls go.

MLP is unique i think, i wouldn't be in such a hurry to compare them to anything else.

they do that constantly though to validate themselves.

>> No.10589360

What movie is this I know I've seen it

>> No.10589363

Star Wars

>> No.10589369

>You like it for the games, not the characters.
I'm not even sure how to respond to this it's so wrong.

>> No.10589371

Morecambe and Wise's Singin' in the Rain.

>> No.10589380

Listen to these guys.


>> No.10589382
Quoted by: >>10589385

Only tru otakus can get into 2hu.

>> No.10589379

chan plssssssssssssss

>> No.10589385

Is that Cirno??

>> No.10589386

Fuck off, secondary.

>> No.10589390

I'm not the one liking badly developed characters that's based on few lines of text. The canon manga is shit too. Touhou has no redeeming features when it comes to storytelling or character development. People that like it for the characters either likes it because of doujin work or autism.

>> No.10589387

We both know he's not going to make it to the Extra Stage.

>> No.10589389

Quit being a self loathing tryhard you fucking cunt.

It is perfectly fine to enjoy the games as well as the characters.

>> No.10589395

Touhou fucking sucks, but go ahead and listen to >>10589299
Torrent it off the priatebay or any other shitty tracker, ZUN won't come to your house demanding money or anything.

>> No.10589396

The setting is cool and interesting, I think.

>> No.10589398

You seriously are way too angry over something as subjective as someone liking touhou characters.

>> No.10589408

It's overrated crap, OP. Only autists get into it.

>> No.10589400

only two sane posts in this thread

>> No.10589401
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 糞スレb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10589403

>because autism
sums up a lot of things

>> No.10589406
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>> No.10589413

That's why people like Touhou characters though. Nobody claims the characters are deep. The designs and personalities are anime stereotypes that became played-out twenty years ago. You can sum most of them up in three words or less.
However, the mythology is fun, and it's nice to just have enjoyable characters who aren't doing something profound and complex like being in an existential love quadrangle where someone ends up in an ethical dilemma and they have an arc blah blah blah. No, you have a shrine maiden, and she flies around and solves incidents like a motherfucker. A sassy young witch comes along and exterminates youkai and steals shit. Cool, I get it.
Now let's draw some fan art and comics and see what we can come up with.

>> No.10589414

Here's everything you'll need to become a Touhou Master like me:

>> No.10589417 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10589420
File: 335 KB, 476x600, DisguiseMaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only two sane posts in this thread.

>> No.10589421
Quoted by: >>10591527


here you go dood!

>> No.10589423

le texas sharpshooter face

>> No.10589426
Quoted by: >>10589458

next you'll be telling me about the lesbian subtext and memes in teletubbies.

>> No.10589431

The popularity of the characters is a result of the long bossfights with them where the danmaku is often representative of their personality and the themes that the characters have. I think it was the 4gamer interview where ZUN explained why he put so much emphasis on bossfights and character themes, so I would recommend reading it if you want to hear his thoughts on it (I might have the wrong interview in mind, though).

>> No.10589434
Quoted by: >>10589442

Except MLP is actually good.

>> No.10589435

>tfw always scrolling past all the touhou crap on /jp/

>> No.10589444
Quoted by: >>10589459

"Ugh, not these imgdumping autists again"

>> No.10589445
Quoted by: >>10589454

I hope you find a game where you can play as a hitbox that shoots at other hitboxes annon-kun! With no music, background or story at all! Your dream come true!

>> No.10589437


>> No.10589441

But then you hit the bottom of the page

>> No.10589442
Quoted by: >>10589452

get the fuck out.

god damn, ever since that /mlp/ raid they've been sitting here like splinters.

>> No.10589446

I played a few of those games. They'd probably be fun if they were my first STGs, but they pale in comparison to superior CAVE shooters.

>> No.10589447

‣ 2013
‣ not using the catalog

>> No.10589448
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>>huge internet following
This is like comparing our sun to CY canis majoris. Bronies have nothing on touhous fanbase. I wouldn't be surprised if the GPD produced by touhou is larger than the economy of a small country by now. Can even the entire might of the brony fan-base do something like studio phantasm?

>> No.10589450

Why aren't you hiding them?

>> No.10589451
Quoted by: >>10589461

The catalog is for crossboarding scum.
Please kill yourself.

>> No.10589452

I've never been to /mlp/. I hate the fandom, I just like the show.

>> No.10589454
File: 24 KB, 320x240, rr_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10589467

I love ABA Games!

>> No.10589456

Please write complete sentences when posting in /jp/. If you are not ready to post here then please practice by yourself at home in Notepad++.

>> No.10589458
File: 95 KB, 389x265, 1354263317007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lesbian subtext in teletubbies

You shouldn't have said that, I can't unsee it now.

>> No.10589459


>> No.10589461
Quoted by: >>10589473

I only browse /jp/.

>> No.10589463
Quoted by: >>10589492

I'm sorry.

>> No.10589466

Stop replying so fast, I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.10589467
Quoted by: >>10589486

Too many colours! You will hurt annon-kun's eyes! Look at those varying shapes too! That just wont do...

>> No.10589472

How could he have written that otherwise?

"It's 2013 and you're still not using the catalog."

Great, have fun calling him an aspie for making a statement. At least the brevity of triangular bullets makes it sharp.

The other alternative would to ham it up for the same effect:

"2013 and you're still not using the catalog?! K-Kimoi!"

Great, now you can call him a neurotypical for using emotive language, and possibly complain about role-playing.

His post was fine. Stop being so petty.

>> No.10589473

Then stop acting like you're from /v/ or /a/.

>> No.10589484
Quoted by: >>10589532

>but all I know about touhou is it's apparently some fucking bullet death game or something, which sounds gay to me, but I figure I better try it before I knock it
The core games are masochistic as fuck. You have been warned.
>how do I introduce myself to touhou?
If you like games that grab you by the balls and twist hard, all the while calling you a girl and spitting in your eye, try the core games. I started with Embodiment of Scarlet Devil because it was the first Windows game, but I thought Subterrean Animism was the easiest. The only one I would say to stay away from is Phantasmagoria of Flower View as it's not indicative of how most of the games play, and I guess Shoot the Bullet and Double Spoiler because they also play different.

If you don't really get off on hard games, the fighting games are much easier and still a lot of fun.

There is also a wealth and fangames besides, ranging from really shitty ones, to clever ones, to really well done ones.

If you don't really into games, there's a whole big shitload of doujinshi you can read, and also official manga.

There's also a metric fuckton of fan-music, some of it really good.

There's just a ton of shit related to Touhou, feel free to start anywhere.

>> No.10589492

Why are you apologizing to that piece of shit? He should be apologizing to you.

>> No.10589494

Is the 2013 really necessary?
Have you really been reading nothing but image board posts for that long that you can't not use memes?

It's perfectly fine to say "Why are you not using the catalogue."

>> No.10589486
File: 117 KB, 601x798, guxt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10589507

Fine, then how about Guxt? It has pretty bland colors, and the designs are fairly generic.

>> No.10589503

I wish Touhou secondary fandom didn't exist. Every time I see one of you IRL I just want to punch your faggot face in.

You might aswell go off to gelbooru and start idolizing a random CG of an OC character and it's the same fucking thing.

>> No.10589501
Quoted by: >>10589515

Either of the examples you gave would have been fine. Being a retard who can't form a complete sentence because it's an epic meme is not fine.

>> No.10589506

Calm down. Your post was garbage and you know it.

>> No.10589507

But look! You have an avatar you can attach yourself too! You can feel for the pilot! Don't forget the clouds! Nonono... that annon-kun just wants game play! Nothing else! There are sound effects and music as well!

>> No.10589509

kityan's newspaper assistant tengu OC is very cute

>> No.10589513

You've seen a /jp/sie in real life?
What was he like?

>> No.10589515

Calm down with the samefagging, crossboarder. This isn't /b/ where you need to do that to reinforce your point.

>> No.10589518
Quoted by: >>10589523

That isn't me. I admit I was being lazy and should've typed a full sentence.

>> No.10589521

Honestly I wouldn't mind it if they at least paid attention to canon, instead of claiming that there is nothing there and it is all about the secondary and tertiary works. ZUN has a fucking Guinness World Record for how many Touhou works he produced.

>> No.10589522
Quoted by: >>10589524

It's funny because /b/ posters are the types who accus others of samefagging whenever they can't believe that multiple people disagree with them.

>> No.10589523
Quoted by: >>10589526

Stop pretending to be me already.

>> No.10589530

Good job making shitty assumptions.

>> No.10589524

IP logs disagree

>> No.10589526

I'm not pretending to be be anyone. I'm the one who posted >>10589447

>> No.10589527

You're talking out of your ass, since I made one of those three posts.

>> No.10589532

>I thought Subterrean Animism was the easiest.

I don't understand.

>> No.10589534

That wasn't my post.

It creates a dyadic contrast (original term do not steal) between two conflicting ideas. It's 2013; he is not using the catalog. That's why it's sharp--you have these two concepts that you're implying are opposite. It has to be short and sweet or it doesn't work. "The current year is 2013. We're in the age of some pretty advanced technology. Computers and the internet have come a long way. moot added an official catalog recently. Yet, even though this is the case, you aren't using it? In this day and age? Wow! How behind you are!"

You need the 2013 to create the contrast. That's what makes the "20XX; Y" meme funny.

>> No.10589538


>> No.10589539

IIRC, in SA when you beat a spellcard you got a part of a life, and I felt it was really easy to stock up on extra lives compared to the other games.

>> No.10589537
Quoted by: >>10589542

You get shot down by multiple posters and all you can do is pretend you are an admin and accuse people of samefagging? Pathetic.

>> No.10589542
Quoted by: >>10589560

How far are you going to take this? I know "rusing" is all the rage, but you really need to grow up, kid.

>> No.10589544

But we know it's 2013. It's redundant. You get the same point across.

>> No.10589545

Subterranean Animism is popularly considered one the easiest if not the most easy Touhou project game, due to the simplicity of the spellcards minimizing how much memorizing you need to do to be successful. It is typically the first game 1CC'd by most new players even when they start with other Touhou games.

>> No.10589548

No it doesn't. You really shouldn't try and argue about these things if you have asperger's.

>> No.10589555

It's for emphasis. If someone says to another, "we're in a library - keep your voice down," it's not "redundant" to add the "we're in a library" part, even if both people involved know that they are, in fact, in a library.

>> No.10589561

Nobody writes like that.

>> No.10589559
Quoted by: >>10589561

>It's 2013; he is not using the catalog.

There's a perfectly legitimate sentence. Why not use that?

>> No.10589560

Continuing to post based on idiotic assumptions will not suddenly make them true.

>> No.10589567

It's not redundant.

If a character in a play or a movie turns up to a wedding in just his underpants, a character might say, "Why are you half-naked? This is a wedding!"

We know both those things because we can see them, but the fact that someone says those two conflicting things is the gag.

>> No.10589574
Quoted by: >>10589585

Maybe that's what made it funny before it was run into the ground, but now all it is is a reminder of how largely incapable most people are of formulating a joke that isn't in a standardized format.

>Shigging in my face when I feel that lel

>> No.10589568

>/jp/ always arguing about inane bullshit

Never change.

>> No.10589576

/jp/ is always arguing about inane bullshit.

>> No.10589578

But it is grammatically sound. The question is whether you want to be correct, or use the incorrect method just because everyone else is using it.

>> No.10589582

In my opinion it is pretty entertaining.

>> No.10589585
Quoted by: >>10589601

The enumeration of bullet points is not "incorrect" English.

There's nothing wrong with standardized formats.

>> No.10589587
Quoted by: >>10589595

I say use what's simultaneously brief, understandable, and sharp.

But hey, if you want to write like a robot, power to you.

>> No.10589594

Did anyone here finish the games in chronological order, PC-98 titles included?

>> No.10589595
Quoted by: >>10589624

I wouldn't describe writing like a 12 year old with downs on /v/ "brief, understandable, and sharp."

>> No.10589601

Except it isn't even correct use of bullet points.
Maybe if they used
->not using the catalog
But even there, it's not suited for formal writing and discussion.

>> No.10589608

/jp/ - the combined trolling of every other board, periodically morphing for maximum effectiveness.

what're we pretending to be today /jp/? /lit/? take your arguments and autistic analysis of posts and choke.

filtered, hidden, called cops etc

>> No.10589610

In linguistics, context is as important as the message itself, if not more important.
If you walk up to a person and say "I am hungry", the person will mst likely be dumbfounded because he doesn't have a context. He's not sure if you're telling him to give you a coin, if you want him to eat with you, etc. If you are simply stating it, the person will most likely say "uh, okay" and keep walking.
The greentexting shiggydiggy may be stupid, but it's an effective way to reach a desired context (namely, mocking) and therefore a very effective way to comunicate. A grammatically perfect statement lacks the context, so the intention of mocking the other person is lost and the sentence has no reason to exist.

>> No.10589624
Quoted by: >>10589666

What's wrong with the format? Not the users, but the actual format. I agree there's a cut-off point, but as a posting style it's useful and can be pretty funny.

It's like memes. Memes are fine. We all use memes whether we realize it or not. However, when you start shooping da whoop over 9000 times because this thing can turn on a dime Macross Zero style, then it gets annoying. But there's a difference between "‣ 2013; ‣ not using the catalog" and ">my le 2013 face when shiggy donatello derpface arrow to the sides", which is just trolling or intentional shitposting anyway.

>> No.10589627

>Except it isn't even correct use of bullet points.
Bullet points don't have to be indented to be "correct".

>> No.10589635
Quoted by: >>10589677

How's that not correct? If this was a PowerPoint presentation, that would be fine.

A SUMMARY OF >>10589435-SAN
‣ 2013
‣ not using the catalog

The whole point of bullet points is that you write in brief note format. If he was going to write in prose, then there's no need for bullet points. However, bullet points are brief and to the point, and in this case used humorously.

>> No.10589643

Okay, I'm all out.
You've convinced me that greentext is a proper and sometimes, suitable, method of relaying information.

>> No.10589649

Maybe if you like epic memes and want to invite subhuman crossbaorders.

>> No.10589653

Fuck, I didn't mean to go that far.

Sorry Anonymous, I was trolling all along. Please forgive me! m(_ _)m

>> No.10589666
Quoted by: >>10589675

Because bullet points are used for identifying key facts in a list and require the context to be specified in a sentence fragment ending with a colon.

>> No.10589677
Quoted by: >>10589709

The introduction should read like a sentence when combined with the bullet point, unless the bullet point is also a complete sentence. Those bullet points in your example also have completely different subjects.

>> No.10589675
Quoted by: >>10589682

>ending with a colon.

u mena semicolon

That's really not a hard and fast rule though.

>> No.10589682

It should only end with a semicolon rather than a colon if the bullet points could be considered separate sentences.

>> No.10589696

End punctuation may vary: full points if list items are sentences; commas or semicolons at the discretion of author or editor; full point at the end of the last item. Omit ‘and’ and ‘or’ at the end of the penultimate point in a displayed list.

The preceding sentence can end with a full point or a colon (but no dash). Items that are complete sentences generally start with capitals and end in full points:

• Fino is a pale and delicate dry sherry of medium alcohol that is best drunk well chilled as an aperitif.

• Manzanilla is a very dry fino, considered to be the best, and is only produced in Sanlúcar de Barrameda on the coast

• Amontillado is nuttier and fuller-bodied than the fino, between 17 and 18 degrees of alcohol.

• Oloroso is darker and more fragrant, containing between 18 and 20 degrees of alcohol.

• Cream sherries are sweeter and range from the lighter-tasting pale creams to the darker and velvety varieties that make a great after-dinner drink.

• Palo Cortado is a cross between an oloroso and an amontillado, and is very rare as it occurs spontaneously in only a small percentage of fino barrels when the yeast does not form properly.

Sentence fragments are usually lower case, with no end punctuation except for the final full point, for example:

Legislation will be effective only if it is:

• closely monitored

• comprehensive

• strictly enforced.

Where possible, choose a system and be consistent; however, in a publication with many diverse lists it may be better to allow both types rather than to impose an artificial uniformity.

>> No.10589709
Quoted by: >>10589726

Things I need to buy:
* milk
* eggs
* flour.

Things I need to buy milk eggs flour.

>> No.10589726

> Things I need to buy milk eggs flour.
> Things I need to buy: milk, eggs, [and] flour.

Maybe I shouldn't have used "read like," but instead, "would easily form a complete sentence with small changes to punctuation and conjunctions."

>> No.10590135
Quoted by: >>10590144

>being this autistic
I shiggy dig

>> No.10590144

• do not abuse the quote feature in order to avoid forming complete sentences
• spout memes
• shitpost in a shit thread without using sage.

>> No.10590147
Quoted by: >>10590161

>suck my dick

>> No.10590156

oh my god

>> No.10590161

A list is unnecessary when there is only one point. Also you should still capitalize please and use a period at the end of a sentence.

>> No.10590162
Quoted by: >>10590164

>being this frustrated

>> No.10590164

>My sides XD
You're literally a child.

>> No.10590171
File: 266 KB, 500x576, media_preview.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10590191

>you're literally an autist

>> No.10590192

Why can't I use the quote feature that way? Englis isn't my first language and SOMETIMES (don't tell me to gtfo until I learn how to write everything flawlessly) I don't know how to phrase something without it sounding awkward.

What can I do in those situations? If I write a retarded sentence, people laugh at me or completely ignore me. If I use the quote function in order to avoid it, people like you jump at my throat. If I become a namefag just to let everyone know that I'm not a fucking retard, but a non-native English speaker... I don't even know what would happen.

>> No.10590194

It's fine. Just do what let's you express yourself best.

>> No.10590196
Quoted by: >>10590222

Shut the fuck up already.

You sound like a little nerd bitch...

>> No.10590208

Sorry about the typos, I'm not using a keyboard.

>> No.10590219
Quoted by: >>10590231

I'm laughing at you right now.

>> No.10590220

We fuck guys like you raw in the army

>> No.10590222
Quoted by: >>10590237

It's my first post in the whole thread.

>> No.10590231

That's my fetish.

>> No.10590237
Quoted by: >>10590259

Come on, at least use the correct symbol when quoting someone. How incompetent can you be? Maybe you can solve your dilemma by killing yourself.

>> No.10590244

I wish /jp/ would go back to taking it easy, I hate coming on /jp/ only to see a bunch of fellow /jp/ers fighting.

>> No.10590252

Anyways, >>10590244, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to /jp/ a while ago; you know, /jp/?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people posting there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "Otaku Culture" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to /jp/ just because it's Otaku Culture, fool.
It's only Otaku Culture, O-T-A-K-U CULTURE for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some /jp/, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna reply to this troll." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you Otaku Culture if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a TRU NEET place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the computer screen can start an e-fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start posting, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-shitty, with currybutt."
Who in the world orders currybutt nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with currybutt?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "currybutt"?
Coming from a /jp/ TRU NEET such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra hoop-dog.
That's right, extra hoop-dog. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra hoop-dog means more hoop-dog than currybutt. But on the other hand the quality is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by Suigin from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to normalfags.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>10590244, should just stick with today's 2hu thread.

>> No.10590254

You think you're powerful enough to unite the /jp/ hordes?

>> No.10590259
Quoted by: >>10590281

I've said it already. I can't use a keyboard right now and this shit doesn't have that symbol.

You are either a blind retard or a mean troll. Why do you even exist?

>> No.10590260

Only the strongest and fittest shitposters are allowed to take it easy.

Our jobs here is to find who the girls among us are and to fuck them mercilessly until their rectums protrude.

>> No.10590269
Quoted by: >>10590273

>feel when I was fucking my gf in the ass while you nerds were arguing about how to properly use the quoting feature

>> No.10590273

>that feel when thats not your baby lmao

>> No.10590281

Are you too lazy or just too stupid to just copy the symbol from another post or use the symbol mapper? What kind of shitty virtual keyboard are you using that cannot even create angle brackets? If you cannot take a little heat then get the fuck out of /jp/ and take your self-pity with you.

>> No.10591527


I think that was pretty good and accurate actually, although he doesn't say 2hu right.

>> No.10591531
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