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File: 914 KB, 5000x3333, 1521969785164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9317819 No.9317819 [Reply] [Original]

just a couple of days until testnet are you guys ready for web 2.0?

>> No.9317855
Quoted by: >>9317941 >>9318056

What's the news on this, anon? I hadn't seen anything until now.

>> No.9317865
File: 162 KB, 1280x960, 1519936771755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318056 >>9318239

My body and my stack are ready. Let's go.

>> No.9317874
File: 173 KB, 911x911, IMG_20180508_163021_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ready with my DIY miner!!

>> No.9317893

Shiny! What are those? Orange pi? How much does that setup cost?

>> No.9317922
Quoted by: >>9318056 >>9318068

Yup cost me about $600.
8 orange pies, switch, orange pie cases.

I installed the Skywire software in them and now Im just waiting for the testnet to start.

>> No.9317941
File: 90 KB, 600x899, 30430021_10212433043320811_803534531_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318056

People on telegram have been saying that testnet will be ready on the 15th, they also said some 5 new exchanges will be announced this month
600$ you check out more here if you want:
but if you aren't already on the waiting list dunno if you will be able to get one this round

>> No.9317948
File: 151 KB, 960x960, photo_2018-05-08_16-36-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318056 >>9318711

How do you guys like my setup? ;)

>> No.9317964
Quoted by: >>9318049 >>9318056

I'm more excited about the new exchanges, volume should really pick up

>> No.9317994
Quoted by: >>9319999

Your gig is up, shills. Skycoin is a proven disaster and no amount of slick LEDs on your elementary school level computer projects will pull it out.

>> No.9318029
File: 193 KB, 1280x1280, photo_2018-05-08_16-42-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318056 >>9318711

Made mine alittle flashier then average

>> No.9318049
File: 61 KB, 720x1040, SKYCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once SKY gets listed on exchanges it will be like << PIC RELATED

>> No.9318056


can you shills at least be less fucking obvious about this shit
like at least pretend to have one dissenters call it a shitcoin or something

>just a couple of days until testnet are you guys ready for web 2.0?

>What's the news on this, anon? I hadn't seen anything until now.

>Im ready with my DIY miner!!

>Shiny! What are those? Orange pi? How much does that setup cost?

This is obviously all just the same person writing this shit.

Are you even fucking trying
This pic is direct from the Skycoin twitter

Hey what a fucking surprise, your other pics are from the fucking official twitter instagram too

You never made this shill

>> No.9318068
Quoted by: >>9318093 >>9318108

That sounds decent if you can earn at least 50 sky per month. I'll wait to see what happens with the testnet but I might jump into it after, got a cheap 1gbps network that's not doing much.

>> No.9318093

fuuuck of shiiilllls
stop shitting up the board
at least try and hide it
make up some original memes like the linklets

not this
>oh yeah I'm a totally normal person totally interested in cryptocurrencies
>oh I too am a totally ordinary /biz/ user also looking forward to how much MONEY I will make using SKYCOIN

>> No.9318108

100% evidence that you are shills, is that you'll ignore any critical comments & just keep going with your scripted bullshit

>> No.9318117

Finally updates on this bullshit again, maybe this time around someone will answer why multiple raspberry pis are better than virtual machines

>> No.9318130

What are you guys gonna do about bandwidth? Gbps arent cheap.

>> No.9318182

>web 2.0
You mean web 3.0.
Also, tell the team we are still waiting for the results on the creative DIY results since the contest was closed 6 days ago.

>> No.9318187

Hint, they aren't. There is no magic pow algorithm these idiots can use that won't just work 10x better on a normal pc.
No way that they can prove their shit is only running on rasbpis that can't be spoofed by vm's.


>> No.9318195
File: 59 KB, 1024x917, 1520113796487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318265

I'm shilling sky because I want it to be picked up by more people and yes, I'm using other peoples pics because I don't have time to do any oc why be but hurt about it, join us anon sky is the most promising project around regardless if you like it or not

>> No.9318215
Quoted by: >>9318265

You sound like a bit of a shill yourself, samefag

>> No.9318225
Quoted by: >>9318265

P.S. is this the engagement you were looking for, samefag?

>> No.9318232

They've been giving updates but you have to lurk the telegram, the devs hate speculators for some reason

>> No.9318239
File: 881 KB, 512x288, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else comfy going all in?


>> No.9318265

anon it's embarrasing because you are samefagging as like 6 different users
and pretending that this LED bullshit is shit that you have actually bought when it reality it's just bullshit promotional pics

I can't be a samefag if both the posts you replied to have the same ID you nigger

>P.S. is this the engagement you were looking for, samefag?
Hey this one sounds too similar to the previous comment, watch out or people are going to get suspicious and realise

>> No.9318291

From the OFFICIAL SkyCoin github:

>Contributing a node to the network

>Add your node's `ip:port` to the [peers.txt](peers.txt) file.
>This file will be periodically uploaded to https://downloads.skycoin.net/blockchain/peers.txt

wow this sounds super decentralized & resistant to censorship

>> No.9318317
Quoted by: >>9318366 >>9318693

It is not about performance, but efficiency. Also think for a second: with a regular home network, what would be more efficient: 8 quad core Orange Pi of the best kind, or a single PC with 4 or 8 cores? The bottleneck is the network bandwith anyways, but the first option will be cheaper for you in electricity and space and hw cost. Hell, I have tried to run Skywire in my Mac, my PC and my pis wired and wireless and all of them work. No one ever claimed they would avoid it. Now, other thing is whitelisting, which is unclear how it will go.

>> No.9318323
File: 52 KB, 605x605, photo_2018-05-03_16-30-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318711

I have to admit, I'm a diehard Skyfan myself.
Testnet here we come!

>> No.9318326
Quoted by: >>9318366

I'm not, but you can believe what ever you want, I just don't get why are you so salty, there's always that one dude that is bitter on sky threads, I really hope hope for your mental health that isn't you. Anyway thanks for your posts and for taking the time out of your busy day to share your opinions

>> No.9318366

>Now, other thing is whitelisting, which is unclear how it will go.
It's pretty clear how it will go see >>9318291

>Add your node's `ip:port` to the peers.txt file.
>This file will be periodically uploaded to https://downloads.skycoin.net/blockchain/peers.txt
So every single node that takes part in the network, has to be in a central list downloaded from skycoin.net

>The bottleneck is the network bandwith anyways
Which is going to be absolutely dogshite on your rasbpis compared to any hardware that is actually designed to handle network traffic

>there's always that one dude that is bitter on sky threads
It's because of the OBVIOUS shilling in this thread
>ohh check out my DIY SKYCOIN miner that I built!
then later you say
>yes, I'm using other peoples pics because I don't have time to do any oc why be but hurt about it

hope they pay you well pajeet

>> No.9318397
File: 2.19 MB, 1289x1717, 1524863871070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318415 >>9318456

I never said that, here is what I said: "just a couple of days until testnet are you guys ready for web 2.0?"
But I understand why hating sky might blind you. Thx for the bumps m8, you are doing God's work. Here, have a sky cutie to make you less angry.

>> No.9318415

>I never said that
You get confused switching between all your accounts?
Or maybe you are actually dumb enough to be fooled by these SKY shill threads

>Thx for the bumps

>> No.9318450
Quoted by: >>9318472 >>9318508


You are REALLY trying, Kek

>> No.9318451

being unable to admit you were wrong, see I told you the saltines is affecting your mental health. Thx for the sage m8, you are doing God's work. I don't have any other qts for you, sorry

>> No.9318456
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, skywave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318472

this fucking thread, kek

I just want Skycoin to go up to ath again soon

>> No.9318472

maybe if I adopt 4chan lingo people will be more likely to think I'm not just samefagging as every user

>> No.9318508
Quoted by: >>9318570

I'm really trying says the dude literally posting promotional pics from twitter and pretending that they are his own miners
when you really just grabbed them and lied

anyway fuck your coin it's an absolute shitcoin with no technical substance behind it
I honestly wish that it and every other shitcoin would dry up and die
you'll probably make a bunch of money off of retards anyway

>> No.9318528
File: 90 KB, 750x909, 28471236_2004681413188139_443690580097686523_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please sir don't report me to raj i have mouths to feed

someone drank their daily latte with extra onions today. fuck off faggot, I'm allowed to collect as many shitcoins as I want in this game and I don't need to give a shit about what you think in order to make it.

>> No.9318533
File: 187 KB, 960x960, photo_2018-05-08_17-27-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318587 >>9318711


Skycoin is an obvious am I right lads

>> No.9318570
File: 625 KB, 3000x2961, 1519199907963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 10 posts? Don't give up now, you would only embarrass yourself if you stopped now. Don't address the fact that I was right or that you don't understand the tech behind sky. What are your other passions? Added a promotional pic just for you, if you want you can save it, it's all yours

>> No.9318587
Quoted by: >>9318626

All of you putting the pis so close to each other in a closed container with no airflow, did you measure temps after some benchmarking? The first day I received mine, immediately I bought a case with fan and head sinks.

>> No.9318620

>these embedded computers are just really really shitty computers
>people are buying them at 10x markup for this stupid coin
why not just run the software on your x86 computer?

>> No.9318626
Quoted by: >>9318668

STILL trying to pretend that you are totally normal /biz/ users having a totally normal conversation
no one is falling for this

>> No.9318665

lol this

>> No.9318668

Fuck off idiot, you are going to make me lose shilling money if the telegram people finds out.

>> No.9318671

They aren't really miners you know? Skycoin will not run on a POW algorithm. At least do a little bit of research.

>> No.9318693
Quoted by: >>9318757

>what would be more efficient: 8 quad core Orange Pi of the best kind, or a single PC with 4 or 8 cores?
it's literally the latter lmao
jesus fucking christ

>> No.9318711
File: 322 KB, 373x384, 1496597800483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9318795

>those fucking filenames
>different id
>same style of writing
>exclamation marks
>they are obviously not OC pics
what the fuck is this, some kind of bot?

>> No.9318757
Quoted by: >>9318797

Have you done the math with the power consumption though? 8 orange pis top class at 20$ each vs a single PC CPU of 160$ and the CPU wins? You would be surprised. The orange pis are sold at a loss because they have chinese gov benefits.

>> No.9318795
Quoted by: >>9318820

I think people on the telegram group posting, do bots work here?

>> No.9318797
Quoted by: >>9318852

yes I have done the math and so has anyone who has ever done any CPU mining of any coin that supports ARM

this is completely fucking retarded

>> No.9318806
Quoted by: >>9318836

guys i just bought my first DIY skyminerâ„¢ ;) you ready for the epic MOON mission?

>> No.9318820
Quoted by: >>9318901

but why the fuck would you post on 4fuckingchan like this
>hello fellow 4chan users haha :) did you build your custom SkyMinerâ„¢ yet? What are you waiting for? It's fun! Mine is ready, and I am ready to become rich! Come on boys, kek!

>> No.9318836

fucking beat me to it

>> No.9318852
Quoted by: >>9318871

So you have done the math on CPU mining, a total unnatural usage of a CPU. I was referring on the math as a server, you know, what skyminers do. Remove PoW of your mind and you'll see things better.

>> No.9318871

>So you have done the math on CPU mining, a total unnatural usage of a CPU. I was referring on the math as a server, you know, what skyminers do. Remove PoW of your mind and you'll see things better.
ignoring your weird Pajeet misuse of English, the point is that actual x86 desktop CPUs use less task energy, you stupid fuck

>> No.9318901

yeah, dunno why, what ever makes people happy

>> No.9318925

meh, I think I'll buy some skycoins even though it might be retarded, but also thought buying bitcoins was retarded in 2009 I hope I'm wrong this time.

>> No.9319017

anyone else ready for le epic moon mission XD?

>> No.9319124

You faggots still wont sell even after synth has literrally gucked you in the ass

>> No.9319174
Quoted by: >>9319214

Are you allowed to use a home-built miner on this testnet?

>> No.9319193

I'm a total newfag to Skycoin but I'm interested so shill me on it.
Currently have 200Mbps internet connection. I could upgrade to 2Gbps from Communistcast in my office and write it off.
Why OrangePis vs build a desktop vs. use this RasPi setup?

>> No.9319214

Yes but you have to get it whitelisted afaik

>> No.9319999


Oh look, a bot post. What a surprise.

>> No.9320037


Classic bot calling botting.

>> No.9320250
File: 183 KB, 1050x730, 1525384993829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9320686

Question, I was looking at mining skycoin a couple months ago and I noticed that people were saying it was in beta and the coins mined before the actual network launch were worthless. SO WHAT ARE PEOPLE TRADING AT 22$ A COIN.

>> No.9320333
Quoted by: >>9320398

Why does it need to be a cluster of 8+ Pis? Is it possible to run it with 1 Pi, too? I also do not think 8 arm boards have an advantage over 1 or 2 desktop cpu's.

And holy shit, people really pay 1btc for 8 orange pi's plus a few sd cards? I couldn't even come up with a business idea like that, wouldn't believe anybody would buy this.

>> No.9320398

They pay 1BTC for the hardware plus 0.9BTC worth of SKY.
Also they use pies because most desktop CPUs have backdoors, and the entire point of the Skywire meshnet is to be free.

>> No.9320686

The actual token has already been minted, those are being treated. I didn't participate in the testnet but I assume it's a testnet version of coinhours.