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File: 194 KB, 1024x1024, 1698858960092942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56569333 No.56569333 [Reply] [Original]

No fun edition.

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>56565783

>> No.56569343
Quoted by: >>56569375

anime is gay

>> No.56569345

better than incest tho

>> No.56569350

Kind of pissed you guys bullied Baggie off. Other than the trip code he wasn't so bad.
Is it though?

>> No.56569352
File: 69 KB, 882x500, image_2023-11-05_205648006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this makes bears seethe because its true

>> No.56569360

long Food stocks

>> No.56569364
File: 92 KB, 842x582, beafraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been this upset over gasoline being under $3 a gallon before
I need a change in perspective

>> No.56569368
File: 16 KB, 444x362, polygons_are_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMV holders you beclown yourselves

>> No.56569374
Quoted by: >>56569389

What am I supposed to seething at? Looks like a pump and dump to me.

>> No.56569375
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1660871772882947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime is gay
a common misconception
also anime website

>> No.56569378 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 560x560, SPOILER_SPOILER_e154b18c567044820c4cf0bdcb8cc0b1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not fucking your sister, someone is
This is financial advice

>> No.56569382

Baggie gets his panties in a wad and storms off every month, he will be back.

>> No.56569383
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x703, 1698795074143571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569420

Another day of living in a speedrun of the Soviet Union.

>> No.56569385
Quoted by: >>56569467

>Grabbed TNA Thursday
>Up 11% as of Friday
>it’s gonna be a goooood week

>> No.56569389
File: 100 KB, 1003x622, image_2023-11-05_210149553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569403

Is this better?

>> No.56569396

Yeah that guy is pretty great though and at one point he was telling me to fuck his sister.

>> No.56569403
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1621203927754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its.. beautiful..

>> No.56569406
File: 457 KB, 3840x2160, Cute Folgers sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Folgers (ticker: SJM)

>> No.56569410
File: 316 KB, 1668x1408, IMG_1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do a little TA on this chart. It'll make you feel better

>> No.56569419
File: 869 KB, 1029x798, 75006F02-3DD4-4297-BF7B-9808D144099F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god

>> No.56569420
File: 139 KB, 600x404, It don't matter, none of this matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569443

Grab all the dollars you can while they're still worth something.

>> No.56569432
File: 19 KB, 261x217, sjm2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really?
God damn that's quite the chart.

>> No.56569439
Quoted by: >>56570315

You can buy it, but *only* if you tell your sister you love her and post her reaction.

>> No.56569443

Obviously acquire wealth producing capital.
God damn dollars.

>> No.56569447

Is this real? People literally quit shit coffee when the corporate real estate bust finally hit. Amazing.

>> No.56569458
Quoted by: >>56569466

Folgers is garbage coffee. No serious people drink it.

>> No.56569460
Quoted by: >>56569466

Sitting on top of multi-year support. Could have a monster short covering rally, could crater another 20 bucks.

>> No.56569463

Is /smg/ a /b/ colony now?

>> No.56569466

No serious people seem to be employed either.
Maybe with option nonsense like Game Stop. That shit looks tanked to me.

>> No.56569467
File: 160 KB, 2212x1266, Screen Shot 2023-11-05 at 9.09.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56569470
Quoted by: >>56569487

I'm just gonna dca into swppx starting in 2024/2025 and keep on with that till I die. Hell never know when unplanned medical issue rears up. A fucking trip in an ambulance will set you back 5k and that's before the hospital does anything to you. Which hey sometimes you don't got a choice if you go. Dumb ass hits you with his car, you knocked out. EMS/police toss your body in the ambulance and away you go. All while that dollar spending wheel keeps right on racking up. Or heaven forbid you've finally done it; your enjoying that orgy with the 18 year olds and well your poor heart just can't take it. So again away you go in the ambulance.

>> No.56569474

Many other gaps I'd point out on that chart.

>> No.56569482

fuck almost that time of year

>> No.56569483
File: 101 KB, 600x644, Uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to make money
>look at fundamentals
>look at earnings
>look at stock dilution
>if all above look good, continue
>if the stock has dropped 50% because of no reason and earnings are still amazing and growing fast, continue
>click buy
>come back in a year

Congrats, you are now Jewish without the satanic aspects

>> No.56569487
Quoted by: >>56569518

Medicine is bullshit.

>> No.56569494

>he didnt look at the curves
you foolish fool!

>> No.56569498

More autistic than jewish.

>> No.56569515

you have no idea hoe long I am

>> No.56569517
File: 50 KB, 445x475, swoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be if it was allowed to be

>> No.56569518
File: 28 KB, 383x383, Science Pepe at Meme State University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569534

But healthcare stocks are not. XLV and XBI are showing promise.

>> No.56569521
Quoted by: >>56569549

Are you doing TA on the retarded tracking error, 3x daily etf instead of the underlying index?

>> No.56569524

Oh yeah, what'd you buy a year ago?

>> No.56569527
File: 299 KB, 820x573, 1692152465776564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys pumped for another week of STOCKS?

>> No.56569534

I cannot think of two charts that are more diametrically opposed

>> No.56569537

Well you don't have to hold them for life, anon.

>> No.56569538

Wish a girl would look at me like that.

>> No.56569543
File: 137 KB, 557x388, stockmarket_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570963


>> No.56569545

Holy fuck the biotech index looks like it's on life support about to get treated like wildcatters in 2020

>> No.56569549
Quoted by: >>56569562

its TNA which is the stock in question

>> No.56569562
Quoted by: >>56569574

Anon... look at IWM instead. Please. We're begging you.

>> No.56569574
Quoted by: >>56569604

same story less leverage retard, last week was a 5 sigma bond market move and stocks are way overbought just like multiple illustrative times in the recent past

>> No.56569577
File: 77 KB, 1002x595, IMG_1016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bullish is this mumu bros?

>> No.56569578

Macro Edge is out.

>> No.56569580
Quoted by: >>56569586

how do institutions make money if the stock market is a zero sum game and its just institutions trading against each other?

>> No.56569586


>> No.56569589

hentai is not real life
it ebbs and flows, just the recent incest game on steam did a number on this site.

>> No.56569591
Quoted by: >>56569613

Forgot the punchline
>at 5% interest rates

>> No.56569604

Even on the retardo graph there are two other similar situations that didn't gap down. There's no law that gappy upside moves must immediately retrace.

>> No.56569605
File: 1.25 MB, 910x681, i6kfxg41mlk61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56569610
File: 145 KB, 1300x867, IMG_9824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569638

You are palantir

>> No.56569613

With US Treasuries in 2023, the interest rate is 5% but the market's risk-free rate is more like 4%.

>> No.56569622


>> No.56569629
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, lum_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy MARA
Lum demands it

>> No.56569638
Quoted by: >>56569668

Sorry, I prefer ESLT for my Jewy deep state investment.

>> No.56569647
Quoted by: >>56569662

>not shilling SOXL

>> No.56569648
Quoted by: >>56569662

Literal trash coins https://ir.mara.com/news-events/press-releases/detail/1330/marathon-digital-holdings-announces-energization-of-its

>> No.56569651
Quoted by: >>56569667

white smg anons can fuck my sister as long as i get to fuck theirs in return

>> No.56569652

Visa might be what I play during the crash. Take positions in Berk but that fuck is old.

>> No.56569662
File: 3.48 MB, 1280x720, lum_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC isn't a shitcoin

>> No.56569664

Never trust Asian women.
Sideways pussy is good but a terrible long term bet.

>> No.56569667
File: 489 KB, 960x662, Peter Lynch thinking face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569757

Interesting proposition.
And what ethnicity are you?

>> No.56569668
File: 508 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_9883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569704


>> No.56569684
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1645153264248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally over tomorrow isn't it bros

>> No.56569685
File: 92 KB, 1267x785, 1698976517942892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570315

Jannies had to be faggots and delete the /smg/ sister fucking edition. Daily reminder jannies are kikes that don't want you to be happy.

>> No.56569690
Quoted by: >>56569880

Fellow leafs, am I wrong for thinking our economy is going to completely implode this decade?
I'm thinking of selling all of my VEQT and VFV shares and buying VOO instead.

>> No.56569692
File: 3.62 MB, 640x360, 1597983857640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56569703
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1669334289487750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me exactly where the S&P will close tomorrow

>> No.56569704

They're going to get massive Federal payouts due to antisemitic attacks on their buildings. $300 is FUD.

>> No.56569707
File: 3.59 MB, 1280x720, lum_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left: soup ladle
>right: cup and handle
this is fine

>> No.56569709


>> No.56569712

Uh, uh... in New York! New York City!

>> No.56569717
Quoted by: >>56569735


>> No.56569719

The mathematically correct answer is 4377.50

>> No.56569720
Quoted by: >>56569742

I can't look at her and not smile. Is this yellow fever?

>> No.56569735
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, lum_4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56569742

Asians are IRL succubus.

>> No.56569753


>> No.56569757

uh i'm white ser...very aryan 100%

>> No.56569766
File: 56 KB, 198x275, tumblr_2b903501d458d00dd1e410b7cfbb188c_6b349244_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soxl is the best meme ever

>> No.56569796
File: 3.60 MB, 1280x720, lum_5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not CEO David SOXL. This is his brother Dr. MARA.

>> No.56569821

It’s nice to meet you. Nurse Riot there?

>> No.56569831
File: 58 KB, 416x643, 1657746455836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569929


>> No.56569877

Is her arm broken?

>> No.56569880
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, 1696902108150232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By "implode this decade" what do you mean? Canada is extremely unlikely to shit the bed, due to our available resources; regardless of what you think of The Liberals.
BHP just invested several BILLION into what will be one of the largest potash mines in the world, in Canada. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/bhp-potash-mine-billion-dollar-investment-1.7013943
Canada isn't *really* an issue, you're just surrounding yourself with low test doomers.
t. Prairie Canadian

>> No.56569888
Quoted by: >>56569954

>our available resources
*Alberta's and Northern Ontario's available resources. The only resource the rest of the country has is a bunch of Indian immigrants.

>> No.56569918
Quoted by: >>56569954

I mean it's just gonna keep getting shittier which is what he's actually saying

>> No.56569928

Gasoline at pump was like 3.60 where I live when oil was $87. Oil falls to $83 and bam its 2.99.

>> No.56569929
File: 300 KB, 416x655, SOXL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569946

Here, have a png with transparency

>> No.56569946
File: 42 KB, 822x366, 1652553259693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56569974

thank you for doing the needful sir

>> No.56569954
File: 3.10 MB, 432x768, 1685721184192057.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the niggers in /smg/ still have'nt bought TMF and TLT
lol uhh hmmm
>a bunch of Indian immigrants.
Self report?
Regardless, you don't know what you're saying; so don't fucking @ me you BO smelling POOJEET FUCKING BROWN SHITSKIN NIGGER!!!! FUCK YOU!!
How exactly? Do you live here? You're welcome to leave.

>> No.56569958
Quoted by: >>56569980

I'm actually an American fucking one of your Asian immigrants.

>> No.56569960
Quoted by: >>56569980

>the niggers in /smg/ still have'nt bought TMF and TLT
Your heeming starts, ooh, let's say Wednesday. Maybe Tuesday.

>> No.56569974
File: 234 KB, 416x643, SIGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome
I have a few others as well

>> No.56569980

Okay, that's fine. It's probably a fucking flip, knowing 2023 Canada.
Wrong. Keep eating shit, dingbat.

>> No.56569988

Nah when they come to usa they only fuck melanin enriched

>> No.56570006

ugh her ass is so flat and kind of dimply... Jiggly not in the good way looks very unhealthy.

>> No.56570010

>It's probably a fucking flip, knowing 2023 Canada.
That's a tad creepy.

>> No.56570029

Ill see you guys tomorrow. You can’t have my palantir

>> No.56570057
File: 149 KB, 790x631, 1676954093447601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56570066
Quoted by: >>56570079

Before you go, post some good PLTR memes

>> No.56570079
File: 2.82 MB, 2048x2048, image_2023-11-05_224408102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56570088

this kills the suspension

>> No.56570095
Quoted by: >>56570111

idk how you americans put up with this. if i saw this, idk.

>> No.56570111
Quoted by: >>56570138

Just don't go outside.

>> No.56570114

>futes crabbing

This means we pump tomorrow right

>> No.56570121

Give it to me straight... I'm a small hands investor.. are we crashing? Will there be survivors?

>> No.56570128

We aren't crashing and there won't be survivors despite that fact

>> No.56570138
Quoted by: >>56570151

im not kidding, 10 years ago i went to usa and saw this, and now i know its a lot worse in usa.

>> No.56570143

We're supposed to get a decent pump between October and the end of the year.
I'm way to drunk to to explain it (if I even could while I was sober.)

>> No.56570151
Quoted by: >>56570169

desu the rural US is still pretty great. People always mock the "white trash" that live out there but it's better than anywhere else.
Who would you compare it to? The Norf's in the middle of Britain? The retards in Sault ste Marie?

>> No.56570156
File: 16 KB, 294x116, ominous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are crashing but the plunge protection team will save everyone in the nick of time

pic hopefully not related

>> No.56570163
File: 44 KB, 1024x440, 1699217339102571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570175

Call your congressman and tell them to audit the US treasury.

>> No.56570169
Quoted by: >>56570179

why are you calling rural people dumb? lol. im just gonna assume the stereotypes are kinda true.

>> No.56570175

I emailed him and told him I was outraged they sent boats to Palestine.
He took a week or two and gave me some bullshit about our "reputation."

>> No.56570179
Quoted by: >>56570185

They're really not. It's weird the further up I got the more engineers I met who grew up in the woods in the middle of the country.
The cities dumb people. You should should run to the frontier not the capital.

>> No.56570185
Quoted by: >>56570189

its just about education. but in modern times, maybe not. I do expect the older rural folks to be dumber.

>> No.56570189
Quoted by: >>56570216

No, this looks like some invariant of human socialization. Turchin wrote a few chapters about it in his book.

>> No.56570197
Quoted by: >>56570222

Should I unironically be stacking NAK?
They're going to un-cancel the mine eventually as we further deglobalize

>> No.56570205
File: 35 KB, 600x539, Golden Laughing Crying Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People unironically bought a company called Jing Dong

>> No.56570216
Quoted by: >>56570245

>No, this looks like some invariant of human socialization.
why not? the stereotype is true obviously. its just that in modern times, the rural younger people leave the small town and go to uni or live in the big city.

>> No.56570222

>he thinks the US government gives a fuck about the people
NAK has a ton of resources that would flood the market for cheap. Competitors don't want that to happen. They bribe the government, such as Trump Jr.
Trump Jr. went out of his way to cancel NAK because "it was a nice spot to fish". I'm sure they have plenty of other people under control to stop it from happening.

I remember there being a huge shitshow over them stopping the project despite it causing nearly zero harm to anyone or anything. US last.

>> No.56570245

NAK looks like they're into some sort of intense derivative thing.
It looks invariant to me. Frontier is frontier and always will be.

>> No.56570275

the mine is extremely unpopular with the locals
You don't think there's a chance of the mine opening as the US tries to gain control of the semiconductor energy? there's like sand and shit in mines for semis right?

>> No.56570314
File: 554 KB, 1080x1732, 20231105_222252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berkie should carry the SPY higher right?

>> No.56570315

I thought that anon larping as sister corrector on Friday was just a one time thing. Is /smg/ gonna actually meme sister mating like they memed female brokers?

>> No.56570372

Santa's coming to town. Crash in January. No survivors after that

>> No.56570392

>he didn't grow up using his sister's mouth as a cock warmer while comfy watching Saturday morning cartoons
Did you even have a proper childhood?

>> No.56570401
Quoted by: >>56570407

>>he didn't grow up using his sister's mouth as a cock warmer while comfy watching Saturday morning cartoons

>> No.56570404
Quoted by: >>56570467

wypipo don't season they kids right das it

>> No.56570406
Quoted by: >>56571009

>tfw sisterless
just kill me

>> No.56570407
Quoted by: >>56570411

>shocked incredulity
This explains a lot of the maladjusted autismo on display around here. I'm sorry you anons are broken

>> No.56570411

my sister didnt let me do that. your sisters are so much cooler.

>> No.56570413
File: 706 KB, 1170x1107, IMG_9007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570441

That’s trailing P/E
What about forward P/E

>> No.56570441

Could you guys just explain to me whats happening like I'm retarded?

>> No.56570448
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1697121032040503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am

>> No.56570459

markets price in the future, forward P/E is forward looking
bobos like to use trailing P/E because it makes their doomer theses look logical and valid
like when someone buys a rental property, they don't think "oh no I just lost half a million dollars" the think, "I now have an annual cash flow of about $50k every year that I didn't have before"

>> No.56570460
File: 217 KB, 1170x840, IMG_9009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to be okay anon.

>> No.56570463
File: 49 KB, 528x543, 1423181293352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow lol the bullish divergence on the S&P and Nasdaq 1 yr charts is so undeniable, what are bears even thinking at this point? The S&P didn't just jump back above the 200dma, it obliterated the 50 too. Nasdaq isn't far behind, and the 2 yr charts look even better. Congrats fellow non-retards if you've just been holding/buying.

>> No.56570467
File: 433 KB, 940x896, 1698956768684864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile ignore black comedians like Chris Rock joking about how every black family has a relative that's molested someone
Do you really think it's better in households mostly without the father figure there?

>> No.56570472

Trailing as in current and future as in guessing? I really am retarded

>> No.56570490 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 225x222, 03CE708F-A986-41A2-832A-E1CC51F81AA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56570504

Trailing as in taking the last 12 months of actual earnings data into account, and forward as in estimating the next 12 months of earnings

>> No.56570511
Quoted by: >>56570548

And since the market is forward looking it is what we base the current price on.

>> No.56570516
Quoted by: >>56570548

The last 12 months as in a "current" assessment of the last year of the company.
Estimate is just a nice way to say "guessing".

>> No.56570532
File: 91 KB, 432x221, 1698985937232905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a good chance he might not have been larping . Shit is apparently more common than we think.

>> No.56570548
Quoted by: >>56570658

The point is that you can argue it both ways, but at the end of the day >>56570511 is right. The entire goal of putting money into the stock market is to turn it into more money at some point in the future, which is "forward looking".

>> No.56570588
File: 3.57 MB, 640x352, 1699170205380168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audit the US treasury.

>> No.56570611
File: 108 KB, 843x770, 987987087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570707

ahhhh, after 72 hours i'm free

>> No.56570626

What people who post >>56569577 kind of stuff are trying to say is that people are paying so much for each share of stock compared to the profits of the company that it has to be a bubble and the market will explode. But that's only one point of view.

Trailing p/e ratio is the ratio of how much people pay for a share of stock vs. what each share of stock earned in the past 12 months. For nvidia this used to be around 40x ($150 per share, each share earned $3.75).

Recently nvidia made 600% their usual quarterly profits by selling AI hardware. This brought their earnings per share over the past 12 months to $4.50. The share price shot up to $450 for a trailing p/e of 100x.

However, people aren't paying $450 for a share of 2022 nvidia. They're paying $450 for a share of this new nvidia that makes 600% its usual profits by selling AI hardware. If these sales continue then nvidia will earn about $11 per share over the next year, making the forward p/e ratio still around 40x the same as it used to be.

If you think AI hardware sales is a fluke then obviously you'd think the forward p/e metric is useless in this case. If you think the sales will continue then obviously you'd think the trailing p/e metric is useless in this case.

In reality neither metric is entirely accurate because neither method is an entirely reliable guide to future performance.

>> No.56570658

I see what you're saying and I've heard it before and agree with it somewhat. But data is a decent way to view trends. I really am retarded so all this shit goes over my head. Living cost increased by a lot in the last 2 years. These inflation measures and cpi metrics seem bunk to me. My house went up 50% in value within that short time. If I wanted to buy my house today with the high interest rate and evaluation I wouldn't be able to afford it. I assume there is replica of me that's 10 years younger and having issues financially...

>> No.56570664

Thank you chatgpt

>> No.56570680
Quoted by: >>56570720

2023 the year nvda popped off proved to have poor sales. But they are sure 2024 q2 sales will be great as in on par with 2020 sales? I'm so confused... it seems like they're doing worse and they're saying, "don't worry, we will be almost as good as we were 3 years ago"

>> No.56570696
File: 44 KB, 490x635, F-CDTv6XgAAd3V_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ass solar storm happening unironically

Um bros, is this healthy for the markets? What do I short? Electric stocks? Tech? That red sky shit happening across Europe is pretty fucking ominous. Don't get me started on the ticking time bomb that is Japan...

>> No.56570707
File: 683 KB, 1440x859, Screenshot_20231106_060209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't look anything like him
Step aside.... let the BBC (bestest, most transparent, unbiased and reliable news source available on planet, defo not biased and woke to fuck) through

>> No.56570720

>2023 the year nvda popped off proved to have poor sales. But they are sure 2024 q2 sales will be great as in on par with 2020 sales?
Where did you get the idea that "2023 had poor sales"? A quarter of 2023 hasn't even happened yet. Another quarter ended 1 week ago and hasn't been reported yet.

NVDA made more money in Q2 2023 than all of 2020 combined.

>> No.56570746

>that ai sort of porn but not porn tho
How long til Karen bans nvidia brah

>> No.56570750
File: 180 KB, 1043x1534, Nvda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I'm seeing it on webull

>> No.56570784
Quoted by: >>56570798

Nvda lists it as 2024 you fucking mongoloid. Youre looKing at THe wrong data LMAO

>> No.56570788

>South korea banning short sells
>Japan is major panic
>China real estate shitshow
>USA is looking pretty fucked too

oh god its gonna be a blood red steep cliff isn't it?

>> No.56570798
Quoted by: >>56570849

I see the 2024 but my previous reference was to a statement within my replies. Where is the correct data?

>> No.56570828

I have no idea what that info is but it's not NVDA's net income. Go on seekingalpha or tradingview or something and look at it there.

>> No.56570842
File: 593 KB, 480x480, httpsi.4cdn.orga1696220887177543.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570852


>> No.56570849
Quoted by: >>56570873

Nvda lists 2023 income as 2024 in earnings. 2023 data you're looking at is earnings fy2022

>> No.56570852

poor little bobo getting heemed

>> No.56570873

Oh I see

>> No.56570876
File: 123 KB, 826x878, 1688314847478838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570955

Then why did number just go up very quickly?

>> No.56570894
File: 1.96 MB, 1000x1500, 8045b78f910641e6838913a0b4259ffa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56570970

South Korea just banned short selling until next year time to get some Samsung

>> No.56570939

You're a retard

>> No.56570955
Quoted by: >>56570976

Bunch of boomers trying to cash out and brace their asses for impact would be my guess?

>> No.56570963
File: 22 KB, 594x396, 3574A198-1D11-44A4-9F7F-C41538D7EEBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Patrick Stewart but George C Scott made the best Scrooge.

>> No.56570970
Quoted by: >>56572439

>banned shortselling
My god, this whole fuckin world is trying desperately to hold the markets up with all they can. Can't they recognize that a recession might be something like a necessary evil? Especially after +20-30% or more inflation?

>> No.56570976
Quoted by: >>56571011

Oh for the love of god.

>rates rising were on the agenda
>6 million companies bearish on their q3 earnings
>most stocks have been selling off all year
>huge sell off sept-oct
>suddenly q3 earnings beat analyst expectation
>most companies reported good
>fed says we're not gonna raise rates anymore

Do you even use your brain? If anything I'd be expecting semi-conductor & tech companies to be bearish coming into next year but otherwise zoom out on that gay little graph a bit more.

>> No.56570989
File: 69 KB, 225x225, 1418421172413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56571017

>They also bought Pin Doo Doo

>> No.56570992

When is Bill ACK-man going to stop crying about muh Jews on twitter and get back to shitposting about financial stuff? I'm about to unfollow his ass

>> No.56571009

Nigs just rape their grandmothers

>> No.56571011
File: 352 KB, 1232x868, 1699153979815767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56571035

But anon, even with all of that, the markets are crazy sus right now. Economy is not healthy.

>> No.56571017
Quoted by: >>56571026

>Pin Doo Doo
I'm fuggin dying here

>> No.56571026

I will never buy the nasdaq as long as it holds Chinamen companies with fake ass names like these. It's the AMERICAN stock market.

>> No.56571035
Quoted by: >>56571060

I think most of the stocks that haven't hit rock bottom yoy and reached at or below February 2020 levels are tech stocks. The consoomer is going strong, the economy really isn't terrible outside housing.

Now, if inflation skyrockets again, and/or if oil goes up to 120+, we're fucked, unbelievably fucked. But even this happening with oil is unlikely, we haven't even seen Venezuelan oil hit the markets yet dude.

>> No.56571060
Quoted by: >>56571080

I guess the other factor is credit card usage. If credit card debt continues to soar, then the consoomer going strong is a bubble, and in which case you're right as well, and it looks exactly like that too. I bet January you'll see something happen, but mainly with tech stocks and other big ticket frivolous shit, I'm calling it now.

>> No.56571075
Quoted by: >>56571257

>Die deutsche Industrie hat im September erneut mehr Aufträge an Land gezogen. Das Neugeschäft wuchs um 0,2 Prozent zum Vormonat, wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Montag mitteilte. Dazu trugen Großaufträge bei. Von der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters befragte Ökonomen hatten mit einem Rückgang von 1,0 Prozent gerechnet. Allerdings wurde das Wachstum im August nachträglich deutlich nach unten korrigiert – von plus 3,9 Prozent auf nur noch plus 1,9 Prozent.

>+0,2% Orders in germany and it was -1,0% expected!!!
>previous month revised down from +3,9% to +1,9%

>> No.56571080
Quoted by: >>56571089

Not mention shit like savings accounts are at all time lows, car loan delinquency are shooting up and don't get me started with the fucking housing markets in USA over mortgage bullshit.

Its like the one episode in Spongebob with Patrick pumping the giant bubble, the burst will be LOUD.

>> No.56571089
File: 66 KB, 1024x799, ccs-chart-7-3-1024x799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we shall see I guess, pick related.

>> No.56571159

If today isn't green I'm killing myself. This is financial advise.

>> No.56571178

lol. You spelled advice wrong to dodge liability.

>> No.56571194
File: 110 KB, 850x878, oboro_f1d4f16b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably crab. feels crab. smells crab.

>> No.56571210

this whole fuckin week will probably be a crab until cpi next week.

>> No.56571214


>> No.56571222

Red sky on earth vs blue sky on mars

>> No.56571229

Sweden is the only market actually moving. Going to short this fucker probably soon again.

>> No.56571238

BRK looks the most solid of that bunch.
In two weeks we will see if they made any move regarding their Apple stake.
With their research method they were able to identify Apple as a promising investment early and buy into it, so I would trust them to find the "next Apple".

>> No.56571257
File: 55 KB, 1252x751, Bidenomics_wins_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The y/y also came much lower than expected. The European industry is slowing down a bit but still overall strong as evident by the large caps presenting insane profits and earnings.
Let's see if the downtrend continues next year as rates are held steady and consumption actually starts decreasing.

>> No.56571294
Quoted by: >>56571373

ok ok ok Mumu. Let's say they will cut rates. Will large caps also pump or don't you think investors will pull their money out of the large caps and put them in growth oriented small caps? Why do you think large caps are so high currently if not for the fact that growth of small caps is stunted by interest rates and what they essentially do is parking their money in the large caps safe havens until rates go down

>> No.56571306

Insane profits due to inflation and people having money saved and going bananas increasing their spending because no financial education at all.
Seriously, i think we are going to be hit hard by the lag effect of the rate increase.
I'm not moving anytime soon, maybe the first trimester of 2024 to see how everything's faring.
Now on 3 month cash deposits at 3,5%.

>> No.56571310
Quoted by: >>56571374

>bonds dumping again

hhahahahahah get fucked bondies rates go HIGHER

>> No.56571349

Trading indices during EU session is becoming increasinly worse. It doesn't make sense if you are either not trading with extremely high leverage or really large positions which currently is also dangerous considering the increased retardation of the market. It's becoming more and more a buy/sell and hold market.

>> No.56571358

>Israel is on the brink of total war with half of the Arab world
>bonds still yielding less than Italian ones

Yeesh, how's a goy supposed to make shekels these days.

>> No.56571373
File: 60 KB, 1165x699, Euro_Inflation_Drivers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56571401

Cutting of rates is already expected as can be seen in the projections by both the FED and ECB (FED's lapdog, if FED cuts you can be sure ECB does as well). I think they will cut 25bps at most next year and rates will still be held at 4%+ by end of next year.
But these pathetic rates have little to no effect on large and mega caps. Also, they can buy treasuries and offset losses. Also, most of their debts mature by 2028 or later.
This is why the astronomical unrealized losses by banks (BoA and JP morgan for example) are meaningless.

Small caps have gotten the axe real hard and are the most vulnerable to a high rate environment. But pretty much all companies that I see on the European markets have adapted well by giga-raising price (price gouging). Yes, typically cutting rates benefits smaller caps the most. But I will still stick to large caps only since they have stable and massive cash flows, smaller debts (relatively speaking), and have preferential treatments in terms of loans and rates.

I am a mumu simply because I all those doomer events that people spouted last year and this year simply haven't happened. Rates are still very low and hardly affect normies due to massive buffers (we've had zero or negative rates ever since 2015 so people have had loads of time to stack up massive economic buffers), employment is just fine, and wages are also up (enough for normies). This greedflation has been soundly accepted and companies have once again reported record profits. I am just fuckin done and therefore went all in on large caps last week and already am bigly up. I am not gonna fight this trend

>> No.56571374

they're not dumping, nigger

>> No.56571401
Quoted by: >>56571465

>Cutting of rates is expected
>This pump last week was expected
Does this make sense at all? The pump last week can be attributed to the Fed not hiking. So how is anything really expected or priced in? Wasn't it expected they wouldn't hike in November again after data? So why did we pump?

>priced in
bullshit is pretty annoying. You can play it either way and it's only purpose is to annoy the other side. As I also spout it when we dump and Mumus cry how this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.56571408

My trend line isn’t broken unless tomorrow hits 437.50

>> No.56571440

The world’s major central banks — the US Federal Reserve (Fed), the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the Bank of Japan (BOJ), and the European Central Bank (ECB) — will collectively print the most fiat in a 2–3-year window in human history in order to “save” their government’s respective bond markets

>> No.56571464

y jpow on wedensday. didn't he whisper sweet nothings into a mic last week?
Also where did all my money go?

>> No.56571465
File: 224 KB, 2560x1440, 1684440776635658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPow was dovish because the markets were failing (he fully knows what he's doing) and he sternly reminding the treasury to not be retarded. So the long end of bonds fell. Naturally, since we are seeing the end of hikes, the DXY also fell. Both of these are generally seen as bullish events. Of course, if inflation keeps increasing or will keep stagnating at high levels (which I think it will), the FED will hike.
But no-one will hike next month. Noone will be the scourge that hikes in December.

The pump last week was also kind of expected from a TA perspective. In the eyes of the market, there is nothing bearish left on the horizon. Christmas is coming which means high profits and profit gouging. The war has greatly stabilized. Oil and gasoline have come down. Heating oil is seasonally weak as well.

You can say what you want but we are still in a bull market where everything will be interpreted as a positive event. The market sold off last year as investors feared a big recession and profits cooling down. That hasn't happened and the insane GDP figures re-affirm the strength of the consumer and the job market.

I still think the lag effect will come into effect by half of 2024 and that's when profits should start coming down and we should have a dip again. But I am probably gonna sell the 29th December and just cash out. This schizo market is something I can't deal with anymore

>> No.56571506
Quoted by: >>56571529

>The pump last week was also kind of expected from a TA perspective
C'mon man. It was not expected to this degree. Maybe to get the index out of the bollingers (weekly), but not to repump a 2 week dump.

>> No.56571521

i think spotify will hit 180 again and then why not, onto 190
but what do i know, i'm just a trans btw who thinks zoomers will pay for music for some reason

>> No.56571525

>This schizo market is something I can't deal with anymore

On this I agree. It's becoming increasingly unbearable AND boring to trade at the same time. It's really weird.

>> No.56571529
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, qt_mumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The markets dumped because of the long end of bonds going go 5%+ and fears of war and whatnot. All of that turned out to be one giant FUD and bears probably unwinded like crazy and fueled the pump.
At least that's my take on it. It's crazy that all of bobo's hard work can get undone in mere days. Mumu truly is a force to be reckoned with

>> No.56571558

>$16 for average McDonald's combo

how much longer before fast food slop will be $100+ for a standard sized meal?

>> No.56571560

Are we really dumping? Will it take us 4 weeks to dump the same way back?

Good thing is I'm not shorting that schizo US market. I'll stay short EU for this year, the next and maybe the whole fuckin decade if managed right. The US on the other hand is completely lost. This is THE ponzi. Just compare DAX and SPX and how they pumped last week. EU is weaker.

>> No.56571572
Quoted by: >>56571912

Good. Consoomers of goyslop deserve to be exploited and punished

>> No.56571631
File: 354 KB, 649x752, 1685039763796263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet people are buying and slurping. How long can this continue I wonder? And now food prices went up again in my Scandipoor country. Yet, nobody seems to care.
November + December bullish. I am out after that. I fully expect the market to keep pumping after that though. I suspect a dip and un-employment to rise starting Q2 2024.
>EU is weaker
Always has been. With the exception of some few select good companies like Novo, LVMH, and some others like ABB, Alfa Laval... that can rival the performance of US stocks

>> No.56571640
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1434654609552s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst is how expensive Coke has gotten. And I don't even drink the sugar coke slop it's all Coke Zero and the motherfuckers have raised the price by like 50%

>> No.56571647
Quoted by: >>56572564

This entire fake and gay economy has been propped up by price gouging. Eventually normies will run out of money.

>> No.56571673

I fuckin hate those slides

>> No.56571746

>5,7% gains on the South korean index due to ban on shorting
Literal market manipulation, holy fuck

>> No.56571749
File: 3.76 MB, 461x512, ssstwitter.com_1699262310170 Q43 512p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo financial men, ww@? How's your private equities doing, you helpin' the poor n shit? That's fire bro!

>> No.56571786
File: 59 KB, 1400x700, 1693688761214829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56572968

I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.56571808
File: 668 KB, 538x680, F-N49j_WMAAjzp9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56571831
Quoted by: >>56571912

shiiiiiet where my temp inflations gains at nigga. im bleedin out my asshole over here

>> No.56571833

shorting is banned in a lot of Europe as well

>> No.56571849
File: 322 KB, 707x1000, 1685103931818620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As it should be. Good on them
>banned in Spain, Italy, France and Belgium
Holy fuckin based. I wish it was banned in real indices where there is actual volume and trading done though... like DAX, OMX, and so on.
How can it be legal with more than few percent of shorting is beyond me

>> No.56571850

>[laughs in CFDs]

>> No.56571851

Does china have enough housing for half of its population at the very least?
since they reportedly built too much housing for their population which is set to halv by the end of the century will it mean they'll never have a housing crisis and their housing will always be extremely cheap?
will china become a great place to live?

>> No.56571857

>Avocade Toast

specific companies, not the whole fuckin market

>> No.56571859
Quoted by: >>56571917

>As it should be
Mumus are pathetic. You are those kids that had those extra shields when you played "shooting" each other.

>> No.56571877
Quoted by: >>56571917

Bros, will January 2024 really get that bad for the stock markets? I might need to prepare for the shitshow by buying a lot of dividends.

Are there any sexy lum pics with her having gigantic chounyuu tits?

>> No.56571880
Quoted by: >>56572554

PYPL bros we're unironically back

>> No.56571894

T squeeze

>> No.56571896
Quoted by: >>56571914

Any reason for last weeks pump? Havent a clue as to why it pumped when I vaguely recall mostly negative news. Was bagholding but am unioniricaly up from a 1 week pump

>> No.56571907

Wew and they say the market moves where it naturally should. When I see stuff like this it makes me worry that theyre hiding something. So whats the alternative? Are puts banned too? Cause I sure doubt theyll ban lending out shares, assuming they even have that..

>> No.56571912
File: 960 KB, 1313x740, 1699076230970034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, FACT CHECK, chuds: there's no such thing as inflation, only GDP growth. Right now the GDP is growing at over 50% a year thanks to President Biden's stunning and brave economic policies.

>> No.56571914
Quoted by: >>56571932

Pypl beat expectations and a couple of other stocks too which dragged the market higher.
PayPal seems like it's going to rush pass 60 bucks this week, I'll probably buy 60 calls and hold them all week

>> No.56571915

Housing deteriorates, especially under pood construction conditions. Talking like 30 year max lifespan on buildings. Probably due to the fact you cant "own" the land itself.

>> No.56571917
File: 1008 KB, 2304x4096, 1684356597026906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I remember crashing a tricycle into a pile of bricks and hurting my shoulder. I am not familiar with "shooting". The only shooting was when I threw some rocks at a girl after she threw rocks at me.
Shorting more than a few percent shouldn't be legal and defeats the purpose of the original idea of stocks.
>gigantic chounyuu
No idea what that means bro

>> No.56571932
Quoted by: >>56571939

Surely it wasnt that to drag it up. Ive been distracted only to open the app friday and realize my calls expired in the money. Made a profit if i sell or i can keep pretending i know what im doing and hold, maybe my account will go up another ~10%

>> No.56571939

Various excuses were made, ranging from 10% less bond issuances to strikes bringing job growth down. But the real reason is an illegal and unannounced yield curve control program by the Federal Reserve

>> No.56571953
Quoted by: >>56571977

Long dated treasuries yields are going back up. Mortgage rate origination barely fell in spite of last week so yeah.. Still no buyers.

>> No.56571963

>original idea of stocks
You mean an unfree market?

>> No.56571977

what about mortgage backed securities?
B class?

>> No.56571988
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, Pus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard sized meal
Are you trying to starve me???

>> No.56571997

Will there be any major shifts in dxy today?

>> No.56572000

ah fffuuuccckkk

chounyuu means boobs...

>> No.56572006

Chinese govt is making all the investors eat crow on the housing market bubble. Housing will be cheap for some time.

>> No.56572025

For me, it's liquid uranium

>> No.56572092
Quoted by: >>56572095

retarded line go up brainlets actually fell for the bull trap

>> No.56572095

t. poorfag who doesn't have access to level 2 info

>> No.56572131

good morning

>> No.56572141

>Bonds falling is bearish

>> No.56572390
File: 52 KB, 288x231, sneed part.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snip snap flip flap.

>> No.56572398
Quoted by: >>56572445

>Shares of Maersk plunge 18% as shipping giant announces 10,000 job cuts
Bullish! Who cares about shipping containers?!


>> No.56572410


>> No.56572439
File: 62 KB, 1002x610, boomers number total.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56572462

Because the west and japan are aged (and so is chinkland) and the olds are acting in their own interest which is diametrically opposed to the interests of millennials as a generation.

This worked in the past 25 years with each bailout but boomer numbers are hollowed out and it's time for a generational changeover. Gen X is kind of faggoty and retarded with their israel love (Mike Johnson) so we'll probably see someone less faggoty in 2028. DeSantis could have been /theone/ but he let them get into his head so he's no longer the designated successor. Kennedy seemed promising but then he went 3P and is just going to flame out.

>> No.56572445
Quoted by: >>56572469

It's so dumb that people dumped their shares, they cut 10k jobs because there was a huge need for more employees etc. in 21-22, article on oilprice.com even had this info. If anything it makes them a buy because it means less expenses.

>> No.56572462
Quoted by: >>56572512

Honestly I'd argue that only nations like Korea and Japan have this "old guard" that is actively fucking them over. America is more that we completely fucked over our financial systems. QE was this easy fix that completely fucked out financial systems. And of course we have this welfare state that is slowly ballooning out budget out of control.

Europe is more of a mix of that last one as well as cultural problems that prevent success. Like their absurd tax systems too.

I really hope I live long enough to see east asia get their shit together

>> No.56572469
Quoted by: >>56572515

So when there is demand and they hire, you buy. And when there is no demand and they cut jobs, you also buy. Got it.

>> No.56572480
File: 542 KB, 200x237, hu tao plate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is futures still even remotely green after the last two retard pumps on no volume? If we don't end the day or even the week red I am going to shit.

>> No.56572494
File: 525 KB, 418x750, 43124212121121212122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchase NatGas

>> No.56572508

This. I need to sell my assigned SQQQ and close my short on spy

>> No.56572512

President is literally 80.

>> No.56572515

Go look at their 5yr trend. Yeah, they're probably a buy right now. Maybe wait 2 more weeks.

>> No.56572522

What's funnier is that oil does the same shit every day with no bottom.
>early pump
>fails to break resistance
>crashes through support to new low

>> No.56572523
File: 1.59 MB, 1083x718, 456u8765434567897654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and i'm making money, problem?

>> No.56572537

But in 2 weeks Bobos promise a crash?

>> No.56572541
File: 480 KB, 1400x1251, 1688372874207784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fewer rigs
>They agreed to once again reduce production a bit
>Oil rallies 1%
So this is the power of oilsissies, is it? Seriously though, how is oil this cheap? Adjusted for inflation, it's ridiculous. That is why I don't trade commodities... beyond manipulated. Gold is the only "good" commodity to hold. I mean, look at copper. It's basically unprofitable at these levels. Who cares? Copper is crap because of China and EV (although BMW reported solid gains in that department)

>> No.56572543

And yet burgers still deny hyperinflation

>> No.56572554
File: 176 KB, 269x559, 3456786543245678923456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me look it's only up 0.89%...

>> No.56572564

I'm still absolutely assblasted by the fact hat our government and central bank are absolutely doing nothing about it.
It really feels like the kingdom time in France, where the king wouldn't give a single fuck about the population, until people gotten so hungry they took pitch and forks to go against.
Fucking history hitting right back, but now people have still enough comfort to bother go fight in the street

>> No.56572576
Quoted by: >>56572601

>global trade
>exports / imports
>global demand
>demand for shipping
>globalization of supply chains
>global shipping rates
Lmao. I need to buy Maersk (and other shipping companies) like I need a hole in my head

>> No.56572581
File: 693 KB, 760x527, 1644325678654678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast to Czech beer makers. Buy Asahi Group if it drops by 50% financially speaking.

>> No.56572601

When it comes to shipping only container shipping is suffering right now. Tankers, LNG carries are booming Dry bulk rates had a 200% rally they've come of a bit. Container shipping though the rates are shit.

>> No.56572612
File: 76 KB, 651x960, Lael-Brainard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick or treat bish :)

>> No.56572613
File: 1.04 MB, 723x813, 163456789876534567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil bros this is the bottom btw thank you Biden for the 79$ premiumless put option.

>> No.56572638

I've got $60k and need to make a cool $5000 in one go. What should I do?

>> No.56572639
Quoted by: >>56572657


>> No.56572657
File: 971 KB, 861x924, 1678900987901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so fucking back.

>> No.56572660
Quoted by: >>56572686

Sorry, that train departured last week

>> No.56572675

Buy AI horseshit two weeks ago

>> No.56572681
File: 78 KB, 680x815, 1696601436485523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly all in puts and pray for a pullback before we go to ATHs. If there's a pull back you make more than 5k if there isn't... well fuck it we ball.

>> No.56572686
File: 2.97 MB, 800x452, 1671501012512328.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

>> No.56572693
File: 36 KB, 490x490, 1373430095744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethereum futures

>> No.56572708
File: 59 KB, 738x322, A GOOD THING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz "journalists" really are as bad as video games ones

>> No.56572718
Quoted by: >>56572805

When does this become a palantir board?

>> No.56572725

There is literally no way today could be red.

>> No.56572726

Worse as they still might influence your financial decisions without any repurcussions for them and you know they will still be there to talk trash in the future (Cramer)

>> No.56572752
File: 2.76 MB, 480x270, 17656345232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true for everything but Apple

>> No.56572804
File: 168 KB, 543x594, 1636155823700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet nigga

>> No.56572805

>already about to shit itself
of course it would

>> No.56572814
File: 78 KB, 1024x958, 6da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today will be different

>> No.56572822

Give me a good stock tip

>> No.56572826

Sitting in WEBS since 17.00 will probably go to 11 dollars and then I’ll throw it all in again and ride it back up to 15 trend.

ETF’s are not suitable for longing, but this economy is condemned because all Oil has to do is touch 100 during the next inflation craze and the fed is turbo fucked.

>> No.56572829

>recent market moves
Cramer hasn't got a prediction right in his life, these faggots out here talking about recent

>> No.56572878

pltr calls
nvda calls
sofi calls

>> No.56572879
File: 512 KB, 737x892, 1695000948660068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALWAYS panic sell

>> No.56572885
File: 1002 KB, 1288x680, NIGGERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By non
NATGAS trash,
clouded your mind is.
Troon tech, consoomer brands, a heterosexual white man seeks not these things.

>> No.56572917

click Buy on the Cyberdemon until dies

>> No.56572935
Quoted by: >>56572957


>> No.56572952

you will get the shaft too and like it

>> No.56572955

Is it on?

>> No.56572957
Quoted by: >>56572995

ok anon, sorry about that

>> No.56572965

Don't lose money.

>> No.56572968

Dis nigga using sigmoid activation functions

>> No.56572970

So we all agree bear market this week?

>> No.56572977
Quoted by: >>56572987

while rates are 5.5% tbill & chill

>> No.56572982

future P/E just started turning down

>> No.56572987
File: 1.07 MB, 1008x677, 809876543212345678908765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56573001


>> No.56572989

>$15 toast smeared with fruit
are the boomers right about that one?

>> No.56572995

its OK anon I would even take -50 to -100 just to make today's pump that much sweeter

>> No.56573001
Quoted by: >>56573014

>nooo don't go into tbill at 5.5% risk free return
>go into retarded stocks priced at PE of infinity that have been crabbing for the last 3 years and are one bad event from crashing 50%

>> No.56573014

>5.5% risk free return
What is inflation.

>> No.56573023
Quoted by: >>56573069

what kind of retarded retort is that, do stock returns not get affected by inflation?

also real yield is like 2-2.5% given current market implied inflation rate. 2% real risk free return is amazing

>> No.56573031
File: 142 KB, 1863x828, es.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week's pump was on low volume. Is the reason I am not chasing.

>> No.56573033

Lol. I love how people regurgitate this argument. No asset is free from inflation. Your stock capital gains? Not free from inflation. Your dividends? Not free from inflation. Every single asset is affected by inflation.
>inb4 "yeah, well inflation = more revenues for companies so stocks benefit from inflation!!"
they are hurt LESS, they are still hurt by inflation - you are still getting hit by inflation - no matter what you are invested in, inflation is hurting you
The difference is that the bonds will yield you 5.5% and you'll get hit by 4% inflation
whereas stocks, you'll get hit by a -20% capital gains loss as well as 4% inflation

>> No.56573043
Quoted by: >>56573052

short volume also increased every day while long volume decreased every day

>> No.56573047

it was a pretty one sided market, it is normal for it to be lower volume

>> No.56573052
Quoted by: >>56573091

you sure about that, chief?

>> No.56573062

we never had an accumulation day though, where the move up saw in increase in volume from the day prior. Maybe we SPY can break through 440 and stay there, there will print an accumulation day bar.

>> No.56573066
File: 47 KB, 925x486, yxroJxL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56573073

Equal weight S&P is down on the year. Going long stocks is literally just betting that Apple & Amazon will somehow pull more billions out of their ass. Stock market is still expensive as fuck on Shiller PE.

When you have the option of high yield tbills I struggle to see what fucking incentive there is to have any big position in stocks. The only way you regret it is if some giga bull 30% run happens in stocks which seems so far fetched. More crabbing or crashing is far more likely.

>> No.56573069
File: 1.22 MB, 823x812, 1643456786545678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2% real risk free return is amazing
For you not for me.
Businesses can raise prices or the products/services they produce/provide can rise in price thus profiting from inflation unlike a fixed rate bill.

>> No.56573073

RSP broke the March lows already, and I think SPY will follow it.

>> No.56573091

what that data shows is for what was traded for the whole day but the impact that each trade has on the underlying is vastly different
short term the market was heavily one sided
long term it is difficult to judge as both earleir days and future days that have not yet happened will have an impact as well

>> No.56573130

Isn't that a good thing though? In terms of a continuing increase anyway.

>> No.56573142
File: 2.51 MB, 535x875, 1690978525535927.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56573155

Well anons my RH account finally got funded. Time to buy 3 itm puts dated to january and sell way otm 0dtes until then and collect my money.

The plan then is to use my 0dte sales to buy single slightly otm puts dated 2 to 3 days out and then sell 0dtes on those as well.

My suspicion is we see an overnight catastrophe and selling way out of the money 0dtes while accumulating longer term puts will be a success.


>> No.56573155

she only fucks black guys btw

>> No.56573174
File: 91 KB, 903x578, 1698764129149255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an alternative to morph into ?conformity is not an option.

>> No.56573177
File: 1.00 MB, 960x1710, 1698019763452638.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be niggardly with your analysis of my position anon.

>> No.56573180

I doubt that's your mother

>> No.56573194


>> No.56573196

Baking but someone has to explain the Korea thing to me

>> No.56573197
File: 4 KB, 129x130, Fact pointer pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought SPY puts
That means its a green day

>> No.56573235

Yes oil is literally manipulated. OPEC is a cartel and major customers are world governments. That's what you sign up for when you trade it.

>> No.56573363

From what I get they want to keep it rangebound.
Yes it is a cartel, but who really cares? Knowing the players that manipulate and their intention makes it easier to trade.
It's the same as stocks and powel rates