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File: 28 KB, 400x400, CZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9376746 No.9376746 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Biz, you might remember me from my language analysis that I posted before. After concluding that funds are not safe a bunch of people called me an autist and a fag so I started to reconsider, but then I got to thinking

>Why would biz call me an autist for exposing CZ
There has to be a deeper meaning to this. Seeing as biz is a mongolian basket weaving board, and mongolians are basically chinese, is it possible that I got called out by chinese people trying to protect their exchange? This is very likely.

>Why would any non-chinaman call me a fag?
Biz is also the breeding ground for major PnD groups, seeing as they pulled off a very nice BCN PnD on their new fav platform, they wouldn't like seeing it exposed.

>How did Binance react to my post?
Look at CZ twitter account. As soon as my post came up, he went very silent. Why is this? Could it be because im right? Very likely.

Binance, I'm here and I am not afraid to expose you or CZ. You will not get away with this!

Over and out

>> No.9376780
File: 497 KB, 1280x720, funds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your arrogance shall not be left unpunished.

>> No.9376787
Quoted by: >>9376928

funds are not safe until BNB is listed on coinbase, coming soon

>> No.9376833
Quoted by: >>9376916

fuck off bytecuck

no one is sorry for your bags

>> No.9376836
File: 6 KB, 224x224, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over and out

>> No.9376916

I never held Bytecoin, my only aim is to expose BINANCE

>> No.9376928
File: 12 KB, 233x216, B6CFFDED-4590-4169-ACE3-D214005B4EE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listing a rival coin
Plz b bait

>> No.9376973
Quoted by: >>9376989

At least link to part 1. This just reads like some autistic larp.

>> No.9376989
Quoted by: >>9377017


>> No.9376999

Lol just read your post
I hate chinkance and sissy but you're an absolute faggot aswel
No one cares about your post and no one went silent on Twitter because of it faggot

>> No.9377017
File: 87 KB, 684x529, 178D6DE5-0992-477B-B86A-6E22503D59AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lol haven't read that

>> No.9377032
Quoted by: >>9377128 >>9377340

I don't know if I believe OP, but I will tell you what I believe will happen.
You all have a bunch of money tied up on binance.
A lot of you are American. Binance has no KYC.
Binance plans to add fiat trading pairs.
Doing so will REQUIRE them to implement Know Your Customer.
If this happens, US citizens will not be able to withdrawal from Binance.
Heed my warning.

>> No.9377128
Quoted by: >>9377232 >>9377360


But Americans could get fake docs on darknet to circumvent this problem ?

>> No.9377232
Quoted by: >>9377340

Do you realize how many retards have literally all of their crypto on binance?
Do you realize how dumb even this board is, let alone reddit?
Do you genuinely think they'll be smart enough to do that?

Now let's say binance says sure, we'll allow you still trade and withdrawal after KYC.
Do you actually want to upload real docs to those fucking chinks?

>> No.9377262
Quoted by: >>9377340

Who cares? Nobody is stupid enough to leave their money on an exchange, right?

>> No.9377269

Great blog. But not really.

>> No.9377286

You're a faggot

t. South american

>> No.9377340
Quoted by: >>9377373

I'd be willing to bet 75%+ of Biz has the MAJORITY of their holdings on various exchanges.

The best part about this is it's a 100% LEGAL scam.
Just going by the books guys.
Have to implement KYC guys.
Just watch.

>> No.9377360

It will be in binance interest to not let this happen. Fraud is a criminal offence.
>but i will use a VPN
like its difficult to trace down if the IP is from a vpn
can't wait fo the suicide livestreams!
Why not solve the problem RIGHT NOW and withdraw your funds? you mutts really need to renounce your citizenship!

>> No.9377373

why wouldn't you be able to withdraw
kyc isn't mandatory, you're just limited to 2btc/day if not verified