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55784964 No.55784964 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55785144


>> No.55785152

Are you buckbroken bagholders seriously happy about being 10% above January lows when both BTC and eth are up 100%? Holy shit it's over for avax cucks

>> No.55785182

Can one of you retards convince me that avax isnt just another shitty EVM?
Always dismissed as a turkish grift, but did they actually figure out how to mke parallel transactions?

>> No.55785230

It's VM-agnostic, they're about to launch a Move subnet

>> No.55785293

Either bad pasta or we're unironically so early with avax

>> No.55785311
File: 52 KB, 994x495, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either bad pasta or we're unironically so early with avax

>> No.55785319
Quoted by: >>55785646


>> No.55785329

We're not friend, it actually looks like Söylana is the chosen L1 after Effereum, everything else looks dead

>> No.55785646
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Quoted by: >>55790493

Look at the insta pajeet damage control after your bump
Top 3 AVAX remains a nobrainer

>> No.55785759
File: 142 KB, 768x1024, 364049202_836505894755218_2407122694553164189_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second one, we are unironically early on this whole market

>> No.55785998

>L1 after Effereum
both broken networks.

>> No.55786259
Quoted by: >>55787200

also 75% of TVL was fake
and 80% of transactions fake (consensus messages, but they counted them for TPS)
propped up by the biggest scammer in the history of crypto, SBF

only reason the token hasn't hit zero is because too many whales got trapped after the whole SBF debacle and they are desperately herding in retail exit liquidity. a lot of crypto youtubers and twitter personalities are still getting a paycheck from these people.

>> No.55787200
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Neither Basedlana or Methereum are anywhere near Avalanche's tech fundamentals and any comparison is either made by literal illiterate retards or shills

>> No.55787214

god damint Im going to come and kill every single one of you

>> No.55788679

I want to kms, I don't understand why AVAX suddenly perform so bad, All bad narratives already faded, Everything it delivers is bullish, Now i don't ask it to rip through everything like it should but at least perform as well as fucking Shib and Solana ffs

The past month been so weird for the price, It pumped fast to $16 and since then, For no reason, It became the worst performing coin on the top 20.

>> No.55788748
Quoted by: >>55792076

Probably Avalabs dumping their shit. Also another big-ass unlock end of this month with 9m AVAX.

>> No.55789619
Quoted by: >>55789842

Damn, I don’t think I’ve felt this bearish on AVAX for a while. Price action has been so fucking brutal. Last time I was actually excited was back in April when it hit $21. It’s been down only since then. We can’t even fucking break $13 while SOL and even LINK are pumping. If BTC tumbles, we are going to single digits for sure. Good luck bros!

>> No.55789842
Quoted by: >>55790503

I know people who think AVAX is insanely undervalued but don't put money in because price action been terrible. Honestly i think that when AVAX start moving it'll be very explosive, What it lacks at the moment is the initial momentum, Avalabs either need to buy their own token or VCs should start putting fat bids, The traders and sideliners will join very fast.

>> No.55790089

Funny that everyone on this shitboard thinks there will be a miracle price rise in the coming months/years that will make everyone rich here.. You missed the boat in 2017, you missed the boat in 2020/2021. And that boat has sailed.

>> No.55790493
Quoted by: >>55792076

>I don't understand why AVAX suddenly perform so bad
circulating supply has increased nearly 50% since the peak and you got these dudes shilling every day to keep hype up and ad hominem any fud


>> No.55790503

That's the major issue here, they don't have any VCs or market makers. They had 3AC in 2021, now it's literally no one

>> No.55792076
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>"big-ass 9M avax unlock"
>current supply: 346,000,000 AVAX
>9M is barely 2.6% of the current supply
kys curryfaggot
ever notice how none of these pajeets provide numbers, metrics, or at least some legit source to back up their braindead takes?
that's why AVAX FUD never gets any better, there's no effort behind it, I miss when ADA guys were more active and fudded us, at least they were a little more enthusiastic.
btw AVAX top 3 remains a no-brainer. Cope seethe & dilate.

>> No.55792374
Quoted by: >>55792492

see what i mean just meaningless ad hominem rambling instead of refuting the claim that avax has been a massive vc scam for the last 2 years. The only rebuttal so far is "Well they restake it" which doesn't resolve any concern that the whales are shitting on the retail buyers like us

>> No.55792383

The unlocks are worth $120m you goddamn fucking retard

>> No.55792400

thats literally nothing, most of it will be staked or delegated to Validators anyway

>> No.55792425


>> No.55792492
File: 145 KB, 514x496, 1686150394121030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally explaining you with numbers how your FUD is nonsense.
If being called a pajeet bothers you so much maybe you could stop acting like a brownoid and use your brain a little.
Back up your FUD of btfo.
$120m is literally nothing you stupid newfag, you could market-sell $200m of AVAX and nothing would happen.

>> No.55792504
Quoted by: >>55792637


>> No.55792637
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Quoted by: >>55793333


>> No.55793333
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Ahah, got em'