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File: 5 KB, 960x960, avilogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57577815 No.57577815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Avibros, it’s happening

For the non avibros… what are you waiting for? The writing is on the wall.

>Team KYC with solidproof inc
>SkyBridge inc
>Aviator arcade inc
>Cex’s inc in time
>Team has burnt total 10,5% supply at 10m mc(even more once we reach 100m and beyond)
>They audit everything

What else do you want in a project? This will make gala look like a sandbox full of curry. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Wagmi Avibros

>> No.57577832
File: 182 KB, 1170x319, IMG_4310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57577914

I’ll be posting this in a year and it’ll be $300,000

>> No.57577843

Can you post anything else but the logo and DIS GON GO UP N SHEIIT?

>> No.57577863 [DELETED] 

wagmi bros

Don't forget

> connections with coinbase listing team
> connections from ex Shib
> Game devs lined up for the arcade
> response devs that respond to all feedback
> a corporate accountant behind all the tokenomics that designed payouts and listings without affecting price action

>> No.57577875

wagmi bros

Don't forget

> connections with coinbase listing team
> connections from ex Shib
> Game devs lined up for the arcade
> response devs that respond to all feedback
> a corporate accountant behind all the tokenomics that designed payouts and listings without affecting price action
> small cap 5m mc
> Base tokens mooning, and they are auditing the best base bridge

Etc etc

>> No.57577878

Btw they have a 100% green dextools page I have never seen that before not even KNS has that they’re at 93% and that’s considered godstatus

I think biz unironically found the one this time, you beautiful degenerates

>> No.57577884
File: 1.98 MB, 2708x3648, IMG_3714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted about avi in December and got called a jeet

I used this pic to prove I wasn’t brown

>> No.57577914

Great to see a fellow lower end Marshal! 300k and that’s conservative frend we will make it

>> No.57577929


>> No.57577943
Quoted by: >>57578011


/biz/ will ignore good projects and get rugged by political meme coins while our coin moons



>> No.57577971

I’m so fucking bullish on this! People still think it’s a rug they’re so scarred from the SOL shitcoin casino, poor gambler degens

>AVI is literally a registered LLC in New Mexico called Aviator Technologies LLC

They’re ex SHIB devs this is their passion project how much more spoonfeeding do you need, there’s whales sitting on mountains of ETH ready to buy every single dip, leave your trash SOL. This is going straight to the billions screencap this. MY BODY IS READY AVI BROS

>> No.57577989

10 mil market cap when?

>> No.57578002
File: 15 KB, 216x85, HhQ4WROZRR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 million market cap are you kidding me 10 million is nothing for a token as promising and disruptive as avi

we are literally going to the billions bro

this is no pump and dump this is a long term investment the ex shib devs have finally found their calling and are going to deliver a project the world has never seen before get in while the getting is still good

>> No.57578005
File: 433 KB, 833x893, 1707228760070034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584490

i was getting called an indian faggot and catching bans for trying to share avi starting in august
congrats to those who listened
our reward was mega cheapies

>> No.57578008
File: 203 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240211-192016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uniswap supply is drying up so I'd say any day now

>> No.57578011

It's very tiresome. Go read some LINU threads.

>> No.57578025

>connectionsI heard a rumor that someone knows someone. Lol

>> No.57578046
File: 356 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240211-214249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do we still need to spoon-feed you guys after a new ath and bridge audit finally happening

>> No.57578053
Quoted by: >>57578066

Isn’t this shit just an erc token

>> No.57578066
Quoted by: >>57578089


It's currently an ERC20 token. When their bridge completes audit it will be deployed to Base, as can be any other ERC20 token

>> No.57578074
Quoted by: >>57578217

i get the connections meme is retarded and sounds pajeet tier, but avi is run by the old shib defense guys.
they did a fuckton of the heavy lifting for old shib and got kicked out for being the first to call out nu-shibs farming scams.
they unironically know people in the industry, and maybe more importantly, know how to do shit correctly.
theyre autistic about compliance and acting above the board, and will undoubtedly catch the attention of coinbase with the bridge and arcade theyve been making

>> No.57578089
Quoted by: >>57578099

Sounds cool. The thing is. Every single time I have ever purchased an erc token that claimed to be anything other than a pure unadulterated meme it ended up raping my asshole. So I’m conflicted

>> No.57578099


Only buy if you feel comfortable and believe in it, fren

>> No.57578129
Quoted by: >>57578139

so many sand niggers in this thread...

>> No.57578139

Look here >>57578129
blind nigger

>> No.57578217

Will they eventually start burning avi?

>> No.57578228
File: 572 KB, 1170x1438, IMG_3802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57578635

They’ve done a few burns already
I posted these threads awhile back kek the digits blessed avi

>> No.57578235
Quoted by: >>57578635


They've already burned a lot (it's the dead wallet). They will burn more at 10m MC and will burn 1% of all earnings from the arcade. It's a deflationary asset

>> No.57578240
Quoted by: >>57578635

They already burnt 700.000.000 tokens and soon another 200.000.000. They are based. Soon on Base. The arcade will also have a % burn mechanism for all transactions etc. Tokenomics are bullish

>> No.57578348

>For the non avibros… what are you waiting for?
Shan't be FOMOing the top again

>> No.57578367

> tfw you picked the right coin

>> No.57578437
Quoted by: >>57578451

We have broken past .0006

>> No.57578451
Quoted by: >>57578467

Next target 0.006

>> No.57578466
Quoted by: >>57578473

I just buyeded only have 1 mill is it over for me bros?

>> No.57578467


Will be easy. We're not even 10m fully diluted yet.

>> No.57578473


I think you'll still do really well with your investment. Nothing to be sad about

>> No.57578625
File: 6 KB, 246x205, 1705879959859115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we mooning for no reason bros? I'm just waiting to get dunked on any minute.

>> No.57578635
Quoted by: >>57578769

That's nice to hear hope we reach 10 mc this week to start the next round of burns, btw what's considered a sui stack?

>> No.57578769

Whatever amount you’re comfy with at $0.25-0.75

>> No.57578789
Quoted by: >>57578829

I don't get how this is going to go up
Who is going to buy AVI coin when we want to sell?

>> No.57578829

Sir? You want to get spoon fed?

The team is building a revolutionary bridge for Base, they have personal connections at coinbase from previous project listings and are already in talks with other exchanges. The team is legit, they want to finish their two main projects first, the bridge(getting audited now) followed by the arcade. This is e a r l y friend, relax

>> No.57578833
Quoted by: >>57584545

I'm new to crypto and this must be what a lot of newfags go through, but it just seems like genuine hopium and dude trust me

>> No.57578838
File: 328 KB, 1182x673, iGNTTsELwU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah totally bro i love to be spoon fed because im a total moron the team is totally legit and are in talks with coinbase and you know what that makes me wanna do go all in with everything i got the coin must be legit because they are talking to coinbase

what even is a revolutionary bridge who cares im too retarded to bother looking anything up so i will just blindly invest in this coin

>> No.57578927

it's best to just join the telegram, ask your questions and check out how the team acted so far.
honestly, that was all that was needed to convince me of this fox-coin.
team is incredibly based and this hold is COMFY.
best part is watching biz stay on the sidelines and seething after this has been spoonfed for so long. can't lead the cattle to water or something...

>> No.57579091

Just bought the top again bros. I've lost soo much money wtf

>> No.57579133


I wouldn't stress about it if I were you. Nothing fundamental changed about the asset and it's still under 10m mc

>> No.57579175

Turns out enzo has multiple wallets, the moonmission has been delayed.

Source: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe?a=0xed4d25c82709cf5f04658ed72bbad8aa56979593

>> No.57579227

Thats not news, He split his wallet up weeks ago, even with multiple wallets he's not the largest holder, stop having blue balls over enzo and try again

>> No.57579239

Shit me, assuming this is genuine and not a low iq attempt at fud its not even been 24h at ath and your panicking already? first time in crypto?

>> No.57579305


Wow some guy not affiliated with the project has a few wallets. Damn. Gonna sell all my AVI now..

>> No.57579311
Quoted by: >>57579356

>guy not affiliated with the project has wallets
But that's us!

>> No.57579356

fuck, your right, Im selling right now because I too have multiple wallets, im not hanging around to get dumped on by myself

>> No.57579446

Are you aware that there is a youtube video where the creator says that there's a 35% chance that AVI is a scam?


>> No.57579462

oh if someone on youtube says it then it must be true

>> No.57579589

the creator that is literally a jeet. can't make this up lmfao. thanks for the laugh!
99% score on dextools, completely transparent, even some of the dev wallets. liquidity locked. company founded. you can't get much more official than the avi team bro.

>> No.57579692
File: 61 KB, 540x511, 1487425468561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold yesterday. Did I fuck up or will there be a proper dump at some point? I've been bagholding this for six months, so when I was finally in profit again, I just felt like I had to get the fuck out.

>> No.57579706

lol. would be ironic if you got the rope for that maneuver... but honestly, i'd be surprised to not see a retrace to the 5's atleast

>> No.57579720
Quoted by: >>57579975

>4 mil mc
No fucking thanks

>> No.57579754

Thanks for playing

>> No.57579767

>I just felt like I had to get the fuck out.
that's why you're poor

>> No.57579975
Quoted by: >>57581336

See ya at 100m mcap+!

>> No.57579986
Quoted by: >>57580509

Dogshit tokens traded for fox shit.

>> No.57580509

This fox shit smells kinda nice though, ngl. Smells like some juicy ass pumps ahead of us.

>> No.57580901

kek, i forgot about this
the devs were laughing at this curryhanded retard back when i first joined
i might go through the rest of his videos for a laugh if i have nothing better to do later

>> No.57581183

I was being a wise ass but it really seems 10 mil MC is within reach in the next few days. BTC pumping is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.57581321

Where can you find who exactly the devs are? I can't see anything on the aviator website.

>> No.57581336

should I buy more right now? I've had a million since last august, and want to double down. was hoping for a dip, but I am not sure if this is the new bottom or not.

>> No.57581358

Go to their TG and ask them anon, they're right there.

>> No.57581434

having an "about the team" page is planned but on the backburner, but for now you can either just talk to them or google them and see if anything comes up.
also, a team KYC is currently in progress with another firm, since they know being "undoxxed" can make people uneasy... plus, they have a few LLCs filed which makes them a bit more above the table.
personally, i remember stixil and a few other avi guys from lurking in early shib.
its partly why i bought- all the people i recognize in this are great guys.
even that trophias dude whos been hellbent on exposing shib for the past couple years said stixil is great and he'd trust him with any kind of project he's running, in relation to being asked about avi

>> No.57581502

They don't like to lead with the shib connections. They'll talk about it if you bring it up but I get the impression they really want this to stand on its own merit and not be another "ex-shib" project.

>> No.57581507

Based informed avi bro. Godspeed.

>> No.57581522
Quoted by: >>57581537

Can't find anything searching this up.

>> No.57581537

Just go ask them anon, they won't bite. Maybe a certain mod will sperg a bit but that's normal kek. You can also check any of their amas where they give some background.

>> No.57581549

>$4.4mil mc
It's over for me
the chances of getting dumped are higher than a 2x from here
if it dumps good for me, if not..then more opportunities will come in the bull

>> No.57581642


>> No.57581654

Bro I'm going to continue to buy more. We're just getting started.

>> No.57581687
File: 339 KB, 2339x1654, KYC_Certificate_Aviator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek. These words will NOT age well bro.

Team KYC just passed btw, they are more than legit.

>> No.57582241
Quoted by: >>57582264

kinda wish i had bought into this early, but i feel it is far too late now. the people who bought in early can ride out any dumps. i can't.

>> No.57582264
Quoted by: >>57582302

>too late
You’re gonna keep missing out an early entry then, this is baby GALA, do you even know their MC currently after the bear market fucked them? You can quite literally buy a million dollar bag right now for only 6k. And that’s conservative.

>> No.57582302

i'm trying not to FOMO into shit since that always leads to bad things.

>> No.57582366
Quoted by: >>57583301

I get it understand bro, as far as early entry though single digit even double digit million for this is a good play. If you’re looking to swing in the next month yeah there’s risk because after pumps it’s healthy for dumps, but with the audit being quoted and results coming this week likely, we may never see single digit MC again. That’s my take.

I’m invested in KNS/MOCHI/AVI so I take risks I’m not a 2-3x goal guy, I want 20x minimum.

>> No.57582577


Don't buy anything you're not comfortable with, but the team is fully KYC, token is audited, bridge being audited, full scores on dexscreen, etc. so it seems safe enough for me to be all in.

>> No.57583272

Ath after ath after ath after ath after a….. this is so comfy avibros

>> No.57583301

Buy the hype sell the news nigga, this shit is dumping after audit.

>> No.57583326
File: 400 KB, 1200x600, Base_Blog_header-1200x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584529

Come to base chain, lads. It's comfier here than on L1

>> No.57583604

Yeah maybe people like yourself looking for a quick profit will dump, but long term if you’re looking for the biggest return you’d be a fool to dump that quickly, so much more after bridge it’s like you want to stay poor

>> No.57583714


Lol you're probably heavily in the money now after buying the top. Congrats


People sell the news when there's nothing to get hyped about after the news. The bridge is only the beginning:

1. Arcade
2. Listings
3. Store
4. Many more ;)

>> No.57584243

Fuck anon, i am so hyped.

>> No.57584279


I'll grab a bag once this cools off, my own fault for not grabbing a bag on Saturday but it is what it is

>> No.57584296

No. They don’t. They always sell the news. Doesn’t matter if it cures cancer.

I hope you make money but plan accordingly

>> No.57584447

Holy shit we are still pumping

>> No.57584490

I bought. This was chosen as my number one coin to buy and hold for the duration of the bull this cycle. I truly believe it will hit a multi billion dollar mc, and when that happens I will retire from this game. I’ve seen 2 previous cycles. My biggest mistakes both times were selling good coins too early trying to rotate profits into other pumps. Not touching a single avi this cycle until I’ve made it.

>> No.57584496

finally, I've been holding for 6 months. I knew it was a good hold when I saw how stable it was for so long, though. still waiting for it to do some insane shib-tier poomps before I sell too early.

>> No.57584529

Soon... Fuck L1 gas fees.

>> No.57584545
Quoted by: >>57584579

Look at the market cap of gala from last bull run… now realize that avi is building a better product as well as a bridge capable of moving any asset between chains. Add to that the deflationary burn mechanism and connections within the industry for listings… it’s an obvious runner.

>> No.57584579

That's a bit ambitious, everyone had covidbux back then. Now normies are bitching about grocery prices. Yeah it's gonna run but 5B is a bit ambitious.

>> No.57584611
File: 301 KB, 1000x1000, 1692147780885699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584632

youre saying you dont think the crypto market will see new aths this cycle?

>> No.57584624
Quoted by: >>57584656

Retail is still sidelined and BTC hit $50k today. These are very early days in the bull this cycle. We won’t hit the parabolic phase for another year… I think you are underestimating the flow of money that is going to hit this cycle. We tend to do that… I severely underestimated last cycle.

>> No.57584630
Quoted by: >>57584656

WOOOOW, like 3k. a bunch of people couldn't even work and make money. now they've been able to work for a while, so they should have much more money than being on lockdown.

>> No.57584632
Quoted by: >>57584653

I'm just saying that conditions aren't quite the same anon. It's coming but will it be as crazy? Be aware, be careful, and ready to move.

>> No.57584653
Quoted by: >>57584690

Idk… there’s a BTC eft now. I bet we see more companies and nation states adding BTC to their asset list this time too.

>> No.57584656

I just try and temper expectations anon, pigs get slaughtered.
Anon don't underestimate the entire country being nigger rich back the vs now when normies are struggling with inflation and increased cost of living.

>> No.57584690

Hope I'm wrong, just one retard's perspective anon.