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File: 209 KB, 1242x1146, 1F59E55E-284E-4909-B6F5-0F1E0B74CD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5725007 No.5725007 [Reply] [Original]

Time to come clean, who slept on XLM?

>> No.5725073
File: 73 KB, 633x699, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold at .28.

Oh well.

>> No.5725113

I didnt buy enough...shoulda went all in a long time ago.

>> No.5725114

been sleeping like a baby on 300k XLM since 800 sats, kek

>> No.5725129
File: 139 KB, 500x281, 1512676246545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still holding
thinking of selling my arms for more xlm honestly so i dont panic sell right fucking now

>> No.5725198

Anything under $1 is a good buy on Stellar. It will go to $5 this year if not more

>> No.5725240
Quoted by: >>5725357

Bought at 0,13. 1500+ XLM. Poor af, but still something.

>> No.5725357
Quoted by: >>5725500

1600 here, will we make it Anon?

>> No.5725500
Quoted by: >>5726417

3551 here, ill hold your hand until we do, STRONG HANDS

>> No.5725538

FIrst coin I got interested in, I've been waiting for my Coinbase ETH to clear for days now. Missed out to a point, but it's going places so while salty, I can't complain. Already up quite a bit with what other bits I could scrounge together, though I could've been sitting double easily.

XLM is the only long term I trust and I in time, I know I'm going to proven right.

>> No.5725550

Had 14k xlm but sold for a profit of 200 dollars hahaha

>> No.5725570
File: 81 KB, 924x571, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought at 500 sats
>Thought I got meme'd by a rocket coin
>Sold at 300 sats
C'est la vie

>> No.5725619

Can we have a moment of silence for the anon who said he sold at 2400 to "buy the dip" yesterday night

>> No.5725949

Went all in yesterday morning. No brainer play when Ripple ran out of steam.

>> No.5726064 [DELETED] 

I already 4x in the past week. This PnD thing is too easy. Comfy af-:


>> No.5726120

>tfw only 2k lumen
i'm only up like 500 bucks, but that's 500 bucks I wouldn't have otherwise
>tfw didn't go all in

>> No.5726159

Got in at 800 sats
Got out at 950 sats

Dont be like me. A weakhanded cuck without a plan.

But now im back with bigger stack.

Lets get it boy.

>> No.5726182

I bought $300 worth of lumens, got 1400 total.
I am so comfy because I have almost 3x since I bought.
Please let me 10x

>> No.5726212

I had my finger on the sell button last night at midnight.

I said, "anon, you know stellar. You love stellar. Stellar is the future. Don't sell"

So I didn't sell.

I bought MORE!


Bought in at 1550 originally and 3100 the second round.

Over 5000 lumens in the bank

We dont deserve this blessing.

>> No.5726294

Holding BCH waiting for the next pump so I missed this one. Congratulations to everyone who bought XLM, happy gains!

>> No.5726337
Quoted by: >>5726378

this was supposed to be my long hold, why the heck is it mooning so violently so early?

>> No.5726378

Word of mouth and hype. It has actual usage, there are very few coins with trustworthy promises out there. You'll see people shilling others as trustworthy, then you read their plans and see they just want an early game PND off fresh coins. Trust me, XLM is one of the big boys long term, and everyone is catching on now.

>> No.5726413


>> No.5726417

Only 2500 here but if this goes to 5$ by eoy I'll be happy

>> No.5726486

I didn't just sleep on xlm, I put a buy order at 3k sats hoping for a dip and I got it

>> No.5726518
Quoted by: >>5726554

It really did hit .50 cents

>> No.5726554

it blew off to 55c actually lmao

>> No.5726614

I went to sleep, and when I woke up my gains were 30% up.

>> No.5726631

Bought 10k at 0.02 /comfystudent/

>> No.5726667

i bought at 650 and sold at 810 sats

>> No.5726688

Have 4k XML. Give me some 10x gains, please.

>> No.5726729
Quoted by: >>5727044

this growth seems to be from the hype related to the new xlm atms in asia. when i support coins im super bullish so no matter the price i always grow my bags. i knew it would break the 50 cents mark, and i still think it will reach the dollar in 2018. my only regret was not finding it soon sooner. and yes i still believe in safex.

>> No.5726767

bought at a loss and just made my profits back. when would be a good time to go all in again? 3700?

>> No.5726776
Quoted by: >>5729116

its a great long term hold, dont trade for pennies.

>> No.5726835

I regret buying it 0.36 and then it dipped to 0.33
but now I'm hodling while I'm grabbing my balls

also "nice trajectory"

>> No.5726931
Quoted by: >>5726968 >>5727013

The logo doesn't appeal to me so I never bought in.

>> No.5726968
Quoted by: >>5727013

The logo is literally a rocket ship to the moon you retard

>> No.5727013
File: 89 KB, 900x900, 1513914733636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5727035

Sold 80k at 1600
Sold 105k at 3630 earlier today
Sold the rest 145k at 4120 15 min ago.

Bought them at 380
Good shitcoin.

>> No.5727038

I only have 300 XLM. FML, how far and fast is this going?

>> No.5727044
Quoted by: >>5727241

And the hyper success of Ripple. It's a better version of Ripple.

>> No.5727047

I have 50k XLM in my hardware wallet. I masturbate inserting it in my anus everynight before going to sleep.

>> No.5727083
File: 26 KB, 620x412, the man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5727101

120k xlm tokens @ 0.17 here

My body is ready.

>> No.5727139
Quoted by: >>5727234

Got 1x the value i put in 3 days ago.

>> No.5727152
Quoted by: >>5727234

New floor at 54 cents

>> No.5727234

Choice. I'm about to go to vegas and can't keep tabs on it well until I get back on Friday. Think it'll break a $1 by then?

>> No.5727240
File: 55 KB, 281x355, 1501032174924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it smart to put 400€ in right now or should i wait for the next drop?
I'm kind of scared to miss it since it hasn't dropped in like 2 days.

>> No.5727241
Quoted by: >>5727329 >>5729725

>43 / 5 / 40 / 1
ripple will be destroyed during transactions thus increase value, my question does stellar do this? plus ripple is for banks i think you will get faster gains from the jews. a 50 50 portfolio would be a good idea.

>> No.5727249


>> No.5727286

You’re gonna make it bro just trust hold and never panic sell

>> No.5727318
File: 144 KB, 750x1334, 161ACE6E-7691-4127-9DDC-C789A478DC43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This moon is the best way to ring in 2018 lads

>> No.5727329
Quoted by: >>5727415

Source on the first claim? All I've seen are rumors.

>> No.5727336

its at the all time high due to them implementing ATMS in asia. a very hard call to make, sorry for you loss.

>> No.5727341

literally noone can answer that question but you sorry.

>> No.5727397
Quoted by: >>5727452

REQ/LINK are better though so idgaf about Stellar

>> No.5727415
Quoted by: >>5727485

what? thats the whole point of ripple, every transaction will destroy a little bit of it to stable the massive supply. now imagine banks transferring billions daily until one xrp is like 10 to 20 bucks thus the burning slows down. its on their site man, shit its everywhere.

look at this lucky fuck. good for you. im about to make my first btc.

>> No.5727452
Quoted by: >>5727479

How can you say they're better when they have different uses?

>> No.5727479

better gains

Idgaf about the tech

>> No.5727485
Quoted by: >>5727680

As far as I know, the burn rate is so slow that it'll take decades to have a significant effect.

>> No.5727516
Quoted by: >>5727636


>> No.5727540
Quoted by: >>5728141

you will either x100 in 2020 or lose everything

>> No.5727564
File: 313 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180101-120303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5727592

I didn't sleep.

>> No.5727592
File: 170 KB, 500x500, 1512941378259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5727688

charge your phones

>> No.5727611

Haha sold 15mins ago
ICX now bitches

>> No.5727636


Just hold nigger. First day of q1 and fairx etc aren't even announced yet. Xlm gonna be over a dollar ez

>> No.5727670
File: 76 KB, 675x1200, IMG_1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5727730

>was about to sell when the sjw shit happened

>> No.5727680

true, but banks trade billions of dollars daily and it wont just be the american banks using this currency. i expect 5 dollars by 2019 so its totally a safe buy.

>> No.5727688
Quoted by: >>5730687


Too busy in the moon mission

>> No.5727728
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1404944408270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought literally 100k more on this dip

>> No.5727729

Went all in on 750 sats. My first good trade.

>> No.5727730

They already deleted it.

>> No.5727916
File: 12 KB, 273x270, 1455802146111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5727982

>mfw my first two buys were XLM and REQ

this crypto thing is ez

>> No.5727969

I bought 1800 at .31 and another 600 this morning at 0.41.

What are the chances I will make 6 figures?

>> No.5727982

inb4 he buys link and loses a lot of money

>> No.5728067
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 1513882781244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offload my bags this morning
> starts to moon two hours later


>> No.5728119

Bought 13k at .21 and 2k at .40. Comfy.

>> No.5728132

Look at these lumens as $1 bills. If you can get one for $0.50, why not sell heirlooms, star wars figurines, even fucking blood plasma to get more.

>> No.5728141

I'm fine with a 10x by June

>> No.5728186

>>offload my bags this morning
Fucking moron

>> No.5728191

>selling the comfiest hold
anon.... why

>> No.5728226
Quoted by: >>5728262

>offloading before FairX

A cuck through and through

>> No.5728262

how long after fairx do you unload lumens if you just want USD or more crypto? do you hold it for years?

>> No.5728272
Quoted by: >>5728591

Buy the RSI dips. That's what I did. I'm up 15% from yesterday

>> No.5728328

Actually if you want to buy, buy in now

>> No.5728335

Hold it until you've made enough money to live the rest of your life in comfort, then cash out.

>> No.5728365

We're basically placing bets on FairX. If it comes out and is a piece of shit and doesn't function / is obtuse, then drop it, unless there's some other reason to continue. That's the thing with XLM, it's designed to bring this shit en masse to the normie world, and people are failing to realize that still, somehow. Yes, other coins have similar functions or plans, but they're already clearly more obtuse and harder to work with. People are afraid of crypto still because it's not simplified.

>> No.5728370

Depends what percent gain you want?

A sane option is to take profits on the way up, not unload your entire bag like a panic selling idiot

>> No.5728381
Quoted by: >>5728411

I'm 100% sure this'll hit 1 dollar before the end of January.

>> No.5728411
Quoted by: >>5728468 >>5728484

Let's just hope it stays down until I can drop my paycheck in.

>> No.5728432

The only 3 I've ever held and will ever hold are REQ, LINK, and XLM, all gotten under $0.15. Meme magic give me strength.

>> No.5728442
Quoted by: >>5728528

I sold 10k of my babies trying to increase my stack with a shitcoin. I loved my babies and I want them back, but I have no idea how to turn fiat into crypto on such a short timespan. I miss my babies

>> No.5728468
File: 9 KB, 225x217, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 3.28.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god you are missing this local dip
RSI looks sweet for reaping, but its still at the mid point, we'll see.

Stay tuned, i'll find a good entry for long term holders.

Very bullish on this because Lumen is better than Ethereum.

>> No.5728484
Quoted by: >>5728604

Anon, I tried daytrading XLM and I just ended up losing coins. Buy now or get left behind.

>> No.5728528
Quoted by: >>5728661

>dare calling them your babies if you were willing to sell them
You deserve to miss out desu. A curse upon you and your household. May you stay glued to the earth as you watch all our rocketships leave you behind.

>> No.5728538
Quoted by: >>5728571

tfw didnt sleep on xlm but slept on req

>> No.5728557

As soon as i post this, its t aking off to 3700s

>> No.5728571

Hows REQ doing?

>> No.5728586

Poor anon, He will be remembered when this reaches $20

>> No.5728591
Quoted by: >>5728770

RSI on what timeframe? Noob question but the internet doesn't give a decent answer.

same question for you.

Or a good book with information, I'm willing to learn evyrthing. This is it for me, if I want to make it it'll be in the next two years with crypto.

>> No.5728604

>buy now with money I don't have

Nigger I'm 100% in

>> No.5728638

lift off resuming soon

>> No.5728661

I've been probably holding longer than you friend, soon 2 months. Never sold one of them before. I saw the Wabi news and rationalized that it was a guaranteed moon mission, I could just this once depart with my babies momentarily, but it turned out to be a gook scam. Still feel even more awful than I should.

>> No.5728676

Should I buy some XLM now or have I missed the moon mission?

>> No.5728709
Quoted by: >>5728746

Breh the fomo is real

>> No.5728711

55 cents here we come

>> No.5728726

It's about to rocket right now

>> No.5728746
Quoted by: >>5728795

Yeah it is

>> No.5728764

B-but it always dips!

>> No.5728770

RSI is basically to tell if the asset is oversold or overbought.

Ideally dont buy when its overbought and dont sell when its =oversold

>> No.5728795
Quoted by: >>5728871


If you buy this shit right now you will make 2x at least by the end of the month. Stop chasing moon missions.

>> No.5728808
File: 37 KB, 1284x504, blpgoujk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5728926

How the fuck do we kill these whales?

>> No.5728816
File: 9 KB, 523x229, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 3.38.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that last dip was your buy in. SOL.
But in anway, its a long hold.

>> No.5728828
Quoted by: >>5728888

XLM is heavily manipulated. Random sellwall of 400BTC popping on and off at 4000sats. Someone wants to keep the price low to further accumulate.
Considering XLMs updates like IBM, crypto atms and FairX this coin will pump so ultra hard, you guys can't even imagine. 1$ by the end of this week, 2$ end of January, up to 10$ as soon as FairX gets public.

>> No.5728830

I bought in at 3 cents. Every attempt to day trade something else resulted in less XLM.

>> No.5728850
Quoted by: >>5728874 >>5728919

Sell all my XRP for XLM? I have 100 of each currently

>> No.5728871
Quoted by: >>5730519

>stop chasing moon missions
>buy XLM instead
What did he mean by this

>> No.5728874
Quoted by: >>5728920

XRP is dead, XLM has plenty of room for growth

>> No.5728888
File: 2.59 MB, 412x304, 1411571557176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5729278

> 1$ by the end of this week, 2$ end of January, up to 10$ as soon as FairX gets public.

>> No.5728903
Quoted by: >>5728951

I hate bittrex interface, its not live... RSI is high right now, wait for the inevitable drop

>> No.5728916

in @ .42$ with 18.6k, HODL for a long time i will!

>> No.5728919

>literal lunch money
lmfao who gives a shit what you do with that

>> No.5728920
Quoted by: >>5728963

>XRP is dead
It's far from dead. It's the only altcoin normies know about, that alone can keep it alive.

>> No.5728926

time is your ally.

>> No.5728951
Quoted by: >>5729009

There won't be a drop, dummy.

>> No.5728963

Right, dead isn't fair to say. The point stands though, XLM has way more room for growth right now.

>> No.5729009

I meant local drop overall this is bullish and wont drop. Justto try to find the best buy price in the ride up

>> No.5729081
File: 192 KB, 642x720, 5291C3B4-6E98-4B0F-B07B-734120A984FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at .09

>> No.5729103

Bought 7k at .04 cents. Why didn’t I buy more????

>> No.5729107
Quoted by: >>5729450

96% in XRP, 4% in XLM.

Nice little side gig in the XLM. Made $400 off it.

>> No.5729116
Quoted by: >>5729208

im already 2x'd on this thats why im literally going armless

>> No.5729145
File: 473 KB, 200x270, 1514797326612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /100k/ here

>> No.5729171

Hold tight mate, this is going to echo Ripple's $2 rocket.

>> No.5729208
Quoted by: >>5729310

its a unique feel huh? and to think i only spent 3k in total.

>> No.5729278
Quoted by: >>5729405

memes aside
would this be plausible?

>> No.5729310
Quoted by: >>5729436

i fomo sold ADA with a measly 3x gains while i could of made almost 10 if i had held now
fomo sold half my xrp before the last moon mission too, am now 9x'd on that
i fear i'll unironically die if i dont get just'd back to earth right about soon

>> No.5729362
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1449804651878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fomo'ed in to XLM
better not regret this guys

>> No.5729401

how much is this coin worth by 2020? i've only got 417 of these fuckers, no way this will be worth something like eth by then is there? way more lumens than eth...

>> No.5729403
Quoted by: >>5729443 >>5729982

You fucked up. Never buy this high, buy the dip. Its going to correct sooner or later. Just wait it out now, at least.

>> No.5729405

$1-2 dollars is definitely feasible, the rest is just speculation.

>> No.5729422

if you're not in you might as well get in now
i think a lot of people who were already holding are buying extra now
i'm waiting for a dip to do that myself

>> No.5729436
File: 8 KB, 358x272, Dead Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5729526

trust the ADA team it will grow. you need to find coins that no matter what happens you dont jump out of the project man.

>> No.5729443
Quoted by: >>5729548

but it might explode and create a new floor that's higher than right now anon... there's no way of knowing.

>> No.5729450
Quoted by: >>5729606

U kno all the xrp money is going into xlm now right

>> No.5729451

i knew it was going to go up
i didn't know it would be this soon
fairx hasn't even said anything substantial yet!!

>> No.5729478
File: 115 KB, 1125x1384, almostmadeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XLM just made me a bunch of money this week.

Seriously this is awesome.

>> No.5729526
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1512209804246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will become the weeabo hebrew, onii-chan

>> No.5729548

Or it could dip and you could lose a lot of money because you'll panic sell.

>> No.5729560

good bye NEM
hello Stellar

>> No.5729606

It ain't mate. I'm still sitting happy at $1.90 per XRP all day.

>> No.5729631
File: 65 KB, 632x1024, 1504798181141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling under 1$

your loss lads

>> No.5729660
File: 82 KB, 1000x820, 1512018061643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much will this be worth by 2020? any guesses?

>> No.5729662


>> No.5729709


>> No.5729714

too long of a time frame for crypto go back to trading stocks

>> No.5729725

Transaction fee is there to protect from spam attacks. It will literally take a thousand years to burn off a significant amount.

You guys don't know shit about the coins you invest in, do you?

>> No.5729734
Quoted by: >>5729912

if IBM+FairX is confirmed AND FairX makes a dent in the marketplace market: >$10K easily

>> No.5729782

FOMO after 20 percent is always a bad idea.

>> No.5729817
File: 120 KB, 672x800, 2d02811d33960fbb95177fbe0383aa4e3f968cc751c84356c389b17b54035a46_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought @ .09 because I really liked the picture....

*record scratch* thing is I only bought 117

(then I bought 1100 more @.30)

>> No.5729864
File: 92 KB, 250x250, 1426351315420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5729882
Quoted by: >>5731396

>tfw only bought 2k

>> No.5729883
Quoted by: >>5730128

If you will hold, then you've nothing to worry about.

People are just waking up XLM being better than ETH.

>> No.5729912
Quoted by: >>5729975

>18bil tokens in circulation already
>1% inflation year on year
>$10k a token

are you ok

>> No.5729934


>> No.5729937
Quoted by: >>5730025

>bought 1M
>should have bought 2M

>> No.5729975

8.x are in circulation, 18 is the cap.

>> No.5729982
File: 551 KB, 964x912, 1513021288524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XLM doesn't seem to dip like others.

>> No.5730017

Hey I just wanted to say thanks /biz/ for telling me to invest in XLM and REQ. I've made almost 150% in a two days. Great suggestions for a noob like me. I'm going to continue to invest in them and I'm looking for more now. It's really fun!

>> No.5730025
Quoted by: >>5730075

You aren't afraid of getting hacked?

Also where did you get such money from? I'm jelly

>> No.5730050
Quoted by: >>5730130

I have 1 question before i go all in:

Will the exchange rate be cheaper than banks?

>> No.5730075
Quoted by: >>5730114

>hacking an airgapped encrypted linux box
not that scared no

>> No.5730107
Quoted by: >>5730202

Someone who understands how the supply of Lumens works: will they top out at $1-$10 or could they go into the hundreds?

>> No.5730114
Quoted by: >>5730147 >>5730409

Somebody might just eventually snoop out your address, bro

You invested earlier crypto profits am I right?

>> No.5730128
Quoted by: >>5730325

They don't even do the same fuking thing you moron. at least shill accurately, it's more like bitcoin than it is like eth

>> No.5730130
Quoted by: >>5730225

It uses the cheapest exchange rate availible on the network. It can possibly chain buys sells, ie, if you want to change 100 USD into Euro, and there's a cheaper path going USD > YEN, YEN > EURO it'll do that. Same for shitcoins; you could offer to sell your XRP for, idk, ZEN, and it would trade through multiple random pairs to find the cheapest one.

>> No.5730147
Quoted by: >>5730205

knowing an address means nothing, it doens't make you any more 'hackable'

>> No.5730202

If lumens gets the same moon as xrp, which is possible, it should top out at 4-6 dollars. It could go higher in the long term.

>> No.5730205
Quoted by: >>5730254 >>5730560

I'm just looking out for you anon, knowing your IP is technically knowing your physical address.

Also care to answer the thing, I'm genuinely curious

>> No.5730225
Quoted by: >>5730870

But will it be cheaper than banks? If the exchange rate is not going to be as good (i.e. more liquid) than banks, I don't care how fast it is.

But if it is faster AND cheaper AND i can buy coins with it with fairx. Fuck me i'm selling my dog's puppies for this. I travel internationally once a week and this would literally be a fuking godsend

>> No.5730254
Quoted by: >>5730337

all my computers use LUKS and the wallet is also encrypted.

>> No.5730325

Huh are you serious?

XLM have smart contract akin to ETH.
And yes you can also use XLM like you can use ripple and bitcoin as well.

They have had ICOs come out of the Stellar Network. XLM is the Ether of Stellar Network.

Look at Kin, they are switching to Stellar chain because Ethereum is way too slow!

I read the whitepaper, anon.

>> No.5730337
Quoted by: >>5730434 >>5730560

That doesn't help if somebody comes in and beats the shit out of you.

Why not tell a curious anon if your initial investment was from crypto or not?

>> No.5730409

>Somebody might just eventually snoop out your address, bro

What part of airgapped dont you understand?

And yes all of his encryption is nothing compared to a 40$ rubber hose.

>> No.5730434
Quoted by: >>5730480

>beat people to get access to crypto
this literally applies equally to anyone regardless of what security precautions they take

>> No.5730480
Quoted by: >>5730509 >>5730560

>What part of airgapped dont you understand?
I'm talking about physical addres m8

One safety precaution is not to yell around about your millions on the internet. But fine, keep doing that and keep ignoring an innocent question

>> No.5730489


im going in now at .51. I sincerely think this coin will hit $5.

>> No.5730509
Quoted by: >>5730560

>. But fine, keep doing that and keep ignoring an innocent question
I agree with you anon!

>> No.5730519

by moon mission I mean shitty pump and dump "ITS MOONING NOW BUY BUY BUY" shit

>> No.5730520

>literally a rocket


>> No.5730560
Quoted by: >>5730860

>getting LARPed on

>> No.5730625
File: 460 KB, 648x988, 1514775728521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5730747 >>5731438

Just threw $25 in... Totally missed the rocket and just have $25 left in BTC to play around with after locking in for 2018. Nothing to lose I suppose.

Spoonfeed me the basics of what this coin does?

>> No.5730687
Quoted by: >>5730707 >>5730864

you guys are gonna say this and have it die at the moment you most desperately need your 2fa

>> No.5730707
Quoted by: >>5730864

>not using authy for 2fa

>> No.5730747
Quoted by: >>5730773 >>5730779

Nothing, we are just here for the pump and dump brother, it's a total shitcoin. How can you buy into something knowing nothing about it? You screwed up.

>> No.5730773
Quoted by: >>5730817

Lol it's only $25 mah man.

>> No.5730779
Quoted by: >>5730814

>IBM & Wells Fargo Connections
>fairx is going to disrupt and replace shitbase and these chink exchanges


tell me what you consider not a shitcoin anon.

>> No.5730814

It's just weak fud to maybe accumulate at half a penny cheaper

>> No.5730817

this, it literally costs over 25$ to make a TX on BTC right now lmfao

>> No.5730826
File: 306 KB, 496x346, dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain!
I got my initial investment out so im just playing with the profits, helps me hild longer with less stress mate

>> No.5730860

Damn you got me. Teach me your ways of Larping.

>> No.5730864
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 1407119379594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5730914

>mfw don't have 2fa turned on

>> No.5730870

>But if it is faster AND cheaper AND i can buy coins with it with fairx.
Yes. Welcome to the Mars Mission

>> No.5730914

enjoy your nowithdrawls

>> No.5730916

sold at .41 to pick up some of my favorite accumulators

>> No.5731063

I could have bought at sub .30 a couple of days ago. I'm still new to crypto and didn't want to throw my money around recklessly, but it does suck to feel like you missed the boat. My XRP shares are doing pretty well, though (I bought at under $1.00). I also had a chance to buy Rai at under $15, and that's now near $27. I'll have to keep a lookout for other similar opportunities.

>> No.5731182

It will get to a dollar before jan 15th. So buy and wait or wait and buy for less profit.

>> No.5731232
Quoted by: >>5731710 >>5731758

I was one of the first shillers of XLM on here months ago.

Owned 200k at one point, sold at 0.03 cents I think.

I hurts, so much, but atleast I hold shitloads of ETH.

>> No.5731262


>> No.5731396

Yeah only bought 5k here, but at least I got in at 1550 sats, I guess profit is profit. Can't complain too much!

>> No.5731438

It multiplies money with no effort other than the effort of resisting fucking around with your portfolio thinking you'll somehow improve on literally a rocket.

>> No.5731710

I bought in around 3 cents. But I was/am too poor to amass many coins.

>> No.5731758
Quoted by: >>5731990

why not just hodl? is your way of making money trading day to day?

>> No.5731990

I hodl the fuck outta my ETH but XLM was supposed to be a shortterm trade.

What I did wrong is looking for profit too fast and overtrading. I should've chilled in XLM but this is how you learn such things.