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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.59973082

If you dont have the economic chops to figure that one out for yourself then you unironically do not belong here

>> No.59973112
Quoted by: >>59978671

You know, we do a bit of meme'ing on what's actually crashing the markets. This time however, it's literally just his fault. Fucking faggot piece of shit.

>> No.59973113
File: 214 KB, 766x710, trump old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59973273


>> No.59973129

were being raided

>> No.59973133
Quoted by: >>59978579

same same yes. who ever posts all the propaganda there, we sre getting a similar flavour.

>> No.59973139
Quoted by: >>59973876

Nope just one faggot and his gay discord of idiots he scammed who he promised to make money
names Black Kali IE Breakroom he's spamming more than just "le trump"
and he's been here for years.

>> No.59973145

Whoa, shocking that /biz/ posters like me are pissed because this retard is tanking my 401k.
It's almost like this is a finance board and we're being financially ruined right now for no reason at all except this fuckstick putting tariffs on canada / mexico for no reason at all.

>> No.59973157

the world is run by globalist oligarch billionaires who profit off of international trade.
tariffs make their lives very inconvenient with these tariffs, as they have to reconfigure their businesses to keep profits up.

trump will be punished for this by the actual world rulers crashing the economy with no survivors, and having trump go down in history as an economy ruiner. and this is even with him sucking so much jewish peepee that it overflows into his own daughter's mouth

>> No.59973161

Take a look at the S&P since his inauguration.

>> No.59973167
Quoted by: >>59973214

>tanking my 401k
fuckjng lol perfect example of these blow in faggots

>> No.59973182

>Enter office
>Act belligerent to every allied nation
>Enact across-the-board tariffs instead of industry specific ones, walk back and pivot forward again multiple times, confusing investors
>Openly speculate about going to war again your biggest economic partner to annex them
>Openly speculate about taking the panama canal (very important trading choke point, easily blocked by guerrilla fighters)
>Openly speculate about annexing Greenland from Denmark (one of the most pro-US countries in NATO)
>Starting the money printer again topay for rising imports despite tariffs (check out M2)
>Scare all the migrant labor into hiding, further slowing down the economy
>Dissuade foreign investment
>Promote a memecoin with your name first day in office
>Dump it shortly after
>"The economy is in transition"
Nah, definitely a raid, mate.

>> No.59973189
Quoted by: >>59973305

If you were focused on actively opening and closing positions instead of focused on politics, perhaps you could be actively improving your own financial position instead of wallowing in a victim's mindset. Like a little bitch.

>> No.59973192
Quoted by: >>59973346

I think this will prove there is no shadowy global elite pulling the strings, and everything really can be crashed by one retarded getting himself elected president with the backing of retarded by boomer children who've adsorbed oall the worst aspects of their parents

>> No.59973203

groyper and discord raid

>> No.59973214
Quoted by: >>59974504

>tanking my 401k
Oh no my Lockheed and BAE stocks! I need those to live. Continue the forever wars!

>> No.59973225

If you cant figure out why tariffs would piss off /biz/ and lack of good crypto policy and real SBR then you might be mentally retarded

>> No.59973228
Quoted by: >>59973498

He's the reason we're dumping and he's also the reason we will have the Golden Bull Run after the recession. Botth can be true.

>> No.59973232


>> No.59973233
Quoted by: >>59973281

Some faggy manipulation is happening and corpos are up to something, but Trump is the easiest scapegoat in the world, so even though Trump's policies haven't yet done shit to the market, the dump that started last month can be pinned on whatever the fuck he said or did recently.

>> No.59973246

trump is unironically the reason why

>> No.59973264

>Markets hate uncertainty and instability
>Trump wakes up every day and says something that instills uncertainty and instability in the markets
I don't know. Maybe?
You can also tell Trump is super manic right now since his Truthsocial account is pretty much just him reposting news stories of people praising him or posting literal screenshots of Twitter posts praising him.
He must not be having a good day.

>> No.59973266
Quoted by: >>59975538

dude how can anyone reconfigure when trump constantly flip flops.

>> No.59973273
Quoted by: >>59973678

Trump is 78yo.
No need to make AI images of him old.

>> No.59973277
File: 165 KB, 501x616, 183365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been here since 2008 you election tourists, and i’m just looking in awe at the collapse of the american empire.

>> No.59973281
File: 84 KB, 872x870, 1740628566457682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59973308

It's not complicated: Trump is ending globalism and the stock market is all globalist companies set to lose as a result.

>> No.59973305

i promise you i am way richer than you lmao.

>> No.59973308

Damn Europe is the only pagan nation in that group

>> No.59973317
Quoted by: >>59973903

We're dumping because there was no reason for it to pump in the first place. The economy is in the shitter and has been for years

>> No.59973321

Kek saved.

>> No.59973331
File: 162 KB, 1920x882, hkuh758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59973537

Childbirth is always painful, a new world is being born and the market hates change. Did you seriously think that this would be free, that your financial turkey would be delivered to your table ? You have to be tested like steel in the crucible to be rich. Shut up now and wait, earthquakes are short-lived.

>> No.59973339

they're HIS tariffs nigga, you fucking retarded dweeb

>> No.59973342

I wonder if this is going to lead into President's being banned from saying anything on social media while they are in power.

>> No.59973346
Quoted by: >>59973573

wtf lol it the people who run this world are currently crashing the markets and you think it proves they dont exists?

>> No.59973390

The crypto scam and greenland threats are so insanely strange to me. I didnt think hes an actual retard like that

>> No.59973418
Quoted by: >>59973585

It's wild to me that we let them just decide on tariffs.

>> No.59973467

Democrats are going to have a lot of work to do

>> No.59973498
Quoted by: >>59973580

Imma keep stacking BTC while shorting the shit out of anything with a heartbeat on the stockmarket.
Trump is going to rape them and make me money. Then once the economy is fixed by the next batch of retards once he resigns after mid-terms, then that's when the bullrun for crypto starts.

>> No.59973512

I see your TDS is in full effect, not suffering right now but even if I was I’m enjoying it and it’s what I voted for. 4 more years of you crying lmao

>> No.59973537

>the economy has to crash because... it just does, okay?

>> No.59973559
Quoted by: >>59973723

>ad ho·mi·nem
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the argument they are making.

>> No.59973561
Quoted by: >>59973723

>shit your diaper
>force others to smell your shit filled diapers
>"haha why is everyone puking you must have turd derangement syndrome haha geddit TDS kekekekek I am smart TURD WON"

>> No.59973573

The market is crashing because people are looking at what trump is saying doing and thinking:
>yeah nah fuck this I'm gonna put my money into something more stable a d predictable
Its not some grand conspiracy to undermine trump it is a natural, inevitable consequence of the significant uncertainty that trump is creating

>> No.59973574
File: 27 KB, 160x160, popcorn_1f37f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to read this shit during the OBABO years, I'd think it's a really bad attempt at a greentext. Not even that funny.
Now, it's just reality. Whoever looks at this imbecile and thinks "wow, he sure knows a deal when he sees one" deserves the rope.

>> No.59973580
Quoted by: >>59975495

Are you crazy he will never resign. He wouldn't even leave office without a fight when he was beaten in the election. We have him for at least 4 years, maybe more.

>> No.59973581


>> No.59973585

The thing is that the president isn't meant to have that power. It is meant to be congress who set and declare tariffs, but Presidents are allowed to do it in a declared national crisis which is why Trump is focusing so much on the reason for China/Canada/Mexico being drug related because he can spin that into a crisis. The problem is that he seems to forget that there needs to be a crisis for the president to declare tariffs but he openly talks about how the world wide tariffs coming in April are just to "get even".

>> No.59973620

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.59973623

>burgerland goes from free trade zealotry to traiff-schizo overnight
>why is the market dumping?
It's because of you, op. No one else, just you. We're crashing the world economy because you forgot to wash your hands after your last piss.

>> No.59973628
Quoted by: >>59973694

he unironically has the supreme court in his pockets
>Alito wrote that he is stunned the court is rewarding “an act of judicial hubris and imposes a $2 billion penalty on American taxpayers.”
they are not even humoring the fact that congress exists or even the fact that they have an R majority for the next 2 years
redditors have it right for the first time...the US is currently experiencing a constitutional crisis
turns out laws only work if they're enforced

>> No.59973634
Quoted by: >>59973694

Nobody even fight back anymore. Even the supreme court is loyal to him. He doesn't need to follow the law

>> No.59973678

That's what he looks like under the makeup stupid.

>> No.59973683
Quoted by: >>59974024

Yes, I understand the narrative being pushed. I just don't believe it.

>> No.59973694
Quoted by: >>59975816

America has no one to blame but themselves. The judge who let Trump get off Scott free stated that Trump was only found innocent with all charges dropped because it would have been a massive headache to have a declared felon as president. The minute America did that then their laws meant nothing.

>> No.59973703
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>> No.59973722
Quoted by: >>59976905

Yes, the only reason someone could disagree with you is if they're a perfidious external agent.

>> No.59973723

Learn to deal with short term pain. This is necessary you stupid fucks, the economy was built on meme fake money by Biden. This is good

>> No.59973806
Quoted by: >>59973820

>it is necessary to start trade wars
>it is necessary to cede military contracts to Euro firms now that the US can't be trusted
You are here.
>it is necessary your retirement accounts get slashed 50%
>it is necessary for a recession
>it is a necessary for a depression
>Responsibility? BIDEN DID THIS!

>> No.59973820
Quoted by: >>59974031

>>Responsibility? BIDEN DID THIS!
They will unironically be saying this. In fact, Trump blames Biden daily. I know because I watch every retarded briefing and interview he has. It would be funny if it wasn't fucking up my portfolio.

>> No.59973821

>Tariffs are necessary
>Tariffs are a negotiating tool
>No wait tariffs are necessary
>No wait tariffs are a negotiating tool
>No wait tariffs are
>Wait a second, why are you putting tariffs on us?! This wasn't part of our deal!

>> No.59973837
Quoted by: >>59973902


It's going to result in constitution being changed and POTUS being stripped of all real power. Everything will be done by the congress. Just like most other countries these days. Donald I the Mad demonstrates why giving a single person such power is a crazy risk to take.

>> No.59973838

U got destroyed migatard

>> No.59973876

>Everyone who disagrees with me a is raiding.

>> No.59973902
Quoted by: >>59975829

there not a single congress man with the balls to do what you want,even less a group to push the reform foward.

>> No.59973903
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x1613, 1741649438204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59974012

>get diagnosed with cancer
>looking at a slow decaying death
>chemo will be painful but could save me
>no guarantees
>I guess I'll just die since I don't want to risk missing my favorite TV show when it's chemo night

>> No.59973944

>Mock all your allies publicly
>Threaten to tariff all your allies/actually tariff your allies.
>Do not honour deals.
>Fire a massive amount of people from the government through the recommendation of a redditor
>Give read/write access to a bunch of core systems to Redditors who don't have nearly enough experience.
>Threaten to annex your closest ally besides Israel.
>Change your mind daily on what's actually happening
>Have a bunch of inbreds still in denial about what's happening.
>Already lose a shitton of soft power throughout the world.

I used to think that it was the project 2025 folks or the technofascists in charge of their dark evil plan. But the sheer level of incompetence pretty much makes it a joke.

At this point I'm convince that Trump is just a Russian asset and how this all ends in April is Trump agreeing to give aid, worth hundreds of billions of dollars to Russia "in order to prevent WW3". Putin takes the money, laughs, says thanks you and then a week later all of the core U.S systems come down. The union dissolves with the blue states taking the little wealth left over while MAGAtards are still claiming this is a part of the plan to make America great again.
Then in May Putin celebrates the victory of the Soviet Union against the United States and laughs about how fucking pathetically the US went down.

>> No.59973962

A lot of deranged liberals blame everything on Trump. No he's not the reason some stocks is tanking, tech being massively overvalued is more of a reason. There are lots of real industries booming right now, you just have a lot of retards who only invest in tech thinking that line always goes up.

>> No.59974012

We've moved past retarded food metaphors to retarded cancer metaphors.

>> No.59974024
Quoted by: >>59974247

A few questions, out of curiosity. Where have you invested your money, and how do you expect it to grow through tariffs (or at least tariff threats)?

>> No.59974028

practically all sectors are dumping dipshit, even defensives most of the time
tech stands out among them for dumping day after day after day but it's not like the rest is particularly benefiting

>> No.59974031
Quoted by: >>59974211

truth and it doesn't matter for what, putin could say he is done with trump and leaks footage of him peeing on underage hookers and they will go 'those children are demonrat whores who forced him to pee on them!'

>> No.59974087
File: 124 KB, 928x1232, 1741165566014563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While all of this is incontrovertibly true, it's also true that 4chan is constantly being raided by the Internet Research Agency a.k.a. Lakhta bots.

>> No.59974118
Quoted by: >>59975839

>recommendation of a redditor
twitter shitposter

>> No.59974200

>>Starting the money printer again topay for rising imports despite tariffs (check out M2)
False, there has been no significant increase recently.
>>Scare all the migrant labor into hiding, further slowing down the economy
They were illegals, not migrant workers.
>>Dissuade foreign investment
TSMC and saudi arabia both announced huge investment deals in the US recently

>> No.59974211

deranged and obsessed r*dditor
go back

>> No.59974236

this is so cringe, theres no way you retards actually think shit like this

>> No.59974247
Quoted by: >>59974328

crypto, stocks were always fake and gay. idgaf about USA tariffs.

>> No.59974249

>say literally anything negative about trump whatsoever
>MIGA cultists accuse you of being part of an astroturf conspiracy
What causes this kind of mental illness?

>> No.59974328
Quoted by: >>59974387

You didn't answer the question. In case you don't have money in crypto and stocks, what assets do you own then? A pile of gold? Many acres of land? What do you do on that land? A business? What business do you own that will come out of this perfectly fine?

>> No.59974371

>Learn to deal with short term pain
hey retard midterms are in 2 years, if the economy isn't unfucked by the end of this year he's going to lose congress and he sure as fuck isn't electing someone that will continue his agenda in 4.
this isn't short term pain for long term gains this is short term pain for no reason at all other than to feed his ego

>> No.59974387

you want me to play a hypothetical?

>> No.59974399

Bad thing is happening to redditors and faggots want an excuse to seethe and mald about Trump while pretending it's on-topic.

>> No.59974408
Quoted by: >>59974654

I wanted you to answer the question and you refuse to do so.

I'll go ahead and make a guess, it sounds like you either have no assets yourself, or you do own assets in stock and crypto. If it's the latter, even you aren't confident in their prospects ("fake and gay"). If so, what's so hard about believing the whole market is dumping due to low confidence?

But that's just my guess.

>> No.59974410
Quoted by: >>59978840

i love women's feet

>> No.59974413

Illegal aliens are not migrants, they should be deported immediately and are by definition criminals.

Also, Trump didn't sell any of his coins. I'm sick of hearing retards like you that got dumped on complain about your own stupidity. You got dumped on by people like me who bought early and knew it would dump on inauguration day

>> No.59974418

>spend almost a decade running endless media campaigns about how he's basic Hitler and Satan combined
>launch hundreds of spurious lawsuits
>shadow ban Whitehouse from YouTube search results
>attempt to financially destroy family
>attempt to assassinate
>openly discuss how it's import for foreign markets to "stick together against le orange man"
>markets go down in first month
>"it was all le orangic"

>> No.59974438


>> No.59974495

You are such a fucking faggot that you are literally incapable of doing anything but sucking this dudes. It wouldn't matter if I was the most unreasonably hated man on earth, if I'm flicking the tariff lightswitch on and off the ECONOMIC CONSEQUECES OF MY ACTIONS aren't secretly globohomos fault you cocksucker

>> No.59974504

the USA economy was propped up by outsourced foreign labor, cheap products from overseas, and illegal migrant labor

this was good for new ATH stock market, but bad for actual Americans because all manufacturing and business leaving the country was turning the USA into a service-sector servant country with no opportunity or ability to support itself, and no opportunity for young Americans

what is happening now is a painful but necessary step to rebalance things and ensure a healthy and stable economic future for our country

You are going to hire Americans
You are going to pay them a proper living wage
You are going to buy American products
Americans are going to mind their own business at home, and stop murdering brown people for profit
American is going to flourish as soon as the globalist disease is flushed from its system

Also this.

They didn't treat Americans as allies. They treated America with disdain, disrespect, and entitlement. It's over.
>Fire a massive amount of people from the government
The government is full of useless pieces of shit. I should know, since I worked for the DoD and also as a contractor for years. I hope state governments take the hint also and purge the freeloaders while they have the chance.
>Already lose a shitton of soft power throughout the world.
Oldschool 'soft power' was no longer working in the face of Chinese expansion. Billions of dollars in free gibs just creates dependence and corruption. Chinese style actually building things and charging for their use is 1000% more effective. America needs its manufacturing and industry back before it can project 21st century soft power.

As for 'security', the USA could not even defeat Yemen and secure the strait. Whatever its military power is, it wasn't enough vs a bunch of inbred khat chewing retards being supplied by Iran.

>> No.59974532

MAGApedes are easy to trigger. A lot of people who voted for Trump are now shitposting about him to troll MAGA chuds. The exact same thing happened in 2016. You're not being brigaded faggot, you're just too emotional and a lolcow like Chirs Chan.

>> No.59974547
Quoted by: >>59974627

So, after a decade of watching them trt any and every single other option, its just totally impossible for you to consider the possibility that targeting the stock market, the thing he boast about all the time, may be one of the remaining options.

>> No.59974555
Quoted by: >>59977054

No offense, but you are probably going to be killed by actual American patriots.

The death squads are also going to be a necessary part of the restructuring of the USA.

You people are part of the problem, and there is no coming to terms or convincing you, and if you are left to your own devices you will sabotage everything (see current leftist terrorism on the west coast and abroad vs american companies).

We already know you will try to kill (assassinate) and destroy (wildfires/industrial sabotage) to try and get your way. There's just no coming back from that brink.

>> No.59974560

>MAGApedes are easy to trigger
Exhibit A:

>> No.59974575

A lot of the "MAGApedes" are Prigozhin's ex-workers and post from the Lakhta Center

>> No.59974627
Quoted by: >>59974686

>it's a conspiracy, the jews MADE him go back and forth on tariffs and say "well you know could be another recession"

>> No.59974641

and then when the tariffs get reversed you'll say that it was a genius negotiating tactic and that the tariffs were always dumb which is something that MIGA cultists have done multiple times at this point

>> No.59974649

>noooo you must worship the orange kike
>do not question his decisions!
>trust the plan
>patriots in control

Fucking kys pol tourist MIGAtarded faggots. You have a political board keep it there.

>> No.59974653
File: 200 KB, 1292x557, 1727253253518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also tons of them are redditor rapefugees from when the trump subreddit got deleted

>> No.59974654
Quoted by: >>59974724

Only an ai would have interpreted what i said like that

>> No.59974656

>muh russia
If 'muh russia' was able to defeat your political party and ideology in the USA and seize essentially total power, then your political party and ideology were not by any means strong enough to actually be leading the nation.

This isn't what actually happened, but I'm just pointing out that if you are actually that vulnerable then you had no business being in charge.

If a 'dumb', 'insane', 'russian asset', was able to dumpster your political party, then what use was your political party?

Again, not what actually happened, just pointing out what a massive self-own this particular form of coping is.

>> No.59974669

lmao the eglin airbase counter

aaaaaand I am now also 99% sure this new wave is all bot activity

>> No.59974686

>it's a conspiracy
Those are usually done in secret anon.

There have been numerous examples of people suggesting things all the way up to him being shot.

Anyway, haven't you got a ted talks echo chamber safe space to go cry some more about it in?

>> No.59974691
File: 1.71 MB, 1106x1191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock is dropping? Kek you guys later

>> No.59974697

>uuhhh it's the deep state!
Everytime this gets brought up all it does is make trump looks like a retard who can't control his own administration.

>> No.59974701
File: 718 KB, 640x741, 1672828428197918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail moves the market
The hypothetical is always a trap to detach the conversation from reality

>> No.59974724

Hey, you're free to give your side of the story whenever you want. I am curious to why you can't imagine numerous investors getting uncertain from confused policy and selling. As I stated, I only made a guess, feel free to correct the record. I have a feeling you won't.

>> No.59974739
File: 74 KB, 750x1000, sadvd0has98dh80n04ng0noiawwnsgoinasb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59974765

Trump is one of them.

>> No.59975056
Quoted by: >>59975383

It's a mass media narrative, cargo cultism. Every day they claim he changed his mind on tariffs but his actual messaging never changed.
The real uncertainty is the debt and the more it seems like they won't be able to balance the budget the more uncertainty about the future there is.

>> No.59975289

Manufacturing and agriculture is cratering right now

>> No.59975325


>> No.59975383

until the tariffs get reversed then it's just a 5d chess move

>> No.59975402

It’s a 5D chess move for MAGAinsiders to buy the dip

>> No.59975456

Retail doesn’t move markets

>> No.59975486
Quoted by: >>59975510

You will never put together a coherent thought about any subject.

>> No.59975495

The election was obviously fake. You think Biden was the most popular president in history?

>> No.59975510
Quoted by: >>59975522

I guarantee that the last time he reversed the tariffs you said it was le 5d chess move and that tariffs on mexico were always just a negotiating tactic.

>> No.59975522
Quoted by: >>59975542

You have never and will never predict anything correctly about any subject. There's not a hint of actual thought there. You're the definition of a media golem.

>> No.59975538

His policy is very clear actually. You're just not intellectual enough to understand his big brained clear moves.

>> No.59975542
Quoted by: >>59975870

Ok then, what was your reaction to him reversing the tariffs? What did you think of that?

>> No.59975547
Quoted by: >>59975765

The quality of posts on this board hasn’t seen such a rapid decline since January of 2021. There’s definitely foreigners here.

>> No.59975661

>Are we getting brigaded by r/politics/ or is Trump really the reason why everything's dumping?
We are totally getting brigaded. Stop selling your stocks and start buying all the dip. That's what i am doing. Buy everything! Trump is not to blame, buy stocks and don't believe those political actors and their fearmongering. Buy the dip!

>> No.59975673

>brigaded by r/politics/

With absolute certainty.
People troll and shit talk, but this is like people spamming the same low effort posts on every single thread.

>> No.59975703

A cult of personality

>> No.59975742
File: 18 KB, 640x602, soyjak-angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59975765

I saw a chart earlier today where it turns out the amount of Indians and for some reason Africans that have access to the internet has skyrocketed in the last two years

>> No.59975816

this is why Americans need to start getting guns and preparing. This shit will come to violence sooner or later. It's sad how the loudest and proudest of their rights and freedoms are the first to kneel. The rest of America needs to realize they can buy guns too.

>> No.59975829

it's why they need to be removed and replaced by actual representatives and not career politicians who only care about next November

>> No.59975839
Quoted by: >>59976167

i dunno m8 i remember him shilling twitter licenses using basedjak comics, so at the very least he's a faggot

>> No.59975870
Quoted by: >>59975999

The fact that he didn't is the premise of my post you originally replied to. I've wanted tariffs for 20 years. This is why he's appealing. Immigration reduction, tariffs and his opposition to the MIC glownigger cabal that controls your brain.

>> No.59975873
Quoted by: >>59977289

>imply government is all shit just because you worked for the shittiest and most corrupt part of it

>> No.59975915
File: 335 KB, 796x1024, 1741641326299133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59976057

>> No.59975999

Let me guess, "fake news"?

>> No.59976032
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>> No.59976054
File: 2.82 MB, 468x366, 1741416054950109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been dealing with this for 8 years welcome to the club.
I'm not even left wing either despite their consistent protests that I must be.

>> No.59976056
Quoted by: >>59976655

No I want him to keep going. Destroying Canada is the most based thing he could possibly do as president. The performance of your crypto bags over the next few months is completely irrelevant in comparison

>> No.59976057

Is this a real fucking tweet
Was Vance the fall guy all along

>> No.59976068
File: 52 KB, 864x497, trumpxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59976098

retarded mafags voted a real state grifter that thinks he's julio cesar in his prime but he's getting puppetered by putin and xi on deck

>> No.59976080
File: 145 KB, 730x1024, DaSGZM0WkAE0C0k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59976104

>your not even allowed
mfw realizing that this president does not know how to spell.

>> No.59976085

>Eglin airforce base
Trump controls the state you dumb retard at what point will you finally stop this cope.

>> No.59976098

This tweet is not the own you think it is. Biden's job numbers were terrible despite the fact that they were inflated by all the useless public sector jobs he added. Trump is slashing the public sector and increasing jobs in the private sector, which makes the overall number go down but strengthens the government and the economy long term. Also he's ending the war in Ukraine which is the opposite of heading to world war III. If EU retards want to start a war with Russia on their own that's their problem but the US won't be the one to instigate.

>> No.59976104

No all it proves is he's nakedly posting with no thought to his PR team.
All other presidents likely had it back and forth spellchecked.

>> No.59976107

you will be eating bugs and talking about how great it is that Trump found this new source of protein

>> No.59976112
Quoted by: >>59976135

>He's still parroting the WW3 narrative
Lmao, meanwhile he's threatening to invade Iran again.

>> No.59976126
Quoted by: >>59976197

>we don't need your energy
Same guy who had lutnick say today that all tarrifs on canadian oil were coming down indefinitely btw

>> No.59976135

>He's still parroting the WW3 narrative
I'm replying to a post that parroted that narrative
>he's threatening to invade Iran again
Iran tried to assassinate him

>> No.59976154

the same that blames everything on whites/jews/muhhgrants etc

>> No.59976160

Hes crashing the market and creating bankruptcies

>> No.59976167
File: 320 KB, 750x891, 1717430291719363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably shitposts on twitter more than he does any other activity. Literally any other activity besides breathing.

>> No.59976186

>Your not allowed to do that.
Good to know that the president doesn't even know the difference between your and you're.
Also why aren't they allowed to do it? Trump is the one who declared tariffs out of nowhere first.
Both sides are fucking retarded, but he should have expected Canada to respond in their own way and not just play along with the tariffs he announced.

>> No.59976191

I'm looking forward to the next jobs numbers. If that doesn't change your mind then you're a fucking tool. I'll gladly accept the jobs numbers being good, but it's not like the jobs numbers are a black box. It's obvious what inputs affect it. This shit ain't good.

>> No.59976197

I honestly find it amazing how Lutnick can say one thing and then Trump does something completely different. I don't think Trump is even informing anyone of what he is doing until it has happened or they find out because of his Twitter post.

>> No.59976215

Yes. President Elon and secretary Trump are speed running a self inflicted recession

>> No.59976217
Quoted by: >>59976317

Our gay government had been papering over a recession and inflation ever since June 2022. They’re now revealing the real data to crash the market on Trump’s watch

>> No.59976219
File: 241 KB, 866x1390, 1-indian-rural-gujrati-man-computer-working-and-mobile-phone-multi-FBBEH7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>muh russia
>If 'muh russia' was able to defeat your political party and ideology in the USA and seize essentially total power, then your political party and ideology were not by any means strong enough to actually be leading the nation.
>This isn't what actually happened, but I'm just pointing out that if you are actually that vulnerable then you had no business being in charge.
>If a 'dumb', 'insane', 'russian asset', was able to dumpster your political party, then what use was your political party?
>Again, not what actually happened, just pointing out what a massive self-own this particular form of coping is.

>> No.59976246

Not just that, those Trump coins were funsies shit. Trump had zero control over it, others dumped hard once it hit X levels and that was that.

>> No.59976272
Quoted by: >>59976577

The decay that is allowing any happening to happen has been there long before Trump started pumping and dumping. This is 2008 back to finish the job, flexing the market with tariffs is just exposing the weakness.

>> No.59976300

> Help! Filthy liberals are blaming my leader!
Better call ICE to get all this scum deported ASAP.

>> No.59976317

Actually they've been papering over it since Trump 1.0.

>> No.59976324
File: 81 KB, 900x741, 1631905700000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59976350

It's literally him, you imbecile. This was predicted by every beancounter worth half a damn. His proposed tariffs were so stupid, even his most charitable supporters thought "He won't actually do it. This is all some Art of the Deal bluster." No, he just really is that dumb and here we are. The only and I mean ONLY reason the economy didn't tank as hard his first time was because he had actual adults to keep his most retarded impulses in check. No surprise literally none of them endorsed his 2024 campaign and his current cabinet are equally incompetent yes-men and a Marco Rubio who looks on track to committing suicide on camera mid-press conference. Orange man unironically bad.

>> No.59976326

he saved the country (israel)

>> No.59976348

but its exactly what happened, the republicans made themselves vulnerable and russia exploited that weakness to get an asset into power

>> No.59976350
File: 24 KB, 755x274, 1727283499318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59978544

trust the plan

>> No.59976357
Quoted by: >>59977180

>but strengthens the government
Full Retard.

>> No.59976479

>You are going to hire Americans
>You are going to pay them a proper living wage
>You are going to buy American products
>Americans are going to mind their own business at home, and stop murdering brown people for profit
>American is going to flourish as soon as the globalist disease is flushed from its system
None of this is going to happen, nor is the intention of the government. This is just what you are other cultists are dreaming about, and what you have been sold, but you've all been deceived. lol

>> No.59976527
File: 47 KB, 652x399, 1731994404434982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59976566

All he did was point out facts, there was nothing in there about orange man bad, you just interpreted that yourself based on the facts.

>> No.59976570
File: 187 KB, 1290x1290, 20250304_112104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His inauguration marked the top and his policies have been completely retarded, so what do you think?

>> No.59976577
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x790, laughing_all_the_way_to_bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he'll pay off the Saudis to pump up the oil prices, with taxpayer money, again

>> No.59976590


4chan is 90% Reddit.


This song represents the left.

>> No.59976616

more like brigaded by r/pol/ to defend the orange faggot

>> No.59976651

>elect retarded person
>he does retarded things
how are you all such predictable retards kek

>> No.59976655

>economy collapsing
>eggs more expensive than ever
>h-heh w-we're totally destroying canada guys b-based

>> No.59976683

>Makes crypto reserve
>Retail buys hype
>Starts a trade war on multiple fronts
>Tells retail to take one for the team
Congratulations for buying his bags

>> No.59976770
File: 176 KB, 1000x1200, il_fullxfull.6482678463_g04f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Act Blue still has shills on their payroll, yes.

They are being joined by redditors, bunkertroons and third worlders, all of them equally motivated by their TDS.

>> No.59976777
File: 52 KB, 474x598, anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter what 4chan thinks. only matters what voters think.

and voters always blame the president for how the economy is doing, whether it's his fault or not.

>> No.59976799

so fucking based

>> No.59976812
File: 358 KB, 2160x2700, GltooUPWAAABPt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scare all the migrant labor into hiding
>migrant labor

The word you're looking for is "illegals", Pablo.
Hope you enjoy your last days of the American experience

>> No.59976833

hopefully he succeeds and you get to see the republican party begging for their cheap labor to come back. I give it one harvest season.

>> No.59976856
Quoted by: >>59976864

The US already has temp visas just for all those shitty slave labor jobs like fruit harvesting so this is a pointless thing to talk about

>> No.59976864
Quoted by: >>59976901

you think they're here on a visa? that would mean they're paying taxes which means their employers are paying taxes which means they're not cheap enough.

I'd guess less than a quarter of those guys are here on visas.

>> No.59976868

It's a 401k you cant touch it anything unless your fucking 60 relax, or do the retard thing and cash it out early and pay a crazy amount of taxes like all the other npcs

>> No.59976873

i have 400k in AMZN fml

>> No.59976889

Yeah, bro. The market is in freefall because of r/politics. You figured it out.

>> No.59976901

Of course there were illegals but their tiny wages mean way less in taxes than if they hired Americans

>> No.59976905
Quoted by: >>59976916

/biz/ permanent residents are very sensitive to who is here, and the simple fact is you guys were not here a month ago, or any time before that, and we notice.

>> No.59976916
Quoted by: >>59976921

I' been been on 4 chan for close to 20 years. You are the tourists, poisoning this board, starting around covid

>> No.59976921

The fact you didn’t register my OK FGT ID makes me question whether you’re telling the truth.

>> No.59976925
Quoted by: >>59976935

We don't want you here. We don't need you. America is a nation of hard work and innovation.

WE VOTED TO KICK YOU OUT. Delegates, popular vote, Senate and House. What part of this does your ESL monkey brain do not understand?

>> No.59976935
Quoted by: >>59976956

I said I hope he succeeds, you little cocksucking redneck. I want to watch your buddies cry like babbies when they can't get tomatoes on their whoppers again.

makes me smile when you dumbfucks kick yourselves in the balls. Like all the righties in the gov getting laid off right now. Sweet sweet irony.

>> No.59976956

>good luck picking cotton without the slaves. I am very ethical by the way.

>> No.59977003

>Are we getting brigaded by r/politics/ or is Trump really the reason why everything's dumping?
Read up on tariffs and figure it the fuck out. They're not even all that complex, the full consequences can be but the idea and the reasoning for not using them except for specific needs is very easy to understand.
Trump is a 60iq chimp.

>> No.59977016

You forgot firing thousands of government workers many of which will not be able to find equally valuable work especially in the markets where they live. He's such a genius.

>> No.59977054
Quoted by: >>59977147

>No offense, but you are probably going to be killed by actual American patriots.
>The death squads are also going to be a necessary part of the restructuring of the USA.
>You people are part of the problem, and there is no coming to terms or convincing you, and if you are left to your own devices you will sabotage everything (see current leftist terrorism on the west coast and abroad vs american companies).
>We already know you will try to kill (assassinate) and destroy (wildfires/industrial sabotage) to try and get your way. There's just no coming back from that brink.
The funniest thing to me is that you people think you're the majority. Same as land doesn't vote, a note to you, you're the minority. If there is a civil war, you will lose, hard.

>> No.59977059
Quoted by: >>59977067

so they were being overpaid in government?

>> No.59977064

Kinda based, fuck them for getting money to do nothing. I also say this as someone that did government work and got paid an unbelievable amount of money for doing virtually nothing, it was awesome but made me realize just where all the tax dollars truly go.

>> No.59977067

>so they were being overpaid in government?
What in rural areas? Yes. Most of those government service jobs don't discriminate by state, they were vastly overpaid for their area. Partly to keep those towns alive and mostly to keep their medical systems running.
Red states fucked themselves hard but that'll take a couple of years to start feeling the effects.

>> No.59977073
Quoted by: >>59977164

How about we just hire the entire population for government roles that pay $150k?
Zero unemployment, a huge middle class. No downsides.

>> No.59977147

1) Trump won both the popular vote AND the delegate count. Both people and land voted Trump
2) You own no guns
3) You are a limp-wristed faggot who would cry in a self-defense situation, and your peers are mostly non-white females. You are not soldiers

>> No.59977156

The tariffs are not an end in themselves.
They are a means to make America great again, mostly by bringing manufacturing back home, forcing our neighbors to stop fucking around (tighten border control on their end, stop with the fentanyl bullshit) and also a way to make trading agreements fairer.
You would know all of this if you were paying enough attention

>> No.59977164
Quoted by: >>59977172

Kys communist scum

>> No.59977172
Quoted by: >>59977177

anon maybe I was asking him to consider why overpaid government jobs are a bad thing and why reducing them is a good thing

>> No.59977177
Quoted by: >>59977205

> Embrace simplistic positions
> Act surprised that he surrounded himself with morons

>> No.59977180

What did you do last week?
Please reply to this email with 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager

>> No.59977185

So he actually types this shit out himself? Or did the ghost writer fuck up? Either way he's stupid as fuck

>> No.59977205

>failing to get sarcasm over the internet = you're simple

Tell us more about your refined political takes. Kamala is brat, all cops are bastards and black lives matter?

>> No.59977219

Average shitskin brain maga midwit faggot

>> No.59977233

You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Onshoring manufacturing will unironically fix the globalist paradigm of
>Move production first world to third world
>First world economies provide services between themselves
The US biggest export is dollars, because the globalists have spent decades as parasites on American purchasing power. If Trump can fix this (and it won't be quick, will probably need most of his third term as well) then we can make it simply by buying QQQ. Right now is the short-term pain. It will pass

>> No.59977257
Quoted by: >>59977271

T, r/uk Paki poster

>> No.59977271
File: 124 KB, 783x1024, 1710889094621820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59977297

>Y-y-you are a p-p-pakii
Refute any of his points

>> No.59977281

This has to be a joke, this is something an MSNBC moderator would read

>> No.59977289

Federal employees that refuse to show up for work are most definitely shit.

>> No.59977297
Quoted by: >>59977352

We don't need to refute anything. We won. You still failing to understand that?

>> No.59977316

What is your argument? Nobody at any point thinks of tariffs as anything other than temporary measures and threats to get what they want. So yes, obviously they will be reversed at some point, how is that an inconsistent line of thought? Yeah obviously tariffs hurt which is why countries affected by it would want to act swiftly in order to make the US reverse it, that’s the point

>> No.59977350
Quoted by: >>59977390

I'm Canadian.

As I understand it, it's going down because of the tariffs. There are several problems with it. First, the claims he made about tariffs Canada does are dishonest. There are only tariffs that are applied after a quota is reached from the USMCA, which leads to the second problem, which is that Donald Trump negotiated the USMCA in his first time. What he's doing can be perceived as reneging on his own trade agreement, which makes people lose trust in the US trade. Third, he has been pushing the idea of annexation whenever this stuff is brought up, indicating that there isn't a point to renegotiating trade if annexation is the real goal.

For these reasons, Canada and other nations are increasingly incentivized to fight back instead of making another trade deal Trump can renege on again.

If anyone is going to bring up pre-2025 'unfair Canadian tariffs', please link me where you're getting that info from, because as far as I can tell, Trump is making it up. I say this as someone who likes most of his other policies.

>> No.59977352
File: 66 KB, 352x264, 1721215401597908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59977356


>> No.59977353

he really is the reason everything is dumping
but I have some copium that he will cut rates and fire up the printer to save his economy

>> No.59977356

Yes we. Crypto builders.

>Ross is free
>Uyeda, pro-crypto SEC commissioner, is acting head of SEC
>Hester Pierce, other pro-crypto SEC commissioner, promoted
>Bessent, Atkins, Lutnick all pro-crypto people in top agency positions.
>all government Bitcoin now held as a reserve asset with plans to acquire more
>Trump met with top crypto people in a roundtable
>David Sacks appointed "crypto czar"
>Cynthia Lummis is investigating OCP 2.0 and going after the democrats that debanked crypto builders
>SEC charges against Coinbase, Uniswap etc have all been dropped
>the entire admin speaks openly about wanting to promote and support digital asset innovation.
>IRS broker rule, making DeFi front ends "brokers" and basically crushing public DeFi, rescinded
>OCC guidance that banks can't perform cryptocurrency activities, rescinded.

>> No.59977367

And the results speak for themselves!

>> No.59977381

We'd probably had a similar crash under Kamabla. People are now more realistic with their expectations of running a government with trillions in debt. Covid debt has to be refinanced and 10 year bond yields are too high. Instead of inconsistent tariffs that raised uncertainty, Kamabla (her handlers let's be honest) would have announced 40% corporate tax to crash the market and make interest on long term debt cheaper.

>> No.59977388

what about that guy who had a greencard and got detained for protesting?

>> No.59977390
Quoted by: >>59977395

I'm looking at a paper from 2022-2023 of the world trade organization and I have not learned how to read it yet but it seems you have a lot of agricultural protectionism. According to The Plain Bagel who is Canadian you also weirdly have a lot of internal protectionism province to province. Anywho, I think Trump wants you and Denmark to shift to mining economies or to develop that or give us your land to do it or something. And he's crazy. Also 4d chess. And it's gonna create jobs and revenue.

>> No.59977395

He needs you to develop your mineral production and in the Ukraine so we can in become space cyborg gods or something

>> No.59977398
File: 137 KB, 1349x850, 1721909029562764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59977457

Yeah I can see that

>> No.59977404

You meant he same oligarch billionaires that were standing behind him in the inauguration?

>> No.59977422

>but the US won't be the one to instigate
holy fucking glow in the dark

>> No.59977454
File: 837 KB, 1070x840, 1720799076954563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59977457

BTC was $60k when Trump was elected.

>> No.59977481
Quoted by: >>59977487

Why was he drawn short? What's their problem?

>> No.59977485
Quoted by: >>59977493

>>Openly speculate about taking the panama canal (very important trading choke point, easily blocked by guerrilla fighters)
China was buying the canal.
And Trump fixed it, China is out and the US is in.

>>Openly speculate about annexing Greenland from Denmark (one of the most pro-US countries in NATO)
Greenland is in a strategically vital position for the US; it's right in the middle of the flight path from Russia's ICBM launch sites to the US.
Yet Denmark has done absolutely NOTHING with Greenland to counter this fact.

Trump is 100% right to call them to order on that.

>>Scare all the migrant labor into hiding, further slowing down the economy
This is just the cherry on top lmao
Post nose, Schlomo.

>> No.59977487

Makes his shoes bigger.

>> No.59977493
Quoted by: >>59977503

>We MUST have illegal slaves
is the most bizarro part of the modern leftists utterly bizarre and incongruous ideological arsenal

>> No.59977503

>without illegal browns, who will pick our cotton???

>> No.59977508
Quoted by: >>59977518

>Lincoln has scared the slave labor into hiding, further slowing down the economy

>> No.59977510

>>without illegal browns, who will pick our cotton???
This but unironically

>> No.59977518


>> No.59977522
Quoted by: >>59977526

I see your TDS is in full effect, not suffering right now but even if I was I’m enjoying it and it’s what I voted for. 4 more years of you crying lmao

>> No.59977526

Based and redpilled owned that liberal with facts and logic

>> No.59977548

Republicans in shambles.

>> No.59977576

My crypto wallet is down by over 40% since the inauguration. I thought that if I HODL'd BTC, DOGE and PEPE that I'd be minted. I stopped paying attention to US politics after the inauguration and assumed that the profits would print themselves. What the fuck did this orange faggot do?

>> No.59977629
File: 18 KB, 386x232, IMG_1367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe that americans are actually doubling down in this thread. People are genuinely angry at USA and withdrawing their businesses from USA because they feel genuinely insulted. Thanks for handing the western hegemony to us, to EU, i guess.

>> No.59977633

>the continent that has spent the last 30 years shutting down power plants, importing the third world, crushing innovation, and strangling the population under speech control and bureaucracy, and which is about to launch a CBDC to even further control its peasantry, is suddenly going to turn around and lead the world

>> No.59977635
Quoted by: >>59977643

>Thanks for handing the western hegemony to us, to EU
lmao, good luck agreeing on literally anything, starting with military action in Ukraine.

Euro nations will sooner fall into another continent-wide war than come to any meaningful joint administrative effort.

>> No.59977642
Quoted by: >>59977655

>importing the third world, crushing innovation, and strangling the population under speech control and bureaucracy, and which is about to launch a CBDC to even further control its peasantry,
Enough about America

>> No.59977643
Quoted by: >>59977652

I hope to god that you are russian bots and not real americans.

>> No.59977652
File: 619 KB, 775x673, 1718145514889926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sit your ass back down.

>> No.59977655

Trump is the most pro-innovation leader in our lifetimes, who has shut down the possibility of a CBDC. Cope even harder.

>> No.59977772
Quoted by: >>59978350

>Illegal aliens are not migrants, they should be deported immediately and are by definition criminals.
What does any of that have to do with the economic impact of losing them as workers?
US agriculture cannot survive losing illegal labor, even if they 5x'ed the pay and massively improved the work environment they still wouldn't be able to convince enough Americans to cover their labor needs (And they wouldn't be able to bear the increased cost anyway)

Stating that the pillar propping up your house is illegal and should be removed doesn't change the fact that the house WILL collapse when you remove it.

>> No.59978350
Quoted by: >>59978416

This is the must judaic post I've probably ever read on /biz/.
Not only are illegal immigrants as a whole a net drain on the economy, but obviously their abundant presence puts pressure on the native population and culture.
Time to fuck off.

>> No.59978415


>> No.59978416

Absolutely delusional.
Not only do illegals pay close to a combined hundred billion dollars a year in taxes, a year, they drain the economy far less than normal citizens since they can't access most of the services to which citizens and legal migrants are entitled.

They then also prop up several US industries (primarily agriculture and construction) through artificially low labor costs which supports the native population through lower prices on the products of those industries as well as creating good, higher paying jobs in the companies that thrive due to the cheap migrant labor (Primarily administrative jobs)

The presence of illegal immigrant labor objectively benefits Americans citizens, not only economically but also abstractly by taking shitty, awful jobs that no American would wanna do even if it paid decently.

>> No.59978425
Quoted by: >>59978460

>pay taxes

This is satire

>> No.59978460
File: 244 KB, 741x616, lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooooo! It's not real because it hurts my feelings!

>> No.59978463
File: 106 KB, 800x840, 1738092044504253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>house under Drump
>supreme court under Drump
>POTUS Drump
>Trump really the reason ????
lol, no must be Joe Boiden lmao

>> No.59978467


How do they even have "official" government figures on illegal immigrant tax contributions? Tf is going on here?

>> No.59978476

Why not do the absolute bare minimum and issue temporary work permits, so you can control them, instead of just opening the borders and letting unlimited unvetted people in?

>> No.59978484

You pretty much can't be illegal and still be able to file taxes, you know that right?
This is things like wage taxes paid by employers, and shit like value added taxes.

And whatever they generate, they more than offset with the funds they absolutely do receive from social services, medical, education, crime, etc.

>> No.59978490

They pay taxes. Employer isnt required to know much about your status, but does have to pay income taxes directly to the govt. Asylum seekers would be included on the category. I doubt these people file returns... So the government takes even more from them, as they are certainly due a refund

>> No.59978492

It's all made up guesswork, see >>59978484

>> No.59978491

>president making some of the most retarded decisions in living memory
>"is it Reddit's fault the economy is shitting the bed?"

Rightoids are SO close lmao

>> No.59978506
Quoted by: >>59978551


Yes but listen to yourself. Employer doesn't know status, there isn't a checkbox on your income tax filing where you put "I'm an illegal." How could they ever have official stats on this unless they know more than they're telling us?

>> No.59978507

Yes, and as we all know employers submit official records of the illegals they employ, and they also pay their illegals above board.
Right right.

You absolute propagandist.

>> No.59978544


Yeah, you have to be pretty stupid if you can't tell the difference between 20 and 25

>> No.59978551

Paying under the table would underestimate the taxes. I don't think this happens as much as you want to believe. Asylum seekers are above board, there's programs to get them jobs. Employers participate in the programs. It's the most legal way around paying real Americans real wages.
Other illegals probably get benefits like housing that's not above board, but they are still paid like employees. The employee is better off assigning that money as an expense than not

>> No.59978557
Quoted by: >>59978710

Believe it or not, employers actually don't want to be raped up the ass by the IRS. There are basically no consequences for hiring illegals and paying their taxes.

>> No.59978559
File: 22 KB, 250x250, bobbyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just trust me bro

See I can't do that anymore. I highly doubt the illegal waste that's been dumping over our border is a "net positive" after factoring in 1. the American they displace from work 2. the public resources they scoop up 3. the dubious amount of taxpaying they do

People who are already breaking the law in being here are NOT going out of their way to hit their income tax burdens

>> No.59978566
Quoted by: >>59978621

I'm not the one saying it's a net positive. It's just actually happening. You can't ignore basic information because you don't like it.

>> No.59978579

They are fighting for their spiritual and biological survival. Blunt, crude and like a bleeding cornered animal. Don't have pitty, join in on the ripping their guts out, or stay out of the way to not become collateral damage

>> No.59978584

how can an illegal pay taxes without a social security number

where did you get this?

>You pretty much can't be illegal and still be able to file taxes, you know that right?

how? your tax return is filed under your SS#... like you literally can't file a return without that number

>This is things like wage taxes paid by employers
these are also under a SS#
you can't run w2 payroll for someone without that number

that's why people get pissed bc a lot of small business ie construction will pay them under the table aka in cash and so there's no taxes being submitted

>. Employer isnt required to know much about your status, but does have to pay income taxes directly to the govt.

employer needs w4 to put anyone on paper

>> No.59978590
Quoted by: >>59978606

>People who are already breaking the law in being here are NOT going out of their way to hit their income tax burdens
This logic is completely retarded.
The fact that an employer is willing to risk a fine for hiring illegals (In the rare event of actual enforcement) does not imply that they're also willing to risk being raped to death by the IRS for tax fraud.

>> No.59978596

I don’t know if there is anything Trump could do to get polniggers to turn on him.

>> No.59978597

Maybe /pol/ is. /biz/ is still vaguely distant and unaffected. Still /biz/ is fairly half and half on the guy. /biz/ has never been PTG-tier sycophantic.

>> No.59978598

you elect a clown you get a circus. time to reap what you sow migger

>> No.59978603

both are true simultaneously

>> No.59978604

Of course it's not Trump you retard. The democrats did this.

>> No.59978606
Quoted by: >>59978648


The logic is totally consistent. It's made worse by the existence of sanctuary cities where they can't be held by police. You think an illiterate person who is already knowingly committing a crime by being here magically goes full good faith to make sure their taxes are paid? You're a fucking idiot if so

>> No.59978613

it's only russians and some americans (many probably bots or r/thedonald boomers) that still like Trump on /pol/

>> No.59978620

It’s Europeans
They’re the ones brigading and doing the dumping

>> No.59978621

>You can't ignore basic information because you don't like it.
Anon, they literally can, that’s the whole problem. I mean we still have a GameStop general for God’s sakes. The stupidity of the person you’re talking to defies human comprehension.

>> No.59978624
File: 506 KB, 1079x851, 1741117828806195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59978627
Quoted by: >>59978670

They use made up ssn/itin.
To be fair I don't know how they know those taxes are paid by illegals who are not asylum seekers. Since it would be associated with a real person.

>> No.59978628

No. He is an avatar. Nothing more, nothing less. The same as Bush sen., Bill Clinton, Bush jun., Obongo and Biden were your avatars. Only that you never had much loyalty for your hired guns and despite being the defacto ruling class, to use your terminology, rather ruling EPISTEMIC group, you had to larp as the opposition. Path dependency, especially if it is ideological and baked into your belief is a bitch

>> No.59978629

Go back Migger

>> No.59978631
Quoted by: >>59978639


Your problem is you don't understand how terrible the alternative is, you try to judge him in a vacuum which is invalid. Case in point

>your core criticism is that he's a Zionist

It's moot, because every single politician is a Jew loving cocksucker. This is the #1 thing trolls like to spam on here as his worst fault and it's utterly meaningless because every breathing soul in DC not named Thomas Massie is a Zionist.

>> No.59978633

>trump gets elected and starts doing stupid shit
>economy tanks
hurr durr is he really responsible

>> No.59978639

>everyone is a zionist so dont criticize my super speshul donny for being one toooo

>> No.59978646
File: 56 KB, 884x722, 1740748377398926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59978660

Worst nigger to ever hold office.

>> No.59978648
Quoted by: >>59978668

>The logic is totally consistent
No it isn't.
The fact that someone is willing to take on a certain level of risk does not imply they are willing to take on a way higher level of risk that incurs a much larger penalty.

For your argument to make sense you would have to believe that a teenager who is willing to shoplift a chocolate bar is also willing to murder someone. They're both illegal after all, so obviously if they're willing to do one they must be willing to do the other.

>> No.59978660

playing with dolljaks again

>> No.59978668


>The fact that someone is already willing to break laws doesn't imply they are willing to break more laws

Ok, just kill yourself

>> No.59978670
Quoted by: >>59978725

>They use made up ssn/itin.

was just reading some more on this, that makes sense

sounds like a middleman labor company will get setup to help the illegals get fake docs and contract them out to construction company.

funny though that government report has all this data...they're basically admitting they know people are committing identity fraud on a mass scale

>> No.59978671
Quoted by: >>59978735

To be fair, economic fundamentals were quite fishy already.
What Trump did is take an already sick horse, and put 2 more bullets into it. But I gotta admit, managing to crash MIC is unironically impressive achievement.

>> No.59978684
Quoted by: >>59978780

>All laws are exactly the same
>Ok, just kill yourself
You lost

>> No.59978690
Quoted by: >>59978780

their taxes are paid automatically retard

>> No.59978710
Quoted by: >>59978774

>Paying under the table would underestimate the taxes.
Fucking what? Those "taxes paid by illegals" are 100% estimates.
Employers paying under or over the table doesn't change that one bit.

>employers actually don't want to be raped up the ass by the IRS
So they log payroll hours that they can't even hope to reconcile with their actual workforce.

That's what I'm saying, you literally can't pay things like income tax when you're illegal.
It's all asspulls and guessing based on shit like value added tax, or wage tax paid by employers (LOL)

>> No.59978725
Quoted by: >>59978803

Wtf is this argument?
>gov employees were totally necessary
>do work? Of course not
>they were plants I'm the middle of nowhere, doing nothing, getting paid by you without you knowing
>to keep the area afloat on their individual stolen salary
>how dare you fire them
I'm genuinely so confused by the leftist "gubmint gud" messaging coming out
There's got to be something so unbelievably illegal/corrupt about one of these alphabets they're kvetching so hard over
what a compelling projection
Makes more sense with those 10000+ duplicate SSN entries they just found
Probably part of the human trafficking tentacle

>> No.59978735

Its a good thing. Economics > Politics > Finance. The zombies are finally purged after 32 years haunting the land.

Japan and China should observe and learn, maybe they are still able to turn it around, but I doubt

>> No.59978774

>Employers paying under or over the table doesn't change that one bit.
They certainly have real numbers. Employers don't want to pay under the table. Paying under the table benefits the recipient not the payee.
Not sure why you're trying to argue this point. Employers obviously don't give a shit to vet their employees. It's not complicated that illegals work illegally. The employees just want the cheap labor. They're entirely "above board" from a legal standpoint. And they pay taxes. I don't care if the numbers are just the "legal" asylum seekers, of which there are plenty, or if they're an estimate. They pay taxes. It's not good, it's not bad, I don't care except it takes American jobs. Maybe jobs that Americans don't want. I don't know. But yes, they fucking pay taxes.

>> No.59978780
Quoted by: >>59978793


Tax evasion is a lesser crime to illegal immigration. One gets minor fees, wage garnishment, back taxes. The other gets deportation. Screw your head on straight. Of course someone who snuck into this country has no qualms with ignoring the entire concept of taxes.


>what is cash

>> No.59978789

>Paying under the table benefits the recipient not the payee.

Incorrect, by paying under the table you can pay less in gross since gross = net.

>> No.59978793
Quoted by: >>59978851

>Tax evasion is a lesser crime to illegal immigration.
For the immigrant, yes. Not for the employer. An employer will be fucked WAY harder for tax fraud than for hiring illegals.

>> No.59978803
Quoted by: >>59978843

>I'm genuinely so confused by the leftist "gubmint gud" messaging coming out

i am too lol
i don't think i realized how much the left depended on the system until this past month

>> No.59978804

>They certainly have real numbers.
No, they literally don't.
Nobody is keeping track of wages paid to illegals, be it under or over the table.

Because it's fucking ILLEGAL to employ them in the first place, you absolute dimwit.

>> No.59978812

Let's fucking hope so, anon
I'm beyond tired of watching at minimum 3 decades of fake and gay everything (culture, economy, state apparatus, academia, labor). Fucking everything is hollow and meaningless and I just want to wake up in the morning and go to a job that fucking does something that wouldn't just be forgotten if it went up in smoke

>> No.59978823

True, but the problem is - America as a whole has become a zombie. US labor is plain not competitive on the global market.
For decades, this circus has been maintained by the gibs from other countries and multinational corporations in the form of debt. With A LOT of smoke and mirrors from US to pretend that this ballooning debt has economic fundamentals behind it. But with each passing year, it's becoming a harder and harder sell.

>> No.59978840


>> No.59978843


Does it ever seem like "the left" in America is nonsensical? A random assortment of identities, agendas, pet priorities, that aren't very coherent? That is why. The unifying component is: state worship. They all worship and support the eternal growing state that pays them back. It really is just socialism and always has been. That's why a gangbanging homophobic coon can march alongside a rainbow flag white tranny despite no other similarities. It's all about worship for DC and support for its perpetual growth as part of the "beneficiary class." And yes, working Americans are getting robbed for this.

>> No.59978851


Only if it's enforced, which it hasn't been. Which is why they feel comfortable showing their faces and admitting to hiring illegal work forces in media interviews.

>> No.59978862
Quoted by: >>59978927

>I just want to wake up in the morning and go to a job that fucking does something that wouldn't just be forgotten if it went up in smoke

the problem is those jobs pay $40k a year

in america you either accept being poor and do something of substance or you sell your time and soul for money

america is not a country, it's a business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkVt-hTU6E4

>> No.59978910
Quoted by: >>59978921

The issue with trumptards is that anything that isn't exactly their view is immediately labeled as a leftie, nafo tranny (mostly used by RU botfarms), cuck or globohomo.
It's the exact same type of shit that the far left does, labeling everyone a nazi. In fact, the similarities between migatards and far left commies aren't few and far between.
You don't have to ride Trumps ride everytime he fucks up, it's okay.

>> No.59978921


>> No.59978927
Quoted by: >>59978975

or retards hear me out - you fucking go and do what you want as a LLC or single member lol lmao
MAGAts so tarded I can't

>> No.59978975

>you fucking go and do what you want as a LLC or single member lol lmao

ahh yes... setting up a llc solves everything, why didn't i think of that
can you invoice me for that advice?

>MAGAts so tarded I can't
lol what?

>> No.59979088

I wish the antitrumpers only said one word

>> No.59979209

I'm still up 6% compared to September 2024.
I dunno why anyone would complain.
probably this.

>> No.59980540

maybe he shouldn't have been elected president then