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File: 20 KB, 320x320, 4j8v3zk7jNU7Jxs3XCukMlf9oJD1OndYV69dgzkJaaU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6970376 No.6970376 [Reply] [Original]

>You didn't mine pre-exchange
>You didn't buy at 2 sats
>It's now 13 sats and starting its first moon

The whole virus in the miner thing really was just FUD. If you want in before TRTL is listed on TradeSatoshis then now is you're only opportunity.

tradeogre DOT com SLASH exchange/BTC-TRTL

>> No.6970430


14 sats now...this is crazy

>> No.6970721
Quoted by: >>6970782 >>6970815

Worthless pump and dump shitcoin.

The total supply of these things is (according to the devs) 1 trillion. A mooning is just not sustainable because of the overinflated supply, not to mention that the creators and their friends have billions of them waiting to dump on you.

>> No.6970782
Quoted by: >>6970864

Nigger, do you even understand how this shit works. Come on anon, this is a low tier fud even for you.

>> No.6970790

I wish I got on sooner. Only have 30k coins from mining.


>> No.6970802
File: 149 KB, 1024x576, master_roshi_kamehameha_TurtleWAVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6973430

Ride the turtle wave.

>> No.6970815
Quoted by: >>6971300 >>6972528


Pay attention, retard. This shit is divisible by two decimal places, not eight. So the supply doesnt matter you cuckfuck

>> No.6970820

prove your superiority turtle master


>> No.6970832


I just got a hot fart blasted on my chest

>> No.6970864
Quoted by: >>6970930 >>6970987

Do you really think the Turtlecoin market is going to be worth $1.3B? Have fun getting dumped on faggot

>> No.6970930

I'm aiming for 200mil in the future. It's a private Dogecoin, what could go wrong?

>> No.6970937
File: 48 KB, 460x488, 03C778C2-4B88-4FB2-96C4-CB2EAC5F1646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last thread exposed scam / keylogger
>better make a new one



>> No.6970987
Quoted by: >>6971083

Literally made it out of thin air, I'll take my free money thanks. You're bitter you missed out, we get it.

>> No.6971005

This post literally proves NOTHING other than the fact that Rock is saying there's no infection. You're so fucking DUMB.


>> No.6971019

Fuck you FUDtard.

>> No.6971025


its is FUD....build the miner yourself off of GitHub...there's nothing in it...

>> No.6971054
Quoted by: >>6971155

discord is going absolutely apeshit right now over the key logger there is a fucking mutiny happening

>> No.6971083

You're just trying to pump your TRTL bags so you can dump before you scam gets exposed. I get it.

>> No.6971092


giving me sheckles makes ur peepee grow 4 iches

>> No.6971132
Quoted by: >>6971347 >>6971996


This coin is a scam, there's a virus hidden inside with a FUD keylogger, the plan is to steal as much money as possible before the end of February. I've seen this coin named multiple times by very dubious individuals on various underground websites.

Search for "Tor" in the Discord.
Pic related: Rocksteady is the main dev
Why do ALL the devs use tor, why do they need it?
Assuming that it's compromised, those that have downloaded the wallet and executed it, what should they do to secure their gains again?
Ensure that all websites use 2FA?
Change private keys of all their crypto wallets?

if mkid really has 550 million, and he was on the discord weeks ago throwing MH at it when there was literally 50KH total on the network, he could easily have that many, especially if he is buying them up off tradeogre at same time.

terribly unhealthy...

if there were a richlist, and there isn't obviously because its a privacy coin, my millions would not even be in the top 100, no fucking way.

>> No.6971155

Do any of them have proof or is the keylogger meme just catching on?

>> No.6971175

Insiders have MULTIPLE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS mined already, they can crash the market any time, or keep it down a LONG time.
>yfw it's even those hundred millions holder whales that are chosen to handle the turtle-market and get paid 5% fees on each trades on top of that.

>> No.6971239

>last thread exposed scam / keylogger
>links to thread with no proof that's full of memes

>> No.6971241

have fun buying at ATH and getting dumped on

>> No.6971243

poorfag here, just a few turtleshells...


>> No.6971300
Quoted by: >>6971649

Explain to me like I'm 13 why this makes a difference?

>> No.6971307
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1445692816133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I go into these threads there's a bunch if homeless Pajeets spamming their fucking addresses and it turns me off from the coin immediately.

>> No.6971347

cool pasta

>> No.6971401


>> No.6971415
Quoted by: >>6971473


really all the FUDr's need to join the discord and see how great the community is...

don't listen to the 1 or 2 people who have conspiracy theories and miss out.

This is your real chance to get in on a coin that will be at least 100 sats by summer.....

We will be on tradesatoshi soon and more exchanges to come.

>> No.6971473
Quoted by: >>6973272

Yep, I like TRTL and the community seems pretty cook. At what, 12 sats now? Why does every coin I look at fucking triple in price as soon as I go to buy? XD

>> No.6971539
File: 103 KB, 365x272, PFFFFT (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mining pools are being monitored don't use them, someone will literally come to your house and kill you if you do! Don't risk it, anons! Turn back now! Before it's too late!

>> No.6971649

> bitcoin supply is 21 mil * 8 decimal places.
> turtle supply is 1 tril * 2 decimals
there are more sats than shells

>> No.6971738
Quoted by: >>6972153 >>6972252


its not 1 trillion on release that's total...by the time the whole supply releases it will be 2135 and we'll be dead.

>> No.6971752
File: 183 KB, 436x328, 1516042975867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6971996
File: 99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180127-010043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6972128


>> No.6972128

It's a scan of the wallet

>> No.6972153
Quoted by: >>6972182

Are "shells" the decimal units?

>> No.6972182
Quoted by: >>6972252


>> No.6972252
File: 17 KB, 619x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6972784

Why are they so many decimals on the exchange then?

>> No.6972330
Quoted by: >>6972613

I tried to deposit to this exchange but my coins never showed up. Nearly 5000 confirmations.

>> No.6972346

How is this piece of shit vapor meme coin already at 16

Just mined another 1k

>> No.6972358

trtl is up to 16 sats on trade ogre
is it going to the moon, /biz/? are we gonna be rich?

>> No.6972528


>> No.6972563

if you didn't get in sub 5 sats i feel sorry for you

>> No.6972613
Quoted by: >>6972784

In the previous turtle thread there was a guy in a similar situation, when his coins finally arrived he had 800$ worh of BTC in surplus, I bet the owner of the website does some manual operations for deposits behind the curtains.

>> No.6972784
Quoted by: >>6972992 >>6973123

yeah, and he accidentally sends the bitcoins to random people. jeez people are getting even more retarded fudding this.

why is neo being traded in sats, you dumb shit? its only shown as sats on the exchange. you can only withdraw turtles including decimals. 100.345648306 turtles will only let you withdraw 100.34 turtles
fucking newfags

>> No.6972992

*can only withdraw turtles including 2 decimals.

as for the neo reference, neo is not divisible at all. but you can still trade its imaginary sats on the exchanges. when it comes to withdrawing/depositing/sending (using the actual blockchain) you can only send whole neo.

>> No.6973123
Quoted by: >>6973293

That was me, I transferred $1k in bitcoin to TradeOgre and ended up with $1800 worth. It's a fucking lottery bois!

>> No.6973272


Fucking kys

>> No.6973293

Gib back pls.

>> No.6973430
File: 145 KB, 1199x1250, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6973939

god holding TRTL is the comfyest hodl in a long time

>> No.6973939
Quoted by: >>6974654


Stable value how?

>> No.6974654

Well during this whole dip i've turned $350 (and some mining) into $33,000 thanks to TRTL. Not sayint that it's going to continue going up at this rate but im /comfey?

>> No.6974712

gtfo pajeet

>> No.6974734


get me started OP and anyone else

>> No.6974783


I just made a wallet, gonna buy some trtls soon once my btc clears on tradeogre. Anyone care to get me started?
