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58497383 No.58497383 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.58497389

I put in my entire life savings into AVAX at 49.

>> No.58497392

I lost over 130k in crypto since 2020 and I got 20 dollars left to my name kek.

>> No.58497404


>> No.58497825

I put 500 in at .003 then sold it the next day. My first ever trade.

>> No.58498040
File: 530 KB, 1161x1411, 1000005041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58498517

stupid fucking gambling addicts
just HODL and you'll be fine

>> No.58498045
Quoted by: >>58498055

Lost so much money day trading shit

>> No.58498055

im not even day trading im week trading/swinging

>> No.58498076

hold and dont sell even if it drops sub 0.10. It most probably hit ath this year because of x payments..

>> No.58498517

Please keep posting this chart it's helping me cope

>> No.58498916
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 1707064439243684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember that your money is in better hands now.

>> No.58499182
File: 195 KB, 1920x796, 1597143710138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58499244

>bought $1000 doge at 6 cents in early 2021
>it went to 12 cents in like a month
>sold for $2000
>mere moments later it pumped to its ATH of 58 cents
its now 2024 and I still am broke low 4 figures garbage. $3700.

>> No.58499221

If you look at what it did before it shot up in 2020 it's doing the same pattern but of course that doesn't mean it will shoot up.

>> No.58499244
Quoted by: >>58499259

Stop being a faggot. You cashed out net positive.

>> No.58499259

ive lost more than that many more times thinking i was right too anon.
but only low 4 figure poorfag numbers, not like this guy >>58497392

>> No.58499431 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>58499546

Would you mind giving me those 20$ in eth?

I can multiply in the next 1.5 months. I'll send the amout back to you after taking 5%

>> No.58499546

Mods do your fucking job seriously.

>> No.58499655

Just hold bro, You think DOGE will never reach 0.19 cents again? You can also sell now and buy another project , everything dumps and pumps according to bitcoin anyways. Buy something that actually pumps and then sell and buy back DOGE again, violá, problem literally solved you have more dogerinos

>> No.58499682

Fuckster bidencoin cocksucker gets cucked.
Dogecoin will never go over 0.20 ever again.

>> No.58500061

I only have 20k doge. How fucked am I?

>> No.58500086

I bought at 60 cents and that shit aint hitting back unless Elon buys and fucks a Shiba Inu on live national television.

>> No.58501034
File: 17 KB, 250x228, 1696613319594284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all fucking faggots

>Doge will go further than you think.
>Now you can call your grandfather to suck my cock