>go to www.4channel.org/biz/catalog>open the /GME/ general>dunk on baggies>close and hide the thread for the next day>continue shitposting
Immensely based
>>OP>he keks the baggiesThank you for your service
>>OPI just use an AI to kek them and set post count alarm to point it to next thread
>>OPyou forgot to dance
>>OPI operate multiple scripts that troll obvious shill groups. Sometimes my script gets banned but it’s hilarious to watch paid shills do damage control on /biz/
U mad that you naked shorted a company that isn't going bankrupt? Pay up you faggots. Start selling your assets dumb fucking hedge fund scumbags.
>>56777511Oh shit is this a normal reaction OP? Maybe I’m done trolling pajeet threads and might build a script to troll GME baggies if they act like this
>>56777557Do it, the seethe is endless.Only manual part needed is to re-point it to a new thread because sometimes they make multiple, there's apparently some baggie infighting after being down so much