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6648961 No.6648961 [Reply] [Original]

How much money is it possible to make by drawing lewd pictures?

>> No.6649129

ask at /ic/ heard there are shekels to be made.

>> No.6649202
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Sadly, I am also looking into this

>> No.6649306
Quoted by: >>6649377

Draw furry porn.
If you build a name for yourself they might be willing to pay up to 10k USD for a comission.
I'd do it if I could draw anything more than stick figures.

>> No.6649345
Quoted by: >>6649367

There tons already and you'd have to be really good.
On the other hand if a talentless trash like Shadman can do it so can you.

>> No.6649352

Its the only way to make good money as an artist, unless you're receiving some kind of Jew funding.

>> No.6649367
Quoted by: >>6649483 >>6650157

>be me
>decent artist friend introduces me to furry community
>okay.jpg easy money
>draw lots of lewd for people, friend has popular friends in the community so I give them free art and get more commissions.
>milk the community for everything they got
>push aside morals and start drawing fetish's
>get sick of it one day and ditch, leaving about 50 unfinished commissions behind.
I made it because I took commissions with BTC more often then paypal and back then people actually would use btc because paypal will shut you down if you are using them for pornographic content/businesses.

My advice, suck up to furfags, find popular ones and give them free art in private, tell them to tag you and thats all, furfags are welfare queens so if they like your style you have a customer every month.

Talent doesn't matter if your willing to stoop to fetish content.

>> No.6649377

Indeed there's always money to be made from the mentally unstable. Tannies will throw their livelihood away in pursuit of transitioning that's why so many wind up homeless

>> No.6649425

Get into real art, fine art improve your mind and skills, shekels may come later.

DrawMixpaint.com everything you need to become a decent painter for free,

>> No.6649441
Quoted by: >>6649620

I make a bit over 100k a year, on the side of my dayjob, doing 3D porn, mostly furshit.

Don't know about drawing, though, that market is mad fucking saturated. Only real successful artist I can think of there is Sakimichan- for everybody else who are super well known, it pays as much as an average dayjob.

>> No.6649483
Quoted by: >>6649620

What's immoral about some drawings? As long as it's not CP or some messed up gore stuff I don't see the problem.

>> No.6649620
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Quoted by: >>6649769

I'd agree it would pay as much as an average dayjob aside from the fact that furfags are lazy scammers 90% of the time and will try to weasel you out of your money or time.

Well, outside of furry art I draw lots of gore, birds and skeletons, so gore was my strong suit, also rape fetish things because even if its furry that still turns me on, I also did lots of foot porn. Its not immoral but its annoying because draw one kink for a guy and he comes back with 50 more kinks for you to draw.

>> No.6649769
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Quoted by: >>6650073

Doing commissions is for suckers,
I do them now and then, mostly for people I know, or if it is a project I would WANT to work on, and always charge half up front as a downpayment. Still never pays for the time spent, but whatever.

I spend most of my free time making and selling shit that I get off to, and sell it on. Makes me twice what I make in my comfy CG industry dayjob.

>> No.6650037

I have a friend who makes around $600/month on Patreon. He releases 3 pictures a week, mostly lewd, and it took him a year to accumulate 100 Patreons.

It's not easy.

>> No.6650073
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Neat, I should have been more inline to my tastes because doing commissions hardcore for a few years really drained my desire to draw anything but doodles. Wasn't cut out for the artistic industry I'm better with computers as a day job and creative things as a self-actualizing experience. I was thirsty for money at the time though so all in all it was worth the burn-out.

>> No.6650157
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1362376549834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6650374

>stoop to fetish content.
>pretending you're better than the other art slave whores because your catalogue is more limited

It's like being a prostitute and claiming a high ground over the ones who do anal

>> No.6650374
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Quoted by: >>6650628

People always try to make this point, but then you have people who draw bestiality porn and CP.

>> No.6650390

>How much money is it possible to make by drawing lewd pictures?
There are patrons pulling in five figure monthly incomes to draw pictures of horses fucking each other.

>if you only knew how bad things really were

>> No.6650628
Quoted by: >>6650735


not possible.

>> No.6650735

>all countries have same laws as the US on drawn CP.
>artists haven't been caught tracing CP for their CP 'art'