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File: 2.10 MB, 816x1456, AVIROCKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57581987 No.57581987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Avibros… team just finished the KYC verification with SolidProof. What’s the next FUD?

People will be crying tears of acid when this breaks 9 digits marketcap. Screencap this.

To all the Avibros out there WAGMI MY BROS

>> No.57582163
File: 333 KB, 2336x1654, IMG_4914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders and sideliners seething right now

1b is fud

>> No.57582222
File: 375 KB, 1080x1106, IMG_4309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57582384

Another anon mentioned the burns that happen at stages I completely forgot about it.

>tfw avi is now 1/3 of my crypto portfolio with the recent pump

All in baby

>> No.57582384
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>> No.57582447

based. glad i threw $150 in for 1m tokens. Shib's MC is still 5B. AVI will go higher in a bullrun, no doubt! This run, im gonna be a millionaire at leat

>> No.57582463
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, 1000002300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfox coin is the comfiest hold I have. Feels fucking good man

>> No.57582600

> tfw you picked the right coin

>> No.57583250


>> No.57583500
File: 101 KB, 609x597, 1707765143917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57583760

Quit the moonboy shit anons. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Last thing we need is a retarded band of morons like dogfags shitting up the project with their retardation. Pretend your practicing your manners for Monaco.

>> No.57583760
File: 233 KB, 917x1551, 1701277872308581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and true
back at 500k mcap, i saw avis plans and composure and gained a conviction that they would reach hundreds of millions in mcap
reaching this point was an inevitability, and i am in a complete calm

>> No.57583930

Right now BEAM is the big elephant in the room anon. However I see AVI targeting more bite size games, like newgrounds basically. It will be interesting to see how it works out but that's my big question right now.

>> No.57584001

I see AVI thread and I bump it

>> No.57584052
Quoted by: >>57584128

Could you explain who wants to pay for playing online arcade games? You seem to love the Newgrounds comparison but does anyone of you remember paying for it?

>> No.57584097

100% this. 2023 was the most difficult and miserable year of my life, but I intuitively know that I've already made it and my days of wageslaving are numbered.

>> No.57584099

Dumping my 300 million AVI tonight.

>> No.57584128
File: 270 KB, 416x697, 1707268733288533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will, it actually sounds like a fun time.
you can win avi back, and theyre planning out a prize wall where high scorers can get both digital and physical rewards.
maybe youd get shit like steam gift cards or avi merch, i know they mentioned game consoles, too.
the game dev sets the buy-in price and the arcade will also get money from ad space, so im not even sure if free games will be out of the question, either
their plans sold me on the whole web3 gaming meme that i always thought was retarded

>> No.57584182

Do it I want cheapies

>> No.57584190


>> No.57584220

browsing /biz/ is a full time job. few.

>> No.57584261
File: 76 KB, 905x1280, ZvIcBnaK3U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584995

i literally just spend a whole day browsing 4chan i barely made it to 2 pm this is the biggest waste of time i've ever experienced it's also so addicting
i'd definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to kill time or who's trying to become more red pilled because you really learn so much about the world through this website it's like a hub for all the red pillers and based chads just lurking around a few boards and the occasional normie or leftist
there's just so much content so much culture and knowledge

>> No.57584275
File: 37 KB, 640x640, CEOofBAsed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57584283
Quoted by: >>57584342

Non-stop ATH buys

>> No.57584342
File: 215 KB, 800x1279, 1707769716993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584730

We have to dump soon, get ready to slurp.

>> No.57584730
Quoted by: >>57584773

No one wants to sell this lol there is only buy pressure

>> No.57584773

Pretty crazy, but once people realize it could be three weeks for Hacken to get back some jeeting is inevitable.

>> No.57584824
Quoted by: >>57584864

Larp, price impact would be more than 100% lmao

>> No.57584864

Imagine the cheapies

>> No.57584952


this shit is going to dump hard very soon.

> 900 holders
> does a 14x to 5m mc

These are some big wallets buying all the way up and for sure if new holders don't come in fast they will organize a nice long dump for the next 2 months back to 1m mc

>> No.57584982

Definitely. Enzo is probably gooning right now thinking about how hard he can dump on this and swing back up

>> No.57584995

>you really learn so much about the world through this website
Only a naive dumbass would think this.
Believe it or not the majority of 4chan consists of shut-in porn addicted retards. /biz/ just happens to be the one place where autism meets productivity and goals.
Post literally anything about women and watch the hordes of incels come crawling out from their goon sessions to spew cumbrained hatred

>> No.57585043
Quoted by: >>57585060

>does a 14x to 5m mc
same logic as with saying btc did a 10000x so it must dump now

>> No.57585051
File: 181 KB, 1170x364, IMG_4320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>project is not looking for an easy in, will work on fundamentals and foundation for years to come
>confirmed not just some desperate pump and dump

Also the community just voted in the marketing funds a few weeks ago so we know what to expect what they’ll use for marketing WHEN they actually do it.

Yup that’s right marketing haven’t even begun, you’re that early.

>> No.57585060

Its a little different for a few people to dump on 900 people at 4.8m mcap then it is for them to do it to BTC anon, come on.

>> No.57585092
Quoted by: >>57585132

>they will just dump
then how did shiba go to 41 fucking billion

>> No.57585132

Anon, people do this all the time. There are people who have been swing trading this for months with massive bags. It's inevitable. It wouldn't kill this project either. They'll make some eth, we'll get cheapies, life goes on. The people buying now that aren't the big whales are buying because of the product, some price action will shake out jeets but most people holding AVI have a great entry and will either add to the stack or hold knowing what's coming. Don't worry about it.