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File: 148 KB, 1080x1388, Screenshot_20240320-060947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58081398 No.58081398 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you fudders had your buy target hit, because it's all up from here. 4chan always wins.

>> No.58081416

>cmc trending on world frog day
this coin has some kind of destiny built in

>> No.58081434
File: 159 KB, 960x802, 1644855312108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58081458

Let's fucking goooo

>> No.58081468
Quoted by: >>58081475

Then why is it still dumping?

>> No.58081475
Quoted by: >>58081496

ETH APU, not the jeet one on S*lana

>> No.58081496
File: 420 KB, 1080x1340, Screenshot_20240320-082226_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.58081515

Generally you need more than four candles to know what a chart is doing.

>> No.58081540
File: 75 KB, 941x958, GJClFLfXsAA2ywd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the difference

>> No.58081570

Its going to go parabolic when peak bull market kicks in don’t miss out

>> No.58081574


>> No.58081586
File: 187 KB, 2048x2048, 1710628944110962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't paperhand did you frens? You did survive the nuclear dump from yesterday right fren?

>> No.58081630
Quoted by: >>58081641

Dump wasn't that bad. Didn't break volatility expectations considering it's small market cap.

>> No.58081641

Especially considering everythings been down, especially ETH as thats what its paired to. Could've been way way worse.

>> No.58081644

Wow nice wallet distribution
Wow nice liquidity

No refunds

>> No.58081687

MC has doubled since I bought, yet it's still lower price. No one's going to buy this when they realize it's being sniped and farmed to hell. Whales are swing trading and absorbing every penny you guys put in...

>> No.58081714

Lol its literally still -25% from the top.
And its problem is not the fucking cmc but a lack of new investors.

>> No.58081720

W- when is the rug pull happening anon?
I- i r-really am starting to get worried that a meme coin might not be a smart and calculated financial move.
We stay comfy wagmi

>> No.58081747
File: 84 KB, 735x605, IMG_9858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58081763

>25% down on a meme is a big deal

>> No.58081792

Ahh yes, smooth line chart, like your brain.

>> No.58081798
Quoted by: >>58082086

Keep fuding
Bought at 4m mc, feeling tremendously comfy

>> No.58081817

That pic is exactly how I feel holding Apu

Like a coin I can snuggle

See you in the nuclear shelter at 1B

>> No.58081911

Fell for a connect wallet for airdrop scam ..
New to the stuff saw connect wallet, $0, $15 fees .. and fuck. :-)

900million on some wallet likely to dump a bit, maybe the origin of the daily multi eth dumps ..
I'm an idiot, thankfully was only one eth when I bought it. Hope everyone makes it OTL

>> No.58081917
File: 41 KB, 400x416, E1trI5UXsAIFbHJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58081963

I sold the bottom this morning. I thought it was over.

>> No.58081927
File: 154 KB, 941x941, IMG_0761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to hold APU until we hit 10B. I know most of you don’t use Twitter, but anyone that does can see how much APU is building up on there. It’s something I never really saw on any of the other coins that started on biz (I was mia when PEPE launched). People see a few funny apu memes and next thing you know they’re tweeting about apu as well. I see other coins using Apu memes. Think about that. This is the most bullish token out there.

>> No.58081946
Quoted by: >>58081955

>lack of new investors.
Don't bullshit me, you fucking NIGGER: https://youtu.be/fHqU0JXxDNg?si=NX6h6dtAnbC56oG-

>> No.58081951

Wtf did you just say? You got scammed out of a 900 million for an airdrop scam? Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.58081955

Ohhh yeeesssss

>> No.58081963

This token will live as long as the Apu meme lives. LP is burnt, it's forever.

>> No.58081966

Is this something you are talking about?
What happens when you conncect via metamask for example?
Any transaction has to be approved by my fingerprint, so they can't do shit?

>> No.58081974
File: 464 KB, 1080x1869, Screenshot_20240320-151101_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget pic

>> No.58081986

there was a scam telegram version of APU club being sent to people

>> No.58081990

Lol it literally says "deceptive request" you should be a complete retard to proceed. I pressed those airdrop links too but didn't push the button kek.

>> No.58081992
Quoted by: >>58082037

Not apu, diffenent coin :-) Trumpinusomeshit, saw I got some in my walled, connected to the different thing, New to the stuff, did not notice it connects to a non related coin.

Was retarded, approved a transaction of $0 balance $15 fees .. twice .. like the idiot I am. only looked at $0 not thinking about APU being $0 in the wallet.

>> No.58082037
Quoted by: >>58082120

It's like you accidentally shot yourself in the head, but only after handloading the powder, primer, and bullet into the cartridge, milled out an 80% AR15 lower then built it with carefully selected parts, and then livestreamed it on YouTube.

>> No.58082051

ridicolously low liquidity, you guys are getting played like 3 year old kids

marketcap is a meaningless number on its own, what matters is the LIQUIDITY compared to mcap, there are coins with 1/10 the mcap and triple the liquidity of this scam
these guys are laughing at you while they fuck you raw

>> No.58082086

It's not fud smooth brain. There are syphoning whales. There's a bot or two sandwiching with $40,000 trades. This is going to need massive buy volume to go parabolic despite these fuckers.

>> No.58082091
Quoted by: >>58082118

Please elaborate, I never cared too much about this, but why is liquidity important? When I flip shitcoins with nearly zero liquidity it works too

>> No.58082118

liquidity is the actual amount of dollars behind a project, this shit is literal jeet tier
the way they set it up, it's the basically the perfect ratio to rape baggies and selling every pump, because it goes up and down extremely easy
it may seems impressive looking at "30m mcap" but the reality is that this has less money behind it than stuff like fucking LUCKY lol, it's absolutely ridicolous

the ignorance of the crypto community nowadays is absolutely embarassing, you guys get played constantly and come back for more

>> No.58082120

That's how I'm feeling at the moment .. but laughing ..

>> No.58082190

You're making the assumption $APU has no large goals and is only wanting to be a dexscreener meme coin

The dev wants a Binance listing, you stupid nigger, that is the entire goal. That is where all the liquidity is.

>> No.58082219

I'm not making any assumption you dumb motherfucker, I'm just stating the obvious facts that you newbies don't even know about
Binance listing? with that liquidity? how new are you?

>> No.58082258
File: 137 KB, 607x600, 1710842898196328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ath in the next two hours

>> No.58082274
Quoted by: >>58082319

If the benevolent dev is so heckin basederino and a real biz bro with chainlink millions, why doesn't he add at least a million to the liquidity pool?

>> No.58082280
Quoted by: >>58082311

There is fuck all liquidity on DEX's as is for everything compared to CEX's

Not sure why this is even an argument you're making.

You only get liquidity when you get on a tier 1 CEX like Binance because their market makers take over and it gets automatically listed everywhere.

That is the entire goal for $APU

You're comparing $APU to other coins that are purely Dexscreener P&D's who don't have any intention of being listed and disappear instantly

>> No.58082282
File: 160 KB, 1080x506, Screenshot_20240320-073852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58082335

>Binance listing? with that liquidity?
People are starting to add their own liquidity. It's a great way for whales to cash out without causing a crash.

>> No.58082293
Quoted by: >>58082335

Good luck selling 2 dollars worth of APU when your guys liquidity pool is only 1 dollar

>> No.58082311
Quoted by: >>58082341

so you think Binance, out of the goodness of their chinese hearts, are just going to donate you millions in liquidity so you can take a big fat dump on their heads? for.. reasons?
get outta here you fucking noobs, you're getting milked and farmed like no tomorrow, they're pissing in your mouth openly at this point and you keep coming back for more
I've given up on you

>> No.58082319
File: 153 KB, 1284x430, 1710875227800029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fud, based dev already said when the time comes he will.

>> No.58082335
Quoted by: >>58083179

I'm sorry, that's been debunked. See >>58082282 for reference, and think of new FUD.

>> No.58082338

that has nothing to do with liquidity.. JFC does anybody on this board have the faintest idea how any of this shit works? do you seriously invest based on tg "frens" telling you "WE'RE GONNA MOOOOOON"? that's enough for you to donate money to scammers?

>> No.58082339
Quoted by: >>58082504

Ok burning tokens is not the same as providing liquidity

>> No.58082341
Quoted by: >>58082355

>so you think Binance, out of the goodness of their chinese hearts, are just going to donate you millions in liquidity so you can take a big fat dump on their heads? for.. reasons?

They literally do this all the time, what the fuck are you on about? LMAO

>> No.58082355

nah now I'm really done with you guys
if you're smart you'll pick up what I'm saying, I'm done talking to lying marketing bots
good luck

>> No.58082373
Quoted by: >>58082386

Oh, we're bots now? Take your meds schizo, unironically.

>> No.58082378

Does it take a while to get listed on Binance?

>> No.58082386
Quoted by: >>58082409

use more buzzwords, you'll fit in nicely

>> No.58082393

See you tomorrow fren

>> No.58082409

Weren't you supposed to be leaving?

>> No.58082462
Quoted by: >>58082596

The amount of screeching LINU baggies in APU threads is truly astounding. Dump your bags and hop on the fren train, it’s not too late. You got rugged, I know it hurts but there’s greener pastures ahead.

>> No.58082504
Quoted by: >>58082612

No response? >>58082339
Go ask your dev about liquidity and see how he deflects. Post those screenshots.

>> No.58082596 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 659x603, Screenshot 2024-03-21 020335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58082620

This LINU guy just market dumped 650 mill APU

Kek are there seriously LINU guys trying to market dump to try crash APU?

>> No.58082612
File: 158 KB, 1280x976, 1710852618265472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeee no response? give my fud attention!!!
You we're too stupid to understand the implications of the image I posted so I've decided to just ignore you. Bye.

>> No.58082620

Pajeets and other faggots are trying to so hard. Just so everyone is aware there are organized groups that form in TGs that come to /biz/ to spread doubt to get in lower. Your sells here actually do matter the project is early enough that it does affect price entries.

I've been in many groups and they admit to it. There were even screenshots from the LINU TG mentioning it. People can tell when something is a winner and they will spread lies to encourage you to sell. Its evil and money does some crazy things to people.

I'm telling you its because of this. Trust me these people have no remorse or soul and network together to part you from your bags.

Ironically most of the frog memes people posted weren't even PEPE when it was running. It was APU. Everyone can see the potential here. Its basically a no brainer

>> No.58082633
File: 51 KB, 1089x365, Screenshot 2024-03-21 020515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just dumped your 900 million

>> No.58082862

This ETH farmer is farming you dry.

>> No.58082948

Kek baggies

>> No.58082961
File: 2.98 MB, 498x498, tanishqgivesnofuck-fuck-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger saying what you want to hear.

>> No.58083009
Quoted by: >>58083030

I went through it. Seems like that 9 billion wallet got lucky and immediately bought after Apu was listed for next to nothing. He has a bunch of other worthless shit coins. Either way it's still draining.

>> No.58083022
File: 83 KB, 250x248, IMG_0743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58083025
Quoted by: >>58083047

Go look at the last replies of the second post anon, fudders linked the dev wallet to the bananagun wallet by proof of the same dust being put in their wallets. This same dust was put into all wallets so it's baseless fud.

>> No.58083030
File: 129 KB, 1280x1195, photo_2024-03-20_23-16-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah draining a few hundred thousand now and missing out on 100 million dollars in the future kek

>> No.58083047

Not all wallets but a lot of the top wallets I meant*

>> No.58083059
File: 308 KB, 719x642, 1710902041418668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083223

Fud has already been debunked see >>58080220
Nice try tho but I'm still comfy.

>> No.58083067
File: 329 KB, 2488x1500, 43222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083196

GAYPEPE is where its at. listed on Gate.io

>> No.58083179

I'm sure that the users providing their own liquidity will be enough or even stable long term. What a joke. This is the most obvious slow rug in the existence of crypto.

>> No.58083196

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.58083223
Quoted by: >>58083261


Anon, this debunk claims that the "airdrops" from a Uniswap pool


Does this seem likely to you?

>> No.58083261
File: 327 KB, 2141x1185, 4qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083324

Did you try clicking the tx and checking it for yourself? No, you didn't.

>> No.58083290

This is old world fud. All AMM dex pumps look like this. It fails to be a problem as soon as it’s listed on a cex. Look at Boden on sol… $100M mc, $1M liq. Shit will pump, and we wait for listing. While we wait, uni pool gets exhausted and price continues to pump. Welcome to memecoin trading circa 2024.

>> No.58083312
Quoted by: >>58083414

You are a classic midwit anon, and that’s why you continue to underperform both the retards and the high iq autists.

>> No.58083321

Wagies on this thread sre so desperate to "make it" that don't care about being farmed and dumped on until the liquidity is no more

Kek baggies
Based dev dabbing on idiots

>> No.58083324


Ah good point. Yeah it sends to Jared so probably nothing

>> No.58083333


Marketing bots kek Bro you entry point isn't gonna get any better no matter how much you screech. I know you are trying to get that bag though but you are shameless

25 Million MCAP now its still a great return for you at 1 Billion. Kek

>> No.58083340

The liquidity is fine because there is sufficient buying pressure to absorb the sniper bots unloading. you not realizing how bullish this is just sad

>> No.58083349

Lmao that means nothing

>> No.58083352

I just like apu

>> No.58083398

>nearly 20mil in apu
>gonna have 100k avi soon
I win either way!

>> No.58083405

If i dump 37 mil APU next ath am i one of the bad guys? i want to actually buy one of these dips and maybe not be the sucker for once. Is 37m enough to affect the price of APU? I don't know anything about this stuff so don't bother calling me retarded, i know that already.

>> No.58083410

You people making these posts over and over in every thread are more pathetic than bagholders. What mental illness causes you to take the time to come here when you have zero stake in said product? You're either 12 or a nigger

>> No.58083414
File: 33 KB, 347x741, 20240320_160821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083457

Look retardo how pool should look at 25 mln mcp

>> No.58083421
Quoted by: >>58083462

No, it won't cause much of a dent, but don't blame anyone but yourself if it pumps past you sell either.

>> No.58083422
File: 3 KB, 187x250, 1631834895128s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083462

Itd be minimal, but do what you gotta do, its your money. Remember swingies get the rope

>> No.58083451

imagine buying memecoins in the current market
it's utility season you retards

>> No.58083457

Guaranteed I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you, and am making more money than you. You are looking at the wrong metrics. Liq to mc ratio doesn’t matter on hype coins that are being carried. This is going to be on binance in a week and you will not understand what happened. I don’t care if you believe it or not. I don’t care if you buy or continue to fud. You can’t change a thing

>> No.58083462

I know that I probably would majorly mess it up. It is just disconcerting to know I could have triple the amount of APU if i pulled off one or two good swings. I'm starting to worry this price is as good as it will get and i wan't to at least be able to use this money toward an engagement ring or something, if i can't manage a lifechanging amount of money.

>> No.58083488

The dev is going to pull out all liquidity soon better get out while you can.

>> No.58083499

Do what you think is right, fren. But maybe only do a little bit so you dont lose it all.

>> No.58083508
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 1562677748011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083641

>use this money toward an engagement ring or something
Anon I don't know you but please don't blow it all on some ring for a woman.

>> No.58083509

I barely doubled my APU stack by selling the absolute top yesterday, and buying near the bottom last night. It took a lot of planning though, and was pretty stressful. Do whatever you feel is right.

>> No.58083510


Its all burnt fuck off

>> No.58083522

2 more days, sirs!

>> No.58083542

>no liquidity locked
>dev owns all liquidity pools himself
>only using buy and sell wallets
>market cap is misleading really only worth about 2.1 million mcap
>mostly jeets meving and front running bots to show volume
>only $550,000 in liquidity
If you fell for this obvious scam you’ve already lost your money, if you try to sell later you won’t be able to due to no liquidity, all it’s going to take is a single whale sell and it’s all gone.

>> No.58083549
File: 79 KB, 424x648, 1360354317818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58083556

We are going to 0.000025 frens. Mark my words.
You also can screenshot it.

>> No.58083556

It’s already tanking because lack of any liquidity because the dev keeps selling slowly rugging you all lol

>> No.58083564
Quoted by: >>58083632

> you’ve already lost your money
??? I already made 8x of my inital money though?!?

>> No.58083565
Quoted by: >>58083596

it also pumped with the lack of liquidity. Thats the whole idea, to get it to pump a shitload to get attention of a CEX

>> No.58083570
Quoted by: >>58083584

You can keep coping all you want but this coin has nothing to it but the dev boosting jacking off everyone with rosy expectations so he can rug you into oblivion and you’ll have no recourse afterwards.

>> No.58083580
Quoted by: >>58083746


Binance listings are really strict since they are a tier 1 exchange. One thing they ask for is adequate liquidity:

Adequate Liquidity
Liquidity is a vital factor for a coin's listing. Exchanges consider the trading volume and order book depth to ensure sufficient liquidity for investors. Coins with high liquidity are more likely to attract traders and provide a smooth trading experience.


I don't think APU would get listed there for a long time, if ever. Maybe some smaller exchanges like Linu and Lucky but you saw how those turned out...

>> No.58083584
Quoted by: >>58083608

Man I'm x40 of my initial investsments O'm basically UNRUGGABLE.

>> No.58083596
Quoted by: >>58083627

Let me spell it out for you retard, If l issue a coin with a 1T supply, and sell 1 of them to someone for $1 dollar, then I have a $1 trillion dollar coin. Valuations without liquidity doesn't mean shit. Just because you see “muh market cap is billions!” But only 550k liquidity that’s all the signs showing a jeet tier rug pull coin.

>> No.58083608

Try to sell just do it. You’ll tank the coin now or you can wait until the dev does it for you and then you end up negative.

>> No.58083621
Quoted by: >>58083648

LP is burned, nice try midwit.

>> No.58083627

I know how it works, it might be worth less than something with similar marketcap and more liquidity, but it still gets peoples attention

>> No.58083632

>im up 8x right now! Yippy!!!
>oh now I can’t sell I have $800,000 worth of APU and I can’t sell! What’s happening!?!?!

>> No.58083638

Dev is rich so GTFO with your FUD

>> No.58083639
File: 55 KB, 647x778, F99clddXEAAMuVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Try to sell just do it. You’ll tank the coin now or you can wait until the dev does it for you and then you end up negative.

>> No.58083641

I'm going to spend 3-4 thousand on a lab-grown diamond ring no matter what, my thought is if APU totally fails, it would be nice to run away with my 3x and at least be able to use it for something tangible. That's my worst case, i only invested 1k usd @~0.000015.

Thanks for the concern!

>> No.58083648

You can’t burn a fucking LP you retard. Who told you can burn an LP? The dev? Yeah he’ll burn you all when he strips the LP.

>> No.58083666

Some anon posted a pic of a 900k mc shitcoin with almost the same eth in the pool as APOO
Kek what a shit coin scam

>> No.58083668
Quoted by: >>58083717

The liquidity tokens are literally owned by the burn wallet

>> No.58083717


>> No.58083724

When you create a liquidity pool on uniswap it gives you ownership tokens. They were sent to eth's 0x0000 burn address. This is EASILY verifiable.
You're horrible at this. If anything you're going to cause a pump when people see how retarded you are.

>> No.58083731

You put the tokens and some eth in a liquidity pool, and it gives you LP tokens, which you send to the Oxdead address. Am I missing something? It's been a few years since I've supplied liquidity.

>> No.58083746

An exchange like bybit will pick it up first, just like with Pepe. You all are looking at the top wallets and thinking it’s bearish that a few are holding more than the liq pool. The sniper bot is bearish, but he’s being flushed out. Have you not considered yet who’s throwing money at this and accumulating seemingly insane amounts?

>> No.58083751

how did the dev get 0x0? and why would he even bother with this shitcoin if he hit the jackpot and can just sell every asset burned on eth? your theory doesn't make much sense

>> No.58083756


All of this is untrue except for the liquidity which is not a problem as it was this way for literally every single meme token that has eventually reached 9 or 10 figures.

>> No.58083768
File: 11 KB, 505x108, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuddies sneeding and sharting
First they link the dev wallet to the whale sniper just because they have the same dust sent to them as did many top holders. Then they cry that CMC wasn't actually paid for and the invoice was fake - wrong again evidently. Now they're back to crying about liquidity and out-of-control mev bots trading the coin.
This mao6ox4e guy is completely assblasted beyond repair watch him seethe harder and harder.

>> No.58083812
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 14361268423270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58083827
Quoted by: >>58083885

you mean 0.0025?

>> No.58083885
File: 107 KB, 637x921, 17109533290360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I meant $0.000025 fren. It's gonna be.

>> No.58083916

Best you're gonna get is $.00004 on March 25th, and that's being generous.

>> No.58083917

linu baggies. they are still in time to swap all their bags to apu and become frens

>> No.58083921
File: 210 KB, 1080x1012, IMG_20240320_125013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58083952

>safe having bottomed out
amount of copium is unbearable

>> No.58083969

the same liquidity fud was posted when PEPE was born, PEPE had a ridiculous low liquidity when it started, is biz full of alzheimer retarded people?

>> No.58083986

Fuddies weren’t paying attention, that’s why they don’t see it.

>> No.58084004


Of course we knew he'd see it. Let him know he is a faggot too

>> No.58084017

There are many people that fud themselves right out of making it, instead of just buying dumb meme coins and riding them to profit. Maybe next cycle they'll figure it out.

>> No.58084018
File: 47 KB, 1024x702, 1693845747150467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58084058

>"just encouraging folks to take profits and swing into our dogshit"
The absolute state of linu baggies

>> No.58084019

This isnt pepe. This is toad killer and you are getting eth farmed like the morons you are.
Notice how before dev "woke up" you were dropping then suddenly he "wakes up" and you're rising again.
Its all him.

>> No.58084041
Quoted by: >>58084184

New fud is that the dev never sleeps


>> No.58084058

Anything with "Inu" after the name is so 2021.

>> No.58084061

Yeah because you morons unload the most braindead fud as he's asleep like the fucking dust wallet link. Nice to know you retards are paying SUCH close attention though, I'm sure it will end up well for you spending your all your energy fudding others rather than promoting your own shit - this is why you will fail mark my words.

>> No.58084073
Quoted by: >>58084184

Is the developer here in the thread with us, dumping right now?

>> No.58084118

have you ever been in a memecoin ever? have you ever been in a TG and seen the 'wen marketing', 'where dev?', 'dev still here?' spam from normies?

this type of fud is embarrasing, at least make it conspiritory in nature, make it cool, not this gay shit you're writing here, dear fucking god

>> No.58084119

The vampire dev fud is spooky...

>> No.58084184

Stop using the term "dev" for shitcoin deployers. They copy/pasted a contract and changed a number.

>> No.58084240
Quoted by: >>58084255

being a developer myself i second this

>> No.58084249
Quoted by: >>58084317

Everyone knows this. No one needs this explained. The only reason people say dev is because its fucking easier than saying "The person who copied and deployed the contract for XYZ token" you stupid fucking moron. Go ackshually somewhere else you nigger

>> No.58084255

You'll will never be a real engineer.

>> No.58084283

APU will pull a PEPE because you clowns keep talking about it

>> No.58084293
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x780, 15c1a01caa5b560db3de904bf2c00cd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58084354

But I am for a decade already.

>> No.58084317

You have autism. There's another good word out there people will settle on. Deployer, duper, paster, whatever. Dev legitimizes these scumbags too much

>> No.58084354

Can a software "engineer" create an optimized design for a physical part, and then machine it?

>> No.58084383
Quoted by: >>58084557

yout tg name is assen. moron

>> No.58084389
File: 54 KB, 718x1000, 61ZkaCujGrL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58084526


>> No.58084522
Quoted by: >>58084557

also i know where you live. stop fucking with us

>> No.58084526

Oh, well carry on then.

>> No.58084557
Quoted by: >>58085036

What kind of name is assen?

>> No.58084904
Quoted by: >>58084964

how is the dev so fast at this?

>> No.58084927
File: 175 KB, 400x400, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should then sell and Invest into something that was proven safe I stead, right? Something like Linu, right? Thanks anon.

>> No.58084964
Quoted by: >>58085006

He paid 5k$ for fast listing

>> No.58085006

is this a good or bad sign?

>> No.58085019

How the fuck is this shit testing 4500 so many times ? this should had pumped back up to a new floor after being rejected 3 fucking times now a fucking 4th time

>> No.58085036

Stop assen questions

>> No.58085052

Are you serious? If it wasn't paid for they could take months to list it, it's giga bullish

>> No.58085086

It had enough momentum to go beyond 100m but every uptrend is dumped by the dev.

>> No.58085090

He seems very dedicated.
I throw 1000k at this when it was at 4m mc and now it is worth 6k and over 11k at ath.
I guess 100m mc is likely

>> No.58085095

top signal

>> No.58085100

Takes some time to accumulate again after a big move like that. This would be a bad place to sell if you value your sanity though.

>> No.58085198

Alot of whales sold their big bags, might need a few more dumps before we can ascend to 100m. Walllet distribution is looking better tho

>> No.58085380

Some people need to take profits, and theyre all clamoring to make sure they are the first to cash out on small pumps. Once those guys all do what they gotta do, we can move up with new holders who arent up 10x+. Accumulation is happening

>> No.58086106

It has pajeetonomics. The whales can literally supress the price forever and keep all the profit for themselves.

>> No.58086136

That dip was eaten up like it was nothing

>> No.58086137

fun while it lasted. goodnight frens

>> No.58086181

Well, good game friends, was fun while it lasted.

>> No.58086221

Yes sers let us all sell our bagages now thank you!

>> No.58086335
Quoted by: >>58086380

seriously fuck this token and their bullshit team.

>> No.58086380

don't blame apu because you bought high and sold low

>> No.58086396

Hahaha, you dopamine addicts need to zoom out and touch grass.

>> No.58086410
File: 51 KB, 1085x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58086515

remember to ZOOM OUT
new ATH is coming SOON

>> No.58086489
File: 20 KB, 536x298, 4848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop redeeming sers
dev is based and rich
rich people never steal nor are greedy
bloody benchoids

>> No.58086510
Quoted by: >>58086520

Why did this have to rug right after I bought it

>> No.58086515

Thats literally a new low and a clear downtrend. Dev will be killing this token soon while he farms you.

>> No.58086520

Because your luck is shit

>> No.58086540

once i get off work I'm out of this dumpster fire of an investment

>> No.58086542
Quoted by: >>58086601

This shit is a fucking scam

>> No.58086586

Way to late sirs.

>> No.58086601

>announcing ahead of time that youre out
kek nice try samefag

>> No.58086662

Thank you for playing
No refunds

>> No.58086841
File: 4 KB, 266x189, 3040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58086917

This is what's gonna happen
The dev won't stop dumping on you
people will keep panic selling to save their money
since the dev doesn't want to stop with his farm, he's gonna fake pump with big buys at some point to trigger more Fomo from retards and then he'll dump even more before shit rugs once and for all

thanks for playing

>> No.58086917

how many times are you going to say this?
it's not the dev, the dev wallets are still UNTOUCHED

>> No.58086958
Quoted by: >>58086976

The dev has wallets in this
>no nigger I'm not buying pajeet coin

>> No.58086976


>> No.58086981

i think the dev fucked up the launch and someone else is farming/rugging
i don't want to believe the dev made that soulful website for a scam

>> No.58087035
File: 17 KB, 735x417, BC3A6E4A-C3FF-4428-93B2-05245BC9780A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58087459

>I dont want to believe that the dev made a scam website attractive enough to entice newfag retards

>> No.58087070

>muh based dev!

No refunds!

>> No.58087096

>Yeah anon, the dev wallets that YOU don't know (we do know wich ones are his scam wallets, look every archived thread)

he's too Rich and based to not dump on you
remember rich people never steal nor are greedy..that's impossible

just wake the fuck up man
if you trust this scam so much , then leave a sui/moonbag and that's it

>> No.58087362
Quoted by: >>58087424

I wouldn’t even worry about it. This is crypto life, we get ups and downs. BTC and ETH were dumping too, BTC is down $10k from just not long ago at the ATH. Just hold long term and don’t let fudders and emotions convince you to sell. Check back in on this is 2 weeks.

>> No.58087387
File: 171 KB, 644x503, Screenshot 2024-03-19 211557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.58087401
File: 232 KB, 1201x1102, Screenshot (175).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based. Based enough to burn $600k worth of tokens just now.

>> No.58087424
Quoted by: >>58087480

This is way more than macro direction in the market dude.
You're on a steady downtrend when BTC is pumping back to ATH in the middle of a bullrun.
It's grim.
Meanwhile he has several millions of dollars of APU left and total Liquidity is 500k. Insolvent piece of trash. Designed perfectly for newfags to lose money on.

>> No.58087428

Look at 51e9
>load ze scam pump

>> No.58087459

it was more effort than that, idk.
worst case scenario i lose some of the free money i got elsewhere

>> No.58087476
Quoted by: >>58087519

Do you remember safu bonku? That was in december and it was the same shit.
That dev even "proved" he was "white" and owned a Ferrari. LMAO
It's just the same shit every time.

>> No.58087478
File: 52 KB, 828x827, 1708955652681893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58087500

the fact that it is #7 loser on CMC worries me a bit ... but I think we will be able to turn it around. Already up 23% in the past 1h

>> No.58087480
File: 89 KB, 2908x1028, AlsoMeanwhile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58087500
Quoted by: >>58087545

Unironically it was the dev buying most of it

>> No.58087519
Quoted by: >>58087559

why would i remember that

>> No.58087545

Yup here's what I presume to be his wallet, since he's scalping his own supply into it while faking volume.
He still has 100b hidden + 4b APU that personally belongs to his real wallet.
He gained 2 million dollars worth of PEPE in the last 3 days.
Are you understanding yet?
He's never going to run this legit he's going to rug forever... and ever... and ever... and ever... and ever...

>> No.58087559
Quoted by: >>58087618

It's word filtered because it was a sloppy job by jannies.
It's safe but it also bonks. You can find many threads back in December last year when it was doing the EXACT SAME SHIT as APU.

>> No.58087586

yeah, he keeps selling other tokens to get more eth in that buy wallet, still 140k or so worth of robonomics there, and the sell wallet will be able to top it up too I guess

>> No.58087612

Id bet this token just keeps making lower highs each step of the way as new buyers run out. Small pumps will keep happening until he cant be bothered anymore

>> No.58087615

When he's done, he's going to quit (maybe, if he thinks you guys give up otherwise he'll just keep milking you), then its gonna be actually dead.
Look up the definition of a slowrug.

>> No.58087618

found it, the website is a lot lamer/low effort
even if apu chart looks like this, i'll still be in green lol

>> No.58087639

i know anon I just was on the apu side of the fight while I had money in it still lmao
Its pretty fucking obvious

>> No.58087651
Quoted by: >>58087743

based on what?

>> No.58087662
Quoted by: >>58088147

Someone should find this jeet (his keys) and put a bullet through his head (burn his eth wallet)

>> No.58087669
Quoted by: >>58087711

Never seen this amount of weaponized autistic level FUD before. Literally bullish and I'm slurping, thanks faggots.

>> No.58087694
File: 65 KB, 870x960, ipt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the dip today in 3 purchases. I have 10m apu now. comfy af bros

>> No.58087711

>Never seen
You guys say that on every thread though when you're coping about a shitcoin being a rug.

>> No.58087743
File: 241 KB, 1062x1169, MuhScam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on basedness.

>> No.58087772
File: 80 KB, 754x406, Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 2.30.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the apu icon on trading view apu from the simpsons

>> No.58087806


>> No.58087826
Quoted by: >>58087977

When will fudders learn that we do not care about losing money.

>> No.58087866
Quoted by: >>58088014

And why do you think this is a dev's wallet?

>> No.58087891

makes no sense

>> No.58087957
Quoted by: >>58087993

Tard question:
Does the null adress has a private key? Would it be possible to take over this address in the very unlikely event being in its possession?

>> No.58087977

You will eventually when you can't sell baggie

>> No.58087993

The null address has a private key, but it would take you like a trillion years to brute force it.

>> No.58088014

That wallet just transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of robonomics to the same wallet that is pumping apu whenever dev starts talking in the tg. Like spamming buys of 1-2 eth at a time, has spent over 400k by now
thats the wallet, check it out

>> No.58088036
Quoted by: >>58088079

I have the null address private key. By extreme luck, my script guessed right on its 8th try. I just don't want the entire ecosystem to collapse, so I haven't transferred my newfound funds out yet.

>> No.58088039

So, 10X from here next, got it.

>> No.58088042

Dev just sent 500k worth of apu to burn wallet


This wallet received all its tokens on the first day from one of the "sniper" wallets that bought 36billion tokens for a few hundred bucks.

>> No.58088075
File: 252 KB, 1027x1175, Screenshot (180).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58088245

It keeps getting bigger.

>> No.58088079

can confirm, I am the script

>> No.58088089
Quoted by: >>58088109

That dev rugged that shit to 20k mcap.
Same shit is gonna happen here. People are still in disbelief and trusting everything the guy says.

>> No.58088107

dev is buying again kek

>> No.58088109

If every last dev is a scammer, how do shitcoins get to $1B MC?

>> No.58088114

I jist wanted to ask if it exists and if this would be possible in theory or if it is coded as "not accessable"

>> No.58088145

The next 290k burnt is from the same sniper wallet kek

>> No.58088147
File: 54 KB, 1090x491, fuck word filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do see what I'm talking about though, right? This was the exact same shit down to a T.
>A 1 week scam operation
>Rugcheck says everything is OK
>Dev actually had a wallet network draining the whole thing
>Fake pumps
>Fake dips
>random levels of consolidation and crabbing where it should be doing nothing because no new holders are buying
This played out EXACTLY. The same.

>> No.58088180
File: 75 KB, 1169x1081, FvuqQMQWYAAKthl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58088219


>> No.58088182
Quoted by: >>58088219

yeah bro its been painfully obvious for a couple days now, to anybody who bothered to look. Doesnt mean there isnt a pump to farm some eth for the regular guy lol

>> No.58088219

>Strawmanning some random arguement
>Strawmanning as if copy/pasting a contract is any different across chains
>Doesnt mean there isnt a pump to farm some eth for the regular guy lol
If you aren't smart enough to know what it is, you shouldn't be trying to out-smart the dev/scammer.

>> No.58088221
Quoted by: >>58088331

> sells
> immediately starts fudding
many such cases

>> No.58088230

So basically you believe that this wallet belongs to the dev because it is active when APU's dev is posting something?

Interesting observation, but still not enough to say that this wallet belongs to him.

>> No.58088245
Quoted by: >>58088260

What is the null address anyway?

>> No.58088260
Quoted by: >>58088442

>Still refuting in the face of overwhelming evidence
This is worse than watching the OJ trial live.

>> No.58088298
File: 19 KB, 156x365, pp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58088306

What does it mean? Sry i'm not knowledgeable about this

>> No.58088317

If there's 1 type of person more retarded than a memecoin speculator, it's the faggot jeet fudders who spam fud about this coin 24/7 when dev is clearly unfathomably based for burning literal millions from his own wallets

>> No.58088331

im not dumb enough to fud my own bags lmao

no, I know its a dev wallet because it has transfers with the dev wallet, AND is constantly buying tens of thousands of dollars of apu whenever dev comes online.

>> No.58088332
Quoted by: >>58088427

Playing dumb now won't get you anywhere.
If you are too stupid to fucking know what this is despite being here dicksucking the dev, you are in bed with the dev.

>> No.58088347
Quoted by: >>58088621

sent to a wallet thats not accessible by anybody, so they are basically destroyed

>> No.58088381

>he sold the bottom

>> No.58088387
File: 319 KB, 1642x916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58088502

so what will you fags do with this guy who now owns almost double the total liquidity?

>> No.58088400
File: 6 KB, 320x256, TvsWLe2sSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spurdo-chad here i know all about being burnt i got my weenie burnt with a blowtorch when i was getting my 15ft penis surgically extended by three feet so i am well versed in the subject matter however i'm not sure what this particular op is referencing so i can't say for certain my guess would be that the token is down he got
by the loss and that's what he is referring to retardless you should buy $spurdo it's the token that always goes up

>> No.58088427
Quoted by: >>58088523

Dede I'm not into a crypto tech, stop being toxic for no reason.

>I know its a dev wallet because it has transfers with the dev walle
What kind o transfers?
And which wallet belongs to the dev? Did he proved it somehow earlier?

>> No.58088442

Kek, fellow oldfag...

>> No.58088502

Ride this to 10X with him, and then sell the top like I usually do, and rebuy the bottom.

>> No.58088515

anon can you show some etherscan links, just one that those wallets are connected. I want to believe you, I just need to see. you'd be doing the needful and helping your fellow anons out.

>> No.58088523
Quoted by: >>58088621

>Dede I'm not into a crypto tech, stop being toxic for no reason.
Newfag out. Dev out. Forever.

>> No.58088620

This is the sniper wallet. Go to 3 of the 4 wallets that he sent tokens to, those 3 wallets have been the burns that the dev has been talking about. Plus 100mil burnt from that wallet.
The 4th wallet with 46mil tokens he sent tokens to has since transferred them through a bunch of different wallets for some reason idk its not that much

>> No.58088621

I second this.


Chill your ass, dumbo.

>> No.58088725

Ur such a fucking dumbass faggot, and you are so retarded to be saying shit that can easily be verified.

From 5 minutes of browsing etherscan, I found two of dev’s main wallets, one that bought 36B (the one ur screeching about) and one that bought 40B. This wasn’t sniped using maestro. The sniper ur talking about used maestro and bought over 300B. That sniper wallets is completely unrelated to the dev, and all attempts to make some retarded connections have already been debunked.

These are the two dev wallets I’m talking about:



In both these cases, the dev split his balance into new wallets to make the distribution look better (which is also public knowledge). I went through every single one of his mini wallets. Not a single sell in any of them. Most of them just got burned today.

Dev burned 59B today, meaning he has (40+36-59) a reasonable 17B remaining.

Indeed there might be a slow rug, but it isn’t from the dev, it’s from snipers and whales. Stop be it retarded and spreading lies.

Everything is says this will fucking pop off. I already missed p3p3co1n thanks to you fucking losers, not doing that again.

>> No.58088746
Quoted by: >>58089005

thank you anon

>> No.58088758

>sniper ur talking about used maestro
Educate me on that please. What's maestro? How do I snipe?

>> No.58088801
Quoted by: >>58088888

Jesus Christ, googled maestro, this is the jeetest jeet shit ever. I should try playing with it with the HOKK and APU profits.

>> No.58088824
Quoted by: >>58088905

>Dev burned 59B today
For what?

>> No.58088847
Quoted by: >>58089005

Like I said in my post above, this isn’t a fucking sniper wallet. It’s dev’s known wallet. Also, he hasn’t sold ANYTHING from any of these wallets.

Faggot, Show me one transaction right now from where this “sniper” wallet or any associated wallets has made a single selling transaction.

Dumbass retard

>> No.58088888
Quoted by: >>58088944

>this is the jeetest jeet shit ever.

>> No.58088905
File: 701 KB, 1179x1377, IMG_1534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58089121


>> No.58088944
Quoted by: >>58089011

>premium is $200 a month
>1% for all transactions
>degen mode
>dude explaining it on youtube sounds African
Anyway, it's an interesting thing and I might try it if I ever have 1ETH.

>> No.58089005

He’s wrong. See:


>> No.58089011
Quoted by: >>58089040

Do they have a free/other options besides $200 premiun? Just don't see it

>> No.58089040

It's 1% from all transactions for the free version.

>> No.58089055
File: 207 KB, 1280x853, IMG_1535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudders obliterated

>> No.58089065

Hm, he seems to have bought bags of book of pepe and book of trump, whatever the fuck those are. I wonder if I should get some, they're at less than $100k mcaps...

>> No.58089102

Brainlet here
So the dev can rug this at any time with all his shaddy wallets but since he's "based" is he holding/not selling his tokens or not?

Tl;DR should i buy and trust him or stay way from this jeet scam?
The answer might be obvious but i want to know if there's a chance on making money here

>> No.58089121

Who are those "we" he talks about? Himself and his wallets pretenting to be different persons?

I don't get it, whole post makes no sense to me.
If these whale wallets belong to other people, then how'd dev could burn their tokens?

Therefore it is like he says that some of these whale wallets actually belongs to him or at least some close friends of him.
But it either makes no sense, since it is unknown how many more such wallets he has in a sleeve, and besides of that there is still a tons of tokens left stashed that potentially easy dump everything to the oblivion.

>> No.58089129
Quoted by: >>58089152

Who the fuck knows, anon. I'm grabbing a small bag of some nvidia shitcoin he bought that's at 40k mcap as soon as fucking gas fees aren't this high.

>> No.58089131

it's your call. but i love holding shit meme coins

>> No.58089133

There is potential to make money, but as you said you are entirely at the mercy of the dev, if he decides to sell its all over. There is plenty of others who are unsure too who will be looking to sell on any pump, or even if the token is stagnant/going down for a day or two.

There will only be so many buys that can come from biz and the twitter shilling

>> No.58089137
File: 160 KB, 840x704, 1610141026284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold at 00004 and now it's up again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.58089151

>I am not in need of money
i don't trust that but
>I didn't plan to do it too soon
i trust that part kek
the ride goes on.... for now

>> No.58089152

Maybe not, it's fucking 0/100 on tockennigger

>> No.58089220


>> No.58089233

>he's "based"
based on what?

>> No.58089358

2017 oldfag here, this is the most obvious rugpull ever. top wallet holds 20% of the supply, prepare to get dumped on baggies, if I were you I would rotate into LINU right now

>> No.58089382

>if I were you I would rotate into LINU right now
yiff yiff yiff

>> No.58089394

How come all APU fudders shill LINU?

>> No.58089416

Sorry, fren, but those are shitty excuses. He could have said from the very beginning that tokens would be burned according to schedule, no one would panic, it would be bullish.
I was shilling for apu all the way till now, but it is actually over. I still despise fudders, they did more worse then good. They saved no one but without their fud this thing would last longer.

>> No.58089419

pick one

>> No.58089436

> oldfag hating on APU
hella bullish - if your advice is worth listening to then how come you are still on this board after 7 years?

>> No.58089444

Hey anons, I own most of Apu I'm just warning you I'm doing to dump pretty soon. I've always lurked here over the years so I figure I'd give you guys a bit of a heads up.

>> No.58089468
Quoted by: >>58089535

Yeah, no. If he came out and daid he owns 20% off the supply, the first APU thread on Biz would've been deleted and declared a rug. He knows how to play the game.

>> No.58089471


The dev literally sold from hidden wallets and tried to pass them off to the community as snipers. People are literally so fucking gaslit and delusional that they are now trying to justify it as him being a hero, saving people from whales, keeping wallets for listings, etc. while he's quietly dumping tokens. People need to admit they got ETH farmed, that they should apologize to people who warned them, and move on

>> No.58089474
File: 330 KB, 500x403, 11b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trips
ha-ha ... he's just joking ... r-r-right?!?

>> No.58089489

forgot to take your pill Rashid?
go to bed. it's late

>> No.58089519

can you show a wallet connected to the ones that have been burned that was selling?

>> No.58089532

why do so many people care whether or not someone else buys or holds APU? What are their motivations? Why so much effort?

>> No.58089535

There was no need to say this in the first thread, no one asked complicated questions -frens just assumed that to be a game. But when the coined gained momentum he should have said that before random anons started their fud.

>> No.58089539

>concern trolling

>> No.58089557

linu baggies are afraid that fellow line baggies will swap linu bags for apu bags

>> No.58089562

>should apologize
Hell no. We didn't need your fud, without it we would have gained more profits. This is a game, it is stupid to prevent people from playing.

>> No.58089598

If this isnt a huge buy signal for you idk what is

>> No.58089627

> 4chan always wins
This. But unironically.
Why is that?

>> No.58089659

If this is true, I hope they all get aids.

>> No.58089673

Nope we just scam each other and rug

>> No.58089712

This has already been happening all along, they are fully aware of it. The Apu tg is filled with people who were former Linu holders. They know that Linu is doomed so long as Apu exists so they are trying absolutely anything to try and fud. Linu had a very good tg filled with ideas and organization, but ever since the dip, it has died down to a shadow of itself, discussion is basically gone. All thats left is coping about Apu and sniffing their own farts while patting themselves on the back for how “smart” they are.

>t. former Linu turbo bull who abandoned the sinking ship

>> No.58089815
Quoted by: >>58091313

Weaponized Autism.

>> No.58090448
Quoted by: >>58090481

>If every last dev is a scammer, how do shitcoins get to $1B MC?

Because the devs control the majority of the tokens an create price floors by buying and selling over time

If you don't market make your own token other people will just insta rug it. YOU have to control the price as best as you can.

People don't seem to understand how any of this works. Lmao

It also helps if the dev isn't greedy and is looking to reach a massive MCAP and tier 1 CEX listings. Its why all the jeet projects dump 90% in 2 candles. They are high time preference when what you want is someone like APU's dev who is low time preference.

>> No.58090481


No he's actually telling the truth.

I wrote this here


before I even saw this image.

>> No.58090521
Quoted by: >>58090533

Everyone is up 20x but they cant cash out LMAO IMAGINE MY SHOCK

>> No.58090533
Quoted by: >>58090552

Is it finally happening?

>> No.58090552
Quoted by: >>58090717

Yeah. Dev redeemed again. Price stayed the same but Liquidity cut in half. Holy shit this is INSANE.
God. He played holders hook line and sinker and he's still doing it. I wonder what country he's vacationing to next month.

>> No.58090717
Quoted by: >>58091073

>but Liquidity cut in half.
no it didn't? where are you seeing this?

>> No.58091073

it's schizoid fud where they try to meme it into reality.

but in reality it just echos into the void and they eventually rope.

>> No.58091313
