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56640401 No.56640401 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>56646429


>> No.56640415

Lol /biz/ thought this was treat. 8s incoming, possibly 7s. That fag calling this a textbook shib farm in every thread was right, even down to the "transition to a community token" part.

>> No.56640426

if the logo change I'm out.

>> No.56640438

why is it bad for the logo to change? at least it means they're trying something instead of doing nothing for so long

>> No.56640626
Quoted by: >>56646107

There’s big plans for this token. The current logo was never its final form. Leave at your own peril

>> No.56640706

who fuck my toad?

>> No.56640785

Based retard leaving just before the rebrand to treat

>> No.56640814

I hold 6T and I'm not giving these scammers the enjoyment of selling low.
I'm pretty sure it's going to 0 now but I'm not selling ever.
I literally made more money yesterday than I spend on those 6T toads but this consumed so much of my attention these past 6 months, and nobody is going to return the time these farming scammers stole from me.

>> No.56640818

I'm pretty sure if we sell low they'll rebuy with fofo funds and send this to the moon.
But it's unlikely it would moon while we're holding.
We got got, anon, but IMO don't sell. At the end of the day, that's exactly what they want you to do.

>> No.56640876
Quoted by: >>56641250

Tell us how much you paid for 6 trillion so we can all be depressed after dropping like 5k for 500-700 billion.

>> No.56640904
Quoted by: >>56641250

I have close to a trillion and you make me feel like a stacklet anon.

>> No.56641082

5 trilly here. Not selling and I will catch up to you eventually. History may not repeat itself but we will create our own

>> No.56641250

Idk bought between 5000 and 17000 at various times. Probably like $50k.
I've got a lot of other coins and bigger holdings, and they all happened to moon hard this week.
Doesn't change the fact that 90% of my crypto-related thinking for the past year has been consumed by this shitcoin, I even missed that ICO for those oracles, forgot the name.
I decided this has 90% chance of hitting $100m quickly so I went yolo, instead of buying a small "just in case" bag.
Got that completely wrong, unfortunately.
Godspeed anon, I'm afraid they've shown they don't care about their reputation and are willing to abandon.
I'm sure they'll make this moon if we sell and dump low though.
Not particularly confident about the coin as long as we're holding it.
But I will hold until 0 if need be, I can tell they want me to sell low and that's not happening.

>> No.56641304

Shit man, well I feel better. Every time I hear people on here saying they have trillions I imagine they spent 5-10k somehow. I spent probably 6k on 600b.

>> No.56641558

stop fuck my toad

>> No.56641579

TOAD is a SCAM and TOADOSHI is a scammer.

>> No.56641605
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, download (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 500$ on 200billion and that tapped me out. I wish I had the funds to dump 5k into a token. Well im going to hold this to zero like you. I've put more into other coins and lost more on even other coins. So toad is just more of the same. I had a bunch of faith in it initially but now I just look at it and its spot in my wallet and think welp it could do something. we'll see over the next 6months - 1 yr I suppose.

>> No.56641654
Quoted by: >>56641776

$$TOAD its a amzing Projekt with Utility

Price of Toad will going crazy

>> No.56641776

jeets aren't even the ones buying this pos you dumb faggot

"the shib team" itself is a jew and a bunch of street shitters though

>> No.56641810
Quoted by: >>56641849

Never swung at higher prices because i thought this was going pump the moment i sell..
and no point in selling now lower even if i'm barely in my entry price.
Call it cope but if i sell now, the price will pump/will be slurped.

I don't think we're heading below 3mil marketcap after all

I said this was my last shitcoin before quitting crypto
if SHIB scammers wants to kill one man's morale or make me whole..that's up to them
it's a shame if this was a farming OP as many were pointing

I just don't understand why bothering making NFTs for a farming scam?

>> No.56641849
Quoted by: >>56641920

This is the hill you die on? You weren't meant to make it. There's thousands of other coins that are much better and this is where you choose to have your last stand? Fucking pathetic. Sell your bag and move on while you still have a chance.

>> No.56641920
Quoted by: >>56641997

>There's thousands of other coins that are much better and this is

Sure bro, tell me wich one is supposed to be the next 100x/100x..
The only reason i bought this trash was because muh next SH1B 2.0 from SH1B
otherwise i would never throw $10k at a shitcoin.
1.3 trillion that now seems worthless

>> No.56641997

Im not going to do your homework for you. Almost everyone who has bought a bag of anything in the past month is up 2x. Stop throwing your money at fucking dog tokens. Thats last cycle shit.

>> No.56642466

>just sell bro
>ok what should i buy
>figure it out yourself lmao
You're a clueless nigger. Every coin that makes it goes through this same bs where /biz/ calls it a scam before it moons anyway.

>> No.56642692
Quoted by: >>56642800

Thats not true at all. There are plenty of scams on this board that biz has called a scam, and it turned out to be a scam. This is one of them.

>> No.56642800
Quoted by: >>56642821

/biz/ calls literally EVERYTHING a scam you stupid faggot.

>> No.56642820

Just sell and show your middlefinger to Shib team, bb problems with holding this scam

>> No.56642821

They call everything a scam, but TOAD has been given special attention. There was even an anon the other day that predicted the lifecycle of this token down to the "community token" shift that would take place in the future. He saw into the future on this scam, as TOAD is now a "community developed token"

>> No.56642951

It's not, it has a shibarium validator. Tell me what "community member" did that. Because the community is a bunch of fags that don't do anything except bag hold and bitch like every other community.

>> No.56643157
Quoted by: >>56643780

>>56641997 kys

>It's not, it has a shibarium validator
It's all schizo non confirmed speculation
these incompetent jeets couldn't even launch Shibaswap on time for the bullrun
imagine how much backlash (as if they cared about it) they are going to get when everything moons and shibaggies and its ecosystem derivates gets left behind


The truth is that he caused the dump with his "fuck you" words in the telegram

>> No.56643780

The validator is named 42069.

>> No.56643973
Quoted by: >>56643988

1T Toad holder here. None of you faggots will ever get me to sell.

>> No.56643988
File: 142 KB, 1024x1024, _8daddf1d-6bb1-48a2-8832-10fb77c60f39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good dont sell anon. Hold to either zero or multi-millionaire status whatever happens. DOOO IT! You're man enough you can do it!

>> No.56643997
Quoted by: >>56644308

Is 100 billion enough to make it?

>> No.56644071

Im pretty sure team is fudding this on biz just like how they shilled it first. Too much nuclear grade fud for a ''dead'' shitcoin with 2k holders.

>> No.56644190
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>> No.56644240

ITT sand nigger shills more pathetic than LUNC baggies

>> No.56644272
Quoted by: >>56644318

This is obvious.

>> No.56644308

How does $124k dollaridoos sound?
(At Current pepe mc)

Nah i hold like 1 trillion and sometimes i fud not because i want cheaper entries or something but to point out to team lurkers to do something.
if i tried to do the same on the telegram, i would get banned

>> No.56644318
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Quoted by: >>56644389

lmfao @ all this baggie cope

>> No.56644383
File: 175 KB, 1524x806, 1698042418256499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam from Scamtoshi and ESL jeet Ascar

>> No.56644389


>> No.56644623
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, _5db7fe74-b1a3-4d93-a3b6-844b1eaf5064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this takes off imma have a suit similar to this built so I can wander my estate at 2am in it to scare off deer and trespassers

>> No.56644627
File: 3.80 MB, 640x640, TWO MORE WEEKS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56644653
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, 1699746688133366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread smells like shit and curry.

>> No.56644710
Quoted by: >>56644891

>Almost everyone is up 4x
>Almost everyone is up 3x
>Almost everyone is up 2x
You are here
>Almost everyone is break even

>> No.56644891
Quoted by: >>56644999

brown ID says all I need to know

>> No.56644999
File: 84 KB, 749x732, toad_shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown ID says all I need to know

>> No.56645529
File: 55 KB, 637x584, IMG_5742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine finally caving to the FUD and dumping for some shitcoin scam when all the big wig shib nigs are working on toad behind the scenes. We’re literally top priority now and you pussy niggers are on the verge of dumping your bags and kys. Grow a pair of balls faggots

>> No.56645588


>> No.56645766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56645937

It would be funny if /biz/ missed out on the next SHIB again
after the alpha being shilled here just like the first time...
same hard fud like the first time...
But it won't happen because i'm still holding
and as soon i sell, a gigacandle to $100mil will hit from nowhere

>> No.56646076
File: 106 KB, 1000x500, 1698132424584360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big wig shib nigs
Kek is this the new line from the coordinated jeet Telegram shills? Well known that the Shiba Inu "big wigs" are farming scammers. Picrel.
>muh alpha
You mean six months of nothing while insiders dump their stacks? nu/biz/ bought this and Scamtoshi took their eth, thanks for playing

>> No.56646104
File: 1.59 MB, 375x200, 2moreweeks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56646107
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>> No.56646119

>Nothing happened in May
>Nothing happened in June
>Nothing happened in July
>Nothing happened in August
>Nothing happened in September
>Nothing happened in October
>Nothing happened in November
>Nothing happened in December
>Rug pull

>> No.56646126
Quoted by: >>56646166

It has a validator already and shytoshi mentioned they haven't revealed their big validator yet yesterday. That's all you need to know if your IQ is above 90.

>> No.56646166
File: 456 KB, 578x422, 1688417855285937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turd fags have been saying a big announcement is around the corner every day for months, fuck off with your farm scam cuck coin baggie, not buying your bags
>this time is different

>> No.56646189

stop fuck my toad

>> No.56646218

Hold to zero LUNC sisters!

>> No.56646230

>next SHIB

This is pure fucking cope and delusion. SHIB was riding the coattails of Doge hype in a pure manic frenzy market and was able to suck up all the liquidity after it was added to robinhood. TOAD is allegedly one of SHIBs derivative scamcoins. You could call it SHIBlite or fakeshib, and all it does is water down the main product. You would make a better case saying some other gay fucking dogcoin like floki is the next SHIB. Either way, the market is fatigued by dogcoins. New market participants aren't chomping at the bit to grab a billion stack of some dogcoin anymore. If they were it wouldn't be something associated with SHIB just as people wouldn't be lining up for a dogecoin derivative side project.

>> No.56646287

I didn't say an announcement was right around the corner you stupid faggot. I said toad has a validator, which it does.

>> No.56646373
File: 61 KB, 480x498, Heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56646386

They're ripping out my mustache now. I guess that's not as bad as amputating pieces of my nose, which they're also doing now.

>> No.56646429
File: 1.35 MB, 480x270, BAGGIES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56646470

This is the new REQ, but less funny

>> No.56646520

One can only hope. REQ is the ultimate swing token. Imagine buying it this early

>> No.56646820

Kek baggies

>> No.56646962
Quoted by: >>56647080

Kek great pic

How are they going to announce it they don't appear to have the password for the official twitter no post in months

>> No.56647080
File: 145 KB, 512x512, 1688635898117155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in 2030 when ASS CAR, Fagnar and September are done spending the ETH they looted from nu/biz/ they will remember it.

>> No.56647102
File: 64 KB, 500x501, youre-not-special-youre-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next Shib has not been created yet baggie retards

>> No.56647129
File: 64 KB, 634x650, O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56647285

This is the new HOICHI and O.

At least it keeps jeets from buying real coins and getting rich kek.

>> No.56647285

Qrd on HOICHI?
i keep seeing it being shilled but never cared enough to research

>> No.56647321

>24h volume 20k

why you are talking about this dead shitcoin, sell buy something else immediately or kys with regret